A list of reporting services reports SSDTRS 17.5.33516.290 SSDTRS 17.8.34408.163 2024-01-11T03:06:04.5632426Z Anthony Duguid 0 ReportServer None 9c5d5e18-ddee-41b3-ae49-8d83f261caf6 ReportServer =Parameters!ReportServerUrl.Value =Parameters!SearchFor.Value =Parameters!HasStringSql.Value =Parameters!ExcludeAdmins.Value =Parameters!HasSubscriptions.Value =Parameters!ExecutionExcludedUsers.Value =Parameters!HasSnapshots.Value =Parameters!IsHidden.Value =Parameters!HasCustomPermissions.Value =Parameters!HasEmbeddedDataSource.Value =Parameters!CatalogType.Value =Parameters!all_value.Value =Parameters!ReportFolder.Value =Parameters!CreatedBy.Value =Parameters!ModifiedBy.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value =Parameters!SearchType.Value WITH report_types AS ( SELECT tbl.* FROM (VALUES ( 1, 'Folder') , ( 2, 'Report') , ( 3, 'Resources') , ( 4, 'Linked Report') , ( 5, 'Data Source') , ( 6, 'Report Model') , ( 7, 'Report Part') , ( 8, 'Shared Dataset') , ( 11, 'KPI') , ( 13, 'Power BI') , ( 14, 'Excel') ) tbl ([Type], [TypeDescription]) ) , report_users AS ( SELECT [UserID] , [SimpleUserName] = LOWER(RIGHT([UserName], (LEN([UserName]) - CHARINDEX('\', [UserName])))) , [UserName] FROM [dbo].[Users] WITH(NOLOCK) ) , report_snapshots AS ( SELECT rpt.[ItemID] , [SnapshotCount] = COUNT(rpt.[ItemID]) FROM [dbo].[History] AS his WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN [dbo].[SnapshotData] AS snp WITH (NOLOCK) ON his.[snapshotdataid] = snp.[snapshotdataid] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Catalog] AS rpt WITH (NOLOCK) ON rpt.[itemid] = his.[reportid] INNER JOIN [dbo].[ReportSchedule] AS rpt_s WITH (NOLOCK) ON rpt_s.[reportid] = his.[reportid] AND rpt_s.[reportaction] = 2 -- Create schedule INNER JOIN [dbo].[Schedule] AS sch WITH (NOLOCK) ON sch.[scheduleid] = rpt_s.[scheduleid] GROUP BY rpt.[itemid] ) , report_catalog AS ( SELECT rpt.* , [URL_ReportSchedule] = CASE WHEN rpt.[Type] IN(2, 4) THEN @ReportServerUrl + 'ReportServer?/Analytics/Subscriptions&rs:Command=Render&ReportFolder=' + rpt.[ReportFolder] + '&ReportName=' + rpt.[Name] WHEN rpt.[Type] IN(13) THEN @ReportServerUrl + 'Reports/manage/catalogitem/properties' + REPLACE(rpt.[Path], ' ', '%20') END , [URL_ReportFolder] = @ReportServerUrl + 'Reports/browse/' + rpt.[ReportFolder] , [URL_Report] = CASE WHEN rpt.[Type] IN(2, 4) THEN @ReportServerUrl + 'Reports/report' + REPLACE(rpt.[Path], ' ', '%20') WHEN rpt.[Type] IN(13) THEN @ReportServerUrl + 'Reports/powerbi' + REPLACE(rpt.[Path], ' ', '%20') END , [URL_ReportSnapshot] = @ReportServerUrl + 'Reports/manage/catalogitem/snapshots' + REPLACE(rpt.[Path], ' ', '%20') FROM ( SELECT rpt.[ItemID] , rpt.[CreatedById] , rpt.[ModifiedById] , rpt.[Type] , rpt.[Name] , rpt.[Description] , rpt.[Parameter] , [CreationDate] = rpt.[CreationDate] , [ModifiedDate] = rpt.[ModifiedDate] , [ReportFolder] = SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path]) - Len(rpt.[Name])-2) , rpt.[Path] , [ReportDefinition] = CASE WHEN @SearchFor IS NULL AND @HasStringSql IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), rpt.[Content])) END , rpt.[Hidden] , rpt.[LinkSourceID] FROM [dbo].[Catalog] AS rpt WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND rpt.[Type] IN(2, 4, 13, 14) ) AS rpt ) , object_policies AS ( SELECT cat.[ItemID] , pol.[PolicyID] , cat.[ParentID] FROM [dbo].[Catalog] AS cat LEFT JOIN [dbo].[PolicyUserRole] AS urol ON urol.[PolicyID] = cat.[PolicyID] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Roles] AS rol ON urol.[RoleID] = rol.[RoleID] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Policies] AS pol ON urol.[PolicyID] = pol.[PolicyID] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Users] AS usr ON urol.[UserID] = usr.[UserID] WHERE 1=1 AND cat.[Type] IN(1, 2, 4, 13, 14) AND usr.[UserName] NOT IN('BUILTIN\Administrators') ) , custom_report_policy AS ( SELECT DISTINCT obj.[ItemID] FROM object_policies AS obj INNER JOIN object_policies AS fdr ON obj.[ParentID] = fdr.[ItemID] AND obj.[PolicyID] != fdr.[PolicyID] ) , custom_report_source AS ( SELECT DISTINCT cat.[ItemID] FROM report_catalog AS cat INNER JOIN dbo.[DataSource] AS rds ON cat.[ItemID] = rds.[ItemID] WHERE 1=1 AND rds.[Extension] = 'SQL' ) , execution_log AS ( SELECT el.[ReportID] , el.[TimeStart] , el.[UserName] FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLog] AS el WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN report_users AS usr ON el.[UserName] = usr.[UserName] WHERE 1=1 --AND usr.[SimpleUserName] NOT IN('Tony.Duguid', 'Iain.Nicolson', 'Andrew.Stasis', 'nho', 'dhivian.govender') AND (@ExcludeAdmins = 0 OR usr.[SimpleUserName] NOT IN(@ExecutionExcludedUsers)) UNION SELECT [ReportID] = rpt.[ItemID] , el.[TimeStart] , el.[UserName] FROM [dbo].[ExecutionLog2] AS el WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN report_users AS usr ON el.[UserName] = usr.[UserName] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Catalog] AS rpt ON rpt.[Path] = el.[ReportPath] WHERE 1=1 --AND usr.[SimpleUserName] NOT IN('Tony.Duguid', 'Iain.Nicolson', 'Andrew.Stasis', 'nho', 'dhivian.govender') AND (@ExcludeAdmins = 0 OR usr.[SimpleUserName] NOT IN(@ExecutionExcludedUsers)) AND el.[ByteCount] != 0 AND el.[Format] IN('PBIX', 'DataModel') ) SELECT rpt.[ItemID] , rpt.[Name] , rpt.[Description] , rpt.[Type] , rpt_t.[TypeDescription] , rpt.[Parameter] , [ReportCreatedBy] = urc.[SimpleUserName] , [ReportCreationDate] = rpt.[CreationDate] , [ReportModifiedBy] = urm.[SimpleUserName] , [ReportModifiedDate] = rpt.[ModifiedDate] , rpt.[ReportFolder] , [ReportPath] = rpt.[Path] , rpt.[URL_ReportSnapshot] , rpt.[URL_ReportSchedule] , rpt.[URL_ReportFolder] , rpt.[URL_Report] , rpt.[ReportDefinition] , [CommandText] = rpt.[ReportDefinition] , el.[ExecutionLogCount] , sc.[SubscriptionCount] , snp.[SnapshotCount] , [SearchForStr] = ISNULL(@SearchFor, ' ') , [Hidden] = CASE WHEN rpt.[Hidden] = 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END , [ParentReport] = [prt].[Path] FROM report_catalog AS rpt LEFT JOIN report_catalog AS prt ON prt.[ItemID] = rpt.[LinkSourceID] LEFT JOIN report_types AS rpt_t ON rpt.[Type] = rpt_t.[Type] LEFT JOIN report_snapshots AS snp ON rpt.[ItemID] = snp.[ItemID] LEFT JOIN (SELECT [ExecutionLogCount] = COUNT([ReportID]), [ReportID] FROM execution_log GROUP BY [ReportID]) el ON el.[ReportID] = rpt.[ItemID] LEFT JOIN (SELECT [SubscriptionCount] = COUNT([Report_OID]), [Report_OID] FROM [dbo].[Subscriptions] WITH (NOLOCK) GROUP BY [Report_OID]) sc ON sc.[Report_OID] = rpt.[ItemID] LEFT JOIN report_users AS urc ON rpt.[CreatedById] = urc.[UserID] LEFT JOIN report_users AS urm ON rpt.[ModifiedById] = urm.[UserID] LEFT JOIN custom_report_policy AS crp ON rpt.[ItemID] = crp.[ItemID] LEFT JOIN custom_report_source As crs ON rpt.[ItemID] = crs.[ItemID] WHERE 1=1 AND ((@HasStringSql IS NULL) OR (CASE WHEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), rpt.[ReportDefinition])), ' ', ''), CHAR(10), ''), CHAR(13), '') LIKE '%</QueryParameters><CommandText>%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @HasStringSql) AND ((@HasSubscriptions IS NULL) OR ((CASE WHEN ISNULL(sc.[SubscriptionCount], 0) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @HasSubscriptions)) AND ((@HasSnapshots IS NULL) OR ((CASE WHEN ISNULL(snp.[SnapshotCount], 0) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @HasSnapshots)) AND ((@IsHidden IS NULL) OR ((CASE WHEN rpt.[Hidden] = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @IsHidden)) AND ((@HasCustomPermissions IS NULL) OR ((CASE WHEN crp.[ItemID] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @HasCustomPermissions)) AND ((@HasEmbeddedDataSource IS NULL) OR ((CASE WHEN crs.[ItemID] IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = @HasEmbeddedDataSource)) AND (rpt.[Type] IN(@CatalogType)) AND (@all_value IN (@ReportFolder) OR rpt.[ReportFolder] IN(@ReportFolder)) AND (@all_value IN (@CreatedBy) OR urc.[SimpleUserName] IN(@CreatedBy)) AND (@all_value IN (@ModifiedBy) OR urm.[SimpleUserName] IN(@ModifiedBy)) AND (@CreatedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] >= @CreatedDateFrom) AND (@CreatedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] <= @CreatedDateTo) AND (@ModifiedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] >= @ModifiedDateFrom) AND (@ModifiedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] <= @ModifiedDateTo) AND ( @SearchFor IS NULL OR ( (rpt.[Name] LIKE '%' + @SearchFor + '%' AND (@all_value IN(@SearchType) OR 'Report Name' IN(@SearchType))) OR (rpt.[Description] LIKE '%' + @SearchFor + '%' AND (@all_value IN(@SearchType) OR 'Report Description' IN(@SearchType)) ) OR (PATINDEX('%' + @SearchFor + '%', rpt.[ReportDefinition]) > 0 AND (@all_value IN(@SearchType) OR 'Report Definition' IN(@SearchType)) ) ) ); true ItemID System.Guid Name System.String Description System.String Type System.Int32 TypeDescription System.String Parameter System.String ReportCreatedBy System.String ReportCreationDate System.DateTime ReportModifiedBy System.String ReportModifiedDate System.DateTime ReportFolder System.String ReportPath System.String URL_ReportSnapshot System.String URL_ReportSchedule System.String URL_ReportFolder System.String URL_Report System.String ReportDefinition System.String CommandText System.String ExecutionLogCount System.Int32 SubscriptionCount System.Int32 SnapshotCount System.Int32 SearchForStr System.String Hidden System.String ParentReport System.String ReportServer =Parameters!all_value.Value SELECT [ReportFolder] = SUBSTRING(c.[Path], 2, Len(c.[Path])-Len(c.[Name])-2) , [OrderNumber] = 2 FROM [dbo].[Catalog] AS c WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND c.[Type] IN(2, 4, 13, 14) UNION SELECT @all_value, 1 ORDER BY 2, 1 true ReportFolder System.Object OrderNumber System.Int32 ReportServer =Parameters!all_value.Value =Parameters!ReportFolder.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value WITH report_users AS ( SELECT [UserID], [SimpleUserName] = LOWER(RIGHT([UserName], (LEN([UserName])-CHARINDEX('\', [UserName])))) FROM [dbo].[Users] WITH (NOLOCK) ) , report_catalog AS ( SELECT rpt.[ItemID] , rpt.[CreatedById] , rpt.[ModifiedById] , rpt.[Type] , rpt.[Name] , rpt.[Description] , rpt.[Parameter] , [CreationDate] = rpt.[CreationDate] , [ModifiedDate] = rpt.[ModifiedDate] , [ReportFolder] = SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) , rpt.[Path] , [URL_ReportFolder] = 'http://' + Host_Name() + '/Reports/browse/' + SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) , [URL_Report] = 'http://' + Host_Name() + '/Reports/report/' + SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) + '%2f' + rpt.[Name] , [ReportDefinition] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), rpt.[Content])) FROM [dbo].[Catalog] AS rpt WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND rpt.[Type] = 2 ) SELECT DISTINCT [ReportCreatedBy] = urc.[SimpleUserName] FROM report_catalog AS rpt INNER JOIN report_users AS urc ON rpt.[CreatedById] = urc.[UserID] WHERE 1=1 AND (@all_value IN (@ReportFolder) OR rpt.[ReportFolder] IN(@ReportFolder)) AND (@CreatedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] >= @CreatedDateFrom) AND (@CreatedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] <= @CreatedDateTo) AND (@ModifiedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] >= @ModifiedDateFrom) AND (@ModifiedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] <= @ModifiedDateTo) UNION SELECT @all_value ORDER BY 1 ReportCreatedBy System.Object ReportServer =Parameters!all_value.Value =Parameters!ReportFolder.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value =Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value WITH report_users AS ( SELECT [UserID], [SimpleUserName] = LOWER(RIGHT([UserName], (LEN([UserName])-CHARINDEX('\', [UserName])))) FROM [dbo].[Users] WITH (NOLOCK) ) , report_catalog AS ( SELECT rpt.[ItemID] , rpt.[CreatedById] , rpt.[ModifiedById] , rpt.[Type] , rpt.[Name] , rpt.[Description] , rpt.[Parameter] , [CreationDate] = rpt.[CreationDate] , [ModifiedDate] = rpt.[ModifiedDate] , [ReportFolder] = SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) , rpt.[Path] , [URL_ReportFolder] = 'http://' + Host_Name() + '/Reports/browse/' + SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) , [URL_Report] = 'http://' + Host_Name() + '/Reports/report/' + SUBSTRING(rpt.[Path], 2, Len(rpt.[Path])-Len(rpt.[Name])-2) + '%2f' + rpt.[Name] , [ReportDefinition] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), rpt.[Content])) FROM [dbo].[Catalog] AS rpt WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND rpt.[Type] = 2 ) SELECT DISTINCT [ReportModifiedBy] = urm.[SimpleUserName] FROM report_catalog AS rpt INNER JOIN report_users AS urm ON rpt.[ModifiedById] = urm.[UserID] WHERE 1=1 AND (@all_value IN (@ReportFolder) OR rpt.[ReportFolder] IN(@ReportFolder)) AND (@CreatedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] >= @CreatedDateFrom) AND (@CreatedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[CreationDate] <= @CreatedDateTo) AND (@ModifiedDateFrom IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] >= @ModifiedDateFrom) AND (@ModifiedDateTo IS NULL OR rpt.[ModifiedDate] <= @ModifiedDateTo) UNION SELECT @all_value ORDER BY 1 ReportModifiedBy System.Object ReportServer SELECT tbl.* FROM (VALUES ( 2, 'Report') , ( 4, 'Linked Report') , ( 13, 'Power BI') , ( 14, 'Excel') ) tbl ([Type], [TypeDescription]) Type System.Int32 TypeDescription System.String 0.6cm 3.5cm 0.6cm 6cm 6cm 0.6cm 1.4cm 0.6cm 1.4cm 0.6cm 1.4cm 8cm 2cm 0.75cm 2.25cm 3.25cm 2.25cm 3.25cm 6cm 10cm 0.6cm true true 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(True, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) Embedded folder Clip 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ReportFolder.Value textbox36 12 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) Embedded =Switch(Fields!Type.Value = 2, "report" , Fields!Type.Value = 4, "report_link" , Fields!Type.Value = 3, "resource" , Fields!Type.Value = 11, "kpi" , Fields!Type.Value = 13, "powerbi" , Fields!Type.Value = 14, "excel" ) Clip 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Name.Value textbox4 10 =RowNumber("Reports").ToString() 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ParentReport.Value ParentReport 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) Embedded =IIF(Fields!SubscriptionCount.Value = 0, IIF(Fields!TypeDescription.Value = "Power BI", "feed", "blank"), IIF(Fields!TypeDescription.Value = "Power BI", "refresh", "email")) Clip 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!SubscriptionCount.Value 9 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) Embedded =IIF(Fields!ExecutionLogCount.Value = 0, "blank", "log") Clip 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ExecutionLogCount.Value textbox11 9 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) Embedded =IIF(Fields!SnapshotCount.Value = 0, "blank", "snapshot") Clip 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!SnapshotCount.Value SnapshotCount 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Description.Value textbox2 5 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!TypeDescription.Value TypeDescription 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!Hidden.Value Hidden 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ReportCreatedBy.Value textbox40 4 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ReportCreationDate.Value textbox34 3 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ReportModifiedBy.Value textbox30 2 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ReportModifiedDate.Value textbox28 1 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!ItemID.Value 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true =Fields!CommandText.Value 0.75pt =Code.CandyStripe(False, Variables!ColorCandyStripeEvenRow.Value, Variables!ColorCandyStripeOddRow.Value) 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true true 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true 1.5cm true =Fields!ReportFolder.Value true Report Folder 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true 1.5cm true true 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) 1.5cm true =Fields!Name.Value true Report Name textbox3 22 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true 1.5cm true true Parent Report Textbox3 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true textbox5 1.5cm true true 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) 1.5cm true =Fields!SubscriptionCount.Value true Email / Schedule 21 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true true 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) 1.5cm true =Fields!ExecutionLogCount.Value true Log 20 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true true 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) 1.5cm true =Fields!SnapshotCount.Value true Snapshot Textbox9 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!Description.Value true Description textbox1 19 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!TypeDescription.Value true Type Textbox1 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!Hidden.Value true Hidden Textbox7 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt Rotate270 1.5cm true =Fields!ReportCreatedBy.Value true Created By textbox37 18 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!ReportCreationDate.Value true Created Date textbox33 17 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!ReportModifiedBy.Value true Modified By textbox29 16 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true =Fields!ReportModifiedDate.Value true Modified Date textbox27 15 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true true Item ID Textbox7 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt 1.5cm true true SQL textbox8 14 0.75pt =Variables!ColorTableHeaderBackground.Value Middle 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt =Not(Parameters!ShowSql.Value) Detail =Fields!ReportFolder.Value =Fields!Name.Value Detail_Collection Output true true true true true Reports 2.1cm 60.45cm 0.75pt Tahoma 8pt 2.1cm =IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value) And IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value), "", vbcrlf) + IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value), "", "Modified From: ") + Format(Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value, Variables!FormatDateTime.Value) + IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value), "", " To: ") + Format(Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value, Variables!FormatDateTime.Value) =IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value) And IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value), "", vbcrlf) + IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value), "", "Created From: ") + Format(Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value, Variables!FormatDateTime.Value) + IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value), "", " To: ") + Format(Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value, Variables!FormatDateTime.Value) 2pt Textbox8 2.75cm 24.86472cm =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) Middle 25pt 2pt 2pt 2pt Embedded PBIRS FitProportional 24.86472cm 2.75cm 4.30514cm 1 =IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCELOPENXML", true, false) 0.75pt 0.92063cm true true true true true ="© " + Variables!CompanyName.Value + " " + Year(Today).ToString 2pt =Variables!UrlReport.Value ="javascript:void(window.open('" + Variables!UrlReportWithParameters.Value + "','_blank'))" Open the report with the current parameters in a separate tab 2pt 0.92063cm 21cm 2pt 2pt 2pt 2pt true true true ="Page: " & Globals!PageNumber.ToString() + " of " + Globals!TotalPages.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Produced By: " + Variables!UserName.Value + " @ " + Variables!ReportRunDateTime.Value 2pt 21cm 0.92063cm 8.16986cm 1 0.75pt 29.7cm 42cm 11in 8.5in 0.25cm 0.25cm 0.25cm 0.25cm 1cm