/* Name: ikonik Description: Responsive AJAX Enabled vCard Template Version: 1.0 Author: pixelwars */ (function ($) { "use strict"; /* global variables */ var portfolioKeyword = ""; var porftolioSingleActive = false; var porftolioSingleJustClosed = false; var soundEffects = false; var overlay_1, overlay_2, one_page_content, tick; var first_load = true; var userClickedAutoplayDialog = false; var homeLoaded = false; var autoplay = false; /* DOCUMENT LOAD */ $(function () { // initialize one_page_content = $(".one-page-content"); overlay_1 = $(".overlay-1"); overlay_2 = $(".overlay-2"); // ------------------------------ // SOUND EFFECTS soundEffects = $("html").hasClass("sound-effects"); if (soundEffects) { tick = document.createElement("audio"); tick.setAttribute("src", $("html").data("audio-tick")); } // ------------------------------ // SET BG IMAGES for single page header bg image if ($(".header-wrap > img").length) { $(".header").css( "background-image", "url(" + $(".header-wrap > img").attr("src") + ")" ); 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return; } first_load = false; setActivePage(); var detailUrl = giveDetailUrl(); if (detailUrl !== -1) { showProjectDetails(detailUrl); } else { // if url contains portfolio keyword if ($.address.path().indexOf("/" + portfolioKeyword) !== -1) { if (porftolioSingleActive) { hideProjectDetails(true, false); porftolioSingleJustClosed = false; // when loaded url with portfolio single url, after closing portfolio single box; open portfolio page if it is not already opened... if ($(".one-page-content .content-wrap").is(":empty")) { setActivePage(); } } } } }); // end address change event } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // HEADER FUNCTIONS $(".search-toggle").on("click", function () { $("html").toggleClass("is-search-toggled-on"); $(".header-search input").trigger("focus"); }); // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // BACK TO TOP if ($("#back-to-top").length) { var scrollTrigger = $(window).height() - 400, // px backToTop = function () { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); 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// ------------------------------ fixMarquee(); $(window).resize(function () { fixMarquee(); sticky_sidebar_update(); // fix for : sticky sidebar overlap when resized to mobile view }); // make portfolio grid titles clickable too ;) $('body').on("click", ".portfolio-items .media-cell-desc h3", function () { $(this).parent().siblings('.media-box').find('a').eq(0).trigger('click'); }); // ------------------------------ // detect ios 12 to add css fixes function iOSversion() { if (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(navigator.platform)) { // supports iOS 2.0 and later: var v = (navigator.appVersion).match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/); return [parseInt(v[1], 10), parseInt(v[2], 10), parseInt(v[3] || 0, 10)]; } } var ver = iOSversion(); if (ver !== undefined) { if (ver[0] >= 12) { $('html').addClass('ios12'); } else { $('html').addClass('not-ios12'); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SETUP setup(); // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // BG MUSIC AUTOPLAY CONFIRM if (autoplay) { $('.bg-music-confirm').addClass('show'); $('.bg-music-confirm a').on('click', function () { userClickedAutoplayDialog = true; $('.bg-music-confirm').removeClass('show'); if ($(this).hasClass('bg-music-no')) { isUserTurnedOffMusic = true; } if (homeLoaded) { initializeHome(); } }); } // ------------------------------ }); // DOCUMENT READY // WINDOW ONLOAD $(window).on("load", function () { $("html").addClass("loaded"); autoplay = $('#play-music').hasClass('autoplay') ? true : false; homeLoaded = true; if (autoplay) { if (userClickedAutoplayDialog) { initializeHome(); } } else { initializeHome(); } sticky_sidebar_update(); fixMarquee(); }); // WINDOW ONLOAD // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ function initializeHome() { if ($("html").hasClass("one-page-layout")) { $("html").addClass("home-loaded"); homeAnimation(); homeMusic(); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SETUP : plugins function setup() { // COOL LINKS coolLinks(); // MASONRY setupMasonry(); // LIGHTBOX setupLightbox(); // FILL SKILL BARS fillBars(); // PORTFOLIO SINGLE AJAX setupAjax(); // FORMS setupForms(); // CONTACT FORM setupContactForm(); // TABS tabs(); // TOGGLES toggles(); // FLUID MEDIA fluidMedia(); } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // STICKY SIDEBAR var stickySidebar; function sticky_sidebar() { if ($('#secondary').length) { jQuery.support.touch = 'ontouchend' in document; if (window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)").matches && !(jQuery.support.touch) && ($('#primary').height() > $('#secondary').height())) { stickySidebar = new StickySidebar('#secondary', { topSpacing: 40, bottomSpacing: 0, resizeSensor: true, containerSelector: '.site-middle > div', innerWrapperSelector: '.sidebar-wrap' }); } } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // UPDATE STICKY SIDEBAR function sticky_sidebar_update() { if ($('#secondary').length) { jQuery.support.touch = 'ontouchend' in document; if (stickySidebar && window.matchMedia("(min-width: 992px)").matches && !(jQuery.support.touch) && ($('#primary').height() > $('#secondary').height())) { stickySidebar.updateSticky(); } // fix for : sticky sidebar overlap when resized to mobile view if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 991px)").matches) { if (stickySidebar) { stickySidebar.destroy(); } } } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // FIX MARQUEE function coolLinks() { $('.bg-music-confirm a, .entry-title a, .entry-content > p:not(.more) > a:not(.button):not(.social-link), .nav-single a, .latest-posts a, .cat-links a, .media-cell-desc a, .comment-reply-link, .comment-meta .fn a, #filters a, .post-edit-link, .logged-in-as a, .widget_recent_entries a, .tptn_after_thumb .tptn_link, .widget_categories a, .widget_archive a, .widget_pages a, .widget_meta a, .widget_recent_comments a, .widget_rss a, .widget_nav_menu a, .wp-caption-text a').addClass('cool-link'); } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // FIX MARQUEE function fixMarquee() { $(".home-marquee, .home-job-title").width( $(".home-logo-center").outerWidth() + $(".home-text-container").outerWidth() ); } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // HOME ANIMATION function homeAnimation() { // HOMEPAGE ANIMATION const $bg = $(".home-bg"); const $heading = $(".home-heading"); const $logoInverted = $(".home-bg-logo"); const $logoLeft = $(".home-logo-left"); const $logoLeftInner = $logoLeft.find("span"); const $logoRight = $(".home-logo-right"); const $logoRightInner = $logoRight.find("span"); const $textContainer = $(".home-text-container"); const $text = $(".home-text"); const $marquee = $(".home-marquee, .home-job-title"); const $social = $(".home-social"); const $footer = $(".home-footer"); //TIMELINE const plTl = new TimelineMax({ /* onComplete: () => { $("body").addClass("is-animation-ended"); } */ onComplete: function () { $("body").addClass("is-animation-ended"); } }); plTl .add("start") .fromTo($bg, 0.4, { autoAlpha: 0 }, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "start") .fromTo($bg, 1.8, { scale: 2, x: "-70%" }, { scale: 1, x: "0%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "start") .to($heading, 0.6, { y: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "-=0.4", "start") .add("shiftRight", "+=0.4") .to($logoInverted, 0.8, { x: "50%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to($bg, 1, { x: "-=7%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to($heading, 0.8, { x: "+=35%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to($logoRightInner, 0.8, { x: "-100%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to($logoLeftInner, 0.8, { x: "100%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to([$logoRight, $logoLeft], 0.8, { width: 0, padding: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .to($footer, 1, { autoAlpha: 1, x: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftRight") .add("shiftLeft") .to($heading, 0.8, { x: "-=50%", ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftLeft") .to($textContainer, 0.8, { scaleX: 1, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftLeft") .to($text, 1, { autoAlpha: 1, x: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "shiftLeft") .to($marquee, 1, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power0.easeNone }, "shiftLeft") .to($social, 1, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power0.easeNone }, "shiftLeft") .to($bg, 8, { x: "-=5%", ease: Power0.easeNone }, "shiftLeft") .to($logoInverted, 6, { x: "-=2.5%", ease: Power0.easeNone }, "shiftLeft"); $('.full-screen-wrap').on('click', function () { $(this).toggleClass('active'); toggleFullScreen(); }); // TOGGLE FULSCREEN function toggleFullScreen() { if (!document.fullscreenElement && // alternative standard method !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement && !document.msFullscreenElement) { // current working methods if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } } else { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } } } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // HOME MUSIC var music, isPlaying, isUserTurnedOffMusic, isLigtboxTurnedOffMusic, autoplayAllowed; function homeMusic() { music = document.getElementById("bg-music"); if (music !== null) { var button = document.getElementById("toggle"); function togglePlay() { if (isPlaying) { music.pause(); isUserTurnedOffMusic = true; } else { music.volume = 0.5; music.play(); isUserTurnedOffMusic = false; } } music.onplaying = function () { isPlaying = true; button.innerHTML = button.getAttribute("data-on-text"); document.getElementById("music-animation").classList.add('on'); }; music.onpause = function () { isPlaying = false; button.innerHTML = button.getAttribute("data-off-text"); document.getElementById("music-animation").classList.remove('on'); }; // Toggle Music var music_toggle = $('#play-music'); music_toggle.on('click', function () { togglePlay(); }); // autoplay if (music_toggle.hasClass('autoplay') && (isUserTurnedOffMusic !== true)) { music_toggle.click(); } else { isUserTurnedOffMusic = true; } // Pause audio when the tab is inactive function addOnBlurListener(onBlurCallback, onFocusCallback) { var hidden, visibilityState, visibilityChange; // check the visiblility of the page if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "hidden"; visibilityChange = "visibilitychange"; visibilityState = "visibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "mozHidden"; visibilityChange = "mozvisibilitychange"; visibilityState = "mozVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "msHidden"; visibilityChange = "msvisibilitychange"; visibilityState = "msVisibilityState"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { hidden = "webkitHidden"; visibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange"; visibilityState = "webkitVisibilityState"; } if (typeof document.addEventListener === "undefined" || typeof hidden === "undefined") { // not supported } else { document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, function () { switch (document[visibilityState]) { case "visible": if (onFocusCallback) onFocusCallback(); break; case "hidden": if (onBlurCallback) onBlurCallback(); break; } }, false); } } function muteAudio() { music.pause(); } function unMuteAudio() { if (!isUserTurnedOffMusic && !isLigtboxTurnedOffMusic) { music.play(); } } addOnBlurListener(muteAudio, unMuteAudio); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // PORTFOLIO SINGLE AJAX function setupAjax() { // PORTFOLIO DETAILS // Show details $( ".one-page-layout .media-box .ajax, .one-page-layout .portfolio-nav .ajax a" ).on("click", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr("href"); var baseUrl = $.address.baseURL(); var detailUrl = giveDetailUrl(); if (url.indexOf(baseUrl) !== -1) { // full url var total = url.length; detailUrl = url.slice(baseUrl.length + 1, total); $.address.path("/" + detailUrl); } else { // relative url detailUrl = url; $.address.path(portfolioKeyword + "/" + detailUrl); } }); } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // MASONRY - ISOTOPE function setupMasonry() { var masonry = $(".masonry, .gallery, .wp-block-gallery:not(.is-cropped)"); if (masonry.length) { masonry.each(function (index, el) { // call isotope refreshMasonry(); $(el).imagesLoaded(function () { $(el).isotope({ layoutMode: $(el).data("layout") ? $(el).data("layout") : "masonry" }); // set columns refreshMasonry(); }); // filters if (!$(el).data("isotope")) { var filters = $(el).siblings(".filters"); if (filters.length) { filters.find("a").on("click", function () { var selector = $(this).attr("data-filter"); $(el).isotope({ filter: selector }); $(this) .parent() .addClass("current") .siblings() .removeClass("current"); return false; }); } } }); //each $(window).on("resize debouncedresize", function () { setTimeout(function () { refreshMasonry(); }, 100); }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // REFRSH MASONRY - ISOTOPE function refreshMasonry() { var masonry = $(".masonry"); if (masonry.length) { masonry.each(function (index, el) { // check if isotope initialized if ($(el).data("isotope")) { var itemW = $(el).data("item-width"); var containerW = $(el).width(); var items = $(el).children(".hentry"); var columns = Math.round(containerW / itemW); columns = $(window).width() <= 700 ? 2 : columns; // set the widths (%) for each of item items.each(function (index, element) { var multiplier = $(this).hasClass("x2") && columns > 1 ? 2 : 1; var itemRealWidth = ((Math.floor(containerW / columns) * 100) / containerW) * multiplier; $(this).css("width", itemRealWidth + "%"); }); var columnWidth = Math.floor(containerW / columns); $(el).isotope("option", { masonry: { columnWidth: columnWidth } }); $(el).isotope("layout"); } }); //each } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // LIGHTBOX - applied to porfolio and gallery post format function setupLightbox() { if ($(".lightbox, .gallery, .wp-block-gallery").length) { $(".media-box, .gallery, .wp-block-gallery").each(function (index, element) { var $media_box = $(this); $media_box.magnificPopup({ delegate: '.lightbox, figure a[href$=".jpg"], figure a[href$=".jpeg"], figure a[href$=".png"], figure a[href$=".gif"], .gallery-item a[href$=".jpg"], .gallery-item a[href$=".jpeg"], .gallery-item a[href$=".png"], .gallery-item a[href$=".gif"]', type: "image", image: { markup: '
' + '
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" + '
' + '
' + '
' + "
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' + '
' + '' + '
Some caption
' + "
" }, mainClass: "mfp-zoom-in", tLoading: "", removalDelay: 300, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation callbacks: { markupParse: function (template, values, item) { var title = ""; if (item.el.parents(".gallery-item").length) { // classic editor gallery title = item.el .parents(".gallery-item") .find(".gallery-caption") .text(); } else if (item.el.parents(".blocks-gallery-item").length) { // Gutenberg gallery title = item.el .parents(".blocks-gallery-item") .find("figcaption") .text(); } else { title = item.el.data("title") == undefined ? "" : item.el.data("title"); } //return title; values.title = title; }, imageLoadComplete: function () { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.wrap.addClass("mfp-image-loaded"); }, 16); }, beforeClose: function () { // play bg audio when closing audio/video in a lightbox if (this.content.find('iframe[src*="soundcloud.com"]').length || this.content.find('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]').length || this.content.find('iframe[src*="youtube.com"]').length) { if (!isUserTurnedOffMusic) { if (music) { music.play(); isLigtboxTurnedOffMusic = false; } } } }, close: function () { this.wrap.removeClass("mfp-image-loaded"); }, beforeAppend: function () { var self = this; // pause bg audio when opening audio/video in a lightbox if (this.content.find('iframe[src*="soundcloud.com"]').length || this.content.find('iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]').length || this.content.find('iframe[src*="youtube.com"]').length) { self.wrap.addClass("is-soundcloud"); if (music) { isLigtboxTurnedOffMusic = true; music.pause(); } } // square aspect ratio for soundcloud embeds if (this.content.find('iframe[src*="soundcloud.com"]').length) { self.wrap.addClass("is-soundcloud"); } else { self.wrap.removeClass("is-soundcloud"); } this.content.find("iframe").on("load", function () { setTimeout(function () { self.wrap.addClass("mfp-image-loaded"); }, 16); }); } }, closeBtnInside: false, closeOnContentClick: true, midClick: true }); }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // FILL PROGRESS BARS function fillBars() { var bar = $(".bar"); if (bar.length) { $(".bar").each(function () { var bar = $(this); var percent = bar.attr("data-percent"); bar .find(".progress") .css("width", percent + "%") .html("" + percent + ""); }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // TABS function tabs() { var tabs = $(".tabs"); if (tabs.length) { $(".tabs").each(function () { if (!$(this).find(".tab-titles li a.active").length) { $(this) .find(".tab-titles li:first-child a") .addClass("active"); $(this) .find(".tab-content > div:first-child") .show(); } else { $(this) .find(".tab-content > div") .eq( $(this) .find(".tab-titles li a.active") .parent() .index() ) .show(); } }); $(".tabs .tab-titles li a").on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { return; } $(this) .parent() .siblings() .find("a") .removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $(this) .parents(".tabs") .find(".tab-content > div") .hide() .eq( $(this) .parent() .index() ) .show(); return false; }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // TOGGLES function toggles() { if ($(".toggle").length) { var toggleSpeed = 300; $(".toggle h4.active + .toggle-content").show(); $(".toggle h4").on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { $(this).removeClass("active"); $(this) .next(".toggle-content") .stop(true, true) .slideUp(toggleSpeed); } else { $(this).addClass("active"); $(this) .next(".toggle-content") .stop(true, true) .slideDown(toggleSpeed); //accordion if ( $(this) .parents(".toggle-group") .hasClass("accordion") ) { $(this) .parent() .siblings() .find("h4") .removeClass("active"); $(this) .parent() .siblings() .find(".toggle-content") .stop(true, true) .slideUp(toggleSpeed); } } return false; }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // FLUID MEDIA function fluidMedia() { if ($("iframe,video").length) { $("html").fitVids(); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SETUP FORMS : FORM VALIDATION function setupForms() { // comment form validation fix if ($("#commentform").length) { $("#commentform").addClass("validate-form"); $("#commentform") .find("input,textarea") .each(function (index, element) { if ($(this).attr("aria-required") == "true") { $(this).addClass("required"); } if ($(this).attr("name") == "email") { $(this).addClass("email"); } }); } // mailchimp form validation fix var mailchimpForm = $(".mc4wp-form"); if (mailchimpForm.length) { mailchimpForm.addClass("validate-form"); } // validate form if ($(".validate-form").length) { $(".validate-form").each(function () { $(this).validate(); }); } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SETUP CONTACT FORM function setupContactForm() { var contactForm = $("#contact-form"); if (contactForm.length) { var $alert = $(".site-alert"); var $submit = contactForm.find(".submit"); contactForm.on("submit", function () { if (contactForm.valid()) { NProgress.start(); $submit.addClass("active loading"); var formValues = contactForm.serialize(); $.post(contactForm.attr("action"), formValues, function (data) { if (data == "success") { contactForm.clearForm(); } else { $alert.addClass("error"); } NProgress.done(); $alert.show(); setTimeout(function () { $alert.hide(); }, 6000); }); } return false; }); $.fn.clearForm = function () { return this.each(function () { var type = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag == "form") return $(":input", this).clearForm(); if (type == "text" || type == "password" || tag == "textarea") this.value = ""; else if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") this.checked = false; else if (tag == "select") this.selectedIndex = -1; }); }; } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // AJAX PORTFOLIO DETAILS var pActive; function showProjectDetails(url) { porftolioSingleJustClosed = true; porftolioSingleActive = true; showLoader(); var p = $(".p-overlay:not(.active)").first(); pActive = $(".p-overlay.active"); // ajax : fill data p.empty().load(url + " .portfolio-single", function () { NProgress.set(0.5); p.prepend(p.find('.portfolio-nav').clone()); // wait for images to be loaded p.imagesLoaded(function () { hideLoader(); if (pActive.length) { hideProjectDetails(); } $("html").addClass("p-overlay-on"); // setup plugins setup(); $("html").addClass("p-animating"); // Play Sound Effect if (soundEffects) { tick.play(); } p.removeClass("animate-in animate-out") .addClass("animate-in") .show() .scrollTop(0); p.addClass("active"); p.one( "webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend", function (e) { $("html").removeClass("p-animating"); } ); }); }); } function hideProjectDetails(forever, safeClose) { porftolioSingleJustClosed = true; // Play Sound Effect if (soundEffects) { tick.play(); } $("html").addClass("p-animating"); // close completely by back link. if (forever) { pActive = $(".p-overlay.active"); $("html").removeClass("p-overlay-on"); if (!safeClose) { // remove detail url $.address.path(portfolioKeyword); } } pActive .removeClass("active animate-in animate-out") .addClass("animate-out") .show(); pActive.one( "webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend", function (e) { $("html").removeClass("p-animating"); pActive .hide() .removeClass("animate-out") .empty(); } ); setTimeout(function () { pActive .hide() .removeClass("animate-out") .empty(); }, 550); } function giveDetailUrl() { var address = $.address.value(); var detailUrl; if ( address.indexOf("/" + portfolioKeyword + "/") != -1 && address.length > portfolioKeyword.length + 2 ) { var total = address.length; detailUrl = address.slice(portfolioKeyword.length + 2, total); } else { detailUrl = -1; } return detailUrl; } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // AJAX LOADER function showLoader() { NProgress.start(); } function hideLoader() { NProgress.done(); } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SET ACTIVE PAGE function setActivePage() { var path = $.address.path(); path = path.slice(1, path.length); // if hash tag doesnt exists - close page if (path === "") { closePage(); } else { // show page change animation // change page only if url doesn't target portfolio single page //console.log(porftolioSingleJustClosed); if (porftolioSingleJustClosed) { porftolioSingleJustClosed = false; } else { if (giveDetailUrl() === -1) { //porftolioSingleJustClosed = false; var new_url = $("a[data-slug=" + path + "]").data("file-url"); showPage(new_url); } } } } // ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ // SHOW PAGE function showPage(url) { // start layers animation overlay_1.css("transition-delay", ".0s").css("transform", "translateY(0%)"); overlay_2.css("transition-delay", ".2s").css("transform", "translateY(0%)"); var transitionEnded = false; overlay_2.one( "webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend", function () { transitionEnded = true; }); // Play Sound Effect if (soundEffects) { tick.play(); } $("html").addClass("is-ajax-page-active"); // only jquery get() returns remote page's content jQuery.get(url, function (data) { // clear container content one_page_content.children(".content-wrap").empty(); // elementor styles fix one_page_content .children(".content-wrap") .append($(data).filter("#elementor-frontend-inline-css")) // elementor inline styles .append($(data).filter("link[id^='elementor-post-']")) // elementor external styles .append($(data).filter("link[id='elementor-frontend-css']")); // elemementor common styles // place page content one_page_content .children(".content-wrap") .append($(data).find(".page-single > .hentry")); // wait for images to be loaded one_page_content.imagesLoaded(function () { $("html").addClass("is-ajax-page-loaded"); if (transitionEnded) { showLoadedPage(); } else { // wait for layers animation end if it is not ended yet overlay_2.one( "webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend", function () { showLoadedPage(); } ); } }); }); } function showLoadedPage() { console.log('overlay_2.one transitionend'); one_page_content.addClass("is-visible"); overlay_2 .css("transition-delay", ".0s") .css("transform", "translateY(100%)"); overlay_1 .css("transition-delay", ".2s") .css("transform", "translateY(100%)"); var t = setTimeout(function () { $("html").addClass("is-ajax-page-visible"); clearTimeout(t); }, 100); setup(); } // CLOSE PAGE function closePage() { $("html") .removeClass("is-ajax-page-active") .removeClass("is-ajax-page-loaded") .removeClass("is-ajax-page-visible"); overlay_1.css("transition-delay", ".0s").css("transform", "translateY(0%)"); overlay_2.css("transition-delay", ".2s").css("transform", "translateY(0%)"); setTimeout(function () { one_page_content .removeClass("is-visible") .children(".content-wrap") .empty(); overlay_2 .css("transition-delay", ".0s") .css("transform", "translateY(-100%)"); overlay_1 .css("transition-delay", ".2s") .css("transform", "translateY(-100%)"); }, 400); } // ------------------------------ })(jQuery);