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"https://liftrfiles.blob.core.windows.net/public/azure_regions.json", "links": [], "locationData": "table", "mapCenter": "North America", "mapCenterLatitude": 40, "mapCenterLongitude": -100, "maxDataPoints": 1, "mouseWheelZoom": false, "showLegend": true, "stickyLabels": true, "tableQueryOptions": { "geohashField": "geohash", "labelField": "regionDisplayName", "latitudeField": "latitude", "longitudeField": "longitude", "metricField": "PodCount", "queryType": "coordinates" }, "targets": [{ "appInsights": { "dimension": "none", "metricName": "select", "rawQuery": false, "rawQueryString": "", "timeColumn": "timestamp", "timeGrain": "auto", "valueColumn": "" }, "azureLogAnalytics": { "query": "let regionCoordinate = datatable (ClusterRegion:string, regionDisplayName:string, latitude:double, longitude:double)\n[\"eastasia\", \"East Asia\", 22.267, 114.188,\n\"southeastasia\", \"Southeast Asia\", 1.283, 103.833,\n\"centralus\", \"Central US\", 41.5908, \"-93.6208\",\n\"eastus\", \"East US\", 37.3719, \"-79.8164\",\n\"eastus2\", \"East US 2\", 36.6681, \"-78.3889\",\n\"westus\", \"West US\", 37.783, \"-122.417\",\n\"westus2\", \"West US 2\", \"47.233\", \"-119.852\",\n\"westcentralus\", \"West Central US\", \"40.890\", \"-110.234\",\n\"northcentralus\", \"North Central US\", \"41.8819\", \"-87.6278\",\n\"southcentralus\", \"South Central US\", \"29.4167\", \"-98.5\",\n\"northeurope\", \"North Europe\", \"53.3478\", \"-6.2597\",\n\"westeurope\", \"West Europe\", \"52.3667\", \"4.9\",\n\"australiaeast\", \"Australia East\", \"-33.86\", \"151.2094\",\n\"australiasoutheast\", \"Australia Southeast\", \"-37.8136\", \"144.9631\",\n\"canadacentral\", \"Canada Central\", \"43.653\", \"-79.383\",\n\"canadaeast\", \"Canada East\", \"46.817\", \"-71.217\",\n\"uksouth\", \"UK South\", \"50.941\", \"-0.799\",\n\"ukwest\", \"UK West\", \"53.427\", \"-3.084\"];\nlet podTable = KubePodInventory\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \n| where isnotempty(ClusterName)\n| where isnotempty(Namespace)\n| where isnotempty(Computer)\n| where Namespace != \"monitoring\" and Namespace != \"aad-pod-id\" and Namespace != \"kube-system\" \n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Name\n| project TimeGenerated, PodName=Name, Node=Computer, PodType=ControllerKind, PodStatus, PodRestart=PodRestartCount, PodCreationTimeStamp, ClusterName, Namespace;\nlet clusterTable = KubeNodeInventory\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ClusterId\n| extend ClusterRegion = tostring(parse_json(Labels)[0].[\"topology.kubernetes.io/region\"])\n| project ClusterId, ClusterName, ClusterRegion;\nlet podCountTable = podTable\n| join kind=inner clusterTable on ClusterName\n| project Name=PodName, Status=PodStatus, ClusterRegion, ClusterName, Node, Restarts=PodRestart, Age=now()-PodCreationTimeStamp, Namespace, ClusterId, PodCreationTimeStamp, TimeGenerated\n| summarize PodCount=count() by ClusterRegion, Status, ClusterName;\npodCountTable\n| summarize TotalPodCount=sum(PodCount) by ClusterName\n| join kind=inner podCountTable on ClusterName\n| project-away ClusterName1\n| summarize PodNumber=sum(PodCount), Total=sum(TotalPodCount) by ClusterRegion, Status \n| where Status == \"Running\"\n| join kind=inner regionCoordinate on ClusterRegion\n| project PodCount=Total, latitude, longitude, regionDisplayName\n", "resultFormat": "table", "workspace": "$ws" }, "azureMonitor": { "aggOptions": [], "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto", "timeGrains": [], "top": "10" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "$sub" }], "thresholds": "0,10", "title": "Pod count by region", "type": "grafana-worldmap-panel", "unitPlural": "", "unitSingle": "", "valueName": "total" }, { "columns": [], "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "description": "List 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"type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "PodCreationTimeStamp", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colorMode": "cell", "colors": [ "#73BF69", "#FF9830", "#F2495C" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "Restarts", "preserveFormat": false, "rangeMaps": [], "thresholds": [ "3", "10" ], "type": "number", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "TimeGenerated", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "Node", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" } ], "targets": [{ "appInsights": { "dimension": "none", "metricName": "select", "rawQuery": false, "rawQueryString": "", "timeColumn": "timestamp", "timeGrain": "auto", "valueColumn": "" }, "azureLogAnalytics": { "query": "let podTable = KubePodInventory\r\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)\n| where isnotempty(ClusterName)\r\n| where isnotempty(Namespace)\r\n| where isnotempty(Computer)\r\n| where Namespace != \"monitoring\" and Namespace != \"aad-pod-id\" and Namespace != \"kube-system\" \r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Name\r\n| project TimeGenerated, PodName=Name, Node=Computer, PodType=ControllerKind, PodStatus, ContainerStatus, ContainerStatusReason, PodRestart=PodRestartCount, PodCreationTimeStamp, ClusterName, Namespace;\nlet clusterTable = KubeNodeInventory\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ClusterId\n| extend ClusterRegion = tostring(parse_json(Labels)[0].[\"topology.kubernetes.io/region\"])\n| project ClusterId, ClusterName, ClusterRegion;\npodTable\r\n| join kind=inner clusterTable on ClusterName\r\n| project PodName, ClusterName, PodStatus, ContainerStatus, ContainerStatusReason, ClusterRegion, Node, Restarts=PodRestart, Age=now()-PodCreationTimeStamp, Namespace, ClusterId, PodCreationTimeStamp, TimeGenerated", "resultFormat": "table", "workspace": "$ws" }, "azureMonitor": { "aggOptions": [], "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto", "timeGrains": [], "top": "10" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "$sub" }], "title": "Pods", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" }, { "columns": [], "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "description": "List all the containers from multiple clusters and multiple regions", "fontSize": "100%", "gridPos": { "h": 21, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 19 }, "id": 4, "showHeader": true, "sort": { "col": 6, "desc": true }, "styles": [{ "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "CreatedTime", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "FinishedTime", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "PodCreationTimeStamp", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "ClusterId", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "EnvironmentVar", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "ClusterRegion", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "Repository", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "Node", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "TimeGenerated", "thresholds": [], "type": "hidden", "unit": "short" }, { "alias": "", "align": "auto", "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "decimals": 2, "mappingType": 1, "pattern": "StartedTime", "thresholds": [], "type": "date", "unit": "short" } ], "targets": [{ "appInsights": { "dimension": "none", "metricName": "select", "rawQuery": false, "rawQueryString": "", "timeColumn": "timestamp", "timeGrain": "auto", "valueColumn": "" }, "azureLogAnalytics": { "query": "let podTable = KubePodInventory\r\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)\n| where isnotempty(ClusterName)\r\n| where isnotempty(Namespace)\r\n| where isnotempty(Computer)\r\n| where Namespace != \"monitoring\" and Namespace != \"aad-pod-id\" and Namespace != \"kube-system\" \r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Name\r\n| project TimeGenerated, PodName=Name, Node=Computer, PodType=ControllerKind, PodStatus, PodRestart=PodRestartCount, PodCreationTimeStamp, ClusterName, Namespace;\r\nlet clusterTable = KubeNodeInventory\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ClusterId\n| extend ClusterRegion = tostring(parse_json(Labels)[0].[\"topology.kubernetes.io/region\"])\n| project ClusterId, ClusterName, ClusterRegion;\nlet podInfo = podTable\r\n| join kind=inner clusterTable on ClusterName\r\n| project PodName, PodStatus, ClusterRegion, ClusterName, Node, PodRestart, ClusterId, PodCreationTimeStamp;\r\nlet containerTable = \r\n(KubePodInventory\r\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)\n| where isnotempty(ClusterName)\r\n| where isnotempty(Namespace)\r\n| where isnotempty(Computer)\r\n| where Namespace != \"monitoring\" and Namespace != \"aad-pod-id\" and Namespace != \"kube-system\" \r\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ContainerID\r\n| project ContainerID, PodUid, PodName=tostring(Name), Namespace)\r\n| join kind=inner\r\n(ContainerInventory\r\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ContainerID\r\n| extend ContainerName=Name) on ContainerID\r\n| project-away ContainerID1;\ncontainerTable\r\n| join kind=inner podInfo on PodName\r\n| project ContainerName, Status=ContainerState, Pod=PodName, Namespace, Image, ImageTag, ClusterName, CreatedTime, StartedTime, FinishedTime, PodCreationTimeStamp, ClusterRegion, Node, ClusterId, EnvironmentVar, Repository, TimeGenerated", "resultFormat": "table", "workspace": "$ws" }, "azureMonitor": { "aggOptions": [], "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto", "timeGrains": [], "top": "10" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "$sub" }], "title": "Containers", "transform": "table", "type": "table-old" } ], "schemaVersion": 35, "style": "dark", "tags": [ "Azure Monitor", "AKS", "AKS Container Insights" ], "templating": { "list": [{ "current": { "selected": false, "text": "Azure Monitor", "value": "Azure Monitor" }, "hide": 0, "includeAll": false, "label": "Datasource", "multi": false, "name": "ds", "options": [], 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