(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.4' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 68158, 1663] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 66693, 1607] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 67037, 1622] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 66994, 1619] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Domino and Tromino Tilings", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600831050974*^9, 3.7766008318453026`*^9}, { 3.776603732985325*^9, 3.7766037370460243`*^9}}], Cell["Adam Rumpf, 10/16/2017", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008347881403`*^9, 3.776600838290375*^9}, { 3.7766037429321527`*^9, 3.7766037447040315`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introduction", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008459498987`*^9, 3.776600848547045*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "If a single square is removed from a ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["2", "n"], "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["2", "n"]}], TraditionalForm]], "InlineMath"], " chess board, then it is always possible to tile the remaining squares \ using L-shaped trominos. Likewise, if two opposite-colored squares are \ removed, then it is always possible to tile the remaining squares using \ standard dominos. This program generates tromino and domino tilings for chess \ boards of various sizes, with controls to select the type of tile used, the \ size of the board, and the location(s) of the blank square(s)." }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600856235587*^9, 3.776600860481224*^9}, 3.7766038551799235`*^9, {3.776603893760318*^9, 3.776603911709834*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "The tromino tiling algorithm is recursive, and is based on the inductive \ proof of the existence of the tiling. Given a ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["2", "n"], "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["2", "n"]}], TraditionalForm]], "InlineMath"], " board missing one square, we can divide it into four ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["2", RowBox[{"n", "-", "1"}]], "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["2", RowBox[{"n", "-", "1"}]]}], TraditionalForm]], "InlineMath"], " boards, exactly one of which is missing a square. From the remaining three \ we remove the corner at the center of the board. This results in four ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["2", RowBox[{"n", "-", "1"}]], "\[Times]", SuperscriptBox["2", RowBox[{"n", "-", "1"}]]}], TraditionalForm]], "InlineMath"], " boards, each missing a square. Three of these missing squares are located \ at the center of the board, and can easily be tiled by a single L-shaped \ tromino. To tile the rest of the sub-boards, we recursively apply the process \ until reaching the base case of a ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"2", "\[Times]", "2"}], TraditionalForm]], "InlineMath"], " board missing a square, which can obviously be tiled by a single L-shaped \ tromino." }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.776603876939519*^9, {3.776603918715714*^9, 3.776603955197132*^9}}], Cell["\<\ The domino tiling algorithm is also based on the proof of the existence of \ the tiling. We begin by finding a Hamiltonian cycle on the original board. \ Removing two squares cuts this cycle into one or two paths. The tiling can be \ generated by laying down dominos in line with the path(s). Note that it is \ only possible to complete this domino tiling if the removed squares are \ opposite colors. This is because each domino must cover one black square and \ one white square, so any tileable board must have the same number of each \ color square.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.776603884010332*^9, {3.7766039692203283`*^9, 3.776603971719529*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Code", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600864408964*^9, 3.7766008650447807`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Initialization", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600871130811*^9, 3.776600873087188*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Given", " ", "n", " ", "and", " ", "a", " ", "coordinate"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ "find", " ", "a", " ", "tiling", " ", "of", " ", "the", " ", "remaining", " ", "grid", " ", "using", " ", "L"}], "-", RowBox[{"shaped", " ", RowBox[{"triominoes", ".", " ", "The"}], " ", "output", " ", "is", " ", "an", " ", "array", " ", "of", " ", "real", " ", "numbers"}]}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ "where", " ", "cells", " ", "with", " ", "the", " 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"1"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "]"}]}], "}"}], "]"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "type", "]"}]}], "]"}], ",", "\"\<\>\"", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", SuperscriptBox["2", "3"], ",", "\"\\""}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["2", "k"], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"k", ",", "1", ",", "5"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", "\"\<\>\"", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Button", "[", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", RowBox[{"pal", "=", RowBox[{"RandomInteger", "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "10000"}], "}"}], "]"}]}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"ControlPlacement", "\[Rule]", "Left"}], ",", RowBox[{"SaveDefinitions", "\[Rule]", "True"}], ",", RowBox[{"TrackedSymbols", "\[RuleDelayed]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"type", ",", "x1", ",", "x2", ",", "n", ",", "pal"}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7171721688879395`*^9, 3.7171721792125983`*^9}, { 3.717172698715872*^9, 3.7171727088142433`*^9}, 3.717172891914034*^9, { 3.7171759307875676`*^9, 3.717175966365285*^9}, {3.7171761797486963`*^9, 3.717176195531271*^9}, {3.718461319520712*^9, 3.718461366392865*^9}, { 3.718462169982263*^9, 3.718462176787395*^9}, {3.718462225073571*^9, 3.7184622354464073`*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`n$$ = 8, $CellContext`type$$ = 2, $CellContext`x1$$ = {1, 9.}, $CellContext`x2$$ = {3.8000000000000003`, 4.7}, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`type$$], 3, "tile type"}, { 3 -> "triominoes", 2 -> "dominoes"}}, { Hold[""], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`x1$$], {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, "blanks"}, {1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}]}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`x1$$], {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, "blanks"}, {1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}]}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`x2$$], {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, ""}, {1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}]}, { Hold[ PaneSelector[{3 -> Row[{ Manipulate`Place[1]}], 2 -> Row[{ Manipulate`Place[2], "", Manipulate`Place[3]}]}, Dynamic[$CellContext`type$$]]], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}, { Hold[""], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`n$$], 8, "board width"}, {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}}, { Hold[""], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}, { Hold[ Button[ "randomize colors", $CellContext`pal = RandomInteger[{1, 10000}]]], Manipulate`Dump`ThisIsNotAControl}}, Typeset`size$$ = { 345., {170., 174.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = False, $CellContext`type$1179$$ = False, $CellContext`x1$1180$$ = 0, $CellContext`x2$1181$$ = 0, $CellContext`n$1182$$ = 0}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 2, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`n$$ = 8, $CellContext`type$$ = 3, $CellContext`x1$$ = { 1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, $CellContext`x2$$ = { 1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`type$$, $CellContext`type$1179$$, False], Hold[$CellContext`x1$$, $CellContext`x1$1180$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`x2$$, $CellContext`x2$1181$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`n$$, $CellContext`n$1182$$, 0]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> Module[{$CellContext`pt1$, $CellContext`pt2$, $CellContext`mat$, \ $CellContext`black$, $CellContext`white$}, $CellContext`black$ = Flatten[ Table[{$CellContext`i, 2 $CellContext`j - Mod[$CellContext`i + 1, 2]}, {$CellContext`j, 1, $CellContext`n$$/2}, {$CellContext`i, 1, $CellContext`n$$}], 1]; $CellContext`white$ = Flatten[ Table[{$CellContext`i, 2 $CellContext`j - Mod[$CellContext`i, 2]}, {$CellContext`j, 1, $CellContext`n$$/ 2}, {$CellContext`i, 1, $CellContext`n$$}], 1]; If[$CellContext`type$$ == 3, $CellContext`pt1$ = { Min[ Floor[ Part[$CellContext`x1$$, 1]], $CellContext`n$$], Min[ Floor[ Part[$CellContext`x1$$, 2]], $CellContext`n$$]}; $CellContext`mat$ = Reverse[ Transpose[ $CellContext`tmat[ Log[ 2, $CellContext`n$$], $CellContext`pt1$]]], $CellContext`pt1$ = Part[ Nearest[$CellContext`black$, $CellContext`x1$$], 1]; $CellContext`pt2$ = Part[ Nearest[$CellContext`white$, $CellContext`x2$$], 1]; $CellContext`mat$ = Reverse[ Transpose[ $CellContext`dmat[ Log[ 2, $CellContext`n$$], $CellContext`pt1$, $CellContext`pt2$]]]; Null]; $CellContext`cpainter[$CellContext`mat$, $CellContext`pal]], "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`type$$, 3, "tile type"}, { 3 -> "triominoes", 2 -> "dominoes"}, ControlType -> RadioButton}, "", {{$CellContext`x1$$, {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, "blanks"}, {1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}], ControlPlacement -> 1}, {{$CellContext`x1$$, {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, "blanks"}, { 1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}], ControlPlacement -> 2}, {{$CellContext`x2$$, {1.5, 0.5 + $CellContext`n$$}, ""}, {1, 1}, Dynamic[{$CellContext`n$$ + 1, $CellContext`n$$ + 1}], ControlPlacement -> 3}, PaneSelector[{3 -> Row[{ Manipulate`Place[1]}], 2 -> Row[{ Manipulate`Place[2], "", Manipulate`Place[3]}]}, Dynamic[$CellContext`type$$]], "", {{$CellContext`n$$, 8, "board width"}, {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}}, "", Button[ "randomize colors", $CellContext`pal = RandomInteger[{1, 10000}]]}, "Options" :> { ControlPlacement -> Left, TrackedSymbols :> {$CellContext`type$$, $CellContext`x1$$, \ $CellContext`x2$$, $CellContext`n$$, $CellContext`pal}}, "DefaultOptions" :> {}], ImageSizeCache->{616., {208., 214.}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>({$CellContext`i = 3, $CellContext`j = 3, $CellContext`tmat[ Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]], Optional[ Pattern[$CellContext`p, Blank[]], {0, 0}]] := Module[{$CellContext`pos = Round[$CellContext`p], $CellContext`grid = ConstantArray[ 1, {2^$CellContext`n, 2^$CellContext`n}], $CellContext`squares = {}}, If[ Or[ Min[$CellContext`pos] < 1, Max[$CellContext`pos] > 2^$CellContext`n], $CellContext`pos = RandomInteger[{1, 2^$CellContext`n}, 2]; Null]; Part[$CellContext`grid, Part[$CellContext`pos, 1], Part[$CellContext`pos, 2]] = 0; $CellContext`grid = $CellContext`tsub[$CellContext`grid]; \ $CellContext`grid], $CellContext`tsub[ Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`mat = $CellContext`m, $CellContext`s = Length[$CellContext`m], $CellContext`tl, $CellContext`tr, \ $CellContext`bl, $CellContext`br, $CellContext`num = RandomReal[]}, If[$CellContext`s <= 2, For[$CellContext`i = 1, $CellContext`i <= 2, Increment[$CellContext`i], For[$CellContext`j = 1, $CellContext`j <= 2, Increment[$CellContext`j], If[Part[$CellContext`mat, $CellContext`i, $CellContext`j] == 1, Part[$CellContext`mat, $CellContext`i, $CellContext`j] = \ $CellContext`num; Null]; Null]; Null]; Null, $CellContext`tl = Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[1, $CellContext`s/2], Span[1, $CellContext`s/2]]; $CellContext`tr = Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[1, $CellContext`s/2], Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s]]; $CellContext`bl = Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s], Span[1, $CellContext`s/2]]; $CellContext`br = Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s], Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s]]; If[Count[ Flatten[$CellContext`tl], 1] == ($CellContext`s/2)^2, Part[$CellContext`tl, $CellContext`s/2, $CellContext`s/ 2] = $CellContext`num; Null]; If[Count[ Flatten[$CellContext`tr], 1] == ($CellContext`s/2)^2, Part[$CellContext`tr, $CellContext`s/2, 1] = $CellContext`num; Null]; If[Count[ Flatten[$CellContext`bl], 1] == ($CellContext`s/2)^2, Part[$CellContext`bl, 1, $CellContext`s/2] = $CellContext`num; Null]; If[Count[ Flatten[$CellContext`br], 1] == ($CellContext`s/2)^2, Part[$CellContext`br, 1, 1] = $CellContext`num; Null]; $CellContext`tl = $CellContext`tsub[$CellContext`tl]; \ $CellContext`tr = $CellContext`tsub[$CellContext`tr]; $CellContext`bl = \ $CellContext`tsub[$CellContext`bl]; $CellContext`br = \ $CellContext`tsub[$CellContext`br]; Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[1, $CellContext`s/2], Span[1, $CellContext`s/2]] = $CellContext`tl; Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[1, $CellContext`s/2], Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s]] = $CellContext`tr; Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s], Span[1, $CellContext`s/2]] = $CellContext`bl; Part[$CellContext`mat, Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s], Span[$CellContext`s/2 + 1, $CellContext`s]] = $CellContext`br; Null]; $CellContext`mat], $CellContext`dmat[ Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]], Optional[ Pattern[$CellContext`p1, Blank[]], {1, 1}], Optional[ Pattern[$CellContext`p2, Blank[]], {1, 2}]] := Module[{$CellContext`g, $CellContext`gc, $CellContext`cc, \ $CellContext`start, $CellContext`chain, $CellContext`mat = ConstantArray[ 0, {2^$CellContext`n, 2^$CellContext`n}]}, $CellContext`g = VertexDelete[ Graph[ $CellContext`cyclegraph[$CellContext`n]], {$CellContext`p1, \ $CellContext`p2}]; $CellContext`cc = ConnectedComponents[$CellContext`g]; $CellContext`gc = Table[ Subgraph[$CellContext`g, Part[$CellContext`cc, $CellContext`k]], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`cc]}]; If[Length[$CellContext`gc] == 2, $CellContext`start = { Part[ $CellContext`findleaves[ Part[$CellContext`gc, 1]], 1], Part[ $CellContext`findleaves[ Part[$CellContext`gc, 2]], 1]}, $CellContext`start = { Part[ $CellContext`findleaves[ Part[$CellContext`gc, 1]], 1]}; Null]; Do[$CellContext`chain = $CellContext`dfs[ Part[$CellContext`gc, $CellContext`i], Part[$CellContext`start, $CellContext`i]]; Do[Part[$CellContext`mat, Part[$CellContext`chain, $CellContext`j, 1], Part[$CellContext`chain, $CellContext`j, 2]] = ( Part[$CellContext`mat, Part[$CellContext`chain, $CellContext`j + 1, 1], Part[$CellContext`chain, $CellContext`j + 1, 2]] = RandomReal[]), {$CellContext`j, 1, Length[$CellContext`chain] - 1, 2}], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`start]}]; $CellContext`mat], \ $CellContext`cyclegraph[ Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`e = {}}, $CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{$CellContext`i, 1}, {$CellContext`i + 1, 1}], {$CellContext`i, 1, 2^$CellContext`n - 1}]]; $CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{2^$CellContext`n, $CellContext`j}, { 2^$CellContext`n, $CellContext`j + 1}], {$CellContext`j, 1, 2^$CellContext`n - 1}]]; $CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{$CellContext`i, 2^$CellContext`n}, {$CellContext`i - 1, 2^$CellContext`n}], {$CellContext`i, 2^$CellContext`n, 2, -1}]]; Do[$CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{$CellContext`i, $CellContext`j}, \ {$CellContext`i + 1, $CellContext`j}], {$CellContext`i, 1, 2^$CellContext`n - 2}]], {$CellContext`j, 2, 2^$CellContext`n - 1}]; $CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{1, $CellContext`j}, { 1, $CellContext`j + 1}], {$CellContext`j, 1, 2^$CellContext`n - 1, 2}]]; $CellContext`e = Join[$CellContext`e, Table[ UndirectedEdge[{2^$CellContext`n - 1, $CellContext`j}, { 2^$CellContext`n - 1, $CellContext`j + 1}], {$CellContext`j, 2, 2^$CellContext`n - 2, 2}]]; $CellContext`e], $CellContext`findleaves[ Pattern[$CellContext`g, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`v, $CellContext`leaf = {}}, $CellContext`v = VertexList[$CellContext`g]; Do[ If[VertexDegree[$CellContext`g, Part[$CellContext`v, $CellContext`i]] == 1, $CellContext`leaf = Append[$CellContext`leaf, Part[$CellContext`v, $CellContext`i]]; Null], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`v]}]; $CellContext`leaf], $CellContext`dfs[ Pattern[$CellContext`g, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`s, Blank[]]] := Part[ Reap[ DepthFirstScan[$CellContext`g, $CellContext`s, { "PrevisitVertex" -> Sow}]], 2, 1], $CellContext`cpainter[ Pattern[$CellContext`mat, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`list, $CellContext`temp, $CellContext`c, \ $CellContext`s}, $CellContext`list = DeleteCases[ DeleteDuplicates[ Flatten[$CellContext`mat]], 0]; $CellContext`temp = Table[ Position[$CellContext`mat, Part[$CellContext`list, $CellContext`i]], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`list]}]; $CellContext`c = ConstantArray[{0, 0}, Length[$CellContext`temp]]; Do[Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i] = {(Max[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 1]] + Min[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 1]])/2, (Max[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 2]] + Min[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 2]])/2}, {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`c]}]; $CellContext`s = ConstantArray["", Length[$CellContext`c]]; Do[SeedRandom[ Ceiling[ 30 (Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i, 1] + $CellContext`pal Length[$CellContext`mat] Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i, 2])]]; Part[$CellContext`s, $CellContext`i] = RandomReal[1, 3], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`c]}]; ArrayPlot[$CellContext`mat, ColorRules -> Join[{0 -> White}, Table[Part[$CellContext`list, $CellContext`i] -> Apply[RGBColor, Part[$CellContext`s, $CellContext`i]], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`list]}]]]], $CellContext`cpainter[ Pattern[$CellContext`mat, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`pal, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`list, $CellContext`temp, $CellContext`c, \ $CellContext`s}, $CellContext`list = DeleteCases[ DeleteDuplicates[ Flatten[$CellContext`mat]], 0]; $CellContext`temp = Table[ Position[$CellContext`mat, Part[$CellContext`list, $CellContext`i]], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`list]}]; $CellContext`c = ConstantArray[{0, 0}, Length[$CellContext`temp]]; Do[Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i] = {(Max[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 1]] + Min[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 1]])/2, (Max[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 2]] + Min[ Part[$CellContext`temp, $CellContext`i, Span[1, All], 2]])/2}, {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`c]}]; $CellContext`s = ConstantArray["", Length[$CellContext`c]]; Do[SeedRandom[ Ceiling[ 30 (Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i, 1] + $CellContext`pal Length[$CellContext`mat] Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`i, 2])]]; Part[$CellContext`s, $CellContext`i] = RandomReal[1, 3], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`c]}]; ArrayPlot[$CellContext`mat, ColorRules -> Join[{0 -> White}, Table[Part[$CellContext`list, $CellContext`i] -> Apply[RGBColor, Part[$CellContext`s, $CellContext`i]], {$CellContext`i, 1, Length[$CellContext`list]}]]]], $CellContext`pal = 1}; Typeset`initDone$$ = True), SynchronousInitialization->True, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$}, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.776603988560485*^9, 3.776604114383869*^9, 3.7766041690898666`*^9}] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{759, 833}, WindowMargins->{{137, Automatic}, {Automatic, 44}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.4 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[580, 22, 162, 2, 90, "Title"], Cell[745, 26, 159, 2, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[929, 32, 99, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[1031, 35, 800, 15, 106, "Text"], Cell[1834, 52, 1456, 36, 148, "Text"], Cell[3293, 90, 670, 11, 125, "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4000, 106, 91, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4116, 111, 102, 1, 43, "Subsection"], Cell[4221, 114, 5920, 120, 352, "Input", 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