# Contributor's guide TODO ## Build from source ### Requirements To build and deploy : - java 11 or later (install with the awesome [sdkman](https://sdkman.io/)) ### Build zoe cli ```bash # switch to java 11 or later # if you are using sdkman sdk use java 11 # build zoe CLI ./gradlew clean zoe-cli:installDist # launch zoe cli zoe-cli/build/install/zoe/bin/zoe --help # if you don't have any config yet zoe-cli/build/install/zoe/bin/zoe config init ``` ## Development ### Local testing ```bash # spin up the local environment docker-compose -f docs/guides/simple/docker-compose.yml up -d # point zoe to the testing environment export ZOE_CONFIG_DIR=docs/guides/simple/config # use the locally built zoe CLI zoe-cli/build/install/zoe/bin/zoe topics list # produce some data zoe-cli/build/install/zoe/bin/zoe topics produce --topic simple --from-file docs/guides/simple/data.json ``` ### Testing actions ```bash docker build -t gh-actions:ubuntu-latest dev/actions/images/ubuntu act -P ubuntu-latest=gh-actions:ubuntu-latest -r -j release-runtimeless -e dev/actions/payloads/release.json release ```