# Mailchimp Subscribe Changelog ## - 2022-01-04 ### Fixed - Fixed API error for `getInterestGroups()` method ## 3.1.1 - 2021-08-22 ### Changed - Changed interest-categories max count to 100 (thanks, @SamLNL). ## 3.1.0 - 2021-08-09 ### Changed - Removed dependency on `pacely/mailchimp-api-v3` and added client directly in plugin. ### Added - Added support for Craft style env-variables in settings. - Added `onAfterSubscribe` and `onAfterUnsubscribe` events (thanks, @wblommaert). ## 3.0.3 - 2020-09-02 ### Fixed - Fixed error when subscibing without adding tags (thanks, @simonkuran). ## 3.0.2 - 2020-05-29 ### Added - Added some default values to `subscribe` service method to make it easier to work with the service directly. ## 3.0.1 - 2019-06-28 ### Added - Added support for multisite config values using `ConfigHelper::localizedValue` (thanks, @janhenckens). ## 3.0.0 - 2019-06-28 > {warning} This is a more complex update than usual, things have been changed and deprecated. Make sure you read this changelog before updating. ### Added - Added support for setting marketing permissions when subscribing a member to a GDPR enabled audience. - Added support for adding `tags` when subscribing. - Added support for setting VIP status when subscribing. - Added `getMemberByEmail` template variable, controller action and service method. - Added `getAudienceById` template variable, controller action and service method. - Added `delete` controller action and service method. Implements a `permanent` parameter to permanently delete a member and make it impossible to import again. - Added `getMarketingPermissionsByEmail` template variable and service method. - Added `getMemberTagsByEmail` template variable and service method. - Added `SubscribeResponse`, `MemberResponse` and `AudienceResponse` models. - Added support for Craft's environment variable syntax (ie '$MY_ENV_VARIABLE') directly in config . ### Changed - [Audience is the new list](https://mailchimp.com/resources/introducing-your-new-audience-dashboard/). - Changed signature of the subscribe service method. It now takes three parameters, where the third is an array of options. **If you access the subscribe controller directly from your own module/plugin, this is a breaking change, you need to update your code to reflect the change.** - Changed behavior of the unsubscribe method, it now sets the status to `unsubscribed` instead of deleting a member. Use the `delete` method to delete instead. - Changed how interests are submitted. It should now be passed as a separate `interests` parameter, and is nested by group title. See example in the docs. **This is a breaking change, if you used interest groups in version 2, you need to update your template code.** - Changed return type of `getInterestGroups`, it now either returns an array of groups, or null. Errors in logs/debug toolbar. **This is a breaking change, if you used `getInterestGroups` in version 2, you need to update your template code.** - Changed the return value of the `subscribe`, `unsubscribe` and `delete` service methods to be a `SubscribeResponse`. Use property `action` to check what action triggered the response. ### Removed - **Removed support for using a pipe-delimited string with multiple list ids as a setting, or passing to service methods or template variables.** If you need to subscribe to multiple lists, you should create your own controller that uses the service methods, and handles input and output accordingly. ### Deprecated - Deprecated `list` controller in favor of `audience` controller. - Deprecated `listId` config setting in favor of `audienceId`. - Deprecated `lid` parameter in several controller actions in favor of `audienceId`. - Deprecated `emailtype` parameter in subscribe controller actions in favor of `email_type`. - Deprecated `mcvars` parameter in subscribe controller actions in favor of `merge_fields`. - Deprecated `checkIfSubscribed` and `checkIfInList` service method and controller actions in favor of `getMemberByEmail`. - Deprecated `getListInterestGroups` service method and controller action in favor of `getInterestGroups`. ### Fixed - Fixed a bug that would make unsubscribe fail in PHP 7.2 or newer due to incorrect empty value. - Fixed error handling in `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` service methods that would fail if the error was a PHP error. - Fixed incorrect use of parameters in redirectToPostedUrl. - Fixed default value of audience id in template variables and improved check in service methods. ## 2.0.5 - 2019-06-28 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug that would create an error in PHP 7.2 due to an incorrect empty value. Backported from 3.0.0. ## 2.0.4 - 2019-02-02 ### Fixed - Fixed bugs in unsubscribe controller action. ## 2.0.3 - 2018-12-16 ### Added - Added new unsubscribe service method and controller action (thanks, @engram-design). - Added new checkIfInList service method and template variable (thanks, @engram-design). ### Fixed - Fixed checkIfSubscribed to not only check if a user is in a list, but also if the user is subscribed (thanks, @engram-design). - Fixed incorrect handling of settings list id (fixes #67) (thanks, @engram-design). - Fixed README example (fixes #67). ## 2.0.2 - 2018-05-14 ### Fixed - Fixed a bug that could occur in PHP 7.2 if no merge vars was defined (Thanks, @janhenckens!). - Fixed a bunch of readme bugs. ## 2.0.1 - 2018-04-19 ### Fixed - Fixed composer requirements ## 2.0.0 - 2017-12-07 ### Added - Initial Craft 3 release