peers: - "aenode://pp_2i8N6XsjCGe1wkdMhDRs7t7xzijrjJDN4xA22RoNGCgt6ay9QB@" # wrong port fork_management: network_id: "ae_channel_service_test" chain: # Do not write chain data to disk. persist: false # Hard forks hard_forks: "1": 0 "2": 1 "3": 2 "4": 3 mining: # Start mining automatically. autostart: true # Expected mine rate (milliseconds) between blocks. Make it fast :) expected_mine_rate: 100 # expected_mine_rate: 180000 # Public key of beneficiary account that will receive fees from mining on a node. This doesn't really matter for the test, as long as it is a valid address beneficiary: "ak_2df9FTmhbcQ1huwEBTV1s8WkJ9xhTb3eM6yn9pqopGj7bZmoXF" min_miner_gas_price: 1000000 # min_miner_gas_price: 10000 cuckoo: miner: # Use the fast executable binary of the miner. executable: mean15-generic # Extra arguments to pass to the miner executable binary. extra_args: "-t 1" # Use the smaller graph for faster mining edge_bits: 15 sync: # Use a different internal port used for P2P communication port: 9015 # Port used for P2P communication # Make sure this port is reachable from you public facing IP. # It will be the same as the `port` option if not specified. external_port: 9015 websocket: channel: port: 3014 listen_address: "" regulators: sc_ws_handlers: counter: 100 max_size: 5