![logo](img/logo.png) #Pumpkin > A halloween theme, inspired on [Github Halloween Themed Contribution Graph.](#credits) ##Table of contents - [Sublime Text](#sublime-text) - [iTerm](#iterm) - [Color Palette](#color-palette) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Credits](#credits) - [Licence](#licence) ##Sublime Text ![sublime text](img/sublime-text.png) ###Install using Package Control If you are using Package Control, you can easily install pumpkin via the Package Control: Install Package. The package theme as Pumpkin Color Scheme in the packages list. After this you should be able to select Pumpkin color scheme by browsing Preferences -> pumpkin Color Scheme -> Pumpkin See pumpkin in [package control web page](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Pumpkin%20Color%20Scheme) ###Manually install *1 - Clone this repository* $ git clone https://github.com/afonsopacifer/pumpkin.git *2 - Take the pumpkin.tmTheme* *3 - Open Sublime text and click on Preferences -> Browse Packages* *4 - Then put the pumpkin.tmTheme there* *5 - Now you should be able to select pumpkin theme by browsing Preferences -> Color Scheme -> pumpkin* ##iTerm ![iTerm](img/iterm.png) ###Install *1 - Clone this repository (or use .zip download option)* $ git clone https://github.com/afonsopacifer/pumpkin.git *2 - Go to iTerm > Preferences > Profiles > Colors Tab* *3 - Click Load Presets...* *4 - Click Import...* *5 - Select the iterm/Pumpkin.itermcolors file* *6 - Select the Pumpkin from Load Presets...* ##Color Palette Color |Palette|Hex --------|------|------|------ ![eeeeee](img/eeeeee.png) | Foreground |#eeeeee ![ffee4a](img/ffee4a.png) | String |#ffee4a ![ffc501](img/ffc501.png) | Function name,Function argument and Library class/type|#ffc501 ![fe9600](img/fe9600.png) | Tag name and keywords|#fe9600 ![03001c](img/03001c.png) | Background |#03001c ![1fb8c0](img/1fb8c0.png) | Tag attribute,Library function and Built-in constant |#1fb8c0 ![7E978D](img/7E978D.png) | Comment |#7E978D ##Contributing You want to help? read the [contributing guide.](contributing.md) We maintain the organization of the versions through the [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/) ##Credits *Logo by [Rodrigo Mellos](http://rodrigomellos.com/)* *Project inspired by [@zenorocha's](https://github.com/zenorocha/) [Dracula Theme](https://github.com/zenorocha/dracula-theme) and [@raphamorim's](https://github.com/raphamorim/) [Lucario](https://github.com/raphamorim/lucario).* *Color palette inspired by:* ![Github Contribution](img/github-contribution.png) *Github Halloween Themed Contribution Graph.* ##License [MIT License](license.md) © Afonso Pacifer