# sublime-fixmyjs > Sublime plugin to correct JS linting issues You shouldn't have to care about linting issues. Now you don't have to using [fixmyjs](https://github.com/jshint/fixmyjs). ## Preview ![](http://i.imgur.com/mQBPYGA.gif) ## Install ### Package Control Install `FixMyJS` with [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net) and restart Sublime. **You need to have [Node.js](http://nodejs.org) installed.** Make sure it's in your $PATH by running `node -v` in your command-line. > Note: On OS X it's expected that Node resides in the /usr/local/bin/ folder, which it does when installed with the default installer. If this is not the case, symlink your Node binary to this location: `ln -s /full/path/to/your/node /usr/local/bin/node` ### Install from GitHub 1) Open the Command Palette *(Cmd+Shift+P)* 2) Select Package Control > Add Repository ![](http://i.imgur.com/Z381xzi.png) 3) Paste in https://github.com/addyosmani/sublime-fixmyjs ![](http://i.imgur.com/fDl4T3r.png) 4) BOOM. ## Getting started In a js file, open the Command Palette *(Cmd+Shift+P)* and choose `FixMyJS`. You can alternatively create one or more selections before running the command to only fix those parts. ![](http://i.imgur.com/gLetSdK.png) ### Options *(Preferences > Package Settings > FixMyJS > Settings - User)* #### Default ```json { "legacy": true, "fixOnSave": false } ``` ### Legacy mode By default, this plugin uses the FixMyJS *legacy* mode. This option uses the last stable version of the module which uses JSHint to detect errors in your code and fix them. It does not include all of the fixes the current version of FixMyJS exposes, but does do a much better job of preserving source formatting. To disable legacy mode, set `legacy` to false in your user settings for the package. ```json { "legacy": false } ``` ### Keyboard shortcut You can also set up a keyboard shortcut to run the command by opening up "Preferences > Key Bindings - User" and adding your shortcut with the `fix` command. Example: ```json [ { "keys": ["alt+super+j"], "command": "fix" } ] ``` ### Project settings You can override the default and user settings for individual projects. Just add an `"FixMyJS"` object to the `"settings"` object in the project's `.sublime-project` file containing your [project specific settings](http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/projects.html). Example: ```json { "settings": { "FixMyJS": { } } } ``` ## Kudos This plugin is based on the excellent [Autoprefixer plugin](https://github.com/sindresorhus/sublime-autoprefixer) by Sindre Sorhus. ## License MIT © [Addy Osmani](http://addyosmani.com)