#include TagIE.ahk #include TagIE_Social_sharing.ahk ;Social Media Sharer functions for TagIE Browser Automation ;Works withTagIE Editor and Functions, version 1.1.04 (and above) ;https://github.com/adegard/TagIE.ahk/ String := "growth hacking,autohotkey,automation,Robotic Process Automation" Cate := [] ; creates initialy empty OBJECT (simple array) Loop, parse, String, `, Cate.Insert(A_LoopField) ; inserts elements in object ;Randomize category to republish******************* Random, numcat, 1, 4 caturl :="https://simplestipsandtricks.blogspot.com/search/label/"Cate[numcat] tnav(caturl,"") Sleep, 3000 ; Shows posts number Max:=pwb.document.getElementsByClassName("post-title entry-title").length ;Randomize post to republish********************* Random, num, 3, Max selector =#Blog1 > div.blog-posts.hfeed > div:nth-child(%num%) > div > div > div > h3 > a tclick(selector, 0) Sleep, 3000 WinActivate ahk_class IEFrame ControlFocus, Internet Explorer_Server1, ahk_class IEFrame pwb := PWB_Init(WinTitle) ; replaces WinGetTitle and PWB_Get() Link:=pwb.LocationURL ;grab current url techo(Link) ;*************Post on LINKEDIN************** linkedinprof(Link) Sleep, 1000 ;*************Post on various FACEBOOK groups************** fbgroup(Link, "seo") Sleep, 1000 ;**************Post on various FACEBOOK page************************* fbpage(Link, "Pc-Dream") Sleep,1000 ExitApp Esc::ExitApp