#!/bin/bash #Version 0.3.9 #This sends any bro/zeek logs less than three days old to the rita/aihunter server. It only sends logs of these types: #conn., dns., http., ssl., x509., and known_certs. Any logs that already exist on the target system are not retransferred. #Before using this, run these on the rita/aihunter server (use zeek in place of bro if necesssary): #sudo adduser dataimport #sudo passwd dataimport #sudo mkdir -p /opt/bro/remotelogs/ /home/dataimport/.ssh/ #add the dataimport user's ssh public key to /home/dataimport/.ssh/authorized_keys in the rita/aihunter server #sudo chown -R dataimport /opt/bro/remotelogs/ /home/dataimport/.ssh/ #sudo chmod go-rwx -R /home/dataimport/.ssh/ export PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" #Note that cron does _NOT_ include /sbin in the path, so attempts to locate the "ip" binary fail without this fix default_user_on_aihunter='dataimport' can_ssh () { #Test that we can reach the target system over ssh. success_code=1 if [ "$1" = "" ]; then success_code=0 elif [ -n "$1" ]; then token="$RANDOM.$RANDOM" if [ "$2" = "-o" -a "$3" = 'PasswordAuthentication=no' ]; then status "Attempting to verify that we can ssh to $1" else status "Attempting to verify that we can ssh to $@ - you may need to provide a password to access this system." fi ssh_out=`ssh "$@" '/bin/echo '"$token"` if [ "$token" = "$ssh_out" ]; then #status "successfully connected to $@" success_code=0 #else #status "cannot connect to $@" fi else fail "Please supply an ssh target as a command line parameter to can_ssh" fi return $success_code } fail () { echo "$@ , exiting." >&2 exit 1 } status () { echo "==== $@" } usage () { echo 'Usage: '"$0"' [--localdir /local/top/dir/] [--dest where_to_ssh] [--remotedir /remote/top/dir/] [--rsyncparams '"' --aparam --anotherparam '"']' >&2 echo 'The optional --dest can be a hostname, IP, user@hostname, user@ip, or any label in an ~/.ssh/config stanza' >&2 echo 'If left off, we use the "Location" field from /etc/rita/agent.yaml' >&2 echo 'The user@... format is discouraged - we want to use dataimport@... on the remote server.' >&2 echo '' >&2 echo 'The optional --localdir is where the Bro/Zeek logs can be found on this system system.' >&2 echo 'If you look in this directory, it should contain at least a directory or symlink called current .' >&2 echo 'By default we will look in common locations for this directory tree.' >&2 echo '' >&2 echo 'The optional --remotedir is where you want the Bro/Zeek logs to end up on the target system.' >&2 echo 'If left off, it will be /opt/bro/remotelogs/$my_id/ or /opt/zeek/remotelogs/$my_id/' >&2 echo '' >&2 echo 'The optional --rsyncparams allows you to specify parameters for rsync. MAKE SURE to enclose the entire block in a pair of single quotes. Suggestions:' >&2 echo ' --bwlimit=NNN #Limit bandwidth used to NNN kilobytes/sec' >&2 echo ' -v #Verbose; list out the files being transferred, discouraged if running from cron' >&2 echo ' -q #Turn off any messages that are not errors, encouraged if running from cron' >&2 echo ' --dry-run #Test, do not actually transfer files' >&2 echo ' DO NOT add --compress ; the files we are sending are already compressed.' >&2 exit } require_util () { #Returns true if all binaries listed as parameters exist somewhere in the path, False if one or more missing. while [ -n "$1" ]; do if ! type -path "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo Missing utility "$1". Please install it. >&2 return 1 #False, app is not available. fi shift done return 0 #True, app is there. } #End of requireutil #Check that we have basic tools to continue require_util awk cut date egrep find grep hostname ip nice rsync sed ssh sort tr || fail "Missing a required utility" #ionice is not stricly required; if it exists we'll use it to give all other processes on the system first access to the disk, effectively eliminating the chance that we cause dropped packets from disk contention. if type -path ionice >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then nice_me=' ionice -c 3 nice -n 19 ' else nice_me=' nice -n 19 ' fi while [ -n "$1" ]; do if [ "z$1" = "z--localdir" -a -e "$2" ]; then local_tld="$2" shift elif [ "z$1" = "z--remotedir" -a -n "$2" ]; then remote_top_dir="$2" shift elif [ "z$1" = "z--dest" -a -n "$2" ]; then if echo "$2" | grep -q '@' ; then #User has supplied an "@" symbol in target system, do not add $default_user_on_aihunter aih_location="${2}" else #No "@" symbol in target system, force username to $default_user_on_aihunter aih_location="${default_user_on_aihunter}@${2}" fi shift elif [ "z$1" = "z--rsyncparams" -a -n "$2" ]; then rsyncparams="$2" shift elif [ "z$1" = "z-h" -o "z$1" = "z--help" ]; then usage else usage fi shift done if [ -z "$rsyncparams" ]; then rsyncparams=" -q " fi #Where should we send the bro/zeek logs? if [ -z "$aih_location" ]; then if [ -s /etc/rita/agent.yaml ]; then aih_location="${default_user_on_aihunter}@`grep '^[^#]*DatabaseLocation' /etc/rita/agent.yaml 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*DatabaseLocation:*\W*//'`" else fail "Destination not set on the command line and no /etc/rita/agent.yaml file to autodetect destination." fi fi #Find a unique name for this bro/zeek node #Note that the ID cannot contain: “/, \, ., “, *, <, >, :, |, ?, $,“. It also cannot contain a single space or null character. Avoiding comma too just in case. #It must also be <=53 characters, as mongo has a maximum database name size of 64 chars and we need to leave space for -YYYY-MM-DD if [ -s /etc/rita/agent.yaml -a -n "`grep '^[^#]*Name' /etc/rita/agent.yaml 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*Name:*\W*//'`" ]; then #Manually setting the hostname to use in agent.yaml is preferred... my_id=`grep '^[^#]*Name' /etc/rita/agent.yaml 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^.*Name:*\W*//' | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9_^+=' | cut -c -52` else #...but if no name is forced, we use the short hostname + the primary IP, which should be unique. #Following is short form of the hostname, then "__", then the primary IP ipv4 address (one for the default route) of the system. #The tr command strips off spaces or odd characters in hostname my_id=`hostname -s | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9_^+='`"__"`ip route get | awk '{print $NF;exit}' | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9_^+='` my_id=`echo "$my_id" | cut -c -52` fi extra_ssh_params=' ' if [ -s "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_dataimport" ]; then extra_ssh_params=" -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_dataimport " fi #Make sure we can ssh to the aihunter system first if ! can_ssh "$aih_location" "-o" 'PasswordAuthentication=no' $extra_ssh_params ; then if [ -s "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -a -s "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" ]; then status "Transferring the RSA key to $aih_location - please provide the password when prompted" cat "$HOME/.ssh/{id_dsa.pub,id_ecdsa.pub,id_rsa.pub,id_rsa_dataimport.pub}" 2>/dev/null \ | ssh "$aih_location" 'mkdir -p .ssh ; cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod go-rwx ./ .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys' elif [ -s "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -o -s "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" ]; then fail "Unable to ssh to $aih_location, and one of the keys exist. Please transfer the public key to $aih_location, make sure you can ssh from here, and rerun this script" elif [ ! type -path ssh-keygen >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ]; then fail "Unable to ssh to $aih_location, and we do not have a key generator. Please create a keypair, transfer the public key to $aih_location, make sure you can ssh from here, and rerun this script" else #Create ssh key if it doesn't exist, and push to aihunter server or ask user to do so. status "Creating a new RSA key with no passphrase" ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -N '' -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" status "Transferring the RSA key to $aih_location - please provide the password when prompted" cat "$HOME/.ssh/{id_dsa.pub,id_ecdsa.pub,id_rsa.pub}" 2>/dev/null \ | ssh "$aih_location" 'mkdir -p .ssh ; cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod go-rwx ./ .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys' fi if ! can_ssh "$aih_location" "-o" 'PasswordAuthentication=no' $extra_ssh_params ; then fail "Unable to ssh to $aih_location using something other than a password" fi fi #What local directory holds the bro/zeek logs? #Make sure the directory ends in a "/". if [ -z "$local_tld" ]; then # Check for zeek paths first if [ -d /storage/zeek/logs/ ]; then #Custom local_tld='/storage/zeek/logs/' elif [ -d /opt/zeek/logs/ ]; then #Zeek as installed by Rita local_tld='/opt/zeek/logs/' elif [ -d /usr/local/zeek/logs/ ]; then #Zeek default local_tld='/usr/local/zeek/logs/' elif [ -d /var/lib/docker/volumes/var_log_zeek/_data/ ]; then #Blue vector local_tld='/var/lib/docker/volumes/var_log_zeek/_data/' elif [ -d /nsm/zeek/logs/ ]; then #Security onion local_tld='/nsm/zeek/logs/' # Check Bro paths elif [ -d /storage/bro/logs/ ]; then #Custom local_tld='/storage/bro/logs/' elif [ -d /opt/bro/logs/ ]; then #Bro as installed by Rita local_tld='/opt/bro/logs/' elif [ -d /usr/local/bro/logs/ ]; then #Bro default local_tld='/usr/local/bro/logs/' elif [ -d /var/lib/docker/volumes/var_log_bro/_data/ ]; then #Blue vector local_tld='/var/lib/docker/volumes/var_log_bro/_data/' elif [ -d /nsm/bro/logs/ ]; then #Security onion local_tld='/nsm/bro/logs/' else fail 'Unable to locate top level directory for bro/zeek logs, please rerun script, specifying the top level path to bro/zeek logs with --localdir .' fi fi ids_name='' if [[ $local_tld == *"zeek"* ]]; then ids_name='zeek' else ids_name='bro' fi if [ -z "$remote_top_dir" ]; then remote_top_dir="/opt/$ids_name/remotelogs/$my_id/" fi today=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` yesterday=`date '+%Y-%m-%d' --date=yesterday` twoda=`date '+%Y-%m-%d' --date='2 days ago'` threeda=`date '+%Y-%m-%d' --date='3 days ago'` status "Sending logs to rita/aihunter server $aih_location , My name: $my_id , local dir: $local_tld , remote dir: $remote_top_dir" status "Preparing remote directories" ssh $extra_ssh_params "$aih_location" "mkdir -p ${remote_top_dir}/$today/ ${remote_top_dir}/$yesterday/ ${remote_top_dir}/$twoda/ ${remote_top_dir}/$threeda/ ${remote_top_dir}/current/" cd "$local_tld" || fail "Unable to change to $local_tld" send_candidates=`find . -type f -mtime -3 -iname '*.gz' | egrep '(conn|dns|http|ssl|x509|known_certs)' | sort -u` if [ ${#send_candidates} -eq 0 ]; then echo printf "WARNING: No logs found, if your log directory is not $local_tld please use the flag: --localdir [bro_zeek_log_directory]" echo fi status "Transferring files to $aih_location" $nice_me rsync $rsyncparams -avR -e "ssh $extra_ssh_params" $send_candidates "$aih_location:${remote_top_dir}/" --delay-updates #Note: after we added a user option to set the destination dir, we remove the --temp-dir option as this dir may not be on the same mount point as the destination dir. #rsync will put temporary files in a .~tmp~ directory under each destination subdir. #Originally: --temp-dir="/opt/bro/tmp/$my_id/"