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$__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \r\n | where InstanceName startswith '$clusterid'\n | extend cnameArr = split(InstanceName, \"/\")\r\n | extend h=array_length(cnameArr)-1\r\n | extend l=array_length(cnameArr)-2\r\n | extend cname = strcat(cnameArr[l], \"/\", cnameArr[h])\r\n | extend x= CounterValue \r\n | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, * ) by cname // | summarize sum(x)\r\n \r\n //| summarize x=toreal(sum(CounterValue))\r\n | project x,y=\"abc\", cname, TimeGenerated\r\n | join kind=inner ( KubePodInventory\r\n | where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \r\n | where ClusterId == '$clusterid'\n | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ContainerName\r\n | project ContainerName, Namespace\r\n ) on $left.cname == $right.ContainerName//)\r\n) on $left.b == $right.y \r\n//| summarize v=arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by cname,a, Namespace\r\n| summarize xyz= toreal(sum(x)) by a, Namespace\r\n| order by xyz desc\r\n|project now(), (xyz/a) * 100, Namespace \r\n", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "time_series" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "" }], "thresholds": [{ "colorMode": "critical", "fill": true, "line": true, "op": "gt", "yaxis": "left" }], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Cluster CPU Utilization % by Kubernetes Namespace", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "series", "show": false, "values": [ "total" ] }, "yaxes": [{ "format": "percent", "logBase": 1, "show": true }, { "decimals": -3, "format": "percent", "logBase": 1, "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": true, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "type": 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$__timeFilter(TimeGenerated) \r\n | where ClusterId == '$clusterid'\n | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ContainerName\r\n | project ContainerName, Namespace\r\n ) on $left.cname == $right.ContainerName//)\r\n) on $left.b == $right.y \r\n//| summarize v=arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by cname,a, Namespace\r\n| summarize xyz= toreal(sum(x)) by a, Namespace\r\n| order by xyz desc\r\n|project now(), (xyz/a) * 100, Namespace ", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "time_series" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "" }], "thresholds": [{ "colorMode": "critical", "fill": true, "line": true, "op": "gt", "yaxis": "left" }], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Cluster Memory Utilization % by 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ptileCpuUsage=percentile(CounterValue, $ptile) by Computer, bin(TimeGenerated, $__interval);\n\nnodeCpuUsage|join kind=inner (nodeCpuCapacity) on $left.Computer == $right.Computer| extend ptileCpuUsagepercent=(ptileCpuUsage/cpuCapacity) * 100| order by TimeGenerated asc| project TimeGenerated, Computer, ptileCpuUsagepercent", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "time_series" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "" }], "thresholds": [{ "colorMode": "critical", "fill": true, "line": true, "op": "gt", "value": 80, "yaxis": "left" }], "timeRegions": [], "title": "$ptile-th Percentile % CPU usage by node", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 1, "value_type": "individual" }, 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= iif(prev(NodeDisk) != NodeDisk, datetime(null), prev(TimeGenerated))\r\n| where isnotnull(PrevTimeGenerated) and PrevTimeGenerated != TimeGenerated\r\n| extend Rate = iif(PrevVal > Val, Val / (datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1), iif(PrevVal == Val, 0.0, (Val - PrevVal) / (datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1)))\r\n| where isnotnull(Rate)\r\n| project TimeGenerated, NodeDisk, Rate\r\n|render timechart", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "table" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "" }], "thresholds": [{ "colorMode": "critical", "fill": true, "line": true, "op": "gt", "value": 80, "yaxis": "left" }], "timeRegions": [], 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TimeGenerated=bin(TimeGenerated,$__interval)\r\n| order by NodeDisk asc, TimeGenerated asc\r\n| serialize\r\n| extend PrevVal = iif(prev(NodeDisk) != NodeDisk, 0.0, prev(Val)), PrevTimeGenerated = iif(prev(NodeDisk) != NodeDisk, datetime(null), prev(TimeGenerated))\r\n| where isnotnull(PrevTimeGenerated) and PrevTimeGenerated != TimeGenerated\r\n| extend Rate = iif(PrevVal > Val, Val / (datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1), iif(PrevVal == Val, 0.0, (Val - PrevVal) / (datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1)))\r\n| where isnotnull(Rate)\r\n| project TimeGenerated, NodeDisk, Rate\r\n|render timechart", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "table" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure 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(datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1), iif(PrevVal == Val, 0.0, (Val - PrevVal) / (datetime_diff('Second', TimeGenerated, PrevTimeGenerated) * 1)))\r\n| where isnotnull(Rate)\r\n| project TimeGenerated, NodeInterface, Rate\r\n|render timechart", "resource": "$ws", "resultFormat": "table" }, "azureMonitor": { "dimensionFilter": "*", "metricDefinition": "select", "metricName": "select", "metricNamespace": "select", "resourceGroup": "select", "resourceName": "select", "timeGrain": "auto" }, "datasource": { "type": "grafana-azure-monitor-datasource", "uid": "${ds}" }, "queryType": "Azure Log Analytics", "refId": "A", "subscription": "" }], "thresholds": [{ "colorMode": "critical", "fill": true, "line": true, "op": "gt", "value": 80, "yaxis": "left" }], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Network received bytes/sec ($ptile-th percentile) by interface/node", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "transparent": true, "type": "graph", "xaxis": 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