#!/bin/bash echo echo '#################################' echo '# WARNING:' echo '# The domain pometheaninfosec.com is owned by this projects old ' echo '# maintainer... You should NOT install this project at this time' echo '################################# exit if [ `whoami` != 'root' ]; then echo "need to run as root, or with sudo"; exit fi if [[ `lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock 2>/dev/null` == *"COMMAND"* ]]; then echo "Looks like some other process has locked dpkg" echo "Wait until the lock is released and try again" echo "To see the lock run 'lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock'" exit fi #is Ubuntu? is_ubuntu=`lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | awk '/Distrib/ {print $3}'` #get version number ubuntu_version=`lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep release -i | cut -f2` if [ -z "$ubuntu_version" ]; then ubuntu_version="15.10"; fi if [ $is_ubuntu != "Ubuntu" ] || [ $ubuntu_version != "16.04" ] && [ $ubuntu_version != "15.10" ]; then echo "You appear to be attempting to install ADHD onto an unsupported OS/Ubuntu Release." echo "You are more than welcome to try. But things will likely break." echo "Would you like to continue? [y/N]" read choice_c choice_c=${choice_c:-n} if [ $choice_c = "y" ] || [ $choice_c = "Y" ]; then echo "continuing!" echo echo echo else exit fi fi echo "This script will need to associate a user account with all the tools." echo "Enter the name of a user account you want associated with the install." echo "If you enter a new account name... It will be created." echo -n "Enter account name [adhd]: " read account echo if [ ${#account} == 0 ]; then account="adhd" fi grepout=`grep "^$account:x" /etc/passwd` if [ ${#grepout} == 0 ]; then echo echo "Script is creating user: $account" adduser $account adduser $account sudo fi #Cowrie keygen cd /tmp echo echo echo echo echo "####################################" echo "# Need to generate keys for cowrie #" echo "####################################" echo echo ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -f ssh_host_dsa_key apt-get update #install git apt-get -y install git #general dependencies apt-get -y install sqlite3 sqlite nmap vim #decloak dependencies apt-get -y install icedtea-8-plugin browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash cd / mkdir adhd cd adhd mkdir 1-annoyance mkdir 2-attribution mkdir 3-absolution mkdir 4-attack cd / ln -s /opt/artillery /adhd/1-annoyance/artillery ln -s /opt/beartrap /adhd/1-annoyance/beartrap ln -s /opt/beef /adhd/4-attack/beef ln -s /opt/cowrie /adhd/1-annoyance/cowrie ln -s /opt/creepy /adhd/2-attribution/creepy ln -s /opt/cryptolocked /adhd/1-annoyance/cryptolocked ln -s /opt/cryptolocked-ng /adhd/1-annoyance/cryptolocked-ng ln -s /opt/decloak /adhd/2-attribution/decloak ln -s /opt/defense_by_numbers /adhd/1-annoyance/defense_by_numbers ln -s /opt/denyhosts /adhd/1-annoyance/denyhosts ln -s /opt/docz.py /adhd/2-attribution/docz.py ln -s /opt/gcat /adhd/4-attack/gcat ln -s /opt/ghostwriting /adhd/4-attack/ghostwriting ln -s /opt/honeybadger /adhd/2-attribution/honeybadger ln -s /opt/honeybadgerv2 /adhd/2-attribution/honeybadgerv2 ln -s /opt/human.py /adhd/3-absolution/human.py ln -s /opt/invisiport /adhd/1-annoyance/invisiport ln -s /opt/jar-combiner /adhd/2-attribution/jar-combiner ln -s /opt/java-web-attack /adhd/4-attack/java-web-attack ln -s /opt/kippo /adhd/1-annoyance/kippo ln -s /opt/lockdown /adhd/3-absolution/lockdown ln -s /opt/TALOS /adhd/3-absolution/TALOS ln -s /opt/nova /adhd/1-annoyance/nova ln -s /opt/OpenBAC /adhd/3-absolution/OpenBAC ln -s /opt/oschameleon /adhd/1-annoyance/oschameleon ln -s /opt/PHP-HTTP-Tarpit /adhd/1-annoyance/PHP-HTTP-Tarpit ln -s /opt/portspoof /adhd/1-annoyance/portspoof ln -s /opt/psad /adhd/1-annoyance/psad ln -s /opt/recon-ng /adhd/4-attack/recon-ng ln -s /opt/remux /adhd/1-annoyance/remux ln -s /opt/rubberglue /adhd/1-annoyance/rubberglue ln -s /opt/sent.py /adhd/3-absolution/sent.py ln -s /opt/sidejack /adhd/4-attack/sidejack ln -s /opt/simple-pivot-detect /adhd/3-absolution/simple-pivot-detect ln -s /opt/sqlitebugserver /adhd/2-attribution/sqlitebugserver ln -s /opt/spidertrap /adhd/1-annoyance/spidertrap ln -s /opt/sweeper /adhd/3-absolution/sweeper ln -s /opt/tcprooter /adhd/1-annoyance/tcprooter ln -s /opt/webbugserver /adhd/2-attribution/webbugserver ln -s /opt/weblabyrinth /adhd/1-annoyance/weblabyrinth ln -s /opt/whosthere /adhd/2-attribution/whosthere ln -s /opt/windows-tools /adhd/1-annoyance/windows-tools ln -s /opt/wordpot /adhd/1-annoyance/wordpot ln -s /opt/opencanary /adhd/3-absolution/opencanary apt-get -y install python-dev pip pip install --upgrade pip easy_install -U pip if [ $ubuntu_version == "16.04" ]; then apt-get -y install libapache2-mod-php apt-get -y install php7.0-mysql apt-get -y install php7.0-pgsql apt-get -y install php7.0-sqlite apt-get -y install php7.0-odbc apt-get -y install php7.0-curl apt-get -y install php-zip fi if [ $ubuntu_version == "15.10" ]; then apt-get -y install php5 apt-get -y install php5-mysql apt-get -y install php5-pgsql apt-get -y install php5-sqlite apt-get -y install php5-odbc fi echo " spy.decloak.net" >> /etc/hosts #dependencies for metasploit apt-get -y install libpq-dev libpcap-dev #dependencies for cowrie apt-get -y install libmpfr-dev virtualenv libssl-dev libffi-dev build-essential libpython-dev apt-get -y install libmpc-dev pip install twisted[conch] cryptography configparser pyopenssl gmpy2 service_identity pycrypto apt-get -y install git python-twisted python-configparser python-crypto python-pyasn1 python-gmpy2 python-mysqldb python-zope.interface #dependencies for oschaemeleon apt-get -y install python-nfqueue python-gevent python-scapy #dependencies for whosthere apt-get -y install golang #dependencies for creepy apt-get -y install python-qt4 python-pip pip install pytz python-qt flickrapi python-instagram yapsy tweepy google-api-python-client python-dateutil configobj dominate #dependencies for TALOS pip install netaddr pip install twisted pip install paramiko #dependencies for lockdown pip install splinter #dependencies for whosthere apt-get -y install golang-go #dependencies for wordpot pip install flask #dependencies for honeyports apt-get -y install arpspoof #beartrap apt-get -y install ruby gem install getopt #beef gem install bundler apt-get -y install ruby-dev libsqlite3-dev libsqlite-dev #decloak apt-get -y install haxe if [ $ubuntu_version == "15.10" ]; then apt-get -y install openjdk-7-jdk fi if [ $ubuntu_version == "16.04" ]; then apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk libdbd-pg-perl fi #database mysql debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password adhd' debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password adhd' apt-get -y install mysql-server echo "create database weblabyrinth;" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "create database webbug;" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "create user 'webbuguser'@'localhost' identified by 'adhd';" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "create user 'weblabyrinthuser'@'localhost' identified by 'adhd';" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "grant all privileges on weblabyrinth.* to 'weblabyrinthuser'@'localhost';" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "grant all privileges on webbug.* to 'webbuguser'@'localhost';" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "create table weblabyrinth.crawlers (crawler_ip TEXT, crawler_rdns TEXT, crawler_useragent TEXT, first_seen INT(11), last_seen INT(11), last_alert INT(11), num_hits INT(11));" | mysql -u root --password=adhd echo "create table webbug.requests (id TEXT, type TEXT, ip_address TEXT, user_agent TEXT, time INT(11));" | mysql -u root --password=adhd #database postgres SOON apt-get -y install postgresql postgresql-contrib sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER decloakuser WITH PASSWORD 'adhd';" sudo -u postgres psql << EOF CREATE DATABASE decloak; \\connect decloak -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; -- -- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: -- COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: requests; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: decloakuser; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE requests ( cip character(32), type character varying(16), eip character varying(16), iip character varying(16), dip character varying(16), stamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now() ); ALTER TABLE public.requests OWNER TO decloakuser; -- -- Data for Name: requests; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: decloakuser -- COPY requests (cip, type, eip, iip, dip, stamp) FROM stdin; \. -- -- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres -- REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- EOF cd /etc/postgresql/*/main/ sed -i '/local all all peer/c\local all all md5\' pg_hba.conf cd - service postgresql restart #if ! grep -q 'neoadhd' /etc/apt/sources.list; then # echo "deb https://prometheaninfosec.com/neoadhd ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list #fi apt-get update apt-get -y --force-yes install adhd-* #post install beef cd /opt/beef bundle update #post install honeybadgerv2 cd /opt/honeybadgerv2/server pip install -r requirements.txt python -c "import honeybadger; honeybadger.initdb('adhd','adhd')" #post install lockdown cd /tmp wget https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.11.1/geckodriver-v0.11.1-linux32.tar.gz tar zxvf geckodriver-v0.11.1-linux32.tar.gz mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin #post install opencanary cd /opt/opencanary pip install -r requirements.txt python ./setup.py install opencanaryd --copyconfig #post install artillery cp -R /opt/artillery /var/artillery #post install psad apt-get -y install cpanminus cpanm Date::Calc #post install recon-ng cd /opt/recon-ng apt-get -y install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev pip install -r REQUIREMENTS #post install labyrinth #a2enmod rewrite #post install cowrie cd /opt/cowrie/data mv -f /tmp/ssh_host_dsa_key ./ cd /opt/cowrie pip install -r requirements.txt #post install www #chown www-data:www-data /var/www -R #post kippo apt-get -y install python-twisted pip install -I twisted==9.0.0 #Install portspoof cd /opt/portspoof ./configure make make install #post install git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit /opt/set cd /opt/set pip install -r requirements.txt ./setoolkit & sleep 5 && killall python cd /etc/setoolkit sed -i '/METASPLOIT_PATH/c\METASPLOIT_PATH=/opt/metasploit\' ./set.config cd - git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework /opt/metasploit cd /opt/metasploit bundle install git clone https://github.com/adhdproject/webkit /var/www/adhd apt-get -y install apache2 chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/adhd chown $account:$account -R /opt a2enmod rewrite #for labyrinth a2enmod php7.0 a2dismod mpm_event a2enmod mpm_prefork echo " ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/adhd DirectoryIndex index.php Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews AllowOverride all Order allow,deny Allow from all Options +Indexes RedirectMatch 404 /(\\.git|include|data|admin) ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined " > /etc/apache2/sites-available/999-adhd.conf a2ensite 999-adhd.conf a2dissite 000-default.conf service apache2 restart touch .traditional-ran #post install beef cd /opt/beef bundle update reset