# Sublime - React Create Component A plugin for creating React Components in Sublime Text 2 and 3. This plugin adds a context menu to Sublime's side bar that makes it simple to create a React Component in a parent folder. Simply give the component a name and answer the prompts, then a folder is created inside the parent with: ``` parent/ |-- ComponentName/ |---- index.js |---- style.less ``` The stylesheet extension can be chosen from `.css`, `.less`, `.scss`, or `.sass`, and can optionally include `*.module.*` (for css-modules) automatically. The `index.js` file can be a Functional or Class component and will contain some helpful skeleton code. ## Installation With [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control): 1. Run "Package Control: Install Package" command 2. Find and install `React Create Component` plugin 3. Restart Sublime Text (if required) Manually: 1. Clone or download this git repo into your packages folder (click Browse Packages to open this folder) 3. Restart Sublime Text (if required) ## Usage Whenever you need to create a new component, just right click on the base folder and select Create React Component. It will: 1. Ask for a component type (select, then press `ENTER`) 2. Ask for a stylesheet type (select, then press `ENTER`) 3. Ask if you want CSS Modules enabled (select, then press `ENTER`) 4. Ask for a component name (type, then press `ENTER`) 5. Create a new folder for the component with the given name 6. Add an `index.js` file with skeleton code 7. Add a stylesheet based on the given preferences ## More Info and Bug Tracking You can get the latest code, make suggestions or report bugs at [https://github.com/acsands13/sublime-react-create-component/issues](https://github.com/acsands13/sublime-react-create-component/issues). Based off [Python Create Package](https://github.com/curaloucura/SublimePythonPackage) by [curaloucura](https://github.com/curaloucura).