#!/usr/bin/env bash # we need bash 4 for associative arrays if [ "${BASH_VERSION%%[^0-9]*}" -lt "4" ]; then echo "BASH VERSION < 4: ${BASH_VERSION}" >&2 exit 1 fi # associative array for the platforms that will be verified in build_main_platforms() # this will be eval'd in the functions below because arrays can't be exported # Uno is ATmega328, Zero is SAMD21G18, ESP8266, Leonardo is ATmega32u4, M4 is SAMD51, Mega is ATmega2560, ESP32 export MAIN_PLATFORMS='declare -A main_platforms=( [uno]="arduino:avr:uno" [zero]="arduino:samd:arduino_zero_native" [esp8266]="esp8266:esp8266:huzzah:eesz=4M3M,xtal=80" [leonardo]="arduino:avr:leonardo" [m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4:speed=120" [mega2560]="arduino:avr:mega:cpu=atmega2560" [esp32]="esp32:esp32:featheresp32:FlashFreq=80" )' # associative array for other platforms that can be called explicitly in .travis.yml configs # this will be eval'd in the functions below because arrays can't be exported export AUX_PLATFORMS='declare -A aux_platforms=( [trinket]="adafruit:avr:trinket5" [gemma]="arduino:avr:gemma" )' export CPLAY_PLATFORMS='declare -A cplay_platforms=( [cplayClassic]="arduino:avr:circuitplay32u4cat" [cplayExpress]="arduino:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0" [cplayExpressAda]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0" [cplayBluefruit]="adafruit:nrf52:cplaynrf52840:softdevice=s140v6,debug=l0" )' export SAMD_PLATFORMS='declare -A samd_platforms=( [zero]="arduino:samd:arduino_zero_native", [cplayExpress]="arduino:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0", [m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4:speed=120" )' export M4_PLATFORMS='declare -A m4_platforms=( [m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4:speed=120", [trellis_m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_trellis_m4:speed=120", [grand_central_m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_grand_central_m4:speed=120" )' export ARCADA_PLATFORMS='declare -A arcada_platforms=( [pybadge]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_pybadge_m4:speed=120", [pygamer]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_pygamer_m4:speed=120", [hallowing_m4]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_hallowing_m4:speed=120", [cplayExpressAda]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0" )' export IO_PLATFORMS='declare -A io_platforms=( [zero]="arduino:samd:arduino_zero_native", [m4wifi]="adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4_airliftlite:speed=120", [esp8266]="esp8266:esp8266:huzzah:eesz=4M3M,xtal=80" [esp32]="esp32:esp32:featheresp32:FlashFreq=80" )' export NRF5X_PLATFORMS='declare -A nrf5x_platforms=( [nrf52840]="adafruit:nrf52:feather52840:softdevice=s140v6,debug=l0")' # make display available for arduino CLI /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/custom_xvfb_1.pid --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :1 -ac -screen 0 1280x1024x16 sleep 3 export DISPLAY=:1.0 #This condition is to avoid reruning install when build argument is passed if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then # define colors GRAY='\033[1;30m'; RED='\033[0;31m'; LRED='\033[1;31m'; GREEN='\033[0;32m'; LGREEN='\033[1;32m'; ORANGE='\033[0;33m'; YELLOW='\033[1;33m'; BLUE='\033[0;34m'; LBLUE='\033[1;34m'; PURPLE='\033[0;35m'; LPURPLE='\033[1;35m'; CYAN='\033[0;36m'; LCYAN='\033[1;36m'; LGRAY='\033[0;37m'; WHITE='\033[1;37m'; echo -e "\n########################################################################"; echo -e "${YELLOW}INSTALLING ARDUINO IDE" echo "########################################################################"; # if .travis.yml does not set version if [ -z $ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION ]; then export ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION="1.8.11" echo "NOTE: YOUR .TRAVIS.YML DOES NOT SPECIFY ARDUINO IDE VERSION, USING $ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION" fi # if newer version is requested if [ ! -f $HOME/arduino_ide/$ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION ] && [ -f $HOME/arduino_ide/arduino ]; then echo -n "DIFFERENT VERSION OF ARDUINO IDE REQUESTED: " shopt -s extglob cd $HOME/arduino_ide/ rm -rf * if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi cd $OLDPWD fi # if not already cached, download and install arduino IDE echo -n "ARDUINO IDE STATUS: " if [ ! -f $HOME/arduino_ide/arduino ]; then echo -n "DOWNLOADING: " wget --quiet https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-$ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION-linux64.tar.xz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi echo -n "UNPACKING ARDUINO IDE: " [ ! -d $HOME/arduino_ide/ ] && mkdir $HOME/arduino_ide tar xf arduino-$ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION-linux64.tar.xz -C $HOME/arduino_ide/ --strip-components=1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi touch $HOME/arduino_ide/$ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION else echo -n "CACHED: " echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93" fi # define output directory for .hex files export ARDUINO_HEX_DIR=arduino_build_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER # link test library folder to the arduino libraries folder ln -s $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR $HOME/arduino_ide/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library # add the arduino CLI to our PATH export PATH="$HOME/arduino_ide:$PATH" echo -e "\n########################################################################"; echo -e "${YELLOW}INSTALLING DEPENDENCIES" echo "########################################################################"; # install dependancy libraries in library.properties grep "depends=" $HOME/arduino_ide/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library/library.properties | sed 's/depends=//' | sed -n 1'p' | tr ',' '\n' | while read word; do arduino --install-library "$word"; done # install the zero, esp8266, and adafruit board packages echo -n "ADD PACKAGE INDEX: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --pref "boardsmanager.additional.urls=https://adafruit.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_adafruit_index.json,http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json,https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json" --save-prefs 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi # This is a hack, we have to install by hand so lets delete it echo "Removing ESP32 cache" rm -rf ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32 echo -n "Current packages list:" [ -d ~/.arduino15/packages/ ] && ls ~/.arduino15/packages/ INSTALL_ESP32=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"esp32"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) INSTALL_ZERO=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"zero"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) INSTALL_ESP8266=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"esp8266"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) INSTALL_AVR=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"avr"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) INSTALL_SAMD=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"samd"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) INSTALL_NRF52=$([[ $INSTALL_PLATFORMS == *"nrf52"* || -z "$INSTALL_PLATFORMS" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0) if [[ $INSTALL_ESP32 == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ESP32: " pip install pyserial DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards esp32:esp32 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi if [[ $INSTALL_ZERO == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ZERO: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards arduino:samd 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi if [[ $INSTALL_ESP8266 == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ESP8266: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards esp8266:esp8266 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi if [[ $INSTALL_AVR == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ADAFRUIT AVR: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards adafruit:avr 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi if [[ $INSTALL_SAMD == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ADAFRUIT SAMD: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards adafruit:samd 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi if [[ $INSTALL_NRF52 == 1 ]]; then echo -n "ADAFRUIT NRF5X: " pip install wheel pip install setuptools pip install adafruit-nrfutil pip install pyserial DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-boards adafruit:nrf52 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\xe2\x9c\x96 OR CACHED"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi fi # install random lib so the arduino IDE grabs a new library index # see: https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/issues/3535 echo -n "UPDATE LIBRARY INDEX: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --install-library USBHost > /dev/null 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi # set the maximal compiler warning level echo -n "SET BUILD PREFERENCES: " DEPENDENCY_OUTPUT=$(arduino --pref "compiler.warning_level=all" --save-prefs 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96"; else echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93"; fi # init the json temp var for the current platform export PLATFORM_JSON="" # init test stats counters export PASS_COUNT=0 export SKIP_COUNT=0 export FAIL_COUNT=0 export PDE_COUNT=0 # close if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then fi # build all of the examples for the passed platform #Sourcing and defining functions function build_platform() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $MAIN_PLATFORMS eval $AUX_PLATFORMS eval $CPLAY_PLATFORMS eval $M4_PLATFORMS eval $ARCADA_PLATFORMS eval $IO_PLATFORMS eval $NRF5X_PLATFORMS # reset platform json var PLATFORM_JSON="" # expects argument 1 to be the platform key local platform_key=$1 # placeholder for platform local platform="" # track the exit code for this platform local exit_code=0 # grab all pde and ino example sketches declare -a examples if [ "$PLATFORM_CHECK_ONLY_ON_FILE" = true ]; then # loop through results and add them to the array examples=($( for f in $(find . -type f -iname '*.ino' -o -iname '*.pde'); do # TODO: distinguish platforms if [ -e "$(dirname $f)/.$platform_key.test" ]; then echo "$f" fi done )) else # loop through results and add them to the array examples=($(find $PWD -name "*.pde" -o -name "*.ino")) fi # get the last example in the array local last="${examples[@]:(-1)}" # grab the platform info from array or bail if invalid if [[ ${main_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${main_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${aux_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${aux_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${cplay_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${cplay_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${m4_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${m4_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${arcada_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${arcada_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${io_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${io_platforms[$platform_key]} elif [[ ${nrf5x_platforms[$platform_key]} ]]; then platform=${nrf5x_platforms[$platform_key]} else echo "NON-STANDARD PLATFORM KEY: $platform_key" platform=$platform_key fi echo -e "\n########################################################################"; echo -e -n "${YELLOW}SWITCHING TO ${platform_key}: " # switch to the requested board. # we have to avoid reading the exit code of local: # "when declaring a local variable in a function, the local acts as a command in its own right" local platform_stdout platform_stdout=$(arduino --board $platform --save-prefs 2>&1) # grab the exit status of the arduino board change local platform_switch=$? # notify if the platform switch failed if [ $platform_switch -ne 0 ]; then # heavy X echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96" echo -e "arduino --board ${platform} --save-prefs 2>&1" echo $platform_stdout exit_code=1 else # heavy checkmark echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93" fi echo "########################################################################"; # loop through example sketches for example in "${examples[@]}"; do # store the full path to the example's sketch directory local example_dir=$(dirname $example) # store the filename for the example without the path local example_file=$(basename $example) # is this the last example in the loop local last_example=0 if [ "$last" == "$example" ]; then last_example=1 fi echo -n "$example_file: " # continue to next example if platform switch failed if [ $platform_switch -ne 0 ]; then # heavy X echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch 0 $example_file $last_example)" # increment fails FAIL_COUNT=$((FAIL_COUNT + 1)) # mark fail exit_code=1 continue fi # ignore this example if there is an all platform skip if [[ -f "${example_dir}/.test.skip" ]]; then # right arrow echo -e "\xe2\x9e\x9e" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch -1 $example_file $last_example)" # increment skips SKIP_COUNT=$((SKIP_COUNT + 1)) continue fi # ignore this example if there is a skip file preset for this specific platform if [[ -f "${example_dir}/.${platform_key}.test.skip" ]]; then # right arrow echo -e "\xe2\x9e\x9e" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch -1 $example_file $last_example)" # increment skips SKIP_COUNT=$((SKIP_COUNT + 1)) continue fi # make sure that all examples are .ino files if [[ $example =~ \.pde$ ]]; then # heavy X echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96" echo -e "-------------------------- DEBUG OUTPUT --------------------------\n" echo "${LRED}PDE EXTENSION. PLEASE UPDATE TO INO" echo -e "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch 0 $example_file $last_example)" # increment fails FAIL_COUNT=$((FAIL_COUNT + 1)) # mark as fail exit_code=1 continue fi # get the sketch name so we can place the generated files in the respective folder local sketch_filename_with_ending=$(basename -- "$example") local sketch_filename="${sketch_filename_with_ending%.*}" local build_path=$ARDUINO_HEX_DIR/$platform_key/$sketch_filename # verify the example, and save stdout & stderr to a variable # we have to avoid reading the exit code of local: # "when declaring a local variable in a function, the local acts as a command in its own right" local build_stdout build_stdout=$(arduino --verify --pref build.path=$build_path --preserve-temp-files $example 2>&1) # echo output if the build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # heavy X echo -e """$RED""\xe2\x9c\x96" echo -e "----------------------------- DEBUG OUTPUT -----------------------------\n" echo "$build_stdout" echo -e "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch 0 $example_file $last_example)" # increment fails FAIL_COUNT=$((FAIL_COUNT + 1)) # mark as fail exit_code=1 else # heavy checkmark echo -e """$GREEN""\xe2\x9c\x93" # add json PLATFORM_JSON="${PLATFORM_JSON}$(json_sketch 1 "$example_file" $last_example)" # increment passes PASS_COUNT=$((PASS_COUNT + 1)) fi done return $exit_code } # build all examples for every platform in $MAIN_PLATFORMS function build_main_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $MAIN_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${main_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!main_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${main_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } # build all examples for every platform in $AUX_PLATFORMS function build_aux_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $AUX_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${aux_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!aux_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${aux_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_cplay_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $CPLAY_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${cplay_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!cplay_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${cplay_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_samd_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $SAMD_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${samd_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!samd_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${samd_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_m4_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $M4_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${m4_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!m4_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${m4_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_io_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $IO_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${io_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!io_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${io_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_arcada_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $ARCADA_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${arcada_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!arcada_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${arcada_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } function build_nrf5x_platforms() { # arrays can't be exported, so we have to eval eval $NRF5X_PLATFORMS # track the build status all platforms local exit_code=0 # var to hold platforms local platforms_json="" # get the last element in the array local last="${nrf5x_platforms[@]:(-1)}" # loop through platforms in main platforms assoc array for p_key in "${!nrf5x_platforms[@]}"; do # is this the last platform in the loop local last_platform=0 if [ "$last" == "${nrf5x_platforms[$p_key]}" ]; then last_platform=1 fi # build all examples for this platform build_platform $p_key # check if build failed if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 0 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" exit_code=1 else platforms_json="${platforms_json}$(json_platform $p_key 1 "$PLATFORM_JSON" $last_platform)" fi done # exit code is opposite of json build status if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then json_main_platforms 1 "$platforms_json" else json_main_platforms 0 "$platforms_json" fi return $exit_code } # generate json string for a sketch function json_sketch() { # -1: skipped, 0: failed, 1: passed local status_number=$1 # the filename of the sketch local sketch=$2 # is this the last sketch for this platform? 0: no, 1: yes local last_sketch=$3 # echo out the json echo -n "\"$sketch\": $status_number" # echo a comma unless this is the last sketch for the platform if [ $last_sketch -ne 1 ]; then echo -n ", " fi } # generate json string for a platform function json_platform() { # the platform key from main platforms or aux platforms local platform_key=$1 # 0: failed, 1: passed local status_number=$2 # the json string for the verified sketches local sketch_json=$3 # is this the last platform we are building? 0: no, 1: yes local last_platform=$4 echo -n "\"$platform_key\": { \"status\": $status_number, \"builds\": { $sketch_json } }" # echo a comma unless this is the last sketch for the platform if [ $last_platform -ne 1 ]; then echo -n ", " fi } # generate final json string function json_main_platforms() { # 0: failed, 1: passed local status_number=$1 # the json string for the main platforms local platforms_json=$2 local repo=$(git config --get remote.origin.url) echo -e "\n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| JSON STATUS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" echo -n "{ \"repo\": \"$repo\", " echo -n "\"status\": $status_number, " echo -n "\"passed\": $PASS_COUNT, " echo -n "\"skipped\": $SKIP_COUNT, " echo -n "\"failed\": $FAIL_COUNT, " echo "\"platforms\": { $platforms_json } }" echo -e "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| JSON STATUS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n" } #If there is an argument if [[ ! $# -eq 0 ]] ; then # define output directory for .hex files export ARDUINO_HEX_DIR=arduino_build_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER # link test library folder to the arduino libraries folder ln -s $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR $HOME/arduino_ide/libraries/Adafruit_Test_Library # add the arduino CLI to our PATH export PATH="$HOME/arduino_ide:$PATH" "$@" fi