#!/bin/bash # ===============LICENSE_START======================================================= # Acumos Apache-2.0 # =================================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property & Tech Mahindra. All rights reserved. # Modifications Copyright (C) 2019 Nordix Foundation. # =================================================================================== # This Acumos software file is distributed by AT&T and Tech Mahindra # under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ===============LICENSE_END========================================================= # #. What this is: Deployment script for Acumos solutions under private kubernetes #. clusters. #. #. Prerequisites: #. - Ubuntu Xenial/Bionic or Centos 7 server #. - User running this script is part of the "docker" group #. - Via the Acumos platform, download a solution.zip deployment package for #. a specific solution/revision, and unzip the package into a folder #. - In the same folder where you unzipped the solution.zip, clone the Acumos #. kubernetes-client repo (this script refers to templates from that repo) #. git clone https://gerrit.acumos.org/r/kubernetes-client #. and apply any patches you need to test with, if desired #. #. Usage: run this script from the folder where you unpacked solution.zip #. - bash deploy.sh [datasource] #. user: username on the Acumos platform #. pass: password on the Acumos platform #. namespace: Kubernetes namespace to deploy the solution under #. datasource: (optional) file path or URL of data source for databroker #. #. - To stop the solution and redeploy, run these commands before deploy.sh #. kubectl delete -f solution.yaml #. watch kubectl get pods -n acumos #. When you see "No resources found." you can re-run deploy.sh trap 'fail' ERR function fail() { log "$1" exit 1 } function log() { fname=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $2}') fline=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $1}') echo; echo "$fname:$fline ($(date)) $1" } function docker_login() { trap 'fail' ERR while ! docker login $1 -u $2 -p $3 ; do sleep 10 log "Docker login failed at $1, trying again" done } function prepare_docker() { trap 'fail' ERR log "login to the Acumos platform docker proxy using the Acumos platform username and password provided by the user" docker_login https://$dockerProxy $USER_ID $password log "Log into LF Nexus Docker repos" docker_login https://nexus3.acumos.org:10004 docker docker docker_login https://nexus3.acumos.org:10003 docker docker docker_login https://nexus3.acumos.org:10002 docker docker } function update_datasource() { trap 'fail' ERR if [[ $(grep -c 'app: databroker' solution.yaml) -gt 0 ]]; then log "Extract databroker.json from blueprint.json" nodes=$(jq '.nodes | length' blueprint.json) node=0 while [[ $node -lt $nodes ]] ; do type=$(jq --raw-output ".nodes[$node].node_type" blueprint.json) if [[ $type == DataBroker ]]; then jq -r ".nodes[$node].data_broker_map" blueprint.json >> databroker.json fi node=$[$node+1] done log "update databroker.json per the datasource selected by the user" if [[ $(echo $datasource | grep -c ':') -gt 0 ]]; then sed -i -- "s~\"target_system_url\": \".*\"~\"target_system_url\": \"$datasource\"~" databroker.json else sed -i -- 's~"local_system_data_file_path": ".*"~"local_system_data_file_path": "/var/acumos/datasource"~' databroker.json fi fi } function update_blueprint() { trap 'fail' ERR if [[ -d microservice ]]; then log "copy the subfolders under 'microservice' from the unpacked solution.zip to /var/acumos" # Note: copying microservice protofiles to /var/acumos, and sharing that # folder with probe, is redundant with the nginx-based probe design also # supported below, but is retained here for eventual migration to this # lower-overhead design sudo mkdir -p /var/acumos/ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/acumos chmod -R 777 /var/acumos cp -r microservice /var/acumos/. log "update URL to model.proto files in blueprint.json" # Note: modelconnector sends these URLs to probe which retrieves the proto # files from the solution-embedded nginx server nodes=$(jq '.nodes | length' blueprint.json) models=$(ls microservice) for model in $models ; do node=0 while [[ $node < $nodes ]] ; do name=$(jq --raw-output ".nodes[$node].container_name" blueprint.json) if [[ $name == $model ]]; then echo ".nodes[$node].proto_uri = \"http://localhost/$model/model.proto\"" jq ".nodes[$node].proto_uri = \"http://localhost/$model/model.proto\"" blueprint.json > blueprint1.json mv blueprint1.json blueprint.json fi node=$[$node+1] done done fi } prepare_k8s() { trap 'fail' ERR if [[ $(kubectl get namespaces | grep -c "$NAMESPACE ") -eq 0 ]]; then log "create a namespace '$NAMESPACE' using kubectl" while ! kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE; do log "kubectl API is not yet ready ... waiting 10 seconds" sleep 10 done fi if [[ -d deploy ]]; then for f in $(ls deploy); do if kubectl delete -f deploy/$f; then echo "deploy/$f deleted"; fi rm deploy/$f done sol=$(grep "app:" solution.yaml | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g') proxies=$(grep -m 1 "app: nginx-proxy" deploy/nginx-proxy*.yaml | awk '{print $2}' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g') apps="modelconnector filebeat $sol $proxies" for app in $apps; do while [[ "$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE -l app=$app)" != "" ]]; do log "Waiting for $app pod to terminate" sleep 10 done done else mkdir deploy fi log "Create k8s secret for image pulling from docker using ~/.docker/config.json" b64=$(cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64 -w 0) if [[ $(kubectl get secrets -n $NAMESPACE | grep -c 'acumos-registry ') == 1 ]]; then kubectl delete secret -n $NAMESPACE acumos-registry fi cat << EOF >deploy/acumos-registry.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: acumos-registry namespace: $NAMESPACE data: .dockerconfigjson: $b64 type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson EOF kubectl create -f deploy/acumos-registry.yaml cp solution.yaml deploy/. log "Update solution.yaml to use namespace $NAMESPACE" sed -i -- "s/namespace: acumos/namespace: $NAMESPACE/g" deploy/solution.yaml } function deploy_solution() { trap 'fail' ERR log "invoke kubectl to deploy the services and deployments in solution.yaml" kubectl create -f deploy/solution.yaml if [[ $(grep -c 'app: databroker' solution.yaml) -gt 0 ]]; then log "monitor the status of the databroker service and deployment, and when they are running, send databroker.json to the databroker via its /configDB API" databroker=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk '/databroker/ {print $3}') while [[ "$databroker" != "Running" ]]; do log "databroker status is $databroker. Waiting 60 seconds" sleep 60 databroker=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk '/databroker/ {print $3}') done log "databroker status is $databroker" log "send databroker.json to the Data Broker service via the /configDB API" curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @databroker.json fi log "Wait for all pods to be Running" pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk '/-/ {print $1}') while [[ "$pods" == "No resources found." ]]; do log "pods are not yet created, waiting 10 seconds" pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk '/-/ {print $1}') done for pod in $pods; do status=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk "/$pod/ {print \$3}") while [[ "$status" != "Running" ]]; do log "$pod status is $status. Waiting 10 seconds" sleep 10 status=$(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE | awk "/$pod/ {print \$3}") done log "$pod status is $status" done if [[ $(grep -c 'app: modelconnector' solution.yaml) -gt 0 ]]; then log "Patch dockerinfo.json as workaround for https://jira.acumos.org/browse/ACUMOS-1791" sed -i -- 's/"container_name":"probe"/"container_name":"Probe"/' dockerinfo.json log "Update blueprint.json and dockerinfo.json for use of logging components" sol=$(grep "app:" solution.yaml | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v 'modelconnector' | uniq | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g') apps="$sol" cp blueprint.json deploy/. cp dockerinfo.json deploy/. for app in $apps; do sed -i -- "s/$app/nginx-proxy-$app/g" deploy/dockerinfo.json sed -i -- "s/\"container_name\": \"$app\"/\"container_name\": \"nginx-proxy-$app\"/g" deploy/blueprint.json done # update to nginx-proxy service port sed -i -- "s/\"port\":\"8556\"/\"port\":\"8550\"/g" deploy/dockerinfo.json log "send dockerinfo.json to the Model Connector service via the /putDockerInfo API" while ! curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @deploy/dockerinfo.json; do log "wait for Model Connector service via the /putDockerInfo API" sleep 10 done log "send blueprint.json to the Model Connector service via the /putBlueprint API" curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @deploy/blueprint.json fi } function replace_env() { trap 'fail' ERR local files; local vars; local v; local vv log "Set variable values in k8s templates at $1" set +x if [[ -f $1 ]]; then files="$1"; else files="$1/*.yaml"; fi vars=$(grep -Rho '<[^<.]*>' $files | sed 's///' | sort | uniq) for f in $files; do for v in $vars ; do eval vv=\$$v sed -i -- "s~<$v>~$vv~g" $f done done set -x } function get_model_env() { trap 'fail' ERR echo "App" $1; # awk "/Service/{f=1}/name:/ && f{print \$2; exit}" export DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=$(awk "/name: $1/{f=1}/image:/ && f{print \$2; exit}" solution.yaml) export DOCKER_IMAGE=$(python3 -c "import sys, os; text=os.environ.get('DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG'); \ firstSlash =text.index('/');\ lastUnderScore = text.rindex(':');\ print(text[firstSlash+1:lastUnderScore]);") export DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import sys, os; text=os.environ.get('DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG'); \ lastColon =text.rindex(':');\ lengthOfImage = len(text);\ print(text[lastColon+1:lengthOfImage]);") # Determine solution id for each docker image - to determine if composite case works export SOLUTION_ID=$(python3 -c "import sys, os; text=os.environ.get('DOCKER_IMAGE'); \ lastUnderscore =text.rindex('_');\ print(text[lastUnderscore+1:len(text)]);") # determine the revisionId based on the solutionId revId=$SOL_REVISION_ID regex=".*${SOLUTION_ID}:([a-z0-9-]*),*" # echo "regex $regex" [[ $revId =~ $regex ]]; export REVISION_ID=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} echo "solutionId:${SOLUTION_ID} , revisionId:${REVISION_ID}" echo "image" $image; # is using micro service standard dockerProxyHttp=${dockerProxy/30883/30882} export MODEL_RUNNER_STANDARD=$(curl -k $dockerProxyHttp/v2/$DOCKER_IMAGE/manifests/$DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION | \ python3 -c "import sys, json; \ manifest = json.load(sys.stdin); \ compatibility = manifest['history'][0]['v1Compatibility']; \ labels = json.loads(compatibility)['config']['Labels']; \ print(int('micro-service-rest-api-version' in labels));" | tr -d '\r') } function gitclone_kubernetes_client() { if [ ! -d "./kubernetes-client" ] then log "Clone kubernetes repo" git clone https://gerrit.acumos.org/r/kubernetes-client fi } function deploy_logging() { trap 'fail' ERR cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/filebeat*.yaml deploy/. replace_env deploy kubectl create -f deploy/filebeat-configmap.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/filebeat-rbac.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/filebeat-daemonset.yaml if [[ -d microservice ]]; then # Composite model sol=$(grep "app:" solution.yaml | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v 'modelconnector' | uniq | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g') apps="$sol" modelrunnerversion="v1"; for app in $apps; do export MODEL_NAME=$app get_model_env $app modelrunnerversion="v1"; if [[ $MODEL_RUNNER_STANDARD -eq 1 ]]; then modelrunnerversion="v2"; fi cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-service-composite.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-service-composite.yaml cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-deployment.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-deployment.yaml # copy k8s conf for modelconnector nginx-proxy cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-mc-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml deploy/. cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-mc-service.yaml deploy/. cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-mc-deployment.yaml deploy/. replace_env deploy kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-service-composite.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-deployment.yaml done # create nginx-proxy for model-connector kubectl create -f deploy/nginx-mc-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/nginx-mc-service.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/nginx-mc-deployment.yaml else # Simple model app=$(grep "app:" solution.yaml | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v 'modelconnector' | uniq) export MODEL_NAME=$(grep -m 1 "name:" solution.yaml | awk '{print $2}') get_model_env $app modelrunnerversion="v1"; if [[ $MODEL_RUNNER_STANDARD -eq 1 ]]; then modelrunnerversion="v2"; fi cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-service.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-service.yaml cp kubernetes-client/deploy/private/templates/nginx-deployment.yaml deploy/$app-nginx-deployment.yaml replace_env deploy kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-configmap-$modelrunnerversion.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-service.yaml kubectl create -f deploy/$app-nginx-deployment.yaml fi } if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then grep '#\. ' $0 | sed 's/#.//g'; fi echo "All parameters not provided" exit 1 fi set -x source ./deploy_env.sh [ -z "$LOGSTASH_HOST" ] && echo "Need to set LOGSTASH_HOST" && exit 1; [ -z "$LOGSTASH_PORT" ] && echo "Need to set LOGSTASH_PORT" && exit 1; export USER_ID=$1 password=$2 export NAMESPACE=$3 datasource=$4 gitclone_kubernetes_client dist=$(grep --m 1 ID /etc/os-release | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | sed 's/"//g') export WORK_DIR=$(pwd) log "retrieve the hostname:port of the Acumos platform docker proxy from the solution.yaml, using the 'image' attribute of any model microservice" dockerProxy=$(grep 'image.*\/' solution.yaml | grep -ve acumos.org | head -1 | sed 's/ image: //' | cut -d '/' -f 1) prepare_docker update_datasource update_blueprint prepare_k8s deploy_solution deploy_logging cd $WORK_DIR log "Use this command to get info from Kubernetes" log "kubectl get pods,svc -n $NAMESPACE"; kubectl get pods,svc -n $NAMESPACE