{ "description": "Heapster pipeline", "processors": [ { "script": { "tag": "Convert CPU values to cores", "lang": "painless", "inline": "if (ctx._type == 'cpu') { ctx.Metrics['cpu/usage_rate'].cores = ctx.Metrics['cpu/usage_rate'].value * 0.001; ctx.Metrics['cpu/limit'].cores = ctx.Metrics['cpu/limit'].value * 0.001; ctx.Metrics['cpu/request'].cores = ctx.Metrics['cpu/request'].value * 0.001; } if (ctx.Metrics['cpu/node_allocatable'] !== null) { ctx.Metrics['cpu/node_allocatable'].cores = ctx.Metrics['cpu/node_allocatable'].value * 0.001; ctx.Metrics['cpu/node_capacity'].cores = ctx.Metrics['cpu/node_capacity'].value * 0.001; }" } }, { "script": { "tag": "Convert memory values to GiB", "lang": "painless", "inline": "if (ctx._type == 'memory') { ctx.Metrics['memory/request'].gb = (double)(ctx.Metrics['memory/request'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024)); ctx.Metrics['memory/limit'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/limit'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); ctx.Metrics['memory/rss'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/rss'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); ctx.Metrics['memory/usage'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/usage'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); ctx.Metrics['memory/working_set'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/working_set'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); } if (ctx.Metrics['memory/node_allocatable'] != null) { ctx.Metrics['memory/node_allocatable'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/node_allocatable'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); ctx.Metrics['memory/node_capacity'].gb = ctx.Metrics['memory/node_capacity'].value / (double)(1024 * 1024 * 1024); }" } }, { "kv": { "tag": "Split up labels into an object", "field": "MetricsTags.labels", "field_split": ",", "value_split": ":", "target_field": "MetricsTags.labelsKv", "ignore_missing": true } }, { "rename": { "tag": "CPU Timestamp normalization", "field": "CpuMetricsTimestamp", "target_field": "Timestamp", "ignore_missing": true } }, { "rename": { "tag": "FS Timestamp normalization", "field": "FilesystemMetricsTimestamp", "target_field": "Timestamp", "ignore_missing": true } }, { "rename": { "tag": "General Timestamp normalization", "field": "GeneralMetricsTimestamp", "target_field": "Timestamp", "ignore_missing": true } }, { "rename": { "tag": "Memory Timestamp normalization", "field": "MemoryMetricsTimestamp", "target_field": "Timestamp", "ignore_missing": true } }, { "rename": { "tag": "Network Timestamp normalization", "field": "NetworkMetricsTimestamp", "target_field": "Timestamp", "ignore_missing": true } } ] }