(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.4' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 143094, 3810] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 141099, 3743] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 141442, 3758] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 141399, 3755] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Crowd Escape Panic Model", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600831050974*^9, 3.7766008318453026`*^9}, { 3.776716385892248*^9, 3.7767163898738484`*^9}, {3.776716551386162*^9, 3.7767165575816903`*^9}, {3.776716932379567*^9, 3.7767169360051517`*^9}}], Cell["Adam Rumpf, 5/1/2018", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008347881403`*^9, 3.776600838290375*^9}, { 3.7767164096961517`*^9, 3.7767164112664833`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introduction", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008459498987`*^9, 3.776600848547045*^9}}], Cell["Based on the following paper:", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600856235587*^9, 3.776600860481224*^9}, { 3.776717137261506*^9, 3.7767171483543005`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "D. Helbing, I. Farkas, and T. Vicsek. Simulating dynamical features of \ escape panic. ", StyleBox["Nature", FontSlant->"Italic"], ", 407:487\[LongDash]490, 2000." }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600856235587*^9, 3.776600860481224*^9}, { 3.776717137261506*^9, 3.776717152796668*^9}}], Cell["\<\ The paper describes a dynamical systems model (see below for a full \ definition) for crowds of people running to an exit. The model consists of a \ system of ODEs based on the forces of people acting on each other. This \ program solves the ODEs using forward Euler\[CloseCurlyQuote]s method.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776717166514436*^9, 3.776717167632295*^9}, { 3.7767197161509967`*^9, 3.776719813705699*^9}, {3.77672033530317*^9, 3.7767203497579947`*^9}}], Cell["\<\ This demonstration consists mostly of a single Manipulate environment to \ produce an animation of a crowd attempting to escape a building. People are \ represented as randomly-sized dots. The color of the dot represents the \ amount of crush force experienced, with redder color indicating more force, \ which a planner would ideally like to avoid since this can lead to injury. A \ time series is also displayed in the lower right corner, with the green \ series indicating number of successful escapes (which occurs when a dot \ crosses the threshold of the exit) and the red series indicating total force.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776719828336033*^9, 3.7767199711270523`*^9}}], Cell["\<\ There are also controls to change the layout of the room and the size and \ behavior of the people. Due to the computational intensity of this program \ changes are not applied in real time, and are instead applied by pressing the \ \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]apply changes\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] button, at which \ point the simulation will restart with the new parameters. Before applying \ the changes, the prospective layout is drawn over the current layout in a \ gray outline. This button can also be pressed even without applying changes \ simply to randomly restart the simulation with different starting positions.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767199785696683`*^9, 3.776720048478415*^9}, { 3.776720086455348*^9, 3.776720145692374*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["ODE Model", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767171834275007`*^9, 3.776717186634338*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Notation", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776717255983509*^9, 3.7767172568825264`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], " = time\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["N", TraditionalForm]]], " = number of pedestrians\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["m", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], " = mass of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "0"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = desired speed of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["e", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "0"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = desired direction of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = actual velocity of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["\[Tau]", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], " = characteristic time for pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " (time taken for actual velocity to match desired velocity)\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["W", TraditionalForm]]], " = set of walls\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " = interaction force between pedestrians ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"], TraditionalForm]]], " = interaction foroce between pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and wall ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["W", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "(", "t", ")"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = position of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["A", "i"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "i"]}], TraditionalForm]]], " = constants describing the repulsive interaction force acting on \ pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["d", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " = distance between pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "\[CloseCurlyQuote]s centers of mass\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["d", "iW"], TraditionalForm]]], " = distance between pedestrain ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and wall ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["W", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], "=", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["n", "ij"], "1"], ",", SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["n", "ij"], "2"]}], ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], " = normalized vector pointing from pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], " to ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"], TraditionalForm]]], " = direction perpendicular to wall ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["W", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], TraditionalForm]]], " = radius of pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " = sum of radii of pedestrians ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"k", ",", "\[Kappa]"}], TraditionalForm]]], " = large constants that control body force and sliding friction, \ respectively\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " = tangential direction between pedestrians ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"], TraditionalForm]]], " = direction tangential to wall ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["W", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalDelta]v", "ij"], "t"], TraditionalForm]]], " = difference in tangential velocities of pedestrians ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"g", "(", "x", ")"}], "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{GridBox[{ {"0", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"if", " ", "x"}], "<", "0"}]}, {"x", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"if", " ", "x"}], "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"}]} }], "=", RowBox[{"max", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "x"}], "}"}]}]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], " = function to zero out negative arguments" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767171907543736`*^9, 3.776717249892484*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Estimated Parameters", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776717291936208*^9, 3.776717297689221*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["m", "i"], "=", RowBox[{"80", "kg"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "0"], "=", RowBox[{"1", FractionBox["m", "s"]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], " , which corresponds to the paper\[CloseCurlyQuote]s \ \[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]normal\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] conditions\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["\[Tau]", "i"], "=", RowBox[{"0.5", "s"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["A", "i"], "=", RowBox[{"2", "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["10", "3"], "N"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["B", "i"], "=", RowBox[{"0.08", "m"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"k", "=", RowBox[{"1.2", "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["10", "5"], FractionBox["kg", SuperscriptBox["s", "2"]]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"\[Kappa]", "=", RowBox[{"2.4", "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["10", "5"], FractionBox["kg", RowBox[{"m", " ", "s"}]]}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "\n", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"2", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "~", RowBox[{"U", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"0.5", "m"}], ",", RowBox[{"0.7", "m"}]}], "]"}]}]}], TraditionalForm]]] }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767173053782897`*^9, 3.7767173428142323`*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Model Definition", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776717265068303*^9, 3.776717272637017*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "The change in pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], "\[CloseCurlyQuote]s velocity at time ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], " is given by the acceleration equation" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717401793109*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["m", "i"], FractionBox[ RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"]}], RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", "t"}]]}], "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["m", "i"], FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["v", "i"], "0"], RowBox[{"(", "t", ")"}], " ", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["e", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "0"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], "-", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], SubscriptBox["\[Tau]", "i"]]}], "+", RowBox[{ UnderscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[{"j", "(", RowBox[{"\[NotEqual]", "i"}], ")"}]], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}], "+", RowBox[{ UnderscriptBox["\[Sum]", "W"], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717420150271*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "Velocity is change in position, so by definition ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "i"]}], RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", "t"}]], "=", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "(", "t", ")"}]}], TraditionalForm]]], "." }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717450738205*^9}, { 3.776719148617407*^9, 3.7767191506667504`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "The repulsive interaction force between ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], " is" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717472722627*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["A", "i"], RowBox[{"exp", "(", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], SubscriptBox["B", "i"]], ")"}], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}], TraditionalForm]], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.7767174700431833`*^9}}], Cell["Some other simple definitional constraints include", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.77671748395348*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["d", "ij"], "=", RowBox[{"\[LeftDoubleBracketingBar]", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "-", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "j"]}], "\[RightDoubleBracketingBar]"}]}], TraditionalForm], "\n", FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], "=", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "-", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["r", "\[RightVector]"], "j"]}], SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]]}], TraditionalForm], "\n", FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "=", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "+", SubscriptBox["r", "j"]}]}], TraditionalForm]}], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.7767175006033335`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "Pedestrians touch each other whenever their distance ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["d", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], " is less than their combined radii ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], TraditionalForm]]], ". In this case, two additional forces take effect. Body force counteracts \ body compression, and sliding friction impedes relative tangental motion. \ They are given, respectively, by" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.7767175064492064`*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"k", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], ")"}], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}], TraditionalForm], "\n", FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Kappa]", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], ")"}], SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalDelta]v", "ji"], "t"], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}], TraditionalForm]}], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717519142268*^9}}], Cell["\<\ The tangential direction and tangnetial velocity differences are given, \ respectively, by\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717524388327*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[{ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], "=", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["n", "ij"], "2"]}], ",", SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["n", "ij"], "1"]}], ")"}]}], TraditionalForm], "\n", FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalDelta]v", "ij"], "t"], "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "j"], "-", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"]}], ")"}], "\[CenterDot]", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}]}], TraditionalForm]}], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717535569138*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "Combining all of the forces, we can define the interaction force between \ pedestrians ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["j", TraditionalForm]]], " as" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717541801302*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"], "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["A", "i"], RowBox[{"exp", "(", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], SubscriptBox["B", "i"]], ")"}]}], "+", RowBox[{"k", " ", RowBox[{"g", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Kappa]", " ", RowBox[{"g", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "ij"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "ij"]}], ")"}], SuperscriptBox[ SubscriptBox["\[CapitalDelta]v", "ji"], "t"], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "ij"]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717554097148*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "and between pedestrian ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["i", TraditionalForm]]], " and a wall it is" }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.7767175595062294`*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["f", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"], "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["A", "i"], RowBox[{"exp", "(", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "iW"]}], SubscriptBox["B", "i"]], ")"}]}], "+", RowBox[{"k", " ", RowBox[{"g", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "iW"]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["n", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"]}], "-", RowBox[{"\[Kappa]", " ", RowBox[{"g", "(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox["r", "i"], "-", SubscriptBox["d", "iW"]}], ")"}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["v", "\[RightVector]"], "i"], "\[CenterDot]", SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"]}], ")"}], SubscriptBox[ OverscriptBox["t", "\[RightVector]"], "iW"]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]], "DisplayFormula", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767172377664404`*^9, {3.776717397554256*^9, 3.776717568888282*^9}}] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Code", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600864408964*^9, 3.7766008650447807`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Initialization", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600871130811*^9, 3.776600873087188*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(*", " ", "constants", " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "v0", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "Np", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "bb", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "par1", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "par2", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "W", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "Wg", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "lo", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "Ap", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "Aw", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "door", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "\[Kappa]", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"m", "=", "80.0"}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{"pedestrian", " ", "mass"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"v0", "=", "1.0"}], ";", " ", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{"desired", " ", "pedestrian", " ", "velocity"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "=", "0.5"}], ";", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{ "time", " ", "to", " ", "acquire", " ", "desired", " ", "velocity"}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Ap", "=", RowBox[{"2.0", "*", SuperscriptBox["10", "3"]}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Aw", "=", 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