# ISML tmlanguage TextMate/Sublime Text language grammar (tmLanguage) for Demandware ISML Work with Demandware ISML and want to use a nicer text editor with more contextual syntax highlighting? This is for you. Example image (ST2, Monokai): ![Screenshot from Sublime Text 2](https://github.com/aearly/isml-tmlanguage/raw/master/isml.png) As of now, only tested in Sublime Text 2, but should work in TextMate and Sublime Text 3 as well. Essentially an extended version of the HTML language grammar. ## Installation Available through [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) as `ISML` To manually install, `cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages` and clone this repo there.