--- title: Docker install sidebar_label: Docker --- This document provides the necessary steps for installation of TeslaMate on any system that runs Docker. For a walkthrough that provides the necessary steps for manual installation see [Manual installation](debian.md). This setup is recommended only if you are running TeslaMate **on your home network**, as otherwise your Tesla API tokens might be at risk. If you intend to expose TeslaMate directly to the internet check out the [advanced guides](../guides/traefik.md). ## Requirements - Docker _(if you are new to Docker, see [Installing Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) and [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/linux/))_ - A Machine that's always on, so TeslaMate can continually fetch data - At least 1 GB of RAM on the machine for the installation to succeed. - External internet access, to talk to tesla.com ## Instructions 1. Create a file called `docker-compose.yml` with the following content: ```yml title="docker-compose.yml" services: teslamate: image: teslamate/teslamate:latest restart: always environment: - ENCRYPTION_KEY=secretkey #replace with a secure key to encrypt your Tesla API tokens - DATABASE_USER=teslamate - DATABASE_PASS=password #insert your secure database password! - DATABASE_NAME=teslamate - DATABASE_HOST=database - MQTT_HOST=mosquitto ports: - 4000:4000 volumes: - ./import:/opt/app/import cap_drop: - all database: image: postgres:15 restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_USER=teslamate - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password #insert your secure database password! - POSTGRES_DB=teslamate volumes: - teslamate-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data grafana: image: teslamate/grafana:latest restart: always environment: - DATABASE_USER=teslamate - DATABASE_PASS=password #insert your secure database password! - DATABASE_NAME=teslamate - DATABASE_HOST=database ports: - 3000:3000 volumes: - teslamate-grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana mosquitto: image: eclipse-mosquitto:2 restart: always command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf # ports: # - 1883:1883 volumes: - mosquitto-conf:/mosquitto/config - mosquitto-data:/mosquitto/data volumes: teslamate-db: teslamate-grafana-data: mosquitto-conf: mosquitto-data: ``` 2. **Choose a secure encryption key** that will be used to encrypt your Tesla API tokens (insert as `ENCRYPTION_KEY`). 3. **Choose your secure database password** and insert it at every occurrence of `DATABASE_PASS` and `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` 4. Start the docker containers with `docker compose up`. To run the containers in the background add the `-d` flag: ```bash docker compose up -d ``` ## Usage 1. Open the web interface [http://your-ip-address:4000](http://localhost:4000) 2. Sign in with your Tesla Account 3. The Grafana dashboards are available at [http://your-ip-address:3000](http://localhost:3000). Log in with the default user `admin` (initial password `admin`) and enter a secure password. ## Update To update the running TeslaMate configuration to the latest version, follow: [Upgrading to a new version](../upgrading.mdx)