(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.4' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 108250, 2531] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 107290, 2493] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 107634, 2508] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 107591, 2505] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Dijkstra\[CloseCurlyQuote]s Algorithm and A* Search", "Title", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600831050974*^9, 3.7766008318453026`*^9}, { 3.7767088800892096`*^9, 3.776708902298835*^9}}], Cell["Adam Rumpf, 11/8/2017", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008347881403`*^9, 3.776600838290375*^9}, { 3.7767089372504363`*^9, 3.7767089395537586`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Introduction", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008459498987`*^9, 3.776600848547045*^9}}], Cell["\<\ This demonstration illustrates the process of searching for the shortest path \ between two yellow cells on a field of black obstacles using either Dijkstra\ \[CloseCurlyQuote]s algorithm or A* search. The progress of the chosen search \ algorithm is shown step-by-step, with tiles being highlighted as they are \ scanned. The final path chosen is shown in red. Controls exist to select the \ locations of the start and end nodes, the types of obstacles, and the current \ step (which can be used to animate the search process).\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600856235587*^9, 3.776600860481224*^9}, 3.776710614043105*^9, {3.7767106831876984`*^9, 3.7767108254841967`*^9}, { 3.776711362573578*^9, 3.7767113914467793`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ "The graph in this example is made up of a ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"17", "\[Times]", "17"}], TraditionalForm]], FormatType->"TraditionalForm"], " grid of nodes. Each node is adjacent to the 8 nodes immediately \ surrounding it. Vertical and horizontal edges have a weight of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox["1", TraditionalForm]], FormatType->"TraditionalForm"], " while diagonal edges have a weight of ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SqrtBox["2"], TraditionalForm]], FormatType->"TraditionalForm"], ", representing Euclidean distance on a unit lattice." }], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767106351187735`*^9, {3.7767108299447823`*^9, 3.7767109793936043`*^9}, { 3.776711323371375*^9, 3.776711328106879*^9}}], Cell["\<\ The standard version of Dijkstra\[CloseCurlyQuote]s algorithm attempts to \ find the shortest path from a start vertex to every other vertex. In this \ program it has been modified to halt early if the finish vertex is removed \ from the tentative set, since at this point no shorter path can possibly be \ found. In the animation, unvisited nodes are colored white, tentative nodes \ are colored light blue, and searched nodes are colored dark blue. Watching \ the search process unfold displays how the search region slowly expands in \ all directions from the starting node.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.776710650804447*^9, {3.776710997950661*^9, 3.7767111537446747`*^9}}], Cell["\<\ A* search is a modified version of Dijkstra\[CloseCurlyQuote]s algorithm that \ attempts to preferentially search tentative nodes likely to be closer to the \ finish. It does this based on heuristic distance, which in this case is \ simply Euclidean distance from the node to the finish. The animation \ highlights the search region in the same way as with Dijkstra\ \[CloseCurlyQuote]s algorithm, but A* tends to attempt to move in a direct \ line towards the finish when possible, only stopping to expand the search \ region when it gets caught on an obstacle.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.7767106646944695`*^9, {3.7767111559110007`*^9, 3.776711294465644*^9}}], Cell["\<\ Note that this program is quite computationally intensive. It is best to \ manipulate the controls slowly and to wait for everything to update before \ moving on.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7767122725736227`*^9, 3.776712285410448*^9}, { 3.7767123522901754`*^9, 3.7767124209000835`*^9}}] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Code", "Section", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600864408964*^9, 3.7766008650447807`*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Initialization", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.776600871130811*^9, 3.776600873087188*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"dim", "=", "17"}], ";"}], "\n", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ "Calculates", " ", "the", " ", "coordinates", " ", "of", " ", "vertex", " ", "number", " ", Cell["k"], " ", "on", " ", "an", " ", Cell[ "m\[Times]n"], " ", "grid"}], ",", " ", RowBox[{ "assuming", " ", "that", " ", "the", " ", "first", " ", "element", " ", "is", " ", "at", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], ")"}], "."}]}]}], " ", "*)"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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RowBox[{"ControlPlacement", "\[Rule]", "Left"}], ",", RowBox[{"SaveDefinitions", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.7766008920271177`*^9, 3.7766008970415297`*^9}, 3.7767113992882433`*^9, 3.776711715842209*^9, {3.7767119192482967`*^9, 3.776711924902753*^9}}], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{$CellContext`block$$ = 1, $CellContext`fc$$ = {16, 16}, $CellContext`sc$$ = {2, 2}, $CellContext`step$$ = 1, $CellContext`type$$ = 0, Typeset`show$$ = True, Typeset`bookmarkList$$ = {}, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$ = "Menu", Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$ = 1, Typeset`name$$ = "\"untitled\"", Typeset`specs$$ = {{{ Hold[$CellContext`type$$], 0, "search algorithm"}, { 0 -> "Dijkstra", 1 -> "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(A\), \(*\)]\)"}}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`step$$], 1, "algorithm step"}, 1, 290, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`sc$$], {2, 2}, "starting point"}, {1, 1}, {17, 17}, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`fc$$], {16, 16}, "ending point"}, {1, 1}, {17, 17}, 1}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`block$$], 1, "obstacles"}, { 0 -> "none", 1 -> "1 square", 2 -> "2 squares", 3 -> "3 squares", 4 -> "4 squares", 5 -> "circle", 6 -> "wide gap", 7 -> "narrow gap", 8 -> "L-shaped wall"}}}, Typeset`size$$ = {354., {174., 180.}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = False, $CellContext`type$2013$$ = False, $CellContext`step$2014$$ = 0, $CellContext`sc$2015$$ = 0, $CellContext`fc$2016$$ = 0, $CellContext`block$2017$$ = False}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`block$$ = 1, $CellContext`fc$$ = {16, 16}, $CellContext`sc$$ = {2, 2}, $CellContext`step$$ = 1, $CellContext`type$$ = 0}, "ControllerVariables" :> { Hold[$CellContext`type$$, $CellContext`type$2013$$, False], Hold[$CellContext`step$$, $CellContext`step$2014$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`sc$2015$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`fc$2016$$, 0], Hold[$CellContext`block$$, $CellContext`block$2017$$, False]}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> Module[{$CellContext`g$, $CellContext`exc$, $CellContext`path$, \ $CellContext`opened$, $CellContext`closed$, $CellContext`mat$, \ $CellContext`showpath$}, Switch[$CellContext`block$$, 0, $CellContext`exc$ = {}, 1, $CellContext`exc$ = $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2] - 1, Floor[$CellContext`dim/2] - 1}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 2, Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 2}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], 2, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], 4}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, 6}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], $CellContext`dim - 5}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, $CellContext`dim - 3}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 3, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{4, 4}, {6, 6}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], $CellContext`dim - 5}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, $CellContext`dim - 3}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{$CellContext`dim - 5, 4}, {$CellContext`dim - 3, 6}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 4, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{4, 4}, {6, 6}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{4, $CellContext`dim - 5}, { 6, $CellContext`dim - 3}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{$CellContext`dim - 5, 4}, {$CellContext`dim - 3, 6}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{$CellContext`dim - 5, $CellContext`dim - 5}, {$CellContext`dim - 3, $CellContext`dim - 3}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 5, $CellContext`exc$ = $CellContext`dlist[{ Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2], Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2]}, $CellContext`dim/ 5, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], 6, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], 1}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, Floor[$CellContext`dim/2] - 1}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 2}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, $CellContext`dim}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 7, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], 1}, {Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, Floor[$CellContext`dim/2]}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{ Floor[$CellContext`dim/2], Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1}, { Ceiling[$CellContext`dim/2] + 1, $CellContext`dim}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 8, $CellContext`exc$ = Join[ $CellContext`rlist[{6, 5}, { 7, $CellContext`dim - 5}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rlist[{ 6, $CellContext`dim - 6}, {$CellContext`dim - 4, $CellContext`dim - 5}, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]]; Null]; $CellContext`g$ = $CellContext`graphgen[$CellContext`dim, \ $CellContext`dim, 1, $CellContext`exc$]; If[GraphDistance[$CellContext`g$, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]] == Infinity, $CellContext`showpath$ = False; $CellContext`mat$ = \ $CellContext`steparray[$CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`exc$, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], {}, {}, {}, 1], Switch[$CellContext`type$$, 0, {$CellContext`path$, $CellContext`opened$, \ $CellContext`closed$} = $CellContext`dijkstra[$CellContext`g$, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]], 1, {$CellContext`path$, $CellContext`opened$, \ $CellContext`closed$} = $CellContext`astar[$CellContext`g$, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`edist[$CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim]]]; Null]; If[$CellContext`step$$ >= \ $CellContext`maxfin[$CellContext`closed$], $CellContext`showpath$ = True, $CellContext`showpath$ = False; Null]; $CellContext`mat$ = \ $CellContext`steparray[$CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`exc$, $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`sc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`rcoords[ $CellContext`tcoords[$CellContext`fc$$, $CellContext`dim], \ $CellContext`dim, $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`path$, \ $CellContext`opened$, $CellContext`closed$, $CellContext`step$$]; Null]; Show[{ ArrayPlot[$CellContext`mat$, ColorRules -> { 0 -> Black, 1 -> Yellow, 2 -> RGBColor[0.9, 0.9, 1.], 3 -> RGBColor[0.7, 0.7, 1.], 4 -> White}], If[$CellContext`showpath$ == True, Graphics[{Red, Thick, Line[ Table[ $CellContext`pcoords[ $CellContext`coords[ Part[$CellContext`path$, $CellContext`k], $CellContext`dim, \ $CellContext`dim], $CellContext`dim], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`path$]}]]}], Nothing]}, PlotRange -> {{0, $CellContext`dim}, {0, $CellContext`dim}}, AspectRatio -> 1]], "Specifications" :> {{{$CellContext`type$$, 0, "search algorithm"}, { 0 -> "Dijkstra", 1 -> "\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(A\), \(*\)]\)"}, ControlType -> RadioButton}, {{$CellContext`step$$, 1, "algorithm step"}, 1, 290, 1, ControlType -> Animator, AppearanceElements -> {"ProgressSlider", "PlayPauseButton"}, AnimationRunning -> False, AnimationRate -> 20}, {{$CellContext`sc$$, {2, 2}, "starting point"}, {1, 1}, {17, 17}, 1}, {{$CellContext`fc$$, {16, 16}, "ending point"}, {1, 1}, {17, 17}, 1}, {{$CellContext`block$$, 1, "obstacles"}, { 0 -> "none", 1 -> "1 square", 2 -> "2 squares", 3 -> "3 squares", 4 -> "4 squares", 5 -> "circle", 6 -> "wide gap", 7 -> "narrow gap", 8 -> "L-shaped wall"}}}, "Options" :> {ControlPlacement -> Left}, "DefaultOptions" :> {}], ImageSizeCache->{727., {209., 215.}}, SingleEvaluation->True], Deinitialization:>None, DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>({$CellContext`rlist[ Pattern[$CellContext`bl, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`tr, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]]] := Table[ If[ And[ Part[$CellContext`bl, 1] <= Mod[$CellContext`k - 1, $CellContext`m] + 1 <= Part[$CellContext`tr, 1], Part[$CellContext`bl, 2] <= Quotient[$CellContext`k - 1, $CellContext`m] + 1 <= Part[$CellContext`tr, 2]], $CellContext`k, Nothing], {$CellContext`k, 1, $CellContext`m $CellContext`n}], $CellContext`dim = 17, $CellContext`dlist[ Pattern[$CellContext`c, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`r, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]]] := Table[ If[EuclideanDistance[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`coords[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`m, \ $CellContext`n]] <= $CellContext`r, $CellContext`k, Nothing], {$CellContext`k, 1, $CellContext`m $CellContext`n}], $CellContext`coords[ Pattern[$CellContext`k, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]]] := { Mod[$CellContext`k - 1, $CellContext`m] + 1, Quotient[$CellContext`k - 1, $CellContext`m] + 1}, $CellContext`graphgen[ Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]], Optional[ Pattern[$CellContext`type, Blank[]], 0], Optional[ Pattern[$CellContext`exc, Blank[]], {}]] := Module[{$CellContext`v = Range[$CellContext`m $CellContext`n], $CellContext`e = {}, \ $CellContext`w = {}, $CellContext`c}, $CellContext`c = Table[ $CellContext`coords[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`m, \ $CellContext`n], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`v]}]; Do[ If[ MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k] == False, Switch[$CellContext`type, 0, If[Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 1] < $CellContext`m, If[MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + 1] == False, $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k + 1]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, 1]; Null]; Null]; If[ Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 2] < $CellContext`n, If[MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + $CellContext`m] == False, $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k + \ $CellContext`m]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, 1]; Null]; Null], 1, If[Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 1] < $CellContext`m, If[MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + 1] == False, $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k + 1]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, 1]; Null]; Null]; If[ Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 2] < $CellContext`n, If[MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + $CellContext`m] == False, $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k + \ $CellContext`m]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, 1]; Null]; Null]; If[ And[ Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 1] < $CellContext`m, Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 2] < $CellContext`n], If[ And[ MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + $CellContext`m + 1] == False, MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + $CellContext`m] == False, MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + 1] == False], $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k + \ $CellContext`m + 1]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, N[ Sqrt[2]]]; Null]; Null]; If[ And[ Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 1] < $CellContext`m, 1 < Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k, 2] < $CellContext`n + 1], If[ And[ MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k - $CellContext`m + 1] == False, MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k - $CellContext`m] == False, MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k + 1] == False], $CellContext`e = Append[$CellContext`e, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`k - \ $CellContext`m + 1]]; $CellContext`w = Append[$CellContext`w, N[ Sqrt[2]]]; Null]; Null]; Null]; Null], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`v]}]; Graph[$CellContext`v, $CellContext`e, EdgeWeight -> $CellContext`w]], $CellContext`rcoords[ Pattern[$CellContext`c, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]]] := Part[$CellContext`c, 1] + $CellContext`m (Part[$CellContext`c, 2] - 1), $CellContext`tcoords[ Pattern[$CellContext`c, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`dim, Blank[]]] := {$CellContext`dim - Part[$CellContext`c, 2] + 1, Part[$CellContext`c, 1]}, $CellContext`steparray[ Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`exc, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`start, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`finish, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`path, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`opened, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`closed, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`step, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`vl = Range[$CellContext`m $CellContext`n], $CellContext`a = ConstantArray[ 0, {$CellContext`m, $CellContext`n}], $CellContext`temp}, Do[ If[ MemberQ[$CellContext`exc, $CellContext`k] == False, $CellContext`temp = $CellContext`coords[$CellContext`k, \ $CellContext`m, $CellContext`n]; If[ Or[$CellContext`k == $CellContext`start, $CellContext`k == \ $CellContext`finish], Part[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`temp, 1], Part[$CellContext`temp, 2]] = 1, If[Length[$CellContext`closed] > 0, If[$CellContext`step >= Part[$CellContext`closed, $CellContext`k], Part[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`temp, 1], Part[$CellContext`temp, 2]] = 3, If[$CellContext`step >= Part[$CellContext`opened, $CellContext`k], Part[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`temp, 1], Part[$CellContext`temp, 2]] = 2, Part[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`temp, 1], Part[$CellContext`temp, 2]] = 4; Null]; Null], Part[$CellContext`a, Part[$CellContext`temp, 1], Part[$CellContext`temp, 2]] = 4; Null]; Null]; Null], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}]; $CellContext`a], $CellContext`dijkstra[ Pattern[$CellContext`g, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`start, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`finish, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`vl = VertexList[$CellContext`g], $CellContext`el = EdgeList[$CellContext`g], $CellContext`wl = PropertyValue[$CellContext`g, EdgeWeight], $CellContext`path = {}, $CellContext`opened, \ $CellContext`closed, $CellContext`q, $CellContext`dist, $CellContext`prev, \ $CellContext`alt, $CellContext`done = False, $CellContext`u, $CellContext`v, $CellContext`nbh, \ $CellContext`i = 1, $CellContext`temp}, $CellContext`q = $CellContext`vl; Do[$CellContext`opened[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`closed[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`dist[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`prev[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = Infinity))), {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}]; $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`start] = 0; $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`start] = $CellContext`start; \ $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`start] = 1; While[$CellContext`done == False, Increment[$CellContext`i]; $CellContext`u = Part[ Flatten[ MinimalBy[$CellContext`q, $CellContext`dist]], 1]; $CellContext`closed[$CellContext`u] = $CellContext`i; \ $CellContext`q = DeleteCases[$CellContext`q, $CellContext`u]; If[$CellContext`u == $CellContext`finish, $CellContext`done = True, $CellContext`nbh = Intersection[$CellContext`q, DeleteCases[ VertexList[ NeighborhoodGraph[$CellContext`g, $CellContext`u]], \ $CellContext`u]]; Do[$CellContext`v = Part[$CellContext`nbh, $CellContext`k]; If[$CellContext`i < $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`v], \ $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`v] = $CellContext`i; Null]; If[MemberQ[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`u, $CellContext`v]] == True, $CellContext`alt = $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`u] + Part[$CellContext`wl, Part[ Flatten[ Position[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`u, $CellContext`v]]], 1]], $CellContext`alt = $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`u] + Part[$CellContext`wl, Part[ Flatten[ Position[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`v, $CellContext`u]]], 1]]; Null]; If[$CellContext`alt < \ $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`v], $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`v] = \ $CellContext`alt; $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`v] = $CellContext`u; Null], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`nbh]}]; Null]; Null]; $CellContext`u = $CellContext`finish; While[$CellContext`u != $CellContext`start, $CellContext`path = Prepend[$CellContext`path, $CellContext`u]; $CellContext`u = \ $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`u]; Null]; $CellContext`path = Prepend[$CellContext`path, $CellContext`start]; {$CellContext`path, Table[ $CellContext`opened[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}], Table[ $CellContext`closed[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}]}], $CellContext`astar[ Pattern[$CellContext`g, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`start, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`finish, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`h, Blank[]]] := Module[{$CellContext`vl = VertexList[$CellContext`g], $CellContext`el = EdgeList[$CellContext`g], $CellContext`wl = PropertyValue[$CellContext`g, EdgeWeight], $CellContext`path = {}, $CellContext`opened, \ $CellContext`closed, $CellContext`q, $CellContext`dist, $CellContext`prev, \ $CellContext`alt, $CellContext`done = False, $CellContext`u, $CellContext`v, $CellContext`nbh, \ $CellContext`i = 1, $CellContext`temp}, $CellContext`q = $CellContext`vl; Do[$CellContext`opened[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`closed[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`dist[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = ($CellContext`prev[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]] = Infinity))), {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}]; $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`start] = 0; $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`start] = $CellContext`start; \ $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`start] = 1; While[$CellContext`done == False, Increment[$CellContext`i]; $CellContext`u = Part[ Flatten[ MinimalBy[$CellContext`q, $CellContext`dist]], 1]; $CellContext`closed[$CellContext`u] = $CellContext`i; \ $CellContext`q = DeleteCases[$CellContext`q, $CellContext`u]; If[$CellContext`u == $CellContext`finish, $CellContext`done = True, $CellContext`nbh = Intersection[$CellContext`q, DeleteCases[ VertexList[ NeighborhoodGraph[$CellContext`g, $CellContext`u]], \ $CellContext`u]]; Do[$CellContext`v = Part[$CellContext`nbh, $CellContext`k]; If[$CellContext`i < $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`v], \ $CellContext`opened[$CellContext`v] = $CellContext`i; Null]; If[MemberQ[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`u, $CellContext`v]] == True, $CellContext`alt = $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`u] + Part[$CellContext`wl, Part[ Flatten[ Position[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`u, $CellContext`v]]], 1]] + Part[$CellContext`h, $CellContext`v] - Part[$CellContext`h, $CellContext`u], $CellContext`alt = \ $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`u] + Part[$CellContext`wl, Part[ Flatten[ Position[$CellContext`el, UndirectedEdge[$CellContext`v, $CellContext`u]]], 1]] + Part[$CellContext`h, $CellContext`v] - Part[$CellContext`h, $CellContext`u]; Null]; If[$CellContext`alt < $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`v], \ $CellContext`dist[$CellContext`v] = $CellContext`alt; \ $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`v] = $CellContext`u; Null], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`nbh]}]; Null]; Null]; $CellContext`u = $CellContext`finish; While[$CellContext`u != $CellContext`start, $CellContext`path = Prepend[$CellContext`path, $CellContext`u]; $CellContext`u = \ $CellContext`prev[$CellContext`u]; Null]; $CellContext`path = Prepend[$CellContext`path, $CellContext`start]; {$CellContext`path, Table[ $CellContext`opened[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}], Table[ $CellContext`closed[ Part[$CellContext`vl, $CellContext`k]], {$CellContext`k, 1, Length[$CellContext`vl]}]}], $CellContext`edist[ Pattern[$CellContext`m, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`n, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`finish, Blank[]]] := N[ Module[{$CellContext`c = Table[ $CellContext`coords[$CellContext`k, $CellContext`m, \ $CellContext`n], {$CellContext`k, 1, $CellContext`m $CellContext`n}]}, Table[ N[ EuclideanDistance[ Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`k], Part[$CellContext`c, $CellContext`finish]]], {$CellContext`k, 1, $CellContext`m $CellContext`n}]]], $CellContext`maxfin[ Pattern[$CellContext`list, Blank[]]] := Max[ DeleteCases[$CellContext`list, Infinity]], $CellContext`pcoords[ Pattern[$CellContext`c, Blank[]], Pattern[$CellContext`dim, Blank[]]] := { Part[$CellContext`c, 2] - 0.5, $CellContext`dim - Part[$CellContext`c, 1] + 0.5}}; Typeset`initDone$$ = True), SynchronousInitialization->True, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$}, UnsavedVariables:>{Typeset`initDone$$}, UntrackedVariables:>{Typeset`size$$}], "Manipulate", Deployed->True, StripOnInput->False], Manipulate`InterpretManipulate[1]]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.776712043616928*^9}] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{870, 839}, WindowMargins->{{111, Automatic}, {Automatic, 62}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.4 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[580, 22, 187, 2, 90, "Title"], Cell[770, 26, 158, 2, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[953, 32, 99, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[1055, 35, 746, 11, 106, "Text"], Cell[1804, 48, 751, 20, 74, "Text"], Cell[2558, 70, 694, 11, 106, "Text"], Cell[3255, 83, 681, 11, 106, "Text"], Cell[3939, 96, 307, 6, 49, "Text"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4283, 107, 91, 1, 63, "Section"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4399, 112, 102, 1, 43, "Subsection"], Cell[4504, 115, 55129, 1318, 5182, "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[59670, 1438, 105, 1, 35, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[59800, 1443, 19873, 496, 1713, "Input"], Cell[79676, 1941, 27562, 546, 441, "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *)