#!/bin/tcsh # move any existing QC_* dir, and build another set here = $PWD set go_to_dir = ( ${argv[1-]} ) echo "++ REDOing APQC" if ( "${go_to_dir}" == "" ) then echo "++ Going to re-run APQC in this dir only: ${here}" set go_to_dir = ( . ) # a "list" of just this dir else echo "++ Going to re-run APQC in this many dirs: ${#go_to_dir}" endif foreach dd ( ${go_to_dir} ) cd ${here} cd ${dd} set pre_qc = `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "QC*"` if ( "${pre_qc}" != "" ) then set pre_qc_name = `echo ${pre_qc} | cut -b3-` set thedate = `date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%s` \mv ${pre_qc} old_${pre_qc_name}_${thedate} endif apqc_make_tcsh.py -review_style pythonic -subj_dir . \ -uvar_json out.ss_review_uvars.json tcsh @ss_review_html |& tee out.review_html set now_qc = `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "QC*"` apqc_make_html.py -qc_dir ${now_qc} end