# SublimeLinter-vale This linter plugin for [SublimeLinter](http://sublimelinter.readthedocs.org) provides an interface to [Vale](https://vale.sh/). It will be used with files that have the `Plain text` or `Markdown` syntaxes. ## Installation SublimeLinter 3 must be installed in order to use this plugin. If SublimeLinter 3 is not installed, please follow the instructions [here](http://sublimelinter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html). ### Linter installation Before using this plugin, you must ensure that `vale` is installed on your system (See https://vale.sh/docs/vale-cli/installation/). **Note**: This plugin requires `vale` **0.5.0** or later. #### Windows You can install Vale using choco ``` choco install vale ``` #### macOS You can install Vale using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): ``` brew tap ValeLint/vale brew install vale ``` #### Linux You can install Vale using [snap](https://snapcraft.io): ``` snap install vale ``` ### Linter configuration In order for `vale` to be executed by SublimeLinter, you must ensure that its path is available to SublimeLinter. Before going any further, please read and follow the steps in "[Finding a linter executable](http://sublimelinter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/troubleshooting.html#finding-a-linter-executable)" through "Validating your PATH" in the documentation. Once you have installed and configured `vale`, you can proceed to install the SublimeLinter-vale plugin if it is not yet installed. ### Plugin installation Please use [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) to install the linter plugin. This will ensure that the plugin will be updated when new versions are available. To install this package with Package Control, do the following: 1. Within Sublime Text, bring up the [Command Palette](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/extensibility/command_palette.html) and type `install`. Among the commands you should see `Package Control: Install Package`. If that command is not highlighted, use the keyboard or mouse to select it. There will be a pause of a few seconds while Package Control fetches the list of available plugins. 2. When the plugin list appears, type `vale`. Among the entries you should see `SublimeLinter-vale`. If that entry is not highlighted, use the keyboard or mouse to select it. ## Settings For general information on how SublimeLinter works with settings, please see [Settings](http://sublimelinter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html). For information on generic linter settings, please see [Linter Settings](http://sublimelinter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/linter_settings.html). You can configure Vale for your project using a configuration file named `.vale` or `_vale`. For more information, see [Vale's documentation](https://vale.sh/docs/topics/config/). ## Contributing If you would like to contribute enhancements or fixes, please do the following: 1. Fork this repository. 2. Work on a separate topic branch created from the latest `master`. 3. Commit and push the topic branch. 4. Make a pull request. Please note that modifications should follow these coding guidelines: - Indent is 4 spaces. - Code should pass `flake8` and `pep257` linters. - Vertical whitespace helps readability, don’t be afraid to use it. - Please use descriptive variable names, no abbreviations unless they are well known. Thank you for helping out!