# sublime_ansible_vault [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/adambullmer/sublime_ansible_vault/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/adambullmer/sublime_ansible_vault) Ansible vault manipulation in Sublime Text ## Pre-requisites - [ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/) ## Installation ### With Package Control: 1. Run the `Package Control: Install Package` command, find and install the Ansible Vault plugin. 1. Restart Sublime Text (if required) ### Manually: 1. Clone or download the git repo into your packages folder (in Sublime Text, find Browse Packages… menu item to open this folder) 1. Restart Sublime Text editor (if required) ## Usage To peek into an encrypted vault, you can either, open your command pallette and search for `Ansible Vault: View` or, you can use the menu: `Tools` > `Ansible Vault` > `View` Viewing will open a new, read only tab. But this will not modify the original vault. If you want to modify a vault, you should `decrypt` instead. ## Configuration The following options are available: | Setting | Default | Description | |-----------------|---------|-------------| | `password` | `''` | Plain text ansible vault password. | | `password_file` | `''` | Absolute path to your ansible vault [password file](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_vault.html#running-a-playbook-with-vault) | | `debug` | `false` | true/false flag for extra logging into the sublime text console. | | `ansible_path` | `''` | Path override if it is desired to not use a system version of ansible-vault. Use the path to the binary directory with a trailing slash. This is useful for using the binary out of a virtualenv. | If none of the password options are used, then you will be prompted for your password on each vault action. ### Project Specific Settings You can override all settings with the use of the configuration key inside of your project file. ```json { "folders": [ //... Folder List here ], "AnsibleVault": { "password_file": "/absolute/path/to/password_file", // OR "password": "plain text password", // Not recommended "debug": true, "ansible_path": "/usr/local/bin/", } } ```