# This is a template configuration file for the User Sync Tool UMAPI connector # # Full documentation here - # https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/user-sync.py/en/user-manual/sync_from_console.html # --- General Options --- # The following options control general UMAPI connector behavior. # See https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/user-sync.py/en/user-manual/sync_from_console.html#configuring-a-connection # ssl_verify: False authentication_method: oauth identity_type_filter: all # --- Server Options --- # These generally never need to be changed by most users. # See https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/user-sync.py/en/user-manual/sync_from_console.html#server-settings server: #host: usermanagement.adobe.io #endpoint: /v2/usermanagement #auth_host: ims-na1.adobelogin.com #auth_endpoint: /ims/exchange/jwt #timeout: 120 #retries: 3 # --- Integration Options --- # These options contain the credentials for connecting with the User Management API # client_id and client_secret can be stored in plaintext or can be secured (see below) # See https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/user-sync.py/en/user-manual/sync_from_console.html#integration-settings integration: client_id: "Client ID goes here" client_secret: "Client secret goes here" org_id: "Org ID goes here" # NOTE: Credentials can be stored securely with these options # secure_client_id_key: my_client_id # secure_client_secret_key: my_client_secret # # See https://adobe-apiplatform.github.io/user-sync.py/en/user-manual/sync_from_console.html#credential-security