#!/bin/bash # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright © 2015 Toni Van de Voorde # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # set -o errexit # BEGIN _functions # @info: Prints the ascii logo asciiLogo () { echo echo echo ' ## .' echo ' ## ## ## == _ _ _____ ____' echo ' ## ## ## ## ## === | \ | | ___/ ___|' echo ' /"""""""""""""""""\___/ === | \| | |_ \___ \' echo ' ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ / ===- ~~~ | |\ | _| ___) |' echo ' \______ o __/ |_| \_|_| |____/' echo ' \ \ __/' echo ' \____\_______/' echo echo } # @info: Prints the usage usage () { asciiLogo cat < [options] Options: -f, --force Force reconfiguration of nfs -n, --nfs-config NFS configuration to use in /etc/exports. (default to '-alldirs -mapall=\$(id -u):\$(id -g)') -s, --shared-folder,... Folder to share (default to /Users) -m, --mount-opts NFS mount options (default to 'noacl,async,nfsvers=3') -i, --use-ip-range Changes the nfs export ip to a range (e.g. -network becomes -network 192.168.99) -p, --ip Configures the docker-machine to connect to your host machine via a specific ip address -t, --timeout Configures how long the timeout should be for docker-machine commands Examples: $ docker-machine-nfs test > Configure the /Users folder with NFS $ docker-machine-nfs test --shared-folder=/Users --shared-folder=/var/www > Configures the /Users and /var/www folder with NFS $ docker-machine-nfs test --shared-folder=/var/www --nfs-config="-alldirs -maproot=0" > Configure the /var/www folder with NFS and the options '-alldirs -maproot=0' $ docker-machine-nfs test --mount-opts="noacl,async,nolock,nfsvers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=1" > Configure the /User folder with NFS and specific mount options. $ docker-machine-nfs test --ip > docker-machine will connect to your host machine via this address EOF exit 0 } # @info: Prints error messages # @args: error-message echoError () { printf "\033[0;31mFAIL\n\n$1 \033[0m\n" } # @info: Prints warning messages # @args: warning-message echoWarn () { printf "\033[0;33m$1 \033[0m\n" } # @info: Prints success messages # @args: success-message echoSuccess () { printf "\033[0;32m$1 \033[0m\n" } # @info: Prints check messages # @args: success-message echoInfo () { printf "\033[1;34m[INFO] \033[0m$1" } # @info: Prints property messages # @args: property-message echoProperties () { printf "\t\033[0;35m- $1 \033[0m\n" } # @info: Checks if a given property is set # @return: true, if variable is not set; else false isPropertyNotSet() { if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } # @info: Sets the default properties setPropDefaults() { prop_machine_name= prop_shared_folders=() prop_nfs_config="-alldirs -mapall="$(id -u):$(id -g) prop_mount_options="noacl,async,nfsvers=3" prop_force_configuration_nfs=false prop_use_ip_range=false prop_timeout= } # @info: Resolve APFS firmlinks to their actual location resolveHostPath() { firmlinked_dir="/System/Volumes/Data$1" if [ -d "$firmlinked_dir" ] ; then echo $firmlinked_dir else echo $1 fi } # @info: Parses and validates the CLI arguments parseCli() { [ "$#" -ge 1 ] || usage prop_machine_name=$1 for i in "${@:2}" do case $i in -s=*|--shared-folder=*) local shared_folder="${i#*=}" shift if [ ! -d "$shared_folder" ]; then echoError "Given shared folder '$shared_folder' does not exist!" exit 1 fi prop_shared_folders+=("$shared_folder") ;; -n=*|--nfs-config=*) prop_nfs_config="${i#*=}" ;; -m=*|--mount-opts=*) prop_mount_options="${i#*=}" ;; -f|--force) prop_force_configuration_nfs=true ;; -i|--use-ip-range) prop_use_ip_range=true ;; -p=*|--ip=*) prop_use_ip="${i#*=}" ;; -t=*|--timeout=*) prop_timeout="-t ${i#*=}" ;; *) echoError "Unknown argument '$i' given" echo #EMPTY usage ;; esac done if [ "$(isWsl)" = "true" ]; then local default_shared_foder="/c/Users" else local default_shared_foder="/Users" fi if [ ${#prop_shared_folders[@]} -eq 0 ]; then prop_shared_folders+=("${default_shared_foder}") fi; echoInfo "Configuration:" echo #EMPTY echo #EMPTY echoProperties "Machine Name: $prop_machine_name" for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do echoProperties "Shared Folder: $shared_folder" done echoProperties "Mount Options: $prop_mount_options" echoProperties "Force: $prop_force_configuration_nfs" echo #EMPTY } # @info: Checks if the machine is present # @args: machine-name # @return: (none) checkMachinePresence () { echoInfo "machine presence ... \t\t\t" machine_name=$(docker-machine ls $2 --filter "Name=^$1$" -q) if [ "" = "${machine_name}" ]; then echoError "Could not find the machine '$1'!"; exit 1; fi echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Checks if the machine is running # @args: machine-name # @return: (none) checkMachineRunning () { echoInfo "machine running ... \t\t\t" machine_state=$(docker-machine ls $2 --filter "Name=^$1$" --format "{{.State}}") if [ "Running" != "${machine_state}" ]; then echoError "The machine '$1' is not running but '${machine_state}'!"; exit 1; fi echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Returns the driver used to create the machine # @args: machine-name # @return: The driver used to create the machine getMachineDriver () { docker-machine ls $2 --filter "Name=^$1$" --format "{{.DriverName}}" } # @info: Loads mandatory properties from the docker machine lookupMandatoryProperties () { echoInfo "Lookup mandatory properties ... \t\t" prop_machine_ip=$(docker-machine ip $1) prop_machine_driver=$(getMachineDriver $1 "$2") if [ "$prop_machine_driver" = "vmwarefusion" ] || [ "$prop_machine_driver" = "vmware" ]; then prop_network_id="Shared" prop_nfshost_ip=${prop_use_ip:-"$(ifconfig -m `route get $prop_machine_ip | awk '{if ($1 ~ /interface:/){print $2}}'` | awk 'sub(/inet /,""){print $1}')"} if [ "" = "${prop_nfshost_ip}" ]; then echoError "Could not find the vmware fusion net IP!"; exit 1 fi local nfsd_line="nfs.server.mount.require_resv_port = 0" echoSuccess "\t\tOK" echoInfo "Check NFS config settings ... \n" if [ "$(cat /etc/nfs.conf | grep -c "$nfsd_line")" == "1" ]; then echoInfo "/etc/nfs.conf is setup correctly!" else echoWarn "\n !!! Sudo will be necessary for editing /etc/nfs.conf !!!" # Backup /etc/nfs.conf file sudo cp /etc/nfs.conf /etc/nfs.conf.bak && \ echo "nfs.server.mount.require_resv_port = 0" | \ sudo tee /etc/nfs.conf > /dev/null echoWarn "\n !!! Backed up /etc/nfs.conf to /nfs.conf.bak !!!" echoWarn "\n !!! Added 'nfs.server.mount.require_resv_port = 0' to /etc/nfs.conf !!!" fi echoSuccess "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tOK" return fi if [[ "$prop_machine_driver" =~ (xhyve|hyperkit|vmwarevsphere) ]]; then prop_network_id="Shared" prop_nfshost_ip=${prop_use_ip:-"$(ifconfig -m `route get $prop_machine_ip | awk '{if ($1 ~ /interface:/){print $2}}'` | awk 'sub(/inet /,""){print $1}')"} if [ "" = "${prop_nfshost_ip}" ]; then echoError "Could not find a route to the ${prop_machine_driver} docker-machine"; exit 1 fi echoSuccess "OK" return fi if [ "$prop_machine_driver" = "parallels" ]; then prop_network_id="Shared" prop_nfshost_ip=${prop_use_ip:-"$(prlsrvctl net info \ ${prop_network_id} | grep 'IPv4 address' | sed 's/.*: //')"} if [ "" = "${prop_nfshost_ip}" ]; then echoError "Could not find the parallels net IP!"; exit 1 fi echoSuccess "OK" return fi if [ "$prop_machine_driver" != "virtualbox" ]; then echoError "Unsupported docker-machine driver: $prop_machine_driver"; exit 1 fi prop_network_id=$(VBoxManage showvminfo $1 --machinereadable | grep hostonlyadapter | cut -d'"' -f2) if [ "" = "${prop_network_id}" ]; then echoError "Could not find the virtualbox net name!"; exit 1 fi prop_nfshost_ip=$(VBoxManage list hostonlyifs | tr -d '\r' | grep "${prop_network_id}$" -A 3 | grep IPAddress | cut -d ':' -f2 | xargs); if [ "" = "${prop_nfshost_ip}" ]; then echoError "Could not find the virtualbox net IP!"; exit 1 fi echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Configures the NFS configureNFSUnix() { echoInfo "Configure NFS ... \n" if isPropertyNotSet $prop_machine_ip; then echoError "'prop_machine_ip' not set!"; exit 1; fi echoWarn "\n !!! Sudo will be necessary for editing /etc/exports !!!" #-- Update the /etc/exports file and restart nfsd local exports_begin="# docker-machine-nfs-begin $prop_machine_name #" local exports_end="# docker-machine-nfs-end $prop_machine_name #" # Remove old docker-machine-nfs exports local exports=$(cat /etc/exports | \ tr "\n" "\r" | \ sed "s/${exports_begin}.*${exports_end}//" | \ tr "\r" "\n" ) # Write new exports blocks beginning exports="${exports}\n${exports_begin}\n" local machine_ip=$prop_machine_ip if [ "$prop_use_ip_range" = true ]; then machine_ip="-network ${machine_ip%.*}" fi for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do # Add new exports exports="${exports}\"$(resolveHostPath "$shared_folder")\" $machine_ip $prop_nfs_config\n" done # Write new exports block ending exports="${exports}${exports_end}" #Export to file printf "$exports" | sudo tee /etc/exports >/dev/null sudo nfsd restart ; sleep 2 && sudo nfsd checkexports echoSuccess "\t\t\t\t\t\tOK" } configureNFSWsl() { echoInfo "Configure NFS ... \n" local nfsdPath=$(sc.exe qc nfsserver | grep BINARY_PATH_NAME | awk '{split($0,a," : "); print a[2]}' | awk '{sub("nfsd.exe","",$0);}1' | awk '{sub("\\","/",$0);}1') local wslnfsdPath=$(wslpath -a "$nfsdPath" | tr -d '\r') wslnfsdPath+="exports" if [ ! -f "$wslnfsdPath" ]; then echoError "Configuration file was not found in $wslnfsdPath, please check installation of haneWin server" exit 1 fi for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do local wsl_shared_folder=$(wslpath -w $shared_folder) echo "$wsl_shared_folder -alldirs -exec -mapall:1000,1000 #Added by docker-machine-nfs" >> "$wslnfsdPath" done echoProperties "$(net.exe stop nfsserver)" echoProperties "$(net.exe start nfsserver)" echoInfo "NFS server ... \t\t\t\t" echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Configures the VirtualBox Docker Machine to mount nfs configureBoot2Docker() { echoInfo "Configure Docker Machine ... \t\t" if isPropertyNotSet $prop_machine_name; then echoError "'prop_machine_name' not set!"; exit 1; fi if isPropertyNotSet $prop_nfshost_ip; then echoError "'prop_nfshost_ip' not set!"; exit 1; fi # render bootlocal.sh and copy bootlocal.sh over to Docker Machine # (this will override an existing /var/lib/boot2docker/bootlocal.sh) local bootlocalsh="#!/bin/sh" if [ "$(isWsl)" = "true" ]; then bootlocalsh="${bootlocalsh} sudo umount /c/Users" else bootlocalsh="${bootlocalsh} sudo umount /Users" fi for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do bootlocalsh="${bootlocalsh} sudo mkdir -p \""$shared_folder"\"" done bootlocalsh="${bootlocalsh} sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start" for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do bootlocalsh="${bootlocalsh} sudo mount -t nfs -o "$prop_mount_options" "$prop_nfshost_ip":\""$(resolveHostPath "$shared_folder")"\" \""$shared_folder"\"" done local file="/var/lib/boot2docker/bootlocal.sh" docker-machine ssh $prop_machine_name \ "echo '$bootlocalsh' | sudo tee $file && sudo chmod +x $file && sync" < /dev/null > /dev/null sleep 2 echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Restarts Docker Machine restartDockerMachine() { echoInfo "Restart Docker Machine ... \t\t" if isPropertyNotSet $prop_machine_name; then echoError "'prop_machine_name' not set!"; exit 1; fi docker-machine restart $prop_machine_name > /dev/null echoSuccess "OK" } # @return: 'true', if NFS is mounted; else 'false' isNFSMounted() { for shared_folder in "${prop_shared_folders[@]}" do local nfs_mount=$(docker-machine ssh $prop_machine_name "sudo mount" < /dev/null | grep "$prop_nfshost_ip:$(resolveHostPath "$shared_folder") on") if [ "" = "$nfs_mount" ]; then echo "false"; return; fi done echo "true" } # @info: Verifies that NFS is successfully mounted verifyNFSMount() { echoInfo "Verify NFS mount ... \t\t\t" local attempts=10 while [ ! $attempts -eq 0 ]; do sleep 1 [ "$(isNFSMounted)" = "true" ] && break attempts=$(($attempts-1)) done if [ $attempts -eq 0 ]; then echoError "Cannot detect the NFS mount :("; exit 1 fi echoSuccess "OK" } # @info: Displays the finish message showFinish() { printf "\033[0;36m" echo "--------------------------------------------" echo echo " The docker-machine '$prop_machine_name'" echo " is now mounted with NFS!" echo echo " ENJOY high speed mounts :D" echo echo "--------------------------------------------" printf "\033[0m" } # WSL # @return: 'true', if platform is WSL; else 'false' isWsl() { if [ "$(uname -r | grep 'Microsoft')" != "" ]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi } if [ "$(isWsl)" = "true" ]; then printf "\033[0;32mPlaform WSl detected\033[0m\n" # @info: translate docker-machine to .exe function docker-machine() { docker-machine.exe "$@" } export -f docker-machine fi # END _functions setPropDefaults parseCli "$@" checkMachinePresence $prop_machine_name "$prop_timeout" checkMachineRunning $prop_machine_name "$prop_timeout" lookupMandatoryProperties $prop_machine_name "$prop_timeout" if [ "$(isNFSMounted)" = "true" ] && [ "$prop_force_configuration_nfs" = "false" ]; then echoSuccess "\n NFS already mounted." ; showFinish ; exit 0 fi echo #EMPTY LINE echoProperties "Machine IP: $prop_machine_ip" echoProperties "Network ID: $prop_network_id" echoProperties "NFSHost IP: $prop_nfshost_ip" echo #EMPTY LINE if [ "$(isWsl)" = "true" ]; then configureNFSWsl else configureNFSUnix fi configureBoot2Docker restartDockerMachine verifyNFSMount showFinish