# Sublime Text git Commit Message Syntax Syntax Highlighting for SublimeText / Text Mate ## Installation ### With Package Control: 1. Run the `Package Control: Install Package` command, find and install the Git Commit Message Syntax plugin. 1. Restart Sublime Text (if required) ### Manually: 1. Clone or download the git repo into your packages folder (in Sublime Text, find Browse Packages… menu item to open this folder) 1. Restart Sublime Text editor (if required) ## How to make commits with Sublime Text For the following options, you'll need to use the appropriate command from below: **Note:** for Windows, you must have `Build 3065` or later to have command line support. - Mac / Linux: `subl -w` - Windows: `subl.exe -w` ### Preferred method: edit `.bashrc` This will allow for more editing options than just the git commit, like editing diffs. This also leaves flexibility as it can be easily overridden, by the `.gitconfig` for example. Add the following to your `.bashrc`: On Mac and Linux: ```bash export EDITOR="subl -w" ``` ### Alternate method: Amend your `.gitconfig` You can run the following command to let git update your `.gitconfig` ```bash git config --global core.editor 'subl -w' ``` Or add the following line manually to your `.gitconfig` ```ini [core] editor = 'subl -w' ```