# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Original Work Copyright (c) 2016 Paul Sokolovsky, uMQTT # Modified Work Copyright (c) 2019 Bradley Beach, esp32spi_mqtt # Modified Work Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Roger Light and others, Paho MQTT Python # pylint: disable=too-many-lines """ `adafruit_minimqtt` ================================================================================ A minimal MQTT Library for CircuitPython. * Author(s): Brent Rubell Implementation Notes -------------------- Adapted from https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/tree/master/umqtt.simple/umqtt **Software and Dependencies:** * Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/releases """ import errno import struct import time from random import randint from micropython import const from .matcher import MQTTMatcher __version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0" __repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_MiniMQTT.git" # Client-specific variables MQTT_MSG_MAX_SZ = const(268435455) MQTT_MSG_SZ_LIM = const(10000000) MQTT_TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT = const(65535) MQTT_TCP_PORT = const(1883) MQTT_TLS_PORT = const(8883) # MQTT Commands MQTT_PINGREQ = b"\xc0\0" MQTT_PINGRESP = const(0xD0) MQTT_SUB = b"\x82" MQTT_UNSUB = b"\xA2" MQTT_DISCONNECT = b"\xe0\0" # Variable CONNECT header [MQTT 3.1.2] MQTT_HDR_CONNECT = bytearray(b"\x04MQTT\x04\x02\0\0") CONNACK_ERRORS = { const(0x01): "Connection Refused - Incorrect Protocol Version", const(0x02): "Connection Refused - ID Rejected", const(0x03): "Connection Refused - Server unavailable", const(0x04): "Connection Refused - Incorrect username/password", const(0x05): "Connection Refused - Unauthorized", } _default_sock = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name _fake_context = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name class MMQTTException(Exception): """MiniMQTT Exception class.""" # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass # pass # Legacy ESP32SPI Socket API def set_socket(sock, iface=None): """Legacy API for setting the socket and network interface. :param sock: socket object. :param iface: internet interface object """ global _default_sock # pylint: disable=invalid-name, global-statement global _fake_context # pylint: disable=invalid-name, global-statement _default_sock = sock if iface: _default_sock.set_interface(iface) _fake_context = _FakeSSLContext(iface) class _FakeSSLSocket: def __init__(self, socket, tls_mode): self._socket = socket self._mode = tls_mode self.settimeout = socket.settimeout self.send = socket.send self.recv = socket.recv self.close = socket.close def connect(self, address): """connect wrapper to add non-standard mode parameter""" try: return self._socket.connect(address, self._mode) except RuntimeError as error: raise OSError(errno.ENOMEM) from error class _FakeSSLContext: def __init__(self, iface): self._iface = iface def wrap_socket(self, socket, server_hostname=None): """Return the same socket""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument return _FakeSSLSocket(socket, self._iface.TLS_MODE) class MQTT: """MQTT Client for CircuitPython. :param str broker: MQTT Broker URL or IP Address. :param int port: Optional port definition, defaults to 8883. :param str username: Username for broker authentication. :param str password: Password for broker authentication. :param network_manager: NetworkManager object, such as WiFiManager from ESPSPI_WiFiManager. :param str client_id: Optional client identifier, defaults to a unique, generated string. :param bool is_ssl: Sets a secure or insecure connection with the broker. :param int keep_alive: KeepAlive interval between the broker and the MiniMQTT client. :param int recv_timeout: receive timeout, in seconds. :param socket socket_pool: A pool of socket resources available for the given radio. :param ssl_context: SSL context for long-lived SSL connections. :param bool use_binary_mode: Messages are passed as bytearray instead of string to callbacks. :param int socket_timeout: How often to check socket state for read/write/connect operations, in seconds. :param int connect_retries: How many times to try to connect to broker before giving up. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes, not-callable, invalid-name, no-member def __init__( self, broker, port=None, username=None, password=None, client_id=None, is_ssl=True, keep_alive=60, recv_timeout=10, socket_pool=None, ssl_context=None, use_binary_mode=False, socket_timeout=1, connect_retries=5, ): self._socket_pool = socket_pool self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._sock = None self._backwards_compatible_sock = False self._use_binary_mode = use_binary_mode if recv_timeout <= socket_timeout: raise MMQTTException( "recv_timeout must be strictly greater than socket_timeout" ) self._socket_timeout = socket_timeout self._recv_timeout = recv_timeout self._connect_retries = connect_retries self.keep_alive = keep_alive self._user_data = None self._is_connected = False self._msg_size_lim = MQTT_MSG_SZ_LIM self._pid = 0 self._timestamp = 0 self.logger = None self.broker = broker self._username = username self._password = password if ( self._password and len(password.encode("utf-8")) > MQTT_TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT ): # [MQTT-] raise MMQTTException("Password length is too large.") self.port = MQTT_TCP_PORT if is_ssl: self.port = MQTT_TLS_PORT if port: self.port = port # define client identifer if client_id: # user-defined client_id MAY allow client_id's > 23 bytes or # non-alpha-numeric characters self.client_id = client_id else: # assign a unique client_id self.client_id = "cpy{0}{1}".format( randint(0, int(time.monotonic() * 100) % 1000), randint(0, 99) ) # generated client_id's enforce spec.'s length rules if len(self.client_id.encode("utf-8")) > 23 or not self.client_id: raise ValueError("MQTT Client ID must be between 1 and 23 bytes") # LWT self._lw_topic = None self._lw_qos = 0 self._lw_topic = None self._lw_msg = None self._lw_retain = False # List of subscribed topics, used for tracking self._subscribed_topics = [] self._on_message_filtered = MQTTMatcher() # Default topic callback methods self._on_message = None self.on_connect = None self.on_disconnect = None self.on_publish = None self.on_subscribe = None self.on_unsubscribe = None # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _get_connect_socket(self, host, port, *, timeout=1): """Obtains a new socket and connects to a broker. :param str host: Desired broker hostname :param int port: Desired broker port :param int timeout: Desired socket timeout, in seconds """ # For reconnections - check if we're using a socket already and close it if self._sock: self._sock.close() self._sock = None # Legacy API - use the interface's socket instead of a passed socket pool if self._socket_pool is None: self._socket_pool = _default_sock # Legacy API - fake the ssl context if self._ssl_context is None: self._ssl_context = _fake_context if not isinstance(port, int): raise RuntimeError("Port must be an integer") if port == 8883 and not self._ssl_context: raise RuntimeError( "ssl_context must be set before using adafruit_mqtt for secure MQTT." ) if self.logger is not None and port == MQTT_TLS_PORT: self.logger.info( "Establishing a SECURE SSL connection to {0}:{1}".format(host, port) ) elif self.logger is not None: self.logger.info( "Establishing an INSECURE connection to {0}:{1}".format(host, port) ) addr_info = self._socket_pool.getaddrinfo( host, port, 0, self._socket_pool.SOCK_STREAM )[0] sock = None retry_count = 0 last_exception = None while retry_count < self._connect_retries and sock is None: retry_count += 1 try: sock = self._socket_pool.socket(addr_info[0], addr_info[1]) except OSError: continue connect_host = addr_info[-1][0] if port == 8883: sock = self._ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host) connect_host = host sock.settimeout(timeout) try: sock.connect((connect_host, port)) except MemoryError as exc: sock.close() sock = None last_exception = exc except OSError as exc: sock.close() sock = None last_exception = exc if sock is None: if last_exception: raise RuntimeError("Repeated socket failures") from last_exception raise RuntimeError("Repeated socket failures") self._backwards_compatible_sock = not hasattr(sock, "recv_into") return sock def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.deinit() def _sock_exact_recv(self, bufsize): """Reads _exact_ number of bytes from the connected socket. Will only return string with the exact number of bytes requested. The semantics of native socket receive is that it returns no more than the specified number of bytes (i.e. max size). However, it makes no guarantees in terms of the minimum size of the buffer, which could be 1 byte. This is a wrapper for socket recv() to ensure that no less than the expected number of bytes is returned or trigger a timeout exception. :param int bufsize: number of bytes to receive """ stamp = time.monotonic() rc = self._sock.recv(bufsize) to_read = bufsize - len(rc) assert to_read >= 0 read_timeout = self.keep_alive while to_read > 0: recv = self._sock.recv(to_read) to_read -= len(recv) rc += recv if time.monotonic() - stamp > read_timeout: raise MMQTTException( "Unable to receive {} bytes within {} seconds.".format( to_read, read_timeout ) ) return rc def deinit(self): """De-initializes the MQTT client and disconnects from the mqtt broker.""" self.disconnect() @property def mqtt_msg(self): """Returns maximum MQTT payload and topic size.""" return self._msg_size_lim, MQTT_TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT @mqtt_msg.setter def mqtt_msg(self, msg_size): """Sets the maximum MQTT message payload size. :param int msg_size: Maximum MQTT payload size. """ if msg_size < MQTT_MSG_MAX_SZ: self._msg_size_lim = msg_size def will_set(self, topic=None, payload=None, qos=0, retain=False): """Sets the last will and testament properties. MUST be called before `connect()`. :param str topic: MQTT Broker topic. :param int|float|str payload: Last will disconnection payload. payloads of type int & float are converted to a string. :param int qos: Quality of Service level, defaults to zero. Conventional options are ``0`` (send at most once), ``1`` (send at least once), or ``2`` (send exactly once). .. note:: Only options ``1`` or ``0`` are QoS levels supported by this library. :param bool retain: Specifies if the payload is to be retained when it is published. """ if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Setting last will properties") self._valid_qos(qos) if self._is_connected: raise MMQTTException("Last Will should only be called before connect().") if payload is None: payload = "" if isinstance(payload, (int, float, str)): payload = str(payload).encode() else: raise MMQTTException("Invalid message data type.") self._lw_qos = qos self._lw_topic = topic self._lw_msg = payload self._lw_retain = retain def add_topic_callback(self, mqtt_topic, callback_method): """Registers a callback_method for a specific MQTT topic. :param str mqtt_topic: MQTT topic identifier. :param function callback_method: The callback method. """ if mqtt_topic is None or callback_method is None: raise ValueError("MQTT topic and callback method must both be defined.") self._on_message_filtered[mqtt_topic] = callback_method def remove_topic_callback(self, mqtt_topic): """Removes a registered callback method. :param str mqtt_topic: MQTT topic identifier string. """ if mqtt_topic is None: raise ValueError("MQTT Topic must be defined.") try: del self._on_message_filtered[mqtt_topic] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "MQTT topic callback not added with add_topic_callback." ) from None @property def on_message(self): """Called when a new message has been received on a subscribed topic. Expected method signature is ``on_message(client, topic, message)`` """ return self._on_message @on_message.setter def on_message(self, method): self._on_message = method def _handle_on_message(self, client, topic, message): matched = False if topic is not None: for callback in self._on_message_filtered.iter_match(topic): callback(client, topic, message) # on_msg with callback matched = True if not matched and self.on_message: # regular on_message self.on_message(client, topic, message) def username_pw_set(self, username, password=None): """Set client's username and an optional password. :param str username: Username to use with your MQTT broker. :param str password: Password to use with your MQTT broker. """ if self._is_connected: raise MMQTTException("This method must be called before connect().") self._username = username if password is not None: self._password = password # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements, too-many-locals def connect(self, clean_session=True, host=None, port=None, keep_alive=None): """Initiates connection with the MQTT Broker. :param bool clean_session: Establishes a persistent session. :param str host: Hostname or IP address of the remote broker. :param int port: Network port of the remote broker. :param int keep_alive: Maximum period allowed for communication, in seconds. """ if host: self.broker = host if port: self.port = port if keep_alive: self.keep_alive = keep_alive if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Attempting to establish MQTT connection...") # Get a new socket self._sock = self._get_connect_socket( self.broker, self.port, timeout=self._socket_timeout ) # Fixed Header fixed_header = bytearray([0x10]) # NOTE: Variable header is # MQTT_HDR_CONNECT = bytearray(b"\x04MQTT\x04\x02\0\0") # because final 4 bytes are 4, 2, 0, 0 var_header = MQTT_HDR_CONNECT var_header[6] = clean_session << 1 # Set up variable header and remaining_length remaining_length = 12 + len(self.client_id.encode("utf-8")) if self._username: remaining_length += ( 2 + len(self._username.encode("utf-8")) + 2 + len(self._password.encode("utf-8")) ) var_header[6] |= 0xC0 if self.keep_alive: assert self.keep_alive < MQTT_TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT var_header[7] |= self.keep_alive >> 8 var_header[8] |= self.keep_alive & 0x00FF if self._lw_topic: remaining_length += ( 2 + len(self._lw_topic.encode("utf-8")) + 2 + len(self._lw_msg) ) var_header[6] |= 0x4 | (self._lw_qos & 0x1) << 3 | (self._lw_qos & 0x2) << 3 var_header[6] |= self._lw_retain << 5 # Remaining length calculation large_rel_length = False if remaining_length > 0x7F: large_rel_length = True # Calculate Remaining Length [2.2.3] while remaining_length > 0: encoded_byte = remaining_length % 0x80 remaining_length = remaining_length // 0x80 # if there is more data to encode, set the top bit of the byte if remaining_length > 0: encoded_byte |= 0x80 fixed_header.append(encoded_byte) if large_rel_length: fixed_header.append(0x00) else: fixed_header.append(remaining_length) fixed_header.append(0x00) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Sending CONNECT to broker...") self.logger.debug( "Fixed Header: %s\nVariable Header: %s", fixed_header, var_header ) self._sock.send(fixed_header) self._sock.send(var_header) # [MQTT-3.1.3-4] self._send_str(self.client_id) if self._lw_topic: # [MQTT-3.1.3-11] self._send_str(self._lw_topic) self._send_str(self._lw_msg) if self._username is None: self._username = None else: self._send_str(self._username) self._send_str(self._password) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Receiving CONNACK packet from broker") stamp = time.monotonic() while True: op = self._wait_for_msg() if op == 32: rc = self._sock_exact_recv(3) assert rc[0] == 0x02 if rc[2] != 0x00: raise MMQTTException(CONNACK_ERRORS[rc[2]]) self._is_connected = True result = rc[0] & 1 if self.on_connect is not None: self.on_connect(self, self._user_data, result, rc[2]) return result if op is None: if time.monotonic() - stamp > self._recv_timeout: raise MMQTTException( f"No data received from broker for {self._recv_timeout} seconds." ) def disconnect(self): """Disconnects the MiniMQTT client from the MQTT broker.""" self.is_connected() if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Sending DISCONNECT packet to broker") try: self._sock.send(MQTT_DISCONNECT) except RuntimeError as e: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.warning("Unable to send DISCONNECT packet: {}".format(e)) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Closing socket") self._sock.close() self._is_connected = False self._subscribed_topics = [] if self.on_disconnect is not None: self.on_disconnect(self, self._user_data, 0) def ping(self): """Pings the MQTT Broker to confirm if the broker is alive or if there is an active network connection. Returns response codes of any messages received while waiting for PINGRESP. """ self.is_connected() if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Sending PINGREQ") self._sock.send(MQTT_PINGREQ) ping_timeout = self.keep_alive stamp = time.monotonic() rc, rcs = None, [] while rc != MQTT_PINGRESP: rc = self._wait_for_msg() if rc: rcs.append(rc) if time.monotonic() - stamp > ping_timeout: raise MMQTTException("PINGRESP not returned from broker.") return rcs # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements def publish(self, topic, msg, retain=False, qos=0): """Publishes a message to a topic provided. :param str topic: Unique topic identifier. :param str|int|float|bytes msg: Data to send to the broker. :param bool retain: Whether the message is saved by the broker. :param int qos: Quality of Service level for the message, defaults to zero. """ self.is_connected() self._valid_topic(topic) if "+" in topic or "#" in topic: raise MMQTTException("Publish topic can not contain wildcards.") # check msg/qos kwargs if msg is None: raise MMQTTException("Message can not be None.") if isinstance(msg, (int, float)): msg = str(msg).encode("ascii") elif isinstance(msg, str): msg = str(msg).encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(msg, bytes): pass else: raise MMQTTException("Invalid message data type.") if len(msg) > MQTT_MSG_MAX_SZ: raise MMQTTException("Message size larger than %d bytes." % MQTT_MSG_MAX_SZ) assert ( 0 <= qos <= 1 ), "Quality of Service Level 2 is unsupported by this library." # fixed header. [], [] pub_hdr_fixed = bytearray([0x30 | retain | qos << 1]) # variable header = 2-byte Topic length (big endian) pub_hdr_var = bytearray(struct.pack(">H", len(topic.encode("utf-8")))) pub_hdr_var.extend(topic.encode("utf-8")) # Topic name remaining_length = 2 + len(msg) + len(topic.encode("utf-8")) if qos > 0: # packet identifier where QoS level is 1 or 2. [] remaining_length += 2 self._pid = self._pid + 1 if self._pid < 0xFFFF else 1 pub_hdr_var.append(self._pid >> 8) pub_hdr_var.append(self._pid & 0xFF) # Calculate remaining length [2.2.3] if remaining_length > 0x7F: while remaining_length > 0: encoded_byte = remaining_length % 0x80 remaining_length = remaining_length // 0x80 if remaining_length > 0: encoded_byte |= 0x80 pub_hdr_fixed.append(encoded_byte) else: pub_hdr_fixed.append(remaining_length) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( "Sending PUBLISH\nTopic: %s\nMsg: %s\ \nQoS: %d\nRetain? %r", topic, msg, qos, retain, ) self._sock.send(pub_hdr_fixed) self._sock.send(pub_hdr_var) self._sock.send(msg) if qos == 0 and self.on_publish is not None: self.on_publish(self, self._user_data, topic, self._pid) if qos == 1: stamp = time.monotonic() while True: op = self._wait_for_msg() if op == 0x40: sz = self._sock_exact_recv(1) assert sz == b"\x02" rcv_pid = self._sock_exact_recv(2) rcv_pid = rcv_pid[0] << 0x08 | rcv_pid[1] if self._pid == rcv_pid: if self.on_publish is not None: self.on_publish(self, self._user_data, topic, rcv_pid) return if op is None: if time.monotonic() - stamp > self._recv_timeout: raise MMQTTException( f"No data received from broker for {self._recv_timeout} seconds." ) def subscribe(self, topic, qos=0): """Subscribes to a topic on the MQTT Broker. This method can subscribe to one topics or multiple topics. :param str|tuple|list topic: Unique MQTT topic identifier string. If this is a `tuple`, then the tuple should contain topic identifier string and qos level integer. If this is a `list`, then each list element should be a tuple containing a topic identifier string and qos level integer. :param int qos: Quality of Service level for the topic, defaults to zero. Conventional options are ``0`` (send at most once), ``1`` (send at least once), or ``2`` (send exactly once). """ self.is_connected() topics = None if isinstance(topic, tuple): topic, qos = topic self._valid_topic(topic) self._valid_qos(qos) if isinstance(topic, str): self._valid_topic(topic) self._valid_qos(qos) topics = [(topic, qos)] if isinstance(topic, list): topics = [] for t, q in topic: self._valid_qos(q) self._valid_topic(t) topics.append((t, q)) # Assemble packet packet_length = 2 + (2 * len(topics)) + (1 * len(topics)) packet_length += sum(len(topic.encode("utf-8")) for topic, qos in topics) packet_length_byte = packet_length.to_bytes(1, "big") self._pid = self._pid + 1 if self._pid < 0xFFFF else 1 packet_id_bytes = self._pid.to_bytes(2, "big") # Packet with variable and fixed headers packet = MQTT_SUB + packet_length_byte + packet_id_bytes # attaching topic and QOS level to the packet for t, q in topics: topic_size = len(t.encode("utf-8")).to_bytes(2, "big") qos_byte = q.to_bytes(1, "big") packet += topic_size + t.encode() + qos_byte if self.logger is not None: for t, q in topics: self.logger.debug("SUBSCRIBING to topic %s with QoS %d", t, q) self._sock.send(packet) stamp = time.monotonic() while True: op = self._wait_for_msg() if op == 0x90: rc = self._sock_exact_recv(4) assert rc[1] == packet[2] and rc[2] == packet[3] if rc[3] == 0x80: raise MMQTTException("SUBACK Failure!") for t, q in topics: if self.on_subscribe is not None: self.on_subscribe(self, self._user_data, t, q) self._subscribed_topics.append(t) return if op is None: if time.monotonic() - stamp > self._recv_timeout: raise MMQTTException( f"No data received from broker for {self._recv_timeout} seconds." ) def unsubscribe(self, topic): """Unsubscribes from a MQTT topic. :param str|list topic: Unique MQTT topic identifier string or list. """ topics = None if isinstance(topic, str): self._valid_topic(topic) topics = [(topic)] if isinstance(topic, list): topics = [] for t in topic: self._valid_topic(t) topics.append((t)) for t in topics: if t not in self._subscribed_topics: raise MMQTTException( "Topic must be subscribed to before attempting unsubscribe." ) # Assemble packet packet_length = 2 + (2 * len(topics)) packet_length += sum(len(topic.encode("utf-8")) for topic in topics) packet_length_byte = packet_length.to_bytes(1, "big") self._pid = self._pid + 1 if self._pid < 0xFFFF else 1 packet_id_bytes = self._pid.to_bytes(2, "big") packet = MQTT_UNSUB + packet_length_byte + packet_id_bytes for t in topics: topic_size = len(t.encode("utf-8")).to_bytes(2, "big") packet += topic_size + t.encode() if self.logger is not None: for t in topics: self.logger.debug("UNSUBSCRIBING from topic %s", t) self._sock.send(packet) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Waiting for UNSUBACK...") while True: stamp = time.monotonic() op = self._wait_for_msg() if op == 176: rc = self._sock_exact_recv(3) assert rc[0] == 0x02 # [MQTT-3.32] assert rc[1] == packet_id_bytes[0] and rc[2] == packet_id_bytes[1] for t in topics: if self.on_unsubscribe is not None: self.on_unsubscribe(self, self._user_data, t, self._pid) self._subscribed_topics.remove(t) return if op is None: if time.monotonic() - stamp > self._recv_timeout: raise MMQTTException( f"No data received from broker for {self._recv_timeout} seconds." ) def reconnect(self, resub_topics=True): """Attempts to reconnect to the MQTT broker. :param bool resub_topics: Resubscribe to previously subscribed topics. """ if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Attempting to reconnect with MQTT broker") self.connect() if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Reconnected with broker") if resub_topics: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( "Attempting to resubscribe to previously subscribed topics." ) subscribed_topics = self._subscribed_topics.copy() self._subscribed_topics = [] while subscribed_topics: feed = subscribed_topics.pop() self.subscribe(feed) def loop(self, timeout=0): # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements """Non-blocking message loop. Use this method to check incoming subscription messages. Returns response codes of any messages received. :param int timeout: Socket timeout, in seconds. """ if self._timestamp == 0: self._timestamp = time.monotonic() current_time = time.monotonic() if current_time - self._timestamp >= self.keep_alive: self._timestamp = 0 # Handle KeepAlive by expecting a PINGREQ/PINGRESP from the server if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( "KeepAlive period elapsed - requesting a PINGRESP from the server..." ) rcs = self.ping() return rcs stamp = time.monotonic() self._sock.settimeout(timeout) rcs = [] while True: rc = self._wait_for_msg(timeout) if rc is None: break if time.monotonic() - stamp > self._recv_timeout: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( f"Loop timed out, message queue not empty after {self._recv_timeout}s" ) break rcs.append(rc) return rcs if rcs else None def _wait_for_msg(self, timeout=0.1): # pylint: disable = too-many-return-statements """Reads and processes network events.""" # CPython socket module contains a timeout attribute if hasattr(self._socket_pool, "timeout"): try: res = self._sock_exact_recv(1) except self._socket_pool.timeout: return None else: # socketpool, esp32spi try: res = self._sock_exact_recv(1) except OSError as error: if error.errno in (errno.ETIMEDOUT, errno.EAGAIN): # raised by a socket timeout if 0 bytes were present return None raise MMQTTException from error # Block while we parse the rest of the response self._sock.settimeout(timeout) if res in [None, b""]: # If we get here, it means that there is nothing to be received return None if res[0] == MQTT_PINGRESP: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Got PINGRESP") sz = self._sock_exact_recv(1)[0] if sz != 0x00: raise MMQTTException( "Unexpected PINGRESP returned from broker: {}.".format(sz) ) return MQTT_PINGRESP if res[0] & 0xF0 != 0x30: return res[0] sz = self._recv_len() # topic length MSB & LSB topic_len = self._sock_exact_recv(2) topic_len = (topic_len[0] << 8) | topic_len[1] topic = self._sock_exact_recv(topic_len) topic = str(topic, "utf-8") sz -= topic_len + 2 pid = 0 if res[0] & 0x06: pid = self._sock_exact_recv(2) pid = pid[0] << 0x08 | pid[1] sz -= 0x02 # read message contents raw_msg = self._sock_exact_recv(sz) msg = raw_msg if self._use_binary_mode else str(raw_msg, "utf-8") if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug( "Receiving SUBSCRIBE \nTopic: %s\nMsg: %s\n", topic, raw_msg ) self._handle_on_message(self, topic, msg) if res[0] & 0x06 == 0x02: pkt = bytearray(b"\x40\x02\0\0") struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 2, pid) self._sock.send(pkt) elif res[0] & 6 == 4: assert 0 return res[0] def _recv_len(self): """Unpack MQTT message length.""" n = 0 sh = 0 b = bytearray(1) while True: b = self._sock_exact_recv(1)[0] n |= (b & 0x7F) << sh if not b & 0x80: return n sh += 7 def _recv_into(self, buf, size=0): """Backwards-compatible _recv_into implementation.""" if self._backwards_compatible_sock: size = len(buf) if size == 0 else size b = self._sock.recv(size) read_size = len(b) buf[:read_size] = b return read_size return self._sock.recv_into(buf, size) def _sock_exact_recv(self, bufsize): """Reads _exact_ number of bytes from the connected socket. Will only return string with the exact number of bytes requested. The semantics of native socket receive is that it returns no more than the specified number of bytes (i.e. max size). However, it makes no guarantees in terms of the minimum size of the buffer, which could be 1 byte. This is a wrapper for socket recv() to ensure that no less than the expected number of bytes is returned or trigger a timeout exception. :param int bufsize: number of bytes to receive """ if not self._backwards_compatible_sock: # CPython/Socketpool Impl. rc = bytearray(bufsize) self._sock.recv_into(rc, bufsize) else: # ESP32SPI Impl. stamp = time.monotonic() read_timeout = self.keep_alive # This will timeout with socket timeout (not keepalive timeout) rc = self._sock.recv(bufsize) if not rc: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("_sock_exact_recv timeout") # If no bytes waiting, raise same exception as socketpool raise OSError(errno.ETIMEDOUT) # If any bytes waiting, try to read them all, # or raise exception if wait longer than read_timeout to_read = bufsize - len(rc) assert to_read >= 0 read_timeout = self.keep_alive while to_read > 0: recv = self._sock.recv(to_read) to_read -= len(recv) rc += recv if time.monotonic() - stamp > read_timeout: raise MMQTTException( "Unable to receive {} bytes within {} seconds.".format( to_read, read_timeout ) ) return rc def _send_str(self, string): """Encodes a string and sends it to a socket. :param str string: String to write to the socket. """ if isinstance(string, str): self._sock.send(struct.pack("!H", len(string.encode("utf-8")))) self._sock.send(str.encode(string, "utf-8")) else: self._sock.send(struct.pack("!H", len(string))) self._sock.send(string) @staticmethod def _valid_topic(topic): """Validates if topic provided is proper MQTT topic format. :param str topic: Topic identifier """ if topic is None: raise MMQTTException("Topic may not be NoneType") # [MQTT-4.7.3-1] if not topic: raise MMQTTException("Topic may not be empty.") # [MQTT-4.7.3-3] if len(topic.encode("utf-8")) > MQTT_TOPIC_LENGTH_LIMIT: raise MMQTTException("Topic length is too large.") @staticmethod def _valid_qos(qos_level): """Validates if the QoS level is supported by this library :param int qos_level: Desired QoS level. """ if isinstance(qos_level, int): if qos_level < 0 or qos_level > 2: raise MMQTTException("QoS must be between 1 and 2.") else: raise MMQTTException("QoS must be an integer.") def is_connected(self): """Returns MQTT client session status as True if connected, raises a `MMQTTException` if `False`. """ if self._sock is None or self._is_connected is False: raise MMQTTException("MiniMQTT is not connected.") return self._is_connected # Logging def enable_logger(self, logger, log_level=20): """Enables library logging provided a logger object. :param logger: A python logger pacakge. :param log_level: Numeric value of a logging level, defaults to INFO. """ self.logger = logger.getLogger("log") self.logger.setLevel(log_level) def disable_logger(self): """Disables logging.""" if not self.logger: raise MMQTTException("Can not disable logger, no logger found.") self.logger = None