# Sample configuration file for retrogame. # Really minimal syntax, typically two elements per line w/space delimiter: # 1) a key name (from keyTable.h; shortened from /usr/include/linux/input.h). # 2) a GPIO pin number; when grounded, will simulate corresponding keypress. # Uses Broadcom pin numbers for GPIO. # If first element is GND, the corresponding pin (or pins, multiple can be # given) is a LOW-level output; an extra ground pin for connecting buttons. # A '#' character indicates a comment to end-of-line. # File can be edited "live," no need to restart retrogame! # Here's a pin configuration for the PiGRRL 2 project: LEFT 4 # Joypad left RIGHT 19 # Joypad right UP 16 # Joypad up DOWN 26 # Joypad down LEFTCTRL 14 # 'A' button LEFTALT 15 # 'B' button Z 20 # 'X' button X 18 # 'Y' button SPACE 5 # 'Select' button ENTER 6 # 'Start' button A 12 # Left shoulder button S 13 # Right shoulder button ESC 17 # Exit ROM; PiTFT Button 1 1 22 # PiTFT Button 2 2 23 # PiTFT Button 3 3 27 # PiTFT Button 4 # For configurations with few buttons (e.g. Cupcade), a key can be followed # by multiple pin numbers. When those pins are all held for a few seconds, # this will generate the corresponding keypress (e.g. ESC to exit ROM). # Only ONE such combo is supported within the file though; later entries # will override earlier.