# Adventure Game Studio Help Files Travis (web): [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual) | Appveyor (chm): [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/ufw6n10yg1q38yvc?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ags-manual-ci/ags-manual-4hkmp) [**Edit the Help in the Wiki**](https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual/wiki) | [**Revision History**](https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual/wiki/_history) The help files can be edited on the wiki or cloned locally and pushed. Please open an issue if something is wrong. git clone https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual.wiki.git ## Reading the help files The manual is hosted online on [adventuregamestudio.github.io/ags-manual/](https://adventuregamestudio.github.io/ags-manual). You can also download the [latest release](https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual/releases/latest). ![](ags-manual-readme.png) ## Building the help files The help files are generated using [Python 3 Sphinx](http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/)! **Note that the use of a virtualenv is recommended if your Python installation is system-wide** Install the requisite pip packages pip install -r requirements.txt Install an HTML help compiler For Windows, install [HTML Help Workshop](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=14188). For macOS, Unix, Linux, etc. install chmcmd from your regular package repository or install [Free Pascal](https://www.freepascal.org/download.var). ### Make targets name | function --- | --- clone | git clone the wiki source html | run sphinx-build with the html builder htmlhelp | run sphinx-build with the htmlhelp builder chm | run the HTML compiler clean | delete everything listed in .gitignore build just the html site make clone html build just the CHM (Windows help) file make clone htmlhelp chm build everything make clone html htmlhelp chm rebuild everything make clean clone html htmlhelp chm ## Indexing Index directives are added automatically, based on heading styles. Markdown | Indexed as --- | --- \#\# Heading | Single entry: 'Heading' \#\#\# Sub-heading | Paired entry: 'Heading' <-> 'Sub-heading' To create an H2 style heading without an index entry, use the alternate H2 markup: Heading ------- H1 headings are not checked, effectively reserving their use for the primary title on the contents page. ## Checking wiki links If making a lot of changes, the included AWK script can validate links within a directory: ./checklinks path/to/wiki/source/*.md A checklinks task is run on every Travis-CI build, and the build will fail for any missing link. Read the logs [here](https://travis-ci.org/adventuregamestudio/ags-manual) to find the missing link.