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<title>Manpower Services | Africa Energy Solutions Limited</title>

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					<h1 class="text-uppercase" style="padding-top: 20px;">Manpower Services</h1><br>
                    We have the experience necessary to manage your assets by providing all support services that will enable safe, reliable and cost effective operation. You can focus on managing your business while we take responsibility for the operation and system-reliability of your rotating equipment, by applying our industry leading technical expertise, QHSE procedures and management processes.<br><br>

                    We support a wide range of equipment from most major OEMs, including:<br><br>

                        <li class="fa fa-check">Field Engineers</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Mechanical/Electrical Engineers</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Controls Engineer</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Inspectors</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Supervisors</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Mechanical Technicians</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Welders/Fitters</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Riggers</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Control & Instrument Technicians</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">Laster/Painters etc</li><br>
                        <li class="fa fa-check">EHS Personnel</li>
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