Teams will have to send their abstracts (200-250 words) explaining their project ideas. Based on the quality of the abstracts received, teams will get shortlisted to present the paper on the day of the event.

  • On spot registration is not allowed.
  • A team can comprise of a minimum of 1 student to a maximum of 3 students.
  • The team participants can be from different colleges and different branches as well.
  • Team members should bring their college ID cards.
  • All the events are limited only to the students of technical institutions.
  • The paper must be in IEEE format.
  • Hardcopy of the full paper must be submitted on the day of the event.
  • Softcopy of the presentation should be brought in a pen-drive.
  • The teams will get 10 minutes for presentation followed by question and answer session.
  • The last dates for sending the absracts is 22nd September. The abstracts must be mailed to -

EVENT TIMINGS: 10:00 am-2:30pm

• CINDRELLA SK - +91 9600481242
• VENKATRAMAN S - +91 9445589646