v3c v2a: ETURWG GM40 v2b: ETURWG GM41 v2c: ETURWG GM49 v2d: ETURWG GM55 v3: ETURWG GM83 v3a: ETURWG GM90 V3b: ETURWG GM102 F18 F2F Current: v3c Development: v5.0.0 v5.0.0 #Availability TODO #Availability 5.0.0 #CommonSenseKnowledge TODO #CommonSenseKnowledge 5.0.0 #Competency TODO #Competency 5.0.0 #Confidentiality TODO #Confidentiality 5.0.0 #Configurality [NOT REVIEWED as of GM55] Ability of an uncertainty representation to support combining uncertainty about many propositions and/or variables, of different types, with different types of uncertainty. #DataInput 5.0.0 #DataOutput 5.0.0 #DataProcessingTechnique 5.0.0 #Dependency Ability of the uncertainty representation to capture dependency among propositions (e.g., cause and effect, relevance, statistical association). #EvaluationMeasure Examples covers: STANAG2511Credibility, STANAG2511Reliability, Shanon entropy... #EvaluationMeasure TODO: what about quantitative versus qualitiative? #EvaluationMeasure TODO #EvaluationMeasure 5.0.0 #EvaluationProcess Entities of the Evaluation class are actual evaluations. According to Patton, Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program's activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming decisions. Patton, M.Q. (1987). Qualitative Research Evaluation Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers.). #EvaluationSubject An Evaluation Subject is an item which can be assessed according to the criteria defined in the URREF ontology. #Explainability TODO #Explainability 5.0.0 #FusionMethod TODO #FusionMethod 5.0.0 #FusionSystemComponent true #FusionSystemComponent 5.0.0 #FusionSystemProcess true #FusionSystemProcess 5.0.0 #GenericKnowledge TODO #GenericKnowledge TODO: ref (ChatGPT paper) #GenericKnowledge 5.0.0 #HigherOrderUncertainty [NOT REVIEWED as of GM55] Ability of the system to represent uncertainty about the uncertainty model, including parameters, structure, and/or type of  model. #InformationHandlingCriterion Renamed from "DataHandlingCriterion" in version 5.0.0. #InformationHandlingCriterion Measure of the way data is managed by the fusion system. #InformationHandlingCriterion 5.0.0 #InformationHandlingMethod TODO #InformationHandlingMethod 5.0.0 #Integrity TODO #Integrity 5.0.0 #Interpretability TODO #Interpretability 5.0.0 #LogicalRule TODO #LogicalRule 5.0.0 #Observation TODO #Observation 5.0.0 #ObservationalSensitivity true #ObservationalSensitivity 5.0.0 #Outcomes [NOT REVIEWED as of GM55] Ability to represent different kinds of outcomes for uncertain variables, e.g., Boolean, qualitative categorical, ordinal, discrete numerical, continuous. #PhysicalRule TODO #PhysicalRule 5.0.0 #Relational [NOT REVIEWED as of GM55] Ability to represent uncertainty about domains with relational structure, e.g.,   attribute value uncertainty; reference uncertainty; type uncertainty; existence uncertainty. #Reliability TODO #Reliability 5.0.0 #Reputation TODO #Reputation 5.0.0 #STANAG2511 true #STANAG2511Credibility true #STANAG2511Reliability true #SelfConfidence true #SelfConfidence 5.0.0 #SensorMeasurement TODO #SensorMeasurement 5.0.0 #SingularEvidence TODO #SingularEvidence TODO: ref (ChatGPT paper) #SingularEvidence 5.0.0 #SourceCriterion Any feature of the source which will affect the quality of the information provided by the source. #SourceCriterion 5.0.0 #StatisticalModel TODO #StatisticalModel 5.0.0 #Testimony TODO #Testimony 5.0.0 #Transparency TODO #Transparency 5.0.0 #Trust TODO: placeholder to import trust ontologies #Trust 5.0.0 #UncertaintyModel Renamed from "UncertaintyFunction" in version 5.0.0. #UncertaintyModel TODO: - a probability function - a support over something #UncertaintyModel 5.0.0 #UncertaintyReasoning TODO #UncertaintyReasoning 5.0.0 #UncertaintySupport TODO: what you are certain about. #appliesTo TODO #appliesTo 5.0.0 #appliesToHandling TODO #appliesToHandling 5.0.0 #appliesToReasoning TODO #appliesToReasoning 5.0.0 #appliesToRepresentation TODO #appliesToRepresentation 5.0.0 #basedOn TODO #basedOn 5.0.0 #employs TODO #employs 5.0.0 #impacts TODO: decide whether associations are pascalCase or CamelCase. #impacts 5.0.0 #measures TODO #measures 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Accuracy Closeness of agreement between an evaluation subject value and the true value of the quantity or quality being evaluated. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Adaptability Ability of the representational model to allow for different configurations of the model. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Assessment Measure of the ability of the system to handle the types of uncertainty assessments (e.g., verbal, quantitative, combined) needed for a given problem, and to distinguish them from one another. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Compatibility Measure of how compatible a given knowledge representation is to data standards, and should be related to the degree of flexibility it has in being coded with various standards. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ComputationalCost Moved from "ReasoningCriterion" in version 5.0.0. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ComputationalCost Measure of how much of the system’s computational resources are required by a given representational technique to produce its results. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ComputationalCost 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Consistency Measure of the ability of the reasoning process to produce the same results when provided with the same data under the same conditions. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Credibility Measure of the degree to which an evaluation subject can be believed or accepted as true, real, or honest. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#EvaluationCriterion Encompasses all the different aspects that must be considered when evaluating uncertainty handling in multi-sensor fusion systems http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Expressiveness Measure of the power of a knowledge representation formalism to convey all relevant aspects of a given fusion problem. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#InformationCriterion Renammed from "DataCriteron" as of version 5.0.0. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#InformationCriterion Evaluation Criteria that concern aspects of information and their relationship to source, the object being reported upon, and the objectives of the fusion process. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#InformationCriterion 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#InformationCriterion 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Interpretation true http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Interpretation 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#KnowledgeHandling Measure the ability of a given uncertainty representation technique to convey knowledge. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Objectivity Measure of the extent to which an evaluation subject reports about a matter of fact in an unbiased manner. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Objectivity 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Objectivity 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ObservationalSensitivity Quotient of the change in a result of evaluation subject  and the corresponding change in a value of a quality being observed. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ObservationalSensitivity 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ObservationalSensitivity 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#PerformanceCriterion Moved from "ReasoningCriterion" and renamed from "Performance" in version 5.0.0. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#PerformanceCriterion Measure how suitable the representational model is to handle the functional requirements of an information fusion system. Other system architecture factors also affect these metrics. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#PerformanceCriterion 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Precision TODO, decide between : - The extent to which a piece of information covers different values. - The extent to which the domain of the information is constrained. - Previous definition: "Closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values obtained by replicate measurements on the same or similar evaluation subjects under specified conditions." http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Quality Ability to assess the degree of informational quality of the data http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#ReasoningCriterion Encompasses criteria directly affecting how an information fusion system transforms its input data into knowledge. It can also be called as process or inference criteria, as it deals with how the uncertainty model performs operations with information. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#RelevanceToProblem Measure the degree to which an evaluation subject has direct bearing on the objectives of the fusion process. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#RepresentationCriterion Encompasses criteria related to how uncertainty is characterized, captured and stored in a manner that can be processed by the fusion system. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Scalability Measure of the ability to handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#SelfConfidence Measure of the evaluation subject's assessment of its own credibility. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#SelfConfidence 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#SelfConfidence 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Simplicity Assesses the information system's ability to execute common operations without requiring deep knowledge about its inner details. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Soudness Changed name in version 5.0.0: from "Correctness" to "Soundness". http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Soudness The quality of being based on valid reason or good judgement. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Soudness 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Soudness 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Source A source is the origin of the information. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Throughput Measure of the average (and (possibly peak) rate of conversion of inputs to outputs. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Throughput 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Timeliness Measure of the ability to produce results within a required timeframe. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Timeliness 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Traceability Measure of the ability of a fusion system to provide an accurate and unbroken historical record of its inputs and the chain of operations that led to its conclusions. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#UncertainEvidence Moved as a subclass of InformationCriterion in version 5.0.0. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#UncertainEvidence TODO http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#UncertainEvidence 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Veracity Measure of the extent to which a source reports what it assesses to be the case. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Veracity 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#Veracity 5.0.0 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#WeightOfInformation Renamed from "WeightOfEvidence" in version 5.0.0. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#WeightOfInformation Measure of the degree of impact of an evaluation subject on the result of fusion. http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#WeightOfInformation 4 http://eturwg.c4i.gmu.edu/ontologies/URREF.owl#WeightOfInformation 5.0.0 http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#BeliefFunctions Belief functions are closely related to probabilities. Beliefs in a hypothesis is calculated as the sum of the masses of all sets it encloses. A belief function differs from a Bayesian probability model in that one does not condition on those parts of the evidence for which no probabilities are specified. This ability to explicitly model the degree of ignorance makes the theory very appealing and has been applied in areas such as inconsistency handling in OWL ontologies (Nikolov et al., 2007) and ontology mapping (e.g. Yaghlane and Laamari, 2007). http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Evidence An expression in some logical language that evaluates to a truth-value (formula, axiom, assertion). It is then assumed that information will be presented in the form of sentences. So the uncertainty will be associated with sentences. http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Evidence Evidence, for the purpose of this ontology is considered to be equivalent to: - Sentence - Information http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Evidence http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/XGR-urw3-20080331/Uncertainty.owl http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Evidence true http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Evidence 5.0.0 http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#FuzzySets In contrast to probabilistic formalisms, which allow for representing and processing degrees of uncertainty about ambiguous pieces of information, fuzzy formalisms allow for representing and processing degrees of truth about vague (or imprecise) pieces of information. It is important to point out that vague statements are truth-functional, that is, the degree of truth of a vague complex statement (which is constructed from elementary vague statements via logical operators) can be calculated from the degrees of truth of its constituents, while uncertain complex statements are generally not a function of the degrees of uncertainty of their constituents (Dubois and Prade, 1994). http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#Probability Probability theory provides a mathematically sound representation language and formal calculus for rational degrees of belief, which gives different agents the freedom to have different beliefs about a given hypothesis. http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#RandomSets A rough set, first described by a Polish computer scientist Zdzisław I. Pawlak, is a formal approximation of a crisp set (i.e., conventional set) in terms of a pair of sets which give the lower and the upper approximation of the original set. In the standard version of rough set theory (Pawlak 1991), the lower- and upper-approximation sets are crisp sets, but in other variations, the approximating sets may be fuzzy set http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#RandomSets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_sets http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyDerivation Uncertainty derivation refers to the way it can be assessed. That is, how the uncertainty metrics can be derived. http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyDerivation http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/XGR-urw3-20080331/#uncertaintyontology http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyNature This captures the information about the nature of the uncertainty, i.e., whether the uncertainty is inherent in the phenomenon expressed by the sentence, or it is the result of lack of knowledge of the agent. http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyNature http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/XGR-urw3-20080331/#uncertaintyontology http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyTheory http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/XGR-urw3-20080331/#uncertaintyontology http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyType For the purposes of this ontology, Uncertainty type is equivalent to: - type of imperfection http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyType Uncertainty Type is a concept that focuses on underlying characteristics of the information that make it uncertain. http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1181490123.owl#UncertaintyType http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/urw3/XGR-urw3-20080331/#uncertaintyontology