id,timestamp,url,tweet,replies,retweets,quotes,likes 361388562,2007-10-24 22:45,,Tune in 11:30 ET tomorrow for a live webcast of Families USA Presidential Forum on health care:,19,5,17,11 543984392,2007-12-29 15:35,,"Iowans, there's a good chance there's a Biden near you today on a cool 14 F day:",13,16,6,22 189287227321356289,2012-04-09 09:42,,We're excited to announce that @JoeBiden is being rebooted for the 2012 campaign season to give you news of the Vice President on the trail.,21,82,1,20 189287350034104320,2012-04-09 09:43,,"Campaign staff will run this account to keep you up to date on what the VP's up to, but you'll see occasional tweets from Joe himself, too.",144,76,37,51 189339650610036736,2012-04-09 13:11,,"News for you this morning: VP Biden will speak in Exeter, NH on 4/12 on tax fairness and the President’s support for the #BuffettRule.",10,54,0,5 189343279140184065,2012-04-09 13:25,,"In NH on 4/12, the Vice President will give his take on why millionaires shouldn’t pay a lower tax rate than middle class families do.",16,52,0,6 189383473717460992,2012-04-09 16:05,,I’m for the Buffett Rule because it just makes sense. Like the President says—it’s not class warfare. It’s math. -Joe,114,471,0,51 189456416917032960,2012-04-09 20:55,,"During a recent campaign stop in Ohio, VP Biden took an unexpected phone call.",13,29,0,12 189712253187145728,2012-04-10 13:51,,"Favorite Joe photos, volume 1:",21,217,1,137 189742771387637760,2012-04-10 15:52,,The VP will be speaking in NH on Thursday about the #BuffettRule. Here's what you need to know about it:,8,21,0,5 189773314288402432,2012-04-10 17:54,,"Joe: ""We're not only fighting to keep jobs in this country, we're fighting to bring jobs back to this country.""",16,44,0,7 189813040856825856,2012-04-10 20:32,,Congress is scheduled to vote on the Buffett Rule next week. Why do you support a fairer tax system?,26,26,0,3 190129116622761984,2012-04-11 17:28,,"RT @BarackObama: The Republican primary is all but over, and this race is on. Are you ready?",18,29,0,11 190146175008112640,2012-04-11 18:35,,Heads up: We'll be livestreaming the Vice President's New Hampshire speech on the #BuffettRule tomorrow. Watch this space for details.,7,11,0,4 190172245975502848,2012-04-11 20:19,,High five.,28,443,0,208 190198707449372673,2012-04-11 22:04,,RT @OFA_NH: #Exeter gets ready for @JoeBiden’s #BuffettRule speech here tomorrow:,1,8,0,3 190221525117448192,2012-04-11 23:35,,Compare your tax rate to Mitt Romney's: #BuffettRule,25,64,0,7 190454419035398145,2012-04-12 15:00,,"The Vice President is speaking about the #BuffettRule in Exeter, New Hampshire at 12:15pm ET—tune in here:",22,89,0,21 190468063236337664,2012-04-12 15:54,,Watch Vice President Biden’s speech live: #BuffettRule,5,19,0,2 190468245638221824,2012-04-12 15:55,,The Vice President's speech will be live-tweeted on @Obama2012.,2,12,0,2 190508166717517825,2012-04-12 18:34,,"RT @Obama2012: ""The President and I believe in a fair shot and a fair shake.""—VP @JoeBiden #BuffettRule",14,23,0,4 190594251615240192,2012-04-13 00:16,,The Vice President made the case for economic fairness and a strong middle class in New Hampshire today.,12,26,0,8 190605642581549056,2012-04-13 01:01,,Here's the full video of VP Biden's speech on the #BuffettRule in New Hampshire this morning:,7,27,0,7 190619904238563330,2012-04-13 01:58,,"Karen in NH: “It’s about time the tax code was refurbished so it not only benefits the wealthy but helps everybody.""",140,268,0,62 190826443322818561,2012-04-13 15:39,,Join Vice President Biden and special guests for a #Gen44 event in D.C. on April 17th:,0,15,0,4 190872265120940034,2012-04-13 18:41,,Photo of the day: VP Biden greets a little Granite Stater during a campaign stop.,8,17,0,7 190896173958168577,2012-04-13 20:16,,"While Romney stalls on releasing his tax returns, take a look back at 12 years of the President and VP’s taxes:",19,89,0,14 190922422483042304,2012-04-13 22:00,,The Vice President sat down for a chat with @edshow’s Ed Schultz yesterday:,11,24,0,5 191185984912752641,2012-04-14 15:27,,Today in favorite Joe photos: The VP reacts to a joke during a Motown tribute concert at the White House this February.,5,35,0,32 191922916563222528,2012-04-16 16:16,,"“In America, we’re not supposed to have a system that's rigged.”—Vice President Biden on the common-sense #BuffettRule",21,48,0,7 191951432654663680,2012-04-16 18:09,,"As the Senate nears a vote on the #BuffettRule, tweet your senators and ask them to support it:",17,41,0,4 192295285098156032,2012-04-17 16:55,,Expecting a great crowd at the #Gen44 event tonight—looking forward to seeing you all there. –Joe,9,17,0,6 192372300979519488,2012-04-17 22:01,,"Favorite Joe photos, vol. 2:",10,59,0,47 192450734799847424,2012-04-18 03:13,,"Fired-up crowd at the Howard Theatre this evening. Thanks for coming out, guys. —Joe",7,40,0,9 192658120269500416,2012-04-18 16:57,,RT @LatinosforObama: Today is the national launch of @LatinosforObama – become a part of it here: #Latinos2012,9,8,0,2 192679673308782593,2012-04-18 18:23,,Granddaughter Naomi introduced me at #Gen44 event last night. She said young people have to turn out the vote this year—she's right. –Joe,10,37,0,6 192714383175069697,2012-04-18 20:41,,"RT @VP: VP today on reauthorizing #VAWA: ""What are we arguing about? This shouldn’t be hard.""",5,26,0,9 192723684140654593,2012-04-18 21:18,,"RT @VP: VP Biden: ""No woman should be victimized purely because someone else had more physical power or more economic power"" #VAWA",14,114,2,15 192753468186959875,2012-04-18 23:16,,"Watch Vice President Biden make the case for reauthorizing the #VAWA, which he authored as a senator:",4,17,0,7 193047199297445888,2012-04-19 18:43,,A favorite photo: Joe gets barbecue with his son Beau during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver.,7,9,0,13 193081247776505856,2012-04-19 20:58,,Joe Biden tells @Esquiremag what he’s learned so far:,7,14,0,9 193386289544970240,2012-04-20 17:10,,Joe spells out why organizing for #Obama2012 now will make all the difference in November:,12,21,0,5 193733508651425793,2012-04-21 16:10,,Joe told @CARandDRIVER about his passion for cars—and why President Obama’s auto industry rescue was the right move:,7,17,0,2 194450021532442628,2012-04-23 15:37,,"On Thursday, VP Biden will make a campaign stop at NYU to talk about national security.",0,10,0,3 194450291834359809,2012-04-23 15:38,,"To tee up the VP’s speech, we’ll be spotlighting the Vice President’s foreign policy work—stay tuned for stories and photos all week long.",5,8,0,3 194464639545909250,2012-04-23 16:35,,"During a visit to the Middle East in 2010, the VP spoke of the close bond between the U.S. and Israel:",3,12,1,5 194529576205025281,2012-04-23 20:53,,"In May 2010, the VP reaffirmed U.S. solidarity with a unified EU in an address to the European Parliament:",2,5,0,2 194850770959609856,2012-04-24 18:10,,VP national security speech week: Check out photos from the Vice President’s trip to China last summer.,5,9,1,3 194853740040302592,2012-04-24 18:22,,Read Vice President Biden’s op-ed on the benefits of a strong U.S.-China relationship:,194,65,96,37 194880773839519746,2012-04-24 20:09,,"Watch highlights from the VP’s 2011 trip to Asia, including a visit with Japanese earthquake survivors:",1,12,0,2 194929312938459136,2012-04-24 23:22,,"The VP spoke about the importance of building a sovereign, stable Afghanistan in January 2011:",10,4,0,3 195176336346710016,2012-04-25 15:43,,"VP national security speech week: In December, the VP marked the end of combat operations in Iraq.",0,13,0,19 195204064395538432,2012-04-25 17:34,,Photo gallery: The Vice President explores Turkey during a December 2011 trip.,3,6,1,4 195262295469862914,2012-04-25 21:25,,"There’s an #Obama2012 weekend of action coming up, and Joe wants you to get involved—see what’s going on in your town:",31,112,0,36 195302471839645696,2012-04-26 00:05,,Tune in to tomorrow at 10:30am ET—we’ll be streaming VP Biden’s national security speech from NYU.,10,24,0,5 195516676576514050,2012-04-26 14:16,,The live stream of VP Biden’s foreign policy speech kicks off at 10:30am ET—watch at,6,12,0,3 195566368081461249,2012-04-26 17:33,,.@JoeBiden on President Obama: “He set in motion a policy that ended the war in Iraq responsibly.”,25,71,7,94 195567451830890496,2012-04-26 17:38,,Vice President Biden: “Gov. Romney’s foreign and security policy would return us to the past we have worked so hard to move beyond.”,10,28,0,6 195568130460876800,2012-04-26 17:40,,"VPOTUS: “We’ve taken more terrorists off the battlefield in the last 3 years than in the previous 8, putting al-Qaeda on a path to defeat.”",4,58,0,8 195569465834999809,2012-04-26 17:46,,"“We made the G-20 a new forum for international economic coordination, recognizing the reality of the 21st century.”—Vice President Biden",2,6,0,5 195570763632353282,2012-04-26 17:51,,"VPOTUS: “Gov. Romney reflexively criticizes the President’s policies, and almost in every case without offering any specific alternative.”",5,45,0,5 195572441668526081,2012-04-26 17:57,,"VP Biden: “To the extent Governor Romney has shown any foreign policy vision, it is through the glass of a rearview mirror.”",12,85,0,10 195573651486146561,2012-04-26 18:02,,"VP: “There’s no country better positioned to lead the world in the 21st century than the U.S., but only if we stay on the course we’re on.”",11,32,0,11 195692287328657409,2012-04-27 01:54,,“The Violence Against Women Act is as important today as it’s ever been.”—VPOTUS urging the House to pass #VAWA after the Senate vote today,19,85,0,10 195894382010974209,2012-04-27 15:17,,The VP gave a speech on national security yesterday at NYU—watch his full remarks:,2,10,0,5 195909513830871040,2012-04-27 16:17,,"VP national security speech week: Biden hails the successful ""reset"" of U.S.-Russia relations in 2011.",16,47,20,37 195936936773419008,2012-04-27 18:06,,VP Biden led the U.S. delegation to South Africa for the 2010 World Cup—get his take on the experience:,4,7,0,5 195966131255787521,2012-04-27 20:02,,"In March, the VP traveled to Mexico and Honduras to talk economic and security issues:",1,9,0,3 195996158055817216,2012-04-27 22:01,,Recap the VP's 2009 trip to Chile and Costa Rica and read the op-ed he wrote for Latin American newspapers:,5,5,0,3 196016577471193088,2012-04-27 23:22,,There’s still time to get in on the #Obama2012 Voter Registration Weekend of Action—find an event near you:,7,29,0,4 196284758366502913,2012-04-28 17:08,,A favorite Joe photo: The President and VP walking together at a Chrysler plant in Indiana.,21,65,0,55 196629784854396928,2012-04-29 15:59,,Joe fans: Be sure to bookmark the new VP Biden page on the #Obama2012 website for updates from the campaign trail:,2,17,0,6 197008860526030849,2012-04-30 17:05,,The VP spoke to @LaRedHispana about how President Obama’s policies are benefiting Latinos:,8,11,0,3 197444055918063616,2012-05-01 21:55,,"Dr. Biden spoke in Kansas City, Missouri about the role community colleges play in developing a 21st century workforce:",2,16,0,8 197468288245178369,2012-05-01 23:31,,Take a look back through Joe’s career with these photos (via @TPM):,8,11,0,8 198091236517744640,2012-05-03 16:46,,VP Biden spoke at @LafCol in Pennsylvania last night—the same school his great-grandfather attended:,3,11,0,4 198116408956166144,2012-05-03 18:26,,RT @VP: PHOTO: VP Biden tours the archives of @LafCol – where his great-grandfather and great uncles enrolled.,4,16,0,3 198160328519991296,2012-05-03 21:21,,"RT @VP: PHOTO: VP Biden celebrates Cinco de Mayo a few days early at a breakfast at the Naval Observatory, 5/2/12.",3,15,0,5 198431588189618176,2012-05-04 15:19,,The Obama-Biden campaign kicks into high gear with a rally in Columbus tomorrow—watch live at 12:30pm ET:,5,19,0,6 198451042243985408,2012-05-04 16:36,,Get in on the #Obama2012 rally action this Saturday from home—your note or photo could be featured on the livestream:,11,23,0,5 198465877799223296,2012-05-04 17:35,,VP Biden hosted a Cinco de Mayo breakfast this week—keep the celebration going by following @LatinosforObama. #FF,3,21,0,6 198580862730768384,2012-05-05 01:12,,VP Biden talked to the @YWCAUSA today about the importance of reauthorizing the #VAWA:,3,19,0,7 198591315439665152,2012-05-05 01:53,,Learn more about the VP’s efforts to combat teen dating violence: #1is2Many,4,24,0,6 198777710431051776,2012-05-05 14:14,,Let’s get this show on the road: Tune in to at 12:45pm ET for the first #Obama2012 campaign rally of the year.,3,51,0,9 198791882216701952,2012-05-05 15:10,,Attending one of the rallies in person or taking part online? Tweet your thoughts and photos with the hashtag #Obama2012,8,22,0,7 198900985656123392,2012-05-05 22:24,,"It’s great to see people so fired up at the President’s rallies today—I'm ready to go for the next six months, hope you are too. –Joe",32,121,0,22 198901460686213120,2012-05-05 22:26,,Let’s get this President the second term he deserves. –Joe,75,266,3,40 199519718653177857,2012-05-07 15:23,,In case you could use a cup of Joe in your day:,19,27,1,6 199945449757618177,2012-05-08 19:34,,Dr. Jill Biden encouraged graduates from @BrowardCollege to “lift up others” at their commencement last Friday:,6,8,0,3 200068107685994496,2012-05-09 03:42,,"RT @VP: The Senate lost a brilliant strategic mind, a man with absolute integrity. He will be missed. -VP on @senatorlugar",11,48,0,8 200269248684232705,2012-05-09 17:01,,The newest #Obama2012 ad is a look at the progress we've made these last few years:,31,37,0,8 200629999429103619,2012-05-10 16:54,,Two years ago today: Elena Kagan poses with the VP and President Obama on the day she’s nominated to the Supreme Court.,52,188,0,87 200667601150545920,2012-05-10 19:24,,VP Biden made a cameo on Jeopardy last night:,6,12,0,6 200991029065826305,2012-05-11 16:49,,The VP’s welcoming some #TopCops to the White House tomorrow as part of his long-standing commitment to our nation’s first responders.,3,8,0,4 200996747827359746,2012-05-11 17:12,,"In February, VP Biden praised a new public safety broadband network that will keep firefighters, cops, and EMTs safer:",11,14,0,3 201057383949144064,2012-05-11 21:13,,"In 2009, VP Biden helped secure $1 billion in grants to hire and rehire police officers around the country:",109,642,251,449 202099012071985152,2012-05-14 18:12,,VP Biden’s swinging through the Buckeye State this week—we’ll be tweeting about his trip with the hashtag #MadeInOhio,8,25,0,5 202111785229234178,2012-05-14 19:02,,Start getting fired up: Check out the speech the VP gave to @UAW autoworkers in Toledo this March. #MadeInOhio,5,22,0,6 202141992141078529,2012-05-14 21:03,,"Thanks to President Obama’s auto industry rescue, Ohio has been on a steady road to recovery: #MadeInOhio",19,78,0,10 202759508416663552,2012-05-16 13:56,,The VP’s headed to the Buckeye State today for a two-day visit—stay tuned for updates from the road. #MadeInOhio,4,19,0,3 202779651985256450,2012-05-16 15:16,,A powerful video everyone should see:,0,35,0,11 202794028935294976,2012-05-16 16:13,,"RT @OFA_OH: Volunteers are the beating heart of this campaign, and they're fired up for @JoeBiden! #MadeInOhio",1,16,0,4 202810990583230464,2012-05-16 17:21,,"In Ohio, 1 in 8 jobs relate to the auto industry—that’s 848,000 Ohioans whose jobs are more secure thanks to President Obama. #MadeInOhio",103,648,0,92 202826418630037505,2012-05-16 18:22,,Join Iowa's #Women2012 leaders call with Dr. Jill Biden tonight to discuss what’s at stake this November:,7,34,0,4 202930743767347200,2012-05-17 01:17,,"Vice President Biden stopped by to say thanks to firefighters in Salem, Ohio today.",15,62,0,10 203137548497846273,2012-05-17 14:59,,“It’s not just that manufacturing’s coming back. The middle class is coming back. America is coming back.”—VP Biden in Youngstown yesterday,33,47,0,12 203162605123153920,2012-05-17 16:38,,VP Biden in Ohio: “There are signs of life and hope in the heartland.”,12,32,6,12 203188620209819648,2012-05-17 18:21,,"Four years ago, President Obama promised to bring back American manufacturing—and he's keeping his word: #MadeInOhio",118,442,0,73 203282216732725248,2012-05-18 00:33,,"RT @BeauBiden: Pres @BarackObama puts jobs, education & health care for veterans first. They earned it. @Vets4Obama -BB",13,33,0,8 203294127213903872,2012-05-18 01:21,,Blue skies and sunshine greeted Vice President Biden in Ohio this morning.,14,32,0,21 203583862301921281,2012-05-18 20:32,,"""If you give them a fair shot, ordinary American people will never let the country down.”—VP Biden in Martins Ferry, Ohio yesterday",19,59,0,14 204619015644123138,2012-05-21 17:05,,A new way to follow Joe as he crisscrosses the country for #Obama2012—presenting the “Joe on the road” Pinterest board:,14,31,0,8 204948319406006273,2012-05-22 14:54,,RT @aadaro: Full house of @vets4obama fired up and ready to go @OFA_NC with @beaubiden #VeteransforObama,4,25,0,11 204978613546786816,2012-05-22 16:54,,New photos from the VP’s #MadeInOhio tour last week:,5,8,0,3 205002859371167745,2012-05-22 18:31,,The VP’s plan for today: talking to grassroots supporters all over New Hampshire.,6,13,0,5 205013503541645312,2012-05-22 19:13,,"RT @hramer: Vice President Joe Biden greets firefighters in Manchester, NH",8,15,0,7 205332044136448000,2012-05-23 16:19,,Randy tells the story of how Mitt Romney's firm forced his company into bankruptcy and walked away with millions:,15,29,0,5 205338853932937219,2012-05-23 16:46,,Thanks to Randy Johnson for sharing his story about the impact of Romney economics—let's fight to keep different values in the WH. –Joe,5,19,0,3 205368034301460481,2012-05-23 18:42,,“Our focus on the middle class is a reflection on the fundamental economic story of the journey of the history of this country.”—VP Biden,20,38,0,10 205419232761090049,2012-05-23 22:05,,More great pics from the VP’s campaign trip through Ohio and Pennsylvania:,6,10,0,5 205752819704279041,2012-05-24 20:11,,Lunch summit.,10,40,1,38 205782381142093824,2012-05-24 22:08,,The VP fired up #Obama2012 supporters in New Hampshire this week:,5,12,0,4 206057500733210624,2012-05-25 16:21,,Dr. Jill Biden announced a new way to honor our nation’s servicemembers earlier this month:,6,21,0,6 206104891075203072,2012-05-25 19:30,,"RT @OFA_NC: In Charlotte yesterday @JoeBiden was greeted by ""Fired up, ready for Joe!"" by an enthusiastic @OFA_NC team.",13,32,0,12 206412700639703042,2012-05-26 15:53,,"Three years ago today, VP Biden joined President Obama as he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court:",11,58,0,18 207132575356039168,2012-05-28 15:33,,Today we honor our nation’s fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. We will never forget. – Joe,26,165,0,30 207531857577918464,2012-05-29 18:00,,"Get to know Joe's son @BeauBiden—a major in the Delaware Army National Guard, public servant, and @Vets4Obama advocate:",9,33,0,5 207857212155117569,2012-05-30 15:33,,The President and First Lady recorded a special message for servicemembers to mark the launch of @Vets4Obama:,7,31,0,11 207895494494658560,2012-05-30 18:05,,January 2011: VP Biden travels with Gen. David Petraeus aboard a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan.,15,30,5,48 207935598835671040,2012-05-30 20:44,,"From career counseling to tax credits, find out what President Obama is doing to help military families:",1,18,0,6 207957461552988160,2012-05-30 22:11,,President Obama is standing up for those who serve—join Veterans and Military Families for Obama to stand with him:,24,52,0,10 208227567252156416,2012-05-31 16:04,,"As a military mom, Dr. Jill Biden knows how important it is that we provide long-term support to our veterans:",6,15,0,11 208259288647483392,2012-05-31 18:10,,Read Dr. Biden’s powerful account of her son’s deployment to Iraq in 2008:,2,10,0,7 208293581461528576,2012-05-31 20:27,,It’s Barack’s last campaign—chip in what you can before tonight’s important fundraising deadline:,8,28,0,3 208352943630585856,2012-06-01 00:23,,Get the facts on President Obama’s record of preserving our sacred trust with our servicemembers and veterans:,10,50,0,8 208619916507619328,2012-06-01 18:03,,"Last December, VP Biden welcomed home sailors of the USS Gettysburg after a deployment to the Middle East:",4,9,0,4 208654410207870976,2012-06-01 20:21,,"For all the latest on #Obama2012’s work with vets and military families, follow @Vets4Obama, @BeauBiden, and @JoiningForces. #FF",3,36,0,7 208690177017774080,2012-06-01 22:43,,The VP on the promises the Obama administration has kept to servicemembers and veterans:,13,30,0,10 210054130574704642,2012-06-05 17:03,,"VP Biden, @arneduncan, and @CFPB’s Richard Cordray announce plans to make college more affordable:",2,12,0,5 210074282276028417,2012-06-05 18:23,,The VP believes students should know how much a year of college will cost—and what types of financial aid are available to them.,15,23,5,15 210089880565465090,2012-06-05 19:25,,Get to know the President’s blueprint for making college more affordable:,8,30,0,6 210111717840142336,2012-06-05 20:51,,Weigh in with what you’d like to see on the @CFPB’s “Know Before You Owe” college financial aid shopping sheet:,7,5,0,6 210434360862711808,2012-06-06 18:13,,Massachusetts was 47th out of 50 states in job creation with Mitt Romney at the helm:,13,69,0,9 210450686868062210,2012-06-06 19:18,,"VP Biden on the 334,000 manufacturing jobs created in the past two years:",9,23,0,4 210466777547812864,2012-06-06 20:22,,“It's going to empower students and families to be back in the driver's seat.”—VP Biden on new college financial aid tools,3,17,0,4 210490588762615809,2012-06-06 21:57,,The VP and the @CFPB are helping every college student get the right info on how to pay for their education:,9,26,0,7 210843885382021123,2012-06-07 21:21,,The VP enjoyed some frozen custard with locals in downtown Winston-Salem yesterday:,9,20,0,9 211129735651131393,2012-06-08 16:17,,Photo of the day: VP Biden dancing with his daughter Ashley at her wedding on Saturday.,9,33,0,17 211160988483985408,2012-06-08 18:21,,"While Romney’s policies are the same ones that led us into the 2008 economic crisis, the President is fighting to get folks back on the job.",123,468,0,73 211210933182283776,2012-06-08 21:39,,The choice for the middle class is clear—Romney would cut jobs for teachers and first responders; the President would put them back to work.,223,1017,0,121 211227986140217345,2012-06-08 22:47,,The President’s jobs plan would put folks back to work right away—tell Congress we can’t wait:,40,112,0,10 212277487344943104,2012-06-11 20:17,,"Cutting jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers won’t grow the economy—but that’s Mitt Romney’s plan:",22,138,1,11 212649814117203969,2012-06-12 20:57,,"The Romney campaign doubled down on its pledge to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers yesterday:",16,63,0,9 212662277764161536,2012-06-12 21:46,,The President’s plan to put cops and firefighters back to work would protect our nation’s “most basic obligation” to keep our citizens safe.,27,66,2,12 212674669680144384,2012-06-12 22:36,,"Romney Economics means fewer teachers, fewer firefighters, and fewer police officers:",10,53,0,9 212689906366029824,2012-06-12 23:36,,"The VP meets with supporters after speaking at a fire station in Flint, Michigan in 2011:",4,23,1,10 213044320872316929,2012-06-13 23:04,,We asked people to share how teachers and first responders have impacted their lives—and the responses poured in:,4,40,0,14 213055943129313281,2012-06-13 23:51,,The President is speaking on economic fairness tomorrow at 1:45pm ET. RSVP to watch live:,8,37,0,9 213285581311053824,2012-06-14 15:03,,Don’t forget to watch the President speak on building an economy that works for everyone at 1:45pm ET:,6,36,0,4 213323458719907843,2012-06-14 17:34,,We’ll be live-tweeting the President’s remarks on @Obama2012—follow along for the latest.,7,18,0,7 213381325875453952,2012-06-14 21:24,,The President laid out starkly the choice in this election—between Gov. Romney and the GOP vision and ours. Great speech. –Joe,8,44,0,10 213381817074581505,2012-06-14 21:26,,The President made it clear: The only way we believe we can build an economy that lasts is through a middle class that prospers. –Joe,20,137,0,20 213382676978212864,2012-06-14 21:29,,"American voters, the President was right. The only way to break the stalemate in Washington is you. –Joe",12,86,0,13 213383827140251649,2012-06-14 21:34,,The President said it well: We have a plan to give everyone a fair shot. They don’t. –Joe,24,125,0,15 213384764030324736,2012-06-14 21:37,,Agree 100% with the President: We can’t afford to jeopardize our future by repeating the mistakes of the past. –Joe,31,91,0,14 213684031378829314,2012-06-15 17:26,,The VP’s pledge to those who keep us safe:,9,41,0,17 214812141696462848,2012-06-18 20:09,,Dr. Biden knows our students deserve a President who’s committed to their education—join her as an Educator for Obama:,6,31,0,11 214824572829188096,2012-06-18 20:59,,Watch why teachers all over the country are doing everything they can to get President Obama re-elected in November:,7,57,0,9 214842989820915712,2012-06-18 22:12,,"VP: “For so many Americans, including myself, the debt we all owe to our firefighters and police officers is personal.”",16,71,4,15 214865564877856768,2012-06-18 23:41,,Mitt Romney traveled through the Buckeye State this weekend—see what some Ohioans had to say about his visit:,17,56,0,9 215126061506244608,2012-06-19 16:57,,"“Every single day in my classroom, I see the power of education to break down barriers & instill confidence.”—Dr. Biden",4,47,0,8 215227829007298560,2012-06-19 23:41,,"VP Biden to @AFSCME members today: “You provide the ability of people to live a decent, middle-class life. We owe you.”",4,46,0,7 215231779018256386,2012-06-19 23:57,,"“The President says we can't build this economy from the top down, but from the middle out—that's what this is about.”—VP Biden",13,84,0,14 215237430247301120,2012-06-20 00:19,,"VP Biden: “To me, being middle class is not a number; it's a way of life, it's a value set. It's about a minimum standard of living.”",25,106,0,18 215629858951282691,2012-06-21 02:18,,VP Biden surprised a recent college grad with a phone call yesterday:,7,23,0,9 215821902621581313,2012-06-21 15:02,,"""At the end of the day, it's about sitting down with your kid and being able to say, 'it's going to be okay.'""—VP Biden at #NABJ2012",7,37,0,15 215857093339643905,2012-06-21 17:21,,"RT @TruthTeam2012: If you agree with @JoeBiden on what being in the middle class means, RT this:",6,73,1,12 215893942275809282,2012-06-21 19:48,,"RT @VP: Check out our new PSA on dating violence, featuring the President, VP, & sports leaders because #1is2many --",6,39,0,9 216200585605685250,2012-06-22 16:06,,The VP on the importance of a good education—RT if you agree:,10,100,2,15 216224656519213056,2012-06-22 17:42,,RT @DemConvention: VPOTUS @JoeBiden: “Let me know you’ll be a part of our convention.” #DNC2012,6,12,0,7 216289865938120706,2012-06-22 22:01,,President Obama’s student loan reform freed up more than $60 billion to make college more affordable and reduce the deficit. #progress,17,122,2,17 216652356983586817,2012-06-23 22:02,,President Obama’s creating jobs right here in the U.S.; Romney would ship them overseas:,21,70,0,13 216921923215556609,2012-06-24 15:53,,A favorite Joe photo:,18,54,3,56 216969658203521026,2012-06-24 19:02,,Be sure to follow the “Joe Biden on the road” Pinterest board for updates from the campaign trail: #Obama2012,8,36,0,7 217359590122201088,2012-06-25 20:52,,The VP kicks off the Strengthening the Middle Class bus tour in Iowa tomorrow—be sure to follow @OFA_IA for the latest.,5,28,0,6 217362956046970882,2012-06-25 21:05,,"RT @OFA_IA: Whaddya mean you haven't RSVP'd to see @JoeBiden in Waterloo tomorrow? Better hurry, today's the last day:",6,10,0,3 217391206651543554,2012-06-25 22:57,,"FACT: Under President Obama, Iowa’s economy has experienced record farm incomes and exports.",6,77,0,7 217665074838519808,2012-06-26 17:06,,"“Give Mitt Romney credit: He is a job creator. In Singapore. And China. And India.”—VP Biden in Waterloo, Iowa today",30,291,0,50 217683981360046081,2012-06-26 18:21,,"FACT: Iowa has created nearly 20,000 additional manufacturing jobs and a growing renewable energy sector under President Obama.",19,78,0,12 217731673536737281,2012-06-26 21:30,,"VP: “Over the last two years, [John] Deere has added 850 jobs—almost all of them good, union manufacturing jobs.” #BidenInIA",10,41,0,12 217741086406344704,2012-06-26 22:08,,“Don’t listen to any economist who tries to define the middle class for you as a number … The middle class is a way of life.”—VP Biden,14,88,0,18 217770746741657600,2012-06-27 00:06,,“We'll never be able to outsource our way to greatness. The greatness of this nation is the grit and determination of all of you.”—VP Biden,11,78,0,16 217786649252331520,2012-06-27 01:09,,"All smiles in Manchester, Iowa:",6,29,0,17 218029226446688256,2012-06-27 17:13,,RT @OFA_IA: Backdrop of the Mighty Mississippi to kickoff Day 2 of #BidenIA.,1,4,0,6 218148119131586560,2012-06-28 01:05,,Great to be back in Iowa this week—thanks to old friends and new ones for the warm welcome. –Joe,10,31,0,10 218430132824702977,2012-06-28 19:46,,"President Obama: ""Today’s decision was a victory for people all across this country whose lives will be more secure.""",17,90,0,14 218446798044409856,2012-06-28 20:52,,RT @VP: Today’s decision is a really big – important – deal. Find out what it means for you: –VP,10,54,0,15 218464918167498752,2012-06-28 22:04,,RT @BarackObama: See how President Obama’s health care law helps you and your family: #ACA,22,90,0,18 218483000067891200,2012-06-28 23:16,,"From taking care of their kids to accessing preventive care, watch Americans talk about what the #ACA means to them:",13,55,0,12 218795300825997312,2012-06-29 19:57,,Help prove that a grassroots movement can still win an election—pitch in $5 now:,16,28,0,9 218837711476363264,2012-06-29 22:45,,A moment in the Oval Office:,4,14,0,8 218867041917087744,2012-06-30 00:42,,On the road in Iowa:,14,33,0,21 219215838589358080,2012-06-30 23:48,,RT if you agree the U.S. doesn’t need an outsourcer-in-chief:,28,395,0,32 219230911001141249,2012-07-01 00:48,,Every little bit helps: Pitch in $5 to #Obama2012 before tonight’s big fundraising deadline.,12,41,0,9 219809176652742658,2012-07-02 15:06,,VP Biden was on the road talking to Iowans last week—check out his speech in Dubuque:,7,20,0,10 219957182551175169,2012-07-03 00:54,,The VP dropped in on the Sisters of Mount St. Francis in Dubuque last week to catch up and share cookies and ice cream:,12,54,0,20 220221589923434498,2012-07-03 18:24,,"“Ladies and gentlemen, my name's Joe Biden and I'm in love with a teacher.”—VP Biden speaking at the NEA convention today",9,83,0,28 220233008739917824,2012-07-03 19:10,,“You chose to be teachers because you know every child is entitled to do as well as they can.”—VP Biden to educators at the NEA convention,11,78,0,18 220246729092628480,2012-07-03 20:04,,"VP at NEA, on Romney: “I can't think of a candidate for president who’s ever made such a direct assault on such an honorable profession.”",11,44,0,9 220259085784858624,2012-07-03 20:53,,“Light a fire under these guys & tell them we will not settle in education. We will not trade off education for other priorities.”—VP at NEA,15,62,0,15 220275539099914240,2012-07-03 21:59,,President Obama is visiting Ohio this week—check out highlights from the VP’s trip to the Mahoning Valley last month:,9,22,0,7 220897444676911104,2012-07-05 15:10,,"The VP’s having coffee with a supporter, and it could be you. Pitch in for your chance to have a cup of joe with Joe:",64,96,0,33 220948785902260229,2012-07-05 18:34,,The President’s in Ohio today—don’t miss this video of VP Biden’s last swing through the Buckeye State:,9,23,0,10 221288139484958721,2012-07-06 17:02,,"Scranton, PA gave the VP a warm hometown welcome this week:",5,17,0,8 221341096486256640,2012-07-06 20:33,,"President Obama in Pittsburgh today: “If you still believe in me like I believe in you, I hope you will stand with me in 2012.”",17,52,0,10 221345724246405123,2012-07-06 20:51,,"Check out photos, videos, and audio postcards from President Obama’s bus tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania:",6,25,0,6 221673955067576320,2012-07-07 18:36,,Donate $30 or more and you’ll get a Cup of Joe mug along with a chance to join the VP for coffee on the campaign trail:,15,25,0,10 222347484154970113,2012-07-09 15:12,,VP Biden shared his personal reasons for supporting a strong education system at the NEA’s annual assembly:,4,14,0,9 222350605996400640,2012-07-09 15:24,,"If you’re a teacher who stands by the progress the President and Vice President have made, join Educators for Obama:",3,34,0,13 222382020037312513,2012-07-09 17:29,,"President Obama: ""I’m calling on Congress to extend the tax cuts on the 98% of Americans who make less than $250,000 a year.”",10,61,0,16 222388542884675584,2012-07-09 17:55,,"""This isn’t about taxing job creators. This is about helping job creators.""—President Obama",99,53,0,9 222409436763930624,2012-07-09 19:18,,VP Biden will be speaking to @NCLR in Las Vegas tomorrow—have you checked out @LatinosforObama?,10,31,0,3 222744288889548800,2012-07-10 17:29,,"The President is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa today to speak up for the middle class—follow our live-tweet on @Obama2012 at 1:50pm ET.",5,30,0,6 222746329204535296,2012-07-10 17:37,,"Watch VP Biden fire up the crowd in Waterloo, Iowa last month on President Obama’s record of supporting American jobs:",3,16,0,10 222841132344819713,2012-07-10 23:54,,"As a presidential candidate, Romney’s father released 12 years of tax returns, saying, “One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show.”",26,87,0,11 222853790045446144,2012-07-11 00:44,,“The American people support the DREAMers.”—VP Biden speaking at #NCLR2012 today,14,49,0,11 222864870339641345,2012-07-11 01:28,,"VP Biden: “We believe the way to grow the economy—an economy that's built to last—is from the middle out, the old-fashioned way.”",13,80,0,11 222875584362061824,2012-07-11 02:10,,"“Ladies and gentlemen, don’t miss this. This is your moment. This is the moment for your community.”—VP Biden addressing @NCLR today",6,25,0,7 223079474831425536,2012-07-11 15:41,,Watch the Vice President describe Mitt Romney’s lack of “sound judgment” on the housing foreclosure crisis:,11,35,0,7 223113707121672194,2012-07-11 17:57,,VP Biden on Mitt Romney's double standard:,10,51,0,12 223167432238432258,2012-07-11 21:30,,The choice this November:,31,96,0,30 223443879368732672,2012-07-12 15:49,,Don’t miss this great highlight reel from the Vice President’s trip to Iowa last month:,10,26,0,8 223472596849672193,2012-07-12 17:43,,"“In the end, that’s what the presidency’s all about: Your character. Your convictions.”—VP Biden to the NAACP today",138,402,2,103 223489333250891776,2012-07-12 18:49,,“We see an America where our daughters have every—and I mean every—opportunity our sons have.”—VP Biden to the NAACP today,22,119,0,21 223502335480037376,2012-07-12 19:41,,"“When you have the right to vote, you have the right to change things.”—VP Biden on the President’s commitment to voting rights",19,86,0,9 223518944428949504,2012-07-12 20:47,,Vice President Biden: “We are our brother’s keeper. We are our sister’s keeper. We have an obligation.”,21,126,0,28 223537961185193987,2012-07-12 22:02,,"“I believe this election will come down to character, conviction, and vision.”—VP Biden at the NAACP today",36,102,0,17 223827658046320640,2012-07-13 17:14,,Meet Marge—an Iowa volunteer for #Obama2012 who goes way back with the Vice President:,2,23,0,7 224650260910317568,2012-07-15 23:42,,A favorite Joe photo:,16,66,0,26 224944372528062464,2012-07-16 19:11,,RT if you agree:,142,2345,0,262 225018111710076928,2012-07-17 00:04,,VP Biden talks about the GOP’s “different value set” on family issues like reforming Social Security and Medicare:,7,30,0,6 225032565998895105,2012-07-17 01:01,,“I will wake up every single day fighting for you as hard as I know how.”—President Obama speaking in Cincinnati today,23,103,0,24 225043649954713600,2012-07-17 01:46,,"President Obama in Ohio: “When the auto industry was on the brink of collapse and Gov. Romney said, ‘Let Detroit go bankrupt,' I said no.”",27,103,0,15 225253117854359553,2012-07-17 15:38,,"VP Biden is visiting Columbus, Ohio on Thursday—check out these awesome pics from his May visit to the Buckeye State:",6,22,0,7 225330763804053504,2012-07-17 20:46,,"The President’s having a birthday party in Chicago next month, and you’re invited:",14,20,0,14 225662516326432770,2012-07-18 18:45,,RT if you agree Mitt Romney should do the right thing and release more than one year of tax returns:,100,1292,0,60 225726112607645697,2012-07-18 22:57,,"President Obama bet on Ohio workers, and now manufacturing’s making a comeback—get the facts in this new report:",0,114,0,13 226047967382097920,2012-07-19 20:16,,"The VP fires up the crowd in Columbus, Ohio:",21,35,0,10 227439137962205184,2012-07-23 16:24,,Every opportunity:,12,99,0,30 227486182324445184,2012-07-23 19:31,,"Register a voter, tell a story to inspire one person, volunteer one hour of your time—find out more about It Takes One:",6,55,0,13 227515913916788736,2012-07-23 21:29,,"Engineers, babies, and plenty of smiles greeted the VP in Columbus, Ohio last week:",3,10,0,5 227547709643554816,2012-07-23 23:36,,A favorite Joe photo:,21,130,0,129 227788956010434560,2012-07-24 15:34,,The Vice President’s commitment to first responders:,7,24,0,9 227810105356341248,2012-07-24 16:58,,Take it from VP Biden—you’ll have fun at President Obama’s birthday party:,11,15,0,7 227873389518393344,2012-07-24 21:10,,"Find out why VP Biden reminds Brandon, an @OFA_CA volunteer, of his dad:",3,12,0,5 227907744424935425,2012-07-24 23:26,,"A statement from VP Biden on Mitt Romney’s critiques of the President's foreign policy record today: “Empty rhetoric and bluster.""",15,61,0,10 227908583810035712,2012-07-24 23:30,,"VP Biden: “President Obama has taken the fight directly to America’s enemies, confronting al-Qaeda head on and taking out Osama bin Laden.”",10,47,0,5 227909871759155200,2012-07-24 23:35,,“He has done more for Israel’s security than any President since Harry Truman.”—VP Biden on President Obama,19,64,1,6 227911284325232640,2012-07-24 23:40,,"“Because of President Obama’s leadership, Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.”—Vice President Biden",22,109,1,25 227912907520884738,2012-07-24 23:47,,VP Biden on Mitt Romney: “He reflexively criticizes the President’s policies without offering any alternatives.”,23,100,0,10 227914771159212032,2012-07-24 23:54,,"VP: “President Obama has stood up repeatedly, publicly & often alone against efforts to delegitimize Israel at the UN and around the world.”",15,50,2,7 227935925483761664,2012-07-25 01:18,,“It’s a choice between two very different plans for our country.”,16,46,0,7 228166528019861504,2012-07-25 16:35,,President Obama and Vice President Biden are proud to accept today’s endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations.,76,714,4,108 228171052054880256,2012-07-25 16:53,,Watch live: The Vice President speaks at the International Association of Fire Fighters Convention in Philadelphia.,13,41,0,5 228307232838799360,2012-07-26 01:54,,The President and I are honored to accept the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations. –Joe,18,172,4,53 228312300761780224,2012-07-26 02:14,,Barack and I will continue to do everything we can to keep police officers across the country on the beat. –Joe,85,319,76,221 228602970676285440,2012-07-26 21:29,,“You live in the neighborhoods you protect. You are the community.”—VP Biden speaking to firefighters at the IAFF convention yesterday,3,18,0,5 228605886837428225,2012-07-26 21:41,,"VP: “The middle class is about being able to own your home and not just rent it, or being able to send your kid to a park you know is safe.”",14,52,0,7 228608150033539072,2012-07-26 21:50,,"VP to firefighters: “I think you represent the heart, the soul, the very sinew of the cities, the towns, the counties that you protect.”",8,32,0,6 228629584873127937,2012-07-26 23:15,,"From 18 tax cuts to more access to loans, find out how President Obama is giving small businesses a leg up:",8,42,0,9 228655154608611329,2012-07-27 00:56,,"VP Biden’s son, @BeauBiden, on the promises President Obama has made—and kept—to our veterans:",12,56,0,12 228871507793825793,2012-07-27 15:16,,".@BarackObama: ""I believe in fighting for the middle class, because if they're prospering all of us will prosper.""",16,55,0,7 228966227236765698,2012-07-27 21:32,,"It’s the biggest #Obama2012 weekend of action yet, and it kicks off tomorrow. Find an event near you:",7,37,0,5 229256671564804096,2012-07-28 16:47,,This one makes us smile:,16,84,0,37 230004611791060992,2012-07-30 18:19,,"Dr. Jill Biden to the American Federation of Teachers in Detroit yesterday: “Being a teacher is not what I do, it’s who I am.”",13,64,0,16 230006262870470656,2012-07-30 18:25,,"VP Biden to educators at the AFT convention yesterday: “You’re out there to teach because somebody, some teacher, lit a spark in you.”",9,21,0,5 230008905709793280,2012-07-30 18:36,,VP Biden on the GOP and Mitt Romney: “It looks as though they decided that public education is not worth the investment anymore.”,14,44,0,10 230011694229905408,2012-07-30 18:47,,"“The defining feature here is that to me, to Jill, to Barack, to Michelle, the middle class is not a number.”—VP Biden to @AFTUnion",12,61,0,12 230018069525827586,2012-07-30 19:12,,Stand up for the progress President Obama has made for teachers and students—join Educators for Obama today:,10,55,0,13 230064920769744896,2012-07-30 22:18,,"I just made a stop at Chicago HQ today, which confirmed to me why we’re going to win. This is an amazing operation. –Joe",31,127,0,30 230087521382576128,2012-07-30 23:48,,Some straight talk from Joe this morning:,7,15,0,4 230089379228565504,2012-07-30 23:55,,"Help close the fundraising gap and donate to President Obama now, while there’s still time to make a difference:",13,45,0,7 230108872340275200,2012-07-31 01:13,,Check out what it’s like to be a part of the #Obama2012 campaign—then sign up to get involved:,3,38,0,9 230395950701608961,2012-07-31 20:14,,"Charming the locals in Manchester, Iowa:",7,26,0,16 230408850996613120,2012-07-31 21:05,,Today is this campaign’s biggest fundraising deadline yet. Donate $5 before midnight:,11,19,0,2 230425161386565632,2012-07-31 22:10,,Wondering how to get involved with #Obama2012? There’s an app for that:,11,35,0,7 230457801061826560,2012-08-01 00:19,,"“Women everywhere are counting on us, and they can't wait any longer.”—VP Biden:",18,80,0,12 231167161287196672,2012-08-02 23:18,,"Attention, Iowans—in just 56 days, you can cast your vote for President Obama. Commit to vote now (cc @OFA_IA):",14,32,0,5 231181698522550273,2012-08-03 00:16,,Mitt Romney’s tax plan would raise taxes on the average middle-class family—find out how it would affect yours:,12,60,0,7 231199756708356096,2012-08-03 01:28,,A photo that makes us smile: Dr. Jill Biden welcomes a young visitor to the Naval Observatory.,11,32,0,19 231488316648861696,2012-08-03 20:34,,RT this if you agree with VP Biden that Congress needs to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act:,18,294,0,20 231576298630291457,2012-08-04 02:24,,President @BarackObama turns 51 tomorrow—join the First Lady and sign his birthday card:,11,56,0,19 231787449175666688,2012-08-04 16:23,,See how middle-class families in your state would fare under Mitt Romney’s tax plan:,10,55,0,8 231846626451410944,2012-08-04 20:18,,Happy birthday to a great President and a wonderful friend. –Joe,33,279,0,65 231871606157357056,2012-08-04 21:57,,"""We're going to keep our commitment to American veterans no matter what happens.”—VP Biden today:",23,68,0,11 231903371085348864,2012-08-05 00:04,,Ohioans—including servicemembers and vets who served our country—shouldn’t have to endure shameful attempts to restrict their voting rights.,52,302,0,31 232178335982166016,2012-08-05 18:16,,"Dining local in Independence, Iowa:",12,34,0,13 232565782104666112,2012-08-06 19:56,,Get the facts on the President’s fight to protect early voting in Ohio:,8,39,0,6 232590170950598656,2012-08-06 21:33,,What would your family pay in taxes if Mitt Romney were president? Find out:,24,68,0,11 232617133727694848,2012-08-06 23:20,,VIDEO: Deputy Campaign Manager @stefcutter explains Mitt Romney’s tax plan.,10,32,0,7 232971730119950338,2012-08-07 22:49,,Introducing the Obama Classic—your chance to join President Obama and a who’s-who of basketball greats:,10,1,0,9 233288640992780288,2012-08-08 19:48,,"On this date in 2009, Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as the Supreme Court’s 111th justice:",16,55,0,18 233704270237683713,2012-08-09 23:20,,RT if you’re on the left:,220,4504,488,3881 233732664581046272,2012-08-10 01:13,,VIDEO: See how Mitt Romney’s pledge to “get rid of” Planned Parenthood would impact women’s health care.,37,105,0,16 234377090252812288,2012-08-11 19:53,,"VP Biden called Paul Ryan this morning to wish him well, saying he's looking forward to engaging him on the choice voters face in November.",50,152,0,31 234462474190082048,2012-08-12 01:33,,Get the facts about Romney-Ryan and RT to spread the word:,39,190,0,22 234692420695126016,2012-08-12 16:46,,"Now that we know who's on both teams, stand with Obama-Biden:",52,99,0,19 234729791306207232,2012-08-12 19:15,,Worth a read—writer George Saunders on why the President’s support for the Violence Against Women Act earned his vote:,12,69,0,16 234771783847407619,2012-08-12 22:02,,The Vice President is visiting North Carolina and Virginia this week. Follow @OFA_NC and @OFA_VA for the latest.,18,44,0,10 235104905117958146,2012-08-13 20:05,,We're launching Catholics for Obama today—join us here:,204,529,0,147 235124711015739392,2012-08-13 21:24,,"VP Biden visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the most holy Roman Catholic site in Mexico, this March:",19,30,0,5 235172097519939585,2012-08-14 00:32,,"Supporters were fired up for Joe in Durham, NC today:",19,34,0,8 235177309555011584,2012-08-14 00:53,,"VP Biden in Durham, NC on the contrast between President Obama and Romney-Ryan: “It comes down to a fundamentally different set of values.”",32,64,0,16 235179847448678400,2012-08-14 01:03,,"VP Biden: “We cut taxes for middle-class people over these four years by $3,600. We provided 18 tax cuts to grow small business.”",27,87,0,10 235185581540388864,2012-08-14 01:26,,"VP Biden on Paul Ryan: “He proposed privatizing Social Security, a proposal that even the Bush administration rejected as ‘irresponsible.’”",40,203,0,25 235189691350151168,2012-08-14 01:42,,"“We offer a stark alternative to the Ryan vision and the Romney vision, and it all rests on a growing, prosperous middle class.”—VP Biden",49,144,0,25 235197334340911105,2012-08-14 02:13,,VP in NC: “We see an America where my granddaughters have every single solitary opportunity my grandson has—every single one.”,30,136,0,27 235200591725469696,2012-08-14 02:26,,“We see an America where we maintain our sacred obligation of keeping faith with veterans—not cutting their benefits.”—VP Biden,70,162,0,30 235519831108116481,2012-08-14 23:34,,"VP Biden called a surprise huddle at a high school football practice in Danville, VA yesterday:",16,50,0,13 235531979406323712,2012-08-15 00:22,,"Photo of the day: Thanking first responders in Durham, NC.",21,34,0,11 235544720569421824,2012-08-15 01:13,,"From firefighters to football players, the VP met some friendly North Carolinians and Virginians yesterday:",22,27,0,9 235766011327025153,2012-08-15 15:52,,VP Biden on the GOP budget: “They refer to it as ‘bold’ and ‘gutsy.’ I don’t get what’s gutsy about giving millionaires another tax break.”,47,314,0,42 235771643098693634,2012-08-15 16:15,,"VP: “We think the way you rebuild this country is you grow it from the middle class out, the old-fashioned way, not from millionaires down.”",34,121,0,26 235775375525937152,2012-08-15 16:30,,"“In spite of Gov. Romney’s pleas, we still went out and rescued the automobile industry. We saved a million jobs.”—VP Biden in Virginia",41,67,0,10 235780604526993408,2012-08-15 16:50,,VP Biden on Pell Grants: “We expanded by 3 million people the number of kids from working-class families who get a grant to attend college.”,19,75,0,8 235785585560805377,2012-08-15 17:10,,VP in VA: “We're going to give a tax break to any company who unbolts their factory stuff in Singapore and brings it back to Danville.”,38,71,0,7 235790688380387328,2012-08-15 17:30,,"“The President and I have a very different vision for America. It rests on a growing, prosperous middle class, a fair tax code.”—VP Biden",62,104,0,19 236129044142387201,2012-08-16 15:55,,"VP in Blacksburg, VA: “To paraphrase President Clinton, Gov. Romney’s proposals on the economy are George Bush’s proposals on steroids.”",18,51,0,6 236133643179925504,2012-08-16 16:13,,“We don’t think you grow the economy from millionaires down. We think you grow it from the middle class out.”—VP Biden,39,99,0,15 236143277294878720,2012-08-16 16:51,,"VP: “We expanded from 6 million to 9 million students, tens of thousands here in Virginia who are going to college on a Pell Grant now.”",22,53,0,7 236163383500615680,2012-08-16 18:11,,"“We've cut taxes, over the initial resistance of our Republican friends, for middle-class people by $3,600.”—VP Biden",27,63,0,10 236194148523327489,2012-08-16 20:14,,"VP: “We've strengthened Medicare to extend its life by 8 years, made reforms that have saved seniors hundreds on their prescription drugs.”",29,56,0,6 236208294224621569,2012-08-16 21:10,,VP Biden: “You don't have to worry about Barack Obama fundamentally flopping and flipping on important issues of the day.”,57,113,0,17 236255108445396993,2012-08-17 00:16,,Smiles on the road in Virginia:,51,68,0,37 236902917578321920,2012-08-18 19:10,,"Keep your beverages frosty for the last few weeks of summer with the VP’s “Cheers, Champ” can holder:",17,43,2,11 236915733282566144,2012-08-18 20:01,,“A story to tell: Coffee with Joe Biden.”,13,22,0,6 236938391181225985,2012-08-18 21:31,,Virginia for Obama-Biden:,18,64,0,26 236955838667968513,2012-08-18 22:40,,Deputy Campaign Manager @stefcutter fact-checks Mitt Romney’s Medicare claims:,24,63,0,14 237211315511365633,2012-08-19 15:36,,Our solemn obligation:,20,105,0,29 237303278122201088,2012-08-19 21:41,,"""We've come too far to turn back now. We've got too much work to do.""",36,82,0,15 237600087658868737,2012-08-20 17:20,,The VP is heading to Minnesota and Michigan tomorrow and Wednesday. Follow @OFA_MN and @OFA_MI for the latest!,8,25,0,3 237631795359797249,2012-08-20 19:26,,“Best contest ever”:,10,22,0,5 237647180683431936,2012-08-20 20:27,,"Go to the Democratic convention, meet the President, and spend time with the First Lady—airfare’s on us:",15,27,0,6 238002421782175745,2012-08-21 19:59,,MT @adamsmithtimes: Obama campaign confirms Joe Biden in Fla next week during GOP convention,24,19,0,7 238289882651426816,2012-08-22 15:01,,VIDEO: VP Biden on how President Obama—unlike Mitt Romney—has stood up to China when American jobs are on the line.,18,37,0,6 238301073104830464,2012-08-22 15:46,,VP Biden on the Romney-Ryan economic plan: “There’s overwhelming evidence that their policies will not grow the economy.”,24,23,0,6 238305504420564992,2012-08-22 16:03,,VP in MN: “We know the way to grow the economy is the way we always have—from the middle class out. That’s how we’ve always done it.”,23,46,0,11 238308454761115648,2012-08-22 16:15,,"“We rescued the automobile industry, saving a million jobs and creating 200,000 brand-new, good-paying jobs.”—VP Biden",29,71,0,10 238311397832925184,2012-08-22 16:27,,“We expanded the number of children able to attend college—6 million to 9 million just since we've come to office—because of Pell Grants.”,28,83,0,8 238422294064685056,2012-08-22 23:47,,VP Biden on the Romney-Ryan plan today: “They call it new and gutsy. But I say there’s nothing new about giving a millionaire a tax break.”,20,89,0,18 238423673583837185,2012-08-22 23:53,,"“There's nothing bold about cutting Medicaid, Medicare, education, and research and development.”—VP on the Romney-Ryan economic plan",27,120,0,13 238429222316691456,2012-08-23 00:15,,“A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about your dignity. It is about your place in the community.”—VP Biden in Detroit today,38,152,0,38 238434652883402752,2012-08-23 00:37,,"VP: “My mom used to say, children tend to become that which you expect of them. We expect a lot of you because you are capable of a lot.”",30,118,0,26 238449271395987456,2012-08-23 01:35,,Vice President Biden: “I am absolutely certain we will rebuild this country stronger than it was before.”,78,82,0,16 238740699753881600,2012-08-23 20:53,,Four more years:,64,230,0,117 238783943573397504,2012-08-23 23:45,,Calculate your savings on college costs thanks to President Obama’s policies:,30,64,0,13 239145976659574785,2012-08-24 23:43,,Olympic champion boxer Claressa Shields gave VP Biden a gold-medal show of support in Detroit this week:,14,65,0,27 239385783839125504,2012-08-25 15:36,,“The Vice President called my phone bank!”,4,20,0,6 239412251520561152,2012-08-25 17:21,,VP Biden and @EvaLongoria will speak to supporters in Orlando next week about the important choice Latino voters face this fall.,26,73,0,14 239749370185146368,2012-08-26 15:41,,“There’s no quit in America.”—VP Biden in Minnesota this week:,29,69,0,22 240192551154499585,2012-08-27 21:02,,“This is how we could lose the election.”,39,27,2,24 240195340718972928,2012-08-27 21:13,,Help win this election—donate $5 today:,17,24,0,5 240217884960378880,2012-08-27 22:43,,Mitt Romney’s “convention reinvention”:,25,38,0,8 240554679145213952,2012-08-28 21:01,,RT if you agree we don’t need a President whose private-sector experience involved outsourcing U.S. jobs:,39,377,0,33 240571804073197568,2012-08-28 22:09,,President Obama is fighting for small businesses right here in the U.S.:,25,89,0,21 240921953723092992,2012-08-29 21:20,,"Ohio, get fired up—VP Biden is holding a grassroots event in Lordstown on Friday. Follow @OFA_OH for the latest!",13,50,0,6 240944664457396227,2012-08-29 22:50,,Growing this campaign from the ground up—talking to voters about the issues that matter most to them—is how we win:,29,53,0,7 241225563547787264,2012-08-30 17:27,,"New OFA video: Mitt Romney's ""unshakable"" record.",13,45,0,13 241305035022155776,2012-08-30 22:42,,.@BarackObama on how you can prove the cynics wrong one more time:,26,61,0,12 241369926852558849,2012-08-31 03:00,,"VP: “If we win this election, it will be because of what you did in moments like this to help close the spending gap.”",29,72,0,10 241608560247730178,2012-08-31 18:49,,VP Biden in Ohio: “They said last night that things weren’t getting better. I guess they don’t know what’s happening here in Lordstown.”,20,36,0,10 241610063352053760,2012-08-31 18:55,,"“They call their plan new, bold, and gutsy. There’s nothing gutsy about giving another trillion in tax cuts to millionaires.”—VP Biden",50,171,0,37 241612000713662464,2012-08-31 19:02,,“There’s nothing bold about turning Medicare into a voucher system.”—VP Biden on the Romney-Ryan plan,29,116,0,21 241613650677358592,2012-08-31 19:09,,“‘Romney was willing to go to extremes to secure a federal bailout’ when Bain Consulting was on the verge of collapse.”—VP Biden in OH,24,112,1,14 241616063798857728,2012-08-31 19:18,,VP Biden on the Romney-Ryan budget: “Let’s look at how much they value you. They propose making massive cuts in education.”,26,58,0,17 241619057525280768,2012-08-31 19:30,,VP on Paul Ryan’s false claim about a GM plant closing: “That plant in Janesville actually closed while President Bush was still in office.”,45,92,0,15 241621758342483968,2012-08-31 19:41,,"VP on the auto rescue that Romney opposed: “200,000 auto workers who’ve been added to the rolls since reorganization would not be working.”",22,70,0,8 241632047007952896,2012-08-31 20:22,,"On Romney-Ryan: “They talk about extending the Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy—$500 billion of the tax cuts will go to 120,000 families.”",29,99,0,11 241644306513940480,2012-08-31 21:11,,Vice President Biden in Ohio: “This is no time to go back. We have to continue to move forward.”,28,70,0,11 241654702339665920,2012-08-31 21:52,,VP Biden: “We do not think you grow the economy from millionaires down. We know we build it from the middle class out.”,60,124,0,30 242017247739129856,2012-09-01 21:53,,"Lordstown, Ohio welcomes the VP:",13,42,0,17 242034111328444416,2012-09-01 23:00,,".@BarackObama on the GOP convention: ""They talked a lot about me. But they didn't say much about you.""",32,242,0,25 242050649607512065,2012-09-02 00:05,,RT if you’re ridin’ with Biden:,83,784,0,91 242306251189534720,2012-09-02 17:01,,"VIDEO: In Iowa, @BarackObama offers his thoughts on the Republican convention:",27,54,0,16 242654458323038210,2012-09-03 16:05,,To the more than 3 million Americans who have given to this campaign: Thank you.,29,55,0,19 242674792078127104,2012-09-03 17:25,,VIDEO: VP Biden talks about the basic choice on Medicare between @BarackObama and Mitt Romney.,8,55,0,16 242706382229479424,2012-09-03 19:31,,"Check out highlights from the VP’s visit to York, Pennsylvania yesterday:",5,36,0,6 243041025738813440,2012-09-04 17:41,,"The VP took the stage in York, Pennsylvania with his grandson and son on Sunday.",12,40,0,19 243055024647839745,2012-09-04 18:36,,Cheer on VP Biden and President Obama Thursday night at a #DNC2012 watch party near you:,17,44,0,8 243071051607707648,2012-09-04 19:40,,"VP in Detroit yesterday: “Much of what they told you at their convention is simply, as they say in my old neighborhood, not on the level.”",18,38,0,11 243073573508481024,2012-09-04 19:50,,“You’re the reason why the automobile industry is back.”—VP Biden at an AFL-CIO labor rally in Detroit yesterday,8,30,0,10 243076342759976961,2012-09-04 20:01,,"“Because of you and your productivity, the combined auto companies have committed to invest another $23 billion in expansion in America.”",17,46,0,8 243078647949451266,2012-09-04 20:10,,VP Biden: “The President and I are determined to replace the word ‘outsourcing’ for our children’s generation with the word ‘insourcing.’”,31,90,0,27 243081158689161216,2012-09-04 20:20,,"“‘Right to work’ means the right to work for less, not for what you deserve. That's not going to happen as long as we’re here.”—VP Biden",36,90,0,15 243083678576689152,2012-09-04 20:30,,"VP Biden: “While we’re talking about making sure we protect Medicare, they're talking about creating an entire new system—voucher-care.”",17,50,0,12 243086213194604544,2012-09-04 20:40,,"“It’s simple, folks. We’re for Medicare; they're for voucher-care. And if they win, people are in trouble.”—VP Biden",25,161,1,27 243089565995384832,2012-09-04 20:54,,"“Let me make something clear and say it to the press, America is better off today.”—Vice President Biden in Detroit",54,120,0,22 243091451490222080,2012-09-04 21:01,,"VP to union workers in MI: “We know who built this country, and we know who is going to rebuild it. It’s you. We should be thanking you.”",16,75,0,11 243154801767112704,2012-09-05 01:13,,A moving tribute to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy:,36,136,0,55 243173476050010112,2012-09-05 02:27,,Jill and I are looking forward to hearing from our amazing First Lady tonight—we think she's going to knock it out of the park. –Joe,61,208,0,82 243360639257559040,2012-09-05 14:51,,VP Biden. Kal Penn. Coming tomorrow to a livestream near you:,8,31,0,14 243378677742702592,2012-09-05 16:02,,San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro knocked it out of the park at #DNC2012 last night. Take a look:,24,75,0,20 243408809400365056,2012-09-05 18:02,,"If #DNC2012 has you fired up, do something about it: Commit to vote today.",23,90,0,20 243438658600968194,2012-09-05 20:01,,"""Barack knows the American dream because he's lived it."" Watch @MichelleObama's debut at the DNC last night:",23,52,0,17 243461925902643201,2012-09-05 21:33,,Couldn’t make it to Charlotte? Catch VP Biden and President Obama’s speeches at a neighborhood watch party tomorrow:,13,33,0,3 243496662763446272,2012-09-05 23:51,,Get to know the 5 key points of the Democratic Party platform in 1 RT-friendly graphic:,33,509,0,141 243544506748784640,2012-09-06 03:01,,President Bill Clinton is explaining why we should vote Obama-Biden on Nov. 6. Watch it live:,24,144,0,33 243740313292791810,2012-09-06 15:59,,RT if you’re excited for VP Biden’s speech at 9:35pm ET:,94,1049,1,129 243772864807972865,2012-09-06 18:09,,Catch up on all the great speeches and stories from #DNC2012 so far:,15,29,0,10 243790415487172608,2012-09-06 19:18,,"Before @BarackObama takes the stage tonight, watch his brother-in-law Craig relive another DNC speech:",13,39,0,12 243881926388232192,2012-09-07 01:22,,We’ll be live-tweeting the VP’s speech on @Obama2012—follow along for the latest.,31,56,0,17 243883239561908224,2012-09-07 01:27,,“The middle class wasn’t a number—it wasn’t a net worth. It was more of a value set.”—VP Biden on his upbringing:,32,169,0,38 243908353116479488,2012-09-07 03:07,,Pitch in $5 now to make sure this campaign stays strong all the way to a win in November:,46,153,0,57 244085169462579201,2012-09-07 14:50,,".@BarackObama, @MichelleObama, VP Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden—together again on the campaign trail! Follow @OFA_NH and @OFA_IA for the latest.",14,50,0,12 244099332230492161,2012-09-07 15:46,,"If you’re in for four more years, stand with President Obama and Vice President Biden today:",23,98,0,17 244132598211829760,2012-09-07 17:58,,"After a great #DNC2012, it’s time to register voters and win this thing—find a weekend of action event near you:",20,98,0,21 244155961084899328,2012-09-07 19:31,,VP Biden spoke from the heart last night—watch his speech and get inspired all over again:,23,65,0,25 244187255193886722,2012-09-07 21:35,,President Obama laid out a plan to restore the promise of middle class security last night:,27,63,0,12 244229413665906690,2012-09-08 00:23,,Pitch in $5 to the President and Vice President who are working to strengthen the middle class every day:,22,60,0,12 244463073446989824,2012-09-08 15:51,,"We’re kicking off the biggest weekend of action yet, and chances are there’s an event near you. Get out there:",9,47,0,6 244504232902938624,2012-09-08 18:35,,"More than 700,000 grassroots donations—and counting—to help re-elect President Obama and Vice President Biden:",24,76,0,16 244598556336476160,2012-09-09 00:50,,Back in action:,61,149,0,90 244823723457261568,2012-09-09 15:44,,"“It's never been a good bet to bet against America!”—VP Biden in Zanesville, OH",31,103,0,27 244928569392889856,2012-09-09 22:41,,RT if you agree with VP Biden:,48,860,1,153 245219274392743936,2012-09-10 17:56,,"It was peach pie and motorcycle talk for the VP at Cruisers Diner in Seaman, Ohio yesterday:",92,213,0,80 245287221580660739,2012-09-10 22:26,,VP Biden swung through Ohio this weekend—and supporters greeted him warmly at every stop:,14,49,0,10 245314446405296129,2012-09-11 00:14,,"Pick out your favorite bumper sticker, and we’ll send it to you for free:",35,75,0,17 245619770861424640,2012-09-11 20:28,,"“My personal prayer for all of you is that in every succeeding year, you’re able to sing more than you weep.”—Vice President Biden",44,297,0,85 245985749437128705,2012-09-12 20:42,,"VP: “Our President knows creating jobs here in America, keeping jobs here, and bringing jobs back to America—that's the job of a President.”",28,76,0,19 245987236007510016,2012-09-12 20:48,,“We’ve set a goal—and we will accomplish it—of creating 1 million new manufacturing jobs by 2016.”—Vice President Biden,32,60,0,21 245989999386976256,2012-09-12 20:59,,"VP Biden: “We've increased benefits for Medicare recipients, and in addition, we've extended the solvency of this system to the year 2024.”",20,60,0,12 245996199671373824,2012-09-12 21:23,,"“We have a lot of obligations—only one truly sacred one, and that is to equip those we send to war & care for those who come home from war.”",21,61,0,21 246001817425694720,2012-09-12 21:46,,"“Like generations before us, you didn’t lose faith. You fought back. You didn’t give up, you got up.”—VP Biden",25,119,0,30 246039307058552834,2012-09-13 00:15,,President Obama on the values and faith that guide him—and our country—through difficult times:,90,295,0,96 246360646902505472,2012-09-13 21:32,,"Eau Claire, WI welcomed VP Biden with flair today:",9,39,0,20 246364643491201025,2012-09-13 21:48,,"VP: “The President & I have a fundamentally different vision than Gov. Romney & Congressman Ryan, and a different value set that guides us.”",34,56,0,14 246368033327685632,2012-09-13 22:01,,“The President & I know neither one of us would be standing where we are today were it not for help we received in scholarships and loans.”,29,105,0,31 246371621630246912,2012-09-13 22:15,,VP in WI: “6 out of every 10 jobs in the next 10 years are going to require a degree or certificate beyond high school—we must be prepared.”,18,70,0,12 246374100975628288,2012-09-13 22:25,,"“The Romney-Ryan budget calls for massive cuts in elementary and secondary education.”—VP Biden in Eau Claire, WI",16,98,0,6 246379132282347520,2012-09-13 22:45,,"VP Biden on Romney-Ryan: “To them, it doesn’t matter much where American companies put their money or where they create jobs.”",25,53,0,10 246381663054086144,2012-09-13 22:55,,VP on the GOP: “What they're proposing will not extend the life of Medicare. It will actually put the trust fund in jeopardy in 2016.”,18,48,0,8 246384151052296192,2012-09-13 23:05,,VP Biden on Romney-Ryan: “They are not for Medicare. They are for a plan called Vouchercare.”,25,64,1,16 246386738342264833,2012-09-13 23:15,,"“Our plan focuses first on education—100,000 new science and math teachers in the next 10 years.”—VP Biden in Eau Claire, WI",31,59,0,15 246389178403803136,2012-09-13 23:25,,"“We see a future where America leads not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.”—VP Biden",26,99,2,26 246391705018966016,2012-09-13 23:35,,VP Biden in WI: “America is coming back. We’re not going back. We’re going forward.”,29,74,0,16 246704589385121792,2012-09-14 20:18,,"Dr. Jill Biden is hitting the campaign trail with stops in Minnesota, Michigan & Pennsylvania—we’ll be covering all the action right here.",11,27,0,8 246710041082732544,2012-09-14 20:40,,"Dr. Biden in MN: “I’m proud of this administration because I know that every single day, President Obama & my husband are fighting for you.”",14,40,0,10 246713621760069632,2012-09-14 20:54,,“Barack and Joe are working hard to invest in education and make it easier for young people to afford college.”—Dr. Jill Biden in MN,7,39,0,14 246717623109287936,2012-09-14 21:10,,Dr. Biden on POTUS and VPOTUS: “They doubled funding for Pell Grants and fought to make sure that student loan interest rates didn’t go up.”,7,37,0,15 246720139087728641,2012-09-14 21:20,,Dr. Biden: “Community colleges are a cornerstone of our education policies.”,6,54,0,22 246722682018738177,2012-09-14 21:30,,“The President has a plan to train 2 million workers through partnerships between businesses and community colleges.” #DrBiden2012,15,55,0,15 246725175641530368,2012-09-14 21:40,,"Dr. B: “Every day, Barack and Joe are working so that every single American has an opportunity to provide for themselves & their families.”",12,41,0,22 246727716865458176,2012-09-14 21:50,,“You can find out all the information you need at our websites: and”—Dr. Biden,8,41,0,11 246757090809491456,2012-09-14 23:47,,"Go backstage with VP Biden, President Obama, and the First Lady at #DNC2012:",4,29,0,10 246780879488315392,2012-09-15 01:22,,"In case you missed it, VP Biden rallied students in Eau Claire, Wisconsin yesterday:",20,45,0,14 247070001423605760,2012-09-15 20:30,,“This election is personal to me. And it’s not just because my husband’s name is on the ballot.”—Dr. Jill Biden in MI,24,47,0,13 247072422375870464,2012-09-15 20:40,,Dr. Biden: “So many issues I care deeply about are all at stake here in 2012.’,15,19,0,10 247074973221539841,2012-09-15 20:50,,"“Like most teachers, it isn’t just what I do—it is who I am.”—Dr. Jill Biden in Michigan",9,83,0,19 247077638236147713,2012-09-15 21:01,,Dr. Biden on POTUS & VPOTUS: “They are giving students the right to repay their loans at a fixed percentage of their income.”,8,36,0,8 247080011134300160,2012-09-15 21:10,,“They’re making smart investments to raise standards for teaching and learning in our public schools.”—Dr. Biden on POTUS & VPOTUS,10,26,0,6 247082492694253568,2012-09-15 21:20,,Dr. Jill Biden on President Obama: “He implemented and expanded the G.I. Bill and signed tax cuts for businesses who hire veterans.”,5,51,0,16 247085104244088832,2012-09-15 21:30,,“He’s directed his entire administration to make the needs of military families a priority.”—Dr. Biden on President Obama,12,45,0,16 247087527121547265,2012-09-15 21:40,,“I know that our President and Vice President are fighting for the values that have always made our country so great.” #DrBiden2012,27,42,0,19 247090088142569472,2012-09-15 21:50,,"Dr. Jill Biden: “At the end of the day, it’s not Barack or Joe alone that are going to move this country forward. It’s you.”",22,116,1,37 247364015905447937,2012-09-16 15:59,,“I’m in love with a teacher”:,24,134,2,99 247384044030005248,2012-09-16 17:18,,"“I’ve seen firsthand how Barack and Joe stand up for the rights and freedoms of women every day.”—Dr. Biden in Pittsburgh, PA",26,50,1,16 247387050557444096,2012-09-16 17:30,,Dr. Jill Biden: “Barack is the son of a single mother who worked hard to pay the bills.”,39,55,0,13 247389534667542528,2012-09-16 17:40,,Dr. Biden on VP Biden: “He always says his proudest accomplishment was pushing for and passing the Violence Against Women Act.”,15,73,0,15 247392090097582080,2012-09-16 17:50,,“It’s no surprise that the very first bill the President signed helped make it easier for women to earn the same pay as men.”—Dr. Biden,20,90,1,17 247394794194759680,2012-09-16 18:01,,Dr. B: “The President has appointed more women to cabinet-level positions & more women to the federal bench in his 1st term than anyone.”,9,92,0,14 247397151716556801,2012-09-16 18:10,,“Now insurance companies will no longer be able to charge us more for our coverage just because we’re women.”—Dr. Biden in PA,14,61,1,10 247399626007773184,2012-09-16 18:20,,"“For women of my generation, we know we can’t go back and refight those same battles that we fought years or decades ago.”—Dr. Biden",16,75,0,20 247402188677197824,2012-09-16 18:30,,Dr. Biden in Pittsburgh: “We’ve got to realize how far we’ve come—and we’ve got to do our part to keep moving forward.” #Women2012,11,63,0,12 247404651106955264,2012-09-16 18:40,,Dr. Biden: “That means talking to all the women in your lives—ask them who they trust to stand up for women & to keep expanding our rights.”,25,52,0,14 247407160340922370,2012-09-16 18:50,,"“From now until Election Day, I want to ask for everything you’ve got to help support President Obama and my husband.”—Dr. Biden in PA",63,53,0,18 247408396804952064,2012-09-16 18:55,,Join Dr. Jill Biden as a woman for Obama:,16,54,0,7 247803979197718529,2012-09-17 21:07,,Just a few ways President Obama is moving this country forward:,9,49,0,12 247806478382141443,2012-09-17 21:17,,50 days left till the election—sign up to make a difference now:,9,27,0,3 248043321367351297,2012-09-18 12:58,,VP in Iowa: “Isn’t it great having a President who thinks it matters whether or not there’s still an auto industry in the United States?”,28,47,0,12 248046356759973888,2012-09-18 13:10,,VP on Romney (1/2): “He called the President a protectionist for stepping up and stopping an unfair surge of Chinese automobile tires.”,12,34,0,5 248047655371038720,2012-09-18 13:15,,"VP on Romney (2/2): “The President won that case. As a consequence, 1,000 workers are making tires in this country and earning a good wage.”",14,25,0,5 248050116743815168,2012-09-18 13:25,,"On Romney’s jobs plan: “It will create 800,000 jobs—all of them overseas—and we’re being lectured by this guy about getting tough on China?”",17,107,0,19 248052635800834048,2012-09-18 13:35,,"“President Obama understands that creating jobs here, keeping jobs here, bringing jobs back to America, that's the job of the President.”",27,82,0,9 248055195274194944,2012-09-18 13:45,,VP Biden in IA: “The President has brought more trade cases against China in one term than the Bush administration did in eight years.”,11,58,0,8 248057681519198208,2012-09-18 13:55,,VP Biden on Romney: “He is totally out of touch with the reality of what ordinary Americans deal with every day. He does not get it.”,29,175,0,26 248061545211387904,2012-09-18 14:10,,VP: “The President and I have a different way forward. We know the way to create jobs is the old-fashioned way—from the middle out.”,16,39,0,7 248063962116149250,2012-09-18 14:20,,“I don't live in a country that's dependent or declining. There is no give-up anywhere in America.”—VP Biden,27,194,0,42 248066539645968384,2012-09-18 14:30,,VP in Iowa: “It's time to stand up for the middle class. And you can start moving in that direction in 10 days when early voting starts.”,9,38,0,8 248104572214710272,2012-09-18 17:01,,Watch Gloria’s story—it’s powerful stuff:,10,30,0,9 248434621958737920,2012-09-19 14:53,,Pumpkin time means it’s voting season in the Hawkeye State:,10,36,0,23 248459309468508161,2012-09-19 16:31,,Join Americans of faith who are supporting @BarackObama:,12,28,0,8 248486116712398848,2012-09-19 18:18,,"PHOTOS: With just eight days to go until early voting starts in Iowa, VP Biden found folks fired up and ready to go.",6,31,0,6 248540102232510464,2012-09-19 21:52,,Pass it on:,99,1063,0,225 248589250801590272,2012-09-20 01:07,,Check out the highlights from Dr. Jill Biden’s trip to colleges in Minnesota and Pennsylvania last week:,12,19,0,6 248820741821313024,2012-09-20 16:27,,"Grabbing a bite in Muscatine, Iowa:",14,33,0,21 248879122443563008,2012-09-20 20:19,,You've got to get involved—we've got the last Dinner with Barack of this campaign coming up:,23,25,0,4 248943057079246848,2012-09-21 00:33,,"One year ago today, President Obama ended “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell"":",26,114,0,24 249202236062842880,2012-09-21 17:43,,How the Bidens do fall (with a 36-pound pumpkin):,91,283,2,203 249292696328486913,2012-09-21 23:43,,VP Biden: “The President and I have a fundamentally different vision for this country and a fundamentally different value set.”,204,308,0,54 249297410726174720,2012-09-22 00:01,,VP Biden stands up for the 47% of Americans who Romney wrote off this week:,139,485,0,138 249300932502896640,2012-09-22 00:15,,“Jill has an expression: Any nation that out-educates us will out-compete us. It means we must be the best-educated nation in the world.”,30,149,0,33 249303366637858816,2012-09-22 00:25,,“We capped student loan repayments at 10 percent of your disposable income. It matters in what you’ll be able to do.”—VP Biden,24,92,0,22 249305887007719424,2012-09-22 00:35,,VP Biden: “We’ve invested in early education to eliminate the achievement gap before kids hit second grade.”,16,61,0,16 249308450083979264,2012-09-22 00:45,,“We are certain we will meet the goal in this country of once again having the highest percentage of college graduates by 2020.” #VPinNH,18,46,0,12 249310942154854400,2012-09-22 00:55,,“I believe he genuinely believes that nearly half this country is made up of people who see themselves as victims.”—VP Biden on Romney,43,127,0,36 249313510197174273,2012-09-22 01:05,,"VP on Romney’s 47% comment: “Let’s take a look at the people who they think he has no responsibility toward, or who are dependent.”",29,47,0,8 249315988800167937,2012-09-22 01:15,,"Among those Romney disdained: “The 78-year-old widow living on Social Security and Medicare, which she worked her whole life to earn.”",34,165,0,25 249318460306374657,2012-09-22 01:25,,Written off by Romney: “The 63-year-old Vietnam War veteran who goes to the VA hospital once a week to get help and treatment.”,30,169,0,29 249320998816604160,2012-09-22 01:35,,"Written off by Romney: “9 million children, young adults from working-class families, who are in college because of Pell Grants.”",23,165,0,29 249323561725067265,2012-09-22 01:45,,"“We see a future where everyone—everyone, rich and poor—does their part and has a part.”—VP Biden",51,140,1,28 249326033071915008,2012-09-22 01:55,,"“This is not a country of victims. This is a country where when people get knocked down, they get back up.” #VPinNH",42,209,0,47 249613997765173248,2012-09-22 20:59,,"Grins in Dartmouth, New Hampshire:",12,33,0,17 249654642433204225,2012-09-22 23:41,,Touchdown Joe:,36,133,0,76 249937863293149184,2012-09-23 18:26,,Connect with the campaign on Facebook and get a free Obama-Biden car magnet!,12,38,0,9 250024004725903362,2012-09-24 00:09,,Check out some highlights from the VP’s trip to New Hampshire—then commit to vote:,8,21,0,7 250045083863351296,2012-09-24 01:32,,"Before voting even starts, Romney’s already written off half the country. Be part of the team that fights for everyone:",69,166,0,25 250290721221910530,2012-09-24 17:48,,Get a free Obama-Biden car magnet in 3 easy steps:,10,29,0,5 250324111673413632,2012-09-24 20:01,,A favorite Joe photo:,15,58,0,38 250366223139889153,2012-09-24 22:48,,"Don't wonder ""what if""—give Dinner with Barack a shot before this great campaign tradition comes to an end.",31,31,0,10 250682271504400384,2012-09-25 19:44,,"“We put forward a concrete plan to cut the debt by $4 trillion in the next 10 years.”—Vice President Biden in Chesterfield, VA",34,41,0,11 250684984577388544,2012-09-25 19:55,,VP on the GOP: “They say they care about the middle class. Isn’t it amazing how they discovered the middle class at their convention?”,26,41,0,7 250687565533966336,2012-09-25 20:05,,On Romney-Ryan: “Their budget calls for massive cuts to education. They cut $4.9 billion in 1 year out of elementary & secondary education.”,26,78,0,8 250690046603190272,2012-09-25 20:15,,"“They turn Medicare into a voucher system, and they put insurance companies back in control of your health.”—VP Biden on Romney-Ryan",35,61,2,15 250692544692895745,2012-09-25 20:25,,"“Instead of attacking folks who work for a living and pay their way, Romney should be respecting their hard work.”—VP Biden",31,104,0,26 250695053180297216,2012-09-25 20:35,,VP: “We do not think it creates a culture of dependency when a 79-year-old widow living alone has access to Medicare and Social Security.”,34,109,0,21 250697572702904321,2012-09-25 20:45,,“We don’t think it is a culture of dependency when a 27-year-old couple with a couple of kids gets a child care tax credit.”—VP Biden,22,117,0,25 250700116036567040,2012-09-25 20:55,,VP: “How could Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan have such a profound misunderstanding of who the American people are?”,33,76,0,18 250702657327607808,2012-09-25 21:05,,"“We owe those of you who served, we owe the families of those who have served, an incredible debt.”—VP Biden in Virginia",23,84,0,14 250705133346902016,2012-09-25 21:15,,"VP: “I’ve got news for Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan: Gentlemen, it has never, ever been a good bet to bet against the American people.”",58,121,0,19 250729980923899906,2012-09-25 22:54,,"Registering to vote takes less than 5 minutes. Do it today, then spread the word:",21,182,0,22 251040908085178368,2012-09-26 19:29,,The choice on women’s health couldn’t be clearer:,40,434,0,108 251114532552978432,2012-09-27 00:22,,"Fired up, ready for Joe in Chesterfield, VA:",24,44,0,25 251130048365617152,2012-09-27 01:24,,The best thing you’ll read today:,43,61,0,19 251348261779156992,2012-09-27 15:51,,40 days. Let’s do this thing.,36,176,0,71 251492490962665473,2012-09-28 01:24,,VIDEO: President Obama’s plan for creating jobs and strengthening the middle class.,33,69,0,15 251727106101374976,2012-09-28 16:56,,VP Biden is in Florida today to talk about the stark choice on Social Security in this election. Get the facts:,8,39,0,3 251742825576804353,2012-09-28 17:59,,Mitt Romney’s tax plan could lead to higher costs for seniors—send an eCard to spread the word:,18,52,0,9 251770321999376384,2012-09-28 19:48,,VP Biden on Romney’s plan: “The average senior would have to pay $460 more in taxes for their Social Security.”,97,290,0,45 251809822675202048,2012-09-28 22:25,,VP Biden: “Just look at the facts. President Obama has increased the benefits available to people on Medicare today by the action he took.”,13,57,0,11 251812444815642624,2012-09-28 22:35,,“The action that the President took with regard to Medicare has made the system solvent … through 2024.”—VP Biden in Florida,13,67,0,12 251814998396002304,2012-09-28 22:45,,"VP on the Romney-Ryan Medicare plan: “You’d have to reach into your pocket and come up with another $6,400 a year.”",20,43,0,9 251817543147335681,2012-09-28 22:55,,"VP Biden: “My dad used to say, Joey, I don’t expect the government to solve my problems, but I do expect them to understand my problems.”",34,185,4,45 251820052876238848,2012-09-28 23:05,,"VP in FL: “The American people are so much better, so much stronger, take so much more responsibility than these guys give them credit for.”",20,66,0,14 251822535501565952,2012-09-28 23:15,,“I’ve got news for Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan: America and Americans are neither dependent nor are we in decline.”—VP Biden,54,149,0,50 251841871112990721,2012-09-29 00:32,,Just 6 weekends left till Election Day—get out there for a Weekend of Action event near you:,11,52,0,10 252114123729543169,2012-09-29 18:34,,Make sure your grandparents know: Romney could raise taxes on their Social Security benefits.,43,79,0,17 252169799185080320,2012-09-29 22:15,,"VP Biden stood up for protecting Social Security and Medicare in Tamarac, Florida yesterday:",38,55,0,20 252176966231392256,2012-09-29 22:44,,RT if you agree that Social Security should be protected—not written off as a Ponzi scheme:,68,972,2,103 252460434148438016,2012-09-30 17:30,,"One-on-one in Boca Raton, FL:",15,39,0,13 252516489033297920,2012-09-30 21:13,,Pitch in $5 before midnight to power this campaign when it matters most:,10,42,0,29 252607810662170624,2012-10-01 03:16,,"“Hello, this is Joe”:",39,133,1,107 252799894593609729,2012-10-01 15:59,,Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help this campaign start strong in October:,13,44,0,12 252846788489392129,2012-10-01 19:05,,Cheer on President Obama in Wednesday’s first debate at a supporter watch party in your neighborhood:,13,52,0,13 252852646929653761,2012-10-01 19:29,,"Bonus! After the debate, VP Biden will speak to supporters at watch parties. Don't miss it:",13,43,0,8 252907626508214272,2012-10-01 23:07,,VP Biden got a sunny welcome in the Sunshine State over the weekend:,12,17,0,9 253212894592913408,2012-10-02 19:20,,Don’t forget to RSVP for a debate watch party near you!,7,23,0,7 253216371717062658,2012-10-02 19:34,,VP Biden made clear in his remarks today that Romney-Ryan would take us back to the failed Bush policies that crashed our economy.,38,61,0,10 253218113594748928,2012-10-02 19:41,,President Obama and Vice President Biden have a plan to move the economy forward—check it out:,27,52,0,12 253250753622319104,2012-10-02 21:50,,"""The middle class was buried by the policies that Romney and Ryan have supported.""—VP Biden in Asheville, NC",33,109,0,24 253256932696154112,2012-10-02 22:15,,"“Under President Obama's leadership, Medicare benefits have actually increased. For prescription drugs, they've increased by $800.”—VP Biden",14,58,0,13 253259456991858689,2012-10-02 22:25,,VP Biden on Romney-Ryan: “Their plan would immediately cut benefits for 48 million seniors already on Medicare.”,17,88,0,11 253261951654842368,2012-10-02 22:35,,"“They say they value children and the elderly, but their budget slashes 19 million people off of Medicaid.”—VP Biden on Romney-Ryan",21,179,0,21 253264538521182209,2012-10-02 22:45,,"VP in NC: “They say they value education, but they make massive cuts in education—in early education, elementary, and secondary education.”",13,60,0,13 253266979526438913,2012-10-02 22:55,,"“We've cut taxes for everyone in the middle class—$3,600 for the average family.”—VP Biden in North Carolina",29,63,0,11 253269536768413697,2012-10-02 23:05,,“We will fulfill the only truly sacred obligation we have as a nation—to equip those we send to war and care for them when they come home.”,28,78,0,14 253283544451936256,2012-10-03 00:01,,"From Carson City to Charlottesville, President Obama’s policies are having positive effects across the country:",19,39,4,12 253298537276796928,2012-10-03 01:00,,Be the first to hear from VP Biden after the debate tomorrow night—find a watch party in your community:,61,178,0,44 253559064393560064,2012-10-03 18:16,,Happy debate day! There’s still time to find a watch party near you:,13,68,0,13 253571565919293440,2012-10-03 19:05,,“Keep the faith”:,23,127,2,99 253588616561950721,2012-10-03 20:13,,North Carolina was all smiles for VP Biden yesterday:,16,53,0,22 253649873684017152,2012-10-04 00:16,,Livestream coverage of tonight’s debate kicks off at 9pm ET—with a special message from the VP following the debate:,19,73,0,25 253658463211761664,2012-10-04 00:51,,"To Barack: Good luck tonight, and happy anniversary to you and Michelle. –Joe and Jill",39,685,0,169 253692207029166080,2012-10-04 03:05,,"Folks, I hope you saw what I saw tonight: President Obama's the choice to move us forward, not back. –Joe",642,925,1,231 253710554110230528,2012-10-04 04:18,,"If you’re standing with President Obama tonight, be sure to register to vote. It takes less than 5 minutes:",72,278,0,40 253855325936033792,2012-10-04 13:53,,"Fact check: Rommey's debate performance was ""mostly fictional.""",77,315,0,63 253882296871047168,2012-10-04 15:40,,President Obama has a specific plan for strengthening the middle class—pass it on:,72,286,0,61 253982962641682432,2012-10-04 22:20,,In case you missed it: Check out VP Biden’s take on last night’s debate.,36,42,0,12 254027009179672576,2012-10-05 01:15,,"VP in Iowa: “You have early voting in this state. It’s already underway. You don’t have to wait till Election Day, so elect us today.”",24,47,0,12 254028265134641152,2012-10-05 01:20,,"“He put forward a clear, specific plan on how to get this country moving forward again.”—VP Biden on President Obama in last night’s debate",38,56,0,16 254029508716417024,2012-10-05 01:25,,VP Biden on Romney-Ryan: “They don’t tell you what they are for anymore. And they deliberately misrepresent what they say we are for.”,42,116,0,19 254030807298088960,2012-10-05 01:30,,"“Since President Obama has been elected President and changed the law, Medicare recipients have more benefits.”—VP Biden in Iowa",28,86,1,19 254032054210150400,2012-10-05 01:35,,VP on Romney: “He didn’t tell you much about his plan. He didn’t say much about what his plan does. And a lot of it just doesn’t add up.”,35,61,0,22 254033282189115393,2012-10-05 01:40,,"VP in IA: “Can you imagine Barack Obama signing & being for a plan that would raise by $6,400 a year the cost of Medicare?” Audience: “No!”",28,64,0,17 254034591986376705,2012-10-05 01:45,,"VP Biden on the GOP: “Their policies put the middle class in a deep hole, which we’ve been helping them climb out of for the last 4 years.”",32,56,0,16 254035943944773632,2012-10-05 01:51,,"“We're going to give tax breaks to companies that invest in America, not invest overseas. We're going to cut our oil imports by half.”",62,75,1,23 254037064717316097,2012-10-05 01:55,,"VP Biden on Romney-Ryan: “Ladies and gentlemen, these guys don't get it. There is no quit in America.”",31,57,0,12 254038549236686849,2012-10-05 02:01,,“The American people are so much better—so much stronger—take so much more responsibility than these guys give them credit for.”—VP in IA,38,71,0,16 254308226047299584,2012-10-05 19:53,,"Photo of the day: VP Biden talks to a 91-year-old WWII vet in Council Bluffs, IA.",18,86,0,44 254333460183937024,2012-10-05 21:33,,Tax experts agree: Romney’s math just doesn’t add up.,93,163,1,22 254356473470136320,2012-10-05 23:04,,Are you registered to vote at your current address? Make sure:,37,145,0,27 254659373853446144,2012-10-06 19:08,,An inside look at the campaign trail on the Road to November 6th:,20,43,0,18 254987508369207297,2012-10-07 16:52,,Voter registration deadlines are coming up in many states. Make sure your vote gets counted:,27,204,0,29 255060124618608640,2012-10-07 21:40,,VP Biden reflects on President Obama’s unwavering commitment to veterans:,33,83,0,25 255090961808498688,2012-10-07 23:43,,"If you heart Joe, say it here:",87,190,0,85 255709955980677120,2012-10-09 16:42,,The voter registration deadline is today in several states. Make sure your vote counts this fall:,20,122,0,15 255721821863817216,2012-10-09 17:30,,Dr. Biden rallied supporters around Pennsylvania yesterday:,13,26,0,12 255739286702391299,2012-10-09 18:39,,"Before VP Biden debates Rep. Ryan on Thursday, make sure everyone you know has the facts on where they stand:",61,238,0,49 255770775464853504,2012-10-09 20:44,,“Barack and I cannot do this alone. We need you and it's always been that way.”,57,131,0,26 255797983109595136,2012-10-09 22:32,,The only way someone like Mitt Romney beats someone like Barack Obama is if we don't step it up when it really matters:,94,327,0,67 256086731999305728,2012-10-10 17:40,,Paul Ryan’s last major speech was called “stunning for its dishonesty.” Tune in to see if he’ll be honest tomorrow:,157,501,1,101 256103210094317568,2012-10-10 18:45,,"Rep. @ChrisVanHollen previews VP Biden's debate against ""a ticket that is willing to say anything to get elected.""",127,301,0,64 256156840893759488,2012-10-10 22:18,,Get to know Joe a little better before tomorrow's vice presidential debate:,86,118,0,28 256410591407788032,2012-10-11 15:07,,RT if you’re on #TeamObamaBiden tonight:,648,10144,1,1159 256439602259312642,2012-10-11 17:02,,"Check out our livestream of the VP debate tonight for exclusive coverage, starting at 9pm ET:",40,77,0,21 256454944465506304,2012-10-11 18:03,,Joe photo of the day: prepping for tonight’s debate.,356,456,0,197 256472557291704320,2012-10-11 19:13,,“Paul Ryan and his many methods of misrepresentation”:,94,194,0,37 256486714728673280,2012-10-11 20:09,,"For live fact-checks, notable quotes, and infographics, follow @Obama2012 and @OFADebates during and after tonight’s debate.",77,160,0,25 256531021393174528,2012-10-11 23:05,,"Wheels down in Lexington, Kentucky:",118,151,0,85 256541866663759873,2012-10-11 23:48,,“My promise to you and Barack tonight”:,103,178,0,43 256548904580042752,2012-10-12 00:16,,Barack and I are in this because we'll never stop fighting for you. You’ll see that tonight. –Joe,303,1151,0,282 256556403978817536,2012-10-12 00:46,,It’s go time: Tune in to,130,325,0,99 256562615784988673,2012-10-12 01:11,,"VP: ""(The President) is a guy who has done everything he said he would do.""",84,305,0,77 256565317348761600,2012-10-12 01:21,,"""Iran is more isolated today than when we took office."" —VP Biden",53,220,0,38 256567323455025153,2012-10-12 01:29,,RT if you agree: Our economy grows from the middle out and the bottom up—not from the top down.,464,5132,2,552 256568126446137346,2012-10-12 01:33,,Take a look at the Romney-Ryan budget plan to see what they value (and what they don’t):,56,300,0,45 256569362528493569,2012-10-12 01:37,,Team Obama-Biden is strengthening Medicare. Romney and Ryan would turn it into vouchercare:,61,414,1,95 256571546800369664,2012-10-12 01:46,,"VP: ""A simple answer: He's raising the cost of Medicare."" #FactsMatter",60,692,0,106 256572651760414722,2012-10-12 01:51,,"The Romney-Ryan plan: They call it “gutsy”—we call it a disaster for the middle class.,",82,420,0,89 256577650208935936,2012-10-12 02:10,,"VP on Afghanistan: ""We will leave in 2014.""",121,581,90,543 256578490600673280,2012-10-12 02:14,,"""If you notice, he never answers the question.""—VP Biden #DetailsMatter",213,1828,0,353 256581618112815104,2012-10-12 02:26,,Our solemn obligation to veterans:,46,358,0,123 256582834234478592,2012-10-12 02:31,,"VP: ""Look at my record—it’s been all about the middle class. They’re the people who grow this country."" #TeamJoe",341,2907,0,569 256583748479496192,2012-10-12 02:35,,RT if you're on #TeamJoe,732,19159,2,1014 256587614071701504,2012-10-12 02:50,,"If you like what you heard from VP Biden tonight, say you're in here:",933,1418,1,455 256592357280059392,2012-10-12 03:09,,Tonight you heard the other side’s plan to take us back to the failed policies of the past. We can't go back. We've gotta go forward. –Joe,1348,4490,0,1054 256611995971899393,2012-10-12 04:27,,Straight talk on taxes from VP Biden:,279,768,1,312 256616089360924672,2012-10-12 04:43,,A woman’s health decisions are up to her and her doctor—no one else:,264,2507,1,785 256770407070330880,2012-10-12 14:56,,The reviews are in—see what others are saying about VP Biden's win last night:,104,134,0,40 256785684793286656,2012-10-12 15:57,,".@ChrisVanHollen: “What you saw was the passionate Joe Biden, the Joe Biden who fights for the middle class.”",239,536,0,181 256801537244934145,2012-10-12 17:00,,The Romney-Ryan strategy? Hiding the truth on plans that hurt the middle class.,84,237,0,50 256818546389184513,2012-10-12 18:08,,Now it’s your turn to talk—call 312.985.6433 and leave a message to let Joe know how you thought he did in last night’s debate.,220,393,0,91 256853210436874240,2012-10-12 20:25,,.@BeauBiden: Paul Ryan “left the door wide open” for putting additional troops in Afghanistan.,44,97,0,20 256875140762202112,2012-10-12 21:53,,RT if you agree: Facts matter.,143,1305,2,182 256896266548703232,2012-10-12 23:16,,Worth a re-watch: VP Biden talks in last night's debate about why we've got to give the middle class a fair shot.,64,130,0,53 256921689391263744,2012-10-13 00:57,,“I think Joe Biden rocks.” Hundreds of supporters called in to congratulate the VP on his debate win—have a listen:,94,247,0,82 257167242297487360,2012-10-13 17:13,,"Big cheers for VP Biden and Dr. Jill Biden in La Crosse, Wisconsin yesterday:",29,99,0,55 257185446751240192,2012-10-13 18:26,,Romney and Ryan have been spreading misinformation about Medicare. Get the facts from VP Biden:,71,231,0,47 257248686680207362,2012-10-13 22:37,,VP Biden responds to Romney and Ryan writing off half the American people:,57,141,0,46 257536955653423104,2012-10-14 17:42,,"Crisscrossing the country with VP Biden, President Obama, and the First Lady on the road to November 6th:",30,76,0,28 257591068269355008,2012-10-14 21:17,,"In 1994, then-Sen. Biden wrote a letter to an 8th grader—and changed his life. Check it out:",47,411,0,197 257871580657483777,2012-10-15 15:52,,"Pitch in $10, get a car magnet—it’s that easy:",25,24,0,13 257896526809006080,2012-10-15 17:31,,"Dr. Biden gets North Carolinians excited for early voting, which kicks off in just 3 days (cc @OFA_NC).",17,77,0,32 257960607746232320,2012-10-15 21:46,,VP: “What’s at stake for the Latino community this election is the dreams & aspirations of their fathers and mothers.”,31,128,0,36 258013308634943488,2012-10-16 01:15,,"La Crosse, Wisconsin was fired up for VP Biden and Dr. Biden last week:",22,71,0,39 258225034416504833,2012-10-16 15:17,,“Let's show Barack what kind of grassroots organization he's got behind him—one that's ready for whatever comes ahead.”,22,89,0,19 258248243882885120,2012-10-16 16:49,,RT if you’re on #TeamObamaBiden and excited for tonight’s debate—the action kicks off at 8pm ET on our live blog:,32,484,0,42 258275253732667393,2012-10-16 18:36,,"""Arithmetic over illusion"": What Romney's tax plan really means for the middle class. #MittMath",33,155,0,37 258307084007907329,2012-10-16 20:43,,Why Romney’s tax plan just doesn’t add up: #MittMath,32,111,0,26 258371629040689152,2012-10-17 00:59,,Time to tune in! The second presidential debate starts in a few minutes. #TeamObamaBiden,40,157,0,37 258376119403827200,2012-10-17 01:17,,FACT: Romney’s only solution to lower gas prices is to drill for more oil—yet he opposes vehicle standards that will save money at the pump.,78,751,1,89 258376975612260352,2012-10-17 01:20,,"Romney’s energy plan would do nothing for energy independence, and risks destroying thousands of jobs: #RealRomney",66,625,0,87 258385395589451776,2012-10-17 01:54,,Romney invested in a Chinese firm after learning it would “not be subject to taxes in the United States.” #SketchyDeal,130,1738,0,187 258394995348889602,2012-10-17 02:32,,"President Obama: ""We have made sure that millions of young people are able to get an education when they weren't able to before.""",72,485,0,122 258395551375167488,2012-10-17 02:34,,"President Obama: ""We are on pace to double our exports. That's creating tens of thousands of jobs all across the country."" #TeamBarack",47,376,0,90 258397739459694592,2012-10-17 02:43,,"If you’re proud of President Obama after tonight’s debate, add your name: #TeamBarack",256,1041,0,319 258410269217271808,2012-10-17 03:33,,"OFA Campaign Manager Jim Messina on why @BarackObama ""clearly won tonight's debate"":",38,161,0,40 258422581269499904,2012-10-17 04:21,,President Obama stood up for you tonight—now it’s your turn. Commit to vote: #TeamBarack,112,566,0,155 258568418326892545,2012-10-17 14:01,,"VP Biden: For women, ""the picture is becoming more clear"" after last night's debate.",126,654,0,165 258630584065208320,2012-10-17 18:08,,Mitt Romney opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act:,25,190,0,18 258631247918673920,2012-10-17 18:11,,RT if you agree with President Obama that our daughters and sons deserve equal opportunities:,34,788,0,128 258669056578695169,2012-10-17 20:41,,“A clear win for Obama”:,54,162,0,66 258685448598216704,2012-10-17 21:46,,Taegan Goddard: “He kept Romney on the defensive and came prepared … It was devastatingly effective.”,32,89,0,27 258703762384908291,2012-10-17 22:59,,“President Obama dominated.” See what people are saying about @BarackObama’s debate win last night:,40,116,0,27 258718446353788929,2012-10-17 23:57,,"VP in CO: “Early voting starts in Colorado on Oct. 22. So don't wait until Election Day. Let’s take this thing sooner than later, okay?”",16,76,0,16 258722659645407232,2012-10-18 00:14,,"On the debate: “You saw the man I have sat with every day: a man of principle and gumption, a man with a steady hand and a clear vision.”",58,226,0,65 258725888936509440,2012-10-18 00:27,,"“Gov. Romney was a little—how can I say it? Sketchy last night. No details. No specifics.”—VP Biden in Greeley, CO today",67,167,0,51 258727563705344001,2012-10-18 00:33,,On the Romney-Ryan budget: “Their budget slashes 19 million people off Medicaid; turns Medicare into a voucher system; decimates education.”,46,156,0,25 258731848920887296,2012-10-18 00:50,,"VP: “The place where Romney was least responsive & most sketchy, where we have the most basic disagreement with him, is on women’s rights.”",47,225,0,44 258732684023574528,2012-10-18 00:54,,"“My daughter and granddaughters & Barack’s daughters are entitled to every single, solitary opportunity my sons are and my grandsons are.”",65,629,0,181 258744468272975872,2012-10-18 01:41,,"VP on Romney’s immigration stance: “He’s not only out of touch with the Hispanic community, he’s out of touch with the American people.”",80,222,0,68 258949515720155139,2012-10-18 15:15,,"Fired up, ready to go for VP Biden in Greeley, CO yesterday!",10,60,0,22 259020767541465088,2012-10-18 19:58,,A warm Colorado welcome for VP Biden:,12,55,0,35 259087531050688514,2012-10-19 00:24,,"Joe photo of the day: A new friend in Reno, NV.",36,121,0,80 259103975633190913,2012-10-19 01:29,,"Lilly Ledbetter: Romney's position on pay equity is a ""terrible injustice"" for women.",45,173,0,31 259338609793056769,2012-10-19 17:01,,"Speaking in Virginia today, President Obama coined a new term to describe Mitt Romney’s deceptive policies: #Romnesia.",57,304,1,76 259341267354398720,2012-10-19 17:12,,"POTUS: “If you say you’re for the coal industry but stood in front of a coal plant and said ‘this will kill you,’ you may have #Romnesia.”",53,640,0,110 259342227967467520,2012-10-19 17:16,,"POTUS: “If you’ve come down with #Romnesia & can’t remember the promises you’ve made, don’t worry—Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions.”",49,546,0,135 259344211973926913,2012-10-19 17:24,,Watch President Obama describe the symptoms of #Romnesia:,155,1162,0,364 259446998556635136,2012-10-20 00:12,,"“We have fundamentally different views on how to move this country forward, and a fundamentally different value set.”—VP on Romney-Ryan",49,106,0,28 259449222733115392,2012-10-20 00:21,,VP: “Barack and I are absolutely committed to ensuring that our daughters & granddaughters have the exact same opportunities as our sons.”,44,233,0,59 259450574779588608,2012-10-20 00:26,,VP on Romney-Ryan: “You heard the debates. It was made very clear that they don't believe a woman has a right to control her own body.”,50,310,1,58 259452802030510080,2012-10-20 00:35,,“Romney and Ryan made it very clear they're willing to impose their private views on the public.”—VP on Romney-Ryan’s women’s health views,56,228,0,47 259455406374526976,2012-10-20 00:46,,"VP Biden: “When Gov. Romney was asked whether or not women deserve equal pay for equal work, what was his answer? Binders.”",81,226,9,58 259457834691985409,2012-10-20 00:55,,VP Biden on Romney: “The President has a new term for this sort of ability to change your mind so quickly. He calls it #Romnesia.”,53,236,1,61 259460439325409280,2012-10-20 01:06,,“I hope you all don’t get #Romnesia. It’s a bad disease—and it’s contagious.”—VP Biden in Florida today,119,445,0,108 259462936219746305,2012-10-20 01:15,,"VP: “All of a sudden, Paul Ryan, the budget hawk—the guy who introduced a budget plan that already passed—he doesn’t remember it.” #Romnesia",91,541,0,99 259713777312882688,2012-10-20 17:52,,"Joe photo of the day, DQ edition:",33,139,0,105 259742177104625664,2012-10-20 19:45,,"“I’m a full-time teacher and, like most teachers, teaching isn’t just what I do—it’s who I am.”—Dr. Biden in Minnesota",21,143,0,51 259744753090957313,2012-10-20 19:55,,"Dr. Jill Biden: “As a teacher, I want to make sure that we continue to invest in quality education.”",23,110,0,29 259746952416227328,2012-10-20 20:04,,“We have already made so much progress. We have doubled funding for Pell Grants and reformed the student loan process.”—Dr. Biden,28,182,1,44 259749822670700544,2012-10-20 20:15,,Dr. Biden in MN: “I’m also a military mom. Our son Beau served in Iraq for a year with the Delaware Army National Guard.”,14,68,0,22 259750929077788673,2012-10-20 20:20,,"“When Joe & Barack were elected, like so many of you, one of my main hopes was that we end the war in Iraq. The President kept his promise.”",40,207,8,127 259754921900007424,2012-10-20 20:36,,Dr. Biden: “I want to make sure that all our veterans—and their families—get the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve.”,23,128,0,35 259757340235034624,2012-10-20 20:45,,Dr. B: “The President and the Vice President know how important it is for women to be able to make our own decisions about our health care.”,20,123,0,39 259759795945480192,2012-10-20 20:55,,"“We have come so far—and we’ve got to keep moving forward—not just on women’s issues, but on all issues.”—Dr. Biden in Minnesota",17,150,0,33 259762437102923776,2012-10-20 21:06,,Dr. Biden: “The election is just 17 days away. And the work we do between now and then could make all the difference.”,26,106,0,29 259784543156977664,2012-10-20 22:33,,Joe photo of the day: Provisioning an @OFA_FL field office in Orlando.,189,469,0,288 260063812080779264,2012-10-21 17:03,,Foreign policy officials review the strength and steadiness of President Obama's leadership on the world stage:,27,141,1,37 260108973368303617,2012-10-21 20:03,,Father-daughter campaigning in Florida:,56,212,0,168 260408488281403392,2012-10-22 15:53,,“He’s not ready for prime time in terms of national security.”—Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright on Mitt Romney:,31,158,1,40 260433847504756736,2012-10-22 17:34,,"When it comes to our national security, the choice is clear: #RomneyNotReady",31,123,0,26 260461500311945216,2012-10-22 19:23,,"“The American people didn’t give up, they got up.”—VP Biden on the road to November 6th:",15,117,0,35 260475078431629313,2012-10-22 20:17,,What Romney needs to answer in tonight’s foreign policy debate: #RomneyNotReady,30,89,0,17 260498389140127744,2012-10-22 21:50,,Why Mitt Romney's Cold War mentality is out of date: #RomneyNotReady,149,670,101,274 260544129803620352,2012-10-23 00:52,,Tune in for the final presidential debate on foreign policy tonight: Live coverage kicks off at 9pm ET.,30,115,0,34 260551738162036737,2012-10-23 01:22,,The Romney campaign offered “few specifics” about what Romney would do differently from President Obama on Syria:,74,305,1,46 260556381571129344,2012-10-23 01:40,,"FACT: By the time Gov. Romney left office, more businesses were going out of business in Massachusetts than being created.",68,1261,0,139 260560442559193088,2012-10-23 01:57,,"The President never ""apologized"" for America. Not once. #RomneyWrong",207,1161,0,242 260563150586392576,2012-10-23 02:07,,The Obama administration’s sanctions against Iran are the most comprehensive that Iran has ever faced.,32,290,2,72 260566578876252161,2012-10-23 02:21,,RT this image if you believe standing up for the American worker is good for the country: #RomneyWrong,31,1153,1,113 260566915460771841,2012-10-23 02:22,,FACT: Romney has held investments in Chinese and Russian oil companies that were doing business with the Iranian energy sector.,111,1158,6,151 260570361979080705,2012-10-23 02:36,,"Tonight, we saw what it means to be commander in chief. Vision—courage—a steady hand. -Joe",1361,4968,2,1140 260573917700308992,2012-10-23 02:50,,"If you’ve got the President’s back after tonight’s debate, add your name: #ProudOfObama",144,607,0,189 260738780913352704,2012-10-23 13:45,,"VP: ""Being president requires a clear vision and a steady hand. That's exactly what President Obama demonstrated.""",45,158,0,47 260761012632948736,2012-10-23 15:14,,Watch President Obama talk about his clear plan to move us forward:,17,73,0,37 260779787994406913,2012-10-23 16:28,,"VP Biden in Ohio yesterday: ""The American people will not go back. The American people only know one way: forward.""",33,100,1,47 260803026737053696,2012-10-23 18:01,,"With only 14 days left, every action counts. Call 10 voters from the comfort of home:",17,77,0,26 260843730267947009,2012-10-23 20:42,,Take a look at what people are saying about President Obama’s foreign policy debate win:,17,84,0,25 260862928914378752,2012-10-23 21:59,,"Inspiration for pumpkin carving season, thanks to @OFA_CT:",28,126,4,132 260880527765172224,2012-10-23 23:09,,RT if you’re on #TeamObamaBiden:,289,6219,0,750 260898562748067840,2012-10-24 00:20,,"“Last night, we saw a commander in chief who is in command of the issues.”—VP Biden in Dayton, Ohio",45,164,0,52 260899871731617792,2012-10-24 00:25,,VP Biden on @BarackObama: “You got to see what I see every day: a President who clearly understands America’s interest around the world.”,31,153,0,38 260901243591995393,2012-10-24 00:31,,"“This is a President who says what he means, means what he says, and does what he says.”—VP Biden introducing President Obama in Ohio today",52,213,0,56 260903668730167297,2012-10-24 00:40,,"“These debates have exposed that Gov. Romney and Paul Ryan have a foreign policy right out of the ’80s, a social policy out of the ’50s.”",72,222,3,65 260906167864283136,2012-10-24 00:50,,"VP Biden on Romney: “Governor, you can't run from the truth. You can't run from your record. You can't run from your policies.”",62,329,0,67 260907412213616640,2012-10-24 00:55,,“This President is leveling the playing field—getting the middle class back in the game. He knows how to build America from the middle out.”,45,143,0,42 260909860340768768,2012-10-24 01:05,,"VP Biden: “Together, all of us—even the 47 percent of us that Romney doesn't think matter—we’re moving forward. “",58,489,0,85 260911167852142592,2012-10-24 01:10,,"“I’ve got news for Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan—it’s never, ever been a good bet to bet against the American people.”—VP Biden",96,527,1,100 261129984251408384,2012-10-24 15:40,,Pass it on: President Obama’s plan for a second term.,52,631,0,104 261177439366033408,2012-10-24 18:48,,8 states in 48 hours: Follow @BarackObama’s progress on the America Forward tour.,30,64,0,15 261199349772611584,2012-10-24 20:15,,Dr. Biden stopped by an @OFA_MN field office last weekend to fire up volunteers:,12,32,0,23 261221108919975936,2012-10-24 21:42,,"Joe photo of the day: Breakfast with VP Biden in Mechanicsburg, Ohio.",25,72,0,48 261253755574550529,2012-10-24 23:52,,"VP Biden recaps the 2nd presidential debate, @MichelleObama votes, and more on the Road to November 6th:",13,45,0,14 261594586621808641,2012-10-25 22:26,,Watch Gen. Colin Powell’s endorsement of @BarackObama and VP Biden:,51,280,0,84 261974971893575680,2012-10-26 23:37,,"The VP visited @OFA_WI today and he thinks YOU should support the President by voting early:,",140,361,2,126 262365733810499584,2012-10-28 01:30,,Get the word out about what @BarackObama has done in less than 4 years—in under 2 minutes:,83,442,0,110 262599278713782272,2012-10-28 16:58,,Donate $20 or whatever you can to stop the other side from buying and bullying its way to a win right at the end:,52,87,0,22 262646721518108672,2012-10-28 20:07,,Smiles in Virginia yesterday:,32,100,0,68 262693883652239360,2012-10-28 23:14,,Joe photo of the day: Virginia hearts Joe.,28,176,0,85 262970483979456512,2012-10-29 17:33,,“We are our brother’s keeper. We are our sister’s keeper.” VP Biden talks about the importance of faith and values:,37,174,0,51 262990178564579328,2012-10-29 18:52,,"Joe photo of the day: Pumping up volunteers in Columbus, OH.",29,80,0,56 263097044196028416,2012-10-30 01:56,,.@BarackObama and VP Biden are moving us forward on equal rights:,54,215,1,100 263370606068776961,2012-10-30 20:03,,"Forward, Ohio! VP Biden and President Clinton rally together in Youngstown, OH.",30,179,0,87 263412089119449089,2012-10-30 22:48,,It’s time to get serious about getting out the vote. Find out how you can help:,29,133,0,35 263788408772644864,2012-10-31 23:43,,RT if you agree with VP Biden:,34,753,0,138 263800595817844736,2012-11-01 00:32,,"Joe photo of the day: new friends in Sarasota, Florida.",17,79,0,55 263812481649106944,2012-11-01 01:19,,"“We’re all better off when everybody is in this deal together, when we’re all working together.”—VP Biden in Sarasota, FL",33,146,0,41 263815782390181889,2012-11-01 01:32,,VP Biden on Romney: “Guess what? He never did answer the question of whether or not women are entitled to equal pay for equal work.”,83,297,0,60 263817410107305984,2012-11-01 01:39,,On Romney: “He said 47% of the American people were ‘not willing to take responsibility for their own lives.’ Who does he think he is?”,95,340,0,104 263820479490572289,2012-11-01 01:51,,“They are running the most scurrilous ad in Ohio. One of the most flagrantly dishonest ads I can ever remember.”—VP on Romney-Ryan,58,272,0,50 263822830469279746,2012-11-01 02:00,,"VP: “Jeep isn’t cutting jobs, they're adding jobs. PolitiFact—the fact-checkers they don't look at—they called the ad ‘wholly inaccurate.’”",25,143,0,26 263825722903257088,2012-11-01 02:12,,“The President’s job is not to sow confusion. It’s to plant the seeds of confidence.”—VP Biden in Florida,42,245,0,73 263828312407801857,2012-11-01 02:22,,"VP Biden: “My guy, your guy, Barack Obama has character. He has the character of his convictions. He does not engage in deception.”",100,424,1,147 264026809870458880,2012-11-01 15:31,,Watch VP Biden address Romney-Ryan’s misleading auto industry ad in Florida yesterday:,22,78,0,25 264044934032670721,2012-11-01 16:43,,First responders for Obama-Biden in Florida yesterday:,13,112,0,72 264065431046856704,2012-11-01 18:04,,Gen. Colin Powell has endorsed @BarackObama—here’s why:,35,178,0,55 264180009634258944,2012-11-02 01:39,,VP Biden’s presenting the Top 10 list on @Late_Show tonight! Tune in at 11:35pm ET:,29,168,0,40 264393475477340160,2012-11-02 15:48,,"“Who do you trust to stand up for the middle class? @BarackObama is the man you should trust.”—VP Biden in Ocala, FL:",45,128,0,50 264404787536216064,2012-11-02 16:33,,“It’s vastly more effective than voting late.” Watch VP Biden’s top 10 reasons to vote early on @Late_Show:,16,70,0,34 264406861997019136,2012-11-02 16:41,,Find out if you can vote early in your state:,17,56,0,15 264438266399453184,2012-11-02 18:46,,President Obama: “The people who need a champion are the Americans whose letters I read late at night.”,22,68,0,29 264463445091557376,2012-11-02 20:26,,"Kids lined up to greet VP Biden yesterday in Muscatine, IA:",31,74,3,76 264486494301990912,2012-11-02 21:57,,"It’s time to sprint, then lean: Sign up to get out the vote this weekend.",23,97,1,67 264504134361808896,2012-11-02 23:07,,"“I want to tell you who I am so excited about—the next senator from this state, Tammy Baldwin.”—VP Biden in WI today:",19,157,0,63 264509531822903296,2012-11-02 23:29,,VP: “We’ve created 5.4 million new private sector jobs. Companies in America hired more workers in Oct. than any time in the last 8 months.”,37,188,0,29 264512956916711424,2012-11-02 23:42,,"“I know the guy next door doesn't recognize it, but we actually did rescue the automobile industry and save a million jobs.”—VP in Wisconsin",37,184,0,56 264523123859288064,2012-11-03 00:23,,VP: “Imagine the 40 years of progress we’ve made for women in America—what will happen to that in a Romney-appointed Supreme Court.”,42,361,3,75 264531299056898049,2012-11-03 00:55,,"“Romney getting tough on China, I got one word for it: Malarkey! It’s absolute malarkey.”—VP Biden in Beloit, WI",89,272,18,96 264537461999431681,2012-11-03 01:20,,VP Biden: “The entire history of the journey of this country can be summarized in one word: Forward!”,57,234,0,76 264744397990682624,2012-11-03 15:02,,To do this weekend: Bring home the win for VP Biden and @BarackObama. Here’s how you’ll do it:,17,122,0,32 264774484249178113,2012-11-03 17:02,,Watch VP Biden talk about preserving Medicare and Social Security—“the sacred promise of a nation that keeps its word.”,16,105,0,29 264790027899392001,2012-11-03 18:03,,RT if you’re in for four more years:,105,2584,2,514 264824410949689345,2012-11-03 20:20,,"If you’ve got a phone and a computer, you can make calls. Get started now:",17,136,0,50 264853927009349632,2012-11-03 22:17,,The choice couldn’t be clearer—pass it on:,52,756,1,188 264875645602000897,2012-11-03 23:44,,"Character, convictions, vision:",49,331,3,152 265130411691237376,2012-11-04 16:36,,"A second term for #TeamObamaBiden could be just a few phone calls away:,",29,149,0,53 265187929792598016,2012-11-04 20:25,,Get a head start on Election Day: Make a plan to vote.,35,105,0,35 265241037071589376,2012-11-04 23:56,,Joe photo of the day: Colorado for Obama-Biden.,31,156,0,91 265258629500903424,2012-11-05 01:06,,“It’s the most cynical play I’ve seen.”—VP Biden on Romney’s fictitious auto industry ad:,21,208,0,41 265275324479201280,2012-11-05 02:12,,3 reasons why President Obama should be re-elected:,104,769,0,299 265480595470155777,2012-11-05 15:48,,Share @BarackObama and VP Biden’s plan with anyone who needs a reminder before tomorrow:,20,337,1,75 265589963112988673,2012-11-05 23:02,,Romney and Ryan have been spreading misinformation about Medicare. Get the facts from VP Biden:,52,310,0,53 265623079617703937,2012-11-06 01:14,,"Meet ’n greet in Lakewood, Ohio:",17,94,1,77 265653227092054017,2012-11-06 03:14,,Election Day is here! Find out where you’ll be voting tomorrow:,28,201,0,77 265801643705135104,2012-11-06 13:03,,It’s a great day to vote! Grab a friend and head to your local polling place:,44,699,0,258 265811944106254336,2012-11-06 13:44,,Joe photo of the day: The VP casts his vote in Delaware.,234,1364,98,821 265841268335185922,2012-11-06 15:41,,Let’s make sure the next 4 years are about giving the middle class a shot. Please get out and vote today—and bring a friend. –Joe,57,788,1,141 265861547937628160,2012-11-06 17:01,,Make sure everyone votes today—hop on the phone and talk to voters in key states:,35,160,0,40 265902833751179264,2012-11-06 19:45,,There’s plenty of time left to vote! Find out where to go:,26,253,0,37 265924409183834112,2012-11-06 21:11,,“The secret to getting through: Always be doing something.”,22,119,0,56 265946217735925761,2012-11-06 22:38,,Thumbs up for VP Biden’s final campaign stop in Ohio today:,46,291,0,199 265984323113586688,2012-11-07 01:09,,"If you voted today, make sure your friends know it:",73,216,0,141 266274138543513600,2012-11-07 20:21,,"From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.",386,1425,3,1297 266307951793405952,2012-11-07 22:35,,Four more years.,194,893,13,867 268481802828673026,2012-11-13 22:33,,Relive election night in photos:,35,135,0,178 268787528193159170,2012-11-14 18:48,,"Whether you volunteered, donated, or just voted, share your #Obama2012 memory here:",52,62,0,40 269210251448963073,2012-11-15 22:48,,Don't miss VP Biden on @parksandrecnbc tonight at 9:30pm ET.,57,586,0,294 269530597016367104,2012-11-16 20:01,,VP Biden celebrated Diwali at the White House this week:,23,146,2,105 269862013281374208,2012-11-17 17:58,,VP Biden meets @parksandrecnbc’s Leslie Knope:,11,75,0,76 270601661226024960,2012-11-19 18:57,,A favorite Joe photo from November: pizza party.,147,472,106,807 270924129773944834,2012-11-20 16:18,,"RT @VP: VP greets first responders at Hoboken Terminal in Hoboken, NJ.",20,51,0,48 270965550463721473,2012-11-20 19:03,,"Happy birthday, VP Biden!",98,398,0,186 270982521276223488,2012-11-20 20:10,,“We’re just so incredibly proud of you.”—VP Biden during a Thanksgiving celebration with wounded warriors yesterday,29,80,2,39 271014160215703552,2012-11-20 22:16,,Help determine what happens next with the organization that powered this campaign:,59,103,0,94 271648031714205696,2012-11-22 16:15,,Best wishes for a happy and safe Thanksgiving.,103,193,1,185 274568234399825920,2012-11-30 17:39,,VP Biden visited Costco yesterday to do some holiday shopping—and urged Congress to extend middle class tax cuts:,94,255,0,122 275680573979254785,2012-12-03 19:19,,Share why it matters to you that Congress keep taxes low for American families and small businesses. #My2K,103,123,0,38 277081125611008001,2012-12-07 16:04,,"A #FF this week for @ObamaInaugural—everything you need to know for President Obama and VP Biden’s inauguration on January 21, 2013.",18,97,0,40 278208735476867072,2012-12-10 18:45,,"""This is no time to add any additional burden for middle class people.”—VP Biden on #My2K at a VA diner last week:",43,87,1,67 278227116594696192,2012-12-10 19:58,,Help make sure that taxes stay low for families and small businesses—contact your representative now: #My2K,30,99,0,33 278607395490525185,2012-12-11 21:09,,See the impact on your state if Congress fails to extend middle-class tax cuts: #My2K,32,90,0,34 278634390005882880,2012-12-11 22:56,,VP Biden and Dr. Biden went to the Army-Navy football game last weekend—check out photos and a video:,22,34,0,23 278915644244783104,2012-12-12 17:34,,"VIDEO: Ann Marie shared her #My2K story, and ended up having lunch with VP Biden.",18,46,0,30 283315357442260993,2012-12-24 20:57,,Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season.,375,549,2,616 453174606900523008,2014-04-07 14:17,,"Dusting off the Twitter handle for a big midterm election year. Let's get to it, folks! –Joe",220,704,0,771 453247767801266176,2014-04-07 19:07,,"""You've got to be kidding me."" ­-Vice President Biden, on still having to fight for #voterexpansion in 2014. WATCH:",19,106,0,71 453605258649145347,2014-04-08 18:48,,"Go Blue Hens! Vice President Biden will deliver the 2014 commencement address at @UDelaware, his alma mater.",10,72,0,98 454004644558434304,2014-04-09 21:15,,"""It's time to stand up and to fight back"" - VP Biden on @TheDemocrats' #VoterExpansion Project. Watch and join today:",11,52,0,41 454370052448743425,2014-04-10 21:27,,"""What's gutsy about giving millionaires another tax break? What's gutsy about gutting Medicare?” - VP Biden on the Ryan Budget in 2012. #TBT",46,157,0,143 454648717266534400,2014-04-11 15:54,,"""Trevor & Chopper represent the very best in our military."" -The VP in the latest #BeingBiden",15,46,0,61 455794944448679936,2014-04-14 19:49,,Watch the VP & @JohnKerry at the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour. Cheer for @ussoccer this summer to bring it back!,7,40,0,45 456512234978414592,2014-04-16 19:19,,Follow the VP on @instagram (grab some shades before checking out his first post!),26,136,1,234 456614958105501698,2014-04-17 02:07,,The First Selfie.,1266,22837,634,33381 456861097509662720,2014-04-17 18:25,,"""The point is real simple: The backbone of this country is a strong and thriving middle class."" -VP in PA yesterday.",17,72,0,86 456901642026508288,2014-04-17 21:06,,RT @TheDemocrats: Great news! The President just announced —>,34,87,0,100 456913578327420928,2014-04-17 21:54,,High five.,23,78,0,210 457906445917642752,2014-04-20 15:39,,Happy Easter!,75,219,0,381 459448966527348737,2014-04-24 21:49,,#ThrowbackThursday to an earlier #TakeYourChildToWorkDay #TBT,22,106,0,213 460820225743945728,2014-04-28 16:37,,Agree with the VP that cutting millionaires' taxes while raising middle class taxes is just wrong? Tune in at 2:00:,17,74,0,72 460845998815051776,2014-04-28 18:20,,Listen to VP Biden's speech on the budget now on @WHLive -->,8,13,0,29 460886376905707521,2014-04-28 21:00,,Fight for a fair shot for the middle class →,34,120,0,90 461220705955500032,2014-04-29 19:09,,The VP has been fighting to end violence against women for a long time. Here's the next step: #1is2Many #NotAlone,25,154,0,117 461535726598119424,2014-04-30 16:01,,"The VP teamed up with Daniel Craig, @DuleHill, @sethmeyers, and others to combat sexual assault. Watch → #1is2Many",6,144,1,127 461877534649778176,2014-05-01 14:39,,"Before the VP launched this week, he championed the Violence Against Women Act #TBT #1is2Many",17,118,1,138 461928260654596096,2014-05-01 18:00,,Ending violence against women is my passion. I couldn't be prouder of & the students who helped make it happen. -Joe,43,183,0,197 463426793677283328,2014-05-05 21:15,,"“We have got to get 11 million people out of the shadows."" - VP Biden. Act on immigration:",36,71,1,105 464091649128558592,2014-05-07 17:17,,Miss the VP and @OfficialJLD's video from the #WHCD? WATCH:,11,37,0,45 464855406733697024,2014-05-09 19:52,,"Welcome to Washington, @UDBlueHens!",26,90,0,134 466596333168906243,2014-05-14 15:10,,"""We have to rebuild the infrastructure in this country."" -VP Biden talking #RebuildAmerica in St. Louis yesterday.",49,115,1,130 467402468184555520,2014-05-16 20:33,,RT if you agree with the Vice President this #NationalWomensHealthWeek,53,330,0,217 468428609867509760,2014-05-19 16:30,,"""I hope you will accept this corsage and enjoy your prom as much as I did mine."" - The VP",37,129,0,145 470928478783950848,2014-05-26 14:04,,"Honoring the memory of those we have lost, and reminding their families that they are never alone.",38,316,0,238 471781366695473153,2014-05-28 22:33,,"This election is about each of us doing our part, and the President, VP, and @TheDemocrats need your help. Join:",26,43,0,55 473885164352073728,2014-06-03 17:53,,RT to wish @DrBiden a very happy birthday!,52,368,1,352 475057949832798208,2014-06-06 23:33,,RT @TheDemocrats: Our challenge on #DDay70:,102,172,0,161 478273697485049857,2014-06-15 20:31,,"Happy Father's Day! MT @BeauBiden: #HappyFathersDay to all dads today, incl. 3 of the best out there!",22,56,0,129 478666957130985472,2014-06-16 22:34,,"The VP cheered on the #USMNT in 2010, and he's cheering them on right now. Are you? #IBelieveThatWeWillWin",26,236,1,341 478899560509894656,2014-06-17 13:58,,Still celebrating? Watch the post-game pep talk with the #USMNT and the Vice President. #OneNationOneTeam #IBelieve,38,68,0,74 481890835282554880,2014-06-25 20:05,,"One year ago, the Supreme Court struck down a vital component of the #VRA. Stand up for every citizen's #VotingRights",9,61,0,60 482196823575392256,2014-06-26 16:20,,Let's go #USMNT! RT @TheDemocrats: #IBelieveThatWeWillWin,64,219,0,189 483748310650351620,2014-06-30 23:05,,"The first Corvette was #MadeInAmerica (Flint, MI) on this day in 1953.",29,172,2,242 484058675422982145,2014-07-01 19:39,,"Let's go, #USMNT! #IBelieveThatWeWillWin",20,248,1,254 484450845917200384,2014-07-02 21:37,,The VP reflects on the courage of civil rights leaders like @repjohnlewis for #CivilRights50,21,92,0,112 485050299120623616,2014-07-04 13:19,,Happy 4th of July!,86,312,1,385 487369802697043970,2014-07-10 22:56,,Let’s get to work. MT @TheDemocrats: Add your voice to President Obama's:,62,255,0,170 489457331693166592,2014-07-16 17:11,,The VP is speaking at @genprogress' #MakeProgress Summit. Watch live:,16,31,0,37 489867813621088259,2014-07-17 20:22,,The VP is about to take the stage at #NN14. Watch the keynote here:,23,63,0,68 491598410357932033,2014-07-22 14:59,,Read the VP's letter to the President on how job training will provide #OpportunityForAll:,37,93,0,84 492076533612175360,2014-07-23 22:39,,The Vice President chats about the plan to #RebuildAmerica:,33,52,0,62 493410007363227648,2014-07-27 14:58,,The VP is committed to helping every eligible voter cast a ballot. Join him today: #100Days,55,111,0,97 494926494897287168,2014-07-31 19:24,,"Republicans blocked bills, shut down the government, and voted to sue the President. Replace them with @TheDemocrats:",113,478,0,381 496325499166408704,2014-08-04 16:03,,"Happy birthday, President Obama!",225,1943,25,2422 502913525640355840,2014-08-22 20:21,,Every single vote matters. Visit and to get ready for November!,32,175,0,114 504643868210769920,2014-08-27 14:57,,.@TheDemocrats nominated President Obama and Vice President Biden on this day in 2008.,114,200,6,464 506447601739497472,2014-09-01 14:24,,Wishing a Happy Labor Day to the hard-working Americans who make our country great.,77,349,0,336 507192440089219072,2014-09-03 15:44,,The Vice President is about to talk about jobs at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Listen → #MadeInAmerica,29,41,0,48 508321750485323776,2014-09-06 18:32,,"""Folks, it’s never a good bet to bet against the American people."" - Vice President Biden. WATCH: #OpportunityForAll",23,71,1,90 509016433851121665,2014-09-08 16:32,,Read the VP's op-ed on his proudest legislative accomplishment: The Violence Against Women Act.,41,83,2,100 509767614084956160,2014-09-10 18:17,,There are 55 days left before Election Day. Commit to vote right now → #IWillVote,19,99,1,74 510092980469108736,2014-09-11 15:50,,Today America stands strong and proud.,50,184,0,195 510814968544264192,2014-09-13 15:39,,VAWA is the single most significant legislation I’ve ever been part of. Couldn't be prouder of everyone who made it happen. -Joe,29,162,0,176 510848731563192322,2014-09-13 17:53,,RT if you agree with Vice President Biden. #vawa20,147,685,26,490 512754372069974016,2014-09-19 00:05,,"When women like @DWStweets talk about their #breastcancer experience, it gives others hope. Congrats on a well-deserved Komen award. -Joe",12,34,0,67 512964382322487296,2014-09-19 14:00,,VP Biden is about to take the stage at the Women's Leadership Forum Conference. Follow @TheDemocrats for live updates. #DemWomen,27,44,0,67 514104880731271169,2014-09-22 17:32,,Stopping sexual assault is everyone's responsibility. Visit and take the pledge. #ItsOnUs,30,115,4,163 514459933077929984,2014-09-23 17:03,,"Voting is important, folks. Make sure your registration is up-to-date for 2014 by visiting –Joe",32,202,0,114 515230194651897856,2014-09-25 20:03,,"Happy first week of fall, everyone. #ThrowbackThursday",52,149,1,254 518097326725160960,2014-10-03 17:56,,"The Vice President is in Joplin, Missouri today. Here's why:",16,55,0,57 518429483733647360,2014-10-04 15:56,,"Big GOTV weekend, folks. Wish I could bring a slice to every one of you knocking on doors and picking up phones! -Joe",92,311,2,424 520617549231583232,2014-10-10 16:51,,#1010means good news for our economy. Commit to vote for candidates who will #RaiseTheWage:,40,141,0,105 522778136313077760,2014-10-16 15:56,,VP Biden is about to speak about infrastructure development in Philadelphia. This is why we have to #RebuildAmerica:,36,62,0,69 523852794495639552,2014-10-19 15:06,,Catch Vice President Biden and @Mariska during @USA_Network's SVU marathon today. #1is2Many #NotAlone,23,56,0,83 526024861840601089,2014-10-25 14:57,,Look who voted yesterday! Commit to join him by voting in this year's election: #IWillVote,55,160,3,262 528942452598902785,2014-11-02 16:11,,Democrats can't win without your help. Make sure you're ready to vote on Tuesday:,70,432,0,309 529681682929295360,2014-11-04 17:08,,"Folks, there's a lot at stake today. Make time to vote. has everything you need to know. -Joe",34,223,0,190 529708828997455872,2014-11-04 18:56,,"If you've already voted, give your friends a call right now and remind them to vote.",42,187,2,170 532191215853506560,2014-11-11 15:20,,"To all the brave men and women who have served our nation, thank you, and happy Veterans Day.",60,208,1,388 533014086939062272,2014-11-13 21:50,,Looking good! #TBT,99,322,1,693 537989379596505089,2014-11-27 15:20,,"I never get tired of counting my blessings. We’ve got so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. -Joe",101,297,3,589 541655728180957185,2014-12-07 18:09,,"Happy 227th, Delaware! On this day in 1787 it became the #firststate.",52,423,1,415 544958348211527681,2014-12-16 20:52,,Happy Chanukah! Vice President Biden will be speaking at the National Menorah Lighting at 4pm ET today. Listen here:,27,82,0,152 548201296289751040,2014-12-25 19:39,,Merry Christmas! RT @TheDemocrats: Wishing you a holiday filled with peace and joy.,49,143,3,305 552178887434977280,2015-01-05 19:04,,VP Biden on how you can join millions of Americans who have quality health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act:,31,90,1,133 552569014359425024,2015-01-06 20:54,,The VP is pro-selfie. RT @igorbobic: Biden taking a selfie with Mark Warner's daughter for her Instagram account,80,258,3,448 557328650639802368,2015-01-20 00:07,,"The example set by Dr. King is one that inspires us to work toward a more just and equal future. Today, we celebrate that legacy.",51,227,2,411 557656979100139520,2015-01-20 21:52,,"""How do we make it better?"" Listen to VP Biden preview the State of the Union address: #SOTU",60,103,2,183 557707760557899776,2015-01-21 01:14,,VP Biden is going to be listening to the #SOTU at 9pm ET tonight - join him here:,43,73,0,151 559821449771626496,2015-01-26 21:13,,"Happy birthday, @TheEllenShow! Vice President Biden surprised her on the air. Watch:",76,137,1,431 566624124827480066,2015-02-14 15:44,,♥,150,526,5,1448 570717257254490114,2015-02-25 22:49,,"This #progress is extraordinary, but we're not done. Add your name to keep the momentum going:",184,258,4,484 574315632818286593,2015-03-07 21:08,,Stand up for voting rights as we remember #Selma50:,267,742,9,994 580111605586882560,2015-03-23 20:59,,5 years ago I watched Pres. Obama sign the Affordable Care Act. We should all be proud of the difference it's made in millions of lives –Joe,860,1009,20,2741 594232715769065472,2015-05-01 20:11,,Celebrating the workers who built this country. #MayDay,1209,906,13,1691 758459658080292864,2016-07-28 00:30,,"It’s good to be back, folks. We've got less than 4 months until Election Day, and I need you with me. Let's go elect some Democrats. –Joe",222,2428,167,7752 758459823570690048,2016-07-28 00:31,,I've seen Hillary in the Senate & the Situation Room. Clear-eyed. Steady. Understands working people. Exactly the leadership we need. –Joe,245,1958,80,5906 758470205886631937,2016-07-28 01:12,,"""This is kind of a bittersweet moment."" -VP Biden Eight years ago:",84,1350,152,3530 758471759708454913,2016-07-28 01:18,,"""There's only one person in this race who will be there... That's Hillary Clinton's life story."" -VP Biden #DemsInPhilly",68,270,5,756 758472593896792064,2016-07-28 01:22,,"""He has no clue. Period.” –VP Biden on Donald Trump #DemsInPhilly",117,1190,82,2299 758472735706193920,2016-07-28 01:22,,“The threats are too great and the times are too uncertain to elect Donald Trump president of the United States.” –VP Biden #DemsInPhilly,164,1302,61,2299 758473276075245568,2016-07-28 01:24,,"""It's never been a good bet to bet against America."" -VP Biden #DemsInPhilly",101,1009,55,2058 758473908584677377,2016-07-28 01:27,,"""I am more optimistic about our chances today than when I was elected as a 29-year-old kid to the Senate."" -VP Biden #DemsInPhilly",136,555,33,1890 758474960989978625,2016-07-28 01:31,,Our choice in November is between division and hate — and the idea that we're stronger together. Let’s go.,410,2081,129,5018 759074085792014336,2016-07-29 17:12,,".@SarahEMcBride - Beau loved you, I love you, and all the Bidens are proud of you. -Joe",42,402,28,2209 762367327883104256,2016-08-07 19:18,,"No one wants to earn a Purple Heart. But to those who did, you have America's unending gratitude and admiration. Thank you. #PurpleHeartDay",423,6326,238,18424 765194171196051459,2016-08-15 14:31,,The VP is stepping up to the plate in Scranton again. He'll introduce @HillaryClinton to his hometown in a few hours,77,421,31,1676 765217016621961216,2016-08-15 16:02,,Scranton families like the Bidens know the meaning of hard work and giving your kids a better life.,26,164,14,541 765217736104484865,2016-08-15 16:05,,"Those are the values that Joe Biden brought to the White House & they're the values @HillaryClinton will bring, too.",46,161,16,599 765226579693805569,2016-08-15 16:40,,VP Biden is about to go live on Tune in for a live behind-the-scenes preview from Scranton.,28,98,9,272 765241509146980352,2016-08-15 17:39,,"""Everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect... and America can be defined in one single word — 'possibilities.'” -VP Biden",241,1154,70,3074 765243081822236672,2016-08-15 17:45,,"""She understands what it means to...young girls...when it's President Hillary Rodham Clinton. It will change their lives."" -VP Biden",53,181,20,629 765243302509707264,2016-08-15 17:46,,"""Hillary Clinton. She’s always been there. That’s her life story. And let's state the obvious—that is not Donald Trump’s story."" -VP",74,205,29,591 765243766299062272,2016-08-15 17:48,,"""[Trump] is trying to tell us he cares about the middle class? Give me a break... That's such a bunch of malarkey!"" -VP Biden",73,432,51,1057 765244243006849024,2016-08-15 17:50,,"""On every issue that matters most to our security, Donald Trump has no clue what it takes to lead this great country."" -VP Biden",84,439,31,939 765245895587819520,2016-08-15 17:56,,"""Trump’s ideas are not only profoundly wrong. They’re very dangerous. They’re very un-American."" -VP Biden",152,537,53,1159 765247149919571968,2016-08-15 18:01,,"""It is never, never, never ever been a good bet to bet against the United States of America."" -VP Biden",269,1211,99,3615 765256439531237376,2016-08-15 18:38,,"Scranton, she has your back. Do you have hers? Visit to make sure you're ready to vote for Hillary in November. -Joe",104,236,31,602 765279979810721792,2016-08-15 20:12,,"We are America, and we're second to none. Together, let's elect @HillaryClinton the next President.",325,851,87,2292 768113386290831360,2016-08-23 15:51,,"Eight years ago today, and the progress we've made is remarkable. —Joe",263,942,117,3066 770327134686605313,2016-08-29 18:27,,Joe and Hillary went home to Scranton. Take a behind-the-scenes look at their visit:,343,1533,158,4285 771373671998980096,2016-09-01 15:46,,We're fighting for the middle-class workers who make America great. Follow along as VP Biden is back in Ohio today.,329,808,75,2756 771374432711573505,2016-09-01 15:49,,"""My biggest problem with Donald Trump... is the way he treats people."" -VP Biden",85,468,45,1124 771375165892620288,2016-09-01 15:52,,"""I know I would not be standing here today as Vice President without you all – without the American Labor movement."" -VP Biden",36,162,11,572 771377587016826884,2016-09-01 16:02,,"""The neighborhood you come from is where your character is etched. Where your values are set."" -VP Biden",341,902,87,2857 771378188450729984,2016-09-01 16:04,,"""[Trump] was born with a silver spoon in his mouth that he's now choking on because his foot's in his mouth along with the spoon."" -VP Biden",1062,7606,1307,16257 771379579701325824,2016-09-01 16:09,,"""This ain't your father's Oldsmobile. This ain't your father's Republican Party."" -VP Biden",64,283,26,655 771381556531396608,2016-09-01 16:17,,"""It's about the stuff we're made of. It's about our values... Hillary gets it in her gut. She gets it."" -VP Biden",90,303,27,813 771383288623669248,2016-09-01 16:24,,"""My name's Joe Biden, I'm for @HillaryClinton and @Ted_Strickland. And Donald Trump is dangerous."" -VP Biden",130,472,36,1146 771401514032173056,2016-09-01 17:37,,"The Vice President is talking to you live from UAW Local 1714 in Warren, Ohio. Tune in now:",25,78,5,271 771415108350271488,2016-09-01 18:31,,"When you give the American people a chance, they'll never let you down. Happy to be here in Ohio today. -Joe",73,222,16,752 771486902591643648,2016-09-01 23:16,,VP Biden is on his last stop of the day in Ohio. Watch him speak live from UAW Local 1005 right now:,30,102,7,319 771488282127560706,2016-09-01 23:21,,"""My dad used to have an expression...don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget — I will tell you what you value."" -VP Biden",123,2096,173,4555 771489750347812864,2016-09-01 23:27,,"""They said we'd never make more than 6 million cars a year again. We made 17 million last year!"" -VP Biden",53,561,20,1121 771497094905462785,2016-09-01 23:56,,"Folks, we've got to elect @HillaryClinton and take back the Senate. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work. -Joe",832,3147,218,8159 773189010395127808,2016-09-06 15:59,,Fights for working people. Respects immigrants. Good taste in sunglasses. @timkaine is ready to be Vice President.,210,1441,98,4628 775720444922068992,2016-09-13 15:39,,Every woman in this country deserves to be free from harm and from fear. Proud to celebrate 22 years of the Violence Against Women Act. -Joe,401,3121,182,8719 775813079242305536,2016-09-13 21:47,,"On VAWA's 22nd anniversary, join VP Biden and recommit to fighting to end domestic violence:",61,402,24,943 776084155390189570,2016-09-14 15:44,,Doughnuts & volunteers help fuel this campaign. Happy to bring some treats & say thanks in Charlotte this week. -Joe,95,271,23,1656 780145468777066497,2016-09-25 20:42,,Take it from those who have been there - Trump is not ready for the responsibility of being president:,867,6929,399,11841 780633271474335744,2016-09-27 05:00,,"Tonight, @HillaryClinton proved she is ready to be President — and Donald Trump proved he is not. #debatenight",1090,9474,309,27837 780804225664188417,2016-09-27 16:20,,Register and vote for Democrats like @HillaryClinton and @KatieMcGintyPA: #iRegistered #VoterRegistrationDay,234,1444,79,3730 780825490244399111,2016-09-27 17:44,,VP Biden is back in Philadelphia and taking over @TheDemocrats' Instagram from the campaign trail. Follow along:,76,282,28,1525 783072947720351744,2016-10-03 22:35,,"Listen to Vice President Biden — go to, register to vote, and make your voice count for @HillaryClinton.",136,693,33,1637 783467490684833793,2016-10-05 00:43,,One thing's clear: @TimKaine and Hillary have hardworking Americans' backs. The VP's office is in good hands. –Joe #VPDebate,442,3198,145,9709 784851147513270272,2016-10-08 20:21,,The words are demeaning. Such behavior is an abuse of power. It’s not lewd. It’s sexual assault. –Joe,1608,18572,1254,37590 786656815417266176,2016-10-13 19:56,,“Hillary is going to need a Democratic Senate.” –VP Biden campaigning with @CatherineForNV,33,308,15,1099 786659702469984258,2016-10-13 20:07,,“Wealthy people are good people… But one thing they don’t need is more tax breaks.” –VP Biden,51,262,21,1002 786660154674675712,2016-10-13 20:09,,“She will not back down. She will fight like hell for all of those things that affect people’s lives.” –VP Biden supporting @CatherineForNV,73,305,15,1284 786661716356653056,2016-10-13 20:15,,"""Please, please, please, up until the polls close, do everything you can.” –VP Biden",61,316,22,837 786690521595015168,2016-10-13 22:10,,Let’s give Hillary a Senate she can work with.,208,1509,86,3641 786961019155386368,2016-10-14 16:05,,"When your advisers call folks who can't afford nannies ""the little people,"" it's clear you don't understand America.",155,908,57,1630 788486790395092992,2016-10-18 21:07,,Be one of the millions of Americans who vote before Election Day. Head to for more information.,602,2774,282,6579 789162438071492608,2016-10-20 17:52,,"“It’s really, really important that we elect @Maggie_Hassan.” –VP Biden",35,164,12,402 789163100196843520,2016-10-20 17:55,,“Our system is built on the notion of consensus. @Maggie_Hassan knows how to do that without yielding on principle.” –VP Biden #NHTogether,59,147,11,656 789553872150953984,2016-10-21 19:48,,“No one can compete with us… America never bows… We will own the finish line.” –VP Biden in Pennsylvania 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸,179,291,35,1237 789562366954500096,2016-10-21 20:21,,Being a Democrat has always meant buckling down and getting it done for working people.,482,1106,77,3339 790949024207634432,2016-10-25 16:11,,"""Can you imagine any president getting up at 3:30 in the morning and tweeting vitriol... What does that say about who we are?"" -VP Biden",105,362,24,1373 790949593219469312,2016-10-25 16:14,,"""[Trump] is thoroughly unqualified based on his conduct, his abuse of power, and his lack of substantive knowledge."" -VP Biden at @ChathamU",108,441,31,1323 790951172957958144,2016-10-25 16:20,,"""You can tell a lot about a looking at the people who oppose her."" -VP Biden supporting @KatieMcGintyPA",47,164,10,495 790951711246516224,2016-10-25 16:22,,"""@KatieMcGintyPA knows who built the middle class, and you should if you don’t: L-A-B-O-R. Organized labor built the middle class."" -VP",41,214,16,531 790953933724319744,2016-10-25 16:31,,"""Republicans talk about productivity. They haven't produced anything that generates economic growth so far. Not a joke."" -VP at @ChathamU",143,581,34,1648 790957652037738497,2016-10-25 16:46,,"""Americans never bow. Americans never bend. We never break. We endure, we overcome, and we continually move forward."" -VP Biden",146,400,28,1277 790957783030067201,2016-10-25 16:46,,"""Folks, there's only 14 days left until Election Day....go vote!"" -VP Biden",240,216,18,566 793626499144376320,2016-11-02 01:31,,"Take it from the Vice President, you've got to make a plan to vote.",104,459,54,1126 794312480260575243,2016-11-03 22:57,,"I won my first election to the Senate by a little over 3,000 votes. I’m deadly serious when I say showing up matters. Your vote counts.",238,11330,577,21378 794312608262344709,2016-11-03 22:57,,We have to elect @HillaryClinton in 5 days. But she has got to have a Congress to work with. Vote down the line.,131,1223,61,2258 794312834360479744,2016-11-03 22:58,,"We’ve got a lot of good Senate candidates to vote for. People committed to doing the hard work, who will never stop fighting for you.",16,394,13,1006 794313186547814400,2016-11-03 22:59,,"We are just getting started. Our best days are ahead of us. Do your part. Vote. And bring a friend. —Joe",52,341,27,847 794585100059111424,2016-11-04 17:00,,“Johnson says the jury is still out on climate change… talk about being out of it.” —VP campaigning with @russfeingold #votebluewi,46,388,16,1076 794585964467326976,2016-11-04 17:03,,"“This guy not only doesn’t want to raise the minimum wage, he doesn’t think there should be a federal minimum wage.” —VP on Sen. Ron Johnson",13,100,2,214 794587092353503232,2016-11-04 17:08,,"""This man is totally, thoroughly... unprepared and unqualified to be the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America."" —VP on Trump",25,166,6,314 794587423858630656,2016-11-04 17:09,,"""These guys… seem to be carbon copies of each other."" —VP Biden on Ron Johnson and Donald Trump. #votebluewi",3,67,4,184 794588540113977345,2016-11-04 17:14,,"""When we took office, the unemployment rate was above 10%. It's now below 5%."" —VP Biden #Progress #votebluewi",63,411,19,758 794590284206243840,2016-11-04 17:21,,"""I don’t know anybody, in the neighborhoods I grew up in, who could go 3 months without a paycheck."" —VP Democrats believe in paid leave.",19,164,7,403 794594461267398656,2016-11-04 17:37,,"""My word as a Biden — I've never been more optimistic about the prospects of the United States than I am this very day."" —VP Biden",39,139,10,437 794595765201072128,2016-11-04 17:42,,"""We will own the finish line in the 21st century. God love you, go out and vote, vote, vote!"" —VP Biden #votebluewi",60,164,6,370 795065250722803712,2016-11-06 00:48,,"""Give the people a chance. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. I'm counting on you to do extraordinary things.""",88,783,38,2204 795389353220538369,2016-11-06 22:16,,Can you step up to knock on doors or make calls? We need your help electing Democrats at all levels:,71,476,23,1434 795440477667467265,2016-11-07 01:39,,Election Day is nearly here! Find your polling place and everything you need to vote on Tuesday:,32,423,9,1199 795676641657810944,2016-11-07 17:17,,We need your help to make calls and ensure every voter turns out to cast their ballot for Democrats tomorrow:,45,504,26,1111 795696473694470144,2016-11-07 18:36,,"""Folks, tomorrow. Tomorrow is... going to impact on your lives like no other tomorrow."" -VP Biden at @FAMU_1887",38,599,26,1328 795699260197138432,2016-11-07 18:47,,"""One of my proudest accomplishments was writing the Violence Against Women Act — which Marco voted against last time."" –VP Biden in FL",14,203,16,405 795699655308931076,2016-11-07 18:49,,"""Character is destiny—you've got a guy running... who doesn't have the courage to stand up and say I won't vote for him."" —VP on Marco Rubio",22,153,5,305 795700192607694850,2016-11-07 18:51,,"""This is the person, along with Donald Trump, who says we should not be spending money on Pell Grants."" —VP Biden on Rubio at @FAMU_1887",6,107,2,239 795700976351113217,2016-11-07 18:54,,"""12 years of education is not enough in the 21st century... simply not enough."" —VP Dems want to prioritize sending students to college.",17,198,5,524 795701991364296705,2016-11-07 18:58,,"""Vote! Get your friends out — every single vote counts."" -VP Biden",14,178,5,295 795711333031415808,2016-11-07 19:35,,You've got to have a plan. Make one before Tuesday.,59,687,197,1886 795765796890963974,2016-11-07 23:12,,"We're not just voting for us. We're voting for our kids, our grandkids, and future generations. Don't let them down:",606,1090,126,5042 795807150958399488,2016-11-08 01:56,,"""There has never been a more important tomorrow in the modern electoral history of the United States of America."" -VP Biden with @timkaine",44,913,27,2869 795807525660717057,2016-11-08 01:57,,"""We have a responsibility not only to vote... but to bring this country together when tomorrow is over."" -VP Biden with @timkaine",16,137,10,352 795807367975882752,2016-11-08 01:57,,"""We're on the precipice of an American century like we've never ever thought of before."" -VP Biden with @timkaine",12,90,2,313 795808106148139009,2016-11-08 02:00,,"""Every time there's a problem in Congress, I get sent to the Hill. Tim, get ready!"" -VP Biden with @timkaine",13,73,1,281 795808305054621696,2016-11-08 02:00,,"""@timkaine and I believe, we really believe, that there's no reason why we can't do so much better politically."" -VP Biden",37,126,5,423 795808588170219520,2016-11-08 02:02,,"""We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. EVERYONE is endowed with those rights."" -VP Biden with @timkaine",20,127,4,375 795808721695887360,2016-11-08 02:02,,"""If we come together, there's nothing, nothing that can stop us."" -VP Biden with @timkaine",33,147,7,454 795809054325096448,2016-11-08 02:03,,"""We're America! We don't scare easily... We never bow. We never bend. We never break."" -VP Biden with @timkaine 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸",61,304,21,1097 795809352263368708,2016-11-08 02:05,,"""Let's make history tomorrow. Let's send a signal to the rest of the world that America is still the brightest beacon of hope."" -VP Biden",48,370,16,1291 796017974004088832,2016-11-08 15:54,,"1. Make sure you know how to vote today: 2. Get on the phone and make sure others do, too:",65,386,15,1500 796064221029171200,2016-11-08 18:57,,Vice President Biden on the importance of electing senators who will come together and work for every American:,62,256,12,1034 796093626451423233,2016-11-08 20:54,,We've come so far and all the progress we've made is at stake. You've got to vote. Bring a friend and get it done:,121,682,35,2915 796115818723549184,2016-11-08 22:22,,There are world-class candidates running at all levels in this election. Vote down the line for Democrats who will keep us moving forward.,138,644,38,3179 796154714614337536,2016-11-09 00:57,,"Folks, don't forget to stay in line! If you're in line when polls close, you're entitled to cast your ballot.",227,1538,86,3892 826806724006965248,2017-02-01 14:57,,We cannot yield an inch on all the progress we have made on civil rights and human rights.,286,5227,204,16087 826806641370791936,2017-02-01 14:57,,"Now more than ever, we must work hard to preserve everyone's shot at the American Dream. Today Jill & I are proud to launch @BidenFoundation",364,5484,309,23446 826828864009678850,2017-02-01 16:25,,From fighting cancer to changing the culture on domestic violence — we’re just getting started. Join us:,482,2365,171,8522 827283937000951808,2017-02-02 22:33,,"Our tolerance and diversity make America great. We are safer and stronger when we welcome the brightest, best and bravest with open arms.",431,5040,230,21066 828415338886942721,2017-02-06 01:29,,Incredible performance from my friend @LadyGaga. You amaze me — and not just onstage. Proud to work with you to end sexual assault. #ItsOnUs,1077,35798,2023,149876 835616819780202496,2017-02-25 22:25,,Congratulations @TomPerez - You will help ensure our party continues to fight for economic fairness and for all to be treated with dignity.,257,1805,51,12708 839532297212870656,2017-03-08 17:44,,"Standing up for women is the cause of my life. We must change our culture to end violence against women #IWD2017",270,2754,200,13883 841062645990072321,2017-03-12 23:05,,Jill and I were honored to take the stage today at #SxSW. Join us in seizing the urgency of now to end cancer as we know it.,179,1701,117,9945 841062972378226688,2017-03-12 23:06,,This fight is personal for Jill and me. It’s personal for almost every American.,104,595,28,4518 841063269586612227,2017-03-12 23:08,,"Today at #SxSW, we’re laying out how we’ll harness the momentum of the past year to make real progress.",37,413,9,2094 842732706823917570,2017-03-17 13:41,,"Like many other Irish Americans, I’m proud of my Irish heritage and of my family’s contributions to our nation.",65,483,31,4409 842732625446010880,2017-03-17 13:41,,"Last year I had the privilege of walking down the streets my great-great grandfather once walked, in County Louth, Ireland.",125,556,43,8417 842732867767746560,2017-03-17 13:42,,Jill and I -- and the whole Biden family -- wish everyone a very safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day.,185,474,32,5417 844986666351656961,2017-03-23 18:58,,Checks & balances? Chair of cmte investigating WH can't share info w/ WH. McCain is right: Need select committee!,945,13012,549,36267 845419697646551041,2017-03-24 23:38,,Every American who worries about getting health care when they get sick can breathe a sigh of relief today.,1025,9652,415,44068 846739492568514560,2017-03-28 15:03,,The correct word for sex without consent is rape. Period. #ItsOnUs to know the signs and to stop it.,397,16284,1011,30074 847473996354306048,2017-03-30 15:42,,I’m proud to continue my work on national security issues through the new @PennBiden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.,151,941,54,7927 847474077858123780,2017-03-30 15:42,,I am confident America is better positioned than any other nation in the world to lead in the 21st century.,54,106,15,522 847474213300482050,2017-03-30 15:42,,.@PennBiden will work to defend & amend the liberal international order so that it sustains American prosperity and works for everyone.,20,176,3,1063 847474334901907456,2017-03-30 15:43,,Follow @PennBiden to get involved and check out the livestream of my conversation on foreign policy with @Penn president Amy Gutmann today.,26,214,7,1134 847529674762858497,2017-03-30 19:23,,.@PennBiden @Penn Join me as I discuss foreign policy with @Penn president Amy Gutmann. @PennBiden,49,128,5,525 849724318334328832,2017-04-05 20:43,,"Today, I called on students across the country to speak out and step in to stop sexual assault. #ItsOnUs",199,2705,129,13330 850334815379484673,2017-04-07 13:09,,"Being an American means being treated equally under the law, no matter who you are or who you love",95,2221,101,8079 850363534156410880,2017-04-07 15:04,,"It's good to be home. Hope to see you, @UDelaware, on The Green today at noon! #BidenInstitute #BlueHens #BidenIsBack",81,590,64,3505 850420753027739649,2017-04-07 18:51,,".@Udelaware is my home, been with me every step of the way. Today, it felt like I never left. I am so proud to launch the #BidenInstitute",80,1090,90,5272 850420918681829378,2017-04-07 18:52,,"#BidenInstitute’s goal is to create a world-class destination for scholars, policymakers, activists and leaders.",25,348,16,2337 850421026785820673,2017-04-07 18:52,,"Our mission is to influence, shape and work to solve tough problems facing the nation.",67,218,12,1364 852956955152797696,2017-04-14 18:49,,"When faced with crimes of hate and inhumanity, every person of conscience must speak out in support of #LGBT rights",271,4663,199,14193 853268886824902656,2017-04-15 15:28,,"Boston represents what it means to never yield, never cower, never stand down & lead the way. America owns the finish line. #OneBostonDay",152,3403,144,12052 854351075322626049,2017-04-18 15:09,,"Dan Rooney embodied everything I was raised to believe being Irish meant – generosity, decency, warmth, dignity & a truly genuine spirit.",92,973,47,5375 860252753217568768,2017-05-04 22:00,,"Day of shame in Congress. Protections for pre-existing conditions, mental health, maternity care, addiction services -- all gone.",2136,59724,2187,110795 860252829184806912,2017-05-04 22:00,,Millions of Americans will lose coverage. Up to the Senate now. Hoping for courage to return.,363,5540,133,15748 862041297451835393,2017-05-09 20:27,,"To the teacher who inspires me every day, and all the other amazing teachers changing lives, Happy #NationalTeachersDay!",178,2159,152,14820 864879534096629760,2017-05-17 16:25,,LGBT rights are human rights. Prejudice is prejudice; inhumanity is inhumanity. #IDAHOT #IDAHOT2017,247,2995,157,9980 867730227543158784,2017-05-25 13:13,,"Great to see Mayor @marty_walsh, and hear about everything he's doing to keep Boston strong.",96,563,110,4313 868553216698482692,2017-05-27 19:43,,Zbigniew Brzezinski's brilliant strategic mind enriched American foreign policy for decades--his distinctive voice will be greatly missed.,77,498,18,3820 869299920129359872,2017-05-29 21:10,,"To our nation's fallen troops: we thank you and will never forget. To their families: remember, you are never alone.",128,2915,34,18277 870039020415352836,2017-05-31 22:07,,Climate change is an existential threat to our future—staying in #ParisAgreement is the best way to protect our children & global leadership,706,13444,385,41362 870283056443162624,2017-06-01 14:17,,America has always thought BIG. It’s stamped into our DNA.,204,739,109,5709 870283447511769090,2017-06-01 14:18,,Our politics has become too small and petty. We’re better than this.,137,572,69,2374 870283709903233026,2017-06-01 14:19,,It’s time to remember who we are as Americans: Giving EVERYONE the opportunity to achieve the impossible.,81,381,35,1618 870283967454466049,2017-06-01 14:20,,America is at its best when we’re OPTIMISTIC and we THINK BIG.,56,315,22,1609 870284285282062337,2017-06-01 14:21,,There’s no one better positioned on Earth to lead the world in the 21st century than America. We just have to believe it.,157,382,35,2359 870285583838584832,2017-06-01 14:27,,"It's time for big dreams and #AmericanPossibilities. If you're ready to elect folks who agree, say you're in:",2103,3108,319,13857 870374738597564416,2017-06-01 20:21,,We're already feeling impacts of climate change. Exiting #ParisAgreement imperils US security and our ability to own the clean energy future,879,10277,326,33733 871154315502784512,2017-06-03 23:59,,"Congrats to Ambassador Andy Young, a dear friend and inspiration, on 85 years. Wish I could be in Atlanta tonight for AJY Leadership Awards.",44,168,5,2485 872445131080646656,2017-06-07 13:28,,"Great to be with @PennBiden in Athens. A Europe whole, free, & at peace remains vital to U.S. security–as it has been for the past 7 decades",67,401,13,3667 872507057747877889,2017-06-07 17:34,,Honored to see Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Athens – his leadership on climate change and the environment is the example we need now,73,414,25,3410 874353636364738560,2017-06-12 19:52,,"We meet unspeakable tragedy and hate with unbound resolve. I stand with the LGBTQ community, today and every day. #OrlandoUnitedDay.",114,1787,48,10389 875043119213023235,2017-06-14 17:31,,"Jill and I are praying for the victims and their families. Grateful for courage of my former colleagues, first responders & Capitol Police.",84,1006,22,11970 875498421842587648,2017-06-15 23:41,,"Congrats & good luck to my former staffer Dr. Tony Allen, incoming Provost of @DelStateUniv! A great fit for a passionate public servant.",31,106,12,1573 876301689632034816,2017-06-18 04:52,,Jill and I are praying for the people of Colombia and the families of the victims of tonight's bomb explosion. #BogotaEstoyContigo,104,1297,51,8311 877255555244597248,2017-06-20 20:03,,"America’s soul is rooted in the promise of opportunity. We must protect, support & welcome refugees to keep that promise. #WorldRefugeeDay",100,1196,28,5007 878378606464036865,2017-06-23 22:25,,The Senate health bill isn't about health care at all—it's a wealth transfer: slashes care to fund tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations.,1019,16375,787,35801 878378777549471744,2017-06-23 22:26,,"Slashing Medicaid hurts kids, the elderly, people with disabilities and those struggling with addiction. All for tax breaks for the wealthy.",212,3132,115,7374 878379025634390016,2017-06-23 22:27,,"Especially now, when so many communities are struggling with opioid addiction, the bill's drastic cuts to Medicaid are cruel.",113,1534,47,5123 878379136590299136,2017-06-23 22:28,,"Let's see a bill that actually tries to improve folks' health care, and then we can have a reasonable debate about how to best do that.",277,2313,100,8496 879394318171156482,2017-06-26 17:41,,Jill and I are excited and ready to take the next step toward ending cancer. Are you with us?,130,769,42,6033 879409223754555399,2017-06-26 18:41,,We’re live in a few minutes to talk about how @BidenCancer will bring renewed urgency to the fight against cancer:,44,199,7,1175 882304779195736064,2017-07-04 18:27,,"Happy 4th of July! America continues the march toward tolerance, diversity and equality of opportunity that began in 1776—that's patriotism.",1008,8621,394,41592 884844212805668864,2017-07-11 18:37,,Jill & I send our condolences to the loved ones of service members lost in MS crash—those who wear the uniform are the heart of our nation.,122,1291,38,12851 886929971859640320,2017-07-17 12:45,,Excited to share news about #AmericanPromiseTour - a series of conversations I’m hosting around the country,194,738,208,4736 887076804795781121,2017-07-17 22:29,,"Today, I wrote in the @washingtonpost about the big problem with the Republican leadership’s ""health"" bill:",197,1938,101,6034 887076943383994369,2017-07-17 22:29,,"@washingtonpost Republican leadership's “health” bill would return us to a time when health care was a privilege for the wealthy, not a right for all.",34,383,9,1006 887077048652632064,2017-07-17 22:30,,"@washingtonpost By denying this right, Republican leadership’s “health” bill is fundamentally flawed. It can’t even be fixed on the floor.",19,213,1,710 887077257914851328,2017-07-17 22:31,,@washingtonpost All Americans deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you can get affordable care. But that’s now under threat.,33,300,6,908 887077368791277569,2017-07-17 22:31,,"@washingtonpost If you believe health care is a right for all, make sure your senators know that this bill is a big step backward.",31,345,11,1019 887077501415174148,2017-07-17 22:32,,"@washingtonpost Especially if you live in WV, NV, AK or OH now is the time to call your senators. Or, encourage your friends in these states to call.",32,768,24,1912 887077574899380224,2017-07-17 22:32,,"@washingtonpost I was a senator for 36 years. I can assure you that your call matters. Your viewpoint might not always win, but your senators hear you.",190,1484,65,4515 887844137034293248,2017-07-20 01:18,,John and I have been friends for 40 years. He's gotten through so much difficulty with so much grace. He is strong - and he will beat this.,638,14813,423,113047 887857097982959617,2017-07-20 02:10,,"Incredible progress in cancer research and treatment in just the last year offers new promise and new hope. You can win this fight, John.",209,2968,101,26915 889578666023411712,2017-07-24 20:10,,"The GOP's ""health"" plan would gut care & treatment for opioid addiction. Call your senators—the time to act is now.",188,2075,80,6394 890218086909063169,2017-07-26 14:31,,Every patriotic American who is qualified to serve in our military should be able to serve. Full stop.,6664,240826,7811,656448 890276320231510017,2017-07-26 18:23,,Any final bill that looks anything like their proposals so far would be devastating.,137,1882,38,13130 890276418537607168,2017-07-26 18:23,,To all of you working to stop Republicans’ devastating “health” bill: Thank you. We’re not done yet. Please keep going.,218,3662,87,23219 890965572552466438,2017-07-28 16:02,,Thank you to everyone who tirelessly worked to protect the health care of millions. You saved lives.,1004,15315,376,104438 890983396746313728,2017-07-28 17:12,,Hope to see you at a stop this fall on my #AmericanPromiseTour – tickets are available now:,230,569,98,3823 892130294572167169,2017-07-31 21:10,,Thrilled to see the 2028 Olympics coming to Los Angeles. Thanks to @MayorOfLA Garcetti who worked hard to secure a big win for US athletics.,223,2006,196,16350 893478138822479872,2017-08-04 14:26,,"Your service has been a great gift to the country, and your friendship and brotherhood are a great gift to me. Happy birthday, @BarackObama.",4260,112422,9596,485788 896456601401524226,2017-08-12 19:41,,"No. Not in America. We must be stronger, more determined and more united than ever. Racism and hate have no place here. #charlottesville",2608,67513,1818,218890 896496130497929220,2017-08-12 22:18,,There is only one side. #charlottesville,5452,129347,4701,404063 898332043620237312,2017-08-17 23:53,,Praying tonight for the victims of #Barcelona attack & their families. Heinous acts of terror cannot break the spirit of our Spanish friends,324,4783,99,38230 900746818572632064,2017-08-24 15:49,,"A first look at the cover for my new book, PROMISE ME, DAD",341,1305,159,11261 901876067555790850,2017-08-27 18:36,,"We are living through a battle for the soul of this nation.",2038,22127,1502,58089 905110522512764930,2017-09-05 16:48,,"Brought by parents, these children had no choice in coming here. Now they'll be sent to countries they've never known. Cruel. Not America.",9821,245964,5937,586887 905877262813335552,2017-09-07 19:35,,Any change that weakens Title IX protections will be devastating:,244,4541,216,14193 906697794467057668,2017-09-10 01:56,,Jill and I are praying for the safety of everyone in the path of Hurricane Irma this weekend. Stay strong - the country stands with you.,409,5384,149,43103 907237711295238145,2017-09-11 13:41,,"16 years ago today, terror tried to break us. It did not, and will never, succeed. Our grit & determination are the strongest force I know.",668,17286,392,86460 908081316922568704,2017-09-13 21:33,,"23 years ago today, the Violence Against Women Act became law. VAWA is changing the culture & saving lives, but our work continues. #VAWA23",319,6332,234,29084 908414942751150080,2017-09-14 19:39,,America is strongest when we lead with our values—at home and abroad.,180,1495,84,7684 909753607473569792,2017-09-18 12:18,,My new initiative at the Biden Institute will identify strategies for building a future of quality jobs:,160,964,94,6217 909755960826228737,2017-09-18 12:28,,Here's a path forward to choose a future that puts work first:,40,233,23,1408 909938968250200067,2017-09-19 00:35,,Just had the chance to see President Trump's golf swing tweet. Enough. This has to stop. Our children are watching.,12805,65665,5068,259696 910135409488867328,2017-09-19 13:36,,"#ItsOnUs is making great progress toward ending sexual assault, but today we face new challenges:",103,895,49,3920 910496771222200320,2017-09-20 13:32,,Sending prayers to all who lost loved ones in the devastating earthquake. We are seeing the resilience and heart of the Mexican people.,263,7125,135,41694 910553249555664897,2017-09-20 17:16,,"On the new @UDBidenInst blog, @PennyPritzker, @Airbnb & @LinkedIn share strategies to help American workers succeed:",35,202,10,1138 910842948878848001,2017-09-21 12:27,,"@UDBidenInst @PennyPritzker @Airbnb @LinkedIn Following @UDBidenInst’s forum on work, @Airbnb's @bchesky writes how technology can empower people and work. More:",9,56,2,347 910847216692203521,2017-09-21 12:44,,"@UDBidenInst @PennyPritzker @Airbnb @LinkedIn On the @UDBidenInst blog, @LinkedIn's @allenb says better data & mentoring can help workers find good jobs. More:",28,86,4,443 911334191803101184,2017-09-22 20:59,,"Today's Title IX decision is shameful, but the law is still the law. Colleges & universities must honor obligations to students & survivors.",237,5974,140,23420 912459460316188673,2017-09-25 23:31,,Beau fought to protect the most vulnerable among us. Thanks to my friend @barackobama for honoring his life’s work with the @BeauBidenFdn.,1609,16417,1298,83384 913099405682757632,2017-09-27 17:53,,"Southern Florida chose a proven leader and consensus builder yesterday. Congratulations to @Annette_Taddeo, Florida’s newest State Senator.",58,901,25,8319 913467126475902976,2017-09-28 18:15,,"Steve Scalise’s strength and resilience inspire all of us. Good to see you back on the job, Steve.",97,666,24,8770 913531470001602565,2017-09-28 22:30,,"We Veeps stick together. Jill and I, and all of the Bidens, are with you, Julia.",2312,74072,5773,445071 913754239272398848,2017-09-29 13:16,,"There is only one way to confront hatred and prejudice: head on. Well said, Lt. Gen Silveria.",635,11634,412,43934 913817691101782016,2017-09-29 17:28,,Now is not the time to go backward—it's on all of us to stop sexual violence.,305,2368,165,10098 914867985558491136,2017-10-02 15:01,,How long do we let gun violence tear families apart? Enough. Congress & the WH should act now to save lives. There's no excuse for inaction.,4040,32517,1247,108723 914867837201764358,2017-10-02 15:01,,Appalled by the senseless loss of life in Las Vegas. Jill and I hold all those affected and grieving in our hearts.,213,5622,72,39727 915263945652436993,2017-10-03 17:15,,Barack & Michelle: all of the Bidens send our love today on your 25th anniversary. May you have many more years of joy still to come.,632,15944,577,135734 915410713769840640,2017-10-04 02:58,,"Jalal Talabani was a champion of the US-Iraq partnership and a friend, whose unifying leadership will be missed.",49,447,15,3066 915751786606145537,2017-10-05 01:33,,"Spoke to my friend Jim Murren, so proud of the men and women at MGM Resorts. #VegasStrong",88,517,31,6161 918575560930013184,2017-10-12 20:34,,Proud to be at @RutgersU today with survivors & activists working to change the campus culture on sexual assault. #ItsOnUs,287,2155,170,15565 918896418559053825,2017-10-13 17:49,,Unilaterally putting the Iran deal at risk does not isolate Iran. It isolates us:,670,7201,245,23299 920100719650369536,2017-10-17 01:34,,John McCain is the real deal. A model public servant. And my dear friend. I was honored to present him with the 2017 #LibertyMedal tonight.,1406,12409,530,88422 920295421620228102,2017-10-17 14:28,,Looking forward to welcoming Gov @JohnKasich to @UDelaware @UDBidenInst to discuss bridging partisan divides & restoring faith in government,252,972,68,9031 920295560082534400,2017-10-17 14:28,,"@JohnKasich @UDelaware @UDBidenInst There's a lot at stake, but John and I are still optimistic. I hope you'll tune in at 1:00PM -",61,169,7,1189 920660537565941761,2017-10-18 14:39,,"Looking forward to discussing my new book PROMISE ME, DAD with these inspiring individuals on #AmericanPromiseTour",118,433,51,3709 922955336620716032,2017-10-24 22:37,,"Alabama, this gets to the heart of why you should vote for Doug Jones on December 12th. A man of incredible integrity and intellect.",399,6877,160,21287 923334547063762944,2017-10-25 23:44,,"Honored to work with a woman of great courage, my friend @ladygaga. With her leadership, and your help, we can change the culture. #ItsOnUs",544,6339,253,34301 925549001520435200,2017-11-01 02:24,,"New York, we love you. Grateful to first responders who saved lives today. Jill and I are keeping you all in our prayers.",234,3632,64,36603 925707148222443520,2017-11-01 12:52,,Today is the first day to sign up for 2018 health insurance through Deadline is December 15th!,211,12087,293,16978 925707249573605377,2017-11-01 12:53,,Don’t let politics & misinformation keep your loved ones from getting health insurance. Call/text them today to make sure they sign up!,117,2612,31,8600 927342624872239104,2017-11-06 01:11,,Americans again murdered in a place of worship. Jill and I send our prayers to Sutherland Springs.,299,2784,47,24682 927342840593768449,2017-11-06 01:12,,These tragedies aren’t inevitable. Don’t let hopelessness win today. We must persist in our efforts to prevent gun violence.,483,7018,162,32043 927653903063310336,2017-11-06 21:48,,"Folks, there's an election happening tomorrow. We've got to keep our eye on the ball. Let's get this done.",209,5705,146,19860 928113140730130432,2017-11-08 04:13,,"A resounding defeat tonight for President Trump. Voters around the country rejected the ugly politics we have seen this past year. Instead, they chose candidates who unite and inspire us.",2882,39280,1584,197851 928113403608092674,2017-11-08 04:14,,"Candidates like Ralph Northam and Justin Fairfax, who will ensure that Virginia’s economic recovery continues to reach every town and city in the commonwealth.",114,930,22,6166 928113880508837889,2017-11-08 04:16,,"State legislators like Sara Cambensy in Michigan and Danica Roem, Jennifer Carroll Foy, David Reid, John Bell, and Elizabeth Guzman in Virginia. People who stood up for working people of every stripe.",58,785,23,4744 928114153784569856,2017-11-08 04:17,,And mayors like Rick Kriseman and Joyce Craig who are incredible leaders in their communities.,48,530,20,5458 928114362837061637,2017-11-08 04:18,,Juanita Perez Williams ran an incredible campaign in Syracuse. So proud of the work she did. And still hoping for a win for Manka Dhingra that will change the shape of Washington’s state Senate!,107,602,11,5969 928440602668171267,2017-11-09 01:54,,"You’re going to make us all proud, Danica.",800,18862,609,137694 929539924692480001,2017-11-12 02:42,,May today serve as a reminder of our solemn duty to look after the men and women who have served in our Armed Forces and sacrificed so much for this country. #VeteransDay2017.,344,2024,53,16483 933439675393560576,2017-11-22 20:58,,"Thank you to the #AmericanPromiseTour moderators and thousands of readers who attended events or picked up a copy of #PromiseMeDad. Honored to be able to share the story of my son Beau, and what a remarkable man he was.",158,460,23,4867 934477534368018434,2017-11-25 17:43,,"Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, let's remember all the work that remains and recommit ourselves to action:",369,4991,140,22809 935967069014814721,2017-11-29 20:21,,"Every week, we’ll hear from leaders in business, politics, academics—and everyday Americans sharing bright ideas that keep us moving forward.",54,239,12,1674 935966975834099712,2017-11-29 20:21,,"Today I’m announcing the launch of the Biden Forum, a new space for conversations about America’s future:",699,2451,342,13507 935967211159769089,2017-11-29 20:22,,"Throughout my career in public service, I’ve heard a lot of great ideas, and developed a few of my own. Now we want to hear yours. Join us:",276,326,53,1841 936400330337632257,2017-12-01 01:03,,One of the best shines I’ve ever had.,175,825,65,14899 936412041216114688,2017-12-01 01:50,,No one who has ever met Sandy Winnefeld has doubted his strength or resolve. And no one who reads this article will ever forget it. Sandy & Mary - thank you for summoning the courage to turn your heartbreak into action to end this epidemic.,83,782,39,3292 936981794787696640,2017-12-02 15:34,,"I've been on the road talking about #PromiseMeDad, the book I wrote about my son Beau, but I've been most amazed listening to your stories. Incredible people overcoming loss, finding hope and purpose in their lives. Thank you for sharing. You inspire me.",229,727,40,6983 938517364882190337,2017-12-06 21:15,,I'm going to keep speaking out on the importance of standing up to the Kremlin through my work @PennBiden. My colleague @mikercarpenter and I have written in @ForeignAffairs about the steps we need to take to defend our democracy.,196,1917,69,6364 938533561770106880,2017-12-06 22:20,,"Be who you are. Stand for what you are. Few people embody that better than @melindagates. Enjoyed discussing #PromiseMeDad, public service, and faith with such a remarkable woman in Seattle last weekend. #AmericanPromiseTour",1366,1220,99,7786 940030138556674048,2017-12-11 01:27,,"It’s a little too cold for ice cream in Madison, but I hope you liked the cupcakes all the same. Thanks for spending your birthday with me, @ElaineWelteroth - hope this next year is a great one. #AmericanPromiseTour",135,416,38,5542 940293261180186624,2017-12-11 18:52,,"The people of California are on my mind as they suffer through these devastating wildfires. Amidst the loss, I’m inspired by the bravery & commitment of our firefighters. Day after day going back into the flames, risking their lives to save others. Incredible bravery.",389,5232,164,36956 940326781688664074,2017-12-11 21:05,,"Tomorrow, the people of Alabama will decide whether the United States Senate will gain the courage, character, and integrity of Doug Jones. Find your friends who can vote there, and make sure they're planning on doing it.",332,6608,213,20628 940788655219728386,2017-12-13 03:41,,"Doug Jones. Thank you, Alabama. You’ve elected a man of incredible integrity, grit, and character. A fighter for working class and middle class Alabamians. He is going to make you proud in the Senate.",1604,38705,1105,227517 941016902876442624,2017-12-13 18:48,,Help your friends and loved ones get the peace of mind of health insurance for 2018. Remind them that this Friday is the deadline to sign up for health insurance through,267,6670,120,16247 941082555150995456,2017-12-13 23:09,,"Ann Arbor - I’m terribly sorry I won’t get to see you this evening, but we want to make sure everyone can safely make it to #AmericanPromiseTour. Be safe in the snow. I’m looking forward to seeing you on February 5th.",166,511,43,8934 941458866516217858,2017-12-15 00:04,,It’s been five years since 20 first-graders and 6 educators were murdered by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Their families continue to inspire me with their courage in turning tragedy into purpose.,279,3688,110,19815 944978640508522496,2017-12-24 17:10,,"Jill and I, and the whole Biden family, want to wish you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.",3284,10905,761,88415 947877562629414912,2018-01-01 17:09,,"Boston has had many great mayors in its remarkable history, and @marty_walsh can proudly take his place among any of them. Thank you, Mayor, for giving me the honor of presiding over your swearing-in today.",173,940,54,9393 951844048159068160,2018-01-12 15:51,,"It’s not how a president should speak. It’s not how a president should behave. Most of all, it’s not what a president should believe. We’re better than this.",12695,138872,6487,494693 953027386974638080,2018-01-15 22:13,,"Dr. King said that change “comes through continuous struggle.” As we celebrate his legacy today, we’re once again living through a battle for the soul of this nation. We'll win this battle by following his example: standing up, getting involved, and demanding our voices be heard.",684,13735,308,60906 955600252148600832,2018-01-23 00:37,,This country has made great progress in changing the culture around advancing LGBTQ equality and ending violence against women. But there's plenty of work left to do. I'm pleased to have some of the best and brightest minds on these issues working with us.,472,4804,160,29615 958553443429478400,2018-01-31 04:12,,"Proud to call you a friend, @RepJoeKennedy. You captured the idealism and optimism of our party — and this nation. Because you understand that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity. And that in this country, no one gets left behind. Well done.",1480,18794,513,99747 960368920367640577,2018-02-05 04:26,,"This team never gave up. No matter the injuries, no matter the odds. They showed incredible heart. What a great win tonight, @Eagles. #FlyEaglesFly",322,6189,221,47983 961757689918390272,2018-02-09 00:24,,Incredible day opening the new @PennBiden Center in Washington. We're working on the foreign policy challenges of this new century and keeping America strong in the world. Looking forward to working with Dr. Gutmann and the @Penn community to engage a new generation of leaders.,197,1188,39,9115 961975243983245312,2018-02-09 14:49,,William Gay is the real deal - on and off the field. He’s using his voice to get other men involved to end sexual assault and domestic violence. He understands what this fight is all about. I’m glad to have you on the @BidenFoundation team @Southcity22.,176,4133,170,22662 962116614811463680,2018-02-10 00:10,,I’m in Indianapolis with @southcity22 and we have a message for thousands of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters here at #AFLVCentral and all across the country: #ItsOnUs to end sexual assault on college campuses.,236,2028,146,11550 963566562157514752,2018-02-14 00:12,,We had the honor of having Jesmyn Ward moderate the 30th event on the #AmericanPromiseTour last night. It was wonderful to share the stage with such an incredible and acclaimed writer to discuss #PromiseMeDad.,90,353,20,4403 963755815856459776,2018-02-14 12:44,,We need to believe women like Colbie. We need to recognize the incredible courage it takes for women like her to come forward. And we need to change the culture so those who live in fear can safely get the support they deserve.,405,4731,210,26465 964135454353354752,2018-02-15 13:52,,I am at a loss for what more to say. I grieve with the families in Parkland today. I grieve with the families across the country who have suffered loss due to gun violence. Congress has a moral obligation to take action and spare more families from this violence.,1256,15011,447,73919 966658832150745089,2018-02-22 12:59,,"Rev. Graham was spiritual advisor to a dozen Presidents - and countless millions of Americans. We remember his example of dignity and humility today, and Jill and I send our thoughts and condolences to the entire Graham family.",223,354,32,5993 967066282305703936,2018-02-23 15:59,,"When I wrote the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, it included a provision that empowered women to take abusers to civil court. The Supreme Court wrongly struck it down. Now it is time for Congress to step up and fix this.",202,2586,85,11985 968213300956880897,2018-02-26 19:56,,"We need to give young immigrants who came to our country as children permanent assurance that they are safe here, and we need to give them this peace of mind now. They shouldn’t have to spend another day living with fear and uncertainty.",641,7481,215,41626 968937201416491008,2018-02-28 19:53,,"It takes courage to speak out against sexual assault, or to step in to stop it from happening. If you know someone who has stepped up to the front lines of this fight, I want to hear about it. Nominate them today, because #ItsOnUs to change the culture:",4652,3024,1559,13955 971394160468090880,2018-03-07 14:36,,"Sarah, I'm incredibly proud of you. You're a woman of real courage.",51,454,21,6165 971811298408325120,2018-03-08 18:14,,"Everyone does better when women are able to rise as high as their talents will take them. On this International Women’s Day, we honor all the brave women who have spoken out this year, and we recognize that our fight is still far from finished. #IWD2018",286,4242,130,24562 973341874047148032,2018-03-12 23:36,,"I was in southwestern Pennsylvania with @ConorLambPA last week. Something's changing out there. You can feel the grassroots energy. And that'll beat big money every time. Let's bring this one home. Get out and vote, Pennsylvania.",630,8877,406,31328 973928846578933761,2018-03-14 14:28,,"The people of Pennsylvania’s 18th district showed up yesterday. They demonstrated that they want to be represented by someone who stands up for working people with actions, not just words. Who has heart. They found that in @ConorLambPA. He will represent them well.",526,5851,188,42319 974728763912146946,2018-03-16 19:27,,"Louise Slaughter was an unparalleled champion for women. I worked with her on the Violence Against Women Act, and I will always remember her grit and determination in standing up for women and families every day. She will be greatly missed.",181,1457,44,12933 976054381090091008,2018-03-20 11:14,,"Let’s give patients full electronic medical records within 24 hours of request, a safe place to store them, and a trusted way to share them. Details matter when using patient data to save and improve lives. My @BidenCancer op-ed:",430,1730,116,11850 976792123285569536,2018-03-22 12:06,,"Our top priority should be investing in our workers by 1. ensuring they have the skills & opportunities to get a good job, 2. making work pay, and 3. cutting the costs of raising a family. Read my thoughts on how we can all help our workers succeed:",793,2132,106,10322 976950125607247872,2018-03-22 22:33,,"At @UDBidenInst, we’re working on the pressing domestic policy challenges of our time. But we can't do it alone. I sat down earlier with our new Policy Board to discuss everything from quality jobs to climate change. Check out the whole team here:",281,317,22,2560 978353418082422785,2018-03-26 19:30,,My mother often reminded me that “bravery resides in every heart and some day it will be summoned.” Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame answered the call last Friday in France. Taking the place of a hostage and paying the ultimate price. His heroism and self-sacrifice must not be forgotten.,238,4577,103,30832 978825148882149377,2018-03-28 02:44,,"Cierra, you remembered the most important thing I had to say. You will beat this. And as I’ve always said, if there are any angels in heaven, they are nurses. You’ve got a great team of them there making sure you stay #cierrastrong.",138,1205,61,13252 980924325112041473,2018-04-02 21:45,,I’m grateful to have the opportunity to continue the #AmericanPromiseTour in June and hear from so many more people. Information available at,1058,1252,237,7411 981539101093564416,2018-04-04 14:28,,Dr. King was proof that the promise of America can beat so strongly in the heart of one person they can move this nation. We can all -- 300 plus million Americans -- honor Dr. King’s legacy by remembering that today. #MLK50,278,6009,117,28255 981990403590316037,2018-04-05 20:22,,The United States should be leading on this issue. Improving transparency is one essential step to ending the pay gap between men and women.,143,590,23,3170 985607921026420736,2018-04-15 19:56,,"Five years after an act of hate struck Boston, the thousands of acts of charity and compassion on #OneBostonDay remind us once again that America will always own the finish line. Proud of you, Boston - today and always.",237,3293,96,24467 986430676269486080,2018-04-18 02:26,,"There was no one else quite like Barbara Bush. Jill and I — and the entire Biden family — send our heartfelt condolences to the Bush family and our prayers for comfort in a difficult time.",101,1785,31,23228 987061429994967052,2018-04-19 20:12,,Testing rape kits should & must be a national priority. I’m proud to have been interviewed for @Mariska’s @IAMEVIDENCEmov. We should all be committed to #EndTheBacklog. Let’s keep the pressure on:,93,1397,49,6848 987329310892716036,2018-04-20 13:57,,"Cancer patients and their families deserve a system that puts saving lives above every other thing. With your help, we can make this happen. We can make hope real. We need you to stand up and join us in this effort. Answer the @bidencancer call to action:",128,1257,30,7013 989268867007614976,2018-04-25 22:24,,"Every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. But far too often LGBTQ youth in this country are not, even in their own homes. This is unacceptable. I’m proud to work with @cyndilauper on #TrueColorsDay and everyday to put it to an end.",219,2453,108,15037 993957007337148417,2018-05-08 20:53,,"Today’s announcement that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal is a profound mistake.",1274,8933,342,43271 995327503744032773,2018-05-12 15:39,,Free and fair elections are at the heart of liberal democracy. That’s why I’ve joined @AndersFoghr and Michael Chertoff to launch the Transatlantic Commission for Election Integrity—to fight back against Russia and those who would meddle in our elections.,203,1228,52,6028 996419085914296320,2018-05-15 15:56,,"Joined today @UDBidenInst by one of the most brilliant public servants I’ve ever worked with: @ErnestMoniz. By investing in basic infrastructure, we have a tremendous opportunity to lead the world in clean energy. Watch our discussion here at 12pm:",39,165,3,893 996460058430050304,2018-05-15 18:39,,"On behalf of the whole Biden family, I’d like to offer our thoughts and best wishes to @FLOTUS for a swift and full recovery.",375,803,98,15867 996511302326652931,2018-05-15 22:03,,"Harry Reid is literally and figuratively a fighter. I’m looking forward to working with him again soon. My thoughts are with Harry, Landra, and their family as he recovers.",74,465,11,6117 996887880759955456,2018-05-16 22:59,,"Guys, if you see one of your classmates trying to take advantage of a woman who did not or could not consent, you must step in. #ItsOnUs to change this culture.",192,3318,136,17165 997487645625372672,2018-05-18 14:42,,"Count me in, @De11eDonne. Proud to take a stand with you and the incredible athletes of @WNBA who are partnering with organizations like @ItsOnUs to empower women and girls everywhere. Folks, join us to take a seat & take a stand: #WNBATakesAStand #itsonus",40,396,31,2464 997544359275966464,2018-05-18 18:28,,Enough is enough is enough. Decent people have to take a stand. These are our children.,2527,28028,936,116927 998565664100179968,2018-05-21 14:06,,"Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, but too many LGBTQ Americans are still denied this basic right. That’s why I’m proud to announce a new inclusion initiative between @bidenfoundation and @YMCA. The work continues:",224,2427,123,14011 998988578343485440,2018-05-22 18:06,,"Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision was a huge blow to workers. It denies them the ability to take their employers to court if they're being cheated out of pay, forced to work in unsafe conditions, or sexually harrassed.",520,5106,253,16943 998988580885286912,2018-05-22 18:06,,It favors the powerful over the powerless and stacks the deck even further against working people. It's wrong.,191,1022,18,6446 1000139967581114368,2018-05-25 22:22,,"Today, the @OECD officially invited Colombia to become its 37th member. Congratulations to President @JuanManSantos and the people of Colombia for all the hard work you’ve done to create a more prosperous and secure future for your country.",76,275,16,2220 1000761840127938560,2018-05-27 15:33,,"In a moment of crisis, Jason Seaman showed incredible courage. Running directly into gunfire to save his students’ lives. What a hero.",122,1274,64,10449 1001116077202558982,2018-05-28 15:00,,"Our men & women in uniform are the heart, the soul, and the spine of this nation. Today we remember those among them who gave their lives for our freedom. As we honor their sacrifice, we must recommit to our sacred obligation to care for & support the families they left behind.",503,8902,359,50288 1001924805023723526,2018-05-30 20:34,,"Looking forward to continuing my #AmericanPromiseTour in June and discussing “Promise Me, Dad” with these inspiring individuals. More information at",179,398,39,3208 1002301656032215040,2018-05-31 21:31,,"Last year, Virginians showed up to elect leaders who believe health care is a right, not a privilege. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Virginians now have the peace of mind that comes with health insurance. Don't ever question whether your vote matters -- it does. Show up.",272,5313,193,25176 1004491175611510784,2018-06-06 22:32,,"They may have murdered our heroes, but the dream still lives buried deep in our broken hearts. Fifty years after he was taken from us, Robert Kennedy still inspires. #RFK50",277,3887,113,26738 1005153354044137472,2018-06-08 18:23,,"Putin’s Russia invaded its neighbors, violated our sovereignty by undermining elections, and attacks dissidents abroad. Yet our President wants to reward him with a seat at the table while alienating our closest democratic allies. It makes no sense.",6371,28041,2336,105090 1005166762596491264,2018-06-08 19:16,,"GOP all-out assault on healthcare continues. First, they want to cut funding for CHIP. Now DOJ trying to end protections for pre-existing conditions. We have to fight back.",727,8355,363,24835 1005469583904530432,2018-06-09 15:20,,Jamie Dimon & Warren Buffett's call to end quarterly guidance is an important step toward ending our nation's culture of short-termism. America's workers & investors will all be better off with a system that rewards those who build for the long-term.,90,594,39,2921 1005540995243626496,2018-06-09 20:03,,"PEPFAR is one of the most successful, effective, and world-changing initiatives the United States has ever led. Now is not the time to pull back. We must finish the work we started to end the specter of AIDS. My op-ed with @bfrist.",54,537,12,2521 1009472212456308737,2018-06-20 16:25,,"A policy that separates young children from their parents isn’t a “deterrent”. It’s unconscionable. A policy that traumatizes children isn’t a bargaining chip. It’s abhorrent.",668,5559,162,25577 1011655289161076737,2018-06-26 16:59,,"We don’t need to treat migrants from Central America with cruelty to strengthen US border security. We need personal, high-level engagement from the White House to press Northern Triangle leaders for progress and support to make their home countries prosperous and secure.",588,3727,212,19186 1011945911797321728,2018-06-27 12:14,,"Inspired by the patients, families, clinicians, and researchers of @stjuderesearch I met earlier this month. They are making hope real. Join us and let us know about your #cancerFIERCE story.",99,455,17,3564 1012361981557460992,2018-06-28 15:47,,"I said a year ago we’re living through a battle for the soul of this nation. Now there can be no doubt. Roe, Obergefell, Fisher, and more—so many of our fundamental rights, freedoms, and liberties—and the rule of law—are all at risk.",1015,12365,506,45828 1012361983583309824,2018-06-28 15:48,,I wish this President would engage in conversations and nominate a consensus candidate. That’s what we’ve done in the past. That’s what America needs and deserves. He won’t.,366,919,97,5642 1012361985915224065,2018-06-28 15:48,,I wish this Senate would force a consensus choice—as we did with Justice Kennedy—it no longer has the will.,92,838,30,4999 1012361987739869184,2018-06-28 15:48,,Advice and consent. Absent that—which we’ve always had for nominees in election years in the past—we shouldn’t move forward with hearings or a vote before the mid-term elections.,86,1357,22,8353 1012361991204327427,2018-06-28 15:48,,"It’s up to us, America. Speak out. Rise up. Be heard. The price to be paid for putting our values at risk must be clear. Now.  And show up to vote this November—in numbers like we’ve never seen.",544,6432,305,20205 1012499516682129408,2018-06-29 00:54,,"Another shooting. Another night in America where a father, a wife, a friend, a neighbor won’t be coming home. We can’t accept this. It must end. Congress must act. Our hearts are with the #CapitalGazette",1172,12669,343,65956 1012678533775228929,2018-06-29 12:45,,"We need more men like @terrycrews who will stand up and speak out. You’re helping change the culture, Terry. It matters. Thank you.",307,7032,209,44364 1014613645450448904,2018-07-04 20:55,,Keep our eyes on the horizon - look to the future. Nothing is beyond our capacity as Americans. Happy #FourthofJuly from the Biden Family.,769,4763,173,41797 1015217112141451264,2018-07-06 12:53,,"As we celebrate 242 years of freedom this week, we must never forget that democracy is not a given. Democracy demands diligence. Democracy demands engagement. And sometimes, democracy demands sacrifice of its citizens.",583,5590,212,23097 1017388656338915329,2018-07-12 12:42,,"After our video chat a few months ago, I got to welcome @shaffer_cierra to DC this week for @USMC Sunset Parade. She battled against cancer’s odds and her resilience reminds us all that hope against this disease is real. #cancerFIERCE",125,345,18,4020 1018971642410819585,2018-07-16 21:32,,"Our president had the chance to confront an adversary who continues to attack our democracy & our allies. He didn’t. Instead he offered distractions, moral equivalence, & appeasement. This shameful performance doesn't represent the US or what we stand for:",2551,16464,744,69882 1020402341365895175,2018-07-20 20:17,,I was honored to visit Colombia this week to engage with the country’s current and future leaders. I wish all of my friends in Colombia a future of prosperity and peace as they celebrate the 208th anniversary of their independence.,299,506,48,4822 1023198589714132993,2018-07-28 13:28,,Honored to join @DrBiden and the remarkable men and women from @supportthewalk #WalkOfAmerica who remind us all of the debt of gratitude we owe those who have sacrificed so much to protect our freedom.,234,2000,102,13114 1025717580793884672,2018-08-04 12:18,,"Our lunches together were a highlight of every week at the White House. Last week's trip to @DogTagBakery was no different. Happy birthday to my brother, my friend, @BarackObama.",7873,91813,11791,625357 1026819683729780736,2018-08-07 13:17,,"LGBTQ young people should never have to face rejection from those who love them. Share your story with @bidenfoundation about the importance of family acceptance, because we all deserve to be safe, loved, and affirmed. #AsYouAre",260,2577,222,10467 1026850471967944704,2018-08-07 15:20,,"Paul Laxalt was the model for something all too rare in politics today: someone with whom you could disagree without being disagreeable. We were often on opposite sides of the debate, but he was my friend. He will be missed.",73,225,5,1579 1028681867858460674,2018-08-12 16:37,,"Today we honor the memory of Heather Heyer, whose spirit we see in every person who stands up to reject hatred and bigotry. Make no mistake: this fight goes on. The battle for the soul of this nation rests with each of us, everyday.",1239,26299,878,130721 1029836676208705539,2018-08-15 21:06,,"In the time I have known him, John Brennan has never been afraid to speak up and give it to you straight. Revoking his security clearance is an act unbecoming of a President. If you think it will silence John, then you just don't know the man.",2551,26557,1025,121522 1030175456367136770,2018-08-16 19:32,,Aretha Franklin was so much more than a great entertainer. She inspired. She gave hope. She was part of the soul of the civil rights movement. We won't see her like again.,259,6208,124,47487 1030546249332744192,2018-08-17 20:05,,The team @LombardiCancer has just made a valuable database of brain cancer biomedical data freely available to researchers globally. We need efforts like this to advance progress against cancer.,88,1220,37,7443 1030868071865561089,2018-08-18 17:24,,Kofi Annan knew that human beings acting together could make the world better. He dedicated his life to that belief. He insisted that defending human rights and dignity were part of our responsibilities to one another. We are all better for his influence on our world.,204,4516,89,25535 1031562957946273795,2018-08-20 15:25,,"We’re in the midst of an all-out assault on human dignity—yes, at the border, but also in the courtroom, in the classroom, and on the factory floor.",746,7505,247,28952 1033373484079108101,2018-08-25 15:20,,"Leonard and Dody Boswell lived their lives in service to the people of Iowa, and for the last 63 of those years, in loving dedication to each other. We remember both of them today as they are laid to rest.",70,374,18,3303 1033519001719263232,2018-08-26 00:58,,"John McCain was many things – a proud graduate of the Naval Academy, a Senate colleague, a political opponent. But, to me, more than anything, John was a friend. He will be missed dearly.",1731,35954,1242,204118 1034808303510016000,2018-08-29 14:21,,"I will be in Phoenix tomorrow to pay tribute to my friend John. If you are in town and would like to honor his legacy of service, please come out to the route to say one last farewell.",846,5207,164,38896 1035700281273733120,2018-09-01 01:26,,"Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales’s decision to end CICIG’s mandate represents a serious blow to anti-corruption efforts in the hemisphere. The US Administration should condition assistance on CICIG’s continued operation.",321,2301,163,7907 1037726231825866753,2018-09-06 15:36,,Organized labor is why we have a minimum wage in this country. It’s why we have the five-day work week. It’s why we have worker safety standards. It’s why we have a middle class in America. We owe them.,264,2013,123,10126 1037728120760160256,2018-09-06 15:43,,"If there was ever a time for a change of pace, it is now. I recommend giving Michael’s new podcast a listen.",114,240,18,1594 1038124550058397702,2018-09-07 17:59,,"Inspiring words from @BarackObama today. A powerful reminder that it's on all of us to vote this fall if we want leaders who reflect the civility, character, dignity, and goodness of the American people. The stakes couldn't be higher, but Americans always rise to the occasion.",2777,24028,962,117917 1039214657636990976,2018-09-10 18:10,,"Before we vote this fall in the most consequential election of any of our lifetimes, I want us to have a real discussion about what really matters: the fundamental issues that determine whether or not all of us are given a chance to live with dignity and to pursue opportunity.",1245,8036,283,31006 1039579121448308741,2018-09-11 18:19,,"In the wake of darker moments in our history, our spirit has become mightier. The bonds that unite us have become thicker. Seventeen years after the 9/11 attacks, may we continue to live that legacy in our words and our deeds, every day. In America, we can overcome anything.",1101,9233,295,61690 1043112056378019840,2018-09-21 12:17,,"Today we are hosting the #BidenCancerSummit in Washington DC and in over 450 communities around the world to bring together patients and providers to commit to making real, practical changes in the lives of cancer patients and their families. Join us:",339,3184,121,15524 1043908814959988737,2018-09-23 17:03,,"Macedonia will soon hold a referendum on whether to endorse a historic accord with Greece that will pave the way for NATO membership. Despite Moscow's unrelenting propaganda campaign, Macedonians alone must decide what future they want for their country.",157,547,23,2501 1044764129284755456,2018-09-26 01:42,,"Stopped by @UDelaware and @Penn today for #NationalVoterRegistrationDay. You have the power to change the course of this country, but you have to get engaged. Register now. And show up to vote this fall.",454,1229,126,8290 1046760862114033669,2018-10-01 13:56,,Dr. James Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo’s immunotherapy discovery uses our own body’s defenses to destroy cancer. Today’s @NobelPrize award is a significant leap toward ending cancer as we know it and paving the path to a cure. Congratulations and thank you.,149,3904,136,25138 1047211899811766274,2018-10-02 19:49,,"Jason - public service takes many forms, and bravely stepping forward today is exactly that. By sharing your story, you are saving lives. Others will get the help they need because of you. Jill and I, and all of the Bidens, are with you, Diana, and True every step of the way.",194,3846,92,31244 1049686204080447488,2018-10-09 15:41,,"Joe Tydings and I were both inspired by JFK & RFK and their call to service. In the Senate, he lived up to their example with an ironclad commitment to fight the abuse of power and work to ensure that every American gets a fair shot. Joe made America better—he will be missed.",113,377,12,3624 1050936548248748033,2018-10-13 02:29,,"20 years have passed since the murder of young Matthew Shepard. We've come a long way, thanks to organizations like @MattShepardFDN, but our work isn’t done. We cannot stop fighting until every LGBTQ young person is affirmed, supported, and safe. #MSF20",352,5000,146,34755 1053007546661908480,2018-10-18 19:38,,"Our basic American values are under assault. But we can take this country back if we show up and vote. That's why I'm heading to Las Vegas on Saturday at 7:30am for the first day of early voting. RSVP here to say you’ll be there: #RiseNVote",763,2891,152,14187 1053069875130916864,2018-10-18 23:46,,"Cancer patients own their data, not hospitals. #CountMeIn empowers patients to contribute their data for research. To find cures. We are changing the culture of cancer research — sharing data, breaking down silos, and forming new collaborations. We can do this.",189,1568,72,8223 1055168580394909696,2018-10-24 18:46,,"This country has to come together. This division, this hatred, this ugliness has to end.",11638,42383,4124,205332 1055203894018695174,2018-10-24 21:06,,"What an honor to be joined by @Alyssa_Milano on tonight’s #ItsOnUs student organizing call. Alyssa, your courage reignited a movement, and your continued advocacy inspires me every day. Thank you.",281,2478,63,22133 1055235176983379968,2018-10-24 23:10,,"Together, we can take this country back. That's why I'm heading to Hartford on Friday in support of @NedLamont and @JahanaHayesCT. Don't miss this:",533,2138,106,12021 1055601527518322688,2018-10-25 23:26,,"We desperately need men and women of character in elected office. That's why next Tuesday, one week out from Election Day, I'm proud to join @tammybaldwin & @Tony4WI at early vote rallies. RSVP here: Madison: Milwaukee",496,2929,93,14880 1056588596528988161,2018-10-28 16:48,,"Ohio needs a champion—a Governor with a back bone—and that’s @RichCordray. He’s ready to fight for working families, and I’m ready to help him get elected. Join us in Youngstown tomorrow:",158,1548,39,5698 1057047307634511872,2018-10-29 23:11,,I'll be in Cedar Rapids tomorrow with @Abby4Iowa and @FredHubbell to rally Iowans around reclaiming our democracy. Let us know you'll be there:,312,1000,80,6152 1057421211653804034,2018-10-30 23:57,,"I'm proud to support @Kelly4SouthrnIL. Brendan is tough, independent, and honest—the kind of leader and public servant that Southern Illinois needs. I'm excited to head to his district for a get out the vote really tomorrow—get info and RSVP here:",62,333,6,1471 1057425005745766402,2018-10-31 00:12,,"We can’t leave a single vote on the table, and we’ve got to do everything in our power to re-elect fantastic public servants like Senator @clairecmc. So I'm heading to Missouri for a Get Out The Vote Rally tomorrow evening. Join us:",490,3490,125,16000 1057632484018405376,2018-10-31 13:56,,"This Thursday evening I’ll be in Lansing, Michigan to support @ElissaSlotkin, Debbie @Stabenow, @GretchenWhitmer and @Garlin. RSVP to join us:",280,483,27,2537 1058713718350057472,2018-11-03 13:33,,I couldn’t be more excited to close out this election in Luzerne County PA on Sunday at a Get Out the Vote rally with my friends @Bob_Casey and @CartwrightPA. Join us:,63,383,7,2086 1058732253629493250,2018-11-03 14:46,,"The character of our country is on the ballot on Tuesday, but you still have a chance to make a difference today. Don't just vote -- volunteer on #TheLastWeekend. It's that important.",161,1730,65,6561 1058734197655912448,2018-11-03 14:54,,"Voting restrictions in Georgia weren’t meant to protect the sanctity of our vote, but to suppress turnout. I applaud the court rulings to overturn them and right these wrongs. We should be making voting easier, not harder. Now let’s prove nothing can stop us. Vote.",269,6158,119,29392 1058854002102808576,2018-11-03 22:50,,"You don’t need to be a Vice President or a podcast star to to make a difference in this election. Volunteer now, knock on some doors, and make sure you show up to vote this Tuesday.",759,10166,552,45982 1059226802613350401,2018-11-04 23:32,,"The work we began that night ten years ago in Grant Park is unfinished. If you still believe, as I do, that hope is more powerful than fear, then show up and vote. And bring five people with you.",584,10188,332,51998 1059781339908632576,2018-11-06 12:15,,"Today is #ElectionDay, and this election is bigger than politics. Today we have a chance to reclaim our American ideals and take this country back.",252,4176,163,18633 1059781974041202688,2018-11-06 12:18,,"So let's do this. Get out there and vote today. Here's an easy place to confirm where you can vote, check voting hours, and find out if you need to bring anything with you. It's time.",103,890,32,3663 1059862886414192641,2018-11-06 17:39,,"No better time to help get out the vote than right now—whether you have a lunch break or a few hours to spare, take back our democracy at an event near you:",114,696,18,4496 1059927453890723840,2018-11-06 21:56,,There's still time to take this election into your own hands. Don't regret what you could have done—take action right now:,181,932,33,6461 1060999395653640192,2018-11-09 20:55,,"It’s the most fundamental American right: the right to vote — and for your vote to be counted. Count all the votes in Florida, Georgia, and Arizona. Count them fairly. Count them transparently.",1231,20622,619,104543 1061698756209336320,2018-11-11 19:14,,"Every military family knows what it means to sacrifice. Every individual life and story matters. It is who we are as Americans. On #VeteransDay and every day we must stand up for the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend us.",444,7606,185,48610 1062195924527734784,2018-11-13 04:10,,Congratulations to @kyrstensinema for a well-earned victory tonight. She’s going to do incredible work for Arizona. Credit to @MarthaMcSally as well for handling the results with true dignity and class.,260,3908,93,39438 1062845234663563266,2018-11-14 23:10,,"Instead of saying every legal vote should be counted in Florida, Republicans have adopted a strategy to discredit the process. It’s wrong – and it’s dangerous. Count every single lawful vote. Count them fairly. Count them transparently.",948,11921,386,53169 1063190264318173187,2018-11-15 22:01,,"The fires continue to burn in California, and our firefighters are among those who are losing everything. Right now, no matter where you live, you can help. Please give to support firefighters who have lost their homes to the wildfires:",150,3687,102,13439 1063541867910963201,2018-11-16 21:18,,"Betsy DeVos’ new Title IX rules will discourage sexual assault reporting and investigations. When 1 in 5 women experience sexual assault while in college, we can’t afford to go backwards. Share your views:",594,6221,301,20063 1065643326676844544,2018-11-22 16:29,,"Grateful for the time spent with loved ones this Thanksgiving, and grateful for the sacrifice of those military families whose loved ones are on duty, unable to be with their families. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.",701,4978,125,51209 1068983689613205505,2018-12-01 21:42,,"President George H.W. Bush was a decent, kind, and gracious statesman. This nation will miss him. Our condolences go out to the entire Bush family for their loss.",173,1762,57,15739 1068988709486309376,2018-12-01 22:02,,Now that’s more like it.,172,228,31,2737 1071042085464223745,2018-12-07 14:01,,"This summer, the @bidenfoundation asked you to share stories about the importance of family and community acceptance for #LGBTQ young people. Here’s what you’ve said so far:",156,419,34,3305 1073716529336860673,2018-12-14 23:09,,"Friends don't let friends go uninsured. If you still need health insurance for 2019, tomorrow, December 15th, is the last day to get it through This is about your health and peace of mind for you and your loved ones — there's nothing more important.",755,7732,401,26895 1075937211919544320,2018-12-21 02:13,,"I’ve had disagreements with Secretary Mattis, but we shared the view — long-held by Democrats and Republicans in this nation — that respect for our allies and a commitment to the most important and effective alliances in history made America safer.",650,8101,221,54024 1075937213056249856,2018-12-21 02:13,,It is clear this administration has abandoned those core American beliefs. Secretary Mattis’ presence and his voice of reason and experience will be missed in the Pentagon and the Situation Room.,573,2736,99,21120 1076114643947585537,2018-12-21 13:58,,"I know I’m a little biased, but this post from Jill @DrBiden in the #BidenForum is a must-read. Her story of the strong middle-class values that shaped her is America’s story. And she tells it so well.",410,984,53,7997 1083925881402392576,2019-01-12 03:17,,"White supremacists and their shameful ideology should have no place in this country in 2019, let alone a voice of sympathy in the United States Congress.",1060,7923,253,43003 1085735287391584256,2019-01-17 03:07,,"“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex.” Another step forward for equality and basic dignity in Delaware tonight, as the Equal Rights Amendment is enshrined in our state’s Constitution.",217,1828,71,15658 1085735289128128512,2019-01-17 03:07,,"Congratulations to the two women who led the way: @RepLonghurst and @HansenForSenate, as well as all of the lawmakers, activists, and citizens who made this happen.",69,275,8,2963 1087413570168651776,2019-01-21 18:16,,The spirit of Dr. King is still with us. It has burrowed deep into the soul of this nation. It will not let us rest. On #MLKDay we must heed Dr. King’s admonition from his final sermon and do our part to “make America what it ought to be.”,813,5337,164,36833 1089240523884425216,2019-01-26 19:15,,,230,715,42,3777 1089240522319978496,2019-01-26 19:15,,"An untested rape kit means a survivor without justice. I wrote the first rape kit backlog law because every survivor deserves closure, and because evidence shows testing kits can identify men who have committed multiple rapes - and might again. Test every kit. Every single one.",659,8166,357,46505 1090422326783606784,2019-01-30 01:31,,"What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.",1929,16152,780,82117 1091129105041551361,2019-02-01 00:20,,"This week @bidenfoundation submitted a comment to the Department of Education about proposed changes to #TitleIX guidance. These new rules would endanger students and make it harder for survivors of sexual assault to seek justice.",58,399,19,2161 1091129106694066176,2019-02-01 00:20,,Students and survivors are making their voices heard. Grassroots organizers are working to make sure these guidelines are never put into effect.,7,34,3,228 1091129122158493696,2019-02-01 00:20,,".@DavidsonJess22 of @endrapeoncampus has been advocating for safer campuses since long before I met her in the White House. Jess, I’m so grateful for your tireless work, and proud of all that you continue to accomplish.",37,39,16,317 1091129125602058240,2019-02-01 00:20,,"Fellow @UDelaware Blue Hen @Sage_Gaea of @knowyourIX has done so much for the students of Delaware through her advocacy, and is now fighting for students across the country.",14,40,9,218 1091129128512827393,2019-02-01 00:20,,"Through the #HandsOffIX website, @endrapeoncampus,@knowyourIX have helped thousands make their voices heard in the notice and comment process.",32,116,6,967 1091712355849945088,2019-02-02 14:58,,"There is no place for racism in America. Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately, Justin Fairfax is the leader Virginia needs now.",2134,8311,694,56281 1092871910067707906,2019-02-05 19:45,,"Today far too many transgender youth continue to face rejection at home and discrimination in their communities. Check out the work @bidenfoundation is doing with @lgbtmap and @genderspectrum to support these young people: #AdvancingAcceptance",231,866,82,5457 1092999736624406528,2019-02-06 04:13,,Stacey Abrams achieved in a matter of minutes something Donald Trump failed to do in over an hour -- to embrace and give voice to the spirit and core values that make America great.,2795,18269,724,112861 1093707822255296512,2019-02-08 03:07,,John Dingell was the Dean of the House. He earned that title — not just because he was there the longest — but because he led with great moral courage and vision. He was a friend and I will miss him terribly. Debbie is in my prayers.,179,2371,54,22997 1094345590069174273,2019-02-09 21:21,,Only a tyrant would prevent the delivery of food and medicine to people he claims to lead. The international community must support Juan Guaido and the National Assembly. It is time for Maduro to step aside and allow a democratic transition. The Venezuelan people deserve better.,3623,11337,1324,51915 1096111514585567232,2019-02-14 18:18,,"I know from personal experience the only way to overcome grief is to find purpose. The Parkland students & families will not allow us to turn away from our responsibilities to those 17 fallen angels. We aren’t there yet, but with their determination & insistence, we’ll get there.",212,1312,28,12159 1096111512870113281,2019-02-14 18:18,,"One year after the tragic massacre in Parkland, we’ve not done nearly enough to ensure this will never happen again. In the last year far too many have died from gun violence. But I have hope. #MSDStrong",558,4007,114,30935 1096434417948680192,2019-02-15 15:41,,"When I wrote the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, I believed it would be a lifeline. But this Congress has turned it into a political football. It’s time to pass a strong reauthorization to the Violence Against Women Act. No more stalling. Lives are on the line.",524,4789,232,27878 1096434419378933760,2019-02-15 15:41,,"Since the passage of VAWA, annual rates of domestic violence have dropped by 63%. The National Domestic Violence Hotline responds to more than 26,000 people a month, creating a safety net for survivors. We have made progress, but there is much more to do. Right now.",31,262,10,1439 1096434420557537280,2019-02-15 15:41,,"One in five women will still be victims of rape or attempted rape in their lifetimes. On average, three women a day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends. Nothing is more urgent than reauthorizing and expanding the law that makes women safer.",257,441,45,1784 1096434421899640832,2019-02-15 15:41,,"VAWA’s power is that it gets stronger with each reauthorization. This year can be no different. Like was done in 2000 and 2005 and 2013, we must expand the reach of VAWA to respond to the needs of survivors at risk every day.",43,222,4,1258 1096434423040479232,2019-02-15 15:41,,"There is nothing more powerful that Congress can do to help women, strengthen families, and save lives than reauthorizing VAWA. Now.",184,377,20,3345 1096434425733226496,2019-02-15 15:41,,"Stand with survivors and advocates like @nguyen_amanda, @ZerlinaMaxwell, @ruthmglenn, @DavidsonJess22, @Mariska, and so many others. Reauthorize VAWA now.",142,319,18,2914 1096495300355645440,2019-02-15 19:43,,"Today I congratulated President @IvanDuque on his successful visit to Washington. Maintaining strong bipartisan support for #Colombia is vitally important to meeting key security and economic challenges in the hemisphere, including humanitarian aid for refugees from #Venezuela.",691,279,59,2320 1099072824055136256,2019-02-22 22:25,,"Foreign election interference is not only a serious threat to our democratic institutions, it’s a threat to our national security. Russia and other authoritarian regimes are actively seeking to try to change outcomes of our democratic elections, and we can’t allow that to happen.",1438,4476,250,20719 1100456020688756736,2019-02-26 18:02,,Notes are ready. Be sure to tune in at 3pm ET when I will sit down at @UDBidenSchool with author and historian @jmeacham to talk about his book “The Soul of America” and the state of our democracy today.,364,233,39,1501 1101265221476331521,2019-02-28 23:37,,"@CynthiaNixon You’re right, Cynthia. I was making a point in a foreign policy context, that under normal circumstances a Vice President wouldn’t be given a silent reaction on the world stage. But there is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the Vice President.",3300,2395,705,31215 1104176453560819715,2019-03-09 00:25,,"Each year on International Women’s Day, we reaffirm the straightforward truth that achieving the goal of full and equal rights for women is essential to the success of all our nations. More on #IWD2019 here:",519,819,40,7850 1105270121336053761,2019-03-12 00:51,,"Joe Boardman led @Amtrak through difficult times, taking over during the worst economic crisis since the Depression, and starting a modernization that will help deliver the 21st century rail system America deserves. My thoughts are with his wife Joanne and their family.",153,231,15,2683 1105270122955096064,2019-03-12 00:51,,,155,65,6,584 1106010792367931393,2019-03-14 01:54,,"No one should live in fear of being fired, evicted from their home, or denied service in a restaurant just because of their gender identity or who they love. The #EqualityAct is long overdue, and will ensure LGBTQ Americans are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.",1458,7895,395,50773 1106585799494197250,2019-03-15 15:59,,"On behalf of Jill, myself, and all of the Bidens, our hearts go out to the community in Christchurch suffering from today’s senseless violence. Friday prayers for those who were gathered at their mosques has seen families torn apart by hate.",348,3079,79,30845 1106585800572055553,2019-03-15 15:59,,"Whether it is antisemitism in Pittsburgh, racism in Charlottesville, or the xenophobia and Islamophobia today in Christchurch, violent hate is on the march at home and abroad. We cannot stand by as mosques are turned into murder scenes.",409,2559,85,16997 1106585802035867649,2019-03-15 15:59,,Silence is complicity. Our children are listening. The time to speak out is now.,868,3065,168,17974 1107003115746807808,2019-03-16 19:38,,"The people of Guatemala should be the ones to choose their next president. The stakes are high: promoting transparency, shared prosperity, and combating corruption. For this reason, the @TSEGuatemala needs to certify all eligible presidential candidates by the Sunday deadline.",464,775,112,4254 1109879662816067584,2019-03-24 18:08,,"I’m proud of my alma mater @UDelaware & the student organizers of @UDance for their commitment to fighting childhood cancer. Today, they are hosting a 12 hour dance marathon benefiting the @BePositiveFdn. Join me in supporting this worthy cause.",295,1095,58,6324 1110689289229266944,2019-03-26 23:45,,"I was honored to meet Vlad and Adrianna tonight at the #BidenCourageAwards. These young people exemplify what @ItsOnUs is all about. I hope their bravery inspires more to take action to change our culture. Join these leaders and sign the #ItsOnUs pledge:",589,298,30,2382 1111332228129325057,2019-03-28 18:20,,"Whether on the assembly line, at the grocery store checkout, or in the boardroom, every woman deserves to make every penny a man doing the same job makes. The #PaycheckFairnessAct will help us get there. Congratulations @rosadelauro and thank you for your leadership on this.",661,1633,83,13805 1111383490832945152,2019-03-28 21:44,,.@NRA opposition to a full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act is sickening. We must do more to protect victims of stalking and abuse. It makes no sense to allow those who perpetrated the abuse to have access to deadly firearms. We must stand up now for survivors.,1635,7612,312,37367 1111652061001584642,2019-03-29 15:31,,"Stoning people to death for homosexuality or adultery is appalling and immoral. Every single person on earth is entitled to be treated with dignity and to live without fear. There is no excuse—not culture, not tradition—for this kind of hate and inhumanity.",4022,12958,901,54840 1113515882960052224,2019-04-03 18:57,,"Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it.",30172,22876,10062,159445 1113923632512761857,2019-04-04 21:57,,"I see that you are on the job and presidential, as always.",25440,83756,7949,504522 1114555617245634566,2019-04-06 15:49,,,401,360,27,3578 1116811587111792640,2019-04-12 21:13,,"In the last 5 years, @StopandShop's parent company has bought back billions of dollars in stock. Now they want to cut employee wages & benefits. This is wrong. I stand with the 31,000 @UFCW workers fighting for their healthcare. Join me and support them:",376,1554,89,7159 1117150655024717825,2019-04-13 19:40,,This is powerful. I would encourage everyone to read and take to heart Kyle’s message on privilege.,513,1942,221,8068 1117900747130036224,2019-04-15 21:21,,"For centuries, Notre Dame Cathedral has withstood wars, revolutions, and the test of time. It is a symbol of faith & a testament to history. And even as our hearts break to see it burn today during the holiest week of the year for Catholics, I have faith that it will rise again.",930,8607,288,70775 1118961082838724608,2019-04-18 19:34,,"I'm on my way up to a rally at #StopandShop in Boston to stand with some of the 31,000 @UFCW union members who are currently fighting against cuts to wages and health care for themselves and their families. Stand with us:",377,599,63,4457 1118986242501283849,2019-04-18 21:14,,My wife Jill always reminds me that any country that out-educates us will out-compete us. Our teachers must have the resources they need & the wages they deserve so that America will continue to lead the world. Great speech today on this from @rweingarten.,556,1282,98,8223 1119035047619833862,2019-04-19 00:28,,"The hard working men and women of @UFCW that I met today are going without pay during this strike. If you can, pitch in to make sure that those workers facing the greatest hardship are supported.",561,578,65,2482 1121353260231688192,2019-04-25 10:00,,The core values of this nation… our standing in the world… our very democracy...everything that has made America -- America --is at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. #Joe2020,18115,27217,10198,94224 1121363091651010560,2019-04-25 10:39,,"Hoy estoy anunciando mi candidatura para presidente de los Estados Unidos. Somos los Estados Unidos de America - y juntos no hay nada que no podamos hacer. Únete a nuestra campaña: #Joe2020",1007,2487,519,8720 1121426527491690496,2019-04-25 14:51,,"Our country is being put to the test, but I’ve never been more optimistic about America. Together we can do this. Make a Day One donation to join us. #Joe2020",1371,3286,442,14918 1121458852875075586,2019-04-25 17:00,,"Folks, earlier today I announced that I’m running for President of the United States. The strength of this movement depends on you. Head over to to make a donation today. #Joe2020",1698,3589,436,19515 1121515473915478025,2019-04-25 20:45,,"Our campaign is off to a great start thanks to thousands of Americans who have made donations. If you haven’t had the chance just yet, I hope you will join us too! Head to to make a donation today. #Joe2020",1031,2257,185,12486 1121544466580549633,2019-04-25 22:40,,UPDATE: We’re about to close the books on an AMAZING first day of our campaign. It’s not too late to be a part of it. Chip in before midnight to be a Day One donor. #Joe2020,947,731,81,3879 1121781611119431681,2019-04-26 14:22,,Looking forward to joining the women of @TheView today for my first live interview since announcing my 2020 campaign for President. Tune in 11e|10c|p on @ABCNetwork. #TheView,754,751,78,7303 1121857770632962048,2019-04-26 19:25,,"Thank you to the women of @TheView for the conversation today. It’s always a pleasure to sit down with you at the table. #TheView Credit: ABC/Lorenzo Bevilaqua",950,916,87,9250 1121915023444590601,2019-04-26 23:12,,I had the privilege to thank one of our grassroots donors. It's because of supporters like Josh we're able to make this campaign a reality and bring this country together.,1409,2124,228,16895 1122153428627656705,2019-04-27 15:00,,I have a message for #TeamJoe: Thank you!,903,1679,141,13199 1122294254645207043,2019-04-28 00:19,,"Jill and I are devastated to hear about today’s shooting at the Chabad Poway synagogue. No one should have to worship in fear. As a country, we must speak out against bigotry and gun violence. We’re in the battle for the soul of this nation—and it’s on all of us to act.",1082,5979,181,39711 1122516318429646849,2019-04-28 15:02,,"Wishing everyone in the Orthodox Christian community a peaceful and joyful Easter celebration with friends, family and loved ones. God Bless.",231,838,44,9237 1122563948367306759,2019-04-28 18:11,,"Dick Lugar was among the most decent men I have ever known. Kind, loyal, dedicated beyond measure to the service of the American people. Dick Lugar was my dear friend. Jill and I send our condolences to his wife Charlene and the entire Lugar family.",130,978,37,9057 1122615020456677376,2019-04-28 21:34,,"Iowa, I'm headed to town this week! Let me know you'll join us by RSVPing at",438,891,47,4784 1122637114259075072,2019-04-28 23:02,,Join me in Pittsburgh tomorrow for a discussion on my plan to build a middle class where everyone comes along. RSVP to let me know you’ll be there:,392,829,56,3856 1122651175688515584,2019-04-28 23:57,,"I've said it before and I'll say it again. To speak to the middle class, we need to reject the super PAC system. That's exactly what this campaign is doing.",679,973,170,5312 1122877945280962566,2019-04-29 14:58,,"I couldn't be more proud to have the International Association of Fire Fighters on my team. Unions built the middle class in this country—and as President, I'll fight to strengthen them and grow the backbone of this country.",775,4091,195,24077 1122896956676812800,2019-04-29 16:14,,"I'm sick of this President badmouthing unions. Labor built the middle class in this country. Minimum wage, overtime pay, the 40-hour week: they exist for all of us because unions fought for those rights. We need a President who honors them and their work.",6739,18241,1592,96984 1122977748497178624,2019-04-29 21:35,,"Folks, we’re just getting started! I’ll be heading to Iowa next. Visit for event details and to RSVP. Hope to see you soon!",286,336,26,2275 1122977747779903497,2019-04-29 21:35,,"We must turbocharge our efforts to address climate change that threatens communities across the country. Through clean, renewable energy and cleaner, safer, faster transportation, America will not only help the environment but provide millions of good-paying middle-class jobs.",176,445,29,2920 1122977745699577857,2019-04-29 21:35,,"By making post-secondary education and training affordable to and making sure the economy works not only for folks with a four-year degree but also for those who complete on-the-job training and trade programs, too.",34,101,7,613 1122977747045953542,2019-04-29 21:35,,"Whether you’re covered through your employer, on your own, or not at all - you should have a choice to buy into a public option health plan like Medicare.",93,176,16,1213 1122977744218939392,2019-04-29 21:35,,"We need to get rid of the capital gains loophole for multimillionaires. I’m going to change it so millionaires and billionaires don’t pay lower tax rates than teachers and firefighters. We need to reward work in this country, not just wealth.",41,198,21,787 1122977743321300993,2019-04-29 21:35,,"Companies continue to squeeze every last penny out of workers, making it harder and harder for Americans to make ends meet. It’s way past time we make a $15 minimum wage the law of the land.",57,99,9,513 1122977742549659649,2019-04-29 21:35,,This country wasn’t built by Wall Street bankers and CEOs and hedge fund managers. It was built by you. The great American middle class. That’s the story of America and together we can rebuild the backbone of this nation.,54,112,20,567 1122977741710688257,2019-04-29 21:35,,"As I shared in Pittsburgh today, there are three reasons I’m running for President - to restore the soul of our nation, rebuild its backbone - the middle class, and unify all Americans. If you stand with me, join our campaign:",732,2168,163,13362 1122977745049477126,2019-04-29 21:35,,"Twelve years of education is not enough. In order to rebuild a strong middle class, we must provide skills needed to do the jobs of the 21st Century.",27,86,7,514 1122977746391638016,2019-04-29 21:35,,"The Affordable Care Act was a huge step forward for this country. Now we have to finish the job and make health care a right, not a privilege, and give everyone the peace of mind they deserve.",105,199,15,1142 1123165096832831488,2019-04-30 10:00,,Serving as @BarackObama's Vice President was a privilege and an honor. We share the belief that America is a place where ordinary people do extraordinary things and anything is possible.,5118,7285,996,35523 1123248557132271616,2019-04-30 15:31,,"Today, The House will hold it's first hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment in 36 years. It's way past time to give all people protection under the Constitution--human rights should never be caught up in the whims of whichever political party is in power. We need the #ERANow.",561,2926,131,14954 1123345065169047554,2019-04-30 21:55,,"It was great to see many of our first responders and union leaders in Cedar Rapids today. This country was built by hard working Americans like you, and I look forward to being back soon!",317,761,46,5186 1123351320008650752,2019-04-30 22:20,,It's no secret that I love ice cream. I enjoyed stopping by The Cone Shoppe in Monticello for some chocolate/vanilla twist soft serve and the chance to talk with some Iowans after our first campaign stop.,554,585,146,5651 1123352740363681792,2019-04-30 22:25,,"The violence in Venezuela today against peaceful protesters is criminal. Maduro's regime is responsible for incredible suffering. The U.S. must stand with the National Assembly & Guaidó in their efforts to restore democracy through legitimate, internationally monitored elections.",2188,3195,681,12182 1123646451593170946,2019-05-01 17:52,,I’m the proud husband of a teacher and know first-hand the impact of their work. Teachers around the country and in South Carolina deserve to earn a living wage and have smaller class sizes so that America can continue to out-educate and lead the world. #AllOutMay1,436,1601,93,11502 1123729112374435841,2019-05-01 23:21,,Happy 48th Birthday to @Amtrak and the incredible men and women whose tireless work every day keeps the trains running and our country moving.,317,785,93,8114 1123973670982971392,2019-05-02 15:33,,"Today, the House votes on #HR9, the #ClimateActionNow Act, which restores our commitment to the #ParisAgreement. We need to face facts on climate change. It’s already here. It is a major threat to our future and we simply cannot wait to take action.",308,1030,41,5180 1123995821962420225,2019-05-02 17:01,,"This country wasn’t built by Wall Street bankers and CEOs and Hedge Fund Managers. It was built by you — the great American middle class. I’m thankful for all the support this week from union membership and their families, including the IAFF.",564,814,67,4893 1124102681163960321,2019-05-03 00:05,,"On Holocaust Remembrance Day, let us pause and reflect on the millions of Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazi regime. The events of the last few months remind us that it’s not enough to just say never again—we must speak up and act against hate.",284,1611,73,10023 1124313410487955456,2019-05-03 14:03,,"Last year, Floridians voted to restore voting rights to those who served their time for felonies. But today, Florida's Senate votes on a bill that would instead create a modern-day poll tax, suppressing the vote of tens of thousands of Americans. This is unacceptable.",491,1976,129,8215 1124411305333592064,2019-05-03 20:32,,"Since we launched our campaign last week, we’ve seen Americans in every corner of the country step up and say they’re in. Will you join us? Head to and be part of our team.",504,331,21,2213 1124746765494710272,2019-05-04 18:45,,"Tough, resilient, and always full of hope — that’s the America I know and that’s the America we must restore. It’s time to dig deep, take action, and fight for the soul of this nation. Join our campaign and let’s get to work.",394,489,38,3028 1124792315623747585,2019-05-04 21:46,,"I’ve seen the selfless heroism of firefighters firsthand — they run toward danger and risk their lives every single day for strangers. On International Firefighters' Day, I extend my deepest gratitude to all the men and women who keep our communities safe.",207,937,34,7784 1124814461536223234,2019-05-04 23:14,,"Thank you for the warm welcome, Columbia! It’s always great to be back in South Carolina.",2723,1270,596,11379 1125081222420533249,2019-05-05 16:54,,We’re kicking off this campaign on May 18th—and we need #TeamJoe’s help. Sign up to host a house party to tune in with your friends and family:,156,175,14,892 1125094498927878144,2019-05-05 17:46,,America is an idea that has grown stronger through the unique contributions of Latinos. @latinovictoryus works tirelessly to empower the community — congrats on 5 years.,130,285,14,1309 1125113934619406337,2019-05-05 19:04,,"We’re in the battle for the soul of this nation, but I’ve never been more optimistic about our future. If we work together, I know we can get this country back on track. Join our campaign:",549,796,62,4830 1125177603780825089,2019-05-05 23:17,,"Our country may seem more divided than ever, but I know our best days are still ahead. It’s time we lift our heads up and remember who we are. If you’re ready to get to work, join our campaign today.",512,532,49,3451 1125196320816467969,2019-05-06 00:31,,"On this first day of Ramadan, Jill and I wish peace and happiness to Muslims around the world celebrating the holy month. Ramadan Kareem.",501,1562,63,14245 1125497461785616386,2019-05-06 20:28,,"Nevada, we’re taking our campaign to Henderson tomorrow, May 7th! Head to to RSVP and come join us.",147,200,15,1061 1125515077564502016,2019-05-06 21:38,,"On Saturday, Jill and I visited Columbia, South Carolina, to discuss how we’ll build an inclusive middle class where everyone — regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability — comes along. Thank you to everyone who joined us, we’ll be back soon!",316,421,35,2951 1125529422205816834,2019-05-06 22:35,,"Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, on the birth of their baby boy! The truth is there’s no better job than being a parent. Jill and I wish you the best of luck on your next chapter.",271,953,57,14837 1125544863305433091,2019-05-06 23:36,,"@samanthapetrick Hey Rocco, happy 9th birthday! Sorry I missed the party. I hope you got some ice cream with that #Biden2020 cookie.",5,6,2,46 1125819080919769094,2019-05-07 17:46,,"Folks, we’re getting ready for our event this afternoon in Nevada and we’d love to see you there! RSVP at:",200,207,18,1217 1125826631245926408,2019-05-07 18:16,,I’m so inspired by @DrBiden for her dedication to educating future generations. Happy #TeacherAppreciationDay to all the hardworking educators out there!,121,351,16,2362 1125927566974619648,2019-05-08 00:57,,"One year ago, this Administration began ripping apart immigrant families. Putting children in cages. As I told @Astrid_NV and other brave activists today, we can fix our broken immigration system without tossing aside our values.",642,1017,69,5088 1126191970865614849,2019-05-08 18:27,,Kendrick Castillo will not collect his high school diploma this week because he gave his life trying to protect his classmates from another senseless act of violence in an American school yesterday. My heart goes out to his family and all those affected by yesterday's shooting.,261,2087,77,14963 1126191971754807301,2019-05-08 18:27,,We must remember Kendrick's name and sacrifice. We must ensure his legacy lives in our shared commitment to stopping these tragedies. Children shouldn’t fear going to school and parents shouldn't need to rely on the uncommon courage of an 18-year-old hero to keep their kids safe.,136,753,16,6056 1126225257961021440,2019-05-08 20:40,,"We’re officially kicking off our campaign with a rally in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 18th! RSVP to join us by heading to",213,275,30,1358 1126243628148350976,2019-05-08 21:53,,I’m proud to stand with Uber and Lyft drivers across the country today. Every worker in this country deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.,325,487,60,4691 1126510889769865216,2019-05-09 15:35,,"Thanks to my friend, Mayor @EricGarcetti for the tacos yesterday in Los Angeles. I’ll be back soon and the ice cream is on me.",175,204,12,1411 1126554426553008129,2019-05-09 18:28,,"It’s time we restore the great American middle class that built this country. That starts with making a $15 minimum wage the law of the land, ensuring health care is a right not a privilege, and creating a tax code that rewards work, not just wealth.",496,551,68,2799 1126609288116547591,2019-05-09 22:06,,Our movement’s strength is rooted in communities all across this country. That’s why we’re bringing together #TeamJoe to officially kick off our campaign. Sign up to help by hosting a watch party in your community at,646,522,48,2702 1126915076764647424,2019-05-10 18:21,,I’m proud to have been one of the first to introduce climate change legislation. What I fought for in 1986 is more important than ever — climate change is an existential threat. Now. Today.,808,1815,156,12963 1126915077653827585,2019-05-10 18:21,,We need policies that reflect this urgency. I'll have more specifics on how America can lead on climate in the coming weeks.,319,382,47,4165 1126946006505930752,2019-05-10 20:24,,"Can’t make it to Philadelphia for our kickoff rally on Saturday, May 18th? Visit to attend a watch party in your community. #BidenForPresident",169,195,6,906 1126966390680723456,2019-05-10 21:45,,"New Hampshire, we’re taking our campaign your way next week! Head to to find an event near you.",316,306,23,1727 1127337088418963456,2019-05-11 22:18,,#TeamJoe is hosting house parties across the country to help kick off our campaign. RSVP at to attend a watch party in your community.,341,596,48,2948 1127581192444882945,2019-05-12 14:28,,"My mom was an incredible woman, and I miss her. She would always tell us that “courage is the greatest virtue, because without courage you cannot love with abandon.” She lived her life that way, loving us with abandon. I want to wish every mother out there a Happy Mother’s Day.",521,3070,110,36310 1127635298500800512,2019-05-12 18:03,,"New Hampshire, we’re heading to Manchester tomorrow and we’d love to see you there! Head to to RSVP.",178,431,19,2305 1127667762682376192,2019-05-12 20:12,,"Our campaign starts at the local level. Neighbors talking with neighbors, communities coming together—that’s how we’ll change the country. That’s why we’re organizing watch parties all across this nation to launch our campaign. Sign up to host yours today.",234,222,19,1178 1127696954689896448,2019-05-12 22:08,,"Join us in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 18th, as we officially launch our campaign! Head to to RSVP today.",322,531,40,2704 1127972346416041984,2019-05-13 16:22,,Every American should be encouraged to exercise their right to vote. I stand with @JeanneShaheen in opposing the voter suppression law that makes it harder for students in New Hampshire to participate in our political process. This law should be overturned.,222,941,33,3386 1128035443918954496,2019-05-13 20:33,,"This Saturday, we’re officially launching our campaign to unite this country in Philadelphia — the city that first brought our nation together over 200 years ago. We’d love to see you there, head to to RSVP and learn more.",801,1623,106,8672 1128384484867371008,2019-05-14 19:40,,"We simply cannot accept that the number of uninsured Americans is growing. We need to defend the Affordable Care Act and build upon the progress we made to ensure every American has access to high quality, affordable health care.",487,966,65,3807 1128438592022425600,2019-05-14 23:15,,Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect under the law—regardless of who they are or who they love. Now is not the time to back down. We must stand up to this Administration's intolerance and ensure America lives up to our founding ideals.,522,1224,71,5566 1128669112698380294,2019-05-15 14:31,,"Republicans in AL, FL, GA, and OH are ushering in laws that clearly violate Roe v Wade and they should be declared unconstitutional. Roe v Wade is settled law and should not be overturned. This choice should remain between a woman and her doctor.",1736,10300,597,46634 1128736808114765824,2019-05-15 19:00,,"Thank you to the hundreds of people who joined us yesterday in the cold and rain in Nashua, NH. Our political system is broken, but I’m more optimistic about America’s chances today than I have ever been. If we come together and remember who we are, there’s nothing we can’t do.",446,805,62,4792 1128758197869850624,2019-05-15 20:25,,"It was good to be back in New Hampshire! Thank you to everyone who came out to join us in Hampton, Manchester, and Nashua.",277,322,27,2404 1129135685665984514,2019-05-16 21:25,,"I’m running for president to restore the soul of this nation, rebuild its backbone — the middle class, and unify all Americans. If you’re with me, join us as we launch our campaign in Philadelphia this Saturday:",623,1499,104,7850 1129163367762092033,2019-05-16 23:15,,Los EEUU fueron fundados con una simple frase: We the people. Nosotros el Pueblo. Me postulo para Presidente para unificar nuestro país y asegurar que alcancemos el ideal de nuestros fundadores. Únase este sábado en Filadelfia para lanzar nuestra campaña:,152,278,27,1043 1129182201151676419,2019-05-17 00:29,,"Our campaign is built on restoring the American idea, that all men and women are created equal. That’s why we’re basing our campaign in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -- the birthplace of this great experiment, American democracy.",645,1114,119,5800 1129467118691373056,2019-05-17 19:22,,Thank you to the @NVAssemblyDems & @NVSenateDems for their hard work — and the people of Nevada for making this a reality. The Silver State is in good hands with these women leading the way.,84,193,5,1026 1129511411133108226,2019-05-17 22:18,,At the core of our campaign is the idea that we always do better when we act as one America. If we choose unity over division there’s nothing we can’t do. Tune in tomorrow at 1 PM ET to join us as we kick off our campaign in Philadelphia:,376,440,47,2071 1129532101605433345,2019-05-17 23:40,,"No one should be fired, denied a home or access to services because of who they are or who they love. But that’s not the reality for many LGBTQ Americans. Today’s historic passage of the #EqualityAct moves us one step closer to righting this wrong — the Senate should act now.",354,1094,46,6711 1129801214198210560,2019-05-18 17:29,,"I’m so excited to be in Philadelphia — the birthplace of American democracy — to launch our campaign. I’ll be taking the stage soon, head to to tune in.",191,373,26,2073 1129806203305881602,2019-05-18 17:49,,Watch Live: Joe Biden Officially Launches Campaign for President,1436,1223,168,3819 1129806433258749957,2019-05-18 17:50,,"Over 200 years ago, our nation was born out of a bold statement: We the People. Not You. Not Me. But We.",1665,2571,476,11561 1129807915634876417,2019-05-18 17:56,,"The life of my love — the love of my life — the person who put our family back together. I love you, Jilly! @DrBiden",80,263,10,3210 1129808141099700225,2019-05-18 17:57,,"I’m about to take the stage, so I’m handing over the account to my staff to make sure you don’t miss a thing. Head to to tune in as we launch our campaign.",175,347,25,2060 1129808710245781504,2019-05-18 17:59,,".@TeamJoe here! We’re taking over to keep you in the loop on our campaign’s official kickoff in Philadelphia. If you aren’t already, head to to tune in.",84,147,9,717 1129810475129212928,2019-05-18 18:06,,We the People. Those three words changed everything. #TeamJoe,91,307,27,1149 1129810677671944192,2019-05-18 18:07,,Simply put: we are better than this. #TeamJoe,178,415,52,1549 1129811393480462338,2019-05-18 18:10,,"Our nation was founded on the principles of equality, equity, and fairness. But from day one, America has failed to live up to that promise for most of its people. We must do better. We can do better. #TeamJoe",151,306,24,1213 1129811790815289346,2019-05-18 18:11,,"From ensuring everyone has quality, affordable health care to action on climate change — everything is on the line in this election. #TeamJoe",162,377,28,1314 1129814026534510592,2019-05-18 18:20,,"Joe introduced one of the first climate change bills in the Senate and has been at the forefront of the fight ever since. As president, he’ll take aggressive action to protect our planet for future generations. #TeamJoe",150,337,20,1347 1129815340756721664,2019-05-18 18:25,,It’s up to every generation to do the work to protect and perfect our democracy. #TeamJoe,107,365,28,1279 1129816323264057345,2019-05-18 18:29,,"We choose hope over fear, truth over lies, and unity over division. #TeamJoe",378,681,79,2496 1129817884191076352,2019-05-18 18:35,,At the core of our campaign is a simple idea: we are at our best when we’re one America. #TeamJoe,555,641,182,2924 1129819469050798080,2019-05-18 18:42,,"Joe helped make government work before, and he’ll make it work again. #TeamJoe",427,411,59,1627 1129820483548057600,2019-05-18 18:46,,America has stood as a beacon of hope around the world for generations. #TeamJoe,350,512,62,2110 1129835865478455298,2019-05-18 19:47,,"It’s time we pick our heads up, come together, and remember our best days are still ahead. #TeamJoe",690,1067,157,5052 1129839986415681537,2019-05-18 20:03,,Thanks so much for following along this afternoon! Follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on everything happening on the campaign. #TeamJoe signing off!,322,309,19,1844 1129900458905100289,2019-05-19 00:03,,"Thank you to everyone who joined us in Philadelphia, attended watch parties in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and tuned in across the nation. We're just getting started. I know if we work together, there's nothing we can't do. Sign up to join us:",951,1091,95,7064 1130866163783806981,2019-05-21 16:01,,States across the nation are passing extreme laws that violate a woman’s constitutional right to choose. These bills are a blatant attempt to overturn Roe v Wade. It's wrong. It's pernicious. We must #StopTheBans and ensure this choice remains between a woman and her doctor.,1573,3129,297,12276 1130931543856287744,2019-05-21 20:21,,"That’s why I’ve spent my whole career fighting — and I will continue to fight — like hell so that no one ever has to make that walk again. If you’re with me, I hope you'll join my campaign and chip in what you can:",356,893,45,8286 1130931542434439173,2019-05-21 20:21,,"My dad had to make that walk in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized how hard it must have been for him. But he was not alone. This story isn’t unique to the Bidens. Too many people around this country have had to make that walk.",97,675,10,6198 1130931540542787585,2019-05-21 20:21,,Trump doesn’t understand the struggles working folks go through. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to worry you will lose the roof over your head. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to wonder if you’ll be able to put food on the table.,156,852,38,6011 1130931539833950208,2019-05-21 20:21,,"Yesterday, Trump tried to attack me at his campaign rally by saying I abandoned Pennsylvania. I’ve never forgotten where I came from. My family did have to leave Pennsylvania when I was 10 — we moved to Delaware where my Dad found a job that could provide for our family.",1807,5010,501,31911 1130931541377474561,2019-05-21 20:21,,"And he doesn’t understand that the longest walk a parent can make is up a short flight of stairs to their child’s bedroom to say, honey, I'm sorry. We have to move. You can’t go back to your school. You won’t see your friends because Daddy or Mommy lost their job.",64,597,14,4646 1130956684136857600,2019-05-21 22:01,,We were born of an idea that every single person — no matter where they come from — can achieve anything if they work at it.,582,830,119,4215 1130982857172766720,2019-05-21 23:45,,Our politics today has become so mean and petty — it traffics in division and our president is the divider in chief. This is not who we are.,908,1817,145,8965 1131339456399781891,2019-05-22 23:22,,"In the 25 years since we passed the Violence Against Women Act, we’ve made great strides in protecting women from abuse. But the latest reauthorization is being held up by the @NRA. It’s outrageous. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue—the Senate should pass the #VAWA immediately.",229,1271,36,5302 1131355813757374465,2019-05-23 00:27,,"On Saturday, we officially kicked off our campaign in Philadelphia — the city that brought our nation together over 200 years ago. I’m running for president to unite our country, because when we come together and act as one America there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.",803,913,86,5436 1131545449201061889,2019-05-23 13:00,,"Over the last year, six children have tragically died in US custody at the border. It’s unacceptable. It’s not who we are. And silence is complicity. It’s on all of us to stand up and speak out. America is a nation of immigrants. We must guarantee everyone's treated with dignity.",1076,3910,226,16060 1131648787418685440,2019-05-23 19:51,,"I’m proud to stand with @SEIU and workers across the country today in the #FightFor15. We must restore the dignity of work and ensure everyone’s treated with respect. That starts with raising the minimum wage to $15, strengthening our unions, and creating safe work environments.",225,623,29,2749 1131686241693573121,2019-05-23 22:20,,I know how to make government work — not because I’ve talked or tweeted about it. But because I’ve done it.,787,1637,133,8832 1132017423312252929,2019-05-24 20:16,,I can promise you this: I will do whatever it takes to make progress on the issues that matter most.,1090,1463,181,8610 1132296512224894976,2019-05-25 14:45,,"Let me make one thing clear, the promise of this nation will not be extinguished on my watch.",693,1350,100,7206 1132343069355991040,2019-05-25 17:50,,"With so much happening on the campaign, we want to make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest news. Text JOIN right now to 30330 to make sure you don’t miss a thing!",245,251,58,1380 1132383084446281728,2019-05-25 20:29,,"Across the country, too many families are being left behind. We’ve got to rebuild an inclusive middle class where everybody — regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability — gets a fair shot.",776,1657,106,7633 1132716782295408646,2019-05-26 18:35,,"I’m running to offer our country a different path. Not back to a past that never was, but to a future that lives up to our founding ideals and fulfills our true promise as a country. If you’re with me, join our campaign today:",756,1455,92,8715 1132770888305303555,2019-05-26 22:10,,"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is, we have to let them know who we are. We choose hope over fear. Truth over lies. And unity over division.",1368,3856,267,18199 1133010215413080064,2019-05-27 14:01,,"Every #MemorialDay, Jill and I remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation. Our troops are the heart, soul, & spine of America—may we never fail to honor the memory of those who have fallen and ensure their spirit lives on in both our words and deeds.",607,3316,127,20184 1133432497872756737,2019-05-28 17:59,,Teachers like Ronniece are not only educating our children — they’re building the future of our country.,233,700,41,3353 1133488485619437568,2019-05-28 21:41,,"I’ve seen firsthand how hard teachers work with little support and few resources. We’ve got to do better. That’s why today, surrounded by America’s teachers, we laid out our plan for educators, students, and our future:",813,1288,94,6087 1133531898247045120,2019-05-29 00:33,,"In America, no child’s future should be determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability.",22,101,8,381 1133531887203475456,2019-05-29 00:33,,We must invest in our public schools so students can grow into healthy adults and educators can focus on teaching.,17,87,6,376 1133531875597799425,2019-05-29 00:33,,It’s time we give our educators the pay and dignity they deserve.,21,110,11,447 1133531869214060546,2019-05-29 00:33,,"Our plan will increase teacher pay and provide them with the support they deserve. We’ll invest in all children from birth, so that regardless of their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability they are prepared to succeed in tomorrow’s economy.",448,1257,89,8014 1133531911668867073,2019-05-29 00:34,,It’s our responsibility to provide every middle and high school student a path to a successful career.,21,106,5,653 1133531921122779137,2019-05-29 00:34,,"Our children are our future, it’s time we start investing in them from birth.",157,278,24,2151 1133531926642470913,2019-05-29 00:34,,"There is no doubt in my mind that if we take these steps, no nation on earth will be able to match the United States of America. To read more about our plan, head to",179,288,22,1908 1133818793891913728,2019-05-29 19:34,,"We had a great first day in Texas! Thank you to @rweingarten and @AFTunion for the discussion on how we improve our education system. It's time we increase teacher pay and ensure that no child’s future is determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability.",184,297,25,2126 1133882123276967936,2019-05-29 23:45,,Our motivated students make me believe America’s best days are still ahead. Thank you to Mayor @Mike_Rawlings and @SPARKDallas for a great afternoon.,149,253,17,1531 1134181199918841856,2019-05-30 19:34,,"South Carolina would be lucky to have @harrisonjaime representing them in the Senate. He has the character, intelligence, and integrity needed to serve his community well. I hope you'll #JoinJaime.",131,1930,65,7920 1134211380377260037,2019-05-30 21:34,,"We’ve got to invest in every child — regardless of zip code or race or parents' income. In a Biden Administration, we’ll provide high-quality, universal pre-K for all three- and four-year-olds to ensure every kid gets a fair shot. Read the full plan:",178,279,19,1364 1134241402525749259,2019-05-30 23:33,,"@KamalaHarris @DrBiden Thank you @KamalaHarris from me, Jill, & all the Bidens for your kind remembrance of Beau today. My dad used to say that you know you are a success as a parent when you turn & look at your child & realize they turned out better than you — I'm so proud of the man Beau became.",195,1423,50,18119 1134248373744164865,2019-05-31 00:01,,Jill and I were honored to join today’s Memorial Day service in Delaware. We must remember the brave women and men — and their families — who gave everything in service to our nation.,136,295,13,2535 1134255673410064384,2019-05-31 00:30,,"Thad Cochran was a friend and a true patriot in every sense of the word. Jill and I are sending our condolences to Thad’s family, he will be sorely missed.",85,192,3,1787 1134498619778899968,2019-05-31 16:35,,"Every day, we’re witnessing the Trump Administration attack the hard fought progress made by the LGBTQ community. We can't go backwards. It's up to all of us to stand up to these injustices. I'm looking forward to joining @HRC tomorrow to talk about the work that remains.",169,529,13,2914 1134521171721052164,2019-05-31 18:05,,"One in five children experience mental health challenges, but too many don’t get help. My plan doubles the number of mental health professionals in schools to ensure every student gets the support they need. Read the full plan here:",201,679,39,3235 1134581569786695681,2019-05-31 22:05,,America’s teachers have been forced to make ends meet with too little pay and too few resources. That changes with a Biden Administration. We’ll finally support our educators with the pay and dignity they deserve.,376,1128,69,5532 1134644168658231297,2019-06-01 02:13,,11 innocent lives cut down. 11 more futures denied. When will we finally say enough is enough? It’s long past time to hold our leaders accountable. Jill and I are heartbroken that more American families are suffering tonight in Virginia Beach.,1632,3610,272,23675 1134922883191508995,2019-06-01 20:41,,"Pride is about standing up to the voices of injustice and discrimination and declaring that everyone has the right to live proud, open, and free. It's about love. We join the LGBTQ community in celebration and remember the fight is not over. We march on. Happy #PrideMonth",226,1571,57,8777 1134937162452017152,2019-06-01 21:38,,"Gun violence occurs every day across America. Enough is enough. Not every life lost makes national headlines, but it's just as painful for those left behind. This is an epidemic plaguing our communities & destroying our children’s futures. We must act now.",379,853,47,3246 1135015405859299329,2019-06-02 02:48,,"Thank you @HRC for having me tonight in Columbus. At a time when we’re seeing the forces of hate and intolerance push back on the progress we’ve made, your courage and grit gives me hope. I will always stand beside you as we fight for equality.",368,1116,41,6309 1135198225890193408,2019-06-02 14:55,,"I’m looking forward to traveling to New Hampshire this week to talk to voters about my plans for our country. RSVP to join us in Berlin or Concord today:",384,526,36,3235 1135575368050577408,2019-06-03 15:54,,"Happy birthday to the love of my life and the life of my love, @DrBiden. Jilly, I love you.",871,1812,137,27647 1135606069722460160,2019-06-03 17:56,,"We have a major problem with educational inequality and we need to tackle it head on. In a Biden Administration, we’ll triple Title I funding — creating a historic investment in schools serving a high proportion of children from low-income families.",313,558,37,3118 1135848669918486529,2019-06-04 10:00,,"We are in a climate emergency and we must take drastic action now to address it. So today, I’m announcing my plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice.",2452,2157,422,8940 1135934101549174784,2019-06-04 15:39,,"Today, President Trump denies the evidence in front of his own eyes, hides climate science produced by his own administration, and actively works to roll back what progress we have already made. It’s reckless, it’s irresponsible, and it’s unacceptable.",110,211,9,668 1135935107041300482,2019-06-04 15:43,,"Science tells us that how we act, or fail to act, in the next 12 years will determine the very livability of our planet. As president, I will use every authority available to me to drive progress. I will accept no half-measures.",86,172,8,668 1135936833848786945,2019-06-04 15:50,,"We’re going to make record-breaking investments in research and development and zero-carbon technologies so that America is the engine of the world’s clean economy. The United States will be a 100% clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050.",84,179,18,577 1135939218302222338,2019-06-04 15:59,,"This initiative will create new, good-paying jobs all across the clean economy in the United States of America. It’s an enormous opportunity.",57,141,7,450 1135940944879128576,2019-06-04 16:06,,"We’ll hold polluters accountable for the damage they've caused—particularly in low-income communities and communities of color.",83,152,13,535 1135942834194964488,2019-06-04 16:14,,"I will rejoin the Paris Climate Accord on Day One. But that’s not sufficient. I’ll immediately get to work leading a diplomatic initiative to get every nation to go beyond their initial commitment—to push our progress further, and faster.",98,182,17,682 1135943828274327557,2019-06-04 16:18,,"We need to dramatically accelerate our worldwide effort to meet the intensity of the challenge we face. I hope you'll read my full plan to tackle the climate emergency and environmental injustices:",100,211,11,1140 1135944335738966016,2019-06-04 16:20,,"Making these revolutionary changes is going to take an incredible commitment at all levels, but I know we can meet this challenge. Because this is what America does best—solving big problems, with big ideas. If you agree, please sign your name here:",122,185,8,990 1135982348741332992,2019-06-04 18:51,,Today is the anniversary of China's brutal crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Authorities tried to stop peaceful calls for political change with rifles & tanks. The courage of the Tiananmen generation hasn't been silenced & still inspires the fight for freedom and justice worldwide.,137,556,26,3027 1135982349424963585,2019-06-04 18:51,,"China’s continuing oppression of its own people, especially the abuse and internment of more than one million Uyghurs, is one of the worst human rights crises in the world today. It can’t be ignored. Human rights must be at the core—not periphery—of our engagement in the world.",152,235,32,1634 1135992455931813888,2019-06-04 19:31,,"Estamos enfrentando una emergencia climática y debemos tomar medidas drásticas ya. Por eso, hoy, estoy anunciando mi plan para una Revolución de Energía Limpia y Justicia Ambiental.",110,137,13,603 1136035902306865152,2019-06-04 22:24,,"As the sun sets around the world, Jill and I want to extend our warmest wishes to those marking the end of Ramadan. May your celebrations be filled with family and joy. #EidMubarak",192,442,26,4134 1136348713595654146,2019-06-05 19:07,,"Spent yesterday afternoon in Plymouth, NH, discussing how we build our Clean Energy Revolution. Under our bold new plan, the United States will be a 100% clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050. Read more here:",131,150,7,809 1136393508648972288,2019-06-05 22:05,,We had a great few days on the campaign trail in New Hampshire. Thank you to everyone who came out to join us! I look forward to being back soon.,135,191,17,1246 1136407853479202816,2019-06-05 23:02,,"We can’t afford four more years of President Trump attacking the progress we’ve made on climate change. On day one as president, I’ll take the bold action necessary to tackle this crisis head on.",871,1048,89,6925 1136662796073152519,2019-06-06 15:55,,"75 years ago, far from home, on those bloody beachheads of Normandy, thousands of brave young Americans risked everything to prove that freedom, justice, and democracy would never bend before the forces of fascism and intolerance.",107,535,18,3611 1136662796974854144,2019-06-06 15:55,,"With uncommon courage and unfailing honor, Allied forces claimed the first few feet in the drive to turn back an empire born of hatred and prevent it from consuming Europe. They did it not for personal posterity or political gain, but simply because there was no other choice.",9,52,0,261 1136662798199660544,2019-06-06 15:55,,We will never forget what the conviction and mettle of those young patriots achieved—for all of us.,14,50,2,261 1136662798904303617,2019-06-06 15:55,,Their valor cemented in history their place of honor and it planted the seeds of what would grow to become the greatest military alliance in the history of the world—one that would preserve the peace and extend the hard won gains of democracy for their children and grandchildren.,32,160,2,1545 1136662800493924352,2019-06-06 15:55,,"Today, we honor all those who answered duty’s call on June 6, 1944, not only in memorials and remembrances, but in recommitting ourselves to the urgent task of defending those values for which they fought and so many died.",67,211,4,1783 1136798174855610368,2019-06-07 00:53,,"Women’s rights and health care are under assault in a way that seeks to roll back every step of progress we’ve made over the last 50 years. If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s zip code.",2447,1870,511,11749 1137118388826890240,2019-06-07 22:05,,"I know how to beat the NRA because I’ve done it before - twice. I shepherded through the passage of the Brady background check bill in 1993, and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in 1994. As president, I will defeat the NRA again.",151,234,19,1901 1137118387413426178,2019-06-07 22:05,,We can’t let a special interest group dictate the safety of the rest of the country. That’s why defeating the NRA is a key element of our education policy we introduced last week.,84,172,7,1565 1137118386515775488,2019-06-07 22:05,,"We will be rolling out policies to reduce gun violence in the coming months, but it’s clear we need to: - Close the loophole that allows individuals to buy guns online or at gun shows without a background check. - Ban the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.",45,55,6,247 1137118385769197568,2019-06-07 22:05,,There are actions that Congress can take right now if they were to listen to the majority of the American people who want to see our government take action to stop gun violence.,22,31,4,137 1137118382245974020,2019-06-07 22:05,,"Today is #NationalGunViolenceAwarenessDay. Our team, and people across the country, are wearing orange in remembrance of the countless lives that have been cut short by senseless acts of gun violence in America.",173,346,23,2626 1137118384905211904,2019-06-07 22:05,,We don't need to convince the American public that common-sense measures to reduce gun violence are a good idea. 2 in 3 people believe that we need stricter gun laws.,16,35,3,143 1137118384045404161,2019-06-07 22:05,,This is politics at its worst. We should all feel safe to walk the streets of our own cities and towns. Our workers should feel safe at work. Our students should always feel safe at school.,15,29,2,136 1137118383311327236,2019-06-07 22:05,,We need action. But the NRA and gun manufacturers have such a firm grip on Republicans in Congress that they refuse to consider common-sense gun reforms.,18,35,1,136 1137143450372120577,2019-06-07 23:45,,"This campaign is about listening to communities and working with them to find solutions to the issues on their minds. Yesterday we held a roundtable to do just that. Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with me in Atlanta.",312,250,36,1484 1137372459311751168,2019-06-08 14:55,,"Make no mistake, how we act in the next 12 years will determine the very livability of our planet. We’ll make the largest investment in American history to tackle the climate emergency head on and protect our planet for future generations.",506,827,77,4395 1137415744633954310,2019-06-08 17:47,,"Iowa, we’re heading your way next week and hope to see you there! Go to to RSVP to an event in your community.",195,216,22,1258 1137427069355339776,2019-06-08 18:32,,"Across America, mayors are stepping up and leading the way on combating climate change. Thank you to @MartyForBoston for showing me the innovative work Boston is doing to protect the city from rising sea levels and increased flooding.",110,190,12,920 1137512532845969409,2019-06-09 00:11,,The Bidens are celebrating my daughter Ashley’s birthday today. @DrBiden and I are so proud of everything she has accomplished and can’t wait to see what she achieves in the years ahead.,171,322,16,4891 1137521124793823232,2019-06-09 00:45,,"Happy #BestFriendsDay to my friend, @BarackObama.",10208,9941,5391,85519 1137536458770780160,2019-06-09 01:46,,"Happy birthday to one of the strongest people Jill and I know, @GabbyGiffords. You are an inspiration to so many people. Your courage and your advocacy have made our country a better place.",143,710,14,7661 1137786437108228096,2019-06-09 18:20,,"As president, I’ll lead America to become the world’s clean energy superpower.",355,389,40,2361 1137818649207721984,2019-06-09 20:28,,"Jill & I were thrilled to be there today to watch our amazing granddaughter Maisy graduate. Maisy, you make us so proud & we can’t wait to see what you do next with your talent, smarts, dedication and kindness. The future is yours, and Nana & Pop will always be right behind you.",569,1067,83,17653 1138091446945214464,2019-06-10 14:32,,"President Trump’s decision to abandon the #ParisAgreement wasn't just reckless—it abdicated our leadership on the world stage and threatened the future of our planet. On day one, I’ll rejoin the Agreement and rally the world to push our progress further.",442,916,61,4577 1138146307921465346,2019-06-10 18:10,,It was great to be back in Atlanta! Thank you to Mayor @KeishaBottoms for showing me around town and for your work expanding opportunity to every corner of the city.,153,228,19,1552 1138215765843283969,2019-06-10 22:46,,I'm headed to eastern Iowa this week to talk with voters about our vision for the future. Head to to RSVP to an event in your community.,425,334,44,1858 1138504076788936706,2019-06-11 17:51,,"Hey everyone, @TeamJoe here. We’re taking over to keep you in the loop on our event in Ottumwa, Iowa. Stay tuned! #TeamJoe",314,242,34,2073 1138505090275389442,2019-06-11 17:55,,"When it comes to President Trump’s tariff war with China, one thing is clear: America’s farmers and manufacturers are getting crushed – no one knows that better than Iowa. To Trump, the people getting hurt are just pawns in his game. #TeamJoe",66,97,7,318 1138505405284409349,2019-06-11 17:56,,Tune in here:,225,145,23,576 1138505591742259202,2019-06-11 17:57,,"He thinks he’s being tough. Well, it’s easy to be tough when someone else is feeling the pain. How many farmers across Iowa and across this nation are facing the prospect of losing their business, of losing their farm because of Trump’s tariffs? #TeamJoe",86,144,9,500 1138506137697959939,2019-06-11 17:59,,"Trump doesn’t get the basics. He thinks his tariffs are being paid by China. Any freshman econ student could tell you that the American people are paying his tariffs. The cashiers at Target see what’s going on – they know more about economics than Trump. #TeamJoe",155,248,23,1105 1138506630289678401,2019-06-11 18:01,,We can’t afford four more years of an administration that gambles with the livelihoods of American families. Working families deserve a president who is fighting for them. #TeamJoe,370,298,38,1995 1138511521800249344,2019-06-11 18:21,,Thank you for following along this afternoon! Follow @TeamJoe to keep up with everything happening on the campaign. #TeamJoe,110,108,6,991 1138517503909306368,2019-06-11 18:45,,Good luck to the @USWNT as they kick off their first game of the Women’s World Cup. @DrBiden and I will be rooting for you! We have no doubt you’ll make our country proud. #OneNationOneTeam,125,189,15,1388 1138536524381851648,2019-06-11 20:00,,President Trump is bringing his secret one page agreement with Mexico to Iowa. The Iowans being crushed by his tariffs would like to see it.,1126,2282,177,10526 1138588219866378240,2019-06-11 23:26,,"Tomorrow, we’re heading to Clinton, Iowa, and hope to see you there! RSVP at and spread the word to family and friends.",345,388,31,1937 1138614392508100608,2019-06-12 01:10,,President Trump thinks his tariffs are being paid by China. Just like he thinks Mexico is building the wall.,2597,6114,473,33409 1138877722682363904,2019-06-12 18:36,,"Three years later, the horrific attack on Pulse Nightclub still shakes our nation to the core. A night that should have been a celebration of love and life was cut short by unspeakable terror. Today, we remember those we lost — including so many in the LGBTQ community.",98,573,18,4186 1138877726692188160,2019-06-12 18:36,,"Prayers are not enough to end these senseless mass shootings. This violence is not normal. As a country, we have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to stop the gun violence epidemic.",227,392,20,3249 1138891429026177024,2019-06-12 19:30,,"Our 9/11 first responders represent the best of our country — selflessly rushing into danger to save others. We owe them so much, and the least we can do is provide the health care and benefits they deserve. Thank you, Jon Stewart, for continuing to have their backs.",176,904,35,5721 1138906064647327744,2019-06-12 20:29,,"Today in 1967, the Supreme Court struck down interracial marriage bans in Loving v. Virginia—a decision that inched us closer to our founding ideals of equality, equity, & fairness. The decision reminds us progress doesn’t happen on its own—every generation has to fight for it.",227,510,28,3039 1138937521545420800,2019-06-12 22:34,,We had a great day in Iowa talking about how we rebuild the backbone of our country — the middle class. Thank you to everyone who came out to join us!,390,292,34,1965 1138982419527327745,2019-06-13 01:32,,President Trump is once again welcoming foreign interference in our elections. This isn’t about politics. It is a threat to our national security. An American President should not seek their aid and abet those who seek to undermine democracy.,7871,9761,1443,43852 1139188173131591685,2019-06-13 15:10,,"I have nothing against Amazon, but no company pulling in billions of dollars of profits should pay a lower tax rate than firefighters and teachers. We need to reward work, not just wealth.",1437,1796,311,8641 1139212081314422784,2019-06-13 16:45,,"Had great pancakes and great conversation at Tasty Cafe in Eldridge before heading to Clinton Community College for our final event this trip. Thank you for a great few days, Iowa!",218,188,15,1368 1139360810738704384,2019-06-14 02:36,,Every worker in this country deserves the dignity that comes with fair wages and benefits — and the right to collectively bargain. I’m proud to stand with Detroit security officers today as they fight for a $15 minimum wage and union rights. #OneDetroit,414,664,42,4120 1139473225342214144,2019-06-14 10:02,,"Donald Trump doesn’t think it matters if candidates accept damaging intel on their opponent from a foreign government. He’s dead wrong. That’s why I’m signing the Pledge for Election Integrity. I refuse to help those who seek to undermine our democracy.",4069,3767,456,17180 1139543628408328192,2019-06-14 14:42,,This is simple. No candidate running for office should help foreign governments undermine our democracy. That includes the sitting President of the United States. Our elections should be decided by the American people — not Vladimir Putin.,495,751,46,4803 1139563899533946880,2019-06-14 16:03,,"The extraordinary bravery shown by hundreds of thousands in Hong Kong, marching for the civil liberties & autonomy promised by China is inspiring. And the world is watching. All of us must stand in support of democratic principles and freedom.",200,522,33,2773 1139916723748950016,2019-06-15 15:25,,"In America, no child’s future should be determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability. In a Biden Administration, we’ll invest in our students, schools, and educators to ensure every kid gets a fair shot. Read the plan here:",446,844,53,4456 1139960764016365569,2019-06-15 18:20,,"This country wasn’t built by Wall Street bankers, CEOs, or hedge fund managers. It was built by the American middle class. It’s time we recognize that. We’ve got to build an economy and a tax code that rewards work, not just wealth.",2160,2454,1136,14275 1140197324917895168,2019-06-16 10:00,,"As my father believed, there’s no higher calling for a woman or a man than to be a good mother or a good father. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there who work every day to help raise their children—and all our children—to be honorable, generous, kind young men and women.",426,1429,74,14518 1140285403552997379,2019-06-16 15:50,,"Good luck to the @USWNT as they take on Chile! As we cheer them on in the World Cup, we must support their fight off the field for equal pay. In 2019, it’s past time we close the pay gap and ensure women get paid as much as men. #OneNationOneTeam",251,239,52,1453 1140373232207507456,2019-06-16 21:39,,"7 years ago, @BarackObama and I offered security to DREAMers, young people brought here as kids who only know America as home. Trump is trying to break our country's promise to them & continues to threaten their status. DREAMers are Americans. It’s time we kept our word to them.",1144,2248,171,15249 1140692334855774209,2019-06-17 18:47,,"Four years ago, a white supremacist walked into ""Mother Emanuel"" and gunned down nine brave souls, including my friend Clementa Pinckney. It's not enough to remember them. We have to fight for them. We are in a battle for the soul of this nation.",360,2028,75,11629 1140710957645275136,2019-06-17 20:01,,"Today, I took @EricHolder's @demredistrict pledge to support #FairMaps. For too long, gerrymandering has allowed politicians to pick who they represent. That’s wrong. I’m committed to fair redistricting where elected officials are accountable to those they represent.",93,271,24,1460 1140727530640609281,2019-06-17 21:06,,"I was honored to join @UniteThePoor, @RevDrBarber, and @liztheo at today’s #PPCMoralCongress Presidential Forum.",69,174,7,1191 1140727531630473222,2019-06-17 21:06,,"I talked about how the greatest sin is the abuse of power — whether economic, or physical, or social. And, it’s our duty to fight back against those who would abuse it. That starts with access to a real living wage — a $15 minimum wage.",23,40,2,127 1140727532800630784,2019-06-17 21:06,,"I discussed how in a Biden Administration, we’ll support teachers and ensure every kid has access to a quality education. Because in America, no child’s future should be determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability.",13,48,3,147 1140727533794709506,2019-06-17 21:06,,"I declared that we have to do everything we can to protect the most sacred, fundamental right we have: the right to vote.",22,44,2,189 1140727534679728130,2019-06-17 21:06,,"Lastly, I discussed how my health care plan will include access to a Medicare-like public option for anyone who wants it.",190,173,31,1149 1140727535510138880,2019-06-17 21:06,,"It will also include premium-free access to this public option for people who would otherwise qualify for Medicaid, but have been denied access to it by governors and state legislatures who have refused the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion.",86,175,21,1132 1140743421172363267,2019-06-17 22:10,,"Happy anniversary to the love of my life and the life of my love, @DrBiden. I’m forever grateful you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me. I love you, Jilly!",837,1510,135,24014 1140771355266187264,2019-06-18 00:01,,"Under President Trump’s policies, a four-month-old was separated from his family at the border. It’s unconscionable and fundamentally at odds with everything our nation stands for. America is better than this.",1210,1504,204,4397 1140988787863855107,2019-06-18 14:25,,"This weekend, I’m heading to South Carolina for the @SCDP Convention and world-famous #ClyburnFishFry! RSVP to come out and join us:",141,196,14,934 1141013954577260546,2019-06-18 16:05,,"I’ll be taking the stage at 9PM ET on June 27 for the first Democratic debate! We’re organizing debate watch parties in every corner of the country for the big night and need your help. Sign up to host one in your community:",182,148,15,846 1141055438336745473,2019-06-18 18:49,,It’s past time for a $15 minimum wage.,739,716,172,4459 1141077119969067008,2019-06-18 20:16,,Stopped by @TheStonewallNYC to celebrate #PrideMonth & #WorldPride where the movement began 50 years ago.,186,479,50,2831 1141083160119250944,2019-06-18 20:40,,"For all the hard-won progress, for as much as we can celebrate how much better things have gotten — this fight is not over. We have to come together to stand up to abuses of power, ensure that everyone is treated with dignity, and fight for full equality.",315,277,28,1387 1141149985821605888,2019-06-19 01:05,,"Hey there - @TeamJoe here. President Trump dismisses everything he doesn’t want to hear as “FAKE NEWS” -- so as he announces his re-election, we want to make sure you have the real facts on his record:",1027,1065,100,6953 1141149986505330693,2019-06-19 01:05,,"Let’s be clear: President Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden administration. And now, he’s in the process of squandering it.",3856,670,501,3663 1141149987432226816,2019-06-19 01:05,,"Just look at his tax plan. As president, Biden will reverse Trump’s tax cuts for the super wealthy. It’s time we reward work, not just wealth.",458,419,55,2295 1141157273701625857,2019-06-19 01:34,,"Trump continues to undermine our standing in the world. Our core values of inclusivity, diversity, respect for the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion are under attack here at home and abroad.",335,306,37,1736 1141157274498605056,2019-06-19 01:34,,"Trump’s response to Charlottesville two years ago was abhorrent, but it’s not just that. It’s happening every day. Separating children from their parents at the border. Attacking women's rights. Rolling back LGBTQ protections. We’re better than this.",772,531,82,3730 1141157275257753600,2019-06-19 01:34,,"This is truly the most important election of our lifetime. If we want to defeat Donald Trump, it’s going to take everyone stepping up, speaking out, and taking action. Join our team today and let’s get to work:",728,439,56,3141 1141467164148416516,2019-06-19 22:05,,"Trump’s policies appear intentionally designed to aggravate the situation to scare Americans into re-electing him. Cutting off aid to Central America will increase migration to our Southern border, not reduce it.",238,514,20,2695 1141467162936250368,2019-06-19 22:05,,President Trump threatening the mass deportation of immigrants is cruel and un-American. We can fix our broken immigration system and enforce our laws without tossing aside our values.,1082,994,130,4958 1141483367696912389,2019-06-19 23:10,,"America was founded on the ideals of equality, equity, & fairness—but has failed to live up to that promise for all people. In 2019, the unemployment rate for black people is almost twice that of white people. Children born poor are twice as likely to stay poor if they’re black.",720,782,116,4891 1141483368720322560,2019-06-19 23:10,,"As we recognize Juneteenth and the progress we’ve made since slavery, we must also double down on our efforts to root out systemic racism. We have to make sure we’re working to move closer to that more perfect union, to the idea of America that has inspired so many generations.",286,426,42,3127 1141722705038905348,2019-06-20 15:01,,President Trump's Iran strategy is a self-inflicted disaster. Two of America's vital interests in the Middle East are preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and securing a stable energy supply through the Strait of Hormuz. Trump is failing on both counts.,606,901,98,4597 1141722706251067392,2019-06-20 15:01,,He unilaterally withdrew from the hard-won nuclear agreement that the Obama-Biden Administration negotiated to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Trump promised that abandoning the deal and imposing sanctions would stop Iran’s aggression in the region.,70,95,10,335 1141722707312164865,2019-06-20 15:01,,"But they’ve only gotten more aggressive. Trump also promised that walking away would somehow lead to a better deal – instead, the predictable has happened: Iran is building back up its nuclear capability.",27,74,7,297 1141722708159401984,2019-06-20 15:01,,"It’s sadly ironic that the State Department is now calling on Iran to abide by the very deal the Trump Administration abandoned. By walking away from diplomacy, Trump has made military conflict more likely. Another war in the Middle East is the last thing we need.",39,170,15,577 1141722709220646912,2019-06-20 15:01,,Make no mistake: Iran continues to be a bad actor that abuses human rights and supports terrorist activities throughout the region.,656,191,98,1660 1141722710449500160,2019-06-20 15:01,,"What we need is presidential leadership that will take strategic action to counter the Iranian threat, restore America's standing in the world, recognize the value of principled diplomacy, and strengthen our nation and our security by working strategically with our allies.",471,273,72,2031 1141760624361451521,2019-06-20 17:32,,This month marks 50 years since a movement was born on Christopher Street — a movement that has delivered so much acceptance & hope & pride for the LGBTQ community. I stopped by @TheStonewallNYC to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the uprising that changed our world forever.,165,309,20,1554 1141836876162068480,2019-06-20 22:35,,"We have to take on the epidemic of violence against the transgender community — especially trans women of color. Ten trans women have been killed violently in 2019 so far. We must stand up, speak out, and put an end to this hate.",255,397,38,1751 1141849459556532224,2019-06-20 23:25,,"Climate change poses an existential threat to our communities, economy, national security, and environment. Our plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environmental Justice will address the climate emergency & protect our communities for generations to come.",399,406,34,1847 1142121250275438597,2019-06-21 17:25,,"President Trump continues to deny the scientific evidence in front of his own eyes and attack the progress we’ve made on climate change. It’s unacceptable. In a Biden Administration, we’ll turbocharge our efforts to achieve a 100% clean energy economy.",538,657,59,3308 1142454669740060673,2019-06-22 15:29,,It’s always great to be back at the #ClyburnFishFry. Thank you to @ClyburnSC06 and everyone who came out for a great night!,199,295,26,2149 1142560939406962688,2019-06-22 22:32,,"I support @PPact because women and transgender individuals' health care is essential. Historically, women — and particularly women of color — have been put in a position where they cannot access health care, in a more extreme way more than any other part of the population.",171,290,16,2230 1142560944729612289,2019-06-22 22:32,,"Planned Parenthood helps women and individuals get the health care they need — especially preventive services like cancer screenings, mammograms, checkups, and contraception. Thank you to @PPact for having me at today’s #WeDecide Forum to discuss these important issues.",164,290,17,2277 1142605692085272581,2019-06-23 01:30,,"Trump’s erratic, impulsive actions are the last thing we need as Commander-in-Chief. No president should order a military strike without fully understanding the consequences. We don’t need another war in the Middle East, but Trump’s actions toward Iran only make that more likely.",1360,3464,221,17817 1142849800473157632,2019-06-23 17:40,,"The Trump Administration is arguing in the 9th Circuit that migrant children held in detention centers without soap, toothbrushes or beds are in conditions that are “safe and sanitary”. It’s an all-out assault on human dignity and our standards as a nation. We must do better.",1315,2144,223,9711 1142908940814114817,2019-06-23 21:35,,We’re bringing together supporters across the country for the first Democratic debate! Head to to RSVP to a watch party in your community.,167,207,15,1033 1143153049159864325,2019-06-24 13:45,,"It’s clear Trump is only interested in using his policies to assault the dignity of the Hispanic community and scare voters to turn out on Election Day, while not addressing the real challenges facing our hemisphere. Read my full op-ed here:",508,678,76,2747 1143185764458487808,2019-06-24 15:55,,"Trump sólo está interesado en políticas que atacan la dignidad de la comunidad Latina y asustan a los votantes para que se presenten en las urnas el día de las elecciones, sin interés por abordar los desafíos reales que enfrenta nuestro hemisferio.",121,144,23,545 1143216718690574342,2019-06-24 17:58,,"Thank you for a great weekend, South Carolina!",157,243,18,1665 1143242251272970240,2019-06-24 19:39,,.@GabbyGiffords’ dedication to making our communities safer continues to be an inspiration. I join her in urging the Senate to vote on #BackgroundChecksNow. We must take on the @NRA and end the epidemic of gun violence in our country.,187,1346,32,6190 1143538841212588032,2019-06-25 15:18,,"We must secure our borders, but “build the wall” is a slogan divorced from reality. We need to focus on improving screening procedures at our legal ports of entry & making smart investments in border technology. These policies will do more for our security than a wall ever could.",815,1091,124,6090 1143603265625567232,2019-06-25 19:34,,"Civil rights was one of the things that got me engaged in politics. Six years after Shelby County v. Holder, voting rights are under attack across the country. And that’s one of the reasons I’m running for president today. We must renew our efforts to protect the right to vote.",260,542,39,2460 1143603707625558018,2019-06-25 19:35,,"Add your name to call on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act and make every American's voice equal, once and for all. #RestoreTheVote",65,157,6,841 1143628431285874688,2019-06-25 21:14,,"We need to face the facts on climate change: it’s an existential threat and it’s already here. Few cities know that better than Miami. We must take urgent action to tackle the climate crisis today.",150,253,11,1118 1143663411680534529,2019-06-25 23:33,,"In two days, I’ll take the stage for the first Democratic debate to discuss my vision for the country. If you haven’t yet, RSVP to attend a watch party in your community today:",210,165,17,856 1143915573480435714,2019-06-26 16:15,,"DREAMers are Americans, and Congress needs to make it official. The millions of DREAMers and undocumented individuals in the United States can only be brought out of the shadows through fair treatment, not ugly threats.",175,348,19,1941 1143940739480657920,2019-06-26 17:55,,"One year ago, the Supreme Court upheld Trump's Muslim ban—one of this administration's most egregious attacks on our core values. Wielding the politics of fear and intolerance by slandering entire religious communities as complicit in terrorism is wrong, and it’s not who we are.",425,474,48,2400 1143956090108837888,2019-06-26 18:56,,This image is gut-wrenching. The cruelty we're seeing at our border is unconscionable. History will judge how we respond to the Trump Administration’s treatment of immigrant families & children—we can’t be silent. This isn't who we are. This is not America.,3545,1743,471,5704 1143975971638435843,2019-06-26 20:15,,"All marriages, at their root, are about love. And four years ago, the Supreme Court affirmed that simple proposition in Obergefell v. Hodges. Thank you to the generations of LGBTQ trailblazers who refused to bend before the voices of intolerance. Your courage changed the world.",167,541,27,4787 1144032702636548096,2019-06-27 00:00,,"I was proud to sign @IndivisibleTeam’s pledge. Our large and diverse set of qualified Democratic candidates is evidence of our strength as a party, and I am committed to supporting whomever becomes the nominee. The most important thing is to beat Donald Trump. Period.",78,236,20,1166 1144277961287147520,2019-06-27 16:15,,Today the Supreme Court refused to stop politicians rigging our democracy by writing election rules for their own benefit. It couldn’t have happened without Justices put there by Donald Trump and Republicans — another reason why Democrats must take back the White House in 2020.,444,1951,99,8325 1144287755276607490,2019-06-27 16:53,,"Today’s decision from the court hopefully means there will not be a question on the 2020 Census, but we have much more work to do to ensure all voices are heard in our democracy.",99,254,8,2158 1144287754395815936,2019-06-27 16:53,,"Make no mistake, the Trump Administration added a citizenship question to the Census to deliberately cut out the voices of immigrants and communities of color. It’s wrong and goes against our core values as a nation.",423,741,44,4290 1144318981681090562,2019-06-27 18:58,,"In America, every worker deserves fair treatment, safe workplaces, and the right to join a union. Period. I’m proud to stand in solidarity with airport workers across the country as they strike for their right to organize. #RespectUSworkers",138,286,14,1461 1144357988523659264,2019-06-27 21:33,,"From day one, we've refused to take money from any corporate PACs or lobbyists. Today, I’m building on that base by signing @NoFossilMoney’s pledge to reject support from the PACs, lobbyists, or executives of fossil fuel companies. I work for you — not any industry.",314,302,76,1437 1144395129593221120,2019-06-28 00:00,,"In an hour, I’ll take the stage for the first Democratic debate to discuss my vision for the country. As I’ve said from day one, I’m running for president for three reasons: to restore the soul of this nation, rebuild its backbone — the middle class, and unify all Americans.",682,585,117,4088 1144396024716378113,2019-06-28 00:04,,"We know in our bones this election is different. We have a president who promotes hate and division. Encourages white supremacists. Embraces dictators. And damages our alliances internationally. Our politics traffics in division. And our president is the divider in chief.",85,130,13,608 1144396615609999361,2019-06-28 00:06,,"Every day we are being reminded what this election is about. Who we are. What we stand for. What we believe. I am running to offer our country a different path – not back to a past that never was, but to a future that fulfills our true potential as a country.",43,134,9,674 1144397231723823109,2019-06-28 00:08,,"We have to rebuild the backbone of this nation – the middle class. And this time make sure everyone comes along, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.",51,130,6,691 1144398542204788741,2019-06-28 00:14,,The poor are getting poorer and the bottom is falling out of the middle class. Income inequality is on the rise — made worse by the Trump tax cut that was a giant give-away to the super-wealthy.,82,140,7,561 1144399836755746823,2019-06-28 00:19,,"It’s time to reward work, not just wealth. On day one, I’ll move to: eliminate the Trump tax cut for the super-wealthy, cut the unjustified loopholes in our tax code, and use that money to invest in America’s future.",41,100,4,429 1144400505134833665,2019-06-28 00:21,,We need to defend and build on the Affordable Care Act. I was proud every day to serve alongside President Obama as Vice President – but never more so than the day the Affordable Care Act passed. Now we have to finish the job.,42,107,3,493 1144401100004630529,2019-06-28 00:24,,"Under my plan, everyone will have the option to buy into a public health plan like Medicare. And we’ll guarantee that the poor – who otherwise would be covered by the Medicaid expansion – are automatically covered, free of charge.",44,113,8,486 1144401990006521857,2019-06-28 00:27,,"We have to transform education. We’ll provide universal Pre-K, triple Title I funding, raise teacher pay, double the number of mental health professionals in our schools, and eliminate disparities between rich and poor schools.",31,97,4,411 1144402554622791712,2019-06-28 00:30,,"Climate change is an existential threat. We have to take urgent, drastic action now to address the climate emergency. On day one, I’ll take the bold action necessary to tackle this crisis head-on and rally the world to raise our ambitions.",42,96,2,427 1144402896236228610,2019-06-28 00:31,,We can do all this and more – all that stands in the way is a broken political system. We have to unite this country. And we can do it without compromising our principles. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to harness the incredible potential of the American people.,43,92,5,385 1144403920510472192,2019-06-28 00:35,,"We have to choose hope over fear, truth over lies, and unity over division. I hope you’ll tune in tonight as we discuss these important issues and more. If you like what you hear, I ask you to join us by signing up at Let’s get to work.",66,171,6,1019 1144404552852103170,2019-06-28 00:38,,"I’m about to take the debate stage. The large, diverse Democratic field is evidence of our party's strength. And above all, we all agree that we need to make Donald Trump a one-term president. #DemDebate",91,173,18,1130 1144408605120245760,2019-06-28 00:54,,"Hey everyone — @TeamJoe here! We’re taking over @JoeBiden’s account while he’s on stage for tonight’s Democratic debate. Throughout the evening, we’ll be giving you the facts on Joe and his record. #DemDebate",171,153,18,995 1144412190964928513,2019-06-28 01:08,,"This country wasn’t built by Wall Street bankers and CEOs and hedge fund managers. It was built by you. By ordinary people doing extraordinary things. That’s the history of the journey of America. #DemDebate",165,401,46,2194 1144415458457788416,2019-06-28 01:21,,"We've got to do better for our educators and our students. In a Biden Administration, we will: ✅ Give our educators the pay and dignity they deserve ✅ Provide universal Pre-K for all ✅ Double the number of mental health professionals in schools",67,276,21,1165 1144416186702204928,2019-06-28 01:24,,,79,265,14,1319 1144416948236771328,2019-06-28 01:27,,"As VP, Joe Biden stood shoulder to shoulder with President Obama to pass the Affordable Care Act, which: ✅ Expanded coverage to 20 million add’l Americans ✅ Protected Americans with pre-existing conditions ✅ Expanded Medicaid to millions without access to health insurance",62,212,4,650 1144417840629501952,2019-06-28 01:30,,"Now, we need to finish the job and make health care a right for all, not a privilege for the few. #DemDebate",250,191,15,743 1144420421971980289,2019-06-28 01:41,,"""Health care is personal to me... there are people right now who are facing what I faced, without any of the help I had. We must move now."" #DemDebate",182,593,22,3597 1144422941712691201,2019-06-28 01:51,,"As Vice President, Joe Biden worked with the leaders of the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras) to institute reforms tackling corruption, violence, and economic inequality in their countries, reducing migration to the U.S. #DemDebate",140,352,41,1516 1144424136149745664,2019-06-28 01:55,,"Our immigration system must be fixed without tossing our morals aside. This all starts by protecting DREAMers and recognizing the value of immigrants. #DemDebate",98,199,10,818 1144426369239126016,2019-06-28 02:04,,"“We would reunite those families, period.” #DemDebate",169,331,29,1728 1144428340478173186,2019-06-28 02:12,,"Joe Biden played a key role in securing the extension of the Voting Rights Act—and has advocated for its renewal, and for stronger voter access protections, over the course of his career. #DemDebate",351,406,68,1370 1144431964923092992,2019-06-28 02:26,,"As President, Joe Biden will export our clean-energy technology across the globe and create high-quality, middle-class jobs here at home. #DemDebate",71,208,8,835 1144433312892694529,2019-06-28 02:32,,Climate change is a global challenge that requires decisive action from every country around the world. Joe Biden will lead an effort to get every major country to ramp up the ambition of their domestic climate targets. #DemDebate,92,202,14,790 1144435476528607232,2019-06-28 02:40,,"Joe Biden shepherded through the Brady Background bill in 1993 and bans on assault weapons and high capacity magazines in 1994. As president, Joe will defeat the @NRA again. #DemDebate",141,308,36,1240 1144436687671648272,2019-06-28 02:45,,"The Iraq war was a strategic mistake that cost the U.S. dearly. As President, @JoeBiden will use military power responsibly, and never commit our forces to a conflict without fully preparing for the consequences. #DemDebate",293,274,90,1421 1144437825309413376,2019-06-28 02:50,,"The members of the NRA are not our opponents — the vast majority of them support common-sense reforms, including universal background checks. The gun manufacturers who bankroll the NRA are our opponent. As president, Biden will defeat them. #DemDebate",863,412,419,2106 1144438729072947202,2019-06-28 02:53,,"The Biden administration will make the largest ever investment in clean energy research and innovation to develop zero-carbon technologies, so America is the engine of the world’s clean energy economy. #DemDebate",174,306,26,1577 1144441096816214017,2019-06-28 03:03,,Retweet if you're proud to be on #TeamJoe! #DemDebate,612,1014,99,2001 1144441974973505536,2019-06-28 03:06,,"We know NATO will fall apart if Donald Trump is elected for four more years. It’s the single most consequential alliance in the history of the United States. #DemDebate",219,542,28,2722 1144446151086751744,2019-06-28 03:23,,"""There's not a single thing the American people can't do."" #DemDebate #TeamJoe",307,454,66,2517 1144446629812080640,2019-06-28 03:25,,"That’s a wrap! Thanks for following along with us for night two of the Democratic debate. Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on everything happening on the campaign. #DemDebate #TeamJoe",228,162,15,1245 1144447528437501953,2019-06-28 03:28,,"I just got off the debate stage, where I laid out my vision for the country. We’ll work together to get it done, because there’s not a single thing we can’t do – together. If you agreed with what you heard tonight, join our team and let’s get to work:",1164,613,81,4905 1144545980794064896,2019-06-28 10:00,,"At last night’s first Democratic debate, I laid out why I’m running for president and my bold vision for the future. A vision built on uniting our country, because there's not a single thing the American people can’t do — together. #DemDebate",1273,837,157,4588 1144700495807881223,2019-06-28 20:14,,"I’ve fought my heart out to ensure that civil rights, voting rights, and equal rights are enforced everywhere. These rights are not up to the states to decide. They are embedded in our Constitution. And the federal government has a duty to protect the civil rights of all people.",1435,1772,199,9984 1144707038234046465,2019-06-28 20:40,,"Today marks 50 years since the Stonewall uprising, where those brave individuals took a stand on Christopher St and changed our world forever. We must continue our fight for full LGBTQ equality until everyone is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. #Stonewall50",213,491,18,2272 1145001478613954560,2019-06-29 16:10,,"We're in a battle for the soul of this nation. We can end the politics of division that’s pulling this country apart and move forward again ⁠— but it’s going to take everyone rolling up their sleeves and doing their part. Let's get to work.",927,791,103,4357 1145104672929308673,2019-06-29 23:00,,"The same forces of hatred rooted in 'birtherism' that questioned @BarackObama's American citizenship, and even his racial identity, are now being used against Senator @KamalaHarris. It’s disgusting and we have to call it out when we see it. Racism has no place in America.",2984,11786,936,64372 1145124539350675457,2019-06-30 00:19,,"Yesterday’s verdict doesn’t take away the pain or the loss of Heather Heyer on that day in Charlottesville, but is hopefully a step toward healing and a sense of justice.",104,441,17,2200 1145157531326668800,2019-06-30 02:30,,"Meeting the newest member of the Biden family today. Congratulations to my niece and nephew. This is what it’s all about. Welcome to the world, sweet Valerie Jean.",639,1073,90,15383 1145377455982559233,2019-06-30 17:04,,We’re relying on the support of grassroots donors across the country to power this campaign — not corporate PACs or lobbyists. Will you chip in before tonight’s end-of-quarter deadline?,262,198,25,960 1145396582000447488,2019-06-30 18:20,,"I’ve seen firsthand how hard America’s educators work for little pay and few resources. They deserve better. In a Biden administration, we’ll support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve.",365,509,43,2891 1145462264868175873,2019-06-30 22:41,,"This week, I’m heading back to Iowa to talk with voters about why I’m running for president and my bold vision for the future. Head to to RSVP to an event in your community. Hope to see you there!",270,372,18,2010 1145475854366961664,2019-06-30 23:35,,"If we want to make Donald Trump a one-term president, it’s going to take everyone stepping up and pitching in what they can. Will you make a donation before our big public fundraising deadline tonight?",810,351,70,1697 1145713671407984640,2019-07-01 15:20,,"President Trump’s failure to lead on the climate crisis is inexcusable — it endangers the future of our country and planet. As president, I’ll rejoin the #ParisAgreement and rally the world to push our progress further and faster.",642,1161,92,5433 1145770920394579970,2019-07-01 19:07,,"Yet again, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he is more concerned with a photo op for himself than getting results for the American people. He has repeatedly elevated Kim Jong Un — a murderous tyrant — on the international stage in exchange for almost nothing.",518,1195,68,6441 1145770921443176448,2019-07-01 19:07,,"In this case, all Trump achieved was a mere promise to restart working-level negotiations — negotiations that should have never ended.",13,81,1,361 1145770922101694464,2019-07-01 19:07,,"Diplomacy is important, but diplomacy requires a strategy, a process, and competent leadership to deliver. After three made-for-TV summits, we still don't have a single concrete commitment from North Korea.",16,117,4,404 1145770923166982146,2019-07-01 19:07,,"Not one missile or nuclear weapon has been destroyed, not one inspector is on the ground. If anything, the situation has gotten worse. North Korea has continued to churn out fissile material and is no longer an isolated pariah on the world stage.",45,109,3,382 1145770923959750656,2019-07-01 19:07,,"And even as Trump has rushed to legitimize a dictator in North Korea with dozens of nuclear weapons, he trashed the Iran nuclear deal — a deal that was working to keep Iran far away from a single nuclear bomb.",24,119,4,415 1145770924999872512,2019-07-01 19:07,,"Iran needs to get back into compliance with its nuclear commitments, but Trump appears to have no plan for ensuring that result either. His policy of maximum pressure has produced worse than minimum results.",50,249,5,1491 1145770925838807040,2019-07-01 19:07,,"Iran has now restarted its nuclear program and has become more, rather than less, aggressive. Trump's Iran policy has alienated us from our allies and taken us to the brink of another war in the Middle East. Everything this president does is backwards.",334,333,44,1753 1145804268202418177,2019-07-01 21:20,,"Income inequality is on the rise — made worse by the Trump tax cut that was a giant giveaway to the super-wealthy. We’ve got to rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class. That starts by rewarding work, not just wealth.",580,792,61,3585 1145849063734206464,2019-07-02 00:18,,"One in five students experience mental health problems, but too often they don’t get the care they need. In a Biden administration, we will double the number of mental health professionals in schools to give our kids the support they deserve.",286,389,48,2056 1146092920233029632,2019-07-02 16:27,,"Make no mistake, this is a modern-day poll tax that overturns the will of Florida voters. It’s unacceptable. We must ensure everyone — including individuals formerly incarcerated for felonies — has the right to make their voices heard at the ballot box.",131,449,25,1448 1146128907474653185,2019-07-02 18:50,,"Luis Alvarez was an American hero—@DrBiden and I are sending our thoughts and prayers to his family. No one should have to spend their final weeks fighting for the health care and benefits they deserve. We must do better for our 9/11 first responders.",109,491,26,3006 1146184020478218240,2019-07-02 22:29,,"The Department of Commerce just announced the 2020 Census will not have President Trump’s citizenship question. This is not only a victory for immigrants and Latinos, but for all Americans. Everyone deserves to be counted and have their voices heard without fear.",281,602,42,4136 1146196449769721856,2019-07-02 23:18,,"Today marks 55 years since the signing of the Civil Rights Act — the landmark piece of legislation that brought our nation closer to fulfilling the promise that was made two centuries earlier in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A promise of equality, equity, and fairness for all.",126,421,19,2595 1146196450709331968,2019-07-02 23:18,,It took the courage and determination of generations of African Americans who refused to wither in the face of racism and intolerance. Their resolve fundamentally changed the character of our nation for the better.,7,41,0,151 1146196451791462402,2019-07-02 23:18,,"The Civil Rights Act for the first time made real the possibility of equal access to employment. It outlawed discrimination in public facilities, and it gave the Attorney General of the United States of America the power to enforce the law to combat discrimination.",8,42,0,147 1146196452638674944,2019-07-02 23:18,,"It also laid the groundwork for other milestones and freedoms to follow — from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Because when justice rings out for one group, it rings for all groups in America. We’re all made better.",23,184,1,1167 1146196453947318274,2019-07-02 23:18,,"But as we mark the 55th anniversary, we must recognize that the work is not done. Too many Americans still face the sting of systemic racism and discrimination. We must double down on our efforts to root out these evils and ensure America lives up to its promise for all.",129,218,14,1341 1146220290558648320,2019-07-03 00:53,,"Tomorrow, I’m heading to Iowa with @DrBiden to talk with voters about our bold vision for the future. We hope you’ll come out and join us! Head to to RSVP.",226,264,26,1140 1146244167179341825,2019-07-03 02:28,,"John Walsh was an incredible coach and mentor. He always urged us to play the game and live our lives with passion and integrity. @DrBiden and I are sending our prayers to his family — he will be dearly missed.",49,120,5,716 1146417056184582144,2019-07-03 13:55,,"El Departamento de Comercio anunció que el formulario Censo 2020 no tendrá la pregunta de ciudadanía de Trump. Esto no es solo una victoria para los inmigrantes y latinos, sino para todos los estadounidenses. Todos merecemos ser contados sin temor!",245,178,32,836 1146430889896943618,2019-07-03 14:49,,"Rooms of people packed body to body. Kids being held without access to showers or a change of clothes. It’s simply abhorrent. We all have a moral obligation to keep speaking out until this administration ends these inhumane policies once and for all.",956,1462,148,5198 1146501865074413568,2019-07-03 19:32,,"South Carolina, I’m heading your way this weekend to talk with you about how we’ll build an inclusive middle class where everyone comes along. Head to to RSVP for an event in your community.",201,229,15,1185 1146537852655808514,2019-07-03 21:55,,DREAMers—young people who came to the U.S. as children—are Americans. They don’t deserve to sit in limbo as the Supreme Court decides whether President Trump can end the Obama-Biden DACA policy. Congress should act now to give them a path to citizenship.,331,552,38,2536 1146641031892365312,2019-07-04 04:45,,Thank you to everyone who came out to our event in Waterloo! RSVP to join us tomorrow in Independence and Marshalltown:,104,192,7,1237 1146776927480365056,2019-07-04 13:45,,"America is an idea — stronger than any army, more powerful than any dictator. It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth. Instills in us the belief that no matter where you start in life, there's nothing you can't achieve. That's worth celebrating. Happy #FourthofJuly",445,1584,89,8833 1146833802733465602,2019-07-04 17:31,,"It’s fitting that we’re celebrating Independence Day in Independence, Iowa. Thank you to everyone who said hello at this morning’s #FourthOfJuly parade — it was great to see so many supporters!",232,668,41,5228 1146862891238330371,2019-07-04 19:26,,"As I celebrate today with friends & family, I am reflecting on the promise those rebels envisioned 243 years ago. America hasn’t lived up to that promise for most people—but we’ve never stopped trying. We must continue in our pursuit until we achieve equality & liberty for all.",76,208,9,1571 1146862890235912194,2019-07-04 19:26,,"We have to be against his policies that are further entrenching economic inequality in this nation. That are rigging the system against the middle class. That too is an attack on our democracy, on our liberty.",74,182,9,1378 1146862888902172677,2019-07-04 19:26,,"It’s not enough to be against the way Donald Trump conducts himself — we have to be against the way he assaults the dignity of women, people of color, and immigrants.",45,83,8,374 1146862887769694208,2019-07-04 19:26,,"We have to take on the inequalities in our system that are causing too many today—in America and around the world—to question their faith in the ability of democracy to deliver for them. It’s not enough to be for political equality. We have to be for economic fairness as well.",10,66,6,267 1146862886825934849,2019-07-04 19:26,,"My liberty, depends on yours. Our liberty as a nation rests on our ability to ensure equal access and equal opportunity — not just for our own children, but all our children.",9,59,1,245 1146862884519129088,2019-07-04 19:26,,"America is the heart of the Free World, and we must defend it. That is how the #FourthOfJuly is best honored — by remembering that our Declaration is first and foremost a call to arms, in defense of liberty.",4,64,1,266 1146862883420221442,2019-07-04 19:26,,"And ever since then, presidents and patriots have gathered together on the Fourth to reflect on the greater meaning of our American experiment.",5,53,0,245 1146862882291888128,2019-07-04 19:26,,"243 years ago, a group of rebels in Philadelphia pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to a revolutionary idea, to the self-evident truth that all men — and women — are created equal.",162,596,31,3976 1146862885869641729,2019-07-04 19:26,,"But we must also remember, as JFK put it, that ours is “not the individual liberty of one but the indivisible liberty of all.” Donald Trump doesn’t get that.",12,67,2,259 1146894568169922574,2019-07-04 21:32,,What will Donald Trump say this evening when he speaks to the nation at an event designed more to stroke his ego than celebrate American ideals? Will he speak to the example America must set to inspire the world?,1007,560,140,4430 1146894569021366274,2019-07-04 21:32,,"Will he offer a robust defense of the democratic values that have always been our strength in times of crisis? We all know the answer to that. Donald Trump is incapable of celebrating what makes America great because he doesn’t get it.",210,278,33,2322 1146894569952415744,2019-07-04 21:32,,"Every year on the #FourthOfJuly, presidents, elected leaders, and everyday Americans come together at parades, bbqs, and baseball games to celebrate humankind’s highest ideal — liberty. That’s what we’re celebrating today in Iowa.",134,299,11,2335 1146916849570836481,2019-07-04 23:01,,"We just wrapped up a great event in Marshalltown, Iowa. Thank you to everyone who came out to join us on this #FourthOfJuly!",223,393,23,3011 1146970224475955200,2019-07-05 02:33,,"I had the opportunity to congratulate some newly minted U.S. citizens in Des Moines, Iowa. Tonight’s naturalization ceremony — on the anniversary of our independence — serves as a reminder that being a nation of immigrants is one of our greatest strengths. #FourthOfJuly",643,1370,76,10673 1147192163458879488,2019-07-05 17:15,,.@DrBiden and I had a great time celebrating the #FourthOfJuly at last night's @IowaCubs game!,121,204,14,1515 1147218084501045249,2019-07-05 18:58,,"Looking forward to joining @NEAToday to discuss my plan for #StrongPublicSchools. I know from watching @DrBiden all these years that, for educators, their profession isn’t just what they do, it’s who they are — and it’s time we support them with the pay and dignity they deserve.",227,407,25,2135 1147255078140563456,2019-07-05 21:25,,Had the opportunity to meet some incredible Iowans at yesterday’s parade in Independence. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the #FourthOfJuly and the values that this country stands for.,218,322,15,2004 1147293078539005952,2019-07-05 23:56,,Thank you to @NEAToday for a great discussion this afternoon on how we can work together to create #StrongPublicSchools. I can promise you that @DrBiden and I will be the best partners and fiercest advocates in the White House for America’s educators and students. #NEARA19,147,240,13,1166 1147319451794194432,2019-07-06 01:40,,"No child’s future should be determined by their gender, race, zip code, parents' income, or disability. Full stop. In a Biden administration, we’ll make historic investments in our public schools to ensure every kid in America gets a fair shot. #StrongPublicSchools",516,605,61,2888 1147573343249477632,2019-07-06 18:29,,"America is an idea, unlike any other country in the world. #FourthOfJuly",202,430,29,2324 1147582214135275521,2019-07-06 19:04,,"I’m about to take the stage in Sumter, South Carolina. Watch live!",270,294,21,1330 1147618221144576001,2019-07-06 21:28,,"Team, we're training a new generation of organizers across the country. Apply for the Team Joe Organizing Fellowship before Monday, July 8th to learn the ins-and-outs of grassroots and digital organizing in our eight-week online training program.   Apply:",244,334,31,1605 1147679935764369408,2019-07-07 01:33,,"Today I sat down with leaders in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. We talked about the issues impacting rural communities like broadband access, investing in education and infrastructure, and healthcare.",125,213,15,1090 1147686923621658624,2019-07-07 02:01,,"This afternoon in Sumter, South Carolina, I discussed why I decided to run for Senate years ago — to stand up to the abuse of power and to ensure all Americans have a fair shot at the American dream. Thank you to everyone who came out to join us!",294,291,26,1836 1147928012467449856,2019-07-07 17:59,,Congratulations to the @USWNT on back-to-back Women’s World Cup titles! You never fail to make our country proud — on and off the field. #OneNationOneTeam,194,1076,42,11215 1147991178689810437,2019-07-07 22:10,,I had the opportunity to meet Cameron Boyce at this year’s Courage Awards and through his work with @ItsOnUs. He was filled with so much light and served as a tremendous role model for young people. He's gone far too soon. @DrBiden and I are sending our prayers to his family.,132,835,38,8648 1148026634278232064,2019-07-08 00:30,,"If we don't defeat Donald Trump, the character of this nation will be fundamentally and forever altered.",2299,2807,405,15959 1148303738072961025,2019-07-08 18:52,,"It was the honor of my lifetime to serve with a man who I believe was a great president, a historic figure, and most important to me, a close friend. He selected me. I’ll take his judgment about my record, my character, and my ability to handle the job over anyone else’s.",768,1125,130,7841 1148331457678630914,2019-07-08 20:42,,"The Democratic Party is lucky to have leaders like Eric, and I look forward to continuing to work with him on the pressing issues facing Americans.",96,237,11,2587 1148331455858319361,2019-07-08 20:42,,".@EricSwalwell ran a passionate campaign, and I commend him for bringing more attention to the urgent need for gun safety reform in America.",774,1038,144,10018 1148331456718082050,2019-07-08 20:42,,His leadership on the House Intelligence Committee and his influential voice pushing the Trump Administration to secure our elections have helped make clear the stakes for our country in next year's election.,43,217,2,2325 1148367659584634880,2019-07-08 23:06,,"Thank you to everyone at our town hall discussion in Charleston, South Carolina, for your thoughtful questions on ending gun violence, combating the opioid epidemic, and ensuring every American has access to quality, affordable health care.",224,214,9,1202 1148673684724469762,2019-07-09 19:22,,"Today, the Affordable Care Act is back in the courts — putting the health care of millions of Americans at risk. It’s clear some will stop at nothing to sabotage Obamacare and roll back the progress we’ve made.",136,398,18,1629 1148673686360264704,2019-07-09 19:22,,"The Affordable Care Act was and is a big deal. It covered 20 million more people, protects more than 100 million people with pre-existing conditions, and expanded Medicaid — giving millions of Americans the peace of mind that comes with health insurance.",44,230,9,1212 1148673687538810882,2019-07-09 19:22,,"We can’t tear down the ACA. We should protect and build on it. In America, health care should be a right—not a privilege. As president, I’ll do everything in my power to stand up to the attacks on the ACA and expand coverage to ensure everyone has access to the care they need.",67,248,14,1303 1148682987288088577,2019-07-09 19:59,,"The abuse of a child is one of the most heinous, despicable abuses of power imaginable. It is inexcusably poor judgment for a US Attorney to seek leniency for someone guilty of it. Secretary Acosta should provide his resignation immediately.",1945,3415,415,15690 1148731053713944576,2019-07-09 23:10,,Here’s what I commit to you: I will name a Secretary of Education who is an educator.,292,721,63,4321 1148767718864297985,2019-07-10 01:35,,"I know the history of this country. I’m amazed how far we’ve come, but I know how much further we have to go. We can get there — together.",274,408,23,1969 1148975665468694529,2019-07-10 15:22,,"Tomorrow, I’m heading to New York City to talk about my foreign policy vision for America — we need to restore dignified leadership at home and respected leadership on the world stage. RSVP to join us:",229,337,31,1616 1149026248967905281,2019-07-10 18:43,,".@USWNT, congratulations on the big win and thank you for the jersey! Your talent, heart, and advocacy for equal pay represents the best of America and serves as an inspiration for all. #USWNTParade",173,833,58,7975 1149054434657259520,2019-07-10 20:35,,"New Hampshire, I’m heading your way this weekend to talk about our plans to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class. Head to to find an event in your community. Hope to see you there!",112,173,10,791 1149094700122595328,2019-07-10 23:15,,"President Trump can avoid talking about climate change all he wants, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is real, is here, and requires our urgent action. We can't afford four more years of a climate change denier in the White House.",435,882,61,4058 1149107031590285313,2019-07-11 00:04,,"Our campaign starts at the local level — neighbors talking with neighbors and organizing their communities in every corner of the country. If you’re ready to get to work, sign up to host an organizing meeting for our nationwide Day of Action on July 20th:",101,132,7,552 1149155853095919616,2019-07-11 03:18,,"Today, we celebrate Journeyman Lineman Recognition Day and the work @IBEW does to keep lineworkers safe. These brave men and women do the hard work of powering America’s electric grid, economy, and future. Our country can't function without the important work they do.",70,174,10,999 1149257271345422337,2019-07-11 10:01,,"Embracing dictators. Threatening war. Embarrassing the United States. That’s the #TrumpDoctrine. Reclaiming American leadership starts now.",609,2196,231,7023 1149364201305051136,2019-07-11 17:05,,WATCH LIVE: Joe Biden Delivers Foreign Policy Address in New York City,111,174,30,474 1149415766409850881,2019-07-11 20:30,,"We have to champion liberty and democracy. We have to reclaim our credibility. We have to look with unrelenting optimism and determination toward the future. Head to to read our full plan.",152,204,12,1009 1149415765256396800,2019-07-11 20:30,,"We must once more harness that power and rally the Free World to meet the challenges facing our world today—and it falls to the United States of America to do it. No other nation has the capacity. No other nation is built on that idea—that promise. And it’s in our self-interest.",52,136,4,751 1149415764262363136,2019-07-11 20:30,,"No army on earth can match how the electric idea of liberty passes freely from person to person, jumps borders, transcends languages and cultures—how it can supercharge communities of ordinary citizens into activists and organizers and change agents.",23,95,1,585 1149415757438246912,2019-07-11 20:30,,"I will invite my fellow democratic leaders to put strengthening democracy back on the global agenda. We will organize and host, during the first year of my administration, a global Summit for Democracy to renew the spirit and shared purpose of the nations of the Free World.",20,108,7,537 1149415762588852224,2019-07-11 20:30,,A Biden administration will place the United States back at the head of the table to mobilize global action on global threats—especially those unique to our century.,37,114,12,617 1149415754204422144,2019-07-11 20:30,,"We only have one opportunity to reset our democracy after Trump—we have to be prepared to make the most of it. First, we must repair and reinvigorate our own democracy.",15,98,5,520 1149415753063571456,2019-07-11 20:30,,"The threat Donald Trump poses to our national security, and to who we are as a country, is so extreme we cannot afford to ignore it. His erratic policies and failures to uphold basic democratic principles have muddied our reputation and our place in the world.",31,115,4,603 1149415752040112130,2019-07-11 20:30,,"In 2019, foreign policy is domestic policy, and domestic policy is foreign policy. They are a deeply connected set of choices we make about how to advance the American way of life and our vision for the future.",18,62,2,391 1149415751289384960,2019-07-11 20:30,,"Today in New York City, I laid out my foreign policy vision for America. A vision built on restoring dignified leadership at home and respected leadership on the world stage.",113,126,21,706 1149415755789885442,2019-07-11 20:30,,"We have to prove to the world that the United States is prepared to lead—not just with the example of our power, but the power of our example. To that end, as president, I will take decisive steps to renew our core American values and return transparency to our government.",27,112,3,536 1149415760852377601,2019-07-11 20:30,,"We know that economic security is national security. But there are a lot of communities across this country that are hurting—because we’ve neglected the basics. We will equip our people to succeed in the global economy with a foreign policy for the middle class.",26,93,1,501 1149481120947245057,2019-07-12 00:50,,"We have to champion liberty and democracy, reclaim our credibility, and look with unrelenting optimism and determination toward the future.",281,283,26,1432 1149789276776935426,2019-07-12 21:15,,The threat Donald Trump poses to our national security — and to who we are as a country — is so extreme we cannot afford to ignore it.,543,1192,97,5736 1149812137512120320,2019-07-12 22:45,,"Thank you to everyone who joined us in Dover, New Hampshire! We had a great time discussing how we will rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class.",93,167,6,822 1149821237184487424,2019-07-12 23:22,,"Had to pull the team over for a quick ice cream stop! This time we’re at Annabelle’s Ice Cream in Portsmouth, NH.",142,194,24,1520 1149867479805628418,2019-07-13 02:25,,It was a pleasure spending time with the inspiring young leaders of the @NHYoungDems — especially @RepDenny — in Portsmouth. Thank you to everyone who came out tonight!,109,165,10,847 1150090763214004224,2019-07-13 17:13,,"As individuals, and as a nation, we have to prove to the world that the United States is prepared to lead—not just with the example of our power, but the power of our example. I will take decisive steps to renew our core American values and return transparency to our government.",414,513,40,2047 1150122523075457025,2019-07-13 19:19,,"Had the opportunity to spend some time with the great residents of Atkinson, New Hampshire, today. Thank you all for the warm welcome into your community!",82,162,8,868 1150131532092383232,2019-07-13 19:55,,I’m heartbroken to hear of the passing of Héctor Figueroa. Héctor was a stalwart champion in the fight to ensure every worker receives the respect and dignity they’ve earned. My thoughts are with his family and his loved ones.,31,196,2,1280 1150146631569989633,2019-07-13 20:55,,President Trump’s ICE raids are inhumane. His scare tactics solve nothing. We shouldn't be terrorizing communities and splitting up families. We should provide a pathway to citizenship and find a lasting solution.,7556,3821,1228,18885 1150183121620332544,2019-07-13 23:20,,It’s young people like the @NHYoungDems that give me so much hope and excitement for the future of our country.,200,310,36,1352 1150207029430095872,2019-07-14 00:55,,Las redadas de inmigración (ICE) del presidente Trump son inhumanas. Sus tácticas no resuelven nada. No deberíamos estar aterrorizando comunidades y dividiendo familias. Debemos proporcionar un camino hacia la ciudadanía y encontrar una solución duradera.,974,433,132,1538 1150227161707532288,2019-07-14 02:15,,"Thank you to everyone who joined us in Londonderry, New Hampshire, where we discussed our plans to build an inclusive middle class where everyone comes along — regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.",152,218,7,1171 1150486031352967168,2019-07-14 19:23,,"America’s strength is and has always been rooted in our diversity. But President Trump continues to spew hateful rhetoric, sow division, and stoke racial tensions for his own political gain. Let's be clear: Racism and xenophobia have no place in America.",693,1960,105,11382 1150552835966328832,2019-07-14 23:49,,"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity. It’s about being able to look your child in the eye and say everything is going to be ok. But far too many people today can’t do that. We’ve got to rebuild America’s middle class and ensure everyone gets a fair shot.",372,494,39,2542 1150706574610128896,2019-07-15 10:00,,"The Affordable Care Act was a historic achievement. 20 million Americans gained coverage. Over 100 million with pre-existing conditions finally got protection. We can’t tear it down. So today, I’m releasing my plan to Protect & Build on Obamacare:",2054,1431,375,5622 1150774078233387008,2019-07-15 14:28,,"I understand the appeal of Medicare for All — but folks supporting it should be clear that it means getting rid of Obamacare. And, I'm not for that. We should protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act and the progress we’ve made. Not tear it down and start over.",1247,161,532,721 1150774989207101440,2019-07-15 14:31,,Our plan will give Americans the choice to buy into a public option like Medicare. That’s the best way to lower costs and achieve universal coverage.,145,153,34,544 1150775755313487874,2019-07-15 14:34,,"We will provide premium-free access to this public option — with the full scope of Medicaid benefits — for people who would otherwise qualify for Medicaid, but were denied access by governors and state legislatures.",71,140,13,409 1150776640894636032,2019-07-15 14:38,,"For too many Americans with insurance, health care costs are still too high. Our plan will not only provide coverage for uninsured Americans, but it will also make health care more affordable for those who have it today.",57,131,16,404 1150777789995528193,2019-07-15 14:43,,Our plan will stand up to the abuse of power by prescription drug corporations and take concrete steps to lower drug prices for Americans. Because no one should have to choose between putting food on the table or filling their prescription.,52,151,5,539 1150778836482699266,2019-07-15 14:47,,"In America, health care is a right — not a privilege dependent on your gender, race, sexual orientation, income or zip code. Our plan will address systemic inequities to ensure every American receives the care they need and deserve.",95,235,14,1112 1150779271583059968,2019-07-15 14:48,,"In a Biden administration, we’ll protect the Affordable Care Act and the progress we’ve made — and won’t rest until every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care. Read the full plan here:",217,227,20,1047 1150860586047156224,2019-07-15 20:12,,"Iowa, I hope you’ll join us this week to hear about our bold vision for the future of our country. Head to to find an event in your community.",129,152,8,747 1150943381129814017,2019-07-16 01:41,,"At the #AARPIowaForum, I laid out my plan for older Americans. A Biden administration will lower drug costs, protect & strengthen Medicare & Social Security, & help middle-class families grow their savings—because everyone deserves to retire with dignity.",172,208,21,895 1151194346978512896,2019-07-16 18:18,,"I’m glad to hear Matt is doing well — stories like his remind us of the need to protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act. We can’t afford to start over. Read our plan here:",57,163,9,588 1151202589242822656,2019-07-16 18:51,,.@DrBiden and I had a very important meeting with @DrakeUGriff while at Drake University yesterday.,65,158,16,1226 1151215172704509952,2019-07-16 19:41,,"Thank you to Governor Tom Vilsack and @ChristieVilsack for opening up your home for yesterday’s house party. It was a pleasure getting to spend some time with the residents of Waukee, Iowa!",50,107,0,619 1151228762123620353,2019-07-16 20:35,,"Summer vacation season has started, but many hardworking Americans like the @ATUComm members currently striking the VTA/TCI aren’t taking a break in their fight for safe working conditions, higher wages, and good benefits. I’m proud to stand with them.",36,102,2,429 1151233540673216514,2019-07-16 20:53,,"President Trump’s entire re-election strategy is based on fear and hatred of migrants — this is just the latest example. We can enforce our immigration laws with dignity — and fix the asylum system so that it is both fair to those who need protection and deters those who do not.",212,347,16,2118 1151233539523981312,2019-07-16 20:53,,"Our Statue of Liberty invites in the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Now President Trump wants to slam the door in the face of children and families fleeing war, poverty, and violence. It’s cruel. It’s not who we are.",726,626,73,3379 1151272298835578881,2019-07-16 23:28,,"Had the opportunity to speak with some great folks in Manning, Iowa, today about our new plan to revitalize rural economies. Thank you to everyone who joined us!",128,133,11,764 1151518169112203269,2019-07-17 15:45,,"Justice Stevens was a decent, honorable man who served our country well. He understood that the most important thing about being on the Court is treating people with dignity and respect. I was honored to have known him. @DrBiden and I are sending our prayers to his family.",47,168,2,1244 1151569758694731777,2019-07-17 19:10,,"In a Biden administration, we’ll give people the choice to buy into a public option like Medicare. That’s the best way to lower costs and achieve universal coverage. Read our full plan here:",189,282,33,980 1151579851360485378,2019-07-17 19:50,,"Rural communities power our nation. They feed our bodies and fuel our engines. A healthy, vibrant rural America is essential to the success of our country. That’s why I released my plan for rural America:",71,183,10,854 1151579853545758720,2019-07-17 19:50,,"My plan recognizes how much rural communities contribute to this nation and how much they’ve been hurt by this president’s damaging policies. We are going to build a pathway to the middle class for rural Americans, in rural America.",3,25,0,67 1151579854489432076,2019-07-17 19:50,,"We will pursue a trade policy that works for American farmers, transform our agriculture sector, triple funding for rural broadband, and bring cutting-edge manufacturing jobs to rural America.",11,28,0,75 1151579855579951104,2019-07-17 19:50,,A Biden administration will help rural communities fully access federal resources and tackle persistent poverty in rural America.,3,20,0,71 1151579856683118592,2019-07-17 19:50,,"Rural health care will be a top priority in the Biden administration. Under our plan, rural hospitals won’t be threatened by having to get by on low Medicare reimbursement rates for all.",25,98,3,541 1151579857937215488,2019-07-17 19:50,,"We will provide rural hospitals with the adequate funding and flexibility they need to keep their doors open, double funding for community health centers, and expand the pipeline of rural health care providers.",25,102,2,564 1151615584230150144,2019-07-17 22:12,,"Wrapped up our trip with stops in Sioux City and Council Bluffs, where we discussed our new plan to ensure that everyone has access to quality, affordable health care. Thank you for a great few days, Iowa!",76,157,6,854 1151630157037350913,2019-07-17 23:10,,"During Beau’s fight with glioblastoma, we learned about the incredible breakthroughs made in cancer treatment — and those that are right over the horizon. This is a fight we can't postpone. I know — with the power of America’s best minds — we can end cancer as we know it. #GBMDay",144,447,14,3099 1151661199160958976,2019-07-18 01:13,,"We’ve heard it before throughout our history, but it has no place in America in 2019. It’s clear that Donald Trump is trying to divide us by race and gender. It’s immoral. Our children are listening.",38,124,5,704 1151661200276672514,2019-07-18 01:13,,Donald Trump thinks that our nation's great diversity makes us weak — because he has no idea what makes us great.,21,119,0,625 1151661201212022784,2019-07-18 01:13,,"Here's what has always made America great: Honesty. Decency. Treating everyone with dignity. Demonizing no one — not the poor, the powerless, the immigrant, the other. Giving hate no safe harbor. Understanding that, as Americans, we are part of something bigger than ourselves.",52,202,11,857 1151661202117922816,2019-07-18 01:13,,"These members of Congress — children of immigrants, just like so many of us — are an example of exactly what makes America great.",58,139,2,959 1151661203351117825,2019-07-18 01:13,,"So, Mr. President, I am here to tell you this. This is OUR country: The United States of America. You'll never understand what makes us strong. And that's why the American people are going to vote you out of office next year.",258,623,44,4438 1151661204521328641,2019-07-18 01:13,,"Let's make sure he doesn’t get four more years in the White House. If you’re with me, join our campaign and let’s get to work:",160,348,12,2959 1151661197839753217,2019-07-18 01:13,,"Four days ago, the President of the United States suggested that four elected members of Congress, all women of color, ought to ""go back"" to the countries ""from which they came."" And every day since he has repeated this ugly, racist refrain.",519,1011,71,6376 1151840112768106499,2019-07-18 13:04,,"Like Mark and Marianne, the lives of millions of Americans depend on the Affordable Care Act. We can’t tear it down. We need to protect and build on Obamacare to ensure every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.",270,403,25,1553 1151868355374174208,2019-07-18 14:56,,I believe protecting the ACA is the most important thing we can do. It covered 20 million Americans and protects over 100 million with pre-existing conditions. I want to hear how it helped you and your family. Click below to share your #MyACAStory:,76,100,5,535 1151892134225559552,2019-07-18 16:31,,"This Saturday, our campaign will be hosting a nationwide Day of Action. Supporters across the country will be coming together, organizing communities, and talking with voters about what’s at stake in this election. Join us:",87,178,5,666 1151926065310384133,2019-07-18 18:45,,"Rebuilding America’s middle class is the major moral obligation of our time. And today, House Democrats took an important step forward in that fight by passing the #RaiseTheWage Act. It’s past time for a $15 minimum wage and a real pathway to the middle class.",113,228,13,997 1151937181633667077,2019-07-18 19:30,,"The ACA was and is a big deal. It took a century of presidents trying to expand health care access, and President Obama and I got it done. We can’t start over. I’ll fight tooth and nail against anyone who tries to tear it down—Republican or Democrat.",536,508,85,2376 1151952280360574976,2019-07-18 20:30,,"America’s teachers shouldn’t have to work a second job after a full day in the classroom just to make ends meet — but stories like these are all too common. In a Biden administration, we’ll change that by giving our educators the pay they deserve.",102,226,13,944 1151964359167553536,2019-07-18 21:18,,Stopped by Dulan's On Crenshaw to serve some food and chat about why I'm running for president. A great way to start our trip to Los Angeles!,103,183,16,982 1151982730172932096,2019-07-18 22:31,,".@DrBiden is visiting South Carolina tomorrow, and I’m excited for the folks of Summerville to have the opportunity to meet her! Head to to RSVP.",67,172,5,965 1152226586705313793,2019-07-19 14:40,,"In America, health care is a right for all — not a privilege for the wealthy few. As president, I’ll repeal President Trump’s tax cuts for the super wealthy and close capital gains loopholes to help ensure everyone has access to the care they deserve.",355,471,45,2563 1152250494275878912,2019-07-19 16:15,,"Tomorrow, I’m heading to Nevada for our first Day of Action! Talking with neighbors about what’s at stake in this election is how we’ll win. RSVP to join us in Las Vegas for a phone bank kickoff:",69,129,4,612 1152275911770685440,2019-07-19 17:56,,President Trump’s comments this week were despicable.,437,900,63,5265 1152313660787908610,2019-07-19 20:26,,"Here's the deal, my plan to build on Obamacare will expand health care coverage and lower costs — without raising taxes on the middle class. Proponents of Medicare for All can't say the same.",1338,278,167,1168 1152397111801131011,2019-07-20 01:57,,It was great meeting so many folks today at Tamales Liliana in Los Angeles. Thank you @HildaSolis for having lunch with me!,113,141,11,886 1152558478776504320,2019-07-20 12:38,,"Governor @RicardoRossello's comments are shameful. Hateful language should be given no safe harbor -- regardless of political title. The people of #PuertoRico will be heard, and they will decide who leads their government.",198,850,125,2864 1152579988891340802,2019-07-20 14:04,,"Los comentarios del gobernador @RicardoRossello son vergonzosos. El lenguaje de odio no debe ser protegido, independientemente del título político. El pueblo de #PuertoRico será escuchado y decidirán quién va a dirigir su gobierno.",119,218,31,658 1152597783074893824,2019-07-20 15:15,,"I’m running for president to restore the soul of this nation, rebuild its backbone — the middle class, and unify all Americans. If you’re with me, let me know by committing to vote today:",767,1201,90,5506 1152631756748726273,2019-07-20 17:30,,"This heat wave is a reminder that we’re already feeling the impacts of climate change.. It’s clear we need to take drastic action now to solve our climate crisis and protect the planet for future generations. Stay safe this weekend.",319,677,51,2475 1152638882002997248,2019-07-20 17:58,,I’m heading to Detroit at the end of the month for our second Democratic debate. Supporters in every part of the country are coming together on July 31 to have parties to watch the debate. I hope you’ll host one in your community:,168,214,19,956 1152718375514230787,2019-07-20 23:14,,That's what we're capable of when we come together in service of something larger than ourselves. That's the America I have faith in.,40,191,5,1752 1152718374046175232,2019-07-20 23:14,,"In that moment, we weren't thinking about being Democrats or Republicans. We weren't thinking about a way to contort the nation's victory in favor of one political faction or another. We were, quite simply, Americans—joined together in our wonder, awe, and shared humanity.",20,181,5,1676 1152718372905345024,2019-07-20 23:14,,"Fifty years ago today, in every corner of our country, Americans gathered together to watch our nation put three astronauts on the moon. For a moment, we all held our breath together, knowing we were about to bear witness to a first for mankind.",67,329,16,2571 1152735416275132416,2019-07-21 00:21,,"Seven years ago, our nation watched in horror at the news from Aurora, Colorado. 12 innocent lives, full of so much promise, were cut short in an act of terror. Many more injured and traumatized. Today, we recommit to taking action to reduce gun violence",150,326,23,1699 1152739969598799872,2019-07-21 00:40,,"Today was our first nationwide Day of Action! It was great to spend the day in Las Vegas, Nevada kicking off our phone bank with our incredible volunteers. #TeamJoe",71,153,10,694 1152895999150440451,2019-07-21 11:00,,I know if we come together there is nothing we can’t do. That gives me the strength to know we can defeat Donald Trump and once again put this nation on the path towards dignity and decency and justice.,716,1496,128,7771 1152952598024073216,2019-07-21 14:44,,Happy #NationalIceCreamDay! I hope everyone enjoys some ice cream on this hot summer day. I’ll be eating a pint of chocolate chip myself.,557,1212,146,12340 1152979045736337408,2019-07-21 16:30,,"Every American deserves the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care. My new plan will allow people to buy into a public option, increase premium tax credits for middle class families, and expand coverage to low-income Americans.",353,430,50,1971 1153009244205199361,2019-07-21 18:30,,"Ended my trip to Nevada by participating in a @nvdems Local Brews and National Views. Thank you to all who attended, it was a pleasure spending time with you!",66,132,9,746 1153035668123267072,2019-07-21 20:15,,"I was never more proud to serve as Vice President than on the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. As president, I’ll protect the progress we’ve made and build on Obamacare to ensure every American receives quality, affordable health care.",432,849,44,4953 1153081331682807811,2019-07-21 23:16,,"9 years ago today, I proudly stood alongside President Obama as he signed the Wall Street reform and consumer protection bill into law. In the midst of the financial crisis we inherited, we fought to protect working Americans from predatory practices and prevent another crash.",304,829,50,5788 1153338916700925952,2019-07-22 16:20,,"Americans work hard every day, and they deserve a worry-free retirement with a steady income. I’ll put Social Security on a path to long-run solvency through a tax on the wealthiest wage earners. Learn more about my plan for Older Americans at",192,344,25,1640 1153356532857225220,2019-07-22 17:30,,"Drug corporations are profiteering off the pocketbooks of sick individuals. Under a Biden administration, we’ll put a stop to runaway drug pricing so every American has the peace of mind that they can afford their medication.",266,249,31,920 1153365624179089409,2019-07-22 18:06,,Trump’s continued racist attacks against these members of Congress cannot be tolerated or excused. This is not who we are. We must hold him accountable for his words.,582,950,64,5994 1153390505809477632,2019-07-22 19:45,,"Our plan to revitalize rural America will provide a path to the middle-class for people in small towns and remote areas across the country. We must build a middle-class where everyone comes along, regardless of zip code.",121,192,11,890 1153414702346752009,2019-07-22 21:21,,"Trump’s words and actions are damaging our place in the world and our futures. We are a nation founded on diversity and opportunity for everyone. I’m running for President because we need to fight back against the incredible abuses of power we’re seeing.",247,531,42,2732 1153605674313474048,2019-07-23 10:00,,"Too many people are incarcerated in the US – and many don’t have resources to successfully rejoin society after serving their time. That’s why I’m releasing my plan to reduce our prison population, create a more just society, & make our communities safer.",631,458,98,1739 1153658129562951681,2019-07-23 13:28,,"Today I released my plan to reform our criminal justice system. Equality, equity, justice—these ideas form the American creed. We have never lived up to it and we haven’t always gotten it right, but we’ve never stopped trying. Learn more about my plan at",135,340,15,1309 1153723538358046720,2019-07-23 17:48,,"The Equifax settlement is a reminder of the trust we put in major corporations that possess large amounts of personal data. We must continue to hold them accountable for keeping personal information secure and protected.",44,143,6,494 1153729151272148994,2019-07-23 18:10,,My plan will counter the rise in hate crimes & reinvigorate community-oriented policing in order to root out persistent crime and hold violent offenders accountable. Read our plan at,93,158,13,531 1153783092911300611,2019-07-23 21:45,,"We must reform our juvenile justice system to give children a second chance to live up to their potential. My plan will invest in juvenile justice programs, protect juvenile records, & end the use of detention as punishment for status offenses. Our plan:",37,124,11,447 1153791650205855752,2019-07-23 22:19,,"We currently have insufficient data to eliminate racial & ethnic biases in our criminal justice system. As president, I’ll urge states to add info regarding ethnicity to their data collection to understand how groups—like Latinx—interact with the system.",171,183,54,847 1153794417674903552,2019-07-23 22:30,,"I had the opportunity to visit @YEPNOLA in New Orleans, Louisiana with @RepRichmond today. I commend the work they’re doing to ensure bright futures for the children in their community.",42,122,7,506 1153807800016896000,2019-07-23 23:23,,"It’s about time we start rewarding workers with the resources to live with dignity & respect—that begins with better wages and benefits, and the right to collectively organize and strike. Today, I stand with @unitehere airline catering workers as they rally together at DCA. #1Job",74,189,10,1041 1154051047285039104,2019-07-24 15:29,,I'm about to take the stage at the @NAACP Presidential Candidates Forum. Watch live!,63,113,8,596 1154111507531096064,2019-07-24 19:30,,"Certain life experiences are strongly correlated with an increased likelihood of future incarceration - abuse, illiteracy, experience in foster care. I’ll invest in our children to address underlying factors driving incarceration. Read our plan at",26,89,9,412 1154119059685826560,2019-07-24 20:00,,"I believe in redemption. Formerly incarcerated individuals deserve the opportunity to be productive members of society. I’ll expand access to mental health & substance use treatment, education, job training, and housing. Read our plan:",55,127,6,504 1154122831501778945,2019-07-24 20:15,,"Thank you, @NAACP, for hosting a thoughtful discussion in Detroit. As I shared today, there’s nothing we can’t do if given half a chance.",41,131,2,682 1154141707337961474,2019-07-24 21:30,,"As President, I will provide states with funds to shift from incarceration to prevention, including addressing factors correlated with incarceration like illiteracy and child abuse. Read our plan:",102,168,14,741 1154195410589761538,2019-07-25 01:03,,One of the great things about being on the trail is getting a chance to have lunch with great folks like @MayorMikeDuggan and community leaders in Dearborn.,68,129,16,642 1154204620354228224,2019-07-25 01:40,,"Russia undermined our democracy by interfering in the 2016 election. That's a fact. We need a President who will stand up to the Kremlin, push back against Putin, and take immediate steps to ensure the security of our elections.",1342,1886,211,10482 1154423731449712640,2019-07-25 16:10,,"Denali's death marks the 3rd murder of a trans woman in South Carolina this year. Violence against the transgender community is an epidemic—crimes are occurring far too often. It's our moral obligation to put an end to violence in our communities.",54,253,10,916 1154443201048129536,2019-07-25 17:28,,"Here’s the deal: health care is a right. Every American should have the peace of mind that comes from access to affordable health care, and we can get there by protecting and building on Obamacare. Read my full plan at",156,242,15,1184 1154453525331664901,2019-07-25 18:09,,"The black agenda is America’s agenda. This morning, I discussed my plans for communities of color on the @TJMShow.",143,145,17,718 1154454908482945024,2019-07-25 18:14,,"Governor @RicardoRossello’s resignation is a testament to the power of everyday people to effect change and a critical opportunity for Puerto Rico, which has been battered by natural disasters and corrupt governments for far too long. #PuertoRicoSeLevanta",59,211,11,995 1154474657275240450,2019-07-25 19:33,,Had the opportunity to discuss my plans to advance equity and opportunity for communities of color all across the nation today at the @NatUrbanLeague Conference in Indianapolis. Thank you for having me!,57,112,3,540 1154500277124251648,2019-07-25 21:14,,"Since 1973, over 160 individuals in this country have been sentenced to death and were later exonerated. Because we can’t ensure that we get these cases right every time, we must eliminate the death penalty.",419,505,111,2304 1154753691628507138,2019-07-26 14:01,,"Because a union fought for their private health insurance plan, Marcy and her husband were able to retire with dignity and respect. That’s why my plan to protect and build on Obamacare will give folks the option to choose what’s best for them.",271,262,52,1917 1154753637274533888,2019-07-26 14:01,,"Like so many other Americans, Marcy prefers to keep her private insurance while recognizing that a public health insurance option is necessary for some of her friends and family.",1138,395,285,2386 1154779660305260544,2019-07-26 15:45,,"Let's call Trump’s travel ban what it is: a disgrace. We are a nation of immigrants, and we need a leader who recognizes that our diversity is our greatest asset.",314,396,40,2068 1154809858555883522,2019-07-26 17:45,,"Trump’s tariff war with China is crushing American farmers. It's easy to talk tough when someone else feels the pain. We need to be tough AND smart—working with allies to curb China’s abusive trade practices, not isolating us from our closest partners.",132,342,19,1131 1154837541201338368,2019-07-26 19:35,,"Trump is fighting tooth & nail to deny those fleeing dangerous situations their right to seek asylum in our nation. We should uphold our moral responsibility & enforce our immigration laws with dignity—not turn away those fleeing violence, war, & poverty.",190,419,17,1535 1154839557118074881,2019-07-26 19:43,,The marine transit system in Alaska is vital to rural communities—but faces draconian cuts in funding. IBU is on strike to ensure this lifeline for Alaskans will continue to serve communities from Ketchikan to Kodiak. The governor must restore full funding immediately. @ILWU,59,171,32,599 1154875483428986881,2019-07-26 22:05,,"Earlier this week, @DrBiden,@RepRichmond, and I had the opportunity to spend some time with the great folks at @YEPNOLA in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was great getting to see the work they’re doing to inspire the children in their community.",55,178,7,694 1154919417614147585,2019-07-27 01:00,,"Today, on the Act's anniversary, we must recommit to fully breaking down barriers so everyone has the opportunity to succeed—no matter their zip code, income, race, or disability. As president, I'll ensure everyone's treated with dignity and respect.",69,230,7,1590 1154919415554727936,2019-07-27 01:00,,"I've always been proud to have cosponsored the Americans with Disabilities Act, signed into law 29 years ago. Thanks to the vision & persistence of @SenatorHarkin & many disability leaders, this bill was a critical step in the fight for equal rights for people with disabilities.",68,380,23,2552 1154919416532017152,2019-07-27 01:00,,"Growing up with a stutter, my parents taught me from a young age that being different is no barrier to success. Instead, the barrier is far too often our laws, our institutions, and our culture. The ADA began to change all of that.",38,233,9,1962 1155102646489047045,2019-07-27 13:08,,"As president, I’ll make it a priority to take action against polluters who knowingly harm our environment and poison our communities’ air, land, and water. Read my plan at",96,199,7,1333 1155102645423616001,2019-07-27 13:08,,We can't be blind to the way environmental burdens—like air pollution—are distributed unevenly along racial and socioeconomic lines.,108,253,9,1389 1155128457786843136,2019-07-27 14:51,,"Climate change is an existential threat to our planet. As President, not only will I recommit us to the Paris Agreement—I’ll lead an effort for every major emitting country to ramp up the ambition of their domestic climate targets.",141,266,14,1198 1155129767022211074,2019-07-27 14:56,,"A border wall is the physical embodiment of @realDonaldTrump’s inability to develop effective immigration policy. His use of Department of Defense funds for the wall is a phony answer to the real challenges we face—and he knows it.",835,649,93,2658 1155166206443212800,2019-07-27 17:21,,"Here’s the deal: I will oppose every effort by Republicans, Democrats, & anyone else seeking to tear down Obamacare. It is imperative that we build upon the progress we've made by protecting the Affordable Care Act. Read my plan at",465,411,65,2042 1155176535428460545,2019-07-27 18:02,,.@RepCummings is one of the finest people I’ve ever served with. It is despicable for you to attack him and the people of Baltimore this way. Once again you have proved yourself unfit to hold the office. A President is supposed to lift this nation up. Not tear it down.,4068,10609,847,59925 1155193889105600513,2019-07-27 19:11,,"Trump’s trade wars are squeezing American farmers. In states like South Dakota—where agriculture is a top industry—effects go well beyond farms. As president, I'd join together with our allies & stand up to China to ensure our policies work for our farmers.",266,359,46,1158 1155479682990714880,2019-07-28 14:06,,I worked hard to pass the Affordable Care Act—it was a milestone for American health care. I will continue to oppose every effort to tear it down. We have come too far to start over. Read my plan to protect and build on Obamacare at,211,293,27,2056 1155479681954717696,2019-07-28 14:06,,"Since the historic passage of the Affordable Care Act, Congressional Republicans have been fighting to it tear down. Two years ago today, they continued their crusade in an attempt to pass a “skinny repeal” of Obamacare—it failed.",154,410,14,2644 1155499150454095872,2019-07-28 15:24,,"Congratulations to our @TeamJoe #DemDebate contest winner—Kellie from North Carolina! Can’t wait to see you at the debate in Detroit on July 31st, Kel!",175,244,26,1617 1155529097612677121,2019-07-28 17:23,,"We need to show the power of our grassroots movement. If you’re in the Detroit area, come together with #TeamJoe in your community outside of the second debate on July 30 and 31. RSVP at",70,120,9,614 1155573389471305728,2019-07-28 20:19,,"Far too often, students who experience mental health problems do not get the care they need. As President, I will double the number of mental health professionals in schools to give our kids the support they deserve.",307,475,49,2737 1155584966186717185,2019-07-28 21:05,,"Instead of starting from scratch, we need to build on the Affordable Care Act. I'll expand on the progress we made—giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system less complex to navigate. Read my full plan at",305,318,42,1379 1155702372338937861,2019-07-29 04:51,,"This violence is not normal. How many more families will have to lose a loved one before we fix our broken gun laws? We must take action, starting with real reform. Our thoughts are with everyone in Gilroy this evening. Enough is enough.",1487,1807,221,8373 1155866822979178496,2019-07-29 15:45,,We’re gathering #TeamJoe in Detroit on July 30th and 31st to show the power of our grassroots movement at the second debate. I hope to see you there! RSVP at,69,154,11,741 1155914818202865665,2019-07-29 18:55,,"Iowa, I have some big news: @DrBiden is heading your way on August 1st to open two of our field offices. Join her in Sioux City: or Council Bluffs:",46,126,5,663 1155946347280916480,2019-07-29 21:01,,.@TheRevAl is a champion in the fight for civil rights. The fact that President Trump continues to use the power of the presidency to unleash racist attacks on the people he serves is despicable. This hate has no place in our country. It's beneath the dignity of the office.,2402,1236,398,6449 1155969547343556608,2019-07-29 22:33,,The Affordable Care Act changed the life of @DrBiden’s sister — like it did millions of Americans — by giving her access to the health care she needed. We can’t afford to start over.,148,288,26,1298 1155980069384282112,2019-07-29 23:15,,"We have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to stop America’s gun violence epidemic — that starts with taking on the powerful gun lobby and passing common-sense gun safety laws. I’ve beaten the @NRA twice. And I’ll do it again in the White House.",229,532,23,3096 1156005990061318145,2019-07-30 00:58,,"Two years ago, President Trump gave giant tax cuts to the super-wealthy and corporations. Now, he wants to rip free school lunches away from kids who need help the most. It’s heartless. No kid should go hungry in America.",298,1455,81,5161 1156271238471462912,2019-07-30 18:32,,"President Trump has failed on his promises for American workers time and time again. We need to rebuild the middle class, and this time make sure everybody comes along — regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.",202,369,28,1660 1156286359541354496,2019-07-30 19:32,,"I’m grateful to Joe and Michelle for sharing their story and glad to hear Matthew is receiving the treatment he needs. Read our full plan to protect and build on the Affordable Care Act to ensure everyone has access to the care they need:",39,135,4,560 1156310866456981504,2019-07-30 21:09,,My plan builds on that legacy with a new public health insurance option like Medicare. Read the full plan here:,57,171,10,1093 1156310865324519424,2019-07-30 21:09,,"54 years ago, President Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law. This landmark legislation changed the lives of millions by providing the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.",69,292,11,2206 1156326700759863296,2019-07-30 22:12,,"President Trump & Betsy DeVos continue to roll back our progress on LGBTQ rights. No child should feel unsafe in school because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. A Biden administration will ensure all of our young people are affirmed & accepted exactly as they are.",88,259,11,1172 1156374417691369474,2019-07-31 01:22,,"On what would have been his 46th birthday, my thoughts are with the family of my friend Reverend Clementa Pinckney. As we celebrate his life, let's continue on his legacy by living with compassion, kindness, and a relentless dedication to improving the lives of others.",25,201,5,1130 1156646963506368512,2019-07-31 19:25,,"A car accident took the lives of my first wife and baby daughter. My family was fortunate to have health insurance, but that's not the case for many. This is why I fight. I believe deeply that health care is a right for all—not a privilege for the few.",335,1164,54,7732 1156677917469896704,2019-07-31 21:28,,I’ve got some exciting news: I am now on Snapchat! Subscribe to get a behind-the-scenes look at tonight’s #DemDebate and what’s happening on the campaign trail:,422,208,207,1134 1156691352983412737,2019-07-31 22:21,,"Here's the deal, President Trump inherited the economy from the Obama-Biden Administration. And just like everything else he's been given in his life, he's in the process of squandering it.",2283,3998,396,18461 1156710604289314816,2019-07-31 23:37,,I'm getting ready to take the stage in Detroit! Grateful to have my family by my side.,187,166,44,1654 1156713999825813504,2019-07-31 23:51,,Now I’m handing the account over to my team before I take the stage. They’ll keep you up-to-date on what’s happening at tonight’s #DemDebate. Make sure to follow along!,48,105,6,1020 1156713998504603648,2019-07-31 23:51,,"We deserve leaders that unite us around our shared goals, rather than prey on our divisions. That’s why I’m running for president. To unite our country and put us on a different path — not back to a past that never was — but to a future that fulfills our true potential.",22,137,4,1076 1156713996768153602,2019-07-31 23:51,,"As we gather in Detroit, it’s important that we recognize the significance of the Motor City. Because few cities embody the American spirit better than Detroit. When it was knocked down flat on its back, it didn’t give up. It came roaring back.",5,30,1,106 1156713997611229184,2019-07-31 23:51,,"Detroit — and our country as a whole — is like its people: resilient and tough. Defined by a work ethic that is unmatched by any place in the world. And when given half a fighting chance, there’s nothing the American people can’t do.",4,26,0,104 1156713995702808577,2019-07-31 23:51,,"Tonight, I’ll take the stage in Detroit for the second #DemDebate. I’m excited to have the opportunity to discuss the issues on voters’ minds, why I’m running for president, and my bold vision for the future of our country.",95,184,12,1396 1156716515095404544,2019-08-01 00:01,,"Hey everyone, @TeamJoe here! We’re taking over for tonight’s #DemDebate to give you the facts about Joe’s record on the issues and vision for our country. Stay tuned!",73,94,8,625 1156716954314575872,2019-08-01 00:03,,Retweet if you’re proud to be on #TeamJoe! #DemDebate,119,565,31,893 1156723702341472258,2019-08-01 00:29,,"Mr. President, this is America. We're stronger because of this diversity, not in spite of it. #DemDebate",126,472,29,2824 1156724141925556224,2019-08-01 00:31,,"Healthcare is the most important issue to Americans. Senator Harris won't be able to beat Trump with double-talk on healthcare. We have a plan that builds on the ACA by giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system easier to navigate.",86,243,17,975 1156724692042047488,2019-08-01 00:33,,Americans prefer protecting and building on Obamacare with a public option over Medicare for All:,68,150,15,463 1156725378045685762,2019-08-01 00:36,,"In America, health care should be a right for all -- not a privilege for the wealthy few. Joe Biden’s plan to protect and build on Obamacare is the best way to achieve universal coverage and lower costs:",87,140,15,484 1156726875370217473,2019-08-01 00:42,,I’m running for president to restore the soul of this country...No one man has the capacity to rip that apart. It’s too strong. We're too good.,366,1531,92,8888 1156727293991161862,2019-08-01 00:44,,Senator Harris’ Medicare for All plan still gets rid of employer-sponsored coverage and still costs 30x more than Joe Biden’s health care plan. Just changing the start date by 6 years doesn’t change the fact it is bad policy. #DemDebate,67,162,7,499 1156728498037448704,2019-08-01 00:48,,"As Vice President, Biden was a champion for efforts to implement the federal mental health parity law, improve access to mental health care, and eliminate the stigma. As president, he'll enforce our mental health parity laws and expand funding for mental health services.",50,194,6,815 1156728962560798721,2019-08-01 00:50,,"Because of the Affordable Care Act, 20 million Americans gained health insurance. Millions more gained critical protections. But the work isn’t over. As president, Biden won’t rest until everyone has access to the quality, affordable care they deserve. #DemDebate",88,229,15,967 1156729325464539136,2019-08-01 00:52,,Let’s get the facts straight: Medicare for All will cost 30x more than Joe Biden’s health care plan—and it will be paid for by raising taxes on the middle class. #DemDebate,117,133,14,447 1156731336687853569,2019-08-01 01:00,,"Donald Trump is the problem with our immigration policy. He's using family separation as a weapon against desperate people seeking safety and a better life. We need to defeat Donald Trump. #DemDebate",279,532,32,2482 1156733705232297985,2019-08-01 01:09,,Trump's immigration policies are an assault on human dignity. We aren't a country that denies children soap and a toothbrush. This is not who we are. #DemDebate,98,210,20,968 1156733779765006336,2019-08-01 01:09,,Las políticas de inmigración de Trump son un asalto a la dignidad humana. No somos un país que niegue a los niños jabón y cepillo de dientes. Esto no es lo que somos. #DemDebate,62,123,26,390 1156734424526053376,2019-08-01 01:12,,"Under Medicare for All, Americans will see a new type of deductible in their paycheck. Medicare for All costs $30 trillion. Not sure what math they do in New York or California but that would be a lot of money.",323,223,105,867 1156734942333820930,2019-08-01 01:14,,"Joe Biden has the boldest, most comprehensive criminal justice reform proposal in this election. Read the full plan here: #DemDebate",45,138,14,483 1156736120358670336,2019-08-01 01:19,,"Joe Biden will strengthen America’s commitment to justice and reform by taking action to reduce our prison population, address racial disparities, and make our communities safer. #DemDebate",39,108,5,426 1156736547552681986,2019-08-01 01:20,,"The 1994 Crime Bill included: -The ground-breaking Violence Against Women Act -Bans on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines -Funding for drug courts and prevention #DemDebate",121,399,56,1406 1156737086147497989,2019-08-01 01:23,,"If we want to talk about the Crime Bill, let's hear from the President who chose @JoeBiden as his running mate—twice.",75,222,15,740 1156739855608627200,2019-08-01 01:34,,"Two Delaware civil rights champions on the Joe Biden they know, and why they're proud to stand by him and call him a friend:",34,169,8,745 1156741582269403136,2019-08-01 01:40,,"Climate change poses an existential threat to our health, our communities, our national security, and our economic well-being. As president, Biden will rally the world to address the climate emergency and lead through the power of example. #DemDebate",56,127,8,494 1156742176249929728,2019-08-01 01:43,,"Climate change requires drastic action. Joe Biden has a comprehensive plan to tackle our climate emergency and environmental injustices head on: #DemDebate",51,153,8,531 1156744362216304640,2019-08-01 01:52,,"In 2009, the Obama-Biden administration made a big bet on rescuing the US auto industry. It paid off: -More than 646,000 auto jobs -Auto production doubled in the US -Auto sales hit an all-time high Detroit was on the front lines of that recovery. #DemDebate",83,256,14,984 1156744771798536192,2019-08-01 01:53,,"Joe Biden has received more than 100 endorsements from community leaders around the country, including Detroit's own @MayorMikeDuggan. #DemDebate",45,156,5,638 1156745859658375173,2019-08-01 01:57,,"Biden will stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities. He’ll work to ensure that communities across the country from Flint, MI to Harlan, KY to the NH Seacoast have access to clean, safe drinking water.",67,204,9,959 1156748016759595008,2019-08-01 02:06,,"When it comes to trade, either we're going to write the rules of the road for the world or China is—and not in a way that advances our values. Meanwhile, this administration has launched trade wars against the very allies we need with us to change China’s behavior. #DemDebate",34,180,4,684 1156748884368080896,2019-08-01 02:10,,"Vice President Biden has fought for women's rights his whole career: ✓Wrote the Violence Against Women Act ✓Co-sponsored the Equal Rights Amendment 9 times ✓Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act: 1st Obama-Biden bill signed into law ✓Co-sponsored the Pregnancy Discrimination Act",103,625,27,2594 1156750121197084678,2019-08-01 02:14,,"Finally, Joe Biden has been integral to some of the biggest child care tax credit wins in our history, including in the Recovery Act and the fiscal cliff deal. And as president, he'll expand the child care tax credit to up to $8,000 per family. #DemDebate",39,379,5,2143 1156750119750045697,2019-08-01 02:14,,"This attack from Senator Gillibrand has been two weeks in the making, and it STILL isn’t accurate. Let's set the record straight:",113,460,26,2569 1156750120450441216,2019-08-01 02:14,,"Here's the truth about Joe Biden's vote: He wasn't opposed to the child care tax credit itself. He was opposed to this specific tax credit being made available to affluent people.",29,388,10,2029 1156750510822711297,2019-08-01 02:16,,"Joe Biden believes that women have a constitutional right to choose. Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, and Biden will work to codify it. He’ll continue to fight for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions with her doctor. #DemDebate",107,392,24,1887 1156752566551797760,2019-08-01 02:24,,"Joe Biden has long believed that the US should narrow rather than broaden its military efforts in Afghanistan, and has for years advocated for ending the war responsibly. We can't keep spending tens of billions of dollars a year to sustain a stalemate. #DemDebate",58,229,4,1178 1156752567306731520,2019-08-01 02:24,,"We can protect our interests in Afghanistan, including the possibility of a terrorist threat re-emerging, without a large troop presence. That is what Joe Biden will do as president.",61,173,11,898 1156758710733221889,2019-08-01 02:49,,"Debate Night #2 is in the books. #DemDebate",230,185,32,1087 1156759192587448320,2019-08-01 02:50,,That’s all we have for tonight’s #DemDebate—thanks for tuning in! Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to keep up-to-date with everything happening on our campaign.,132,134,8,940 1156759796382601219,2019-08-01 02:53,,"I just got off the stage where I shared my bold vision for our future built on uniting our country. Because I know if we work together, there’s nothing we can’t do. Let's keep our momentum going. If you liked what you heard tonight, text JOE to 30330 and let's get to work.",828,675,237,2803 1156780622318321664,2019-08-01 04:16,,"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. We have to let them know who we are. We choose science over fiction, hope over fear, and unity over division. #DemDebate",438,1586,88,7744 1156791386227781632,2019-08-01 04:58,,Mr. President — this is America. We are strong and great because of our diversity. #DemDebate,301,628,50,3349 1156867416338632704,2019-08-01 10:01,,"Last night on the debate stage, I shared my bold vision for the future of our country. Everyone knows who Donald Trump is. Let’s show them who we are. There’s nothing we can’t do — together. #DemDebate",638,878,86,4469 1156988464031645696,2019-08-01 18:02,,"The ACLU says that the Trump Administration has continued to rip children from their parents, even after courts ordered them to stop. It’s inhumane & goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants & values. I’ll end these cruel policies.",579,697,78,2148 1157004318546919424,2019-08-01 19:05,,The criticism of Obamacare is a bunch of malarkey. #DemDebate,412,730,81,3745 1157042067320836097,2019-08-01 21:35,,Wrapped up our time in Detroit with a quick stop at Coney Island Restaurant for some lunch and great conversation with community members.,96,190,28,1058 1157050875233361920,2019-08-01 22:10,,"The U.S. has a responsibility to extend Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelans fleeing desperate circumstances—violence, oppression, starvation. The House passed a bipartisan bill to take action, now @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell must bring it up for a vote. #TPS4VZ",172,549,36,1998 1157068491184209922,2019-08-01 23:20,,We are a nation of immigrants — that’s why we’re so special. #DemDebate,310,755,48,3962 1157098941906898945,2019-08-02 01:21,,"I was surprised at all of the attacks on President Obama's record at the #DemDebate. The Obama-Biden Administration passed Obamacare, lead the world on combating climate change, and saved our economy from the brink of disaster. He was a great president. We don’t say that enough.",3384,5654,740,35233 1157307314832998405,2019-08-02 15:09,,There is nothing moderate about what President Obama did with Obamacare. Nothing. Seven presidents tried to expand access to health care — the Obama-Biden Administration finally got it done.,325,601,59,2608 1157326440905371648,2019-08-02 16:25,,"Yet more proof that Trump doesn’t care about the farmers, workers, and consumers that are being crushed by his irresponsible tariff war with China. It’s easy to act tough when someone else is feeling the pain. I will reverse his senseless policies.",379,706,47,2629 1157340342951321600,2019-08-02 17:20,,"America must defend the values that unite us—we must lead the Free World. As president, I will remind the world who we are. The United States does not coddle dictators. The United States stands up for democracy.",228,696,35,4225 1157340341634306048,2019-08-02 17:20,,"Donald Trump is echoing his authoritarian heroes, again—this time using China's anti-democracy talking points to describe the peaceful protests in Hong Kong as ""riots."" It's shameful. When people suffering under oppression look to the U.S. for hope, Trump has nothing to offer.",382,1269,93,6315 1157397408533360645,2019-08-02 21:07,,"In the last three years, President Trump has turned our world upside down internationally and economically. People are hurting. The soul of our country is collapsing because of his presidency. We have to be honest, straight forward, and authentic about what we will do to fix it.",4472,3575,604,19710 1157693487976013824,2019-08-03 16:43,,"It’s clear that climate change is already here. Today. And we need to take urgent action to address it. That starts with beating Donald Trump.",470,1320,109,4812 1157763319429656577,2019-08-03 21:21,,"Heartbroken to hear the news from El Paso. Our thoughts are with those impacted by yet another senseless act of gun violence in America. How many lives must be cut short? How many communities must be torn apart? It’s past time we take action and end our gun violence epidemic.",1857,3878,294,21288 1158063147334475776,2019-08-04 17:12,,Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines don’t belong on our streets. We must stand up to the @NRA and gun manufacturers—they don’t own this country. We the people own this country.,60,313,18,1144 1158063148093587458,2019-08-04 17:12,,"We have to address what’s happening in America. We continue to bear witness to acts of terror carried out with a common thread: hatred of “the other.” We saw it in Charlottesville two years ago, at synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway, and now in El Paso.",102,686,18,4436 1158063148928315392,2019-08-04 17:12,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. And in this moment, we all have a responsibility to declare with conviction that hatred and bigotry and white supremacy have no place in America. We will give hate no safe harbor.",198,1147,62,5914 1158063146239528961,2019-08-04 17:12,,"At least 29 lives stolen, families broken, communities shattered in El Paso and Dayton within 13 hours. Dozens more wounded. Between those two mass shootings, dozens more were killed and injured by gun violence that didn't make national headlines.",299,1223,59,6480 1158151124991401985,2019-08-04 23:02,,"We can’t fix a problem if we refuse to name it: white nationalism. An ideology emboldened by a president who stokes the flames of hatred and coddles white supremacists with messages of support. We must do what Trump won't: condemn this evil and eradicate it from our society.",2547,7318,531,33414 1158169495921418241,2019-08-05 00:15,,"Enough is enough. As a nation, we need to take common-sense steps to end this epidemic of gun violence. @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell should reconvene the Senate and pass the House’s universal background check bill. We cannot wait to take action.",786,2827,163,10616 1158394637989621760,2019-08-05 15:09,,"Mr. President, immigration isn’t the problem. White nationalism is the problem. America’s inaction on gun safety legislation is the problem. It’s time to put the politics aside and pass universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. Lives depend on it.",930,2708,189,11677 1158410845854081025,2019-08-05 16:14,,"Let's be very clear. You use the office of the presidency to encourage and embolden white supremacy. You use words like ""infestation"" and ""invasion"" to talk about human beings. We won't truly speak with one voice against hatred until your voice is no longer in the White House.",3054,7626,564,35533 1158492876747051008,2019-08-05 21:40,,"As we watched in horror at the events in El Paso and Dayton, Chicago suffered its most violent weekend of 2019. We cannot go on like this. We must muster up the courage to take on the @NRA, pass common-sense reform, and end our gun violence epidemic.",365,786,36,3110 1158584976964816899,2019-08-06 03:45,,"Honesty, decency, hope, leaving nobody behind, giving hate no safe harbor. That’s who we are. But I don't see much of that coming from this administration.",679,1646,102,8635 1158814496418357248,2019-08-06 18:58,,"Thoughts and prayers won’t solve our broken gun laws. We need politicians with the courage to stand up to the powerful gun lobby and tell them that they don’t own this country. I’ve beaten the @NRA twice, and I’ll do it again in the White House.",674,1743,102,11746 1158841926663041024,2019-08-06 20:47,,"We can’t fix a problem if we refuse to name the problem. This is white nationalism. This is white supremacy. This is about hate. Mr. President, it’s long past time you stood up to it.",1371,2422,218,10823 1158880179126751232,2019-08-06 23:19,,"54 years ago, the #VotingRightsAct brought our nation closer to living up to our founding ideals of equality, equity, and fairness for all.",139,413,15,2179 1158880882297643008,2019-08-06 23:21,,"The fight for civil rights is one of the things that got me engaged in politics. And when I was ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, we successfully extended the #VotingRightsAct for 25 years.",77,258,10,1739 1158881605005565955,2019-08-06 23:24,,"But our job is not done. The #VotingRightsAct has been gutted by the Supreme Court & voting rights are under siege across the country. As president, I will restore the VRA, stand up to attacks on the right to vote, & renew our efforts to ensure every American’s voice is equal.",121,278,12,1623 1158900238473748482,2019-08-07 00:38,,"Fred, your strength and resilience in the face of unspeakable tragedy continues to inspire me and so many others. I carry Jaime’s memory with me every day as we continue our efforts to end America’s gun violence epidemic.",145,1126,23,7137 1158922457350172672,2019-08-07 02:07,,"Toni Morrison had an incredible ability to translate the everyday experience of African Americans into written word. Her writing had the power to open minds, shift political discourse, and shape the views of generations. She will be sorely missed.",60,322,13,2088 1159115731167932421,2019-08-07 14:55,,"Yesterday, @DrBiden and I had the opportunity to thank a few firefighters for their dedication to keeping Idaho safe. I’ve witnessed the heroism of first responders—they rush into the face of danger every single day to save complete strangers. They are the best of America.",108,201,8,1398 1159161029374308352,2019-08-07 17:55,,A president is supposed to unite our nation and lift us up. Not prey on our divisions and tear us down.,1001,1767,164,7824 1159174858460282880,2019-08-07 18:49,,"WATCH LIVE: Joe Biden Speaks in Burlington, Iowa",1180,766,218,2197 1159188880983240710,2019-08-07 19:45,,"The words of a president matter. They can move markets. They can send our brave men and women to war. They can bring peace. And they can unleash the deepest, darkest forces in this nation — like Donald Trump has chosen to do.",1164,4930,298,22964 1159189377123323907,2019-08-07 19:47,,"When he said after Charlottesville that there were “very fine people on both sides” he gave license and safe harbor for hate to white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK. Those words stunned the nation and shocked the world.",241,667,23,2934 1159190776724840455,2019-08-07 19:53,,I said at the time that we were in a battle for the soul of this nation. I said it again when I announced. It’s why I’m running for president.,87,425,8,2163 1159191486682075138,2019-08-07 19:56,,"How far is it from Trump’s saying this “is an invasion” to the shooter in El Paso declaring “this attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas”? Not far at all.",78,434,9,1973 1159193999481167873,2019-08-07 20:06,,"How far is it from the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville – Trump’s “very fine people” – chanting “You will not replace us” to the shooter at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh saying Jews “were committing genocide to his people.” Not far at all.",130,340,12,1530 1159194213684252680,2019-08-07 20:06,,"In both clear language and in code, this president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation.",95,461,13,1887 1159194842355949569,2019-08-07 20:09,,"I wish I could say this hate began with Trump and will end with him. It didn’t & it won’t. The battle for the soul of this nation has been a constant push-and-pull between the American ideal that we are all created equal & the harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart.",108,506,25,2327 1159195736757682176,2019-08-07 20:12,,"The honest truth is both elements are part of the American character. At our best, the American ideal wins out. But it’s never a rout. It’s always a fight. And the battle is never finished.",66,374,5,1874 1159198686431371265,2019-08-07 20:24,,"At moments when we have been tested most, American presidents have stepped up. They led, opposed hate, and chose to fight for the best of the American character. We don’t have that today. Our president has aligned himself with the darkest forces in this nation.",91,487,16,1984 1159199877005533185,2019-08-07 20:29,,"Trump offers no moral leadership, no interest in unifying the nation, and no evidence the presidency has awakened his conscience in the least. Instead, we have a president with a toxic tongue who has unapologetically embraced a political strategy of hate, racism, and division.",174,630,32,2432 1159200630373851138,2019-08-07 20:32,,So it’s up to us. We’re living through a rare moment in this nation’s history. Where our president isn’t up to the moment. Where our president lacks the moral authority to lead. Where our president has more in common with George Wallace than George Washington.,207,1033,42,5509 1159201340167507974,2019-08-07 20:35,,"We are almost 330 million Americans who have to do what our president can’t. Stand together. Stand against hate. Stand up for what—at our best—this nation believes. If we stand together, we will win the battle for the soul of this nation.",277,1106,43,5684 1159209632600154113,2019-08-07 21:08,,We are almost 330 million Americans who have to do what our president can’t. Stand together. Stand against hate. Stand up for what—at our best—this nation believes.,1021,2946,210,12570 1159228212465025025,2019-08-07 22:21,,We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. It’s why I’m running for president.,885,1557,110,7375 1159264209265315840,2019-08-08 00:45,,"In both clear language and in code, President Trump has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation.",1247,1892,181,7211 1159275282483810305,2019-08-08 01:29,,The @NRA doesn’t own this country. We the people own this country.,4789,6719,752,42327 1159286969693802496,2019-08-08 02:15,,"On a day when President Trump is supposed to be embracing a grieving community and celebrating our American diversity in El Paso, his administration is instead stoking fear by conducting massive immigration raids in Mississippi. He is morally unfit to lead this country.",3172,6366,480,25771 1159483152584384514,2019-08-08 15:15,,"Along with Senator Feinstein, I got assault weapons and high-capacity magazines banned in this country for ten years. As president, I’ll make sure they’re banned once again.",713,2130,103,10490 1159563172799569927,2019-08-08 20:32,,"This is who Donald Trump is: a president determined to terrorize immigrant communities and rip apart families — at the border and across our country. The question is, who are we? I believe we are a nation that will end these cruel policies and make Trump a one-term president.",1399,3307,247,12165 1159582945293869057,2019-08-08 21:51,,Guilty as charged,952,2018,184,28198 1159602689640226817,2019-08-08 23:10,,"In the Senate, I successfully took on the @NRA to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines — and helped pass the Brady background check bill. As president, I’ll do it again. Add your name to stand with me:",453,535,28,2844 1159655034642153473,2019-08-09 02:38,,".@DrBiden and I had a great afternoon at the Iowa State Fair where we talked with folks about our bold vision for the country. I stopped for some ice cream, too.",652,307,54,2443 1159848811256254464,2019-08-09 15:28,,Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines don’t belong on our streets.,1300,3058,222,19777 1159867182378913792,2019-08-09 16:41,,"At moments when we have been tested most, American presidents have stepped up. We don’t have that today. We have a president who has aligned himself with the darkest forces in this nation. And that makes winning the battle for the soul of this nation that much harder.",1019,1344,108,5602 1159967594226393089,2019-08-09 23:20,,"Five years ago, Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson. His death stirred the conscience of our nation and awakened a generation of activists. We must ensure justice rings out for all in America — regardless of skin color.",1233,704,159,3665 1159992256436330501,2019-08-10 00:58,,"We need gun safety reform & leaders who will step up to get it done. Gov. Sununu instead has decided to stand with President Trump in putting the gun lobby over common-sense reforms that will keep Granite Staters safe. As president, I’ll take on the NRA & win—again. #NHPolitics",608,715,70,3419 1160022455517208576,2019-08-10 02:58,,Grateful for the hard work these folks put in every day on the ground in Iowa. #WingDing,274,256,25,1721 1160233093560770561,2019-08-10 16:55,,We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. But I know — with passionate folks like those at last night’s @iowawingding — we will win.,180,260,18,1462 1160258511013588994,2019-08-10 18:36,,There’s no better place than the Iowa State Fair to meet some new folks and stop for ice cream. Thank you to everyone who said hello!,220,322,22,2152 1160266060819361792,2019-08-10 19:06,,"Now is not the time to cower in the face of the @NRA, now is the time to stand up with courage and conviction and pass gun safety legislation. Lives depend on it.",313,828,41,5175 1160285941946290177,2019-08-10 20:25,,"July was the hottest month on Earth ever recorded — making it clearer than ever that climate change is already here and requires our urgent, drastic action. On day one, I’ll take the bold action necessary to tackle this crisis head-on.",766,1085,101,4429 1160301544622833664,2019-08-10 21:27,,"Assault weapons don’t belong in our communities. Period. As president, I’ll ban these military-style weapons and institute a buyback program that gets as many as possible off our streets.",2201,2795,339,17024 1160378048723791872,2019-08-11 02:31,,"Thank you to @Everytown and @MomsDemand for hosting today’s #GunSenseForum. As I said this afternoon, spread the faith. Talk with friends and neighbors about what's happening in America. Demand change. Because together, we can and will end our gun violence epidemic.",326,474,16,2509 1160631216904687617,2019-08-11 19:17,,"The words of a president matter. Hateful rhetoric and white nationalism have no place in our nation.",560,888,64,5254 1160660409348608001,2019-08-11 21:13,,"We need universal background checks for gun sales. Period. I’ve beaten the @NRA twice, and I’ll do it again as president. It’s time for a leader who stands up to the powerful gun lobby.",449,1174,68,7120 1160688865650364416,2019-08-11 23:06,,"In the Senate, @SenFeinstein and I led the successful effort to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It worked. It saved lives. As president, I’ll take on the @NRA and ban military-style weapons once again.",721,1212,104,5878 1160712002827952133,2019-08-12 00:38,,".@DrBiden and I wish everyone celebrating #EidAlAdha hope, faith, and joy. Eid Mubarak!",86,220,6,1553 1160722820411940864,2019-08-12 01:21,,"As president, I will do everything in my power to stop America’s gun violence epidemic by passing common-sense gun reform. Lives depend on it.",636,816,61,4608 1160900220756156417,2019-08-12 13:05,,"Two years after Charlottesville, we have a problem with this rising tide of white supremacy in America. And we have a president who encourages and emboldens it. But if we stand together in opposing it, we will win the battle for the soul of this nation.",1018,2634,194,11195 1160981776715538432,2019-08-12 18:30,,"There used to be a basic bargain in this country that when you worked hard, you were able to share in the prosperity you helped create. That bargain is broken for American workers, and it's time we restore it.",257,633,43,2963 1161008452443004931,2019-08-12 20:16,,"If we cannot rise to meet this moment, it won’t just be a political failure. It will be a moral one. It will mean that we accept the next inevitable tragedy. We cannot allow that to happen. We must end our gun violence epidemic.",241,598,32,2653 1161020156367314945,2019-08-12 21:02,,"For decades, the Endangered Species Act has protected our most vulnerable wildlife from extinction. Now, President Trump wants to throw it all away. At a time when climate change is pushing our planet to the brink, we should strengthen protections — not weaken them.",302,1965,77,6933 1161062558922629120,2019-08-12 23:51,,The vast majority of Americans want common-sense gun safety reform. We need leaders with the backbone to stand up to the @NRA and get it done.,358,749,43,3310 1161073632262705157,2019-08-13 00:35,,Don’t tell Champ and Major.,218,290,35,2313 1161334098377334784,2019-08-13 17:50,,"It’s unacceptable that children learn to fear mass shooters alongside their ABCs. It's unacceptable that people feel unsafe on their weekly grocery run. It's unacceptable that living in fear of gun violence has become our new normal.",556,1976,109,9928 1161364800565215232,2019-08-13 19:52,,"The brave protestors in Hong Kong are demanding the rights and freedoms promised to them. The U.S. should be leading the free world to rally support behind them and, with one voice, defend our shared democratic ideals and the desire for liberty that beats in every heart.",447,1885,121,9199 1161382094754521089,2019-08-13 21:00,,"I know what it takes to beat the @NRA because I’ve done it twice before. In the Senate, @SenFeinstein and I took on the gun lobby to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and helped pass the Brady background check bill. As president, I’ll beat them once again.",201,648,22,2859 1161405631728934912,2019-08-13 22:34,,"This is America, and we are strong and great because of our diversity — not in spite of it. Donald Trump doesn’t get that. Prioritizing wealthy immigrants while punishing working-class ones betrays the American idea that everyone gets a fair shot — regardless of background.",311,877,44,3691 1161435265153417216,2019-08-14 00:32,,"President Trump has emboldened white nationalists with messages of support, called Mexicans ""rapists,"" and told members of Congress to ""go back"" to where they came from. The words of a president matter. And Trump has used his to unleash the deepest, darkest forces in our nation.",1262,2498,195,12797 1161643638134149121,2019-08-14 14:20,,"Whether you are online, at a gun show, or in a store — you should have to pass a background check to buy a gun. Period.",265,860,22,4557 1161723369366142981,2019-08-14 19:36,,"America is an idea. An idea that for centuries has offered hope to the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We won’t let Donald Trump and his administration change that.",461,973,71,4682 1161791018758541313,2019-08-15 00:05,,".@DrBiden and I send our prayers to the police officers injured today in Philadelphia, and to their families who wake up every day knowing that their loved ones are walking into harm's way when they put on the badge. We're grateful for the selfless work they do to keep us safe.",167,962,46,5515 1161800996126937088,2019-08-15 00:45,,"Rep. Steve King should resign. His comments on rape and incest have no place in Congress and fuel a corrosive culture in this country around sexual assault. We deserve better from our elected officials.",585,3732,158,19659 1161985898155692032,2019-08-15 13:00,,"Before I was Vice President, before I was a Senator — I started my career as an elected official on the New Castle County Council. Local races matter. I'm proud to sign the @runforsomething pledge to support candidates up and down the ballot to invest in our party’s future.",224,643,27,4106 1162074225265512448,2019-08-15 18:51,,I have always been a stalwart supporter of Israel—a vital partner that shares our democratic values. No democracy should deny entry to visitors based on the content of their ideas—even ideas they strongly object to. And no leader of the free world should encourage them to do so.,3437,4631,607,28154 1162081523706867712,2019-08-15 19:20,,"Gov. @Hickenlooper ran a strong campaign, talking about the urgent need to rebuild our middle class and standing up to President Trump's trade wars. Coloradans are lucky to have John in their corner, and I look forward to seeing what he does next.",136,498,26,3416 1162096874607828997,2019-08-15 20:21,,"Since 1978, CEO compensation has risen 940%, while the average American has seen a raise of just 12%. It’s wrong. We need a $15 minimum wage, stronger labor laws, and a tax code that works for the middle class. It’s time we reward work, not just wealth.",475,1584,86,5021 1162144941293920256,2019-08-15 23:32,,Coal miners have powered our country from the Industrial Revolution to the 21st century. I'm proud to stand with the protesting miners. Blackjewel has an obligation to give its workers the pay and benefits they’ve earned.,197,524,28,2186 1162173881794215937,2019-08-16 01:27,,A Biden administration will ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. We will get these military-style weapons off our streets.,1003,1858,145,12784 1162403394272673794,2019-08-16 16:39,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. If we want to win, it’s going to take everyone stepping up, speaking out, and taking action. Text JOIN to 30330 and let’s get to work.",237,338,21,1850 1162433845158957056,2019-08-16 18:40,,"It was great meeting our previous contest winners, Kellie and her wife Amanda, after last month’s Democratic debate. Enter now for your chance to join us for the next debate in Houston:",39,116,2,554 1162438881192509440,2019-08-16 19:00,,"I look forward to joining @GiffordsCourage and @AMarch4OurLives at their forum to discuss how we can take on the @NRA and end our gun violence epidemic. Together, we will get it done.",146,370,22,2091 1162452719161921538,2019-08-16 19:55,,"Every day President Trump proves how morally unfit he is to sit in the Oval Office. A president should bring out our best as Americans — not echo schoolyard bullies with taunts based on physical appearance.",1177,2704,259,13203 1162489209883545600,2019-08-16 22:20,,"President Trump has lied to Iowa farmers at every turn. He promised to ‘unleash ethanol’ but instead all he’s done is secretly unleash Big Oil from its renewable fuel obligations. I'll support our farmers—not sell them out to the highest bidder.",304,1177,49,4001 1162735079967215617,2019-08-17 14:37,,Let’s be clear: racism and hate have no safe harbor in America. We are stronger because of our diversity—not in spite of it.,969,2586,162,16138 1162761755409485824,2019-08-17 16:23,,"Every single community should have access to clean, safe drinking water.",200,472,35,1959 1162788431543590912,2019-08-17 18:09,,"A new school year is here—we must recognize those working to prepare our students to succeed in tomorrow’s economy: educators. As President, I will ensure our educators are supported with the pay and dignity they deserve. Read my plan here:",177,482,20,2325 1162822656703393792,2019-08-17 20:25,,"My plan to protect and build on Obamacare will not only provide coverage for uninsured Americans, but it will also make health care more affordable for those who already have coverage.",841,942,95,4920 1162850339193675776,2019-08-17 22:15,,We cannot afford four more years of a president who ignores the disastrous effects of climate change. My plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environmental Justice will address the climate emergency & protect our communities for generations to come.,630,1378,69,7915 1163132196367953921,2019-08-18 16:55,,"The Trump Administration is trying to eliminate protections for LGBTQ workers that President Obama and I put in place. It’s wrong. As president, I’ll ensure every American is treated with dignity and respect—regardless of who they are or who they love.",608,2364,113,10861 1163164912291655680,2019-08-18 19:05,,"Two-thirds of Americans agree that we should ban assault weapons. As president, I will take on the @NRA and get it done.",1086,2078,121,13312 1163203415549157376,2019-08-18 21:38,,"The truth is Obamacare was, and is, a big deal. It covered 20 million additional Americans and protects over 100 million people with pre-existing conditions. We can’t afford to tear it down. We should protect and build on it:",237,615,41,2837 1163223322668228608,2019-08-18 22:57,,"Back in 2007, I had the opportunity to meet with Katie and talk with her about how to overcome a learning disability. Her story has stuck with me ever since. I'm glad we were able to catch up in Iowa, and I'm so proud to hear she has graduated from school.",139,599,29,3927 1163247707500105731,2019-08-19 00:34,,"99 years ago today, the 19th Amendment was ratified—enshrining in our Constitution that the right to vote cannot be denied based upon sex. Today, access to the ballot box is still out of reach for too many Americans—it’s up to every single one of us to break down the barriers.",347,823,48,4206 1163476968840601601,2019-08-19 15:45,,"It’s past time for a $15 minimum wage and a real pathway to the middle class, because no one in America should work 40 hours a week and live below the poverty level. No one.",351,704,61,2948 1163575870394646528,2019-08-19 22:18,,"Extremism is on the rise in America, fueled by a president who has fanned the flames of division and emboldened white nationalists and Neo-Nazis with messages of support. This is a battle for the soul of our nation, and it's on all of us to act.",1509,1712,211,6245 1163595012443168768,2019-08-19 23:34,,"The Trump Administration’s Title X rule is a direct attack on Planned Parenthood and the crucial services the organization provides. Access to health care could be taken away from millions of women. It’s wrong, and as president I will reverse it.",303,995,49,3480 1163607578804273152,2019-08-20 00:24,,We will make Donald Trump a one-term president.,7435,6506,1332,56988 1163829541757997056,2019-08-20 15:06,,"We all know in our bones that this election is different. The stakes are higher. The threat is more serious. We have to beat Donald Trump. That’s the message we lay out in our first TV ad hitting the airwaves today. Watch it below:",2272,3284,467,11175 1163884655235469323,2019-08-20 18:45,,"Our teachers and firefighters should not pay a higher tax rate than Wall Street CEOs. That’s why I’ll repeal President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy and close capital gains loopholes. It’s time we reward work, not just wealth.",296,1152,48,6146 1163984562717896706,2019-08-21 01:22,,"The Trump Administration has argued that migrant children held in detention centers don’t need soap, toothbrushes, or beds. Now they’re refusing to provide flu vaccines after three children have already passed away in part from the flu. It is inhumane.",1172,3178,261,7939 1163999659599306752,2019-08-21 02:21,,It’s good to be back in Iowa! We kicked off our trip by discussing our bold vision for the future with some great folks in Warren County and Urbandale. Thank you to everyone who came out.,112,181,6,1032 1164013840578883585,2019-08-21 03:18,,"Mr. President, these comments are insulting and inexcusable—just like your previous dual loyalty insinuations. Stop dividing Americans and disparaging your fellow citizens. It may not be beneath you, but it is beneath the office you hold.",1328,4451,286,22910 1164159968641110018,2019-08-21 12:59,,"Once again, President Trump has folded to the @NRA and broken his promise to pursue the most modest of gun safety policies. I give you my word as a Biden: I won’t rest until we pass universal background checks and ban assault weapons. We will end our gun violence epidemic.",766,2109,134,8548 1164194446193205248,2019-08-21 15:16,,"Donald Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden Administration — just like he inherited everything in his life. Now, he’s in the process of squandering it.",1544,3001,294,12744 1164255850426355712,2019-08-21 19:20,,"“Because he had learned about bullies first hand, he developed a deep sense of compassion and empathy for their targets, along with a lifelong commitment to stopping them.” My sister Valerie is my best friend. Read her full post here:",142,337,18,1725 1164304557532438529,2019-08-21 22:33,,"Hope you had a great first day of school, @DrBiden! Your students are incredibly lucky to have you as their professor. I can’t wait to hear how the day went.",89,496,11,5453 1164320023386525697,2019-08-21 23:35,,"Today, I was glad to be back amongst friends at the @IowaAFLCIO convention. These folks are the ones who built the middle class, and we’re going to rebuild it together.",59,138,3,652 1164335122914500608,2019-08-22 00:35,,The super-wealthy don’t need another tax cut. Period.,240,659,35,3075 1164352898681200640,2019-08-22 01:45,,"It is cruel and abhorrent to strip migrant children of the few protections they have. It's not enough this administration puts children in cages without soap and beds, now it wants to keep them there indefinitely. This isn't who we are.",1192,2557,236,10263 1164353127732170752,2019-08-22 01:46,,"On day one, I will eliminate President Trump’s decision to limit asylum and undo his executive orders that eliminated Obama-Biden enforcement priorities on national security and public safety.",378,1126,49,8225 1164369400331415557,2019-08-22 02:51,,".@JayInslee brought an important voice to this race, arguing powerfully that climate change damages our health, national security & economy. The people of Washington are fortunate to have a Governor who fights to make their lives better now & to protect our planet for the future.",272,793,42,4689 1164576714938171392,2019-08-22 16:35,,Firefighters face danger every day to protect our communities—we must be there for them in their time of need. Our thoughts are with the families of Justin and Brian as the search continues—and we thank those working tirelessly to bring their brothers home.,40,222,4,1319 1164585019513298944,2019-08-22 17:08,,"Eleven years ago, I received a phone call from President Obama asking me to be his vice president. The decision to join him and serve this country was the greatest honor of my life.",1756,3185,453,24356 1164625788085387264,2019-08-22 19:50,,Building a more inclusive middle class is at the heart of this presidential campaign. That's why I support @Culinary226 and the Station Casino workers who voted to unionize. The will of the workers must be respected and management has to come to the negotiating table immediately.,65,280,9,1213 1164636069989691392,2019-08-22 20:30,,"On Black Women's Equal Pay Day, we must recognize the cumulative discrimination black women face due to both their gender and color of their skin and renew our efforts to close the gender pay gap. When I say we have to rebuild the middle class—that means everyone comes along.",152,469,18,1985 1164654729387020289,2019-08-22 21:45,,"New Hampshire, I’m heading your way to talk about our bold vision for the future of the country and how we’ll get it done — together. Head to to find an event in your community.",177,255,22,1024 1164678133120950274,2019-08-22 23:18,,"President Trump just doesn't get it — he claimed his tax cuts jolted the economy and spurred hiring. He was wrong. I’ll reverse his giveaway to the super-wealthy and invest in rebuilding America's middle class instead.",386,1285,47,4831 1164704053907136513,2019-08-23 01:01,,"We need to take action now to address our climate crisis. That starts with beating Donald Trump.",1812,1976,308,13005 1164921486785830913,2019-08-23 15:25,,"Everything workers have that define what it means to live a good life—the 40-hour workweek, paid leave, health care protections, a voice in your workplace safety. It’s all because of unions. It’s time we recognize that.",177,714,35,2642 1164949924167000064,2019-08-23 17:18,,"President Trump continues to chip away at the progress made by the Obama-Biden Administration. This time, he’s going after the rules we put in place to decrease vehicle emissions. It's backwards. We need a president who believes in climate change.",299,882,43,3333 1164992935617794055,2019-08-23 20:08,,"In America, every worker deserves fair treatment, safe workplaces, and the right to join a union. Period. The @NABTU leaders I spoke with in Concord take up that fight for all of us every day. Thank you @IBEW Local 490 for hosting us!",67,205,6,1008 1165021143360782338,2019-08-23 22:01,,".@SethMoulton brought a vital voice to this primary, advocating for the urgent need to undo President Trump’s damage abroad and restore American leadership on the world stage. His passion for and knowledge of American foreign policy are impressive and needed in Congress.",90,306,10,2012 1165027183259078656,2019-08-23 22:25,,A man whose erratic tweets send markets spiraling downward should not be sitting in the Oval Office.,1112,3488,223,16825 1165056031858278400,2019-08-24 00:19,,"It was great to be back with folks at Dartmouth College today for our Health Care Town Hall. Health care is one of the biggest issues in this election. A Biden administration will ensure health care is a right not a privilege—and give everyone the peace of mind they deserve.",87,163,11,712 1165078341516431360,2019-08-24 01:48,,"The U.S. stood with the Baltic States during the Soviet occupation—their flags always flew in D.C., affirming America's defense of democratic values. Today, we must stand with the people of Hong Kong & ensure the U.S. remains a beacon of hope to people around the world.",45,249,10,1392 1165078340669235201,2019-08-24 01:48,,"30 years ago, 2 million people joined hands to form the Baltic Way—a chain of human determination that reached across Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in defiance of Soviet oppression. It was—and remains—a powerful demonstration of the irrepressible desire for freedom.",18,222,6,1365 1165078339973001216,2019-08-24 01:48,,"Today, demonstrators in Hong Kong, inspired by the iconic Baltic Way protest, formed a human chain to demand China live up to its promises to the people of Hong Kong. They once more showed the world the common yearning for liberty that unites us all.",106,632,25,3334 1165082799335829506,2019-08-24 02:06,,"I had a great time talking with folks this week in Urbandale, Iowa. We’re in a battle for the soul of this nation, and coming together with our friends and neighbors is how we’re going to win this election.",149,396,18,2169 1165092362441216001,2019-08-24 02:44,,"New Hampshire really is God’s country. Thank you for a great evening, Croydon!",193,143,11,975 1165310801923596289,2019-08-24 17:12,,"It’s time to remember who we are. We are Americans: We treat each other with dignity, we leave nobody behind, and we give hate no safe harbor.",1203,2752,237,16163 1165314073375825920,2019-08-24 17:25,,"Es hora de recordar quiénes somos. Somos estadounidenses: nos tratamos con dignidad, no dejamos a nadie atrás y no le damos cabida al odio.",292,177,49,806 1165339994283753473,2019-08-24 19:08,,We have to remember who we are — this is the United States of America. There is not a single thing we cannot do if we do it together.,263,767,52,4219 1165361133370236930,2019-08-24 20:32,,This election is not a joke.,3864,1020,1435,7848 1165387558018142208,2019-08-24 22:17,,Had the opportunity to say hello to a few of the folks who couldn’t make it inside our Health Care Town Hall yesterday at Dartmouth College. I’ll make sure we get a bigger room next time!,173,425,32,2457 1165398630548852738,2019-08-24 23:01,,"I’m proud to stand in solidarity with @CWAUnion workers who walked off the job last night. @ATT must respect workers' rights, negotiate in good faith, and work to secure a fair contract.",98,339,7,1480 1165413730139693056,2019-08-25 00:01,,"The people of Keene, New Hampshire, know that if we come together and remember who we are as Americans, there’s not a single thing we can’t do. Thank you to everyone who joined us this afternoon!",137,174,13,917 1165427319516880896,2019-08-25 00:55,,"The climate emergency we’re facing not only impacts our environment — it also threatens our health, national security, and economic well-being. We need to take urgent, drastic action now to address it. That’s exactly what I will do as president.",360,817,46,3507 1165434869163405313,2019-08-25 01:25,,"Highly recommend the grilled cheese and milkshakes at Lindy’s Diner. Thanks for a great send-off, New Hampshire!",300,175,45,1268 1165656438615740423,2019-08-25 16:05,,"A year ago, we lost a true patriot, a hero, and to me—a friend. John McCain's character, courage, and honor made him a giant among all of us. His deep, unshakeable belief in the soul of America and our values inspired us all and provided hope to the world. I miss him every day.",1878,4122,500,34144 1165656439492399104,2019-08-25 16:05,,"John lived his life bound by a timeless code — decency, respect, and civility above all else. This week, as we remember his life and service, let's honor his legacy by living out that code. I hope you'll join me and engage in #ActsOfCivility.",495,731,122,5686 1165690302432047104,2019-08-25 18:20,,"Today marks 25 years since the Senate passed a bill to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines—an effort I championed with Senator Feinstein The ban became law and it worked. It saved lives. As president, I will ban them once again.",348,1232,53,6090 1165716350838480896,2019-08-25 20:03,,"La emergencia climática que enfrentamos no solo afecta nuestro medio ambiente, sino que también amenaza nuestra salud, seguridad nacional y bienestar económico. Necesitamos tomar medidas urgentes y drásticas para abordarlo ya, lo que haré como presidente.",385,229,61,976 1165724527822700545,2019-08-25 20:36,,"Across the country, folks like Ryan are doing the crucial work of organizing their communities and talking with neighbors about what’s at stake in this election. I’m so proud to have him on our team.   Sign up to get involved in your community:",74,350,21,1372 1165741388966711297,2019-08-25 21:43,,No one should have to choose between putting food on their table or filling their prescription. That’s why the Biden administration will stand up to prescription drug corporations and take concrete action to lower costs for Americans. Read more:,265,485,28,2091 1165759508506800128,2019-08-25 22:55,,"It’s simple—everyone has the right to live proud, open, and free. And as I said to Kevin and Michael—LGBTQ rights are civil rights.",247,843,54,5115 1166030041106399236,2019-08-26 16:50,,"America was built on a simple proposition: all men — and women — are created equal. We haven't lived up to that promise for most, but haven't stopped trying. As we celebrate the 19th Amendment and #WomensEqualityDay, we must continue our fight to truly achieve equality for all.",357,752,53,3770 1166091697341616129,2019-08-26 20:55,,"I’m grateful that Gene shared his story. The battle against cancer is personal for me, like it is for so many Americans. But I’m confident — with the power of America’s best minds — we will end cancer as we know it.",323,1350,130,8095 1166123611628982281,2019-08-26 23:01,,The fires ravaging the Amazon are devastating. The Amazon serves as the lungs of our planet and is home to an invaluable number of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. We must take global action to stop the destruction and support reforestation before it’s too late.,218,993,47,3560 1166138505845604353,2019-08-27 00:01,,Happy #InternationalDogDay from Major and camera-shy Champ!,126,327,20,3264 1166147062150266881,2019-08-27 00:35,,"The fact of the matter is, the greed of drug companies fueled an opioid epidemic that has ravaged communities in every corner of the country. They should be held accountable for their actions, and this is an important step.",164,407,24,1595 1166319450909315072,2019-08-27 12:00,,"This ad wasn’t easy for me to record. Health care is personal to me. Deeply personal.",3938,3852,1129,14092 1166380893163966464,2019-08-27 16:04,,"When it comes to meeting the existential crisis of our time, Trump has walked away from the table — literally. If we give Trump four more years, the planet may never recover from his utter disregard for the climate crisis and scientific fact.",115,356,14,2099 1166380892144787457,2019-08-27 16:04,,The distance Trump has put between the U.S. and the rest of the world on the issues that matter most to Americans couldn't be more clear. There is no more telling metaphor for this administration's abdication of American leadership than the empty chair at the G-7 climate meeting.,63,303,5,1993 1166380891347783680,2019-08-27 16:04,,"After three days, we have even more evidence of how President Trump's disastrous foreign policy has left the U.S. isolated. Rather than looking to America for vision, our closest democratic allies sought to manage and mitigate the damage Trump might do at this year's G-7.",202,742,25,4046 1166384879371792384,2019-08-27 16:20,,"Today, we're launching #StudentsForBiden, a nationwide program for change-makers committed to organizing their campuses and making Donald Trump a one-term president. If that sounds like you, join today and let's get to work:",69,166,18,508 1166416336513187840,2019-08-27 18:25,,"American factory workers, farmers, and consumers are the ones paying the price for President Trump’s reckless trade wars—not China. To Trump, the people getting hurt—like those laid off last week in South Carolina—are just pawns in his political games.",209,412,33,1337 1166438985780137984,2019-08-27 19:55,,"The Trump Administration continues to attack the progress the LGBTQ community has made. As president, passing the Equality Act will be a top legislative priority, because no one should be fired simply because of who they are or whom they love.",177,451,21,1630 1166486297634103296,2019-08-27 23:03,,"As I told folks in Croydon, New Hampshire, we’ve got to unite this country. Because if we come together and remember who we are as Americans, there’s not a single thing we can’t do.",281,454,28,2085 1166496867036860417,2019-08-27 23:45,,"Kayden, 2 Kristina, 16 Jashon, 16 Kennedi, 3 Charnija, 11 Myiesha, 16 Derrel, 15 Eddie, 10 Xavier, 7 Jason, 16 Jurnee, 8 Sentonio, 15 12 children, full of so much promise, taken far too soon. It's heartbreaking. Our inaction is a moral failure.",243,1260,59,3604 1166508192685273088,2019-08-28 00:30,,"Roe v. Wade is settled law. State laws attacking a woman’s right to choose should be declared unconstitutional. This decision should remain between a woman and her doctor.",146,732,26,3200 1166517754746195968,2019-08-28 01:08,,"President Trump is taking millions from FEMA disaster relief in the midst of hurricane season to further fuel the crisis at the border. It makes about as much sense as nuking hurricanes.",270,659,32,1910 1166526059392589825,2019-08-28 01:41,,"I stood before the nation 11 years ago tonight in Denver and accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for vice president. I’m still humbled by the immense trust and faith you placed in President Obama and me. It’s an evening I’ll never forget.",681,1245,103,8965 1166795729131716609,2019-08-28 19:32,,"What kind of leader taunts their own people as they prepare for a natural disaster? Puerto Rico deserves the full support and aid of our government as Hurricane Dorian approaches.",2090,6754,486,32167 1166811691608264704,2019-08-28 20:36,,"Thank you to everyone who came out to our town hall in Spartanburg, South Carolina! As I shared this afternoon, we need to repeal President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy, make college more affordable, and rebuild America’s middle class.",129,258,13,1347 1166845745493942274,2019-08-28 22:51,,"He honorably served our nation in uniform and in Congress, he would make his home proud every single day. I admire Dan and am thrilled to support him.",19,174,1,1058 1166845744755724288,2019-08-28 22:51,,".@McCreadyForNC is precisely the kind of leader that North Carolina deserves: one who'll put country over party, who's brought jobs to his community, and who will protect coverage for those with preexisting conditions — not dismantle it to cut taxes for the rich.",34,327,9,1583 1166850195306553349,2019-08-28 23:09,,"64 years ago, 14-year-old Emmett Till was brutally murdered in Mississippi. His death sparked national outrage and served as a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement. It serves as a reminder of the need to reject intolerance in all its forms. We must give hate no safe harbor.",175,897,36,4623 1166853718366740480,2019-08-28 23:23,,Was on the hunt for doughnuts in Spartanburg. Mission accomplished.,207,268,47,2616 1166865546329174016,2019-08-29 00:10,,"56 years ago, the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech changed the course of history. As we mark the anniversary, we must reaffirm our commitment to fulfilling America's founding promise. We can't rest until justice truly rings out for all.",62,287,14,971 1166880577213087746,2019-08-29 01:09,,".@SenGillibrand ran a strong, courageous campaign. From championing gender equality to fighting dark money in politics—Senator Gillibrand is always willing to take on the tough fights we face. I know the senator will ensure these issues stay at the center of the national debate.",176,293,20,2950 1166887692338003970,2019-08-29 01:38,,"Wrapped up our day at Limestone College. I enjoyed hearing from students about the need to reform our criminal justice system and get assault weapons off our streets. I know with these young folks at the helm, America's best days still lie ahead.",115,231,17,1131 1166917136414957569,2019-08-29 03:35,,"Our military families sacrifice everything in service to our nation. And today, the Trump Administration revoked automatic citizenship for some of their children. It's reprehensible and cruel. As president, I'll reverse it immediately.",608,2667,160,9537 1167097538308165632,2019-08-29 15:31,,"As so many others have said, cruelty is their point. It is their only point, and it’s all they have to run on: fear, anger, division, and cruelty. We must restore the soul of our nation.",95,584,31,3108 1167097535913234432,2019-08-29 15:31,,We are running out of words to condemn the inhumanity of this administration. An administration that pulls children from the arms of their parents and stalks families in their neighborhoods will now deport children who are in life-saving treatment for dire conditions like cancer.,721,2809,152,10863 1167097536735264768,2019-08-29 15:31,,"There is no national security justification for further traumatizing sick kids at their most vulnerable. Like all bullies, Trump is purposefully targeting the little guys—but I would have thought even he would understand that kids with cancer and cystic fibrosis were off-limits.",65,576,24,2838 1167099528396398592,2019-08-29 15:39,,"It wasn't a setup, I swear.",140,304,31,1691 1167132052585615362,2019-08-29 17:49,,"Hello, Clinton College!",115,265,15,1698 1167147403801030656,2019-08-29 18:50,,"If we give Donald Trump four more years in the White House, the planet may never recover.",1171,2964,252,11118 1167167536892448768,2019-08-29 20:10,,"Grateful to everyone who attended our town hall at Clinton College. As I discussed this morning, we need to stand up to President Trump’s constant attacks on immigrants and end his inhumane policies. We’re stronger because of our diversity — not in spite of it.",149,238,11,1098 1167233474316689410,2019-08-30 00:32,,President Trump has found his newest target — sick children. It's sinful.,305,1160,64,3971 1167236191214854146,2019-08-30 00:42,,No sabemos ya qué decir para condenar la inhumanidad de esta administración que arranca niños de los brazos de sus padres y acosa a las familias en sus vecindarios. Ahora deportará a niños que están recibiendo tratamientos de vida o muerte por afecciones graves.,106,102,17,491 1167236191864930305,2019-08-30 00:42,,"No hay justificación para traumatizar aún más a los niños enfermos en sus momentos más vulnerables. Como todo abusón, Trump está acosando a los más débiles, pero atacar a niños con cáncer y fibrosis quística es intolerable.",22,66,1,318 1167236192674439168,2019-08-30 00:42,,"Como tantos otros han dicho, la crueldad es su meta. Es su única meta, y es lo único que tienen para postularse: el miedo, la ira, la división y la crueldad. Debemos restaurar el alma de nuestra nación.",64,68,5,280 1167242530448125952,2019-08-30 01:08,,"This can’t just be a campaign to beat Donald Trump. This has to be a movement grounded in the values and ideals that define our nation best: honesty, decency, treating everyone with dignity and respect, and giving hate no safe harbor. That’s who we are as Americans.",859,1841,158,10679 1167246808764100609,2019-08-30 01:25,,"Esta no es solo una campaña para vencer a Donald Trump - es un movimiento basado en los valores que definen nuestra nación: la honestidad, la decencia, y el tratar a todos con dignidad y respeto, mientras le damos la espalda al odio. Eso es lo que somos como estadounidenses.",660,241,96,867 1167256120089600001,2019-08-30 02:02,,I can’t believe I have to say this: We should not deport children seeking treatment in the U.S. for life-threatening illnesses.,664,3985,187,16383 1167491923679924224,2019-08-30 17:39,,"I’m looking forward to taking the stage in Houston on September 12th for the next Democratic debate! Folks across the country are coming together and hosting parties in their communities to watch the debate. Sign up to host one in your town:",206,253,18,1491 1167498078452146176,2019-08-30 18:03,,"Had a great town hall in Greenville yesterday where we discussed our plans increase mental health services in schools & ensure educators are receiving the pay they deserve. Thank you for a great trip, South Carolina!",158,180,8,888 1167532692407107584,2019-08-30 20:21,,"I am deeply disappointed that Regal Beloit chose to close its doors and lay off over 150 workers instead of finding a resolution with the @MachinistsUnion. Every worker deserves good wages, affordable health care, and strong workplace protections.",102,298,18,1062 1167558016301961216,2019-08-30 22:01,,"Our cash bail system disproportionately harms low-income folks and criminalizes poverty. It’s wrong. It’s time we end cash bail and reform our pretrial system by instead putting in place a system that is fair and does not inject further discrimination or bias into the process.",277,493,37,1958 1167807457822957568,2019-08-31 14:32,,".@DrBiden and I are thinking of everyone in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Please heed the warnings from authorities, take steps to prepare, and stay safe.",47,224,7,936 1167826880776613894,2019-08-31 15:50,,I’m grateful for the sacrifice Tom made in service to our country. We owe our veterans more than we could ever repay — and it’s our sacred obligation to care for them and their families when they return home.,122,492,30,2468 1167842033559584768,2019-08-31 16:50,,"@GovernorBullock Thanks for the recommendation, @GovernorBullock! I’d love to try it next time I’m in Decorah.",1,10,2,85 1167852047057772546,2019-08-31 17:30,,"Like all bullies, President Trump is trying to make himself seem stronger by picking on the most vulnerable among us — but I would have thought even he would understand that kids with cancer were off-limits. He is morally unfit to lead this country.",928,3992,215,17732 1167880987356946432,2019-08-31 19:25,,"On Thursday, 10-year-old Marcus asked me an important question about President Trump.",214,554,51,2116 1167912444569759744,2019-08-31 21:30,,"Obamacare covered 20 million additional Americans, protects over 100 million with pre-existing conditions, and allows young adults to stay on their parents’ coverage until age 26. We can’t afford to tear it down and start over. We should protect and build on it.",816,1942,156,9419 1167965983127945217,2019-09-01 01:02,,"I’m heartbroken, sickened, & angry. Weeks after the horror in El Paso, another community in Texas has been terrorized by gun violence. Enough. We must end this epidemic. @DrBiden & I send our thoughts to those affected & thank our law enforcement who responded at great risk.",500,1701,63,9400 1168236077116796932,2019-09-01 18:56,,"Yesterday, a 17-month-old was shot on our streets. It’s past time we take on the @NRA, pass gun safety reform, and end this epidemic once and for all. We simply cannot go on like this.",299,1043,59,4703 1168245891922161664,2019-09-01 19:35,,"Les Gelb was a giant of American foreign policy, and several generations of thinkers and policy makers owe their success to Les' mentorship and intellectual generosity. @DrBiden and I send our deepest condolences to Judy, Adam, Caroline, Alison and all his grandchildren.",20,112,3,615 1168260991404011520,2019-09-01 20:35,,"It has been 186 days since the House passed the bipartisan universal background check bill. @Senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and the Senate should pass it immediately. Lives are at stake.",394,2896,134,12609 1168301256714014721,2019-09-01 23:15,,"Together, we will beat the @NRA. We will end this gun violence epidemic.",1091,1989,112,15556 1168544107289030657,2019-09-02 15:20,,"This Labor Day, we celebrate the battles waged and victories won by organized labor. Unions built the great American middle class, and it’s time we recognize that. I promise you if I’m elected president, unions will have no stronger champion in the White House.",219,716,28,3405 1168592613248815104,2019-09-02 18:32,,"This Labor Day, when you cross paths with someone working a job that makes your day-to-day life better—and I promise you, it will happen many times today—tell them ""thank you."" Tell them you appreciate the work that they do. That it matters to you, and to your community.",161,803,41,5087 1168592615048196098,2019-09-02 18:32,,"Say thank you to the people who build our roads and bridges. Keep our water systems working. Teach our kids and take care of the sick among us. Race into our burning buildings. Grow our food, build our cars, and pick up the garbage off our streets.",36,229,4,1868 1168592616436436992,2019-09-02 18:32,,Say thank you—because these are the people who make America run. Not the Wall Street bankers. Not the CEOs or hedge fund managers. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.,82,215,10,1567 1168625392619409408,2019-09-02 20:43,,What a great few days in South Carolina. I’ll be back soon!,120,304,21,1650 1168639736984064004,2019-09-02 21:40,,Stopped by the Hawkeye Area Labor Council Labor Day Picnic to thank folks for their tireless work fighting for American workers. From fair wages to safe working conditions — we owe our unions so much.,81,199,6,941 1168667922845315072,2019-09-02 23:32,,Stopped for some Dairy Queen Blizzards with the team between events in Iowa.,1082,1153,391,13409 1168693843509661696,2019-09-03 01:15,,"The 40-hour workweek Minimum wage Overtime pay They’re all because of unions. It’s time we recognize that.",286,1219,68,7430 1168720519316664320,2019-09-03 03:01,,"I've always stood with America's unions, and as president, I'll fight alongside them to protect and strengthen the right to organize and collectively bargain.",173,456,17,2300 1168922852415791104,2019-09-03 16:25,,"In America, health care should be a right for all — not a privilege for the few. My plan to protect and build on Obamacare will expand coverage, lower costs, and ensure every American receives the care they need.",198,350,24,1552 1168946508349075456,2019-09-03 17:59,,"As I told Pauline yesterday in Iowa, if there are any angels in heaven, they are all nurses.",131,315,24,1864 1168973808621031424,2019-09-03 19:47,,"This is an important step by Walmart, but we must go further. If we want to end our gun violence epidemic, we must start by passing universal background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. It's your turn to act, Senate Republicans.",316,978,52,5614 1169029052306345984,2019-09-03 23:27,,"If those in power fail to take action on gun safety reform we must vote them out. Period.",286,743,42,3800 1169041131952168962,2019-09-04 00:15,,"Four years of Betsy DeVos is more than enough. As president, I’ll name a Secretary of Education who is actually an educator.",1836,6000,501,53661 1169298578558394371,2019-09-04 17:18,,"President Trump promised Mexico would pay for his border wall. That was never going to happen. And now he’s raiding billions from our military to pay for it.",593,2026,144,5688 1169329281110949888,2019-09-04 19:20,,"Looking forward to talking with @StephenAtHome about what’s at stake in this election and why I’m running for president. Tune in to the @colbertlateshow tonight!",125,312,23,1466 1169349413145387009,2019-09-04 20:40,,"For too long, partisan gerrymandering has allowed politicians to rig the political process and draw districts in their favor. Voters should choose their representatives — not the other way around.",77,404,17,1614 1169397351011762178,2019-09-04 23:50,,Tune in to the @colbertlateshow tonight at 11:35 PM ET!,70,150,9,797 1169400376858226698,2019-09-05 00:02,,Hey everyone — @TeamJoe here! We’re taking over for tonight’s CNN #ClimateTownHall. We’ll keep you updated as Joe Biden takes the stage to discuss his plans to combat climate change.,50,63,3,330 1169400747282358277,2019-09-05 00:03,,"On day one as president, Joe Biden will take action to put the United States on track to achieve a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050 Because action on climate change can’t wait. #ClimateTownHall",76,130,15,488 1169401097590648837,2019-09-05 00:05,,"Here’s the deal: Joe Biden introduced one of the first climate change bills in the Senate, and he’s been at the forefront of the fight ever since. Don’t just take our word for it, @PolitiFact called Joe Biden a climate change pioneer. #ClimateTownHall",83,245,18,756 1169402343567196160,2019-09-05 00:10,,"We can't turn a blind eye to the way in which environmental burdens are distributed unevenly along racial and socioeconomic lines. Biden will right these wrongs and stand up to fossil fuel companies who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.",530,199,179,816 1169403859221041154,2019-09-05 00:16,,"If Joe Biden was president, there would be no empty chair at the G-7. #ClimateTownHall",263,594,50,5273 1169404609795907584,2019-09-05 00:19,,"The Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two core truths: 1️⃣ This is an existential crisis requiring immediate, ambitious action. 2️⃣ Our environment and economy are connected. #ClimateTownHall",68,152,29,509 1169404997387345921,2019-09-05 00:20,,"The clean energy economy of the future presents an enormous opportunity. President Biden will create 10 million well-paying jobs in the United States that will grow a stronger, more inclusive middle class in communities across the country. #ClimateTownHall",140,189,20,689 1169409577730879488,2019-09-05 00:39,,"Climate change is an urgent threat to our environment, health, economy, and national security. There’s no time for on-the-job training. We need a leader who is ready on day one — and that’s Joe Biden. #ClimateTownHall",84,197,15,813 1169410289651130368,2019-09-05 00:41,,"President Trump continues to: 🔴 Deny the science in front of his own eyes 🔴 Attack the progress made by the Obama-Biden Administration 🔴 Spew lies like “windmills cause cancer” Defeating him is essential to making any progress on climate change. #ClimateTownHall",359,1058,47,5469 1169410953793933317,2019-09-05 00:44,,"Under Joe Biden’s plan for a clean energy revolution and environmental justice, we will: ✅ Achieve a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by 2050 ✅ Rejoin the #ParisAgreement on day one and rally the world to go further ✅ Stand up to polluters #ClimateTownHall",146,451,33,1753 1169412485566406656,2019-09-05 00:50,,Joe Biden grounded his plan in the science — in what the world’s leading climatologists and the UN tells us we need to achieve. It provides a comprehensive path forward on how to address the most pressing issue of our time.,51,140,10,616 1169412790928453632,2019-09-05 00:51,,That’s all we have for tonight’s CNN #ClimateTownHall! Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on everything happening on the campaign.,125,93,8,425 1169446050169384960,2019-09-05 03:04,,"It’s critical to have a plan to combat climate change, but it’s going to take more than plans — it’s going to take leadership. I have the experience and relationships necessary to rally the world to meet the urgency of this climate crisis. #ClimateTownHall",268,386,34,1785 1169448838878441473,2019-09-05 03:15,,"Thanks for having me on, @jimmykimmel!",985,2246,338,20851 1169657946529120256,2019-09-05 17:06,,"Last night, @StephenAtHome asked me what the defining factor was in my decision to run for president. My answer was clear: Charlottesville.",245,613,52,3076 1169697204962914304,2019-09-05 19:42,,"Despite what the @NRA says, the assault weapons ban that @SenFeinstein and I championed worked. It saved lives. I’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines once again. We will get these weapons of war off our streets.",964,2233,131,10611 1169713311149154304,2019-09-05 20:46,,"Two years ago, President Trump attempted to end DACA—throwing lives into chaos & forcing our DREAMers to live in fear as the Supreme Court decides their fate. It's cruel. DREAMers are Americans. It's time for Congress to keep our promise to them & provide a path to citizenship.",243,506,22,2361 1169726901079822337,2019-09-05 21:40,,"Hace dos años, el presidente Trump intentó terminar con DACA, obligando a nuestros DREAMers a vivir con miedo y caos. Es cruel. Los soñadores son estadounidenses. Es hora de que el Congreso cumpla con nuestra promesa y les proporcione un camino hacia la ciudadanía.",278,176,31,731 1169755841450401795,2019-09-05 23:35,,"President Trump is dead wrong on climate change. We’ve got to choose science over fantasy and treat it like the existential threat that it is. As president, I would rally the world to take unprecedented action. There would be no empty chair at the G-7.",767,1490,106,7651 1169991645225308160,2019-09-06 15:12,,I always enjoy sitting down to chat with my friend @StephenAtHome. Check out a few of my favorite moments from the interview.,109,313,22,1662 1170003221332537351,2019-09-06 15:58,,"President Trump stokes the flames of hatred, coddles white nationalists with messages of support, and preys on our deepest divisions. If we give him four more years in the White House, he will forever alter the character of our nation. We can’t let that happen.",1147,2712,191,15110 1170057831317295105,2019-09-06 19:35,,We all have a responsibility to stand up and speak out when we see abuse of power. Silence is complicity.,283,1004,61,4599 1170070320373477377,2019-09-06 20:24,,"America has stood as a beacon of hope for generations. Now, President Trump wants to slam the door in the face of those fleeing persecution. It's cruel and damages our global standing. I'll ensure we meet our responsibility as a nation to the world's most vulnerable people.",234,506,20,2206 1170078970441809922,2019-09-06 20:59,,The fight against cancer is personal for me — like it is for so many Americans. It’s why I’m committed to ending cancer as we know it.,102,301,13,1387 1170106904724553729,2019-09-06 22:50,,"The Iran Deal put Iran's nuclear program in a box. Trump walked away from the deal, and now Iran is advancing its program. This is another reminder that Trump's manufactured crisis is making the U.S., the region, and our world less safe.",183,559,31,1572 1170121500784881665,2019-09-06 23:48,,"This is the United States of America. There is not a single thing we have not been able to accomplish once we set our minds to it. Together, we can and will meet the challenge of this climate emergency.",293,482,37,2273 1170130812114808832,2019-09-07 00:25,,President Trump’s immigration policies are an assault on human dignity and everything we stand for as a nation. We must end them.,341,676,40,2860 1170132070733103104,2019-09-07 00:30,,Las políticas de inmigración del presidente Trump son un asalto a la dignidad humana y todo lo que representamos como nación. Por esto hay que acabar con ellas.,137,119,19,358 1170170574104145920,2019-09-07 03:03,,"Thank you to everyone who joined us in Laconia and New Castle. As I discussed this evening, we’ve got to do everything in our power to end this gun violence epidemic. That starts with passing universal background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.",140,224,15,1068 1170347157221720066,2019-09-07 14:44,,Stopped by to say hello to @TeamJoe before this morning’s #NHDems2020 convention. Thank you for all your hard work! Keep it going!,210,556,33,3373 1170376682164736000,2019-09-07 16:42,,The @TeamJoe energy outside of the #NHDems2020 convention was incredible!,131,242,21,1028 1170410226039889922,2019-09-07 18:55,,"It's time we reward work, not just wealth.",242,598,39,3130 1170454192911044609,2019-09-07 21:50,,"Obamacare prohibits insurers from denying coverage for the 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. President Trump wants to gut the ACA and tear that protection away. We can’t forget that.",283,946,48,3942 1170461742645706753,2019-09-07 22:20,,"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. We have to let them know who we are. We choose hope over fear. Unity over division. Science over fiction. And truth over lies. #NHDems2020",521,670,65,3065 1170479358554910720,2019-09-07 23:30,,"As president, I’ll invest in our K-12 schools to eliminate the funding gap between majority white and non-white districts, and rich and poor districts. No child’s future should be determined by their zip code, parents’ income, or race.",339,595,51,3213 1170747878085681152,2019-09-08 17:17,,"The deadliest mass shootings all have one thing in common: assault weapons. It’s past time we get these weapons of war off our streets. I’ve banned them before, and I’ll ban them again in the White House.",1065,1728,158,8056 1170806514472247296,2019-09-08 21:10,,"Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. American military families are. China isn’t paying for the tariffs. American farmers and manufacturers are. The American people continue to foot the bill for President Trump’s senseless political games.",1499,8297,372,32217 1171085855177334784,2019-09-09 15:40,,I’m inspired by John and grateful for his support. My message to him is clear: never give up and never let it define you.,77,389,48,1965 1171101458139353088,2019-09-09 16:42,,Young Americans are especially worried about climate change and know it is not just a domestic priority — it's a foreign policy one. I agree. And I'm ready to tackle this on day one.,100,231,13,912 1171125617179295744,2019-09-09 18:18,,"With Congress back in session, passing gun safety legislation should be the first order of business. It’s past time for Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans to stand up to the @NRA and take concrete action to end our gun violence epidemic.",222,573,39,2828 1171139287510913030,2019-09-09 19:12,,"Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas, leaving nearly 70,000 people homeless. It’s our moral responsibility to do everything we can to help Bahamians — not turn them away. This isn’t who we are.",155,750,44,2900 1171167644357148673,2019-09-09 21:05,,I’m still fired up from the incredible energy at the #NHDems2020 convention. Thank you to everyone from @TeamJoe who came out to show your support!,162,297,27,1544 1171184178890756096,2019-09-09 22:10,,"Every American deserves to retire with dignity. But today, too many people — especially older Americans — cannot afford their prescription drugs. I sat down with AARP to discuss how I’ll stand up to the abuse of power by drug corporations and lower costs for Americans.",174,327,19,1396 1171243617186439169,2019-09-10 02:06,,We’ve got to choose science over fantasy — and that starts with getting rid of this administration.,231,951,39,5639 1171430626781814784,2019-09-10 14:30,,"I support @McCreadyForNC because of his honorable service to our nation & because of his values: he'll fight to protect North Carolinian’s health care & take on prescription drug companies. If his opponent has his way, 44,000 people in #NC09 stand to lose their health coverage.",51,487,7,1770 1171462084237910016,2019-09-10 16:35,,"It’s Election Day in #NC09 — grab a friend and get out and vote for @McCreadyForNC. Polls are open until 7:30 PM, and you can find your polling place here:",74,635,20,1645 1171478441893552129,2019-09-10 17:40,,"There is no distinction between mental health and physical health — it’s health. On #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, we must recommit to eliminating the stigma around mental health and ensuring everyone has access to the care they need.",95,672,30,2741 1171502013378527233,2019-09-10 19:13,,"20 million people gained coverage under Obamacare. But after countless attacks on the law by the Trump Administration, the uninsured rate increased for the first time since 2010 — leaving an additional 1.9 million people uninsured. As president, I'll defend and build on the ACA.",162,410,22,1570 1171518203974967296,2019-09-10 20:18,,"South Carolina lawmakers are rushing through an extreme law that is a direct violation of a woman’s constitutional right to choose. It’s wrong, it’s dangerous, and we must fight it. This decision should remain between a woman and her doctor.",94,289,13,1012 1171540350067806215,2019-09-10 21:46,,"JoAnne, the good news is the bad news: you won the contest, and you're coming to Houston with me. Grateful for JoAnne's support and that of our incredible supporters.",100,198,15,1288 1171560230955565056,2019-09-10 23:05,,"Puerto Rico is still rebuilding from the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Now, instead of supporting the recovery, President Trump is defunding $400 million in planned military projects in Puerto Rico to build his wall. It's unacceptable.",260,1241,53,5144 1171561489087569920,2019-09-10 23:10,,"Puerto Rico aún se está recuperando de la devastación del huracán María. Ahora, en lugar de apoyar la reconstrucción, Trump está desviando $400 millones de dólares para su construir su muro que estaban planificados para proyectos militares en Puerto Rico. Es inaceptable.",84,130,11,508 1171577846923350016,2019-09-11 00:15,,America’s strength is and has always been rooted in our diversity. Immigrants have always made us stronger. Donald Trump doesn’t get that.,854,1236,115,8015 1171580363757559809,2019-09-11 00:25,,La fuerza de los Estados Unidos está y siempre ha estado arraigada en nuestra diversidad. Los inmigrantes siempre nos han hecho más fuertes. Donald Trump no entiende eso.,173,129,25,543 1171778670421168134,2019-09-11 13:33,,"Each 9/11, we remember that resilience and courage live in the hearts of all Americans—especially our brave first responders. 18 years later, we reaffirm that Americans will never bend to terrorism, and we will never forget those we lost.",234,1877,67,12441 1171957628643270659,2019-09-12 01:24,,"Climate change doesn’t only threaten our environment — it threatens our economy, health, and national security. We must take urgent action to address this crisis before it’s too late.",341,591,38,2333 1171966155558248448,2019-09-12 01:58,,"All workers deserve the right to bargain for good wages, benefits and working conditions—including gig workers. That is why I'm pleased the CA Legislature passed AB5. As president, I will enact a federal law to ensure gig workers get the full protections they deserve.",118,334,19,2001 1172169244131377152,2019-09-12 15:25,,"Beth James is strong, courageous, and resilient. Her story is the story of millions of women all across this country. It’s why I worked so hard to pass the Violence Against Women Act — and it’s why I’m committed to changing the toxic culture that still pervades our society today.",42,186,14,769 1172177884385075200,2019-09-12 15:59,,Barack Obama was a great president. We don’t say that enough.,3644,6303,1218,37084 1172212626715271168,2019-09-12 18:17,,"The Trump Administration is denying Temporary Protected Status to Bahamians escaping the devastation of Hurricane Dorian. It’s heartless and goes against everything we stand for as a nation. The cruelty of this administration truly knows no bounds.",205,763,55,2792 1172249774554324997,2019-09-12 20:45,,"President Trump’s decision to take billions from the military to build his wall is an unabashed abuse of power. It endangers the American people and forfeits investments in our future, security, and children — all to score political points.",258,1143,59,3624 1172272423816880128,2019-09-12 22:15,,"Helplessly watching your child deal with a life or death condition is one of the worst things a parent can go through. Jill and I are so glad to hear Sadie is doing well, @Bakari_Sellers, and our prayers are with your family as she recovers.",75,429,15,3238 1172295362679209984,2019-09-12 23:46,,Ready. #DemDebate,131,190,42,1432 1172299176656302081,2019-09-13 00:01,,Hey everyone — @TeamJoe here! We’re taking over to keep you updated on all the things happening at tonight’s #DemDebate. Make sure to follow along and cheer on Joe!,118,168,22,1158 1172304564483047424,2019-09-13 00:22,,Let’s get the facts straight: Medicare for All will cost 30x more than Joe Biden’s health care plan—and it will be paid for in part by raising taxes on the middle class. #DemDebate,235,185,47,540 1172305094802432000,2019-09-13 00:24,,"Senators Sanders and Warren would put an end to the employer-sponsored and union-negotiated plans that more than 100 million Americans currently have. That's a non-starter for us. #DemDebate",245,239,55,1060 1172305542716354561,2019-09-13 00:26,,90% of Democrats support protecting and building on Obamacare with a public option like Medicare. #DemDebate,62,162,11,597 1172306422467416064,2019-09-13 00:30,,"""I know the Senator said she's for Bernie. I'm for Barack."" #DemDebate",94,144,22,721 1172308431669055488,2019-09-13 00:38,,"Senator Sanders thinks corporations will give the money they would have spent on health care back to their workers. #DemDebate Joe Biden:",806,192,172,782 1172309499048165376,2019-09-13 00:42,,"Senator Sanders' Medicare for All plan would require raising taxes on the middle class. Joe Biden: ""There will be a deductible—in your paycheck."" #DemDebate",1416,287,274,1382 1172310899882807296,2019-09-13 00:47,,There’s enormous opportunity once we get rid of Donald Trump. #DemDebate,163,556,25,2975 1172312450923806725,2019-09-13 00:54,,"We are tearing communities apart through mass incarceration. That's why the Biden administration would reform the criminal justice system by: ✅ Reducing our prison population ✅ Eliminating racial disparities ✅ Making our communities safer Learn more:",65,146,9,572 1172312828893523969,2019-09-13 00:55,,"After people serve their time, they should have an opportunity to earn a good life and contribute to our country. Joe’s plan will help give treatment, job training and education opportunities to people both during and after incarceration. #DemDebate",36,113,5,430 1172313314363240451,2019-09-13 00:57,,"Time and again, we’ve seen communities ripped apart by America’s gun violence epidemic. Enough is enough. It needs to end. As president, Biden will tackle this public health crisis. #DemDebate",67,166,12,632 1172318829034139650,2019-09-13 01:19,,Attempts to compare President Trump and President Obama on immigration are far-fetched. #DemDebate,123,370,30,2500 1172318830242041862,2019-09-13 01:19,,"The Obama-Biden Administration did not conduct workplace raids—in fact, it ended them. #DemDebate",8,94,1,445 1172318831437463552,2019-09-13 01:19,,The Obama-Biden Administration did NOT terrorize families and indiscriminately target people who had lived here for years. #DemDebate,89,195,53,1162 1172318832527953921,2019-09-13 01:19,,"The Obama-Biden Administration did NOT prosecute asylum seekers, or those coming here in search of opportunity. #DemDebate",45,170,7,843 1172321785057968132,2019-09-13 01:31,,"For a socialist, Senator Sanders has a lot of confidence in corporate America. #DemDebate",641,594,155,2777 1172324333244444672,2019-09-13 01:41,,"If we don't write the rules to protect American labor and the environment, China will—and not in a way that advances our values. When it comes to trade, we've got to work with allies—not against them. #DemDebate",72,269,14,1196 1172326924191854593,2019-09-13 01:51,,It's past time to end the war in Afghanistan. Joe Biden has long believed that we should narrow our focus to counter-terrorism operations. We can't keep spending tens of billions of dollars every year to sustain a stalemate. #DemDebate,74,144,5,720 1172330813536362496,2019-09-13 02:07,,It’s important to have a plan that meets the urgency of this climate crisis. But it’s going to take more than plans—it’s going to take leadership. Biden has the relationships with key foreign leaders and the experience to get this done. #DemDebate,27,100,5,473 1172330811909013505,2019-09-13 02:07,,Joe Biden knows how to rally the world to meet the climate crisis because he’s done it before. Biden worked alongside President Obama to get the world—including China—to agree to the Paris Accord; and he will be prepared on day one of his presidency to push beyond those goals.,82,186,15,1111 1172333171494379520,2019-09-13 02:16,,"Throughout his career, Joe Biden has: Fought redlining. Fought school lines drawn to keep races & classes separate. Fought to put public housing in white neighborhoods. Fought for more resources to prosecute hate crimes. #DemDebate",152,291,26,1413 1172334349322055682,2019-09-13 02:21,,"We must invest in resources that support our students' physical and emotional health. A Biden administration will double the number of psychologists, counselors, nurses, social workers, and other health professionals in our schools. #DemDebate",21,125,21,484 1172334352807518211,2019-09-13 02:21,,"K-12 education isn’t enough. Many parents don’t have access to early educational resources for their kids. A Biden administration will provide Universal Pre-K, to help ensure that no child’s future is determined by their zip code, parents’ income, race, or disability. #DemDebate",32,93,6,443 1172334340274933760,2019-09-13 02:21,,"There will be no better advocates in the White House for our students and educators than Joe and Jill Biden. Read our full plan for educators, students, and our future: #DemDebate",49,172,11,712 1172336133356707840,2019-09-13 02:28,,It could take 10 years before we get to Medicare for All. We can't wait — people need help now and hope now. #DemDebate,166,390,29,1752 1172336799688978432,2019-09-13 02:30,,The American people know Joe Biden. #DemDebate,144,234,18,1062 1172341443764998144,2019-09-13 02:49,,"There was only one candidate onstage who helped create—and then signed—a Pledge for Election Integrity, promising to use no disinformation or tolerate outside interference in the election or our democracy. #DemDebate",14,36,0,190 1172341447359483906,2019-09-13 02:49,,We need a president who can deliver progress on the most pressing issues facing Americans. Joe Biden will be that president. #DemDebate,72,96,5,510 1172341441013567490,2019-09-13 02:49,,There was only one candidate onstage who has flipped a Senator's vote to help pass once-in-a-century health care reform. #DemDebate,17,27,1,124 1172341439549693953,2019-09-13 02:49,,Ten candidates took the stage tonight. But there was only one candidate onstage who has defeated the NRA twice and passed an assault weapons ban. #DemDebate,112,168,8,1208 1172341442347319297,2019-09-13 02:49,,There was only one candidate onstage who stood at President Obama’s side to lead a nation out of a recession and put middle-class Americans back to work. #DemDebate,18,29,4,119 1172341445723742209,2019-09-13 02:49,,"There was only one candidate onstage who has the experience—from Scranton, PA, to the White House—to hit the ground running as President. And that candidate is Joe Biden. #DemDebate",45,101,6,667 1172342582451429381,2019-09-13 02:53,,"That’s all we have for tonight, folks! Thanks for following along. Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on what’s happening on the campaign. #DemDebate",205,162,11,1273 1172345023901270022,2019-09-13 03:03,,"I just stepped off the #DemDebate stage, where I laid out why I’m the only candidate who can take big progressive policies and create tangible results for working families. If you liked what you heard, help us keep this momentum going by pitching in:",587,398,56,2583 1172530373563056129,2019-09-13 15:20,,"At last night’s #DemDebate, I discussed my vision for the country and how I'll deliver tangible progress on the most pressing issues facing working families. I refuse to postpone American possibilities any longer. There’s enormous opportunity once we get rid of Donald Trump.",578,668,61,3739 1172551764215623681,2019-09-13 16:45,,"""Nothing about VAWA was easy or uncontroversial. It took four years from when I first introduced the bill in 1990 until it passed."" Read my full op-ed on the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act:",66,162,5,515 1172571394187628545,2019-09-13 18:03,,I’ve learned that the way you deal with loss is by finding purpose — purpose in what you do. #DemDebate,240,498,30,2692 1172603857538441216,2019-09-13 20:12,,"25 years ago, the Violence Against Women Act was signed into law, forever changing the culture around sexual assault and domestic violence in our nation. It's one of my proudest accomplishments. There's still more work to be done—and it's on all of us to finish the job. #VAWA25",256,712,42,2462 1172900247061827584,2019-09-14 15:49,,"25 years ago this week, Senator Feinstein and I led the charge to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. We beat the @NRA and got it done. As president, I’ll do it once again. We will get these military-style weapons off our streets.",470,1646,103,7681 1172923966912114689,2019-09-14 17:24,,I’m running for president because we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. It’s time for us to pick our heads up and remember who we are — this is the United States of America. There’s not a single thing we can’t do.,1114,1484,211,10395 1172945861178822656,2019-09-14 18:51,,"We must do everything in our power to address the climate emergency. As president, I’ll put America on course to become a 100% clean energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050. We will lead the world in the fight against climate change once again.",118,256,13,1085 1172946364625543174,2019-09-14 18:53,,"Debemos hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para abordar la emergencia climática. Como presidente, trabajaré para convertirnos en una economía de energía limpia con emisiones netas cero para el 2050. Volveremos a liderar el mundo en la lucha contra el cambio climático.",180,109,27,465 1172963477524307968,2019-09-14 20:01,,"My North Star as president will be rebuilding the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, we'll make sure everyone comes along.",456,635,108,3896 1172982603109978113,2019-09-14 21:17,,"Obamacare was a huge step forward—providing protections to over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. We can’t stop there. As president, I’ll protect & build on Obamacare to ensure every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.",222,449,23,1824 1172983106682400768,2019-09-14 21:19,,Obamacare fue un gran avance: proporcionó protecciones a más de 100 millones de estadounidenses con afecciones preexistentes. No podemos parar allí. Como presidente protegeré y expandiré Obamacare para garantizar que todos tengamos acceso a atención médica asequible y de calidad.,108,121,16,419 1172985612112150529,2019-09-14 21:28,,"Tomorrow, I’ll be in Birmingham, Alabama, to remember the lives we lost 56 years ago in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Join me in honoring Addie Mae, Cynthia, Carole, and Denise at 11:00 AM ET.",105,219,15,959 1172999163098882048,2019-09-14 22:22,,So great to visit the Ernest S. Sterling Student Life Center at Texas Southern University. Thanks for letting me join you for lunch. Go Tigers!,72,144,10,676 1173020604028661760,2019-09-14 23:48,,"Gun violence tragedies are not inevitable. Together, we can end this epidemic.",277,536,35,3129 1173245082641690624,2019-09-15 14:40,,"At 11:00 AM ET, I’ll be speaking at the 16th Street Baptist Church memorial service to commemorate the lives we lost 56 years ago. Join me in honoring Addie Mae, Cynthia, Carole, and Denise:",83,187,14,969 1173249588465213440,2019-09-15 14:57,,"I’m speaking in Birmingham, Alabama, at the 16th St. Baptist Church memorial service. Join me in honoring those we lost:",193,335,28,1532 1173280566646431744,2019-09-15 17:01,,"Today, we honor Addie Mae, Cynthia, Carole, Denise, and recommit to defeating the poisonous ideology of white supremacy that lit the fuse at the 16th Street Baptist Church.",95,320,13,1433 1173320120321609728,2019-09-15 19:38,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. And at the historic 16th Street Baptist church, there’s no more powerful reminder of what’s at stake. And no more poignant example of what is demanded of us in response.",320,972,55,4969 1173331871964585984,2019-09-15 20:24,,"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about dignity and respect. Proud to stand with @UAW to demand fair wages and benefits for their members. America's workers deserve better.",172,389,23,1500 1173350275920400384,2019-09-15 21:38,,"America is an idea that has grown stronger through the unique contributions of Hispanic communities. Where would we be without Justice Sonia Sotomayor, César Chávez, @HildaSolis, Dolores Huerta and others who have changed our world for the better? #HispanicHeritageMonth",110,282,11,1339 1173351282830131200,2019-09-15 21:42,,"Los Estados Unidos es una idea que se ha fortalecido a través de las contribuciones únicas de la comunidad hispana. ¿Dónde estaríamos sin la juez Sonia Sotomayor, César Chávez, @HildaSolis, Dolores Huerta y otros que han mejorado nuestro mundo? #HerenciaHispana",145,115,14,455 1173396077749428224,2019-09-16 00:40,,"We have not relegated racism and white supremacy to the pages of history. Lynch mobs, arsonists, bomb makers, and lone gunmen. We must give hate no safe harbor.",496,960,75,4930 1173676582621388806,2019-09-16 19:14,,Being a nation of immigrants is one of America's greatest strengths. It doesn't matter where your family comes from — we're bound by the same ideals and made up of the same grit and determination to succeed.,181,416,25,1880 1173696937381511172,2019-09-16 20:35,,"Hate only hides, it doesn't go away. We have not relegated white supremacy and racism to the pages of history. But the greatness of this nation has always been, and must continue to be, that we still strive to.",157,397,17,1847 1173716835000299523,2019-09-16 21:54,,"It is only with persistent effort, fortitude in our actions, and faith in ourselves and the future that change comes. It’s never easy. But I know there’s nothing we can’t accomplish if we stand together as Americans.",211,362,23,1786 1173748651182710785,2019-09-17 00:01,,"America’s farmers continue to pay the price for President Trump’s reckless trade war. He thinks he’s being tough, but it’s easy to act tough when someone else is feeling the pain. As president, I’ll stand up to China and help working families.",293,506,25,1848 1173760982625214467,2019-09-17 00:50,,"259 days into 2019. 300 mass shootings. We cannot go on like this.",473,1452,75,8201 1173794201240096768,2019-09-17 03:02,,It’s always good to be back at the Galivants Ferry Stump!,163,193,11,1033 1173994017664749568,2019-09-17 16:16,,"Thank you, South Carolina, for a great evening at the Galivants Ferry Stump. As I discussed last night, we’ve got to rebuild America’s middle class. That starts with repealing President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy and rewarding work — not just wealth.",99,205,5,900 1174026985099714568,2019-09-17 18:27,,Cokie Roberts was a pioneer. Relentless in her pursuit of the truth and steadfast in her commitment to breaking down barriers for women in journalism—our country is better because of it. @DrBiden and I send our prayers to her loved ones at this time.,49,383,22,2580 1174048879089803265,2019-09-17 19:54,,"This afternoon, I’m joining @PhillyAFLCIO at the #Workers2020 Summit to discuss how a Biden administration will rebuild America’s middle class and strengthen the right to organize and collectively bargain. Tune in:",59,91,3,320 1174081091688288256,2019-09-17 22:02,,"Our firefighters and teachers should not be paying a higher tax rate than someone making $50 million a year. We’ve got to repeal President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy and create a tax code that works for the middle class.",252,834,34,4583 1174096946153185281,2019-09-17 23:05,,"Grateful for all the support at last night’s Galivants Ferry Stump in South Carolina! It’s time we get up, come together as a nation, and lead the world once again. Because there’s not a single thing we cannot do together.",85,243,16,1092 1174108522319097857,2019-09-17 23:51,,"America’s unions and workers are standing up and demanding better. Together, we will rebuild the great American middle class and ensure every worker receives the pay and benefits they deserve.",83,202,11,691 1174117581764141056,2019-09-18 00:27,,I can promise you that no one will work harder to earn the support of every Amtrak employee.,107,173,28,1068 1174123370075611137,2019-09-18 00:50,,No one should be fired simply because of who they are or who they love. We must pass the Equality Act and ensure LGBTQ Americans are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.,189,788,32,5393 1174137142345371648,2019-09-18 01:44,,"When I talk about our gun violence epidemic, I’m not only talking about the tragic mass shootings that make national news. I’m also talking about the shootings that occur every day in communities across the nation like Wilmington, Delaware. We must take on the @NRA and end this.",222,310,15,1454 1174332875115827200,2019-09-18 14:42,,Another school year is starting. Another month of Senate Republicans’ inaction on gun violence. This powerful ad from my friends @sandyhook captures the physical and emotional consequences of that inaction.,106,407,23,1365 1174344577865486337,2019-09-18 15:29,,"When domestic abusers have easy access to guns, the result can be fatal. Gov. Sununu should work with the NH legislature to keep guns out of the hands of abusers. I wrote & passed the Violence Against Women Act. I’ve taken on the NRA twice — and as president, I’ll do it again.",159,387,23,1735 1174371856528367622,2019-09-18 17:17,,"Donald Trump continues his relentless effort to roll back the hard-fought progress we made in the Obama-Biden Administration. Higher auto emission standards make the air we all breathe cleaner, keep us healthier—and keep our auto industry competitive in the global marketplace.",212,616,36,2928 1174372182463582208,2019-09-18 17:18,,"We need a president who believes in science over fiction. As president, I will fight for rigorous fuel economy standards that protect our health, our environment, and our economy.",161,329,17,2464 1174413029120913408,2019-09-18 20:01,,I’m more optimistic about America’s future today than I was when I was first elected to the Senate as a 29-year-old kid. There’s not a single thing we cannot do — if we do it together.,638,513,83,3587 1174688343235452930,2019-09-19 14:15,,It’s past time we ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. We must get these weapons of war out of our communities.,252,551,31,2294 1174732383066542084,2019-09-19 17:10,,"Jill and I are heartbroken at the passing of Dr. Emily Clyburn. She was a remarkable woman — an activist and community leader, a true partner throughout Jim's career in public office. Jim and the entire Clyburn family are in our hearts during this time of grief.",27,190,5,917 1174751257270964225,2019-09-19 18:25,,"South Carolina is one of only five states without a hate crime law. But this week, @SteveBenjaminSC and the Columbia City Council stood up and declared that hatred and bigotry have no place in their city.",58,194,10,715 1174762582168743936,2019-09-19 19:10,,"I was proud to serve alongside President Obama every day, but never more so than when we passed the Affordable Care Act. As president, I’ll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure every American receives the health care they deserve:",328,620,42,3359 1174802343931478016,2019-09-19 21:48,,"Siempre estuve orgulloso de servir junto al presidente Obama, pero nunca más que cuando aprobamos la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Costo. Como presidente, protegeré y ampliaré Obamacare para garantizar que cada estadounidense reciba la atención médica que merece.",96,144,9,608 1174812914202509312,2019-09-19 22:30,,"Wealthy special interests and corporations have dominated our politics for far too long. It’s time we overturn Citizens United and create a public financing system for our elections.",236,420,38,1727 1174839245053321217,2019-09-20 00:14,,"We started @ItsOnUs with the goal of ending the epidemic of sexual violence on our college campuses. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made, but we have further to go. As we celebrate #5YearsOfItsOnUs, we must recommit to rooting out the toxic culture once and for all.",62,140,2,508 1174844371230806016,2019-09-20 00:35,,Our students deserve better than four more years of Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos.,951,3691,257,33465 1174884636285132800,2019-09-20 03:15,,.@DrBiden and I are thinking of everyone in Texas affected by Tropical Depression Imelda. Please follow the instructions of local authorities and take all necessary precautions to stay safe during this flooding.,65,269,13,1286 1175081308793593862,2019-09-20 16:16,,"From Universal Pre-K to fighting for raising the minimum wage, @BilldeBlasio has a record of taking on the important issues we face as a nation. Thank you for running a campaign focused on lifting up working families.",100,138,22,775 1175085711340507136,2019-09-20 16:34,,Inspired by the courage and determination of young people across the world as they take to the streets for today’s #ClimateStrike. Climate change is an existential threat that we cannot wait to address. It's up to all of us to take action—future generations are counting on us.,219,488,29,2661 1175103075650080769,2019-09-20 17:43,,"Two years ago, Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico — devastating the island and killing thousands. At a time when our fellow Americans needed help the most, President Trump failed them.",394,1343,180,4041 1175103830675066880,2019-09-20 17:46,,"Hace dos años, el huracán María tocó tierra en Puerto Rico, devastando la isla y robando la vida de miles. En ese momento en que nuestros compatriotas necesitaron más ayuda, el presidente Trump les falló.",165,311,39,867 1175145103305764864,2019-09-20 20:30,,"Saddened to hear of the passing of Maurice Ferré — the father of modern-day Miami. A trailblazer and a true public servant, he paved the way for others as the first Hispanic mayor of Miami. He will be deeply missed. Jill and I are keeping his loved ones in our hearts.",42,204,5,1074 1175168003622625280,2019-09-20 22:01,,"Last Friday, on the 25th anniversary of VAWA, @DrBiden delivered a powerful message and reminded us that there’s so much more to do. Thank you to @UNHSHARPP for the important work you do every day to support women at UNH.",39,100,4,484 1175174219304448005,2019-09-20 22:25,,"Today, we remember and honor our nation's prisoners of war and those still missing in action. We have an obligation to fulfill our national promise to our military service members and their families to bring all our heroes home. You are not forgotten. #POWMIARecognitionDay",69,345,23,1487 1175181383494488067,2019-09-20 22:54,,"If these reports are true, then there is truly no bottom to President Trump’s willingness to abuse his power and abase our country.",2089,5102,436,23569 1175185409963450373,2019-09-20 23:10,,"Today, I am back in the Hawkeye State, discussing the issues that impact the lives of LGBTQ Americans at the #IowaForum. Tune in live:",142,142,10,669 1175223174692315139,2019-09-21 01:40,,"LGBTQ rights are the civil rights issue of our time. For all the hard-won progress made in the fight for equality, and for as much as we can celebrate how much better things have gotten, this fight is not over. I’m proud to stand by those who fight for it every day.",319,603,46,3218 1175245262434033664,2019-09-21 03:08,,"Before tonight's #LGBTQforum in Iowa, I shared why I believe everybody deserves to be treated with dignity and respect under the law — regardless of who they are or whom they love.",400,753,48,4743 1175403052301520896,2019-09-21 13:35,,"Today is a day to celebrate Armenia’s democratic progress and to honor Armenia’s history. That history is not complete unless we recognize, once and for all, the Metz Yeghern—the Armenian Genocide.",138,369,82,1258 1175430734624018434,2019-09-21 15:25,,"Happy Homecoming, Delaware State University! I’m biased, but you are the greatest HBCU in the country.",165,974,350,3264 1175443997378170880,2019-09-21 16:17,,"It's wrong what GM is doing to its workers — they deserve better. I'm proud to stand in solidarity with @UAW members on strike as they fight for fair wages, good benefits, and their hard-earned share of the profits.",205,453,18,1880 1175469766955417602,2019-09-21 18:00,,"Eight. That’s how many times Donald Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate me and my family. Why? Because he knows I'll beat him like a drum.",4856,11124,1204,58986 1175473503556067333,2019-09-21 18:14,,Stopped by #BidenFest to thank folks for their support before today's #SteakFry!,173,243,19,1374 1175482014327328768,2019-09-21 18:48,,"Not a joke, #TeamJoe is strong in Iowa. #SteakFry",711,1361,104,8634 1175494632203051009,2019-09-21 19:38,,"There's a lot at ""steak"" in this election. #SteakFry",746,433,190,3232 1175524590359105536,2019-09-21 21:37,,"Desperate Donald Trump knows that I can beat him, so now he’s enlisting the help of a foreign government — once again. It’s an abuse of power and violates every basic norm of the presidency. We cannot give him four more years in the White House.",15435,11566,1674,47181 1175812248541040640,2019-09-22 16:41,,"America was built by hard-working, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It’s time we start rewarding work, not just wealth.",195,291,21,1391 1175842447445807104,2019-09-22 18:41,,"I’m even more optimistic about the future of our country than I was as a 29-year-old in the Senate. We are the United States of America — together, there is nothing we can’t do.",432,821,75,5058 1175853481346945024,2019-09-22 19:24,,"I’ll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure every American has access to affordable, quality health care. With my plan, if you like your private insurance, you can keep it.",449,542,62,2390 1175871246539591683,2019-09-22 20:35,,We're going to beat Donald Trump. Like a drum. Join us:,913,1094,139,6472 1175896558870642689,2019-09-22 22:16,,"Today, I proudly stood alongside @UAW members on strike in Kansas City as they fight for a fair contract. Everything that defines a middle class life is because of unions fighting for worker protections. I stand with you, and America stands with you.",123,294,15,1419 1175906620326461441,2019-09-22 22:56,,"Let’s be clear, Donald Trump pressured a foreign government to interfere in our elections. It goes against everything the United States stands for. We must make him a one-term president.",5722,11336,968,67676 1175912911849447424,2019-09-22 23:21,,We must take action to end the gun violence epidemic. Enough is enough.,361,545,36,2384 1175933044357849089,2019-09-23 00:41,,"I’m running for president to restore the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, everyone is going to come along.",1463,2671,210,20421 1175939998853599239,2019-09-23 01:08,,"It’s time we start rewarding work, not just wealth. America's workers deserve better. I’m proud to stand in solidarity with @UAW.",253,596,42,3209 1175993161770045441,2019-09-23 04:39,,"Tonight, you made history, @theebillyporter. And as you did it, you reminded us that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. You blazed a trail that will mean so much to so many young people who can now imagine themselves standing on that stage because of you.",189,698,42,4989 1176152993890263040,2019-09-23 15:15,,"Republicans should never have allowed the 1994 ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to expire. As president, I’ll take on the @NRA once again to ban these weapons of war and get them off our streets.",658,2522,117,17395 1176202570492039168,2019-09-23 18:32,,"President Trump and congressional Republicans will stop at nothing to repeal Obamacare. We’ve seen how close they’ve come—just one vote away. We can’t give them another chance. I'll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.",481,966,63,4234 1176214515068887041,2019-09-23 19:19,,So release the transcript of the call then.,3347,10464,805,63550 1176251140603863040,2019-09-23 21:45,,"Wishing a happy birthday to the rock and roll legend, @springsteen. Your ability to connect with everyday Americans and the issues they face is unrivaled. We are all better off because of your talent, your passion, and your voice.",215,1106,80,10031 1176266239968194561,2019-09-23 22:45,,"One summer. 26 mass shootings. Countless lives cut short. We cannot go on like this. It’s past time we take on the @NRA, pass common-sense gun safety legislation, and end our gun violence epidemic.",404,1296,40,4548 1176284610876952576,2019-09-23 23:58,,"I always enjoy attending the @PolkDems #SteakFry, but the energy that @TeamJoe brought this year made it my favorite one yet. Thank you for a great weekend, Iowa!",158,249,13,1276 1176291859745955840,2019-09-24 00:26,,"Amy, you have nothing to be ashamed of and every reason to be proud. Living open and free is a daily act of bravery — bravery that resides in your heart and in the hearts of LGBTQ people around the world. I’m proud to have you on our team. #BiVisibilityDay",141,532,28,3338 1176297697520713728,2019-09-24 00:50,,"I’ve seen firsthand how hard America’s teachers and support staff work with little support and few resources. They deserve better. I’m proud to support Chicago’s educators as they fight for fair wages, full staffing, and smaller class sizes.",366,962,51,6499 1176303736957726721,2019-09-24 01:14,,"Un verano. 26 tiroteos masivos. Incontables vidas truncadas. No podemos seguir así. Ya es hora de que nos enfrentemos al @NRA, aprobemos la legislación sobre seguridad de armas y terminemos con nuestra epidemia de violencia.",141,132,11,446 1176311538317053964,2019-09-24 01:45,,The pay gap that Native women face — due to both their gender and the color of their skin — is unacceptable. We must right these wrongs and close the gender pay gap once and for all. #NativeWomensEqualPay,436,360,35,1896 1176531008809816064,2019-09-24 16:17,,"Obamacare was, and is, a big deal. It covered 20 million additional Americans and protects over 100 million people with pre-existing conditions. We can't let President Trump and congressional Republicans tear it down. Add your name if you agree:",221,258,21,1359 1176551872225796096,2019-09-24 17:40,,The right to vote is the most sacred American right there is — and it’s up to all of us to make our voices heard in every election. Head to to register to vote and then send it to five friends to get them registered. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay,315,506,37,2024 1176593538617884673,2019-09-24 20:25,,President Trump's actions are an abuse of power. They undermine our national security. They violate the oath of office. If we allow a President to get away with shredding the United States Constitution — that will last forever.,2972,8606,531,55224 1176622336415424512,2019-09-24 22:20,,Pressuring the leader of another nation to investigate a political opponent — to help win an election — is not the conduct of an American President.,1455,3053,205,15717 1176646243952529408,2019-09-24 23:55,,"President Trump cut outreach programs that help people get health insurance coverage. At every turn, he has sabotaged the ACA and made it harder for Americans to access health care. It's wrong. I'll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure everyone receives the care they need.",396,372,37,1483 1176655052532047872,2019-09-25 00:30,,"El derecho al voto es el derecho más sagrado como estadounidense, y depende de nosotros hacer que se escuche nuestra voz en cada elección. Dirígete a para registrarte para votar y envíalo a cinco amigos para que también se registren.",265,166,17,718 1176658394519916544,2019-09-25 00:43,,"Inspired by the courage and tenacity of @GretaThunberg. She is right — we cannot fail future generations any longer. We must take urgent, drastic action to address the climate emergency before it’s too late.",1280,2715,158,20538 1176952008676388866,2019-09-25 20:10,,"Our president put personal politics above his sacred oath. The House must do its job and hold Donald Trump to account for his abuse of power. I will do mine, making my case for a presidency that will mean real help for those in our country who need it most.",1554,1331,171,6597 1176981763626864641,2019-09-25 22:08,,President Trump’s travel ban—the Muslim ban—remains one of his most egregious attacks on our core values. Spewing the politics of fear & slandering an entire religious community as complicit in terrorism is wrong & goes against everything we stand for. We must overturn the ban.,1510,1296,157,6472 1177007373937868800,2019-09-25 23:50,,"Across the country, health care premiums are rising because of President Trump. His attempts to tear down Obamacare have rattled the insurance marketplace and driven up costs for hardworking Americans. It's unacceptable.",420,397,37,1511 1177020459767873536,2019-09-26 00:42,,"Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to manufacture a smear against a domestic political opponent — the “transcript” made that clear. It’s an abuse of power that violates the oath of office and undermines our democracy. Congress must hold him accountable.",3112,7138,411,45452 1177046380503683072,2019-09-26 02:25,,"Enjoyed sitting down with @jimmykimmel to talk about what’s at stake in this election and the urgent need to make Donald Trump a one-term president. Tune in to @JimmyKimmelLive tonight!",624,511,48,3780 1177226819646447621,2019-09-26 14:22,,"If I am elected President, I guarantee you I will protect your family's health care as if it were my own. Because it's personal.",743,1298,108,7977 1177246449043562497,2019-09-26 15:40,,"We have a President who believes there is no limit to his power, who believes he can do anything and get away with it, and who believes he is above the law. This isn’t a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. This is a national issue.",3681,9202,632,53998 1177286714072731649,2019-09-26 18:20,,"Income inequality is on the rise across the country — made worse by President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy. We've got to rebuild the middle class and, this time, we’ll make sure everyone comes along.",401,386,38,1618 1177325721204613122,2019-09-26 20:55,,I want America to be the envy of the world again.,1244,2100,215,14508 1177372529821986816,2019-09-27 00:01,,"Every day it becomes clearer, the core values of our nation — our very democracy — are at risk with President Trump in the White House. We must hold Trump accountable. We cannot let him get away with shredding our Constitution.",2118,4311,273,26593 1177384860886994951,2019-09-27 00:50,,"Every American deserves access to quality, affordable health care—regardless of the state they live in. We can't let President Trump continue to work with states to undermine Medicaid and prevent low-income Americans from accessing health care.",371,387,24,1581 1177399960293167104,2019-09-27 01:50,,"It’s been 11 days since @UAW workers started their strike to fight for higher wages, good benefits, and their fair share of the profits. It’s time for GM to come to the bargaining table with a fair offer that ends the strike and gets its workers back on the job.",292,276,9,1334 1177610095120867334,2019-09-27 15:45,,"Let's be clear, President Trump is trying to hijack this election. This isn’t a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. This is a national issue.",1140,3280,149,14858 1177629222518611969,2019-09-27 17:01,,I believe our elections should be decided by the American people — not foreign governments.,3586,8515,775,69451 1177650598868652033,2019-09-27 18:25,,I remember when we had a president our children could look up to.,14037,39164,5726,188083 1177680113644851201,2019-09-27 20:23,,"If those in power don't take action to end our gun violence epidemic, we must vote them out. Period.",637,3613,167,16345 1177719172513615872,2019-09-27 22:58,,"We are not a country that detains migrant children indefinitely or denies them access to soap, toothbrushes, or beds. We are a country that welcomes those in search of a better life—the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Trump doesn't get that.",919,2415,118,11813 1177747248613974016,2019-09-28 00:50,,"In America, health care should be a right for all. But time and again, President Trump has made it harder for underrepresented and underserved communities to access the affordable, quality health care they need. It's shameful, and as president, I will reverse his actions.",295,392,12,1621 1177759630858080256,2019-09-28 01:39,,"Donald Trump has turned his back on America’s families. It’s time we rewarded work, not just wealth.",1153,1462,104,9354 1177985569055334401,2019-09-28 16:37,,"Yesterday in Las Vegas, we discussed the crucial need to address the gun violence epidemic. Folks, it’s time to pass common-sense gun safety legislation. I’ve beaten the @NRA twice — and as president, I’ll do it again.",339,484,30,3068 1178003436823965696,2019-09-28 17:48,,It’s clear — we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. It’s time to pick our heads up and show the world who we are. We are the United States of America — there is nothing beyond our capacity.,1855,5215,348,33562 1178033384041304064,2019-09-28 19:47,,"It is long past time to address the devastating effects of climate change. As president, I will take action against those who knowingly harm our environment.",502,769,51,4310 1178054523316604929,2019-09-28 21:11,,"We need to take the next step in improving our nation’s health care system. The Affordable Care Act was an historic first step — we need to build on it, not start from scratch. I’ll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure everyone has access to affordable, quality health care.",720,1318,85,6706 1178100153426862081,2019-09-29 00:12,,"The Trump Administration is responsible for the largest reduction in federally protected land — it’s wrong. As president, I will reverse President Trump's actions and protect our precious federal lands for generations to come. #NationalPublicLandsDay",1028,4986,189,22548 1178308698407686144,2019-09-29 14:01,,"To everyone in the Jewish community, @DrBiden and I wish you a very happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. #RoshHashanah",169,435,23,2994 1178344937030471680,2019-09-29 16:25,,"President Trump is trying to hijack this election to distract from how he has turned his back on America's families: sabotaging our health care, prioritizing tax cuts for the super-wealthy, and rolling back our progress on climate change. We won't let him get away with it.",2398,5678,356,30404 1178384195950989313,2019-09-29 19:01,,"On Monday, $255 million in funding expires for historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions. Senate Republicans need to pass the #FUTUREAct now. Our students and educators cannot afford to wait.",191,894,47,2368 1178399295655075847,2019-09-29 20:01,,"The science is clear: we cannot wait to take action on climate change. On day one, I’ll take unprecedented steps to rally the world and tackle this crisis head on. We can and will solve this — together.",680,1682,83,8035 1178417917899100160,2019-09-29 21:15,,"Let’s be clear, this attack is designed to weaken our unions and take away workers’ voices on the job. It’s wrong. I stand with Alaska’s public employees.",246,457,21,1826 1178452395308851201,2019-09-29 23:32,,"We must end this epidemic of violence against the transgender community — especially trans women of color. It’s up to all of us to stand up and give hate no safe harbor. Every American deserves to live open, proud, free and without fear.",356,575,44,2598 1178459189783470082,2019-09-29 23:59,,"We can combat climate change. We can end our gun violence epidemic. We can ensure every American has access to quality, affordable health care. It’s all within our reach if we unite this country. There’s not a single thing we cannot do — together.",1559,2111,219,12054 1178470766049992704,2019-09-30 00:45,,President Trump is trying to hijack this election. We cannot let him get away with it.,4673,7066,687,52537 1178669353987903490,2019-09-30 13:54,,"Grateful for the leadership of @fred_guttenberg for finding purpose in tragedy. We will beat the @NRA and end our gun violence epidemic.",565,5059,331,21582 1178693484049510400,2019-09-30 15:30,,Harris County Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal was a hero and a trailblazer who selflessly served his community every day. @DrBiden and I are keeping his family and loved ones in our hearts.,221,722,37,4094 1178745073564975105,2019-09-30 18:55,,"Being middle class isn’t a number. It’s a value set. It’s about the issues that matter to every American family: a good education, economic opportunity, access to quality, affordable health care. We've got to rebuild the middle class and, this time, ensure everyone comes along.",4116,2248,2701,12556 1178789868811341824,2019-09-30 21:53,,"Wonder why President Trump is lying about me? It's because he knows that I will beat him like a drum. Chip in $5 before tonight’s public fundraising deadline to help us defeat Donald Trump and stop the outrageous lying and cheating he engages in:",3310,1721,321,9187 1179096137036382209,2019-10-01 18:10,,"Two years ago, we watched in horror as 58 precious lives were cut short in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. As we remember those we lost in Las Vegas, we must honor them with action. We cannot let the scourge of gun violence tear our communities apart any longer.",470,1864,65,10893 1179123064275161095,2019-10-01 19:57,,"President Trump works for the @NRA. I’ll work for the American people.",869,2241,118,12018 1179142897184186370,2019-10-01 21:15,,The brave people of Hong Kong deserve the full support of the United States as they demand the civil liberties and autonomy promised to them. Violent suppression is unacceptable. The world is watching.,749,3180,255,8836 1179156534808453121,2019-10-01 22:10,,"One of my favorite parts of debate night has become meeting our contest winners from around the country. God love ya, JoAnne. Thanks for coming to Houston. Enter for your chance to join me at the next Democratic debate:",158,159,13,859 1179170376506474496,2019-10-01 23:05,,"Weapons of war have no place on our streets. We must take on the @NRA and ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again in the White House.",1003,1616,120,8254 1179199820461797376,2019-10-02 01:02,,"President Trump asked a foreign government to interfere in our elections, and now he's spending $10 million on attack ads against me. It's clear that he is trying to influence the primary and pick his opponent. Why? Because he knows I’ll beat him like a drum.",4240,7223,732,48383 1179223189408419840,2019-10-02 02:34,,President Trump is morally unfit to lead our country.,3835,9206,641,64684 1179417780556312576,2019-10-02 15:28,,".@DrBiden and I are sending our best wishes to @BernieSanders, Jane, and the whole Sanders family. Anyone who knows Bernie understands what a force he is. We are confident that he will have a full and speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him on the trail soon.",450,2858,132,30572 1179464816273965056,2019-10-02 18:35,,"Thoughts and prayers won't end our gun violence epidemic. We need courage, and we need leadership. It's past time we take on the @NRA and pass common-sense gun safety reform. Today, I released my plan to end our gun violence epidemic:",318,442,36,2643 1179483520026198023,2019-10-02 19:49,,This is not how an American president should act.,3025,7246,532,56406 1179486054002376710,2019-10-02 19:59,,"I'm about to take the stage at the #2020GunSafety Forum in Las Vegas to discuss my track record of taking on the @NRA and my new plan to end our gun violence epidemic. Read the full plan at and then watch live:",191,286,18,1366 1179506339812450304,2019-10-02 21:20,,"In 1994, Senator Feinstein and I led the fight to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. We took on the @NRA and got it done. As president, I’ll ban these weapons of war once again. We will get them off our streets.",312,401,33,2017 1179511372893360128,2019-10-02 21:40,,"En el 1994, el senador Feinstein y yo dirigimos la lucha para prohibir las armas de fuego para asalto y las revistas de alta capacidad. Luchamos contra el @NRA y los vencimos. Como presidente, volveré a prohibir estas armas de guerra. Las sacaremos de nuestras calles.",416,220,167,1152 1179517664630206469,2019-10-02 22:05,,"52 years ago, Thurgood Marshall became the first African American Supreme Court Justice. A legal giant in the struggle for civil rights—he relentlessly pushed America closer to our promise of liberty, equality, and justice for all. His voice forever changed the course of history.",242,791,25,4488 1179536790312620039,2019-10-02 23:21,,"President Trump broke his promise to America's farmers. He campaigned on having their backs, but now his administration is abandoning them and claiming family farms might not survive. I will expand opportunities for our farmers — not count them out.",750,3601,174,12956 1179547863577223168,2019-10-03 00:05,,"Because of the courage and determination of folks like @GabbyGiffords and groups like @AMarch4OurLives, the fight for gun safety reform has gone from a cause to a movement. We will end our gun violence epidemic — together. #2020GunSafety",487,877,47,4352 1179605744745758720,2019-10-03 03:55,,"I will put the integrity of my whole career in public service to this nation up against President Trump's long record of lying, cheating, and stealing any day of the week.",2940,8227,542,48299 1179813362739232768,2019-10-03 17:40,,All the progress we've made on domestic violence and sexual assault has been because of people like Bonnie Campbell. Grateful for her kind words in reflecting on the history of the Violence Against Women Act.,188,346,19,1582 1179832237182742530,2019-10-03 18:55,,We’re going to do more than just beat President Trump — we’re going to beat him like a drum.,1682,2167,263,12936 1179845362506448897,2019-10-03 19:47,,"Mr. President, you cannot extort foreign governments to help you win re-election. It’s an abuse of power. It violates your oath of office. And it jeopardizes our national security. I know you want to rig the primary and pick your opponent, but I’m not going anywhere.",3180,10760,711,55118 1179875019209371648,2019-10-03 21:45,,"You should need to pass a background check to buy a gun. Period. I will enact universal background check legislation and close loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands. Read my full plan to end gun violence:",337,450,26,2563 1179903959810617349,2019-10-03 23:40,,"Our children should not have to worry about their safety at school. Enough is enough. We must take action to end our gun violence epidemic.",352,627,29,3763 1179915284297191425,2019-10-04 00:25,,The idea of Donald Trump attacking anyone’s integrity is a joke.,6071,18590,1402,140520 1180131710551384066,2019-10-04 14:45,,"I’m not surprised President Trump asked foreign governments for help to beat me and that his special interest friends are spending millions to attack me. But we can't let the lies, smears, and distortions distract us from what's at stake in this election.",1468,4148,252,19807 1180151199644946432,2019-10-04 16:02,,"It's clear President Trump doesn't care about the farmers and manufacturers being crushed by his reckless trade war—just this week, 160 workers were laid off in the Quad Cities. Enough. As president, I will end these failed policies and put American workers first.",605,1662,93,6673 1180176254143778816,2019-10-04 17:42,,"Extreme risk laws save lives. Period. As president, I will incentivize states to adopt these important laws to help keep guns out of dangerous hands. Read my full plan to end our gun violence epidemic:",227,220,28,906 1180194280536707072,2019-10-04 18:53,,"This is who Donald Trump is. A president who abuses the power of the Oval Office to win re-election, turns his back on the fight for democracy in Hong Kong, and puts his own self-interest above the public good. We have to show the world who we are.",1479,5037,245,22109 1180211734818279427,2019-10-04 20:02,,Looking forward to joining @SEIU at the #UnionsForAll Summit this afternoon to talk about my plans to protect and strengthen America’s unions and rebuild the middle class. Tune in:,159,165,7,685 1180232373880922120,2019-10-04 21:25,,"It has been 219 days since the House passed the bipartisan universal background check bill. Every day since, @senatemajldr McConnell has refused to bring it up for a vote. Enough. How many more Americans must die for Senate Republicans to stand up to the @NRA and take action?",908,5261,239,19509 1180273897301655552,2019-10-05 00:10,,"Health care is personal to me like it is for so many Americans. I promise you, as president, I will protect your family's health care as I would my own.",797,948,96,4866 1180506681459040256,2019-10-05 15:35,,"Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, and we must fight any and all attempts to overturn it. As president, I will codify Roe into law and ensure this choice remains between a woman and her doctor.",461,1116,91,5999 1180519264257753088,2019-10-05 16:25,,Donald Trump is the definition of corruption.,19383,22145,4006,148966 1180549224485838848,2019-10-05 18:24,,"We have a president who believes he is above the law and that there is no limit to his power. He is wrong. We cannot let him get away with this. Chip in to help us beat him like a drum:",976,1861,111,9194 1180570854251548672,2019-10-05 19:50,,"If there are any angels in heaven, they are all male and female nurses.",1831,1207,1151,7816 1180588471091695616,2019-10-05 21:00,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern history.,2348,6131,497,33733 1180612126131527680,2019-10-05 22:34,,"President Trump is spending millions of dollars attacking me because he's scared I'll beat him. But I’m not going anywhere. I won’t let Donald Trump choose the Democratic nominee.",11472,7982,1811,44333 1180629993774338052,2019-10-05 23:45,,"Obamacare was, and is, a big deal. It covered 20 million additional Americans, protects over 100 million with pre-existing conditions, and has saved lives. We can’t afford to tear it down and start over. As president, I will protect and build on it.",773,1646,94,6381 1180653646142476288,2019-10-06 01:18,,"Every day, more evidence is uncovered revealing that Trump is abusing the power of the presidency and is wholly unfit to be president. He is using the highest office in the land to advance his personal, political interests instead of the national interest.",1321,2947,194,12754 1180653812081659906,2019-10-06 01:19,,He does not understand the immense responsibility demanded of all those who hold the office of the president of the United States. He sees only the power – and how it can benefit just one person: Donald Trump.,91,304,9,1157 1180653952347574273,2019-10-06 01:20,,"Our first president, George Washington, famously could not tell a lie. Trump seemingly cannot tell the truth — about anything. He slanders anyone he sees as a threat. It's why is he is frantically pushing flat-out lies, debunked conspiracy theories and smears against me.",111,360,13,1359 1180654090600226817,2019-10-06 01:20,,"It’s the same cynical playbook he returns to again and again. But this time it won’t work, because the American people know me—and they know him. I will put the integrity of my whole career in public service to this nation up against Trump’s lack of integrity any day of the week.",101,299,12,1272 1180654515302883329,2019-10-06 01:22,,"While the House does its job on impeachment, I’m going to stay focused on what matters: improving the lives of Americans and fighting to ensure that the United States is once again the leader of the free world.",129,406,15,2484 1180654653127692288,2019-10-06 01:22,,"And to Trump and those who facilitate his abuses of power, and all the special interests funding his attacks against me: Please know that I’m not going anywhere. You won’t destroy me, and you won’t destroy my family. And come November 2020, I intend to beat you like a drum.",425,893,68,5580 1180658582125080581,2019-10-06 01:38,,"Every day it becomes clearer, we cannot give Donald Trump four more years in the White House. Stand with me, and together we can make him a one-term president:",461,601,41,3291 1180879135670857730,2019-10-06 16:15,,"Jill and I are devastated to hear about last night’s shooting in Kansas City. No one should ever have to fear that they, or their loved ones, may not return home due to senseless violence. We must come together as a country to put an end to these tragedies once and for all.",579,2042,108,14313 1180887681913499648,2019-10-06 16:48,,"It's clear who President Trump works for. He gave giant tax cuts to the super-wealthy and corporations. Now, he’s cutting food stamp funding for the 3rd time. It’s cruel. No family should go hungry in America.",1072,4661,244,15003 1180903546407010304,2019-10-06 17:52,,"Our planet just experienced the hottest September on record — yet President Trump continues to dismiss the devastating effects of climate change. As president, I’ll address this grave threat and lead the world in addressing our climate emergency.",720,2056,108,9248 1180914870805352448,2019-10-06 18:37,,"No family should be struggling to make ends meet. American farmers are hurting as a result of President Trump’s broken promises — his trade war is reckless. As president, I’ll stand up to China and pursue a trade policy that prioritizes American workers.",811,1475,109,5545 1180917857242234883,2019-10-06 18:48,,"In my experience, asking a foreign government to manufacture lies about your domestic political opponent is not “done all the time.”",3374,7027,563,40904 1180935003699580932,2019-10-06 19:57,,Elena @De11eDonne is the pride of Delaware. Wishing her well as she recovers — we need more professional athletes like her sharing their support for inclusive sports. I'm looking forward to seeing her back on the court soon.,238,263,158,2009 1180946076590886912,2019-10-06 20:41,,President Trump continuously dishonors everything it means to hold the office of President of the United States of America. We must make him a one-term president.,4887,11871,822,79586 1180965202482778112,2019-10-06 21:57,,"If we stand together we can, and will, end our gun violence epidemic. Read my full plan to address this public health epidemic at",571,625,36,3071 1181263417765548032,2019-10-07 17:42,,"We cannot, and will not, stand for President Trump’s corruption. We will beat him like a drum.",8612,7221,1468,57947 1181291857134919682,2019-10-07 19:35,,"As president, I will make passing the Equality Act a top legislative priority. A Biden administration won’t rest until we truly achieve full equality, and everyone is treated with dignity and respect under the law.",192,295,17,1937 1181291855780237314,2019-10-07 19:35,,"This week, the Trump Administration is set to argue before the Supreme Court that it’s legal to discriminate against someone simply because of who they are or whom they love. It’s a dangerous attack on the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans and everything we stand for.",285,1005,40,4824 1181291856480604160,2019-10-07 19:35,,"A president should use the full might of the executive branch to secure justice, dignity, and safety for all. Instead, President Trump does the opposite — callously exerting his power over the most vulnerable. We must send a clear message: We will not stand for this.",104,311,9,2068 1181322054181761024,2019-10-07 21:35,,"Today, I'm proud the campaign is launching Women for Biden. There's so much at stake in this election — and so much more work to do in the fight for women's health care, paychecks, safety, and families:",724,806,115,3532 1181336650602950657,2019-10-07 22:33,,"Abuse of power is the defining characteristic of the Trump presidency. Donald Trump has abused the foreign policy of the United States to extract personal, political favors from multiple countries. We must stop him.",1742,5051,301,22107 1181362319193976833,2019-10-08 00:15,,"Firefighters and teachers should not pay a higher tax rate than the wealthiest in our country. As president, I will reverse President Trump’s tax cuts for the super-wealthy and create a tax code that works for the middle class. It’s time we reward work, not just wealth.",1193,4214,188,29073 1181612504365092864,2019-10-08 16:49,,"A good education should be a reliable pathway to the middle class. But for too many, earning a credential or degree after high school comes with a mountain of debt or is out of reach altogether. Today, I’m releasing my plan to change that:",162,237,20,1155 1181612505115873280,2019-10-08 16:49,,".@DrBiden calls community colleges America’s best kept secret — she's right. A Biden administration will invest in these institutions, providing every American with two years of community college or other high-quality training programs without debt.",16,46,2,187 1181612505996627970,2019-10-08 16:49,,"A Biden administration will take concrete action to address the student debt crisis in our country. We will expand access to Pell Grants, more than halve income-based payments on undergraduate federal student loans, and make student loan forgiveness work for public servants.",21,57,1,297 1181612506726506497,2019-10-08 16:49,,"Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions play a vital role in our communities. A Biden administration will invest $70 billion in these institutions to improve affordability, build high tech labs and facilities, and support student success.",54,116,7,491 1181612507397537792,2019-10-08 16:49,,"We will make historic investments in education and training to ensure every American has a reliable path to the middle class—regardless of their parents’ income or the color of their skin. Wondering how the plan will benefit you? Take the quiz:",50,96,8,301 1181625805513773057,2019-10-08 17:42,,"No one should live in fear of being fired because of who they are or whom they love. We must stand up to President Trump’s relentless attacks on LGBTQ rights and continue the fight for full equality—because every American deserves to live open, proud, and free. #RiseUpOct8",544,2961,108,17527 1181638272419803136,2019-10-08 18:31,,President Trump must stop stonewalling Congress and fully cooperate with the investigations. The American people deserve the truth.,1169,1808,132,10075 1181673117225115648,2019-10-08 20:50,,Jill and I wish Jewish communities around the world an easy fast as they gather to observe Yom Kippur. The Day of Atonement is an important reminder of the obligation we all share to reflect on our actions and recommit to our values in the year ahead. L’Shana Tovah.,159,535,19,4237 1181712124197736448,2019-10-08 23:25,,"In public and in private, President Trump has asked foreign governments to interfere in our elections on his behalf. It is an abuse of power. We cannot let him get away with it. Chip in to our Trump Rapid Response Fund to help us respond:",723,1294,79,5309 1181724707072040960,2019-10-09 00:15,,"I have spent my entire career fighting the abuse of power. Donald Trump has spent his entire career abusing his power.",4132,11688,802,83704 1181738548426416130,2019-10-09 01:10,,"Jill and I send our best wishes to those taking part in the Hindu festival of Navratri. As the nine days of celebration come to a close, let us remain optimistic of the triumph of good over evil and the opportunity of new beginnings.",287,679,54,5573 1181970371878277121,2019-10-09 16:31,,"This afternoon, I’ll be speaking about President Trump’s abuse of power and the grave threat he poses to our democracy. Tune in at 12:45 PM ET to watch live.",673,792,80,3397 1181979945599455232,2019-10-09 17:09,,I’m about to take the stage in New Hampshire to discuss the grave threat Donald Trump poses to our democracy and the action we must take. Tune in now:,2993,514,195,2255 1181984733162590215,2019-10-09 17:28,,Join me now as I take the stage:,415,558,56,2248 1181997336052080647,2019-10-09 18:18,,"Thanks for watching. Stop stonewalling the Congress. Honor your oath. Respect the Constitution. And speaking of taxpayers, I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns. You?",4245,18791,1285,108787 1181999504498843648,2019-10-09 18:26,,"With his words and with his actions, President Trump has indicted himself. He should be impeached.",2400,8300,442,60214 1182005917602201600,2019-10-09 18:52,,"Every day Donald Trump is in the White House, he poses a grave threat to our democracy. We must make him a one-term president. Help us defeat him by pitching in to our Beat Trump Fund before midnight:",453,610,38,3841 1182019902204334080,2019-10-09 19:48,,"Two days ago, Trump impulsively gave Turkey a green light to invade Syria, blindsiding our military. Today, we see the consequences—Turkish forces attacking the fighters that helped us take on ISIS. It’s a betrayal, takes pressure off the terrorist threat, & leaves us less safe.",1367,7320,337,31231 1182028458735497216,2019-10-09 20:22,,"To preserve our Constitution, our democracy, and our basic integrity — Donald Trump should be impeached.",990,2392,165,10342 1182041117640003584,2019-10-09 21:12,,President Trump sees no limit to his power. He believes he can — and will — get away with anything he does.,1349,1285,151,5688 1182044179192598528,2019-10-09 21:24,,"Last night, history was made in the birthplace of the civil rights movement, when Steven Reed became the first African American mayor of Montgomery.",138,478,5,3472 1182044180245352450,2019-10-09 21:24,,"Only a little farther north, Timothy Ragland won his race to become both the youngest and first African American mayor of Talladega. I'm confident they will serve the people of Alabama well.",100,299,10,1971 1182073253889622018,2019-10-09 23:20,,"Like every bully, President Trump is lashing out because he’s afraid. He’s afraid of how badly I will beat him next November. Let’s make his worst fear a reality:",1768,2359,239,13408 1182103452790509573,2019-10-10 01:20,,"President Trump has decided that we don't have the power or the political will to hold him accountable. He's not just testing us — he's laughing at us. We must prove him wrong. He must be impeached.",1709,4928,289,25248 1182304779692691456,2019-10-10 14:40,,"In full view of the American people, Donald Trump has violated his oath of office and betrayed this nation. He must be impeached.",1984,8045,512,36330 1182340902129487877,2019-10-10 17:03,,Donald Trump sold out the Syrian Democratic Forces — the courageous Kurds and Arabs who fought with us to smash ISIS's caliphate — and he betrayed a key local ally in the fight against terrorism.,418,1959,101,7523 1182340903261868033,2019-10-10 17:03,,"But that's not all — he betrayed our brave troops, who sacrificed alongside them. He betrayed our word as a nation — raising doubts among our allies around the world about America's security commitments.",126,754,18,4257 1182340904780218368,2019-10-10 17:03,,"Trump made this decision on a whim, after a phone call with Turkish President Erdogan. There was no process. No consultation with our military, our diplomats, or our allies. Trump got rolled, plain and simple, because he has no idea what he's doing.",311,1189,64,5498 1182351336299302912,2019-10-10 17:45,,President Trump picked a fight with the wrong guy.,2457,2054,290,12086 1182374992274579457,2019-10-10 19:19,,I sat down with @MaraKeisling of the @NCTEActionFund to discuss the progress we’ve made on LGBTQ rights and the work that remains. Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time—I won’t stop fighting until everyone is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.,157,182,19,694 1182435138300530688,2019-10-10 23:18,,Americans should decide American elections. Period.,681,1114,87,6562 1182440674806788098,2019-10-10 23:40,,"For all the hard-won progress we've made in the fight for LGBTQ equality, we're not done — not nearly. We must stand up to President Trump's dangerous attacks on the rights of the LGBTQ community and continue to fight for full equality.",433,720,55,3257 1182442688030937089,2019-10-10 23:48,,Looking forward to joining @AndersonCooper at tonight’s #EqualityTownHall to discuss the work that remains in the fight for LGBTQ rights. Tune in to CNN at 8PM ET to watch live.,170,126,10,761 1182457032638631936,2019-10-11 00:45,,There is no distinction between mental health and physical health — it’s health. Period. We've got to combat the stigma and ensure everyone has access to the care they need and deserve. #WorldMentalHealthDay,425,1783,84,10000 1182473893841260544,2019-10-11 01:52,,We have to make sure that no hospital or health care provider can discriminate against someone simply because of who they are or whom they love. #EqualityTownHall,444,533,37,2607 1182501072734183426,2019-10-11 03:40,,Honored to be asked a question at tonight's #EqualityTownHall by my friend Judy Shepard. It was a privilege to work with her to secure the passage of legislation that extended our hate crimes laws to crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity.,227,330,14,2350 1182504092817444865,2019-10-11 03:52,,"I spent my night at the HRC forum talking about the fundamental respect every human being deserves. You spent yours showing how little respect for anyone else you have. America is so much stronger than your weakness, @realDonaldTrump.",3340,7978,569,51756 1182688558672498689,2019-10-11 16:05,,"Using religion or culture to discriminate against or demonize LGBTQ individuals is never justified—not anywhere in the world. I will send a clear message from the top of our government: prejudice is prejudice, inhumanity is inhumanity, and the U.S. will not stand for it.",368,737,55,4032 1182699418698559488,2019-10-11 16:48,,LGBTQ rights are human rights. Uganda's proposed new law is inhumane. Using religion or culture to license discrimination is never justifiable. Period.,251,472,63,2026 1182699419696799747,2019-10-11 16:48,,"To LGBTQ people suffering persecution anywhere: the American people are on your side. And as president, I will ensure the U.S. leads the world to defend human rights for all.",162,207,19,1345 1182709950096777216,2019-10-11 17:30,,Today is a reminder to every girl on the planet: nothing is beyond your capacity or capability. And all of us must work to ensure that girls around the world have the chance to participate fully in society and that their rights are respected. #DayoftheGirl,558,1446,86,8772 1182732850237304833,2019-10-11 19:01,,"Living open and proud is a daily act of bravery — bravery that resides in the heart of every single LGBTQ individual. To those who have come out and to those who haven’t, know that I’m proud of you. You are loved and you are accepted just as you are. #ComingOutDay",359,824,58,5375 1182747194572460032,2019-10-11 19:58,,"Let me make something clear to President Trump: I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going to destroy me. And you’re not going to destroy my family. I don’t care how dirty the attacks get.",12981,10417,2507,77682 1182789222505308162,2019-10-11 22:45,,"Our planet is at a critical moment — and if we re-elect Donald Trump, it may never recover. On day one, I’ll take action to reverse the damage done by this administration and put America on track to lead the world in addressing the climate emergency.",1230,1723,134,10061 1183052204481171461,2019-10-12 16:10,,"We believe Americans should decide American elections. But Trump will do anything to get re-elected, including violating the most basic norms of our democracy. It's dangerous. We cannot give him four more years in the White House.",3402,6829,512,43139 1183079887134957569,2019-10-12 18:00,,"President Trump believes he can and will get away with anything he does. We all laughed when he said he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and get away with it. Now, he is shooting holes in our Constitution. We cannot let him get away with it.",1630,4106,236,22130 1183116097450663939,2019-10-12 20:23,,"I was proud to work with Matthew’s parents, Judy and Dennis, to extend our hate crimes law to cover sexual orientation and gender identity. But there’s still more work to be done — we can’t rest until every single American can live open and proud without fear.",121,357,14,2767 1183116096896937984,2019-10-12 20:23,,"21 years ago, Matthew Shepard passed away after a brutal anti-gay hate crime — an attack that shook the conscience of our nation. As we honor his memory, we must remember that members of the LGBTQ community — especially trans women of color — are still targeted with violence.",271,993,33,5949 1183136509785821184,2019-10-12 21:45,,"President Trump's attacks on Congresswoman Omar and Somali refugees have no place in our nation — let alone the White House. A president should unite us around our shared goals and lift us up, not stoke the flames of hatred and tear us down.",1947,5064,293,26668 1183155384158052352,2019-10-12 23:00,,Immigrants have always made us stronger as a nation — our diversity has always been our greatest strength. Donald Trump doesn’t get that.,866,1545,123,6636 1183170484269174784,2019-10-13 00:00,,"A good education should be a reliable pathway to the middle class—not saddle you with mountains of debt. My new plan will provide two years of community college without debt, double Pell grants, invest $50 billion in workforce training programs, and more.",563,608,53,3180 1183173893055533058,2019-10-13 00:13,,@SarahEMcBride @MaraKeisling @NCTEActionFund Thanks Sarah. I'm proud of you and so is Beau.,6,9,0,57 1183432316426829825,2019-10-13 17:20,,"The devastating effects of gun violence don’t end when the shooting is over—survivors may face mental health and substance use disorders in the months and years that follow. Enough is enough. We must end this epidemic.",490,860,40,3793 1183465897446563845,2019-10-13 19:33,,"I’m about to take the stage at the @UFCW Presidential Forum in Iowa, where I’ll discuss my plans to strengthen America’s unions. Tune in to watch live:",334,226,21,1200 1183487825016213506,2019-10-13 21:01,,"Thank you, @UFCW! I promise you won’t have a better ally in the White House if I’m president. I’m a union guy and always have been. Together, we can restore the soul of this nation.",201,253,16,1267 1183506950857863173,2019-10-13 22:17,,"The Affordable Care Act has been under relentless attack for the past nine years — I will not stand for it. As president, I will protect and build on the ACA to ensure every American has peace of mind when it comes to their health care.",758,718,76,3422 1183513242280366080,2019-10-13 22:42,,It is wonderful to see Sesame Street raising awareness about the effect of substance use disorder on families. We need to be doing more to help parents experiencing addiction and support children who end up in foster care because of this issue.,241,550,33,3182 1183525825251020800,2019-10-13 23:32,,Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy. He must be impeached.,21058,22335,4064,157892 1183554274002911232,2019-10-14 01:25,,"President Trump betrayed our partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and endangered our hard-won gains against ISIS. Our troops are left in the middle of a war with no plan other than retreat. He has failed as Commander-in-Chief to safeguard our country & protect our troops.",1267,5777,249,22242 1183575401966125059,2019-10-14 02:49,,"Corporations should not value their profits over the health and safety of their employees. As president, I will significantly increase the number of inspectors within the pork and beef industries to ensure every individual has safe working conditions.",408,416,38,1920 1183792582964346883,2019-10-14 17:12,,"Our Constitution begins with three simple words, “We the People” — not “We the Donors.” But for too long, corporations and special interests have corrupted our political process and rigged it in their favor. Today, I’m releasing my plan to change that:",1490,1796,203,7720 1183821020530130946,2019-10-14 19:05,,"On #IndigenousPeoplesDay, we recognize the resiliency of indigenous communities and celebrate their rich contributions to society—while recommitting to the work that remains to come to terms with our past as a nation, to honor our promises, and work to right our wrongs.",351,741,35,4182 1183842159658582017,2019-10-14 20:29,,"America was built on a simple proposition: we're all created equal. We haven't yet fully lived up to that ideal, but we've never stopped trying. Transgender folks deserve every right afforded to Americans — and as president, I will fight to secure those rights.",467,496,49,2294 1183876385087119363,2019-10-14 22:45,,"Overturning Citizens United is an important step in ending the corrupting influence of money in our politics, but we must go further. As president, I will introduce a constitutional amendment to eliminate all private dollars from our federal elections.",384,646,59,2811 1183891484858179584,2019-10-14 23:45,,"Donald Trump is the definition of corruption. At every turn, he has abused the power of the presidency to benefit his bottom line and weaponized the Executive Branch to serve himself. I’ll ensure our government works for the people—not just Donald Trump.",1780,3003,219,15413 1183899034336940032,2019-10-15 00:15,,"The news from Fort Worth is heartbreaking. Atatiana Jefferson should still be alive today. We cannot allow this to keep happening, we must reform our policing practices and hold officers accountable for their actions.",265,603,43,2999 1183912875552722944,2019-10-15 01:10,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history.,21328,28787,5019,189698 1184180892023087104,2019-10-15 18:55,,"President Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern American history. It’s got to end. We must restore integrity to our government and ensure our elected officials work for all Americans — not just the powerful.",1287,2850,174,13451 1184206057649909762,2019-10-15 20:35,,"Overturning Citizens United isn’t enough. Ridding our politics of big money and corporate special interests demands more. We must go further. I will introduce a constitutional amendment to get all private dollars out of our federal elections.",744,1707,145,8843 1184242799710859264,2019-10-15 23:01,,"Philadelphia's office cleaners work hard every day to keep the city's buildings clean. They deserve the dignity that comes with a living wage, access to health care, and a secure retirement. I stand with @32BJSEIU cleaners in their fight for a fair contract. #BuildingJustice",127,263,14,1314 1184251763328729090,2019-10-15 23:36,,"This election is about you. Your children. Your family. And you can’t wait for a president fighting for you when it comes to health care, or jobs, or education, or guns, or climate. The world can’t wait for America to once again lead a stable, peaceful international order.",15,53,0,215 1184251763928502272,2019-10-15 23:36,,"Fixing what's broken in this country will take vision—and yes, it will take plans. But that’s not enough. It also takes the proven ability to get it done. And there is no one on tonight's stage who has a stronger record of passing important, consequential legislation than I do.",9,39,3,158 1184251764884885505,2019-10-15 23:36,,"From the Voting Rights Act renewal, to the ban on assault weapons, to the Violence Against Women Act, to Obamacare, to the Recovery Act that kept us from sliding into a Depression, I’ve delivered progress for you. I know what it takes to get it done.",42,153,4,929 1184251765522341889,2019-10-15 23:36,,"Folks, we have to do more than beat Donald Trump. We have to beat him like a drum. When I take the #DemDebate stage tonight, I'm going to show you that I'm the best candidate to do just that. Let's go.",243,220,57,1540 1184251762393436161,2019-10-15 23:36,,"For days, pundits have let Donald Trump define the conversation around tonight's #DemDebate. Well, Trump doesn't get to pick the Democratic nominee. And I’m not going to be distracted by all his lies, smears, distortions, and name-calling. He’s picked a fight with the wrong guy.",288,464,41,2679 1184258208514396160,2019-10-16 00:02,,Hey everyone — @TeamJoe here! We’re taking over the account to keep you in the loop on tonight’s #DemDebate. Make sure to follow along for updates!,246,246,36,1613 1184259445909573633,2019-10-16 00:07,,"A president who puts his own self-interest ahead of the public good and national security poses a threat to each and every American in our daily lives. Donald Trump should be impeached. Period. #DemDebate",204,365,22,1241 1184262429120835585,2019-10-16 00:19,,"“Russia, if you’re listening…” “I would like you to do us a favor…” to Ukraine’s president “China should start an investigation.” Our President has asked three foreign powers to intervene in our elections on his behalf — and those are just the ones we know about! #DemDebate",579,2473,83,10420 1184263647889121280,2019-10-16 00:23,,Medicare for All will cost *checks notes* 30x more than Joe Biden's plan to protect and build on Obamacare — and it will be paid for in part by raising taxes on middle class families. #DemDebate,137,164,21,430 1184266561168838662,2019-10-16 00:35,,"We can’t beat Donald Trump with double talk on health care. Joe Biden doesn’t just know what his health care plan is—he knows how much it would cost, and how he would pay for it. #DemDebate",122,180,11,599 1184268060632502272,2019-10-16 00:41,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history. He must be impeached. #DemDebate,834,1727,120,9731 1184270737156313088,2019-10-16 00:52,,"On day one, Joe Biden will move to: ✅ Eliminate the Trump tax cut for the super-wealthy ✅ Eliminate the unjustified loopholes in our tax code ✅ Use that money to invest in America’s future #DemDebate",151,275,27,1227 1184270938080206850,2019-10-16 00:52,,"Our firefighters and teachers work tirelessly to make our communities safer, better places to live. They should not pay a higher tax rate than the super-wealthy. #DemDebate",126,341,14,1544 1184273842925195269,2019-10-16 01:04,,"As president, Joe Biden will repeal Trump’s tax cuts for corporations and the super-wealthy, and build a tax code that rewards work, not just wealth. #DemDebate",234,315,25,1525 1184275485456588802,2019-10-16 01:10,,Donald Trump betrayed our partners in the Syrian Democratic Forces and put at risk our gains against ISIS. This is a disaster of his own making. #DemDebate,194,474,31,2404 1184275781943476224,2019-10-16 01:12,,"The United States has a vital national interest in Syria to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS. We know that this terrorist group plotted to attack our homeland in the past, and we cannot let that threat re-emerge. #DemDebate",146,206,17,951 1184277161508851712,2019-10-16 01:17,,"Three — that's how many times President Trump asked foreign governments to interfere in our political process. Why? Because he's scared. He knows Joe Biden will beat him like a drum. #DemDebate",398,555,48,2131 1184278950698201088,2019-10-16 01:24,,"“We have an erratic, crazy President who knows not a damn thing about foreign policy.” #DemDebate",1444,6272,379,45904 1184283057425133569,2019-10-16 01:40,,"Joe Biden has a bold plan to end our gun violence epidemic. But it’s going to take more than plans—it’s going to take leadership and a proven ability to get things done. He's banned assault weapons and high-capacity magazines before & he'll do it again.",175,233,21,811 1184291808110694400,2019-10-16 02:15,,"Medicare for All will cost at least $30 trillion over 10 years — and it will be paid for in part by raising taxes on middle class families. Joe Biden has a better plan — he will protect and build on Obamacare to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.",273,290,32,1267 1184294114319327233,2019-10-16 02:24,,"Roe v. Wade is the law of the land. Period. As president, Joe Biden will stand up to attacks on a woman’s constitutional right to choose and enshrine Roe into federal law. #DemDebate",254,759,43,5389 1184296664753983488,2019-10-16 02:35,,"Let’s put this in perspective: if you eliminate every single solitary soldier, tank, satellite, nuclear weapon, eliminate the Pentagon and it would only pay for 4 months of Medicare for All. 4 months. Where do the other 8 months come from? Your paycheck. #DemDebate",6987,1996,3055,8910 1184299888030474240,2019-10-16 02:47,,"Joe Biden is the only candidate on the #DemDebate stage who has actually beaten the @NRA — and he did it twice. As president, he will ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines once again. #DemDebate",226,337,28,1575 1184306245584543747,2019-10-16 03:13,,That’s all we have for tonight’s #DemDebate! Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on everything happening on our campaign.,113,108,14,672 1184308415948115968,2019-10-16 03:21,,"We have an erratic, crazy president who knows not a damn thing about foreign policy and operates out of fear for his own re-election. #DemDebate",363,963,58,4379 1184309045294960641,2019-10-16 03:24,,"I just stepped off the #DemDebate stage, where I laid out my bold vision for the country and how I’ll deliver real progress for working families. If you liked what you heard tonight, help us keep our momentum going by pitching in:",497,313,50,1464 1184318490850856961,2019-10-16 04:01,,It's time we pick our heads up and remember who we are. This is the United States of America — there is not a single thing we cannot do if we do it together.,490,1197,85,6299 1184333537698291712,2019-10-16 05:01,,"I’m relying on your support to power my campaign. Together, I know we can defeat Donald Trump and protect our democracy. Just $5 can make a difference. Chip in today:",2485,709,181,3182 1184336164553216000,2019-10-16 05:12,,I won't need any on-the-job training. I'll be ready on day one. #DemDebate,985,946,118,5491 1184524243956097025,2019-10-16 17:39,,".@realDonaldTrump, you want to talk about corruption? I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — release yours or shut up.",6958,29275,3917,115936 1184545796349411328,2019-10-16 19:05,,"The events of this past week in Syria have made clear just how dangerous Donald Trump is to our national security, to our leadership around the world, and to the lives of our brave men and women serving in uniform.",357,1474,55,5425 1184560895768137729,2019-10-16 20:05,,"Unlike President Trump, I know what it takes to negotiate with Erdoğan. And if I were president, I would make him pay a heavy price for what he has done.",497,743,51,3955 1184565057352536064,2019-10-16 20:21,,"This afternoon, I'll be discussing Donald Trump's recent actions in Syria and how his erratic, impulsive decisions endanger our troops and make us all less safe. Tune in at 5PM ET to watch live:",222,277,20,987 1184577681624633344,2019-10-16 21:11,,I’m about to take the stage in Iowa to discuss Donald Trump’s reckless actions in Syria. Tune in now to watch live:,600,611,49,2552 1184595624441929728,2019-10-16 22:23,,President Trump — what a delusional man.,492,865,55,4974 1184607452248936449,2019-10-16 23:10,,"The next president will face an enormous challenge of picking up the pieces of America’s foreign policy, salvaging our reputation, and rebuilding respect for the United States around the world. We need a leader who will be ready on day one.",704,940,96,5229 1184622551940636673,2019-10-17 00:10,,Diplomacy isn’t just a series of handshakes and photo ops. But Donald Trump doesn't understand that — and he never will.,423,609,36,2865 1184650737630011393,2019-10-17 02:02,,"The Kurds were integral in helping us defeat ISIS — and too many lost their lives. Now, President Trump has abandoned them. It's shameful.",981,3653,155,23560 1184827750156242945,2019-10-17 13:45,,"Elijah Cummings was a true public servant, his life defined by the love of his community and a fierce commitment to ensuring truth wins over power. The whole Biden family sends our condolences to his wife, Maya, his children, and the entire city of Baltimore.",236,1955,61,11484 1184882263403782144,2019-10-17 17:22,,"From banning assault weapons to passing Obamacare — I know what it takes to pass important, consequential legislation. I'm the only person in this race with the proven ability to get the job done.",443,440,47,2467 1184895256938065921,2019-10-17 18:13,,Hosting a major foreign leader summit at a Trump hotel? Donald Trump continues to abuse his power to line his own pockets. Time to put up (your tax returns) or shut up Mr. President.,1521,5709,311,29638 1184953482601779200,2019-10-17 22:05,,"Today, we’re officially launching our fall line! Head to to stock up on new t-shirts, stickers, sweatshirts, and more.",239,222,33,1073 1184958515460411398,2019-10-17 22:25,,"Proud to stand with @CTULocal1, @SEIU73, and every teacher and support staff member striking today for better staffing and quality schools for our students. It's time we support all workers with the pay and dignity they deserve. #FairContractNow",108,239,12,972 1184966065220128768,2019-10-17 22:55,,"Every young person deserves to be affirmed and accepted exactly as they are — regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Today on #SpiritDay and every day, we must ensure LGBTQ youth hear that message loud and clear.",182,592,24,3958 1184981164785692672,2019-10-17 23:55,,Donald Trump is the most reckless and incompetent Commander-in-Chief we’ve ever had.,5543,15769,1189,117961 1185005072352239624,2019-10-18 01:30,,"When leaders like Admiral McRaven speak, we should listen. Donald Trump is a threat to our national security — his erratic, impulsive decisions make us all less safe. We cannot give him eight years in the White House.",731,2842,135,12383 1185212690714652673,2019-10-18 15:15,,"Eliminate all private dollars from federal elections. Overturn Citizens United and end dark money groups. Ban lobbyists from donating to candidates they lobby. It's time we ensure our government works for the people — not just the powerful.",2198,7814,644,40368 1185223198121627648,2019-10-18 15:56,,Trump is only reinstating “targeted” funds to Central America. I support full restoration of bipartisan funding to address root causes of the migration crisis—including the development aid proven to reduce violence and migration. Law enforcement alone is not enough.,212,325,21,1351 1185239618574151681,2019-10-18 17:02,,"Venezuela’s election to the UN Human Rights Council is a travesty. Nicolás Maduro is a dictator, plain and simple. His regime’s human rights violations and extrajudicial killings have been documented by the UNHRC.",177,467,42,1282 1185257233942229004,2019-10-18 18:12,,"From day one, a Biden administration will be focused on rebuilding the backbone of our country — the middle class. And this time, we’ll make sure everyone comes along — regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.",717,1254,85,7733 1185300147825188864,2019-10-18 21:02,,"Congratulations for making history, @Astro_Christina and @Astro_Jessica. Because of you, every girl knows that even the stars are not beyond her reach. #AllWomanSpaceWalk",77,251,11,1837 1185303941598339077,2019-10-18 21:17,,"Trump está restableciendo fondos ""específicos"" a Centroamérica. Yo apoyo la restauración de financiación total para abordar las causas de la crisis migratoria, incluyendo ayuda para el desarrollo, el cual reduce violencia/migración. Políticas coercitivas en sí no son suficientes.",181,141,17,545 1185315115400253440,2019-10-18 22:02,,It is not just that Donald Trump is a liar. It is not just that he is corrupt. It is that every day he finds new ways to lie in an attempt to cover up his own corruption.,1217,5550,292,23814 1185325383471620096,2019-10-18 22:42,,".@realDonaldTrump, we have a message for you: release your tax returns or shut up about corruption. Get yours today:",1507,3813,325,18140 1185337261409427463,2019-10-18 23:30,,"15 years ago, I worked to help pass the North Korea Human Rights Act. We made our values clear to the brutal regime in Pyongyang. Trump has instead made excuses for the dictator in the North and refuses to appoint a special envoy for human rights in NK. It is disgraceful.",390,862,58,4139 1185352159069642752,2019-10-19 00:29,,We’ve got to choose truth over lies — and that starts with getting Donald Trump out of the White House.,731,2288,120,9541 1185371953869271042,2019-10-19 01:47,,"President Trump withheld Congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor. It's the definition of quid pro quo. This is no joke—Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached.",838,1839,95,7725 1185597401727459333,2019-10-19 16:43,,This is what being bought and paid for by the @NRA looks like. It’s cowardly.,288,1775,57,7976 1185613330272010241,2019-10-19 17:47,,"President Trump has relentlessly fought to sabotage and repeal Obamacare — I will not stand for it. I will protect and build on Obamacare as president, ensuring every American has peace of mind when it comes to their health care.",683,1530,79,7448 1185634972935344129,2019-10-19 19:13,,"These moments, getting to speak with all of you...that's what keeps me going. We need a leader who cares. That's why I'm running for President.",454,1240,91,6342 1185664668414529536,2019-10-19 21:11,,"Our firefighters and teachers should not be paying a higher tax rate than the super-wealthy. We’ve got to rebuild the middle class and, this time, make sure everyone comes along.",548,2305,86,14972 1185688827622379520,2019-10-19 22:47,,"Let’s be clear — the effects of climate change are devastating. We need to take action. As president, I’ll not only address this grave threat— I’ll lead the rest of the world in addressing the climate emergency. Read my plan at",504,698,50,3438 1185710218828603392,2019-10-20 00:12,,Hosting the G7 at Trump’s hotel? A president should never be able to use the office for personal gain.,3735,5637,653,50745 1185980499753406464,2019-10-20 18:06,,"Thoughts and prayers won’t end our gun violence epidemic. It’s past time we take on the @NRA and pass common-sense gun safety reform — that starts with banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and requiring universal background checks.",615,1350,88,8167 1186034857706606592,2019-10-20 21:42,,"I’m not going to be distracted by all of President Trump's lies, smears, distortions, and name-calling. I’m going to stay focused on the issues that matter to you—because action cannot wait when it comes to health care, or jobs, or education, or guns, or climate.",1714,3459,229,25218 1186064553563394049,2019-10-20 23:40,,Four years of Betsy DeVos is more than enough. We’re going to make sure the next Secretary of Education is a teacher.,954,4921,278,29419 1186076633100406784,2019-10-21 00:28,,"Donald Trump has asked three foreign governments to interfere in our elections on his behalf. In full view of the American people, he has violated his oath of office and betrayed our nation. He must be impeached.",3704,13420,694,76951 1186292304295809027,2019-10-21 14:45,,"In the United States, health care should be a right for all — not a privilege for the few. As president, I will give Americans a new choice — a Medicare-like public option — to ensure everyone has access to the quality, affordable care they need.",364,451,29,2272 1186326530206633984,2019-10-21 17:01,,"After the most corrupt administration in modern history, the next president faces a big task: restoring faith in American government. A Biden administration will ensure our government works for all Americans — not just the powerful.",1208,2389,166,11956 1186352702420344832,2019-10-21 18:45,,"Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines have no place in our communities. I’ve taken on the @NRA to ban them once before, and I’ll do it again in the White House.",505,793,46,4430 1186410583647752192,2019-10-21 22:35,,"Donald Trump talks tough on trade but has nothing to show for it—other than pain for America's families. Mike Pence has been his complicit sidekick, propping up Trump’s reckless trade wars and slighting hard-working Americans across the country.",415,863,52,4043 1186421004270297088,2019-10-21 23:16,,"The Russian Facebook trolls are back — and this time, they're going after my campaign. We cannot let 2016 repeat itself. Chip in $5 to our rapid response fund to help us fight back against their lies and foreign interference in our elections:",1476,1532,268,4389 1186439854630023168,2019-10-22 00:31,,"We are truly in a battle for the soul of our nation, and it’s up to all of us to stand up and reject intolerance in all its forms. We must give hate no safe harbor.",392,1845,59,9424 1186668533591236609,2019-10-22 15:40,,"Las armas de asalto y los cartuchos de alta capacidad no tienen lugar en nuestras comunidades. Yo me enfrente al @NRA una vez antes para prohibirlos, y lo volveré a hacer en la Casa Blanca.",245,170,32,701 1186691273870233601,2019-10-22 17:10,,"Impeachment is not ""lynching,"" it is part of our Constitution. Our country has a dark, shameful history with lynching, and to even think about making this comparison is abhorrent. It's despicable.",4082,7073,637,44839 1186707540748275713,2019-10-22 18:15,,"There used to be a basic bargain in America—when your company did well, you shared in the prosperity. We must restore that bargain & stand up to corporate profiteering. I support @Teamsters25 as they strike against @RepublicService for a living wage, health care, and pensions.",184,345,26,1717 1186728427845406720,2019-10-22 19:38,,"Campbell is an incredible young man, and I’m proud to have played a small part in his journey. To anyone working to overcome a stutter, my message is clear: never give up and never let it define you. #ISAD",190,874,109,3566 1186745289106972673,2019-10-22 20:45,,Our gun and domestic violence epidemics are linked — and we must take action to end them both. Leader McConnell should allow a vote on the House-passed VAWA reauthorization to close loopholes and keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals.,257,488,36,2158 1186776746428907521,2019-10-22 22:50,,"The moral obligation of our time is to restore, rebuild, and respect the backbone of America—the middle class. That mission will be my North Star as president.",1059,1692,166,11071 1186830433985748993,2019-10-23 02:23,,This wasn’t the right word to use and I’m sorry about that. Trump on the other hand chose his words deliberately today in his use of the word lynching and continues to stoke racial divides in this country daily.,18992,3425,4157,14551 1186989582182694922,2019-10-23 12:55,,"Once again, Putin and the Russians are interfering in the elections and trying to pick our president -- this time they're coming after me. Chip in $5 to send the message to Putin that the American people decide elections, not him:",12489,2016,2248,7007 1186995473112018946,2019-10-23 13:19,,"This morning, I’ll be in my hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to discuss my plans to build a middle class where everyone comes along. Tune in at 10:00 AM ET to watch live:",290,287,37,1711 1187010406406950914,2019-10-23 14:18,,"WATCH LIVE: Joe Biden Speaks in Scranton, Pennsylvania",173,228,18,771 1187033941238321152,2019-10-23 15:52,,"We all want the same thing — a life of dignity and a fair shot at a better future. Donald Trump isn't capable of understanding that.",482,851,65,4981 1187050047181119488,2019-10-23 16:56,,Let's get something straight — unions built the middle class.,377,522,55,2730 1187067411960197120,2019-10-23 18:05,,"Rooted in Scranton, fortified in the halls of Congress, and proven in the White House — my values have never changed, and they never will. I won’t stop fighting for the hardworking Americans who make our country run every single day.",671,1145,138,5068 1187086789401559040,2019-10-23 19:22,,"Let’s be clear, this ban is dangerous and directly violates a woman's constitutional right to choose. We must stop it. As president, I will codify Roe into federal law and ensure this choice remains between a woman and her doctor.",215,379,39,1753 1187088353646333953,2019-10-23 19:28,,Donald Trump has no idea what it means to be a part of the middle class. I do.,580,513,71,3235 1187104405637779462,2019-10-23 20:32,,"Today, we're launching Todos con Biden. Latinos have contributed so much to our country—you're part of the fabric of America & you deserve a president who respects you & will fight alongside you. Join me as we continue to build on the progress we've made:",180,273,44,1027 1187105915280871424,2019-10-23 20:38,,"Hoy estamos lanzando Todos con Biden. Los latinos han contribuido mucho a nuestro país—son parte del tejido de Estados Unidos y se merecen un presidente que les respete y que luchará junto a ellos. Acompáñenme a continuar y mejorar los logros realizados:",253,176,35,637 1187141902518411264,2019-10-23 23:01,,"I'm proud to stand with @seiuhcpa and Regional Hospital of Scranton workers in their fight for higher wages, access to affordable health insurance, and a fair contract that invests in the future of their hospital.",116,209,8,1000 1187148144703950849,2019-10-23 23:25,,The Trump Administration is abandoning the Haitian people while the country’s political crisis is paralyzing that nation.,490,548,111,1531 1187148145651781632,2019-10-23 23:25,,"As president, I would press for dialogue to prevent further violence and instability. Investing in Haiti’s prosperity and security is in the national security interest of the United States.",279,257,56,1290 1187157253876572160,2019-10-24 00:02,,"I strongly support the Senate's approval of North Macedonia's NATO membership. The countries of the Western Balkans deserve to be part of a Europe whole, free and at peace and we should be supporting Euro-Atlantic integration across the region.",203,386,31,2081 1187432819791929345,2019-10-24 18:17,,"At a time when labor is under attack and Trump's reckless trade wars threaten millions more farms and families around the country, @TimRyan has been a clear voice for those at risk of being left behind. He'll continue to be a fierce force for them in Congress.",170,401,20,2284 1187441627385733122,2019-10-24 18:52,,"I'm running for president to rebuild the backbone of our country—the middle class. And this time, we'll bring everyone along, so every American family can live a life of dignity. If you’re with me, join the campaign by pitching in what you can today:",400,417,43,2346 1187464528310652931,2019-10-24 20:23,,The United States of America can be defined by one word: Possibilities.,316,499,57,2523 1187499005606936576,2019-10-24 22:40,,Donald Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden Administration. And just like everything else he’s inherited in his life — he’s in the process of squandering it.,1033,3075,203,14164 1187511588250517504,2019-10-24 23:30,,The powerful gun lobby has controlled our politics for far too long. Enough is enough. We the people own this country — not the @NRA.,445,592,56,3873 1187516873195302912,2019-10-24 23:51,,"If I'm elected president, my children will not sit in on Cabinet meetings or have offices in the White House.",1528,2266,272,13962 1187527946262732801,2019-10-25 00:35,,"Donald Trump lacks the moral authority to lead our country. Every day he spends in the White House, he further debases the values and ideals of our nation. We must make him a one-term president.",2627,7752,522,53179 1187541788317405185,2019-10-25 01:30,,"President Trump’s abdication of American leadership on climate change is dangerous. If we give him four more years, our planet may never recover. On day one, I’ll rejoin the Paris Agreement and rally the world to push our progress further and faster.",522,894,58,3957 1187796717187555331,2019-10-25 18:23,,Congressman Elijah Cummings was a lion of democracy and a powerful ally in the fight for the soul of our nation. I am honored to have served alongside him and known him as a friend. May his passion and purpose live on as he rests in heavenly peace.,221,2087,34,17575 1187803260280696833,2019-10-25 18:49,,"Today, I’m releasing my plan to strengthen worker organizing, collective bargaining, and unions. To grow a stronger, more inclusive middle class — I'll make it easier for workers to unionize. It's time we start rewarding work, not wealth. Read my plan:",133,176,16,743 1187815339809112064,2019-10-25 19:37,,"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck—it’s about dignity, it’s about respect, it’s about being able to look your kid in the eye and say everything is going to be ok. Too many people today can’t say that. We’ve got to rebuild the middle class and restore the dignity of work.",518,577,76,2723 1187829299207954437,2019-10-25 20:32,,"We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.",15231,56677,38987,164891 1187839499176304640,2019-10-25 21:13,,"Employers are interfering with workers’ efforts to organize and negotiate for a fair contract— it's wrong. My plan holds corporations and executives personally accountable for interfering with organizing efforts & violating other labor laws. Learn more:",105,182,9,705 1187841535754358790,2019-10-25 21:21,,Called into the @CTUlocal1 picket line to thank them for all they do for our students. It’s time we give our educators and school staff the pay and dignity they deserve.,110,201,39,965 1187849257748967424,2019-10-25 21:51,,The Speaker is right. Trump and Senate Republicans should stop playing politics and support TPS protection for vulnerable Venezuelans now.,100,321,9,1588 1187849484417536003,2019-10-25 21:52,,.@SpeakerPelosi tiene razón. Trump y los Republicanos deberían dejar de jugar a la política y apoyar TPS para los Venezolanos ya.,173,210,29,968 1187880267635216384,2019-10-25 23:55,,"Wall Street did not build the middle class — unions did. As president, I’ll ensure that workers are treated with dignity and respect. All workers must receive the pay, benefits and workplace protections they deserve. Read my plan:",185,260,20,1041 1187892347293573121,2019-10-26 00:43,,"There’s a war being waged on organized labor — and it’s only getting worse with President Trump in the White House. As president, I'll strengthen organizing and collective bargaining rights to strengthen unions. If you’re with me, join my campaign:",428,431,52,2167 1188129352258588673,2019-10-26 16:24,,"I am proud to stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, and the contributions they have made to America's rich diversity. Today, we're launching AAPIs for Biden — a coalition working to help me unite our nation. To join, visit:",255,543,19,3028 1188138469328965632,2019-10-26 17:01,,We only have 100 days left until the Iowa Caucus — and we need your help to organize and grow our team. Add your name to say you're ready to join the fight:,172,321,26,1360 1188167409657499648,2019-10-26 18:56,,"Donald Trump promised he would work for the forgotten American — instead, he’s forgotten about them. From day one, my administration will be focused on building an inclusive middle class to ensure everyone has a fair shot at a better future.",1024,1440,164,7136 1188179741037207554,2019-10-26 19:45,,We only have 100 days left until the Iowa Caucus. Chip in what you can to help us restore the soul of our nation:,342,212,128,843 1188199370463821824,2019-10-26 21:03,,"If you work hard, you should be able to share in the prosperity. That basic bargain is broken — it's time we restore it for all American workers. My plan will ensure all workers can bargain for the pay, benefits and workplace protections they deserve.",259,375,35,1700 1188218137080225793,2019-10-26 22:17,,Even the dog knows that we can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump.,689,2227,186,12154 1188255543682568193,2019-10-27 00:46,,"Institutional racism should no longer exist. As president, I'll put forward change to help put an end to it.",877,649,153,3506 1188458578383794176,2019-10-27 14:13,,"Donald Trump and his administration have no idea what hard-working, decent, ordinary Americans are going through. They don’t understand the middle class. I do.",1439,1178,216,7324 1188474466155802624,2019-10-27 15:16,,"I congratulate our special forces, our intelligence community, and all our brave military professionals on delivering justice to the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The world is better and safer without him in it.",871,1910,180,11838 1188511929813200898,2019-10-27 17:45,,"Today, we remember the lives taken one year ago at the Tree of Life Synagogue. We must constantly strive to live up to the American ideal that we're all created equal, while facing the harsh reality that hate has long torn us apart. The battle isn't over. We must end this hate.",148,1045,37,6627 1188521492939603968,2019-10-27 18:23,,"To all those taking part in the Festival of Lights, Jill and I send warm wishes for a joyous celebration — Happy Diwali and Saal Mubarak.",59,206,7,1269 1188538516231413765,2019-10-27 19:30,,"I couldn’t agree more, @Springsteen.",372,1575,66,9329 1188543135502098432,2019-10-27 19:49,,Tonight on @60minutes I’ll lay out what I believe we need to do to ensure that America’s word means something again on the world stage. Tune in at 7pm ET.,588,652,62,3705 1188614606408900609,2019-10-28 00:33,,"This is the United States of America — if we pick our heads up and remember who we are, there’s not a single thing we can’t do.",505,894,78,5605 1188628951096279042,2019-10-28 01:30,,We cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump.,1838,3583,350,22952 1188638010587451395,2019-10-28 02:06,,No American President should welcome foreign interference in our elections.,646,1570,98,8788 1188860476756758529,2019-10-28 16:50,,"The Russians don't want me to be president, and Trump doesn't want me to be the nominee. But they picked a fight with the wrong guy — I’m not going anywhere. We will make Donald Trump a one-term president.",1251,2279,169,14060 1188885642601590784,2019-10-28 18:30,,"Kay Hagan was a courageous soul who lived every day of her too-short life with incredible dignity and character, even as the days became more difficult physically. Jill and I are deeply saddened by this news and extend our condolences to her entire family.",84,561,25,2499 1188900742456926208,2019-10-28 19:30,,Donald Trump has no strategy for securing our nation against terrorist threats. He has no strategy for anything. Every day that he directs American national security is a dangerous day for the United States.,1736,1979,290,8855 1188912756868763650,2019-10-28 20:17,,"If President Trump had ever visited our troops serving in Afghanistan, he would know this isn't true.",532,2877,148,15283 1188943523678081024,2019-10-28 22:20,,"This is not who we are. And as a nation, we will prove that next November. Families belong together.",514,1415,94,4678 1188956106573266944,2019-10-28 23:10,,"With less than 100 days until the Iowa Caucus, we need your help to build the strongest grassroots operation possible to win the nomination and make Donald Trump a one-term president. Chip in what you can today:",280,238,23,891 1188966500557824000,2019-10-28 23:51,,"Ten years ago, President Obama and I championed and signed into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. As president, I'll enforce our nation’s hate crime laws, reverse Trump’s cruel and discriminatory acts, and sign the Equality Act into law.",239,538,18,3045 1188975484278845440,2019-10-29 00:27,,"In a Biden administration, our: - Secretary of Education will be an educator - EPA Administrator will know climate change is real - Attorney General will defend the Constitution, not the president",1294,5281,281,33136 1189180586042318848,2019-10-29 14:02,,1% of Americans put their lives on the line to defend the other 99% of us — we owe so much to our military men and women and their families. We must do better by those who sacrifice everything in service to our nation.,421,875,65,4751 1189207765039734785,2019-10-29 15:50,,Paying off your kids' student loan debt can feel overwhelming. We need a president who understands that.,2048,830,596,5762 1189229156258594816,2019-10-29 17:15,,"Congratulations to the teachers of Dedham, Massachusetts, on a successful strike and for securing a fair contract. It's past time we support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve.",97,288,11,1523 1189274454741995520,2019-10-29 20:15,,"Filipino-American History Month is an important opportunity to honor the rich history of the Filipino-American community, including the legacy of brave Filipino veterans who fought in World War II, and all the ways they strengthen our nation.",91,214,18,1064 1189294083669254145,2019-10-29 21:33,,"I welcome the House’s passage of H Res 296, which recognizes and condemns the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23. By acknowledging this genocide we honor the memory of its victims and vow: never again.",416,1075,122,5746 1189302136930295812,2019-10-29 22:05,,"Seven years ago, Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast. As we remember those we lost, we must renew our commitment to addressing climate change. Extreme storms will only become more frequent and powerful if we don’t take urgent action to tackle this crisis.",144,232,21,1091 1189314719791763457,2019-10-29 22:55,,"For too long, corporations have stifled workers’ right to organize and collectively bargain for the pay and benefits they deserve. That ends with a Biden administration. We will hold corporations and executives personally accountable for interfering with the rights of workers.",353,341,37,1702 1189327302733238272,2019-10-29 23:45,,"Some Americans celebrate #NationalCatDay, some celebrate #NationalDogDay — President Trump celebrates neither. It says a lot. It’s time we put a pet back in the White House.",3564,609,837,3238 1189337368894918656,2019-10-30 00:25,,"Every day that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office is a dangerous day for the United States. His erratic, impulsive decisions threaten our standing in the world and make us all less safe.",616,933,73,4923 1189342402181390336,2019-10-30 00:45,,"After almost three years on the job, Donald Trump is still unprepared to lead the world and unfit to lead our country. To clean up his mess, we need a leader who doesn't require on the job training. I'm prepared to get to work on day one.",2276,4293,343,24500 1189360535269191680,2019-10-30 01:57,,"With Trump, it’s always all about him. It's all about beating his chest about what he's done, the stable genius that he is. We need a real leader.",902,2348,149,12183 1189543982294016000,2019-10-30 14:06,,I’ve seen firsthand how hard educators work with little pay and few resources. We must do better. A Biden administration will ensure our educators finally receive the pay and dignity they deserve.,194,318,26,1337 1189562603158114307,2019-10-30 15:20,,"Proud to stand in solidarity with @TWULocal100 and @Transportworker in their fight for a fair contract. The 40,000+ bus and subway workers who move New York deserve the dignity that comes with fair wages, good benefits, and job security. #TWUrally2019",83,154,8,605 1189572921372622849,2019-10-30 16:01,,"President Trump’s reckless trade war is hurting farmers like Kevin—enough is enough. Our farmers can't afford four more years of a leader who delivers nothing but empty promises. As president, I’ll stand up to China and pursue a trade policy that prioritizes American workers.",475,1286,73,4495 1189614001472397317,2019-10-30 18:44,,"Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman’s testimony made clear what we already knew: Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in our elections on his behalf and the White House tried to cover it up. We cannot let Trump get away with this abuse of power. He must be impeached.",1378,3747,200,17688 1189631054153428999,2019-10-30 19:52,,"We are at a crucial moment. We can survive four years of Donald Trump, but if we give him eight years in the White House, he will forever alter the character of our nation. We cannot let that happen. Chip in to help us make Trump a one-term president:",277,302,26,1340 1189639862082834442,2019-10-30 20:27,,"I’m not afraid to say the word union. America’s unions built the middle class — and in a Biden administration, we’ll work alongside them to rebuild it.",256,584,36,3390 1189665529444937728,2019-10-30 22:08,,Our planet cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump in the White House.,881,1669,89,10599 1189680882350723073,2019-10-30 23:10,,"Donald Trump's erratic foreign policy has abandoned our allies, abdicated our leadership, and tarnished our reputation. It has to stop. In a Biden administration, America will once again lead by example and rally the world to meet our common challenges.",400,526,50,2350 1189904861556547587,2019-10-31 14:00,,"The super-wealthy don’t need another tax cut. Period. My administration will repeal the Trump tax cuts for the super-wealthy and reward work, not just wealth.",465,965,68,5722 1189977839325655048,2019-10-31 18:50,,"Congress must do its duty to ensure that Donald Trump's assault on the Constitution does not seep beyond his presidency, with a lasting and devastating impact on our democracy.",239,386,19,1704 1189992199221633024,2019-10-31 19:47,,"Sorry America, the correct answer is Snickers.",1262,569,325,7171 1190001998218661888,2019-10-31 20:26,,.@DrBiden and I are grateful for the brave first responders working around the clock to contain the California fires. Our thoughts are with the Californians affected by the fires; our prayers will be for your safety.,87,293,18,1538 1190011345258856463,2019-10-31 21:03,,"President Trump is undermining our health care and trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act at every turn. As a result, 400,000 additional children are uninsured. It’s cruel. I will protect and build on Obamacare to ensure every American has access to the care they need.",324,837,48,3179 1190044528591429632,2019-10-31 23:15,,Happy Halloween from the entire Biden family! We hope your night is filled with few tricks and plenty of treats.,160,316,16,3749 1190052078317686786,2019-10-31 23:45,,The American people can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump’s art of no deals.,435,701,59,3871 1190056356599877632,2019-11-01 00:02,,"I know it’s Halloween, but Donald Trump has really been scaring me lately. Chip in $5 if he’s scaring you too:",643,285,89,1752 1190061350803951617,2019-11-01 00:21,,"I did. It made clear that you pressured a foreign government to interfere in our political process on your behalf. You violated your oath of office and betrayed our nation. You should be impeached.",3161,12718,620,77866 1190074727542321152,2019-11-01 01:15,,One of my great honors as Vice President was speaking at the Air Force Academy commencement. We need a President who respects our troops.,474,755,69,5050 1190080515916935169,2019-11-01 01:38,,"Tonight in Iowa, a teacher asked me what my top priorities would be as president. Here's what I told him:",339,564,32,2685 1190082267500236800,2019-11-01 01:44,,I’ll see you tomorrow.,174,162,17,904 1190283604074496000,2019-11-01 15:05,,"Together, we will beat Donald Trump like a drum. #LJ19 Join us:",755,821,88,4860 1190297697003212800,2019-11-01 16:01,,"When it comes to health care, many Americans can't afford to wait for far off promises. Obamacare's open enrollment begins today. Head to to find an affordable, quality plan that works best for you. #GetCovered",151,403,37,1329 1190308769806372864,2019-11-01 16:45,,We must stop penalizing and criminalizing poverty.,117,242,16,827 1190322610850025472,2019-11-01 17:40,,The next president will inherit a world in disarray. There’s no time for on-the-job training — I’ll be ready on day one.,2040,3425,349,25305 1190367406138560512,2019-11-01 20:38,,"To every military family in our country: thank you, thank you, thank you.",218,1141,63,6752 1190376717606674433,2019-11-01 21:15,,"The values of patriotism, friendship, and faith that Scranton instilled in me have defined my entire life — and they’re the values I’ll bring to the White House.",263,472,31,2036 1190390428140331009,2019-11-01 22:09,,"I’m about to join #TeamJoe at our #LJ19 Celebration Pre-Party in Des Moines, Iowa. Tune in to watch live:",127,215,19,756 1190409181406355457,2019-11-01 23:24,,"In the wake of tragedy in his hometown, @BetoORourke responded with compassion and leadership, looking into the eyes of people who just lost loved ones and pledging his total resolve. His passion for solving our gun crisis has been inspiring to anyone who has seen him.",1046,5645,222,53189 1190415472803627013,2019-11-01 23:49,,"Together, we will win Iowa, win this nomination, and beat Donald Trump. #LJ19 Join us:",251,312,23,1589 1190421261010255873,2019-11-02 00:12,,Fired up for #LJ19.,101,175,15,1040 1190432042477113346,2019-11-02 00:54,,I’m about to take the stage at #LJ19 to discuss my bold vision for our nation and how we’ll beat Donald Trump. Tune in now:,197,140,12,843 1190441645273223168,2019-11-02 01:33,,"The #TeamJoe energy at tonight’s #LJ19 Celebration was incredible. With just 94 days until the Iowa Caucus, we need your help to build the strongest campaign possible. Chip in $5 today:",148,146,11,631 1190451661887672320,2019-11-02 02:12,,"We must get Donald Trump out of office. Once we do, the road is clear for significant change. #LJ19",920,1329,119,7548 1190462029477416963,2019-11-02 02:54,,"We can ensure every American has access to the quality, affordable health care they need — and we can do it without taxing the middle class. #LJ19",360,400,23,1912 1190635254559711237,2019-11-02 14:22,,First thing I will do as president is rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and rally the world to push our progress further and faster. #LJ19,684,1490,112,9888 1190680760132481029,2019-11-02 17:23,,"It all starts in Iowa, on February 3rd. Together, we're going to take this nation back from Donald Trump.",417,746,52,4055 1190705322295463937,2019-11-02 19:00,,"Once Donald Trump is out of the way, there is nothing we can’t do.",1560,1741,279,10386 1190755746188791809,2019-11-02 22:21,,"The majority of middle class Americans don't think their kids will have the same standard of living they have — that's never happened before. Under my administration, every American will have a fighting shot.",594,697,73,3156 1190766925904859137,2019-11-02 23:05,,"No American should be denied shelter, medical care, or critical services because of who they are or who they love. As president, I will reverse these cruel and discriminatory acts from @realDonaldTrump and @mike_pence, and I'll start by signing the Equality Act into law.",204,837,32,3960 1190774773854461952,2019-11-02 23:36,,"Our military deserves a commander-in-chief who ensures they have what they need when we send them into harm's way. Donald Trump betrays this sacred obligation. By abandoning partners who risk everything to stand at our side, Trump makes every future mission harder for our troops.",328,531,35,2347 1190800509868871681,2019-11-03 01:19,,"The greed of drug companies fueled the opioid epidemic that has ravaged communities in every corner of the country. It’s time we hold pharmaceutical companies accountable.",234,372,28,1681 1190821258667184128,2019-11-03 02:41,,Progress is bringing people together to get real results. It’s not accusing someone of being a Republican because they don’t share your approach to achieving universal health care. I know what it takes to get things done. I fought to pass Obamacare — I will fight to build on it.,977,1461,164,8538 1191032287007084545,2019-11-03 16:40,,"We have one year to determine the mark Donald Trump will leave on our country. There's too much at stake to take the next year for granted. We must work together to take back the White House, win the Senate, hold the House and elect Democrats down the ballot. #OneYearOneTeam",475,1192,76,6524 1191080605464715264,2019-11-03 19:52,,"In one year, we will give Trump a nickname of his own: Former President Donald Trump.",14827,10074,3948,95243 1191100234849554433,2019-11-03 21:10,,"With just 100 days until the New Hampshire primary, we need your help to grow our grassroots team and talk with voters in every corner of the Granite State. Join us:",160,305,26,1426 1191113069495123969,2019-11-03 22:01,,"President Trump's decision to close America's doors to refugees fleeing persecution is cruel and shortsighted. As president, I will restore America's historic commitment to welcoming those whose lives are threatened by conflict and crisis.",643,1326,86,7256 1191125400610594816,2019-11-03 22:50,,"In a Biden administration, we will lower health care costs and achieve universal coverage — and we will do it without raising taxes on the middle class.",361,362,47,1831 1191153082954067974,2019-11-04 00:40,,"100 days until the New Hampshire primary. One year until Election Day 2020. There’s no time to waste, chip in $5 now to help us make Donald Trump a one-term president:",242,273,29,1400 1191165061232021504,2019-11-04 01:27,,"This Tuesday, we have the opportunity to set an example for the nation and turn the Virginia state legislature blue. But only if everyone turns out to vote:",208,757,36,3196 1191182469434880000,2019-11-04 02:36,,This is a dangerous decision by the Trump Administration. We should be strengthening our clean water protections and holding polluters accountable for their actions — not loosening restrictions on toxic waste.,315,1875,63,7178 1191370012826755078,2019-11-04 15:02,,Is anyone surprised that all it takes is a $100 saw to breach Trump’s wall? This whole exercise was a stunt and a sham from the beginning. The only thing the wall has succeeded in doing is tarnishing the image of our nation in the eyes of the world.,2357,8137,638,39146 1191404741470781448,2019-11-04 17:20,,"A country that ignores the threat to the very survival of this planet isn’t just troubled — it’s morally bankrupt. We must get the climate change denier out of the White House and take urgent action to address the climate emergency.",460,1532,65,7968 1191431165686747138,2019-11-04 19:05,,"President Trump has turned his back on those he promised to help. He thinks he’s being tough with his trade war, but he’s really being reckless. And American workers are paying the price. I will ensure our policies put American workers first.",353,559,34,2378 1191466397655818243,2019-11-04 21:25,,"As the climate crisis worsens each day and California burns and Iowa floods, Trump continues to abandon science and our international leadership. He just notified the United Nations of our official withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. It's shameful.",804,1780,176,5386 1191482414398394369,2019-11-04 22:28,,"I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — why hasn’t President Trump? He should release his taxes or shut up about corruption.",2654,11351,642,65420 1191500021062963200,2019-11-04 23:38,,"250 days. @Senatemajldr McConnell, do your job and bring the universal background check bill up for a vote.",386,2862,105,13040 1191520469570244609,2019-11-05 00:59,,11 years ago tonight.,1564,4157,610,43955 1191720572427751426,2019-11-05 14:15,,"Today is Election Day in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, Virginia, and cities across the nation. Your vote matters — find your polling place, bring a friend, and head to the polls to make your voice heard:",156,603,27,2329 1191743221715607553,2019-11-05 15:45,,"Faith, hope, and dignity sound good to me.",427,910,73,5992 1191773421018812423,2019-11-05 17:45,,"The U.S. is the strongest nation in the world not just because of the example of our power, but also because of the power of our example. That’s what has always set us apart on the world stage, and that’s something Donald Trump will never understand.",518,871,76,4461 1191792297907613696,2019-11-05 19:00,,"Proud to stand with folks in Las Vegas fighting against a proposed ordinance that effectively criminalizes homelessness. Like we did in the Obama-Biden Administration, we should focus on providing housing first and work to find long-term solutions to end homelessness.",203,300,30,1796 1191830044676481024,2019-11-05 21:30,,"Trump's Cuba policy hurts families on & off the island. Administrations of both parties have supported family reunification, and I support @DebbieforFL & @DonnaShalala's work to reunite Cuban families. As president, I will reinstate the Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program.",217,510,35,1201 1191845646711439360,2019-11-05 22:32,,"Ten years ago today at Fort Hood. Two years ago in Sutherland Springs. In total, 39 lives taken because of our gun violence epidemic. We must honor the memory of those we lost with concrete action on gun safety reform.",267,321,33,1841 1191856467877474304,2019-11-05 23:15,,Obamacare protects over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions — including Joe and Michelle’s son Matt. We cannot afford to tear it down and start over. We should protect and build on it.,216,438,27,1811 1191857222956933120,2019-11-05 23:18,,I have fought for the Democratic Party my whole career. That’s not something everyone in this primary can say.,2382,2013,671,12734 1191887960884559872,2019-11-06 01:20,,The growing mountain of evidence makes one thing clear: We must impeach Donald Trump.,793,1582,113,11321 1191928063581466625,2019-11-06 03:59,,"Tonight, by voting in Democratic majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly, Virginians sent a clear, powerful message that will resonate across this nation and shake the walls of the White House.",216,660,34,4304 1192090510544031744,2019-11-06 14:45,,Congratulations to Governor-Elect @AndyBeshearKY on his hard-earned victory. He has served the people of Kentucky well as attorney general — the Commonwealth is in good hands with him in the governor's office.,154,1056,29,8563 1192138073393397761,2019-11-06 17:54,,"To the millions of people who get up every single day and make this country work: I see you, and I will never stop fighting for you. You are the backbone of America.",382,993,66,4998 1192157702916431872,2019-11-06 19:12,,"Hottest summer on record: 2019 Hottest September on record: 2019 Hottest October on record: 2019 There is no time to waste. We must get Donald Trump out of the White House and address the climate emergency. The survival of our planet depends on it.",1830,2765,296,12786 1192183371931275264,2019-11-06 20:54,,"If you have DACA status, and it expires within the year, it’s critical that you renew as soon as possible to protect your status until we find a permanent solution. DREAMers are Americans — and it’s time we make it official. #HomeIsHere",211,826,41,3013 1192236220178403329,2019-11-07 00:24,,I'm running for president to unite this country. There's nothing we cannot do if we do it together.,674,1528,118,9800 1192245280747511808,2019-11-07 01:00,,"Last night's results showed that Democrats can take back our country, starting with Virginia, and begin the hard work of growing a stronger, more inclusive middle class and restoring the soul of our nation. Chip in to help us take back the White House:",213,289,26,1638 1192252830276415488,2019-11-07 01:30,,"Every day that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office, he proves how unfit he is to lead our country. We cannot give him eight years in the White House.",2117,4682,333,38682 1192281015299035136,2019-11-07 03:22,,"Proud to stand with the @GeneralMills @RWDSU members in their fight for a fair contract. Every worker deserves the dignity that comes with fair wages, good benefits, and job security.",130,180,8,970 1192504487933464576,2019-11-07 18:10,,We’ve come too far with the Affordable Care Act to tear it down and start over. Building on Obamacare with a new public option is the best way to lower costs and achieve universal coverage.,440,592,63,2921 1192531667086393345,2019-11-07 19:58,,Getting the Violence Against Women Act passed is one of the highlights of my whole career. Now Senate Republicans are refusing to reauthorize it. To all the advocates and survivors speaking out - your voice makes all the difference. It always has. So keep it up. #VAWA4ALL,141,537,30,2336 1192546011559784449,2019-11-07 20:55,,"Donald Trump wants to talk about corruption? That’s rich coming from the most corrupt president in modern history. Tell Trump to release his taxes or shut up about corruption:",1356,3958,304,14282 1192574197312061441,2019-11-07 22:47,,"The courage and determination of folks like @fred_guttenberg have turned the fight for gun safety reform from a cause to a movement. Together, we will beat the @NRA and end our gun violence epidemic.",225,1119,45,5520 1192598356280762368,2019-11-08 00:23,,"As California continues to burn, President Trump wants to withhold critical aid and abandon our firefighters when they need our support the most. It's reckless and cruel. We must act now on climate change and support our firefighters and those affected by this disaster.",1228,2567,220,11441 1192624528754696193,2019-11-08 02:07,,I led the successful fight in the 1980s to stop Jeff Sessions’ nomination for a federal judgeship. I hope the people of Alabama will stop him from rejoining the Senate next year.,437,1914,110,13774 1192630065210650624,2019-11-08 02:29,,"I’m more optimistic about our future today than I was when I got elected to the Senate as a 29-year-old. If we unite this country, America’s best days still lie ahead. If you agree, chip in today:",593,279,51,1648 1192856306110984193,2019-11-08 17:28,,"Every kid deserves a quality education and every family deserves to live in a safe, healthy community. That's why I support the California #SchoolsAndCommunitiesFirst initiative that will make corporations pay their fair share and invest in our communities to help them thrive.",201,281,32,1679 1192890784988696576,2019-11-08 19:45,,"It’s official — we’re on the ballot in New Hampshire. Join us:",396,670,43,6177 1192915697397043200,2019-11-08 21:24,,"President Trump’s trade war is reckless, and hurting our farmers every day.",358,475,44,2115 1192941636717891584,2019-11-08 23:07,,"25 years ago, California approved Prop. 187 — a measure designed to strategically disenfranchise immigrant communities by stripping away access to health care and education.",93,159,12,690 1192941637921579008,2019-11-08 23:07,,"This anniversary is not only a reminder of the cruelty these communities, especially Latinos, have tirelessly faced, but it is also a testament to their steadfast resilience in the face of prejudice to spark change, in California and across our country.",62,133,3,613 1193002267911294979,2019-11-09 03:08,,Kids shouldn’t have to worry about their safety while they’re at school. Together — we’ll put an end to our gun violence epidemic.,603,767,71,4846 1193208375959379968,2019-11-09 16:47,,"We have to start rewarding work, not wealth. As president, I will build a stronger, more inclusive middle class — not cut taxes for the super wealthy.",883,976,128,8106 1193235303617748993,2019-11-09 18:34,,"Health care is a right. Every American should have the peace of mind that comes from access to affordable health care, and we can get there by protecting and building on Obamacare.",609,561,79,3552 1193271531562000387,2019-11-09 20:57,,A fresh Fall day in New Hampshire spent serving chili to our nation’s finest — firefighters.,185,434,29,3067 1193306522647838720,2019-11-09 23:17,,"My plan to build on Obamacare will expand health care coverage and lower costs — without raising taxes on the middle class. Proponents of Medicare for All can't say the same. Read my full plan:",430,629,68,2707 1193329171792977920,2019-11-10 00:47,,"Because a union fought for their private health insurance plan, Marcy and her husband were able to retire with dignity and respect. That’s why my plan to protect and build on Obamacare will give folks the option to choose what’s best for them.",207,360,41,1670 1193343686022770689,2019-11-10 01:44,,"Thirty years ago today, the people of Berlin tore down a wall and vanquished a dictatorship. We must not forget the lessons of 1989. The United States must reclaim its mantle as the champion of democracy. The stakes are simply too high.",349,549,37,2748 1193578817127899138,2019-11-10 17:19,,"There is no denying the devastating effects climate change has on our planet — we need to take action. As president, I’ll lead the world in addressing the climate emergency. Read my plan at",342,389,38,2049 1193621598898548736,2019-11-10 20:09,,"The ACA was, and is, a big deal. It took generations of presidents trying to expand health care access, and President Obama and I got it done. I’ll fight tooth and nail against anyone who tries to tear it down—Republican or Democrat.",1670,1873,296,10868 1193639718069530624,2019-11-10 21:21,,"I’m running for president to restore the soul of this nation, rebuild its backbone — the middle class, and unify all Americans. If you’re with me, join us:",779,714,79,4137 1193658844229988355,2019-11-10 22:37,,"HBCUs and MSIs play a vital role in our communities. As president, I’ll invest $70 billion in these institutions to improve affordability, build high tech labs and facilities, and support student success. Read my full plan:",137,256,15,851 1193681493421248512,2019-11-11 00:07,,We don’t say it enough — Barack Obama was a great president. And I’m proud to have worked alongside him.,2971,6497,784,46628 1193699864577626113,2019-11-11 01:20,,"Together we can, and will, make Donald Trump a one-term president.",1947,3795,300,35661 1193926357346082817,2019-11-11 16:20,,"The most sacred obligation of our government is to do right by the men and women who defend our nation at war. Veterans Day offers us a moment to reflect on that obligation, and to recommit ourselves to all that it truly means.",137,673,26,3095 1193946489854124032,2019-11-11 17:40,,"Today, I’m releasing my plan to ensure our veterans receive what they deserve: our respect and enduring gratitude, and the benefits they have earned. Read my full plan:",280,579,37,2640 1193973920325615619,2019-11-11 19:29,,Less than 1% of our population risks everything to protect our country — the other 99% of us owe them more than we could ever repay. #VeteransDay,97,529,25,2225 1193985496533196805,2019-11-11 20:15,,"I understand the sleepless nights, wondering if your deployed child is safe, and all the added sacrifices military families face because their loved one chose selfless service. As president, I'll take care of our troops and their families.",278,742,46,3664 1194001854604234752,2019-11-11 21:20,,"We owe our veterans more than we could ever repay — and it’s our sacred obligation to care for them and their families when they return home. Thank you to all who have served — on Veterans Day and every day.",210,976,37,5797 1194047153045299201,2019-11-12 00:20,,"President Trump has repeatedly failed our veterans, and our sacred obligation as a nation: to properly prepare and equip our troops when we send them into harm’s way, and care for them and their families. As president, I will meet our sacred obligation.",650,552,79,2754 1194053444337885184,2019-11-12 00:45,,"The campaign trail is always more fun when you join, @DrBiden. What a great weekend in New Hampshire!",136,231,16,1793 1194066544885731329,2019-11-12 01:37,,Our veterans and their families represent the absolute best that our country has to offer. I had the honor of spending Veterans Day in Iowa with a few of them.,159,598,40,3650 1194070842059214849,2019-11-12 01:54,,Looking forward to joining @ErinBurnett for tonight’s town hall in Iowa to discuss what’s at stake in this election and why I’m running for president. Tune in to @CNN at 9 PM ET to watch live.,187,178,16,991 1194093206272495618,2019-11-12 03:23,,"At tonight's @CNN Town Hall in Iowa, I laid out my bold vision for the country and why I'm the best candidate in this race to beat Donald Trump and unite our nation. If you liked what you heard, join our team and let's get to work:",341,511,44,2737 1194109586594312192,2019-11-12 04:28,,Donald Trump has violated his oath of office and betrayed our nation. He should be impeached.,957,2600,150,13126 1194112965353627648,2019-11-12 04:41,,"I just finished tonight’s CNN Town Hall, where I laid out my vision for our future and how I’ll deliver real progress for working families. I know we can defeat Donald Trump and take back this country, but we can’t do it without your help. Chip in today:",1257,896,118,5456 1194291151248986113,2019-11-12 16:29,,"As president, I will ensure DREAMers are recognized as the Americans they are. In the meantime, the Supreme Court should overturn Donald Trump’s cruel decision so that DREAMers can continue to live fully in the only country they have ever known. Their #HomeIsHere.",310,740,39,3139 1194317654485602307,2019-11-12 18:14,,DREAMers know more about what it means to be an American than you ever will.,1187,5250,271,31360 1194328129264852993,2019-11-12 18:56,,"Jill and I want to extend our best wishes to our friends in the Sikh community who are observing the 550th anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism.",62,240,13,1101 1194339670626144257,2019-11-12 19:42,,"The Sandy Hook families who paid such a bitter price deserve their day in court – and all American families deserve laws that protect them, and that put their children, not big gun corporations, first.",122,557,18,3696 1194360467675848704,2019-11-12 21:05,,DREAMers should be treated like the Americans that they are. It's past time for Congress to provide a pathway to citizenship and a fair shot at the American dream. #HomeIsHere,169,456,37,1855 1194367262284828678,2019-11-12 21:32,,Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist threats. It is intolerable that Israeli civilians live their lives under the constant fear of rocket attacks. That's why our administration was such a strong supporter of Israel's life-saving Iron Dome.,3678,1203,2112,5428 1194384374902312962,2019-11-12 22:40,,Every worker should have the chance to join a union which bargains to ensure they get paid a living wage and have protections against sexual harassment. That's why I'm proud to stand with @McDonalds workers who are striking in Detroit and across the country today.,307,580,37,2791 1194412057560436737,2019-11-13 00:30,,"President Trump's erratic, impulsive decisions threaten our national security and set our world on edge. Every day that he sits in the Oval Office is a dangerous day for the United States.",704,1583,108,7415 1194416335637360642,2019-11-13 00:47,,"Change starts at the local level — I learned that firsthand as a 28-year-old on the New Castle County Council. On #NationalRunforOfficeDay, I'm asking you to join me and run for something. There is too much at stake in 2020 to sit on the sidelines.",89,163,6,581 1194425898465972226,2019-11-13 01:25,,"The next president will face an enormous challenge of picking up the pieces of America’s foreign policy and salvaging our reputation. I'm the only candidate in this race ready for that job on day one — and 133 top foreign policy officials agree.",597,703,69,3181 1194672523750674433,2019-11-13 17:45,,"Every American deserves access to affordable, quality health care, and Obamacare’s open enrollment is happening now. If you are uninsured, want to change your plan, or know someone who needs health care, visit to #GetCovered.",142,361,20,970 1194696431409356800,2019-11-13 19:20,,"We have to lead the world by our example and make clear that human rights, civil rights, and civil liberties matter to us.",182,326,30,1443 1194711530874515456,2019-11-13 20:20,,"First Trump gave a green light to Erdogan to ethnically cleanse Kurds who helped us defeat ISIS. Now he welcomes Erdogan with open arms and sweetheart deals. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that, once again, Trump’s personal interests, not US interests, are driving his policy.",789,3799,167,14071 1194729146582126593,2019-11-13 21:30,,This decision puts the health of the American people at risk — it’s unacceptable. We must get Donald Trump out of the White House and choose science over fiction once again.,137,353,16,1318 1194739213427781633,2019-11-13 22:10,,"You shouldn't be forced to give up the health insurance and benefits that you fought for. Under my plan, you will be able to keep them.",539,491,90,2261 1194763120696160256,2019-11-13 23:45,,I will always choose hope over fear.,283,505,35,3448 1194771928541581313,2019-11-14 00:20,,We cannot turn a blind eye to the atrocities President Trump continues to carry out at the border. This is not who we are.,469,745,59,2800 1194787028077989888,2019-11-14 01:20,,The American people deserve to know what Donald Trump is hiding in his tax returns.,2006,4191,319,31404 1194800869373612032,2019-11-14 02:15,,"The Affordable Care Act An assault weapons ban The Violence Against Women Act There is no one in this race who has a stronger record of passing important, consequential legislation than I do. I know what it takes to get the job done.",446,591,61,3021 1194994646448922624,2019-11-14 15:05,,"President Trump campaigned on repairing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. But after countless “Infrastructure Weeks,” he has failed to deliver results. It has to change. Today, I'm calling for a transformational investment in our nation's future:",1291,605,169,2750 1195062594039627781,2019-11-14 19:35,,"Another school shooting. How long will we go on like this? No kid should fear their safety in school & no parent should worry whether their kid will come home. Our hearts go out to Santa Clarita, but prayers aren't enough. We need real gun reform to make our schools safer.",1113,3821,242,20286 1195087508003901440,2019-11-14 21:14,,"If you like your private health insurance plan, you shouldn’t be forced to give it up. If you don't like it, you should be able to buy into a Medicare-like public option. That's the choice I will give Americans as president.",496,495,73,2387 1195137336637558785,2019-11-15 00:32,,"I love you too, California!",276,499,42,3657 1195144385249198080,2019-11-15 01:00,,"Can you chip in five dollars to ensure our volunteers have the materials they need to talk with voters? Donate here:",274,147,24,435 1195150674813751298,2019-11-15 01:25,,"We will beat the @NRA. We will pass common-sense reforms. We must end our gun violence epidemic.",644,1667,75,13351 1195179601053601792,2019-11-15 03:19,,We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. We’ve always known that Donald Trump’s cruel immigration policies are a violation of our core American values. Now we know the architect of those policies has embraced and fanned the ugly flames of white nationalism.,308,784,39,3264 1195179861796626432,2019-11-15 03:20,,This ugly ideology has no place in America—it is both offensive and dangerous that it has taken root in the White House. Stephen Miller must go now. Then we must ensure Trump is shown the door in 2020—and that his hateful ideology never again is given a voice in the Oval Office.,163,366,17,1896 1195182618364596224,2019-11-15 03:31,,".@realDonaldTrump, release your taxes or shut up about corruption.",3092,13605,775,76813 1195370876147027970,2019-11-15 16:00,,"We have to heal the divisions in this country. If we come together and act as one America, there is nothing that we cannot do.",266,330,37,1959 1195387132338155521,2019-11-15 17:04,,"If we don’t get Donald Trump out of the White House and take urgent, drastic action to address the climate emergency, our planet may never recover.",499,764,50,4998 1195412147343261696,2019-11-15 18:44,,"I believe these impeachment hearings will conclude that Donald Trump is a threat to our national security. Every day he sits in the Oval Office is a dangerous day for the U.S. If you agree, chip in to help us make Donald Trump a one-term president:",5606,1512,414,7272 1195435048272629761,2019-11-15 20:15,,Couldn't have said it better myself.,186,726,33,2844 1195448637645418497,2019-11-15 21:09,,I'm proud to support @LREAintheRock and those fighting to ensure every child has access to the quality education they deserve.,70,149,4,664 1195484121369382913,2019-11-15 23:30,,We need more than thoughts and prayers. We need action. We have to protect our kids. Now.,371,858,52,5613 1195495446074077184,2019-11-16 00:15,,"President Trump continues to undermine registered apprenticeships—programs that provide a path to the middle class & a good union job. As president, I will work to save these important programs & ensure every American has the skills they need to get ahead. #SaveApprenticeshipWeek",242,415,23,2240 1195750124204503040,2019-11-16 17:07,,"Every loss is different, but I've found that the way you can overcome enormous tragedy in your life is by finding purpose in your life.",279,935,72,4531 1195778813633822720,2019-11-16 19:01,,Two elections. Zero criminal convictions.,15598,17043,4712,119498 1195810019020664833,2019-11-16 21:05,,"I am deeply concerned about the unjust detainment of Jose Daniel Ferrer, a voice for change in Cuba, by the Cuban government. Ferrer must be released at once.",240,420,52,1828 1195829055091879936,2019-11-16 22:20,,America is more equal because of Chief Justice Mark Cady. His landmark decision brought marriage equality to Iowa and pushed our nation closer to our highest ideals. @DrBiden and I send our condolences to his loved ones. His integrity and commitment to justice will be missed.,72,224,10,1303 1195852045837836292,2019-11-16 23:52,,"My favorite part of running for president is talking with people about their lives. So my team and I are going to pick someone to fly out to come meet me on the trail and share a meal, all expenses on us. If you want to grab dinner, chip in today:",407,291,35,1573 1195861609505120256,2019-11-17 00:30,,"The Foreign Service Officers who testified this week represent the best of America. They deserve our support & thanks for their work to advance American interests, not the scorn & harassment they get from the President. Every day, Donald Trump reminds us he's unfit to serve.",805,2385,117,13460 1196093459486191616,2019-11-17 15:51,,"Trump's intervention in the American military justice system to pardon service members accused or convicted of war crimes betrays the rule of law, the values that make our country exceptional & the men and women who wear the uniform honorably. He is not fit to command our troops.",18136,6676,2974,33107 1196133903104274432,2019-11-17 18:32,,The American people deserve to know what the most corrupt president in modern history is hiding in his tax returns.,1289,4819,281,22634 1196159823848456193,2019-11-17 20:15,,"I’m running for president to rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, we have to bring everyone along regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.",1094,1326,150,8459 1196212672129318912,2019-11-17 23:45,,"At the CNN Town Hall, I was asked what changes in American society I’m proudest of. Here’s what I had to say:",266,339,30,1447 1196226513152069632,2019-11-18 00:40,,I know if we come together and stand united as a nation - anything is possible.,416,494,48,2684 1196238724734095360,2019-11-18 01:28,,"Corporations need to pay their fair share in taxes. I’ll reverse Trump’s giveaway to the super-wealthy and corporations because it’s time we reward work, not just wealth.",642,1336,66,6278 1196485218091356165,2019-11-18 17:48,,"I’ve spent my entire career fighting the abuse of power. That’s what motivated me to write & champion the Violence Against Women Act. The law helped change our culture—but there’s more work to do. Today, I’m releasing my plan to end violence against women:",602,349,73,1640 1196492012779966465,2019-11-18 18:15,,China’s internment of nearly one million Uighur Muslims is among the worst abuses of human rights in the world today. The U.S. cannot be silent — we must speak out against this oppression and relentlessly defend human rights around the world.,302,878,92,2611 1196514662285754372,2019-11-18 19:45,,"I’m inspired by the strength and resilience of Chrissy and survivors across the country, and proud of the change the Violence Against Women Act created, but we still have further to go. Today, I released my plan to build on VAWA:",119,306,29,1067 1196531929522282498,2019-11-18 20:53,,"Sunday night in a backyard. Monday morning at a store. We must do everything in our power to end this gun violence epidemic because we cannot go on like this any longer. Our hearts go out to those affected by these senseless tragedies.",294,619,27,2799 1196548637137997826,2019-11-18 22:00,,I’ve witnessed the heroism of firefighters firsthand — selflessly rushing into danger to help others. They represent the best of our country. @DrBiden and I send our condolences to the loved ones of Worcester Fire Lt. Jason Menard for their loss.,66,271,10,1537 1196577576644415489,2019-11-18 23:55,,There is a lot of talk out there on where I stand when it comes to our marijuana laws. Here are the facts:,2308,2740,771,10530 1196609185854701568,2019-11-19 02:00,,It has now been 264 days. How many more senseless shootings must occur before Senate Republicans take action? Enough is enough.,399,748,51,3980 1196621515007111168,2019-11-19 02:49,,"The energy at the @NVDems’ First in the West event was incredible. Folks are fired up to take back our country and make Donald Trump a one-term president. If you’re fired up too, join our campaign today and let’s get to work:",242,186,16,875 1196841817796268032,2019-11-19 17:25,,"We know in our bones this election is different. If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever alter the character of our nation. We cannot let that happen. We must make Trump a one-term president.",1194,1409,173,7114 1196863208708956166,2019-11-19 18:50,,What he said.,198,504,23,2377 1196943739182182400,2019-11-20 00:10,,"I know we can beat Donald Trump in 2020—but we can’t do it without your help. We’re relying on grassroots donors like you to power this campaign and get our country back on track. Chip in today to help us meet our November fundraising goal:",1079,461,107,2492 1196956324678033409,2019-11-20 01:00,,This election is about the soul of our nation — and Donald Trump is poison to our soul.,2006,3858,325,30093 1197185331138891778,2019-11-20 16:10,,"Something is wrong in America when the average Latina makes just over half what the average non-Latino white man makes. Donald Trump has undone much of what we did in the White House to fix the gender pay gap. When I'm president, I'll work to right that wrong. #LatinaEqualPayDay",874,519,100,3449 1197196655914733568,2019-11-20 16:55,,"On this Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honor the memory of those we’ve lost—at least 22 trans and gender non-conforming people killed this year—and recommit to ridding this hate-filled violence from our society. Everyone deserves to live open and proud and free without fear.",227,346,35,1943 1197203981652639745,2019-11-20 17:24,,"I am deeply disturbed by the news coming out of my law school alma mater, Syracuse University. We are truly in a battle for the soul of this nation, and it requires all of us to stand up together as a country against racism and bigotry. We must give hate no safe harbor.",446,1345,70,4579 1197297067552464897,2019-11-20 23:34,,I give you my word as a Biden: I will never stoop to President Trump's level.,1065,1494,160,11328 1197322172638912518,2019-11-21 01:13,,"This election is about the soul of our nation—and Donald Trump is poison to our soul. He has no regard for our Constitution and violates everything we stand for. It’s not hyperbole to say that this is about saving America. We have to decide who we are and who we want to be.",948,1273,150,8682 1197323089710866432,2019-11-21 01:17,,"When I talk about the soul of this nation—I’m talking about a country where no one has to worry about whether they can afford health care. I fought like hell to get Obamacare passed and I’m the only one on tonight’s stage who has led a transformation of our health care system.",99,164,28,1313 1197323318988279808,2019-11-21 01:18,,"When I talk about the soul of this nation—I’m talking about a country where we can look our kids in the eye and tell them: “You will be safe at school.” I’m the only one on tonight’s stage who has taken on the @NRA and won twice—and I can’t wait to do it again.",78,129,13,1052 1197323780080705543,2019-11-21 01:20,,"@NRA When I talk about the soul of this nation—I’m talking about the responsibility we have to our children to take on the threat of climate change. I’m the only one on tonight’s stage who helped secure the Paris Agreement and the largest-ever U.S. investment in clean energy.",40,73,3,338 1197324217135620096,2019-11-21 01:21,,"@NRA When I talk about the soul of this nation—I’m talking about the values America stands for on the world stage. Values that have been tarnished by Trump. I’m the only one on tonight's stage ready to rebuild our global reputation and restore our moral leadership on day one.",69,87,8,428 1197324594291658752,2019-11-21 01:23,,"@NRA The fight ahead of us is about more than just having plans. It’s about repairing our soul—and it will take someone with the proven ability to bring people together. I've done it before—and at tonight's #DemDebate, I'm going to show you why I'm the best candidate to do it again.",84,92,12,431 1197330057003458560,2019-11-21 01:45,,"I’m about to take the stage for tonight’s #DemDebate, so I’m passing the account over to my team. They’ll keep you in the loop throughout the night on everything happening. Follow along here and on @TeamJoe for updates. Tune in to @MSNBC at 9 PM ET to watch live!",161,124,13,789 1197330806701744128,2019-11-21 01:48,,"Hey folks, it’s @TeamJoe here! We’ll be taking over Joe’s account tonight to keep you updated on all things #DemDebate. Grab some ice cream and follow along!",146,126,20,913 1197331414087278592,2019-11-21 01:50,,We are fired up and ready for Joe to take the stage at tonight’s #DemDebate!,279,197,27,1142 1197339210316943360,2019-11-21 02:21,,"Joe Biden has the quickest, most effective plan to achieve universal health care coverage - at 1/30th the cost of Medicare for All. And, he doesn’t get rid of employer-based health care. #DemDebate",209,216,37,938 1197339556103761921,2019-11-21 02:22,,Let’s lay out the facts: More Americans prefer a public option over Medicare for All. #DemDebate,113,130,18,490 1197340086049882112,2019-11-21 02:24,,"In a Biden Administration, plans with lower deductibles will become more affordable, coverage will be extended to more Americans, and the roughly 5 million low-income Americans who were denied Medicaid by their governors and/or state legislatures will finally gain coverage.",89,105,8,552 1197340834691256320,2019-11-21 02:27,,Joe Biden’s health care plan will offer a new choice for Americans: keep your private insurance or choose a public option like Medicare. #DemDebate,130,128,21,467 1197343449818812417,2019-11-21 02:38,,The next president will face a monumental task cleaning up Trump's mess. Joe Biden is the best candidate on the debate stage to immediately get to work restoring America’s place in the world. Because he’s done it before. #DemDebate,484,300,55,1518 1197343917982801920,2019-11-21 02:40,,Joe Biden is a statesman with decades of experience on the world stage who can repair our relationships around the world and is ready to command our armed forces on day one. #DemDebate,434,315,68,1673 1197346362435756032,2019-11-21 02:49,,It’s not who we are. We are better than this. #DemDebate,186,208,42,949 1197349700590096389,2019-11-21 03:03,,"More than anything, we need a president who can deliver on climate change. Joe Biden has a proven record of bringing people together to achieve real, lasting solutions — at home and abroad. #DemDebate",229,205,23,1063 1197352195248791552,2019-11-21 03:13,,"Under President Trump, the North Korean nuclear threat is getting worse, not better. As President, Joe Biden will coordinate closely with our allies and hold China accountable for not putting pressure on North Korea. He'll see Kim Jong Un for what he is — a ruthless tyrant.",352,389,53,2018 1197354401754734593,2019-11-21 03:21,,"Human rights should be at the core of our engagement with the world--not the periphery. As president, Joe Biden will hold accountable Saudi Arabia, China, and every nation that violates the human rights of their citizens. #DemDebate",238,304,44,1256 1197357488833794048,2019-11-21 03:34,,"Joe will take on changing the culture on our college campuses that enables sexual violence, building on the #ItsOnUs effort he started with President Obama. #DemDebate",76,123,13,486 1197357837070094336,2019-11-21 03:35,,"""It's the Attorney General of the United States — not the president's private attorney."" #DemDebate",93,288,25,1345 1197358233863819264,2019-11-21 03:37,,"25 years ago Joe Biden led the fight to pass the Violence Against Women Act and as president he’s going to build on it. #DemDebate",83,155,10,501 1197360235763191808,2019-11-21 03:45,,"Over the last few days, there has been a lot of misinformation on where Joe Biden stands when it comes to our marijuana laws. Read the facts below. #DemDebate",394,366,140,1295 1197360689586851840,2019-11-21 03:46,,"""In the United States Senate, I passed more major legislation than everybody on this stage combined."" #DemDebate",186,175,20,776 1197362095093882880,2019-11-21 03:52,,"Roe v. Wade is the law of the land. Period. As president, Joe Biden will stand up to attacks on a woman’s constitutional right to choose and enshrine Roe into federal law. #DemDebate",198,338,28,2205 1197370557920137217,2019-11-21 04:26,,We have to fundamentally change the culture of how women are treated in this country. #DemDebate,192,207,31,938 1197370824325550080,2019-11-21 04:27,,That’s all we have! Thanks for tagging along for tonight’s #DemDebate. Make sure to follow @TeamJoe to stay up-to-date on everything happening on the campaign.,117,130,10,712 1197371844439027713,2019-11-21 04:31,,"I just stepped off the #DemDebate stage, where I laid out my bold vision for our future and what's possible if we unite this country. If I made you proud tonight, can you chip in $5 to help power our campaign:",795,384,70,2203 1197383767918305281,2019-11-21 05:18,,"This is the United States of America. There is not a single thing we have not been able to accomplish once we set our minds to it. Let's take back this country and lead the world again. #DemDebate",562,872,84,4797 1197388324941553666,2019-11-21 05:36,,"We have to speak out, and speak loudly, about violations of human rights. #DemDebate",207,248,24,1013 1197389174158118912,2019-11-21 05:40,,"Let’s keep the momentum from tonight’s #DemDebate going. If you’re on #TeamJoe, chip in $5:",341,137,19,561 1197598554023325697,2019-11-21 19:32,,The White House is not a place for on-the-job training. I'll be ready on day one.,1394,1081,211,10268 1197616925011873792,2019-11-21 20:45,,"Get ready Iowa, I'm heading your way for an eight-day, 18 county “No Malarkey” barnstorm! Find an event near you:",348,175,87,813 1197636051243655168,2019-11-21 22:01,,"We had a great night at the #DemDebate, but we need your help to keep this momentum going. Chip in $5 now:",522,199,34,1067 1197655932030869504,2019-11-21 23:20,,"Campbell is an incredible young man, and I’m proud to have played a small part in his journey.",180,519,45,2138 1197693177454419969,2019-11-22 01:48,,"It’s clear that Donald Trump has abused the power of the presidency. Full stop. He is the most corrupt president in modern American history.",4677,9906,757,66412 1197911366385844225,2019-11-22 16:15,,Obamacare was and is a big deal. It saved lives and gave millions peace of mind. We cannot afford to tear it down and start over — we should protect and build on it.,553,398,52,2070 1197938041395875840,2019-11-22 18:01,,"We need to build an economy that reflects our values. My administration will reverse the Trump tax cuts for the super-wealthy and corporations. We'll then use that money to build a stronger, more inclusive middle class.",783,512,90,2859 1197956663895982080,2019-11-22 19:15,,Corruption is Donald Trump’s middle name.,18920,8041,3760,58198 1197964213836222464,2019-11-22 19:45,,This election is about who we are and who we want to be. I believe we are a nation that welcomes those fleeing persecution and seeking asylum — not a nation that turns our back on them.,535,449,62,1688 1197986862809268224,2019-11-22 21:15,,We’re officially on the ballot in South Carolina!,482,660,58,5406 1198004478697304064,2019-11-22 22:25,,"Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history. He has to go. If you agree, chip in $5 to help us make him a one-term president:",1512,535,149,2894 1198265196696891393,2019-11-23 15:41,,"The Trump Administration’s “Infrastructure Weeks” are a joke — but our crumbling roads and bridges are not. We need a transformational investment in America’s infrastructure and future:",709,722,98,2830 1198294389061079040,2019-11-23 17:37,,"Our hearts go out to the families of Iranian protesters who were killed this past week. Iranians, like people everywhere, have a right to protest peacefully without being brutally attacked by their own government and having the internet shut down for days. The world is watching.",618,1204,104,7109 1198347693141172224,2019-11-23 21:08,,"Thank you Tom and Christie Vilsack for your support. Together, we will win Iowa and move this country forward.",467,580,73,2803 1198384231254233089,2019-11-23 23:34,,"Climate change is an existential threat to our planet — we must take action. As president, not only will I recommit us to the Paris Agreement — I’ll lead the world to up the ante in addressing our climate emergency.",905,1806,122,8281 1198401343758774273,2019-11-24 00:42,,"Health care is one of the biggest issues in this election. As president, I will ensure health care is a right, not a privilege — and give everyone the peace of mind they deserve. Read my full plan:",322,309,17,1552 1198411913413177347,2019-11-24 01:24,,Four more years of Donald Trump will fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We cannot stand by and watch that happen.,14998,8803,2940,62141 1198425251551629312,2019-11-24 02:17,,"I’m running for president to build an inclusive middle class where everyone comes along — regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.",1485,1228,176,9062 1198691757342560258,2019-11-24 19:56,,"Weapons of war have no place in our communities. I’ve successfully taken on the @NRA to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines before, and I’ll do it again in the White House.",623,659,62,3345 1198710380018704384,2019-11-24 21:10,,"It’s time we remember who we are as Americans: we treat each other with dignity, we leave nobody behind, and we give hate no safe harbor.",1804,4228,329,28563 1198764486481629189,2019-11-25 00:45,,Our students and educators cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos.,1073,2949,198,21161 1199004568618782722,2019-11-25 16:39,,"Today, I join leaders and activists around the world in recommitting to ending violence against women everywhere. Donald Trump has undermined American leadership — I'll restore it, and work to address gender-based violence in all its forms. #IDEVAW",395,571,43,3076 1199037535827030023,2019-11-25 18:50,,".@realDonaldTrump, you're a serial liar and the most corrupt president in modern American history. I can hardly wait to take you on.",1872,4048,316,21294 1199067734820057093,2019-11-25 20:50,,"We need to face the facts on climate change: it’s already here and it poses an existential threat to our future. There is no time to waste. On day one, I’ll take the bold action necessary to protect our planet for future generations.",361,467,32,1972 1199095417205673984,2019-11-25 22:40,,"One of my favorite parts of being on the campaign trail is meeting folks across the country and hearing their stories. That's why I want to sit down and have dinner with you—and yes, we can have ice cream for dessert! Chip in for your chance to win:",223,161,30,680 1199108251746521089,2019-11-25 23:31,,I promise you that @DrBiden and I will be the best partners and fiercest advocates in the White House for America’s educators and students.,157,310,20,1743 1199119324616617985,2019-11-26 00:15,,"We must get Donald Trump out of the White House. Once we do, we can: - Combat climate change - Rebuild a more inclusive middle class - Protect and build on Obamacare - Ensure our government works for all Americans — not just the powerful",1355,2182,153,13666 1199133166050693121,2019-11-26 01:10,,"The American people are still waiting to see your tax returns, @realDonaldTrump. What are you hiding?",7491,9737,1306,57858 1199146000566243328,2019-11-26 02:01,,"I'm incredibly honored to have the endorsement of Tom and Christie Vilsack. I know with their support, we can win the Iowa caucus, earn the nomination, and beat Donald Trump next November.",270,444,36,2052 1199158331987742720,2019-11-26 02:50,,"South Carolina’s Social Security number requirement is an unnecessary burden that discourages folks from participating in our political process. It's wrong and should be reversed. We should be making voting easier — not harder.",688,697,100,2731 1199394771359416322,2019-11-26 18:29,,"The next president will face the enormous challenge of picking up the pieces of America's broken foreign policy under President Trump.   There’s no time for on-the-job training. We need a leader who is ready on day one.",1373,1922,205,10058 1199422824504422400,2019-11-26 20:21,,America’s farmers deserve better.,202,497,31,1989 1199434028656529414,2019-11-26 21:05,,It’s going to take all hands on deck to reach our end of month goal — I’d really appreciate your help. Chip in what you can:,277,186,19,644 1199452953037484032,2019-11-26 22:20,,"I'd love to, but it's right before the New Hampshire primary — I'll be busy talking to voters about how I'm going to beat Donald Trump. Come join me! You can sign up to join our team here:",244,235,19,1506 1199471394612023303,2019-11-26 23:34,,"Prescription drug corporations are profiteering off of the pocketbooks of sick individuals — it’s wrong. It’s time to stand up to this abuse of power – and I’m ready to take on the battle as president. Read my plan:",367,303,28,1341 1199498573655625729,2019-11-27 01:22,,"It’s not enough to wish the world was better — we have to make it so. That belief has guided my life as it has Rev. Dr. Frantz Whitfield's. He’s a pillar of Iowa's faith community, and I’m grateful to have his support.",277,424,20,2050 1199516945105637376,2019-11-27 02:35,,"We’ve got to build a stronger, more inclusive middle class. That starts by strengthening public and private sector unions — because all workers should be empowered to bargain for what they deserve. Read my full plan:",445,392,42,1819 1199729596213669896,2019-11-27 16:40,,We cannot let President Trump define who we are as a nation. America is hopeful and inclusive — we give hate no safe harbor and leave no one behind. We are everything that Donald Trump is not.,2032,5277,473,22007 1199758536663658497,2019-11-27 18:35,,"Obamacare provided protections to over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. It was a huge step forward, but we can’t stop there. I’ll protect and build on Obamacare to ensure every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.",729,1041,110,5517 1199777914373328897,2019-11-27 19:52,,"Many of those seeking asylum on our southern border are fleeing horrific forms of gender-based violence. As president, I will restore asylum status for domestic violence survivors & spearhead an initiative to end violence against women and girls in Central America. #16Days",519,441,52,2362 1199825477826994177,2019-11-27 23:01,,"The effects of climate change are devastating, and we must take action. My bold plan will ensure the U.S leads the world to address the climate emergency.",513,408,56,1692 1199859199930511368,2019-11-28 01:15,,I’ve dedicated my life to public service. We need a president who is ready on day one.,1216,1407,163,9513 1200099533683736577,2019-11-28 17:10,,"We have so much to be thankful for — today and every day. Happy Thanksgiving to those serving overseas who can’t be home with family, and to Americans in every corner of the country. We hope your day is filled with family and friends, laughter, and gratitude.",1267,2104,169,18122 1200438644974198790,2019-11-29 15:37,,Thank you @JeanneShaheen for leading the fight to ensure that women veterans have the resources they need to be safe from violence. One of my top priorities as president will be to renew and expand VAWA — including passing this bill.,94,279,6,1151 1200459405226938370,2019-11-29 17:00,,Jill and I greatly admire the work of @NobelPrize laureate @DenisMukwege and @PanziHospital for raising awareness and caring for survivors of sexual violence in eastern Congo. We must end impunity for perpetrators. #16Days,83,155,8,781 1200471987820220416,2019-11-29 17:50,,"I believe in redemption. As president, I’ll ensure that those who were formerly incarcerated have the opportunity to fully reintegrate into society, earn a good living, and participate in our democracy as our fellow citizens. Read my full plan here:",612,572,102,2555 1200489855748317184,2019-11-29 19:01,,"Not a joke, folks. To celebrate Black Friday we’re giving you an extra 10% off our #TeamJoe gear! Head to and use the code ‘BlackFridayDeal’ to receive your discount.",188,100,17,388 1200506968273805312,2019-11-29 20:09,,"Tomorrow, we’re kicking off our eight-day, 18 county “No Malarkey” barnstorm across Iowa! I’d love to see you there. Head to to find an event in your community.",606,247,227,1069 1200535154193653760,2019-11-29 22:01,,"It's time we start rewarding work, not just wealth. As president, I'll reverse Trump's tax cuts for the super-wealthy and build a stronger, more inclusive middle class.",1274,1363,181,9367 1200557551617626112,2019-11-29 23:30,,"Every single community should have access to clean, safe drinking water. Period. As president, I will stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.",450,482,40,2060 1200824309431750656,2019-11-30 17:10,,"I’m incredibly thankful for the supportive members of #TeamJoe across the country working hard every day for our campaign. I’d love to know what you’re thankful for. Share your story here:",397,232,34,1383 1200840667087413249,2019-11-30 18:15,,"Today, and every day, I encourage you to shop locally and support the folks in your community working hard every day. #SmallBusinessSaturday",383,335,67,2024 1200860146924175360,2019-11-30 19:32,,"26 years ago, I fought to get the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act passed — and established the background check system that has kept guns out of the hands of so many dangerous individuals. I’ve taken on the @NRA and beaten them — twice. As president, I’ll do it again.",591,1064,86,5526 1200880177279983616,2019-11-30 20:52,,"Jill and I would like to extend our greetings to those celebrating the Hmong New Year. Wishing you joyous, colorful celebrations throughout the country filled with music, quality time with family, and all blessings for new beginnings — Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab!",120,321,42,1777 1200882191875465216,2019-11-30 21:00,,Fired up and ready to go for the #NoMalarkey barnstorm!,11651,1414,7074,9103 1200923714331656192,2019-11-30 23:45,,"It's clear who President Trump works for. His administration prioritized giant tax cuts for the super-wealthy and corporations — meanwhile, they've attacked food assistance every chance they've gotten. It’s heartless. No one should go hungry in America.",680,959,90,3042 1200932522177122304,2019-12-01 00:20,,"Eight years of Donald Trump will fundamentally alter the character of our nation. We cannot let that happen. We must make him a one-term president.",4408,7287,787,53159 1201226459278385154,2019-12-01 19:48,,"Over the last 30 years, the fight against #HIV has taught us to be big-hearted; to follow the science; to treat everyone with dignity and respect, and to protect the human rights of all who walk this planet. #WorldAIDSDay",176,512,27,2148 1201255903498002432,2019-12-01 21:45,,Every voter counts. We need a president who is ready to listen to every voice.,1099,1400,140,10120 1201296419987972096,2019-12-02 00:26,,Congressman and former Admiral @JoeSestak has served his country bravely for decades. He ran his campaign with the same standards of strength and respect he has held his entire life. Thank you for your service.,111,250,11,1654 1201303718391615493,2019-12-02 00:55,,We’re officially on the road for our eight-day #NoMalarkey Tour across Iowa!,1171,546,216,3232 1201327877569970176,2019-12-02 02:31,,"64 years ago today, Rosa Parks' courageous act forever changed our country and the course of history. We must continue to follow her brave example and speak out against injustice, wherever it is found.",439,1058,60,7540 1201574251045826566,2019-12-02 18:50,,American leadership has served as the backbone of NATO since its founding 70 years ago — until President Trump. His abdication of America’s traditional leadership role could not come at a more critical moment for the alliance.,260,535,27,1908 1201579284239962113,2019-12-02 19:10,,"Meet Richard. Find out why he, like millions of Americans, supports protecting and expanding Obamacare.",228,323,20,1337 1201608225017217030,2019-12-02 21:05,,".@GovernorBullock and I have always agreed on a central tenet of his campaign: every American deserves a fair shot. He has served Montana well and will continue to do so with fairness and strength. Thank you, Governor.",96,202,6,1342 1201614517270126592,2019-12-02 21:30,,"I’ve always believed we are strongest when we act as one America. If we come together and unite this country, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. If you agree, join our team today:",308,221,17,1077 1201629616072544256,2019-12-02 22:30,,We must get these weapons of war out of our communities. #NoMalarkey,292,215,31,940 1201644715583688704,2019-12-02 23:30,,"My team and I are going to pick someone to fly out to come meet me on the trail and share a meal, all expenses on us. And yes, we can have ice cream for dessert! Time is running out to enter — chip in for your chance to win:",868,196,172,852 1201659815476563971,2019-12-03 00:30,,"If we don’t take urgent action to address the climate emergency, our planet may never recover. We must get the climate change denier out of the White House and tackle this crisis head-on.",707,726,85,3316 1201681960533286912,2019-12-03 01:58,,"In the United States of America, we leave nobody behind — no matter your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. We need a president who understands that.",724,408,71,2223 1201684287411675137,2019-12-03 02:07,,@DrBiden @MeghanMcCain Confirmed: true.,60,82,4,1237 1201973129515556864,2019-12-03 21:15,,"Everyone deserves the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care. My administration will give people the choice between their existing plan and a Medicare-like public option. It’s the most effective way to achieve universal coverage.",709,455,94,2919 1201992004764200962,2019-12-03 22:30,,Kamala Harris is an incredible talent with unlimited potential. Her career has been defined by taking on those who abuse power and seeking equity and justice for all people. Her intellect and insight will continue to be needed by the Democratic Party and the country.,2748,6021,645,57631 1202007103553933317,2019-12-03 23:30,,"I’m running for president to restore the soul of this nation, rebuild a more inclusive middle class, and unite all Americans. If you’re with me, let me know by chipping in to our campaign today:",548,466,43,2905 1202028242187771904,2019-12-04 00:54,,"Every worker deserves fair wages, good benefits, and protections from sexual harassment. I’m proud to stand in solidarity with @hgsuuaw. I urge the university to negotiate in good faith to secure a fair contract with good health care benefits.",187,277,22,1550 1202037302265925634,2019-12-04 01:30,,I applaud Monday's sentences against seven of the men found guilty of killing Honduran environmental leader Berta Caceres. Environmentalists and human rights activists should not have to fear for their lives. #JusticeForBerta,73,188,8,828 1202054917994766336,2019-12-04 02:40,,"The Trump Administration's ""Infrastructure Weeks"" have been a bunch of malarkey. As president, I'll make a transformational investment in our nation's infrastructure and future.",371,225,36,948 1202275119927717888,2019-12-04 17:15,,"Nearly 1 in 3 women worldwide are subjected to physical violence, rape or stalking by a partner at some point in their lives. As president, I’ll tackle this epidemic head-on, and work to end violence against women. #16Days",446,346,50,1601 1202302550227275787,2019-12-04 19:04,,"We are in a battle for the soul of America. It’s time we come together, remember who we are, and take this country back.",366,480,38,2577 1202321676337324032,2019-12-04 20:20,,"Take a look inside the #NoMalarkey bus with my favorite road trip partner, @DrBiden.",587,459,118,2708 1202401954644865024,2019-12-05 01:39,,"The world is laughing at President Trump. They see him for what he really is: dangerously incompetent and incapable of world leadership. We cannot give him four more years as commander in chief.",39418,68099,19618,253158 1202418564185108481,2019-12-05 02:45,,My administration will spark the second great railroad revolution to propel our nation's infrastructure into the future and help solve the climate emergency.,1278,1257,401,7386 1202613599610515456,2019-12-05 15:40,,"President Trump is destroying American leadership and credibility abroad. As president, I'll rebuild a modern, agile U.S. Department of State—investing in and re-empowering the finest diplomatic corps in the world.",778,1532,87,7305 1202664182950195200,2019-12-05 19:01,,"As president, I’ll make sure giant corporations and the super-wealthy pay their fair share in taxes — and then invest that money in growing a stronger, more inclusive middle class.",889,821,78,3870 1202683919310741504,2019-12-05 20:19,,"President Trump continues to embarrass us on the world stage. We need a president who is ready on day one to repair our global reputation and restore American leadership abroad. But I can't get to the White House without your help, chip in today:",1972,1138,159,6084 1202707216249344001,2019-12-05 21:52,,DREAMers are Americans — and it’s time we make it official. We must keep our promise to them and provide a pathway to citizenship.,756,1129,87,5288 1202716779962937346,2019-12-05 22:30,,"Our president should be able to meet a simple test: understanding that Puerto Ricans are American citizens, and that they are entitled to—and deserve—the same support from the United States government as every citizen. Donald Trump has failed that test.",889,1932,113,8570 1202718037868048385,2019-12-05 22:35,,"Nuestro presidente debería ser capaz de cumplir con una prueba simple: entender que los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos americanos y que tienen derecho a, y merecen, el mismo apoyo del gobierno de los Estados Unidos que todos los demás ciudadanos.",241,168,19,643 1202729362283470848,2019-12-05 23:20,,"Congratulations @AFLCIO on 64 years of empowering workers to bargain for what they deserve. The 40-hour workweek, paid leave, health care protections, a voice in your workplace safety — it’s all because of unions. It’s time we recognize that.",306,423,32,1986 1202761574332739584,2019-12-06 01:28,,We need a president who is respected on the world stage.,11795,3156,2199,24303 1202776170162507778,2019-12-06 02:26,,This administration is morally bankrupt.,2100,5705,324,30150 1202972212384288768,2019-12-06 15:25,,"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity. It’s about being able to look your kid in the eye and say everything is going to be okay—and mean it. Too many people today can’t do that. We have to rebuild an inclusive middle class and restore the dignity of work.",11422,2900,2120,16295 1203025060539355137,2019-12-06 18:55,,.@DrBiden and I send our prayers to those affected by today's tragic shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola. We're grateful for the brave first responders who rushed to the scene and selflessly risked their lives to save others.,133,499,18,3055 1203041670285033472,2019-12-06 20:01,,I'm proud to stand with @SEIU1984 and NH’s state employees as they fight for fair wages — Governor Sununu cannot shortchange workers with a contract that doesn't fairly compensate them. #UnionsForAll #NHPolitics,183,222,8,798 1203075643996549120,2019-12-06 22:16,,"I’m so proud and so humbled to have @JohnKerry's support. He is an American hero, statesman, visionary, and friend. His endorsement and partnership mean the world to me.",777,1364,97,8279 1203088557075828736,2019-12-06 23:07,,"The Voting Rights Act used to be one of our best tools to fight state laws designed to suppress the vote — particularly the votes of people of color. Then it was gutted by the Supreme Court, and Congressional Republicans have refused a legislative fix.",173,599,21,2294 1203088557927288832,2019-12-06 23:07,,"Today, House Democrats led the way by passing a bill to restore the Voting Rights Act. All but one Republican voted against it. Shameful. Strengthening our democracy should not be a partisan issue. #HR4 #RestoreTheVote",116,330,11,1482 1203095560988823552,2019-12-06 23:35,,We deserve to know what Donald Trump is hiding.,2092,5420,278,25288 1203101564723810304,2019-12-06 23:59,,Couldn't have said it better myself! I’m honored to have @JohnKerry join me for the #NoMalarkey barnstorm.,902,650,86,3267 1203347938149163009,2019-12-07 16:18,,"House Democrats have passed legislation to: - Enact universal background checks - Reauthorize VAWA It’s time for @senatemajldr McConnell to do his job and bring these bills up for a vote.",551,1948,104,7002 1203396004785065985,2019-12-07 19:29,,"It's the final day of the #NoMalarkey barnstorm, but the enthusiasm we’ve seen could make a big difference in the next few weeks before the Iowa Caucus. We need your help to keep this momentum going—contribute today to keep fueling our efforts:",629,397,48,2045 1203401289641521152,2019-12-07 19:50,,"We have a Secretary of Education who doesn't value our public schools, an EPA Administrator who doesn’t believe that climate change is an existential threat, and an Attorney General who puts the selfish interests of the President ahead of the American people. We deserve better.",1680,4579,306,21340 1203425448803225600,2019-12-07 21:26,,"Marge turns 100 soon, so I asked her about her secret to longevity.",384,464,52,2826 1203460429604777984,2019-12-07 23:45,,"Today, we remember Pearl Harbor and those we lost — like Seaman Roy Powers and Seaman Jimmy Palides who we honored today in Oelwein, Iowa. It’s an opportunity to reflect on all our veterans’ sacrifices, and recommit to ensuring they receive the care they have earned.",176,407,19,2153 1203467978991448064,2019-12-08 00:15,,We cannot stand by and let Donald Trump destroy the character of our nation. We must make him a one-term president.,5389,6540,718,48071 1203699359914872832,2019-12-08 15:34,,"I’m glad the Senate passed the #FUTUREAct to permanently fund historically black colleges and universities, and other minority-serving institutions. I’ll invest $70 billion in these institutions to improve affordability, build new facilities, and support student success.",364,374,31,1892 1203768208584347648,2019-12-08 20:08,,".@DrBiden and I send our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of former Iowa congressman and statesman, Berkley Bedell. Congressman Bedell’s legacy will be remembered as the epitome of public service. Iowa is a better place because he served there.",49,170,1,1082 1203777770309898240,2019-12-08 20:46,,"It is within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic. As president, I will hold gun manufacturers accountable, get weapons of war off our streets, and keep guns out of dangerous hands. Read my full plan:",1294,710,127,3657 1203823320564502528,2019-12-08 23:47,,"We cannot go on denying the devastating effects of climate change — we must choose science over fiction. As president, I will address this grave threat and lead the world in addressing the climate emergency.",571,1019,46,4766 1203833638397198337,2019-12-09 00:28,,"It is our moral responsibility to end gender-based violence. And as president, I will lead the global effort to end sexual violence. #16Days",386,306,33,1355 1203845969772777475,2019-12-09 01:17,,"Prescription drug companies are profiteering off the pocketbooks of sick individuals — it’s wrong. As president, I will stand up to the abuse of power by drug corporations and put an end to runaway drug prices. Read my full plan here:",475,346,39,1498 1204060635287433216,2019-12-09 15:30,,"Educators deserve a partner in the White House. As president, I will support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve. Learn more about my plan for educators, students, and our future:",250,216,20,1090 1204094608201994240,2019-12-09 17:45,,"No matter where you start in life, there should be no limit to what you can achieve. We’ve got to rebuild the middle class and this time, make sure everyone comes along.",791,840,81,5253 1204121032778342400,2019-12-09 19:30,,We can make Donald Trump a one-term president and take back this country — but we cannot do it without your help. Join our team today and let’s get to work:,457,407,36,2216 1204152489689460736,2019-12-09 21:35,,"Donald Trump is erratic, unstable, and dangerously incompetent. Every day that he directs our national security is a dangerous day for the United States.",1815,4374,410,18550 1204176397058609152,2019-12-09 23:10,,"36,878 — that’s how many Americans have died from gun violence so far this year. We cannot go on like this any longer. We must take action to end our gun violence epidemic.",1366,2118,194,10275 1204431075696623620,2019-12-10 16:02,,"It’s been just two months since John Deere laid off 160 workers in the Quad Cities in part because of President Trump’s reckless trade war—and now, a second round of layoffs is expected in the same community. Trump’s failed policies are destroying American jobs.",921,2706,146,9114 1204436863634640896,2019-12-10 16:25,,.@DrBiden and I join communities around the world in marking #HumanRightsDay. This day is a time of reflection and recommitment to the notion that all human beings are equal in dignity and rights.,126,806,17,1427 1204449681721450496,2019-12-10 17:15,,"Yesterday, on the eve of #HumanRightsDay, Trump again coddled a dictator—blocking a UN meeting on North Korean human rights, betraying our values. Trump continues to side with the brutal Kim Jong Un regime at the expense of American leadership, our allies, and our security.",211,464,21,1526 1204480903562448902,2019-12-10 19:20,,"We shouldn’t have to live in fear of President Trump’s erratic, impulsive decisions.",819,1130,91,5526 1204498520683601920,2019-12-10 20:30,,Couldn’t have said it better than Chief Acevedo: “You’re either here for women and children and our daughters and our sisters and our aunts or you’re here for the NRA.”,460,2189,85,9241 1204543818009399297,2019-12-10 23:30,,"With just two months until the Iowa Caucus, we embarked on an eight-day, 18 county #NoMalarkey barnstorm across the state. Folks are fired up to defeat Donald Trump and take back this country.",501,509,49,2258 1204558917436506113,2019-12-11 00:30,,My team and I are going to pick one lucky person to come out and join me for dinner (and ice cream) on the campaign trail! Time is running out to enter the contest — chip in today for your chance to win:,369,146,33,670 1204570242204090369,2019-12-11 01:15,,"President Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern American history. At every turn, he has used the power of the presidency to benefit his own personal interests. It has got to end. I'll ensure our government works for all Americans — not just the powerful.",7838,6277,1118,37595 1204585513912602626,2019-12-11 02:15,,We can't afford four more years of a president who denies the scientific evidence in front of his eyes. We must get Trump out of the White House and treat climate change like the existential threat it is.,874,1706,75,8364 1204797992907096065,2019-12-11 16:20,,Folks are coming together across the country to host watch parties for next week's Democratic debate! Head to to sign up to host one in your community.,250,152,14,638 1204830923579113472,2019-12-11 18:30,,".@GretaThunberg’s passion and courage have inspired millions and sparked a youth-led movement for change in every corner of the globe. This honor is well-deserved and serves as a reminder of the urgent, drastic action we must take to address the climate crisis.",527,1635,80,9748 1204835741554987008,2019-12-11 18:50,,"Immigration has always made us stronger—it’s essential to who we are. But Donald Trump has waged an assault on our values as a nation of immigrants. As president, I'll undo Trump’s damage and put our values back at the heart of our immigration system:",458,367,56,1548 1204887331716714496,2019-12-11 22:15,,Being a nation of immigrants has always been one of our greatest strengths. Our diversity makes us stronger. Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.,945,2382,208,10658 1204893413008650241,2019-12-11 22:39,,.@DrBiden and I are keeping those affected by this hate-filled attack in our hearts. We cannot be silent in the face of anti-Semitism. We are in a battle for the soul of this nation — and it's up to all of us to stand up to bigotry and to give hate no safe harbor.,152,389,15,1825 1204893670786453506,2019-12-11 22:40,,@DrBiden Our gun laws make these hate-filled attacks even more deadly. We must pass common-sense reforms to keep guns out of dangerous hands and work to end our gun violence epidemic.,108,143,16,577 1204916272330399744,2019-12-12 00:10,,You shouldn’t be forced to give up the health insurance and benefits that you fought for. Period.,1870,544,497,2850 1204925080381382658,2019-12-12 00:45,,"Trump has bullied our neighbors in Central America and abandoned U.S. leadership in the region. As president, I'll renew a robust commitment to U.S. leadership and pursue a comprehensive strategy of support for Central America:",335,337,21,1460 1204938921659916289,2019-12-12 01:40,,"We must take urgent action to end Donald Trump’s draconian immigration policies. In my first 100 days, we will: - End his inhumane asylum policies - End wasteful efforts to build a wall - Reverse “Muslim bans” - Reverse his “public charge” rule - Protect Dreamers & TPS holders",2145,2282,280,10776 1204954021015867392,2019-12-12 02:40,,We are so much better than who Donald Trump thinks we are — we cannot let him define us as a nation.,1321,3229,178,22128 1205144526345527296,2019-12-12 15:17,,The first and most important part of my climate change plan: beating Donald Trump.,737,1036,130,4537 1205162897577373696,2019-12-12 16:30,,I’ll rejoin the Paris Agreement on day one—and rally the world to push our progress further and faster. It’s time to put an end to Trump’s shameful abdication of leadership. The future of our country and the world our children and grandchildren inherit hangs in the balance.,1007,1874,130,9334 1205163547023556609,2019-12-12 16:32,,"Trump’s reckless decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement has put our ability to confront the climate crisis in jeopardy. It proves he doesn’t have any idea of what we’re up against, despite indisputable evidence. And it again confirms that he's incapable of real leadership.",217,450,24,2319 1205195562229927936,2019-12-12 18:39,,"Give it a rest, man.",1582,3650,307,28981 1205201622483243009,2019-12-12 19:03,,"What kind of president bullies a teenager? @realDonaldTrump, you could learn a few things from Greta on what it means to be a leader.",7514,16894,1505,110731 1205229586855821312,2019-12-12 20:55,,"The one truly sacred obligation our government has is to properly train and equip the men and women who defend our nation at war and to care for them and their families—while they’re deployed, and after they come home. We need a president who will honor that obligation.",370,933,49,4087 1205248712861085698,2019-12-12 22:11,,"We must restore our nation's commitment to humane and effective immigration policies. As president, I'll provide a fair and just system that helps to grow and enhance our economy, and secure our cherished values.",387,405,29,1609 1205272369024995328,2019-12-12 23:45,,President Trump continues to deny the scientific evidence in front of his own eyes — and we’re all paying the price. We must get him out of the White House and treat climate change like the existential threat it is.,1353,2631,222,10393 1205518218368040961,2019-12-13 16:01,,"I applaud the Senate's landmark legislation formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide. If we don't fully acknowledge the past, “never again” loses its meaning. The facts must be as clear and as powerful for future generations as for those whose memories are seared by tragedy.",177,417,26,2232 1205529563448664065,2019-12-13 16:47,,"There is no time to waste when it comes to addressing the climate emergency. On day one, I’ll take bold action to unleash the power of renewable energy and put us on course to become a 100% clean energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050.",415,541,35,2391 1205539587520638977,2019-12-13 17:26,,"Tom Joyner is like no other. @TJMShow and his presence in the community were legendary, and his work on HBCUs will make a difference for generations. Tom made millions smile and touched many lives — on and off-air. ""The Fly Jock"" is an undisputed legend.",49,272,17,1094 1205569268647112704,2019-12-13 19:24,,"The right to vote is the most sacred American right there is — and we can protect it by restoring the Voting Rights Act, stopping foreign interference in our elections, fighting back against gerrymandering and calling for automatic voter registration. #LetUsVoteFL",374,994,56,3591 1205571256575287296,2019-12-13 19:32,,I won't be crossing a picket line. We’ve got to stand together with @UniteHere11 for affordable health care and fair wages. A job is about more than just a paycheck. It's about dignity.,673,1228,187,6299 1205600027650994178,2019-12-13 21:27,,"There is enormous opportunity once we get Donald Trump out of the White House. My administration will tackle the climate emergency head-on and create 10 million jobs to power the clean energy economy of the future.",1208,1160,131,5170 1205702327979642881,2019-12-14 04:13,,Donald Trump doesn’t know who we are as a country. We’re a nation of immigrants — and our diversity has always been our biggest strength.,2457,3750,421,20604 1205880375349841926,2019-12-14 16:01,,"Seven years after Newtown, we have to ask ourselves: what kind of nation are we if we simply accept that kids learn active shooter drills with their ABCs? We can defeat the NRA. And we'll use every tool of our democracy to do it.",903,2116,102,8908 1205916362218061825,2019-12-14 18:24,,"As president, I’ll call for an unprecedented investment in our country’s infrastructure so the American middle class can compete and win in the global economy. Read my full plan here:",415,467,39,1856 1205943339276734464,2019-12-14 20:11,,Climate change is a global crisis that requires a global response. Sign this petition if you think the United States should rejoin the Paris Agreement:,566,464,48,2097 1205985720764121088,2019-12-14 22:59,,"Our teachers aren’t just educators — they’re coaches. They’re giving our children the confidence they need to grow, just like they did when I was a kid. If we want to invest in the future of America, it starts with supporting our teachers.",585,1533,141,7212 1206006707421351936,2019-12-15 00:23,,Donald Trump has presided over the most corrupt administration in modern American history.,12473,9351,2216,60898 1206255343115931648,2019-12-15 16:50,,"The leading Democrat opposed to impeachment is switching parties to protect Trump. The best way to beat him is to give him a well funded opponent — and a strong campaign at the top of the ticket. Pitch in to me and the Democrat who will face him:",1187,2798,265,10040 1206288313323180032,2019-12-15 19:02,,"The Trump Administration is recklessly loosening regulations on greenhouse gas emitters. As president, I’ll ensure these corporations are held accountable.",617,824,67,3373 1206310459613204482,2019-12-15 20:30,,"2019 was Alaska’s warmest year on record, and it’s affecting vulnerable indigenous communities. As president, I promise that I will take bold action against climate change and ensure we achieve a 100% clean energy economy.",535,754,52,3017 1206338536317865986,2019-12-15 22:21,,"Today is the last day of Obamacare's open enrollment for 2020 coverage! Head to to find an affordable, quality plan that works best for you. #GetCovered",285,584,25,1571 1206355757324587008,2019-12-15 23:30,,"We gotta beat Trump next year, and we’ll need a strong, strategic ground game run by top-notch organizers to make it happen — @TheDemocrats are already building it through @orgcorps2020. Send in your application ASAP: #OC2020",449,630,47,2071 1206378407866454016,2019-12-16 01:00,,"Health care is personal for me — like it is for so many Americans. That’s why I’ll never stop fighting to ensure everyone has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable health care.",686,1753,129,7582 1206409288320782336,2019-12-16 03:02,,"The administration should extend the deadline, plain and simple. This is personal to me. We can’t let Trump sabotage Obamacare — and prevent thousands of people from getting care. If you can't access and want to #GetCovered, call (800) 318-2596.",402,1491,51,3846 1206599865918050304,2019-12-16 15:40,,It is within our capacity to end the gun violence epidemic. We need a president who will take on the @NRA and beat them (again).,854,1499,126,7867 1206650449421422598,2019-12-16 19:01,,"These kids and their families suffered unimaginable horror and loss. This past weekend—7 years to the day of the Sandy Hook massacre—they won the state championship. They give me hope, and can teach us all a lesson about resilience in the face of tragedy.",121,646,22,3512 1206670833596407814,2019-12-16 20:22,,"As president, I’ll partner with American farmers to combat climate change and make U.S. agriculture the first in the world to achieve net-zero emissions — all while giving farmers a new source of income in the process.",405,461,61,2048 1206680900232044544,2019-12-16 21:02,,"I'm grateful to have the support of Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin. It's time we come together and remember who we are as Americans: we treat each other with dignity, we give hate no safe harbor, and we leave nobody behind.",223,510,47,2173 1206695419700482053,2019-12-16 21:59,,This same poll has you losing to me by 7 points.,4613,13753,1349,97617 1206727928358359040,2019-12-17 00:08,,"Good news: the open enrollment deadline has been extended until December 18th! Head to to choose a quality, affordable health insurance plan for 2020. #GetCovered",234,940,40,2589 1206742052978872321,2019-12-17 01:05,,We must take on the @NRA and get these weapons of war off our streets.,1328,2490,236,10462 1206765960285184000,2019-12-17 02:40,,"Amazon, Netflix, General Motors, Chevron, Starbucks, and 86 other corporations paid less in federal income taxes than you did last year. It's wrong — and it needs to end. It's time corporations pay their fair share.",1444,6684,389,24075 1206959737297948672,2019-12-17 15:30,,"If Donald Trump is re-elected, he will fundamentally alter the character of this nation forever. We can't let that happen.",1991,5908,666,21782 1206992453145964547,2019-12-17 17:40,,There is no time to waste when it comes to addressing the existential threat of climate change. We need a president who is ready on day one to rally the world to meet the urgency of this crisis.,386,523,38,2333 1207061658922672128,2019-12-17 22:15,,Let’s call this what it is: a right-wing effort to influence our elections and make it harder for folks to vote. We have to fight these partisan attacks on our democracy and ensure everyone can make their voice heard at the ballot box.,684,1370,83,4349 1207080533018193927,2019-12-17 23:30,,.@JohnKerry is a patriot who has dedicated his life to serving our country. I'm lucky to call him a friend and honored to have his endorsement.,721,901,73,5447 1207105195655585792,2019-12-18 01:08,,"Every day that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office, he proves how morally unfit he is to lead our country. We must make him a one-term president.",2926,6379,429,43054 1207334708398448640,2019-12-18 16:20,,We need a president our children can look up to.,1657,1778,291,11474 1207355595579256832,2019-12-18 17:43,,It's about time that federal workers get paid parental leave. Congratulations to @BrianSchatz and @CarolynBMaloney for pushing this bill over the finish line in Congress.,190,330,27,1902 1207355897191776257,2019-12-18 17:44,,@brianschatz @CarolynBMaloney It is long past time that every American has 12 weeks of paid leave to address their own health needs or care for any of their loved ones.,57,122,10,540 1207371953348079616,2019-12-18 18:48,,Glad to hear @UNITEHERE11 and Sodexo reached a tentative agreement that provides workers with the wages and benefits they deserve. I look forward to joining the debate tomorrow to discuss how I'll strengthen our unions and build an inclusive middle class.,135,157,13,806 1207408947054776320,2019-12-18 21:15,,We should be dedicating America’s brightest minds to solving the gun violence epidemic. This funding for research on the causes and prevention of gun violence is long overdue.,170,216,15,1116 1207425053312180224,2019-12-18 22:19,,"Hate didn’t begin with Donald Trump, and it won’t end with him. But this is a defining moment in our nation’s history. A moment where we are once again called to fight against the same forces of hate and intolerance that we've battled throughout history.",623,1667,82,7967 1207439146031206411,2019-12-18 23:15,,"We have to rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, we’re going to ensure that everyone comes along.",370,460,43,2136 1207458021539926017,2019-12-19 00:30,,Deberíamos dedicar las mentes más brillantes de Estados Unidos a resolver la epidemia de violencia armada. Estos fondos para la investigación sobre las causas y la prevención de la violencia armada debieron haberse otorgado hace mucho tiempo.,226,150,21,655 1207464563781832706,2019-12-19 00:56,,"With just 47 days until the Iowa Caucus, we need your help to talk with voters across the country about what's at stake in this election. You can make a difference from wherever you live by going to to get involved.",222,214,18,1011 1207479041256755201,2019-12-19 01:53,,"President Trump abused his power, violated his oath of office, and betrayed our nation. This is a solemn moment for our country. But in the United States of America, no one is above the law — not even the President.",3168,10510,709,64971 1207690082553139201,2019-12-19 15:52,,Donald Trump failed to repeal the ACA in Congress. Now he has turned to the courts to sabotage it — and is threatening protections for more than 100 million people with pre-existing conditions in the process. We need to protect Obamacare — and build on it.,718,2040,103,6769 1207718244582342656,2019-12-19 17:44,,"John Dingell was an American patriot and a selfless public servant — and Debbie Dingell has carried his legacy in the House with grace and dignity. This is equally as cruel as it is pathetic, and it is beyond unconscionable that our President would behave this way.",459,2878,106,14182 1207785176169877510,2019-12-19 22:10,,"Joe Burrow worked hard to reach the pinnacle of college football, but he never forgot the everyday struggle of the community he came from. Joe - your humility is inspiring. Thank you for reminding us to never forget those less fortunate than us.",229,1040,83,7718 1207808580474327041,2019-12-19 23:43,,The defining characteristic of the Trump Administration is the abuse of power.,775,975,83,6433 1207824644163670016,2019-12-20 00:46,,Our children's future and the success of America stands on the shoulders of public school educators. Educators deserve to have fair wages and the resources they need to be able to do their jobs.,68,147,7,584 1207825781965164550,2019-12-20 00:51,,"I’m about to step on stage for tonight’s #DemDebate in LA. Follow along here and on @TeamJoe for updates throughout the night, and tune in to @PBS and @CNN at 8 PM ET to watch live!",219,155,9,907 1207829446075539457,2019-12-20 01:05,,"The House carried out its constitutional duty in impeaching Donald Trump. Regardless of the outcome in the Senate, we must stay focused on doing everything we can to ensure he doesn’t get elected to a second term. Join us:",229,315,23,1514 1207833664530370560,2019-12-20 01:22,,"My north star as president will be rebuilding the backbone of this country: the middle class. And, I’m going to make sure that this time everyone comes along. #DemDebate",514,636,69,3983 1207837874726559747,2019-12-20 01:39,,"The science is clear: we need action now, and we can't do it alone. As president, I will take unprecedented action at home and abroad to tackle the climate crisis head on. #DemDebate",101,176,13,641 1207838763826716675,2019-12-20 01:42,,"The middle class is getting killed. 40% of farmers in the midwest couldn’t pay their bills last year. We have to make sure the middle class has a shot, and that’s why we must change this Presidency now. #DemDebate",155,475,24,1874 1207839405504974853,2019-12-20 01:45,,We need to restore integrity to the office of the Presidency. And it's time we got that underway. #DemDebate,154,272,16,1158 1207840984928849920,2019-12-20 01:51,,"If anyone has reason to be angry with the Republicans and not want to cooperate it's me, the way they've attacked me, my son, my family. I have no love. But the fact is we have to be able to get things done and when we can't convince them, we go out and beat them. #DemDebate",1417,1810,187,11309 1207842283455991809,2019-12-20 01:56,,"America's commitment to Israel’s security must be unwavering. The Obama-Biden administration provided unprecedented levels of assistance, including for Iron Dome. But true peace and security for Israelis & Palestinians requires a two-state solution. Trump has set us back.",181,266,26,1126 1207843729454829573,2019-12-20 02:02,,"The United States and our partners make up more than half of global GDP. If we stand together, China won’t be able to withstand the pressure. We should be mobilizing our allies to meet this challenge, not driving them away. #DemDebate",121,285,15,1217 1207846568767954944,2019-12-20 02:13,,"I refuse to accept the notion that we can never get to a place where we have cooperation again. If that’s the case, we’re dead as a country. When we can’t convince them, we have to go out and beat them. #DemDebate",177,397,32,1725 1207859230675537920,2019-12-20 03:04,,I have long been a skeptic on Afghanistan. We must learn the lessons of the past 18 years. It is long past time to end America’s longest war and focus on what is achievable: a narrow counterterrorism mission. #DemDebate,336,418,55,2208 1207862146534649856,2019-12-20 03:15,,"Let’s be clear — Medicare for All not only ends private health coverage, it eliminates millions of jobs, and increases taxes on the middle class. #DemDebate",381,276,60,951 1207865574795161600,2019-12-20 03:29,,The climate emergency presents an enormous opportunity for our nation to take action. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and tackle this crisis. #DemDebate,177,249,11,1168 1207867825349640193,2019-12-20 03:38,,"The ability to make change will come down to three things: - Who can beat Trump? - Who can help flip the Senate? - Who can turn big ideas into change? I am the best candidate on stage to do all three. #DemDebate",1965,2102,268,12897 1207870357631381505,2019-12-20 03:48,,"I just stepped off tonight's #DemDebate stage, where I discussed my bold vision for our future and how I'll deliver real change for American families. It was a great night, but now I need your help – chip in $5 to keep our momentum going:",383,356,27,2005 1207885405850361856,2019-12-20 04:48,,If you believe we need to bring empathy back to the White House chip in $5:,417,726,113,4045 1207887014353350658,2019-12-20 04:54,,We've got to level with the American people. Don't play games with them. Tell them the truth and be authentic.,317,507,43,2561 1207888690997014528,2019-12-20 05:01,,"China commits enormous human rights abuses, and denies its citizens access to basic information — all while Trump looks the other way. If I am president, human rights won't be blacked out of the conversation.",509,1197,75,5134 1207889817461243904,2019-12-20 05:05,,"We had a great night at tonight’s #DemDebate, and I really appreciate your support. Let’s keep this momentum going — if you can, chip in $5 to help fuel our campaign now:",3807,1203,261,6763 1208081407215652870,2019-12-20 17:47,,"I’m more optimistic about our future today than I was when I got elected to the Senate as a 29-year-old. If we come together and act as one America, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish.",1459,1997,251,15411 1208101266280386560,2019-12-20 19:06,,It has now been nearly 300 days. It’s time for @senatemajldr McConnell to do his job and bring this bill up for a vote. Lives depend on it.,461,3576,106,13839 1208152309550714882,2019-12-20 22:28,,"When Champ and Major go to the vet, I want them to get the best care, and for their caretakers to be paid a fair wage. @marspetcareUS are standing in the way of unionization efforts at @VCAPetHealth and @bluepearlvet. Vet techs deserve a voice in the workplace.",204,333,41,1769 1208422096474390528,2019-12-21 16:20,,"I don’t care whether you’re an undocumented immigrant, an asylum seeker, or born in the US. Forcing people to choose between being reunited with their kids and risking arrest sets a new standard for cruelty. This idea is Stephen Miller’s. The responsibility is Trump's.",1345,7498,288,26992 1208463620377661442,2019-12-21 19:05,,"We have to rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, we have to ensure everyone comes along.",675,1008,88,4892 1208477824258072576,2019-12-21 20:02,,"TJ: Stay strong Me, Jill, and the whole Biden family are with you. Not just in spirit — for anything. You have the right attitude. You are going to beat this and when you do, we are going to be there to celebrate. Love you, and we're here with you.",194,1385,49,10741 1208549507773947904,2019-12-22 00:47,,"If anyone has reason to be angry with Republicans, it’s me. I have no love for them after the way they’ve attacked me and my family. But we have to unite this country and get things done.",1999,3081,289,17528 1208566206044803077,2019-12-22 01:53,,"Michael Cohen Michael Flynn Rick Gates Paul Manafort George Papadopoulos Roger Stone Donald Trump has surrounded himself with people who flout our laws — we shouldn’t be surprised that he thinks he is above the law. We deserve better as a country.",8814,9058,1230,35737 1208828299629277190,2019-12-22 19:15,,I’ve dedicated my life to public service. We need a president who honors that duty.,1145,1588,140,9420 1208878734691975168,2019-12-22 22:35,,"If Donald Trump ever makes you feel like this, chip in $5 to help us get him out of the White House:",790,473,78,2659 1208902263508553729,2019-12-23 00:08,,America's farmers are being undermined by Trump's broken promises. No one knows that better than Iowa. We need a president who will keep his word.,317,1203,43,4755 1208937771336753153,2019-12-23 02:30,,.@DrBiden and I send our warm wishes to everyone celebrating Hanukkah in the United States and around the world. Chag Sameach!,118,414,5,4172 1208941777513844738,2019-12-23 02:45,,We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. We can’t sit by while hate crimes surge — fueled by a president who fans the flames of white nationalism. It’s up to all of us to reject intolerance in all its forms and give hate no safe harbor.,1607,5524,266,24709 1209149164090744833,2019-12-23 16:30,,"After the most corrupt administration in modern American history, the next president faces a big task: restoring faith in American government. We must root out corruption and ensure our government works for the people — not the powerful.",1061,999,110,4006 1209181879460450304,2019-12-23 18:40,,Donald Trump should release his taxes or shut up about corruption.,5725,15212,1474,57807 1209218293841743872,2019-12-23 21:04,,We can’t let the scourge of gun violence tear our communities apart any longer. We need to take on the @NRA and pass common-sense reforms to end our gun violence epidemic.,542,648,45,2678 1209248569565368321,2019-12-23 23:05,,"Our firefighters work tirelessly to make our communities safer, better places to live. We need a president who supports them and rewards work, not wealth.",355,995,41,5390 1209263668736745473,2019-12-24 00:05,,It’s simple: companies should have to compete for workers just like they compete for customers. We should get rid of non-compete clauses and no-poaching agreements that do nothing but suppress wages.,328,468,35,1959 1209283729610424321,2019-12-24 01:24,,"There is no denying the existential threat of climate change — and time is running out to address it. If we give Donald Trump another four years in the White House, our planet may never recover.",1631,2512,212,9263 1209594095573884928,2019-12-24 21:58,,Hope you all are having as much fun this holiday as I did answering these questions:,662,1378,138,7922 1209873051946491906,2019-12-25 16:26,,"May your time with loved ones be full of peace, laughter, and joy. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. With love, from my family to yours.",6199,3074,1106,37735 1209911690235531264,2019-12-25 19:00,,"When we say Merry Christmas from the entire Biden family, that means even the dogs.",2021,4658,586,42529 1210261112672997378,2019-12-26 18:08,,"Donald Trump is cutting food assistance for 700,000 people, but somehow found $1.4 billion for his sham of a border wall. This administration is morally bankrupt.",3562,12467,658,47248 1210320381502009351,2019-12-26 22:04,,"Jill and I would like to send our best wishes to everyone celebrating Kwanzaa. Today is the start to a seven-day reflection on the rich heritage of African-American culture, remembering the seven principles.",595,1435,67,11066 1210631934445010944,2019-12-27 18:42,,"Next year the American people will decide who we are as a nation and, perhaps even more importantly, who we want to be. We are so much better than who President Donald Trump thinks we are.",1437,2651,191,13294 1210667921615265798,2019-12-27 21:05,,This is a big victory in the fight for voting rights. We should be making voting easier — not harder — and ensure every American can make their voice heard at the ballot box.,596,1989,84,7721 1210685537499123712,2019-12-27 22:15,,"Donald Trump is a threat to the future of our planet. Over the last year, he has rolled back regulations on: - Methane leaks - Auto pollution - Clean water protections - Endangered species protections We have to get him out of the White House.",1562,7728,377,26250 1210698120566194176,2019-12-27 23:05,,"Our end-of-year fundraising deadline is quickly approaching — and we need your help to reach our goal in order to make the investments in Iowa necessary to win. With just 38 days until the caucus, we need every dollar we can get. Chip in today:",617,365,40,1142 1210946785847468033,2019-12-28 15:33,,"I want to clarify something I said yesterday. In my 40 years in public life, I have always complied with a lawful order and in my eight years as VP, my office — unlike Donald Trump and Mike Pence — cooperated with legitimate congressional oversight requests.",5876,8682,1296,49922 1210946790104666113,2019-12-28 15:33,,"But I am just not going to pretend that there is any legal basis for Republican subpoenas for my testimony in the impeachment trial. That is the point I was making yesterday and I reiterate: this impeachment is about Trump’s conduct, not mine.",2044,4079,500,26935 1210946792369610752,2019-12-28 15:33,,The subpoenas should go to witnesses with testimony to offer to Trump’s shaking down the Ukraine government — they should go to the White House.,3728,3548,439,24771 1210961103955447808,2019-12-28 16:30,,"Our democracy is in trouble. We’re at the breaking point. And we need a president who will rise above the personal attacks and reach out to unite this nation. If we come together and act as one America, there's nothing we can’t accomplish.",3685,3538,498,18699 1211305062280118274,2019-12-29 15:16,,"The horrifying rise of antisemitism is tearing apart the fabric of our communities and the soul of this nation. We've got to stand together as a country and fight these flames of hatred. My deepest sympathies are with the victims, their families, and the Jewish community.",621,3126,123,15357 1211332550775304193,2019-12-29 17:06,,"Donald Trump will stop at nothing to sabotage Obamacare and roll back the progress we've made. We have to protect the ACA and build on it to ensure every American has access to quality, affordable care.",1866,3437,301,13789 1211403770027839489,2019-12-29 21:49,,"No one in America should work full time and live below the poverty line. It’s past time we raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and provide a reliable pathway to the middle class.",1289,2338,166,10340 1211466200909336576,2019-12-30 01:57,,"Congressman Lewis has always fought in the name of building a more just, more fair country. If there's anybody who can take the fight to cancer, it's you, John. Jill and I are sending our prayers to you and your family. Keep the faith, and keep up the fight.",252,2173,35,14064 1211698965441372160,2019-12-30 17:22,,Scripture is clear: It’s not enough to just wish the world were better. It’s our duty to make it so—including by leading the world in addressing the climate crisis and providing a roadmap to citizenship for those contributing to our communities.,1046,1768,137,8321 1211734952263352320,2019-12-30 19:45,,"My dad had a saying: “Joey, the greatest sin of all is the abuse of power.” Right now, our democracy is at risk. We’ve got to come together and fight back against Donald Trump — Democrats, Republicans, Independents alike.",2033,2314,300,10614 1211772701095944195,2019-12-30 22:15,,"Health care should be more than just a luxury reserved for those who can afford it. It’s a right we all deserve – one that is central to our dignity, and to who we want to be as a country.",453,697,50,3029 1211791575270866945,2019-12-30 23:30,,"Tomorrow marks our end-of-year fundraising deadline and we need your help to reach our goal. Our campaign relies on supporters like you giving $5, $10, $20 at a time. Chip in to help us end the year on a strong note:",728,410,52,1328 1211808506522849280,2019-12-31 00:37,,"We all said that Donald Trump’s trade war would lead to job losses and higher prices. And now, it’s leading to job losses and higher prices. I didn't read “Art of the Deal,” but this is the textbook definition of a failed negotiation.",1803,5917,292,21940 1212059591569297408,2019-12-31 17:15,,It will take years to repair the damage Betsy DeVos is doing to our schools. Our students and educators deserve a Secretary of Education who values our public schools — and is actually an educator.,1133,6206,324,24539 1212112439623458826,2019-12-31 20:45,,"Next year could give us one of two things: a new administration or four more years of Donald Trump. We can defeat him, but only with your help. Chip in what you can before our midnight deadline:",619,453,57,1733 1212131972295929856,2019-12-31 22:02,,2019 was a year of record violence — it will be a moral failure if we allow 2020 to be the same. We have to elect leaders with the courage to take on the @NRA and pass common-sense gun safety reform. We have to end this epidemic.,544,957,52,3480 1212153964206198789,2019-12-31 23:30,,"As we move into the New Year, there's one thing I know: in 2020 we're going to beat Donald Trump and take back this country.",10267,7743,1785,65865 1212180387260010496,2020-01-01 01:15,,"Our final fundraising deadline of 2019 is just hours away and we need your help. Every donation — big or small — goes a long way to helping us make Donald Trump a one-term president. Chip in before midnight to help us reach our goal:",411,269,32,948 1212442112219844609,2020-01-01 18:35,,"Every single human being deserves to be treated with dignity. Everyone. The poor and the powerless, the marginalized and vulnerable, the “least of these.” That has been the animating principle of my life and my faith.",1136,2423,182,11574 1212524152608833536,2020-01-02 00:01,,"With just over one month until the Iowa Caucus, we need all hands on deck to talk with folks about what's at stake in this election. Join our team today and let's get to work:",332,368,29,1457 1212540258681851905,2020-01-02 01:05,,This election is about the soul of our nation — and Donald Trump is poison to our soul.,5199,10192,1153,44886 1212556035283705858,2020-01-02 02:07,,Every day that Donald Trump remains in the White House puts the future of our planet at risk. We have to beat him this November and take immediate action to address the climate emergency.,1070,2005,128,9581 1212768009430937601,2020-01-02 16:10,,"It was a privilege to work with @JulianCastro during the Obama Administration, and a true honor to be in this talented field of candidates with him. He led his historic campaign with grace and heart and used his platform to lift the voices of others. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.",439,2284,90,17156 1212794433617436672,2020-01-02 17:55,,"Like Vicky said, we need a president who will restore integrity to the White House.",780,1297,105,6657 1212811057313583106,2020-01-02 19:01,,I'm excited to share that we raised $22.7 million this last quarter — our biggest quarter so far this campaign! Thank you to everyone who chipped in what you could — your support means the world to me. You truly are the heart of our campaign.,1499,2351,326,14346 1212871441093255168,2020-01-02 23:01,,"If you're a teacher or a firefighter, you're probably paying more in taxes than Amazon or Netflix. We've got to make sure corporations pay their fair share.",972,2961,204,18167 1212898749305020416,2020-01-03 00:49,,"Before the holidays, Jill walked across the Gateway International Bridge into Matamoros, Mexico, where families are enduring inhumane conditions. Jill witnessed the cruelty of Trump's policies and the resiliency of those risking their lives to seek asylum.",831,1115,93,3134 1212908938590670848,2020-01-03 01:30,,"We're just one full day into 2020 and there have already been at least three mass shootings across the country. Enough is enough. We have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to end this gun violence epidemic.",827,1933,116,9692 1212922129886388224,2020-01-03 02:22,,Donald Trump stacked the Supreme Court with justices to try to overturn Roe v. Wade—and now Republicans are seizing the opportunity to restrict a woman's constitutional right to choose. We have to fight these attacks and ensure this choice remains between a woman and her doctor.,669,2372,136,7261 1212954848666234880,2020-01-03 04:32,,My statement on the killing of Qassem Soleimani.,5667,6751,1638,24424 1213131655474376705,2020-01-03 16:15,,"Our world has been set on edge by an erratic, unstable, and dangerously incompetent commander in chief. The stakes could not be higher. Every day that Donald Trump directs American national security is a dangerous day for the United States and the world.",4611,10453,972,37963 1213217722508570624,2020-01-03 21:57,,We need a leader who will be ready on day one to pick up the pieces of Donald Trump's broken foreign policy and repair the damage he has caused around the world.,1742,3584,290,15405 1213265034601611264,2020-01-04 01:05,,"The prospect of direct conflict with Iran is greater than ever. Does Donald Trump have a strategy for what comes next? Nothing we have seen from this Administration suggests that they are prepared to deal with the risks we now confront.",2122,3977,377,14234 1213515434420391937,2020-01-04 17:40,,"On the trail, I hear countless stories from folks whose lives have been changed by Obamacare. We can't afford to start over—we need a president who will protect and build on it to ensure everyone has access to quality, affordable care.",742,2638,174,10866 1213555699671851015,2020-01-04 20:20,,"We can overcome four years of Donald Trump, but if we give him eight years in the White House he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We can't let that happen.",2082,5631,406,25642 1213573089910493184,2020-01-04 21:29,,"This simply shouldn’t happen in America. Folks deserve access to affordable, quality long-term care in their homes. We have to fight for Alex and those who use long-term care.",236,450,30,1824 1213606448699232257,2020-01-04 23:41,,"The world is burning, yet Donald Trump continues to deny the evidence of climate change before all of our eyes. We have to get him out of the White House and take urgent global action to combat the climate crisis before it’s too late.",3449,5304,464,23357 1213663155743842304,2020-01-05 03:26,,"The more the walls close in on this guy, the more irrational he becomes.",2463,8296,412,44141 1213908021304332288,2020-01-05 19:40,,"Hey @realDonaldTrump, do you think the American people want another war in the Middle East? Des Moines certainly doesn’t.",1308,3235,178,14803 1213955345372065792,2020-01-05 22:48,,"This is a crisis of Donald Trump’s own making. He claimed pulling out of the Iran deal would deter Iranian aggression and result in a better deal. He has failed on both counts. He is the most erratic and incompetent commander in chief we’ve ever had.",2229,12729,541,50500 1213981505443287040,2020-01-06 00:32,,"Our Statue of Liberty invites in the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But Donald Trump has slammed the door in the face of families fleeing persecution and violence. Jill traveled to Matamoros to shed light on how these policies hurt asylum seekers.",789,1234,107,4339 1213987660802465793,2020-01-06 00:56,,I stand in solidarity with those marching in New York against the rise of anti-Semitism. This is what the battle for the soul of our nation looks like — and it's up to all of us to reject intolerance in all its forms and give hate no safe harbor.,298,1611,38,8477 1214267892482469888,2020-01-06 19:30,,Let's be clear: Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval. A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people.,3447,8448,600,44760 1214298343435915264,2020-01-06 21:31,,"On Día de los Reyes, as Christmas comes to a close, we are reminded of the call of the three kings: to give of ourselves without expectation, seek peace no matter how long the journey, and know that a bright future is within reach. Jill and I wish a Happy Three Kings’ Day to all!",203,567,32,3478 1214340404289703936,2020-01-07 00:18,,"Trump wants to ignore climate science when making infrastructure decisions. In the Biden Administration, every dollar spent toward rebuilding our roads, bridges, buildings, the electric grid, and our water infrastructure will be used to reduce and withstand a changing climate.",597,1225,48,5046 1214607032113913857,2020-01-07 17:57,,"At 1:00 PM, I'll be speaking about the escalating situation with Iran and the imperative need to restore respected, responsible, and dignified leadership on the world stage. Tune in to watch live:",732,935,86,3823 1214627763832807424,2020-01-07 19:20,,"Donald Trump is the most reckless & incompetent commander in chief we've ever had. Every day he directs American national security is a dangerous day for the world. We have to get him out of the White House. Chip in to help make him a one-term president:",807,834,74,3886 1214641417160724484,2020-01-07 20:14,,"Nicolás Maduro is a dictator. I strongly condemn his regime’s violent takeover of the Venezuelan National Assembly, the country’s sole remaining democratic institution.",253,1289,78,3151 1214646310256726016,2020-01-07 20:33,,"I stand with the people of Puerto Rico, our fellow citizens, in this moment of need. It’s unconscionable that so much of the hard work of disaster recovery continues to be left undone. We've got to deliver concrete support for Puerto Rico now before more lives are lost.",226,1025,61,3857 1214669387417952258,2020-01-07 22:05,,"Estoy con el pueblo de Puerto Rico, nuestros conciudadanos, en este momento de necesidad. Es inconcebible que gran parte del arduo trabajo de la recuperación ante desastres aún no se haya hecho. Tenemos que ofrecer apoyo concreto a Puerto Rico antes de que se pierdan más vidas.",256,588,50,2172 1214675579498192898,2020-01-07 22:30,,"Donald Trump says he wants to end endless wars in the Middle East, yet he is bringing us dangerously close to starting a new one.",1205,1398,197,5326 1214722638733406209,2020-01-08 01:37,,"I’m going to hold off on commenting on the news tonight until we know more, but there is one thing I will say: Jill and I are keeping our troops and Americans overseas in our prayers. We hope you’ll keep them in yours.",5709,10418,1737,92005 1214980085339623425,2020-01-08 18:40,,"We have to rebuild the middle class. But this time, we have to make sure that people historically left out of the middle class — whether due to race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religion — have the chance to be included in our success.",508,685,74,2855 1215009026125303811,2020-01-08 20:35,,"Pope Francis is absolutely right. As a nation, we have a moral obligation to ensure everyone has access to the care they need. Health care is a right for all — not a privilege for the few.",2090,2781,478,13922 1215054324553764864,2020-01-08 23:35,,"3,820 days — that's how long it's been since the federal minimum wage was last raised. It’s unacceptable. Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour nationwide should be just our starting point for ensuring workers receive the pay they deserve.",611,835,73,2870 1215069324538499072,2020-01-09 00:34,,Gabby is one of the strongest people I know. The resilience she has shown is remarkable. I'm inspired by her courage in turning tragedy into purpose and grateful for her relentless determination to make our country a safer place for all.,82,720,17,4094 1215082272682119170,2020-01-09 01:26,,"I'm thankful no one was hurt in last night's attack. But we're only in this mess because Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Deal (which even his advisors said was working), turned his back on our allies, and had no strategy for what comes next.",1492,4776,224,27199 1215082273822953472,2020-01-09 01:26,,"Instead of using his statement today to lay out a coherent strategy on Iran, Donald Trump used it to mislead the country on the Obama-Biden record. He's been President for three years. It's time he stops blaming President Obama for his failures.",675,2064,113,11053 1215298432958529537,2020-01-09 15:45,,"We are so much better than who Donald Trump thinks we are. We don’t have to give in to his dark, petty, angry vision of America. We can choose to be the more perfect union we have always aspired to be — and restore the soul of this nation.",1427,3882,220,18878 1215358611024678913,2020-01-09 19:44,,Facebook continues to put their profits over the truth — allowing politicians like Donald Trump to spend an unthinkable amount of money on paid disinformation. Our democracy is worse off for their failure to confront this.,658,2267,134,7056 1215393056603561984,2020-01-09 22:01,,This election is about the soul of America — and a nation that allows our epidemic of school shootings to continue has a troubled soul. We have to beat the @NRA and get weapons of war off our streets. Lives depend on it.,499,909,79,2856 1215457388825923584,2020-01-10 02:16,,"I started the Cancer Moonshot so we could be the generation that finally cures cancer. You then tried to slash nearly $1 billion for cancer funding. We're lucky that the cancer rate is down, but we're luckier that Congress stopped you.",1011,9367,368,38663 1215653271961919489,2020-01-10 15:15,,"Donald Trump brought us dangerously close to starting a new war with Iran without any semblance of a plan. This moment requires a leader who will be ready on day one to pick up the pieces and repair the damage Trump has caused.",1107,2437,185,9443 1215703603098288129,2020-01-10 18:35,,"I've released 21 years of my tax returns. Why haven't you released any of yours, Mr. President? Release your taxes or hush up about corruption.",1784,7786,532,33806 1215740345113141248,2020-01-10 21:01,,"Make no mistake: the situation with Iran is a crisis of Donald Trump's own making. He brought us to the brink of war with no plan and no strategy. He is the most erratic and incompetent commander in chief we've ever had.",2222,6325,426,24095 1215786650137055234,2020-01-11 00:05,,"Being a nation of immigrants is and has always been one of our greatest strengths. Our diversity has always made us stronger, but Donald Trump doesn’t get that.",663,1371,83,6236 1215808474501844992,2020-01-11 01:31,,"Firefighters represent the best of America — courageous, selfless, and always answering the call to duty. I'm grateful to those who are heading to help our friends in Australia battle devastating wildfires.",272,1735,62,9961 1216053407779360768,2020-01-11 17:45,,Members of Teamsters Local 104 are striking against ASARCO for their unfair labor practices—I called into the picket line to support them. Every company should provide its workers with the pay and benefits they've earned—especially one that pulls in over $1 billion in profits.,261,582,60,1950 1216056642313359361,2020-01-11 17:57,,Congratulations to President Tsai and the people of Taiwan for another successful election. You are stronger because of your free and open society. The United States should continue strengthening our ties with Taiwan and other like-minded democracies.,275,1651,82,8445 1216081341965590529,2020-01-11 19:36,,What kind of nation are we if we simply accept that kids learn active shooter drills with their ABCs? We have to take on the @NRA and pass common-sense gun safety reforms to protect our children.,891,2540,166,9943 1216109024040476672,2020-01-11 21:26,,I've seen firsthand how hard our educators work for little pay and with few resources. They deserve better. It's time we support our educators by giving them the pay and dignity they deserve.,535,944,71,3817 1216160510183428096,2020-01-12 00:50,,"I want to congratulate my friend Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller on making history. I've known Tom for years, he has never been afraid to take on the tough fights and has always served with honor and integrity—Iowa and our nation are better because of it.",172,343,10,1906 1216422087138693120,2020-01-12 18:10,,"Thank you for your endorsement, Mayor @EricGarcetti. I’m proud to walk with firefighters, Angelenos, and Americans. And today, I’m proud to walk with you. Let’s do this.",232,750,33,3445 1216424855257534464,2020-01-12 18:21,,"Gracias por su apoyo, Mayor @EricGarcetti. Estoy orgulloso de caminar junto a los bomberos, los Angelenos, y los Americanos. Y hoy, me siento orgulloso de caminar junto a ti. Vamos.",214,211,23,926 1216464610318061577,2020-01-12 20:58,,"Trump’s reckless policies have needlessly endangered our interests in the Middle East. But none of us should be under any illusions about the Iranian regime, and the Iranian people — like all people everywhere — have the right to peaceful protest. The world should support them.",1424,2552,240,12940 1216495106037035011,2020-01-12 23:00,,"There’s enormous opportunity once we get rid of Donald Trump. We can: - Address the climate emergency - Build a more inclusive middle class - Build on Obamacare - Ensure our government works for everyone — not just the powerful",3335,7624,567,43524 1216546909579567104,2020-01-13 02:26,,Puerto Rico should not be treated any differently than if this happened anywhere else in America — it's wrong. We should be surging all the help that is needed to fix the damage done by the earthquakes.,392,2683,91,10299 1216758302421352451,2020-01-13 16:26,,"Cory, you campaigned with joy and heart, and instead of just talking about bringing people together, you did it every day. You made our politics better just by running. Grateful to you and looking forward to your continued leadership.",783,4238,230,38098 1216788361198866434,2020-01-13 18:25,,"Come on. Your administration has been arguing in court to repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions. You're trying to take health care away from millions of people. The least you could do is be honest about it.",1281,8357,391,29696 1216818448900263938,2020-01-13 20:25,,"Donald Trump has no strategy when it comes to Iran. No endgame. The only way out of his self-made crisis is through diplomacy — clear-eyed, hard-nosed diplomacy grounded in strategy, that's not about one-off decisions or one-upmanship.",936,1571,129,6097 1216842742145462275,2020-01-13 22:01,,"Transit workers are being attacked every day, often while buses are moving, putting bus drivers and riders in harm's way. That's why I strongly support the Transit Worker and Pedestrian Protection Act to protect our workers from harm while doing their job.",132,309,9,1277 1216873556241416193,2020-01-14 00:03,,"When we said to give us your tired, poor, and huddled masses, we absolutely did not mean ""unless they are fleeing violence.""",457,1271,57,5362 1216888913199013889,2020-01-14 01:05,,"The stakes of this election could not be higher. Eight years of Donald Trump will fundamentally alter the character of our nation. We can't let that happen. We have to do everything in our power to make him a one-term president.",1263,2971,230,14779 1216906004308414465,2020-01-14 02:12,,"From day one, Donald Trump has been determined to roll back every environmental protection he could get his hands on. At a time when the climate crisis is pushing our planet to the brink, we should strengthen protections — not weaken them.",739,2606,136,8056 1216920521369096192,2020-01-14 03:10,,"I'm married to a teacher, I see firsthand how difficult it is. We've got to let educators do their job so our students can succeed - that means paying them the salaries they deserve and giving them the respect that they've earned.",403,1918,60,9386 1217091659076337664,2020-01-14 14:30,,"Why are you so obsessed with me, Mr. President?",3832,9081,1150,44544 1217145604691771392,2020-01-14 18:05,,"We’re in a battle for the soul of our nation — and Donald Trump is poison to our soul. He has: - Fanned the flames of hatred and bigotry - Embraced dictators - Ripped children from their parents' arms - Degraded our national character We have to get him out of the White House.",2654,7776,453,35409 1217198381812080643,2020-01-14 21:34,,"Donald Trump has once again sided with corporations over American workers by making it easier for them to get away with wage theft and overtime violations. It's time we put workers' rights over corporate greed and ensure everyone has the workplace protections they deserve.",349,1579,43,4426 1217250530164183040,2020-01-15 01:01,,So much of what’s tearing this country apart can be fixed if we treat each other with basic dignity and respect once again. That starts with having a president who leads by example.,392,1367,74,6665 1217261367234711552,2020-01-15 01:45,,"I’m about to step on stage for tonight’s #DemDebate in Iowa. Make sure to follow along here and on @TeamJoe for updates throughout the night, and tune in to @CNN at 9 PM ET to watch live!",354,275,37,1551 1217267798025568256,2020-01-15 02:10,,In 2009 President Obama asked me to oversee our effort to bring home our combat troops. I’ll put my record and my judgment up against anyone in terms of who is the right person to be Commander in Chief. #DemDebate,197,313,28,1291 1217268959508078592,2020-01-15 02:15,,"When Trump discarded the Iran nuclear deal he promised it would produce a “better” one and curb Iranian aggression—the reverse happened. Iran has restarted its nuclear program and become more provocative. I’ll return to smart, disciplined diplomacy to address the threats we face.",92,284,14,1040 1217269640893734912,2020-01-15 02:17,,No one should shed a tear for Qassem Soleimani. But Trump’s reckless escalation and thoughtless withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal has made America less safe. We need a return to diplomacy and a steady hand at the wheel to navigate an increasingly dangerous world. #DemDebate,217,594,31,2505 1217270360443424768,2020-01-15 02:20,,There’s a big difference between sending tens of thousands of American combat troops to the Middle East indefinitely – which I oppose and will end – and using small teams of special forces to support local forces doing the fighting to advance our common security. #DemDebate,119,252,25,922 1217270827873460226,2020-01-15 02:22,,No president can take our country to war without the informed consent of the American people. #DemDebate,233,407,28,2164 1217273974427652097,2020-01-15 02:35,,"I wouldn’t meet with Kim Jong Un without pre-conditions. By meeting with him, Donald Trump gave Kim Jong Un what he was looking for: legitimacy. I will work closely with our allies and hold China accountable for its lack of pressure on the Kim regime’s bad behavior. #DemDebate",333,420,47,2106 1217275855401103360,2020-01-15 02:42,,"If we don’t write the global rules of the road for trade, cyber, climate change, and so much more, they may be written by China or other nations that don’t share our values. #DemDebate",96,255,17,996 1217280340114448384,2020-01-15 03:00,,"I’ve been very clear about what my health care plan would do: Build on Obamacare by giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system easier to navigate. #DemDebate",207,388,32,1659 1217281361247178752,2020-01-15 03:04,,Medicare should be able to negotiate prices with drug companies. #DemDebate,92,232,18,1055 1217284316973207553,2020-01-15 03:16,,"Under the Biden administration, labor and environmental groups will be at the table to negotiate trade agreements. Period.",77,260,17,988 1217286036092604417,2020-01-15 03:23,,"Make no mistake, the situation with Iran is a crisis of Donald Trump’s own making. He claimed walking away from the Iran deal would deter Iranian aggression and result in a better deal. He failed on both accounts.",221,455,20,1660 1217288891625025537,2020-01-15 03:34,,Child care is personal to me: I was a single parent as a young senator. I commuted home to Delaware every night to tuck my kids into bed. Child care should be affordable for every parent. #DemDebate,234,567,34,3118 1217289913969840130,2020-01-15 03:38,,"Republicans have savaged my only surviving son. They’ve spread lies about me that networks won’t even carry. It doesn’t matter if they go after me. As President of the United States, I have to be able to not only fight — I have to heal. And that’s what I’ll do if I’m elected.",7181,6322,1192,39378 1217296167870115841,2020-01-15 04:03,,"Look, I’ve been the object of Donald Trump’s affection now more than anyone else on this stage. I’ve taken all the hits he’s delivered, and I’m only getting stronger in the polls. #DemDebate",512,1439,73,8396 1217298932151263232,2020-01-15 04:14,,"With just 20 days until the Iowa Caucus, we need your help to fuel our campaign. Every donation—big or small—goes a long way in this homestretch. If you liked what you heard at tonight's #DemDebate, please chip in what you can to keep our momentum going:",125,197,9,573 1217299473128443904,2020-01-15 04:16,,"This is the United States of America. There’s not a single thing beyond our capacity, if we do it together. Let’s go do it. #DemDebate",499,696,90,3936 1217321765174759424,2020-01-15 05:45,,"I just got off the debate stage in Iowa, where we're in the homestretch before the caucus. With just 19 days left, every dollar counts. Chip in if you're ready to take back this country and make Donald Trump a one-term president:",581,485,51,2114 1217493376267886594,2020-01-15 17:06,,"Historically Black Colleges and Universities have always been the heartbeat of our country’s fight for justice. That’s why I’ll invest $70 billion in HBCUs and Minority-Serving Institutions. When HBCUs rise, we all rise—join HBCU Students for Biden today:",296,780,152,2501 1217516800369405952,2020-01-15 18:40,,"Cornell is right — everything is at stake this November. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and unite this country. Because if we come together and act as one America, there is nothing that we can't accomplish.",351,766,44,2904 1217546999433744386,2020-01-15 20:40,,"I'm ready to debate Donald Trump on the economy. The American people are getting clobbered, and the wealthy are the only ones doing well. We have to rebuild the middle class, and this time, make sure everyone comes along.",860,975,119,4054 1217570907176046592,2020-01-15 22:15,,"I’m proud that today, our campaign is launching HBCU Students for Biden. This program will be dedicated to helping HBCU students throughout the country learn how to organize for our campaign. Sign up here:",106,185,13,632 1217583673282789377,2020-01-15 23:05,,"This seems like a great reason to rejoin the Paris Agreement, @realDonaldTrump.",343,1595,37,8544 1217604963825848320,2020-01-16 00:30,,"My thoughts and prayers are with Mustafa Kassem's family at this difficult time. His death, after six years in an Egyptian jail, is an outrage. Americans unjustly detained anywhere in the world deserve our government’s full support and relentless efforts to secure their release.",172,574,24,2141 1217613689068642305,2020-01-16 01:05,,"I'm more optimistic about our future today than I was when I got elected to the Senate as a 29-year-old. If we come together and unite this country, there's not a single thing we can't do.",693,1068,101,5285 1217637216937267206,2020-01-16 02:38,,"America has never lived up to our promise of equality for all, but we've never stopped trying. Virginia brought us closer to that highest ideal today by ratifying the long overdue #ERA. Women's rights should be explicitly in our Constitution—not left to the whims of legislators.",263,578,32,2731 1217864525640278020,2020-01-16 17:41,,"If true, this constitutes an unprecedented attack on our Foreign Service. Amb. Yovanovitch spent her life advancing U.S. interests, only to be defamed by this administration. Our diplomats deserve better. It's inexcusable that Sec. Pompeo won't defend them.",232,1417,34,5383 1217891772862468096,2020-01-16 19:30,,The character of our nation is on the ballot in this election. We are so much better than who Donald Trump thinks we are — and we have to prove that this November.,437,701,58,3132 1217918195115257856,2020-01-16 21:15,,A president has to be able to not only fight — but heal and bring our country together. I promise you that’s what I will do if I’m elected.,472,718,53,3189 1217937084876513282,2020-01-16 22:30,,Voting is a right.,534,1516,68,8031 1217962049726226433,2020-01-17 00:09,,"Let's be clear: white supremacy, racism, and violence have no place in America. We have to root out these evils and give hate no safe harbor. If we stand together, we will win the battle for the soul of our nation.",371,1719,54,7179 1217971138162298881,2020-01-17 00:45,,"America’s farmers have had enough of your empty promises, Mr. President.",259,717,36,2246 1217982368499236864,2020-01-17 01:30,,Hate never goes away; it just hides. And when leaders give it oxygen — as Donald Trump has done — it comes roaring back.,746,2146,142,8180 1218169872791764994,2020-01-17 13:55,,"This isn't just about who I am, this is about who we are as a country. We're tough, resilient, but always full of hope. With every fiber in my being, I believe there’s not a single thing we can't do—if we do it together.",1122,3337,302,14238 1218245602623909890,2020-01-17 18:56,,"It is a moral failing when children are ripped from their parents' arms, locked away in overcrowded detention centers, and denied toothbrushes and soap. We have to end Donald Trump's cruel policies and build a fair and humane immigration system.",1335,2705,222,11660 1218285113164824577,2020-01-17 21:33,,"Minnesota — early voting is now open! Don’t wait until March 3rd to cast your ballot, head to the polls and be one of the first in the nation to make your voice heard in the primary. Find everything you need to know here:",103,327,18,887 1218294441255014403,2020-01-17 22:10,,No malarkey here.,317,409,60,1711 1218305640042504192,2020-01-17 22:54,,"Donald Trump says he prefers war heroes who ""weren't captured."" He attacks Gold Star families. Now he calls our generals “losers,"" “babies” and “dopes."" He degrades the office he holds every day.",1102,5117,345,17346 1218305723706363913,2020-01-17 22:54,,We need a president who respects our troops — and who will restore honor and integrity to the Oval Office.,358,990,68,4502 1218327140053082114,2020-01-18 00:20,,"Happy birthday, @MichelleObama. You’re a shining light in the lives of all that have the honor of knowing you. Jill and I are grateful to call you a dear friend. But don’t tell Jill — I’m still eating ice cream. And I’m not sorry.",406,1480,63,13181 1218567473768747008,2020-01-18 16:15,,"Vermont — you don't have to wait until March 3rd to cast your ballot, you can early vote now! Head to to find all the info you need to make your voice heard in the primary.",215,386,29,987 1218594149558972416,2020-01-18 18:01,,Weapons of war have no place in our communities. It’s time we take on the @NRA and ban assault weapons for good.,3691,3723,622,23167 1218622334929518593,2020-01-18 19:53,,"Together, we're going to beat Donald Trump and take back this country. Chip in if you’re ready to leave him in the dust:",3056,1148,189,4145 1218658070512861184,2020-01-18 22:15,,"There used to be a basic bargain in this country—when you worked hard, you shared in the prosperity you helped create. But CEOs and Wall Street continue to put profits over workers. It's wrong. We have to restore the dignity of work and ensure everyone earns what they deserve.",1278,1641,141,6982 1218684496293384192,2020-01-19 00:00,,"Donald Trump continues to embrace corruption at home and abroad. Rather than addressing the root causes pushing people to flee Central America, he has undermined anti-corruption bodies—first in Guatemala and now in Honduras.",718,1307,62,3633 1218930361402634242,2020-01-19 16:16,,"Thank you @Captsully for sharing your story. There’s a lot of kids who I bet needed to hear it. Being different isn’t a barrier to success. It can give you the strength to save lives in a crash landing — or even run for President.",243,2099,64,9736 1218945416596795393,2020-01-19 17:16,,"I stand with the snow plow drivers who work day in and day out to keep our roads safe, often in dangerous conditions. Every worker in this country deserves the dignity that comes with fair wages and benefits. Stay safe out there, @IBT_320.",223,319,15,1533 1218985478013235200,2020-01-19 19:56,,"The 60th anniversary of our alliance with Japan reminds us that close partnership and deep cooperation are among our greatest assets. I understand the value of our alliances; they make us stronger. I would build on this legacy, rather than dismantling it.",348,790,34,3966 1219004502566674432,2020-01-19 21:11,,"The big banks didn't need an additional $32 billion in savings, and their shareholders certainly didn't need an extra $21.5 billion in payouts. It's time we ensure corporations pay their fair share and that our country rewards work — not wealth.",520,1556,71,4192 1219070147543158784,2020-01-20 01:32,,This is a big victory for South Carolina. The right to vote is the most fundamental American right there is — we have to break down barriers to the ballot box and ensure every American can make their voice heard.,568,2005,69,8436 1219265521159458819,2020-01-20 14:28,,"Donald Trump's poisonous rhetoric and divisive politics have brought America to an inflection point. In this moment, we have an enormous opportunity to take the next great step forward as a nation. Let's get to work. We can do this, together.",1083,3142,332,10803 1219350885521858562,2020-01-20 20:08,,Honored to have won Jacquelyn's endorsement.,468,2673,338,13543 1219363972672978946,2020-01-20 21:00,,"As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” As we seek to restore the soul of this nation from a long moral lapse, we look to those words and take solace that this too shall pass and justice will prevail. #MLKDay",301,1004,40,4149 1219394286439084033,2020-01-20 23:00,,"In times of crisis and division, a president should seek to calm and heal. But time and again, President Trump has chosen to further stoke the flames. He is poison to the soul of our nation.",977,3838,162,16142 1219414303469522945,2020-01-21 00:20,,From my days as a public defender to my time as Vice President — I've spent my entire career fighting against discrimination and championing civil rights. I'm running for president to bring that fight to the Oval Office and give everyone a full share of the American dream.,901,1769,110,6956 1219449299760832514,2020-01-21 02:39,,"The courage shown today by the lawmakers, staff, and gun safety advocates in Richmond is inspiring. It's long past time the calls for reform are met with concrete action that ends our gun violence epidemic. #IStandWithVirginia today, and every day, until the job is done.",322,688,39,3076 1219469818237259776,2020-01-21 04:00,,"Thanks for acknowledging this, Bernie. These kinds of attacks have no place in this primary. Let’s all keep our focus on making Donald Trump a one-term president.",2550,4972,599,33360 1219476824264257537,2020-01-21 04:28,,"Social Security is the bedrock of American retirement. And in my administration, we won't just protect it. We'll expand it.",633,804,73,2912 1219699683943014401,2020-01-21 19:14,,I was reminded this weekend by Pastor McCallum that we've got to bring a sense of community back to this country. That work starts now.,350,706,52,2997 1219731392873013248,2020-01-21 21:20,,"Ten years ago, the Supreme Court unleashed an unlimited flood of dark money into our politics with its Citizens United decision—further corrupting our politics & eroding faith in our democracy. It’s time we end Citizens United. Add your name if you agree:",148,285,11,986 1219742544877301760,2020-01-21 22:04,,"Make no mistake, Obamacare is on the ballot this November. Coverage for millions of Americans and protections for pre-existing conditions are on the ballot. We have to protect the progress we've made and show up to the polls to defend the Affordable Care Act.",315,988,32,2926 1219762850098319360,2020-01-21 23:25,,"Our government should work for everyone — not just the powerful or super-wealthy. We need to: - Eliminate all private dollars from federal elections - End Citizens United and dark money groups - Increase transparency and accountability",665,933,85,4101 1219788577443340288,2020-01-22 01:07,,I've been fighting to protect — and expand — Social Security for my whole career. Any suggestion otherwise is just flat-out wrong.,6127,2985,1217,9516 1219798086127509505,2020-01-22 01:45,,"We have to end Citizens United, but we can't stop there. It's time we eliminate all private dollars from federal elections and return our democracy to the people.",707,1034,76,5122 1220009534736994313,2020-01-22 15:45,,"Every morning I get up, I think to myself, ""Is Beau proud of me?"" He’s the one who made me promise to stay engaged — and that promise guides me every day.",714,1595,168,8854 1220063078643093506,2020-01-22 19:18,,Our students and educators deserve better than four more years of Betsy DeVos.,244,589,33,2743 1220090128196100101,2020-01-22 21:05,,"My administration will not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits. Period. We’ll expand them. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is saying he would consider sacrificing seniors' benefits to protect tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and big companies. We have to defeat him in November.",698,2600,148,6853 1220104098969681920,2020-01-22 22:01,,"47 years ago today, #RoevWade recognized a woman's constitutional right to choose — but that right is under attack across the country. We must codify Roe into law and fight back against any state laws that violate it.",305,673,31,3002 1220145370908352512,2020-01-23 00:45,,An administration that gives trillions in tax cuts to giant corporations and the super-wealthy but cuts food assistance for the most vulnerable in our society is morally bankrupt.,736,2468,112,9772 1220162986863542272,2020-01-23 01:55,,Empathy matters. I think it's important — not only for leaders — but for everybody to treat people with respect.,796,1618,192,6574 1220182792304308225,2020-01-23 03:13,,"When we divert public funds to private schools, we undermine the entire public education system. We've got to prioritize investing in our public schools, so every kid in America gets a fair shot. That's why I oppose vouchers. #Espinoza",807,1127,170,5437 1220415903185006592,2020-01-23 18:40,,"It’s going to take everyone rolling up their sleeves and doing their part to beat Donald Trump and take back this country. And with just 11 days until Iowa, your help has never been more important. Head to to take action from anywhere in the country.",370,319,23,1346 1220437294609387520,2020-01-23 20:05,,"On the anniversary of a hopeful moment, it's clear Trump's Venezuela policy is a dead end. Millions are suffering with the Maduro regime still in power.",288,296,62,877 1220456672017223680,2020-01-23 21:22,,It’s not hyperbole to say Donald Trump is a threat to our planet. We have to get him out of the White House and treat the climate emergency like the existential threat that it is. Our future depends on it.,1424,2999,233,16048 1220485109209423872,2020-01-23 23:15,,"U.S. troops hurt in Iran's missile attack are being evaluated for traumatic brain injuries. To Trump, it's just “headaches.” We need a president who respects our service members and honors our sacred duty to care for our wounded warriors.",483,2170,101,6581 1220513043504910337,2020-01-24 01:06,,"I tell people that when a family experiences tragedy, the most important thing they can do is to turn their grief into purpose. @fred_guttenberg found his purpose — and his courage and determination have helped fuel the fight for gun safety reform.",380,3090,338,10509 1220529945174298627,2020-01-24 02:13,,"Great news out of Utah. No child should be subjected to the vile, immoral practice of conversion therapy. We have to ban it at the federal level and make sure every young person is affirmed and accepted just as they are.",218,964,40,4775 1220549484133961729,2020-01-24 03:30,,"My Dad used to say, ""don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value."" Your 2020 budget cuts Social Security and Medicaid while protecting giveaways to the wealthiest. You've shown us what you value.",855,5122,212,17453 1220731734469140480,2020-01-24 15:35,,"The next president will face the enormous task of picking up the pieces left by President Trump. They will have to salvage our reputation, rebuild confidence in our leadership, and mobilize the world to meet new challenges. There will be no time to lose.",1043,2020,147,8603 1220769483410702339,2020-01-24 18:05,,"Immigrants have always made our country stronger. Our diversity is, and has always been, our greatest strength. Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.",724,898,81,4122 1220813019917111297,2020-01-24 20:58,,"The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher. Every day that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office, he poses a threat to America and the world. We have to beat him.",705,1242,78,4692 1220828240408870912,2020-01-24 21:58,,"34 U.S. troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after Iranian missiles struck their base in Iraq. Donald Trump brought us to the brink of war—then dismissed the injuries as “headaches.” The idea that the commander in chief would take this lightly is disgusting.",899,5397,224,16366 1220857649748758529,2020-01-24 23:55,,"After four years of Betsy DeVos and the Trump Administration, our students and educators will need strong advocates in the White House who will repair the damage they have caused. That's exactly what they'll have with me and @DrBiden.",390,911,45,3582 1221135646107955200,2020-01-25 18:20,,Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.,6353,5347,2483,37206 1221163328300408832,2020-01-25 20:10,,"One of my favorite parts of the campaign trail is meeting folks across the country and hearing their stories. So my team and I are picking one lucky person to sit down with me for a cup of joe. Chip in today for your chance to win:",250,265,29,1046 1221176414625509377,2020-01-25 21:02,,"Happy Lunar New Year to all those celebrating throughout the country. I'm grateful for the contributions that the AAPI community has made to enrich America's diversity. I hope the Year of the Rat brings good fortune, health, and happiness to all.",165,296,13,1497 1221195476843868160,2020-01-25 22:17,,"Every American deserves access to safe, clean drinking water. We have to hold polluters accountable and rid our water of unsafe levels of these chemicals for good.",342,911,57,3120 1221213660191739904,2020-01-25 23:30,,"Firefighters represent the best of America — they put their lives on the line every single day and selflessly rush toward danger to save others. I'm grateful for the endorsement of @IAFFNewsDesk. There's no group of people I'd rather stand with.",157,688,34,2347 1221222865783132160,2020-01-26 00:06,,"The seas are rising. Australia is burning. And in this moment of crisis, our President thinks windmills cause cancer. Solving the climate crisis, starts with beating Donald Trump. And once I do, we'll pass my ambitious climate plan.",857,988,102,3947 1221513133321150464,2020-01-26 19:20,,"Make no mistake: Our best days still lie ahead. If we come together and act as one America, there's nothing that we can't accomplish.",1053,1237,121,7221 1221556054141669382,2020-01-26 22:10,,Jill and I are sending our prayers to the Bryant family and to everyone who lost loved ones in today’s crash. It’s a reminder of how special — and fragile — life is. And it’s a reminder that we’ve got to make every day count.,298,5767,119,46725 1221657342204350464,2020-01-27 04:53,,"Congrats @MichelleObama on winning a Grammy for telling your story with strength — and with grace. Jill and I are so thrilled for you. Just beat Barack to an EGOT, will ya?",432,3136,101,29642 1221852279097171968,2020-01-27 17:47,,"I'm grateful to have the endorsement of the @scj. The battle for the soul of this nation begins in Iowa — and I'm confident that together, we'll make Donald Trump a one-term president and take back this country.",156,356,18,1575 1221880050951176192,2020-01-27 19:38,,Climate change poses an existential threat to our future — and we are running out of time to address it. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and rally the world to meet the urgency of this moment.,474,724,63,2520 1221890408009084936,2020-01-27 20:19,,"Selling off public services to private interests at the expense of workers and their communities should be a non-starter. Congratulations to the members of @ATUComm, who went on strike for 84 days to fight for their rights — and won.",131,237,11,722 1221906978332561408,2020-01-27 21:25,,"On #HolocaustMemorialDay and the 75th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation, we honor the millions of Jews and other victims whose lives were extinguished by the Nazi regime. Today and every day, we must give hate no safe harbor to ensure such atrocities never again occur.",146,523,20,2221 1221938435511836673,2020-01-27 23:30,,"With just one week until the Iowa Caucus, we need your help to bring us across the finish line. Every door knocked, phone call made, or dollar chipped in goes a long way in this homestretch. Head to to get involved.",281,319,22,932 1221954793481990145,2020-01-28 00:35,,Let's be clear: Donald Trump's Muslim ban was never about safety — it was a blatant ploy to fan the flames of bigotry and score points with his political base. I will end it.,2631,4781,402,29422 1221987724095361024,2020-01-28 02:45,,"No family in search of a better life should be denied permanent residency because they don't meet Donald Trump's wealth test. The United States of America should be open and welcome to all — not just the wealthy.",692,1661,105,6820 1222007101389770759,2020-01-28 04:02,,"Iowa caucus-goers take note. Joni Ernst just spilled the beans. She and Donald Trump are scared to death I’ll be the nominee. On Feb. 3rd, let’s make their day.",1979,6343,426,23259 1222213749857234946,2020-01-28 17:44,,"Health care is personal to me. Deeply personal. And I guarantee you that if I'm elected president, I will protect your family's health care as if it were my own family’s.",637,1431,120,5174 1222241683938725888,2020-01-28 19:35,,Let's remember one thing when it comes to impeachment: Donald Trump is on trial because he's afraid to run against me. He knows I’ll beat him this November.,22845,7076,4725,39948 1222307450495389696,2020-01-28 23:56,,"Iowans, on Feb. 3rd, you have a chance for a twofer. You can ruin Donald Trump's night, and you can ruin Senator Ernst’s, too.",785,3927,293,12557 1222323147418017794,2020-01-29 00:58,,A peace plan requires two sides to come together. This is a political stunt that could spark unilateral moves to annex territory and set back peace even more. I've spent a lifetime working to advance the security & survival of a Jewish and democratic Israel. This is not the way.,676,2409,111,8279 1222333539049332736,2020-01-29 01:40,,"Imagine all the progress we could make in the next four years. We could make health care a right, lead on climate change, and get assault weapons out of our schools. It could all be a reality — but first, we have to beat Donald Trump.",1028,1213,150,4617 1222346121944715267,2020-01-29 02:30,,Donald Trump’s demonstrated failures of judgment and his repeated rejection of science make him the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health challenge.,822,1681,93,6388 1222561289790246912,2020-01-29 16:45,,"Climate is on the ballot. If we don’t get Donald Trump out of the White House and take action now to address the climate crisis, our planet may never recover.",608,863,66,2874 1222602815505301510,2020-01-29 19:30,,"I need your help if we're going to restore the soul of this nation. With the Iowa Caucuses just days away, your donation is more important than ever. Chip in $5 to help fuel our campaign:",2140,1198,165,3383 1222633013068161025,2020-01-29 21:30,,The decision to allow the Trump Administration to discriminate against immigrants based on wealth is a cruel betrayal of our values. The next four years could have a generational impact on our federal courts — we have to make Donald Trump a one-term president.,515,1118,48,5326 1222655410005397504,2020-01-29 22:59,,We need a president who respects religious freedom.,1568,653,227,2996 1222666986317942789,2020-01-29 23:45,,Equal pay for equal work is common sense — and long overdue. That's why the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was the first law that the Obama-Biden Administration signed 11 years ago today. We have to continue the fight until we close the gender pay gap once and for all.,267,384,15,1692 1222685860497215488,2020-01-30 01:00,,"I've spent my entire life bringing people together to get big, difficult things done. And I intend to do that as your president — unifying our country at the moment we need it most. There’s no limit to what we could do if we come together.",635,775,72,2927 1222691999364657152,2020-01-30 01:24,,"Donald Trump has slammed the door shut in the face of families fleeing persecution and violence. On day one, I will eliminate President Trump’s decision to limit asylum and end the MPP program. #RestoreAsylumNOW",263,519,31,1669 1222698443463782400,2020-01-30 01:50,,The true character of a person is revealed in the Oval Office. We saw it with President Obama. We're seeing it with President Trump — and what we've witnessed from this president over the last three years makes clear that we can't give him another four.,1278,4565,321,17800 1222724095051214848,2020-01-30 03:31,,"As I’ve said many times, health care is deeply personal to me, like it is for so many Americans. I’m proud to stand with @SEIU1199NW to fight for safe staffing, patient care, and fair pay.",266,309,22,1167 1222926194502447104,2020-01-30 16:55,,Ending gun violence is on the ballot. We have to take on the powerful gun lobby and pass common-sense measures that will keep our kids safe. I've beaten the @NRA twice — and I'll do it again as president.,312,547,62,1902 1222950101724864515,2020-01-30 18:30,,"It’s no understatement to say that Donald Trump represents an existential threat to the future of our country. He has repeatedly shown little understanding of — and zero regard for — our laws, our values, or our democracy. We have to get him out of the White House.",1294,3033,206,13588 1222988102270013440,2020-01-30 21:01,,"In four days, Iowans will gather in every corner of the state to set our nation on the path to picking the next president. It's a big responsibility — and we need your help to talk with as many folks as possible about what's at stake. Take action today:",215,342,20,1102 1223025600459231232,2020-01-30 23:30,,We can't let Donald Trump define us as a nation — we are so much better than who he thinks we are. Let’s choose to be the more perfect union we've always aspired to be and restore the soul of this nation.,728,2312,176,7304 1223049506775883777,2020-01-31 01:05,,"With just four days until Iowa and one day until our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline — your support has never been more important. Every donation — big or small — goes a long way in this final stretch. Chip in today to help fuel our campaign:",259,209,23,629 1223062089582940162,2020-01-31 01:55,,"Donald Trump is the most erratic and incompetent commander in chief we've ever had. After four years of his self-made chaos, we'll need a president who is ready to clean up the mess on day one.",1118,2984,201,11567 1223073414568562688,2020-01-31 02:40,,The character of a president matters — and we have to make that clear this November.,745,1166,80,3995 1223078215301967876,2020-01-31 02:59,,"Airline catering workers will feed thousands of people traveling to the Super Bowl, but can’t afford to feed their own families. I stand in solidarity with @unitehere_sofla. @AmericanAir needs to ensure @LSGSkyChefs pay their workers living wages.",176,316,23,989 1223286098052485121,2020-01-31 16:45,,"Let's be clear: If Donald Trump can afford to give giant tax breaks to the super-wealthy, then he can afford to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society receive the health care they need and deserve. We should be expanding Medicaid — not cutting it.",260,725,25,2300 1223299854849445888,2020-01-31 17:39,,.@JohnDelaney ran his campaign with conviction to make our government work for the American people. He will continue to be an important voice in shaping our country for years to come.,127,131,9,655 1223323814290870272,2020-01-31 19:15,,"Time and time again, Donald Trump has proven he has no moral rudder. Instead of having respect for others, he insults and demeans. He preys on divisions and stokes hate, instead of healing and uniting. Trump is everything we aspire not to be as Americans.",906,1773,119,8154 1223351496877793280,2020-01-31 21:05,,"I've stood up to bullies my entire life, and I'm ready to stand up to the one in the White House. I hope President Trump heard that message loud and clear when he saw this ad air during Fox & Friends this morning.",1271,3343,274,12752 1223375404351787008,2020-01-31 22:40,,"Donald Trump's Muslim ban is a direct betrayal of America’s most fundamental freedom: religious freedom. And now he's adding more countries to his list of who's not welcome in America. It's not who we are — and we'll prove that when we beat Trump this November and end the ban.",660,676,126,1999 1223390503527469056,2020-01-31 23:40,,"America's character is on the ballot. We can overcome four years of Donald Trump, but if given eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We can't let that happen.",546,2309,155,7004 1223403087089434624,2020-02-01 00:30,,"With just three days until Iowa, we need all hands on deck to talk with folks about what’s at stake in this election. Every conversation during this final stretch will make a big difference on Monday night. Sign up to volunteer today:",193,242,11,809 1223418186218913792,2020-02-01 01:30,,"We have to restore the soul of this nation, build an inclusive middle class, and unite the country to get big things done. That all starts Monday night in Iowa. If you’re with me, let me know by committing to caucus today:",435,473,20,1720 1223640903761317888,2020-02-01 16:15,,America's farmers deserve better than four more years of Donald Trump's empty rhetoric and broken promises.,500,1576,108,4440 1223669844211458048,2020-02-01 18:10,,"The Iowa Caucus is just days away and polls show us in a dead heat. I'm confident that we can compete and that we'll go on to beat Donald Trump—but we need your help to do it. Every dollar makes a big difference—chip in to bring us across the finish line:",486,793,40,2888 1223693751740010496,2020-02-01 19:45,,"From my childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to the halls of the White House — the middle-class values of hard work, respect, and decency have guided my entire life. It's time we brought those values back to the Oval Office.",956,3168,233,10569 1223708851503030272,2020-02-01 20:45,,"The Iowa caucus is just two days away, and we need your help to talk with as many folks as possible before Monday night. Head to to make calls into Iowa from wherever you are in the country.",139,472,15,1130 1223727977361338370,2020-02-01 22:01,,"We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.",2370,3443,1775,13404 1223747858316386306,2020-02-01 23:20,,"Health care is on the ballot. We need to protect Obamacare from Donald Trump’s relentless attempts to repeal and sabotage it — and build on the law to ensure every American has the peace of mind that comes with quality, affordable care.",509,1563,91,4579 1223774515320193025,2020-02-02 01:05,,"America was founded on the ideals of equality, equity, and fairness—we've never fully lived up to them, but we've never stopped trying. During #BlackHistoryMonth and all year-round, let's celebrate the rich history and culture that's always been vital to the fabric of America.",263,885,55,2705 1223807268703043588,2020-02-02 03:16,,"Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new “African Ban,” is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.",713,2427,125,8934 1224005306721677314,2020-02-02 16:23,,"The Iowa caucus is tomorrow night, it’s time to make your plan! Caucusing is fun and easy — and making a plan only takes a few minutes. Head to to make sure you’re all set.",174,382,21,1285 1224028457182490624,2020-02-02 17:55,,"#TeamJoe has been hard at work making phone calls, knocking doors, and talking with as many folks as possible over the last nine months—but it all comes down to these last few days. We need all hands on deck for this final push. Sign up to volunteer today:",209,448,19,1512 1224049848254713857,2020-02-02 19:20,,I’ve never been more optimistic about the future of America. There’s not a single thing we can’t do if we do it together.,618,1833,113,7203 1224071239267831808,2020-02-02 20:45,,"When I say we need to restore the soul of the nation, I’m not talking about taking us back to an America that never existed—but propelling us forward to a place we’ve never been. Where we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone gets a full share of the American dream.",812,2860,186,13185 1224093888387792897,2020-02-02 22:15,,This is the final stretch — the Iowa caucuses are just one day away and we need your help to keep the momentum going. Every phone call and every conversation will make a big difference tomorrow night. Head to to make calls into Iowa. Let’s get to work.,176,501,24,1826 1224110246223695873,2020-02-02 23:20,,"My values are rooted in the American character: tough, resilient, but always full of hope. We need a president who appeals to the best in us and unites this nation — because if we come together, there’s not a single thing we can’t do.",721,2794,146,11278 1224121570999689217,2020-02-03 00:05,,"When we launched this campaign, I said we were in a battle for the soul of this nation. That battle begins tomorrow night in Iowa—and requires everyone stepping up and making their voice heard. If you’re with me, let me know by committing to caucus today:",244,501,22,1756 1224137928458166272,2020-02-03 01:10,,"We can beat Donald Trump. We can unite this country. We can restore the soul of this nation. It all begins tomorrow night in Iowa.",1180,4367,265,16568 1224307797908738049,2020-02-03 12:25,,"Today’s the day, Iowa! Confirm your caucus location at and make a plan to arrive by 6:30 PM CT.",170,495,34,1776 1224324157065789440,2020-02-03 13:30,,"We choose: Hope over fear. Unity over division. Truth over lies. Our nation’s character is on the ballot, Iowa. Tonight, let’s show them who we really are.",670,2348,138,8943 1224362156336001031,2020-02-03 16:01,,"It’s caucus day in Iowa, and we need your help to bring us across the finish line. If you have a few extra minutes, head to to make calls into Iowa. I’d greatly appreciate it. Let’s finish strong.",212,381,23,1308 1224384554301054983,2020-02-03 17:30,,"Caucus Day is here, Iowa! Head to to confirm your caucus location and plan to show up by 6:30 PM CT. I hope I can count on your support — because together we can beat Donald Trump, unite this country, and win the battle for the soul of this nation.",603,1261,82,4286 1224414753981902855,2020-02-03 19:30,,The stakes of this election could not be higher. We only have one chance to beat Donald Trump — and we need a nominee who can get the job done.,528,1949,116,6987 1224434885454127104,2020-02-03 20:50,,"The next president will inherit a country divided — and a world in disarray. There will be no time for on-the-job training. We need a president who is ready on day one.",1545,2942,242,16417 1224451243109691392,2020-02-03 21:55,,"In a few hours, Iowans will gather around the state to set our nation on the path to picking the next president. It’s a big responsibility—and we need everyone on #TeamJoe to show up and make their voices heard. Head to to confirm your caucus location.",160,385,21,1312 1224463825987981316,2020-02-03 22:45,,"Imagine all the progress we can make in the next four years. With Donald Trump out of the way, we can make affordable health care a right, lead the fight on climate change, and ban assault weapons. It's all possible. And it starts tonight in Iowa.",481,1112,49,4007 1224477667149221888,2020-02-03 23:40,,"America's character is on the ballot. I don't believe we're the dark, angry nation we see in Donald Trump's tweets — we are so much better than who he thinks we are.",538,1418,81,6934 1224490250484973568,2020-02-04 00:30,,"Iowa — if you’re in line at your caucus location by 7 PM CT, you can caucus!",192,312,24,1146 1224550895205007360,2020-02-04 04:30,,"Joe's about to take the stage in Des Moines, Iowa. Tune in to watch live:",359,440,34,1815 1224556945073491968,2020-02-04 04:55,,"I want to thank our incredible supporters and volunteers in Iowa — and all across the country. Now, it’s onto New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina, and beyond!",373,575,58,3205 1224564992499838976,2020-02-04 05:27,,We need a president who is not only ready to fight but is also ready to heal this country — and that’s exactly what I’ll do as president. There’s nothing we’ve been unable to do when we do it together.,631,989,79,5051 1224566502726230017,2020-02-04 05:33,,"Everybody knows who Donald Trump is — it’s time we show them who we are. We choose: Hope over fear. Science over fiction. Unity over division. Compassion over cruelty. Truth over lies.",691,2310,115,11005 1224569522461405184,2020-02-04 05:45,,"Iowa was just the first step. Now, we’re taking this campaign to the rest of the country, and we need your help to do it. I know we’ve asked a lot these last nine months, but there's never been a more crucial time for our campaign. Chip in today:",1498,485,112,1641 1224735271222235136,2020-02-04 16:43,,".@ATUcomm has been integral to the labor movement and putting our country on a path towards lifting the middle class. We've got a long campaign ahead of us, and I'm thrilled to have the support of my friend John Costa and the hard-working members of ATU with me.",194,509,16,1696 1224807339691212800,2020-02-04 21:30,,The fight against cancer is personal for me — like it is for so many people. And it's a fight we must win. With the incredible breakthroughs we've made in recent years — and with so many just over the horizon — I'm confident that we will end cancer as we know it. #WorldCancerDay,221,842,21,3798 1224833785369415680,2020-02-04 23:15,,"Caroline has served her country with the utmost distinction both at home and abroad. I'm honored to have her support as we head into New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina.",245,984,27,4553 1224848863242018816,2020-02-05 00:15,,"Rosa Parks helped ignite a movement that changed the course of history. Let’s carry on her legacy by continuing to push our nation to finally live up to our highest ideals. We can’t rest until we achieve liberty, justice, and equality for all. #RosaParksDay",385,800,32,3802 1224892644456828929,2020-02-05 03:08,,"Our administration brought the economy back from the brink of depression, saved the auto industry, and made health care available to millions of families. Donald Trump gave billionaires a tax break.",989,3647,163,13410 1225093223221059584,2020-02-05 16:26,,"Last night, President Trump turned his constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the state of our union into an episode of reality television. It was a shameful display. #SOTU",1174,2515,142,13427 1225111846207684608,2020-02-05 17:40,,"Mayor Pete likes to call me part of the old failed Washington. Was it a failure when I helped pass Obamacare, the Paris Agreement, the Violence Against Women Act, or the assault weapons ban? I have a stronger record of passing big, progressive legislation than anyone running.",6082,5422,1433,30526 1225152126613118981,2020-02-05 20:20,,"Fred, it must not have been easy to sit there and listen to @realdonaldtrump lie. I’m proud of you for speaking truth to the abuse of power.",1038,8017,338,44879 1225177528890884096,2020-02-05 22:01,,"My North Star as president will be rebuilding the middle class. And this time, we're going to bring everyone along regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.",427,752,44,2682 1225205970495733760,2020-02-05 23:54,,Only Donald Trump could debase our nation's highest civilian honor and turn it into a partisan political prop.,1151,3349,145,15461 1225218800867594242,2020-02-06 00:45,,Looking forward to discussing what’s at stake in this election and my bold vision for the future of our country at tonight’s town hall in New Hampshire. Tune in to @CNN at 8 PM ET to watch live.,541,625,46,2805 1225245095731040256,2020-02-06 02:29,,"Today, @DougJones stood up and did the right thing. He showed courage on the Senate floor, when many did not. The only way we will defeat Trump now is to keep strong Democrats in the Senate—and a strong campaign at the top of the ticket. Chip in today:",304,716,26,3433 1225261447187456002,2020-02-06 03:34,,"I grew up with a stutter. At tonight’s @CNN town hall, I was asked what advice I would give to those working to overcome their own — here’s what I said:",484,2028,237,9426 1225277448755040258,2020-02-06 04:38,,"Let's be real about health care. You gotta level with the American people. Tell them the truth, what you think it's gonna cost and how you're gonna get it done.",473,927,63,3558 1225460939224485888,2020-02-06 16:47,,Grace - I've said it before and I'll say it again: LGBTQ rights are civil rights. It's an honor to work for you and in service of justice for every American in this country.,457,1564,78,8173 1225490591670292480,2020-02-06 18:45,,"I firmly believe America's best days still lie ahead. If we come together and unite this country, there's not a single thing we can't do.",1347,1900,194,11420 1225521202292236288,2020-02-06 20:46,,"John DiEleuterio had a huge heart and was a friend I counted on for over 50 years. As a Colonel in the National Guard and as the State Director in my Senate office, John served our country with dignity and distinction. Jill and I send our condolences to Maureen and his family.",71,287,12,1510 1225539916743860224,2020-02-06 22:01,,Empathy matters. Compassion matters. We have to reach out to one another and heal this country — and that’s what I’ll do as president.,521,1635,127,6386 1225573639149563907,2020-02-07 00:15,,It’s not hyperbole to say that we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Everything that makes us who we are is at stake. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and take back this country.,1328,3393,216,16207 1225596934318120960,2020-02-07 01:47,,We need a president who chooses compassion over cruelty.,2145,3926,325,29412 1225826865715335170,2020-02-07 17:01,,"When I met Brayden this week, he had a familiar anxiety on his face. It was the anxiety of a kid with a stutter, something I struggled to overcome when I was a kid too. Here's what I told him.",962,3985,738,20317 1225854238015852544,2020-02-07 18:50,,"We're just four days from the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire, and we need all hands on deck to talk with voters before they head to the polls. Head to to make calls to New Hampshire voters from wherever you are in the country.",218,391,23,1264 1225883178839220224,2020-02-07 20:45,,"Who in God's name needs a weapon that can hold one hundred rounds? These weapons of war have no place in our communities. I’ve taken on the @NRA to ban them once before, and I’ll do it again in the White House.",1054,2359,149,11941 1225916592116113410,2020-02-07 22:57,,No corporation pulling in billions of dollars in profits should pay a lower tax rate than our teachers and firefighters. It’s time corporations pay their fair share.,363,1214,53,4335 1225938787513049088,2020-02-08 00:25,,I’m incredibly proud of Brayden for sharing his story on national TV. He is truly a remarkable young man — and I can’t wait to see what his future holds.,95,577,28,2688 1225950017883713536,2020-02-08 01:10,,We’re not only going to have to win the White House but we have to bring along the United States Senate. We can’t do that with someone who labels themselves as a Democratic Socialist. #DemDebate,570,1584,146,6416 1225952696332673025,2020-02-08 01:21,,We have to get real about health care. The American people deserve the truth and an explanation of what Medicare for All will cost — not political games. #DemDebate,142,345,33,885 1225953838043148288,2020-02-08 01:25,,"One of the most important issues we face as a nation is ensuring affordable, accessible health care. There's work to do, but that doesn't mean starting from scratch. It means protecting and building on Obamacare. #DemDebate",112,283,28,848 1225954446640865280,2020-02-08 01:28,,"I led the Obama-Biden Administration’s efforts to pass and implement the Recovery Act, which saved the American economy from another depression and sent South Bend, IN, over $75 million to invest in projects around the town. Projects that Mayor Pete likes to take credit for.",145,551,39,1408 1225958806221467648,2020-02-08 01:45,,Donald Trump should have been pinning a medal on Lt. Col. Vindman — not Rush Limbaugh. #DemDebate,1119,5298,239,30561 1225961646994206722,2020-02-08 01:56,,"Donald Trump called our troops’ traumatic brain injuries “headaches.” If my son had still been there in Iraq, I’d have been so damn angry. Donald Trump does not deserve to be commander in chief for one more day. #DemDebate",483,2094,88,9150 1225963586197086208,2020-02-08 02:04,,"As President, I will use military power responsibly and as a last resort. We will not go back to forever wars in the Middle East. #DemDebate",219,432,31,2071 1225965333741293568,2020-02-08 02:11,,The best path forward on health care is to protect and build on Obamacare — not tear it down and start over. #DemDebate,222,753,54,2550 1225967389172551680,2020-02-08 02:19,,"The United States must keep our commitments when we make them, otherwise we have no power to lead the world. The only way to not become the police of the world is to have allies that will join us in dealing with failed states and terrorism. #DemDebate",176,624,27,2202 1225970048113762304,2020-02-08 02:30,,"Five. That’s how many times Senator Sanders voted against the Brady background check bill that has kept 3 million firearms out of dangerous hands. I helped pass it. We need a president who'll stand up to the @NRA — not stand with them against lifesaving gun safety measures.",358,2724,136,9586 1225985526626422784,2020-02-08 03:31,,"With just four days until New Hampshire voters head to the polls, there’s no time to waste. We need your help to keep the momentum going from tonight’s #DemDebate. Chip in $5 to help power our campaign through this crucial stretch:",249,403,24,1148 1225988874888982530,2020-02-08 03:45,,Lt. Col. Vindman is an American patriot. #DemDebate,881,2309,171,10270 1226001457935245312,2020-02-08 04:35,,"I just wrapped up tonight's #DemDebate, and I need your help to keep this momentum going. Every donation makes a big difference. Chip in today:",2382,1343,206,5295 1226189752598171648,2020-02-08 17:03,,Former Mayor Pete doesn’t think very highly of the Obama-Biden record. Let’s compare.,5783,7675,5966,32832 1226236758507040770,2020-02-08 20:10,,Donald Trump does not deserve to be commander in chief for one more day.,1127,2663,157,11598 1226283315117748226,2020-02-08 23:15,,"When it comes to expanding access to more affordable health care, Americans like Charlene can't wait. I'm the only candidate in this race who has passed a big, bold health care reform bill — and I'll do it again in the White House.",418,1171,52,3839 1226559384190210049,2020-02-09 17:32,,#TeamJoe has been hard at work talking with folks in every corner of New Hampshire — but it all comes down to this final push. Every conversation will make a big difference on Tuesday. Sign up to volunteer today:,254,414,20,1581 1226573981571923968,2020-02-09 18:30,,Rebuilding the middle class and ensuring that this time everyone comes along starts with one word: unions. That’s why I look forward to signing the #PROAct as President. Congratulations to the House and labor movement for passing this landmark bill.,329,941,46,3436 1226591300465590272,2020-02-09 19:38,,We are in a climate emergency. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and treat climate change like the existential threat that it is — before it's too late.,952,2413,113,9493 1226630980410249222,2020-02-09 22:16,,"It’s not enough to just end Citizens United — we have to eliminate all private dollars from our federal elections. It's time we return our democracy to the people.",688,2197,133,9906 1226643988209426432,2020-02-09 23:08,,"There are just two days until the first-in-the-nation primary, and we need your help to bring us across the finish line. If you have a few minutes, head to to talk with New Hampshire voters about what's at stake in this election. I’d greatly appreciate it.",244,388,22,1009 1226671623845093376,2020-02-10 00:58,,"I know there are a lot of folks who want to write our campaign off already — but I’ve got news for them: We’re not going anywhere. There's too much at stake in this election. I will fight for every last vote, but I can't do it without you. Chip in today:",804,1617,128,5455 1226677160103960576,2020-02-10 01:20,,"I've lost a lot in my life, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by and lose my country too. We have to beat Donald Trump.",3792,11339,701,74331 1226925043747131393,2020-02-10 17:45,,Experience matters. The White House is no place for on-the-job training. We need a president who will be prepared to clean up Donald Trump’s mess on day one.,1353,2046,211,9811 1226948951326113792,2020-02-10 19:20,,We need a president with the courage to stand up to the @NRA and pass common-sense gun safety measures — not one with a long record of siding with the gun lobby.,446,767,45,2879 1226984183165157376,2020-02-10 21:40,,"With just one day until the New Hampshire primary, we’re hard at work making our final case to voters — and we need your help. Chip in today to help us deliver our closing argument to as many Granite Staters as possible:",252,246,18,809 1227019667497111552,2020-02-11 00:01,,I've always said you shouldn't let the barriers in life define you. Brayden sure as hell didn't let them define him. I'm proud to be a part of his story:,245,1428,130,5704 1227026965917364226,2020-02-11 00:30,,"The New Hampshire primary is just one day away, and we need your help to talk with folks about what’s at stake in this election. Head to to make calls into New Hampshire from wherever you are in the country.",159,242,11,639 1227042064816365574,2020-02-11 01:30,,"Donald Trump will say over and over that the economy is on the ballot this year. It is. But America’s character is on the ballot too. And despite what Trump says, we don’t have to choose one or the other. We can be a good country with a good economy.",949,2316,187,8288 1227059996174753793,2020-02-11 02:41,,"Donald Trump is proposing cuts to Medicaid, Obamacare, and food assistance — while protecting giant tax giveaways to corporations and the super-wealthy. He has once again proved how morally unfit he is to lead our country.",480,2572,92,5925 1227201112844845056,2020-02-11 12:02,,"Today’s the day, New Hampshire! Confirm your polling location at and make sure to get out and vote.",254,428,18,1593 1227253458547310592,2020-02-11 15:30,,"It's primary day in New Hampshire — and we're counting on supporters across the Granite State to get out and vote. Head to to confirm your polling location. Together, we can win this primary, beat Donald Trump, and restore the soul of this nation.",488,783,42,2827 1227301272572710917,2020-02-11 18:40,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. If we want to win, it’s going to take everyone stepping up and making their voice heard. If you live in New Hampshire, confirm your polling place by heading to and make sure to get out and vote today.",382,425,30,1260 1227332730041425921,2020-02-11 20:45,,Today’s the day — it’s primary day in New Hampshire! Head to to make calls into the Granite State from wherever you are in the country to help get voters to the polls.,176,169,14,585 1227346434661462019,2020-02-11 21:39,,"Thank you for standing with me, @IBEW. I'll fight alongside you every single day in the White House to strengthen America's unions and rebuild the middle class.",225,368,23,1533 1227352863099277312,2020-02-11 22:05,,"There has been a lot of veiled criticism of the Obama-Biden record lately, so let me be clear about something: Barack Obama was a great president. We don’t say that enough.",1328,2472,233,9668 1227371736984772608,2020-02-11 23:20,,"President Mandela was no ordinary man. When he stepped out of prison 30 years ago today, he immediately resumed his life's work to end apartheid. He showed us that trust and reconciliation are possible, delivering justice for his people.",330,567,38,2892 1227417485386715136,2020-02-12 02:21,,Joe's about to take the stage from South Carolina. Tune in to watch live:,626,544,75,2037 1227429618497544192,2020-02-12 03:10,,"Thank you to all of our incredible supporters, volunteers, and staff in New Hampshire! Your hard work and faith in our campaign mean the world to me. Now, we’re headed to Nevada, South Carolina, and beyond.",596,760,68,5097 1227435909961961473,2020-02-12 03:35,,"Iowa and New Hampshire were just the beginning. Now, we’re taking this campaign to Nevada and South Carolina, and we have to give it all we’ve got. Chip in to help power our campaign through this crucial stretch:",1521,627,119,2085 1227441697862246400,2020-02-12 03:58,,99.9% — that’s the percentage of African-American voters who have not yet had a chance to vote in this nomination process. You cannot and should not win the Democratic nomination for President without the support of black and brown voters.,1279,3112,306,15354 1227599641816059905,2020-02-12 14:25,,"Nobody told me the road would be easy, but together we can and will win.",959,1464,176,6660 1227639753820033025,2020-02-12 17:05,,"We need a president who chooses unity over division. If we come together and unite this country, there’s nothing we can’t do.",958,1225,105,6893 1227670203791814657,2020-02-12 19:06,,"I'm looking forward to seeing @MichaelBennet continue the fight to unify our nation, and beat Donald Trump, in the Senate — Coloradans are lucky to have him in their corner.",138,358,9,2104 1227687568440848384,2020-02-12 20:15,,"Under Donald Trump: - Job growth has slowed - Manufacturing is worse off - Income inequality is higher than ever He is squandering the growing Obama-Biden economy that he inherited — just like he has squandered everything else that he has inherited in his life.",3029,4850,525,18559 1227697634434932736,2020-02-12 20:55,,".@AndrewYang is a leading voice about the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. He brought fun and new ideas to the race. I'm grateful for it, and hope we hear more from him regarding how to ensure workers succeed in an era of increasing automation.",303,905,48,5784 1227729330584854534,2020-02-12 23:00,,"I stand with the working men and women of @Culinary226 because supporting labor means supporting our unions.",284,939,67,2636 1227744443022770177,2020-02-13 00:01,,"Iowa and New Hampshire were just the beginning—we're taking this campaign to the rest of the country, and we need your help to talk with voters. Every conversation makes a big difference, and it's as easy as sending a text. Sign up to help today:",215,250,27,740 1227755515968655360,2020-02-13 00:45,,"We've only heard from two of the first 50 states, DC, and territories—where I come from that's the opening bell, not the closing bell. We're going to fight for every vote in every state, and we need your help to do it. Chip in to help fuel our campaign:",576,775,78,2530 1227764323801423872,2020-02-13 01:20,,"If we give Donald Trump four more years in the White House, he will fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We can’t stand by and let that happen.",670,1214,87,4424 1227776906793107456,2020-02-13 02:10,,Let me be clear: the fight to end Donald Trump's presidency is just beginning.,672,934,82,3777 1228004657936707588,2020-02-13 17:15,,"Obamacare covered 20 million additional Americans, protects over 100 million people with pre-existing conditions, and allows young people to stay on their parents' plans until age 26. We shouldn't tear all that down and start over — we should protect and build on it.",680,1591,82,6030 1228038063902920710,2020-02-13 19:27,,"I will nominate and appoint federal officials and judges who look just like the rest of America, including the AAPI community. I will build on the Obama-Biden Administration’s efforts to ensure that everyone has a voice in a Biden Administration. #AAPI2020",239,626,24,2036 1228046432885596160,2020-02-13 20:01,,"I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — why hasn’t Donald Trump released his? He is the most corrupt president we’ve ever had.",1093,3525,215,15348 1228065055431786496,2020-02-13 21:15,,"I have said from the day I announced that we’re in a battle for the soul of this nation. That is even more true today. We have a president who has been sending dog whistles of encouragement and support to white supremacists and hate groups. We have to beat Donald Trump.",868,1233,91,5190 1228091503643365377,2020-02-13 23:00,,"Antarctica is facing extreme ice loss. Sea levels and temperatures are rising around the world. Yet Donald Trump continues to deny the evidence in front of his own eyes. We need to take action to solve the climate crisis—and that starts with getting Trump out of the White House.",385,722,37,2164 1228111612101328896,2020-02-14 00:20,,"Where I come from, I don’t like people telling me what I have to choose — that’s why my plan will give people the option to keep their existing plan or buy into a new Medicare-like public option. In contrast, Medicare for All eliminates private and union insurance plans.",430,939,68,3071 1228122937099739136,2020-02-14 01:05,,"America is full of possibilities. With Donald Trump out of the White House, we can: - Solve the climate crisis - Rebuild the middle class - Make health care a right - Ensure our government works for all — not just the powerful",1316,2285,165,10787 1228395986038296576,2020-02-14 19:10,,"Too often, Black and Brown voters’ loyalty, support, and commitment to the Democratic Party are taken for granted. I’ve never taken it for granted — and I never will. The strength of our party is its diversity. We need to be sure every voice is heard.",436,906,61,3415 1228414914286563330,2020-02-14 20:25,,"The United States Attorney General is not your private attorney, Mr. President. There are limits to your power.",396,1525,69,7504 1228429959955267584,2020-02-14 21:25,,"In the face of unspeakable tragedy, the students and parents of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have turned grief into purpose. Their courage and resolve inspires me every day — and I know that with their leadership, we will end our gun violence epidemic.",182,2489,158,7296 1228435930169663489,2020-02-14 21:48,,"Rep. @StevenHorsford has been a champion for labor, and for the state of Nevada. I’m proud to have his support as we head toward the Nevada caucuses.",85,491,20,1680 1228440026532450304,2020-02-14 22:05,,"Happy Valentine’s Day, Jilly. You're the love of my life and the life of my love.",374,1278,75,15849 1228451350859501574,2020-02-14 22:50,,"Two years ago, 17 innocent people were gunned down and 17 more injured by a shooter with an AR-15 style weapon at a high school in Parkland, FL. As we honor the memory of those we lost, we must recommit to taking action to end our gun violence epidemic.",212,1145,45,3978 1228477020012601344,2020-02-15 00:32,,"Wanted to make sure you saw this, @realDonaldTrump: “Trump’s First 3 Years Created 1.5 Million Fewer Jobs Than Obama’s Last 3.”",1521,13961,627,40497 1228715592045101056,2020-02-15 16:20,,"With just one week until the Nevada caucuses, we need your help to talk with folks about what's at stake in this election. Head to to sign up to help.",230,561,25,1747 1228744533107671041,2020-02-15 18:15,,No one needs an AR-15. Period. We have to get these weapons of war out of our communities.,14176,7968,2725,61201 1228790082800250880,2020-02-15 21:16,,"As we celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth, we not only honor the past but recognize the history being written every day by folks like Milton. I'm grateful he's on our team. Watch his story:",107,647,39,1834 1228806692353249280,2020-02-15 22:22,,Working on boosting my name ID in Nevada.,1355,5013,842,26375 1228824308387958784,2020-02-15 23:32,,Nevada — early voting starts today! Head to to find all the info you need to make your voice heard.,196,823,28,2409 1228837646300041216,2020-02-16 00:25,,"Donald Trump’s inhumane, fear-based immigration policies are a stain on our nation. We have to get him out of the White House and ensure our laws reflect our values as a nation of immigrants.",1604,2903,221,13397 1229077224847863808,2020-02-16 16:17,,We are the United States of America. We are strong and great because of our diversity — not in spite of it. Donald Trump doesn't get that. We need a president who does.,914,2910,129,15096 1229103397539704832,2020-02-16 18:01,,"Newtown Parkland Las Vegas Enough is enough. We have to take on the @NRA and end our gun violence epidemic.",530,1854,109,7119 1229129569753497601,2020-02-16 19:45,,I’ve got the record and the vision to get big things done for America.,624,1123,69,4759 1229161027037777923,2020-02-16 21:50,,"You know better than anybody else what works best for your family. That’s why my health care plan starts with a choice: you can stick with private coverage, including quality plans that unions have negotiated, or you can go with a new public option.",313,975,64,3098 1229178644557389824,2020-02-16 23:00,,"I need your help if we're going to beat Donald Trump and restore the soul of this nation. With the Nevada caucuses less than one week away, your donation is more important than ever. Chip in today:",510,778,46,2199 1229201292368760833,2020-02-17 00:30,,We are so much better than Donald Trump.,7169,6668,1178,56948 1229419983353991168,2020-02-17 14:59,,We need a president who puts protecting our children ahead of the @NRA.,785,2644,166,11218 1229457985488986117,2020-02-17 17:30,,I believe the best way forward is to build on Obamacare with a Medicare-like public option for every single American who wants it. It's the best way to achieve universal coverage without raising taxes on the middle class. Read more:,348,1225,64,4175 1229494474423836672,2020-02-17 19:55,,Americans should decide American elections. Period. House Democrats took action to protect our elections from foreign interference — it’s time Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans do the same.,492,1928,96,6563 1229523414953553921,2020-02-17 21:50,,"At a time when the president is fanning the flames of white supremacy and hatred in our country, we cannot discount the voices of those who have the most at stake in this election.",984,2479,117,9659 1229553613959118848,2020-02-17 23:50,,"Nevada — you can early vote now! Don't wait until Saturday to make your voice heard, head to to confirm your polling location and early vote today.",122,336,16,845 1229567455430938624,2020-02-18 00:45,,"On #PresidentsDay, we remember the leaders who showed strength in moments of fear, who brought us together in moments of division, and showed empathy in moments of pain. Then we remember that today, our President is Donald Trump. In November, let's end this chapter of history.",574,1838,96,8387 1229572524385722368,2020-02-18 01:05,,,415,2198,120,7565 1229584698843836417,2020-02-18 01:53,,.@Cher — thanks for the kind words. I’m in Vegas this week. Let me know if you need an opener!,354,1911,113,9376 1229767524880932865,2020-02-18 14:00,,"Faith is what has gotten me through difficult times in my life. It provides hope, purpose, and strength. And it is what gives me the reason to believe that our nation's best days still lie ahead.",715,2580,220,10129 1229810305313591296,2020-02-18 16:50,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Donald Trump: - Fans the flames of hate and emboldens white supremacists - Embraces dictators - Rips children from their parents' arms - Spouts racist lies about immigrants We have to get him out of the White House.",1045,2967,145,13187 1229842517677441024,2020-02-18 18:58,,"President Obama asked me to oversee the Recovery Act, which saved our economy from a depression. I secured the 3 Republicans we needed to vote for it—and ran the program with almost no waste. We didn’t inherit a growing economy—we worked for it. That's what I'll do as President.",875,3693,199,14401 1229854345736355845,2020-02-18 19:45,,"Today is the last day to early vote, Nevada! Confirm your polling location at and head to the polls to make your voice heard.",99,418,16,1097 1229871842627858434,2020-02-18 20:54,,"North Carolina's voter ID law was never designed to protect the sacred right to vote. It was designed to prevent people of color from voting. I applaud today's ruling, but our fight to make it easier for all Americans to vote is far from over.",175,1111,32,3188 1229893855836659712,2020-02-18 22:22,,The abuse of power is the defining characteristic of Donald Trump’s presidency — and Attorney General William Barr has helped facilitate it. He should resign immediately.,478,2055,91,7008 1229923551563722758,2020-02-19 00:20,,"With just four days until the Nevada caucuses, there’s no time to waste. We need your help to make our final case to voters across the state. Every donation makes a big difference during this critical stretch. Chip in to bring us across the finish line:",220,461,20,1300 1229938651171155968,2020-02-19 01:20,,"Let's be clear: Weapons of war have no place in our communities. That's why I took on the @NRA and passed a 10-year ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines — and I'll do it again as president.",480,1617,71,5933 1230145262955499521,2020-02-19 15:01,,I know that these past few years have felt like a constant crisis. But this moment is more than a crisis — it’s also an extraordinary opportunity. It’s a chance for us to come back together as a nation to reassert the values that define us as Americans.,775,2541,169,11254 1230174235471089666,2020-02-19 16:56,,"Welcome to the debates, Mike. We have a lot to catch up on about Barack Obama’s record.",1999,5550,2206,23546 1230207883721179136,2020-02-19 19:09,,I don’t endorse Republicans.,2610,5210,1735,43103 1230251966003130369,2020-02-19 22:05,,I've taken on the @NRA and beaten them — twice. And I'll do it again as president because everyone should need to pass a background check to buy a gun.,278,1006,39,3591 1230277131726413824,2020-02-19 23:45,,"""In important things like flying or the running of a nation, experience makes the difference between success and failure."" — Captain ""Sully"" Sullenberger The White House is no place for on-the-job training. We need a president who will be ready on day one.",259,1554,78,4851 1230294747501064192,2020-02-20 00:55,,"The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher — we have to beat Donald Trump, and we only get one chance to do it. Poll after poll shows I’m the best candidate to get the job done.",411,829,69,2786 1230314049864421376,2020-02-20 02:11,,"NBC did a poll the other day. Who did it say the best person to beat Donald Trump was? Me. #DemDebate",164,765,40,2753 1230314564987838464,2020-02-20 02:13,,"At the height of Michael Bloomberg’s Stop-and-Frisk program: - 685,724 people were stopped - Nearly 80% were black or latino - Nearly 90% were innocent. He defended it as recently as this year. Who does he think he’s fooling? #DemDebate",141,704,38,1902 1230318507008589824,2020-02-20 02:29,,Lots of people on stage talked about health care tonight. I’m the only one who’s gotten anything done. #DemDebate,263,604,34,2869 1230318973742387200,2020-02-20 02:31,,"Obamacare was and is a big deal. The law: - Covered 20 million additional Americans - Protects over 100 million with pre-existing conditions - Allows young people to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26 Mike Bloomberg calls that “a disgrace.” I call it progress. #DemDebate",163,686,44,2010 1230327966636421120,2020-02-20 03:07,,I visited the Techren solar facility. Let me tell you: Nevada gets it. Solar facilities like this one are powering our transition to clean energy and creating jobs in the process. We've got to transition to a clean energy economy. #DemDebate,64,397,19,1334 1230329979658915841,2020-02-20 03:15,,"You can sue tobacco companies. You can sue pharmaceutical companies. The only companies you can’t sue are gun manufacturers because of a law Bernie Sanders voted for. #DemDebate",506,3803,201,11213 1230332953395376129,2020-02-20 03:26,,Whether you’re in the Oval Office or on our party’s debate stage: racial profiling is wrong. Period. #DemDebate,106,696,29,2367 1230339806938517510,2020-02-20 03:54,,"I know a lot of folks want to write our campaign off right now, but tonight is showing that we're just getting started. We need your help to make the most of tonight's debate. Chip in to keep our momentum going:",202,610,30,1916 1230342228368904192,2020-02-20 04:03,,I’ve been knocked down a whole hell of a lot. But I know how to get back up. We have to get up and provide safety and security for the American people. #DemDebate,665,1723,140,9516 1230361636877275136,2020-02-20 05:20,,"I’m feeling good about what’s to come for our campaign in Nevada, South Carolina and beyond. I could use your help to keep this momentum going. Chip in what you can, it’ll make a big difference for our campaign:",1226,1746,174,6965 1230365966573293569,2020-02-20 05:38,,"Action can’t wait when it comes to gun safety reform, health care, and immigration. We need a leader with the proven ability to unite the country and get big things done.",280,905,54,3189 1230501756741783554,2020-02-20 14:37,,It's time to hold gun manufacturers accountable.,811,2049,266,6782 1230539861343506432,2020-02-20 17:08,,We are in a climate emergency — and every day that Donald Trump remains in the White House further threatens the future of our planet.,221,693,37,2500 1230564205616517121,2020-02-20 18:45,,"Trump thinks the media is the enemy of the people. He's dead wrong. America’s commitment to free press, free speech, and free expression should never waver, and certainly not in the face of Chinese authoritarianism. We've got to stand up for these freedoms at home and abroad.",255,777,40,2723 1230603028853596161,2020-02-20 21:20,,"It’s simple: If you like your private health insurance plan, you should be able to keep it. If you don’t like it, you should be able to choose a new public option. That’s the choice my administration will give every American — and we’ll do it without raising middle class taxes.",787,2063,162,6758 1230619946306211847,2020-02-20 22:27,,"We have to take on the @NRA and pass real reform to end our gun violence epidemic. That starts with universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and holding gun manufacturers accountable. I've beaten the gun lobby twice — and I'll do it again as president.",72,321,18,1368 1230619943730896898,2020-02-20 22:27,,Last night’s debate took place blocks away from the site of the deadliest mass shooting in American history — where a lone gunman took 58 precious lives and injured hundreds of others. Yet there were zero questions about how we end our gun violence epidemic. It was unacceptable.,269,1824,93,8021 1230619945110769665,2020-02-20 22:27,,"We fall into the same pattern every time: a senseless act of violence occurs, politicians offer “thoughts and prayers,” and calls for reform fade away until the next tragedy inevitably occurs. I’m sick and tired of saying “enough is enough.” We can’t go on like this any longer.",33,304,9,1417 1230633227661955073,2020-02-20 23:20,,The campaign trail is ruff without these two by my side. #LoveYourPetDay,137,517,28,3299 1230649585640574978,2020-02-21 00:25,,Let me be clear: Mayor Bloomberg should release folks from their non-disclosure agreements. This is about transparency. The American people deserve to know the truth.,1045,1836,981,4012 1230655877092384770,2020-02-21 00:50,,"I'm about to take the stage for tonight's town hall in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tune in to @CNN at 8 PM ET to watch live.",265,391,40,1923 1230657890161004544,2020-02-21 00:58,,"Alex, a law enforcement officer and former Marine from Reno, supports common-sense gun safety reform — just like the majority of America. Here’s why he’s supporting our campaign:",167,422,52,1194 1230677552039186432,2020-02-21 02:16,,I’ve sat there and looked in the eyes of parents who lost their kids to gun violence. They want to be able to sue these gun manufacturers. We should let them.,537,1950,108,7496 1230685572714418176,2020-02-21 02:48,,"We had a great night at tonight's CNN town hall — and with just two days until the Nevada caucuses, we need your help to keep our momentum going. Every dollar goes a long way during this critical stretch. Chip in today:",144,405,19,1412 1230702055720808458,2020-02-21 03:53,,Americans — not Vladimir Putin — should decide our elections.,485,2547,90,8383 1230869535227596802,2020-02-21 14:59,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history. We need to get him out of the White House and restore honor and dignity to the presidency.,985,2770,187,11473 1230907739448193025,2020-02-21 17:30,,We all have a responsibility to declare with conviction that hatred and bigotry and white supremacy have no place in America. We must give hate no safe harbor.,131,781,31,2826 1230916479337598978,2020-02-21 18:05,,"America's teachers and school personnel have been forced to make ends meet with too little pay and too few resources to educate our kids. That'll change in my administration. Thank you @AFTunion and @rweingarten!",140,331,19,1191 1230926923183935493,2020-02-21 18:47,,"Grateful to have the support of @latinovictoryus! We can't beat Trump without a broad and diverse coalition that includes and elevates the Latino community. Together, we can win the battle for the soul of our nation.",115,800,39,2734 1230933959371976704,2020-02-21 19:15,,"Experience matters. I’m the only one in this race who has gotten anything big done when it comes to health care. As president, I’ll build on Obamacare to ensure every American receives the quality, affordable care they deserve.",288,925,58,3027 1230947283191111680,2020-02-21 20:07,,"A giant among men, a civil rights hero, and a man I'm honored to call a friend — Happy Birthday, Congressman Lewis! Every day your courage inspires me like it's inspired our entire country.",100,879,30,4326 1230960384347136000,2020-02-21 21:00,,Family separation will end on my watch — I promise you.,331,1396,80,4801 1230993099041603585,2020-02-21 23:10,,"On day one, I will send a bill to Congress providing a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants and take action to protect Dreamers.",274,877,52,2942 1230998887298564096,2020-02-21 23:33,,Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.,6313,8208,1439,35337 1231008701948915712,2020-02-22 00:12,,"Tomorrow is Caucus Day in Nevada, and we need your help to bring us across the finish line. I know we’ve asked a lot lately, but if you have a few extra minutes, please head to to talk with caucusgoers about what’s at stake. I'd greatly appreciate it.",148,525,21,1429 1231021033273954305,2020-02-22 01:01,,Donald Trump and Stephen Miller have raised the standard of cruelty with their inhumane immigration policies. We have to get them out of the White House and ensure our laws reflect our values as a nation of immigrants.,496,2306,73,8381 1231047205886185472,2020-02-22 02:45,,"The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 was our best shot at fixing our broken immigration system. It had bipartisan support and would have put millions of immigrants on the pathway to citizenship. Bernie Sanders voted against it.",285,1629,84,4275 1231223366511546368,2020-02-22 14:25,,"Today’s the day, Nevada! Confirm your caucus location at and make a plan to arrive by 11:00 AM PT.",147,485,34,1586 1231261869983199232,2020-02-22 16:58,,"For too many people across the country, the daily scourge of gun violence has turned normal into a living nightmare. It has to end. I’ve taken on the @NRA and won — twice. And I’ll do it again as president to end our gun violence epidemic.",346,1583,73,5248 1231272439725928448,2020-02-22 17:40,,"It’s Caucus Day, Nevada! It’s time for the West to make its voice heard. Head to to confirm your caucus location and make a plan to be there by 11:00 AM PT. Let’s win this!",133,456,26,1316 1231294585613123584,2020-02-22 19:08,,Do you believe in life after Trump?,4652,5817,2917,44216 1231315222528434182,2020-02-22 20:30,,"Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers in Nevada for all your hard work — your faith in our campaign means the world to me. We’re taking this campaign across the country and need your help. Head to to get involved today.",258,1357,51,4940 1231375012591878144,2020-02-23 00:27,,I'm about to take the stage from Nevada. Tune in to watch live:,572,993,77,3962 1231383672772841472,2020-02-23 01:02,,"While not every vote in Nevada has been counted yet, one thing is clear: our comeback starts here. Now, we’re headed to South Carolina where we’re all-in to win. Chip in to help fuel our victory:",322,1111,54,4209 1231393660165554177,2020-02-23 01:41,,"Nevada, y’all did it for me! Thank you to all of our incredible supporters, volunteers, and organizers around the state. We couldn’t have done this without you. Next stop: South Carolina!",732,1185,197,6027 1231400785432502272,2020-02-23 02:10,,"I ain’t a socialist. I ain’t a plutocrat. I’m a Democrat — and I'm proud of it.",2653,5803,657,29790 1231406761447428098,2020-02-23 02:33,,"Despite what the press said this week, we’re alive, we’re coming back, and we’re gonna win!",522,1910,125,8682 1231414503247687681,2020-02-23 03:04,,"Thank you, Nevada! We're headed to South Carolina but have one more request: if you can chip in a few dollars to keep our momentum going we would greatly appreciate it. Every donation makes a big difference:",1702,2079,189,7755 1231615953198145536,2020-02-23 16:25,,There is nothing that the United States of America can’t do if we do it together.,954,1904,175,9960 1231647662216077312,2020-02-23 18:31,,"Americans aren’t looking for a handout. They’re just looking for a fair shot to get ahead. But too many people today aren’t getting that chance. We have to rebuild the middle class — and this time, bring everyone along.",360,1305,76,4491 1231662510186487808,2020-02-23 19:30,,We need a president who will always choose compassion over cruelty.,1526,3505,286,20237 1231685159881203717,2020-02-23 21:00,,"Over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions live in fear that their health care will be taken away from them. I promise you I will not let that happen — we will protect and build on Obamacare.",365,1465,66,4430 1231730458498461697,2020-02-24 00:00,,"We’re not just trying to beat Donald Trump. We’ve got to take back the Senate, keep the House of Representatives, and unite our party.",663,3216,180,11348 1231748325411475457,2020-02-24 01:11,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president we’ve ever had — and the American people deserve to know what he’s hiding in his tax returns.,2796,7846,471,41210 1231975321311694849,2020-02-24 16:13,,"Housing should be a right — not a privilege. But far too many Americans lack access to affordable, quality, and safe housing. Today, I'm releasing my $640 billion plan to change that:",444,1471,82,4264 1232047799178387456,2020-02-24 21:01,,"I promise you that if I am elected president, we will hold gun manufacturers accountable for the carnage they have caused.",613,1596,100,5772 1232056355529183234,2020-02-24 21:35,,"I think Barack Obama was one hell of a President. I was proud to stand alongside him every step of the way — and fought like hell to make sure he was re-elected. Bernie Sanders can't say the same.",1993,5057,636,18025 1232070730076041216,2020-02-24 22:32,,"Vanessa, I'm keeping you in my prayers today. Grief is a heavy burden to bear — especially with the eyes of the world watching. But there will come a day, I promise you, when the memory of Kobe and Gianna will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye.",629,6624,375,51524 1232085662897188864,2020-02-24 23:31,,"America’s story is full of barrier breakers who refused to accept the status quo — Katherine Johnson is among the finest. No hindrance — not racism, sexism, or even the force of gravity — was too tall a task for her. @DrBiden and I are keeping her loved ones in our hearts.",58,862,24,3473 1232100395658469377,2020-02-25 00:30,,"Our comeback started in Nevada. Now, we need your help to carry this momentum to South Carolina, Super Tuesday, and beyond. Sign up to get involved in your community:",246,761,41,2693 1232110461543309312,2020-02-25 01:10,,Meeting Tina brightened my day — and she made a pretty good point at the end.,657,3562,580,13032 1232119269824942080,2020-02-25 01:45,,"This election is about more than just beating Donald Trump. It’s about: - Replacing Betsy DeVos with an actual educator - Having an Attorney General who defends the Constitution, not the president - Ensuring our EPA Administrator believes climate change is an existential threat",1363,8064,409,32188 1232315563507998723,2020-02-25 14:45,,The right to vote is the most fundamental American right there is. We should be making voting easier — not harder.,647,1913,101,8738 1232372186746220544,2020-02-25 18:30,,"With Donald Trump out of the way, there’s no limit to what America can achieve.",1310,2366,197,13700 1232393895297912835,2020-02-25 19:56,,This moment requires strong American leadership and disciplined diplomacy to lead a global response grounded in science — Donald Trump is incapable of that. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.,612,2650,121,7421 1232443153862422528,2020-02-25 23:12,,"In 2005, I voted to allow Americans to hold gun manufacturers accountable for the death and terror they've caused in our country. Bernie Sanders voted to let them off the hook.",455,1951,136,4752 1232460769926602752,2020-02-26 00:22,,"Ban assault weapons. Enact universal background checks. Hold gun manufacturers accountable. End our gun violence epidemic.",916,3343,169,16118 1232473356588343297,2020-02-26 01:12,,"Five. That’s how many times Senator Sanders voted AGAINST the Brady background check bill that has kept 3 million firearms out of dangerous hands. We need a president who will stand up to the @NRA — not one who stands with them against lifesaving gun safety measures. #DemDebate",118,1449,42,4233 1232474210389225472,2020-02-26 01:15,,"I’ve worked like the devil to earn the vote of the African American community. I don’t expect anything. I plan to earn the Black vote. And I’m here to ask for it. #DemDebate",361,1084,82,4162 1232479020672962562,2020-02-26 01:34,,"Tom Steyer invested $90 million in the nation's largest private prison company — a company that allegedly hog-tied and beat kids in South Carolina. It's despicable. President Obama and I worked to phase out private prisons — I will fight to get rid of them as president.",159,779,58,1795 1232481895826329600,2020-02-26 01:45,,Gun manufacturers — if I’m elected I’m coming for you. #DemDebate,507,1292,95,6259 1232487335771570176,2020-02-26 02:07,,My first effort as a county council member was doing away with redlining — and I didn’t stop there. I've fought against housing discrimination my entire career. #DemDebate,121,494,13,1696 1232493680079933440,2020-02-26 02:32,,We gotta make it clear: China must play by the rules. #DemDebate,181,414,34,1953 1232496083202269184,2020-02-26 02:42,,"Let’s be clear: Russia is engaging in interference in this election right now, as we speak. #DemDebate",840,1956,126,8148 1232501877289472000,2020-02-26 03:05,,Pitch in if you agree:,543,1219,112,5077 1232505640968478720,2020-02-26 03:20,,When everyone around you is shouting about health care reform but you're the only one who has gotten anything big done.,793,2742,227,12584 1232515128085471233,2020-02-26 03:58,,Being a progressive means actually making progress. I’m the only one in this race who has beaten the NRA nationally and passed real gun safety reform — and I’ll do it again as president. #DemDebate,423,1666,75,5764 1232520337759313925,2020-02-26 04:18,,"Team, we had a great debate tonight in South Carolina. I could use your help to keep this momentum going as we head toward the primary this Saturday. With just a few days left - chip in what you can, every dollar makes a difference:",859,2100,130,7780 1232683784954359808,2020-02-26 15:08,,Jim Clyburn is a voice of powerful moral clarity that is heard loud and clear across this country — in our capital and beyond. He reminds us why we’re in public service in the first place — and I’m proud to have his support.,1008,5968,374,19241 1232709911621951491,2020-02-26 16:52,,"I know that with folks like Bernice and the Reckoning Crew, we will win the battle for the soul of our nation. I'm so grateful to have them on our team. Join them and get involved in your community:",168,754,67,2095 1232725514399301633,2020-02-26 17:54,,We need to put a black woman on the Supreme Court.,5599,5753,1486,45254 1232760746523516930,2020-02-26 20:14,,We need policies that allow Black Americans to create wealth. And we need policies that will let them pass it down from generation to generation.,329,833,45,2657 1232780170697859074,2020-02-26 21:31,,The evidence is clear: we can’t wait to take action on climate change. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and tackle this crisis head-on. The survival of our planet depends on it.,329,1113,33,3740 1232796201029906433,2020-02-26 22:34,,"I’m a union guy and always have been. I stand with @UFCW — and as president, I’ll invest in American workers. We need to protect good American jobs and make sure our economy works for all Americans.",179,418,34,1469 1232812588032876544,2020-02-26 23:40,,"In 1994, I took on the @NRA to pass a 10-year ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The ban saved lives — and Republicans should have never let it expire. As president, I’ll ban them once again. We will get these weapons of war out of our communities.",197,536,24,1745 1232821727002013702,2020-02-27 00:16,,"I'm glad this bill — overdue now for more than a century — has passed. Congress' failure to act on lynching will forever be a stain on the institution, but living up to the founding principles of our nation means fully coming to terms with the sins of our past.",203,761,35,2799 1232847579991486464,2020-02-27 01:59,,I’m heartbroken at the news of yet another mass shooting in America — and I’m keeping the victims and their loved ones in my prayers. We can’t go on like this any longer as a nation. It’s time we come together and pass common-sense reforms to end this epidemic.,141,1080,41,4239 1232851279162073089,2020-02-27 02:13,,"I taught constitutional law for a long time and here's the deal: No amendment is absolute. There are limits. Common-sense reforms like background checks and a ban on assault weapons are not a violation of the Second Amendment. Period.",1704,5132,326,25068 1232854111625740293,2020-02-27 02:25,,"We just wrapped up a great CNN town hall and could use your help to keep the momentum going. With just three days left until the South Carolina primary, every dollar makes a big difference. Chip in today:",191,483,30,1525 1232859648195063809,2020-02-27 02:47,,"If I were president today, I would not be taking China's word when it comes to the coronavirus. American scientists and health experts should be allowed in the country to determine how the virus started and to help contain its spread.",732,2817,518,8274 1232872985985462272,2020-02-27 03:40,,"My faith is important to me because it gives me some reason to have hope and purpose. It took a long time for me to realize, but that purpose is the thing that has saved me.",346,1556,96,7360 1232889343058071556,2020-02-27 04:45,,"Folks, we are currently $45,000 short of raising $1 million online today. We don't have a lot of time, but if we all pitch in, we can do it. Can I count on your help? Pitch in before midnight:",490,1008,83,2480 1233044365871898625,2020-02-27 15:01,,I don’t take the support of the African-American community for granted. I’ve worked like the devil to earn it and will continue to work for every last vote.,409,1194,76,4705 1233066762968559616,2020-02-27 16:30,,"A $15 an hour minimum wage is long overdue, but it’s just the start. We have to make sure every single worker receives the pay and dignity they deserve.",670,1469,108,7241 1233093187427684353,2020-02-27 18:15,,Senator Sanders still hasn’t been honest about how much Medicare for All will cost and who will pay for it. The American people deserve the truth.,654,1721,111,5347 1233102732715872256,2020-02-27 18:52,,"Folks, thanks to you we raised $1.2M from nearly 30,000 donors yesterday. And I was even happier to hear that 1/3rd of those donors were new. I can't begin to tell you what your support means. South Carolina is just a few days away, let's keep it going:",273,1190,58,4153 1233128772045561856,2020-02-27 20:36,,"One year later, @senatemajldr is still stonewalling the bipartisan universal background check bill. It’s unbelievable. It’s time for Mitch McConnell to stand up to the @NRA, do his job, and bring the bill up for a vote. Lives depend on it.",188,1380,50,3939 1233152589262249985,2020-02-27 22:11,,"With nearly 2 million Dominicans and their families in the U.S., we have so much to celebrate on Dominican Republic Independence Day! The everyday contributions of Dominican Americans to our country has enriched our lives and made us stronger.",123,553,35,2065 1233157863402590208,2020-02-27 22:32,,"I have a message for the @NRA and gun manufacturers: If I am elected president, I am going to take you on and I will defeat you.",470,1319,75,5805 1233177492640260097,2020-02-27 23:50,,Donald Trump is determined to sabotage Obamacare and roll back the progress we’ve made. We can’t let him get away with it. We have to protect and build on the law to ensure every American has access to the health care they deserve.,343,1598,71,4511 1233190075418021889,2020-02-28 00:40,,"""Thanks to a man of great position and character taking an interest in him, he knows that his stutter does not define him, nor his plans for a bright future."" You raised an incredible young man, Elisa. I'm honored to have been a part of his journey.",98,589,23,2128 1233198883448082432,2020-02-28 01:15,,Barack Obama was one hell of a president.,1612,5117,489,24309 1233211466502692864,2020-02-28 02:05,,I’m running for president to offer our country a different path — not back to a past that never was — but to a future that fulfills our true promise as a nation.,1179,2291,160,11019 1233407760462753795,2020-02-28 15:05,,We are in a battle for the soul of this nation — and Donald Trump is poison to our soul. We have to get him out of the White House.,764,4143,212,14466 1233429152461545473,2020-02-28 16:30,,Senator Kaine is an incredible public servant. Virginians are lucky to have him representing them in the Senate — and I'm honored to have his endorsement.,271,1090,54,5273 1233460356749680640,2020-02-28 18:34,,"My dad always said, “Champ, when you get knocked down, you get back up.” I’ve been knocked down a lot in my life, like so many Americans have, but always get back up. That’s the resiliency of the American people. Given half a fighting chance, there’s nothing we can’t do.",447,1532,70,5966 1233489297002512384,2020-02-28 20:29,,"Tomorrow is the South Carolina primary, and we need your help to bring us across the finish line. If you have a few extra minutes, head to to talk with folks before they head to the polls.",101,544,15,1435 1233497602097733632,2020-02-28 21:02,,"America was founded on the promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all. We’ve never fully lived up to that promise — but we’ve never stopped trying. We can’t rest until we reach our highest ideals and justice truly rings out for all.",284,1157,64,4226 1233501888827592704,2020-02-28 21:19,,Wrong Veep,129,637,40,6239 1233510939720175616,2020-02-28 21:55,,Monica's story is the story of far too many in our country — and a solemn reminder of the cost of our inaction. No parent should lose their child to an act of gun violence. We have to end this epidemic.,104,497,16,1399 1233529310998388737,2020-02-28 23:08,,"Folks, a win in South Carolina would help us build momentum at just the right time. We're feeling good about our chances, but we need your help to pull it off. Please chip in what you can — every dollar makes a big difference:",222,868,36,2599 1233549947640958976,2020-02-29 00:30,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Donald Trump’s poisonous rhetoric has emboldened the worst among us to crawl out from under their rocks and spread their hate openly. We have to get Trump out of the White House and give hate no safe harbor.",813,3541,160,13758 1233557748387729408,2020-02-29 01:01,,"For too many people across the country, normal has become a living nightmare. We can’t go on like this any longer. We have to end our gun violence epidemic.",387,1669,85,4613 1233757564992540673,2020-02-29 14:15,,"Today’s the day, South Carolina! Confirm your polling location at, grab your photo ID, and make sure to get out and vote before 7 PM ET.",294,1575,110,4752 1233785247457673216,2020-02-29 16:05,,"Today, South Carolina has the chance to set our nation on a new path. Let’s go.",219,965,63,3253 1233800347061063680,2020-02-29 17:05,,"I’m honored to have Congressman Clyburn’s vote — now, I’m asking for yours. Get out and vote, South Carolina:",376,1896,93,6332 1233818466236301312,2020-02-29 18:17,,Today’s the day — it’s primary day in South Carolina! Head to to make calls from wherever you are in the country to help get folks to the polls.,182,592,17,1891 1233840611939061765,2020-02-29 19:45,,"To win the battle for the soul of this nation, we need everyone to step up and make their voice heard. If you live in South Carolina, confirm your polling place by heading to, grab your photo ID, and get out and vote today.",178,631,30,2077 1233851937331630080,2020-02-29 20:30,,I’ve dedicated my entire life to serving this country — and I’m not finished yet.,691,3595,200,13804 1233883142374727681,2020-02-29 22:34,,"We are at an inflection point. We can choose four more years of Donald Trump's poisonous rhetoric and divisive politics — or we can take the next great step forward as a nation. It won’t be easy. But we can do it, together.",492,2921,183,8720 1233905713321254912,2020-03-01 00:03,,"Thank you, South Carolina! To all those who have been knocked down, counted out, and left behind — this is your campaign. Together, we will win this nomination and beat Donald Trump.",2511,8955,726,55334 1233907481388158979,2020-03-01 00:10,,"Just days ago, the press and the pundits declared our campaign dead. But after tonight, it's clear we are very much alive — and we need your help to keep the momentum going. Chip in to help us make the most of our big victory in South Carolina:",568,1742,139,6789 1233931842912342016,2020-03-01 01:47,,I'm about to take the stage from South Carolina. Tune in to watch live:,908,1465,143,7199 1233946811787669505,2020-03-01 02:47,,"The press counted us out. The pundits declared our campaign dead. But we proved them wrong.",1061,4354,365,22606 1233951593252311041,2020-03-01 03:06,,"From climate change to racial justice — @TomSteyer has dedicated his life to making progress on some of the most pressing issues of our time. His presence will continue to be felt in the race, and I look forward to working alongside him to get Donald Trump out of the White House.",502,3461,122,17984 1233962666298765312,2020-03-01 03:50,,"South Carolina, I can't thank you enough. Tonight's big victory has launched us forward, and we need your help to keep the momentum going. Please chip in a few dollars if you can — it'll make a big difference:",2847,4835,402,22531 1234115571245047810,2020-03-01 13:57,,"Yesterday this campaign raised $5M online, including from tens of thousands of new supporters. You did that. Together, we will do this. We'll get the nomination, defeat Donald Trump and win the battle for the soul of this nation. Chip in to keep us going:",530,2576,179,8853 1234159540670795780,2020-03-01 16:52,,"When the press, pundits, and our opponents wrote us off, @TeamJoe delivered big. This was the launching pad. Now let’s win this thing.",439,1825,83,7497 1234177834312036352,2020-03-01 18:05,,"I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future than I am today. If we come together and unite this country, there’s not a single thing we can’t accomplish.",1137,3902,201,22531 1234212386850136067,2020-03-01 20:22,,Only Donald Trump could make the coronavirus about him. This president is dangerous.,747,4421,181,19019 1234234960518709248,2020-03-01 21:52,,"South Carolina was just the launching pad. Our campaign is taking off, and we need your help. Head to to get involved in your community.",249,1339,52,5146 1234269185993269249,2020-03-02 00:08,,"With your help, we won big in South Carolina. Now, we're shifting our focus to winning big on Super Tuesday. I know we can do it, but we need your help to make it happen. If you can, please chip in to keep our momentum going:",238,1068,41,3669 1234283278925852672,2020-03-02 01:04,,"Together, we will beat Donald Trump.",1190,4666,227,35601 1234290223451901954,2020-03-02 01:31,,".@PeteButtigieg ran a historic, trail-blazing campaign based on courage, compassion, and honesty. We will be a better country for his continued service. This is just the beginning of his time on the national stage.",1369,9532,426,74324 1234296761700823040,2020-03-02 01:57,,"Yesterday we had our best day of online fundraising on this campaign, raising $5M from tens of thousands of new supporters. Today, we've already surpassed that total. And we're just getting started. Join us:",260,1520,98,5399 1234306179804778496,2020-03-02 02:35,,"The press and the pundits declared our campaign dead. But after last night's big victory, it's clear we are very much alive.",361,1301,63,6748 1234312722939908098,2020-03-02 03:01,,"Selma, thank you for welcoming me back into your community this morning. As we commemorate the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, we also recognize that the struggle for Black Americans to participate in democracy is not over. We have to fight for a more just, equal America—together.",252,1246,37,6113 1234496181868388357,2020-03-02 15:10,,"I'm incredibly honored to have the support of @latinovictoryus. Latinos are the future. They must have a voice — and as president, I will do all in my power to amplify that voice.",418,2235,108,8195 1234524116226539523,2020-03-02 17:01,,"If you want a Democratic nominee who will: - Build on Obamacare — not scrap it - Take on the @NRA and gun manufacturers — not protect them - Stand up for the middle class — not raise their taxes and make promises that can’t be kept Then this is your campaign.",1541,5732,273,28581 1234559851281313792,2020-03-02 19:23,,Americans can't wait for the false promise of a revolution. We need real change right now.,550,2029,101,8112 1234565388106633217,2020-03-02 19:45,,Something is happening in Virginia.,457,1088,81,6865 1234602129970651138,2020-03-02 22:11,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation — and it's a battle we can't lose. So let's get back up, let's fight back, and let's win.",1133,5912,421,22883 1234624024438878208,2020-03-02 23:38,,Bernie Sanders has gone after nearly every corporation in the world — except the gun manufacturers. It's unacceptable. We need a president with the courage to take them on and ensure they can be held accountable for the carnage they have caused.,890,3196,156,12139 1234641639869755392,2020-03-03 00:48,,"Proud to have Pete on the trail with me today. Our number one priority is to beat Donald Trump and bring unity back to our party. Together we're gonna make it happen.  Welcome to the team, @PeteButtigieg! Watch live:",800,4209,222,27088 1234650818776911874,2020-03-03 01:24,,"This fall, Donald Trump will be trying to get the Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare — ripping insurance away from 30 million people. I’ll be fighting to end his administration, and to secure for every American the peace of mind that comes from having affordable health care.",415,2645,80,8110 1234663282868252678,2020-03-03 02:14,,"Grateful beyond words to have @PeteButtigieg’s endorsement. A guy of enormous integrity. Someone who has as much moral courage as he has physical courage. Welcome to the team, Mayor Pete.",703,3514,202,26891 1234665774121250817,2020-03-03 02:23,,"I’m about to take the stage with Senator @AmyKlobuchar in Dallas, Texas, ahead of Super Tuesday. Tune in to watch live:",364,1299,82,7546 1234677128311869451,2020-03-03 03:09,,Honored to have @BetoORourke join us on the stage tonight in Dallas. Tune in now to hear what he has to say:,369,1652,76,10459 1234678382207455232,2020-03-03 03:14,,"I can't tell you how much Senator @AmyKlobuchar's endorsement means to me. From the moment she announced, it wasn’t hard to see she had the grit and determination to do anything she sets her mind to. That's why I'm confident that we'll beat Donald Trump, together.",412,1567,77,9705 1234691468393975808,2020-03-03 04:06,,".@BetoORourke mobilized a state, inspired a nation, and in the wake of the shooting in El Paso showed us all what compassionate leadership looks like. He will be changing this nation for years to come. I'm so grateful he's on our team.",400,1838,98,8778 1234693733402267649,2020-03-03 04:15,,"Pete and Amy and Beto backed our campaign — now we need you. This is our moment to come together as a party to beat Donald Trump. If you're with us, chip in today to keep our momentum going:",396,1405,67,5770 1234695405021036549,2020-03-03 04:21,,Seeing what this whole Whataburger thing is about with @BetoORourke !,933,2345,406,11640 1234696250068324352,2020-03-03 04:25,,"Whether you supported Pete, Amy, Beto, or any other candidate in this race — know that there is a home for you in our campaign. I will do everything I can to earn your vote.",2445,7128,456,49937 1234700024984068097,2020-03-03 04:40,,The last few days have made one thing very clear: We are building the campaign that will beat Donald Trump.,1424,3053,202,21235 1234829880618930176,2020-03-03 13:16,,"Today’s the day! If you’re in a Super Tuesday state, head to to confirm your polling location and make sure to get out and vote.",542,1525,111,5545 1234856304918663168,2020-03-03 15:01,,"We can't sit by and lose this country to Donald Trump. Today, we take it back — together. Go vote:",2093,1632,356,5698 1234869139409379331,2020-03-03 15:52,,"Jill and I send our thoughts and prayers for the safety of Tennesseans affected by the tornado. Stay safe out there — and if you're voting today, be sure to follow @tndp for updates.",151,1014,38,5049 1234879205675954176,2020-03-03 16:32,,"Recorded this last night but couldn't have said it any better myself, @BetoORourke. If you live in any state that's voting on Super Tuesday — today is your day. Let's go win this thing, folks! Head over to to find your polling location now.",676,2504,142,9661 1234895060635934720,2020-03-03 17:35,,"This is a critical, critical moment. But don't just take it from me. Momentum is growing, chip in $5, $10 now to keep us going:",819,2237,330,7911 1234927020913627140,2020-03-03 19:42,,"If you want a Democratic nominee who can: - Beat Donald Trump - Keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and hold the House - Take the US Senate and state legislatures Then this is your campaign.",2387,6313,458,37292 1234947405071536129,2020-03-03 21:03,,"Whether you live in Maine or California — or any Super Tuesday state in between — I’m asking for your vote today. Together, we can beat Donald Trump and set our nation on a new path. Head to to confirm your polling location and get out and vote!",379,1170,53,4626 1234957974528937985,2020-03-03 21:45,,"Senator @AmyKlobuchar said it best, ""It is time to turn back the division and the hate and the exclusion and the bitterness — and it is time to work together."" If you're in Minnesota — or any Super Tuesday state — go vote today!",387,1615,75,7751 1234981882091098115,2020-03-03 23:20,,We are better than this moment and so much better than this president. It's time we get up and take back our country.,447,2159,85,9277 1234999833909329920,2020-03-04 00:31,,"Thank you, Virginia!",279,2103,110,14515 1235000018873896961,2020-03-04 00:32,,"Thank you, North Carolina!",535,3221,161,23421 1235007787161317378,2020-03-04 01:02,,"Thank you, Alabama!",402,2491,98,17278 1235024814756098048,2020-03-04 02:10,,"Thank you, Tennessee!",280,2378,96,17247 1235026811068633090,2020-03-04 02:18,,"Thank you, Oklahoma!",287,1884,91,13908 1235027778048864261,2020-03-04 02:22,,#Joementum,3086,6552,2138,28644 1235038793528274945,2020-03-04 03:06,,"Thank you, Arkansas!",216,1580,59,11337 1235042035070947328,2020-03-04 03:19,,"Thank you, Minnesota!",318,1862,101,13854 1235044874908393472,2020-03-04 03:30,,I'm about to take the stage from California. Tune in to watch live:,192,222,15,1658 1235049205275791360,2020-03-04 03:47,,"The press and the pundits declared us dead — but tonight has made clear that we are very much alive. We're building the campaign that can unite the party and beat Donald Trump — but we need your help to do it. Chip in to keep this momentum going:",338,1068,56,4668 1235052234116714498,2020-03-04 03:59,,"Thank you, Massachusetts!",296,1598,125,11745 1235052111358046208,2020-03-04 03:59,,"Thanks, Obama.",459,2629,322,15890 1235054319239483394,2020-03-04 04:07,,"You lost tonight, @realDonaldTrump. Democrats around the country are fired up. We are decent, brave, and resilient people. We are better than you. Come November, we are going to beat you.",12111,14722,2244,94241 1235055833894883328,2020-03-04 04:13,,"Let’s unite. Let’s beat Donald Trump. And let’s take back this country!",1987,7639,400,50442 1235067575710765057,2020-03-04 05:00,,"I want to thank our incredible supporters and volunteers across the country. Your faith in our campaign — especially when the pundits and the media counted us out — means the world to me. Let’s go win this, together.",392,1988,77,11071 1235075499145064448,2020-03-04 05:32,,"Team, because of you we had an incredible Super Tuesday. Now, it's time to focus on beating Donald Trump. We can get him out of the White House with your help. Please chip in a few dollars to help us win this thing:",6067,4376,569,19639 1235094180097122304,2020-03-04 06:46,,"Call it a W. Thank you, Texas.",599,2721,841,18013 1235094384493727744,2020-03-04 06:47,,"Thank you, Texas!",1086,4353,367,32390 1235218114461212672,2020-03-04 14:58,,"I'm Joe Biden and I'm running a campaign that chooses: Hope over fear. Unity over division. Truth over lies. And to supporters of Pete, Amy, and Beto: last night was your win too — and I’m here to earn your vote. So join us:",969,4568,306,20165 1235231527191093250,2020-03-04 15:52,,".@MikeBloomberg, I can’t thank you enough for your support—and for your tireless work on everything from gun safety reform to climate change. This race is bigger than candidates and bigger than politics. It’s about defeating Donald Trump, and with your help, we’re gonna do it.",3537,11893,1613,77390 1235261222854856704,2020-03-04 17:50,,"I have said it many times in this campaign. This nation will be able to overcome four years of Donald Trump. But if this man is reelected, we won’t recognize this country in a few years. We have to get Trump out of the White House.",3548,11510,715,67600 1235297357648015361,2020-03-04 20:13,,"Thank you, Maine!",395,1876,81,14043 1235307108117221378,2020-03-04 20:52,,"We need judges who will respect Roe v. Wade as the law, and we need a Congress that will protect reproductive rights. If I'm president, that leadership will start at the top.",261,908,40,5215 1235307106682777607,2020-03-04 20:52,,"There is an assault on abortion access, and today it has reached the Supreme Court. It's time for our leaders to stand up for women's rights.",490,2214,93,9092 1235322880314892288,2020-03-04 21:55,,Most Americans don't want the false promise of a revolution — they want results.,1123,2164,170,10652 1235339488802594828,2020-03-04 23:01,,"America was built on the simple idea that we're all created equal—but we've never lived up to it. We've had to fight for it. And we've got to recognize the women who have kept the fires of justice and equality blazing, lighting the way forward for us all. #WomensHistoryMonth",776,3090,110,16506 1235347289935208448,2020-03-04 23:32,,"I'm grateful that over 125 elected officials and leaders from across the country have endorsed our campaign in the last few days. Now, I'm hoping to get your endorsement. If you're with me, let me know by adding your name today:",1029,3210,186,12133 1235365660957474816,2020-03-05 00:45,,"To everyone who has placed your faith in our campaign thus far, thank you. Your support means the world to me — and I hope I make you proud. I will do everything I can to bring this country together and restore the soul of our nation.",927,2122,146,14414 1235374469079797762,2020-03-05 01:20,,We are building the coalition that will defeat Donald Trump.,3542,5824,496,47775 1235563953830481920,2020-03-05 13:52,,"I'm blown away by the grassroots energy we've seen from Pete, Amy, and Beto supporters. Tuesday wouldn't have happened without all of you. It's going to take all of us to beat Donald Trump and I'd love to have you on our team:",1501,4650,293,23896 1235616060906205184,2020-03-05 17:20,,"Senator @EWarren is the fiercest of fighters for middle class families. Her work in Washington, in Massachusetts, and on the campaign trail has made a real difference in people's lives. We needed her voice in this race, and we need her continued work in the Senate.",3957,9972,1397,85857 1235616413479550982,2020-03-05 17:21,,And to Bailey: Champ and Major would love to have you over any time.,367,1561,259,19156 1235650035251122176,2020-03-05 19:35,,We should not tear down Obamacare. Period. We need to protect and build on it with a new public option to ensure every American has access to the care they need.,3405,6042,594,36184 1235702883212918784,2020-03-05 23:05,,"Not a joke, folks. We added a bunch of new items to our campaign store that I think you'll like. Head to to stock up today.",326,473,47,1966 1235715465890205696,2020-03-05 23:55,,"I’m confident that with the help of @PeteButtigieg and his supporters, we will unite this country, we will beat Donald Trump, and we will restore honor and decency to the White House.",1019,3748,229,20773 1235725955726893056,2020-03-06 00:36,,"Here's the deal, folks: social security is on the ballot this year, and the choice couldn't be clearer: I'll protect and expand it. Donald Trump will cut it and take it away.",4290,13420,972,38616 1235732075506012160,2020-03-06 01:01,,"For all the hard-won progress we've made in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality, we're not done — not nearly. That's why I just released my plan to advance LGBTQ+ equality in America and around the world:",664,1961,200,7168 1235733748563533824,2020-03-06 01:07,,"Get real, Bernie. The only person who's going to cut Social Security if he's elected is Donald Trump. Maybe you should spend your time attacking him.",6434,13998,1815,63347 1235739373745958912,2020-03-06 01:30,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history — and the American people deserve to know what he is hiding in his tax returns.,2471,8880,679,28165 1235750698052202498,2020-03-06 02:15,,We need a president who will choose unity over division.,10835,7254,1960,56488 1235949508149661698,2020-03-06 15:25,,"Finally: a way to use Twitter without character limits. Check out what I had to say when @TwitterGov asked me about life on the campaign trail, what inspires me, and more:",776,2872,263,9662 1235977945581326337,2020-03-06 17:18,,They don’t call it Super Tuesday for nothing!,653,1845,135,8913 1236002607946067968,2020-03-06 18:56,,This is a big moment for our campaign — and we could use your help to keep our momentum going. Chip in $5 to help us build the campaign that will defeat Donald Trump:,1350,2953,362,11253 1236017332478242818,2020-03-06 19:54,,"It’s time we restore the great American middle class — and this time, make sure everyone has a chance to come along. That starts with making a $15 minimum wage the law of the land.",694,2238,107,8937 1236023348481724416,2020-03-06 20:18,,"I don't care who you're supporting, attacks like this against a man who could be the first Jewish President are disgusting and beyond the pale. Hatred and bigotry have no place in America — and it's up to all of us to root out these evils wherever they're found.",3397,21109,1868,111938 1236042621677690880,2020-03-06 21:35,,"Climate change is the existential crisis of our time. On day one, I'll rejoin the Paris Agreement — and then rally the world to push our progress further.",2669,6221,547,35076 1236075337164812288,2020-03-06 23:45,,"We are so much better than who Donald Trump thinks we are. This is the United States of America. We treat each other with dignity, we leave nobody behind, and we give hate no safe harbor.",3997,8272,690,47907 1236324479233449984,2020-03-07 16:15,,"I can’t tell you how much I appreciate @PeteButtigieg’s endorsement. If you supported Pete, know that there is a home for you in our campaign. Join us in the fight to restore the soul of our nation:",1344,5275,341,29891 1236343856699867137,2020-03-07 17:32,,"To everyone who has been knocked down, counted out, or left behind — this is your campaign. Together, we will beat Donald Trump and set our nation on a new path.",1550,4979,304,21895 1236360367430717440,2020-03-07 18:37,,I'm about to take the stage from Missouri. Tune in to watch live:,353,292,46,1835 1236366505979154432,2020-03-07 19:02,,"We're going to rebuild the great American middle class. And this time, we're going to bring everyone along regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.",2428,5853,410,33980 1236381353811120128,2020-03-07 20:01,,"I support #AB5 in California, which will give workers the dignity they deserve in the workplace. I agree with @transportworker that we can't let corporations undermine basic rights by adding these exemptions to ground-breaking legislation.",1772,859,693,2861 1236408784492298240,2020-03-07 21:50,,"If you re-elect Donald Trump, he's going to cut Medicare and Social Security. I'm going to protect and expand these benefits.",1642,5400,312,15817 1236433064038780928,2020-03-07 23:26,,I'm about to take the stage from Missouri. Tune in to watch live:,957,1880,145,8409 1236449049865224194,2020-03-08 00:30,,"“Rosie the Riveter"" represents the American women who worked in factories during World War II. Their resilience and hard work helped us win the war. Agnes was one of them. I called her on her 100th birthday, and I could not be more proud to have her support.",560,3277,174,13905 1236465665864880128,2020-03-08 01:36,,#WhereIsJoe,1947,2762,511,16942 1236623516226785283,2020-03-08 12:03,,"Kamala — You’ve spent your whole career fighting for folks who’ve been written off and left behind — and no small part of that alongside Beau. From our family: thank you.",3561,12997,955,77612 1236702218092515333,2020-03-08 17:16,,"If we give Donald Trump four more years in the White House, our planet may never recover.",12596,11326,2714,75786 1236727132044304387,2020-03-08 18:55,,"On this #InternationalWomensDay, it’s a hard truth that, in 2020, we have not yet reached gender equality in our society. I promise that, as president, I will use every tool available to me and take every opportunity to change that.",717,2660,138,11510 1236760575528464384,2020-03-08 21:07,,I'm about to take the stage from Mississippi. Tune in to watch live:,809,1618,135,7942 1236769913995313152,2020-03-08 21:45,,"If we are to realize the dream of gender equality, we can't be disheartened or disengaged. Instead we must recommit to fighting for progress, for our own sake and for the sake of all peoples. We can — and will — do this. Join us:",651,2601,104,9685 1236792814823849985,2020-03-08 23:16,,In Mississippi — and around the nation — the daily scourge of gun violence is tearing our communities apart. Enough is enough. We can’t go on like this. We have to take on the @NRA and end our gun violence epidemic.,562,1777,69,6730 1236805146312466432,2020-03-09 00:05,,We are in a battle for the soul of our nation — and Donald Trump is poison to our soul. We have to get him out of the White House.,3286,9541,589,56797 1236823760210141184,2020-03-09 01:18,,".@JohnDelaney is a man of great character, and I'm honored to have his endorsement. Together, we'll beat Donald Trump and restore the soul of this nation.",544,2149,58,12766 1236834273526779904,2020-03-09 02:00,,"On the anniversary of the passage of #HR1, we must recommit ourselves to eliminating all private dollars from our federal elections and restoring the Voting Rights Act. Our government should work #ForThePeople — not just the powerful.",582,2071,60,7697 1237049339241005056,2020-03-09 16:15,,Cory — Your leadership has given hope to so many and has inspired our nation to rise to meet the challenges of today. I'm incredibly grateful for your endorsement — and I look forward to working alongside you to unite the country and defeat Donald Trump.,839,4882,176,28855 1237073537342603264,2020-03-09 17:51,,We're building the campaign that will defeat Donald Trump — and his team is worried. Chip in to help us make Trump a one-term president:,556,1308,51,6012 1237088318602579970,2020-03-09 18:50,,"Senator @CoryBooker is joining me on the campaign trail in Flint, Michigan. Tune in to watch live:",658,1756,99,8795 1237100844559904769,2020-03-09 19:40,,"Our diversity is, and has always been, our greatest strength as a nation. Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.",1095,2771,151,16946 1237109652568944644,2020-03-09 20:15,,Now is not the time to divide the party and tear down fellow Democrats. Now is the time to come together to defeat Donald Trump.,2039,5072,457,19717 1237133991855169536,2020-03-09 21:51,,"In moments of crisis, presidential leadership is even more important. But time and time again, Donald Trump has proven just how incapable he is of rising to the occasion. He is dangerously unfit to lead our country through a global health challenge.",1306,6420,261,26739 1237151428201897985,2020-03-09 23:01,,Jill and I wish a Happy Holi to those celebrating the arrival of spring and the Festival of Colors! May the rest of your year be filled with a rainbow of colors and optimism. #Holi2020,474,2097,109,11035 1237162500757409794,2020-03-09 23:45,,"I put my faith in Michigan in the depths of the Great Recession — and if you believe, as I do, that our greatest days still lie ahead, I hope that you’ll put your faith in Team Joe tomorrow.",1046,3803,149,18712 1237177600314753025,2020-03-10 00:45,,Nothing can top this endorsement.,1389,5388,834,22237 1237373939837526016,2020-03-10 13:45,,"A wall won’t stop a virus. Racism won’t stop a virus. Do your job.",6000,25800,1548,147456 1237388993869774848,2020-03-10 14:45,,"Today’s the day! If you live in ID, MI, MS, MO, ND, or WA head to to confirm your polling location and make sure to get out and vote.",623,1704,85,5919 1237410887650041856,2020-03-10 16:12,,"I give you my word as a Biden: If I am elected president, I will do everything in my power to protect our children from gun violence.",1767,5163,342,25481 1237436556685627392,2020-03-10 17:54,,We need a president who will stand up to the @NRA — not stand with them against gun safety reform.,1333,3265,309,11648 1237470782260830208,2020-03-10 20:10,,"If you live in: - Idaho - Michigan - Mississippi - Missouri - North Dakota - Washington You vote today! Head to to find all the info you need to make your voice heard.",927,2812,149,11089 1237503497664258048,2020-03-10 22:20,,Unite. Vote. Win.,1649,4645,649,30906 1237529014329159681,2020-03-11 00:01,,"Thank you, Mississippi!",760,4210,188,30134 1237538649207492609,2020-03-11 00:39,,"Thank you, Missouri!",878,4328,221,34713 1237545869529845760,2020-03-11 01:08,,"Thank you, Michigan!",2133,6673,546,52558 1237571284042534913,2020-03-11 02:49,,I'm about to take the stage from Philadelphia. Tune in to watch live:,1015,2023,291,11723 1237576118099574788,2020-03-11 03:08,,"Thank you to all of our incredible supporters and volunteers across the country — tonight's victories wouldn't be possible without your support. Together, we'll win this nomination, beat Donald Trump, and take back this country!",487,1973,108,10632 1237585402816425988,2020-03-11 03:45,,"Tonight made one thing clear: We're building the campaign that will win this nomination and defeat Donald Trump. If you're with us, chip in today to keep our momentum going strong:",727,1435,64,7140 1237595289491517440,2020-03-11 04:24,,It's been a great night — thank you for all of your support! We’re bringing this party together and it's going to take all of us to keep it going. Chip in now to take us across the finish line and defeat Donald Trump:,5104,5009,475,31452 1237739049735073797,2020-03-11 13:56,,Donald Trump is incapable of effectively handling the coronavirus crisis.,1210,3182,213,13615 1237762706939273217,2020-03-11 15:30,,"Once we get Donald Trump out of the White House, we have an enormous opportunity to build the future this nation deserves. A future where every American has access to affordable health care, where we end our gun violence epidemic, and where we tackle the climate crisis head-on.",7037,11728,1244,66018 1237795924656578560,2020-03-11 17:42,,"If you're a member of the #KHive, know that there is a home for you in our campaign. I would be honored to have your support.",3742,8053,2127,39869 1237823320206258177,2020-03-11 19:30,,"Today is a historic day for the #MeToo movement & for survivors of sexual violence. The bravery of those who stopped Weinstein cannot be overstated, & the burden of speaking out cannot be on survivors alone. We have to change our culture & our system to end sexual assault.",1083,3284,247,20595 1237835183321120770,2020-03-11 20:18,,.@AndrewYang is one of the brightest minds there is when it comes to the challenges we face in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I'm honored to have his endorsement — and look forward to working with him to ensure every worker can succeed in the changing 21st-century economy.,1555,5061,402,35584 1237865885551022080,2020-03-11 22:20,,I wish Donald Trump would just be quiet and let the experts do the talking when it comes to the coronavirus.,1075,3348,258,16222 1237885911809081344,2020-03-11 23:39,,"After last night, we are one step closer to restoring decency, dignity, and honor to the White House.",2578,4878,409,41497 1237893066981117956,2020-03-12 00:08,,"Donald Trump's ""Remain in Mexico"" policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it.",1754,2826,203,12234 1238108735798681601,2020-03-12 14:25,,"Together, we're creating a movement that will defeat Donald Trump and restore the soul of this nation.",627,1929,101,8675 1238117544604680192,2020-03-12 15:00,,"At this moment — when there is so much fear in the country and all across the world — we need American leadership. We need presidential leadership. Today at 1:00 PM EST, I’ll be addressing the nation on how we should be moving forward to confront the #CoronavirusPandemic.",2856,7324,690,37460 1238137676475359232,2020-03-12 16:20,,"To all those who have been knocked down, counted out, or left behind — this is your campaign. We need you and we want you in this fight. Join us:",567,1372,62,6689 1238155901753683968,2020-03-12 17:32,,I'm about to address the nation on how we should confront the corona virus pandemic. Tune in to watch live:,3141,3689,746,16727 1238175676940853248,2020-03-12 18:51,,"Today, I'm releasing my plan to combat the coronavirus. We need: - A decisive public health response to curb the spread of this disease and provide treatment to those in need - A decisive economic response that delivers real relief",2611,6809,671,27909 1238182975109500929,2020-03-12 19:20,,We need to ensure that every person who needs a coronavirus test can get one — and that the test is free. Period.,4409,13874,1243,91145 1238212670660083712,2020-03-12 21:18,,"No president can promise to prevent future outbreaks, but I can promise you this: When I'm president, we will be better prepared, respond better, and recover better. We'll lead with science and listen to the experts. And I will always, always tell you the truth.",9790,22124,2266,136055 1238237081501130753,2020-03-12 22:55,,".@CoryBooker is right — this is our moment in history. We need your help to beat Donald Trump and set our nation on a new path. If you’re with us, chip in today:",798,1544,74,6770 1238254697695326209,2020-03-13 00:05,,"A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it. This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it.",17761,10963,4051,62959 1238269797197987840,2020-03-13 01:05,,"At a moment when there is so much fear around the world, we need honest, steady, trusted American leadership. If I’m elected president, I promise you I'll strive to give the nation that very leadership every day.",2009,3825,286,18968 1238469865578606593,2020-03-13 14:20,,"I believe this nation can overcome four years of Donald Trump. But if he’s given eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We can’t let that happen. We have to defeat Donald Trump.",3838,11396,705,62821 1238526488774938625,2020-03-13 18:05,,We’re building a campaign powered by the backbone and the base of the Democratic party. A campaign that will defeat Donald Trump and restore the soul of this nation. Join us:,1152,1549,90,6516 1238875185773772802,2020-03-14 17:10,,"The White House is no place for on-the-job training — Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus has made that even more clear. We need a president who is ready to clean up his mess, take responsibility, and lead us forward on day one.",7319,12246,1216,68222 1238901772455993351,2020-03-14 18:56,,"I know many are anxious about the spread of the coronavirus and the threat it poses. And my thoughts are with all those affected, our first responders and health care providers who are putting themselves on the line for others, and everyone making sacrifices to stop the spread.",900,4001,172,21046 1238901773307445249,2020-03-14 18:56,,"This crisis requires a national response. Not just from our elected leaders, or public health officials—but from all of us. We must follow the guidance of the @CDCgov and health officials and take appropriate precautions to protect ourselves and, critically, to protect others.",162,996,22,5302 1238901774112755714,2020-03-14 18:56,,"The American people have the capacity to meet this moment. We will come together, look out for one another, and harness the ingenuity of our scientists. We can and will meet this challenge—together.",309,1007,45,4554 1238957075637497856,2020-03-14 22:36,,"The coronavirus will not discriminate based on national origin, race, gender, or zip code. It will touch people in positions of power and the most vulnerable in our society. We need to take action to combat it.",1468,3446,220,14283 1239200647616004096,2020-03-15 14:43,,"The right to vote is the most sacred American right there is. State election officials are working closely with public health officials to hold safe elections. If you are feeling healthy, not showing symptoms, and not at risk of being exposed to COVID-19: please vote on Tuesday.",4098,4288,2638,19452 1239201266410164224,2020-03-15 14:46,,"If you're exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 — or might be at risk — absentee or vote by mail options are the best way to make your voice heard, while protecting your neighbors.",410,1500,119,6238 1239236425364787202,2020-03-15 17:06,,I'm incredibly grateful for @SpeakerPelosi's leadership every day — but especially in times of crisis. @senatemajldr McConnell should bring back the Senate immediately and pass this important bill to provide relief for American families.,610,4522,136,20116 1239258814005694464,2020-03-15 18:35,,"No President can promise to prevent future outbreaks. But I can promise you that when I'm President, we will prepare better, respond better, and recover better.",1852,6587,332,32995 1239280175826731010,2020-03-15 19:59,,"Across the country, middle and working class families are being squeezed by debt. This is a massive problem, and one that we need all of the best ideas to solve. That's why today, I'm adopting two plans from @BernieSanders and @ewarren to achieve this.",4016,7729,2533,38633 1239280176594288643,2020-03-15 19:59,,"First: Bernie has put forward a plan that would make public colleges and universities free for families whose income is below $125,000. It's a good idea, and after consideration, I am proud to add it to my platform.",2194,2385,1198,16015 1239280177324134404,2020-03-15 19:59,,"Second: Few people in the country understand how bankruptcy hurts working families more than Elizabeth Warren. Today, I am fully endorsing and adopting her bankruptcy plan, which she called ""Fixing Our Bankruptcy System to Give People a Second Chance.""",401,2385,183,14367 1239280178091692032,2020-03-15 19:59,,"This primary has brought out our party's best ideas, and our nation is better for it. If I'm President, I'll continue to bring the best ideas from all corners of the country and fight to make them reality. To see these plans, you can go to my website:",574,1680,112,8419 1239322986823352321,2020-03-15 22:50,,"When we have a coronavirus vaccine ready to go, it should be made widely available, free of charge. Period.",2973,13560,884,94449 1239339344537604096,2020-03-15 23:55,,"We need leadership that listens to science. We need leaders who listen to experts and heed their advice. We need American leadership that will rally the world to meet global threats. We need leaders who are honest. That is the responsibility of a president.",611,3702,214,11339 1239345243696160768,2020-03-16 00:18,,"This is a crisis. We’re at war with a virus. No one should have to pay for coronavirus health care costs. #DemDebate",755,2195,158,11351 1239346578684510215,2020-03-16 00:23,,This is bigger than any one of us. This calls for a national rallying to come together. #DemDebate,274,849,50,4846 1239348555736907776,2020-03-16 00:31,,"People want results, not a revolution. #DemDebate",7529,4480,3586,28494 1239352291448233984,2020-03-16 00:46,,"All those people Bernie says he cares about would have been in deep trouble without the bailout in 2008/2009. It was about saving the economy — and I agree with Bernie, some bank executives should have gone to jail. #DemDebate",389,1098,62,4407 1239353172835082240,2020-03-16 00:49,,"Senator @BernieSanders' attacks on my record on Social Security are a bunch of malarkey — and @PolitiFact agrees. We should be focused on going after Donald Trump — not fellow Democrats. #DemDebate",1567,4361,298,12071 1239353763820961792,2020-03-16 00:52,,People need help now. Not four years from now. Not eight years from now. We need a health care plan that can pass. #DemDebate,431,1081,75,4806 1239354904004698112,2020-03-16 00:56,,I took on Paul Ryan's cuts to Medicare and Social Security — to his face. #DemDebate,492,1473,82,4566 1239356529612132353,2020-03-16 01:03,,"Bernie Sanders voted against the Brady background check bill that has kept 3 million firearms out of dangerous hands, not once, not twice, but five times. We need a president who will stand up to the @NRA — not one who stood with them against lifesaving gun safety measures.",608,2817,106,10395 1239356795463794688,2020-03-16 01:04,,"If Senator @BernieSanders is the nominee, I will throw my full weight behind his campaign and do everything I can to get him elected. If I am the nominee, I hope he will do the same. Nothing can keep us from being united in the fight to defeat Trump. #DemDebate",1739,9603,596,65199 1239358461999222784,2020-03-16 01:10,,My running mate will be a woman. #DemDebate,17159,18970,9557,150206 1239360027372204033,2020-03-16 01:17,,"Bernie Sanders voted against comprehensive immigration reform — and then went on TV with Lou Dobbs to brag about it. Immigrants don't take our jobs. They create jobs. And we need a President who believes that to his or her core. #DemDebate",665,3235,268,7184 1239363997817868290,2020-03-16 01:32,,"There is no denying the existential threat of climate change — and time is running out to address it. We have to take unprecedented action here at home and rally the world to tackle this crisis head on. Read the full plan:",188,671,27,2286 1239364065413267456,2020-03-16 01:33,,"No se puede negar la amenaza existencial del cambio climático, y se está acabando el tiempo para abordarlo. Tenemos que tomar medidas sin precedentes aquí en nuestro país y unir al mundo para hacer frente a esta crisis. Lea el plan completo:",168,392,30,1332 1239364431294926848,2020-03-16 01:34,,"We have to treat climate change like the existential threat it is. As president, I will: - End subsidies for fossil fuel corporations - Ban new drilling on federal lands & waters - Hold oil executives accountable - Rally the world to raise the commitments of the Paris Agreement",693,2459,138,10087 1239365671898750977,2020-03-16 01:39,,Xenophobia is a disease. #DemDebate,679,1015,112,6688 1239367915171971072,2020-03-16 01:48,,"We need a comprehensive response to the coronavirus outbreak. My plan mounts a decisive public health response to curb the spread of this disease and provide treatment to those in need, and a decisive economic response that delivers real relief.",354,890,43,3348 1239370040404828160,2020-03-16 01:56,,"The coronavirus pandemic is like a war. And in a war, you do whatever is needed to be done to take care of your people. #DemDebate",713,1488,113,5701 1239371184279621633,2020-03-16 02:01,,Watch me.,3225,6110,620,46130 1239371922204483584,2020-03-16 02:04,,"We're building the campaign that will win this nomination and defeat Donald Trump. If you're with us, please chip in what you can right now to keep the momentum going from tonight's #DemDebate:",512,668,52,2643 1239374325041463296,2020-03-16 02:14,,"$90 billion in clean energy funding. A huge reduction in the cost of solar so that we'll never build another coal plant again. I did that. Bernie watched. #DemDebate",1058,2108,152,9851 1239411048232505347,2020-03-16 04:39,,"I know times are tough — but we’re going to get through this. We’ve got four big primaries coming up on Tuesday, and our campaign could really use your help. Chip in what you can — I really appreciate it:",3394,3378,318,16213 1239559042214825991,2020-03-16 14:28,,We need a president who will always choose science over fiction.,5915,13007,1280,89952 1239618931058511875,2020-03-16 18:25,,"Thank you to our health care providers, first responders, grocery and other retail workers, and so many others that are keeping us safe and prepared. This coronavirus pandemic makes it clear that all workers deserve paid sick live, workplace protections and unemployment benefits.",773,6220,226,33698 1239631268209479682,2020-03-16 19:15,,"In the wake of the coronavirus, we need a major bailout package that delivers real relief to the American people — not more handouts for giant corporations.",553,2293,114,8505 1239653917740466179,2020-03-16 20:45,,The coronavirus pandemic is bigger than any one individual. This moment requires all of us to come together — across the country and around the world — to solve this crisis.,400,1933,77,7608 1239669017327087622,2020-03-16 21:45,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Donald Trump threatens everything we stand for, he has: - Fanned the flames of hate - Embraced white supremacists - Separated families at the border - Threatened our democracy We have to get him out of the White House.",4064,10748,763,52493 1239694182697992192,2020-03-16 23:25,,"If I win the nomination, my pick for vice president will be a woman. If I win the presidency and have the opportunity, I will name the first black woman ever to the Supreme Court. A Biden administration will reflect the country we are proud to work for.",2130,4280,337,21496 1239729414809608193,2020-03-17 01:45,,"Coronavirus is bigger than any one of us. Please take care of yourself, wash your hands, and practice social distancing. We will get through this — together.",1456,5654,309,28287 1239734203555762177,2020-03-17 02:04,,"Thank you, Washington!",840,3964,150,27171 1239932555333373960,2020-03-17 15:12,,"Michigan’s response has far outpaced the federal government’s in this crisis. Gov. Whitmer is leading decisively, while you are live-tweeting her appearances on cable news. We need a president who will do their job and lead this country.",1331,8575,408,40058 1239940807966085122,2020-03-17 15:45,,"My mom always said, ""Being Irish is about faith, family, and courage."" Today, we celebrate the strong role Irish-Americans have played in our communities, the strength of the U.S.-Ireland relationship, and the ongoing values shared by our two nations. Happy St. Patrick's Day!",509,1851,112,11191 1239988874807586816,2020-03-17 18:56,,"Elections are happening today in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois. I encourage folks to vote by mail or curbside vote if you can. If you vote in person, please wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and stay 6’ from others in line. Learn more:",481,1866,149,6751 1240004225641394177,2020-03-17 19:57,,This crisis requires a decisive economic response. We need to do whatever it takes to deliver relief for our families and ensure the stability of our economy.,1193,3019,175,15739 1240040212903968770,2020-03-17 22:20,,"This moment demands that we choose: Hope over fear Unity over division Truth over lies Science over fiction",5450,12541,1241,68011 1240066849674575873,2020-03-18 00:05,,"Thank you, Florida!",1696,5994,466,44932 1240072327972491266,2020-03-18 00:27,,"Thank you, Illinois!",882,4127,331,28903 1240089565743874048,2020-03-18 01:36,,I'm about to address tonight's election results from Delaware. Tune in to watch live:,971,1528,154,7769 1240106902274494466,2020-03-18 02:45,,"Thank you to everyone in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois who supported our campaign. From day one, our goal has been to unify our party and our nation — and tonight, we are one step closer to achieving that goal. Let’s do this, together.",557,2234,123,11837 1240114271406653440,2020-03-18 03:14,,"Thank you, Arizona!",807,3409,199,26475 1240280546699366401,2020-03-18 14:15,,"The next president will have to salvage our reputation, rebuild confidence in our leadership, and mobilize our country and our allies to rapidly meet new challenges — like future pandemics. We need a leader who will be ready on day one.",2667,6353,480,32190 1240318546896228353,2020-03-18 16:46,,"In times of crisis, Americans stand as one. Volunteers raise their hands to help. Neighbors look out for neighbors. Businesses take care of their workers. That's who we are. We can and will meet this challenge — together.",455,2822,132,10080 1240343464405086209,2020-03-18 18:25,,"Much has been made of changes in President Trump's tone in recent days. But with our health care system at risk, a virus spreading, our economy on the brink — and so many lives at stake — it’s time to be less interested in his words and more focused on his actions — or inaction.",1808,4700,369,18656 1240361258957897728,2020-03-18 19:35,,Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.,8050,19646,3722,105186 1240378693379293195,2020-03-18 20:45,,I know the American people have the capacity to meet this moment. There’s nothing we’ve been unable to accomplish if we do it together.,1216,2938,183,17998 1240408892166660096,2020-03-18 22:45,,"We need comprehensive action to combat the coronavirus outbreak. That's why I'm calling for a decisive public health response to curb its spread and provide treatment to those in need, and a decisive economic response that delivers real relief.",957,1908,118,7204 1240423237126737920,2020-03-18 23:42,,It is a national disgrace that millions of Americans do not have a single day of paid sick leave.,4534,9324,847,59143 1240436952538775553,2020-03-19 00:36,,"I give you my word as a Biden: When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth.",7961,14318,1722,79279 1240447899621658624,2020-03-19 01:20,,Our campaign is building the broad coalition we need to win in November.,745,1541,94,7315 1240646710021537792,2020-03-19 14:30,,"The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19. Donald Trump eliminated it — and now we're paying the price.",4261,25219,1566,79816 1240670113713528833,2020-03-19 16:03,,"This is a moment to look out for our neighbors, care for the elderly, and thank the workers on the front lines of this fight. This is a moment to believe in one another. When we do that, when we see the best in each of us, we’ll lift this nation up and get through this together.",556,3137,141,13955 1240675649968168960,2020-03-19 16:25,,.@TulsiGabbard has put her life on the line in service of this country and continues to serve with honor today. I’m grateful to have her support and look forward to working with her to restore honor and decency to the White House.,2781,3425,813,27535 1240690264357793792,2020-03-19 17:23,,"Yesterday, President Trump said he was invoking the Defense Production Act, then turned around and said he wasn't planning to use it. The President should exercise these powers now. We need more ventilators, protective equipment, and critical supplies. We need action, not words.",946,8158,326,29310 1240690266358480896,2020-03-19 17:23,,"Doctors and nurses are making their own makeshift face masks today as they risk their lives to care for others. What other finding do you need to see to convince you to use every power you have to expand our supply of essential equipment, Mr. President?",324,2757,100,9693 1240711637218123777,2020-03-19 18:48,,My prayers go out to all those on the front lines of this crisis.,647,2230,158,10054 1240761659888672769,2020-03-19 22:06,,Every worker on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 deserves protections and accommodations that keep them and their families safe. I'm glad to see states stepping up to support folks — employers must do the same.,286,2333,56,9412 1240778927431352325,2020-03-19 23:15,,This administration is truly morally bankrupt.,2015,12002,493,44150 1240798575468175364,2020-03-20 00:33,,"The words of a president matter, and Donald Trump has used his to downplay COVID-19 and mislead the American people. He is unfit to lead us through this crisis.",2169,8908,626,33649 1240808170651619329,2020-03-20 01:11,,".@SenGillibrand has never been afraid to speak without fear, to be brave in the face of injustice, and to empower others to get off the sidelines. I'm thrilled and honored to have her support.",448,2149,56,13281 1240998489498288129,2020-03-20 13:47,,"I am calling on every CEO in America to publicly commit now to not buying back their company's stock over the course of the next year. As workers face the physical and economic consequences of the coronavirus, our corporate leaders cannot cede responsibility for their employees.",7210,14310,3246,69825 1240998490383224832,2020-03-20 13:47,,"Every CEO in America should be focusing on workers, families, and communities — not executive compensation and share prices.",599,2847,160,15234 1241027971760025603,2020-03-20 15:45,,"The least we can do for every grocery and retail worker working around the clock during this crisis is to provide a $15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, and strong workplace protections.",3012,10170,817,54124 1241077046022787074,2020-03-20 19:00,,The lack of coronavirus testing in the U.S. is a national disgrace.,1687,7802,376,28146 1241104438846259201,2020-03-20 20:48,,"Getting money quickly to families is the right goal, but Senate Republicans are proposing to send significantly lower amounts to low-income families than those with higher incomes. That’s terrible economics & terrible values. We should be targeting help to those who need it most.",1592,7899,483,24044 1241122660148490252,2020-03-20 22:01,,"The President says no one cares about being tested. Have you or a loved one had trouble getting tested?",2706,7639,413,28565 1241147005658755072,2020-03-20 23:38,,"If you have a minute, read these stories of folks coming together and helping out their neighbors. They represent who we are as Americans. In times of crisis, we stand as one. We look out for each other. And that’s how we’ll get through this — together.",649,3380,140,11563 1241170839254568960,2020-03-21 01:12,,The president has been behind the curve throughout this whole response. He’s talking about yesterday rather than where we need to be tomorrow. The president needs to stop talking and start rallying government action with the urgency and ambition this moment demands.,822,2879,110,14648 1241170838478520321,2020-03-21 01:12,,"Now he’s switched to falsely telling us that he’s taking action that he has not taken, and promising results that he’s not delivering. People are scared. They're frightened. And their president is just exacerbating their concerns.",542,3542,103,18307 1241170837568438273,2020-03-21 01:12,,"In times of crisis, the American people deserve a president who tells them the truth and takes responsibility. Donald Trump has not been that president. For months, he falsely told us we had nothing to worry about while praising China’s response for managing the coronavirus.",4335,12419,860,60359 1241387087989026822,2020-03-21 15:32,,"From day one, the goal of our campaign has been to unite the country — and in times of crisis, that goal is more important than ever. If we come together and all do our part, we will overcome this. I promise.",1886,4293,320,21098 1241406213864280064,2020-03-21 16:48,,"The coronavirus test should be made widely available and free. The coronavirus vaccine, when ready, should be made widely available and free. Treatment for coronavirus should be free, too. We're in a crisis. No one should have to pay for their coronavirus health care costs.",6010,16207,1663,74141 1241416531684331526,2020-03-21 17:29,,"Everyone knows that we're facing a real crisis from the coronavirus. But do you know how we got here and what we need to do next? Ron Klain, former White House Ebola Response Coordinator, breaks it down for us:",6297,41339,4548,82587 1241471645233053699,2020-03-21 21:08,,Donald Trump has failed the American people.,6179,26722,2872,76579 1241492280709537793,2020-03-21 22:30,,"We need action, not more empty words from President Trump. It’s time for him to step up and do his job.",4410,6571,673,28179 1241745449209352193,2020-03-22 15:16,,"In times of crisis, a president should calm and heal, lead the way with a steady hand, and provide a beacon of hope for the American people. Donald Trump is incapable of doing that.",3802,13431,1268,47108 1241772947066544135,2020-03-22 17:05,,"Mr. President — stop lying and start acting. Use the full extent of your authorities, now, to ensure that we are producing all essential goods and delivering them where they need to go.",1703,8812,421,27113 1241800059186040835,2020-03-22 18:53,,"We owe a debt of gratitude to the first responders, health care providers, grocery and retail workers, transportation workers, public safety officials, and everyone working around the clock to keep our country running. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you’re doing.",2127,10664,496,56006 1241813344610328576,2020-03-22 19:45,,It's simple: The White House and @senatemajldr have tried to put corporate bailouts ahead of families.,1291,9078,453,23179 1241813346174844929,2020-03-22 19:45,,"No bill should pass without conditions on corporations to ensure the help they get goes to their workers, not their CEOs. No blank checks.",162,1834,48,7467 1241813347206672384,2020-03-22 19:45,,"No bill should pass without immediate, generous relief for workers who are losing jobs and hours, small businesses losing revenue, and communities facing emergency needs.",186,1810,33,7301 1241843344034103301,2020-03-22 21:45,,"On March 6th, Donald Trump claimed: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.” That was a flat-out lie then, and it’s still not true today. It’s a disgrace. We need to ensure everyone who needs a test can get one free of charge. Period.",5734,18635,1066,82151 1241869419988619265,2020-03-22 23:28,,"We should also increase monthly Social Security checks by $200/month, as proposed by Senator Wyden and colleagues. Seniors and people with disabilities are uniquely at risk right now.",315,1956,110,7922 1241869420944863232,2020-03-22 23:28,,"In this moment of crisis, we should be sending federal resources to those who need it most. It's not just good economics — it's the right thing to do. We have to get this right.",273,1318,34,5661 1241869418981920769,2020-03-22 23:28,,"Additionally, we should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans, as proposed by Senator Warren and colleagues. Young people and other student debt holders bore the brunt of the last crisis. It shouldn't happen again.",1113,1961,545,8769 1241884112778035200,2020-03-23 00:27,,"President Trump’s dithering on preparing us for this global pandemic and his lies about his response to this dangerous crisis is one of the most unjustifiable failures of presidential leadership in American history.",1888,8792,398,29134 1241904225396891649,2020-03-23 01:46,,"It’s simple: President Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to put corporate bailouts ahead of families. And it’s wrong. Hardworking, struggling Americans should come first — not the big corporations looking for a blank check.",3511,13855,731,44836 1242091730872107013,2020-03-23 14:12,,"President Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to put a corporate bailout ahead of families. It's simply wrong. We need to be focused on helping hardworking Americans, communities, and small businesses — not handing big corporations a blank check.",9720,23402,4963,74620 1242100712890195968,2020-03-23 14:47,,I'm about to deliver remarks on the Coronavirus pandemic. Tune in to watch live:,2350,3502,605,11222 1242128161657229313,2020-03-23 16:36,,"What is President Trump waiting for? Health care workers don't have enough masks to keep themselves safe. Hospitals are running low on ventilators that sick Americans could literally need to breathe. He needs to act now to deliver these essential supplies. Lives depend on it.",1335,5976,269,16584 1242141560193630211,2020-03-23 17:30,,"During a public health crisis, it's unconscionable that Donald Trump and others are continuing a lawsuit designed to strip millions of people of their health insurance. This morning, I called on them to drop the lawsuit and protect Americans' health care.",764,4862,171,15224 1242166298714476550,2020-03-23 19:08,,"A $500 billion slush fund for corporations with almost no conditions is unacceptable. We have to ensure the help these companies receive goes to their workers — not their CEOs. It's time for President Trump and Mitch McConnell to put American families first.",1104,10200,395,33912 1242176036390842368,2020-03-23 19:47,,"Obamacare was a big deal — and that still holds true a decade later. On its tenth anniversary, we need to double down on our efforts to protect it from Donald Trump's attacks and build on it to ensure every American receives the care they need.",1392,4993,255,18244 1242209758603403264,2020-03-23 22:01,,"Where are the tests? Where are the masks? Where are the ventilators? The American people deserve answers, Mr. President.",3696,12661,862,38630 1242227794089779201,2020-03-23 23:12,,"Across the country, there are incredible stories of folks stepping up to help their neighbors, stories like this one. It's who we are as Americans. Brave and big-hearted. Always willing to lend a hand and care for those in need. We will overcome this, together.",446,2696,68,9989 1242240964288286721,2020-03-24 00:05,,"In January, Donald Trump claimed the coronavirus was “totally under control.” In February, he said it would disappear. Now, he’s saying it “could’ve been stopped pretty easily if we had known.” Donald Trump knew. He failed to act. And now we’re paying the price.",5587,29398,1507,124466 1242266351084998656,2020-03-24 01:45,,"As this public health crisis rages, with the economy in peril, and with front line workers putting their lives at risk — Trump and Republican Attorneys-General are attempting to strip health insurance away from millions. No more games. Drop this lawsuit. Save lives.",955,4127,160,11130 1242461164975591429,2020-03-24 14:40,,"I know we are up to this challenge. The American people are strong, tough, brave, and big-hearted. We can and will overcome this — together.",1549,4598,264,27992 1242502232370749443,2020-03-24 17:23,,It has been a month since this tweet.,5174,39103,1930,160259 1242521059850510341,2020-03-24 18:38,,The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. Donald Trump is wholly unfit to lead this nation — and that has become even clearer in the last few weeks. We have to vote him out of the White House.,4083,15581,918,77322 1242534145865089027,2020-03-24 19:30,,Let me be clear: Donald Trump knew about the threat the coronavirus posed and failed to act. It’s one of the most unjustifiable failures of presidential leadership in American history.,3952,24909,1601,73498 1242545627768197123,2020-03-24 20:15,,President Trump should stop attacking our nation's governors on Twitter and start delivering them the life-saving supplies they need.,921,8886,263,30414 1242564346074607619,2020-03-24 21:30,,"As Americans, we may be physically apart, but we are truly all in this together. When we have stood as one, this nation has never been defeated. And we are not going to be defeated now.",857,3566,174,12615 1242594795723173894,2020-03-24 23:31,,"President Trump says no one saw this coming, but that’s just not true. Our own intelligence officials were warning of the coronavirus threat back in January. Trump ignored them, and now we’re paying the price.",1917,9782,413,30929 1242604610319192065,2020-03-25 00:10,,"Let me be very clear: No one is expendable. No matter your age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow.",19610,50523,5946,265811 1242814745423384578,2020-03-25 14:05,,The American people are rising to meet this moment. We need our president to do the same.,8533,14306,1550,96673 1242854748551819264,2020-03-25 16:43,,"The character of the American people is on full display across the country. In the middle of a crisis, folks are stepping up and doing what they can to help out those in need. The Angeleno Campaign, led by my friend Mayor @EricGarcetti, is a great example of the work being done.",291,1713,41,6191 1242860175444168705,2020-03-25 17:05,,I'm about to deliver remarks on the impact of the Coronavirus on Young Americans. Tune in to watch live:,1271,2833,243,8842 1242891248983105536,2020-03-25 19:09,,"Alright, folks. We're doing a happy hour tonight and you're invited. Join us at 6:30 PM ET at",1379,3445,329,11728 1242910626738913282,2020-03-25 20:26,,Dr. Fauci should be on TV a lot more than President Trump.,1630,5922,261,27168 1242940651542626304,2020-03-25 22:25,,We will not allow this pandemic to rob our young people of the futures and the economic opportunities they have been working to build.,869,2331,97,9341 1242942917229948928,2020-03-25 22:34,,"Alright @TeamJoe, join us for Happy Hour. Watch our virtual round table on the issues that matter to young folks:",1284,1845,199,5390 1242967501442412544,2020-03-26 00:12,,"In times of crisis, American presidents have always stepped up to meet the moment. But all we've gotten from Donald Trump are lies, excuses, and scapegoats. Trump has failed our country at a time when we need him most.",3492,22419,2433,54519 1242979580941492226,2020-03-26 01:00,,"""If the administration had reacted to the ventilator shortage in February, a private sector effort starting now might have made lifesaving equipment in mid- to late April. Now it is unlikely to be before June."" Donald Trump's inaction will cost lives.",2206,8031,362,20748 1243182920912822272,2020-03-26 14:28,,"The Senate passed a major economic relief package late last night. It's a very important step, but the key is how it will be executed. If I were President, here's how I'd make it work:",1782,7141,468,20981 1243208171419774976,2020-03-26 16:08,,"Across the country, ordinary people are stepping up and doing extraordinary things — folks like Isaac and Stephanie, who are creating supplies for their local hospitals. Stories like this one make me so proud to be an American. We will overcome this challenge — together.",804,5007,177,16923 1243233756183494661,2020-03-26 17:50,,"It's hard to believe this has to be said, but if I'm elected president, I will always lead the way with science. I will listen to the experts and heed their advice. I will do the opposite of what we’re seeing Donald Trump do every day.",34410,34077,6359,229445 1243255073817460741,2020-03-26 19:14,,"Live from our homes to yours. Looking forward to tonight, @JimmyKimmel.",537,2290,66,9975 1243266475965775881,2020-03-26 20:00,,"If I were President, here's what I would do right now: - Use all available authorities to turn the tide on this epidemic - Launch a task force to ensure money rapidly gets to people who need it - Bring leaders of Congress together to build the next deal",6199,5516,2425,19739 1243286275274178560,2020-03-26 21:18,,"We've gotta act now to keep the doors open for small businesses on Main Street. It's simple: The government provides the guarantees; the banks have to move the loans out fast. If they won't, we need a financial version of the Defense Production Act to make it happen.",864,3311,117,10786 1243303345076535308,2020-03-26 22:26,,The Trump Administration misled the American people.,1982,9326,448,30486 1243316048255791106,2020-03-26 23:17,,"Thank you to the first responders, health care providers, grocery and retail workers, and everyone on the front lines of this fight. Your hard work is what makes America run every single day — but especially in times of crisis. We truly couldn't get through this without you.",891,5767,260,21541 1243329134341783564,2020-03-27 00:09,,"President Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus, but he bears full responsibility for the slow and uncoordinated response. The harsh reality is that at least 3 million people now don’t have jobs because he didn’t do his job when it mattered.",3231,15707,782,54467 1243339452530843648,2020-03-27 00:50,,"The American people are incredible. Across the country, folks are pulling together, helping one another, and doing what needs to be done to stop the spread. I'm so darn proud to be an American.",759,2129,101,7850 1243349519179317249,2020-03-27 01:30,,"The relief bill passed by Congress was a good start, but now we need to: - Forgive at least $10,000 of student loan debt per person - Provide emergency paid sick leave to everyone who needs it - Ensure no one has to pay for COVID-19 treatment or an eventual vaccine",2697,8608,468,40428 1243533113625542657,2020-03-27 13:39,,"It’s never a matter of if another pandemic will happen, it’s just a matter of when — and it’s the president’s job to ensure we’re ready. Donald Trump's careless, shortsighted actions left our nation ill-prepared and now Americans are paying the price.",1462,7273,279,22369 1243575004702208000,2020-03-27 16:26,,"The coronavirus is not Donald Trump's fault, but his inept response is. He ignored the warnings for months, downplayed the threat it posed, and failed to take the action needed to combat the outbreak. It's one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in our history.",13084,35465,3118,164774 1243594531611828226,2020-03-27 17:43,,"Patients need ventilators. Nurses need equipment. And Donald Trump is attacking people who dare to do something about it. I thank God every day for people like @GovWhitmer, who are doing the work he won’t.",999,6680,197,23226 1243621727642542081,2020-03-27 19:31,,"This afternoon, I’ll be sitting down for a conversation with nurses, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. Tune in at 4:15 ET to join us:",872,2466,139,9388 1243632793927577600,2020-03-27 20:15,,Join me and the hardworking folks on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak for a virtual round table. Tune in now:,977,1926,96,5950 1243670382902759424,2020-03-27 22:45,,"In response to the economic impact of COVID-19, we need to provide immediate relief to those who are drowning in student debt.",1539,1803,212,8159 1243701965386850305,2020-03-28 00:50,,You can't deal with the economic crisis until you deal with the public health crisis. It's a false choice.,1407,8765,340,35537 1243717694572179457,2020-03-28 01:53,,"I just wrapped up tonight’s CNN town hall, where we discussed COVID-19 and how we move forward. I know times are tough, but the stakes in this election have never been higher. If you could chip in a few dollars I would really appreciate it.",2993,3659,445,16060 1243923892307144712,2020-03-28 15:32,,"Last night, the great Rev. Joseph E. Lowery passed away, leaving an indelible mark on our country's history towards progress. He never once wavered in his spirit and in the resolve to end injustice — wherever he saw it. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.",386,2573,52,12235 1243966912951918592,2020-03-28 18:23,,Let me be clear: No one should have to pay for coronavirus testing or treatment.,17812,40903,6037,226660 1243988972432265216,2020-03-28 19:50,,"Mr. President, this isn’t about you, it’s about the health of the American people. Stop making everything personal. You are the president of all 50 states — not just the ones that voted for you or that have governors who “treat you right.” It’s time you acted like it.",2213,16161,712,58262 1244006787273166848,2020-03-28 21:01,,"The Administration promised millions of tests by mid-March. But it's not happening fast enough. Where are the tests, Mr. President?",1505,7054,301,24629 1244034532317302787,2020-03-28 22:52,,"Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult, but it’s even harder when you’re not able to be with them in their final moments — and that’s what’s happening around the country because of the coronavirus. It’s heartbreaking, and I’m keeping everyone affected in my prayers.",1019,4833,281,20718 1244049631886970881,2020-03-28 23:52,,Donald Trump’s ego will cost lives.,13856,60058,7314,161898 1244276879424536576,2020-03-29 14:55,,"The folks working to keep our country running are true heroes — and we need to ensure they have the protections, accommodations, and benefits they need and deserve. We couldn't get through this without them.",758,4271,125,18275 1244313924977209346,2020-03-29 17:22,,"Dreamers are Americans. We should never endanger or throw into question their ability to contribute to our nation, but to do so in a moment of national crisis is beyond misguided.",950,3077,131,11929 1244333195686039552,2020-03-29 18:38,,Instacart needs to step up and give their workers the protections and pay they need and deserve. Now.,665,4188,142,19041 1244341587708203009,2020-03-29 19:12,,It's hard to read this story and not conclude one thing: The Trump Administration failed the American people.,2304,10261,455,35882 1244381820797489152,2020-03-29 21:52,,"As president, I will always choose hope over fear, unity over division, truth over lies, and science over fiction.",14292,18113,2811,121267 1244414536582598657,2020-03-30 00:02,,We will overcome this — together.,4763,10821,1048,91101 1244455110488530944,2020-03-30 02:43,,"I am issuing this challenge to the President: in the next 48 hours, direct the production and distribution of respirator masks, gloves, protective face shields and gowns to fill every supply request made by a governor to the federal government. Lives are at stake.",11995,25430,2619,119668 1244607055215726593,2020-03-30 12:47,,"Not a joke, folks, we just launched our new podcast. It’s called ""Here's the Deal."" For our first episode, I sat down with Ron Klain, former White House Ebola Response Coordinator, for a discussion on COVID-19. Listen at or wherever you get your podcasts.",2345,8316,651,27225 1244640527062097922,2020-03-30 15:00,,"The American people are generous, decent, good, and fair. In times of crisis, we come together as one. We look out for our neighbors and lend a hand to those in need. We will get through this, together. I promise.",2761,9065,585,49130 1244674499775258626,2020-03-30 17:15,,"President Trump should be using the Defense Production Act to get our first responders and health care providers the masks, gowns, and protective equipment they need. This is a matter of life and death.",1341,5419,231,19269 1244723573002035206,2020-03-30 20:30,,"The medical professionals on the front lines of this crisis are American heroes — risking their lives in order to save others. We owe them more than we could ever repay, but we can start by ensuring they have the protective equipment they need to stay safe. #NationalDoctorsDay",1111,7673,221,34395 1244742447126593536,2020-03-30 21:45,,"I know these are confusing and scary times, so for the first episode of our new podcast I sat down with Ron Klain, former White House Ebola Response Coordinator, to help provide some clarity around COVID-19. Listen at or wherever you get your podcasts.",794,2632,175,7386 1244765096284479496,2020-03-30 23:15,,This is unconscionable. Americans are already afraid of the impact the deadly COVID-19 pandemic is having on their lives — they don't need the added stress of losing their health insurance. Drop the lawsuit.,1923,11296,567,29528 1244773904402563080,2020-03-30 23:50,,"Our health care workers are putting their lives on the line every day, and our president is accusing them of stealing lifesaving supplies. It's time for Donald Trump to do his job, so our heroes are able to do theirs. Lives are at stake.",3081,15003,1044,41582 1244980264100605953,2020-03-31 13:30,,"In order to combat COVID-19, we need both a decisive public health response and a decisive economic response. I’ve laid out exactly what I would do if I were president during this crisis, take a look:",891,3057,117,10048 1245006688161165312,2020-03-31 15:15,,We have to place a temporary ban on evictions nationwide. No one should be forced out of their home in the middle of a pandemic.,3620,14226,959,83739 1245033364148482050,2020-03-31 17:01,,I'm confident that the American people will meet this moment. There’s never been a challenge we've been unable to overcome if we do it together.,3173,6479,578,39881 1245066582792884224,2020-03-31 19:13,,"As president, I would never send an American soldier anywhere in the world without the equipment and protection they need. We should not do any less for the heroes on the front lines of the battle we’re in now.",2846,9540,1079,30297 1245080424063303681,2020-03-31 20:08,,"Today and every day, @DrBiden and I are proud to stand with the trans community. We see you, we support you, and we will continue to do everything we can to ensure you are affirmed and accepted just as you are. #TransDayOfVisibility",781,3385,148,19577 1245093762079944704,2020-03-31 21:01,,"In the midst of a pandemic, the Trump Administration chose to expend effort to attempt to disestablish the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s reservation. #IStandwithMashpee and with all of Indian Country.",819,5631,315,12857 1245112384865386504,2020-03-31 22:15,,It's 2020 — it’s unacceptable that women still don’t get equal pay for equal work. Let’s close the gender pay gap and end #EqualPayDay once and for all.,823,1505,89,5757 1245128742499999745,2020-03-31 23:20,,"Tonight marks our biggest public end-of-quarter deadline of the campaign so far. I know times are tough, but what’s at stake in this election has never been clearer. If you could chip in to help us reach our goal, I would really appreciate it:",2586,1472,384,4722 1245140067364089857,2020-04-01 00:05,,"Today as we honor the life and legacy of civil rights and labor movement activist, César Chávez, we also thank the more than 2 million farmworkers who are on the frontlines, working to keep Americans fed and healthy during this pandemic.",302,2463,85,8838 1245141325240045571,2020-04-01 00:10,,"Hoy, al honrar la vida y el legado del activista César Chávez, también agradecemos a los más de 2 millones de trabajadores agrícolas que están en primera línea, trabajando para mantener a los estadounidenses alimentados y sanos durante esta pandemia.",407,753,66,2525 1245182821452349444,2020-04-01 02:54,,"We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and the Trump Administration is preventing people from getting health care. I can’t believe this needs to be said, but President Trump needs to reopen Obamacare enrollment, and he needs to do it now. Lives are at stake.",3106,13740,678,39026 1245348188623474688,2020-04-01 13:52,,The words of a president matter.,1601,8207,625,25265 1245382665626202113,2020-04-01 16:09,,"Thank you to the governors who are meeting this moment with decisive action, a steady hand, and compassionate leadership. Thank you for stepping up when President Trump has not.",5754,15312,1037,86504 1245420917745790976,2020-04-01 18:41,,It is a national disgrace that our health care workers still don't have the protective equipment they need.,13438,24531,2682,126792 1245458163236823051,2020-04-01 21:09,,"Folks, it’s Census Day! The Census only takes a few minutes to complete but will help determine the future of your community for the next decade. Head to to get counted today.",403,1599,81,4814 1245464668870770689,2020-04-01 21:34,,This callous decision will cost lives. Period.,1405,9518,411,30728 1245487355773030403,2020-04-01 23:05,,"Amigos, ¡es el Día del Censo! Solo toma unos minutos completar el Censo, pero ayudará a determinar el futuro de su comunidad para la próxima década. Visite para que lo cuenten hoy.",657,728,67,2314 1245497925167448065,2020-04-01 23:47,,"At a time when Americans might need health care the most, the Trump Administration is preventing people who need insurance from getting it. Their cruelty truly knows no bounds.",2209,13196,791,30512 1245512521219551232,2020-04-02 00:45,,"It's now April, and: - States still don't have enough tests - Hospitals still don't have enough ventilators - Health care workers still don't have enough masks Donald Trump needs to use all available authorities immediately to solve these shortages.",3814,14321,740,53435 1245727652255858690,2020-04-02 14:59,,The economic damage from this public health crisis is both rising and deepening at an alarming rate. It is putting working families and the American middle class through unimaginable financial pain — and they need to be made whole as fast as possible.,925,4336,158,14464 1245747570212823046,2020-04-02 16:19,,"Our health care workers on the front lines of this fight still don’t have the masks, gowns, and other protective equipment they need. It’s unacceptable. Add your name to demand Donald Trump use his full authority to deliver these lifesaving supplies:",583,1560,62,4604 1245773239390883846,2020-04-02 18:01,,"I know many folks are feeling anxious and worried. I just want you to know that you're not alone. Americans in every corner of the country are feeling the same exact way you are. We may be physically apart, but we are all in this together — and we will overcome this. I promise.",4366,10413,854,59403 1245788730532810760,2020-04-02 19:02,,"My heart goes out to the millions of Americans who filed unemployment claims in recent weeks, and the millions more who worry what next week holds for them. Donald Trump needs to take action to ensure Americans receive the economic relief they need as soon as possible.",1882,3592,252,13366 1245806188731621377,2020-04-02 20:11,,I'm about to roll out my plan to make the economic recovery work. Tune in now:,1074,2249,161,7271 1245824577516613636,2020-04-02 21:25,,"In order for our government to work for all Americans, it's important it be representative of all Americans. With openly LGBTQ individuals only making up .17% of elected officials, we have work to do. This National #OutToWin Day, I'm asking: Will you run?",593,1053,78,3955 1245857293045911558,2020-04-02 23:35,,Real courage is confronting something that you're afraid to do and doing it anyway. That’s what people across this country are doing every single day in the face of this crisis. They are American heroes.,772,3221,118,12090 1245871134127443979,2020-04-03 00:30,,The evidence is clear: Donald Trump ignored the warnings. He failed to act. And now Americans are paying the price.,7373,15534,1153,49162 1246085043862339586,2020-04-03 14:40,,Wisconsin — you have until 5 PM CT tonight to request your mail-in absentee ballot ahead of next week’s primary. Head to to request yours today.,404,3202,159,5769 1246106938104074242,2020-04-03 16:07,,"Now more than ever, we need to choose hope over fear. We will beat COVID-19. We will overcome this. Together.",5807,8666,1818,59644 1246119929809641472,2020-04-03 16:58,,"This is another clear warning sign that more needs to be done to keep as many people on payroll as possible. Fast, bold action to bolster American workers now will save more pain later. Congress must get to work immediately on the next package. We can't afford to waste time.",506,1511,59,4415 1246128672844718080,2020-04-03 17:33,,"Captain Crozier was faithful to his duty—both to his sailors and his country. Navy leadership sent a chilling message about speaking truth to power. The poor judgment here belongs to the Trump Admin, not a courageous officer trying to protect his sailors.",6391,35913,2732,152020 1246153998161215493,2020-04-03 19:14,,"Families across the country are impacted by COVID-19—and it can be especially difficult to explain to children. Jill and I spoke with ItsJudysLife, JHouseVlogs and The Curly Coopers to answer their questions about the crisis. Tune in on Sunday at 7PM ET:",501,1916,126,5648 1246180450923675652,2020-04-03 20:59,,"I’ve done this work before. It’s hard, painstaking work. I was in charge of administering the $800 billion Recovery Act — so I understand that the devil is in the details. It’s about follow-through.",93,282,18,1247 1246180453465370624,2020-04-03 20:59,,"Those are the kinds of questions Trump will be responsible for. He doesn’t have a great record when it comes to delivering on promises, but I hope this time is different. Being president is about taking responsibility. The blame game won’t cut it. Too many lives are at stake.",255,595,32,2306 1246180449346621442,2020-04-03 20:59,,"I’ve put together a checklist for making the economic relief and recovery effort work for families, workers, and small businesses. I encourage President Trump to adopt any and all of the ideas.",1141,2388,161,7690 1246180451863101441,2020-04-03 20:59,,"The CARES Act provides money to help working people—how do we make sure it gets to them as quickly as possible? There’s money for major corporations—how do we make sure that there is rigorous oversight to ensure it is used to help workers and not enrich top executives?",153,508,15,2093 1246211524747722754,2020-04-03 23:02,,"This is a headline every American should see: “Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses” Donald Trump’s shortsighted actions left our nation ill-prepared to deal with this outbreak.",2075,15111,548,36638 1246225973797883904,2020-04-04 00:00,,"My friend, @GabbyGiffords, knows what it takes to persevere in the face of uncertainty. Take a few minutes to read these powerful words from her on how we can get through this — together.",420,2330,34,8364 1246446065550852096,2020-04-04 14:34,,"Throughout the campaign, I’ve talked a lot about the soul of our nation — we’re seeing that soul on full display. There’s so much good happening — people reaching out to one another, neighbors helping neighbors, caring for those in need. It makes me so proud to be an American.",705,2507,87,10182 1246470080826871808,2020-04-04 16:10,,"In January, while Donald Trump was downplaying COVID-19, I wrote an op-ed calling for immediate action to combat the growing threat. In it, I also said Trump was the worst possible leader to deal with a public health crisis. I stand by that statement.",3101,12578,731,47306 1246486438733959169,2020-04-04 17:15,,"We need a Supply Commander to step up and take charge and get the doctors, nurses, health care workers, first responders, firefighters, and cops the equipment they need to protect themselves and save lives.",1658,5238,288,18968 1246496098614743040,2020-04-04 17:53,,"We owe so much to those working around the clock to keep our country running during this crisis. The least we can do is provide the pay, benefits, and protections they need and deserve.",572,3543,93,13923 1246524690668998656,2020-04-04 19:47,,"Donald Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus, but he is responsible for failing to prepare our nation to respond to it.",25973,46000,6056,273859 1246550611606138880,2020-04-04 21:30,,"Jill and I had the pleasure of hosting a town hall with family vloggers ItsJudysLife, The Curly Coopers, and JHouse Vlogs where we answered their questions about the COVID-19 outbreak. Tune in to the premiere on Sunday at 7PM ET:",471,771,54,2687 1246585088529313798,2020-04-04 23:47,,"Donald Trump needs to reopen Obamacare enrollment immediately. This is no time to put pettiness and ideology above helping those who are in the greatest need. Lives are at stake.",3811,10007,666,39611 1246811329328893953,2020-04-05 14:46,,"Out of every crisis, America has always emerged stronger — and we will again. We will not be defeated.",1361,5258,385,18606 1246839674724855810,2020-04-05 16:38,,"We are at war with this virus — and the health care workers on the front lines are our soldiers. It is unacceptable that they don’t have the lifesaving masks, gowns, and protective gear they need.",1527,7786,305,26730 1246867701869490182,2020-04-05 18:30,,"We all want to protect our families — the first step is arming ourselves with the facts. @DrBiden and I hosted a town hall on COVID-19 with three family YouTubers: ItsJudysLife, J House Vlogs and The Curly Coopers. Tune in tonight at 7PM EDT:",537,1228,127,3532 1246890352025444353,2020-04-05 20:00,,Every day that Donald Trump refuses to use the full power of the Defense Production Act further threatens American lives.,4385,15723,896,80097 1246927340782915587,2020-04-05 22:26,,These health care workers — and all those on the front lines of this fight — are American heroes.,613,6561,183,32192 1246935396849598467,2020-04-05 22:59,,"During these uncertain times, getting the right information out there is so important. Myself and @DrBiden had the opportunity to host a conversation about COVID-19 with 3 family vloggers: ItsJudysLife, J House Vlogs and The Curly Coopers. Tune in now:",735,1685,123,6098 1246942946684891136,2020-04-05 23:29,,"During our Family Town Hall on COVID-19, I was asked what we can do to prevent this from happening again. Here’s where I'd start:",2338,5687,391,18563 1247186048859295745,2020-04-06 15:35,,"It is close to criminal the way they’re dealing with Captain Crozier. He spoke up to protect his sailors — he should have a commendation, not be fired.",1124,6871,242,27834 1247192340311220224,2020-04-06 16:00,,"Folks, our second episode of Here’s the Deal is live! This week, @GovWhitmer joins me for a discussion on COVID-19, President Trump’s personal attacks, and the importance of bipartisanship to deliver results. Listen at or wherever you get your podcasts.",546,1837,104,5331 1247194938762297345,2020-04-06 16:10,,"Mr. President, I hope we can gather in Milwaukee, but that is going to depend on you stepping up and doing what needs to be done to handle this pandemic. I have laid out how you can do that: Happy to discuss anytime.",1834,7924,531,32626 1247232309549555715,2020-04-06 18:38,,We need a president who actually listens to the experts and heeds their advice.,4376,10992,921,60832 1247283692231245824,2020-04-06 22:03,,"Judy, from itsJudysLife, asked an important question during our Family Town Hall on COVID-19: What extra precautions should expectant mothers be taking at this time? Listen to what former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy had to say:",245,778,25,2382 1247296778095005696,2020-04-06 22:55,,"For months, I called on President Trump to step up and take the action necessary to combat COVID-19. But week after week, he downplayed the threat it posed, misled the American people, and failed to act. Take a look:",6812,8577,1026,26974 1247312884306268160,2020-04-06 23:59,,We're going to get through this. Together.,1217,6248,492,22279 1247479234290999296,2020-04-07 11:00,,Congressman John Lewis is a moral giant who has spent his entire life pushing our nation to live up to our highest ideals. I'm honored to call him a friend — and grateful to have him by my side in this battle for the soul of our nation.,2846,11221,1021,44481 1247540886885543936,2020-04-07 15:05,,What do Fig Newtons and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have in common? Listen to this preview of this week's podcast to find out — and then check out the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.,2621,1167,1537,4421 1247626527489044481,2020-04-07 20:45,,"Secretary Modly's resignation is appropriate and called for. His disparaging remarks were far beneath the dignity of the office he held. Our sailors, our nation, and Captain Crozier deserve better.",1045,8189,230,41827 1247654894187790337,2020-04-07 22:38,,"On #WorldHealthDay, we thank the tireless health care workers fighting COVID-19, and we see clearly why protecting the health of Americans requires U.S. global leadership—to coordinate an international response, strengthen health systems everywhere, and prevent the next pandemic.",500,3032,108,13267 1247659115683479555,2020-04-07 22:54,,"@blackenterprise Jill and I send our heartfelt condolences to the entire Graves family. As the founder of Black Enterprise, Earl Graves Sr. was a trailblazer in his own right, a leader in the American business community, and paved the way for many Black entrepreneurs to realize their dreams.",11,82,4,303 1247676278938853376,2020-04-08 00:03,,"Folks, I know these are tough times, but this crisis has made it clearer than ever how much elections matter — and what a difference it makes who is in the White House. If you can, please chip in to fuel our campaign. I would really appreciate it.",1177,1774,160,6502 1247681815218753538,2020-04-08 00:25,,"The weeks ahead will be some of the toughest we’ve ever experienced as a nation. We need to face them with the same spirit and resolve that have guided us through previous crises. Because out of every trial and tribulation, America has always emerged stronger — and we will again.",2118,8973,467,48978 1247699431442370561,2020-04-08 01:35,,We’re starting to see evidence that long-term exposure to air pollution—which disproportionately affects communities of color & low-income communities—is linked to COVID-19 death rates. It's past time we treat pollution like the threat to our health it is.,1395,5458,322,19009 1247891970912993280,2020-04-08 14:20,,It is a national disgrace that our health care workers still don't have the protective equipment they need. Donald Trump needs to fully use the power of the Defense Production Act to deliver these life-saving supplies.,707,3123,113,11824 1247898241569411075,2020-04-08 14:45,,"As Jewish families across America and around the world prepare to observe the first night of Passover, Jill and I want to say chag sameach, and offer our very best wishes, to all who are celebrating.",436,2070,102,10304 1247920466603528193,2020-04-08 16:13,,"I know Bernie well. He’s a good man, a great leader, and one of the most powerful voices for change in our country. And it’s hard to sum up his contributions to our politics in one, single tweet. So I won’t try to.",5813,13831,2533,78093 1247920861090394112,2020-04-08 16:14,,Together we will defeat Donald Trump. But we will also address the climate crisis. We will make college affordable. And we will make health care available to all. We will not just rebuild this nation – we’ll transform it. And I’m asking you to join me.,1569,4055,520,20531 1247920854903767045,2020-04-08 16:14,,"We know how hard this is. You have put the interest of the nation – and the need to defeat Donald Trump – above all else. And for that we’re grateful. But we want you to know: we’ll be reaching out. You’ll be heard by me. As you say: Not me, Us.",330,2116,169,16130 1247920858443714562,2020-04-08 16:14,,"And to Bernie’s supporters: I know that I need to earn your votes. And I know that might take time. But I want you to know that I see you, I hear you, and I understand the urgency of this moment. I hope you'll join us. You're more than welcome: You're needed.",6858,7585,4733,41222 1247920853410615296,2020-04-08 16:14,,"To Bernie and Jane, as friends, from Jill and me: You haven’t just run a political campaign; you’ve created a movement. And make no mistake about it, we believe it’s a movement that is as powerful today as it was yesterday. That’s a good thing for our nation and our future.",372,1758,181,11185 1247951089581817862,2020-04-08 18:15,,"In the wake of COVID-19, working families across the country are facing a whole new set of challenges. This afternoon, I'll be hosting a town hall to listen to folks' concerns and discuss what we should be doing to deliver relief. Tune in at 5:30 PM ET:",596,1603,115,5795 1247969965346521088,2020-04-08 19:30,,"The primary is over, but we're just getting started. We're building a campaign to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that America finally lives up to our founding promises — but we can't do it without your help. If you're with us, chip in today:",2080,3332,292,15472 1247990096957190146,2020-04-08 20:50,,"The coronavirus is not Donald Trump's fault, but the slow and chaotic response to it is. He's the commander in chief — it's time he steps up, takes responsibility, and does his job.",2192,6929,396,31226 1248002658754945025,2020-04-08 21:39,,Join our virtual town hall on unemployment and the issues currently facing working families across the nation. Tune in now:,956,2275,146,6758 1248019037386391552,2020-04-08 22:45,,This nation has never been defeated when we’re together. And we’re not going to be defeated now.,4511,11243,1056,84464 1248038163429425154,2020-04-09 00:01,,"If we come together, we will defeat Donald Trump. And when we do that, we will not only do the hard work of rebuilding this nation — we will transform it.",16237,22866,3047,152281 1248050494574133251,2020-04-09 00:50,,We're seeing the soul of our nation on full display every day in this crisis — and it makes me so proud to be an American.,1260,3755,175,16811 1248257318141267968,2020-04-09 14:31,,"A total of about 17 million people have filed for unemployment over the last three weeks. This is unprecedented. The economic devastation that families all across this country are experiencing is not their fault. We've got to take extraordinary steps to protect them.",1721,5190,264,18505 1248271953829310464,2020-04-09 15:30,,"Eleven-year-old Isaac Johnston asked me what else kids should be doing in addition to washing their hands and staying home. My advice was simple: - Stay a safe distance from friends - Sneeze into your elbow - And eat your vegetables",596,1470,91,6400 1248284537165152266,2020-04-09 16:20,,Let me be clear: No one should have to pay for their coronavirus treatment.,14828,21050,4510,155467 1248332855257600006,2020-04-09 19:32,,"We have to do more to ease the economic burden on working people. So today, I'm adopting two new policies to help deliver relief. As president, I will: - Lower Medicare eligibility to age 60 - Forgive student debt for low-income and middle class families",5628,9074,1560,35052 1248346736868970497,2020-04-09 20:27,,"I can't believe I have to say this, but we should be expanding the number of testing sites and surging the number of tests — not reducing them. Testing is key to finding a way out of this crisis.",2819,20217,890,69975 1248379915382059011,2020-04-09 22:39,,"This morning's news of another rise in unemployment claims—on top of the millions already filed—is devastating. We have to make sure those affected get the benefits they deserve, but we can't stop there. I'm announcing two new policies to help Americans get the relief they need:",1173,4319,268,14686 1248385231356219396,2020-04-09 23:00,,"The devastating unemployment numbers have made one thing even clearer: We need a fourth coronavirus relief package, and we need it fast. We need to take extraordinary steps to protect American families and ensure those laid off are made financially whole.",826,3039,137,11536 1248392750812155905,2020-04-09 23:30,,"This virus can hit anyone — regardless of race, economic status, or access to power — but it doesn’t impact every community equally. It hits hardest those who are most vulnerable and who have the fewest resources. We have to do better for all our people.",697,3297,126,12055 1248405332755439616,2020-04-10 00:20,,The stakes in this election have never been higher. We have to come together and beat Donald Trump.,7836,16557,1381,111122 1248610434191679488,2020-04-10 13:55,,"America’s story is one of ordinary people doing extraordinary things given half a chance. This virus is tough. But together and as a nation — we're tougher. I know we’ll get through this and we’ll be stronger for it, I promise you. Keep the faith.",1689,9776,1203,29797 1248636858336022529,2020-04-10 15:40,,"Whether you supported Bernie or any other candidate throughout the primary, know that there is a home for you in our campaign. You're not just welcome — you're needed. And I will do everything I can to earn your vote this November.",10835,17198,2416,111670 1248657242792046593,2020-04-10 17:01,,"The health inequities being exposed by COVID-19 are unconscionable. We can do better. We have to.",1325,2369,193,7549 1248685931604803584,2020-04-10 18:55,,"La historia de los EE.UU. es la historia de gente común que hace cosas extraordinarias. Sé que unidos, y como una nación, nosotros somos más fuertes que este virus. Sé que superaremos esto y seremos más fuertes por ello, se lo prometo. No pierdan la fe.",611,1042,88,3561 1248716130677448709,2020-04-10 20:55,,The folks on the front lines of this crisis are American heroes.,588,2028,83,7829 1248728965172396032,2020-04-10 21:46,,We need a president who demonstrates the leadership to address every aspect of this pandemic  —  including the spate of racist incidents targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders  —  with urgency and seriousness. Donald Trump is not that president.,1591,5354,249,22037 1248740039007309826,2020-04-10 22:30,,No one should be forced out of their home in the middle of a global pandemic. We need to freeze rent for people who lose their jobs and place a ban on evictions immediately.,944,4440,176,16491 1248762690467553280,2020-04-11 00:00,,"The American people are strong, tough, brave, and big-hearted. There's nothing we can't do if we do it together.",7167,8814,1291,60368 1248981630905090052,2020-04-11 14:30,,President Trump needs to do everything in his power to expand the number of testing sites and surge the number of tests. Mass testing is key to reopening the economy and finding a way out of this crisis.,2275,10621,562,38653 1249008054340739073,2020-04-11 16:15,,"Now more than ever, we have to choose hope over fear, unity over division, truth over lies, and science over fiction.",11769,17094,2568,96947 1249034481698144256,2020-04-11 18:00,,"We are months into this crisis and our heroes on the front lines still don't have the protective equipment they need to stay safe. It's unconscionable. Donald Trump needs to fully use the power of the Defense Production Act immediately.",1475,8098,403,22889 1249064929182662656,2020-04-11 20:01,,We need to help as many working families and small businesses as possible. Workers who have lost their jobs or seen their hours slashed and families who are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table need help immediately. There's no time to waste.,1258,4690,176,17769 1249094876366503938,2020-04-11 22:00,,"This new enemy may be unseen, but we have the tools, the expertise, the will, and the spirit to defeat it. There is nothing the American people can't accomplish if we work together.",2902,7072,520,42825 1249125201536856066,2020-04-12 00:00,,We are in the middle of a global pandemic — and people need access to health care now more than ever. Donald Trump should reopen Obamacare enrollment immediately.,8020,15518,1421,86598 1249364150482067459,2020-04-12 15:50,,"This Easter, Jill and I wish all of you and your families a safe and joyful celebration, and we join our prayers with those of people from every faith for health, happiness, and a renewal of life in the year to come.",1591,6774,304,42647 1249380508477374465,2020-04-12 16:55,,"Folks, we just released a special Sunday episode of Here’s the Deal! @RevDrBarber joined me for a discussion on faith and its intersection with some of the most pressing issues we face as a nation. Listen at or wherever you get your podcasts.",589,1764,76,5680 1249395607757873154,2020-04-12 17:55,,"As we prepare to reopen America, we have to remember what this crisis has taught us: The administration’s failure to plan, to prepare, to honestly assess and communicate the threat to the nation led to catastrophic results. We cannot repeat those mistakes.",5016,10585,1113,42491 1249434614768132097,2020-04-12 20:30,,"To everyone on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19, thank you. We truly couldn't get through this without you.",1738,10168,325,72080 1249479913922613253,2020-04-12 23:30,,We're facing a crisis unlike any we've faced before — and I couldn't be prouder of how the American people are responding.,1543,5811,320,22632 1249706406141292544,2020-04-13 14:30,,"For this episode of Here’s the Deal, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham joined me to discuss presidential leadership and what it should look like in times of crisis. You can listen to the full episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.",639,2088,111,6893 1249724022281117696,2020-04-13 15:40,,Tune in at 2:00 PM today for remarks on the urgent and dire need for a full economic response to COVID-19 at,497,1341,94,4126 1249740850843844609,2020-04-13 16:46,,"Our U.S. Postal Service workers are at the front lines of this crisis. Millions of people are relying on them for things like medicine and other essentials. And the President is trying to let them fail. Congress should do everything it can to prevent this.",1371,10555,459,36719 1249753465879801856,2020-04-13 17:37,,"Folks, I hope you'll join my 2:00 PM Economic Response to COVID-19 remarks — I'll be joined by a special guest. Tune in at 2:00 PM to watch live!",851,1326,179,4969 1249760560134213636,2020-04-13 18:05,,I'm speaking now about our nation's economic response to COVID -- and I'll have a special guest with me. Tune in:,1947,5759,949,20293 1249770830373978112,2020-04-13 18:46,,Unity.,9212,20247,4897,157955 1249778033818558465,2020-04-13 19:14,,"To Bernie’s supporters: I see you, I hear you, and I understand the urgency of what it is we have to get done in this country. I hope you will join us. You are more than welcome on this campaign. You’re needed.",2469,3281,491,20677 1249803348712263680,2020-04-13 20:55,,We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. We need a president who actually listens to public health experts.,1987,7251,332,39395 1249820910434967553,2020-04-13 22:05,,"For months, the Trump Administration was repeatedly warned about the threat COVID-19 posed to our nation. They ignored the experts, failed to take action, and now Americans are paying the price.",1899,6813,375,20704 1249842026985615360,2020-04-13 23:28,,It shouldn't take a global pandemic shutting down schools to end school shootings.,1921,15431,678,72623 1249866208905580547,2020-04-14 01:05,,"I am grateful to have the support of so many Wisconsinites and proud of the courage and commitment folks showed during last week's primary — but it should never have come to that. No one should ever have to choose between their health and our democracy.",2346,7618,637,37093 1249899596995801089,2020-04-14 03:17,,"I want to congratulate @judgekarofsky on her hard-earned victory tonight. In the face of rampant voter suppression and GOP recklessness, the people of Wisconsin showed up and made their choice clear. I know Wisconsin will be a fairer, more just state with Jill on the court.",718,7754,217,41499 1250064846869221381,2020-04-14 14:14,,I am not running for office to be King of America. I respect the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to it many times. I respect the great job so many of this country’s governors — Democratic and Republican — are doing under these horrific circumstances.,2925,16692,767,78567 1250064848106504193,2020-04-14 14:14,,"Leadership is about never proclaiming power. It’s about collaboration, it’s about coming together in a crisis and finding common ground. It’s about results. That’s who I am and the role I aspire to fulfill in guiding this democratic nation to better times.",861,5375,237,29773 1250092980892991490,2020-04-14 16:06,,"Barack — This endorsement means the world to Jill and me. We’re going to build on the progress we made together, and there’s no one I’d rather have standing by my side.",9882,30065,2665,173878 1250143033066209283,2020-04-14 19:25,,"President Obama understands, as I do, that we will come through this crisis stronger. And then we’ll not only rebuild this nation — we will transform it.",2041,7034,311,38346 1250163243701723136,2020-04-14 20:45,,"Stories like this showcase exactly who we are as Americans. In times of crisis, we stand as one. We help out folks we've never met, lift each other up, and do our part to ensure we make it through. We will overcome this, together.",465,2769,83,12572 1250173779227160576,2020-04-14 21:27,,"You have great taste, @SpeakerPelosi.",1880,3640,473,45741 1250192609550561280,2020-04-14 22:42,,"Millions of people are relying on the workers on the front lines of this crisis. Tomorrow, I’ll be joined by a few of them for a virtual town hall. Tune in tomorrow at 3PM ET:",566,1721,85,5737 1250202172727283712,2020-04-14 23:20,,Let’s do this.,8395,31132,4143,258836 1250227340145197056,2020-04-15 01:00,,I want Donald Trump to look these folks in the eye and explain to them why they or their loved ones haven’t been able to get tested for COVID-19. We’ve got to do better.,4976,17293,1274,52413 1250237970285723648,2020-04-15 01:42,,From my basement to your sneaker room. Tune in Thursday at 11 PM ET on @SHODesusAndMero to watch!,809,1996,115,11063 1250431914080526337,2020-04-15 14:32,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation and I’m proud to have the fiercest of fighters, Senator @EWarren, on my side. With her help, we’re going to beat Donald Trump and create a government that works for everyone — not just the wealthy and well-connected. Let’s do this.",2147,10340,483,50080 1250473963542593536,2020-04-15 17:20,,"COVID-19 is amplifying so many inequities in our society. We have to ensure support gets to those who need it immediately, and then do the necessary work to rip out the structural racism that creates these inequalities.",973,3517,135,13006 1250489062936346624,2020-04-15 18:20,,"This afternoon, I’ll be hosting a virtual town hall with a few workers on the front lines of this crisis. Tune in at 3:00 PM ET to watch live:",656,1280,76,4271 1250501938048688128,2020-04-15 19:11,,Millions of folks are relying on the workers at the front lines of this crisis. I’ll be talking to a few of them for our virtual town hall. Tune in:,809,2145,95,7388 1250518003751497728,2020-04-15 20:15,,"We are building the movement that will beat Donald Trump. Join us:",2377,6935,900,28165 1250554494657724417,2020-04-15 22:40,,"Managing an economic relief and recovery effort is hard, painstaking work. The devil is in the details. It’s all about follow-through. I've done the work before, and I'll be ready to do it on day one as president.",1530,4766,223,18298 1250585971244044288,2020-04-16 00:45,,"So this week, we’re working through what ours will be. There are a few I know: compassion, kindness, humility, gratitude, and joy. But I want your help. Our supporters have been here from the start—and I want to know: what should be in our campaign’s code?",2072,1857,287,11181 1250585970396794880,2020-04-16 00:45,,"We won’t defeat this President by being like him. We’ll win by doing the opposite. Where he seeks to divide us, we’ll connect people. Where he shows cruelty, we’ll show compassion. And when he fights, we’ll fight harder. But we can’t do it without you.",1117,3430,236,24486 1250585968664600582,2020-04-16 00:45,,"In the Biden family, we have a code: My mom used to always tell me, “Joey, no one is better than you. Everyone is your equal, and everyone is equal to you.” I’m working on building one for our campaign, too.",7280,10617,1616,91092 1250585969520259074,2020-04-16 00:45,,"Mayor @PeteButtigieg’s campaign had a set of “rules of the road” that helped define the character of his campaign and his supporters. I think it’s a good idea, and one I’d like @TeamJoe to adopt.",409,1997,240,18653 1250604607002337280,2020-04-16 01:59,,"When somebody is President of the United States, the responsibility is total.",3467,22863,1656,70648 1250789795246166017,2020-04-16 14:15,,"To combat COVID-19, we need a decisive public health response to curb its spread and a comprehensive economic response that delivers real relief to Americans. I've released several plans outlining exactly what I would do if I were president. Take a look:",1308,3643,188,13305 1250831570031775745,2020-04-16 17:01,,"When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were. We need to build a better future for all.",8057,16588,1782,113953 1250859000750583808,2020-04-16 18:50,,Here's the simple truth: This nation has never been defeated when we're together — and we're not going to be defeated now. We will overcome this.,1060,4127,210,14471 1250889199621832704,2020-04-16 20:50,,"These racist acts have got to stop. No one should be targeted for what they look like, where they or their ancestors come from, or who they are. COVID-19 is a danger to everyone. We will stop it by coming together—not by targeting people of AAPI heritage.",1852,5779,381,22410 1250916881801723904,2020-04-16 22:40,,"Today’s news that more than 22 million people filed unemployment claims over the last month is devastating. It’s clear more needs to be done to help hardworking Americans—so I’m calling for a bigger, bolder approach to keeping people on the job. Read more:",1601,4433,247,16155 1250929465091338240,2020-04-16 23:30,,"Together, we will defeat Donald Trump.",10396,18204,3202,140440 1250944564434735104,2020-04-17 00:30,,"It's been a big week: President Obama, Senator Sanders, and Senator Warren all endorsed our campaign — and we need your help to keep this momentum going. I know times are tough, but if you're able, please chip in today:",2947,4002,282,19600 1251148413699190790,2020-04-17 14:00,,We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. No one feeling ill should have to choose between earning a paycheck or staying home to recover. We need to provide paid sick leave to everyone who needs it immediately.,3145,11745,571,65780 1251186157024616449,2020-04-17 16:30,,I know the American people will beat this. We’re brave and big-hearted. We’ve emerged stronger from every crisis that has tested us as a nation — and we will again.,2368,6800,426,45305 1251209309284859904,2020-04-17 18:02,,"The uncomfortable truth is that Donald Trump left America exposed and vulnerable to this pandemic. He ignored the warnings of health experts and intelligence agencies and put his trust in China's leaders instead. Now, we're all paying the price. Let me explain how we got here:",4849,19337,1542,56328 1251224408959651840,2020-04-17 19:02,,President Trump is trying to rewrite history when it comes to China and COVID-19 — but the facts don't back him up. Tony Blinken was the Deputy Secretary of State and is one of my top foreign policy advisors. He'll explain.,3536,25778,2478,55961 1251274236808790017,2020-04-17 22:20,,"Donald Trump is not responsible for COVID-19, but he is responsible for our slow, uncoordinated response. Experts say that if we had acted two weeks earlier, more lives could have been saved. Trump failed to take swift action—and we're paying the price.",7000,13687,994,51334 1251298144089976832,2020-04-17 23:55,,"Donald Trump continues to do the exact thing we teach our kids not to do: blame others. It’s always somebody else's fault — never his. It’s unbelievable. We deserve better from our commander in chief.",3444,10253,500,44779 1251518345548935169,2020-04-18 14:30,,"Donald Trump may not like it, but it's his responsibility to step up and lead our nation's testing strategy. Mass testing is key to reopening the economy and returning to some semblance of normalcy.",3914,15051,848,61327 1251571445248843777,2020-04-18 18:01,,Donald Trump says he’s a wartime president — it’s time for him to act like one.,17385,11656,5108,105779 1251582266251243525,2020-04-18 18:44,,Donald Trump left our country unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime — and now we're paying the price.,7885,30837,4838,84064 1251593843188748288,2020-04-18 19:30,,We will not be defeated.,1404,3563,221,17949 1251621524928253952,2020-04-18 21:20,,"On Sunday night, @SymoneDSanders and actor @TonyGoldwyn will be hosting an unemployment town hall on how COVID-19 is impacting entertainment workers. Tune in tomorrow at 7 PM ET to watch live:",521,1295,83,3783 1251653085925179392,2020-04-18 23:25,,"I couldn't be prouder of my friends @LadyGaga and Chris Martin of @Coldplay for organizing the @GlblCtzn One World: #TogetherAtHome broadcast. We are all in this fight together — and if we stand as one, we will defeat COVID-19.",826,4479,186,21741 1251661920962326530,2020-04-19 00:00,,"The United States should be standing up for freedom and standing with the people of Hong Kong. Instead, Trump has said he's “standing with Xi Jinping.” That's weak. We need to be strong on values when it comes to China. That's what I'll do as president.",2992,9909,588,36463 1251674691431018496,2020-04-19 00:51,,"As Kierkegaard said, “faith sees best in the dark.” I've always believed that. This pandemic is keeping many communities apart, but we've still got to keep the faith. Jill and I are wishing a Happy Easter to all of the Orthodox Christians celebrating around the world.",1013,2760,312,13576 1251888534627082243,2020-04-19 15:01,,"At a time when studies are linking air pollution with COVID-19 mortality rates for the most vulnerable in our society, the Trump Administration is rolling back environmental protections — allowing more poison into our air.",1484,8234,367,22240 1251915965408980993,2020-04-19 16:50,,"No President can promise to prevent future outbreaks. But I can promise you that when I'm President, we will prepare better, respond better, and recover better. We'll listen to the experts and heed their advice. And I will always tell you the truth.",21139,36134,4243,216485 1251947422483390470,2020-04-19 18:55,,"To everyone working on the front lines of this crisis, thank you. We truly couldn't get through this without you.",1673,8760,388,38566 1251968310087782400,2020-04-19 20:18,,"Tonight, @SymoneDSanders and actor @TonyGoldwyn will be hosting a town hall focused on how COVID-19 is impacting workers in the entertainment industry. Tune in at 7 PM ET to watch:",428,874,54,2771 1251977258601975810,2020-04-19 20:53,,".@DrBiden and I are keeping the loved ones of the more than 40,000 people in the U.S. we've lost due to COVID-19 in our prayers. This is a solemn day for our nation, and there will be more hard days ahead. But if we pull together, we will get through this. I promise.",1248,6620,248,27854 1252009937896640513,2020-04-19 23:03,,Tune in to watch @SymoneDSanders and actor @TonyGoldwyn host a town hall on how COVID-19 has impacted workers in the entertainment industry:,724,1377,74,5292 1252032336159543297,2020-04-20 00:32,,"At a time when Trump is fanning the flames of white supremacy and hatred in our country, my heart is with the families of those we lost in the Oklahoma City bombing 25 years ago today. We must never give up the fight against these forces of hate and intolerance.",7136,12795,1032,56589 1252235319526608905,2020-04-20 13:59,,"On this week’s episode of Here’s the Deal, Senator @AmyKlobuchar joins me for a discussion on how COVID-19 has impacted her family and what drove her to get involved in politics. Listen to the full episode at:",633,1600,84,5680 1252280869739548673,2020-04-20 17:00,,"We have to come together to make Donald Trump a one-term president. Once we do that, we will not only do the hard work of rebuilding this nation — we will transform it and create a better future for all.",9623,22825,1721,126362 1252311481514962951,2020-04-20 19:01,,"On #SOULSaturday, folks will be doing everything from sewing masks and hosting food drives to writing letters to first responders and making calls to check in on neighbors. We are all in this together–and I hope you'll join us by signing up to take action:",233,1346,41,4466 1252311480315392003,2020-04-20 19:01,,"In times of crisis, Americans stand as one. We lend a hand to our neighbors and take care of those in need. It's who we are. In that spirit, and to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our campaign, we're hosting S.O.U.L. of the Nation Saturday this weekend.",986,5158,138,24288 1252334221361848320,2020-04-20 20:32,,"Like many families, we have had to find new ways to stay connected while we're physically apart. We've been video chatting with our grandchildren a lot and decided to record one to share with you all. Take a look:",1282,4556,738,20120 1252347558988525568,2020-04-20 21:25,,The office of the presidency comes with the ultimate responsibility for the biggest decisions in the world. Every great president throughout our history has met that duty with the leadership it demands. Donald Trump has not.,3866,26717,2476,63860 1252360896850145280,2020-04-20 22:18,,"No kid should fear for their life at school & no parent should worry whether their kid will come home safe. Today, 21 years after the Columbine shooting, @fred_guttenberg will host a town hall with students on how we can end this epidemic. Tune in at 7 PM:",460,1673,51,6119 1252373596954955776,2020-04-20 23:08,,"Tune in now as @fred_guttenberg hosts a town hall on gun violence with #StudentsForBiden, 21 years after the Columbine High School massacre:",594,2416,96,7529 1252389082723790850,2020-04-21 00:10,,The President needs to stop blaming others and do his job.,19719,39007,4298,267208 1252425228803665920,2020-04-21 02:33,,"In March alone, this campaign raised $46.7 million, with 70% from online donations. This virus has changed our campaign. But it hasn't changed the unwavering support we've gotten from all of you. Together, we're going to defeat Trump. Help keep us going:",1054,3333,132,14040 1252433068884811781,2020-04-21 03:04,,"I am honored to have the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters, a leading environmental advocacy organization. Climate change is an existential threat, and there is no greater challenge and opportunity facing our country and our world.",976,6550,175,31342 1252615575290802180,2020-04-21 15:10,,"Out of every trial and tribulation, America has always emerged stronger — and we will again. We will not be defeated.",5055,8911,854,58888 1252668423303299072,2020-04-21 18:40,,"This Holocaust Remembrance Day, as we remember the millions of Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazi regime, we recommit to ensuring such atrocities never again occur. With anti-Semitism on the rise, all of us must root out intolerance and give hate no safe harbor.",1293,9068,330,43981 1252692330865405953,2020-04-21 20:15,,"I know COVID-19 is causing many people to feel anxious about what the future holds or lonely during this time of social distancing — and that's okay, just know that you're not alone. I've asked my friend, Dr. Vivek Murthy, to share a few tips on how to get through this:",669,3638,143,11769 1252735364327813122,2020-04-21 23:06,,"The right to vote is the most fundamental American right there is. We need to immediately expand vote-by-mail, online voter registration, and early voting to ensure everyone can safely exercise their right to participate in our electoral process.",4008,10404,693,39347 1252747695741009920,2020-04-21 23:55,,"The Paycheck Protection Program was intended to send help to the small businesses that needed it most, but President Trump adopted an approach to help his high-priced friends. We've got to do better. Here's what I would do if I were president:",1211,5236,206,17625 1252758013653528577,2020-04-22 00:36,,"The Trump Administration promised 27 million tests by the end of March. As of now, only 4 million have been completed. It’s unacceptable. We can’t safely reopen the economy without scaling up testing, and we can’t effectively scale up testing unless Donald Trump does his job.",4813,21835,1015,87374 1252950280708055040,2020-04-22 13:20,,"Folks, we just launched a special #EarthDay episode of Here's the Deal! Governor @JayInslee joins me for a discussion on COVID-19, climate change, and why he's supporting our campaign. Listen to the full episode now:",614,2124,114,7087 1252965380265439235,2020-04-22 14:20,,"On #EarthDay, we're reminded that there is no more urgent crisis facing this nation, or the world, than the threat posed by climate change. We have to take drastic action before it’s too late — and that’s exactly what I will do as president.",919,4034,315,13623 1253006148954816514,2020-04-22 17:02,,"Throughout my career, I've been committed to the fight against climate change. And on day one as president, I'll get to work taking the drastic action we need to address this crisis. #EarthDay",3010,5696,581,27560 1253013196644003842,2020-04-22 17:30,,Join me on #EarthDay for a virtual town hall — on one of the most pressing issues facing the world. Tune in at 2:30 PM ET:,292,719,33,2496 1253032141740367873,2020-04-22 18:45,,Join me on Earth Day for a virtual town hall with special guest Al Gore — on one of the most pressing issues facing our country and the world. Tune in now:,676,1981,102,6789 1253046162287849472,2020-04-22 19:41,,"The climate emergency requires our urgent action. As president, I will: - Ensure we achieve a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by 2050 - Rejoin the #ParisAgreement and rally the world to go further - Make the largest-ever investment in clean energy",3044,7256,526,35780 1253068559997075457,2020-04-22 21:10,,"Fifty years ago, #EarthDay began as a day of organizing that demonstrated the power of community action. This year, it’s also a reminder of everything that’s on the line if we do not get Donald Trump out of the White House.",622,1852,75,7835 1253085894380322817,2020-04-22 22:18,,@OfficialJLD Stranger things have happened.,116,427,20,7580 1253088692551348225,2020-04-22 22:30,,"This #EarthDay, let’s recommit to doing everything in our power to combat climate change. That starts with voting Donald Trump out of the White House this November.",1448,4887,270,27534 1253096244311846912,2020-04-22 23:00,,We have the power to change the future of our planet — and it starts at the ballot box this November.,1055,3035,189,11528 1253111342392913920,2020-04-23 00:00,,Our planet cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump.,26764,57682,8528,341181 1253122666422169600,2020-04-23 00:45,,"Workers, like grocery store cashiers, are on the front lines of this crisis risking their lives every day to combat COVID-19 and keep this country running. President Trump is refusing to do his job, but we've got to do ours. Learn more: #ShopSmart",835,3429,101,15811 1253130216198639616,2020-04-23 01:15,,"Make no mistake: The climate crisis poses an existential threat to our future. But I know the American people have the spirit, power, and ingenuity to meet the challenge head-on. There’s nothing we’ve been unable to accomplish when we do it together.",3370,6459,480,39256 1253144625151381504,2020-04-23 02:12,,"Unlike our current president, I will always choose science over fiction.",4994,13584,761,83191 1253346642478145536,2020-04-23 15:35,,26 million people unemployed. That's not just a statistic  — every one is a life thrown into uncertainty. Every worker left wondering when they will next see a paycheck is part of this American crisis  —  and Donald Trump isn't doing enough for them.,4239,9565,640,35792 1253383636264595456,2020-04-23 18:02,,Times of crisis often bring out our best. There are so many stories of good happening around the world amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a minute to read a few:,442,1859,45,7278 1253409557042229249,2020-04-23 19:45,,"As Muslim families across America and around the world celebrate the beginning of Ramadan, @DrBiden and I want to extend our best wishes to all who are observing this holy month. Ramadan Mubarak.",723,2529,186,13050 1253446047273062401,2020-04-23 22:10,,"To celebrate the one-year anniversary of our campaign, we're hosting our first #SOULSaturday this weekend. Folks across the nation will be taking time to check-in on neighbors and thank those on the front lines of this fight. I hope you'll join us:",1452,3820,258,14883 1253458882325667840,2020-04-23 23:01,,Donald Trump will always put his wealthy and well-connected friends first — that should come as no surprise. But to allow the banks to do it on the backs of small business owners in the middle of a global pandemic is a new low — even for him.,2376,7687,368,22857 1253473981702774784,2020-04-24 00:01,,"The words of a president matter — never more than in times of crisis. A president should seek to calm and heal, provide a steady hand, and a clear path forward. Instead, this is what we get from Donald Trump:",2539,8259,474,26486 1253484122749784064,2020-04-24 00:41,,"UV light? Injecting disinfectant? Here’s an idea, Mr. President: more tests. Now. And protective equipment for actual medical professionals.",8436,30195,1756,127792 1253489081239166980,2020-04-24 01:01,,"I know this is a dark time for so many people, just know that we will get through this. We will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever before.",1618,2844,243,11122 1253691562707558400,2020-04-24 14:25,,These folks are American heroes.,622,5205,115,32721 1253715322592354304,2020-04-24 16:00,,"No matter who you supported throughout the primary, I want you to know that you have a home in our campaign. You’re not just wanted — you’re needed. Together, we will beat Donald Trump and transform this nation. Join us:",1799,3121,252,13445 1253722368041607168,2020-04-24 16:28,,"Today, we remember the atrocities faced by the Armenian people in the Metz Yeghern — the Armenian Genocide. If elected, I pledge to support a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide and will make universal human rights a top priority.",1099,3431,366,15439 1253745522545917953,2020-04-24 18:00,,"Let me be clear: This crisis isn’t about you, Mr. President.",3440,13256,924,47611 1253751812194070529,2020-04-24 18:25,,"I can’t believe I have to say this, but please don’t drink bleach.",71924,326070,38806,1636272 1253787817827799042,2020-04-24 20:48,,"The health of the American people is not a joke, Mr. President.",6350,19747,1288,108233 1253820752379490308,2020-04-24 22:58,,"Folks, to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our campaign, we'll be hosting a #SOULSaturday Rally tomorrow night! We may be physically apart, but I hope you'll join us in coming together at 7 PM ET:",906,2262,143,7140 1253836117666758657,2020-04-25 00:00,,"I know times are tough, but we have to campaign as hard as ever to take the strongest fight possible to Donald Trump. He has a lot more money than us, and we need your help to close the gap. If you can, please chip in today:",2154,3403,249,13799 1253850965377036290,2020-04-25 00:59,,Donald Trump needs to step up and do everything he can to give our front line workers the protective equipment they need.,3421,6200,397,27391 1254042684131627009,2020-04-25 13:40,,"When I announced my campaign one year ago today, I said we were in a battle for the soul of the nation. One year later, that is as true as it has ever been. I believe we can and we will emerge from this crisis a stronger, better, and fairer nation. Together, as one America.",5482,18682,2022,75981 1254124266444017666,2020-04-25 19:05,,"We may be physically apart, but folks across the country are coming together to check in on their neighbors and thank our front line heroes. Use #SOULSaturday to show how you’re participating today.",1006,1680,90,7083 1254154465420161026,2020-04-25 21:05,,"Tonight, we’re hosting a #SOULSaturday rally to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our campaign! Join us at 7 PM ET:",817,1240,76,4390 1254172771753627652,2020-04-25 22:17,,It’s stories like these that make me so proud to be an American and make me confident that we will overcome this. Because there’s nothing the American people have been unable to accomplish when we do it together.,235,718,16,5079 1254172770830888960,2020-04-25 22:17,,"After seeing the shortage of masks around the country, Marilyn decided to step up and organize efforts in Northern Virginia to make homemade masks. Because of her selfless work, countless front line workers have the masks they need to stay safe.",160,727,11,5564 1254172767194316803,2020-04-25 22:17,,"Across the country, people are stepping up and doing incredible things amid this pandemic. It’s who we are as Americans—in times of crisis, we stand as one. For #SOULSaturday, I called a few folks to thank them for all they’re doing. Here are some of their stories:",656,3144,95,16256 1254172769065021441,2020-04-25 22:17,,"Brien usually works at the Ford Plant in Rawsonville, Michigan, driving a semi. But when the plant started assembling much-needed ventilators, he courageously stepped up and volunteered to help. His selfless actions will no doubt save countless lives.",25,227,2,1077 1254172768192598016,2020-04-25 22:17,,"John, a Facilities Maintainer from Staten Island, recently contracted and survived the coronavirus. Shortly after he recovered, a colleague contracted the virus and needed plasma to battle it. John heroically stepped up and donated his plasma to help his coworker.",36,252,10,1184 1254172769882865670,2020-04-25 22:17,,"Older adults are especially vulnerable to COVID-19. Recognizing that, Erica decided to organize youth in her community to buy groceries for seniors — ensuring they receive the food they need while staying safe at home. She's a true hero.",28,265,3,1397 1254179631151923205,2020-04-25 22:45,,"One year ago, we launched this campaign. Whether you were on #TeamJoe from day one or have joined in recent weeks — I’m incredibly grateful for your support and hope I make you proud. Together, we’re going to beat Donald Trump, unite this country, and transform our nation.",3496,6609,454,42117 1254183544772911104,2020-04-25 23:00,,"Today, folks across the nation have showed their compassion by participating in our first ever #SOULSaturday. Tune in now as we end the day with a celebration for our campaign’s one year anniversary:",1287,2748,168,9579 1254195834029293571,2020-04-25 23:49,,"@AmandaLinton23 @templehospital Amanda, this is remarkable. Thank you for stepping up and supporting our front line heroes. I know the staff will greatly appreciate your donations.",3,13,1,57 1254196014988361730,2020-04-25 23:50,,"@a_zinsner8 @TeamJoe This is great, Addie. Tell your mom and sister I say thank you for lending a helping hand to your neighbors.",2,23,0,102 1254196649242628115,2020-04-25 23:52,,"@Im4fit Julie, I can’t thank you enough for all you’re doing to ensure folks have food and supplies during this crisis.",3,11,1,34 1254196900011618304,2020-04-25 23:53,,"@Emmieinthecity Michelle, this is a great idea. Thank you for doing what you can to ensure folks have the masks they need to stay safe.",3,11,2,50 1254197275242496006,2020-04-25 23:55,,@carobrissett @pizzahut I bet this made their day. Thank you for stepping up and doing what you can to help those on the front lines of this fight.,13,14,1,48 1254238015775363072,2020-04-26 02:37,,"366 days ago, we launched this campaign. 192 days from now, we’ll beat Donald Trump. Let’s go win this thing, together.",3185,6407,521,31135 1254429527700275200,2020-04-26 15:18,,The workers on the front lines of this crisis are risking their lives every day to combat COVID-19 and keep this country running. The least we can do is provide them the pay and protection they need and deserve.,1174,5647,167,23754 1254465766444789760,2020-04-26 17:42,,"Imagine the future we can build with Donald Trump out of the White House. A future where: - Health care is a right - We combat climate change - We end our gun violence epidemic - Our government works for all — not just the powerful Let’s build that future, together.",14696,23513,3007,123209 1254496720454512641,2020-04-26 19:45,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who will choose hope over fear, unity over division, truth over lies, and science over fiction.",2236,3732,280,14877 1254518111430197250,2020-04-26 21:10,,The American people are stepping up and rising to meet this moment. It's time for our president to do the same.,4327,9122,658,65946 1254538243996921856,2020-04-26 22:30,,"Wealthy firms with ties to Trump got millions, while countless small businesses were turned away. No wonder he wanted no one to watch how the money was deployed. The American people deserve rigorous oversight — and small businesses deserve relief. Now.",3317,13499,722,35971 1254560894576623616,2020-04-27 00:00,,America has always met every big challenge with an even bigger solution — this moment should be no different. We need an infrastructure program that will combat climate change and create good-paying jobs at the same time.,3543,7373,490,40296 1254756132746379266,2020-04-27 12:55,,"I'm incredibly honored by @SpeakerPelosi's endorsement and grateful for her historic leadership in Congress. Together, we helped pass Obamacare and together we can not only bring this country back from the brink from this current crisis, but transform it.",3176,9706,461,47928 1254782856074637319,2020-04-27 14:42,,"We want our country to get moving and healthy again. But we must take the necessary, rational steps, grounded in science, to do so safely, so COVID-19 doesn’t come roaring back.",1317,5039,195,21387 1254806260324749315,2020-04-27 16:15,,"COVID-19 can hit anyone, anywhere — but it doesn’t affect every community equally. This afternoon, join Senator @KamalaHarris and @SymoneDSanders for a discussion on its disproportionate impact on communities of color. Tune in at 3:30 PM ET:",1137,2366,117,7977 1254857452656267264,2020-04-27 19:38,,Join Senator Kamala Harris and Symone Sanders for a town hall addressing the impact and disparities of COVID-19 in the Black community. Tune in now:,1713,2406,204,8552 1254875960744255488,2020-04-27 20:51,,"COVID-19 is a danger to everyone. We will stop it by coming together as one America — not by targeting others. Thank you for helping lead this fight, @AndrewYang.",1099,4062,128,17442 1254900631787245571,2020-04-27 22:30,,"Testing is the springboard we need to help get our economy safely up and running again. Trump could rapidly scale it up. He hasn’t. Instead, he’s passed blame and pushed sole responsibility to governors. We've got to do better.",2408,7611,329,31893 1254924567971274752,2020-04-28 00:05,,"The Trump Administration could have helped prevent this. But once again, they failed to take action — and now the American people are paying the price.",2736,12092,490,42317 1254940897130811393,2020-04-28 01:10,,"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be hosting a town hall on how COVID-19 is impacting women — and I'll be joined by a special guest. Tune in at 3 PM ET to watch:",3355,2685,447,8999 1255140965444182016,2020-04-28 14:25,,"We are months into this crisis, and health care workers still don’t have the protective equipment they need. It’s a national disgrace.",2870,10585,520,35633 1255174436363268097,2020-04-28 16:38,,"We're months into this crisis and workers still don't have enough protective equipment, there still aren't enough tests, and the death toll continues to rise. The President should spend less time congratulating himself and more time doing his job.",1774,7160,343,24081 1255183480859824129,2020-04-28 17:13,,(I'm with her.),12252,11557,4839,95256 1255183652943773697,2020-04-28 17:14,,"If you're excited too, join us at 3 PM ET:",1683,1843,212,10902 1255211518167142400,2020-04-28 19:05,,"COVID-19 is affecting the entire nation, but the impact doesn’t look the same for everyone. I'm hosting a town hall on how COVID-19 is impacting women — and I'll be joined by special guest Hillary Clinton. Tune in now to watch:",3393,4017,528,13868 1255233827657654277,2020-04-28 20:34,,"I’ve known @HillaryClinton for years, and know that her dedication and passion for bettering our country are second to none. I’m grateful for her endorsement and for her friendship — and look forward to working alongside her to get Donald Trump out of the White House.",4900,6104,842,38662 1255253079798222848,2020-04-28 21:50,,"The fact is there has been so much unnecessary death in this country. If we had listened to the experts and heeded their warnings, it could have been stopped short. But Donald Trump failed to act — and now the American people are paying the price.",4803,12010,889,35932 1255285668911230981,2020-04-29 00:00,,"Let me be very clear: No one is expendable. We shouldn’t allow rationing of health care that discriminates based on age or disability.",6501,14226,1261,85056 1255297119457607681,2020-04-29 00:45,,"There are nearly 330 million people in the United States — and according to the Trump White House, we've only conducted 5.4 million COVID-19 tests. It's abysmal. Donald Trump needs to scale up testing, and he needs to do it immediately.",5398,11237,736,51178 1255493286988406784,2020-04-29 13:45,,"I couldn't agree with @HillaryClinton more. We need a president who will listen to the science, bring us together, and lead with compassion and heart. If I have the honor of being elected, that's the exact kind of president I will be.",3098,7296,392,36399 1255528519670652928,2020-04-29 16:05,,"We owe a profound debt of gratitude to the health care workers on the front lines of this fight. I checked in with Monica, an ICU Nurse, to talk about how she's getting through this and to thank her for all she's doing:",1249,7162,611,25897 1255556201653219328,2020-04-29 17:55,,"Throughout our history, we have emerged from every crisis stronger than before — and we will again.",2796,6132,457,42397 1255581619160784897,2020-04-29 19:36,,"Wear a mask in public. Read your daily briefings. Listen to the experts. This really isn't rocket science. It's common sense.",9954,27323,2125,166078 1255609049867051015,2020-04-29 21:25,,"""I wish he were president right now, but I can't wait until he is if all of us do our part to support the kind of person that we want back in the White House."" — @HillaryClinton Join us:",1402,2645,157,13016 1255636983793082370,2020-04-29 23:16,,"The Trump Admin failed to provide enough testing, PPE, and safety enforcement. Workers have gotten sick, plants have closed, and the meat supply is at risk. It's past time workers have the protections they need to stay healthy and do their job safely.",1776,6532,327,23765 1255647805118377985,2020-04-29 23:59,,"The words of a president matter — and Donald Trump has used his to downplay COVID-19, pass blame onto others, and mislead the American people. I will do the opposite.",2524,7266,448,23598 1255659381565214723,2020-04-30 00:45,,"With rent due in a few days and folks across the country worried they won't be able to make their payments, it's clear more needs to be done to provide relief. We need to freeze rent immediately for people who have lost their jobs and place a temporary ban on evictions.",4782,10671,849,53388 1255670706463006731,2020-04-30 01:30,,"In the middle of a global pandemic, the Trump Administration is still working to gut the Affordable Care Act and rip health care away from millions. It's morally reprehensible. They need to drop the lawsuit immediately.",2025,3682,217,12793 1255863198156304385,2020-04-30 14:14,,"The climate emergency isn't just a threat to our environment, it's a threat to our health, economy, and so much more. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and take action to combat it before it's too late.",1688,4880,211,20364 1255884615744516097,2020-04-30 15:40,,"As president, I promise you I'll honor all those we've lost from COVID-19.",4961,6475,1021,30992 1255904752199536646,2020-04-30 17:00,,"We may be physically apart, but we are all in this together.",1035,2931,177,11483 1255927332768034819,2020-04-30 18:29,,I’ve been a big fan of Megan’s for years and can’t wait to join her this afternoon. You can watch our chat live at 2:45 PM ET:,722,1074,55,5863 1255939345497849860,2020-04-30 19:17,,"Donald Trump either read his daily briefings and ignored the warnings, or didn't read them at all. Either way, it's a complete and unjustifiable dereliction of duty.",2637,12654,523,47557 1255962665903697920,2020-04-30 20:50,,An open and independent press is more important than ever in times like this. They deserve to be treated with respect — not belittled with schoolyard taunts from this president.,7947,9820,1252,50414 1255988550522351620,2020-04-30 22:33,,"Instead of preparing our country to fight COVID-19, Donald Trump wasted months and promised it would miraculously go away by April. He was wrong. And we're all paying the price.",1666,6085,360,17748 1256010445745344512,2020-05-01 00:00,,"- More than 60,000 people in the U.S. have died - 30 million have filed for unemployment - At least 1 million have gotten sick Enough with the late night Twitter tantrums, Mr. President. It's time for you to step up and lead.",7283,18538,1357,95039 1256018159997464578,2020-05-01 00:30,,"The number is overwhelming, but each one represents a life thrown into uncertainty, a family unable to make ends meet, and a community worried about how it will recover. We have to do more to help them. Now.",1004,3122,93,12849 1256025544346517504,2020-05-01 01:00,,"We need more tests. Our front line workers need protective equipment. Americans need additional economic relief. Yet the Trump Administration is spending time and energy on President Trump's wasteful border wall. Unbelievable.",1472,4880,235,14623 1256036868967280643,2020-05-01 01:45,,We need a president who listens.,2871,2733,283,14521 1256206136979738624,2020-05-01 12:57,,"We have lived long enough with a President who doesn’t think he is accountable to anyone, and takes responsibility for nothing. That’s not me. As a Presidential candidate, I’m accountable to the American people.",9501,12346,1667,57579 1256240712036712453,2020-05-01 15:15,,"This crisis isn't about you, Mr. President. It's about the American people.",3124,16907,1265,47725 1256282238393565184,2020-05-01 18:00,,"When we emerge from this crisis, we can't just go back to the way things were before. We have to build a better future for all. We can and will transform this nation — together.",4100,8902,646,53292 1256287268962254852,2020-05-01 18:20,,"As we mark the beginning of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, @DrBiden and I extend our best wishes to AANHPI communities across America. We look forward to celebrating your extraordinary accomplishments and contributions in the month ahead.",687,1739,54,8746 1256306743585370112,2020-05-01 19:37,,"I'll say what Donald Trump won't: The Confederate flag, swastikas, and other symbols of hate that have been used in these protests have no place in America. The president should encourage folks to follow Gov. Whitmer’s public health orders — not sow further discord and division.",11393,29257,2452,111640 1256355216934547456,2020-05-01 22:50,,No one should have to pay for coronavirus treatment. Period.,1876,4965,323,22905 1256373587784630278,2020-05-02 00:03,,"When we come together and act as one America, there's not a single thing we cannot accomplish.",7969,10200,1238,71932 1256598066800611329,2020-05-02 14:55,,"On March 6th, Donald Trump said: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.” It was a lie then, and it's still not true nearly two months later. It's a disgrace, and it's slowing efforts to reopen safely. This administration needs to act immediately to surge testing nationwide.",3300,14321,614,62428 1256636638144446466,2020-05-02 17:28,,"To @USWNT: don’t give up this fight. This is not over yet. To @USSoccer: equal pay, now. Or else when I'm president, you can go elsewhere for World Cup funding.",2912,5931,1652,31803 1256653431705497601,2020-05-02 18:35,,"My heart and Jill's are with the people of Puerto Rico in the wake of another damaging earthquake. As the island grapples with both the impact of this earthquake and this pandemic, we need to ensure they get the resources and assistance needed to recover as soon as possible.",1191,9374,377,49994 1256653934837538816,2020-05-02 18:37,,Mi corazón y el de Jill están con Puerto Rico a raíz de los terremotos de hoy. Mientras la isla enfrenta el impacto de este suceso y la pandemia del COVID-19 tenemos que asegurarnos que reciban los recursos y la asistencia que necesitan para recuperarse lo más pronto posible.,1102,2389,215,12566 1256667024912244736,2020-05-02 19:29,,"We left a playbook. He ignored it. We created an office to prepare for pandemics. He gutted it. We had CDC officials in China to detect and contain outbreaks. He pulled them out. Trump can try and shift blame all he wants, but the fact is his actions left us unprepared.",8642,57114,3342,159970 1256698438831476737,2020-05-02 21:33,,"When I say Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history, this is what I'm talking about. Monty Bennett should return the tens of millions of dollars he received, and we should give it to the small businesses that need it.",5330,20769,1035,63187 1256727670554914818,2020-05-02 23:30,,This pandemic is bigger than any one individual or country. This moment requires all of us to come together — across the nation and around the world — to solve this crisis.,3589,11286,639,65139 1256961717432733696,2020-05-03 15:00,,"Over the last few weeks, I worked with our supporters and staff to create a code for our campaign—the principles we’ll live by, reflecting the community we’ve built, the team we aspire to be, and some of my own ‘rules’ as well. I’m excited to share it:",2512,5997,764,20207 1256988891942252552,2020-05-03 16:48,,The U.S. Postal Service is an essential pillar of American life. We simply cannot let Donald Trump destroy it.,3400,13970,931,58543 1257021763390767110,2020-05-03 18:58,,"This #WorldPressFreedomDay, support for an independent press at home and around the world matters more than ever. We must vote Trump out this November and assure that attacks on our free press are never again acceptable — especially not in the White House.",735,3312,198,15038 1257021761872449542,2020-05-03 18:58,,A free press is essential to a free society. That's why attacking the press and attempting to intimidate independent media is a standard part of the authoritarian playbook around the world. And it’s why Donald Trump’s efforts to demonize the media put us on such a dangerous path.,6546,14903,1514,69801 1257021762602184705,2020-05-03 18:58,,"Trump deflects legitimate questions with attacks. He bullies members of the press, instead of taking responsibility for his failures. His efforts to undermine public confidence in the integrity of reporting violate our core values and threaten our very system of government.",630,3940,169,21100 1257038468699566089,2020-05-03 20:05,,"Donald Trump seems to think he can direct funding based on which politicians are nice to him, which states he’s trying to win in November, and which businesses he wants to enrich — all without any accountability. @EWarren and I think that’s unacceptable.",3046,11841,890,47406 1257057343038033922,2020-05-03 21:20,,"The American people are strong, tough, brave, and big-hearted. We can and will overcome this — together.",2923,8640,750,59694 1257067640482226177,2020-05-03 22:00,,"This Sunday night, settle in and join labor leader Dolores Huerta, actor John Leguizamo, Secretary Hilda Solis, and Congresswoman Escobar for a #TodosConBiden discussion. Tune in now:",834,1934,122,6252 1257077475605176326,2020-05-03 22:40,,"The hard truth is that it didn’t have to be this bad. The lack of preparation, the slow response on testing, the failure to administer the relief in the CARES Act appropriately — all of it stems from Donald Trump’s failures as president.",2781,11297,665,37075 1257097610135056390,2020-05-04 00:00,,"In times of crisis, the American people deserve a president who tells them the truth and takes responsibility. Donald Trump has not been that president.",4310,11623,992,37972 1257312776780996608,2020-05-04 14:15,,I've always believed that we've been at our best when we've acted as one America. This crisis is an opportunity for us to be that nation again. There's not a single thing we cannot accomplish if we do it together.,2781,7865,520,43961 1257365750479818753,2020-05-04 17:45,,"Make no mistake: We can emerge from this crisis a stronger, better, and fairer nation. It’s within our power — we just need a president and an administration who are up for the task.",11576,11532,1941,68782 1257403121363415040,2020-05-04 20:14,,"Over 1 million cases of COVID-19. Almost 70,000 dead. What is upsetting President Trump? Tough questions from the press. Cry me a river, Mr. President.",7056,21857,2391,77055 1257424764097802240,2020-05-04 21:40,,"Today, I’m releasing a new plan to achieve equity for the African American community and take us one step closer to making America what it ought to be. Read more:",3115,7176,619,28913 1257457336551079939,2020-05-04 23:49,,"Across the country, folks are stepping up, taking care of their neighbors, and lending a hand to those in need. It's who we are. In times of crisis, we stand as one. And it makes me so proud to be an American.",915,3338,116,15561 1257474844008108034,2020-05-05 00:59,,"Let me be clear: Essential workers on the front lines of this crisis deserve premium pay, emergency paid sick leave, and protections that keep them safe.",5815,16763,1128,103186 1257677680662765568,2020-05-05 14:25,,"Thank you to all the: Firefighters Paramedics Police officers Doctors Nurses Medical support staff Grocery and retail workers Meatpackers Delivery drivers Transit workers And everyone else on the front lines of this fight. You truly are the heart and soul of this country.",3122,14813,809,74855 1257697813208674305,2020-05-05 15:45,,"Each week, I get hundreds of letters from people across the country. Folks share their hopes, ideas, struggles, and concerns — and I try to respond to as many as I can. We're going to share a few of them with you in our new series: Sincerely, Joe.",1745,3133,220,12682 1257731791302979584,2020-05-05 18:00,,"It's been a big few weeks. President Obama, Secretary Clinton, Senator Sanders, Senator Warren, and Speaker Pelosi all endorsed our campaign. Now, we need your help to keep the momentum going. I know times are tough, but if you can, please chip in today:",1944,2860,178,11011 1257795708339421186,2020-05-05 22:14,,"It’s important to stay connected while we’re social distancing — but there’s always that one friend who doesn’t get the hint when it’s time to end the video chat. Glad we don’t know anyone like that — right, @KeeganMKey?",2402,8878,1485,37687 1257818848591351809,2020-05-05 23:45,,"The choice between the economy and public health is a false one—if we don’t beat the virus, we'll never get back to full economic strength and will lose countless lives. We have to get the number of new cases down and scale up testing before we return to some sense of normalcy.",1035,5982,278,21376 1257827550216302593,2020-05-06 00:20,,The Biden Administration will not silence scientists.,5550,13656,1030,71040 1257841258354970624,2020-05-06 01:15,,This didn't have to happen. The Trump Administration failed to take action and produce desperately needed protective equipment — and those on the front lines of this crisis paid the price. It's heartbreaking.,1549,6641,259,21138 1257876833581912065,2020-05-06 03:36,,"The video is clear: Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood. My heart goes out to his family, who deserve justice and deserve it now. It is time for a swift, full, and transparent investigation into his murder.",2626,22241,1043,89099 1258033779513253888,2020-05-06 14:00,,"These stories are heartbreaking and remind us that the numbers we see in the news are more than just statistics. Every death is a tragedy and marks a family and community that will never be the same. @DrBiden and I are keeping them all in our prayers.",687,4045,148,13447 1258063979412250628,2020-05-06 16:00,,"Today, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump-backed lawsuit to dismantle the ACA enters a new phase. If Trump and Republican AGs succeed, it’ll mean devastation for our health care system that will cause untold pain and suffering. We can't let that happen.",1376,6200,279,19024 1258095433886375940,2020-05-06 18:05,,"We can’t sit by as Donald Trump and Republicans use COVID-19 as an excuse to disenfranchise voters. We need to ensure people have the opportunity to vote by mail, early vote, vote absentee and, in every way possible, safely vote in person this November.",2184,6686,353,23678 1258110532953006080,2020-05-06 19:05,,"The stakes in this election have never been higher. Over the last few months, we've seen how wholly unfit Donald Trump is to lead our nation. We have to vote him out of the White House this November.",7201,14851,1159,74552 1258142107103092736,2020-05-06 21:10,,"You heard it straight from the president himself: He wants to terminate health care for millions of Americans in the middle of a global pandemic. We can't let that happen.",2260,12920,564,35736 1258161115944681478,2020-05-06 22:26,,"The nurses on the front lines of this crisis are American heroes. We owe them more than we could ever repay, but we can start by ensuring they have the protective equipment they need to stay safe, emergency paid sick leave, and premium pay. #NationalNursesDay",963,5566,151,26996 1258184774486642688,2020-05-07 00:00,,"I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: No one is expendable. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow.",17013,23825,3758,142994 1258199619722502147,2020-05-07 00:59,,"We can't host any in-person events due to COVID-19, but that won't stop me from hitting the campaign trail—virtually, of course. Tomorrow, I'll be making stops around Florida and wrapping up the day with a virtual rally in Tampa. Tune in at 5:15 PM ET:",1920,3566,253,13880 1258398681537089537,2020-05-07 14:10,,"These folks are true heroes — every single one of them. Take a minute to read their stories:",707,3340,83,14195 1258426367215050755,2020-05-07 16:00,,"I believe the moral obligation of our time is to rebuild our economy in a way that finally brings everyone along. A Biden Administration will encourage the economic empowerment of African Americans and close the racial wealth and income gaps. Read more:",892,1922,103,7365 1258431648732872706,2020-05-07 16:21,,Real presidents lead. Reality TV presidents don’t.,7122,42597,5050,117532 1258453039901368326,2020-05-07 17:46,,"Over 33 million Americans have filed unemployment claims since mid-March — one out of every five workers. It’s a national economic disaster that requires urgent action. We have to get help to everyone who needs it — efficiently, equitably, and immediately.",1240,3690,183,12030 1258527300540182531,2020-05-07 22:41,,"Every step of the way, President Trump has ignored the experts, downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, and misled the American people — and we’re all paying the price every single day. I promise you, I will do the opposite.",1617,5962,220,22464 1258541860257058817,2020-05-07 23:38,,"Where are the tests, Mr. President?",3810,8730,575,39676 1258583650150477830,2020-05-08 02:25,,"I can't hit the campaign trail in-person due to COVID-19 — so instead, I’m traveling across the country from my home in Delaware. Head over to my Instagram to catch up on today’s trip to Florida 📲.",3105,7753,393,47238 1258770883969077249,2020-05-08 14:49,,"Here's the simple truth: The United States of America has never been defeated when we're together — and we're not going to be defeated now. We can and will overcome this.",4522,7647,703,43653 1258784976834887689,2020-05-08 15:45,,"Donald Trump loves to crow about what a great economy he built. This crisis has revealed what a failure Trumponomics has been. And American workers and families are paying the price. Tune in for my remarks live on @nowthisnews at 12 PM EDT.",2981,5427,398,23276 1258817692448051200,2020-05-08 17:55,,Wouldn't it be nice to have a president who listens to someone other than himself?,2758,10611,850,40801 1258835057101410310,2020-05-08 19:04,,I’m the proud husband of a teacher who inspires me every day. I’ve seen firsthand how hard teachers work with little support and few resources. Thank you to all the amazing teachers who've inspired and educated the future of our country. #TeacherAppreciationWeek,553,2101,68,8878 1258853929036775428,2020-05-08 20:18,,It didn’t have to be this bad. The hard truth is that Donald Trump was simply not up to the job.,4267,15434,854,65777 1258864250002513922,2020-05-08 21:00,,"75 years ago on #VEDay, America and its allies defeated fascism in Europe. From the devastation of war, we built a lasting peace. Today, as we honor the veterans who sacrificed for us, let us remember the importance of uniting against common threats.",683,3225,132,14441 1258874315518300162,2020-05-08 21:40,,"Corruption is a feature of Donald Trump's economic agenda—not a bug. He will pick his wealthy friends and corporate cronies over working families every time. I say it’s time we pick a different way—one where everyone gets a fair shot at success, not just the Mar-a-Lago crowd.",2482,6637,421,20798 1258886898329812998,2020-05-08 22:30,,"Two years ago, Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran Deal. This week, he vetoed a war powers resolution that would've prevented him from starting a war with Iran without Congressional consent. His decisions have increased the risk of war in the Middle East.",2326,6241,357,18983 1258908289334640644,2020-05-08 23:55,,"Make no mistake: COVID-19 has caused a massive economic challenge. But this crisis hit us harder, and will last longer, because Donald Trump spent the last three years undermining the core pillars of our economic strength.",2078,4874,290,15786 1258959294269214722,2020-05-09 03:17,,Ahmaud Arbery was shot down in cold blood. His family deserves justice — and they deserve it now.,1600,8306,298,44522 1259132265361100801,2020-05-09 14:45,,Crisis reveals character — and character belongs in the White House.,2972,23652,1944,62864 1259163471029166087,2020-05-09 16:49,,"We need to rebuild the backbone of this country — the middle class. And this time, we're going to bring everyone along. We have to make sure every single person gets a fair shot at success.",3388,9136,546,47180 1259198199731908609,2020-05-09 19:07,,Imagine what we could be doing now with the $2 trillion in tax cuts that Donald Trump delivered for his rich friends.,1991,9231,504,25286 1259228398615846913,2020-05-09 21:07,,No one should pay a dollar out of pocket for coronavirus testing or treatment. Period.,1300,3552,175,14931 1259242159124946944,2020-05-09 22:01,,This is inexcusable.,2606,15764,508,59045 1259269922149916672,2020-05-09 23:52,,There’s no quit in America. None at all. We’re going to get through this — and we're going to come out stronger.,3316,8752,567,56920 1259284518361600003,2020-05-10 00:50,,"There's a clear choice this November: Donald Trump will do everything he can to terminate health care for millions in a global pandemic. I will do everything I can to ensure every American has access to the quality, affordable care they need.",2705,8451,440,29815 1259506732759310336,2020-05-10 15:33,,"To the extraordinary mothers everywhere, like Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden, my wishes for a safe and happy Mother’s Day.",1230,7592,517,38139 1259532401832837121,2020-05-10 17:15,,"Ordinary people, given half a chance, have never let their country down. That’s who I believe in. That’s who I’m in this race to fight for.",3179,9495,529,56233 1259556785893052418,2020-05-10 18:51,,"I believe rebuilding the middle class is the moral obligation of our time. We have to build a stronger, more inclusive, more resilient middle class — one that can withstand the next public health crisis or whatever else comes our way.",1399,4807,238,18833 1259581475109744640,2020-05-10 20:30,,"Tax cuts for the super-wealthy. Bailouts for large corporations. Working Americans left behind. That’s Donald Trump’s record.",1447,6830,415,16717 1259615448905199621,2020-05-10 22:45,,Don't let anyone tell you differently: We have the power to write the future we want for our country.,13548,14626,2735,96698 1259626773605564416,2020-05-10 23:30,,".@AndrewYang and I covered a lot of ground on the next episode of Here's the Deal, but the most surprising part might have been learning about his connection to the Roosevelts. Make sure to tune in for the full episode tomorrow morning:",695,2331,115,9058 1259649424436785152,2020-05-11 01:00,,"We cannot be silent in the face of rising violence against transgender people of color—like the recent tragedies in Missouri and Puerto Rico. It's our moral obligation to end this epidemic, and ensure everyone can live open and proud and free from fear.",1048,5158,214,21570 1259650681260044293,2020-05-11 01:05,,"No podemos callar ante la violencia contra personas transgénero de color, como las recientes tragedias en Missouri y Puerto Rico. Es nuestra obligación garantizar que todos puedan vivir abiertamente, con orgullo y sin miedo.",712,1105,115,4182 1259834391670423553,2020-05-11 13:15,,"This crisis presents an opportunity to not just rebuild our economy — but transform it. @AndrewYang joined me to discuss how we can do that and create a stronger, fairer, more inclusive middle class. Listen to the full episode:",1007,3132,194,12878 1259855842041565186,2020-05-11 14:40,,I have a better idea: give people coronavirus economic relief and don't hold their hard-earned benefits hostage.,1627,9394,370,37160 1259896551805157378,2020-05-11 17:22,,"Donald Trump hopes to split us into dueling camps, casting Democrats as doomsayers hoping to keep America grounded and Republicans as freedom fighters trying to liberate the economy. It’s a childish tactic—and a false choice none of us should fall for.",2344,9424,441,33489 1259917439132819456,2020-05-11 18:45,,"With folks staying at home during this time of social distancing, we put together some fun activities to keep everyone entertained. Text FREE to 30330 to be the first to get a look at what we’ve been working on.",669,1031,75,3439 1259943863621267457,2020-05-11 20:30,,Donald Trump and his team seem to understand how critical testing is to their own safety. So why are they insisting that it’s unnecessary for the American people?,5612,28014,1460,119412 1259972803660443648,2020-05-11 22:25,,"In April, we raised $60.5 million between my campaign and @TheDemocrats. I'm humbled and know what a sacrifice it is to give in times as difficult as these. But May is our most important month yet, and we need your help. If you can, please chip in today:",1114,2219,109,8369 1259986650446344196,2020-05-11 23:20,,Donald Trump just doesn't understand: We have an economic crisis because we have a public health crisis — and we have a public health crisis because he failed to act.,5935,40432,5373,102308 1260011558899499010,2020-05-12 00:59,,I believe everyone deserves a fair shot at success — not just the Mar-a-Lago crowd.,9137,14569,1503,102431 1260155255880323074,2020-05-12 10:30,,"Let me be clear: My Administration will review every single stimulus loan given to big companies and political insiders. We will find any dollar taken corruptly, we will come get it, and we will punish the wrongdoers.",5458,12377,1355,47260 1260225720435032065,2020-05-12 15:10,,"Here's the deal: We can choose who our country works for. We can choose whether it works for just the wealthy — or everyone else as well. That’s the choice we must make — all of us together — this November.",4014,10752,632,51473 1260267215921844225,2020-05-12 17:54,,"That’s the plan.",4863,22329,2098,124948 1260294171618836480,2020-05-12 19:42,,Donald Trump knew about this crisis all the way back in January — and his response since has been incompetent at best.,1593,6196,268,21893 1260303075111325697,2020-05-12 20:17,,"This is a bunch of malarkey and you know it, @senatemajldr. We left a 69-page playbook on how to fight pandemics. You can read it here if you’d like: And make sure to pass along your notes to President Trump. He could use them.",5473,25491,2684,77287 1260339651509919746,2020-05-12 22:42,,"The Trump Administration clearly knows what's needed to make workplaces safe and operational: adequate testing, contact tracing, masks, and additional precautions. They're putting in the work to keep themselves safe. Why aren't they doing the same for the American people?",1250,7614,211,26183 1260355324357128195,2020-05-12 23:45,,".@DrBiden and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Aimee Stephens. We send our deepest condolences to her wife, Donna, and her family. Aimee's spirit and courage will not only be her legacy but our guiding light as we carry on her fight for equality.",424,2197,78,12496 1260374201518526465,2020-05-13 01:00,,I wish the president would spend less time talking and tweeting and more time listening to experts like Dr. Fauci. This isn’t politics. This is life and death.,4107,16969,738,81403 1260570499320446976,2020-05-13 14:00,,"Donald Trump can put up all of the banners he wants in the Rose Garden, but it doesn’t change the fact that he failed our nation when it comes to COVID-19 testing.",3659,13535,976,55062 1260607989070786560,2020-05-13 16:29,,A united party is key to winning the White House this November. The work of the task forces will be essential to identifying ways to build on our progress and not simply turn the clock back to a time before Donald Trump — but transform our country.,3528,7232,593,36978 1260623340219387908,2020-05-13 17:30,,"I joined @PeterHamby on @Snapchat’s Good Luck America to discuss everything from memes to stimulus oversight. Head to to watch the interview today, Thursday, and Friday.",445,585,30,2103 1260639698529193986,2020-05-13 18:35,,We owe so much to every single worker on the front lines of this crisis. The least we can do is provide them the pay and protection they need and deserve. Here's what I would do if I were president:,1788,3567,188,13123 1260664864269381635,2020-05-13 20:15,,It didn’t have to be this bad. Donald Trump utterly failed to prepare for this pandemic and delayed in taking the necessary steps to safeguard our nation against the near-worst-case-economic scenario we are now living.,4372,7154,499,24900 1260701573765836805,2020-05-13 22:40,,"Enough with the anger and division and fear-mongering, Mr. President. It's time for you to step up, appeal to our better angels, and unite the country. We'll overcome this crisis by coming together — not by tearing each other apart.",12054,9460,1713,45364 1260717021840445452,2020-05-13 23:42,,"I would trust the guy who’s one of our nation's top public health experts, not the one who pondered injecting disinfectant into the body and looked directly at a solar eclipse.",7223,30529,2081,144330 1260733099652022273,2020-05-14 00:46,,"Moments of crisis require swift and decisive action from our leaders, but Donald Trump and his administration have done nothing but dither and delay. They have failed the American people on every single front.",1322,4706,177,17239 1260744136212140034,2020-05-14 01:30,,"Not only does the Trump Administration want to take away health coverage for millions in the middle of a pandemic, but now they want to let people go hungry, too. Their cruelty truly knows no bounds.",1714,7187,375,18203 1260751685959417858,2020-05-14 02:00,,"“60 days into the coronavirus crisis, the White House does not have a plan, a framework, a philosophy, or a goal.” Real presidents lead. Reality TV presidents don’t.",2892,11302,614,44068 1260764765556740098,2020-05-14 02:51,,Happy Birthday to the one and only @StevieWonder.,634,1976,111,17551 1260936654858137601,2020-05-14 14:15,,"There's nothing that the American people cannot accomplish when we stand together — one nation, united in purpose.",3824,7861,619,49375 1260968615450271744,2020-05-14 16:22,,"As the economy continues to spiral downwards and unemployment soars to Great Depression-era levels, we cannot ignore the hard truth: This crisis hit us harder and will take longer to recover from because of Donald Trump’s failures.",1940,7573,331,26422 1260986986820599812,2020-05-14 17:35,,"With the void of leadership in the White House, governors across the country have stepped up to meet this moment. This afternoon, I’ll be joined by a few of them for a roundtable discussion on COVID-19. Tune in at 3:30 PM ET to watch:",692,1696,89,5593 1261013914025750528,2020-05-14 19:22,,Small businesses are the backbone of this country. We have to do so much more to support them through this crisis. Here's what I would do if I were president:,752,2127,97,7462 1261018512920731648,2020-05-14 19:40,,"Join me for a virtual roundtable on COVID-19 with Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Phil Murphy and Ned Lamont who are at the forefront of this crisis:",949,1883,107,5689 1261034759758675972,2020-05-14 20:44,,The lives of tens of millions of Americans have been thrown into chaos through no fault of their own — and Donald Trump simply isn't doing enough to help them.,1336,4850,168,18462 1261061226886574081,2020-05-14 22:30,,"Sherian, a small business owner from South Carolina, recently asked how I would help businesses like hers recover from this crisis and how we can tackle health care disparities among communities of color. They're important questions. Here's what I said:",487,1367,56,4725 1261070033905577985,2020-05-14 23:05,,"Donald Trump can deflect and shift blame all he wants, but the hard truth is he failed to protect our nation from the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime.",2902,13468,1089,36227 1261077076465115141,2020-05-14 23:32,,What he said.,11782,39343,3811,245063 1261090619285540864,2020-05-15 00:26,,"Tonight, @StaceyAbrams and I will be joining @Lawrence for a discussion on combating COVID-19 and how we can ensure everyone can make their voice heard this November. Tune in to @MSNBC at 10 PM ET to watch live.",1777,2468,243,10949 1261098722852777984,2020-05-15 00:59,,We are months into this crisis. There is simply no excuse for President Trump's failure to implement a national testing strategy.,6986,19505,1139,109892 1261301559213715457,2020-05-15 14:25,,"To all of our front line workers who are working day in and day out to keep our nation afloat during this crisis, thank you.",1781,9214,318,56996 1261324208577015810,2020-05-15 15:55,,"We have the power to create the future we want. A future where: - We end our gun violence epidemic - We lead the world in combating climate change - Everyone has access to the health care they need - Our government works for all — not just the wealthy and well-connected",3461,9305,701,37885 1261356924370423811,2020-05-15 18:05,,"If you’re looking for ways to show off your support for the campaign or to stay entertained while we’re social distancing, we’ve got you covered. Check out our new free store where you’ll find everything from phone backgrounds to crossword puzzles:",1354,2008,168,6146 1261384606433058816,2020-05-15 19:55,,"To everyone who has lost a loved one due to COVID-19: I know it's incredibly difficult right now, but there will come a time when their memory brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will take time, but that’s when you know you’re going to make it.",938,5463,369,20867 1261403984100818944,2020-05-15 21:12,,"Trump's international failures have cleared a path for Cuba to join the UN Human Rights Council. This would betray Cuba's political prisoners and further undermine U.S. diplomacy. As President, I will lead by empowering the Cuban people and defending human rights.",5924,6170,2318,31044 1261404739109113856,2020-05-15 21:15,,"Los fracasos internacionales de Trump han abierto el camino para que Cuba se una al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. Esto traiciona a los presos políticos en Cuba y mina aún más la diplomacia de los EE.UU. Como presidente, defenderé los derechos humanos del pueblo cubano.",1435,1272,308,5044 1261408054093860865,2020-05-15 21:28,,"Unions like @GoIUPAT are supporting their workers and communities during this pandemic. To build a stronger, more inclusive, and more resilient middle class after this crisis, we must encourage unionization. That starts with enacting the PRO Act.",335,808,47,2682 1261416063784402946,2020-05-15 22:00,,"We're building a campaign that will defeat Donald Trump and transform this nation — but we need your help to do it. Join us this Sunday for a Grassroots Strategy Summit, where we'll lay out our path to victory and how you can get involved:",1218,1787,113,6025 1261436978232356864,2020-05-15 23:23,,I want Donald Trump to look the American people in the eye and explain why their hard-earned dollars are bailing out his wealthy donors.,5866,21982,1216,73481 1261450037739106304,2020-05-16 00:15,,"The fact is Donald Trump wasted an awful lot of time, and lives were lost as a consequence.",1903,5005,290,18765 1261665206184312838,2020-05-16 14:30,,Science over fiction.,12390,21459,2953,158694 1261674293458604038,2020-05-16 15:06,,"It seems the way to get fired by President Trump is not to commit wrongdoing, but to investigate it.",3046,22473,896,86601 1261705973988839424,2020-05-16 17:12,,"On this Armed Forces Day, @DrBiden and I want to express our gratitude and support for the men and women in uniform — serving and defending our country around the world. Thank you for your selfless service and sacrifice. You continue to make us proud.",949,4319,234,15413 1261729378171412481,2020-05-16 18:45,,"Defeating Donald Trump is going to take everything we've got. His campaign has been preparing for the last four years and has millions in the bank. I know times are tough, but if you can, please pitch in today to help us catch up:",2436,5041,379,18709 1261760080422322176,2020-05-16 20:47,,We need a president who puts hardworking Americans ahead of the wealthy and well-connected.,1873,3828,285,15562 1261794809565466624,2020-05-16 23:05,,Every day Donald Trump proves how wholly unfit he is to lead our country.,3956,11395,759,52806 1261808650454093824,2020-05-17 00:00,,"From this moment of crisis, we have the opportunity to not just rebuild our economy — but transform it.",5370,10593,1093,70642 1261865381075058689,2020-05-17 03:45,,Congratulations to the Class of 2020 and to all those who were a part of the journey. I can't wait to see what you all accomplish. #GraduateTogether,1363,12784,481,78798 1262021805180506117,2020-05-17 14:07,,"Today, on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, I stand with LGBTQ+ people and their allies to celebrate and champion the inherent dignity and worth of all persons—regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. #IDAHOTB",1714,8504,727,39495 1262042693489905664,2020-05-17 15:30,,"Behind every COVID-19 death is a family and a community that will never be the same. Behind every unemployment claim is a life thrown into uncertainty — a person wondering how they’ll make ends meet. There is a real human toll to this crisis. We cannot forget that.",4903,18973,1467,86768 1262065345277255681,2020-05-17 17:00,,"No graduating class gets to choose the world into which they graduate, but few have ever entered at a point in this country's history where they genuinely have a chance to write a new chapter. Congratulations to the class of 2020, I can't wait to see the future you create.",744,4175,290,17391 1262096469785485318,2020-05-17 19:03,,"Moments of crisis require presidents to step up, transcend partisan politics, and unite the nation to achieve a common goal. But Donald Trump has done nothing but stoke division—and we're seeing the effect every day. He is the worst possible person to lead us through this crisis.",1969,7582,537,26476 1262133289982164992,2020-05-17 21:30,,"As we reflect on the incredible legacy of Brown v. Board of Education, we’re reminded of the urgent work that remains before us 66 years later. We can’t rest until every kid gets a fair shot, and we finally live up to our founding ideals of liberty, justice, and equality for all.",1259,5876,297,29639 1262154177221808130,2020-05-17 22:53,,I'm incredibly grateful for everyone who has chipped in to help fuel this campaign — especially in times as tough as these. @EWarren and I called a few folks to thank them for their support:,2253,6488,892,35413 1262171039863394305,2020-05-18 00:00,,"A year ago today, the House passed the #EqualityAct, a long-overdue bill that would ensure LGBTQ+ people are treated with dignity and respect under the law. But @SenateMajLdr won't bring it up for a vote. It's unacceptable. Passing it will be a top legislative priority of mine.",1024,6502,307,25393 1262186137868595200,2020-05-18 01:00,,"In times of crisis, Americans stand as one. It's who we are. And it's how we're going to get through this — together.",3541,8520,619,52890 1262386206865797124,2020-05-18 14:15,,"In the middle of the worst public health crisis in our lifetime, President Trump is actively trying to terminate health insurance for millions of Americans. It's unthinkable. Here's what I would do to ensure everyone has access to the coverage they need:",1424,5714,313,18716 1262420180690505733,2020-05-18 16:30,,Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history — and his recovery efforts are making that clearer than ever.,27181,36021,4871,200472 1262448924608139269,2020-05-18 18:24,,"Companies getting relief from taxpayers have an obligation to protect workers' paychecks, and the Trump Administration has an obligation to hold their feet to the fire to ensure they do. We need real relief paired with real oversight—not no-strings-attached corporate bailouts.",621,2546,73,9049 1262480579624235008,2020-05-18 20:30,,"- Expand vote-by-mail and early voting - Implement online voter registration - Ensure everyone can safely vote in-person We need to do everything in our power to ensure every American can safely make their voice heard this November.",2659,8807,496,36330 1262508260411621377,2020-05-18 22:20,,"One of President Trump's top advisors admitted that this administration ""really let the country down"" on testing. He's right. It's long past time for Trump to step up and implement a national testing strategy so we can begin safely reopening the economy.",1008,4342,175,16319 1262535439715405824,2020-05-19 00:08,,"With your help, we'll defeat Donald Trump. And we won't just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it. I know times are tough, but if you're able, please chip in today to help make it happen:",1412,2623,181,10741 1262548526094929928,2020-05-19 01:00,,Donald Trump is not responsible for the coronavirus. But he does bear full responsibility for failing to protect our nation from the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime.,7880,23895,1463,139419 1262749852976349184,2020-05-19 14:20,,"It’s time we reward the people who actually make this country work. Not Wall Street CEOs — but the middle class. Ordinary women and men who are capable of doing extraordinary things when given half a chance. That's who I'll fight for every single day in the White House.",3845,10179,712,50572 1262780460905660424,2020-05-19 16:21,,I am proud to stand with @NationalNurses in calling for a strong OSHA standard for RNs and other frontline health care workers and full utilization of the Defense Production Act to mass produce personal protective equipment.,591,3455,108,11973 1262797667677212672,2020-05-19 17:30,,We need a president who believes in science.,31077,41948,10856,327166 1262835420108292101,2020-05-19 20:00,,Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through this crisis.,6754,11356,1006,58441 1262863098702004224,2020-05-19 21:50,,"Tonight, I'll be joining @chefjoseandres for a virtual town hall to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on food security and the restaurant industry — and what our government should be doing to ensure no one in America goes hungry. Watch live at 7 PM ET:",806,1962,89,7441 1262885244509671424,2020-05-19 23:18,,"Today, @DrBiden and I are mourning the death of our dear friend, Annie Glenn. Her long life was filled with great love and great meaning, with purpose and her own brand of uncommon courage.",394,2203,55,12085 1262897980799102976,2020-05-20 00:08,,"Fundamentally, this is about whose side the government is on and whether it is accountable to the American people. This is a case I will continue to make, and if elected president will deliver on.",734,3457,177,15604 1262897978890768384,2020-05-20 00:08,,"During today’s Senate Banking Committee hearing, Secretary @StevenMnuchin1 refused to require corporations benefiting from $500 billion in CARES Act funds to keep workers on their payrolls. @EWarren asked him several times, each time he ducked and refused.",1735,12474,540,39420 1262897979666706435,2020-05-20 00:08,,"That's exactly why @EWarren and I have called for more oversight. We need more conditions on corporations to ensure relief goes to their workers, not their CEOs. No $500 billion slush fund. No blank checks. The Trump Administration is prioritizing big corporations over workers.",457,3757,120,18731 1262910915768315904,2020-05-20 01:00,,The United States of America has always emerged stronger from every trial and tribulation — and we will again. We will overcome this.,4483,8370,786,55696 1262932298082799624,2020-05-20 02:24,,"Congratulations to Dr. @iingwen on the start of her second term. Taiwan’s thriving democracy and response to COVID-19 are an example to the world. America’s support for Taiwan must remain strong, principled, and bipartisan.",878,2194,218,10612 1263112240510627841,2020-05-20 14:20,,"When we emerge from this crisis, we can’t just go back to the way things were before. We need to take this country to a place we’ve never been. Where we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone gets a full share of the American dream.",3080,8874,767,41018 1263144955867885568,2020-05-20 16:30,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who will choose to unite rather than divide.",10447,15867,1919,104366 1263150426477727750,2020-05-20 16:51,,Donald Trump has failed to provide for our nurses and doctors on the frontlines. Now he’s short-changing our troops and their families. Unacceptable.,1125,7230,255,22669 1263185976089890816,2020-05-20 19:13,,"From my home in Delaware to Milwaukee, Wisconsin — join us for a virtual rally at 3:30 PM CT:",702,1465,83,5335 1263215923374305280,2020-05-20 21:12,,Donald Trump needs to do his job and implement a national testing strategy.,8143,14198,1358,94686 1263233036243603457,2020-05-20 22:20,,"My heart and Jill's go out to the people of Midland, Michigan, experiencing another crisis in the midst of this pandemic.",703,4244,174,19262 1263250653318656002,2020-05-20 23:30,,"Folks, I’m excited to share that we’re hosting a grassroots fundraiser with @PeteButtigieg. Grassroots donors are the backbone of our campaign — and I want to thank you for all your support. Chip in any amount to join us Friday afternoon:",977,2420,134,8927 1263259697177677826,2020-05-21 00:05,,"Donald Trump is using a global health crisis as an excuse to deport children and continue separating families. It's heartless and un-American. People across the political spectrum rejected these policies before, and will do so again, because they know families belong together.",1400,5004,242,15567 1263269526721855488,2020-05-21 00:45,,We don't have a food shortage problem — we have a leadership problem.,2322,8078,432,34553 1263280851128930304,2020-05-21 01:30,,This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. We need to ensure every single eligible American can safely make their voice heard this November.,3961,10683,688,44010 1263475886445039616,2020-05-21 14:25,,"When I launched my campaign, I said we were in a battle for the soul of the nation — we’re seeing that soul on full display. Folks are reaching out to help one another and doing truly heroic things. It makes me so proud.",3650,12566,634,72068 1263509860395610113,2020-05-21 16:40,,I promise you this: A Biden Administration will listen to scientists and heed their advice — not silence them.,2842,10163,458,45397 1263538448507588613,2020-05-21 18:33,,"While we hope to soon return to some sense of normalcy in our lives, we cannot allow ourselves to return to the everyday gun violence that has plagued our past. We need to pass common-sense reforms and end our gun violence epidemic.",1621,3984,219,16515 1263551383904477185,2020-05-21 19:25,,Donald Trump’s inaction cost lives.,3407,8444,608,26131 1263584031251152896,2020-05-21 21:34,,"I don't usually Google myself, but I made an exception for @WIRED’s Autocomplete Interview. Check it out:",1867,4544,352,17441 1263608006949797888,2020-05-21 23:10,,I’m looking forward to joining my friend @StephenAtHome on the @colbertlateshow tonight. Check out some of my favorite moments from the last time I was on his show — and then make sure to tune in to CBS at 11:35 PM ET.,1150,2373,156,9840 1263625569121570819,2020-05-22 00:19,,"Turns out, it takes more than a tweet to implement a comprehensive national testing strategy.",2284,11776,432,55641 1263640722571268098,2020-05-22 01:20,,"It didn’t have to be this bad. The hard truth is that Donald Trump failed to take action, and it cost American lives.",3250,11743,838,34015 1263829969593004034,2020-05-22 13:52,,A president who can't handle a crisis is no president at all.,5576,23606,2382,68484 1263862182636408833,2020-05-22 16:00,,"In the middle of this crisis, President Trump is trying to cut food assistance. It’s morally bankrupt. We should do everything in our power to ensure no one goes hungry in America.",4181,14267,730,62879 1263867235224834048,2020-05-22 16:20,,Join Andrew Yang to discuss the economic impact of COVID-19. Tune in now:,744,924,47,3363 1263887347650899970,2020-05-22 17:40,,"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: No company pulling in billions of dollars in profits should pay a lower tax rate than firefighters and teachers. It's time for Amazon to pay its fair share.",4620,9241,789,40641 1263907481216057346,2020-05-22 19:00,,"In announcing the intent to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty, President Trump has doubled down on his short-sighted policy of going it alone and abandoning American leadership.",1374,4418,181,14952 1263917546748514304,2020-05-22 19:40,,"We will get through this, and we will come out stronger. I promise.",1935,2622,145,11868 1263944725624578048,2020-05-22 21:28,,"Think of how many small businesses could have been helped with the $47 million that went to private jet companies owned by wealthy Trump donors. It’s ridiculous. We need a president who puts hardworking Americans ahead of the wealthy and well-connected.",3097,11771,579,34761 1263963348405678080,2020-05-22 22:42,,No worker’s life is worth getting a cheaper hamburger. Period.,1840,3227,221,13199 1263970782889287680,2020-05-22 23:11,,Chip in to help make it happen:,1975,1798,106,7950 1264005770422738947,2020-05-23 01:30,,Adi is an incredible young advocate for the transgender community. He also graduated high school today. We wanted to say congrats...with a couple friends!,1963,3386,253,24501 1264198145988104192,2020-05-23 14:15,,"We're in the midst of the worst economic crisis in our lifetime, and Senate Republicans continue to delay relief for the American people saying, ""I don’t see the need right now."" Unbelievable. We've got to take back the Senate this November.",3868,12378,805,41234 1264232120425123841,2020-05-23 16:30,,"36,000 Americans could be alive today if President Trump had acted sooner. Let's put that into perspective:",5972,11632,1177,32660 1264264835036000257,2020-05-23 18:40,,"The hard truth is Donald Trump ignored the warnings of health experts and intelligence agencies, downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, and failed to take the action needed to combat the outbreak. It’s one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in our history.",10401,19698,1776,82101 1264291259054768128,2020-05-23 20:25,,We can protect the sacred right to vote and protect public health at the same time.,7691,12955,1309,81141 1264318941620350976,2020-05-23 22:15,,"Donald Trump has failed to live up to our trust and treaty obligations to Native Americans. It’s unacceptable. I’ll make meaningful investments in Indian Country — including increasing funding for Indian Health Services and making that funding mandatory.",2860,5729,411,22091 1264364239885676544,2020-05-24 01:15,,"As Ramadan draws to an end, @DrBiden and I want to wish a safe and warm celebration to our Muslim friends and neighbors. Even though we can't be all together to celebrate, we hope it is filled with joy, family, and success for the year to come. #EidMubarak",1315,4502,202,25305 1264374557860716544,2020-05-24 01:56,,"Nearly 100,000 lives have been lost, and tens of millions are out of work. Meanwhile, the president spent his day golfing.",18708,84539,7839,165002 1264558017321644032,2020-05-24 14:05,,Make no mistake: I believe our best days still lie ahead. We can and will transform this nation — together.,12988,14400,2346,101134 1264600798865944577,2020-05-24 16:55,,"Folks write letters to me asking all kinds of questions, but Jack's question on my favorite ice cream flavor might be the best one yet. Here’s what I told him:",2384,4715,541,26970 1264632385691410433,2020-05-24 19:00,,"We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and the Trump Administration is trying to prevent people from getting health care.",3146,12316,800,30221 1264654905714728960,2020-05-24 20:30,,"Hunger today isn’t about scarcity — it’s about a massive failure in leadership. If I were President, I’d immediately work with @chefjoseandres to empower our restaurants to be part of the solution as families go hungry during the COVID-19 crisis.",1705,3871,287,14442 1264681329158795264,2020-05-24 22:15,,Climate change poses an existential threat to our future — and time is running out to address it. We have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and tackle the challenge head-on.,6805,11105,1112,61629 1264706495096262662,2020-05-24 23:55,,The presidency is about a lot more than tweeting from your golf cart. It requires taking on the ultimate responsibility for the biggest decisions in the world. Donald Trump simply wasn’t prepared for that. I promise you I will be.,19505,26589,3089,145610 1264936762570407936,2020-05-25 15:10,,"To all the members of our military and our military families, especially those who have lost their service member, thank you. We owe you. We can never lessen the magnitude of your loss, but this I can promise you: we will never forget. #MemorialDay",1638,12908,705,47474 1264995588594073602,2020-05-25 19:03,,"This ruling goes a long way toward protecting the sacred right to vote, but there's still work to do. We've got to ensure everyone — including individuals formerly incarcerated for felonies — has the right to make their voice heard at the ballot box.",1537,6447,208,30795 1265024844887965700,2020-05-25 21:00,,"We have always been able to take crises and turn them into opportunities — and we have the chance to do that once again. If we match our ambitions to the scale of the challenges we face, we can and will transform our country for generations to come.",5398,8697,960,45225 1265070142125293568,2020-05-26 00:00,,There’s not a single thing the American people can’t do if we do it together.,9852,12001,2043,89971 1265289085150736384,2020-05-26 14:30,,"We are months into this crisis, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a comprehensive plan when it comes to COVID-19 or the economy. It's unacceptable. I released a detailed plan laying out what I would do months ago, and have built on it since. Take a look:",2030,6093,346,21927 1265327084710264833,2020-05-26 17:01,,So much of this could have been prevented if we had a president who listened to someone other than himself.,15671,32049,3098,198843 1265364582182162432,2020-05-26 19:30,,"Folks, today we’re launching #League46⚾️ — a next generation coalition ready to make Donald Trump a one-term president. We've got unlimited capacity to create change — and together, we’re going to transform this country. Join today:",1424,4206,334,14409 1265394277137481728,2020-05-26 21:28,,1 in 4 U.S. workers has filed for unemployment benefits in the last 10 weeks. It’s a crisis unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetime — and the Trump Administration is failing to do enough to help.,3735,10211,642,50170 1265417430194630659,2020-05-26 23:00,,"The truth is asking for money is the worst part of running for president—especially in times as tough as these. But we’re coming up on our end of month fundraising deadline, and I need your help to ensure we hit our goal. If you can, please chip in today:",2030,2780,259,9901 1265435045780570112,2020-05-27 00:10,,"Donald Trump's wealthy donors got tens of millions of dollars in relief, while countless small businesses were turned away. It's no wonder he didn't want any oversight. We need a government that works for all — not just the super-wealthy.",3642,16695,811,71991 1265445256465731586,2020-05-27 00:50,,Wear a mask.,38227,71725,10340,503669 1265455605076185089,2020-05-27 01:31,,"George Floyd deserved better and his family deserves justice. His life mattered. I'm grateful for the swift action in Minneapolis to fire the officers involved — they must be held responsible for their egregious actions. The FBI should conduct a thorough investigation.",1805,8690,534,44029 1265472291099549699,2020-05-27 02:38,,"Last year California passed #AB5, affording gig workers protections and benefits like a minimum wage and overtime pay. Now, gig economy giants are trying to gut the law and exempt their workers. It's unacceptable. I urge Californians to vote no on the initiative this November.",1995,4137,598,17968 1265624830096936960,2020-05-27 12:44,,"This morning, I’ll be joined by @TomWolfPA for a conversation on how COVID-19 is making an impact on states. Tune in live at 10:30AM EDT:",642,991,66,4458 1265652855651762177,2020-05-27 14:35,,Tune in now as @TomWolfPA joins me for a conversation on how COVID-19 is impacting states:,670,1001,69,3742 1265689220603150337,2020-05-27 17:00,,"We’re in the middle of a global pandemic — and not only is Donald Trump preventing people from getting the health insurance they need, but he’s also actively trying to terminate the insurance millions already have. It’s morally reprehensible.",8743,23909,1828,110805 1265726466051977218,2020-05-27 19:28,,"Over the last few months, countless Asian Americans have been threatened, attacked, and blamed for COVID-19. They've cruelly been made the scapegoat by the most powerful man on the planet, President Trump. It has to end. Read more from @TammyforIL and me:",1619,4063,245,14859 1265757168504049664,2020-05-27 21:30,,"There are moments in our history so grim, so heart-rending, that they're forever fixed in each of our hearts as shared grief. Today is one of those moments. 100,000 lives have now been lost to this virus. To those hurting, I'm so sorry for your loss. The nation grieves with you.",5733,33100,5600,113854 1265770716550574086,2020-05-27 22:23,,".@DrBiden and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Larry Kramer, an American hero. Through his activism, Larry taught us all how to speak up and demand our government do its job. His outspokenness raised our consciousness on HIV/AIDS and saved countless lives.",396,2437,79,13410 1265783592594087944,2020-05-27 23:15,,George Floyd’s life mattered.,1897,10608,944,45284 1265792096453230592,2020-05-27 23:48,,Presidents are supposed to lead by example — and every day Donald Trump proves how incapable he is of doing that.,2575,11554,442,68454 1265799950253690880,2020-05-28 00:20,,Every day Donald Trump proves how unfit he is to lead our nation.,3566,16707,1193,53268 1266014363225219075,2020-05-28 14:32,,Two tweets from the same day in October.,4215,46056,3837,191375 1266052867200180224,2020-05-28 17:05,,The hard truth is that this crisis didn’t have to be this bad.,15739,25625,3029,177809 1266098165511380992,2020-05-28 20:05,,"Thirty years ago, I proudly cosponsored the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act. It was an enormous step forward, but there's more work to do. So today, I’m releasing my plan to achieve full participation and equality for people with disabilities:",1053,5368,248,22613 1266112010258911232,2020-05-28 21:00,,"Today, we learned that another 2.1 million people filed for unemployment last week, bringing the total number of new claims since this crisis began to more than 40 million. It's just the latest evidence of Donald Trump’s utter failure of leadership.",2301,6275,384,23494 1266134655973064710,2020-05-28 22:30,,"100,000+ lives lost across the country. 1,700,000+ confirmed U.S. cases. 40,000,000+ unemployment claims filed. Donald Trump has failed our nation.",8834,27950,1823,137253 1266149756650156032,2020-05-28 23:30,,Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. That's the story of America — and we’re seeing it written every single day. It gives me hope.,730,3683,306,13029 1266164854689353731,2020-05-29 00:30,,"We’re months into this crisis, and Donald Trump still doesn't have an effective national testing strategy. I do:",2667,8837,465,38417 1266179954389155840,2020-05-29 01:30,,We can’t allow this crisis to exacerbate the disparities that plague our nation.,1836,4908,186,26435 1266369891445010432,2020-05-29 14:04,,Enough.,10532,38303,6619,298615 1266369892325838850,2020-05-29 14:04,,"This is not abstract: a black reporter was arrested while doing his job this morning, while the white police officer who killed George Floyd remains free. I am glad swift action was taken, but this, to me, says everything.",1481,11974,614,74819 1266369893403770886,2020-05-29 14:04,,"I will not lift the President’s tweet. I will not give him that amplification. But he is calling for violence against American citizens during a moment of pain for so many. I’m furious, and you should be too.",4260,26480,1508,151811 1266369894502686721,2020-05-29 14:04,,I will be speaking more about the events in Minnesota later today.,2958,6785,562,71748 1266423158766047232,2020-05-29 17:36,,Tune in as I address the unfolding situation in Minnesota and the killing of George Floyd:,3340,8087,1103,31048 1266489745682595841,2020-05-29 22:01,,"It’s time for us to take a hard look at uncomfortable truths. It’s time for us to face the deep, open wound we have in this nation. We need justice for George Floyd.",6378,22290,1210,149251 1266515917917302789,2020-05-29 23:45,,"We are a country with an open wound. None of us can turn away. None of us can be silent. None of us any longer can hear those words — “I can’t breathe” — and do nothing. We must commit, as a nation, to pursue justice with every ounce of our being.",3074,13458,1204,58076 1266527243699970049,2020-05-30 00:30,,"This is no time for incendiary tweets. This is no time to encourage violence. This is a national crisis — and we need real leadership right now.",15443,34009,3021,227249 1266799536871112707,2020-05-30 18:32,,"Every day that Donald Trump spends in the White House, he further debases the values and ideals of our nation. He is wholly unfit to be president.",3046,14774,838,66790 1266824199202578433,2020-05-30 20:10,,"Today, in lifting our ambitions and our imaginations to the heavens, the United States has once more reshaped the future of space travel.",1367,3825,196,21090 1266844333006700550,2020-05-30 21:30,,"You can't defeat bigotry; it only hides. And when leaders give it oxygen — as Donald Trump has done — it comes roaring back. We all have a moral obligation to stand up, speak out, and hold people accountable.",2550,8381,569,31907 1266863206334705664,2020-05-30 22:45,,"If we are complacent, if we are silent, we are complicit in perpetuating these cycles of violence. None of us can turn away. We all have an obligation to speak out.",6216,23934,1379,137144 1266874530779275264,2020-05-30 23:30,,Trump’s Tantrum Diplomacy is eroding U.S. credibility on the international stage. Withdrawing from @WHO during a global pandemic is a recipe for disaster and increases the cost of the American response. We must instead rally the world to confront COVID-19.,3039,9595,511,44600 1266949697874415618,2020-05-31 04:28,,"We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. Please stay safe. Please take care of each other.",37135,33165,3896,139352 1267216045246382082,2020-05-31 22:07,,"We are a nation in pain right now, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. As President, I will help lead this conversation — and more importantly, I will listen, just as I did today visiting the site of last night's protests in Wilmington.",12780,39694,5603,195210 1267503703927386118,2020-06-01 17:10,,"After another night of unrest in America, I’m hosting a virtual roundtable with mayors from across the country to discuss where we go from here. Tune in:",2660,10056,861,42985 1267520286028513281,2020-06-01 18:16,,Leaders listen.,5513,20338,1709,134948 1267570366227988482,2020-06-01 21:35,,"In this moment, the very soul of America is at stake. We must commit, as a nation, to pursue justice with every ounce of our being. We have to finally make real the American promise: That all men and women are not only equal at creation, but throughout their lives.",5973,30404,1331,157764 1267634400080117761,2020-06-02 01:49,,"He's using the American military against the American people. He tear-gassed peaceful protesters and fired rubber bullets. For a photo. For our children, for the very soul of our country, we must defeat him. But I mean it when I say this: we can only do it together.",13852,58711,3688,214239 1267650896562843648,2020-06-02 02:55,,"Pride is a global movement of love, self-expression, and community — resilient in the face of oppression and fear and hopeful for a better future. This month, let us recommit to those principles and remain steadfast in the fight for justice and equality.",1268,5990,223,30348 1267819776291692555,2020-06-02 14:06,,"Let us vow to make this, at last, an era of action to reverse systemic racism with long overdue and concrete changes. This morning I'm speaking in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on where we are and where we need to go. Tune in:",2799,9686,1142,36387 1267829322548563971,2020-06-02 14:44,,"A country is crying out for leadership. Leadership that can unite us, leadership that brings us together, leadership that can recognize the pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time.",10575,31008,2115,183231 1267832845608747009,2020-06-02 14:58,,"The President held up a bible at St. John’s church yesterday. If he opened it instead of brandishing it, he could have learned something: That we are all called to love one another as we love ourselves. That’s hard work. But it’s the work of America.",5803,25130,1252,140254 1267841150326636545,2020-06-02 15:31,,"I’ve said from the outset of this election that we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Who we are. What we believe. And maybe most important—who we want to be. It’s all at stake. That is truer today than ever. And it’s in this urgency we can find the path forward.",2638,12023,536,61242 1267876242075746304,2020-06-02 17:50,,Julián — I made a promise to George's family that he wouldn't just become another hashtag. We're going to tackle this head on — and we're going to need your help to do it. Grateful for your support.,2107,13356,469,71392 1267891230429626368,2020-06-02 18:50,,"“I can’t breathe.” George Floyd’s last words. But they didn’t die with him. They’re still being heard. They’re echoing across this nation. It’s a wake-up call for all of us.",2128,8566,469,37743 1267914382786224128,2020-06-02 20:22,,"That’s what the presidency is: a duty of care — to all of us, not just our voters, not just our donors, but all of us.",1812,7392,342,33538 1267957164607336448,2020-06-02 23:12,,"The presidency is a big job. Nobody will get everything right. I won’t either. But I promise you this: I won’t traffic in fear and division or fan the flames of hate. I will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued this country — not use them for political gain.",4529,13571,1001,69709 1267970502871613442,2020-06-03 00:05,,"When 100,000 Americans died because of his incompetent leadership, this president golfed. When Americans peacefully protested outside the White House, this president tear-gassed them for a photo-op. Donald Trump was elected to serve us all — but he only looks out for himself.",9915,50794,2234,239192 1267990635174297602,2020-06-03 01:25,,"If the Senate has time to confirm Donald Trump’s unqualified judicial nominees, it has time to pass legislation that will give true meaning to our Constitution’s promise of equal protection under the law. No more excuses. No more delays.",4102,27296,785,135061 1268188186905214977,2020-06-03 14:30,,"I ask all of America — not to deny our pain or cover it over — but to use it to compel our nation across this turbulent threshold into the next phase of progress, inclusion, and opportunity for our great democracy.",4637,18214,892,105337 1268233487305199616,2020-06-03 17:30,,"If we stand together, we will rise stronger than before. A more equal, more just, more hopeful nation — closer to that more perfect union we must always strive to be.",2997,13806,578,83252 1268264439565807617,2020-06-03 19:33,,"It’s in some of our darkest moments of despair that we’ve made some of our greatest progress — and we have that chance once again. We’re not just going to rebuild this nation — we’re going to transform it. There is nothing we can’t do if we do it together.",2039,11266,954,36692 1268291366758445057,2020-06-03 21:20,,We need a president who listens.,1808,6224,405,30590 1268325843949907968,2020-06-03 23:37,,"Donald Trump has turned our country into a battlefield riven by old resentments and fresh fears. He thinks division helps him. I ask every American to look at where we are now, and think anew: Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be?",3516,21324,1103,68052 1268335406963019776,2020-06-04 00:15,,The nation is crying out for leadership — but this president has nothing to offer.,15161,39912,3176,271999 1268349248170536962,2020-06-04 01:10,,There’s no time to waste — we need to get to work immediately on real police reform. Congressman @Hakeem_Jeffries has a bill to outlaw chokeholds. Congress should put it on President Trump’s desk in the next few days. Period.,2126,7901,374,38647 1268554349866860544,2020-06-04 14:45,,"More than 42 million Americans have now filed for unemployment in the last three months, and Black and Latino communities are being hit hardest.",1401,5360,214,21529 1268582032331935744,2020-06-04 16:35,,"I wish I could say this hate began with Donald Trump and will end with him. It didn’t, and it won’t. American history isn’t a fairytale with a guaranteed happy ending. It's up to all of us to create the America we know we can be.",2052,8883,448,42149 1268609373460402176,2020-06-04 18:23,,"Jim Mattis and I haven’t always agreed on everything, but you'd be hard pressed to find a more powerful indictment of Trump's actions and character than the one he's written. ""We do not need to militarize our response to protests. We need to unite around a common purpose.""",1253,11871,221,58768 1268634880830627841,2020-06-04 20:05,,"We are at our best when we open our hearts, not when we clench our fists.",5366,17048,1425,124451 1268663821998206978,2020-06-04 22:00,,"It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I’ll do my job and take responsibility. I won’t blame others. And I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me — it’s about you.",17088,28772,2863,192614 1268683953776537600,2020-06-04 23:20,,"To everyone struggling with mental health—you're not alone. There is no shame in seeking help, and there shouldn't be any barriers in your way to getting that help. Together, we can achieve mental health parity, expand access to care, and wipe out the stigma.",1959,5098,495,24276 1268695278611095557,2020-06-05 00:05,,We can’t take four more years of this.,41660,77535,12324,558930 1268710378025803776,2020-06-05 01:05,,"We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us.",3185,10788,486,57344 1268923532467040258,2020-06-05 15:12,,It is long past time we made the promise of this nation real for all of our people.,3759,9823,610,69064 1268941941158432769,2020-06-05 16:25,,Those who have worked the closest with Donald Trump know how unfit he is to serve as President.,2187,10655,375,52792 1268950854784053248,2020-06-05 17:00,,Tune in as I speak about the latest jobs report and the state of the economy:,1429,3007,224,10374 1268973258537402371,2020-06-05 18:29,,"George Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe,” have echoed across our nation and around the world. For the President to try to put any other words in his mouth is frankly despicable.",2222,14007,513,62313 1268986698542845957,2020-06-05 19:23,,Let’s be clear about something: The depth of this job crisis is not attributable to an act of God — but to the failure of a President.,10078,25835,1774,155245 1269001043251208192,2020-06-05 20:20,,Donald Trump is dangerously unfit to lead our nation through this moment. But don't just take my word for it:,2260,16131,908,50606 1269018659843985408,2020-06-05 21:30,,"When it comes to this economic crisis, Donald Trump either doesn’t know what’s going on, or he just doesn’t care.",3043,10994,818,33351 1269024950477746179,2020-06-05 21:55,,"This #GunViolenceAwarenessDay, I am reflecting on the life of Hadiya Pendleton, whose murder inspired the #WearOrange movement. The hard truth is that Black Americans are ten times more likely to die by gun homicide. It has to stop.",1381,4093,170,18513 1269045083254345728,2020-06-05 23:15,,Donald Trump still doesn’t get it. He’s out there spiking the football — completely oblivious to the tens of millions of people who are facing the greatest struggle of their lives.,2296,7600,422,33085 1269098989821059072,2020-06-06 02:49,,"Tonight, I’m thinking of Breonna Taylor’s mother, Tamika Palmer. Today should have been her daughter's birthday. I've talked a lot about turning pain into purpose. But for Breonna and Tamika, it’s on us to find purpose. Our country needs to act — now.",1363,7949,221,43121 1269107491708850176,2020-06-06 03:22,,"Folks, tonight we secured the 1,991 delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination. I'm going to spend every day fighting to earn your vote so that, together, we can win the battle for the soul of this nation.",11779,26528,3411,159610 1269279125463797762,2020-06-06 14:45,,150 days.,17017,28784,3998,217198 1269300516565086213,2020-06-06 16:10,,"Donald Trump was warned, but he failed to act. Now more than 20 million Americans are out of a job and paying the price. It didn’t have to be this bad.",2697,12094,583,40457 1269335748542558208,2020-06-06 18:30,,"We're just 150 days out from Election Day, and the stakes have never been higher. We have to defeat Donald Trump, and once we do, we won’t just rebuild this country — we'll transform it. Together. Help us make it happen:",1918,4796,291,21751 1269354622881128451,2020-06-06 19:45,,"Today, the pain is so raw it can be hard to keep faith that justice is at hand or that we will ever achieve the more perfect union we all want. But ours is a union worth fighting for, and we are all called to the cause. No one can stay silent.",1635,8242,306,34192 1269365948315652096,2020-06-06 20:30,,"Today, we honor those who answered duty’s call on June 6, 1944, on the beachheads of Normandy. We must be a living memorial to their bravery and sacrifice—and recognize always that our strength is rooted in our fervid and unfailing defense of democratic rights and freedoms. #DDay",1388,10520,329,60103 1269393629983969280,2020-06-06 22:20,,"To all those families who are scared, and hurting, and wondering what’s going to happen next: I want you to know I see you. I won’t ever forget you. And I won’t be satisfied until this economy starts working for all of you.",2272,8066,447,36564 1269411246228586505,2020-06-06 23:30,,"I promised George Floyd's family that he wouldn’t just become another hashtag — and I intend to keep that promise. We need justice. And we need real police reform to ensure this never occurs again.",7736,23372,1413,151513 1269426345391644673,2020-06-07 00:30,,"We need to stand up as a nation — with the Black community and with all minority communities — and come together as one America. Because the pain is too immense for one community to bear alone. It is the duty of every American to grapple with it — and grapple with it now.",3969,13814,616,77631 1269650321522831360,2020-06-07 15:20,,"The words of a president matter. And time and time again, Donald Trump has callously used his to incite violence, stoke the flames of hatred and division, and drive us further apart. We cannot give him another four years in the White House.",8369,27748,1598,164312 1269688626344058881,2020-06-07 17:52,,"This isn’t about politics. This is about the future of our country. Grateful for your support, Secretary Powell.",3200,19516,643,131192 1269715752547807233,2020-06-07 19:40,,We need to build an economy that rewards work — not just wealth.,2237,7375,377,36778 1269743435734384641,2020-06-07 21:30,,These disparities have plagued our nation for far too long. It’s time we rebuild our country upon more just and equal foundations — and finally close race-based wealth and income gaps.,2043,4676,253,20390 1269766084057391106,2020-06-07 23:00,,Our nation is at an inflection point. We can choose four more years of Donald Trump's poisonous rhetoric and divisive politics — or we can take the next great step forward.,3119,9968,798,36662 1269788733613760512,2020-06-08 00:30,,Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through this moment.,47399,77814,12968,634647 1270002894562119680,2020-06-08 14:41,,"American history isn’t a fairytale with a guaranteed happy ending. But we have the power to write the future we want for this nation. Don't let anyone tell you differently.",4308,15419,784,94787 1270049200374288386,2020-06-08 17:45,,"We're facing some of the greatest challenges in our history, and Donald Trump is patting himself on the back. He just has no idea what’s really going on in this country. It's time for him to step out of his bunker and look around at the consequences of his words and actions.",7812,20953,1384,118146 1270095756486033408,2020-06-08 20:50,,"We've made incredible progress on LGBTQ+ equality, but we still have further to go. We can't rest until everyone is treated with dignity and respect under the law—regardless of who they are or whom they love. Join #OutForBiden and let's get to work:",794,2590,131,11843 1270131491935223809,2020-06-08 23:12,,"At every turn, President Trump ignored the experts, downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, and misled the American people — and we’re all paying the price every single day.",2973,12411,524,49115 1270147346404216832,2020-06-09 00:15,,"To everyone speaking out and peacefully demanding justice across the nation: I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you.",1917,7042,323,35142 1270156154430271490,2020-06-09 00:50,,"Donald Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from the Obama-Biden Administration, but like everything else he’s inherited, he has squandered it.",7545,22621,1669,98369 1270163704248537090,2020-06-09 01:20,,"This moment is a wake-up call for all of us. It's long past time we deal with systemic racism, growing economic inequality, and the denial of the promise of this nation to so many.",2035,4081,239,17684 1270331308514799618,2020-06-09 12:26,,"Together, let’s make this an era of action.",2838,13193,1084,44559 1270378266684252160,2020-06-09 15:32,,13 million people who had jobs when you took office are unemployed today.,21456,30209,3448,155891 1270409071250812930,2020-06-09 17:35,,"My Dad used to say there's no greater sin than the abuse of power. Whether it's an officer bloodying a peaceful protester or a President defending him with a conspiracy theory he saw on TV. I'm a Catholic – just like Martin. Our faith says that we can't accept either.",13582,19771,2078,104198 1270427945375580160,2020-06-09 18:50,,"Grief is a heavy burden to bear — and it's even harder with the eyes of the world watching. I know. But that burden is now a purpose — to change the world for the better in the name of George Floyd. That's the message I shared with his loved ones during today's service:",3929,14517,1114,67978 1270471985538240514,2020-06-09 21:45,,"Let me be clear: We can't leave this moment and once again turn away and do nothing. We need justice. We need action. We need reform.",21592,20722,3687,128845 1270498411238748161,2020-06-09 23:30,,Small businesses like Rafael's are the backbone of communities all across this nation. We have to do so much more to help them through this crisis.,1037,1872,89,7598 1270509734206947328,2020-06-10 00:15,,"Because of Donald Trump's negligence and incompetence: - More than 110,000 people have died - We have nearly 2 million cases of COVID-19 - Over 20 million Americans are out of work And yet he’s patting himself on the back. Unbelievable.",8648,23862,1438,111912 1270533056584126464,2020-06-10 01:47,,From ballot shortages and issues with machines to hours-long lines — what happened today in Georgia should enrage us all. We need to act now to prevent it from happening again in November. Our democracy depends on it.,3189,18523,990,63220 1270727922022637574,2020-06-10 14:42,,"America was founded on the promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all. We’ve never fully lived up to that promise — and we can’t rest until we finally do.",7846,15974,1311,95397 1270758120910962694,2020-06-10 16:42,,"Donald Trump’s hate-filled, conspiracy-laden rhetoric is inflaming the racial divides in our country—but just fixing the way the president talks won’t cut it. We need to root out systemic racism and ensure Black Americans have a real shot to get ahead.",3270,7924,435,35911 1270799392782512129,2020-06-10 19:26,,"Nothing about the fights we're facing will be easy. Racism has been a fixture in our society for hundreds of years. But I’m ready to get to work on day one. We can’t accept anything less from an American president.",6151,11452,895,63645 1270834373626146817,2020-06-10 21:45,,"Ignore the polls. We can't take anything for granted this November — the stakes are simply too high. Register to vote: Donate: Volunteer: Let's get to work.",1739,12372,767,40035 1270860797938466818,2020-06-10 23:30,,"This pandemic isn't just going to go away because you want it to, Mr. President. Step up and do your job before your negligence costs even more lives than it already has.",4251,14794,797,63638 1270872122475175938,2020-06-11 00:15,,"We have to make this an era of action — starting with real police reform. No more excuses. No more delays. Add your name to demand Congress ban chokeholds — and pass real police reform — right now:",1389,3411,142,12454 1270887221760049157,2020-06-11 01:15,,"There is systemic racism not just in our law enforcement but also in housing, education, and everything we do — and we have to do the hard work to end it.",3338,7012,460,29949 1271072191929561088,2020-06-11 13:30,,It's in our darkest moments that we've produced some of our greatest progress — and we have that opportunity once again. Let's make this a moment of action to address systemic racism and propel our nation into an era of true equality and opportunity.,3834,13302,658,71121 1271114210613899264,2020-06-11 16:16,,"Folks, we saw in 2016 what can happen when social media platforms are left unchecked and allow disinformation to run rampant. It puts the very integrity of our elections at risk. We simply cannot let it happen again in 2020.",2738,9681,543,45564 1271114211410706432,2020-06-11 16:16,,"So far, Facebook has failed to enact any real reforms to stop the spread of disinformation on its platform. Time is running out. Today, we're releasing an open letter demanding the company change its policies:",715,3607,236,13837 1271114212333453312,2020-06-11 16:16,,"With less than 150 days until Election Day, the stakes couldn't be higher. We've got to fix Facebook to protect our democracy and ensure fair elections. If you agree, sign the open letter today to demand Facebook take action. #MoveFastFixIt",790,1839,142,7433 1271121663476682753,2020-06-11 16:46,,"We have to make sure our economic reopening is safe, effective, and gets Americans back to work. Tune in for a roundtable discussion on how we can make that happen:",714,1738,93,6220 1271134703383310337,2020-06-11 17:38,,"We have to make sure our economic reopening is safe, effective, and gets Americans back to work. Tune in for a roundtable discussion on how we can make that happen:",1111,2037,101,7515 1271165807427551232,2020-06-11 19:42,,"We have to ensure our economic reopening is safe and strong — and builds the foundation for an economy that works for everyone. Today, I'm releasing my plan to make that happen:",1605,3549,208,13990 1271207815428874241,2020-06-11 22:28,,"While the president was spiking the football and taking a victory lap, another 1.5 million Americans filed new unemployment claims last week. He is completely oblivious to what's really happening in this country — and hardworking Americans are paying the price.",2338,10373,375,40073 1271216894025052160,2020-06-11 23:05,,"COVID-19 can affect anyone, anywhere — but it doesn't impact every community equally. Watch as Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton explains how it’s impacting communities of color:",854,3031,166,8694 1271231993607598084,2020-06-12 00:05,,We can't let history repeat itself — Facebook needs to act now to stop the spread of disinformation and protect our elections. Watch my deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield break down what's happening and how you can help us fix it:,1874,5591,421,13960 1271250364570861569,2020-06-12 01:18,,We need a president who chooses hope over fear.,25568,24528,4517,197797 1271436340127608836,2020-06-12 13:37,,Our country is crying out for leadership that Donald Trump can’t deliver.,5992,27096,3009,79513 1271464778238537729,2020-06-12 15:30,,"Donald Trump forgot about COVID-19, but COVID-19 didn’t forget about us. The President couldn’t wish away the virus in April, he couldn’t tweet it away in May, and he can’t ignore it away in June.",13432,26721,2181,138220 1271494978213040128,2020-06-12 17:30,,"We need real policing reform, and we need it now. Congress should immediately: - Outlaw chokeholds - Improve oversight and accountability - Create a model use of force standard - Stop the transfer of weapons of war to local police forces",3140,8962,512,42314 1271537758075367424,2020-06-12 20:20,,"Four years ago today, 49 lives were cut short in an act of unspeakable terrorism at Pulse nightclub. As we remember those we lost — including so many in the LGBTQ+ and Hispanic communities — we have to double down on our efforts to #HonorThemWithAction.",1183,8444,299,44368 1271559904105385984,2020-06-12 21:48,,"Medgar Evers once said, ""freedom has never been free."" On this day in 1963, he paid the ultimate price in pursuit of freedom for his brothers and sisters. He was gunned down fighting to end racial injustice. We must honor him by carrying forward that cause in our own lives today.",1737,9923,279,45708 1271572403563507712,2020-06-12 22:37,,"Two years after Trump's Singapore meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the U.S. and our allies are less safe and Kim's arsenal of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles keeps growing. Photo-ops and love letters are no substitute for deterrence and principled diplomacy.",1415,6612,278,22170 1271604689809833991,2020-06-13 00:45,,"On the fourth anniversary of Pulse. In the middle of Pride month. During a global pandemic. Donald Trump's cruelty truly knows no bounds. We have to defeat him this November.",3085,28900,1184,116399 1271611242285686784,2020-06-13 01:12,,"In light of Donald Trump's inhumane reversal of protections for transgender people, I want to share a conversation I had a few weeks ago. Adi deserves to be treated with the same respect and dignity as anyone else. Period.",1631,6503,522,25035 1271814582265188352,2020-06-13 14:40,,"I’ve said from the outset of this election that we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. That is truer today than ever. If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will fundamentally alter the character of this nation. We can’t let that happen.",7846,16812,1310,86028 1271851324393451521,2020-06-13 17:06,,We need a national ban on chokeholds. Now.,18791,23393,5508,185837 1271876239255633920,2020-06-13 18:45,,"Here's my promise to you: I will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our nation — not use them for political gain. We shouldn’t accept anything less from an American president.",4222,7792,582,35265 1271895113149681670,2020-06-13 20:00,,"Our nation is at an inflection point. We can't go back to the way things were before — we have to take a bold step forward and usher in a new era of equality and opportunity. We can do it, together.",6424,11398,1057,62679 1271925314340388876,2020-06-13 22:00,,We need real policing reform — and we need it now.,1799,3838,271,14337 1271960543927037953,2020-06-14 00:20,,We need a president who will fight to further LGBTQ+ equality — not roll back the hard-won progress we've already made.,6180,23386,1246,155439 1272182010816143360,2020-06-14 15:00,,"We have to ensure every worker called back on the job has access to regular, reliable COVID-19 testing and effective personal protective equipment.",1592,6796,253,28577 1272223527035265025,2020-06-14 17:45,,"We’re facing some of the greatest challenges in our nation’s history — and it’s clear Donald Trump isn’t up for the job. We need real leadership, right now.",9375,16968,1388,107260 1272268573646315525,2020-06-14 20:44,,"We need a president who heals — not one who fans the flames of hate. We need a president who unites — not one who sows further discord for political gain. We need a president who leads the way with a steady hand — not one who incites violence with his erratic tweets.",5312,16932,1167,87543 1272295752941748224,2020-06-14 22:32,,"In every corner of the country, people are raising their voices and demanding justice. It gives me so much hope. Together, we’re going to transform this nation and ensure justice finally rings out for all.",6054,12734,914,73622 1272318150525280257,2020-06-15 00:01,,"After reports of wealthy Trump donors getting millions in relief meant for small businesses, the administration is now refusing to disclose where the PPP money went. It's unacceptable. The American people deserve answers.",4707,26309,1695,75810 1272557729257672704,2020-06-15 15:53,,Today's decision is another step in our march toward equality for all. The Supreme Court has confirmed the simple but profoundly American idea that every human being should be treated with respect. But we're not done.,1577,11628,403,60371 1272579623285448706,2020-06-15 17:20,,"Race-neutral policies are not a sufficient response to race-based disparities. We need to tackle systemic racism head-on and ensure everyone has a fair shot at the American dream. Here’s what I would do as president:",2006,3827,280,13903 1272619889501454337,2020-06-15 20:00,,"Donald Trump is not responsible for COVID-19, but he does bear full responsibility for his slow, uncoordinated, bungled response.",3562,13311,654,69725 1272631315775586306,2020-06-15 20:45,,"I'm grateful for @PPact's support and proud to stand with them in this fight. As president, I’m going to do everything in my power to expand access to quality, affordable health care — including reproductive health care.",1142,3087,165,13361 1272663928728743937,2020-06-15 22:55,,"I wish I could say this hate began with Donald Trump and will end with him. It didn’t, and it won’t. American history isn’t a fairytale with a guaranteed happy ending. It's up to all of us to do the hard work to ensure the American ideal finally wins out.",2818,9010,491,35303 1272687836349837313,2020-06-16 00:30,,"Dreamers are Americans. But Trump's ripped away the hard-won protections of DACA recipients, throwing their lives into upheaval. It’s unacceptable, and on day one of my presidency I will protect them from deportation and send a bill to Congress.",1544,5694,295,23940 1272690604464431104,2020-06-16 00:41,,"Folks, I’ve got some big news: Next week, I’m getting together with my friend and former boss, President @BarackObama, for a virtual grassroots fundraiser. We would love to see you there. Chip in now to get your ticket:",3204,10162,602,47006 1272699161016582145,2020-06-16 01:15,,LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. Period.,9259,31287,2754,253104 1272715518743584768,2020-06-16 02:20,,Los Dreamers son estadounidenses. Trump les quitó la protección que lograron con tanto esfuerzo. Esto es inaceptable. El primer día de mi presidencia enviaré un proyecto de ley al Congreso que protegerá a los beneficiarios de DACA de la deportación.,2961,2867,493,12292 1272911057330167813,2020-06-16 15:17,,"This virus won’t just go away because you want it to, Mr. President. It’s time for you to step up and do your job.",9653,24739,1758,164208 1272940249648377856,2020-06-16 17:13,,"Systemic racism pervades every part of our society, including law enforcement — and we have to do the hard work to root it out. In January, I sat down with Jake, a field organizer on our campaign, to listen to what he had to say and discuss how we can move forward:",2157,5628,484,17335 1272989827282001921,2020-06-16 20:30,,"We can’t forget that in the middle of a global pandemic, the Trump Administration is trying to gut Obamacare and rip health insurance away from millions. It's morally reprehensible.",5569,20700,916,94164 1273014488858583040,2020-06-16 22:08,,"We have the power to write the future we want for this country. One where health care is a right, we lead the world in the fight against climate change, we end our gun violence epidemic, and our government works for all — not just the powerful. Let’s do it together.",2960,8096,548,38369 1273034393175625730,2020-06-16 23:27,,"I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Donald Trump is running the most corrupt administration in modern American history.",6818,20014,1163,83164 1273050224144023552,2020-06-17 00:30,,We need a president who chooses unity over division.,23884,22021,3987,176739 1273269670796288002,2020-06-17 15:02,,"The truth of our nation is that too often the color of your skin alone can endanger your life and, for far too long, systemic racism has oppressed communities of color in the United States. It has to change.",6653,13303,1025,71170 1273321785027518464,2020-06-17 18:29,,"I'm in Darby, Pennsylvania, to discuss how we can make sure the country's reopening is safe, effective, and gets Americans back to work. Tune in:",1900,3517,333,14533 1273333339710160896,2020-06-17 19:15,,"Five years ago, nine good souls were ripped from this world — killed by hate and white supremacy. Today, we honor the memory of the Emanuel Nine and the unspeakable grace of those they left behind.",1220,6377,247,24836 1273361303973900289,2020-06-17 21:06,,"Donald Trump ignored the experts, downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, and failed to take the action necessary to contain it — and now in many states, COVID cases are on the rise again. This president has failed to lead our nation.",2087,8339,363,33435 1273398770944770048,2020-06-17 23:35,,"If John Bolton's accounts are true, it’s not only morally repugnant, it’s a violation of Donald Trump’s sacred duty to the American people to protect America’s interests and defend our values.",5799,24784,1072,123363 1273410413569495040,2020-06-18 00:21,,I’m proud to stand with folks across the country participating in today’s #WorkersFirst Caravan. Senate Republicans need to pass the #HeroesAct now and take action to root out systemic racism.,577,2074,56,7917 1273416386841214976,2020-06-18 00:45,,"Vice President Pence claimed success because COVID-19 deaths are “down to” fewer than 750 a day. That's more than 20,000 a month — and they're self-congratulating? Unbelievable. It may be good enough for President Trump, but it will never be acceptable if I am President.",2222,9919,492,38182 1273431486339796994,2020-06-18 01:45,,"Donald Trump wants to style himself a wartime president against an invisible enemy — but he has surrendered the fight. Instead of leading the charge to defeat this virus, he has waved the white flag and retreated.",5384,15430,905,77371 1273646151024214016,2020-06-18 15:58,,"The Supreme Court’s ruling today is a victory made possible by the courage and resilience of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who bravely stood up and refused to be ignored. And as President, I will get to work immediately to make it permanent.",1236,8621,386,42235 1273670561864929280,2020-06-18 17:35,,"Donald Trump inherited a growing economy from President Obama and me. And just like everything else he has inherited in his life, he has squandered it.",5594,14574,1295,50977 1273678505901948928,2020-06-18 18:06,,"Thanks, Barack. You're right — and we won't stop until every Dreamer feels safe in this country.",1626,11707,281,70791 1273701510380126212,2020-06-18 19:37,,"It didn’t have to be this bad. But we have a president who is more interested in taking a victory lap than he is in doing the work needed to solve this crisis. We need a president who will put the American people first — and actually do the work.",1676,6150,251,25486 1273722153301655554,2020-06-18 21:00,,"Here’s my promise to you: On day one, I’ll send a bill to Congress that creates a clear roadmap to citizenship for Dreamers and 11 million undocumented people who are already strengthening our nation. It’s long overdue.",9525,20496,2037,123465 1273740271214227456,2020-06-18 22:12,,"Just like Donald Trump couldn’t wish COVID-19 away in March, and just like he couldn’t tweet it away in April — he can’t ignore it away in June.",1109,4495,189,17902 1273753609302351872,2020-06-18 23:05,,Dreamers are Americans. Period.,8977,24323,1781,195715 1273767450543304705,2020-06-19 00:00,,"I'm ready on day one. After more than three years in office, why isn't Donald Trump ready?",3492,4949,482,22805 1273778774849404928,2020-06-19 00:45,,"The decisions of the last few days should remind us all of the immense power of the Supreme Court — and the generational impact its justices can have. We have the power to shape the Court's future this November — and we can’t forget that.",1347,9467,352,48150 1273786324512763904,2020-06-19 01:15,,To all the Dreamers who make our country better and stronger every single day: Thank you. This country needs you. #HomeIsHere,1152,5638,300,27562 1273816170081193984,2020-06-19 03:13,,"Amy — from the moment you announced you were running for president in a snowstorm, it wasn't hard to see you had the grit and determination to do anything you set your mind to. You know how to get things done. With your help, we’re going to beat Donald Trump.",3202,8856,568,67321 1274033704587767814,2020-06-19 17:38,,"#Juneteenth reminds us of how vulnerable our nation is to being poisoned by systems and acts of inhumanity—but it's also a reminder of our ability to change. Together, we can lay the roots of real and lasting justice, and become the extraordinary nation that was promised to all.",2215,7912,305,43318 1274081268142137350,2020-06-19 20:47,,"I’ve said from the outset of this election that we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Who we are. What we believe. And maybe most important — who we want to be. It’s all at stake. That's the case we're making in our first TV ad of the general election:",2340,10760,772,32935 1274115997029421056,2020-06-19 23:05,,Donald Trump’s failure to fight the coronavirus with the same energy and focus that he uses to troll his enemies on Twitter has cost us lives — and is putting hope for an economic recovery at risk.,6521,23858,1130,128111 1274137388227465216,2020-06-20 00:30,,"I know it can be hard to keep faith that we will ever achieve that more perfect union we strive to be. But ours is a union worth fighting for — and we are all called to the cause. None of us can turn away. None of us can stay silent.",3414,9438,466,48675 1274362370375274496,2020-06-20 15:24,,"We're months into this pandemic and still don't have proper testing, PPE, or clear nationwide guidance. Instead, Donald Trump: - Pushes dangerous, disproven drugs - Stands in the way of the CDC - Refuses to wear a mask He is failing even the most basic test of leadership.",5563,17562,927,84287 1274392820938309634,2020-06-20 17:25,,"Christian Cooper’s encounter in Central Park was another wake-up call for our nation and a reminder of the work that remains to root out hate and intolerance. I'm grateful for Christian's support and know with folks like him leading the way, we'll get the job done.",979,5879,230,23355 1274425788117417986,2020-06-20 19:36,,"The Tulsa Race Massacre is one of the worst incidents of racial violence in our history — and it has been erased from our national consciousness for far too long. It’s time we reckon with what happened in 1921.",2162,11564,666,32237 1274452967211569155,2020-06-20 21:24,,"Donald Trump is so eager to get back to his campaign rallies that he’s willing to put people at risk and violate CDC guidelines — as long as they sign a waiver promising not to hold his campaign liable. Unbelievable.",23849,30313,3553,182958 1274467563745865729,2020-06-20 22:22,,Folks credit me for speaking out on marriage equality in 2012 — but I'm not the one who took a real risk. Countless others did the hard work and paid a price just for being themselves. Christian Cooper and I discussed the trailblazers who came before us and the work that remains:,1027,4141,199,17159 1274486151714353152,2020-06-20 23:35,,"This nation has always strived to serve as a beacon of hope, but Trump has made it clear that he does not believe our country should be a place of refuge. As president, I'll recommit to building a more inclusive and welcoming America. #WorldRefugeeDay",2369,5391,325,25586 1274503550358478850,2020-06-21 00:45,,I've found that the way to overcome enormous tragedy in your life is to turn that grief and pain into purpose. Christian Cooper and I discussed how we can take our collective pain in this moment and turn it into a catalyst for change:,1375,5177,213,21592 1274535081470824451,2020-06-21 02:50,,Speed up the testing.,12753,33472,2384,245899 1274785156050464768,2020-06-21 19:24,,"It’s in some of our darkest moments of despair that we’ve made some of our greatest progress. If we stand together, as one America, we'll rise stronger than before.",3381,15079,1083,46094 1274821636466892806,2020-06-21 21:48,,"I can't believe I have to say this, but we should be speeding up testing — not slowing it down.",5988,32426,1799,140083 1274850243671097347,2020-06-21 23:42,,"My dad instilled a lot in me, but perhaps most important is the belief that there’s no higher calling than to be a good parent. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads working to help raise their children — and all our children — to be honorable, generous, and kind.",3086,10970,501,89623 1274899809791508480,2020-06-22 02:59,,"Trump opposed sanctioning China’s government over its atrocious human rights violations to protect his hollow trade deal and serve his own personal interests. Where Trump has been weak, I will be strong, clear, and consistent in standing up for America's values and its people.",2387,8289,402,32877 1274910217508196352,2020-06-22 03:40,,"Trump talks tough on Venezuela, but admires thugs and dictators like Nicolas Maduro. As President, I will stand with the Venezuelan people and for democracy.",7561,7492,3854,36892 1275057198687596545,2020-06-22 13:25,,From my days as a public defender to my time as Vice President — I've spent my career fighting against injustice. And I'm not finished yet.,3544,9834,699,42782 1275109292014620672,2020-06-22 16:52,,"We can overcome four years of Donald Trump. But if we give him eight years in the White House, he will forever alter the character of our nation. We can't stand by and let that happen.",25808,36329,4428,221950 1275151570410393612,2020-06-22 19:40,,"No one should have to choose between their paycheck and their health. That's why my plan for a safe and effective reopening ensures everyone has access to testing and paid leave for all those who get sick from COVID-19. Read more here:",1534,4255,175,16766 1275164153817321473,2020-06-22 20:30,,"The strength of the LGBTQ+ community has always been rooted in the ability to find hope in spite of setbacks. If we stand together #UnitedByPride, we'll get through this — and emerge stronger.",1167,4792,259,20215 1275203915403927555,2020-06-22 23:08,,"Tomorrow, President @BarackObama and I are hosting a virtual grassroots fundraiser. We’ll be answering some of your questions and taking a few trips down memory lane. You won’t want to miss it. Time is running out to reserve your spot. RSVP today:",2564,7258,456,27532 1275218260116549633,2020-06-23 00:05,,"To Ashley, and all the health care workers on the front lines of this fight, thank you. You are American heroes.",759,3826,143,17878 1275233359615180800,2020-06-23 01:05,,"It's worth repeating that this weekend, President Trump admitted he directed his administration to slow down coronavirus testing in the middle of a global pandemic. He continues to prove just how unfit he is to lead our nation.",6705,30907,1206,152613 1275430918946263041,2020-06-23 14:10,,This is yet another attempt to distract from this Administration's failure to lead an effective response to COVID-19. Immigrants help grow our economy and create jobs. The President can't scapegoat his way out of this crisis.,2244,8364,322,32640 1275467864544366596,2020-06-23 16:36,,"It's pretty simple: If we want to save people's jobs and save people's lives, we need more testing — and we need it faster. The President is intentionally slowing it down.",3411,12309,607,48382 1275496343872712705,2020-06-23 18:30,,It's clear Donald Trump will stop at nothing to tear down Obamacare and rip health care away from millions. We cannot let him get away with it. We have to build on the ACA with a new public option to ensure everyone receives the care they deserve.,1526,4355,189,16171 1275522767094517760,2020-06-23 20:15,,"The American people are tough, resilient, and always full of hope. There’s not a single thing we can't do if we do it together.",4387,11315,739,71945 1275558250109272064,2020-06-23 22:36,,Our planet cannot take four more years of Donald Trump.,4742,15564,895,71137 1275575614607691776,2020-06-23 23:45,,"To everyone who is scared, hurting, and wondering what's going to happen next: I want you to know I see you. I hear you. And I'll fight for you every single day in the White House.",3045,7465,573,30892 1275597508903747584,2020-06-24 01:12,,"We need a president who will expand access to quality, affordable health care — not rip it away.",7765,16593,1175,112875 1275609235171180545,2020-06-24 01:58,,"Instead of passing police reform or helping hardworking Americans get through this crisis, Republicans are jamming through another one of Trump’s unqualified nominees. It's wrong. Cory Wilson lacks judicial temperament and experience—and has no place on a Federal Court.",1949,5436,207,17728 1275812425120444416,2020-06-24 15:26,,"Workers called back on the job deserve access to regular, reliable COVID-19 testing.",3018,13205,549,85322 1275842575803527169,2020-06-24 17:25,,"Brian — the courage and strength you've shown in the face of daunting odds is an inspiration to us all. I'm confident that with folks like you leading the way and with the power of our best minds, we'll find treatments and cures and beat this thing once and for all.",770,2740,92,14313 1275876391389728768,2020-06-24 19:40,,"Ignore the polls. Register to vote:",4955,38458,2526,144232 1275903127808618504,2020-06-24 21:26,,"I am proud to have the @NRDC_AF, under the exceptional leadership of my friend Gina McCarthy, by my side. Together, we'll lead the world in a clean energy revolution that will help us reduce our carbon emissions and create good-paying union jobs.",925,2657,84,11496 1275919129292095488,2020-06-24 22:30,,"Tonight, @DrBiden and I will be hosting ""A Community of Pride"" to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the world's first Pride march. Join us, @theebillyporter, @jvn, @catcora, and @K_JeanPierre at 7:30 PM ET:",928,2029,96,9755 1275941587596595200,2020-06-24 23:59,,"This virus is not just going to disappear because you want it to, Mr. President. Listen to the experts. Take clear, concrete action. Do your job.",4679,15670,749,79867 1276172044925722625,2020-06-25 15:15,,Health care is a right for all — not a privilege for the few.,11334,22925,3353,148191 1276197965451780096,2020-06-25 16:58,,"Democracy is under threat globally. Restoring the soul of America means fixing democracy at home, and confronting — not cozying up to — dictators around the world. When I'm president, America will defend democracy at home and abroad.",1882,4262,287,16621 1276218601528229888,2020-06-25 18:20,,"Health care workers are selflessly risking their lives every day on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 — and hundreds have paid the ultimate price. They are American heroes — and we cannot forget the sacrifices they made to care for us all.",759,3042,156,10972 1276225221486243840,2020-06-25 18:46,,"While the Trump Administration continues their efforts to rip health care away from millions, I'm speaking about how we can make quality, affordable health care available to every American. Tune in:",1679,4154,298,14016 1276252130731610112,2020-06-25 20:33,,"While President Trump continues his victory lap, over 20 million Americans remain out of work. He may have forgotten about you, but I never will — and I'll fight for you every single day in the White House.",2441,9091,366,42287 1276271018143879168,2020-06-25 21:48,,"The American people have sacrificed so much to fight this virus — we've lost lives, businesses, paychecks. And now, we're losing the progress we've made because this president refuses to do his job. Donald Trump has failed our nation every step of the way.",1819,8058,370,28763 1276285377595281408,2020-06-25 22:45,,DC should be a state. Pass it on.,15142,29500,7174,123996 1276296615377145856,2020-06-25 23:30,,Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through a global pandemic.,34462,45654,7471,344374 1276331847987990529,2020-06-26 01:50,,"In this moment, we have an enormous opportunity to root out systemic racism and close the racial wealth and income gaps. We can do it, together.",3668,7028,680,28911 1276539465830449154,2020-06-26 15:35,,"Last week, President Trump claimed the virus would ""fade away."" Now, we're facing a record-high number of new cases, and it's surging across the country. Trump refuses to listen to the experts and take action — and we're all paying the price.",4681,17838,874,78763 1276569916427120640,2020-06-26 17:36,,Donald Trump is acting like a child who just can’t believe this pandemic has happened to him.,3046,10554,670,45400 1276589797398765574,2020-06-26 18:55,,Progress is possible.,3420,9660,699,80244 1276609021026459650,2020-06-26 20:11,,"Congratulations, Alexis. We need you in this fight. Proud to stand with you and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.",968,2172,126,14046 1276645916988993537,2020-06-26 22:38,,"Health care is a right for all — not a privilege for the few. We have to ensure every single American has access to the care they need and deserve. Here’s what I would do as president:",2563,4540,535,17762 1276666804782407680,2020-06-27 00:01,,"I know these times are dark, but I firmly believe that our best days still lie ahead. If we come together as one America, there's nothing that we can't accomplish.",8449,16399,1461,109375 1276683990594879493,2020-06-27 01:09,,Equal representation and participation matter. #DCStatehood,1632,4573,188,24009 1276896820547985409,2020-06-27 15:15,,"If Donald Trump prevails in the U.S. Supreme Court, insurers could strip away your health insurance coverage or jack up premiums — simply because you experience long-term effects after battling the coronavirus. We can't let that happen.",2484,11089,477,39315 1276930290858905605,2020-06-27 17:28,,Wear a mask.,18105,31611,3762,261243 1276971562843795457,2020-06-27 20:12,,"Every day that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office, he proves just how unfit he is to lead our nation.",18000,28856,2858,182947 1277001258558042113,2020-06-27 22:10,,"Now, let's push our progress further.",1766,6278,259,27907 1277024411091075072,2020-06-27 23:42,,"Children should be released from ICE detention with their parents immediately. This is pretty simple, and I can't believe I have to say it: Families belong together.",7260,13201,1204,62668 1277295195348807680,2020-06-28 17:38,,"Today the President shared a video of people shouting “white power” and said they were “great.” Just like he did after Charlottesville. We’re in a battle for the soul of the nation — and the President has picked a side. But make no mistake: it’s a battle we will win.",15956,60667,3746,280146 1277318851160506369,2020-06-28 19:12,,"Donald Trump's entire presidency has been a gift to Putin, but this is beyond the pale. It’s a betrayal of the most sacred duty we bear as a nation, to protect and equip our troops when we send them into harm’s way.",3787,16819,826,58261 1277346032427425799,2020-06-28 21:00,,"51 years ago today, a movement was born on Christopher Street. As we remember the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising and the brave individuals who changed our world forever, let's recommit to finishing the job and finally achieving full LGBTQ+ equality. #Pride",1628,6866,332,30828 1277368680276344832,2020-06-28 22:30,,Obamacare was and is a big deal. We can't let Donald Trump tear it down — we have to protect and build on it.,1615,4179,199,17186 1277388390518964225,2020-06-28 23:48,,The arc of the moral universe bent a little bit more today.,3038,9187,424,67773 1277398878526963712,2020-06-29 00:30,,White supremacy should be rooted out and relegated to the pages of history — not promoted by the President of the United States.,16353,37115,2877,211535 1277637790965129216,2020-06-29 16:19,,"William Perry Pendley spent his career fighting to sell off public lands — and to allow drilling, mining, and logging on them with hardly any oversight. Now the President has nominated him to oversee them at @BLMNational. Consider me opposed.",1036,7046,303,21294 1277658086556209155,2020-06-29 17:40,,"It's time we remember who we are as Americans: we treat each other with dignity and respect, we leave nobody behind, and we give hate no safe harbor. We are everything that Donald Trump is not.",8437,20854,1506,103168 1277695835413925888,2020-06-29 20:10,,"Today's decision reaffirmed that states can't put in place laws that unduly burden a woman's right to make her own health care decisions—but the fight isn't over. As President, I'll codify Roe v. Wade and protect a woman’s constitutional right to choose.",1410,5423,276,25654 1277703163429208068,2020-06-29 20:39,,Here’s my promise to you: I’ll appoint a director who will actually go after financial predators and protect consumers.,2198,8350,346,39867 1277715968614035457,2020-06-29 21:30,,The President spent his weekend golfing.,10506,37282,2559,157802 1277743650412408839,2020-06-29 23:20,,"Folks, tomorrow night marks our first end-of-quarter deadline of the general election. We need your help to hit our goal so we can catch up to Donald Trump's hefty cash-on-hand advantage. I know times are tough, but if you're able, please chip in today:",1672,2987,199,9443 1277761266757431299,2020-06-30 00:30,,"As simple as it sounds, we need a president who listens. So much of this could have been prevented if Donald Trump listened to someone other than himself.",9993,24745,1698,155693 1277985745609908225,2020-06-30 15:22,,"I want every single American to know: if you’re sick, if you’re struggling, if you’re worried about how you’re going to get through the day — I will not abandon you. I will not leave you to face these challenges alone. We are going to get through this — together.",15860,20780,3025,120873 1278012801143865344,2020-06-30 17:09,,"Tune in as I deliver remarks on how President Trump failed to protect the American people, save our economy, and control the virus:",3982,6522,705,23595 1278046898536898560,2020-06-30 19:25,,"Mr. President, the American people didn’t make enormous sacrifices over the past four months so you could waste your time with late night rants and tweets. Step up. Take responsibility. Do your job.",5127,25074,1399,143868 1278069548076331008,2020-06-30 20:55,,"If I’m elected, I’ll immediately reach out to Dr. Fauci and ask him to continue his incredible service to our country. I’ll have the nation’s top medical experts and scientists ready to advise our response on day one — and I'll actually listen to them.",16163,33331,3524,239474 1278094713543888897,2020-06-30 22:35,,"We’re facing a serious threat — and we need to meet it together as one country. But this President gives us no direction and actively pits us against one another. We can't continue on like this.",1806,5534,331,22314 1278112329658281985,2020-06-30 23:45,,"On the final day of #PrideMonth, here’s my promise to you: If I have the honor of being elected, I will be the most pro-equality president in our nation’s history. LGBTQ+ rights are human rights — and we can't rest until everyone is treated with dignity and respect under the law.",3433,13521,987,90092 1278119879443460101,2020-07-01 00:15,,"Folks, we’re just a few hours away from our end-of-quarter deadline, and we need your help to hit our goal. Every donation — big or small — goes a long way to helping us catch up to Donald Trump. If you can, please chip in today:",1473,1938,156,6701 1278127429173870592,2020-07-01 00:45,,"As #ImmigrantHeritageMonth comes to a close, I want to make one thing clear: Immigrants have always made our nation stronger — our diversity is, and has always been, our greatest strength. Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.",3787,6387,507,33067 1278333789060513792,2020-07-01 14:25,,"This is my promise to you: When I am President, I will take care of your health care coverage and your family the same way I would my own.",2829,7028,566,32370 1278371537654079488,2020-07-01 16:55,,"We need a clear message from the very top of our federal government that everyone needs to wear a mask in public. Period. It’s not just about you — it’s about your family, your neighbors, your colleagues. It’s about keeping other people safe.",5997,19639,1180,103746 1278415577875394562,2020-07-01 19:50,,"On day one, I’ll get right to work tackling COVID-19. I'll bring together our nation's top experts and leaders from both parties to chart a path forward. We are all in this together — and we've got to fight this together.",1712,5199,370,22905 1278438227163009025,2020-07-01 21:20,,"If the reports are true, Donald Trump either read his briefings about the Russian bounties and did nothing — or he didn't read them at all. Either way, it's an unjustifiable dereliction of duty. The American people deserve answers.",2508,11423,550,50441 1278455843965612037,2020-07-01 22:30,,"Small businesses are the backbone of communities across our nation, and we need to do so much more to help them. Donald Trump may have forgotten about them — but I never will.",2571,2333,352,9092 1278467168250839040,2020-07-01 23:15,,I’ll read my daily briefings.,29714,48072,11039,408280 1278482267396993024,2020-07-02 00:15,,125 days.,7345,16366,1409,84435 1278498625069502465,2020-07-02 01:20,,"Mr. President, this pandemic isn't about you. It's about the health and well-being of the American people.",2407,7286,374,33434 1278717525497274368,2020-07-02 15:49,,Tune in as I address the nation on the economic crisis and the latest jobs report:,2158,3593,254,13773 1278733658019500032,2020-07-02 16:53,,"This is a shameful move. Now is the time for employers to have empathy for families juggling work and caregiving. It's long past time for President Trump to show some leadership so we can get this virus under control.",1350,6202,304,22833 1278747263439794178,2020-07-02 17:48,,"“Mr. President, it's too much.”",5388,49179,4810,149947 1278776708351451136,2020-07-02 19:45,,This is a job Donald Trump is entirely unfit for.,3163,15311,1140,51871 1278809602763751424,2020-07-02 21:55,,"Let me be clear: There’s no victory to be celebrated when we’re still down nearly 15 million jobs and the pandemic is getting worse, not better.",2788,10377,368,46767 1278833330729783297,2020-07-02 23:30,,Wear a mask.,4537,18145,1293,92796 1278855980902572034,2020-07-03 01:00,,"Donald Trump has called himself a ""cheerleader"" for the nation. But we don't need a cheerleader — we need a President. One who will: - Lead by example - Take responsibility - Tell the unvarnished truth - Listen to the experts and follow the science",12187,21905,1795,128795 1279071147875860481,2020-07-03 15:15,,"We are five months into this crisis, and our health care workers still don't have the masks and protective equipment they need. It's a national disgrace. Mr. President, use your authority and fix the shortage of PPE before you tee off for yet another round of golf.",6613,23755,1347,111627 1279113929717768193,2020-07-03 18:05,,"Donald Trump styled himself as a wartime president. But now it seems this president has surrendered. He has waved the white flag and left the field of battle when we need him most. It's unacceptable. We need real leadership. Right now.",2720,8408,440,36398 1279131545521885184,2020-07-03 19:15,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who will choose science over fiction.",15761,25689,2847,184816 1279154194709016576,2020-07-03 20:45,,"It’s abundantly clear that this virus isn’t going to just “fade away,” Mr. President. It’s time for you to step up, take action, and lead.",2686,6708,366,30716 1279191943747194881,2020-07-03 23:15,,"It didn't have to be this bad. But month after month, as other leaders in other countries took the necessary steps to get the virus under control, Donald Trump failed us. Here's what I'll do as president:",2148,8194,329,32866 1279196860847095809,2020-07-03 23:34,,"“If you put the wrong person in office, you'll see things that you would not have believed are possible.""",6919,36940,2972,108612 1279414665542381568,2020-07-04 14:00,,"Our nation was founded on a simple idea: We're all created equal. We've never lived up to it — but we've never stopped trying. This Independence Day, let's not just celebrate those words, let's commit to finally fulfill them. Happy #FourthOfJuly!",9025,35986,4963,121653 1279444860957626370,2020-07-04 16:00,,"This Fourth of July, one of the most patriotic things you can do is wear a mask.",21064,35488,4144,260338 1279475061796167681,2020-07-04 18:00,,American history isn’t a fairytale. The battle for the soul of this nation has been a constant push-and-pull for more than 240 years. But it’s a battle we can and will win — together.,3131,11306,540,62629 1279505259854008320,2020-07-04 20:00,,"America was founded on the promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all — and it's long past time we lived up to it.",6032,15421,1024,93266 1279535459924946947,2020-07-04 22:00,,The health care workers on the frontlines of this fight are some of the greatest heroes our nation has ever seen.,1108,7114,333,26262 1279565656120229889,2020-07-05 00:00,,"Make no mistake, our best days still lie ahead. If we come together as one America, there’s not a single thing we cannot do.",11128,16730,1755,116950 1279789631853101058,2020-07-05 14:50,,I’ve carried the middle class values that my parents instilled in me my entire life — and they’re the values I’ll bring to the White House.,3512,11700,859,49191 1279807751426674688,2020-07-05 16:02,,"The hard truth is that it didn’t have to be this bad, but Donald Trump ignored the warnings and refused to take action. He failed our nation.",4003,13259,774,51382 1279837447732396033,2020-07-05 18:00,,"Donald Trump wants to declare this health crisis over and unemployment solved so that he can get back to his campaign rallies. But he’s wrong — on both fronts. We need a president who will actually do the work needed to get us through these crises.",5320,18305,973,94594 1279867648218664960,2020-07-05 20:00,,"COVID-19 is surging across the nation, and this president is doubling down on his efforts to rip health insurance and protections away from millions. It's heartless and cruel and must be stopped.",4098,18590,719,89568 1279885489554755594,2020-07-05 21:10,,"On this Venezuelan Independence Day, my thoughts are with Venezuelans who continue to work tirelessly for the cause of democracy. It’s time for free and fair elections so that the Venezuelan people can turn the page on the corrupt and repressive Maduro regime.",3938,5714,1163,31526 1279897844837683203,2020-07-05 22:00,,"There are so many unsung heroes in our communities, especially in times of crisis. We owe Alassane and countless others a debt of gratitude — and I'll fight for them every day in the White House.",1003,5224,202,18184 1279928045093228545,2020-07-06 00:00,,"We're going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won't just rebuild this nation — we'll transform it.",38090,35510,7060,255553 1280158562891599873,2020-07-06 15:16,,We can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump.,3999,15766,1092,54449 1280193543357648896,2020-07-06 17:35,,It didn't have to be this bad. But Donald Trump failed to do his job — and we're all paying the price.,2245,11195,592,33896 1280235066975797251,2020-07-06 20:20,,"With COVID-19 surging across the nation, Donald Trump should be doing everything in his power to increase access to testing. Instead, he's doing the opposite. It's despicable.",7209,20754,1186,113167 1280279610505084928,2020-07-06 23:17,,The nation is crying out for leadership — leadership that can unite us and bring us together. But this president has nothing to offer.,3893,13413,863,46179 1280305532843298816,2020-07-07 01:00,,"There’s enormous opportunity once we defeat Donald Trump. We are going to build our health care system, our economy, and our country back better than they've ever been before.",14232,19021,2121,127341 1280525229106708483,2020-07-07 15:33,,"To beat COVID-19, we need a coordinated national response from the federal government — but Donald Trump refuses to do his job. I've laid out exactly what I would do, and I encourage this president to adopt the plan in its entirety:",1869,6485,366,24856 1280552659565469697,2020-07-07 17:22,,Character belongs in the White House.,4229,9958,1011,43004 1280573547644141569,2020-07-07 18:45,,Donald Trump needs to do his job.,23272,18289,3880,163093 1280584871841165312,2020-07-07 19:30,,"We've seen what happens when the federal government fails to secure sufficient supplies of critical products like PPE — and we can't let it happen again. So today, I'm releasing my plan to rebuild U.S. supply chains:",2132,3843,335,14168 1280603719831359489,2020-07-07 20:44,,"Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health. On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.",10107,19968,2240,105843 1280620310539231237,2020-07-07 21:50,,"Across the world, people come to this country with unrelenting optimism and determination toward the future. They study here, innovate here, they make America who we are. Donald Trump doesn't get that — we need a president who does.",1915,6571,295,26820 1280651561518002177,2020-07-07 23:55,,The most sacred obligation of our government is to keep our troops safe when we send them into battle — and to care for them when they come home. We need a president who will honor that obligation.,2993,15144,1025,53181 1280667921916854273,2020-07-08 01:00,,This is a national disgrace. We have to ensure these communities get the care they need immediately — and then tackle racial disparities in health care and our economy head-on.,2530,7095,274,31394 1280887625147191296,2020-07-08 15:33,,".@AdyBarkan — The courage you show every day is an inspiration to so many, and I'm grateful to have you by my side in this fight. We may not agree on everything, but this we do: Health care is a right — not a privilege. And we're going to make that a reality, together.",1155,6827,247,28886 1280923603744296962,2020-07-08 17:56,,"When there were 15 cases, the President said it wouldn't spread any farther. We just hit our 3 millionth case. We're paying for his failure.",4102,20402,936,84026 1280950782909538304,2020-07-08 19:44,,Let me be clear: No one should be forced out of their home in the middle of a pandemic because they can’t pay rent.,1884,6373,310,26184 1280974438993997829,2020-07-08 21:18,,"Trump launched his 2016 campaign by calling Mexicans rapists. He's spread racism against our Latino community ever since. We need to work in partnership with Mexico. We need to restore dignity and humanity to our immigration system. That's what I'll do as President.",8621,20428,1988,98349 1280998849730039810,2020-07-08 22:55,,Increased testing isn’t the reason for the surge in coronavirus cases — Donald Trump's failed leadership is.,2733,12342,641,50381 1281005917224435722,2020-07-08 23:23,,"I commend the Task Forces for their service and for helping build a bold, transformative platform for our party and for our country. And I am deeply grateful to @BernieSanders for working with us to unite our party and deliver real, lasting change for generations to come.",1657,5284,295,23846 1281021498933690368,2020-07-09 00:25,,Four years of Betsy DeVos is more than enough. We need a Secretary of Education who is actually a public school educator.,14841,60934,5821,385065 1281232505362952193,2020-07-09 14:23,,As I was saying.,14659,50165,4222,221502 1281245474909913088,2020-07-09 15:15,,The future must be made in America — by all of America. Here's how we'll do it:,1395,7848,590,22115 1281253024808271878,2020-07-09 15:45,,"We're in the middle of an economic crisis. But it's not enough to just turn things around — we have to build back better. We have to revitalize American manufacturing and make sure the future is made in America — by all of America. Here's how we'll do it:",2172,3771,437,14126 1281302797535727617,2020-07-09 19:02,,"I'm in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, to discuss my plan to create jobs, raise wages, and help America build back better. Tune in to watch:",2179,4451,346,19282 1281323488846860288,2020-07-09 20:25,,"When we spend taxpayer money, we should use it to buy American products & support American jobs. But under Trump, the rate of federal contractors offshoring jobs more than doubled. It's unacceptable. I'll invest $400 billion in American-made products & keep jobs here at home.",1311,3828,257,13788 1281324747461197825,2020-07-09 20:30,,"American workers can out-compete anyone, but they need a government that fights for them. I'll revitalize American manufacturing — especially smaller manufacturers and those owned by women and people of color — and ensure the future is made here in America.",1267,3605,221,15154 1281326005609615360,2020-07-09 20:35,,We can't just focus on the jobs of today — we have to also focus on the jobs and industries of tomorrow. I'll make a historic $300 billion investment in research and development that will spur innovation and help create 3 million jobs across the nation.,883,2788,150,11473 1281331038476619776,2020-07-09 20:55,,"I do not buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past. American manufacturing was the Arsenal of Democracy in World War II, and must be part of the engine of American prosperity now.",3935,8603,556,49227 1281349912848809984,2020-07-09 22:10,,This is our moment to imagine and build a new American economy — one where everyone gets a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead.,1697,5483,345,20862 1281368032405671936,2020-07-09 23:22,,We can't just build back to the way things were before these crises — we have to build back better.,4223,12188,704,80680 1281384390019489792,2020-07-10 00:27,,The American people deserve to know what Donald Trump is hiding in his tax returns.,27638,32462,4760,212632 1281602829443112966,2020-07-10 14:55,,"Here's my promise to you: If I have the honor of being elected president, I will take care of your family like I would my own.",16050,26772,5438,94028 1281635545408393217,2020-07-10 17:05,,"Let’s use this opportunity to make bold investments in American industry and innovation so the future is made in America — and in all of America.",1674,3661,289,13582 1281667505790967808,2020-07-10 19:12,,"Through every trial and tribulation, we've always emerged stronger — and we will again.",3776,10154,713,66086 1281693174696759298,2020-07-10 20:54,,This is what “America First” looks like under President Trump:,3154,17884,1405,47343 1281726645376819202,2020-07-10 23:07,,"Determination. Resilience. Grit. The strength to get up no matter how many times you’ve been knocked down. Respect for hard work, and for the people who do it. Those are the values I learned growing up in Scranton — and they're the values I’ll take to the Oval Office.",3576,9575,597,49760 1281779986693787653,2020-07-11 02:38,,Still true.,2959,11507,431,60904 1281961442460291074,2020-07-11 14:40,,"I see a different America than President Trump. One that, despite all our flaws and shortcomings and failings, is still after more than two centuries dedicated to equality, liberty, human dignity, and justice. I know we can reach our highest ideals — together.",4856,13995,1045,80366 1281996678980005889,2020-07-11 17:00,,"The United States has over 3 million cases of COVID-19, and over 130,000 people have died — yet Donald Trump continues to say it will just ""fade away."" It’s unbelievable. We're paying the price for this president's incompetence every single day.",7129,26441,1431,129332 1282004979457433601,2020-07-11 17:33,,"This was almost two months ago. Since then? Tens of thousands more lives lost. A million and a half new cases. The President? Still golfing.",2799,13059,804,36253 1282043734742507520,2020-07-11 20:07,,"I have no illusion about how tough the road ahead is. But I’m optimistic for one reason above all others: I know the history and the heart of this country. Given a chance, ordinary Americans can do extraordinary things.",1955,7045,455,28277 1282053668280434689,2020-07-11 20:46,,"I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern American history. Every day that he remains in office, he further threatens the future of our democracy. We have to vote him out this November.",11275,23499,1707,116904 1282079721875021826,2020-07-11 22:30,,"Back in January, when President Trump signed his hollow ""phase one"" trade deal with Beijing, I made clear that no one should be fooled by Trump's empty promises to deliver a meaningful “phase two"" deal. Good to see that he's finally admitting I was right.",2174,6770,305,24641 1282109920712642561,2020-07-12 00:30,,"Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through this moment. We need real leadership, right now. Lives are at stake.",4891,13152,681,62455 1282326347201863680,2020-07-12 14:50,,"To all the nurses on the frontlines of this fight, thank you. You are American heroes.",1797,13613,784,55427 1282366864052518912,2020-07-12 17:31,,"We need a president who will always choose to unite rather than divide, because there’s nothing we can’t accomplish when we do it together.",16617,19739,2741,130507 1282385989852295168,2020-07-12 18:47,,"Health care is personal to me. And as president, I'll do everything I can to make sure every American has access to the care they need.",3222,7770,792,30095 1282409432677257216,2020-07-12 20:20,,"Ignore the polls. We’ve got work to do:",4191,19235,1399,87490 1282419453939113989,2020-07-12 20:59,,"Mohamed Amashah is finally home after 486 days in Egyptian prison for holding a protest sign. Arresting, torturing, and exiling activists like Sarah Hegazy and Mohamed Soltan or threatening their families is unacceptable. No more blank checks for Trump’s ""favorite dictator.""",1763,5240,638,19739 1282446656303243264,2020-07-12 22:48,,"It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I'll actually listen to the experts and heed their advice. Not silence them.",5079,21098,946,104073 1282468533838860288,2020-07-13 00:15,,"Together, we're going to build a new American economy:",2066,5894,381,20223 1282484891603447808,2020-07-13 01:20,,"The stakes couldn't be higher this November. Time and time again, Donald Trump has failed the people of Puerto Rico. As President, I'll spur economic development on the island and expand access to health care.",4060,11181,616,62922 1282683703190188032,2020-07-13 14:30,,"In January, I sounded the alarm regarding COVID-19. Over five months later, President Trump still hasn't taken the action needed to respond to the virus. It's unacceptable. This president has failed the American people every step of the way.",5623,12522,951,51708 1282713901671604224,2020-07-13 16:30,,Donald Trump needs to spend less time playing golf and more time listening to experts like Dr. Fauci.,17073,32821,2867,223715 1282755424177893376,2020-07-13 19:15,,"""We're leading the world.""",2616,16035,1272,48957 1282773040187805700,2020-07-13 20:25,,America can’t sit on the sidelines in the race for the future. My administration will invest $300 billion in research and development over four years to secure our global leadership and create millions of good-paying jobs.,2194,5435,316,20832 1282813568535203840,2020-07-13 23:06,,The hard truth is it didn't have to be this bad. But Donald Trump has squandered every chance he's had to contain the spread of this virus.,3383,15292,633,66579 1282846021169508352,2020-07-14 01:15,,We shouldn't have to beg this president to listen to the experts.,12595,30013,1957,204443 1283034009895751680,2020-07-14 13:42,,"I want every single American to know: If you're sick, struggling, or worried about how you're going to get through the day, I will not abandon you. We're all in this together. And together, we'll emerge stronger than before.",3543,14876,1149,57201 1283099425275961344,2020-07-14 18:01,,We can’t just build things back to the way they were — we’ve got to build America back better. Tune in as I deliver remarks on how we're going to invest in infrastructure and clean energy and create millions of jobs in the process:,1636,3790,305,13417 1283105229156696064,2020-07-14 18:25,,"Every few weeks when he needs a distraction from the latest charge of corruption in his staff — or the conviction of high ranking members of his administration — Donald Trump announces it’s “Infrastructure Week.” He's never delivered. I know how to get it done.",5574,14074,821,68160 1283106488328900615,2020-07-14 18:30,,"When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, all he can muster is one word: “hoax.” When I think about climate change, I think of a word as well: “jobs.” Good-paying, union jobs that put Americans to work.",2557,6701,447,26844 1283168143867707392,2020-07-14 22:35,,"Climate change is the challenge that's going to define our American future. And if I have the honor of being elected President, we won't tinker around the edges, we’ll seize this opportunity and meet this moment in history.",5608,13281,940,85037 1283186263302918144,2020-07-14 23:47,,"When I hear the words climate change, I hear the word ""jobs."" Good paying, union jobs that will solve our jobs crisis while addressing our climate crisis.",2400,6758,491,30302 1283199601001009159,2020-07-15 00:40,,"We're facing an economic crisis and a climate crisis. As president, I'll create millions of jobs building resilient roads and bridges, manufacturing electric vehicles, and weatherizing homes and buildings. Learn more:",2630,3992,363,16290 1283412252612194304,2020-07-15 14:45,,"This pandemic has gotten bad enough that even Donald Trump finally decided to wear a mask in public. I’m glad he made that shift — but it’s not enough. We need real presidential leadership. Right now.",2295,5845,357,28193 1283446227074310144,2020-07-15 17:00,,"Mr. President, “Open everything now,” isn’t a strategy for success. It’s barely a slogan. It’s long past time for you to step up and do your job.",7474,17706,1259,116635 1283473908591714311,2020-07-15 18:50,,"President Trump needs to do everything in his power to surge nationwide testing — including developing and evaluating more accurate, affordable, accessible, faster tests so we can reopen safely. Infection rates are rising at an alarming pace. Mr. President, act now.",3920,10693,649,52567 1283492028177940485,2020-07-15 20:02,,"There is no time to waste when it comes to addressing the existential threat of climate change. If I have the honor of being elected president, we'll get to work delivering results on day one.",2018,4829,358,19927 1283506626348167178,2020-07-15 21:00,,"Meeting the threat of climate change presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to jolt new life into our economy. We're going to create millions of high-quality, union jobs by building a modern infrastructure and a clean energy future.",2589,5211,389,22656 1283795779338084352,2020-07-16 16:09,,"I don’t have Bitcoin, and I’ll never ask you to send me any. But if you want to chip in to help make Donald Trump a one-term President, you can do that here:",4337,9481,916,53932 1283817925368053760,2020-07-16 17:37,,"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Donald Trump is the worst possible person to lead us through a public health crisis.",4128,14617,1236,55198 1283856429129125894,2020-07-16 20:10,,"We are months into this crisis, and our health care workers are still being forced to reuse masks. It’s unacceptable. Mr. President, fix the PPE shortages before you tee off for yet another round of golf.",4802,23180,1119,110174 1283871025197748224,2020-07-16 21:08,,"Let's call this what it is: A modern-day poll tax. It's unconscionable. We need to restore voting rights for individuals formerly incarcerated for felonies — and ensure everyone can make their voice heard at the ballot box.",2515,9362,447,36913 1283906760865005569,2020-07-16 23:30,,"From day one, Donald Trump has been focused on the stock market and delivering for his wealthy friends and big corporations. As president, I will be laser-focused on working families and small businesses.",2543,8766,774,24776 1283918085288652800,2020-07-17 00:15,,President Obama and I left a playbook for President Trump on how to fight pandemics. He flat-out ignored it. And we're all paying the price every day.,25811,59068,5223,312026 1283934443057577984,2020-07-17 01:20,,We have the power to write the future we want for our country. Don't let anyone tell you differently.,7570,12522,1078,74624 1284142816197836807,2020-07-17 15:08,,"No matter who you supported in 2016, I want you to know that you have a home in our campaign. You’re not just wanted — you’re needed. Together, we're going to beat Donald Trump and build this nation back better than it was before.",2171,6394,471,23706 1284174776861372417,2020-07-17 17:15,,"We have to make the places we live, work, and learn healthier and more energy-efficient. That's why my administration will upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes across the country — creating over one million jobs in the process.",1549,3739,235,14948 1284190127896629248,2020-07-17 18:16,,Everyone wants our schools to reopen. The question is how to make it safe and how to make it stick. Forcing educators and students back into classrooms in areas where infection rates are going up or remaining too high is just plain dangerous.,3447,12420,1081,47103 1284211267108868097,2020-07-17 19:40,,"I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — why hasn’t Donald Trump? We deserve to know what this president is hiding.",21376,40122,4028,228483 1284243982747414529,2020-07-17 21:50,,"Eleven. That's how many times we've broken the single-day record for new COVID-19 cases in the last month. This virus isn't going to ""just disappear"" like President Trump wants. It's surging — and we need real leadership from this White House to slow its spread.",5992,21441,997,103022 1284259082254217216,2020-07-17 22:50,,"Today, we lost a giant of the civil rights movement and a relentless champion in the struggle for justice. Reverend C.T. Vivian never stopped pushing our nation closer to our highest ideals — and we are better because of it. Jill and I are keeping his loved ones in our prayers.",749,3991,119,20417 1284276699337646080,2020-07-18 00:00,,"As President, I will see to it that America once again stands for human rights. That doesn't mean rights only for some, but rights for all — each and every American, and every person, everywhere. No exceptions.",3544,7974,494,35686 1284492110503317504,2020-07-18 14:15,,My full statement:,869,8524,573,41112 1284492109496619009,2020-07-18 14:15,,"We are made in the image of God, and then there is John Lewis. He was truly one-of-a-kind, a moral compass who always knew where to point us and which direction to march. To John’s family, friends, staff, and constituents, Jill and I send you our love and prayers.",3290,26481,1187,168353 1284502687430479874,2020-07-18 14:58,,"I know of no man with more courage than John Lewis. He was a giant walking among us. When I saw him, I couldn’t help but think one thing: “I haven’t done enough.” May his life and legacy inspire every one of us to strive for justice, equality and what is right.",3420,34262,1829,152681 1284862558910865408,2020-07-19 14:48,,"Banning the Confederate flag from military installations was long overdue. Banning the LGBTQ Pride flag — the very symbol of diversity and inclusion — is undeniably wrong. The Pentagon should ensure it is authorized, or as President, I will.",2755,5864,463,29237 1284883446251294722,2020-07-19 16:11,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who will choose hope over fear.",22185,22337,3515,166623 1284912638577655808,2020-07-19 18:07,,"The hard truth is that it didn’t have to be this bad, but Donald Trump ignored the experts and refused to take action. He has failed our nation.",9745,41319,4212,123552 1284933527088365569,2020-07-19 19:30,,"Mr. President, your ignorance isn’t a virtue or a sign of your strength — it’s undercutting our response to this unprecedented crisis at every turn and it’s costing Americans their jobs and their lives.",3596,16206,742,65864 1284978824749309952,2020-07-19 22:30,,Every day is National Ice Cream Day in my book.,14271,10887,3850,122263 1285005248768217089,2020-07-20 00:15,,"In this moment of crisis, we have the chance to build a new American economy. One where everyone gets a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead. Together, we'll get it done.",6800,12402,952,71522 1285227969930072066,2020-07-20 15:00,,"Imagine the future we can create with Donald Trump out of the White House. A future where we: - Tackle the climate crisis - Build a new American economy - End our gun violence epidemic - Ensure our government works for all, not just the wealthy few",12595,22224,2195,120289 1285277040153776128,2020-07-20 18:15,,"Every day it becomes clearer: We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. Who we are. What we believe. Who we want to be. It’s all at stake. We have to vote Donald Trump out this November.",13566,25213,2254,143585 1285292642859773952,2020-07-20 19:17,,"President Trump asked to see the COVID death chart. @RealDonaldTrump, here you go.",4401,26672,2227,76038 1285321080039669763,2020-07-20 21:10,,We're paying the price for this president's incompetence every single day.,3438,11944,551,56879 1285332404647784449,2020-07-20 21:55,,"Today, I am putting the Kremlin and other foreign governments on notice: If elected president, I will direct my administration to impose substantial and lasting costs on those who interfere with American elections.",8447,27249,3279,109374 1285350020942901255,2020-07-20 23:05,,"Small manufacturers like McGregor Industries demonstrate the resilience, creativity, and staying-power of America’s industrial base. Together we're going to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America.",1147,2450,135,9102 1285368895155474432,2020-07-21 00:20,,"Folks, it may be hard to believe, but we have just over 100 days until Election Day. I know we can beat Donald Trump and build this nation back better than before — but we need your help to do it. If you're able, please chip in today:",2717,4889,312,21165 1285382736341942274,2020-07-21 01:15,,"In honor of John Lewis, C.T. Vivian, and all the essential workers who have selflessly risked their lives, the Senate should pass a bill that ensures working people get real relief — extended unemployment insurance, rental support, and guaranteed sick leave. #StrikeForBlackLives",2161,11280,355,60861 1285615520461422593,2020-07-21 16:40,,"Today, I’m releasing my plan to mobilize a 21st century care and early childhood education workforce. It will ease the financial burden of care for families, create good-paying jobs with good benefits, and treat workers with the dignity they deserve.",1480,6367,491,26287 1285636224032505856,2020-07-21 18:02,,"We have to mobilize a 21st century care and early childhood education workforce to deal with the caregiving crisis in our nation. Today, I'm delivering remarks about how we're going to get it done. Tune in:",802,2554,154,8771 1285638169443041280,2020-07-21 18:10,,"Donald Trump simply doesn’t understand: We can’t deal with our economic crisis without solving the public health crisis. And for all his bluster about his expertise on the economy, he is unable to explain how he will actually help the working families hit the hardest.",2034,7689,350,36244 1285639176017215488,2020-07-21 18:14,,"We are trapped in a caregiving crisis, within an economic crisis, within a public health crisis. You’re doing everything you can, but this president is not. If I’m your president, here’s what I would do:",1129,3738,282,13359 1285640182700453888,2020-07-21 18:18,,"We need to make high-quality child care affordable and accessible. As president, I'll give every 3- and 4-year-old access to free, high-quality preschool. And low- to middle-income families won’t spend more than 7% of their income on quality care for children under age 5.",4405,13437,1108,81038 1285640937725542400,2020-07-21 18:21,,"Home health workers do God’s work, but aren’t paid much. They have few benefits, and 40% are still on SNAP or Medicaid. It's unacceptable. I'll give caregivers and early childhood educators a much-needed raise.",2046,8109,409,41217 1285675414732431360,2020-07-21 20:38,,"Let me say what President Trump won't: Russian interference in our elections is a violation of our sovereignty. And if I’m president, I’ll respond accordingly.",4744,9660,841,38444 1285700580669820930,2020-07-21 22:18,,"Happy Birthday, Congressman Clyburn! Your powerful voice of moral clarity never fails to steer us toward a better future — and reminds us all of why we're in public service in the first place. I’m grateful for your leadership and honored to call you a friend.",834,3587,147,22507 1285729269646274561,2020-07-22 00:12,,"For your family, for your neighbors, for your country — wear a mask.",5747,33259,1415,234045 1285776581554614272,2020-07-22 03:20,,"10 years ago the Obama-Biden Administration signed Wall Street reform to prevent the abuse that led to the Great Recession. Donald Trump and the Republicans have tried to tear it down ever since. As president, I'll protect it so we can rebuild an economy that works for everyone.",3527,10418,423,59325 1285899895422046209,2020-07-22 11:30,,"44 + 46 7.23.20",12022,53805,8302,246788 1285957020466720768,2020-07-22 15:17,,"Today, we're facing a serious threat — and we have to meet it together as one country. It's up to all of us to do everything we can to keep our fellow Americans safe and healthy.",1921,7329,407,25739 1286003073786281985,2020-07-22 18:20,,"The words of a president matter. And from the moment President Trump came down that escalator, he has used his to degrade people and sow division. It's not who we are. Watch my full conversation with President @BarackObama tomorrow at 10 AM ET.",3054,11519,810,40400 1286027988065124352,2020-07-22 19:59,,"The goal of the Census is clear: count every person. But Donald Trump continues to use this vital process to sow division and scare immigrant communities. We won't let him deny communities the funding and representation they deserve. Because in America, everyone counts.",1852,4589,265,17494 1286042584083607552,2020-07-22 20:57,,"My plan to create a 21st century care and early childhood education workforce will put 3 million Americans to work — and free up millions more people to join the paid labor force. It's a fresh, bold approach that will help us recover faster and stronger.",1254,3702,203,14461 1286048372198014976,2020-07-22 21:20,,"Today, the House passed the #NoBanAct because no one should be discriminated against or singled out based on the faith they practice. I will end President Trump's Muslim Ban on day one and sign this bill into law.",5285,10912,686,64491 1286072279764537349,2020-07-22 22:55,,I know everything feels different right now. There’s just that feeling where you don’t know if everything will be okay. But I promise you that it can be and it will be.,2927,7920,674,32780 1286089896310931457,2020-07-23 00:05,,"Let me be clear: If vote-by-mail is good enough for Donald Trump and his administration, then it's good enough for all of us.",5639,25695,1544,85836 1286254983961165826,2020-07-23 11:01,,"Every day I hear from folks who tell me how important health care is to their families — well, it's deeply personal for President @BarackObama and me, too. I'll fight to protect and build on Obamacare and make sure everyone gets the care they need. Watch our conversation:",2670,8428,560,34689 1286300138239979527,2020-07-23 14:00,,"Folks, I sat down with my friend President @BarackObama to discuss the significant moment we're in, who we are as a nation, and how we can build back better. Watch our full conversation:",3430,14252,1223,48474 1286348097291816960,2020-07-23 17:11,,"Care jobs are ready to be filled right now, allowing millions of people — primarily women — to get back to work immediately. It's the right thing to do for our families and our essential workers — and it's the smart thing to do for our economy.",1115,2767,148,9985 1286370998216986624,2020-07-23 18:42,,"COVID-19 infections are going up. The number of deaths is going up. This morning it was announced that, once again, the number of unemployment claims is going up. Donald Trump is moving us backwards. The American people are paying the price.",3711,14487,708,61328 1286391885993373696,2020-07-23 20:05,,"Hey @Phillies, here’s to hoping we both win big this fall. Stay safe. #OpeningDay",2804,5639,1002,40757 1286415793245347845,2020-07-23 21:40,,"Out of every trial and tribulation, we've always emerged stronger as a nation — and we will again. If we come together, there is not a single thing we cannot accomplish.",1172,5668,331,16471 1286423343135182848,2020-07-23 22:10,,This was preventable.,5530,17975,982,86971 1286439700958453763,2020-07-23 23:15,,We need a president who listens to someone other than himself.,17342,27445,3176,210072 1286458575150370817,2020-07-24 00:30,,"Donald Trump’s own staff admits that he fails the most important test of being the American President: the duty to care — for you, for all of us.",2896,7853,392,30563 1286670471623254018,2020-07-24 14:32,,"Home care workers and child care workers — who are more often women, women of color, and immigrants — have been underpaid, unseen, and undervalued for far too long. That will change with my administration:",1814,6508,293,26649 1286704193756114945,2020-07-24 16:46,,Our nation is at a crossroads. We can choose four more years of Donald Trump’s divisive politics and failed leadership — or we can forge a new path forward.,3097,9363,643,29612 1286730367664349198,2020-07-24 18:30,,"The hard truth is that we can't just build back to the way things were before these crises — we have to build back better. President @BarackObama and I discussed how we can do that, and much more:",2286,7760,502,26665 1286763081905971201,2020-07-24 20:40,,"This is the United States of America. We don’t settle — we aspire. Let’s get to work.",9813,16112,1814,106272 1286788247511736320,2020-07-24 22:20,,"The President has a duty to care for us all. To see people where they are and to understand what they’re going through. I’ve been a single parent. Even though I had a lot more support than a lot of folks going through tough times, I know how hard it is.",1510,5613,259,22296 1286817188288970758,2020-07-25 00:15,,"I know times are tough, but I want you to know you're not alone. We're all in this fight together. And together, we'll emerge stronger than before.",12301,19029,1971,128343 1287032859597864960,2020-07-25 14:32,,"Every American family deserves access to affordable, high-quality child care. Here's how I'll make that happen:",1812,6298,309,24416 1287070108465139713,2020-07-25 17:00,,"President Trump ordered his administration to slow down coronavirus testing, he tried to block CDC funding, and he has ignored the experts from day one. His actions defy both logic and humanity. What kind of president actively undercuts efforts that will save lives?",13113,29471,2587,117829 1287100304429735936,2020-07-25 19:00,,There is no quit in America — and you deserve a president who won’t quit on you.,9399,16189,1629,106883 1287130506295836672,2020-07-25 21:00,,No one should have to work more than one job to make ends meet. We have to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and build an inclusive middle class that brings everyone along.,12640,21424,2402,129106 1287168252108574721,2020-07-25 23:30,,"I know firsthand how hard it can be to take care of an aging family member. It's why as president, I'll ease the financial burden on families and expand access to dignified care for older Americans.",3231,9245,614,39810 1287187125759352833,2020-07-26 00:45,,"As Hurricane Hanna makes landfall, Jill and I are sending our prayers to the people of South Texas. We must ensure that affected residents get the support they need — and get it quickly. If you are in an impacted region, please heed the advice of local officials and seek shelter.",2779,12584,631,66703 1287372098361409537,2020-07-26 13:00,,100 days.,21734,36129,5402,265679 1287409844593418240,2020-07-26 15:30,,"In 100 days, we have the chance to set our nation on a new path. One where we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone has a fair shot at success. Join us:",2895,10950,860,37830 1287443817214488578,2020-07-26 17:45,,"Folks, we have just 100 days until Election Day. Now, more than ever, we have to do everything we can to make Donald Trump a one-term president. Register to vote: Donate: Volunteer: Let’s get to work.",2334,7770,495,24407 1287474016152948736,2020-07-26 19:45,,"Thirty years on, we still have work to do to realize the full aspiration of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We need to ensure that every American has the chance to live independently and free from discriminatory systems and practices. #ADA30",1640,6696,262,27816 1287484334178525192,2020-07-26 20:26,,"Women have decided the course of history with grit, clarity, and courage. This election is no different. We have just 100 days to get out the vote, unite the country, and vote Donald Trump out of the White House. Join us, and let's get to work:",2813,9226,592,30105 1287528122804514817,2020-07-26 23:20,,"In 100 days, we’re going to make Donald Trump a one-term president.",11162,24431,2220,115097 1287764429703188482,2020-07-27 14:59,,"The hard truth is this pandemic didn’t have to be this bad. Ron Klain, former White House Ebola Response Coordinator, breaks down what a Biden administration would have done differently and what we would do now to get this virus under control:",3943,26177,2627,63244 1287788085888065540,2020-07-27 16:33,,"The hard truth is women — and particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country. That's why today, I'm releasing my plan to make sure women can fully participate in our economy and country.",18790,15044,3683,68845 1287827595963375620,2020-07-27 19:10,,"Women-owned small businesses like Marsh + Mane are the backbone of communities across the nation. We have got to do more to invest in and support them. Here's what I'll do as president:",1255,2406,136,8851 1287863331626389508,2020-07-27 21:32,,These policies aren’t just the right thing to do — they’re also the smart thing to do for the future of our country.,2225,5080,583,21839 1287867861436776449,2020-07-27 21:50,,"The development of a new vaccine requires a dedication to science, coordination, transparency, truth, and fairness to all — and we have a President who stands for none of these things.",3181,8794,438,37732 1287901583758352385,2020-07-28 00:04,,"Arianna’s a supporter of our campaign who’s been organizing food drives for her community during the COVID crisis. My team told me about her work, so @BarackObama and I decided to surprise her with a call.",1954,8645,643,38278 1287908127476551680,2020-07-28 00:30,,"Tonight, Jill and I are thinking about the 150,000 families left emptier by this virus. To anyone who’s struggling, sick, or wondering how they’ll get through the day: know that I will not abandon you. We’ll fight through this crisis together, and emerge stronger than ever.",10851,18912,1776,101631 1287915678540808192,2020-07-28 01:00,,"John — march on, dear friend. May God bless you. And may you continue to inspire righteous good trouble down from the Heavens.",2460,19551,1034,157754 1288120526683029512,2020-07-28 14:34,,Our students and educators deserve better than four more years of Betsy DeVos. It’s time for a Secretary of Education who is actually a public school educator.,2111,13558,1039,45436 1288150977116286977,2020-07-28 16:35,,"We can't build this nation back better without tackling the systemic racism and disparities that have plagued our country for far too long. That's why today, I'm releasing my new plan to advance racial economic equity across the American economy.",2032,5367,345,21243 1288176142797611008,2020-07-28 18:15,,"In this moment, we have the chance to build an economy where everyone gets a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead. One more vibrant and more powerful because everyone is in on the deal. Here's how we'll do it:",1005,2280,146,8970 1288192572112793600,2020-07-28 19:20,,"I'm in Wilmington, Delaware, to unveil the fourth plank of my Build Back Better plan. Tune in as I discuss what my administration will do to advance racial equity in our economy:",863,2258,149,7965 1288195017522270208,2020-07-28 19:30,,"The Senate and this President should pass the bill to restore the Voting Rights Act — renamed yesterday in memory of John Lewis. If they don’t, it will be one of the first things I do as president.",1043,9807,297,48222 1288196275695792129,2020-07-28 19:35,,"A change of “tone” over a few days does not change the facts of the last four years. Donald Trump fails the basic threshold test of being president: the duty to care about the entire country, not just his re-election prospects.",1450,6614,257,33073 1288196778836205568,2020-07-28 19:37,,"This election is not just about voting against Donald Trump. It’s about rising to this moment of crisis, understanding people’s struggle, and building a future worthy of their courage and ambition to overcome.",4709,14517,857,79008 1288197282064510976,2020-07-28 19:39,,"In good times, communities of color still lag. In bad times, they get hit first and the hardest. And in recovery, they take the longest to bounce back. We have to break the cycle, and I’ve got a plan to do it:",921,2467,330,9176 1288199043735142401,2020-07-28 19:46,,"To support more Black and Brown small businesses, my administration will launch a new Small Business Opportunity Initiative. We're going to make sure that those with the best ideas are not denied the venture capital or financing they need because of their race or zip code.",2658,5144,334,24861 1288200050443771907,2020-07-28 19:50,,"My housing plan will give a $15,000 tax credit to first-time home-buyers, expand affordable housing, and reverse President Trump’s efforts to gut fair housing enforcement. We're going to remove the barriers to homeownership that hold back too many Americans of color.",2398,6035,370,26672 1288230249340309508,2020-07-28 21:50,,America has never lived up to our founding promise — and we can’t rest until we finally do. My new plan will advance racial equity across the American economy and bring us closer to reaching our highest ideals:,1747,2891,232,11957 1288246606983122944,2020-07-28 22:55,,"Small business ownership is one of our country's cornerstones for wealth building and job creation. But Black and Brown entrepreneurs face far too many barriers to ownership, growth, and success. I've got a plan to change that:",1219,1712,126,6311 1288264223475335170,2020-07-29 00:05,,Donald Trump voted by mail. You should be able to as well.,16445,45716,2921,268784 1288276806131302400,2020-07-29 00:55,,Listen to the scientists: Wear a mask.,7038,13256,1204,65789 1288467563006046208,2020-07-29 13:33,,"I have no illusions about how tough the road ahead is. But I’m optimistic for one reason above all others: I know the history and the heart of this country. There is nothing we're unable to achieve when we do it together.",5379,14860,955,90891 1288508836232347648,2020-07-29 16:17,,"We need an effective, coordinated nationwide testing and tracing program. We need more PPE for health care workers. We need a comprehensive plan to get this virus under control. We need this president to do his job.",4026,12030,733,60552 1288539285818413057,2020-07-29 18:18,,"Congratulations to California Child Care Providers United on a successful election. As president, I'll make it easier for child care workers to unionize — and I’ll provide resources so they earn higher wages while also making care more affordable. #ChildCareIsEssential",590,1991,89,9768 1288546080507002892,2020-07-29 18:45,,My heart goes out to Jessica and the countless others across the nation who have lost a loved one due to COVID-19. Behind every number we see in the news is a family and community that will never again be whole — and we can't forget that.,917,4299,245,14641 1288564199723921408,2020-07-29 19:57,,"Donald Trump has shown that he can’t beat the pandemic or turn the economy around. And he is unsurprisingly stoking the flames of division for political gain. He is the worst possible person to lead our nation through this moment.",2431,6603,380,26019 1288573762812559362,2020-07-29 20:35,,"Folks, I'm excited to share that Senator @ewarren and I are hosting a grassroots fundraiser this Friday — and you're invited. We're going to chat about what's at stake this November and even answer a few of your questions. Chip in any amount to join us:",2497,4673,489,19699 1288603961948340225,2020-07-29 22:35,,We need a president who will bring us together instead of tearing us apart and who will enforce the law faithfully rather than put his own political interests first.,4047,8532,542,43896 1288629127507898370,2020-07-30 00:15,,"Donald Trump's instinct to constantly add fuel to the fire is the last thing our country needs right now. We need leadership that will calm the waters and lower the temperature.",3976,7827,538,35276 1288806550572687365,2020-07-30 12:00,,"I'm the proud husband of a teacher. I've seen firsthand how difficult the job can be in normal times — let alone in the middle of a pandemic. So when I heard Beth's story, I knew @BarackObama and I had to give her a call.",1826,10558,783,44070 1288875249493315584,2020-07-30 16:33,,"The last three months were the worst period for economic growth our nation has experienced in the 70 years since we started measuring it — a drop of nearly 33 percent. Let's be clear: This is no act of God, it's a failure of presidential leadership.",3845,12906,794,45969 1288890852304023552,2020-07-30 17:35,,"Even after his passing, John Lewis reminds us that the most powerful symbol of what it means to be an American is what we do with the time we have to make real the promise of our nation. May his words guide us as we march on toward November.",857,7554,213,38005 1288926084306624518,2020-07-30 19:55,,It’s time Senate Republicans back their effusive praise of John Lewis with action. Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act.,2338,23657,720,124951 1288942945555476480,2020-07-30 21:02,,"Throughout his life, John Lewis taught us that while the journey toward equality is not easy, we must be unafraid and never cower and never, ever give up. It's up to all of us to carry on his mission.",1076,7206,311,29919 1288950495307071491,2020-07-30 21:32,,"55 years ago today, Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law. And ever since, they've extended lives, enhanced liberty, and put the pursuit of happiness within reach for millions. I'll protect and expand these programs for generations to come.",1575,5140,291,20230 1288967733695205376,2020-07-30 22:40,,Bill Barr is the Attorney General of the United States — not the president's private attorney.,3384,13253,946,43546 1288980193831337984,2020-07-30 23:30,,You won't have to worry about my tweets when I'm president.,63408,76169,21554,695643 1289001833185316865,2020-07-31 00:56,,"Human trafficking is an unconscionable attack on the dignity of the most vulnerable among us. Action can’t wait — on this World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we’ve got to join together and commit to ending trafficking. #EndHumanTrafficking",3607,5406,588,22082 1289030018983776256,2020-07-31 02:48,,.@DrBiden and I wish all our Muslim friends and neighbors a blessed #EidAlAdha. May your sacrifices on this day be accepted and strengthen you during these challenging times. Eid Mubarak!,3211,9810,655,72909 1289195358518738950,2020-07-31 13:45,,"It’s been over six months since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States, and President Trump still doesn't have an effective plan to contain its spread. It's an unjustifiable failure of leadership that costs lives every day.",8583,30258,1873,155689 1289245690539933696,2020-07-31 17:05,,"We’re facing some of the biggest challenges in our history — and it’s abundantly clear Donald Trump just isn’t up for the job. We need real leadership — and we need it now.",8399,14856,1219,88982 1289276644469874689,2020-07-31 19:08,,"Grassroots donations are the backbone of our campaign — and we want to thank you for all your help. So tonight, Senator @ewarren and I are hosting an event that you won’t want to miss. Chip in to reserve your spot:",1034,1566,118,5893 1289301306645995521,2020-07-31 20:46,,"Together, we're going to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America.",2858,5793,494,21642 1289320181269921793,2020-07-31 22:01,,"Jill and I are keeping everyone in the path of Hurricane Isaias in our prayers. We must ensure that our fellow Americans, in Puerto Rico and across the East Coast, get the support they need. Please heed the warnings from authorities, take steps to prepare, and stay safe.",1005,2887,153,13645 1289349876590039040,2020-07-31 23:59,,"Folks, we’re just a few hours away from our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline. We need everyone to step up so we can hit our goal and make sure we can go toe-to-toe with President Trump. If you're able, please chip in today:",3049,3309,264,11381 1289541388686643202,2020-08-01 12:40,,"Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. That's the story of America — and it's being written every day by folks like Dr. @Craig_A_Spencer, who fought the Ebola outbreak and now COVID-19. @BarackObama and I called to thank him for his service and discuss the moment we're in.",1391,6729,367,25364 1289585429176446976,2020-08-01 15:35,,"To the millions of people who get up every single day and make this country run: I see you, and I promise I will never stop fighting for you. You are the backbone of America.",3431,12639,822,50847 1289626952530354177,2020-08-01 18:20,,"If we give Donald Trump four more years in the White House, he will forever alter the character of this nation. We can’t let that happen.",26953,32330,4631,223046 1289663442874281985,2020-08-01 20:45,,You have enough on your plate — you shouldn't also have to worry about the president making things even tougher for you.,1849,5231,309,18701 1289681058871545856,2020-08-01 21:55,,"Rent is due today. Donald Trump abdicated his responsibility to lead us out of this COVID-19 crisis—and we now face a potential housing crisis because of it. Mr. President: Act now to make sure Americans don't have to choose between a roof over their heads or food on the table.",2964,7744,469,29138 1289712264468193280,2020-08-01 23:59,,"Enhanced unemployment benefits expired for millions overnight. We don’t have an effective nationwide testing program or a plan to control the virus. Our health care workers still don’t have enough PPE. Enough with the weekend golf trips, Mr. President. Do your job.",6873,21612,1366,92721 1289932717417734144,2020-08-02 14:35,,This pandemic has put a bright light on the disparities that have plagued our nation for too long. We’ve got to make sure these communities get the help they need now — and root out the systemic racism that created these inequalities in the first place.,2613,7174,359,27435 1289964174575976449,2020-08-02 16:40,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who believes in science.",20413,31874,4576,257509 1289999407979454465,2020-08-02 19:00,,It’s not enough to just go back to the way things were before these crises — we need to build back better than ever. We have to create a new American economy where everyone gets a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead.,7193,14394,1215,84447 1290030423951646720,2020-08-02 21:03,,Join us as we host a roundtable with Congresswoman Veronica Escobar to commemorate the anniversary of the El Paso Massacre:,726,1685,64,6147 1290031870596403200,2020-08-02 21:09,,"Welcome home, Bob and Doug! The first American splashdown in 45 years was executed with precision, and is truly a victory for American innovation and persistence. Congratulations to everyone involved on a successful conclusion to this historic mission.",1886,8510,383,47205 1290071129172791296,2020-08-02 23:45,,"Folks, there's simply too much at stake this November for anyone to sit on the sidelines. Register to vote today — and then reach out to five friends and get them registered as well.",8073,14665,1212,56820 1290311966247006209,2020-08-03 15:42,,"One year ago, a white supremacist armed with a semi-automatic rifle targeted the people of El Paso. He thought his hatred of Latinos and immigrants would prove more powerful than the culture and vibrancy of the community. He was wrong.",1976,8636,495,32385 1290337132339486722,2020-08-03 17:22,,"This is a moment to summon the purpose we felt one year ago after El Paso. A moment to recommit to the battle for the soul of this nation. A battle against white supremacy, hatred, and gun violence. It won't be easy — but it's a battle we must win.",2280,7579,379,37170 1290350721515139072,2020-08-03 18:16,,"It's hard to believe this has to be said, but if I'm elected president, I’ll spend my Monday mornings working with our nation’s top experts to control this virus — not insulting them on Twitter.",13339,27526,2390,144675 1290383185432305666,2020-08-03 20:25,,"In the days that followed the El Paso shooting, I said Americans have to come together, stand against hate, and leave nobody behind. That charge feels more important than ever. This is our fight — and together, we will win.",944,2971,146,11650 1290402059905376259,2020-08-03 21:40,,"John Hume committed his life to the principles of nonviolence, and through his faith, statesmanship, and perseverance, he helped bring Northern Ireland through the Troubles to a better tomorrow. Jill and I send our condolences to the entire Hume family.",669,3120,114,16440 1290424205633368066,2020-08-03 23:08,,Jill and I mourn the loss of the nine service members who perished in a training accident off the coast of California. These brave young men made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their fellow Americans. Our deepest condolences go out to their families.,1851,16243,783,103676 1290433517000613890,2020-08-03 23:45,,"Every American should be able to safely make their voice heard this November. We need to: - Expand vote-by-mail and early voting - Implement online voter registration - Make it safe and easy to vote in-person",4349,11982,624,57741 1290452895385583616,2020-08-04 01:02,,"Not a joke, folks. Get yours today:",4170,3128,1243,14905 1290462206094708739,2020-08-04 01:39,,"When we spend taxpayer money, we should use it to buy American products and support American jobs. Period. We’re going to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America:",3426,3361,427,13162 1290610936022171655,2020-08-04 11:30,,"On July 1st, Donald Trump predicted the coronavirus was going to ""just disappear."" He was wrong — and more than 25,000 Americans died due to the virus last month. Mr. President, step up and do your job before even more American families feel the pain of losing a loved one.",5285,13336,749,69146 1290670186794815491,2020-08-04 15:25,,"One year ago, just hours after the massacre in El Paso, nine precious lives were cut short in Dayton. In the wake of the tragedies, Donald Trump promised the most modest of gun safety policies, then caved to the @NRA and failed to deliver.",1228,7845,254,38188 1290670187482624006,2020-08-04 15:25,,"As president, I’ll take on the powerful gun lobby to pass universal background checks, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and close loopholes to keep guns out of dangerous hands. We can and will end our gun violence epidemic.",1484,4312,345,29990 1290675360682500096,2020-08-04 15:46,,"The Latino community is bearing disproportionate harm from this pandemic. But even before, many Latino families were already struggling. We've got to do better. That's why today, I'm releasing my new agenda for the Latino community:",1724,4722,335,16137 1290713612630228992,2020-08-04 18:18,,"We can’t just build back to the way things were before these crises. We have to build a more inclusive, equitable future for all. Here’s how we’ll do it:",1029,2096,153,8734 1290721665836388352,2020-08-04 18:50,,"Happy birthday to my brother and friend, @BarackObama! Serving alongside you for eight years was the greatest honor of my life — and I'm grateful to have you by my side for these next 91 days.",4728,19545,1083,161791 1290749599775260672,2020-08-04 20:41,,"I’ll get to work on day one enacting the changes needed to help the Latino community thrive. Read my full plan here:",1556,2812,246,10826 1290757401243602944,2020-08-04 21:12,,"Thousands of Americans are dying every week. The President's response? ""It is what it is.""",7863,43343,5211,115357 1290779547072253955,2020-08-04 22:40,,"Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Lebanon, and the victims of the horrific explosion in Beirut. I urge both the Trump Administration and international community to immediately mobilize assistance to the thousands injured in the blast.",2828,17092,787,113584 1290792130345082880,2020-08-04 23:30,,"On day one, I’ll send a bill to Congress creating a clear roadmap to citizenship for Dreamers and the 11 million undocumented people already strengthening our nation. It’s long overdue.",2574,5288,569,25156 1290812262744305665,2020-08-05 00:50,,"From day one, Donald Trump downplayed the threat COVID-19 posed, ignored scientists, and refused to take action. Now, nearly 5 million cases and more than 150,000 deaths later, it's crystal clear we're paying the price for his failed leadership.",8689,16837,1183,79982 1290998489975885826,2020-08-05 13:10,,"The truth of the matter is, Donald Trump inherited a growing economy from President Obama and me. And just like everything else he inherited in his life, he squandered it.",8256,37856,3488,126625 1291042027212140546,2020-08-05 16:03,,"I truly believe that we can revitalize American manufacturing and create a better economy at the same time. I want to build an economy that brings everyone along — one that works for the middle class, not just the wealthy and well-connected.",3163,6107,487,20022 1291075245751832576,2020-08-05 18:15,,"Eight years ago, a white supremacist targeted a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI — ultimately taking seven lives in an unspeakable act of terror. To truly honor those we lost, it's up to all of us to stand up to bigotry in our lives, give hate no safe harbor, and reduce gun violence.",2848,11308,439,59745 1291090345103679494,2020-08-05 19:15,,"Weapons of war have no place in our communities. When I was a senator, I took on the @NRA and secured a 10-year ban on assault weapons — and as president, I’ll ban these weapons again.",14499,9746,3811,50131 1291111736167211008,2020-08-05 20:40,,There's been a lot of talk about my vetting process lately. Here’s an inside look:,13910,24976,9475,115731 1291139418732937217,2020-08-05 22:30,,"I don’t buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past. As president, I'll make bold investments in American manufacturing, industry, and innovation to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America.",2075,2511,292,10260 1291146968136323073,2020-08-05 23:00,,"Folks, a lot of you have been asking when I’m announcing my running mate, and I promise I’ll let you know soon. But here’s what I can tell you right now: I’m going to tell my supporters first — so text FIRST to 30330 to be the first to know.",11918,10167,1851,69608 1291158292786544643,2020-08-05 23:45,,"Growing up in Scranton, I learned the importance of hard work, treating others with dignity and respect, and leaving no one behind. Those values have guided my entire life — and they're the values I'll bring back to the White House.",1807,4736,379,17436 1291172134341840896,2020-08-06 00:40,,"Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs, but his policies crushed the manufacturing sector—and that was true even before COVID-19. I’ll revitalize American manufacturing and innovation and create millions of good-paying jobs so we can build back better.",3682,4310,357,16697 1291369685821186048,2020-08-06 13:45,,"If I'm elected president, our students and educators will have all the tools and resources they need to succeed and get through COVID-19.",2086,6345,379,26198 1291409699393482753,2020-08-06 16:24,,The scenes of death and destruction from Hiroshima and Nagasaki still horrify us 75 years later. They reach through history to remind us of the hideous damage nuclear weapons can inflict—and our collective responsibility to ensure they're never again used.,1142,3890,216,17248 1291419262788263938,2020-08-06 17:02,,"55 years ago today, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law — bringing us one step closer to that more perfect union. As we mark its anniversary, we’ve got to continue our fight to restore the VRA and protect the sacred right to vote.",2085,9401,329,48686 1291445184635387904,2020-08-06 18:45,,"The fight for civil rights is what drove me to get involved in politics in the first place. It's why I fought for and helped secure a 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act. And it's why as president, I'll immediately sign the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act into law.",1967,5699,349,17709 1291470348928475136,2020-08-06 20:25,,Let me be clear: Voting is a right — not a privilege. Anyone who tells you otherwise can’t be trusted to hold the highest office in this land.,8775,27607,1414,163704 1291495515180285952,2020-08-06 22:05,,"Every moment with your loved ones is precious. I know that in my core because I’ve learned it through loss. It's why as president, I'm going to do everything I can to get this virus under control and get our lives back to normal as soon as we can.",1441,5800,317,19855 1291513130745561088,2020-08-06 23:15,,John Lewis left us with marching orders. It’s up to all of us to carry them out:,1402,7092,430,23014 1291528230395162629,2020-08-07 00:15,,"I believe that the right to vote is the most fundamental American right there is. To protect it, we’ve got to: - Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act - Enact automatic and same-day voter registration - Stand up to Republican voter suppression efforts",2373,10266,403,46715 1291540507416559617,2020-08-07 01:03,,"Earlier today, I made some comments about diversity in the African American and Latino communities that I want to clarify. In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith—not by identity, not on issues, not at all.",37274,12090,9764,84195 1291540508091854849,2020-08-07 01:03,,"Throughout my career I've witnessed the diversity of thought, background, and sentiment within the African American community. It's this diversity that makes our workplaces, communities, and country a better place.",2694,4040,423,37612 1291540508796428290,2020-08-07 01:03,,"My commitment to you is this: I will always listen, I will never stop fighting for the African American community and I will never stop fighting for a more equitable future.",5277,5310,677,46871 1291690888477970432,2020-08-07 11:01,,President Trump called Arizona “a model for applying a science-based approach to the decreasing cases and hospitalizations without implementing a punishing lockdown.” He said Governor Ducey’s approach should be used by other states—but here’s what’s really happening in Arizona:,3504,11623,709,45069 1291690889174228992,2020-08-07 11:01,,"Gov. Ducey is rushing reopening without adequate testing and contact tracing. He’s withholding support for increased testing and making local leaders plead for it. He’s refusing to implement a mask mandate and turning his back on older Americans and those at greater risk.",364,3428,115,16844 1291690889874743296,2020-08-07 11:01,,"Here’s how COVID-19 affected Arizonans under the Trump—Ducey model: - An infection rate—still—of nearly 20% - The fifth-highest number of current hospitalizations in the country - More than 4,000 deaths from COVID-19 - More than 183,000 cases - Lengthy delays in test results",861,4933,169,21645 1291690890566737920,2020-08-07 11:01,,The truth is that President Trump could have acted months ago to curb this pandemic—it's obvious he still hasn’t learned his lesson. He continues to ignore the warnings of health experts and we're all paying the price.,1464,6377,258,27208 1291762273023737858,2020-08-07 15:45,,"While I am grateful for the people who got their jobs back, my heart goes out to the more than 16 million Americans still out of work. The truth is it didn't have to be this bad, but Donald Trump failed to act. He's the one person who should lose his job.",3459,9948,526,41334 1291784921841688578,2020-08-07 17:15,,Make no mistake: This economic crisis is due to President Trump’s failure to get this virus under control.,4545,11045,816,35276 1291816882434121728,2020-08-07 19:22,,"Here’s the truth—Donald Trump turned his back on the middle class long before COVID-19. He cut taxes for the super-wealthy, drove U.S. manufacturing into a recession, and stacked the deck against hardworking Americans. It's time we pick a different path.",3152,6281,391,21149 1291837770080583688,2020-08-07 20:45,,It didn't have to be this bad.,4886,18238,1344,54407 1291869982196809728,2020-08-07 22:53,,"I believe every American deserves a fair shot at success — not just the Mar-a-Lago crowd. That’s why as president, I’ll reverse Donald Trump’s giant tax giveaways to the super-wealthy and big corporations, and build an economy that works for everyone.",6655,18137,1099,99128 1291899426408079364,2020-08-08 00:50,,"I can’t believe I have to say this, but we can’t let Donald Trump open up the Grand Canyon for uranium mining.",18277,56952,5666,323579 1292083142308687872,2020-08-08 13:00,,"John Lewis will be remembered as a moral giant who dedicated his life to creating a more just, equal, and moral America. Donald Trump will not.",3176,17652,1116,71378 1292113338357489666,2020-08-08 15:00,,"No President can promise to prevent future outbreaks. But I'll promise you this: when I'm President we will prepare better, respond better, and recover better.",15504,29603,2535,206448 1292139760195178498,2020-08-08 16:45,,"Our nation is desperate for leadership — leadership that can unite us and steer us through these crises. But at the most critical moment of his presidency, Donald Trump has nothing to offer.",8542,11588,1211,63341 1292173738910216192,2020-08-08 19:00,,"The fact is, Donald Trump left our nation unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health crisis of our lifetime — and we're paying the price every single day.",4025,14494,1091,43388 1292207707894685696,2020-08-08 21:15,,"Between the coronavirus and the economic crisis, this is a tough time for our country, I know. But I firmly believe that our best days still lie ahead. Together, we will climb out of these crises and emerge stronger than before.",4564,8719,702,50032 1292226583101497344,2020-08-08 22:30,,"It’s an important choice, and I want you to be one of the first to know who I’ve picked as my running mate – text FIRST to 30330 to get notified when I’ve made my decision.",8184,6650,1194,46135 1292249233316130816,2020-08-09 00:00,,"Donald Trump has refused to take serious action to combat the COVID-19 crisis. And as a result, he got what he’s always wanted — the U.S. isolated from the rest of the world.",3414,21603,1542,57040 1292256781826052097,2020-08-09 00:30,,"Today, Donald Trump stated that if re-elected, he'll undermine the entire financial footing of Social Security. Our seniors and millions of Americans with disabilities are under enough stress without their hard-earned Social Security benefits in doubt.",3919,17618,1114,45087 1292264334287044609,2020-08-09 01:00,,"The United States just passed 5 million reported infections of COVID-19. It’s a number that boggles the mind and breaks the heart. Each time the number goes up, it represents a life altered, a family stricken with anxiety, a community on edge. It shouldn’t have gotten this bad.",8398,19792,1330,95405 1292445526005252096,2020-08-09 13:00,,"Giving the Trump administration another four years in office would have catastrophic implications for future generations. His victory would threaten the future of our democracy, and we must vote him out this November.",5166,13404,912,56476 1292475731172261894,2020-08-09 15:00,,Our planet can’t take four more years of Donald Trump. We have to get him out of the White House so we can start treating the climate crisis like the urgent threat it is.,26206,30658,4173,199491 1292505925685633025,2020-08-09 17:00,,It's been six years since Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson — reigniting a movement. We must continue the work of tackling systemic racism and reforming policing.,20518,11389,3325,69503 1292539896465416192,2020-08-09 19:15,,We can’t let Donald Trump destroy the U.S. Postal Service.,21279,42014,4031,266629 1292573870281629697,2020-08-09 21:30,,Every single eligible American should have the opportunity to vote-by-mail this November. If it's good enough for Donald Trump — then it's good enough for you and me.,11617,20632,1470,113165 1292841887401992193,2020-08-10 15:15,,"To the millions of Americans struggling to get by right now — those who can't find a job or pay the bills: I want you to know that I see you, and I won't forget you — and I'm going to fight every day in the White House to build an economy that works for you.",13081,20038,2153,105748 1292870827168342017,2020-08-10 17:10,,"Donald Trump’s surrender to the pandemic has led to a resurgence of the virus and more economic pain and anxiety for millions of Americans. After six months of a nation in crisis, he still has no plan to get us through. But I do:",2617,7102,441,23577 1292888443261919232,2020-08-10 18:20,,"President Trump keeps attacking the U.S. Postal Service, and now hundreds of thousands of veterans aren't getting their life-saving medications on time. It's despicable. I promise you that as president, I will never put politics over the care of our nation's veterans.",3192,15910,830,49941 1292924430272921606,2020-08-10 20:43,,"Donald Trump said that if he’s re-elected, he’ll defund Social Security. We can't let that happen.",35737,34220,6272,166766 1292928711243771911,2020-08-10 21:00,,Bristol Bay is no place for a mine — our administration decided that in 2014. We're only discussing it today because Donald Trump's EPA reversed course hours after a closed-door meeting with the mining company's CEO.,1108,5564,320,15456 1292951358027362304,2020-08-10 22:30,,"Folks, we need to listen to our frontline heroes. Wear a mask. It’s not just about you. It’s about keeping your family, neighbors, and fellow citizens safe.",1853,6184,285,20622 1292984073317646338,2020-08-11 00:40,,Social Security is the bedrock of American retirement — giving countless Americans peace of mind and the ability to retire with dignity. I've been fighting to protect and expand the program throughout my career — and I'll continue that fight as president.,6044,17084,1066,81298 1293012127708516353,2020-08-11 02:31,,"This is the latest dire consequence of Donald Trump looking the other way on Beijing's repression in Hong Kong. Instead of standing for freedom and democracy, he consistently stands with Xi Jinping. I'll put American values back at the center of our foreign policy.",4980,7162,659,30403 1293175334037262336,2020-08-11 13:20,,"I promise you if I'm elected, I won't waste any time getting this virus under control. I'll call Dr. Fauci and ask him to stay on. I'll bring together top experts and leaders from both parties to chart a path forward. We'll get it done, together.",26847,40710,5559,303465 1293215600680951810,2020-08-11 16:00,,"Don't forget that in the middle of this pandemic, the Trump Administration is in court trying to eliminate Obamacare and rip health insurance away from millions. It's heartless. I'll protect and build on the ACA to ensure everyone gets the care they need.",2967,9979,486,36389 1293280411150217219,2020-08-11 20:17,,"I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate.",63670,167176,51819,834047 1293280412144267264,2020-08-11 20:17,,"Back when Kamala was Attorney General, she worked closely with Beau. I watched as they took on the big banks, lifted up working people, and protected women and kids from abuse. I was proud then, and I'm proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign.",7709,33469,2146,232644 1293340421444124672,2020-08-12 00:16,,"Let’s go win this, @KamalaHarris.",18575,62341,7612,482005 1293382196925837312,2020-08-12 03:02,,"Thanks to supporters like you, we are on track to have our biggest fundraising day ever. Together, we can win this. Join us.",2366,5089,261,31655 1293517596323655680,2020-08-12 12:00,,"Right now, America faces: - The worst pandemic in 100 years - The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression - The most powerful calls for racial justice in a generation I need someone alongside me who's smart, tough, and ready to lead. @KamalaHarris is that person.",5081,19362,1041,123090 1293532721105403904,2020-08-12 13:00,,".@KamalaHarris is the daughter of proud immigrants—a mother from India and a father from Jamaica—who raised her to take action. That’s exactly what this moment calls for: action. And we hope you’ll take action with us:",3500,17134,2076,75016 1293554330851827712,2020-08-12 14:26,,"If @KamalaHarris and I are elected, we’re going to inherit multiple crises, a nation divided, and a world in disarray. We won’t have a minute to waste. That's exactly why I picked her: She's ready to lead on day one.",25939,35830,4792,273934 1293569178838929416,2020-08-12 15:25,,"As the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, @KamalaHarris grew up believing in the promise of America because she saw it firsthand. Together, Kamala and I are going to fight every single day in the White House to make sure that promise is fulfilled for all Americans.",4661,14236,861,94340 1293593087172730880,2020-08-12 17:00,,"Whether it's taking on the big banks or pushing for marriage equality—Kamala never shies away from fighting tooth and nail for what's right. It's why I chose her to be my running mate. She'll wake up every day thinking about how to make life better for the people of our country.",4079,9103,569,60074 1293651338157412352,2020-08-12 20:51,,"This afternoon, @KamalaHarris and I will be speaking together for the first time since yesterday’s big announcement. Tune in:",1215,3302,271,16182 1293653486454833156,2020-08-12 21:00,,"We’ve all watched @KamalaHarris in the Senate go toe-to-toe with Trump officials trying to hide the truth, asking the tough questions that need to be asked — and not stopping until she gets an answer. She’s ready to do this job.",2042,7441,276,53040 1293654742820777984,2020-08-12 21:05,,"This morning, little girls woke up across this nation — especially Black and Brown girls who so often may feel overlooked and undervalued in our society — potentially seeing themselves in a new way: As the stuff of Presidents and Vice Presidents.",20044,23978,4325,200468 1293657007522811912,2020-08-12 21:14,,"Working families need someone on their side...because they certainly don’t have anyone on their side with this president. That’s going to change in the Biden-Harris administration.",2531,5340,308,32070 1293658014197710850,2020-08-12 21:18,,"If you’re worried about whether you’ll have a job, worried about the poisons in the air you breathe and water you drink, worried about your civil rights or even your basic dignity being under attack—@KamalaHarris has had your back. Now, we have to have hers.",7903,11469,1186,64969 1293659775796776961,2020-08-12 21:25,,One of the reasons I chose @KamalaHarris is because we both believe you can define America in one simple word — possibilities.,9047,14663,1476,124052 1293666570523168769,2020-08-12 21:52,,"Let's get to work, @KamalaHarris.",17365,35184,10863,265876 1293690095762104320,2020-08-12 23:25,,"Heather Heyer was a brave young woman who saw what was happening in her hometown of Charlottesville and decided to fight against it. Let us honor her memory by continuing to stand against hate.",2101,6775,317,45839 1293690094554099713,2020-08-12 23:25,,"Three years ago today, white supremacists descended on Charlottesville with torches in hand and hate in their hearts. Our president said they were ""very fine people."" It was clear then, and it's clear now: We are in a battle for the soul of our nation, and we must win.",26964,20971,4722,118915 1293735273201770496,2020-08-13 02:25,,"When I called @KamalaHarris yesterday to ask her to be my running mate, I wanted to make sure Jill and Doug got to say hello. You’re honorary Bidens now!",6405,13120,1630,90505 1293910176026763264,2020-08-13 14:00,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation. And if we're going to get through these crises — we need to come together and unite for a better America. @KamalaHarris gets that — and I believe there's no better person to help me get the job done.",5203,12735,780,80662 1293936600552939520,2020-08-13 15:45,,"When I was making my decision, I knew I needed someone who’s ready to help lead the nation on day one. @KamalaHarris is that person.",3280,5871,516,35304 1293957487436140549,2020-08-13 17:08,,.@DrBiden and I are keeping the people of Iowa and everyone impacted by Monday's derecho in our prayers. We've got to make sure Iowans and those across the midwest get the relief they need for a quick and full recovery.,1228,3593,185,18239 1293970573559599105,2020-08-13 18:00,,"I first met @KamalaHarris through my son Beau. They grew close while fighting to take on the big banks — and he had enormous respect for her and her work. There is no one’s opinion I valued more than Beau’s, and I’m proud to have Kamala standing with me on this campaign.",4188,9231,463,84691 1293998759320444935,2020-08-13 19:52,,I know @KamalaHarris will work every single day to make life better for all Americans and build this nation back better than before.,3788,4717,427,29992 1294027196877508610,2020-08-13 21:45,,"The hard truth is Black women still only get paid 62 cents for every dollar white men make. It's unacceptable. My administration will work to close the pay gap for Black women and create an economy where everyone gets a fair return for their work. #BlackWomensEqualPayDay",5371,5820,760,26673 1294041792858529798,2020-08-13 22:43,,"There’s no better partner than @KamalaHarris to help me beat Donald Trump, but we can’t do it without your help. Chip in today to help us win in November:",2507,3442,244,17154 1294057395887333376,2020-08-13 23:45,,".@KamalaHarris is going to stand with me in this campaign — and all of us are going to stand up for her. Together, we're going to make history.",3728,8829,637,43433 1294067462279843840,2020-08-14 00:25,,82 days.,7062,14113,1271,127846 1294280868605956098,2020-08-14 14:33,,"The choice we make this November will decide the future of America. I have no doubt @KamalaHarris is the right partner to join me to lead our nation through this moment.",2416,4761,313,25410 1294297729678495744,2020-08-14 15:40,,"Today marks 85 years since the Social Security Act was signed into law, providing protection for the most vulnerable. Now we’re living in a moment where we must strengthen our commitment to Social Security — not defund it.",3104,12477,497,62173 1294323650254868481,2020-08-14 17:23,,"Voting by mail is safe and secure. And don't take my word for it: Take it from the President, who just requested his mail-in ballot for the Florida primary on Tuesday.",23647,67039,5339,317331 1294336737012068355,2020-08-14 18:15,,What kind of president tries to defund Social Security during an economic crisis?,4200,9228,832,29095 1294350074399449089,2020-08-14 19:08,,"People are losing their homes. Millions have already lost their paychecks. Our country is in crisis. The virus isn’t taking a break — Republicans shouldn’t either. The House did their job. President Trump, bring the Senate back and pass a relief bill. Now.",4337,15914,761,65771 1294374485093543936,2020-08-14 20:45,,"The fate of Social Security is on the ballot in November. As President, I will never, ever defund Social Security. I’ll strengthen it. Anything less is a failure of a president’s most important duty: to care for the American people.",1881,5592,425,19750 1294382034899677184,2020-08-14 21:15,,"This afternoon, @KamalaHarris and I filled out our paperwork to get on the ballot in November. Now, we're counting on you to do your part to make sure you're set to vote. Get registered today:",3709,7984,584,44133 1294400909640900608,2020-08-14 22:30,,"I know just how important Social Security is for countless Americans. That's why as president, I'll protect and strengthen it — not defund it.",5453,16688,777,103149 1294421041788456962,2020-08-14 23:50,,We’ve got to protect and expand Social Security — I’ll get it done as President.,2872,5171,317,27024 1294437399586627585,2020-08-15 00:55,,.@KamalaHarris' story is America's story.,3000,4574,286,21249 1294636713051131909,2020-08-15 14:07,,"Donald Trump has had a lot of failures in his career, but he knows how to do one thing well: inherit something great and squander it. And never take any responsibility.",8417,40550,3904,125592 1294658859190059009,2020-08-15 15:35,,"Come January, there won’t be any time to waste repairing the damage of the last four years and beginning the work of building back better. @KamalaHarris and I are ready to get to work on day one.",4702,8001,601,45340 1294681508859576321,2020-08-15 17:05,,I know a thing or two about being Vice President — and I know @KamalaHarris is the best partner I could have for the fight ahead.,14333,19940,1760,183500 1294715482298372098,2020-08-15 19:20,,"This was a big week for our campaign: @KamalaHarris joined me on the ticket and we had our best fundraising week yet. Together, we are building the coalition that will beat Donald Trump. Chip in if you’re able to keep the momentum going:",3413,2800,154,13362 1294738131271348225,2020-08-15 20:50,,"William Perry Pendley has no business working at @blmnational and I'm happy to see his nomination to lead it withdrawn. In a Biden Administration, folks who spend their careers selling off public lands won't get anywhere near being tapped to protect them.",1824,3675,167,15200 1294763297095340032,2020-08-15 22:30,,.@KamalaHarris has spent her entire life fighting for what’s right — and I know she’ll continue that fight when we get to the White House.,3197,5767,336,27497 1294787205030846465,2020-08-16 00:05,,We can meet the challenge of COVID-19 and turn the corner on this pandemic. We just need a president and vice president ready and willing to lead.,5409,6221,500,31144 1294978495383310336,2020-08-16 12:45,,"Mr. President, Jill and I are sad to learn of your younger brother Robert’s passing. I know the tremendous pain of losing a loved one — and I know how important family is in moments like these. I hope you know that our prayers are with you all.",18771,37929,9525,486593 1295012690755112967,2020-08-16 15:01,,We need nationwide mask mandates.,33234,37146,6233,328683 1295048425864663040,2020-08-16 17:23,,".@KamalaHarris is smart, tough, and experienced. She knows how to govern and make the hard calls. She's ready to hit the ground running on day one.",6487,11446,869,94319 1295074095198023681,2020-08-16 19:05,,I’m trying to get my miles in before the Secret Service stops me.,10624,19018,4067,122596 1295095486404206592,2020-08-16 20:30,,The United States of America can be defined by one word: possibilities. There’s not a single thing we can’t achieve if we set our minds to it.,2112,3399,276,18393 1295114360268849152,2020-08-16 21:45,,Donald Trump and Congress need to act now to deliver the relief the American people need.,1609,3573,184,13432 1295133234637025284,2020-08-16 23:00,,"Here’s my promise to you: If I’m elected president, I will always choose to unite rather than divide. I’ll take responsibility instead of blaming others. I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me — it’s about you.",24649,34193,4355,245353 1295152109143433216,2020-08-17 00:15,,"As Attorney General of the largest state in the country, @KamalaHarris took on the big banks over mortgage fraud, and Big Oil when they wanted to pollute without consequences. She's the kind of fighter I need alongside me in the White House.",5210,9501,556,60154 1295359475453440000,2020-08-17 13:59,,"The hard truth is that our economy wasn't working for folks long before this crisis. It's why we can't just go back to the way things were — we have to build back better. We've got to create an economy that works for everyone — not just the wealthy and well-connected.",8310,12791,1232,70673 1295381118238171136,2020-08-17 15:25,,"We may be physically apart, but this week Democrats are coming together from across the nation to put forth our vision for a better America. #DemConvention Tune in tonight at 9 PM ET to join us:",2224,4069,251,16022 1295412576126304257,2020-08-17 17:30,,"There are only 78 days until Election Day — and @KamalaHarris and I need your help to make Donald Trump a one-term president. Sign up today and let’s get to work:",2356,3403,215,15417 1295442776172240896,2020-08-17 19:30,,"Secretary Esper and President Trump, it's a president's job to protect the health and safety of our troops and their families. Gutting the military health care system — no less during a global pandemic — is unacceptable.",1532,6185,427,18535 1295465426193915920,2020-08-17 21:00,,Just imagine where we would be right now if we had a president who listened to the scientists.,25082,40194,4758,323144 1295510470321778688,2020-08-17 23:59,,"We’re just over an hour away from night one of the @DemConvention. I hope you’ll join me and Democrats across the country as we unite around our vision for a better America. Tune in at 9 PM ET:",1499,1894,159,9541 1295526318084255744,2020-08-18 01:01,,People from across the nation are (virtually) coming together for the start of the #DemConvention. Tune in at 9PM ET.,2443,2481,241,9577 1295526998434095104,2020-08-18 01:04,,"""We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union""...We the people know what is at stake in this election. Join me and @TeamJoe for the 48th Democratic National Convention. #DemConvention",947,2816,233,11590 1295529965589532673,2020-08-18 01:16,,,459,1682,78,8114 1295530475235291137,2020-08-18 01:18,,"Thank you @Gwen4Congress and the people of Milwaukee for hosting this year's Democratic National Convention. I wish we could be there to celebrate in person, but I look forward to virtually coming together with folks across the country to make history. #DemConvention",960,3729,139,27542 1295531669580120064,2020-08-18 01:23,,"""We are the United States of America. There's not a single thing we cannot do if we do it together."" #DemConvention",3287,20927,4183,72995 1295534984338509824,2020-08-18 01:36,,,300,1050,35,5808 1295536160224288771,2020-08-18 01:41,,These last few months have been a wake-up call for our nation. It's up to all of us to do the work to create that more perfect union we've always strived to be. I'm proud of @DemConvention for tonight's powerful conversation on racial justice. #DemConvention,654,1640,86,7281 1295536656846594049,2020-08-18 01:43,,"Thank you, Congressman Clyburn.",614,2511,93,18065 1295538656111820800,2020-08-18 01:51,,"George Floyd had a giving spirit. I see that in his family, I see that in his daughter. George Floyd should be alive today. #DemConvention",1204,2372,201,13429 1295539662631645189,2020-08-18 01:55,,".@AndrewCuomo, thank you for your leadership and the example you’ve set for all Americans during this pandemic. #DemConvention",8191,6267,1653,36334 1295539804030021637,2020-08-18 01:55,,No family should go through the pain that Kristin and her family have gone through. #DemConvention,671,3657,176,17089 1295542102181523456,2020-08-18 02:04,,"If we want to build back better and deliver real change for the American people, then we've got to flip the U.S. Senate. And the path to doing so runs right through Maine. Thank you, @SaraGideon for being with us tonight. #DemConvention",588,4674,183,17117 1295546205762727938,2020-08-18 02:21,,"""I believe that Americans have more in common than what divides us."" I couldn't agree more. What we need to do in both Alabama and Washington is to bring folks together. @DougJones knows that in his core. #DemConvention",591,2092,138,9636 1295547715825344513,2020-08-18 02:27,,Governor @GretchenWhitmer — thank you for your support and for meeting the COVID-19 crisis with the urgency it demands. The people of Michigan are lucky to have you leading the way. #DemConvention,676,1956,105,13021 1295548722613493760,2020-08-18 02:31,,"“Out of many, Americans are one.” — @AmyKlobuchar #DemConvention",435,1751,68,9704 1295549729275707392,2020-08-18 02:35,,"The leaders who ran in the 2020 primary with me represent the best of America. They made me a better candidate, and they make us a better nation. I am proud to have their support. Together, we will defeat Donald Trump. #DemConvention",670,3286,195,14156 1295554762302033921,2020-08-18 02:55,,"""A president's words have the power to move markets. They can start wars or broker peace. They can summon our better angels or awaken our worst instincts. You simply cannot fake your way through this job."" #DemConvention",1824,9111,597,43289 1295556022786875392,2020-08-18 03:00,,"""Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his is what it is."" #DemConvention",5952,29814,2620,142770 1295557782092025856,2020-08-18 03:07,,"""If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it."" #DemConvention",3178,11036,883,58309 1295574335047045120,2020-08-18 04:12,,"Tonight we saw that Americans are ready to come together, and that we the people can overcome these crises and emerge stronger than ever. Chip in to help us beat Donald Trump and set our nation on a new path. #DemConvention",1885,2384,144,13613 1295720649055440896,2020-08-18 13:54,,"A good step forward. Yet President Trump continues to do everything he can to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. I will defend the rights of all Americans to have access to quality, affordable health care, free from discrimination.",1594,4277,189,20380 1295759864648609795,2020-08-18 16:30,,"Donald Trump still doesn’t have a plan to get this virus under control. His failure to lead is costing American lives. Here’s what I’ll do as president:",2922,6513,470,23430 1295786288826601472,2020-08-18 18:15,,"Our nation was founded on a simple idea: All men—and women—are created equal. We’ve never fully lived up to it, but we won’t stop trying. As we mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, let’s make sure we don’t wait another 100 years to fulfill that founding promise.",3653,10034,627,61118 1295828315056623616,2020-08-18 21:02,,Be a patriot. Protect your fellow citizens. Wear a mask.,15076,32097,2432,257803 1295864301845123073,2020-08-18 23:25,,"We're in a battle for the soul of this nation. Who we are, what we stand for, and who we want to be — it's all at stake. We've got to beat Donald Trump. Register to vote today to help us do it:",3217,5359,399,23646 1295887792078065665,2020-08-19 00:58,,"Last night, folks from across the country came together to show how much stronger we are when we stand united. Looking forward to tonight where we'll talk about why leadership matters, and hear from my favorite #DemConvention speaker, @DrBiden.",2281,2075,129,9474 1295892991018639363,2020-08-19 01:19,,America is an idea stronger than any army and bigger than any ocean. It’s more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It offers hope. #DemConvention,914,2805,166,12557 1295895507563245568,2020-08-19 01:29,,"These young leaders represent not just the next generation, but the diversity of our great nation. #DemConvention",484,1692,78,9338 1295896514150137857,2020-08-19 01:33,,"I remember helping President Carter with his campaign back when I was a first-term Senator. I'm deeply honored to have his support today. Thank you, Mr. President. #DemConvention",885,5375,235,35473 1295898527566970880,2020-08-19 01:41,,.@SallyQYates is right: This president has done nothing but use his position to benefit himself rather than our country #DemConvention,855,2988,116,13726 1295900540694433792,2020-08-19 01:49,,Jacquelyn: Your nomination means the world to me. Thank you — and I hope you know: we love you back. #DemConvention,1319,11469,1142,73981 1295909097112395776,2020-08-19 02:23,,It is the honor of my life to accept the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States of America. #DemConvention,15207,43492,4650,423147 1295912117065797633,2020-08-19 02:35,,"Thank you, @AdyBarkan for your courage and for all that you do to ensure a more just, more equal America. #DemConvention",973,6589,615,33607 1295916143471808513,2020-08-19 02:51,,"John McCain was a good man, and a good friend. He made this country better. I miss him dearly. #DemConvention",2374,13455,1453,84621 1295921176519364610,2020-08-19 03:11,,"Jill loves fiercely, cares deeply, and nothing stops her when she sets her mind to making something right. For all of you across the country, just think of your favorite educator who gave you the confidence to believe in yourself. That’s the kind of First Lady Jill will be.",2792,14057,607,116820 1295922106589487106,2020-08-19 03:14,,❤️,2729,9983,763,123736 1295925706468274183,2020-08-19 03:29,,Tonight made one thing clear: We need to restore real leadership to the White House — and we need to do it now. Chip in to help us make it happen.,1611,2146,149,12027 1296083244694216704,2020-08-19 13:55,,"I might be a little biased, but I think @DrBiden gave the best speech in convention history last night. Check it out along with other highlights from night two of the #DemConvention:",1979,6503,418,44890 1296107655723921415,2020-08-19 15:32,,The brave citizens of Belarus are showing their voices will not be silenced by terror or torture. The U.S. should support Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya's call for fair elections. Russia must be told not to interfere—this is not about geopolitics but the right to choose one's leaders.,2237,12034,797,62786 1296134834545283072,2020-08-19 17:20,,"We have the power to write the future we want for this country — and it starts at the ballot box this November. Register to vote today and let’s get to work:",1089,2600,166,9383 1296158742115827712,2020-08-19 18:55,,"When it comes down to it, Kamala and Doug share the same basic values set that Jill and I do — and it all starts with family. It’s at the very core of who we are. And it’s why I’m confident they’re the best possible partners for the road ahead.",1427,2800,149,15719 1296176609788076034,2020-08-19 20:06,,"You are the rock of our family, Jilly. I am and have always been in awe of you.",1716,5754,365,46687 1296195232858542083,2020-08-19 21:20,,"They say choosing your running mate is the most important decision you make when you’re running for president. Well, I’m confident I made the right choice. Tonight, @KamalaHarris speaks directly to America. Tune in at 9 PM ET:",1953,3577,237,24130 1296224173161816064,2020-08-19 23:15,,"The truth is, there's not a lot of people whose opinion I valued more than Beau's. When I was deciding who to pick as my running mate, I thought a lot about his friendship with @KamalaHarris and the respect he had for her. I know he'd be proud of my choice.",1014,4200,199,23498 1296236756317200384,2020-08-20 00:05,,"Let’s make history tonight, @KamalaHarris.",6931,20421,1284,219425 1296246966381432833,2020-08-20 00:45,,"When Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the President threw paper towels and abandoned the victims. Turns out he even wanted to sell the island. He turned his back on Puerto Ricans, but I promise you this: I never will.",1320,5869,291,23402 1296249856801902594,2020-08-20 00:57,,"We can’t go back to the way things were before these crises, because things weren’t working for far too many Americans. Tonight, we’ll discuss our plans to build back better and set this nation on a new path.",2715,2304,194,9227 1296251855782031361,2020-08-20 01:05,,You heard @KamalaHarris: Your voice is your vote. So get prepared for the election and make a plan for how you’ll cast your ballot. #DemConvention,1246,4095,189,20413 1296255127158841345,2020-08-20 01:18,,"I made a promise to families hurt by gun violence to never, ever give up on the fight. Tonight, I make the same promise to you. #DemConvention",552,2033,84,11013 1296255630483894272,2020-08-20 01:20,,I’m doing this for Gabby. I’m doing this for so many families who have lost a loved one to gun violence. We’re going to be on the right side of history. #DemConvention,798,6485,456,36345 1296257643653165056,2020-08-20 01:28,,"When I hear the words “climate change,” I hear another word: “jobs.” We can solve our climate crisis and our economic crisis at the same time. #DemConvention",1002,3356,289,15825 1296258902120517633,2020-08-20 01:33,,I’ll just say what @billieeilish said: vote like your life depends on it. #DemConvention,15881,13663,5084,81296 1296271988126814208,2020-08-20 02:25,,"I authored the Violence Against Women Act, and as president I’ll expand our efforts to end gender-based violence. Thank you, @Mariska, @RuthMGlenn, and Carly Dryden for your courage and advocacy. Together, we’ll get this done. #DemConvention",795,3586,214,18133 1296273498164404224,2020-08-20 02:31,,"Hillary: tonight, I’m reminded of one of your favorite sayings — rooted in the faith we both share: “Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, for as long as you can.” Thanks for always living by that, and reminding us to do the same.",3835,15283,779,116289 1296276722892124160,2020-08-20 02:43,,“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t.”,14254,35919,2695,231791 1296286109652193280,2020-08-20 03:21,,"Kamala Harris will be an incredible Vice President. Now let’s get to work. We don’t have a minute to waste.",6133,22382,1038,221466 1296288346545717249,2020-08-20 03:30,,I believe there’s not a single thing we can’t do if we do it together. Chip in to help us build the movement that will beat Donald Trump and put me and @KamalaHarris in the White House.,1358,2284,105,13291 1296429516307431424,2020-08-20 12:50,,".@BarackObama led our nation back from the brink of economic collapse. He rallied the world to take on the scourge of terror and the threat of climate change. When he tells you that our democracy is on the line this fall: listen. Vote.",2862,6799,408,34813 1296441102770286592,2020-08-20 13:37,,"Last night we made history when we nominated @KamalaHarris to be the next Vice President. Watch the highlights from night three of the #DemConvention:",1593,4169,288,22896 1296482122832777221,2020-08-20 16:20,,"Donald Trump is not responsible for COVID-19 — but he does bear full responsibility for the failed national response. We've got to hold him accountable this November.",7331,26654,1402,188452 1296511566888579072,2020-08-20 18:17,,"When I first launched my campaign, I said we're in a battle for the soul of this nation. As I accept the nomination tonight, it's clear what's at stake in the next 75 days. We can and will win. Join us in the fight:",1040,2127,100,11381 1296527421391298560,2020-08-20 19:20,,"Tonight, I'll officially accept the nomination to be President of the United States of America. Before my speech, join us for a Grassroots Fest featuring James Taylor and Doug Emhoff. Chip in now to reserve your spot:",890,1934,88,11894 1296538746171449344,2020-08-20 20:05,,"From my days as a public defender to my time as Vice President — I’ve dedicated my entire life to serving this country, and I’m not done yet.",2556,6374,384,32584 1296552589106937856,2020-08-20 21:00,,"The story of this campaign has had its ups and downs, but through its course we’ve brought our party and nation together. Now, it’s time for the final chapter. Let’s do this.",1578,4007,373,16046 1296583289780801536,2020-08-20 23:02,,"Folks, it's the final night of the #DemConvention and @TeamJoe is hosting an after party that you won't want to miss. Sign up to join us:",1039,1580,105,7792 1296591594431209472,2020-08-20 23:35,,"I first ran for Senate when I was 29 years old, and I’m as optimistic about our future now as I was then. It’s time to set our nation on a new path. One where we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone has a fair shot to get ahead.",3448,6624,492,48857 1296599144119914499,2020-08-21 00:05,,It's the honor of my life to be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Tune in at 9 PM ET as I deliver my acceptance speech:,933,2061,122,12676 1296605436691456001,2020-08-21 00:30,,"As our Muslim friends and neighbors mark the start of the Islamic New Year and honor the sacrifice made during the holy month of #Muharram, let us all recommit to standing together in the struggle for compassion, equality, and justice.",3590,11610,1481,77971 1296609210252304386,2020-08-21 00:45,,"I’m inspired to see folks from across the country coming together for the #DemConvention. I'm more confident than ever we can beat Donald Trump — but we have to stand together. If you're with us, chip in today:",694,1080,70,6036 1296609450422226944,2020-08-21 00:45,,"We’ve been tested. This is a critical moment. Tonight, we’ll take the next step to restore leadership to this country and the White House. Watch live:",3465,2744,252,11460 1296621289935781889,2020-08-21 01:33,,"John Lewis was a dear friend. He was the best of who we are and what we can become. And he held onto the promise of this country until his final breath. We miss you, John. #DemConvention",1139,7235,327,37844 1296632614636253184,2020-08-21 02:18,,"Beau is with me every single day. If he was here tonight, he would remind me ‘just be who you are.’ I’m a better person because of him. #DemConvention",1639,9322,666,66404 1296638402788339712,2020-08-21 02:41,,".@StephenCurry30 and @ayeshacurry: Thank you for your support. When I’m president, you and your family are welcome at the White House any time. And, Riley and Ryan, the Vice President will be @KamalaHarris. I think you’ll really like her. #DemConvention",1462,7756,854,54135 1296640164274548737,2020-08-21 02:48,,I love you girls so much. I couldn’t be prouder to be your Pop. #DemConvention,1881,8428,840,84227 1296647615447207939,2020-08-21 03:17,,It is with great honor and humility that I accept this nomination for President of the United States of America.,16652,44349,4847,495933 1296652312820285446,2020-08-21 03:36,,"Who we are as a nation, what we stand for, and who we want to be — that's on the ballot this November.",6362,19736,1164,157408 1296652865574965248,2020-08-21 03:38,,"Our president has failed in his most basic duty to this nation. He failed to protect us. He failed to protect America. And that is unforgivable.",4705,18770,992,120329 1296655395428208642,2020-08-21 03:48,,"This campaign isn't just about winning votes. It's about winning the heart, and yes, the soul of America.",2008,4806,320,30225 1296656158745296896,2020-08-21 03:51,,"Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy. They are all on the ballot.",2536,6625,588,36683 1296660462533251073,2020-08-21 04:08,,"May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here, tonight as love and hope and light joined the battle for the soul of the nation.",3756,11586,1099,60868 1296662561740353536,2020-08-21 04:17,,"You placed your faith in our campaign and I can’t thank you enough. I’m grateful for your support and honored to be the Democratic nominee. With 75 days left, we’ve got to get to work. Chip in to help us win:",2063,2748,178,16480 1296828908210286592,2020-08-21 15:18,,"Donald Trump continues to cozy up to Russia while Putin persecutes civil society and journalists. Now, opposition leader Alexei Navalny is in a coma after being poisoned. It's unacceptable. Unlike Trump, I'll defend our democratic values and stand up to autocrats like Putin.",5209,10530,837,44105 1296858855331127298,2020-08-21 17:17,,"I give you my word: if you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us instead of the worst. I will be an ally of the light instead of the darkness, and we will once again be united in our love for America and for each other. Join us:",13679,9616,1224,46215 1296924538077233152,2020-08-21 21:38,,"Folks, it's been a big week. To celebrate, and to help elect Democrats up-and-down the ballot, @KamalaHarris, @DrBiden, @DouglasEmhoff and I are hosting a grassroots fundraiser. We'd love to see you there. Chip in to join us:",1036,2030,70,9737 1296934352710901760,2020-08-21 22:17,,"Brayden — When I was growing up, my mom always told me that bravery resides in every heart and that someday it will be summoned. Well, you summoned yours last night and showed the whole world that your stutter doesn't define you. I couldn't be prouder.",3866,28652,1798,211945 1296944670765809665,2020-08-21 22:58,,.@DrBiden and I are keeping all those affected by the wildfires in California in our prayers. Please heed the warnings from local officials and stay safe.,1102,5026,268,25988 1296949200567992321,2020-08-21 23:16,,Donald Trump has failed to protect the American people — and that is unforgivable.,3028,6503,415,33222 1296960021947916290,2020-08-21 23:59,,"Together, we can and will rebuild our economy. And when we do, we'll not only build it back — we'll build it back better.",2469,4212,288,22210 1296969081745154049,2020-08-22 00:35,,"I have always believed you can define America in one word: Possibilities. In America, everyone should be given the opportunity to go as far as their dreams and God-given ability will take them.",5295,9733,719,74309 1297177957966811136,2020-08-22 14:25,,"To everyone celebrating the Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi in the U.S., India, and around the world, may you overcome all obstacles, be blessed with wisdom, and find a path toward new beginnings.",4939,19324,1889,148798 1297190540941950976,2020-08-22 15:15,,We can’t take four more years of Donald Trump.,4039,7971,678,43434 1297206657576046595,2020-08-22 16:19,,"America is a nation of immigrants. Each new generation that comes to our country makes us stronger. That became even truer yesterday when @luisanaperezf, part of our campaign team in Florida, became a U.S. citizen. Thanks for choosing us, Luisana.",1354,3576,287,23907 1297228289497415683,2020-08-22 17:45,,It will be the work of the next president to restore the promise of America — for everyone. That’s my commitment to you.,2142,4456,266,24150 1297258488561836036,2020-08-22 19:45,,"Love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than darkness. This is our moment. This is our mission.",24415,43791,6875,269200 1297288687630389250,2020-08-22 21:45,,We can be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character. I believe the American people are up to it.,3509,6545,484,35713 1297318886573047813,2020-08-22 23:45,,"If I'm elected, I promise I'll work as hard for those who didn't support me as I will for those who did.",7645,14780,1480,98912 1297546385760419841,2020-08-23 14:49,,"In times as challenging as these, I believe there is only one way forward: As a united America.",2266,4973,308,27385 1297570544867475458,2020-08-23 16:25,,"I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness.",23029,25878,6865,218777 1297595030002180099,2020-08-23 18:02,,"31 years after they joined hands to demand freedom from Soviet oppression, citizens of the Baltic states formed a human chain in solidarity with Belarusians fighting to throw off the chains of dictatorship. We stand with the people of Belarus as we stood with the Baltic nations.",1380,9230,514,40272 1297617101666971648,2020-08-23 19:30,,"America is at an inflection point. We can choose the path of becoming angrier, less hopeful, and more divided. Or we can choose a different path, and together, take this chance to heal, to be reborn, to unite. A path of hope and light.",7605,11335,1227,63070 1297633459343708164,2020-08-23 20:35,,".@DrBiden and I are keeping everyone in the path of storms Laura and Marco in our prayers. Please take steps to prepare, heed the warnings of local authorities, and stay safe.",1065,3973,176,17744 1297667433239470081,2020-08-23 22:50,,"As president, the first step I will take will be to get control of the virus that's ruined so many lives. Because I understand something this president doesn't. We will never get our economy back on track until we deal with this virus.",11294,17362,1765,108119 1297694360545484801,2020-08-24 00:37,,President Obama and I established a White House office to prepare our nation for future pandemics. Donald Trump eliminated it — and we've been paying the price every single day.,10830,40690,2192,219474 1297936455986290693,2020-08-24 16:39,,"Yesterday, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by police. His kids watched from the car. Today, we woke to grieve yet again. We need a full and transparent investigation.",8079,23600,1904,108904 1298045927148539904,2020-08-24 23:54,,"This moment is bigger than any one political party. We've got to come together as Americans to save our democracy and restore the soul of our nation. Thank you, Senator @JeffFlake.",1832,7821,310,42704 1298054987394629633,2020-08-25 00:30,,"Together, united in our love for America and each other, we’ll overcome this season of darkness and restore the soul of our nation.",2431,11127,776,38721 1298069196228759562,2020-08-25 01:26,,The only person responsible for our failed COVID response is Donald Trump.,5321,27534,1332,115233 1298082669247565825,2020-08-25 02:20,,.@realDonaldTrump it didn’t have to be this bad.,4453,15283,780,66386 1298088960778842112,2020-08-25 02:45,,Donald Trump is unfit to lead our nation. But don’t just take my word for it...,7990,51652,4591,154217 1298098272037462016,2020-08-25 03:22,,"Just stay focused, folks. Let’s get to work. Join our campaign:",3848,7001,490,31574 1298330301048016898,2020-08-25 18:44,,"Two years ago, we lost a genuine American hero, and to me, a true friend. John McCain never stopped pushing me and our nation to be better. I miss him dearly.",3588,20066,1387,126956 1298343890760732673,2020-08-25 19:38,,"70 days.",4447,11314,863,75911 1298382897695645696,2020-08-25 22:13,,"It's time for us, for We the People, to come together. Because united, we can — and will — overcome this season of darkness in America.",3465,9613,594,32647 1298391957308284929,2020-08-25 22:49,,"Ignore the polls. There's simply too much on the line to take anything for granted. Register to vote: Donate: Volunteer: We can't let up until November.",4755,17108,1182,56881 1298416871369256961,2020-08-26 00:28,,"When they say “the best is yet to come,” that’s a threat.",12311,29084,2867,101063 1298444302117298178,2020-08-26 02:17,,"I believe the American people are ready for something better. This is our moment to prove hope is more powerful than fear, love is more powerful than hate, and light is more powerful than darkness. Join us:",3668,6231,391,28159 1298613668784087041,2020-08-26 13:30,,"I promise you that as president, I will protect America. I will protect you and your family. I will defend our nation from threats seen and unseen. It's the least of what we should expect from an American president.",22579,23763,3724,152534 1298627006133874699,2020-08-26 14:23,,"President Trump can try and shift blame all he wants, but the fact is Maine's hardworking lobstermen and women are hurting under his watch. They deserve better. And as President, I will work to protect the livelihood and safety of the fishing community.",2878,6331,391,28368 1298655192234237953,2020-08-26 16:15,,I know how to lead this nation through a crisis because I've done it before. I won't waste any time getting this virus under control and building our country back better.,5030,9145,750,35678 1298681622334550016,2020-08-26 18:00,,Vote early.,4873,13489,876,62559 1298697722304888833,2020-08-26 19:04,,"Once again, a Black man — Jacob Blake — was shot by the police. In front of his children. It makes me sick. Is this the country we want to be? Needless violence won’t heal us. We need to end the violence — and peacefully come together to demand justice.",23527,30890,6524,117115 1298740252262072321,2020-08-26 21:53,,"Amari was 16, not old enough to vote, but that didn't stop him from helping change the course of history. He brought his infectious passion and light to our campaign every day — and made us all better in the process. Jill and I are keeping his loved ones in our prayers.",644,3933,162,22097 1298754093599485952,2020-08-26 22:48,,"As we celebrate #WomensEqualityDay and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, we have got to renew our efforts to protect the sacred right to vote. Every eligible American should be able to make their voice heard at the ballot box. Period.",2024,6056,276,30102 1298784795875397632,2020-08-27 00:50,,"100 years ago today, the 19th Amendment was certified, giving some women the right to vote. But we still have further to go. We must carry forward the banner of equality and create that more perfect union we've always strived to be. #WomensEqualityDay",1089,2363,123,11013 1298813233214582784,2020-08-27 02:43,,"This moment demands moral leadership. And these players answered by standing up, speaking out, and using their platform for good. Now is not the time for silence.",5256,21694,970,128835 1298816001497108480,2020-08-27 02:54,,"180,000 people have died from this COVID crisis. And the heartbreaking truth is that it didn't have to happen this way.",12229,26588,1854,158937 1298823802747596801,2020-08-27 03:25,,"The contrast tonight couldn't be clearer: We can choose four more years of fear, division, and hate. Or we can choose a different path — one of hope, unity, and light. Let's overcome this era of darkness, together:",4445,6547,527,28790 1298997698587176961,2020-08-27 14:56,,"Jill and I are praying for the safety of those in the path of Hurricane Laura. If you are in an impacted area, please heed the advice of local officials.",688,2846,91,16002 1299003235261444096,2020-08-27 15:18,,"To lead America, you have to understand America. I know how hard it is for folks who are sick, struggling, and wondering how they'll get through the day. You deserve a president who will fight for you and lead our nation out of these crises. I'll get started on day one.",36203,28970,3956,91712 1299020599650648065,2020-08-27 16:27,,The cruelty of this president truly knows no bounds. We can’t let him gut Social Security and eliminate funding for disability benefits.,4124,19649,1021,62804 1299053063685038080,2020-08-27 18:36,,They got it wrong the first time. They will get it wrong again.,2995,14995,1210,45799 1299059992490721280,2020-08-27 19:03,,Tune in as @KamalaHarris discusses President Trump’s failure to lead on COVID-19 and what a Biden-Harris administration will do differently:,1528,2945,206,10533 1299086282308505601,2020-08-27 20:48,,"Last night, Vice President Mike Pence stood before America and with a straight face said, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.” His proof? The violence you’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America.",4666,17552,1126,61081 1299107421818957824,2020-08-27 22:12,,"Immigrants are not your political props, Mr. President.",3191,8128,499,41015 1299129064234446850,2020-08-27 23:38,,"I couldn't be more ready for @KamalaHarris to be the next Vice President. Chip in to help us make history:",1419,2128,131,10592 1299136865560268800,2020-08-28 00:09,,"Donald Trump and Republicans must have forgotten about the 180,000 American lives lost due to COVID-19. I promise you that, as president, I never will.",2623,7353,302,32689 1299141898901299201,2020-08-28 00:29,,"President Trump doesn’t want a second term. He wants a do-over. As he takes the stage tonight, remember: he alone is responsible for the chaos in our country. Together, we can stop it.",10552,20349,1854,95989 1299145925273612288,2020-08-28 00:45,,"This news is deeply disturbing — as an alum of @UDelaware and as an American. We need a full and swift investigation into what happened Tuesday night. With anti-Semitism on the rise across the country, we all have a moral obligation to speak out and give hate no safe harbor.",1079,4801,275,17169 1299164296329523200,2020-08-28 01:58,,"When Donald Trump says tonight you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America, look around and ask yourself: How safe do you feel in Donald Trump’s America?",38853,108691,9847,544660 1299166561299701763,2020-08-28 02:07,,"- 180,000 lives lost - Nearly 6 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 - Over 25 million Americans out of work - Countless small businesses on the brink of closing That's Donald Trump's America. We're living it every day. We can't take four more years.",5070,19437,1012,73292 1299168574515286016,2020-08-28 02:15,,President Trump has failed our nation.,2235,6281,372,20254 1299170839410216961,2020-08-28 02:24,,"When President Trump took office, he inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden administration. And just like everything else he’s inherited in his life, he squandered it.",2366,10764,628,30971 1299172852760014848,2020-08-28 02:32,,"Donald Trump calls himself a wartime president. But now, instead of leading the charge to defeat this virus, he’s waved the white flag. He abandoned the American people when we needed him most.",7078,14658,964,79931 1299174614434607104,2020-08-28 02:39,,"Donald Trump is right, this is the most important election in the history of our country. Chip in to help us get him out of the White House:",2218,3109,241,12891 1299176879295873025,2020-08-28 02:48,,"Donald Trump didn't build a wall around America, the world built a wall around us.",5115,22929,1651,77210 1299177885933039617,2020-08-28 02:52,,"Donald Trump promised to be the greatest jobs president God ever created. Instead, tens of millions of Americans are out of work and we're facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. #PromisesBroken",2534,5367,482,16519 1299179647570120704,2020-08-28 02:59,,"From the moment COVID-19 emerged, President Trump downplayed the threat it posed, refused to listen to the experts, and failed to take action to contain its spread. Now, we’re paying the price.",3941,10223,613,49335 1299180253580066816,2020-08-28 03:01,,Leadership requires foresight.,2286,7543,386,35634 1299184932384768001,2020-08-28 03:20,,Remember: every example of violence Donald Trump decries has happened on his watch. Under his leadership. During his presidency.,46877,68793,8365,306571 1299186945558482945,2020-08-28 03:28,,It’s time we bring integrity back to the White House.,7177,7788,972,38580 1299189210641907713,2020-08-28 03:37,,"Tonight is yet another reminder of what's at stake in this election. Who we are, what we stand for, and who we want to be — it's all on the ballot this November. We have to beat Donald Trump. Chip in to help us do it:",4046,3282,379,14116 1299324602863292416,2020-08-28 12:35,,Times of crisis often bring out our best as Americans — and we're seeing that right now in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura. Thank you to all of our emergency responders who are working around the clock to help people get back on their feet.,1670,5336,179,26639 1299400100331040769,2020-08-28 17:35,,"We can't let George Floyd and Jacob Blake become just another pair of hashtags. This is a moment of action. It's long past time we reform policing, reverse systemic racism, and make our communities safer.",17627,24073,2759,137751 1299409914964533248,2020-08-28 18:14,,"Mr. President, Americans are canceling weddings and holding funerals without family. They're sacrificing so more Americans don't have to die. But instead of leading by example, you hosted a super spreader event on the South Lawn. When will you take the presidency seriously?",19698,41873,4139,175761 1299428285948899329,2020-08-28 19:27,,"I am grateful for your friendship and leadership, @AbeShinzo. I’m sad to see you step down, but I know the strong alliance between our countries and peoples will continue for generations to come. Wishing you good health in the years ahead, my friend.",867,7127,388,39912 1299435332358807554,2020-08-28 19:55,,"As we mark the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ""I Have a Dream"" speech, we must continue the hard work of perfecting our union. It's up to all of us to carry on the march toward equality, liberty, and justice for all.",2270,9751,360,50754 1299445398935797760,2020-08-28 20:35,,"I know from personal experience how important access to quality, affordable health care is for a family. I know the peace of mind it brings. It's why as president, I promise I'll protect your children's health care as if they were my own.",1366,3369,195,12447 1299451941987078146,2020-08-28 21:01,,Donald Trump put our nation on the sidelines. Let’s get back in the game.,4711,9033,1403,34142 1299467041498263554,2020-08-28 22:01,,"America is at an inflection point. The calls for racial justice that sparked the March on Washington 57 years ago are ringing out again today. As we honor the legacy of that day — let's meet this moment with the urgency and action that our heroes marched for half a century ago.",2050,3917,236,14758 1299481889003024384,2020-08-28 23:00,,"The President incites violence, inspires white-supremacist shooters, and his failed COVID response is costing thousands of lives per day. When you look at the world right now, ask yourself: Do you feel safe in Trump’s America?",9089,23784,2367,65464 1299497492120326144,2020-08-29 00:02,,"America was built on a simple idea: All men — and women — are created equal. It’s time we ensured all people are treated equally as well.",9788,18175,1649,107205 1299542508586885122,2020-08-29 03:00,,"The true power of @ChadwickBoseman was bigger than anything we saw on screen. From the Black Panther to Jackie Robinson, he inspired generations and showed them they can be anything they want — even super heroes. Jill and I are praying for his loved ones at this difficult time.",4234,44355,1458,350993 1299693287184367616,2020-08-29 13:00,,I promise you this: A Biden-Harris Administration will always listen to scientists.,4015,9061,694,42808 1299723485611130887,2020-08-29 15:00,,We have a president more interested in beating people at golf than beating COVID-19.,26281,47188,5141,327347 1299738581435445250,2020-08-29 16:00,,The only thing this president has done alone is fail America.,6317,21514,1772,66413 1299761231620902913,2020-08-29 17:30,,"Folks, we’re just a few days away from our biggest end-of-month deadline yet and we need your help to hit our goal. Every donation — big or small — makes a big difference. Please chip in today:",2795,2644,252,10044 1299791428621463552,2020-08-29 19:30,,I believe there's not a single thing the American people can't accomplish if we do it together. We're going to overcome these crises and emerge stronger than before.,11503,14838,1688,98344 1299846890725560323,2020-08-29 23:10,,"I don’t know a single person who believes any part of this pandemic has been a “good thing"". Secretary DeVos and President Trump refuse to take this virus seriously—our children are paying the price.",3314,7590,451,29145 1299851827442221057,2020-08-29 23:30,,"I believe we're so much better than what we saw this week at the RNC. This is our moment to choose love over hate, hope over fear, fact over fiction. We'll overcome this era of American darkness, together.",6416,11618,903,41078 1300040570593783809,2020-08-30 12:00,,"No lies, fear-mongering, or malarkey. Just an honest conversation about the future of our nation. Tune in this Tuesday.",7269,10440,958,51862 1300100974711721984,2020-08-30 16:00,,"We run this campaign led by the values that guide my life - honesty, integrity, and compassion. @KamalaHarris and I are hard at work and want to let you into the conversation. Join us this Tuesday.",5915,9707,852,41282 1300164707081498630,2020-08-30 20:13,,"We must not become a country at war with ourselves. A country that accepts the killing of fellow Americans who do not agree with you. A country that vows vengeance toward one another. But that is the America that President Trump wants us to be, the America he believes we are.",3087,10616,642,52372 1300164706007740416,2020-08-30 20:13,,"The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable. Shooting in the streets of a great American city is unacceptable. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same.",30431,30050,6582,121005 1300164708528533505,2020-08-30 20:13,,"Donald Trump has been president for almost four years. The temperature in the country is higher, tensions run stronger, divisions run deeper. And all of us are less safe because he can’t do the job of the American president.",5316,14704,966,66023 1300210188146946050,2020-08-30 23:14,,"I’m thrilled to announce our grassroots fundraiser with our friends. I hope you’ll join @DrBiden, @JVN, @Karamo, @TanFrance, @Antoni, and @BobbyBerk this Tuesday. Chip in to reserve your spot:",1931,3899,243,16382 1300218744539619336,2020-08-30 23:48,,"This video is doctored — and a flagrant attempt to spread misinformation at the expense of a man who uses assistive technology. It should be removed. Now.",4689,26155,1235,99988 1300403965201444866,2020-08-31 12:04,,"There’s a lot happening, but I hope we don’t overlook the brave fire fighters & emergency responders in the wake of Hurricane Laura. When the storm hit, they stayed behind—even while their homes were being destroyed—to help their community recover. True American heroes.",2885,14318,479,81277 1300448261321502720,2020-08-31 15:00,,"We’re going to build back better and we will do it while creating a brighter future for you and your families. This week @KamalaHarris and I sit down to discuss how we are going to move forward—together. Join us on Tuesday.",2540,6546,444,23956 1300461343045083136,2020-08-31 15:52,,"We are facing so many crises under Donald Trump: COVID. Economic devastation. Unwarranted police violence. Emboldened white nationalists. A reckoning on race. Declining faith in a bright American future. The common thread? A president who makes things worse — not better.",6979,18139,1337,72004 1300471409735536642,2020-08-31 16:32,,Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?,64118,27310,11402,195692 1300488129418129409,2020-08-31 17:38,,Donald Trump can’t stop the violence we're seeing today – because for years he has fomented it. Tune in as I discuss the need for justice and safety in America:,2471,4441,388,14592 1300490032042725377,2020-08-31 17:46,,"Donald Trump may believe mouthing the words law and order makes him strong, but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows you how weak he is.",16758,25488,3151,122014 1300491542000361473,2020-08-31 17:52,,"I want a safe America — safe from COVID, safe from crime and looting, safe from racially motivated violence, safe from bad cops. And let’s be crystal clear: Safe from four more years of Donald Trump.",3890,17774,1065,88652 1300492800161583104,2020-08-31 17:57,,"The simple truth is Donald Trump failed to protect America. So now, he’s trying to scare America.",20722,53840,4149,294351 1300494058746458116,2020-08-31 18:02,,"Trump and Pence are running on this: “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.” And what’s their proof? The violence you’re seeing in Donald Trump’s America.",10048,34716,2311,159016 1300495317041729536,2020-08-31 18:07,,"Donald Trump keeps telling us if he was president, you'd feel safe. Well, he is president — whether he knows it or not.",13974,64566,5237,335353 1300496925129666561,2020-08-31 18:13,,"Mr. President, it’s high time you condemn violence of any form.",9764,11548,1478,55772 1300500098233839616,2020-08-31 18:26,,"More cops have died from COVID this year than have been killed on patrol. Nearly one in six small businesses in this country are closed. Do you really feel safer under Trump?",21429,40079,4116,173085 1300559741220016128,2020-08-31 22:23,,"Anyone who met Amari will tell you that he was a charismatic young man—poised for greatness. He was ready and willing to take on the world. I can tell you that in 20 years, we all would have been saying, ‘Amari for President.’ #AmariForPresident",717,2214,81,11884 1300569556382085120,2020-08-31 23:02,,"The truth is Donald Trump can't stop the violence, because for years he has fomented it.",5804,14576,1057,58443 1300576603295158272,2020-08-31 23:30,,"Folks, we're just hours away from our first end-of-month fundraising deadline of the general election. We need your help to hit our goal and show Donald Trump we have what it takes to win in November. If you're able, please chip in today:",2100,1885,215,6697 1300583900503183360,2020-08-31 23:59,,"Donald Trump looks at this violence and sees a political lifeline. He failed to protect America, so now he's trying to scare America.",2319,6758,459,24116 1300591702219132928,2020-09-01 00:30,,"If Donald Trump wants to ask the question: Who will keep you safer as President? Let’s answer it.",3704,8035,648,28827 1300599253207785472,2020-09-01 01:00,,Fear never builds the future — hope does.,2862,6281,531,25121 1300604392148733952,2020-09-01 01:20,,"I urge President Trump to join me in saying that while peaceful protest is an important right — violence is wrong. Period. If he can’t say that, then he is unfit to be President.",4861,10914,902,52186 1300604391234379778,2020-09-01 01:20,,"Tonight, President Trump declined to rebuke violence. He wouldn’t even repudiate one of his supporters who is charged with murder. He is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has stirred to put an end to it.",9917,28020,1796,133763 1300606801356959744,2020-09-01 01:30,,President Shri Pranab Mukherjee was a devout public servant who believed deeply in the importance of our two nations tackling global challenges together. Jill and I are saddened to hear of his passing — our prayers go out to his loved ones and the Indian people.,619,2676,116,17241 1300609317872295936,2020-09-01 01:40,,"Today’s press conference made it clear: we are all less safe because Donald Trump has failed at his job. We need a President who will stop violence — not incite it.",5773,14118,1065,44811 1300804101677015042,2020-09-01 14:34,,"Across the country, people rely on public transportation to get to work, see loved ones, and access essential services. But that's all under threat because Republicans refuse to do their jobs. Congress must act now to save public transit.",3200,9803,495,48413 1300811647200579589,2020-09-01 15:03,,Our nation is at an inflection point. @KamalaHarris and I sat down to discuss what brought us to this moment — and how we move forward and build back better than before. Tune in to watch:,2190,3995,276,13088 1300842856974819328,2020-09-01 17:08,,We need a president who will lower the temperature and bring the country together — not one who raises it and tears us further apart.,6257,9852,798,48046 1300868022740156417,2020-09-01 18:48,,.@DrBiden and I send our best wishes to members of the Jain faith concluding the holy observance of Paryushan and Das Lakshan. May we all find peace and reconciliation in our lives. Michhami Dukkaddam and Kshamavani!,1910,6739,635,47299 1300891426876612608,2020-09-01 20:21,,"Together, we’re going to build back better than before and set our nation on a new path.",4267,6928,587,35000 1300919864295436288,2020-09-01 22:14,,"If I’m elected president, I promise you that America will be better prepared to deal with any threats that come our way. That starts with restoring the PREDICT program that President Trump ended.",4898,13459,611,63540 1300939997059493888,2020-09-01 23:34,,"For far too long, discriminatory policies like redlining have kept Black Americans from having the same opportunities as white Americans. That’s got to change:",4766,7166,815,23066 1301162966255980545,2020-09-02 14:20,,"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear and divide us, but what he doesn't understand is that fear never builds the future — hope does.",5337,10868,918,38023 1301186118621290498,2020-09-02 15:52,,"Last month we raised $364.5 million — 95% of the donations from grassroots supporters like you and the majority online. Working people are powering our campaign — and I’m grateful. We’ve got a long way to go to close the fundraising gap and win — but we can do it. Together.",4495,11476,1319,58828 1301189337850277892,2020-09-02 16:04,,"This campaign is powered by grassroots supporters like you — and every dollar counts to close the fundraising gap with the Trump campaign. $5, $10, $15, whatever you can, chip in today:",799,1408,57,6235 1301208423036407808,2020-09-02 17:20,,President Trump has failed to address COVID-19 — and now our students and educators are paying the price. Tune in as I discuss my plan to safely and effectively reopen schools:,2394,3978,261,13434 1301219337865433097,2020-09-02 18:04,,"We all want students back in the classroom, but President Trump hasn't done the work to make sure schools can reopen safely and effectively. @KamalaHarris and I will be ready on day 1 with a roadmap for reopening.",2415,5021,316,19804 1301237205617135617,2020-09-02 19:15,,Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos are the worst possible people to lead our nation’s schools through this pandemic.,14217,40577,3184,281623 1301267404253786114,2020-09-02 21:15,,"We’re just over two months from Election Day. But in many states, you don’t have to wait until November to make your voice heard. Head to and make a plan to vote early today.",2634,6670,422,20985 1301285020448034817,2020-09-02 22:25,,"If we give Donald Trump another four years in the White House, our planet may never recover.",5100,17347,905,78034 1301302636881342466,2020-09-02 23:35,,"They're rooting for chaos and violence because they think it helps them win a second term. Now ask yourself, is that really who you think should be running the country?",8141,17305,1598,45915 1301316478889680897,2020-09-03 00:30,,"I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns. What are you hiding, @realDonaldTrump?",19493,54944,4617,263960 1301322769045557250,2020-09-03 00:55,,"Time and time again, President Trump has refused to stand up to Putin. His silence on the poisoning of Mr. Navalny is just the latest example. As president, I'll do what Trump won't: hold the Putin regime accountable for its crimes.",4289,9821,667,36412 1301535924111761408,2020-09-03 15:02,,"I've always believed we're at our best when we act as one America. It's time for us to come together, propel our nation across this turbulent threshold, and build a better future for all.",5719,12951,853,76220 1301560082933530625,2020-09-03 16:38,,"Right now, classrooms should be humming with excitement for a new year and students’ hopes for their futures. Instead, many are silent and empty because President Trump didn’t do his job. America’s families are paying the price for his failures.",8942,16093,1322,79510 1301594146390466562,2020-09-03 18:53,,"It’s time we come together as a nation to heal and address the challenges we face. Tune in to our community conversation in Kenosha, Wisconsin:",2523,4320,337,15355 1301638096992206850,2020-09-03 21:48,,"We need a president who will work to lower the temperature — not raise it. A president who will bring people together and find solutions to the challenges we face. That's what I went to Kenosha to do today, and it's what I'll do every day in the White House.",4461,8716,597,46295 1301657977821241344,2020-09-03 23:07,,This is our moment to root out systemic racism and ensure justice finally rings out for all in America.,3061,6340,453,20431 1301666282589347841,2020-09-03 23:40,,"Folks, today marks two months until Election Day. That means we have just two months to do everything we can to beat Donald Trump and restore the soul of this nation. Chip in to help us win in November:",2360,3050,192,12026 1301677355526770689,2020-09-04 00:24,,The President has a duty to set an example.,2902,7481,403,42700 1301686419421888512,2020-09-04 01:00,,"In 2016, President Trump promised to reduce the trade deficit and said: ""You will see a drop like you've never seen before."" The reality? It's the highest it's been in 12 years. American workers can't afford another four years of his failed leadership.",2037,11133,422,36276 1301697991481458688,2020-09-04 01:46,,"Here’s my promise to you: If I have the honor of serving as the next commander in chief, I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice. Always.",11556,34771,2053,158724 1301913914922299393,2020-09-04 16:04,,"Mr. President, if you don’t respect our troops, you can’t lead them.",36929,91409,10438,262365 1301926526925983744,2020-09-04 16:54,,Tune in as I discuss how our economic crisis has been worsened by President Trump's failure to get COVID-19 under control:,3872,3020,315,10956 1301990711013838849,2020-09-04 21:09,,"Now is not the time for a victory lap, Mr. President. Just because your wealthy friends and donors are doing well doesn't mean everyone else is. Get off the golf course. Call the leaders of Congress to the White House. And make a deal that delivers for working people.",1917,7763,303,40577 1301990708920844291,2020-09-04 21:09,,"I'm grateful for everyone who found work in August and found that glimmer of hope — but there is real cause for concern in this morning's jobs report. The pace of job gains in August was slower than in July. And significantly slower than May or June.",4678,11548,511,62659 1301990709910794243,2020-09-04 21:09,,"The fact is we're more than six months into this pandemic, and: - 11.5 million Americans don't have their jobs back - Almost 30 million are on unemployment - We're down 720,000 manufacturing jobs - Nearly 1 in 6 small businesses have closed their doors",1565,5962,237,29567 1302033703539937285,2020-09-05 00:00,,"Every day Donald Trump proves how morally unfit he is to lead our nation. In 60 days, we have to vote him out.",7768,7984,648,37714 1302302977953271808,2020-09-05 17:50,,Our nation’s veterans speak for themselves.,5049,18872,1443,50207 1302325123802824704,2020-09-05 19:18,,"Mr. President, enough with the weekend golf trips and erratic tweets. It's time for you to get to work and control the spread of this virus.",24852,38858,4088,198069 1302343746756005891,2020-09-05 20:32,,"Nicaraguan asylum seekers fleeing oppression deserve to have their cases heard. Instead, they’re being deported back into the tyrannical grip of Daniel Ortega without a chance to pursue their claims. President Trump’s cruelty truly knows no bounds.",2241,5690,400,21981 1302371428994412544,2020-09-05 22:22,,"As president, I will: - Call for nationwide mask mandates - Implement widespread testing - Accelerate the development of treatments and vaccines I’m ready to work on day one to contain the spread of this virus and get our country back on track.",22597,24966,3960,165361 1302396094886813698,2020-09-06 00:00,,"The economy wasn’t working for folks long before this virus hit. That’s why @KamalaHarris and I won’t just build back to the way things were — we’re going to build back better. We’re going to make sure everyone has a fair shot to get ahead.",4700,6333,459,24460 1302615789313417217,2020-09-06 14:33,,Be a patriot. Wear a mask.,10558,18638,1966,90215 1302649007991214081,2020-09-06 16:45,,It’s time we reward work — not just wealth.,16696,24599,3044,182612 1302675432144351234,2020-09-06 18:30,,We know what President Trump thinks of our nation's veterans. Here is what they think of him.,6779,30486,2412,81209 1302705631938347009,2020-09-06 20:30,,"We all want our schools to reopen — but we need to do it in a way that puts the health and safety of our students and educators first. Here's how @KamalaHarris and I will reopen our schools safely and effectively:",2136,5965,273,23586 1302732055214653441,2020-09-06 22:15,,"Donald Trump promised to be ""the greatest jobs president God ever created."" But in reality, he's on track to become the first president in modern history to leave office with fewer jobs than when he entered. American workers can't take four more years of his failed leadership.",13530,21832,1834,100901 1302763609194467328,2020-09-07 00:20,,"Time and again, the president has refused to provide Puerto Rico with much-needed resources. He’s repeatedly insulted Puerto Ricans and this latest action is another example of his disrespect for the island. This ends when I’m elected president.",2815,8002,402,33758 1302769803925487616,2020-09-07 00:45,,We need to restore honor and decency to the White House.,28713,40134,5142,296948 1302969877154668544,2020-09-07 14:00,,"Today, we honor the generations of union workers who fought for the rights, power, wages, and benefits that built and sustained the great American middle class. #LaborDay",3469,15095,719,64025 1303001581437165570,2020-09-07 16:06,,"The 40-hour workweek Minimum wage Overtime pay Health care Workplace safety protections They’re all because of unions — and it’s time we recognize that.",5470,23928,1289,131929 1303011396041486340,2020-09-07 16:45,,"Together, we can build a future that reflects working people’s courage and ambition. One that not only offers good jobs — but the dignity, equity, shared prosperity, and common purpose due to every American.",1614,4139,180,16706 1303036310177951747,2020-09-07 18:24,,"For years, President Trump and Republicans have waged a war on America's labor unions. It will end on my watch. I'll sign the PRO Act — making it easier for workers to organize and collectively bargain — and be the strongest labor president workers have ever had.",5023,11929,866,54004 1303056694360944640,2020-09-07 19:45,,"It's not enough to just thank our essential workers — we need to pay them. As president, I’ll: - Raise the minimum wage to $15 - End the tipped minimum wage - End the sub-minimum wage for people with disabilities - Ensure everyone has strong benefits",9328,26950,2454,154761 1303079343766331393,2020-09-07 21:15,,"Wall Street didn't build this country — the middle class did. And unions built the middle class. Donald Trump doesn't understand that. We need a president who does.",8029,19690,1239,101718 1303098219337981954,2020-09-07 22:30,,"As president, I’ll make record investments in American industry and create millions of good-paying, union jobs. We’re going to make sure the future is made in America — and built by union workers.",2978,4405,306,16937 1303123383840890880,2020-09-08 00:10,,"Mr. President — If you’re so good at making deals, then why does your trade deal cost American workers so much pain while letting China off the hook for its biggest trade abuses?",5357,16908,1046,54473 1303334776959651840,2020-09-08 14:10,,"At our best, America has always been generous, kind, and optimistic. We treat each other with dignity, give hate no safe harbor, and leave no one behind. I believe we can be that nation once again.",6298,16003,1233,84148 1303370008832155648,2020-09-08 16:30,,"This economy may be working great for Donald Trump and his wealthy friends — but it's not working for the rest of America. It's time we change that.",15550,23208,2167,130286 1303392660699451392,2020-09-08 18:00,,"Unlike Donald Trump, I'll listen to the experts and heed their advice — especially when it comes to matters of health and safety. You should expect nothing less from your president.",1966,5679,310,21290 1303413042470776832,2020-09-08 19:21,,"On this feast day of Cuba’s patron saint la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Jill and I pray that the love and compassion “Cachita” inspires will fill the hearts of Cubans and believers around the world.",2049,4197,464,15969 1303423093176774657,2020-09-08 20:00,,"Just months ago, Donald Trump was planning to allow oil and gas drilling off the coast of Florida. Now, with 56 days until the election, he conveniently says that he changed his mind. Unbelievable. You don't have to guess where I stand: I oppose new offshore drilling.",2333,8290,395,33982 1303435439978803202,2020-09-08 20:50,,I can tell you few people know me as well as @BarackObama and @KamalaHarris do.,4169,7769,551,41049 1303460102649843717,2020-09-08 22:28,,"Every single American worker deserves the chance to join a union. As president, I’ll strengthen our labor unions and ensure workers can bargain for the pay, benefits, and workplace protections they deserve.",1583,3220,175,12171 1303487030052007936,2020-09-09 00:15,,Donald Trump is incapable of providing the leadership this moment requires.,26336,28821,3818,207097 1303495445717512192,2020-09-09 00:48,,"Given his track record, no one can take Trump’s word alone on a COVID-19 vaccine. But with satisfactory answers to these questions, every American can have confidence in a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.",1211,2791,132,12080 1303495444018929665,2020-09-09 00:48,,"3: What is the plan to allocate and distribute vaccines to Americans cost-free, safely, equitably, and without politics? President Trump should release a detailed distribution plan to ensure every American — not just the wealthy and well-connected — receives the vaccine.",1366,2502,121,12435 1303495442924212224,2020-09-09 00:48,,"2: Who will validate that the Administration’s decision to greenlight a COVID-19 vaccine is driven by science and not political motivation? We must hear uncensored statements on efficacy and safety from @FDACBER, the @US_FDA vaccine advisory committee, and Dr. Fauci.",550,1855,53,8850 1303495440701313025,2020-09-09 00:48,,"A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine could save countless lives. We need one as soon as possible. But while I see a vaccine as a product of science, President Trump sees it as a political tool. Politics should play no role in this. The Administration must answer the following:",2682,10189,522,47742 1303495441875640321,2020-09-09 00:48,,"1: What criteria will be used to ensure a vaccine meets the scientific standard of safety and efficacy? The FDA must clarify what criteria it will use, and President Trump must commit to respecting the independent judgment of the non-political professional staff at the FDA.",516,2498,85,12367 1303699681420087296,2020-09-09 14:20,,"President Obama and I rescued the auto industry and helped Michigan's economy come roaring back. Donald Trump squandered it — and hardworking Michiganders are paying the price every day.",3871,9988,600,31782 1303729880211759104,2020-09-09 16:20,,"The right to vote is the most sacred American right there is — exercise it. Make your voice heard this November.",3176,5650,403,22377 1303750335345733632,2020-09-09 17:41,,"I’m in Warren, Michigan, to discuss how a Biden-Harris administration will ensure the future is made in America — by America’s workers. Tune in now:",3426,3194,396,13117 1303756807895220226,2020-09-09 18:07,,"Donald Trump knew. He lied to us for months. And while a deadly disease ripped through our nation, he failed to do his job — on purpose. It was a life or death betrayal of the American people.",9218,37949,2361,132171 1303789774851907584,2020-09-09 20:18,,"I promise you that if I’m elected, I’ll always tell you the truth. I’ll listen to the experts and do everything I can to contain this virus. And I’ll always put your health and safety first — no matter the political cost.",20696,24880,3376,140524 1303807139203493888,2020-09-09 21:27,,"Roberto Clemente was an incredible baseball player. He was a barrier breaker and a humanitarian. As he rose to fame, he lifted the Black and Latino communities with him. I may be a Phillies fan, but I’m always proud to honor the legacy of #21.",1117,3293,193,18811 1303826768525131776,2020-09-09 22:45,,"If Donald Trump had acted just two weeks earlier, 54,000 lives could have been spared in March and April alone. Instead, he downplayed the threat and refused to take action — costing lives and sending our economy into a tailspin. It’s an unjustifiable dereliction of duty.",10697,22056,1781,92868 1303839351671980032,2020-09-09 23:35,,You deserve a president who tells you the truth.,54236,52230,12337,389491 1303867788759568384,2020-09-10 01:28,,"Donald Trump knew that COVID-19 was dangerous. He knew it was deadly. And he purposely downplayed it. Now, nearly 200,000 Americans are dead. It’s unconscionable.",7584,25397,2059,68216 1304051499358662656,2020-09-10 13:38,,"I got to meet Lou Brock back in March. I joked that I had really just come to St. Louis to see him—and let me tell you, our meeting was a real highlight. Lou was a true legend and a man of integrity. Jill and I are keeping his loved ones in our prayers during this difficult time.",1034,2737,101,18999 1304085725009248256,2020-09-10 15:54,,Donald Trump said he didn't want to tell the truth and create a panic. So he did nothing and created a disaster.,20303,75862,5179,338290 1304096798060019713,2020-09-10 16:38,,How many more people have to suffer because of President Trump's lies?,4434,17865,1354,48422 1304114917352456192,2020-09-10 17:50,,"The images coming out of California, Oregon, Washington, and other Western states are truly horrifying. If you’re in an impacted area, please heed the warnings from your local authorities and stay safe. Jill and I are keeping you all in our prayers.",2442,7606,575,38380 1304130016955990017,2020-09-10 18:50,,"To everyone struggling right now, I want you to know that you are not alone. You’re seen, you’re heard, and you’re loved. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to visit Better days lie ahead, I promise. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay",1693,6525,392,24349 1304147637201854464,2020-09-10 20:00,,"Make no mistake: Climate change is already here — and we’re witnessing its devastating effects every single day. We have to get President Trump out of the White House and treat this crisis like the existential threat that it is.",4293,7187,643,24566 1304158957687263235,2020-09-10 20:45,,Do your part. Wear a mask.,18399,24659,4074,133656 1304171037240619008,2020-09-10 21:33,,"Donald Trump is holding a rally in Michigan today—while also refusing to fully fund their National Guard. These are frontline workers against COVID-19, responsible for testing and distributing food and medical supplies. Michiganders need a pandemic response—not a pep rally.",2760,10400,438,29535 1304209289456672768,2020-09-11 00:05,,"More than 1,000 people died from COVID yesterday. @realDonaldTrump watched eight hours of TV. If I’m president, you might not always agree with me. But I promise you I will always show up and fight for you.",6886,32307,2438,88051 1304219355404791808,2020-09-11 00:45,,Donald Trump said he wanted to be a cheerleader for the country. We didn't need a cheerleader. We needed a president.,17761,32773,2708,227466 1304450463920779264,2020-09-11 16:03,,"As a nation, we must never forget those we lost on 9/11 and the incredible bravery of our first responders. Though the wounds of that day will never fully heal, the spirit of Americans recovered as it always does — unbowed by the efforts of those who strike against it.",2823,8847,364,42947 1304473044916875264,2020-09-11 17:33,,"Nineteen years ago, our nation was tested by an unspeakable act of cowardice and hate. Nearly 3,000 lives were cut short: a once-unthinkable toll which tore open the hearts of Americans in every corner of the country.",1430,6072,207,26044 1304473047110475776,2020-09-11 17:33,,"This year, we mark the anniversary of 9/11 in the midst of another crisis that compels us to summon the best of the American people in the face of unconscionable, inconceivable loss — a crisis that has already taken nearly 200,000 Americans.",92,642,9,2560 1304473048771420165,2020-09-11 17:33,,"Now, as then, our heroes are ordinary people doing extraordinary things: nurses and doctors; delivery drivers and grocery clerks; public transit workers and educators; regular Americans thrust into courageous acts of sacrifice and service.",527,2118,55,12556 1304473050075860997,2020-09-11 17:33,,"And now, as then, we owe it to them to come together as a nation — so that Americans can once again do what we did so bravely nineteen years ago: turn from tragedy to purpose, rebuild our lives, and begin, in time, to heal.",541,2090,59,12482 1304563623998570496,2020-09-11 23:33,,Always remember.,4111,15634,844,112446 1304796917763768320,2020-09-12 15:00,,"You deserve a President and Vice President who will spend every minute of every day working to make your life better. I promise that’s exactly what @KamalaHarris and I will do.",26021,27770,3563,171329 1304847494518575108,2020-09-12 18:21,,"The science is clear, and deadly signs like the fires out West are unmistakable — climate change poses an existential threat to our way of life. We must act now to avoid a future defined by tragedies like the one American families are enduring today.",4122,6512,563,24809 1304860328920981504,2020-09-12 19:12,,"As president, I’ll impose a tax penalty on companies that ship jobs overseas and sell products back to the U.S. — and I’ll create millions of good-paying jobs here at home. We’re going to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America's workers.",5594,6811,890,27347 1304866117354020864,2020-09-12 19:35,,"Iran’s cruel execution of Navid Afkari is a travesty. No country should arrest, torture, or execute peaceful protestors or activists. Iran must free its other political prisoners, including Nasrin Sotoudeh, and release unjustly detained Americans.",2964,6845,560,27597 1304879958808985602,2020-09-12 20:30,,"I promise you that if I’m elected president, I’ll never forget what the job is about. It’s about you — the American people.",4458,7269,600,25240 1304920726932041729,2020-09-12 23:12,,"Donald Trump and I have pretty different philosophies when it comes to giving our word. Mine means something. When I tell the American people I’m going to do something — I follow through.",6198,8951,746,36391 1304935826682458112,2020-09-13 00:12,,"In a Biden-Harris administration, “Buy American” will be more than a slogan. We’re going to invest an additional $400 billion in purchasing American-made products and keep good-paying jobs here at home.",6317,7877,740,29319 1305160054346141703,2020-09-13 15:03,,"This cold-blooded shooting is unconscionable and the perpetrator must be brought to justice. Violence of any kind is wrong; those who commit it should be caught and punished. Jill and I are keeping the deputies and their loved ones in our hearts and praying for a full recovery.",19028,18119,3102,87352 1305229763464900608,2020-09-13 19:40,,"26 years ago today, the Senate passed 10-year bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines—it was an effort I was proud to champion. These bans saved lives, and Congress should have never let them expire. As president, I’ll take on the @NRA and we’ll ban them once again.",15506,19492,3163,107726 1305250902861918208,2020-09-13 21:04,,"It's hard to believe, but Monday marks 50 days until Election Day. To kick off the final stretch, @HillaryClinton and @KamalaHarris are hosting a grassroots fundraiser. You won't want to miss this, folks. Chip in to reserve your spot:",2475,3409,381,12336 1305260465585451008,2020-09-13 21:42,,"26 years ago today, the Violence Against Women Act became law. In the years since, it has saved countless lives and helped change the culture around sexual assault and domestic violence. Writing and championing the law remains one of my proudest accomplishments.",2196,6384,349,20374 1305260678991810562,2020-09-13 21:42,,"With each reauthorization, VAWA has become stronger. The latest bill—passed by the House last year—would close loopholes allowing abusers to obtain guns and extend protections for Native women. But Mitch McConnell refuses to bring it to the floor for a vote. It’s despicable.",464,2872,100,10171 1305260921367990277,2020-09-13 21:43,,"I promise that as president, I’ll make reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act a top priority and continue working to end gender-based violence.",876,2383,107,8678 1305275061671206914,2020-09-13 22:40,,"I know we can beat Donald Trump and build this nation back better — but we need your help to do it. That's why we're launching our new Grassroots Fundraising Team. Sign up and help us win this November.",3111,4580,264,15425 1305287645635829761,2020-09-13 23:30,,"When President Trump talks about America leading the world, this is what he means.",3668,10336,668,26637 1305300227721703424,2020-09-14 00:20,,"Weapons of war have no place in our communities. We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.",36515,29517,8252,204337 1305510362255564801,2020-09-14 14:15,,50 days.,21309,29990,4438,234505 1305537793414889472,2020-09-14 16:04,,"50 days until Election Day. 50 days to do everything we can to make Donald Trump a one-term president. Chip in to power our campaign through this final stretch:",2850,3842,276,14437 1305559162080747525,2020-09-14 17:28,,Climate change is the existential challenge that will define our future as a country. Tune in as I discuss the wildfires up and down the West Coast — and how I'll tackle the climate crisis head-on and create millions of good-paying jobs:,3736,4283,443,13670 1305578058326343683,2020-09-14 18:44,,"Amy Poehler and @MayaRudolph know a thing or two about @HillaryClinton and @KamalaHarris — and I can't wait to see what they have in store for tonight's grassroots fundraiser. Chip in now to reserve your ticket:",2275,3382,410,15509 1305605992483258371,2020-09-14 20:35,,"Folks, it all comes down to this. We have just 50 days until the most important election of our lifetimes. Make a plan to have your voice heard this November.",4105,7917,586,31126 1305608509229207552,2020-09-14 20:45,,Science knows.,9499,24876,2190,116402 1305648774157565952,2020-09-14 23:25,,".@realDonaldTrump, you know what’s actually threatening our suburbs? Wildfires. Floods. Hurricanes. We need to act on climate. Now.",22483,36037,3597,209737 1305666390670675969,2020-09-15 00:35,,"When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, he thinks “hoax.” I think “jobs.” Good paying, union jobs that put Americans to work building a stronger, more climate-resilient nation.",4424,10100,682,39919 1305680232469467137,2020-09-15 01:30,,"The fact is, Iran is closer to a nuclear bomb today than it was when Donald Trump took office. Every day he’s in charge of our national security is another day our enemies are emboldened and the American people are at risk.",8564,9984,1202,37976 1305881558235189249,2020-09-15 14:50,,"This morning, parents all across the West — already worried about their kids being indoors because of COVID-19 — are now also waking up worried about their kids being outside. We need a president who takes climate change seriously.",7807,18888,1112,104577 1305884830370988035,2020-09-15 15:03,,"Donald Trump is not responsible for COVID-19, but he is responsible for his failed response and for lying to the American people.",4909,14307,993,45583 1305912512265641984,2020-09-15 16:53,,"Wheels up, folks.",9283,8107,1769,79356 1305929147441532930,2020-09-15 17:59,,"The most sacred obligation of our government is to do right by those who defend our nation at war. I’m in Tampa, Florida, to hear from veterans and to discuss how I’ll honor that promise as president. Tune in:",2138,3629,220,12408 1305954790711734272,2020-09-15 19:41,,"For months, President Trump has failed to provide desperately needed fiscal relief to our state and local governments — and we’re seeing the consequences every day. Our students and educators deserve better. As president, I’ll make sure they always have the resources they need.",2092,4370,199,16026 1305974675370106881,2020-09-15 21:00,,"I believe that every American deserves a fair shot to get ahead and a government that treats them equally. But that hasn't been the case for the people of Puerto Rico. Today, I'm releasing my new plan to change that:",1633,6128,338,21773 1305983479830593536,2020-09-15 21:35,,"The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing is a powerful reminder of our past and what remains at stake in this election. As we honor the memory of those four little girls, we must commit to defeating the poisonous ideology of white supremacy that lit the fuse 57 years ago.",2382,7456,275,31347 1305996062591574017,2020-09-15 22:25,,"As we celebrate the Independence Day of Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, we must affirm the democratic aspirations and human rights of people across Latin America. I'll always fight for democracy and for those who come to America seeking a better life.",2519,5694,523,26522 1306013661173932033,2020-09-15 23:34,,Today marks the official start of Hispanic Heritage Month. Tune in as we kick off our celebration from Florida:,1876,3096,275,11731 1306030539783110657,2020-09-16 00:42,,"Donald Trump not only suggested we sell or trade Puerto Rico — but he also left our fellow Americans without the resources they desperately needed after Hurricane Maria. It's unacceptable. As president, I'll support the island's full recovery and invest in its people and future.",8204,19408,1248,96099 1306053944066494465,2020-09-16 02:15,,"Hispanic Heritage Month is a reminder of the strength we draw as a nation from our immigrant roots. No matter where your family came from, we're here because we all share the same ideals. That's the story of America — and it is well worth celebrating.",1445,3515,170,12492 1306055202290544640,2020-09-16 02:20,,"To be clear: I am not currently president. But if you chip in now, we can change that in November:",11880,53417,3624,233482 1306236396378546179,2020-09-16 14:20,,"Donald Trump’s climate denial may not have directly caused the record fires we’re seeing on the West Coast. But if he gets four more years in the White House, they’ll only become more common, devastating, and deadly.",3718,7234,471,26246 1306245959421177856,2020-09-16 14:58,,Science will win.,5304,18532,1054,117091 1306254264298213378,2020-09-16 15:31,,"The fact of the matter is Donald Trump doesn't have a health care plan. I do — and you can read it here:",3791,14739,1183,40803 1306279178304536576,2020-09-16 17:10,,"We’ve lost nearly 200,000 Americans to COVID-19. It didn’t have to be this bad — but Donald Trump failed to do his job.",15534,26474,2275,141727 1306319984721682432,2020-09-16 19:52,,"We all want a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, but it needs to be based on science — not politics. Tune in as I discuss how we can develop and equitably distribute a safe and effective vaccine:",2147,3221,219,11403 1306334039557586944,2020-09-16 20:48,,"We can’t allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit. Any trade deal between the U.S. and U.K. must be contingent upon respect for the Agreement and preventing the return of a hard border. Period.",6677,16049,3503,65525 1306357192262590467,2020-09-16 22:20,,"When I said I trust vaccines, and I trust the scientists, but I don't trust Donald Trump — this is what I meant:",3486,16798,686,73926 1306373549939195905,2020-09-16 23:25,,This is Donald Trump’s America after one term. Why would we give him a second?,4305,11076,770,31952 1306384874643894272,2020-09-17 00:10,,We’re going to get this virus under control and get your life back on track.,23062,28383,4544,229739 1306399974276526081,2020-09-17 01:10,,"If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if more of America is ablaze?",3299,5715,476,22801 1306403748898656257,2020-09-17 01:25,,"President Trump promised the opioid crisis would end ""quickly"" if he won, but the fact is drug overdose deaths are up nearly 10% across the country. It's heartbreaking. As president, I promise I'll take action to end this epidemic.",3873,4382,386,16113 1306594254765068288,2020-09-17 14:02,,"Yesterday, I met with some of our nation's top experts to discuss how we distribute a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. If I win this election, I know that there won't be a minute to waste. I'll get to work on day one implementing an effective distribution plan.",3056,5914,452,26915 1306612373722030081,2020-09-17 15:14,,"We've had to endure President Trump's incompetence and dishonesty when it comes to testing, wearing masks, and socially distancing. We can't afford a repeat of those fiascos with a COVID-19 vaccine. The stakes are too high.",7509,11368,852,53856 1306620175106465796,2020-09-17 15:45,,".@realDonaldTrump, the job is to be president of all Americans. For the love of God start acting like it.",6542,27357,1379,152076 1306644082597531654,2020-09-17 17:20,,"If you make under $400,000, you will not pay a penny more in taxes when I'm president. The super-wealthy and big corporations will finally pay their fair share — and we'll invest that money in working families. We're going to reward work — not wealth.",19659,42065,4846,215897 1306661700054196227,2020-09-17 18:30,,"The 100 richest Americans have made more than $300 billion during the COVID-19 crisis. Now, in the middle of a pandemic and economic crisis, Donald Trump wants to give them a $29 billion tax break. Let that sink in.",3853,23477,1109,77843 1306669797623517184,2020-09-17 19:02,,"Ahead of #RoshHashanah, Jill and I want to wish everyone in the Jewish community a very happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. Tune in to our virtual event:",771,1913,114,8353 1306695924308013056,2020-09-17 20:46,,"No surprise, Donald Trump is lying about my tax plan. Here’s the truth about how I’ll make corporations pay their fair share while ensuring Americans making under $400,000 don’t pay a penny more.",2481,10178,534,30022 1306721341832216576,2020-09-17 22:27,,"I’m looking forward to being back in my home town of Scranton, Pennsylvania, for tonight’s CNN Town Hall. Tune in at 8 PM ET to watch.",1582,3273,269,14937 1306734679601668098,2020-09-17 23:20,,"Donald Trump wants to give his rich friends another tax cut, so they pay a lower tax rate than tens of millions of essential workers and middle class Americans. We need a president who cares about more than the wealthy and well-connected.",3815,10863,591,47435 1306742229352902656,2020-09-17 23:50,,"I’m about to take the stage for tonight’s Town Hall in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Tune in to @CNN now to watch live.",1403,2408,205,13163 1306749527366410240,2020-09-18 00:19,,President Trump knew how deadly COVID-19 was and did nothing. It’s close to criminal. #BidenTownHall,3529,7073,662,25476 1306750785879973888,2020-09-18 00:24,,This election is Scranton vs. Park Avenue.,13436,15760,3464,113446 1306753050623836161,2020-09-18 00:33,,"The choice in this election couldn’t be more clear. We can choose four more years of Donald Trump’s dark and divisive politics. Or we can choose a path of hope and light—and build a better future for all. Chip in to help us win. #BidenTownHall",1551,2926,177,10233 1306756070585573378,2020-09-18 00:45,,"I'll tell you what takes away your freedom: not being able to see your kid, go to the football game, or see your mom or dad in the hospital. That's what is costing us our freedom. #BidenTownHall",2680,8823,720,31841 1306759593607852032,2020-09-18 00:59,,I’m in this race to fight for the hardworking Americans who wake up every single day and make our country run. #BidenTownHall,1399,4501,265,17578 1306763872020422656,2020-09-18 01:16,,You lost your freedom because President Trump didn't act. #BidenTownHall,3192,16347,1170,56568 1306765130210795520,2020-09-18 01:21,,"As president, I will bring Americans together and finally deliver much needed policing reform. #BidenTownHall",2093,4924,409,20337 1306766136747470848,2020-09-18 01:25,,"Here's the deal: I've condemned every form of violence, no matter what the source is. President Trump has not. #BidenTownHall",4619,6729,760,25364 1306772679802920960,2020-09-18 01:51,,"Unlike President Trump, I’ll be a president for all Americans — not just the ones who vote for me. #BidenTownHall",2962,7750,645,35787 1306777461557022730,2020-09-18 02:10,,What the hell makes you think I need an Ivy League degree to be president? #BidenTownHall,4176,11442,1423,57254 1306778468034650112,2020-09-18 02:14,,"Folks, I just wrapped up my first CNN Town Hall of the general election. We’re in the home stretch of this campaign and your support matters more than ever. Chip in to help us keep tonight’s momentum going:",4153,4249,325,20743 1306975013355089922,2020-09-18 15:15,,"Donald Trump claimed he would be ""the greatest jobs president God ever created."" But the fact is he's the worst jobs president in recorded history. We can't afford another four years of his failed leadership.",8385,29119,2907,64853 1307002947285315586,2020-09-18 17:06,,"When we needed Donald Trump to tell the truth about COVID-19, he lied to us. When we needed him to take action to contain its spread, he spent his days golfing. When we needed a president the most, he was nowhere to be found. It's unforgivable.",6512,15335,963,70402 1307025345082724352,2020-09-18 18:35,,"I can't believe I have to say this, but if I'm elected president, I won't put a climate change denier — one who called the scientific community ""a bunch of thugs"" — in charge of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.",2886,10774,476,45859 1307047965945524224,2020-09-18 20:04,,"A Biden-Harris administration will create millions of good-paying, union jobs and ensure the future is made in America — by all of America. I’m speaking live from Hermantown, MN on how we’ll get it done. Tune in.",2294,3030,226,10216 1307062087126982656,2020-09-18 21:01,,"Frankie — I'm honored to have your support and couldn't agree more: We are at our best when we act as one America. Together, we're going to unite the country and restore the soul of the nation.",975,3652,431,12962 1307067371903954946,2020-09-18 21:22,,"Virginia — early voting is now open! The future of our country is on the ballot, and your voice is absolutely critical to deciding who we are as a nation. This is our moment. Head to to make a plan to vote. Democracy depends on it.",1415,4782,196,21896 1307076683044806657,2020-09-18 21:59,,"Let's be honest: my campaign wouldn't be here if it weren't for the support of Black Americans. And I know we don't have a chance to win without your support. I'll do everything I can to earn your vote—and together, we'll build a nation that works for all. #NationalBlackVoterDay",2737,3773,293,15821 1307076903296274432,2020-09-18 21:59,,"Now, it's time to vote. Make your plan today. #NationalBlackVoterDay",793,1585,90,7532 1307093292937428992,2020-09-18 23:05,,"Amy is right: our democracy depends on your vote. And you don't have to wait until November to cast your ballot. If you're in Minnesota, head to and make your plan to vote today.",1196,2743,126,11245 1307095809226235904,2020-09-18 23:15,,"Jill and I wish our friends in the Jewish community a very healthy and happy New Year. As we mark this new beginning, let us commit to pursuing peace and justice in the year ahead. #RoshHashanah",1534,6148,187,56409 1307145637595459587,2020-09-19 02:33,,"Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood for all of us. She was an American hero, a giant of legal doctrine, and a relentless voice in the pursuit of that highest American ideal: Equal Justice Under Law. May her memory be a blessing to all people who cherish our Constitution and its promise.",3972,44983,1048,309559 1307146895802785792,2020-09-19 02:38,,"Let me be clear: The voters should pick a President, and that President should select a successor to Justice Ginsburg.",50165,82164,8743,529582 1307396540932280320,2020-09-19 19:10,,Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspired us all.,1960,15845,608,82559 1307424474938122245,2020-09-19 21:01,,"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for all of us. She was a giant of the Court and unflinching in her pursuit of equal justice under the law. Because of her life’s work, we are closer to that more perfect union we’ve always strived to be.",1620,7313,261,34700 1307445614184198151,2020-09-19 22:25,,"The Supreme Court is on the ballot. And the outcome will impact everything from health care to civil rights — affecting generations to come. Vote. Our future depends on it.",4062,14037,690,58547 1307456938716749825,2020-09-19 23:10,,We must win.,35758,60924,7934,509931 1307491919384260609,2020-09-20 01:29,,I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.,28973,235866,46030,872586 1307703815630540802,2020-09-20 15:31,,"It was my honor to preside over Justice Ginsburg’s confirmation hearings, and to support her accession to the Supreme Court. Her opinions, and her dissents, will shape the basis of our law for generations to come — and we’ll be a more just and equal nation because of it.",1276,8257,206,47940 1307726217257259009,2020-09-20 17:00,,Honor and decency are on the ballot this November.,7638,12165,1210,56317 1307747067960258560,2020-09-20 18:22,,Tune in as I deliver remarks on the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the future of the Supreme Court.,1172,2151,129,9071 1307751763114557440,2020-09-20 18:41,,Tune in as I deliver remarks on the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the future of the Supreme Court.,2109,2875,209,12010 1307775538237333504,2020-09-20 20:16,,Our frontline workers have sacrificed so much during this pandemic — the least President Trump could do is tell them the truth.,2953,15848,1206,36180 1307806085680594944,2020-09-20 22:17,,"En el tercer aniversario del huracán María, no es suficiente recordar la devastación provocada por la tormenta. Debemos actuar para asegurarnos de que nada como esto vuelva a suceder y asegurar que Puerto Rico reciba la dignidad y el respeto que se merece.",1253,2854,177,10306 1307806086662156288,2020-09-20 22:17,,"On the third anniversary of Hurricane Maria, it’s not enough to just remember the devastation wrought by the storm. We must act to ensure nothing like it ever happens again and to ensure Puerto Rico gets the full dignity and respect it deserves.",719,2104,96,9643 1307825366396891136,2020-09-20 23:34,,"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was proof that courage, conviction, and moral clarity can change not just the law — but also the world.",2447,6550,268,32064 1307831910089990144,2020-09-21 00:00,,Let me be clear: LGBTQ+ rights are human rights — and “LGBT-free zones” have no place in the European Union or anywhere in the world.,3590,11735,1067,61682 1308050854352695296,2020-09-21 14:30,,"If this reporting is true, this complaint is deeply concerning and needs to be independently investigated immediately. These women are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Practices like this would end in a Biden Administration.",3251,11634,664,42044 1308125298836172800,2020-09-21 19:25,,"In this moment, we're facing both a public health crisis and an economic crisis because Donald Trump failed to do his job. I'm in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, to discuss what I'll do to get our nation back on track. Tune in.",3635,4475,355,15781 1308187250883284994,2020-09-21 23:32,,"Thank you for the warm welcome, Manitowoc! With the help of companies like Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, we're going to revitalize American manufacturing and make sure the future is made here in America.",1996,4900,258,27262 1308195555940749316,2020-09-22 00:05,,"When the virus came, President Trump wasn’t thinking about you, he was thinking about his own reelection. It’s how Trump looks at the world: It’s always about him, never about us. You deserve a president who will put you first.",10584,24806,1564,135876 1308205622039437312,2020-09-22 00:45,,"Donald Trump ran for office saying he would represent the forgotten men and women of this country — and as soon as he got in office, he forgot about us.",41922,27646,5625,171429 1308394869153361926,2020-09-22 13:17,,"Today, we'll pass another grim milestone in this pandemic: 200,000 American lives lost. Jill and I are keeping everyone who's hurting in our prayers. No words can numb your pain, but know the nation grieves with you. Today is dark, but we will overcome this. Keep the faith.",3278,12158,556,64166 1308423054834401281,2020-09-22 15:09,,"While other nations worked around the clock to get this virus under control, our president was too busy tweeting and golfing. Now, nearly 200,000 Americans have died. It didn’t have to happen this way.",3983,13421,1182,32404 1308451240838344706,2020-09-22 17:01,,"200,000 Americans have died from this virus. It’s a staggering number that’s hard to wrap your head around. But behind every COVID-19 death is a family and community that will never again be the same. There’s a devastating human toll to this pandemic — and we can’t forget that.",2434,7569,392,31148 1308474645000138758,2020-09-22 18:34,,It didn’t have to be this bad.,5229,21146,1276,91145 1308488739509866496,2020-09-22 19:30,,"Donald Trump sees the world from Park Avenue. I see the world from where I grew up: Scranton, Pennsylvania.",14209,19178,3019,158334 1308500313909997568,2020-09-22 20:16,,"The last four years come down to the next 42 days. This is our moment — and if you vote, we’ll win. Head to and get registered today. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay",1969,6859,516,21299 1308541590382682113,2020-09-22 23:00,,"Let me be very clear, @realDonaldTrump: Not a single one of the 200,000 Americans we've lost to this virus was a ""nobody.""",4243,21946,1435,75462 1308551400473817088,2020-09-22 23:39,,"We have the power to write the future we want for our country — and it starts at the ballot box. Register to vote today and let’s change the course of history, together. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay",1099,2314,122,8330 1308557465764507652,2020-09-23 00:03,,"To celebrate #NationalVoterRegistrationDay, we're hosting a virtual rally with @cristela9, @theebillyporter, @chloexhalle, and more! Tune in now — and make sure to register to vote at",655,1240,51,4196 1308559201958985729,2020-09-23 00:10,,"Cindy — I'm deeply honored to have your support and your friendship. This election is bigger than any one political party. It requires all of us to come together as one America to restore the soul of the nation. Together, we'll get it done.",3842,28259,928,180883 1308580592938778624,2020-09-23 01:35,,"We can’t let 2016 repeat itself. There’s simply too much on the line for anyone to sit this election out. Get registered to vote today: #NationalVoterRegistrationDay",2877,7203,493,23368 1308769085170229250,2020-09-23 14:04,,"I’ve dealt with guys like Donald Trump my whole life. Guys who look down on you because they’ve got a lot of money. Guys who think they’re better than you. Guys who inherited everything they ever got in life — and then squandered it.",16918,15853,2226,67590 1308789469131075591,2020-09-23 15:25,,"This is our moment to tackle systemic racism head-on and build a nation true to our founding ideals. A nation where all men and women are not only created equal — but treated equally. Here's how we'll advance racial economic equity:",2438,3336,234,11385 1308803310464376833,2020-09-23 16:20,,"Asking for money isn’t my favorite part of running for president. But we’re coming up on our final end-of-quarter deadline of the campaign and need your help to hit our goal. If you’re able, please chip in today:",8847,3899,977,13046 1308812711652802563,2020-09-23 16:57,,"To build our nation back better than before, we have to advance racial equity across the American economy. I’m in Charlotte, North Carolina, with @CP3 to discuss how we’ll get it done. Tune in.",3956,3135,243,11504 1308951033826160641,2020-09-24 02:07,,"We must continue to speak Breonna Taylor’s name, support her family still in grieving, and never give up on ensuring the full promise of America for every American.",9193,8560,1546,44074 1308954305278468096,2020-09-24 02:20,,"As Juan Guaidó speaks about the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis and the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Maduro, I reaffirm my commitment to stand with the Venezuelan people. A Biden-Harris administration will always champion democracy and human rights around the world.",4051,3745,2270,14650 1308959338384384002,2020-09-24 02:40,,"The 200,000 people we've lost to COVID-19 weren't nobodies, Mr. President. They were our parents and grandparents, sons and daughters, friends and co-workers. They were Americans.",4583,10155,680,30011 1308965630104616961,2020-09-24 03:05,,"Even amidst the profound grief & anger today's decision generated, violence is never & can never be the answer. Those who engage in it must be held accountable. Jill & I are keeping the officers shot tonight in Louisville in our prayers. We wish them both a swift & full recovery.",8577,17709,4674,112200 1309163181605113857,2020-09-24 16:10,,"We are a more just, more equal nation because of Justice Ginsburg. Now it’s up to all of us to carry on her fight.",2184,10015,456,39043 1309222572957949952,2020-09-24 20:06,,Florida — I'm counting on you to vote and help us win the battle for the soul of this nation. Ballots are being sent out today across the state — head to to request yours.,4840,8789,651,34729 1309229177619578888,2020-09-24 20:32,,"On this Feast Day of Our Lady of Mercy, I stand in solidarity with all defenders of human rights from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela — and pray for the freedom of all political prisoners.",2257,6688,814,37429 1309229372344283138,2020-09-24 20:33,,"En el Día de la Virgen de las Mercedes, acompaño en solidaridad a todos los defensores de derechos humanos de Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela, y rezo por la liberación de todos los presos políticos.",592,1317,149,6669 1309233591654776833,2020-09-24 20:49,,"Michigan — You don’t have to wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot, early voting begins today across the state. It's easy and it's important: head to to make your plan to vote early.",991,4479,191,12622 1309235386242215940,2020-09-24 20:56,,"In-person early voting should be easy and convenient for all. The Flint, MI City Clerk's office will be open the last three weekends before Election Day for folks to cast their ballots. It's an example that cities and states across the country should follow.",2206,12487,407,58929 1309254305346727941,2020-09-24 22:12,,"The Trump Administration says ""the entire ACA must fall."" They are arguing to strip millions of Americans of health care in the middle of a pandemic. We can't let him win.",2224,6311,401,15708 1309261328222216195,2020-09-24 22:40,,"Once again, we are called to ask ourselves whether justice could be equally applied in America. But what's clear is that today in America, Black women deserve better.",5576,17559,789,108034 1309280013733240832,2020-09-24 23:54,,"I've spent my career working to end violence against women and will fight to end the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women. I applaud Congress for passing Savanna's Act this week. Now, the Senate and President Trump need to reauthorize VAWA. It's long overdue.",3398,5441,276,24172 1309513490017800192,2020-09-25 15:22,,"Thank you, @CindyMcCain. Your support and your friendship mean the world to me. John and I didn't always agree on the issues, but we put aside our differences to find common ground and move the country forward — it's what I'll do every day as president.",3996,18525,1322,83040 1309540165862535172,2020-09-25 17:08,,"In the middle of a global pandemic, President Trump is trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to eliminate Obamacare and rip health care protections away from 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. Don't forget that.",7691,25879,1348,100571 1309561053487955968,2020-09-25 18:31,,Health care is a right — not a privilege.,21417,40001,6181,280296 1309579424354926595,2020-09-25 19:44,,"Obamacare was—and is—a big deal. As president, I’ll protect and build on it, lower health care costs, and give Americans the opportunity to choose a new public option. We’re going to make sure everyone has access to the affordable health care they need.",4669,5316,540,20279 1309598556559347713,2020-09-25 21:00,,"We are in the middle of a climate emergency — and every day that Donald Trump remains in the White House further threatens the future of our planet. We have to vote him out.",2954,5068,357,19196 1309614908636409856,2020-09-25 22:05,,"The unrelenting impact of climate change affects every single one of us. It requires action, not denial. It requires leadership, not scapegoating. It requires a president to meet the threshold duty of the office — to care, for everyone.",5873,8187,694,41829 1309620696293806080,2020-09-25 22:28,,"Today, Justice Ginsburg made history one last time — and I was grateful to be there to pay my respects. May her memory be a blessing — and may we continue to be voices for justice in her name.",2151,14220,445,113098 1309647623880466432,2020-09-26 00:15,,"Thanks for a great trip, Minnesota! Don’t forget that early voting is now open across the state. Head to to make your plan to vote today.",3585,6354,379,26778 1309869586318110721,2020-09-26 14:57,,"If I'm elected, I won't wait to take action on COVID-19. Minutes after the race is called, I’ll call Dr. Fauci and ask him to stay on. During my transition, I’ll bring together experts and leaders from both parties to chart a path forward. We will overcome this, together.",24532,36210,4482,240468 1309887202529177601,2020-09-26 16:07,,Today is Public Lands Day and National Hunting and Fishing Day — and what better way to celebrate than the long overdue removal of William Perry Pendley from @blmnational. It's a victory for everyone who values our public lands over those who want to exploit them for profit.,1035,4362,133,17070 1309908091249422336,2020-09-26 17:30,,"At this moment, we're facing both the worst public health crisis of our lifetime and the existential threat of climate change. We need a president who believes in science.",17580,27828,2729,178787 1309949613533659136,2020-09-26 20:15,,"When Ebola hit, President Obama and I took swift action and successfully contained the virus. After COVID-19 hit, President Trump lied to the American people and said it would miraculously ""disappear."" Now, over 200,000 lives have been cut short. It's a national tragedy.",10510,23960,1715,115553 1309966978006753280,2020-09-26 21:24,,"Today, President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court — a jurist with a written track record of disagreeing with the Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is.",7023,15005,1193,50818 1309979812610617346,2020-09-26 22:15,,"Supreme Court decisions affect our everyday lives, and the Constitution was designed to give voters a voice on who makes those decisions. The Senate shouldn't act until after the American people select their next president and the next Congress. Americans deserve to be heard.",14279,18514,1750,94576 1309991139584270336,2020-09-26 23:00,,The Senate shouldn't vote until the American people do.,30057,46464,4027,333546 1310003720164384782,2020-09-26 23:50,,"In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump is trying to force through the confirmation of a Justice who will help him destroy Obamacare. Health care is at stake. Protections for pre-existing conditions are at stake. We can't let them win.",7078,10247,861,31237 1310198997202632711,2020-09-27 12:45,,"Thank you @TheRock for your support at this critical moment for our nation. You said it best: This election is about earning the respect of the American people. It’s about decency. It’s about electing leaders who tell the truth. Thanks again, DJ. Next time we’re talking cars.",6536,16598,1425,87297 1310236503998595073,2020-09-27 15:15,,These folks know that we can’t saddle this country with four more years of Donald Trump.,9657,23250,1875,152246 1310249323578359808,2020-09-27 16:05,,The decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court affect our everyday lives — and the American people deserve to have their voices heard when it comes to who serves on the Court. Tune in as I deliver remarks on President Trump’s nomination.,2533,3267,222,11872 1310313259656867840,2020-09-27 20:20,,The truth is the economy wasn’t working for folks long before these crises hit. It’s why @KamalaHarris and I won’t just build back to the way things were — we’ll build back better. We won’t be satisfied until the economy starts working for everyone.,7020,13406,858,72487 1310327101183209473,2020-09-27 21:15,,"Jill, Kamala, Doug, and our families all extend our warmest wishes to all who observe Yom Kippur. May you have an easy and meaningful fast. And may you be sealed in the Book of Life.",1405,3562,121,19883 1310354783518314497,2020-09-27 23:05,,"On this Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, Jill and I are keeping the loved ones of our fallen heroes in our prayers. May we never fail to honor them and carry their spirit with us every day.",3168,14043,455,90329 1310583793355431937,2020-09-28 14:15,,"There's no mystery when it comes to what's happening with the Supreme Court. President Trump and Republicans have been trying to throw out Obamacare for years — and now they see an opening to get it done. We can't let them get away with it.",11718,18486,1350,103327 1310627077809344513,2020-09-28 17:07,,"Here's the deal: Until we deal with COVID-19, we'll never get our economy fully back on track, get our kids safely back to school, or get our lives back. It's why as president, I won't waste a day getting this virus under control.",2792,6165,371,26953 1310644190364209155,2020-09-28 18:15,,"How much more did you pay in taxes than President Trump? Head to to find out.",15274,20628,2962,79720 1310670618795347970,2020-09-28 20:00,,President Trump can claim he wants to protect people with pre-existing conditions all he wants — but the fact is he’s fighting tooth and nail to take their protections away.,4669,20826,763,99684 1310695780299096065,2020-09-28 21:40,,"Whether it's $7.50, $75, or $750 — every donation makes a big difference during this final stretch. Chip in to help us get Donald Trump out of the White House:",5275,8833,1623,42746 1310718429733761024,2020-09-28 23:10,,"I'm not looking to punish anyone, but it's about time the super-wealthy and corporate America start paying their fair share.",23128,36835,5831,310682 1310730760656044033,2020-09-28 23:59,,".@TheRock is right: Your vote is your voice — and it’s up to all of us to make our voices heard this November. Make your plan to vote today:",2575,5728,330,27932 1310738562468511745,2020-09-29 00:30,,"Folks, this is a big week for our campaign: Tomorrow, I face Donald Trump on the debate stage for the first time — and Wednesday is our final end-of-quarter fundraising deadline. We can't afford to fall short here. Chip in today:",4326,3798,349,17588 1310749886816583684,2020-09-29 01:15,,"I believe there's no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people — and I witnessed it firsthand last week in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Together, we're going to make sure the future is made here in America.",3371,5903,293,27192 1310950458912108546,2020-09-29 14:32,,"The American people understand the urgency of this moment. They're voting in droves because their health care hangs in the balance. But Donald Trump doesn't care — he sees a chance to eliminate Obamacare and rip away health care protections from millions. It's unconscionable.",6411,11652,729,59338 1310962034813485057,2020-09-29 15:18,,"With casualties rapidly mounting in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, the Trump Administration needs to call the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan immediately to de-escalate the situation. It must also demand others — like Turkey — stay out of this conflict.",4554,5393,1165,18396 1310998525321383944,2020-09-29 17:43,,"The American people deserve transparency from their leaders, it's why as of today, I've released 22 years of my tax returns.",15872,39912,4261,254517 1311034512298582017,2020-09-29 20:06,,"It’s grassroots donors like you who power our campaign. And I’m counting on you to help us meet our end-of-quarter fundraising goal. If you’re able, please chip in before tomorrow night’s big deadline:",1301,1745,112,7326 1311044326932148225,2020-09-29 20:45,,You deserve a president who tells you the truth.,4539,7667,603,36066 1311064460027666444,2020-09-29 22:05,,"If we’re elected, @KamalaHarris and I will wake up every single morning to fight for the middle class. For Main Street. For the folks who keep our country running. We’re going to make our government work for everyone — not just the wealthy and well-connected.",13224,17352,2072,120773 1311078306926788608,2020-09-29 23:00,,"Folks, the big night is finally here. Tune in at 9 PM ET for the first presidential debate.",4075,4608,609,33474 1311084592338735104,2020-09-29 23:25,,"It’s debate night, so I’ve got my earpiece and performance enhancers ready.",26421,65418,18356,523173 1311095916820967424,2020-09-30 00:10,,"This election is Scranton vs. Park Avenue — and with your help, Scranton will win.",1913,4612,304,22228 1311104724943347713,2020-09-30 00:45,,"I’m about to step on stage to debate Donald Trump for the first time. But before I do, can you chip in to show him the power of our grassroots base? Every donation — big or small — goes a long way.",2682,2533,255,14580 1311114791201595392,2020-09-30 01:25,,"President Trump keeps promising to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions, but the truth is he’s in Court trying to rip their protections away. And now, he’s trying to jam through the confirmation of a Justice who will help him get it done. We can’t let him win.",3477,8731,1193,46339 1311115797960339456,2020-09-30 01:29,,The American people deserve to have a say in who the Supreme Court nominee is.,1394,3967,201,25504 1311116804773863426,2020-09-30 01:33,,It is what it is because Donald Trump is who he is.,18653,54748,8394,409877 1311117559589220355,2020-09-30 01:36,,"When I hear 200,000 deaths, I think of the empty chairs at dining room tables all across the country, which just months ago were filled by loved ones. It didn’t have to be this bad.",5115,15212,1332,100370 1311120831032909825,2020-09-30 01:49,,Donald Trump is the worst president we've ever had.,49057,318027,35763,1890946 1311121082825560065,2020-09-30 01:50,,"Show us your tax returns, @realDonaldTrump.",8159,50682,3996,350636 1311124102820687872,2020-09-30 02:02,,"On average, roughly 750 to 1,000 Americans are dying from COVID every day. When Donald Trump was presented with that number, he said, “It is what it is.” It is what it is because Donald Trump is who he is.",988,4509,243,23194 1311124857921441792,2020-09-30 02:05,,"More jobs were created in the final three years of the Obama-Biden Administration than in the first three years of Donald Trump’s presidency. A million and a half more jobs.",915,5615,261,25697 1311125864193708032,2020-09-30 02:09,,"Donald Trump talks a lot about the art of the deal. But under his watch, China has perfected the art of the steal.",1370,3147,286,21753 1311126367614971906,2020-09-30 02:11,,Donald Trump isn't a law and order president. He's a president who breaks the law and creates disorder.,7195,43922,2417,295451 1311128884121755648,2020-09-30 02:21,,Beau Biden was not a loser.,15759,108551,9540,577065 1311129135771598854,2020-09-30 02:22,,"Under this president, we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided, and more violent.",8472,57535,3078,401126 1311131652303646720,2020-09-30 02:32,,Go to:,1777,12183,458,50843 1311132658999623685,2020-09-30 02:36,,"Under this president, we have become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided, and more violent. When I was vice president, we inherited a recession, I was asked to fix it, and I did. We left Donald Trump a booming economy, and he caused a recession.",2314,7444,425,40818 1311135678974111747,2020-09-30 02:48,,You determine the outcome of this election. Vote. Vote. Vote.,3286,15930,1079,86896 1311136685426577408,2020-09-30 02:52,,We need a president who will bring us together — not tear us further apart.,2090,8061,372,47663 1311137188969545731,2020-09-30 02:54,,You have it in your control to determine what this country’s gonna look like the next four years. Is it going to change –– or are you going to get four more years of these lies?,1784,6234,299,33479 1311137440334192640,2020-09-30 02:55,,You heard a lot come out of President Trump’s mouth. Can you name one thing he said to actually make your life better?,57818,104761,11812,719920 1311138195497680898,2020-09-30 02:58,,"After tonight, the choice in this election has never been clearer — and with 35 days to go, the stakes have never been higher. Tomorrow marks our final end-of-quarter deadline, and we need your help to hit our goal. Chip in to help beat Donald Trump:",4756,5684,483,35957 1311143480379371520,2020-09-30 03:19,,This. This is Donald Trump's America.,8532,66369,2598,239102 1311146751869550594,2020-09-30 03:32,,"Folks, we don't have to put up with four more years of that.",6424,12867,765,84224 1311268302950260737,2020-09-30 11:35,,There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.,19624,58685,5448,181605 1311278369296719872,2020-09-30 12:15,,Had enough?,22298,64407,14555,333389 1311305227123871744,2020-09-30 14:01,,All aboard! Tune in as @DrBiden and I kick off our train tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania.,2452,3220,237,19339 1311341062430945280,2020-09-30 16:24,,"We're in Alliance, Ohio, for stop two of the Build Back Better Express Tour. Tune in now to watch.",1800,2601,165,14437 1311361668111306752,2020-09-30 17:46,,"Enough with the racist dog whistles, Donald. You wouldn’t know a suburb unless you took a wrong turn.",10106,30823,2568,215777 1311365694886481920,2020-09-30 18:02,,"I took the Amtrak from Wilmington to Washington, D.C., every day for 36 years. The journey became routine, but the hardworking men and women I met along the way became dear friends.",1567,7050,463,39892 1311374502505279489,2020-09-30 18:37,,"Donald Trump showed the country last night just how unfit he is to be president. If you weren't able to bear watching it, we condensed it down to one minute for you:",7011,30387,2304,130708 1311379090608279552,2020-09-30 18:55,,"We're in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for stop three of the Build Back Better Express Tour. Tune in now to watch.",1314,2156,99,11775 1311395138506240001,2020-09-30 19:59,,Listening to folks and discussing how we can make their lives better. It’s what our Build Back Better Express Tour is all about — and it’s what I’ll do every day as your president.,2559,5869,345,41450 1311415774687395840,2020-09-30 21:21,,"Hello, Greensburg!",6897,11797,1650,87206 1311422569522831363,2020-09-30 21:48,,"Ignore the polls, ignore his tweets, ignore his obnoxious debate performance. We have to stay focused. We have to win. Chip in to help us do it:",4949,6260,588,32698 1311423649891508224,2020-09-30 21:52,,"We're in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, for stop four of the Build Back Better Express Tour. Tune in now to watch.",1099,2072,89,10840 1311433140078964736,2020-09-30 22:30,,"White supremacy has no place in America. We shouldn’t have to beg the President of the United States to say that.",12229,62639,2519,329739 1311445675197050881,2020-09-30 23:19,,"I'm giving everything I've got in these final 34 days to make sure we beat Donald Trump, but I can't do it without your help. Join our grassroots fundraising team to help us win this November.",1388,2647,116,14974 1311445679122903042,2020-09-30 23:19,,"And do me a favor, make sure to select the train icon when you do.",543,1121,53,8943 1311452264926601217,2020-09-30 23:46,,Chip in to help us take this train all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave:,1506,2962,192,20204 1311458807999062016,2020-10-01 00:12,,Last night reinforced why I got into this race: We are in a battle for the soul of this nation — and it’s a battle we must win.,18513,38020,2613,341674 1311460711076225024,2020-10-01 00:19,,"We're in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, for the final stop of the Build Back Better Express Tour. Tune in now to watch.",1342,2067,116,10890 1311471391208685568,2020-10-01 01:02,,"Folks, it all comes down to this. We’re just a few hours away from our final end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day — and we need your help to hit our goal. It’s now or never. Chip in to help us beat Donald Trump:",2203,1886,157,10321 1311481457307574274,2020-10-01 01:42,,"Last night, I went toe-to-toe with Donald Trump and laid out my vision for a stronger, more inclusive America. Check out a few of the top moments from the first debate:",9854,6252,796,40014 1311485988447936512,2020-10-01 02:00,,"It's safe to say I've gotten to know the hardworking men and women of @Amtrak over the years — I'm proud to stand with them as they face furloughs due to funding cuts. These essential workers have kept us moving during this pandemic –– now it's time we have their backs.",2643,4376,167,24917 1311677247825211393,2020-10-01 14:40,,"You determine the outcome of this election — not Donald Trump. Vote:",6821,12092,783,65982 1311706439795175424,2020-10-01 16:36,,"I paid my taxes. These folks paid their taxes. So why didn’t President Trump pay his?",7086,16245,1392,64855 1311722546287566857,2020-10-01 17:40,,"On behalf of Jill and our entire family, I want to wish the Korean-American community a happy Chuseok. May your celebrations be filled with laughter, joy, and plenty of good food. 행복한 한가위 보내세요!",2185,15197,1304,132194 1311738904068927494,2020-10-01 18:45,,"Jill and I want to wish a very happy birthday to President Carter –– a patriot, a humanitarian, and a friend. Thank you for your tireless dedication to our country and to the world.",1281,7364,251,66953 1311744691776307200,2020-10-01 19:08,,Jill and I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all those celebrating. We join you in hoping for a future filled with peace and prosperity — and hope your festivities lead to a bountiful harvest in the year ahead.,1726,4648,308,41929 1311762811257851906,2020-10-01 20:20,,"Three years ago today, Las Vegas was struck by tragedy when a gunman opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival. It remains the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. As we remember those we lost, we must take action to ensure it never happens again.",5248,24127,1074,220883 1311775395679809536,2020-10-01 21:10,,"During Filipino American History Month, we celebrate the community's immense contributions to our country — from early immigrants to the millions today, many who serve in the military or as frontline workers. As President, I'll work alongside them to protect the American people.",2182,9718,1101,53695 1311796785153802241,2020-10-01 22:35,,"On Native Women's Equal Pay Day, we recognize the hard truth that Native women earn just $0.57 for every dollar a white man makes. It's unacceptable. A Biden-Harris Administration will stand with women in Indian Country and pass legislation to close the gender wage gap.",1890,3634,230,19998 1311807606365790210,2020-10-01 23:18,,"When I first ran for Senate, we put up a billboard that said, “Joe Biden: For all our families.” It’s a motto that has guided me throughout my career. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican—I’ll be a president for all Americans, not just the ones who vote for me.",14005,20997,1876,161615 1311828242517680135,2020-10-02 00:40,,"Donald Trump will do everything he can to distract from the fact that because of his failed COVID-19 response: - Over 200,000 Americans have died - 26 million are on unemployment - 1 in 6 small businesses risk permanent closure We can’t let him.",15244,23727,2314,151356 1312010736604979201,2020-10-02 12:45,,Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.,38801,67484,25836,962577 1312065485400346625,2020-10-02 16:22,,"I’m happy to report that Jill and I have tested negative for COVID. Thank you to everyone for your messages of concern. I hope this serves as a reminder: wear a mask, keep social distance, and wash your hands.",27376,134675,21178,909690 1312107582975209474,2020-10-02 19:10,,"Tonight, @BarackObama, @KamalaHarris, and @MichaelB4Jordan are hosting a grassroots fundraiser to discuss what's at stake this November and the importance of making your voice heard at the ballot box. Chip in to reserve your spot:",1868,5746,287,36616 1312126818854428673,2020-10-02 20:26,,"I’m delivering remarks from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Tune in.",2376,3906,373,22702 1312149358356303873,2020-10-02 21:56,,"This cannot be a partisan moment. It must be an American moment. We have to come together as a nation.",19975,41811,7095,387737 1312169490935808000,2020-10-02 23:16,,"We can, we will, and we must come together.",7566,25457,2518,288713 1312177040561328129,2020-10-02 23:46,,"I’m running as a Democrat, but I will be an American president. Whether you voted for me or against me, I will represent you.",31409,74685,7536,841072 1312206233038974976,2020-10-03 01:42,,"Thank you, Grand Rapids, for a great afternoon. From the virus to the economy, we face immense challenges as a nation. But if we come together and act as one America, we can and will overcome them.",2282,9061,401,81997 1312215292655927296,2020-10-03 02:18,,We have to come together.,4513,11659,987,70168 1312388685309108224,2020-10-03 13:47,,"Be a patriot. Do your part. Wearing a mask will protect you. But it will also protect those around you — your mom, your dad, your son, your daughter, your neighbor, your co-worker. Don’t just do it for yourself. Do it for the people you love.",6799,49487,2185,267752 1312460408192724992,2020-10-03 18:32,,"One month until Election Day. Let’s do this, America.",30247,118161,8363,1167079 1312471229207543809,2020-10-03 19:15,,"It's time we come together. It's time we see each other as fellow Americans, who don't just live in red states and blue states, but who live in — and love — the United States of America. That's who we are — and there is nothing we cannot do if we do it together.",7266,23344,1482,148396 1312491865095241729,2020-10-03 20:37,,One month until we can call @DrBiden our First Lady-Elect.,18035,27985,3400,328161 1312514514492026881,2020-10-03 22:07,,"There’s just one month left before the most important election of our lifetime — one that will shape the future of our nation for decades to come. Don’t wake up on November 4th wishing you had done more. Get involved today:",2196,5411,252,25995 1312533640392314882,2020-10-03 23:23,,"Folks, with just one month left until Election Day, voting is underway and there’s no time to wait to make your voice heard. Head to to find everything you need to make your voting plan.",3222,9338,405,45356 1312546726528638977,2020-10-04 00:15,,"At this moment, we’re facing unprecedented crises. But I know the American people have what it takes to overcome them. There’s not a single thing beyond our capacity.",7036,17432,954,142955 1312755603215773697,2020-10-04 14:05,,"Receiving the Medal of Freedom from my friend @BarackObama was a great, great honor. I'm proud to have dedicated my life to serving this country — but I'm not done yet.",6849,29757,3849,168393 1312776994799661057,2020-10-04 15:30,,30 days.,19867,42213,4935,470073 1312804676547620864,2020-10-04 17:20,,"There are only 30 days until Election Day — but in many states, you don’t have to wait until November 3rd to make your voice heard. Head to and make a plan to vote early today.",2618,7600,437,35727 1312831100914405379,2020-10-04 19:05,,"Before we're Democrats or Republicans or independents — we're Americans. We can't forget that.",17677,36865,3799,333619 1312860293085753345,2020-10-04 21:01,,"Today marks 30 days until Election Day. 30 days until we begin to restore the soul of the nation. Chip in to power our campaign through this final stretch:",3057,4375,341,22705 1312883193939279872,2020-10-04 22:32,,It’s time we build an economy where everyone gets a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead. An economy more vibrant and powerful because everyone is in on the deal.,4456,5808,451,26354 1312907856161705985,2020-10-05 00:10,,"The economy. Climate change. Health care. Civil rights. Racial justice. The U.S. Supreme Court. Our democracy. They’re all on the line. Vote.",10765,21197,1462,115981 1313116739299762176,2020-10-05 14:00,,"Imagine a future where: - Health care is a right - We end the gun violence epidemic - We combat climate change - Our government works for everyone It’s a future that we can build — together.",17278,47714,4239,355410 1313160521126903815,2020-10-05 16:54,,,4084,10908,702,55077 1313207928514437120,2020-10-05 20:02,,I’m in Florida to discuss my plans to build back our economy better for the Hispanic community and working families. Tune in.,1975,4067,273,20024 1313215382803681280,2020-10-05 20:32,,"Folks, if you live in: Arizona Arkansas Florida Georgia Hawaii Indiana Kentucky Mississippi Ohio South Carolina Tennessee Texas Today is your last day to register to vote. Head to to get registered before it's too late.",1519,12350,494,30271 1313225449036681216,2020-10-05 21:12,,"Voting early in person starts today statewide in California, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, and South Carolina. This is our moment — and there is too much at stake to sit this election out. Head to to find all the info you need to make your voice heard.",1184,5136,219,19623 1313228972126216193,2020-10-05 21:26,,"Now that President Trump is busy tweeting campaign messages, I would ask him to do this: Listen to the scientists. Support masks. Support mask mandates nationwide.",29968,81696,5002,670281 1313237533627645954,2020-10-05 22:00,,These good boys are ready to build bark better.,7563,41680,6900,240472 1313253886619246593,2020-10-05 23:05,,"Folks, starting today, I'm trying something new. I'll be writing notes to you about my plans to build our country back better. And I'll be sharing personal stories and behind-the-scenes moments from the campaign trail, too. I hope you'll follow along.",6158,9019,1050,51917 1313265210921230336,2020-10-05 23:50,,"I’m about to take the stage for tonight’s Town Hall in Miami, Florida. Tune in to @NBC now to watch live.",1368,3461,285,18961 1313269992360681472,2020-10-06 00:09,,Masks matter. They save lives.,4339,39967,1163,281958 1313272005701980160,2020-10-06 00:17,,I view wearing a mask as a patriotic duty — to protect those around you. #BidenTownHall,4201,26232,1034,192765 1313273264010137600,2020-10-06 00:22,,I would hope that the President having gone through what he went through will communicate the right lesson to the American people: Masks matter. They save lives.,1633,5527,326,29793 1313273767301316610,2020-10-06 00:24,,Listen to the scientists.,21740,72655,6693,653146 1313275529064316928,2020-10-06 00:31,,"More than 200,000 Americans have died. 50,000 Americans are getting the virus every day. 1,000 a day are dying. This is a national emergency. The President should take responsibility.",1466,8502,429,33364 1313276284093382658,2020-10-06 00:34,,"When I decided to run, I had three objectives: 1. Restore the soul of this country. 2. Rebuild the middle class. 3. Reunite the country. It's the only way we can move forward.",3545,11195,770,55454 1313279555365408769,2020-10-06 00:47,,"As president, I'll do what I've always done in the past: bring people together. Peaceful protesters, police officers, unions, and civil rights groups — we'll all sit down at the White House.",1595,4436,329,22237 1313280562086379520,2020-10-06 00:51,,Don't tell me things can't change.,1641,6254,379,33367 1313283330486476801,2020-10-06 01:02,,Roe v. Wade must remain the law of the land.,3812,10159,1781,55847 1313286601796194305,2020-10-06 01:15,,I've taken on the Castros and Putins of the world. I let them know: it stops here. It stops with me. It stops with me as president.,9415,6976,2417,35249 1313287105213165569,2020-10-06 01:17,,The future is yours. I'm counting on you.,2869,10171,802,54101 1313288363361931265,2020-10-06 01:22,,"Folks, I just wrapped up my NBC Town Hall where I laid out my plans to build this country back better than before. If you liked what you heard, please chip in to keep tonight's momentum going:",4826,4855,430,26037 1313304721092997125,2020-10-06 02:27,,Wear a mask.,30438,104197,10938,601570 1313319274677768193,2020-10-06 03:24,,"I couldn’t let #WorldTeachersDay go by without celebrating the best teacher I know. Jilly, the way you’ve worked tirelessly and passionately for your students year after year continues to inspire me.",2628,14811,715,137530 1313464290280534017,2020-10-06 13:01,,"There’s no better person to convey what’s at stake in this election than my friend, @MichelleObama. Tune in to hear her closing argument.",2574,8233,414,33310 1313494229126184968,2020-10-06 15:00,,"#ImVotingFor Shamar — and every kid in this country — because they deserve the chance to go as far as their God-given potential will take them. What are you voting for? I want to hear from you @BarackObama, @MichelleObama, and @DrBiden.",5604,20453,2939,111737 1313513094770036736,2020-10-06 16:15,,"Folks, we can save nearly 100,000 lives by the end of the year if everyone wears a mask in public. Do your part. Protect your neighbors. Wear a mask.",4994,36342,1472,195491 1313531213878091776,2020-10-06 17:27,,"Florida — today's decision to extend the voter registration deadline is a win for our democracy. If you haven't registered to vote yet, head to before 7 PM ET tonight to do so. This election is too important to sit out.",1225,7375,269,28551 1313534485418442755,2020-10-06 17:40,,"Florida — la decisión de hoy de extender la fecha para inscribirse para votar es una victoria para nuestra democracia. Si no te has registrado, visita antes de las 7 PM ET e inscríbete. Esta elección es demasiado importante para no participar.",898,2539,139,10225 1313544299955417089,2020-10-06 18:19,,Unity over division.,16209,34516,3394,304456 1313577195684556800,2020-10-06 20:29,,We are engaged once again in a battle for the soul of the nation. It’s a battle we’ve been in before and we can win again. Tune in as I deliver remarks from Gettysburg.,1959,5697,697,20716 1313580790530351105,2020-10-06 20:44,,"As president, I will send a clear, unequivocal message to the entire nation: There is no place for hate in America. It will be given no license. It will be given no oxygen. It will be given no safe harbor.",2483,15919,752,92575 1313581042066952192,2020-10-06 20:45,,I do not believe we have to choose between law and order and racial justice in America.,8271,35259,3155,286632 1313582048691458048,2020-10-06 20:49,,"The pandemic is not a red state versus blue state issue. The virus doesn’t care where you live or what political party you belong to. It infects us all. It will take anyone’s life. It is a virus — not a political weapon.",3073,21822,746,126386 1313582803808903168,2020-10-06 20:52,,"We fought a Civil War that would secure a Union that would seek to fulfill the promise of equality for all. And by fits and starts, our better angels have prevailed just enough against our worst impulses to make a new and better nation. Those better angels must prevail again.",1314,6657,259,35531 1313583306932465664,2020-10-06 20:54,,"As president, I will embrace: Hope, not fear. Peace, not violence. Generosity, not greed. Light, not darkness. I will be a president who appeals to the best in us. Not the worst.",8412,29548,2462,189451 1313585320353509381,2020-10-06 21:02,,"I give you my word: If I am elected president, I will marshal the ingenuity and goodwill of this nation to turn division into unity and bring us together.",35646,40281,6388,351144 1313607969557282816,2020-10-06 22:32,,The President turned his back on you.,6652,53130,2838,200776 1313612499263127552,2020-10-06 22:50,,"Make no mistake: if you are out of work, if your business is closed, if your child’s school is shut down, if you are seeing layoffs in your community, Donald Trump decided today that none of that matters to him.",27717,94032,6205,435973 1313616274476285953,2020-10-06 23:05,,"Climate change is already here, and ignoring science won't make it go away. If we give the Trump Administration another four years, we'll lose irreplaceable time to combat it.",1515,6764,266,33098 1313620049165336576,2020-10-06 23:20,,"Four weeks from today, voters will head to the polls to determine the outcome of the most important election of our lifetime. We don’t have a minute to waste — and we need your help to win. Chip in:",1578,2355,131,11639 1313633890289045504,2020-10-07 00:15,,"Look, folks, I'm going to be honest: we'll try pretty much anything to get you to vote this election. My team spun up this quiz to match your personality to an easy voting option. Check it out — but more importantly, vote!",2408,4050,450,19765 1313641691602202624,2020-10-07 00:46,,"Think about what it takes for a Black person to love America. That is a deep love for this country that, for far too long, we have never recognized.",3204,11010,859,52996 1313646473393840128,2020-10-07 01:05,,"Ignore the polls, folks. There’s too much at stake for us to get complacent. Vote: Donate: Volunteer: Let’s finish these final four weeks strong.",4408,27589,1716,122690 1313652765319557122,2020-10-07 01:30,,"I can’t wait for @KamalaHarris to make history at tomorrow night’s debate. Before she takes the stage, don’t miss this event with @MindyKaling, @PadmaLakshmi, @DJCassidy, and more. RSVP today:",2254,4079,192,27164 1313663334286323714,2020-10-07 02:12,,Please.,13165,26046,6431,187687 1313844025296789505,2020-10-07 14:10,,"As president, I will: - Implement nationwide mask mandates - Ensure access to regular, reliable, and free testing - Accelerate the development of treatments and vaccines I won’t waste any time getting this virus under control.",15068,29499,3244,217559 1313881773755957248,2020-10-07 16:40,,"Together, we can set our nation on a new path. One where we finally live up to our highest ideals and everyone gets a fair shot to get ahead. Let's do this:",1837,3484,218,15076 1313907946389204992,2020-10-07 18:24,,"Missouri — today is your last day to register to vote online, in person, or by mail. Don’t miss your opportunity to help determine the future of this country. Head to and get registered today.",741,3156,117,11546 1313911972967059456,2020-10-07 18:40,,Arizona — in-person early voting starts today. Head to to find all the info you need to cast your ballot.,1078,4507,167,18083 1313915747479945216,2020-10-07 18:55,,"These families fled persecution and violence to seek safety in the land of the free. But instead of providing refuge, the Trump Administration ripped their children away from them. The cruelty was the point — and it's reprehensible.",2392,8942,374,34484 1313937641805496320,2020-10-07 20:22,,"Folks, I know a thing or two about vice presidential debates. In 2008, I squared off against Governor Palin. And in 2012, I called out Congressman Ryan's malarkey. I know @KamalaHarris will do a great job. Join me and tune in at 9 PM ET to cheer her on.",5088,15451,892,141219 1313966330861809671,2020-10-07 22:16,,"Taylor — Thanks for your support and for speaking out at this crucial moment in our nation’s history. Election Day is right around the corner — are you ready for it?",3742,24878,3488,180854 1313978662295949314,2020-10-07 23:05,,"We can end this era of division. We can end the hate and the fear. We can be what we are at our best: one America.",1849,3769,194,19322 1313990490036068352,2020-10-07 23:52,,"Go get 'em, @KamalaHarris.",4666,20413,1456,213619 1314000413893382144,2020-10-08 00:31,,"Before @KamalaHarris steps on stage, tune in for a pre-debate event with @MindyKaling, @PadmaLakshmi, @DJCassidy, and more.",380,1180,35,6354 1314002569706917888,2020-10-08 00:40,,".@KamalaHarris is about to take the debate stage –– but before she does, I need your help. Will you chip in to make sure Kamala knows you’ve got her back as she takes on Vice President Pence?",1061,1635,92,9953 1314011006650273792,2020-10-08 01:13,,"We’re eight months into this pandemic and Donald Trump and Mike Pence still have no plan to deal with COVID-19. He’s still hoping it will just “disappear.” @KamalaHarris and I have a comprehensive, science-backed plan to defeat this virus. Take a look:",1337,4075,145,20576 1314014722405150722,2020-10-08 01:28,,".@KamalaHarris is showing the American people why I chose her as my running mate. She’s smart, she’s experienced, she’s a proven fighter for the middle class. She’ll be an incredible Vice President.",23870,63141,3901,546537 1314019962487529477,2020-10-08 01:49,,"Let me be clear: A Biden-Harris Administration won't increase taxes by a dime on anyone making less than $400,000 a year.",29614,95805,7191,614822 1314029053486211073,2020-10-08 02:25,,"Donald Trump has made hate, division, and dog whistles central to his campaign from the very beginning – and last week he couldn't even condemn white supremacists. It’s a pattern.",4672,21959,561,157219 1314031047013732352,2020-10-08 02:33,,Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly.,26036,215330,57034,909620 1314033841661767680,2020-10-08 02:44,,,14234,101213,19435,454576 1314034535890378752,2020-10-08 02:47,,".@KamalaHarris, you made us all proud tonight.",28479,94910,5605,1105873 1314229062324441089,2020-10-08 15:40,,Last night @KamalaHarris showed America exactly why she’ll make an incredible Vice President.,4986,16122,1008,101001 1314246678153760771,2020-10-08 16:50,,"We must seek not to build walls, but bridges. We must seek not to clench our fists, but to open our arms. We must seek not to tear each other apart, but to come together.",9992,27587,2034,193874 1314265301006118913,2020-10-08 18:04,,I’m running as a proud Democrat. But I will govern as an American president.,2386,9044,418,57869 1314280652322336768,2020-10-08 19:05,,"I promise you that as president, I will always appeal to the best in us — not the worst.",4590,8182,496,46011 1314300533071642625,2020-10-08 20:24,,"Folks, there was only one person on last night’s debate stage who’s fit to serve as Vice President — and her name is @KamalaHarris.",17771,33640,2149,346545 1314320162317897729,2020-10-08 21:42,,"Every generation that has followed Gettysburg has been faced with a moment when it must answer this question: Will we allow the sacrifices made in that battle, and that war, to be in vain? We cannot, and we must not. It's time to come together.",1063,3843,150,17857 1314323701777657856,2020-10-08 21:56,,"Tune in as @KamalaHarris and I kick off our Soul of the Nation bus tour from Phoenix, Arizona.",1074,2307,96,11002 1314337526694375426,2020-10-08 22:51,,"Last night, @KamalaHarris chose truth over lies. She chose hope and unity over fear and division. She showed America what true leadership looks like — and I couldn't be prouder.",7829,13790,781,114767 1314346083087257603,2020-10-08 23:25,,".@KamalaHarris is right: If you have a pre-existing condition, the Trump Administration is coming for you. Vote like your health care depends on it — because it does.",2376,6493,333,30133 1314355143022989314,2020-10-09 00:01,,"After last night, I just had to write a note about my friend and running mate, @KamalaHarris.",2232,4541,225,25813 1314358666045337602,2020-10-09 00:15,,".@CP3 and @StephenCurry30 know exactly what it means to finish strong down the stretch. We’re in the closing days of this campaign, and it’s time to finish this fight and cast our ballots. Don’t miss your shot: Register to vote today at",1518,4474,264,22407 1314366215914098689,2020-10-09 00:45,,"Time and time again, President Trump has refused to condemn white supremacy and stoked the flames of hate for political gain. It’s a pattern — and America deserves better.",9751,6527,1020,31452 1314373765388615682,2020-10-09 01:15,,"Jill and I are keeping the Gulf Coast in our prayers tonight. If you’re in Hurricane Delta’s path, please heed the advice of local officials, take steps to prepare, and stay safe.",1226,4708,208,27092 1314393898333208578,2020-10-09 02:35,,"When Governor Whitmer worked to protect her state from a deadly pandemic, President Trump issued a call to ""LIBERATE MICHIGAN!"" That call was heard. He's giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country — and we have to stop it.",15251,56559,2830,299222 1314570059017334786,2020-10-09 14:15,,"What we need in America is leadership that seeks to de-escalate tensions, to open lines of communication, and to bring us together. To heal — and to hope. As president, that is precisely what I will do.",6245,15334,870,108025 1314583396970979328,2020-10-09 15:08,,25 days. Let’s win this thing.,22816,67050,4924,655728 1314608059482865667,2020-10-09 16:46,,"Congratulations to the UN World Food Program. With global hunger on the march, made worse by the pandemic and conflict around the world, we must come together to fight food insecurity. As president, I'll support the WFP and reassert American leadership to address global hunger.",1385,9052,283,58993 1314620390682091531,2020-10-09 17:35,,"Folks, if you live in: Idaho New York North Carolina Oklahoma Today is your last day to register to vote. Head to and get registered before it’s too late.",1775,10095,316,28309 1314639768227966977,2020-10-09 18:52,,"Why did Donald Trump tell Bob Woodward the truth about COVID-19, but not the American people?",15235,45394,2516,294401 1314658139715915777,2020-10-09 20:05,,"It’s estimated that nearly another 200,000 Americans could lose their lives by the end of the year because of this virus. Enough. No more. Let’s set the partisanship aside. Let’s end the politics. Let’s follow the science.",5444,17987,729,99495 1314678357838032897,2020-10-09 21:25,,Tune in as I deliver remarks from our drive-in event in Las Vegas.,1939,2818,170,12873 1314694629720092672,2020-10-09 22:30,,John — and farmers across the country — can’t afford four more years of a climate change denier in the White House.,2225,9712,432,43602 1314714747762335746,2020-10-09 23:49,,"40,000 people a day are coming down with the coronavirus. What is the matter with this guy?",9460,43360,1758,192554 1314722312105590784,2020-10-10 00:20,,"You and I can change the course of history. Vote:",5645,8382,593,43289 1314922380528095232,2020-10-10 13:35,,"Over 213,000 Americans have died from this virus — and the hard truth is it didn’t have to happen this way.",3424,8991,505,34531 1314942513413672961,2020-10-10 14:55,,To all my fellow Delawareans — today is your last day to register to vote. Head to to get registered today.,1338,4110,130,17005 1314949308194729985,2020-10-10 15:22,,"If you're sick, struggling, or worried about how you're going to get through the day — know you are not alone. We're all in this together. And together, we'll emerge stronger than before.",2393,8007,548,31397 1314970950484594689,2020-10-10 16:48,,"What does building back better mean for you? - Millions of new, good-paying jobs - A $15 federal minimum wage - Stronger benefits and fair workplaces - An economy that works for everyone—not just the wealthy - The choice to join a union That's the future we can build together.",8925,10799,1129,55914 1314985295180259329,2020-10-10 17:45,,We need a president who understands hardworking Americans — not one who looks down on them.,22817,33519,3478,289762 1315011720709050368,2020-10-10 19:30,,"Let’s go vote, America.",16717,28235,4037,205766 1315024302278955011,2020-10-10 20:20,,"We're eight months into this crisis, and this president still has no plan to rebuild our economy. I do. I'll get America back to work — and build back better. Here's how:",6090,6508,642,29639 1315033249186414592,2020-10-10 20:55,,"I’m in Erie, Pennsylvania, to discuss my plans to build back better. Tune in.",3011,3441,267,18054 1315046951440838656,2020-10-10 21:50,,"The fact is this pandemic has exposed the cracks in our already broken mental health care system. We can and must do better. As president, I’ll fight to achieve mental health parity, expand access to care, and wipe out the stigma. #WorldMentalHealthDay",3465,10968,458,64430 1315064572940877826,2020-10-10 23:00,,"America has to be about the possibilities of prosperity. Not just for the privileged few. But for the many — for all of us.",6178,12147,757,81155 1315079668463284224,2020-10-11 00:00,,"One in five small businesses have closed. More than 25 million Americans are on unemployment. Millions are at risk of losing their homes. But President Trump doesn’t seem to care. He only cares about how he and his wealthy friends are doing.",16148,17974,1888,90875 1315311696022437888,2020-10-11 15:22,,There is no excuse for President Trump’s reckless behavior.,5333,25333,1432,85077 1315321762524127240,2020-10-11 16:02,,"I want every member of the LGBTQ+ community to know you are loved and accepted just as you are — whether you've come out or not. I'll fight every day in the White House to create a country where you can live open, proud, and free — without fear. #NationalComingOutDay",8758,56863,4167,323095 1315333841767354368,2020-10-11 16:50,,"Today, let's all celebrate the one billion girls and young women around the world — and recommit to fight for their education, work, health, rights, and opportunities. A Biden-Harris administration will work to elevate their voices and ensure an equal future. #DayOfTheGirl",3046,13741,544,86003 1315343909346779136,2020-10-11 17:30,,"Today we join Polish-Americans in celebrating General Pulaski, whose heroism built the American cavalry and saved the life of George Washington. America will always stand with the Polish people against the common threats we face.",2495,6546,465,45769 1315374108218064896,2020-10-11 19:30,,"When President Trump was told one thousand Americans were dying every day from COVID-19, he shrugged it off and said, ""it is what it is."" It is what it is? This president doesn't even pretend to care about the Americans he swore to serve. It's disgraceful.",8061,27049,1117,150454 1315389206991122432,2020-10-11 20:30,,"In January, I said President Trump was the worst possible leader to deal with a public health crisis. And everything we’ve been through in the months since has proven that to be true.",3776,11541,617,42279 1315404306258903040,2020-10-11 21:30,,"I helped pull this country out of a recession before — and, as president, I’ll do it again.",37397,50493,6123,470126 1315423180257808385,2020-10-11 22:45,,"This election, you have the power to choose: Hope over fear. Truth over lies. Unity over division. Vote.",12509,11287,1518,60947 1315437021570248704,2020-10-11 23:40,,"Brayden — you have heart, courage, and maturity beyond your years. You have unlimited potential — and I can't wait to see what your future holds.",3631,24805,3650,132392 1315449605098799104,2020-10-12 00:30,,"From Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall, we’re at our best when the promise of America is available to all.",5481,12624,611,91968 1315657223004065792,2020-10-12 14:15,,"Health care is deeply personal to me. And I guarantee you that if I'm elected president, I will protect your family's health care as if it were my own.",5406,15517,944,76304 1315678865268772865,2020-10-12 15:41,,"On this Indigenous People’s Day, we must both recognize the past that has brought us here, and commit to one another to write a new future of promise, partnership, and equal opportunity for the proud Tribal Nations of our country.",3105,7926,572,38709 1315691197998923795,2020-10-12 16:30,,"Georgia — you don’t have to wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot. Early voting begins today. Head to to find all the info you need.",2025,5629,284,22127 1315706973661265920,2020-10-12 17:32,,"I'm in Toledo, Ohio, to discuss my plans to build the economy back better for working families. Tune in.",2286,3358,268,15956 1315719382182526976,2020-10-12 18:22,,I know Americans aren’t looking for a handout. They just want a fair chance to get ahead — and I’ll work every day to make sure folks get that chance.,12499,17387,5207,130731 1315745051515908096,2020-10-12 20:04,,"The longer Donald Trump is president, the more reckless he gets.",18564,41439,3120,365607 1315768965281447936,2020-10-12 21:39,,"There's no question: we are neck and neck in Ohio — and with early voting underway and only 22 days until Election Day, there's no time to waste. Join us live from Cincinnati as we get out the vote:",1704,3188,181,13209 1315768958742491136,2020-10-12 21:39,,"Donald Trump is running TV ads taking Dr. Fauci out of context and without his permission. So, here’s a message from the President in his own words.",9263,63957,8206,211424 1315784310016761857,2020-10-12 22:40,,"Today marks 22 years since Matthew Shepard passed away after a brutal anti-gay hate crime. Over two decades later, violence against LGBTQ+ Americans is at an all-time high. As president, I'll strengthen our hate crimes laws and make clear that bigotry has no place in America.",3743,25696,1222,154189 1315791859919122433,2020-10-12 23:10,,"On National Farmers Day, we honor the hardworking men and women who drive our economy, fuel our rural communities, and nourish our nation. A Biden-Harris administration will work every day to restore the dignity our farmers deserve and help them build back better than before.",2089,5299,270,28639 1315798151375187968,2020-10-12 23:35,,"Folks, we're just a few days away from our final public fundraising deadline, and we need your help to hit our goal. Every donation — big or small — makes a big difference during these final weeks. If you're able, please chip in:",2000,2455,145,9706 1315808217620860930,2020-10-13 00:15,,We need a president who will unite our country and bring out our best — not one who stokes division and brings out our worst.,18066,24688,2452,189376 1315823316960120833,2020-10-13 01:15,,"I am ready to fight for you and for our nation. Every day. Without exception, without reservation. And with a full and devoted heart.",19024,22452,2483,178210 1316009544481345541,2020-10-13 13:35,,"Three weeks from today, we’re going to make Donald Trump a one-term president.",36793,82071,9408,730214 1316027160075866112,2020-10-13 14:45,,"Donald Trump has been trying to throw out Obamacare for years. And now he sees an opportunity to finally get it done, all while ignoring the will of the people. We can’t let him.",6094,13348,724,82152 1316038704310480896,2020-10-13 15:30,,"@KamalaHarris @DouglasEmhoff Happy Birthday, @DouglasEmhoff!",187,961,22,18392 1316046538339090433,2020-10-13 16:02,,"Texas — early voting begins today across the state. Your voice can change the course of history — use it. Head to and make a plan to vote early today.",1907,10656,644,38758 1316054842838835200,2020-10-13 16:35,,"If you live in: Kansas Louisiana Maryland Minnesota New Jersey Oregon Virginia Washington D.C. West Virginia Today is your last day to register to vote. Head to to register before it's too late.",1628,9181,361,21730 1316065663916683264,2020-10-13 17:18,,Kentucky — in-person early voting begins today across the state. Head to and make your plan to vote.,1504,3834,215,16767 1316072710485676034,2020-10-13 17:46,,"Folks, we have arrived at the final frontier of this election — and your support is more important than ever. Chip in to join us for a grassroots fundraiser as we boldly go into these last three weeks:",1340,2605,178,11001 1316090743925030912,2020-10-13 18:57,,"I’m in Pembroke Pines, Florida, to discuss my plans to protect and strengthen Social Security and ensure every American can retire with dignity. Tune in.",1774,3004,191,13175 1316110207366250496,2020-10-13 20:15,,"215,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 on Donald Trump’s watch. It’s the greatest failure of presidential leadership in our nation’s history.",8805,25270,1292,138329 1316126788972552192,2020-10-13 21:20,,"With just three weeks until Election Day, I’m in Miramar, Florida, to encourage folks to make their plan to vote. Tune in — and then head to to make your plan today.",1098,2107,109,9746 1316137386628313088,2020-10-13 22:03,,"The election is already underway. Millions of Americans are voting. And they deserve to have their voices heard when it comes to who serves on the U.S. Supreme Court.",5314,14381,608,86783 1316147956689575936,2020-10-13 22:45,,"We all know President Trump has a tendency to stray from the truth, so let's set the record straight.",3098,12056,920,35663 1316155757511966721,2020-10-13 23:16,,"Here's something that will be very different if I'm president: I'll actually listen to Dr. Fauci's advice and expertise, not attack him for telling the truth.",3733,16511,610,104750 1316163055760232449,2020-10-13 23:45,,"Folks, it’s hard to believe, but tomorrow night marks our final public fundraising deadline of the campaign. Can you chip in to help us post our strongest numbers yet?",2096,2836,183,10839 1316178155510652929,2020-10-14 00:45,,I’ll be a president for all Americans. Not just the ones who vote for me.,25036,40626,3943,409852 1316189479544279041,2020-10-14 01:30,,"Thank you, Florida!",17138,17974,3439,156592 1316369918774968322,2020-10-14 13:27,,20 days.,18935,27071,3370,280451 1316386276572975109,2020-10-14 14:32,,"Wisconsin — today is your last day to register to vote online or by mail. Apply online by 11:59 PM or make sure your mail application is postmarked by today. Don’t let history repeat itself. Head to to register now.",1584,5068,268,16507 1316393826789937152,2020-10-14 15:02,,Kansas –– you can advance vote in many counties starting today. Head to to find all the info you need to cast your ballot in this election.,1967,3224,156,12864 1316402131197452288,2020-10-14 15:35,,"If President Trump is successful in forcing through his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, it will likely repeal the ACA and 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose their protections. Vote like your health care depends on it. Because it does.",3884,6249,393,22302 1316417230670721024,2020-10-14 16:35,,"Donald Trump wants to destroy Obamacare. I want to protect and build on it. It’s that simple, folks.",15175,23398,1747,168292 1316438873405190145,2020-10-14 18:01,,"Virginia — your voter registration deadline has been extended! Head to to get registered online before 11:59 PM on Thursday, October 15.",1608,5242,185,17785 1316446172521795584,2020-10-14 18:30,,"Tonight, our campaign will close our books and send in the names of our grassroots supporters for the final time. Chip in to make sure you’re on the list:",3012,2300,176,10590 1316463787579502596,2020-10-14 19:40,,"Today would have been George Floyd’s 47th birthday, and he should be alive to celebrate it. I made a promise to his family that I won’t let him become just another hashtag — and I’ll work every day as president to keep that promise.",9265,28385,1379,199403 1316478131788746756,2020-10-14 20:37,,Don't throw away your shot to spend Friday night with the original cast of Hamilton. Chip in today to reserve your spot:,1770,3281,182,15915 1316487694818500608,2020-10-14 21:15,,Rhode Island and Tennessee — early voting has officially started. Join millions of people across the country and vote early today.,2352,2937,181,14063 1316493986295504897,2020-10-14 21:40,,"There's only one way to end this horror: Vote.",7021,13778,1410,51378 1316506571082522626,2020-10-14 22:30,,"If President Trump has his way in the U.S. Supreme Court, long-term complications from COVID-19, like lung scarring and heart damage, will become pre-existing conditions that could result in higher premiums or denied coverage. It’s unconscionable.",15096,18206,1478,85432 1316513615373987840,2020-10-14 22:58,,"Vote for America.",69823,63696,11473,216136 1316548847712182272,2020-10-15 01:18,,"To every person who chipped in a few dollars last month — thank you. Because of your support, we raised an astounding $383 million. I'm incredibly humbled. There's still more work to be done, but I wanted to share the good news with Trimicka, one of our grassroots supporters.",6353,8640,1296,47785 1316559920741916672,2020-10-15 02:02,,"Folks, we can’t let up. We’re just a few hours away from our last public fundraising deadline before Election Day, and we need your help to hit our goal. It all comes down to this. Chip in to beat Donald Trump:",4191,2516,281,12396 1316569008594972672,2020-10-15 02:38,,Nature knows.,2961,4662,368,30597 1316572503616094208,2020-10-15 02:52,,I heard it's #NationalDessertDay,17819,19278,7577,236018 1316736837524713472,2020-10-15 13:45,,"The fact that Senate Republicans haven’t bothered to pass a COVID relief package but are rushing through President Trump’s Supreme Court pick says all you need to know. We’ve got to flip the Senate, folks.",20238,49329,3181,272546 1316751936142495745,2020-10-15 14:45,,North Carolina –– early voting begins today across the state. Head to for all the info you need to make your voice heard.,2179,4449,245,18246 1316768797110546432,2020-10-15 15:52,,"Arizona — your voter registration deadline has been extended! Head to to get registered online before 11:59 PM on Thursday, October 15.",1893,3632,171,12555 1316782889808228352,2020-10-15 16:48,,Arizona — ¡la fecha límite para registrarte para votar en Arizona ha sido extendida! Visita para registrarte en linea antes de las 11:59PM el jueves 15 de octubre.,1728,1801,130,8148 1316792201213407232,2020-10-15 17:25,,"This #SpiritDay — and every day — we must stand up to hate and intolerance. It’s up to all of us to ensure every young person is affirmed and accepted just as they are — regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.",2316,6687,294,36922 1316801009184722945,2020-10-15 18:00,,"Donald Trump can lie about the economy all he wants, but the truth is he’s the worst jobs president since 1929.",8396,31223,2346,87872 1316808561435967488,2020-10-15 18:30,,Nevada — today is the last day to register to vote online to automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Head to for all the information you need to make your voice heard.,1542,2284,129,9126 1316819884081393667,2020-10-15 19:15,,President Obama and I left Donald Trump a booming economy — and he caused a recession. He squandered it just like he has everything else he’s inherited in his life.,35757,49192,6313,332884 1316831214821548033,2020-10-15 20:00,,"Donald Trump is rushing through Justice Ginsburg's replacement because he's laser-focused on destroying the Affordable Care Act. Here's what's at stake:",2956,3388,273,13142 1316840452235186178,2020-10-15 20:36,,"During our contact tracing, we discovered around noon today that a member of the company that charters my airplane has also tested positive for COVID. This crew member was on the plane with me, but was more than 50 feet away. My COVID test from last night came back negative.",3773,6989,840,85646 1316840627817066496,2020-10-15 20:37,,"Not only was the individual 50+ feet away and wearing a mask, but I was wearing an N-95 mask. No members of my staff were in contact with this crew member either. My doctors have advised that there is no need for me to quarantine.",727,2339,93,36713 1316840806502760448,2020-10-15 20:38,,"Our campaign’s contact tracing remains ongoing, and my team will continue to share any significant developments with the American people. If anything, let this serve as an example of the importance of wearing masks and keeping a safe, social distance.",940,2656,128,39802 1316854109270503426,2020-10-15 21:31,,"Well, folks, @KamalaHarris and I watched some of President Trump’s remarks from the campaign trail — and it went just as you’d imagine. We wanted to take a moment to clear up some of the lies he’s been saying about us.",2913,18479,1496,102694 1316881791425212417,2020-10-15 23:21,,"This is not a moment — it's a movement. Rise up and be a part of it with the original cast of Hamilton. Chip in to join:",888,3468,171,19136 1316888334594007040,2020-10-15 23:47,,"I’m about to step on stage for tonight’s town hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tune in to @ABC to watch live.",4576,9296,630,89310 1316894374500962305,2020-10-16 00:11,,"We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do.",3669,10396,546,72284 1316894877649653761,2020-10-16 00:13,,"Over 215,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, and what is President Trump doing? Nothing.",2135,5960,293,32356 1316896136116891649,2020-10-16 00:18,,"The words of a president matter. And when a president doesn't wear a mask or makes fun of folks who do, it has consequences.",3537,17621,631,121039 1316896639416561666,2020-10-16 00:20,,"Let me be very clear: If you make under $400,000 you won’t pay a penny more in taxes under my administration.",26962,48733,5341,368332 1316899408315772928,2020-10-16 00:31,,The words of a president matter.,1664,6291,374,32645 1316903434168172551,2020-10-16 00:47,,"Two of the things I've cared about throughout my whole career: 1. Improving the criminal justice system. 2. Putting Black Americans in a position to gain generational wealth. And as president, I will continue that fight every day.",7961,4886,1538,29343 1316907209465290752,2020-10-16 01:02,,"Folks, I hope I’m making you proud during tonight’s town hall. If you’re with us, please chip in to help power our campaign over these final 19 days.",4223,4067,425,31412 1316914003646517249,2020-10-16 01:29,,"We're a diverse country — and unless we are able to treat people equally, we're just never going to meet our potential.",4641,23135,936,155639 1316915010606514176,2020-10-16 01:33,,"I'm running as a proud Democrat, but I'm going to be an American president. I'm going to take care of those who voted against me as well as those who voted for me. That's what presidents do.",9195,23885,1640,178075 1316917275354669061,2020-10-16 01:42,,We have to heal this nation.,3795,9067,671,54041 1316920043553378305,2020-10-16 01:53,,"How will I ensure the rights of LGBTQ+ people are protected under U.S. law? I’ll change the law.",6960,28346,1990,235876 1316920798406451205,2020-10-16 01:56,,"If I'm elected president, you won't hear me race-baiting, you won't hear me dividing — you'll hear me trying to unify.",8182,10391,1367,56409 1316923063649226752,2020-10-16 02:05,,"I just stepped off the stage at tonight’s town hall, where I laid out what’s at stake in this election. Now, I need your help. Chip in to power our campaign through this final stretch.",5481,4049,334,23246 1317108032317267968,2020-10-16 14:20,,Nebraska — today is your last day to register to vote online and by mail. Head to to get registered before it’s too late.,1630,3105,142,12729 1317113065544929282,2020-10-16 14:40,,Louisiana –– early voting begins today across the state. Head to to find all the info you need to cast your ballot.,1918,3589,170,13667 1317118107882803203,2020-10-16 15:00,,".@JLo and @AROD –– Jill and I are deeply grateful to have your support. Thank you for stepping up and speaking out. As Jennifer said: The Latino community has the power to determine the outcome of this election. Vote:",4576,7924,716,34967 1317151066035802112,2020-10-16 17:11,,"The cast of Hamilton knows we're engaged in a battle for this nation's very soul — and this election is too important to sit out. So they're coming together for a grassroots fundraiser tonight that you won't want to miss. Chip in to reserve your spot:",1968,3923,294,20189 1317162642142875654,2020-10-16 17:57,,"I know times are tough, but I promise our best days still lie ahead. Together, we're going to overcome these crises, unite the country, and build a better future for all.",10212,19304,1311,138132 1317187255019077632,2020-10-16 19:34,,We can’t let President Trump tear down Obamacare — we have to protect and build on it. Tune in as I speak live from Michigan about my plans to give more Americans access to affordable health care.,2698,3177,205,14064 1317202907444334592,2020-10-16 20:37,,We need a president who will expand access to health care — not one who does everything he can to tear it away.,11036,20535,1292,156013 1317216245679378432,2020-10-16 21:30,,"You have the power to prevent 2016 from happening again — but only if you vote.",4316,15039,1102,53732 1317226311669014528,2020-10-16 22:10,,"Not only does President Trump refuse to grant Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelans, but he also apparently used stealth deportations to send them back to the oppressive Maduro regime. It’s abundantly clear he has no regard for the suffering of the Venezuelan people.",2925,5623,400,21632 1317230581994811392,2020-10-16 22:26,,"The election is underway across the country, and millions of Americans have already cast their ballots. I’m in Detroit, Michigan, to encourage folks to join them and vote early. Tune in.",2144,2336,148,10811 1317243927817113600,2020-10-16 23:20,,Let’s be clear: The emergency aid should have never been denied in the first place.,3675,16937,537,93344 1317252484071624708,2020-10-16 23:54,,"Violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people — particularly Black and Brown transgender women — is an epidemic that needs national leadership. But Donald Trump has done nothing but fan the flames of transphobia. It has to end.",4090,7458,682,37034 1317262047420190720,2020-10-17 00:32,,"Folks, millions of you have already requested absentee ballots. It’s essential to return your ballots as soon as you can. You can return your ballot by mail or, in most states, at locations designated by your clerk. Head to to learn more.",4654,5028,322,18386 1317465638953168899,2020-10-17 14:01,,"We’ve got to come together to defeat Donald Trump –– Democrats, Independents, Republicans, and yes, even Demo-cats.",16219,45802,11397,213153 1317472937159610373,2020-10-17 14:30,,"As the Hindu festival of Navratri begins, Jill and I send our best wishes to all those celebrating in the U.S. and around the world. May good once again triumph over evil — and usher in new beginnings and opportunity for all.",5983,18187,1329,141345 1317488036851089410,2020-10-17 15:30,,"Voting is your opportunity to be in the room where it happens. Don't throw away your shot:",4142,18312,3226,72733 1317499360947654658,2020-10-17 16:15,,Nevada — early voting has officially started. Join the over 20 million people across the country who have already voted early and cast your ballot today.,1805,3300,156,14548 1317510433851412482,2020-10-17 16:59,,You deserve a president who will actually tell you the truth.,10764,10345,1177,42389 1317525784836382721,2020-10-17 18:00,,"As president, I’ll protect and build on Obamacare by: - Giving Americans the choice to buy a new public option - Lowering premiums, deductibles, and co-pays - Standing up to prescription drug corporations We’re going to make sure every American has access to the care they need.",6704,10047,808,52826 1317545917776564224,2020-10-17 19:20,,"This election is bigger than any one candidate. It's about the future of our economy, our health care, our climate, our commitment to racial justice, our democracy –– and so much more. We have to vote.",3732,3834,345,18225 1317554725596942336,2020-10-17 19:55,,Promise?,9315,43112,4927,182899 1317574858302128129,2020-10-17 21:15,,"If we do our part, if we stand together, if we keep faith with the past and with each other — then the divisions of our time can give way to the dreams of a brighter, better future. That is our work. That is our pledge. That is our mission.",5491,10920,643,59834 1317589957704355843,2020-10-17 22:15,,"In the middle of a pandemic, President Trump is trying to eliminate Obamacare and increase health care costs for millions. Now, he’s rushing through a U.S. Supreme Court justice to help him get it done. It’s unconscionable. Make no mistake: Health care is on the ballot.",13227,14854,1284,73808 1317605057215500289,2020-10-17 23:15,,"Every day we're reminded just how much is at stake in this election. We can't afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines. Vote.",5427,4970,440,24736 1317623931914813444,2020-10-18 00:30,,"A job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about dignity. It's about respect. It's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say everything will be okay. Too many people today can't do that — and it's got to change.",16270,16117,2471,103442 1317832808254083072,2020-10-18 14:20,,"I often think about what it takes for a Black person to love America. That is a deep love for this country that, for far too long, has not been recognized. It’s time we fulfilled our nation’s founding promise: equality for all. Here’s how we’ll do it:",4149,5360,401,27844 1317844887614771200,2020-10-18 15:08,,Turns out Twitter isn’t so bad when you read tweets that aren’t from President Trump.,14733,41068,5696,184019 1317865525012131841,2020-10-18 16:30,,Chip in to help us make Donald Trump a one-term president:,3390,2149,216,10273 1317873073345921024,2020-10-18 17:00,,"Folks, if you live in Illinois, today is your last day to register to vote online. Don’t wait, head to and register before it’s too late.",2066,4469,216,16032 1317881721111539719,2020-10-18 17:34,,"I’m in Durham, North Carolina, encouraging folks to make their plan to vote early. Tune in — and then head to to make yours.",2482,2817,249,12817 1317895724105895939,2020-10-18 18:30,,"COVID-19 cases are on the rise across the nation. But instead of leading by example, Donald Trump continues to put others in danger with his campaign events that ignore expert-recommended precautions. Every day he proves just how unfit he is to lead America through this crisis.",6014,12454,701,59166 1317907047099191297,2020-10-18 19:15,,"I’ve spent my entire career fighting for a more just, safe, and prosperous America — and I’m not finished yet.",5013,6218,570,27260 1317918374341476353,2020-10-18 20:00,,"From tackling climate change to making community college free for all — I've got big plans for the country. And I'll pay for them by making sure the super-wealthy, like President Trump, pay more than $750 in federal income taxes.",9710,15806,1157,90175 1317934981432430592,2020-10-18 21:06,,The truth is things in life are easier when you have a plan — and that includes voting. So my team set up a tool to help you make your plan to vote. Check it out:,2582,3484,220,15123 1317942279353454592,2020-10-18 21:35,,I believe there is not a single thing we cannot accomplish as a country if we do it together.,4966,9045,672,39739 1317952345544794112,2020-10-18 22:15,,"We are in a battle for the soul of the nation. The forces of darkness, the forces of division, the forces of yesterday are pulling us apart, holding us down, and holding us back. We must free ourselves of all of them.",21608,20532,3188,119008 1317966186907226113,2020-10-18 23:10,,"I’ve had a rule my entire life: No matter what’s happening, no matter how important the meeting, I’ll always answer a call from my grandchildren.",14793,15334,2825,137001 1317978773707345920,2020-10-19 00:00,,Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Vote out Donald Trump.,44558,219653,13854,1334092 1317993870257389568,2020-10-19 01:00,,"You have the power to own the outcome of this election — but only if you vote. Head to and make your plan to cast your ballot today.",5448,4715,410,22634 1318170176660135936,2020-10-19 12:40,,...yes,15487,182789,8444,1287576 1318182614570692608,2020-10-19 13:30,,15 days. Let’s finish strong.,31525,43293,5453,424092 1318216587212582913,2020-10-19 15:45,,"Together, we can put an end to the last four years of darkness, division, and chaos. We can unite, mend our wounds, and begin to heal. It starts at the ballot box:",5275,9181,683,34968 1318237222764642304,2020-10-19 17:07,,It’s long past time we build an economy that rewards work — not wealth.,4355,5921,414,26437 1318266163726487558,2020-10-19 19:02,,"This election is about so much more than policies. The soul of America is on the ballot. @KamalaHarris and I will work every day to bind up our wounds and bring this country back together.",4800,6322,495,31305 1318275726752256000,2020-10-19 19:40,,"Early voting starts today in: Alaska Arkansas Colorado Florida (in most counties) Idaho (in some counties) North Dakota Don't wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot — vote early today:",2376,5050,276,19913 1318286327721480194,2020-10-19 20:22,,...yes,6346,54575,2046,481892 1318322534937395200,2020-10-19 22:46,,"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation — and it’s a battle we can and must win. Vote.",5663,6356,527,37730 1318328574881918976,2020-10-19 23:10,,"Folks, the Avengers are coming back together for their biggest battle yet. Join them and @KamalaHarris tomorrow night for a grassroots fundraiser you won’t want to miss:",3967,7491,1216,38458 1318342919305166850,2020-10-20 00:07,,".@realDonaldTrump — if you had listened to the scientists, it wouldn't be this bad.",5099,18178,1054,80990 1318352230458609664,2020-10-20 00:44,,I will be a president who pushes towards the future. Not one who clings to the past.,30266,33527,4692,353111 1318357515680116737,2020-10-20 01:05,,"For once, Donald Trump is correct: I will listen to scientists.",7373,33647,2769,218550 1318361290306392064,2020-10-20 01:20,,Pennsylvania — there are just a few hours left to register to vote online. Don’t miss your chance to make your voice heard in this election. Head to and register before 11:59 PM.,3623,4481,242,19285 1318561610235981824,2020-10-20 14:36,,"The simple, sad truth is that this president is not in office to serve the American people. He’s in it to serve himself. @KamalaHarris and I are in this for you and your families.",7146,12058,883,62743 1318578975216750599,2020-10-20 15:45,,"Maryland and New Mexico — if you plan to vote by mail, today is the last day to request your absentee ballot. Head to before it's too late.",1095,3319,119,12925 1318582246320738304,2020-10-20 15:58,,"If you live in Hawaii, Utah, or Wisconsin, in-person early voting is now underway. Millions of Americans across the country have already voted. Join them and cast your ballot today.",1444,3061,168,13414 1318585266542538754,2020-10-20 16:10,,"Happy Birthday, @KamalaHarris. Next year, let’s celebrate with some ice cream at the White House.",13138,24773,2826,284756 1318598924131860481,2020-10-20 17:04,,"Yesterday, @realDonaldTrump decided to attack Dr. Fauci once again, calling him a ‘disaster’ and public health experts ‘idiots.’ Meanwhile, he still has no plan to beat this virus.",4076,19088,835,110558 1318598925075566592,2020-10-20 17:04,,"Waving a white flag and saying, “it is what it is” is unacceptable when thousands are dying each week, when businesses are closing, and when schools remain shuttered. The American people have never backed down from a challenge, but they need a leader to show the way.",1074,5973,158,41542 1318598926262480898,2020-10-20 17:04,,"Mr. President, the people are tired. They’re tired of your lies about this virus. They’re tired of watching more Americans die, and more people lose their jobs because you refuse to take this pandemic seriously.",1627,5411,258,31877 1318609173727281155,2020-10-20 17:45,,"Two weeks from today, we’re going to beat President Trump.",38851,61343,9281,579518 1318627796365856768,2020-10-20 18:59,,"Tonight, the Avengers are assembling with real-life superhero @KamalaHarris for a grassroots fundraiser. Time is running out to join them. Chip in to reserve your spot:",2830,3555,548,20558 1318638114429173767,2020-10-20 19:40,,"A few weeks ago, I spoke to Mr. Rogers’ wife Joanne when I was in her neighborhood in Pittsburgh. It was a great conversation. Friendship, empathy, kindness, and compassion — I think we could all learn a thing or two from her and her husband’s example.",2255,9969,613,75662 1318654724057518080,2020-10-20 20:46,,"America is a nation that values immigrants. It is and has always been one of our greatest strengths. We need a president who understands that.",3891,5258,507,27846 1318674605192761350,2020-10-20 22:05,,"Listening to scientists is not a bad thing. I can’t believe that has to be said.",23124,65333,5459,442361 1318691465959268353,2020-10-20 23:12,,"Whether it’s your first time voting or you’re an old pro, voting is better with friends and family. So message a few folks and make your plan to vote together today.",2841,3560,410,20134 1318701028997517314,2020-10-20 23:50,,"If I’m elected president, I won’t waste a minute getting this virus under control. Here’s how I’ll do it:",8579,12958,1454,62316 1318714870024540160,2020-10-21 00:45,,"I’ve always believed we’re at our best when we’re one America. If we come together, there’s not a single thing we cannot overcome.",16331,16171,2041,130775 1318753877076881408,2020-10-21 03:20,,It’s time we see each other as fellow Americans who live in — and love — the United States of America.,9101,27188,4154,116743 1318915442153562115,2020-10-21 14:02,,"Missouri — today is the last day to request a mail-in ballot. Head to and request yours today.",1867,3407,231,15372 1318919971653578752,2020-10-21 14:20,,"West Virginia — in-person early voting is now open across the state. Make a plan to vote at",2095,3381,287,19063 1318937589097717760,2020-10-21 15:30,,"Justice is on the ballot.",3901,5470,721,25358 1318960740657672193,2020-10-21 17:02,,"The Build Back Better Express Tour was about more than my love for trains — it was about meeting folks along the way and discussing how we can make their lives better. They are the backbone of America — and I’ll fight for them every day in the White House.",2752,4998,646,23678 1318984450328399873,2020-10-21 18:36,,Every day it seems we uncover new horrors perpetrated by President Trump and his administration.,14503,18623,2387,102477 1318998087176802304,2020-10-21 19:30,,Cada día parece que descubrimos nuevos horrores cometidos por el presidente Trump y su administración.,2755,5556,601,32049 1319003018956886020,2020-10-21 19:50,,"There are many issues that are complicated, but some things are just black and white. Families belong together.",1919,3626,273,19183 1319006793931100162,2020-10-21 20:05,,"Hay muchos asuntos que son complicados, pero algunas cosas son visiblemente claras. Las familias deben permanecer unidas.",1325,1579,194,9029 1319010458414665728,2020-10-21 20:19,,Tune in as @BarackObama sits down with community leaders in Philadelphia to talk about what’s at stake in this election.,4211,5269,570,28341 1319021893446492162,2020-10-21 21:05,,"It’s time we replace Secretary Betsy DeVos with an actual public school educator — one who values our public schools and is capable of guiding all of our schools through this pandemic. Vote:",4492,21412,2870,125443 1319032499456987136,2020-10-21 21:47,,I couldn’t be more excited to have my friend @BarackObama hitting the campaign trail. Tune in for his first drive-in rally live from Philadelphia.,4023,5427,734,38070 1319054608916901891,2020-10-21 23:15,,"President Trump didn't take the necessary precautions to protect himself and others. How can we trust him to protect the country?",13676,27026,2872,213676 1319063416787619844,2020-10-21 23:50,,"Vote early. Vote by mail. Vote on Election Day. Just make sure you vote.",4639,6558,836,47258 1319073483943407617,2020-10-22 00:30,,"Folks, if you plan to vote by mail and haven’t requested your ballot yet, it’s important that you do so as soon as possible. Deadlines are quickly approaching in states across the country. Head to to find all the information you need.",2209,3634,300,15582 1319090595814670336,2020-10-22 01:38,,"America was an idea. We've never lived up to it but we've never walked away from it before.",25869,7002,7234,34852 1319117774916997121,2020-10-22 03:26,,"“If we pour all our efforts into these 13 days, if we vote up and down the ticket like never before, then we will not only elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we will also leave no doubt about what this country that we love stands for.” — @BarackObama",6094,12586,1296,83459 1319247631089094657,2020-10-22 12:02,,"Folks, you heard @BarackObama: Make a plan, vote early, and make sure your friends and family do as well.",6474,12887,1721,80418 1319286134564933633,2020-10-22 14:35,,"Indiana — today is the last day to request your absentee-by-mail ballot. You need a valid excuse to vote absentee-by-mail. If you are eligible, head to and request yours before it’s too late.",1886,2684,228,13872 1319294943110729730,2020-10-22 15:10,,"I’ve spent my entire career fighting for the middle class and standing up to the abuse of power. Donald Trump has spent his entire career looking out for himself and abusing his power.",9887,16904,3261,68748 1319322877062049792,2020-10-22 17:01,,Thank you to each and every person who has gotten involved in our campaign so far. Whether you chipped in a few dollars or dedicated a few hours of your time — I’m incredibly grateful. Let’s keep our foot on the pedal these final 12 days and finish strong.,2506,2190,250,15853 1319328916499124224,2020-10-22 17:25,,"Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is.",4337,10874,873,61652 1319346532584288256,2020-10-22 18:35,,"Folks, it's go-time. This is the most important election of our lifetimes — and you can make all the difference. Vote.",4467,3951,628,27978 1319349804099653633,2020-10-22 18:48,,"On this International Stuttering Awareness Day, I want everyone to remember that the barriers you face don't define who you are. They didn't for me –– as a young boy who stuttered –– and they certainly don't for Brayden. What defines you is your heart and your courage.",2846,16788,2629,98245 1319367926483476481,2020-10-22 20:00,,"I’m always talking about my plans to build back better for all Americans. But what does that really mean for you and your family? Watch as @ewarren helps explain:",2943,3570,490,16440 1319392082436476930,2020-10-22 21:36,,I’m running as a proud Democrat. But I will be an American president.,14687,23047,3473,249917 1319410705364373505,2020-10-22 22:50,,"Donald Trump sees the world from Park Avenue. I see it from where I came from: Scranton, Pennsylvania. It's why I'll fight every day as president to make this country work for the middle class — not the wealthy and well-connected.",11817,8654,1933,73707 1319420772469727232,2020-10-22 23:30,,"Folks, the final debate is here. Tune in at 9 PM ET as I go head-to-head with Donald Trump for the last time before Election Day.",13195,7810,2079,100630 1319432096172081154,2020-10-23 00:15,,I need you in my corner tonight. Can you chip in before I take the debate stage and help power this campaign through the final 12 days?,6115,2253,675,15615 1319435367653593088,2020-10-23 00:28,,Ready.,7465,6120,1781,86994 1319446692236791814,2020-10-23 01:13,,"220,000 deaths. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this: Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United States.",3540,18425,1622,116005 1319448453911441408,2020-10-23 01:20,,"Learning to live with it? Come on. People are dying with it, Mr. President.",3911,20510,1681,174630 1319448963443982337,2020-10-23 01:22,,"I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.",7674,29187,3637,282958 1319450467265433601,2020-10-23 01:28,,I don’t look at this the way Donald Trump does — blue states or red states. They’re all the United States.,4943,15971,1869,155103 1319452480451694593,2020-10-23 01:36,,"I am proud that the average contribution to my campaign is $43. Chip in to power our grassroots movement through this final stretch:",927,1507,167,13206 1319452732114259970,2020-10-23 01:37,,Donald Trump should release his tax returns or shut up about corruption.,7487,40354,4448,285655 1319453990325661698,2020-10-23 01:42,,I don’t see our country in terms of blue states and red states. We are the United States.,1680,4295,535,34204 1319454865286926336,2020-10-23 01:45,,Malarkey!,8382,21391,4266,219293 1319455248868663296,2020-10-23 01:47,,"It’s not about his family or my family. It’s about your family. If you’re a middle-class family right now, you’re hurting badly.",3286,8698,786,76731 1319456758734225414,2020-10-23 01:53,,"I have released all of my tax returns. 22 years. Go look at them. What is Donald Trump hiding?",2739,6037,712,41436 1319457010312675333,2020-10-23 01:54,,"We’ve been waiting years for President Trump to reveal his grand plan for health care, and he still has nothing to show. I’ve laid out exactly what I’ll do. Take a look:",1454,3593,336,20131 1319458227160076292,2020-10-23 01:58,,He’s a confused guy. He doesn’t know who he’s running against. He’s running against Joe Biden.,7983,20464,3038,206376 1319458523177156610,2020-10-23 02:00,,"All Donald Trump can see from Park Avenue is Wall Street. He thinks the economy is doing well if the Dow Jones is doing well. Believe it or not, Mr. President, most Americans don't live off the stock market.",5507,9046,1077,67896 1319459778989469696,2020-10-23 02:05,,"This isn’t about Donald Trump’s family or my family. This is about your family. Families across America are hurting — but that’s the last thing Donald Trump wants to talk about.",1902,3353,344,23183 1319460281936793600,2020-10-23 02:07,,Call it Bidencare.,8422,9535,3271,76056 1319461625427099651,2020-10-23 02:12,,"Equality and justice — the American creed. We have never lived up to it, but we’ve never stopped trying — until this President.",3274,5738,484,45075 1319463301995266048,2020-10-23 02:19,,"You know who I am. You know who he is. The character of the country is on the ballot. Look at us closely.",4897,14386,1383,118678 1319464056621813765,2020-10-23 02:22,,Donald Trump has a dog whistle about as big as a foghorn.,6320,17496,2116,189959 1319465818300690433,2020-10-23 02:29,,"Kids were ripped from their parents’ arms, and now they can't find their parents. Those kids are alone. With nowhere to go. It’s criminal.",4348,7918,913,46965 1319468334845513729,2020-10-23 02:39,,"There is institutional racism in America. We have to give everyone a fair shot.",2530,3870,377,31219 1319468838195396608,2020-10-23 02:41,,"You know who I am. You know who Donald Trump is. The character of the country is on the ballot.",6967,8201,1358,63573 1319469844920627201,2020-10-23 02:45,,Donald Trump is the most racist president in modern history.,9765,15027,3013,96494 1319471858027122688,2020-10-23 02:53,,"Decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity, making sure that everyone has an even chance. I'm going to make sure you get that. You haven't been getting it the last four years.",4364,7705,1137,50054 1319472613035528192,2020-10-23 02:56,,"I'm running as a proud Democrat, but I will govern as an American president. I will represent you — whether you vote for me or against me.",9707,20371,2377,200620 1319473619941031937,2020-10-23 03:00,,"Folks, I just stepped off the debate stage, and I’ve never been more fired up and ready to win this election. Now, I need your help — chip in to keep tonight’s momentum going through Election Day:",11953,4994,1283,44251 1319480014857998338,2020-10-23 03:25,,"Let’s go win this, folks.",12308,14671,2022,149041 1319643992523296769,2020-10-23 14:17,,Nebraska –– It’s your last day to register to vote in-person. Head to to find all the information you need.,2034,2965,267,16803 1319655065708355585,2020-10-23 15:01,,"Utah — today is the last day to register to vote online. After today, you can register when you vote early in-person or at the polls on Election Day. Head to to get registered.",1697,2111,169,11528 1319666310133985282,2020-10-23 15:45,,"Return your ballots, folks.",6281,13338,1434,124181 1319674946482819073,2020-10-23 16:20,,"The character of our country is on the ballot. Last night’s debate showed once and for all that the choice is as clear as ever, and the stakes are as high as ever. Vote:",5466,5219,901,30534 1319686774441058306,2020-10-23 17:07,,.@BarackObama is right: President Trump wants full credit for the economy he inherited and zero blame for the pandemic he ignored.,4489,14550,1737,69382 1319698853830983682,2020-10-23 17:55,,You deserve a president who tells you the truth.,14440,14477,3229,86556 1319723264927649792,2020-10-23 19:32,,"After eight months of this pandemic, we finally found President Trump's plan to beat COVID-19.",11715,56873,21646,206373 1319732324616077315,2020-10-23 20:08,,"64 years ago today, freedom-loving Hungarians revolted against communist rule. Their spirit inspired the Prague Spring, Poland's Solidarity movement, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. As president, I'll always stand in defense of democracy and freedom at home and around the world.",5098,7983,1835,63492 1319740377486688257,2020-10-23 20:40,,"A slight change of tone from the president for one night doesn’t cover up the lies he told. It doesn’t change the fact that over 220,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 on his watch. We can’t take another four years of Donald Trump’s failed leadership.",10623,20518,2475,140285 1319757238593048577,2020-10-23 21:47,,"There is nothing more powerful than folks coming together and using their voices to inspire change. We're hosting a grassroots concert to get people to the polls across the country, and I hope you’ll join us. Chip in any amount to reserve your spot:",2196,3125,391,18435 1319784648227065859,2020-10-23 23:35,,"More than 50 million Americans have already voted. We are making history. Join us:",4360,12718,1210,128840 1319790457560379393,2020-10-23 23:59,,Wearing a mask is not a political statement.,4120,8975,971,62498 1319811093422800897,2020-10-24 01:21,,"Folks, tomorrow marks the first-ever #VoteEarlyDay. Make your plan to vote early: And then sign up to help get people across the country to vote early as well:",3777,3801,385,21068 1319988764249305089,2020-10-24 13:07,,Shamar –– thank you for your continued support and words of wisdom. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.,2819,8854,1671,69087 1319997068765581312,2020-10-24 13:40,,10 days.,12303,19018,3735,242690 1320020154936295425,2020-10-24 15:11,,"With just ten days until Election Day, @DrBiden and I are in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to encourage folks to vote early. Tune in.",2850,2437,320,16433 1320034854575181824,2020-10-24 16:10,,"Today marks the first-ever #VoteEarlyDay — and our campaign has set a big goal of talking to ten million people about voting early. We can’t do it without you — sign up to help:",1756,4349,324,27612 1320041360771051522,2020-10-24 16:36,,"On Thursday, President Trump said we're ""rounding the turn"" when it comes to COVID-19. On Friday, we set a new record for daily cases. We're paying the price for his failures every single day.",4656,15788,1289,84007 1320055705416523778,2020-10-24 17:33,,"Folks, you don’t have to wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot. You can vote now in most states across the country. Head to and make your voice heard today. #VoteEarlyDay",2105,3418,389,19667 1320058976885760003,2020-10-24 17:46,,"Massachusetts — today is the last day to register to vote. Head to and get registered before it’s too late.",1032,2163,173,11333 1320062504068911105,2020-10-24 18:00,,Rick — thank you for sharing your talent with me. I was so blown away by your art that I asked my team to add it to our online store:,2702,18197,4927,121227 1320071308193918978,2020-10-24 18:35,,"New York — you can vote early in-person starting today. Be among the first in your state to make your voice heard in this year's election.",1421,2231,228,15244 1320075586442809344,2020-10-24 18:52,,"Iowa — today is your last day to register to vote online or pre-register in person. After today, you can register when you vote early in-person or at the polls on Election Day. Head to to get registered.",1122,1818,158,9935 1320081374448025600,2020-10-24 19:15,,"President Trump called India ""filthy."" It's not how you talk about friends—and it's not how you solve global challenges like climate change. @KamalaHarris and I deeply value our partnership—and will put respect back at the center of our foreign policy.",4844,7681,1081,50733 1320102491157983232,2020-10-24 20:38,,".@DrBiden and I are in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to encourage folks to vote early. Tune in — and then head to to make your plan to vote.",2473,2432,297,16268 1320114298878939136,2020-10-24 21:25,,"Make your plan to vote early, folks. #VoteEarlyDay",4298,5301,589,51168 1320122899655634944,2020-10-24 22:00,,"Imagine a day in the not too distant future when you can enjoy a dinner out with your friends, a night at the movies, or when you can celebrate your birthday, wedding, or graduation surrounded by your nearest and dearest. We can get there — together.",6940,6567,1426,43929 1320130447649636352,2020-10-24 22:30,,President Trump continues to prove just how unfit he is to lead our nation through a global pandemic.,7988,18832,1598,180423 1320137745696649216,2020-10-24 22:59,,"Folks, it’s go-time. There are just 10 days left until Election Day, and we need your help. Chip in $10 to help bring this across the finish line:",2914,1943,231,13007 1320151335199756288,2020-10-24 23:53,,It’s become painfully clear that the only senior that Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump.,3172,6302,547,39877 1320154858654056449,2020-10-25 00:07,,"Folks, I've got some big news: We officially reached our goal of talking to 10 million voters on this #VoteEarlyDay. But we're not done yet — we set a new goal of 15 million and can't reach it without you. Sign up to help:",2979,3390,284,25021 1320164924803383298,2020-10-25 00:47,,"You deserve a president who will get up every single day and work to make your life better. If you elect me, that’s exactly what I’ll do.",10416,14708,3065,112501 1320349894050156544,2020-10-25 13:02,,"Be like @BarackObama. Vote early:",3762,11091,1491,81911 1320362476714795009,2020-10-25 13:52,,9 days. Let’s go.,9721,22812,3571,263293 1320372291486662656,2020-10-25 14:31,,"After months of competing against each other in the primary, @EWarren, @PeteButtigieg, @CoryBooker, @JulianCastro, @AmyKlobuchar, and I know each other pretty well. Watch them break down the latest presidential debate:",2536,6881,1050,30811 1320385240171511809,2020-10-25 15:22,,"Your vote can change the course of history — don’t wait to cast it. Vote early today:",3649,8965,784,71523 1320394690789855233,2020-10-25 16:00,,"It’s voting season, folks. Watch as @StaceyAbrams breaks down the importance of your vote — and then head to to make your voice heard today.",1611,3137,312,14916 1320401735534268416,2020-10-25 16:28,,The hard truth is it didn't have to be this bad. But Donald Trump's shortsighted actions weakened our ability to respond to a pandemic long before COVID-19 reached our shores.,5057,12868,1112,77450 1320417338026491904,2020-10-25 17:30,,"The fact is Secretary Betsy DeVos and President Trump don't care about our students or our teachers. You deserve better.",2803,9481,1287,38200 1320426649410625536,2020-10-25 18:07,,.@BarackObama was a president our kids could look up to.,8171,18717,3048,228467 1320449802094714880,2020-10-25 19:39,,"Folks, with just nine days until Election Day, your support is more important than ever. Every dollar counts during this final stretch. If you're able, please chip in today:",2115,1922,183,12767 1320458106757926927,2020-10-25 20:12,,President Trump and his administration may have quit on the American people — but I can promise you I never will.,5122,12730,1181,81645 1320463895295893505,2020-10-25 20:35,,"There is a real human toll to President Trump's failed leadership. We can't forget that.",3666,11360,1989,44238 1320477737249722369,2020-10-25 21:30,,"Thank you @iamwill and @IAMJHUD for this powerful video. Hate has no place in the United States — and on November 3rd we will prove that.",4967,26493,11119,83563 1320485537782878208,2020-10-25 22:01,,"Jacquelyn — I was honored to meet you in December, and I’m honored to have you on my team now. With the help of folks like you, we’re going to overcome the obstacles we face and restore decency in this country.",2321,4644,572,32520 1320500637352693761,2020-10-25 23:01,,I will never give up on the American people.,4180,13684,1568,63379 1320507935756328960,2020-10-25 23:30,,"It's clear Donald Trump will stop at nothing to tear down Obamacare. We can't let him.",5179,7264,847,38405 1320516150988451841,2020-10-26 00:02,,"Folks, the I Will Vote concert is finally here. Tune in as an incredible lineup of stars comes together to get out the vote.",4845,3970,532,20484 1320716067111653378,2020-10-26 13:17,,"This is the most important election of our lifetimes. Don't wait to make your voice heard. Vote early today:",4283,10887,968,90023 1320734430881697793,2020-10-26 14:30,,"If you live in: Montana Washington Today is your last day to register to vote. After today, you can still same-day register in person when you vote early or on Election Day. Head to to learn more.",1625,2593,260,12330 1320736944238809099,2020-10-26 14:40,,"If you live in Colorado, you must register today to receive a ballot in the mail. You can still same-day register in person before you vote early or on Election Day, but don't wait! Head to to learn more.",1122,2413,207,11491 1320739460842180610,2020-10-26 14:50,,Maryland –– today's the first day of early voting across the state. Head to to learn more. Cast your ballot today.,1466,2428,220,14300 1320741987973099525,2020-10-26 15:00,,"In 8 days, we’re going to take our democracy back.",14134,28380,5018,313530 1320757084225495042,2020-10-26 16:00,,"Character is on the ballot. Vote:",4761,9267,1707,40657 1320775951781744641,2020-10-26 17:15,,"It didn’t have to be this bad — and as @MichelleObama said, “Our commander in chief, sadly, has been missing in action.” It’s unforgivable.",3978,7573,842,38961 1320787278147403776,2020-10-26 18:00,,"No president whose lies and failures have cost 225,000 American lives should keep his job. Period.",11004,28144,3367,211179 1320800754228170756,2020-10-26 18:53,,"Maine — there are only five days left to vote early in-person for @SaraGideon and Democrats up and down the ballot. Sara has been a relentless champion for Mainers, and electing her is key to flipping the Senate — but we can’t do it without you. Vote:",1394,3786,243,21754 1320812441551343616,2020-10-26 19:40,,"Don't wake up on November 4th wishing you had done more. If you're able, chip in $8 to help secure a victory in 8 days:",2867,2298,302,13575 1320822759933550592,2020-10-26 20:21,,More than 60 million Americans have already voted. They deserve to have their voices heard on who replaces Justice Ginsburg.,6711,19018,1632,165438 1320836600805416961,2020-10-26 21:16,,We can’t let President Trump tear down Obamacare.,6891,15527,1316,175130 1320850190325194754,2020-10-26 22:10,,"I couldn't be more excited to have my friend @BarackObama hitting the campaign trail to talk about what's at stake in this election. As he said in Philadelphia, we can't just imagine a better future — we have to fight for it and vote like never before:",2946,6153,625,35844 1320857739959193601,2020-10-26 22:40,,"Folks, I'm amazed by what you all are doing to get out the vote. We can't let up — remember to vote early, and sign up to help this final weekend:",2924,4106,317,27569 1320933992443465728,2020-10-27 03:43,,"The rushed and unprecedented confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice to the Supreme Court, in the middle of an ongoing election, should be a stark reminder to every American that your vote matters.",5964,12026,1230,71860 1320936509038624769,2020-10-27 03:53,,Vote.,17983,46604,7169,403462 1321083729096413185,2020-10-27 13:38,,One week until Election Day. Don’t let up now.,6297,25133,2604,235153 1321095557289529350,2020-10-27 14:25,,"Home is where your values are set — where your view of the world begins to form, along with your place in it. For me, that's Scranton, PA. Pennsylvania: today is your last day to vote early in person. We've got to win this — let's bring it home. Vote:",3938,5602,663,42532 1321112418487971842,2020-10-27 15:32,,"This is our opportunity to leave the dark, angry politics of the past four years behind us. It's time to come together and unite the country. It all begins with your vote:",3615,7085,895,39325 1321119685358669824,2020-10-27 16:00,,"With just one week until Election Day, @BarackObama is in Orlando, Florida, encouraging folks to vote early. Tune in.",2807,2948,338,18155 1321138590789726209,2020-10-27 17:16,,Black lives matter. No president should be afraid to say it.,7332,28116,4120,158087 1321145611475824640,2020-10-27 17:43,,"With one week left until Election Day, I'm delivering remarks in Warm Springs, Georgia, on how we can unite to address the crises facing our nation. Tune in.",4000,3504,438,22179 1321164380080381952,2020-10-27 18:58,,"I believe this election is about who we are as a nation, what we believe — and maybe most importantly — who we want to be. It's about our essence. It’s about what makes us Americans. It’s that fundamental. Vote:",2448,4734,441,32906 1321169796420018178,2020-10-27 19:20,,I know this country. I know our people. And I know we can unite and heal this nation.,7491,16044,1730,172604 1321174829328990212,2020-10-27 19:40,,"The names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake will not soon be forgotten. Not by me. Not by us. Not by this country. They’re going to inspire a new wave of justice in America.",7848,15056,1793,123008 1321188769173700608,2020-10-27 20:35,,"It’s go-time, folks. We’re just one week away from the most important election of our lifetimes. Tune in as we get out the vote in Atlanta, Georgia.",2885,2840,355,17699 1321216353164931072,2020-10-27 22:25,,"Our hearts are broken for the family of Walter Wallace Jr., and for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost. Walter’s life mattered.",11291,4843,2089,34163 1321223902849323008,2020-10-27 22:55,,"America's history is the story of ""We the People."" Of all of us — together.",2120,3467,359,23027 1321232710711582720,2020-10-27 23:30,,"If you give me the honor of serving as your president, I won't waste any time getting this virus under control and building our nation back better.",3513,7802,815,51675 1321240263663194114,2020-10-28 00:00,,"From the moment I announced I was running for president, my goal has been to unite and heal this nation. We must come together.",5950,5676,934,40985 1321245411789733893,2020-10-28 00:20,,"Health care is on the line. Workers' rights are on the line. Civil rights are on the line. Women's rights are on the line. LGBTQ+ rights are on the line. Immigrant rights are on the line. Don't sit this one out. Head to and make your plan to vote today.",4604,11539,1147,63146 1321250327190908931,2020-10-28 00:40,,"Folks, we're just one week from Election Day, and we can't get complacent. Our campaign is working to reach voters across the country until the very last ballot is cast. We can't afford to fall short. If you're able, please chip in now:",7748,2634,600,16068 1321255611795951618,2020-10-28 01:01,,"Two years ago, a white supremacist entered Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue and perpetrated the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history. May the memories of those we lost be a blessing — and may we never stop fighting the scourges of anti-Semitism and gun violence.",9980,20832,1734,149998 1321457349836550151,2020-10-28 14:22,,"America is at a crossroads. We can choose four more years of Donald Trump's chaos and division. Or we can choose a different path — one of hope and light. The decision is in your hands. Vote:",6798,7318,1058,53373 1321467717694693376,2020-10-28 15:03,,"6 days. Return your ballot now:",3400,6771,722,59984 1321474305004236800,2020-10-28 15:30,,"We are the United States of America. We can beat this virus. There is no challenge we cannot meet, no enemy we cannot face, no threat we cannot conquer when we stand together.",4915,11026,1141,92042 1321491263334436864,2020-10-28 16:37,,"Under Donald Trump’s leadership, we have become weaker and sicker. Tune in as I discuss how I’ll get this virus under control and ensure every American has access to quality, affordable health care.",2892,2950,310,16594 1321499468571684864,2020-10-28 17:10,,It’s simple: Donald Trump thinks health care is a privilege. I think it is your right.,7785,27821,2649,240978 1321507018516156419,2020-10-28 17:40,,"As president, I'll build on Obamacare to ensure every single American has access to quality, affordable health care. Here's how:",2170,2624,313,17049 1321512059029213185,2020-10-28 18:00,,"Thank you for your support, @HamillHimself. May the force be with us this election season.",6467,24537,4276,128560 1321522117754658816,2020-10-28 18:40,,It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we lost my friend Senator Kay Hagan. Kay was a relentless champion for North Carolina and a fierce defender of its citizens. May her legacy continue to inspire a new generation of leaders to follow in her steps.,965,2024,129,18168 1321532184285642753,2020-10-28 19:20,,"Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of Oxi Day. Greeks inspired the free world when they resisted Mussolini’s invading army — and that courageous spirit lives on today, reminding us we too must stand up and do our part to safeguard our democracy.",2383,6547,1049,45887 1321537217441996800,2020-10-28 19:40,,We voted.,9322,14698,2615,258470 1321554078376226818,2020-10-28 20:47,,"Melanie, thank you for sharing your story and for the sacrifices you've made to keep us all safe. They are not in vain. On Tuesday, we need to vote out Donald Trump and treat the climate crisis like the existential threat it is.",1716,3667,414,18813 1321563893001408512,2020-10-28 21:26,,"You can't make this up: Yesterday, the White House science office put out a statement listing ""ending the COVID-19 pandemic"" as the top accomplishment of President Trump's first term.",7484,12498,3131,72168 1321576224624414721,2020-10-28 22:15,,"It’s not political. It’s patriotic. Wear a mask. Period.",8913,34238,3718,288420 1321586217956397058,2020-10-28 22:54,,"We have just six more days left in this election — and the American people have the power in their hands to put our country on a vastly different path. Make your plan to vote today:",4522,5237,563,41403 1321600635222052866,2020-10-28 23:52,,The future of our planet is on the ballot.,2576,5356,585,26150 1321606423495823361,2020-10-29 00:15,,"I believe in science. Donald Trump doesn't. It's that simple, folks.",14386,27192,3754,260168 1321617748527513602,2020-10-29 01:00,,"The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher — and with just six days left, we can’t let up. Chip in to help us get the job done on Tuesday:",2966,1653,258,10432 1321622781210087425,2020-10-29 01:20,,"Folks, if you haven’t returned your absentee ballot yet, it’s important you do so as soon as possible. Head to to learn more about how to return your ballot.",2888,4015,401,22650 1321627814345560065,2020-10-29 01:40,,"The election is underway across the country, and we need your help to spread the word on social media. Sign up to help, and let’s win this thing:",3570,2109,320,10673 1321807498492354561,2020-10-29 13:34,,"""History says, don't hope On this side of the grave. But then, once in a lifetime The longed-for tidal wave Of justice can rise up, And hope and history rhyme."" - Seamus Heaney",3032,13149,3341,50139 1321823865165778944,2020-10-29 14:39,,"Success in a Biden-Harris Administration will not be measured just by the stock market or GDP growth, but by the extent to which growth is raising the pay, dignity, and economic security of our working families—especially those who have been left behind.",1534,3112,315,21052 1321823864213721094,2020-10-29 14:39,,"GDP rose last quarter, but visits to food banks haven’t slowed, and poverty has grown. We’re on track for the worst economic downturn in over 70 years, and Donald Trump is on track to be the first president since Herbert Hoover to leave office with less jobs than when he came in.",4282,11453,1120,57876 1321829393099034629,2020-10-29 15:01,,5 days. Let’s bring this home.,9007,25991,3572,278074 1321844492362633216,2020-10-29 16:01,,.@KamalaHarris and I won't just build back to the way things were before these crises — we're going to build back better and create a new American economy. Watch as my friend @JulianCastro explains.,2610,4073,528,18274 1321858836626579456,2020-10-29 16:58,,"Latinas are the heart of our communities — and on Latina Equal Pay Day, we call attention to the fact that they earn only 54 cents for every dollar a white man makes. A Biden-Harris Administration will build back better for Latinas by taking overdue action to ensure equal pay.",3277,8442,885,54425 1321863115680567297,2020-10-29 17:15,,"I join Israelis in honoring Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin z""l, 25 years after his assassination. He led a life of service to his country and its security — and bravely gave his life pursuing peace. I was honored to call him a friend.",1887,4117,551,40753 1321878691081723904,2020-10-29 18:16,,"We’re just five days from Election Day –– and everything is on the line. Tune in as we get out the vote in Broward County, Florida.",2026,2048,237,11970 1321889541343641601,2020-10-29 19:00,,"My Catholic faith drilled into me a core truth — that every person on earth is equal in rights and dignity. As president, these are the principles that will shape all that I do, and my faith will continue to serve as my anchor, as it has my entire life.",7564,6647,1607,48378 1321895830173945856,2020-10-29 19:25,,Jill and I are keeping the French people in our prayers following the horrific terror attack in Nice — which targeted innocents in a house of worship. A Biden-Harris administration will work with our allies and partners to prevent extremist violence in all forms.,4185,9036,898,88257 1321900863351238659,2020-10-29 19:45,,"Las latinas son el corazón de nuestras comunidades y hoy en el Día de la equidad salarial de la mujer latina, reconocemos el hecho de que solo ganan 54 centavos por cada dólar que gana un hombre blanco. Mi administración luchará para asegurar la igualdad salarial que se merecen.",6362,8696,2642,61097 1321904638992396288,2020-10-29 20:00,,Donald Trump is on track to become the worst jobs president in modern American history.,4838,17360,2579,60548 1321910929806819328,2020-10-29 20:25,,".@KamalaHarris y yo no solo reconstruiremos las cosas como eran antes de estas crisis, sino que reconstruiremos un mejor país que antes, para crear una nueva economía estadounidense. Mira la explicación de mi amigo @JulianCastro.",1266,1626,192,8415 1321915963399352321,2020-10-29 20:45,,"Christen — tell your grandmother I’m incredibly grateful to have her support, and thank you for helping her cast her ballot.",1776,10388,628,139631 1321926461054423040,2020-10-29 21:26,,"The future of our country is on the ballot — and you get to decide what it looks like. Vote:",3474,5481,520,46147 1321933578897248256,2020-10-29 21:55,,"Enough of the lies. Vote him out:",4234,9390,1476,41344 1321942639109918720,2020-10-29 22:31,,"You have my word: if I have the honor of serving as your president, I will do everything in my power to defeat COVID-19. Here’s my plan to get it done:",3912,5945,768,37542 1321949962494636032,2020-10-29 23:00,,"Here’s the bottom line: When we vote, things get better. Tune in as we hold a get out the vote rally in Tampa Bay, Florida.",2526,2046,228,11915 1321960506425450496,2020-10-29 23:42,,This election is about so much more than policy. The character of our country is on the ballot. And @KamalaHarris and I will work every day to bring this country back together — fighting as hard for those who don’t support us as those who do.,3892,4720,526,32745 1321967552965218305,2020-10-30 00:10,,"Now more than ever, we need a president who will choose compassion over cruelty.",10625,21363,2320,210565 1321983911057129472,2020-10-30 01:15,,"This storm will pass, and a new day will come.",9653,21155,3726,212634 1322168741111672832,2020-10-30 13:29,,"4 days to prevent another 4 years. Vote:",5872,25733,2583,196435 1322194045612032002,2020-10-30 15:10,,"They say never read the comments –– well, I did anyway.",3345,9370,1699,63781 1322209648418672642,2020-10-30 16:12,,"Folks, deadlines to vote early in-person are arriving across the country. Don’t wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot — head to to find all the information you need to vote today.",1441,4653,452,17066 1322215436524670976,2020-10-30 16:35,,"After campaigning in 2016 to lift up the ‘forgotten man,’ President Trump has completely lost sight of working people. I promise you this: I never will.",3725,4215,485,33813 1322229277887238145,2020-10-30 17:30,,Donald Trump is wholly unfit to serve as commander in chief. But don’t just take my word for it...,3058,10176,1154,38019 1322234732235513856,2020-10-30 17:51,,"There’s no challenge we can’t overcome when we stand united. With just four days to go, tune in as we get out the vote in Iowa.",1883,1884,182,10360 1322247900286513152,2020-10-30 18:44,,"You have the power to silence him. Vote:",4359,17648,4719,81581 1322254443644026880,2020-10-30 19:10,,"I'm not going to shut down the country. I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm going to shut down the virus.",24151,41797,9229,320476 1322270801370902528,2020-10-30 20:15,,"Let me be clear: Hardworking Americans should not be paying more in federal income taxes than Amazon or Netflix. It’s time for big corporations to finally pay their fair share.",4730,17597,1589,138299 1322278350933688320,2020-10-30 20:45,,"Jill and I send our prayers to the people of Greece and Turkey following today’s earthquake. We’re grateful for the brave rescuers saving others, and for the governments of Greece and Turkey putting aside their differences to support each other.",1463,7391,575,76348 1322282861093744640,2020-10-30 21:02,,We are in a battle for the soul of the nation –– your voice and vote can make all the difference. Tune in as I speak live from Minnesota.,2912,2129,259,11749 1322299741804195841,2020-10-30 22:10,,Alfonso came here with a dream. And now he’s been robbed of his future. Enough is enough.,1596,4136,1174,17743 1322304775740887042,2020-10-30 22:30,,Jill and I are praying for all those impacted by Hurricane Zeta. The entire nation stands with you as you rebuild and recover.,2524,8893,520,104813 1322320377943527424,2020-10-30 23:32,,"More than 9 million cases of COVID-19 have been now confirmed in the United States — and more than 228,000 Americans have lost their lives. It is as severe an indictment of a president’s record as one can possibly imagine, and it is utterly disqualifying.",5878,7984,885,50001 1322329396263354368,2020-10-31 00:07,,Your vote will help determine the future of our country. I’m in Wisconsin to urge folks to use that power. Tune in.,1968,2055,199,12323 1322342775518457856,2020-10-31 01:01,,"This Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I recommit to ensuring domestic violence is treated like the crime it is, and to ensuring survivors receive the support they need. I've spent my entire career fighting domestic abuse — and will continue that fight as president. #DVAM",2262,6122,527,43360 1322347053670825984,2020-10-31 01:18,,"Love will always win. Congratulations, @S10Bird and @mPinoe!",2786,9215,1119,140624 1322356364828569602,2020-10-31 01:55,,"From the climate crisis to student debt and gun violence — there's so much on the line in this election, and young people have the power to own the outcome. So vote, and let's build a better future together:",2171,2973,343,15242 1322365174288797696,2020-10-31 02:30,,Let me be clear: Anyone who is responsible for plunging and ensnaring America in this crisis — anyone who could do so without an ounce of shame or a shred of empathy — should not be president.,4464,10351,818,63401 1322372724220600320,2020-10-31 03:00,,Alfonso vino aquí con un sueño. Y su futuro ha sido robado. Ya es suficiente.,1555,2149,468,11879 1322380775715598336,2020-10-31 03:32,,"Moody’s Analytics projects that my plan will create 18.6 million jobs — over 7 million more jobs than President Trump’s plan. We’re going to build back better and ensure everyone has a fair shot to get ahead.",2948,4147,413,20815 1322493526878253057,2020-10-31 11:00,,"This is your chance to be a part of history. Vote:",1558,3087,334,18514 1322504843244744704,2020-10-31 11:45,,"I believe every American deserves to retire with dignity.",1866,4187,489,24923 1322512392937525249,2020-10-31 12:15,,"The future of this country is in your hands. Make a plan to vote now.",1925,3365,365,22667 1322519943167021056,2020-10-31 12:45,,"President Trump still has no plan to address COVID-19. He quit on you, on your family, on America. He just wants us to grow numb to the horrors of the death toll and the pain. We cannot afford another four years of his failed leadership.",5945,17657,1763,116536 1322531268152729601,2020-10-31 13:30,,"Every single American deserves access to regular, reliable, and free COVID-19 testing. Period.",4076,12683,1154,129728 1322543347236438016,2020-10-31 14:18,,Be a patriot. Wear a mask.,9662,11910,2359,91004 1322551400191135744,2020-10-31 14:50,,"The urgency of this election couldn’t be greater — and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Don’t wait: go to and vote early today.",2383,2468,286,14594 1322561466357211136,2020-10-31 15:30,,"3 days. Stay empowered, stay optimistic, stay united.",7379,22381,2371,208676 1322569017412997122,2020-10-31 16:00,,Who let all these people into my basement?,18992,66780,18189,451512 1322585061452034048,2020-10-31 17:03,,"Folks, we’re just three days from Election Day — and what you do between now and when polls close on Tuesday will determine the course of our country for generations to come. Sign up to help us get voters to the polls:",1950,3689,285,25176 1322598107809394689,2020-10-31 17:55,,"With just three days to go, @BarackObama and I are back together on the campaign trail in Michigan. Tune in.",3013,3203,431,18349 1322613559491284994,2020-10-31 18:57,,"If you’re planning to vote early in-person, today is your last day to do so in many states. Head to to find all the information you need to cast your ballot.",1083,2939,213,11789 1322620606098137088,2020-10-31 19:25,,President Obama and I left President Trump a playbook on how to deal with pandemics. He flat-out ignored it. And we're suffering every day because of it.,9917,22987,2397,158270 1322631427297476608,2020-10-31 20:08,,".@BarackObama already voted, but he knows there's still more work to be done before Election Day. Sign up to join him:",2165,3570,629,23725 1322640738648313856,2020-10-31 20:45,,"As president, I will choose: Hope, not fear. Peace, not violence. Generosity, not greed. I’ll appeal to the best in us, not the worst.",6265,15613,1870,133094 1322646873081966593,2020-10-31 21:09,,"There is too much at stake on Tuesday to sit this election out. Tune in as @BarackObama, @StevieWonder, and I get out the vote in Detroit, Michigan.",2118,2445,268,12961 1322679745662881798,2020-10-31 23:20,,"Presidents lead by example. Mask up.",4147,17201,1576,180683 1322685282165026817,2020-10-31 23:42,,"I want to extend my prayers and condolences to the Chaldean Assyrian Community this 10th anniversary of Our Lady of Deliverance church massacre in Baghdad. The right to worship is fundamental, and as Americans we should be proud that people from around the world find a home here.",1214,3715,339,34085 1322688553650827264,2020-10-31 23:55,,Happy Halloween!,1730,5216,372,74438 1322692328591552512,2020-11-01 00:10,,"Tonight marks our last end-of-month fundraising deadline — and it’s our most important one yet. With three days until Election Day, we can’t afford to fall short. If you’re able, please chip in to help us reach our goal:",1376,1059,123,6230 1322695600106659840,2020-11-01 00:23,,President Trump doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t even care about his own supporters.,4446,16222,1381,72722 1322699878196301832,2020-11-01 00:40,,"You’re absolutely right, Brayden — no one should ever underestimate the American people.",1354,4940,809,25911 1322705178622070784,2020-11-01 01:01,,"Vote for equality. Vote for the planet. Vote for justice. Vote for the future.",6701,8663,1186,63883 1322709944509124613,2020-11-01 01:20,,"Together, we can end the last four years of chaos.",2747,3241,492,15284 1322714977715785729,2020-11-01 01:40,,"Un número récord de latinos son elegibles para votar en esta elección, así que ve a votar para lograr que tu voz se escuche. No dejes que los demás decidan por ti.",1060,1721,201,8630 1322721017811345410,2020-11-01 02:04,,"The hard truth is that under President Trump, we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided, and more violent.",6502,22859,2431,168198 1322725547504328704,2020-11-01 02:22,,We can and will solve the climate crisis — together.,1262,2199,244,13888 1322730450293587968,2020-11-01 02:41,,"The character of our nation is on the ballot. Vote:",5634,4116,593,35370 1322735117387943939,2020-11-01 03:00,,"To all the heroes who have served in our armed forces, and the families and caregivers who sacrificed alongside them, I promise I’ll always have your back.",1740,3709,310,23793 1322740143741005825,2020-11-01 03:20,,"The words of a president matter. And time and time again, Donald Trump has callously used his to incite violence, stoke the flames of hatred and division, and drive us further apart. It’s time for it to end.",3962,13075,1260,87820 1322746435071139840,2020-11-01 03:45,,".@BarackObama and I have seen the office of the presidency up close, we know what the job entails, and there's too much at stake to give Donald Trump another four years. Vote:",2553,3332,344,26755 1322751468827541510,2020-11-01 04:05,,"The issues we’re facing are far bigger than any political party. It’s why I’ll be a president for all Americans — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike — because I believe we must work together if we’re going to get anything done.",2569,4867,402,37950 1322757759591436288,2020-11-01 04:30,,Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is.,2034,2768,240,19920 1322865972819251200,2020-11-01 11:40,,"As president, I’ll build an economy that rewards work — not just wealth.",3085,3654,480,36995 1322871257902145536,2020-11-01 12:01,,Let’s put dogs back in the White House.,2211,4211,1246,34240 1322876039144636417,2020-11-01 12:20,,"We have in our hands the ultimate power: the power of the vote. Don’t let it go to waste. Make your plan to vote today.",918,1143,122,6954 1322881072363917312,2020-11-01 12:40,,"We need to: Build bridges, not walls. Open our arms, not clench our fists. Focus on the ties that bind us together, not tear each other apart. We need to be what we are at our best: One America.",1281,2255,344,16696 1322886357535150081,2020-11-01 13:01,,Jodie –– you have my word: I will always stand up for you and the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.,168,270,37,1648