[ { "buildNumber": 17770, "versionString": "Release 1.14.2", "dateString": "04-06-2020", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.14.2", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "File type association with external editors support", "description": "Brackets now supports associating unsupported file types with external editors. You can now open associated file types directly in external applications by double clicking over the files in File Tree." } ], "platforms" : { "WIN": { "checksum": "5f059e271fe78fefe224e187b6ef559445b1efadd6dca9446a99ca1a53eb4e56", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.2/Brackets.Release.1.14.2.msi" }, "OSX": { "checksum": "716be1a75099079aa1a22dedab403c9839155c4b99aab6677d8a24589f7f9a15", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.2/Brackets.Release.1.14.2.dmg" } }, "prerelease" : "false" }, { "buildNumber": 17752, "versionString": "Release 1.14.1", "dateString": "12-05-2019", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.14.1", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Security Update", "description": "This is a security update to fix vulnerability noticed with remote debugging enabled by default on application launch." } ], "platforms" : { "WIN": { "checksum": "a5b25126acac7a94ef97430b37dc9ab8a628688e1fe21de9317b6d287eb1eb9d", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.1/Brackets.Release.1.14.1.msi" }, "OSX": { "checksum": "9e95b89544796ef959b6acb36db77a712f1cf55d09294cff4b6dde648f055160", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.1/Brackets.Release.1.14.1.dmg" }, "LINUX32" : { "checksum": "6ef1567b75a197236b3d35785afa744752a28b74cfa51b93b7b78d0a50acbfd4", "downloadURL" : "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.1/Brackets.Release." }, "LINUX64" : { "checksum" : "dd8346ee7061e8820ecb7859f5cdccb6f199b144dd17192c217dd49512c4452b", "downloadURL" : "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14.1/Brackets.Release." } }, "prerelease" : "false" }, { "buildNumber": 17740, "versionString": "Release 1.14", "dateString": "05-02-2019", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.14", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Support for Language Server Protocol", "description": "Brackets now supports Language Server Protocol. The inbuilt language client can be used and customized to facilitate integration of language servers (such as PHP, Python, and more) to provide features like code hinting, parameter hinting, jump to definition etc." }, { "name": "PHP Support", "description": "Brackets now supports PHP via integration of a PHP language server. When writing PHP code, you can take advantage of code hinting, function parameter hinting, jump to definition, document and project wide symbols, find references and linting." } ], "platforms" : { "WIN": { "checksum": "e26205e7591336e08c81cfa1b9ff7252b9597799d8b3408f20b33c41bf7333be", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14/Brackets.Release.1.14.msi" }, "OSX": { "checksum": "d1545549863a79a3c4824f9a35866e78f2822664ddeeaeb3cf85a14b491a86cb", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14/Brackets.Release.1.14.dmg" }, "LINUX32" : { "checksum": "2c0053fb50d1d79071d455a35fbe6f4f9cdb3cd1edf90bec55a4c0c90661a1f1", "downloadURL" : "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14/Brackets.Release.1.14.32-bit.deb" }, "LINUX64" : { "checksum" : "4df8490efb8a35ff93ac6975655ab4af9a56547eb4a346514803aa2e1f20f30e", "downloadURL" : "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.14/Brackets.Release.1.14.64-bit.deb" } }, "prerelease" : "false" }, { "buildNumber": 17699, "versionString": "Release 1.13", "dateString": "12-13-2018", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.13", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Windows Only", "description": "This update includes fixes to improve overall performance of Brackets from launch to key coding workflows." } ], "platforms" : { "WIN": { "checksum": "1d9879807aef35a322e9129e0692fcc7d1d2704daab6d5c65767ede23d3c7384", "downloadURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releases/download/release-1.13/Brackets.Release.1.13.msi" } }, "prerelease" : "false" }, { "buildNumber": 17696, "versionString": "Release 1.13", "dateString": "06-18-2018", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.13", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Organize Files/Folders in File Tree", "description": "You can now manipulate folder structure from within Brackets. Move a file/folder from one folder to another with a simple drag and drop." }, { "name": "Open Remote Files", "description": "You can now open a remotely hosted web-page from within Brackets. Use Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-O shortcut and supply a URL to quickly open the file and review the code within Brackets." }, { "name": "Auto-Update", "description": "You can now automatically update Brackets, without leaving the code editor. " } ] }, { "buildNumber": 17621, "versionString": "Release 1.12", "dateString": "01-30-2018", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.12", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "JS Refactoring", "description": "JavaScript specific code refactoring functionality." }, { "name": "Rename", "description": "Functionality in JS mode to enable intelligent rename in file/scope feature by using Tern's scope analysis and inference functions.The rename function works by selecting a variable def/ref or placing cursor in and using Ctrl+R." }, { "name": "Wrap Selection in Try Catch/Condition", "description": "Wraps selected code in try catch block. This functionality can be used by placing cursor without any explicit selection where Brackets identifies the statement scope and wraps it in try catch block." }, { "name": "Convert to arrow expression", "description": "One click conversion of anonymous expression/function block to arrow expression." }, { "name": "Create Getter/Setter", "description": "Creates getters/setters for currently active identifier in context of a class/construct." }, { "name": "Extract as variable", "description": "Expressions can be extracted as variable in the current scope." }, { "name": "Extract as function", "description": "Selected code blocks can be extracted as a function in a selectable scope chain and Brackets takes care of dependency symbols parameterization." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 17524, "versionString": "Release 1.11", "dateString": "09-25-2017", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.11", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Support for ECMAScript 2015", "description": "Brackets now supports ECMAScript 2015. Quick-type listing now classes, methods, arrow functions, generator functions and much more. Brackets also supports linting of EcmaScript code, with ESLint defaulting as JavaScript linter, as well." }, { "name": "Brackets on Linux", "description": "Brackets now offers full support for the Linux platform. With an update to the shell with a new version of CEF, Brackets is now fully functional on Linux." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 17483, "versionString": "Release 1.10", "dateString": "07-07-2017", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.10", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Multiple encoding support", "description": "Brackets now supports more than 40 different file encodings. You can now Open/Save files with different encodings." }, { "name": "Forward/Backward navigation in edit history", "description": "Navigate backward/forward using Alt-I, Alt-Shift-I across explicit cursor positions." }, { "name": "Enable/Disable default extensions", "description": "You can now enable/disable default extensions, that are shipped with Brackets." }, { "name": "Search History", "description": "Access all your most recently searched queries from the search bar." }, { "name": "Native Menus for Linux", "description": "HTML menus are replaced with native menus in Linux." }, { "name": "@rule and pseudo-selector code hints", "description": "CSS code hints now support @rule and pseudo selector/element code hints." }, { "name": "Inline CSS code hints", "description": "Brackets now provides CSS code hints in style attribute value in html." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 17312, "versionString": "Release 1.9", "dateString": "03-23-2017", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.9", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Reverse inspect in Live Preview", "description": "Brackets 1.9 ships with reverse inspect in Live Preview. Now clicking on an element in Live Preview highlights the corresponding tag in the source code." }, { "name": "Support for “Replace All” action in Find & Replace", "description": "Brackets now supports “Replace All” in Find & Replace along with batch operation." }, { "name": "Download count display and extension sorting based on download count", "description": "Extension Manager now displays download count for listed extensions. Extensions can be sorted based on download count or published date in ‘Available’ and ‘Themes’ tab." }, { "name": "Mode toggle in Untitled document", "description": "Language mode can be toggled for Untitled documents. Code coloring and Code Hints for the selected mode are also supported for Untitled documents." }, { "name": "Document toggle in split view", "description": "Focus can be swapped between panes using keyboard shortcut." }, { "name": "GitHub organization support for Brackets extensions", "description": "GitHub organizations can now own Brackets extensions. All public owners of organization can update extensions." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 17108, "versionString": "Release 1.8", "dateString": "11-10-2016", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.8", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Node upgrade to 6.3.1", "description": "Brackets 1.8 ships with Node 6.3.1. With this upgrade, you can take advantage of all the latest NPM modules to develop extensions for Brackets." }, { "name": "New editor Context menu items", "description": "Cut, Copy and Paste operations are now available in the context menu." }, { "name": "Code-folding support for handlebars template files", "description": "Code-folding has now been enabled for blocks and helpers in handlebar template files." }, { "name": "ARIA code hints", "description": "Brackets 1.8 now supports 'ARIA' attributes for html attribute code hints." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 16898, "versionString": "Release 1.7", "dateString": "06-10-2016", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.7", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "CEF shell upgrade to 2623", "description": "Brackets app shell is now upgraded to CEF 2623. The long standing issue with mouse scroll being too fast on Windows is now fixed with the CEF upgrade." }, { "name": "Recent Files Navigation dialog", "description": "Ctrl + Tab is now going to bring up the new \"Recent Files\" navigation dialog showing a history of all opened files and allowing one to switch to a file visually. The new dialog also tracks opened files that are not in the working set." }, { "name": "64 bit on MAC", "description": "Brackets on MAC is now 64 bit!" } ] }, { "buildNumber": 16680, "versionString": "Release 1.6", "dateString": "01-20-2016", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.6", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Split View of Same File", "description": "It's now possible to open the same file in both split panes to view different parts of the file at once." }, { "name": "Flip Files to Other Split Pane Quickly", "description": "Move files between different split panes using new flip buttons in the split panes." }, { "name": "Type Inference in Hints List", "description": "Javascript code hints now provide more information like type inference and associated documentation." }, { "name": "Hide All Panels with No-Distraction Mode", "description": "Cmd-Shift-2 will now enable no-distraction mode, that will allow you to work with very minial UI." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 16538, "versionString": "Release 1.5", "dateString": "10-14-2015", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.5", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Fold Selected Text", "description": "Select any text block in the editor and fold markers will appear to collapse the selected text." }, { "name": "Instant Search: Improved Stability and Performance", "description": "Major stability and performance improvements. Find in Files can now index and search robustly in thousands of files instantly." }, { "name": "CSS Code Hints in PHP", "description": "CSS code hints are now available for style elements inside PHP files." }, { "name": "Remember Collapsed Linters", "description": "Remember collapsed state of linters on switching files." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 16380, "versionString": "Release 1.4", "dateString": "07-27-2015", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.4", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Instant Search in Files", "description": "Searching across files is faster than ever. Results are now displayed incrementally and updated as you type." }, { "name": "Easier Preferences Editing", "description": "All preferences are now available as code hints while editing the `brackets.json` preferences file. Opening a preferences file will also open the default preferences in a second pane for reference." }, { "name": "Disable Extensions Individually", "description": "Extensions can now be individually enabled/disabled from the Extension Manager." }, { "name": "Improved Text Rendering on Mac", "description": "Crisp text rendering on Mac with subpixel antialiasing enabled by default. You can use the older text rendering by setting the `fonts.fontSmoothing` preference to `antialiased`." }, { "name": "Greek and Cyrillic Character Support", "description": "Updated editor font (Source Code Pro) with improved support for Greek and Cyrillic character sets." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 16022, "versionString": "Release 1.3", "dateString": "04-27-2015", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.3", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Command Line Integration", "description": "Launch Brackets and open files/folders from the command line on Mac or Windows. Brackets can also integrate with the Windows Explorer context menu. On Windows these are installer options; on Mac, use File > Install Command Line Shortcut to enable." }, { "name": "Code Folding", "description": "Expand/collapse blocks of code using indicators next to the line numbers, or via keyboard shortcuts." }, { "name": "Fixed Windows Scroll Speed", "description": "Restores mouse wheel scrolling speed to the behavior of Brackets 1.0." }, { "name": "Brackets Health Report", "description": "Anonymous data to help improve Brackets. You can preview the data that will be sent, or opt-out if desired. We've gone to great lengths to protect your privacy and maintain transparency - see Help > Health Report for details." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 15697, "versionString": "Release 1.2", "dateString": "03-02-2015", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.2", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Drag & Drop to Rearrange Text", "description": "Enable the `dragDropText` preference to drag and drop selected text. Works with multiple selections too!" }, { "name": "CSS Color Name Hints", "description": "Code hints for standard named colors in CSS/LESS/SCSS, including color swatch previews." }, { "name": "SVG Code Hints", "description": "Code hints in .svg files for tags, attributes, and named colors." }, { "name": "Windows High DPI Support", "description": "Brackets automatically renders text, icons, and images more crisply on high-DPI displays." }, { "name": "Search Tickmark Indicator", "description": "Find/Replace scrollbar tickmarks now highlight the currently selected match." }, { "name": "Improved Window Positioning", "description": "On Windows, Brackets stays positioned onscreen after a monitor is unplugged or screen resolution is changed." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 15558, "versionString": "Release 1.1", "dateString": "12-16-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.1", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Available to Try: Live Preview Support for Multiple Browsers", "description": "This is disabled by default and needs to be enabled with `livedev.multibrowser` preference. Live Preview will open in default browser. You can copy/paste url to any other browser. All browsers will be updated simultaneously." }, { "name": "Improved Support for Typing Accented Letters with AltGr", "description": "This Release fixes conflicts between Brackets' own shortcuts and several keyboard layouts (on Windows)." }, { "name": "Improved Stability", "description": "Brackets core objects use a new event-listener API that protects against misbehaved extensions." }, { "name": "File Type-Specific Preferences", "description": "Preferences can now be configured via the `language` layer." }, { "name": "Improved Typing Performance with Code Hints", "description": "The list of code hints is now limited to 50 entries so that it's displayed faster. This can be overridden with new `maxCodeHints` preference." }, { "name": "Selectively enable Linters via Preferences", "description": "Linter execution and order can now be configured per project." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 15191, "versionString": "Release 1.0", "dateString": "11-04-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-1.0", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Brackets 1.0", "description": "It's official: Brackets 1.0 is here!" }, { "name": "Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts", "description": "Key bindings for default and extension shortcuts can be overridden in a user editable JSON file." }, { "name": "Collapse Quick Edit Results", "description": "Quick Edit results are now grouped by file and collapsible so you can easily hide results from unwanted CSS files." }, { "name": "Better Code Hints & Quick Open Results", "description": "Code Hints and Quick Open now suggest results based on the letter case of what was typed, providing better results when you type upper or lower case letters." }, { "name": "Performance Improvements", "description": "This release has many performance improvements over Release 0.44." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 14876, "versionString": "Release 0.44", "dateString": "10-06-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-0.44", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Split View", "description": "Edit two files side by side or one above the other. Move files between panes using drag & drop across working sets." }, { "name": "Project Tree Improvements", "description": "Many bug and performance fixes in the file tree. Notably, it's now possible to right-click files that Brackets cannot open (such as binary files)." }, { "name": "Stylesheet Editing Improvements", "description": "Fixed a case where Brackets would freeze during Live Preview in CSS/SCSS/LESS files. Fixed another case where a CSS inline editor would be blank." }, { "name": "Preferences", "description": "New preference to show cursor in selected text. By default, Brackets still hides the blinking cursor when you have a text selection." }, { "name": "Localization", "description": "The information displayed in Extension Manager, such as extension name & description, can now be localized by extension authors." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 14375, "versionString": "Release 0.43", "dateString": "09-04-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-0.43", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "SCSS/LESS Support", "description": "Quick Edit, Quick Find Definition & Live Preview Highlight now support SCSS & LESS \u2013 the same as they do for plain CSS." }, { "name": "Improved Dark Mode", "description": "More parts of the Brackets UI become dark when a dark theme is selected." }, { "name": "Find/Replace: Show Match Index", "description": "The Find/Replace bar shows the index of the current match, e.g. \"7 of 32\"." }, { "name": "Themes Tab in Extension Manager", "description": "Themes are listed in a separate tab so they're easier to find. The Extensions tab filters out themes." }, { "name": "Save Language Mode Changes", "description": "Permanently change the language for all files with the same extension by choosing \"Set as Default\" from the the status bar language switcher." }, { "name": "Live Preview", "description": "Reliability improvements and support for .xhtml files." }, { "name": "Ukrainian Translation", "description": "Brackets has a new, community-contributed Ukrainian translation." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 13957, "versionString": "Release 0.42", "dateString": "08-01-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-0.42", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Theme Support", "description": "Brackets now has built-in support for editor themes, and includes default light and dark themes. Additional themes can be installed via Extension Manager." }, { "name": "Replace in Files: Check/Uncheck All Matches for a File", "description": "When doing a batch or multi-file replace, you can now check/uncheck the matches for an entire file." }, { "name": "Change Language Mode", "description": "Change the language mode for an individual file by selecting the language from the dropdown menu in the status bar." }, { "name": "Turn off Code Hints", "description": "New preferences to disable all code hints or hints from an individual provider." }, { "name": "Drag and Drop Installation of Extensions", "description": "Install extensions by dragging zip files onto the Extension Manager dialog." }, { "name": "Extension Manager: Show Available Translations", "description": "Extension Manager can now show which extensions have a translation available." }, { "name": "Traditional Chinese and Galician Translations", "description": "Brackets has new, community-submitted Traditional Chinese and Galician translations." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 13418, "versionString": "Release 0.41", "dateString": "06-26-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-0.41", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Replace across multiple files", "description": "Replace in Files shows all search matches first and you can uncheck any you don't wish to replace. Supports the same exclusion filtering as Find in Files." }, { "name": "API Documentation", "description": "The Brackets API Documentation for the current master branch is now posted at http://brackets.io/docs and updated for every release." }, { "name": "JavaScript Code Hinting Crash Prevention", "description": "Brackets automatically stops processing problematic JavaScript files that previously could cause a crash." }, { "name": "Danish Translation", "description": "Brackets has a new, community-submitted Danish translation." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 13109, "versionString": "Sprint 40", "dateString": "06-05-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-0.40", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Multiple File/Folder Exclusion Sets", "description": "Find in Files now supports multiple file/folder exclusion sets. Exclusion sets can be named for easier selection." }, { "name": "Fixed Windows Menu Drawing", "description": "Menus on Windows now draw properly when you have a custom Windows theme installed." }, { "name": "Code Inspection Fixes", "description": "Bug fixes and more unit tests for running multiple linters." }, { "name": "Improvements for Toggling Comments", "description": "Toggle Comment now works for languages like CoffeeScript, where the open and close comment delimiters are the same and the line comment delimiter is a prefix of the block comment delimiter." }, { "name": "Fix Keyboard Shortcuts for Non-English Keyboards", "description": "Brackets no longer adds keyboard shortcuts that have a key available only when AltGr key is pressed." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 12894, "versionString": "Sprint 39", "dateString": "05-09-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-39", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Fuzzy CSS Code Hints", "description": "CSS Code Hints now uses the same smart string matching as Quick Open and JS Code Hints. For example, typing \"blc\" will suggest \"border-left-color\"." }, { "name": "Extension Update Notifications", "description": "The Extension Manager toolbar icon now turns green indicating that one or more extensions have updates waiting to be installed." }, { "name": "New Find Menu", "description": "The Find commands have been moved out of the Edit menu and into their own top-level menu to unclutter the Edit menu and make them easier to locate." }, { "name": "Editing Improvements", "description": "Cut and Copy will now cut or copy the entire line containing the cursor when there is nothing selected. This also works with multiple cursors." }, { "name": "Binary File Handling on Windows and Linux", "description": "Opening binary or other non-UTF8 encoded files on Linux and Windows will now result in an error message instead of garbled text, and file searches will skip those files, improving performance. This matches the existing Mac behavior." }, { "name": "Map Filenames and Extensions to a Language", "description": "You can now add a preference to set the editor's syntax highlighting and other language features for files based on a filename or extension." }, { "name": "Croatian Translation", "description": "Brackets has a new, community-submitted Croatian translation." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 12606, "versionString": "Sprint 38", "dateString": "04-14-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-38", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Multiple Cursors and Selections", "description": "Create multiple cursors, discontiguous range selections, and rectangular selections in order to make similar edits in several places at once." }, { "name": "Add Matches to Selection", "description": "Quickly add the next instance of the current word or range to the multiple selection by typing \u2318B/Ctrl+B, or add all instances with \u2318\u2303G/Alt-F3. Useful for quick renames." }, { "name": "Undo Selection", "description": "Undo the last selection change or edit with \u2318U/Ctrl+U, and redo selections with \u2318\u21E7U/Ctrl+Shift+U. This is useful for correcting a multiple selection mistake or jumping back to a previous selection location." }, { "name": "Collapse All Children", "description": "Use \u2318\u2325Click/Ctrl+Alt+Click to collapse all children of a folder in the file tree." }, { "name": "Enhanced Quick Edit Feedback", "description": "Quick Edit (\u2318E/Ctrl+E) and Quick Docs (\u2318K/Ctrl+K) now give you helpful information when invoked on code elements that do not support those commands." }, { "name": "Support for .ico Files in Image Preview", "description": "You can now select .ico files in the file tree to preview them." }, { "name": "Asynchronous Linting API", "description": "Linters can now scan for lint asynchronously, improving responsiveness and performance." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 12014, "versionString": "Sprint 37", "dateString": "03-17-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-37", "downloadURL": "http://brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Exclude Files/Folders from Find in Files", "description": "Specify file and folder names or wildcards to exclude from multi-file searches." }, { "name": "Signed Builds on Mac and Windows", "description": "Brackets builds are now code-signed on Mac and Windows, making installation and updates easier." }, { "name": "Preferences Infrastructure Improvements", "description": "The new Preferences API is now ready for extensions to use. Also, new preferences have been added: see http://is.gd/BracketsPrefs for documentation." }, { "name": "Install Extensions through Proxies", "description": "Users can now set the \"proxy\" preference to enable Brackets to install extensions from behind a proxy server. See http://is.gd/BracketsPrefs for more information." }, { "name": "Improved Quick Edit for Timing Functions", "description": "You can now bring up Quick Edit on an incomplete animation timing function (e.g. \"cubic-bezier()\") to create a bezier from scratch." }, { "name": "Overwrite Mode UI", "description": "The cursor changes when in overwrite mode, and you can toggle between insert and overwrite mode from the status bar." }, { "name": "Improved Filesystem and Live Preview Stability and Performance", "description": "Fixed critical issues with external file changes not being recognized and Live Preview not starting properly." }, { "name": "Indonesian Translation", "description": "A new Indonesian translation has been created." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 11506, "versionString": "Sprint 36", "dateString": "02-07-2014", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-36", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Improved Preferences", "description": "Use JSON configuration files to specify settings by folder or file-type." }, { "name": "Improved LESS Support", "description": "CSS Code hints and Quick Docs support now available when editing LESS files." }, { "name": "File System & Performance", "description": "Editor and Project file tree are now automatically updated with external changes. Operations like Find in Files are much faster." }, { "name": "Extensions", "description": "New Debug > Reload Without Extensions command to help troubleshoot problems. When updating and removing extensions, Brackets now automatically reloads, so quit and re-launch is no longer required." }, { "name": "Quick Edit for Animation Timing", "description": "When the selection is in a CSS animation steps() timing function, you can use Quick Edit (Ctrl+E/\u2318E) to visually edit parameters." }, { "name": "Windows UI Updates", "description": "Fixed many window-chrome glitches." }, { "name": "Linting", "description": "Multiple extensions can register linters for the same language and all the results will be shown together in the linting panel." }, { "name": "New Language Support", "description": "Greek and Korean Translations have been added to Brackets." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 10897, "versionString": "Sprint 35", "dateString": "12-17-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-35", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "New Find/Replace UI", "description": "Replace now uses a streamlined, much cleaner UI supporting the same features as Find, including incremental search and highlighting. New case-sensitive and regular expression toggle buttons for easy access in Find, Find in Files, and Replace." }, { "name": "Launching Live Preview on Mac", "description": "On Mac, Chrome does not need to be relaunched when starting Live Preview." }, { "name": "Faster Start-up", "description": "Brackets now loads up to 50% faster thanks to minified JavaScript and pre-compiled LESS." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 10733, "versionString": "(Hotfix) Sprint 34.1", "dateString": "12-03-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-34.1", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Fix freeze when opening JavaScript files", "description": "Fixes issue #6067: Opening JavaScript files inside folders containing certain other files caused Brackets to freeze." }, { "name": "Fix UI problems with certain LESS files", "description": "Fixes issue #6057: Opening certain LESS files caused the editor UI to become partially blank or display other glitches." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 10729, "versionString": "Sprint 34", "dateString": "11-15-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-34", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Upgrade Existing Brackets Installations", "description": "Future versions of Brackets, starting with Sprint 35, will upgrade the existing installation in-place. Note: Versions Sprint 33 and older can still be simultaneously installed or otherwise uninstalled." }, { "name": "UI Improvements", "description": "The Mac version now has a dark titlebar, matching the rest of the Brackets design." }, { "name": "JavaScript Code Hints Reliability", "description": "Fixed issues where code hints were missing in medium-sized files (500-2000 lines) and in cases where a module's exports were modified." }, { "name": "New and Updated Translations", "description": "New Dutch, Persian and Romanian community contributed translations. Updated French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Finnish, German, Spanish, and Swedish translations." }, { "name": "Improved File System API", "description": "Extension authors can build more robust and efficient extensions using the updated file system API. Important details and migration guidelines are included in the release notes." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 10188, "versionString": "Sprint 33", "dateString": "10-29-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-33", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Image Preview", "description": "Selecting an image in the file tree displays a preview of the image." }, { "name": "New CSS Rule from Quick Edit", "description": "Use the New Rule button in CSS Quick Edit (Ctrl+E/\u2318E) to create a rule for the currently selected tag/class/id, even if there aren't any existing rules. You can modify the selector after it's created." }, { "name": "Quick Edit for Animation Easing", "description": "When the selection is in a CSS animation timing function, you can use Quick Edit (Ctrl+E/\u2318E) to visually edit the timing curve." }, { "name": "Regular Expression Substitution", "description": "When using a regular expression in find/replace, you can use $1, $2, etc. in the replace string to refer to parenthesized subexpressions in the query string." }, { "name": "UI Improvements", "description": "Quick Edit widgets now have a close button. Find in Files reports when there are no results." }, { "name": "Updated Translations", "description": "French, Japanese, German, Czech and Spanish translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 9791, "versionString": "Sprint 32", "dateString": "10-04-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-32", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Launch Live Preview for non-HTML file", "description": "Brackets will automatically find a nearby index.html file to use. No more switching away from your CSS file to start Live Preview!" }, { "name": "Faster Performance in Find as you Type", "description": "Initial keystrokes when typing in Find field (when the number of results is usually very high) are improved." }, { "name": "Update Node to Version 0.10", "description": "This is an 'Under the Hood' change." }, { "name": "Improved Linting API", "description": "Extension authors can now drive linting engine headlessly." }, { "name": "Updated Translations", "description": "French, Japanese, German, Czech, Finnish, and Turkish translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 9569, "versionString": "Sprint 31", "dateString": "09-20-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-31", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Live Preview for HTML", "description": "Live Preview updates in real time as you type in HTML files. Updates pause whenever the HTML is not syntactically valid." }, { "name": "Windows UI", "description": "Windows now has a dark titlebar. A similar change will be coming soon for Mac too." }, { "name": "Keyboard Support for Recent Projects", "description": "Press Ctrl+Alt+R (\u2318\u2325R) to open the 'recent projects' dropdown, then use the arrows and Enter to switch projects." }, { "name": "CSS Code Hints in SCSS", "description": "Code hints for CSS property names & values: The same code hints you see in CSS files will now also appear in SCSS files. Quick Docs for CSS properties: Ditto – just like in CSS." }, { "name": "HTML Matching Tag Highlighting", "description": "Highlight matching open/close tag." }, { "name": "Search", "description": "Update Find in Files results while typing." }, { "name": "Search Result Tickmarks", "description": "Find results are visually mapped out as yellow tickmarks along the scroll bar track." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 9116, "versionString": "Sprint 30", "dateString": "08-29-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-30", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "OS X 10.6 Support Restored", "description": "Brackets will no longer crash on launch when running on Mac OS X 10.6.x." }, { "name": "Linux Preview Improvements & Fixes", "description": "File delete, Extension Manager and HTML Highlighting in Live Preview are now enabled. Also, we've fixed several bugs when installing the Debian package." }, { "name": "CSS Regions Named Flow Code Hints", "description": "Named Flows for CSS regions will now appear in code hints for flow-into and flow-from properties." }, { "name": "Function Parameter Hints", "description": "Hints appear automatically when you first type inside parentheses, or when invoked manually with Ctrl+Shift+Space." }, { "name": "Replace All", "description": "Replace All displays a panel showing all occurrences that will be replaced. You can review and uncheck any occurrences you don't want to replace." }, { "name": "Note: Theseus Extension Update Required", "description": "All users of the Theseus extension must update due to a break in compatibility. Also, Brackets developers can now use the Theseus to debug an instance of Brackets." }, { "name": "Updated Translations", "description": "The French, Japanese, German, and Turkish translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 8678, "versionString": "Sprint 29", "dateString": "08-09-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-29", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Note: Does Not Launch on OS X 10.6", "description": "Do not upgrade if you are running Mac OS X 10.6.x, as this sprint will not launch. We've tracked down the cause and hope to fix it in Sprint 30. In the meantime, if you are on Snow Leopard, use Sprint 26 or earlier." }, { "name": "Find in Files: View All Results and Add to Working Set", "description": "Find in Files now displays more than 100 results. You may double click on a result to add the file to the working set." }, { "name": "\"Open With\u2026\" support for Finder (Mac only)", "description": "Brackets is now displayed in the \"Open With\u2026\" Finder context menu for supported file types." }, { "name": "New Finnish Support and Updated Translations", "description": "A new Finnish translation has been created for Brackets. The French, Japanese, Czech, German, and Swedish translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 8528, "versionString": "Sprint 28", "dateString": "07-29-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-28", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Note: Does Not Launch on OS X 10.6", "description": "Do not upgrade if you are running Mac OS X 10.6.x, as Sprints 27 and 28 will not launch. We've tracked down the cause and hope to fix it in Sprint 29. In the meantime, if you are on Snow Leopard, use Sprint 26 or earlier." }, { "name": "New Untitled Document", "description": "File > New now creates a blank untitled document in memory, as in other text editors; you will be prompted for a filename on save. You can still directly create a new file on disk by choosing New File from the context menu in the file tree." }, { "name": "Install Extensions from Registry", "description": "The Extension Manager now has a tab that lists available extensions for Brackets. You can install an extension from the list or update to the latest version of an extension with a single click. Developers can upload extensions to the registry at brackets-registry.aboutweb.com." }, { "name": "Drag and Drop from OS", "description": "You can now drag files from the OS onto the Brackets window in order to open them. You can also drag a folder onto the Brackets window to open it in the sidebar." }, { "name": "Quick Edit and Quick View animations", "description": "Quick Edit views now animate open and closed, and the Quick View popup has a subtle grow effect." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 8254, "versionString": "Sprint 27", "dateString": "06-26-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-27", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "OS X 10.6 Issue", "description": "Do not upgrade if you are running Mac OS X 10.6.x, as Sprint 27 fails to load. Newer versions of OS X are unaffected by this issue. We hope to fix this bug in Sprint 28. Sorry." }, { "name": "Save As", "description": "Save a copy of a file using the File > Save As\u2026 menu, project tree context menu, or with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S or \u21E7\u2318S." }, { "name": "Updated Quick View Gradient Support", "description": "Quick View for gradients now supports the \"to\" keyword for gradient direction and new repeating-linear-gradient and repeating-radial-gradient types." }, { "name": "New Hungarian Support and Language Updates", "description": "A new Hungarian translation has been created for Brackets. French, Czech and Spanish translations have been updated." }, { "name": "New Native Shell", "description": "Under the hood, Brackets is now using a new version of the Chromium Embedded Framework. There are no significant user-facing changes, but please do report bugs if you experience any problems." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 8034, "versionString": "Sprint 26", "dateString": "06-10-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-26", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Update Installed Extensions", "description": "Extension Manager can now update an installed extension without manually uninstalling the extension first." }, { "name": "New Status Bar Design", "description": "Visual updates to the status bar including new icons for JSLint validation." }, { "name": "Show/Hide JSLint Errors", "description": "When JSLint errors are present, click on the status icon in the status bar to show/hide the JSLint panel." }, { "name": "URL Hints in CSS", "description": "In an @import or url() statement, code hints will show relative paths to files in your project." }, { "name": "OK/Cancel Dialog Buttons on Windows", "description": "OK and Cancel buttons in dialogs now display in the correct order. Previously the order was reversed." }, { "name": "Architecture: jQuery, Bootstrap and LESS updates", "description": "Under the hood, Brackets is now using newer versions of jQuery, Bootstrap and LESS. There are no significant user-facing changes, but please do report bugs if you experience any problems." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 7701, "versionString": "Sprint 25", "dateString": "05-26-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-25", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Extension Manager", "description": "From the toolbar icon or File > Extension Manager\u2026 you can view, search and remove installed extensions. To install new extensions, use the Install from URL\u2026 button in the Extension Manager." }, { "name": "Delete Files/Folders", "description": "Files and folders can be deleted from the file tree using the context menu or File > Delete." }, { "name": "Show in OS", "description": "Right click on a file or folder and choose Show in OS to open the location in Mac Finder or Windows Explorer." }, { "name": "Refresh File Tree", "description": "Right-click on the file tree and choose Refresh to update the file list from disk." }, { "name": "Live Preview Reliability", "description": "On all platforms, if Live Preview is disconnected, Brackets will show a notification. On Windows, launching and finding Chrome is now more reliable." }, { "name": "JavaScript Code Intelligence Improvements", "description": "JavaScript Quick Edit now uses the Tern-based code intelligence engine for finding function definitions. Also, bug fixes and performance optimizations were made in JavaScript code hinting." }, { "name": "Typing Performance", "description": "A substantial typing performance regression has been fixed." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 7204, "versionString": "Sprint 24", "dateString": "04-26-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-24", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "New Quick View", "description": "Use your mouse to hover over color, gradient and image values for an in-editor preview." }, { "name": "New Quick Docs for CSS", "description": "Press Ctrl+K or \u2318K on a CSS property to view community generated documentation powered by WebPlatform.org." }, { "name": "Advanced JavaScript Code Intelligence", "description": "New JavaScript code intelligence based on the Tern project. Increased code hinting accuracy, camelCase support and built-in intelligence for RequireJS and jQuery." }, { "name": "Jump To Definition", "description": "Instantly locate a function or property definition in your project by pressing Ctrl+J or \u2318J." }, { "name": "Function Argument / Signature Hints", "description": "Press Ctrl+Space inside a function call's ()s to see information on its arguments and their types." }, { "name": "New Project Panel Design", "description": "Visual updates to the project panel." }, { "name": "Install Extensions From Toolbar", "description": "Install extensions directly from the toolbar." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 6726, "versionString": "Sprint 23", "dateString": "04-10-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-23", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "HTML Highlight w/ Live Preview", "description": "When in Live Preview mode, place the cursor on an HTML element to highlight that element in the browser. Highlighting can be toggled on/off with Ctrl+Shift+C or \u21E7\u2318C. Support is currently limited to files with saved changes." }, { "name": "New Toolbar", "description": "A new toolbar is now docked on the right in Brackets. This replaces the top title bar and HTML menus. Icons for Live Preview and other extensions will be found here." }, { "name": "New Polish Support and Language Updates", "description": "A new Polish translation has been created for Brackets. French, German, Czech and Chinese translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 6428, "versionString": "Sprint 22", "dateString": "03-22-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-22", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Easier Extension Installation", "description": "Install extensions in the Brackets UI via File > Install Extensions\u2026. A URL to a ZIP file or GitHub repo is required." }, { "name": "Word Wrap", "description": "Word wrap is now enabled by default. Use the View > Enable Word Wrap menu to toggle." }, { "name": "Show Active Line", "description": "Active line highlighting emphasizes which line the cursor is positioned on. Use the View > Show Active Line menu to toggle." }, { "name": "Hide Line Numbers", "description": "Line numbers can now be hidden. Use the View > Show Line Numbers menu to toggle." }, { "name": "Live Development Reliability", "description": "Improvements and bug fixes were made to make the connection to Chrome more reliable and to report errors more effectively." }, { "name": "New/Updated Translations", "description": "New Chinese translation was added. Also, French, Japanese, German and Italian translations have been updated." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 5990, "versionString": "Sprint 21", "dateString": "03-01-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-21", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "JavaScript Code Hinting", "description": "New code hinting for JavaScript includes keywords, local variables, arguments, and property names." }, { "name": "Default Live Development on Localhost (w/ Node.js)", "description": "By default, Live Development uses a built-in webserver powered by node.js." }, { "name": "Drag to Dock to Open Files (OSX)", "description": "Drag a file directly to the Brackets dock icon to open." }, { "name": "Drag and Drop to Open Files (Windows)", "description": "Drag a file directly into Brackets to open." }, { "name": "Remember Cursor & Scroll Position", "description": "Files left open after close will retain cursor and scroll position on launch. During a session, cursor and scroll position is retained for closed files upon reopening." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 5672, "versionString": "Sprint 20", "dateString": "02-14-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-20", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Upgrade to CodeMirror 3", "description": "The core code editor has been updated to CodeMirror 3, fixing many issues and enabling new functionality." }, { "name": "Improved Undo/Redo", "description": "Undo restores the old selection and cursor position." }, { "name": "Line Numbers Always Visible", "description": "Gutter line numbers stay in view when scrolling horizontally." }, { "name": "Double/Triple Click and Drag", "description": "Double-click-drag and triple-click-drag to select multiple words/lines quickly." }, { "name": "Search Improvements", "description": "All Find results are highlighted when search bar is open. Current result is centered in the editor." } ] }, { "buildNumber": 5290, "versionString": "Sprint 19", "dateString": "01-18-2013", "releaseNotesURL": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Release-Notes:-Sprint-19", "downloadURL": "http://download.brackets.io", "newFeatures": [ { "name": "Native Menu Bar", "description": "Menus now appear in the Mac/Windows native menus." }, { "name": "CSS Code Hints", "description": "Code hinting for CSS properties and values now appear for CSS files and