--- title: Advanced installation with Traefik, Let's Encrypt & HTTP Basic Auth --- In case you wish to make TeslaMate publicly available on the Internet, it is strongly recommended to secure the web interface and allow access to Grafana only with a password. This guide provides a _[docker-compose.yml](#docker-composeyml)_ which differs from the basic installation in the following aspects: - Both publicly accessible services, TeslaMate and Grafana, sit behind a reverse proxy (Traefik) which terminates HTTPS traffic - The TeslaMate service is protected by HTTP Basic Authentication - Custom configuration is held in a separate `.env` file - A Let's Encrypt certificate is automatically acquired by Traefik - Grafana is configured to require a login > Please note that this is only **an example** of how TeslaMate can be used in a more advanced scenario. Depending on your use case, you may need to make some adjustments, primarily to the traefik configuration. For more information, see the [traefik docs](https://docs.traefik.io/). ## Requirements - One public FQDN, for example `teslamate.example.com` (substitute your domainname throughout the examples below) ## Instructions Create the following three files: ### docker-compose.yml ```yml title="docker-compose.yml" services: teslamate: image: teslamate/teslamate:latest restart: always depends_on: - database environment: - ENCRYPTION_KEY=${TM_ENCRYPTION_KEY} - DATABASE_USER=${TM_DB_USER} - DATABASE_PASS=${TM_DB_PASS} - DATABASE_NAME=${TM_DB_NAME} - DATABASE_HOST=database - MQTT_HOST=mosquitto - VIRTUAL_HOST=${FQDN_TM} - CHECK_ORIGIN=true - TZ=${TM_TZ} volumes: - ./import:/opt/app/import labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.port: "4000" traefik.http.middlewares.redirect.redirectscheme.scheme: "https" traefik.http.middlewares.teslamate-auth.basicauth.realm: "teslamate" traefik.http.middlewares.teslamate-auth.basicauth.usersfile: "/auth/.htpasswd" traefik.http.routers.teslamate-insecure.rule: "Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)" traefik.http.routers.teslamate-insecure.middlewares: "redirect" traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.rule: "Host(`${FQDN_TM}`) && Path(`/live/websocket`)" traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.entrypoints: "websecure" traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.tls: "" traefik.http.routers.teslamate.rule: "Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)" traefik.http.routers.teslamate.middlewares: "teslamate-auth" traefik.http.routers.teslamate.entrypoints: "websecure" traefik.http.routers.teslamate.tls.certresolver: "tmhttpchallenge" cap_drop: - ALL database: image: postgres:15 restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_USER=${TM_DB_USER} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${TM_DB_PASS} - POSTGRES_DB=${TM_DB_NAME} volumes: - teslamate-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data grafana: image: teslamate/grafana:latest restart: always environment: - DATABASE_USER=${TM_DB_USER} - DATABASE_PASS=${TM_DB_PASS} - DATABASE_NAME=${TM_DB_NAME} - DATABASE_HOST=database - GRAFANA_PASSWD=${GRAFANA_PW} - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=${GRAFANA_USER} - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${GRAFANA_PW} - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=false - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=${FQDN_TM} - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=%(protocol)s://%(domain)s/grafana - GF_SERVER_SERVE_FROM_SUB_PATH=true volumes: - teslamate-grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.port: "3000" traefik.http.middlewares.redirect.redirectscheme.scheme: "https" traefik.http.routers.grafana-insecure.rule: "Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)" traefik.http.routers.grafana-insecure.middlewares: "redirect" traefik.http.routers.grafana.rule: "Host(`${FQDN_TM}`) && (Path(`/grafana`) || PathPrefix(`/grafana/`))" traefik.http.routers.grafana.entrypoints: "websecure" traefik.http.routers.grafana.tls.certresolver: "tmhttpchallenge" mosquitto: image: eclipse-mosquitto:2 restart: always command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf ports: - "" volumes: - mosquitto-conf:/mosquitto/config - mosquitto-data:/mosquitto/data proxy: image: traefik:v2.7 restart: always command: - "--global.sendAnonymousUsage=false" - "--providers.docker" - "--providers.docker.exposedByDefault=false" - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80" - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443" - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.httpchallenge=true" - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.httpchallenge.entrypoint=web" - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.email=${LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL}" - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.storage=/etc/acme/acme.json" ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" volumes: - ./.htpasswd:/auth/.htpasswd - ./acme/:/etc/acme/ - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro volumes: teslamate-db: teslamate-grafana-data: mosquitto-conf: mosquitto-data: ``` > If you are upgrading from the [simple Docker setup](../installation/docker.md) make sure that you are using the same Postgres version as before. To upgrade to a new version see [Upgrading PostgreSQL](../maintenance/upgrading_postgres.md). ### .env ```plaintext title=".env" TM_ENCRYPTION_KEY= #your secure key to encrypt your Tesla API tokens TM_DB_USER=teslamate TM_DB_PASS= #your secure password! TM_DB_NAME=teslamate GRAFANA_USER=admin GRAFANA_PW=admin FQDN_TM=teslamate.example.com TM_TZ=Europe/Berlin LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=yourperson@example.com ``` > If you are upgrading from the [simple Docker setup](../installation/docker.md) make sure to use the same database and Grafana credentials as before. ### .htpasswd This file contains a user and password for accessing TeslaMate (Basic-auth); note that this is **not** your tesla.com password. You can generate it on the web if you don't have the [Apache tools](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/create-update-user-authentication-files/) installed (e.g. http://www.htaccesstools.com/htpasswd-generator/). Use BCrypt encryption mode. **Example:** ```apacheconf title=".htpasswd" teslamate:$2y$10$f7PB3UF3PNzqMIXZmf1dIefOkrv/15Xt6Xw3pzc6mkS/B5qoWBdAG ``` ## Usage Start the stack with `docker compose up -d`. 1. Open the web interface https://teslamate.example.com 2. Sign in with your Tesla account 3. In the _Settings_ page, update the _URLs_ fields. Set _Web App_ to https://teslamate.example.com and _Dashboards_ to https://teslamate.example.com/grafana > If you have difficulty logging into your Grafana, e.g. you cannot login with the credentials from either the simple setup or the values stored in the .env file, reset the admin password with the following command: ``` docker compose exec grafana grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password ```