(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.4' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 62689, 1549] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 61798, 1512] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 62141, 1527] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 62098, 1524] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Triangle Centers", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600831050974*^9, 3.7766008318453026`*^9}, { 3.7770746468439217`*^9, 3.7770746497569923`*^9}}], Cell["Adam Rumpf, 2/2/2016", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008347881403`*^9, 3.776600838290375*^9}, { 3.77707465989176*^9, 3.77707466133928*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introduction", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008459498987`*^9, 3.776600848547045*^9}}], Cell["\<\ This demonstration defines a Manipulate environment for displaying several \ different classical triangle centers as well as some auxiliary lines. The \ vertices of the triangle can be clicked and dragged to change the shape of \ the triangle, and the tick boxes can be used to choose what to show or hide. \ The following triangle centers are included:\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600856235587*^9, 3.776600860481224*^9}, { 3.7770754401396065`*^9, 3.777075540533799*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Orthocenter: Intersection of the three altitudes.", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7770755528036995`*^9, 3.7770755642800713`*^9}}], Cell["\<\ Circumcenter: Center of the circle circumscribed about the triangle.\ \>", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7770755528036995`*^9, 3.777075582224024*^9}}], Cell["\<\ Centroid: Intersection of the three lines connecting each vertex to its \ opposite side\[CloseCurlyQuote]s midpoint.\ \>", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7770755528036995`*^9, 3.777075601317453*^9}}], Cell["\<\ Incenter: Center of the circle inscribed inside the triangle.\ \>", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7770755528036995`*^9, 3.77707561386545*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ The construction lines and inscribed/circumscribed circles can be toggled on \ or off, as can the Euler line, along which the orthocenter, circumcenter, and \ centroid (but not necessarily the incenter) always lie. Note that all four \ centers coincide for an equilateral triangle.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7770756244109974`*^9, 3.7770756947720594`*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Code", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600864408964*^9, 3.7766008650447807`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Demonstration", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008885632277`*^9, 3.7766008904796133`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Manipulate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "mab", ",", "mbc", ",", "mca", ",", "orthmalta", ",", "orthmaltb", ",", "orthmaltc", ",", "eqab", ",", "eqbc", ",", "eqca", ",", "ortheqalta", ",", "ortheqaltb", ",", "ortheqaltc", ",", RowBox[{"orthfoota", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"orthfootb", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"orthfootc", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"orthocenter", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", 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$CellContext`mca$, \ $CellContext`orthmalta$, $CellContext`orthmaltb$, $CellContext`orthmaltc$, \ $CellContext`eqab$, $CellContext`eqbc$, $CellContext`eqca$, \ $CellContext`ortheqalta$, $CellContext`ortheqaltb$, $CellContext`ortheqaltc$, \ $CellContext`orthfoota$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`orthfootb$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`orthfootc$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`orthocenter$ = { 0, 0}, $CellContext`midab$, $CellContext`midbc$, \ $CellContext`midca$, $CellContext`circnormasq$, $CellContext`circnormbsq$, \ $CellContext`circnormcsq$, $CellContext`circumcenter$, $CellContext`circsx$, \ $CellContext`circsy$, $CellContext`circad$, $CellContext`circbd$, \ $CellContext`circr$, $CellContext`centroid$, $CellContext`inmbia$, \ $CellContext`inmbib$, $CellContext`inmbic$, $CellContext`ineqbia$, \ $CellContext`ineqbib$, $CellContext`ineqbic$, $CellContext`inintab$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`inintbc$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`inintca$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`incenter$ = {0, 0}, $CellContext`inr$, $CellContext`indsqab$, \ $CellContext`indsqbc$, $CellContext`indsqca$}, $CellContext`mab$ = If[Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1] != Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], (Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2])/(Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1]), Infinity]; $CellContext`mbc$ = If[Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1] != Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1], (Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2])/(Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]), Infinity]; $CellContext`mca$ = If[Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1] != Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1], (Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2])/(Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]), Infinity]; $CellContext`orthmalta$ = If[$CellContext`mbc$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`mbc$), Infinity]; $CellContext`orthmaltb$ = If[$CellContext`mca$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`mca$), Infinity]; $CellContext`orthmaltc$ = If[$CellContext`mab$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`mab$), Infinity]; $CellContext`eqab$ = $CellContext`mab$ (# - Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`eqbc$ = $CellContext`mbc$ (# - Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`eqca$ = $CellContext`mca$ (# - Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`ortheqalta$ = $CellContext`orthmalta$ (# - Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`ortheqaltb$ = $CellContext`orthmaltb$ (# - Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`ortheqaltc$ = $CellContext`orthmaltc$ (# - Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]& ; Part[$CellContext`orthfoota$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`ortheqalta$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`eqbc$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthfoota$, 2] = $CellContext`ortheqalta$[ Part[$CellContext`orthfoota$, 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthfootb$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`ortheqaltb$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`eqca$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthfootb$, 2] = $CellContext`ortheqaltb$[ Part[$CellContext`orthfootb$, 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthfootc$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`ortheqaltc$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`eqab$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthfootc$, 2] = $CellContext`ortheqaltc$[ Part[$CellContext`orthfootc$, 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthocenter$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`ortheqalta$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ortheqaltb$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`orthocenter$, 2] = $CellContext`ortheqalta$[ Part[$CellContext`orthocenter$, 1]]; $CellContext`midab$ = Mean[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`b$$}]; $CellContext`midbc$ = Mean[{$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`c$$}]; $CellContext`midca$ = Mean[{$CellContext`c$$, $CellContext`a$$}]; \ $CellContext`circnormasq$ = Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1]^2 + Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2]^2; $CellContext`circnormbsq$ = Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]^2 + Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]^2; $CellContext`circnormcsq$ = Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]^2 + Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]^2; $CellContext`circsx$ = (1/2) Det[{{$CellContext`circnormasq$, Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], 1}, {$CellContext`circnormbsq$, Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2], 1}, {$CellContext`circnormcsq$, Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2], 1}}]; $CellContext`circsy$ = (1/2) Det[{{ Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], $CellContext`circnormasq$, 1}, { Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], $CellContext`circnormbsq$, 1}, { Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1], $CellContext`circnormcsq$, 1}}]; $CellContext`circad$ = Det[{{ Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], 1}, { Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2], 1}, { Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2], 1}}]; $CellContext`circbd$ = Det[{{ Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], $CellContext`circnormasq$}, { Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2], $CellContext`circnormbsq$}, { Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2], $CellContext`circnormcsq$}}]; $CellContext`circumcenter$ = \ {$CellContext`circsx$, $CellContext`circsy$}/$CellContext`circad$; \ $CellContext`circr$ = Sqrt[$CellContext`circbd$/$CellContext`circad$ + \ ($CellContext`circsx$^2 + $CellContext`circsy$^2)/$CellContext`circad$^2]; \ $CellContext`centroid$ = Mean[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`c$$}]; \ $CellContext`inmbia$ = Tan[(ArcTan[$CellContext`mab$] + ArcTan[$CellContext`mca$])/ 2]; $CellContext`inmbib$ = Tan[(ArcTan[$CellContext`mab$] + ArcTan[$CellContext`mbc$])/ 2]; $CellContext`inmbic$ = Tan[(ArcTan[$CellContext`mbc$] + ArcTan[$CellContext`mca$])/ 2]; $CellContext`ineqbia$ = $CellContext`inmbia$ (# - Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`ineqbib$ = $CellContext`inmbib$ (# - Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]& ; $CellContext`ineqbic$ = $CellContext`inmbic$ (# - Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]) + Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]& ; Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqbc$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbia$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] = $CellContext`eqbc$[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1]]; If[ Or[ And[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]]], $CellContext`inmbia$ = If[$CellContext`inmbia$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`inmbia$), Infinity]; Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqbc$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbia$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] = $CellContext`eqbc$[ Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1]]; Null]; Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqca$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbib$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] = $CellContext`eqca$[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1]]; If[ Or[ And[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`c$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`c$$, 2]]], $CellContext`inmbib$ = If[$CellContext`inmbib$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`inmbib$), Infinity]; Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqca$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbib$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] = $CellContext`eqca$[ Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1]]; Null]; Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqab$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbic$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] = $CellContext`eqab$[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1]]; If[ Or[ And[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] < Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`a$$, 1], Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] > Part[$CellContext`b$$, 1]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] < Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]], And[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`a$$, 2], Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] > Part[$CellContext`b$$, 2]]], $CellContext`inmbic$ = If[$CellContext`inmbic$ != 0, -(1/$CellContext`inmbic$), Infinity]; Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`eqab$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbic$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] = $CellContext`eqab$[ Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1]]; Null]; Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 1] = ReplaceAll[$CellContext`x, Part[ Solve[$CellContext`ineqbia$[$CellContext`x] == \ $CellContext`ineqbib$[$CellContext`x], $CellContext`x], 1]]; Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 2] = $CellContext`ineqbia$[ Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 1]]; $CellContext`indsqab$ = ( Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 1])^2 + ( Part[$CellContext`inintab$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 2])^2; $CellContext`indsqbc$ = ( Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 1])^2 + ( Part[$CellContext`inintbc$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 2])^2; $CellContext`indsqca$ = ( Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 1] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 1])^2 + ( Part[$CellContext`inintca$, 2] - Part[$CellContext`incenter$, 2])^2; $CellContext`inr$ = Sqrt[ Min[$CellContext`indsqab$, $CellContext`indsqbc$, \ $CellContext`indsqca$]]; Graphics[ Join[{Black, Line[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`c$$, \ $CellContext`a$$}]}, If[ And[$CellContext`eulershow$$ == True, $CellContext`orthocenter$ != $CellContext`circumcenter$], { InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`orthocenter$, \ $CellContext`circumcenter$}]}, {}], { PointSize[Large], Blue, Point[$CellContext`orthocenter$]}, If[$CellContext`orthshow$$ == True, { InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`orthfoota$}], Point[$CellContext`orthfoota$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`orthfootb$}], Point[$CellContext`orthfootb$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`c$$, $CellContext`orthfootc$}], Point[$CellContext`orthfootc$]}, {}], {Green, Point[$CellContext`circumcenter$]}, If[$CellContext`circshow$$ == True, { InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`midbc$, $CellContext`circumcenter$}], Point[$CellContext`midbc$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`midca$, $CellContext`circumcenter$}], Point[$CellContext`midca$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`midab$, $CellContext`circumcenter$}], Point[$CellContext`midab$]}, {}], If[$CellContext`circcircleshow$$ == True, { Circle[$CellContext`circumcenter$, $CellContext`circr$]}, {}], { Red, Point[$CellContext`centroid$]}, If[$CellContext`centshow$$ == True, { InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`midbc$}], Point[$CellContext`midbc$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`midca$}], Point[$CellContext`midca$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`c$$, $CellContext`midab$}], Point[$CellContext`midab$]}, {}], {Orange, Point[$CellContext`incenter$]}, If[$CellContext`inshow$$ == True, { InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`a$$, $CellContext`inintbc$}], Point[$CellContext`inintbc$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`b$$, $CellContext`inintca$}], Point[$CellContext`inintca$], InfiniteLine[{$CellContext`c$$, $CellContext`inintab$}], Point[$CellContext`inintab$]}, {}], If[$CellContext`insccircleshow$$ == True, { Circle[$CellContext`incenter$, $CellContext`inr$]}, {}]], PlotRange -> 1]], "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`a$$, {-0.2, 0.7}}, Automatic, ControlType -> Locator}, {{$CellContext`b$$, {0.7, -0.1}}, Automatic, ControlType -> Locator}, {{$CellContext`c$$, {-0.5, -0.3}}, Automatic, ControlType -> Locator}, {{$CellContext`eulershow$$, True, "Show Euler Line"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`orthshow$$, False, "Show Orthocenter Construction Lines"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`circshow$$, False, "Show Circumcenter Construction Lines"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`centshow$$, False, "Show Centroid Construction Lines"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`inshow$$, False, "Show Incenter Construction Lines"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`circcircleshow$$, False, "Show Circumscribed Circle"}, { True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}, {{$CellContext`insccircleshow$$, False, "Show Inscribed Circle"}, {True -> "On", False -> "Off"}}}, "Options" :> {ControlType -> Checkbox}, "DefaultOptions" :> {}], ImageSizeCache->{417., {276., 282.}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, SynchronousInitialization->True, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$}, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.7770757181270256`*^9}] }, {2}]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{759, 833}, WindowMargins->{{99, Automatic}, {Automatic, 70}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.4 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[580, 22, 154, 2, 90, "Title"], Cell[737, 26, 151, 2, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[913, 32, 99, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[1015, 35, 494, 8, 87, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1534, 47, 135, 1, 29, "Item"], Cell[1672, 50, 160, 3, 29, "Item"], Cell[1835, 55, 208, 4, 29, "Item"], Cell[2046, 61, 152, 3, 29, "Item"] }, Open ]], Cell[2213, 67, 375, 6, 68, "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2625, 78, 91, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2741, 83, 105, 1, 43, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2871, 88, 38366, 1035, 3083, "Input"], Cell[41240, 1125, 20509, 381, 575, "Output"] }, {2}]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *)