{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2021-09-09/uiFormDefinition.schema.json", "view": { "kind": "Form", "properties": { "title": "Test Form View", "steps": [ { "name": "basics", "label": "Basics", "elements": [ { "name": "resourceScope", "type": "Microsoft.Common.ResourceScope", "location": { "resourceTypes": [ "microsoft.sql/servers", "microsoft.devices/iothubs", "microsoft.resources/resourcegroups" ] } }, { "name": "iotHubName", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Iot Hub Name", "defaultValue": "", "toolTip": "", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": true }, { "name": "sqlServerName", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Sql Server Name", "defaultValue": "", "toolTip": "name of sql server", "constraints": { "required": true, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": true }, { "name": "sqlUserName", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Sql User Name", "defaultValue": "EdgeSolutionSQLuser", "toolTip": "sqlusername", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": true }, { "name": "sqlPassword", "type": "Microsoft.Common.PasswordBox", "label": { "password": "Sql Password", "confirmPassword": "Confirm password" }, "toolTip": "sql password", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "options": { "hideConfirmation": true }, "visible": true } ] }, { "name": "vmConfig", "label": "Virtual machine configuration", "elements": [ { "name": "createNewVm", "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown", "label": "Create New Vm", "defaultValue": "true", "toolTip": "", "constraints": { "required": false, "allowedValues": [ { "label": "true", "value": true }, { "label": "false", "value": false } ] }, "visible": true }, { "name": "vmName", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Vm Name", "defaultValue": "egdeSolution-vmT4", "toolTip": "The name of you Virtual Machine.", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "vmLocation", "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown", "label": "Vm Location", "defaultValue": "West US", "toolTip": "Location for all resources.", "constraints": { "required": false, "allowedValues": [ { "label": "(US) West US 2", "value": "(US) West US 2" }, { "label": "East US", "value": "East US" }, { "label": "West US", "value": "West US" }, { "label": "South Central US", "value": "South Central US" }, { "label": "North Europe", "value": "North Europe" }, { "label": "East Asia", "value": "East Asia" }, { "label": "Japan East", "value": "Japan East" }, { "label": "West Europe", "value": "West Europe" }, { "label": "Southeast Asia", "value": "Southeast Asia" }, { "label": "Japan West", "value": "Japan West" }, { "label": "North Central US", "value": "North Central US" }, { "label": "Central US", "value": "Central US" }, { "label": "Brazil South", "value": "Brazil South" }, { "label": "East US 2", "value": "East US 2" }, { "label": "Australia Southeast", "value": "Australia Southeast" }, { "label": "Australia East", "value": "Australia East" } ] }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "vmSize", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Vm Size", "defaultValue": "Standard_NC4as_T4_v3", "toolTip": "The size of the VM", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "adminUsername", "type": "Microsoft.Common.TextBox", "label": "Admin Username", "defaultValue": "azureuser", "toolTip": "Username for the Virtual Machine.", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "authenticationType", "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown", "label": "Authentication Type", "defaultValue": "password", "toolTip": "Type of authentication to use on the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.", "constraints": { "required": false, "allowedValues": [ { "label": "sshPublicKey", "value": "sshPublicKey" }, { "label": "password", "value": "password" } ] }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "adminPasswordOrKey", "type": "Microsoft.Common.PasswordBox", "label": { "password": "Admin Password Or Key", "confirmPassword": "Confirm password" }, "toolTip": "SSH Key or password for the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.", "constraints": { "required": false, "regex": "", "validationMessage": "" }, "options": { "hideConfirmation": true }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" }, { "name": "ubuntuOSVersion", "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown", "label": "Ubuntu OS Version", "defaultValue": "20.04-LTS", "toolTip": "The Ubuntu version for the VM. This will pick a fully patched image of this given Ubuntu version.", "constraints": { "required": false, "allowedValues": [ { "label": "12.04.5-LTS", "value": "12.04.5-LTS" }, { "label": "14.04.5-LTS", "value": "14.04.5-LTS" }, { "label": "16.04.0-LTS", "value": "16.04.0-LTS" }, { "label": "18.04-LTS", "value": "18.04-LTS" }, { "label": "20.04-LTS", "value": "20.04-LTS" } ] }, "visible": "[bool(steps('vmConfig').createNewVm)]" } ] } ] }, "outputs": { "parameters": { "createNewVm": "[steps('vmConfig').createNewVm]", "vmName": "[steps('vmConfig').vmName]", "vmLocation": "[steps('vmConfig').vmLocation]", "vmSize": "[steps('vmConfig').vmSize]", "adminUsername": "[steps('vmConfig').adminUsername]", "authenticationType": "[steps('vmConfig').authenticationType]", "adminPasswordOrKey": "[steps('vmConfig').adminPasswordOrKey]", "ubuntuOSVersion": "[steps('vmConfig').ubuntuOSVersion]", "iotHubName": "[steps('basics').iotHubName]", "sqlServerName": "[steps('basics').sqlServerName]", "sqlUserName": "[steps('basics').sqlUserName]", "sqlPassword": "[steps('basics').sqlPassword]" }, "kind": "ResourceGroup", "location": "[steps('basics').resourceScope.location.name]", "resourceGroupId": "[steps('basics').resourceScope.resourceGroup.id]" } } }