$(document).ready(function() { var today = new Date(); var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0! var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); var today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy; $('.current-recent-mail').text(today + ' -') // Applying Scroll Bar const ps = new PerfectScrollbar('.message-box-scroll'); const mailScroll = new PerfectScrollbar('.mail-sidebar-scroll', { suppressScrollX : true }); function mailInboxScroll() { $('.mailbox-inbox .collapse').each(function(){ const mailContainerScroll = new PerfectScrollbar($(this)[0], { suppressScrollX : true }); }); } mailInboxScroll(); /* fn. dynamicBadgeNotification ==> Get the badge count for mail sidebar */ function dynamicBadgeNotification( setMailCategoryCount ) { var mailCategoryCount = setMailCategoryCount; // Get Parents Div(s) var get_ParentsDiv = $('.mail-item'); var get_MailInboxParentsDiv = $('.mail-item.mailInbox'); var get_UnreadMailInboxParentsDiv = $('[id*="unread-"]'); var get_DraftParentsDiv = $('.mail-item.draft'); // Get Parents Div(s) Counts var get_MailInboxElementsCount = get_MailInboxParentsDiv.length; var get_UnreadMailInboxElementsCount = get_UnreadMailInboxParentsDiv.length; var get_DraftElementsCount = get_DraftParentsDiv.length; // Get Badge Div(s) var getBadgeMailInboxDiv = $('#mailInbox .mail-badge'); var getBadgeDraftMailDiv = $('#draft .mail-badge'); if (mailCategoryCount === 'mailInbox') { if (get_UnreadMailInboxElementsCount === 0) { getBadgeMailInboxDiv.text(''); return; } getBadgeMailInboxDiv.text(get_UnreadMailInboxElementsCount); } else if (mailCategoryCount === 'draftmail') { if (get_DraftElementsCount === 0) { getBadgeDraftMailDiv.text(''); return; } getBadgeDraftMailDiv.text(get_DraftElementsCount); } } dynamicBadgeNotification('mailInbox'); dynamicBadgeNotification('draftmail'); // Open Modal on Compose Button Click $('#btn-compose-mail').on('click', function(event) { $('#btn-send').show(); $('#btn-reply').hide(); $('#btn-fwd').hide(); $('#composeMailModal').modal('show'); // Save And Reply Save $('#btn-save').show(); $('#btn-reply-save').hide(); $('#btn-fwd-save').hide(); }) /* Init. fn. checkAll ==> Checkbox check all */ document.getElementById('inboxAll').addEventListener('click', function() { var getActiveList = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-title .list-actions.active'); var getActiveListID = '.'+getActiveList[0].id; var getItemsCheckboxes = ''; if (getActiveList[0].id === 'personal' || getActiveList[0].id === 'work' || getActiveList[0].id === 'social' || getActiveList[0].id === 'private') { getItemsGroupCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll(getActiveListID); for (var i = 0; i < getItemsGroupCheckboxes.length; i++) { getItemsGroupCheckboxes[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; getItemsCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.'+getItemsGroupCheckboxes[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className.split(' ')[0] + ' ' + getActiveListID + ' .inbox-chkbox'); if (getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked) { getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked = false; } else { if (this.checked) { getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked = true; } } } } else { getItemsCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.mail-item'+getActiveListID + ' .inbox-chkbox'); for (var i = 0; i < getItemsCheckboxes.length; i++ ) { if (getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked) { getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked = false; } else { if (this.checked) { getItemsCheckboxes[i].checked = true; } } } } }) /* fn. randomString ==> Generate Random Numbers */ function randomString(length, chars) { var result = ''; for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) result += chars[Math.round(Math.random() * (chars.length - 1))]; return result; } /* fn. formatAMPM ==> Get Time in 24hr Format */ function formatAMPM(date) { var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12' minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } /* fn. formatBytes ==> Calculate and convert bytes into ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] */ function formatBytes(bytes, decimals) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1024; const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals; const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } // Search on each key pressed $('.input-search').on('keyup', function() { var rex = new RegExp($(this).val(), 'i'); $('.message-box .mail-item').hide(); $('.message-box .mail-item').filter(function() { return rex.test($(this).text()); }).show(); }); // Tooltip $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ 'template': '', }) // Triggered when mail is Closed $('.close-message').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('.content-box .collapse').collapse('hide') $(this).parents('.content-box').css({ width: '0', left: 'auto', right: '-46px' }); }); // Open Mail Sidebar on resolution below or equal to 991px. $('.mail-menu').on('click', function(e){ $(this).parents('.mail-box-container').children('.tab-title').addClass('mail-menu-show') $(this).parents('.mail-box-container').children('.mail-overlay').addClass('mail-overlay-show') }) // Close sidebar when clicked on ovelay ( and ovelay itself ). $('.mail-overlay').on('click', function(e){ $(this).parents('.mail-box-container').children('.tab-title').removeClass('mail-menu-show') $(this).removeClass('mail-overlay-show') }) /* fn. contentBoxPosition ==> Triggered when clicked on any each mail to show the mail content. */ function contentBoxPosition() { $('.content-box .collapse').on('show.bs.collapse', function(event) { var getCollpaseElementId = this.id; var getSelectedMailTitleElement = $('.content-box').find('.mail-title'); var getSelectedMailContentTitle = $(this).find('.mail-content').attr('data-mailTitle'); $(this).parent('.content-box').css({ width: '100%', left: '0', right: '100%' }); $(this).parents('#mailbox-inbox').find('.message-box [data-target="#'+getCollpaseElementId+'"]').parents('.mail-item').removeAttr('id'); getSelectedMailTitleElement.text(getSelectedMailContentTitle); getSelectedMailTitleElement.attr('data-selectedMailTitle', getSelectedMailContentTitle); dynamicBadgeNotification('mailInbox'); }) } function stopPropagations() { $('.mail-item-heading .mail-item-inner .new-control').on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }) } /* ==================== Quill Editor ==================== */ var quill = new Quill('#editor-container', { modules: { toolbar: [ [{ header: [1, 2, false] }], ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], ['image', 'code-block'] ] }, placeholder: 'Compose an epic...', theme: 'snow' // or 'bubble' }); // Validating input fields var $_getValidationField = document.getElementsByClassName('validation-text'); var emailReg = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; getEmailToInput = document.getElementById('m-to'); getEmailToInput.addEventListener('input', function() { getEmailToInputValue = this.value; if (getEmailToInputValue == "") { $_getValidationField[0].innerHTML = 'Email Required'; $_getValidationField[0].style.display = 'block'; } else if((emailReg.test(getEmailToInputValue) == false)) { $_getValidationField[0].innerHTML = 'Invalid Email'; $_getValidationField[0].style.display = 'block'; } else { $_getValidationField[0].style.display = 'none'; } }) getCCEmailInput = document.getElementById('m-cc'); getCCEmailInput.addEventListener('input', function() { getCCEmailInputValue = this.value; if (!getCCEmailInputValue == "") { if((emailReg.test(getCCEmailInputValue) == false)) { $_getValidationField[1].innerHTML = 'Invalid Email'; $_getValidationField[1].style.display = 'block'; } else { $_getValidationField[1].style.display = 'none'; } } else { $_getValidationField[1].style.display = 'none'; } }) getSubjectInput = document.getElementById('m-subject'); getSubjectInput.addEventListener('input', function() { getSubjectInput = this.value; if (getSubjectInput == "") { $_getValidationField[2].innerHTML = 'Subject Required'; $_getValidationField[2].style.display = 'block'; } else { $_getValidationField[2].style.display = 'none'; } }) $('#composeMailModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { $(this) .find("input,textarea") .val('') .end(); quill.deleteText(0, 2000); for (var i = 0; i < $_getValidationField.length; i++) { e.preventDefault(); $_getValidationField[i].style.display = 'none'; } }) /* ========================= Tab Functionality ========================= */ var $listbtns = $('.list-actions').click(function() { $(this).parents('.mail-box-container').find('.mailbox-inbox > .content-box').css({ width: '0', left: 'auto', right: '-46px' }); $('.content-box .collapse').collapse('hide'); var getActionCenterDivElement = $(this).parents('.mail-box-container').find('.action-center'); if (this.id == 'mailInbox') { var $el = $('.' + this.id).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div').not($el).hide(); } else if (this.id == 'personal') { $el = '.' + $(this).attr('id'); $elShow = $($el).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading'+$el).parents('.mail-item').show(); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading').not($el).parents('.mail-item').hide(); } else if (this.id == 'work') { $el = '.' + $(this).attr('id'); $elShow = $($el).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading'+$el).parents('.mail-item').show(); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading').not($el).parents('.mail-item').hide(); } else if (this.id == 'social') { $el = '.' + $(this).attr('id'); $elShow = $($el).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading'+$el).parents('.mail-item').show(); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading').not($el).parents('.mail-item').hide(); } else if (this.id == 'private') { $el = '.' + $(this).attr('id'); $elShow = $($el).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading'+$el).parents('.mail-item').show(); $('#ct > div .mail-item-heading').not($el).parents('.mail-item').hide(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); } else if (this.id == 'trashed') { var $el = $('.' + this.id).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.addClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div').not($el).hide(); } else { var $el = $('.' + this.id).show(); getActionCenterDivElement.removeClass('tab-trash-active'); $('#ct > div').not($el).hide(); } $listbtns.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }) setTimeout(function() { $(".list-actions#mailInbox").trigger('click'); },10); // Mark As Important $(".action-important").on("click", function() { var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; if ($(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item').hasClass('important')) { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail removed from Important' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails removed from Important'; } else { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail Added to Important' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails Added to Important'; } $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item').toggleClass('important'); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".list-actions#important").trigger('click'); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }); // Mark as Span $(".action-spam").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var mailItemClass = inboxCheckboxParents.attr('class').split(' ')[1]; var mailItemClassRemoveClass = inboxCheckboxParents.toggleClass('mailInbox'); var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; if ($(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item').hasClass('spam')) { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail removed from Spam' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails removed from Spam'; } else { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail Added to Spam' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails Added to Spam'; } inboxCheckboxParents.toggleClass('spam'); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".list-actions#spam").trigger('click'); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }); // Mark as read $(".action-mark_as_read").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail marked as Read' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails marked as Read'; inboxCheckboxParents.removeAttr('id'); dynamicBadgeNotification('mailInbox'); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }) // Mark as Unread $(".action-mark_as_unRead").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var getMailTitle = inboxCheckboxParents.find('.mail-title').attr('data-mailtitle'); var randomAlphaNumeric = randomString(10, '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'); var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail marked as UnRead' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails marked as UnRead'; inboxCheckboxParents.attr('id', 'unread-'+getMailTitle.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()+randomAlphaNumeric); dynamicBadgeNotification('mailInbox'); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }) // Delete a mail $(".action-delete").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var inboxMailItemClass = inboxCheckboxParents.attr('class'); var getFirstClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[1]; var getSecondClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[2]; var getThirdClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[3]; var getFourthClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[4]; var getFifthClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[5]; var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail Deleted' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails Deleted'; if (getFirstClass === 'mailInbox' || getFirstClass === 'sentmail' || getFirstClass === 'draft' || getFirstClass === 'spam') { inboxCheckboxParents.removeClass(getFirstClass); } if (getSecondClass === 'mailInbox' || getSecondClass === 'important') { inboxCheckboxParents.removeClass(getSecondClass); } inboxCheckboxParents.addClass('trashed'); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".list-actions#trashed").trigger('click'); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }); // Revive Mail from Tash $(".revive-mail").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var inboxMailItemClass = inboxCheckboxParents.attr('class'); var getFirstClass = inboxMailItemClass.split(' ')[1]; var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail restored' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails restored'; inboxCheckboxParents.removeClass(getFirstClass); inboxCheckboxParents.addClass('mailInbox'); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); $(".list-actions#mailInbox").trigger('click'); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }) // Permanently Delete Mail $(".permanent-delete").on("click", function() { var inboxCheckboxParents = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item'); var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail Permanently Deleted' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails Permanently Deleted'; if (inboxCheckboxParents.hasClass('trashed')) { inboxCheckboxParents.remove(); } $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }) // Mark mail Priority/Groups as [ Personal, Work, Social, Private ] $(".label-group-item").on("click", function() { var getLabelColor = $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[1]; var splitLabelColor = getLabelColor.split('-')[1]; var notificationText = ''; var getCheckedItemlength = $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").length; if ($(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item-heading').hasClass(splitLabelColor)) { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail removed from '+ splitLabelColor.toUpperCase() +' Group' : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails removed from '+ splitLabelColor.toUpperCase() +' Group'; } else { var notificationText = getCheckedItemlength < 2 ? getCheckedItemlength + ' Mail Grouped as ' + splitLabelColor.toUpperCase() : getCheckedItemlength + ' Mails Grouped as ' + splitLabelColor.toUpperCase(); } $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").parents('.mail-item-heading').toggleClass(splitLabelColor); $(".inbox-chkbox:checked").prop('checked',false); $("#inboxAll:checked").prop('checked',false); Snackbar.show({ text: notificationText, width: 'auto', pos: 'top-center', actionTextColor: '#bfc9d4', backgroundColor: '#515365' }); }); /* fn. $_sendMail ==> Trigger when clicked on Send Mail Button in Modal. */ function $_sendMail(getDraftTragetID) { $("#btn-send").off('click').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); /* Act on the event */ draftTragetID = getDraftTragetID; var $_mailFrom = document.getElementById('m-form').value; var $_mailTo = document.getElementById('m-to').value; var $_mailCC = document.getElementById('m-cc').value; var $_mailAttachment = document.getElementById('mail_File_attachment'); var $_mailSubject = document.getElementById('m-subject').value; var $_mailDescriptionText = quill.getText(); var $_mailDescriptionInnerHTML = quill.root.innerHTML; var delta = quill.getContents(); var $_textDelta = JSON.stringify(delta); var $outerAttachmentHTML = ''; var $innerAttachmentHTML = ''; var getSVG = ''; if ($_mailAttachment.files.length >= 1) { for (var i = 0; i < $_mailAttachment.files.length; ++i) { $outerAttachmentHTML += ''+ $_mailAttachment.files.item(i).name +''; // Dectecting the format/type of the uploaded file for appling the icon/svg accordingly if ($_mailAttachment.files.item(i).type.split('/')[0] === 'image') { getSVG = ''; } else if ($_mailAttachment.files.item(i).type.split('/')[0] === 'application') { if ($_mailAttachment.files.item(i).type.split('/')[1] === 'zip') { getSVG = ''; } else if ($_mailAttachment.files.item(i).type.split('/')[1] === 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' || $_mailAttachment.files.item(i).type.split('/')[1] === 'vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' ) { getSVG = ''; 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'+ getSVG +'

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'+ formatBytes($_mailAttachment.files.item(i).size, 2) +'

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'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+ '
'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ "


"+ '

Best Regards,

'+ '


'+ innerConditionHTML + '
'+ '
'; $("#ct").prepend($html); $(".content-box > .msg-close").after($html2); $('#composeMailModal').modal('hide'); $(".list-actions#sentmail").trigger('click'); swal({ title: 'Mail Sent Successfully', type: 'success', padding: '2em' }) $_GET_mailItem_Reply(); $_GET_mailItem_Forward(); contentBoxPosition(); stopPropagations(); mailInboxScroll() if (draftTragetID != "") { $('[data-target="'+draftTragetID+'"]').parents('.mail-item').remove(); dynamicBadgeNotification('draftmail'); } }); } /* Button Save ==> Trigger when clicked on Save Button in Modal. */ $("#btn-save").on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); /* Act on the event */ var $_mailFrom = document.getElementById('m-form').value; var $_mailTo = document.getElementById('m-to').value; var $_mailCC = document.getElementById('m-cc').value; var $_mailAttachment = document.getElementById('mail_File_attachment'); var $_mailSubject = document.getElementById('m-subject').value; var $_mailDescription = quill.getText(); var delta = quill.getContents(); var $_textDelta = JSON.stringify(delta); $outerAttachmentHTML = ''; if ($_mailAttachment.files.length >= 1) { for (var i = 0; i < $_mailAttachment.files.length; ++i) { $outerAttachmentHTML += ''+ $_mailAttachment.files.item(i).name +'' } } var outerConditionHTML = $_mailAttachment.files.length >= 1 ? '
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'+ "


"+ '

Best Regards,

'+ '


'+ innerConditionHTML + '
'+ '
'; $("#ct").prepend($html); $(".content-box > .msg-close").after($html2); $('#composeMailModal').modal('hide'); $(".list-actions#sentmail").trigger('click'); swal({ title: 'Mail Sent Successfully', type: 'success', padding: '2em' }) $_GET_mailItem_Reply(); $_GET_mailItem_Forward(); contentBoxPosition(); stopPropagations(); mailInboxScroll(); }); /* Btn Reply Save ==> Trigger when clicked on SAVE Button in REPLY Modal. */ $("#btn-reply-save").on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); /* Act on the event */ var $_mailFrom = document.getElementById('m-form').value; var $_mailTo = document.getElementById('m-to').value; var $_mailCC = document.getElementById('m-cc').value; var $_mailAttachment = document.getElementById('mail_File_attachment'); var $_mailSubject = document.getElementById('m-subject').value; var $_mailDescription = quill.getText(); var delta = quill.getContents(); var $_textDelta = JSON.stringify(delta); $outerAttachmentHTML = ''; if ($_mailAttachment.files.length >= 1) { for (var i = 0; i < $_mailAttachment.files.length; ++i) { $outerAttachmentHTML += ''+ $_mailAttachment.files.item(i).name +'' } } var outerConditionHTML = $_mailAttachment.files.length >= 1 ? '
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Best Regards,

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