/*********************************************************************************************************************** * * A SmartThings child smartapp which creates the "room" device using the rooms occupancy DTH and allows executing * various rules based on occupancy state. this alllows lights and other devices to be turned on and off based on * occupancy. it also allows many other actions like executing a routine or piston, turning on/off music and much * more. see the wiki for more details. (note wiki is still in progress. ok there is really no content in the wiki. * yet. but this is to reinforce my intention of putting the wiki together. ;-) will update with link once in place.) * * Copyright (C) 2017 bangali * * License: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see . * * Attribution: * * convertRGBToHueSaturation(...) adpated from code by ady624 for webCoRE. original code can be found at: * https://github.com/ady624/webCoRE/blob/master/smartapps/ady624/webcore-piston.src/webcore-piston.groovy * colorsRGB array color name and RGB values from code by ady624 for webCoRE. * * Name: Rooms Child Settings * Source: https://github.com/adey/bangali/blob/master/smartapps/bangali/rooms-child-settings.src/rooms-child-settings.groovy * ***********************************************************************************************************************/ public static String version() { return "v1.2.0" } import groovy.transform.Field @Field final String lastMotionActive = '1' @Field final String lastMotionInactive = '2' @Field final String asleep = 'asleep' @Field final String engaged = 'engaged' @Field final String occupied = 'occupied' @Field final String vacant = 'vacant' @Field final String checking = 'checking' @Field final String locked = 'locked' @Field final String open = 'open' @Field final String closed = 'closed' @Field final String active = 'active' @Field final String inactive = 'inactive' @Field final String on = 'on' @Field final String off = 'off' @Field final String present = 'present' @Field final String notpresent = 'not present' // @Field final String noTraffic = '0' @Field final String lightTraffic = '5' @Field final String mediumTraffic = '7' @Field final String heavyTraffic = '9' @Field final String _SmartThings = 'ST' @Field final String _Hubitat = 'HU' @Field final String padChar = '・' @Field final String pushAButton = 'pushableButton' @Field final String holdAButton = 'holdableButton' @Field final String doubleTapAButton = 'doubleTapableButton' @Field final Map heCapToAttrMap = [(pushAButton):'pushed', (holdAButton):'held', (doubleTapAButton):'doubleTapped'] @Field final int maxRules = 10 @Field final int maxHolis = 10 @Field final int maxButtons = 5 @Field final String _timeSunrise = '1' @Field final String _timeSunset = '2' @Field final String _timeTime = '3' @Field final String _ERule = 'e' @Field final String _TRule = 't' @Field final String _HRule = 'h' definition ( name: "rooms child settings", namespace: "bangali", parent: "bangali:rooms manager", author: "bangali", description: "DO NOT INSTALL DIRECTLY. Rooms Manager app uses this to for the view all settings screen.", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/adey/bangali/master/resources/icons/roomOccupancy.png", iconX2Url: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/adey/bangali/master/resources/icons/roomOccupancy@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/adey/bangali/master/resources/icons/roomOccupancy@3x.png" ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage", content: "mainPage") } def mainPage() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "No settings", install: false, uninstall: false) { section() { } } } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { initialize() } def initialize() { unsubscribe(); unschedule() } def allSettings(setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { // ifDebug("pageAllSettings") def hT = getHubType() def pVer = parent.version() def ver = version() if (pVer != ver) { def errMsg = "Rooms Child Settings app verion does not match Rooms Manager app version. Parent version is $pVer and this app version is ${ver}. Please update app code and save${(hT == _SmartThings ? '/publish' : '')} before trying again." log.error errMsg return errMsg } def varAllS, varTranslate def para = '' def sum, s for (def vit : allSettingsVar) { if (vit[0] instanceof List) { varAllS = vit[0] varTranslate = vit[1] } else { varAllS = vit varTranslate = null } def vitCount = (varAlls instanceof String ? 1 : varAllS.size()) if (vitCount == 1) { if (para) { //log.debug para para = para + (hT == _Hubitat ? '' : '\n'); } para = para + (hT == _Hubitat ? '\n
' : '\n') + varAllS[0].toUpperCase()
		else    {
			def var = (setings[varAllS[0]] || varTranslate ? (varTranslate ? "$varTranslate"(setings[varAllS[0]], setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) : setings[varAllS[0]]) : '')
			if (var && var.toString().isInteger())	{
				def vN = var.toInteger()
				if (vN > 0)		var = String.format("%,d", vN);
			if (vitCount == 2)	{
				if (!onlyHas || var)
					para = para + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}${var ? (setings[varAllS[0]] ? padViewString(varAllS[1]) : varAllS[1]) : varAllS[1]}${var ?: ''}"
			else if (vitCount == 3)	{
				if (!onlyHas || var)
					para = para + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}${var ? padViewString(varAllS[1]) : varAllS[1]}${var ?: ''}" + (var && varAllS[2] ? varAllS[2] : '')
			else if (vitCount == 4)	{
				sum = varAllS[3]
				s = (sum && anonIt ? (var instanceof List ? var.size() : (var ? 1 : '')) : (var ?: ''))
//                        ifDebug(">>>>> 3 >>> $itCount | $varAllS | ${settings[varAllS[0]]} | $var | $sum | $check | ${['or', 'and'].contains(check)} | $varTranslate | $s")
				if (!onlyHas || s)
					para = para + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}${s ? padViewString(varAllS[1]) : varAllS[1]}$s" + (s && varAllS[2] ? varAllS[2] : '')
			else if (vitCount > 4)	{
				sum = varAllS[3]
				def check = varAllS[4]?.trim().toLowerCase()
				s = (sum && anonIt ? (var instanceof List ? var.size() : (var ? 1 : '')) : (var ?: ''))
//                        ifDebug(">>>>> 4 >>> $vitCount | $check | ${['or', 'and'].contains(check)} | $s")
				if (vitCount > 5 && ['or', 'and'].contains(check))	{
					def pas = (check == 'and' ? true : false)
					for (def i = 5; i < vitCount; i++)	{
						def v = setings[varAllS[i]]
						if (check == 'or' && "$v")	{
							if (!pas)		pas = true;
						else if (check == 'and')	{
							if (v == null)		pas = false;
					if (!pas)		s = '';
				if (!onlyHas || s)
					para = para + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}${s ? padViewString(varAllS[1]) : varAllS[1]}$s" + (s && varAllS[2] ? varAllS[2] : '')
	if (para)	para = para + (hT == _Hubitat ? '
' : '\n'); // } // } return para } private getHubType() { if (!state.hubId) state.hubId = location.hubs[0].id.toString() if (state.hubId.length() > 5) return _SmartThings; else return _Hubitat; } private padViewString(str, chars = 20) { def padSz = ((chars ?: 20) * (getHubType() == _Hubitat ? 1.5 : 1)) as Integer def sz = (str ? str.size() : 0) def s = (sz > 0 ? str.substring(0, (sz > padSz ? (padSz - 1) : (sz - 1))) : '') s = s + ((' ' + padChar + ' ') * ((padSz - s.size() + 5f) / 3).round(0)) return s.substring(0, padSz + 3) + ' ' } private varRoomChild(x, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { return (childCreated ? "Child device OK" : "Child device NOT created") } private varRoomButtons(x, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { def hT = getHubType() def bS = '' def bN = 'roomButton' // def bT = "Room buttons:" def bC = 0 for (def i = 1; i <= maxButtons; i++) { if (setings["$bN$i"] || setings["${bN}Number$i"]) if (anonIt) bC = bC + 1; else bS = bS + (bS ? "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}" + padViewString('') : '') + "${setings["$bN$i"]} : ${(hT == _Hubitat ? heCapToAttrMap[setings["roomButtonType$i"]] + ' : ' : '')}${setings["${bN}Number$i"]}"; } if (anonIt && bC > 0) bS = "$bC buttons"; return bS } private varWhichNoMotion(wM, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { return (setings.motionSensors ? (wM == lastMotionActive ? "Last Motion Active" : "Last Motion Inactive") : '') } private varBusyCheck(bC, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { def bCS switch(bC) { case lightTraffic: bCS = 'Light traffic'; break case mediumTraffic: bCS = 'Medium traffic'; break case heavyTraffic: bCS = 'Heavy traffic'; break default: bCS = 'No traffic check'; break } return bCS } private varDate(dT, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { def dateX = /^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}\z/ def matcher return ((matcher = dT =~ dateX) ? dT.substring(11,16) : dT) } private varHoli(x, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { def hT = getHubType() def hS = '' for (def i = 1; i <= maxHolis; i++) { if (setings["holiName$i"] || setings["holiColorString$i"]) hS = hS + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? '  ' : '')}" + padViewString(setings["holiName$i"].trim() + ":", 15) + setings["holiColorString$i"] } return holiString } def ruleDelete(allRules) { def rulesList = [] for (def thisRule : allRules) { if (!thisRule) continue; rulesList << [(thisRule.ruleNo):"${varRuleString(thisRule, false)}"] } return rulesList } private varRule(x, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { def hT = getHubType() def rS = '' for (def thisRule : allRules) rS = rS + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? '  ' : '')}" + varRuleString(thisRule, anonIt); return rS } private varRuleString(thisRule, anonIt) { def rD = "$thisRule.ruleNo:" rD = (thisRule.disabled ? "$rD Disabled=$thisRule.disabled" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.mode ? "$rD Mode=$thisRule.mode" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.state ? "$rD State=$thisRule.state" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.dayOfWeek ? "$rD Days of Week=$thisRule.dayOfWeek" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.luxThreshold != null ? "$rD Lux=$thisRule.luxThreshold" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule?.luxCheck ? "$rD Lux Greater Than=$thisRule.luxCheck" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.powerThreshold ? "$rD Power=$thisRule.powerThreshold" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule?.powerCheck ? "$rD Power Less Than=$thisRule.powerCheck" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.presence ? "$rD Presence=${(anonIt ? thisRule.presence.size() : thisRule.presence)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.checkOn ? "$rD Check ON=${(anonIt ? thisRule.checkOn.size() : thisRule.checkOn)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.checkOff ? "$rD Check OFF=${(anonIt ? thisRule.checkOff.size() : thisRule.checkOff)}" : "$rD") if (thisRule.fromDate && thisRule.toDate) { rD = "$rD From=$thisRule.fromDate" rD = "$rD To=$thisRule.toDate" } if (thisRule.fromTimeType && thisRule.toTimeType) { def rFT = (thisRule.fromTime ? format24hrTime(timeToday(thisRule.fromTime, location.timeZone)) : '') def rTT = (thisRule.toTime ? format24hrTime(timeToday(thisRule.toTime, location.timeZone)) : '') rD = (thisRule.fromTimeType == _timeTime ? "$rD From=$rFT" : (thisRule.fromTimeType == _timeSunrise ? "$rD From=Sunrise" + varRuleTimeOffset(thisRule.fromTimeOffset) : "$rD From=Sunset" + varRuleTimeOffset(thisRule.fromTimeOffset))) rD = (thisRule.toTimeType == _timeTime ? "$rD To=$rTT" : (thisRule.toTimeType == _timeSunrise ? "$rD To=Sunrise" + varRuleTimeOffset(thisRule.toTimeOffset) : "$rD To=Sunset" + varRuleTimeOffset(thisRule.toTimeOffset))) } rD = rD + ' Type=' + (thisRule.type == _HRule ? 'Humidity' : (thisRule.type == _TRule ? 'Temperature' : 'Execution')) if (thisRule.type == _HRule) { rD = (thisRule.deHumiOn ? "$rD Dehumidifier=${(anonIt ? thisRule.deHumiOn.size() : thisRule.deHumiOn)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiOn ? "$rD Humidifier=${(anonIt ? thisRule.humiOn.size() : thisRule.humiOn)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiCmp ? "$rD Compare=$thisRule.humiCmp" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiValue ? "$rD Value=$thisRule.humiValue" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiMins ? "$rD For minutes=$thisRule.humiMins" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiMinRun ? "$rD Minimum=$thisRule.humiMinRun" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.humiMaxRun ? "$rD Maximum=$thisRule.humiMaxRun" : "$rD") } else if (thisRule.type == _TRule) { rD = (thisRule.coolTemp ? "$rD Cool=$thisRule.coolTemp" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.heatTemp ? "$rD Heat=$thisRule.heatTemp" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.tempRange ? "$rD Range=$thisRule.tempRange" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.fanOnTemp ? "$rD Fan On=$thisRule.fanOnTemp" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.fanSpeedIncTemp ? "$rD Fan Increment=$thisRule.fanSpeedIncTemp" : "$rD") } else { rD = (thisRule.device ? "$rD Device=$thisRule.device ${(thisRule.commands ? ": " + thisRule.commands : '')}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.piston ? "$rD Piston=true" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.actions ? "$rD Routines=true" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.musicAction ? "$rD Music=${(thisRule.musicAction == '1' ? 'Start' : (thisRule.musicAction == '2' ? 'Pause' : 'Neither'))}" : "$rD") if (thisRule.switchesOn) { rD = (thisRule.switchesOn ? "$rD ON=${(anonIt ? thisRule.switchesOn.size() : thisRule.switchesOn)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.level ? "$rD Level=$thisRule.level" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.color ? "$rD Color=$thisRule.color" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.colorTemperature ? "$rD Kelvin=$thisRule.colorTemperature" : "$rD") } rD = (thisRule.switchesOff ? "$rD OFF=${(anonIt ? thisRule.switchesOff.size() : thisRule.switchesOff)}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.noMotion ? "$rD Occupied Timer=${thisRule.noMotion}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.noMotionEngaged ? "$rD Engaged Timer=${thisRule.noMotionEngaged}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.dimTimer ? "$rD Checking Timer=${thisRule.dimTimer}" : "$rD") rD = (thisRule.noMotionAsleep ? "$rD Asleep Timer=${thisRule.noMotionAsleep}" : "$rD") } return rD } private varRuleTimeOffset(offset) { return String.format(" %+d", (offset ?: "0").toInteger()) } private varNightLightOn(nLO, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { if (!nLO) return '' def hT = getHubType() def nLOS = '' if (nLO.contains('1')) nLOS = "With motion" if (nLO.contains('2')) nLOS = (nLOS ? nLOS + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}" + padViewString('') : '') + "Changes to asleep" if (nLO.contains('3')) nLOS = (nLOS ? nLOS + "\n${(hT == _Hubitat ? ' ' : '')}" + padViewString('') : '') + "Changes from asleep" return nLOS + ' ' } private varNightButton(nBA, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { return (nBA ? [1:"Turn on",2:"Turn off",3:"Toggle"][nBA] : '') } private varMaintainTemp(mRT, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { return (mRT ? [1:"Cool room",2:"Heat room",3:"Cool & heat room",4:"No"][mRT] : '') } private varPresenceAction(pAct, setings, allRules, childCreated, onlyHas, anonIt) { return (pAct ? ['1':"ENGAGED on Arrival",'2':"VACANT on Departure",'3':"Both actions",'4':"Neither action"][pAct] : '') } private format24hrTime(timeToFormat = new Date(now()), format = "HH:mm") { return timeToFormat.format("HH:mm", location.timeZone) } @Field final List allSettingsVar = [ ["Room occupancy device:"], [["room child device", "Room child device:", null, false], "varRoomChild"], ["room sensor settings:"], ["motionSensors", "Motion sensors:", null, true], ["triggerMotionSensors", "Trigger motion:", null, true, "or", "motionSensors"], [["whichNoMotion", "Which no motion:", null, false, "or", "motionSensors"], "varWhichNoMotion"], ["accelSensors", "Acceleration sensors:", null, true], [["room buttons", "Room buttons:", null, true], "varRoomButtons"], // ["roomButtonType", "Room button type:", null, false, "or", "roomButton"], // ["roomButton", "Room button:", null, true], // ["buttonForRoom", "Button number:", null, false, "or", "roomButton"], ["roomButtonStates", "Rotate thru states:", null, false, "or", "roomButton"], ["personsPresence", "Presence sensors:", null, true], ["luxSensor", "Lux sensor:", null, true], ["humiditySensor", "Humidity sensor:", null, true], ["contactSensor", "Door sensors:", null, true], ["contactEngagedRequiresMotion", "Contact motion:", null, false, "and", "contactSensor", "motionSensors"], ["contactSensorOutsideDoor", "Outside door:", null, false, "or", "contactSensor"], ["contactSensorsRT", "Window sensors:", null, true], ["waterSensors", "Water sensors:", null, true], ["powerDevice", "Power device:", null, true], ["musicDevice", "Music player:", null, true], // ["windowShades", "Window shades:", null, true], ["occupied settings:"], ["occupiedButtonType", "Occupied button type:", null, false, "or", "occupiedButton"], ["occupiedButton", "Button device:", null, true], ["buttonIsOccupied", "Button number:", null, false, "or", "occupiedButton"], ["buttonOnlySetsOccupied", "Only sets:", null, false, "or", "occupiedButton"], ["occSwitches", "Switches:", null, true], ["noMotionOccupied", "Motion timeout:", " seconds", false, "or", "motionSensors", "occupiedButton", "occSwitches"], ["engaged settings:"], [["busyCheck", "Busy check:", null, false, "or", "motionSensors"], "varBusyCheck"], ["repeatedMotion", "Busy with motion:", null, false, "and", "motionSensors", "busyCheck"], ["engagedButtonType", "Engaged button type:", null, false, "or", "engagedButton"], ["engagedButton", "Button device:", null, true], ["buttonIs", "Button number:", null, false, "or", "engagedButton"], ["buttonOnlySetsEngaged", "Only sets:", null, false, "or", "engagedButton"], [["presenceAction", "Presence action:", null, false, "or", "personsPresence"], "varPresenceAction"], ["presenceActionContinuous", "Presence continuous:", null, false, "or", "personsPresence"], // ["musicEngaged", "Engaged with music:", null, false, "or", "musicDevice"], ["engagedSwitch", "Switches:", null, true], ["powerValueEngaged", "Engaged power:", " watts", false, "or", "powerDevice"], ["powerFromTimeType", "From time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerFromTime", "Time from:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged", "powerFromTimeType"], ["powerFromTimeOffset", "Time from offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged", "powerFromTimeType", "powerFromTime"], ["powerToTimeType", "To time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerToTime", "Time to:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged", "powerToTimeType"], ["powerToTimeOffset", "Time to offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged", "powerToTimeType", "powerToTime"], ["powerTriggerFromVacant", "From vacant:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerTriggerFromOccupied", "From occupied:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerKeepsEngaged", "From occupied:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerStaysAbove", "Stays above for:", " seconds", false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["powerStays", "Stays below for:", " seconds", false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueEngaged"], ["resetEngagedWithContact", "Reset engaged state:", " minutes", false, "and", "contactSensor", "powerValueEngaged"], ["contactSensorNotTriggersEngaged", "Only sets:", null, false, "or", "contactSensor"], ["noMotionEngaged", "Require motion:", " seconds"], ["anotherRoomEngaged", "Switches:", null, true], ["resetEngagedDirectly", "Reset no checking:"], ["engagedOverrides", "Engaged overrides:", null, false], ["checking settings:"], ["dimTimer", "Dim timer:", " seconds"], ["dimByLevel", "By level:", "%", false, "or", "dimTimer"], ["dimToLevel", "To level:", "%", false, "or", "dimTimer"], ["luxCheckingDimTo", "Below lux:", " lux", false, "and", "dimTimer", "dimToLevel", "luxSensor"], ["notRestoreLL", "No restore:"], ["vacant settings:"], ["vacantButtonType", "Vacant button type:", null, false, "or", "vacantButton"], ["vacantButton", "Button device:", null, true], ["buttonIsVacant", "Button number:", null, false, "or", "vacantButton"], ["vacantSwitches", "Switches:", null, true], ["turnOffMusic", "Pause speaker:", null, false, "or", "musicDevice"], ["asleep settings:"], ["asleepSensor", "Asleep sensor:", null, true], [["asleepFromTime", "Asleep from time:", null, false], "varDate"], [["asleepToTime", "Asleep to time:", null, false], "varDate"], ["asleepButtonType", "Asleep button type:", null, false, "or", "asleepButton"], ["asleepButton", "Button device:", null, true], ["buttonIsAsleep", "Button number:", null, false, "or", "asleepButton"], ["buttonOnlySetsAsleep", "Only sets:", null, false, "or", "asleepButton"], ["asleepSwitch", "Switches:", null, true], ["powerValueAsleep", "Asleep power:", " watts", false, "or", "powerDevice"], ["powerFromTimeType", "From time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep"], ["powerFromTime", "Time from:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep", "powerFromTimeType"], ["powerFromTimeOffset", "Time from offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep", "powerFromTimeType", "powerFromTime"], ["powerToTimeType", "To time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep"], ["powerToTime", "Time to:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep", "powerToTimeType"], ["powerToTimeOffset", "Time to offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep", "powerToTimeType", "powerToTime"], ["powerTriggerFromVacant", "From vacant:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep"], ["powerStays", "Stays below for:", " seconds", false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueAsleep"], ["asleepMode", "Asleep mode:", null, false], ["noAsleep", "Asleep timeout:"], ["resetAsleepDirectly", "Reset no checking:"], ["resetAsleepWithContact", "Reset sleep state:", " minutes", false, "or", "contactSensor"], ["asleepOverrides", "Asleep overrides:", null, false], ["", ""], ["nightSwitches", "Night switches:", null, true, "or", "motionSensors"], ["nightSetLevelTo", "Set level:", "%", false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], ["nightSetCT", "Set color temp:", " kelvin", false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], ["nightMotionSensors", "Night motion sensor:", null, true, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], ["noMotionAsleep", "Motion timeout:", " seconds", false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], [["nightTurnOn", "Light on when:", null, false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], "varNightLightOn"], ["nightButtonType", "Night button type:", null, false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches", "nightButton"], ["nightButton", "Button device:", null, true, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches"], ["nightButtonIs", "Button number:", null, false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches", "nightButton"], [["nightButtonAction", "Button actions:", null, false, "and", "motionSensors", "nightSwitches", "nightButton"], "varNightButton"], ["locked settings:"], ["lockedSwitch", "Switches:", null, true], ["lockedSwitchCmd", "When switch turns on:", null, false, "and", "lockedSwitch"], ["powerValueLocked", "Locked power:", " watts", , false, "or", "powerDevice"], ["powerFromTimeType", "From time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked"], ["powerFromTime", "Time from:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked", "powerFromTimeType"], ["powerFromTimeOffset", "Time from offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked", "powerFromTimeType", "powerFromTime"], ["powerToTimeType", "To time type:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked"], ["powerToTime", "Time to:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked", "powerToTimeType"], ["powerToTimeOffset", "Time to offset:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked", "powerToTimeType", "powerToTime"], ["powerTriggerFromVacant", "From vacant:", null, false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked"], ["powerStays", "Stays below for:", " seconds", false, "and", "powerDevice", "powerValueLocked"], ["lockedContact", "Locked contact:", null, true], ["lockedContactCmd", "Contact closes:", null, false, "and", "lockedContact"], ["lockedTurnOff", "Turn off switches:", null, false], ["unLocked", "Locked timeout:", " hours", false], ["lockedOverrides", "Locked overrides:", null, false], ["auto level settings:"], ["minLevel", "Min level:", "%"], ["maxLevel", "Max level:", "%"], [["wakeupTime", "Wake time:", null, false, "or", "minLevel", "maxLevel"], "varDate"], [["sleepTime", "Sleep time:", null, false, "or", "minLevel", "maxLevel"], "varDate"], ["fadeLevelWake", "Fade up wake time:", null, false, "and", "minLevel", "maxLevel"], ["fadeWakeBefore", "Fade up wake before:", " hours", false, "and", "minLevel", "maxLevel", "fadeLevelWake"], ["fadeWakeAfter", "Fade up wake after:", " hours", false, "and", "minLevel", "maxLevel", "fadeLevelWake"], ["fadeLevelSleep", "Fade dn 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"minKelvin", "fadeCTSleep"], ["fadeKSleepAfter", "Fade dn wake after:", " hours", false, "and", "minKelvin", "minKelvin", "fadeCTSleep"], ["temperature settings:"], ["tempSensors", "Temperature sensor:", null, true], [["maintainRoomTemp", "Manage temperature:", null, false, "and", "tempSensors"], "varMaintainTemp"], ["useThermostat", "Use thermostat:", null, false, "and", "maintainRoomTemp"], ["roomThermostat", "Room thermostat:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "useThermostat"], ["thermoToTempSensor", "Temperature delta:", null, false, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "useThermostat"], ["roomCoolSwitch", "AC switch:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "!useThermostat"], ["roomHeatSwitch", "Heater switch:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "!useThermostat"], ["checkPresence", "Check presence:", null, false, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "personsPresence"], ["contactSensorsRTCheck", "Contacts check cool:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "contactSensorsRT"], ["contactSensorsRTCheckHeat", "Contacts check heat:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp", "contactSensorsRT"], ["thermoOverride", "Thermostat override:", null, true, "and", "maintainRoomTemp"], ["outTempSensor", "Outdoor Temperature:", null, true], ["autoAdjustWithOutdoor", "Adjust with outdoor:", null, false, "and", "outTempSensor"], ["roomVents", "Room vents:", null, true, "and", "useThermostat"], ["delayedVentOff", "Vents delayed off:", null, false, "and", "useThermostat", "roomVents"], ["roomFanSwitch", "Fan switch:", null, true, "and", "tempSensors"], ["holiday light settings:"], [["holi", "Holiday lights:"], "varHoli"], ["rule settings:"], [["rule", "Rules:"], "varRule"], ["adjacent settings:"], ["adjRooms", "Adjacent rooms:", null, true], ["adjRoomsMotion", "Motion check:", null, false, "and", "adjRooms"], ["adjRoomsPathway", "Pathway lighting:", null, false, "and", "adjRooms"], ["announcement settings:"], ["speakerDevices", "Speakers:", null, true], ["speechDevices", "Speech 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"Which room state:", null, false], ["iconURL", "Icon URL:", null, false] ]