require 'date' require 'optparse' require 'sensr' require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'pp' # See for how to get a token load 'mytoken.rb' # replace with Sensr.oauth_token = 'mytoken...' # Sensr.oauth_token = 'mytoken...' options = {} optparse = do|opts| opts.banner = "Usage: get-images [options]" # support -d all options[:date] = nil opts.on( '-d', '--date yyyy-mm-dd', 'Date grab the images from [year-month-day]' ) do |date| # TODO add optional month and day if m = date.match(/^(\d{4})-(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)$/) year = m[1] month = m[2] day = m[3] options[:date] = Time.utc(year,month,day).to_i else puts "Exception: Error in specified date '#{date}'. Exiting." exit end end options[:end_date] = nil opts.on( '-e', '--end-date yyyy-mm-dd', 'Date grab the images through the date [year-month-day]' ) do |date| # TODO add optional month and day if m = date.match(/^(\d{4})-(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)$/) year = m[1] month = m[2] day = m[3] options[:end_date] = Time.utc(year,month,day).to_i else puts "Exception: Error in specified date '#{date}'. Exiting." exit end end options[:dir] = nil opts.on( '-P', '--directory-prefix name', 'directory destination for the output' ) do |dir| if m = dir.match(/[^\s+]/) options[:dir] = dir else puts "Exception: Error in specified camera, must be an int '#{cam}'. Exiting." exit end end options[:camera] = nil opts.on( '-c', '--cam n', 'Camera id to pull images from [n]' ) do |cam| if m = cam.match(/^(\d+)$/) num = m[1] options[:camera] = num.to_i else puts "Exception: Error in specified camera, must be an int '#{cam}'. Exiting." exit end end options[:verbose] = false opts.on( '-v', '--verbose', 'Output more information (debug)' ) do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'display this help' ) do puts opts exit end end # return a no clobber version of the name def no_clobber(name) return name unless File.exists?(name) (1..255).each { |v| n = name.sub(/\.jpg$/,".#{v}.jpg"); return n unless File.exists?(n) } end # get the url and put it in the dir with the filename def wget(dir, url, fname) u = URI.parse(url) # create the directory if it doesn't exist FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless File.exists?(dir) fname = no_clobber("#{dir}/#{fname}") begin f =, 'w') # TODO implement wget naming in case file exists... foo.1 foo.2 ... Net::HTTP.start( do |http| http.request_get(u.path) do |resp| resp.read_body do |segment| f.write(segment) end end end ensure f.close() end end begin optparse.parse! puts "Verbose debug on ..." if options[:verbose] # use camera 88 if none provided, it's public options[:camera] = 88 if options[:camera].nil? cam_id = options[:camera] # use yesterday if no date options[:date] = ( - 86400).to_i if options[:date].nil? date = options[:date] # use the local dir if not specified options[:dir] = ( - 86400).to_s.split[0] if options[:dir].nil? dir = options[:dir] # set the end_date end_date = options[:end_date] if options[:verbose] then puts "finding images for camera #{cam_id} on day #{}" end c = Sensr::Camera.find(cam_id) begin day = day["day"]["hours"].each do |hour| time = hour["hour"]["epoch_time"] c.hour(time)["hour"]["images"].each { |i| wget(options[:dir],i['url'],"#{['taken_at']).to_s.gsub(/\s/,'+')}.jpg") } end end while (end_date && (date += 86400) <= end_date) end