"id","text","author" "id26305","This process, however, afforded me no means of ascertaining the dimensions of my dungeon; as I might make its circuit, and return to the point whence I set out, without being aware of the fact; so perfectly uniform seemed the wall.","EAP" "id17569","It never once occurred to me that the fumbling might be a mere mistake.","HPL" "id11008","In his left hand was a gold snuff box, from which, as he capered down the hill, cutting all manner of fantastic steps, he took snuff incessantly with an air of the greatest possible self satisfaction.","EAP" "id27763","How lovely is spring As we looked from Windsor Terrace on the sixteen fertile counties spread beneath, speckled by happy cottages and wealthier towns, all looked as in former years, heart cheering and fair.","MWS" "id12958","Finding nothing else, not even gold, the Superintendent abandoned his attempts; but a perplexed look occasionally steals over his countenance as he sits thinking at his desk.","HPL" "id22965","A youth passed in solitude, my best years spent under your gentle and feminine fosterage, has so refined the groundwork of my character that I cannot overcome an intense distaste to the usual brutality exercised on board ship: I have never believed it to be necessary, and when I heard of a mariner equally noted for his kindliness of heart and the respect and obedience paid to him by his crew, I felt myself peculiarly fortunate in being able to secure his services.","MWS" "id09674","The astronomer, perhaps, at this point, took refuge in the suggestion of non luminosity; and here analogy was suddenly let fall.","EAP" "id13515","The surcingle hung in ribands from my body.","EAP" "id19322","I knew that you could not say to yourself 'stereotomy' without being brought to think of atomies, and thus of the theories of Epicurus; and since, when we discussed this subject not very long ago, I mentioned to you how singularly, yet with how little notice, the vague guesses of that noble Greek had met with confirmation in the late nebular cosmogony, I felt that you could not avoid casting your eyes upward to the great nebula in Orion, and I certainly expected that you would do so.","EAP" "id00912","I confess that neither the structure of languages, nor the code of governments, nor the politics of various states possessed attractions for me.","MWS" "id16737","He shall find that I can feel my injuries; he shall learn to dread my revenge"" A few days after he arrived.","MWS" "id16607","Here we barricaded ourselves, and, for the present were secure.","EAP" "id19764","Herbert West needed fresh bodies because his life work was the reanimation of the dead.","HPL" "id18886","The farm like grounds extended back very deeply up the hill, almost to Wheaton Street.","HPL" "id17189","But a glance will show the fallacy of this idea.","EAP" "id12799","He had escaped me, and I must commence a destructive and almost endless journey across the mountainous ices of the ocean, amidst cold that few of the inhabitants could long endure and which I, the native of a genial and sunny climate, could not hope to survive.","MWS" "id08441","To these speeches they gave, of course, their own interpretation; fancying, no doubt, that at all events I should come into possession of vast quantities of ready money; and provided I paid them all I owed, and a trifle more, in consideration of their services, I dare say they cared very little what became of either my soul or my carcass.","EAP" "id13117","Her native sprightliness needed no undue excitement, and her placid heart reposed contented on my love, the well being of her children, and the beauty of surrounding nature.","MWS" "id14862","I even went so far as to speak of a slightly hectic cough with which, at one time, I had been troubled of a chronic rheumatism of a twinge of hereditary gout and, in conclusion, of the disagreeable and inconvenient, but hitherto carefully concealed, weakness of my eyes.","EAP" "id20836","His facial aspect, too, was remarkable for its maturity; for though he shared his mother's and grandfather's chinlessness, his firm and precociously shaped nose united with the expression of his large, dark, almost Latin eyes to give him an air of quasi adulthood and well nigh preternatural intelligence.","HPL" "id11411","Now the net work was not permanently fastened to the hoop, but attached by a series of running loops or nooses.","EAP" "id08075","It was not that the sounds were hideous, for they were not; but that they held vibrations suggesting nothing on this globe of earth, and that at certain intervals they assumed a symphonic quality which I could hardly conceive as produced by one player.","HPL" "id18925","On every hand was a wilderness of balconies, of verandas, of minarets, of shrines, and fantastically carved oriels.","EAP" "id19925","With how deep a spirit of wonder and perplexity was I wont to regard him from our remote pew in the gallery, as, with step solemn and slow, he ascended the pulpit This reverend man, with countenance so demurely benign, with robes so glossy and so clerically flowing, with wig so minutely powdered, so rigid and so vast, could this be he who, of late, with sour visage, and in snuffy habiliments, administered, ferule in hand, the Draconian laws of the academy?","EAP" "id01704","These bizarre attempts at explanation were followed by others equally bizarre.","EAP" "id10125","For many prodigies and signs had taken place, and far and wide, over sea and land, the black wings of the Pestilence were spread abroad.","EAP" "id02448","All that as yet can fairly be said to be known is, that 'Pure gold can be made at will, and very readily from lead in connection with certain other substances, in kind and in proportions, unknown.' Speculation, of course, is busy as to the immediate and ultimate results of this discovery a discovery which few thinking persons will hesitate in referring to an increased interest in the matter of gold generally, by the late developments in California; and this reflection brings us inevitably to another the exceeding inopportuneness of Von Kempelen's analysis.","EAP" "id23451","I seemed to be upon the verge of comprehension without power to comprehend men, at times, find themselves upon the brink of remembrance without being able, in the end, to remember.","EAP" "id27907","Our compasses, depth gauges, and other delicate instruments were ruined; so that henceforth our only reckoning would be guesswork, based on our watches, the calendar, and our apparent drift as judged by any objects we might spy through the portholes or from the conning tower.","HPL" "id08121","This the young warriors took back with them to Sarnath as a symbol of conquest over the old gods and beings of Ib, and a sign of leadership in Mnar.","HPL" "id15222","Meantime the whole Paradise of Arnheim bursts upon the view.","EAP" "id00764","I was rich and young, and had a guardian appointed for me; and all about me would act as if I were one of their great society, while I must keep the secret that I really was cut off from them for ever.","MWS" "id00683","We could make out little by the dim light, but they seemed to contain prophecies, detailed relations of events but lately passed; names, now well known, but of modern date; and often exclamations of exultation or woe, of victory or defeat, were traced on their thin scant pages.","MWS" "id11733","Even now They talked in Their tombs.","HPL" "id03205","Sheehan especially did they ply with inquiries, yet without eliciting any information of value concerning Old Bugs.","HPL" "id01948","He cried aloud once, and a little later gave a gasp that was more terrible than a cry.","HPL" "id22412","The old tracks crossed River Street at grade, and at once veered off into a region increasingly rural and with less and less of Innsmouth's abhorrent fishy odour.","HPL" "id05258","His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the world minded teach us to look for only in the imagination.","MWS" "id00144","After the first start, he replaced the tissue wrapping around the portrait, as if to shield it from the sordidness of the place.","HPL" "id19576","""The present peculiar condition of affairs at court, and especially of those intrigues in which D is known to be involved, would render the instant availability of the document its susceptibility of being produced at a moment's notice a point of nearly equal importance with its possession.""","EAP" "id01577","Wilbur's growth was indeed phenomenal, for within three months of his birth he had attained a size and muscular power not usually found in infants under a full year of age.","HPL" "id01651","Pausing, I succeeded with difficulty in raising it, whereupon there was revealed a black aperture, exhaling noxious fumes which caused my torch to sputter, and disclosing in the unsteady glare the top of a flight of stone steps.","HPL" "id27080","It was all mud an' water, an' the sky was dark, an' the rain was wipin' aout all tracks abaout as fast as could be; but beginnin' at the glen maouth, whar the trees had moved, they was still some o' them awful prints big as bar'ls like he seen Monday.""","HPL" "id20751","The visits of Merrival to Windsor, before frequent, had suddenly ceased.","MWS" "id21136","It is not to be supposed, however, that the great Underduk suffered this impertinence on the part of the little old man to pass off with impunity.","EAP" "id10279","I need not tell you how sceptical I have hitherto been on the topic of the soul's immortality.","EAP" "id12683","I often compared myself to them, and finding that my chief superiority consisted in power, I soon persuaded myself that it was in power only that I was inferior to the chiefest potentates of the earth.","MWS" "id19180","And the children's children, and the newcomers' children, grew up.","HPL" "id02236","Dr. Johnson, as I beheld him, was a full, pursy Man, very ill drest, and of slovenly Aspect.","HPL" "id11523","Presently the murmur of water fell gently upon my ear and in a few moments afterward, as I turned with the road somewhat more abruptly than hitherto, I became aware that a building of some kind lay at the foot of a gentle declivity just before me.","EAP" "id22530","Ellison was remarkable in the continuous profusion of good gifts lavished upon him by fortune.","EAP" "id22197","I still continued in the plane of the elipse, but made little progress to the eastward.","EAP" "id24941","It was useless to provide many things, for we should find abundant provision in every town.","MWS" "id15218","They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stagecoach.","MWS" "id02164","I pointed to the spot where he had disappeared, and we followed the track with boats; nets were cast, but in vain.","MWS" "id17654","I have indistinct recollections of a great storm some time after I reached the boat; at any rate, I know that I heard peals of thunder and other tones which Nature utters only in her wildest moods.","HPL" "id20824","There had seemed to be no one in the courtyard below, and I hoped there would be a chance to get away before the spreading of a general alarm.","HPL" "id21164","Mein Gott do you take me vor a shicken?"" ""No oh no"" I replied, much alarmed, ""you are no chicken certainly not.""","EAP" "id08820","Perpetual fear had jaundiced his complexion, and shrivelled his whole person.","MWS" "id17407","The sun set; the atmosphere grew dim and the evening star no longer shone companionless.","MWS" "id05166","The rain ceased; the clouds sunk behind the horizon; it was now evening, and the sun descended swiftly the western sky.","MWS" "id07779","Nothing, however, occurred except some hill noises; and when the day came there were many who hoped that the new horror had gone as swiftly as it had come.","HPL" "id14749","The state rooms were sufficiently roomy, and each had two berths, one above the other.","EAP" "id10634","It was getting dark, and the ancient roofs and chimney pots outside looked very queer through the bull's eye window panes.","HPL" "id03555","They were marched to various parts of the southern counties, quartered in deserted villages, a part were sent back to their own island, while the season of winter so far revived our energy, that the passes of the country were defended, and any increase of numbers prohibited.","MWS" "id26727","We suffered no little from cold, and the dampness of the atmosphere was most unpleasant; but the ample space in the car enabled us to lie down, and by means of cloaks and a few blankets, we did sufficiently well.","EAP" "id06312","I dared, I conquered them all, till now I have sold myself to death, with the sole condition that thou shouldst follow me Fire, and war, and plague, unite for thy destruction O my Raymond, there is no safety for thee"" With an heavy heart I listened to the changes of her delirium; I made her a bed of cloaks; her violence decreased and a clammy dew stood on her brow as the paleness of death succeeded to the crimson of fever, I placed her on the cloaks.","MWS" "id24464","Again he seemed to be in the interior of a house an old house, apparently but the details and inhabitants were constantly changing, and he could never be certain of the faces or the furniture, or even of the room itself, since doors and windows seemed in just as great a state of flux as the more presumably mobile objects.","HPL" "id18006","This gentleman was clothed from head to foot in a richly embroidered black silk velvet pall, wrapped negligently around his form after the fashion of a Spanish cloak.","EAP" "id04459","The pigeons appeared distressed in the extreme, and struggled to escape; while the cat mewed piteously, and, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, staggered to and fro in the car as if under the influence of poison.","EAP" "id06749","""And what about the window panes?"" ""They were all gone.","HPL" "id11062","I panted I gasped for breath There could be no doubt of the design of my tormentors oh most unrelenting oh most demoniac of men I shrank from the glowing metal to the centre of the cell.","EAP" "id01571","With great difficulty I gained my feet, and looking dizzily around, was, at first, struck with the idea of our being among breakers; so terrific, beyond the wildest imagination, was the whirlpool of mountainous and foaming ocean within which we were engulfed.","EAP" "id03152","The next morning I delivered my letters of introduction and paid a visit to some of the principal professors.","MWS" "id06412","Nor did Raymond make an end without drawing in vivid and glowing colours, the splendour of a kingdom, in opposition to the commercial spirit of republicanism.","MWS" "id10155","How this celebrated Magazine can sustain its evidently tremendous expenses, is more than we can understand.","EAP" "id24823","In a week or two it had visibly faded, and in the course of a few months it was hardly discernible with the naked eye.""","HPL" "id06377","The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson; most of them, indeed, were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others.","MWS" "id01222","Each people looked on the coming struggle as that which would be to a great degree decisive; as, in case of victory, the next step would be the siege of Constantinople by the Greeks.","MWS" "id10142","""But could not the cavity be detected by sounding?""","EAP" "id08521","My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous of glory, or rather, to word my phrase more characteristically, of advancement in his profession.","MWS" "id13267","Within twenty four hours that machine near the table will generate waves acting on unrecognised sense organs that exist in us as atrophied or rudimentary vestiges.","HPL" "id06001","""Everybody got aout o' the idee o' dyin' excep' in canoe wars with the other islanders, or as sacrifices to the sea gods daown below, or from snake bite or plague or sharp gallopin' ailments or somethin' afore they cud take to the water but simply looked forrad to a kind o' change that wa'n't a bit horrible arter a while.","HPL" "id22877","The lips were of the usual marble pallor.","EAP" "id02647","""That is absolutely needless,"" replied G .","EAP" "id10154","Ahead lay sparse grass and scrub blueberry bushes, and beyond them the naked rock of the crag and the thin peak of the dreaded grey cottage.","HPL" "id22605","To be near him, to be loved by him, to feel him again her own, was the limit of her desires.","MWS" "id18034","The sky was serene; and, as I was unable to rest, I resolved to visit the spot where my poor William had been murdered.","MWS" "id27266","I say ""thing"" be it observed for they tell me the Latin for it is rem.","EAP" "id10676","All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies.","MWS" "id03833","The ex queen gives me Idris; Adrian is totally unfitted to succeed to the earldom, and that earldom in my hands becomes a kingdom.","MWS" "id16135","The pupils, too, upon any accession or diminution of light, underwent contraction or dilation, just such as is observed in the feline tribe.","EAP" "id19878","""Keep up the largest branch the one on this side,"" said Legrand.","EAP" "id25019","And quivering awhile among the draperies of the room, it at length rested in full view upon the surface of the door of brass.","EAP" "id18067","Maternal affection had not rendered Idris selfish; at the beginning of our calamity she had, with thoughtless enthusiasm, devoted herself to the care of the sick and helpless.","MWS" "id23088","He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care; and after the interment of his friend he conducted her to Geneva and placed her under the protection of a relation.","MWS" "id06172","I had expected some extravagant proposition, and remained silent awhile, collecting my thoughts that I might the better combat her fanciful scheme.","MWS" "id08466","Matters had now assumed a really serious aspect, and I resolved to call at once upon my particular friend, Mr. Theodore Sinivate; for I knew that here at least I should get something like definite information.","EAP" "id02547","The system had its disadvantages, and even its dangers.","EAP" "id04451","Everyone seemed inclined to be silent now, as though holding a secret fear.","HPL" "id04853","They still appeared in public together, and lived under the same roof.","MWS" "id21482","""But, my dear fellow, you are joking then,"" said I, ""this is a very passable skull indeed, I may say that it is a very excellent skull, according to the vulgar notions about such specimens of physiology and your scarabæus must be the queerest scarabæus in the world if it resembles it.","EAP" "id03072","I vaow afur Gawd, I dun't know what he wants nor what he's a tryin' to dew.""","HPL" "id08617","He began to answer with violence: ""Yes, yes, I hate you You are my bane, my poison, my disgust Oh No"" And then his manner changed, and fixing his eyes on me with an expression that convulsed every nerve and member of my frame ""you are none of all these; you are my light, my only one, my life.","MWS" "id04159","I shivered as I wondered why I did not reach the light, and would have looked down had I dared.","HPL" "id18740","The slow ravages of disease are not pleasant to watch, but in my case there was something subtler and more puzzling in the background.","HPL" "id11321","As the Comte and his associates turned away from the lowly abode of the alchemists, the form of Charles Le Sorcier appeared through the trees.","HPL" "id06564","As I have said, it happened when we were in the medical school, where West had already made himself notorious through his wild theories on the nature of death and the possibility of overcoming it artificially.","HPL" "id01004","Besides, Perdita was with him in his retirement; she saw the moodiness that succeeded to this forced hilarity; she marked his disturbed sleep, his painful irritability once she had seen his tears hers had scarce ceased to flow, since she had beheld the big drops which disappointed pride had caused to gather in his eye, but which pride was unable to dispel.","MWS" "id09114","I packed up my chemical instruments and the materials I had collected, resolving to finish my labours in some obscure nook in the northern highlands of Scotland.","MWS" "id27670","The ideas of my friend may be summed up in a few words.","EAP" "id15648","A definite point among the stars had a claim on him and was calling him.","HPL" "id27679","I believe I shall be forced to call them both out.","EAP" "id14878","God knows what that world can have been, or where he ever glimpsed the blasphemous shapes that loped and trotted and crawled through it; but whatever the baffling source of his images, one thing was plain.","HPL" "id15083","Yet all these appearances have been given I beg pardon will be given by the learned of future ages, to the Ashimah of the Syrians.","EAP" "id24979","My skin was embrowned by the sun; my step was firm with conscious power.","MWS" "id20087","It was in these slums along Main Street that I would find the old Georgian churches, but they were all long abandoned.","HPL" "id06500","""I believe, sir, you have forgotten to pay for your brandy and water.""","EAP" "id21174","I started forward and exclaimed, ""Villain Before you sign my death warrant, be sure that you are yourself safe.""","MWS" "id23958","Only his eyes stayed whole, and they glared with a propulsive, dilated incandescence which grew as the face around them charred and dwindled.","HPL" "id13881","He determined to extract and condense all of glory, power, and achievement, which might have resulted from a long reign, into the three years of his Protectorate.","MWS" "id01306","There was no advertisement of the picking up of this boat.","EAP" "id15580","Baffled, the excavators sought a conference with the Superintendent, who ordered great lengths of rope to be taken to the pit, and spliced and lowered without cessation till a bottom might be discovered.","HPL" "id07787","They had received orders that if I were again taken, I should be brought to the Earl; and his lenity made them expect a conclusion which they considered ill befitting my crime.","MWS" "id13315","Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the night the cats were away.","HPL" "id02772","Six years had elapsed, passed in a dream but for one indelible trace, and I stood in the same place where I had last embraced my father before my departure for Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id19806","""But that Kidd's accumulations were immense, is well known.","EAP" "id05293","And as I looked, I beheld the head rise, the black, liquid, and deep sunken eyes open in terror, and the thin, shadowed lips part as if for a scream too frightful to be uttered.","HPL" "id17840","And from their high summits, one by one, drop everlasting dews.","EAP" "id10113","I had now spent many hours in tears and mournful meditation; it was past twelve o'clock; all was at peace in the house, and the gentle air that stole in at my window did not rustle the leaves of the twining plants that shadowed it.","MWS" "id17270","With the traditionally receptive ears of the small boy, I learned much; though an habitual secretiveness caused me to tell no one of my information or my resolve.","HPL" "id24267","He did not himself understand these words, or know why certain things made him feel certain emotions; but fancied that some unremembered dream must be responsible.","HPL" "id21317","Look, I weep: for more than two years I have never enjoyed one moment free from anguish.","MWS" "id24125","It is indeed demonstrable that every such impulse given the air, must, in the end, impress every individual thing that exists within the universe; and the being of infinite understanding the being whom we have imagined might trace the remote undulations of the impulse trace them upward and onward in their influences upon all particles of an matter upward and onward for ever in their modifications of old forms or, in other words, in their creation of new until he found them reflected unimpressive at last back from the throne of the Godhead.","EAP" "id02655","Justine was called on for her defence.","MWS" "id18911","His engagement broken, Galpin moved east to begin life anew; but before long, Appletonians heard of his dismissal in disgrace from New York University, where he had obtained an instructorship in English.","HPL" "id26487","He had a narrow head, bulging, watery blue eyes that seemed never to wink, a flat nose, a receding forehead and chin, and singularly undeveloped ears.","HPL" "id05457","It will be remembered, that, in the earliest stage of my speculations upon the possibility of a passage to the moon, the existence, in its vicinity, of an atmosphere, dense in proportion to the bulk of the planet, had entered largely into my calculations; this too in spite of many theories to the contrary, and, it may be added, in spite of a general disbelief in the existence of any lunar atmosphere at all.","EAP" "id07762","My words flowed spontaneously my utterance was firm and quick.","MWS" "id22890","Only a very rare affliction, of course, could bring about such vast and radical anatomical changes in a single individual after maturity changes involving osseous factors as basic as the shape of the skull but then, even this aspect was no more baffling and unheard of than the visible features of the malady as a whole.","HPL" "id12353","As I fled from that accursed castle along the bog's edge I heard a new sound; common, yet unlike any I had heard before at Kilderry.","HPL" "id05582","He did not try to navigate after the first bold flight, for the reaction had taken something out of his soul.","HPL" "id21404","A bear once, attempting to swim from Lofoden to Moskoe, was caught by the stream and borne down, while he roared terribly, so as to be heard on shore.","EAP" "id14312","He obeyed her injunctions, and passed a year in exile in Cumberland.","MWS" "id18834","He reverted to his past life, his successes in Greece, his favour at home.","MWS" "id06817","Murderers, casting it in, would not have failed to attach a weight.","EAP" "id23484","After each short and inevitable sleep I seemed older, whilst my friend aged with a rapidity almost shocking.","HPL" "id05876","I look on the hands which executed the deed; I think on the heart in which the imagination of it was conceived and long for the moment when these hands will meet my eyes, when that imagination will haunt my thoughts no more.","MWS" "id22987","Horrible sights were shaped to me in the turbid cloud that hovered over the city; and my only relief was derived from the struggles I made to approach the gate.","MWS" "id05449","In order to reach it, he said, he would soar through abysses of emptiness, burning every obstacle that stood in his way.","HPL" "id24399","""Pierre Moreau, tobacconist, deposes that he has been in the habit of selling small quantities of tobacco and snuff to Madame L'Espanaye for nearly four years.","EAP" "id11413","I still quickened my pace.","EAP" "id03950","I resolved to fly far from the scene of my misfortunes; but to me, hated and despised, every country must be equally horrible.","MWS" "id08447","It was in the spirit of this wisdom that, among the ancient Hebrews, it was believed the gates of Heaven would be inevitably opened to that sinner, or saint, who, with good lungs and implicit confidence, should vociferate the word ""Amen"" It was in the spirit of this wisdom that, when a great plague raged at Athens, and every means had been in vain attempted for its removal, Epimenides, as Laertius relates, in his second book, of that philosopher, advised the erection of a shrine and temple ""to the proper God."" LYTTLETON BARRY.","EAP" "id21568","I feel confident he never would have dreamed of taking up his residence in Alexander the Great o nopolis had he been aware that, in Alexander the Great o nopolis, there lived a gentleman named John Smith if I rightly remember, who for many years had there quietly grown fat in editing and publishing the 'Alexander the Great o nopolis Gazette.'","EAP" "id25461","I will protect the first the latter I commit to your charge.","MWS" "id01207","Miserable himself that he may render no other wretched, he ought to die.","MWS" "id08041","The police heard a shot in the old Tillinghast house and found us there Tillinghast dead and me unconscious.","HPL" "id03570","It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin.","MWS" "id09713","I had not entered the army on my own initiative, but rather as a natural result of the enlistment of the man whose indispensable assistant I was the celebrated Boston surgical specialist, Dr. Herbert West.","HPL" "id12320","It was my last link with a chapter of life forever closed, and I valued it highly.","HPL" "id18040","The longer I meditated upon these the more intense grew the interest which had been excited within me.","EAP" "id27756","She often repined; but her trust in the singleness of his affection was undisturbed; and, when they were together, unchecked by fear, she opened her heart to the fullest delight.","MWS" "id15641","To me there was nothing grotesque in the bones and skeletons that strowed some of the stone crypts deep down among the foundations.","HPL" "id11826","He was full of thought, and remained silent during a considerable part of our ride; at length he said, ""I must apologize to you for my abstraction; the truth is, Ryland's motion comes on to night, and I am considering my reply.""","MWS" "id06472","The Thing cannot be described there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order.","HPL" "id04172","To add to our dilemma, we found the pumps choked and nearly useless.","EAP" "id23387","By these means for they were ignorant men I found little difficulty in gaining them over to my purpose.","EAP" "id16818","It was queer damnably queer and my uncle spoke almost sheepishly, as if half expecting not to be believed, when he declared that of the strange faces many had unmistakably borne the features of the Harris family.","HPL" "id09068","For three months a night has not passed, during the greater part of which I have not been engaged, personally, in ransacking the D Hotel.","EAP" "id15774","Raymond did not wonder, that, thus situated, the artist had shrunk from notice, but he did not for this alter his resolve.","MWS" "id17128","Not any more does he long for the magic of farther hills, or sigh for secrets that peer like green reefs from a bottomless sea.","HPL" "id08079","But while I endured punishment and pain in their defence with the spirit of an hero, I claimed as my reward their praise and obedience.","MWS" "id10542","I must collect my thoughts.","MWS" "id21056","Never imposing upon any one myself, I suffered no one to play the possum with me.","EAP" "id12080","""Not so,"" said I, ""though I confess that my thoughts are not occupied as pleasantly as yours are.","MWS" "id10888","Then, as I remained, paralysed with fear, he found his voice and in his dying breath screamed forth those words which have ever afterward haunted my days and my nights.","HPL" "id23731","""Surely it is not the custom of Englishmen to receive strangers so inhospitably.""","MWS" "id23209","They remained confined for five months before the trial took place, the result of which deprived them of their fortune and condemned them to a perpetual exile from their native country.","MWS" "id25905","they never stopped swimmin' in an' aout o' the river from that cursed reef o' Satan an' more an' more attic winders got a boarded up, an' more an' more noises was heerd in haouses as wa'n't s'posed to hev nobody in 'em. . . .","HPL" "id05110","At Lawrence he had been prominent in the mock fraternity of ""Tappa Tappa Keg"", where he was the wildest and merriest of the wild and merry young roysterers; but this immature, collegiate frivolity did not satisfy him.","HPL" "id12871","The limbs, save for their black fur, roughly resembled the hind legs of prehistoric earth's giant saurians; and terminated in ridgy veined pads that were neither hooves nor claws.","HPL" "id04666","These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death and to induce me to commence this laborious voyage with the joy a child feels when he embarks in a little boat, with his holiday mates, on an expedition of discovery up his native river.","MWS" "id27629","There were adequate bolts on the two lateral doors to connecting rooms, and these I proceeded to fasten.","HPL" "id05317","His supposition was that ""a well taught boy very thin and tall of his age sufficiently so that he could be concealed in a drawer almost immediately under the chess board"" played the game of chess and effected all the evolutions of the Automaton.","EAP" "id20597","Interspersed about the room, crossing and recrossing in endless irregularity, were innumerable benches and desks, black, ancient, and time worn, piled desperately with much bethumbed books, and so beseamed with initial letters, names at full length, grotesque figures, and other multiplied efforts of the knife, as to have entirely lost what little of original form might have been their portion in days long departed.","EAP" "id09853","If manly courage and resistance can save us, we will be saved.","MWS" "id09334","The silver hair and benevolent countenance of the aged cottager won my reverence, while the gentle manners of the girl enticed my love.","MWS" "id19728","I commenced by inuring my body to hardship.","MWS" "id25281","But these absurdities I must not pause to detail.","EAP" "id03036","I travelled only at night, fearful of encountering the visage of a human being.","MWS" "id12020","Scarcely had we recovered our senses, before the foretopsail went into shreds, when we got up a storm stay sail and with this did pretty well for some hours, the ship heading the sea much more steadily than before.","EAP" "id04949","The lower portion of the other is hidden from view by the head of the unwieldy bedstead which is thrust close up against it.","EAP" "id09194","Adrian had introduced systematic modes of proceeding in the metropolis, which, while they were unable to stop the progress of death, yet prevented other evils, vice and folly, from rendering the awful fate of the hour still more tremendous.","MWS" "id01172","""At a quarter past eight, being no longer able to draw breath without the most intolerable pain, I proceeded forthwith to adjust around the car the apparatus belonging to the condenser.","EAP" "id21956","The professor had been stricken whilst returning from the Newport boat; falling suddenly, as witnesses said, after having been jostled by a nautical looking negro who had come from one of the queer dark courts on the precipitous hillside which formed a short cut from the waterfront to the deceased's home in Williams Street.","HPL" "id01830","Suddenly the wretch, animated with his last burst of strength, raised his hideous head from the damp and sunken pavement.","HPL" "id25698","""Ha ha ha"" said that gentleman ""he he he hi hi hi ho ho ho hu hu hu hu very good indeed You must not be astonished, mon ami; our friend here is a wit a drole you must not understand him to the letter.""","EAP" "id22366","It is true that I may not find an opportunity of transmitting it to the world, but I will not fall to make the endeavour.","EAP" "id17453","I repeat that in landscape arrangements, or collocations alone, is the physical Nature susceptible of ""exaltation"" and that, therefore, her susceptibility of improvement at this one point, was a mystery which, hitherto I had been unable to solve.","EAP" "id15797","He also cut timber and began to repair the unused parts of his house a spacious, peaked roofed affair whose rear end was buried entirely in the rocky hillside, and whose three least ruined ground floor rooms had always been sufficient for himself and his daughter.","HPL" "id14132","In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think.","EAP" "id22533","The extreme darkness of the stage, whose only light was received from the fire under the cauldron, joined to a kind of mist that floated about it, rendered the unearthly shapes of the witches obscure and shadowy.","MWS" "id25269","Sheehan's is the acknowledged centre to Chicago's subterranean traffic in liquor and narcotics, and as such has a certain dignity which extends even to the unkempt attachés of the place; but there was until lately one who lay outside the pale of that dignity one who shared the squalor and filth, but not the importance, of Sheehan's.","HPL" "id06356","Perhaps the gradation of his copy rendered it not so readily perceptible; or, more possibly, I owed my security to the master air of the copyist, who, disdaining the letter, which in a painting is all the obtuse can see, gave but the full spirit of his original for my individual contemplation and chagrin.","EAP" "id27761","It was perhaps an effect of such surroundings that my mind early acquired a shade of melancholy.","HPL" "id04015","""You ought to hear, though, what some of the old timers tell about the black reef off the coast Devil Reef, they call it.","HPL" "id08936","The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure.","EAP" "id02672","For a week I tasted to the full the joys of that charnel conviviality which I must not describe, when the thing happened, and I was borne away to this accursed abode of sorrow and monotony.","HPL" "id01301","He see enough, I tell ye, Mis' Corey This dun't mean no good, an' I think as all the men folks ought to git up a party an' do suthin'.","HPL" "id11714","No recognised school of sculpture had animated this terrible object, yet centuries and even thousands of years seemed recorded in its dim and greenish surface of unplaceable stone.","HPL" "id22514","For a long time I dared not hope; but when his unobstructed breathing and the moisture that suffused his forehead, were tokens no longer to be mistaken of the departure of mortal malady, I ventured to whisper the news of the change to Idris, and at length succeeded in persuading her that I spoke truth.","MWS" "id25671","He comprehended, moreover, the true character, the august aims, the supreme majesty and dignity of the poetic sentiment.","EAP" "id27169","Else there is no immortality for man.","EAP" "id07849","I laid the second tier, and the third, and the fourth; and then I heard the furious vibrations of the chain.","EAP" "id03066","All in all, he became a disconcerting and even gruesome companion; yet in my gratitude for his healing I could not well abandon him to the strangers around him, and was careful to dust his room and attend to his needs each day, muffled in a heavy ulster which I bought especially for the purpose.","HPL" "id19449","I longed for the love which had before filled it to overflowing.","EAP" "id15830","It was a lambent glow of this sort which always played about the old woman and the small furry thing in those lighter, sharper dreams which prefaced his plunge into unknown abysses, and the thought that a wakeful second person could see the dream luminance was utterly beyond sane harbourage.","HPL" "id26636","My first thought was Perdita; to her I must return; her I must support, drawing such food from despair as might best sustain her wounded heart; recalling her from the wild excesses of grief, by the austere laws of duty, and the soft tenderness of regret.","MWS" "id00037","He owned affinity not only with mankind, but all nature was akin to him; the mountains and sky were his friends; the winds of heaven and the offspring of earth his playmates; while he the focus only of this mighty mirror, felt his life mingle with the universe of existence.","MWS" "id25376","Uninquiring souls let this occurrence pass as one of the major clashes in a spasmodic war on liquor.","HPL" "id01019","The rigging was found to be ill fitted, and greatly strained; and on the third day of the blow, about five in the afternoon, our mizzen mast, in a heavy lurch to windward, went by the board.","EAP" "id04152","Alfred stood immoveable before him, his whole attention absorbed.","MWS" "id19373","Beyond it the rusted railway and the Rowley road led off through a flat, marshy terrain dotted with islets of higher and dryer scrub grown land.","HPL" "id04861","Williamson records and traditions were supplied in abundance by my grandfather; though for Orne material I had to depend on my uncle Walter, who put at my disposal the contents of all his files, including notes, letters, cuttings, heirlooms, photographs, and miniatures.","HPL" "id17577","A closer scrutiny, however, satisfied me that it was intended for a kid."" ""Ha ha"" said I, ""to be sure I have no right to laugh at you a million and a half of money is too serious a matter for mirth but you are not about to establish a third link in your chain you will not find any especial connexion between your pirates and a goat pirates, you know, have nothing to do with goats; they appertain to the farming interest.""","EAP" "id17205","It is no cause for wonder, surely, that even a gang of blackguards should make haste to get home, when a wide river is to be crossed in small boats, when storm impends, and when night approaches.","EAP" "id03307","The connexion of the two events had about it so much of the palpable, that the true wonder would have been a failure of the populace to appreciate and to seize it.","EAP" "id09691","When I heard the fears which had driven the people from Kilderry I laughed as loudly as my friend had laughed, for these fears were of the vaguest, wildest, and most absurd character.","HPL" "id23247","Leave me; I am inexorable.""","MWS" "id02698","I listened to my father in silence and remained for some time incapable of offering any reply.","MWS" "id01371","You hate me, but your abhorrence cannot equal that with which I regard myself.","MWS" "id11720","I had been, albeit without definite reason, instinctively on my guard and that was to my advantage in the new and real crisis, whatever it might turn out to be.","HPL" "id06141","I assured my patron that, if this was all, I was perfectly resigned to the task of playing Thomas Hawk.","EAP" "id03603","A large bruise was discovered upon the pit of the stomach, produced, apparently, by the pressure of a knee.","EAP" "id20705","Mem he'll answer, too.","EAP" "id26332","Let a composition be defective, let an emendation be wrought in its mere arrangement of form; let this emendation be submitted to every artist in the world; by each will its necessity be admitted.","EAP" "id06098","The hangman, however, adjusted the noose about my neck.","EAP" "id19151","Then with utter and horrifying suddenness we heard a frightful sound from below.","HPL" "id01329","The boat, however, must not be detained.","EAP" "id13295","We started about four o'clock Legrand, Jupiter, the dog, and myself.","EAP" "id09591","What do maps and records and guide books really tell of the North End? Bah At a guess I'll guarantee to lead you to thirty or forty alleys and networks of alleys north of Prince Street that aren't suspected by ten living beings outside of the foreigners that swarm them.","HPL" "id16597","It would be useless to describe the playing of Erich Zann on that dreadful night.","HPL" "id27949","In this particular instance, it will be understood as most probable, that she proceeded upon a route of more than average diversity from her accustomed ones.","EAP" "id27876","Having noticed these particulars, and some others, I again turned my eyes upon the glorious prospect below, and soon became absorbed in contemplation.","EAP" "id25218","Many of the vessels fired signal guns; and in all we were saluted with loud cheers which we heard with surprising distinctness and the waving of caps and handkerchiefs.","EAP" "id27692","The party spread themselves and hurried from room to room.","EAP" "id12312","He made a vow against love and its train of struggles, disappointment and remorse, and sought in mere sensual enjoyment, a remedy for the injurious inroads of passion.","MWS" "id20113","After that Johansen only brooded over the idol in the cabin and attended to a few matters of food for himself and the laughing maniac by his side.","HPL" "id27404","The latter examined it carefully and deposited it in his pocket book; then, unlocking an escritoire, took thence a letter and gave it to the Prefect.","EAP" "id07585","I retired early and full of dread, and for a long time could not sleep in the uncanny silence of the tower.","HPL" "id16895","I provided myself with a sum of money, together with a few jewels which had belonged to my mother, and departed.","MWS" "id11003","I rushed towards the window, and drawing a pistol from my bosom, fired; but he eluded me, leaped from his station, and running with the swiftness of lightning, plunged into the lake.","MWS" "id08978","Xh, pxh, pxh, Jxhn, dxn't dx sx Yxu've gxt tx gx, yxu knxw, sx gx at xnce, and dxn't gx slxw; fxr nxbxdy xwns yxu here, yxu knxw.","EAP" "id27809","You would have sworn that the writer had been born and brought up in a coffin.","EAP" "id14246","""There are a prodigious number of stately palaces.""","EAP" "id04980","She might have heard of my return from London, and my visit to Bolter's Lock, which, connected with my continued absence, might tend greatly to alarm her.","MWS" "id04970","This man, whose name was Beaufort, was of a proud and unbending disposition and could not bear to live in poverty and oblivion in the same country where he had formerly been distinguished for his rank and magnificence.","MWS" "id01654","We found, on each side of the humid pathway, ""dry land for the sole of the foot.""","MWS" "id21585","I dare not ask you to do what I think right, for I may still be misled by passion.","MWS" "id05899","Refusing to flee, I watched it fade and as I watched I felt that it was in turn watching me greedily with eyes more imaginable than visible.","HPL" "id04561","""Then up with you as soon as possible, for it will soon be too dark to see what we are about.""","EAP" "id20502","Since then I must be an object of indifference or contempt to her, better, far better avoid her, nor expose myself before her and the scornful world to the chance of playing the mad game of a fond, foolish Icarus.","MWS" "id18908","I shewed her the dangers which her children incurred during her absence; and she at length agreed not to go beyond the inclosure of the forest.","MWS" "id05906","The entire surface of this metallic enclosure was rudely daubed in all the hideous and repulsive devices to which the charnel superstition of the monks has given rise.","EAP" "id17324","That scene itself must have corresponded to the sealed loft overhead, which had begun to attack his imagination so violently, but later impressions were faint and hazy.","HPL" "id26919","""Mille tonnerres"" ejaculated the Prince de Grenouille.","EAP" "id08711","The remains of the half finished creature, whom I had destroyed, lay scattered on the floor, and I almost felt as if I had mangled the living flesh of a human being.","MWS" "id20240","It was plain that the owner had come home; but he had not come from the land, nor from any balloon or airship that could be imagined.","HPL" "id27940","Others thought and still think he'd found an old pirate cache out on Devil Reef.","HPL" "id11694","This is what I saw in the glass: A thin, dark man of medium stature attired in the clerical garb of the Anglican church, apparently about thirty, and with rimless, steel bowed glasses glistening beneath a sallow, olive forehead of abnormal height.","HPL" "id10469","Then again the kindly influence ceased to act I found myself fettered again to grief and indulging in all the misery of reflection.","MWS" "id12835","As the sailor looked in, the gigantic animal had seized Madame L'Espanaye by the hair, which was loose, as she had been combing it, and was flourishing the razor about her face, in imitation of the motions of a barber.","EAP" "id15924","His feelings are forever on the stretch; and when he begins to sink into repose, he finds himself obliged to quit that on which he rests in pleasure for something new, which again engages his attention, and which also he forsakes for other novelties.","MWS" "id04515","""The father of Safie had been the cause of their ruin.","MWS" "id00960","The matter was impossible.","EAP" "id23496","""No"" said the Baron, turning abruptly toward the speaker, ""dead say you?"" ""It is indeed true, my lord; and, to a noble of your name, will be, I imagine, no unwelcome intelligence.""","EAP" "id09682","At length, one escaping through a sewer, gave freedom to all the rest.","EAP" "id17159","""My children,"" she said, ""my firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union.","MWS" "id03633","I mean the line Perdidit antiquum litera sonum.","EAP" "id16054","In establishing 'The Tea Pot' he expected to have the field all to himself.","EAP" "id06053","They would have left nothing behind them; for their number would have enabled them to carry all at once.","EAP" "id10265","Time, place, and circumstances rendered it a matter beyond question.","EAP" "id16601","He developed strange caprices, acquiring a fondness for exotic spices and Egyptian incense till his room smelled like the vault of a sepulchred Pharaoh in the Valley of Kings.","HPL" "id11834","They made the special effects, indeed, wrought in the fluid by special impulses, the subject of exact calculation so that it became easy to determine in what precise period an impulse of given extent would engirdle the orb, and impress for ever every atom of the atmosphere circumambient.","EAP" "id15959","""O yes; and for this reason I did not despair.","EAP" "id26296","Haow'd ye like to hear what comes from that awful reef every May Eve an' Hallowmass?","HPL" "id11366","The alienists listened with keen attention to his words, since their curiosity had been aroused to a high pitch by the suggestive yet mostly conflicting and incoherent stories of his family and neighbours.","HPL" "id08827","It must have been midnight at least when Birch decided he could get through the transom.","HPL" "id25430","I will win him to me; he shall not deny his grief to me and when I know his secret then will I pour a balm into his soul and again I shall enjoy the ravishing delight of beholding his smile, and of again seeing his eyes beam if not with pleasure at least with gentle love and thankfulness.","MWS" "id15283","You must be careful and give the thing with a downright improviso air.","EAP" "id06697","As my uncle began slowly and grudgingly to unwrap the things he urged me not to be shocked by the strangeness and frequent hideousness of the designs.","HPL" "id20445","As I looked, a subtle, curious sense of beckoning seemed superadded to the grim repulsion; and oddly enough, I found this overtone more disturbing than the primary impression.","HPL" "id16418","It is curious that although he differed so widely from the mass of Hispanicised and tribal Indians, Romero gave not the least impression of Caucasian blood.","HPL" "id15440","There was Ferdinand Fitz Fossillus Feltspar.","EAP" "id26888","At the termination of this sentence I started, and for a moment, paused; for it appeared to me although I at once concluded that my excited fancy had deceived me it appeared to me that, from some very remote portion of the mansion, there came, indistinctly, to my ears, what might have been, in its exact similarity of character, the echo but a stifled and dull one certainly of the very cracking and ripping sound which Sir Launcelot had so particularly described.","EAP" "id27413","From indications afforded by the barometer, we find that, in ascensions from the surface of the earth we have, at the height of , feet, left below us about one thirtieth of the entire mass of atmospheric air, that at , we have ascended through nearly one third; and that at ,, which is not far from the elevation of Cotopaxi, we have surmounted one half the material, or, at all events, one half the ponderable, body of air incumbent upon our globe.","EAP" "id07783","The task seemed interminable, and I raged almost as violently as the hermit when I saw the hours slipping by in a breathless, foodless round of vain telephoning, and a hectic quest from place to place, hither and thither by subway and surface car.","HPL" "id15961","I soon arrived at the hut: the door was ajar.","MWS" "id19221","Who or what then, was my great great grandmother?","HPL" "id12753","For a moment I was almost paralized by fear; but my energy returned and I demanded a guide to accompany me in following his steps.","MWS" "id03421","I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants and have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery.","MWS" "id20021","I breathed no longer.","EAP" "id18395","existing about the moon.","EAP" "id11491","she of the diminutive head and the gilded hair?","EAP" "id22139","Nor was any child to be born alive in that house for a century and a half.","HPL" "id18644","Then, as September approached, the clouds began to clear.","HPL" "id26078","I remembered in one of her harshest moments a quotation of mine had roused her to anger and disdain.","MWS" "id15507","""Its adaptation to the eyes which were to behold it upon earth.""","EAP" "id23587","At times her screams became insupportable, and for long periods she would utter shrieking horrors which necessitated her son's temporary residence with his cousin, Peleg Harris, in Presbyterian Lane near the new college building.","HPL" "id25959","There had been nothing like order or arrangement.","EAP" "id08838","It was the pictorial carving, however, that did most to hold me spellbound.","HPL" "id14923","The grave was not very deep, but fully as good as that of the previous specimen the thing which had risen of itself and uttered a sound.","HPL" "id26470","About two hours after this occurrence we heard the ground sea, and before night the ice broke and freed our ship.","MWS" "id02383","Accordingly, I was no sooner seated at the card table, with my pretty hostess for a vis à vis, than I propounded those questions the solution of which had become a matter so essential to my peace.","EAP" "id24619","The company followed our example without stint.","EAP" "id07263","I will not pursue these guesses for I have no right to call them more since the shades of reflection upon which they are based are scarcely of sufficient depth to be appreciable by my own intellect, and since I could not pretend to make them intelligible to the understanding of another.","EAP" "id19358","The daughter lay prostrate and motionless; she had swooned.","EAP" "id05571","The abysses were by no means vacant, being crowded with indescribably angled masses of alien hued substance, some of which appeared to be organic while others seemed inorganic.","HPL" "id15343","Past the churchyard, where there were no houses, I could see over the hill's summit and watch the glimmer of stars on the harbour, though the town was invisible in the dark.","HPL" "id10482","Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.","EAP" "id27020","Upon this occasion we should have been driven out to sea in spite of everything, for the whirlpools threw us round and round so violently, that, at length, we fouled our anchor and dragged it if it had not been that we drifted into one of the innumerable cross currents here to day and gone to morrow which drove us under the lee of Flimen, where, by good luck, we brought up.","EAP" "id15133","Disappointment and sickness have hitherto held dominion over me; twin born with me, my would, was for ever enchained by the shall not, of these my tyrants.","MWS" "id16417","The perfume in my nostrils died away.","EAP" "id25311","Adrian led the troops.","MWS" "id07402","The tension on our part became very great.","HPL" "id01064","Yet she smiled on and still on, uncomplainingly, because she saw that the painter who had high renown took a fervid and burning pleasure in his task, and wrought day and night to depict her who so loved him, yet who grew daily more dispirited and weak.","EAP" "id05964","You on earth have unwittingly felt its distant presence you who without knowing idly gave to its blinking beacon the name of Algol, the Daemon Star.","HPL" "id10044","why string my nerves and renew my wearied efforts ah, why?","MWS" "id06740","Again a furtive trying of a bolted connecting door, and again a receding creaking.","HPL" "id17439","The sun arose with a sickly yellow lustre, and clambered a very few degrees above the horizon emitting no decisive light.","EAP" "id26646","The weather was cold; and, upon quitting my own room, I had thrown a cloak over my dressing wrapper, putting it off upon reaching the scene of play.","EAP" "id15076","""How much was the reward offered, did you say?"" asked Dupin.","EAP" "id19617","I was still alone, for as much as I feared the unknown horror I sought, there was more fear in the thought of telling anybody.","HPL" "id21453","I do not weep or sigh; but I must reason with myself, and force myself to feel sorrow and despair.","MWS" "id19419","Our conversation was now long, earnest, uninterrupted, and totally unreserved.","EAP" "id03244","He knew things he didn't dare put into that stupid Magnalia or that puerile Wonders of the Invisible World.","HPL" "id20539","Briden looked back and went mad, laughing shrilly as he kept on laughing at intervals till death found him one night in the cabin whilst Johansen was wandering deliriously.","HPL" "id19740","Moreover, my occupations have been always made to chime in with the ordinary habitudes of my fellowmen.","EAP" "id06471","To this man Iranon spoke, as to so many others: ""Canst thou tell me where I may find Aira, the city of marble and beryl, where flows the hyaline Nithra and where the falls of the tiny Kra sing to verdant valleys and hills forested with yath trees?""","HPL" "id15807","""Were I misanthropic,"" he said, ""such a locale would suit me.","EAP" "id12419","In my childhood the shunned house was vacant, with barren, gnarled, and terrible old trees, long, queerly pale grass, and nightmarishly misshapen weeds in the high terraced yard where birds never lingered.","HPL" "id14753","He found my name a good passport to preferment, and he had procured for me the situation of private secretary to the Ambassador at Vienna, where I should enter on my career under the best auspices.","MWS" "id26980","There were reasons why I would have been glad to let the war separate us; reasons why I found the practice of medicine and the companionship of West more and more irritating; but when he had gone to Ottawa and through a colleague's influence secured a medical commission as Major, I could not resist the imperious persuasion of one determined that I should accompany him in my usual capacity.","HPL" "id15735","But on you only had I any claim for pity and redress, and from you I determined to seek that justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form.","MWS" "id12769","I strove to think that all this grandeur was but more glaring infamy, and that, by planting his gold enwoven flag beside my tarnished and tattered banner, he proclaimed not his superiority, but his debasement.","MWS" "id07126","I will not dwell longer than I need on these disastrous circumstances.","MWS" "id18509","Geographically it lay about two miles northwest of the base of Tempest Mountain, and three miles from the oak girt mansion.","HPL" "id09082","""D ,"" replied Dupin, ""is a desperate man, and a man of nerve.","EAP" "id04092","""Upon honor,"" said I. ""Nose and all?"" she asked.","EAP" "id07307","I heard the next morning from the steward that upon his arrival he had been in a most terrible state of mind: he had passed the first night in the garden lying on the damp grass; he did not sleep but groaned perpetually.","MWS" "id13237","Then the lock of the connecting door to my room was softly tried.","HPL" "id03208","This had probably been done with the view of arousing me from sleep.","EAP" "id11259","It was at this moment that his eyes, and mine also, fell upon the scrap of parchment, which I then supposed to be paper.","EAP" "id22787","On his throat were the marks of murderous hands, and on his left ankle was a distressing rat bite.","HPL" "id06383","Everything is related in them which bears reference to my accursed origin; the whole detail of that series of disgusting circumstances which produced it is set in view; the minutest description of my odious and loathsome person is given, in language which painted your own horrors and rendered mine indelible.","MWS" "id24551","When we reached this tree, Legrand turned to Jupiter, and asked him if he thought he could climb it.","EAP" "id18094","I gave him pretty nearly the same account of my former pursuits as I had given to his fellow professor.","MWS" "id00620","Thus was I left to ponder on myself as the only human creature within the great fortress, and in my utter solitude my mind began to cease its vain protest against the impending doom, to become almost reconciled to the fate which so many of my ancestors had met.","HPL" "id27408","As the music went on, my ideas seemed to quit their mortal dwelling house; they shook their pinions and began a flight, sailing on the placid current of thought, filling the creation with new glory, and rousing sublime imagery that else had slept voiceless.","MWS" "id02872","I waited for my letters with feverish impatience; if they were delayed I was miserable and overcome by a thousand fears; and when they arrived and I saw the superscription of Elizabeth or my father, I hardly dared to read and ascertain my fate.","MWS" "id13378","It is now madness or hypocrisy to doubt.","EAP" "id06108","But even in this acute moment my chief horror was something apart from the immediate weakness of my defences.","HPL" "id27149","Trade fallin' off, mills losin' business even the new ones an' the best of our menfolks kilt a privateerin' in the War of or lost with the Elizy brig an' the Ranger snow both of 'em Gilman venters.","HPL" "id22652","One fine February day, when the sun had reassumed some of its genial power, I walked in the forest with my family.","MWS" "id21224","Ingenuity: Your diddler is ingenious.","EAP" "id14826","all over the reef an' swimmin' up the harbour into the Manuxet. . . .","HPL" "id14600","At this time Lord Raymond returned from Greece.","MWS" "id13204","Bread and water did not tame my blood, nor solitary confinement inspire me with gentle thoughts.","MWS" "id27106","The moon's distance from the earth is, in round numbers, , miles.","EAP" "id24102","I carried pistols and a dagger constantly about me and was ever on the watch to prevent artifice, and by these means gained a greater degree of tranquillity.","MWS" "id21512","This accident, with the loss of my insurance, and with the more serious loss of my hair, the whole of which had been singed off by the fire, predisposed me to serious impressions, so that, finally, I made up my mind to take a wife.","EAP" "id24294","As these crossed the direct line of my vision they affected me as forms; but upon passing to my side their images impressed me with the idea of shrieks, groans, and other dismal expressions of terror, of horror, or of wo.","EAP" "id17416","So entirely secluded, and in fact inaccessible, except through a series of accidents, is the entrance of the ravine, that it is by no means impossible that I was indeed the first adventurer the very first and sole adventurer who had ever penetrated its recesses.","EAP" "id13943","In ceasing, he departed at once, and as abruptly as he had entered.","EAP" "id04656","and one, who led the way, was clad in a ghoulishly humped black coat and striped trousers, and had a man's felt hat perched on the shapeless thing that answered for a head. . . .","HPL" "id08804","We could not understand, that is to say, we could not have understood, had the notion of this primum mobile ever obtruded itself; we could not have understood in what manner it might be made to further the objects of humanity, either temporal or eternal.","EAP" "id01626","The event, under the circumstances, was tremendous; for in the existence of a subterranean space here, my mad theories had terrible confirmation.","HPL" "id22132","The gentle words of Agatha and the animated smiles of the charming Arabian were not for me.","MWS" "id24059","Alas Life is obstinate and clings closest where it is most hated.","MWS" "id10319","The voice, however, still puzzled me no little; but even this apparent mystery was speedily cleared up.","EAP" "id04715","Gilman's dreams consisted largely in plunges through limitless abysses of inexplicably coloured twilight and bafflingly disordered sound; abysses whose material and gravitational properties, and whose relation to his own entity, he could not even begin to explain.","HPL" "id07576","I was struck by the improvement that appeared in the health of Adrian.","MWS" "id20788","""Are you better now, sir?"" said she.","MWS" "id27005","Another woman confirmed the account of the fishermen having brought the body into her house; it was not cold.","MWS" "id02682","I could now find room to doubt the evidence of my senses; and seldom called up the subject at all but with wonder at extent of human credulity, and a smile at the vivid force of the imagination which I hereditarily possessed.","EAP" "id16180","His appearance, different from any I had ever before seen, and his flight somewhat surprised me.","MWS" "id01549","I am thy creature, and I will be even mild and docile to my natural lord and king if thou wilt also perform thy part, the which thou owest me.","MWS" "id26168","The insane yarn I had heard from the aged drunkard did not promise very pleasant dreams, and I felt I must keep the image of his wild, watery eyes as far as possible from my imagination.","HPL" "id22584","Here, divesting myself of my clothes, for there is no reason why we cannot die as we were born, I threw myself headlong into the current; the sole witness of my fate being a solitary crow that had been seduced into the eating of brandy saturated corn, and so had staggered away from his fellows.","EAP" "id16703","At a wave of my hand my deliverers hurried tumultuously away.","EAP" "id05379","You should have seen me you should.","EAP" "id17025","And, in the midst of all this, the continuous braying of a donkey arose over all.","EAP" "id07009","There was none of the exotic technique you see in Sidney Sime, none of the trans Saturnian landscapes and lunar fungi that Clark Ashton Smith uses to freeze the blood.","HPL" "id20058","For Arthur Munroe was dead.","HPL" "id20975","Nor did I doubt, that in the tranquillity of our family circle at Windsor, she would recover some degree of composure, and in the end, of happiness.","MWS" "id15401","These Great Old Ones, Castro continued, were not composed altogether of flesh and blood.","HPL" "id18143","Having thus fathomed, to his satisfaction, the intentions of Jehovah, out of these intentions he built his innumerable systems of mind.","EAP" "id22919","No man could crush a ""butterfly on the wheel"" with better effect; no man better cover a speedy retreat from a powerful adversary.","MWS" "id19258","In fact, to write upon such a theme it is necessary to have been hanged.","EAP" "id02011","Their still apparent union permitted her to do much; but no woman could, in the end, present a remedy to the encreasing negligence of the Protector; who, as if seized with a paroxysm of insanity, trampled on all ceremony, all order, all duty, and gave himself up to license.","MWS" "id19374","When the old woman began to turn toward him he fled precipitately off the bridge and into the shelter of the town's labyrinthine waterfront alleys.","HPL" "id23978","The rooks cawed loudly in the trees above; mixed with their hoarse cries I heard a lively strain of music.","MWS" "id05170","I took it because of the queer old brick well in the cellar one of the sort I told you about.","HPL" "id10724","No sympathy may I ever find.","MWS" "id26472","Steeped in misery as I am misery, alas only too real I shall be pardoned for seeking relief, however slight and temporary, in the weakness of a few rambling details.","EAP" "id08056","I suppose some astonishment was exhibited in my countenance, for Mr. Kirwin hastened to say, ""Immediately upon your being taken ill, all the papers that were on your person were brought me, and I examined them that I might discover some trace by which I could send to your relations an account of your misfortune and illness.","MWS" "id23159","He knew deeper vices through books, and he now longed to know them at first hand.","HPL" "id15592","As soon as morning dawned I crept from my kennel, that I might view the adjacent cottage and discover if I could remain in the habitation I had found.","MWS" "id08709","""Ass"" said the fourth.","EAP" "id04043","Elinor die This is frenzy and the most miserable despair: you cannot die while I am near.""","MWS" "id13462","Then too, we had spoken to him in advance of our quest; and I felt after my uncle's going that he would understand and assist me in some vitally necessary public explanations.","HPL" "id01478","Our talk was on subjects, unconnected with the emotions that evidently occupied each; but we each divined the other's thought, and as our voices spoke of indifferent matters, our eyes, in mute language, told a thousand things no tongue could have uttered.","MWS" "id06151","I was very sorry for him, for I dislike to see a German suffer; but he was not a good man to die with.","HPL" "id00128","An' the smell was awful, like what it is araound Wizard Whateley's ol' haouse. . .","HPL" "id16309","Nor did Adrian instruct me only in the cold truths of history and philosophy.","MWS" "id01437","This relieves us of all doubt upon the question whether the old lady could have first destroyed the daughter and afterward have committed suicide.","EAP" "id17059","On a certain rainy afternoon when this illusion seemed phenomenally strong, and when, in addition, I had fancied I glimpsed a kind of thin, yellowish, shimmering exhalation rising from the nitrous pattern toward the yawning fireplace, I spoke to my uncle about the matter.","HPL" "id13843","'Let me go,' he cried; 'monster Ugly wretch You wish to eat me and tear me to pieces.","MWS" "id12362","In the open air alone I found relief; among nature's beauteous works, her God reassumed his attribute of benevolence, and again I could trust that he who built up the mountains, planted the forests, and poured out the rivers, would erect another state for lost humanity, where we might awaken again to our affections, our happiness, and our faith.","MWS" "id18568","Accordingly I kept north along Main to Martin, then turning inland, crossing Federal Street safely north of the Green, and entering the decayed patrician neighbourhood of northern Broad, Washington, Lafayette, and Adams Streets.","HPL" "id13782","In Bolton the prevailing spirit of Puritanism had outlawed the sport of boxing with the usual result.","HPL" "id06566","I went down to open it with a light heart, for what had I now to fear?","EAP" "id25194","I reason a priori, and a diddle would be no diddle without a grin.","EAP" "id14118","""Vase am I,"" she thought, ""vase brimful of despair's direst essence.","MWS" "id26822","He alluded to Adrian, and spoke of him with that disparagement that the worldly wise always attach to enthusiasm.","MWS" "id25538","I recollected my threat and resolved that it should be accomplished.","MWS" "id00431","Raymond had evidently vacillated during his journey, and irresolution was marked in every gesture as we entered Perdita's cottage.","MWS" "id08336","She spoke no word; and I not for worlds could I have uttered a syllable.","EAP" "id18990","This is somewhat thick, and so are her ankles, but she has a fine pair of green stockings to cover them.","EAP" "id24554","Thus Mark Antony composed a treatise upon getting drunk.","EAP" "id22547","Yet where had the fellow got such an odd notion?","HPL" "id14490","At night he would not be alone, nor would the company of a few persons calm him.","HPL" "id19980","P. I do not comprehend.","EAP" "id02580","When my father had arrived the storm had already begun, but he had refused to stop and leaving his horse there he walked on towards the sea.","MWS" "id05358","Its persistence among a simple people was quite natural in view of the sudden and permanent return of abundantly fine fishing, and it soon came to be the greatest influence on the town, replacing Freemasonry altogether and taking up headquarters in the old Masonic Hall on New Church Green.","HPL" "id06444","We both inserted the whole unopened wooden box, closed the door, and started the electricity.","HPL" "id10195","The islands were no longer visible; whether they had passed down the horizon to the southeast, or whether my increasing elevation had left them out of sight, it is impossible to say.","EAP" "id11425","His dreams were meanwhile increasing in vividness, and though shewing him none of the strange cities and incredible gardens of the old days, were assuming a definite cast whose purpose could not be mistaken.","HPL" "id17845","Alas, what will become of us?","MWS" "id19783","""The relatives of the Earl of Windsor,"" said she haughtily, ""doubtless think that I injured him; perhaps the Earl himself would be the first to acquit me, but probably I do not deserve acquittal.","MWS" "id15816","Now, as the baying of that dead, fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web wings circles closer and closer, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the unnamed and unnamable.","HPL" "id08433","If we discover repetitions of such letters, so arranged, they will most probably represent the word 'the.' Upon inspection, we find no less than seven such arrangements, the characters being;.","EAP" "id05956","We careered round and round for perhaps an hour, flying rather than floating, getting gradually more and more into the middle of the surge, and then nearer and nearer to its horrible inner edge.","EAP" "id23763","His demeanour was sad; for a moment he appeared glad to see me and then he checked himself as if unwilling to betray his feelings.","MWS" "id11271","The wound, and consequent inability of Argyropylo, caused Raymond to be the first in command.","MWS" "id10467","At length we pulled away.","EAP" "id16679","But it is not that the corpse was found to have the garters of the missing girl, or found to have her shoes, or her bonnet, or the flowers of her bonnet, or her feet, or a peculiar mark upon the arm, or her general size and appearance it is that the corpse had each, and all collectively.","EAP" "id26524","Dr. West's reanimated specimens were not meant for long existence or a large audience.","HPL" "id26341","I often wished that I had permitted her to take her own course, and engage herself in such labours for the welfare of others as might have distracted her thoughts.","MWS" "id03443","We lowered it without difficulty, although it was only by a miracle that we prevented it from swamping as it touched the water.","EAP" "id22193","Did not proceed up stairs.","EAP" "id07485","The old woman always appeared out of thin air near the corner where the downward slant met the inward slant.","HPL" "id09439","But it was not in these vortices of complete alienage that he saw Brown Jenkin.","HPL" "id15953","Now, beware Be silent Do not urge me to your destruction.","MWS" "id15598","The open book lay flat between us, with the picture staring repulsively upward.","HPL" "id19749","I motioned to him to continue, which he did with renewed signs of reluctance.","HPL" "id27715","We went out with the resolution of disputing with our foe.","MWS" "id00017",", it will be seen at pp. and , that this illustrious chemist had not only conceived the idea now in question, but had actually made no inconsiderable progress, experimentally, in the very identical analysis now so triumphantly brought to an issue by Von Kempelen, who although he makes not the slightest allusion to it, is, without doubt I say it unhesitatingly, and can prove it, if required, indebted to the 'Diary' for at least the first hint of his own undertaking.","EAP" "id23417","He, Valence, knew Marie, and could not be mistaken in her identity.","EAP" "id04070","We will fight the enemy to the last.","MWS" "id15872","""I repeat, then, that I only half felt, and never intellectually believed.","EAP" "id08716","He was merely crass of fibre and function thoughtless, careless, and liquorish, as his easily avoidable accident proves, and without that modicum of imagination which holds the average citizen within certain limits fixed by taste.","HPL" "id00790","Will nobody contrive a more expeditious mode of progress?","EAP" "id02057","I spoke without much heed, and the very conclusion of what I said brought with it other thoughts.","MWS" "id09371","This exception was found in the person of a scholar, who, although no relation, bore the same Christian and surname as myself; a circumstance, in fact, little remarkable; for, notwithstanding a noble descent, mine was one of those everyday appellations which seem, by prescriptive right, to have been, time out of mind, the common property of the mob.","EAP" "id04818","She reposed beside her beloved, and the tomb above was inscribed with the united names of Raymond and Perdita.","MWS" "id12567","What this meant, no one could quite be certain till later.","HPL" "id15859","Her story was plain to him, plain and distinct as the remorse and horror that darted their fangs into him.","MWS" "id27743","I was also sorry that I had no one with whom to converse.","HPL" "id23113","What I saw unnerved me most surprisingly, considering its relative triviality.","HPL" "id23021","SIR, Through our common friend, Mr. P., I have received your note of this evening.","EAP" "id19967","If I wept he would gaze on me in silence but he was no longer harsh and although he repulsed every caress yet it was with gentleness.","MWS" "id06222","It is indeed early,"" he continued, musingly, as a cherub with a heavy golden hammer made the apartment ring with the first hour after sunrise: ""It is indeed early but what matters it?","EAP" "id08575","These sounds were mingled with the roaring of the sea, the splash of the chafed billows round the vessel's sides, and the gurgling up of the water in the hold.","MWS" "id24637","I had entered the brush grown cut and was struggling along at a very slow pace when that damnable fishy odour again waxed dominant.","HPL" "id08691","But I could discover, amidst all her repinings, deep resentment towards Raymond, and an unfading sense of injury, that plucked from me my hope, when I appeared nearest to its fulfilment.","MWS" "id16351","After all, what is it?","EAP" "id04184","He rode through the town, visiting the wounded, and giving such orders as were necessary for the siege he meditated.","MWS" "id11506","This box was three feet and a half long, three feet broad, and two and a half feet deep.","EAP" "id17651","My every motion was undoubtedly watched.","EAP" "id17399","After that experience West had dropped his researches for some time; but as the zeal of the born scientist slowly returned, he again became importunate with the college faculty, pleading for the use of the dissecting room and of fresh human specimens for the work he regarded as so overwhelmingly important.","HPL" "id25010","Eternal night continued to envelop us, all unrelieved by the phosphoric sea brilliancy to which we had been accustomed in the tropics.","EAP" "id17426","""Shocking"" said the youth, calmly, and turned quietly into the chateau.","EAP" "id20683","This was not altogether the fact: but predominant self will assumed the arms and masque of callous feeling; and the haughty lady disdained to exhibit any token of the struggle she endured; while the slave of pride, she fancied that she sacrificed her happiness to immutable principle.","MWS" "id18359","The police have laid bare the floors, the ceilings, and the masonry of the walls, in every direction.","EAP" "id11810","Uprearing themselves in tall slender lines of light, they thus remained burning all pallid and motionless; and in the mirror which their lustre formed upon the round table of ebony at which we sat, each of us there assembled beheld the pallor of his own countenance, and the unquiet glare in the downcast eyes of his companions.","EAP" "id14999","Evidently the ticket agent had not exaggerated the dislike which local people bore toward Innsmouth and its denizens.","HPL" "id03864","I was now in Holborn, and passed by a public house filled with uproarious companions, whose songs, laughter, and shouts were more sorrowful than the pale looks and silence of the mourner.","MWS" "id27347","If I were awake I should like to die, but now it is no matter.","EAP" "id05564","I rambled on, oppressed, distracted by painful emotions suddenly I found myself before Drury Lane Theatre.","MWS" "id27054","He supposes that, had this been the case, it might have appeared at the surface on the Wednesday, and thinks that only under such circumstances it could so have appeared.","EAP" "id09646","Then came the frenzied tones again: ""Carter, it's terrible monstrous unbelievable"" This time my voice did not fail me, and I poured into the transmitter a flood of excited questions.","HPL" "id11380","Excellent friend how sincerely you did love me, and endeavour to elevate my mind until it was on a level with your own.","MWS" "id21281","While in London these and many other dreadful thoughts too harrowing for words were my portion: I lost all this suffering when I was free; when I saw the wild heath around me, and the evening star in the west, then I could weep, gently weep, and be at peace.","MWS" "id15493","And yet, as the members severally shook their heads and confessed defeat at the Inspector's problem, there was one man in that gathering who suspected a touch of bizarre familiarity in the monstrous shape and writing, and who presently told with some diffidence of the odd trifle he knew.","HPL" "id26916","""What can I do?"" she cried, ""I am lost we are both for ever lost But come come with me, Lionel; here I must not stay, we can get a chaise at the nearest post house; yet perhaps we have time come, O come with me to save and protect me"" When I heard her piteous demands, while with disordered dress, dishevelled hair, and aghast looks, she wrung her hands the idea shot across me is she also mad? ""Sweet one,"" and I folded her to my heart, ""better repose than wander further; rest my beloved, I will make a fire you are chill.""","MWS" "id07810","My productions however were sufficiently unpretending; they were confined to the biography of favourite historical characters, especially those whom I believed to have been traduced, or about whom clung obscurity and doubt.","MWS" "id24830","But I was enchanted by the appearance of the hut; here the snow and rain could not penetrate; the ground was dry; and it presented to me then as exquisite and divine a retreat as Pandemonium appeared to the demons of hell after their sufferings in the lake of fire.","MWS" "id10531","And it was under a horned waning moon that I saw the city for the first time.","HPL" "id10855","I determined to follow my nose.","EAP" "id20493","She received these tokens of returning love with gentleness; she did not shun his company; but she endeavoured to place a barrier in the way of familiar intercourse or painful discussion, which mingled pride and shame prevented Raymond from surmounting.","MWS" "id18938","Within the wall thus exposed by the displacing of the bones, we perceived a still interior recess, in depth about four feet, in width three, in height six or seven.","EAP" "id17834","Here were the future governors of England; the men, who, when our ardour was cold, and our projects completed or destroyed for ever, when, our drama acted, we doffed the garb of the hour, and assumed the uniform of age, or of more equalizing death; here were the beings who were to carry on the vast machine of society; here were the lovers, husbands, fathers; here the landlord, the politician, the soldier; some fancied that they were even now ready to appear on the stage, eager to make one among the dramatis personae of active life.","MWS" "id06425","Perhaps it is madness that is overtaking me yet perhaps a greater horror or a greater marvel is reaching out.","HPL" "id06111","This extended but little below the elbow.","EAP" "id10637","Here, truly, was the apotheosis of the unnamable.","HPL" "id14109","He had been saying to himself ""It is nothing but the wind in the chimney it is only a mouse crossing the floor,"" or ""It is merely a cricket which has made a single chirp.""","EAP" "id14217","Thus it seemed to me evident that my rate of ascent was not only on the increase, but that the progression would have been apparent in a slight degree even had I not discharged the ballast which I did.","EAP" "id14524","A low, continuous murmur, like that arising from a full, but gently flowing river, came to my ears, intermingled with the peculiar hum of multitudinous human voices.","EAP" "id07676","I repeat that the principle here expressed, is incontrovertible; but there may be something even beyond it.","EAP" "id16720","Evadne, once the idol of Adrian's affections; and who, for the sake of her present visitor, had disdained the noble youth, and then, neglected by him she loved, with crushed hopes and a stinging sense of misery, had returned to her native Greece.","MWS" "id05393","By observing, as I say, the strictest system in all my dealings, and keeping a well regulated set of books, I was enabled to get over many serious difficulties, and, in the end, to establish myself very decently in the profession.","EAP" "id13061","But I was bewildered, perplexed, and unable to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the full extent of his proposition.","MWS" "id21790","But this thought, which supported me in the commencement of my career, now serves only to plunge me lower in the dust.","MWS" "id17251","Great God If for one instant I had thought what might be the hellish intention of my fiendish adversary, I would rather have banished myself forever from my native country and wandered a friendless outcast over the earth than have consented to this miserable marriage.","MWS" "id10810","Those who have watched the tall, lean, Terrible Old Man in these peculiar conversations, do not watch him again.","HPL" "id25410","This idea, having once seized upon my fancy, greatly excited it, and I lost myself forthwith in revery.","EAP" "id02685","Holding a lighted candle at this door, and shifting the position of the whole machine repeatedly at the same time, a bright light is thrown entirely through the cupboard, which is now clearly seen to be full, completely full, of machinery.","EAP" "id12355","The apartments of the students were converted into so many pot houses, and there was no pot house of them all more famous or more frequented than that of the Baron.","EAP" "id21664","West, young despite his marvellous scientific acquirements, had scant patience with good Dr. Halsey and his erudite colleagues; and nursed an increasing resentment, coupled with a desire to prove his theories to these obtuse worthies in some striking and dramatic fashion.","HPL" "id10797","Valdemar, do you still sleep?""","EAP" "id15989","Some time before noon his physician, Dr. Hartwell, called to see him and insisted that he cease work.","HPL" "id08723","In this manner I distributed my occupations when I first arrived, but as I proceeded in my labour, it became every day more horrible and irksome to me.","MWS" "id04766","Such a monster has, then, really existence I cannot doubt it, yet I am lost in surprise and admiration.","MWS" "id20153","By the operation of this spring, the screw is made to revolve with great rapidity, communicating a progressive motion to the whole.","EAP" "id22479","The scent had never for an instant been lost.","EAP" "id05025","Throwing the links about his waist, it was but the work of a few seconds to secure it.","EAP" "id02529","It was open wide, wide open and I grew furious as I gazed upon it.","EAP" "id25915","Gilman could not be very clear about his reasons for this last assumption, but his haziness here was more than overbalanced by his clearness on other complex points.","HPL" "id16755","You should have seen how wisely I proceeded with what caution with what foresight with what dissimulation I went to work I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.","EAP" "id20221","It is hard for one so young who was once so happy as I was; sic voluntarily to divest themselves of all sensation and to go alone to the dreary grave; I dare not.","MWS" "id26588","The aspect of that ruin I cannot describe I must have been mad, for it seemed to rise majestic and undecayed, splendid and column cinctured, the flame reflecting marble of its entablature piercing the sky like the apex of a temple on a mountain top.","HPL" "id19227","And when did the radiant Una ask anything of her Monos in vain?","EAP" "id15299","In her resentful mood, these expressions had been remembered with acrimony and disdain; they visited her in her softened hour, taking sleep from her eyes, all hope of rest from her uneasy mind.","MWS" "id06942","God raises my weakness and gives me courage to endure the worst.","MWS" "id16673","Windows there were none.","EAP" "id17924","His own face was in shadow, and he wore a wide brimmed hat which somehow blended perfectly with the out of date cloak he affected; but I was subtly disquieted even before he addressed me.","HPL" "id08453","What other possible reason could there have been for her so blushing?","EAP" "id15828","I could not have been more surprised at the sound of the trump of the Archangel.","EAP" "id07906","And here how singularly sounds that word which of old was wont to bring terror to all hearts throwing a mildew upon all pleasures Una.","EAP" "id17730","Thinking earnestly upon these points, I remained, for an hour perhaps, half sitting, half reclining, with my vision riveted upon the portrait.","EAP" "id17972","Upon my word of honor, this was not an unreasonable price for that dickey.","EAP" "id10514","Give me the name of friend; I will fulfill its duties; and if for a moment complaint and sorrow would shape themselves into words let me be near to speak peace to your vext soul.""","MWS" "id23319","The glare from the enkindled roof illumined its inmost recesses.","EAP" "id00661","The king has ordered some novel spectacle some gladiatorial exhibition at the hippodrome or perhaps the massacre of the Scythian prisoners or the conflagration of his new palace or the tearing down of a handsome temple or, indeed, a bonfire of a few Jews.","EAP" "id01817","I might as well have attempted to arrest an avalanche Down still unceasingly still inevitably down I gasped and struggled at each vibration.","EAP" "id13940","They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.","EAP" "id00983","Long and earnestly did I continue the investigation: but the contemptible reward of my industry and perseverance proved to be only a set of false teeth, two pair of hips, an eye, and a bundle of billets doux from Mr. Windenough to my wife.","EAP" "id16041","After great trouble, occasioned by the intractable ferocity of his captive during the home voyage, he at length succeeded in lodging it safely at his own residence in Paris, where, not to attract toward himself the unpleasant curiosity of his neighbors, he kept it carefully secluded, until such time as it should recover from a wound in the foot, received from a splinter on board ship.","EAP" "id12549","It was an odd scene, and because I was strange to New England I had never known its like before.","HPL" "id00877","It was a key a guide to certain gateways and transitions of which mystics have dreamed and whispered since the race was young, and which lead to freedoms and discoveries beyond the three dimensions and realms of life and matter that we know.","HPL" "id11109","As the hour for its arrival drew near I noticed a general drift of the loungers to other places up the street, or to the Ideal Lunch across the square.","HPL" "id07619","It seems to me rather merciful that I do not, for they were terrible studies, which I pursued more through reluctant fascination than through actual inclination.","HPL" "id19955","Her manners were cold and repulsive.","MWS" "id07755","all made o' squirmin' ropes . . .","HPL" "id15769","She is very clever and gentle, and extremely pretty; as I mentioned before, her mien and her expression continually remind me of my dear aunt.","MWS" "id19584","Soon after we heard that the poor victim had expressed a desire to see my cousin.","MWS" "id12293","Looking about, I saw that the ceiling was wet and dripping; the soaking apparently proceeding from a corner on the side toward the street.","HPL" "id25325","Nitrogen, on the contrary, was incapable of supporting either animal life or flame.","EAP" "id26289","We read of centre and wing in Greek and Roman history; we fancy a spot, plain as a table, and soldiers small as chessmen; and drawn forth, so that the most ignorant of the game can discover science and order in the disposition of the forces.","MWS" "id22401","Engaged in researches which absorbed our whole attention, it had been nearly a month since either of us had gone abroad, or received a visiter, or more than glanced at the leading political articles in one of the daily papers.","EAP" "id23973","Whisper it not, let the demons hear and rejoice The choice is with us; let us will it, and our habitation becomes a paradise.","MWS" "id15555","Her lower tones were absolutely miraculous.","EAP" "id27512","""On Monday, one of the bargemen connected with the revenue service, saw a empty boat floating down the Seine.","EAP" "id18243","I am a farce and play to him, but to me this is all dreary reality: he takes all the profit and I bear all the burthen.","MWS" "id17216","We have already reached a very high latitude; but it is the height of summer, and although not so warm as in England, the southern gales, which blow us speedily towards those shores which I so ardently desire to attain, breathe a degree of renovating warmth which I had not expected.","MWS" "id14744","He was nearly killed with kindness.","MWS" "id02127","One afternoon there was a discussion of possible freakish curvatures in space, and of theoretical points of approach or even contact between our part of the cosmos and various other regions as distant as the farthest stars or the trans galactic gulfs themselves or even as fabulously remote as the tentatively conceivable cosmic units beyond the whole Einsteinian space time continuum.","HPL" "id25878","I listened to his statement, which was delivered without any presumption or affectation, and then added that his lecture had removed my prejudices against modern chemists; I expressed myself in measured terms, with the modesty and deference due from a youth to his instructor, without letting escape inexperience in life would have made me ashamed any of the enthusiasm which stimulated my intended labours.","MWS" "id01159","For example, I bought pen, ink and paper, and put them into furious activity.","EAP" "id27182","Who, indeed, among my most abandoned associates, would not rather have disputed the clearest evidence of his senses, than have suspected of such courses, the gay, the frank, the generous William Wilson the noblest and most liberal commoner at Oxford him whose follies said his parasites were but the follies of youth and unbridled fancy whose errors but inimitable whim whose darkest vice but a careless and dashing extravagance?","EAP" "id23392","I have consorted long with grief, entered the gloomy labyrinth of madness, and emerged, but half alive.","MWS" "id10573","Hereupon I bethought me of looking immediately before my nose, and there, sure enough, confronting me at the table sat a personage nondescript, although not altogether indescribable.","EAP" "id23028","I dared not make the effort which was to satisfy me of my fate and yet there was something at my heart which whispered me it was sure.","EAP" "id19804","Certainly it sounds absurd to hear that a woman educated only in the rudiments of French often shouted for hours in a coarse and idiomatic form of that language, or that the same person, alone and guarded, complained wildly of a staring thing which bit and chewed at her.","HPL" "id00490","My life might have been passed in ease and luxury, but I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path.","MWS" "id16001","I remember still more distinctly, that while he was pronounced by all parties at first sight ""the most remarkable man in the world,"" no person made any attempt at accounting for his opinion.","EAP" "id07706","Men have felt the tears of the gods on white capped Thurai, though they have thought it rain; and have heard the sighs of the gods in the plaintive dawn winds of Lerion.","HPL" "id05593","Some reflection seemed to sting him, and the spasm of pain that for a moment convulsed his countenance, checked my indignation.","MWS" "id18027","No trees of any magnitude are to be seen.","EAP" "id18935","The sweep of the pendulum had increased in extent by nearly a yard.","EAP" "id20888","Besides, the body would not be even approximately fresh the next night.","HPL" "id16966","The chamber was full but there was no Protector; and there was an austere discontent manifest on the countenances of the leaders, and a whispering and busy tattle among the underlings, not less ominous.","MWS" "id26532","After marriage, however, this gentleman neglected, and, perhaps, even more positively ill treated her.","EAP" "id09912","Gilman mechanically attended classes that morning, but was wholly unable to fix his mind on his studies.","HPL" "id12124","I went so far as to say that I felt assured of her love; while I offered this assurance, and my own intensity of devotion, as two excuses for my otherwise unpardonable conduct.","EAP" "id23853","I had just consummated an unusually hearty dinner, of which the dyspeptic truffe formed not the least important item, and was sitting alone in the dining room, with my feet upon the fender, and at my elbow a small table which I had rolled up to the fire, and upon which were some apologies for dessert, with some miscellaneous bottles of wine, spirit and liqueur.","EAP" "id08064","One Survivor and Dead Man Found Aboard.","HPL" "id03696","Not from each other did Kalos and Musides conceal their work, but the sight was for them alone.","HPL" "id12732","Justine assumed an air of cheerfulness, while she with difficulty repressed her bitter tears.","MWS" "id04163","They were sensations, yet within them lay unbelievable elements of time and space things which at bottom possess no distinct and definite existence.","HPL" "id04221","When Carter left, he had said he was going to visit his old ancestral country around Arkham.","HPL" "id21297","The landlady met her in the passage; the poor creature asked, ""Is my husband here?","MWS" "id12874","But now his oversensitive ears caught something behind him, and he looked back across the level terrace.","HPL" "id21617","By and by these are taught to carry parcels of some weight and this weight is gradually increased.","EAP" "id12633","Then hoary Nodens reached forth a wizened hand and helped Olney and his host into the vast shell, whereat the conches and the gongs set up a wild and awesome clamour.","HPL" "id14349","He said little, and that moodily, and with evident effort.","EAP" "id10417","A paralysis of fear stifled all attempts to cry out.","HPL" "id15216","I say that he will never be bodiless.","EAP" "id23881","False was all this false all but the affections of our nature, and the links of sympathy with pleasure or pain.","MWS" "id25155","In the most rugged of wildernesses in the most savage of the scenes of pure nature there is apparent the art of a creator; yet this art is apparent to reflection only; in no respect has it the obvious force of a feeling.","EAP" "id02928","I took him up at last, and threw him to about half a dozen yards from the balloon.","EAP" "id21686","And the question to be solved proceeds, or should proceed, to its final determination, by a succession of unerring steps liable to no change, and subject to no modification.","EAP" "id27254","What said he? some broken sentences I heard.","EAP" "id21409","The bandage lay heavily about the mouth but then might it not be the mouth of the breathing Lady of Tremaine?","EAP" "id06090","Then one night when the moon was full the travellers came to a mountain crest and looked down upon the myriad lights of Oonai.","HPL" "id11863","The sophists of the negative school, who, through inability to create, have scoffed at creation, are now found the loudest in applause.","EAP" "id22107","We expelled the bodies through the double hatches and were alone in the U .","HPL" "id25554","Oft when I have listened with gasping attention for the sound of the ocean mingled with my father's groans; and then wept untill my strength was gone and I was calm and faint, when I have recollected all this I have asked myself if this were not madness.","MWS" "id17524","C Fletcher's comedy of the Captain.","MWS" "id16281","I heard many things in hell.","EAP" "id17075","""Then there was 'The Involuntary Experimentalist,' all about a gentleman who got baked in an oven, and came out alive and well, although certainly done to a turn.","EAP" "id25050","She paused, weeping, and then continued, ""I thought with horror, my sweet lady, that you should believe your Justine, whom your blessed aunt had so highly honoured, and whom you loved, was a creature capable of a crime which none but the devil himself could have perpetrated.","MWS" "id11612","I shall do nothing rashly: you know me sufficiently to confide in my prudence and considerateness whenever the safety of others is committed to my care.","MWS" "id07216","Often with maternal affection she had figured their merits and talents exerted on life's wide stage.","MWS" "id10306","""Gentlemen,"" I said at last, as the party ascended the steps, ""I delight to have allayed your suspicions.","EAP" "id10171","As the last echo ceased, I stepped into B 's and inquired for Talbot.","EAP" "id04729","""Why it did not seem altogether right to leave the interior blank that would have been insulting.","EAP" "id07364","Nothing in human shape could have destroyed the fair child.","MWS" "id03130","I alighted at Perth; and, though much fatigued by a constant exposure to the air for many hours, I would not rest, but merely altering my mode of conveyance, I went by land instead of air, to Dunkeld.","MWS" "id21052","When, to agree with him, I said I was distrustful of the Authenticity of Ossian's ms, Mr. Johnson said: ""That, Sir, does not do your Understanding particular Credit; for what all the Town is sensible of, is no great Discovery for a Grub Street Critick to make.","HPL" "id09225","Safie nursed her with the most devoted affection, but the poor girl died, and the Arabian was left alone, unacquainted with the language of the country and utterly ignorant of the customs of the world.","MWS" "id17402","I looked towards its completion with a tremulous and eager hope, which I dared not trust myself to question but which was intermixed with obscure forebodings of evil that made my heart sicken in my bosom.","MWS" "id09422","The first manifestations, although marked, are unequivocal.","EAP" "id21345","Back Bay isn't Boston it isn't anything yet, because it's had no time to pick up memories and attract local spirits.","HPL" "id24175","But I am detailing a chain of facts and wish not to leave even a possible link imperfect.","EAP" "id15198","I traversed the streets without any clear conception of where I was or what I was doing.","MWS" "id01837","In the present instance, had the gold been gone, the fact of its delivery three days before would have formed something more than a coincidence.","EAP" "id16017","""C'est à vous à faire,"" said his Majesty, cutting.","EAP" "id22555","I was weary with watching and for some time I had combated with the heavy sleep that weighed down my eyelids: but now, no longer fearful, I threw myself on my bed.","MWS" "id15581","Afterwards, succession runs thus: a o i d h n r s t u y c f g l m w b k p q x z.","EAP" "id17663","But in this existence, I dreamed that I should be at once cognizant of all things, and thus at once be happy in being cognizant of all.","EAP" "id12227","The inhabitants of our side of the moon have, evidently, no darkness at all, so there can be nothing of the ""extremes"" mentioned.","EAP" "id06703","I took a circuitous path, principally for the sake of going to the top of the mount before mentioned, which commanded a view of the city.","MWS" "id06258","When once disease was introduced into the rural districts, its effects appeared more horrible, more exigent, and more difficult to cure, than in towns.","MWS" "id10080","Especially was he afraid to be out of doors alone when the stars were shining, and if forced to this condition he would often glance furtively at the sky as if hunted by some monstrous thing therein.","HPL" "id23533","""This day was passed in the same routine as that which preceded it.","MWS" "id05429","As the afternoon advanced, it became increasingly difficult to see; and we heard the rumble of a thunderstorm gathering over Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id14365","In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy an excessive nervous agitation.","EAP" "id15863","In this manner many appalling hours passed; several of my dogs died, and I myself was about to sink under the accumulation of distress when I saw your vessel riding at anchor and holding forth to me hopes of succour and life.","MWS" "id06168","My preference would be to avoid Paine, since the fire station there might be open all night.","HPL" "id18309","Chords, vibrations, and harmonic ecstasies echoed passionately on every hand; while on my ravished sight burst the stupendous spectacle of ultimate beauty.","HPL" "id03808","And the roof is of pure gold, set upon tall pillars of ruby and azure, and having such carven figures of gods and heroes that he who looks up to those heights seems to gaze upon the living Olympus.","HPL" "id26655","No one ventured on board the vessel, and strange sights were averred to be seen at night, walking the deck, and hanging on the masts and shrouds.","MWS" "id10970","I must not forget one incident that occurred during this visit to London.","MWS" "id10401","We have forgotten what we did when she was not.","MWS" "id11292","Not a speck on their surface not a shade on their enamel not an indenture in their edges but what that period of her smile had sufficed to brand in upon my memory.","EAP" "id13573","The place was avoided with doubled assiduousness, and invested with every whispered myth tradition could supply.","HPL" "id07672","Above all was the sense of hearing acute.","EAP" "id05905","It seems that on that last hideous night Joe had stooped to look at the crimson rat tracks which led from Gilman's couch to the nearby hole.","HPL" "id02187","We may be instructed to build an Odyssey, but it is in vain that we are told how to conceive a 'Tempest,' an 'Inferno,' a 'Prometheus Bound,' a 'Nightingale,' such as that of Keats, or the 'Sensitive Plant' of .","EAP" "id16815","'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, is entirely devoid of imagination and imagination, in our humble opinion, is not only the soul of sy, but also its very heart.","EAP" "id14153","He will tell me "" ""Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry."" ""And yet some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own."" ""Come, let us go."" ""Whither?""","EAP" "id17856","I collected bones from charnel houses and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame.","MWS" "id07496","This burst of passionate feeling over, with calmed thoughts we sat together, talking of the past and present.","MWS" "id20507","Dropping of its own accord upon his exit or perhaps purposely closed, it had become fastened by the spring; and it was the retention of this spring which had been mistaken by the police for that of the nail, farther inquiry being thus considered unnecessary.","EAP" "id17221","""Well, if you must have it so I will take a small reward just to satisfy your scruples.","EAP" "id10627","I did; but the fragile spirit clung to its tenement of clay for many days, for many weeks and irksome months, until my tortured nerves obtained the mastery over my mind, and I grew furious through delay, and, with the heart of a fiend, cursed the days and the hours and the bitter moments, which seemed to lengthen and lengthen as her gentle life declined, like shadows in the dying of the day.","EAP" "id07609","Here it is at first difficult to perceive the intention of the reasoner.","EAP" "id13820","To carry out his views, he solicited and obtained the patronage of Sir Everard Bringhurst and Mr. Osborne, two gentlemen well known for scientific acquirement, and especially for the interest they have exhibited in the progress of ærostation.","EAP" "id17307","For without warning, in one of the small hours beyond midnight, all the ravages of the years and the storms and the worms came to a tremendous climax; and after the crash there was nothing left standing in The Street save two ancient chimneys and part of a stout brick wall.","HPL" "id07122","I have little to record, except the fact to me quite a surprising one that, at an elevation equal to that of Cotopaxi, I experienced neither very intense cold, nor headache, nor difficulty of breathing; neither, I find, did Mr. Mason, nor Mr. Holland, nor Sir Everard.","EAP" "id10039","It was nearly dead calm when the voyagers first came in view of the coast, which was immediately recognized by both the seamen, and by Mr. Osborne.","EAP" "id18626","My steps were sure, and could afford but a single result.","EAP" "id23258","What was it I paused to think what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher?","EAP" "id01056","The whole house, with its wings, was constructed of the old fashioned Dutch shingles broad, and with unrounded corners.","EAP" "id01059","A change fell upon all things.","EAP" "id19777","And then, like David, I would try music to win the evil spirit from him; and once while singing I lifted my eyes towards him and saw his fixed on me and filled with tears; all his muscles seemed relaxed to softness.","MWS" "id16690","It was evident that my considerate friend, il fanatico, had quite forgotten his appointment with myself had forgotten it as soon as it was made.","EAP" "id07865","Parliament was divided by three factions, aristocrats, democrats, and royalists.","MWS" "id11337","But if the sentiment on which the fabric of her existence was founded, became common place through participation, the endless succession of attentions and graceful action snapt by transfer, his universe of love wrested from her, happiness must depart, and then be exchanged for its opposite.","MWS" "id04973","It was, the Belgian averred, a most extraordinary object; an object quite beyond the power of a layman to classify.","HPL" "id09790","I did not like the way he looked at healthy living bodies; and then there came a nightmarish session in the cellar laboratory when I learned that a certain specimen had been a living body when he secured it.","HPL" "id27412","I said it at first and I say it still, and I never swerved an inch, either, when he shewed that ""Ghoul Feeding"".","HPL" "id03379","Their minister at Constantinople was urged to make the necessary perquisitions, and should his existence be ascertained, to demand his release.","MWS" "id27532","I therefore undid only a few of these loops at one time, leaving the car suspended by the remainder.","EAP" "id00825","Whilst they strove to strip from life its embroidered robes of myth, and to shew in naked ugliness the foul thing that is reality, Kuranes sought for beauty alone.","HPL" "id27179","Unwholesome recollections of things in the Necronomicon and the Black Book welled up, and he found himself swaying to infandous rhythms said to pertain to the blackest ceremonies of the Sabbat and to have an origin outside the time and space we comprehend.","HPL" "id20165","Idris was too much taken up by her own dreadful fears, to be angry, hardly grieved; for she judged that insensibility must be the source of this continued rancour.","MWS" "id17160","The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague.","EAP" "id20078","All denied a part in the ritual murders, and averred that the killing had been done by Black Winged Ones which had come to them from their immemorial meeting place in the haunted wood.","HPL" "id13349","No woman could have inflicted the blows with any weapon.","EAP" "id22731","They were that kind the old lattice windows that went out of use before .","HPL" "id15130","Their happiness was not decreased by the absence of summer.","MWS" "id00554","The light curling waves bore us onward, and old ocean smiled at the freight of love and hope committed to his charge; it stroked gently its tempestuous plains, and the path was smoothed for us.","MWS" "id14819","The Countess had failed in this design with regard to her children; perhaps she hoped to find the next remove in birth more tractable.","MWS" "id01413","The bones of the tiny paws, it is rumoured, imply prehensile characteristics more typical of a diminutive monkey than of a rat; while the small skull with its savage yellow fangs is of the utmost anomalousness, appearing from certain angles like a miniature, monstrously degraded parody of a human skull.","HPL" "id07772","His intellect found sufficient field for exercise in his domestic circle, whose members, all adorned by refinement and literature, were many of them, like himself, distinguished by genius.","MWS" "id07601","It was, indeed, a tempestuous yet sternly beautiful night, and one wildly singular in its terror and its beauty.","EAP" "id25312","He often left us, and wandered by himself in the woods, or sailed in his little skiff, his books his only companions.","MWS" "id01931","Morbid art doesn't shock me, and when a man has the genius Pickman had I feel it an honour to know him, no matter what direction his work takes.","HPL" "id02245","Return; dearest one, you promised me this boon, that I should bring you health.","MWS" "id05404","I then took opportunities of conveying by night, to a retired situation east of Rotterdam, five iron bound casks, to contain about fifty gallons each, and one of a larger size; six tinned ware tubes, three inches in diameter, properly shaped, and ten feet in length; a quantity of a particular metallic substance, or semi metal, which I shall not name, and a dozen demijohns of a very common acid.","EAP" "id13361","Down this new opening the eye cannot penetrate very far; for the stream, accompanied by the wall, still bends to the left, until both are swallowed up by the leaves.","EAP" "id06893","Ye gods and what do I behold is that the departed spirit, the shade, the ghost, of my beloved puppy, which I perceive sitting with a grace so melancholy, in the corner?","EAP" "id27508","From those blurred and fragmentary memories we may infer much, yet prove little.","HPL" "id17969","Then again she sadly lamented her hard fate; that a woman, with a woman's heart and sensibility, should be driven by hopeless love and vacant hopes to take up the trade of arms, and suffer beyond the endurance of man privation, labour, and pain the while her dry, hot hand pressed mine, and her brow and lips burned with consuming fire.","MWS" "id09055","She had gone to hide her weakness; escaping from the castle, she had descended to the little park, and sought solitude, that she might there indulge her tears; I found her clinging round an old oak, pressing its rough trunk with her roseate lips, as her tears fell plenteously, and her sobs and broken exclamations could not be suppressed; with surpassing grief I beheld this loved one of my heart thus lost in sorrow I drew her towards me; and, as she felt my kisses on her eyelids, as she felt my arms press her, she revived to the knowledge of what remained to her. ""You are very kind not to reproach me,"" she said: ""I weep, and a bitter pang of intolerable sorrow tears my heart.","MWS" "id24886","Perdita looked at him like one amazed; her expressive countenance shone for a moment with tenderness; to see him only was happiness.","MWS" "id05390","While he spoke, so profound was the stillness that one might have heard a pin drop upon the floor.","EAP" "id20623","Of my exact age, even down to days and hours, I kept a most careful record, for each movement of the pendulum of the massive clock in the library told off so much more of my doomed existence.","HPL" "id10912","They were loud and quick unequal spoken apparently in fear as well as in anger.","EAP" "id27697","What he said was unintelligible, but words were uttered; the syllabification was distinct.","EAP" "id17864","""But when I saw you become the object of another's love; when I imagined that you might be loved otherwise than as a sacred type and image of loveliness and excellence; or that you might love another with a more ardent affection than that which you bore to me, then the fiend awoke within me; I dismissed your lover; and from that moment I have known no peace.","MWS" "id07034","Shakspeare, whose popularity was established by the approval of four centuries, had not lost his influence even at this dread period; but was still ""Ut magus,"" the wizard to rule our hearts and govern our imaginations.","MWS" "id25903","For about half an hour the conversation ran upon ordinary topics, but at last, we contrived, quite naturally, to give it the following turn: CAPT.","EAP" "id26025","In August, the plague had appeared in the country of England, and during September it made its ravages.","MWS" "id27911","The writer professes to have translated his work from the English of one Mr. D'Avisson Davidson?","EAP" "id02332","He became an adventurer in the Greek wars.","MWS" "id02126","But, if the contest have proceeded thus far, it is the shadow which prevails, we struggle in vain.","EAP" "id26423","the, or, substituting the natural letters, where known, it reads thus: the tree thr?h the.","EAP" "id00032","Had the body been in any respect despoiled?","EAP" "id11159","It had already buried its sharp edge a full inch in my flesh, and my sensations grew indistinct and confused.","EAP" "id08155","No fancy may picture the sublimity which might have been exhibited by a similar phenomenon taking place amid the darkness of the night.","EAP" "id12286","Looking around me during a pause in the Baron's discourse of which my readers may gather some faint idea when I say that it bore resemblance to the fervid, chanting, monotonous, yet musical sermonic manner of Coleridge, I perceived symptoms of even more than the general interest in the countenance of one of the party.","EAP" "id16224","""Wherefore do I feel thus?","MWS" "id21971","I replied to the yells of him who clamored.","EAP" "id09369","At first it told to me only the plain little tales of calm beaches and near ports, but with the years it grew more friendly and spoke of other things; of things more strange and more distant in space and in time.","HPL" "id09913","""My days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language; and I may boast that I improved more rapidly than the Arabian, who understood very little and conversed in broken accents, whilst I comprehended and could imitate almost every word that was spoken.","MWS" "id21075","""Here, then, we leave, in the very beginning, the groundwork for something more than a mere guess.","EAP" "id10292","Now, he reflected, those nervous fears were being mirrored in his disordered dreams.","HPL" "id15787","But perfect happiness is an attribute of angels; and those who possess it, appear angelic.","MWS" "id18913","It was a good overcoat.","EAP" "id20456","I adverted to what Adrian had already done I promised the same vigilance in furthering all his views.","MWS" "id07308","It was demonstrated, that the density of the comet's nucleus was far less than that of our rarest gas; and the harmless passage of a similar visitor among the satellites of Jupiter was a point strongly insisted upon, and which served greatly to allay terror.","EAP" "id01956","The last beams of the nearly sunken sun shot up from behind the far summit of Mount Athos; the sea of Marmora still glittered beneath its rays, while the Asiatic coast beyond was half hid in a haze of low cloud.","MWS" "id16024","""True,"" I observed; ""the paper is clearly then upon the premises.","EAP" "id26451","""Twas dis eye, massa de lef eye jis as you tell me,"" and here it was his right eye that the negro indicated.","EAP" "id09451","As long as their disunion remained a secret, he cherished an expectation of re awakening past tenderness in her bosom; now that we were all made acquainted with these occurrences, and that Perdita, by declaring her resolves to others, in a manner pledged herself to their accomplishment, he gave up the idea of re union as futile, and sought only, since he was unable to influence her to change, to reconcile himself to the present state of things.","MWS" "id22145","Blew it, and tried again no go.","EAP" "id21700","""How died he?"" ""In his rash exertions to rescue a favorite portion of his hunting stud, he has himself perished miserably in the flames.""","EAP" "id06426","'The things had all evidently been there,' he says, 'at least, three or four weeks, and there can be no doubt that the spot of this appalling outrage has been discovered.'","EAP" "id17951","The diddler approaches the bar of a tavern, and demands a couple of twists of tobacco.","EAP" "id04140","Open up the gates to Yog Sothoth with the long chant that ye'll find on page of the complete edition, an' then put a match to the prison.","HPL" "id21021","He said, I push'd every Aspirant off the Slopes of Parnassus.","HPL" "id15175","Has lived in Paris two years.","EAP" "id19378","I did so, but to little purpose, not being able to gather the least particle of meaning.","EAP" "id07932","We went up stairs into the chamber where the body of Mademoiselle L'Espanaye had been found, and where both the deceased still lay.","EAP" "id11699","A vulgar man that sometimes but he's deep.","EAP" "id19936","The squire who succeeded to it in studied sartain arts and made sartain discoveries, all connected with influences residing in this particular plot of ground, and eminently desarving of the strongest guarding.","HPL" "id24248","During this period, I became aware, for the first time, of the origin of the sulphurous light which illumined the cell.","EAP" "id23800","In relation to the second it is only necessary to repeat what we have before stated, that the machine is rolled about on castors, and will, at the request of a spectator, be moved to and fro to any portion of the room, even during the progress of a game.","EAP" "id23153","My host now took my hand to draw me to one of the two windows on the long side of the malodorous room, and at the first touch of his ungloved fingers I turned cold.","HPL" "id05483","I do not know how I came to live on such a street, but I was not myself when I moved there.","HPL" "id03395","This idea pursued me and tormented me at every moment from which I might otherwise have snatched repose and peace.","MWS" "id20925","Wonderful likewise were the gardens made by Zokkar the olden king.","HPL" "id14341","No youthful congregation of gallant hearted boys thronged the portal of the college; sad silence pervaded the busy school room and noisy playground.","MWS" "id09808","""I will soon explain to what these feelings tended, but allow me now to return to the cottagers, whose story excited in me such various feelings of indignation, delight, and wonder, but which all terminated in additional love and reverence for my protectors for so I loved, in an innocent, half painful self deceit, to call them.""","MWS" "id02823","But I had no bodily, no visible, audible, or palpable presence.","EAP" "id02384","Yog Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate.","HPL" "id11476","When exceptions did occur, they were mostly persons with no trace of aberrancy, like the old clerk at the hotel.","HPL" "id12106","How mutable are our feelings, and how strange is that clinging love we have of life even in the excess of misery I constructed another sail with a part of my dress and eagerly steered my course towards the land.","MWS" "id11244","Fallen houses choked up the streets.","EAP" "id16061","I was in the service of a farmer; and with crook in hand, my dog at my side, I shepherded a numerous flock on the near uplands.","MWS" "id06148","After years he began to call the slow sailing stars by name, and to follow them in fancy when they glided regretfully out of sight; till at length his vision opened to many secret vistas whose existence no common eye suspects.","HPL" "id17387","Her energy of character induced her still to combat with the ills of life; even those attendant on hopeless love presented themselves, rather in the shape of an adversary to be overcome, than of a victor to whom she must submit.","MWS" "id02775","A line of Marston's ""Malcontent"" Death's a good fellow and keeps open house struck me at that moment as a palpable lie.","EAP" "id08367","We occasioned the greatest excitement on board all an excitement greatly relished by ourselves, and especially by our two men, who, now under the influence of a dram of Geneva, seemed resolved to give all scruple, or fear, to the wind.","EAP" "id17086","It was he who had given me all the information I had of Tillinghast after I was repulsed in rage.","HPL" "id22047","""It was night, and the rain fell; and falling, it was rain, but, having fallen, it was blood.","EAP" "id22017","When Gilman climbed up a ladder to the cobwebbed level loft above the rest of the attic he found vestiges of a bygone aperture tightly and heavily covered with ancient planking and secured by the stout wooden pegs common in colonial carpentry.","HPL" "id03203","The maniac became composed; his person rose higher; authority beamed from his countenance.","MWS" "id15489","The eyes roll unnaturally in the head, without any corresponding motions of the lids or brows.","EAP" "id07881","Many were the waterfalls in their courses, and many were the lilied lakelets into which they expanded.","HPL" "id25347","Pale as marble, clear and beaming as that, she heard my tale, and enquired concerning the spot where he had been deposited.","MWS" "id10063","""Looking now, narrowly, through the cipher for combinations of known characters, we find, not very far from the beginning, this arrangement, , or egree, which, plainly, is the conclusion of the word 'degree,' and gives us another letter, d, represented by .","EAP" "id24436","Nor could I ever after see the world as I had known it.","HPL" "id04575","All other matters and all different interests became absorbed in their single contemplation.","EAP" "id04343","While I was awake I knew what you meant by ""spirit,"" but now it seems only a word such for instance as truth, beauty a quality, I mean.","EAP" "id17016","In the deeper dreams everything was likewise more distinct, and Gilman felt that the twilight abysses around him were those of the fourth dimension.","HPL" "id25800","The horse itself, in the foreground of the design, stood motionless and statue like while farther back, its discomfited rider perished by the dagger of a Metzengerstein.","EAP" "id13769","When they had retired to rest, if there was any moon or the night was star light, I went into the woods and collected my own food and fuel for the cottage.","MWS" "id10865","This did moderately well for a time; in fact, I was not avaricious, but my dog was.","EAP" "id20206","This was all true; but it was not less agonizing to take the admonition home.","MWS" "id04331","They talked of their illustrious Tyrant, and of the splendour of his capital; and exulted in the glory of the statue which Musides had wrought for him.","HPL" "id12070","Cast off the only gift that I have bestowed upon you, your grief, and rise from under my blighting influence as no flower so sweet ever did rise from beneath so much evil.","MWS" "id06924","But he was great once my fathair in Barcelona have hear of heem and only joost now he feex a arm of the plumber that get hurt of sudden.","HPL" "id07230","The effect produced by the firing of a cannon is that of simple vibration.","EAP" "id05121","Alas I knew not the desart it was about to reach; the rocks that would tear its waters, and the hideous scene that would be reflected in a more distorted manner in its waves.","MWS" "id23192","My heart beat quick as I approached the palings; my hand was on one of them, a leap would take me to the other side, when two keepers sprang from an ambush upon me: one knocked me down, and proceeded to inflict a severe horse whipping.","MWS" "id19741","The natives suspend it by a cord from the ceiling, and enjoy its fragrance for years.'","EAP" "id05990","My evil passions will have fled, for I shall meet with sympathy My life will flow quietly away, and in my dying moments I shall not curse my maker.""","MWS" "id26408","A gentle breeze, however, now arose, as the sun was about descending; and while I remained standing on the brow of the slope, the fog gradually became dissipated into wreaths, and so floated over the scene.","EAP" "id27097","Soon after the departure of the couple, a gang of miscreants made their appearance, behaved boisterously, ate and drank without making payment, followed in the route of the young man and girl, returned to the inn about dusk, and re crossed the river as if in great haste.","EAP" "id26697","The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.","EAP" "id15915","""Elizabeth Lavenza ""Geneva, May th, "" This letter revived in my memory what I had before forgotten, the threat of the fiend ""I WILL BE WITH YOU ON YOUR WEDDING NIGHT"" Such was my sentence, and on that night would the daemon employ every art to destroy me and tear me from the glimpse of happiness which promised partly to console my sufferings.","MWS" "id09060","He might have spoken, but I did not hear; one hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped and rushed downstairs.","MWS" "id13696","Her face was exceedingly round, red, and full; and the same peculiarity, or rather want of peculiarity, attached itself to her countenance, which I before mentioned in the case of the president that is to say, only one feature of her face was sufficiently distinguished to need a separate characterization: indeed the acute Tarpaulin immediately observed that the same remark might have applied to each individual person of the party; every one of whom seemed to possess a monopoly of some particular portion of physiognomy.","EAP" "id07437","And the bright eyes of Eleonora grew brighter at my words; and she sighed as if a deadly burthen had been taken from her breast; and she trembled and very bitterly wept; but she made acceptance of the vow, for what was she but a child?","EAP" "id25042","I turned author myself.","MWS" "id12330","Bennett was asleep, having apparently felt the same anomalous drowsiness which affected me, so I designated Tobey for the next watch although even he was nodding.","HPL" "id02538","I contrived, however, to pacify them by promises of payment of all scores in full, as soon as I could bring the present business to a termination.","EAP" "id01838","Some who knew him do not admit that he ever existed.","HPL" "id09000","It was closer to Maple Hill than to Cone Mountain, some of the crude abodes indeed being dugouts on the side of the former eminence.","HPL" "id18704","The external world could take care of itself.","EAP" "id22084","The manipulations of Pompey had made, I must confess, a very striking difference in the appearance of the personal man.","EAP" "id24595","Then for a moment did Iranon believe he had found those who thought and felt even as he, though the town was not an hundredth as fair as Aira.","HPL" "id16062","Then, in endeavouring to do violence to my own disposition, I made all worse than before.","MWS" "id10540","His graceful elocution enchained the senses of his hearers.","MWS" "id22353","The small, weather worn telephone poles carried only two wires.","HPL" "id26580","Posterity is no more; fame, and ambition, and love, are words void of meaning; even as the cattle that grazes in the field, do thou, O deserted one, lie down at evening tide, unknowing of the past, careless of the future, for from such fond ignorance alone canst thou hope for ease Joy paints with its own colours every act and thought.","MWS" "id26924","Mr. B. merely cuts out and intersperses.","EAP" "id11048","But, in fact, this is a point of minor importance.","EAP" "id18336","One disgusting canvas seemed to depict a vast cross section of Beacon Hill, with ant like armies of the mephitic monsters squeezing themselves through burrows that honeycombed the ground.","HPL" "id27071","The theatre was tolerably well filled.","MWS" "id20454","I neither knew nor cared whether my experience was insanity, dreaming, or magic; but was determined to gaze on brilliance and gaiety at any cost.","HPL" "id18675","They are familiar to the world.","EAP" "id00441","She was nearly fifteen years older than he, and was the offspring of a former marriage of his father.","MWS" "id07287","I grew frantically mad, and struggled to force myself upward against the sweep of the fearful scimitar.","EAP" "id04428","M. St. Eustache, the lover and intended husband of Marie, who boarded in her mother's house, deposes that he did not hear of the discovery of the body of his intended until the next morning, when M. Beauvais came into his chamber and told him of it.","EAP" "id01274","I stopped automatically, though lacking the brain to retreat.","HPL" "id21953","When his gambols were over, I looked at the paper, and, to speak the truth, found myself not a little puzzled at what my friend had depicted.","EAP" "id07539","While such discussions were going on, their subject gradually approached, growing larger in apparent diameter, and of a more brilliant lustre.","EAP" "id22978","They stole off at first by ones and twos, then in larger companies, until, unimpeded by the officers, whole battalions sought the road that led to Macedonia.","MWS" "id26449","The scenery, judged by any ordinary aesthetic canon, is more than commonly beautiful; yet there is no influx of artists or summer tourists.","HPL" "id27667","I am glad that I have loved, and have experienced sympathetic joy and sorrow with my fellow creatures.","MWS" "id03429","The trees were lithe, mirthful, erect bright, slender, and graceful, of eastern figure and foliage, with bark smooth, glossy, and parti colored.","EAP" "id21473","Scarcely less savage was the ""Lollipop,"" which thus discoursed: ""Some individual, who rejoices in the appellation 'Oppodeldoc,' to what low uses are the names of the illustrious dead too often applied has enclosed us some fifty or sixty verses commencing after this fashion: Achilles' wrath, to Greece the direful spring Of woes unnumbered, c., c., c., c. ""'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, is respectfully informed that there is not a printer's devil in our office who is not in the daily habit of composing better lines.","EAP" "id13829","He was wholly alone, and his first act was to walk to the balustrade and look dizzily down at the endless, Cyclopean city almost two thousand feet below.","HPL" "id25653","I went up to her and offered my services.","MWS" "id03312","Those who had lacked something lacked it no longer, yet did fear and hatred and ignorance still brood over The Street; for many had stayed behind, and many strangers had come from distant places to the ancient houses.","HPL" "id02912","This I perceived with unhealthy sharpness despite the fact that two of my other senses were violently assailed.","HPL" "id16189","He admitted that the principles that I laid down were the best; but he denied that they were the only ones.","MWS" "id27625","They were fearfully they were inconceivably hideous; but out of Evil proceeded Good; for their very excess wrought in my spirit an inevitable revulsion.","EAP" "id21283","And when time shall have softened your despair, new and dear objects of care will be born to replace those of whom we have been so cruelly deprived.""","MWS" "id27006","How could I have suspected the thing I was to behold?","HPL" "id26172","One of these fragile mirrors, that ever doted on thine image, is about to be broken, crumbled to dust.","MWS" "id20302","I recall that I did not regard it as a common flashlight indeed, I had a common flashlight in another pocket.","HPL" "id06219","""One of the most popular pieces of mechanism which we have seen, Is the Magician constructed by M. Maillardet, for the purpose of answering certain given questions.","EAP" "id04049","He was a strange, furtive creature who constantly looked over his shoulder as if afraid of something, and when sober could not be persuaded to talk at all with strangers.","HPL" "id18921","Calderon de la Barca.","MWS" "id17712","I did not expect it, either, for I thought I was thoroughly forewarned regarding what the jewellery would turn out to be.","HPL" "id04703","He was detained three days longer and then he hastened to her.","MWS" "id01959","And why should I describe a sorrow which all have felt, and must feel?","MWS" "id00864","But I paused when I reflected on the story that I had to tell.","MWS" "id06579","Ruined castles hanging on the precipices of piny mountains, the impetuous Arve, and cottages every here and there peeping forth from among the trees formed a scene of singular beauty.","MWS" "id12244","I did not weep, but I wiped the perspiration from my brow, and tried to still my brain and heart beating almost to madness.","MWS" "id08485","The steps were many, and led to a narrow stone flagged passage which I knew must be far underground.","HPL" "id02992","I had already decided not to abandon the quest for the lurking fear, for in my rash ignorance it seemed to me that uncertainty was worse than enlightenment, however terrible the latter might prove to be.","HPL" "id02739","It had lost, in a great measure, the deep tint of blue it had hitherto worn, being now of a grayish white, and of a lustre dazzling to the eye.","EAP" "id16275","But now I went to it in cold blood, and my heart often sickened at the work of my hands.","MWS" "id20997","The door marked I, it will be remembered, is still open.","EAP" "id20397","We hired a chaise here, and with four horses drove with speed through the storm.","MWS" "id03731","Remember we're dealing with a hideous world in which we are practically helpless. . . .","HPL" "id23537","Of the various tales that of aged Soames, the family butler, is most ample and coherent.","HPL" "id21973","It was at Rome, during the Carnival of , that I attended a masquerade in the palazzo of the Neapolitan Duke Di Broglio.","EAP" "id05473","Thus, we talked of them, and moralized, as with diminished numbers we returned to Windsor Castle.","MWS" "id18413","And it was the mournful influence of the unperceived shadow that caused him to feel although he neither saw nor heard to feel the presence of my head within the room.","EAP" "id20228","A bright light then pervades the cupboard, and the body of the man would be discovered if it were there.","EAP" "id19561","Through Asia, from the banks of the Nile to the shores of the Caspian, from the Hellespont even to the sea of Oman, a sudden panic was driven.","MWS" "id14682","It was not a wholesome landscape after dark, and I believe I would have noticed its morbidity even had I been ignorant of the terror that stalked there.","HPL" "id13627","I always knew you were no scientist Trembling, eh? Trembling with anxiety to see the ultimate things I have discovered?","HPL" "id22354","Should I yield to your entreaties and, I may add, to the pleadings of my own bosom would I not be entitled to demand of you a very a very little boon in return?""","EAP" "id20957","I did not wholly disagree with him theoretically, yet held vague instinctive remnants of the primitive faith of my forefathers; so that I could not help eyeing the corpse with a certain amount of awe and terrible expectation.","HPL" "id20631","Idris, the most affectionate wife, sister and friend, was a tender and loving mother.","MWS" "id13325","Then all motion, of whatever nature, creates?","EAP" "id01426","The next night, without daring to ask for the rudder, he removes it.","EAP" "id03345","But, my dear Frankenstein,"" continued he, stopping short and gazing full in my face, ""I did not before remark how very ill you appear; so thin and pale; you look as if you had been watching for several nights.""","MWS" "id04554","He shrieked once once only.","EAP" "id11288","She first assured him of her boundless confidence; of this he must be conscious, since but for that she would not seek to detain him.","MWS" "id24003","Wild visions, opium engendered, flitted, shadow like, before me.","EAP" "id02645","Upon entering, I thrust him furiously from me.","EAP" "id20608","The tread was heavy, yet seemed to contain a curious quality of cautiousness; a quality which I disliked the more because the tread was heavy.","HPL" "id20251","Besides, the estates, which were contiguous, had long exercised a rival influence in the affairs of a busy government.","EAP" "id22068","She had been in his employ about a year, when her admirers were thrown info confusion by her sudden disappearance from the shop.","EAP" "id12161","He had apparently been strangled, for there was no sign of any violence except the black mark of fingers on his neck.","MWS" "id00768","Was that a rat I saw skulking into his hole?","EAP" "id01351","""Abhorred monster Fiend that thou art The tortures of hell are too mild a vengeance for thy crimes.","MWS" "id12232","Razor in hand, and fully lathered, it was sitting before a looking glass, attempting the operation of shaving, in which it had no doubt previously watched its master through the key hole of the closet.","EAP" "id26310","""We will resume this question by mere allusion to the revolting details of the surgeon examined at the inquest.","EAP" "id22992","Ah let me see Let me remember Yes; full easily do I call to mind the precise words of the dear promise you made to Eugenie last night.","EAP" "id13123","They partook less of transport and more of calm enthusiasm of enthusiastic repose.","EAP" "id22536","And now, too, hearing an incredible popping and fizzing of champagne, I discovered at length, that it proceeded from the person who performed the bottle of that delicate drink during dinner.","EAP" "id16203","The topography throughout, even when professing to accord with Blunt's Lunar Chart, is entirely at variance with that or any other lunar chart, and even grossly at variance with itself.","EAP" "id27074","""Vell, Monsieur,"" said she, after surveying me, in great apparent astonishment, for some moments ""Vell, Monsieur?","EAP" "id21691","No, all must be changed.","MWS" "id24845","Agatha listened with respect, her eyes sometimes filled with tears, which she endeavoured to wipe away unperceived; but I generally found that her countenance and tone were more cheerful after having listened to the exhortations of her father.","MWS" "id10450","Madness rides the star wind . . .","HPL" "id05692","Nothing could be more magnificent.","EAP" "id00956","It was a very capital system indeed simple neat no trouble at all in fact it was delicious it was.""","EAP" "id10541","Still she felt sure that he would come at last; and the wider the breach might appear at this crisis, the more secure she was of closing it for ever.","MWS" "id00839","""Well, then, Bobby, my boy you're a fine fellow, aren't you?","EAP" "id03890","This was the dream in which I saw a shoggoth for the first time, and the sight set me awake in a frenzy of screaming.","HPL" "id04052","The oven, for instance, that was a good hit.","EAP" "id27509","yet he was never in better health.","MWS" "id13877","It was agreed to call the whole thing a chemical laboratory if discovery should occur.","HPL" "id10683","I left at once the employment of Messrs. Cut Comeagain, and set up in the Eye Sore line by myself one of the most lucrative, respectable, and independent of the ordinary occupations.","EAP" "id21854","I had imagined that the habitual endurance of the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the earth was the cause, or nearly so, of the pain attending animal existence at a distance above the surface.","EAP" "id20718","I was beyond measure disturbed by this intelligence.","MWS" "id16292","The patient, Mr. Edward Stapleton, had died, apparently of typhus fever, accompanied with some anomalous symptoms which had excited the curiosity of his medical attendants.","EAP" "id06127","Waterfront scum was far too common for special mention; though there was vague talk about one inland trip these mongrels had made, during which faint drumming and red flame were noted on the distant hills.","HPL" "id20973","On Frederick's lip arose a fiendish expression, as he became aware of the direction which his glance had, without his consciousness, assumed.","EAP" "id24787","This was, in fact, one of his hobbies.","EAP" "id01720","The mountain upon whose top we sit is Helseggen, the Cloudy.","EAP" "id09677","Matters of little moment are rarely consigned to parchment; since, for the mere ordinary purposes of drawing or writing, it is not nearly so well adapted as paper.","EAP" "id14292","Here he knew strange things had happened once, and there was a faint suggestion behind the surface that everything of that monstrous past might not at least in the darkest, narrowest, and most intricately crooked alleys have utterly perished.","HPL" "id13817","Nobody but my enemies ever calls me Suky Snobbs.","EAP" "id26650","""Your arrival, my dear cousin,"" said she, ""fills me with hope.","MWS" "id01066","What, if circumstance should lead Perdita to suspect, and suspecting to be resolved?","MWS" "id27137","Of pain there was some little; of pleasure there was much; but of moral pain or pleasure none at all.","EAP" "id07461","I felt I had known it before, in a past remote beyond all recollection; beyond even my tenancy of the body I now possess.","HPL" "id22685","Three coffin heights, he reckoned, would permit him to reach the transom; but he could do better with four.","HPL" "id07544","By this time Dombrowski, Choynski, Desrochers, Mazurewicz, and the top floor lodger were all crowding into the doorway, and the landlord had sent his wife back to telephone for Dr. Malkowski.","HPL" "id02213","The wind, prince of air, raged through his kingdom, lashing the sea into fury, and subduing the rebel earth into some sort of obedience.","MWS" "id16850","The season of the assizes approached.","MWS" "id03219","None of the non natives ever stayed out late at night, there being a widespread impression that it was not wise to do so.","HPL" "id02528","""But is it not possible,"" I suggested, ""that although the letter may be in possession of the minister, as it unquestionably is, he may have concealed it elsewhere than upon his own premises?""","EAP" "id20536","He had awaked to find himself standing bloody handed in the snow before his cabin, the mangled corpse of his neighbour Peter Slader at his feet.","HPL" "id15584","The jumble of French changed to a cry in English, and the hoarse voice shouted excitedly, ""My breath, my breath"" Then the awakening became complete, and with a subsidence of facial expression to the normal state my uncle seized my hand and began to relate a dream whose nucleus of significance I could only surmise with a kind of awe.","HPL" "id02331","And the queer part was, that Pickman got none of his power from the use of selectiveness or bizarrerie.","HPL" "id10682","'By your language, stranger, I suppose you are my countryman; are you French?' ""'No; but I was educated by a French family and understand that language only.","MWS" "id09549","We rapidly drew near, so that at length the number and forms of those within could be discerned; its dark sides grew big, and the splash of its oars became audible: I could distinguish the languid form of my friend, as he half raised himself at our approach.","MWS" "id02581","It was certainly nervous waiting, and the blasphemous book in my hands made it doubly so.","HPL" "id20729","Perdita was still to a great degree uneducated.","MWS" "id06443","It was the silent first comer who had burned his books.","HPL" "id23549","""To dream,"" he continued, resuming the tone of his desultory conversation, as he held up to the rich light of a censer one of the magnificent vases ""to dream has been the business of my life.","EAP" "id19976","It was owned by a curious group of half castes whose frequent meetings and night trips to the woods attracted no little curiosity; and it had set sail in great haste just after the storm and earth tremors of March st.","HPL" "id14968","Is it any wonder, then, that I prize it?","EAP" "id21351","All this time I had never let go of the ring bolt.","EAP" "id20039","I feared to wander from the sight of my fellow creatures lest when alone he should come to claim his companion.","MWS" "id10004","I have said that the sole effect of my somewhat childish experiment that of looking down within the tarn had been to deepen the first singular impression.","EAP" "id13827","Olney does not recall many of the wonders he told, or even who he was; but says that he was strange and kindly, and filled with the magic of unfathomed voids of time and space.","HPL" "id24192","After all we miscalculated.","MWS" "id10735","His health was impaired beyond hope of cure; and it became his earnest wish, before he died, to preserve his daughter from the poverty which would be the portion of her orphan state.","MWS" "id26897","So now I am to end it all, having written a full account for the information or the contemptuous amusement of my fellow men.","HPL" "id11107","Young men should be diffident of themselves, you know, M. Clerval: I was myself when young; but that wears out in a very short time.""","MWS" "id00760","I reasoned, for example, thus: When I drew the scarabæus, there was no skull apparent upon the parchment.","EAP" "id13244","Had I never quitted Windsor, these emotions would not have been so intense; but I had in Greece been the prey of fear and deplorable change; in Greece, after a period of anxiety and sorrow, I had seen depart two, whose very names were the symbol of greatness and virtue.","MWS" "id23493","Although no two of the time pieces in the chamber struck the individual seconds accurately together, yet I had no difficulty in holding steadily in mind the tones, and the respective momentary errors of each.","EAP" "id14547","That's capital That will do for the similes.","EAP" "id10475","Oh Not the ten thousandth portion of the anguish that was mine during the lingering detail of its execution.","MWS" "id12298","Now and then, beneath the brown pall of leaves that rotted and festered in the antediluvian forest darkness, I could trace the sinister outlines of some of those low mounds which characterised the lightning pierced region.","HPL" "id03816","""And do you dream?"" said the daemon.","MWS" "id19621","I permitted it to do so; occasionally stooping and patting it as I proceeded.","EAP" "id14442","I lived in a temple glorified by intensest sense of devotion and rapture; I walked, a consecrated being, contemplating only your power, your excellence; For O, you stood beside me, like my youth, Transformed for me the real to a dream, Cloathing the palpable and familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn.","MWS" "id14111","Many went up as high as Belfast to ensure a shorter passage, and then journeying south through Scotland, they were joined by the poorer natives of that country, and all poured with one consent into England.","MWS" "id06034","Induction, a posteriori, would have brought phrenology to admit, as an innate and primitive principle of human action, a paradoxical something, which we may call perverseness, for want of a more characteristic term.","EAP" "id22946","But it made men dream, and so they knew enough to keep away.","HPL" "id22127","In truth, much as the owners of cats hated these odd folk, they feared them more; and instead of berating them as brutal assassins, merely took care that no cherished pet or mouser should stray toward the remote hovel under the dark trees.","HPL" "id26364","With the lady in question this portion proved to be the mouth.","EAP" "id22967","But it was not so; thou didst seek my extinction, that I might not cause greater wretchedness; and if yet, in some mode unknown to me, thou hadst not ceased to think and feel, thou wouldst not desire against me a vengeance greater than that which I feel.","MWS" "id10457","A bold diddle is this.","EAP" "id17852","With sentiments of profound respect, Your most obedient servant, VON JUNG.","EAP" "id24798","The obtuse instrument was clearly the stone pavement in the yard, upon which the victim had fallen from the window which looked in upon the bed.","EAP" "id04759","In the architecture and embellishments of the chamber, the evident design had been to dazzle and astound.","EAP" "id19645","Among these, and highly distinguished by her, was Prince Zaimi, ambassador to England from the free States of Greece; and his daughter, the young Princess Evadne, passed much of her time at Windsor Castle.","MWS" "id18574","""Another circumstance strengthened and confirmed these feelings.","MWS" "id02278","Secondly, having settled it to be God's will that man should continue his species, we discovered an organ of amativeness, forthwith.","EAP" "id10219","At first, I had spoken only to those nearest me; but the whole assembly gathered about me, and I found that I was listened to by all.","MWS" "id20506","Of polished desert quarried marble were its walls, in height cubits and in breadth , so that chariots might pass each other as men drave them along the top.","HPL" "id12269","""You have your fortune to make, Thingum,"" resumed Mr. Crab, ""and that governor of yours is a millstone about your neck.","EAP" "id05363","His servants are by no means numerous.","EAP" "id22488","Shame seemed to hold him back; yet he evidently wished to establish a renewal of confidence and affection.","MWS" "id12779","I obtained from my father a respite of some weeks.","MWS" "id27687","We were in the most imminent peril, but as we could only remain passive, my chief attention was occupied by my unfortunate guest whose illness increased in such a degree that he was entirely confined to his bed.","MWS" "id02834","That object no larger than a good sized rat and quaintly called by the townspeople ""Brown Jenkin"" seemed to have been the fruit of a remarkable case of sympathetic herd delusion, for in no less than eleven persons had testified to glimpsing it.","HPL" "id13104","This may not be; cease to argue the point, for I cannot consent.""","MWS" "id04031","He was perfectly self possessed; he accosted us both with courtesy, seemed immediately to enter into our feelings, and to make one with us.","MWS" "id00688","He again took my arm, and we proceeded.","EAP" "id06792","This slowly became merged in a sense of retirement this again in a consciousness of solitude.","EAP" "id09924","The box did not go into the extra state room.","EAP" "id17209","THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.","EAP" "id18220","This second sight is very efficient when properly managed.","EAP" "id08557","For a moment my soul was elevated from its debasing and miserable fears to contemplate the divine ideas of liberty and self sacrifice of which these sights were the monuments and the remembrancers.","MWS" "id23702","I now began to experience, at intervals, severe pain in the head, especially about the ears still, however, breathing with tolerable freedom.","EAP" "id23259","Only the silent, sleepy, staring houses in the backwoods can tell all that has lain hidden since the early days; and they are not communicative, being loath to shake off the drowsiness which helps them forget.","HPL" "id20343","In such case I should have commenced with a collation and analysis of the shorter words, and, had a word of a single letter occurred, as is most likely, a or I, for example, I should have considered the solution as assured.","EAP" "id01131","Six years have passed since I resolved on my present undertaking.","MWS" "id01399","In a very short time he was out of sight, and I have no doubt he reached home in safety.","EAP" "id14767","The very boldness of his language gave him weight; each knew that he spoke truth a truth known, but not acknowledged.","MWS" "id17047","At Bates Street I drew into a yawning vestibule while two shambling figures crossed in front of me, but was soon on my way again and approaching the open space where Eliot Street obliquely crosses Washington at the intersection of South.","HPL" "id18665","We assembled again towards evening, and Perdita insisted on our having recourse to music.","MWS" "id10571","Then suddenly all the stars were blotted from the sky even bright Deneb and Vega ahead, and the lone Altair and Fomalhaut behind us.","HPL" "id19824","""I suppose you have called about the Ourang Outang.","EAP" "id22753","You well know that on the whole earth there is no sacrifise that I would not make, no labour that I would not undergo with the mere hope that I might bring you ease.","MWS" "id07532","It was formed of a single, broad and thick plank of the tulip wood.","EAP" "id03054","Here the bank slopes upward from the stream in a very gentle ascent, forming a broad sward of grass of a texture resembling nothing so much as velvet, and of a brilliancy of green which would bear comparison with the tint of the purest emerald.","EAP" "id00633","In the heart of one like me there are secret thoughts working, and secret tortures which you ought not to seek to discover.","MWS" "id25823","Supporting her as I did, still she lagged: and at the distance of half a mile, after many stoppages, shivering fits, and half faintings, she slipt from my supporting arm on the snow, and with a torrent of tears averred that she must be taken, for that she could not proceed.","MWS" "id15561","In the radical theory of reanimation they saw nothing but the immature vagaries of a youthful enthusiast whose slight form, yellow hair, spectacled blue eyes, and soft voice gave no hint of the supernormal almost diabolical power of the cold brain within.","HPL" "id21883","He measures two points, and, with a grace inimitable, offers his Majesty the choice.","EAP" "id11824","In especial, the slightest appearance of mystery of any point I cannot exactly comprehend puts me at once into a pitiable state of agitation.","EAP" "id12571","Like many excellent people, he seemed possessed with a spirit of tantalization, which might easily, at a casual glance, have been mistaken for malevolence.","EAP" "id24457","Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door.","EAP" "id10036","Mrs. Frye proposed telephoning the neighbours, and Elmer was about to agree when the noise of splintering wood burst in upon their deliberations.","HPL" "id00002","I was faint, even fainter than the hateful modernity of that accursed city had made me.","HPL" "id27724","Their farther intentions were not ascertained; but we can safely promise our readers some additional information either on Monday or in the course of the next day, at farthest.","EAP" "id00810","In a few respects they are even unworthy of serious refutation.","EAP" "id23639","Yet how could I find this?","MWS" "id01894","Dr. Barnard, who had been watching the patient, thought he noticed in the pale blue eyes a certain gleam of peculiar quality; and in the flaccid lips an all but imperceptible tightening, as if of intelligent determination.","HPL" "id00766","Leaning upon the arm of the gallant Pompey, and attended at a respectable distance by Diana, I proceeded down one of the populous and very pleasant streets of the now deserted Edina.","EAP" "id00123","The writer spoke of acute bodily illness of a mental disorder which oppressed him and of an earnest desire to see me, as his best, and indeed his only personal friend, with a view of attempting, by the cheerfulness of my society, some alleviation of his malady.","EAP" "id05195","Immediately upon detecting this motion, and before the arm itself begins to move, let him withdraw his piece, as if perceiving an error in his manoeuvre.","EAP" "id08594","We kept track of all the deaths and their circumstances with systematic care.","HPL" "id02731","After much toil I found it.","EAP" "id00589","At length removing carefully his meerschaum from the right to the left corner of his mouth, he condescended to speak.","EAP" "id12007","But hoax, with these sort of people, is, I believe, a general term for all matters above their comprehension.","EAP" "id08130","She alone knew the weight which Raymond attached to his success.","MWS" "id21282","The town was now a city, and one by one the cabins gave place to houses; simple, beautiful houses of brick and wood, with stone steps and iron railings and fanlights over the doors.","HPL" "id06366","It was our plan to remain where we were and intercept the liner Dacia, mentioned in information from agents in New York.","HPL" "id05857","There were many palaces, the least of which were mightier than any in Thraa or Ilarnek or Kadatheron.","HPL" "id14222","It seems that he did not scorn the incantations of the mediaevalists, since he believed these cryptic formulae to contain rare psychological stimuli which might conceivably have singular effects on the substance of a nervous system from which organic pulsations had fled.","HPL" "id27831","She quitted her native Greece; her father died; by degrees she was cut off from all the companions and ties of her youth.","MWS" "id26293","He died in debt, and his little property was seized immediately by his creditors.","MWS" "id01762","I walked vigorously faster still faster at length I ran.","EAP" "id17705","We talked of the ravages made last year by pestilence in every quarter of the world; and of the dreadful consequences of a second visitation.","MWS" "id24604","So numerous were they, that Kuranes almost mistook them for an army, but their leader told him they were sent in his honour; since it was he who had created Ooth Nargai in his dreams, on which account he was now to be appointed its chief god for evermore.","HPL" "id08077","Meanwhile the cult, by appropriate rites, must keep alive the memory of those ancient ways and shadow forth the prophecy of their return.","HPL" "id20821","It is a fac simile drawing of what has been described in one portion of the testimony as 'dark bruises, and deep indentations of finger nails,' upon the throat of Mademoiselle L'Espanaye, and in another, by Messrs. Dumas and Etienne, as a 'series of livid spots, evidently the impression of fingers.' ""You will perceive,"" continued my friend, spreading out the paper upon the table before us, ""that this drawing gives the idea of a firm and fixed hold.","EAP" "id20453","An individual has committed the murder.","EAP" "id23551","One night about eleven the pump of the refrigerating machine broke down, so that within three hours the process of ammonia cooling became impossible.","HPL" "id25321","The town, I could see, formed a significant and exaggerated example of communal decay; but being no sociologist I would limit my serious observations to the field of architecture.","HPL" "id22415","That Nature and its God are two, no man who thinks, will deny.","EAP" "id18387","I observed this also and contrived a fan of branches, which roused the embers when they were nearly extinguished.","MWS" "id05951","So I tried to read, and soon became tremblingly absorbed by something I found in that accursed Necronomicon; a thought and a legend too hideous for sanity or consciousness.","HPL" "id21715","But I perceive, too soon for my own happiness, too late for England's good, that I undertook a task to which I am unequal.","MWS" "id10884","He had vowed TO BE WITH ME ON MY WEDDING NIGHT, yet he did not consider that threat as binding him to peace in the meantime, for as if to show me that he was not yet satiated with blood, he had murdered Clerval immediately after the enunciation of his threats.","MWS" "id19536","If you feel thus, we shall assuredly be happy, however present events may cast a gloom over us.","MWS" "id00596","Cable advices from Dunedin report that the Alert was well known there as an island trader, and bore an evil reputation along the waterfront.","HPL" "id19853","In the lighter preliminary phase the evil old woman was now of fiendish distinctness, and Gilman knew she was the one who had frightened him in the slums.","HPL" "id20181","The nations beneath their influence bowed their heads, and died.","MWS" "id03180","It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will.","EAP" "id16996","He won't do he won't.","EAP" "id24889","He was forever busy, and the only check to his enjoyments was my sorrowful and dejected mind.","MWS" "id18165","It was clear to me that the yea nay manner not to say the gentleness the positive forbearance with which the ""Daddy Long Legs"" spoke of that pig, the editor of the ""Gad Fly"" it was evident to me, I say, that this gentleness of speech could proceed from nothing else than a partiality for the Fly whom it was clearly the intention of the ""Daddy Long Legs"" to elevate into reputation at my expense.","EAP" "id12689","If I did, my father would probably shut me up in a sanitarium as my poor little cousin is shut up.","HPL" "id25127","They produced in me an infinity of new images and feelings, that sometimes raised me to ecstasy, but more frequently sunk me into the lowest dejection.","MWS" "id12977","By some papers of her father which fell into her hands she heard of the exile of her lover and learnt the name of the spot where he then resided.","MWS" "id14789","I shall commit my thoughts to paper, it is true; but that is a poor medium for the communication of feeling.","MWS" "id24169","But the language of the evidence speaks of the strip in question as 'found around the neck, fitting loosely, and secured with a hard knot.'","EAP" "id05740","from the covenant of peace, a simile of sorrow?","EAP" "id27326","Its faces are large and white, and its hands heavy and black.","EAP" "id10839","Bolton had a surprisingly good police force for so small a town, and I could not help fearing the mess which would ensue if the affair of the night before were ever tracked down.","HPL" "id11187","If the multitude of mankind knew of my existence, they would do as you do, and arm themselves for my destruction.","MWS" "id07431","With sincerity and fervour he gave the required promise: as a pledge of continued favour, he received from his royal master a sum of money to defray pressing debts, and enable him to enter under good auspices his new career.","MWS" "id01149","Jewel Lake, which lay above the scene of action, heaved as in a tempest.","HPL" "id15292","""You may have heard of one Captain Kidd.","EAP" "id15955","I must arise and examine.","MWS" "id18101","But this, of course, cannot be done openly.","EAP" "id18131","Alas for human reason He accused the Greeks of superstition: what name did he give to the faith he lent to the predictions of Evadne?","MWS" "id06339","From her I should learn the truth concerning our protector; I should hear why she had withdrawn from the protection of the Princess Evadne, and be instructed as to the influence which this overtopping and towering Raymond exercised over the fortunes of my friend.","MWS" "id07910","The rudder of a sail boat would not have been abandoned, without inquiry, by one altogether at ease in heart.","EAP" "id14902","At the principal gate of the palace he encountered three equerries.","EAP" "id06204","As the bell sounded the hour, there came a knocking at the street door.","EAP" "id27142","We began to march in the new dusk, with the thin silver sickle of a young moon trembling over the woods on our left.","HPL" "id00638","He had not noticed the time on the Kingsport steeple, though he could easily have made it out with his pocket telescope; but he knew his lateness was something very strange and unprecedented.","HPL" "id03691","Our nature dim, like to an unlighted torch, sleeps in formless blank till the fire attain it; this life of life, this light to moon, and glory to the sun.","MWS" "id03091","Those who once knew him as scholar and aesthete say it is very pitiful to see him now.","HPL" "id11713","Is he to be told that it is one of the many classes of fungus, of which the most ordinary feature is its upspringing and decadence within twenty four hours?","EAP" "id05605","And even far more than this: in remedy of the defective composition, each insulated member of the fraternity would have suggested the identical emendation.","EAP" "id12598","As I received it, a loud growl was heard, succeeded by a scratching at the door.","EAP" "id04520","I was indignant that he should sit at the same table with the companions of Raymond men of abandoned characters, or rather without any, the refuse of high bred luxury, the disgrace of their country.","MWS" "id13956","Late at night the conference disbanded without having developed a definite plan, but all day Sunday Armitage was busy comparing formulae and mixing chemicals obtained from the college laboratory.","HPL" "id13704","You have now suffered all of pain, however, which you will suffer in Aidenn.","EAP" "id16586","When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm.","MWS" "id13686","Before this event, the little beings, sprung from herself, the young heirs of her transient life, seemed to have a sure lease of existence; now she dreaded that the pitiless destroyer might snatch her remaining darlings, as it had snatched their brother.","MWS" "id08782","It was from a youthful reverie filled with speculations of this sort that I arose one afternoon in the winter of , when to the state psychopathic institution in which I served as an interne was brought the man whose case has ever since haunted me so unceasingly.","HPL" "id21078","In this case, granting the personal acquaintances to be equal, the chances would be also equal that an equal number of personal rencounters would be made.","EAP" "id13296","""Thus,"" she cried, ""kindness can do, what no want, no misery ever effected; I weep.""","MWS" "id11362","Our own opinion is decidedly in favor of this supposition.","EAP" "id10011","""Now by the fells of Cumberland,"" I cried, ""by all of the vagabond and poacher that appertains to me, I will stand at your side, draw my sword in the Greek cause, and be hailed as a victor along with you"" All the plain, from Kishan to Rodosto, a distance of sixteen leagues, was alive with troops, or with the camp followers, all in motion at the approach of a battle.","MWS" "id13226","One night, as he was returning from his work, I intercepted Zann in the hallway and told him that I would like to know him and be with him when he played.","HPL" "id01327","Who could arrest a creature capable of scaling the overhanging sides of Mont Saleve?","MWS" "id07720","He retained, nevertheless, in a very remarkable manner, both his mental power and a certain degree of physical strength.","EAP" "id10126","For these I longed with a phrenzied desire.","EAP" "id01921","""It was a lady on horseback, accompanied by a country man as a guide.","MWS" "id21010","And in the autumn of the year, when the winds from the north curse and whine, and the red leaved trees of the swamp mutter things to one another in the small hours of the morning under the horned waning moon, I sit by the casement and watch that star.","HPL" "id24892","But the torso and lower parts of the body were teratologically fabulous, so that only generous clothing could ever have enabled it to walk on earth unchallenged or uneradicated.","HPL" "id03532","Persuaded of this, I abandoned myself implicitly to the guidance of my wife, and entered with an unflinching heart into the intricacies of her studies.","EAP" "id21284","Instead of the hillside tomb, it was the charred cellar on the crest of the slope whose presiding daemon beckoned to me with unseen fingers.","HPL" "id23027","It was not however money, except partially, but the necessaries of life, that became scarce.","MWS" "id24111","There were evil smelling staircases which creaked ominously, and on which the old woman seemed to radiate a faint violet light; and finally a door leading off a landing.","HPL" "id05590","How can you, who long for the love and sympathy of man, persevere in this exile?","MWS" "id12610","As the weeks passed, the playing grew wilder, whilst the old musician acquired an increasing haggardness and furtiveness pitiful to behold.","HPL" "id10109","If I succeed, many, many months, perhaps years, will pass before you and I may meet.","MWS" "id21989","About thirty yards east of this tree stood, however, the pride of the valley, and beyond all question the most magnificent tree I have ever seen, unless, perhaps, among the cypresses of the Itchiatuckanee.","EAP" "id09443","In short, both principle and policy demanded stern action; and I could not doubt but that Publius Scribonius, bearing in mind the dignity and obligations of the Roman People, would adhere to his plan of despatching the cohort, me accompanying, despite such objections as Balbutius and Asellius speaking indeed more like provincials than Romans might see fit to offer and multiply.","HPL" "id20931","At each outburst of Slater's violence, I would fit the transmitter to his forehead and the receiver to my own; constantly making delicate adjustments for various hypothetical wave lengths of intellectual energy.","HPL" "id25237","I found several letters, and, among others, one which I discovered from its commencement to be from your father.","MWS" "id16685","But, indeed, I knew little of the speculative philosophy of the day.","EAP" "id23275","From the paintings over which his elaborate fancy brooded, and which grew, touch by touch, into vaguenesses at which I shuddered the more thrillingly, because I shuddered knowing not why; from these paintings vivid as their images now are before me I would in vain endeavor to educe more than a small portion which should lie within the compass of merely written words.","EAP" "id06835","A few more imperceptible steps lead us, finally, to the result.","EAP" "id18660","This address caused a considerable change in the physiognomy of my own auditor.","MWS" "id01606","Dunwich folk read the stories when they appeared, and grinned over the obvious mistakes.","HPL" "id03726","I enjoyed this scene, and yet my enjoyment was embittered both by the memory of the past and the anticipation of the future.","MWS" "id11517","At first, doubting that I was really awake, I entered into a series of tests, which soon convinced me that I really was.","EAP" "id24325","'It was when the streets were full of people,' says Le Commerciel, 'that she went out.'","EAP" "id02627","I feared the vengeance of the disappointed fiend, yet I was unable to overcome my repugnance to the task which was enjoined me.","MWS" "id21236","But Adrian read with uncertain aim the charactery of her face, and might mistake.","MWS" "id15972","The hideous occurrence itself was very simple, notable only for what it implied.","HPL" "id22545","Physicians had told me of the danger of those spells, and I knew there was no time to be lost; so remembering what the landlady had said about the invalid's help of the injured workman, I dragged myself upstairs and knocked feebly at the door above mine.","HPL" "id10478","I appreciated the direful change now in operation upon the flesh, and, as the dreamer is sometimes aware of the bodily presence of one who leans over him, so, sweet Una, I still dully felt that you sat by my side.","EAP" "id00762","There had been a gorgeous sunset, and now the moon came up, nearly full and shedding a silver flood over the plain, the distant mountainside, and the curious low mounds that rose here and there.","HPL" "id17849","The end of Herbert West began one evening in our joint study when he was dividing his curious glance between the newspaper and me.","HPL" "id01380","Sometimes she observed the war of elements, thinking that they also declared against her, and listened to the pattering of the rain in gloomy despair.","MWS" "id00904","Once she hinted to the child Dutee of a somewhat peculiar circumstance in Mercy's last moments, but he had soon forgotten all about it save that it was something peculiar.","HPL" "id20429","Thus time and the want of a reminder dulled the memory of the curse in the minds of the late Comte's family, so that when Godfrey, innocent cause of the whole tragedy and now bearing the title, was killed by an arrow whilst hunting, at the age of thirty two, there were no thoughts save those of grief at his demise.","HPL" "id26257","And I viewed by moonlight the sparkling sea, the crystal headlands, and the placid harbour wherein lay anchored the White Ship.","HPL" "id19532","In the multiform of the tree, and in the multicolor of the flower, he recognized the most direct and the most energetic efforts of Nature at physical loveliness.","EAP" "id09785","He seemed to be in an aboundingly good humour, yet to possess those eccentricities which one might guess from his grooming.","HPL" "id10368","must we prepare our funeral repast with labour, and with unseemly drudgery heap fuel on our deserted hearths must we with servile hands fabricate the garments, soon to be our shroud?","MWS" "id01722","I had vowed to my own heart never to shadow her countenance even with transient grief, and should I prove recreant at the hour of greatest need?","MWS" "id05839","We used to laugh at him, for we knew him from his birth though he thought himself a King's son.","HPL" "id24568","There was a companionship in suffering there, and, the neighbours keeping constant watch on each other, and inspired by the active benevolence of Adrian, succour was afforded, and the path of destruction smoothed.","MWS" "id10885","The moment Adrian should be legally elected his deputy, he would escape to safety.","MWS" "id21335","I would walk barefoot through the world, to find an uninfected spot; I would build my home on some wave tossed plank, drifted about on the barren, shoreless ocean.","MWS" "id18247","It was not long ere we arrived at the place of destination.","EAP" "id11900","Our course for the first four days was, with trifling variations, S.E. and by S.; and we must have run down the coast of New Holland.","EAP" "id16074","In time there were no more swords, three cornered hats, or periwigs in The Street.","HPL" "id25673","Presently, from an upper window of this place, there descended an effeminate looking person, by means of a string made of the turbans of his attendants.","EAP" "id20490","Not far from the grey city of Ib did the wandering tribes lay the first stones of Sarnath, and at the beings of Ib they marvelled greatly.","HPL" "id14851","On a triangular shelf in each angle of the room stood also a similar vase, varied only as to its lovely contents.","EAP" "id19492","During this interval we had fairly unearthed an oblong chest of wood, which, from its perfect preservation and wonderful hardness, had plainly been subjected to some mineralizing process perhaps that of the Bi chloride of Mercury.","EAP" "id27411","A bump arose at once on my sinciput, and turned out to be as pretty an organ of order as one shall see on a summer's day.","EAP" "id25886","I cannot lead them unwillingly to danger, and I must return.""","MWS" "id02943","Her hair was the brightest living gold, and despite the poverty of her clothing, seemed to set a crown of distinction on her head.","MWS" "id25697","I replied carelessly, and partly in contempt, mentioned the names of my alchemists as the principal authors I had studied.","MWS" "id12093","He however attained his wish; he filled the situation for which nature seemed to have moulded him.","MWS" "id04262","The entire area so Pundit says was, about eight hundred years ago, densely packed with houses, some of them twenty stories high; land for some most unaccountable reason being considered as especially precious just in this vicinity.","EAP" "id12166","Some extensive cave in had obliterated all trace of the underground passage, while the rain had washed so much earth back into the excavation that I could not tell how deeply I had dug that other day.","HPL" "id06660","They swept the country like a conquering army, burning laying waste murdering.","MWS" "id11161","When a servant came to ask me if I would take food I learnt from him that my father had returned, and was apparently well and this relieved me from a load of anxiety, yet I did not cease to weep bitterly.","MWS" "id23946","I thus saw in vivid light a picture all unnoticed before.","EAP" "id00781","He has never ascended the summit of a hill.","EAP" "id02789","Here I pulled out my watch.","EAP" "id12112","You call the Salem witchcraft a delusion, but I'll wage my four times great grandmother could have told you things.","HPL" "id20772","Part of the left arm here his voice dropped so as to be heard with difficulty, and all the right, are restorations; and in the coquetry of that right arm lies, I think, the quintessence of all affectation.","EAP" "id02000","He instanced the ecstasies of the fox hunter, and pointed to the tillers of the earth, the only people who, as a class, can be fairly considered happier than others.","EAP" "id24772","The scales were exceedingly hard and glossy, with all the appearance of burnished gold.","EAP" "id20268","A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful.","HPL" "id08553","The idea once broached, all were impatient to put it in execution.","MWS" "id25415","A discrepancy of this unnatural kind gave rise, too frequently, alas to a life of unhappiness.","EAP" "id26422","All to onct Sally she yelled agin, an' says the front yard picket fence hed just crumbled up, though they wa'n't no sign o' what done it.","HPL" "id09377","Having noted and copied an oral ritual among the swamp cult worshippers his men had arrested, he besought the professor to remember as best he might the syllables taken down amongst the diabolist Esquimaux.","HPL" "id19174","It was that of a female, the most exquisite I had ever beheld.","EAP" "id10419","What seemed to be the main document was headed ""CTHULHU CULT"" in characters painstakingly printed to avoid the erroneous reading of a word so unheard of.","HPL" "id15046","My own case, however, was very different indeed, and left me no room for any similar idea; for I did not wish to keep awake, but to be aroused from slumber at regular intervals of time.","EAP" "id14086","Then there was heavy, deliberate tramping in the cottage, and Olney heard the windows opening, first on the north side opposite him, and then on the west just around the corner.","HPL" "id25616","At another Time Bozzy as we us'd to call him complain'd of my Harshness toward new Writers in the Articles I prepar'd for The Monthly Review.","HPL" "id21514","I know to morrow's Sunday, because "" SMITHERTON.","EAP" "id26226","Only the coffins themselves remained as potential stepping stones, and as he considered these he speculated on the best mode of arranging them.","HPL" "id22507","He considered it an obligation to his ward to make the most of all the boy's property, nor did he concern himself with the deaths and illnesses which caused so many changes of tenants, or the steadily growing aversion with which the house was generally regarded.","HPL" "id13042","When I told my uncle about it he was greatly aroused; and after a tense hour of reflection, arrived at a definite and drastic decision.","HPL" "id20260","By slow degrees, these feelings of disgust and annoyance rose into the bitterness of hatred.","EAP" "id22854","Preserve her for her own sake I know that you will if you require any other spur, think that, in preserving her, you preserve me.","MWS" "id10338","In regard to the hair upon the arm, L'Etoile has been obviously disingenuous.","EAP" "id03602","""I dun't keer what folks think ef Lavinny's boy looked like his pa, he wouldn't look like nothin' ye expeck.","HPL" "id27826","But I had yet a resource left, in my constitutional audacity.","EAP" "id21747","The light was dim, but Birch's sight was good, and he did not get Asaph Sawyer's coffin by mistake, although it was very similar.","HPL" "id02820","She did not believe that he was dead, but she knew that he was in danger, and the hope of assisting in his liberation, and the idea of soothing by tenderness the ills that he might have undergone, elevated and harmonized the late jarring element of her being.","MWS" "id23899","What is said in respect to the 'detecting and bringing into practice those nice relations of size, proportion and color,' is a mere vagueness of speech, which may mean much, or little, or nothing, and which guides in no degree.","EAP" "id03946","During her brief stay at Jermyn House she occupied a remote wing, and was waited on by her husband alone.","HPL" "id14764","Impossible But let me hasten to the last eventful scene of the drama.","EAP" "id01867","I was partly urged by curiosity, and compassion confirmed my resolution.","MWS" "id07050","The confusion grew their looks of sorrow changed to mockery; they nodded their heads in time to the music, whose clang became maddening.","MWS" "id16247","Are we forever to be doomed to the thousand inconveniences of the balloon?","EAP" "id00702","Here he closed his eyes and placed his hand upon his heart.","EAP" "id13965","Of course he heard about the matter afterward and suffered untold torments of black and bewildered speculation; but even that was not as bad as actual nearness and several possible sights would have been.","HPL" "id11213","And now again all was void.","EAP" "id04391","Then he returned to the sepulchre, and using his spade as a lever, sought to pry up the slab lying nearest to a stony ruin which may have been a monument in its day.","HPL" "id02092","It is not pity that you feel; you lament only because the victim of your malignity is withdrawn from your power.""","MWS" "id13606","Thus full of contradictions, unbending yet haughty, gentle yet fierce, tender and again neglectful, he by some strange art found easy entrance to the admiration and affection of women; now caressing and now tyrannizing over them according to his mood, but in every change a despot.","MWS" "id07188","I knew that the time for action had come, and forthwith drew the bolt of the northward connecting door, bracing myself for the task of battering it open.","HPL" "id21486","Her eyes could not be deeper than they were in childhood, nor her countenance more expressive; but the expression was changed and improved; intelligence sat on her brow; when she smiled her face was embellished by the softest sensibility, and her low, modulated voice seemed tuned by love.","MWS" "id14730","Having reached the door, however, of the burgomaster's dwelling, the professor ventured to suggest that as the messenger had thought proper to disappear no doubt frightened to death by the savage appearance of the burghers of Rotterdam the pardon would be of little use, as no one but a man of the moon would undertake a voyage to so vast a distance.","EAP" "id14590","What result, then, has ensued?","EAP" "id20516","The usual expression of his eyes was soft, though at times he could make them even glare with ferocity; his complexion was colourless; and every trait spoke predominate self will; his smile was pleasing, though disdain too often curled his lips lips which to female eyes were the very throne of beauty and love.","MWS" "id13809","There are some particular passages which affected my imagination in a powerful and extraordinary manner.","EAP" "id21033","Never did any woman appear so entirely made of mind, as the Countess of Windsor.","MWS" "id11938","Idris had shared Perdita's ill opinion of the Greek; but Raymond's account softened and interested her.","MWS" "id03500","There were in that Street many trees; elms and oaks and maples of dignity; so that in the summer the scene was all soft verdure and twittering bird song.","HPL" "id24851","Madman"" here he sprang furiously to his feet, and shrieked out his syllables, as if in the effort he were giving up his soul ""Madman I tell you that she now stands without the door"" As if in the superhuman energy of his utterance there had been found the potency of a spell the huge antique pannels to which the speaker pointed, threw slowly back, upon the instant, their ponderous and ebony jaws.","EAP" "id20050","Frankenstein is modest; an excellent quality in a young man.","MWS" "id12183","But these are precious moments; devil as I am become, yet that is my Mathilda before me whom I love as one was never before loved: and she knows it now; she listens to these words which I thought, fool as I was, would blast her to death.","MWS" "id03234","Then, as my gaze circled inland from the town, something less tranquil arrested my notice and held me immobile for a second.","HPL" "id23997","Yet, when she stood in unassuming simplicity before us, playing with our children, or with girlish assiduity performing little kind offices for Idris, one wondered in what fair lineament of her pure loveliness, in what soft tone of her thrilling voice, so much of heroism, sagacity and active goodness resided.","MWS" "id05927","C'est vrai que de toutes ces choses il a pensé beaucoup mais The Duc De L'Omelette is terror stricken; for, through the lurid vista which a single uncurtained window is affording, lo gleams the most ghastly of all fires Le pauvre Duc He could not help imagining that the glorious, the voluptuous, the never dying melodies which pervaded that hall, as they passed filtered and transmuted through the alchemy of the enchanted window panes, were the wailings and the howlings of the hopeless and the damned And there, too there upon the ottoman who could he be?","EAP" "id15532","HALF England was desolate, when October came, and the equinoctial winds swept over the earth, chilling the ardours of the unhealthy season.","MWS" "id02486","The death of many of our inmates had weaned us from the fond idea, that Windsor Castle was a spot sacred from the plague; but our lease of life was renewed for some months, and even Idris lifted her head, as a lily after a storm, when a last sunbeam tinges its silver cup.","MWS" "id02252","Obeying these impulses, he had become the husband of Perdita: egged on by them, he found himself the lover of Evadne.","MWS" "id01961","Two had been killed; perhaps that had finished it.","HPL" "id08244","She loved him as a kind elder brother; a relation to guide, protect, and instruct her, without the too frequent tyranny of parental authority.","MWS" "id24797","I remember the square of moonlight on the floor, that was not like any other light, and the visions that danced in the moonbeams when my mother sang to me.","HPL" "id08154","But where, meantime, was the soul?","EAP" "id21917","Armitage heard the savage yelping of the great watchdog, and studied Whateley's gorilla like lope as he crossed the bit of campus visible from the window.","HPL" "id24210","The latter was undergoing a rapid change, and the water seemed more than usually transparent.","EAP" "id16293","You will remember that one or two of the wise among our forefathers wise in fact, although not in the world's esteem had ventured to doubt the propriety of the term ""improvement,"" as applied to the progress of our civilization.","EAP" "id00496","I nevertheless did not think it expedient to attempt getting on my feet immediately; but, having tied up my arm as well as I could, I lay still for about a quarter of an hour.","EAP" "id16364","Yes it was despair I felt; for the first time that phantom seized me; the first and only time for it has never since left me After the first moments of speechless agony I felt her fangs on my heart: I tore my hair; I raved aloud; at one moment in pity for his sufferings I would have clasped my father in my arms; and then starting back with horror I spurned him with my foot; I felt as if stung by a serpent, as if scourged by a whip of scorpions which drove me Ah Whither Whither?","MWS" "id26255","The hearing, at the same time, although excited in degree, was not irregular in action estimating real sounds with an extravagance of precision, not less than of sensibility.","EAP" "id10464","At length I arrived at the village of Chamounix.","MWS" "id12345","The country afforded no such mass of horrors; solitary wretches died in the open fields; and I have found a survivor in a vacant village, contending at once with famine and disease; but the assembly of pestilence, the banqueting hall of death, was spread only in London.","MWS" "id26392","Of the longitude I knew nothing, and no island or coast line was in sight.","HPL" "id25485","He entreated me to write often.","MWS" "id19565","He, Bullet head, would make no alteration in his style, to suit the caprices of any Mr. Smith in Christendom.","EAP" "id22843","At the end of a month he suddenly quitted his house and, unatteneded sic by any servant, departed from that part of the country without by word or writing informing any one of his intentions.","MWS" "id07791","P. Can you give me no more precise idea of what you term the unparticled matter?","EAP" "id06903","If the murder had been committed at the Barrière du Roule, there would have been no necessity for any such arrangement.","EAP" "id14229","P. Is not God immaterial?","EAP" "id15347","A closer scrutiny assured me, however, that it was only a small calf roasted whole, and set upon its knees, with an apple in its mouth, as is the English fashion of dressing a hare.","EAP" "id17030","The Minister I believe has written learnedly on the Differential Calculus.","EAP" "id05312","My purpose at present is a very different one indeed.","EAP" "id04869","From these latter attacks I awoke, however, with a gradation slow in proportion to the suddenness of the seizure.","EAP" "id23494","During my wanderings I never slept without first calling down gentle dreams on your head.","MWS" "id03181","It was the same for more than an hour, when the final throaty rattle came.","HPL" "id08020","We sat like one family round my hearth.","MWS" "id22097","He was exceedingly thin; and might, as his associates asserted, have answered, when drunk, for a pennant at the mast head, or, when sober, have served for a jib boom.","EAP" "id24318","This knowledge, and some of another kind, came afterwards in the course of an eventful five years, during which I have dropped the prejudices of my former humble situation in life, and forgotten the bellows mender in far different occupations.","EAP" "id11658","Such were we upon earth, wondering aghast at the effects of pestilence.","MWS" "id20433","How very safe, commodious, manageable, and in every respect convenient are our modern balloons Here is an immense one approaching us at the rate of at least a hundred and fifty miles an hour.","EAP" "id27751","The blue and troubled sea sped past the vessel, and was spread shoreless around: the sky was covered by a rack, which in its swift motion shewed how speedily she was borne away.","MWS" "id08721","My dear sir, you must begin your studies entirely anew.""","MWS" "id07811","On all sides save to the west, where the sun was about sinking arose the verdant walls of the forest.","EAP" "id26212","Mr. Osborne's telescope made it out something like ""Atalanta.""","EAP" "id21602","There is no more painful sight than that of untimely care in children, and it was particularly observable in one whose disposition had heretofore been mirthful.","MWS" "id16736","On the morning of July we sighted a warship flying American colours, and the men became very restless in their desire to surrender.","HPL" "id18596","I say with a sensual delight.","EAP" "id18214","A presentiment of ill hung over her.","MWS" "id19014","Two soldiers contended for a girl, whose rich dress and extreme beauty excited the brutal appetites of these wretches, who, perhaps good men among their families, were changed by the fury of the moment into incarnated evils.","MWS" "id04420","Moreover, in one of the walls was a projection, caused by a false chimney, or fireplace, that had been filled up, and made to resemble the red of the cellar.","EAP" "id06293","But I was in no mood to laugh and talk with strangers or enter into their feelings or plans with the good humour expected from a guest; and accordingly I told Clerval that I wished to make the tour of Scotland alone.","MWS" "id00728","Pointing to a chair, table, and pile of books, the old man now left the room; and when I sat down to read I saw that the books were hoary and mouldy, and that they included old Morryster's wild Marvells of Science, the terrible Saducismus Triumphatus of Joseph Glanvill, published in , the shocking Daemonolatreia of Remigius, printed in at Lyons, and worst of all, the unmentionable Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, in Olaus Wormius' forbidden Latin translation; a book which I had never seen, but of which I had heard monstrous things whispered.","HPL" "id04652","The destruction was complete.","EAP" "id15780","Amidst such stupendous ruin only chaos dwelt, and the representatives of two cities left disappointed; Syracusans that they had no statue to bear home, Tegeans that they had no artist to crown.","HPL" "id07634","He had never given me insult.","EAP" "id11166","Be steady to your purposes and firm as a rock.","MWS" "id17461","Suddenly these manifestations they ceased, and the world grew dark before mine eyes, and I stood aghast at the burning thoughts which possessed, at the terrible temptations which beset me; for there came from some far, far distant and unknown land, into the gay court of the king I served, a maiden to whose beauty my whole recreant heart yielded at once at whose footstool I bowed down without a struggle, in the most ardent, in the most abject worship of love.","EAP" "id03371","It was at this point that there came a knocking on the door; that ancient door of nail studded oak beyond which lay only the abyss of white cloud.","HPL" "id07665","I strained my vision to detect any motion in the corpse but there was not the slightest perceptible.","EAP" "id16872","For the will of man is omnipotent, blunting the arrows of death, soothing the bed of disease, and wiping away the tears of agony.","MWS" "id12152","One March night, however, we unexpectedly obtained a specimen which did not come from the potter's field.","HPL" "id16695","The tower at length finished, and his aching arms rested by a pause during which he sat on the bottom step of his grim device, Birch cautiously ascended with his tools and stood abreast of the narrow transom.","HPL" "id27035","Eli Liddeason, the other servant, constantly complained of weakness; and would have returned to his father's farm in Rehoboth but for a sudden attachment for Mehitabel Pierce, who was hired to succeed Hannah.","HPL" "id00959","At that moment I heard the steps of my younger protectors.","MWS" "id17318","Chapter Day after day, week after week, passed away on my return to Geneva; and I could not collect the courage to recommence my work.","MWS" "id08345","Dusk fell and found Birch still toiling.","HPL" "id10053","But success and happiness were not to be.","HPL" "id01147","It is a peculiarity of this material to give houses built of it the appearance of being wider at bottom than at top after the manner of Egyptian architecture; and in the present instance, this exceedingly picturesque effect was aided by numerous pots of gorgeous flowers that almost encompassed the base of the buildings.","EAP" "id11530","She could not disguise to herself that any change would separate her from him; now she saw him each day.","MWS" "id21776","Once again I breathed with perfect freedom and ease and indeed why should I not?","EAP" "id21273","A singular change, too, had come over the heavens.","EAP" "id24822","I heard his repeated shrieks before me, as he stumbled awkwardly along the level places and scrambled madly down the rickety ladders.","HPL" "id01823","Raymond would follow soon, she said; he had been detained by business.","MWS" "id19905","He heard the footsteps of the crowd overhead, and endeavored to make himself heard in turn.","EAP" "id17499","When I reflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of moderation.","MWS" "id24874","It was this unfathomable longing of the soul to vex itself to offer violence to its own nature to do wrong for the wrong's sake only that urged me to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute.","EAP" "id03791","I felt that I lay upon my back, unbound.","EAP" "id01107","I am now, however, resolv'd to unburthen myself of a Secret which I have hitherto kept thro' Dread of Incredulity; and to impart to the Publick a true knowledge of my long years, in order to gratifie their taste for authentick Information of an Age with whose famous Personages I was on familiar Terms.","HPL" "id10631","The channel now became a gorge although the term is somewhat inapplicable, and I employ it merely because the language has no word which better represents the most striking not the most distinctive feature of the scene.","EAP" "id14469","I awoke from disturbed dreams.","MWS" "id08861","Perdita's mind was not softened by this account.","MWS" "id10510","That item, gathered by chance in a haunt of sailors, seemed indeed rather far fetched; since the low, black reef lies a full mile and a half out from Innsmouth Harbour.","HPL" "id12309","There is no accounting for the caprices of madmen; and, in my opinion as well as in that of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether, it is never safe to permit them to run at large unattended.","EAP" "id21721","He approached; his countenance bespoke bitter anguish, combined with disdain and malignity, while its unearthly ugliness rendered it almost too horrible for human eyes.","MWS" "id05516","But speech gave place to gasps again, and Lavinia screamed at the way the whippoorwills followed the change.","HPL" "id17312","It will be understood that I speak of coincidences and no more.","EAP" "id01887","Inertia and force of habit, however, caused him to defer action; and he lingered indecisively among thoughts of old times, taking down the strange hangings from his walls and refitting the house as it was in his early boyhood purple panes, Victorian furniture, and all.","HPL" "id02117","About this time we retired to our house at Belrive.","MWS" "id18257","It was somewhat after this time on Hallowe'en that a great blaze was seen at midnight on the top of Sentinel Hill where the old table like stone stands amidst its tumulus of ancient bones.","HPL" "id06825","From out the most central recess of this melancholy vaulting, depended, by a single chain of gold with long links, a huge censer of the same metal, Saracenic in pattern, and with many perforations so contrived that there writhed in and out of them, as if endued with a serpent vitality, a continual succession of parti colored fires.","EAP" "id13874","""But,"" said I, ""you are quite au fait in these investigations.","EAP" "id07574","All was again silent, but his words rang in my ears.","MWS" "id20669","Close to the spot on which we stood, was a solitary rock, high and conical, which, divided on every side from the mountain, seemed a nature hewn pyramid; with little labour this block was reduced to a perfect shape; the narrow cell was scooped out beneath in which Raymond was placed, and a short inscription, carved in the living stone, recorded the name of its tenant, the cause and aera of his death.","MWS" "id07886","V. Yes; and I now see the confusion of idea.","EAP" "id10364","But though Kalos and Musides dwelt in unbroken harmony, their natures were not alike.","HPL" "id07905","Groups of citizens broad browed Roman colonists and coarse haired Romanised natives, together with obvious hybrids of the two strains, alike clad in cheap woollen togas and sprinklings of helmeted legionaries and coarse mantled, black bearded tribesmen of the circumambient Vascones all thronged the few paved streets and forum; moved by some vague and ill defined uneasiness.","HPL" "id01077","Our men searched him for souvenirs, and found in his coat pocket a very odd bit of ivory carved to represent a youth's head crowned with laurel.","HPL" "id23517","""As I felt the sickening sweep of the descent, I had instinctively tightened my hold upon the barrel, and closed my eyes.","EAP" "id22220","There was something very disturbing about the nauseous sketches and half finished monstrosities that leered around from every side of the room, and when Pickman suddenly unveiled a huge canvas on the side away from the light I could not for my life keep back a loud scream the second I had emitted that night.","HPL" "id13049","It's no vast tour I sometimes do it on foot, for I don't want to attract attention with a taxi in such a place.","HPL" "id18717","This person was the late William Channing Webb, Professor of Anthropology in Princeton University, and an explorer of no slight note.","HPL" "id11353","I mean the happiness experienced in the contemplation of natural scenery.","EAP" "id22136","The poor woman was very vacillating in her repentance.","MWS" "id03321","Your Excellencies will bear in mind that distressed circumstances in Rotterdam had at length driven me to the resolution of committing suicide.","EAP" "id04733","Upon reaching the wharf, I noticed a scythe and three spades, all apparently new, lying in the bottom of the boat in which we were to embark.","EAP" "id11258","In short, the only ingress or egress was through a gate occupying a rocky pass in the road, a few paces below the point at which I stopped to reconnoitre the scene.","EAP" "id25065","I entered its gloomy walls in a fit of triumphant extasy: ""He feels me now,"" I cried, ""and shall, again and again"" I passed but one day in confinement; in the evening I was liberated, as I was told, by the order of the Earl himself.","MWS" "id18776","Yet a whole life of falsehood was otherwise my portion: and when remorse at being the contriver of any cheat made me shrink from my design I was irresistably led back and confirmed in it by the visit of some aunt or cousin, who would tell me that death was the end of all men.","MWS" "id26757","They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky.","HPL" "id25224","Hint everything assert nothing.","EAP" "id23430","No office, no devotion, no watching was irksome to her, as it regarded him.","MWS" "id24217","A sister of my father was with him at this period.","MWS" "id15451","It was a lovely sight, even to me, poor wretch who had never beheld aught beautiful before.","MWS" "id10701","This I most earnestly entreat, and I know you will comply.""","MWS" "id27541","I do not intend to hurt you; listen to me.' ""He struggled violently.","MWS" "id11634","Foreigners and credulous grandmothers are equally garrulous about the modern nickel crucifix with broken chain mixed in the rubbish and shiveringly identified by Joe Mazurewicz as that which he had given poor Gilman many years before.","HPL" "id17496","Their first supposition was that it was the corpse of some person who had been drowned and was thrown on shore by the waves, but on examination they found that the clothes were not wet and even that the body was not then cold.","MWS" "id26081","True method appertains to the ordinary and the obvious alone, and cannot be applied to the outre.","EAP" "id11274","At night, as of yore, Musides sought the banquet halls of Tegea whilst Kalos wandered alone in the olive grove.","HPL" "id19874","These things she uttered as the shadows of the sweet twilight gathered darkly and more darkly around us and then, with a gentle pressure of her fairy like hand, overthrew, in a single sweet instant, all the argumentative fabric she had reared.","EAP" "id27932","He had slowly tried to perfect a solution which, injected into the veins of the newly deceased, would restore life; a labour demanding an abundance of fresh corpses and therefore involving the most unnatural actions.","HPL" "id26247","At first I would tiptoe up to my old fifth floor, then I grew bold enough to climb the last creaking staircase to the peaked garret.","HPL" "id10942","Wilbur had been shockingly nervous at Cambridge; anxious for the book, yet almost equally anxious to get home again, as if he feared the results of being away long.","HPL" "id06100","We sware to one another that the city was exactly the same, and still alive; and when the electric lights began to fade we cursed the company over and over again, and laughed at the queer faces we made.","HPL" "id16536","The unexampled loveliness of the flower clad earth the genial sunshine and grateful shade the melody of the birds the majesty of the woods the splendour of the marble ruins the clear effulgence of the stars by night the combination of all that was exciting and voluptuous in this transcending land, by inspiring a quicker spirit of life and an added sensitiveness to every articulation of her frame, only gave edge to the poignancy of her grief.","MWS" "id01456","Did they have dogs after all?","HPL" "id11141","This was a new sight to me, and I examined the structure with great curiosity.","MWS" "id15892","Ah If you knew what I have suffered and what I may yet endure, you would endeavour to let me taste the quiet and freedom from despair that this one day at least permits me to enjoy.""","MWS" "id27177","I spoke of my desire of finding a friend, of my thirst for a more intimate sympathy with a fellow mind than had ever fallen to my lot, and expressed my conviction that a man could boast of little happiness who did not enjoy this blessing.","MWS" "id14924","Stern as a Jewish prophet, and laconically unamazed as none since his day could be, he told of the beast that had brought forth what was more than beast but less than man the thing with the blemished eye and of the screaming drunken wretch that they hanged for having such an eye.","HPL" "id24171","He kissed me and continued: ""As for the tone heterogeneous, it is merely a judicious mixture, in equal proportions, of all the other tones in the world, and is consequently made up of every thing deep, great, odd, piquant, pertinent, and pretty.","EAP" "id23862","Upon Zann the effect was terrible, for dropping his pencil suddenly he rose, seized his viol, and commenced to rend the night with the wildest playing I had ever heard from his bow save when listening at the barred door.","HPL" "id09270","""He is your own property, sire,"" replied one of the equerries, ""at least he is claimed by no other owner.","EAP" "id19893","One definite flash I shall always remember.","HPL" "id17587","Again in vengeance of his wrath he falls On their great hosts, and breaks their tottering walls; Arrests their navies on the ocean's plain, And whelms their strength with mountains of the main.","MWS" "id00945","At twenty he had joined a band of music hall performers, and at thirty six had deserted his wife and child to travel with an itinerant American circus.","HPL" "id07091","Adrian it is true had already gone to seek the fugitive, imagining that her tameless anxiety had led her to the purlieus of the House, and that some sinister event detained her.","MWS" "id20171","Whilst Barzai was shouting these things Atal felt a spectral change in the air, as if the laws of earth were bowing to greater laws; for though the way was steeper than ever, the upward path was now grown fearsomely easy, and the bulging cliff proved scarce an obstacle when he reached it and slid perilously up its convex face.","HPL" "id16835","Such is my journal of what relates to this strange occurrence up to the present day.","MWS" "id04592","AND now let the reader, passing over some short period of time, be introduced to our happy circle.","MWS" "id02955","I thus detail the precise mode in which it came into my possession; for the circumstances impressed me with peculiar force.","EAP" "id20606","But from the disordered chamber of my brain, had not, alas departed, and would not be driven away, the white and ghastly spectrum of the teeth.","EAP" "id18676","Soon to our ears came the distant thunder of falling waters, and to our eyes appeared on the far horizon ahead the titanic spray of a monstrous cataract, wherein the oceans of the world drop down to abysmal nothingness.","HPL" "id25892","Again he tried to stop up the hole at the base of the slanting wall, wedging in a candlestick which seemed of about the right size.","HPL" "id14837","He made her warm offers of service; she was too much occupied by more engrossing thoughts, either to accept or reject them; at length he left her, making a promise to repeat his visit the next day.","MWS" "id20698","The blood of my forefathers cries aloud in my veins, and bids me be first among my countrymen.","MWS" "id07893","The wounded deer dragging its fainting limbs to some untrodden brake, there to gaze upon the arrow which had pierced it, and to die, was but a type of me.","MWS" "id07959","The wall did not present the slightest appearance of having been disturbed.","EAP" "id18046","if so, had she any when found?","EAP" "id27592","The boat appeared to be hanging, as if by magic, midway down, upon the interior surface of a funnel vast in circumference, prodigious in depth, and whose perfectly smooth sides might have been mistaken for ebony, but for the bewildering rapidity with which they spun around, and for the gleaming and ghastly radiance they shot forth, as the rays of the full moon, from that circular rift amid the clouds which I have already described, streamed in a flood of golden glory along the black walls, and far away down into the inmost recesses of the abyss.","EAP" "id15245","They rotted quickly, and at one stage became slightly phosphorescent; so that nocturnal passers by sometimes spoke of witch fires glowing behind the broken panes of the foetor spreading windows.","HPL" "id05635","The words were the singular but simple ones of the poet Ebn Zaiat: ""Dicebant mihi sodales si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas.""","EAP" "id14433","How did he know so much about what they expected?","HPL" "id06787","This made an end of me; and as for the ""HumDrum,"" the ""Rowdy Dow,"" and the ""Lollipop,"" I never could comprehend how they survived it.","EAP" "id04544","That, you remember, was when Minot cut him.","HPL" "id16764","My reason for going ahead to Babson was that I wished neither to re cross the earlier open space nor to begin my westward course along a cross street as broad as South.","HPL" "id14154","It contained but two rooms, and these exhibited all the squalidness of the most miserable penury.","MWS" "id10779","Would that I had been indeed extinguished ""And now, Mathilda I must make you my last confession.","MWS" "id16725","""Vid dis apologie for the maniere, I vill now say dat, helas Monsieur Simpson ave guess but de too true.","EAP" "id10645","""And then,"" said the friend who had whispered, ""there was Boullard, the tee totum.","EAP" "id27958","Fear overcame me; I dared no advance, dreading a thousand nameless evils that made me tremble, although I was unable to define them.","MWS" "id12490","See the beast has very justly kicked one of the rabble over and another and another and another.","EAP" "id19458","He is remarkably precise, cautious, staid, and deliberate in his demeanor.","EAP" "id10409","This morning, to my great joy, about nine o'clock, the surface of the moon being frightfully near, and my apprehensions excited to the utmost, the pump of my condenser at length gave evident tokens of an alteration in the atmosphere.","EAP" "id26574","This latter was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing degree.","EAP" "id11977","Mr. Maelzel, to be sure, is not very tall, but upon drawing near the machine, his head will be found at least eighteen inches below the head of the Turk, although the latter, it will be remembered, is in a sitting position. .","EAP" "id03929","The course of the Rhine below Mainz becomes much more picturesque.","MWS" "id06538","The corpse of the young lady was much bruised and excoriated.","EAP" "id01528","Here the old man faltered, mumbled, and lapsed into a moody and apprehensive silence; glancing nervously over his shoulder and then turning back to stare fascinatedly at the distant black reef.","HPL" "id18022","At fust the things didn't never go onto the main island, but arter a time they come to want to.","HPL" "id10384","Observing him in these moods, I often dwelt meditatively upon the old philosophy of the Bi Part Soul, and amused myself with the fancy of a double Dupin the creative and the resolvent.","EAP" "id18809","Through the exertions of Beauvais, the matter was industriously hushed up, as far as possible; and several days had elapsed before any public emotion resulted.","EAP" "id20859","""And then,"" said a tall man just opposite, ""we had here, not long ago, a person who had taken it into his head that he was a donkey which allegorically speaking, you will say, was quite true.","EAP" "id11388","She soon went to pieces; I was shewn where she had been, and saw her disjoined timbers tossed on the waves.","MWS" "id01402","They were made to imitate the body of a creeping serpent, and were long and black, with a poisoned barb.","EAP" "id07265","It was, they averred, as though someone had groped about the ruins at no distant period.","HPL" "id09649","It was not long after my arrival and employment that Juan Romero came to the Norton Mine.","HPL" "id13031","Hasn't he told you what ails him?""","EAP" "id14144","I imagined, that it was my imperative duty to take her from scenes that thus forcibly reminded her of her loss.","MWS" "id08603","Mine has been a tale of horrors; I have reached their acme, and what I must now relate can but be tedious to you.","MWS" "id11194","Half gliding, half floating in the air, the white clad bog wraiths were slowly retreating toward the still waters and the island ruin in fantastic formations suggesting some ancient and solemn ceremonial dance.","HPL" "id16198","The district which contained them appeared the abode of every kindly spirit.","MWS" "id19222","When we rose to the surface about sunset a seaman's body was found on the deck, hands gripping the railing in curious fashion.","HPL" "id18896","Heavy falls of snow gave an arctic appearance to the scenery; the roofs of the houses peeped from the white mass; the lowly cot and stately mansion, alike deserted, were blocked up, their thresholds uncleared; the windows were broken by the hail, while the prevalence of a north east wind rendered out door exertions extremely painful.","MWS" "id08313","Do not turn from me; I do not ask you to reveal it: I only entreat you to listen to me and to become familiar with the voice of consolation and kindness.","MWS" "id00084","The truth is, I could not help regarding Mrs. Wyatt as a decidedly plain looking woman.","EAP" "id23658","Alas its emaciation was excessive, and not one vestige of the former being lurked in any single line of the contour.","EAP" "id26353","When I had waited a long time, very patiently, without hearing him lie down, I resolved to open a little a very, very little crevice in the lantern.","EAP" "id23196","The boat did not at once descend to match the greater ocean depth, so I was soon forced to adjust the searchlight to cast a sharply downward beam.","HPL" "id26943","My books, at this epoch, if they did not actually serve to irritate the disorder, partook, it will be perceived, largely, in their imaginative and inconsequential nature, of the characteristic qualities of the disorder itself.","EAP" "id18228","SOME years ago, I engaged passage from Charleston, S. C, to the city of New York, in the fine packet ship ""Independence,"" Captain Hardy.","EAP" "id14973","For there was a clearly visible living figure on that desolate island, and a second glance told him it was certainly the strange old woman whose sinister aspect had worked itself so disastrously into his dreams.","HPL" "id23802","Noticing these things, I rode over a short causeway to the house.","EAP" "id17490","In one, a large wicker cylinder with a ring at top, revelled a mocking bird; in another an oriole; in a third the impudent bobolink while three or four more delicate prisons were loudly vocal with canaries.","EAP" "id19454","Adrian's countenance flitted across, tainted by death Idris, with eyes languidly closed and livid lips, was about to slide into the wide grave.","MWS" "id25591","I I alone was the cause of his defeat and justly did I pay the fearful penalty.","MWS" "id07685","Desrochers, too, had something to say in fact, he insisted that cautious steps had sounded in the now vacant room above him on the first and second nights of Gilman's absence from it.","HPL" "id19932","I gasped for breath ""I will not detail to you,"" continued Raymond, ""the melancholy particulars.","MWS" "id01405","I forgot the distance between us: ""I will go with thee, Raymond"" I cried; but, my eye removed from the glass, I could scarce discern the pigmy forms of the crowd, which about a mile from me surrounded the gate; the form of Raymond was lost.","MWS" "id00267","Several swimmers were still discernible; while on the far black reef I could see a faint, steady glow unlike the winking beacon visible before, and of a curious colour which I could not precisely identify.","HPL" "id00442","The things we saw were very old and marvellous, or at least they seemed so in the few straggling rays of light by which I viewed them, and I shall never forget the tottering Ionic columns and fluted pilasters and urn headed iron fence posts and flaring lintelled windows and decorative fanlights that appeared to grow quainter and stranger the deeper we advanced into this inexhaustible maze of unknown antiquity.","HPL" "id01425","To say that we actually believed in vampires or werewolves would be a carelessly inclusive statement.","HPL" "id19873","I am not yet fallen so low; my honour is not yet so tarnished.","MWS" "id26511","The thought was fleeting; for his attention was instantly drawn towards the inhabitant of this wretched abode.","MWS" "id03628","The old man, I mentioned, was absent in the country.","EAP" "id04120","But there was a fearlessness and frankness about her, which said that she would not encroach on another's liberty, but held her own sacred and unassailable.","MWS" "id10605","August , Yesterday the stranger said to me, ""You may easily perceive, Captain Walton, that I have suffered great and unparalleled misfortunes.","MWS" "id00694","By slow degrees our sickness and dizziness and horror become merged in a cloud of unnamable feeling.","EAP" "id20694","The only real indication, indeed, of the mesmeric influence, was now found in the vibratory movement of the tongue, whenever I addressed M. Valdemar a question.","EAP" "id00542","And of those who seemed tranquilly to repose, I saw that a vast number had changed, in a greater or less degree, the rigid and uneasy position in which they had originally been entombed.","EAP" "id06208","I think it was his eye yes, it was this He had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it.","EAP" "id11467","On a sudden I heard a gentle step ascending the stairs; I paused breathless, and as it approached glided into an obscure corner of the room; the steps paused at my door, but after a few moments they again receeded, descended the stairs and I heard no more.","MWS" "id03760","Yet from the first a taint of calamity, soon increased to boding significance, was apparent.","HPL" "id21976","I entered it and approached the tomb which marked their graves.","MWS" "id20389","The merriment of the hour was an unholy mockery of the sorrows of man.","MWS" "id19996","""It was not until some time afterward that I recovered myself sufficiently to attend to the ordinary cares of the balloon.","EAP" "id24968","In the glare of noon at the dead hour of night in sickness or in health in calm or in tempest the young Metzengerstein seemed rivetted to the saddle of that colossal horse, whose intractable audacities so well accorded with his own spirit.","EAP" "id24143","To repose confidence in the understanding or discretion of a madman, is to gain him body and soul.","EAP" "id26304","Then came days of evil, when many who had known The Street of old knew it no more; and many knew it, who had not known it before.","HPL" "id15849","Another most important office of the guide rope, is to point out the direction of the balloon.","EAP" "id00887","Now, without re adverting to the fact that stronger evidence 'to make others believe,' could never have been adduced, it may be remarked that a man may very well be understood to believe, in a case of this kind, without the ability to advance a single reason for the belief of a second party.","EAP" "id26660","Having succeeded in inducing me to accompany him, he seemed unwilling to hold conversation upon any topic of minor importance, and to all my questions vouchsafed no other reply than ""we shall see"" We crossed the creek at the head of the island by means of a skiff; and, ascending the high grounds on the shore of the main land, proceeded in a northwesterly direction, through a tract of country excessively wild and desolate, where no trace of a human footstep was to be seen.","EAP" "id12150","It is still at large.","EAP" "id09572","If, on the contrary, they are proof against expostulation, this very steadiness is an omen of success; and it becomes the duty of those who love them, to assist in smoothing the obstructions in their path.","MWS" "id19817","Upon beating the game, he waves his head with an air of triumph, looks round complacently upon the spectators, and drawing his left arm farther back than usual, suffers his fingers alone to rest upon the cushion.","EAP" "id13238","I was never made aware of her entrance into my closed study save by the dear music of her low sweet voice, as she placed her marble hand upon my shoulder.","EAP" "id05287","And then, when my head was well in the room, I undid the lantern cautiously oh, so cautiously cautiously for the hinges creaked I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye.","EAP" "id08081","I found the exactions of the profession somewhat too much for my delicate state of body; and, discovering, at last, that I was knocked all out of shape, so that I didn't know very well what to make of the matter, and so that my friends, when they met me in the street, couldn't tell that I was Peter Proffit at all, it occurred to me that the best expedient I could adopt was to alter my line of business.","EAP" "id19452","When he did so his cry was less restrained than Morgan's had been.","HPL" "id07926","He could not, of course, have locked the door behind him; yet it was now fastened, presumably from the inside.","HPL" "id05823","""Smith?"" said she, ""why, not General John A. B. C.? Horrid affair that, wasn't it?","EAP" "id09994","His Majesty looked chagrined.","EAP" "id21070","WE had now reached the summit of the loftiest crag.","EAP" "id10076","After much patient instruction regarding its focussing and use, they left the telescope with the frightened group that remained in the road; and as they climbed they were watched closely by those among whom the glass was passed around.","HPL" "id02639","The assassins must have escaped through the other window.","EAP" "id25799","We often cast a beam around the ship, but saw only dolphins, swimming parallel to our own drifting course.","HPL" "id10816","And, as I have implied, it was not of the dead man himself that I became afraid.","HPL" "id13797","I then paused, and a cold shivering came over me.","MWS" "id26466","Wyatt's conduct I did not so much regard.","EAP" "id16455","The few ineffectual words he had said concerning his duty were to me a further proof and the more I studied the letter the more did I perceive a thousand slight expressions that could only indicate a knowledge that life was now over for him.","MWS" "id15982","Warped and bigoted with preconceived illusions of justice, freedom, and consistency, they cast off the old lore and the old ways with the old beliefs; nor ever stopped to think that that lore and those ways were the sole makers of their present thoughts and judgments, and the sole guides and standards in a meaningless universe without fixed aims or stable points of reference.","HPL" "id10516","In Italy the rivers were unwatched by the diminished peasantry; and, like wild beasts from their lair when the hunters and dogs are afar, did Tiber, Arno, and Po, rush upon and destroy the fertility of the plains.","MWS" "id19232","Monsieur Maillard, to my excessive astonishment threw himself under the side board.","EAP" "id05011","And this was in truth the Death of which these bystanders spoke reverently, in low whispers you, sweet Una, gaspingly, with loud cries.","EAP" "id02299","No, Thurber, these ancient places are dreaming gorgeously and overflowing with wonder and terror and escapes from the commonplace, and yet there's not a living soul to understand or profit by them.","HPL" "id04896","The merit suggested is, at best, negative, and appertains to that hobbling criticism which, in letters, would elevate Addison into apotheosis.","EAP" "id20652","As you know, the club wouldn't exhibit it, and the Museum of Fine Arts wouldn't accept it as a gift; and I can add that nobody would buy it, so Pickman had it right in his house till he went.","HPL" "id19116","He wondered how it would look, for it had been left vacant and untended through his neglect since the death of his strange great uncle Christopher thirty years before.","HPL" "id14865","Even to us he assumed gaiety and hope, and assumed them so well, that we did not divine the secret workings of his mind.","MWS" "id22521","Good God In what desert land have you lived, where no one was kind enough to inform you that these fancies which you have so greedily imbibed are a thousand years old and as musty as they are ancient?","MWS" "id02997","My opinion of the paragraph is founded principally upon its manner.","EAP" "id14627","I avoided explanation and maintained a continual silence concerning the wretch I had created.","MWS" "id14578","The man had always shivered when he read this scroll, and Carter shivered now.","HPL" "id14428","The next day's paper had these additional particulars.","EAP" "id09946","He bears it to the river, but leaves behind him the other evidences of guilt; for it is difficult, if not impossible to carry all the burthen at once, and it will be easy to return for what is left.","EAP" "id09926","And the floor of the palace is of glass, under which flow the cunningly lighted waters of the Narg, gay with gaudy fish not known beyond the bounds of lovely Cathuria.""","HPL" "id17848","""Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten"" said the bell.","EAP" "id25806","With my aversion to this cat, however, its partiality for myself seemed to increase.","EAP" "id27837","We glow, we are consumed with eagerness to commence the work, with the anticipation of whose glorious result our whole souls are on fire.","EAP" "id19907","IN the autumn of this year , the spirit of emigration crept in among the few survivors, who, congregating from various parts of England, met in London.","MWS" "id20741","'Snob' is the nom de plume of Mr. Thingum Bob, of this city, a relative of the great Mr. Thingum, after whom he is named, and otherwise connected with the most illustrious families of the State.","EAP" "id04976","She drifted towards the harbour, and was stranded on the sands at the entrance.","MWS" "id21690","Her eyes glistened with tears when she thanked me, and the grace of her expressions was enhanced, not diminished, by the fervour, which caused her almost to falter as she spoke.","MWS" "id09120","At times I fancied that every contour of these blasphemous fish frogs was overflowing with the ultimate quintessence of unknown and inhuman evil.","HPL" "id12810","The revenue of its possessor, which had always found a mode of expenditure congenial to his generous nature, was now attended to more parsimoniously, that it might embrace a wider portion of utility.","MWS" "id26550","We now resolved to let off enough gas to bring our guide rope, with the buoys affixed, into the water.","EAP" "id24902","At every movement of the figure machinery is heard in motion.","EAP" "id19098","The modern masters promise very little; they know that metals cannot be transmuted and that the elixir of life is a chimera but these philosophers, whose hands seem only made to dabble in dirt, and their eyes to pore over the microscope or crucible, have indeed performed miracles.","MWS" "id01683","She had not scorned my proposals.","EAP" "id01463","He was more than ordinarily tender hearted, and he did not like the hideous screams he had heard in the ancient house just after the hour appointed for the deed.","HPL" "id02456","The next morning it was taken from thence, without the knowledge of any of the officers.","EAP" "id11157","On the memorable occasion of which I speak I was habited in a crimson satin dress, with a sky blue Arabian mantelet.","EAP" "id09805","And then she adverted, with a blush, to the extreme recency of this date.","EAP" "id17186","""If it is any point requiring reflection,"" observed Dupin, as he forebore to enkindle the wick, ""we shall examine it to better purpose in the dark.""","EAP" "id22740","Last night I swallowed the drug and floated dreamily into the golden valley and the shadowy groves; and when I came this time to the antique wall, I saw that the small gate of bronze was ajar.","HPL" "id06696","But anything was better than this agony Anything was more tolerable than this derision I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer I felt that I must scream or die and now again hark louder louder louder louder ""Villains"" I shrieked, ""dissemble no more I admit the deed tear up the planks here, here It is the beating of his hideous heart"" BY late accounts from Rotterdam, that city seems to be in a high state of philosophical excitement.","EAP" "id14494","It was there, beyond a doubt, and immediately beneath my feet; but, alas I had now ascended to so vast a distance, that nothing could with accuracy be discerned.","EAP" "id04540","Nay, Henry might stand between me and the intrusion of my foe.","MWS" "id25285","I listened to this discourse with the extremest agony.","MWS" "id18118","There he would meditate upon the visions that filled his mind, and there devise the forms of beauty which later became immortal in breathing marble.","HPL" "id02186","I have said that I awaked suddenly and in alarm.","HPL" "id13717","But when the moon went over to the west and the still tide ebbed from the sullen shore, I saw in that light old spires that the waves almost uncovered, and white columns gay with festoons of green seaweed.","HPL" "id23646","As we approached the brink of the pit he let go his hold upon this, and made for the ring, from which, in the agony of his terror, he endeavored to force my hands, as it was not large enough to afford us both a secure grasp.","EAP" "id02720","Who could be interested in the fate of a murderer but the hangman who would gain his fee?","MWS" "id01386","Unwonted silence reigned in the house, the members spoke in whispers, and the ordinary business was transacted with celerity and quietness.","MWS" "id25614","But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince's person; and, while the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple through the purple to the green through the green to the orange through this again to the white and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him.","EAP" "id01629","The place was far from any road, and in sight of no other house, yet precautions were none the less necessary; since rumours of strange lights, started by chance nocturnal roamers, would soon bring disaster on our enterprise.","HPL" "id13469","There was nothing like a ladder in the tomb, and the coffin niches on the sides and rear which Birch seldom took the trouble to use afforded no ascent to the space above the door.","HPL" "id15434","Later he insulted Mr. Burke in so intolerable a Manner, that we all took Pains to shew our Disapproval; after which Incident he came no more to our Meetings.","HPL" "id18126","Then suddenly Old Bugs ceased to wield his javelin and stopped still drawing himself up more erectly than any denizen of the place had ever seen him before.","HPL" "id25367","These streaks, at length, spreading out to a great distance, and entering into combination, took unto themselves the gyratory motion of the subsided vortices, and seemed to form the germ of another more vast.","EAP" "id22679","The boxes were fairly even, and could be piled up like blocks; so he began to compute how he might most stably use the eight to rear a scalable platform four deep.","HPL" "id02343","that face with the red eyes an' crinkly albino hair, an' no chin, like the Whateleys . . .","HPL" "id13768","Scarcely had he disappeared in the mist before, panting after him, with open mouth and glaring eyes, there darted a huge beast.","EAP" "id10062","To day, looking upward as well as I could, through each of the side windows alternately, I beheld, to my great delight, a very small portion of the moon's disk protruding, as it were, on all sides beyond the huge circumference of the balloon.","EAP" "id23778","Will you commune less with his departed spirit, while you watch over and cultivate the rare excellence of his child?","MWS" "id05406","Its expanse was relieved merely by three of Julien's exquisite lithographs a trois crayons, fastened to the wall without frames.","EAP" "id27698","Yet there have been many and wonderful automata.","EAP" "id10822","I must have been delirious for I even sought amusement in speculating upon the relative velocities of their several descents toward the foam below.","EAP" "id06117","I spoke at length, and perseveringly of my devotion, of my passion of her exceeding beauty, and of my own enthusiastic admiration.","EAP" "id15295","Perdita listened to me impatiently, and answered with some asperity: ""Do you think that any of your arguments are new to me? or that my own burning wishes and intense anguish have not suggested them all a thousand times, with far more eagerness and subtlety than you can put into them?","MWS" "id14359","The image of Clerval was forever before me, ghastly and murdered.","MWS" "id15171","It was a divine spring, and the season contributed greatly to my convalescence.","MWS" "id27047","""Be a little more explicit,"" I said.","EAP" "id26720","""Morella"" ""The days have never been when thou couldst love me but her whom in life thou didst abhor, in death thou shalt adore.""","EAP" "id25020","Still Perdita would expect him; he wrote a few incoherent words on a scrap of paper, testifying that he was well, and bade the woman of the house take it to the palace, and deliver it into the hands of the wife of the Lord Protector.","MWS" "id16955","What I did succeed in doing was to overhear the nocturnal playing of the dumb old man.","HPL" "id21439","I wept for a long time untill I saw him about to revive, when horror and misery again recurred, and the tide of my sensations rolled back to their former channel: with a terror I could not restrain I sprung up and fled, with winged speed, along the paths of the wood and across the fields untill nearly dead I reached our house and just ordering the servants to seek my father at the spot I indicated, I shut myself up in my own room.","MWS" "id26273","Organs of articulate sound did not proclaim the union of our hearts; for untoward circumstance allowed no opportunity for the expression that hovered on our lips.","MWS" "id16533","I had several times seen him ride across the heath and felt angry that my solitude should be disturbed.","MWS" "id13818","Woodville was free from all these evils; and if slight examples did come across him he did not notice them but passed on in his course as an angel with winged feet might glide along the earth unimpeded by all those little obstacles over which we of earthly origin stumble.","MWS" "id16882","When I had arrived at this point and had become as well acquainted with the theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt, my residence there being no longer conducive to my improvements, I thought of returning to my friends and my native town, when an incident happened that protracted my stay.","MWS" "id21952","We attempted to carry him into the cabin, but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air he fainted.","MWS" "id17973","On perceiving me, the stranger addressed me in English, although with a foreign accent.","MWS" "id27134","""Ninny"" said the fifth.","EAP" "id01516","""Good God He is gone But tell how this was; speak quick"" Her relation was short.","MWS" "id18894","In this there was much that reminded me of the specious totality of old wood work which has rotted for long years in some neglected vault, with no disturbance from the breath of the external air.","EAP" "id14848","About , when Wilbur was a boy of ten whose mind, voice, stature, and bearded face gave all the impressions of maturity, a second great siege of carpentry went on at the old house.","HPL" "id00197","""Have you, then, some other attachment?"" ""None on earth.","MWS" "id10003","Besides, I found that my understanding improved so much with every day's experience that I was unwilling to commence this undertaking until a few more months should have added to my sagacity.","MWS" "id01902","The 'Oil of Bob' is the title of this masterpiece of eloquence and art.","EAP" "id11936","The reception of his request seems to have been varied; but he must, at the very least, have received more responses than any ordinary man could have handled without a secretary.","HPL" "id12985","It was a course of mortification to me, nevertheless, that although I made several attempts at conversation, my powers of speech were so entirely in abeyance, that I could not even open my mouth; much less, then, make reply to some ingenious but fanciful theories of which, under other circumstances, my minute acquaintance with the Hippocratian pathology would have afforded me a ready confutation.","EAP" "id21018","His third, and most difficult of realization, was the contempt of ambition.","EAP" "id10869","I see you profit by my advice, and are making the most of your time in inspecting the premises in satisfying your eyes With the memorials and the things of fame That most renown this city.","EAP" "id11702","What would we do without the Atalantic telegraph?","EAP" "id15564","He said that some person, apparently in great haste, demanded to speak with me in the hall.","EAP" "id02368","It had been an eldritch thing no wonder sensitive students shudder at the Puritan age in Massachusetts.","HPL" "id20449","He would have descended and asked the way to Ooth Nargai had not a fearsome aurora sputtered up from some remote place beyond the horizon, shewing the ruin and antiquity of the city, and the stagnation of the reedy river, and the death lying upon that land, as it had lain since King Kynaratholis came home from his conquests to find the vengeance of the gods.","HPL" "id13263","He often left Perdita, to wander in the grounds alone; or in a light shallop he floated idly on the pure waters, musing deeply.","MWS" "id11817","The press cuttings, as I have intimated, touched on cases of panic, mania, and eccentricity during the given period.","HPL" "id13984","They glistened bloated and green in the moonbeams, and seemed to gaze up at the fount of light.","HPL" "id04596","Idris must not see him in this state.","MWS" "id18317","The horse then galopped swiftly across the heath and the stranger remained on the ground stunned by his fall.","MWS" "id08927","The change of scene operated to a great degree as I expected; after a year's absence, Perdita returned in gentler and more docile mood to Windsor.","MWS" "id02047","A friend holds one of the diddler's promises to pay, filled up and signed in due form, upon the ordinary blanks printed in red ink.","EAP" "id17401","Here aloft, the companions of the swift winged birds, we skim through the unresisting element, fleetly and fearlessly.","MWS" "id07637","My immediate actions were peculiar for such a situation, but it is only in tales that a man does the dramatic and foreseen thing.","HPL" "id27222","Aye, I might die my soul with falsehood untill I had quite hid its native colour.","MWS" "id07536","Here the dense growth of weeds and briers hindered me and cruelly tore my clothes, but I was none the less glad that they were there to give me concealment in case of peril.","HPL" "id19782","There was talk of a complaint to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; but nothing ever came of it, since Dunwich folk are never anxious to call the outside world's attention to themselves.","HPL" "id02010","how can you?"" interrupted the object of my animadversions, gasping for breath, and tearing off, with a desperate exertion, the bandage around its jaws ""how can you, Mr. Lackobreath, be so infernally cruel as to pinch me in that manner by the nose?","EAP" "id22632","Presently I heard the sound of footsteps along the passage; the door opened, and the wretch whom I dreaded appeared.","MWS" "id00555","Here my friend opened his eyes to some extent.","EAP" "id20534","The spot where we discovered the scarabaeus was on the coast of the main land, about a mile eastward of the island, and but a short distance above high water mark.","EAP" "id23472","We chose our house with the greatest care, seizing at last on a rather run down cottage near the end of Pond Street; five numbers from the closest neighbour, and separated from the local potter's field by only a stretch of meadow land, bisected by a narrow neck of the rather dense forest which lies to the north.","HPL" "id04416","But then we had been so imprudent as to broach the subject ourselves.","EAP" "id23263","They were formed for one another and they soon loved.","MWS" "id15975","Of Mademoiselle Salle it has been well said, ""Que tous ses pas etaient des sentiments,"" and of Berenice I more seriously believed que toutes ses dents etaient des idees.","EAP" "id04326","I now visited the accursed place with increased frequency; studying the unwholesome vegetation of the garden, examining all the walls of the building, and poring over every inch of the earthen cellar floor.","HPL" "id22772","""It is not my present design,"" he said, ""to dwell upon the first and second of those extracts.","EAP" "id11932","The physical suffering I underwent contributed also to render me nearly incapable of making any exertion for the preservation of my life.","EAP" "id19056","The error here involved a gross error redolent of mischief I cannot pretend to expose within the limits assigned me at present; and with the philosophical it needs no exposure.","EAP" "id23839","A furious delirium possessed all men; and, with arms rigidly outstretched towards the threatening heavens, they trembled and shrieked aloud.","EAP" "id05225","I speak of this point chiefly for the sake of method; for the strength of Madame L'Espanaye would have been utterly unequal to the task of thrusting her daughter's corpse up the chimney as it was found; and the nature of the wounds upon her own person entirely preclude the idea of self destruction.","EAP" "id27457","Though the northward pull had not diminished, he resisted it as he had resisted the other pull, and finally found that he could almost balance the one against the other.","HPL" "id20248","But, of course, the chances are five or six to one, that the finder will repair to the address given by the diddler, rather than to that pointed out by the rightful proprietor.","EAP" "id17092","I was not angry on my own account, but I felt as if the praises which this idol received were leaves torn from laurels destined for Adrian.","MWS" "id09542","Could we domesticate a cub of this wild beast, and not fear its growth and maturity?","MWS" "id11231","Yet could no act be performed to check the impending cataclysm; for the swart, sinister men were old in cunning.","HPL" "id11750","Are you to be happy while I grovel in the intensity of my wretchedness?","MWS" "id16522","""Bless me it is an ape"" True a baboon; but by no means the less a deity.","EAP" "id12550","So far from it, I still lay nearly level with the plane of the horizon; for the change of situation which I had acquired, had forced the bottom of the car considerably outwards from my position, which was accordingly one of the most imminent and deadly peril.","EAP" "id15923","Pascal, a philosopher whom we both love, has said, how truly ""que tout notre raisonnement se rèduit à céder au sentiment;"" and it is not impossible that the sentiment of the natural, had time permitted it, would have regained its old ascendancy over the harsh mathematical reason of the schools.","EAP" "id08425","With his arms folded, and with one bandaged leg deposited upon the table, he seemed to think himself entitled to some consideration.","EAP" "id22098","Yet when I effected my purpose, all I could discern within the precincts of the massive walls was a city of fire: the open way through which Raymond had ridden was enveloped in smoke and flame.","MWS" "id06721","He did not raise his, but after a short silence he replied to me in a low voice: ""You are indeed presumptuous, Mathilda, presumptuous and very rash.","MWS" "id00135","Assuredly he had not conned his lesson; and at first he hesitated, pausing in his ideas, and in the choice of his expressions.","MWS" "id27550","This I did by removing a small portion of the shifting boards, in such a manner as to afford me a convenient retreat between the huge timbers of the ship.","EAP" "id00272","In the south, the disease, virulent and immedicable, had nearly annihilated the race of man; storm and inundation, poisonous winds and blights, filled up the measure of suffering.","MWS" "id03540","Surely, I had little enough chance of rescue.","HPL" "id11399","Calm, lasting beauty comes only in dream, and this solace the world had thrown away when in its worship of the real it threw away the secrets of childhood and innocence.","HPL" "id25369","From what he related, it was clear that he must have been conscious of life for more than an hour, while inhumed, before lapsing into insensibility.","EAP" "id12054","A suggestion to this effect is usually rejected by the intellect at once.","EAP" "id03292","The heart had ceased to beat.","EAP" "id03461","At the battle of Makri he had led the charge of cavalry, and pursued the fugitives even to the banks of the Hebrus.","MWS" "id24537","The next day all the countryside was in a panic; and cowed, uncommunicative groups came and went where the fiendish thing had occurred.","HPL" "id23657","That since he is The Most Happy must be still the one thing unknown even to Him.","EAP" "id04210","Jermyn could form no conjecture, but by close questioning obtained a very picturesque legend of the stuffed goddess.","HPL" "id17475","I had drilled myself in preparation for the crucial moment, and blind training saved me.","HPL" "id13379","This, he said, was to neutralise the compound and release the system to a normal relaxation so that the reanimating solution might freely work when injected.","HPL" "id00981","Fastening one end of this at that point of the trunk, of the tree which was nearest the peg, he unrolled it till it reached the peg, and thence farther unrolled it, in the direction already established by the two points of the tree and the peg, for the distance of fifty feet Jupiter clearing away the brambles with the scythe.","EAP" "id10345","He had protested then, when they had found him, waked him, and carried him home, for just as he was aroused he had been about to sail in a golden galley for those alluring regions where the sea meets the sky.","HPL" "id04288","I believe I did ridiculous things such as offering prayers to Artemis, Latona, Demeter, Persephone, and Plouton.","HPL" "id26566","They insisted that this was Kingsport, and I could not deny it.","HPL" "id03214","But it was not so, I was yet young, Oh far too young, nor was he dead to others; but I, most miserable, must never see or speak to him again.","MWS" "id10815","I had wandered towards Bracknel, far to the west of Windsor.","MWS" "id02524","We saw it not as an astronomical phenomenon in the heavens, but as an incubus upon our hearts, and a shadow upon our brains.","EAP" "id21232","Frequently, too, pausing in the middle of a sentence whose commencement he had apparently forgotten, he seemed to be listening in the deepest attention, as if either in momentary expectation of a visiter, or to sounds which must have had existence in his imagination alone.","EAP" "id00314","The newcomer was a thin, dark man of medium height attired in the clerical garb of the Anglican church.","HPL" "id19305","""You zee,"" said he, ""it iz te bess vor zit still; and now you shall know who I pe.","EAP" "id17020","And to our chamber there was no entrance save by a lofty door of brass: and the door was fashioned by the artisan Corinnos, and, being of rare workmanship, was fastened from within.","EAP" "id14280","And there is an indistinct murmur which cometh out from among them like the rushing of subterrene water.","EAP" "id25641","This effect is brought about by decomposition, or otherwise.","EAP" "id05943","But, Heaven bless me what is the matter?","EAP" "id10147","Whenever I sat, it would crouch beneath my chair, or spring upon my knees, covering me with its loathsome caresses.","EAP" "id17343","He said this in his most gay, yet benevolent manner, and smiled, not disdainfully, but in playful mockery of himself.","MWS" "id14661","He had introduced himself to Adrian, by a request he made to observe some planetary motions from his glass.","MWS" "id21241","I had visited it frequently during my boyhood.","MWS" "id27854","This is the usual effect of such coincidences.","EAP" "id11483","Saying this, he suddenly quitted me, fearful, perhaps, of any change in my sentiments.","MWS" "id26409","""The nitre"" I said: ""see, it increases.","EAP" "id22257","There was so much intelligence combined with innocence, sensibility with forbearance, and seriousness with perfect good humour, a beauty so transcendant, united to such endearing simplicity, that she hung like a pearl in the shrine of our possessions, a treasure of wonder and excellence.","MWS" "id20323","The smell of the sea took on ominous implications, and the silent driver's bent, rigid back and narrow head became more and more hateful.","HPL" "id00098","England, late birth place of excellence and school of the wise, thy children are gone, thy glory faded Thou, England, wert the triumph of man Small favour was shewn thee by thy Creator, thou Isle of the North; a ragged canvas naturally, painted by man with alien colours; but the hues he gave are faded, never more to be renewed.","MWS" "id12346","One only return did he owe me, even fidelity.","MWS" "id04162","Still his mother did not despair.","MWS" "id04144","In the meantime, we had been swept astern of the ship, and being quite out of her lee, were at the mercy of the tremendous sea which was still running.","EAP" "id02807","Fool that I was to plunge with such unsanctioned phrensy into mysteries no man was meant to penetrate; fool or god that he was my only friend, who led me and went before me, and who in the end passed into terrors which may yet be mine.","HPL" "id14364","This was not universal.","MWS" "id04016","Young Wilcox's rejoinder, which impressed my uncle enough to make him recall and record it verbatim, was of a fantastically poetic cast which must have typified his whole conversation, and which I have since found highly characteristic of him.","HPL" "id18791","Perhaps the eye of a scrutinizing observer might have discovered a barely perceptible fissure, which, extending from the roof of the building in front, made its way down the wall in a zigzag direction, until it became lost in the sullen waters of the tarn.","EAP" "id20263","It is no longer philosophical to base, upon what has been, a vision of what is to be.","EAP" "id02002","As my grand uncle's heir and executor, for he died a childless widower, I was expected to go over his papers with some thoroughness; and for that purpose moved his entire set of files and boxes to my quarters in Boston.","HPL" "id24697","The shutter was kicked open again by the Ourang Outang as it entered the room.","EAP" "id26452","Then came the shift as vast converging planes of a slippery looking substance loomed above and below him a shift which ended in a flash of delirium and a blaze of unknown, alien light in which yellow, carmine, and indigo were madly and inextricably blended.","HPL" "id12782","The spirit of superstition had birth, from the wreck of our hopes, and antics wild and dangerous were played on the great theatre, while the remaining particle of futurity dwindled into a point in the eyes of the prognosticators.","MWS" "id06802","The first and most obvious inference is, that so strong a light is requisite to enable the man within to see through the transparent material probably fine gauze of which the breast of the Turk is composed.","EAP" "id00164","Sewers came, but they passed by it.","HPL" "id18403","All egress from my chamber, except through a window, was cut off.","EAP" "id01295","Let us place the first move in a game of chess, in juxta position with the data of an algebraical question, and their great difference will be immediately perceived.","EAP" "id11864","The true wretchedness, indeed the ultimate woe is particular, not diffuse.","EAP" "id11695","But in that bitter tirade upon Chantilly, which appeared in yesterday's 'Musée,' the satirist, making some disgraceful allusions to the cobbler's change of name upon assuming the buskin, quoted a Latin line about which we have often conversed.","EAP" "id00645","Something very like fright had come over all the explorers before anything more definite than rock and ooze and weed was seen.","HPL" "id12963","""To be sure,"" said I, ""to be sure They behave a little odd, eh? they are a little queer, eh? don't you think so?"" ""Odd queer why, do you really think so?","EAP" "id00120","Cast by that ruffian, Gruff, who made me a present of five dollars.","EAP" "id13420","A cry rose from the crowd, and Dr. Armitage shouted to the men outside that no one must be admitted till the police or medical examiner came.","HPL" "id04932","I must not be trifled with, and I demand an answer.","MWS" "id08653","In our happiest days, Perdita had adorned her cottage with every aid art might bring, to that which nature had selected to favour.","MWS" "id09838","""Justine, you may remember, was a great favourite of yours; and I recollect you once remarked that if you were in an ill humour, one glance from Justine could dissipate it, for the same reason that Ariosto gives concerning the beauty of Angelica she looked so frank hearted and happy.","MWS" "id23907","We still had some attendants spared by disease, and warmly attached to us.","MWS" "id12305","I saw vessels near the shore and found myself suddenly transported back to the neighbourhood of civilized man.","MWS" "id23627","The forest glades, the ferny dells, and lawny uplands, the cultivated and cheerful country spread around the silver pathway of ancient Thames, all earth, air, and wave, took up one choral voice, inspired by memory, instinct with plaintive regret.","MWS" "id14974","But now, as soon as the horses arrived, I hurried into a cabriolet, and bade farewell to my friend.","MWS" "id07887","And as I watched the ripples that told of the writhing of worms beneath, I felt a new chill from afar out whither the condor had flown, as if my flesh had caught a horror before my eyes had seen it.","HPL" "id18579","I dashed the spectacles violently to the ground, and, leaping to my feet, stood erect in the middle of the floor, confronting Mrs. Simpson, with my arms set a kimbo, and grinning and foaming, but, at the same time, utterly speechless with terror and with rage.","EAP" "id25381","As he walked toward the bus I observed his peculiarly shambling gait and saw that his feet were inordinately immense.","HPL" "id16027","But this discovery was so great and overwhelming that all the steps by which I had been progressively led to it were obliterated, and I beheld only the result.","MWS" "id04959","The sexton departed, and I was left alone.","EAP" "id12116","Yet only under such circumstances is it possible to imagine that he would have failed, if alive, in the denouncement of the assassins.","EAP" "id06978","William Harris, at last thoroughly convinced of the radically unhealthful nature of his abode, now took steps toward quitting it and closing it forever.","HPL" "id04791","The moon I gazed with a kind of wonder.","MWS" "id05941","""Is there no way, then, sir,"" she murmurs, ""in which I may be permitted to testify my gratitude?""","EAP" "id27447","It wearied Carter to see how solemnly people tried to make earthly reality out of old myths which every step of their boasted science confuted, and this misplaced seriousness killed the attachment he might have kept for the ancient creeds had they been content to offer the sonorous rites and emotional outlets in their true guise of ethereal fantasy.","HPL" "id03742","On the th of December of that year, my companion and I crossed the Bay, to visit the antiquities which are scattered on the shores of Baiae.","MWS" "id03238","I cannot express the wild, breathless suspense with which we waited for results on this first really fresh specimen the first we could reasonably expect to open its lips in rational speech, perhaps to tell of what it had seen beyond the unfathomable abyss.","HPL" "id04864","He sometimes dreamed better when awake, and he wanted to use that key.","HPL" "id14187","It was, in fact, nothing more or less than an abundant supply of freshly killed men in every stage of dismemberment.","HPL" "id00109","The natural clinging of the human mind to life and joy was in its full energy in her young heart; she gave herself impetuously up to the enchantment: they were married; and in their radiant features I saw incarnate, for the last time, the spirit of love, of rapturous sympathy, which once had been the life of the world.","MWS" "id06616","Evadne was two years older than Adrian; and who, at eighteen, ever loved one so much their junior?","MWS" "id25609","Toward morning I must have dropped asleep with the lights on, for I awoke in darkness yesterday afternoon to find the batteries dead.","HPL" "id00888","The depth in the centre of the Moskoe ström must be immeasurably greater; and no better proof of this fact is necessary than can be obtained from even the sidelong glance into the abyss of the whirl which may be had from the highest crag of Helseggen.","EAP" "id18482","Poor girl She wept when she quitted our house; she was much altered since the death of my aunt; grief had given softness and a winning mildness to her manners, which had before been remarkable for vivacity.","MWS" "id27666","In the course of our discussion, my young friend took occasion to quote some passages from a writer who has been supposed to have well treated this theme.","EAP" "id26520","But though men talked of great changes, The Street felt them not; for its folk were still the same, speaking of the old familiar things in the old familiar accents.","HPL" "id14608","""The balloon is composed of silk, varnished with the liquid gum caoutchouc.","EAP" "id00796","For out of an opened door in the Gilman House a large crowd of doubtful shapes was pouring lanterns bobbing in the darkness, and horrible croaking voices exchanging low cries in what was certainly not English.","HPL" "id01615","Pardon, Agathos, the weakness of a spirit new fledged with immortality AGATHOS.","EAP" "id06576","They went to the river to break the ice, and draw water: they assembled on foraging expeditions, or axe in hand felled the trees for fuel.","MWS" "id26197","On the green and flowery mountains of Cathuria stand temples of pink marble, rich with carven and painted glories, and having in their courtyards cool fountains of silver, where purl with ravishing music the scented waters that come from the grotto born river Narg.","HPL" "id11891","All I can say is, that it is so.","MWS" "id27847","Every now and then one might catch a glimpse of the scoundrel through the smoke.","EAP" "id23668","Now, in my case, the versed sine that is to say, the thickness of the segment beneath me was about equal to my elevation, or the elevation of the point of sight above the surface.","EAP" "id03906","I had, I felt, been halted by a barrier which my friend and leader had successfully passed.","HPL" "id22669","Among a race of independent, and generous, and well educated men, in a country where the imagination is empress of men's minds, there needs be no fear that we should want a perpetual succession of the high born and lordly.","MWS" "id23923","I renounced it to gain no matter what for that also I have lost.","MWS" "id18330","Nothing to be seen though nothing to be done but flirt, feast and dance in the magnificent saloons.","EAP" "id17816","I said something about the ""peculiar shape of that box ,"" and, as I spoke the words, I smiled knowingly, winked, and touched him gently with my forefinger in the ribs.","EAP" "id24640","It could not be denied that our atmosphere was radically affected; the conformation of this atmosphere and the possible modifications to which it might be subjected, were now the topics of discussion.","EAP" "id22813","The visiter left the city in the early morning.","EAP" "id02937","In the meantime the young gentlemen, one and all, are somewhat less piously inclined than before, while the landlady purchases a shilling's worth of the Indian rubber, and very carefully obliterates the pencil memorandum that some fool has made in her great family Bible, on the broad margin of the Proverbs of Solomon.","EAP" "id14871","The words of his letter by which he had dissuaded me from this step were those that determined me.","MWS" "id16070","After the beams came clouds, and then I slept.","HPL" "id07746","The villagers of Hatheg say it is ill to climb Hatheg Kla at any time, and deadly to climb it by night when pale vapours hide the summit and the moon; but Barzai heeded them not when he came from neighbouring Ulthar with the young priest Atal, who was his disciple.","HPL" "id01237","""William is dead that sweet child, whose smiles delighted and warmed my heart, who was so gentle, yet so gay Victor, he is murdered ""I will not attempt to console you; but will simply relate the circumstances of the transaction.","MWS" "id03738","""You have, of course, an accurate description of the letter?""","EAP" "id16204","Apparently the horror had descended by a route much the same as that of its ascent.","HPL" "id26015","Wyatt's two sisters I knew very well, and most amiable and clever girls they were.","EAP" "id25036","The gentle manners and beauty of the cottagers greatly endeared them to me; when they were unhappy, I felt depressed; when they rejoiced, I sympathized in their joys.","MWS" "id16387","But there are some points in the Hungarian superstition which were fast verging to absurdity.","EAP" "id25605","Relieved of my seizure in a marvellously short while, I left the shivery place a disciple and devotee of the gifted recluse.","HPL" "id20028","But in death only, was I fully impressed with the strength of her affection.","EAP" "id23918","By long suffering my nerves had been unstrung, until I trembled at the sound of my own voice, and had become in every respect a fitting subject for the species of torture which awaited me.","EAP" "id12125","Its banks, of the emerald grass already described, rounded, rather than sloped, off into the clear heaven below; and so clear was this heaven, so perfectly, at times, did it reflect all objects above it, that where the true bank ended and where the mimic one commenced, it was a point of no little difficulty to determine.","EAP" "id24410","Only an effort halted him at a cafeteria in Church Street, and after the meal he felt the unknown pull still more strongly.","HPL" "id07327","Here upon earth, at least, philosophy, I am persuaded, will always in vain call upon us to look upon qualities as things.","EAP" "id17262","""We cannot hope to live so long in our names as some have done in their persons; one face of Janus holds no proportion to the other.""","MWS" "id06991","But this thing was not to be.","EAP" "id03064","No person present even affected to deny, or attempted to repress, the unutterable, shuddering horror which these few words, thus uttered, were so well calculated to convey.","EAP" "id19475","""Bête"" said the first.","EAP" "id02721","I said the child grew strangely in stature and intelligence.","EAP" "id26765","The people now, dismissing any lingering hope that the astronomers were wrong, experienced all the certainty of evil.","EAP" "id25373","""And then,"" said somebody else, ""then there was Petit Gaillard, who thought himself a pinch of snuff, and was truly distressed because he could not take himself between his own finger and thumb.""","EAP" "id24480","Were not the mightiest men of the olden times kings?","MWS" "id21739","Perhaps there was besides a lurking dislike to bind herself in the face of the world to one whom she did not love not love, at least, with that passionate enthusiasm which her heart told her she might one day feel towards another.","MWS" "id03020","A few passes threw Mr. Vankirk into the mesmeric sleep.","EAP" "id02640","The Automaton plays with his left arm, because under no other circumstances could the man within play with his right a desideratum of course.","EAP" "id23456","For some unknown reason I dreaded the thought of disturbing the ancient bog and its sunless secrets, and pictured terrible sights lying black under the unmeasured depth of age old peat.","HPL" "id14921","I told him I would be tender of his feelings ossi tender que beefsteak.","EAP" "id21301","Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth, but I awoke and found myself in a dungeon.","MWS" "id10967","On account of the general alarm and precautions, there were only two more victims, and the capture was effected without major casualties.","HPL" "id27359","It was in the dark of September th that the horror broke loose.","HPL" "id03035","I smiled incredulously, and replied: ""I am of Ryland's way of thinking, and will, if you please, repeat all his arguments; we shall see how far you will be induced by them, to change the royal for the patriotic style.""","MWS" "id10347","There were vague statements about disease and concentration camps, and later about dispersal in various naval and military prisons, but nothing positive ever developed.","HPL" "id11229","On reflection, he was glad he had not consulted the still more inquisitive college doctor.","HPL" "id23078","Even if they were to leave Europe and inhabit the deserts of the new world, yet one of the first results of those sympathies for which the daemon thirsted would be children, and a race of devils would be propagated upon the earth who might make the very existence of the species of man a condition precarious and full of terror.","MWS" "id12046","I saw him too; he was free last night"" ""I do not know what you mean,"" replied my brother, in accents of wonder, ""but to us the discovery we have made completes our misery.","MWS" "id26014","Barzai knew so much of the gods that he could tell of their comings and goings, and guessed so many of their secrets that he was deemed half a god himself.","HPL" "id20681","Frankenstein, who was dozing, awoke and asked the cause of the tumult.","MWS" "id20035","I formed in my imagination a thousand pictures of presenting myself to them, and their reception of me.","MWS" "id15535","The first stroke of the razorlike crescent athwart any portion of the band, would so detach it that it might be unwound from my person by means of my left hand.","EAP" "id26109","Antiochus the Illustrious also 'Prince of ts,' 'Glory of the East,' 'Delight of the Universe,' and 'Most Remarkable of Cameleopards' Heavens what a power of speed thou art displaying What a capacity for leg bail thou art developing Run, Prince Bravo, Epiphanes Well done, Cameleopard Glorious Antiochus He runs he leaps he flies Like an arrow from a catapult he approaches the hippodrome He leaps he shrieks he is there This is well; for hadst thou, 'Glory of the East,' been half a second longer in reaching the gates of the Amphitheatre, there is not a bear's cub in Epidaphne that would not have had a nibble at thy carcase.","EAP" "id25498","One thing you must promise, not to speak to any one but your uncle, of the conversation you have just overheard.","MWS" "id25354","He had carried off their store of winter food, and placing it in a sledge, to draw which he had seized on a numerous drove of trained dogs, he had harnessed them, and the same night, to the joy of the horror struck villagers, had pursued his journey across the sea in a direction that led to no land; and they conjectured that he must speedily be destroyed by the breaking of the ice or frozen by the eternal frosts.","MWS" "id11884","What, in its chrysalis condition of principle, affronted their demure reason, never fails, in its maturity of accomplishment, to extort admiration from their instinct of the beautiful or of the sublime.","EAP" "id03820","This, of course, was a matter briefly and easily ascertained, by noticing the proportion of the pitcher filled in any given time.","EAP" "id08995","others'll worship with us at meetin' time, an' sarten haouses hez got to entertain guests . . .","HPL" "id26400","I administered the fitting remedies, and left my sweet niece to watch beside him, and bring me notice of any change she should observe.","MWS" "id18941","We did not descend far, and when after several hours the sea was calmer, we decided to return to the surface.","HPL" "id07979","""Our first slide into the abyss itself, from the belt of foam above, had carried us a great distance down the slope; but our farther descent was by no means proportionate.","EAP" "id26040","I am the descendant of a race whose imaginative and easily excitable temperament has at all times rendered them remarkable; and, in my earliest infancy, I gave evidence of having fully inherited the family character.","EAP" "id19172","He had thought he heard rats in the partitions all the evening, but paid little attention to them.","HPL" "id10906","If she were to continue inflexible in the line of conduct she now pursued, they must part.","MWS" "id18957","How strange, I thought, that the same cause should produce such opposite effects I examined the materials of the fire, and to my joy found it to be composed of wood.","MWS" "id24199","It appeared that I was a provincial quæstor named L. Cælius Rufus, and that I had been summoned by the proconsul, P. Scribonius Libo, who had come from Tarraco some days before.","HPL" "id27111","Closet after closet drawer after drawer corner after corner were scrutinized to no purpose.","EAP" "id06781","I had no lack of what the world calls wealth.","EAP" "id20474","For my hope who shall see it?","MWS" "id11102","I admired his clearness and persistence, and added some further revelations I had collected among the old people.","HPL" "id23217","The left arm of the figure is bent at the elbow, and in the left hand is a pipe.","EAP" "id26782","""Let me see, Trever,"" continued the defaulter, ""didn't Schultz say your mother is a literary person, too?"" ""Yes, damn it,"" replied Trever, ""but nothing like the old Teian She's one of those dull, eternal moralisers that try to take all the joy out of life.","HPL" "id17595","The terror which brought me to the scene was a sudden and portentous confirmation of the mountaineers' wildest legends.","HPL" "id09996","I came upon them suddenly in the leafy June, and threw myself upon the turf, beneath the branches of an unknown odorous shrub, that I might doze as I contemplated the scene.","EAP" "id18575","Do you hear anything?","EAP" "id18371","""No doubt you will think me fanciful but I had already established a kind of connexion.","EAP" "id20900","In height he might have been below rather than above the medium size: although there were moments of intense passion when his frame actually expanded and belied the assertion.","EAP" "id21862","Why, my dear sir, that cameleopard is no other than Antiochus Epiphanes, Antiochus the Illustrious, King of Syria, and the most potent of all the autocrats of the East It is true, that he is entitled, at times, Antiochus Epimanes Antiochus the madman but that is because all people have not the capacity to appreciate his merits.","EAP" "id13260","To say the truth, he has something of more importance than a watch to attend to and what that is, I shall presently explain.","EAP" "id02056","I knew my acquaintance to be wealthy.","EAP" "id19265","At sight of these the joy of Jupiter could scarcely be restrained, but the countenance of his master wore an air of extreme disappointment He urged us, however, to continue our exertions, and the words were hardly uttered when I stumbled and fell forward, having caught the toe of my boot in a large ring of iron that lay half buried in the loose earth.","EAP" "id20226","I have been assured that Suky is but a vulgar corruption of Psyche, which is good Greek, and means ""the soul"" that's me, I'm all soul and sometimes ""a butterfly,"" which latter meaning undoubtedly alludes to my appearance in my new crimson satin dress, with the sky blue Arabian mantelet, and the trimmings of green agraffas, and the seven flounces of orange colored auriculas.","EAP" "id21216","But why is this man absent?","EAP" "id11129","In the present instance they were fully eight inches wide; but their glory was altogether eclipsed by the gorgeous splendor of the profuse blossoms.","EAP" "id22167","On the third day Slater was found unconscious in the hollow of a tree, and taken to the nearest gaol; where alienists from Albany examined him as soon as his senses returned.","HPL" "id24605","Somewhere, to what remote and fearsome region I know not, Denys Barry has gone.","HPL" "id26578","My mind, as alert as my senses, recognised the gravely unusual; and almost automatically I leaped up and turned about to grasp the destructive instruments which we had left trained on the mouldy spot before the fireplace.","HPL" "id11622","Jupiter; bring me that scarabæus"" ""What de bug, massa?","EAP" "id20056","There can be no community between you and me; we are enemies.","MWS" "id22834","That the influence of the old house was unwholesome, he could not deny; but traces of his early morbid interest still held him there.","HPL" "id24618","As soon as he fairly settled himself, he commenced an oration, which, no doubt, was a very capital one, if it could only have been heard.","EAP" "id19672","This is partly pleasing to the eye, by the show of order and design, and partly moral.","EAP" "id20405","I was encompassed by a cloud which no beneficial influence could penetrate.","MWS" "id20767","She encouraged his craving for knowledge and his impetuous courage; she even tolerated his tameless love of freedom, under the hope that this would, as is too often the case, lead to a passion for command.","MWS" "id22040","""The revolution which has just been made by the Fay,"" continued I, musingly, ""is the cycle of the brief year of her life.","EAP" "id26271","At first the increase of sickness in spring brought increase of toil to such of us, who, as yet spared to life, bestowed our time and thoughts on our fellow creatures.","MWS" "id25794","Through hunger and through thirst, I wrote.","EAP" "id10960","They say there is no land of Lomar, save in my nocturnal imaginings; that in those realms where the Pole Star shines high and red Aldebaran crawls low around the horizon, there has been naught save ice and snow for thousands of years, and never a man save squat yellow creatures, blighted by the cold, whom they call ""Esquimaux"".","HPL" "id04498","Degraded and ignorant as they were, the creatures held with surprising consistency to the central idea of their loathsome faith.","HPL" "id02543","Of the name and abode of this man but little is written, for they were of the waking world only; yet it is said that both were obscure.","HPL" "id08876","She lit up every thing about us with the greatest distinctness but, oh God, what a scene it was to light up ""I now made one or two attempts to speak to my brother but, in some manner which I could not understand, the din had so increased that I could not make him hear a single word, although I screamed at the top of my voice in his ear.","EAP" "id17175","Some said the thunder called the lurking fear out of its habitation, while others said the thunder was its voice.","HPL" "id24311","Meanwhile her active fancy wove a thousand combinations; she dreamt ""of moving accidents by flood and field"" she lost herself delightedly in these self created wanderings, and returned with unwilling spirit to the dull detail of common life.","MWS" "id12786","I hear a noise at the door, as of some immense slippery body lumbering against it.","HPL" "id12486","Shutting the door, he approached me and said in a smothered voice, ""You have destroyed the work which you began; what is it that you intend?","MWS" "id13625","He sent even to Italy and Greece for drawings; but, as the design was to be characterized by originality as well as by perfect beauty, his endeavours were for a time without avail.","MWS" "id08293","And at length the period of our nuptials was approaching, when, upon an afternoon in the winter of the year one of those unseasonably warm, calm, and misty days which are the nurse of the beautiful Halcyon , I sat, and sat, as I thought, alone, in the inner apartment of the library.","EAP" "id05774","Some of our best novelists patronize this tone.","EAP" "id02855","His oddities certainly did not look Asiatic, Polynesian, Levantine, or negroid, yet I could see why the people found him alien.","HPL" "id24401","As I hurried home through those narrow, winding, mist choked waterfront streets I had a frightful impression of being stealthily followed by softly padding feet.","HPL" "id25876","Shall I meet you again, after having traversed immense seas, and returned by the most southern cape of Africa or America?","MWS" "id12452","By means of the rudder, the machine was readily turned in any direction.","EAP" "id06980","He tore it, made it fast about the neck, and so dragged his victim to the brink of the river.","EAP" "id01375","The air resounded with their shouts; their picturesque costume, and the gay colours of which it was composed, flaunted in the sunshine; their eager gestures and rapid utterance accorded with their wild appearance.","MWS" "id23843","That at least two of the fear's embodiments were destroyed, formed but a slight guarantee of mental and physical safety in this Acheron of multiform diabolism; yet I continued my quest with even greater zeal as events and revelations became more monstrous.","HPL" "id25811","You shall conquer, for my sake, this affectation which leads you, as you yourself acknowledge, to the tacit or implied denial of your infirmity of vision.","EAP" "id19480","As he threw it open, a flash of red light, streaming far into the chamber, flung his shadow with a clear outline against the quivering tapestry, and he shuddered to perceive that shadow as he staggered awhile upon the threshold assuming the exact position, and precisely filling up the contour, of the relentless and triumphant murderer of the Saracen Berlifitzing.","EAP" "id15759","I joined the weaker party, arming myself with the weapons of a fallen officer, and fighting I knew not whom with the nervous ferocity of despair.","EAP" "id11820","Groping about the masonry just below the margin, I succeeded in dislodging a small fragment, and let it fall into the abyss.","EAP" "id20063","It was not a strong or even a fairly strong light; certainly not nearly strong enough to read an average book by.","HPL" "id23495","Only his tendency toward a dazed stupor prevented him from screaming aloud.","HPL" "id20154","At this period the name and exploits of one of my countrymen filled the world with admiration.","MWS" "id02836","For good reasons, however, I did my best to give the crowd the worth of their trouble.","EAP" "id23338","I am an entity like that which you yourself become in the freedom of dreamless sleep.","HPL" "id04003","The excellent administration of your affairs here is well understood in Paris, and I thought it just possible, you know ""Yes, yes say no more or rather it is myself who should thank you for the commendable prudence you have displayed.","EAP" "id27957","Yet his reasons have not yet been matured into expression.","EAP" "id15259","At length he approached the huge trunk, walked slowly around it, and examined it with minute attention.","EAP" "id21397","If I did not hit upon the village before sunset, or even before dark, it was more than possible that a little Dutch farmhouse, or something of that kind, would soon make its appearance although, in fact, the neighborhood perhaps on account of being more picturesque than fertile was very sparsely inhabited.","EAP" "id10220","It was more horrible than anything I had ever overheard, because I could now see the expression of his face, and could realise that this time the motive was stark fear.","HPL" "id20095","Guided by a slight clue, I followed the windings of the Rhone, but vainly.","MWS" "id27172","There was so much of truth and nature in his resentment, that her doubts were dispelled.","MWS" "id02234","""And the numerous temples, sumptuous and magnificent, may bear comparison with the most lauded of antiquity.""","EAP" "id23538","Alas He is cold, he cannot answer me.""","MWS" "id06391","The contest was brief indeed.","EAP" "id06640","What can I say? if you refuse to aid me, I am lost indeed"" She cast up her eyes, while wonder held her auditors mute; then, as if carried away by her feelings, she cried ""My brother beloved, ill fated Adrian how speak of your misfortunes?","MWS" "id00221","Yet in fact in the fact of the world's view how little was there to remember The morning's awakening, the nightly summons to bed; the connings, the recitations; the periodical half holidays, and perambulations; the play ground, with its broils, its pastimes, its intrigues; these, by a mental sorcery long forgotten, were made to involve a wilderness of sensation, a world of rich incident, an universe of varied emotion, of excitement the most passionate and spirit stirring.","EAP" "id04166","However, it was hardly morning, and I might reasonably hope to arrive by night.","MWS" "id14591","To one lie, second class; damaged black cloth sold for invisible green............................................... JULY .","EAP" "id03921","The Assault and Battery business, into which I was now forced to adventure for a livelihood, was somewhat ill adapted to the delicate nature of my constitution; but I went to work in it with a good heart, and found my account here, as heretofore, in those stern habits of methodical accuracy which had been thumped into me by that delightful old nurse I would indeed be the basest of men not to remember her well in my will.","EAP" "id04942","It seems as if the giant waves of ocean, and vast arms of the sea, were about to wrench the deep rooted island from its centre; and cast it, a ruin and a wreck, upon the fields of the Atlantic.","MWS" "id27727","He had heard, meanwhile, of Whateley's grotesque trip to Cambridge, and of his frantic efforts to borrow or copy from the Necronomicon at the Widener Library.","HPL" "id26734","When the clown laughs, his lips, his eyes, his eye brows, and eyelids indeed, all the features of his countenance are imbued with their appropriate expressions.","EAP" "id11874","Early risers on the th noticed a peculiar stench in the air.","HPL" "id00510","The shrill voice, this witness thinks, was that of an Italian.","EAP" "id05340","It would require but five minutes at most to regenerate the atmosphere in the fullest manner, and the only real difficulty was to contrive a method of arousing myself at the proper moment for so doing.","EAP" "id17857","The ""Gad Fly"" was, of course, brought upon the tapis, and I hope never to be subjected to a criticism so searching, or to rebukes so withering, as were bestowed by Mr. Crab upon that unhappy effusion.","EAP" "id04022","Recourse was had to figures, and these but sufficed to confound.","EAP" "id00624","In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack but in the matter of old wines he was sincere.","EAP" "id26803","If he has a project in view, he conceals his design with a marvellous wisdom; and the dexterity with which he counterfeits sanity, presents, to the metaphysician, one of the most singular problems in the study of mind.","EAP" "id26584","All at once Dupin broke forth with these words: ""He is a very little fellow, that's true, and would do better for the Théâtre des Variétés.""","EAP" "id18191","In the midst of these reflections, as if dramatically arranged to intensify them, there fell near by a terrific bolt of lightning followed by the sound of sliding earth.","HPL" "id23240","The disposition of Idris was peculiarly frank, soft, and affectionate.","MWS" "id21929","It took a pinch with great satisfaction, and smiled me an acknowledgement in return.","EAP" "id27707","I hated the mocking moon, the hypocritical plain, the festering mountain, and those sinister mounds.","HPL" "id05400","Are we not part and parcel in Thee?","EAP" "id24515","Reading the life of Theseus, I was much impressed by that passage telling of the great stone beneath which the boyish hero was to find his tokens of destiny whenever he should become old enough to lift its enormous weight.","HPL" "id15301","I remained for several years their only child.","MWS" "id27130","After the lapse of more than a year, Adrian returned from Greece.","MWS" "id15057","But, as I was saying, we soon began to feel the effects of liberty and long speeches, and radicalism, and all that sort of thing.","EAP" "id07116","I staggered forward at once, and a few steps brought me to the vestibule of the building.","EAP" "id13467","Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died.","HPL" "id13880","And there were cobblestones over which clattered many a blooded horse and rumbled many a gilded coach; and brick sidewalks with horse blocks and hitching posts.","HPL" "id00852","Well, so far we had ridden the swells very cleverly; but presently a gigantic sea happened to take us right under the counter, and bore us with it as it rose up up as if into the sky.","EAP" "id25986","Thus perhaps as the sensation of immediate suffering wore off, I became more human.","MWS" "id23443","It was a curious fact, that at this period, when by the marriage of Perdita I was allied to one of the richest individuals in England, and was bound by the most intimate friendship to its chiefest noble, I experienced the greatest excess of poverty that I had ever known.","MWS" "id09953","The more he remembered of his hideous dream the more terrified he felt, and it added to his desperation to hear Joe Mazurewicz chanting mournfully two floors below.","HPL" "id26401","Madame L'Espanaye had some property.","EAP" "id02867","Know then that in these dominions I am monarch, and here rule with undivided empire under the title of 'King Pest the First.' ""This apartment, which you no doubt profanely suppose to be the shop of Will Wimble the undertaker a man whom we know not, and whose plebeian appellation has never before this night thwarted our royal ears this apartment, I say, is the Dais Chamber of our Palace, devoted to the councils of our kingdom, and to other sacred and lofty purposes.","EAP" "id06000","I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediate vicinity an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the gray wall, and the silent tarn a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden hued.","EAP" "id18476","Upon this subject, however, I shall forbear to dilate.","EAP" "id24249","He was all gaiety; scraps of songs fell from his lips; every thought of his mind every object about us, gleamed under the sunshine of his mirth.","MWS" "id07455","Sometimes he would take walks through shadowy tangles of unpaved musty smelling lanes where eldritch brown houses of unknown age leaned and tottered and leered mockingly through narrow, small paned windows.","HPL" "id24461","The body of the man who had landed, had been buried deep in the sands; and none could tell more, than that the vessel was American built, and that several months before the Fortunatas had sailed from Philadelphia, of which no tidings were afterwards received.","MWS" "id20225","Yet one minute, and I felt that the struggle would be over.","EAP" "id09102","Each long hour was counted, and ""He suffers"" was the burthen of all her thoughts.","MWS" "id13636","I did, however, improve my stay in Arkham by collecting some genealogical notes I had long wished to possess; very rough and hasty data, it is true, but capable of good use later on when I might have time to collate and codify them.","HPL" "id06605","Messrs. Ricci, Czanek, and Silva selected the night of April th for their call.","HPL" "id01790","But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death.","EAP" "id01595","I would not disturb you at this period, when so many misfortunes weigh upon you, but a conversation that I had with my uncle previous to his departure renders some explanation necessary before we meet.","MWS" "id13298","The Rue d'Auseil lay across a dark river bordered by precipitous brick blear windowed warehouses and spanned by a ponderous bridge of dark stone.","HPL" "id06251","My father was one of those men on whom nature had bestowed to prodigality the envied gifts of wit and imagination, and then left his bark of life to be impelled by these winds, without adding reason as the rudder, or judgment as the pilot for the voyage.","MWS" "id06599","When I see this I telled Eb Holt, 'That's suthin' ta stir ye up an' make yer blood tickle' When I read in Scripter about slayin' like them Midianites was slew I kinder think things, but I ain't got no picter of it.","HPL" "id16538","The really inexplicable thing was the way in which the victims ignorant people, for the ill smelling and widely shunned house could now be rented to no others would babble maledictions in French, a language they could not possibly have studied to any extent.","HPL" "id19772","I remember the night I made the five concentric circles of fire on the floor, and stood in the innermost one chanting that monstrous litany the messenger from Tartary had brought.","HPL" "id07356","""Scratch"" ""Now, you nigger, my teeth For a good set of these you had better go to Parmly's at once; high prices, but excellent work.","EAP" "id08199","His friend recognized it more promptly.","EAP" "id15760","Not so with us, the remnant.","MWS" "id26993","Many held that no visible or perceptible effect would in any manner be produced.","EAP" "id12954","Meanwhile joyful servants were proclaiming the finding of young Godfrey in a distant and unused chamber of the great edifice, telling too late that poor Michel had been killed in vain.","HPL" "id04025","I screamed to Pompey for aid; but he said that I had hurt his feelings by calling him 'an ignorant old squint eye:' I yelled to Diana; but she only said 'bow wow wow,' and that I had told her 'on no account to stir from the corner.'","EAP" "id10788","I was a sad dog, it is true but then it was a part of my nature a point of my faith.","EAP" "id18576","""Justine Moritz Poor, poor girl, is she the accused?","MWS" "id24735","And yet I saw them in a limitless stream flopping, hopping, croaking, bleating surging inhumanly through the spectral moonlight in a grotesque, malignant saraband of fantastic nightmare.","HPL" "id07864","""You have observed, in your notes, that the most general opinion in relation to this sad affair is, and was from the first, that the girl had been the victim of a gang of blackguards.","EAP" "id22239","On these latter there were no trees, nor even shrubs of any size.","EAP" "id25315","Many of our visitors left us: those whose homes were far in the south, fled delightedly from our northern winter, and sought their native land, secure of plenty even after their fearful visitation.","MWS" "id24971","The last words of Evadne were the seal upon the warrant of my death.","MWS" "id06349","North of the river there were traces of squalid life active fish packing houses in Water Street, smoking chimneys and patched roofs here and there, occasional sounds from indeterminate sources, and infrequent shambling forms in the dismal streets and unpaved lanes but I seemed to find this even more oppressive than the southerly desertion.","HPL" "id21121","At such times, although I longed to destroy it with a blow, I was yet withheld from so doing, partly by a memory of my former crime, but chiefly let me confess it at once by absolute dread of the beast.","EAP" "id15268","The picture was very vivid for a while, but gradually gave way to a more horrible conception; that of utter, absolute solitude in infinite, sightless, soundless space.","HPL" "id12703","The sentiment of deep awe with which I habitually regarded the elevated character, the majestic wisdom, the apparent omnipresence and omnipotence of Wilson, added to a feeling of even terror, with which certain other traits in his nature and assumptions inspired me, had operated, hitherto, to impress me with an idea of my own utter weakness and helplessness, and to suggest an implicit, although bitterly reluctant submission to his arbitrary will.","EAP" "id01955","Immense glaciers approached the road; I heard the rumbling thunder of the falling avalanche and marked the smoke of its passage.","MWS" "id26370","""Not altogether a fool,"" said G., ""but then he's a poet, which I take to be only one remove from a fool.""","EAP" "id24321","Fortunately the books were written in the language, the elements of which I had acquired at the cottage; they consisted of Paradise Lost, a volume of Plutarch's Lives, and the Sorrows of Werter.","MWS" "id19409","My ultimate object is only the truth.","EAP" "id20121","Mus go in to night, you know else there'll be the d l to pay, and ' 'And not a bit of pitch hot,' interrupted the foreman, with a deep sigh, and an emphasis on the 'bit.' 'Is it a long paragraph, Bob?' 'Shouldn't call it a wery long paragrab,' said Bob. 'Ah, well, then do the best you can with it We must get to press,' said the foreman, who was over head and ears in work; 'just stick in some other letter for o; nobody's going to read the fellow's trash anyhow.' 'Wery well,' replied Bob, 'here goes it' and off he hurried to his case, muttering as he went: 'Considdeble vell, them ere expressions, perticcler for a man as doesn't swar.","EAP" "id18787","In a moment however she revived, and, with energy, almost with violence, entreated me to saddle horses, to take her away, away to London to her brother at least to save her.","MWS" "id16909","The rudder was a light frame of cane covered with silk, shaped somewhat like a battle door, and was about three feet long, and at the widest, one foot.","EAP" "id21870","At times, again, I was obliged to resolve all into the mere inexplicable vagaries of madness, for I beheld him gazing upon vacancy for long hours, in an attitude of the profoundest attention, as if listening to some imaginary sound.","EAP" "id19659","The wind, favourable to him, blew so strongly in shore, that we were unable, as we had at first intended, to meet him on his watery road.","MWS" "id09177","The thunder ceased; but the rain still continued, and the scene was enveloped in an impenetrable darkness.","MWS" "id26267","The pain inflicted by this disappointment was tormenting and keen.","MWS" "id21551","Throwing out, therefore, a quantity of sand from a canvas bag, which, he lifted with great difficulty, he became stationary in an instant.","EAP" "id14159","The next day, it appears, they raised and landed on a small island, although none is known to exist in that part of the ocean; and six of the men somehow died ashore, though Johansen is queerly reticent about this part of his story, and speaks only of their falling into a rock chasm.","HPL" "id11604","Having thus appeared to ponder over the proposed question he raises his wand, and striking with it the wall above his head, two folding doors fly open, and display an appropriate answer to the question.","EAP" "id07818","""You are in the wrong,"" replied the fiend; ""and instead of threatening, I am content to reason with you.","MWS" "id13188","Only old Zebulon, who was not with the group, could have done justice to the situation or suggested a plausible explanation.","HPL" "id06601","They filed a ponderous report at the court house in Aylesbury, and litigations concerning heirship are said to be still in progress amongst the innumerable Whateleys, decayed and undecayed, of the upper Miskatonic valley.","HPL" "id12661","""She was"", he said, ""the brightest vision that ever came upon the earth: there was somthing in her frank countenance, in her voice, and in every motion of her graceful form that overpowered me, as if it were a celestial creature that deigned to mingle with me in intercourse more sweet than man had ever before enjoyed.","MWS" "id19209","I afterwards learned that, knowing my father's advanced age and unfitness for so long a journey, and how wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth, he spared them this grief by concealing the extent of my disorder.","MWS" "id25293","It was from these that I determined to choose a colleague, and the more I reflected the more my preference inclined toward one Arthur Munroe, a dark, lean man of about thirty five, whose education, taste, intelligence, and temperament all seemed to mark him as one not bound to conventional ideas and experiences.","HPL" "id18177","""Why the fact is, we took our time, and we searched every where.","EAP" "id00625","But of what followed, and of the reason I was found alone and dazed on the edge of the swamp next morning, I must insist that I know nothing save what I have told you over and over again.","HPL" "id03955","Farewell, my dear, excellent Margaret.","MWS" "id17835","My aunt was only relieved of her anxiety concerning his fate by a letter from him dated Hamburgh.","MWS" "id10953","He would often awake calling for his mother and grandfather, both in their graves a quarter of a century.","HPL" "id15643","I told them of the vault, and they pointed to the unbroken plaster wall and laughed.","HPL" "id05467","Oh, this was a delicious life quite void of guile I with my dove's look and fox's heart: for indeed I felt only the degradation of falsehood, and not any sacred sentiment of conscious innocence that might redeem it.","MWS" "id27480","At three o'clock he took some lunch at a restaurant, noting meanwhile that the pull had either lessened or divided itself.","HPL" "id20521","It was part of the Ex Queen's plan, to surround her son with princely magnificence.","MWS" "id00905","""My dear father, you are mistaken; Justine is innocent.""","MWS" "id21806","For myself, there was one reward I promised myself from my detested toils one consolation for my unparalleled sufferings; it was the prospect of that day when, enfranchised from my miserable slavery, I might claim Elizabeth and forget the past in my union with her.","MWS" "id02663","With the declining heat of a September night, a whirlwind of storm, thunder, and hail, rattled round the house, and with ghastly harmony sung the dirge of her family.","MWS" "id12577","He heartily despised himself, he was angry with Perdita, and the idea of Evadne was attended by all that was hideous and cruel.","MWS" "id18683","A piece of lace was found tied so tightly around the neck as to be hidden from sight; it was completely buried in the flesh, and was fasted by a knot which lay just under the left ear.","EAP" "id11747","The whippoorwills were piping wildly, and in a singularly curious irregular rhythm quite unlike that of the visible ritual.","HPL" "id13640","I looked back to my restless desires and painful struggles with my fellow beings as to a troubled dream, and felt myself as much changed as if I had transmigrated into another form, whose fresh sensorium and mechanism of nerves had altered the reflection of the apparent universe in the mirror of mind.","MWS" "id13728","Take me mould me to your will, possess my heart and soul to all eternity.","MWS" "id19656","She neglected even her child; shutting her heart against all tenderness, she grew reserved towards me, her first and fast friend.","MWS" "id23672","For a moment I could yield to the creative power of the imagination, and for a moment was soothed by the sublime fictions it presented to me.","MWS" "id21256","I would not yield, but to the last gasp resolutely defended my dear ones against sorrow and pain; and if I were vanquished at last, it should not be ingloriously.","MWS" "id12439","I took from my waistcoat pocket a pen knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket I blush, I burn, I shudder, while I pen the damnable atrocity.","EAP" "id20612","Her intrigues with Russia for the furtherance of her object, excited the jealousy of the Porte, and the animosity of the Greek government.","MWS" "id21327","This fusion of dream and reality was too much to bear.","HPL" "id11249","It was madness I believe, but I so worked myself up to this idea that I could think of nothing else.","MWS" "id17921","Urged by this view, I refused, and I did right in refusing, to create a companion for the first creature.","MWS" "id01588","The air is empoisoned, and each human being inhales death, even while in youth and health, their hopes are in the flower.","MWS" "id10414","""Let us assume , then, as e.","EAP" "id15419","Wretched devil You reproach me with your creation, come on, then, that I may extinguish the spark which I so negligently bestowed.""","MWS" "id25456","In she fell victim to a mild form of insanity, and was thereafter confined to the upper part of the house; her elder maiden sister, Mercy Dexter, having moved in to take charge of the family.","HPL" "id18350","He talked of death incessantly, but laughed hollowly when such things as burial or funeral arrangements were gently suggested.","HPL" "id23278","The villagers did not know how much to believe from so small a boy; and though they feared that the evil pair had charmed the cats to their death, they preferred not to chide the old cotter till they met him outside his dark and repellent yard.","HPL" "id05209","But moment after moment elapsed.","EAP" "id08605","Observing my partiality for domestic pets, she lost no opportunity of procuring those of the most agreeable kind.","EAP" "id03717","It is still spectral, but its strangeness fascinates me, and I shall find mixed with my relief a queer regret when it is torn down to make way for a tawdry shop or vulgar apartment building.","HPL" "id10405","Reason, logic, and normal ideas of motivation stood confounded.","HPL" "id14787","For three days they climbed higher, higher, and higher toward the roof of the world; then they camped to wait for the clouding of the moon.","HPL" "id24513","Aunt Martha was in the doorway, and did not scold too hard when Benijah shoved the truant in.","HPL" "id12021","The slightest exhibition of art is an evidence of care and human interest.""","EAP" "id04035","We tremble with the violence of the conflict within us, of the definite with the indefinite of the substance with the shadow.","EAP" "id06554","Probably they traded in Arkham, knowing how little Kingsport liked their habitation, or perhaps being unable to climb down the cliff on the Kingsport side.","HPL" "id20991","V. Yes; for mind, existing unincorporate, is merely God.","EAP" "id25637","Rome and Ravenna are rivals for the honour of his birth, though it is certain that he received his rhetorical and philosophical training in the schools of Athens the extent of whose suppression by Theodosius a century before is grossly exaggerated by the superficial.","HPL" "id24539","She was for a while the sole object of his reveries; and Perdita became aware that his thoughts and time were bestowed on a subject unparticipated by her.","MWS" "id02911","The physical state of man would soon not yield to the beatitude of angels; disease was to be banished; labour lightened of its heaviest burden.","MWS" "id25907","Men of learning suspect it little, and ignore it mostly.","HPL" "id00165","Of this he had been assured by Frank Elwood, the one fellow student whose poverty forced him to room in this squalid and unpopular house.","HPL" "id00107","As the weeks passed, I observed with regret that my new friend was indeed slowly but unmistakably losing ground physically, as Mrs. Herrero had suggested.","HPL" "id27335","Todder day he gib me slip fore de sun up and was gone de whole ob de blessed day.","EAP" "id06483","Pompey, I'll thank you now for that arm.","EAP" "id08652","My own heart was racked by regrets and remorse.","MWS" "id26591","A short conversation passed between us, but the next day he again stopped at my cottage and by degrees an intimacy grew between us.","MWS" "id02464","Then, with a dazed automatism which persisted despite hopelessness, I made for the next connecting door and performed the blind motion of pushing at it in an effort to get through and granting that fastenings might be as providentially intact as in this second room bolt the hall door beyond before the lock could be turned from outside.","HPL" "id04415","Shall I say that the voice was deep; hollow; gelatinous; remote; unearthly; inhuman; disembodied?","HPL" "id17710","""Yet such must be the impression conveyed to you by what appears to be the purport of my actions.","MWS" "id21574","He read avidly by himself now; but talked much less than formerly.","HPL" "id17643","Finally the air grew thin, and the sky changed colour, and the climbers found it hard to breathe; but still they toiled up and up, marvelling at the strangeness of the scene and thrilling at the thought of what would happen on the summit when the moon was out and the pale vapours spread around.","HPL" "id24881","There would have been no need of return.","EAP" "id11309","Let a ""composition"" be defective; let an emendation be wrought in its mere arrangement of form; let this emendation be submitted to every artist in the world; by each will its necessity be admitted.","EAP" "id20182","The fact is that although Bob was but twelve years old and four feet high, he was equal to any amount of fight, in a small way.","EAP" "id24453","But, apart from decomposition, there may be, and very usually is, a generation of gas within the stomach, from the acetous fermentation of vegetable matter or within other cavities from other causes sufficient to induce a distension which will bring the body to the surface.","EAP" "id19420","Of course, the 'forty one degrees and thirteen minutes' could allude to nothing but elevation above the visible horizon, since the horizontal direction was clearly indicated by the words, 'northeast and by north.'","EAP" "id01675","Saw one of them picked up by a large ship seemingly one of the New York line packets.","EAP" "id14963","Presently he fell upon his knees in the pit, and, burying his naked arms up to the elbows in gold, let them there remain, as if enjoying the luxury of a bath.","EAP" "id19240","So taking the solitary acetylene lamp into the adjacent laboratory, we left our silent guest on the slab in the dark, and bent every energy to the mixing of a new solution; the weighing and measuring supervised by West with an almost fanatical care.","HPL" "id09325","For the first time in my life I envied the sleep of the dead, and thought with pleasure of one's bed under the sod, where grief and fear have no power.","MWS" "id10798","At last came that which I had long feared.","HPL" "id19489","But before his resolution was put to the test, the unexpected intervened.","HPL" "id04147","Havelius writes that he has several times found, in skies perfectly clear, when even stars of the sixth and seventh magnitude were conspicuous, that, at the same altitude of the moon, at the same elongation from the earth, and with one and the same excellent telescope, the moon and its maculae did not appear equally lucid at all times.","EAP" "id01822","He had fired it among a crowd of women and children.","EAP" "id10266","After much suffering she died, or was supposed to die.","EAP" "id04838","She had found it in the young gentleman's bed on the side next the wall.","HPL" "id10276","Yet, mad am I not and very surely do I not dream.","EAP" "id12590","What was it that had enmeshed him?","HPL" "id22072","I presently recognised it as that of Usher.","EAP" "id26983","I was required to exchange chimeras of boundless grandeur for realities of little worth.","MWS" "id18301","Many things had taught them secretiveness, and there was now no need to exert pressure on them.","HPL" "id17825","We had excavated the entire circle of four feet diameter, and now we slightly enlarged the limit, and went to the farther depth of two feet.","EAP" "id14261","And of such passion I could form no estimate, save by the miraculous expansion of those eyes which at once so delighted and appalled me by the almost magical melody, modulation, distinctness and placidity of her very low voice and by the fierce energy rendered doubly effective by contrast with her manner of utterance of the wild words which she habitually uttered.","EAP" "id18168","Though the hands of its clock were missing on the side I glimpsed, I knew that those hoarse strokes were telling the hour of eleven.","HPL" "id24706","But the boat would he have secured it?","EAP" "id03418","Had there been any traces of recent disturbance we should not have failed to detect it instantly.","EAP" "id07962","My design, so far, has no reference to the facts of the case.","EAP" "id17937","So that when we make our hearts a lair for that gently seeming beast, its companion enters with it, and pitilessly lays waste what might have been an home and a shelter.""","MWS" "id06662","Leaving this door open to its full extent, he goes now round to the back of the box, and raising the drapery of the figure, opens another door situated precisely in the rear of the one first opened.","EAP" "id04820","Now I was led to examine the cause and progress of this decay and forced to spend days and nights in vaults and charnel houses.","MWS" "id01622","He was detained by urgent business but would shortly return.","EAP" "id21419","It had no peculiar it had no settled predominant expression to be fastened upon the memory; a countenance seen and instantly forgotten but forgotten with a vague and never ceasing desire of recalling it to mind.","EAP" "id21796","This idea was torture to him.","MWS" "id02075","He desires less the fresh air and the green trees, than the utter license of the country.","EAP" "id07162","If you will comply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace; but if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends.""","MWS" "id13985","All of these, however, bore out the notes in full.","HPL" "id01800","The savans now maintained the Aristotelian and Baconian roads were the sole possible avenues to knowledge.","EAP" "id15971","Professor Upham especially liked his demonstration of the kinship of higher mathematics to certain phases of magical lore transmitted down the ages from an ineffable antiquity human or pre human whose knowledge of the cosmos and its laws was greater than ours.","HPL" "id15856","The fact is, we are all right, and thus three Sundays have come together in a week.""","EAP" "id14008","Our numbers were to move forward in separate parties, and to go by different routes, all to unite at last at Paris.","MWS" "id18194","Raymond, the deliverer of Greece, the graceful soldier, who bore in his mien a tinge of all that, peculiar to her native clime, Evadne cherished as most dear Raymond was loved by Evadne.","MWS" "id27526","The Ourang Outang may have escaped from him.","EAP" "id07801","Do you see any change in the water?""","EAP" "id25829","Like and yet unlike, for there was in the eyes of all a weird, unhealthy glitter as of greed, ambition, vindictiveness, or misguided zeal.","HPL" "id17101","And now my wanderings began which are to cease but with life.","MWS" "id25195","As I perused this I felt myself growing gradually smaller and smaller, and when I came to the point at which the editor sneered at the poem as ""verses"" there was little more than an ounce of me left.","EAP" "id05165","""I shall perish,"" said he, ""I must perish in this deplorable folly.","EAP" "id15764","Besides, there is Luchesi "" ""Enough,"" he said; ""the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me.","EAP" "id12273","To seek to describe it were useless for it was such that no description is possible.","HPL" "id06119","While the objects around me while the carvings of the ceilings, the sombre tapestries of the walls, the ebon blackness of the floors, and the phantasmagoric armorial trophies which rattled as I strode, were but matters to which, or to such as which, I had been accustomed from my infancy while I hesitated not to acknowledge how familiar was all this I still wondered to find how unfamiliar were the fancies which ordinary images were stirring up.","EAP" "id06335","""Everybody was in a bad way them days.","HPL" "id08616","Here the strangers had been granted a haven; and the swarthy Etienne Roulet, less apt at agriculture than at reading queer books and drawing queer diagrams, was given a clerical post in the warehouse at Pardon Tillinghast's wharf, far south in Town Street.","HPL" "id00299","""I now scrutinized the death's head with care.","EAP" "id27121","If my last combat is now about to be fought, and I am to be worsted so let it be"" ""But come, Ryland, recollect yourself Men have hitherto thought you magnanimous and wise, will you cast aside these titles?","MWS" "id08736","He accosted me with trepidation and passed on.","EAP" "id23147","""But, Talbot,"" I continued, pulling him by the shoulder, ""listen to me will you?","EAP" "id00524","I was oppressed by fatigue and hunger and far too unhappy to enjoy the gentle breezes of evening or the prospect of the sun setting behind the stupendous mountains of Jura.","MWS" "id04571","Had the lover been interrupted in his first villany by the necessity of departure to sea, and had he seized the first moment of his return to renew the base designs not yet altogether accomplished or not yet altogether accomplished by him?","EAP" "id05213","It is now rather more than seven months since I received, from M. Valdemar himself, the subjoined note: My DEAR P , You may as well come now.","EAP" "id04522","But still these shadows of my dream deride me.","HPL" "id06309","They shall go down together to the bars of the pit, when our rest together is in the dust Yes my hope was corruption and dust and all to which death brings us.","MWS" "id15189","Thou and nature are still true to me.","MWS" "id18128","There is no argument which so touches the feeble reason of the madman as the argumentum ad absurdum.","EAP" "id05439","At length the rooms began to thin.","MWS" "id23234","Sometimes the patient lies, for a day only, or even for a shorter period, in a species of exaggerated lethargy.","EAP" "id11092","One September day an unexpected glimpse of him induced an epileptic fit in a man who had come to repair his electric desk lamp; a fit for which he prescribed effectively whilst keeping himself well out of sight.","HPL" "id27400","In an instant I seemed to rise from the ground.","EAP" "id17164","This matter having been properly accomplished, and the Furies appeased, I grew at once into high favor with Mr. Crab.","EAP" "id27042","He had lately made a voyage to the Indian Archipelago.","EAP" "id09395","So without delay West had injected into the body's wrist the compound which would hold it fresh for use after my arrival.","HPL" "id23511","This was a delicate point for a woman to urge, especially so; in mentioning it, she saw that she must make a sacrifice of her feelings; still, for me, every sacrifice should be made.","EAP" "id15020","At length we arrived at a large, desert, dark cavern, which the Lazzeroni assured us was the Sibyl's Cave.","MWS" "id07852","Why do you call me Eiros?","EAP" "id23552","He would turn round upon one heel by the hour, in this manner so "" Here the friend whom he had just interrupted by a whisper, performed an exactly similar office for himself.","EAP" "id16256","Everybody shrieked when a large rat like form suddenly jumped out from beneath the ensanguined bedclothes and scuttled across the floor to a fresh, open hole close by.","HPL" "id08859","Madame Lalande had not overrated the musical abilities of her friends; and the singing I here heard I had never heard excelled in any private circle out of Vienna.","EAP" "id25371","Well, so great was the admiration excited by this latter system that, at its first introduction, Aries Tottle fell into disrepute; but finally he recovered ground and was permitted to divide the realm of Truth with his more modern rival.","EAP" "id17228","A novice in the game generally seeks to embarrass his opponents by giving them the most minutely lettered names; but the adept selects such words as stretch, in large characters, from one end of the chart to the other.","EAP" "id06589","Readiness of talent, a capacity of entering into, and leading the dispositions of men; earnest desire of distinction were the awakeners and nurses of his ambition.","MWS" "id16920","It is perhaps worth mentioning that I was not at all surprised or terrified on learning of the nature of the vault.","HPL" "id09011","What do you mean?"" ""Nothing, sir; only Mr. Talbot is not in, that's all.","EAP" "id18901","Then he saw the old woman and the small furry thing advancing toward him over the carpeted floor.","HPL" "id13412","There was a suggestion of sound, too, though the wind was blowing the other way a suggestion of bestial scraping and bellowing even worse than the muttering of the parties I had lately overheard.","HPL" "id03979","Expectation, and hopes, and affection were all too much for me.","MWS" "id03017","With such schooling did my poor Idris try to hush thronging fears, and in some measure succeeded.","MWS" "id24346","I continued the story: ""But the good champion Ethelred, now entering within the door, was sore enraged and amazed to perceive no signal of the maliceful hermit; but, in the stead thereof, a dragon of a scaly and prodigious demeanor, and of a fiery tongue, which sate in guard before a palace of gold, with a floor of silver; and upon the wall there hung a shield of shining brass with this legend enwritten Who entereth herein, a conqueror hath bin; Who slayeth the dragon, the shield he shall win; And Ethelred uplifted his mace, and struck upon the head of the dragon, which fell before him, and gave up his pesty breath, with a shriek so horrid and harsh, and withal so piercing, that Ethelred had fain to close his ears with his hands against the dreadful noise of it, the like whereof was never before heard.""","EAP" "id03060","So far, I had not ventured to stir any of my limbs but now I violently threw up my arms, which had been lying at length, with the wrists crossed.","EAP" "id19364","""But here,"" said I ""here"" and I dragged spitefully from its receptacle a gaunt, tall and peculiar looking form, whose remarkable appearance struck me with a sense of unwelcome familiarity ""here is a wretch entitled to no earthly commiseration.""","EAP" "id06624","I, a German, should be the first to tread those aeon forgotten ways I produced and examined a deep sea diving suit of joined metal, and experimented with the portable light and air regenerator.","HPL" "id24444","I do not address them to you alone because it will give me pleasure to dwell upon our friendship in a way that would be needless if you alone read what I shall write.","MWS" "id23111","In those five pre eminent letters what a world of bitterness is there not involved But ""Oppodeldoc"" was punished with equal severity in the ""Rowdy Dow,"" which spoke thus: ""We have received a most singular and insolent communication from a person whoever he is, signing himself 'Oppodeldoc' thus desecrating the greatness of the illustrious Roman Emperor so named.","EAP" "id07019","For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see.","HPL" "id21213","Satisfied with having produced in my bosom the intended effect, he seemed to chuckle in secret over the sting he had inflicted, and was characteristically disregardful of the public applause which the success of his witty endeavours might have so easily elicited.","EAP" "id26540","While he spoke thus, I commenced the passes which I had already found most effectual in subduing him.","EAP" "id09380","It was subsequently caught by the owner himself, who obtained for it a very large sum at the Jardin des Plantes.","EAP" "id23700","The far corners were all shadows, and the whole place took on a hazy unreality which obscured its nature and invited the imagination to symbolism and phantasm.","HPL" "id02557","He was, in fine, made sensible that all the world is but the smoke of our intellects; past the bidding of the vulgar, but by the wise to be puffed out and drawn in like any cloud of prime Virginia tobacco.","HPL" "id13135","Live stock diminished sensibly in the country, from the effects of the great demand in the market.","MWS" "id24391","For the sake of experiment I had put the cat and kittens in a small basket, and suspended it outside the car to a button at the bottom, close by the valve, through which I could feed them at any moment when necessary.","EAP" "id17635","At length I gathered resolution to address him in a pause of the tempest of his passion.","MWS" "id04883","I bent my steps immediately to the mountains, and, about ten, entered a gorge which was entirely new to me.","EAP" "id02178","At the first attempt to induce the magnetic somnolency, the mesmerist entirely failed.","EAP" "id25011","The moon had reached her summit in the heavens and was beginning to descend; the clouds swept across it swifter than the flight of the vulture and dimmed her rays, while the lake reflected the scene of the busy heavens, rendered still busier by the restless waves that were beginning to rise.","MWS" "id01406","How in poor assemblage of words convey the halo of glory that surrounded her, the thousand graces that waited unwearied on her.","MWS" "id21809","You may easily imagine that I was much gratified by the offered communication, yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortunes.","MWS" "id07826","She started wildly from her couch, and flew to the cabin window.","MWS" "id21560","I believe it was that coming out with a determination not to be repulsed I went right forward to my object without well weighing his replies: I was led by passion and drew him with frantic heedlessness into the abyss that he so fearfully avoided I replied to his terrific words: ""You fill me with affright it is true, dearest father, but you only confirm my resolution to put an end to this state of doubt.","MWS" "id06459","I was not sorry to see the head which had occasioned me so much embarrassment at length make a final separation from my body.","EAP" "id02769","As I fell, the ship hove in stays, and went about; and to the confusion ensuing I attributed my escape from the notice of the crew.","EAP" "id16858","I pulled back at once but it was too late.","EAP" "id03115","""And then there was an ignoramus,"" said he, ""who mistook himself for a frog, which, by the way, he resembled in no little degree.","EAP" "id15725","I grew impatient, I wept; sic and wrung my hands but still I could not discover my path.","MWS" "id22827","The individual calamity was as you say entirely unanticipated; but analogous misfortunes had been long a subject of discussion with astronomers.","EAP" "id27028","Ironic humour dragged down all the twilight minarets he reared, and the earthy fear of improbability blasted all the delicate and amazing flowers in his faery gardens.","HPL" "id14692","She had read no novels and associated only with her younger sisters, what could she know of the difference between love and friendship?","MWS" "id26292","Do you know that prayers were actually offered up in the ancient temples to the end that these evils might not be visited upon mankind?","EAP" "id01051","There is no fruition in their vacant kindness, and sharp rocks lurk beneath the smiling ripples of these shallow waters.","MWS" "id02999","West and I were doing post graduate work in summer classes at the medical school of Miskatonic University, and my friend had attained a wide notoriety because of his experiments leading toward the revivification of the dead.","HPL" "id03055","He played a sweet mournful air which I perceived drew tears from the eyes of his amiable companion, of which the old man took no notice, until she sobbed audibly; he then pronounced a few sounds, and the fair creature, leaving her work, knelt at his feet.","MWS" "id23006","I confess, however, that I should like very well to know the precise character of his thoughts, when, being defied by her whom the Prefect terms 'a certain personage' he is reduced to opening the letter which I left for him in the card rack.""","EAP" "id22125","We were about to return homewards, when a voice, a human voice, strange now to hear, attracted our attention.","MWS" "id20987","My name, indeed, has been so long and so constantly before the public eye, that I am not only willing to admit the naturalness of the interest which it has everywhere excited, but ready to satisfy the extreme curiosity which it has inspired.","EAP" "id03282","All efforts proved in vain.","EAP" "id24161","We neither insert nor purchase any stuff of the sort.","EAP" "id00225","Honest, wholesome structures do not stare at travellers so slyly and hauntingly, and in my genealogical researches I had encountered legends of a century before which biassed me against places of this kind.","HPL" "id04197","Their tickings came sonorously to my ears.","EAP" "id06653","A few men came to aid him; their numbers increased; under their united blows the obstacle was vanquished, gate, portcullis, and fence were demolished; and the wide sun lit way, leading to the heart of the city, now lay open before them.","MWS" "id14657","The back of the hand is upwards.","EAP" "id11603","As the rules of order and pressure of laws were lost, some began with hesitation and wonder to transgress the accustomed uses of society.","MWS" "id08688","very glad to see ye, indeed"" here interrupted the General himself, seizing my companion by the hand as he drew near, and bowing stiffly, but profoundly, as I was presented.","EAP" "id17918","We passed rapidly along; the sun was hot, but we were sheltered from its rays by a kind of canopy while we enjoyed the beauty of the scene, sometimes on one side of the lake, where we saw Mont Saleve, the pleasant banks of Montalegre, and at a distance, surmounting all, the beautiful Mont Blanc and the assemblage of snowy mountains that in vain endeavour to emulate her; sometimes coasting the opposite banks, we saw the mighty Jura opposing its dark side to the ambition that would quit its native country, and an almost insurmountable barrier to the invader who should wish to enslave it.","MWS" "id04001","My dream recurred to my thoughts; I was not usually superstitious but in wretchedness every one is so.","MWS" "id01213","The aspect of the country had so far changed, that it had been impossible to enter on the task of sowing seed, and other autumnal labours.","MWS" "id22899","My eyes, however, never turned away from the horrible opening at the base of the chimney; and I began to get glimpses of the crumbling bricks and unhealthy weeds as faint glows of lightning penetrated the woods outside and illumined the chinks in the upper wall.","HPL" "id13544","Spades were hurriedly procured, and the grave, which was shamefully shallow, was in a few minutes so far thrown open that the head of its occupant appeared.","EAP" "id19951","Talk of the Ionic and Eleatic schools of Archytas, Gorgias, and Alcmaeon.","EAP" "id16437","After incredible labor we succeeded, at length, in getting the longboat over the side without material accident, and into this we crowded the whole of the crew and most of the passengers.","EAP" "id01177","Far into the night they discussed, and the next day was a whirlwind of preparation on the part of them all.","HPL" "id18163","Si je gagne, je reviendrai a mes ortolans que les cartes soient préparées"" His Grace was all care, all attention his Majesty all confidence.","EAP" "id06975","At the time, indeed, my attention was distracted from this matter by another phenomenon; a phenomenon so fleeting that I could not take oath upon its reality.","HPL" "id08208","The hues of life flushed up with unwonted energy into the countenance the limbs relaxed and, save that the eyelids were yet pressed heavily together, and that the bandages and draperies of the grave still imparted their charnel character to the figure, I might have dreamed that Rowena had indeed shaken off, utterly, the fetters of Death.","EAP" "id26131","Young gentlemen piously inclined will be preferred.","EAP" "id17309","I climbed gentle hills from whose summits I could see entrancing panoramas of loveliness, with steepled towns nestling in verdant valleys, and with the golden domes of gigantic cities glittering on the infinitely distant horizon.","HPL" "id02123","Then came the tale of hair breadth escapes, combats with dogs, ambush and flight, as gipsey like we encompassed our pot.","MWS" "id05157","I cannot live the object of suspicion you cannot believe me let us part"" ""Exactly so,"" cried Perdita, ""I knew that it would come to this Are we not already parted?","MWS" "id02712","He wished to repay the kindness of the Athenians, to keep alive the splendid associations connected with his name, and to eradicate from Europe a power which, while every other nation advanced in civilization, stood still, a monument of antique barbarism.","MWS" "id06956","To the west end of this structure was attached one about a third smaller in all its proportions: the line of its front standing back about two yards from that of the larger house, and the line of its roof, of course, being considerably depressed below that of the roof adjoining.","EAP" "id24412","You may see him his hair stuck with wild flowers his eyes full of untraceable meaning his voice broken his person wasted to a shadow.","MWS" "id25267","Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart one of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man.","EAP" "id16308","During the first months of his Protectorate, Raymond and she had been inseparable; each project was discussed with her, each plan approved by her.","MWS" "id03588","He asked me several questions concerning my progress in the different branches of science appertaining to natural philosophy.","MWS" "id24779","In this manner a little corn and gravel were made to perform wonders.""","EAP" "id05035","And on the thirty first day that we followed the bird, we beheld the basalt pillars of the West.","HPL" "id24007","The marsh still glittered beyond, but in the farther distance I saw the steeples of what was then all of New York; Trinity and St. Paul's and the Brick Church dominating their sisters, and a faint haze of wood smoke hovering over the whole.","HPL" "id03704","And that last hour speak of it.","EAP" "id04793","""Come,"" said Raymond, ""I yielded to you yesterday, now comply with my request take the pencil.""","MWS" "id05132","""Smith?"" said he, in his well known peculiar way of drawling out his syllables; ""Smith?","EAP" "id00412","I say all this will be seen.","EAP" "id21570","Her guardian was not displeased with their mutual affection: the merit of Woodville was too eminent to admit of cavil on account of his inferior wealth; but the dying will of her father did not allow her to marry before she was of age and her fortune depended upon her obeying this injunction.","MWS" "id16148","From this date a marked alteration took place in the outward demeanor of the dissolute young Baron Frederick Von Metzengerstein.","EAP" "id11128","This to be sure was a very silly explosion of hereditary pique; and merely proved how singularly unmeaning our sayings are apt to become, when we desire to be unusually energetic.","EAP" "id00567","The very danger drew them closer.","MWS" "id03951","You say to me that there is nothing in the swamp or near it which could form the setting of that frightful episode.","HPL" "id15736","The light was not white but violet, and seemed less like true light than like some radio active bombardment.","HPL" "id12437","Then there came a subdued sort of clatter which somehow set me all in gooseflesh a furtive, groping kind of clatter, though I can't attempt to convey what I mean in words.","HPL" "id26377","The myrtle bushes, the thyme, the little cyclamen, which peep from the fissures of the rock, all the produce of the place, bear affinity to him; the light that invests the hills participates in his essence, and sky and mountains, sea and valley, are imbued by the presence of his spirit.","MWS" "id24743","""She most of all,"" said Ernest, ""requires consolation; she accused herself of having caused the death of my brother, and that made her very wretched.","MWS" "id06229","""Oh no to morrow's Sunday.""","EAP" "id11147","He was not at the palace; and, though the attendants did not know whither he had gone, they did not expect him till late at night.","MWS" "id14839","Ever after this, I thought, I would live in the most dreary seclusion.","MWS" "id13581","Our captain said that if the material of the bag had been the trumpery varnished ""silk"" of five hundred or a thousand years ago, we should inevitably have been damaged.","EAP" "id10124","At last I could feel a real shiver run through Manton, who had moved very near.","HPL" "id19065","My programme, I decided, would be to thread the principal streets, talk with any non natives I might encounter, and catch the eight o'clock coach for Arkham.","HPL" "id11753","Besides, is it not a shame, that the genius of Adrian should fade from the earth like a flower in an untrod mountain path, fruitless?","MWS" "id08294","Always an ice cold intellectual machine; slight, blond, blue eyed, and spectacled; I think he secretly sneered at my occasional martial enthusiasms and censures of supine neutrality.","HPL" "id06517","The galvanic battery was applied, and he suddenly expired in one of those ecstatic paroxysms which, occasionally, it superinduces.","EAP" "id17311","""I do know you better,"" I replied ""than to think that you would be happy in such a situation; but the good you would do to others may be an inducement, since the time is probably arrived when you can put your theories into practice, and you may bring about such reformation and change, as will conduce to that perfect system of government which you delight to portray.""","MWS" "id21359","Finally I hit upon what I considered a far better expedient than either of these.","EAP" "id12142","In the beginning only, he created.","EAP" "id09005","To be less abstract Let us suppose a game of draughts where the pieces are reduced to four kings, and where, of course, no oversight is to be expected.","EAP" "id23116","Her large dark eyes fell instantly, and a deep blush mantled her cheek.","EAP" "id00341","Brown Jenkin, tough of sinew and with four tiny hands of daemoniac dexterity, had been busy while the witch was throttling him, and his efforts had been in vain.","HPL" "id13099","I will live and die here ""Go you to England, Lionel; return to sweet Idris and dearest Adrian; return, and let my orphan girl be as a child of your own in your house.","MWS" "id23300","When his children had departed, he took up his guitar and played several mournful but sweet airs, more sweet and mournful than I had ever heard him play before.","MWS" "id07983","In this fearless explorer had been placed in a madhouse at Huntingdon.","HPL" "id19269","What it said of myself was.","EAP" "id26890","Many saw, seated above his vice regal throne, a supreme Providence, who directed his shafts, and guided his progress, and they bowed their heads in resignation, or at least in obedience.","MWS" "id12479","But the villagers did not discuss such things with the old man and his wife; because of the habitual expression on the withered faces of the two, and because their cottage was so small and so darkly hidden under spreading oaks at the back of a neglected yard.","HPL" "id14465","My cheek had grown pale with study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement.","MWS" "id22930","'Why, sir, there beant an o in the office, neither a big un nor a little un' 'What what the d l has become of all that were in the case?' 'I don't know, sir,' said the boy, 'but one of them ere ""G'zette"" devils is bin prowling 'bout here all night, and I spect he's gone and cabbaged 'em every one.'","EAP" "id20282","Xh, nx, nx sx gx hxme at xnce, nxw, Jxhn, tx yxur xdixus xld wxxds xf Cxncxrd Gx hxme tx yxur wxxds, xld xwl, gx Yxu wxn't?","EAP" "id20737","Nevertheless, in this mansion of gloom I now proposed to myself a sojourn of some weeks.","EAP" "id11920","The appearance of the plain was changed during this short interval; the encampment was broken up; the relics of the disbanded army met in small companies here and there; each face was clouded; every gesture spoke astonishment and dismay.","MWS" "id00080","It weighed, altogether, eight pounds six ounces.","EAP" "id12970","But the case is widely different with the Chess Player.","EAP" "id14587","As I stood pondering with my hand on the now useless switch I heard a muffled creaking on the floor below, and thought I could barely distinguish voices in conversation.","HPL" "id09799","I left the Misses Cognoscenti immediately, went behind the scenes forthwith, and gave the beggarly scoundrel such a thrashing as I trust he will remember to the day of his death.","EAP" "id23615","""Oh, thet Afriky book?","HPL" "id22860","Here I hold communion only with the has been, and to come.","MWS" "id12529","""Nothing farther of importance was elicited, although several other persons were examined.","EAP" "id16147","Yet the question of its modus operandi is still undetermined.","EAP" "id04012","Seize him and unmask him that we may know whom we have to hang at sunrise, from the battlements"" It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words.","EAP" "id24994","Huge stones and beams falling momently from the decaying roofs above them, gave evidence, by their sullen and heavy descent, of the vast height of the surrounding houses; and while actual exertion became necessary to force a passage through frequent heaps of rubbish, it was by no means seldom that the hand fell upon a skeleton or rested upon a more fleshly corpse.","EAP" "id26112","There it still stood on the night I dug in Jan Martense's grave.","HPL" "id25992","In the evening Barry dined with me and announced that he would begin the drainage in two days.","HPL" "id13763","His head of hair would have done honor to a Brutus; nothing could be more richly flowing, or possess a brighter gloss.","EAP" "id07061","We have passed over some twenty or thirty vessels of various kinds, and all seem to be delightfully astonished.","EAP" "id05212","Justine, whom I loved and esteemed as my sister, how could she put on those smiles of innocence only to betray?","MWS" "id14728","He spoke with a broken voice, then bowed his head, and, hiding his face in his hands, wept.","MWS" "id25936","IT was a chilly November afternoon.","EAP" "id00818","Saw Snap at the Exchange, and went up and trod on his toe.","EAP" "id17919","He recognised the hand writing of Evadne, and the colour mounted in his cheeks.","MWS" "id08563","I was already well acquainted with what I may term the panorama of nature, the change of seasons, and the various appearances of heaven and earth.","MWS" "id24522","You know me I'm a man of my word now be off"" Here he swallowed his bumper of port, while I rushed from the room in despair.","EAP" "id13845","Besides all this, there was suspended from the roof of the tomb, a large bell, the rope of which, it was designed, should extend through a hole in the coffin, and so be fastened to one of the hands of the corpse.","EAP" "id13655","As he listened he thought a rhythmic confusion of faint musical pipings covering a wide tonal range welled up from the narrow streets beneath, and he wished he might discern the denizens of the place.","HPL" "id26455","His feet were indistinguishable because of the table and bench, but he must have been shod, since there was a clicking whenever he changed position.","HPL" "id15542","How ill you are What is the cause of all this?"" ""Do not ask me,"" cried I, putting my hands before my eyes, for I thought I saw the dreaded spectre glide into the room; ""HE can tell.","MWS" "id17860","But the fresh air and bright sun seldom failed to restore me to some degree of composure, and on my return I met the salutations of my friends with a readier smile and a more cheerful heart.","MWS" "id13884","Alas I am a most unhappy creature"" I was breathless with emotion, and I paused fixing my earnest eyes on my father, after I had dashed away the intrusive tears that dimmed them.","MWS" "id02027","But, of late days, I had given myself up entirely to wine; and its maddening influence upon my hereditary temper rendered me more and more impatient of control.","EAP" "id05316","She was lovely; her manners were frank and simple; her deep blue eyes swam in a lustre which could only be given by sensibility joined to wisdom.","MWS" "id24506","""I have said that the scrap was parchment, and not paper.","EAP" "id04007","All this, to the pious Miss Tilton, formed an excellent reason for shunning the ancient town of decay and desolation; but to me it was merely a fresh incentive.","HPL" "id26192","Just as the building was wiped out by a German shell, there had been a success.","HPL" "id21457","Believed that Madame L. told fortunes for a living.","EAP" "id10792","I could not, however, perceive any one at all.","EAP" "id10760","She herself wept as Elizabeth spoke, but she did not answer.","MWS" "id16800","Now and then, the malady of some individual growing to a crisis, or taking a sudden turn of fury, we conveyed him to a secret cell, lest his disorder should infect the rest, and there kept him until we could dismiss him to his friends for with the raging maniac we have nothing to do.","EAP" "id23957","Then the dandy swore very much, and looked about for a boot black.","EAP" "id01969","""While I listened in an extremity of astonishment which I need not attempt to describe, a strong and brief gust of wind bore off the incumbent fog as if by the wand of an enchanter.","EAP" "id09800","There was no external door to the north wing, and it also had only one window to the east.","EAP" "id05119","The woodwork, throughout, is of a dark hue and there is much carving about it, with but a trifling variety of pattern for, time out of mind, the carvers of Vondervotteimittiss have never been able to carve more than two objects a time piece and a cabbage.","EAP" "id07053","In the mean time, while I thus pampered myself with rich mental repasts, a peasant would have disdained my scanty fare, which I sometimes robbed from the squirrels of the forest.","MWS" "id10312","And it was by moonlight that we anchored at last in the harbour of Sona Nyl, which is guarded by twin headlands of crystal that rise from the sea and meet in a resplendent arch.","HPL" "id06758","""Ha ha ha ha ha ha"" laughed the proprietor, motioning me to a seat as I entered the room, and throwing himself back at full length upon an ottoman.","EAP" "id04566","We visited the north of England, my native Ulswater, and lingered in scenes dear from a thousand associations.","MWS" "id20611","On the floor were confused muddy prints, but oddly enough they did not extend all the way to the door.","HPL" "id08657","Alone I mounted the tower, for every man of stout body was needed in the passes below.","HPL" "id07269","But as leaving time obviously approached I conquered my qualms and followed the man aboard, extending him a dollar bill and murmuring the single word ""Innsmouth"".","HPL" "id15465","See here"" pulling down some three or four ordinary looking volumes, and opening them at random.","EAP" "id20841","It was necessary that I should return without delay to Geneva, there to watch over the lives of those I so fondly loved and to lie in wait for the murderer, that if any chance led me to the place of his concealment, or if he dared again to blast me by his presence, I might, with unfailing aim, put an end to the existence of the monstrous image which I had endued with the mockery of a soul still more monstrous.","MWS" "id23045","There was no help for it; so smothering my vexation as well as I could, I strolled moodily up the street, propounding futile inquiries about Madame Lalande to every male acquaintance I met.","EAP" "id10158","""You have learnt a pretty lesson, Perdita,"" said I, ""and repeat it so literally, that you forget the while the proofs we have of the Earl's virtues; his generosity to us is manifest in our plenty, his bravery in the protection he affords us, his affability in the notice he takes of us.","MWS" "id01000","He is of a well knit and compact frame of body, neither robust nor remarkably otherwise.","EAP" "id14334","Seized with a gloomy and fanatical belief which exiled them from their kind, their ancestors sought the wilderness for freedom.","HPL" "id26381","I suppose it was despair that strung my nerves.","EAP" "id21555","I slept too undisturbed by dreams; and awoke refreshed to again enjoy my tranquil freedom.","MWS" "id11222","In his dream delirium Gilman heard the hellish, alien rhythmed chant of the Sabbat coming from an infinite distance, and knew the black man must be there.","HPL" "id26063","This consideration served to calm the perturbation of my mind, and I finally succeeded in regarding the phenomenon in its proper point of view.","EAP" "id22678","And now, amid all my infinite miseries, came sweetly the cherub Hope for I thought of my precautions.","EAP" "id23963","We are thus narrowed into t ee, and, going through the alphabet, if necessary, as before, we arrive at the word 'tree,' as the sole possible reading.","EAP" "id18691","M. Krempe was not equally docile; and in my condition at that time, of almost insupportable sensitiveness, his harsh blunt encomiums gave me even more pain than the benevolent approbation of M. Waldman.","MWS" "id15478","A struggle, a needle, and a powerful alkaloid had transformed it to a very fresh corpse, and the experiment had succeeded for a brief and memorable moment; but West had emerged with a soul calloused and seared, and a hardened eye which sometimes glanced with a kind of hideous and calculating appraisal at men of especially sensitive brain and especially vigorous physique.","HPL" "id08246","By day and night these thoughts pursued me.","MWS" "id05993","I dared hardly consider you as my daughter; your beauty, artlessness and untaught wisdom seemed to belong to a higher order of beings; your voice breathed forth only words of love: if there was aught of earthly in you it was only what you derived from the beauty of the world; you seemed to have gained a grace from the mountain breezes the waterfalls and the lake; and this was all of earthly except your affections that you had; there was no dross, no bad feeling in the composition.","MWS" "id15316","The building was full of a frightful stench which Dr. Armitage knew too well, and the three men rushed across the hall to the small genealogical reading room whence the low whining came.","HPL" "id17897","But Alfred Trever did not speak the truth, as many guessed when he offered to take charge of the body and secure its interment in Appleton.","HPL" "id25062","Before I had protested at his unnatural pryings into the unthinkable; now that he had evidently succeeded to some degree I almost shared his spirit, terrible though the cost of victory appeared.","HPL" "id02475","Very well; but I ask him why.","EAP" "id27037","He now refused to admit me at any time, and shunned me whenever we met on the stairs.","HPL" "id15294","I felt as the sailor, who from the topmast first discovered the shore of America; and like him I hastened to tell my companions of my discoveries in unknown regions.","MWS" "id14380","Raymond felt no relief, received no pleasure from any show of heaven or earth.","MWS" "id18989","This was a strange tale, but it did not shake my faith; and I replied earnestly, ""You are all mistaken; I know the murderer.","MWS" "id04088","A whirlwind had apparently collected its force in our vicinity; for there were frequent and violent alterations in the direction of the wind; and the exceeding density of the clouds which hung so low as to press upon the turrets of the house did not prevent our perceiving the life like velocity with which they flew careering from all points against each other, without passing away into the distance.","EAP" "id16937","The advertiser designates me as the possessor of the beast.","EAP" "id16801","Here we were comparatively calm, despite a somewhat puzzling southward current which we could not identify from our oceanographic charts.","HPL" "id04400","I can see him now as he was then and I shiver.","HPL" "id13463","From beyond came a glow that weirdly lit the giant twisted trees and the tops of the buried temples, and I drifted on songfully, expectant of the glories of the land from whence I should never return.","HPL" "id13014","To purchasing bran new paper shirt collar or dickey, to set off gray Petersham..................................... AUG. .","EAP" "id06702","I now began to watch, with a strange interest, the numerous things that floated in our company.","EAP" "id14641","The bar was now four inches and a half deep in my neck, and there was only a little bit of skin to cut through.","EAP" "id14563","A very thin sprinkling of repellent looking youngish people now became visible on the sidewalks lone individuals, and silent knots of two or three.","HPL" "id07876","If I am in error, he will merely suppose that I have been misled by some circumstance into which he will not take the trouble to inquire.","EAP" "id12436","She was not her child, but the daughter of a Milanese nobleman.","MWS" "id13335","As he bade me good bye, I bethought me that there might be some difficulty in obtaining access to the premises, and mentioned my fears on this point.","EAP" "id07323","Be you witnesses,"" and he took the star, insignia of office, from his breast, and threw it on the table.","MWS" "id11248","Dropping a lighted cigar on the ground, as if by accident, I took the opportunity, in stooping to pick it up, of igniting privately the piece of slow match, whose end, as I said before, protruded a very little beyond the lower rim of one of the smaller casks.","EAP" "id00932","At five minutes before eleven I perceived unequivocal signs of the mesmeric influence.","EAP" "id26761","""But is this really the poet?""","EAP" "id05833","But I might not be mad if those accursed tomb legions had not been so silent.","HPL" "id10834","a couple o' weeks later, when nothin' had ben throwed into the sea fer that long. . .","HPL" "id10151","The expression of the eyes of Ligeia How for long hours have I pondered upon it How have I, through the whole of a midsummer night, struggled to fathom it What was it that something more profound than the well of Democritus which lay far within the pupils of my beloved?","EAP" "id00976","THE great problem is at length solved The air, as well as the earth and the ocean, has been subdued by science, and will become a common and convenient highway for mankind.","EAP" "id20762","And yet I could extract nothing definite from the man.","HPL" "id02438","None of your swaggerers, and nothing at all indelicate in her motions.","EAP" "id14468","This simple fact should have induced suspicion, at least, it might be thought.","EAP" "id04985","Yet, when I am dead, if he should appear, if the ministers of vengeance should conduct him to you, swear that he shall not live swear that he shall not triumph over my accumulated woes and survive to add to the list of his dark crimes.","MWS" "id08413","Yet the character of his face had been at all times remarkable.","EAP" "id25121","I left her, and soon heard that she slept soundly under the influence of the opiate I had administered.","MWS" "id12241","With it came the sense of elasticity and of light.","EAP" "id19024","We perpetrate them because we feel that we should not.","EAP" "id09235","""Father,"" I asked, ""what is the chief end of my existence?""","EAP" "id08892","Even now he could detect a low, monstrous shaking whose tempo he suspected all too well.","HPL" "id24750","Upon that sea the hateful moon shone, and over its unvocal waves weird perfumes brooded.","HPL" "id25916","And golden flames played about weedy locks, so that Olney was dazzled as he did them homage.","HPL" "id15566","""For his nose"" shouted her Grace.","EAP" "id20168","It was to a time battered edifice of this description that I was driven one afternoon in November, , by a rain of such chilling copiousness that any shelter was preferable to exposure.","HPL" "id09559","Them as was born more like the things changed arly, but them as was nearly human sometimes stayed on the island till they was past seventy, though they'd usually go daown under fer trial trips afore that.","HPL" "id08904","For my own part, since Adrian had first withdrawn me from my selvatic wilderness to his own paradise of order and beauty, I had been wedded to literature.","MWS" "id16577","At the same time that he taught me by their means to subdue my own reckless and uncultured spirit, he opened to my view the living page of his own heart, and gave me to feel and understand its wondrous character.","MWS" "id08701","I was led to London, and had to endure for some weeks cold looks, cold words and colder consolations: but I escaped; they tried to bind me with fetters that they thought silken, yet which weighed on me like iron, although I broke them more easily than a girth formed of a single straw and fled to freedom.","MWS" "id17469","It hangs like moss upon the vaults.","EAP" "id02951","I wandered on, and the coming darkness made every trace indistinct by which I might be guided.","MWS" "id09505","The mild exhortations of the old man and the lively conversation of the loved Felix were not for me.","MWS" "id09153","This account may be taken as a sample of my intercourse with Lord Raymond.","MWS" "id19816","A quarrel, it is supposed, providentially led to her return home.","EAP" "id06389","He dismissed his servants there, only telling them that he had a sudden call of business and that they were to obey me as their mistress untill his return.","MWS" "id21601","I placed myself as desired, and he proceeded.","EAP" "id08609","My father calmed me with assurances of their welfare and endeavoured, by dwelling on these subjects so interesting to my heart, to raise my desponding spirits; but he soon felt that a prison cannot be the abode of cheerfulness.","MWS" "id21838","And that gulf is what?","EAP" "id10705","As I considered the inevitable end my mind ran over preceding events, and developed a hitherto dormant impression which would have caused a weaker and more superstitious man to shudder.","HPL" "id18851","And as I looked upon the little gate in the mighty wall, I felt that beyond it lay a dream country from which, once it was entered, there would be no return.","HPL" "id24386","And now, dear Margaret, do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose?","MWS" "id03355","We had long regarded the wanderers as vapory creations of inconceivable tenuity, and as altogether incapable of doing injury to our substantial globe, even in the event of contact.","EAP" "id00965","The appetite for admiration and small capacity for self controul which I inherited from my father, nursed by adversity, made me daring and reckless.","MWS" "id21198","My uncle, it seems, had quickly instituted a prodigiously far flung body of inquiries amongst nearly all the friends whom he could question without impertinence, asking for nightly reports of their dreams, and the dates of any notable visions for some time past.","HPL" "id04481","The interval was, consequently, spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling when he had leisure for reflection, and at length it took so fast hold of his mind that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.","MWS" "id21496","My entire worldly wealth was swallowed up, and I resigned myself thenceforward to despair.","EAP" "id05713","Thus; at first, it was thought unnecessary to offer a reward.","EAP" "id10890","""They shout,"" I said, ""because they will soon return to England."" ""Do you, then, really return?"" ""Alas Yes; I cannot withstand their demands.","MWS" "id14425","He would rather have died such a death, which will be recorded in history to endless time, than have lived to old age unknown, unhonoured.","MWS" "id18184","There is my hope and my expectation; your's are in this world; may they be fulfilled.","MWS" "id02091","The Deep Ones could never be destroyed, even though the palaeogean magic of the forgotten Old Ones might sometimes check them.","HPL" "id09847","He did not walk or climb, fly or swim, crawl or wriggle; yet always experienced a mode of motion partly voluntary and partly involuntary.","HPL" "id26932","Shame shame if the first magistrate of England be foremost to renounce his duties.""","MWS" "id06092","Not tamely, however, did the tall seaman behold the discomfiture of his companion.","EAP" "id16568","Having done this justice to my faithful friend, I gave myself up with great zest and enthusiasm to the enjoyment of the scene which so obligingly spread itself out before my eyes.","EAP" "id17888","yet I had read only the least fragment of that blasphemous rune before closing the book and bringing it away.","HPL" "id12792","This was all accomplished even as I wished.","MWS" "id22912","I would have the judicious reader pause before accusing such asseverations of an undue quantum of absurdity.","EAP" "id09200","Among his other advantages, Lord Raymond was supremely handsome; every one admired him; of women he was the idol.","MWS" "id27640","Sometimes, in the throes of a nightmare when unseen powers whirl one over the roofs of strange dead cities toward the grinning chasm of Nis, it is a relief and even a delight to shriek wildly and throw oneself voluntarily along with the hideous vortex of dream doom into whatever bottomless gulf may yawn.","HPL" "id01625","The meal was quickly dispatched.","MWS" "id24861","Oh, tempora Oh, Moses' A philippic at once so caustic and so classical, alighted like a bombshell among the hitherto peaceful citizens of Nopolis.","EAP" "id15689","Is nervous, and was apprehensive of the consequences of agitation.","EAP" "id06650","I began to study more; to sympathize more in the thoughts of others as expressed in books; to read history, and to lose my individuallity among the crowd that had existed before me.","MWS" "id04136","Apparently it was a point somewhere between Hydra and Argo Navis, and he knew that he had been urged toward it ever since he had awaked soon after dawn.","HPL" "id07734","and a cloud, dense, dismal, and limitless, does it not hang eternally between thy hopes and heaven?","EAP" "id19338","Methought I had been invited to Timon's last feast; I came with keen appetite, the covers were removed, the hot water sent up its unsatisfying steams, while I fled before the anger of the host, who assumed the form of Raymond; while to my diseased fancy, the vessels hurled by him after me, were surcharged with fetid vapour, and my friend's shape, altered by a thousand distortions, expanded into a gigantic phantom, bearing on its brow the sign of pestilence.","MWS" "id11855","From your lips first have I heard the voice of kindness directed towards me; I shall be forever grateful; and your present humanity assures me of success with those friends whom I am on the point of meeting.' ""'May I know the names and residence of those friends?' ""I paused.","MWS" "id12667","In Greece I had learnt to love him; his very waywardness, and self abandonment to the impulses of superstition, attached me to him doubly; it might be weakness, but it was the antipodes of all that was grovelling and selfish.","MWS" "id17473","Thus awaking from the long night of what seemed, but was not, nonentity, at once into the very regions of fairy land into a palace of imagination into the wild dominions of monastic thought and erudition it is not singular that I gazed around me with a startled and ardent eye that I loitered away my boyhood in books, and dissipated my youth in reverie; but it is singular that as years rolled away, and the noon of manhood found me still in the mansion of my fathers it is wonderful what stagnation there fell upon the springs of my life wonderful how total an inversion took place in the character of my commonest thought.","EAP" "id05813","As it is myself who now tell you this tale as you see that I did escape and as you are already in possession of the mode in which this escape was effected, and must therefore anticipate all that I have farther to say I will bring my story quickly to conclusion.","EAP" "id05743","One other thing is curious.","HPL" "id15387","It was now that Mr. Ainsworth made an extraordinary, but to my fancy, a by no means unreasonable or chimerical proposition, in which he was instantly seconded by Mr. Holland viz.: that we should take advantage of the strong gale which bore us on, and in place of beating back to Paris, make an attempt to reach the coast of North America.","EAP" "id24384","Who is king but Epiphanes?","EAP" "id03251","The ""little cliff,"" upon whose edge he had so carelessly thrown himself down to rest that the weightier portion of his body hung over it, while he was only kept from falling by the tenure of his elbow on its extreme and slippery edge this ""little cliff"" arose, a sheer unobstructed precipice of black shining rock, some fifteen or sixteen hundred feet from the world of crags beneath us.","EAP" "id04645","Not even the monstrosity of color was wanting; for the sunlight came out through the chasm, tinted all orange and purple; while the vivid green of the grass in the valley was reflected more or less upon all objects from the curtain of vapor that still hung overhead, as if loth to take its total departure from a scene so enchantingly beautiful.","EAP" "id15586","O blessed sleep Often, when most miserable, I sank to repose, and my dreams lulled me even to rapture.","MWS" "id20702","Louder and louder, wilder and wilder, mounted the shrieking and whining of that desperate viol.","HPL" "id12240","Immediately before me was the Top Kapou, the gate near which Mahomet had made the breach by which he entered the city.","MWS" "id09021","A weekly paper, Le Soleil, had the following comments upon this discovery comments which merely echoed the sentiment of the whole Parisian press: ""The things had all evidently been there at least three or four weeks; they were all mildewed down hard with the action of the rain and stuck together from mildew.","EAP" "id26977","We had remained five months in London three of joy and two of sorrow.","MWS" "id18829","Not that I feel the least indebted, upon this score, to my exceedingly weak minded parents, who, beyond doubt, would have made an arrant genius of me at last, if my guardian angel had not come, in good time, to the rescue.","EAP" "id11833","She seemed also conscious of a cause, to me unknown, for the gradual alienation of my regard; but she gave me no hint or token of its nature.","EAP" "id21520","Fine that, and very delicate Turn it about a little, and it will do wonders.","EAP" "id22449","Some few inquiries had been made, but these had been readily answered.","EAP" "id05644","She looked steadily on life and assumed its duties with courage and zeal.","MWS" "id23569","""No? Well; the disclosure of the document to a third person, who shall be nameless, would bring in question the honor of a personage of most exalted station; and this fact gives the holder of the document an ascendancy over the illustrious personage whose honor and peace are so jeopardized.""","EAP" "id22976","Having taken the fortified places at the foot of the mountains, their way now lay open to the plateau, unless every citizen could resist with the strength of ten men.","HPL" "id24259","Methought its spirit whispered evil counsel, soothing me to traitorous somnolence with a damnable rhythmical promise which it repeated over and over: ""Slumber, watcher, till the spheres Six and twenty thousand years Have revolv'd, and I return To the spot where now I burn.","HPL" "id00324","One might easily imagine an alien nucleus of substance or energy, formless or otherwise, kept alive by imperceptible or immaterial subtractions from the life force or bodily tissues and fluids of other and more palpably living things into which it penetrates and with whose fabric it sometimes completely merges itself.","HPL" "id03442","His reasons, however, have not yet been matured into expression.","EAP" "id12155","For some reason, he determined that nobody shall have any thing to do with the proceedings but himself, and he has elbowed the male relatives out of the way, according to their representations, in a very singular manner.","EAP" "id25214","This may seem madness to you, yet you also have pride and resolution; do not then wonder that my pride is tameless, my resolution unalterable.""","MWS" "id14103","This passion is detrimental to me, for you do not reflect that YOU are the cause of its excess.","MWS" "id12710","A white flame still enveloped the building like a shroud, and, streaming far away into the quiet atmosphere, shot forth a glare of preternatural light; while a cloud of smoke settled heavily over the battlements in the distinct colossal figure of a horse.","EAP" "id22142","People sometimes heard the queerest kind of sounds.","HPL" "id11209","The very heart and soul of Raymond and Perdita had mingled, even as two mountain brooks that join in their descent, and murmuring and sparkling flow over shining pebbles, beside starry flowers; but let one desert its primal course, or be dammed up by choaking obstruction, and the other shrinks in its altered banks.","MWS" "id01788","You have only to do so and then so so so and then so so so and then so so and then ""Mon dieu Ma'm'selle Salsafette"" here cried a dozen voices at once.","EAP" "id22124","The trail up and down Sentinel Hill seemed to Armitage of almost cataclysmic significance, and he looked long at the sinister altar like stone on the summit.","HPL" "id27906","For the moment his recollections were hopelessly hazy, but he knew at least that he must have been sleep walking.","HPL" "id05638","Each day, before dawn, we left our night's encampment, and watched the shadows as they retreated from hill and valley, and the golden splendour of the sun's approach.","MWS" "id27942","I was not alone, for foolhardiness was not then mixed with that love of the grotesque and the terrible which has made my career a series of quests for strange horrors in literature and in life.","HPL" "id03264","Subscriptions were made for the emigrants, and merchants bankrupt by the failure of trade.","MWS" "id10210","He leaned upon it heavily.","EAP" "id08399","She had not even the same advantage as I in the recollection of her parents; she clung to me, her brother, as her only friend, but her alliance with me completed the distaste that her protectors felt for her; and every error was magnified by them into crimes.","MWS" "id08996","And then there was 'The Diary of a Late Physician,' where the merit lay in good rant, and indifferent Greek both of them taking things with the public.","EAP" "id27918","For some time, the spirit of hilarity was kept up; but, at length, Perdita receded from the piano, for Raymond had joined in the trio of ""Taci ingiusto core,"" in Don Giovanni, whose arch entreaty was softened by him into tenderness, and thrilled her heart with memories of the changed past; it was the same voice, the same tone, the self same sounds and words, which often before she had received, as the homage of love to her no longer was it that; and this concord of sound with its dissonance of expression penetrated her with regret and despair.","MWS" "id08592","That functionary, however, had not failed, during his circumgyratory movements, to bestow a thought upon the important subject of securing the packet in question, which was seen, upon inspection, to have fallen into the most proper hands, being actually addressed to himself and Professor Rub a dub, in their official capacities of President and Vice President of the Rotterdam College of Astronomy.","EAP" "id25016","I lay upon the grass surrounded by a darkness which not the slightest beam of light penetrated There was no sound for the deep night had laid to sleep the insects, the only creatures that lived on the lone spot where no tree or shrub could afford shelter to aught else There was a wondrous silence in the air that calmed my senses yet which enlivened my soul, my mind hurried from image to image and seemed to grasp an eternity.","MWS" "id11500","It was he who wisely advised the burgesses of Ulthar when they passed their remarkable law against the slaying of cats, and who first told the young priest Atal where it is that black cats go at midnight on St. John's Eve.","HPL" "id14329","In the spring after Wilbur's birth Lavinia resumed her customary rambles in the hills, bearing in her misproportioned arms the swarthy child.","HPL" "id26201","The guides bring with them materials for renewing the light, but we had none our only resource was to return as we came.","MWS" "id18742","Even so was it with the army of Greece.","MWS" "id12805","On the eve of the third day I retired early to my room; I could not sleep but paced all night about my chamber and, as you may in Scotland at midsummer, watched the crimson track of the sun as it almost skirted the northern horizon.","MWS" "id09949","Klenze had gone mad and perished before reaching this sinister remnant of a past unwholesomely remote, and had advised me to go with him.","HPL" "id01644","I was answered through the stillness of night by a loud and fiendish laugh.","MWS" "id25865","Day after day passed while we discussed our projects for the evening, and each night was occupied by debates which offered no conclusion.","MWS" "id15042","But we are told that it was upon this very evening that Madame Deluc, as well as her eldest son, 'heard the screams of a female in the vicinity of the inn.'","EAP" "id07662","The effect of this scene of incantation communicated a portion of its power to that which followed.","MWS" "id16255","""I have not asserted that it is,"" said he; ""but, before we decide this point, I wish you to glance at the little sketch I have here traced upon this paper.","EAP" "id20157","I say it seemed to resemble sobbing or sighing but, of course, it could not have been either.","EAP" "id11583","For something of this nature I had indeed been prepared, no less by his letter, than by reminiscences of certain boyish traits, and by conclusions deduced from his peculiar physical conformation and temperament.","EAP" "id02049","Should he ever be tempted into magnificent speculation, he then, at once, loses his distinctive features, and becomes what we term ""financier.""","EAP" "id05910","The unfortunate whose first attack should be of the extreme character which is occasionally seen, would almost inevitably be consigned alive to the tomb.","EAP" "id14733","""Do not answer; I know all your objections, and will reply to them in order.","MWS" "id23481","To Peter Proffit, Walking Advertiser, Drs.","EAP" "id09403","""How long I remained in this state it is impossible to say.","EAP" "id04261","The movement of the jaws, in this effort to cry aloud, showed me that they were bound up, as is usual with the dead.","EAP" "id19127","I do not think that the pursuit of knowledge is an exception to this rule.","MWS" "id22209","If I survive, and she be lost, I were far better dead.","MWS" "id16662","Wudn't bother no strangers as might bear tales aoutside that is, withaout they got pryin'.","HPL" "id04874","If she died, where could there be found on record a murderer, whose cruel act might compare with his?","MWS" "id27717","There was no American money.","EAP" "id03559","This functionary, however well disposed to my friend, could not altogether conceal his chagrin at the turn which affairs had taken, and was fain to indulge in a sarcasm or two, about the propriety of every person minding his own business.","EAP" "id02114","I wondered for a moment what the strange affliction of this man might be, and whether his obstinate refusal of outside aid were not the result of a rather baseless eccentricity.","HPL" "id26775","But business is business, and to a robber whose soul is in his profession, there is a lure and a challenge about a very old and very feeble man who has no account at the bank, and who pays for his few necessities at the village store with Spanish gold and silver minted two centuries ago.","HPL" "id15221","In reply, my sister requested me to accompany her the following evening to the tomb of Raymond.","MWS" "id22690","Now, the popular opinion, under certain conditions, is not to be disregarded.","EAP" "id18887","He had neither the ennobling self gratulation, which constancy inspires, to console him, nor the voluptuous sense of abandonment to a forbidden, but intoxicating passion.","MWS" "id20601","Idris endeavoured to persuade her to remain.","MWS" "id06057","He had not mentioned this before, but now he must tell about it because it meant that Keziah and her long toothed familiar were haunting the young gentleman.","HPL" "id21435","The windows, too, were without curtains; the shutters, being shut, were securely fastened with iron bars, applied diagonally, after the fashion of our ordinary shop shutters.","EAP" "id14471","It was especially bitter about things in general and as for the editor of 'The Gazette,' he was torn all to pieces in particular.","EAP" "id00370","In a very few minutes it arrived near enough to be accurately discerned.","EAP" "id03534","What had she done the while, how supported his absence and neglect?","MWS" "id06881","It oppressed us with a hideous novelty of emotion.","EAP" "id11122","I had gazed with wonder, mixed with fear and enthusiasm.","MWS" "id21509","By the by, my dear friend, do you not think it would have puzzled these ancient dogmaticians to have determined by which of their two roads it was that the most important and most sublime of all their truths was, in effect, attained?","EAP" "id01493","At length, while, stupefied and terror stricken, I stood in expectation of I knew not what hideous destruction, the car vibrated with excessive violence, and a gigantic and flaming mass of some material which I could not distinguish, came with a voice of a thousand thunders, roaring and booming by the balloon.","EAP" "id01136","But it was lonely among strangers, so Barry had asked me to come.","HPL" "id09309","A pair of prodigious ears, nevertheless, which it was no doubt found impossible to confine, towered away into the atmosphere of the apartment, and were occasionally pricked up in a spasm, at the sound of the drawing of a cork.","EAP" "id10948","Upon turning it over, I saw my own sketch upon the reverse, just as I had made it.","EAP" "id06347","The disastrous earthquake, however, of the year , so totally uprooted and overwhelmed the town for it was almost too large to be called a village that the most indefatigable of our antiquarians have never yet been able to obtain from the site any sufficient data in the shape of coins, medals or inscriptions wherewith to build up even the ghost of a theory concerning the manners, customs, c., c., c., of the aboriginal inhabitants.","EAP" "id24026","You will forgive me for the moderate tax I shall make upon your imagination, and endeavor to consider, for an instant, the reflection of your person in yonder mirror as the living Mynheer Hermann himself.","EAP" "id06509","Without the aid of servants, it was necessary to discharge all household duties; hands unused to such labour must knead the bread, or in the absence of flour, the statesmen or perfumed courtier must undertake the butcher's office.","MWS" "id08832","In the sunshine of the morning the proxenoi led the Tyrant's messengers up the slope to the abode of the sculptor, but the night wind had done strange things.","HPL" "id13871","The shrub here often attains the height of fifteen or twenty feet, and forms an almost impenetrable coppice, burthening the air with its fragrance.","EAP" "id14003","It is evident that we are hurrying onwards to some exciting knowledge some never to be imparted secret, whose attainment is destruction.","EAP" "id13305","Adrian perceived the change, and feared that it would be difficult to prevent them from wreaking their utmost fury on the Irish.","MWS" "id20637","Let us lament over and assist the children of the garden of the earth.","MWS" "id07531","For several minutes, although he looked me full in the face, he said nothing.","EAP" "id15782","Their only inhabitant, a little girl, was dancing, waltzing, and singing about them, followed by a large Newfoundland dog, who boisterously jumping on her, and interrupting her, made her now scold, now laugh, now throw herself on the carpet to play with him.","MWS" "id15885","One case, which the note describes with emphasis, was very sad.","HPL" "id02421","It was the Terrible Season of the autumn, and the wild people in the mountains were preparing for the frightful ceremonies which only rumour told of in the towns.","HPL" "id03159","After an interval I arose, and as if by instinct, crawled into the room where the corpse of my beloved lay.","MWS" "id11541","""My dear madam,"" said he, ""sit down.","EAP" "id00408","We saw no need of the impulse for the propensity.","EAP" "id26676","The first comer now went to a cupboard on the inner side of the room and extracted a coil of rope.","HPL" "id20780","Within twenty four hours the stranger had become so bright that it outshone Capella.","HPL" "id27530","Let us content ourselves with this supposition.","EAP" "id08729","Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by such slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity or ruin.","MWS" "id08024","At first he did not take his eyes from the papers; when he raised them, he was struck by the wretchedness manifest on her altered cheek; for a moment he forgot his own acts and fears, and asked with consternation ""Dearest girl, what is the matter; what has happened?""","MWS" "id06526","To the victims of its tyranny, there was the choice of death with its direst physical agonies, or death with its most hideous moral horrors.","EAP" "id19867","And here, too, is a somewhat similar thing.","EAP" "id02498","We cut branches of the funereal trees and placed them over him, and on these again his sword.","MWS" "id11964","His face was as yellow as saffron but no feature excepting one alone, was sufficiently marked to merit a particular description.","EAP" "id22861","I felt as if he had placed carefully, one by one, in my view those instruments which were to be afterwards used in putting me to a slow and cruel death.","MWS" "id24730","Of this spirit philosophy takes no account.","EAP" "id01567","I shrunk convulsively at its every sweep.","EAP" "id19039","His lynx eye immediately perceives the paper, recognises the handwriting of the address, observes the confusion of the personage addressed, and fathoms her secret.","EAP" "id25807","By great application, however, and after having remained during the space of several revolutions of the moon in my hovel, I discovered the names that were given to some of the most familiar objects of discourse; I learned and applied the words, 'fire,' 'milk,' 'bread,' and 'wood.'","MWS" "id17412","The answer now was immediate, but even less audible than before: ""No pain I am dying.""","EAP" "id22191","She was very earnest to see the corpse.","MWS" "id26847","From some farmhouse far away came the frantic barking of dogs.","HPL" "id01761","I turned from them in contempt, and, gazing upward at the earth so lately left, and left perhaps for ever, beheld it like a huge, dull, copper shield, about two degrees in diameter, fixed immovably in the heavens overhead, and tipped on one of its edges with a crescent border of the most brilliant gold.","EAP" "id06769","He had been found covered with blood and shreds of flesh in a wood, shortly after the killing and rending of a boy by a pair of wolves.","HPL" "id14411","And since by person we understand an intelligent essence having reason, and since there is a consciousness which always accompanies thinking, it is this which makes us all to be that which we call ourselves, thereby distinguishing us from other beings that think, and giving us our personal identity.","EAP" "id08991","The monster saw my determination in my face and gnashed his teeth in the impotence of anger.","MWS" "id23998","""You explored the floors beneath the carpets?"" ""Beyond doubt.","EAP" "id15712","To this state there was no hope, no alleviation, unless the grave should quickly receive its destined prey, and she be permitted to die, before she experienced a thousand living deaths in the loss of those she loved.","MWS" "id24502","I tried to raise my hand to shut out the sight, yet so stunned were my nerves that my arm could not fully obey my will.","HPL" "id18180","This state of things, however, did not last long enough to give us time to think about it.","EAP" "id26722","And the mists of the dawn are thicker, and sailors are not quite so sure that all the muffled seaward ringing is that of the solemn buoys.","HPL" "id05089","Dangers he met unflinchingly; crimes he committed unmoved.","HPL" "id10950","To look at a star by glances to view it in a side long way, by turning toward it the exterior portions of the retina more susceptible of feeble impressions of light than the interior, is to behold the star distinctly is to have the best appreciation of its lustre a lustre which grows dim just in proportion as we turn our vision fully upon it.","EAP" "id19217","I had often heard of this work, with its curious illustrations by the brothers De Bry, hence for a moment forgot my uneasiness in my desire to turn the pages before me.","HPL" "id13352","At the end of the corridor was a bathroom a discouraging relique with ancient marble bowl, tin tub, faint electric light, and musty wooden panelling around all the plumbing fixtures.","HPL" "id10318","Many of them were very old, and as time keepers valueless; the works having suffered, more or less, from corrosion but all were richly jewelled and in cases of great worth.","EAP" "id22386","Morning came wanly, and the night sounds ceased.","HPL" "id11770","She returned to the house about eight o'clock, and when one inquired where she had passed the night, she replied that she had been looking for the child and demanded earnestly if anything had been heard concerning him.","MWS" "id27170","Indeed, I had so well secured them in their places, that such an accident was entirely out of the question.","EAP" "id14462","And he gazed also upon Mount Aran rising regally from the shore, its lower slopes green with swaying trees and its white summit touching the sky.","HPL" "id26857","I knew that I ought to hasten my descent towards the valley, as I should soon be encompassed in darkness; but my heart was heavy, and my steps slow.","MWS" "id17979","I dreaded to behold this monster, but I feared still more that Henry should see him.","MWS" "id04620","""So far as his labors extended?"" said I. ""Yes,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id25111","I did not like those rumours of a fight which were floating about.","HPL" "id18285","Meanwhile among our guests in the park, all thoughts of festivity had faded.","MWS" "id00390","Had I not a right to rest till eternity amongst the descendants of Sir Geoffrey Hyde?","HPL" "id05067","This aroused the stranger's attention, and he asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the demon, as he called him, had pursued.","MWS" "id26191","But to me the remembrance of the threat returned; nor can you wonder that, omnipotent as the fiend had yet been in his deeds of blood, I should almost regard him as invincible, and that when he had pronounced the words ""I SHALL BE WITH YOU ON YOUR WEDDING NIGHT,"" I should regard the threatened fate as unavoidable.","MWS" "id07366","Disintegration is quite painless, I assure you but I want you to see them.","HPL" "id16429","But my enthusiasm was checked by my anxiety, and I appeared rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines, or any other unwholesome trade than an artist occupied by his favourite employment.","MWS" "id04653","St. Eustache was the accepted suitor of Marie, and lodged, as well as took his meals, at the pension.","EAP" "id22977","Dupin scrutinized every thing not excepting the bodies of the victims.","EAP" "id27484","A grin was on the face of the monster; he seemed to jeer, as with his fiendish finger he pointed towards the corpse of my wife.","MWS" "id07391","I was not surprised, however, to perceive that he had long made up his mind upon a topic which had occasioned so much of discussion to his friends.","EAP" "id02519","It will not do, however, to deny that you are in some measure implicated in them.","EAP" "id02201","Or so my fond fancy imaged some accident might meanwhile occur to destroy him and put an end to my slavery forever.","MWS" "id08518","The rudder is also very much larger, in proportion, than that of the model; and the screw is considerably smaller.","EAP" "id04397","Before Carter awaked, the gentle visitant had told him where to find that box; that carved oak box of archaic wonder whose grotesque lid no hand had raised for two centuries.","HPL" "id16014","Also, Dombrowski must attend to the poisoning of those rats in the walls.","HPL" "id13585","Their extreme youth, and the purity of their attachment, made them yield with less resistance to the tyranny of circumstances.","MWS" "id00786","We have, for example, a metal, a piece of wood, a drop of water, the atmosphere, a gas, caloric, electricity, the luminiferous ether.","EAP" "id20682","Shall I then say that I longed with an earnest and consuming desire for the moment of Morella's decease?","EAP" "id04385","Yours everlastingly, PUNDITA.","EAP" "id11973","As the stronger party, however, we overruled their fears, and kept resolutely upon our course.","EAP" "id11435","Poor fellow he lay stretched on a bed of sickness, his cheeks glowing with the hues of fever, his eyes half closed, his breath irregular and difficult.","MWS" "id06193","And in what words does Madame Deluc designate the period of the evening at which these screams were heard?","EAP" "id20190","Still, the general appearance was certainly not that of death.","EAP" "id21725","""Treason"" shouted his Majesty King Pest the First.","EAP" "id08239","This fact the mathematicians of our globe well knew.","EAP" "id17013","Then I saw the lurid shimmering of pale light, and heard the insidious lapping of sunless waters.","HPL" "id21523","The peculiar marks on the back and shoulders of the victim tell of the bottom ribs of a boat.","EAP" "id14226","This ancient confirmed every tale which Jermyn had heard, adding his own account of the stone city and the white apes as it had been told to him.","HPL" "id16063","The antennæ are "" ""Dey aint no tin in him, Massa Will, I keep a tellin on you,"" here interrupted Jupiter; ""de bug is a goole bug, solid, ebery bit of him, inside and all, sep him wing neber feel half so hebby a bug in my life.""","EAP" "id13670","And this medley of undamaged buildings, and luxurious accommodation, in trim and fresh youth, was contrasted with the lonely silence of the unpeopled streets.","MWS" "id04037","Sleep seized me quickly, and I was at once haunted with dreams of the most disturbing kind.","HPL" "id12390","By the grandeur of his conceptions, the graceful daring of his actions, by his wit and beauty, he won and ruled the minds of all.","MWS" "id08749","He scarcely appeared half his usual height; his joints were unknit, his limbs would not support him; his face was contracted, his eye wandering; debility of purpose and dastard fear were expressed in every gesture.","MWS" "id26450","His judgment, activity, and consummate bravery, justified their choice.","MWS" "id07866","The placing my name that is to say, my nom de guerre in priority of station to that of the great Slyass, was a compliment as happy as I felt it to be deserved.","EAP" "id06680","It harassed because it haunted.","EAP" "id04231","Our present incarnation is progressive, preparatory, temporary.","EAP" "id08270","For example, he used to leap upon the dinner table thus, and and "" Here a friend, at the side of the speaker, put a hand upon his shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear, upon which he ceased talking with great suddenness, and sank back within his chair.","EAP" "id26005","The patterns all hinted of remote secrets and unimaginable abysses in time and space, and the monotonously aquatic nature of the reliefs became almost sinister.","HPL" "id18383","One detail that annoyed me was the distribution of the few faint sounds I heard.","HPL" "id18953","The change, it was said, came simultaneously with the Innsmouth epidemic of , and was thought by simple folk to have a dark connexion with hidden forces of evil.","HPL" "id08271","Johansen and his men landed at a sloping mud bank on this monstrous Acropolis, and clambered slipperily up over titan oozy blocks which could have been no mortal staircase.","HPL" "id07968","I lived with a farmer whose house was built higher up among the hills: a dark crag rose behind it, and, exposed to the north, the snow lay in its crevices the summer through.","MWS" "id05189","He impaired his vision by holding the object too close.","EAP" "id03712","Vanity first prompted me to ask you: vanity, I call it; yet even in this I see the hand of fate your presence will soon be necessary; you will become the last resource of Perdita, her protector and consoler.","MWS" "id27647","Birch, being by temperament phlegmatic and practical, did not shout long; but proceeded to grope about for some tools which he recalled seeing in a corner of the tomb.","HPL" "id03996","DURING A pedestrian trip last summer, through one or two of the river counties of New York, I found myself, as the day declined, somewhat embarrassed about the road I was pursuing.","EAP" "id23279","Raymond, the ambitious, restless Raymond, reposed midway on the great high road of life, and was content to give up all his schemes of sovereignty and fame, to make one of us, the flowers of the field.","MWS" "id20871","An inquiry will afford us amusement,"" I thought this an odd term, so applied, but said nothing ""and, besides, Le Bon once rendered me a service for which I am not ungrateful.","EAP" "id03582","Yet the fact, the deed, the thing diddling, is somewhat difficult to define.","EAP" "id24048","These shadows of memory tell, indistinctly, of tall figures that lifted and bore me in silence down down still down till a hideous dizziness oppressed me at the mere idea of the interminableness of the descent.","EAP" "id20533","And the young men who had returned dwelt there no longer.","HPL" "id01341","All the head that I saw the monster possessed of was one of those Hessian canteens which resemble a large snuff box with a hole in the middle of the lid.","EAP" "id19673","""What broad and rapid river is that which forces its way, with innumerable falls, through the mountainous wilderness, and finally through the wilderness of buildings?""","EAP" "id07764","You have done nothing which you could have avoided nothing, certainly, which renders you culpable.","EAP" "id24296","The public papers immediately took up the theme, and the police were upon the point of making serious investigations, when, one fine morning, after the lapse of a week, Marie, in good health, but with a somewhat saddened air, made her re appearance at her usual counter in the perfumery.","EAP" "id13946","""I have no better advice to give you,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id15501","He must have been trapped by the sinking whilst within his black abyss, or else the world would by now be screaming with fright and frenzy.","HPL" "id17632","He replied in a hollow voice, ""Why deceive a helpless old man, why talk hypocritically to one half crazed?","MWS" "id24639","Ordinary assassins employ no such modes of murder as this.","EAP" "id13594","Our confinement is necessarily close; but the treatment the medical treatment, I mean is rather agreeable to the patients than otherwise.""","EAP" "id07908","Paradise, it appears, has been, literally speaking, an island time out of mind that is to say, its northern boundary was always as far back as any record extends a rivulet, or rather a very narrow arm of the sea.","EAP" "id17603","""'Heaven forbid Even if you were really criminal, for that can only drive you to desperation, and not instigate you to virtue.","MWS" "id09483","If you had listened to the voice of conscience and heeded the stings of remorse before you had urged your diabolical vengeance to this extremity, Frankenstein would yet have lived.""","MWS" "id02959","Did not I appear sanctified, even to myself, because this love had for its temple my heart?","MWS" "id00529","""An angel upon earth"" ejaculated a third.","EAP" "id26066","I watched from midnight to one o'clock, when in spite of the sinister house, the unprotected window, and the approaching thunder and lightning, I felt singularly drowsy.","HPL" "id04380","In the centre of this rift I perceived a white spot, but could not, at first, distinguish what it was.","EAP" "id15383","I thanked him, and, turning from the main road, we entered a grass grown by path, which, in half an hour, nearly lost itself in a dense forest, clothing the base of a mountain.","EAP" "id02964","It faced south, with one gable end buried to the lower windows in the eastward rising hill, and the other exposed to the foundations toward the street.","HPL" "id01489","Thus, while Perdita was entertaining her guests, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of her lord, his ring was brought her; and she was told that a poor woman had a note to deliver to her from its wearer.","MWS" "id06970","About this star, or at all events about a centre of gravity common to all the globes of the Milky Way and supposed to be near Alcyone in the Pleiades, every one of these globes was declared to be revolving, our own performing the circuit in a period of ,, of years We, with our present lights, our vast telescopic improvements, and so forth, of course find it difficult to comprehend the ground of an idea such as this.","EAP" "id04133","Maounds o' the dead an' the dyin' . . .","HPL" "id06378","At times like these, minute circumstances assume giant and majestic proportions; the very swinging open of the white gate that admitted us into the forest, arrested my thoughts as matter of interest; it was an every day act, never to occur again The setting crescent of the moon glittered through the massy trees to our right, and when we entered the park, we scared a troop of deer, that fled bounding away in the forest shades.","MWS" "id24474","Sometimes she reproached herself for taking too bitterly to heart, that which many would esteem an imaginary evil; but this was no subject for reason; and, ignorant as she was of the motives and true conduct of Raymond, things assumed for her even a worse appearance, than the reality warranted.","MWS" "id04068","Distinguished several words.","EAP" "id18891","In another second I was alone in the accursed mansion, shivering and gibbering.","HPL" "id17706","This professor was very unlike his colleague.","MWS" "id20566","Upon reaching the opposite shore, the three passengers stepped out, and had proceeded so far as to be beyond the view of the boat, when the daughter discovered that she had left in it her parasol.","EAP" "id01934","Ahead was the robed black man he had seen in the peaked space in the other dream, while from a lesser distance the old woman was beckoning and grimacing imperiously.","HPL" "id17831","Several weeks had elapsed since the festival of the anniversary, and she had been unable to calm her mind, or to subdue her thoughts to any regular train.","MWS" "id15092","He tried to make us act plays and to enter into masquerades, in which the characters were drawn from the heroes of Roncesvalles, of the Round Table of King Arthur, and the chivalrous train who shed their blood to redeem the holy sepulchre from the hands of the infidels.","MWS" "id19663","I was frantic with every species of wild excitement, and felt within my single arm the energy and power of a multitude.","EAP" "id26200","I asked, it is true, for greater treasures than a little food or rest: I required kindness and sympathy; but I did not believe myself utterly unworthy of it.","MWS" "id05563","Let us go to Oonai, O Iranon of the golden head, where men shall know our longings and welcome us as brothers, nor ever laugh or frown at what we say.""","HPL" "id01378","The wide, heavy folding doors of the apartment were all at once thrown open, to their full extent, with a vigorous and rushing impetuosity that extinguished, as if by magic, every candle in the room.","EAP" "id25268","There were no cuts apparent, or bruises which appeared the effect of blows.","EAP" "id12646","He paused exhausted, as the whole group of natives stared in a bewilderment not quite crystallised into fresh terror.","HPL" "id25804","and it made easy to her the bed of her death.","EAP" "id07710","With the years the legends take on a spectral character I suppose the thing, if it was a living thing, must have died.","HPL" "id22225","'Dod rot him I haven't a doubt of it,' replied the foreman, getting purple with rage 'but I tell you what you do, Bob, that's a good boy you go over the first chance you get and hook every one of their i's and d n them their izzards.'","EAP" "id09490","""It seems that the total destruction of Constantinople, and the supposition that winter had purified the air of the fallen city, gave the Greeks courage to visit its site, and begin to rebuild it.","MWS" "id15382","Up the long drive rolled the coaches of the Boston gentry, whilst on foot came a numerous assemblage of powdered exquisites from the neighbouring mansions.","HPL" "id27075","""We must cut him,"" continued Mr. Crab, ""decidedly and forever.","EAP" "id04929","The material seemed to be predominantly gold, though a weird lighter lustrousness hinted at some strange alloy with an equally beautiful and scarcely identifiable metal.","HPL" "id14498","The Duc muttered a slight oath, decidedly approbatory.","EAP" "id06994","""Oh my"" lisped the Marquis.","EAP" "id18198","My application was at first fluctuating and uncertain; it gained strength as I proceeded and soon became so ardent and eager that the stars often disappeared in the light of morning whilst I was yet engaged in my laboratory.","MWS" "id27748","Into the sunset wandered Iranon, seeking still for his native land and for men who would understand and cherish his songs and dreams.","HPL" "id14079","The left lung had been for eighteen months in a semi osseous or cartilaginous state, and was, of course, entirely useless for all purposes of vitality.","EAP" "id07130","Hasheesh helped a great deal, and once sent him to a part of space where form does not exist, but where glowing gases study the secrets of existence.","HPL" "id10895","I seemed to know where I was, but cannot recall what I then knew.","HPL" "id06735","I had passed two whole years alone unrepining, but now I was miserable.","MWS" "id12246","I have said that I dwelt apart from the visible world, but I have not said that I dwelt alone.","HPL" "id26210","These persons were not all cut off suddenly by any one cause; rather did it seem that their vitality was insidiously sapped, so that each one died the sooner from whatever tendency to weakness he may have naturally had.","HPL" "id22396","Doubled his fist and knocked me down.","EAP" "id00036","His build and lower facial features were like other clergymen I had seen, but he had a vastly higher forehead, and was darker and more intelligent looking also more subtly and concealedly evil looking.","HPL" "id04150","Raymond had quitted the palace the night before; he had promised to grace the assembly, but he had not yet returned.","MWS" "id26619","Its wandering and wild glances fell at this moment upon the head of the bed, over which the face of its master, rigid with horror, was just discernible.","EAP" "id26812","Will the gods never cease their persecution?","EAP" "id21808","Upon hearing this he appeared satisfied and consented to come on board.","MWS" "id02626","I lifted her into the chaise; I assured her that with our four horses we should arrive in London before five o'clock, the hour when she would be sought and missed.","MWS" "id03172","On another night Kuranes walked up a damp stone spiral stairway endlessly, and came to a tower window overlooking a mighty plain and river lit by the full moon; and in the silent city that spread away from the river bank he thought he beheld some feature or arrangement which he had known before.","HPL" "id20559","""It was fully eleven by the time I had completed these arrangements, and I immediately betook myself to bed, with full confidence in the efficiency of my invention.","EAP" "id16985","Thus, sweetest, I shall not appear to die.","MWS" "id07521","Born at Athens, that city claimed him for her own, and by giving him the command of her peculiar division in the army, the commander in chief only possessed superior power.","MWS" "id23112","The matter of the cult still remained to fascinate me, and at times I had visions of personal fame from researches into its origin and connexions.","HPL" "id16410","There was no escape from this conclusion.","EAP" "id23410","Thus often, pushing my way with difficulty through the narrow snow blocked town, I crossed the bridge and passed through Eton.","MWS" "id10068","The huge old house, with its countless subdivisions, had several large chambers communicating with each other, where slept the greater number of the students.","EAP" "id14782","Yes, she loved me she returned the enthusiasm of my love, with an enthusiasm as blind as uncompromising as uncalculating as abandoned and as utterly unbounded as my own These delicious fancies and reflections, however, were now interrupted by the falling of the drop curtain.","EAP" "id26269","""Felix had accidentally been present at the trial; his horror and indignation were uncontrollable when he heard the decision of the court.","MWS" "id18296","When he had gone, the superintendent ushered me into a small and exceedingly neat parlor, containing, among other indications of refined taste, many books, drawings, pots of flowers, and musical instruments.","EAP" "id02014","And for seventeen years after that West would look frequently over his shoulder, and complain of fancied footsteps behind him.","HPL" "id09365","The empire of the Mahometans in Europe was at its close.","MWS" "id13744","And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death.","EAP" "id02173","And old folk tell of pleasing voices heard singing there, and of laughter that swells with joys beyond earth's joys; and say that at evening the little low windows are brighter than formerly.","HPL" "id06030","She never caressed me, and seemed all the time I staid in the room to fear that I should annoy her by some childish freak.","MWS" "id19368","I was astonished, too, at the vast extent of his reading; and, above all, I felt my soul enkindled within me by the wild fervor, and the vivid freshness of his imagination.","EAP" "id07387","How little does the earth self know of life and its extent How little, indeed, ought it to know for its own tranquillity Of the oppressor I cannot speak.","HPL" "id02315","This cloth we suppose to have a twofold object.","EAP" "id22360","A silence prevailed, till one of the members coming to me, whispered that the Earl of Windsor had sent him word that I was to move his election, in the absence of the person who had been first chosen for this office.","MWS" "id20685","I have prevented his encountering the inconveniences and perhaps dangers of so long a journey, yet how often have I regretted not being able to perform it myself I figure to myself that the task of attending on your sickbed has devolved on some mercenary old nurse, who could never guess your wishes nor minister to them with the care and affection of your poor cousin.","MWS" "id23294","I built my hope on your confidence.","MWS" "id07589","It passed in many convolutions about my limbs and body, leaving at liberty only my head, and my left arm to such extent that I could, by dint of much exertion, supply myself with food from an earthen dish which lay by my side on the floor.","EAP" "id06615","And behind the houses were walled rose gardens with hedged paths and sundials, where at evening the moon and stars would shine bewitchingly while fragrant blossoms glistened with dew.","HPL" "id09963","There were some who even conceived that Mr. Ellison would divest himself of at least one half of his fortune, as of utterly superfluous opulence enriching whole troops of his relatives by division of his superabundance.","EAP" "id13284","Drawing inside the hall of my deserted shelter, I once more consulted the grocery boy's map with the aid of the flashlight.","HPL" "id07630","Moreover, this knot is one which few besides sailors can tie, and is peculiar to the Maltese.","EAP" "id21881","The body of the little man was more than proportionately broad, giving to his entire figure a rotundity highly absurd.","EAP" "id08327","At noon we met again, and we threw away in contempt our peasant fare, as we built our fire place and kindled the cheering blaze destined to cook the game stolen from the neighbouring preserves.","MWS" "id18135","Her letter to Raymond gave no clue for discovery; it assured him, that she was in no danger of wanting the means of life; she promised in it to preserve herself, and some future day perhaps to present herself to him in a station not unworthy of her.","MWS" "id14414","He did not respond, and still the viol shrieked on without slackening.","HPL" "id18244","It is well that the reader accept nothing which follows as objective truth, for since the events transcend natural law, they are necessarily the subjective and unreal creations of my overtaxed mind.","HPL" "id13179","In the present instance, Eugenie, who for a few moments past had seemed to be searching for something in her bosom, at length let fall upon the grass a miniature, which I immediately picked up and presented to her. ""Keep it"" she said, with one of her most ravishing smiles.","EAP" "id05397","He was all animation; you could no longer trace in his look of health, the suffering valetudinarian; from his smile and sprightly tones you could not guess that he was about to lead forth from their native country, the numbered remnant of the English nation, into the tenantless realms of the south, there to die, one by one, till the LAST MAN should remain in a voiceless, empty world.","MWS" "id09514","I returned to the boat as my electric batteries grew feeble, resolved to explore the rock temple on the following day.","HPL" "id01261","Oh, gigantic paradox, too utterly monstrous for solution At an angle of the ponderous wall frowned a more ponderous gate.","EAP" "id10025","Does the reader wish to hear of the pest houses, where death is the comforter of the mournful passage of the death cart of the insensibility of the worthless, and the anguish of the loving heart of harrowing shrieks and silence dire of the variety of disease, desertion, famine, despair, and death?","MWS" "id15668","The overgrown metropolis, the great heart of mighty Britain, was pulseless.","MWS" "id03079","One night last winter I entered a box at the P Theatre, in company with a friend, Mr. Talbot.","EAP" "id09370","Being now afraid to live alone in the ancient house on the moor, I departed on the following day for London, taking with me the amulet after destroying by fire and burial the rest of the impious collection in the museum.","HPL" "id26153","It's a frightful thing to have alive, but it isn't as bad as what Wilbur would have let in if he'd lived longer.","HPL" "id21257","Suffering and amiability may exist together, and writers have loved to depict their conjunction; there is a human and touching harmony in the picture.","MWS" "id01134","On hearing this information I suffered a temporary access of despair.","MWS" "id13507","He lives all alone with his streaked cat in Gray's Inn, and people call him harmlessly mad.","HPL" "id13005","He was principal of the East High School, born and bred in Boston and sharing New England's self satisfied deafness to the delicate overtones of life.","HPL" "id22820","Hearken and observe how healthily how calmly I can tell you the whole story.","EAP" "id04115","The natural platform to which we had clambered was thickly overgrown with brambles, through which we soon discovered that it would have been impossible to force our way but for the scythe; and Jupiter, by direction of his master, proceeded to clear for us a path to the foot of an enormously tall tulip tree, which stood, with some eight or ten oaks, upon the level, and far surpassed them all, and all other trees which I had then ever seen, in the beauty of its foliage and form, in the wide spread of its branches, and in the general majesty of its appearance.","EAP" "id02559","A careful search soon brought to light the hidden spring.","EAP" "id22474","We passed through busy towns and cultivated plains.","MWS" "id00094","When near the front door he seemed to think of something, and turned back in his flight, finally disappearing down the stairs to the cellar.","HPL" "id23016","Pardon this gush of sorrow; these ineffectual words are but a slight tribute to the unexampled worth of Henry, but they soothe my heart, overflowing with the anguish which his remembrance creates.","MWS" "id02572","""Is this your promised zeal?"" ""Pardon me,"" I said, ""but even as you speak, I am gone.""","MWS" "id05116","The Hermes of Kalos stood in a marble shrine in Corinth, and the Pallas of Musides surmounted a pillar in Athens, near the Parthenon.","HPL" "id19381","After an interval, however, we approached the pit again, and found the exhalations less unbearable.","HPL" "id18316","I lost sight of her, and in about a quarter of an hour she returned bearing the pail, which was now partly filled with milk.","MWS" "id14716","""It is certainly a strange place What is the meaning of yonder singular building?","EAP" "id13313","No time or space can tear from my soul that which makes a part of it.","MWS" "id07899","The third was green throughout, and so were the casements.","EAP" "id15696","Those scars was it like that?""","HPL" "id15196","And that look in the staring eyed faces of my grandmother and self slain uncle might be sheer fancy on my part sheer fancy, bolstered up by the Innsmouth shadow which had so darkly coloured my imagination.","HPL" "id12339","He was great in dreams, portents, et id genus omne of rigmarole.","EAP" "id19943","She was half mad from the effects of uncontrollable agitation.","MWS" "id11447","But, there being no division, my first step was to ascertain the predominant letters, as well as the least frequent.","EAP" "id15527","""I am very much surprised,"" I said, ""at what you tell me; for I made sure that, at this moment, no other method of treatment for mania existed in any portion of the country.""","EAP" "id26715","They have three cornered cocked hats, purple waistcoats reaching down to their thighs, buckskin knee breeches, red stockings, heavy shoes with big silver buckles, long surtout coats with large buttons of mother of pearl.","EAP" "id08714","Most men ruthlessly destroy the sacred veil, with which the female heart is wont to adorn the idol of its affections.","MWS" "id21797","As I marked the placid expression that had settled on her countenance in death, I felt, in spite of the pangs of remorse, in spite of heart rending regret, that it was better to die so, than to drag on long, miserable years of repining and inconsolable grief.","MWS" "id23059","Of scepticism there was none.","HPL" "id00303","Warning me that many of the street signs were down, the youth drew for my benefit a rough but ample and painstaking sketch map of the town's salient features.","HPL" "id08300","On the contrary, we not only indulged but encouraged them; and many of our most permanent cures have been thus effected.","EAP" "id18673","I alluded to the coldness of her letters; but the few minutes we had spent together sufficiently explained the origin of this.","MWS" "id22400","One secret which I alone possessed was the hope to which I had dedicated myself; and the moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding places.","MWS" "id10383","Over the seas there was a great victory, and in triumph most of the young men returned.","HPL" "id22550","She returned no more to her husband, but, concealing from him her resurrection, fled with her lover to America.","EAP" "id05071","I was for ever with him.","MWS" "id21559","A length I found that he had altered his route; at first he had followed the London road; but now he changed it, and upon enquiry I found that the one which he now pursued led towards the sea.","MWS" "id03746","I was their plaything and their idol, and something better their child, the innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me.","MWS" "id27277","But even if I were condemned to suffer on the scaffold for the same crimes, I would not change places with such a wretch.""","MWS" "id20792","It is merely a very long rope which is suffered to trail from the car, and the effect of which is to prevent the balloon from changing its level in any material degree.","EAP" "id12458","From no particular disposition of the men at one period of a game can we predicate their disposition at a different period.","EAP" "id00027","You have no reason for concealment.","EAP" "id15186","This ledge projected about eighteen inches, and was not more than a foot wide, while a niche in the cliff just above it, gave it a rude resemblance to one of the hollow backed chairs used by our ancestors.","EAP" "id18526","And a thousand years of riches and delight passed over Sarnath, wonder of the world and pride of all mankind.","HPL" "id25854","""Several witnesses, recalled, here testified that the chimneys of all the rooms on the fourth story were too narrow to admit the passage of a human being.","EAP" "id11224","There was no discoloration in the cellular tissue.","EAP" "id21195","I passed whole days on the lake alone in a little boat, watching the clouds and listening to the rippling of the waves, silent and listless.","MWS" "id09216","Yet one moment, one brief interval before I put from shore once, once again let me fancy myself as I was in in my abode at Windsor, let me close my eyes, and imagine that the immeasurable boughs of its oaks still shadow me, its castle walls anear.","MWS" "id05908","But as, in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born.","EAP" "id26911","Your acting is very natural, as I live.""","EAP" "id23182","I hastened to carry the intelligence of these strange proceedings to Perdita; and we were soon joined by Raymond.","MWS" "id08356","Once my heart sat lightly in my bosom; all the beauty of the world was doubly beautiful, irradiated by the sun light shed from my own soul.","MWS" "id05916","Alone I buried him beneath the stones of the courtyard about which he had loved to wander in life.","HPL" "id08060","After awhile she discovered, that amidst all her newly acquired knowledge, her own character, which formerly she fancied that she thoroughly understood, became the first in rank among the terrae incognitae, the pathless wilds of a country that had no chart.","MWS" "id12692","It struck me as horribly like a sort of Oriental ceremony, with beating of drums and chanting of many voices.","HPL" "id02399","But at length the ceremony of baptism presented to my mind, in its unnerved and agitated condition, a present deliverance from the terrors of my destiny.","EAP" "id15033","He got this in London, I guess he uster like ter buy things at the shops.","HPL" "id24634","In the first place, my left arm had been broken in my fall from the ladder, and, therefore, had I let go my hold with the right hand, I must have let go altogether.","EAP" "id02270","It must be confessed that a supposition apparently so wild has every probability in its favor.","EAP" "id00237","To all this I am sorry that I cannot reply.","EAP" "id09940","What a noble boon, worthy the giver, is the imagination it takes from reality its leaden hue: it envelopes all thought and sensation in a radiant veil, and with an hand of beauty beckons us from the sterile seas of life, to her gardens, and bowers, and glades of bliss.","MWS" "id25780","The plague entered the village; and, while fright and grief deprived the inhabitants of the little wisdom they possessed, old Martha stepped forward and said ""Before now I have been in a town where there was the plague.""","MWS" "id19333","A youngster who, but a few years ago, believed in Cornelius Agrippa as firmly as in the gospel, has now set himself at the head of the university; and if he is not soon pulled down, we shall all be out of countenance.","MWS" "id09859","Nevertheless I followed him; for in those dreary days my quest for antique beauty and mystery was all that I had to keep my soul alive, and I reckoned it a rare favour of Fate to fall in with one whose kindred seekings seemed to have penetrated so much farther than mine.","HPL" "id09293","Little was said; and our chief embarrassment lay in the yelpings of the dog, who took exceeding interest in our proceedings.","EAP" "id03874","This was not much, though, for the old woman was spinning very hard, and the aged clock had been striking.","HPL" "id08788","Thus not the tenderness of friendship, nor the beauty of earth, nor of heaven, could redeem my soul from woe; the very accents of love were ineffectual.","MWS" "id17353","Ugh I can see them now Their occupations well, don't ask me to be too precise.","HPL" "id24084","No one remains to lay flowers before the granite portal, and few care to brave the depressing shadows which seem to linger strangely about the water worn stones.","HPL" "id04290","He had returned, and he wrote to know whether my aunt would come to London or whether he should visit her in Scotland.","MWS" "id19616","The 'Hum Drum,' the 'Rowdy Dow' and the 'Goosetherumfoodle' must look well to their laurels.","EAP" "id18367","And thereafter the ocean told me its secrets no more; and though many times since has the moon shone full and high in the heavens, the White Ship from the South came never again.","HPL" "id06029","From the one we gather unquiet speculation, from the other satiety.","MWS" "id25709","For the last time we looked on the wide extent of country visible from the terrace, and saw the last rays of the sun tinge the dark masses of wood variegated by autumnal tints; the uncultivated fields and smokeless cottages lay in shadow below; the Thames wound through the wide plain, and the venerable pile of Eton college, stood in dark relief, a prominent object; the cawing of the myriad rooks which inhabited the trees of the little park, as in column or thick wedge they speeded to their nests, disturbed the silence of evening.","MWS" "id12843","When night came on, she begged that Clara might sleep in a separate cabin.","MWS" "id07904","How petty do the actions of our earthly life appear when the whole universe is opened to our gaze yet there our passions are deep irrisisbable sic and as we are floating hopless yet clinging to hope down the impetuous stream can we perceive the beauty of its banks which alas my soul was too turbid to reflect If knowledge is the end of our being why are passions feelings implanted in us that hurries sic us from wisdom to selfconcentrated misery narrow selfish feeling?","MWS" "id01865","To drag hour after hour, to see the trees wave their branches restlessly, to feel the air, to suffer in all I feel keenest agony.","MWS" "id08899","He seemed to regard the circumstance as one of great significance, and told the loungers at Osborn's that he thought his time had almost come.","HPL" "id01676","There were circumstances but I think it much safer upon consideration to say as little as possible about an affair so delicate so delicate, I repeat, and at the time involving the interests of a third party whose sulphurous resentment I have not the least desire, at this moment, of incurring.","EAP" "id21972","The head of which only the back was visible, rivalled in outline that of the Greek Psyche, and was rather displayed than concealed by an elegant cap of gaze aerienne, which put me in mind of the ventum textilem of Apuleius.","EAP" "id03507","Poor justification this, in truth, for an authority so imperiously assumed Poor indemnity for natural rights of self agency so pertinaciously, so insultingly denied I had also been forced to notice that my tormentor, for a very long period of time, while scrupulously and with miraculous dexterity maintaining his whim of an identity of apparel with myself, had so contrived it, in the execution of his varied interference with my will, that I saw not, at any moment, the features of his face.","EAP" "id05695","If I live a thousand years, I can never forget the intense emotion with which I regarded this figure.","EAP" "id12422","I was very ill for a long time, and when I recovered from the immediate danger of fever, every symptom of a rapid consumption declared itself.","MWS" "id01089","Then comes a sense of sudden motionlessness throughout all things; as if those who bore me a ghastly train had outrun, in their descent, the limits of the limitless, and paused from the wearisomeness of their toil.","EAP" "id20818","We were as a man who hears that his house is burning, and yet hurries through the streets, borne along by a lurking hope of a mistake, till he turns the corner, and sees his sheltering roof enveloped in a flame.","MWS" "id23891","No observing person can have failed to notice the peculiarly deserted air of the town, from about eight until ten on the morning of every Sabbath.","EAP" "id24656","As I would return from my sometimes discouraging trips and lay my spoils before the closed bathroom door, I could hear a restless splashing within, and a thick voice croaking out the order for ""More more"" At length a warm day broke, and the shops opened one by one.","HPL" "id13678","Shall I bow my head before them, and with servile gesture sell my nobility for life?","MWS" "id06248","There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions.","EAP" "id01873","Six years before, in Flanders, a shelled hospital had fallen upon the headless reanimated trunk of Dr. Clapham Lee, and upon the detached head which perhaps had uttered articulate sounds.","HPL" "id19522","The gale still held on, however, and we saw no signs of its abating.","EAP" "id04714","He tried to recall just where he had found the key, but something seemed very confused.","HPL" "id22717","could I? that was the question.","EAP" "id26415","It was horribly realistic, and I could soon distinguish by its aid the familiar objects around me, as well as the empty sodium bromide glass of which I had had no former visual impression in its present location.","HPL" "id22074","Had he been sleep walking within his room, and had the rat bitten him as he sat in some chair or paused in some less rational position?","HPL" "id16739","So through endless twilights I dreamed and waited, though I knew not what I waited for.","HPL" "id06451","He handed me a paper, and I read thus: CAUGHT In the Bois de Boulogne, early in the morning of the inst., the morning of the murder, a very large, tawny Ourang Outang of the Bornese species.","EAP" "id25847","I was guiltless, but I had indeed drawn down a horrible curse upon my head, as mortal as that of crime.","MWS" "id09123","He seemed exceptionally eager to talk, and I soon gathered that he did not like the place, its fishy smell, or its furtive people.","HPL" "id10470","America had also received the taint; and, were it yellow fever or plague, the epidemic was gifted with a virulence before unfelt.","MWS" "id21653","I don't believe anybody since Goya could put so much of sheer hell into a set of features or a twist of expression.","HPL" "id27348","They paid me no manner of attention, and, although I stood in the very midst of them all, seemed utterly unconscious of my presence.","EAP" "id05414","Here he pointed to a fabulous creature of the artist, which one might describe as a sort of dragon with the head of an alligator.","HPL" "id02761","They have a trim bungalow now at Bristol Highlands, where no tall crags tower, and the neighbours are urban and modern.","HPL" "id15314","Walking or running on such a surface was very difficult; but I did my best, and on the whole made very fair time.","HPL" "id08634","Grandmothers told strange myths of the Martense spectre; myths concerning the Martense family itself, its queer hereditary dissimilarity of eyes, its long, unnatural annals, and the murder which had cursed it.","HPL" "id12940","His contrast with his squalid mother and grandfather in this respect was thought very notable until the horror of suggested the most valid of reasons.","HPL" "id20537","""Here,"" he resumed, arising and leaning on my arm as he sauntered around the apartment, ""here are paintings from the Greeks to Cimabue, and from Cimabue to the present hour.","EAP" "id08303","You long for death and yet you fear it and wish me to be your companion.","MWS" "id14119","Agatha asked a question, to which the stranger only replied by pronouncing, in a sweet accent, the name of Felix.","MWS" "id15078","Thet feller bein' chopped up gives me a tickle every time I look at 'im I hev ta keep lookin' at 'im see whar the butcher cut off his feet?","HPL" "id04089","Her bent back, long nose, and shrivelled chin were unmistakable, and her shapeless brown garments were like those he remembered.","HPL" "id13978","Not with Raymond, who was unconscious of the misery he occasioned; not with Evadne, for her his soul wept tears of blood poor, mistaken girl, slave not tyrant was she, and amidst his own anguish he grieved for her future destiny.","MWS" "id12229","When night came again the barricading was repeated, though there was less huddling together of families.","HPL" "id01442","All at once he commenced to mutter, and I did not like the look of his mouth and teeth as he spoke.","HPL" "id07999","The lion, the tiger, and the leopard are entirely without restraint.","EAP" "id15550","It was at : P.M., August , that poor Klenze went wholly mad.","HPL" "id11596","There came forth in return only a jingling of the bells.","EAP" "id12611","In the morning I went to the court; my lips and throat were parched.","MWS" "id25310","""Two"" continued the big bell; and ""Doo"" repeated all the repeaters.","EAP" "id26286","For if it were, the inventor, so far from wishing its mechanism to appear complex, and using deception for the purpose of giving it this appearance, would have been especially desirous of convincing those who witnessed his exhibition, of the simplicity of the means by which results so wonderful were brought about. .","EAP" "id16868","They are pouring through the alley of Heraclides, which leads directly from the palace; therefore the king is most probably among the rioters.","EAP" "id10908","His room, one of only two in the steeply pitched garret, was on the west side, toward the high wall that formed the upper end of the street.","HPL" "id25216","She slept; and quiet prevailed in the Castle, whose inhabitants were hushed to repose.","MWS" "id12481","Already the defenceless citizens had suffered through the barbarity of the Janisaries; and, in time of storm, tumult and massacre, beauty, infancy and decrepitude, would have alike been sacrificed to the brutal ferocity of the soldiers.","MWS" "id04473","In reply to my question Tillinghast mumbled that this permanent glow was not electrical in any sense that I could understand.","HPL" "id21147","I had swooned; but still will not say that all of consciousness was lost.","EAP" "id17739","And since in the wide world thou remainest, why should I complain?","MWS" "id02755","I took leave of him amicably, and wish him all the success his talent promises.","HPL" "id14213","Perhaps the strain had been too great; for Dr. Muñoz made it whisperingly clear though not in detail that the methods of healing had been most extraordinary, involving scenes and processes not welcomed by elderly and conservative Galens.","HPL" "id11061","So each night in sleep I strove to find the hidden latch of the gate in the ivied antique wall, though it was exceedingly well hidden.","HPL" "id20089","Of course I don't speak of the political articles.","EAP" "id10864","""True,"" I replied; ""the Amontillado.""","EAP" "id10253","""He had married,"" he said, ""for love, and for love only; and his bride was far more than worthy of his love.""","EAP" "id03385","You perceive I cannot speak of these latter without enthusiasm; it is not too much to say that they were the handsomest pair of whiskers under the sun.","EAP" "id09243","No it wasn't the paintings I saw in that place; though I'll swear they were enough to get him ostracised in nine tenths of the homes and clubs of Boston, and I guess you won't wonder now why I have to steer clear of subways and cellars.","HPL" "id08429","I entered, and one glance assured me that its former inhabitant was no more he lay on a heap of straw, cold and stiff; while a pernicious effluvia filled the room, and various stains and marks served to shew the virulence of the disorder.","MWS" "id17873","At the start, the western wall had lain some twenty feet up a precipitous lawn from the roadway; but a widening of the street at about the time of the Revolution sheared off most of the intervening space, exposing the foundations so that a brick basement wall had to be made, giving the deep cellar a street frontage with door and two windows above ground, close to the new line of public travel.","HPL" "id09967","This is merely a joke of yours, I know ha ha ha how very pleasant you are at times.""","EAP" "id05724","""Diavolo"" cried Count Capricornutti.","EAP" "id21152","No one cared to remain there amidst the stench and tarry stickiness, but all turned instinctively to the line of horrible prints leading on toward the wrecked Whateley farmhouse and the altar crowned slopes of Sentinel Hill.","HPL" "id24840","When the question is demanded explicitly of Maelzel ""Is the Automaton a pure machine or not?"" his reply is invariably the same ""I will say nothing about it.""","EAP" "id22426","If she is, as you believe, innocent, rely on the justice of our laws, and the activity with which I shall prevent the slightest shadow of partiality.""","MWS" "id00584","She was delighted to see us; caressed our children, praised their growth and improvement; Clara also was pleased to meet again her young friend Alfred; all kinds of childish games were entered into, in which Perdita joined.","MWS" "id18261","On the other hand, you are bound by every principle of honor to confess all you know.","EAP" "id21925","The multitude extolled the same poems that formed the wonder of the sage in his closet: there was not one dissentient voice.","MWS" "id17083","I exclaimed, ""I have now found out the secret"" ""What secret?""","MWS" "id01021","The evil was so wide spreading, so violent and immedicable, that no care, no prevention could be judged superfluous, which even added a chance to our escape.","MWS" "id14088","It was a sense of routine which kept me from going mad.","HPL" "id03222","I would in vain attempt to portray the majesty, the quiet ease, of her demeanor, or the incomprehensible lightness and elasticity of her footfall.","EAP" "id23692","Or rather, there's only one living soul for I haven't been digging around in the past for nothing ""See here, you're interested in this sort of thing.","HPL" "id23502","Even Adrian was obliged in part to yield, that he might be able, if not to guide, at least to set bounds to the license of the times.","MWS" "id18754","I, who had ever been surrounded by amiable companions, continually engaged in endeavouring to bestow mutual pleasure I was now alone.","MWS" "id06302","It was May, four years ago, that I first saw my beloved father; it was in May, three years ago that my folly destroyed the only being I was doomed to love.","MWS" "id03918","Distant though it was from the remnant of a road, the house none the less impressed me unfavourably the very moment I espied it.","HPL" "id11861","""Yes,"" said I, ""I remember his merriment well.","EAP" "id25531","This adventure occurred near Richmond, in Virginia.","EAP" "id22894","I now determined to keep a journal of my passage, reckoning the days from one to twenty four hours continuously, without taking into consideration the intervals of darkness.","EAP" "id10434","For he who passes the gateways always wins a shadow, and never again can he be alone.","HPL" "id22592","""Let him talk,"" said Dupin, who had not thought it necessary to reply.","EAP" "id19199","I related my meeting with her; the story of her death was told and re told.","MWS" "id13054","Jupiter's account of him boded no good.","EAP" "id11887","""Our boat was the lightest feather of a thing that ever sat upon water.","EAP" "id20355","It was the steady, stealthy creaking of the stairs beyond the locked door, as with the ascent of a barefoot or skin shod horde; and at last the cautious, purposeful rattling of the brass latch that glowed in the feeble candlelight.","HPL" "id11705","These peculiarities are, no doubt, mere mannerisms of M. Maelzel, or, if he is aware of them at all, he puts them in practice with a view of exciting in the spectators a false idea of the pure mechanism in the Automaton.","EAP" "id09616","""But there are still other and stronger reasons for believing them so deposited, than any which I have as yet urged.","EAP" "id08009","It was too much, however, for the exotic delicacy of the metal work, and the spiky figure snapped off under his grasp.","HPL" "id27228","But all at close of day, with riven planks and rent canvas make for shore, and are either wrecked ere they reach it, or find some wave beaten haven, some desart strand, whereon to cast themselves and die unmourned.","MWS" "id11948","The storm, as is often the case in Switzerland, appeared at once in various parts of the heavens.","MWS" "id16380","And this thicket, so full of a natural art, was in the immediate vicinity, within a few rods, of the dwelling of Madame Deluc, whose boys were in the habit of closely examining the shrubberies about them in search of the bark of the sassafras.","EAP" "id05745","It was in Rome the Queen of the World that I suffered a misfortune that reduced me to misery despair The bright sun deep azure sky were oppressive but nought was so hateful as the voice of Man I loved to walk by the shores of the Tiber which were solitary if the sirocco blew to see the swift clouds pass over St. Peters and the many domes of Rome or if the sun shone I turned my eyes from the sky whose light was too dazzling gay to be reflected in my tearful eyes I turned them to the river whose swift course was as the speedy departure of happiness and whose turbid colour was gloomy as grief Whether I slept I know not or whether it was in one of those many hours which I spent seated on the ground my mind a chaos of despair my eyes for ever wet by tears but I was here visited by a lovely spirit whom I have ever worshiped who tried to repay my adoration by diverting my mind from the hideous memories that racked it.","MWS" "id18291","I will therefore put you upon an expeditious and decisive plan of obtaining this very necessary information.","EAP" "id02602","I repeat, then, that I speak of these things only as of coincidences.","EAP" "id09085","How few in youth's prime, moor their vessels on the ""golden sands,"" and collect the painted shells that strew them.","MWS" "id18760","He had wild and original ideas on the independent vital properties of organic cells and nerve tissue separated from natural physiological systems; and achieved some hideous preliminary results in the form of never dying, artificially nourished tissue obtained from the nearly hatched eggs of an indescribable tropical reptile.","HPL" "id15936","I fantastically associated these things with every day events, and thought them more natural than the coloured pictures of living beings which I found in many of the mouldy books.","HPL" "id05061","At length Athib told him that their journey was near its end, and that they would soon enter the harbour of Serannian, the pink marble city of the clouds, which is built on that ethereal coast where the west wind flows into the sky; but as the highest of the city's carven towers came into sight there was a sound somewhere in space, and Kuranes awaked in his London garret.","HPL" "id06003","It was the moral embodiment of man's abstract idea of Time.","EAP" "id02660","""It is a mere typographical error.","EAP" "id20723","And the traveller declares that instead of the place's wonted stench there lingered a delicate fragrance as of roses in full bloom.","HPL" "id09848","In this case an overwhelming preponderance of evidence from numerous authentic sources pointed to the tenacious existence of certain forces of great power and, so far as the human point of view is concerned, exceptional malignancy.","HPL" "id07166","But our man of business is in no hurry to conclude a contract with any no man of business is ever precipitate and it is not until the most rigid catechism in respect to the piety of each young gentleman's inclination, that his services are engaged and his fifty dollars receipted for, just by way of proper precaution, on the part of the respectable firm of Bogs, Hogs, Logs, Frogs, and Company.","EAP" "id13953","I was dressed also in a whimsical nunlike habit which denoted that I did not retire to solitude from necessity, but that I might indulge in a luxury of grief, and fanciful seclusion.","MWS" "id03377","""Extremely singular"" said the young Baron, with a musing air, and apparently unconscious of the meaning of his words.","EAP" "id06072","Late at night the two youths sat drowsing in their chairs, lulled by the rhythmical praying of the loomfixer on the floor below.","HPL" "id21122","The patriarchal lives of my protectors caused these impressions to take a firm hold on my mind; perhaps, if my first introduction to humanity had been made by a young soldier, burning for glory and slaughter, I should have been imbued with different sensations.","MWS" "id18111","The cat was lying very demurely upon my coat, which I had taken off, and eyeing the pigeons with an air of nonchalance.","EAP" "id17543","I understand your feeling,"" continued he, perceiving that I wished to interrupt him; ""but you are mistaken, my friend, if thus you will allow me to name you; nothing can alter my destiny; listen to my history, and you will perceive how irrevocably it is determined.""","MWS" "id17889","Her head lay on my shoulder, her breath waved my hair, her heart beat near mine, transport made me tremble, blinded me, annihilated me till a suppressed groan, bursting from her lips, the chattering of her teeth, which she strove vainly to subdue, and all the signs of suffering she evinced, recalled me to the necessity of speed and succour.","MWS" "id00229","Like a refreshing shower on an arid soil they revived me, and although I still kept their cause secret he led me to pour forth my bitter complaints and to clothe my woe in words of gall and fire.","MWS" "id21967","An omnibus driver, Valence, now also testified that he saw Marie Rogêt cross a ferry on the Seine, on the Sunday in question, in company with a young man of dark complexion.","EAP" "id09327","She died on the first approach of cold weather, at the beginning of this last winter.","MWS" "id07004","At the windows were curtains of snowy white jaconet muslin: they were tolerably full, and hung decisively, perhaps rather formally in sharp, parallel plaits to the floor just to the floor.","EAP" "id10101","""How far mus go up, massa?"" inquired Jupiter.","EAP" "id08589","Lit by the mixed and uncertain beams, that gelatinous face assumed a dozen a score a hundred aspects; grinning, as it sank to the ground on a body that melted like tallow, in the caricatured likeness of legions strange and yet not strange.","HPL" "id21729","Victims had been in immediate demand.","EAP" "id17548","Don't worry, they won't hurt you.","HPL" "id27449","You know my political prepossessions.","EAP" "id16612","A murmur of approbation rose after his speech.","MWS" "id00928","Do not talk of reflection; from this moment I abjure it; this is my only happy moment during a long interval of time.","MWS" "id05227","Meanwhile Clerval occupied himself, so to speak, with the moral relations of things.","MWS" "id05948","In an instant the apartment had shifted its form into that of a lozenge.","EAP" "id21703","The mill hands were of somewhat turbulent inclinations; and besides their many natural needs, their frequent clashes and stabbing affrays gave us plenty to do.","HPL" "id09897","When I mention his weakness I have allusion to a bizarre old womanish superstition which beset him.","EAP" "id09230","I hired men to row and took an oar myself, for I had always experienced relief from mental torment in bodily exercise.","MWS" "id14337","The corpse was in such condition when found, that there could have been no difficulty in its recognition by friends.","EAP" "id03770","My story requires that I should be somewhat minute.","EAP" "id11420","And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances.","EAP" "id25295","you could not hope to conquer, and yet you gave me the pain of a triumph over my dearest friend.""","MWS" "id12918","I saw the brow of Idris clouded; I again felt, that we were enchained to the car of fate, over whose coursers we had no control.","MWS" "id04135","From this it required much effort and attention to scare them away.","EAP" "id26561","My strength was gone.","MWS" "id00021","Besides these things, were seen, on all sides, banners and palanquins, litters with stately dames close veiled, elephants gorgeously caparisoned, idols grotesquely hewn, drums, banners, and gongs, spears, silver and gilded maces.","EAP" "id02652","But it could have been neither the execution of the work, nor the immortal beauty of the countenance, which had so suddenly and so vehemently moved me.","EAP" "id23459","But he can never be thus divested at least never will be else we must imagine an action of God returning upon itself a purposeless and futile action.","EAP" "id24926","It is noticeable that the popular prejudices and vulgar errors in regard to pestilences and wars errors which were wont to prevail upon every appearance of a comet were now altogether unknown.","EAP" "id01121","At the beginning of winter our Alfred, now nine years of age, first went to school at Eton.","MWS" "id03757","Suddenly he started up and fled from me; I pursued him: we sped over the fields, and by the skirts of woods, and on the banks of rivers; he flew fast and I followed.","MWS" "id22411","ABOUT twelve o'clock, one night in the month of October, and during the chivalrous reign of the third Edward, two seamen belonging to the crew of the ""Free and Easy,"" a trading schooner plying between Sluys and the Thames, and then at anchor in that river, were much astonished to find themselves seated in the tap room of an ale house in the parish of St. Andrews, London which ale house bore for sign the portraiture of a ""Jolly Tar.""","EAP" "id11100","As it was an epidemic, its chief force was derived from pernicious qualities in the air, and it would probably do little harm where this was naturally salubrious.","MWS" "id12364","In my situation it is really a great relief to be able to open ones mouth to be able to expatiate to be able to communicate with a person like yourself, who do not think yourself called upon at every period to interrupt the thread of a gentleman's discourse.","EAP" "id13893","Instead, she had gone to a spot her dead son had learned about, and had leaped to a realm whose wonders destined for him as well he had spurned with a smoking pistol.","HPL" "id04276","The spectators being satisfied of this fact, Maelzel closes the back door, locks it, takes the key from the lock, lets fall the drapery of the figure, and comes round to the front.","EAP" "id00024","Wyatt's party arrived in about ten minutes after myself.","EAP" "id02868","Meantime the devil, to whom the copy was entrusted, ran up stairs to his 'case,' in an unutterable hurry, and forthwith made a commencement at 'setting' the MS.","EAP" "id04743","From several directions in the distance, however, I could hear the sound of hoarse voices, of footsteps, and of a curious kind of pattering which did not sound quite like footsteps.","HPL" "id04013","It was as well to fail at last after a struggle, as to fly now at the beginning of his enterprise.","MWS" "id07214","I wouldn't have put up with it, if I had.","EAP" "id06198","Beyond all things, the study of the German moralists gave me great delight; not from any ill advised admiration of their eloquent madness, but from the ease with which my habits of rigid thought enabled me to detect their falsities.","EAP" "id25228","Covering the earth with their creations and forming by the power of their minds another world more lovely than the visible frame of things, even all the world that we find in their writings.","MWS" "id15311","Our single boatman attended to the sail; Raymond steered; Clara sat at his feet, clasping his knees with her arms, and laying her head on them.","MWS" "id18540","No one can say that he has exactly lost a pocket book; but a great excitement ensues, when the treasure trove is found to be of value.","EAP" "id19115","Could it be otherwise, when I daily discovered in the conceptions of the child the adult powers and faculties of the woman?","EAP" "id24470","But while I live, promise not to betray me; promise, my child.""","MWS" "id24583","I stood on the brink of manhood; passions, strong as the trees of a forest, had already taken root within me, and were about to shadow with their noxious overgrowth, my path of life.","MWS" "id13743","I crept along by the fern, on my hands and knees, seeking the shadowy coverts of the underwood, while the birds awoke with unwelcome song above, and the fresh morning wind, playing among the boughs, made me suspect a footfall at each turn.","MWS" "id02742","Left to myself, I strove with painful intensity to divine the motive of his request and foresee the events of the coming day.","MWS" "id17061","Upon this occasion my father said, with an expression of unbounded wonder, ""My dearest Victor, what infatuation is this?","MWS" "id12167","His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers, and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.","EAP" "id14610","""To morrow if you will.""","MWS" "id07386","In the meantime, looking toward the cat, who was again snugly stowed away upon my coat, I discovered to my infinite surprise, that she had taken the opportunity of my indisposition to bring into light a litter of three little kittens.","EAP" "id10556","Here all was the wildest tumult and contention.","EAP" "id11854","He lived for some time never looking on the light of heaven but shrouding his eyes in a perpetual darkness far from all that could remind him of what he had been; but as time softened his grief like a true child of Nature he sought in the enjoyment of her beauties for a consolation in his unhappiness.","MWS" "id19883","But this labor concluded, he may have thought it expedient to remove all participants in his secret.","EAP" "id13134","The Inquisition was in the hands of its enemies.","EAP" "id03872","The Privilege of Reminiscence, however rambling or tiresome, is one generally allow'd to the very aged; indeed, 'tis frequently by means of such Recollections that the obscure occurrences of History, and the lesser Anecdotes of the Great, are transmitted to Posterity.","HPL" "id13294","all grey, with kinder blue or purple rings . . .","HPL" "id13941","On the butcher's shop of the Anzique cannibals a small red spattering glistened picturesquely, lending vividness to the horror of the engraving.","HPL" "id24323","Oh There is a fearful chasm; but I adjure you to beware"" ""Ah, dearest friend"" I cried, ""do not fear Speak that word; it will bring peace, not death.","MWS" "id24135","Beyond the Karthian hills lieth Oonai, the city of lutes and dancing, which men whisper of and say is both lovely and terrible.","HPL" "id24012","She remained with him until, by slow degrees, she fully recovered her original health.","EAP" "id06346","Then the men, having reached a spot where the trees were thinner, came suddenly in sight of the spectacle itself.","HPL" "id17397","I cannot attempt to transcribe it verbatim in all its cloudiness and redundance, but I will tell its gist enough to shew why the sound of the water against the vessel's sides became so unendurable to me that I stopped my ears with cotton.","HPL" "id03210","His black hair was well cut and neatly brushed, and he was clean shaven though blue chinned with a heavy growth of beard.","HPL" "id17031","But even yet I refrained and kept still.","EAP" "id17994","As I lay exhausted on the stone floor I heard the eerie echoes of its fall, but hoped when necessary to pry it open again.","HPL" "id24594","You may hint at buck wheat cake, or you may even go so far as to insinuate oat meal porridge, but if bread and butter be your real meaning, be cautious, my dear Miss Psyche, not on any account to say 'bread and butter'"" I assured him that I should never say it again as long as I lived.","EAP" "id21644","Her huge hull was of a deep dingy black, unrelieved by any of the customary carvings of a ship.","EAP" "id16913","To me they stood in the place of an active career, of ambition, and those palpable excitements necessary to the multitude.","MWS" "id15910","Yet not to excite fresh agitation in her, ""per non turbar quel bel viso sereno,"" I curbed my delight.","MWS" "id24827","In the summer of Wilbur repaired two sheds in the farmyard and began moving his books and effects out to them.","HPL" "id12005","This ice is not made of such stuff as your hearts may be; it is mutable and cannot withstand you if you say that it shall not.","MWS" "id21028","It is impossible to describe, or to imagine, the deep, the blissful sense of relief which the absence of the detested creature occasioned in my bosom.","EAP" "id11950","O come Farewell to the dead farewell to the tombs of those we loved farewell to giant London and the placid Thames, to river and mountain or fair district, birth place of the wise and good, to Windsor Forest and its antique castle, farewell themes for story alone are they, we must live elsewhere.","MWS" "id06596","Captain Pratt maintains that to morrow will be Sunday: so it will; he is right, too.","EAP" "id25058","All around were horror, and thick gloom, and a black sweltering desert of ebony.","EAP" "id09919","There, in , his son Dutee was born; and there the family dwelt till the encroachments of commerce drove them back across the river and over the hill to Angell Street, in the newer East Side residence district, where the late Archer Harris built his sumptuous but hideous French roofed mansion in .","HPL" "id04698","Gilman dropped in at a doctor's office on the th of the month, and was surprised to find his temperature was not as high as he had feared.","HPL" "id21846","She urged the old story of decorum that bug bear which deters so many from bliss until the opportunity for bliss has forever gone by.","EAP" "id07748","He seemed pleased, and went on with his instructions.","EAP" "id12184","""Eleven"" said the big one.","EAP" "id11221","All outward things seemed to have lost their existence relatively to him and only one circumstance could in any degree recall him from his motionless and mute despair: he would never see me.","MWS" "id27243","Some fear had been gathering in me, perhaps because of the strangeness of my heritage, and the bleakness of the evening, and the queerness of the silence in that aged town of curious customs.","HPL" "id06085","""I am aware,"" said the traveller, as he drew a sigh of deep delight after gazing on this scene, entranced, for nearly an hour, ""I know that here, in my circumstances, nine tenths of the most fastidious of men would rest content.","EAP" "id07171","""It is true that balloons, in the first stage of their ascensions from the earth, are known to rise with a velocity comparatively moderate.","EAP" "id11445","And it was very odd that shingles so worm eaten could survive, or bricks so crumbled still form a standing chimney.","HPL" "id12169","What I have heard has been at third or fourth hand.""","EAP" "id16160","Thus we began to feel, with regard to many visaged death let loose on the chosen districts of our fair habitation, and above all, with regard to the plague.","MWS" "id00621","The God sends down his angry plagues from high, Famine and pestilence in heaps they die.","MWS" "id23085","On the faces of men were frowns, but by the stone embankment along the sluggish river Zuro sate a young boy with sad eyes gazing into the waters to spy green budding branches washed down from the hills by the freshets.","HPL" "id03164","I exclaimed, ""and Voissart Why, what is it you mean?"" ""Vat I mean?","EAP" "id06277","She had fortunately small cause for fear.","MWS" "id19041","Such a scene must have been one of deepest interest and high wrought passion.","MWS" "id20571","That I had left at most but eleven years of further existence was made certain to me by the words which I read.","HPL" "id23046","From what black wells of Acherontic fear or feeling, from what unplumbed gulfs of extra cosmic consciousness or obscure, long latent heredity, were those half articulate thunder croakings drawn?","HPL" "id09837","The other one did not prove so unfortunate.","EAP" "id00287","Besides, in our case, we were obliged to proceed without noise.""","EAP" "id22082","I have declared my resolution to you, and I am no coward to bend beneath words.","MWS" "id15307","I replied as best I could as only a true lover can.","EAP" "id16346","Well do I remember the night of the great Aurora, when over the swamp played the shocking coruscations of the daemon light.","HPL" "id02998","The origin of this enmity seems to be found in the words of an ancient prophecy ""A lofty name shall have a fearful fall when, as the rider over his horse, the mortality of Metzengerstein shall triumph over the immortality of Berlifitzing.""","EAP" "id17657","Two of the figures I glimpsed were in voluminous robes, and one wore a peaked diadem which glistened whitely in the moonlight.","HPL" "id20758","Each village, however small, usually contains a leader, one among themselves whom they venerate, whose advice they seek in difficulty, and whose good opinion they chiefly value.","MWS" "id17998","We observed too, that, although the tempest continued to rage with unabated violence, there was no longer to be discovered the usual appearance of surf, or foam, which had hitherto attended us.","EAP" "id24769","Apply to the 'Hum Drum,' the 'Lollipop,' or the 'Goosetherumfoodle.'","EAP" "id14162","I sat by the side of her ebony bed, upon one of the ottomans of India.","EAP" "id16362","On his initiative we combed the countryside for information regarding the terrible Martense family, and discovered a man who possessed a marvellously illuminating ancestral diary.","HPL" "id17929","For a short space of time I remained at the window watching the pallid lightnings that played above Mont Blanc and listening to the rushing of the Arve, which pursued its noisy way beneath.","MWS" "id13466","The apothecary had an idea that I was actually dead.","EAP" "id01750","That's haow the Kanakys got wind they was daown thar.","HPL" "id27496","I never saw any set of reasonable people so thoroughly frightened in my life.","EAP" "id00423","He passed his younger days perpetually occupied by the affairs of his country; a variety of circumstances had prevented his marrying early, nor was it until the decline of life that he became a husband and the father of a family.","MWS" "id26522","The interior of the automaton being then exhibited, and no person discovered, the spectators, says the author of this pamphlet, are satisfied that no one is within any portion of the machine.","EAP" "id09806","""How is this?"" he cried.","MWS" "id07336","In the morning citizens and state troopers followed the shuddering mountaineers to the place where they said the death had come.","HPL" "id27937","Our little island was filled even to bursting.","MWS" "id05097","The speaking impulse seemed to falter here, as if some frightful psychic struggle were going on.","HPL" "id07064","""I could not tell you the twentieth part of the difficulties we encountered 'on the grounds' it is a bad spot to be in, even in good weather but we made shift always to run the gauntlet of the Moskoe ström itself without accident; although at times my heart has been in my mouth when we happened to be a minute or so behind or before the slack.","EAP" "id13004","Alas that in human nature such a pitch of mental discipline, and disdainful negligence of nature itself, should not have been allied to the extreme of moral excellence But the resolution that permitted her to resist the pains of privation, sprung from the too great energy of her passions; and the concentrated self will of which this was a sign, was destined to destroy even the very idol, to preserve whose respect she submitted to this detail of wretchedness.","MWS" "id07014","The Assembly, at this epoch, was unusually well informed, and, having passed many other wise and wholesome enactments, it crowned all with the Cat Act.","EAP" "id25568","But it is even so; the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil.","MWS" "id06796","They all grew as pale as so many corpses, and, shrinking within their seats, sat quivering and gibbering with terror, and listening for a repetition of the sound.","EAP" "id15344","If you refuse to contribute to my happiness, I quit England to night, and will never set foot in it again.","MWS" "id27796","I was an only child, and the lack of companionship which this fact entailed upon me was augmented by the strange care exercised by my aged guardian in excluding me from the society of the peasant children whose abodes were scattered here and there upon the plains that surround the base of the hill.","HPL" "id10984","Faint hearted It is well, shut up in your castle, out of danger, to boast yourself out of fear.","MWS" "id09812","He bows, with his hand upon his heart, and most respectfully bids her adieu.","EAP" "id08865","Much is also received into the stomach, and the whole body becomes heavier by the difference between the weight of the air originally distending these cavities, and that of the fluid which now fills them.","EAP" "id09031","A dozen times he hears or fancies the step of an observer.","EAP" "id19781","I would not remain on the sea coast, but proceeded immediately inland.","MWS" "id19545","When we first discovered her, her bows were alone to be seen, as she rose slowly from the dim and horrible gulf beyond her.","EAP" "id09302","This revelation of simplicity removed much of the ill defined apprehension I had felt, and I smiled as my host rambled on: ""Queer haow picters kin set a body thinkin'.","HPL" "id16125","Hereafter a very notorious Roman Emperor will institute this worship in Rome, and thence derive a cognomen, Heliogabalus.","EAP" "id08097","Have you drunk also of the intoxicating draught?","MWS" "id21048","He evidently regarded his tall shipmate with a feeling half wondrous, half quizzical; and stared up occasionally in his face as the red setting sun stares up at the crags of Ben Nevis.","EAP" "id03008","They clung to the wood they overran it, and leaped in hundreds upon my person.","EAP" "id09966","But on the night after it was set up in the temple a terrible thing must have happened, for weird lights were seen over the lake, and in the morning the people found the idol gone, and the high priest Taran Ish lying dead, as from some fear unspeakable.","HPL" "id27860","We have no business calling in such things from outside, and only very wicked people and very wicked cults ever try to.","HPL" "id05159","That fateful night I was wildly agitated and perturbed, for despite the excellent care he had received, Joe Slater was unmistakably dying.","HPL" "id26881","I had wished and tried to do more than suspect, and my friend had tried and partly succeeded.","HPL" "id21646","Had the true scene been, as Le Commerciel suggested, in the neighborhood of the Rue Pavée St. Andrée, the perpetrators of the crime, supposing them still resident in Paris, would naturally have been stricken with terror at the public attention thus acutely directed into the proper channel; and, in certain classes of minds, there would have arisen, at once, a sense of the necessity of some exertion to redivert this attention.","EAP" "id17522","In the afternoon we all called again to see the patient.","EAP" "id12642","Wal, it's this it ain't what them fish devils hez done, but what they're a goin' to do They're a bringin' things up aout o' whar they come from into the taown ben doin' it fer years, an' slackenin' up lately.","HPL" "id08946","Deep ravines, in various directions, gave an air of still sterner solemnity to the scene.","EAP" "id26431","Then, with lack lustre eyes, grey hairs, and wrinkled brow, though now the words sound hollow and meaningless, then, tottering on the grave's extreme edge, I may be your affectionate and true friend, ""PERDITA.""","MWS" "id14288","To avoid the inconvenience of making a total vacuum at any moment within the chamber, this purification was never accomplished all at once, but in a gradual manner the valve being opened only for a few seconds, then closed again, until one or two strokes from the pump of the condenser had supplied the place of the atmosphere ejected.","EAP" "id04424","The once occasional huskiness of his tone was heard no more; and a tremulous quaver, as if of extreme terror, habitually characterized his utterance.","EAP" "id27043","Having satisfied myself upon this point, I was about turning my eyes to the prima donna, when they were arrested and riveted by a figure in one of the private boxes which had escaped my observation.","EAP" "id10153","I will be minute in relating all but at what point shall the weird narrative begin?","EAP" "id13752","I could not help observing, however, the inferior scientific knowledge of my companion.","HPL" "id19435","I alighted and was conducted to my solitary apartment to spend the evening as I pleased.","MWS" "id22152","The ultimate, or unparticled matter, not only permeates all things but impels all things and thus is all things within itself.","EAP" "id15585","If you had moved, they would have been at you long ago.","HPL" "id11976","Under the influence of these circumstances his passions found a deep soil wherein they might strike their roots and flourish either as flowers or weeds as was their nature.","MWS" "id23987","He was three feet in height I like to be particular and about seventy, or perhaps eighty, years of age.","EAP" "id02914","The matter of the presumably weak heart, which to my mind imperiled the success of our experiment, did not appear to trouble West extensively.","HPL" "id23497","The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature.","MWS" "id09865","This was a strange speech, now that, on the empty stage, each might play his part without impediment from the other.","MWS" "id08882","Feel you not the earth quake and open with agonizing groans, while the air is pregnant with shrieks and wailings, all announcing the last days of man?","MWS" "id09993","We stayed several hours with Justine, and it was with great difficulty that Elizabeth could tear herself away.","MWS" "id13145","We had that afternoon dug a grave in the cellar, and would have to fill it by dawn for although we had fixed a lock on the house we wished to shun even the remotest risk of a ghoulish discovery.","HPL" "id18795","""My dear Thingum,"" said he to me one day after dinner, ""I respect your abilities and love you as a son.","EAP" "id20746","The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts.","EAP" "id13751","Everyone loved Elizabeth.","MWS" "id22022","I knew not the word ""ease.""","EAP" "id17021","Felix and Agatha spent more time in amusement and conversation, and were assisted in their labours by servants.","MWS" "id16072","In the autumn of Phebe Harris gave birth to a still born daughter, and on the fifteenth of the next May Mercy Dexter took leave of a useful, austere, and virtuous life.","HPL" "id07369","I have copied them chiefly to show you the extreme remissness of the police, who, as far as I can understand from the Prefect, have not troubled themselves, in any respect, with an examination of the naval officer alluded to.","EAP" "id19428","The south is the native place of the human race; the land of fruits, more grateful to man than the hard earned Ceres of the north, of trees, whose boughs are as a palace roof, of couches of roses, and of the thirst appeasing grape.","MWS" "id24761","My labours have cheered long hours of solitude, and taken me out of a world, which has averted its once benignant face from me, to one glowing with imagination and power.","MWS" "id05803","""Remember, I ain't sayin' Obed was set on hevin' things jest like they was on that Kanaky isle.","HPL" "id08743","Heaven shower down blessings on you, and save me, that I may again and again testify my gratitude for all your love and kindness.","MWS" "id18237","He had, Elwood said, shewed no tendency to talk or rise in his sleep; and meanwhile the landlord was putting rat poison everywhere.","HPL" "id03857","His intellect was of that order to which the attainment of knowledge is less a labor than a necessity and an intuition.","EAP" "id08552","He was met on the threshold by some insult, real or imaginary; some repulse, where he least expected it; some disappointment, hard for his pride to bear.","MWS" "id03614","If, under any circumstances, she could have acquired sufficient courage to address the noble persons mentioned by her husband, the ill success of his own application caused her to banish the idea.","MWS" "id02233","It is impossible; one might as well try to overtake the winds, or confine a mountain stream with a straw.","MWS" "id06644","Several strange facts combined against her, which might have staggered anyone who had not such proof of her innocence as I had.","MWS" "id19714","But the beauty and regularity of the new town of Edinburgh, its romantic castle and its environs, the most delightful in the world, Arthur's Seat, St. Bernard's Well, and the Pentland Hills compensated him for the change and filled him with cheerfulness and admiration.","MWS" "id00514","It must have been frightful I could hear the screams up here in spite of all I was seeing and hearing from another direction, and later it was rather awful to find those empty heaps of clothes around the house.","HPL" "id08451","Certainly, Erich Zann was a genius of wild power.","HPL" "id11451","Ghastly as our prize appeared, it was wholly unresponsive to every solution we injected in its black arm; solutions prepared from experience with white specimens only.","HPL" "id12910","One seeks to recall the original beauty of the country, by adapting its means to the surrounding scenery, cultivating trees in harmony with the hills or plain of the neighboring land; detecting and bringing into practice those nice relations of size, proportion, and color which, hid from the common observer, are revealed everywhere to the experienced student of nature.","EAP" "id14569","All this I can still remember, though I no longer know what manner of thing we sought.","HPL" "id14338","At length one of the most aged of the women said that she had heard of such a place as Bessop's Castle, and thought that she could guide me to it, but that it was not a castle nor a tavern, but a high rock.","EAP" "id15628","My practice was this.","EAP" "id18365","Habitués say that it was at this point they noticed a cessation in the regular, monotonous strokes of the mop.","HPL" "id11400","In this case, that the Automaton was about to move is evident and that he did not move, was an effect plainly produced by the withdrawal of the antagonist, and without any intervention of Maelzel.","EAP" "id07220","He remembered the words of her letter and he indulged the wild idea that his kisses breathing warm love and life would infuse new spirit into her, and that with him near her she could not die; that his presence was the talisman of her life.","MWS" "id11016","Excited by such appliances to vice, my constitutional temperament broke forth with redoubled ardor, and I spurned even the common restraints of decency in the mad infatuation of my revels.","EAP" "id26456","In a word, the powers of mind more particularly exercised were, with me, as I have said before, the attentive, and are, with the day dreamer, the speculative.","EAP" "id25582","The triumph of my enemy increased with the difficulty of my labours.","MWS" "id19974","""You shall conquer, then, mon ami,"" said she, ""for the sake of the Eugenie whom you love, this little weakness which you have at last confessed this weakness more moral than physical and which, let me assure you, is so unbecoming the nobility of your real nature so inconsistent with the candor of your usual character and which, if permitted further control, will assuredly involve you, sooner or later, in some very disagreeable scrape.","EAP" "id19175","But it is not a matter of choice; I can live here only.","MWS" "id15790","To day I wear these chains, and am here To morrow I shall be fetterless but where?","EAP" "id04628","To have him once more in my arms, to see him, however changed, is all I desire.","MWS" "id27218","Three years after the death of Kalos, Musides despatched a messenger to the Tyrant, and it was whispered in the agora at Tegea that the mighty statue was finished.","HPL" "id27094","The solution consists in a series of minute explanations, accompanied by wood cuts, the whole occupying many pages in which the object is to show the possibility of so shifting the partitions of the box, as to allow a human being, concealed in the interior, to move portions of his body from one part of the box to another, during the exhibition of the mechanism thus eluding the scrutiny of the spectators.","EAP" "id15511","Presently a smart footman in livery brought in a tray with fruit, wine, and other refreshments, of which I partook, the lady soon afterward leaving the room.","EAP" "id12618","He was descended from a good family in France, where he had lived for many years in affluence, respected by his superiors and beloved by his equals.","MWS" "id22730","When we asked them to help us find Bennett and Tobey they were truly distressed; for they wanted to help us, yet knew that these victims had gone as wholly out of the world as their own missing people.","HPL" "id14860","The chanting of the men from Arkham now became unmistakable, and Wheeler saw through the glass that they were all raising their arms in the rhythmic incantation.","HPL" "id03970","She was quite upon an even keel that is to say, her deck lay in a plane parallel with that of the water but this latter sloped at an angle of more than forty five degrees, so that we seemed to be lying upon our beam ends.","EAP" "id15706","""Dear mountains my own beautiful lake how do you welcome your wanderer?","MWS" "id05923","""Dearest, dearest father, pity me and pardon me: I entreat you do not drive me to despair; indeed I must not be repulsed; there is one thing that which sic although it may torture me to know, yet that you must tell me.","MWS" "id26485","But curiosity soon awoke, and an earnest love of knowledge, which caused me to pass days and nights in reading and study.","MWS" "id00996","the walls of the myriads of the shining bodies that mere number has appeared to blend into unity?","EAP" "id20466","The grave yawned beneath us all, and its prospect prevented any of us from enjoying the ease and plenty which in so awful a manner was presented to us.","MWS" "id17619","It is beyond the reach of art to endow either air or recitative with more impassioned expression than was hers.","EAP" "id03450","All the objects organic and inorganic alike were totally beyond description or even comprehension.","HPL" "id15709","The occupation is often full of interest and he who attempts it for the first time is astonished by the apparently illimitable distance and incoherence between the starting point and the goal.","EAP" "id18229","Tall, thin, and strait, her face still handsome, her raven hair hardly tinged with grey, her forehead arched and beautiful, had not the eye brows been somewhat scattered it was impossible not to be struck by her, almost to fear her.","MWS" "id10092","What men attempt to embody in the word ""thought,"" is this matter in motion.","EAP" "id05976","They will scarcely be so weak as not to 'realize,' in time, by large purchases of houses and land, with other property of intrinsic value.","EAP" "id19298","There dwelt in that ghastly and flexible face, as it shone bodiless, luminous, and rejuvenated in the blackness, more of stark, teeming, brain shattering fear than all the rest of heaven and earth has ever revealed to me.","HPL" "id22150","Had the whole actually vanished into air, it could not have shot from my sight in a more abrupt and instantaneous manner.","EAP" "id00623","I am as positive that yesterday was Sunday as I am that I sit upon this chair.""","EAP" "id13405","I have a friend who loves me as his life, and in whose breast I should infix a mortal sting if I ungratefully left him.","MWS" "id11176","Muffled sounds of possible vocal origin approached, and at length a firm knock came at my outer door.","HPL" "id19569","I was still smarting from my own disappointment; yet this scene oppressed me even to terror, nor could I interrupt his access of passion.","MWS" "id02308","The father of the fair Juliet separated them; but not until the young lover had promised to remain absent only till he had rendered himself worthy of her, and she had vowed to preserve her virgin heart, his treasure, till he returned to claim and possess it.","MWS" "id24980","Indeed, had they not themselves, in their high tower, often performed the very ancient and secret rite in detestation of Bokrug, the water lizard?","HPL" "id04245","Alas I who so lately knew of nought but the joy of life; who had slept only to dream sweet dreams and awoke to incomparable happiness, I now passed my days and nights in tears.","MWS" "id14107","Wearied at length with observing its dull movement, I turned my eyes upon the other objects in the cell.","EAP" "id10284","Oh When will my guiding spirit, in conducting me to the daemon, allow me the rest I so much desire; or must I die, and he yet live?","MWS" "id09489","To morrow, loveliest and best, hope and joy of my life, to morrow I will see thee Fool, to dream of a moment's delay I went to rest.","MWS" "id09538","The same name the same contour of person the same day of arrival at the academy And then his dogged and meaningless imitation of my gait, my voice, my habits, and my manner Was it, in truth, within the bounds of human possibility, that what I now saw was the result, merely, of the habitual practice of this sarcastic imitation?","EAP" "id25819","So The Street slept uneasily on, till one night there gathered in Petrovitch's Bakery and the Rifkin School of Modern Economics, and the Circle Social Club, and Liberty Café, and in other places as well, vast hordes of men whose eyes were big with horrible triumph and expectation.","HPL" "id10941","Now it seemed to me to be as a various river flowing through a fertile and lovely lanscape, ever changing and ever beautiful.","MWS" "id02735","I visited with my father every delightful spot, either on the islands, or by the side of the tree sheltered waterfalls; every shady path, or dingle entangled with underwood and fern.","MWS" "id00815","He examines the countenance of his partner, comparing it carefully with that of each of his opponents.","EAP" "id10077","He would return a purse, I am sure, upon discovering that he had obtained it by an unoriginal diddle.","EAP" "id22189","During the five years of my residence here, I was never able to ascertain with precision, in what remote locality lay the little sleeping apartment assigned to myself and some eighteen or twenty other scholars.","EAP" "id17629","When through some unavoidable oversight a cat was missed, and sounds heard after dark, the loser would lament impotently; or console himself by thanking Fate that it was not one of his children who had thus vanished.","HPL" "id01202","Happy, happy earth Fit habitation for gods, which, so short a time before, was bleak, damp, and unwholesome.","MWS" "id14417","I now raised up the hoop again within the covering of gum elastic, and propped it at nearly its former height by means of three light poles prepared for the occasion.","EAP" "id00090","M. Krempe was a little squat man with a gruff voice and a repulsive countenance; the teacher, therefore, did not prepossess me in favour of his pursuits.","MWS" "id03601","It was spotted all over, at irregular intervals, with arabesque figures, about a foot in diameter, and wrought upon the cloth in patterns of the most jetty black.","EAP" "id22609","He accused me of melancholy, of ill humour and envy.","MWS" "id13472","We were aged and weak from our drugs, dissipations, and nervous overstrain, and the thinning hair and beard of my friend had become snow white.","HPL" "id13454","Has anything unpleasant happened since I saw you?"" ""No, massa, dey aint bin noffin unpleasant since den 'twas fore den I'm feared 'twas de berry day you was dare.""","EAP" "id19686","These astounding words came on him as of less fearful import than those which he had expected; and to learn that she was still in being, and that he might still hope was an alleviation to him.","MWS" "id18711","You are a man to be missed.","EAP" "id05659","Yet I should fail in any attempt to convey an idea of the exact character of the studies, or of the occupations, in which he involved me, or led me the way.","EAP" "id10313","The vortex of thoughtless folly into which I there so immediately and so recklessly plunged, washed away all but the froth of my past hours, engulfed at once every solid or serious impression, and left to memory only the veriest levities of a former existence.","EAP" "id09528","My friend went on with his discourse.","EAP" "id27090","image of automaton At the hour appointed for exhibition, a curtain is withdrawn, or folding doors are thrown open, and the machine rolled to within about twelve feet of the nearest of the spectators, between whom and it the machine a rope is stretched.","EAP" "id00961","She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species.","MWS" "id12036","Thus, in early day, she left us for the company of the dead, and preferred to share the rocky grave of Raymond, before the animated scene this cheerful earth afforded, and the society of loving friends.","MWS" "id19725","To be sure, this composition was of no very great length but I ""have yet to learn"" as they say in the Edinburgh Review, that the mere extent of a literary work has any thing to do with its merit.","EAP" "id03832","To be confronted in a place as thoroughly deserted as I had deemed the old castle with evidence of the presence of man or spirit, produced in my brain a horror of the most acute description.","HPL" "id22865","He was a victim of physical and nervous suffering, as was I; and my metaphysical studies had taught me kindness.","HPL" "id01029","""Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time.","MWS" "id26754","Their faces expressed a mixture of curiosity and anger, which annoyed and in some degree alarmed me.","MWS" "id24034","I considered the being whom I had cast among mankind, and endowed with the will and power to effect purposes of horror, such as the deed which he had now done, nearly in the light of my own vampire, my own spirit let loose from the grave, and forced to destroy all that was dear to me.","MWS" "id05064","He could not really care for me, I thought, for if he did the storm would rather have made him come even if I had not expected him, than, as it did, prevent a promised visit.","MWS" "id23175","Did I ever in the wide world seek other than thee?","MWS" "id25210","In the gardens of these cities are strange orchids, and perfumed lakes whose beds are of coral and amber.","HPL" "id16982","Will you be kind enough to write?","EAP" "id03519","That he need not plunge into this destructive dissipation for the sake of disgusting me, and causing me to fly.","MWS" "id18800","The contour of his face was somewhat angular and harsh.","EAP" "id09685","These appearances in the right lobe were of comparatively recent date.","EAP" "id26974","Then the bank defaulter remembered the picture, and suggested that it be viewed and filed for identification at police headquarters.","HPL" "id05795","All attempts at logical inquiry resulted, indeed, in leaving me more sceptical than before.","EAP" "id16540","""How? did you put any thing particular in it?""","EAP" "id19908","""A considerable period elapsed before I discovered one of the causes of the uneasiness of this amiable family: it was poverty, and they suffered that evil in a very distressing degree.","MWS" "id20204","That storm, said men who had ventured down the mine shaft, had caused extensive caving in, and had completely closed the deep abyss which had created so much apprehension the day before.","HPL" "id08376","When I thought of him I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed, and I ardently wished to extinguish that life which I had so thoughtlessly bestowed.","MWS" "id14393","The prospect seemed unbounded.","EAP" "id03043","That tenuity in the comet which had previously inspired us with hope, was now the source of the bitterness of despair.","EAP" "id07844","I want the damages at a thousand, but he says that for so simple a knock down we can't lay them at more than five hundred.","EAP" "id06431","It was his surpassing beauty, the dazzling fire of his eyes, and his words whose rich accents wrapt the listener in mute and extactic wonder, that made him transcend all others so that before him they appeared only formed to minister to his superior excellence.","MWS" "id08322","The ball had entered my shoulder, and I knew not whether it had remained there or passed through; at any rate I had no means of extracting it.","MWS" "id11883","Its hills are covered with vines, and its cottages are scattered thickly in the plains.","MWS" "id12159","Mine were an old people, and were old even when this land was settled three hundred years before.","HPL" "id26963","This being you must create.""","MWS" "id01513","Its brilliant flowers are the dearest of all unfulfilled dreams, and its raging volcanoes are the passions of the most turbulent and unhallowed of hearts.","EAP" "id27921","Yet differently we grew I, ill of health, and buried in gloom she, agile, graceful, and overflowing with energy; hers, the ramble on the hill side mine the studies of the cloister; I, living within my own heart, and addicted, body and soul, to the most intense and painful meditation she, roaming carelessly through life, with no thought of the shadows in her path, or the silent flight of the raven winged hours.","EAP" "id23348","All around him was cloud and chaos, and he could see nothing below but the whiteness of illimitable space.","HPL" "id24131","""Like Sir George Cayley's balloon, his own was an ellipsoid.","EAP" "id12650","Space belongs to me, do you hear?","HPL" "id22091","On the first approach of his disorder, he travelled about from one place to another; until, arriving at that romantic seclusion he refused to quit it, and we made arrangements with the Duke for his continuing there.""","MWS" "id13129","Could he, for an instant, have supposed that, in my admonisher at Eton in the destroyer of my honor at Oxford, in him who thwarted my ambition at Rome, my revenge at Paris, my passionate love at Naples, or what he falsely termed my avarice in Egypt, that in this, my arch enemy and evil genius, could fail to recognise the William Wilson of my school boy days, the namesake, the companion, the rival, the hated and dreaded rival at Dr. Bransby's?","EAP" "id24587","dripping death astride a Bacchanale of bats from night black ruins of buried temples of Belial. . . .","HPL" "id08279","Wrap the drawing around it, and try the experiment again.""","EAP" "id04226","I strived to decypher them, but in vain; while ever and anon, like the spirit of a departed sound, the shrill and piercing shriek of a female voice seemed to be ringing in my ears.","EAP" "id00081","""Contradictories cannot both be true that is, cannot co exist in nature.""","EAP" "id08459","I alone remained, riveted to my seat by a grovelling fear which I had never felt before.","HPL" "id13242","It was clear that I had wandered from the road to the village, and I had thus good traveller's excuse to open the gate before me, and inquire my way, at all events; so, without more ado, I proceeded.","EAP" "id12418","It has been observed, that, in balloon ascensions to any considerable height, besides the pain attending respiration, great uneasiness is experienced about the head and body, often accompanied with bleeding at the nose, and other symptoms of an alarming kind, and growing more and more inconvenient in proportion to the altitude attained.","EAP" "id07392","He would have been in too great haste for such things as securing a boat.","EAP" "id00657","The former was found securely fastened from within.","EAP" "id25288","At all events I undoubtedly beheld the whole of the earth's major diameter; the entire northern hemisphere lay beneath me like a chart orthographically projected: and the great circle of the equator itself formed the boundary line of my horizon.","EAP" "id22496","He had appeared each evening, impatience and anger marked in his looks, scowling on us from the opposite side of St. Stephen's, as if his mere frown would cast eclipse on our hopes.","MWS" "id25256","Almost eight feet tall, and carrying a cheap new valise from Osborn's general store, this dark and goatish gargoyle appeared one day in Arkham in quest of the dreaded volume kept under lock and key at the college library the hideous Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred in Olaus Wormius' Latin version, as printed in Spain in the seventeenth century.","HPL" "id22870","Yet there was something to be observed.","EAP" "id24113","But as yet my soul had proved true to its vows, and the indications of the presence of Eleonora were still given me in the silent hours of the night.","EAP" "id03263","But in regard to the immediate agency of the ruin, speculation had been at fault from that epoch in astronomical knowledge in which the comets were divested of the terrors of flame.","EAP" "id13314","My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her lover, instantly abandoned his pursuit.","MWS" "id16245","It had seemed to follow a whirring that was not of the old woman's spinning wheel.","HPL" "id04477","Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful.","MWS" "id21344","After a while there was utter blackness, and then the light of myriad stars forming strange, alien constellations.","HPL" "id19999","The most reasonable conclusion is, that he wept himself to death.","EAP" "id07070","Had the balloon remained a very short while longer within the cloud that is to say had not the inconvenience of getting wet, determined me to discharge the ballast, inevitable ruin would have been the consequence.","EAP" "id24675","Woodville had told me that there was in my countenance an expression as if I belonged to another world; so he had seen that sign: and there it lay a gloomy mark to tell the world that there was that within my soul that no silence could render sufficiently obscure.","MWS" "id14701","He sat by her, he took her hand, and said a thousand things which breathed the deepest spirit of compassion and affection.","MWS" "id19072","Yet we advanced slowly: sometimes I thought that we should never arrive; that the sound of waves would still allure us, and that we should walk on for ever and ever: field succeeding field, never would our weary journey cease, nor night nor day; but still we should hear the dashing of the sea, and to all this there would be no end.","MWS" "id02771","Why, why should I doubt it?","EAP" "id06402","But, the thing done, the wonder accomplished, and the capacity for apprehension becomes universal.","EAP" "id05037","It was not will that she wanted, but the capacity; again and again she declared, it were as easy to enchain the sea, to put reins on the wind's viewless courses, as for her to take truth for falsehood, deceit for honesty, heartless communion for sincere, confiding love.","MWS" "id13184","The first half of the principal manuscript told a very peculiar tale.","HPL" "id27917","The handkerchief bore the name ""Marie Rogêt.""","EAP" "id13102","""You remember;"" said he, ""the night when I handed you the rough sketch I had made of the scarabæus.","EAP" "id21626","With Mr. Crab, as editor, and with such names upon the list of contributors as Snob and Slyass, there can be no such word as 'fail' for the Lollipop.'","EAP" "id19969","They did not appear rich, but they were contented and happy; their feelings were serene and peaceful, while mine became every day more tumultuous.","MWS" "id06432","Its principal feature seemed to be that of an excessive antiquity.","EAP" "id00318","During my absence I should leave my friends unconscious of the existence of their enemy and unprotected from his attacks, exasperated as he might be by my departure.","MWS" "id17987","Apparently Whateley had had no skull or bony skeleton; at least, in any true or stable sense.","HPL" "id09158","The next night devils danced on the roofs of Arkham, and unnatural madness howled in the wind.","HPL" "id25360","The results of this examination were not at first very enlightening, though our tabulation of them seemed to reveal a fairly significant trend; namely, that the number of reported horrors was by far the greatest in areas either comparatively near the avoided house or connected with it by stretches of the morbidly overnourished forest.","HPL" "id07546","And nevertheless it was done.","EAP" "id12095","I felt as if I were placed under a ban as if I had no right to claim their sympathies as if never more might I enjoy companionship with them.","MWS" "id26405","Does he not on the contrary feel a freedom of will within him, which, though you may call it fallacious, still actuates him as he decides?""","MWS" "id13208","They had not been long married, and their eldest child was but just born.","MWS" "id17881","He had not survived his return, said his wife, for the doings at sea in had broken him.","HPL" "id27194","Gradually the object of fear sank beneath the horizon, and to the last shot up shadowy beams into the otherwise radiant air.","MWS" "id07756","Small Romnod was now not so small, and spoke deeply instead of shrilly, though Iranon was always the same, and decked his golden hair with vines and fragrant resins found in the woods.","HPL" "id18731","Well, Aries Tottle flourished supreme until advent of one Hog, surnamed the ""Ettrick Shepherd,"" who preached an entirely different system, which he called the a posteriori or inductive.","EAP" "id05418","At all events, with my knapsack for a pillow, and my hound as a sentry, a bivouac in the open air was just the thing which would have amused me.","EAP" "id04317","The truth is, that few individuals, in any line, did a snugger little business than I.","EAP" "id16145","And in a few years more, men built cabins on the south side of The Street.","HPL" "id05995","As the second landing was reached, these sounds, also, had ceased and everything remained perfectly quiet.","EAP" "id19163","This central orb, however, dynamically, should have been greater than all its surrounding orbs taken together.","EAP" "id24193","Nay, these are virtuous and immaculate beings I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on.","MWS" "id06950","But in the present case the question is of a dress, presenting but one edge.","EAP" "id12172","The clatter at the northerly connecting door was now terrific, and I saw that the weak panelling was beginning to splinter.","HPL" "id24528","Having descended, as I said before, to about one hundred feet from the surface of the earth, the little old gentleman was suddenly seized with a fit of trepidation, and appeared disinclined to make any nearer approach to terra firma.","EAP" "id14325","I indeed perceptibly gained on it, and when, after nearly two days' journey, I beheld my enemy at no more than a mile distant, my heart bounded within me.","MWS" "id05727","So Carter had tried to do as others did, and pretended that the common events and emotions of earthy minds were more important than the fantasies of rare and delicate souls.","HPL" "id25919","We perpetually made excursions together.","MWS" "id25115","""This model which, through want of time, we have necessarily described in an imperfect manner, was put in action at the Adelaide Gallery, where it accomplished a velocity of five miles per hour; although, strange to say, it excited very little interest in comparison with the previous complex machine of Mr. Henson so resolute is the world to despise anything which carries with it an air of simplicity.","EAP" "id01656","but God I dare not tell you what I saw . . .","HPL" "id08261","Entreating him, therefore, to remain a few minutes at the bottom of the stairs, I darted up towards my own room.","MWS" "id08982","A favourite haunt of mine during the day was the ruined cellar of the mansion that had burned down, and in fancy I would picture the structure as it had been in its prime.","HPL" "id26091","I raised his rigid limbs, I marked the distortion of his face, and the stony eyes lost to perception.","MWS" "id14160","To one lie, first class, extra quality and size; recommended milled satinet as broadcloth...................... JULY .","EAP" "id12734","My beloved friends were alarmed nay, they expressed their alarm so anxiously, that I dared not pronounce the word plague, that hovered on my lips, lest they should construe my perturbed looks into a symptom, and see infection in my languor.","MWS" "id09702","I was forced to fall back upon the unsatisfactory conclusion, that while, beyond doubt, there are combinations of very simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, still the analysis of this power lies among considerations beyond our depth.","EAP" "id24209","But I was impatient to arrive at the termination of my journey.","MWS" "id17135","As often happens, when such refusals are made, the practitioners resolved to disinter the body and dissect it at leisure, in private.","EAP" "id10031","""As I live, there she is"" cried one.","EAP" "id21984","This thought creates.","EAP" "id27125","Slaves' cries ascended from a scene of desolation, and no more amidst the olive grove rose the gleaming colonnades of that vast hall wherein Musides had dreamed and toiled.","HPL" "id26149","As I waited there in expectation of that moment, I thought how, of the lovely flowers that grew there, I would wind myself a chaplet and crown myself for joy: I would sing sul margine d'un rio, my father's favourite song, and that my voice gliding through the windless air would announce to him in whatever bower he sat expecting the moment of our union, that his daughter was come.","MWS" "id00091","When I had attained that point of the ravine in the mountains at which I had encountered the hyena, I again experienced a shock as of a galvanic battery, the sense of weight, of volition, of substance, returned.","EAP" "id26026","The attention is here called powerfully into play.","EAP" "id25349","""I can hardly describe to you the effect of these books.","MWS" "id16435","It was not for the rose of Persia thou wert famous, nor the banana of the east; not for the spicy gales of India, nor the sugar groves of America; not for thy vines nor thy double harvests, nor for thy vernal airs, nor solstitial sun but for thy children, their unwearied industry and lofty aspiration.","MWS" "id15562","Though I knew that death was near, my curiosity was consuming; and I threw the searchlight's beam about in eager quest.","HPL" "id04602","And it was wrought of one piece of ivory, though no man lives who knows whence so vast a piece could have come.","HPL" "id02458","I leaned against the casement, and watched those two glorious creatures, till they disappeared in the forest glades; and then I turned.","MWS" "id22126","A better kind of material, it appears, was subsequently found in the down surrounding the seed vessels of a plant vulgarly called euphorbium, and at that time botanically termed milk weed.","EAP" "id17540","It was an impossibility in a normal world.","HPL" "id04538","It was pretty enough to see my sister enter as it were into the spirit of the drama, and endeavour to fill her station with becoming dignity.","MWS" "id23341","'And one part,' too, 'was the hem of the frock' Another piece was 'part of the skirt, not the hem,' that is to say, was torn completely out through the agency of thorns, from the uncaged interior of the dress These, I say, are things which one may well be pardoned for disbelieving; yet, taken collectedly, they form, perhaps, less of reasonable ground for suspicion, than the one startling circumstance of the articles' having been left in this thicket at all, by any murderers who had enough precaution to think of removing the corpse.","EAP" "id25215","He was barefooted and in his night clothes, and when he tried to walk discovered that he could scarcely lift his feet.","HPL" "id02830","In the meantime I kept my eyes riveted on Madame Lalande, and at length had the good fortune to obtain a full front view of her face.","EAP" "id00930","The aperture was black with a darkness almost material.","HPL" "id02328","In the heart of Venice could I have erected a better?","EAP" "id03000","With painful effort I outstretched my left arm as far as my bonds permitted, and took possession of the small remnant which had been spared me by the rats.","EAP" "id03619","He was endeavouring to encourage his sister, and to bring her to look on his intent in a less tragic light than she was prepared to do; and with passionate eloquence he unfolded his designs to her. ""Let me, at the first word,"" he said, ""relieve your mind from all fear on my account.","MWS" "id02604","I not only neglected, but ill used them.","EAP" "id09324","It can, though, do a lot of harm; so we mustn't hesitate to rid the community of it.","HPL" "id08359","I was hurt by the careless tone with which he conveyed this information, and replied coldly: ""I am obliged to you for your intelligence, and will avail myself of it.""","MWS" "id07882","Look at his thought endued countenance, his graceful limbs, his majestic brow, his wondrous mechanism the type and model of this best work of God is not to be cast aside as a broken vessel he shall be preserved, and his children and his children's children carry down the name and form of man to latest time.","MWS" "id06126","Amazement now struggled in my bosom with the profound awe which had hitherto reigned there alone.","EAP" "id00440","Long years have since elapsed, and my memory is feeble through much suffering.","EAP" "id10732","How are we to know that the articles found in the drawers were not all these drawers had originally contained?","EAP" "id16376","It was I who thought of the deserted Chapman farmhouse beyond Meadow Hill, where we fitted up on the ground floor an operating room and a laboratory, each with dark curtains to conceal our midnight doings.","HPL" "id21346","Distinction and station were not the qualifications of their election.","MWS" "id05407","One of them struck me upon the right temple.","EAP" "id11037","It will be necessary for a proper understanding of the subject, that we repeat here in a few words, the routine adopted by the exhibiter in disclosing the interior of the box a routine from which he never deviates in any material particular.","EAP" "id07545","The second impression which she made on me, but by far the more vivid of the two, was that of enthusiasm.","EAP" "id05164","It seemed as if many bulging, watery, unwinking eyes looked oddly at me as I claimed my valise in the lobby, and I hoped that none of these unpleasant creatures would be my fellow passengers on the coach.","HPL" "id16634","They were long and loud very awful and distressing.","EAP" "id13675","Such for three days and nights appeared the consummation which fate had decreed for my labours, and I became haggard and spectre like, through anxiety and watching.","MWS" "id25615","There are numerous other mathematical truths which are only truths within the limits of relation.","EAP" "id00255","Books and paintings and music came to the houses, and the young men went to the university which rose above the plain to the north.","HPL" "id15717","""O Aira, city of marble and beryl, how many are thy beauties How loved I the warm and fragrant groves across the hyaline Nithra, and the falls of the tiny Kra that flowed through the verdant valley In those groves and in that vale the children wove wreaths for one another, and at dusk I dreamed strange dreams under the yath trees on the mountain as I saw below me the lights of the city, and the curving Nithra reflecting a ribbon of stars.","HPL" "id18390","My dream was for ever in my thoughts, and with a kind of half insanity that often possesses the mind in despair, I said aloud; ""Courage We are not near the sea; we are yet several miles from the ocean"" Yet it was towards the sea that our direction lay and that heightened the confusion of my ideas.","MWS" "id13656","I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.""","MWS" "id09001","Let us leave the city Teloth and fare together among the hills of spring.","HPL" "id25971","He was, perhaps, six feet in height, and of a presence singularly commanding.","EAP" "id05868","The specimen, as West repeatedly observed, had a splendid nervous system.","HPL" "id13069","Presently I saw the young man again, with some tools in his hand, cross the field behind the cottage; and the girl was also busied, sometimes in the house and sometimes in the yard.","MWS" "id01095","You will find that the discovery followed, almost immediately, the urgent communications sent to the evening paper.","EAP" "id01967","Yet this is not it I do not intend to entrap you with questions one will suffice am I completely a wretch?""","MWS" "id27016","They were as furtive and seldom seen as animals that live in burrows, and one could hardly imagine how they passed the time apart from their desultory fishing.","HPL" "id06321","One of the most remarkable instances was that of the murder of a young girl named Marie Rogêt.","EAP" "id12063","In pursuance of this idea, he pushed open the door gently but the room was inhabited.","MWS" "id02944","He mounted a fiery horse, that which had borne him forward to victory in Greece; he fatigued himself with deadening exercise, losing the pangs of a troubled mind in animal sensation.","MWS" "id06428","I am burning with anxiety to hear the details of that stupendous event which threw you among us.","EAP" "id14558","Neither knew what to make of the whole chaotic business, and decided it would be better if they thought as little as possible about it.","HPL" "id11602","""For it will be the same with thee, who art called our Universal Mother, when I am gone.","MWS" "id01824","The entrance of Macbeth did not destroy the illusion, for he was actuated by the same feelings that inspired us, and while the work of magic proceeded we sympathized in his wonder and his daring, and gave ourselves up with our whole souls to the influence of scenic delusion.","MWS" "id01764","Any man is a dolt who permits a 'secret' drawer to escape him in a search of this kind.","EAP" "id16316","West had soon learned that absolute freshness was the prime requisite for useful specimens, and had accordingly resorted to frightful and unnatural expedients in body snatching.","HPL" "id27833","Eventually Jermyn asked and obtained permission to train the animal, astonishing audiences and fellow performers alike with his success.","HPL" "id21467","I could not however at that time feel remorse, for methought I was born anew; my soul threw off the burthen of past sin, to commence a new career in innocence and love.","MWS" "id06770","A wind swept across the plain, I looked around me and saw no object that told me where I was; I had lost myself, and in vain attempted to find my path.","MWS" "id10075","Then came the first scratching and fumbling at the dormer window that looked out high above the other roofs of the city.","HPL" "id02924","MANY years ago, it was the fashion to ridicule the idea of ""love at first sight;"" but those who think, not less than those who feel deeply, have always advocated its existence.","EAP" "id01028","While life was strong within me I thought indeed that there was a sacred horror in my tale that rendered it unfit for utterance, and now about to die I pollute its mystic terrors.","MWS" "id02536","She floated again from out the light and into the gloom which deepened momently and again her shadow fell from her into the ebony water, and became absorbed into its blackness.","EAP" "id11172","On the other hand, there was much cause for anxiety as to what it might do in the house.","EAP" "id12858","""It was evening when I arrived, and I retired to a hiding place among the fields that surround it to meditate in what manner I should apply to you.","MWS" "id22226","But these dreams were not altogether uninterrupted.","EAP" "id06897","Ordinarily he was true to the derelict type ready to do anything for a nickel or a dose of whiskey or hasheesh but at rare intervals he shewed the traits which earned him his name.","HPL" "id04681","Wilbur was growing up uncannily, so that he looked like a boy of ten as he entered his fourth year.","HPL" "id01524","The sight seemed to displease him, for he began a series of weak curses which ended in a confidential whisper and a knowing leer.","HPL" "id05701","We are now prepared to view a second elopement if we know that an elopement has again taken place as indicating a renewal of the betrayer's advances, rather than as the result of new proposals by a second individual we are prepared to regard it as a 'making up' of the old amour, rather than as the commencement of a new one.","EAP" "id18778","Beings must have cared for my needs, yet I cannot recall any person except myself; or anything alive but the noiseless rats and bats and spiders.","HPL" "id26601","After I saw that he was no longer in the boat I threw the searchlight around the water in an effort to obtain a last glimpse of him; since I wished to ascertain whether the water pressure would flatten him as it theoretically should, or whether the body would be unaffected, like those extraordinary dolphins.","HPL" "id13022","Your favourite schoolfellow, Louis Manoir, has suffered several misfortunes since the departure of Clerval from Geneva.","MWS" "id05000","Dogs abhorred the boy, and he was always obliged to take various defensive measures against their barking menace.","HPL" "id26567","My passions are my masters; my smallest impulse my tyrant.","MWS" "id15183","There were also some curious muddy rat tracks leading out of a fresh hole and back into it again.","HPL" "id08031","She sometimes begged Justine to forgive her unkindness, but much oftener accused her of having caused the deaths of her brothers and sister.","MWS" "id20049","Yon dark, gloomy niche, too, yawns right opposite her chamber window what, then, could there be in its shadows in its architecture in its ivy wreathed and solemn cornices that the Marchesa di Mentoni had not wondered at a thousand times before?","EAP" "id09899","We retired about eleven, but I did not sleep well.","HPL" "id01094","It must be thus and not otherwise.","EAP" "id24997","It had often occurred, that, when, as I said, Raymond quitted Perdita's drawing room, Clara came up to me, and gently drawing me aside, said, ""Papa is gone; shall we go to him?","MWS" "id02439","The sophists of the negative school who, through inability to create, have scoffed at creation, are now found the loudest in applause.","EAP" "id23302","All in the band of the faithful Order o' Dagon an' the children shud never die, but go back to the Mother Hydra an' Father Dagon what we all come from onct Iä Iä Cthulhu fhtagn Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn "" Old Zadok was fast lapsing into stark raving, and I held my breath.","HPL" "id05536","By means of this I was descending rapidly, and in apparent safety, when a huge hog, about whose rotund stomach, and indeed about whose whole air and physiognomy, there was something which reminded me of the Angel of the Odd, when this hog, I say, which hitherto had been quietly slumbering in the mud, took it suddenly into his head that his left shoulder needed scratching, and could find no more convenient rubbing post than that afforded by the foot of the ladder.","EAP" "id10246","These reduced me at once to submission, and I am almost ashamed to confess that either through pain or vexation, there came a few tears into my eyes.","EAP" "id03192","I think Professor Angell died because he knew too much, or because he was likely to learn too much.","HPL" "id27668","No voice was heard telling us to hold When foreign distresses came to be felt by us through the channels of commerce, we set ourselves to apply remedies.","MWS" "id04565","He must have been astonished at our conclave, disturbed by it I should have thought; but nothing of this appeared; he saluted my companions, and addressed me with a cordial greeting.","MWS" "id06869","I could no longer doubt the doom prepared for me by monkish ingenuity in torture.","EAP" "id26049","Some unknown circumstance now induced his mother to send him from under her immediate tutelage; and we heard that he was about to visit Cumberland.","MWS" "id25143","The ammonia ceased to drip, and as I cleaned up what had spilled and opened the window for air, I heard the landlady's heavy footsteps above me.","HPL" "id06754","Of this sad change he seemed by no means unaware, and little by little his expression and conversation both took on a gruesome irony which restored in me something of the subtle repulsion I had originally felt.","HPL" "id02179","But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificent revel.","EAP" "id12348","They were his pictures, you know the ones he couldn't paint or even shew in Newbury Street and he was right when he said he had ""let himself go"".","HPL" "id09127","Red tongues of flame and searing gusts of heat engulfed the house; and the roysterers, struck with terror at the descent of a calamity which seemed to transcend the bounds of unguided Nature, fled shrieking into the night.","HPL" "id02730","The house of Jermyn no longer existed.","HPL" "id21987","I dispute, in particular, the reason educed by mathematical study.","EAP" "id02809","As a duellist he had acquired who had fallen at his hands; but they were many.","EAP" "id01929","Being without superstition, he did not heed the day at all; though ever afterward he refused to do anything of importance on that fateful sixth day of the week.","HPL" "id23850","We have then the primitive arrangement of the earth's surface adapted to his blissful estate, as not existent but designed.","EAP" "id01400","It was between six and seven o'clock, a fine summer afternoon, and I spent my leisure hours in a ramble through the empty streets of London; now turning to avoid an approaching funeral, now urged by curiosity to observe the state of a particular spot; my wanderings were instinct with pain, for silence and desertion characterized every place I visited, and the few beings I met were so pale and woe begone, so marked with care and depressed by fear, that weary of encountering only signs of misery, I began to retread my steps towards home.","MWS" "id06450","My daily vows rose for revenge a deep and deadly revenge, such as would alone compensate for the outrages and anguish I had endured.","MWS" "id03116","The Emma, in ballast, had cleared Auckland on February th, and had felt the full force of that earthquake born tempest which must have heaved up from the sea bottom the horrors that filled men's dreams.","HPL" "id13530","I spoke a few hurried but energetic words to my companions, and, having succeeded in gaining over a few of them to my purpose made a frantic sally from the kiosk.","EAP" "id03391","How altered every thing might be during that time One sudden and desolating change had taken place; but a thousand little circumstances might have by degrees worked other alterations, which, although they were done more tranquilly, might not be the less decisive.","MWS" "id15516","Professor Krempe often asked me, with a sly smile, how Cornelius Agrippa went on, whilst M. Waldman expressed the most heartfelt exultation in my progress.","MWS" "id22676","When I came home at night my valet proposed to give me a flogging.","EAP" "id08660","By the bye, Monsieur, did I understand you to say that the system you have adopted, in place of the celebrated soothing system, was one of very rigorous severity?""","EAP" "id08384","Driving a peg, with great nicety, into the ground, at the precise spot where the beetle fell, my friend now produced from his pocket a tape measure.","EAP" "id12609","As to the nature of our studies must I say again that I no longer retain full comprehension?","HPL" "id14894","In the deepest slumber no In delirium no In a swoon no In death no even in the grave all is not lost.","EAP" "id10504","It would be well not to make oneself too conspicuous in such neighbourhoods especially north of the river since the people were sullen and hostile.","HPL" "id12591","The numerous deep gorges presented the appearance of lakes, on account of the dense vapors with which they were filled, and the pinnacles and crags to the South East, piled in inextricable confusion, resembling nothing so much as the giant cities of eastern fable.","EAP" "id04355","They's prints in the rud, Mis' Corey great raound prints as big as barrel heads, all sunk daown deep like a elephant had ben along, only they's a sight more nor four feet could make I looked at one or two afore I run, an' I see every one was covered with lines spreadin' aout from one place, like as if big palm leaf fans twict or three times as big as any they is hed of ben paounded daown into the rud.","HPL" "id04123","I revolved rapidly in my mind a multitude of thoughts and endeavoured to arrive at some conclusion.","MWS" "id19670","If the worst befell; if she learnt the truth, he would neither stand her reproaches, or the anguish of her altered looks.","MWS" "id00034","His warehouse was the resort of all the principal people of the place, and especially of the editorial corps a body which inspires all about it with profound veneration and awe.","EAP" "id27109","It was soon after dark, upon this same evening, that Madame Deluc, as well as her eldest son, heard the screams of a female in the vicinity of the inn.","EAP" "id17223","I therefore, after due deliberation, consigned the article to the more dignified pages of the ""Lollipop,"" and awaited the event in anxiety, but with resignation.","EAP" "id10687","Mr. Czanek had never before noticed the colour of that man's eyes; now he saw that they were yellow.","HPL" "id03910","With considerable difficulty we scrambled up, and came to another passage with still more of illumination, and this led to another ascent like the former.","MWS" "id23724","My life, as it passed thus, was indeed hateful to me, and it was during sleep alone that I could taste joy.","MWS" "id08776","Idris was as the star, set in single splendour in the dim anadem of balmy evening; ready to enlighten and delight the subject world, shielded herself from every taint by her unimagined distance from all that was not like herself akin to heaven.","MWS" "id17330","Dr. Johnson was second to no Man in the Pains he took to revise the bad Verses of others; indeed, 'tis said that in the book of poor blind old Mrs. Williams, there are scarce two lines which are not the Doctor's.","HPL" "id00607","The senses were unusually active, although eccentrically so assuming often each other's functions at random.","EAP" "id19623","At a period when such vagaries of thought most fully possessed me, and when we had been at work perhaps an hour and a half, we were again interrupted by the violent howlings of the dog.","EAP" "id00394","His astronomical theories absorbed him; calculations were scrawled with coal on the bare walls of his garret: a hard earned guinea, or an article of dress, was exchanged for a book without remorse; he neither heard his children cry, nor observed his companion's emaciated form, and the excess of calamity was merely to him as the occurrence of a cloudy night, when he would have given his right hand to observe a celestial phenomenon.","MWS" "id16312","We entered the gloomy prison chamber and beheld Justine sitting on some straw at the farther end; her hands were manacled, and her head rested on her knees.","MWS" "id11797","One need not describe the kind and rate of shrinkage and disintegration that occurred before the eyes of Dr. Armitage and Professor Rice; but it is permissible to say that, aside from the external appearance of face and hands, the really human element in Wilbur Whateley must have been very small.","HPL" "id06037","Accordingly my watches by the dank portal became less persistent, and much of my time was spent in other though equally strange pursuits.","HPL" "id20452","Sometimes I sat with my eyes fixed on the ground, fearing to raise them lest they should encounter the object which I so much dreaded to behold.","MWS" "id04425","Our rate could not have been less than eight knots.","MWS" "id25505","There must have been prodigious reserves of strength in the old man to enable him to accomplish so much hard labour; and though he still babbled dementedly at times, his carpentry seemed to shew the effects of sound calculation.","HPL" "id21865","His pleas, however, were wholly in vain; for the decision of Dr. Halsey was inflexible, and the other professors all endorsed the verdict of their leader.","HPL" "id15523","Now this Calculus is, in its essence, purely mathematical; and thus we have the anomaly of the most rigidly exact in science applied to the shadow and spirituality of the most intangible in speculation.","EAP" "id18169","If I ventured to enquire he would either leave me or press his finger on his lips, and with a deprecating look that I could not resist, turn away.","MWS" "id22341","As I returned my fervent hopes were dashed by so many fears; my impatience became in the highest degree painful.","MWS" "id02706","When I thought of my friends, of the mild voice of De Lacey, the gentle eyes of Agatha, and the exquisite beauty of the Arabian, these thoughts vanished and a gush of tears somewhat soothed me.","MWS" "id10959","Don't know, eh? You'll know soon enough Look at me listen to what I say do you suppose there are really any such things as time and magnitude?","HPL" "id03515","Of wild creatures there were none they are wise when death leers close.","HPL" "id11536","The latter could not be improved.","EAP" "id21023","Beyond all things, I have been warned of the danger which would result from giving him reason to suspect our design.""","EAP" "id21627","Inside was a little vestibule with walls from which the plaster was falling, and through the doorway came a faint but peculiarly hateful odour.","HPL" "id17202","""Do you then intend, now in time of peril, to recede from your duties?"" ""Duties speak rationally, my Lord when I am a plague spotted corpse, where will my duties be?","MWS" "id09097","You would not if you saw him.","MWS" "id00521","The ""soothing system,"" with important modifications, has been resumed at the chateau; yet I cannot help agreeing with Monsieur Maillard, that his own ""treatment"" was a very capital one of its kind.","EAP" "id07463","But he had promised to follow me wherever I might go, and would he not accompany me to England?","MWS" "id04978","Pronounced well by his physician, he returned to his quarters in three days; but to Professor Angell he was of no further assistance.","HPL" "id26599","His paroxisms of passion were terrific but his soul bore him through them triumphant, though almost destroyed by victory; but the day would finally have been won had not I, foolish and presumtuous wretch hurried him on untill there was no recall, no hope.","MWS" "id21909","Casting my eyes upwards, I beheld a spectacle which froze the current of my blood.","EAP" "id03735","The Automaton Chess Player was invented in , by Baron Kempelen, a nobleman of Presburg, in Hungary, who afterwards disposed of it, together with the secret of its operations, to its present possessor.","EAP" "id24434","Very odd and ugly were these beings, as indeed are most beings of a world yet inchoate and rudely fashioned.","HPL" "id14676","""He is coming"" said somebody on the staircase.","EAP" "id26430","Shou'd my present Recollections meet with Favour, I might later set down some further Anecdotes of old Times of which I am the only Survivor.","HPL" "id01589","The windows of the room had before been darkened, and I felt a kind of panic on seeing the pale yellow light of the moon illuminate the chamber.","MWS" "id21869","Not even these well contrived securities sufficed to save from the uttermost agonies of living inhumation, a wretch to these agonies foredoomed There arrived an epoch as often before there had arrived in which I found myself emerging from total unconsciousness into the first feeble and indefinite sense of existence.","EAP" "id02570","I had spent the better part of the morning in climbing up and down half ruined staircases in one of the most dilapidated of the ancient turrets.","HPL" "id17441","He refused; intimating that it was of the most vital importance for him to complete the reading of the diary, and promising an explanation in due course of time.","HPL" "id14048","Following Washington Street toward the river, I now faced a new zone of former industry and commerce; noting the ruins of a factory ahead, and seeing others, with the traces of an old railway station and covered railway bridge beyond, up the gorge on my right.","HPL" "id01157","I grasped his hand, and in a moment forgot my horror and misfortune; I felt suddenly, and for the first time during many months, calm and serene joy.","MWS" "id16865","To every request, a positive ""No"" was his immediate answer, but in the end in the long, long end there were exceedingly few requests which he refused.","EAP" "id04472","The crime had its source in her; be hers the punishment Thanks to the lessons of Felix and the sanguinary laws of man, I had learned now to work mischief.","MWS" "id05052","While I still hung over her in the agony of despair, I happened to look up.","MWS" "id05348","Of my own race I was permitted to learn singularly little, yet what small knowledge of it I was able to gain, seemed to depress me much.","HPL" "id08985","Suddenly I became as it were the father of all mankind.","MWS" "id04984","This behavior on the part of my eye in the gutter was not only irritating on account of its manifest insolence and shameful ingratitude, but was also exceedingly inconvenient on account of the sympathy which always exists between two eyes of the same head, however far apart.","EAP" "id18477","""Entirely,"" said the Prefect.","EAP" "id10259","Whereupon the whole company maintained a dead silence for nearly a minute.","EAP" "id16964","The radiance was that of the full, setting, and blood red moon, which now shone vividly through that once barely discernible fissure, of which I have before spoken as extending from the roof of the building, in a zigzag direction, to the base.","EAP" "id23065","Many times came bands of blue coated police to search the shaky houses, though at last they ceased to come; for they too had grown tired of law and order, and had abandoned all the city to its fate.","HPL" "id20823","Yes, fairest and best beloved Una, ""born again.""","EAP" "id27817","Look at him ha I see plague She has invested his form, is incarnate in his flesh, has entwined herself with his being, and blinds his heaven seeking eyes.","MWS" "id06019","The arrival of the Arabian now infused new life into his soul.","MWS" "id15600","We made the best of it, and passed the night on board.","EAP" "id23014","The hearts of the stoutest of our race beat violently within their bosoms.","EAP" "id08913","And she knew all this, but did not upbraid; she seemed conscious of my weakness or my folly, and, smiling, called it fate.","EAP" "id04771","It was not that I feared to look upon things horrible, but that I grew aghast lest there should be nothing to see.","EAP" "id27017","""Yesterday indeed you are out"" UNCLE.","EAP" "id15899","""The region of which I speak is a dreary region in Libya, by the borders of the river Zaire.","EAP" "id08296","He was propped up in the bed by pillows.","EAP" "id12394","""Thirteen"" said he. ""Der Teufel"" gasped the little old gentlemen, turning pale, dropping their pipes, and putting down all their right legs from over their left knees.","EAP" "id10060","Having thus inserted a portion of the cloth forming the upper part of the bag, I refastened the loops not to the hoop, for that would have been impossible, since the cloth now intervened but to a series of large buttons, affixed to the cloth itself, about three feet below the mouth of the bag, the intervals between the buttons having been made to correspond to the intervals between the loops.","EAP" "id24271","I have no suspicion of this person; but let us proceed methodically.","EAP" "id14122","Kuranes had previously entered that abyss only at night, and wondered what it would look like by day; so he watched anxiously as the column approached its brink.","HPL" "id19320","Then old Sam Hutchins thought of something and turned pale, nudging Fred Farr and pointing to the dank, deep hollow that yawned close by.","HPL" "id09242","Or would my brother rather devote the heart broken Perdita to the straw and chains of a maniac, than suffer her to rest in peace beneath the shadow of His society, in this my own selected and beloved recess?""","MWS" "id22303","Meantime the cabbages all turned very red in the face, and it seemed as if old Nick himself had taken possession of every thing in the shape of a timepiece.","EAP" "id16512","This was a dire blow to poor Elizabeth, who had relied with firmness upon Justine's innocence.","MWS" "id14530","I did not receive the expected message from the captain for nearly a week.","EAP" "id01742","Such acts were not wanting to adorn the grim train that waited on the progress of the plague.","MWS" "id18587","I have spent days and nights of festivity; I have joined in ambitious hopes, and exulted in victory: now, shut the door on the world, and build high the wall that is to separate me from the troubled scene enacted within its precincts.","MWS" "id16483","During the day the patient regained consciousness at times and whispered his newest dream disjointedly to Elwood.","HPL" "id16122","One of them was crumbling down at the top, and in that and another there were only black gaping holes where clock dials should have been.","HPL" "id07479","After a time the fascination of the red radiance overcame my fright, and I crept to the east window and looked out whilst the maddening, incessant piping whined and reverberated through the castle and over all the village.","HPL" "id23061","Soon afterward Earl Sawyer told the loungers at Osborn's that more carpentry was going on in the Whateley farmhouse.","HPL" "id13131","Then I thought with a shudder of what old Castro had told Legrasse about the primal Great Ones: ""They had come from the stars, and had brought Their images with Them.""","HPL" "id12454","""On the spot which I intended each of the smaller casks to occupy respectively during the inflation of the balloon, I privately dug a hole two feet deep; the holes forming in this manner a circle twenty five feet in diameter.","EAP" "id14262","It was just seven, by my watch, when we weighed and started for home, so as to make the worst of the Ström at slack water, which we knew would be at eight.","EAP" "id02885","They were forever ardent and craving; still I desired love and fellowship, and I was still spurned.","MWS" "id04499","It will be proper that I submit to the reader some passages which embody the suggestion alluded to.","EAP" "id20419","And this is indeed the more necessary, as with the hope of enlisting public sympathy in behalf of the inhabitants, I design here to give a history of the calamitous events which have so lately occurred within its limits.","EAP" "id04584","On the other hand, the picturesque possibilities were enormous.","HPL" "id27719","Finally a young man named Vercellius, the son of pure Roman parents, agreed to take us at least past the foothills.","HPL" "id17896","I hastened to prevent an intrusion, and then immediately returned to my dying antagonist.","EAP" "id02695","To this day there is something queer and unholy about the growths on and around that fearsome hill.","HPL" "id15304","I shall expect your return by to morrow noon.""","MWS" "id08103","As it was, I assumed the cryptograph to be English.","EAP" "id21425","The mower's scythe was at times heard; yet the joyless haymakers after they had listlessly turned the grass, forgot to cart it; the shepherd, when he had sheared his sheep, would let the wool lie to be scattered by the winds, deeming it useless to provide clothing for another winter.","MWS" "id11630","M. Valdemar, who has resided principally at Harlaem, N.Y., since the year , is or was particularly noticeable for the extreme spareness of his person his lower limbs much resembling those of John Randolph; and, also, for the whiteness of his whiskers, in violent contrast to the blackness of his hair the latter, in consequence, being very generally mistaken for a wig.","EAP" "id02361","I shall become a wanderer, a miserable outcast alone alone"" In another part of the letter he mentioned me ""As for that unhappy little being whom I could not see, and hardly dare mention, I leave her under your protection.","MWS" "id22732","Who are you, pray, that I, Duc De L'Omelette, Prince de Foie Gras, just come of age, author of the 'Mazurkiad,' and Member of the Academy, should divest myself at your bidding of the sweetest pantaloons ever made by Bourdon, the daintiest robe de chambre ever put together by Rombert to say nothing of the taking my hair out of paper not to mention the trouble I should have in drawing off my gloves?""","EAP" "id13481","The river swollen by autumnal rains, deluged the low lands, and Adrian in his favourite boat is employed in the dangerous pastime of plucking the topmost bough from a submerged oak.","MWS" "id02668","The scene of the two outrages will naturally be supposed identical.","EAP" "id21968","He did not employ the music rack, but offering no choice and playing from memory, enchanted me for over an hour with strains I had never heard before; strains which must have been of his own devising.","HPL" "id17032","One only condition I would make, that you do nothing without his concurrence.""","MWS" "id16218","I passed three days in these rambles and at length discovered the open country.","MWS" "id02923","But if the vicinity of the city is so beset during the working days of the week, how much more so on the Sabbath It is now especially that, released from the claims of labor, or deprived of the customary opportunities of crime, the town blackguard seeks the precincts of the town, not through love of the rural, which in his heart he despises, but by way of escape from the restraints and conventionalities of society.","EAP" "id21053","Mr. L l the student swooned.","EAP" "id25314","In , as a Captain in Rhode Island forces in New Jersey under Colonel Angell, he met and married Phebe Hetfield of Elizabethtown, whom he brought to Providence upon his honourable discharge in the following year.","HPL" "id20807","But it's all cum ob do bug.""","EAP" "id05555","This I learned at once from newspaper accounts of the catastrophe which first brought the region to the world's notice.","HPL" "id18962","Even now I cannot recollect without passion my reveries while the work was incomplete.","MWS" "id03437","heh, heh, heh Matt Eliot was a Mason an' agin' the sellin', but he dropped aout o' sight jest then.","HPL" "id09985","Shall two years more be thus passed, each day adding to our alienation, each act being another stone piled on the barrier which separates us?","MWS" "id23390","A gigantic monster, they said, had arrived the night before, armed with a gun and many pistols, putting to flight the inhabitants of a solitary cottage through fear of his terrific appearance.","MWS" "id01896","A large mirror, so at first it seemed to me in my confusion now stood where none had been perceptible before; and, as I stepped up to it in extremity of terror, mine own image, but with features all pale and dabbled in blood, advanced to meet me with a feeble and tottering gait.","EAP" "id17775","It was late in the afternoon when we reached it; as this quarter is at a great distance from that in which we resided.","EAP" "id07942","Thus speaking, and having carefully shaded his lamp, he hurried to one of the casements, and threw it freely open to the storm.","EAP" "id19960","Yet to calculate is not in itself to analyse.","EAP" "id22251","In a solitary chamber, or rather cell, at the top of the house, and separated from all the other apartments by a gallery and staircase, I kept my workshop of filthy creation; my eyeballs were starting from their sockets in attending to the details of my employment.","MWS" "id09420","""I remember the twilight, the moon, and soft songs, and the window where I was rocked to sleep.","HPL" "id11522","The two cusps appeared tapering in a very sharp faint prolongation, each exhibiting its farthest extremity faintly illuminated by the solar rays, before any part of the dark hemisphere was visible.","EAP" "id04192","Let it be one of our first purposes to discover.","EAP" "id19975","Upon my taking hold of it, it gave me a sharp bite, which caused me to let it drop.","EAP" "id06597","They know it's a goin' aout, an' dun't calc'late to miss it.","HPL" "id05598","I found, upon trial, that the powers of utterance which, upon my inability to proceed in the conversation with my wife, I then concluded to be totally destroyed, were in fact only partially impeded, and I discovered that had I, at that interesting crisis, dropped my voice to a singularly deep guttural, I might still have continued to her the communication of my sentiments; this pitch of voice the guttural depending, I find, not upon the current of the breath, but upon a certain spasmodic action of the muscles of the throat.","EAP" "id01890","I communed in this manner with myself, but I was silent to all around me.","MWS" "id05190","The soldiers were the fifth cohort of the XIIth legion, under the military tribune Sex.","HPL" "id10407","I was the only one who came back that night to the old fishing town as legend bade, for only the poor and the lonely remember.","HPL" "id27605","We met no one on the road, but presently began to pass deserted farms in varying stages of ruin.","HPL" "id05769","Only poetry or madness could do justice to the noises heard by Legrasse's men as they ploughed on through the black morass toward the red glare and the muffled tom toms.","HPL" "id23968","I knew my silence disquieted them, and I well remembered the words of my father: ""I know that while you are pleased with yourself you will think of us with affection, and we shall hear regularly from you.","MWS" "id16508","For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness.","EAP" "id21367","As he went, he bought a basket of costly fruits, such as were natives of her own country, and throwing over these various beautiful flowers, bore it himself to the miserable garret of his friend.","MWS" "id06264","I left the room, and locking the door, made a solemn vow in my own heart never to resume my labours; and then, with trembling steps, I sought my own apartment.","MWS" "id08268","Extremists sometimes said the house was ""unlucky"", but that is as far as even they went.","HPL" "id00611","It was a long dog trot to the ruined station, and the great brick warehouse walls around me seemed somehow more terrifying than the fronts of private houses.","HPL" "id08580","Reared by a Mexican cattle thief who had given him his name, Juan differed little from his fellows.","HPL" "id22888","The result of the natural style of gardening, is seen rather in the absence of all defects and incongruities in the prevalence of a beautiful harmony and order, than in the creation of any special wonders or miracles.","EAP" "id14955","Study had before secluded me from the intercourse of my fellow creatures, and rendered me unsocial; but Clerval called forth the better feelings of my heart; he again taught me to love the aspect of nature, and the cheerful faces of children.","MWS" "id21081","I desire the company of a man who could sympathize with me, whose eyes would reply to mine.","MWS" "id26766","I lingered awhile, desirous of taking leave of Perdita, and from my window observed the approach of the sun.","MWS" "id22305","And although I could not consent to go and hear that little conceited fellow deliver sentences out of a pulpit, I recollected what he had said of M. Waldman, whom I had never seen, as he had hitherto been out of town.","MWS" "id13491","Among the agonies of these after days is that chief of torments inarticulateness.","HPL" "id17690","He wishes to prove that Marie is not assassinated not that the corpse was not.","EAP" "id03206","This, of course, was a matter of little consequence; for had I even been able to place a window at top, the balloon itself would have prevented my making any use of it.","EAP" "id21631","These then were the preparations for a battle, nay, the battle itself; far different from any thing the imagination had pictured.","MWS" "id19635","""It was the fruiterer,"" replied my friend, ""who brought you to the conclusion that the mender of soles was not of sufficient height for Xerxes et id genus omne.""","EAP" "id14022","We must not regard it as a quality, but as a sentiment: it is the perception, in thinking beings, of the adaptation of matter to their organization.","EAP" "id00207","But when we consider the arrangement of the candles, another reason immediately presents itself.","EAP" "id11437","The crowd had departed.","EAP" "id11908","The busy stage of life, the virtues of heroes, and the actions of men were his theme; and his hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species.","MWS" "id02633","What could he be dreaming of?","EAP" "id00363","""For its practical value it depends upon this,"" replied Dupin; ""and the Prefect and his cohort fail so frequently, first, by default of this identification, and, secondly, by ill admeasurement, or rather through non admeasurement, of the intellect with which they are engaged.","EAP" "id02147","He was a penny a liner, and a buffoon.","EAP" "id00894","So The Street drank in the dreams of a young people, and rejoiced as its dwellers became more graceful and happy.","HPL" "id05345","Tell me, Lionel, do you consent that I should marry this young lady?""","MWS" "id03067","I had been scrambling in this way for some time, so that my battery had burned very low, when the passage suddenly inclined sharply upward, altering my mode of progress.","HPL" "id08228","The words and beliefs expressed ten weeks before seemed bodied forth in the darkness beyond the small circle of candle light, and I sickened at the hollow, altered voice of my host.","HPL" "id17571","""Up thar in the rud beyont the glen, Mis' Corey they's suthin' ben thar It smells like thunder, an' all the bushes an' little trees is pushed back from the rud like they'd a haouse ben moved along of it.","HPL" "id14536","Haow'd ye like to be livin' in a taown like this, with everything a rottin' an' a dyin', an' boarded up monsters crawlin' an' bleatin' an' barkin' an' hoppin' araoun' black cellars an' attics every way ye turn?","HPL" "id19558","Wanting the radiant lustre of her eyes, letters, lambent and golden, grew duller than Saturnian lead.","EAP" "id26047","It was surely that I might fulfil my destiny, which is now drawing to a close.","MWS" "id21958","The debate had ended at three in the morning.","MWS" "id05413","We had many pitched battles, during which no word was spoken, hardly a look was interchanged, but in which each resolved not to submit to the other.","MWS" "id20352","""I am now awaiting,"" continued he, looking toward the door of our apartment ""I am now awaiting a person who, although perhaps not the perpetrator of these butcheries, must have been in some measure implicated in their perpetration.","EAP" "id17867","The eulogies of Mr. Crab, such was the editor's name, were, however, by no means fulsomely indiscriminate.","EAP" "id07236","They and their subconscious residuum had influenced his art profoundly, and he shewed me a morbid statue whose contours almost made me shake with the potency of its black suggestion.","HPL" "id03599","At one period I thought he really intended to quack.","EAP" "id16340","As it was, we hoped desperately that the storm would last until well after dark; and with that hope turned from our aimless hillside searching toward the nearest inhabited hamlet to gather a body of squatters as helpers in the investigation.","HPL" "id23805","Diana was fully worthy of his deepest affection.","MWS" "id04333","Oh fie Cast off this blank look of human melancholy.","MWS" "id11909","It is not the engagement, but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted.","EAP" "id00566","It was this: or, rather, thus was it carried into execution.","EAP" "id26238","Evening approached and I beheld the sun set.","MWS" "id19146","Each is sure that it was not the voice of one of his own countrymen.","EAP" "id14812","Compromised the case of Mr. Snap.","EAP" "id12409","I thought with a sensation of madness on my promise of creating another like to him, and trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.","MWS" "id20418","""This then,"" I said thoughtfully, ""is the very reason why the waters of this lake grow blacker with age, and more melancholy as the hours run on.""","EAP" "id19860","Death snatches away many blooming children, the only hopes of their doting parents; how many brides and youthful lovers have been one day in the bloom of health and hope, and the next a prey for worms and the decay of the tomb Of what materials was I made that I could thus resist so many shocks, which, like the turning of the wheel, continually renewed the torture?","MWS" "id11343","Great God would it one day be thus?","MWS" "id04974","Iä R'lyeh Cthulhu fhtagn Iä Iä No, I shall not shoot myself I cannot be made to shoot myself I shall plan my cousin's escape from that Canton madhouse, and together we shall go to marvel shadowed Innsmouth.","HPL" "id25223","There are no dreams in Aidenn but it is here whispered that, of this infinity of matter, the sole purpose is to afford infinite springs, at which the soul may allay the thirst to know, which is for ever unquenchable within it since to quench it, would be to extinguish the soul's self.","EAP" "id18510","If humanly possible, I would use it; if not, I would have to risk more street wandering and take the nearest intact highway bridge.","HPL" "id27175","There is something fearful in one who can thus conquer the animal part of our nature, if the victory be not the effect of consummate virtue; nor was it without a mixture of this feeling, that I beheld the figure of the Countess awake when others slept, fasting when I, abstemious naturally, and rendered so by the fever that preyed on me, was forced to recruit myself with food.","MWS" "id03881","Hours passed, while in this scene of ruin I sought for Raymond.","MWS" "id19016","He would shout that the world was in danger, since the Elder Things wished to strip it and drag it away from the solar system and cosmos of matter into some other plane or phase of entity from which it had once fallen, vigintillions of aeons ago.","HPL" "id14117","End of Text Notes to Hans Pfaal NOTE Strictly speaking, there is but little similarity between the above sketchy trifle and the celebrated ""Moon Story"" of Mr. Locke; but as both have the character of hoaxes although the one is in a tone of banter, the other of downright earnest, and as both hoaxes are on the same subject, the moon moreover, as both attempt to give plausibility by scientific detail the author of ""Hans Pfaall"" thinks it necessary to say, in self defence, that his own jeu d'esprit was published in the ""Southern Literary Messenger"" about three weeks before the commencement of Mr. L's in the ""New York Sun."" Fancying a likeness which, perhaps, does not exist, some of the New York papers copied ""Hans Pfaall,"" and collated it with the ""Moon Hoax,"" by way of detecting the writer of the one in the writer of the other.","EAP" "id07430","All experience has shown that drowned bodies, or bodies thrown into the water immediately after death by violence, require from six to ten days for decomposition to take place to bring them to the top of the water.","EAP" "id18433","The murderers did escape from one of these windows.","EAP" "id14045","There's been a certain change in your personal appearance.","HPL" "id02561","Perdita presented her to Raymond; her first words were: ""Beloved, embrace our child"" ""Come hither, sweet one,"" said her father, ""do you not know me?"" she knew his voice, and cast herself in his arms with half bashful but uncontrollable emotion.","MWS" "id24726","I consented to her request, and taking her little hand, followed Raymond.","MWS" "id12098","I knew all this and did not go to seek sympathy; but there on my solitary heath, under my lowly roof where all around was desart, it came to me as a sun beam in winter to adorn while it helps to dissolve the drifted snow.","MWS" "id14519","I had somehow taken it for granted that the house was abandoned, yet as I approached it I was not so sure; for though the walks were indeed overgrown with weeds, they seemed to retain their nature a little too well to argue complete desertion.","HPL" "id17869","He was civil, even cordial in his manner, but just then, I was more intent on observing the arrangements of the dwelling which had so much interested me, than the personal appearance of the tenant.","EAP" "id19834","Habit would not dull his sense of the enjoyment of power; nor struggles, disappointment and defeat await the end of that which would expire at its maturity.","MWS" "id00793","I had arrived from a weary wandering of sixteen years, during which, although I had gone through many dangers and misfortunes, my affections had been an entire blank.","MWS" "id18743","I seemed to know what to do with it, for I drew a pocket electric light or what looked like one out of my pocket and nervously tested its flashes.","HPL" "id06064","He suspected, that unaccustomed poverty was the cause of the mystery, and that the artist was unwilling to be seen in the garb and abode of want.","MWS" "id07712","In the intervals of this period, I made every endeavor to conciliate the three creditors who had given me so much annoyance.","EAP" "id03880","The farmers and cottagers, on the contrary, struck with the fear of solitude, and madly desirous of medical assistance, flocked into the towns.","MWS" "id22642","That child, a boy, came in December; but was still born.","HPL" "id08182","It is impossible that a person so well known to thousands as this young woman was, should have passed three blocks without some one having seen her; and any one who saw her would have remembered it, for she interested all who knew her.","EAP" "id22999","I can enchain the plague in limits, and set a term to the misery it would occasion; courage, forbearance, and watchfulness, are the forces I bring towards this great work.","MWS" "id11641","Still all his wishes and endeavours were directed towards her peace, and his chief discomfort arose from the perception that he exerted himself in vain.","MWS" "id08963","But then there was a taper ankle, a sandalled foot.","EAP" "id05972","Excellent paths of the same material not nicely adapted, but with the velvety sod filling frequent intervals between the stones, led hither and thither from the house, to a crystal spring about five paces off, to the road, or to one or two out houses that lay to the north, beyond the brook, and were thoroughly concealed by a few locusts and catalpas.","EAP" "id25217","Peace, peace Learn my miseries and do not seek to increase your own.""","MWS" "id16863","I felt my wrists for the bell rope: it was not to be found.","EAP" "id24596","With the rest of the adventure I believe you are as well acquainted as myself.""","EAP" "id19401","She could not divine, that the breach which she had occasioned between Raymond and Perdita was already irreparable: but she knew, that under the present system it would be widened each day, and that its result must be to destroy her lover's happiness, and to implant the fangs of remorse in his heart.","MWS" "id07342","From the revolver I knew that he was thinking more of the crazed Italian than of the police.","HPL" "id20820","Now I am twenty eight and am in reality more illiterate than many schoolboys of fifteen.","MWS" "id13214","To breathe it for more than an hour, at the farthest, would be a matter of impossibility, or, if even this term could be extended to an hour and a quarter, the most ruinous consequences might ensue.","EAP" "id00457","In coin there was rather more than four hundred and fifty thousand dollars estimating the value of the pieces, as accurately as we could, by the tables of the period.","EAP" "id04107","I also became a poet and for one year lived in a paradise of my own creation; I imagined that I also might obtain a niche in the temple where the names of Homer and Shakespeare are consecrated.","MWS" "id20590","It was horrible, yet hardly a surprise.","HPL" "id07912","Suddenly a great chasm opened before him, ten feet deep, so that he had to let himself down by his hands and drop to a slanting floor, and then crawl perilously up a natural defile in the opposite wall.","HPL" "id26117","Down the hill amid scented grasses and brilliant flowers walked Kuranes, over the bubbling Naraxa on the small wooden bridge where he had carved his name so many years ago, and through the whispering grove to the great stone bridge by the city gate.","HPL" "id17423","Alas I must for ever conceal the wretchedness that consumes me.","MWS" "id20861","One could develop all sorts of aural delusions in this morbid old house for did not Gilman himself, even in daylight, now feel certain that noises other than rat scratchings came from the black voids beyond the slanting wall and above the slanting ceiling?","HPL" "id09709","Yet still there came that monotonous piping from afar; wild, weird airs that made me think of some dance of fauns on distant Maenalus.","HPL" "id02616","There were periods, dreadful ones, during which I despaired doubted the existence of all duty the reality of crime but I shudder, and turn from the rememberance.","MWS" "id26302","Adrian was obliged to exert his utmost prudence, first to allay the discord, and then to provide for the multitude of the invaders.","MWS" "id14308","When the thing breathed, its tail and tentacles rhythmically changed colour, as if from some circulatory cause normal to the non human side of its ancestry.","HPL" "id06025","I returned to Windsor at the wish of Idris, who seemed to think that there was greater safety for her children at that spot; and because, once having taken on me the guardianship of the district, I would not desert it while an inhabitant survived.","MWS" "id01199","Appeared to be that of a German.","EAP" "id17217","Then he began to ascend the stairs, and joined me in the attic.","HPL" "id06137","Upon second thought, however, she opens her purse strings and delivers the specie.","EAP" "id01098","Then he collapsed, an inert mass of mangled flesh.","HPL" "id05573","It was also evident, that the water thus falling from a height of more than four feet, could not do otherwise than fall upon my face, and that the sure consequences would be, to waken me up instantaneously, even from the soundest slumber in the world.","EAP" "id27935","Unquestionably, it was in the Earth's dotage that I died.","EAP" "id24970","Nowhere, however, could he find ease and content; and as he grew older the staleness and limitations of life became more and more maddening to him.","HPL" "id14269","When reason returned with the morning when I had slept off the fumes of the night's debauch I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty; but it was, at best, a feeble and equivocal feeling, and the soul remained untouched.","EAP" "id12331","We accordingly rested on a seat until they should return.","MWS" "id02987","If I grieved it was for your mother, if I loved it was your image; these sole emotions filled my heart in quietness.","MWS" "id23784","Once, however, the lieutenant asked why he had come so far upon the ice in so strange a vehicle.","MWS" "id22607","The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was forever before my eyes, and I raved incessantly concerning him.","MWS" "id18504","""Full well alas do I remember it,"" I exclaimed, pressing passionately the delicate hand which offered the glasses for my inspection.","EAP" "id04897","I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness. . . .","HPL" "id27001","First, his having entered into any engagement that should permit her to remain in such a state of degradation; and then, after a short wild dream, having left her to drear solitude, anxious conjecture, and bitter, still disappointed expectation.","MWS" "id15701","If heaven is merciful, it will some day efface from my consciousness the sight that I saw, and let me live my last years in peace.","HPL" "id25077","His hands were enormously large.","EAP" "id19990","What would be your surprise, my son, when you expected a happy and glad welcome, to behold, on the contrary, tears and wretchedness?","MWS" "id18002","At length, in an abrupt manner she asked, ""Where is he?"" ""O, fear not,"" she continued, ""fear not that I should entertain hope Yet tell me, have you found him?","MWS" "id20556","I had insisted on accompanying him across the heath towards the town where he dwelt: the sun was yet high when he left me, and I turned my steps towards my cottage.","MWS" "id00631","DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.","EAP" "id05852","'There must be something wrong,' I said, 'about the nail.'","EAP" "id08455","It was clear that we were already within the influence of the comet; yet we lived.","EAP" "id16302","They did not float as I had expected; but dropped down perpendicularly, like a bullet, en masse, and with the greatest velocity being out of sight in a very few seconds.","EAP" "id03133","It appears to me a miracle of miracles that our enormous bulk is not swallowed up at once and forever.","EAP" "id02388","But the flabby hands, curiously gloved, wrote genially on the tablet and told me I must wait a while before I could be led to the place of festival.","HPL" "id20916","She became excessively intimate with most of the ladies; and, to my profound astonishment, evinced no equivocal disposition to coquet with the men.","EAP" "id10088","I quivered not in a muscle.","EAP" "id20594","I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I inhabited, where I remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life.","MWS" "id18652","On the evening previous to her being brought to my home, my mother had said playfully, ""I have a pretty present for my Victor tomorrow he shall have it.""","MWS" "id00714","It was Maurice who, in the poet's st year, secured the adoption of his work as a textbook in the schools of the empire, an honour which proved a fatal tax on the aged rhetorician's emotions, since he passed away peacefully at his home near the church of St. Sophia on the sixth day before the Kalends of September, A.D. , in the nd year of his age.","HPL" "id19157","One of these crucibles was nearly full of lead in a state of fusion, but not reaching up to the aperture of the tube, which was close to the brim.","EAP" "id09491","Strange urges still tugged at him, but he could sidetrack them with considerable success.","HPL" "id02696","I passed the bridge of Pelissier, where the ravine, which the river forms, opened before me, and I began to ascend the mountain that overhangs it.","MWS" "id17827","Owing to the vast antiquity, the style of architecture is somewhat odd, but it is not for that reason the less strikingly picturesque.","EAP" "id23314","At first I beheld nothing but a seething blur of luminosity; but then shapes, all infinitely distant, began to detach themselves from the confusion, and I saw was it Juan Romero?","HPL" "id21893","Of course he had some principle of guessing; and this lay in mere observation and admeasurement of the astuteness of his opponents.","EAP" "id03028","And morning and evening my tearful eyes raised to heaven, my hands clasped tight in the energy of prayer, I have repeated with the poet Before I see another day Oh, let this body die away Let me not be reproached then with inutility; I believed that by suicide I should violate a divine law of nature, and I thought that I sufficiently fulfilled my part in submitting to the hard task of enduring the crawling hours minutes in bearing the load of time that weighed miserably upon me and that in abstaining from what I in my calm moments considered a crime, I deserved the reward of virtue.","MWS" "id12151","In answer to this question, I described our gloomy winter life, our sordid cares, our menial labours: ""This northern country,"" I said, ""is no place for our diminished race.","MWS" "id10721","I am an unfortunate and deserted creature, I look around and I have no relation or friend upon earth.","MWS" "id13234","His frankness would have led him to disabuse every inquirer of such prejudice; but his indolent humor forbade all farther agitation of a topic whose interest to himself had long ceased.","EAP" "id14539","Her features had lost the distortion of grief; her eyes were brightened, her very person seemed dilated; while the excessive whiteness and even transparency of her skin, and something hollow in her voice, bore witness that not tranquillity, but excess of excitement, occasioned the treacherous calm that settled on her countenance.","MWS" "id07761","Just before dawn, on each of the two nights of which I speak, I distinctly heard Mr. Wyatt replace the lid upon the oblong box, and force the nails into their old places by means of the muffled mallet.","EAP" "id10606","Perceptions of the most maddeningly untransmissible sort thronged upon us; perceptions of infinity which at the time convulsed us with joy, yet which are now partly lost to my memory and partly incapable of presentation to others.","HPL" "id05046","They were, he said, of very grotesque and almost repulsive design, and had never to his knowledge been publicly worn; though my grandmother used to enjoy looking at them.","HPL" "id06977","By far the greater number of the articles were shattered in the most extraordinary way so chafed and roughened as to have the appearance of being stuck full of splinters but then I distinctly recollected that there were some of them which were not disfigured at all.","EAP" "id25844","Sat down then, and winked at the lean lady, when I had the high satisfaction of finding him lift me up by the nape of the neck, and fling me over into the pit.","EAP" "id21104","His accursed city is sunken once more, for the Vigilant sailed over the spot after the April storm; but his ministers on earth still bellow and prance and slay around idol capped monoliths in lonely places.","HPL" "id07467","But Ellison maintained that the richest, the truest, and most natural, if not altogether the most extensive province, had been unaccountably neglected.","EAP" "id04977","""Farewell for ever"" The moment I finished this letter I ordered the carriage and prepared to follow my father.","MWS" "id09258","The senses were oppressed by mingled and conflicting perfumes, reeking up from strange convolute censers, together with multitudinous flaring and flickering tongues of emerald and violet fire.","EAP" "id18502","""The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place and encouraged the hopes of the youthful lovers, while in his heart he had formed far other plans.","MWS" "id24244","All the difference is, that his pipe is somewhat bigger than theirs and he can make a greater smoke.","EAP" "id17339","The distance was greater than we wished, but we could get no nearer house without going on the other side of the field, wholly out of the factory district.","HPL" "id26920","He drew a revolver and motioned me to silence, then stepped out into the main cellar and closed the door behind him.","HPL" "id22497","These would have been of great assistance at such times, in using the sweeps, as well as afterward in fishing but, somehow, although we ran the risk ourselves, we had not the heart to let the young ones get into the danger for, after all is said and done, it was a horrible danger, and that is the truth.","EAP" "id00403","We accordingly lay to, hoping that some change would take place in the atmosphere and weather.","MWS" "id03157","And when he had failed to find these boons in things whose laws are known and measurable, they told him he lacked imagination, and was immature because he preferred dream illusions to the illusions of our physical creation.","HPL" "id21803","The former Protector tendered him the oaths, and presented him with the insignia of office, performing the ceremonies of installation.","MWS" "id16108","I shuddered when I thought of the possible consequences of my consent, but I felt that there was some justice in his argument.","MWS" "id07843","The men shuffled about a moment, and then Earl Sawyer spoke softly, pointing with a grimy finger through the steadily lessening rain.","HPL" "id09433","I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture and let it fall within.","EAP" "id01450","""For some moments we were completely deluged, as I say, and all this time I held my breath, and clung to the bolt.","EAP" "id03042","This, I knew, must be Devil Reef.","HPL" "id08840","But there is something excessively unphilosophical in the attempt on the part of Le Moniteur, to rebut the general assertion of L'Etoile, by a citation of particular instances militating against that assertion.","EAP" "id23570","An aperture in the midst let in the light of heaven; but this was overgrown with brambles and underwood, which acted as a veil, obscuring the day, and giving a solemn religious hue to the apartment.","MWS" "id25003","The first horrible incident of our acquaintance was the greatest shock I ever experienced, and it is only with reluctance that I repeat it.","HPL" "id20187","I have been filled with it by certain sounds from stringed instruments, and not unfrequently by passages from books.","EAP" "id26821","Detectives have questioned me, but what can I say?","HPL" "id00884","As this terrible conviction came upon him me? it melted my soul to tenderness and love I gazed on him as to take my last farewell he lay insensible his eyes closed as and? his cheeks deathly pale.","MWS" "id27504","She had been subjected, it said, to brutal violence.","EAP" "id04406","Will she not be here anon?","EAP" "id16073","'It is folly to suppose,' he says, 'that the murder, if murder was committed on her body, could have been consummated soon enough to have enabled her murderers to throw the body into the river before midnight.'","EAP" "id12677","That cryptical pull from the north was getting very strong again, though it seemed now to come from a lower place in the sky.","HPL" "id22501","When these things palled, disappointed, or grew nauseous through revulsion, they cultivated irony and bitterness, and found fault with the social order.","HPL" "id17970","A great part of these grounds had been given to cultivation, and strips of potatoe land and corn were scattered here and there.","MWS" "id06686","When these qualities are unavailing, their schemes fail.","EAP" "id13993","On a slab in an alcove he found an old but empty coffin whose tarnished plate bears the single word ""Jervas"".","HPL" "id09683","Servants found me unconscious in the morning.","HPL" "id12373","William, Justine, and Henry they all died by my hands.""","MWS" "id01925","The ground was moist and slippery.","EAP" "id11582","Among other painful restrictions, she has occasioned it to become a law among us, never to mention Raymond's name before her.","MWS" "id04790","You might have surmised I had some inside information when I dropped him and that's why I don't want to think where he's gone.","HPL" "id17333","Thus the poor sufferer tried to comfort others and herself.","MWS" "id18090","One evening, leaning over the taffrail, I observed a very singular, isolated cloud, to the N.W.","EAP" "id27775","There is a space of about three inches between the top of the drawer as seen from the exterior, and the bottom of the cupboard a space which must be included in the height of the drawer.","EAP" "id27273","Minuteness: Your diddler is minute.","EAP" "id26990","When the game, however, is obvious, he has time to look about him, and, accordingly, we see the head shake and the eyes roll. .","EAP" "id14145","""Yes, massa, him dead as de door nail done up for sartain done departed dis here life.""","EAP" "id07819","No guilt, no mischief, no malignity, no misery, can be found comparable to mine.","MWS" "id14681","I now formed the habit of listening very intently at the slightly open portal, choosing my favourite hours of midnight stillness for the odd vigil.","HPL" "id26217","I found this machine, however, to require considerable alteration before it could be adapted to the purposes to which I intended making it applicable.","EAP" "id04590","As is common in communities, a fashion was set.","MWS" "id07133","If we survive this coming summer, I will not spend the ensuing winter in England; neither I nor any of us.""","MWS" "id18024","Above the distant chanting and the nearer praying of Joe Mazurewicz came another sound a stealthy, determined scratching in the partitions.","HPL" "id01023","'We have no evidence,' he says, 'that Marie Rogêt was in the land of the living after nine o'clock on Sunday, June the twenty second.'","EAP" "id14061","If he had not been, one cannot say what he would have done when the object came.","HPL" "id07288","Onward still onward stalked the grim Legs, making the desolate solemnity echo and re echo with yells like the terrific war whoop of the Indian: and onward, still onward rolled the dumpy Tarpaulin, hanging on to the doublet of his more active companion, and far surpassing the latter's most strenuous exertions in the way of vocal music, by bull roarings in basso, from the profundity of his stentorian lungs.","EAP" "id03269","He had meant to tear it down and build an apartment house on the site, but after my account decided to let it stand, install plumbing, and rent it.","HPL" "id21142","But Barzai was old and learned and had no fears, so led the way boldly up the slope that no man had scaled since the time of Sansu, who is written of with fright in the mouldy Pnakotic Manuscripts.","HPL" "id10225","I knocked repeatedly at the door, but received no response.","HPL" "id21438","You'll notice a little in Sargent if you take his bus.","HPL" "id07556","His reckless courage and comprehensive genius brought him into notice.","MWS" "id21671","Immediately beneath me in the ocean, lay a small black object, slightly oblong in shape, seemingly about the size, and in every way bearing a great resemblance to one of those childish toys called a domino.","EAP" "id20480","I felt that they were near, that they were safe, yet methought this was all deceit; the earth reeled, the firm enrooted trees moved dizziness came over me I sank to the ground.","MWS" "id25868","They are undoubtedly part of PEAAEMA.","EAP" "id12693","Alas I but too soon discovered.","EAP" "id12554","Thereafter I heard Zann every night, and although he kept me awake, I was haunted by the weirdness of his music.","HPL" "id01692","Then the mark of misery would have faded from my brow, and I should raise my eyes fearlessly to meet his, which ever beamed with the soft lustre of innocent love.","MWS" "id15436","In a foreign climate, being unknown, I might, with some probability of success, endeavor to conceal my unhappy calamity a calamity calculated, even more than beggary, to estrange the affections of the multitude, and to draw down upon the wretch the well merited indignation of the virtuous and the happy.","EAP" "id24603","I wrote, and this exertion greatly fatigued me; but my convalescence had commenced, and proceeded regularly.","MWS" "id22595","Nevertheless, I slept soundly, and the whole of my vision for it was no dream, and no nightmare arose naturally from the circumstances of my position from my ordinary bias of thought and from the difficulty, to which I have alluded, of collecting my senses, and especially of regaining my memory, for a long time after awaking from slumber.","EAP" "id06129","I have hired a vessel and am occupied in collecting my sailors; those whom I have already engaged appear to be men on whom I can depend and are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.","MWS" "id01210","Perhaps a couple of blows with a mattock were sufficient, while his coadjutors were busy in the pit; perhaps it required a dozen who shall tell?"" IN THE consideration of the faculties and impulses of the prima mobilia of the human soul, the phrenologists have failed to make room for a propensity which, although obviously existing as a radical, primitive, irreducible sentiment, has been equally overlooked by all the moralists who have preceded them.","EAP" "id09144","For my own part, I had charge of a couple of dark lanterns, while Legrand contented himself with the scarabæus, which he carried attached to the end of a bit of whip cord; twirling it to and fro, with the air of a conjuror, as he went.","EAP" "id04392","On the carpet they were very indistinct, but a piece of open flooring intervened between the carpet's edge and the base board.","HPL" "id06436","What must have been the astonishment of all, then, when having proceeded a few fathoms from the ship, Mr. Wyatt stood up in the stern sheets, and coolly demanded of Captain Hardy that the boat should be put back for the purpose of taking in his oblong box ""Sit down, Mr. Wyatt,"" replied the captain, somewhat sternly, ""you will capsize us if you do not sit quite still.","EAP" "id19720","If I saw him at a distance, riding a beautiful horse, my blood boiled with rage; the air seemed poisoned by his presence, and my very native English was changed to a vile jargon, since every phrase I heard was coupled with his name and honour.","MWS" "id06218","In this dilemma I had recourse to paternal aid; and, after some hours of mature thought, my father and myself thus constructed the poem: ""To pen an Ode upon the ""Oil of Bob"" Is all sorts of a job.","EAP" "id27513","If it came before Arkham I would stop off there and so I asked the agent to tell me something about it.","HPL" "id18693","As the doctor put him to bed he could only mutter over and over again, ""But what, in God's name, can we do?""","HPL" "id07878","But why should I repine at this? Misery was my element, and nothing but what was miserable could approach me; if Woodville had been happy I should never have known him.","MWS" "id15422","Having, in some measure, satisfied my curiosity in regard to the extent, situation, and general appearance of the city, I had leisure to survey the church in which I was, and the delicate architecture of the steeple.","EAP" "id13289","It was a secret room, far, far underground; where huge winged daemons carven of basalt and onyx vomited from wide grinning mouths weird green and orange light, and hidden pneumatic pipes ruffled into kaleidoscopic dances of death the lines of red charnel things hand in hand woven in voluminous black hangings.","HPL" "id04953","Perdita at length subdued her burst of passion, and rose, she looked round for Clara; the child frightened, not recognizing her father, and neglected by us, had crept to the other end of the boat; she came at her mother's call.","MWS" "id23330","I found myself sitting in the library, and again sitting there alone.","EAP" "id25710","One summer night, after a thunderstorm of unprecedented violence, the countryside was aroused by a squatter stampede which no mere delusion could create.","HPL" "id16668","He did not even introduce me to his wife this courtesy devolving, per force, upon his sister Marian a very sweet and intelligent girl, who, in a few hurried words, made us acquainted.","EAP" "id02113","Should I return to the Castle, to my wife and children, with this taint upon me?","MWS" "id01662","The cure was, to insist upon the thing as a fact to accuse the patient of stupidity in not sufficiently perceiving it to be a fact and thus to refuse him any other diet for a week than that which properly appertains to a chicken.","EAP" "id09929","I was so entirely wrapt in this reverie that I wandered on, taking no heed of my steps until I actually stooped down to gather a flower for my wreath on that bleak plain where no flower grew, when I awoke from my day dream and found myself I knew not where.","MWS" "id19557","""But is that house with the attic window still standing and deserted?""","HPL" "id19181","But when he came to study those who had thrown off the old myths, he found them even more ugly than those who had not.","HPL" "id13006","This part of the Rhine, indeed, presents a singularly variegated landscape.","MWS" "id16360","At length I approached that time which I had so long viewed with apprehension.","HPL" "id20819","Beyond doubt there is nothing of a similar nature so greatly tasking the faculty of analysis.","EAP" "id20495","Then came a deadly circuit of the tower, clinging to whatever holds the slimy wall could give; till finally my testing hand found the barrier yielding, and I turned upward again, pushing the slab or door with my head as I used both hands in my fearful ascent.","HPL" "id08393","It is needless to say that I became excessively alarmed, having, in the first instance, attributed the noise to the bursting of the balloon.","EAP" "id17049","I was forced, in a manner, to wink and to blink, whether I would or not, in exact concert with the scoundrelly thing that lay just under my nose.","EAP" "id15062","There is a belfry man whose sole duty is to attend to it; but this duty is the most perfect of sinecures for the clock of Vondervotteimittis was never yet known to have anything the matter with it.","EAP" "id27494","I must own I felt a little proud when my captain offered me the second dignity in the vessel and entreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness, so valuable did he consider my services.","MWS" "id13317","Until this moment my soul had been in my eyes only.","MWS" "id20178","Pundit assures me that the same ideas were put nearly in the same way, about a thousand years ago, by an Irish philosopher called Furrier, on account of his keeping a retail shop for cat peltries and other furs.","EAP" "id06813","The visiter, shooting suddenly into this bay from out the gloom of the ravine, is delighted but astounded by the full orb of the declining sun, which he had supposed to be already far below the horizon, but which now confronts him, and forms the sole termination of an otherwise limitless vista seen through another chasm like rift in the hills.","EAP" "id00452","These rumors must have had some foundation in fact.","EAP" "id10471","He felt that he was needlessly and irrationally retarded in a supremely great work; a work which he could of course conduct to suit himself in later years, but which he wished to begin while still possessed of the exceptional facilities of the university.","HPL" "id13753","""Yes,"" replied the Prefect; ""and the power thus attained has, for some months past, been wielded, for political purposes, to a very dangerous extent.","EAP" "id13839","At first, relieved from famine and the grave, watched over by Raymond with the tenderest assiduity, with that feeling of repose peculiar to convalescence, Evadne gave herself up to rapturous gratitude and love.","MWS" "id18376","""The guide rope remedies the difficulty in the simplest manner conceivable.","EAP" "id06138","""You swear,"" I said, ""to be harmless; but have you not already shown a degree of malice that should reasonably make me distrust you?","MWS" "id25069","All inquiry, except that of a private character, was of course immediately hushed.","EAP" "id06466","Not long after this Pickman produced a flashlight and revealed an antediluvian ten panelled door that looked damnably worm eaten.","HPL" "id21478","At evening Iranon sang, and while he sang an old man prayed and a blind man said he saw a nimbus over the singer's head.","HPL" "id03695","One party playing requires another to find a given word the name of town, river, state or empire any word, in short, upon the motley and perplexed surface of the chart.","EAP" "id23527","There was an eager delight in our tones and gestures that could only spring from deep mutual love joined to the most unrestrained confidence; and now the next day, the next hour, I saw his brows contracted, his eyes fixed in sullen fierceness on the ground, and his voice so gentle and so dear made me shiver when he addressed me.","MWS" "id19995","We were, however, well aware of having made farther to the southward than any previous navigators, and felt great amazement at not meeting with the usual impediments of ice.","EAP" "id27195","There was, however, something he wanted in embattled Flanders; and in order to secure it he had to assume a military exterior.","HPL" "id27722","To establish the artificial motion, natural life must be extinct the specimens must be very fresh, but genuinely dead.","HPL" "id12955","At a distance from facts one draws conclusions which appear infallible, which yet when put to the test of reality, vanish like unreal dreams.","MWS" "id27100","""I beg a thousand pardons for the suspicion,"" I replied, ""but of course you will know how to excuse me.","EAP" "id14447","""I guess he's sayin' the spell,"" whispered Wheeler as he snatched back the telescope.","HPL" "id26903","It must have been some imp of the perverse or some sardonic pull from dark, hidden sources which made me change my plans as I did.","HPL" "id07415","I had indeed spent some money and great labor in adapting the apparatus to the object intended, and confidently looked forward to its successful application, if I could manage to complete the voyage within any reasonable period.","EAP" "id26145","So, after thoroughly studying the manuscript again and correlating the theosophical and anthropological notes with the cult narrative of Legrasse, I made a trip to Providence to see the sculptor and give him the rebuke I thought proper for so boldly imposing upon a learned and aged man.","HPL" "id01791","Hope, and your wounds will be already half healed: but if you obstinately despair, there never more will be comfort for you.","MWS" "id06250","Our circle will be small but bound close by the ties of affection and mutual misfortune.","MWS" "id23462","No doubt the true object was to admit the arm of an attendant, to adjust, when necessary, the hands of the clock from within.","EAP" "id03799","Subterrene arcana, hidden for years, came at last to the light.","HPL" "id18435","Wild blows were struck, shots were fired, and escapes were made; but in the end Legrasse was able to count some forty seven sullen prisoners, whom he forced to dress in haste and fall into line between two rows of policemen.","HPL" "id26282","""The paper is spread out upon a plane surface; but the human throat is cylindrical.","EAP" "id01259","I sought the little bed of my darling; he was oppressed by fever; but I trusted, I fondly and fearfully trusted, that there were no symptoms of the plague.","MWS" "id21800","I will be brief for there is in all this a horror that will not bear many words, and I sink almost a second time to death while I recall these sad scenes to my memory.","MWS" "id18446","I struggled to reason off the nervousness which had dominion over me.","EAP" "id12852","Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger.","HPL" "id01579","I felt, also, that the whole train of thought, which I was at some pains in detailing to you just now, concerning the invariable principle of policial action in searches for articles concealed I felt that this whole train of thought would necessarily pass through the mind of the Minister.","EAP" "id13197","""Madam"" ""Or a more delicate sense of the true beauties of Shakespeare?","EAP" "id01361","All, without exception, appeared to deal with black magic in its most advanced and horrible forms; and the evidently recent date of certain items is still a mystery as unsolved as that of the modern human bones.","HPL" "id26736","Since I last saw you I have been constantly employed in writing letters, and have several more to write; for I do not intend that any one shall hear of me after I depart.","MWS" "id14422","The results of the analysis are undoubtedly, in the main, just; but we can only account for Brewster's pronouncing the Essay a thorough and satisfactory explanation, by supposing him to have bestowed upon it a very cursory and inattentive perusal.","EAP" "id25130","Our own distresses, though they were occasioned by the fictitious reciprocity of commerce, encreased in due proportion.","MWS" "id07970","A strange idea seized me; a person must have felt all the agonies of doubt concerning the life and death of one who is the whole world to them before they can enter into my feelings for in that state, the mind working unrestrained by the will makes strange and fanciful combinations with outward circumstances and weaves the chances and changes of nature into an immediate connexion with the event they dread.","MWS" "id06745","So this was the way the folk of the uncanny house journeyed betwixt earth and sky When he climbed out of the chasm a morning mist was gathering, but he clearly saw the lofty and unhallowed cottage ahead; walls as grey as the rock, and high peak standing bold against the milky white of the seaward vapours.","HPL" "id14599","Idris smiled her thanks, and rose to take leave.","MWS" "id02499","""Verney,"" said he, ""my first act when I become King of England, will be to unite with the Greeks, take Constantinople, and subdue all Asia.","MWS" "id27274","""So help me God,"" said he, after a brief pause, ""I will tell you all I know about this affair; but I do not expect you to believe one half I say I would be a fool indeed if I did.","EAP" "id12674","Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery and be overwhelmed by disappointments, yet when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.","MWS" "id00082","Of the dungeons there had been strange things narrated fables I had always deemed them but yet strange, and too ghastly to repeat, save in a whisper.","EAP" "id17373","We encountered no living creature, for the men of the night shift had been released from duty, and were doubtless at the Dry Gulch settlement pouring sinister rumours into the ear of some drowsy bartender.","HPL" "id12242","""But what have we here?","EAP" "id05006","The prophecy seemed to imply if it implied anything a final triumph on the part of the already more powerful house; and was of course remembered with the more bitter animosity by the weaker and less influential.","EAP" "id09239","But here, too, was there no satisfaction or fulfilment; for the touch of earth was upon his mind, and he could not think of lovely things as he had done of yore.","HPL" "id06105","Then the mere consciousness of existence, without thought a condition which lasted long.","EAP" "id13346","It was that of a man clad in a skull cap and long mediaeval tunic of dark colour.","HPL" "id23677","I was slow, too, in realising that the school of unusual dolphins had vanished.","HPL" "id21391","The reason which, most probably, would be assigned for this circumstance, if the question were demanded, is, that were the antagonist otherwise situated, his person would intervene between the machine and the spectators, and preclude the latter from a distinct view.","EAP" "id04079","While he did this, I retained my seat by the fire, for I was still chilly.","EAP" "id17862","I am convinced that, at the worst, he would have returned from the seashore to take leave of us, and to make us the partners of his council.","MWS" "id11181","Again I shivered, for I did not like the things that the night had brought, and wished bitterly that no forefather had summoned me to this primal rite.","HPL" "id18318","The utter inutility that had attended all my exertions took from them their usual effects of exhilaration, and despair rendered abortive the balm of self applause I longed to return to my old occupations, but of what use were they?","MWS" "id18847","Sleep came not near my couch while the hours waned and waned away.","EAP" "id21541","What the wasting tree is to the water that imbibes its shade, growing thus blacker by what it preys upon, may not the life of the Fay be to the death which engulfs it?""","EAP" "id11371","It was thrust carelessly, and even, as it seemed, contemptuously, into one of the uppermost divisions of the rack.","EAP" "id11120","What was really beyond dispute is that a frightful proportion of persons died there; or more accurately, had died there, since after some peculiar happenings over sixty years ago the building had become deserted through the sheer impossibility of renting it.","HPL" "id24475","I met a company of soldiers outside the walls; I borrowed a horse from one of them, and hastened to my sister.","MWS" "id18010","The idea which the raconteur has either failed to entertain clearly, or has sacrificed in its expression to his national love of point, is, doubtless, the very tenable one that the higher order of music is the most thoroughly estimated when we are exclusively alone.","EAP" "id14503","For a second I thought this typical physique suggested some picture I had seen, perhaps in a book, under circumstances of particular horror or melancholy; but this pseudo recollection passed very quickly.","HPL" "id11605","Three days elapsed, and nothing was heard of her.","EAP" "id00285","All this research work required a prodigious supply of freshly slaughtered human flesh and that was why Herbert West had entered the Great War.","HPL" "id21505","In person, he is short and stout, with large, fat, blue eyes, sandy hair and whiskers, a wide but pleasing mouth, fine teeth, and I think a Roman nose.","EAP" "id11766","He seemed born anew, and virtue, more potent than Medean alchemy, endued him with health and strength.","MWS" "id25754","So I told them no more.","HPL" "id09907","I will not lead you on, unguarded and ardent as I then was, to your destruction and infallible misery.","MWS" "id18181","But the big bell had not done with them yet.","EAP" "id15159","IN the mean time what did Perdita?","MWS" "id22246","Years passed thus, even years.","MWS" "id19981","Ye toil to live, but is not life made of beauty and song?","HPL" "id23698","Soon, oh, very soon, will death extinguish these throbbings and relieve me from the mighty weight of anguish that bears me to the dust; and, in executing the award of justice, I shall also sink to rest.","MWS" "id04259","We were born to be friends to each other; and though ill fortune has divided us, will you not acknowledge the hereditary bond of friendship which I trust will hereafter unite us?""","MWS" "id11162","Madly flushed with cards and intoxication, I was in the act of insisting upon a toast of more than wonted profanity, when my attention was suddenly diverted by the violent, although partial unclosing of the door of the apartment, and by the eager voice of a servant from without.","EAP" "id26827","Yet all this was only the prologue of the actual Dunwich horror.","HPL" "id00180","For many years past he had been attended by a physician, named Templeton an old gentleman, perhaps seventy years of age whom he had first encountered at Saratoga, and from whose attention, while there, he either received, or fancied that he received, great benefit.","EAP" "id25983","I then filled up the remaining holes, and placed the barrels over them in their destined situation.","EAP" "id03516","On April he was captured by the colonists and soon after executed, but the austere head of Ibid continued on its wanderings.","HPL" "id22594","To leave England for ever to turn from its polluted fields and groves, and, placing the sea between us, to quit it, as a sailor quits the rock on which he has been wrecked, when the saving ship rides by.","MWS" "id25891","The ladies, as usual, talked a great deal.","EAP" "id16792","It is a happiness to wonder; it is a happiness to dream.","EAP" "id10007","A strong and lofty wall girdled it in.","EAP" "id18209","Farther back within the domain, the vision is impeded by an impenetrable screen of foliage.","EAP" "id23791","I do not die not having enjoyed life; for sixteen years I was happy: during the first months of my father's return I had enjoyed ages of pleasure: now indeed I am grown old in grief; my steps are feeble like those of age; I have become peevish and unfit for life; so having passed little more than twenty years upon the earth I am more fit for my narrow grave than many are when they reach the natural term of their lives.","MWS" "id16412","The soul of tender sorrow is breathed forth in this strain; and the sweet voice of Idris, sustained by the mournful chords of her instrument, added to the expression of the words.","MWS" "id25834","On that night he had determined to consummate his crimes by my death.","MWS" "id03240","Whether he had imagination enough to wish they were empty, is strongly to be doubted.","HPL" "id01858","Raymond, stopping mid way in his wild career, paused suddenly to think of consequences.","MWS" "id12236","What I learned and saw in those hours of impious exploration can never be told for want of symbols or suggestions in any language.","HPL" "id01669","But, in addition to what I have already urged in regard to Encke's comet and the zodiacal light, I had been strengthened in my opinion by certain observations of Mr. Schroeter, of Lilienthal.","EAP" "id00792","But now there came from out the niche a low laugh that erected the hairs upon my head.","EAP" "id02795","Then all at once the horrible eyes, blacker even than the seared face in which they were set, opened wide with an expression which I was unable to interpret.","HPL" "id02081","Families, bred in opulence and luxury, were reduced to beggary.","MWS" "id09710","She grew weaker each day, and each day she had further to go.","MWS" "id00802","I believe the old villain loved me as his own child nearly if not quite as well as he loved Kate but it was a dog's existence that he led me, after all.","EAP" "id17404","The 'castle' consisted of an irregular assemblage of cliffs and rocks one of the latter being quite remarkable for its height as well as for its insulated and artificial appearance I clambered to its apex, and then felt much at a loss as to what should be next done.","EAP" "id00649","For the squat creatures were mighty in the arts of war, and knew not the scruples of honour which held back our tall, grey eyed men of Lomar from ruthless conquest.","HPL" "id18496","His proximity was becoming rather obnoxious, yet I saw no way to escape without offending him.","HPL" "id14675","Wilbur was by this time a scholar of really tremendous erudition in his one sided way, and was quietly known by correspondence to many librarians in distant places where rare and forbidden books of old days are kept.","HPL" "id07657","We make chance a matter of absolute calculation.","EAP" "id00465","I turned it on full in his face, and saw the sallow features glow first with violet and then with pinkish light.","HPL" "id10066","Over the door, however, the high, slit like transom in the brick facade gave promise of possible enlargement to a diligent worker; hence upon this his eyes long rested as he racked his brains for means to reach it.","HPL" "id24079","This need for very fresh corpses had been West's moral undoing.","HPL" "id04536","He came to a part of the country where he was entirely unknown and where in the deepest solitude he could converse only with his own heart.","MWS" "id17956","Less worthy of notice was the fact that the mother was one of the decadent Whateleys, a somewhat deformed, unattractive albino woman of thirty five, living with an aged and half insane father about whom the most frightful tales of wizardry had been whispered in his youth.","HPL" "id17425","About the throat were bruises and impressions of fingers.","EAP" "id06367","If he dares to reply, you can tell him from Lucan here it is that speeches are mere anemonae verborum, anemone words.","EAP" "id14648","If, therefore, I could seize him and educate him as my companion and friend, I should not be so desolate in this peopled earth.","MWS" "id13499","My deficiencies of vision were then explained; for these were notorious, although I was entirely ignorant of their notoriety, and my good old relative discovered, much to her chagrin, that she had been deceived in supposing me aware of her identity, and that I had been merely making a fool of myself in making open love, in a theatre, to an old woman unknown.","EAP" "id15635","Of course, much depends upon the selection of a spot with capabilities.","EAP" "id15149","We are told by the wisest philosophers of the dangers of the world, the deceits of men, and the treason of our own hearts: but not the less fearlessly does each put off his frail bark from the port, spread the sail, and strain his oar, to attain the multitudinous streams of the sea of life.","MWS" "id25424","So The Street dreamed on, past wars, calamities, and changes.","HPL" "id04923","Probably it was the shrill piping that awaked me, yet that piping was not what I noticed first when I opened my eyes.","HPL" "id11789","She relented; but there was yet an obstacle, she said, which she felt assured I had not properly considered.","EAP" "id26076","One of them, a heavy tome with an iron clasp, was in another unknown alphabet this one of a very different cast, and resembling Sanscrit more than anything else.","HPL" "id24301","My thoughts and every feeling of my soul have been drunk up by the interest for my guest which this tale and his own elevated and gentle manners have created.","MWS" "id21146","I began to feel that the tomb was mine, and to look forward with hot eagerness to the time when I might pass within that stone door and down those slimy stone steps in the dark.","HPL" "id25146","She hastens to make the purchase, gets a bill and receipt, leaves her address, with a request that the article be sent home as speedily as possible, and retires amid a profusion of bows from the shopkeeper.","EAP" "id18089","He had schemed, if he failed in his present attempt, without taking leave of any of us, to embark for Greece, and never again to revisit England.","MWS" "id03474","Yet some quality about it disturbed me almost as much as its features pleased me perhaps it was too white, or too expressionless, or too much out of keeping with the locality, to make me feel easy or comfortable.","HPL" "id13828","""Right naow Barnabas is abaout changed.","HPL" "id22248","But he, the painter, took glory in his work, which went on from hour to hour, and from day to day.","EAP" "id13119","And the man shuddered, and turned his face away, and fled afar off, in haste, so that I beheld him no more.""","EAP" "id08320","They were removing the stones quietly, one by one, from the centuried wall.","HPL" "id23446","As I hope to live, her talents were of no common order her powers of mind were gigantic.","EAP" "id21118","What the hound was, and why it pursued me, were questions still vague; but I had first heard the baying in that ancient churchyard, and every subsequent event including St. John's dying whisper had served to connect the curse with the stealing of the amulet.","HPL" "id20645","M. Beauvais as it appears from your notes had some personal interviews with the editor of L'Etoile, and offended him by venturing an opinion that the corpse, notwithstanding the theory of the editor, was, in sober fact, that of Marie.","EAP" "id22743","Some power from heaven, coming to my aid, obliterated both sights and sounds in such a crash as may be heard when two universes collide in space.","HPL" "id24817","We thus gain another letter, r, represented by , with the words 'the tree' in juxtaposition.","EAP" "id03283","He wore rimless spectacles with steel bows.","HPL" "id00315","I shall say nothing more upon this point; and, as the evidence fully rebuts the assertion of L'Etoile, touching the matter of apathy on the part of the mother and other relatives an apathy inconsistent with the supposition of their believing the corpse to be that of the perfumery girl we shall now proceed as if the question of identity were settled to our perfect satisfaction.""","EAP" "id27493","But the powers of love, poetry, and creative fancy will dwell even beside the sick of the plague, with the squalid, and with the dying.","MWS" "id12447","In stature she was tall, somewhat slender, and, in her latter days, even emaciated.","EAP" "id12923","Many of these, of high rank in their own countries, now, with hoe in hand, turned up the soil.","MWS" "id05503","Justine, poor unhappy Justine, was as innocent as I, and she suffered the same charge; she died for it; and I am the cause of this I murdered her.","MWS" "id08720","Taking with her some jewels that belonged to her and a sum of money, she quitted Italy with an attendant, a native of Leghorn, but who understood the common language of Turkey, and departed for Germany.","MWS" "id14282","Upon Jupiter's again attempting to muzzle him, he made furious resistance, and, leaping into the hole, tore up the mould frantically with his claws.","EAP" "id10820","He bitterly deplored the false pride which led his friend to a conduct so little worthy of the affection that united them.","MWS" "id20038","Oh, beloved father Accept the pure heart of your unhappy daughter; permit me to join you unspotted as I was or you will not recognize my altered semblance.","MWS" "id17942","That tenebrousness was indeed a positive quality; for it obscured such parts of the inner walls as ought to have been revealed, and actually burst forth like smoke from its aeon long imprisonment, visibly darkening the sun as it slunk away into the shrunken and gibbous sky on flapping membraneous wings.","HPL" "id19045","In the morning, I procured, at the Prefecture, a full report of all the evidence elicited, and, at the various newspaper offices, a copy of every paper in which, from first to last, had been published any decisive information in regard to this sad affair.","EAP" "id24258","Besides, she had memories of past tenderness to cherish, smiles, words, and even tears, to con over, which, though remembered in desertion and sorrow, were to be preferred to the forgetfulness of the grave.","MWS" "id01620","Conscious of having deserved punishment, it seemed desirous of concealing its bloody deeds, and skipped about the chamber in an agony of nervous agitation; throwing down and breaking the furniture as it moved, and dragging the bed from the bedstead.","EAP" "id06713","Something in the night constrained the cloaked man to silence, and for a long hour he led me forward without needless words; making only the briefest of comments concerning ancient names and dates and changes, and directing my progress very largely by gestures as we squeezed through interstices, tiptoed through corridors, clambered over brick walls, and once crawled on hands and knees through a low, arched passage of stone whose immense length and tortuous twistings effaced at last every hint of geographical location I had managed to preserve.","HPL" "id12281","It was then that he began that rambling tale which suddenly played upon a sleeping memory and won the fevered interest of my uncle.","HPL" "id14372","Most of the Jermyns had possessed a subtly odd and repellent cast, but Arthur's case was very striking.","HPL" "id07396","Yet it is terrible to reflect that the lives of all these men are endangered through me.","MWS" "id18187","How strangely, sweet Una, you echo my words I observe, too, a vacillation in your step a joyous inquietude in your eyes.","EAP" "id05542","Among some these changes produced a devotion and sacrifice of self at once graceful and heroic.","MWS" "id03635","Shot Elam Hutchins' collie Jack when he went to bite me, and Elam says he would kill me if he dast.","HPL" "id19043","For the fine arts, and especially for the belles lettres, he entertained a profound contempt.","EAP" "id10995","At length there came into my head one of those exquisitely original ideas which now and then will permeate the brain of a man of genius.","EAP" "id22105","Only by chance did I go to the north window and look out upon the silent village and the plain at the edge of the bog.","HPL" "id27645","""My heart beat quick; this was the hour and moment of trial, which would decide my hopes or realize my fears.","MWS" "id10951","""You have had a good look at the whirl now,"" said the old man, ""and if you will creep round this crag, so as to get in its lee, and deaden the roar of the water, I will tell you a story that will convince you I ought to know something of the Moskoe ström.""","EAP" "id02694","A large camera on a table excited my notice, and Pickman told me that he used it in taking scenes for backgrounds, so that he might paint them from photographs in the studio instead of carting his outfit around the town for this or that view.","HPL" "id06449","Besides, the grocery youth had told me that the churches, as well as the Order of Dagon Hall, were not advisable neighbourhoods for strangers.","HPL" "id24693","The work was soon finished; in a few minutes a tumultuous sea rolled between me and my enemy, and I was left drifting on a scattered piece of ice that was continually lessening and thus preparing for me a hideous death.","MWS" "id02142","Many men may scoff at his dread; but he read the future; and the peace of Perdita was too dear to him, her speechless agony too certain, and too fearful, not to unman him.","MWS" "id13502","The edge of the whirl was represented by a broad belt of gleaming spray; but no particle of this slipped into the mouth of the terrific funnel, whose interior, as far as the eye could fathom it, was a smooth, shining, and jet black wall of water, inclined to the horizon at an angle of some forty five degrees, speeding dizzily round and round with a swaying and sweltering motion, and sending forth to the winds an appalling voice, half shriek, half roar, such as not even the mighty cataract of Niagara ever lifts up in its agony to Heaven.","EAP" "id17593","But man is a strange animal.","MWS" "id27081","We only realised, with the blackest of apprehensions, that the apparently disembodied chatter was beyond a doubt in the Dutch language.","HPL" "id05820","Indeed the locality of our retirement had been carefully kept a secret from my own former associates; and it had been many years since Dupin had ceased to know or be known in Paris.","EAP" "id10601","Besides all this, there was a vast quantity of solid gold ornaments; nearly two hundred massive finger and earrings; rich chains thirty of these, if I remember; eighty three very large and heavy crucifixes; five gold censers of great value; a prodigious golden punch bowl, ornamented with richly chased vine leaves and Bacchanalian figures; with two sword handles exquisitely embossed, and many other smaller articles which I cannot recollect.","EAP" "id20717","A little reading of the 'Dial' will carry you a great way.","EAP" "id03988","I was merciless, but am pitiful.","EAP" "id11179","I have mentioned some few of the more prominent and august calamities on record; but in these it is the extent, not less than the character of the calamity, which so vividly impresses the fancy.","EAP" "id13274","As I sat, a train of reflection occurred to me which led me to consider the effects of what I was now doing.","MWS" "id19429","And now it is ended; there is my last victim"" I was at first touched by the expressions of his misery; yet, when I called to mind what Frankenstein had said of his powers of eloquence and persuasion, and when I again cast my eyes on the lifeless form of my friend, indignation was rekindled within me.","MWS" "id09032","Yet why were these gentle beings unhappy?","MWS" "id13121","P. What then shall I ask?","EAP" "id13628","I contracted my view to England.","MWS" "id14179","There was some talk of searching the woods, but most of the family's friends were busy with the dead woman and the screaming man.","HPL" "id02367","Some few are mountebanks.","EAP" "id16911","A steamboat is casting loose from the wharf.","EAP" "id16857","Why did he write them?","MWS" "id27304","Where can any of us go?""","MWS" "id11677","here Legrand touched each of Jupiter's eyes.","EAP" "id26640","There was time for a little conversation before leaving for breakfast and college, so Gilman hurriedly poured forth an account of his recent dreams and fears.","HPL" "id14056","With this throng I mingled, though I knew I belonged with the hosts rather than with the guests.","HPL" "id16513","Altogether, he looks, speaks, and acts as little like 'a misanthrope' as any man I ever saw.","EAP" "id13232","I panted for enterprises beyond my childish exploits, and formed distempered dreams of future action.","MWS" "id06855","The intense life that quickened my pulses, and animated my frame, had the effect, not of drawing me into the mazes of active life, but of exalting my lowliness, and of bestowing majestic proportions on insignificant objects I could have lived the life of a peasant in the same way my trifling occupations were swelled into important pursuits; my affections were impetuous and engrossing passions, and nature with all her changes was invested in divine attributes.","MWS" "id25651","Their tails, at a legislative price, now bring me in a good income; for I have discovered a way, in which, by means of Macassar oil, I can force three crops in a year.","EAP" "id23940","With sails abaft, the engine stopt, the vessel remained unwillingly stationary, until, after an hour's search, my poor Perdita was brought on board.","MWS" "id27869","In Sir Robert married a daughter of the seventh Viscount Brightholme and was subsequently blessed with three children, the eldest and youngest of whom were never publicly seen on account of deformities in mind and body.","HPL" "id12239","He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for the sledge which had before appeared; but I have persuaded him to remain in the cabin, for he is far too weak to sustain the rawness of the atmosphere.","MWS" "id23935","It had looked at me as it died, and its eyes had the same odd quality that marked those other eyes which had stared at me underground and excited cloudy recollections.","HPL" "id24395","In , under the benign rule of the Ostrogoth Theodoric, we behold him as a teacher of rhetoric at Rome, and in he held the consulship together with Pompilius Numantius Bombastes Marcellinus Deodamnatus.","HPL" "id21556","The house, I have said, was old and irregular.","EAP" "id13091","Enter the house of mourning, my friend, but with kindness and affection for those who love you, and not with hatred for your enemies.","MWS" "id01127","""There he lies, white and cold in death.","MWS" "id01796","In his second son, Nevil, a singularly repellent person who seemed to combine the surliness of Philip Jermyn with the hauteur of the Brightholmes, ran away with a vulgar dancer, but was pardoned upon his return in the following year.","HPL" "id05938","Upon awaking, and stretching forth an arm, I found beside me a loaf and a pitcher with water.","EAP" "id16480","As it dangled among the cordage of the bell, I fancied it alive.","EAP" "id07135","Yet could England indeed doff her lordly trappings, and be content with the democratic style of America?","MWS" "id18577","In the end I did find something; something of such vague but monstrous import that I set about at once to examine the cellar of the shunned house itself with a new and excited minuteness.","HPL" "id14138","I am constitutionally nervous this, with me, is a family failing, and I can't help it.","EAP" "id03767","He had, he said, gone to sleep one afternoon about sundown after drinking much liquor.","HPL" "id20547","His cloaths were of rusty brown, much wrinkled, and with more than one Button missing.","HPL" "id05045","It was when the streets were full of people, when she went out....","EAP" "id25930","they took Bennett and Tobey first . . . on each side of us. . .","HPL" "id05878","I can promise you, too, some good singing.","EAP" "id01521","The curtains, still clutched in his right hand as his left clawed out at me, grew taut and finally crashed down from their lofty fastenings; admitting to the room a flood of that full moonlight which the brightening of the sky had presaged.","HPL" "id12783","Those who have been nauseated with a sad dose on the same august topic from the goose quill of the editor of the ""Gad Fly"" will do well to compare the two compositions.","EAP" "id26312","Recurrent sheet lightnings illumed the tumbled ground and the remains of the curious low hummock which had stretched down from the wooded higher slope, but there was nothing in the chaos to shew my place of egress from the lethal catacomb.","HPL" "id03341","It was his strong point his virtue; and it would have required all the logic of a Brownson to convince him that it was 'anything else.' I have shown that Touch and go Bullet head was a wise man; and the only occasion on which he did not prove infallible, was when, abandoning that legitimate home for all wise men, the East, he migrated to the city of Alexander the Great o nopolis, or some place of a similar title, out West.","EAP" "id10677","Dr. Muñoz I had never heard, save for certain sounds as of some gasoline driven mechanism; since his step was soft and gentle.","HPL" "id12814","""Well"" I said, after contemplating it for some minutes, ""this is a strange scarabæus, I must confess: new to me: never saw anything like it before unless it was a skull, or a death's head which it more nearly resembles than anything else that has come under my observation.""","EAP" "id10131","I endeavored in vain to make it follow the direction of my hand.","EAP" "id25455","There seemed to be a change in the old man an added element of furtiveness in the clouded brain which subtly transformed him from an object to a subject of fear though he was not one to be perturbed by any common family event.","HPL" "id20186","As to the nature and appearance of the lurking fear, nothing could be gained from the scared and witless shanty dwellers.","HPL" "id09854","Of ghastly marble were its walls and its towers, its columns, domes, and pavements.","HPL" "id19502","To the generality of spectators he appeared careless of censure, and with high disdain to throw aside all dependance on public prejudices; but at the same time that he strode with a triumphant stride over the rest of the world, he cowered, with self disguised lowliness, to his own party, and although its chief never dared express an opinion or a feeling until he was assured that it would meet with the approbation of his companions.","MWS" "id05808","""And we shall of course enjoy the benefit of the change,"" said Ryland, contemptuously.","MWS" "id07234","Light grew dim in these close streets, and when the well known door was opened, the staircase was shrouded in perfect night.","MWS" "id04933","""You will say now, of course, that I dreamed; but not so.","EAP" "id01851","Little things make considerable excitement in little towns, which is the reason that Kingsport people talked all that spring and summer about the three unidentifiable bodies, horribly slashed as with many cutlasses, and horribly mangled as by the tread of many cruel boot heels, which the tide washed in.","HPL" "id01350","Did the sun shine on any, who could enjoy its light with purer and more intense bliss?","MWS" "id06771","It is true that he may not arrive; but the probability is that he will.","EAP" "id27021","His mouth should not be called small, nor his ears short.","EAP" "id19386","The question was no longer whether I should share Adrian's toils and danger; but in what manner I could, in Windsor and the neighbourhood, imitate the prudence and zeal which, under his government, produced order and plenty in London, and how, now pestilence had spread more widely, I could secure the health of my own family.","MWS" "id04921","Eagerly clearing the sheet of its precious contents, I scanned the item in detail; and was disappointed to find it of only moderate length.","HPL" "id21155","Sometimes I could not prevail on myself to enter my laboratory for several days, and at other times I toiled day and night in order to complete my work.","MWS" "id27948","At all events he disappeared instantaneously from the face of the earth, and no man has seen even the ghost of him since.","EAP" "id19207","The copy is brief, and being headed with ""Lost"" only, indicates No. Dick, or No. Harry Street, as the locality at which the owner may be seen.","EAP" "id02084","It lay considerably to the north of west, and was where the setting sun made its way, as I have before described, into the amphitheatre, through a cleanly cut natural cleft in the granite embankment; this fissure might have been ten yards wide at its widest point, so far as the eye could trace it.","EAP" "id02417","I felt that my vision grew dim, that my reason wandered; and it was only by a violent effort that I at length succeeded in nerving myself to the task which duty thus once more had pointed out.","EAP" "id20951","Suddenly the sunshine seemed to lessen without the intervention of any discernible cloud.","HPL" "id18037","""I agree with you,"" replied the stranger; ""we are unfashioned creatures, but half made up, if one wiser, better, dearer than ourselves such a friend ought to be do not lend his aid to perfectionate our weak and faulty natures.","MWS" "id17429","You perceive that, by a trifling modification thus or thus it can be adapted to the eyes in the form of spectacles, or worn in the waistcoat pocket as an eye glass.","EAP" "id21614","""All dat done, Massa Will; mighty easy ting for to put de bug fru de hole look out for him dare below"" During this colloquy no portion of Jupiter's person could be seen; but the beetle, which he had suffered to descend, was now visible at the end of the string, and glistened, like a globe of burnished gold, in the last rays of the setting sun, some of which still faintly illumined the eminence upon which we stood.","EAP" "id08745","There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion.","EAP" "id02856","""Be off"" said the seventh.","EAP" "id26166","He would scorn to employ those of another.","EAP" "id23321","Now thoroughly disgusted with my host, I ordered him to release me, and told him I would go at once.","HPL" "id17119","The gruff voice was that of a Frenchman.","EAP" "id23434","West and I had graduated about the time of its beginning, but had remained for additional work at the summer school, so that we were in Arkham when it broke with full daemoniac fury upon the town.","HPL" "id16961","""Devil,"" I exclaimed, ""do you dare approach me?","MWS" "id03573","There was a door, but it led only into a closet.","HPL" "id02247","nothin' solid abaout it all like jelly, an' made o' sep'rit wrigglin' ropes pushed clost together . . .","HPL" "id11709","Did we pass a valley?","MWS" "id09301","I have said thus much, that in some measure I may answer your question, that I may explain to you why I am here, that I may assign to you something that shall have at least the faint aspect of a cause for my wearing these fetters, and for my tenanting this cell of the condemned.","EAP" "id15385","Believe me, I was then less fitted for any communion with my fellow creatures than before.","MWS" "id18266","Alas we had fallen upon the most evil of all our evil days.","EAP" "id08908","And thus for a time I was occupied by exploded systems, mingling, like an unadept, a thousand contradictory theories and floundering desperately in a very slough of multifarious knowledge, guided by an ardent imagination and childish reasoning, till an accident again changed the current of my ideas.","MWS" "id19531","She replied, ""At Athens; even at the Athens which he loved.","MWS" "id04707","I thrust my arms wildly above and around me in all directions.","EAP" "id17147","""And here we must refer to an observation of Le Commerciel; an observation upon which I have already, in some measure, commented.","EAP" "id23684","As the mist thickened, Olney crept around to the windows on the north and west and south sides, trying them but finding them all locked.","HPL" "id12645","As poet and mathematician, he would reason well; as mere mathematician, he could not have reasoned at all, and thus would have been at the mercy of the Prefect.""","EAP" "id10231","To a crown, a golden be gemmed crown, I hope; and yet I dare not trust and though I dream of a crown and wake for one, ever and anon a busy devil whispers to me, that it is but a fool's cap that I seek, and that were I wise, I should trample on it, and take in its stead, that which is worth all the crowns of the east and presidentships of the west.""","MWS" "id16629","The valet now threw open a door and ushered me into the presence of his master.","EAP" "id04395","In the evening, Adrian and I proceeded to Westminster.","MWS" "id11127","In this kaleidoscopic vortex of phantasmal images were occasional snapshots, if one might use the term, of singular clearness but unaccountable heterogeneity.","HPL" "id09898","And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare.","HPL" "id24165","One small, fairy foot, alone visible, barely touched the earth; and, scarcely discernible in the brilliant atmosphere which seemed to encircle and enshrine her loveliness, floated a pair of the most delicately imagined wings.","EAP" "id01633","""Wal, all right, ef ye feel that way abaout it.","HPL" "id12026","All was serene, burning, annihilating.","MWS" "id00209","Around its peak the mists play always mournfully, for mists are the memories of the gods, and the gods loved Hatheg Kla when they dwelt upon it in the old days.","HPL" "id10552","From a third, which was the composition of some blind man or other, either a Greek or a Choctaw I cannot be at the pains of remembering every trifle exactly I took about fifty verses beginning with ""Achilles' wrath,"" and ""grease,"" and something else.","EAP" "id03412","It is the mal practice of the courts to confine evidence and discussion to the bounds of apparent relevancy.","EAP" "id20040","Alone it is, a bleak point jutting in limitless space, for there the coast turns sharp where the great Miskatonic pours out of the plains past Arkham, bringing woodland legends and little quaint memories of New England's hills.","HPL" "id27823","All delightful things, sublime scenery, soft breezes, exquisite music seemed to me associated with you and only through you to be pleasant to me.","MWS" "id00719","Not that she was ever serious upon this point and I mention the matter at all for no better reason than that it happens, just now, to be remembered.","EAP" "id09038","Again I say, I do not know what has become of Harley Warren; though I think almost hope that he is in peaceful oblivion, if there be anywhere so blessed a thing.","HPL" "id03693","Rather a small but still a scientific diddle is this.","EAP" "id13286","I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body.","MWS" "id15630","No doubt her practical heritage and superficial knowledge of the Dark Continent had caused her to flout Sir Wade's talk of the interior, a thing which such a man would not be likely to forgive.","HPL" "id19293","The darkness was much dissipated and in the east where the clouds were least dense the moon was visible behind the thin grey cloud The moon is behind, and at the full And yet she looks both small and dull.","MWS" "id07848","""Hem oh well quite la même cho o ose, as we say in France.","EAP" "id03504","But first let me tell of the rooms in which it was held.","EAP" "id03455","I shall shed no more tears for my task is almost fulfilled, and I am about to be rewarded for long and most burthensome suffering.","MWS" "id19886","In spite of her tender nursing, the health of Adrian perceptibly declined.","MWS" "id10591","I thought of those very extreme Innsmouth types said to be hidden in crumbling, centuried warrens near the waterfront.","HPL" "id02560","He looked upon me, however, with some degree of severity, and then, turning towards my conductors, he asked who appeared as witnesses on this occasion.","MWS" "id14897","""The view of the earth, at this period of my ascension, was beautiful indeed.","EAP" "id06373","I left the house, the horrid scene of the last night's contention, and walked on the beach of the sea, which I almost regarded as an insuperable barrier between me and my fellow creatures; nay, a wish that such should prove the fact stole across me.","MWS" "id27123","""I would be an ungrateful villain if I did,"" I replied with enthusiasm.","EAP" "id08875","Might it not actually be another U boat, offering possibilities of rescue?","HPL" "id24700","I told them of my dream, but they were not interested till I spoke of the weird sounds I thought I had heard.","HPL" "id21591","I had tutored myself, and was resolved by no outward sign to disclose my internal agitation.","MWS" "id10378","It was deducible from what they knew, that to a being of infinite understanding one to whom the perfection of the algebraic analysis lay unfolded there could be no difficulty in tracing every impulse given the air and the ether through the air to the remotest consequences at any even infinitely remote epoch of time.","EAP" "id22190","My return had only been delayed so long, from an unwillingness to leave Clerval in a strange place, before he had become acquainted with any of its inhabitants.","MWS" "id02963","Natheless at the next full moon I boarded the White Ship, and with the reluctant bearded man left the happy harbour for untravelled seas.","HPL" "id01560","I felt this delay very bitterly; for I longed to see my native town and my beloved friends.","MWS" "id23299","On the left wrist were two circular excoriations, apparently the effect of ropes, or of a rope in more than one volution.","EAP" "id19715","On seeing me, he darted towards me, and tearing the girl from my arms, hastened towards the deeper parts of the wood.","MWS" "id10324","An even greater mystery is the absolute homogeneity of the crabbed, archaic writing found on a wide range of papers whose conditions and watermarks suggest age differences of at least to years.","HPL" "id12837","I am a singer of songs that I learned in the far city, and my calling is to make beauty with the things remembered of childhood.","HPL" "id02762","To the right and left, as far as the eye could reach, there lay outstretched, like ramparts of the world, lines of horridly black and beetling cliff, whose character of gloom was but the more forcibly illustrated by the surf which reared high up against its white and ghastly crest, howling and shrieking forever.","EAP" "id27055","There is no passion in nature so demoniacally impatient, as that of him who, shuddering upon the edge of a precipice, thus meditates a Plunge.","EAP" "id21654","I was hastening to anticipate a second disturbance, when a page of Mentoni's household burst into the room, and faltered out, in a voice choking with emotion, the incoherent words, ""My mistress my mistress Poisoned poisoned Oh, beautiful oh, beautiful Aphrodite"" Bewildered, I flew to the ottoman, and endeavored to arouse the sleeper to a sense of the startling intelligence.","EAP" "id07680","Idris appeared to be the only being who could resist her mother, notwithstanding the extreme mildness of her character.","MWS" "id00334","After hand cuffing him, they searched his room, or rather rooms, for it appears he occupied all the mansarde.","EAP" "id11966","And yet the men in olive drab will always remember that night, and will speak of The Street as they tell of it to their grandchildren; for many of them were sent there toward morning on a mission unlike that which they had expected.","HPL" "id21451","Some of the neighbouring families who had heard tales of old Sir Wade Jermyn's unseen Portuguese wife declared that her Latin blood must be shewing itself; but most persons merely sneered at his sensitiveness to beauty, attributing it to his music hall mother, who was socially unrecognised.","HPL" "id09372","""'Do you consider,' said his companion to him, 'that you will be obliged to pay three months' rent and to lose the produce of your garden?","MWS" "id17684","That the tradition bound elders should ignore his singular results on animals, and persist in their denial of the possibility of reanimation, was inexpressibly disgusting and almost incomprehensible to a youth of West's logical temperament.","HPL" "id05538","Rap out the sentence, with a huge oath, and by way of ultimatum at the good for nothing dunder headed villain who couldn't understand your plain English in relation to the chicken bone.","EAP" "id17675","Perhaps the ornaments had, after all, come from some strange island; and possibly the wild stories were lies of the bygone Obed himself rather than of this antique toper.","HPL" "id26060","I followed his glance, and beheld just above us on the loose plaster of the ancient ceiling a large irregular spot of wet crimson which seemed to spread even as I viewed it.","HPL" "id25577","In halls such as these in a bridal chamber such as this I passed, with the Lady of Tremaine, the unhallowed hours of the first month of our marriage passed them with but little disquietude.","EAP" "id13687","Old Keziah, he reflected, might have had excellent reasons for living in a room with peculiar angles; for was it not through certain angles that she claimed to have gone outside the boundaries of the world of space we know?","HPL" "id04323","He looked curiously at me for a second as he returned forty cents change without speaking.","HPL" "id00541","People generally suspected him of knowing something about his mother's disappearance, and very few ever approached his neighbourhood now.","HPL" "id21215","She was not sanguine, but secure; and the expectation of seeing the lover she had banished, the husband, friend, heart's companion from whom she had long been alienated, wrapt her senses in delight, her mind in placidity.","MWS" "id08924","At my evident ignorance of his meaning, the pitchy eyes once more flashed malevolently at me, until, helpless as I saw my opponent to be, I trembled as I watched him.","HPL" "id08091","The teeming brain of childhood requires no external world of incident to occupy or amuse it; and the apparently dismal monotony of a school was replete with more intense excitement than my riper youth has derived from luxury, or my full manhood from crime.","EAP" "id00230","I have something to tell you, yet scarcely know how to tell it, or whether I should tell it at all.","EAP" "id03273","And could not such words from her whom I fondly prized before every other gift of fortune suffice to chase away the fiend that lurked in my heart?","MWS" "id12154","Villain at Rome, with how untimely, yet with how spectral an officiousness, stepped he in between me and my ambition At Vienna, too at Berlin and at Moscow Where, in truth, had I not bitter cause to curse him within my heart?","EAP" "id14273","And in this expectation I was not at all deceived.","EAP" "id19178","Since our encampment here, she daily, hourly visits my thoughts.","MWS" "id18848","Throwing them aside, I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar.","EAP" "id02260","After the entombment we were all somewhat depressed, and spent the afternoon at the bar of the Commercial House; where West, though shaken by the death of his chief opponent, chilled the rest of us with references to his notorious theories.","HPL" "id02592","Evelyn, a laughing cherub, a gamesome infant, without idea of pain or sorrow, would, shaking back his light curls from his eyes, make the halls re echo with his merriment, and in a thousand artless ways attract our attention to his play.","MWS" "id14655","Glad to get off so easily, and confused by a hundred duties pressing upon him all at once, he discharges the claim forthwith.","EAP" "id19340","""I presume it is supererogatory to seek here eyeing the folds of the garment with a bitter smile for any farther evidence of your skill.","EAP" "id14658","There was much of degradation in this: for even vice and virtue had lost their attributes life life the continuation of our animal mechanism was the Alpha and Omega of the desires, the prayers, the prostrate ambition of human race.","MWS" "id23248","I wished, as it were, to procrastinate all that related to my feelings of affection until the great object, which swallowed up every habit of my nature, should be completed.","MWS" "id25306","""They whistle jest in tune with my breathin' naow,"" he said, ""an' I guess they're gittin' ready to ketch my soul.","HPL" "id12128","In spite of resentment, by day and night she figured to herself the toils and dangers of the wanderers.","MWS" "id03876","As the old man spoke, I became aware of a loud and gradually increasing sound, like the moaning of a vast herd of buffaloes upon an American prairie; and at the same moment I perceived that what seamen term the chopping character of the ocean beneath us, was rapidly changing into a current which set to the eastward.","EAP" "id16528","Finally I saw a green litten plain far below me, and discerned on it the twisted towers of a city built in no fashion I had ever known or read of or dreamed of.","HPL" "id24091","The staircase had been surmounted, and there were now only three or four more upward steps intervening between us and the summit.","EAP" "id23365","I vowed, with energy and truth, to devote myself in life and death to the restoration and welfare of Adrian.","MWS" "id15886","The old woman had been dragging the youth, while around the feet of the negro a tame rat was rubbing and weaving in the brown mud.","HPL" "id19946","In the excitement of my opium dreams for I was habitually fettered in the shackles of the drug I would call aloud upon her name, during the silence of the night, or among the sheltered recesses of the glens by day, as if, through the wild eagerness, the solemn passion, the consuming ardor of my longing for the departed, I could restore her to the pathway she had abandoned ah, could it be forever?","EAP" "id02526","Barzai and Atal went out of Hatheg into the stony desert despite the prayers of peasants, and talked of earth's gods by their campfires at night.","HPL" "id23424","Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow How is it that from beauty I have derived a type of unloveliness?","EAP" "id20976","The worm was carefully fed on mulberries kind of fruit resembling a water melon and, when sufficiently fat, was crushed in a mill.","EAP" "id14324","Country and village people, however, canvassed the place with infinite care; overturning everything in the house, sounding ponds and brooks, beating down bushes, and ransacking the nearby forests.","HPL" "id17107","As she walked along, seemingly incommoded by the burden, a young man met her, whose countenance expressed a deeper despondence.","MWS" "id25296","Pressing the spring, I gently raised the sash for a few inches; the head went up with it, remaining firm in its bed.","EAP" "id13772","Those haunting notes I had remembered, and had often hummed and whistled inaccurately to myself; so when the player at length laid down his bow I asked him if he would render some of them.","HPL" "id22802","Well meaning philosophers had taught him to look into the logical relations of things, and analyse the processes which shaped his thoughts and fancies.","HPL" "id02687","I did not know the names of the towns that I was to pass through, nor could I ask information from a single human being; but I did not despair.","MWS" "id11011","The first ranks had muskets; some were mounted, but their arms were such as they had seized during their advance, their horses those they had taken from the peasantry; there was no uniformity, and little obedience, but their shouts and wild gestures showed the untamed spirit that inspired them.","MWS" "id02677","Now, then, did my spirit fully and freely burn with more than all the fires of her own.","EAP" "id12825","That man, oddly enough, had been through the terrors of the Great War without having incurred any fright so thorough.","HPL" "id26795","But Mr. Ellison imagined that the richest, and altogether the most natural and most suitable province, had been blindly neglected.","EAP" "id21922","Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.""","HPL" "id12978","And then I bent over her and whispered, 'Awake, fairest, thy lover is near he who would give his life but to obtain one look of affection from thine eyes; my beloved, awake' ""The sleeper stirred; a thrill of terror ran through me.","MWS" "id09129","Birch acquired a limitation and changed his business in , yet never discussed the case when he could avoid it.","HPL" "id13306","This I thought strange, for there was a stiff southerly breeze; but as ""the circumstances"" were not forthcoming, although I pumped for them with much perseverance, I had nothing to do but to return home and digest my impatience at leisure.","EAP" "id15010","Our evening march, more calm, was yet more delightful than the morning restlessness of spirit.","MWS" "id03197","Continue for the present to write to me by every opportunity: I may receive your letters on some occasions when I need them most to support my spirits.","MWS" "id21037","Turning to the number which designated the oval portrait, I there read the vague and quaint words which follow: ""She was a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee.","EAP" "id16976","Eliot old Reid was right.","HPL" "id27806","No wood, however, was placed on the earth, which formed the floor, but it was dry; and although the wind entered it by innumerable chinks, I found it an agreeable asylum from the snow and rain.","MWS" "id07733","The faces of many of the inhabitants were familiar to me; in the towns, plains, hills, and defiles of these countries, I had enjoyed unspeakable delight, as I journied through them the year before.","MWS" "id11735","The head had been removed, so that the possibilities of quasi intelligent life in the trunk might be investigated.","HPL" "id15179","After a slight repose, during which the spirits of the dead hovered round and instigated me to toil and revenge, I prepared for my journey.","MWS" "id21328","This craving gathers strength as the moments fly.","EAP" "id25885","The bodies had to be exceedingly fresh, or the slight decomposition of brain tissue would render perfect reanimation impossible.","HPL" "id05386","The golden splendour arose, and weary nature awoke to suffer yet another day of heat and thirsty decay.","MWS" "id12471","The Elmer Fryes had been erased from Dunwich.","HPL" "id20192","He says all hope is dead to him, and I know that it is dead to me, so we are both equally fitted for death.","MWS" "id13480","Yet, before I departed, there was a task to perform, on which I shuddered to reflect; I must pack up my chemical instruments, and for that purpose I must enter the room which had been the scene of my odious work, and I must handle those utensils the sight of which was sickening to me.","MWS" "id19577","In an instant, a treasure of incalculable value lay gleaming before us.","EAP" "id02863","I paused; I considered; and I began to doubt.","EAP" "id23461","And let us now trace the boat picked up by the bargeman on the morning of Monday the twenty third of June, and which was removed from the barge office, without the cognizance of the officer in attendance, and without the rudder, at some period prior to the discovery of the corpse.","EAP" "id23053","This is an ordinary, although an atrocious instance of crime.","EAP" "id24497","He rubbed the arm and found hair upon it something as indefinite, we think, as can readily be imagined as little conclusive as finding an arm in the sleeve.","EAP" "id13908","We cannot, therefore, doubt Mr. Maelzel's ability, and we must necessarily suppose that he intentionally suffered his Chess Player to remain the same artificial and unnatural figure which Baron Kempelen no doubt also through design originally made it.","EAP" "id16794","I remember the buzz of curiosity which his advent excited within the college precincts on the night of the twenty fifth of June.","EAP" "id02209","""Eh ya ya ya yahaah e'yayayayaaaa . . .","HPL" "id05689","At the same time, Lord Raymond, by some unlooked for chance, became the possessor of an immense fortune in England, whither he returned, crowned with glory, to receive the meed of honour and distinction before denied to his pretensions.","MWS" "id03986","""Yet I cannot ask you to renounce your country and friends to fulfil this task; and now that you are returning to England, you will have little chance of meeting with him.","MWS" "id25308","I shuddered at the thought of those vital processes, worn as they were by eighty one years of continuous functioning, in conflict with unknown forces of which the youngest and strongest system might well be afraid; but in another moment reflected that dreams are only dreams, and that these uncomfortable visions could be, at most, no more than my uncle's reaction to the investigations and expectations which had lately filled our minds to the exclusion of all else.","HPL" "id04195","Or after life No, no, I will not persuade myself to die, I may not, dare not.","MWS" "id25483","For a moment I kept sight of the glow of his lantern, and heard the rustle of the wire as he laid it down after him; but the glow soon disappeared abruptly, as if a turn in the stone staircase had been encountered, and the sound died away almost as quickly.","HPL" "id05623","He had stopped at Elwood's door on the way, but had found all dark within.","HPL" "id14279","I've seen sights before, but there was one thing too much here.","HPL" "id06315","At other times he worked in the garden, but as there was little to do in the frosty season, he read to the old man and Agatha.","MWS" "id12131","But do not mourn, dear girl.","MWS" "id25364","""I made some use of 'em,"" he would say as he tried to mend a torn black letter page with paste prepared on the rusty kitchen stove, ""but the boy's fitten to make better use of 'em.","HPL" "id16098","""I have lived my last winter, and the date of this year, , will be carved upon my tomb.","MWS" "id05616","This, indeed, proved to be true; and the party were seen to gain the minor elevation only a short time after the invisible blasphemy had passed it.","HPL" "id21895","Especially was it unwise to rave of the living things that might haunt such a place; of creatures half of the jungle and half of the impiously aged city fabulous creatures which even a Pliny might describe with scepticism; things that might have sprung up after the great apes had overrun the dying city with the walls and the pillars, the vaults and the weird carvings.","HPL" "id05399","She returned my bow, however, under the impression that, by some odd accident, I had discovered her identity.","EAP" "id10650","Frost would blunt the arrows of pestilence, and enchain the furious elements; and the land would in spring throw off her garment of snow, released from her menace of destruction.","MWS" "id07511","Day dawned; and I directed my steps towards the town.","MWS" "id19161","He was leaning with his arms folded, over the rim of the car; and with a pipe in his mouth, at which he puffed leisurely, seemed to be upon excellent terms with himself and the universe.","EAP" "id14215","This was the commencement of a nervous fever which confined me for several months.","MWS" "id09290","and what is it you are talking about?"" ""Az vor ow I com'd ere,"" replied the figure, ""dat iz none of your pizzness; and as vor vat I be talking apout, I be talk apout vat I tink proper; and as vor who I be, vy dat is de very ting I com'd here for to let you zee for yourzelf.""","EAP" "id09074","""That evidence,"" he observed, ""was hardly required in so glaring a case, but I am glad of it, and, indeed, none of our judges like to condemn a criminal upon circumstantial evidence, be it ever so decisive.""","MWS" "id23063","He won me over to his party, heart and soul.","MWS" "id19509","P. I wish you would explain yourself, Mr. Vankirk.","EAP" "id16319","I endeavored, but of course in vain, to look through the aperture.","EAP" "id16953","""Can't do"" said I, ""what do you mean?","EAP" "id07686","Happiness, love and peace, walked the forest paths, and tempered the atmosphere.","MWS" "id10141","""Thus I relieve thee, my creator,"" he said, and placed his hated hands before my eyes, which I flung from me with violence; ""thus I take from thee a sight which you abhor.","MWS" "id08409","I entered the room where the corpse lay and was led up to the coffin.","MWS" "id23846","L'histoire en est brève.","EAP" "id06573","The stuffed goddess, he wrote, would arrive duly packed about a month after receipt of the letter.","HPL" "id26087","I performed the first part of my journey on horseback.","MWS" "id20439","To chambers of painted state farewell To midnight revelry, and the panting emulation of beauty, to costly dress and birth day shew, to title and the gilded coronet, farewell Farewell to the giant powers of man, to knowledge that could pilot the deep drawing bark through the opposing waters of shoreless ocean, to science that directed the silken balloon through the pathless air, to the power that could put a barrier to mighty waters, and set in motion wheels, and beams, and vast machinery, that could divide rocks of granite or marble, and make the mountains plain Farewell to the arts, to eloquence, which is to the human mind as the winds to the sea, stirring, and then allaying it; farewell to poetry and deep philosophy, for man's imagination is cold, and his enquiring mind can no longer expatiate on the wonders of life, for ""there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither thou goest"" to the graceful building, which in its perfect proportion transcended the rude forms of nature, the fretted gothic and massy saracenic pile, to the stupendous arch and glorious dome, the fluted column with its capital, Corinthian, Ionic, or Doric, the peristyle and fair entablature, whose harmony of form is to the eye as musical concord to the ear farewell to sculpture, where the pure marble mocks human flesh, and in the plastic expression of the culled excellencies of the human shape, shines forth the god farewell to painting, the high wrought sentiment and deep knowledge of the artists's mind in pictured canvas to paradisaical scenes, where trees are ever vernal, and the ambrosial air rests in perpetual glow: to the stamped form of tempest, and wildest uproar of universal nature encaged in the narrow frame, O farewell Farewell to music, and the sound of song; to the marriage of instruments, where the concord of soft and harsh unites in sweet harmony, and gives wings to the panting listeners, whereby to climb heaven, and learn the hidden pleasures of the eternals Farewell to the well trod stage; a truer tragedy is enacted on the world's ample scene, that puts to shame mimic grief: to high bred comedy, and the low buffoon, farewell Man may laugh no more.","MWS" "id13363","This was very gruesome and abnormal, so we confined Müller in irons and had him soundly whipped.","HPL" "id01126","A great central orb was, in fact, suggested; so far Mudler was consistent.","EAP" "id17599","The consciousness of being had grown hourly more indistinct, and that of mere locality had, in great measure, usurped its position.","EAP" "id05331","You are dear to us, because you wear the frail shape of humanity; each one among you will find a friend and host among these forces.","MWS" "id25466","Sleeping thus under the beneficent eye of heaven, can evil visit thee, O Earth, or grief cradle to their graves thy luckless children?","MWS" "id22892","The next April sickness occurred among the children, and Abigail and Ruth died before the month was over.","HPL" "id17351","It was, indeed, an exceedingly singular happening; though after all a simple one.","HPL" "id11998","He was, as it were, now awakened from his long, visionary sleep, and he felt some what like one of the seven sleepers, or like Nourjahad, in that sweet imitation of an eastern tale: Diana was gone; his friends were changed or dead, and now on his awakening I was all that he had to love on earth.","MWS" "id23660","The scene was perfectly solitary; a few boats were returning towards land, but I sailed away from them.","MWS" "id04155","In short, no position can be attained, from which an artistical eye, looking steadily, will not find matter of offence, in what is technically termed the composition of a natural landscape.","EAP" "id11832","I know not how the entanglement took place, but so it was.","EAP" "id13353","It was from the tethered horses they had screamed, not neighed, but screamed... and there was no light down there, nor the sound of any human thing, to shew why they had done so.","HPL" "id00385","Lavinia Whateley had no known husband, but according to the custom of the region made no attempt to disavow the child; concerning the other side of whose ancestry the country folk might and did speculate as widely as they chose.","HPL" "id11045","Then I half fancied I heard a sound myself; though it was not a horrible sound, but rather an exquisitely low and infinitely distant musical note, suggesting a player in one of the neighbouring houses, or in some abode beyond the lofty wall over which I had never been able to look.","HPL" "id15534","But on the day that was to fulfil my wishes and my destiny, she was melancholy, and a presentiment of evil pervaded her; and perhaps also she thought of the dreadful secret which I had promised to reveal to her on the following day.","MWS" "id27789","With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet.","MWS" "id21468","I allus says Col' Spring Glen ain't no healthy nor decent place.","HPL" "id10248","Turning towards the men, he said, ""What do you mean?","MWS" "id27908","It will then be seen that the movement of the arm, which, in all other cases, immediately succeeds the motion in the shoulder, is withheld is not made although Maelzel has not yet performed, on the board of the Automaton, any move corresponding to the withdrawal of the antagonist.","EAP" "id02861","Only one wish now haunted the mind of the dying man; that twigs from certain olive trees in the grove be buried by his resting place close to his head.","HPL" "id26533","We had been at sea seven days, and were now off Cape Hatteras, when there came a tremendously heavy blow from the southwest.","EAP" "id02711","Does it not seem singular how they should have failed to deduce from the works of God the vital fact that a perfect consistency must be an absolute truth How plain has been our progress since the late announcement of this proposition Investigation has been taken out of the hands of the ground moles and given, as a task, to the true and only true thinkers, the men of ardent imagination.","EAP" "id23751","And amid the crowd, and the clamor, and the general intricacy and confusion amid the million of black and yellow men, turbaned and robed, and of flowing beard, there roamed a countless multitude of holy filleted bulls, while vast legions of the filthy but sacred ape clambered, chattering and shrieking, about the cornices of the mosques, or clung to the minarets and oriels.","EAP" "id11220","I say, when they git ready . . .","HPL" "id23180","With eagerness one turns toward the east, with angry impatience one marks the unchequered darkness; the crowing of a cock, that sound of glee during day time, comes wailing and untuneable the creaking of rafters, and slight stir of invisible insect is heard and felt as the signal and type of desolation.","MWS" "id06613","Sometimes it would be in a desart; in a populous city; at a ball; we should perhaps meet in a vessel; and his first words constantly were, ""My daughter, I love thee"" What extactic moments have I passed in these dreams How many tears I have shed; how often have I laughed aloud.","MWS" "id02961","What are we, the inhabitants of this globe, least among the many that people infinite space?","MWS" "id23742","At length, having found these storms injurious to his health, he fitted up a cellar into which he could retreat from their wildest pandemonium.","HPL" "id14769","I asked, with a sad foreboding at heart.","EAP" "id02242","He studied the timber and plaster walls for traces of cryptic designs at every accessible spot where the paper had peeled, and within a week managed to get the eastern attic room where Keziah was held to have practiced her spells.","HPL" "id06663","The author of the 'Oil of Bob' is, we hear, Thingum Bob, Esq., a gentleman of high genius, and a scholar.","EAP" "id03542","But the weather was serene, and as I walked on I fell into no unpleasing reveries.","MWS" "id09151","It was an impulsive movement to gain time for thought to make sure that my vision had not deceived me to calm and subdue my fancy for a more sober and more certain gaze.","EAP" "id21049","And that night my dreams of piping flutes and marble peristyles came to a sudden and disquieting end; for upon the city in the valley I saw a pestilence descend, and then a frightful avalanche of wooded slopes that covered the dead bodies in the streets and left unburied only the temple of Artemis on the high peak, where the aged moon priestess Cleis lay cold and silent with a crown of ivory on her silver head.","HPL" "id04783","Indeed, it never was rented after a series of deaths culminating in , which the excitement of the war tended to throw into obscurity.","HPL" "id07595","In the present case your application is the most obvious thing in the world.","EAP" "id03049","What then became of me?","MWS" "id02194","The rush for the ""sole paper which had the news,"" was something beyond even the prodigious; and, in fact, if as some assert the ""Victoria"" did not absolutely accomplish the voyage recorded, it will be difficult to assign a reason why she should not have accomplished it.","EAP" "id05645","""Nor are outward objects alone the receptacles of the Spirit of Good.","MWS" "id14917","There was a dim mist over all the earth, and a warm glow upon the waters, and amid the rich October leaves of the forest, a rainbow from the firmament had surely fallen.","EAP" "id01353","Can it be possible that this planet has actually spawned such things; that human eyes have truly seen, as objective flesh, what man has hitherto known only in febrile phantasy and tenuous legend?","HPL" "id11472","Five months after their arrival in England, he committed suicide.","MWS" "id22171","Dr. Armitage knew, from the repeated failures of his colleagues, that the riddle was a deep and complex one; and that no simple mode of solution could merit even a trial.","HPL" "id12369","This spot, dedicated to sweetest recollections, the deserted house and neglected garden were well adapted to nurse my melancholy.","MWS" "id02893","As for one lady, she obeyed Monsieur Maillard to the letter, and thrusting out her tongue, which was an excessively long one, held it very resignedly, with both hands, until the end of the entertainment.","EAP" "id23856","The slope of the sides of the vast funnel became momently less and less steep.","EAP" "id17261","Fear was upon the whole pitiful crowd, for they did not know what the law would exact of them if the affair were not hushed up; and they were grateful when West, in spite of my involuntary shudders, offered to get rid of the thing quietly for a purpose I knew too well.","HPL" "id20479","The fury of the tempest immediately died away, and a dead calm sullenly succeeded.","EAP" "id00201","But he is a good creature after all.","EAP" "id10454","He was soon disliked even more decidedly than his mother and grandsire, and all conjectures about him were spiced with references to the bygone magic of Old Whateley, and how the hills once shook when he shrieked the dreadful name of Yog Sothoth in the midst of a circle of stones with a great book open in his arms before him.","HPL" "id18870","The readiness with which I fell into a plan of action proves that I must have been subconsciously fearing some menace and considering possible avenues of escape for hours.","HPL" "id07275","We feared that the cold weather would come on and halt our explorations, for all agreed that the daemon was generally quiet in winter.","HPL" "id27485","Local history forbade such a doubt, although no ghostly evidence was ever found by such investigators as had visited the building after some especially vivid tale of the squatters.","HPL" "id11979","Promise,"" and he raised himself painfully, and seized my arm, ""promise to bury me with them.""","MWS" "id13831","If his appearance even inspired us with hope, it only rendered the state of her mind more painful.","MWS" "id25303","Never to suffer would have been never to have been blessed.","EAP" "id13638","The moves of the Turk are not made at regular intervals of time, but accommodate themselves to the moves of the antagonist although this point of regularity so important in all kinds of mechanical contrivance, might have been readily brought about by limiting the time allowed for the moves of the antagonist.","EAP" "id01317","It was not quite dead, but twitched silently and spasmodically while its chest heaved in monstrous unison with the mad piping of the expectant whippoorwills outside.","HPL" "id15484","They seemed sullenly banded together in some sort of fellowship and understanding despising the world as if they had access to other and preferable spheres of entity.","HPL" "id17846","The uproar increases.","EAP" "id27868","The drawers of a bureau, which stood in one corner were open, and had been, apparently, rifled, although many articles still remained in them.","EAP" "id20769","A closer scrutiny filled me with sensations I cannot express; for despite its enormous magnitude, and its position in an abyss which had yawned at the bottom of the sea since the world was young, I perceived beyond a doubt that the strange object was a well shaped monolith whose massive bulk had known the workmanship and perhaps the worship of living and thinking creatures.","HPL" "id02986","I signified my readiness to proceed, but our guides protested against such a measure.","MWS" "id22694","Again the infinitude of the shrieking twilight abysses flashed past him, but in another second he thought he was in a dark, muddy, unknown alley of foetid odours, with the rotting walls of ancient houses towering up on every hand.","HPL" "id02750","I had no car, but was travelling by train, trolley, and motor coach, always seeking the cheapest possible route.","HPL" "id02791","The young husband was frantic with grief but circumstances imperatively forbade the deferring his voyage to New York.","EAP" "id08556","Already do I see,"" he continued, looking up mournfully, ""the bourne and precipitate edge of my existence, over which I plunge into the gloomy mystery of the life to come.","MWS" "id08568","""Feed it reg'lar, Willy, an' mind the quantity; but dun't let it grow too fast fer the place, fer ef it busts quarters or gits aout afore ye opens to Yog Sothoth, it's all over an' no use.","HPL" "id19829","Stranger still, some were in modern dialects, English and Italian.","MWS" "id25255","Now these peculiar movements of the head and eyes are movements customary with persons engaged in meditation, and the ingenious Baron Kempelen would have adapted these movements were the machine a pure machine to occasions proper for their display that is, to occasions of complexity.","EAP" "id20972","The air now became intolerably hot, and was loaded with spiral exhalations similar to those arising from heat iron.","EAP" "id01048","My fame is universal.","EAP" "id15810","In the widest and noblest sense, he was a poet.","EAP" "id18215","I have said enough to convince you that ciphers of this nature are readily soluble, and to give you some insight into the rationale of their development.","EAP" "id08193","Prepare to hear of occurrences which are usually deemed marvellous.","MWS" "id19952","he, the petitmaître no, the Deity who sat as if carved in marble, et qui sourit, with his pale countenance, si amèrement?","EAP" "id03413","There were shelves full of theological and classical books, and another bookcase containing treatises on magic Paracelsus, Albertus Magnus, Trithemius, Hermes Trismegistus, Borellus, and others in strange alphabets whose titles I could not decipher.","HPL" "id19688","At first I proceeded with extreme caution, for the floor, although seemingly of solid material, was treacherous with slime.","EAP" "id05263","And lo from among those sable draperies where the sounds of the song departed, there came forth a dark and undefined shadow a shadow such as the moon, when low in heaven, might fashion from the figure of a man: but it was the shadow neither of man nor of God, nor of any familiar thing.","EAP" "id14947","It was a subject of regret to me whenever we were joined by a third person, yet if I turned with a disturbed look towards my father, his eyes fixed on me and beaming with tenderness instantly restored joy to my heart.","MWS" "id19261","Klenze hurried to the engine room, finding the fuel tank and most of the mechanism shattered, and Engineers Raabe and Schneider instantly killed.","HPL" "id02632","""Why do you answer me so roughly?""","MWS" "id04909","Soon after my arrival in the hovel I discovered some papers in the pocket of the dress which I had taken from your laboratory.","MWS" "id17272","That night I passed the gateway to a vortex of twisted time and vision, and when morning found me in the attic room I saw in the walls and shelves and fittings that which I had never seen before.","HPL" "id25869","Well, I should say that the really weird artist has a kind of vision which makes models, or summons up what amounts to actual scenes from the spectral world he lives in.","HPL" "id23786","His croak thus o o o o gh o o o o gh was the finest note in the world B flat; and when he put his elbows upon the table thus after taking a glass or two of wine and distended his mouth, thus, and rolled up his eyes, thus, and winked them with excessive rapidity, thus, why then, sir, I take it upon myself to say, positively, that you would have been lost in admiration of the genius of the man.""","EAP" "id03922","With Cyclopean rage it tore through the soil above that damnable pit, blinding and deafening me, yet not wholly reducing me to a coma.","HPL" "id10827","The intellectual or logical man, rather than the understanding or observant man, set himself to imagine designs to dictate purposes to God.","EAP" "id27048","I remembered also the nervous fever with which I had been seized just at the time that I dated my creation, and which would give an air of delirium to a tale otherwise so utterly improbable.","MWS" "id13015","In spasms such as these he had usually found relief from the application of mustard to the nervous centres, but to night this had been attempted in vain.","EAP" "id17079","We boys used to overrun the place, and I can still recall my youthful terror not only at the morbid strangeness of this sinister vegetation, but at the eldritch atmosphere and odour of the dilapidated house, whose unlocked front door was often entered in quest of shudders.","HPL" "id27296","But for this consideration I should have begun my attempts with the Spanish and French, as the tongues in which a secret of this kind would most naturally have been written by a pirate of the Spanish main.","EAP" "id07121","But of them old Castro dared not speak much.","HPL" "id04606","great bulgin' eyes all over it . . .","HPL" "id14634","The document, indeed, ended in much confusion; and I was forced to ransack both the Rhode Island Historical Society and Shepley Library before I could find a local door which the name Etienne Roulet would unlock.","HPL" "id11211","They were her life; dearer than a spot consecrated to love, dearer than all else the earth contained.","MWS" "id21594","She had even sent me, in reply, one penned by her own exquisite fingers.","EAP" "id00576","When Nature could endure wakefulness no longer, it was with a struggle that I consented to sleep for I shuddered to reflect that, upon awaking, I might find myself the tenant of a grave.","EAP" "id14030","But my eyes were the keenest in the city, despite the long hours I gave each day to the study of the Pnakotic manuscripts and the wisdom of the Zobnarian Fathers; so my friend, desiring not to doom me to inaction, rewarded me with that duty which was second to nothing in importance.","HPL" "id10278","Well, during two nights not consecutive while I lay awake, I clearly saw Mrs. W., about eleven o'clock upon each night, steal cautiously from the state room of Mr. W., and enter the extra room, where she remained until daybreak, when she was called by her husband and went back.","EAP" "id17812","It was most narrow at its northern extremity, opening out as it tended southwardly, but with no very precise regularity.","EAP" "id01766","It was here that Charles I. had collected his forces.","MWS" "id10974","He reaches the grave.","EAP" "id16373","As he bathed and changed clothes he tried to recall what he had dreamed after the scene in the violet litten space, but nothing definite would crystallise in his mind.","HPL" "id00637","My answer to these questions must needs appear to you unsatisfactory, yet they have sufficed to lead me on, day after day, enduring every wretchedness, rather than by such means to seek relief.","MWS" "id24514","Now I'll put you in the way of accomplishing this point.","EAP" "id16323","The tide of love towards her appeared to flow again; he could never forget, how once he had been devoted to her, making her the shrine and storehouse wherein to place every thought and every sentiment.","MWS" "id10761","It has been, or should be remarked, that, in the manner of the true gentleman, we are always aware of a difference from the bearing of the vulgar, without being at once precisely able to determine in what such difference consists.","EAP" "id20007","This fact fully proves, that the intervention of Maelzel, in performing the moves of the antagonist on the board of the Automaton, is not essential to the movements of the Automaton, that its movements are regulated by mind by some person who sees the board of the antagonist, that its movements are not regulated by the mind of Maelzel, whose back was turned towards the antagonist at the withdrawal of his move. .","EAP" "id26211","At length all was veiled in the deep obscurity of blackest night; I became weary and knowing that my servant was to sleep that night at the neighbouring village, so that my absence would alarm no one; and that I was safe in this wild spot from every intruder, I resolved to spend the night where I was.","MWS" "id09252","As I sat deciphering the execrable French I felt more lenient toward the old man.","HPL" "id00616","He was conspicuous for his conduct and choice of position in a battle fought in the plains of Thrace, on the banks of the Hebrus, which was to decide the fate of Islam.","MWS" "id03716","Then Wesley Corey, who had taken the glass, cried out that Armitage was adjusting the sprayer which Rice held, and that something must be about to happen.","HPL" "id10926","""Gawd,"" he gasped, ""I telled 'em not ter go daown into the glen, an' I never thought nobody'd dew it with them tracks an' that smell an' the whippoorwills a screechin' daown thar in the dark o' noonday. . .","HPL" "id09079","He slowly recovered himself; yet, at last, as one might from the effects of poison, he lifted his head from above the vapours of fever and passion into the still atmosphere of calm reflection.","MWS" "id09488","He would, he wrote, defray the difference in rent.","HPL" "id15947","""As he approached his desire of seeing me,"" he said, ""became more and more ardent, and he felt that the moment when he should first clasp me in his arms would be the happiest of his life.""","MWS" "id01512","As the evening wore away he became more and more absorbed in reverie, from which no sallies of mine could arouse him.","EAP" "id07136","Sir Alfred Jermyn was a baronet before his fourth birthday, but his tastes never matched his title.","HPL" "id26086","Balbutius, had also come from Calagurris, where the permanent station was.","HPL" "id08725","It is doubtful whether he was touched at all by the horror and exquisite weirdness of his position, but the bald fact of imprisonment so far from the daily paths of men was enough to exasperate him thoroughly.","HPL" "id03998","It is a radical, a primitive impulse elementary.","EAP" "id19682","His fancy had not gone so far as mine, but he felt that the place was rare in its imaginative potentialities, and worthy of note as an inspiration in the field of the grotesque and macabre.","HPL" "id05759","There was a Grand Turk from Stamboul.","EAP" "id08226","Separated from them; exalted in my heart; sole possessor of my affections; single object of my hopes, the best half of myself.","MWS" "id21915","All was silent in and around the cottage; it was an excellent opportunity; yet, when I proceeded to execute my plan, my limbs failed me and I sank to the ground.","MWS" "id05124","To be sure, our men of science are not quite so bigoted as those of old: oh, I have something so queer to tell you on this topic.","EAP" "id09765","The physician with the iron grey beard who comes each day to my room once told a visitor that this decision marked the beginning of a pitiful monomania; but I will leave final judgment to my readers when they shall have learnt all.","HPL" "id27079","I endeavored to shriek; and my lips and my parched tongue moved convulsively together in the attempt but no voice issued from the cavernous lungs, which oppressed as if by the weight of some incumbent mountain, gasped and palpitated, with the heart, at every elaborate and struggling inspiration.","EAP" "id24759","My sister was by nature destitute of the common feelings of anxious, petulant jealousy.","MWS" "id27185","She studiously shut out all prospect of the future, and cradled her heart in present blessings.","MWS" "id05040","Neither yours nor any man's death is needed to consummate the series of my being and accomplish that which must be done, but it requires my own.","MWS" "id21997","Of these groups our two seamen formed, I think, the most interesting, if not the most conspicuous.","EAP" "id00186","He walked impassive through the cities of men, and sighed because no vista seemed fully real; because every flash of yellow sunlight on tall roofs and every glimpse of balustraded plazas in the first lamps of evening served only to remind him of dreams he had once known, and to make him homesick for ethereal lands he no longer knew how to find.","HPL" "id17638","Now this, I say, is a diddle minute for one entire moiety of the sum borrowed has to be paid to the gentleman who had the trouble of performing the insult, and who had then to stand still and be thrashed for performing it.","EAP" "id12492","She finds a sofa well adapted to her views, and upon inquiring the price, is surprised and delighted to hear a sum named at least twenty per cent.","EAP" "id15889","He had also changed my apartment; for he perceived that I had acquired a dislike for the room which had previously been my laboratory.","MWS" "id00145","I was, at length, able to write a genuine Blackwood article, and determined to do it forthwith.","EAP" "id02980","""The measures adopted were not only the best of their kind, but carried out to absolute perfection.","EAP" "id13076","His mother seems to've ben some kind of foreigner they say a South Sea islander so everybody raised Cain when he married an Ipswich girl fifty years ago.","HPL" "id12495","Besides, though the violence of her anguish made life hateful, it had not yet produced that monotonous, lethargic sense of changeless misery which for the most part produces suicide.","MWS" "id03769","I hardly replied to the slightest question, and was uneasy when I saw a human creature near me.","MWS" "id03630","I had turned to the right as I entered this road, and now, arising, I continued in the same direction.","EAP" "id14432","Where was I? Ah I have been assured that Snobbs is a mere corruption of Zenobia, and that Zenobia was a queen So am I. Dr. Moneypenny always calls me the Queen of the Hearts and that Zenobia, as well as Psyche, is good Greek, and that my father was ""a Greek,"" and that consequently I have a right to our patronymic, which is Zenobia and not by any means Snobbs.","EAP" "id19474","Morning found Dr. Armitage in a cold sweat of terror and a frenzy of wakeful concentration.","HPL" "id08090","Better stay over here and take the ten o'clock bus tomorrow morning; then you can get an evening bus there for Arkham at eight o'clock.","HPL" "id26462","But when I went to Sinara I found the dromedary men all drunken and ribald, and saw that their songs were not as mine, so I travelled in a barge down the Xari to onyx walled Jaren.","HPL" "id14424","Still they would not capitulate.","MWS" "id10607","His emissary obeyed, and brought the desired intelligence.","MWS" "id23244","She must have foreseen the chagrin of St. Eustache, the suspicion of all.","EAP" "id16588","Although the writer admits the distinction, he yet includes them all in the same category.","EAP" "id09732","I well remember it had no trees, nor benches, nor anything similar within it.","EAP" "id20415","We had now some discussion as to the propriety and feasibility of awakening him; but we had little difficulty in agreeing that no good purpose would be served by so doing.","EAP" "id18284","It is a scene terrifically desolate.","MWS" "id11406","""The supporting power being estimated at pounds, and the united weights of the party amounting only to about , there was left a surplus of , of which again was exhausted by ballast, arranged in bags of different sizes, with their respective weights marked upon them by cordage, barometers, telescopes, barrels containing provision for a fortnight, water casks, cloaks, carpet bags, and various other indispensable matters, including a coffee warmer, contrived for warming coffee by means of slack lime, so as to dispense altogether with fire, if it should be judged prudent to do so.","EAP" "id13423","I observed that, upon her first elevation of the glass, she had seemed satisfied with a momentary inspection of my person, and was withdrawing the instrument, when, as if struck by a second thought, she resumed it, and so continued to regard me with fixed attention for the space of several minutes for five minutes, at the very least, I am sure.","EAP" "id16664","That deity will be found in the interior of yonder building.","EAP" "id25486","The line put forth no branches, and Arthur was the last of it.","HPL" "id18389","I observed that the aperture through which I had thrust my head was an opening in the dial plate of a gigantic clock, and must have appeared, from the street, as a large key hole, such as we see in the face of the French watches.","EAP" "id12497","The fact is, I thought I really thought I thought at the time I thought then and have no reason for thinking otherwise now that the ""Goosetherumfoodle"" did make a mistake.","EAP" "id11412","His sentence was pronounced, and I could only grieve and be patient.","MWS" "id00265","It may be sufficient here to say that it forms one of an infinite series of mistakes which arise in the path of Reason through her propensity for seeking truth in detail.","EAP" "id25248","I hardly know, but in a few moments I sank lifeless to the ground; and so would that then all had been at an end CHAPTER VIII I was carried to the next town: fever succeeded to convulsions and faintings, for some weeks my unhappy spirit hovered on the very verge of death.","MWS" "id10910","The girl was called 'sister' or 'Agatha,' and the youth 'Felix,' 'brother,' or 'son.'","MWS" "id20501","We were to sail on the fifteenth of the month June, weather permitting; and on the fourteenth, I went on board to arrange some matters in my state room.","EAP" "id24122","Shrieking, slithering, torrential shadows of red viscous madness chasing one another through endless, ensanguined corridors of purple fulgurous sky . . .","HPL" "id18930","Before seating himself across the table from me, my host paused for a moment as if in embarrassment; then, tardily removing his gloves, wide brimmed hat, and cloak, stood theatrically revealed in full mid Georgian costume from queued hair and neck ruffles to knee breeches, silk hose, and the buckled shoes I had not previously noticed.","HPL" "id08355","It is like sight in the end, and transmits visual pictures to the brain.","HPL" "id00740","Master yourself, Raymond, and the world is subject to you."" ""All this would be very good sense, if addressed to another,"" replied Raymond, moodily, ""con the lesson yourself, and you, the first peer of the land, may become its sovereign.","MWS" "id09495","Johansen's address, I discovered, lay in the Old Town of King Harold Haardrada, which kept alive the name of Oslo during all the centuries that the greater city masqueraded as ""Christiana"".","HPL" "id13532","""It is well fortified; and in this respect is as much indebted to nature as to art."" Very true.","EAP" "id23447","Upon rising from the piano after these miracles of vocal execution, she resumed her seat by my side; when I expressed to her, in terms of the deepest enthusiasm, my delight at her performance.","EAP" "id06128","In the mean time I endeavored, but all in vain, to sound him in regard to the object of the expedition.","EAP" "id18811","On the night of the day on which this cruel deed was done, I was aroused from sleep by the cry of fire.","EAP" "id08227","I have a mother whose support and hope I am.","MWS" "id10484","The plague had come to Athens.","MWS" "id27013","The consideration of this dilemma gave me no little disquietude; and it will hardly be believed, that, after the dangers I had undergone, I should look upon this business in so serious a light, as to give up all hope of accomplishing my ultimate design, and finally make up my mind to the necessity of a descent.","EAP" "id11136","The Roulets, it seemed, had come in from East Greenwich, down the west shore of Narragansett Bay.","HPL" "id03761","He will reason thus: 'I am innocent; I am poor; my Ourang Outang is of great value to one in my circumstances a fortune of itself why should I lose it through idle apprehensions of danger?","EAP" "id20384","It was about two feet square, and bore West's correct name and present address.","HPL" "id06755","This view was surely not weakened by the insistent offers of purchase at a high price which the Marshes began to make as soon as they knew of its presence, and which they repeated to this day despite the Society's unvarying determination not to sell.","HPL" "id13867","When he arrives at the hippodrome, he will be crowned with the poetic wreath, in anticipation of his victory at the approaching Olympics.","EAP" "id14653","When our exiles had first arrived, a truce was in existence between the Turks and Greeks; a truce that was as sleep to the mortal frame, signal of renewed activity on waking.","MWS" "id27143","""The what?"" ""De bug, I'm berry sartain dat Massa Will bin bit somewhere bout de head by dat goole bug."" ""And what cause have you, Jupiter, for such a supposition?""","EAP" "id01504","The longer he gazed the more absorbing became the spell the more impossible did it appear that he could ever withdraw his glance from the fascination of that tapestry.","EAP" "id18047","He seemed the favourite child of fortune, and his untimely loss eclipsed the world, and shewed forth the remnant of mankind with diminished lustre.","MWS" "id09349","Such, nevertheless, was the fact.","EAP" "id01479","The widowed Rhoby Harris never recovered from the shock of her husband's death, and the passing of her first born Elkanah two years later was the final blow to her reason.","HPL" "id11123","I had returned from London possessed by the idea, with the intimate feeling that it was my first duty to secure, as well as I was able, the well being of my family, and then to return and take my post beside Adrian.","MWS" "id04450","Completely unnerved, I leaped to my feet; but the measured rocking movement of Usher was undisturbed.","EAP" "id02971","I, not in deed, but in effect, was the true murderer.","MWS" "id13719","I say nothing more than what must be obvious to every dispassionate observer, when I repeat that the circumstance of the articles in question having remained undiscovered, for a longer period than from one Sunday to another, in any thicket in the immediate neighborhood of Paris, is to be looked upon as little less than miraculous.","EAP" "id26981","One disappeared in a narrow alley to the left, leaving only the echo of a shocking moan.","HPL" "id05557","They were both then lying on the sacking of the bedstead in the chamber where Mademoiselle L. was found.","EAP" "id09760","There was a gradual deterioration I had not foreseen.","HPL" "id26989","The disordered earth was covered with blood and human debris bespeaking too vividly the ravages of daemon teeth and talons; yet no visible trail led away from the carnage.","HPL" "id04626","Clerval continued talking for some time about our mutual friends and his own good fortune in being permitted to come to Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id02883","Angarola of Chicago has it.","HPL" "id11691","""Folks aoutside hev their stories abaout us s'pose you've heerd a plenty on 'em, seein' what questions ye ast stories abaout things they've seed naow an' then, an' abaout that queer joolry as still comes in from somewhars an' ain't quite all melted up but nothin' never gits def'nite.","HPL" "id09863","My imagination was vivid, yet my powers of analysis and application were intense; by the union of these qualities I conceived the idea and executed the creation of a man.","MWS" "id19628","By degrees, our eyes grew somewhat accustomed to this dimness, and we perceived that there was no direct passage leading us further; but that it was possible to climb one side of the cavern to a low arch at top, which promised a more easy path, from whence we now discovered that this light proceeded.","MWS" "id23042","But as the gate swung wider and the sorcery of drug and dream pushed me through, I knew that all sights and glories were at an end; for in that new realm was neither land nor sea, but only the white void of unpeopled and illimitable space.","HPL" "id25482","Grieved to the soul at having been, however innocently, the cause of pain to so eminent and so sensitive a man, I hastened to apologize, and to reassure him, by expressing my perfect coincidence with his views, as well as my entire appreciation of the delicacy of his position.","EAP" "id19560","In the monarch Thought's dominion It stood there Never seraph spread a pinion Over fabric half so fair.","EAP" "id24440","His fright, turning to steely despair, left room for a resurgence of his rage against me; and he staggered a step toward the table on whose edge I was steadying myself.","HPL" "id17553","If he had permitted us to witness his agitation, he would have been more under the guidance of reason; but his struggles for the shew of composure, acted with such violence on his nerves, as to destroy his power of self command.","MWS" "id02921","I fancied that night had come suddenly upon me, and vainly groped with one free hand for a window embrasure, that I might peer out and above, and try to judge the height I had attained.","HPL" "id10958","Besides that, with the nearly extinct race of man, all our toils grew near a conclusion, she was too weak; consumption, if so it might be called, or rather the over active life within her, which, as with Adrian, spent the vital oil in the early morning hours, deprived her limbs of strength.","MWS" "id21408","The audience arose; and the usual tumult immediately supervened.","EAP" "id02596","It was just such a slip, indeed, as might have been chosen for a memorandum for a record of something to be long remembered and carefully preserved.""","EAP" "id09255","Idris arose also, and bent on me her eyes of celestial blue, and with grace peculiar said ""You hardly need an introduction; we have a picture, highly valued by my father, which declares at once your name.","MWS" "id21786","But of those mysterious allies no coherent account could ever be gained.","HPL" "id09510","My father pointed out these circumstances with a serious and unaltered mien, only now and then fixing his deep and liquid eyes upon me; there was something strange and awful in his look that overcame me, and in spite of myself I wept, nor did he attempt to console me, but I saw his lips quiver and the muscles of his countenance seemed convulsed.","MWS" "id13966","How pleased you would be to remark the improvement of our Ernest He is now sixteen and full of activity and spirit.","MWS" "id01908","Furniture, covered by the dust of ages and crumbling with the rot of long dampness, met my eyes.","HPL" "id19973","Carter's relatives talk much of these things because he has lately disappeared.","HPL" "id12352","""Several changes, in the meantime, took place in the cottage.","MWS" "id16234","In short, I never yet encountered the mere mathematician who could be trusted out of equal roots, or one who did not clandestinely hold it as a point of his faith that xpx was absolutely and unconditionally equal to q. Say to one of these gentlemen, by way of experiment, if you please, that you believe occasions may occur where xpx is not altogether equal to q, and, having made him understand what you mean, get out of his reach as speedily as convenient, for, beyond doubt, he will endeavor to knock you down.","EAP" "id20152","I shall ascend my funeral pile triumphantly and exult in the agony of the torturing flames.","MWS" "id23960","The elderly scholar had been collecting legends of the Onga tribes near the field of his grandfather's and his own explorations, hoping in some way to account for Sir Wade's wild tales of a lost city peopled by strange hybrid creatures.","HPL" "id24403","The town was getting more and more on my nerves, and I looked behind me furtively as I picked my way back over the tottering Water Street bridge.","HPL" "id05700","In after sorrow or joy, believe that you father's spirit is near, to save or sympathize with you.","MWS" "id23741","I had most imprudently made it known among my friends, she observed, that I desired her acquaintance thus that I did not possess it thus, again, there was no possibility of concealing the date of our first knowledge of each other.","EAP" "id23490","His desire of restoring his lovely friend to her rank in society, and to her lost prosperity, animated him, and he poured forth with energy, all his wishes and intentions on that subject.","MWS" "id15658","In the first few degrees of this its progress, its surface is very sensibly flattened, farther on depressed into a plane, and finally, becoming not a little concave, it terminates, at the Pole itself, in a circular centre, sharply defined, whose apparent diameter subtended at the balloon an angle of about sixty five seconds, and whose dusky hue, varying in intensity, was, at all times, darker than any other spot upon the visible hemisphere, and occasionally deepened into the most absolute and impenetrable blackness.","EAP" "id25459","I quitted him to take a few hours rest.","MWS" "id17319","What magnificent events may ensue, it would be useless now to think of determining.","EAP" "id20549","As for those who in your world knew not the loveliness of benevolence justice they are placed apart some claimed by the evil spirit in vain sought for by the good but She whose delight is to reform the wicked takes all she can delivers them to her ministers not to be punished but to be exercised instructed untill acquiring a love of virtue they are fitted for these gardens where they will acquire a love of knowledge As Fantasia talked I saw various groupes of figures as they walked among the allies of the gardens or were seated on the grassy plots either in contemplation or conversation several advanced together towards the fountain where I sat As they approached I observed the principal figure to be that of a woman about years of age her eyes burned with a deep fire and every line of her face expressed enthusiasm wisdom try seemed seated on her lips which were beautifully formed every motion of her limbs although not youthful was inexpressibly graceful her black hair was bound in tresses round her head and her brows were encompassed by a fillet her dress was that of a simple tunic bound at the waist by a broad girdle and a mantle which fell over her left arm she was encompassed by several youths of both sexes who appeared to hang on her words to catch the inspiration as it flowed from her with looks either of eager wonder or stedfast attention with eyes all bent towards her eloquent countenance which beamed with the mind within I am going said Fantasia but I leave my spirit with you without which this scene wd fade away I leave you in good company that female whose eyes like the loveliest planet in the heavens draw all to gaze on her is the Prophetess Diotima the instructress of Socrates The company about her are those just escaped from the world there they were unthinking or misconducted in the pursuit of knowledge.","MWS" "id09904","It appeared to me evidently in the nature of a rare atmosphere extending from the sun outward, beyond the orbit of Venus at least, and I believed indefinitely farther.","EAP" "id19285","I adjure you, my father, has not an unnatural passion seized upon your heart?","MWS" "id00256","I have merely set down certain things appealing to me as facts, allowing you to construe them as you will.","HPL" "id12107","Like to our first parents, the whole earth is before him, a wide desart.","MWS" "id26852","Better be cautious in these old places our rodent friends are the one drawback, though I sometimes think they're a positive asset by way of atmosphere and colour.""","HPL" "id15615","For example, there may be a deposition of dew upon the silk, to the extent, even, of several hundred pounds; ballast has then to be thrown out, or the machine may descend.","EAP" "id09758","Might have been a woman's voice.","EAP" "id06957","Besides, I had serious scruples of conscience.","EAP" "id18970","Don't think I was a fool you ought to have seen that skull.","HPL" "id15145","As I came, dressed in white, covered only by my tartan rachan, my hair streaming on my shoulders, and shooting across with greater speed that it could be supposed I could give to my boat, my father has often told me that I looked more like a spirit than a human maid.","MWS" "id15109","When shown the body, she fell into violent hysterics and kept her bed for several days.","MWS" "id11949","I should not call that sound a voice, for it was too awful.","HPL" "id26478","The coach was crammed to repletion; but in the uncertain twilight the features of my companions could not be distinguished.","EAP" "id07850","Do you expect me to pay for what I did not take?""","EAP" "id18524","The sight turned him giddy after a while, so that he would have fallen to the pavement had he not clutched instinctively at the lustrous balustrade.","HPL" "id09885","I must pause here, for it requires all my fortitude to recall the memory of the frightful events which I am about to relate, in proper detail, to my recollection.","MWS" "id26662","""Upon this latter point,"" said Madame Lalande, laughingly, ""you have been surely injudicious in coming to confession; for, without the confession, I take it for granted that no one would have accused you of the crime.","EAP" "id13519","Oh, how I longed then for the dear soothings of maternal Nature, as my wounded heart was still further stung by the roar of heartless merriment from the public house, by the sight of the drunkard reeling home, having lost the memory of what he would find there in oblivious debauch, and by the more appalling salutations of those melancholy beings to whom the name of home was a mockery.","MWS" "id07753","Approaching him softly though without apparent furtiveness were five figures, two of which were the sinister old woman and the fanged, furry little animal.","HPL" "id05333","He was ready to go back to old times, and commemorate the contests of our fathers, and the monarch's abdication.","MWS" "id01084","I feared also that it might be some one who had seen me before: I might be recognized, my impostures discovered and I dragged back to a life of worse torture than that I had before endured.","MWS" "id22099","Mr. Kirwin came in and insisted that my strength should not be exhausted by too much exertion.","MWS" "id04382","""This what?"" said I. ""This rabbit au chat.""","EAP" "id18399","Its proprietor, Roderick Usher, had been one of my boon companions in boyhood; but many years had elapsed since our last meeting.","EAP" "id04888","He was getting an intuitive knack for solving Riemannian equations, and astonished Professor Upham by his comprehension of fourth dimensional and other problems which had floored all the rest of the class.","HPL" "id10787","That fishing paid less and less as the price of the commodity fell and large scale corporations offered competition, but there was never a dearth of fish around Innsmouth Harbour.","HPL" "id07994","Think you, amidst the shrieks of violated innocence and helpless infancy, I did not feel in every nerve the cry of a fellow being?","MWS" "id10328","Other feelings, less ambiguous, were called into play by his conciliating manner and the generous warmth of his expressions, respect rarely before experienced, admiration, and love he had touched my rocky heart with his magic power, and the stream of affection gushed forth, imperishable and pure.","MWS" "id00827","The blood and soul of the people were as the blood and soul of their ancestors who had fashioned The Street.","HPL" "id17111","I have also to inform you that, whether it was calm weather or stormy, I found myself always immediately between the moon and the earth.","EAP" "id04782","His aspect and voice became utterly frightful, and his presence almost unbearable.","HPL" "id14639","The Moskoe Ström whirlpool was about a quarter of a mile dead ahead but no more like the every day Moskoe Ström, than the whirl as you now see it is like a mill race.","EAP" "id00518","Now it was that those hideous shrieks arose upon the night, which had startled from slumber the inmates of the Rue Morgue.","EAP" "id26948","His kingdom was the heart of Perdita, his subjects her thoughts; by her he was loved, respected as a superior being, obeyed, waited on.","MWS" "id22100","Still the same lofty domes and minarets towered above the verdurous walls, where Constantine had died, and the Turk had entered the city.","MWS" "id23130","Take the colours and odour from the rose, change the sweet nutriment of mother's milk to gall and poison; as easily might you wean Perdita from love.","MWS" "id10047","The ""strangeness,"" however, which I found in the eyes, was of a nature distinct from the formation, or the color, or the brilliancy of the features, and must, after all, be referred to the expression.","EAP" "id24124","Idris sat at the top of the half empty hall.","MWS" "id15413","Few deductions, if any, were made; and those few pertinaciously returning in upon the original object as a centre.","EAP" "id25322","So we retired awhile to Eleusis, and here rest and tender care added each day to the strength of our invalid.","MWS" "id09661","I bought an automatic and almost took the step, but certain dreams deterred me.","HPL" "id04815","He sat at a table with several secretaries, who were arranging petitions, or registering the notes made during that day's audience.","MWS" "id07225","Lie down, O man, on the flower strown earth; give up all claim to your inheritance, all you can ever possess of it is the small cell which the dead require.","MWS" "id09804","Our silence endured for some miles, till the country with open fields, or shady woods and parks, presented pleasant objects to our view.","MWS" "id25714","The night before, she had reached Datchet; and, prowling about, had found a baker's shop open and deserted.","MWS" "id20894","Yet when he returned thence, and first appeared in public life in England, her love did not purchase his, which then vacillated between Perdita and a crown.","MWS" "id00690","As it was, I involuntarily closed my eyes in horror.","EAP" "id11947","The odour arising from the newly opened depths was intolerable, and at length the quick eared Hawkins thought he heard a nasty, slopping sound down there.","HPL" "id10582","The bas relief was a rough rectangle less than an inch thick and about five by six inches in area; obviously of modern origin.","HPL" "id12402","The pallor of his countenance had assumed, if possible, a more ghastly hue but the luminousness of his eye had utterly gone out.","EAP" "id17138","Do not wake me let me die so"" I here felt the limbs and found them as rigid as ever.","EAP" "id06445","Besides, although I was evidently approaching the surface below me, it was with a speed by no means commensurate with the velocity I had at first so horribly conceived.","EAP" "id01688","Curtis, who had held the instrument, dropped it with a piercing shriek into the ankle deep mud of the road.","HPL" "id10466","I remember that once a Foreigner, a German, I think, was in our Company; and that whilst Goldsmith was speaking, he observ'd the Doctor preparing to utter something.","HPL" "id11925","They looked like strips torn off.' Here, inadvertently, Le Soleil has employed an exceedingly suspicious phrase.","EAP" "id03452","He was never to be seen beyond the limits of his own domain, and, in this wide and social world, was utterly companionless unless, indeed, that unnatural, impetuous, and fiery colored horse, which he henceforward continually bestrode, had any mysterious right to the title of his friend.","EAP" "id25742","'Tis berry hebby bug.","EAP" "id09645","And now I began to live.","MWS" "id08105","I did not enlarge his knowledge in this regard, but sought with some subtlety to draw him out.","HPL" "id08853","Now we've only this one thing to fight, and it can't multiply.","HPL" "id03484","This was asked only half ironically; and Idris wondered why her mother should extort from her a solemn vow not to do, what she had never dreamed of doing but the promise was required and given.","MWS" "id04541","At length he arose, took a candle from the table, and proceeded to seat himself upon a sea chest in the farthest corner of the room.","EAP" "id08084","And now, flatter and flatter grew the lozenge, with a rapidity that left me no time for contemplation.","EAP" "id23867","She attended her sickbed; her watchful attentions triumphed over the malignity of the distemper Elizabeth was saved, but the consequences of this imprudence were fatal to her preserver.","MWS" "id23023","The Atlantic has been actually crossed in a Balloon and this too without difficulty without any great apparent danger with thorough control of the machine and in the inconceivably brief period of seventy five hours from shore to shore By the energy of an agent at Charleston, S.C., we are enabled to be the first to furnish the public with a detailed account of this most extraordinary voyage, which was performed between Saturday, the th instant, at , A.M., and , P.M., on Tuesday, the th instant, by Sir Everard Bringhurst; Mr. Osborne, a nephew of Lord Bentinck's; Mr. Monck Mason and Mr. Robert Holland, the well known æronauts; Mr. Harrison Ainsworth, author of ""Jack Sheppard,"" c.; and Mr. Henson, the projector of the late unsuccessful flying machine with two seamen from Woolwich in all, eight persons.","EAP" "id25164","The white apes and the stuffed goddess were discussed with all the native chiefs of the region, but it remained for a European to improve on the data offered by old Mwanu.","HPL" "id07326","The boxed object was delivered at Jermyn House on the afternoon of August , , being conveyed immediately to the large chamber which housed the collection of African specimens as arranged by Sir Robert and Arthur.","HPL" "id10778","She had not sheltered herself in silence.","EAP" "id18595","He is aware that he seldom passes so far as a dozen blocks from his own bureau, without being recognized and accosted.","EAP" "id09797","It seemed to be a sort of monster, or symbol representing a monster, of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive.","HPL" "id23632","If our impulses were confined to hunger, thirst, and desire, we might be nearly free; but now we are moved by every wind that blows and a chance word or scene that that word may convey to us.","MWS" "id09629","The voice said ""Ha ha ha he he a very good joke indeed an excellent jest.","EAP" "id01002","Let us not for a moment forget our object and our hope; and they will form a resistless mound to stop the overflowing of our regret for trifles.""","MWS" "id21640","Although upreared upon the summit of a wave more than a hundred times her own altitude, her apparent size exceeded that of any ship of the line or East Indiaman in existence.","EAP" "id15922","This proved however to be a second passage, which evidently ascended.","MWS" "id26476","Superstitious terror crept by degrees into the spirit of the old Swede, and my own soul was wrapped up in silent wonder.","EAP" "id08111","The contest was keen and doubtful.","MWS" "id11344","And will a contented conscience compensate for fallen hopes a slandered name torn affections all the miseries of civilized life?","MWS" "id03372","Now I must fulfil my vow; now range myself at his side, and be his ally and support till death.","MWS" "id01162","Presently the two people simply villagers, apparently farthest in the lead saw me and stood paralysed.","HPL" "id18563","I bestowed on him all my affections; there was a miniature of him that I gazed on continually; I copied his last letter and read it again and again.","MWS" "id26179","The rumour now spread widely that these houses contained the leaders of a vast band of terrorists, who on a designated day were to launch an orgy of slaughter for the extermination of America and of all the fine old traditions which The Street had loved.","HPL" "id20461","It is, perhaps, scarcely necessary to add, that all the suggestions attributed to Brewster and Herschel, in the beginning of the article, about ""a transfusion of artificial light through the focal object of vision,"" etc., etc., belong to that species of figurative writing which comes, most properly, under the denomination of rigmarole.","EAP" "id13144","A moment more and Perdita appeared; she stood before me in the fresh bloom of youthful womanhood, different from and yet the same as the mountain girl I had left.","MWS" "id09657","After the ceremony was performed a large party assembled at my father's, but it was agreed that Elizabeth and I should commence our journey by water, sleeping that night at Evian and continuing our voyage on the following day.","MWS" "id12602","It happened once before, but the man got frightened and shot himself.","HPL" "id22491","The fool if he could not come himself, why, in the name of every thing rational, could he not have enclosed me a letter of presentation?","EAP" "id09763","I was on deck, enjoying our swift progress.","MWS" "id12789","I glanced at its face by the moonlight, and then burst into tears as I flung it far away into the ocean.","EAP" "id20867","I avoided you, you know I did, but you forced yourself upon me and gave me those wants which you see with triumph give you power over me.","MWS" "id24620","In passing down an alley in the rear of the Rue Morgue, the fugitive's attention was arrested by a light gleaming from the open window of Madame L'Espanaye's chamber, in the fourth story of her house.","EAP" "id06414","I found that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulate sounds.","MWS" "id10915","The body must have looked even worse in life but the world holds many ugly things.","HPL" "id24415","""Treason"" growled he of the coffin.","EAP" "id21613","His expressionless face was handsome to the point of radiant beauty, but had shocked the superintendent when the hall light fell on it for it was a wax face with eyes of painted glass.","HPL" "id26913","""Oh, extra baggage, to be sure,"" I now said to myself ""something he wishes not to be put in the hold something to be kept under his own eye ah, I have it a painting or so and this is what he has been bargaining about with Nicolino, the Italian Jew.""","EAP" "id26093","They found me Curius like, feasting on sorry fruits for supper; but they brought gifts richer than the golden bribes of the Sabines, nor could I refuse the invaluable store of friendship and delight which they bestowed.","MWS" "id08432","P. Does the idea of death afflict you?","EAP" "id07183","Look also at the innumerable fish that are swimming in the clear waters, where we can distinguish every pebble that lies at the bottom.","MWS" "id01316","The fishy odour, dispelled for a moment by some merciful breeze, now closed in again with maddening intensity.","HPL" "id24328","""Malitia vetus malitia vetus est . . .","HPL" "id00095","Soon they became excessively numerous, like impious catacombs of nameless menace; and their pungent odour of decay grew quite unbearable.","HPL" "id00749","In this respect, indeed, she might have been regarded as little less than the equal of the celebrated Ninon De L'Enclos.","EAP" "id04202","There were two armlets, a tiara, and a kind of pectoral; the latter having in high relief certain figures of almost unbearable extravagance.","HPL" "id25889","The Herr Johann Hermann Hermann commenced the perusal of this epistle with a scowl, which, however, was converted into a smile of the most ludicrous self complacency as he came to the rigmarole about Injuriae per applicationem, per constructionem, et per se.","EAP" "id11318","Wilson's retaliations in kind were many; and there was one form of his practical wit that disturbed me beyond measure.","EAP" "id20786","She sang, and her voice flowed in a rich cadence, swelling or dying away like a nightingale of the woods.","MWS" "id26918","He replied feebly, yet quite audibly, ""Yes, I wish to be.","EAP" "id12803","March st our February th according to the International Date Line the earthquake and storm had come.","HPL" "id23560","Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman.","EAP" "id21524","I threw off an overcoat, took an arm chair by the crackling logs, and awaited patiently the arrival of my hosts.","EAP" "id12621","He did not laugh as I paused, but asked quite seriously about the boy who went mad in , and who had presumably been the hero of my fiction.","HPL" "id12566","At length, in taking leave, he takes also from the table the letter to which he had no claim.","EAP" "id13822","""Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix and rendered him, when I first saw him, the most miserable of his family.","MWS" "id15390","""It was on one of these days, when my cottagers periodically rested from labour the old man played on his guitar, and the children listened to him that I observed the countenance of Felix was melancholy beyond expression; he sighed frequently, and once his father paused in his music, and I conjectured by his manner that he inquired the cause of his son's sorrow.","MWS" "id00824","I leaned to the right.","EAP" "id10190","But this weakness was, luckily for me, of no very long duration.","EAP" "id09892","Negotium perambulans in tenebris. . . .","HPL" "id13436","The great ""movement"" that was the cant term went on: a diseased commotion, moral and physical.","EAP" "id18001","To create individual, thinking beings, it was necessary to incarnate portions of the divine mind.","EAP" "id06829","They did not expect to hear Sir Alfred Jermyn emit a shrill, inhuman scream, or to see him seize his clumsy antagonist with both hands, dash it to the floor of the cage, and bite fiendishly at its hairy throat.","HPL" "id24483","I found it, however, altogether too expensive, and was not sure, upon the whole, whether cambric muslin with a coating of gum caoutchouc, was not equally as good.","EAP" "id16013","He had refused to take pay for it, and only long afterward did I guess why.","HPL" "id12322","When any separation took place between us, it generally so happened, that Idris and Perdita would ramble away together, and we remained to discuss the affairs of nations, and the philosophy of life.","MWS" "id01304","Many changes also now occurred in these spontaneous regal elections: depositions and abdications were frequent, while, in the place of the old and prudent, the ardent youth would step forward, eager for action, regardless of danger.","MWS" "id09013","In beauty of face no maiden ever equalled her.","EAP" "id17471","While we were in London there was a harshness and sulleness in his sorrow which had now entirely disappeared.","MWS" "id05822","I began also to observe, with greater accuracy, the forms that surrounded me and to perceive the boundaries of the radiant roof of light which canopied me.","MWS" "id09990","The procession of clerics began filing down the steep stairs through the trap door in the floor, turning and making menacing gestures as they left.","HPL" "id19863","Chemistry is that branch of natural philosophy in which the greatest improvements have been and may be made; it is on that account that I have made it my peculiar study; but at the same time, I have not neglected the other branches of science.","MWS" "id10911","Gabinius had, the rumour ran, come upon a cliffside cavern where strange folk met together and made the Elder Sign in the dark; strange folk whom the Britons knew not save in fear, and who were the last to survive from a great land in the west that had sunk, leaving only the islands with the raths and circles and shrines of which Stonehenge was the greatest.","HPL" "id02090","We watched the rapid progress of the traveller with our telescopes until he was lost among the distant inequalities of the ice.","MWS" "id13623","Jan Martense, whose room I had invaded, was buried in the graveyard near the mansion. . . .","HPL" "id22601","Each individual, before a part of a great whole moving only in unison with others, now became resolved into the unit nature had made him, and thought of himself only.","MWS" "id07057","I observed the door of a small out house a jar.","MWS" "id05520","I had been lying with my face away from my uncle's chair, so that in this sudden flash of awakening I saw only the door to the street, the more northerly window, and the wall and floor and ceiling toward the north of the room, all photographed with morbid vividness on my brain in a light brighter than the glow of the fungi or the rays from the street outside.","HPL" "id17095","Look on me as dead; and truly if death be a mere change of state, I am dead.","MWS" "id16077","His questioning grew more than medically tense, and his hands shook as he dressed the mangled members; binding them as if he wished to get the wounds out of sight as quickly as possible.","HPL" "id24606","In the meantime let us survey this image.","EAP" "id19625","God What wonder that across the earth a great architect went mad, and poor Wilcox raved with fever in that telepathic instant?","HPL" "id22439","But, no, my tale must not pause; it must be as rapid as was my fate, I can only describe in short although strong expressions my precipitate and irremediable change from happiness to despair.","MWS" "id15406","The ridged, barrel shaped centre, the thin, radiating arms, the knobs at each end, and the flat, slightly outward curving starfish arms spreading from those knobs all were there.","HPL" "id04384","The appearance of Justine was calm.","MWS" "id12398","But when he looked, he did not see what he had expected; for his colleagues were not there at all, but only the Terrible Old Man leaning quietly on his knotted cane and smiling hideously.","HPL" "id12077","Great decrease in the earth's apparent diameter, which now subtended from the balloon an angle of very little more than twenty five degrees.","EAP" "id23740","I never sought to return to those tenebrous labyrinths, nor would I direct any sane man thither if I could.","HPL" "id02719","Raymond sprung lightly on his horse, grasped the standard, and with words which I could not hear but his gestures, being their fit accompaniment, were marked by passionate energy, he seemed to adjure their assistance and companionship; even as he spoke, the crowd receded from him.","MWS" "id04017","Positive pleasure is a mere idea.","EAP" "id22486","Winter, spring, and summer passed away during my labours; but I did not watch the blossom or the expanding leaves sights which before always yielded me supreme delight so deeply was I engrossed in my occupation.","MWS" "id22229","The flutes piped horribly, and again I heard the beating of the drums from the direction of the island ruin.","HPL" "id15446","Raymond yielded for the present.","MWS" "id06905","""Poor Matt Matt he allus was agin' it tried to line up the folks on his side, an' had long talks with the preachers no use they run the Congregational parson aout o' taown, an' the Methodist feller quit never did see Resolved Babcock, the Baptist parson, agin Wrath o' Jehovy I was a mighty little critter, but I heerd what I heerd an' seen what I seen Dagon an' Ashtoreth Belial an' Beëlzebub Golden Caff an' the idols o' Canaan an' the Philistines Babylonish abominations Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin "" He stopped again, and from the look in his watery blue eyes I feared he was close to a stupor after all.","HPL" "id14952","I profited of this time to rest for a few hours.","MWS" "id14438","Adrian remained in the coffee room, while I, in compliance with his desire, took my seat in St. Stephen's.","MWS" "id05405","One subject What could it be?","MWS" "id24043","The narrow space immediately surrounding what had been the body, was now growing to be the body itself.","EAP" "id15992","But, when I recovered from this stupor, there dawned upon me gradually a conviction which startled me even far more than the coincidence.","EAP" "id11736","With a fair and strong breeze we soon ran into the little cove to the northward of Fort Moultrie, and a walk of some two miles brought us to the hut.","EAP" "id20142","It may be observed, in passing, that this prodigious glass is said to have been molded at the glasshouse of Messrs. Hartley and Grant, in Dumbarton; but Messrs. H. and G.'s establishment had ceased operations for many years previous to the publication of the hoax.","EAP" "id22640","The archaic lanes and houses and unexpected bits of square and court had indeed delighted me, and when I found the poets and artists to be loud voiced pretenders whose quaintness is tinsel and whose lives are a denial of all that pure beauty which is poetry and art, I stayed on for love of these venerable things.","HPL" "id13320","She was frightened by his gaiety, for she dreaded a greater revulsion at the end.","MWS" "id25929","In this walk, so many times repeated, the world's greatest master of the terrible and the bizarre was obliged to pass a particular house on the eastern side of the street; a dingy, antiquated structure perched on the abruptly rising side hill, with a great unkempt yard dating from a time when the region was partly open country.","HPL" "id11913","The small object on the table fascinated me intensely.","HPL" "id08839","We were now thoroughly broken down; but the intense excitement of the time denied us repose.","EAP" "id00610","I then thought, and I think so still, that I never heard a clearer nor a stronger voice, nor beheld a finer set of teeth: but I must say that I was sorry for the interruption just at that moment, as, owing to the whispers and insinuations aforesaid, my interest had been greatly excited in the hero of the Bugaboo and Kickapoo campaign.","EAP" "id02553","""And now, Dupin, what would you advise me to do?"" ""To make a thorough re search of the premises.""","EAP" "id16530","Legrand immediately took the scythe, and cleared with it a circular space, three or four yards in diameter, just beneath the insect, and, having accomplished this, ordered Jupiter to let go the string and come down from the tree.","EAP" "id13152","On Monday, it was ascertained that the girl had not been to the Rue des Drômes; and when the day elapsed without tidings of her, a tardy search was instituted at several points in the city, and its environs.","EAP" "id18422","The old captains of the sea came often to my grandfather and told him of these things, which in turn he told to my father, and my father told to me in the long autumn evenings when the wind howled eerily from the East.","HPL" "id19042","On a pair of golden crouching lions rested the throne, many steps above the gleaming floor.","HPL" "id20919","After all, the strangest and maddest of myths are often merely symbols or allegories based upon truth and old Zadok must have seen everything which went on around Innsmouth for the last ninety years.","HPL" "id21073","The whole cohort now remained at a standstill, and as the torches faded I watched what I thought were fantastic shadows outlined in the sky by the spectral luminosity of the Via Lactea as it flowed through Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and Cygnus.","HPL" "id18764","About eight inches immediately below these ropes, and four feet from the bottom of the car I fastened another shelf but made of thin plank, being the only similar piece of wood I had.","EAP" "id15166","Before, I had only imagined the wretchedness of my desolated home; the reality came on me as a new, and a not less terrible, disaster.","MWS" "id08755","As I was coming home I met Lieutenant G , from the fort, and, very foolishly, I lent him the bug; so it will be impossible for you to see it until the morning.","EAP" "id25491","It was the mind and character of Arthur Jermyn which atoned for his aspect.","HPL" "id13316","It is a plain, straightforward business, and requires no particular abilities.","EAP" "id02357","By this time the cries had ceased; but, as the party rushed up the first flight of stairs, two or more rough voices in angry contention were distinguished and seemed to proceed from the upper part of the house.","EAP" "id16892","""Yet, as I have said, I should be best pleased, at least for the present, to live under the same roof with you.","MWS" "id18980","Upon this topic the topic of Smith's personal appearance I have a kind of melancholy satisfaction in being minute.","EAP" "id20134","God, man Don't you realise that places like that weren't merely made, but actually grew?","HPL" "id05254","I pressed on, but in vain.","MWS" "id11841","The studied immovability of her countenance; her slow, equable manner, and soft but unmelodious voice, were a mask, hiding her fiery passions, and the impatience of her disposition.","MWS" "id01182","A strange star, my Lionel, ruled our birth; sadly and with dismay we may look upon the annihilation of man; but we remain for each other.","MWS" "id05218","The sun sank lower in the heavens; we passed the river Drance and observed its path through the chasms of the higher and the glens of the lower hills.","MWS" "id20613","With summer and mortality grew our fears.","MWS" "id11198","The right arm of the Chess Player is extended at full length before him, at right angles with his body, and lying, in an apparently careless position, by the side of the board.","EAP" "id13586","The labours of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind.""","MWS" "id08172","""Having attained the altitude before mentioned, that is to say three miles and three quarters, I threw out from the car a quantity of feathers, and found that I still ascended with sufficient rapidity; there was, therefore, no necessity for discharging any ballast.","EAP" "id17927","They say, too, that the fierce aurora comes oftener to that spot, shining blue in the north with visions of frozen worlds while the crag and the cottage hang black and fantastic against wild coruscations.","HPL" "id14446","With great volubility, in their native Neapolitan dialect, with which we were not very familiar, they told us that there were spectres, that the roof would fall in, that it was too narrow to admit us, that there was a deep hole within, filled with water, and we might be drowned.","MWS" "id24839","You do not treat me with candour; it is not true what you say; this will not soon pass away, it will last forever if you deign not to speak to me; to admit my consolations.","MWS" "id22043","The joyful welcome of my boys, the soft gratulation of Clara, the pressure of Adrian's hand, contributed to unman me.","MWS" "id12317","It is very probable that he seats himself upon the little square block or protuberance which is seen in a corner of the main compartment when the doors are open.","EAP" "id26725","The quiet was disturbed only by the rush of waters as they divided before the steady keel, the murmur of the moveless and full sails, the wind whistling in the shrouds, and the regular motion of the engine.","MWS" "id18332","The undue, earnest, and morbid attention thus excited by objects in their own nature frivolous, must not be confounded in character with that ruminating propensity common to all mankind, and more especially indulged in by persons of ardent imagination.","EAP" "id25406","But neither ship nor land appeared, and I began to despair in my solitude upon the heaving vastnesses of unbroken blue.","HPL" "id11350","My knock was answered in good English by a curious voice some distance to the right, asking my name and business; and these things being stated, there came an opening of the door next to the one I had sought.","HPL" "id12594","My manner had convinced them.","EAP" "id20326","On the fourth her corpse was found floating in the Seine, near the shore which is opposite the Quartier of the Rue Saint Andree, and at a point not very far distant from the secluded neighborhood of the Barrière du Roule.","EAP" "id04823","I would betake me with them to some wild beast's den, where a tyger's cubs, which I would slay, had been reared in health.","MWS" "id11441","At last the spring thaw came, and graves were laboriously prepared for the nine silent harvests of the grim reaper which waited in the tomb.","HPL" "id13387","My own column was sucked toward the open country, and presently felt a chill which was not of the hot autumn; for as we stalked out on the dark moor, we beheld around us the hellish moon glitter of evil snows.","HPL" "id02340","His voice expressed the deepest compassion: ""Thou most unaccountable being,"" I cried, ""whither will thy actions tend, in all this maze of purpose in which thou seemest lost?"" ""Whither indeed?","MWS" "id07568","I did not at least during the long period in which the inventor of Lombardy poplars continued to favor me with his explanations.","EAP" "id08497","Perhaps it was at first only the manifest reluctance of my old preceptor to discuss with me my paternal ancestry that gave rise to the terror which I ever felt at the mention of my great house; yet as I grew out of childhood, I was able to piece together disconnected fragments of discourse, let slip from the unwilling tongue which had begun to falter in approaching senility, that had a sort of relation to a certain circumstance which I had always deemed strange, but which now became dimly terrible.","HPL" "id25469","His manner was a wild mixture of the peevishness of second childhood, and the solemn dignity of a God.","EAP" "id17794","He was too much astounded to resist.","EAP" "id12942","Spurred by an impulse he did not originate, Gilman dragged himself forward along a course determined by the angle of the old woman's arms and the direction of the small monstrosity's paw, and before he had shuffled three steps he was back in the twilight abysses.","HPL" "id14906","The chiselled stone has the hue of ages, and is profusely overhung and overspread with the ivy, the coral honeysuckle, the eglantine, and the clematis.","EAP" "id06723","A Sicilian owns it, and I've hired it under the name of Peters.","HPL" "id00007","Now, it cannot be maintained, even, that by the crawling system the greatest amount of truth would be attained in any long series of ages, for the repression of imagination was an evil not to be compensated for by any superior certainty in the ancient modes of investigation.","EAP" "id00049","The moribund hermit's rage and fear, swelling to grotesque proportions, seemed likely to shatter what remained of his failing physique; and once a spasm caused him to clap his hands to his eyes and rush into the bathroom.","HPL" "id01917","How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by misery without feeling the most poignant grief?","MWS" "id22562","I smiled, for what had I to fear?","EAP" "id18444","And as he nodded, and bared the black stumps of what had once been yellow fangs, I clutched at the curtains to prevent myself from falling.","HPL" "id07562","Some turn in the road, some new object suddenly perceived and recognized, reminded me of days gone by, and were associated with the lighthearted gaiety of boyhood.","MWS" "id16879","The tramp of horses, distinctly heard in the silence, was at length discerned.","MWS" "id05138","Wit, hilarity, and deep observation were mingled in his talk, rendering every sentence that he uttered as a flash of light.","MWS" "id09850","I was too fond of ending my stories with sights or sounds which paralysed my heroes' faculties and left them without courage, words, or associations to tell what they had experienced.","HPL" "id09742","What I wished was a comprehensive history of the site from its very settlement in or even before, if any Narragansett Indian legend could be unearthed to supply the data.","HPL" "id08478","I say the mean or average interval.","EAP" "id06042","The entire reward thus stood at no less than thirty thousand francs, which will be regarded as an extraordinary sum when we consider the humble condition of the girl, and the great frequency, in large cities, of such atrocities as the one described.","EAP" "id26290","Thus there is such a thing as being too profound.","EAP" "id05281","Nothing can surpass in beauty the form, or the glossy, vivid green of the leaves of the tulip tree.","EAP" "id14186","You are not as badly off as you might be but you must get out of here at once and stay away.","HPL" "id14704","Then said Iranon, ""Wherefore do ye toil; is it not that ye may live and be happy?","HPL" "id00515","Mazurewicz was waiting for him at the door, and seemed both anxious and reluctant to whisper some fresh bit of superstition.","HPL" "id03460","They bend the forest and crush the city, yet may not forest or city behold the hand that smites.","HPL" "id05754","Most of these, however, soon shewed their poverty and barrenness; and he saw that the popular doctrines of occultism are as dry and inflexible as those of science, yet without even the slender palliative of truth to redeem them.","HPL" "id11163","There had, however, been a riot of some sort later on perhaps forty years later, after old Roulet's death and no one seemed to hear of the family after that.","HPL" "id20368","""A skull, you say very well how is it fastened to the limb?","EAP" "id00775","""I will explain,"" he said, ""and that you may comprehend all clearly, we will first retrace the course of your meditations, from the moment in which I spoke to you until that of the rencontre with the fruiterer in question.","EAP" "id09384","The mesmeric condition is so near death as to content me.","EAP" "id03047","The retardation actually experienced is, on the other hand, about that which might be expected from the friction of the ether in the instantaneous passage through the orb.","EAP" "id11486","I cannot lead on to battle; I cannot, through intrigue and faithlessness rear again the throne upon the wreck of English public spirit.","MWS" "id12371","Her country, its ancient annals, its late memorable struggles, were all made to partake in her glory and excellence.","MWS" "id07946","He was trying to make a noise; to ward something off or drown something out what, I could not imagine, awesome though I felt it must be.","HPL" "id04922","The bus, rather early, rattled in with three passengers somewhat before eight, and an evil looking fellow on the sidewalk muttered a few indistinguishable words to the driver.","HPL" "id08730","Snow fell, and the waters were hardened, but I rested not.","MWS" "id25640","I will not say, then, commence with the moment of life's cessation but commence with that sad, sad instant when, the fever having abandoned you, you sank into a breathless and motionless torpor, and I pressed down your pallid eyelids with the passionate fingers of love.","EAP" "id06892","It was as if the workmanship were that of another planet.","HPL" "id13939","He was comely, even as thou, but full of folly and strangeness; and he ran away when small to find those who would listen gladly to his songs and dreams.","HPL" "id21868","It was by one of the terrific barriers already mentioned, and which indicated the region beyond to be under the Pest ban, that, in scrambling down an alley, Legs and the worthy Hugh Tarpaulin found their progress suddenly impeded.","EAP" "id16592","Two months after my aunt's death we removed to London where I was led by my father to attend to deeper studies than had before occupied me.","MWS" "id10118","Obviously it was organic, or had once been organic. . . .","HPL" "id21276","His clothing was badly rumpled, and Joe's crucifix was missing.","HPL" "id16171","Discipline was lost; the army disbanded itself.","MWS" "id05588","And now, from the wreck and the chaos of the usual senses, there appeared to have arisen within me a sixth, all perfect.","EAP" "id17661","But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven, there are now none of the maskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.","EAP" "id19248","Then it was obvious that the pursuers were gaining.","HPL" "id01283","Now you may think that I drew back but no.","EAP" "id12855","Then again sound, and motion, and touch a tingling sensation pervading my frame.","EAP" "id24466","Such estates were seldom held before by a nobleman of Hungary.","EAP" "id08965","We approached the house from the field in the rear, took the specimen in the back door and down the cellar stairs, and prepared it for the usual experiment.","HPL" "id10232","Our conversation now turned upon the details of our arrangements for the morrow.","EAP" "id11488","There was not a particle of silver.","EAP" "id21839","As we talked thus, I perceived that we were not going the ordinary road to Windsor, but through Englefield Green, towards Bishopgate Heath.","MWS" "id00166","To you alone do I dare speak; I have heard you commended by impartial spectators; you are my brother's friends, therefore you must be mine.","MWS" "id14575","M. Beauvais, not being an idiot, could never have urged, in identification of the corpse, simply hair upon its arm.","EAP" "id03285","""'We will suppose,' said the miser, 'that his symptoms are such and such; now, doctor, what would you have directed him to take?' ""'Take' said Abernethy, 'why, take advice, to be sure.'""","EAP" "id06712","As a last effort, my sister mustered her strength, her firmness; she stepped from one boat to the other, and then with a shriek she sprang towards Raymond, knelt at his side, and glueing her lips to the hand she seized, her face shrouded by her long hair, gave herself up to tears.","MWS" "id09600","The key to the whole was found in leaving out every second and third word alternately, when there appeared a series of ludicrous quizzes upon a single combat as practised in modern times.","EAP" "id10755","I had already been three months in prison, and although I was still weak and in continual danger of a relapse, I was obliged to travel nearly a hundred miles to the country town where the court was held.","MWS" "id09438","An icy chill ran through my frame; a sense of insufferable anxiety oppressed me; a consuming curiosity pervaded my soul; and sinking back upon the chair, I remained for some time breathless and motionless, with my eyes riveted upon her person.","EAP" "id06211","The curtains of my bed were in flames.","EAP" "id06031","There followed a few spasmodic muscular motions, and then an audible breathing and visible motion of the chest.","HPL" "id09329","The aspect of the whole was abnormally life like, and the more subtly fearful because its source was so totally unknown.","HPL" "id26661","My identity, too, is bewilderingly cloudy.","HPL" "id06548","But so long as we don't move we're fairly safe.","HPL" "id24112","And here let me call your attention to the fact, that the time elapsing between the first ascertained, and the second supposed elopement, is a few months more than the general period of the cruises of our men of war.","EAP" "id12849","It is only within the last century, Pundit tells me, that the binary relation existing between these two orbs began even to be suspected.","EAP" "id22260","These the mere romanticist must eschew, if he do not wish to offend or to disgust.","EAP" "id20406","The air was cold, and the rain again began to descend; we entered the hut, the fiend with an air of exultation, I with a heavy heart and depressed spirits.","MWS" "id01472","My work is nearly complete.","MWS" "id18830","I threw down the oar, and leaning my head upon my hands, gave way to every gloomy idea that arose.","MWS" "id23886","My mind, however, was too much occupied to sleep, and I lay the whole night buried in meditation.","EAP" "id26136","I could read the influence of my friend in their quickened motions and cheerful faces.","MWS" "id01780","Here Pompey screwed on an arm.","EAP" "id20304","A full thousand cubits high stood the greatest among them, wherein the high priests dwelt with a magnificence scarce less than that of the kings.","HPL" "id08462","I revolved many projects, but that on which I finally fixed was to enter the dwelling when the blind old man should be alone.","MWS" "id19336","Each moment added to its speed to its headlong impetuosity.","EAP" "id26972","They shall behold the antipodes of what is real for I will appear to live while I am dead.""","MWS" "id24974","The drawer is now opened, and the legs of the person within drop down behind it in the space it formerly occupied.","EAP" "id09455","I can call to mind no similar occurrence producing so general and so intense an effect.","EAP" "id16669","Just as the day dawns to the friendless and houseless beggar who roams the streets throughout the long desolate winter night just so tardily just so wearily just so cheerily came back the light of the Soul to me.","EAP" "id08848","I was awake, and during the long hours of dead night, my busy thoughts worked in my brain, like ten thousand mill wheels, rapid, acute, untameable.","MWS" "id18780","And I heard it hinted abroad that those who knew Nyarlathotep looked on sights which others saw not.","HPL" "id18689","And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing, And sparkling evermore, A troop of Echoes whose sweet duty Was but to sing, In voices of surpassing beauty, The wit and wisdom of their king.","EAP" "id27029","""It is nothing,"" he said, at last.","EAP" "id25786","All at once I saw there were others in the room grave looking men in clerical costume, one of whom wore the bands and knee breeches of a bishop.","HPL" "id19216","All of soul inspiriting fled with sleep, and dark melancholy clouded every thought.","MWS" "id12477","Adrian and Idris saw this; they attributed it to my long watching and anxiety; they urged me to rest, and take care of myself, while I most truly assured them, that my best medicine was their good wishes; those, and the assured convalescence of my friend, now daily more apparent.","MWS" "id10159","that no human being can be accommodated within the box. .","EAP" "id05984","To night the question is to be decided, as there is a call of the house for the purpose.","MWS" "id09020","It was not it is not a common infidelity at which I repine.","MWS" "id06901","I passed through the gap of the broken paling I felt, while I disdained, the choaking tears I rushed into the depths of the forest.","MWS" "id02444","For the first three or four days we had fine weather, although the wind was dead ahead; having chopped round to the northward, immediately upon our losing sight of the coast.","EAP" "id11518","Even so will I brave the plague and though no man follow, I will plant the Grecian standard on the height of St. Sophia.""","MWS" "id11803","Quitting Talbot abruptly, I made every effort to force my way into closer proximity with Madame Lalande.","EAP" "id23730","I could not at first understand the change, but gradually a horrible sort of comparison began to obtrude itself on my unconscious mind despite the steady refusal of my consciousness to admit even the least suspicion of it.","HPL" "id12336","Each one of a gang so placed, is not so much greedy of reward, or anxious for escape, as fearful of betrayal.","EAP" "id08282","No sooner had these syllables passed my lips, than as if a shield of brass had indeed, at the moment, fallen heavily upon a floor of silver I became aware of a distinct, hollow, metallic, and clangorous, yet apparently muffled reverberation.","EAP" "id11956","She was carried thus unconscious on board; the anchor weighed, and the wind being favourable, we stood far out to sea; with all the canvas spread, and the power of the engine to assist, we scudded swiftly and steadily through the chafed element.","MWS" "id07512","""The material world,"" continued Dupin, ""abounds with very strict analogies to the immaterial; and thus some color of truth has been given to the rhetorical dogma, that metaphor, or simile, may be made to strengthen an argument, as well as to embellish a description.","EAP" "id27362","It was deposited in Wyatt's own; and there, too, it remained, occupying very nearly the whole of the floor no doubt to the exceeding discomfort of the artist and his wife; this the more especially as the tar or paint with which it was lettered in sprawling capitals, emitted a strong, disagreeable, and, to my fancy, a peculiarly disgusting odor.","EAP" "id26952","Clouds hid the moon, everything was obscure, and I heard only the sound of the boat as its keel cut through the waves; the murmur lulled me, and in a short time I slept soundly.","MWS" "id17058","I s'pose you know though I can see you're a Westerner by your talk what a lot our New England ships used to have to do with queer ports in Africa, Asia, the South Seas, and everywhere else, and what queer kinds of people they sometimes brought back with 'em.","HPL" "id16012","Yet his countenance was, nevertheless, one of those which all men have seen at some period of their lives, and have never afterwards seen again.","EAP" "id26133","Evidently some blight or distemper, perhaps sprung from the unwholesome pasturage or the diseased fungi and timbers of the filthy barn, caused a heavy mortality amongst the Whateley animals.","HPL" "id20811","One thing upon which M. Beauvais strongly insists is, that the clasp on the garter found, had been set back to take it in.","EAP" "id24085","It seemed to be his design rather to insinuate than directly to assert that, physically, he had not always been what he was that a long series of neuralgic attacks had reduced him from a condition of more than usual personal beauty, to that which I saw.","EAP" "id19254","As I ran at full speed, with my nose up in the atmosphere, and intent only upon the purloiner of my property, I suddenly perceived that my feet rested no longer upon terra firma; the fact is, I had thrown myself over a precipice, and should inevitably have been dashed to pieces but for my good fortune in grasping the end of a long guide rope, which depended from a passing balloon.","EAP" "id10451","But the autumn wind moaned sad and wan, and we could not be sure.","HPL" "id27585","My hair which had been raven black the day before, was as white as you see it now.","EAP" "id20334","He felt it was highly necessary to get the ponderous thing home and begin deciphering it, and bore it out of the shop with such precipitate haste that the old Jew chuckled disturbingly behind him.","HPL" "id04741","At the most remote end of the crypt there appeared another less spacious.","EAP" "id22186","Complaints from many liberal organisations were met with long confidential discussions, and representatives were taken on trips to certain camps and prisons.","HPL" "id25372","The long imprisoned secret burst forth from my soul.","EAP" "id05410","There was a hideous screaming which echoed above even the hill noises and the dogs' barking on the night Wilbur was born, but no known doctor or midwife presided at his coming.","HPL" "id04646","""No, no,"" he said, ""do not deceive yourself, me you cannot.","MWS" "id02913","""Out"" I replied, staggering back half a dozen paces ""let me tell you, my fine fellow, that this thing is thoroughly impossible and impracticable; Mr. Talbot is not out.","EAP" "id22839","We contradicted no fancies which entered the brains of the mad.","EAP" "id02511","With one savage kick he sent the morbidity over the edge of the gulf and heard it whimper on some level far below.","HPL" "id22448","And when my spirit departs shall the child live thy child and mine, Morella's.","EAP" "id16924","Inside, wrapped in a discoloured parchment, was a huge key of tarnished silver covered with cryptical arabesques; but of any legible explanation there was none.","HPL" "id10918","It was at Venice, beneath the covered archway there called the Ponte di Sospiri, that I met for the third or fourth time the person of whom I speak.","EAP" "id18259","In viewing this question in its full and proper light, we must hold steadily in mind the great disproportion between the personal acquaintances of even the most noted individual in Paris, and the entire population of Paris itself.","EAP" "id04693","There was not much, though, that he could say.","HPL" "id12502","The pale enthusiast now applied some last perfunctory tests for absolute lifelessness, withdrew satisfied, and finally injected into the left arm an accurately measured amount of the vital elixir, prepared during the afternoon with a greater care than we had used since college days, when our feats were new and groping.","HPL" "id10946","He beholds in me one whom he has injured even unto death; and I derive no hope from his kindness; no change can possibly be brought about even by his best intentions.","MWS" "id23228","Something about them seemed so odd and provocative that I could not put them out of my mind, and despite the relative lateness of the hour I resolved to see the local sample said to be a large, queerly proportioned thing evidently meant for a tiara if it could possibly be arranged.","HPL" "id00528","An indefinite dampness seemed upon the place, and I marvelled that no fire should be blazing.","HPL" "id18493","Still more shocking were the products of some of the experiments grisly masses of flesh that had been dead, but that West waked to a blind, brainless, nauseous animation.","HPL" "id27244","And then did we, the seven, start from our seats in horror, and stand trembling, and shuddering, and aghast, for the tones in the voice of the shadow were not the tones of any one being, but of a multitude of beings, and, varying in their cadences from syllable to syllable fell duskly upon our ears in the well remembered and familiar accents of many thousand departed friends.","EAP" "id13103","The surface I uncovered was fishy and glassy a kind of semi putrid congealed jelly with suggestions of translucency.","HPL" "id13710","Dog Street"" By the thirty first day of the month, this advertisement has brought to the office of Messrs. Bogs, Hogs, Logs, Frogs, and Company, some fifteen or twenty young gentlemen piously inclined.","EAP" "id02546","In pursuance of Dupin's suggestion, I made scrupulous examination of the affair of the affidavits.","EAP" "id10181","Something had caught my ancestor on a dark valley road, leaving him with marks of horns on his chest and of ape like claws on his back; and when they looked for prints in the trampled dust they found the mixed marks of split hooves and vaguely anthropoid paws.","HPL" "id12084","That glimpse, like all dread glimpses of truth, flashed out from an accidental piecing together of separated things in this case an old newspaper item and the notes of a dead professor.","HPL" "id26121","Among these sounds were frequent revolver shots surely not uncommon on a battlefield, but distinctly uncommon in an hospital.","HPL" "id27804","These, having their backs on the hills, must look, of course, to the centre of the plain, which is just sixty yards from the front door of each dwelling.","EAP" "id22589","We had protracted our sitting far into the night, and I had at length effected the manoeuvre of getting Glendinning as my sole antagonist.","EAP" "id24859","I shall immediately depart for Dunkeld.""","MWS" "id17308","A nervous fever was the consequence; during which he was nursed by the daughter of a poor cottager, under whose roof he lodged.","MWS" "id24498","Besides, what I once was is not in the least relevant to my narrative; save perhaps the fact that during my service in India I was more at home amongst white bearded native teachers than amongst my brother officers.","HPL" "id10442","Acting upon this hint, I made the division thus: 'A good glass in the Bishop's hostel in the Devil's seat forty one degrees and thirteen minutes northeast and by north main branch seventh limb east side shoot from the left eye of the death's head a bee line from the tree through the shot fifty feet out.'""","EAP" "id01918","He was drowsy near the end, and as darkness fell he dropped off into a troubled sleep.","HPL" "id06190","On the afternoon of Friday, April th, then, Birch set out for the tomb with horse and wagon to transfer the body of Matthew Fenner.","HPL" "id09393","Such was our frame of mind as we talked far into the night, till my uncle's growing drowsiness made me remind him to lie down for his two hour sleep.","HPL" "id22352","Two results presented themselves in the view he took of the future.","MWS" "id15395","Them as ud help special, ud git special rewards gold an' sech No use balkin', fer they was millions of 'em daown thar.","HPL" "id25766","Steeled by old ordeals in dissecting rooms, the doctor entered and looked about, stifling the nausea of mind and body that everything in sight and smell induced.","HPL" "id05587","I shall relate events that impressed me with feelings which, from what I had been, have made me what I am.","MWS" "id25740","Messrs. Ricci and Silva met in Water Street by the old man's front gate, and although they did not like the way the moon shone down upon the painted stones through the budding branches of the gnarled trees, they had more important things to think about than mere idle superstition.","HPL" "id10449","""To what food,"" I thought, ""have they been accustomed in the well?""","EAP" "id16520","I made effort to arouse myself by aid of frequent Lafitte, and, all failing, I betook myself to a stray newspaper in despair.","EAP" "id05032","He might, he half jestingly said, some day teach me to live or at least to possess some kind of conscious existence without any heart at all For his part, he was afflicted with a complication of maladies requiring a very exact regimen which included constant cold.","HPL" "id05002","The Greek took it, but he handled it in no artist like way; at length he said: ""I must confess to you, my Lord, that I did not make this drawing.","MWS" "id13765","The latter was indeed over my head, and completely hidden by the balloon, while the moon the moon itself in all its glory lay beneath me, and at my feet.","EAP" "id07663","The sky was blue above, and the air impregnated with fragrance by the rare flowers that grew among the weeds.","MWS" "id11177","Alas nothing I have done.","EAP" "id08867","Talking of drag ropes our own, it seems, has this moment knocked a man overboard from one of the small magnetic propellers that swarm in ocean below us a boat of about six thousand tons, and, from all accounts, shamefully crowded.","EAP" "id22324","His stable, too, was appointed at a distance from the rest; and with regard to grooming and other necessary offices, none but the owner in person had ventured to officiate, or even to enter the enclosure of that particular stall.","EAP" "id24898","One word, in truth, had alarmed her more than battles or sieges, during which she trusted Raymond's high command would exempt him from danger.","MWS" "id22910","He was sent to Eton and afterwards to college; allowed from childhood the free use of large sums of money; thus enjoying from his earliest youth the independance which a boy with these advantages, always acquires at a public school.","MWS" "id27319","I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect in terror.","EAP" "id17219","Adrian observed a change during a visit that he afterward paid them; but he could not tell its extent, or divine the cause.","MWS" "id27955","I could not sleep Saturday night, and turned on the lights regardless of the future.","HPL" "id09319","What I have seen would blast ye to a mad statue of stone Back, back forward, forward look, ye puling lack wit"" And as he snarled the phrase under his breath he gestured anew; bringing to the sky a flash more blinding than either which had come before.","HPL" "id05086","But, no, it is not so; I have my Mathilda, my consolation, and my hope.""","MWS" "id03089","Any magazine cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches' Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare or ring true.","HPL" "id14621","In the first days of his bondage he had turned to the gentle churchly faith endeared to him by the naive trust of his fathers, for thence stretched mystic avenues which seemed to promise escape from life.","HPL" "id05199","Evening Paper Monday June .","EAP" "id24556","And the bearded man spoke no word, but watched me as we approached the lily lined shore.","HPL" "id18202","You will, of course, ask 'where is the connexion?'","EAP" "id21759","I have just spoken of that morbid condition of the auditory nerve which rendered all music intolerable to the sufferer, with the exception of certain effects of stringed instruments.","EAP" "id15454","Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come?","MWS" "id15455","At night, when she could leave me unperceived, she wandered through the house, or hung over the couches of her children; and in the day time would sink into a perturbed sleep, while her murmurs and starts betrayed the unquiet dreams that vexed her.","MWS" "id07927","That night the Duc was to sup alone.","EAP" "id09886","I ask if in the calm of their measured reveries, if in the deep meditations which fill their hours, they feel the extasy of a youthful tyro in the school of pleasure?","MWS" "id02859","""LISTEN to me,"" said the Demon as he placed his hand upon my head.","EAP" "id19521","The papers thrown on board our balloon are filled with fac similes of the coins, MSS., typography, c., c.","EAP" "id18855","For a season all went happily, till without warning the storm burst.","HPL" "id23416","The rays were now perceptibly dimmer than they had been during the weeks of drifting.","HPL" "id09991","I observed, with pleasure, that he did not go to the forest that day, but spent it in repairing the cottage and cultivating the garden.","MWS" "id07664","In one corner, near a small fire, sat an old man, leaning his head on his hands in a disconsolate attitude.","MWS" "id05009","But Sheehan had reckoned without scientific knowledge of abnormal psychology and the effects of nervous stimulus.","HPL" "id09571","""Alas"" said the old man, who gave me this account with tears in his eyes, ""it wrings my heart to see my lord in this state: when I heard that he was coming down here with you, my young lady, I thought we should have the happy days over again that we enjoyed during the short life of my lady your mother But that would be too much happiness for us poor creatures born to tears and that was why she was taken from us so soon; she was too beautiful and good for us.","MWS" "id18008","Now that he's disappeared I go around to the club once in a while, but my nerves aren't what they were.","HPL" "id17141","I could only do this on foot, as the mass of ruin was impracticable for a horse.","MWS" "id08338","The winter, however, was spent cheerfully; and although the spring was uncommonly late, when it came its beauty compensated for its dilatoriness.","MWS" "id25830","CHAPTER II I now come to my own story.","MWS" "id11303","I did not at first know what to make of this extraordinary phenomenon; not being able to believe that my rate of ascent had, of a sudden, met with so prodigious an acceleration.","EAP" "id25594","We passed a considerable period at Oxford, rambling among its environs and endeavouring to identify every spot which might relate to the most animating epoch of English history.","MWS" "id05887","Farewell, Raymond; be happy in having chosen the better part in life.","MWS" "id03287","Elwood would, if awake, rouse him whenever he began to talk or rise in his sleep.","HPL" "id27956","why cause he talk about it in he sleep dat's how I nose.""","EAP" "id16212","My sense of restlessness returned, though I did not exhibit it.","HPL" "id07509","The men were discussing the strange death of the Mexican as he lay asleep; a death seemingly connected in some way with the terrible bolt of lightning which had struck and shaken the mountain.","HPL" "id05669","Those found were at least of as good quality as any likely to be possessed by these ladies.","EAP" "id05786","""On the other hand, I was aware that arguments have not been wanting to prove the existence of a real and definite limit to the atmosphere, beyond which there is absolutely no air whatsoever.","EAP" "id17784","War was at last tacitly acknowledged between us.","MWS" "id03085","Already she fears for us.","MWS" "id02670","But this was not the time for delay; I disencumbered the dogs of their dead companion, gave them a plentiful portion of food, and after an hour's rest, which was absolutely necessary, and yet which was bitterly irksome to me, I continued my route.","MWS" "id13631","""Ah, Raymond, were we not happy?","MWS" "id07508","When one has nothing to do, then is the time to correspond with ones friends.","EAP" "id19117","We quitted London on the th of March and remained a few days at Windsor, rambling in its beautiful forest.","MWS" "id05181","When I returned, as often as it was necessary, I cleared their path from the snow and performed those offices that I had seen done by Felix.","MWS" "id00674","In a balloon sufficiently perfect to retain its contents of coal gas unaltered, in quantity or amount, for six months, an equal quantity of hydrogen could not be maintained in equal purity for six weeks.","EAP" "id20435","It was a fantastic chateau, much dilapidated, and indeed scarcely tenantable through age and neglect.","EAP" "id12605","For as it was still echoing, I heard a creaking sound through the pitchy blackness, and knew that a lattice window was opening in that accursed old house beside us.","HPL" "id24566","His forehead was broad and low.","EAP" "id26259","One window had lost its entire frame, and in the other there was not a trace of glass in the little diamond apertures.","HPL" "id08792","""Why taint noffin but a skull somebody bin lef him head up de tree, and de crows done gobble ebery bit ob de meat off.""","EAP" "id14170","The undertaker grew doubly lethargic in the bitter weather, and seemed to outdo even himself in carelessness.","HPL" "id03077","""I continued to wind among the paths of the wood, until I came to its boundary, which was skirted by a deep and rapid river, into which many of the trees bent their branches, now budding with the fresh spring.","MWS" "id08642","But for one thing he would have been completely triumphant.","MWS" "id22983","The proximate cause was one of especial singularity.","EAP" "id12360","When decomposition had proceeded to a very great extent when the flesh had in a great measure left the bones then, indeed, but not till then, should we lose sight of the corpse.","EAP" "id19842","It is a mistake to fancy that horror is associated inextricably with darkness, silence, and solitude.","HPL" "id26842","Even as it was, my hair stood on end, while I gazed afar down within the yawning abysses, letting imagination descend, as it were, and stalk about in the strange vaulted halls, and ruddy gulfs, and red ghastly chasms of the hideous and unfathomable fire.","EAP" "id26337","His figure, lean to the proportions of a skeleton, was strangely bent and almost lost within the voluminous folds of his peculiar garment.","HPL" "id03256","It was found, that, though at first the stop put to all circulation of property, had reduced those before supported by the factitious wants of society to sudden and hideous poverty, yet when the boundaries of private possession were thrown down, the products of human labour at present existing were more, far more, than the thinned generation could possibly consume.","MWS" "id16569","You have nothing to conceal.","EAP" "id04306","From below no sound came, but only a distant, undefinable foetor; and it is not to be wondered at that the men preferred to stay on the edge and argue, rather than descend and beard the unknown Cyclopean horror in its lair.","HPL" "id03261","By no means it is altogether beneath it that is to say provided we assume what should never for a moment be assumed that the Chess Player is a pure machine, and performs its operations without any immediate human agency.","EAP" "id06155","I had been there about three weeks when the first odd incident occurred.","HPL" "id26000","Your cough "" ""It is nothing,"" he said; ""let us go on.","EAP" "id23753","With the employment the power departs.""","EAP" "id26291","From me, in an instant, all virtue dropped bodily as a mantle.","EAP" "id01674","Ibid's masterpiece, on the other hand, was the famous Op.","HPL" "id16501","."" and some thought a crashing sound followed the breaking off of the exclamation.","HPL" "id16336","I do not know that any will peruse these pages except you, my friend, who will receive them at my death.","MWS" "id26437","That sad little rake, the Prince of Wales, invited me to dinner.","EAP" "id20979","""Ah"" he replied, ""very good I see how it is say no more Touching this matter of compensation, what you observe is very just: in fact it is excessively so.","EAP" "id06629","It is obvious that here the victory can be decided the players being at all equal only by some recherché movement, the result of some strong exertion of the intellect.","EAP" "id24923","As I entered his room he greeted me with a cheerful smile, and although evidently in much bodily pain, appeared to be, mentally, quite at ease.","EAP" "id24878","""Mad and foolish boy"" exclaimed the angry lady, ""you have chosen with dreams and theories to overthrow my schemes for your own aggrandizement; but you shall not do the same by those I have formed for your sister.","MWS" "id03011","I gnashed my teeth and ground them together, uttering a groan that came from my inmost soul.","MWS" "id21428","But at that time some force from outside must serve to liberate Their bodies.","HPL" "id24087","And this is a reflection which appears so exceedingly obvious that attempts to controvert it are received more frequently with a derisive smile than with anything like respectful attention.","EAP" "id02970","The sable divinity would not herself dwell with us always; but we could counterfeit her presence.","EAP" "id20242","Can my soul, inextricably linked to this perishable frame, become lethargic and cold, even as this sensitive mechanism shall lose its youthful elasticity?","MWS" "id23221","When the ideas to which I have alluded first occurred to me, it was of course very natural that I should think of M. Valdemar.","EAP" "id01979","After a time I seemed to hear the stairs and corridors creak at intervals as if with footsteps, and wondered if the other rooms were beginning to fill up.","HPL" "id22790","He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fete; and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the masqueraders.","EAP" "id01564","This impression was sustained by his frequent references to flying through space and burning all that impeded his progress.","HPL" "id01807","Chapter I sat one evening in my laboratory; the sun had set, and the moon was just rising from the sea; I had not sufficient light for my employment, and I remained idle, in a pause of consideration of whether I should leave my labour for the night or hasten its conclusion by an unremitting attention to it.","MWS" "id27156","At first, I made an effort to shake off this nightmare of the soul.","EAP" "id02174","I told him of the business of the evening, and a smile relaxed the contracted muscles.","MWS" "id14002","Thus dwelt Iranon in Oonai, the city of lutes and dancing.","HPL" "id17383","She is a little fat old lady, with blue eyes and a red face, and wears a huge cap like a sugar loaf, ornamented with purple and yellow ribbons.","EAP" "id17249","The peasants were shut up in their hovels, and only a few of the most hardy ventured forth to seize the animals whom starvation had forced from their hiding places to seek for prey.","MWS" "id06999","A diddler stations himself upon this bridge, respectfully informs all passers by of the new county law, which establishes a toll of one cent for foot passengers, two for horses and donkeys, and so forth, and so forth.","EAP" "id17976","The eminent critic and biographer was born in the year , shortly after the extinction of the Roman rule in Gaul by Clovis.","HPL" "id24032","Our first impulse is to shrink from the danger.","EAP" "id22114","Man is an animal that diddles, and there is no animal that diddles but man.","EAP" "id16836","I admired virtue and good feelings and loved the gentle manners and amiable qualities of my cottagers, but I was shut out from intercourse with them, except through means which I obtained by stealth, when I was unseen and unknown, and which rather increased than satisfied the desire I had of becoming one among my fellows.","MWS" "id16787","He would have given much for a lantern or bit of candle; but lacking these, bungled semi sightlessly as best he might.","HPL" "id13905","""I protracted my visit as long as possible, and, while I maintained a most animated discussion with the Minister upon a topic which I knew well had never failed to interest and excite him, I kept my attention really riveted upon the letter.","EAP" "id21889","Harsh but impressive polysyllables had replaced the customary mixture of bad Spanish and worse English, and of these only the oft repeated cry ""Huitzilopotchli"" seemed in the least familiar.","HPL" "id14876","The songs which I so much admired, and which so confirmed my impression of the youth of my mistress, were executed by Madame Stephanie Lalande.","EAP" "id18432","It was for this reason that the N'bangus carried it off.","HPL" "id12097","Alas for these latter days The world had grown old, and all its inmates partook of the decrepitude.","MWS" "id18478","College had all but closed, and every doctor of the medical faculty was helping to fight the typhoid plague.","HPL" "id08245","I can give you some veal a la Menehoult, with cauliflowers in veloute sauce after that a glass of Clos de Vougeot then your nerves will be sufficiently steadied.""","EAP" "id14596","He told 'em he'd knowed of folks as prayed to gods that give somethin' ye reely need, an' says ef a good bunch o' men ud stand by him, he cud mebbe git a holt o' sarten paowers as ud bring plenty o' fish an' quite a bit o' gold.","HPL" "id01468","He thought it rather silly that he bothered to keep on living at all, and got from a South American acquaintance a very curious liquid to take him to oblivion without suffering.","HPL" "id14636","I was willing enough to stay mute while the affair was fresh and uncertain; but now that it is an old story, with public interest and curiosity gone, I have an odd craving to whisper about those few frightful hours in that ill rumoured and evilly shadowed seaport of death and blasphemous abnormality.","HPL" "id26140","It was Ann White who first gave definite shape to the sinister idle talk.","HPL" "id12818","Burning with the chivalry of this determination, the great Touch and go, in the next 'Tea Pot,' came out merely with this simple but resolute paragraph, in reference to this unhappy affair: 'The editor of the ""Tea Pot"" has the honor of advising the editor of the ""Gazette"" that he the ""Tea Pot"" will take an opportunity in tomorrow morning's paper, of convincing him the ""Gazette"" that he the ""Tea Pot"" both can and will be his own master, as regards style; he the ""Tea Pot"" intending to show him the ""Gazette"" the supreme, and indeed the withering contempt with which the criticism of him the ""Gazette"" inspires the independent bosom of him the ""TeaPot"" by composing for the especial gratification ? of him the ""Gazette"" a leading article, of some extent, in which the beautiful vowel the emblem of Eternity yet so offensive to the hyper exquisite delicacy of him the ""Gazette"" shall most certainly not be avoided by his the ""Gazette's"" most obedient, humble servant, the ""Tea Pot."" ""So much for Buckingham""' In fulfilment of the awful threat thus darkly intimated rather than decidedly enunciated, the great Bullet head, turning a deaf ear to all entreaties for 'copy,' and simply requesting his foreman to 'go to the d l,' when he the foreman assured him the 'Tea Pot' that it was high time to 'go to press': turning a deaf ear to everything, I say, the great Bullet head sat up until day break, consuming the midnight oil, and absorbed in the composition of the really unparalleled paragraph, which follows: 'So ho, John how now?","EAP" "id03444","He returns not, let the consequences be what they may.","EAP" "id00548","And yet how unintelligible is this In all other matters we are justly instructed to regard Nature as supreme.","EAP" "id13599","In a half stupor I crossed over to the couch and felt of his wrist, but found it cold, stiff, and pulseless.","HPL" "id22573","Above all, the anxious mother, my own beloved and drooping Idris, claimed my earnest care; I could not reproach the anxiety that never for a moment slept in her heart, but I exerted myself to distract her attention from too keen an observation of the truth of things, of the near and nearer approaches of disease, misery, and death, of the wild look of our attendants as intelligence of another and yet another death reached us; for to the last something new occurred that seemed to transcend in horror all that had gone before.","MWS" "id14133","I related my adventures of the night, my endeavours to find our lost one, and my disappointment.","MWS" "id01289","Nor were there any sea fowl to prey upon the dead things.","HPL" "id04483","I saw the blurred outlines of the room, but from some point in space there seemed to be pouring a seething column of unrecognisable shapes or clouds, penetrating the solid roof at a point ahead and to the right of me.","HPL" "id02232","The mathematical circle is a curve composed of an infinity of straight lines; but this idea of the circle this idea of it which, in regard to all earthly geometry, we consider as merely the mathematical, in contradistinction from the practical, idea is, in sober fact, the practical conception which alone we have any right to entertain in respect to those Titanic circles with which we have to deal, at least in fancy, when we suppose our system, with its fellows, revolving about a point in the centre of the galaxy.","EAP" "id13720","His hotel, too, is not without attendants devoted to his interests.","EAP" "id15217","Her whole appearance awakened his deepest interest.","MWS" "id02024","Suddenly Romero leaped from his bunk; pausing before me to gaze at the strange ring on my hand, which glistened queerly in every flash of lightning, and then staring intently in the direction of the mine shaft.","HPL" "id14287","My mother saw this and called me a genius: my father wept for joy and presented me with a treatise on Nosology.","EAP" "id14954","When Idris entered, so far had Raymond forgotten himself, that he asked for my sister; one word, which told of her mysterious disappearance, recalled him.","MWS" "id01264","Quickly he said, ""It's the finish but let's incinerate this.""","HPL" "id00043","Books like Ignatius Donnelly's chimerical account of Atlantis he absorbed with zest, and a dozen obscure precursors of Charles Fort enthralled him with their vagaries.","HPL" "id15103","You, who fancy that you can read the human soul, as your native lake reads each crevice and folding of its surrounding hills say what you think of me; king expectant, angel or devil, which?""","MWS" "id01960","""Smith"" said she, in reply to my very earnest inquiry; ""Smith why, not General John A. B. C.? Bless me, I thought you knew all about him This is a wonderfully inventive age Horrid affair that a bloody set of wretches, those Kickapoos fought like a hero prodigies of valor immortal renown.","EAP" "id03654","One of his most intimate friends was a merchant who, from a flourishing state, fell, through numerous mischances, into poverty.","MWS" "id15996","Alas I could never have believed that it was indeed Elinor that died if once when I spoke she had not lifted her almost benighted eyes, and for one moment like nought beside on earth, more lovely than a sunbeam, slighter, quicker than the waving plumage of a bird, dazzling as lightning and like it giving day to night, yet mild and faint, that smile came; it went, and then there was an end of all joy to me.""","MWS" "id09265","It was through her beloved lessons that he cast off his old pursuits and gradually formed himself to become one among his fellow men; a distinguished member of society, a Patriot; and an enlightened lover of truth and virtue.","MWS" "id23394","I pressed it, and, satisfied with the discovery, forbore to upraise the sash.","EAP" "id14631","What the police did extract, came mainly from an immensely aged mestizo named Castro, who claimed to have sailed to strange ports and talked with undying leaders of the cult in the mountains of China.","HPL" "id25526","""For some days I haunted the spot where these scenes had taken place, sometimes wishing to see you, sometimes resolved to quit the world and its miseries forever.","MWS" "id19057","I, their eldest child, was born at Naples, and as an infant accompanied them in their rambles.","MWS" "id02160","I now lamented that my great elevation would, in this case, prevent my taking as accurate a survey as I could wish.","EAP" "id08153","Why had it not taken its victims in natural order, with myself second, from whichever direction it had approached?","HPL" "id02680","I, on the other hand, renewed my demand for action, and offered to accompany the cohort on any expedition it might undertake.","HPL" "id24312","Drawing now my body upwards, with a prodigious exertion of muscular force, I succeeded, at the very first trial, in throwing the buckle over the car, and entangling it, as I had anticipated, in the circular rim of the wicker work.","EAP" "id18200","Normal beings seldom visited the locality till the state police were formed, and even now only infrequent troopers patrol it.","HPL" "id06069","To you first entering on life, to whom care is new and agony unknown, how can you understand what I have felt and still feel?","MWS" "id08142","The effect was titanic altogether unthinkable and I might have stared indefinitely had not the sound of the piping seemed to grow stronger at my left.","HPL" "id20879","Nor did my hate long confine itself to useless wishes; I began to reflect on the best means of securing him; and for this purpose, about a month after my release, I repaired to a criminal judge in the town and told him that I had an accusation to make, that I knew the destroyer of my family, and that I required him to exert his whole authority for the apprehension of the murderer.","MWS" "id12960","Its upper portion was draperied by one of the loose open sleeves now in fashion.","EAP" "id08144","Fear has been said to be the parent of religion: even of that religion is it the generator, which leads its votaries to sacrifice human victims at its altars; but the religion which springs from happiness is a lovelier growth; the religion which makes the heart breathe forth fervent thanksgiving, and causes us to pour out the overflowings of the soul before the author of our being; that which is the parent of the imagination and the nurse of poetry; that which bestows benevolent intelligence on the visible mechanism of the world, and makes earth a temple with heaven for its cope.","MWS" "id12944","This seemed to dissipate the equivocal sensations which had hitherto annoyed me.","EAP" "id01530","Still I would not hurry on; I would pause for ever on the recollections of these happy weeks; I would repeat every word, and how many do I remember, record every enchantment of the faery habitation.","MWS" "id00254","Perhaps one reason though it cannot apply to uninformed strangers is that the natives are now repellently decadent, having gone far along that path of retrogression so common in many New England backwaters.","HPL" "id01697","This morning, as I sat watching the wan countenance of my friend his eyes half closed and his limbs hanging listlessly I was roused by half a dozen of the sailors, who demanded admission into the cabin.","MWS" "id12032","The queen's dextrous management was employed to prolong these absences, and gather together accusations.","MWS" "id27613","She was alarmed by this account and passed several hours in looking for him, when the gates of Geneva were shut, and she was forced to remain several hours of the night in a barn belonging to a cottage, being unwilling to call up the inhabitants, to whom she was well known.","MWS" "id22867","They said the place had a febrile smell.","HPL" "id21734","She was the living spirit of love to soften and attract; I might have become sullen in my study, rough through the ardour of my nature, but that she was there to subdue me to a semblance of her own gentleness.","MWS" "id18112","If his heart had slept but a few years longer, he might have been saved; but it awoke in its infancy; it had power, but no knowledge; and it was ruined, even as a too early blowing bud is nipt by the killing frost.","MWS" "id24182","For at last my uncle insisted on joining the search I had commenced, and after a certain night in that house he did not come away with me.","HPL" "id16036","But he was impatient of the years that must intervene, he was frank of heart and fearless.","MWS" "id07195","The house was never rented again.","HPL" "id10143","They arrested me because the revolver was in my hand, but released me in three hours, after they found it was apoplexy which had finished Tillinghast and saw that my shot had been directed at the noxious machine which now lay hopelessly shattered on the laboratory floor.","HPL" "id17923","How sweet is the affection of others to such a wretch as I am It removes more than half my misfortune, and I feel as if I could die in peace now that my innocence is acknowledged by you, dear lady, and your cousin.""","MWS" "id12866","Now at nine o'clock of every morning in the week, with the exception of Sunday, the streets of the city are, it is true, thronged with people.","EAP" "id14743","She listened to me as she had done to the narration of my adventures, and sometimes took an interest in this species of information; but she did not, as I did, look on it as an integral part of her being, which having obtained, I could no more put off than the universal sense of touch.","MWS" "id18991","Can the ship wrecked mariner, who spent with swimming, hears close behind the splashing waters divided by a shark which pursues him through the Atlantic, hope?","MWS" "id17952","The glory of life was gone for her; the roseate halo of love, which had imbued every object with its own colour, faded; she was content to take life as it was, and to make the best of leaden coloured reality.","MWS" "id25549","Certain spots were almost forbidden territory, as he had learned at considerable cost.","HPL" "id07309","My alliance with him was the pledge of my sincerity, my union with his sister, my children, his presumptive heirs, were the hostages of my truth.","MWS" "id07944","I then reflected, and the thought made me shiver, that the creature whom I had left in my apartment might still be there, alive and walking about.","MWS" "id22427","It was more common, for all who possessed landed property to secede to their estates, attended by whole troops of the indigent, to cut down their woods to erect temporary dwellings, and to portion out their parks, parterres and flower gardens, to necessitous families.","MWS" "id03209","It advances with a gentle but gradually accelerated velocity, while the slight ripples it creates seem to break about the ivory side in divinest melody seem to offer the only possible explanation of the soothing yet melancholy music for whose unseen origin the bewildered voyager looks around him in vain.","EAP" "id21588","It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade.","EAP" "id11970","Order, comfort, and even health, rose under his influence, as from the touch of a magician's wand.","MWS" "id26902","""Well,"" replied my friend, ""that is all very fair, to be sure.","EAP" "id15663","My earliest recollections of a school life, are connected with a large, rambling, Elizabethan house, in a misty looking village of England, where were a vast number of gigantic and gnarled trees, and where all the houses were excessively ancient.","EAP" "id27947","Adrian was now fifteen years of age.","MWS" "id19079","By the time I came of age, I had made a small clearing in the thicket before the mould stained facade of the hillside, allowing the surrounding vegetation to encircle and overhang the space like the walls and roof of a sylvan bower.","HPL" "id15105","Everybody was a listenin', an' we could hear lots o' folks on the wire a gaspin'.","HPL" "id25027","In the present instance I have no sympathy at least no pity for him who descends.","EAP" "id00476","and was he not consequently damned?","EAP" "id10765","My father felt this kindness; for a moment ambitious dreams floated before him; and he thought that it would be well to exchange his present pursuits for nobler duties.","MWS" "id18293","The idea of this visit was torture to me, yet I could not refuse.","MWS" "id18097","Come with me to my room; we will remain there till the hour agreed upon.""","MWS" "id17935","She refused with a smile, reminding him that for the present his sister had promised to be patient.","MWS" "id02326","Soon, alas was one to conquer.","MWS" "id04634","Their occasional deaths filled my infant heart with anguish.","MWS" "id06303","Seizing him furiously by the wool with both hands, I tore out a vast quantity of black, and crisp, and curling material, and tossed it from me with every manifestation of disdain.","EAP" "id05967","If she is condemned, I never shall know joy more.","MWS" "id09615","Among other odd ideas, that of universal equality gained ground; and in the face of analogy and of God in despite of the loud warning voice of the laws of gradation so visibly pervading all things in Earth an Heaven wild attempts at an omni prevalent Democracy were made.","EAP" "id18858","If this journey had taken place during my days of study and happiness, it would have afforded me inexpressible pleasure.","MWS" "id18688","Here the galley paused not at all, but floated easily in the blue of the sky among fleecy clouds tinted with rose.","HPL" "id08900","I had intended to pass by the remains of the stranger with averted face, but as I approached the body, I seemed to hear emanating from it a faint sound, as though life were not yet wholly extinct.","HPL" "id06167","At this point the thought waves abruptly ceased, and the pale eyes of the dreamer or can I say dead man? commenced to glaze fishily.","HPL" "id05175","The authorities at Tulane University could shed no light upon either cult or image, and now the detective had come to the highest authorities in the country and met with no more than the Greenland tale of Professor Webb.","HPL" "id10870","It was from this vessel, indeed, that Pope Leo administered the royal unction which made of the hero nomad a Holy Roman Emperor.","HPL" "id00635","When I joined the society it was my endeavor to introduce a better style of thinking and writing, and all the world knows how well I have succeeded.","EAP" "id15486","Its presence gave me a hope that by its means I might find my home.","MWS" "id22188","Either he was born in strange shadow, or he'd found a way to unlock the forbidden gate.","HPL" "id22863","I looked, therefore, for the extra baggage.","EAP" "id25192","New feelings had arisen within her, which she was unable to express in writing to one whom she had only known in childhood; but we saw each other again, and our intimacy was renewed as if nothing had intervened to check it.","MWS" "id14303","I displayed a peculiar erudition utterly unlike the fantastic, monkish lore over which I had pored in youth; and covered the flyleaves of my books with facile impromptu epigrams which brought up suggestions of Gay, Prior, and the sprightliest of the Augustan wits and rimesters.","HPL" "id05192","There was not a particle of charlatanerie about Dupin.","EAP" "id03503","Re crossing the gorge on the Main Street bridge, I struck a region of utter desertion which somehow made me shudder.","HPL" "id20107","What Roodmas horror fastened itself on the world in half human flesh and blood?""","HPL" "id04699","Captain Mann?"" here screamed some little feminine interloper from the farthest corner of the room.","EAP" "id17771","Behind him tiers of higher terraces towered aloft as far as he could see.","HPL" "id00743","'Tiz de troof dat it iz eberry vord ob it.""","EAP" "id18799","An innocent man is now imprisoned, charged with that crime of which you can point out the perpetrator.""","EAP" "id15291","But does not the appearance of Epidaphne justify me in calling it grotesque?","EAP" "id22066","I might as well have tried to lift the cathedral itself.","EAP" "id17239","I was ready to sink from fatigue and hunger, but being surrounded by a crowd, I thought it politic to rouse all my strength, that no physical debility might be construed into apprehension or conscious guilt.","MWS" "id02196","In every quarter, however, interest was intense; for the utter alienage of the thing was a tremendous challenge to scientific curiosity.","HPL" "id00425","I took my passage in the same ship, but he escaped, I know not how.","MWS" "id14720","Tired and perspiring despite many rests, he descended to the floor and sat a while on the bottom box to gather strength for the final wriggle and leap to the ground outside.","HPL" "id14931","The nature of riches and influence forcibly confined the list of candidates to a few of the wealthiest; and it was much to be feared, that the ill humour and contention generated by this triennial struggle, would counterbalance its advantages in impartial eyes.","MWS" "id14382","high aspirations cause the flow of my blood; my eyes seem to penetrate the cloudy midnight of time, and to discern within the depths of its darkness, the fruition of all my soul desires.","MWS" "id17255","For some time I could not tell whether I was waking or sleeping, for the sound of flutes still rang shrilly in my ears; but when I saw on the floor the icy moonbeams and the outlines of a latticed Gothic window I decided I must be awake and in the castle at Kilderry.","HPL" "id03711","My tears flow; my mind is overshadowed by a cloud of disappointment.","MWS" "id00204","The mounting flames had curled round the building, as it fell, and was destroyed.","MWS" "id21579","Tradition emphasises the uselessness of material barriers in halting a witch's motions; and who can say what underlies the old tales of broomstick rides through the night?","HPL" "id25769","Besides, they observed that it appeared that I had brought the body from another place, and it was likely that as I did not appear to know the shore, I might have put into the harbour ignorant of the distance of the town of from the place where I had deposited the corpse.","MWS" "id21166","Beasts balk at the critters hosses wuss'n mules but when they got autos that was all right.","HPL" "id25208","Now pause During my journey I might dream, and with buoyant wings reach the summit of life's high edifice.","MWS" "id27729","He,"" he continued, pointing to the corpse, ""he suffered not in the consummation of the deed.","MWS" "id11210","It was not so with me; and the question of rank and right dwindled to insignificance in my eyes, when I pictured the scene of suffering Athens.","MWS" "id27967","The ultimate body thus escapes our rudimental senses, and we perceive only the shell which falls, in decaying, from the inner form; not that inner form itself; but this inner form, as well as the shell, is appreciable by those who have already acquired the ultimate life.","EAP" "id10899","A fine fire was blazing upon the hearth.","EAP" "id04062","When their course is fulfilled, the dial begins to cast westward an uncertain shadow; the eye lids of day are opened, and birds and flowers, the startled vegetation, and fresh breeze awaken; the sun at length appears, and in majestic procession climbs the capitol of heaven.","MWS" "id11302","The medical testimony spoke confidently of the virtuous character of the deceased.","EAP" "id23013","The bequest was conditioned upon my taking the name of the testator, the family, not the Christian name; my Christian name is Napoleon Bonaparte or, more properly, these are my first and middle appellations.","EAP" "id03709","When, deceived by my weakness of vision, and the arts of the toilet, in respect to the age and charms of the strange lady, I demanded so enthusiastically of Talbot who she was, he concluded that I meant the younger beauty, as a matter of course, and so informed me, with perfect truth, that she was ""the celebrated widow, Madame Lalande.""","EAP" "id00376","Was I left to perish of starvation in this subterranean world of darkness; or what fate, perhaps even more fearful, awaited me?","EAP" "id17642","That was when they furled the Old Flag and put up a new Banner of Stripes and Stars.","HPL" "id08901","He stretched out his arms toward the sun and prayed in a tongue no villager could understand; though indeed the villagers did not try very hard to understand, since their attention was mostly taken up by the sky and the odd shapes the clouds were assuming.","HPL" "id26382","Nature, our mother, and our friend, had turned on us a brow of menace.","MWS" "id20173","Beyond these the critical art can but suggest.","EAP" "id20015","Your allotted days of stupor have expired and, to morrow, I will myself induct you into the full joys and wonders of your novel existence.","EAP" "id22646","Strange system riddle of the Sphynx, most awe striking that thus man remains, while we the individuals pass away.","MWS" "id18213","And the death just avoided, was of that very character which I had regarded as fabulous and frivolous in the tales respecting the Inquisition.","EAP" "id18850","Plague might not revive with the summer; but if it did, it should find us prepared.","MWS" "id25359","""Do not think that I would intrude upon your confidence: I only ask your patience.","MWS" "id18185","It was awful to hear them chanting in their churches at night, and especially during their main festivals or revivals, which fell twice a year on April th and October st.","HPL" "id00742","I knew that sound well, too.","EAP" "id19613","Let him bare his arm and transfix me with lightning this is also one of his attributes"" and the old man laughed.","MWS" "id05369","""Cathuria,"" I would say to myself, ""is the abode of gods and the land of unnumbered cities of gold.","HPL" "id01227","They seldom addressed each other, shunning explanation, each fearing any communication the other might make.","MWS" "id27267","He rose and quitted the room with my nurse, and in a moment my father entered it.","MWS" "id06555","When the latter died this sister was taken by her maternal relations: they had seldom seen one another, and were quite unlike in disposition.","MWS" "id08221","Chapter My present situation was one in which all voluntary thought was swallowed up and lost.","MWS" "id16153","Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be made.","EAP" "id01876","Even the corpse seemed a matter in which I had no concern.","EAP" "id11971","Footnotes Four Beasts Flavius Vospicus says, that the hymn here introduced was sung by the rabble upon the occasion of Aurelian, in the Sarmatic war, having slain, with his own hand, nine hundred and fifty of the enemy.","EAP" "id07923","I fancy that I have investigated every nook and corner of the premises in which it is possible that the paper can be concealed.""","EAP" "id23074","Castro, apparently, had told the truth when he said that it was wholly secret.","HPL" "id04872","He gave me an illustrious name and noble station; the world's respect reflected from his own glory: all this joined to his own undying love, inspired me with sensations towards him, akin to those with which we regard the Giver of life.","MWS" "id09236","At length the valley pained me through its memories of Eleonora, and I left it for ever for the vanities and the turbulent triumphs of the world.","EAP" "id13253","The ship was crowded with passengers, and every thing was in the bustle attendant upon making sail.","EAP" "id02908","Ill usage and length of years have driven me from the one, and estranged me from the other.","EAP" "id01715","I advanced a step, and listened to the sound of his tranquil breathing.","EAP" "id13938","Should it be read by the loser of the purse, he would hardly suspect it to have any reference to his own misfortune.","EAP" "id25621","And I have read more of these things, and of many things besides, in the books men gave me when I was young and filled with wonder.","HPL" "id06984","He had sinned against his own honour, by affirming, swearing to, a direct falsehood; true this he had palmed on a woman, and it might therefore be deemed less base by others not by him; for whom had he deceived?","MWS" "id03166","This, however, they found more easily planned than performed; since no sign of the party could be found in any direction.","HPL" "id01001","Sights of woe now became familiar to me, and were I to tell all of anguish and pain that I witnessed, of the despairing moans of age, and the more terrible smiles of infancy in the bosom of horror, my reader, his limbs quivering and his hair on end, would wonder how I did not, seized with sudden frenzy, dash myself from some precipice, and so close my eyes for ever on the sad end of the world.","MWS" "id02428","Methinks his spirit remains here as well as that dust, which, uncommunicable though it be, is more precious in its nothingness than aught else widowed earth clasps to her sorrowing bosom.","MWS" "id23781","YE who read are still among the living; but I who write shall have long since gone my way into the region of shadows.","EAP" "id10549","Surely the glorious twins of Latona were not more welcome, when, in the infancy of the world, they were brought forth to beautify and enlighten this ""sterile promontory,"" than were this angelic pair to my lowly dwelling and grateful heart.","MWS" "id21749","I will not describe the city of Edinburgh.","EAP" "id22893","It may have been gold, but I did not pause to examine it, for I was strangely affected by that which I had undergone.","HPL" "id26792","Mebbe he's tried it already they do sometimes go daown fer little spells afore they go fer good.","HPL" "id01411","Where could we turn, and not find a desolation pregnant with the dire lesson of example?","MWS" "id06067","""Come we must go back,"" said the latter, ""the game's not up yet;"" and he again led the way to the tulip tree.","EAP" "id26468","And at length I, Oinos, speaking some low words, demanded of the shadow its dwelling and its appellation.","EAP" "id12627","As the country people poured into London, the citizens fled southwards they climbed the higher edifices of the town, fancying that they could discern the smoke and flames the enemy spread around them.","MWS" "id04753","I confess that I entertained some feeble hope of his final deliverance, when I saw him lash himself to the box, and commit himself to the sea."" ""They sank as a matter of course,"" replied the captain, ""and that like a shot.","EAP" "id15531","For a moment I simply held my breath and waited.","HPL" "id22799","Danced Alas, thought I, my dancing days are over Thus it is ever.","EAP" "id15379","We get up as good papers now in the P. R. E. T. T. Y. B. L. U. E. B. A. T. C. H. as any to be found even in Blackwood.","EAP" "id00448","But my evil destiny attended me still.","EAP" "id21547","Her internal pride and humility of manner were now more than ever at war.","MWS" "id20150","It was as stout as the other, and apparently fitted in the same manner driven in nearly up to the head.","EAP" "id15714","""Never, madam, but do tell me"" ""Or so inimitable grace?"" ""Never, upon my word But pray inform me"" ""Or so just an appreciation of stage effect?""","EAP" "id02725","From my youth I have said, I will be virtuous; I will dedicate my life for the good of others; I will do my best to extirpate evil and if the spirit who protects ill should so influence circumstances that I should suffer through my endeavour, yet while there is hope and hope there ever must be, of success, cheerfully do I gird myself to my task.","MWS" "id03919","My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events.","EAP" "id06401","She endeavoured to read his thought, and then answered with dignity, ""As you please.","MWS" "id08464","Watch me in the sky close by the Daemon Star.","HPL" "id00933","I should not have ventured out that night; for the taint of thunder was in the clouds, and a hellish phosphorescence rose from the rank swamp at the bottom of the hollow.","HPL" "id08740","My soul acquired tone acquired temper.","EAP" "id21923","However, he knew that he had actually become a somnambulist; for twice at night his room had been found vacant, though with all his clothing in place.","HPL" "id20938","A moment more and the old walls again met my sight, while over them hovered a murky cloud; fragments of buildings whirled above, half seen in smoke, while flames burst out beneath, and continued explosions filled the air with terrific thunders.","MWS" "id03748","They spurn and hate me.","MWS" "id10119","Since the affair of the letter, I had been in the habit of watching her house, and thus discovered that, about twilight, it was her custom to promenade, attended only by a negro in livery, in a public square overlooked by her windows.","EAP" "id07875","""The nethermost caverns,"" wrote the mad Arab, ""are not for the fathoming of eyes that see; for their marvels are strange and terrific.","HPL" "id22060","Frankness and social feelings were the essence of Raymond's nature; without them his qualities became common place; without these to spread glory over his intercourse with Perdita, his vaunted exchange of a throne for her love, was as weak and empty as the rainbow hues which vanish when the sun is down.","MWS" "id04077","I shook from head to foot as if I had had the most violent fit of the ague.","EAP" "id25533","He is senseless and externally motionless; but the pulsation of the heart is still faintly perceptible; some traces of warmth remain; a slight color lingers within the centre of the cheek; and, upon application of a mirror to the lips, we can detect a torpid, unequal, and vacillating action of the lungs.","EAP" "id03260","""But you could not have removed you could not have taken to pieces all articles of furniture in which it would have been possible to make a deposit in the manner you mention.","EAP" "id03393","He paused, looking on me with wonder, and again turning towards the lifeless form of his creator, he seemed to forget my presence, and every feature and gesture seemed instigated by the wildest rage of some uncontrollable passion.","MWS" "id03161","In those days the rest of the world was nothing to me: all other men I never considered nor felt what they were; nor did I look on you as one of them.","MWS" "id27333","The crew accepted the event in a sullen fashion, but it seemed to quiet Müller; who thereafter gave us no trouble.","HPL" "id04386","It was some thirty or forty feet overhead, and constructed much as the side walls.","EAP" "id26622","A greater number of rays actually fall upon the eye in the latter case, but, in the former, there is the more refined capacity for comprehension.","EAP" "id23163","Perhaps a history such as mine had better die with me, but a feeling that I cannot define leads me on and I am too weak both in body and mind to resist the slightest impulse.","MWS" "id26835","An arm, for instance, uplifted from the water, and thus deprived of its support, is an additional weight sufficient to immerse the whole head, while the accidental aid of the smallest piece of timber will enable us to elevate the head so as to look about.","EAP" "id22673","We talked often in the night, and in the day, when I chiselled busts of him and carved miniature heads in ivory to immortalise his different expressions.","HPL" "id07854","It has been easily calculated that, when the light proceeding from a star becomes so diffused as to be as weak as the natural light proceeding from the whole of the stars, in a clear and moonless night, then the star is no longer visible for any practical purpose.","EAP" "id04339","He replied, but with an evident misunderstanding of my ideas upon the subject.","EAP" "id07945","The articles taken out were deposited among the brambles, and the dog left to guard them, with strict orders from Jupiter neither, upon any pretence, to stir from the spot, nor to open his mouth until our return.","EAP" "id14454","Raymond could not resist these signs of distress: he felt perhaps somewhat ashamed of the part he acted of the injured man, he who was in truth the injurer.","MWS" "id25203","This final memory, whatever it was, proved too much for poor Curtis; and he collapsed completely before he could say more.","HPL" "id16089","She was evidently in the last stage of a dropsy; and her figure resembled nearly that of the huge puncheon of October beer which stood, with the head driven in, close by her side, in a corner of the chamber.","EAP" "id20552","As for instance, a typhus fever has been brought by ships to one sea port town; yet the very people who brought it there, were incapable of communicating it in a town more fortunately situated.","MWS" "id19375","It was a melancholy pleasure to me to listen to his inspired words; to catch for a moment the light of his eyes; to feel a transient sympathy and then to awaken from the delusion, again to know that all this was nothing, a dream a shadow for that there was no reallity for me; my father had for ever deserted me, leaving me only memories which set an eternal barrier between me and my fellow creatures.","MWS" "id20496","Hab for to keep mighty tight eye pon him noovers.","EAP" "id04675","Let somebody lead the way I don't know your roads very well, but I've an idea there might be a shorter cut across lots.","HPL" "id06132","And they became accursed, and were still.","EAP" "id06871","I use this expression, because the suddenness of their departure put me in mind of nothing so much as the extinguishment of a candle by a puff of the breath.","EAP" "id03723","She answered my reasonings more briefly, declaring with disdain, that the reason was hers; and, until I could persuade her that the past could be unacted, that maturity could go back to the cradle, and that all that was could become as though it had never been, it was useless to assure her that no real change had taken place in her fate.","MWS" "id18713","At length the visitors, apprised of a party of State Police which had come from Aylesbury that morning in response to the first telephone reports of the Frye tragedy, decided to seek out the officers and compare notes as far as practicable.","HPL" "id27051","He was sent to Cumberland; but the plan of correspondence between the lovers, arranged by Evadne, was effectually hidden from her.","MWS" "id11178","Yet, as he had lived on for months nearly in the same state, he did not inspire us with any immediate fear; and, though he talked of death as an event most familiar to his thoughts, he did not cease to exert himself to render others happy, or to cultivate his own astonishing powers of mind.","MWS" "id13563","Selling a portion of his estate to obtain the requisite money, he outfitted an expedition and sailed for the Congo.","HPL" "id08905","We met baggage waggons, and many females of high and low rank returning to Fairy or Kishan, there to wait the issue of the expected day.","MWS" "id13276","I can conceive nothing more sublimating than the strange peril and novelty of an adventure such as this.","EAP" "id00594","I dreaded lest the continued pressure of misfortune had, at length, fairly unsettled the reason of my friend.","EAP" "id15064","This is one of those miserable thoroughfares which intervene between the Rue Richelieu and the Rue St. Roch.","EAP" "id14951","The flames of the city bent beneath it; and the smoke and dust arising from the ruins was dissipated.","MWS" "id24136","Like some huge and sable feathered condor, we were slowly drifting down towards the Bridge of Sighs, when a thousand flambeaux flashing from the windows, and down the staircases of the Ducal Palace, turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day.","EAP" "id06113","Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree; the fall of a leaf startled me, and I shunned my fellow creatures as if I had been guilty of a crime.","MWS" "id12853","Yet these conceptions were formulated in rustic words wholly inadequate to convey them, a circumstance which drove me to the conclusion that if a true dream world indeed existed, oral language was not its medium for the transmission of thought.","HPL" "id07694","The shaft of light entered the door at an upward angle, and I peered in to see if I could glimpse anything, but all in vain.","HPL" "id20934","I had traced the secret to its ultimate result, and that result was the nail.","EAP" "id04294","But do you not see, that, under the idea of exalting me, he is chalking out a new path for himself; a path of action from which he has long wandered?","MWS" "id26380","He recognises what is played through feint, by the air with which it is thrown upon the table.","EAP" "id13122","All slept all England slept; and from my window, commanding a wide prospect of the star illumined country, I saw the land stretched out in placid rest.","MWS" "id19559","It is a pocket book, and ""Has any gentleman lost a pocketbook?"" he cries.","EAP" "id20370","I will therefore describe it as I afterwards saw it from a position on the stone wall at the southern extreme of the amphitheatre.","EAP" "id06189","He derives pleasure from even the most trivial occupations bringing his talent into play.","EAP" "id07954","Shall I disturb this calm by mingling in the world?","MWS" "id23774","Shall the daughter of the noble, though prodigal Zaimi, appear a beggar before her compeers or inferiors superiors she had none.","MWS" "id01204","Williams was a dreamer, and only twenty three, and when he moved into the ancient house he felt a strangeness and a breath of cosmic wind about the grey wizened man in the next room.","HPL" "id25662","The vast, barn like length of the old bridge gleamed spectrally in the moonlight, and I saw that the ties were safe for at least a few feet within.","HPL" "id27253","""Perdita,"" I had said, ""some day you will discover that you have done wrong in again casting Raymond on the thorns of life.","MWS" "id26679","Morning dawned before I arrived at the village of Chamounix; I took no rest, but returned immediately to Geneva.","MWS" "id14966","I had hitherto supposed him to be the murderer of my brother, and I eagerly sought a confirmation or denial of this opinion.","MWS" "id09479","This undercurrent of thought, often soothed me amidst distress, and even agony.","MWS" "id11402","Though the rapid drop of the monster had been seen, no one could say just what the creature was like; those who had glimpsed it called it simply a devil.","HPL" "id03915","For eighty thousand years Pth'thya l'yi had lived in Y'ha nthlei, and thither she had gone back after Obed Marsh was dead.","HPL" "id04854","The labour necessary to bring the lands to this sort of culture, employed and fed the offcasts of the diminished manufactories.","MWS" "id06074","""Which way mus go now, Massa Will?"" he asked.","EAP" "id05720","Still, he was very old and very feeble, and there were two visitors.","HPL" "id01640","The insane yarn I was hearing interested me profoundly, for I fancied there was contained within it a sort of crude allegory based upon the strangenesses of Innsmouth and elaborated by an imagination at once creative and full of scraps of exotic legend.","HPL" "id00329","This always happens when it is above their own, and very usually when it is below.","EAP" "id16086","What I have described in the Frenchman, was merely the result of an excited, or perhaps of a diseased intelligence.","EAP" "id07777","Every second I was consumed with a mixture of fear and curiosity.","HPL" "id24482","He died embracing the sod, which was piled above his breast, when he was placed beside the beings whom he regretted with such wild despair.","MWS" "id24828","I made the attempt and failed.","EAP" "id25894","""The measures, then,"" he continued, ""were good in their kind, and well executed; their defect lay in their being inapplicable to the case, and to the man.","EAP" "id19137","That was in the gaoler had gone mad and babbled of a small, white fanged furry thing which scuttled out of Keziah's cell, and not even Cotton Mather could explain the curves and angles smeared on the grey stone walls with some red, sticky fluid.","HPL" "id13690","Memory seemed to pick itself up where it had left off, and the horror of the sight that had prostrated him burst in upon him again.","HPL" "id15415","Sometimes, on the very brink of certainty, I failed; yet still I clung to the hope which the next day or the next hour might realize.","MWS" "id27577","Something made him feel that motors did not belong in the realm he was seeking, so he left his car at the edge of the forest, and putting the great key in his coat pocket walked on up the hill.","HPL" "id10597","As the summer drew on he felt dimly that something ought to be done about the lurking terrors of the upper Miskatonic valley, and about the monstrous being known to the human world as Wilbur Whateley.","HPL" "id26367","although there is a terrible ambiguity in the statement.","EAP" "id14033","I sometimes expostulated with Perdita on the subject of her reserve; but she rejected my counsels, while her daughter's sensibility excited in her a tenderness still more passionate.","MWS" "id13326","He sets his arms a kimbo.","EAP" "id01863","Yet, at this distant day, let me do him the simple justice to acknowledge that I can recall no occasion when the suggestions of my rival were on the side of those errors or follies so usual to his immature age and seeming inexperience; that his moral sense, at least, if not his general talents and worldly wisdom, was far keener than my own; and that I might, to day, have been a better, and thus a happier man, had I less frequently rejected the counsels embodied in those meaning whispers which I then but too cordially hated and too bitterly despised.","EAP" "id10653","The lady lived; and with redoubled ardor I betook myself to the task of restoration.","EAP" "id19959","Past that beacon for a century have swept the majestic barques of the seven seas.","HPL" "id16404","It was my task each day to visit the various families assembled in our town, and when the weather permitted, I was glad to prolong my ride, and to muse in solitude over every changeful appearance of our destiny, endeavouring to gather lessons for the future from the experience of the past.","MWS" "id19294","Such was the depth of my emotion that I had no feeling of what caused my distress, my thoughts even wandered to many indifferent objects; but still neither moving limb or feature my tears fell untill, as if the fountains were exhausted, they gradually subsided, and I awoke to life as from a dream.","MWS" "id20138","O ye heart strings of mine, could ye be torn asunder, and my soul not spend itself in tears of blood for sorrow Idris, after the first shock, regained a portion of fortitude.","MWS" "id19444","Little Clara accompanied us; the poor child did not well understand what was going forward.","MWS" "id26575","The condition of this bridge would determine my next step.","HPL" "id15589","With new courage, therefore, I pressed on, and in two days arrived at a wretched hamlet on the seashore.","MWS" "id13862","Poor Johansen's handwriting almost gave out when he wrote of this.","HPL" "id06489","She went on, feeling that, if she had paused for a moment, the checked waters of misery would have deluged her soul, that her wrecked hopes would raise their wailing voices, and that those who now echoed her mirth, and provoked her repartees, would have shrunk in fear from her convulsive despair.","MWS" "id18000","He promised that he would come and see me again; and bade me take cheer, and to encourage what happy thoughts I could, untill time and fortitude should overcome my misery, and I could again mingle in society.","MWS" "id01155","Your heart I fear, replied Diotima, was broken by your sufferings but if you had struggled if when you found all hope of earthly happiness wither within you while desire of it scorched your soul if you had near you a friend to have raised you to the contemplation of beauty the search of knowledge you would have found perhaps not new hopes spring within you but a new life distinct from that of passion by which you had before existed relate to me what this misery was that thus engroses you tell me what were the vicissitudes of feeling that you endured on earth after death our actions worldly interest fade as nothing before us but the traces of our feelings exist the memories of those are what furnish us here with eternal subject of meditation.","MWS" "id04737","Then we turned to the left into High Street, where the going was smoother; flying by stately old mansions of the early republic and still older colonial farmhouses, passing the Lower Green and Parker River, and finally emerging into a long, monotonous stretch of open shore country.","HPL" "id18513","Thither would I go were I old enough to find the way, and thither shouldst thou go an thou wouldst sing and have men listen to thee.","HPL" "id02542","The socket of the lost eye presented, it is true, a frightful appearance, but he no longer appeared to suffer any pain.","EAP" "id21267","Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain.","EAP" "id16305","Some, in the true spirit of reckless enterprise, went on board a ship of an hundred and twenty guns; the vast hull drifted with the tide out of the bay, and after many hours its crew of landsmen contrived to spread a great part of her enormous canvass the wind took it, and while a thousand mistakes of the helmsman made her present her head now to one point, and now to another, the vast fields of canvass that formed her sails flapped with a sound like that of a huge cataract; or such as a sea like forest may give forth when buffeted by an equinoctial north wind.","MWS" "id16706","But I wander from my relation let woe come at its appointed time; I may at this stage of my story still talk of happiness.","MWS" "id24591","I studied the loose, antique masonry of the walls in the fungus light and the feeble rays which stole in from the street through the screened windows; and once, when the noisome atmosphere of the place seemed about to sicken me, I opened the door and looked up and down the street, feasting my eyes on familiar sights and my nostrils on the wholesome air.","HPL" "id12129","The barrel to which I was attached sunk very little farther than half the distance between the bottom of the gulf and the spot at which I leaped overboard, before a great change took place in the character of the whirlpool.","EAP" "id08727","I did so, as follows: ""M.","EAP" "id12808","The thing came abruptly and unannounced; a daemon, rat like scurrying from pits remote and unimaginable, a hellish panting and stifled grunting, and then from that opening beneath the chimney a burst of multitudinous and leprous life a loathsome night spawned flood of organic corruption more devastatingly hideous than the blackest conjurations of mortal madness and morbidity.","HPL" "id24776","I proposed the enterprize of poaching on his demesne to my few remaining comrades, who were the most determined and lawless of the crew; but they all shrunk from the peril; so I was left to achieve my revenge myself.","MWS" "id09672","Stopping short, I clasped my hands, and with the fervour of a new proselyte, cried, ""Doubt me not, Adrian, I also will become wise and good"" and then quite overcome, I wept aloud.","MWS" "id14146","I must have lived years in this place, but I cannot measure the time.","HPL" "id09040","According to one story nothing further happened save that the stuffed goddess became a symbol of supremacy for whatever tribe might possess it.","HPL" "id16906","The images of health and hope which I presented to her, made her with a smile consent.","MWS" "id25440","The former pays the reward, pockets the treasure and decamps.","EAP" "id18044","Those of 'Oppodeldoc' will not scan.","EAP" "id08831","The light became more and more oppressive to me, and the heat wearying me as I walked, I sought a place where I could receive shade.","MWS" "id01381","The grapnel caught at , P.M., precisely; and thus the whole voyage was completed in seventy five hours; or rather less, counting from shore to shore.","EAP" "id14926","I forbear to depict my sensations upon the gallows; although here, undoubtedly, I could speak to the point, and it is a topic upon which nothing has been well said.","EAP" "id16334","The picture was then produced which the servant had found in her pocket; and when Elizabeth, in a faltering voice, proved that it was the same which, an hour before the child had been missed, she had placed round his neck, a murmur of horror and indignation filled the court.","MWS" "id23848","I wish merely to caution you against the whole tone of L'Etoile's suggestion, by calling your attention to its ex parte character at the outset.","EAP" "id16002","These were the exact words, my beloved husband, were they not?"" ""They were,"" I said; ""you have an excellent memory; and assuredly, my beautiful Eugenie, there is no disposition on my part to evade the performance of the trivial promise they imply.","EAP" "id04758","I was, it appeared, in very bad luck.","HPL" "id24510","If not positively ugly, she was not, I think, very far from it.","EAP" "id17235","So I was entirely thrown upon my own resourses.","MWS" "id22202","There is nothing more lovely, to which the heart more yearns than a free spirited boy, gentle, brave, and generous.","MWS" "id04175","As yet, thank God, I am equal to the government of the town; and I look only to the present.","MWS" "id26373","He died soon after, leaving two children, a son and a daughter.","MWS" "id02159","""After a thorough investigation of every portion of the house, without farther discovery, the party made its way into a small paved yard in the rear of the building, where lay the corpse of the old lady, with her throat so entirely cut that, upon an attempt to raise her, the head fell off.","EAP" "id24347","Klenze's ivory image, but the sight of an automatic pistol calmed them.","HPL" "id18918","""Nitre?"" he asked, at length.","EAP" "id26454","Could I be other than all ear, to one who seemed to govern the whole earth in his grasping imagination, and who only quailed when he attempted to rule himself.","MWS" "id17723","Even Perdita will rejoice.","MWS" "id08546","At any rate, it would form my only chance of deliverance, and there was nothing to do but try it.","HPL" "id27443","She hung over the patient in agony, which was not mitigated when her thoughts wandered towards her babes, for whom she feared infection.","MWS" "id24516","Brown Jenkin, too, was always a little nearer at the last, and its yellowish white fangs glistened shockingly in that unearthly violet phosphorescence.","HPL" "id13934","He spoke with pride; he felt injured.","MWS" "id18073","It now only remains to give you the full translation of the characters upon the parchment, as unriddled.","EAP" "id17197",""" Odenheimer, restaurateur.","EAP" "id23986","To England, therefore, I was bound, and it was understood that my union with Elizabeth should take place immediately on my return.","MWS" "id14184","In its original form, this law offered a premium for cat heads fourpence a piece, but the Senate succeeded in amending the main clause, so as to substitute the word ""tails"" for ""heads.""","EAP" "id00752","Then I would hasten to my desk, weave the new found web of mind in firm texture and brilliant colours, leaving the fashioning of the material to a calmer moment.","MWS" "id05768","The gold seeker, whom I sincerely pitied, at length clambered from the pit, with the bitterest disappointment imprinted upon every feature, and proceeded, slowly and reluctantly, to put on his coat, which he had thrown off at the beginning of his labor.","EAP" "id01747","I felt then the consummation of my fate.","EAP" "id13785","I owe you six years of unalloyed happiness.","MWS" "id10453","It is of a brilliant gold color about the size of a large hickory nut with two jet black spots near one extremity of the back, and another, somewhat longer, at the other.","EAP" "id04287","He is so gentle, yet so wise; his mind is so cultivated, and when he speaks, although his words are culled with the choicest art, yet they flow with rapidity and unparalleled eloquence.","MWS" "id17282","Was I tottering on the brink of cosmic horrors beyond man's power to bear?","HPL" "id10921","One of a large herd of unkempt Mexicans attracted thither from the neighbouring country, he at first commanded attention only because of his features; which though plainly of the Red Indian type, were yet remarkable for their light colour and refined conformation, being vastly unlike those of the average ""Greaser"" or Piute of the locality.","HPL" "id01325","It is midnight; the breeze blows fairly, and the watch on deck scarcely stir.","MWS" "id25875","He was clad with a striking simplicity.","EAP" "id22903","Raymond started angrily when he saw me.","MWS" "id23453","I took heart, therefore, and determined to prosecute the ""entirely original,"" as they say on the covers of the magazines, at whatever cost of study and pains.","EAP" "id00270","""For its introduction into common use for purposes of aerostation, we are indebted to Mr. Charles Green.","EAP" "id04603","Here I paused, to ascertain beyond a doubt whether he really knew of whom I thought.","EAP" "id02673","But I am a man of my word mark that you shall have her, boy, plum and all, when you please.","EAP" "id26659","""What can he be?"" said big Miss Bas Bleu.","EAP" "id12109","In June, , a letter arrived from M. Verhaeren, telling of the finding of the stuffed goddess.","HPL" "id26686","I have said that, in the first years of our connexion as schoolmates, my feelings in regard to him might have been easily ripened into friendship: but, in the latter months of my residence at the academy, although the intrusion of his ordinary manner had, beyond doubt, in some measure, abated, my sentiments, in nearly similar proportion, partook very much of positive hatred.","EAP" "id21607","On the twenty first of June, it was said that an hour before noon, a black sun arose: an orb, the size of that luminary, but dark, defined, whose beams were shadows, ascended from the west; in about an hour it had reached the meridian, and eclipsed the bright parent of day.","MWS" "id21645","The rage and yells of the wounded man, the howling execrations of his comrade, which I answered with equal bitterness and fury, echoed through the dell; morning broke more and more, ill accordant in its celestial beauty with our brute and noisy contest.","MWS" "id12399","But I was not prepared to find them, upon close examination, evidently enjoying a high degree of health, breathing with the greatest ease and perfect regularity, and evincing not the slightest sign of any uneasiness whatever.","EAP" "id09430","At a terrific height directly above us, and upon the very verge of the precipitous descent, hovered a gigantic ship of, perhaps, four thousand tons.","EAP" "id20447","Yet it was only at intervals in moments of intense excitement that this peculiarity became more than slightly noticeable in Ligeia.","EAP" "id13603","The greatest portion, however those especially who belabor the populace with clubs are the principal courtiers of the palace, executing as in duty bound, some laudable comicality of the king's.","EAP" "id11554","I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me.","MWS" "id01889","The woods around afforded us shade, the river secured to us a constant supply of water; nay, detachments were employed in furnishing the army with ice, which had been laid up on Haemus, and Athos, and the mountains of Macedonia, while cooling fruits and wholesome food renovated the strength of the labourers, and made us bear with less impatience the weight of the unrefreshing air.","MWS" "id12491","In charity no one gave more liberally or with a worse grace.","EAP" "id24684","No defect in the machinery or carelessness in the men had been noticed, yet without warning the ship was racked from end to end with a colossal shock.","HPL" "id07616","Des idees ah here was the idiotic thought that destroyed me Des idees ah therefore it was that I coveted them so madly I felt that their possession could alone ever restore me to peace, in giving me back to reason.","EAP" "id00819","""The day is ours,"" he cried, ""the Turks fly from the bayonet.""","MWS" "id27638","This continued for perhaps a minute.","EAP" "id21592","Presently the old man drew back his hood and pointed to the family resemblance in his face, but I only shuddered, because I was sure that the face was merely a devilish waxen mask.","HPL" "id19165","There are horrors beyond horrors, and this was one of those nuclei of all dreamable hideousness which the cosmos saves to blast an accursed and unhappy few.","HPL" "id12415","There was but one good and one evil in the world life and death.","MWS" "id06715","The harbour, long clogged with sand, was enclosed by an ancient stone breakwater; on which I could begin to discern the minute forms of a few seated fishermen, and at whose end were what looked like the foundations of a bygone lighthouse.","HPL" "id12576","He begged me, however, not to let any mere courtesy towards himself interfere with the gratification of my curiosity, and said that he would ride on leisurely, so that I might overtake him during the day, or, at all events, during the next.","EAP" "id26265","Taking advantage of the disorganisation of both college work and municipal health regulations, he managed to get a recently deceased body smuggled into the university dissecting room one night, and in my presence injected a new modification of his solution.","HPL" "id18115","And by the way, it does seem something like a coincidence, does it not that our friend, Captain Smitherton, here, has been absent exactly a year also a year to day"" SMITHERTON.","EAP" "id04293","""Pierre,"" cried the host, ""change this gentleman's plate, and give him a side piece of this rabbit au chat.""","EAP" "id12828","And, therefore, it was thought a matter of supererogation to withdraw the nails and open the windows.","EAP" "id18340","There are secrets, you know, which might have come down from old Salem times, and Cotton Mather tells even stranger things.","HPL" "id12280","I calc'late her man is as good a husban' as ye kin find this side of Aylesbury; an' ef ye knowed as much abaout the hills as I dew, ye wouldn't ast no better church weddin' nor her'n.","HPL" "id04904","They were a kind of fugue, with recurrent passages of the most captivating quality, but to me were notable for the absence of any of the weird notes I had overheard from my room below on other occasions.","HPL" "id16870","He now said: ""Yes; no; I have been sleeping and now now I am dead.""","EAP" "id27962","It was here that he first came into conflict with the college authorities, and was debarred from future experiments by no less a dignitary than the dean of the medical school himself the learned and benevolent Dr. Allan Halsey, whose work in behalf of the stricken is recalled by every old resident of Arkham.","HPL" "id06606","I passed from the palace of Sweet Waters to the plain on which the encampment lay, and found its inhabitants in commotion.","MWS" "id25328","This idea made me shudder and recalled me to action.","MWS" "id03406","To a sensitive mind there is always more or less of the shocking in such exhibitions; and I do not wish to spoil your appetite for dinner.","EAP" "id25990","As the ages passed, first one, then another of the four great turrets were left to ruin, until at last but a single tower housed the sadly reduced descendants of the once mighty lords of the estate.","HPL" "id01857","Meantime the ponderous and terrific Scythe of Time for I now discovered the literal import of that classical phrase had not stopped, nor was it likely to stop, in its career.","EAP" "id00783","The plague I am told is in Constantinople, perhaps I have imbibed its effluvia perhaps disease is the real cause of my prognostications.","MWS" "id07992","THERE are few persons, even among the calmest thinkers, who have not occasionally been startled into a vague yet thrilling half credence in the supernatural, by coincidences of so seemingly marvellous a character that, as mere coincidences, the intellect has been unable to receive them.","EAP" "id09083","The nobles did not hesitate to express their fear; the other party endeavoured to treat the matter lightly.","MWS" "id26167","I LIVED far from the busy haunts of men, and the rumour of wars or political changes came worn to a mere sound, to our mountain abodes.","MWS" "id08828","Have you got him here?""","EAP" "id14663","In all the cities of Cydathria and in the lands beyond the Bnazic desert gay faced children laughed at his olden songs and tattered robe of purple; but Iranon stayed ever young, and wore wreaths upon his golden head whilst he sang of Aira, delight of the past and hope of the future.","HPL" "id26917","Hermann would have died a thousand deaths rather than acknowledge his inability to understand anything and everything in the universe that had ever been written about the duello.","EAP" "id04511","They all lay in stone houses in Their great city of R'lyeh, preserved by the spells of mighty Cthulhu for a glorious resurrection when the stars and the earth might once more be ready for Them.","HPL" "id20079","Once coming in a little the worse for Wine to which he was addicted he endeavour'd to lampoon me by means of an Impromptu in verse, writ on the Surface of the Table; but lacking the Aid he usually had in his Composition, he made a bad grammatical Blunder.","HPL" "id13596","It was sunny weather, and I was glad of that.","HPL" "id27815","The town and country folk scarcely dared speak aloud, and the men of Libo's entourage, who had been there nearly a week, seemed to have caught something of the nameless dread.","HPL" "id19442","And thus, the thicket of the Barrière du Roule having been already suspected, the idea of placing the articles where they were found, might have been naturally entertained.","EAP" "id02794","""The family, after having been thus occupied for a short time, extinguished their lights and retired, as I conjectured, to rest.""","MWS" "id03850","Now I have already said that Madame Eugenie Lalande that is to say, Simpson spoke the English language but very little better than she wrote it, and for this reason she very properly never attempted to speak it upon ordinary occasions.","EAP" "id27420","And then there came to me the crowning horror of all the unbelievable, unthinkable, almost unmentionable thing.","HPL" "id13327","And indeed your Excellencies may well imagine that, after a residence of five years upon a planet not only deeply interesting in its own peculiar character, but rendered doubly so by its intimate connection, in capacity of satellite, with the world inhabited by man, I may have intelligence for the private ear of the States' College of Astronomers of far more importance than the details, however wonderful, of the mere voyage which so happily concluded.","EAP" "id23967","The jade amulet now reposed in a niche in our museum, and sometimes we burned strangely scented candles before it.","HPL" "id24928","It was clear to me, however, that the shutter belonging to the window at the head of the bed, would, if swung fully back to the wall, reach to within two feet of the lightning rod.","EAP" "id14010","This occurred in , and created, at the time, a very profound sensation wherever it was made the subject of converse.","EAP" "id10045","Public interest in the Whateleys subsided after most of the country folk had seen the baby, and no one bothered to comment on the swift development which that newcomer seemed every day to exhibit.","HPL" "id23282","The tottering waterfront hovels north of the river were reputedly connected by hidden tunnels, being thus a veritable warren of unseen abnormalities.","HPL" "id25654","Indeed, the crumbling of the adobe hut and the closing of the rock fissure by a subsequent avalanche had helped to efface even the scene from recollection.","HPL" "id12221","It had taken, with inconceivable rapidity, the character of a gigantic mantle of rare flame, extending from horizon to horizon.","EAP" "id13853","We may, however, presume he would not have adopted it but for some occasion of especial state.","EAP" "id05495","It was in the latter end of September that I again quitted my native country.","MWS" "id21783","The two lived an exceedingly retired life were reputed to have money.","EAP" "id20837","But in Kingsport strange tales are abroad, and even the Terrible Old Man admits a thing untold by his grandfather.","HPL" "id08492","""As to the likelihood of escaping,"" said Adrian, ""ten years hence the cold stars may shine on the graves of all of us; but as to my peculiar liability to infection, I could easily prove, both logically and physically, that in the midst of contagion I have a better chance of life than you.","MWS" "id23198","No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs.","MWS" "id26945","And if ye toil only that ye may toil more, when shall happiness find you?","HPL" "id14938","First he was to visit Evadne, and then to hasten to the palace of the Protectorate.","MWS" "id21842","He had sufficient strength to get home, but was so clearly in need of medical aid that Dr. Hartwell was summoned at once.","HPL" "id24785","But, as it is my design never to return or not for some weeks or not until certain concealments are effected the gaining of time is the only point about which I need give myself any concern.'","EAP" "id01447","On the th, as my impulse to search out the mystery of the temple waxed still more insistent, a great disappointment befell me; for I found that the materials needed to replenish the portable light had perished in the mutiny of those pigs in July.","HPL" "id07031","Having cut off my ears, however, he discovered signs of animation.","EAP" "id02609","""Felix conducted the fugitives through France to Lyons and across Mont Cenis to Leghorn, where the merchant had decided to wait a favourable opportunity of passing into some part of the Turkish dominions.","MWS" "id22800","And then came, as if to my final and irrevocable overthrow, the spirit of PERVERSENESS.","EAP" "id08583","Dr. Job Ives diagnosed the trouble as some infantile fever, though others declared it was more of a mere wasting away or decline.","HPL" "id17325","And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall.","EAP" "id15206","But they were awed as I had been, at the change of his appearance.","MWS" "id05640","It keeps up a perpetual fever in my veins; it frets my immedicable wound; it is instinct with poison.","MWS" "id05453","""But let us proceed to the Amontillado.""","EAP" "id04574","I repeat his persuasions in faint terms and cannot give you at the same time the tone and gesture that animated them.","MWS" "id17805","It was designed to open in my direction, hence I saw after drawing the bolt and finding other fastenings in place it was not a favourable one for forcing.","HPL" "id14919","The guest is bidden to be of good cheer that the fates will take care of him.","EAP" "id16489","It was without warning that Romero, after clambering down one of the many rude ladders, broke into a run and left me alone.","HPL" "id07383","From my infancy I was noted for the docility and humanity of my disposition.","EAP" "id16798","""Upon this discovery I was so sanguine as to consider the enigma solved; for the phrase 'main branch, seventh limb, east side,' could refer only to the position of the skull upon the tree, while 'shoot from the left eye of the death's head' admitted, also, of but one interpretation, in regard to a search for buried treasure.","EAP" "id00175","He was led, we must presume, to this wild hypothesis by mere analogy in the first instance; but, this being the case, he should have at least adhered to analogy in its development.","EAP" "id16570","I heard a clock strike somewhere not ours, for that was not a striking clock and my morbid fancy found in this a new starting point for idle wanderings.","HPL" "id22493","All the torches now began to dim, and the cries of frightened legionaries mingled with the unceasing screams of the tethered horses.","HPL" "id24668","""Your existing sense organs ears first, I think will pick up many of the impressions, for they are closely connected with the dormant organs.","HPL" "id22115","The earth was spread out as an highway for him; the heavens built up as a canopy for him.","MWS" "id06179","'It is impossible,' it urges, 'that a person so well known to thousands as this young woman was, should have passed three blocks without some one having seen her.'","EAP" "id14509","""I had admired the perfect forms of my cottagers their grace, beauty, and delicate complexions; but how was I terrified when I viewed myself in a transparent pool At first I started back, unable to believe that it was indeed I who was reflected in the mirror; and when I became fully convinced that I was in reality the monster that I am, I was filled with the bitterest sensations of despondence and mortification.","MWS" "id26632","It was bound in rusty iron, and no means was provided for working the formidable lock.","HPL" "id20116","Thrown by accident into her society many years ago, my soul from our first meeting, burned with fires it had never before known; but the fires were not of Eros, and bitter and tormenting to my spirit was the gradual conviction that I could in no manner define their unusual meaning or regulate their vague intensity.","EAP" "id06850","This was in and , when my uncle had just begun his medical practice; and before leaving for the front he heard much of it from his elder professional colleagues.","HPL" "id04618","In the afternoon, however, it came on to rain heavily; and, supposing that she would remain all night at her aunt's, as she had done under similar circumstances before, he did not think it necessary to keep his promise.","EAP" "id19295","With high cheek bones, a large hawk nose, retreating chin, fallen under jaw, and huge protruding white eyes, the expression of his countenance, although tinged with a species of dogged indifference to matters and things in general, was not the less utterly solemn and serious beyond all attempts at imitation or description.","EAP" "id06937","Here Monsieur De Kock bowed low, kissed his hand with much ceremony, and took wine with Ma'm'selle Laplace.","EAP" "id02410","The wife of one of the most respectable citizens a lawyer of eminence and a member of Congress was seized with a sudden and unaccountable illness, which completely baffled the skill of her physicians.","EAP" "id03616","I wish you could see him; he is very tall of his age, with sweet laughing blue eyes, dark eyelashes, and curling hair.","MWS" "id06290","I go with the belief that I have your pardon.","MWS" "id04250","The gruff voice said repeatedly 'sacré,' 'diable,' and once 'mon Dieu.' ""Jules Mignaud, banker, of the firm of Mignaud et Fils, Rue Deloraine.","EAP" "id26748","He smiled at this odd conceit, but it seemed that his smile was tinged with reminiscence.","HPL" "id15893","And as we sailed madly away from that damnable coast the bearded man spoke at last, saying: ""This is Xura, the Land of Pleasures Unattained.""","HPL" "id15014","""He is, as you say, a remarkable horse a prodigious horse although, as you very justly observe, of a suspicious and untractable character, let him be mine, however,"" he added, after a pause, ""perhaps a rider like Frederick of Metzengerstein, may tame even the devil from the stables of Berlifitzing.""","EAP" "id02969","A mightier power than the human was at hand to destroy our plans or to achieve the work we avoided.","MWS" "id03993","This contention is unworthy of both of us; and I confess that I am weary of replying to charges at once unfounded and unkind.""","MWS" "id23612","It was clear that the typical expression of these faces now suggested something it had not suggested before something which would bring stark panic if too openly thought of.","HPL" "id22835","""My dear Victor,"" cried he, ""what, for God's sake, is the matter?","MWS" "id01101","It was unspeakably shocking, and I do not see how I lived through it.","HPL" "id27661","This circumstance was not without effect on West, who thought often of the irony of the situation so many fresh specimens, yet none for his persecuted researches We were frightfully overworked, and the terrific mental and nervous strain made my friend brood morbidly.","HPL" "id15660","But no answer was there found.","EAP" "id10303","Then suddenly I came by a rare piece of chance, since it was not in the main body of records and might easily have been missed upon something which aroused my keenest eagerness, fitting in as it did with several of the queerest phases of the affair.","HPL" "id22665","Now if it were observed that never, in any single instance, did M. Maelzel differ from the routine we have pointed out as necessary to our solution, it would be one of the strongest possible arguments in corroboration of it but the argument becomes infinitely strengthened if we duly consider the circumstance that he does occasionally deviate from the routine but never does so deviate as to falsify the solution. .","EAP" "id19332","Why, that requires not this preparation; ye need not have come thus far and dragged your captain to the shame of a defeat merely to prove yourselves cowards.","MWS" "id05073","The golden and silver fish haunted the river, out of the bosom of which issued, little by little, a murmur that swelled, at length, into a lulling melody more divine than that of the harp of Aeolus sweeter than all save the voice of Eleonora.","EAP" "id24152","And do not you fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head?","MWS" "id03012","There is an hysterical laugh which will forever ring within my ears.","EAP" "id20076","At certain stages of the ritual they did grovelling obeisance, especially when he held above his head that abhorrent Necronomicon he had taken with him; and I shared all the obeisances because I had been summoned to this festival by the writings of my forefathers.","HPL" "id10723","And the power of self movement equivalent in effect to human volition is, in the unparticled matter, the result of its unity and omniprevalence; how I know not, and now clearly see that I shall never know.","EAP" "id03858","""Oh, Madame Joyeuse was a fool"" she exclaimed, ""but there was really much sound sense, after all, in the opinion of Eugenie Salsafette.","EAP" "id04844","In the dust and shadows of the great attic he found it, remote and forgotten at the back of a drawer in a tall chest.","HPL" "id16930","How could he be sure he would not land on that green litten hillside of a far planet, on the tessellated terrace above the city of tentacled monsters somewhere beyond the galaxy, or in the spiral black vortices of that ultimate void of Chaos wherein reigns the mindless daemon sultan Azathoth?","HPL" "id27622","The houses of Sarnath were of glazed brick and chalcedony, each having its walled garden and crystal lakelet.","HPL" "id11840","Children, unadepts in language, seldom find words to express their thoughts, nor could we tell in what manner the late events had impressed themselves on her mind.","MWS" "id15110","Even our soldiers were awed to silence; the music paused; the clang of arms was hushed.","MWS" "id09526","""My dear Victor, do not speak thus.","MWS" "id07503","On the contrary, he could by no means account for the overwhelming anxiety which appeared falling like a pall upon his senses.","EAP" "id15747","And it was the high priest Gnai Kah who first saw the shadows that descended from the gibbous moon into the lake, and the damnable green mists that arose from the lake to meet the moon and to shroud in a sinister haze the towers and the domes of fated Sarnath.","HPL" "id16199","It is rather fortunate that Elwood was not in Arkham in that later year when certain events abruptly renewed the local whispers about elder horrors.","HPL" "id04058","He must have spoken of some peculiarity in this hair.","EAP" "id00129","I had fallen into a trance while absent from home while among strangers when, or how, I could not remember and it was they who had buried me as a dog nailed up in some common coffin and thrust deep, deep, and for ever, into some ordinary and nameless grave.","EAP" "id22021","Holding the instrument thus obtained within my teeth, I now proceeded to untie the knot of my cravat.","EAP" "id26961","Klenze, though not my mental equal, was much better than no one.","HPL" "id06581","They were certainly independant for neither could the good spirit allow the existence of evil or the evil one the existence of good Tired of these doubts to which I could form no probable solution Sick of forming theories which I destroyed as quickly as I built them I was one evening on the top of Hymettus beholding the lovely prospect as the sun set in the glowing sea I looked towards Athens in my heart I exclaimed oh busy hive of men What heroism what meaness exists within thy walls And alas both to the good to the wicked what incalculable misery Freemen ye call yourselves yet every free man has ten slaves to build up his freedom and these slaves are men as they are yet degraded by their station to all that is mean loathsome Yet in how many hearts now beating in that city do high thoughts live magnanimity that should methinks redeem the whole human race What though the good man is unhappy has he not that in his heart to satisfy him?","MWS" "id24533","It was Romero's voice, coming from the bunk above, that awakened me; a voice excited and tense with some vague expectation I could not understand: ""Madre de Dios el sonido ese sonido oiga Vd lo oye Vd? Señor, THAT SOUND"" I listened, wondering what sound he meant.","HPL" "id22994","I accompanied the whale fishers on several expeditions to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep; I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day and devoted my nights to the study of mathematics, the theory of medicine, and those branches of physical science from which a naval adventurer might derive the greatest practical advantage.","MWS" "id03274","Alas what is the boasted intellect of man?","EAP" "id18186","It was my antagonist it was Wilson, who then stood before me in the agonies of his dissolution.","EAP" "id22991","""Father,"" I said, ""pardon me but I have a soul above lather.","EAP" "id05007","Begone, or let us try our strength in a fight, in which one must fall.""","MWS" "id23340","""We kept the smack in a cove about five miles higher up the coast than this; and it was our practice, in fine weather, to take advantage of the fifteen minutes' slack to push across the main channel of the Moskoe ström, far above the pool, and then drop down upon anchorage somewhere near Otterholm, or Sandflesen, where the eddies are not so violent as elsewhere.","EAP" "id02544","Who who knoweth the mysteries of the will with its vigor?","EAP" "id22238","It's my business to catch the overtones of the soul, and you won't find those in a parvenu set of artificial streets on made land.","HPL" "id26069","We entered the laboratory in the attic, and I observed that detestable electrical machine, glowing with a sickly, sinister, violet luminosity.","HPL" "id22511","I escaped from them to the room where lay the body of Elizabeth, my love, my wife, so lately living, so dear, so worthy.","MWS" "id24864","""I am now going to undertake an office fitted for me.","MWS" "id13707","My friend leaving us immediately, we had quite a long tête à tête, and I was not only pleased but really instructed.","EAP" "id02067","When they found themselves discovered they discharged their muskets, and some came to the front to cover the others, whose crews, exerting all their strength, endeavoured to escape with their light barks from among the dark hulls that environed them.","MWS" "id17505","He here confounds the pleasure derivable from sweet sounds with the capacity for creating them.","EAP" "id05226","But she was humble and obedient, and sat meekly for many weeks in the dark, high turret chamber where the light dripped upon the pale canvas only from overhead.","EAP" "id05306","It was open, and its contents lay beside it on the floor.","EAP" "id22882","This generous approbation touched me to the heart the more especially as it emanated from a source so avowedly so proverbially pure as the ""Toad.""","EAP" "id07038","Carter recognised the characters as those he had seen on a certain papyrus scroll belonging to that terrible scholar of the South who had vanished one midnight in a nameless cemetery.","HPL" "id10673","The fate of the world seemed bound up in the death of this single man.","MWS" "id22253","The secret I would make no difficulty in disclosing, but that it of right belongs to a citizen of Nantz, in France, by whom it was conditionally communicated to myself.","EAP" "id11684","I turned from the awful ruin of the Golden City, and, after great exertion, succeeded in extricating myself from its enclosure.","MWS" "id18641","It may have been only imagination and it may have been only echoes which induced one of the men, an excitable Spaniard, to fancy he heard antiphonal responses to the ritual from some far and unillumined spot deeper within the wood of ancient legendry and horror.","HPL" "id14804","Once I sought out a celebrated ethnologist, and amused him with peculiar questions regarding the ancient Philistine legend of Dagon, the Fish God; but soon perceiving that he was hopelessly conventional, I did not press my inquiries.","HPL" "id02318","The other face may wear off some.","HPL" "id03468","I know it I see it you hate me"" I was transported by violent emotion, and rising from his feet, at which I had thrown myself, I leant against a tree, wildly raising my eyes to heaven.","MWS" "id27241","But I did not fail to perceive that these latter calculations are founded altogether on our experimental knowledge of the properties of air, and the mechanical laws regulating its dilation and compression, in what may be called, comparatively speaking, the immediate vicinity of the earth itself; and, at the same time, it is taken for granted that animal life is and must be essentially incapable of modification at any given unattainable distance from the surface.","EAP" "id19546","She played a simple air, and her voice accompanied it in sweet accents, but unlike the wondrous strain of the stranger.","MWS" "id01488","Do not be long away"" I assured her of my impatience to return, and then, with a small escort rode along the plain towards the tower of Marmora.","MWS" "id05346","When he complained, and longed to escape into twilight realms where magic moulded all the little vivid fragments and prized associations of his mind into vistas of breathless expectancy and unquenchable delight, they turned him instead toward the new found prodigies of science, bidding him find wonder in the atom's vortex and mystery in the sky's dimensions.","HPL" "id04354","These disasters came home to so many bosoms, and, through the various channels of commerce, were carried so entirely into every class and division of the community, that of necessity they became the first question in the state, the chief subjects to which we must turn our attention.","MWS" "id21659","We endeavoured to calm him but our own hearts were not calm.","MWS" "id24239","Adrian had the superiority in learning and eloquence; but Raymond possessed a quick penetration, and a practical knowledge of life, which usually displayed itself in opposition to Adrian, and thus kept up the ball of discussion.","MWS" "id27465","Now it was this latter peculiarity in his disposition, of which Kate's ingenuity enabled us one fine day, not long after our interview in the dining room, to take a very unexpected advantage, and, having thus, in the fashion of all modern bards and orators, exhausted in prolegomena, all the time at my command, and nearly all the room at my disposal, I will sum up in a few words what constitutes the whole pith of the story.","EAP" "id25675","His second principle was the love of woman.","EAP" "id26814","It was foredoomed to failure for who could crouch blindly while a legion of croaking, baying entities of unknown source flopped noisomely past, scarcely more than a hundred yards away?","HPL" "id11937","Early in August the half expected outcome developed, and in the small hours of the d Dr. Armitage was awakened suddenly by the wild, fierce cries of the savage watchdog on the college campus.","HPL" "id21116","I threw my straining vision below.","EAP" "id25550","I need not go into details.","EAP" "id16615","It was frightful beyond conception; toward the last, when a curious blend of servant and baby visages flickered close to the fungous floor where a pool of greenish grease was spreading, it seemed as though the shifting features fought against themselves, and strove to form contours like those of my uncle's kindly face.","HPL" "id18443","""Nigh on a haour ago Zeb Whateley here heerd the 'phone a ringin', an' it was Mis' Corey, George's wife, that lives daown by the junction.","HPL" "id07782","She herself would disdain my interference.","MWS" "id08004","From the many peopled earth, from the sympathies of man, from the loved resorts of my youth, from the kindness of my friends, from the affection of my only beloved Perdita, I am about to be removed.","MWS" "id13374","I even went so far as to fear that, as I occasioned much trouble, they might be glad to consider any very protracted attack as sufficient excuse for getting rid of me altogether.","EAP" "id16102","The Kanakys told 'em as haow folks from the other islands might wanta wipe 'em aout ef they got wind o' their bein' thar, but they says they dun't keer much, because they cud wipe aout the hull brood o' humans ef they was willin' to bother that is, any as didn't hev sarten signs sech as was used onct by the lost Old Ones, whoever they was.","HPL" "id12691","It is evident that the hoop would now drop down within the car, while the whole weight of the car itself, with all its contents, would be held up merely by the strength of the buttons.","EAP" "id12187","The purchaser took me to his apartments and commenced operations immediately.","EAP" "id09948","The kind of banishment he now experienced arose from other causes.","MWS" "id14705","On October , , the explorer Samuel Seaton called at Jermyn House with a manuscript of notes collected among the Ongas, believing that certain legends of a grey city of white apes ruled by a white god might prove valuable to the ethnologist.","HPL" "id07708","They studied, they rode together; they were never seperate and seldom admitted a third to their society.","MWS" "id12532","A heavy rain made this mode of travelling now incommodious; so we embarked in a steam packet, and after a short passage landed at Portsmouth.","MWS" "id08656","I say to my horror; for I was consumed with intolerable thirst.","EAP" "id04032","In the lining of my sleeve were found all the court cards essential in ecarte, and, in the pockets of my wrapper, a number of packs, facsimiles of those used at our sittings, with the single exception that mine were of the species called, technically, arrondees; the honours being slightly convex at the ends, the lower cards slightly convex at the sides.","EAP" "id21393","I don't believe there were three houses in sight that hadn't been standing in Cotton Mather's time certainly I glimpsed at least two with an overhang, and once I thought I saw a peaked roof line of the almost forgotten pre gambrel type, though antiquarians tell us there are none left in Boston.","HPL" "id18707","In the compendium of the Essay, made use of in the Letters on Natural Magic, it is quite impossible to arrive at any distinct conclusion in regard to the adequacy or inadequacy of the analysis, on account of the gross misarrangement and deficiency of the letters of reference employed.","EAP" "id06160","The Knight's Head had been his headquarters, and when he was confined he expressed some vague gratitude as if for protection.","HPL" "id10033","From behind the huge bulk of one of those sharply defined masses of cloud already mentioned, was seen slowly to emerge into an open area of blue space, a queer, heterogeneous, but apparently solid substance, so oddly shaped, so whimsically put together, as not to be in any manner comprehended, and never to be sufficiently admired, by the host of sturdy burghers who stood open mouthed below.","EAP" "id02606","I gradually saw plainly the clear stream that supplied me with drink and the trees that shaded me with their foliage.","MWS" "id01527","And the evening closed in upon me thus and then the darkness came, and tarried, and went and the day again dawned and the mists of a second night were now gathering around and still I sat motionless in that solitary room and still I sat buried in meditation and still the phantasma of the teeth maintained its terrible ascendancy, as, with the most vivid hideous distinctness, it floated about amid the changing lights and shadows of the chamber.","EAP" "id21305","That he observed it in all its bearings, and as fixedly as I, was apparent; but that he could discover in such circumstances so fruitful a field of annoyance, can only be attributed, as I said before, to his more than ordinary penetration.","EAP" "id17996","Remember, that I love her still, that my dearest hope is that she will again be mine.","MWS" "id19283","Pausing only long enough to look at two fine but ruinous old churches at Main and Church Streets, I hastened out of that vile waterfront slum.","HPL" "id09968","I never spoke to him again.","HPL" "id26749","He told of a wild cry disturbing the silence of the night of the gathering together of the household of a search in the direction of the sound; and then his tones grew thrillingly distinct as he whispered me of a violated grave of a disfigured body enshrouded, yet still breathing still palpitating still alive He pointed to garments; they were muddy and clotted with gore.","EAP" "id05021","Earl Sawyer went out to the Whateley place with both sets of reporters and camera men, and called their attention to the queer stench which now seemed to trickle down from the sealed upper spaces.","HPL" "id10081","There are times when we have an indefinable sentiment of impending change for better or for worse, to arise from an event; and, be it for better or for worse, we fear the change, and shun the event.","MWS" "id24103","Be sure they were grotesque.","EAP" "id22603","I rather think it was a ringing in my own ears.","EAP" "id02558","My eyes are large and gray; and although, in fact they are weak a very inconvenient degree, still no defect in this regard would be suspected from their appearance.","EAP" "id20673","We then went into the other rooms, and into the yard; a gendarme accompanying us throughout.","EAP" "id02584","Seth he's gone aout naow to look at 'em, though I'll vaow he wun't keer ter git very nigh Wizard Whateley's Cha'ncey didn't look keerful ter see whar the big matted daown swath led arter it leff the pasturage, but he says he thinks it p'inted towards the glen rud to the village.","HPL" "id20375","I bounded like a madman through the crowded thoroughfares.","EAP" "id15506","But certainly she had made deep observations while she noted in silence the changes that passed around her.","MWS" "id19347","It is quite certain that the operations of the Automaton are regulated by mind, and by nothing else.","EAP" "id09457","This arrangement could be ascended with a minimum of awkwardness, and would furnish the desired height.","HPL" "id09803","I saw him on a sleepless night when I was walking desperately to save my soul and my vision.","HPL" "id06370","He that came with the Aklo Sabaoth said I may be transfigured, there being much of outside to work on.""","HPL" "id11729","That some hideous animal must be the cause, everyone quickly agreed; nor did any tongue now revive the charge that such cryptic deaths formed merely the sordid murders common in decadent communities.","HPL" "id00358","Neither mania nor degeneracy was visible in that gaze, and I felt beyond a doubt that I was viewing a face behind which lay an active mind of high order.","HPL" "id22311","Monsieur Voissart, very singularly, had married a lady of similar name a Mademoiselle Moissart.","EAP" "id00006","It was difficult, at any given time, to say with certainty upon which of its two stories one happened to be.","EAP" "id15317","""A thousand pounds,"" said I, sitting down.","EAP" "id14156","A visit to Dunwich Village failed to bring out much that was new; but a close survey of the Necronomicon, in those parts which Wilbur had sought so avidly, seemed to supply new and terrible clues to the nature, methods, and desires of the strange evil so vaguely threatening this planet.","HPL" "id17276","The room had been square.","EAP" "id16785","Marie, with Madame, replied to all questions, that the last week had been spent at the house of a relation in the country.","EAP" "id05572","It was a very dark night, as the moon had not yet risen; they did not land at the harbour, but, as they had been accustomed, at a creek about two miles below.","MWS" "id16714","We moved our hands, for example, when we were dwellers on the earth, and, in so doing, gave vibration to the atmosphere which engirdled it.","EAP" "id06192","We seldom find so much of forethought in young men; and, more than once, some unhappy contre temps has occurred in consequence of thoughtlessness on the part of our visitors.","EAP" "id20247","The injustice of his sentence was very flagrant; all Paris was indignant; and it was judged that his religion and wealth rather than the crime alleged against him had been the cause of his condemnation.","MWS" "id27388","'As five miles, then, to eight thousand,' would express the proportion of the earth's area seen by me.","EAP" "id20834","Annæus Stilpo half native in blood had sent to Balbutius at Calagurris for a cohort to stamp out the Sabbath on the terrible night.","HPL" "id10812","For the court, guiding itself by the general principles of evidence the recognized and booked principles is averse from swerving at particular instances.","EAP" "id01313","I say signature; because its position upon the vellum suggested this idea.","EAP" "id13428","Can the calm beams of their heaven seeking eyes equal the flashes of mingling passion which blind his, or does the influence of cold philosophy steep their soul in a joy equal to his, engaged In this dear work of youthful revelry.","MWS" "id04075","An anxious examination of his career has given me to understand that in general, from the violation of a few simple laws of humanity arises the wretchedness of mankind that as a species we have in our possession the as yet unwrought elements of content and that, even now, in the present darkness and madness of all thought on the great question of the social condition, it is not impossible that man, the individual, under certain unusual and highly fortuitous conditions, may be happy.","EAP" "id09007","""Why, my little Lady Protectress,"" said he, playfully, ""what is this you say?","MWS" "id19501","The wild eyes blazed with a too too glorious effulgence; the pale fingers became of the transparent waxen hue of the grave, and the blue veins upon the lofty forehead swelled and sank impetuously with the tides of the gentle emotion.","EAP" "id18685","The Baron, besides, had no particular name for the animal, although all the rest in his collection were distinguished by characteristic appellations.","EAP" "id05392","Although by our situation and dispositions we were almost equally cut off from the usual forms of social intercourse, we formed a strong contrast to each other.","MWS" "id27533","Although I possessed the capacity of bestowing animation, yet to prepare a frame for the reception of it, with all its intricacies of fibres, muscles, and veins, still remained a work of inconceivable difficulty and labour.","MWS" "id14267","Our seat on the tomb was very comfortable, and I knew that my prosaic friend would not mind the cavernous rift in the ancient, root disturbed brickwork close behind us, or the utter blackness of the spot brought by the intervention of a tottering, deserted seventeenth century house between us and the nearest lighted road.","HPL" "id21580","When I asked the watchman what sounds he had heard prior to the mighty thunderbolt, he mentioned a coyote, a dog, and the snarling mountain wind nothing more.","HPL" "id17463","Why the third degree?","HPL" "id14185","Party speeches were delivered, which clothed the question in cant, and veiled its simple meaning in a woven wind of words.","MWS" "id27342","I saw at this juncture that Raymond changed colour; his eyes were withdrawn from the orator, and cast on the ground; the listeners turned from one to the other; but in the meantime the speaker's voice filled their ears the thunder of his denunciations influenced their senses.","MWS" "id11188","The usual grounds are a great way lower down to the southward.","EAP" "id04680","Were they so blind as not to perceive that the destruction of a myriad of individuals is only so much positive advantage to the mass April .","EAP" "id27452","As the flames, when first seen, had already made so terrible a progress that all efforts to save any portion of the building were evidently futile, the astonished neighborhood stood idly around in silent and pathetic wonder.","EAP" "id27154","But this hideousness is insufferable.","EAP" "id11968","My father was a Monsieur Froissart, of Paris.","EAP" "id05662","The victims must have been sitting with their backs toward the window; and, from the time elapsing between the ingress of the beast and the screams, it seems probable that it was not immediately perceived.","EAP" "id21025","Advancing, I peered over the edge of that chasm which no line could fathom, and which was now a pandemonium of flickering flame and hideous uproar.","HPL" "id17212","Now, you dog, slip on my shoulders and bosom Pettitt makes the best shoulders, but for a bosom you will have to go to Ducrow.""","EAP" "id25035","I confess, that I have not been unmoved by the development of the tale; and that I have been depressed, nay, agonized, at some parts of the recital, which I have faithfully transcribed from my materials.","MWS" "id19894","He seems to have been very much averse to permitting the relatives to see the body.""","EAP" "id05552","But where are the antennæ you spoke of?"" ""The antennæ"" said Legrand, who seemed to be getting unaccountably warm upon the subject; ""I am sure you must see the antennæ.","EAP" "id00660","This latter direction I at once established by means of a pocket compass; then, pointing the glass as nearly at an angle of forty one degrees of elevation as I could do it by guess, I moved it cautiously up or down, until my attention was arrested by a circular rift or opening in the foliage of a large tree that overtopped its fellows in the distance.","EAP" "id25922","Neither did his old physician Dr. Davis, who died years ago.","HPL" "id16470","In scrutinizing this machinery while the Automaton was in motion, that is to say while the whole machine was moving on the castors, it appeared to us that certain portions of the mechanism changed their shape and position in a degree too great to be accounted for by the simple laws of perspective; and subsequent examinations convinced us that these undue alterations were attributable to mirrors in the interior of the trunk.","EAP" "id27433","this indescribable something which men will persist in terming ""genius?""","EAP" "id23667","Then, in a knowing manner, I felt in both my breeches pockets, and, missing therefrom a set of tablets and a toothpick case, endeavored to account for their disappearance, and not being able to do so, felt inexpressibly chagrined.","EAP" "id08301","Idleness had ever been irksome to me, and now that I wished to fly from reflection, and hated my former studies, I felt great relief in being the fellow pupil with my friend, and found not only instruction but consolation in the works of the orientalists.","MWS" "id24534","Alfred, now nine years old, was an upright, manly little fellow, with radiant brow, soft eyes, and gentle, though independent disposition.","MWS" "id09775","That, on the other hand, the successful administration of a province depended primarily upon the safety and good will of the civilised element in whose hands the local machinery of commerce and prosperity reposed, and in whose veins a large mixture of our own Italian blood coursed.","HPL" "id23069","I've heard personally of more'n one business or government man that's disappeared there, and there's loose talk of one who went crazy and is out at Danvers now.","HPL" "id19350","The first thing to do is to get rid of the old bore.""","EAP" "id17915","Why am I obliged to live?","MWS" "id20407","For I, and I only, know what manner of fear lurked on that spectral and desolate mountain.","HPL" "id23840","I was hurried away by fury; revenge alone endowed me with strength and composure; it moulded my feelings and allowed me to be calculating and calm at periods when otherwise delirium or death would have been my portion.","MWS" "id27737","The air grew perceptibly colder, more suddenly so than is usual at November's brink, and seemed stirred by terrible undulations which I could not help connecting with the beating of huge wings.","HPL" "id24543","Come, as you have played Despair with me I will play the part of Una with you and bring you hurtless from his dark cavern.","MWS" "id05266","But what actually absorbed our minds was the secret laboratory we had fitted up in the cellar the laboratory with the long table under the electric lights, where in the small hours of the morning we often injected West's various solutions into the veins of the things we dragged from the potter's field.","HPL" "id23949","My departure was therefore fixed at an early date, but before the day resolved upon could arrive, the first misfortune of my life occurred an omen, as it were, of my future misery.","MWS" "id13632","After slight reflection I gave a willing assent to this bold proposition, which strange to say met with objection from the two seamen only.","EAP" "id17631","On the fourth morning all vanished.","MWS" "id27045","To prevent his following the example of his companion, and accomplishing a return, I threw him downward with all my force, and was pleased to find him continue his descent, with great velocity, making use of his wings with ease, and in a perfectly natural manner.","EAP" "id17724","In this examination, I committed to memory its external appearance and arrangement in the rack; and also fell, at length, upon a discovery which set at rest whatever trivial doubt I might have entertained.","EAP" "id24535","My host was now leading the way down cellar to his actual studio, and I braced myself for some hellish effects among the unfinished canvases.","HPL" "id06516","His vest was of some bright yellow material; a white taffety cap was set jauntily on one side of his head; and, to complete his equipment, a blood red silk handkerchief enveloped his throat, and fell down, in a dainty manner, upon his bosom, in a fantastic bow knot of super eminent dimensions.","EAP" "id18788","I was singularly at ease.","EAP" "id15305","Now, noses protected by handkerchiefs, we tremblingly invaded the accursed south room which blazed with the warm sun of early afternoon.","HPL" "id26130","It was tall in front, and with a very large and curiously irregular periphery, as if designed for a head of almost freakishly elliptical outline.","HPL" "id05895","That is the new Temple of the Sun, who is adored in Syria under the title of Elah Gabalah.","EAP" "id21271","From the dim regions beyond the mountains at the upper end of our encircled domain, there crept out a narrow and deep river, brighter than all save the eyes of Eleonora; and, winding stealthily about in mazy courses, it passed away, at length, through a shadowy gorge, among hills still dimmer than those whence it had issued.","EAP" "id05830","We had no room, of course, for any thing except a few positively necessary instruments, some provisions, and the clothes upon our backs.","EAP" "id19919","I was from a thousand motives induced to attend minutely to the course of events, and watch each turn with intense anxiety.","MWS" "id01892","A line dropped from an elevation of , feet, perpendicularly to the surface of the earth or sea, would form the perpendicular of a right angled triangle, of which the base would extend from the right angle to the horizon, and the hypothenuse from the horizon to the balloon.","EAP" "id12162","But the principium indivduationis, the notion of that identity which at death is or is not lost for ever, was to me, at all times, a consideration of intense interest; not more from the perplexing and exciting nature of its consequences, than from the marked and agitated manner in which Morella mentioned them.","EAP" "id08997","I said ""disappointed,"" but this is not altogether the word.","EAP" "id16221","And, anon, there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet.","EAP" "id15634","And, indeed, the character of the Syrian monarch does by no means stand in need of any adventitious embellishment.","EAP" "id00275","This is just; as also is the reference to the sense of human interest.","EAP" "id00251","My attention was next arrested by these paragraphs in the ""Toad"" a print highly distinguished for its uprightness, and independence for its entire freedom from sycophancy and subservience to the givers of dinners: ""The 'Lollipop' for October is out in advance of all its contemporaries, and infinitely surpasses them, of course, in the splendor of its embellishments, as well as in the richness of its literary contents.","EAP" "id05437","Half frightened, I would have taken her hand; but she shudderingly withdrew it, and strove to collect herself.","MWS" "id04621","I could not help believing that the green sods and the gray rocks upon which I trod had been trodden never before by the foot of a human being.","EAP" "id13358","But assuredly if we had been brothers we must have been twins; for, after leaving Dr. Bransby's, I casually learned that my namesake was born on the nineteenth of January, and this is a somewhat remarkable coincidence; for the day is precisely that of my own nativity.","EAP" "id23329","His blind and aged father and his gentle sister lay in a noisome dungeon while he enjoyed the free air and the society of her whom he loved.","MWS" "id11326","I found that the wind was northeast and must have driven me far from the coast from which I had embarked.","MWS" "id01401","I began to speak to Tillinghast, and as I did so all the unusual impressions abruptly vanished.","HPL" "id06973","She saw my despondency, and the aching cares of Idris.","MWS" "id10421","I arrived here yesterday, and my first task is to assure my dear sister of my welfare and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.","MWS" "id15985","As the former proceeded in his discourse, or rather monologue I perceived the excitement of the latter momently increasing.","EAP" "id05818","With the best intentions in the world, I never knew any thing that made as many singular mistakes as the ""Goosetherumfoodle.""","EAP" "id12665","Could it be proved that the editor of L'Etoile really entertained a doubt, under the circumstances, there would be no need, in his case, of a commission de lunatico inquirendo.","EAP" "id01394","In an excursion to the Ragged Mountains, a few days since, a slight cold and fever were contracted, attended with great determination of blood to the head.","EAP" "id15043","Then, with lids humid with a tear and trembling voice, she continued ""Dear friends, do not think it strange that now, visiting you for the first time, I ask your assistance, and confide my wishes and fears to you.","MWS" "id20227","These contemplations engaged her, when the voice of Raymond first struck her ear, a voice, once heard, never to be forgotten; she mastered her gush of feelings, and welcomed him with quiet gentleness.","MWS" "id13180","I endeavored to believe that much, if not all of what I felt, was due to the bewildering influence of the gloomy furniture of the room of the dark and tattered draperies, which, tortured into motion by the breath of a rising tempest, swayed fitfully to and fro upon the walls, and rustled uneasily about the decorations of the bed.","EAP" "id25119","Instances of desertion became more frequent; and even murders, which made the hearer sick with horror, where the fear of contagion had armed those nearest in blood against each other.","MWS" "id27739","Recourse was had to figures; and figures but sufficed to confound.","EAP" "id25472","I even now blush at the falsehoods I uttered; my heart sickens: I will leave this complication of what I hope I may in a manner call innocent deceit to be imagined by the reader.","MWS" "id04059","However, he never openly fell out with the Doctor, and was the Executor of his Will; tho' Mr. Boswell and others have Reason to question the genuineness of his Attachment.","HPL" "id05401","At length there seemed to pass a violent and sudden shock through my soul, as if of electricity.","EAP" "id15278","It likewise became clear that, since the same solution never worked alike on different organic species, he would require human subjects for further and more specialised progress.","HPL" "id13525","The lounger I had hired, it seems, had fled screaming and mad eyed not long after his second delivery of ice; perhaps as a result of excessive curiosity.","HPL" "id04411","Against the crowd which environed me, however, I experienced a deep sentiment of animosity.","EAP" "id12832","It was not allied to the European witch cult, and was virtually unknown beyond its members.","HPL" "id10505","Instead, the first thing which caught my eye was a small rowboat pulling in toward the abandoned wharves and laden with some bulky, tarpaulin covered object.","HPL" "id05684","Then, as the flash subsided, I saw that my host was trembling too; a look of shocking fear half blotting from his face the serpent distortion of rage which my screams had excited.","HPL" "id21343","I carefully traced the windings of the land and hailed a steeple which I at length saw issuing from behind a small promontory.","MWS" "id23337","It seemed clear to us all that to awaken M. Valdemar would be merely to insure his instant, or at least his speedy dissolution.","EAP" "id24389","More than once the agitation into which these reflections threw me made my friends dread a dangerous relapse.","MWS" "id24295","""Indeed I dare not die.","MWS" "id25460","For though the wind had not left much snow, a few patches did remain on the path near the door; and in that fleeting backward look it seemed to my troubled eyes that they bore no mark of passing feet, not even mine.","HPL" "id08138","For seven or eight days we saw no material increase in its apparent diameter, and but a partial alteration in its color.","EAP" "id11098","The main event detailed in the Signor's narrative depends upon a very important fact, of which the reader is kept in ignorance until near the end of the book.","EAP" "id11351","""Tell me, for Heaven's sake,"" I exclaimed, ""the method if method there is by which you have been enabled to fathom my soul in this matter.""","EAP" "id21124","The sensation is most dreary, to use no stronger term, with which one looks forward to passing the long hours of night beside a sick bed, especially if the patient be an infant, who cannot explain its pain, and whose flickering life resembles the wasting flame of the watch light, Whose narrow fire Is shaken by the wind, and on whose edge Devouring darkness hovers.","MWS" "id10610","On the birth of a second son, my junior by seven years, my parents gave up entirely their wandering life and fixed themselves in their native country.","MWS" "id01314","""Out to the end"" here fairly screamed Legrand, ""do you say you are out to the end of that limb?"" ""Soon be to de eend, massa, o o o o oh Lor gol a marcy what is dis here pon de tree?"" ""Well"" cried Legrand, highly delighted, ""what is it?""","EAP" "id14941","Alas why must I record the hapless delusion of this matchless specimen of humanity?","MWS" "id17698","Had the sleep waker, indeed, during the latter portion of his discourse, been addressing me from out the region of the shadows?","EAP" "id14737","A terrace, with an old moss covered balustrade, calls up at once to the eye the fair forms that have passed there in other days.","EAP" "id06546","You are younger; yet I do not suppose, possessed as you are of a competent fortune, that an early marriage would at all interfere with any future plans of honour and utility that you may have formed.","MWS" "id08104","Those without the telescope saw only an instant's flash of grey cloud a cloud about the size of a moderately large building near the top of the mountain.","HPL" "id04712","""And, all at once, the moon arose through the thin ghastly mist, and was crimson in color.","EAP" "id04096","So the boy whom the dark people called Menes smiled more often than he wept as he sate playing with his graceful kitten on the steps of an oddly painted wagon.","HPL" "id21057","What was taking place in me?","HPL" "id22436","Therein, I say, are glorious histories of the Heaven, and of the Earth, and of the mighty sea and of the Genii that over ruled the sea, and the earth, and the lofty heaven.","EAP" "id00724","But even Stamboul, it is said, shall have an end, and there came an end to this long delay.","EAP" "id23686","Of our studies it is impossible to speak, since they held so slight a connexion with anything of the world as living men conceive it.","HPL" "id20319","If there is on earth a supreme and unqualified despotism, it is the despotism of a master mind in boyhood over the less energetic spirits of its companions.","EAP" "id02927","My other pursuers had been accursedly abnormal so should I not have been ready to face a strengthening of the abnormal element; to look upon forms in which there was no mixture of the normal at all?","HPL" "id09063","One went over us this morning about sunrise, and so nearly overhead that its drag rope actually brushed the network suspending our car, and caused us very serious apprehension.","EAP" "id26843","This latter point I determined to attend to at regular intervals of forty minutes, more on account of the preservation of my health, than from so frequent a renovation being absolutely necessary.","EAP" "id20177","When I am gone, you will console your mother, and tell her that death was only bitter because it divided me from her; that my last thoughts will be spent on her.","MWS" "id00396","Some years ago, when the images which this world affords first opened upon me, when I felt the cheering warmth of summer and heard the rustling of the leaves and the warbling of the birds, and these were all to me, I should have wept to die; now it is my only consolation.","MWS" "id21695","The families of Berlifitzing and Metzengerstein had been at variance for centuries.","EAP" "id22217","The cuttings largely alluded to outré mental illnesses and outbreaks of group folly or mania in the spring of .","HPL" "id16606","The story is that there's a whole legion of devils seen sometimes on that reef sprawled about, or darting in and out of some kind of caves near the top.","HPL" "id27651","It was this frightful emotional need which led us eventually to that detestable course which even in my present fear I mention with shame and timidity that hideous extremity of human outrage, the abhorred practice of grave robbing.","HPL" "id03933","The streets were profoundly quiet, as it was nearly three o'clock in the morning.","EAP" "id26860","In a few moments I saw him in his boat, which shot across the waters with an arrowy swiftness and was soon lost amidst the waves.","MWS" "id25632","The boat glides between them, and commences a rapid descent into a vast amphitheatre entirely begirt with purple mountains, whose bases are laved by a gleaming river throughout the full extent of their circuit.","EAP" "id22662","All went on cheerfully now; we met as usual, and talked without dread of our future plans.","MWS" "id05618","The jog trot movement, to my thinking, is little less than positive torture.","EAP" "id23747","You will have a distinct idea of the ultimate body by conceiving it to be entire brain.","EAP" "id04762","During the first year of their marriage, Perdita presented Raymond with a lovely girl.","MWS" "id16637","West, in the midst of a severe battle, had reanimated Major Sir Eric Moreland Clapham Lee, D.S.O., a fellow physician who knew about his experiments and could have duplicated them.","HPL" "id21818","What, therefore, must have been my amazement, on awakening from a brief and disturbed slumber, on the morning of this day, the seventeenth, at finding the surface beneath me so suddenly and wonderfully augmented in volume, as to subtend no less than thirty nine degrees in apparent angular diameter I was thunderstruck No words can give any adequate idea of the extreme, the absolute horror and astonishment, with which I was seized possessed, and altogether overwhelmed.","EAP" "id21209","It was this my chin rested upon the floor of the prison, but my lips and the upper portion of my head, although seemingly at a less elevation than the chin, touched nothing.","EAP" "id14314","In the investigations at the house of Madame L'Espanaye, the agents of G were discouraged and confounded by that very unusualness which, to a properly regulated intellect, would have afforded the surest omen of success; while this same intellect might have been plunged in despair at the ordinary character of all that met the eye in the case of the perfumery girl, and yet told of nothing but easy triumph to the functionaries of the Prefecture.","EAP" "id20336","He became a dreamer who found life tame and unsatisfying; a searcher for strange realms and relationships once familiar, yet lying nowhere in the visible regions of earth.","HPL" "id19267","This also was my doing And my father's woe, and the desolation of that late so smiling home all was the work of my thrice accursed hands Ye weep, unhappy ones, but these are not your last tears Again shall you raise the funeral wail, and the sound of your lamentations shall again and again be heard Frankenstein, your son, your kinsman, your early, much loved friend; he who would spend each vital drop of blood for your sakes, who has no thought nor sense of joy except as it is mirrored also in your dear countenances, who would fill the air with blessings and spend his life in serving you he bids you weep, to shed countless tears; happy beyond his hopes, if thus inexorable fate be satisfied, and if the destruction pause before the peace of the grave have succeeded to your sad torments Thus spoke my prophetic soul, as, torn by remorse, horror, and despair, I beheld those I loved spend vain sorrow upon the graves of William and Justine, the first hapless victims to my unhallowed arts.","MWS" "id20647","The trial began, and after the advocate against her had stated the charge, several witnesses were called.","MWS" "id26230","As might be supposed from the origin of his disorder, he grew infected with system, and with abstraction.","EAP" "id00100","He was, in all his gradations of morbidity between the frankly non human and the degradedly human, establishing a sardonic linkage and evolution.","HPL" "id26637","Suspended by blue ribbons to the end of this fantastic machine, there hung, by way of car, an enormous drab beaver hat, with a brim superlatively broad, and a hemispherical crown with a black band and a silver buckle.","EAP" "id27568","That he should be restless I understood; that he should wander as an unlaid ghost and find no quiet from the burning hell that consumed his heart.","MWS" "id00662","But for one thing Old Bugs would have been an ideal slave to the establishment and that one thing was his conduct when young men were introduced for their first drink.","HPL" "id07196","Suddenly I found myself wondering what the voices of those denizens would be like.","HPL" "id08551","Something fearsome and incredible had happened at Sefton Asylum fifty miles away, stunning the neighbourhood and baffling the police.","HPL" "id16977","A small room in the front of the house, on the fourth story, at the head of the passage was open, the door being ajar.","EAP" "id25993","""We are used to these things, and care really very little about them.","EAP" "id03517","To escape these evils was the aim and scope of all our exertions.","MWS" "id20687","I have much to say of the climate of the planet; of its wonderful alternations of heat and cold, of unmitigated and burning sunshine for one fortnight, and more than polar frigidity for the next; of a constant transfer of moisture, by distillation like that in vacuo, from the point beneath the sun to the point the farthest from it; of a variable zone of running water, of the people themselves; of their manners, customs, and political institutions; of their peculiar physical construction; of their ugliness; of their want of ears, those useless appendages in an atmosphere so peculiarly modified; of their consequent ignorance of the use and properties of speech; of their substitute for speech in a singular method of inter communication; of the incomprehensible connection between each particular individual in the moon with some particular individual on the earth a connection analogous with, and depending upon, that of the orbs of the planet and the satellites, and by means of which the lives and destinies of the inhabitants of the one are interwoven with the lives and destinies of the inhabitants of the other; and above all, if it so please your Excellencies above all, of those dark and hideous mysteries which lie in the outer regions of the moon regions which, owing to the almost miraculous accordance of the satellite's rotation on its own axis with its sidereal revolution about the earth, have never yet been turned, and, by God's mercy, never shall be turned, to the scrutiny of the telescopes of man.","EAP" "id21055","The mass of the people regard as profound only him who suggests pungent contradictions of the general idea.","EAP" "id13165","The political state of England became agitated as the time drew near when the new Protector was to be elected.","MWS" "id26597","I dared not think that the sun should shine and the moon rise not on your living form but on your grave.","MWS" "id20743","Now he was no less a fanatic, but his desire to speak had conquered his resentment, and he had written me imperatively in a hand I could scarcely recognise.","HPL" "id22471","The baying was loud that evening, and in the morning I read of a nameless deed in the vilest quarter of the city.","HPL" "id00653","The measured movement of the pendulum disturbed them not at all.","EAP" "id04119","Green are the groves and pastures, bright and fragrant the flowers, blue and musical the streams, clear and cool the fountains, and stately and gorgeous the temples, castles, and cities of Sona Nyl.","HPL" "id07076","Dr. West had been avid for a chance to serve as surgeon in a great war, and when the chance had come he carried me with him almost against my will.","HPL" "id01607","With joy the sculptors hailed the Tyrant's offer, so that in the days that followed their slaves heard the ceaseless blows of chisels.","HPL" "id27024","As I entered the chamber, I looked about, of course, for the occupant, but did not immediately perceive him.","EAP" "id17024","Whatever those might be which descended to me, my noble young friend resolved should not be lost for want of culture.","MWS" "id27732","This request must I confess it?","EAP" "id02467","But I was then convinced that young Wilcox had known of the older matters mentioned by the professor.","HPL" "id01708","Soon those shrieks had attained a magnitude and quality which cannot be written of, and which make me faint as I think of them.","HPL" "id11835","In this dilemma, Captain Hardy arranged that the corpse, being first partially embalmed, and packed, with a large quantity of salt, in a box of suitable dimensions, should be conveyed on board as merchandise.","EAP" "id08992","You promised to facilitate my visit to Adrian; I conjure you to perform your promise.","MWS" "id14990","Mr. Henson's scheme which at first was considered very feasible even by men of science, was founded upon the principle of an inclined plane, started from an eminence by an extrinsic force, applied and continued by the revolution of impinging vanes, in form and number resembling the vanes of a windmill.","EAP" "id02411","Fancying now that I had attained the very pinnacle of the castle, I commenced to rush up the few steps beyond the door; but the sudden veiling of the moon by a cloud caused me to stumble, and I felt my way more slowly in the dark.","HPL" "id07870","I don't believe it immortal renown and all that prodigies of valor Never heard why, bless me, he's the man"" ""Mann?","EAP" "id06191","Advancing to one of these I looked in and saw an oddly dressed company, indeed; making merry, and speaking brightly to one another.","HPL" "id07894","Still nothing occurred to reward my watching; and I yawned repeatedly, fatigue getting the better of apprehension.","HPL" "id03800","FROM his cradle to his grave a gale of prosperity bore my friend Ellison along.","EAP" "id06636","When I observed this last, plain evidence of my friend's aberration of mind, I could scarcely refrain from tears.","EAP" "id07611","Time could not exist in certain belts of space, and by entering and remaining in such a belt one might preserve one's life and age indefinitely; never suffering organic metabolism or deterioration except for slight amounts incurred during visits to one's own or similar planes.","HPL" "id06614","Hence the impression of concavity; and this impression must remain, until the elevation shall bear so great a proportion to the extent of prospect, that the apparent parallelism of the base and hypothenuse disappears when the earth's real convexity must become apparent.","EAP" "id18258","Here again is a very clever diddle, of which the simplicity is not its least recommendation.","EAP" "id17930","But I enjoyed friends, dear not only through habit and association, but from their own merits; and wherever I am, the soothing voice of my Elizabeth and the conversation of Clerval will be ever whispered in my ear.","MWS" "id08868","The origin of this hubbub soon became sufficiently evident.","EAP" "id19465","V. Yes no I would rather sleep more soundly.","EAP" "id04911","I was alone; none were near me to dissipate the gloom and relieve me from the sickening oppression of the most terrible reveries.","MWS" "id24887","My parents I never knew.","HPL" "id03795","O quickly bind up the wounds of the fallen let not one die; let not one more soul escape through your merciless gashes, to relate before the throne of God the tale of fratricide; bind up their wounds restore them to their friends.","MWS" "id11972","Pompey held it up out of the dirt with both hands.","EAP" "id10150","In the same spirit of exaggeration she had, on the event of her separation from Raymond, caused it to be entirely neglected.","MWS" "id27139","A shriek burst from the lips of the poor wretch; and then sudden motionlessness came over him; it was manifest to all that he was dead.","MWS" "id08082","For some moments all were paralyzed with awe but the urgency of the case soon restored them their presence of mind.","EAP" "id24477","Those who would hesitate at such a wager, have either never been boys themselves, or have forgotten the boyish nature.","EAP" "id11421","Both doors leading from the rooms into the passage were securely locked, with the keys inside.","EAP" "id27015","The phrenological combativeness has for its essence, the necessity of self defence.","EAP" "id13089","We were all lions and recherchés.","EAP" "id00031","It must not be fancied that Inspector Legrasse had the least interest in archaeology.","HPL" "id09507","You must forget too, my earthly name, and speak to me as Charmion.","EAP" "id03099","The manner in which Wyatt received this harmless pleasantry convinced me, at once, that he was mad.","EAP" "id02182","She felt, that, once awakened, Raymond would never return unrepining to Windsor.","MWS" "id10091","During the interval that Tillinghast was silent I fancied myself in some vast and incredible temple of long dead gods; some vague edifice of innumerable black stone columns reaching up from a floor of damp slabs to a cloudy height beyond the range of my vision.","HPL" "id16844","For a time, I thought that, by watching a complying moment, fostering the still warm ashes, I might relume in her the flame of love.","MWS" "id07262","The darkness always teemed with unexplained sound and yet he sometimes shook with fear lest the noises he heard should subside and allow him to hear certain other, fainter, noises which he suspected were lurking behind them.","HPL" "id07213","She and her brother were not so much interested in the house as was Archer's son Carrington, the present owner, with whom I talked after my experience.","HPL" "id11301","And the gates of Sarnath were as many as the landward ends of the streets, each of bronze, and flanked by the figures of lions and elephants carven from some stone no longer known among men.","HPL" "id02044","I did not dare return to the apartment which I inhabited, but felt impelled to hurry on, although drenched by the rain which poured from a black and comfortless sky.","MWS" "id16722","Besides, the monarch is of gigantic stature, and the dress is therefore neither unbecoming nor over large.","EAP" "id01829","Never was she so enchanting as at this time, when she recalled the sunshine of her smiles and spent them upon us.","MWS" "id02598","He entered while we were speaking.","MWS" "id03984","His appearance re animated our friend; and, when he came to speak and act, his hesitation vanished, and he shone out supreme in majesty and victory.","MWS" "id21677","With my head I imagined, at one time, that I, the head, was the real Signora Psyche Zenobia at another I felt convinced that myself, the body, was the proper identity.","EAP" "id14499","It was curious to trace in this miniature model the very traits of its father.","MWS" "id20636","Was one of the party who entered the house.","EAP" "id25137","There appeared to be no furniture in any part of the building except in the fourth story.","EAP" "id11304","As we clanked over the bridge I looked out on both sides and observed some factory buildings on the edge of the grassy bluff or part way down.","HPL" "id00466","Thus it happened that he became neither musician nor poet; if we use this latter term in its every day acceptation.","EAP" "id14041","Oh my pen haste thou to write what was, before the thought of what is, arrests the hand that guides thee.","MWS" "id26215","It was very dark, for although the sky was clear the moon was now well in the wane, and would not rise till the small hours.","HPL" "id27064","I am aware that some grinders have actually afforded to ""go on"" for this sum; but for my part, I found the necessary outlay of capital too great to permit of my ""going on"" under a shilling.","EAP" "id02502","For many months he had been laboring under confirmed phthisis, the more distressing effects of which had been relieved by my manipulations; and on the night of Wednesday, the fifteenth instant, I was summoned to his bedside.","EAP" "id17762","Elwood wrote his part of the colloquy on paper, so that a fairly easy communication was maintained.","HPL" "id26549","Notwithstanding the melancholy object of my journey, my spirits were exhilarated by reviving hope, by the swift motion of the airy pinnace, and the balmy visitation of the sunny air.","MWS" "id20656","He grins when his daily work is done when his allotted labors are accomplished at night in his own closet, and altogether for his own private entertainment.","EAP" "id08499","Leaving open the main compartment, the drawer, and the front door of cupboard No. I, he now goes to the rear again, and throws open the back door of the main compartment.","EAP" "id20269","There seems to me an insurmountable objection to the idea of absolute coalescence; and that is the very slight resistance experienced by the heavenly bodies in their revolutions through space a resistance now ascertained, it is true, to exist in some degree, but which is, nevertheless, so slight as to have been quite overlooked by the sagacity even of Newton.","EAP" "id19138","But, by the God that made me, hell is not more false than the word you have spoken"" Perdita was struck by the impassioned seriousness of his asseverations.","MWS" "id17326","The bus had come to a sort of open concourse or radial point with churches on two sides and the bedraggled remains of a circular green in the centre, and I was looking at a large pillared hall on the right hand junction ahead.","HPL" "id12324","I did not remain very long on the brow of the hill, although long enough to make a thorough survey of the scene at my feet.","EAP" "id18770","Gilman was half involuntarily moving about in the twilight abysses with the bubble mass and the small polyhedron floating ahead, when he noticed the peculiarly regular angles formed by the edges of some gigantic neighbouring prism clusters.","HPL" "id22232","""In your detail of the vision which presented itself to you amid the hills, you have described, with the minutest accuracy, the Indian city of Benares, upon the Holy River.","EAP" "id12082","Here the case was very different; as might have been expected from the duke's love of the bizarre.","EAP" "id20890","Interpret my words with candour and answer me, I conjure you, with confidence and sincerity.""","MWS" "id06568","""Is it quite original?"" he inquired; touching it with reverence.","EAP" "id21082","What to make of all this, of course I knew not.","EAP" "id04464","He has merely repeated the individual items of the already published opinion; collecting them, with a laudable industry, from this paper and from that.","EAP" "id20703","Over against her, and upon the left of the dropsical lady, was seated a little puffy, wheezing, and gouty old man, whose cheeks reposed upon the shoulders of their owner, like two huge bladders of Oporto wine.","EAP" "id13386","""So it is sometimes termed,"" said he. ""We Norwegians call it the Moskoe ström, from the island of Moskoe in the midway.""","EAP" "id18304","Having finished reading, he begged me, with the blandest of all possible smiles, to be seated, while he made reference to the treatise in question.","EAP" "id23203","It seemed to me that there were limitless swarms of them and certainly my momentary glimpse could have shewn only the least fraction.","HPL" "id11836","Love is a delicate sprite and easily hurt by rough jealousy.","MWS" "id01244","It is our safeguard against injury.","EAP" "id26004","Resolved to pursue no inglorious career, he turned his eyes toward the East, as affording scope for his spirit of enterprise.","MWS" "id18876","Raymond recognized her; and his manner changed from polite beneficence to the warmest protestations of kindness and sympathy.","MWS" "id02008","Who can be sure of reality after hearing things like the tale of old Zadok Allen?","HPL" "id13478","The high born ladies of the country would have deemed themselves disgraced if they had now enjoyed, what they before called a necessary, the ease of a carriage.","MWS" "id21141","It was curious that even little Clara observed this law towards her mother.","MWS" "id19788","Thus in her twenty ninth year she died; having enjoyed some few years of the happiness of paradise, and sustaining a reverse to which her impatient spirit and affectionate disposition were unable to submit.","MWS" "id21582","AFTER THE very minute and elaborate paper by Arago, to say nothing of the summary in 'Silliman's Journal,' with the detailed statement just published by Lieutenant Maury, it will not be supposed, of course, that in offering a few hurried remarks in reference to Von Kempelen's discovery, I have any design to look at the subject in a scientific point of view.","EAP" "id09752","There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution.","EAP" "id21248","There were, it is true, exceptions; indeed, the horror which had caught the world's ear had happened in a treeless space remote alike from the mansion and from any connecting woods.","HPL" "id21137","Jupiter and myself are going upon an expedition into the hills, upon the main land, and, in this expedition we shall need the aid of some person in whom we can confide.","EAP" "id04613","Remember, thou hast made me more powerful than thyself; my height is superior to thine, my joints more supple.","MWS" "id00867","A letter may be compressed into a thin spiral roll, not differing much in shape or bulk from a large knitting needle, and in this form it might be inserted into the rung of a chair, for example.","EAP" "id15551","He was in the changeless, legend haunted city of Arkham, with its clustering gambrel roofs that sway and sag over attics where witches hid from the King's men in the dark, olden days of the Province.","HPL" "id19150","Nor do I doubt his word.","HPL" "id09279","I did not participate in these feelings, for to me the walls of a dungeon or a palace were alike hateful.","MWS" "id11875","But foremost among the weird fancies, and alone in its absolute unanimity, was that of the curse awaiting him who should dare to touch or drain the vast reddish morass.","HPL" "id21229","Sometimes, seized with sudden agony, he could not continue his tale; at others, his voice broken, yet piercing, uttered with difficulty the words so replete with anguish.","MWS" "id17781","In fact, I was just in that condition of mind which prepares a young and susceptible man for any act of extravagance.","EAP" "id11195","Having threaded the mazes of this channel for some hours, the gloom deepening every moment, a sharp and unexpected turn of the vessel brought it suddenly, as if dropped from heaven, into a circular basin of very considerable extent when compared with the width of the gorge.","EAP" "id08419","Enjoyment plays the cook to their homely fare, and mingles intoxication with their simple drink.","MWS" "id04787","Clara was dear to her, to all.","MWS" "id00281","Death was indeed there.","HPL" "id25400","I thought the staircase would never have an end.","EAP" "id18947","I had heard, at Paris, that the institution of Monsieur Maillard was managed upon what is vulgarly termed the ""system of soothing"" that all punishments were avoided that even confinement was seldom resorted to that the patients, while secretly watched, were left much apparent liberty, and that most of them were permitted to roam about the house and grounds in the ordinary apparel of persons in right mind.","EAP" "id23579","The mutual link of our destinies is broken; we must be divided by seas by land.","MWS" "id07448","Let me try if he will die with me; and as I fear to die alone, if he will accompany me to cheer me, and thus he can shew himself my friend in the only manner my misery will permit.","MWS" "id06821","Finding the door open, I entered.","MWS" "id07240","They are they are This wild star it is now three centuries since, with clasped hands, and with streaming eyes, at the feet of my beloved I spoke it with a few passionate sentences into birth.","EAP" "id01531","Simple animals they were, gently descending the evolutionary scale because of their unfortunate ancestry and stultifying isolation.","HPL" "id04360","Then weeping, she clung to me: ""Take me to him,"" she cried, ""unkind Lionel, why do you keep me here?","MWS" "id15080","In the waning light of day I alternately rattled the rusty impediments with a view to throwing wide the stone door, and essayed to squeeze my slight form through the space already provided; but neither plan met with success.","HPL" "id10455","After a few experiments, they admitted him to be an unusually perfect state of mesmeric trance.","EAP" "id11688","The arts of life, and the discoveries of science had augmented in a ratio which left all calculation behind; food sprung up, so to say, spontaneously machines existed to supply with facility every want of the population.","MWS" "id11660","Finally, throwing off his overcoat, he made one spring for the staircase and disappeared.","EAP" "id13559","Your geniuses are all arrant asses the greater the genius the greater the ass and to this rule there is no exception whatever.","EAP" "id05145","Below this picture was a miniature of William; and my tears flowed when I looked upon it.","MWS" "id12126","In a word, nothing could more seriously disturb me, although I scrupulously concealed such disturbance, than any allusion to a similarity of mind, person, or condition existing between us.","EAP" "id12889","A settled apathy, a gradual wasting away of the person, and frequent although transient affections of a partially cataleptical character, were the unusual diagnosis.","EAP" "id16602","He was, however, exceedingly ugly despite his appearance of brilliancy; there being something almost goatish or animalistic about his thick lips, large pored, yellowish skin, coarse crinkly hair, and oddly elongated ears.","HPL" "id15691","As I spoke I fixed my eyes upon his countenance, and his exquisite beauty, the heavenly compassion that beamed from his eyes, his gentle yet earnest look of deprecation and wonder even before he spoke wrought a change in my high strained feelings taking from me all the sterness of despair and filling me only with the softest grief.","MWS" "id07286","Their landing was long unknown, but having now advanced within an hundred miles of London, the country people flying before them arrived in successive troops, each exaggerating the numbers, fury, and cruelty of the assailants.","MWS" "id18190","In the face of all this we call ourselves lords of the creation, wielders of the elements, masters of life and death, and we allege in excuse of this arrogance, that though the individual is destroyed, man continues for ever.","MWS" "id04549","My curiosity was greatly excited, for I had hopes of passing on much farther to the north, and might possibly, at some period, find myself placed directly above the Pole itself.","EAP" "id19155","Still and somnolent did it lie, on a strange plateau in a hollow betwixt strange peaks.","HPL" "id03541","The reduction of this interval to its smallest possible dimension, becomes thus, at once, an object with the reasoner.","EAP" "id11623","At length, after making several guesses of this nature, and being deceived in all this fact the fact of my invariable miscalculation set me upon a train of reflection that made my limbs again tremble, and my heart beat heavily once more.","EAP" "id21680","They were the dissimilar Martense eyes of the old legends, and I knew in one inundating cataclysm of voiceless horror what had become of that vanished family; the terrible and thunder crazed house of Martense.","HPL" "id02125","Presently our little boat gave herself a shake, just as a dog does in coming out of the water, and thus rid herself, in some measure, of the seas.","EAP" "id03846","There was neither too much flesh, nor too little, neither rudeness nor fragility.","EAP" "id03882","If ever mortal painted an idea, that mortal was Roderick Usher.","EAP" "id10642","Age has more charity for these incomplete yet high souled characters, whose worst real vice is timidity, and who are ultimately punished by general ridicule for their intellectual sins sins like Ptolemaism, Calvinism, anti Darwinism, anti Nietzscheism, and every sort of Sabbatarianism and sumptuary legislation.","HPL" "id18648","He nevair go out, only on roof, and my boy Esteban he breeng heem hees food and laundry and mediceens and chemicals.","HPL" "id14128","There is one dear topic, however, on which my memory fails me not.","EAP" "id08438","You may take, it for granted, that when manuscript can be read it is never worth reading.","EAP" "id17666","With his fanciful mind he thought often of the prehistoric civilisation in which the mad explorer had so implicitly believed, and would weave tale after tale about the silent jungle city mentioned in the latter's wilder notes and paragraphs.","HPL" "id25853","I appeal to moralists and sages.","MWS" "id08676","I perceived, as the shape came nearer sight tremendous and abhorred that it was the wretch whom I had created.","MWS" "id17254","Such is, to borrow the words of an eloquent and philosophic writer, ""the mode of existence decreed to a permanent body composed of transitory parts; wherein, by the disposition of a stupendous wisdom, moulding together the great mysterious incorporation of the human race, the whole, at one time, is never old, or middle aged, or young, but, in a condition of unchangeable constancy, moves on through the varied tenour of perpetual decay, fall, renovation, and progression.""","MWS" "id07357","I had heard of them by vague rumour, and realised that they could not be upon any map of today; but the fact that they were forgotten only endeared them to me, so that I had sought them with twice my usual eagerness.","HPL" "id22570","Others will toss these pages lightly over: to you, Woodville, kind, affectionate friend, they will be dear the precious memorials of a heart broken girl who, dying, is still warmed by gratitude towards you: your tears will fall on the words that record my misfortunes; I know they will and while I have life I thank you for your sympathy.","MWS" "id10977","A mirror betrayed the sign to Idris she started up.","MWS" "id06764","That was the end of our voluntary searchings in the caverns of dream.","HPL" "id24406","But the intermediate steps, the climbing the wall, raised up between what was and is, while I still looked back nor saw the concealed desert beyond, is a labour past my strength.","MWS" "id11592","HORROR and fatality have been stalking abroad in all ages.","EAP" "id21823","I could scarcely restrain my indignation while I perused the concluding portions of this diatribe.","EAP" "id26295","On the morning of the th Gilman awaked into a maelstrom of horror.","HPL" "id22636","Our result is founded upon the following observations taken during frequent visits to the exhibition of Maelzel.","EAP" "id00604","How is it possible to extort a meaning from all this jargon about 'devil's seats,' 'death's heads,' and 'bishop's hotels?'"" ""I confess,"" replied Legrand, ""that the matter still wears a serious aspect, when regarded with a casual glance.","EAP" "id13100","""In the present case indeed in all cases of secret writing the first question regards the language of the cipher; for the principles of solution, so far, especially, as the more simple ciphers are concerned, depend upon, and are varied by, the genius of the particular idiom.","EAP" "id16263","Indeed, a strong relish for physical philosophy has, I fear, tinctured my mind with a very common error of this age I mean the habit of referring occurrences, even the least susceptible of such reference, to the principles of that science.","EAP" "id13415","So only Briden and Johansen reached the boat, and pulled desperately for the Alert as the mountainous monstrosity flopped down the slimy stones and hesitated floundering at the edge of the water.","HPL" "id05499","""And the paper on the walls?"" ""Yes.""","EAP" "id01092","We estimated the entire contents of the chest, that night, at a million and a half of dollars; and upon the subsequent disposal of the trinkets and jewels a few being retained for our own use, it was found that we had greatly undervalued the treasure.","EAP" "id05470","All was in vain; the death that had come had left no trace save destruction itself.","HPL" "id09841","""Come,"" said Adrian, ""I have promised for you, enable me to keep my engagement.","MWS" "id08411","About six o'clock his sharpened ears caught the whining prayers of Joe Mazurewicz two floors below, and in desperation he seized his hat and walked out into the sunset golden streets, letting the now directly southward pull carry him where it might.","HPL" "id21637","Pompey, bring me that leg"" Here Pompey handed the bundle, a very capital cork leg, already dressed, which it screwed on in a trice; and then it stood up before my eyes.","EAP" "id08683","A third admitted him X entric, but no more.","EAP" "id10986","That Crawford Tillinghast should ever have studied science and philosophy was a mistake.","HPL" "id16537","But in a new country you can get used to it.","HPL" "id21471","""I ask but one thing; I do not fear His hell, for I have it here; I do not desire His heaven, let me but die and be laid beside them; let me but, when I lie dead, feel my flesh as it moulders, mingle with theirs.","MWS" "id17005","I stood watching the scene, while Adrian flitted like a shadow in among them, and, by a word and look of sobriety, endeavoured to restore order in the assembly.","MWS" "id12047","He came, therefore, sometimes to see that I was not neglected, but his visits were short and with long intervals.","MWS" "id18729","But as Jermyn indulged in these reflections he could not but smile at their futility, a century and a half after the death of both of his strange progenitors.","HPL" "id00147","I felt that I tottered upon the brink I averted my eyes There was a discordant hum of human voices There was a loud blast as of many trumpets There was a harsh grating as of a thousand thunders The fiery walls rushed back An outstretched arm caught my own as I fell, fainting, into the abyss.","EAP" "id18134","""Well, then, was it this eye or that through which you dropped the beetle?""","EAP" "id13024","Shortly after waking on that morning after the storm, I noticed the unaccountable absence of my Hindoo ring from my finger.","HPL" "id18687","Dances in the modern cemeteries were freely pictured, and another conception somehow shocked me more than all the rest a scene in an unknown vault, where scores of the beasts crowded about one who held a well known Boston guide book and was evidently reading aloud.","HPL" "id08112","Down and still down, it came.","EAP" "id00170","Oh No mortal could support the horror of that countenance.","MWS" "id00198","I do not believe I need to wait for the full change as most have waited.","HPL" "id20520","Then I thought of the season, and felt that these old Puritan folk might well have Christmas customs strange to me, and full of silent hearthside prayer.","HPL" "id01763","When such a thought was heedlessly uttered, the hearers, with a gush of tears and passionate sobs, bore witness how deep their fears were, how small their hopes.","MWS" "id08524","I now feel that I have reached a point of this narrative at which every reader will be startled into positive disbelief.","EAP" "id15974","I do not know how long I remained in this situation, but when I awoke I found that the sun had already mounted considerably.","MWS" "id02086","Haow'd ye like to be a little shaver alone up in a cupalo a watchin' shapes as wa'n't human shapes? . . .","HPL" "id09945","Who can describe their horror and consternation on beholding me?","MWS" "id09819","What the suspicion is, however, I will not say just yet.","EAP" "id12892","Mingled with this horror, I felt the bitterness of disappointment; dreams that had been my food and pleasant rest for so long a space were now become a hell to me; and the change was so rapid, the overthrow so complete Morning, dismal and wet, at length dawned and discovered to my sleepless and aching eyes the church of Ingolstadt, its white steeple and clock, which indicated the sixth hour.","MWS" "id26371","Does 'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, know is he aware that we could not be paid to insert it?""","EAP" "id22518","In this year was the portrait taken.","EAP" "id19468","The plunge into this pit I had avoided by the merest of accidents, I knew that surprise, or entrapment into torment, formed an important portion of all the grotesquerie of these dungeon deaths.","EAP" "id27694","Thus I promised myself, as I journied towards my destination with roused and ardent expectation: expectation of the fulfilment of all that in boyhood we promise ourselves of power and enjoyment in maturity.","MWS" "id17813","They shewed the visitor the grave, barren and devoid of markers.","HPL" "id09387","Summer boarders have indeed scanned it with jaunty binoculars, but have never seen more than the grey primeval roof, peaked and shingled, whose eaves come nearly to the grey foundations, and the dim yellow light of the little windows peeping out from under those eaves in the dusk.","HPL" "id07551","Here we were permitted to have glass windows even to have them open and something like a distinct view of the country was attainable.... Pundit says that the route for the great Kanadaw railroad must have been in some measure marked out about nine hundred years ago In fact, he goes so far as to assert that actual traces of a road are still discernible traces referable to a period quite as remote as that mentioned.","EAP" "id19188","I had scarcely uttered these words than a flash instantly followed by a tremendous peal of thunder descended on it; and when my eyes recovered their sight after the dazzling light, the oak no longer stood in the meadow The old man uttered a wild exclamation of horror when he saw so sudden an interpretation given to my prophesy.","MWS" "id10515","The air was cold and misty.","EAP" "id24070","We never even in our wildest Hallowe'en moods visited this cellar by night, but in some of our daytime visits could detect the phosphorescence, especially when the day was dark and wet.","HPL" "id06627","I cannot reckon the number of hours I spent in gazing at the sunken city with its buildings, arches, statues, and bridges, and the colossal temple with its beauty and mystery.","HPL" "id17452","The most fetid and poisonous smells everywhere prevailed; and by the aid of that ghastly light which, even at midnight, never fails to emanate from a vapory and pestilential atmosphere, might be discerned lying in the by paths and alleys, or rotting in the windowless habitations, the carcass of many a nocturnal plunderer arrested by the hand of the plague in the very perpetration of his robbery.","EAP" "id06350","For a moment I experienced all the pangs of suffocation; I became blind, and deaf, and giddy; and then some invisible fiend, I thought, struck me with his broad palm upon the back.","EAP" "id06142","Why don't you laugh at Oliver's grandfather, who won't ride in a motor?","HPL" "id00987","At length the decrepit vehicle started with a jerk, and rattled noisily past the old brick buildings of State Street amidst a cloud of vapour from the exhaust.","HPL" "id24156","Yet the purpose of his soul, his energy and ardent resolution, prevented any re action of sorrow.","MWS" "id13290","Come we will leave to the left the loud harmony of the Pleiades, and swoop outward from the throne into the starry meadows beyond Orion, where, for pansies and violets, and heart's ease, are the beds of the triplicate and triple tinted suns.","EAP" "id24183","But at length, as the labor drew nearer to its conclusion, there were admitted none into the turret; for the painter had grown wild with the ardor of his work, and turned his eyes from canvas merely, even to regard the countenance of his wife.","EAP" "id19319","The students all attended the hasty funeral on the th, and bought an impressive wreath, though the latter was quite overshadowed by the tributes sent by wealthy Arkham citizens and by the municipality itself.","HPL" "id10185","She fancied that Raymond would already be free, and that her tender attentions would come to entirely obliterate even the memory of his mischance.","MWS" "id10625","And there is no quiet there, nor silence.","EAP" "id13063","It was about the same period, if I remember aright, that, in an altercation of violence with him, in which he was more than usually thrown off his guard, and spoke and acted with an openness of demeanor rather foreign to his nature, I discovered, or fancied I discovered, in his accent, his air, and general appearance, a something which first startled, and then deeply interested me, by bringing to mind dim visions of my earliest infancy wild, confused and thronging memories of a time when memory herself was yet unborn.","EAP" "id09426","He was the nineteenth Baron of a line whose beginnings went uncomfortably far back into the past unbelievably far, if vague tradition could be heeded, for there were family tales of a descent from pre Saxon times, when a certain Cnaeus Gabinius Capito, military tribune in the Third Augustan Legion then stationed at Lindum in Roman Britain, had been summarily expelled from his command for participation in certain rites unconnected with any known religion.","HPL" "id03920","I wondered if my host could help me in the task at which I was labouring, and resolved to ask him about it later on.","HPL" "id25437","But he is generally melancholy and despairing, and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him.","MWS" "id10073","I shivered, pulled a blanket over the hideous face, and awakened the nurse.","HPL" "id03943","What shall we think of a machine which can not only accomplish all this, but actually print off its elaborate results, when obtained, without the slightest intervention of the intellect of man?","EAP" "id18240","""At present we must occupy ourselves with other investigations.","EAP" "id23921","""Well; you have heard, of course, the many stories current the thousand vague rumors afloat about money buried, somewhere upon the Atlantic coast, by Kidd and his associates.","EAP" "id14540","In my most ungovernable moods I still retain a sense of propriety, et le chemin des passions me conduit as Lord Edouard in the ""Julie"" says it did him a la philosophie veritable.","EAP" "id23765","Over and above the luminous and shadowy chaos arose a picture which, though vague, held the elements of consistency and permanence.","HPL" "id02702","Perdita's name was not mentioned; yet I could not doubt that love for her caused the vacillation of purpose that he exhibited.","MWS" "id25727","My father had expressed a wish in his letters that she should reside with me at his family mansion which was situated in a beautiful country near Richmond in Yorkshire.","MWS" "id08639","There was also a moaning sound, not unlike the distant reverberation of surf, but more continuous, which, beginning with the first twilight, had grown in strength with the darkness.","EAP" "id00048","It was not joy only that possessed me; I felt my flesh tingle with excess of sensitiveness, and my pulse beat rapidly.","MWS" "id24916","By the by, Doctor Dubble L. Dee "" MYSELF.","EAP" "id27846","It was produced by a very simple though somewhat unusual happening.","HPL" "id16817","It seems to me a wild adventure to find in this desart one like you quite solitary: you are young and lovely; your manners are refined and attractive; yet there is in your settled melancholy, and something, I know not what, in your expressive eyes that seems to seperate you from your kind: you shudder; pardon me, I entreat you but I cannot help expressing this once at least the lively interest I feel in your destiny.","MWS" "id27446","I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.","EAP" "id17554","Armitage knew he would be meddling with terrible powers, yet saw that there was no other way to annul the deeper and more malign meddling which others had done before him.","HPL" "id10085","I had a curious desire to look out of that window, over the wall and down the unseen slope at the glittering roofs and spires which must lie outspread there.","HPL" "id12096","""Alas, for us,"" I cried, ""who have lost this latest honour of the world Beloved Raymond He is gone to the nations of the dead; he has become one of those, who render the dark abode of the obscure grave illustrious by dwelling there.","MWS" "id22216","I will not speak Be it enough for you to know that I am miserable be it enough for you to know, that the painted veil of life is rent, that I sit for ever shrouded in darkness and gloom, that grief is my sister, everlasting lamentation my mate"" I endeavoured to console her; I did not question her but I caressed her, assured her of my deepest affection and my intense interest in the changes of her fortune: ""Dear words,"" she cried, ""expressions of love come upon my ear, like the remembered sounds of forgotten music, that had been dear to me.","MWS" "id17980","Sir David Brewster states the figure of the Turk to be of the size of life but in fact it is far above the ordinary size.","EAP" "id10878","Then I thought of the abandoned railway to Rowley, whose solid line of ballasted, weed grown earth still stretched off to the northwest from the crumbling station on the edge of the river gorge.","HPL" "id01832","The sky grew very dark, and the watchers hoped that the storm would prove a short, sharp one followed by clear weather.","HPL" "id26794","Those sides loom up so darkly and precipitously that one wishes they would keep their distance, but there is no road by which to escape them.","HPL" "id16768","A few days before we left Paris on our way to Switzerland, I received the following letter from Elizabeth: ""My dear Friend, ""It gave me the greatest pleasure to receive a letter from my uncle dated at Paris; you are no longer at a formidable distance, and I may hope to see you in less than a fortnight.","MWS" "id25313","Thou dost feel that I shudder.","EAP" "id23056","If so, why are there only traces of the assassinated girl?","EAP" "id19272","Then everyone noticed a strangely unseasonable noise in the deep valley behind, and even in the underbrush of Sentinel Hill itself.","HPL" "id01279","I abhorred the face of man.","MWS" "id11648","These are handed to him, when, having slightly examined them, he says: ""I don't much like this tobacco.","EAP" "id10757","But it lay not in the power of images, or sensations, or impediments such as these, to stay the course of men who, naturally brave, and at that time especially, brimful of courage and of ""humming stuff"" would have reeled, as straight as their condition might have permitted, undauntedly into the very jaws of Death.","EAP" "id19868","Frankenstein has daily declined in health; a feverish fire still glimmers in his eyes, but he is exhausted, and when suddenly roused to any exertion, he speedily sinks again into apparent lifelessness.","MWS" "id22761","I no sooner perceived an abatement of the flames than, hurried on by an irresistible impulse, I endeavoured to penetrate the town.","MWS" "id26235","The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness.","HPL" "id18286","What other construction could I possibly put upon such conduct, on the part of a lady so beautiful so wealthy evidently so accomplished of so high breeding of so lofty a position in society in every regard so entirely respectable as I felt assured was Madame Lalande?","EAP" "id02774","They abounded in the most ultra German opinions respecting the duello.","EAP" "id26647","We did not think, judging from precedent, that it would pursue us far even at worst.","HPL" "id18841","This difficulty of direct vision had troubled me more or less for the last forty eight hours; but my present enormous elevation brought closer together, as it were, the floating bodies of vapor, and the inconvenience became, of course, more and more palpable in proportion to my ascent.","EAP" "id05153","I am quite weary of enduring the misery which hourly I do endure, and I will throw it off.","MWS" "id07741","The Turk plays with his left arm.","EAP" "id00053","During the whole of the day I continued to near the ice.","EAP" "id21545","That the psychic or intellectual life might be impaired by the slight deterioration of sensitive brain cells which even a short period of death would be apt to cause, West fully realised.","HPL" "id09282","He left me but I still was calm, and after I had saluted the starry sky and dewy earth with eyes of love and a contented good night, I slept sweetly, visited by dreams, the first of pleasure I had had for many long months.","MWS" "id19084","You see the things that float and flop about you and through you every moment of your life?","HPL" "id07879","On each occasion investigation revealed nothing, and we began to ascribe the occurrences to imagination alone that same curiously disturbed imagination which still prolonged in our ears the faint far baying we thought we had heard in the Holland churchyard.","HPL" "id27387","She became at length convalescent finally well.","EAP" "id17743","Despite a conservative training or because of it, for humdrum lives breed wistful longings of the unknown he swore a great oath to scale that avoided northern cliff and visit the abnormally antique grey cottage in the sky.","HPL" "id25122","We'll have some thing else in the botanical line.","EAP" "id22264","The poor fellow was young, rather dark, and very handsome; probably an Italian or Greek, and undoubtedly of the Victory's crew.","HPL" "id27140","and day Like a thin exhalation melt away Both wrapping up their beams in clouds to be Themselves close mourners at this obsequie.","MWS" "id27590","A residence in Turkey was abhorrent to her; her religion and her feelings were alike averse to it.","MWS" "id13980","The drops of moisture trickle among the bones.","EAP" "id16253","And now he was equally resentful of awaking, for he had found his fabulous city after forty weary years.","HPL" "id05615","Adjusting the focus of the telescope, I again looked, and now made it out to be a human skull.","EAP" "id13897","""Pretty much, but not altogether,"" said Legrand.","EAP" "id02072","A sad faced woman in black answered my summons, and I was stung with disappointment when she told me in halting English that Gustaf Johansen was no more.","HPL" "id06621","The wild disorder of the room; the corpse thrust, with the head downward, up the chimney; the frightful mutilation of the body of the old lady; these considerations, with those just mentioned, and others which I need not mention, have sufficed to paralyze the powers, by putting completely at fault the boasted acumen, of the government agents.","EAP" "id15072","There was no use trying to evade it, for any alternative course would involve detours of possibly disastrous visibility and delaying effect.","HPL" "id20548","The day was warm unusually so for the season there was hardly a breath of air stirring; and the multitude were in no bad humor at being now and then besprinkled with friendly showers of momentary duration, that fell from large white masses of cloud which chequered in a fitful manner the blue vault of the firmament.","EAP" "id08509","Since then, the influence of the landed proprietors had augmented; and at first Ryland was not sorry to observe the machinations of Lord Raymond, which drew off many of his opponent's partizans.","MWS" "id13781","""Take care of yourself, my dear Lord,"" I said.","MWS" "id10180","Shapes talkin' sign language with their hands . . .","HPL" "id22359","A purse, or pocket book, being really lost, the loser inserts in one of the daily papers of a large city a fully descriptive advertisement.","EAP" "id15693","In the centre of Sarnath they lay, covering a great space and encircled by a high wall.","HPL" "id23954","But to morrow I die, and to day I would unburthen my soul.","EAP" "id10929","The blue eyes of my angelic girl were fixed on this sweet emblem of herself: ""How the light palpitates,"" she said, ""which is that star's life.","MWS" "id02973","My arrival was like the newly discovered lamp of a lighthouse to sailors, who are weathering some dangerous point.","MWS" "id06934","Idris could not endure to leave him in this state; nor was it right either to quit or take with us a young family for a journey of this description.","MWS" "id16026","Such a thing as an unexplored, or even an unfrequently visited recess, amid its woods or groves, is not for a moment to be imagined.","EAP" "id09663","I have often thought of offering my services to the pestilence stricken towns of France and Italy; but fear of paining you, and expectation of this catastrophe, withheld me.","MWS" "id07060","I shudder at the thought of any, even the most trivial, incident, which may operate upon this intolerable agitation of soul.","EAP" "id09345","And then in a moment he said, ""No, that must not be; you must not read Dante.","MWS" "id16456","Nonsense Who does not remember that, at such a time as this, the eye, like a shattered mirror, multiplies the images of its sorrow, and sees in innumerable far off places, the woe which is close at hand?","EAP" "id02320","And if added to this there be a repellent unkemptness; a wild disorder of dress, a bushiness of dark hair white at the roots, and an unchecked growth of pure white beard on a face once clean shaven, the cumulative effect is quite shocking.","HPL" "id21246","He, so refined, so intellectual, so fastidious, with so exquisite a perception of the faulty, and so keen an appreciation of the beautiful To be sure, the lady seemed especially fond of him particularly so in his absence when she made herself ridiculous by frequent quotations of what had been said by her ""beloved husband, Mr. Wyatt.""","EAP" "id14649","And when my knock was answered I was fully afraid, because I had not heard any footsteps before the door creaked open.","HPL" "id26994","We have watched over her; nursed her flickering existence; now she has fallen at once from youth to decrepitude, from health to immedicinable disease; even as we spend ourselves in struggles for her recovery, she dies; to all nations the voice goes forth, Hope is dead We are but mourners in the funeral train, and what immortal essence or perishable creation will refuse to make one in the sad procession that attends to its grave the dead comforter of humanity?","MWS" "id27230","But the voice was gentle, and of a quaint olden kind, so that Olney did not shudder when a brown hand reached out to help him over the sill and into that low room of black oak wainscots and carved Tudor furnishings.","HPL" "id23335","The wretch saw me destroy the creature on whose future existence he depended for happiness, and with a howl of devilish despair and revenge, withdrew.","MWS" "id22184","Throw the ignoratio elenchi in his teeth, and, at once, you have him annihilated.","EAP" "id26461","Let our affection expire but let it not be exchanged for distrust and recrimination.","MWS" "id22916","I studied him in his own works as well as in those of his European and American echoes.","EAP" "id19380","There was bright moonlight over the snowless landscape, but we dressed the thing and carried it home between us through the deserted streets and meadows, as we had carried a similar thing one horrible night in Arkham.","HPL" "id23143","Old Scribonius himself looked very grave, and the sharp voices of us later comers seemed to hold something of curious inappropriateness, as in a place of death or the temple of some mystic god.","HPL" "id18386","Having procured mortar, sand, and hair, with every possible precaution, I prepared a plaster which could not be distinguished from the old, and with this I very carefully went over the new brickwork.","EAP" "id23717","He also frequently goes in rear of the figure to remove the chess men which it has taken, and which it deposits, when taken, on the box to the left to its own left of the board.","EAP" "id02501","Yog Sothoth knows the gate.","HPL" "id17854","In a moment of fantastic whim I whispered questions to the reddening ears; questions of other worlds of which the memory might still be present.","HPL" "id00050","I touched upon my college indiscretions upon my extravagances upon my carousals upon my debts upon my flirtations.","EAP" "id21754","This idea satisfied me, and I dismissed my curiosity for the nonce.","EAP" "id03160","His habits were unhinged; his restless mind roused from its sleep, ambition must now be his companion through life; and if he did not succeed in his present attempt, she foresaw that unhappiness and cureless discontent would follow.","MWS" "id03828","Do you believe, Verney, that I brought you to town for that?","MWS" "id24860","Upon the inside of each of these I had to scrawl a few lines on any subject which occurred to me as sufficiently mysterious signing all the epistles Tom Dobson, or Bobby Tompkins, or anything in that way.","EAP" "id25110","The sound of firing, early on the following morning, informed us that advanced posts of the armies were engaged.","MWS" "id25750","The same may be said of the flowers in her hat.","EAP" "id05748","I will answer the advertisement, get the Ourang Outang, and keep it close until this matter has blown over.'""","EAP" "id09342","I believe, to tell the truth, she always looked upon me as an idle boy, a mere make weight, good for nothing but building castles in the air, and was rather glad to get rid of me.","EAP" "id22480","The very difference of our dispositions gave zest to these conversations.","MWS" "id12993","And he even talked with the Terrible Old Man, who was not fond of strangers, and was invited into his fearsomely archaic cottage where low ceilings and wormy panelling hear the echoes of disquieting soliloquies in the dark small hours.","HPL" "id19529","The mathematics are the science of form and quantity; mathematical reasoning is merely logic applied to observation upon form and quantity.","EAP" "id23944","Upon the winding up of the tragedy involved in the deaths of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter, the Chevalier dismissed the affair at once from his attention, and relapsed into his old habits of moody reverie.","EAP" "id20310","Our conversation turned, naturally, upon the disaster, and especially upon the sad fate of poor Wyatt.","EAP" "id09028","In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods.","HPL" "id22259","But the worst shock came when my uncle shewed me the Orne jewellery in a downtown safe deposit vault.","HPL" "id26505","I lived in a desolate country where there were none to praise And very few to love.A It is true that I now saw a little more of my aunt, but she was in every way an unsocial being; and to a timid child she was as a plant beneath a thick covering of ice; I should cut my hands in endeavouring to get at it.","MWS" "id02993","I like him especially for one master stroke of cant, by which he has attained his reputation for ingenuity.","EAP" "id21368","I felt that this was insanity I sprang forward to throw it off; I rushed into the midst of the crowd.","MWS" "id27897","""Your education may now be considered as finished it is high time you should scuffle for yourself and you cannot do a better thing than merely follow your nose so so so "" Here he kicked me down stairs and out of the door ""so get out of my house, and God bless you"" As I felt within me the divine afflatus, I considered this accident rather fortunate than otherwise.","EAP" "id22818","Then suddenly all thoughts of time were blotted out by an onrushing image of sharp intensity and unaccountable horror which had seized me before I knew what it really was.","HPL" "id26683","My garments were torn, and they, as well as my hands, were stained with the blood of the man I had wounded; one hand grasped the dead birds my hard earned prey, the other held the knife; my hair was matted; my face besmeared with the same guilty signs that bore witness against me on the dripping instrument I clenched; my whole appearance was haggard and squalid.","MWS" "id02922","Entering his room, he placed the spiky thing on the table, and lay down in complete mental and physical exhaustion without pausing to undress.","HPL" "id23815","Rely, therefore, on your hopes; and if these friends are good and amiable, do not despair.'","MWS" "id09045","And yet that house, to the two persons in possession of certain information, equals or outranks in horror the wildest phantasy of the genius who so often passed it unknowingly, and stands starkly leering as a symbol of all that is unutterably hideous.","HPL" "id22975","His vivacity, intelligence, and active spirit of benevolence, completed the conquest.","MWS" "id22347","Well that paper wasn't a photograph of any background, after all.","HPL" "id13070","I lay for two months on the point of death; my ravings, as I afterwards heard, were frightful; I called myself the murderer of William, of Justine, and of Clerval.","MWS" "id08232","""You are mistaken; I know him well; he is both.","EAP" "id12516","Some odd nervous affliction had me in its grip, and I found myself at times almost unable to shut my eyes.","HPL" "id15240","Finally our combined strength loosened the stone, which we raised and tipped to one side.","HPL" "id00362","Joe Slater was indeed awaking, though probably for the last time.","HPL" "id08957","I exacted the most sacred oaths, that under no circumstances they would bury me until decomposition had so materially advanced as to render farther preservation impossible.","EAP" "id12740","Beneath the shades of night, and through the day, whose garish light displays our solitude, thou wilt still be at my side, and even Windsor will not be regretted.""","MWS" "id02143","Oh God help me Let him be alive It is all dark; in my abject misery I demand no more: no hope, no good: only passion, and guilt, and horror; but alive Alive My sensations choked me No tears fell yet I sobbed, and breathed short and hard; one only thought possessed me, and I could only utter one word, that half screaming was perpetually on my lips; Alive Alive I had taken the steward with me for he, much better than I, could make the requisite enquiries the poor old man could not restrain his tears as he saw my deep distress and knew the cause he sometimes uttered a few broken words of consolation: in moments like these the mistress and servant become in a manner equals and when I saw his old dim eyes wet with sympathizing tears; his gray hair thinly scattered on an age wrinkled brow I thought oh if my father were as he is decrepid hoary then I should be spared this pain When I had arrived at the nearest town I took post horses and followed the road my father had taken.","MWS" "id09856","""There was still, however, another difficulty, which occasioned me some little disquietude.","EAP" "id09611","But the bank defaulter under cover explained to them that Anacreon was a gay old dog who lived many years ago and wrote about the fun he had when all the world was just like Sheehan's.","HPL" "id17913","""The waters of the river have a saffron and sickly hue; and they flow not onwards to the sea, but palpitate forever and forever beneath the red eye of the sun with a tumultuous and convulsive motion.","EAP" "id15895","The landlady, a slatternly, almost bearded Spanish woman named Herrero, did not annoy me with gossip or with criticisms of the late burning electric light in my third floor front hall room; and my fellow lodgers were as quiet and uncommunicative as one might desire, being mostly Spaniards a little above the coarsest and crudest grade.","HPL" "id15165","This is the best of all possible styles where the writer is in too great a hurry to think.","EAP" "id05201","That it would vanish altogether was an hope too dear too heartfelt, to be expressed.","MWS" "id06457","To seek rescue in the lifeboats would be to deliver ourselves into the hands of enemies unreasonably embittered against our great German nation, and our wireless had failed ever since the Victory affair to put us in touch with a fellow U boat of the Imperial Navy.","HPL" "id04775","Every one loved him; no shadow of envy or hate cast even from the meanest mind ever fell upon him.","MWS" "id12378","Swiftly I thought Yes, I will witness the last scene of the drama.","MWS" "id10979","I saw nothing beyond what had been stated in the ""Gazette des Tribunaux.""","EAP" "id04905","The two upper black spots look like eyes, eh? and the longer one at the bottom like a mouth and then the shape of the whole is oval.""","EAP" "id23344","""Well, suppose it is, Jup,"" replied Legrand, somewhat more earnestly, it seemed to me, than the case demanded, ""is that any reason for your letting the birds burn?","EAP" "id11459","She bade me remember that I really even knew not who she was what were her prospects, her connections, her standing in society.","EAP" "id11079","Witness led the way up stairs.","EAP" "id23841","Idris stood at a window that over looked the park; her maternal eyes sought her own children among the young crowd.","MWS" "id25161","It was by the light of candles that I read I recall the relentless dripping of the wax and there were chimes that came every now and then from distant belfries.","HPL" "id14259","At one time he threatened to abandon the expedition if I remained insistent; a threat which proved effective, since he alone held the key to the thing.","HPL" "id01190","pretensions to the discovery, in so serious a tone.","EAP" "id23729","Do not again speak to me in this strain; but wait in submissive patience the event of what is passing around you."" ""Oh, yes"" I passionately replied, ""I will be very patient; I will not be rash or presumptuous: I will see the agonies, and tears, and despair of my father, my only friend, my hope, my shelter, I will see it all with folded arms and downcast eyes.","MWS" "id14962","The curious manuscript record or diary of Wilbur Whateley, delivered to Miskatonic University for translation, had caused much worry and bafflement among the experts in languages both ancient and modern; its very alphabet, notwithstanding a general resemblance to the heavily shaded Arabic used in Mesopotamia, being absolutely unknown to any available authority.","HPL" "id03226","On the occasion of the visit, ran the professor's manuscript, the sculptor abruptly asked for the benefit of his host's archaeological knowledge in identifying the hieroglyphics on the bas relief.","HPL" "id27088","Felix seemed peculiarly happy and with smiles of delight welcomed his Arabian.","MWS" "id08378","In another moment he knew fear for the first time that night; for struggle as he would, he could not shake clear of the unknown grasp which held his feet in relentless captivity.","HPL" "id23407","Those who modestly betook themselves to the smaller craft, for the most part achieved their watery journey in safety.","MWS" "id13942","""Do you,"" said I, ""enjoy yourself, and let this be our rendezvous.","MWS" "id09465","She stood erect in a singularly fragile canoe, and urged it with the mere phantom of an oar.","EAP" "id12788","Indeed, we have had enough.","EAP" "id07803","""You are young yet, my friend,"" replied my host, ""but the time will arrive when you will learn to judge for yourself of what is going on in the world, without trusting to the gossip of others.","EAP" "id24459","Among these may be mentioned, as having beyond doubt existed, firstly, the coach invented by M. Camus for the amusement of Louis XIV when a child.","EAP" "id03673","I shall not pretend to describe the feelings with which I gazed.","EAP" "id26799","The aversion displayed toward him by dogs had now become a matter of wide remark, and he was obliged to carry a pistol in order to traverse the countryside in safety.","HPL" "id15339","They are vain, I know; how very vain in their attempt to soothe or comfort me.","MWS" "id20328","As I slowly traversed the nitre encrusted passageway at the foot of the last staircase, the paving became very damp, and soon I saw by the light of my flickering torch that a blank, water stained wall impeded my journey.","HPL" "id25528","If, dating our inquiries from the body found, and thence tracing a murderer, we yet discover this body to be that of some other individual than Marie; or, if starting from the living Marie, we find her, yet find her unassassinated in either case we lose our labor; since it is Monsieur G with whom we have to deal.","EAP" "id20998","The magistrate listened to me with attention and kindness.","MWS" "id16326","Or it might have been that he became neither the one nor the other, in pursuance of an idea of his which I have already mentioned the idea, that in the contempt of ambition lay one of the essential principles of happiness on earth.","EAP" "id22211","In a thousand spots the traces of the winter avalanche may be perceived, where trees lie broken and strewed on the ground, some entirely destroyed, others bent, leaning upon the jutting rocks of the mountain or transversely upon other trees.","MWS" "id07494","Several of the Syrians have already been devoured; but the general voice of the four footed patriots seems to be for eating up the cameleopard.","EAP" "id23875","His temperament was markedly nervous, and rendered him a good subject for mesmeric experiment.","EAP" "id17070","The Fryes, huddled together in the sitting room, did not dare to move until the last echoes died away far down in Cold Spring Glen.","HPL" "id24137","The result of the natural style of gardening, is seen rather in the absence of all defects and incongruities in the prevalence of a healthy harmony and order than in the creation of any special wonders or miracles.","EAP" "id09748","Why did I rush upon my fate?","EAP" "id20697","There was, too, the baffling problem of the lesser messengers or intermediaries the quasi animals and queer hybrids which legend depicts as witches' familiars.","HPL" "id11703","One by one they left her at length she pressed the hand of her last visitor.","MWS" "id19585","I entreated Adrian to return to me after he had conducted his sister home.","MWS" "id14340","I learned from your papers that you were my father, my creator; and to whom could I apply with more fitness than to him who had given me life?","MWS" "id14729","My first thought was to discover what I knew of the murderer, and cause instant pursuit to be made.","MWS" "id26732","That the school, indeed, did not feel his design, perceive its accomplishment, and participate in his sneer, was, for many anxious months, a riddle I could not resolve.","EAP" "id17560","I could find, indeed, but one vulnerable point, and that, lying in a personal peculiarity, arising, perhaps, from constitutional disease, would have been spared by any antagonist less at his wit's end than myself; my rival had a weakness in the faucal or guttural organs, which precluded him from raising his voice at any time above a very low whisper.","EAP" "id10543","To die laughing, must be the most glorious of all glorious deaths Sir Thomas More a very fine man was Sir Thomas More Sir Thomas More died laughing, you remember.","EAP" "id27105","Explanation You may possibly say, What can Elizabeth have to explain?","MWS" "id12208","If they all came from the same object it must have been an hysterical, delirious monstrosity.","HPL" "id13485","Man You may hate, but beware Your hours will pass in dread and misery, and soon the bolt will fall which must ravish from you your happiness forever.","MWS" "id00252","My future hopes and prospects are entirely bound up in the expectation of our union.""","MWS" "id27863","Every cavity, apophysis, and curvature was imitated, and each bone executed its proper movements.","EAP" "id15226","The sight of it soothed her.","MWS" "id02430","Then, when he was in deep shadow again, he recalled with a start that the glimpse must have come from childish memory alone, since the old white church had long been torn down to make room for the Congregational Hospital.","HPL" "id15358","If, however, it so please your Excellencies, I, the writer of this communication, am the identical Hans Pfaall himself.","EAP" "id00434","I took it; it was a portrait of a most lovely woman.","MWS" "id27601","Her utterance of the romance in Otello the tone with which she gave the words ""Sul mio sasso,"" in the Capuletti is ringing in my memory yet.","EAP" "id16169","It followed my footsteps with a pertinacity which it would be difficult to make the reader comprehend.","EAP" "id01667","The afflicted man was fully conscious, but would say nothing of any consequence; merely muttering such things as ""oh, my ankles"", ""let go"", or ""shut in the tomb"".","HPL" "id19638","The man who found me said that I must have crawled a long way despite my broken bones, for a trail of blood stretched off as far as he dared look.","HPL" "id00805","The idea was terrible to my half crazed imagination, and almost over turned the little self possession that still remained to me.","MWS" "id25718","To be sure, it has a circulation of ,, and its subscription list has increased one fourth during the last month; but, on the other hand, the sums it disburses constantly for contributions are inconceivable.","EAP" "id09557","She was greatly devoted to her unfortunate sister, and had an especial affection for her only surviving nephew William, who from a sturdy infant had become a sickly, spindling lad.","HPL" "id23889","Elihu Whipple had lived according to the hygienic laws he had preached as a physician, and but for what happened later would be here in full vigour today.","HPL" "id05515","I now saw that the hall room above mine the ""leetle room"" of bottles and machines which Mrs. Herrero had mentioned was merely the laboratory of the doctor; and that his main living quarters lay in the spacious adjoining room whose convenient alcoves and large contiguous bathroom permitted him to hide all dressers and obtrusive utilitarian devices.","HPL" "id26834","He was indubitably a"" ""How can you?","EAP" "id00200","That the latter, creating the former, can, at will, control or modify it, is also unquestionable.","EAP" "id17069","But this feeling soon gave place to irritation.","EAP" "id10993","During the brightest days of her unparalleled beauty, most surely I had never loved her.","EAP" "id22317","And 'Oppodeldoc' whoever he is, has even the assurance to demand pay for this drivel.","EAP" "id27637","Most interesting of all was a glancing reference to the strange jewellery vaguely associated with Innsmouth.","HPL" "id14234","Holding with Haeckel that all life is a chemical and physical process, and that the so called ""soul"" is a myth, my friend believed that artificial reanimation of the dead can depend only on the condition of the tissues; and that unless actual decomposition has set in, a corpse fully equipped with organs may with suitable measures be set going again in the peculiar fashion known as life.","HPL" "id02611","All this I endeavoured to veil, so that it might least impress my Idris; yet, as I have said, my courage survived even despair: I might be vanquished, but I would not yield.","MWS" "id08437","When the view of the water again opened out this time on my right I was half determined not to look at it at all.","HPL" "id27423","As I was in a state of extreme debility, I resolved to sail directly towards the town, as a place where I could most easily procure nourishment.","MWS" "id19388","I persuaded Idris to go up to London, where she might better attend to necessary arrangements.","MWS" "id24636","I led them, at length, to his chamber.","EAP" "id01565","His wild and enthusiastic imagination was chastened by the sensibility of his heart.","MWS" "id14508","Could not make out what was said, but believed the language to be Spanish.","EAP" "id04114","""It was not a new terror that thus affected me, but the dawn of a more exciting hope.","EAP" "id08548","He started with what he maintained to be axioms or ""self evident truths,"" and thence proceeded ""logically"" to results.","EAP" "id00522","""Little alteration, except the growth of our dear children, has taken place since you left us.","MWS" "id07255","These fellows are always doing the most out of the way things in what they call an orderly manner.","EAP" "id08669","In two years, I should return to my country, with a name well known and a reputation already founded.","MWS" "id03565","The space south of the house, abutting on Benefit Street, was of course greatly above the existing sidewalk level, forming a terrace bounded by a high bank wall of damp, mossy stone pierced by a steep flight of narrow steps which led inward between canyon like surfaces to the upper region of mangy lawn, rheumy brick walls, and neglected gardens whose dismantled cement urns, rusted kettles fallen from tripods of knotty sticks, and similar paraphernalia set off the weather beaten front door with its broken fanlight, rotting Ionic pilasters, and wormy triangular pediment.","HPL" "id10268","""Goodness gracious me"" I exclaimed, almost at the very instant that the rim of the spectacles had settled upon my nose ""My goodness gracious me why, what can be the matter with these glasses?"" and taking them quickly off, I wiped them carefully with a silk handkerchief, and adjusted them again.","EAP" "id23298","The upper part, where it had been doubled and folded, was all mildewed and rotten, and tore on its being opened.....","EAP" "id08506","It is this wild longing it is this eager vehemence of desire for life but for life that I have no power to portray no utterance capable of expressing.","EAP" "id06077","""Now, in English, the letter which most frequently occurs is e.","EAP" "id13556","The taste of all the architects I have ever known leads them, for the sake of 'prospect,' to put up buildings on hill tops.","EAP" "id19313","The scene I cannot describe I should faint if I tried it, for there is madness in a room full of classified charnel things, with blood and lesser human debris almost ankle deep on the slimy floor, and with hideous reptilian abnormalities sprouting, bubbling, and baking over a winking bluish green spectre of dim flame in a far corner of black shadows.","HPL" "id04297","This thing, which seemed instinct with a fearsome and unnatural malignancy, was of a somewhat bloated corpulence, and squatted evilly on a rectangular block or pedestal covered with undecipherable characters.","HPL" "id11868","At length, with a deep sigh, he exclaimed, as if in a soliloquy, ""And dis all cum ob de goole bug de putty goole bug de poor little goole bug, what I boosed in dat sabage kind ob style Aint you shamed ob yourself, nigger?","EAP" "id03867","Springing to the floor, he washed and dressed in frantic haste, as if it were necessary for him to get out of the house as quickly as possible.","HPL" "id26966","We were for ever together; and the subjects of our conversations were inexhaustible.","MWS" "id15182","Herbert West, whose associate and assistant I was, possessed scientific interests far beyond the usual routine of a village physician.","HPL" "id03221","This I at once saw could not be.","EAP" "id06012","There is a real and very definite limit to optical discovery among the stars a limit whose nature need only be stated to be understood.","EAP" "id14770","The birds sang in more cheerful notes, and the leaves began to bud forth on the trees.","MWS" "id04063","His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision when the animal spirits seemed utterly in abeyance to that species of energetic concision that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow sounding enunciation that leaden, self balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance, which may be observed in the lost drunkard, or the irreclaimable eater of opium, during the periods of his most intense excitement.","EAP" "id09402","They made many signs which I did not comprehend, but I saw that her presence diffused gladness through the cottage, dispelling their sorrow as the sun dissipates the morning mists.","MWS" "id10013","Concerning the picture she could give no account.","MWS" "id01337","Have I not heard her footstep on the stair?","EAP" "id08540","Dupin was moving quickly to the door, when we again heard him coming up.","EAP" "id17470","And again I sunk into visions of Ligeia and again, what marvel that I shudder while I write, again there reached my ears a low sob from the region of the ebony bed.","EAP" "id19377","Finally I was sure it was not a face at all, but a fiendishly cunning mask.","HPL" "id02336","Scorning all restraint, it had clambered first to the lower roof then to the higher; and along the ridge of this latter it continued to writhe on, throwing out tendrils to the right and left, until at length it fairly attained the east gable, and fell trailing over the stairs.","EAP" "id14957","A weak, filtered glow from the rain harassed street lamps outside, and a feeble phosphorescence from the detestable fungi within, shewed the dripping stone of the walls, from which all traces of whitewash had vanished; the dank, foetid, and mildew tainted hard earth floor with its obscene fungi; the rotting remains of what had been stools, chairs, and tables, and other more shapeless furniture; the heavy planks and massive beams of the ground floor overhead; the decrepit plank door leading to bins and chambers beneath other parts of the house; the crumbling stone staircase with ruined wooden hand rail; and the crude and cavernous fireplace of blackened brick where rusted iron fragments revealed the past presence of hooks, andirons, spit, crane, and a door to the Dutch oven these things, and our austere cot and camp chairs, and the heavy and intricate destructive machinery we had brought.","HPL" "id06083","And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time.","MWS" "id24232","The next morning he was quite recovered, so far as regarded his mere bodily health.","EAP" "id26545","Before dawn I led my flock to the sheep walks, and guarded them through the day.","MWS" "id16083","So shall it not be Did not Alexander leap from the walls of the city of the Oxydracae, to shew his coward troops the way to victory, encountering alone the swords of its defenders?","MWS" "id05304","Circumstances, and a certain bias of mind, have led me to take interest in such riddles, and it may well be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma of the kind which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve.","EAP" "id09869","I believe that my mind was partly unhinged by events since August th; the daemon shadow in the mansion, the general strain and disappointment, and the thing that occurred at the hamlet in an October storm.","HPL" "id05283","Lord Cornwallis was surrendered for sausage ""under the auspices of the Washington Monument Association"" no doubt a charitable institution for the depositing of corner stones.","EAP" "id12919","My teeth chatter as I speak, yet it is not with the chilliness of the night of the night without end.","EAP" "id18100","He is easy easy as an old glove, or the damsels of ancient Baiae.","EAP" "id12288","It is only the inferior thinker who hastens to explain the singular and the complex by the primitive short cut of supernaturalism.","HPL" "id08363","Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror.","EAP" "id17686","Around the creature's neck had been found a golden chain bearing an empty locket on which were armorial designs; no doubt some hapless traveller's keepsake, taken by the N'bangus and hung upon the goddess as a charm.","HPL" "id23943","But all agreed on one thing: that the refusal of all the cats to eat their portions of meat or drink their saucers of milk was exceedingly curious.","HPL" "id03177","The coffin of Jan Martense had soon been unearthed it now held only dust and nitre but in my fury to exhume his ghost I delved irrationally and clumsily down beneath where he had lain.","HPL" "id14607","In these last moments I feel the sincerest gratitude towards those who think of me with kindness.","MWS" "id02708","And it is written in the papyrus of Ilarnek, that they one day discovered fire, and thereafter kindled flames on many ceremonial occasions.","HPL" "id07830","It appears that, immediately after the discovery of the clothes as above described, the lifeless, or nearly lifeless body of St. Eustache, Marie's betrothed, was found in the vicinity of what all now supposed the scene of the outrage.","EAP" "id20803","And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay.","EAP" "id23068","Haff on 'em's clean gone, an' nigh haff o' them that's left is sucked most dry o' blood, with sores on 'em like they's ben on Whateley's cattle ever senct Lavinny's black brat was born.","HPL" "id03870","I know not how adequately to describe it.","EAP" "id26241","There was about it an evidence of great age and infirmity.","EAP" "id13133","We marked the difference of character among the boys, and endeavoured to read the future man in the stripling.","MWS" "id07456","And mixed with the distant chant of the Sabbat and the whimpers of Brown Jenkin in the gulf below he thought he heard another and wilder whine from unknown depths.","HPL" "id12189","August th, My affection for my guest increases every day.","MWS" "id21970","In the darkness I raised my free hand and tested the barrier, finding it stone and immovable.","HPL" "id01080","""He was conveyed home, and the anguish that was visible in my countenance betrayed the secret to Elizabeth.","MWS" "id24673","Now there were hoary and time honored forests, and craggy precipices, and waterfalls tumbling with a loud noise into abysses without a bottom.","EAP" "id23140","And it was there that fulfilment came, and he met the cortege of knights come from Celephaïs to bear him thither forever.","HPL" "id03587","But you are ill; even now you tremble; you are unfit for agitation of any kind.""","MWS" "id09172","Lunch and dinner were brought him, but he ate only the smallest fraction of either.","HPL" "id13598","I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition.","MWS" "id11370","They must have fixed up some awful scare for that fellow.","HPL" "id07419","Thus I felt, when disappointment, weariness, and solitude drove me back upon my heart, to gather thence the joy of which it had become barren.","MWS" "id01106","The little bark to which I had beckoned had now pulled up; before I could stop her, Perdita, assisted by the sailors was in it Clara followed her mother a loud shout echoed from the crowd as we pulled out of the inner harbour; while my sister at the prow, had caught hold of one of the men who was using a glass, asking a thousand questions, careless of the spray that broke over her, deaf, sightless to all, except the little speck that, just visible on the top of the waves, evidently neared.","MWS" "id25520","It had rested a heavy arm or fore leg on my chest. . . .","HPL" "id17529","Once in a while I noticed dead stumps and crumbling foundation walls above the drifting sand, and recalled the old tradition quoted in one of the histories I had read, that this was once a fertile and thickly settled countryside.","HPL" "id17894","It appears that on the day of I am not positive about the date, a vast crowd of people, for purposes not specifically mentioned, were assembled in the great square of the Exchange in the well conditioned city of Rotterdam.","EAP" "id13384","The very memory half unmans me.","MWS" "id25708","My formerly silent tongue waxed voluble with the easy grace of a Chesterfield or the godless cynicism of a Rochester.","HPL" "id20640","He became cheerful, as he thought of this, and soberly and resolutely marked out the line of conduct he would adopt.","MWS" "id20858","Almost fainting I slowly approached the fatal waters; when we had quitted the town we heard their roaring.","MWS" "id08408","One thing, however, annoyed me not a little.","EAP" "id03840","I likewise did much of his shopping, and gasped in bafflement at some of the chemicals he ordered from druggists and laboratory supply houses.","HPL" "id01723","Piles of death furniture floundered about.","EAP" "id02801","The conditions we have imposed must be fulfilled to the letter, and that without a moment's hesitation in failure of which fulfilment we decree that you do here be tied neck and heels together, and duly drowned as rebels in yon hogshead of October beer"" ""A sentence a sentence a righteous and just sentence a glorious decree a most worthy and upright, and holy condemnation"" shouted the Pest family altogether.","EAP" "id15326","She resided at the palace of Sweet Waters, a summer seraglio of the Sultan; the beauty of the surrounding scenery, undefiled by war, and the freshness of the river, made this spot doubly delightful.","MWS" "id09669","Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes.","HPL" "id18016","The story is too connected to be mistaken for a dream, and I have no motive for falsehood.""","MWS" "id16744","Gradually I had come to be his inseparable assistant, and now that we were out of college we had to keep together.","HPL" "id21358","The mention of the galvanic battery, nevertheless, recalls to my memory a well known and very extraordinary case in point, where its action proved the means of restoring to animation a young attorney of London, who had been interred for two days.","EAP" "id27930","""Still"" said I, ""and why shouldn't she be?","EAP" "id07645","A more intense feeling of the reality of fiction possessed Raymond.","MWS" "id14972","Bizarre manifestations were now too frequent to count.","HPL" "id11927","It was your journal of the four months that preceded my creation.","MWS" "id22417","""Heh, heh, heh, heh Beginnin' to see, hey?","HPL" "id25737","At the same time the wolfish wind rose to daemoniac crescendoes of ululation.","HPL" "id09942","Then there was a more subtle fear a very fantastic sensation resulting from a curious experiment in the Canadian army in .","HPL" "id17055","On the third night frantic bands of searchers, led by the police, captured it in a house on Crane Street near the Miskatonic campus.","HPL" "id12375","He has journied on the road that leads to it, and joined the mighty of soul who went before him.","MWS" "id09816","In many palaces, however, such suites form a long and straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly to the walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent is scarcely impeded.","EAP" "id17606","Weak spirited women died of fear as they listened to their denunciations; men of robust form and seeming strength fell into idiotcy and madness, racked by the dread of coming eternity.","MWS" "id25449","When she saw who it was, she approached me and said, ""Dear sir, you are very kind to visit me; you, I hope, do not believe that I am guilty?""","MWS" "id01085","A sort of mad eyed monstrosity behind the leader seized on Herbert West.","HPL" "id23539","The tastes of the duke were peculiar.","EAP" "id17828","I am malicious because I am miserable.","MWS" "id24718","Two days after we came to our determination, we set out for Portsmouth, and embarked.","MWS" "id26362","About seven o'clock Luther Brown, the hired boy at George Corey's, between Cold Spring Glen and the village, rushed frenziedly back from his morning trip to Ten Acre Meadow with the cows.","HPL" "id23381","I rode one morning with Raymond to the lofty mound, not far from the Top Kapou, Cannon gate, on which Mahmoud planted his standard, and first saw the city.","MWS" "id16875","He climbed interminably along the grotesque stone moulding that is, one would call it climbing if the thing was not after all horizontal and the men wondered how any door in the universe could be so vast.","HPL" "id24995","The sea is peculiarly phosphorescent.","EAP" "id07587","All the bones of the right leg and arm were more or less shattered.","EAP" "id08863","Are such things the operation of ungoverned Chance?","EAP" "id09485","The denouncing of the assassins would have appeared, even to an idiot, the surest and sole means of relieving himself from suspicion.","EAP" "id11245","As I put my foot over the threshold, I became aware of the figure of a youth about my own height, and habited in a white kerseymere morning frock, cut in the novel fashion of the one I myself wore at the moment.","EAP" "id15783","Thus saying, in order to obtain a more distinct view of my subject, I applied my thumb and forefinger to its nose, and causing it to assume a sitting position upon the ground, held it thus, at the length of my arm, while I continued my soliloquy.","EAP" "id16559","I questioned the sleep waker again: ""Do you still feel pain in the breast, M. Valdemar?""","EAP" "id04906","You dare not keep me.' ""'Frankenstein you belong then to my enemy to him towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge; you shall be my first victim.'","MWS" "id09166","Her delicate organization and creative imagination rendered her peculiarly susceptible of pleasurable emotion.","MWS" "id10198","But now it appears that we had worked out our own destruction in the perversion of our taste, or rather in the blind neglect of its culture in the schools.","EAP" "id25530","That Hallowe'en the hill noises sounded louder than ever, and fire burned on Sentinel Hill as usual; but people paid more attention to the rhythmical screaming of vast flocks of unnaturally belated whippoorwills which seemed to be assembled near the unlighted Whateley farmhouse.","HPL" "id20027","As Madame Lalande spoke English even less fluently than she wrote it, our conversation was necessarily in French.","EAP" "id14148","There was another interval of utter insensibility; it was brief; for, upon again lapsing into life there had been no perceptible descent in the pendulum.","EAP" "id24699","I wait but for one event, and then I shall repose in peace.","MWS" "id18161","I shut my eyes involuntarily and endeavoured to recollect what were my duties with regard to this destroyer.","MWS" "id04708","That night Slater slept quietly, and the next morning he wakened with no singular feature save a certain alteration of expression.","HPL" "id09023","And here, having arranged the glasses in the ordinary form of spectacles, I applied them gingerly in their proper position; while Madame Simpson, adjusting her cap, and folding her arms, sat bolt upright in her chair, in a somewhat stiff and prim, and indeed, in a somewhat undignified position.","EAP" "id22980","After he had been employed thus about an hour, the young woman joined him and they entered the cottage together.","MWS" "id11896","The shadow I had seen, I hardly dared to analyse or identify.","HPL" "id19839","I would fain have them believe that I have been, in some measure, the slave of circumstances beyond human control.","EAP" "id11430","I sometimes strove to form friendships with the most attractive of the girls who inhabited the neighbouring village; but I believe I should never have succeeded even had not my aunt interposed her authority to prevent all intercourse between me and the peasantry; for she was fearful lest I should acquire the scotch accent and dialect; a little of it I had, although great pains was taken that my tongue should not disgrace my English origin.","MWS" "id07090","I reached out to uncurl and look at it, when suddenly I saw Pickman start as if shot.","HPL" "id25055","The expression on her face was one of hideous malevolence and exultation, and when he awaked he could recall a croaking voice that persuaded and threatened.","HPL" "id18798","I could not have said this; it is an absurdity.","EAP" "id12435","In the concluding sentences it quoted the noble words of Ariosto Il pover hommy che non sera corty And have a combat tenty erry morty; thus comparing me to the hero who, in the heat of the combat, not perceiving that he was dead, continued to contest the battle with inextinguishable valor.","EAP" "id10381","Sometimes it enters directly into the composition of the events, while sometimes it relates only to their fortuitous position among persons and places.","HPL" "id07705","I do believe that I blushed with shame when this idea crossed my mind.","EAP" "id21530","I know nothing, indeed, which so disfigures the countenance of a young person, or so impresses every feature with an air of demureness, if not altogether of sanctimoniousness and of age.","EAP" "id08263","My host appeared not to notice this, and in courtesy I kept silent as he piloted me up a curving stairway, across a hall, and into a room whose door I heard him lock behind us.","HPL" "id18609","I should mention, too, that this limb was no farther subject to my will.","EAP" "id00787","Romero and I moved without material hesitancy through drifts and down ladders; ever toward the thing that allured us, yet ever with a pitifully helpless fear and reluctance.","HPL" "id04257","Yet what business had I with hope?","EAP" "id14123","The generality of the expression of L'Etoile is a mere perversion of the witness' phraseology.","EAP" "id02948","The permission was obtained, and we proceeded at once to the Rue Morgue.","EAP" "id06971","I am just come from him.","MWS" "id05252","Thus the affair died away, and was generally forgotten; for the girl, ostensibly to relieve herself from the impertinence of curiosity, soon bade a final adieu to the perfumer, and sought the shelter of her mother's residence in the Rue Pavée Saint Andrée.","EAP" "id00079","Raymond was weak and exhausted, yet the interest he perceived to be excited on his account, filled him with proud pleasure.","MWS" "id09500","Farewell, Walton Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries.","MWS" "id26513","There was sufficient presence of mind it is supposed to remove the corpse; and yet a more positive evidence than the corpse itself whose features might have been quickly obliterated by decay, is allowed to lie conspicuously in the scene of the outrage I allude to the handkerchief with the name of the deceased.","EAP" "id25375","The balloon was brought over the beach the tide being out and the sand hard, smooth, and admirably adapted for a descent, and the grapnel let go, which took firm hold at once.","EAP" "id11462","Two hundred years and more they have leaned or squatted there, while the vines have crawled and the trees have swelled and spread.","HPL" "id10825","The sentence the dread sentence of death was the last of distinct accentuation which reached my ears.","EAP" "id03095","As he went upstairs and across the garret hall he sprinkled about some flour which he had borrowed with a frank admission as to its purpose from the landlord.","HPL" "id21093","There was too deep a horror in my tale for confidence; I was on earth the sole depository of my own secret.","MWS" "id16914","I can still see Herbert West under the sinister electric light as he injected his reanimating solution into the arm of the headless body.","HPL" "id00746","In another fortnight I was able to leave my chamber.","MWS" "id05628","The extent of my renown will be best estimated by reference to the editorial opinions of the day.","EAP" "id24564","In the present instance we see it doubled no less than five times, although the cryptograph is brief.","EAP" "id00030","Duns, in the meantime, left me little leisure for contemplation.","EAP" "id27810","But who and what was this Wilson?","EAP" "id17539","We shall not then be degraded from our true characters.","MWS" "id12678","Hope only supported me, the hope that I should not be too late.","MWS" "id11470","It must exist, I argued; although it may exist in a state of infinite rarefaction.","EAP" "id11046","For three days the body was preserved unburied, during which it had acquired a stony rigidity.","EAP" "id12819","I do not ever remember to have trembled at a tale of superstition or to have feared the apparition of a spirit.","MWS" "id11606","""Who are you, pray?"" said I, with much dignity, although somewhat puzzled; ""how did you get here?","EAP" "id05264","His was a case in which I feel a deep interest a lot in which I sincerely sympathize.","EAP" "id05610","To this life, miserable father, I devote thee Go Be thy days passed with savages, and thy nights under the cope of heaven Be thy limbs worn and thy heart chilled, and all youth be dead within thee Let thy hairs be as snow; thy walk trembling and thy voice have lost its mellow tones Let the liquid lustre of thine eyes be quenched; and then return to me, return to thy Mathilda, thy child, who may then be clasped in thy loved arms, while thy heart beats with sinless emotion.","MWS" "id13736","It hath been my good fortune to retain the rural seat of my ancestors, swallowed though it was by two towns, first Greenwich, which built up hither after , then New York, which joined on near .","HPL" "id05955","""Alfonzo Garcio, undertaker, deposes that he resides in the Rue Morgue.","EAP" "id19697","And although, to a careless thinker, it might appear a matter beyond doubt, that the alteration produced by her unhappy malady, in the moral condition of Berenice, would afford me many objects for the exercise of that intense and abnormal meditation whose nature I have been at some trouble in explaining, yet such was not in any degree the case.","EAP" "id06729","Let me not forget my chiefest errand here.","MWS" "id10170","Such, you will allow, is the massacre of a thousand Jews.","EAP" "id12072","It is not that the Deity cannot modify his laws, but that we insult him in imagining a possible necessity for modification.","EAP" "id02465","And I could not laugh with the Demon, and he cursed me because I could not laugh.","EAP" "id09822","They roared like the animals they were, and broke instruments and furniture indiscriminately; screaming about such nonsense as the curse of the ivory image and the dark dead youth who looked at them and swam away.","HPL" "id03766","I recalled what he had said of the pineal gland, and wondered what he saw with this preternatural eye.","HPL" "id11167","A practised ear might trace an undue faltering in the step of the soldiers; but this was not occasioned so much by fear of the adversary, as by disease, by sorrow, and by fatal prognostications, which often weighed most potently on the brave, and quelled the manly heart to abject subjection.","MWS" "id11130","The Scream of the Dead The scream of a dead man gave to me that acute and added horror of Dr. Herbert West which harassed the latter years of our companionship.","HPL" "id04132","""And now what are we to make of the argument, that the body found could not be that of Marie Rogêt, because, three days only having elapsed, this body was found floating?","EAP" "id24601","See Behold they are becoming rather are they not?""","EAP" "id13033","""Where?"" ""Every where we must fly all fly but whither?","MWS" "id12848","That it is an opinion very generally received, or which ought to be generally received, that the College of Astronomers in the city of Rotterdam, as well as other colleges in all other parts of the world, not to mention colleges and astronomers in general, are, to say the least of the matter, not a whit better, nor greater, nor wiser than they ought to be.","EAP" "id13240","I believe the world has never yet seen, and that, unless through some series of accidents goading the noblest order of mind into distasteful exertion, the world will never behold, that full extent of triumphant execution, in the richer productions of Art, of which the human nature is absolutely capable.","EAP" "id24071","Lord Raymond presented himself to the house with fearless confidence and insinuating address.","MWS" "id00384","I would have to count on sheer speed, and the chance of getting to a window before any hostile forces became coördinated enough to open the right door toward me with a pass key.","HPL" "id23833","It proceeded from a fissure, about half an inch in width, extending entirely around the prison at the base of the walls, which thus appeared, and were, completely separated from the floor.","EAP" "id00769","The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten.","HPL" "id05577","I had become captious and unreasonable: my temper was utterly spoilt.","MWS" "id07337","Some poor fellow whom you address while choking with that chicken bone, and who therefore didn't precisely understand what you were talking about.","EAP" "id16748","Slowly, amidst the distorted horrors of that indescribable scene, she began to churn the lethal waters; whilst on the masonry of that charnel shore that was not of earth the titan Thing from the stars slavered and gibbered like Polypheme cursing the fleeing ship of Odysseus.","HPL" "id24178","""My child,"" and ""my love,"" were the designations usually prompted by a father's affection, and the rigid seclusion of her days precluded all other intercourse.","EAP" "id22117","A truce was concluded between the Greeks and Turks.","MWS" "id03706","""Ahem rather civil that, I should observe.""","EAP" "id01218","Certainly, the nerves were recalling the man's last act in life; the struggle to get free of the falling aëroplane.","HPL" "id14298","A great fall of snow had taken place the night before, and the fields were of one uniform white; the appearance was disconsolate, and I found my feet chilled by the cold damp substance that covered the ground.","MWS" "id05160","""I now arose hurriedly, and in a state of fearful agitation for the fancy that I dreamed would serve me no longer.","EAP" "id04234","As the strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles.","EAP" "id21120","I've had 'em pointed out to me here though, come to think of it, the elder children don't seem to be around lately.","HPL" "id07403","At this point I was left to imagine the solution of the greatest mystery of all, how the curse had been fulfilled since that time when Charles Le Sorcier must in the course of Nature have died, for the man digressed into an account of the deep alchemical studies of the two wizards, father and son, speaking most particularly of the researches of Charles Le Sorcier concerning the elixir which should grant to him who partook of it eternal life and youth.","HPL" "id25792","Gilman whose ears had so lately possessed an abnormal sensitiveness was now stone deaf.","HPL" "id03128","A trap door on the roof was nailed down very securely did not appear to have been opened for years.","EAP" "id03923","There is nothing more melancholy than a merry meeting thus turned to sorrow: the gala dresses the decorations, gay as they might otherwise be, receive a solemn and funereal appearance.","MWS" "id02391","Alas I had turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery; had he not murdered my brother?","MWS" "id13019","One might, for example, pass into a timeless dimension and emerge at some remote period of the earth's history as young as before.","HPL" "id21702","And who shall calculate the immense influence upon social life upon arts upon commerce upon literature which will be the immediate result of the great principles of electro magnetics Nor, is this all, let me assure you There is really no end to the march of invention.","EAP" "id07606","He proved, however, too hopelessly drunk to be a menace; so that I reached the dismal ruins of the Bank Street warehouses in safety.","HPL" "id06186","Both soldiers maintained that we could better afford to antagonise the minority of colonists and civilised natives by inaction, than to antagonise a probable majority of tribesmen and cottagers by stamping out the dread rites.","HPL" "id15298","It was indeed a paradise compared to the bleak forest, my former residence, the rain dropping branches, and dank earth.","MWS" "id09080","As the earth became more desolate, her difficulty in acquiring sustenance increased; at first, her son, who lived near, had humoured her by placing articles of food in her way: at last he died.","MWS" "id22590","I called the peak a bit of outcropping rock, but Klenze thought he saw carvings on it.","HPL" "id08668","He knew he did walk and the thing to do now was to stop it.","HPL" "id22399","Many lustra had supervened.","EAP" "id23622","And, hurriedly, he raised his head from his hand, and stood forth upon the rock and listened.","EAP" "id25521","Legrasse, deeply impressed and not a little bewildered, had inquired in vain concerning the historic affiliations of the cult.","HPL" "id24943","So here we all were in the mystic sunset of the autumn hills old Scribonius Libo in his toga prætexta, the golden light glancing on his shiny bald head and wrinkled hawk face, Balbutius with his gleaming helmet and breastplate, blue shaven lips compressed in conscientiously dogged opposition, young Asellius with his polished greaves and superior sneer, and the curious throng of townsfolk, legionaries, tribesmen, peasants, lictors, slaves, and attendants.","HPL" "id03004","On April th the derelict was sighted; and though apparently deserted, was found upon boarding to contain one survivor in a half delirious condition and one man who had evidently been dead for more than a week.","HPL" "id25781","I think that these things were supposed to depict men at least, a certain sort of men; though the creatures were shewn disporting like fishes in the waters of some marine grotto, or paying homage at some monolithic shrine which appeared to be under the waves as well.","HPL" "id07967","I felt sensations like those one feels when accidentally scratching ground glass.","HPL" "id16936","I rushed to the chair in which he sat.","EAP" "id18212","I loved, I hoped, I enjoyed; but there was something besides this.","MWS" "id15176","Before the marble walls on the appointed night were pitched the pavilions of princes and the tents of travellers, and all the shore resounded with the song of happy revellers.","HPL" "id13501","A few words from us decided him, and hope and joy sparkled in his eyes; the idea of embarking in a career, so congenial to his early habits and cherished wishes, made him as before energetic and bold.","MWS" "id12340","Chapter ""Such was the history of my beloved cottagers.","MWS" "id21182","He reigns there still, and will reign happily forever, though below the cliffs at Innsmouth the channel tides played mockingly with the body of a tramp who had stumbled through the half deserted village at dawn; played mockingly, and cast it upon the rocks by ivy covered Trevor Towers, where a notably fat and especially offensive millionaire brewer enjoys the purchased atmosphere of extinct nobility.","HPL" "id13337","They were even fuller than the fullest of the gazelle eyes of the tribe of the valley of Nourjahad.","EAP" "id09274","Whence but from ingratitude, from falsehood, from a dereliction on the part of the prince's father, of all noble sympathy and generous feeling.","MWS" "id23103","When he went as ambassador to the Northern States of America, he, for some time, planned his entire migration; and went so far as to make several journies far westward on that immense continent, for the purpose of choosing the site of his new abode.","MWS" "id18379","In brief, the floor was a veritable ossuary of the bones of small children some fairly modern, but others extending back in infinite gradations to a period so remote that crumbling was almost complete.","HPL" "id10274","Some few of her crew were saved, but the greater part clinging to her cordage and masts went down with her, to rise only when death loosened their hold.","MWS" "id05877","She turned aside her face, and again I saw only the chiselled contour of the back portion of the head.","EAP" "id02085","In its surface were two iron staples, distant from each other about two feet, horizontally.","EAP" "id06164","The neck of the animal, before arched, as if in compassion, over the prostrate body of its lord, was now extended, at full length, in the direction of the Baron.","EAP" "id26245","Fronting him, sixthly and lastly, was situated a singularly stiff looking personage, who, being afflicted with paralysis, must, to speak seriously, have felt very ill at ease in his unaccommodating habiliments.","EAP" "id26384","Passionate desire of sympathy, and ardent pursuit for a wished for object still characterized me.","MWS" "id14091","I did not wish, however, to lose gas at so early a period of the adventure, and so concluded to ascend for the present.","EAP" "id24160","I cannot better describe the sensation which oppressed me than by saying that I could with difficulty shake off the belief of my having been acquainted with the being who stood before me, at some epoch very long ago some point of the past even infinitely remote.","EAP" "id11097","Should any one wish to purchase, or to inquire the price of an article, a bell is at hand, and this is considered amply sufficient.","EAP" "id01593","I was rather glad to be rid of Müller, for even his silence had unfavourably affected the crew.","HPL" "id25319","We left M. Valdemar entirely undisturbed until about three o'clock in the morning, when I approached him and found him in precisely the same condition as when Dr. F went away that is to say, he lay in the same position; the pulse was imperceptible; the breathing was gentle scarcely noticeable, unless through the application of a mirror to the lips; the eyes were closed naturally; and the limbs were as rigid and as cold as marble.","EAP" "id02848","Mansion after mansion claimed my gaze, most of them decrepit and boarded up amidst neglected grounds, but one or two in each street shewing signs of occupancy.","HPL" "id03885","Man doth not yield himself to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.","EAP" "id11637","He departed the same day, and four days afterwards I received a letter from his steward telling me in his name to join him with as little delay as possible.","MWS" "id14351","The only propelling force it ever exhibited, was the mere impetus acquired from the descent of the inclined plane; and this impetus carried the machine farther when the vanes were at rest, than when they were in motion a fact which sufficiently demonstrates their inutility; and in the absence of the propelling, which was also the sustaining power, the whole fabric would necessarily descend.","EAP" "id21859","I therefore sought the knife which had been in my pocket, when led into the inquisitorial chamber; but it was gone; my clothes had been exchanged for a wrapper of coarse serge.","EAP" "id19088","This was done, by fellows who had no pocket handkerchiefs.' Whether this idea is, or is not well founded, we will endeavor to see hereafter; but by 'fellows who have no pocket handkerchiefs' the editor intends the lowest class of ruffians.","EAP" "id06593","Too weary to ascend, I slept in the shadow of the hill.","HPL" "id10106","There was something, however, in the appearance of this machine which caused me to regard it more attentively.","EAP" "id05492","He gets up into the body of the Turk just so high as to bring his eyes above the level of the chess board.","EAP" "id01998","The old Captain's ben dead these sixty years, and there ain't ben a good sized ship out of the place since the Civil War; but just the same the Marshes still keep on buying a few of those native trade things mostly glass and rubber gewgaws, they tell me.","HPL" "id19413","That night the men of Teloth lodged the stranger in a stable, and in the morning an archon came to him and told him to go to the shop of Athok the cobbler, and be apprenticed to him.","HPL" "id18069","""Your repentance,"" I said, ""is now superfluous.","MWS" "id02802","""At twenty minutes before nine o'clock that is to say, a short time prior to my closing up the mouth of the chamber, the mercury attained its limit, or ran down, in the barometer, which, as I mentioned before, was one of an extended construction.","EAP" "id07459","DURING the autumn of , while on a tour through the extreme southern provinces of France, my route led me within a few miles of a certain Maison de Sante or private mad house, about which I had heard much in Paris from my medical friends.","EAP" "id22389","What was the land of these wanderers none could tell; but it was seen that they were given to strange prayers, and that they had painted on the sides of their wagons strange figures with human bodies and the heads of cats, hawks, rams, and lions.","HPL" "id25181","I saw the attic laboratory, the electrical machine, and the unsightly form of Tillinghast opposite me; but of all the space unoccupied by familiar material objects not one particle was vacant.","HPL" "id17716","One seldom saw them; but a few times a year they sent down little yellow, squint eyed messengers who looked like Scythians to trade with the merchants by means of gestures, and every spring and autumn they held the infamous rites on the peaks, their howlings and altar fires throwing terror into the villages.","HPL" "id02012","We are all unhappy; but will not that be an additional motive for you, my son, to return and be our comforter?","MWS" "id19306","The thing must have happened at about three thirty in the afternoon.","HPL" "id15639","One night, near the closing in of September, she pressed this distressing subject with more than usual emphasis upon my attention.","EAP" "id07039","Fourthly, That Hans Pfaall himself, the drunken villain, and the three very idle gentlemen styled his creditors, were all seen, no longer than two or three days ago, in a tippling house in the suburbs, having just returned, with money in their pockets, from a trip beyond the sea.","EAP" "id13396","From my first year until my fifth, he obliged me with very regular floggings.","EAP" "id11317","This was the great obstacle to voyages of length.","EAP" "id06456","I s'pose it's cheap enough, but I never see more'n two or three people in it nobody but those Innsmouth folks.","HPL" "id05382","The curator of the historical society there Mr. E. Lapham Peabody was very courteous about assisting me, and expressed unusual interest when I told him I was a grandson of Eliza Orne of Arkham, who was born in and had married James Williamson of Ohio at the age of seventeen.","HPL" "id24930","The dead were carried out, and the sick brought in, with like indifference; some were screaming with pain, others laughing from the influence of more terrible delirium; some were attended by weeping, despairing relations, others called aloud with thrilling tenderness or reproach on the friends who had deserted them, while the nurses went from bed to bed, incarnate images of despair, neglect, and death.","MWS" "id27812","Could I believe my eyes?","EAP" "id22872","Liberty, however, had been a useless gift to me, had I not, as I awakened to reason, at the same time awakened to revenge.","MWS" "id04284","This aroused my curiosity, for I knew of no deep sea organism capable of emitting such luminosity.","HPL" "id19709","At the epoch of this eventful tale, and periodically, for many years before and after, all England, but more especially the metropolis, resounded with the fearful cry of ""Plague"" The city was in a great measure depopulated and in those horrible regions, in the vicinity of the Thames, where amid the dark, narrow, and filthy lanes and alleys, the Demon of Disease was supposed to have had his nativity, Awe, Terror, and Superstition were alone to be found stalking abroad.","EAP" "id17779","He looked at the mists from the diadem of Father Neptune, and tried to walk into their white world of mystery along the titan steps of The Causeway.","HPL" "id08233","""I mean to say,"" continued Dupin, while I merely laughed at his last observations, ""that if the Minister had been no more than a mathematician, the Prefect would have been under no necessity of giving me this check.","EAP" "id13634","""The health,"" he said, ""attainable by other means than this is scarcely worth the name.""","EAP" "id03489","The grave was carelessly and loosely filled with an exceedingly porous soil; and thus some air was necessarily admitted.","EAP" "id13803","The individual artificialities of the three latter were local diseases of the Earth, and in their individual overthrows we had seen local remedies applied; but for the infected world at large I could anticipate no regeneration save in death.","EAP" "id16065","This enemy to the human race had begun early in June to raise its serpent head on the shores of the Nile; parts of Asia, not usually subject to this evil, were infected.","MWS" "id12656","His eyes, looking past me toward the malodorous sea, were positively starting from his head; while his face was a mask of fear worthy of Greek tragedy.","HPL" "id23865","Nor can I doubt that every detail of this massive product was fashioned from the virgin hillside rock of our planet.","HPL" "id15369","These periodicals will undoubtedly accept any literary offal you may send them and as undoubtedly promise to pay for it.""","EAP" "id11295","The trees moved overhead, awakening nature's favourite melody but the melancholy appearance of the choaked paths, and weed grown flower beds, dimmed even this gay summer scene.","MWS" "id26229","He could not, I reflected, be so weak as not to see that the most intricate and remote recess of his hotel would be as open as his commonest closets to the eyes, to the probes, to the gimlets, and to the microscopes of the Prefect.","EAP" "id21753","To be a great and virtuous man appeared the highest honour that can befall a sensitive being; to be base and vicious, as many on record have been, appeared the lowest degradation, a condition more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm.","MWS" "id08068","For some reason thought is very horrible to him, and anything which stirs the imagination he flees as a plague.","HPL" "id23170","I am not given to emotion of any kind, but my amazement was very great when I saw what lay revealed in that electrical glow.","HPL" "id19432","But, extreme in all things, given up to immediate impressions, he entered with ardour into this new pursuit of pleasure, and followed up the incongruous intimacies occasioned by it without reflection or foresight.","MWS" "id27523","His own mind was constitunially sic bent to a former belief in good rather than in evil and this feeling which must even exhilirate the hopeless ever shone forth in his words.","MWS" "id00855","P. Is not God spirit?","EAP" "id14192","I felt conscious of youth because I remembered so little.","HPL" "id12583","And when tales fly thick in the grottoes of tritons, and conches in seaweed cities blow wild tunes learned from the Elder Ones, then great eager vapours flock to heaven laden with lore; and Kingsport, nestling uneasy on its lesser cliffs below that awesome hanging sentinel of rock, sees oceanward only a mystic whiteness, as if the cliff's rim were the rim of all earth, and the solemn bells of the buoys tolled free in the aether of faery.","HPL" "id02909","This, acting on my imagination, had supplied namelessly sinister qualities to the indeterminate face and robed, shambling form beneath it.","HPL" "id12234","Diana had torn the veil which had before kept him in his boyhood: he was become a man and he was surprised how he could ever have joined in the cant words and ideas of his fellow collegiates or how for a moment he had feared the censure of such as these.","MWS" "id07839","Raymond questioned vainly; the mysterious Greek would say no more.","MWS" "id01457","So the youth answered: ""I am Iranon, and come from Aira, a far city that I recall only dimly but seek to find again.","HPL" "id03399","He was not materially hurt, a little fresh water soon recovered him.","MWS" "id05284","It was on the twenty first of February, , that the thing finally occurred.","HPL" "id16718","When I slept or was absent, the forms of the venerable blind father, the gentle Agatha, and the excellent Felix flitted before me.","MWS" "id08215","I saw that the decrees of what to me was Fate, were still issuing from those lips.","EAP" "id10883","Your gentle nature would not permit you to hate your greatest enemy and though I be he, although I have rent happiness from your grasp; though I have passed over your young love and hopes as the angel of destruction, finding beauty and joy, and leaving blight and despair, yet you will forgive me, and with eyes overflowing with tears I thank you; my beloved one, I accept your pardon with a gratitude that will never die, and that will, indeed it will, outlive guilt and remorse.","MWS" "id20194","I now felt gnawing at my vitals that dark terror which will never leave me till I, too, am at rest; ""accidentally"" or otherwise.","HPL" "id10935","Her affection for me, her brother, for Adrian and Idris, was subject as it were to the reigning passion of her heart; even her maternal tenderness borrowed half its force from the delight she had in tracing Raymond's features and expression in the infant's countenance.","MWS" "id22812","Instantly the outside knocking became a violent battering, while keys sounded ominously in the hall doors of the rooms on both sides of me.","HPL" "id09398","He was not like any other Jermyn who had ever lived, for he was a poet and a dreamer.","HPL" "id25196","This was immediately done, and we commenced a gradual descent.","EAP" "id25439","The first intelligence of the murder was brought us by G , in person.","EAP" "id14012","Perhaps it was like the pulsing of the engines far down in a great liner, as sensed from the deck, yet it was not so mechanical; not so devoid of the element of life and consciousness.","HPL" "id17625","I saw the Alert, now sold and in commercial use, at Circular Quay in Sydney Cove, but gained nothing from its non committal bulk.","HPL" "id04972","Clerval Beloved friend Even now it delights me to record your words and to dwell on the praise of which you are so eminently deserving.","MWS" "id23719","Mr. Crab having now paused in his discourse, the latter portion of which I found it impossible to comprehend, I ventured to suggest something about the remuneration which I had been taught to expect for my poem, by an announcement on the cover of the ""Lollipop,"" declaring that it, the ""Lollipop,"" ""insisted upon being permitted to pay exorbitant prices for all accepted contributions; frequently expending more money for a single brief poem than the whole annual cost of the 'HumDrum,' the 'Rowdy Dow,' and the 'Goosetherumfoodle' combined.""","EAP" "id22423","When darkness came over the earth, I betook myself to bed, although it was for many hours afterward broad daylight all around my immediate situation.","EAP" "id21356","It was with great difficulty that my wife, a servant, and myself, made our escape from the conflagration.","EAP" "id11125","or was it a test of my strength of affection, that I should institute no inquiries upon this point?","EAP" "id04085","As I was occupied in fixing the boat and arranging the sails, several people crowded towards the spot.","MWS" "id25266","I had so much of my old heart left, as to be at first grieved by this evident dislike on the part of a creature which had once so loved me.","EAP" "id19443","The hills rose scarlet and gold to the north of the little town, and the westering sun shone ruddily and mystically on the crude new stone and plaster buildings of the dusty forum and the wooden walls of the circus some distance to the east.","HPL" "id10988","He was curiously unelated over his impending escape, and almost dreaded the exertion, for his form had the indolent stoutness of early middle age.","HPL" "id19268","Libo himself, as well as Balbutius, insisted on accompanying the cohort; but great difficulty was suffered in getting a native guide to point out the paths up the mountain.","HPL" "id06406","The whole visible area partook in different degrees of a tint of pale yellow, and in some portions had acquired a brilliancy even painful to the eye.","EAP" "id27375","With apparent calmness she discussed with me the probable spot where he might be found, and planned the means we should use for that purpose.","MWS" "id20148","That object was my uncle the venerable Elihu Whipple who with blackening and decaying features leered and gibbered at me, and reached out dripping claws to rend me in the fury which this horror had brought.","HPL" "id15142","Soon after the festival she had sent for her child, and then she seemed to have forgotten us.","MWS" "id18692","Neither Adrian nor myself would have been so anxious, if our own success had depended on our exertions; but we had egged our friend on to the enterprise, and it became us to ensure his triumph.","MWS" "id08382","The talents and courage of Raymond were highly esteemed among the Greeks.","MWS" "id14207","""That plague of ' must have taken off the best blood in the place.","HPL" "id25166","""You are all mad every one of you.","EAP" "id00889","It's fiendish work, Carter, and I doubt if any man without ironclad sensibilities could ever see it through and come up alive and sane.","HPL" "id10408","Upon my consenting, he thrust it forthwith into his waistcoat pocket, without the parchment in which it had been wrapped, and which I had continued to hold in my hand during his inspection.","EAP" "id04992","In that chamber was I born.","EAP" "id19198","At the time, Pierre said that this restriction was imposed upon me because my noble birth placed me above association with such plebeian company.","HPL" "id08341","Jealousy and disquiet were unknown among us; nor did a fear or hope of change ever disturb our tranquillity.","MWS" "id27705","""Hold your tongues, every one of you"" said my host, in a great rage.","EAP" "id07580","In the meantime, however, I had no notion of being thwarted touching the information I desired.","EAP" "id20828","An hour later darkness found him in the open fields beyond Hangman's Brook, with the glimmering spring stars shining ahead.","HPL" "id22933","Madame D. recognized not only the scarf which was found in the thicket, but the dress which was discovered upon the corpse.","EAP" "id10599","The young man was constantly employed out of doors, and the girl in various laborious occupations within.","MWS" "id09714","But the nucleus of the destroyer was now upon us; even here in Aidenn, I shudder while I speak.","EAP" "id08416","Many of the crowded family degenerated, moved across the valley, and merged with the mongrel population which was later to produce the pitiful squatters.","HPL" "id20853","Oh I must not be mad when I see him; or perhaps it were as well that I should be, my distraction might calm his, and recall him to the endurance of life.","MWS" "id09597","It is quite certain, however, that he is never to be seen during the exhibition of the Chess Player, although frequently visible just before and just after the exhibition.","EAP" "id00771","We never come here at night, and it's only because of his will that we keep it this way.","HPL" "id25866","diamonds, did you say? terrible wretches those Kickapoos we are playing whist, if you please, Mr. Tattle however, this is the age of invention, most certainly the age, one may say the age par excellence speak French?","EAP" "id00639","This consideration led Sir George Cayley to think only of adapting a propeller to some machine having of itself an independent power of support in a word, to a balloon; the idea, however, being novel, or original, with Sir George, only so far as regards the mode of its application to practice.","EAP" "id06952","Awaken him, I entreat you, to some sense of duty.""","MWS" "id18363","The rest is shadowy and monstrous.","HPL" "id27511","Shortly before, too, he has himself observed that the lens would not render perceptible objects of less than eighteen inches in diameter; but even this, as I have said, is giving the glass by far too great power.","EAP" "id22048","His impassioned lectures in defence of Villon, , Verlaine, and Oscar Wilde were applied to himself as well, and in the short Indian summer of his glory there was talk of a renewed engagement at a certain cultured home on Park Avenue.","HPL" "id27610","I finally concluded that my senses were impressed by a certain air of gravity, sadness, or, still more properly, of weariness, which took something from the youth and freshness of the countenance, only to endow it with a seraphic tenderness and majesty, and thus, of course, to my enthusiastic and romantic temperment, with an interest tenfold.","EAP" "id00365","Away with those blood stained arms, and hasten some of you to bind up these wounds.""","MWS" "id07374","I acknowledged his kindness in my best manner, and took leave of him at once, with a perfect understanding of the true state of affairs with a full comprehension of the mystery which had troubled me so long.","EAP" "id03440","In the dog days his days have been the days of a dog.","EAP" "id11889","""And this pleases you?""","MWS" "id08093","As I gazed, I perceived that my own brain held the key to these enchanting metamorphoses; for each vista which appeared to me, was the one my changing mind most wished to behold.","HPL" "id12617","Here I knocked off the neck of a bottle which I drew from a long row of its fellows that lay upon the mould.","EAP" "id15342","It is not known how long Iranon tarried in Oonai, but one day the King brought to the palace some wild whirling dancers from the Liranian desert, and dusky flute players from Drinen in the East, and after that the revellers threw their roses not so much at Iranon as at the dancers and the flute players.","HPL" "id12844","But, worse than all, neither the cats nor the pigs could put up any longer with the behavior of the little repeaters tied to their tails, and resented it by scampering all over the place, scratching and poking, and squeaking and screeching, and caterwauling and squalling, and flying into the faces, and running under the petticoats of the people, and creating altogether the most abominable din and confusion which it is possible for a reasonable person to conceive.","EAP" "id15883","September th A scene has just passed of such uncommon interest that, although it is highly probable that these papers may never reach you, yet I cannot forbear recording it.","MWS" "id10824","A sombre, yet beautiful and peaceful gloom here pervaded all things.","EAP" "id11251","The intensity of the darkness seemed to oppress and stifle me.","EAP" "id19005","They were never heard of again.","HPL" "id13967","During the early years of their union, the inequality of her temper, and yet unsubdued self will which tarnished her character, had been a slight drawback to the fulness of his sentiment.","MWS" "id05643","This was the drama of my life which I have now depicted upon paper.","MWS" "id02507","I had no horses she wrung her hands.","MWS" "id19392","Now I ride with the mocking and friendly ghouls on the night wind, and play by day amongst the catacombs of Nephren Ka in the sealed and unknown valley of Hadoth by the Nile.","HPL" "id26001","To be handled with care.""","EAP" "id04148","After a long pause of reflection I concluded that the justice due both to him and my fellow creatures demanded of me that I should comply with his request.","MWS" "id01369","Less inexplicable was his fitting up of another downstairs room for his new grandson a room which several callers saw, though no one was ever admitted to the closely boarded upper story.","HPL" "id02317","God made him to have dominion over the works of his hands, and put all things under his feet.""","MWS" "id04763","I would have soothed I would have reasoned; but, in the intensity of her wild desire for life, for life but for life solace and reason were the uttermost folly.","EAP" "id14105","There were several side dishes on the table, containing what appeared to be the ordinary French rabbit a very delicious morceau, which I can recommend.","EAP" "id07081","The high backed settle faced the row of curtained windows at the left, and seemed to be occupied, though I was not sure.","HPL" "id17791","In vain I shewed him, that when winter came, the cold would dissipate the pestilential air, and restore courage to the Greeks.","MWS" "id02887","The few weeks that I spent in London were the most miserable of my life: a great city is a frightful habitation to one sorrowing.","MWS" "id06384","Let not England be so far disgraced, as to have it imagined that it can be without nobles, nature's true nobility, who bear their patent in their mien, who are from their cradle elevated above the rest of their species, because they are better than the rest.","MWS" "id01307","I looked toward Templeton.","EAP" "id21928","I am almost ashamed to own yes, even in this felon's cell, I am almost ashamed to own that the terror and horror with which the animal inspired me, had been heightened by one of the merest chimaeras it would be possible to conceive.","EAP" "id19523","The place was dreadfully dreary and damp, and I became troubled with ennui.","EAP" "id12992","There was nothing said or heard about the matter in the Rue Pavée St. Andrée, that reached even the occupants of the same building.","EAP" "id14190","Snow would have hid the rails in any case.","HPL" "id21632","In an instant afterward he stood erect, confronting Hermann; and so total an alteration of countenance in so short a period I certainly never saw before.","EAP" "id04125","My father was expected at noon but when I wished to return to meet him I found that I had lost my way: it seemed that in every attempt to find it I only became more involved in the intracacies of the woods, and the trees hid all trace by which I might be guided.","MWS" "id17842","The traces of light wheels were evident; and although the tall shrubberies and overgrown undergrowth met overhead, there was no obstruction whatever below, even to the passage of a Virginian mountain wagon the most aspiring vehicle, I take it, of its kind.","EAP" "id04252","The door leading from the front room into the passage was locked, with the key on the inside.","EAP" "id01545","I had already been out many hours and felt the torment of a burning thirst, a prelude to my other sufferings.","MWS" "id22494","Somehow I doubt if it was stolen by mortal hands, for many strange things were taught me in India.","HPL" "id07798","Seeing, however, a man, the precise counterpart of the felon, standing upright in the cart before their eyes, they were of so they expressed themselves, and, having communicated this opinion to one another, they took each a dram, and then knocked me down with the butt ends of their muskets.","EAP" "id17978","He fell on a narrow hill street leading up from an ancient waterfront swarming with foreign mongrels, after a careless push from a negro sailor.","HPL" "id27582","On this occasion he spoke of the perils to be faced, and exhorted the men of Olathoë, bravest of the Lomarians, to sustain the traditions of their ancestors, who when forced to move southward from Zobna before the advance of the great ice sheet even as our descendants must some day flee from the land of Lomar, valiantly and victoriously swept aside the hairy, long armed, cannibal Gnophkehs that stood in their way.","HPL" "id08862","For two hours my companion, who was a musical fanatico, gave his undivided attention to the stage; and, in the meantime, I amused myself by observing the audience, which consisted, in chief part, of the very elite of the city.","EAP" "id04180","CHAPTER V. WHEN we arrived at Windsor, I found that Raymond and Perdita had departed for the continent.","MWS" "id00499","I felt as if I had committed some great crime, the consciousness of which haunted me.","MWS" "id18279","But of late, it is a rare thing that I sleep soundly at night.","EAP" "id17466","We now take it for our model upon all themes, and are getting into rapid notice accordingly.","EAP" "id05778","If we cannot comprehend God in his visible works, how then in his inconceivable thoughts, that call the works into being?","EAP" "id01974","M. Beauvais did not return that night, but sent word to Madame Rogêt, at seven o'clock, on Wednesday evening, that an investigation was still in progress respecting her daughter.","EAP" "id11360","He is frequently absent from home all night.","EAP" "id04335","It consists in short sentences.","EAP" "id19436","When they spoke of his probable death and certain captivity, tears streamed from their eyes; even as the women of Syria sorrowed for Adonis, did the wives and mothers of Greece lament our English Raymond Athens was a city of mourning.","MWS" "id01370","On the morning of the third day he informed me that he had determined to go to Yorkshire first alone, and that I should follow him in a fortnight unless I heard any thing from him in the mean time that should contradict this command.","MWS" "id07073","But I do not fear him now, for I suspect that he has known horrors beyond my ken.","HPL" "id12764","The point of view from which I first saw the valley, was not altogether, although it was nearly, the best point from which to survey the house.","EAP" "id27686","We still ascended, and now only one step remained.","EAP" "id15695","The gigantic magnitude and the immediately available nature of the sum, dazzled and bewildered all who thought upon the topic.","EAP" "id15792","Night also closed around; and when I could hardly see the dark mountains, I felt still more gloomily.","MWS" "id25450","It was a place fitted for such a work, being hardly more than a rock whose high sides were continually beaten upon by the waves.","MWS" "id13907","You appeared as the deity of a lovely region, the ministering Angel of a Paradise to which of all human kind you admitted only me.","MWS" "id17378","Who was better framed than this highly gifted youth to love and be beloved, and to reap unalienable joy from an unblamed passion?","MWS" "id00435","You may make a good deal of that little fact if properly worked.","EAP" "id06688","That material injury to our globe or to its inhabitants would result from the apprehended contact, was an opinion which hourly lost ground among the wise; and the wise were now freely permitted to rule the reason and the fancy of the crowd.","EAP" "id24224","To lighten the depression of his spirits, the Baron hurried into the open air.","EAP" "id07933","Too many folks missin' too much wild preachin' at meetin' of a Sunday too much talk abaout that reef.","HPL" "id19594","About a month after the loss of the ""Independence,"" I happened to meet Captain Hardy in Broadway.","EAP" "id05617","The artist had engaged passage for himself, wife, two sisters and a servant.","EAP" "id24090","Curtis Whateley was only just regaining consciousness when the Arkham men came slowly down the mountain in the beams of a sunlight once more brilliant and untainted.","HPL" "id03871","The adventurer, in digging the earth, happens to discover a peculiar metal for which the moon has a strong attraction, and straightway constructs of it a box, which, when cast loose from its terrestrial fastenings, flies with him, forthwith, to the satellite.","EAP" "id18264","By a strange narrowness of ideas he viewed all the world in connexion only as it was or was not related to his little society.","MWS" "id19467","They parted; and in a smile of peculiar meaning, the teeth of the changed Berenice disclosed themselves slowly to my view.","EAP" "id17104","Gilman sat in a daze all the afternoon, and Elwood who had meanwhile seen the papers and formed terrible conjectures from them found him thus when he came home.","HPL" "id20202","""I am not more sure that I breathe than I am that the letter is not at the Hotel.""","EAP" "id21264","I must stay till the next day; or come back, after having reported the present state of things to the general.","MWS" "id11286","Ise gittin to be skeered, I tell you.","EAP" "id04867","I started up and beheld a radiant form rise from among the trees.","MWS" "id08346","You know, I presume, that laborers have for some months been employed in preparing the ground for a new fountain at Paradise, the Emperor's principal pleasure garden.","EAP" "id07172","For a time music was able to satisfy the cravings of her mental hunger, and her melancholy thoughts renewed themselves in each change of key, and varied with every alteration in the strain.","MWS" "id15397","On our arrival in London, we found that the aged Countess of Windsor was residing with her son in the palace of the Protectorate; we repaired to our accustomed abode near Hyde Park.","MWS" "id09566","By the utter simplicity, by the nakedness of his designs, he arrested and overawed attention.","EAP" "id23288","Yet I own, that considering the task which Raymond had taken on himself as Protector of England, and the cares to which it became him to attend, I was exceedingly provoked to observe the worthless fellows on whom his time was wasted, and the jovial if not drunken spirit which seemed on the point of robbing him of his better self.","MWS" "id10727","On an improvised dissecting table in the old farmhouse, by the light of a powerful acetylene lamp, the specimen was not very spectral looking.","HPL" "id19242","'Sir' said he, gasping for breath, 'I can't never set up nothing without no o's.' 'What do you mean by that?' growled the foreman, who was in a very ill humor at being kept so late.","EAP" "id18077","Felix rejected his offers with contempt, yet when he saw the lovely Safie, who was allowed to visit her father and who by her gestures expressed her lively gratitude, the youth could not help owning to his own mind that the captive possessed a treasure which would fully reward his toil and hazard.","MWS" "id07399","As I rapidly made the mesmeric passes, amid ejaculations of ""dead dead"" absolutely bursting from the tongue and not from the lips of the sufferer, his whole frame at once within the space of a single minute, or even less, shrunk crumbled absolutely rotted away beneath my hands.","EAP" "id21576","When it became noon, and the sun rose higher, I lay down on the grass and was overpowered by a deep sleep.","MWS" "id01996","A good hearted old Irish nurse whom I shall not forget in my will took me up one day by the heels, when I was making more noise than was necessary, and swinging me round two or knocked my head into a cocked hat against the bedpost.","EAP" "id21386","The truth is, I labored under the disadvantage of having no monkey and American streets are so muddy, and a Democratic rabble is so obstrusive, and so full of demnition mischievous little boys.","EAP" "id10327","The soul is expanded and drinks in quiet, a lulling medecine to me it was as the sight of the lovely water snakes to the bewitched mariner in loving and blessing Nature I unawares, called down a blessing on my own soul.","MWS" "id07816","He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle and at another as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike.","MWS" "id23523","At such times solemn harmonies or spirit stirring airs gave wings to my lagging thoughts, permitting them, methought, to penetrate the last veil of nature and her God, and to display the highest beauty in visible expression to the understandings of men.","MWS" "id10715","It was a very foolish hysteria, for the boy had often run away before; but Italian peasants are exceedingly superstitious, and this woman seemed as much harassed by omens as by facts.","HPL" "id09159","The presence of Safie diffused happiness among its inhabitants, and I also found that a greater degree of plenty reigned there.","MWS" "id26352","The effect of this volume had not left me, and I felt a certain hesitancy in speaking of it; but curiosity overmastered all the vague fears which had steadily accumulated since my first glimpse of the house.","HPL" "id18658","He assured me one day, when I asked him for a new copy of Horace, that the translation of ""ta nascitur non fit"" was ""a nasty poet for nothing fit"" a remark which I took in high dudgeon.","EAP" "id21398","d n if I do"" ""If you are afraid, Jup, a great big negro like you, to take hold of a harmless little dead beetle, why you can carry it up by this string but, if you do not take it up with you in some way, I shall be under the necessity of breaking your head with this shovel.""","EAP" "id24154","What all my pretty chickens, and their dam, At one fell swoop A pang of tameless grief wrenched every heart, a burst of despair was echoed from every lip.","MWS" "id19238","Whatever had burst loose upon the world had assuredly gone down into the great sinister ravine; for all the trees on the banks were bent and broken, and a great avenue had been gouged in the precipice hanging underbrush.","HPL" "id02849","When I had completed the drawing I gave it to you, and observed you narrowly until you returned it.","EAP" "id12386","I passed a whole month in her chamber nursing her, but her disease was mortal and she died, leaving me for some time inconsolable, Death is so dreadful to the living; the chains of habit are so strong even when affection does not link them that the heart must be agonized when they break.","MWS" "id26958","Does it now only exist in my memory?","MWS" "id02394","Let me term it a mental pendulous pulsation.","EAP" "id22804","generally stopped at the Mansion House in Benefit Street the renamed Golden Ball Inn whose roof has sheltered Washington, Jefferson, and Lafayette and his favourite walk led northward along the same street to Mrs. Whitman's home and the neighbouring hillside churchyard of St. John's, whose hidden expanse of eighteenth century gravestones had for him a peculiar fascination.","HPL" "id17015","Put back the slab and run there's nothing else you or anyone can do now"" The tone changed again, this time acquiring a softer quality, as of hopeless resignation.","HPL" "id22009","""LA MUSIQUE,"" says Marmontel, in those ""Contes Moraux"" which in all our translations, we have insisted upon calling ""Moral Tales,"" as if in mockery of their spirit ""la musique est le seul des talents qui jouissent de lui meme; tous les autres veulent des temoins.""","EAP" "id09954","So far I have not shot myself as my uncle Douglas did.","HPL" "id11201","The raising of ghosts or devils was a promise liberally accorded by my favourite authors, the fulfilment of which I most eagerly sought; and if my incantations were always unsuccessful, I attributed the failure rather to my own inexperience and mistake than to a want of skill or fidelity in my instructors.","MWS" "id07582","It was whispered that he had died of the plague.","MWS" "id03165","You'd better thank heaven it didn't go further. . . .","HPL" "id09939","What struggle could have taken place what struggle so violent and so enduring as to have left its 'traces' in all directions between a weak and defenceless girl and the gang of ruffians imagined?","EAP" "id02506","And when I saw on the dim litten moor a wide nebulous shadow sweeping from mound to mound, I shut my eyes and threw myself face down upon the ground.","HPL" "id22750","The pang is over, his sufferings are at an end for ever.","MWS" "id27049","He was induced to look with extreme disapprobation, and at last with distaste, on my father's imprudence and follies.","MWS" "id11580","The quiet waters had closed placidly over their victim; and, although my own gondola was the only one in sight, many a stout swimmer, already in the stream, was seeking in vain upon the surface, the treasure which was to be found, alas only within the abyss.","EAP" "id18781","""Baconian,"" you must know, was an adjective invented as equivalent to Hog ian and more euphonious and dignified.","EAP" "id10415","Of the cattle, only a quarter could be found and identified.","HPL" "id23176","Day, hateful to me, dawned; I retreated to my lodgings I threw myself on a couch I slept was it sleep?","MWS" "id06088","My cognizance of the pit had become known to the inquisitorial agents the pit whose horrors had been destined for so bold a recusant as myself the pit, typical of hell, and regarded by rumor as the Ultima Thule of all their punishments.","EAP" "id14255","But the archon was sullen and did not understand, and rebuked the stranger.","HPL" "id01985","This was, to be sure, a singular recontre, for I had not believed it possible that a cloud of this nature could be sustained at so great an elevation.","EAP" "id14620","""I presume you expected to find a letter between the stamp and the signature.""","EAP" "id04773","With a proper caution and perseverance we shall infallibly trace this boat; for not only can the bargeman who picked it up identify it, but the rudder is at hand.","EAP" "id04875","It was that of General Lasalle.","EAP" "id16159","For, to speak the truth, until of late years, that the heads of all the people have been set agog with politics, no better business than my own could an honest citizen of Rotterdam either desire or deserve.","EAP" "id03308","Glancing to and fro, in a thousand reflections, from curtains which rolled from their cornices like cataracts of molten silver, the beams of natural glory mingled at length fitfully with the artificial light, and lay weltering in subdued masses upon a carpet of rich, liquid looking cloth of Chili gold.","EAP" "id17033","The ancient books taken from Whateley's quarters, while absorbingly interesting and in several cases promising to open up new and terrible lines of research among philosophers and men of science, were of no assistance whatever in this matter.","HPL" "id10140","Still, no one durst complain to the sinister couple; even when little Atal, the innkeeper's son, vowed that he had at twilight seen all the cats of Ulthar in that accursed yard under the trees, pacing very slowly and solemnly in a circle around the cottage, two abreast, as if in performance of some unheard of rite of beasts.","HPL" "id00747","The ground on which the battle was fought, was a level plain so level, that from the tumuli you saw the waving line of mountains on the wide stretched horizon; yet the intervening space was unvaried by the least irregularity, save such undulations as resembled the waves of the sea.","MWS" "id00332","For the sisters, however, I could make no excuse.","EAP" "id20889","At night the subtle stirring of the black city outside, the sinister scurrying of rats in the wormy partitions, and the creaking of hidden timbers in the centuried house, were enough to give him a sense of strident pandemonium.","HPL" "id02403","The creaking of the masts, the clang of the wheels, the tramp above, all persuaded her that she was already far from the shores of Greece.","MWS" "id18720","Jupiter, grinning from ear to ear, bustled about to prepare some marsh hens for supper.","EAP" "id18409","True, she looked forward to another life; true, the burning spirit of love seemed to her unextinguishable throughout eternity.","MWS" "id00473","The shutters of the front windows were seldom opened.","EAP" "id19785","It was something I found in my coat the next morning.","HPL" "id12031","But now Zadok was shaking me, and I turned back to watch the melting of that fear frozen face into a chaos of twitching eyelids and mumbling gums.","HPL" "id24282","Instead, they jumped violently at the terrific report which seemed to rend the hills; the deafening, cataclysmic peal whose source, be it inner earth or sky, no hearer was ever able to place.","HPL" "id02051","About five in the morning I discovered my lovely boy, whom the night before I had seen blooming and active in health, stretched on the grass livid and motionless; the print of the murder's finger was on his neck.","MWS" "id05481","Before the battle of Rodosto I was full of hope and spirit; to conquer there, and afterwards to take Constantinople, was the hope, the bourne, the fulfilment of my ambition.","MWS" "id16368","In the summer and autumn of I dwelt in the drear expanses of the Cactus Mountains, employed as a common labourer at the celebrated Norton Mine; whose discovery by an aged prospector some years before had turned the surrounding region from a nearly unpeopled waste to a seething cauldron of sordid life.","HPL" "id05698","I suppose one should start in the cold December of , when the ground froze and the cemetery delvers found they could dig no more graves till spring.","HPL" "id16999","Now you have the experience of all that I can give, the heart's devotion, taintless love, and unhesitating subjection to you.","MWS" "id14646","A very strange coincidence, indeed Just what Doctor Dubble L. Dee would denominate an extraordinary concurrence of events.","EAP" "id16793","There was also that Arkham professor's body which had done cannibal things before it had been captured and thrust unidentified into a madhouse cell at Sefton, where it beat the walls for sixteen years.","HPL" "id08695","A certain period elapses, and some unseen mysterious principle again sets in motion the magic pinions and the wizard wheels.","EAP" "id09169","The writing accompanying this oddity was, aside from a stack of press cuttings, in Professor Angell's most recent hand; and made no pretence to literary style.","HPL" "id17286","Well, young fellow, you mustn't take too much stock in what people around here say.","HPL" "id05380","He licked the nose of the bottle and slipped it into his pocket, then beginning to nod and whisper softly to himself.","HPL" "id09583","Again I called down, ""Warren, are you there?"", and in answer heard the thing which has brought this cloud over my mind.","HPL" "id02219","I was harassed and ill, resolved not to give up my post, yet doubting in what way I should assert it; when Adrian called me, and clasping my hand, bade me not leave him.","MWS" "id24252","There entered three men, who introduced themselves, with perfect suavity, as officers of the police.","EAP" "id15525","I shall go to those poles when the earth is cleared off, if I can't break through with the Dho Hna formula when I commit it.","HPL" "id20844","Hereupon his Grace rubbed his eyes, yawned, shrugged his shoulders, reflected.","EAP" "id01558","Let us go even where you will; the love that accompanies us will prevent our regrets.""","MWS" "id14496","After all the agitation and sorrow I had endured in Greece, I sought Windsor, as the storm driven bird does the nest in which it may fold its wings in tranquillity.","MWS" "id10387","After we had spent a few weeks in London his attentions towards me became marked and his visits more frequent.","MWS" "id12601","My first impulse on awaking was to communicate all my fears and observations to Denys Barry, but as I saw the sunlight glowing through the latticed east window I became sure that there was no reality in what I thought I had seen.","HPL" "id10424","Everything he saw was unspeakably menacing and horrible; and whenever one of the organic entities appeared by its motions to be noticing him, he felt a stark, hideous fright which generally jolted him awake.","HPL" "id22648","It were no mighty leap methinks from Calais to Dover.","MWS" "id11429","Then we have accurate rules.","EAP" "id18150","What more would you have?"" ""But, sir, if you please, I don't remember that you paid me for the tobacco.""","EAP" "id21059","He who sat near Raymond was telling a story, which convulsed the rest with laughter.","MWS" "id04863","While I watched the tempest, so beautiful yet terrific, I wandered on with a hasty step.","MWS" "id03031","At first, as he spoke, there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the direction of the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now, with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to the speaker.","EAP" "id05004","The general impression, so far as we were enabled to glean it from the newspapers, seemed to be, that Marie had been the victim of a gang of desperadoes that by these she had been borne across the river, maltreated and murdered.","EAP" "id00890","""Pardon me,"" it said, ""for the uneasiness I have unavoidably given you: but while in that unhappy island, where every thing breathes her spirit whom I have lost for ever, a spell held me.","MWS" "id04444","Sometimes it made me weep; and at other times I repeated with transport those words, ""One day I may claim her at your hands.""","MWS" "id05129","She saw therefore no escape from dire penury: perpetual care, joined to sorrow for the loss of the wondrous being, whom she continued to contemplate with ardent admiration, hard labour, and naturally delicate health, at length released her from the sad continuity of want and misery.","MWS" "id19061","This book had a far different effect upon me from the Sorrows of Werter.","MWS" "id21290","I have before said, or should have said, that Wilson was not, in the most remote degree, connected with my family.","EAP" "id15431","Le Mercurie Tuesday Morning, June .","EAP" "id26693","Valdemar,"" I said, ""are you asleep?""","EAP" "id00727","This old man dwells all alone in a very ancient house on Water Street near the sea, and is reputed to be both exceedingly rich and exceedingly feeble; which forms a situation very attractive to men of the profession of Messrs. Ricci, Czanek, and Silva, for that profession was nothing less dignified than robbery.","HPL" "id17931","He was an excellent ""whip,"" however; and having doffed his cassock to put on a great coat, he drove the hack which conveyed the ""happy couple"" out of town.","EAP" "id15276","Man cannot repose, and his restless aspirations will now bring forth good instead of evil.","MWS" "id15266","No sooner had I done this, than, with a bright smile irradiating all his features, he fell back upon his pillow and expired.","EAP" "id25420","It was now the representation of an object that I shudder to name and for this, above all, I loathed, and dreaded, and would have rid myself of the monster had I dared it was now, I say, the image of a hideous of a ghastly thing of the GALLOWS oh, mournful and terrible engine of Horror and of Crime of Agony and of Death And now was I indeed wretched beyond the wretchedness of mere Humanity.","EAP" "id09921","I closed the window, and the semblance of the whole nail was again perfect.","EAP" "id06021","""Dvelf"" they replied perfectly satisfied, and dropping their voices.","EAP" "id06603","I am going to unexplored regions, to ""the land of mist and snow,"" but I shall kill no albatross; therefore do not be alarmed for my safety or if I should come back to you as worn and woeful as the ""Ancient Mariner.""","MWS" "id01241","When the crowd was gone I saw the grave bearded man who had brought me to this place standing alone with a lantern.","HPL" "id27421","His manner at these moments was frigid and abstract; his eyes were vacant in expression; while his voice, usually a rich tenor, rose into a treble which would have sounded petulantly but for the deliberateness and entire distinctness of the enunciation.","EAP" "id26531","And I would tell myself that the realm beyond the wall was not more lasting merely, but more lovely and radiant as well.","HPL" "id21667","A postscript, however, mentioned that Adolphe Le Bon had been arrested and imprisoned although nothing appeared to criminate him, beyond the facts already detailed.","EAP" "id04718","""I thank you, Walton,"" he said, ""for your kind intentions towards so miserable a wretch; but when you speak of new ties and fresh affections, think you that any can replace those who are gone?","MWS" "id22723","The frame was oval, richly gilded and filigreed in Moresque.","EAP" "id04482","Mr. Kirwin charged himself with every care of collecting witnesses and arranging my defence.","MWS" "id23361","I observed that the outlines of these monstrosities were sufficiently distinct, but that the colors seemed faded and blurred, as if from the effects of a damp atmosphere.","EAP" "id22940","This verbal jumble was the key to the recollection which excited and disturbed Professor Angell.","HPL" "id24066","I tell you distinctly that I am going to punish you for all your impertinences by being as tedious, as discursive, as incoherent and as unsatisfactory as possible.","EAP" "id08672","Could he allude to an object on whom I dared not even think?","MWS" "id12758","Our means of receiving impressions are absurdly few, and our notions of surrounding objects infinitely narrow.","HPL" "id16702","Seeing a possible means of avoiding the dangerous jump, I yanked at the hangings and brought them down, pole and all; then quickly hooking two of the rings in the shutter catch and flinging the drapery outside.","HPL" "id18888","""The expression of your sentiments of this subject, my dear Victor, gives me more pleasure than I have for some time experienced.","MWS" "id25399","Well, Eliot, there wasn't much for me to do after that harangue but to keep myself from running instead of walking for the first vacant cab we could sight.","HPL" "id04112","Yet this should have been the case, and in an equal degree as at the surface of the earth, the actual gravity of bodies at either planet supposed in the ratio of the atmospheric condensation.","EAP" "id12004","This peculiarity of character grew with my growth, and in my manhood, I derived from it one of my principal sources of pleasure.","EAP" "id20300","On you it rests, whether I quit forever the neighbourhood of man and lead a harmless life, or become the scourge of your fellow creatures and the author of your own speedy ruin.""","MWS" "id12504","This fact confirmed my preconceived idea.","EAP" "id09644","Since that period, whenever the world's circumstance has not imperiously called me away, or the temper of my mind impeded such study, I have been employed in deciphering these sacred remains.","MWS" "id00216","""He is coming"" said somebody farther still.","EAP" "id17146","The man did not accost me, so I hastened home in an effort to overhear what he might report to my careworn father.","HPL" "id24786","It will be perceived, no doubt, from what I have already said, that the Baron was one of those human anomalies now and then to be found, who make the science of mystification the study and the business of their lives.","EAP" "id23606","They retired and I turned towards my friend, but he was sunk in languor and almost deprived of life.","MWS" "id22773","But in the detail which he gave you of them he could not sum up the hours and months of misery which I endured wasting in impotent passions.","MWS" "id06710","This fact was unknown to the travelling companion who introduced me.","EAP" "id06134","Your curiosity makes you irresponsible.","HPL" "id10963","He sent for medical assistance; the hours passed, spun by suspense into ages; the darkness of the long autumnal night yielded to day, before her life was secure.","MWS" "id13755","But I was baffled in every attempt I made for this purpose.","MWS" "id23879","The whole attic story was choked with debris from above, but no one took the trouble to touch the mess before the inevitable razing of the decrepit structure.","HPL" "id09008","He had a lot of talk about diet, and said Pickman must be abnormal and eccentric to the last degree.","HPL" "id24116","It might mean the end of all our local work and perhaps prison for both West and me.","HPL" "id21407","Several extensive perforations existed; and, at one point, permanent adhesion to the ribs had taken place.","EAP" "id25230","Beyond these, the critical art can but suggest.","EAP" "id04700","But in the draping of the apartment lay, alas the chief phantasy of all.","EAP" "id24429","Only assure me that your love and faith towards me have never been violated; and suspicion, and doubt, and jealousy will at once be dispersed.","MWS" "id04591","With whimpering insistence the squatters told tales of a daemon which seized lone wayfarers after dark, either carrying them off or leaving them in a frightful state of gnawed dismemberment; while sometimes they whispered of blood trails toward the distant mansion.","HPL" "id14863","There was some of it in Wilbur Whateley himself enough to make a devil and a precocious monster of him, and to make his passing out a pretty terrible sight.","HPL" "id18639","""The old man, leaning on his son, walked each day at noon, when it did not rain, as I found it was called when the heavens poured forth its waters.","MWS" "id15203","It seemed strange that old Gregory, at least, should desert his master without telling as tried a friend as I.","HPL" "id10524","Not in the calm air or weltering ocean; not in the woods or fertile fields, nor among the birds that made the woods resonant with song, nor the animals that in the midst of plenty basked in the sunshine.","MWS" "id08644","At the same moment there came a sound resembling the quick opening, and as rapid closing of a door overhead, while a faint gleam of light flashed suddenly through the gloom, and as suddenly faded away.","EAP" "id03686","Saw him sitting in a side box, in the second tier, between a fat lady and a lean one.","EAP" "id09226","A selfish pursuit had cramped and narrowed me, until your gentleness and affection warmed and opened my senses; I became the same happy creature who, a few years ago, loved and beloved by all, had no sorrow or care.","MWS" "id00590","We arrived at the town of in a little more than half an hour.","MWS" "id01267","""Glad to know you, Sheehan,"" said Trever in a quiet, well bred tone.","HPL" "id02235","If this man could not be restored to life, no one would know of our experiment.","HPL" "id13962","Either the memory of past bliss is the anguish of to day, or the agonies which are, have their origin in the ecstasies which might have been.","EAP" "id20574","But as it now began to strike, nobody had any time to attend to his manoeuvres, for they had all to count the strokes of the bell as it sounded.","EAP" "id02369","Besides, the streets were loathsomely dark.","HPL" "id11804","He saw that most of them, in common with their cast off priestcraft, could not escape from the delusion that life has a meaning apart from that which men dream into it; and could not lay aside the crude notion of ethics and obligations beyond those of beauty, even when all Nature shrieked of its unconsciousness and impersonal unmorality in the light of their scientific discoveries.","HPL" "id03759","He returned home, full of mingled feelings, of pain excited by Evadne's wretchedness, and pleasure at the prospect of relieving it.","MWS" "id19859","When my hand touched his ear I shuddered, though I knew not why knew not why till I felt of the still face; the ice cold, stiffened, unbreathing face whose glassy eyes bulged uselessly into the void.","HPL" "id08120","And can I who for many years was fed by tears, and nourished under the dew of grief, can I pause to relate a tale of woe and death?","MWS" "id07629","Dunwich is indeed ridiculously old older by far than any of the communities within thirty miles of it.","HPL" "id15473","But why shall I say more?","EAP" "id22525","""It is this,"" I answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my roquelaire.","EAP" "id16751","He comforted her; he instilled into her his own hopes and desires; and soon her countenance beamed with sympathy.","MWS" "id27454","I pointed out that the barbarous Vascones were at best turbulent and uncertain, so that skirmishes with them were inevitable sooner or later whichever course we might take; that they had not in the past proved dangerous adversaries to our legions, and that it would ill become the representatives of the Roman People to suffer barbarians to interfere with a course which the justice and prestige of the Republic demanded.","HPL" "id04672","Soon we returned to shore, and I endeavoured to obviate the impression made on the child's mind, by treating Raymond's fears lightly.","MWS" "id27258","I believed in her innocence; I knew it.","MWS" "id25516","It was that of an ancient Puritan interior a heavily beamed room with lattice windows, a settle, and clumsy seventeenth century furniture, with the family sitting about while the father read from the Scriptures.","HPL" "id15345","I must find Bennett and Tobey, if they lived . . .","HPL" "id24552","For my part, I cannot conceive upon what data they have founded such an accusation.","EAP" "id10020","The introduction of mirrors among the machinery could not have been intended to influence, in any degree, the machinery itself.","EAP" "id26941","I am twenty two, you say, granted: indeed, you may as well call me, at once, twenty three.","EAP" "id09247","It was the pit the maelstrom the ultimate abomination.","HPL" "id16331","He started to his feet and grasped his cudgel, but the next moment he fell back into his seat, trembling violently, and with the countenance of death itself.","EAP" "id25002","I replied that I had entire confidence in his superior delicacy of feeling, and would abide by what he proposed.","EAP" "id10038","It was the skeleton of his wife in her yet unmoulded shroud.","EAP" "id17538","You know that the beginning is GOD.","EAP" "id21840","They dressed its wound and carted it to the asylum at Sefton, where it beat its head against the walls of a padded cell for sixteen years until the recent mishap, when it escaped under circumstances that few like to mention.","HPL" "id07056","Accordingly I had sent a slave a nimble little Greek called Antipater to the proconsul with letters, and Scribonius had heeded my plea and ordered Balbutius to send his fifth cohort, under Asellius, to Pompelo; entering the hills at dusk on the eve of November's Kalends and stamping out whatever nameless orgies he might find bringing such prisoners as he might take to Tarraco for the next proprætor's court.","HPL" "id09681","The passions which had for centuries distinguished our race, came thronging with the fancies for which they had been equally noted, and together breathed a delirious bliss over the Valley of the Many Colored Grass.","EAP" "id12778","Having related all that was necessary for the fullest judicial conviction, I fell prostrate in a swoon.","EAP" "id03657","It was thus that he spoke of the object of my visit, of his earnest desire to see me, and of the solace he expected me to afford him.","EAP" "id27407","Chapter On my return, I found the following letter from my father: ""My dear Victor, ""You have probably waited impatiently for a letter to fix the date of your return to us; and I was at first tempted to write only a few lines, merely mentioning the day on which I should expect you.","MWS" "id01290","His stud of beautiful horses, his arms of costly workmanship, the praise that attended him, the adoration, ready servitor, high place and high esteem, I considered them as forcibly wrenched from me, and envied them all with novel and tormenting bitterness.","MWS" "id27327","From Dunedin the Alert and her noisome crew had darted eagerly forth as if imperiously summoned, and on the other side of the earth poets and artists had begun to dream of a strange, dank Cyclopean city whilst a young sculptor had moulded in his sleep the form of the dreaded Cthulhu.","HPL" "id20999","The offspring of the deepest love I displayed from my earliest years the greatest sensibility of disposition.","MWS" "id11390","Then the trail led to the couch and ended unutterably.","HPL" "id15374","Several other men were examined concerning my landing, and they agreed that, with the strong north wind that had arisen during the night, it was very probable that I had beaten about for many hours and had been obliged to return nearly to the same spot from which I had departed.","MWS" "id12897","Besides all this, the lawn's velvet was exquisitely spotted with sheep a considerable flock of which roamed about the vale, in company with three tamed deer, and a vast number of brilliantly plumed ducks.","EAP" "id11946","Was it my own excited imagination or the misty influence of the atmosphere or the uncertain twilight of the chamber or the gray draperies which fell around her figure that caused in it so vacillating and indistinct an outline?","EAP" "id01183","After a hurried and vain endeavor to thrust it in a drawer, she was forced to place it, open as it was, upon a table.","EAP" "id10349","If for a moment he shewed curiosity, my eyes fell, my voice died away and my evident suffering made him quickly endeavour to banish the ideas he had awakened; yet he for ever mingled consolation in his talk, and tried to soften my despair by demonstrations of deep sympathy and compassion.","MWS" "id15470","You tried to stop me; you discouraged me when I needed every drop of encouragement I could get; you were afraid of the cosmic truth, you damned coward, but now I've got you What swept up the servants?","HPL" "id11419","We even felt an unusual elasticity of frame and vivacity of mind.","EAP" "id05920","I lay at the bottom of the boat, and as I gazed on the cloudless blue sky, I seemed to drink in a tranquillity to which I had long been a stranger.","MWS" "id05845","I could be found in no state of mind which I would not willingly have exchanged for nothingness.","MWS" "id13950","A letter, however, had lately reached me in a distant part of the country a letter from him which, in its wildly importunate nature, had admitted of no other than a personal reply.","EAP" "id11324","Then unexpectedly my hands came upon a doorway, where hung a portal of stone, rough with strange chiselling.","HPL" "id19399","The ascent is precipitous, but the path is cut into continual and short windings, which enable you to surmount the perpendicularity of the mountain.","MWS" "id23120","""And now, with the world before me, whither should I bend my steps?","MWS" "id24286","In rather a too philosophical and connected a strain, perhaps, I have given an account of the conclusions I had come to concerning them in my early years.","MWS" "id12153","Afterward I waited in the black hallway, shivering with cold and fear, till I heard the poor musician's feeble effort to rise from the floor by the aid of a chair.","HPL" "id21480","At nine, every morning, I called upon that individual for the clothes of the day.","EAP" "id25451","There I suffered it to remain for many minutes, while I strove to imagine where and what I could be.","EAP" "id19780","His skin, nearly black, his matted hair and bristly beard, were signs of a long protracted misery.","MWS" "id02967","As grief might change Constance so would deceit change me untill in heaven you would say, ""This is not my child"" My father, to be happy both now and when again we meet I must fly from all this life which is mockery to one like me.","MWS" "id15466","I never heard of Innsmouth till the day before I saw it for the first and so far last time.","HPL" "id18797","And a brute beast whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed a brute beast to work out for me for me a man, fashioned in the image of the High God so much of insufferable wo Alas neither by day nor by night knew I the blessing of Rest any more During the former the creature left me no moment alone; and, in the latter, I started, hourly, from dreams of unutterable fear, to find the hot breath of the thing upon my face, and its vast weight an incarnate Night Mare that I had no power to shake off incumbent eternally upon my heart Beneath the pressure of torments such as these, the feeble remnant of the good within me succumbed.","EAP" "id09798","There lives no man who at some period has not been tormented, for example, by an earnest desire to tantalize a listener by circumlocution.","EAP" "id22120","And here, in the prison house which has few secrets to disclose, there rolled away days and weeks and months; and the soul watched narrowly each second as it flew, and, without effort, took record of its flight without effort and without object.","EAP" "id10882","At length he opened his eyes; he breathed with difficulty and was unable to speak.","MWS" "id00103","The sound of waterfalls became more and more distinct, and presently I saw a fairly deep river gorge ahead, spanned by a wide, iron railed highway bridge beyond which a large square opened out.","HPL" "id11878","And touching that mildew upon which the editor of Le Soleil so pertinaciously insists, that he employs the word no less than three times in the brief paragraph just quoted, is he really unaware of the nature of this mildew?","EAP" "id17273","Some of the Whateleys and Bishops still send their eldest sons to Harvard and Miskatonic, though those sons seldom return to the mouldering gambrel roofs under which they and their ancestors were born.","HPL" "id25502","It was there, however, no longer; and breathing with greater freedom, I turned my glances to the pallid and rigid figure upon the bed.","EAP" "id16382","But if you have no oven or big bell, at hand, and if you cannot conveniently tumble out of a balloon, or be swallowed up in an earthquake, or get stuck fast in a chimney, you will have to be contented with simply imagining some similar misadventure.","EAP" "id13661","After a pause, during which the flock of whippoorwills outside adjusted their cries to the altered tempo while some indications of the strange hill noises came from afar off, he added another sentence or two.","HPL" "id17161","The star shaped flowers shrank into the stems of the trees, and appeared no more.","EAP" "id13564","We will call them guesses then, and speak of them as such.","EAP" "id11175","Having crossed to the western sidewalk I rounded the nearest corner into Bates Street, where I kept close to the buildings on the southern side.","HPL" "id18611","Being ordered peremptorily to turn back, Capt.","HPL" "id01773","The strange things of the past which I learnt during those nocturnal meetings with the dead he dismisses as the fruits of my lifelong and omnivorous browsing amongst the ancient volumes of the family library.","HPL" "id09131","And the trees still sheltered singing birds, and at evening the moon and stars looked down upon dewy blossoms in the walled rose gardens.","HPL" "id01071","""I had rather be with you,"" he said, ""in your solitary rambles, than with these Scotch people, whom I do not know; hasten, then, my dear friend, to return, that I may again feel myself somewhat at home, which I cannot do in your absence.""","MWS" "id12794","Well, be it so; a deadly struggle would then assuredly take place, in which if he were victorious I should be at peace and his power over me be at an end.","MWS" "id00202","Hence there is less distinction between the several classes of its inhabitants; and the lower orders, being neither so poor nor so despised, their manners are more refined and moral.","MWS" "id19641","The force of this idea was much weakened, however, by the necessity which it involved of considering the disturbances abnormal and unadapted to any purpose.","EAP" "id00919","All fools are poets; this the Prefect feels; and he is merely guilty of a non distributio medii in thence inferring that all poets are fools.""","EAP" "id21456","Idris had disappeared.","MWS" "id03803","It Wits of course be understood that when a move is made at his own table, by the antagonist, the corresponding move is made at the box of the Automaton, by Maelzel himself, who then acts as the representative of the antagonist.","EAP" "id04589","But in a city all is closed shut like a prison, a wiry prison from which you can peep at the sky only.","MWS" "id13756","I was glad of this, for I wished to retain with me as much weight as I could carry, for reasons which will be explained in the sequel.","EAP" "id09612","This event caused many of those who were about to sail, to put foot again on firm land, ready to encounter any evil rather than to rush into the yawning jaws of the pitiless ocean.","MWS" "id07299","Elizabeth was sad and desponding; she no longer took delight in her ordinary occupations; all pleasure seemed to her sacrilege toward the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the just tribute she should pay to innocence so blasted and destroyed.","MWS" "id05179","Now, I was aware that Mrs. Adelaide Curtis, of Albany, was the artist's wife's mother, but then I looked upon the whole address as a mystification, intended especially for myself.","EAP" "id18153","Upon reaching the hut I rapped, as was my custom, and getting no reply, sought for the key where I knew it was secreted, unlocked the door and went in.","EAP" "id22798","There was a strain of morbidity there, and my mother had never encouraged my visiting her parents as a child, although she always welcomed her father when he came to Toledo.","HPL" "id19300","""Common sense"" in reflecting on these subjects, I assured my friend with some warmth, is merely a stupid absence of imagination and mental flexibility.","HPL" "id08299","I know not how many interminable aeons I sat stupefied; whispering, muttering, calling, screaming into that telephone.","HPL" "id08626","If a thief had taken any, why did he not take the best why did he not take all?","EAP" "id14125","Will not they be awaiting us at the palazzo, the Lady Fortunato and the rest?","EAP" "id16625","The MS. gave evidence of nervous agitation.","EAP" "id18825","One evening at about eight I heard a spattering on the floor and became suddenly aware that I had been smelling the pungent odour of ammonia for some time.","HPL" "id10971","Not that exactly either for the madmen had been free, but the keepers were shut up in cells forthwith, and treated, I am sorry to say, in a very cavalier manner.""","EAP" "id25608","God, with all the powers attributed to spirit, is but the perfection of matter.","EAP" "id02690","""Pay attention, then find the left eye of the skull.""","EAP" "id23520","She would see Raymond, since destiny had led him to her, and her constancy and devotion must merit his friendship.","MWS" "id13124","""Here they are,"" he cried, ""beautiful creatures breathing, speaking, loving creatures.","MWS" "id13695","But as time passed, men observed a want of gaiety in the once sparkling Musides.","HPL" "id04800","These were now fixed upon me, piercing my soul with their hatred, and rooting me to the spot whereon I stood.","HPL" "id10260","They are well kept, though I say it myself; and, in my general habits of accuracy and punctuality, I am not to be beat by a clock.","EAP" "id07565","I mentioned in my last letter the fears I entertained of a mutiny.","MWS" "id27928","""Sunday, the seventh.","EAP" "id18140","There was blood upon her white robes, and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame.","EAP" "id04126","I believe that I have no enemy on earth, and none surely would have been so wicked as to destroy me wantonly.","MWS" "id06359","Hear my tale; it is long and strange, and the temperature of this place is not fitting to your fine sensations; come to the hut upon the mountain.","MWS" "id09434","What mercy I might gain by returning the thing to its silent, sleeping owner I knew not; but I felt that I must at least try any step conceivably logical.","HPL" "id02150","The general burst of terrific grandeur was all that I beheld.","EAP" "id11548","""True,"" said Dupin, after a long and thoughtful whiff from his meerschaum, ""although I have been guilty of certain doggrel myself.""","EAP" "id15485","Its clearness was astonishing and unprecedented and as I watched I seemed to see again the thin, yellowish, shimmering exhalation which had startled me on that rainy afternoon so many years before.","HPL" "id18467","Words are impotent to convey any just idea of the fierceness of resistance with which she wrestled with the Shadow.","EAP" "id14751","Were we among the tamer scenes of nature I might fear to encounter your unbelief, perhaps your ridicule; but many things will appear possible in these wild and mysterious regions which would provoke the laughter of those unacquainted with the ever varied powers of nature; nor can I doubt but that my tale conveys in its series internal evidence of the truth of the events of which it is composed.""","MWS" "id25575","What is he bawling about?","EAP" "id07042","They gave us comparatively little trouble.","EAP" "id15762","About half a dozen men came forward; and, one being selected by the magistrate, he deposed that he had been out fishing the night before with his son and brother in law, Daniel Nugent, when, about ten o'clock, they observed a strong northerly blast rising, and they accordingly put in for port.","MWS" "id06109","Some other evening "" KATE.","EAP" "id05285","Thou shalt no longer, then, play the Teian with time, but, being ignorant of the myrtle and the vine, thou shalt bear about with thee thy shroud on the earth, as do the Moslemin at Mecca."" ""Morella"" I cried, ""Morella how knowest thou this?"" but she turned away her face upon the pillow and a slight tremor coming over her limbs, she thus died, and I heard her voice no more.","EAP" "id18397","He is always successful, and bids fair, at the same time that he acquires high name and station for himself, to secure liberty, probably extended empire, to the Greeks.""","MWS" "id25777","Leaving this drawer, as well as cupboard No. open, Maelzel now unlocks door No. , and door No. , which are discovered to be folding doors, opening into one and the same compartment.","EAP" "id20680","Hereupon Legrand arose, with a grave and stately air, and brought me the beetle from a glass case in which it was enclosed.","EAP" "id19757","Startled at the sound, I sprang upon my feet: while the gondolier, letting slip his single oar, lost it in the pitchy darkness beyond a chance of recovery, and we were consequently left to the guidance of the current which here sets from the greater into the smaller channel.","EAP" "id17115","The poor wretch had lost his young wife and lovely infant by the plague.","MWS" "id14006","OF my country and of my family I have little to say.","EAP" "id20734","What I have adduced, notwithstanding the minuteness with which I have adduced it, has been with the view, first, to show the folly of the positive and headlong assertions of Le Soleil, but secondly and chiefly, to bring you, by the most natural route, to a further contemplation of the doubt whether this assassination has, or has not been, the work of a gang.","EAP" "id07341","Among a multitude of opinions upon this delicate point some acute, some learned, some sufficiently the reverse I am able to select nothing which ought to be considered satisfactory.","EAP" "id00484","It was painful to appear to drag her from the last scene that spoke of her lost one; but to linger here was vain, and my very soul was sick with its yearning to rejoin my Idris and her babes.","MWS" "id15811","The odour of the place repelled yet bewitched me.","HPL" "id24983","I thought of Pompey alas, I thought of love I thought of my many false steps which have been taken, and may be taken again.","EAP" "id11960","Their mark was speckled with the vivid alternate splendor of ebony and silver, and was smoother than all save the cheeks of Eleonora; so that, but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs, one might have fancied them giant serpents of Syria doing homage to their sovereign the Sun.","EAP" "id06287","Perdita and her child were to remain at Kishan.","MWS" "id10352","When it had become known that such was the enormous wealth inherited, there were, of course, many speculations as to the mode of its disposal.","EAP" "id27849","I shall depart for the latter town in a fortnight or three weeks; and my intention is to hire a ship there, which can easily be done by paying the insurance for the owner, and to engage as many sailors as I think necessary among those who are accustomed to the whale fishing.","MWS" "id09283","When the time mentioned had expired, we had reached a depth of five feet, and yet no signs of any treasure became manifest.","EAP" "id23376","This is the haunt of the few gentle Fays who remain from the wreck of the race.","EAP" "id00844","Snatches of conversation indicated beyond a doubt that neither Romero nor I had left the bunkhouse during the night; that neither had been awake during the frightful storm which had passed over the Cactus range.","HPL" "id04251","At the precise period, then, when this history properly commences, Legs, and his fellow Hugh Tarpaulin, sat, each with both elbows resting upon the large oaken table in the middle of the floor, and with a hand upon either cheek.","EAP" "id03558","In the daytime she performed, to the best of her ability, the part of her mistress whose person, it had been carefully ascertained, was unknown to any of the passengers on board.","EAP" "id27477","But all these precautions came late in the day, so that Gilman had some terrible hints from the dreaded Necronomicon of Abdul Alhazred, the fragmentary Book of Eibon, and the suppressed Unaussprechlichen Kulten of von Junzt to correlate with his abstract formulae on the properties of space and the linkage of dimensions known and unknown.","HPL" "id09100","I could merely agree with all Paris in considering them an insoluble mystery.","EAP" "id13579","By the way, who is Mr. Kissam?","EAP" "id06743","His relations of their manners, his anecdotes and descriptions of scenery whiled away delicious hours, when we were tired of talking of our own plans of future life.","MWS" "id01561","The whole circuit of its walls did not exceed twenty five yards.","EAP" "id19284","""The government of France were greatly enraged at the escape of their victim and spared no pains to detect and punish his deliverer.","MWS" "id19950","In the sunny clime of Persia, in the crowded cities of China, amidst the aromatic groves of Cashmere, and along the southern shores of the Mediterranean, such scenes had place.","MWS" "id20486","So you are busy delving into the shady past of that insufferable young Asiatic Varius Avitus Bassianus?","HPL" "id19988","Hearken for she speaks, and, heavens it is in the German of Schiller ""Unt stubby duk, so stubby dun Duk she duk she"" Alas and are not her words too true?","EAP" "id22147","""Be ready,"" said Dupin, ""with your pistols, but neither use them nor show them until at a signal from myself.""","EAP" "id21779","Once however I witnessed a scene of singular interest at one of the theatres, where nature overpowered art, as an overflowing cataract will tear away the puny manufacture of a mock cascade, which had before been fed by a small portion of its waters.","MWS" "id25057","I cannot describe the delight I felt when I learned the ideas appropriated to each of these sounds and was able to pronounce them.","MWS" "id02619","He spoke with outstretched hand and winning voice, and then turning to our invaders, with a severe brow, he commanded them to lay down their arms: ""Do you think,"" he said, ""that because we are wasted by plague, you can overcome us; the plague is also among you, and when ye are vanquished by famine and disease, the ghosts of those you have murdered will arise to bid you not hope in death.","MWS" "id20068","Sheet lightning shimmered, and then a forky bolt flashed near at hand, as if descending into the accursed glen itself.","HPL" "id22770","So the White Ship sailed on past the walls of Thalarion, and followed for many days a southward flying bird, whose glossy plumage matched the sky out of which it had appeared.","HPL" "id24984","You've probably heard about the Salem man that came home with a Chinese wife, and maybe you know there's still a bunch of Fiji Islanders somewhere around Cape Cod.","HPL" "id09027","Beyond this indication of extensive decay, however, the fabric gave little token of instability.","EAP" "id23503","About midway in the short vista which my dreamy vision took in, one small circular island, profusely verdured, reposed upon the bosom of the stream.","EAP" "id26287","At the sides of their necks were palpitating gills, and their long paws were webbed.","HPL" "id17010","Having finished the chapter, he closed the book, and demanded what I thought necessary to be done.","EAP" "id19665","Full of this purpose, I looked about me to find a friend whom I could entrust with a message to his Daddyship, and as the editor of the ""Lollipop"" had given me marked tokens of regard, I at length concluded to seek assistance upon the present occasion.","EAP" "id27731","The streets seemed innumerable, and crossed each other irregularly in all directions, but were rather long winding alleys than streets, and absolutely swarmed with inhabitants.","EAP" "id15739","Its close resemblance to the medicinal leech caused the mistake to be overlooked until too late.","EAP" "id19588","There was no attention paid to that great point, the ""fitness of things.""","EAP" "id13205","Then the Western Land itself awoke, and joined the Mother Land in her titanic struggle for civilisation.","HPL" "id11059","There can be no doubt, however, that he would meet with a ready sale for all the balderdash he can scribble, at the office of either the 'Rowdy Dow,' the 'Lollipop,' or the 'Goosetherumfoodle.'""","EAP" "id15127","The old seaman, who had survived his son Welcome's death in battle by two years, had not himself known the legend; but recalled that his earliest nurse, the ancient Maria Robbins, seemed darkly aware of something that might have lent a weird significance to the French ravings of Rhoby Harris, which she had so often heard during the last days of that hapless woman.","HPL" "id02124","No flimsy creations were these houses, for they were made to serve many a generation.","HPL" "id15467","The situation was almost past management, and deaths ensued too frequently for the local undertakers fully to handle.","HPL" "id04999","Never, in all my life, had I witnessed so lavish, so wasteful an expenditure of the good things of life.","EAP" "id10916","The church was scarce lighted by all the lanthorns that had entered it, for most of the throng had already vanished.","HPL" "id08052","Ibid's skull was proudly handed down from king to king of the Lombard line.","HPL" "id08231","Never will I give up my search until he or I perish; and then with what ecstasy shall I join my Elizabeth and my departed friends, who even now prepare for me the reward of my tedious toil and horrible pilgrimage As I still pursued my journey to the northward, the snows thickened and the cold increased in a degree almost too severe to support.","MWS" "id17267","But again I thought of the emptiness and horror of reality, and boldly prepared to follow whithersoever I might be led.","HPL" "id08567","I rely on her innocence as certainly as I do upon my own.","MWS" "id25190","Statues and paintings there were, all of fiendish subjects and some executed by St. John and myself.","HPL" "id05848","Yet I smile, and sometimes I speak almost forgetful of the change I have endured.","MWS" "id14388","To my architectural and historical anticipations was now added an acute anthropological zeal, and I could scarcely sleep in my small room at the ""Y"" as the night wore away.","HPL" "id19412","Such as he had now become, such as was his terrene vesture, defaced and spoiled, we wrapt it in our cloaks, and lifting the burthen in our arms, bore it from this city of the dead.","MWS" "id20118","For this reason I swung the beetle, and for this reason I let it fall it from the tree.","EAP" "id08757","The night waned, and I worked hastily, but in silence.","EAP" "id24616","Besides, if Mr. Kissam actually did come upon the discovery he says he did, at the period designated nearly eight years ago how happens it that he took no steps, on the instant, to reap the immense benefits which the merest bumpkin must have known would have resulted to him individually, if not to the world at large, from the discovery?","EAP" "id10829","I soon found that nearly all the company were well educated; and my host was a world of good humored anecdote in himself.","EAP" "id18455","Maria had been at the shunned house from till the removal of the family in , and had seen Mercy Dexter die.","HPL" "id05676","If I had not known where we were, and what we had to expect, I should not have recognised the place at all.","EAP" "id01412","Our telescopes and our mathematical investigations assure us on every hand notwithstanding the cant of the more ignorant of the priesthood that space, and therefore that bulk, is an important consideration in the eyes of the Almighty.","EAP" "id25791","The solitude became intolerable I placed my hand on the beating heart of Idris, I bent my head to catch the sound of her breath, to assure myself that she still existed for a moment I doubted whether I should not awake her; so effeminate an horror ran through my frame.","MWS" "id22437","Upon coming back, after the death of Lady Jermyn, he himself assumed complete care of the boy.","HPL" "id01965","Many books and musical instruments lay scattered about, but failed to give any vitality to the scene.","EAP" "id26021","Ain't ben seed abaout in public fer nigh on ten year'.","HPL" "id16103","But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room.","EAP" "id15490","On the right and left, however, some ancient brick business blocks abutted on the hotel; their slant roofs coming up to a reasonable jumping distance from my fourth story level.","HPL" "id03856","The whippoorwills an' fireflies there never did act like they was creaters o' Gawd, an' they's them as says ye kin hear strange things a rushin' an' a talkin' in the air daown thar ef ye stand in the right place, atween the rock falls an' Bear's Den.""","HPL" "id27699","One of these drawings was a scene of Oriental luxury, or rather voluptuousness; another was a ""carnival piece,"" spirited beyond compare; the third was a Greek female head a face so divinely beautiful, and yet of an expression so provokingly indeterminate, never before arrested my attention.","EAP" "id04555","The wind was rushing hurriedly behind the tapestries, and I wished to show her what, let me confess it, I could not all believe that those almost inarticulate breathings, and those very gentle variations of the figures upon the wall, were but the natural effects of that customary rushing of the wind.","EAP" "id22364","Follow me; I seek the everlasting ices of the north, where you will feel the misery of cold and frost, to which I am impassive.","MWS" "id08137","This apparatus will require some little explanation, and your Excellencies will please to bear in mind that my object, in the first place, was to surround myself and cat entirely with a barricade against the highly rarefied atmosphere in which I was existing, with the intention of introducing within this barricade, by means of my condenser, a quantity of this same atmosphere sufficiently condensed for the purposes of respiration.","EAP" "id13989","You will not be dishonoured by my society, and as this is probably the last service, or disservice you can do me, will you grant my request?""","MWS" "id06153","But in that triumph there came to me the greatest of all horrors not horror of the thing that spoke, but of the deed that I had witnessed and of the man with whom my professional fortunes were joined.","HPL" "id05178","Then P. Scribonius the proconsul signified his approval of my words, and stationed me with the cohort in the provisional capacity of a centurio primipilus; Balbutius and Asellius assenting, the former with better grace than the latter.","HPL" "id21225","After lying there some fifteen minutes, during which time I listened with all my ears to what was going on in the room, I came to same satisfactory denouement of this tragedy.","EAP" "id07385","On the other hand, it is exceedingly difficult to believe that these articles could have remained in the thicket specified, for a longer period than a single week for a longer period than from one Sunday to the next.","EAP" "id11025","Just then, however, chance made the opening which my questions had been unable to make; and the wheezing ancient's rambling took a turn that caused me to lean forward and listen alertly.","HPL" "id07465","Suddenly, he makes a dead halt, stoops, and picks up something from the ground in a very agitated manner.","EAP" "id12482","Corroborates the general testimony.","EAP" "id08734","This was a matter for speculation, though one could be fairly certain that the type of mutation involved in a passage from any given dimensional plane to the next higher plane would not be destructive of biological integrity as we understand it.","HPL" "id22866","Besides, the head of the institution had but lately warned me in his paternal way that I was overworking; that my mind needed a rest.","HPL" "id00848","""Oh no, we had no conveniences for keeping him here.","EAP" "id08511","When, in the end, my insistent pestering and maturing years evoked from my uncle the hoarded lore I sought, there lay before me a strange enough chronicle.","HPL" "id19292","There is no back passage by which any one could have descended while the party proceeded up stairs.","EAP" "id26653","Their only merit in my eyes was that they were his.""","MWS" "id05026","""The volume of Plutarch's Lives which I possessed contained the histories of the first founders of the ancient republics.","MWS" "id24500","I am still a very young man not yet twenty two years of age.","EAP" "id23567","He was the devil incarnate, Birch, and I believe his eye for an eye fury could beat old Father Death himself.","HPL" "id26623","We are ready to expose our breasts, exposed ten thousand times before, to the balls and scymetars of the infidels, and to fall gloriously for Greece.","MWS" "id17046","He continued, ""You must create a female for me with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being.","MWS" "id26351","And always the goal of my fancies was the mighty vine grown wall with the little gate of bronze therein.","HPL" "id13279","While I remained motionless, and busied in endeavors to collect my thought, the cold hand grasped me fiercely by the wrist, shaking it petulantly, while the gibbering voice said again: ""Arise did I not bid thee arise?"" ""And who,"" I demanded, ""art thou?"" ""I have no name in the regions which I inhabit,"" replied the voice, mournfully; ""I was mortal, but am fiend.","EAP" "id03300","Arthur Jermyn was the son of Sir Alfred Jermyn and a music hall singer of unknown origin.","HPL" "id19423","You do not mean to set at naught the well digested idea of centuries.","EAP" "id27658","He had often talked about her in my presence, however, and in his usual style of enthusiasm.","EAP" "id03579","We both agreed in loving Adrian: although she not having yet escaped from childhood could not appreciate as I did the extent of his merits, or feel the same sympathy in his pursuits and opinions.","MWS" "id14794","You will weep but they will be tears of gentleness.","MWS" "id15621","let us not argue the matter.","EAP" "id26907","Chapter From this day natural philosophy, and particularly chemistry, in the most comprehensive sense of the term, became nearly my sole occupation.","MWS" "id16286","I saw that some ten or twelve vibrations would bring the steel in actual contact with my robe, and with this observation there suddenly came over my spirit all the keen, collected calmness of despair.","EAP" "id22444","And the over conscientious finder takes the fifty with marked reluctance, and throws the gentleman the book, as desired, while the steamboat fumes and fizzes on her way.","EAP" "id06920","Windows in shanties on the slope outside were shattered by the shock, whilst miners throughout the nearer passages were knocked from their feet.","HPL" "id01562","I observed also, with surprise, the immense size of these hands, the longest of which could not have been less than ten feet in length, and, where broadest, eight or nine inches in breadth.","EAP" "id06341","I remained two days at Lausanne, in this painful state of mind.","MWS" "id05835","The witnesses, as you remark, agreed about the gruff voice; they were here unanimous.","EAP" "id23374","I resolved therefore to go from village to village, seeking out the rustic archon of the place, and by systematizing their exertions, and enlightening their views, encrease both their power and their use among their fellow cottagers.","MWS" "id03311","Then I knew that a long section of them must be plainly in sight where the sides of the cut flattened out and the road crossed the track and I could no longer keep myself from sampling whatever horror that leering yellow moon might have to shew.","HPL" "id09250","I know not whether the fiend possessed the same advantages, but I found that, as before I had daily lost ground in the pursuit, I now gained on him, so much so that when I first saw the ocean he was but one day's journey in advance, and I hoped to intercept him before he should reach the beach.","MWS" "id13228","Last Monday July st we were nearly surrounded by ice, which closed in the ship on all sides, scarcely leaving her the sea room in which she floated.","MWS" "id10666","This was the last subject we discussed.","EAP" "id06840","They relate that, on finding himself taken, Kempelen seized the crucibles with both hands which were encased in gloves that afterwards turned out to be asbestic, and threw the contents on the tiled floor.","EAP" "id25335","placed in our hands, such portion as details the following up of the apparently slight clew obtained by Dupin.","EAP" "id07119","So Sarnath waxed mighty and learned and beautiful, and sent forth conquering armies to subdue the neighbouring cities; and in time there sate upon a throne in Sarnath the kings of all the land of Mnar and of many lands adjacent.","HPL" "id22000","The air had begun to be exceedingly unwholesome; but to this detail he paid no attention as he toiled, half by feeling, at the heavy and corroded metal of the latch.","HPL" "id26479","h'ehye n'grkdl'lh. . .","HPL" "id15134","Dombrowski, frantic at the failure of his constant rat poisoning efforts, cast aside all thought of his lease and within a week had moved with all his older lodgers to a dingy but less ancient house in Walnut Street.","HPL" "id11325","I was admitted within that sacred boundary which divides the intellectual and moral nature of man from that which characterizes animals.","MWS" "id17590","Upon detaching the slab, a cavity appeared, containing a leaden box filled with various coins, a long scroll of names, several documents which appear to resemble newspapers, with other matters of intense interest to the antiquarian There can be no doubt that all these are genuine Amriccan relics belonging to the tribe called Knickerbocker.","EAP" "id22310","In none is there any effort at plausibility in the details of the voyage itself.","EAP" "id09887","What do you intend to do?"" ""To go instantly to Geneva: come with me, Henry, to order the horses.""","MWS" "id10750","No ghostly Keziah flitted through the sombre halls and chambers, no small furry thing crept into his dismal eyrie to nuzzle him, and no record of the witch's incantations rewarded his constant search.","HPL" "id15698","Would he never overcome the fierce passion that now held pityless dominion over him?","MWS" "id22086","""Man was made to mourn,"" says the poet.","EAP" "id21848","This picture is gone, and was doubtless the temptation which urged the murderer to the deed.","MWS" "id07072","Now he must be well over a hundred, but that piping voice could come from no one else.","HPL" "id26908","To be happy at any one point we must have suffered at the same.","EAP" "id21227","Brooding over this plan, resolved when the hour should come, to propose, and insist upon its accomplishment, secure of his consent, the heart of Perdita was lightened, or rather exalted.","MWS" "id06899","There was no flaw in any link of the chain.","EAP" "id12798","He asserted, that each individual under the English monarchy, was then as now, capable of attaining high rank and power with one only exception, that of the function of chief magistrate; higher and nobler rank, than a bartering, timorous commonwealth could afford.","MWS" "id14124","What, in the name of everything hideous, did this mean?","EAP" "id17874","But I was not afraid long, for the gowned, slippered old man in the doorway had a bland face that reassured me; and though he made signs that he was dumb, he wrote a quaint and ancient welcome with the stylus and wax tablet he carried.","HPL" "id17358","It was the painted figure of Time as he is commonly represented, save that, in lieu of a scythe, he held what, at a casual glance, I supposed to be the pictured image of a huge pendulum such as we see on antique clocks.","EAP" "id06285","I have, on the contrary, delved deeply into all the antiquities of the place; and have personally explored every region, of whatever name, which could possibly answer to the street I knew as the Rue d'Auseil.","HPL" "id06553","We soon found ourselves driving out to sea at the rate of not less, certainly, than fifty or sixty miles an hour, so that we came up with Cape Clear, at some forty miles to our North, before we had secured the rod, and had time to think what we were about.","EAP" "id17481","I did not shriek, but all the fiendish ghouls that ride the night wind shrieked for me as in that same second there crashed down upon my mind a single and fleeting avalanche of soul annihilating memory.","HPL" "id07085","He had been ready once with the humility of a penitent, and the duty of a vassal, to surrender himself to her; giving up his very soul to her tutelage, to become her pupil, her slave, her bondsman.","MWS" "id16313","This dread was not exactly a dread of physical evil and yet I should be at a loss how otherwise to define it.","EAP" "id08347","Let your compassion be moved, and do not disdain me.","MWS" "id26495","It had a complete flush deck, with only a small hatch near the bow, and this hatch it had always been our custom to batten down when about to cross the Ström, by way of precaution against the chopping seas.","EAP" "id08555","The eyes rolled themselves slowly open, the pupils disappearing upwardly; the skin generally assumed a cadaverous hue, resembling not so much parchment as white paper; and the circular hectic spots which, hitherto, had been strongly defined in the centre of each cheek, went out at once.","EAP" "id12328","An old servant forced the carven lid, shaking as he did so at the hideous faces leering from the blackened wood, and at some unplaced familiarity.","HPL" "id19865","I became my original self, and bent my steps eagerly homeward but the past had not lost the vividness of the real and not now, even for an instant, can I compel my understanding to regard it as a dream.""","EAP" "id08157","But it would be well to say as little as could be said, and to let no other doctor treat the wounds.","HPL" "id25029","He threatened excommunication and hell fire in my last moments if I continued obdurate.","MWS" "id26689","And now Sefton Asylum has had the mishap and West has vanished.","HPL" "id14715","We had scarcely visited the various lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland and conceived an affection for some of the inhabitants when the period of our appointment with our Scotch friend approached, and we left them to travel on.","MWS" "id15768","There was a rift where a part of the substance was folded over.","HPL" "id18621","He found a relief to his impatient grief in the breezes of heaven and in the sound of waters and woods.","MWS" "id25436","But for all of their monstrousness they were not unfamiliar to me.","HPL" "id25282","""If now, in addition to all these things, you have properly reflected upon the odd disorder of the chamber, we have gone so far as to combine the ideas of an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity, and a voice foreign in tone to the ears of men of many nations, and devoid of all distinct or intelligible syllabification.","EAP" "id25413","I will see you to morrow; in the meantime, adieu"" She rose, and walked from the room; but pausing at the door, and leaning against it, as if her over busy thoughts had taken from her the power of supporting herself, she said, ""Lord Raymond will probably return.","MWS" "id00003","Above all, I burn to know the incidents of your own passage through the dark Valley and Shadow.","EAP" "id09427","He was a portly, fine looking gentleman of the old school, with a polished manner, and a certain air of gravity, dignity, and authority which was very impressive.","EAP" "id25343","He was alone in the sky with this queer and very disturbing house; and when he sidled around to the front and saw that the wall stood flush with the cliff's edge, so that the single narrow door was not to be reached save from the empty aether, he felt a distinct terror that altitude could not wholly explain.","HPL" "id01855","Deeds of heroism also occurred, whose very mention swells the heart and brings tears into the eyes.","MWS" "id15876","While I stood bewildered at the suddenness of this accident, which might have happened, nevertheless, to any one under the sun, and while I still continued incapable of sight, I was accosted by the Angel of the Odd, who proffered me his aid with a civility which I had no reason to expect.","EAP" "id03023","""Why, thank you upon second thoughts, no.","EAP" "id22333","The wretchedness of earth is multiform.","EAP" "id13508","The old man was dead.","EAP" "id23947","She would not consent to this proposition, but as soon as she had arranged the affairs which her brother's departure had caused to fall to her care, she quitted England and took me with her to her scotch estate.","MWS" "id09053","The diddler himself flies to her assistance, and, giving his friend a comfortable thrashing, insists upon attending the lady to her own door.","EAP" "id15878","they rattled our door, but pa wouldn't open . . .","HPL" "id14391","He knew that this accusation at least was false.","MWS" "id04270","I knew too well what they must be for was not the memory of that evil tiara at Newburyport still fresh?","HPL" "id24057","When mankind were few, it was not here that they battled with the powerful agents of nature, and were enabled to cover the globe with offspring.","MWS" "id26399","Something about the staring, unwinking expression of both of them had given me a vague, unaccountable uneasiness.","HPL" "id17797","Ignorant and dirty, he was at home amongst the other brown skinned Mexicans; having come so I was afterward told from the very lowest sort of surroundings.","HPL" "id06681","Mebbe they was the kind o' critters as got all the mermaid stories an' sech started.","HPL" "id14291","I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive in my bosom; my gloom disappeared, and in a short time I became as cheerful as before I was attacked by the fatal passion.","MWS" "id00811","""You need not wonder that I freely discover Adrian's abode.","MWS" "id16832","His countenance was of a dark snuff color, and he had a long hooked nose, pea eyes, a wide mouth, and an excellent set of teeth, which latter he seemed anxious of displaying, as he was grinning from ear to ear.","EAP" "id13025","Furtiveness and secretiveness seemed universal in this hushed city of alienage and death, and I could not escape the sensation of being watched from ambush on every hand by sly, staring eyes that never shut.","HPL" "id11382","And I saw the world battling against blackness; against the waves of destruction from ultimate space; whirling, churning; struggling around the dimming, cooling sun.","HPL" "id11664","But that evening two items in the paper, wholly unrelated, made it again impossible for us to sleep.","HPL" "id12879","His followers felt that he was not.","EAP" "id24109","And the rock was gray, and ghastly, and tall, and the rock was gray.","EAP" "id08010","I am aware that by many I shall be held to blame for speaking in a manner so cursory, of a transaction so impalpable.","EAP" "id25165","But it is needless to say that I stood upon the principle of the thing.","EAP" "id27606","It advanced; the heavens were clouded, and I soon felt the rain coming slowly in large drops, but its violence quickly increased.","MWS" "id03022","As a child Lord Northam had had peculiar dreams when sleeping in the older parts of the castle, and had acquired a constant habit of looking back through his memory for half amorphous scenes and patterns and impressions which formed no part of his waking experience.","HPL" "id10737","A scrupulous method characterized my actions as well as my accounts.","EAP" "id09280","Take the Protectorship who will; before God I renounce it"" ""And before God,"" replied his opponent, fervently, ""do I receive it No one will canvass for this honour now none envy my danger or labours.","MWS" "id21461","One word I might speak and then you would be implicated in my destruction; yet that word is hovering on my lips.","MWS" "id12291","We at once concluded that these mirrors were so placed to multiply to the vision some few pieces of machinery within the trunk so as to give it the appearance of being crowded with mechanism.","EAP" "id17988","No words no sounds resembling words were by any witness mentioned as distinguishable.","EAP" "id19678","In a moment of childish imagination I vowed not only that the undertaker, Goodman Simpson, had stolen the silver buckled shoes, silken hose, and satin small clothes of the deceased before burial; but that the Squire himself, not fully inanimate, had turned twice in his mound covered coffin on the day after interment.","HPL" "id22953","Strange ambition this Yet such was Adrian.","MWS" "id20305","When I afterward had time for reflection, I did not fail to attribute the extreme violence of the explosion, as regarded myself, to its proper cause my situation directly above it, and in the line of its greatest power.","EAP" "id04964","Geologists, the curator told me, had found it a monstrous puzzle; for they vowed that the world held no rock like it.","HPL" "id10794","Lord Raymond was never born to be a drone in the hive, and to find content in our pastoral life.","MWS" "id06550","Men usually grow base by degrees.","EAP" "id01320","I was thus deprived of the pleasure of seeing, although not of hearing, her sing.","EAP" "id10325","Its two general directions, as I have said, were first from west to east, and then from north to south.","EAP" "id22419","We were rapidly approaching the mountains in the South; but our elevation was more than sufficient to enable us to pass them in safety.","EAP" "id07450","As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved, contrary to my first intention, to make the being of a gigantic stature, that is to say, about eight feet in height, and proportionably large.","MWS" "id27067","It was Greenwich, the Greenwich that used to be, with here and there a roof or row of houses as we see it now, yet with lovely green lanes and fields and bits of grassy common.","HPL" "id07478","They were dead, and I lived; their murderer also lived, and to destroy him I must drag out my weary existence.","MWS" "id15174","The contemplation of their excellence tended, naturally, to discourage me by comparison with my own abortions; so that for a long time I labored in vain.","EAP" "id08987","On the morning of September th Professor Rice and Dr. Morgan insisted on seeing him for a while, and departed trembling and ashen grey.","HPL" "id05734","Only the least fraction was really matter in any sense we know.","HPL" "id07935","We had for many years trod the highway of life hand in hand, and still thus linked, we might step within the shades of death; but her children, her lovely, playful, animated children beings sprung from her own dear side portions of her own being depositories of our loves even if we died, it would be comfort to know that they ran man's accustomed course.","MWS" "id02578","Without despairing, however, I undertook the siege of a less implacable heart.","EAP" "id06173","He is worshipped under the figure of a large stone pillar terminating at the summit in a cone or pyramid, whereby is denoted Fire.","EAP" "id03997","Farewell to the sea Come, my Clara, sit beside me in this aerial bark; quickly and gently it cleaves the azure serene, and with soft undulation glides upon the current of the air; or, if storm shake its fragile mechanism, the green earth is below; we can descend, and take shelter on the stable continent.","MWS" "id23437","The sunset and the gentle moon, the blessed motion of the leaves and the murmuring of waters are all sweet physicians to a distempered mind.","MWS" "id17902","Or were the townsfolk really so resentful about curious visitors?","HPL" "id04525","We had previously opened the doors of all the other rooms on that hall, and flung all the windows to the very top.","HPL" "id08724","And then both stench and sounds grew stronger, so that I paused shivering and grateful for the cut's protection.","HPL" "id13609","Lord Byron's Fourth Canto of Childe Harolde.","MWS" "id10263","Nor did this seem extravagant.","MWS" "id08407","Between the thicket and the river, the fences were found taken down, and the ground bore evidence of some heavy burthen having been dragged along it.","EAP" "id23148","Meantime, the ordinary affairs of men were discarded and all interests absorbed in a growing discussion, instituted by the philosophic, in respect to the cometary nature.","EAP" "id19962","Descending to Elwood's room he roused his still sleeping host and began telling of how he had found himself, but Elwood could form no idea of what might really have happened.","HPL" "id05608","The right hand was clenched; the left partially open.","EAP" "id27307","I soon grew as poor as a rat, and, having a wife and children to provide for, my burdens at length became intolerable, and I spent hour after hour in reflecting upon the most convenient method of putting an end to my life.","EAP" "id15132","To these pangs were added the loss of Perdita, lost through my own accursed self will and conceit.","MWS" "id09658","Because I was mountain bred, unallied to the noble and wealthy, shall he think to repay me by an empty name and station?","MWS" "id25683","I took my visitors all over the house.","EAP" "id03971","""A madman,"" I said, ""has done this deed some raving maniac, escaped from a neighboring Maison de Santé.""","EAP" "id03340","The night promises fair.","EAP" "id19518","Bryant, in his very learned 'Mythology,' mentions an analogous source of error, when he says that 'although the Pagan fables are not believed, yet we forget ourselves continually, and make inferences from them as existing realities.'","EAP" "id21454","He plucks flowers and weeds, and weaves chaplets of them, or sails yellow leaves and bits of bark on the stream, rejoicing in their safety, or weeping at their wreck.","MWS" "id02118","The rats must have bitten him as he slept, giving rise to the climax of that frightful dream.","HPL" "id23845","As for the twentieth time or more Arthur Munroe and I went minutely over every inch of the violated village, we were filled with a certain discouragement coupled with vague and novel fears.","HPL" "id14791","What I muttered about as I came slowly out of the shadows was a pair of fantastic incidents which occurred in my flight; incidents of no significance, yet which haunt me unceasingly when I am alone in certain marshy places or in the moonlight.","HPL" "id05850","The fragmentary descriptions of these things were bald and prosaic, but they hinted to me an undercurrent of persistent strangeness.","HPL" "id12761","All was rigorously self consistent.","EAP" "id19002","Lay down your arms, fellow men brethren Pardon, succour, and brotherly love await your repentance.","MWS" "id02550","Most were seamen, and a sprinkling of negroes and mulattoes, largely West Indians or Brava Portuguese from the Cape Verde Islands, gave a colouring of voodooism to the heterogeneous cult.","HPL" "id16797","But neither the presence of her child, nor a subsequent visit from me, could rouse my sister.","MWS" "id15107","Subtle Nature, convulsed with a spiritual ecstasy, like the froth of that region's quondam beverage, laid low the lofty and heaved high the humble and behold In the roseal dawn the burghers of Milwaukee rose to find a former prairie turned to a highland Vast and far reaching was the great upheaval.","HPL" "id21550","The conversation, in the meantime, was spirited and general.","EAP" "id25749","And as I stood there looking in terror, the wind blew out both the candles in that ancient peaked garret, leaving me in savage and impenetrable darkness with chaos and pandemonium before me, and the daemon madness of that night baying viol behind me.","HPL" "id18249","""No, Justine,"" said Elizabeth; ""he is more convinced of your innocence than I was, for even when he heard that you had confessed, he did not credit it.""","MWS" "id08392","The rest followed him, and looked curiously at the immense carved door with the now familiar squid dragon bas relief.","HPL" "id20223","Mimes, in the form of God on high, Mutter and mumble low, And hither and thither fly; Mere puppets they, who come and go At bidding of vast formless things That shift the scenery to and fro, Flapping from out their Condor wings Invisible Wo That motley drama oh, be sure It shall not be forgot With its Phantom chased forever more, By a crowd that seize it not, Through a circle that ever returneth in To the self same spot, And much of Madness and more of Sin And Horror the soul of the plot.","EAP" "id27927","This game is simple, and is played with marbles.","EAP" "id00454","When I left them they had tormented me but it was in the same way as pain and sickness may torment; somthing extraneous to the mind that galled it, and that I wished to cast aside.","MWS" "id13207","One paternal kind precaution he had taken to ensure my having a companion.","MWS" "id13641","Indeed, to say the truth, what little of its former self may then remain, will be found in so desolate and ruinous a state that the patriarch shall have removed his residence to Damascus.","EAP" "id22759","At the turn of morning a gentle sigh from the patient attracted me, the burning spot on his cheek faded his pulse beat softly and regularly torpor yielded to sleep.","MWS" "id19694","He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again.","HPL" "id02505","I was sought after therefore with less care than would otherwise have been the case; and soon all trace and memory of me was lost.","MWS" "id23884","Frederick was, at that time, in his fifteenth year.","EAP" "id00421","Had the letter been deposited within the range of their search, these fellows would, beyond a question, have found it.""","EAP" "id24818","My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine.","MWS" "id23563","From my experience I cannot doubt but that man, when lost to terrestrial consciousness, is indeed sojourning in another and uncorporeal life of far different nature from the life we know; and of which only the slightest and most indistinct memories linger after waking.","HPL" "id22819","Where does madness leave off and reality begin?","HPL" "id01185","Scarcely had I dropped my head back into its original position, when there flashed upon my mind what I cannot better describe than as the unformed half of that idea of deliverance to which I have previously alluded, and of which a moiety only floated indeterminately through my brain when I raised food to my burning lips.","EAP" "id18718","In the rooms, large and lofty, and decorated with impossible paper and ridiculously ornate stucco cornices, there lingered a depressing mustiness and hint of obscure cookery; but the floors were clean, the linen tolerably regular, and the hot water not too often cold or turned off, so that I came to regard it as at least a bearable place to hibernate till one might really live again.","HPL" "id13614","The proper position for one who cannot swim, is the upright position of the walker on land, with the head thrown fully back, and immersed; the mouth and nostrils alone remaining above the surface.","EAP" "id05140","He deserved it all all labour, all devotion, all sacrifice; I would have toiled up a scaleless Alp, to pluck a flower that would please him.","MWS" "id24626","We examined, first, the furniture of each apartment.","EAP" "id26187","He told how the young Charles had escaped into the night, returning in after years to kill Godfrey the heir with an arrow just as he approached the age which had been his father's at his assassination; how he had secretly returned to the estate and established himself, unknown, in the even then deserted subterranean chamber whose doorway now framed the hideous narrator; how he had seized Robert, son of Godfrey, in a field, forced poison down his throat, and left him to die at the age of thirty two, thus maintaining the foul provisions of his vengeful curse.","HPL" "id11423","But now, in the midst of the dying and the dead, how could a thought of heaven or a sensation of tranquillity possess one of the murderers?","MWS" "id11471","But, O, Lionel a kingdom is a word of might, and gently sounding are the terms that compose the style of royalty.","MWS" "id11389","Clara was greatly moved; with streaming eyes, suppressing her sobs, she leaned from the window, watching the last glimpse of her native Windsor.","MWS" "id11624","Alpha Lyrae, although so very much larger than our sun, by the by, resembles him closely as regards its spots, its atmosphere, and in many other particulars.","EAP" "id24789","At this point I interrupted your meditations to remark that as, in fact, he was a very little fellow that Chantilly he would do better at the Théâtre des Variétés.""","EAP" "id23460","He is eloquent and persuasive, and once his words had even power over my heart; but trust him not.","MWS" "id27539","My father was not scientific, and I was left to struggle with a child's blindness, added to a student's thirst for knowledge.","MWS" "id06626","""Yet,"" replied I, ""nature always presents to our eyes the appearance of a patient: while there is an active principle in man which is capable of ruling fortune, and at least of tacking against the gale, till it in some mode conquers it.""","MWS" "id23409","The thing actually opened its eyes, but only stared at the ceiling with a look of soul petrifying horror before collapsing into an inertness from which nothing could rouse it.","HPL" "id09281","And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around.","EAP" "id11607","He would be as O wy as O wy could be.","EAP" "id20160","Take possession of your tenement and let me fly from this place.'","MWS" "id24644","The guides pointed to the reflection of their torches on the water that paved it, leaving us to form our own conclusion; but adding it was a pity, for it led to the Sibyl's Cave.","MWS" "id10566","These were the feelings of an old, faithful servant: what must be those of an affectionate daughter.","MWS" "id08942","This thing had done Slater some hideous but unnamed wrong, which the maniac if maniac he were yearned to avenge.","HPL" "id04732","Every author should confine himself to matters of experience.","EAP" "id09477","In an evil hour I subscribed to a lie; and now only am I truly miserable.""","MWS" "id10944","These ideas, once entertained, are sufficient of themselves, to suggest the notion of a man in the interior.","EAP" "id10771","Up, up, up the eerie columns slithered, and I saw that all the travellers were converging as they flowed near a sort of focus of crazy alleys at the top of a high hill in the centre of the town, where perched a great white church.","HPL" "id08289","He bent his keen eyes upon me, and my uncontrollable heart swelled in my bosom.","MWS" "id15938","In about half an hour after her departure, the ""large amount"" is seen to be a ""counterfeit presentment,"" and the whole thing a capital diddle.","EAP" "id01180","With the advance of summer, and the increase of the distemper, rents were unpaid, and their remittances failed them.","MWS" "id21643","Nothing has been written on this topic which can be considered as decisive and accordingly we find every where men of mechanical genius, of great general acuteness, and discriminative understanding, who make no scruple in pronouncing the Automaton a pure machine, unconnected with human agency in its movements, and consequently, beyond all comparison, the most astonishing of the inventions of mankind.","EAP" "id14396","The soiree would scarcely break up before two; and by this hour the vehicle was to be at the door, when, in the confusion occasioned by the departure of the company, Madame L. could easily enter it unobserved.","EAP" "id26205","He now seated me near the machine, so that it was on my right, and turned a switch somewhere below the crowning cluster of glass bulbs.","HPL" "id04846","Why is it folly to suppose that the murder was committed within five minutes after the girl's quitting her mother's house?","EAP" "id03772","Visiters enter, look at furniture, and depart unheeded and unseen.","EAP" "id16233","Generation after generation lived and felt and died there, and in days when people weren't afraid to live and feel and die.","HPL" "id25169","Very usually he is saved from premature interment solely by the knowledge of his friends that he has been previously subject to catalepsy, by the consequent suspicion excited, and, above all, by the non appearance of decay.","EAP" "id18843","He wanted the lands of dream he had lost, and yearned for the days of his childhood.","HPL" "id20802","The first two or three rounds having been played, he is in full possession of the contents of each hand, and thenceforward puts down his cards with as absolute a precision of purpose as if the rest of the party had turned outward the faces of their own.","EAP" "id14209","'The Venerable Chinese novel Ju Kiao Li.' Good By introducing these few words with dexterity you will evince your intimate acquaintance with the language and literature of the Chinese.","EAP" "id01612","ten or twenty maouths or trunks a stickin' aout all along the sides, big as stovepipes, an' all a tossin' an' openin' an' shuttin' . . .","HPL" "id17895","I think you'd enjoy the pictures, for as I said, I've let myself go a bit there.","HPL" "id09888","She had at the beginning of the season quitted the vacant city of Vienna; and, unable to tame her haughty mind to anything like submission, she had delayed at Hamburgh, and, when at last she came to London, many weeks elapsed before she gave Adrian notice of her arrival.","MWS" "id12830","But I disdained the artifice; or rather in my wretchedness it was my only consolation to pour out my heart to you, my brother, my only friend.","MWS" "id16608","He half felt that he was followed a psychological delusion of shaken nerves, enhanced by the undeniably disturbing fact that at least one of our reanimated specimens was still alive a frightful carnivorous thing in a padded cell at Sefton.","HPL" "id18116","When I was thirteen years of age we all went on a party of pleasure to the baths near Thonon; the inclemency of the weather obliged us to remain a day confined to the inn.","MWS" "id04572","I often said to myself, my father is dead.","MWS" "id03458","But dismiss the idle opinions of this print.","EAP" "id13633","Upon this hint he proceeded.","EAP" "id07572","During the excavation of this cellar the workmen had struck some exceedingly ancient masonry; undoubtedly connected with the old burying ground, yet far too deep to correspond with any known sepulchre therein.","HPL" "id10173","I saw this vista, I say, and heard as with the mind's ear the blasphemous domdaniel of cacophony which companioned it.","HPL" "id00005","All obeyed the Lord Protector of dying England; all looked up to him.","MWS" "id26164","nobody left but them as ud jine in with Obed an' them things or else keep quiet . . .","HPL" "id22176","Y'ha nthlei was not destroyed when the upper earth men shot death into the sea.","HPL" "id17458","And the moon ceased to totter up its pathway to heaven and the thunder died away and the lightning did not flash and the clouds hung motionless and the waters sunk to their level and remained and the trees ceased to rock and the water lilies sighed no more and the murmur was heard no longer from among them, nor any shadow of sound throughout the vast illimitable desert.","EAP" "id24763","My key to the vault I kept suspended from a cord about my neck, its presence known only to me.","HPL" "id19147","Harmony was the soul of our companionship, and the diversity and contrast that subsisted in our characters drew us nearer together.","MWS" "id07146","To check this ascent, the only recourse is, or rather was, until Mr. Green's invention of the guide rope, the permission of the escape of gas from the valve; but, in the loss of gas, is a proportionate general loss of ascending power; so that, in a comparatively brief period, the best constructed balloon must necessarily exhaust all its resources, and come to the earth.","EAP" "id10050","The language in which the discourse was clothed was that debased form of Latin in use amongst the more learned men of the Middle Ages, and made familiar to me by my prolonged researches into the works of the old alchemists and daemonologists.","HPL" "id02033","Don't crow, another time, before you're out of the woods Does your mother know you're out?","EAP" "id00028","War and revolution were raging across the seas; a dynasty had collapsed, and its degenerate subjects were flocking with dubious intent to the Western Land.","HPL" "id16983","I bent over the body, and took in my hand the edge of his cloak, less altered in appearance than the human frame it clothed.","MWS" "id12724","The picture I present to you is peaceful and human, and you must feel that you could deny it only in the wantonness of power and cruelty.","MWS" "id14476","Obed he kinder takes charge an' says things is goin' to be changed . . .","HPL" "id04774","I had my glass with me.","MWS" "id23715","Some grumble but all submit, and the diddler goes home a wealthier man by some fifty or sixty dollars well earned.","EAP" "id26330","Yet what will the energy of true genius not effect?","EAP" "id15652","And as years rolled away, and I gazed day after day upon her holy, and mild, and eloquent face, and poured over her maturing form, day after day did I discover new points of resemblance in the child to her mother, the melancholy and the dead.","EAP" "id27599","With great diligence did men of hidden badges linger and listen about such places as Petrovitch's Bakery, the squalid Rifkin School of Modern Economics, the Circle Social Club, and the Liberty Café.","HPL" "id03945","Go you before break of day, bear these dispatches to Karazza, add to them your own entreaties that he send me his marines and naval force; if I can get but one regiment to second me, the rest would follow of course.","MWS" "id05014","I presume you will call the bug scarabæus caput hominis, or something of that kind there are many similar titles in the Natural Histories.","EAP" "id05888","I was here, accordingly, thrown out at the sign of the ""Crow"" by which tavern the coach happened to be passing, without meeting with any farther accident than the breaking of both my arms, under the left hind wheel of the vehicle.","EAP" "id09368","During the five years we had spent together, a knot of happy human beings at Windsor Castle, her blissful lot had been the frequent theme of my sister's conversation.","MWS" "id25142","The next step was to induce Raymond to confess his secret wishes for dignity and fame.","MWS" "id25083","There was a factory inspector who stopped at the Gilman a couple of years ago, and he had a lot of unpleasant hints about the place.","HPL" "id02932","Whether it was human or simian only a scientist could determine, and the process of determination would be greatly hampered by its imperfect condition.","HPL" "id09722","I could not fail to perceive this change.","MWS" "id16724","Geological considerations had dictated an extension of the mine directly downward from the deepest part of the subterranean area; and the belief of the Superintendent that only solid rock would be encountered, had led to the placing of a prodigious charge of dynamite.","HPL" "id10981","they, the good, the wise, and the beloved, are gone before.","MWS" "id10711","Begone I have answered you; you may torture me, but I will never consent.""","MWS" "id25899","He had, however, a great interest in antiquities; and proposed to explore the bog thoroughly when it was drained.","HPL" "id14960","Independently of the phthisis, the patient was suspected of aneurism of the aorta; but on this point the osseous symptoms rendered an exact diagnosis impossible.","EAP" "id02707","Wasn't yesterday, Sunday, I should like to know?"" ALL.","EAP" "id18154","The first indication of revival was afforded by a partial descent of the iris.","EAP" "id03024","My first visit would be to my sister, who inhabited a little cottage, a part of Adrian's gift, on the borders of Windsor Forest.","MWS" "id06590","Old Castro, unfortunately, had been dead for some years.","HPL" "id14459","I cannot follow; for I do not sympathize in their dreams of massacre and glory to follow and to lead in such a career, is the natural bent of Raymond's mind.","MWS" "id26249","Allowing the remark to have applied in its full force to the outward demeanor of my acquaintance, I felt it, on that eventful morning, still more fully applicable to his moral temperament and character.","EAP" "id11015","Winter passed away; and spring, led by the months, awakened life in all nature.","MWS" "id26274","did you ever behold as lovely a woman?"" ""She is very beautiful, no doubt,"" he said.","EAP" "id18584","""Be assured, sir,"" said he, ""no pains or exertions on my part shall be spared to discover the villain.""","MWS" "id11996","Our lonely house was seemingly alive with the presence of some malign being whose nature we could not guess, and every night that daemoniac baying rolled over the windswept moor, always louder and louder.","HPL" "id09376","You will not follow me, for when I bannish myself would you nourish guilt by obtruding yourself upon me?","MWS" "id16779","Thus, in the latter instance, the body, as a general rule, would not sink at all a fact of which L'Etoile is evidently ignorant.","EAP" "id23444","""The Tragedy in the Rue Morgue.","EAP" "id23241","We have thus this arrangement: the tree;?","EAP" "id12902","Dr. M. says I ought to spell ""cant"" with a capital K but I know better.","EAP" "id23661","Warton, Dr. Adam Smith, Dr. Percy, Author of the ""Reliques"", Mr. Edw.","HPL" "id26956","That's because only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.","HPL" "id09647","He would write of what he knew before death came, but his wife must not guess.","HPL" "id17462","""True; and you will remember an expression attributed almost unanimously, by the evidence, to this voice, the expression, 'mon Dieu' This, under the circumstances, has been justly characterized by one of the witnesses Montani, the confectioner, as an expression of remonstrance or expostulation.","EAP" "id22972","To me he discoursed ceaselessly of his beloved Ionian.","MWS" "id13017","Like the one I had at first seen in the hold, they all bore about them the marks of a hoary old age.","EAP" "id11793","She moved again, and I fled.","MWS" "id04895","I resolved, at least, not to despair, but in every way to fit myself for an interview with them which would decide my fate.","MWS" "id10669","Why need I paint, Charmion, the now disenchained frenzy of mankind?","EAP" "id10304","Then came the storm of April nd, and a gathering of the clouds about his consciousness.","HPL" "id12335","I followed the gaze of one very fat and ugly frog, and saw the second of the things which drove my senses away.","HPL" "id10748","The head rebel was too cunning for that.","EAP" "id14611","I dread the events of the future, not in themselves, but in their results.","EAP" "id14463","With him he bore the subject of his visit, a grotesque, repulsive, and apparently very ancient stone statuette whose origin he was at a loss to determine.","HPL" "id05249","I walked with a quick pace, and we soon arrived at my college.","MWS" "id00279","An odd impulse caused me to climb upon the broad slab, extinguish my candle, and lie down within the vacant box.","HPL" "id16499","The forms of the beloved dead flit before me, and I hasten to their arms.","MWS" "id20184","The sea was gently agitated, now shewing a white crest, and now resuming an uniform hue; the clouds had disappeared; and dark ether clipt the broad ocean, in which the constellations vainly sought their accustomed mirror.","MWS" "id17814","It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens.","MWS" "id17899","""It is a servant of course,"" I said; ""what a fool I am, not sooner to have thought of so obvious a solution"" And then I again repaired to the list but here I saw distinctly that no servant was to come with the party, although, in fact, it had been the original design to bring one for the words ""and servant"" had been first written and then overscored.","EAP" "id13924","He raved of things he did not understand and could not interpret; things which he claimed to have experienced, but which he could not have learned through any normal or connected narration.","HPL" "id05490","No; shed a few natural tears due to my memory: and if you ever visit my grave, pluck from thence a flower, and lay it to your heart; for your heart is the only tomb in which my memory will be enterred.","MWS" "id21575","At length I turned on my heel, livid with wrath, and inwardly consigning the whole tribe of the Talbots to the innermost regions of Erebus.","EAP" "id14698","But the house how quaint an old building was this to me how veritably a palace of enchantment There was really no end to its windings to its incomprehensible subdivisions.","EAP" "id25645","The natives suspend it by a cord from the ceiling and enjoy its fragrance for years.","EAP" "id13771","Saving theirs, no eyes beheld the two divine figures released by skilful blows from the rough blocks that had imprisoned them since the world began.","HPL" "id07201","The fibres of his frame became relaxed, and cold dew stood on his forehead, at this idea.","MWS" "id07752","Miss Tilton, comparing all possible hypotheses regarding its origin and its presence in New England, was inclined to believe that it formed part of some exotic pirate hoard discovered by old Captain Obed Marsh.","HPL" "id14589","Then his fevered, abnormal hearing caught the distant, windborne notes.","HPL" "id13873","After his motion had been seconded, Lord Raymond rose, his countenance bland, his voice softly melodious, his manner soothing, his grace and sweetness came like the mild breathing of a flute, after the loud, organ like voice of his adversary.","MWS" "id07417","The only people in sight there had been the fishermen on the distant breakwater; and by going a few squares south I could get beyond the range of these, finding a pair of seats on some abandoned wharf and being free to question old Zadok unobserved for an indefinite time.","HPL" "id06249","From above, hung a chain of an unknown blood red metal its upper end lost, like the city of Boston, parmi les nues.","EAP" "id07040","Of my frantic ascent of the slope and cliff, and of my delirious journey back to the stranded boat, I remember little.","HPL" "id08381","The Doctor, however, like all enthusiasts, had struggled hard to make a thorough convert of his pupil, and finally so far gained his point as to induce the sufferer to submit to numerous experiments.","EAP" "id10402","Could make out several words, but cannot now remember all.","EAP" "id22128","I felt disinclined to sit down, and wandered about examining the various articles which I had noticed.","HPL" "id09787","Berenice and I were cousins, and we grew up together in my paternal halls.","EAP" "id16037","In the morning the custom house officers, together with a crowd of idlers, visited her.","MWS" "id02018","""D n the vagabonds"" said he, in so clear a tone that I positively started at the change, ""D n the vagabonds they not only knocked in the roof of my mouth, but took the trouble to cut off at least seven eighths of my tongue.","EAP" "id27562","Beyond that wall in the grey dawn he came to a land of quaint gardens and cherry trees, and when the sun rose he beheld such beauty of red and white flowers, green foliage and lawns, white paths, diamond brooks, blue lakelets, carven bridges, and red roofed pagodas, that he for a moment forgot Celephaïs in sheer delight.","HPL" "id04925","Give me that decanter, Eliot There was one thing called ""The Lesson"" heaven pity me, that I ever saw it Listen can you fancy a squatting circle of nameless dog like things in a churchyard teaching a small child how to feed like themselves?","HPL" "id11551","If Idris became thin and pale, it was anxiety that occasioned the change; an anxiety I could in no way alleviate.","MWS" "id25396","Their numbers ably arranged; the very deaths among them concealed; moving on in good order, and apparently given up to enjoyment, they excited the envy of the Irish.","MWS" "id10777","But still do I flatter myself that this would have passed away.","MWS" "id15452","It had been used, apparently, in remote feudal times, for the worst purposes of a donjon keep, and, in later days, as a place of deposit for powder, or some other highly combustible substance, as a portion of its floor, and the whole interior of a long archway through which we reached it, were carefully sheathed with copper.","EAP" "id11329","She obtained an hearing, he sat in haughty silence, but he listened.","MWS" "id03932","This circumstance did not fail to give me the most heartful satisfaction, and I hailed it as a happy omen of ultimate success.","EAP" "id14899","Pickman was in every sense in conception and in execution a thorough, painstaking, and almost scientific realist.","HPL" "id14344","The tears and agitation of my poor sister had rendered her unfit to return to the circle we had left so I persuaded her to let me drive her through the park; and, during the ride, I induced her to confide the tale of her unhappiness to me, fancying that talking of it would lighten the burthen, and certain that, if there were a remedy, it should be found and secured to her.","MWS" "id15826","I would have made a pilgrimage to the highest peak of the Andes, could I when there have precipitated him to their base.","MWS" "id26778","What it was that Pompey saw so very peculiar in my appearance I have never yet been able to find out.","EAP" "id13236","And now a partial and evanescent success.","EAP" "id16116","""I have the honor to be, etc., your Excellencies' very humble servant, ""HANS PFAALL.""","EAP" "id24914","Not till my adult years did my uncle set before me the notes and data which he had collected concerning the shunned house.","HPL" "id06470","I have often attributed my attachment to, my passionate enthusiasm for, the dangerous mysteries of ocean to that production of the most imaginative of modern poets.","MWS" "id13202","In doing this, I underwent a kind of rough usage, ill befitting the wounds that my mind had sustained.","MWS" "id11260","This impression was confirmed by my uncle's less systematic array of miscellaneous data legends transcribed from servant gossip, cuttings from the papers, copies of death certificates by fellow physicians, and the like.","HPL" "id16970","After that followed a sharp grating noise, a shouted gibberish from Pickman, and the deafening discharge of all six chambers of a revolver, fired spectacularly as a lion tamer might fire in the air for effect.","HPL" "id20413","Gilman could not have told what he expected to find there, but he knew he wanted to be in the building where some circumstance had more or less suddenly given a mediocre old woman of the seventeenth century an insight into mathematical depths perhaps beyond the utmost modern delvings of Planck, Heisenberg, Einstein, and de Sitter.","HPL" "id24737","Does not Lord Bacon say that, 'the falling from a discord to a concord, which maketh great sweetness in music, hath an agreement with the affections, which are re integrated to the better after some dislikes?'","MWS" "id02905","That heart sinking feeling was painted in her sunk eyes and spiritless attitude; a cloud was on her beauty, and frequent sighs were tokens of her distress.","MWS" "id10420","The experience of immemorial time had taught us formerly to count our enjoyments by years, and extend our prospect of life through a lengthened period of progression and decay; the long road threaded a vast labyrinth, and the Valley of the Shadow of Death, in which it terminated, was hid by intervening objects.","MWS" "id13915","No star had been visible at that point before.","HPL" "id06395","""Keep it for my sake for the sake of her whom it too flatteringly represents.","EAP" "id18919","Then the headless thing threw out its arms in a gesture which was unmistakably one of desperation an intelligent desperation apparently sufficient to prove every theory of Herbert West.","HPL" "id17721","As I approached the latter, she seized my hand, and drew me into another apartment; she threw herself into my arms, and wept and sobbed bitterly and long.","MWS" "id24900","After this there was a dead stillness, and I heard nothing more, upon either occasion, until nearly daybreak; unless, perhaps, I may mention a low sobbing, or murmuring sound, so very much suppressed as to be nearly inaudible if, indeed, the whole of this latter noise were not rather produced by my own imagination.","EAP" "id02115","He seemed insensible to the presence of any one else, but if, as a trial to awaken his sensibility, my aunt brought me into the room he would instantly rush out with every symptom of fury and distraction.","MWS" "id07349","Then, as if in response to an insidious motion of my host's hand, a flash of heat lightning played over the scene, and I looked out upon a sea of luxuriant foliage foliage unpolluted, and not the sea of roofs to be expected by any normal mind.","HPL" "id26189","The heat became all at once intolerable.","EAP" "id18845","Once I falsely hoped to meet with beings who, pardoning my outward form, would love me for the excellent qualities which I was capable of unfolding.","MWS" "id24642","He would have to consult a nerve specialist after all perhaps there was a connexion with his somnambulism but meanwhile he might at least try to break the morbid spell himself.","HPL" "id09995","But the feelings that actuated Evadne were rooted in the depths of her being, and were such in their growth as he had no means of understanding.","MWS" "id02359","But not much is written of these beings, because they lived in very ancient times, and man is young, and knows little of the very ancient living things.","HPL" "id07739","I did so, saying: ""M.","EAP" "id06361","This event occurred about two years after the atrocity in the Rue Morgue.","EAP" "id11670","When you have signed it, I will hand you the letter.""","EAP" "id26587","She amused us all very much.","EAP" "id00695","But my chief delights were the sight of the flowers, the birds, and all the gay apparel of summer; when those deserted me, I turned with more attention towards the cottagers.","MWS" "id24234","""My father,"" I answered, ""it is the study of Nosology.""","EAP" "id24305","But it is your happiness I desire as well as my own when I declare to you that our marriage would render me eternally miserable unless it were the dictate of your own free choice.","MWS" "id25809","I had heard of some discoveries having been made by an English philosopher, the knowledge of which was material to my success, and I sometimes thought of obtaining my father's consent to visit England for this purpose; but I clung to every pretence of delay and shrank from taking the first step in an undertaking whose immediate necessity began to appear less absolute to me.","MWS" "id07318","On quitting the invalid's bed side to hold conversation with myself, Doctors D and F had bidden him a final farewell.","EAP" "id13285","Copp's Hill Burying Ground, which could not be many blocks away from this very house, was a favourite scene.","HPL" "id08670","They wait patient and potent, for here shall They reign again.""","HPL" "id16862","But why shall I minutely detail the unspeakable horrors of that night?","EAP" "id14093","I glanced at the painting hurriedly, and then closed my eyes.","EAP" "id04470","Thus coming nearer and nearer each other, the howls and shouts of the Irish increased; the English proceeded in obedience to their officers, until they came near enough to distinguish the faces of their enemies; the sight inspired them with fury: with one cry, that rent heaven and was re echoed by the furthest lines, they rushed on; they disdained the use of the bullet, but with fixed bayonet dashed among the opposing foe, while the ranks opening at intervals, the matchmen lighted the cannon, whose deafening roar and blinding smoke filled up the horror of the scene.","MWS" "id15270","For example ""Ex nihilo nihil fit""; ""a body cannot act where it is not""; ""there cannot exist antipodes""; ""darkness cannot come out of light"" all these, and a dozen other similar propositions, formerly admitted without hesitation as axioms, were, even at the period of which I speak, seen to be untenable.","EAP" "id25447","I engaged rooms in Jermyn street, and sent her Majesty the ninety ninth edition of the ""Nosology,"" with a portrait of the proboscis.","EAP" "id16541","Of one only fault he might have been accused; but his death has cancelled that.","MWS" "id07107","It is all that remains of my friend; the friend who led me on to madness and wreckage; a godlike head of such marble as only old Hellas could yield, young with the youth that is outside time, and with beauteous bearded face, curved, smiling lips, Olympian brow, and dense locks waving and poppy crowned.","HPL" "id21125","I heard of the discovery of the American hemisphere and wept with Safie over the hapless fate of its original inhabitants.","MWS" "id23999","Finding that no satisfaction was to be obtained of Jupiter, whose whole intellect seemed to be absorbed by ""de bug,"" I now stepped into the boat and made sail.","EAP" "id20920","For in all that seething combustion no warmth lay, but only the clamminess of death and corruption.","HPL" "id05391","At six I had an appointment of consequence, which it was quite indispensable that I should keep.","EAP" "id20245","It suddenly struck me as very natural that the local people should not wish to ride on a bus owned and driven by this man, or to visit any oftener than possible the habitat of such a man and his kinsfolk.","HPL" "id09530","""And do you also believe that I am so very, very wicked?","MWS" "id17800","Listen You spoke thus: 'It is done it is most cheerfully agreed I sacrifice every feeling for your sake.","EAP" "id07397","When this occurs, no second effort is made, but the arm continues its movement in the direction originally intended, precisely as if the piece were in the fingers.","EAP" "id24739","There is no individual portion of the architecture and decoration of that bridal chamber which is not now visibly before me.","EAP" "id25149","One clenched hand contained a slip of paper, on which was written, ""To Athens.""","MWS" "id11450","The conditions of the sentience had been here, he imagined, fulfilled in the method of collocation of these stones in the order of their arrangement, as well as in that of the many fungi which overspread them, and of the decayed trees which stood around above all, in the long undisturbed endurance of this arrangement, and in its reduplication in the still waters of the tarn.","EAP" "id10093","Our little voyages of discovery were often prolonged by the successive objects that presented themselves.","MWS" "id20766","Its rim is about four feet deep.","EAP" "id23644","Having paid his debts, therefore, in the most honourable manner, he retreated with his daughter to the town of Lucerne, where he lived unknown and in wretchedness.","MWS" "id18414","At length the king was brought to see in him a source of perpetual disquiet, knowing that he should pay for the short lived pleasure of his society by tedious homilies, and more painful narrations of excesses, the truth of which he could not disprove.","MWS" "id23604","""It is now noon or thereabouts we shall have time enough to get through with them all before midnight.","EAP" "id09379","Where was pain and evil?","MWS" "id17907","Just waited up and lit out the first thing in the morning.","HPL" "id23352","I cannot very well express to you the effect of this intelligence upon the people.","EAP" "id08482","Remember me with affection, should you never hear from me again.","MWS" "id27124","My bed was so contrived upon the floor of the car, as to bring my head, in lying down, immediately below the mouth of the pitcher.","EAP" "id11561","He had found an unknown bivalve, forming a new genus, and, more than this, he had hunted down and secured, with Jupiter's assistance, a scarabæus which he believed to be totally new, but in respect to which he wished to have my opinion on the morrow.","EAP" "id17622","Newton owed it to Kepler.","EAP" "id05641","Her subsequent conduct did not diminish this interest.","MWS" "id03525","""Certainly,"" replied the ex queen, with bitter scorn, ""his love, and her love, and both their childish flutterings, are to be put in fit comparison with my years of hope and anxiety, with the duties of the offspring of kings, with the high and dignified conduct which one of her descent ought to pursue.","MWS" "id04370","Phantasies such as these, presenting themselves at night, extended their terrific influence far into my waking hours.","EAP" "id14647","And whether the sea was rough or calm, and whether the wind was friendly or adverse, it would always glide smoothly and silently, its sails distant and its long strange tiers of oars moving rhythmically.","HPL" "id05310","The solitude seemed absolutely virgin.","EAP" "id19318","He also gave me the list of books which I had requested, and I took my leave.","MWS" "id18441","When the men of Teloth heard these things they whispered to one another; for though in the granite city there is no laughter or song, the stern men sometimes look to the Karthian hills in the spring and think of the lutes of distant Oonai whereof travellers have told.","HPL" "id09867","It was the Yule rite, older than man and fated to survive him; the primal rite of the solstice and of spring's promise beyond the snows; the rite of fire and evergreen, light and music.","HPL" "id04952","I continued to watch her unremittingly, although I was fully conscious of my rudeness in so doing.","EAP" "id27873","A rapid smile shot over the countenance of the listener.","EAP" "id08999","Time had altered her since I last beheld her; it had endowed her with loveliness surpassing the beauty of her childish years.","MWS" "id06056","At length, however, I took courage, and did not hesitate to step firmly; endeavoring to cross in as direct a line as possible.","EAP" "id08067","Roofs were fallen and columns were broken, but there still remained an air of immemorially ancient splendour which nothing could efface.","HPL" "id08565","The first sight of this place for a time unhinged her.","MWS" "id14354","I replied, however, that we were on a voyage of discovery towards the northern pole.","MWS" "id05569","As the White Ship sailed silently away from the templed terraces of Zar, we beheld on the distant horizon ahead the spires of a mighty city; and the bearded man said to me: ""This is Thalarion, the City of a Thousand Wonders, wherein reside all those mysteries that man has striven in vain to fathom.""","HPL" "id15702","""A few months ago,"" he continued, ""I was thought to be dying; but life was strong within me.","MWS" "id09908","Now, with the eyes closed, it looked more asleep than dead; though the expert test of my friend soon left no doubt on that score.","HPL" "id00015","By ten, I had reason to believe its density considerably increased.","EAP" "id27481","Should the Inutos attempt to gain the citadel by the narrow pass behind the peak Noton, and thereby surprise the garrison, I was to give the signal of fire which would warn the waiting soldiers and save the town from immediate disaster.","HPL" "id24329","I am the Signora Psyche Zenobia.","EAP" "id03575","Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith was the man was the man that was used up.","EAP" "id14434","Since my sojourn in the borough, they have had several special meetings, and have adopted these three important resolutions: ""That it is wrong to alter the good old course of things:"" ""That there is nothing tolerable out of Vondervotteimittiss:"" and ""That we will stick by our clocks and our cabbages.""","EAP" "id00467","""I discovered also another means through which I was enabled to assist their labours.","MWS" "id26106","And up unending steps of shining zircon was the tower chamber, wherefrom the high priests looked out over the city and the plains and the lake by day; and at the cryptic moon and significant stars and planets, and their reflections in the lake, by night.","HPL" "id26828","As I thus mused, with half shut eyes, while the sun sank rapidly to rest, and eddying currents careered round and round the island, bearing upon their bosom large, dazzling, white flakes of the bark of the sycamore flakes which, in their multiform positions upon the water, a quick imagination might have converted into any thing it pleased, while I thus mused, it appeared to me that the form of one of those very Fays about whom I had been pondering made its way slowly into the darkness from out the light at the western end of the island.","EAP" "id15743","They left no nook or corner unexplored.","EAP" "id27031","""The health,"" he said, ""attainable by other means is scarcely worth the name.""","EAP" "id11850","She never for a moment lost sight of her children.","MWS" "id24760","You have demanded of me my hand upon the morrow.","EAP" "id01537","The fields had been left uncultivated, weeds and gaudy flowers sprung up, or where a few wheat fields shewed signs of the living hopes of the husbandman, the work had been left halfway, the ploughman had died beside the plough; the horses had deserted the furrow, and no seedsman had approached the dead; the cattle unattended wandered over the fields and through the lanes; the tame inhabitants of the poultry yard, baulked of their daily food, had become wild young lambs were dropt in flower gardens, and the cow stalled in the hall of pleasure.","MWS" "id03853","I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased.","EAP" "id16547","She would sit apart from us and watch him; she would weep for joy to think that he was hers.","MWS" "id05343","I loathed her with a hatred belonging more to demon than to man.","EAP" "id08396","He had been found as a child in a crude mountain hut, the only survivor of an epidemic which had stalked lethally by.","HPL" "id00808","Moreover, some years ago Maelzel visited Richmond with his automata, and exhibited them, we believe, in the house now occupied by M. Bossieux as a Dancing Academy.","EAP" "id22581","The accelerated rate of ascent thus obtained, carried me too rapidly, and without sufficient gradation, into a highly rarefied stratum of the atmosphere, and the result had nearly proved fatal to my expedition and to myself.","EAP" "id19035","But more ghastly and terrible still was the slowness of my progress; for climb as I might, the darkness overhead grew no thinner, and a new chill as of haunted and venerable mould assailed me.","HPL" "id08224","The fourth was furnished and lighted with orange the fifth with white the sixth with violet.","EAP" "id22015","""PIQUANT EXPRESSIONS.","EAP" "id24525","The boat made a sharp half turn to larboard, and then shot off in its new direction like a thunderbolt.","EAP" "id14019","In reply to a jumble of questions they only shook their heads and reaffirmed one vital fact.","HPL" "id12279","It may easily be imagined that I wearied myself with conjecture to guess the cause of his sorrow.","MWS" "id18789","I might tell it to the winds and to the desart heaths but I must never among my fellow creatures, either by word or look give allowance to the smallest conjecture of the dread reality: I must shrink before the eye of man lest he should read my father's guilt in my glazed eyes: I must be silent lest my faltering voice should betray unimagined horrors.","MWS" "id11056","It was pleasant to see the haughty Raymond and reserved Perdita changed through happy love into prattling, playful children, both losing their characteristic dignity in the fulness of mutual contentment.","MWS" "id06363","In the spring of Jonathan Gifford, the Albany friend of Jan Martense, became worried by his correspondent's silence; especially in view of the conditions and quarrels at the Martense mansion.","HPL" "id24115","She did not complain; in her brother's court she would find, not compensation for their disobedience filial unkindness admitted of none, but such a state of things and mode of life, as might best reconcile her to her fate.","MWS" "id07730","In the war came, and Squire Sawyer Whateley, as chairman of the local draft board, had hard work finding a quota of young Dunwich men fit even to be sent to a development camp.","HPL" "id24838","As night came on, her spirits, enlivened by my unexpected concession, regained an almost forgotten vivacity.","MWS" "id07915","They opened each other's letters, even as, until now, the inmost fold of the heart of each was disclosed to the other.","MWS" "id18714","I feared no man, and loved none.","MWS" "id17431","I will quote the following account of the star Nova Persei verbatim from the pages of that eminent astronomical authority, Prof. Garrett P. Serviss: ""On February , , a marvellous new star was discovered by Dr. Anderson, of Edinburgh, not very far from Algol.","HPL" "id25495","Sometimes Woodville talked to me of himself.","MWS" "id02144","It was strange, they said amongst themselves, that depression should thus seize one with so great a chance to win art's loftiest reward.","HPL" "id07515","A weekly paper, however, at length took up the theme; the corpse was disinterred, and a re examination instituted; but nothing was elicited beyond what has been already noted.","EAP" "id21871","I am poor and an exile, but it will afford me true pleasure to be in any way serviceable to a human creature.'","MWS" "id22755","My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading.","MWS" "id02199","PERHAPS no exhibition of the kind has ever elicited so general attention as the Chess Player of Maelzel.","EAP" "id19323","There were no terms with which he was unwilling to comply, and there were none of which I failed to take the fullest advantage.","EAP" "id08538","His heart was simple like a child, unstained by arrogance or vanity.","MWS" "id03884","But thy days shall be days of sorrow that sorrow which is the most lasting of impressions, as the cypress is the most enduring of trees.","EAP" "id27236","I cannot sleep at night now, and have to take opiates when it thunders.","HPL" "id12657","But the case is otherwise when the back door of the cupboard No. I, is opened.","EAP" "id18485","All, that is, but one.","HPL" "id10945","At the base of the hill a thirty foot swath of crushed shrubbery saplings led steeply upward, and the seekers gasped when they saw that even the most perpendicular places did not deflect the inexorable trail.","HPL" "id02595","All Vondervotteimittiss flew at once into a lamentable state of uproar.","EAP" "id05747","I felt immediately that it was the right one; a guess which the half illegible sign on the windshield ""Arkham Innsmouth Newb'port"" soon verified.","HPL" "id22157","Thus armed at all points, I determined to make my wife believe that I was suddenly smitten with a passion for the stage.","EAP" "id04822","The singular appearance of the cameleopard and the head of a man, has, it seems, given offence to the notions of propriety entertained, in general, by the wild animals domesticated in the city.","EAP" "id02148","In their consequences, these events have terrified have tortured have destroyed me.","EAP" "id20565","It had cut through the linen beneath.","EAP" "id26194","There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers.","EAP" "id09449","The anemone, with great brilliancy, has no smell.","EAP" "id08779","Occasionally the poetic intellect that intellect which we now feel to have been the most exalted of all since those truths which to us were of the most enduring importance could only be reached by that analogy which speaks in proof tones to the imagination alone and to the unaided reason bears no weight occasionally did this poetic intellect proceed a step farther in the evolving of the vague idea of the philosophic, and find in the mystic parable that tells of the tree of knowledge, and of its forbidden fruit, death producing, a distinct intimation that knowledge was not meet for man in the infant condition of his soul.","EAP" "id10613","They were very sparse and insidious at first, but increased in frequency and vividness as the weeks went by.","HPL" "id02740","It is only de late dat I am arrive, and not yet ave do opportunite for to l'etudier.","EAP" "id17258","My sister and I were left truly like two fools, who fancied that they had obtained a golden treasure, till daylight shewed it to be lead two silly, luckless flies, who had played in sunbeams and were caught in a spider's web.","MWS" "id25590","She continued with her foster parents and bloomed in their rude abode, fairer than a garden rose among dark leaved brambles.","MWS" "id06972","Gibbon, the Historian, Dr. Burney, the Musician, Mr. Malone, the Critick, and Mr. Boswell.","HPL" "id02977","He turns his back forever upon those dreadful shrubberies and flees as from the wrath to come.","EAP" "id19574","I wished all this done that I might resign myself, if not to sleep, at least alternately to the contemplation of these pictures, and the perusal of a small volume which had been found upon the pillow, and which purported to criticise and describe them.","EAP" "id23084","Of all its qualities, remoteness in the earth most impressed me.","HPL" "id03790","That man, as a race, should not become extinct, I saw that he must be ""born again.""","EAP" "id00698","And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features, and of the expression they were wont to convey, lay so much of change that I doubted to whom I spoke.","EAP" "id04048","Far out beyond the breakwater was the dim, dark line of Devil Reef, and as I glimpsed it I could not help thinking of all the hideous legends I had heard in the last thirty four hours legends which portrayed this ragged rock as a veritable gateway to realms of unfathomed horror and inconceivable abnormality.","HPL" "id23648","For a moment of intense terror she paused upon the giddy pinnacle, as if in contemplation of her own sublimity, then trembled and tottered, and came down.","EAP" "id06345","Industry did not flourish here, and the nineteenth century factory movement proved short lived.","HPL" "id23382","Yet the promises of Eleonora were not forgotten; for I heard the sounds of the swinging of the censers of the angels; and streams of a holy perfume floated ever and ever about the valley; and at lone hours, when my heart beat heavily, the winds that bathed my brow came unto me laden with soft sighs; and indistinct murmurs filled often the night air, and once oh, but once only I was awakened from a slumber, like the slumber of death, by the pressing of spiritual lips upon my own.","EAP" "id14275","After about an hour he got himself under better control, and saw that he was far from the city.","HPL" "id06670","The new elections were finished; parliament met, and Raymond was occupied in a thousand beneficial schemes.","MWS" "id13440","""Here is something better.","EAP" "id03584","I am surrounded by mountains of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every moment to crush my vessel.","MWS" "id11047","The Marshes, together with the other three gently bred families of the town the Waites, the Gilmans, and the Eliots were all very retiring.","HPL" "id11432","It was not in my nature to derive consolation from such scenes; from theatres, whose buffoon laughter and discordant mirth awakened distempered sympathy, or where fictitious tears and wailings mocked the heart felt grief within; from festival or crowded meeting, where hilarity sprung from the worst feelings of our nature, or such enthralment of the better ones, as impressed it with garish and false varnish; from assemblies of mourners in the guise of revellers.","MWS" "id13509","They say that that haunting memory face is modelled from my own, as it was at twenty five, but upon the marble base is carven a single name in the letters of Attica 'ΥΠΝΟΣ.","HPL" "id10446","Their beauty was Grecian, their deformity Egyptian, their tout ensemble French.","EAP" "id13164","The path to it had been enlarged, and steps hewn in the rock led us less circuitously than before, to the spot itself; the platform on which the pyramid stood was enlarged, and looking towards the south, in a recess overshadowed by the straggling branches of a wild fig tree, I saw foundations dug, and props and rafters fixed, evidently the commencement of a cottage; standing on its unfinished threshold, the tomb was at our right hand, the whole ravine, and plain, and azure sea immediately before us; the dark rocks received a glow from the descending sun, which glanced along the cultivated valley, and dyed in purple and orange the placid waves; we sat on a rocky elevation, and I gazed with rapture on the beauteous panorama of living and changeful colours, which varied and enhanced the graces of earth and ocean.","MWS" "id21539","The enigmas of the Symbolists and the ecstasies of the pre Raphaelites all were ours in their time, but each new mood was drained too soon of its diverting novelty and appeal.","HPL" "id06648","He was naturally frank; the continued absence of Perdita and myself became remarkable; and Raymond soon found relief from the constraint of months, by an unreserved confidence with his two friends.","MWS" "id01958","A blackened circle on the floor of the ruined cellar told of a violent stroke from the heavens; and from this spot a group of curious villagers with lanterns were prying a small box of antique workmanship which the thunderbolt had brought to light.","HPL" "id10547","His condition remained precisely the same.","EAP" "id05719","He could not walk, it appeared, and the emerging moon must have witnessed a horrible sight as he dragged his bleeding ankles toward the cemetery lodge; his fingers clawing the black mould in brainless haste, and his body responding with that maddening slowness from which one suffers when chased by the phantoms of nightmare.","HPL" "id00917","His eyes were abnormally large, and round like those of a cat.","EAP" "id15965","She hesitated some time, but at length she formed her determination.","MWS" "id13330","Queer how the fish swarm right there and nowhere else.","HPL" "id09030","I walked and, I believe, descended, but I presently found a great alteration in my sensations.","MWS" "id03778","There was not an inch of any portion of the house which was not carefully searched.","EAP" "id09652","And may it not thus happen that many far greater than Milton have contentedly remained ""mute and inglorious?""","EAP" "id26639","There is a certain amount of bulk of space to be accounted for in every cabinet.","EAP" "id21375","I saw at once that the peculiarities of the design, of the vignetting, and of the frame, must have instantly dispelled such idea must have prevented even its momentary entertainment.","EAP" "id16400","These berths, to be sure, were so exceedingly narrow as to be insufficient for more than one person; still, I could not comprehend why there were three state rooms for these four persons.","EAP" "id17656","The king lamented his absence; he loved to repeat his sayings, relate the adventures they had had together, and exalt his talents but here ended his reminiscence.","MWS" "id24045","And when I saw that this reef was but the black basalt crown of a shocking eikon whose monstrous forehead now shone in the dim moonlight and whose vile hooves must paw the hellish ooze miles below, I shrieked and shrieked lest the hidden face rise above the waters, and lest the hidden eyes look at me after the slinking away of that leering and treacherous yellow moon.","HPL" "id22430","For himself, he added, he had, some years since, made the acquaintance of Maillard, and would so far assist me as to ride up to the door and introduce me; although his feelings on the subject of lunacy would not permit of his entering the house.","EAP" "id20222","Then, close to the hour of midnight, all the bronze gates of Sarnath burst open and emptied forth a frenzied throng that blackened the plain, so that all the visiting princes and travellers fled away in fright.","HPL" "id04346","Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?","MWS" "id27693","The afternoon of my search brought nothing to light, and dusk came as I stood on Maple Hill looking down at the hamlet and across the valley to Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id04410","My other apartments are by no means of the same order mere ultras of fashionable insipidity.","EAP" "id02349","Some from among the family of man must survive, and these should be among the survivors; that should be my task to accomplish it my own life were a small sacrifice.","MWS" "id14028","And at such moments was her beauty in my heated fancy thus it appeared perhaps the beauty of beings either above or apart from the earth the beauty of the fabulous Houri of the Turk.","EAP" "id05083","And I recall that there was no wind, and that the moon was out, and that all the lights of the city twinkled.","HPL" "id08360","Slater raved for upward of fifteen minutes, babbling in his backwoods dialect of great edifices of light, oceans of space, strange music, and shadowy mountains and valleys.","HPL" "id11223","Returning home from some sailors' frolic the night, or rather in the morning of the murder, he found the beast occupying his own bed room, into which it had broken from a closet adjoining, where it had been, as was thought, securely confined.","EAP" "id08500","As I spoke, rage sparkled in my eyes; the magistrate was intimidated.","MWS" "id25595","But when he entered, misery and despair alone welcomed him.","MWS" "id14934","I swear to you, by the earth which I inhabit, and by you that made me, that with the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man and dwell, as it may chance, in the most savage of places.","MWS" "id07829","All resort for ambition or pleasure was cut off the streets were grass grown the houses empty the few, that from necessity remained, seemed already branded with the taint of inevitable pestilence.","MWS" "id07654","But he perpetually errs by being too deep or too shallow, for the matter in hand; and many a schoolboy is a better reasoner than he.","EAP" "id21384","Philosophers opposed their principles, as barriers to the inundation of profligacy or despair, and the only ramparts to protect the invaded territory of human life; the religious, hoping now for their reward, clung fast to their creeds, as the rafts and planks which over the tempest vexed sea of suffering, would bear them in safety to the harbour of the Unknown Continent.","MWS" "id26557","As many visitors came to view the prodigious tree, as to admire the art of the sculptor, so that Musides was seldom alone.","HPL" "id07021","But wonders and wild fancies had been, of late days, strangely rife among mankind; and, although it was only with a few of the ignorant that actual apprehension prevailed, upon the announcement by astronomers of a new comet, yet this announcement was generally received with I know not what of agitation and mistrust.","EAP" "id15963","Nearly all that we have hitherto known of them is, that they were a portion of the Knickerbocker tribe of savages infesting the continent at its first discovery by Recorder Riker, a knight of the Golden Fleece.","EAP" "id04080","Some of the medallions have a question inscribed on each side, both of which the magician answered in succession.","EAP" "id02714","The streets were blocked up, the ruins smoking; I climbed up one heap, only to view others in succession; and nothing told me where the centre of the town might be, or towards what point Raymond might have directed his course.","MWS" "id22306","I took care, too, to have a nice little puddle at hand, which I could get at in a minute.","EAP" "id24877","I knew this, but at other times I was unreasonable and laid the blame upon him, who was most blameless, and pevishly thought that if his gentle soul were more gentle, if his intense sympathy were more intense, he could drive the fiend from my soul and make me more human.","MWS" "id13538","There too were forms and fantasies more splendid than any I had ever known; the visions of young poets who died in want before the world could learn of what they had seen and dreamed.","HPL" "id03277","The nearer I approached to your habitation, the more deeply did I feel the spirit of revenge enkindled in my heart.","MWS" "id05554","When, two days after my frightful crawl through that crypt of the eyes and claw, I learned that a thing had malignly hovered twenty miles away at the same instant the eyes were glaring at me, I experienced virtual convulsions of fright.","HPL" "id11578","I have seen Stethelos that is below the great cataract, and have gazed on the marsh where Sarnath once stood.","HPL" "id00271","Some trifling difficulty with Bag, my attorney.","EAP" "id26253","When I had tried to question the natives in the shops, the lunch room, the garages, and the fire station, I had found them even harder to get started than the ticket agent had predicted; and realised that I could not spare the time to overcome their first instinctive reticences.","HPL" "id04127","""Dun't believe me, hey?","HPL" "id09326","It was seeking the door to the cellar, and when it found it, it vanished therein.","HPL" "id11217","Crossing the threshold into that swarming temple of unknown darkness, I turned once to look at the outside world as the churchyard phosphorescence cast a sickly glow on the hill top pavement.","HPL" "id07471","Finally, I hazarded a remark.","EAP" "id23718","Not a single impediment lay in the wheel route not even a chip or dead twig.","EAP" "id05485","There was nothing I could say, because everything was wrong.","HPL" "id07501","Old Kranon, the burgomaster, swore that the dark folk had taken the cats away in revenge for the killing of Menes' kitten; and cursed the caravan and the little boy.","HPL" "id19515","Only a stench and a tarry stickiness.","HPL" "id13694","I saw his astronomical instruments put to strange uses, his globes defaced, his papers covered with abstruse calculations destroyed.","MWS" "id05987","That name has so often been degraded that it will not convey the idea of all that he was.","MWS" "id08353","I wrote him again, entreating him to forward one forthwith.","EAP" "id16678","The shrill voice was that of an Englishman is sure of this.","EAP" "id12812","They say he still wears clothes, but he'll take to the water soon.","HPL" "id08450","The leaves of that year had withered before my work drew near to a close, and now every day showed me more plainly how well I had succeeded.","MWS" "id03940","One or two stiff gales and the springing of a leak are accidents which experienced navigators scarcely remember to record, and I shall be well content if nothing worse happen to us during our voyage.","MWS" "id12048","""The corpse, being supposed at the bottom of the river, will there remain until, by some means, its specific gravity again becomes less than that of the bulk of water which it displaces.","EAP" "id04454","Large estates were secured to the dethroned monarch and his family; he received the title of Earl of Windsor, and Windsor Castle, an ancient royalty, with its wide demesnes were a part of his allotted wealth.","MWS" "id21977","Smith Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. why, you know he's the man"" ""Man,"" here broke in Doctor Drummummupp, at the top of his voice, and with a thump that came near knocking the pulpit about our ears; ""man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live; he cometh up and is cut down like a flower"" I started to the extremity of the pew, and perceived by the animated looks of the divine, that the wrath which had nearly proved fatal to the pulpit had been excited by the whispers of the lady and myself.","EAP" "id25501","My nerves were very much affected, indeed, by these yells; but the rest of the company I really pitied.","EAP" "id23673","But the overflowing misery I now felt, and the excess of agitation that I endured rendered me incapable of any exertion.","MWS" "id12953","How I have lived I hardly know; many times have I stretched my failing limbs upon the sandy plain and prayed for death.","MWS" "id09472","Fragments of dress were discovered on the brambles around.","EAP" "id26508","My father still desired to delay our departure, fearful that I could not sustain the fatigues of a journey, for I was a shattered wreck the shadow of a human being.","MWS" "id10128","He, at length, became so obstreperous that we grew fearful of his giving the alarm to some stragglers in the vicinity; or, rather, this was the apprehension of Legrand; for myself, I should have rejoiced at any interruption which might have enabled me to get the wanderer home.","EAP" "id17124","Prone, at all times, to abstraction, I readily fell in with his humor; and, continuing to occupy our chambers in the Faubourg Saint Germain, we gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams.","EAP" "id27151","They sleep at a distance from their master's apartment, and, being chiefly Neapolitans, are readily made drunk.","EAP" "id22328","Look into the mind of man, where wisdom reigns enthroned; where imagination, the painter, sits, with his pencil dipt in hues lovelier than those of sunset, adorning familiar life with glowing tints.","MWS" "id09829","Quitting the Seven Towers, I rode eastward towards the Sweet Waters.","MWS" "id08651","""But I am Iranon, a singer of songs,"" he said, ""and have no heart for the cobbler's trade.""","HPL" "id00389","Then one summer there came a philosopher into Kingsport.","HPL" "id23401","Do not suppose that I am wicked or foolish enough to found my purposed sovereignty on a fraud, and one so easily discovered as the truth or falsehood of the Earl's insanity.","MWS" "id20314","My aunt observed this, and when Justine was twelve years of age, prevailed on her mother to allow her to live at our house.","MWS" "id12564","And in the Stygian grotto I saw them do the rite, and adore the sick pillar of flame, and throw into the water handfuls gouged out of the viscous vegetation which glittered green in the chlorotic glare.","HPL" "id01324","Trade was stopped by the failure of the interchange of cargoes usual between us, and America, India, Egypt and Greece.","MWS" "id12180","He bent toward me, took hold of my coat lapel, and hissed out some hints that could not be mistaken.","HPL" "id01288","My Arkham born grandmother had seemed strange and almost terrifying to me, and I do not think I grieved when she disappeared.","HPL" "id10686","Despair such as no other species of wretchedness ever calls into being despair alone urged me, after long irresolution, to uplift the heavy lids of my eyes.","EAP" "id22741","Passing out of the closet with their prisoner, the officers went through a sort of ante chamber, in which nothing material was found, to the chemist's sleeping room.","EAP" "id06797","Clerval eagerly desired to accept this invitation, and I, although I abhorred society, wished to view again mountains and streams and all the wondrous works with which Nature adorns her chosen dwelling places.","MWS" "id09124","Small eyes, of no particular color, twinkled far back in his head.","EAP" "id23571","The difference of manners which he observed was to him an inexhaustible source of instruction and amusement.","MWS" "id16519","After many fruitless attempts to gain admittance to the prison, he found a strongly grated window in an unguarded part of the building, which lighted the dungeon of the unfortunate Muhammadan, who, loaded with chains, waited in despair the execution of the barbarous sentence.","MWS" "id06811","His person was short but remarkably erect and his voice the sweetest I had ever heard.","MWS" "id10545","My eyes, also, gave me great uneasiness.","EAP" "id09633","And, through all, I wrote.","EAP" "id14582","We saw at a glance that the doom of the unfortunate artist was sealed.","EAP" "id27444","I found him well educated, with unusual powers of mind, but infected with misanthropy, and subject to perverse moods of alternate enthusiasm and melancholy.","EAP" "id06026","I rejoice, my dear friend, that we live in an age so enlightened that no such a thing as an individual is supposed to exist.","EAP" "id25094","I agree with Buffon with Hogarth it is but diligence after all.","EAP" "id06520","My mother and uncle Walter had not looked like that.","HPL" "id23380","He had been thinking too much about the vague regions which his formulae told him must lie beyond the three dimensions we know, and about the possibility that old Keziah Mason guided by some influence past all conjecture had actually found the gate to those regions.","HPL" "id23489","Arranging with the Belgian authorities for a party of guides, he spent a year in the Onga and Kaliri country, finding data beyond the highest of his expectations.","HPL" "id20618","The note arriving at maturity, the diddler, with the diddler's dog, calls upon the friend, and the promise to pay is made the topic of discussion.","EAP" "id06872","In life I dared not; in death I unveil the mystery.","MWS" "id21506","The thatch had fallen in, the walls were unplastered, and the door was off its hinges.","MWS" "id15477","For that the man always watched and listened no one could doubt.","HPL" "id03841","Now you yourself, my dearest Eugenie, can have numbered no more than can have numbered no more than no more than than than than "" Here I paused for an instant, in the expectation that Madame Lalande would interrupt me by supplying her true age.","EAP" "id06066","Through the lenses were discernible three tiny figures, apparently running toward the summit as fast as the steep incline allowed.","HPL" "id09961","Everything favoured my journey.","MWS" "id26092","At last he woke in his bed in the crazily angled garret of the eldritch old house.","HPL" "id23837","I frequently engaged him in play, and contrived, with the gambler's usual art, to let him win considerable sums, the more effectually to entangle him in my snares.","EAP" "id06895","I had commenced my search late in the day, a November day, that closed in early with pattering rain and melancholy wind.","MWS" "id10583","Toward the end of the second hour I feared my quart of whiskey would not be enough to produce results, and was wondering whether I had better leave old Zadok and go back for more.","HPL" "id14855","""Matters being thus arranged, I contrived, by the aid of my wife and with the greatest secrecy and caution, to dispose of what property I had remaining, and to borrow, in small sums, under various pretences, and without paying any attention to my future means of repayment, no inconsiderable quantity of ready money.","EAP" "id04835","""What de matter now, massa?"" said Jup, evidently shamed into compliance; ""always want for to raise fuss wid old nigger.","EAP" "id01999","The captain of a ship, which is about to sail, is presented by an official looking person with an unusually moderate bill of city charges.","EAP" "id03407","He requested me in the meantime to ride through the camp, and to observe and report to him the dispositions of the soldiers; he then left me.","MWS" "id11446","Yet, as she had foretold, her child, to which in dying she had given birth, which breathed not until the mother breathed no more, her child, a daughter, lived.","EAP" "id11528","There I shrunk and fled from him, now I only wished to be with him that I might soothe him to peace.","MWS" "id20239","The winter has been dreadfully severe, but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season, so that perhaps I may sail sooner than I expected.","MWS" "id25638","When I appeared, she turned away, and in reply to my enquiries, only said, ""You know not what you have done"" I trusted that this sullenness betokened merely the struggle between disappointment and natural affection, and that in a few days she would be reconciled to her fate.","MWS" "id07724","He was oddly anxious to know if Birch were sure absolutely sure of the identity of that top coffin of the pile; how he had chosen it, how he had been certain of it as the Fenner coffin in the dusk, and how he had distinguished it from the inferior duplicate coffin of vicious Asaph Sawyer.","HPL" "id24768","There it stood; deserted, feared, and linked with the vengeful ghost of Jan Martense.","HPL" "id27797","Experience demonstrated that in a year or two pestilence would cease; it were well that in the mean time we should not have destroyed our fine breeds of horses, or have utterly changed the face of the ornamented portion of the country.","MWS" "id05302","While I remained in speechless astonishment at behavior so alarming, he suddenly leaped to his feet and made a rush at the bell rope; but just as he reached this, he appeared to have altered his intention, whatever it was, for he dived under a table and immediately re appeared with a cudgel.","EAP" "id06682","Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow, its hues are as various as the hues of that arch as distinct too, yet as intimately blended.","EAP" "id22619","In his explanation of this phraseology, Mr. Ellison did much towards solving what has always seemed to me an enigma.","EAP" "id26664","To promenade, as usual, and large customer brought fat man..................................................... AUG. .","EAP" "id18767","When Dr. Davis left Birch that night he had taken a lantern and gone to the old receiving tomb.","HPL" "id01600","You purpose to kill me.","MWS" "id05315","For her children's sake alone she consented to remain, shorn of regality, a member of the English republic.","MWS" "id25479","How very dear she was to Perdita In progress of time, I also became a father, and our little darlings, our playthings and delights, called forth a thousand new and delicious feelings.","MWS" "id20731","The points of the compass, too, are in inextricable confusion; the writer appearing to be ignorant that, on a lunar map, these are not in accordance with terrestrial points; the east being to the left, etc. Deceived, perhaps, by the vague titles, Mare Nubium, Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Faecunditatis, etc., given to the dark spots by former astronomers, Mr. L. has entered into details regarding oceans and other large bodies of water in the moon; whereas there is no astronomical point more positively ascertained than that no such bodies exist there.","EAP" "id02138","But I do not think my life will be long.","HPL" "id18307","The rim of ice to the northward was growing more and more apparent.","EAP" "id25820","""It was well, it was mostly a kind of force that doesn't belong in our part of space; a kind of force that acts and grows and shapes itself by other laws than those of our sort of Nature.","HPL" "id16120","He was alive, and with open, staring eyes, but seemed largely unconscious.","HPL" "id00569","In both, it is of the lowest order of merit.","EAP" "id07139","Why should our dwelling place be so lovely, and why should the instincts of nature minister pleasurable sensations?","MWS" "id09181","Let me pause to observe that the complexion of this man is dark and swarthy; it was no common swarthiness which constituted the sole point of remembrance, both as regards Valence and Madame Deluc.","EAP" "id20312","I was trembling and my pillow was wet with my tears; for a few moments my heart beat hard, but the bright beams of the sun and the chirping of the birds quickly restored me to myself, and I rose with a languid spirit, yet wondering what events the day would bring forth.","MWS" "id14816","For a moment she thought that she could stem the torrent, and that Raymond could be induced to hear reason from her. Vain hope The moment of her influence was passed.","MWS" "id16674","One star only trembled in the depth of the kindling atmosphere.","MWS" "id10685","""That is also my victim"" he exclaimed.","MWS" "id23647","On the contrary, my admiration for him kept growing; for that ""Ghoul Feeding"" was a tremendous achievement.","HPL" "id07134","I did not move, for I could not; but watched dazedly as the door fell in pieces to admit a colossal, shapeless influx of inky substance starred with shining, malevolent eyes.","HPL" "id15244","Amid the thought of the fiery destruction that impended, the idea of the coolness of the well came over my soul like balm.","EAP" "id24381","Around him in the damp, low ceiled library with the musty white panelling, heavy carved overmantel, and small paned, vine shaded windows, were the relics and records of his ancient family, among which were many dubious allusions to the shunned house in Benefit Street.","HPL" "id02371","Just what the white ape like creatures could have been, Mwanu had no idea, but he thought they were the builders of the ruined city.","HPL" "id03732","And, with these words upon her lips, she yielded up her innocent life, putting an end to the first epoch of my own.","EAP" "id08391","""I'm sorry to have to ask you to stay on the surface,"" he said, ""but it would be a crime to let anyone with your frail nerves go down there.","HPL" "id19595","Geometrical shapes seethed around him, and he fell dizzily and interminably.","HPL" "id20600","I mean the fact which none but the ignorant dispute, that no such combinations of scenery exist in Nature as the painter of genius has in his power to produce.","EAP" "id12804","His height had increased to more than seven feet, and shewed no signs of ceasing its development.","HPL" "id08110","What had come had indeed completed its entrance; for the barking and the screaming, now fast fading into a mixed low growling and moaning, proceeded unmistakably from within.","HPL" "id18879","It has since been to me a matter of deep regret that an awkward accident, at this time, occasioned me the loss of my little family of cats, and deprived me of the insight into this matter which a continued experiment might have afforded.","EAP" "id07902","Yet neither the mandate of the monarch, nor the huge barriers erected at the entrances of the streets, nor the prospect of that loathsome death which, with almost absolute certainty, overwhelmed the wretch whom no peril could deter from the adventure, prevented the unfurnished and untenanted dwellings from being stripped, by the hand of nightly rapine, of every article, such as iron, brass, or lead work, which could in any manner be turned to a profitable account.","EAP" "id01328","On the morning of the first day of the next month, the landlady does not present her bill, according to promise a piece of neglect for which the comfortable head of the house ending in ogs would no doubt have chided her severely, could he have been prevailed upon to remain in town a day or two for that purpose.","EAP" "id05447","Well do I remember these conversations, dear Monos; but the epoch of the fiery overthrow was not so near at hand as we believed, and as the corruption you indicate did surely warrant us in believing.","EAP" "id25789","The exceeding tenuity of the object of our dread was apparent; for all heavenly objects were plainly visible through it.","EAP" "id05320","Even the poor deer, our antlered proteges, were obliged to fall for the sake of worthier pensioners.","MWS" "id14514","My view was bounded only by the horizon except on one side where a distant wood made a black spot on the heath, that every where else stretched out its faint hues as far as the eye could reach, wide and very desolate.","MWS" "id01517","Then the lightning flashed again, somewhat brighter than before, and the crowd fancied that it had shewed a certain mistiness around the altar stone on the distant height.","HPL" "id25758","An intensity in thought, action, or speech, was possibly, in her, a result, or at least an index, of that gigantic volition which, during our long intercourse, failed to give other and more immediate evidence of its existence.","EAP" "id02040","But there is one pleasure still within the reach of fallen mortality and perhaps only one which owes even more than does music to the accessory sentiment of seclusion.","EAP" "id09195","I saw this smile fade for ever.","MWS" "id15044","I mean the way he has 'de nier ce qui est, et d'expliquer ce qui n'est pas.'""","EAP" "id19007","The appearance of this man, and the instinctive fear he inspired, prepared me for something like enmity; so that I almost shuddered through surprise and a sense of uncanny incongruity when he motioned me to a chair and addressed me in a thin, weak voice full of fawning respect and ingratiating hospitality.","HPL" "id18733","We know that there are diseases in which occur total cessations of all the apparent functions of vitality, and yet in which these cessations are merely suspensions, properly so called.","EAP" "id01820","As if by some sudden convulsive exertion, reason had at once hurled superstition from her throne.","EAP" "id03826","At the end of the tenth day it was thought advisable to double the sum originally proposed; and, at length, the second week having elapsed without leading to any discoveries, and the prejudice which always exists in Paris against the Police having given vent to itself in several serious émeutes, the Prefect took it upon himself to offer the sum of twenty thousand francs ""for the conviction of the assassin,"" or, if more than one should prove to have been implicated, ""for the conviction of any one of the assassins.""","EAP" "id23162","It was not long since I was like one of these beardless aspirants; when my boy shall have obtained the place I now hold, I shall have tottered into a grey headed, wrinkled old man.","MWS" "id06289","But decomposition is modified by innumerable circumstances is hastened or retarded by innumerable agencies; for example, by the heat or cold of the season, by the mineral impregnation or purity of the water, by its depth or shallowness, by its currency or stagnation, by the temperament of the body, by its infection or freedom from disease before death.","EAP" "id06757","Flashing my pocket lamp into the skylight, I saw that there were no steps down.","HPL" "id10957","I now too late discovered the great rashness of which I had been guilty in discharging the ballast, and my agitation was excessive.","EAP" "id09729","There was a secret which even torture could not extract.","HPL" "id08342","""I paid especial attention to a large writing table near which he sat, and upon which lay confusedly, some miscellaneous letters and other papers, with one or two musical instruments and a few books.","EAP" "id04090","For example, an arrant simpleton is his opponent, and, holding up his closed hand, asks, 'are they even or odd?' Our schoolboy replies, 'odd,' and loses; but upon the second trial he wins, for he then says to himself, 'the simpleton had them even upon the first trial, and his amount of cunning is just sufficient to make him have them odd upon the second; I will therefore guess odd;' he guesses odd, and wins.","EAP" "id06478","In other words, the sun's attraction would be constantly attaining greater power, and the comet would be drawn nearer at every revolution.","EAP" "id01192","I betook myself again to my nap, and at length a second time awoke, when, to my utter amazement, it still wanted twenty seven minutes of six.","EAP" "id01480","He is that monstrum horrendum, an unprincipled man of genius.","EAP" "id18049","At last I saw the ancient arcaded station or what was left of it and made directly for the tracks that started from its farther end.","HPL" "id21833","How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother I am too ardent in execution and too impatient of difficulties.","MWS" "id11083","I endeavored to reply, but my tongue refused its office.","EAP" "id13030","The owner will, no doubt, insist upon rewarding you for your trouble ""Me no, you it was you who found the book.""","EAP" "id27059","""Let this last but twelve months,"" said Adrian; ""and earth will become a Paradise.","MWS" "id14771","Its bearer, an inhabitant of the moon, whom I have prevailed upon, and properly instructed, to be my messenger to the earth, will await your Excellencies' pleasure, and return to me with the pardon in question, if it can, in any manner, be obtained.","EAP" "id10592","The exhibiter, however, will suffer the most powerful loadstone to remain even upon the box during the whole of the exhibition.","EAP" "id12374","I confess to you, my friend, that I love you and that in my airy dreams of futurity you have been my constant friend and companion.","MWS" "id25523","Nevertheless, that he failed in the solution of this mystery, is by no means that matter for wonder which he supposes it; for, in truth, our friend the Prefect is somewhat too cunning to be profound.","EAP" "id14418","They were grave and quiet, and seemed shaken by memories and reflections even more terrible than those which had reduced the group of natives to a state of cowed quivering.","HPL" "id04433","Nor, strange to say, was the time without its pleasures.","MWS" "id04899","This thing speaks for itself.","EAP" "id08332","Do not think from my slavery to morphine that I am a weakling or a degenerate.","HPL" "id04947","Had Gilman unconsciously succeeded better than he knew in his studies of space and its dimensions?","HPL" "id15150","It was on a clear morning, in the latter days of December, that I first saw the white cliffs of Britain.","MWS" "id04710","Yet through the dark natures of the father and the son ran one redeeming ray of humanity; the evil old man loved his offspring with fierce intensity, whilst the youth had for his parent a more than filial affection.","HPL" "id23295","Yet strange to say her large lustrous eyes were not turned downwards upon that grave wherein her brightest hope lay buried but riveted in a widely different direction The prison of the Old Republic is, I think, the stateliest building in all Venice but how could that lady gaze so fixedly upon it, when beneath her lay stifling her only child?","EAP" "id15223","The day of my departure at length arrived.","MWS" "id08159","To commence then: The nose, according to Bartholinus, is that protuberance that bump that excrescence that "" ""Will do, Robert,"" interrupted the good old gentleman.","EAP" "id04777","There were all sorts of rumours about how Marsh had come to look.","HPL" "id05604","Every morning I gave my proboscis a couple of pulls and swallowed a half dozen of drams.","EAP" "id01770","His property was confiscated; his child became an orphan and a beggar.","MWS" "id13747","All through the long hellish hours of blackness it shines there.","HPL" "id24086","The wine sparkled in his eyes and the bells jingled.","EAP" "id09486","I found a solitary boy of about seventeen in charge, and was pleased to note the brightness and affability which promised cheerful information.","HPL" "id06102","No one who trustingly consults and thoroughly questions his own soul, will be disposed to deny the entire radicalness of the propensity in question.","EAP" "id17074","A lady is insulted in the street by a diddler's accomplice.","EAP" "id12268","My attention was fixed upon every object the most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings.","MWS" "id01046","He had a weak point this Fortunato although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared.","EAP" "id07624","Of its origin, apart from the erratic and unbelievable tales extorted from the captured members, absolutely nothing was to be discovered; hence the anxiety of the police for any antiquarian lore which might help them to place the frightful symbol, and through it track down the cult to its fountain head.","HPL" "id27866","""But I have just said that the figure was not that of a goat.""","EAP" "id27344","When I ran to uplift him, to all appearance he was dead.","EAP" "id04840","Mrs. Wyatt herself was far more agreeable.","EAP" "id22064","Beside which, his mien conquered me, and an affectionate sentiment towards him, again filled my heart I bade him command me.","MWS" "id27190","It poured thickly, like a flood of oil bursting a rotten bulkhead, overturned a chair as it spread, and finally flowed under the table and across the room to where the blackened head with the eyes still glared at me.","HPL" "id20386","I could not help, however, repeatedly observing, through the mingled tone of levity and solemnity with which he rapidly descanted upon matters of little importance, a certain air of trepidation a degree of nervous unction in action and in speech an unquiet excitability of manner which appeared to me at all times unaccountable, and upon some occasions even filled me with alarm.","EAP" "id01529","Occasionally an opposite pair, both leaning forward, almost met across the street like an arch; and certainly they kept most of the light from the ground below.","HPL" "id08218","We were at the bottom of one of these abysses, when a quick scream from my companion broke fearfully upon the night.","EAP" "id12411","He enwrapped himself in generalities.","EAP" "id09653","Also in the Absurdities of Ravisius Textor, there is a long list of characters who came to the same magnificent end.","EAP" "id22135","So, climbing out of the window and down the improvised rope ladder, I left behind me forever the morbid and horror infested fabric of the Gilman House.","HPL" "id14562","The method of the theft was not less ingenious than bold.","EAP" "id05112","Now also that our children gave us occupation, we found excuses for our idleness, in the idea of bringing them up to a more splendid career.","MWS" "id18756","""Wal, come abaout 'thutty eight when I was seven year' old Obed he faound the island people all wiped aout between v'yages.","HPL" "id08170","This Essay we suppose to have been the original of the pamphlet to which Sir David Brewster alludes in his letters on Natural Magic, and which he has no hesitation in declaring a thorough and satisfactory explanation.","EAP" "id24723","She afterwards continued her work, whilst the young man went into the garden and appeared busily employed in digging and pulling up roots.","MWS" "id09193","""You perceive that aperture, Pompey.","EAP" "id20348","God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance.","MWS" "id22452","We, the Arcadian shepherds of the tale, had intended to be present at this festivity, but Perdita wrote to entreat us not to come, or to absent ourselves from Windsor; for she though she did not reveal her scheme to us resolved the next morning to return with Raymond to our dear circle, there to renew a course of life in which she had found entire felicity.","MWS" "id14553","""I say approaches; for the night had not yet arrived.","EAP" "id17417","The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit.","MWS" "id11642","I learn that when this species of telegraph was first put into operation by Horse, it was considered quite impossible to convey the wires over sea, but now we are at a loss to comprehend where the difficulty lay So wags the world.","EAP" "id05843","Yes, Thurber, I decided long ago that one must paint terror as well as beauty from life, so I did some exploring in places where I had reason to know terror lives.","HPL" "id13174","It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood.","MWS" "id08887","I was now in a vortex of sound and motion, with confused pictures before my eyes.","HPL" "id04005","All this I saw indistinctly and by much effort: for my personal condition had been greatly changed during slumber.","EAP" "id25302","The Cenci The Brides' Tragedy, by T. L. Beddoes, Esq.","MWS" "id06966","Their disappearance added horror to the situation of them all West knew the whereabouts of only one, the pitiful asylum thing.","HPL" "id15000","The sadness with which the former had first heard that the plague was in London had vanished; the energy of his purpose informed his body with strength, the solemn joy of enthusiasm and self devotion illuminated his countenance; and the weakness of his physical nature seemed to pass from him, as the cloud of humanity did, in the ancient fable, from the divine lover of Semele.","MWS" "id22010","In March, , a gale wrecked the roof and great chimney of the vacant Witch House, so that a chaos of crumbling bricks, blackened, moss grown shingles, and rotting planks and timbers crashed down into the loft and broke through the floor beneath.","HPL" "id13114","I have already mentioned the suspicion to be excited by the fact that the articles in question were suffered to remain at all in the thicket where discovered.","EAP" "id01809","I dimly wondered how the rhythmic sound had affected the watchman; but Romero was moving more swiftly now, and I followed without pausing.","HPL" "id25912","The walls, with one exception, had fallen in.","EAP" "id23769","While I listened to the instructions which Felix bestowed upon the Arabian, the strange system of human society was explained to me.","MWS" "id24180","""I expected this,"" cried Perdita; ""I supposed that you would treat me as a mad, foolish girl.","MWS" "id19387","His tale and the feelings he now expressed proved him to be a creature of fine sensations, and did I not as his maker owe him all the portion of happiness that it was in my power to bestow?","MWS" "id27157","Shaking in every limb, I groped my way back to the wall; resolving there to perish rather than risk the terrors of the wells, of which my imagination now pictured many in various positions about the dungeon.","EAP" "id19827","Perhaps it was this latter trait in Wilson's conduct, conjoined with our identity of name, and the mere accident of our having entered the school upon the same day, which set afloat the notion that we were brothers, among the senior classes in the academy.","EAP" "id07012","We lie down, and close our eyes with a gentle good night, and when we wake, we are free.","MWS" "id10437","The state of the room and of the bodies was described by this witness as we described them yesterday.","EAP" "id02244","If heaven ever wishes to grant me a boon, it will be a total effacing of the results of a mere chance which fixed my eye on a certain stray piece of shelf paper.","HPL" "id17171","Yet, to the honour of the English be it recorded, that, although natural disinclination made them delay awhile, yet when the misery of their fellow creatures became glaring, an enthusiastic generosity inspired their decrees.","MWS" "id04300","It had been doing that deed at the very moment the earth caved in on the thing with the claw and eyes.","HPL" "id13851","The body, as well as the head, was fearfully mutilated the former so much so as scarcely to retain any semblance of humanity.","EAP" "id27112","I went below not without a full presentiment of evil.","EAP" "id02803","You must choose between these and your protectorate.","MWS" "id08768","The whole house, as I have said, had a musty odour; but the smell in his room was worse and in spite of all the spices and incense, and the pungent chemicals of the now incessant baths which he insisted on taking unaided.","HPL" "id02985","We were surely sufficiently degraded.","MWS" "id25696","My voice, although harsh, had nothing terrible in it; I thought, therefore, that if in the absence of his children I could gain the good will and mediation of the old De Lacey, I might by his means be tolerated by my younger protectors.","MWS" "id10199","""Oh, good heavens who ever heard of such an idea?"" ""A little too self evident.""","EAP" "id12338","More than a third of the members ranged themselves under Raymond, and their number was perpetually encreasing.","MWS" "id02441","But I did not believe my errors to be irretrievable, and after much consideration I resolved to return to the cottage, seek the old man, and by my representations win him to my party.","MWS" "id23285","""But how was I to direct myself?","MWS" "id11597","The city below stretched away to the limits of vision, and he hoped that no sound would well up from it.","HPL" "id12560","So when I learned of the drug which would unlock the gate and drive me through, I resolved to take it when next I awaked.","HPL" "id17738","As he climbed slowly east, higher and higher above the estuary on his left and nearer and nearer the sea, he found the way growing in difficulty; till he wondered how ever the dwellers in that disliked place managed to reach the world outside, and whether they came often to market in Arkham.","HPL" "id05335","The first impulse of an innocent man would have been to announce the outrage, and to aid in identifying the ruffians.","EAP" "id06544","He looked for some in a drawer, but found none.","EAP" "id07209","Nothing could be more complete than the alteration that had taken place in my feelings since the night of the appearance of the daemon.","MWS" "id12404","I hate those Innsmouth folks myself, and I wouldn't care to go to their town.","HPL" "id13222","They formed a complex and magnificent toy, richly chased and filigreed, and gleaming with jewels, which, even in the deficient light, I could not help perceiving were of high value.","EAP" "id11559","It appeared to me sacrilege so soon to leave the repose, akin to death, of the house of mourning and to rush into the thick of life.","MWS" "id07203","The moon no longer shone through the chinks and apertures above me, and with a sense of fateful alarm I heard the sinister and significant rumble of approaching thunder.","HPL" "id17201","The result of investigation sent an electric thrill of the intensest terror through the universal heart of man.","EAP" "id25458","Elwood jumped up, turned on the lights, and rushed over to his guest's couch.","HPL" "id14717","""One day, when the sun shone on the red leaves that strewed the ground and diffused cheerfulness, although it denied warmth, Safie, Agatha, and Felix departed on a long country walk, and the old man, at his own desire, was left alone in the cottage.","MWS" "id09095","I hadn't been able to give him much of my opinions I was too speechless with fright and loathing but I think he fully understood and felt highly complimented.","HPL" "id18555","The body found at the Barrière du Roule, was found under such circumstances as to leave us no room for embarrassment upon this important point.","EAP" "id19053","""I cannot let you see my patients,"" he said, ""just at present.","EAP" "id17697","The trout, and some other varieties of fish, with which this pond seemed to be almost inconveniently crowded, had all the appearance of veritable flying fish.","EAP" "id21684","In this state I was carried back and placed on a bed, hardly conscious of what had happened; my eyes wandered round the room as if to seek something that I had lost.","MWS" "id16780","The tortures endured, however, were indubitably quite equal for the time, to those of actual sepulture.","EAP" "id07414","If they can catch the fleeing soul when it leaves the body, they instantly flutter away chittering in daemoniac laughter; but if they fail, they subside gradually into a disappointed silence.","HPL" "id02238","There was no sleep for either of them that night, but next day they both cut classes and drowsed.","HPL" "id05705","Swarthy and sinister were most of the strangers, yet among them one might find a few faces like those who fashioned The Street and moulded its spirit.","HPL" "id12673","""'How can I thank you, my best and only benefactor?","MWS" "id15331","On the evening of September nd the last major barrier gave way, and Dr. Armitage read for the first time a continuous passage of Wilbur Whateley's annals.","HPL" "id01153","They were a little beyond the Seth Bishop place, but bent trees and hideously unmistakable tracks shewed what had passed by.","HPL" "id08588","""Then go one limb higher.""","EAP" "id22842","They seemed much surprised at my appearance, but instead of offering me any assistance, whispered together with gestures that at any other time might have produced in me a slight sensation of alarm.","MWS" "id21414","Let us refer, for example, to the last instance but one, in which the combination; occurs not far from the end of the cipher.","EAP" "id06584","That he was unique appeared so undeniable, that it was deemed impertinent to inquire wherein the uniquity consisted.","EAP" "id15013","It was found in the Bois de Boulogne at a vast distance from the scene of that butchery.","EAP" "id02262","The peculiar spirit of the skies, if I mistake not greatly, made itself manifest, not only in the physical orb of the earth, but in the souls, imaginations, and meditations of mankind.","EAP" "id09122","""Upon the resistance or, more properly, upon the support of an atmosphere, existing in the state of density imagined, I had, of course, entirely depended for the safety of my ultimate descent.","EAP" "id03913","But reflection returned with health.","MWS" "id05885","You will wonder then, as I do, at the extent of his accomplishments, and the brilliancy of his talents.""","MWS" "id27289","All along the hill people tell of the yellow day, when virulent and horrible fumes arose from the factory waste dumped in the Providence River, but I know how mistaken they are as to the source.","HPL" "id09081","""The riddle, so far, was now unriddled.","EAP" "id02662","We need houses to protect us from the seasons, and behold the materials with which we are provided; the growth of trees with their adornment of leaves; while rocks of stone piled above the plains variegate the prospect with their pleasant irregularity.","MWS" "id17570","The question arose as to where we should deposit him.","MWS" "id03752","Therein were written many things concerning the world of dream, and among them was lore of a golden valley and a sacred grove with temples, and a high wall pierced by a little bronze gate.","HPL" "id27073","And the cities of Cathuria are cinctured with golden walls, and their pavements also are of gold.","HPL" "id11805","When at last I awaked, it was to discover myself half sucked into a slimy expanse of hellish black mire which extended about me in monotonous undulations as far as I could see, and in which my boat lay grounded some distance away.","HPL" "id13973","Over the cities once more floated the Old Flag, companioned by the New Flag and by a plainer yet glorious Tri colour.","HPL" "id05949","It was then that I saw the tumbledown fire station on my left, and noticed the red faced, bushy bearded, watery eyed old man in nondescript rags who sat on a bench in front of it talking with a pair of unkempt but not abnormal looking firemen.","HPL" "id14366","The Tomb Legions When Dr. Herbert West disappeared a year ago, the Boston police questioned me closely.","HPL" "id11235","They arrived at the age when they were sent to fulfil their destined situations in life; while I, an outcast, with none to lead or drive me forward, paused.","MWS" "id14330","From this rod it would have been impossible for any one to reach the window itself, to say nothing of entering it.","EAP" "id12687","Night arrived; and with its shadows a heavy discomfort.","EAP" "id13413","But, not trusting to their eyes, I examined with my own.","EAP" "id19680","There is a false report very commonly reproduced in modern books prior to Von Schweinkopf's monumental Geschichte der Ostrogothen in Italien that Ibid was a Romanised Visigoth of Ataulf's horde who settled in Placentia about A.D. The contrary cannot be too strongly emphasised; for Von Schweinkopf, and since his time Littlewit and Bêtenoir, have shewn with irrefutable force that this strikingly isolated figure was a genuine Roman or at least as genuine a Roman as that degenerate and mongrelised age could produce of whom one might well say what Gibbon said of Boethius, ""that he was the last whom Cato or Tully could have acknowledged for their countryman.""","HPL" "id23128","And so the prisoner toiled in the twilight, heaving the unresponsive remnants of mortality with little ceremony as his miniature Tower of Babel rose course by course.","HPL" "id18479","They make a vast parade of measures; but, not unfrequently, these are so ill adapted to the objects proposed, as to put us in mind of Monsieur Jourdain's calling for his robe de chambre pour mieux entendre la musique.","EAP" "id09614","We do not believe that any reasonable objections can be urged against this solution of the Automaton Chess Player.","EAP" "id19765","When he was nineteen his mother died.","MWS" "id06051","Between ten and eleven the streets are thronged, but not at so early a period as that designated.","EAP" "id04622","Let me see why these notes are all hundreds bless my soul a hundred is too much to take fifty would be quite enough, I am sure ""Cast off there"" says the captain.","EAP" "id21760","Soon after, when he was alone with me, he said, ""I have, doubtless, excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to make inquiries.""","MWS" "id20003","Then in the shadowy solitude my longing for light grew so frantic that I could rest no more, and I lifted entreating hands to the single black ruined tower that reached above the forest into the unknown outer sky.","HPL" "id18735","It had been a vigorous man; a well dressed stranger just off the train on his way to transact some business with the Bolton Worsted Mills.","HPL" "id27276","Even Perdita was unable to understand me.","MWS" "id02990","During our ride up to town, Adrian and I discussed and argued upon Raymond's conduct, and his falling off from the hopes of permanent excellence on his part, which he had before given us cause to entertain.","MWS" "id08414","I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid; all around was calm; and the snowy mountains, 'the palaces of nature,' were not changed.","MWS" "id21442","The rat it was there that is to say, it was somewhere.","EAP" "id02995","But the paintings Kupris Astarte Astoreth a thousand and the same And Rafaelle has beheld them Yes, Rafaelle has been here, for did he not paint the ?","EAP" "id13999","I wondered what sights this placid youth might have seen in inaccessible spheres, and what he could relate if fully restored to life.","HPL" "id27782","And I dare enforce this request by relating how miserably I was betrayed into this net of fiery anguish and all my struggles to release myself: indeed if your soul were less pure and bright I would not attempt to exculpate myself to you; I should fear that if I led you to regard me with less abhorrence you might hate vice less: but in addressing you I feel as if I appealed to an angelic judge.","MWS" "id14522","I listened in an agony of superstitious terror but there was no repetition of the sound.","EAP" "id08939","Through its promptings we act without comprehensible object; or, if this shall be understood as a contradiction in terms, we may so far modify the proposition as to say, that through its promptings we act, for the reason that we should not.","EAP" "id12510","Sometimes their scratching seemed not only furtive but deliberate.","HPL" "id08266","The one he had acquired in Greece; the other he had sacrificed to love.","MWS" "id15350","For years they stole over the wall each month when they could, and by stealth performed sartain acts.","HPL" "id09741","One night I had a frightful dream in which I met my grandmother under the sea.","HPL" "id17763","It were madness to calculate upon another winter.","MWS" "id00379","How exceedingly strange that the altar of Laughter should have survived all the others But in the present instance,"" he resumed, with a singular alteration of voice and manner, ""I have no right to be merry at your expense.","EAP" "id04046","""This is barely possible,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id15214","Death fires danced over the tombs, revealing gruesome vistas, though queerly failing to cast any shadows.","HPL" "id09815","Had he actually slipped outside our sphere to points unguessed and unimaginable?","HPL" "id05937","By a strange fatality Juliet alone escaped, and she to the last waited on her relatives, and smoothed the pillow of death.","MWS" "id08967","Raymond had spoken, thoughtless of her presence, and she, poor child, heard with terror and faith the prophecy of his death.","MWS" "id22626","My wanderings were directed towards the valley of Chamounix.","MWS" "id08310","I will be cool, persevering, and prudent.","MWS" "id12861","Kuranes had awaked the very moment he beheld the city, yet he knew from his brief glance that it was none other than Celephaïs, in the Valley of Ooth Nargai beyond the Tanarian Hills, where his spirit had dwelt all the eternity of an hour one summer afternoon very long ago, when he had slipt away from his nurse and let the warm sea breeze lull him to sleep as he watched the clouds from the cliff near the village.","HPL" "id12614","His parting words made a deep impression upon my heart, and I hope I shall always remember them with gratitude.","EAP" "id23227","The room became pandemonium, and men screamed and howled in fright at the sinister being they had aroused.","HPL" "id26523","He was a man of immense height, probably more than six feet, though his stooping shoulders sometimes belied this fact.","HPL" "id14439","This Tranquillity was the more remarkable, because we had amongst us Gentlemen of very opposed Opinions.","HPL" "id23630","At fourteen and fifteen I often thought that the time was come when I should commence my pilgrimage, which I had cheated my own mind into believing was my imperious duty: but a reluctance to quit my Aunt; a remorse for the grief which, I could not conceal from myself, I should occasion her for ever withheld me.","MWS" "id21024","Worn out as we were, it was not in human nature to do more immediately.","EAP" "id05058","The months following my discovery were spent in futile attempts to force the complicated padlock of the slightly open vault, and in carefully guarded inquiries regarding the nature and history of the structure.","HPL" "id04516","I dared not die, but I might feign death, and thus escape from my comforters: they will believe me united to my father, and so indeed I shall be.","MWS" "id09089","Through this work I obtained a cursory knowledge of history and a view of the several empires at present existing in the world; it gave me an insight into the manners, governments, and religions of the different nations of the earth.","MWS" "id09801","These peculiarities of person appeared to cause him much annoyance, and he was continually alluding to them in a sort of half explanatory, half apologetic strain, which, when I first heard it, impressed me very painfully.","EAP" "id15407","Just as they galloped up the rising ground to the precipice a golden glare came somewhere out of the east and hid all the landscape in its effulgent draperies.","HPL" "id24379","We ascended into my room, and the servant presently brought breakfast; but I was unable to contain myself.","MWS" "id26141","But contact was not in any degree dreaded; for the elements of all the comets were accurately known.","EAP" "id15728","A circumstance so remarkable cannot be accidental.","EAP" "id03145","Justine, poor, good Justine, is innocent.""","MWS" "id01436","You dream that you can restore him?","MWS" "id06073","""I see you are a pupil after my own heart.","EAP" "id07832","His advice, moreover, was eminently practical; for he recommended a postponement of operations at the Martense mansion until we might become fortified with more detailed historical and geographical data.","HPL" "id02732","I clearly perceive that the infinity of matter is no dream.","EAP" "id10559","""No; hang Abernethy"" ""To be sure hang him and welcome.","EAP" "id01158","All this she said with a charming air of naivete which enraptured while it grieved and convinced me.","EAP" "id19355","The walls melted away, and I was swept by a black wind through gulfs of fathomless grey with the needle like pinnacles of unknown mountains miles below me.","HPL" "id01854","Go, Devoted One, and return thus This is my curse, a daughter's curse: go, and return pure to thy child, who will never love aught but thee.","MWS" "id12882","When tales fly thick in the grottoes of tritons, and conches in seaweed cities blow wild tunes learned from the Elder Ones, then great eager mists flock to heaven laden with lore, and oceanward eyes on the rocks see only a mystic whiteness, as if the cliff's rim were the rim of all earth, and the solemn bells of buoys tolled free in the aether of faery.","HPL" "id12735","Nothing of any consequence happened during the day.","EAP" "id15941","This man, a vagabond, hunter, and trapper, had always been strange in the eyes of his primitive associates.","HPL" "id22757","Fortunately, as I spoke my native language, Mr. Kirwin alone understood me; but my gestures and bitter cries were sufficient to affright the other witnesses.","MWS" "id26703","""Come,"" I said, with decision, ""we will go back; your health is precious.","EAP" "id14370","As inventions, we should regard them with simple abhorrence.","EAP" "id23452","Happiness is in its highest degree the sister of goodness.","MWS" "id05560","""I see it I see it all.","EAP" "id25124","Here I paused, I knew not why; but I remained some minutes with my eyes fixed on a coach that was coming towards me from the other end of the street.","MWS" "id27653","Mamie's visit was frankly one of curiosity, and her subsequent tales did justice to her observations; but Zechariah came to lead a pair of Alderney cows which Old Whateley had bought of his son Curtis.","HPL" "id16395","Yet after all, the sight was worse than I had dreaded.","HPL" "id21719","I looked upon the scene before me upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain upon the bleak walls upon the vacant eye like windows upon a few rank sedges and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after dream of the reveller upon opium the bitter lapse into everyday life the hideous dropping off of the veil.","EAP" "id00213","It was good theory, but couldn't keep up indefinitely.","HPL" "id27954","We feel it advisable only to state, in brief, that the result desired was brought to pass; and that the Prefect fulfilled punctually, although with reluctance, the terms of his compact with the Chevalier.","EAP" "id05222","The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.","HPL" "id18821","But the whole thing was done with so much quietude so much nonchalance so much repose with so evident an air of the highest breeding, in short that nothing of mere effrontery was perceptible, and my sole sentiments were those of admiration and surprise.","EAP" "id11644","Our party at length broke up; ""We are all dreaming this morning,"" said Ryland, ""it is as wise to discuss the probability of a visitation of the plague in our well governed metropolis, as to calculate the centuries which must escape before we can grow pine apples here in the open air.""","MWS" "id09178","Wanderers in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute's well tunéd law, Round about a throne, where sitting Porphyrogene In state his glory well befitting, The ruler of the realm was seen.","EAP" "id12321","He had turned restlessly on the cot several times during the latter half of the first hour, but now he was breathing with unusual irregularity, occasionally heaving a sigh which held more than a few of the qualities of a choking moan.","HPL" "id19729","It was difficult to find an immediate remedy.","MWS" "id07205","But I shall never forget the emotions of wonder and horror with which I gazed, when, leaping through these windows, and down among us pele mele, fighting, stamping, scratching, and howling, there rushed a perfect army of what I took to be Chimpanzees, Ourang Outangs, or big black baboons of the Cape of Good Hope.","EAP" "id25694","I think that whoever nursed me must have been shockingly aged, since my first conception of a living person was that of something mockingly like myself, yet distorted, shrivelled, and decaying like the castle.","HPL" "id01725","For a long time he was obstinate.","MWS" "id01305","My sentiments were at once quieted and exalted.","EAP" "id21405","I would really give fifty thousand francs to any one who would aid me in the matter.""","EAP" "id09502","But I will endeavour to detail these bitter circumstances to you, my dear sister; and while I am wafted towards England and towards you, I will not despond.","MWS" "id22154","Next would come the south windows, under the great low eaves on the side where he stood; and it must be said that he was more than uncomfortable as he thought of the detestable house on one side and the vacancy of upper air on the other.","HPL" "id23254","It was my elder brother, and my heart leaped for joy, for I had made sure that he was overboard but the next moment all this joy was turned into horror for he put his mouth close to my ear, and screamed out the word 'Moskoe ström' ""No one ever will know what my feelings were at that moment.","EAP" "id24213","When I reflected on the work I had completed, no less a one than the creation of a sensitive and rational animal, I could not rank myself with the herd of common projectors.","MWS" "id11347","I went as passenger having no other inducement than a kind of nervous restlessness which haunted me as a fiend.","EAP" "id20369","Yet a feeling of awe, a breathless sentiment of wonder, a painful sense of the degradation of humanity, was introduced into every heart.","MWS" "id22721","I was glad of that tide, for at high water the fishy smell might not be so bad.","HPL" "id14126","At these times he would shew a sardonic humour and make remarks which the folk of Sheehan's deemed foolish and irrational.","HPL" "id12714","Innsmouth was rapidly becoming intolerable, and I turned down Paine Street toward the Square in the hope of getting some vehicle to take me to Arkham before the still distant starting time of that sinister bus.","HPL" "id05101","My back was toward the fishy smelling sea, but he was facing it, and something or other had caused his wandering gaze to light on the low, distant line of Devil Reef, then shewing plainly and almost fascinatingly above the waves.","HPL" "id22611","I dwelt upon their peculiarities.","EAP" "id17626","The wine flowed freely, and there were not wanting other and perhaps more dangerous seductions; so that the gray dawn had already faintly appeared in the east, while our delirious extravagance was at its height.","EAP" "id16676","I cannot set my heart to a particular tune, or run voluntary changes on my will.","MWS" "id04553","Yet let us go England is in her shroud, we may not enchain ourselves to a corpse.","MWS" "id17575","Sometimes, as a psychological experiment, I would lead him on in these wanderings, and listen to his endless poetical quotations and tales of sunken ships.","HPL" "id06530","In general, this motion is the universal thought of the universal mind.","EAP" "id07481","But something would have to be done about those rats.","HPL" "id10218","Her kittens were quite lively, and so far evinced not the slightest sign of any uneasiness whatever.","EAP" "id01976","What I did there I may not say, for I am not now sure of the reality of certain things; but I know that on the day after such a nocturnal ramble I would often astonish those about me with my knowledge of topics almost forgotten for many generations.","HPL" "id07110","But Romero did not reply.","HPL" "id27701","About nine at night he drifted homeward and stumbled into the ancient house.","HPL" "id22254","Some of 'em have queer narrow heads with flat noses and bulgy, stary eyes that never seem to shut, and their skin ain't quite right.","HPL" "id21894","And thus, too, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before.","EAP" "id23512","But the fact remained that on a summer night a bolt had come out of the heavens and left a dead village whose corpses were horribly mangled, chewed, and clawed.","HPL" "id20013","The paper carried me back to the days of the thirteenth century, when the old castle in which I sat had been a feared and impregnable fortress.","HPL" "id07228","Urged on by an impulse which I cannot definitely analyse, I scrambled with difficulty down the rocks and stood on the gentler slope beneath, gazing into the Stygian deeps where no light had yet penetrated.","HPL" "id01795","My tenderness and affection must soothe you; the society of Raymond's friends will be of more solace than these dreary speculations.","MWS" "id15328","This is his aim his object his end.","EAP" "id03893","Here we used to remain until nearly time for slack water again, when we weighed and made for home.","EAP" "id11267","His thinking processes, once so phlegmatic and logical, had become ineffaceably scarred; and it was pitiful to note his response to certain chance allusions such as ""Friday"", ""tomb"", ""coffin"", and words of less obvious concatenation.","HPL" "id12517","The moans of the sick men were decidedly annoying; but since they did not appear to demoralise the rest of the crew, we did not resort to extreme measures.","HPL" "id26010","I looked at Zann, and saw that he was past conscious observation.","HPL" "id08938","A small iron safe was discovered under the bed not under the bedstead.","EAP" "id24708","Upon this I made an effort to get up, in order to put my threat into execution; but the ruffian just reached across the table very deliberately, and hitting me a tap on the forehead with the neck of one of the long bottles, knocked me back into the arm chair from which I had half arisen.","EAP" "id12267","The proper gratification of the sentiment he instinctively felt to lie in the creation of novel forms of Beauty.","EAP" "id01287","We put in movement every impulse of policy and money to redeem him from their hands.","MWS" "id08457","I cannot describe the tumult of emotions that arose within me as I read it.","MWS" "id21370","I fear, my friend, that I shall render myself tedious by dwelling on these preliminary circumstances; but they were days of comparative happiness, and I think of them with pleasure.","MWS" "id12711","I think we screamed ourselves as we stumbled frantically toward the town, though as we reached the outskirts we put on a semblance of restraint just enough to seem like belated revellers staggering home from a debauch.","HPL" "id26129","They've ben telling things about Innsmouth whispering 'em, mostly for the last hundred years, I guess, and I gather they're more scared than anything else.","HPL" "id17727","I got into the habit of calling on Pickman quite often, especially after I began making notes for a monograph on weird art.","HPL" "id06149","A second thought passed, swift as an arrow, into her brain; she rushed to the window; and a flash of lightning shewed to her the expected vision, her lover in the shrubbery beneath; joy lent her strength to descend the stairs, to open the door, and then she fainted in his supporting arms.","MWS" "id03189","Here and there the ruins of wharves jutted out from the shore to end in indeterminate rottenness, those farthest south seeming the most decayed.","HPL" "id11069","He has never viewed from any steeple the glories of a metropolis.","EAP" "id02061","The spirit of elder days found a dwelling here, and we delighted to trace its footsteps.","MWS" "id25096","I have had long experience in these affairs.","EAP" "id22294","This is the most favourable period for travelling in Russia.","MWS" "id04560","According to Mwanu, the grey city and the hybrid creatures were no more, having been annihilated by the warlike N'bangus many years ago.","HPL" "id17880","""There was another circumstance which tended to restore my self possession; and this was the cessation of the wind, which could not reach us in our present situation for, as you saw yourself, the belt of surf is considerably lower than the general bed of the ocean, and this latter now towered above us, a high, black, mountainous ridge.","EAP" "id08185","I may there discover the wondrous power which attracts the needle and may regulate a thousand celestial observations that require only this voyage to render their seeming eccentricities consistent forever.","MWS" "id21426","In the north it was worse the lesser population gradually declined, and famine and plague kept watch on the survivors, who, helpless and feeble, were ready to fall an easy prey into their hands.","MWS" "id05738","Attaining distinction as a boy through his wonderful mentality, he won vast fame at the University of Wisconsin, and at the age of twenty three returned to Appleton to take up a professorship at Lawrence and to slip a diamond upon the finger of Appleton's fairest and most brilliant daughter.","HPL" "id18507","The dress immediately beneath the frock was of fine muslin; and from this a slip eighteen inches wide had been torn entirely out torn very evenly and with great care.","EAP" "id14984","Let us see what they say: Imprimus.","EAP" "id27740","'Tis a queer book here, leave me git on my spectacles "" The old man fumbled among his rags, producing a pair of dirty and amazingly antique glasses with small octagonal lenses and steel bows.","HPL" "id27353","Early in the morning Raymond came to me; intelligence had arrived that Adrian was dangerously ill, and it appeared impossible that his failing strength should surmount the disorder.","MWS" "id24998","He had come like a thief in the night.","EAP" "id16514","As I have said before, the weird studies of Harley Warren were well known to me, and to some extent shared by me.","HPL" "id21228","To be sure I arose from a sound slumber, with all my senses in confusion, to the contemplation of a very startling phenomenon, and one which, although expected, was not expected at the moment.","EAP" "id03198","He beckoned me into a low, candle lit room with massive exposed rafters and dark, stiff, sparse furniture of the seventeenth century.","HPL" "id11907","The true cause of the restriction is, perhaps, very different.","EAP" "id11106","Still a hundred or even two hundred miles an hour is slow travelling after all.","EAP" "id01470","The massy portals of the churches swung creaking on their hinges; and some few lay dead on the pavement.","MWS" "id17231","They came from the east and the north, and directed their course without apparent motive, but unanimously towards our unhappy metropolis.","MWS" "id14662","The phantasmal, unmentionable thing occurred one midnight late in March, , in a field hospital behind the lines at St. Eloi.","HPL" "id09609","The extraordinary details which I am now called upon to make public, will be found to form, as regards sequence of time, the primary branch of a series of scarcely intelligible coincidences, whose secondary or concluding branch will be recognized by all readers in the late murder of Mary Cecila Rogers, at New York.","EAP" "id20371","Before it had been a rumour; but now in words uneraseable, in definite and undeniable print, the knowledge went forth.","MWS" "id03015","It was evident, however, that just at this moment the fellow in the steeple was doing something that he had no business to do with the clock.","EAP" "id06635","The poor perceived that the rich possessed other means of preservation than those which could be partaken of by themselves, seclusion, and, as far as circumstances permitted, freedom from care.","MWS" "id03494","I was now out of employment for some months, but at length succeeded, by dint of great interest, in procuring a situation in the Sham Post.","EAP" "id22278","We are not very prudish, to be sure, here in the South do pretty much as we please enjoy life, and all that sort of thing, you know "" ""To be sure,"" said I, ""to be sure.""","EAP" "id07702","Yet not the more could I define that sentiment, or analyze, or even steadily view it.","EAP" "id25761","Upon my mouldering bones there descended the coffin of Una.","EAP" "id19954","Alludes to the frequent repetition of the phrase, la tendre Zaire, in the French tragedy of that name.","EAP" "id21172","Answer me, I conjure you by our mutual happiness, with simple truth Do you not love another?","MWS" "id19439","In this respect I was actuated by that habitual prudence which has ever been my predominating trait.","EAP" "id09157","The great war was then at its very beginning, and the ocean forces of the Hun had not completely sunk to their later degradation; so that our vessel was made a legitimate prize, whilst we of her crew were treated with all the fairness and consideration due us as naval prisoners.","HPL" "id17750","I am its dupe no longer.","MWS" "id06002","And dogs barked as the yellow light of small paned windows shone out at the farther turn, and the Pleiades twinkled across the open knoll where a great gambrel roof stood black against the dim west.","HPL" "id08099","The old man's terror must have been extreme It grew louder, I say, louder every moment do you mark me well I have told you that I am nervous: so I am.","EAP" "id12585","There are things about which it is better not to speculate, and all that I can say is that I hate the smell of ammonia, and grow faint at a draught of unusually cool air.","HPL" "id11768","Just before he made the plunge the violet light went out and left him in utter blackness.","HPL" "id08292","For some time, apparently, the curious angles of Gilman's room had been having a strange, almost hypnotic effect on him; and as the bleak winter advanced he had found himself staring more and more intently at the corner where the down slanting ceiling met the inward slanting wall.","HPL" "id13402","The door of the house from which these sounds proceeded was open, the upper rooms were illuminated as for a feast.","MWS" "id06226","Then one night as I listened at the door I heard the shrieking viol swell into a chaotic babel of sound; a pandemonium which would have led me to doubt my own shaking sanity had there not come from behind that barred portal a piteous proof that the horror was real the awful, inarticulate cry which only a mute can utter, and which rises only in moments of the most terrible fear or anguish.","HPL" "id10837","On her return, at about nine o'clock, she met a man who asked her if she had seen anything of the child who was lost.","MWS" "id06334","The question naturally arises ""Why are so many employed, when a single candle, or, at farthest, two, would have been amply sufficient to afford the spectators a clear view of the board, in a room otherwise so well lit up as the exhibition room always is when, moreover, if we suppose the machine a pure machine, there can be no necessity for so much light, or indeed any light at all, to enable it to perform its operations and when, especially, only a single candle is placed upon the table of the antagonist?""","EAP" "id07453","And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.","EAP" "id21217","The way in which Adrian had received his project for setting him up as a candidate for the Protectorship, and his replies, had already awakened in his mind, the view of the subject which we were now discussing.","MWS" "id27709","But the stroke of the pendulum already pressed upon my bosom.","EAP" "id26862","D and F are agreed that I cannot hold out beyond to morrow midnight; and I think they have hit the time very nearly.","EAP" "id24721","Tillinghast had been watching me, and noted my puzzled expression.","HPL" "id13115","But this was not enough.","MWS" "id19218","No watch was set, and the crew, consisting principally of Malays, stretched themselves deliberately upon deck.","EAP" "id15472","It is far better for your peace that you should be ignorant of my destination.","MWS" "id17366","I saw it with perfect distinctness all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones; but I could see nothing else of the old man's face or person: for I had directed the ray as if by instinct, precisely upon the damned spot.","EAP" "id03330","Everyone listened, and everyone was listening still when It lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed Its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway into the tainted outside air of that poison city of madness.","HPL" "id23423","Not that I had any real apprehension of its need, but that any symbol of security was welcome in an environment of this kind.","HPL" "id19762","They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form?","MWS" "id20257","On the other hand, what more obvious and effectual method could there be of exciting a disbelief in the Automaton's being a pure machine, than by withholding such explicit declaration?","EAP" "id13153","He did not join as usual in the playful spirit of the rest; but, entering into conversation with Adrian and myself, by degrees we seceded from our companions, and Idris and Perdita only remained with the children.","MWS" "id23323","The storm appeared to approach rapidly, and, on landing, I ascended a low hill, that I might observe its progress.","MWS" "id04881","The voice is termed by one witness 'harsh rather than shrill.'","EAP" "id14014","Even the Providence Art Club, anxious to preserve its conservatism, had found him quite hopeless.","HPL" "id01206","And, indeed, if ever she, the wan and the misty winged Ashtophet of idolatrous Egypt, presided, as they tell, over marriages ill omened, then most surely she presided over mine.","EAP" "id07176","We call the supernal lights fixed, yet they wander about yonder plain, and if I look again where I looked an hour ago, the face of the eternal heavens is altered.","MWS" "id26029","Her voice grew more gentle grew more low yet I would not wish to dwell upon the wild meaning of the quietly uttered words.","EAP" "id19604","Legrand, however, although evidently much disconcerted, wiped his brow thoughtfully and recommenced.","EAP" "id16490","Before I depart I will give them to you; they will prove the truth of my tale; but at present, as the sun is already far declined, I shall only have time to repeat the substance of them to you.","MWS" "id06291","A certain greasiness about the fellow increased my dislike.","HPL" "id02676","No unseemly sights were therefore discernible: the shops were in general open, the concourse of passengers in some degree kept up.","MWS" "id04121","As to personal endowments, I am by no means deficient.","EAP" "id27429","Besides, would not an escape from a dream loft bring him merely into a dream house an abnormal projection of the actual place he sought?","HPL" "id12343","I was West's closest friend and only confidential assistant.","HPL" "id24289","And now the memory has so far regained its dominion, that, in some measure, I am cognizant of my state.","EAP" "id25273","I held them in every light.","EAP" "id15754","It was on the tenth day of July, , a day which the people of this part of the world will never forget for it was one in which blew the most terrible hurricane that ever came out of the heavens.","EAP" "id23754","I screamed and struggled, and after a blankness was again in my attic room, sprawled flat over the five phosphorescent circles on the floor.","HPL" "id06844","Many persons, I considered, are prone to estimate commodities in their possession however valueless to the then proprietor however troublesome, or distressing in direct ratio with the advantages to be derived by others from their attainment, or by themselves from their abandonment.","EAP" "id00437","After a moment there came another soft rattling, and I knew that the room to the south of me was being entered.","HPL" "id03317","That we bore electric lanterns, spades, and a curious coil of wire with attached instruments, I will even affirm; for these things all played a part in the single hideous scene which remains burned into my shaken recollection.","HPL" "id05078","At once, I seemed to awake; I cast off the clinging sloth of the past months; earth assumed a new appearance, and my view of the future was suddenly made clear.","MWS" "id25882","I say 'his wishes,' for that he meant to include this note book among the miscellaneous papers directed 'to be burnt,' I think there can be no manner of doubt.","EAP" "id24651","But in that instant of curiosity was born the madly unreasoning desire which has brought me to this hell of confinement.","HPL" "id03215","The ground under one of the squatters' villages had caved in after a lightning stroke, destroying several of the malodorous shanties; but upon this property damage was superimposed an organic devastation which paled it to insignificance.","HPL" "id02674","About four hours remained for conversation if I were to catch the eight o'clock coach for Arkham, and I began to dole out more liquor to the ancient tippler; meanwhile eating my own frugal lunch.","HPL" "id27350","Were I now to commit an act which would annihilate my hopes, and pluck the regal garment from my mortal limbs, to clothe them in ordinary weeds, would this, think you, be an act of free will on my part?""","MWS" "id15367","Here a body kin see all they is to it I s'pose 'tis sinful, but ain't we all born an' livin' in sin?","HPL" "id18036","Brown Jenkin was rubbing itself with a kind of affectionate playfulness around the ankles of the black man, which the deep mud largely concealed.","HPL" "id11767","Yet untill I find him I must force reason to keep her seat, and I pressed my forehead hard with my hands Oh do not leave me; or I shall forget what I am about instead of driving on as we ought with the speed of lightning they will attend to me, and we shall be too late.","MWS" "id10487","The night was windless, hot, and cloudy; her load became too heavy for her; and one by one she threw away her loaves, still endeavouring to get along, though her hobbling fell into lameness, and her weakness at last into inability to move.","MWS" "id05247","We lived as recluses; devoid of friends, alone, and without servants in a few rooms of an ancient manor house on a bleak and unfrequented moor; so that our doors were seldom disturbed by the knock of the visitor.","HPL" "id10821","From even the greatest of horrors irony is seldom absent.","HPL" "id25691","The ossification had proceeded with very unusual rapidity; no sign of it had been discovered a month before, and the adhesion had only been observed during the three previous days.","EAP" "id01580","From five to fifteen, he threatened me, hourly, with the House of Correction.","EAP" "id00038","As time passed away I became more calm; misery had her dwelling in my heart, but I no longer talked in the same incoherent manner of my own crimes; sufficient for me was the consciousness of them.","MWS" "id20144","I feel exquisite pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.","MWS" "id18310","There was none among the myriads of men that existed who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies?","MWS" "id21983","The instrumental performers were many and of superior talents.","EAP" "id00029","Raymond sat among them, though while he entered into the spirit of the hour, his natural dignity never forsook him.","MWS" "id27968","""The next morning Felix went out to his work, and after the usual occupations of Agatha were finished, the Arabian sat at the feet of the old man, and taking his guitar, played some airs so entrancingly beautiful that they at once drew tears of sorrow and delight from my eyes.","MWS" "id27096","One moment we seized before our departure, to take leave of our beloved girls.","MWS" "id13788","The prospect was sublime.","EAP" "id21650","Their light, in dying, enabled us just to perceive that a stranger had entered, about my own height, and closely muffled in a cloak.","EAP" "id23218","Would an architect be permitted to see the artist?","MWS" "id24791","Therefore it was not thrown in by murderers.","EAP" "id08947","""I come to you,"" he said, ""only half assured that you will assist me in my project, but resolved to go through with it, whether you concur with me or not.","MWS" "id18456","You have a fine nose, it is true; but then Bluddennuff has none.","EAP" "id16101","The meditations were never pleasurable; and, at the termination of the reverie, the first cause, so far from being out of sight, had attained that supernaturally exaggerated interest which was the prevailing feature of the disease.","EAP" "id22635","As I approached M. Valdemar I made a kind of half effort to influence his right arm into pursuit of my own, as I passed the latter gently to and fro above his person.","EAP" "id21641","A coachman held the reins on the box, and a footman and page were in their places behind.","EAP" "id25839","The guilty are allowed, by human laws, bloody as they are, to speak in their own defence before they are condemned.","MWS" "id06280","I see him now, excellent and venerable old man His eyes wandered in vacancy, for they had lost their charm and their delight his Elizabeth, his more than daughter, whom he doted on with all that affection which a man feels, who in the decline of life, having few affections, clings more earnestly to those that remain.","MWS" "id23001","Mem must get rid of Bag no system at all.","EAP" "id10875","Where had they fled when the next morning I awoke?","MWS" "id27389","My body was, but I had no breath to be, suspended; and but for the knot under my left ear which had the feel of a military stock I dare say that I should have experienced very little inconvenience.","EAP" "id17917","I am not one of your enemies, I believed you guiltless, notwithstanding every evidence, until I heard that you had yourself declared your guilt.","MWS" "id21477","I myself had just alighted from a litter, which the Illyrian bearers seemed to have brought in some haste from Calagurris, across the Iberus to the southward.","HPL" "id16461","Even while I gazed, this current acquired a monstrous velocity.","EAP" "id24571","It stood like a huge writhing wall between us and the horizon.","EAP" "id26535","The blue lake and snow clad mountains they never change; and I think our placid home and our contented hearts are regulated by the same immutable laws.","MWS" "id04749","There is the tone didactic, the tone enthusiastic, the tone natural all common place enough.","EAP" "id10311","Dark, frail, and somewhat unkempt in aspect, he turned languidly at my knock and asked me my business without rising.","HPL" "id16742","Heard the voices in question.","EAP" "id21402","Should I then, after all, prove to have been mistaken, I had in consequence nothing better to expect, as a finale to my adventure, than being dashed into atoms against the rugged surface of the satellite.","EAP" "id21314","We rest; a dream has power to poison sleep.","MWS" "id09755","Through all the land of Mnar and the lands adjacent spread the tales of those who had fled from Sarnath, and caravans sought that accursed city and its precious metals no more.","HPL" "id25072","Once commenced, it would quickly be achieved, and I might be restored to my family in peace and happiness.","MWS" "id17646","The fact that it had been thrust up the chimney would sufficiently account for these appearances.","EAP" "id13493","As I thought of these things I looked out over the squalid sea of decaying roofs below me, now brightened by the beams of a moon not much past full.","HPL" "id12503","As he spoke, his earnest eyes, fixed on me, seemed to read my very soul: my heart, my savage revengeful heart, felt the influence of sweet benignity sink upon it; while his thrilling voice, like sweetest melody, awoke a mute echo within me, stirring to its depths the life blood in my frame.","MWS" "id08571","There were circumstances, moreover, which coupled with late events, gave an unearthly and portentous character to the mania of the rider, and to the capabilities of the steed.","EAP" "id23780","The lightness of heart which had dressed them in masquerade habits, had decorated their tents, and assembled them in fantastic groups, appeared a sin against, and a provocative to, the awful destiny that had laid its palsying hand upon hope and life.","MWS" "id14223","The seeming creatures which are now, throughout the universe, so perpetually springing into being, can only be considered as the mediate or indirect, not as the direct or immediate results of the Divine creative power.","EAP" "id10243","It was hard to conceive how all this beauty had been attained.","EAP" "id25100","All in the immediate vicinity of the ship is the blackness of eternal night, and a chaos of foamless water; but, about a league on either side of us, may be seen, indistinctly and at intervals, stupendous ramparts of ice, towering away into the desolate sky, and looking like the walls of the universe.","EAP" "id19213","Her coarse peasant dress, little consonant apparently with the refinement of feeling which her face expressed, yet in a strange manner accorded with it.","MWS" "id15461","Then we sallied forth into the streets arm in arm, continuing the topics of the day, or roaming far and wide until a late hour, seeking, amid the wild lights and shadows of the populous city, that infinity of mental excitement which quiet observation can afford.","EAP" "id14092","It is true that I have for five years been his closest friend, and a partial sharer of his terrible researches into the unknown.","HPL" "id06652","In the greenest of our valleys, By good angels tenanted, Once a fair and stately palace Radiant palace reared its head.","EAP" "id16887","The evening was warm and serene, and we prolonged our walk farther than usual.","MWS" "id25888","I shall from time to time continue this Journal.","EAP" "id05120","What he wanted was not a thing which many persons want, but something connected with the peculiar branch of medical science which he had chosen quite clandestinely to follow, and in which he had achieved amazing and occasionally hideous results.","HPL" "id22394","The entrance of Hecate, and the wild music that followed, took us out of this world.","MWS" "id27767","And, when seen, there will be some to disbelieve, and some to doubt, and yet a few who will find much to ponder upon in the characters here graven with a stylus of iron.","EAP" "id13059","But ours is that which went by the name of Antiochia Epidaphne, from its vicinity to the little village of Daphne, where stood a temple to that divinity.","EAP" "id11687","The change you might as well give to me I shall want some silver for the Post Office.","EAP" "id01827","Several circumstances occurred immediately after this fit of Wyatt which contributed to heighten the curiosity with which I was already possessed.","EAP" "id24635","Wouldn't even admit they'd ever ben any people on that island.","HPL" "id07901","The memory had lingered hideously all the more hideous because it was so secret.","HPL" "id02482","Then you must be blind.","EAP" "id22261","So saying, he hastened away, vaulted on his horse, and with a gesture as if he gave me his hand to kiss, bade me another laughing adieu.","MWS" "id00130","Then the voice of Warren in a pitch of wilder consternation: ""Carter for the love of God, put back the slab and get out of this if you can Quick leave everything else and make for the outside it's your only chance Do as I say, and don't ask me to explain"" I heard, yet was able only to repeat my frantic questions.","HPL" "id14199","""I beg both your pardons but I can't be so much mistaken.","EAP" "id27614","All these shews of despair struck Perdita with affright.","MWS" "id15508","The thing, it was averred, was biologically impossible to start with; merely another of those crazy country mutterings which Cotton Mather had been gullible enough to dump into his chaotic Magnalia Christi Americana, and so poorly authenticated that even he had not ventured to name the locality where the horror occurred.","HPL" "id22207","Some small change indeed the progress of years brought here; and time, as it is wont, stamped the traces of mortality on our pleasures and expectations.","MWS" "id14300","Now, of all words in the language, 'the' is most usual; let us see, therefore, whether there are not repetitions of any three characters, in the same order of collocation, the last of them being .","EAP" "id11137","Seeing a chair close at hand, for the use of customers, I threw myself doggedly into it, and, hardly knowing why, opened the pages of the first volume which came within my reach.","EAP" "id01245","The picture seared into my soul is of one scene only, and the hour must have been long after midnight; for a waning crescent moon was high in the vaporous heavens.","HPL" "id00075","To tear a piece from the interior, where no edge is presented, could only be effected by a miracle through the agency of thorns, and no one thorn could accomplish it.","EAP" "id16142","The chest had been full to the brim, and we spent the whole day, and the greater part of the next night, in a scrutiny of its contents.","EAP" "id02122","But although I, Oinos, felt that the eyes of the departed were upon me, still I forced myself not to perceive the bitterness of their expression, and gazing down steadily into the depths of the ebony mirror, sang with a loud and sonorous voice the songs of the son of Teios.","EAP" "id21424","I read the histories of Greece and Rome, and of England's former periods, and I watched the movements of the lady of my heart.","MWS" "id00704","This indeed was the plague.","MWS" "id06567","The fact is, the business is very simple indeed, and I make no doubt that we can manage it sufficiently well ourselves; but then I thought Dupin would like to hear the details of it, because it is so excessively odd."" ""Simple and odd,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id16984","This breeze, which has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes.","MWS" "id00636","The men disdainfully repelled the idea of having deserted the defence of their city; and one, the youngest among them, in answer to the taunt of a sailor, exclaimed, ""Take it, Christian dogs take the palaces, the gardens, the mosques, the abode of our fathers take plague with them; pestilence is the enemy we fly; if she be your friend, hug her to your bosoms.","MWS" "id06598","It is then only from these two apartments that we have to seek issues.","EAP" "id05642","""Do you cabal also against me,"" said he, laughing; ""and will you make common cause with Raymond, in dragging a poor visionary from the clouds to surround him with the fire works and blasts of earthly grandeur, instead of heavenly rays and airs?","MWS" "id11250","She instructed her daughter in the tenets of her religion and taught her to aspire to higher powers of intellect and an independence of spirit forbidden to the female followers of Muhammad.","MWS" "id27859","His limbs were exceedingly long and emaciated.","EAP" "id19220","I saw the close moonlit space where they would surge by, and had curious thoughts about the irredeemable pollution of that space.","HPL" "id02313","When I leave this place do not expect to hear from me: I must break all ties that at present exist.","MWS" "id16222","I was not within the vault.","EAP" "id05361","He discoursed of Cimabué, Arpino, Carpaccio, and Argostino of the gloom of Caravaggio, of the amenity of Albano, of the colors of Titian, of the frows of Rubens, and of the waggeries of Jan Steen.","EAP" "id19101","""Paul Dumas, physician, deposes that he was called to view the bodies about day break.","EAP" "id17287","The grass was short, springy, sweet scented, and Asphodel interspersed.","EAP" "id00647","There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballet dancers, there were musicians, there was Beauty, there was wine.","EAP" "id09918","He had better, he thought, sprinkle flour within the room as well as outside the door though after all no further proof of his sleep walking was needed.","HPL" "id20037","Upon arousing, I found by my side, as before, a loaf and a pitcher of water.","EAP" "id21950","In this manner, the hand which is gloved and bent in a natural way, being brought directly above the piece to be moved, descends finally upon it, the fingers receiving it, in most cases, without difficulty.","EAP" "id16581","When I went delirious at hearing that the hospital stood near the old churchyard on Central Hill, they sent me to St. Mary's Hospital in Arkham, where I could have better care.","HPL" "id05796","My bill ran thus: Messrs. Cut Comeagain, Merchant Tailors.","EAP" "id23993","For example, the floor was uncarpeted; in France, however, a carpet is frequently dispensed with.","EAP" "id19965","He was clad in dressing gown and slippers, and had in his hands a revolver and an electric flashlight.","HPL" "id17968","I soon, however, found that, perhaps on account of her Presburg education, she placed before me a number of those mystical writings which are usually considered the mere dross of the early German literature.","EAP" "id04900","""Dear Madam,"" said Adrian, ""let me entreat you to see him, to cultivate his friendship.","MWS" "id02896","When my guest was a little recovered I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose.","MWS" "id11185","And in the contour of the high forehead, and in the ringlets of the silken hair, and in the wan fingers which buried themselves therein, and in the sad musical tones of her speech, and above all oh, above all, in the phrases and expressions of the dead on the lips of the loved and the living, I found food for consuming thought and horror, for a worm that would not die.","EAP" "id18335","For a moment I saw nothing save a myriad of tiny dancing lights, far, far before me.","HPL" "id22123","But while we were up I had thrown a quick glance around and that one glance was all sufficient.","EAP" "id03962","Upon exhibition of ether he revived and was rapidly restored to health, and to the society of his friends from whom, however, all knowledge of his resuscitation was withheld, until a relapse was no longer to be apprehended.","EAP" "id26262","It is a bye street very lonely.","EAP" "id04568","Three years ago and on that day and hour it shone through the branches and leaves of the beech wood and its beams flickered upon the countenance of him whom I then beheld for the last time.","MWS" "id03676","It was in a deep, damp hollow, overgrown with rank grass, moss, and curious creeping weeds, and filled with a vague stench which my idle fancy associated absurdly with rotting stone.","HPL" "id12865","If, moreover, a body has risen to the surface through firing of cannon, it will not 'sink again if let alone,' until decomposition has so far progressed as to permit the escape of the generated gas.","EAP" "id26509","I was born in England.","MWS" "id04588","At the same moment bonfires blazed out on all the peaks ahead, so that terror seemed to lurk equally well before and behind us.","HPL" "id10310","The theatres were open and thronged; dance and midnight festival were frequented in many of these decorum was violated, and the evils, which hitherto adhered to an advanced state of civilization, were doubled.","MWS" "id08658","Ryland was a man of obscure birth and of immense wealth, inherited from his father, who had been a manufacturer.","MWS" "id12935","Very sleek and fat did the cats appear, and sonorous with purring content.","HPL" "id16271","""I have lost that which adorned and dignified my life; that which linked me to other men.","MWS" "id04398","""I swear,"" he cried, ""by the sun, and by the blue sky of heaven, and by the fire of love that burns my heart, that if you grant my prayer, while they exist you shall never behold me again.","MWS" "id07687","Perspiration burst from every pore, and stood in cold big beads upon my forehead.","EAP" "id19895","""Did your Luther take accaount o' whar them big tracks led tew?","HPL" "id25890","Something of the benevolent fanatic seemed to reside in him, and he rambled on almost garrulously as he sounded my chest and mixed a suitable draught of drugs fetched from the smaller laboratory room.","HPL" "id12833","That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue and vividly blue were its windows.","EAP" "id14745","You will smile at my allusion, but I will disclose a secret.","MWS" "id02261","He told us what had become of the eighty three lost tragedies of Æschylus; of the fifty four orations of Isæus; of the three hundred and ninety one speeches of Lysias; of the hundred and eighty treatises of Theophrastus; of the eighth book of the conic sections of Apollonius; of Pindar's hymns and dithyrambics; and of the five and forty tragedies of Homer Junior.","EAP" "id18468","As well might Cleopatra have worn as an ornament the vinegar which contained her dissolved pearl, as I be content with the love that Raymond can now offer me.""","MWS" "id05800","That it could not come from any known myth or romance was made especially clear by the fact that the unfortunate lunatic expressed himself only in his own simple manner.","HPL" "id19847","Just before day, we were all somewhat alarmed at some odd noises and concussions in the balloon, accompanied with the apparent rapid subsidence of the whole machine.","EAP" "id00908","""And the motto?"" ""Nemo me impune lacessit.""","EAP" "id17658","In a word, upon the breaking up of the play, I traced the lady to her residence, noted the address, and the next morning sent her a full and elaborate letter, in which I poured out my whole heart.","EAP" "id26169","When we arrived, after a little rest, he led me over the house and pointed out to me the rooms which my mother had inhabited.","MWS" "id00989","Every day added to his difficulties; the arrival of fresh vessels with emigrants, the total cessation of commerce, the starving multitude that thronged around the palace of the Protectorate, were circumstances not to be tampered with.","MWS" "id24671","They talked of taking London, conquering England calling to mind the long detail of injuries which had for many years been forgotten.","MWS" "id02839","Henceforward I haunted the tomb each night; seeing, hearing, and doing things I must never reveal.","HPL" "id13288","Perhaps he did not know, or perhaps he knew and did not dare to tell.","HPL" "id14554","Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.","MWS" "id17301","Saying this, he seated himself at a small table, on which were a pen and ink, but no paper.","EAP" "id25475","Never mark me never will I leave this spot.","MWS" "id12775","But to return to the 'Diary' of Sir Humphrey Davy.","EAP" "id02006","Not one of her relations, for they lay glaring on her with stony eyes.","MWS" "id24774","I pitied him from the bottom of my heart but could not, for that reason, quite forgive his incommunicativeness in the matter of the ""Last Supper.""","EAP" "id19583","With the dawn I descended the tower and looked for wreckage upon the rocks, but what I found was only this: a strange dead bird whose hue was as of the azure sky, and a single shattered spar, of a whiteness greater than that of the wave tips or of the mountain snow.","HPL" "id13050","One side of the cobblestoned open space was the straight line of the river; the other was a semicircle of slant roofed brick buildings of about the period, from which several streets radiated away to the southeast, south, and southwest.","HPL" "id01195","She tried to reason with him, and finding him inflexible, learned to hate him.","MWS" "id04709","She knew Uncle Chris well enough to expect such things of the Carter blood.","HPL" "id16225","""I entreat you to call to your remembrance our first happy life on the shores of Loch Lomond.","MWS" "id26547","I turned my electric flashlight on him and found his face averted, so rising and crossing to the other side of the cot, I again flashed the light to see if he seemed in any pain.","HPL" "id09493","The accounts furnished him, however distorted, of a great and wise nation asserting its right to govern itself, excited his admiration: in early days he became a republican from principle.","MWS" "id05500","The Athenians saw in him, not as heretofore, the heroic boy or desperate man, who was ready to die for them; but the prudent commander, who for their sakes was careful of his life, and could make his own warrior propensities second to the scheme of conduct policy might point out.","MWS" "id09716","My first observation was by way of opening a masked battery.","EAP" "id04674","The rest had stuck sullenly to their ancestral mansion, becoming more and more clannish and taciturn, yet developing a nervous responsiveness to the frequent thunderstorms.","HPL" "id04786","He used to make shuddering conjectures about the possible actions of a headless physician with the power of reanimating the dead.","HPL" "id24225","After many aeons men came to the land of Mnar; dark shepherd folk with their fleecy flocks, who built Thraa, Ilarnek, and Kadatheron on the winding river Ai.","HPL" "id20806","My sensations had by this time become distinct, and my mind received every day additional ideas.","MWS" "id04665","At nine on Sunday, the populace are chiefly within doors preparing for church.","EAP" "id25858","In my enthusiasm I became nearly as idiotic and sentimental as poor Klenze, and was very tardy in noticing that the southward current had ceased at last, allowing the U to settle slowly down upon the sunken city as an aëroplane settles upon a town of the upper earth.","HPL" "id06170","At that time a party made investigations, finding the house deserted and partly in ruins.","HPL" "id04108","I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife.","EAP" "id02723","If mere existence, and not happiness, had been the final end of our being, what need of the profuse luxuries which we enjoy?","MWS" "id13948","I remarked that, while all the witnesses agreed in supposing the gruff voice to be that of a Frenchman, there was much disagreement in regard to the shrill, or, as one individual termed it, the harsh voice.","EAP" "id02549","Not far from my cottage was a small cluster of pines the only trees to be seen for many miles: I had a path cut through the furze from my door to this little wood, from whose topmost branches the birds saluted the rising sun and awoke me to my daily meditation.","MWS" "id19650","I was nearly unnerved at my proximity to a nameless thing at the bottom of a pit.","HPL" "id11101","The poison was not having much effect, for scratchings and scurryings in the walls were virtually undiminished.","HPL" "id19731","Now, uncle, all that Kate and myself wish at present, is that you would oblige us with your advice as as regards the time you know, uncle in short, when will it be most convenient for yourself, that the wedding shall shall come off, you know?"" ""Come off, you scoundrel what do you mean by that?","EAP" "id18580","VALDEMAR I received this note within half an hour after it was written, and in fifteen minutes more I was in the dying man's chamber.","EAP" "id07029","I have already described the unnatural curiosity which had taken the place of my original terrors.","EAP" "id10806","Once he met some friends who remarked how oddly sunburned he looked, but he did not tell them of his walk.","HPL" "id20114","Once for me, you relinquished the prospect of a crown.","MWS" "id08648","The man was clad in very ancient garments, and had about him an unplaceable nimbus of sea lore and dreams of tall galleons.","HPL" "id15917","And oh Jupiter, and every one of the gods and goddesses, little and big what what what what had become of her teeth?","EAP" "id02277","When she again lived, it was only to weep and sigh.","MWS" "id06416","Was born in the neighborhood, and has always resided there.","EAP" "id12459","""Und you acknowledge tat you pe te blind dronk and te vool?""","EAP" "id24719","They included not only a repetition of what he had formerly dreamed, but touched wildly on a gigantic thing ""miles high"" which walked or lumbered about.","HPL" "id26733","The other limb, confined by no such fetter, stuck off from the body at right angles, causing the whole loose and rattling frame to dangle and twirl about at the caprice of every occasional puff of wind which found its way into the apartment.","EAP" "id16047","The disorders of the room had, as usual, been suffered to exist.","EAP" "id04086","I shuddered as the man grew colloquial and with familiar speech of another day.","HPL" "id24652","No one can conceive the variety of feelings which bore me onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success.","MWS" "id08029","And why Harley Warren did not return, he or his shade or some nameless thing I cannot describe alone can tell.","HPL" "id04054","I shall never see the snows of another winter I do believe that I shall never again feel the vivifying warmth of another summer sun; and it is in this persuasion that I begin to write my tragic history.","MWS" "id27886","I told the captain my fears; but he paid no attention to what I said, and left me without deigning to give a reply.","EAP" "id10843","In such surroundings the mind loses its perspective; time and space become trivial and unreal, and echoes of a forgotten prehistoric past beat insistently upon the enthralled consciousness.","HPL" "id01659","What mainly troubled me was that the myriad footfalls made no sound and set up no echoes.","HPL" "id01273","Voodoo orgies multiply in Hayti, and African outposts report ominous mutterings.","HPL" "id21119","""And what is the difficulty now?""","EAP" "id09061","But the Marchesa She will now receive her child she will press it to her heart she will cling to its little form, and smother it with her caresses.","EAP" "id03737","Still thou canst listen to me and grant me thy compassion.","MWS" "id07212","Let us examine, each by each, the possible means of egress.","EAP" "id11792","Then, slowly advancing to meet the Comte, he pronounced in dull yet terrible accents the curse that ever afterward haunted the house of C .","HPL" "id26740","Amidst it all he shewed some trace of the pride later noticed in his daughter, and what he said of the child's paternity was remembered by many of his hearers years afterward.","HPL" "id06328","One night I espied upon the deck a man, bearded and robed, and he seemed to beckon me to embark for fair unknown shores.","HPL" "id07491","I breathed, however, at every moment, with more and more difficulty, and each inhalation was attended with a troublesome spasmodic action of the chest.","EAP" "id02324","My rage was unbounded, yet my German sense forbade me to venture unprepared into an utterly black interior which might prove the lair of some indescribable marine monster or a labyrinth of passages from whose windings I could never extricate myself.","HPL" "id13913","In this I finally succeeded partly by selling enough of my household furniture to satisfy a moiety of their claim, and partly by a promise of paying the balance upon completion of a little project which I told them I had in view, and for assistance in which I solicited their services.","EAP" "id08682","The epidemic and riots of were very sparsely treated, as if they formed a discredit to the county.","HPL" "id21395","The soft, stealthy, imaginary footsteps in the sealed loft above were unnerving.","HPL" "id19887","I saw few human beings besides them, and if any other happened to enter the cottage, their harsh manners and rude gait only enhanced to me the superior accomplishments of my friends.","MWS" "id18703","Elwood, whose thoughts on the entire episode are sometimes almost maddening, came back to college the next autumn and graduated in the following June.","HPL" "id01719","He did not press me to remain, but, as I departed, he shook my hand with even more than his usual cordiality.","EAP" "id22215","Parker slipped as the other three were plunging frenziedly over endless vistas of green crusted rock to the boat, and Johansen swears he was swallowed up by an angle of masonry which shouldn't have been there; an angle which was acute, but behaved as if it were obtuse.","HPL" "id13652","And their fear and dismay increased when they searched the fallen apartment; for of the gentle Musides, and of the marvellously fashioned image of Tyché, no trace could be discovered.","HPL" "id13793","I made haste, hereupon, to nod my head twice once in the negative, meaning thereby that I would prefer not taking the other bottle at present and once in the affirmative, intending thus to imply that I was sober and had positively come to my senses.","EAP" "id23287","Next day he would make some very guarded inquiries and perhaps see the nerve specialist.","HPL" "id11117","We were soon joined by Elizabeth.","MWS" "id02269","Just as quietly, too, he walked toward the door, locked it and put the key in his pocket.","EAP" "id13250","The account which he gave of his expedition, and of the events which had detained him, was a singular one indeed.","EAP" "id03236","While thus engaged, however, a loud report, as if of a pistol, was heard immediately beneath the windows of the hotel, and was succeeded by a series of fearful screams, and the shoutings of a terrified mob.","EAP" "id01853","But neither this assurance, nor the speedy convalescence of our child could restore her, even to the portion of peace she before enjoyed.","MWS" "id05869","The title of the picture was, ""Holmes, Lowell, and Longfellow Lie Buried in Mount Auburn"".","HPL" "id11168","I knew that I must travel in a southwesterly direction to reach my destination, but the sun was my only guide.","MWS" "id15308","Wherefore should I see her?","MWS" "id26348","Or, if he begins to bluster, you may be down upon him with insomnia Jovis, reveries of Jupiter a phrase which Silius Italicus see here applies to thoughts pompous and inflated.","EAP" "id05314","It was a passion that had grown with his growth; it had become entwined with every faculty and every sentiment and only to be lost with life.","MWS" "id23327","It was not as in summer time, when each hour might bring the dreaded fate until summer, we felt sure; and this certainty, short lived as it must be, yet for awhile satisfied her maternal tenderness.","MWS" "id21536","I knew myself when I renounced it.","MWS" "id27315","I compassionated him and sometimes felt a wish to console him, but when I looked upon him, when I saw the filthy mass that moved and talked, my heart sickened and my feelings were altered to those of horror and hatred.","MWS" "id10992","Its character stupefied me with astonishment.","EAP" "id17648","I was not, of course, at that time aware that this apparent paradox was occasioned by the center of the visual area being less susceptible of feeble impressions of light than the exterior portions of the retina.","EAP" "id19047","Indeed, I could see that my uncle had thought deeply on the subject, and that he was glad of my own interest an open minded and sympathetic interest which enabled him to discuss with me matters at which others would merely have laughed.","HPL" "id23838","The general shape of the prison was square.","EAP" "id23055","All this I must acknowledge.","EAP" "id25133","Was surprised at finding the rim of ice at a very moderate distance, and an immense field of the same material stretching away off to the horizon in the north.","EAP" "id26017","A feeling of devotion, of duty, of a high and steady purpose, elevated me; a strange joy filled my heart.","MWS" "id12114","The ground gets higher, and the brier bordered stone walls press closer and closer against the ruts of the dusty, curving road.","HPL" "id23760","The inhabitants of the smaller towns left their houses, pitched tents in the fields, wandering separate from each other careless of hunger or the sky's inclemency, while they imagined that they avoided the death dealing disease.","MWS" "id01690","It is not pestilence by the God that lives it is not either plague or impending danger that makes us, like birds in harvest time, terrified by a scarecrow, abstain from the ready prey it is base superstition And thus the aim of the valiant is made the shuttlecock of fools; the worthy ambition of the high souled, the plaything of these tamed hares But yet Stamboul shall be ours By my past labours, by torture and imprisonment suffered for them, by my victories, by my sword, I swear by my hopes of fame, by my former deserts now awaiting their reward, I deeply vow, with these hands to plant the cross on yonder mosque"" ""Dearest Raymond"" interrupted Perdita, in a supplicating accent.","MWS" "id27330","The engravings were indeed interesting, drawn wholly from imagination and careless descriptions, and represented negroes with white skins and Caucasian features; nor would I soon have closed the book had not an exceedingly trivial circumstance upset my tired nerves and revived my sensation of disquiet.","HPL" "id18152","But if, in the first instance, there had occurred something which occasioned me surprise, in the second, this surprise became elevated into astonishment; and this astonishment was profound was extreme indeed I may say it was horrific.","EAP" "id26642","Unfeeling, heartless creator You had endowed me with perceptions and passions and then cast me abroad an object for the scorn and horror of mankind.","MWS" "id01532","We know things, he said, only through our five senses or our religious intuitions; wherefore it is quite impossible to refer to any object or spectacle which cannot be clearly depicted by the solid definitions of fact or the correct doctrines of theology preferably those of the Congregationalists, with whatever modifications tradition and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle may supply.","HPL" "id02036","The sound drives him mad, and, accordingly, pulling out his tablets, he gives a record of his sensations.","EAP" "id06962","No flowers lifted up their dew laden cups to meet the dawn; the dry grass had withered on the plains; the burning fields of air were vacant of birds; the cicale alone, children of the sun, began their shrill and deafening song among the cypresses and olives.","MWS" "id17472","As before, he dreamed first of the village that was asleep or dead, and of the abyss down which one must float silently; then the rift appeared again, and he beheld the glittering minarets of the city, and saw the graceful galleys riding at anchor in the blue harbour, and watched the gingko trees of Mount Aran swaying in the sea breeze.","HPL" "id26329","Yet nothing whatever happened to Gilman till about the time of the fever.","HPL" "id14196","He must have foreseen, I reflected, the secret investigations of his premises.","EAP" "id13667","""This is the last time for you, old bird"" he exclaimed furiously.","HPL" "id16444","""Nobody around here or in Arkham or Ipswich will have anything to do with 'em, and they act kind of offish themselves when they come to town or when anyone tries to fish on their grounds.","HPL" "id05087","My countenance was painted with the hues of ill health and vexation.","MWS" "id02140","This lakelet was, perhaps, a hundred yards in diameter at its widest part.","EAP" "id16166","Thus you may tell these characters immediately by the nature of their occupations.","EAP" "id09515","You shall accept the little toy which I now hold in my hand, and which, though admirable as an aid to vision, is really of no very immense value as a gem.","EAP" "id25056","They had played together as children, been the confidants of each other's little secrets, mutual aids and consolers in difficulty and sorrow.","MWS" "id13639","Whenever the morgue proved inadequate, two local negroes attended to this matter, and they were seldom questioned.","HPL" "id22736","Without making any effectual resistance, I suffered myself to be placed between two gentlemen of colossal dimensions; while a third, of a size larger, requesting pardon for the liberty he was about to take, threw himself upon my body at full length, and falling asleep in an instant, drowned all my guttural ejaculations for relief, in a snore which would have put to blush the roarings of the bull of Phalaris.","EAP" "id12224","""I will most readily accompany you to his abode,"" said the lady, ""not that I wish that either of us should unburthen ourselves of our debt, which, being no less than your life, must remain unpayable ever.","MWS" "id22380","I don't have to tell you why a Fuseli really brings a shiver while a cheap ghost story frontispiece merely makes us laugh.","HPL" "id22403","A number of people from North America, the relics of that populous continent, had set sail for the East with mad desire of change, leaving their native plains for lands not less afflicted than their own.","MWS" "id06841","If your wish is to become really a man of science and not merely a petty experimentalist, I should advise you to apply to every branch of natural philosophy, including mathematics.""","MWS" "id10998","Out of the fungus ridden earth steamed up a vaporous corpse light, yellow and diseased, which bubbled and lapped to a gigantic height in vague outlines half human and half monstrous, through which I could see the chimney and fireplace beyond.","HPL" "id15619","Concealment is utter folly on my part, for the people will not see.","EAP" "id23110","When night came on and brought sleep with it, I was in the greatest fear lest my fire should be extinguished.","MWS" "id18158","He was unconscious, having fallen in a kind of convulsion which imparted to his slight black clad body a strange rigidity.","HPL" "id12546","Evadne now related the tale of her misfortunes.","MWS" "id00404","I found Raymond and Perdita together.","MWS" "id23131","The house then dissolved.","MWS" "id20575","""Never mind"" cries the gentleman on shore, who has been examining his own pocket book for the last minute or so ""never mind I can fix it here is a fifty on the Bank of North America throw the book.""","EAP" "id06107","The form near me seemed to feel a change also, for it gradually brought its discourse toward a conclusion, and itself prepared to quit the scene; fading from my sight at a rate somewhat less rapid than that of the other objects.","HPL" "id19676","It should be a solitary house on a wide plain near no other habitation: where I could behold the whole horizon, and wander far without molestation from the sight of my fellow creatures.","MWS" "id25733","When I had entered the room I had shut the door behind me.","HPL" "id02942","After that the scene was almost wholly kaleidoscopic, and in the jumble of sights, sounds, and unidentified sense impressions I felt that I was about to dissolve or in some way lose the solid form.","HPL" "id13401","The yellowed county records containing her testimony and that of her accusers were so damnably suggestive of things beyond human experience and the descriptions of the darting little furry object which served as her familiar were so painfully realistic despite their incredible details.","HPL" "id20869","The crowd stirred uneasily, recalling that this sprayer was expected to give the unseen horror a moment of visibility.","HPL" "id04103","The margin of the river, and of the many dazzling rivulets that glided through devious ways into its channel, as well as the spaces that extended from the margins away down into the depths of the streams until they reached the bed of pebbles at the bottom, these spots, not less than the whole surface of the valley, from the river to the mountains that girdled it in, were carpeted all by a soft green grass, thick, short, perfectly even, and vanilla perfumed, but so besprinkled throughout with the yellow buttercup, the white daisy, the purple violet, and the ruby red asphodel, that its exceeding beauty spoke to our hearts in loud tones, of the love and of the glory of God.","EAP" "id22433","We had, to be sure, nearly every day a quarrel in which, yielding me publicly the palm of victory, he, in some manner, contrived to make me feel that it was he who had deserved it; yet a sense of pride on my part, and a veritable dignity on his own, kept us always upon what are called ""speaking terms,"" while there were many points of strong congeniality in our tempers, operating to awake me in a sentiment which our position alone, perhaps, prevented from ripening into friendship.","EAP" "id18167","I approached the artist and turned up my nose.","EAP" "id23598","But the feverishness still hung on, and the whines of the loomfixer were an unnerving influence.","HPL" "id02514","Several individuals were arrested and discharged.","EAP" "id11365","Perdita was all kindness and attention to her lord; but she was silent, and beyond words sad.","MWS" "id08420","His agitation is represented as so excessive that the officers had not the slightest doubt of his guilt.","EAP" "id11678","I tenderly love these friends; I have, unknown to them, been for many months in the habits of daily kindness towards them; but they believe that I wish to injure them, and it is that prejudice which I wish to overcome.'","MWS" "id09357","Everybody knows how they are managed, since Dr. Moneypenny explained it.","EAP" "id15445","Poor John His Son fared better, I think, and was made a Baronet.","HPL" "id24490","In our boat, upon my native lake, beside the streams and the pale bordering poplars in valley and over hill, my crook thrown aside, a nobler flock to tend than silly sheep, even a flock of new born ideas, I read or listened to Adrian; and his discourse, whether it concerned his love or his theories for the improvement of man, alike entranced me.","MWS" "id04408","Two years passed in this manner, during which I paid no visit to Geneva, but was engaged, heart and soul, in the pursuit of some discoveries which I hoped to make.","MWS" "id24371","I should have been much more so, however, had not long experience advised me not to trust, with too implicit a reliance, the enthusiastic descriptions of my friend, the artist, when indulging in comments upon the loveliness of woman.","EAP" "id03266","In Europe, as yet, the most noticeable results have been a rise of two hundred per cent. in the price of lead, and nearly twenty five per cent.","EAP" "id22578","Of this church the principal of our school was pastor.","EAP" "id11215","For the door and windows of the undersea temple hewn from the rocky hill were vividly aglow with a flickering radiance, as from a mighty altar flame far within.","HPL" "id09154","Physicians were unable to find any visible disorder, but concluded after perplexed debate that some obscure lesion of the heart, induced by the brisk ascent of so steep a hill by so elderly a man, was responsible for the end.","HPL" "id24358","""And the new system is one of your own invention?""","EAP" "id00238","She spoke again, and now more frequently and pertinaciously, of the sounds of the slight sounds and of the unusual motions among the tapestries, to which she had formerly alluded.","EAP" "id13819","The body of Mademoiselle L'Espanaye was so firmly wedged in the chimney that it could not be got down until four or five of the party united their strength.","EAP" "id20329","""I wish,"" cried she, ""that I were to die with you; I cannot live in this world of misery.""","MWS" "id22587","But, for the inconceivable wealth in the actual possession of the young heir, these objects and all ordinary objects were felt to be inadequate.","EAP" "id20515","It was only after the announcement that Le Bon had been imprisoned, that he asked me my opinion respecting the murders.","EAP" "id16383","Her conversation was full of pointed remark and discernment; in her pleasant alcove, redolent with sweetest flowers, adorned by magnificent casts, antique vases, and copies of the finest pictures of Raphael, Correggio, and Claude, painted by herself, I fancied myself in a fairy retreat untainted by and inaccessible to the noisy contentions of politicians and the frivolous pursuits of fashion.","MWS" "id09783","Thus I shuddered at self murder as the most decided of atrocities while the tabby cat purred strenuously upon the rug, and the very water dog wheezed assiduously under the table, each taking to itself much merit for the strength of its lungs, and all obviously done in derision of my own pulmonary incapacity.","EAP" "id09112","My heart was full, and I did not answer him, but as I proceeded, I weighed the various arguments that he had used and determined at least to listen to his tale.","MWS" "id22058","The panic struck appeared of more injury, than disease and its natural concomitants.","MWS" "id04617","Once I was myself a decorist; but that sublimation of folly has palled upon my soul.","EAP" "id25536","Collins and First Mate Green, were killed; and the remaining eight under Second Mate Johansen proceeded to navigate the captured yacht, going ahead in their original direction to see if any reason for their ordering back had existed.","HPL" "id11328","Our carousals here were many, and boisterous, and long, and never unfruitful of events.","EAP" "id17566","The scenes that followed, convinced her that she had not yet fathomed the obscure gulph into which she had plunged.","MWS" "id10719","And later, in still summer rains on the steep roofs of poets, the clouds scatter bits of those dreams, that men shall not live without rumour of old, strange secrets, and wonders that planets tell planets alone in the night.","HPL" "id27771","I was possessed with a passion to discover.","EAP" "id18280","Her father, though of high rank, had in the end dissipated his fortune, and even destroyed his reputation and influence through a course of dissolute indulgence.","MWS" "id25352","Nov. th It is only four o'clock; but it is winter and the sun has already set: there are no clouds in the clear, frosty sky to reflect its slant beams, but the air itself is tinged with a slight roseate colour which is again reflected on the snow that covers the ground.","MWS" "id14527","Some few of the Lords Lieutenant who remained, endeavoured to collect the militia but the ranks were vacant, panic seized on all, and the opposition that was made only served to increase the audacity and cruelty of the enemy.","MWS" "id22085","Eschew, in this case, big words; get them as small as possible, and write them upside down.","EAP" "id17493","Do you not perceive that the animal has the visage of a man?","EAP" "id01033","At length, being avid for new strange things and held back by neither the Kingsporter's fear nor the summer boarder's usual indolence, Olney made a very terrible resolve.","HPL" "id10901","But, to be brief, I must have my reward.","EAP" "id16475","Such were the strange and incredible events, that finally brought about my union with the sister of my best friend, with my adored Idris.","MWS" "id03207","It is one of those adversities which hurt instead of purifying the heart; for it is so intense a misery that it hardens dulls the feelings.","MWS" "id16945","While he spoke, the lady Madeline for so was she called passed slowly through a remote portion of the apartment, and, without having noticed my presence, disappeared.","EAP" "id05462","Until lately, the bare supposition of such a thing was considered heretical.","EAP" "id09259","""And the man sat upon the rock, and leaned his head upon his hand, and looked out upon the desolation.","EAP" "id15346","My progress was unimpeded, and no fresh sound arose to hint that I had been spied.","HPL" "id17039","Suddenly, the color fled, the pulsation ceased, the lips resumed the expression of the dead, and, in an instant afterward, the whole body took upon itself the icy chilliness, the livid hue, the intense rigidity, the sunken outline, and all the loathsome peculiarities of that which has been, for many days, a tenant of the tomb.","EAP" "id20298","He had heard my story with that half kind of belief that is given to a tale of spirits and supernatural events; but when he was called upon to act officially in consequence, the whole tide of his incredulity returned.","MWS" "id13643","Now my tears are dried; the glow has faded from my cheeks, and with a few words of farewell to you, Woodville, I close my work: the last that I shall perform.","MWS" "id06487","A single step cannot be taken without M. Beauvais; for, go which way you will, you run against him....","EAP" "id17671","Clearly, in the eyes of the educated, Innsmouth was merely an exaggerated case of civic degeneration.","HPL" "id08624","""To you, Lionel, I entrust your sister and her child.","MWS" "id19667","That night he slept on a couch which Elwood had had the landlord bring to the second story room, and for the first time in weeks was wholly free from disquieting dreams.","HPL" "id08254","And the shepherd, hearing, looked long and strangely at Iranon, as if recalling something very far away in time, and noted each line of the stranger's face, and his golden hair, and his crown of vine leaves.","HPL" "id19059","With the numerous soldiers of Asia, with all of warlike stores, ships, and military engines, that wealth and power could command, the Turks at once resolved to crush an enemy, which creeping on by degrees, had from their stronghold in the Morea, acquired Thrace and Macedonia, and had led their armies even to the gates of Constantinople, while their extensive commercial relations gave every European nation an interest in their success.","MWS" "id10621","In truth the masquerade license of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince's indefinite decorum.","EAP" "id18826","The delusion, however, faded rapidly as it came; and I mention it at all but to define the day of the last conversation I there held with my singular namesake.","EAP" "id04091","He called for the people of the house, but could learn nothing from them, except that they knew nothing.","MWS" "id26390","The ""Hum Drum"" gave him a dressing after this fashion: ""'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, has sent us a long tirade concerning a bedlamite whom he styles 'Ugolino,' who had a great many children that should have been all whipped and sent to bed without their suppers.","EAP" "id01624","Suddenly the broad disk of the moon arose and shone full upon his ghastly and distorted shape as he fled with more than mortal speed.","MWS" "id00516","We are neither cowards nor fatalists; but, believing that God has placed the means for our preservation in our own hands, we will use those means to our utmost.","MWS" "id01841","He therefore accepted for her, and persuaded her to accede to, a proposal of marriage, from a wealthy Greek merchant settled at Constantinople.","MWS" "id01311","The wall was high, and all the gates were locked; but moving a pile of boxes in a corner I managed to gain the top and cling to the great stone urn set there.","HPL" "id19189","I was delighted when I first discovered that a pleasant sound, which often saluted my ears, proceeded from the throats of the little winged animals who had often intercepted the light from my eyes.","MWS" "id25686","As soon as the torch, which I lowered into the repellent depths, burned freely and steadily, I commenced my descent.","HPL" "id06344","From the circumstances of her birth and education, Idris would have been better fitted for the formulae of ceremony; but the very ease which accompanied such actions with her, arising from habit, rendered them tedious; while, with every drawback, Perdita evidently enjoyed her situation.","MWS" "id18096","Now, all such reasoning and from such data must, of course, be simply analogical.","EAP" "id06061","The negro obeyed him promptly, and apparently with but little trouble; ascending higher and higher, until no glimpse of his squat figure could be obtained through the dense foliage which enveloped it.","EAP" "id26260","Chairs, as in olden time, and Indian palanquins were introduced for the infirm; but else it was nothing singular to see females of rank going on foot to places of fashionable resort.","MWS" "id26706","The one thing to do was to get out of that hotel alive as quickly as I could, and through some channel other than the front stairs and lobby.","HPL" "id24333","His birth pleased the aristocracy; his being the candidate recommended by Adrian, a man intimately allied to the popular party, caused a number, who had no great reliance either on the Duke or Mr. Ryland, to range on his side.","MWS" "id19947","""In speaking of the lonely assassin dragging his burden to the shore, I have already suggested the probability of his availing himself of a boat.","EAP" "id00464","She lived to find ambition, as unreal a delusion as love.","MWS" "id21038","A Passer in the Storm For days after that hideous experience in the forest swathed mansion I lay nervously exhausted in my hotel room at Lefferts Corners.","HPL" "id26481","Then rushed upon me a thousand memories of Ligeia and then came back upon my heart, with the turbulent violence of a flood, the whole of that unutterable wo with which I had regarded her thus enshrouded.","EAP" "id15755","On returning through the lane, I saw at a distance the same assemblage of persons which I had left.","MWS" "id14150","I did faint after emptying the fourth carboy, which I had to handle after the fumes had begun to penetrate my mask; but when I recovered I saw that the hole was emitting no fresh vapours.","HPL" "id15318","She only felt in his embrace a dear assurance that while he possessed her, he would not despair.","MWS" "id04098","In an instant afterward I recollected myself, and my astonishment was profound.","EAP" "id00152","I lighted the dry branch of a tree and danced with fury around the devoted cottage, my eyes still fixed on the western horizon, the edge of which the moon nearly touched.","MWS" "id21421","""But how with a gang?","EAP" "id02224","As I turned the corner of the gable, the mastiff bounded towards me in stern silence, but with the eye and the whole air of a tiger.","EAP" "id26460","We established ourselves in one of the smallest and least sumptuously furnished apartments.","EAP" "id15767","Wonder if this O ing is a habit of his?","EAP" "id04757","No form could be discerned on the terraces of the houses; in the higher parts of the town no moving shadow bespoke the presence of any living being: the very trees waved not, and mocked the stability of architecture with like immovability.","MWS" "id01738","The inscription commemorates the surrender of what?","EAP" "id23588","There were things around us and about of which I can render no distinct account things material and spiritual heaviness in the atmosphere a sense of suffocation anxiety and, above all, that terrible state of existence which the nervous experience when the senses are keenly living and awake, and meanwhile the powers of thought lie dormant.","EAP" "id13254","I think, on the whole, that it was this variety which chiefly disturbed me.","HPL" "id07726","The corpse could not have been trusted to the shallow waters of the shore.","EAP" "id14294","If such lovely creatures were miserable, it was less strange that I, an imperfect and solitary being, should be wretched.","MWS" "id14426","Like a razor also, it seemed massy and heavy, tapering from the edge into a solid and broad structure above.","EAP" "id25643","It was, as I say, a half formed thought man has many such which are never completed.","EAP" "id10456","And the lulling melody that had been softer than the wind harp of Aeolus, and more divine than all save the voice of Eleonora, it died little by little away, in murmurs growing lower and lower, until the stream returned, at length, utterly, into the solemnity of its original silence.","EAP" "id19581","We had all been rather jovial, and West and I did not wish to have our pugnacious companion hunted down.","HPL" "id19011","And then, as the breach became large enough, they came out into the laboratory in single file; led by a stalking thing with a beautiful head made of wax.","HPL" "id07776","I have guarded, however, against any such profanation.","EAP" "id27339","As I advanced in years it was more strongly developed; becoming, for many reasons, a cause of serious disquietude to my friends, and of positive injury to myself.","EAP" "id26444","I was inclined, however, to the latter opinion.","EAP" "id01135","The horrors of this dark deed are known only to one, or two, living human beings, and to God. ""Let us sum up now the meagre yet certain fruits of our long analysis.","EAP" "id24550","No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous.","EAP" "id24610","Yet he might not have been so perfectly humane, so thoughtful in his generosity, so full of kindness and tenderness amidst his passion for adventurous exploit, had she not unfolded to him the real loveliness of beneficence and made the doing good the end and aim of his soaring ambition.","MWS" "id06194","One idea rushed on my mind; never, never may I speak to him again.","MWS" "id23413","This was all, together with the picture of the hellish image; but what a train of ideas it started in my mind Here were new treasuries of data on the Cthulhu Cult, and evidence that it had strange interests at sea as well as on land.","HPL" "id00830","You know, the curled up paper tacked to that frightful canvas in the cellar; the thing I thought was a photograph of some scene he meant to use as a background for that monster.","HPL" "id08615","The question of preeminence is forever put to rest, and hereafter it will be excessively preposterous in the 'Hum Drum,' the 'Rowdy Dow,' or the 'Goosetherumfoodle,' to make any farther spasmodic attempts at competition.","EAP" "id18375","Of the midnight storm which destroyed this gloomy mansion, the older inhabitants of the region sometimes speak in hushed and uneasy voices; alluding to what they call ""divine wrath"" in a manner that in later years vaguely increased the always strong fascination which I felt for the forest darkened sepulchre.","HPL" "id22922","""They were not entirely happy.","MWS" "id11901","In , when a scholarly correspondent from Miskatonic University called upon him one day and departed pale and puzzled, he was fully six and three quarters feet tall.","HPL" "id14922","A day or two before the Prefect called upon us, however, some important information reached the police, which seemed to overthrow, at least, the chief portion of Le Commerciel's argument.","EAP" "id23048","The boy had gone to look at the windows of that horrible attic, because of tales of things seen behind them, and had come back screaming maniacally.","HPL" "id27924","But in proportion to the progress made in a game of chess, is the uncertainty of each ensuing move.","EAP" "id01756","We have had no incidents worth recording.","EAP" "id15669","Clerval, whose eyes and feelings were always quick in discerning the sensations of others, declined the subject, alleging, in excuse, his total ignorance; and the conversation took a more general turn.","MWS" "id06794","Among these, the one which attracted the most notice, was the idea that Marie Rogêt still lived that the corpse found in the Seine was that of some other unfortunate.","EAP" "id17479","The result was wearily anticlimactic.","HPL" "id17557","Why talk of infancy, manhood, and old age?","MWS" "id18438","You refuse my just demand; I have but one resource, and I devote myself, either in my life or death, to his destruction.""","MWS" "id14157","One gentleman thought the whole an X ellent joke.","EAP" "id01285","Meantime, our vegetation had perceptibly altered; and we gained faith, from this predicted circumstance, in the foresight of the wise.","EAP" "id27765","Then suddenly I saw it.","HPL" "id23106","It was noticeable, indeed, that, in no one of the multiplied instances in which he had of late crossed my path, had he so crossed it except to frustrate those schemes, or to disturb those actions, which, if fully carried out, might have resulted in bitter mischief.","EAP" "id18204","I devoted myself to him: imperfect creature that I was, I took myself to task, that I might become worthy of him.","MWS" "id08699","""Your opinions, allow me to say, Baron von Jung, although in the main correct, are, in many nice points, discreditable to yourself and to the university of which you are a member.","EAP" "id09303","I wish you, therefore, to discard from your thoughts the blundering idea of motive, engendered in the brains of the police by that portion of the evidence which speaks of money delivered at the door of the house.","EAP" "id21130","But it would not do: I rated my fortitude too high, or my love too low.","MWS" "id21965","I now believed that the lurking fear was no material thing, but a wolf fanged ghost that rode the midnight lightning.","HPL" "id17097","Upon considerations similar to these, and still retaining my grasp upon the nose of Mr. W., I accordingly thought proper to model my reply.","EAP" "id16942","Meanwhile the luminosity increased, waned again, then assumed a pale, outré colour or blend of colours which I could neither place nor describe.","HPL" "id09900","It is so long before the mind can persuade itself that she whom we saw every day and whose very existence appeared a part of our own can have departed forever that the brightness of a beloved eye can have been extinguished and the sound of a voice so familiar and dear to the ear can be hushed, never more to be heard.","MWS" "id11001","Here I met Georgio Palli, the vice admiral of the Greek fleet, a former friend and warm partizan of Raymond.","MWS" "id08370","And as I pronounced the last daemoniac sentence I heard afar on the moor the faint baying of some gigantic hound.","HPL" "id24650","""S'pose one night ye seed somethin' heavy heaved offen Obed's dory beyond the reef, an' then larned nex' day a young feller was missin' from home?","HPL" "id15006","The mental features discoursed of as the analytical, are, in themselves, but little susceptible of analysis.","EAP" "id00707","She attended the markets she insisted upon being supplied with food for those who were too poor to purchase it.","MWS" "id22725","Not that the gift of decyphering written characters a gift among the commonalty of that day considered little less cabalistical than the art of inditing could, in strict justice, have been laid to the charge of either disciple of the sea; but there was, to say the truth, a certain twist in the formation of the letters an indescribable lee lurch about the whole which foreboded, in the opinion of both seamen, a long run of dirty weather; and determined them at once, in the allegorical words of Legs himself, to ""pump ship, clew up all sail, and scud before the wind.""","EAP" "id00179","Nor will this overwhelming tendency to do wrong for the wrong's sake, admit of analysis, or resolution into ulterior elements.","EAP" "id09473","He was seized and cast into prison the very day that Safie arrived from Constantinople to join him.","MWS" "id18110","I learned from Werter's imaginations despondency and gloom, but Plutarch taught me high thoughts; he elevated me above the wretched sphere of my own reflections, to admire and love the heroes of past ages.","MWS" "id11535","A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back.","EAP" "id25346","The stones in the crumbling corridors seemed always hideously damp, and there was an accursed smell everywhere, as of the piled up corpses of dead generations.","HPL" "id06281","The fellow's eyes had been closed; but in the dragging of his body to the rail they were jarred open, and many seemed to entertain a queer delusion that they gazed steadily and mockingly at Schmidt and Zimmer, who were bent over the corpse.","HPL" "id23469","Justine shook her head mournfully.","MWS" "id20400","Beheld the singular phenomenon of the sun rising while nearly the whole visible surface of the earth continued to be involved in darkness.","EAP" "id14443","And writing of some kind the bulk of these designs seemed certainly to be; though my memory, despite much familiarity with the papers and collections of my uncle, failed in any way to identify this particular species, or even to hint at its remotest affiliations.","HPL" "id26910","""As yet I looked upon crime as a distant evil, benevolence and generosity were ever present before me, inciting within me a desire to become an actor in the busy scene where so many admirable qualities were called forth and displayed.","MWS" "id21879","He can influence the blood thirsty war dogs, while I resist their propensities vainly.","MWS" "id09304","I now considered it high time to die, since fortune had so determined to persecute me, and accordingly made my way to the nearest river.","EAP" "id14956","I thought I was prepared for the worst, and I really ought to have been prepared considering what I had seen before.","HPL" "id05611","West told me how he had obtained the specimen.","HPL" "id10835","The admirable roundness of the wrist was well set off by a bracelet which encircled it, and which also was ornamented and clasped by a magnificent aigrette of jewels telling, in words that could not be mistaken, at once of the wealth and fastidious taste of the wearer.","EAP" "id19095","And when I looked upon the terraces again I saw that what he said was true, for among the sights before me were many things I had once seen through the mists beyond the horizon and in the phosphorescent depths of ocean.","HPL" "id12421","But in every change goodness and affection can find field for exertion and display.","MWS" "id02314","Only participants need be apprehended, and the sparing of a great number of mere spectators would considerably lessen the resentment which any of the sympathising country folk might feel.","HPL" "id08431","But he did not mind his multitude of guests; indeed, he seemed to dread being alone now that his absorbing work was done.","HPL" "id27044","Like most youths, he indulged in elaborate day dreams of revenge, triumph, and final magnanimous forgiveness.","HPL" "id19580","Besides, has he not had his full share of the blessings of mortality?","EAP" "id26277","Had the deceased any articles of jewelry about her person upon leaving home?","EAP" "id02710","It was not known whether there were any living connexions of Madame L. and her daughter.","EAP" "id01576","She and my father had been playmates from infancy: Diana, even in her childhood had been a favourite with his mother; this partiality encreased with the years of this beautiful and lively girl and thus during his school college vacations they were perpetually together.","MWS" "id12718","She sat at the table; one small hand shaded her eyes from the candle; the other held a pencil; her looks were fixed on a drawing before her, which Raymond recognized as the design presented to him.","MWS" "id19369","The real observer would have uttered an instant ejaculation of surprise however prepared by previous knowledge at the singularity of their position; the fictitious observer has not even mentioned the subject, but speaks of seeing the entire bodies of such creatures, when it is demonstrable that he could have seen only the diameter of their heads It might as well be remarked, in conclusion, that the size, and particularly the powers of the man bats for example, their ability to fly in so rare an atmosphere if, indeed, the moon have any, with most of the other fancies in regard to animal and vegetable existence, are at variance, generally, with all analogical reasoning on these themes; and that analogy here will often amount to conclusive demonstration.","EAP" "id25250","Put on your spectacles, and tell me what it is.","EAP" "id00669","I thought as I lay there of Denys Barry, and of what would befall that bog when the day came, and found myself almost frantic with an impulse to rush out into the night, take Barry's car, and drive madly to Ballylough out of the menaced lands.","HPL" "id11930","Wilhelm, Count Berlifitzing, although loftily descended, was, at the epoch of this narrative, an infirm and doting old man, remarkable for nothing but an inordinate and inveterate personal antipathy to the family of his rival, and so passionate a love of horses, and of hunting, that neither bodily infirmity, great age, nor mental incapacity, prevented his daily participation in the dangers of the chase.","EAP" "id12272","Had a thunderbolt fallen at my feet I could not have been more thoroughly astounded astounded only not offended or disgusted in the slightest degree; although an action so bold in any other woman would have been likely to offend or disgust.","EAP" "id24925","""It is done"" I cried, with all the enthusiasm that I could muster at the moment.","EAP" "id18975","Trever, now thoroughly terrified and cured forever of his desire to see life via the vice route, edged closer to the blue coated newcomers.","HPL" "id18061","""When you had gone, and when Jupiter was fast asleep, I betook myself to a more methodical investigation of the affair.","EAP" "id01423","The woman asked her what she did there, but she looked very strangely and only returned a confused and unintelligible answer.","MWS" "id19851","One of the Marsh daughters was a repellent, reptilian looking woman who wore an excess of weird jewellery clearly of the same exotic tradition as that to which the strange tiara belonged.","HPL" "id23732","I'm middle aged and decently sophisticated, and I guess you saw enough of me in France to know I'm not easily knocked out.","HPL" "id21012","The chamber, measuring about twenty feet square, contained like the other rooms some rubbish which had once been furniture.","HPL" "id03356","His suicide, however corroborative of suspicion, were there found to be deceit in the affidavits, is, without such deceit, in no respect an unaccountable circumstance, or one which need cause us to deflect from the line of ordinary analysis.","EAP" "id02344","""Wal, Sir, Obed he larnt that they's things on this arth as most folks never heerd abaout an' wouldn't believe ef they did hear.","HPL" "id05697","I recall him to have worn a bushy Bob Wig, untyed and without Powder, and much too small for his Head.","HPL" "id08421","My father's impulses, never under his own controul, perpetually led him into difficulties from which his ingenuity alone could extricate him; and the accumulating pile of debts of honour and of trade, which would have bent to earth any other, was supported by him with a light spirit and tameless hilarity; while his company was so necessary at the tables and assemblies of the rich, that his derelictions were considered venial, and he himself received with intoxicating flattery.","MWS" "id12637","Sardanapalus see Diodorus maintained himself seven in Nineveh; but to no purpose.","EAP" "id11086","The eyes of the public were upon him; and there was really no sacrifice which he would not be willing to make for the development of the mystery.","EAP" "id20764","Dutee himself thought little of the house, for he grew up to be a privateersman, and served with distinction on the Vigilant under Capt.","HPL" "id09446","""The first aim of the writer is to show, from the brevity of the interval between Marie's disappearance and the finding of the floating corpse, that this corpse cannot be that of Marie.","EAP" "id20671","And as to the way I amplified the bare jotting of the old mystic that was quite impossible, and characteristic of a flighty and notional scribbler Mather had indeed told of the thing as being born, but nobody but a cheap sensationalist would think of having it grow up, look into people's windows at night, and be hidden in the attic of a house, in flesh and in spirit, till someone saw it at the window centuries later and couldn't describe what it was that turned his hair grey.","HPL" "id05631","And there were also their bonneted wives and sober children.","HPL" "id11881","Odd wounds or sores, having something of the aspect of incisions, seemed to afflict the visible cattle; and once or twice during the earlier months certain callers fancied they could discern similar sores about the throats of the grey, unshaven old man and his slatternly, crinkly haired albino daughter.","HPL" "id23195","The first part of this deposition did not in the least interest me, but when the mark of the fingers was mentioned I remembered the murder of my brother and felt myself extremely agitated; my limbs trembled, and a mist came over my eyes, which obliged me to lean on a chair for support.","MWS" "id04697","As soon as he showed signs of life we wrapped him up in blankets and placed him near the chimney of the kitchen stove.","MWS" "id20911","It was difficult to say what should be done, and much time was spent in deliberation so confused were the ideas of all.","EAP" "id07382","Her society was my chief solace and delight; and my spirits always rose at the expectation of seeing her.","MWS" "id26626","Unrest and treason were abroad amongst an evil few who plotted to strike the Western Land its death blow, that they might mount to power over its ruins; even as assassins had mounted in that unhappy, frozen land from whence most of them had come.","HPL" "id14754","Preliminaries being at length arranged, my acquaintance delivered me the respiration; for which having carefully examined it I gave him afterward a receipt.","EAP" "id18475","We passed over innumerable vessels of all kinds, a few of which were endeavoring to beat up, but the most of them lying to.","EAP" "id20662","He touched upon Latour and Markbrünnen; upon Mousseux and Chambertin; upon Richbourg and St. George; upon Haubrion, Leonville, and Medoc; upon Barac and Preignac; upon Grâve, upon Sauterne, upon Lafitte, and upon St. Peray.","EAP" "id11349","Pundit says Atlantic was the ancient adjective.","EAP" "id14155","Besides human tissue, West employed much of the reptile embryo tissue which he had cultivated with such singular results.","HPL" "id26528","I have examined maps of the city with the greatest care, yet have never again found the Rue d'Auseil.","HPL" "id25991","A word spoken in an ordinary key stood no more chance of being heard than the voice of a fish from the bottom of Niagara Falls.","EAP" "id18021","As I emerged from an intervening grove upon the plain before the ruin, I beheld in the misty moonlight a thing I had always vaguely expected.","HPL" "id15843","The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue.","EAP" "id01345","These we drew back trembling and panting with anxiety.","EAP" "id27644","Then came one January of fog and rain, when money ran low and drugs were hard to buy.","HPL" "id27403","Fish Street was as deserted as Main, though it differed in having many brick and stone warehouses still in excellent shape.","HPL" "id05217","""These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings.","MWS" "id14531","The feelings of kindness and gentleness which I had entertained but a few moments before gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth.","MWS" "id00297","He was, as one the peculiar delight of the Gods, railed and fenced in by his own divinity, so that nought but love and admiration could approach him.","MWS" "id03538","I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness, but there are moments when, if anyone performs an act of kindness towards him or does him any the most trifling service, his whole countenance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled.","MWS" "id23554","Oh the brave power of the bitter north wind which freezes the tears it has caused to shed But I will not bear this; go: the sun will rise and set as before you came, and I shall sit among the pines or wander on the heath weeping and complaining without wishing for you to listen.","MWS" "id21447","Let any one who, being at heart a lover of nature, is yet chained by duty to the dust and heat of this great metropolis let any such one attempt, even during the weekdays, to slake his thirst for solitude amid the scenes of natural loveliness which immediately surround us.","EAP" "id15494","Another thing which puzzled and disturbed me, even in some of the best preserved mansions, was the tightly shuttered condition of many third story and attic windows.","HPL" "id06902","I then replaced the boards so cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye not even his could have detected any thing wrong.","EAP" "id24335","The sum of all my investigation was, that in a kind of semi uncorporeal dream life Slater wandered or floated through resplendent and prodigious valleys, meadows, gardens, cities, and palaces of light; in a region unbounded and unknown to man.","HPL" "id23544","The vast huddle of sagging gambrel roofs and peaked gables conveyed with offensive clearness the idea of wormy decay, and as we approached along the now descending road I could see that many roofs had wholly caved in.","HPL" "id03134","I avoided my ancient comrades, and I soon lost them.","MWS" "id02904","But Adrian is alone, wifeless, childless, unoccupied.","MWS" "id12575","They were mistaken, however, for, at the first meeting, Monsieur Renelle did actually recognize and make claim to his wife.","EAP" "id04742","But this catalogue of favourites to be taken with us, could not be made without grief to think of our heavy losses, and a deep sigh for the many things we must leave behind.","MWS" "id02900","She returned for it, was seized by the gang, carried out into the stream, gagged, brutally treated, and finally taken to the shore at a point not far from that at which she had originally entered the boat with her parents.","EAP" "id01391","With the quick sensibility peculiar to his temperament, he perceived his power in the brilliant circle to be on the wane.","MWS" "id18983","Have any of you, my readers, observed the ruins of an anthill immediately after its destruction?","MWS" "id11072","A high bred face of masterful though not arrogant expression was adorned by a short iron grey full beard, and an old fashioned pince nez shielded the full, dark eyes and surmounted an aquiline nose which gave a Moorish touch to a physiognomy otherwise dominantly Celtiberian.","HPL" "id27864","It's invisible I knew it would be but there's a powder in this long distance sprayer that might make it shew up for a second.","HPL" "id15348","His good star perpetually shone upon him; a reputation had never before been made so rapidly: it was universal.","MWS" "id05482","Then, when he was free, he felt in his blouse pocket for the key; and being reassured, skipped off across the orchard to the rise beyond, where the wooded hill climbed again to heights above even the treeless knoll.","HPL" "id21887","And thus how frequently, in my intense scrutiny of Ligeia's eyes, have I felt approaching the full knowledge of their expression felt it approaching yet not quite be mine and so at length entirely depart And strange, oh strangest mystery of all I found, in the commonest objects of the universe, a circle of analogies to that expression.","EAP" "id22388","I am not Suky Snobbs.","EAP" "id13566","I must have fallen asleep from fatigue, for it was with a distinct sense of awakening that I heard the voices.","HPL" "id07632","Through these pipes came at will the odours our moods most craved; sometimes the scent of pale funeral lilies, sometimes the narcotic incense of imagined Eastern shrines of the kingly dead, and sometimes how I shudder to recall it the frightful, soul upheaving stenches of the uncovered grave.","HPL" "id01926","I have wandered here many days; the caves of ice, which I only do not fear, are a dwelling to me, and the only one which man does not grudge.","MWS" "id14879","I looked at the closed eyelids, and thought I detected a quivering.","HPL" "id19297","But I have one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy, and the absence of the object of which I now feel as a most severe evil, I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection.","MWS" "id02463","My impulse to visit and enter the temple has now become an inexplicable and imperious command which ultimately cannot be denied.","HPL" "id26572","But a circumstance which has been left out of view by those who contend for such a limit seemed to me, although no positive refutation of their creed, still a point worthy very serious investigation.","EAP" "id01805","What make him dream bout de goole so much, if taint cause he bit by de goole bug?","EAP" "id18895","Dreading to find my faint, and, as it seemed, my last hope frustrated, I so far elevated my head as to obtain a distinct view of my breast.","EAP" "id07758","When it was decided that the young Earl of Windsor should visit Cumberland, workmen arrived to put the house and grounds in order for his reception.","MWS" "id14856","My grandfather and his widowed son Walter now comprised the Cleveland household, but the memory of older times hung thickly over it.","HPL" "id20053","I am blind and cannot judge of your countenance, but there is something in your words which persuades me that you are sincere.","MWS" "id25985","Still I consoled myself with the reflection that the tide of ill luck would not run against me forever, and so determined to make a bold push for information at the rout of that bewitching little angel, the graceful Mrs. Pirouette.","EAP" "id00734","The creatures are always going off at a tangent into some fantastic employment, or ridiculous speculation, entirely at variance with the ""fitness of things,"" and having no business whatever to be considered as a business at all.","EAP" "id25968","I grew perfectly sober in an instant.","EAP" "id01548","The sun's rays were refracted from the pavement and buildings the stoppage of the public fountains the bad quality of the food, and scarcity even of that, produced a state of suffering, which was aggravated by the scourge of disease; while the garrison arrogated every superfluity to themselves, adding by waste and riot to the necessary evils of the time.","MWS" "id08842","Without the least shadow of a doubt, the lock on my hall door was being tried cautiously, furtively, tentatively with a key.","HPL" "id09628","""She is innocent, my Elizabeth,"" said I, ""and that shall be proved; fear nothing, but let your spirits be cheered by the assurance of her acquittal.""","MWS" "id13470","Numbers of men, or things which had been men, dropped to the floor and began lapping at the puddles of spilled liquor, but most remained immovable, watching the unprecedented actions of the barroom drudge and derelict.","HPL" "id15037","You had better return to London with him; you can there make the enquiries agreed upon, concerning the Earl of Windsor and visit me again to morrow, before you proceed on your journey till then, farewell"" She spoke falteringly, and concluded with a heavy sigh.","MWS" "id12941","We shall overleap time, space, and dimensions, and without bodily motion peer to the bottom of creation.","HPL" "id23989","Child of the sun, and nursling of the tropics, it would expire in these climes.","MWS" "id24445","Upon this we gave nine hearty cheers, and dropped in the sea a bottle, enclosing a slip of parchment with a brief account of the principle of the invention.","EAP" "id25988","An' jest then our folks organised the Esoteric Order o' Dagon, an' bought Masonic Hall offen Calvary Commandery for it . . .","HPL" "id15680","This warmth of affection, added to the depth of her understanding, and the brilliancy of her imagination, made her beyond words dear to Raymond.","MWS" "id23373","In that hour I should die and at once satisfy and extinguish his malice.","MWS" "id25148","D. Johns Hopkins who had once called at the farm, and who now politely plied him with questions.","HPL" "id20052","'Oppodeldoc' should learn to count.","EAP" "id06027","My father tried to awaken in me the feelings of affection.","MWS" "id26120","Utter bewilderment and the fear of madness racked Gilman as he staggered to the door and saw that there were no muddy prints outside.","HPL" "id24686","""We may imagine her thinking thus 'I am to meet a certain person for the purpose of elopement, or for certain other purposes known only to myself.","EAP" "id01009","So as the hour grew dangerously near to dawn, we did as we had done with the others dragged the thing across the meadows to the neck of the woods near the potter's field, and buried it there in the best sort of grave the frozen ground would furnish.","HPL" "id11892","""Fine writer"" said the Edinburgh.","EAP" "id18076","The sun had scarcely shone strictly speaking during the day, which nevertheless, had been unpleasantly warm.","EAP" "id25648","It was this deficiency, I considered, while running over in thought the perfect keeping of the character of the premises with the accredited character of the people, and while speculating upon the possible influence which the one, in the long lapse of centuries, might have exercised upon the other it was this deficiency, perhaps, of collateral issue, and the consequent undeviating transmission, from sire to son, of the patrimony with the name, which had, at length, so identified the two as to merge the original title of the estate in the quaint and equivocal appellation of the ""House of Usher"" an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion.","EAP" "id04894","His hands were large and heavily veined, and had a very unusual greyish blue tinge.","HPL" "id19530","""And can you tell me,"" he demanded, ""what is the meaning of a nose?"" ""A nose, my father;"" I replied, greatly softened, ""has been variously defined by about a thousand different authors.""","EAP" "id24529","No one dared do anything, and no one knew till morning whence the call came.","HPL" "id04593","This noble war in the sky elevated my spirits; I clasped my hands, and exclaimed aloud, ""William, dear angel this is thy funeral, this thy dirge"" As I said these words, I perceived in the gloom a figure which stole from behind a clump of trees near me; I stood fixed, gazing intently: I could not be mistaken.","MWS" "id12552","To be sure, the question of identity was readily determined, or should have been; but there were other points to be ascertained.","EAP" "id19687","They were Donovan, Guerrera, and Ångstrom.","HPL" "id20738","Nobody never see 'em agin.","HPL" "id07740","I agreed to leave the finishing and guardianship of the tomb to the head of the religious establishment at Athens, and by the end of October prepared for my return to England.","MWS" "id17989","I demand, and most solemnly I demand if in any way I am the cause of your unhappiness.","MWS" "id21123","He raised it to his lips with a leer.","EAP" "id16415","He spoke of the state of England; the necessary measures to be taken to ensure its security, and confirm its prosperity.","MWS" "id08017","He is at a livery stable in the Rue Dubourg, just by.","EAP" "id22715","Helas am I not ready speak de too moshe?","EAP" "id08467","The devastation was not confined to the towns, but spread throughout the country; the hunter died in the woods, the peasant in the corn fields, and the fisher on his native waters.","MWS" "id02406","You raise me from the dust by this kindness; and I trust that, by your aid, I shall not be driven from the society and sympathy of your fellow creatures.'","MWS" "id19113","The way was rocky, and made perilous by chasms, cliffs, and falling stones.","HPL" "id10980","Ahead raced the small, kaleidoscopic polyhedron, and all through the churning void there was a heightening and acceleration of the vague tonal pattern which seemed to foreshadow some unutterable and unendurable climax.","HPL" "id02563","""Hush"" said the captain, pointing to the wife and sisters of the deceased.","EAP" "id06915","No such Paradises are to be found in reality as have glowed upon the canvass of Claude.","EAP" "id26376","The dusk fell, and lights faintly gleamed in some of the distant windows, but we did not move.","HPL" "id10315","At another time I felt the huge animate things brushing past me and occasionally walking or drifting through my supposedly solid body, and thought I saw Tillinghast look at them as though his better trained senses could catch them visually.","HPL" "id27603","Seeking in Paris the objects I then sought, I felt that the society of such a man would be to me a treasure beyond price; and this feeling I frankly confided to him.","EAP" "id00234","The old man was getting hysterical, and I began to shiver with a nameless alarm.","HPL" "id08059","I had hoped it would last into the night to help our quest, but a furtive sunbeam from a knothole behind me removed the likelihood of such a thing.","HPL" "id13931","Here was a long pause.","EAP" "id17715","In this emigration I exceedingly lamented the loss of the fire which I had obtained through accident and knew not how to reproduce it.","MWS" "id14381","Then he knew he must go into the past and merge himself with old things, and day after day he thought of the hills to the north where haunted Arkham and the rushing Miskatonic and the lonely rustic homestead of his people lay.","HPL" "id01570","The fair face of Nature was deformed as with the ravages of some loathsome disease.","EAP" "id08262","As yet western Europe was uninfected; would it always be so?","MWS" "id04752","He shewed himself collected, gallant and imperial; his commands were prompt, his intuition of the events of the day to me miraculous.","MWS" "id25836","Mr. Kirwin is a magistrate, and you are to give an account of the death of a gentleman who was found murdered here last night.""","MWS" "id14579","""Urged by this impulse, I seized on the boy as he passed and drew him towards me.","MWS" "id18631","It will contain no reproaches.","MWS" "id00941","After the scene sketched in the preceding pages, Perdita had contemplated an entire change in the manners and conduct of Raymond.","MWS" "id13712","It had received three coats of varnish, and I found the cambric muslin to answer all the purposes of silk itself, quite as strong and a good deal less expensive.","EAP" "id00359","It might have been half an hour, perhaps even an hour, for I could take but imperfect note of time before I again cast my eyes upward.","EAP" "id25231","Then the two rowed to a galley in the harbour, and giving orders to the oarsmen, commenced to sail out into the billowy Cerenerian Sea that leads to the sky.","HPL" "id14571","At the last moment I decided I had better slacken my trot and make the crossing as before in the shambling gait of an average Innsmouth native.","HPL" "id18649","The difficulty of breathing, however, was diminished in a very slight degree, and I found that it would soon be positively necessary to make use of my condenser.","EAP" "id05879","The lodgers and police on that night soothed me, and the doctor administered something to quiet me, nor did anyone see what a nightmare event had taken place.","HPL" "id19370","She begged me, but with a sigh, to reconsider my proposal, and termed my love an infatuation a will o' the wisp a fancy or fantasy of the moment a baseless and unstable creation rather of the imagination than of the heart.","EAP" "id01613","A pair of stumpy bow legs supported his squat, unwieldy figure, while his unusually short and thick arms, with no ordinary fists at their extremities, swung off dangling from his sides like the fins of a sea turtle.","EAP" "id27299","I gazed; while my brain reeled with a multitude of incoherent thoughts.","EAP" "id15827","That of Jonas Ramus, which is perhaps the most circumstantial of any, cannot impart the faintest conception either of the magnificence, or of the horror of the scene or of the wild bewildering sense of the novel which confounds the beholder.","EAP" "id25711","Over the deep grave of my secret I must heap an impenetrable heap of false smiles and words: cunning frauds, treacherous laughter and a mixture of all light deceits would form a mist to blind others and be as the poisonous simoon to me.","MWS" "id17999","In this project I succeeded perfectly well at the first effort, and by the time I was fairly eighteen, found myself doing an extensive and profitable business in the Tailor's Walking Advertisement line.","EAP" "id15703","Right at the front door, in a high backed leather bottomed armed chair, with crooked legs and puppy feet like the tables, is seated the old man of the house himself.","EAP" "id13321","Klenze seemed paralysed and inefficient, as one might expect of a soft, womanish Rhinelander.","HPL" "id25850","My choice was easily made.","MWS" "id13155","His gloom, however which I considered quite natural under the circumstances, seemed entirely unabated.","EAP" "id15005","The saintly soul of Elizabeth shone like a shrine dedicated lamp in our peaceful home.","MWS" "id04614","You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.","MWS" "id22275","It was partly because of that laugh that Reid dropped him.","HPL" "id06664","I need not conjure you to look upon me as one of whom all links that once existed between us are broken.","MWS" "id09346","I but indistinctly recall the fact itself what wonder that I have utterly forgotten the circumstances which originated or attended it?","EAP" "id19869","Opposite him, and with her back to the door, was a lady of no whit the less extraordinary character.","EAP" "id10678","Could distinguish the words 'sacré' and 'diable.'","EAP" "id04745","""Where there is much show,"" he says, ""there is seldom any thing very solid behind"" an observation which so profoundly impresses his landlady's fancy, that she makes a pencil memorandum of it forthwith, in her great family Bible, on the broad margin of the Proverbs of Solomon.","EAP" "id19192","Is sure that it was not the voice of an Englishman.","EAP" "id06326","The apprehension, that Raymond had departed for ever, that his name, blended eternally with the past, must be erased from every anticipation of the future, had come slowly upon me.","MWS" "id04564","Upon finishing the perusal of this very extraordinary document, Professor Rub a dub, it is said, dropped his pipe upon the ground in the extremity of his surprise, and Mynheer Superbus Von Underduk having taken off his spectacles, wiped them, and deposited them in his pocket, so far forgot both himself and his dignity, as to turn round three times upon his heel in the quintessence of astonishment and admiration.","EAP" "id24140","I will not live the mark of suspicion, the object of jealousy.","MWS" "id09873","After some few days of pain, and many of dreamy delirium replete with ecstasy, the manifestations of which you mistook for pain, while I longed but was impotent to undeceive you after some days there came upon me, as you have said, a breathless and motionless torpor; and this was termed Death by those who stood around me. Words are vague things.","EAP" "id20320","Our Auckland correspondent gives the Emma and her crew an excellent reputation, and Johansen is described as a sober and worthy man.","HPL" "id12526","Nor was I greatly astonished at the nature of his decision.","EAP" "id12784","I had largely given over my inquiries into what Professor Angell called the ""Cthulhu Cult"", and was visiting a learned friend in Paterson, New Jersey; the curator of a local museum and a mineralogist of note.","HPL" "id10695","Most philosophers, upon many points of philosophy, are still very unphilosophical.","EAP" "id10010","When he took down the shutter the wind and rain howled deafeningly in, so that I could not hear what he said; but I waited while he leaned out and tried to fathom Nature's pandemonium.","HPL" "id15227","Some of Bullethead's remarks were really so fiery that I have always, since that time, been forced to look upon John Smith, who is still alive, in the light of a salamander.","EAP" "id11073","After the departure of her father, thought became impressed on her young brow.","MWS" "id27014","Now, how strangely unusual must that voice have really been, about which such testimony as this could have been elicited in whose tones, even, denizens of the five great divisions of Europe could recognise nothing familiar You will say that it might have been the voice of an Asiatic of an African.","EAP" "id19517","I therefore struggled alone in my endeavors to call back the spirit ill hovering.","EAP" "id03513","Thence it had been their custom, time out of mind, to migrate annually to some portion of the earth.","EAP" "id14849","Assuming this hypothesis, it would be grossly absurd to compare with the Chess Player, any similar thing of either modern or ancient days.","EAP" "id20897","""Of Madame L'Espanaye no traces were here seen; but an unusual quantity of soot being observed in the fire place, a search was made in the chimney, and horrible to relate the corpse of the daughter, head downward, was dragged therefrom; it having been thus forced up the narrow aperture for a considerable distance.","EAP" "id01538","It was after this that he cultivated deliberate illusion, and dabbled in the notions of the bizarre and the eccentric as an antidote for the commonplace.","HPL" "id08436","Despite their distance below me I at once knew they were the servants brought from the north, for I recognised the ugly and unwieldy form of the cook, whose very absurdness had now become unutterably tragic.","HPL" "id24882","Reproach is indeed an idle word: for what should I reproach you? ""Allow me in some degree to explain my feeling; without that, we shall both grope in the dark, mistaking one another; erring from the path which may conduct, one of us at least, to a more eligible mode of life than that led by either during the last few weeks.","MWS" "id18032","Where was the plague?","MWS" "id27615","Yet in a second afterward, so frail may that web have been we remember not that we have dreamed.","EAP" "id05519","Isn't that your tobacco lying there?","EAP" "id05570","They did not now guess at, and totter on the pathway, divining the mode to please, hoping, yet fearing the continuance of bliss.","MWS" "id06279","Now, in spite of all that guidance, Alfred Trever was at Sheehan's and about to take his first drink.","HPL" "id20417","""Dupin,"" said I, gravely, ""this is beyond my comprehension.","EAP" "id22443","Do you remember the story they tell of Abernethy?""","EAP" "id15366","But it is important that we find no palpable traces of suggestion.","EAP" "id09146","Family and neighbours had now fled in a panic, and when the more courageous of them returned, Slater was gone, leaving behind an unrecognisable pulp like thing that had been a living man but an hour before.","HPL" "id20653","My father loved Beaufort with the truest friendship and was deeply grieved by his retreat in these unfortunate circumstances.","MWS" "id12685","And because our reason violently deters us from the brink, therefore do we the most impetuously approach it.","EAP" "id23771","This idea I endeavored to confute, kicking and plunging with all my might, and making the most furious contortions for the operations of the surgeon had, in a measure, restored me to the possession of my faculties.","EAP" "id24800","But if the impressions of what I have termed the first stage, are not, at will, recalled, yet, after long interval, do they not come unbidden, while we marvel whence they come?","EAP" "id26996","That he was right, I soon learned from the unutterable fear which engulfed me whenever consciousness lapsed.","HPL" "id03398","My spirit will sleep in peace, or if it thinks, it will not surely think thus.","MWS" "id13653","The tears that suffused my sister's eyes when I mentioned our friend, and her heightened colour seemed to vouch for the truth of the reports that had reached me.","MWS" "id24228","""Between Lofoden and Moskoe,"" he says, ""the depth of the water is between thirty six and forty fathoms; but on the other side, toward Ver Vurrgh this depth decreases so as not to afford a convenient passage for a vessel, without the risk of splitting on the rocks, which happens even in the calmest weather.","EAP" "id06528","Punctually every sixty minutes was I aroused by my trusty chronometer, when, having emptied the pitcher into the bung hole of the keg, and performed the duties of the condenser, I retired again to bed.","EAP" "id17245","""These vaults,"" he said, ""are extensive.""","EAP" "id11000","I have before observed that it is by prominences above the plane of the ordinary, that reason feels her way, if at all, in her search for the true, and that the proper question in cases such as this, is not so much 'what has occurred?' as 'what has occurred that has never occurred before?'","EAP" "id22765","Let me hear the sweet tones of your beloved voice in peace and calm.","MWS" "id17701","People around the country and in the nearby towns muttered a great deal among themselves, but said very little to the outer world.","HPL" "id01111","With only a slight churning to mark its rise to the surface, the thing slid into view above the dark waters.","HPL" "id12089","Similar observations have been made since the Automaton has been purchased by Maelzel.","EAP" "id18827","That I am still alive and sane, is a marvel I cannot fathom.","HPL" "id24748","""Thou wilt ever be the same.","MWS" "id21007","I especially noted his new habit of muttering, for it was not like him to talk to himself.","HPL" "id00108","Death, cruel and relentless, had entered these beloved walls.","MWS" "id03118","There were two particulars, nevertheless, which I thought then, and still think, might fairly be stated as characteristic of the intonation as well adapted to convey some idea of its unearthly peculiarity.","EAP" "id04858","His last injunction to me was that I should be happy; perhaps he did not mean the shadowy happiness that I promised myself, yet it was that alone which I could taste.","MWS" "id21707","That peddler told the store loungers at Dunwich Village that he thought he heard a horse stamping on that floor above.","HPL" "id16046","Anxious to leave Washington Street, I broke into a quiet dog trot, trusting to luck not to encounter any observing eye.","HPL" "id07747","Suddenly the system of warfare was changed.","MWS" "id08114","It is related of them that they were acute in many respects, but were oddly afflicted with monomania for building what, in the ancient Amriccan, was denominated ""churches"" a kind of pagoda instituted for the worship of two idols that went by the names of Wealth and Fashion.","EAP" "id05933","The throat was greatly chafed.","EAP" "id20123","""What do you say,"" I suggested modestly, ""to my kicking him in the first instance, caning him afterwards, and winding up by tweaking his nose?""","EAP" "id04916","Had I been remanded to my dungeon, to await the next sacrifice, which would not take place for many months?","EAP" "id17380","Here, let's have the chandelier going.","HPL" "id21832","This act, however, did not prevent young Ellison from entering into possession, on his twenty first birthday, as the heir of his ancestor Seabright, of a fortune of four hundred and fifty millions of dollars.","EAP" "id08780","How refuse the offers of this generous friend?","MWS" "id24290","I had resolved in my own mind that to create another like the fiend I had first made would be an act of the basest and most atrocious selfishness, and I banished from my mind every thought that could lead to a different conclusion.","MWS" "id14847","Should he come, it will be necessary to detain him.","EAP" "id07095","This object is situated in the steeple of the House of the Town Council.","EAP" "id10867","We met other families on the Long Walk, enjoying like ourselves the return of the genial season.","MWS" "id27795","""Why, a very great deal a very liberal reward I don't like to say how much, precisely; but one thing I will say, that I wouldn't mind giving my individual check for fifty thousand francs to any one who could obtain me that letter.","EAP" "id25090","I cannot better explain my meaning than by the hypothesis that the mesmeric exaltation enables me to perceive a train of ratiocination which, in my abnormal existence, convinces, but which, in full accordance with the mesmeric phenomena, does not extend, except through its effect, into my normal condition.","EAP" "id01003","I receded to solitude; I had recourse to my books, and my desire again to enjoy the society of Adrian became a burning thirst.","MWS" "id11615","The principal door was not exactly in the main division, being a little to the east while the two windows were to the west.","EAP" "id04532","It mattered not whether the truth was even demonstrably a truth, for the bullet headed savans of the time regarded only the road by which he had attained it.","EAP" "id22684","Handsome knights they were, astride roan horses and clad in shining armour with tabards of cloth of gold curiously emblazoned.","HPL" "id08847","There was Fricassée from the Rocher de Cancale.","EAP" "id09141","It had for some time been noticed that dogs had begun to hate and fear the whole Whateley place as violently as they hated and feared young Wilbur personally.","HPL" "id11071","And thus, as a closer and still closer intimacy admitted me more unreservedly into the recesses of his spirit, the more bitterly did I perceive the futility of all attempt at cheering a mind from which darkness, as if an inherent positive quality, poured forth upon all objects of the moral and physical universe, in one unceasing radiation of gloom.","EAP" "id08483","Perhaps the first diddler was Adam.","EAP" "id06097","For my own part, I regarded them as gods, and drank in with avidity the rich wit and wisdom which continuously flowed from their august mouths during the process of what is styled ""lather.""","EAP" "id21047","She bestowed it upon Bossuet.","EAP" "id03388","This spirit gave a tone of irresistible persuasion to his intercourse with others, so that he seemed like an inspired musician, who struck, with unerring skill, the ""lyre of mind,"" and produced thence divine harmony.","MWS" "id02484","The present voodoo orgy was, indeed, on the merest fringe of this abhorred area, but that location was bad enough; hence perhaps the very place of the worship had terrified the squatters more than the shocking sounds and incidents.","HPL" "id19003","Pareamo aver qui tutto il ben raccolto Che fra mortali in piu parte si rimembra.","MWS" "id06387","The enthusiasm that inspired her with this strange joy, blinded her to the horrors about her; but they were intolerably agonizing to me.","MWS" "id10083","If this rule were always observed; if no man allowed any pursuit whatsoever to interfere with the tranquillity of his domestic affections, Greece had not been enslaved, Caesar would have spared his country, America would have been discovered more gradually, and the empires of Mexico and Peru had not been destroyed.","MWS" "id19326","I have found that a most pleasant and lucrative business, and, really, no trouble at all.","EAP" "id19164","What modern in his senses would ever think of disputing this truism?","EAP" "id22461","All were pointing to a certain passage, and every face seemed so distorted with epileptic and reverberant laughter that I almost thought I heard the fiendish echoes.","HPL" "id05417","It was not adviseable to wait this sad consummation in our native country; but travelling would give us our object for each day, that would distract our thoughts from the swift approaching end of things.","MWS" "id27964","So you are about to love her, but do not already?""","MWS" "id05622","Thus pain, which in the inorganic life is impossible, is possible in the organic.","EAP" "id00822","Why I did this was not at first apparent even to my own perception.","EAP" "id17208","I feel that I know what ought to be done, and as my presence is necessary for the accomplishment of my plans, I will take especial care to preserve my life.","MWS" "id07566","I was celebrating my coming of age by a tour of New England sightseeing, antiquarian, and genealogical and had planned to go directly from ancient Newburyport to Arkham, whence my mother's family was derived.","HPL" "id24132","The whole face of the southern declivity was covered with wild shrubbery alone an occasional silver willow or white poplar excepted.","EAP" "id11649","The sun was blazing down from a sky which seemed to me almost black in its cloudless cruelty; as though reflecting the inky marsh beneath my feet.","HPL" "id27030","Chapter Nothing is more painful to the human mind than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead calmness of inaction and certainty which follows and deprives the soul both of hope and fear.","MWS" "id10570","No printing press, but the hand of some half crazed monk, had traced these ominous Latin phrases in uncials of awesome antiquity.","HPL" "id12915","And then swiftly he dispatched his aides de camp to command the horse to fall on the routed enemy.","MWS" "id11189","Uplifting an axe, and forgetting, in my wrath, the childish dread which had hitherto stayed my hand, I aimed a blow at the animal which, of course, would have proved instantly fatal had it descended as I wished.","EAP" "id12587","Listen to me, Frankenstein.","MWS" "id16394","She could not tell the police, for they never believed such things.","HPL" "id10463","But I must try to tell what I thought I saw that night under the mocking yellow moon saw surging and hopping down the Rowley road in plain sight in front of me as I crouched among the wild brambles of that desolate railway cut.","HPL" "id22223","This, then, was the very creature of which I was in search.","EAP" "id19410","At length Perdita dismissed her.","MWS" "id10927","Wait till I tell yer Uncle Chris when he gits hum Ye'd orta know these here woods ain't no fitten place to be traipsin' this hour They's things abroad what dun't do nobody no good, as my gran'sir' knowed afur me.","HPL" "id27791","As soon as Dombrowski left it the pall of its final desolation began to descend, for people shunned it both on account of its old reputation and because of the new foetid odour.","HPL" "id19159","I was for some time ignorant of this and thought that my excessive weakness was the consequence of the fever; sic But my strength became less and less; as winter came on I had a cough; and my sunken cheek, before pale, burned with a hectic fever.","MWS" "id27196","He will, I believe, some time be heard from as one of the great decadents; for he has crystallised in clay and will one day mirror in marble those nightmares and phantasies which Arthur Machen evokes in prose, and Clark Ashton Smith makes visible in verse and in painting.","HPL" "id04859","I judge from this circumstance, as well as from an air of exhaustion in the countenance of my friend, that he had not retired to bed during the whole of the preceding night.","EAP" "id24734","So little is known of what went on beneath the surface so little, yet such a ghastly festering as it bubbles up putrescently in occasional ghoulish glimpses.","HPL" "id06815","Now, I looked on the evening star, as softly and calmly it hung pendulous in the orange hues of sunset.","MWS" "id07526","As I thought of him new terrors convulsed me, and I fell to the floor; not fainting, but physically helpless.","HPL" "id20393","He watched and listened with his mind more than with his eyes and ears, and strove every moment to drown something in his ceaseless poring over gay, insipid novels.","HPL" "id14174","In about twenty minutes our first buoy dipped, and at the touch of the second soon afterwards, we remained stationary as to elevation.","EAP" "id25150","""Oh, my Gawd, my Gawd,"" the voice choked out.","HPL" "id12895","When rocked by the waves of the lake my spirits rose in triumph as a horseman feels with pride the motions of his high fed steed.","MWS" "id11795","I had begun life with benevolent intentions and thirsted for the moment when I should put them in practice and make myself useful to my fellow beings.","MWS" "id16620","""Cowards"" exclaimed their general, exasperated, ""give me an hatchet I alone will enter I will plant your standard; and when you see it wave from yon highest minaret, you may gain courage, and rally round it"" One of the officers now came forward: ""General,"" he said, ""we neither fear the courage, nor arms, the open attack, nor secret ambush of the Moslems.","MWS" "id21086","There was a large estate with a mansion attached to it, belonging to this family, at Ulswater.","MWS" "id19123","She would wander out at night to get food, and returned home, pleased that she had met no one, that she was in no danger from the plague.","MWS" "id11860","The curse of Allah is on Stamboul, share ye her fate.""","MWS" "id25084","The prospect did not move me to fear; yet when I thought of my beloved Elizabeth, of her tears and endless sorrow, when she should find her lover so barbarously snatched from her, tears, the first I had shed for many months, streamed from my eyes, and I resolved not to fall before my enemy without a bitter struggle.","MWS" "id03873","I was sorry I had put out the light, yet was too tired to rise and turn it on again.","HPL" "id13852","Instead there was a clatter of people coming up with lanterns, for the spell of phantasmal silence had broken, and I once more heard sounds and saw figures as normally tri dimensional.","HPL" "id22309","Someone telephoned the news to the Aylesbury Transcript; but the editor, accustomed to wild tales from Dunwich, did no more than concoct a humorous paragraph about it; an item soon afterward reproduced by the Associated Press.","HPL" "id03787","Whatever may be said against the abuses of the artificial landscape gardening, a mixture of pure art in a garden scene adds to it a great beauty.","EAP" "id27805","His age was perhaps thirty five, but the odd, deep creases in the sides of his neck made him seem older when one did not study his dull, expressionless face.","HPL" "id04986","Let us now revert to the interior of the room.","EAP" "id00357","As for the Innsmouth people the youth hardly knew what to make of them.","HPL" "id26798","At one time I fancied I had gone mad this was when, on wondering how our way was lighted in the absence of lamp or candle, I realised that the ancient ring on my finger was glowing with eerie radiance, diffusing a pallid lustre through the damp, heavy air around.","HPL" "id11094","I cannot tell you how it adds to my grief to know that I am the cause of uneasiness to you; but this will pass away, and I hope that soon we shall be as we were a few months ago.","MWS" "id15457","Let him confide his misery to another heart and half the weight of it will be lightened.","MWS" "id07253","Now, after a moment of silence during which the walker may have been inspecting my bicycle in the hall, I heard a fumbling at the latch and saw the panelled portal swing open again.","HPL" "id04375","His genius was transcendant, and when it rose as a bright star in the east all eyes were turned towards it in admiration.","MWS" "id12391","In that palace there were also many galleries, and many amphitheatres where lions and men and elephants battled at the pleasure of the kings.","HPL" "id04578","One of very remarkable character, and of which the circumstances may be fresh in the memory of some of my readers, occurred, not very long ago, in the neighboring city of Baltimore, where it occasioned a painful, intense, and widely extended excitement.","EAP" "id12541","For myself, I will not voluntarily seek death, that is, I will not, while I can command myself; and I can here.","MWS" "id21811","At length we saw the numerous steeples of London, St. Paul's towering above all, and the Tower famed in English history.","MWS" "id21200","I told the servants not to disturb the family, and went into the library to attend their usual hour of rising.","MWS" "id18355","He was hideously sure that in unrecalled dreams he had talked with both Brown Jenkin and the old woman, and that they had been urging him to go somewhere with them and to meet a third being of greater potency.","HPL" "id15100","Windham and Allbreath were his favorite writers, his favorite artist, Phiz.","EAP" "id21663","But I concealed my feelings by an appearance of hilarity that brought smiles and joy to the countenance of my father, but hardly deceived the ever watchful and nicer eye of Elizabeth.","MWS" "id21491","No word of comment followed; each reader made his own fearful one.","MWS" "id11190","Ol' Cap'n Obed done it him that faound aout more'n was good fer him in the Saouth Sea islands.","HPL" "id26360","Round and round we swept not with any uniform movement but in dizzying swings and jerks, that sent us sometimes only a few hundred yards sometimes nearly the complete circuit of the whirl.","EAP" "id00220","There was neither jealousy, inquietude, or mistrust in his sentiment; it was devotion and faith.","MWS" "id10436","We landed, and proceeded to Paris.","MWS" "id17615","""My dear madam,"" said he, evidently struck with my majestic appearance, for I had on the crimson satin, with the green agraffas, and orange colored auriclas.","EAP" "id07354","What fools we two are Mr. Rumgudgeon, the matter stands thus: the earth, you know, is twenty four thousand miles in circumference.","EAP" "id06622","When Tillinghast said these things I remonstrated, for I knew him well enough to be frightened rather than amused; but he was a fanatic, and drove me from the house.","HPL" "id25151","Considerable talk was started when Silas Bishop of the undecayed Bishops mentioned having seen the boy running sturdily up that hill ahead of his mother about an hour before the blaze was remarked.","HPL" "id13230","Chapter ""Cursed, cursed creator Why did I live?","MWS" "id21157","I am a methodical man.","EAP" "id19970","Once inside one of the decrepit brick structures I would have to reckon with pursuit; but I hoped to descend and dodge in and out of yawning doorways along the shadowed courtyard, eventually getting to Washington Street and slipping out of town toward the south.","HPL" "id19225","Most of the students went home, or to various duties, as the evening advanced; but West persuaded me to aid him in ""making a night of it"".","HPL" "id25078","My trifling occupations take up my time and amuse me, and I am rewarded for any exertions by seeing none but happy, kind faces around me.","MWS" "id09840","Disease a fatal disease, fell like the simoon upon her frame; and, even while I gazed upon her, the spirit of change swept over her, pervading her mind, her habits, and her character, and, in a manner the most subtle and terrible, disturbing even the identity of her person Alas the destroyer came and went and the victim where is she?","EAP" "id00001","Idris was well content with this resolve of mine.","MWS" "id16031","I am by no means naturally nervous, and the very few glasses of Lafitte which I had sipped served to embolden me no little, so that I felt nothing of trepidation, but merely uplifted my eyes with a leisurely movement, and looked carefully around the room for the intruder.","EAP" "id19141","The notes, you see, amount to a very considerable sum.","EAP" "id02152","""Strange you shouldn't know me, though, isn't it?","EAP" "id12220","The convex surface of any segment of a sphere is, to the entire surface of the sphere itself, as the versed sine of the segment to the diameter of the sphere.","EAP" "id08897","S'pose they musta had, arter all, them old magic signs as the sea things says was the only things they was afeard of.","HPL" "id25571","In other angles were two other similar boxes, far less reverenced, indeed, but still greatly matters of awe.","EAP" "id03886","I would wish them to seek out for me, in the details I am about to give, some little oasis of fatality amid a wilderness of error.","EAP" "id07524","I rap him up in de paper and stuff piece ob it in he mouff dat was de way."" ""And you think, then, that your master was really bitten by the beetle, and that the bite made him sick?"" ""I do n't tink noffin about it I nose it.","EAP" "id17731","I dare say you would like to take a peep at the divinity of the temple.","EAP" "id21611","Artillery and arms were collected; the remnants of such regiments, as could be brought through many losses into any show of muster, were put under arms, with that appearance of military discipline which might encourage our own party, and seem most formidable to the disorganized multitude of our enemies.","MWS" "id07173","""So well satisfied, however, was Mr. Mason of the ultimate success of his invention, that he determined to construct immediately, if possible, a balloon of sufficient capacity to test the question by a voyage of some extent the original design being to cross the British Channel, as before, in the Nassau balloon.","EAP" "id09606","With your left hand you caressed him and kept him off, while your right, holding the parchment, was permitted to fall listlessly between your knees, and in close proximity to the fire.","EAP" "id05188","From whatever direction the daemon might come, our potential escape was provided.","HPL" "id04682","She was not content that, even for a time, he should practice concealment with her.","MWS" "id18613","We walked together in the gardens and in the evening when I would have retired he asked me to stay and read to him; and first said, ""When I was last here your mother read Dante to me; you shall go on where she left off.""","MWS" "id13252","Soon after Idris, who was at the harp, turned to that passionate and sorrowful air in Figaro, ""Porgi, amor, qualche risforo,"" in which the deserted Countess laments the change of the faithless Almaviva.","MWS" "id21711","It would afford me a chance of bringing to a kind of test the truth of a surmise, which, more than anything else, had influenced me in attempting this ascension.","EAP" "id17521","The pictures drawn in these books were so vivid, that we seemed to have experienced the results depicted by them.","MWS" "id02423","""I have powers; my countrymen think well of them.","MWS" "id00980","""Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the meantime he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection.","MWS" "id14479","Such was his choice: he expected to die.","MWS" "id23371","Then I spoke with the bearded man, and told him of my new yearnings to depart for remote Cathuria, which no man hath seen, but which all believe to lie beyond the basalt pillars of the West.","HPL" "id12815","I had one female servant who spent the greater part of the day at a village two miles off.","MWS" "id00429","But to convince you that selfish feeling does not entirely engross me I shall remain in this town untill you have made by letter every arrangement that you judge necessary.","MWS" "id16379","As time wore along, his absorption in the irregular wall and ceiling of his room increased; for he began to read into the odd angles a mathematical significance which seemed to offer vague clues regarding their purpose.","HPL" "id13930","I had read many scrolls out of Syria and Ægyptus, and the cryptic towns of Etruria, and had talked at length with the bloodthirsty priest of Diana Aricina in his temple in the woods bordering Lacus Nemorensis.","HPL" "id19716","Let us know the full history of 'the officer,' with his present circumstances, and his whereabouts at the precise period of the murder.","EAP" "id08808","He might dissect, anatomize, and give names; but, not to speak of a final cause, causes in their secondary and tertiary grades were utterly unknown to him.","MWS" "id27197","I was in the wrong to commence a system of concealment; but I did it for the sake of sparing you pain; and each day has rendered it more difficult for me to alter my plan.","MWS" "id22030","My father, Thomas Bob, Esq., stood for many years at the summit of his profession, which was that of a merchant barber, in the city of Smug.","EAP" "id24778","It was altogether unnecessary to devote seven or eight pages for the purpose of proving what no one in his senses would deny viz: that the wonderful mechanical genius of Baron Kempelen could invent the necessary means for shutting a door or slipping aside a pannel, with a human agent too at his service in actual contact with the pannel or the door, and the whole operations carried on, as the author of the Essay himself shows, and as we shall attempt to show more fully hereafter, entirely out of reach of the observation of the spectators.","EAP" "id00682","The moon, now near the zenith, shone weirdly and vividly above the towering steeps that hemmed in the chasm, and revealed the fact that a far flung body of water flowed at the bottom, winding out of sight in both directions, and almost lapping my feet as I stood on the slope.","HPL" "id01403","Baleful primal trees of unholy size, age, and grotesqueness leered above me like the pillars of some hellish Druidic temple; muffling the thunder, hushing the clawing wind, and admitting but little rain.","HPL" "id19544","As he walked among other men he seemed encompassed with a heavenly halo that divided him from and lifted him above them.","MWS" "id25125","As, however, the day broke more distinctly in our approach to the outskirts of the city, my tormentor, arising and adjusting his shirt collar, thanked me in a very friendly manner for my civility.","EAP" "id18822","My aunt conceived a great attachment for her, by which she was induced to give her an education superior to that which she had at first intended.","MWS" "id20500","I folded my arms upon my bosom, and roamed easily to and fro.","EAP" "id26280","Into the north window of my chamber glows the Pole Star with uncanny light.","HPL" "id10886","There were many dear friends whom we must not leave behind, humble though they were.","MWS" "id12368","Your years surpass in some measure my own.","EAP" "id19460","Those were the last moments of my life during which I enjoyed the feeling of happiness.","MWS" "id00227","An inappropriate hour, a jarring lighting effect, or a clumsy manipulation of the damp sod, would almost totally destroy for us that ecstatic titillation which followed the exhumation of some ominous, grinning secret of the earth.","HPL" "id11731","Nothing can be put back now.","HPL" "id19287","I might never have known Dr. Muñoz had it not been for the heart attack that suddenly seized me one forenoon as I sat writing in my room.","HPL" "id22986","She embraced Elizabeth and said in a voice of half suppressed emotion, ""Farewell, sweet lady, dearest Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend; may heaven, in its bounty, bless and preserve you; may this be the last misfortune that you will ever suffer Live, and be happy, and make others so.""","MWS" "id00995","You will find a happy, cheerful home and friends who love you dearly.","MWS" "id06265","It would perhaps have been easier to keep my thoughts from disturbing topics had the room not been so gruesomely musty.","HPL" "id23995","I will content myself with saying, in addition, that my temperament is sanguine, rash, ardent, enthusiastic and that all my life I have been a devoted admirer of the women.","EAP" "id03242","I did not pretend to enter into the merits of the case, yet I inclined towards the opinions of the hero, whose extinction I wept, without precisely understanding it.","MWS" "id11155","When engaged in meditation about the game he has no time to think of setting in motion the mechanism of the Automaton by which are moved the head and the eyes.","EAP" "id06492","Dr. Muñoz, most certainly, was a man of birth, cultivation, and discrimination.","HPL" "id19182","""This wound will probably shorten my life, having shattered a frame, weak of itself.","MWS" "id14342","Once we fancied that a large, opaque body darkened the library window when the moon was shining against it, and another time we thought we heard a whirring or flapping sound not far off.","HPL" "id20475","It was then ejected by a small valve at the bottom of the car the dense air readily sinking into the thinner atmosphere below.","EAP" "id22230","There must remain with me a certain control over the extent and duration of my repose.","EAP" "id02445","This collection frightens away most of the small boys who love to taunt the Terrible Old Man about his long white hair and beard, or to break the small paned windows of his dwelling with wicked missiles; but there are other things which frighten the older and more curious folk who sometimes steal up to the house to peer in through the dusty panes.","HPL" "id25547","Such was the power of man over the elements; a power long sought, and lately won; yet foretold in by gone time by the prince of poets, whose verses I quoted much to the astonishment of my pilot, when I told him how many hundred years ago they had been written: Oh human wit, thou can'st invent much ill, Thou searchest strange arts: who would think by skill, An heavy man like a light bird should stray, And through the empty heavens find a way?","MWS" "id11755","These figures were seldom completely human, but often approached humanity in varying degree.","HPL" "id02539","Large stocks of firs and pine trees, after being absorbed by the current, rise again broken and torn to such a degree as if bristles grew upon them.","EAP" "id24873","Yet the houses remained, despite the ravages of the years and the storms and worms, for they had been made to serve many a generation.","HPL" "id00897","My wanderings amid such scenes have been many, and far searching, and often solitary; and the interest with which I have strayed through many a dim, deep valley, or gazed into the reflected Heaven of many a bright lake, has been an interest greatly deepened by the thought that I have strayed and gazed alone.","EAP" "id12631","My first real knowledge of myself was as an unprotected orphan among the valleys and fells of Cumberland.","MWS" "id20929","I had been excited to the utmost by the proceedings of the day, and now more than ever by the passionate language of Raymond.","MWS" "id25257","But the most baffling thing was the inability of anyone to place the recorded parents of the young woman Enoch and Lydia Meserve Marsh among the known families of New Hampshire.","HPL" "id04636","Raymond began the conversation somewhat abruptly.","MWS" "id20333","With this work Romero and I were not connected, wherefore our first knowledge of extraordinary conditions came from others.","HPL" "id06909","I could scarcely get rid of it for an instant.","EAP" "id14667","The old man was panting, and perspiring profusely.","HPL" "id25426","""You do not comprehend?"" he said.","EAP" "id11880","After a number of calculations West decided that it represented some secret chamber beneath the tomb of the Averills, where the last interment had been made in .","HPL" "id11077","I struck several matches in succession, and desperately regretted the improvidence which had caused us long ago to use up the few candles we carried.","HPL" "id22962","A very ""fine old English gentleman,"" was my grand uncle Rumgudgeon, but unlike him of the song, he had his weak points.","EAP" "id24024","You say that ""but for the necessity of the rudimental life"" there would have been no stars.","EAP" "id20132","In the meantime I took every precaution to defend my person in case the fiend should openly attack me.","MWS" "id22959","In the present posture of affairs, M. Beauvais appears to have the whole matter locked up in his head.","EAP" "id12648","This condition was nearly unaltered for a quarter of an hour.","EAP" "id08681","Of graves and tombs I knew and imagined much, but had on account of my peculiar temperament been kept from all personal contact with churchyards and cemeteries.","HPL" "id20378","The darkness, however, was now total; and we could only feel that he was standing in our midst.","EAP" "id18338","They were Huguenots from Caude, and had encountered much opposition before the Providence selectmen allowed them to settle in the town.","HPL" "id02500","""You are sorrowful, my love.","MWS" "id23572","If we imagine this to be the case, the difficulty of shifting the partitions vanishes at once, if indeed any such difficulty could be supposed under any circumstances to exist.","EAP" "id16518","The origin of the diddle is referrable to the infancy of the Human Race.","EAP" "id06116","The first secret that had existed between them was the visits of Raymond to Evadne.","MWS" "id10517","There I was, full in his view, with blacking and brushes.","EAP" "id24330","""We are now,"" he continued, in that particularizing manner which distinguished him ""we are now close upon the Norwegian coast in the sixty eighth degree of latitude in the great province of Nordland and in the dreary district of Lofoden.","EAP" "id18273","We got into his carriage, and proceeded towards Windsor.","MWS" "id23185","Nor did anything that had been alive come alive from the ruins.","HPL" "id01022","This is about all that I personally know of the now immortal Von Kempelen; but I have thought that even these few details would have interest for the public.","EAP" "id18392","There is a gush of entrancing melody; there is an oppressive sense of strange sweet odor, there is a dream like intermingling to the eye of tall slender Eastern trees bosky shrubberies flocks of golden and crimson birds lily fringed lakes meadows of violets, tulips, poppies, hyacinths, and tuberoses long intertangled lines of silver streamlets and, upspringing confusedly from amid all, a mass of semi Gothic, semi Saracenic architecture sustaining itself by miracle in mid air, glittering in the red sunlight with a hundred oriels, minarets, and pinnacles; and seeming the phantom handiwork, conjointly, of the Sylphs, of the Fairies, of the Genii and of the Gnomes.","EAP" "id13435","As the evening approached, the channel grew more narrow, the banks more and more precipitous; and these latter were clothed in rich, more profuse, and more sombre foliage.","EAP" "id15779","We had at last what West had always longed for a real dead man of the ideal kind, ready for the solution as prepared according to the most careful calculations and theories for human use.","HPL" "id02646","But, even where an edge is presented, two thorns will be necessary, operating, the one in two distinct directions, and the other in one.","EAP" "id17662","Let me lay my head near your heart; let me die in your arms"" He sunk to the earth fainting, while I, nearly as lifeless, gazed on him in despair.","MWS" "id23308","I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the only objects that pressed upon me.","MWS" "id13548","I'm going to burn his accursed diary, and if you men are wise you'll dynamite that altar stone up there, and pull down all the rings of standing stones on the other hills.","HPL" "id09322","But now, when I appeared almost within grasp of my foe, my hopes were suddenly extinguished, and I lost all trace of him more utterly than I had ever done before.","MWS" "id21784","""I loved you I love you neither anger nor pride dictates these lines; but a feeling beyond, deeper, and more unalterable than either.","MWS" "id03235","All honour was now his, since the Tyrant of Syracuse would have the work of none save him or Kalos.","HPL" "id19849","Having planned all this, I immediately took leave, and went in search of Talbot, but, on the way, I could not refrain from stepping into a hotel, for the purpose of inspecting the miniature; and this I did by the powerful aid of the glasses.","EAP" "id02412","And when the red Aldebaran had crawled more than half way around the horizon, there were again darkness and silence.","HPL" "id06136","A wavering flicker of light shewed through my transom, and the boards of the corridor began to groan with a ponderous load.","HPL" "id17224","The upper part, where it had been doubled and folded, was all mildewed and rotten, and tore on being opened.'","EAP" "id00211","""There are various other tones of equal celebrity, but I shall mention only two more the tone transcendental and the tone heterogeneous.","EAP" "id16934","Raymond was as usual courteous, though there was, on occasions, an unbidden haughtiness, or painful abruptness in his manners, which startled his gentle friend; his brow was not clouded but disdain sat on his lips, and his voice was harsh.","MWS" "id19915","At every inn where we changed horses we heard of him, and I was possessed by alternate hope and fear.","MWS" "id06234","Somehaow or other, though, he never would let him see one of the reg'lar things from right aout o' the water.","HPL" "id01238","I did not strap on the strait jacket as was customary when he slept, since I saw that he was too feeble to be dangerous, even if he woke in mental disorder once more before passing away.","HPL" "id25341","The light seemed now to be more like a rain or hail of small violet particles than like a continuous beam.","HPL" "id21624","Indeed, every appearance warranted me in apprehending a Simoom.","EAP" "id01250","""At length my eyes, in going the circuit of the room, fell upon a trumpery fillagree card rack of pasteboard, that hung dangling by a dirty blue ribbon, from a little brass knob just beneath the middle of the mantel piece.","EAP" "id26426","By complying with his suicidal request I could immediately free myself from one who was no longer a companion but a menace.","HPL" "id14492","She dared not be present at the contest; yet she remained at home a prey to double solicitude.","MWS" "id11358","This was precisely what had formed the subject of my reflections.","EAP" "id25135","She appeared to be fainting, and no attendants were within call.","EAP" "id25566","And one night, sitting alone in the darkness of the olive grove, Kalos died.","HPL" "id16151","What relation it had to the French ravings of Rhoby Harris and other inhabitants of the shunned house, imagination or future discovery alone could determine.","HPL" "id22336","Perdita looked up; she saw his angry glance; his hand was on the lock of the door.","MWS" "id26939","Then, very softly and slowly, the acre great panel began to give inward at the top; and they saw that it was balanced.","HPL" "id13473","He looked down into the low unquiet shrubbery, and up into the tall primeval trees, and up higher at the rustling heaven, and into the crimson moon.","EAP" "id27060","He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure.","MWS" "id25087","But, leaving this tide out of question, it may be said that very few human bodies will sink at all, even in fresh water, of their own accord.","EAP" "id16107","This party made off immediately, and, after undergoing much suffering, finally arrived, in safety, at Ocracoke Inlet, on the third day after the wreck.","EAP" "id19904","My reflections, be sure, were of no consolatory kind.","EAP" "id06656","I have often wondered at the subject of her verses, and at the English dress of the Latin poet.","MWS" "id12056","They lived in immense houses along Washington Street, and several were reputed to harbour in concealment certain living kinsfolk whose personal aspect forbade public view, and whose deaths had been reported and recorded.","HPL" "id24950","The water far below was very abundant, and I could see two vigorous sets of falls upstream on my right and at least one downstream on my left.","HPL" "id21369","From the circumstances of the observation, it is evident that the cause of this phenomenon is not either in our air, in the tube, in the moon, or in the eye of the spectator, but must be looked for in something an atmosphere?","EAP" "id02193","And I lay close within my covert and observed the actions of the man.","EAP" "id24946","But you will, I hope, soon quit this melancholy abode, for doubtless evidence can easily be brought to free you from the criminal charge.""","MWS" "id17007","I stood petrified with horror and rage.","EAP" "id25795","The means of egress employed by the murderers.","EAP" "id11893","There had been servants Ann White especially who would not use the cellar kitchen, and at least three well defined legends bore upon the queer quasi human or diabolic outlines assumed by tree roots and patches of mould in that region.","HPL" "id19484","At the foot of this sublime chasm, a fertile laughing valley reached from sea to sea, and beyond was spread the blue Aegean, sprinkled with islands, the light waves glancing beneath the sun.","MWS" "id08206","Thus will he inevitably commit himself, at once, to his political destruction.","EAP" "id04137","As night drew on, Madame Rogêt who was an infirm old lady, seventy years of age, was heard to express a fear ""that she should never see Marie again;"" but this observation attracted little attention at the time.","EAP" "id24208","Old Benijah Corey had been his Uncle Christopher's hired man, and was aged even in those far off times of his boyhood visits.","HPL" "id25387","They from outside will help, but they cannot take body without human blood.","HPL" "id01785","With this friend, Joel Manton, I had often languidly disputed.","HPL" "id05600","His downfall, too, will not be more precipitate than awkward.","EAP" "id02534","Still Adrian was unable to guess the truth; he entreated them to visit us at Windsor, and they promised to come during the following month.","MWS" "id00064","""When my dearest aunt died every one was too much occupied in their own grief to notice poor Justine, who had attended her during her illness with the most anxious affection.","MWS" "id02155","He told me it was an old German viol player, a strange dumb man who signed his name as Erich Zann, and who played evenings in a cheap theatre orchestra; adding that Zann's desire to play in the night after his return from the theatre was the reason he had chosen this lofty and isolated garret room, whose single gable window was the only point on the street from which one could look over the terminating wall at the declivity and panorama beyond.","HPL" "id26193","When he had gone, D came from the window, whither I had followed him immediately upon securing the object in view.","EAP" "id23982","The family is connected, in some way, with Maelzel, of Automaton chess player memory.","EAP" "id00856","Bringing his right arm across his breast he actuates the little machinery necessary to guide the left arm and the fingers of the figure.","EAP" "id10087","Let it not be supposed, from what I have just said, that I am detailing any mystery, or penning any romance.","EAP" "id13198","This reflection suggested some meaning some relevancy in the death's head.","EAP" "id18339","As we went he reminded me of what I was to say and do, yet, strange to say, I entered the chamber without having once reflected on my purpose.","MWS" "id06831","Some one did introduce me to the gentleman, I am sure at some public meeting, I know very well held about something of great importance, no doubt at some place or other, I feel convinced, whose name I have unaccountably forgotten.","EAP" "id17410","By the bye, gentlemen, this this is a very well constructed house.""","EAP" "id16799","On hearing this word, Felix came up hastily to the lady, who, when she saw him, threw up her veil, and I beheld a countenance of angelic beauty and expression.","MWS" "id07784","Few people had discovered some cowardice and much infirmity of purpose under this imposing exterior.","MWS" "id16197","Manton remained thoughtful as I said this, but gradually reverted to his analytical mood.","HPL" "id21094","After so long a period of an absorbing melancholy that resembled madness in its intensity and effects, he was glad to find that I was capable of taking pleasure in the idea of such a journey, and he hoped that change of scene and varied amusement would, before my return, have restored me entirely to myself.","MWS" "id15275","Evadne made it her earnest request that the tale of their loves should not be revealed to his mother; and after for a while contesting the point, he yielded it to her.","MWS" "id04819","Then they both started for the outer door; the woman lamely creeping, and the old man, after picking up the very book I had been reading, beckoning me as he drew his hood over that unmoving face or mask.","HPL" "id03499","The disposition of Old Bugs was as odd as his aspect.","HPL" "id25333","By reaching to the distance of two feet and a half we now suppose the shutter open to its whole extent a robber might have taken a firm grasp upon the trellis work.","EAP" "id18929","The murderous mark of the fiend's grasp was on her neck, and the breath had ceased to issue from her lips.","MWS" "id00035","He was good for nothing that morning, and stayed away from all his classes.","HPL" "id07229","The only objection which occurred to me was, that the terms ""contemptible vagabond"" might have been better written ""odious and contemptible, wretch, villain and vagabond.""","EAP" "id06076","Viscous obstacles were clawed through in rapid succession, and at length I felt that we had been borne to realms of greater remoteness than any we had previously known.","HPL" "id19094","She answered that I was right, and might do with her as I pleased.","MWS" "id18868","Ambition turned his thoughts from these designs ambition, which labouring through various lets and hindrances, had now led him to the summit of his hopes, in making him Lord Protector of England.","MWS" "id15812","The throat of the old lady was not merely cut, but the head absolutely severed from the body: the instrument was a mere razor.","EAP" "id21000","Know yourself, Raymond, and your indignation will cease; your complacency return.","MWS" "id11089","Let fancy pourtray the joyous scene of the twentieth of June, such as even now my aching heart recalls it.","MWS" "id17983","I was an outcast and a vagabond, when Adrian gently threw over me the silver net of love and civilization, and linked me inextricably to human charities and human excellence.","MWS" "id08242","There was somthing in those dark deep orbs so liquid, and intense that even in happiness I could never meet their full gaze that mine did not overflow.","MWS" "id15644","The original, for instance, is long, and verbose, is headed ""A Pocket Book Lost"" and requires the treasure, when found, to be left at No. Tom Street.","EAP" "id03632","I had but one consolation in the fact that the imitation, apparently, was noticed by myself alone, and that I had to endure only the knowing and strangely sarcastic smiles of my namesake himself.","EAP" "id26595","Let us converse of familiar things, in the old familiar language of the world which has so fearfully perished.","EAP" "id21009","I was always conscious of my state when my wild thoughts seemed to drive me to insanity, and never betrayed them to aught but silence and solitude.","MWS" "id11672","This ballast being discarded, and a clear sunshine evaporating the dew, and at the same time expanding the gas in the silk, the whole will again rapidly ascend.","EAP" "id27786","Still he had many friends, admirers of his transcendent talents; his presence in the house, his eloquence, address and imposing beauty, were calculated to produce an electric effect.","MWS" "id27900","He was of opinion that the moon was called Bendis in Thrace, Bubastis in Egypt, Dian in Rome, and Artemis in Greece.","EAP" "id04267","As she departed I turned my eyes in an inquiring manner toward my host.","EAP" "id22541","""Do not catechise me, Lionel; I will do my duty by her, be assured.","MWS" "id13368","But at last I am going to defy the ban on speech about this thing.","HPL" "id12450","He heard of the passing events of the day; he knew that, if he returned, and resumed his place in society, the entrance was still open, and it required but the will, to surround himself at once with the associations and habits of boyhood.","MWS" "id06513","We were not long after this necessary arrangement in effecting an escape from the dungeons of the sepulchre.","EAP" "id00706","I questioned the nervous Mexican, repeating the sounds I had heard: ""El coyote?","HPL" "id16446","In spite of her coldness and long absence, he welcomed her with sensibility, displaying such affection as sought to heal the wounds of pride and sorrow, and was repulsed only by her total apparent want of sympathy.","MWS" "id04265","""They's more abaout him as I knows than I kin tell ye, Mamie,"" she said, ""an' naowadays they's more nor what I know myself.","HPL" "id17556","Another storm enlightened Jura with faint flashes; and another darkened and sometimes disclosed the Mole, a peaked mountain to the east of the lake.","MWS" "id08577","Jostling King Pest through the open trap, the valiant Legs slammed the door down upon him with an oath, and strode towards the centre of the room.","EAP" "id03396","Soon after, however, Felix approached with another man; I was surprised, as I knew that he had not quitted the cottage that morning, and waited anxiously to discover from his discourse the meaning of these unusual appearances.","MWS" "id06120","The great wonder was, how Wyatt had been entrapped into such a match.","EAP" "id00131","I am glad now to feel the current of thought flow through my mind, as the blood through the articulations of my frame; mere existence is pleasure; and I thank God that I live ""And all ye happy nurslings of mother earth, do ye not echo my words?","MWS" "id20292","I came in during the interval between the third and fourth act.","MWS" "id10562","As soon as he beheld my form, he placed his hands before his eyes and uttered a shrill scream; I drew his hand forcibly from his face and said, 'Child, what is the meaning of this?","MWS" "id06534","The fact is, that each and every one of the Magazines in question, gave Mr. ""Oppodeldoc"" a complete using up, in the ""Monthly Notices to Correspondents.""","EAP" "id25544","So came he one night to the squalid cot of an antique shepherd, bent and dirty, who kept lean flocks on a stony slope above a quicksand marsh.","HPL" "id18412","The next day both youths felt very tired, and knew they would sleep like logs when night came.","HPL" "id07584","But little time will be left me to ponder upon my destiny the circles rapidly grow small we are plunging madly within the grasp of the whirlpool and amid a roaring, and bellowing, and thundering of ocean and of tempest, the ship is quivering, oh God and going down.","EAP" "id18425","Trepanning was accomplished successfully.","EAP" "id26007","When I returned home my first care was to procure the whole works of this author, and afterwards of Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus.","MWS" "id00685","The neighbouring minister was engaged to give me lessons in reading, writing and french, but he was without family and his manners even to me were always perfectly characteristic of the profession in the exercise of whose functions he chiefly shone, that of a schoolmaster.","MWS" "id08806","With simplicity and courage she set aside the prejudices and opposition which were obstacles to my happiness, nor scrupled to give her hand, where she had given her heart.","MWS" "id12821","He was deeply read in books of chivalry and romance.","MWS" "id07867","Diana smelled the rat.","EAP" "id22543","It was after one tremendous day when his eyes had glared on me like lightning and his voice sharp and broken seemed unable to express the extent of his emotion that in the evening when I was alone he joined me with a calm countenance, and not noticing my tears which I quickly dried when he approached, told me that in three days that sic he intended to remove with me to his estate in Yorkshire, and bidding me prepare left me hastily as if afraid of being questioned.","MWS" "id16705","Besides, in drawing the picture of my early days, I also record those events which led, by insensible steps, to my after tale of misery, for when I would account to myself for the birth of that passion which afterwards ruled my destiny I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources; but, swelling as it proceeded, it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.","MWS" "id18489","We spent two months together in this house.","MWS" "id07395","Endlessly down the horsemen floated, their chargers pawing the aether as if galloping over golden sands; and then the luminous vapours spread apart to reveal a greater brightness, the brightness of the city Celephaïs, and the sea coast beyond, and the snowy peak overlooking the sea, and the gaily painted galleys that sail out of the harbour toward distant regions where the sea meets the sky.","HPL" "id25481","They know our infantine dispositions, which, however they may be afterwards modified, are never eradicated; and they can judge of our actions with more certain conclusions as to the integrity of our motives.","MWS" "id21804","Upon these two words, therefore, I have mainly built my hopes of a full solution of the riddle.","EAP" "id09331","Then came a period when luck was poor; interments fell off, and those that did occur were of specimens either too diseased or too maimed for use.","HPL" "id04478","I thus learned the following particulars.","EAP" "id19563","Morning broke; and the old woman saw the corpse, marked with the fatal disease, close to her; her wrist was livid with the hold loosened by death.","MWS" "id19479","I bade the gentlemen welcome.","EAP" "id20795","The reader will remember that this mark, although large, had been originally very indefinite; but, by slow degrees degrees nearly imperceptible, and which for a long time my Reason struggled to reject as fanciful it had, at length, assumed a rigorous distinctness of outline.","EAP" "id20219","The event which I am about to relate was unheralded by long premonitions.","HPL" "id21901","""That is, sailors that didn't hail from Innsmouth.","HPL" "id14102","Perdita beheld with affright the encreasing disorder.","MWS" "id17904","In the anatomical structure the artist exhibited the highest skill.","EAP" "id15874","But there seemed to have sprung up in the brain, that of which no words could convey to the merely human intelligence even an indistinct conception.","EAP" "id07257","Nature decayed around me, and the sun became heatless; rain and snow poured around me; mighty rivers were frozen; the surface of the earth was hard and chill, and bare, and I found no shelter.","MWS" "id18606","The police are confounded by the seeming absence of motive not for the murder itself but for the atrocity of the murder.","EAP" "id13169","And her friend Pete Stowacki would not help because he wanted the child out of the way anyhow.","HPL" "id02375","When I first saw you, Mr. Bedloe, at Saratoga, it was the miraculous similarity which existed between yourself and the painting which induced me to accost you, to seek your friendship, and to bring about those arrangements which resulted in my becoming your constant companion.","EAP" "id00418","The ""forty fathoms"" must have reference only to portions of the channel close upon the shore either of Moskoe or Lofoden.","EAP" "id22300","And again we saw a tram car, lone, windowless, dilapidated, and almost on its side.","HPL" "id23876","Within its naturally walled enclosure were three extraordinary stones, forming a seat with a back and footstool.","EAP" "id27464","And there were many small shrines and temples where one might rest or pray to small gods.","HPL" "id22621","But though Iranon was sad he ceased not to sing, and at evening told again his dreams of Aira, the city of marble and beryl.","HPL" "id25076","The position of the stars was my only guide.","MWS" "id25117","Besides, was he not in the secret?","EAP" "id12326","I was now about to form another being of whose dispositions I was alike ignorant; she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness.","MWS" "id19836","The most sumptuous of these with wide terraced parterres extending back the whole way to Lafayette Street I took to be the home of Old Man Marsh, the afflicted refinery owner.","HPL" "id09959","This circumstance, added to his well known integrity and dauntless courage, made me very desirous to engage him.","MWS" "id16028","The advances of the malady are, luckily, gradual.","EAP" "id27971","I found myself similar yet at the same time strangely unlike to the beings concerning whom I read and to whose conversation I was a listener.","MWS" "id23313","They never unlocked that attic door, but left the whole house as it was, dreaded and deserted.","HPL" "id03050","I gave him love only.","MWS" "id16682","It is, of course, needless to say where was the locality.","EAP" "id13486","Perhaps he dreaded my changing my mind, and thought it best to make sure of the prize at once you know how enthusiastic he is on all subjects connected with Natural History.","EAP" "id01160","One window being down, a lady was seen on the back seat.","EAP" "id06376","Fearful indeed the suspicion but more fearful the doom It may be asserted, without hesitation, that no event is so terribly well adapted to inspire the supremeness of bodily and of mental distress, as is burial before death.","EAP" "id27187","Talbot, I learned from my betrothed, had just arrived in town.","EAP" "id14403","During the two wakeful nights in question, and immediately after the disappearance of Mrs. Wyatt into the extra state room, I was attracted by certain singular cautious, subdued noises in that of her husband.","EAP" "id09048","Wretched is he who looks back upon lone hours in vast and dismal chambers with brown hangings and maddening rows of antique books, or upon awed watches in twilight groves of grotesque, gigantic, and vine encumbered trees that silently wave twisted branches far aloft.","HPL" "id01408","The light of that conflagration will fade away; my ashes will be swept into the sea by the winds.","MWS" "id12117","His habitual expression was one of kindly and well bred calm, whereas now a variety of emotions seemed struggling within him.","HPL" "id19721","After travelling day and night I arrived with an anxious, yet a hoping heart, for why should he send for me if it were only to avoid me and to treat me with the apparent aversion that he had in London.","MWS" "id09233","This morning we had again some little trouble with the rod of the propeller, which must be entirely remodelled, for fear of serious accident I mean the steel rod not the vanes.","EAP" "id17126","The first action of my life was the taking hold of my nose with both hands.","EAP" "id19171","He descended the hills at a great rate, so that every body had soon a good look at him.","EAP" "id27841","My head, heavy and reeling, drooped to my breast, and when next I looked up it was in a dream; with the Pole Star grinning at me through a window from over the horrible swaying trees of a dream swamp.","HPL" "id01430","Pundit knows, you know; there can be no mistake about it.","EAP" "id24261","The same effect of curvature or of color appeared twice, usually, but not oftener, at any one point of view.","EAP" "id12127","Will he inform us, also, how frozen rain can be, at one and the same time, both 'holy light,' whatever that is, and an 'offspring?' which latter term, if we understand any thing about English, is only employed, with propriety, in reference to small babies of about six weeks old.","EAP" "id22351","Its rowers, though distantly and indistinctly seen, were of an especially repellent aspect.","HPL" "id07303","No traces of land or water could be discovered, and the whole was clouded with variable spots, and belted with tropical and equatorial zones.","EAP" "id14838","These, for what reason I could not imagine, were her favourite and constant study and that in process of time they became my own, should be attributed to the simple but effectual influence of habit and example.","EAP" "id25156","A beautiful creation, he would say, which may claim this superiority to its model, that good and evil is more easily seperated: the good rewarded in the way they themselves desire; the evil punished as all things evil ought to be punished, not by pain which is revolting to all philanthropy to consider but by quiet obscurity, which simply deprives them of their harmful qualities; why kill the serpent when you have extracted his fangs?","MWS" "id12205","I was pouring something from one test tube to another, and West was busy over the alcohol blast lamp which had to answer for a Bunsen burner in this gasless edifice, when from the pitch black room we had left there burst the most appalling and daemoniac succession of cries that either of us had ever heard.","HPL" "id26820","There is nothing he more despises than pretense.","EAP" "id23094","It was clear that the action of the caloric had been imperfect or unequal.","EAP" "id03948","Human art could have done no more in the delineation of her superhuman beauty.","EAP" "id17821","Whilst the greater number of our nocturnal visions are perhaps no more than faint and fantastic reflections of our waking experiences Freud to the contrary with his puerile symbolism there are still a certain remainder whose immundane and ethereal character permits of no ordinary interpretation, and whose vaguely exciting and disquieting effect suggests possible minute glimpses into a sphere of mental existence no less important than physical life, yet separated from that life by an all but impassable barrier.","HPL" "id05858","Dolphins still encircled the U , a somewhat remarkable circumstance considering the distance we had covered.","HPL" "id15152","We had met years before, in medical school, and from the first I had shared his terrible researches.","HPL" "id18746","I heard the roar of the waters: he held his course right on towards the brink and I became breathless with fear lest he should plunge down the dreadful precipice; I tried to augment my speed, but my knees failed beneath me, yet I had just reached him; just caught a part of his flowing robe, when he leapt down and I awoke with a violent scream.","MWS" "id12542","He muttered to himself, as did the first seaman whom I saw in the hold, some low peevish syllables of a foreign tongue, and although the speaker was close at my elbow, his voice seemed to reach my ears from the distance of a mile.","EAP" "id16931","But at that moment a crash was heard.","MWS" "id20120","It isn't so very far from the elevated as distance goes, but it's centuries away as the soul goes.","HPL" "id00309","I could not see her thus lost, without exerting myself to remedy the evil remediless I knew, if I could not in the end bring her to reconcile herself to Raymond.","MWS" "id05884","The happy do not feel poverty for delight is as a gold tissued robe, and crowns them with priceless gems.","MWS" "id25490","You are of this world; I am not.","MWS" "id27828","On the morning of the fourteenth of June the day in which I first visited the ship, the lady suddenly sickened and died.","EAP" "id00953","Remember that cleanliness, sobriety, and even good humour and benevolence, are our best medicines.""","MWS" "id09577","There was a gentleman of small fortune who lived near his family mansion who had three lovely daughters.","MWS" "id10752","It is to meet and conquer the oppressor that I have vainly striven for aeons, held back by bodily encumbrances.","HPL" "id27591","It may have been just fear, and it may have been fear mixed with a queer belated sort of remorse for bygone crudities.","HPL" "id23980","It was probable that the inmate was absent, but secure that he had found the right person, our adventurous Protector was tempted to enter, to leave a purse on the table, and silently depart.","MWS" "id19609","And then I thought again of his words ""I WILL BE WITH YOU ON YOUR WEDDING NIGHT.""","MWS" "id05149","Wonder had gone away, and he had forgotten that all life is only a set of pictures in the brain, among which there is no difference betwixt those born of real things and those born of inward dreamings, and no cause to value the one above the other.","HPL" "id21223","This same evening his mother and sister arrived.","MWS" "id19890","And as if sharpened by the coming deprivation of light, my desire to explore the watery secrets grew.","HPL" "id07517","""Talbot,"" I said, ""you have an opera glass.","EAP" "id03866","He worked northwest along pleasant back roads, past Hooper's Pond and the old brick powder house to where the pastures slope up to the ridge above the Miskatonic and give a lovely vista of Arkham's white Georgian steeples across leagues of river and meadow.","HPL" "id17516","Just how fully the pursuit was organised and indeed, just what its purpose might be I could form no idea.","HPL" "id20174","Trying it, I found it locked; but with a supreme burst of strength I overcame all obstacles and dragged it open inward.","HPL" "id20531","He sat erect and rigid in his chair his teeth chattered, and his eyes were starting from their sockets.","EAP" "id23580","This poor man, learned as La Place, guileless and unforeseeing as a child, had often been on the point of starvation, he, his pale wife and numerous offspring, while he neither felt hunger, nor observed distress.","MWS" "id12755","The physician declared that he died of the plague.","MWS" "id19417","This panorama is indeed glorious, and I should rejoice in it but for the excess of its glory.","EAP" "id17515","""I talk not of others, but myself,"" replied Raymond, ""and I am as fair an example to go by as another.","MWS" "id18326","The supposition of the magnet is also untenable for if a magnet were the agent, any other magnet in the pocket of a spectator would disarrange the entire mechanism.","EAP" "id06307","The air was warm and stirred not.","HPL" "id18699","There seemed a deep sense of life and joy about all; and although no airs blew from out the heavens, yet every thing had motion through the gentle sweepings to and fro of innumerable butterflies, that might have been mistaken for tulips with wings.","EAP" "id18969","Then they vanished, hurrying southward where they were fully a month overdue.","HPL" "id05143","On the third morning of the wanderers' stay in Ulthar, Menes could not find his kitten; and as he sobbed aloud in the market place certain villagers told him of the old man and his wife, and of sounds heard in the night.","HPL" "id08971","The immense mountains and precipices that overhung me on every side, the sound of the river raging among the rocks, and the dashing of the waterfalls around spoke of a power mighty as Omnipotence and I ceased to fear or to bend before any being less almighty than that which had created and ruled the elements, here displayed in their most terrific guise.","MWS" "id21544","He was younger, less worn, more passionless than my father and in no degree reminded me of him: he suffered under immediate grief yet its gentle influence instead of calling feelings otherwise dormant into action, seemed only to veil that which otherwise would have been too dazzling for me.","MWS" "id16576","The site of the village is in a perfectly circular valley, about a quarter of a mile in circumference, and entirely surrounded by gentle hills, over whose summit the people have never yet ventured to pass.","EAP" "id23799","I seem to ramble along without much Logick or Continuity when I endeavour to recall the Past; and fear I light upon but few Incidents which others have not before discuss'd.","HPL" "id07292","Lofty hills, rising occasionally into mountains, and covered with vegetation in wild luxuriance, still shut in the scene.","EAP" "id10533","Some courtesy, nevertheless, is due to the presence of this company, and to yourself, at this moment, as my guest.","EAP" "id07449","Accompanying the letter of 'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, we find sundry lines of most disgusting and unmeaning rant about 'angels and ministers of grace' rant such as no madman short of a Nat Lee, or an 'Oppodeldoc,' could possibly perpetrate.","EAP" "id14792","Among the Kaliris was an aged chief called Mwanu, who possessed not only a highly retentive memory, but a singular degree of intelligence and interest in old legends.","HPL" "id12011","Their arrangement was odd, and seemed to follow the symmetries of some cosmic geometry unknown to earth or the solar system.","HPL" "id02304","The negro had been knocked out, and a moment's examination shewed us that he would permanently remain so.","HPL" "id09188","By the application of praise, censure, and exhortation, she tried to seek and strike the fitting chords; and though the melody that followed her touch seemed discord to her, she built her hopes on his talents, and felt sure that she would at last win him.","MWS" "id11449","Slightly later, when a change and a gentle tremor seemed to affect the dead limbs, West stuffed a pillow like object violently over the twitching face, not withdrawing it until the corpse appeared quiet and ready for our attempt at reanimation.","HPL" "id04679","In saying that West's fear of his specimens was nebulous, I have in mind particularly its complex nature.","HPL" "id27160","""When night came I quitted my retreat and wandered in the wood; and now, no longer restrained by the fear of discovery, I gave vent to my anguish in fearful howlings.","MWS" "id22828","On the contrary, the disease gained virulence, while starvation did its accustomed work.","MWS" "id03640","In the meantime I will make a man of you I will provided always that you follow my counsel.","EAP" "id12230","These had been torn out by the roots.","EAP" "id04373","One thing became more and more evident the longer I gazed: an artist, and one with a most scrupulous eye for form, had superintended all these arrangements.","EAP" "id08440","At last the figure spoke in a rumbling voice that chilled me through with its dull hollowness and latent malevolence.","HPL" "id02854","Pale and tearful, she almost forgot her duties as hostess; her eyes were fixed on her children.","MWS" "id04229","In a few minutes, the pan having become thoroughly heated, I removed the slip, and, to my inexpressible joy, found it spotted, in several places, with what appeared to be figures arranged in lines.","EAP" "id24947","The change happened whilst I slept.","HPL" "id04167","They had chained him down to things that are, and had then explained the workings of those things till mystery had gone out of the world.","HPL" "id26603","Shaken with such a mental revolution as I had never before known, I now resolved to visit Mate Johansen in Oslo.","HPL" "id20250","""I believe there's a chance of putting it out of business.","HPL" "id02881","A general pause ensued, and I began to hope that the farce was at an end.","EAP" "id15315","These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter, and I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven, for nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.","MWS" "id03186","""Yes, yes, yes I remember it very well very queer indeed Both of you gone just one year.","EAP" "id15927","I will tell only of the lone tomb in the darkest of the hillside thickets; the deserted tomb of the Hydes, an old and exalted family whose last direct descendant had been laid within its black recesses many decades before my birth.","HPL" "id18854","Upon my word, I almost envy you the possession of him; a remarkably fine, and no doubt a very valuable animal.","EAP" "id02312","All my days have I watched it and listened to it, and I know it well.","HPL" "id02728","This exception was found in a compartment wall, not very thick, which stood about the middle of the house, and against which had rested the head of my bed.","EAP" "id08418","Is not short payne well borne that brings long ease, And lays the soul to sleep in quiet grave?F ""Do you mark my words; I have learned the language of despair: I have it all by heart, for I am Despair; and a strange being am I, joyous, triumphant Despair.","MWS" "id02032","To part with what is a part of myself; without whom I have no memory and no futurity?","MWS" "id13664","It may have been wholly an hallucination from the shock caused at that instant by the sudden and complete destruction of the building in a cataclysm of German shell fire who can gainsay it, since West and I were the only proved survivors?","HPL" "id12676","I need not describe the easy artifices by which I substituted, in his bed room candle stand, a wax light of my own making for the one which I there found.","EAP" "id07077","In the meantime the wind is still in our poop, and, as we carry a crowd of canvas, the ship is at times lifted bodily from out the sea Oh, horror upon horror the ice opens suddenly to the right, and to the left, and we are whirling dizzily, in immense concentric circles, round and round the borders of a gigantic amphitheatre, the summit of whose walls is lost in the darkness and the distance.","EAP" "id07820","I do not wish, however, to trace the course of my miserable profligacy here a profligacy which set at defiance the laws, while it eluded the vigilance of the institution.","EAP" "id20162","""Having thus arranged my dwelling and carpeted it with clean straw, I retired, for I saw the figure of a man at a distance, and I remembered too well my treatment the night before to trust myself in his power.","MWS" "id21612","That the newspapers which were stuck all over the little balloon were newspapers of Holland, and therefore could not have been made in the moon.","EAP" "id23854","Controlling my muscles, and realising afresh how plainly visible I was, I resumed my brisker and feignedly shambling pace; though keeping my eyes on that hellish and ominous reef as long as the opening of South Street gave me a seaward view.","HPL" "id10049","Yet the force of the elements was such as to overcome my scruples, and I did not hesitate to wheel my machine up the weedy rise to the closed door which seemed at once so suggestive and secretive.","HPL" "id06506","We had always dwelled together, beneath a tropical sun, in the Valley of the Many Colored Grass.","EAP" "id12384","Himself and a companion had captured the Ourang Outang.","EAP" "id04901","Much, however, might be ascertained.","EAP" "id07238","My strict integrity, economy, and rigorous business habits, here again came into play.","EAP" "id15636","I followed her, and strove to inspire more hope than I could myself entertain; but she shook her head mournfully.","MWS" "id24229","But until then, I conjure you, do not mention or allude to it.","MWS" "id24964","There were eaten many strange delicacies at that feast; peacocks from the isles of Nariel in the Middle Ocean, young goats from the distant hills of Implan, heels of camels from the Bnazic desert, nuts and spices from Cydathrian groves, and pearls from wave washed Mtal dissolved in the vinegar of Thraa.","HPL" "id16657","I seized the favourable moment, and endeavoured to awaken in her something beyond the killing torpor of grief.","MWS" "id05339","Surely this is a loud noise even for Antioch It argues some commotion of unusual interest.""","EAP" "id24612","Shaking off from my spirit what must have been a dream, I scanned more narrowly the real aspect of the building.","EAP" "id23586","""Being thus provided, I resolved to reside in this hovel until something should occur which might alter my determination.","MWS" "id01812","Now where is that rudderless boat?","EAP" "id07846","Some new and wild note in the drumming and chanting, perceptible but slightly to me, had acted on him in startling fashion; and with a wild outcry he forged ahead unguided in the cavern's gloom.","HPL" "id00963","Its centre, and of course, its greatest width, came just over the yawning gulf.","EAP" "id15853","Elizabeth observed my agitation for some time in timid and fearful silence, but there was something in my glance which communicated terror to her, and trembling, she asked, ""What is it that agitates you, my dear Victor?","MWS" "id25071","His funeral took place on Thursday.","EAP" "id18218","He makes much ado before he can get suited with a boarding house.","EAP" "id22556","Even where a cannon is fired over a corpse, and it rises before at least five or six days' immersion, it sinks again, if let alone.","EAP" "id27883","God knows how many there were there must have been thousands.","HPL" "id06209","I have made no addition to my cabinet since we met.","EAP" "id01119","And yet there was a rascally corporation which asked me to do this very thing this very thing I did not reply to their absurd proposition, of course; but I felt it a duty to go that same night, and lamp black the whole of their palace.","EAP" "id07159","Idris endeavoured to calm Perdita; but the poor girl's agitation deprived her of all power of self command.","MWS" "id15286","About this wall a dense crowd were collected, and many persons seemed to be examining a particular portion of it with very minute and eager attention.","EAP" "id00260","""My travels were long and the sufferings I endured intense.","MWS" "id17681","""For God's sake, stay only a few minutes,"" says the finder of the book ""the true claimant will presently appear.""","EAP" "id00368","The myrmidons of G were able at once to comprehend how and why such an atrocity might have been committed.","EAP" "id15517","What with mustachios and whiskers, there was none of the rest of his face to be seen.","EAP" "id22585","A second later the downward motion of the knife broke the spell completely, and he dropped the bowl with a resounding bell like clangour while his hands darted out frantically to stop the monstrous deed.","HPL" "id17072","On the third day my mother sickened; her fever was accompanied by the most alarming symptoms, and the looks of her medical attendants prognosticated the worst event.","MWS" "id24428","But death was no evil to me if the loss of Elizabeth were balanced with it, and I therefore, with a contented and even cheerful countenance, agreed with my father that if my cousin would consent, the ceremony should take place in ten days, and thus put, as I imagined, the seal to my fate.","MWS" "id03699","He was gazing at me gaspingly and fascinatedly, but did not seem afraid.","HPL" "id12400","The bolt fitted perfectly, and I was somewhat relieved when I knew that I could shoot it firmly upon retiring.","HPL" "id18920","Ay, stare if you please; but it is nevertheless true.","MWS" "id11313","She recognized her preserver.","EAP" "id02978","I struggled with its weight; I placed it partially in its destined position.","EAP" "id15848","""The Montresors,"" I replied, ""were a great and numerous family.""","EAP" "id18333","I calc'late I was asleep, else I'd a heerd ye I ain't as young as I uster be, an' I need a paowerful sight o' naps naowadays.","HPL" "id10876","How old do you suppose him to be?""","EAP" "id01063","Dark draperies hung upon the walls.","EAP" "id03836","I continued my caresses, and, when I prepared to go home, the animal evinced a disposition to accompany me.","EAP" "id20778","his own trusting, devoted, affectionate Perdita, whose generous belief galled him doubly, when he remembered the parade of innocence with which it had been exacted.","MWS" "id24291","He is so; but then he is wholly uneducated: he is as silent as a Turk, and a kind of ignorant carelessness attends him, which, while it renders his conduct the more astonishing, detracts from the interest and sympathy which otherwise he would command.","MWS" "id08596","I now bent to the left around the ruinous green; still gazing toward the ocean as it blazed in the spectral summer moonlight, and watching the cryptical flashing of those nameless, unexplainable beacons.","HPL" "id20044","Then he said we were the victims of a vicious bull though the animal was a difficult thing to place and account for.","HPL" "id09161","We visited the tomb of the illustrious Hampden and the field on which that patriot fell.","MWS" "id20497","Indeed, who would credit that Justine Moritz, who was so amiable, and fond of all the family, could suddenly become so capable of so frightful, so appalling a crime?""","MWS" "id07919","There were secrets, said the peasants, which must not be uncovered; secrets that had lain hidden since the plague came to the children of Partholan in the fabulous years beyond history.","HPL" "id00675","Ahead rose a narrow staircase, flanked by a small door probably leading to the cellar, while to the left and right were closed doors leading to rooms on the ground floor.","HPL" "id03487","Men looked at one another and muttered.","HPL" "id14457","Yet he would not propose the separation.","MWS" "id27249","The weight upon my spirit was sensibly lightened as I plunged yet deeper in the ravine of Arve.","MWS" "id27549","None but Adrian could have tamed the motley population of London, which, like a troop of unbitted steeds rushing to their pastures, had thrown aside all minor fears, through the operation of the fear paramount.","MWS" "id03645","Whilst the king and his nobles feasted within the palace, and viewed the crowning dish as it awaited them on golden platters, others feasted elsewhere.","HPL" "id03394","No real danger was at any time apprehended.","EAP" "id22657","His results, brought about by the very soul and essence of method, have, in truth, the whole air of intuition.","EAP" "id07646","The general fact is, that the house was never regarded by the solid part of the community as in any real sense ""haunted"".","HPL" "id05837","But a few months have elapsed since I believed that I was all the world to you; and that there was no happiness or grief for you on earth unshared by your Mathilda your child: that happy time is no longer, and what I most dreaded in this world is come upon me.","MWS" "id14221","I had chosen night time for our journey to London, that the change and desolation of the country might be the less observable.","MWS" "id19404","From the air of hushed fright at Osborn's store they knew something hideous had happened, and soon learned of the annihilation of the Elmer Frye house and family.","HPL" "id08446","He hailed from Arkham, boarded with a family who came from Ipswich, and went back home whenever he got a moment off.","HPL" "id15274","He wished as much as possible to obliterate the memory of the scenes that had taken place in Ireland and never alluded to them or suffered me to speak of my misfortunes.","MWS" "id13044","My life was like that of an animal, and my mind was in danger of degenerating into that which informs brute nature.","MWS" "id17504","Toward the last I became acutely afraid of West, for he began to look at me that way.","HPL" "id06386","Who that knows what ""life"" is, would pine for this feverish species of existence?","MWS" "id12315","With five feeble senses we pretend to comprehend the boundlessly complex cosmos, yet other beings with a wider, stronger, or different range of senses might not only see very differently the things we see, but might see and study whole worlds of matter, energy, and life which lie close at hand yet can never be detected with the senses we have.","HPL" "id18274","He asked for my sister; and I delivered her message.","MWS" "id12292","Leaning my cycle against the wall I opened the door at the left, and crossed into a small low ceiled chamber but dimly lighted by its two dusty windows and furnished in the barest and most primitive possible way.","HPL" "id03357","I touched it; and the head, with about a quarter of an inch of the shank, came off in my fingers.","EAP" "id27099","My location, to be sure, was an excellent one, being central, and I had capital blacking and brushes.","EAP" "id18429","Certainly not but are we prepared to say that there was not the frustrated design?","EAP" "id26912","I can comprehend you thus far that certain operations of what we term Nature, or the natural laws, will, under certain conditions, give rise to that which has all the appearance of creation.","EAP" "id05679","I had a very confused knowledge of kingdoms, wide extents of country, mighty rivers, and boundless seas.","MWS" "id04193","Looks like a terrible rattletrap I've never ben on it.""","HPL" "id05871","Leading me within, he steered a course in utter blackness over what seemed to be a gravel path, and finally up a flight of stone steps to the door of the house, which he unlocked and opened for me.","HPL" "id01428","Their forms vaguely suggested the anthropoid, while their heads were the heads of fish, with prodigious bulging eyes that never closed.","HPL" "id27681","""Mein Gott"" said the Angel of the Odd, apparently much softened at my distress; ""mein Gott, te man is eder ferry dronk or ferry zorry.","EAP" "id26614","Cats they caterwauled.","EAP" "id04203","They have acquired new and almost unlimited powers; they can command the thunders of heaven, mimic the earthquake, and even mock the invisible world with its own shadows.""","MWS" "id16940","""Do so, if you will; but I will not.","MWS" "id05070","He would forsake her, England, his friends, the scenes of his youth, the hopes of coming time, he would seek another country, and in other scenes begin life again.","MWS" "id16220","Besides, what was found might possibly have more than one explanation.","HPL" "id20473","Once more let me implore you to return.","EAP" "id15116","He evidently feared the physical effect of violent emotion, yet his will and driving force waxed rather than waned, and he refused to be confined to his bed.","HPL" "id24795","He did not wish to go to sleep in a room alone especially since he thought he had glimpsed in the evening twilight the repellent old woman whose image had become so horribly transferred to his dreams.","HPL" "id21355","During the early part of my life there is little to relate, and I will be brief; but I must be allowed to dwell a little on the years of my childhood that it may be apparent how when one hope failed all life was to be a blank; and how when the only affection I was permitted to cherish was blasted my existence was extinguished with it.","MWS" "id23953","I nebber did see sick a deuced bug he kick and he bite ebery ting what cum near him.","EAP" "id09442","None but those who have experienced them can conceive of the enticements of science.","MWS" "id21942","""As I fixed my eyes on the child, I saw something glittering on his breast.","MWS" "id17729","I am about to proceed on a long and difficult voyage, the emergencies of which will demand all my fortitude: I am required not only to raise the spirits of others, but sometimes to sustain my own, when theirs are failing.","MWS" "id11049","and whence came he? and what were his purposes?","EAP" "id24076","Yet this superiority even this equality was in truth acknowledged by no one but myself; our associates, by some unaccountable blindness, seemed not even to suspect it.","EAP" "id17740","I have always believed that such strange, inaccessible worlds exist at our very elbows, and now I believe I have found a way to break down the barriers.","HPL" "id26317","My knowledge of the worldly principles of Lord Raymond, would have ever prevented me from applying to him, however deep my distress might have been.","MWS" "id11997","The sweet girl welcomed me with warm affection, yet tears were in her eyes as she beheld my emaciated frame and feverish cheeks.","MWS" "id20259","But, without educated thought, he erred continually by the very intensity of his investigations.","EAP" "id21389","Even music was not wanting: banners floated in the air, and the shrill fife and loud trumpet breathed forth sounds of encouragement and victory.","MWS" "id22221","In that portion of the cloth forming the bottom, was likewise, a fourth window, of the same kind, and corresponding with a small aperture in the floor of the car itself.","EAP" "id00284","To some among the poor this was matter of exultation.","MWS" "id08368","No one was spoken of as frequenting the house.","EAP" "id17432","A mist covered both that and the surrounding mountains.","MWS" "id02130","All these circumstances were now related to Adrian and Idris.","MWS" "id24665","Why had I not followed him and closed with him in mortal strife?","MWS" "id24058","He came so close to my person that I felt his hot breath upon my face.","EAP" "id16278","The antagonist as we have before observed is not suffered to play at the board of the Automaton, but is seated at some distance from the machine.","EAP" "id25862","Vast, Polyphemus like, and loathsome, it darted like a stupendous monster of nightmares to the monolith, about which it flung its gigantic scaly arms, the while it bowed its hideous head and gave vent to certain measured sounds.","HPL" "id09523","For that visitor was neither Italian nor policeman.","HPL" "id07534","Yog Sothoth is the key to the gate, whereby the spheres meet.","HPL" "id02241","Now if, after all, I am wrong in my induction from this ribbon, that the Frenchman was a sailor belonging to a Maltese vessel, still I can have done no harm in saying what I did in the advertisement.","EAP" "id05050","The lady whom I was much astonished to hear addressed as Madame Joyeuse, after the description of Madame Joyeuse she had just given blushed up to the eyebrows, and seemed exceedingly abashed at the reproof.","EAP" "id14415","We left Edinburgh in a week, passing through Coupar, St. Andrew's, and along the banks of the Tay, to Perth, where our friend expected us.","MWS" "id08764","Yet but a brief period elapsed, ere a second more violent disorder again threw her upon a bed of suffering; and from this attack her frame, at all times feeble, never altogether recovered.","EAP" "id19015","There he would ask to be left alone, as if wishing to speak with unseen things.","HPL" "id07689","This state of feeling arose, perhaps, from the Madonna like and matronly air of the face; and yet I at once understood that it could not have arisen entirely from this.","EAP" "id08161","Languor was changed to ardour, the slow step converted to a speedy pace, while the hollow murmur of the multitude, inspired by one feeling, and that deadly, filled the air, drowning the clang of arms and sound of music.","MWS" "id11662","The usual one of imports was entirely cut off.","MWS" "id16806","By the reigning God it is true; the paltry earldom of Windsor shall no longer content him, who will inherit the rights which must for ever appertain to the person who possesses it.","MWS" "id13764","I hardly know how to continue, since conditions so singular are involved; but I will do my best, not even trying to differentiate betwixt the real and the apparent.","HPL" "id23607","Once he had the landlord nail tin over it, but the next night the rats gnawed a fresh hole in making which they pushed or dragged out into the room a curious little fragment of bone.","HPL" "id08640","No, he said hastily, as the question was put to him, he did not know the subject of the picture.","HPL" "id04419","There are chemical infusions by which the animal frame can be preserved forever from corruption; the Bi chloride of Mercury is one.","EAP" "id26724","One must not, for example, linger much around the Marsh refinery, or around any of the still used churches, or around the pillared Order of Dagon Hall at New Church Green.","HPL" "id04256","They the Hungarians differed very essentially from their Eastern authorities.","EAP" "id24854","And I, the nearest kinsman of the Earl of Windsor, was to propose his election.","MWS" "id24390","The most thrilling peculiarity of this incident, nevertheless, is involved in what Mr. S. himself asserts.","EAP" "id07618","Return to Windsor then, my brother; for such you are by every tie fill the double place my absence imposes on you, and let me, in all my sufferings here, turn my eyes towards that dear seclusion, and say There is peace.""","MWS" "id11808","Many of his questions seemed highly out of place to his visitor, especially those which tried to connect the latter with strange cults or societies; and Wilcox could not understand the repeated promises of silence which he was offered in exchange for an admission of membership in some widespread mystical or paganly religious body.","HPL" "id16948","But after a time his alcohol enfeebled brain would wander from the subject, and with a foolish grin he would turn once more to his mop or cleaning rag.","HPL" "id24530","Her victory was announced by an unusual tranquillity and gladness of soul which followed the relinquishing of my ancient and latterly tormenting studies.","MWS" "id18124","Learning was in his blood, for his great grandfather, Sir Robert Jermyn, Bt., had been an anthropologist of note, whilst his great great great grandfather, Sir Wade Jermyn, was one of the earliest explorers of the Congo region, and had written eruditely of its tribes, animals, and supposed antiquities.","HPL" "id24765","If it indeed be that; if the efforts of the virtuous now, are to make the future inhabitants of this fair world more happy; if the labours of those who cast aside selfishness, and try to know the truth of things, are to free the men of ages, now far distant but which will one day come, from the burthen under which those who now live groan, and like you weep bitterly; if they free them but from one of what are now the necessary evils of life, truly I will not fail but will with my whole soul aid the work.","MWS" "id23642","The shell had been merciful, in a way but West could never feel as certain as he wished, that we two were the only survivors.","HPL" "id11721","""Death,"" I said, ""any death but that of the pit"" Fool might I have not known that into the pit it was the object of the burning iron to urge me?","EAP" "id01448","""This is my first experience in a place like this, but I am a student of life, and don't want to miss any experience.","HPL" "id27012","I do not know just how much of the whole tale has been told even to me, and I have many reasons for not wishing to probe deeper.","HPL" "id27036","Now this globe of the earth turns upon its own axis revolves spins round these twenty four thousand miles of extent, going from west to east, in precisely twenty four hours.","EAP" "id10056","A little population occupied its halls.","MWS" "id13199","Arithmetical or algebraical calculations are, from their very nature, fixed and determinate.","EAP" "id19875","Between gasps Luther tried to stammer out his tale to Mrs. Corey.","HPL" "id10196","""I thought so I knew it hurrah"" vociferated Legrand, letting the negro go, and executing a series of curvets and caracols, much to the astonishment of his valet, who, arising from his knees, looked, mutely, from his master to myself, and then from myself to his master.","EAP" "id03486","West was then a small, slender, spectacled youth with delicate features, yellow hair, pale blue eyes, and a soft voice, and it was uncanny to hear him dwelling on the relative merits of Christchurch Cemetery and the potter's field.","HPL" "id24801","When they separated Felix kissed the hand of the stranger and said, 'Good night sweet Safie.'","MWS" "id23933","Indignation now transported him; his words I guessed were fraught with disdain then turning from his coward followers, he addressed himself to enter the city alone.","MWS" "id21564","Now I am the first man in the state, burthen of every ballad, and object of old women's mumbled devotions.","MWS" "id24206","""Bosom"" said I. ""Pompey, will you never be ready with that wig?","EAP" "id06807","During this description I had kept a tight rein on my emotions, but my face must have betrayed my mounting fears.","HPL" "id23653","""Mille pardons Ma'm'selle"" replied Monsieur De Kock, thus addressed ""a thousand pardons I had no intention of offending.","EAP" "id26539","His features had perhaps been noble once, but were now seamed with the ghastly effects of terrible dissipation.","HPL" "id10438","All the time she could command she spent in solitude.","MWS" "id21222","We could not get bodies fresh enough to shew any trace of reason when reanimated, so had perforce created nameless horrors.","HPL" "id23331","I ought to have familiarized the old De Lacey to me, and by degrees to have discovered myself to the rest of his family, when they should have been prepared for my approach.","MWS" "id04336","It surely was bad enough there was riots over it, and all sorts of ghastly doings that I don't believe ever got outside of town and it left the place in awful shape.","HPL" "id00918","There is not, however, the shadow of a clew apparent.""","EAP" "id05060","She never mentioned her father to Perdita, she appeared half afraid when she spoke of him to me, and though I tried to draw her out on the subject, and to dispel the gloom that hung about her ideas concerning him, I could not succeed.","MWS" "id08922","From the rock of Gibraltar, now dwindled into a dim speck, the dark Mediterranean sea, dotted with shining islands as the heaven is dotted with stars, spread itself out to the eastward as far as my vision extended, until its entire mass of waters seemed at length to tumble headlong over the abyss of the horizon, and I found myself listening on tiptoe for the echoes of the mighty cataract.","EAP" "id22067","So far I had seen no people in the town, but there now came signs of a sparse habitation curtained windows here and there, and an occasional battered motor car at the curb.","HPL" "id11444","This would remove the chief obstacle in a journey to the moon.","EAP" "id13762","""But my toils now drew near a close, and in two months from this time I reached the environs of Geneva.","MWS" "id10222","In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain.","MWS" "id15749","To this day I do not know whether they saw me or not.","HPL" "id24247","Its pleasant places were deserted; its temples and palaces were converted into tombs; its energies, bent before towards the highest objects of human ambition, were now forced to converge to one point, the guarding against the innumerous arrows of the plague.","MWS" "id19812","P. Is God, then, material?","EAP" "id16217","Human utterance can best convey the general character of our experiences by calling them plungings or soarings; for in every period of revelation some part of our minds broke boldly away from all that is real and present, rushing aërially along shocking, unlighted, and fear haunted abysses, and occasionally tearing through certain well marked and typical obstacles describable only as viscous, uncouth clouds or vapours.","HPL" "id10280","They talked of the old cotter and his wife, of the caravan of dark wanderers, of small Menes and his black kitten, of the prayer of Menes and of the sky during that prayer, of the doings of the cats on the night the caravan left, and of what was later found in the cottage under the dark trees in the repellent yard.","HPL" "id00676","Shall we, in these desart halls, under this wintry sky, sit with closed eyes and folded hands, expecting death?","MWS" "id20399","A machine is contrived for the purpose, and we have a minute description of it, which is materially helped out by a steel engraving.","EAP" "id07096","My heart was full of deep affection, but it was calm from its very depth and fulness.","MWS" "id02920","""At length, quite overcome by exertion, and by a certain oppressive closeness of the atmosphere, I seated myself beneath a tree.","EAP" "id15232","""But, having established a single word, we are enabled to establish a vastly important point; that is to say, several commencements and terminations of other words.","EAP" "id24216","Ryland was roused to resistance; he asserted that his sufferance alone had permitted the encrease of this party; but the time for indulgence was passed, and with one motion of his arm he would sweep away the cobwebs that blinded his countrymen.","MWS" "id24625","This elevation may appear immense, but the estimate upon which it is calculated gave a result in all probability far inferior to the truth.","EAP" "id06505","This, O this may be the last time that you will surround me thus"" Abruptly she stopped, and then cried: ""What have I said?","MWS" "id20499","Our eldest in some degree understood the scenes passing around, and at times, he with serious looks questioned me concerning the reason of so vast a desolation.","MWS" "id25131","""You talk of the future,"" she said, ""while the present is all to me.","MWS" "id26914","Then there were the great figures upon the dial plate how intelligent how intellectual, they all looked And presently they took to dancing the Mazurka, and I think it was the figure V. who performed the most to my satisfaction.","EAP" "id25052","The aristocratical party, the richest and most influential men in England, appeared less agitated than the others, for the question was to be discussed without their interference.","MWS" "id17502","The truth is, it is impossible to conceive spirit, since it is impossible to imagine what is not.","EAP" "id20014","She understood my gesture; again her head fell; again her fingers worked restlessly.","MWS" "id27785","The doctor, though, was chiefly disturbed by the chattering night birds outside; a seemingly limitless legion of whippoorwills that cried their endless message in repetitions timed diabolically to the wheezing gasps of the dying man.","HPL" "id09101","Suddenly there came an icy hand upon my forehead, and an impatient, gibbering voice whispered the word ""Arise"" within my ear.","EAP" "id16845","I knelt at her feet in gratitude and adoration.","EAP" "id20588","My brain reeled as I hearkened entranced, to a melody more than mortal to assumptions and aspirations which mortality had never before known.","EAP" "id02289","He did not know where he wished to go, but felt that once more he would have to sacrifice his classes.","HPL" "id02743","""My father left it Where is he?","MWS" "id00952","His Grace bowed, dealt, and arose from the table en presentant le Roi.","EAP" "id17682","Our change of cheer struck those nearest to us; and, by means of Ryland's servants, the report soon spread that he had fled from the plague in London.","MWS" "id05038","Anguish deprived her of presence of mind; she gave up to me and Clara the physician's and nurse's parts; she sat by the bed, holding one little burning hand, and, with glazed eyes fixed on her babe, passed the long day in one unvaried agony.","MWS" "id11673","Corroborated the previous evidence in every respect but one.","EAP" "id00598","When, in exhibiting the interior of the box, Maelzel has thrown open the door No. I, and also the door immediately behind it, he holds a lighted candle at the back door as mentioned above and moves the entire machine to and fro with a view of convincing the company that the cupboard No. is entirely filled with machinery.","EAP" "id16503","He dislikes children.","EAP" "id21867","I will not deny that when I called to mind the sinister countenance of the person whom I met upon the staircase, on the day of my arrival at the house, I had no desire to oppose what I regarded as at best but a harmless, and by no means an unnatural, precaution.","EAP" "id07785","Curtis Whateley of the undecayed branch was holding the telescope when the Arkham party detoured radically from the swath.","HPL" "id21836","I had scarcely completed my work, when a footstep in the hold forced me to make use of it.","EAP" "id20412","In the street, next morning, my great, great, grandmother encountered Talbot, an old Parisian acquaintance; and the conversation, very naturally turned upon myself.","EAP" "id10751","It soon became known that Adrian took great delight in his park and preserves.","MWS" "id21805","And I have in mind that the shadows of the trees which fell upon the lake remained not on the surface where they fell, but sunk slowly and steadily down, and commingled with the waves, while from the trunks of the trees other shadows were continually coming out, and taking the place of their brothers thus entombed.","EAP" "id26349","But if this idea was not, even then, altogether adopted, I could at least doubt no longer, when, arising from the bed, tottering, with feeble steps, with closed eyes, and with the manner of one bewildered in a dream, the thing that was enshrouded advanced boldly and palpably into the middle of the apartment.","EAP" "id01443","I moved my hand to his head, whose mechanical nodding I was able to stop, and shouted in his ear that we must both flee from the unknown things of the night.","HPL" "id03666","He spoke this with a voice so modulated to the different feelings expressed in his speech, with an eye so full of lofty design and heroism, that can you wonder that these men were moved?","MWS" "id08489","Here tearing down the skeleton which swung over the table, he laid it about him with so much energy and good will, that, as the last glimpses of light died away within the apartment, he succeeded in knocking out the brains of the little gentleman with the gout.","EAP" "id06965","So true it is, that man's mind alone was the creator of all that was good or great to man, and that Nature herself was only his first minister.","MWS" "id25305","At length, with a wild desperation at heart, I quickly unclosed my eyes.","EAP" "id12790","But, strange to say I was neither astonished nor horror stricken.","EAP" "id20852","My uncle is not pleased with the idea of a military career in a distant country, but Ernest never had your powers of application.","MWS" "id05421","I PRESUME everybody has heard of me.","EAP" "id11474","We have been unfortunate, and recent events have drawn us from that everyday tranquillity befitting my years and infirmities.","MWS" "id16248","Do not suppose, however, that I wish to dictate happiness to you or that a delay on your part would cause me any serious uneasiness.","MWS" "id04736","As a child I had not been content with the results promised by the modern professors of natural science.","MWS" "id25152","In the meantime, the lunatics had a jolly season of it that you may swear.","EAP" "id10418","When the clouds veiled the sky, and the wind scattered them there and here, rending their woof, and strewing its fragments through the aerial plains then we rode out, and sought new spots of beauty and repose.","MWS" "id18352","The only consideration which restrains us is our conception of its atomic constitution; and here, even, we have to seek aid from our notion of an atom, as something possessing in infinite minuteness, solidity, palpability, weight.","EAP" "id27027","There are vocal qualities peculiar to men, and vocal qualities peculiar to beasts; and it is terrible to hear the one when the source should yield the other.","HPL" "id27798","Soon cross streets and junctions began to appear; those on the left leading to shoreward realms of unpaved squalor and decay, while those on the right shewed vistas of departed grandeur.","HPL" "id10233","Passing into the parlor, I found myself with Mr. Landor for this, I afterwards found, was his name.","EAP" "id03764","At length I said, ""Well, but G , what of the purloined letter?","EAP" "id20016","Could I resist its glow?","EAP" "id21605","Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.","EAP" "id07717","Whether he had died or still lingered in the dungeons of Austria was not known.","MWS" "id14843","Where did you get him?""","EAP" "id07277","To crown my vexation of spirit, Perdita, the visionary Perdita, seemed to awake to real life with transport, when she told me that the Earl of Windsor was about to arrive.","MWS" "id00150","It was a grey, bleak day, with now and then a drizzle of rain; and heavier and heavier clouds seemed to be piling themselves up beyond the hills to the northwest.","HPL" "id17121","Our freedom from long sleep was surprising, for seldom did we succumb more than an hour or two at a time to the shadow which had now grown so frightful a menace.","HPL" "id20041","Its rightful owner saw, but, of course, dared not call attention to the act, in the presence of the third personage who stood at her elbow.","EAP" "id22509","Then came a noxious rush of noisome, frigid air from that same dreaded direction, followed by a piercing shriek just beside me on that shocking rifted tomb of man and monster.","HPL" "id24020","All was uproar, crime, remorse and hate, yet still the tenderest love; and what first awoke me to the firm resolve of conquering my passion and of restoring her father to my child was the sight of your bitter and sympathizing sorrows.","MWS" "id11012","In this trim we rode safely enough for forty eight hours the ship proving herself an excellent sea boat in many respects, and shipping no water of any consequence.","EAP" "id06886","Thither I soon went; the uncalculating vanity of my parents furnishing me with an outfit and annual establishment, which would enable me to indulge at will in the luxury already so dear to my heart, to vie in profuseness of expenditure with the haughtiest heirs of the wealthiest earldoms in Great Britain.","EAP" "id04755","The other opening was directly at the southern end of the vale.","EAP" "id26252","Perdita's questions had ceased; she leaned on my arm, panting with emotions too acute for tears our men pulled alongside the other boat.","MWS" "id06087","Birch, before , had been the village undertaker of Peck Valley; and was a very calloused and primitive specimen even as such specimens go.","HPL" "id24488","If it came from within the house, we had the window ladders; if from outside, the door and the stairs.","HPL" "id13580","Tumult filled the before quiet streets women and children deserted their homes, escaping they knew not whither fathers, husbands, and sons, stood trembling, not for themselves, but for their loved and defenceless relations.","MWS" "id12971","I recognized it, let me repeat, sometimes in the survey of a rapidly growing vine in the contemplation of a moth, a butterfly, a chrysalis, a stream of running water.","EAP" "id20684","""Sir,"" he replied, after a pause, ""Donner und Blitzen"" This was all that could be desired.","EAP" "id17601","What is there in our nature that is for ever urging us on towards pain and misery?","MWS" "id06904","His wilder wanderings were very startling indeed, including frantic appeals that something in a boarded up farmhouse be destroyed, and fantastic references to some plan for the extirpation of the entire human race and all animal and vegetable life from the earth by some terrible elder race of beings from another dimension.","HPL" "id20306","Although we were anxious to leave England before the depth of winter, yet we were detained.","MWS" "id05198","Our utmost united endeavors served only to disturb the coffer very slightly in its bed.","EAP" "id08798","Made frequent deposits in small sums.","EAP" "id06563","The old man returned to the cottage, and the youth, with tools different from those he had used in the morning, directed his steps across the fields.","MWS" "id18130","I continued awe struck and mute he looked smilingly on the poor girl; the smile was his.","MWS" "id19753","I felt the beneficial result of such excitement, in a renewal of those pleasing flights of fancy to which I had long been a stranger.","MWS" "id03446","Darkness then came over me and troubled me, but hardly had I felt this when, by opening my eyes, as I now suppose, the light poured in upon me again.","MWS" "id12329","Their benevolent disposition often made them enter the cottages of the poor.","MWS" "id27545","It was as the ass and the lap dog; yet surely the gentle ass whose intentions were affectionate, although his manners were rude, deserved better treatment than blows and execration.","MWS" "id00531","The rain had ceased; there was no more thunder and lightning; the wind had paused.","MWS" "id01027","They would perhaps be the worst of all Innsmouth types something one would not care to remember.","HPL" "id01813","I will not deny, though my memory is uncertain and indistinct, that this witness of yours may have seen us together as he says, on the Gainesville pike, walking toward Big Cypress Swamp, at half past eleven on that awful night.","HPL" "id07842","Those visions, however, were of abhorrent vividness and convincingness, and whenever he awaked he retained a vague sense of having undergone much more than he remembered.","HPL" "id27929","I myself would have thought of biological degeneration rather than alienage.","HPL" "id07693","It devolved on me to disclose our plan to Idris.","MWS" "id03916","For what could be the meaning of the queer clay bas relief and the disjointed jottings, ramblings, and cuttings which I found?","HPL" "id18086","We have crossed the Atlantic fairly and easily crossed it in a balloon God be praised Who shall say that anything is impossible hereafter?""","EAP" "id11801","Come, come, the worst is past: no more grief, tears or despair; were not those the words you uttered?","MWS" "id01164","I must have left dust prints in that last old building, revealing how I had gained the street.","HPL" "id01008","Resentment added also a sting to my censure; and I reprobated Raymond's conduct in severe terms.","MWS" "id26541","Yes, he had followed me in my travels; he had loitered in forests, hid himself in caves, or taken refuge in wide and desert heaths; and he now came to mark my progress and claim the fulfilment of my promise.","MWS" "id18149","In the act of consigning the corpse to the water, he would unquestionably have noticed his oversight; but then no remedy would have been at hand.","EAP" "id27655","I was awake, alive, while the brother of death possessed my race.","MWS" "id21652","Mr. Osborne complained of constriction of the chest but this soon wore off.","EAP" "id24203","We were interrupted by an attendant, who announced, that the staff of Raymond was assembled in the council chamber.","MWS" "id14076","He came up the while; and his appearance blew aside, with gentle western breath, my cloudy wrath: a tall, slim, fair boy, with a physiognomy expressive of the excess of sensibility and refinement stood before me; the morning sunbeams tinged with gold his silken hair, and spread light and glory over his beaming countenance.","MWS" "id08066","Doubtless my words surprised Henry; he at first believed them to be the wanderings of my disturbed imagination, but the pertinacity with which I continually recurred to the same subject persuaded him that my disorder indeed owed its origin to some uncommon and terrible event.","MWS" "id27662","""True"" observed the Baron, dryly, and at that instant a page of the bedchamber came from the palace with a heightened color, and a precipitate step.","EAP" "id26665","You, Sir, are the first outsider to be told there is a secret, and split me if I'd have risked tampering that much with the powers had ye not been so hot after bygone things.""","HPL" "id20022","From this framework was suspended a wicker basket or car.","EAP" "id07614","It is known, also, that it still remains in his possession.""","EAP" "id25583","I requested his advice concerning the books I ought to procure.","MWS" "id08926","There was an open space around the church; partly a churchyard with spectral shafts, and partly a half paved square swept nearly bare of snow by the wind, and lined with unwholesomely archaic houses having peaked roofs and overhanging gables.","HPL" "id12903","He if his ideas are worth mentioning at all had the effrontery to assert that his master never vaulted into the saddle without an unaccountable and almost imperceptible shudder, and that, upon his return from every long continued and habitual ride, an expression of triumphant malignity distorted every muscle in his countenance.","EAP" "id19846","In other places human beings were seldom seen, and I generally subsisted on the wild animals that crossed my path.","MWS" "id07548","My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.","EAP" "id11112","He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.","HPL" "id00921","In pronouncing these words, he drew a sharp knife across the guide rope by which I was suspended, and as we then happened to be precisely over my own house, which, during my peregrinations, had been handsomely rebuilt, it so occurred that I tumbled headlong down the ample chimney and alit upon the dining room hearth.","EAP" "id01893","I greedily devoured the remnants of the shepherd's breakfast, which consisted of bread, cheese, milk, and wine; the latter, however, I did not like.","MWS" "id20422","We will nominate Adrian, and do our best to bestow on him the power to which he is entitled by his birth, and which he merits through his virtues.","MWS" "id06851","Deeper grief oppressed Perdita.","MWS" "id07317","For who, let me ask, ever heard of a balloon manufactured entirely of dirty newspapers?","EAP" "id06245","Sir Isaac Newton is said to have avowed that he felt like a child picking up shells beside the great and unexplored ocean of truth.","MWS" "id14693","In her left hand she has a little heavy Dutch watch; in her right she wields a ladle for the sauerkraut and pork.","EAP" "id09033","And throwing aside a drapery, he discovered a full length portrait of the Marchesa Aphrodite.","EAP" "id03615","In open ambition or close intrigue, his end was the same to attain the first station in his own country.","MWS" "id10693","This daemoniac laughter which I hear as I write comes only from my own weakening brain.","HPL" "id22168","I know I'm more nervous than I was when you saw me last year, but you don't need to hold a clinic over it.","HPL" "id27682","Had I been either of these periodicals I would have spared no pains to have the ""Goosetherumfoodle"" prosecuted.","EAP" "id09893","She never for a moment credited the story of his death; she resolved instantly to go to Greece.","MWS" "id01566","I glanced back at the sea, but there was nothing there.","HPL" "id11711","The balloon was exhausted and secured without trouble; and when the MS. from which this narrative is compiled was despatched from Charleston, the party were still at Fort Moultrie.","EAP" "id24570","I was not particularly attentive to what you did; but observation has become with me, of late, a species of necessity.","EAP" "id19203","Did you observe any thing peculiar about it?""","EAP" "id17134","""Has no copy been taken?"" he demanded, surveying it through a microscope.","EAP" "id20210","I never so knew it, nor did you.","EAP" "id06393","You know what he wants.","HPL" "id22726","Almost the first long passage that Armitage deciphered, an entry dated November , , proved highly startling and disquieting.","HPL" "id12455","Raymond had lost much of his popularity, and was deserted by his peculiar partizans.","MWS" "id21040","So famous were Kalos and Musides, that none wondered when the Tyrant of Syracuse sent to them deputies to speak of the costly statue of Tyché which he had planned for his city.","HPL" "id05034","But I was not the witness of his grief, for I was lifeless and did not recover my senses for a long, long time.","MWS" "id00738","On a chair lay a razor, besmeared with blood.","EAP" "id21519","""Pay for my brandy and water didn't I give you the tobacco for the brandy and water?","EAP" "id12721","He did not conceive that ever qu.","MWS" "id12615","Methought this was but a poor expedient; but I assured him of my obedience and zeal.","MWS" "id18653","These symptoms were more than I had expected, and occasioned me some alarm.","EAP" "id26445","It could not have belonged to either of the deceased.","EAP" "id18325","""My cousin,"" replied I, ""it is decided as you may have expected; all judges had rather that ten innocent should suffer than that one guilty should escape.","MWS" "id10658","He had a feeling that however they might express ridicule of his intended marriage they would not dare display it when it had taken place; therefore seeking the consent of his guardian which with some difficulty he obtained, and of the father of his mistress which was more easily given, without acquainting any one else of his intention, by the time he had attained his twentieth birthday he had become the husband of Diana.","MWS" "id19270","Alas for that accursed time They bore thee o'er the billow, From Love to titled age and crime, And an unholy pillow From me, and from our misty clime, Where weeps the silver willow That these lines were written in English a language with which I had not believed their author acquainted afforded me little matter for surprise.","EAP" "id27011","Once a student of reanimation, this silent trunk was now gruesomely called upon to exemplify it.","HPL" "id26221","West had a private laboratory in an east room of the barn like temporary edifice, assigned him on his plea that he was devising new and radical methods for the treatment of hitherto hopeless cases of maiming.","HPL" "id01235","Thus far I had succumbed supinely to this imperious domination.","EAP" "id00159","Where if anywhere had he been on those nights of daemoniac alienage?","HPL" "id01415","A parasol, gloves, and a pocket handkerchief, were also here found.","EAP" "id13452","You are well aware that chemical preparations exist, and have existed time out of mind, by means of which it is possible to write upon either paper or vellum, so that the characters shall become visible only when subjected to the action of fire.","EAP" "id24220","The sea, or rather the vast river of ice, wound among its dependent mountains, whose aerial summits hung over its recesses.","MWS" "id01792","There was a brief silence, and in that pause the scattered senses of poor Curtis Whateley began to knit back into a sort of continuity; so that he put his hands to his head with a moan.","HPL" "id26459","We are in full view of the low coast of South Carolina.","EAP" "id22579","Motion in the animal frame had fully ceased.","EAP" "id25044","Now, suppose that I sail from this position a thousand miles east.","EAP" "id04456","Meantime huge smoking cities arose, innumerable.","EAP" "id03669","Is she not hurrying to upbraid me for my haste?","EAP" "id27920","I went to the war, an' ef I'd a had any guts or sense I'd a never come back, but settled away from here.","HPL" "id13293","Many were ill, but none made a disturbance.","HPL" "id09504","But, indeed, the time had now arrived when the mystery of my wife's manner oppressed me as a spell.","EAP" "id15871","""Glad ta see ye, young Sir new faces is scurce arount here, an' I hain't got much ta cheer me up these days.","HPL" "id01523","""He is come, the little love"" and, seizing me firmly by both hands, she kissed me thrice upon the nose.","EAP" "id27943","These regular interruptions to my slumber caused me even less discomfort than I had anticipated; and when I finally arose for the day, it was seven o'clock, and the sun had attained many degrees above the line of my horizon.","EAP" "id02461","Corroborated the testimony, and the opinions of M. Dumas.","EAP" "id17811","He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity.","MWS" "id20428","No secret issues could have escaped their vigilance.","EAP" "id13991","His mouth was large and flexible, and his teeth were more wildly uneven, although sound, than I had ever before seen teeth in a human head.","EAP" "id18236","The poor victim, who on the morrow was to pass the awful boundary between life and death, felt not, as I did, such deep and bitter agony.","MWS" "id17830","The subject, a widely known architect with leanings toward theosophy and occultism, went violently insane on the date of young Wilcox's seizure, and expired several months later after incessant screamings to be saved from some escaped denizen of hell.","HPL" "id18583","The surcingle enveloped my limbs and body close in all directions save in the path of the destroying crescent.","EAP" "id12967","By the by,"" she continued, ""have you any recollection "" and here I fancied that a blush, even through the gloom of the apartment, became distinctly visible upon her cheek ""have you any recollection, mon cher ami of this little ocular assistant, which now depends from my neck?""","EAP" "id01189","I arose with a shining pate, wigless; she in disdain and wrath, half buried in alien hair.","EAP" "id27762","Men whose eyes were wild with fear shrieked aloud of the sight within the king's banquet hall, where through the windows were seen no longer the forms of Nargis Hei and his nobles and slaves, but a horde of indescribable green voiceless things with bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips, and curious ears; things which danced horribly, bearing in their paws golden platters set with rubies and diamonds containing uncouth flames.","HPL" "id18836","Madame Moritz, her mother, was a widow with four children, of whom Justine was the third.","MWS" "id19234","Her hair, not as yet more than half loosened for the night from its ball room array, clustered, amid a shower of diamonds, round and round her classical head, in curls like those of the young hyacinth.","EAP" "id27163","At first worshipped with dark rites by the prairie dogs, who saw in it a deity sent from the upper world, it afterward fell into dire neglect as the race of simple, artless burrowers succumbed before the onslaught of the conquering Aryan.","HPL" "id01020","Is it not really difficult to comprehend upon what principle of interest our forefathers acted?","EAP" "id15805","The shutter rattled more loudly, unfastened, and commenced slamming against the window.","HPL" "id00051","I have observed that, although the outlines of the figures upon the walls were sufficiently distinct, yet the colors seemed blurred and indefinite.","EAP" "id15177","There were women weeping around; I hung over it and joined my sad tears to theirs; all this time no distinct idea presented itself to my mind, but my thoughts rambled to various subjects, reflecting confusedly on my misfortunes and their cause.","MWS" "id01673","You are feverish and"" ""Feel my pulse,"" said he.","EAP" "id01026","His Face, too full to be handsom, was likewise marred by the Effects of some scrofulous Disorder; and his Head was continually rolling about in a sort of convulsive way.","HPL" "id02435","The paintings the paintings O luxury O love who, gazing on those forbidden beauties, shall have eyes for the dainty devices of the golden frames that besprinkled, like stars, the hyacinth and the porphyry walls?","EAP" "id18521","As we drew nearer the green shore the bearded man told me of that land, the Land of Zar, where dwell all the dreams and thoughts of beauty that come to men once and then are forgotten.","HPL" "id26872","In a few cases closely related families would band together and watch in the gloom under one roof; but in general there was only a repetition of the barricading of the night before, and a futile, ineffective gesture of loading muskets and setting pitchforks handily about.","HPL" "id11227","It had done a deed, but the squatters had fired the cabin in frenzy before it could escape.","HPL" "id23990","Thus untaught in refined philosophy, and pursued by a restless feeling of degradation from my true station in society, I wandered among the hills of civilized England as uncouth a savage as the wolf bred founder of old Rome.","MWS" "id20688","On August , we espied the ocean floor, and sent a powerful beam from the searchlight over it.","HPL" "id23051","His frame shook, in a ridiculous manner, with a fit of what Tarpaulin called ""the horrors.""","EAP" "id10200","But they became every day more ardent and tender.","MWS" "id23790","It seemed evident that mine was not, at least, the most hideous of fates.","EAP" "id03909","There may be an object in full keeping with the principle suggested an object unattainable by the means ordinarily in possession of mankind, yet which, if attained, would lend a charm to the landscape garden immeasurably surpassing that which a merely human interest could bestow.","EAP" "id18963","My eyes, from the cruel pressure of the machine, were absolutely starting from their sockets.","EAP" "id00920","Every ignoramus of a fellow who finds that he hasn't brains in sufficient quantity to make his way as a walking advertiser, or an eye sore prig, or a salt and batter man, thinks, of course, that he'll answer very well as a dabbler of mud.","EAP" "id00885","I gazed with unquiet eye upon the sarcophagi in the angles of the room, upon the varying figures of the drapery, and upon the writhing of the parti colored fires in the censer overhead.","EAP" "id00099","The larger links of the chain run thus Chantilly, Orion, Dr. Nichols, Epicurus, Stereotomy, the street stones, the fruiterer.""","EAP" "id15293","I did not pretend to disguise from my perception the identity of the singular individual who thus perseveringly interfered with my affairs, and harassed me with his insinuated counsel.","EAP" "id17183","Probably the clerk would make the price easy for me, but there was nothing else to do.","HPL" "id14399","Then, as more men came to the growing cluster of houses and looked about for places to dwell, they built cabins along the north side; cabins of stout oaken logs with masonry on the side toward the forest, for many Indians lurked there with fire arrows.","HPL" "id09106","When eleven struck, however, the old man stood up, glided to a massive carved chest in a corner, and got two hooded cloaks; one of which he donned, and the other of which he draped round the old woman, who was ceasing her monotonous spinning.","HPL" "id16561","The note implored me in the name of mercy, and for the sake of my own curiosity, to wait where I was while he prepared a full account in German of all the marvels and terrors which beset him.","HPL" "id07098","My condition was now one of indescribable chaos.","HPL" "id18889","Suddenly one of the choristers died he was lifted from his desk, the vaults below were hastily opened he was consigned with a few muttered prayers to the darksome cavern, abode of thousands who had gone before now wide yawning to receive even all who fulfilled the funeral rites.","MWS" "id00883","Our cabinet warehouses are left entirely unattended, and thus afford every facility for a trick of this kind.","EAP" "id10152","It was annoying that the electricity should not last out the air and provisions.","HPL" "id13533","In my case it was method not money which made the man: at least all of him that was not made by the tailor whom I served.","EAP" "id22421","""It would be too much . . .","HPL" "id14933","We were, in a measure, prepared for it, however, as the weather had been holding out threats for some time.","EAP" "id26457","""Und dvelf it is"" said all the little old gentlemen, putting up their watches.","EAP" "id22817","It increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage.","EAP" "id05620","Satan had his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him, but I am solitary and abhorred.'","MWS" "id19555","We all observed the visitation of these feelings, and none regretted them so much as Perdita.","MWS" "id27755","You needn't think I'm crazy, Eliot plenty of others have queerer prejudices than this.","HPL" "id12210","Strange and awesome were many of the objects I encountered.","HPL" "id09444","He patronized the bagpipes.","EAP" "id17193","The rope dancers, for example, are inimitable.","EAP" "id27688","Every day, in the interim, I had inquired for Talbot at his hotel, and every day had been thrown into a spasm of wrath by the everlasting ""Not come home yet"" of his footman.","EAP" "id09761","Then they gave Kuranes a horse and placed him at the head of the cavalcade, and all rode majestically through the downs of Surrey and onward toward the region where Kuranes and his ancestors were born.","HPL" "id08348","He betrays eagerly and early that he may not himself be betrayed.","EAP" "id14284","I'd rudder not go fer trubble dat bug you mus git him for your own self.""","EAP" "id26311","For this reason I avoided this high born damsel.","MWS" "id06133","And then the series of accidents and coincidences these were so very extraordinary.","EAP" "id19328","Great honours were then paid to the shades of those who had annihilated the odd ancient beings, and the memory of those beings and of their elder gods was derided by dancers and lutanists crowned with roses from the gardens of Zokkar.","HPL" "id05063","It was not till one of them died that he perceived their danger; one by one they were carried off by pestilence; and his wife, his helpmate and supporter, more necessary to him than his own limbs and frame, which had hardly been taught the lesson of self preservation, the kind companion whose voice always spoke peace to him, closed her eyes in death.","MWS" "id16727","Embracing the huge cylinder, as closely as possible, with his arms and knees, seizing with his hands some projections, and resting his naked toes upon others, Jupiter, after one or two narrow escapes from falling, at length wriggled himself into the first great fork, and seemed to consider the whole business as virtually accomplished.","EAP" "id25147","The days that followed were full of pain to me; so that I sometimes regretted that I had not yielded at once to the haughty lady, who watched all my motions, and turned my beloved task of nursing my friend to a work of pain and irritation.","MWS" "id03322","His head was uncovered, and his hair neatly done up in papillotes.","EAP" "id15094","I know G , the Prefect of Police, and shall have no difficulty in obtaining the necessary permission.""","EAP" "id18819","Good God Margaret, if you had seen the man who thus capitulated for his safety, your surprise would have been boundless.","MWS" "id16143","The Journal here ceases.","EAP" "id12945","We pored together over such works as the Ververt et Chartreuse of Gresset; the Belphegor of Machiavelli; the Heaven and Hell of Swedenborg; the Subterranean Voyage of Nicholas Klimm by Holberg; the Chiromancy of Robert Flud, of Jean D'Indaginé, and of De la Chambre; the Journey into the Blue Distance of Tieck; and the City of the Sun of Campanella.","EAP" "id22314","Foremost of all are the great columns and frieze, both decorated with sculptures of inexpressible beauty; obviously portraying idealised pastoral scenes and processions of priests and priestesses bearing strange ceremonial devices in adoration of a radiant god.","HPL" "id21704","If any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them a hundred and a hundredfold; for that one creature's sake I would make peace with the whole kind But I now indulge in dreams of bliss that cannot be realized.","MWS" "id22073","Strange and harrowing must be his story, frightful the storm which embraced the gallant vessel on its course and wrecked it thus Chapter I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic.","MWS" "id14970","The texture of the majority was a kind of unpleasant rubberiness.","HPL" "id13057","I was presently relieved, however, by the dropping out of the other eye.","EAP" "id21188","""Ha ha ha he he he hi hi hi ho ho ho hu hu hu that's good oh that's capital such a wit But all we want just now, you know, uncle, is that you would indicate the time precisely.""","EAP" "id19818","And though the century which has since elapsed, and whose conclusion brings us thus together once more, tortured our slumbering senses with no impatience of duration, yet, my Monos, it was a century still.","EAP" "id19379","Rich draperies in every part of the room trembled to the vibration of low, melancholy music, whose origin was not to be discovered.","EAP" "id26863","But ah ah the first contribution the first, I say, it is never the Magazine custom to pay for you comprehend, eh?","EAP" "id01462","I felt that I had witnessed the death of a whole village, and knew I was alone in the castle with Denys Barry, whose boldness had brought down a doom.","HPL" "id06297","But I disliked it when I fancied I heard the closing of one of the windows that the settle faced, as if it had been stealthily opened.","HPL" "id17269","And shadowed on a screen, I saw hooded forms amidst ruins, and yellow evil faces peering from behind fallen monuments.","HPL" "id06727","When, a short time previous to the commencement of the game, the Automaton is wound up by the exhibiter as usual, an ear in any degree accustomed to the sounds produced in winding up a system of machinery, will not fail to discover, instantaneously, that the axis turned by the key in the box of the Chess Player, cannot possibly be connected with either a weight, a spring, or any system of machinery whatever.","EAP" "id26893","I was accordingly conducted, by the magistrate and several other persons, to the inn.","MWS" "id19476","dreadful creatures, those Indians do turn out your toes I really am ashamed of you man of great courage, poor fellow but this is a wonderful age for invention O dear me, I'm out of breath quite a desperado prodigies of valor never heard can't believe it I shall have to sit down and enlighten you Smith why, he's the man"" ""Man Fred, I tell you"" here bawled out Miss Bas Bleu, as I led Mrs. Pirouette to a seat.","EAP" "id09627","Zath, the coroner, disputed at length with Nith, the lean notary; and Kranon and Shang and Thul were overwhelmed with questions.","HPL" "id27007","The delight of Clerval was proportionably greater than mine; his mind expanded in the company of men of talent, and he found in his own nature greater capacities and resources than he could have imagined himself to have possessed while he associated with his inferiors.","MWS" "id19971","May heaven forgive the folly and morbidity which led us both to so monstrous a fate Wearied with the commonplaces of a prosaic world, where even the joys of romance and adventure soon grow stale, St. John and I had followed enthusiastically every aesthetic and intellectual movement which promised respite from our devastating ennui.","HPL" "id01554","At first I wished to hurry on, for I longed to console and sympathise with my loved and sorrowing friends; but when I drew near my native town, I slackened my progress.","MWS" "id20530","It was during one of these reveries or pauses of apparent abstraction, that, in turning over a page of the poet and scholar Politian's beautiful tragedy ""The Orfeo,"" the first native Italian tragedy, which lay near me upon an ottoman, I discovered a passage underlined in pencil.","EAP" "id27285","""Did we form ourselves, choosing our dispositions, and our powers?","MWS" "id13432","Presently Wilbur raised his head and began speaking in that strange, resonant fashion which hinted at sound producing organs unlike the run of mankind's.","HPL" "id04094","The original beauty is never so great as that which may be introduced.","EAP" "id12480","It was the publicity attending this investigation which set reporters on the track of the Whateleys, and caused the Boston Globe and Arkham Advertiser to print flamboyant Sunday stories of young Wilbur's precociousness, Old Whateley's black magic, the shelves of strange books, the sealed second story of the ancient farmhouse, and the weirdness of the whole region and its hill noises.","HPL" "id00218","Of its nature, and manner of coming into my possession, I cannot speak.","HPL" "id08945","""And you have not seen it?"" he said abruptly, after having stared about him for some moments in silence ""you have not then seen it?","EAP" "id04177","At first he stared at me as if he found it impossible to comprehend the witticism of my remark; but as its point seemed slowly to make its way into his brain, his eyes, in the same proportion, seemed protruding from their sockets.","EAP" "id16717","These are important questions utterly untouched by the evidence; and there are others of equal moment, which have met with no attention.","EAP" "id24526","CHARMION So henceforward will you always be called.","EAP" "id22904","This condition of things could not have long existed.","EAP" "id25411","By way of amusement, I felt my way among the numerous coffins ranged in order around.","EAP" "id17118","He had told her no more than he had told the public, but had left a long manuscript of ""technical matters"" as he said written in English, evidently in order to safeguard her from the peril of casual perusal.","HPL" "id09313","It also bore the inscription, ""From Eric Moreland Clapham Lee, St. Eloi, Flanders"".","HPL" "id22704","The results attained by them are not unfrequently surprising, but, for the most part, are brought about by simple diligence and activity.","EAP" "id21323","Clara, overcome by weariness, had seated herself at the foot of her cousin's bed, and in spite of her efforts slumber weighed down her lids; twice or thrice she shook it off; but at length she was conquered and slept.","MWS" "id15416","It is Mr. Thingum Bob said so, and Mr. Thingum Bob wrote this, and Mr. Thingum Bob did that.","EAP" "id24458","In passing my hand through the valve, with a cup of water for the old puss, the sleeves of my shirt became entangled in the loop which sustained the basket, and thus, in a moment, loosened it from the bottom.","EAP" "id10362","And as I did so I shuddered.","HPL" "id09298","Diana was not more than five inches in height, but her head was somewhat bigger than her body, and her tail being cut off exceedingly close, gave an air of injured innocence to the interesting animal which rendered her a favorite with all.","EAP" "id01496","Her servant, however, remained with her.","MWS" "id05725","At its third repetition, his whole frame was agitated by a very slight shivering; the eyelids unclosed themselves so far as to display a white line of the ball; the lips moved sluggishly, and from between them, in a barely audible whisper, issued the words: ""Yes; asleep now.","EAP" "id10996","Of a possible natives who had inhabited this spot, not one living specimen was visible.","HPL" "id13487","The horrible scene of the preceding day was forever acting before my eyes; the females were flying and the enraged Felix tearing me from his father's feet.","MWS" "id18517","The old librarian rehearsed the formulae he had memorised, and clutched the paper containing the alternative one he had not memorised.","HPL" "id22323","He had her then removed to a more commodious dwelling, and hovered about her, again and again to assure himself that she was safe.","MWS" "id11549","He stretched forth to me his hand, and unfortunately in so doing was forced to abandon his firm hold upon the overcoat.","EAP" "id26266","As an amateur antiquarian I almost lost my olfactory disgust and my feeling of menace and repulsion amidst this rich, unaltered survival from the past.","HPL" "id06986","All hees own housework he do hees leetle room are full of bottles and machines, and he do not work as doctair.","HPL" "id12628","I now forget the cause of her departure if indeed I ever knew it.","MWS" "id19789","I clasped that kind hand; I tried to answer; a fervent ""God bless you"" was all my ignorance could frame of speech, and I darted away, oppressed by my new emotions.","MWS" "id15210","But what mainly disturbed me was the idea that had perceptibly descended.","EAP" "id04695","In the fifth or sixth he succeeded very partially, and after long continued effort.","EAP" "id13936","The acquisition of unknown languages was too tedious an occupation, for one who referred every expression to the universe within, and read not, as many do, for the mere sake of filling up time; but who was still questioning herself and her author, moulding every idea in a thousand ways, ardently desirous for the discovery of truth in every sentence.","MWS" "id11876","Much of my time was now occupied in the exploration of the ruined and abandoned halls and towers of the old chateau, which in youth fear had caused me to shun, and some of which, old Pierre had once told me, had not been trodden by human foot for over four centuries.","HPL" "id00402","I dare quote only one paragraph, put into such English as I can make from the awkward Low Latin.","HPL" "id06959","But it soon occurred to me that the atmosphere was now far too rare to sustain even the feathers; that they actually fell, as they appeared to do, with great rapidity; and that I had been surprised by the united velocities of their descent and my own elevation.","EAP" "id18011","Pompey alone remained behind.","EAP" "id16959","I did not open my eyes until the raucous clamour came loudly from a point obviously straight ahead.","HPL" "id05450","And he perceived that there was no door on this landward end, but only a couple of small lattice windows with dingy bull's eye panes leaded in seventeenth century fashion.","HPL" "id20487","His passions were violent; as these often obtained the mastery over him, he could not always square his conduct to the obvious line of self interest, but self gratification at least was the paramount object with him.","MWS" "id13012","to promenade, as usual and customer brought home... JULY .","EAP" "id11807","I wished to imitate his example, but men are used to move all together, if they move at all, and I could find no means of leading the inhabitants of scattered towns and villages, who forgot my words as soon as they heard them not, and veered with every baffling wind, that might arise from an apparent change of circumstance.","MWS" "id21996","Examining one day the reserve specimens roughly set on the storage shelves in a rear room of the museum, my eye was caught by an odd picture in one of the old papers spread beneath the stones.","HPL" "id15322","It is a fair day for the sons of earth and life ah, more fair for the daughters of heaven and death"" I kissed her forehead, and she continued: ""I am dying, yet shall I live.""","EAP" "id11843","Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore me from his father, to whose knees I clung, in a transport of fury, he dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick.","MWS" "id03190","Oh My creator, make me happy; let me feel gratitude towards you for one benefit Let me see that I excite the sympathy of some existing thing; do not deny me my request"" I was moved.","MWS" "id25009","All the servants were asleep in the attic, so I answered the bell.","HPL" "id00725","The ponderous oppression was in a great measure relieved; and, issuing from the flame of each lamp, for there were many, there flowed unbrokenly into my ears a strain of melodious monotone.","EAP" "id07472","""Fear not that I shall be the instrument of future mischief.","MWS" "id03976","I truly think that no person at the university, with the exception of myself, ever suspected him to be capable of a joke, verbal or practical: the old bull dog at the garden gate would sooner have been accused, the ghost of Heraclitus, or the wig of the Emeritus Professor of Theology.","EAP" "id21068","There was much kindness, gratitude, and sweetness in her expression, but no love.","MWS" "id09323","And I closed my eyes before the crash that I knew would come, shutting out the sight of the celestial bird which flapped its mocking blue wings over the brink of the torrent.","HPL" "id07652","As he spoke, I caught a glimpse of his face in the yellow beam from a solitary attic window.","HPL" "id08461","By the utmost self violence I curbed the imperious voice of wretchedness, which sometimes desired to declare itself to the whole world, and my manners were calmer and more composed than they had ever been since my journey to the sea of ice.","MWS" "id04151","So after that I did not listen for merriment or look for wayfarers, but kept on down past the hushed lighted farmhouses and shadowy stone walls to where the signs of ancient shops and sea taverns creaked in the salt breeze, and the grotesque knockers of pillared doorways glistened along deserted, unpaved lanes in the light of little, curtained windows.","HPL" "id03363","Most of this information reached the outside world through young Jan Martense, who from some kind of restlessness joined the colonial army when news of the Albany Convention reached Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id05329","From the remotest period of antiquity to which the archives have reference, the hours have been regularly struck by the big bell.","EAP" "id18966","Chapter The being finished speaking and fixed his looks upon me in the expectation of a reply.","MWS" "id22023","It is the person of Ligeia.","EAP" "id03659","My manly virtues did not desert me, for the witch Urania spared the locks of Sampson, while he reposed at her feet; but all was softened and humanized.","MWS" "id26493","I spoke with awe, and I think he shared it for a second, but the evil grin returned.","HPL" "id11004","Evadne entered but coldly into his systems.","MWS" "id13224","He asked me the history of my earlier years.","MWS" "id12148","Above these apparent hieroglyphics was a figure of evidently pictorial intent, though its impressionistic execution forbade a very clear idea of its nature.","HPL" "id16543","""Alas Alas What am I become?","MWS" "id23012","While he was yet undecided, she had quitted England; the news of his marriage reached her, and her hopes, poorly nurtured blossoms, withered and fell.","MWS" "id22523","The mere flow of animal spirits was Paradise, and at night's close I only desired a renewal of the intoxicating delusion.","MWS" "id08162","But half buried in the rushes was spied a curious green idol of stone; an exceedingly ancient idol coated with seaweed and chiselled in the likeness of Bokrug, the great water lizard.","HPL" "id22529","But when I gently shook his shoulder he turned on me with astonishing alertness and snapped out some more obscure phrases.","HPL" "id09336","You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was.","EAP" "id00693","In the midst of poverty and want, Felix carried with pleasure to his sister the first little white flower that peeped out from beneath the snowy ground.","MWS" "id13957","We discussed his chances, the merits of the other candidates, and the dispositions of the voters.","MWS" "id01508","A rumbling sound seemed brewing beneath the hills, mixed strangely with a concordant rumbling which clearly came from the sky.","HPL" "id27689","The stinging ""remorse of love"" now pierced her heart.","MWS" "id19598","Other and later Members of the CLUB were Mr. David Garrick, the Actor and early Friend of Dr. Johnson, Messieurs Tho. and Jos.","HPL" "id20943","That a mind can find its greatest pleasure in escapes from the daily treadmill, and in original and dramatic recombinations of images usually thrown by habit and fatigue into the hackneyed patterns of actual existence, was something virtually incredible to his clear, practical, and logical intellect.","HPL" "id13885","Report had spoken of his possessions in terms which I had even ventured to call terms of ridiculous exaggeration.","EAP" "id11636","In the brief existence of Ellison I fancy that I have seen refuted the dogma, that in man's very nature lies some hidden principle, the antagonist of bliss.","EAP" "id18056","The invalid was suffering with acute pain in the region of the heart, and breathed with great difficulty, having all the ordinary symptoms of asthma.","EAP" "id03641","The day was warm and sunny, but the landscape of sand, sedge grass, and stunted shrubbery became more and more desolate as we proceeded.","HPL" "id10520","When she found herself forsaken by him, she lost the heart to pursue her usual avocations; pride forbade every application to him; famine was welcomed as the kind porter to the gates of death, within whose opening folds she should now, without sin, quickly repose.","MWS" "id25529","Our house was the house of mourning.","MWS" "id04280","I will have none of their rabbit au chat and, for the matter of that, none of their cat au rabbit either.","EAP" "id26568","I repeat it is exceedingly hard to comprehend how the articles could have remained in this thicket undiscovered, for a longer period than one or two days; and that thus there is good ground for suspicion, in spite of the dogmatic ignorance of Le Soleil, that they were, at a comparatively late date, deposited where found.","EAP" "id13812","Ye Gods that sigh It sunk into my heart.","EAP" "id09796","Whilst Musides revelled by night amidst the urban gaieties of Tegea, Kalos would remain at home; stealing away from the sight of his slaves into the cool recesses of the olive grove.","HPL" "id22841","In this matter, I act as a partisan of the lady concerned.","EAP" "id01277","One of these small apartments was occupied by Wilson.","EAP" "id14401","No one placed the charred fragments in an urn or set a memorial to him who had been; for certain papers and a certain boxed object were found, which made men wish to forget.","HPL" "id04084","About the period of this work's completion people noticed that the old tool house, tightly locked and windowlessly clapboarded since Wilbur's birth, had been abandoned again.","HPL" "id05184","I then finally made up my mind.","EAP" "id26731","They alone would have amply established her identity.","EAP" "id04706","Over and above the fumes and sickening closeness rises an aroma once familiar throughout the land, but now happily banished to the back streets of life by the edict of a benevolent government the aroma of strong, wicked whiskey a precious kind of forbidden fruit indeed in this year of grace .","HPL" "id02250","Raymond questioned him; but his reserved answers soon made him turn from the man to the drawing.","MWS" "id05890","She went even so far as to accuse me, laughingly, of rashness of imprudence.","EAP" "id15143","The gas to be formed from these latter materials is a gas never yet generated by any other person than myself or at least never applied to any similar purpose.","EAP" "id06777","We must all remain; and do our best to help our suffering fellow creatures.""","MWS" "id16060","Just before sunset I scrambled my way through the evergreens to the hut of my friend, whom I had not visited for several weeks my residence being, at that time, in Charleston, a distance of nine miles from the Island, while the facilities of passage and re passage were very far behind those of the present day.","EAP" "id24758","As for ""Oppodeldoc,"" whoever he was, I had by this time lost all patience with the fellow, and sympathized with him no longer.","EAP" "id20902","Undoubtedly the alien strain in the Innsmouth folk was stronger here than farther inland unless, indeed, the ""Innsmouth look"" were a disease rather than a blood strain, in which case this district might be held to harbour the more advanced cases.","HPL" "id20572","In broad daylight, and at most seasons I am apt to think the greater part of it a mere dream; but sometimes in the autumn, about two in the morning when winds and animals howl dismally, there comes from inconceivable depths below a damnable suggestion of rhythmical throbbing . . .","HPL" "id03593","Leave the task of persuasion on that point to me; I do not ask you to assist me there.","MWS" "id08443","Postponing, therefore, for the present, my suicidal design, I just slipped my nether extremities into the sleeves of my coat, and betook myself to a pursuit of the felon with all the nimbleness which the case required and its circumstances would admit.","EAP" "id02066","Looking down from this pinnacle upon the howling Phlegethon below, I could not help smiling at the simplicity with which the honest Jonas Ramus records, as a matter difficult of belief, the anecdotes of the whales and the bears; for it appeared to me, in fact, a self evident thing, that the largest ship of the line in existence, coming within the influence of that deadly attraction, could resist it as little as a feather the hurricane, and must disappear bodily and at once.","EAP" "id10557","There were legends of a hidden lake unglimpsed by mortal sight, in which dwelt a huge, formless white polypous thing with luminous eyes; and squatters whispered that bat winged devils flew up out of caverns in inner earth to worship it at midnight.","HPL" "id07079","And how, Victor, can I relate our misfortune?","MWS" "id16408","He heard with attention the little narration concerning my studies and smiled at the names of Cornelius Agrippa and Paracelsus, but without the contempt that M. Krempe had exhibited.","MWS" "id05625","It had been rather presumptuous of him to open the unlocked door after knocking had failed to rouse a response, but he had needed the help very badly and thought that his host would not mind a gentle prodding awake.","HPL" "id02875","Handbills and papers fluttered about filthy gutters; handbills and papers printed in many tongues and in many characters, yet all bearing messages of crime and rebellion.","HPL" "id27428","""To be sure I am, sir."" ""I shall be sorry to part with him,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id25925","He was pacing the garden: his passions were in a state of inconceivable turbulence.","MWS" "id21446","The sea appeared unruffled as a mirror, although, by means of the spy glass, I could perceive it to be in a state of violent agitation.","EAP" "id15573","They are each two feet in height.","EAP" "id18645","Into this the grimacing crone started, dragging Gilman after her by his pajama sleeve.","HPL" "id14840","Long long I read and devoutly, devotedly I gazed.","EAP" "id04104","He got over his grief for Elinor, and the country became dull to him, so he was glad to find even me for amusement; and when he does not know what else to do he passes his lazy hours here, and calls this friendship It is true that his presence is a consolation to me, and that his words are sweet, and, when he will he can pour forth thoughts that win me from despair.","MWS" "id25796","He was courteous, honey tongued an adept in fascinating arts.","MWS" "id17879","Yet I will not die; alas how dare I go where I may meet Diana, when I have disobeyed her last request; her last words said in a faint voice when all feeling but love, which survives all things else was already dead, she then bade me make her child happy: that thought alone gives a double sting to death.","MWS" "id07925","'Who are you?' ""At that instant the cottage door was opened, and Felix, Safie, and Agatha entered.","MWS" "id17804","At these moments I took refuge in the most perfect solitude.","MWS" "id15606","The odour of the fish was maddening; but I was too much concerned with graver things to mind so slight an evil, and set out boldly for an unknown goal.","HPL" "id14327","""That he should live to be an instrument of mischief disturbs me; in other respects, this hour, when I momentarily expect my release, is the only happy one which I have enjoyed for several years.","MWS" "id19916","On the route, quite accidentally, he is met by the purchaser, who exclaims: ""Ah This is my bundle, I see I thought you had been home with it, long ago.","EAP" "id24547","He writhed beneath an injury he was unable to revenge; and he quitted England with a vow not to return, till the good time should arrive, when she might feel the power of him she now despised.","MWS" "id02878","The Countess of Windsor was by nature full of energetic feeling; but she had very seldom in her life permitted the concentrated emotions of her heart to shew themselves on her features.","MWS" "id03877","Puerile though the story was, old Zadok's insane earnestness and horror had communicated to me a mounting unrest which joined with my earlier sense of loathing for the town and its blight of intangible shadow.","HPL" "id14484","Desire of renown, and presumptuous ambition, had characterized his youth.","MWS" "id24751","formless phantasms and kaleidoscopic mutations of a ghoulish, remembered scene; forests of monstrous overnourished oaks with serpent roots twisting and sucking unnamable juices from an earth verminous with millions of cannibal devils; mound like tentacles groping from underground nuclei of polypous perversion . . .","HPL" "id01803","He looks to Number One.","EAP" "id04690","In an instant he had reached the extremity of the niche, and finding his progress arrested by the rock, stood stupidly bewildered.","EAP" "id21610","They seemed full of careful thought, and a few words of their conversation that reached me, induced me to approach and make further enquiries.","MWS" "id02798","They were, I must believe, far larger than the ordinary eyes of our own race.","EAP" "id26386","An advanced guard gave information of our approach, and the country people were quickly in motion to do honour to Lord Raymond.","MWS" "id23138","I have already spoken of his abstract manner at such times.","EAP" "id14798","All Athens accompanied us for several miles.","MWS" "id18238","I can speak for myself want of energy was not my failing.","MWS" "id21845","But a Frenchwoman is seldom direct, and has always, by way of answer to an embarrassing query, some little practical reply of her own.","EAP" "id24215","The boundary line of his dominions was never clearly defined; but his principal park embraced a circuit of fifty miles.","EAP" "id22164","Maddened by the sound, or by the stench which billowed forth even to the open air, the waiting horse gave a scream that was too frantic for a neigh, and plunged madly off through the night, the wagon rattling crazily behind it.","HPL" "id17196","We landed, in fine, more dead than alive, after four days of intense distress, upon the beach opposite Roanoke Island.","EAP" "id18420","With the energy natural to her, Perdita then endeavoured to supply his place.","MWS" "id04739","Moreover, it is inserted in at least five or six of the daily papers of the day, while in point of time, it makes its appearance only a few hours after the original.","EAP" "id08837","Truth is not always in a well.","EAP" "id22691","The busy eastern part of the town was silent, or at most you saw only where, half from cupidity, half from curiosity, the warehouses had been more ransacked than pillaged: bales of rich India goods, shawls of price, jewels, and spices, unpacked, strewed the floors.","MWS" "id13786","For arms there dangled from the upper portion of the carcass two tolerably long bottles, with the necks outward for hands.","EAP" "id03262","For myself I was proud, knowing how the Fatherland would revere my memory and how my sons would be taught to be men like me.","HPL" "id16992","Where once had risen walls of cubits and towers yet higher, now stretched only the marshy shore, and where once had dwelt fifty millions of men now crawled only the detestable green water lizard.","HPL" "id01224","I attended the lectures and cultivated the acquaintance of the men of science of the university, and I found even in M. Krempe a great deal of sound sense and real information, combined, it is true, with a repulsive physiognomy and manners, but not on that account the less valuable.","MWS" "id21054","We were alone together; the sun had set; the song of the nightingales began; the evening star shone distinct in the flood of light, which was yet unfaded in the west.","MWS" "id21498","Yet I could not have been deceived.","EAP" "id10775","Upon my memory was graven the vision of the city, and within my soul had arisen another and vaguer recollection, of whose nature I was not then certain.","HPL" "id04685","""Ave, Caesar, moriturus te saluto"" he shouted, and dropped to the whiskey reeking floor, never to rise again.","HPL" "id25339","When Gilman stood up the tiles felt hot to his bare feet.","HPL" "id11043","But do they not rather demonstrate the absence of a gang?","EAP" "id16314","If I went to sleep as I proposed, how could the atmosphere in the chamber be regenerated in the interim?","EAP" "id15102","He wants to see life as she is wants to know what the real lightnin' juice tastes like so jus' remember he's me friend an' treat 'im right.""","HPL" "id05945","After the fading of the last match I dared to waste, I sat very quietly without a light.","HPL" "id13275","The tent of the Arab is fallen in the sands, and his horse spurns the ground unbridled and unsaddled.","MWS" "id03902","Once, overcome by fatigue, I sunk on the wet earth; about two hundred yards distant, alone in a large meadow stood a magnificent oak; the lightnings shewed its myriad boughs torn by the storm.","MWS" "id19066","Then he saw the fanged, bearded little face in the rat hole the accursed little face which he at last realised bore such a shocking, mocking resemblance to old Keziah's and heard the faint fumbling at the door.","HPL" "id21533","Many were the pillars of the palaces, all of tinted marble, and carven into designs of surpassing beauty.","HPL" "id25509","Moreover, although it was stated by L'Etoile, that the corpse was re interred at the public expense that an advantageous offer of private sculpture was absolutely declined by the family and that no member of the family attended the ceremonial: although, I say, all this was asserted by L'Etoile in furtherance of the impression it designed to convey yet all this was satisfactorily disproved.","EAP" "id14129","""This was my duty, but there was another still paramount to that.","MWS" "id13906","Sometimes I have endeavoured to discover what quality it is which he possesses that elevates him so immeasurably above any other person I ever knew.","MWS" "id15312","I cannot number the birds that I have saved during the long and severe winters of that climate; or the hares and rabbits that I have defended from the attacks of our dogs, or have nursed when accidentally wounded.","MWS" "id03068","He assisted her to dismount, and dismissing her guide, conducted her into the cottage.","MWS" "id04642","""Claws enuff, massa, and mouth too.","EAP" "id00413","And those who came were never as those who went away; for their accents were coarse and strident, and their mien and faces unpleasing.","HPL" "id04452","The sledge was still visible, nor did I again lose sight of it except at the moments when for a short time some ice rock concealed it with its intervening crags.","MWS" "id13620","He interspersed his study of the books with attacks on the manuscript itself, and in time became convinced that he had to deal with one of those subtlest and most ingenious of cryptograms, in which many separate lists of corresponding letters are arranged like the multiplication table, and the message built up with arbitrary key words known only to the initiated.","HPL" "id23555","In the first place he opens the door No. I. Leaving this open, he goes round to the rear of the box, and opens a door precisely at the back of door No. I. To this back door he holds a lighted candle.","EAP" "id26739","A bowl of vegetable soup with crackers was enough for me, and I soon headed back for my cheerless room at the Gilman; getting an evening paper and a flyspecked magazine from the evil visaged clerk at the rickety stand beside his desk.","HPL" "id03779","By this time two policemen had arrived; and Dr. Morgan, meeting them in the vestibule, was urging them for their own sakes to postpone entrance to the stench filled reading room till the examiner came and the prostrate thing could be covered up.","HPL" "id14557","In proper season, of course, they would return home; and the author, happening, one day, to require their services for a short voyage, is unexpectedly carried straight tip, and in a very brief period arrives at the satellite.","EAP" "id14932","In Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic, we have an account of the most remarkable.","EAP" "id01585","But that could not be.","MWS" "id05456","After midnight their shrill notes burst into a kind of pandaemoniac cachinnation which filled all the countryside, and not until dawn did they finally quiet down.","HPL" "id26372","The analytical power should not be confounded with ample ingenuity; for while the analyst is necessarily ingenious, the ingenious man is often remarkably incapable of analysis.","EAP" "id09201","I surveyed their characteristics.","EAP" "id27938","His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering.","MWS" "id26802","""I hope you won't stay till after dark.","HPL" "id07010","These Indians shewed choler when the place was built, and were plaguy pestilent in asking to visit the grounds at the full of the moon.","HPL" "id21503","""'But,' says L'Etoile, 'if the body had been kept in its mangled state on shore until Tuesday night, some trace would be found on shore of the murderers.'","EAP" "id27482","If dishonour, or what I conceive to be dishonour, come near me, I am lost.""","MWS" "id14935","I scrutinized the formation of the chin and here, too, I found the gentleness of breadth, the softness and the majesty, the fullness and the spirituality, of the Greek the contour which the god Apollo revealed but in a dream, to Cleomenes, the son of the Athenian.","EAP" "id27263","""Since you have preserved my narration,"" said he, ""I would not that a mutilated one should go down to posterity.""","MWS" "id24680","They appeared to me white whiter than the sheet upon which I trace these words and thin even to grotesqueness; thin with the intensity of their expression of firmness of immoveable resolution of stern contempt of human torture.","EAP" "id03809","The Duchess of Bless my Soul was sitting for her portrait; the Marquis of So and So was holding the Duchess' poodle; the Earl of This and That was flirting with her salts; and his Royal Highness of Touch me Not was leaning upon the back of her chair.","EAP" "id17955","Great excitement once came to The Street.","HPL" "id09183","Before any one of us could recover from the extreme astonishment into which this rudeness had thrown all, we heard the voice of the intruder.","EAP" "id03151","What was the unknown island on which six of the Emma's crew had died, and about which the mate Johansen was so secretive?","HPL" "id27923","""Good old rye, an' as fiery as ya kin find anyw'eres in Chi'.""","HPL" "id17200","I have said that I minutely remember the details of the chamber yet I am sadly forgetful on topics of deep moment and here there was no system, no keeping, in the fantastic display, to take hold upon the memory.","EAP" "id13607","Write now"" and I wrote as he dictated.","EAP" "id19601","Thus ended a day memorable to me; it decided my future destiny.","MWS" "id21682","I see the desolate plain covered with white, save a few black patches that the noonday sun has made at the top of those sharp pointed hillocks from which the snow, sliding as it fell, lay thinner than on the plain ground: a few birds are pecking at the hard ice that covers the pools for the frost has been of long continuance.","MWS" "id01984","Mocking her own desires, she rallied her guests on their early departure.","MWS" "id02806","We rise; one wand'ring thought pollutes the day.","MWS" "id16397","This interference often took the ungracious character of advice; advice not openly given, but hinted or insinuated.","EAP" "id23277","The details contained in the foregoing pages, apparently trivial, yet each slightest one weighing like lead in the depressed scale of human afflictions; this tedious dwelling on the sorrows of others, while my own were only in apprehension; this slowly laying bare of my soul's wounds: this journal of death; this long drawn and tortuous path, leading to the ocean of countless tears, awakens me again to keen grief.","MWS" "id27669","Every motive, every threat, every angry taunt was urged in vain.","MWS" "id12194","The one midway is Moskoe.","EAP" "id15942","At one bend he saw the group of giant elms among which an ancestor had oddly vanished a century and a half before, and shuddered as the wind blew meaningly through them.","HPL" "id06336","""The cottagers arose the next morning before the sun.","MWS" "id17252","I was too much exhausted to reflect upon this circumstance, but ate and drank with avidity.","EAP" "id23975","Mrs. Updike's clothes were close to the front hall switch that's how I know she did it.","HPL" "id15155","On the third morning occurred the first of the man's mental attacks.","HPL" "id25833","But I was not to reach my destination without one very strong impression of poignantly disagreeable quality.","HPL" "id00612","From this time Felix was more employed, and the heart moving indications of impending famine disappeared.","MWS" "id06587","He was gay, playful, fascinating but never did he overstep the modesty of nature, or the respect due to himself, in his wildest sallies.","MWS" "id04165","what avails the vigilance against the Destiny of man?","EAP" "id26605","Yet perhaps I shall not be too late.""","MWS" "id25620","This benefit was fully repaid; Justine was the most grateful little creature in the world: I do not mean that she made any professions I never heard one pass her lips, but you could see by her eyes that she almost adored her protectress.","MWS" "id05765","Cahoone in the War of .","HPL" "id19510","His extraction was obscure; but circumstances brought him early into public notice, and his small paternal property was soon dissipated in the splendid scene of fashion and luxury in which he was an actor.","MWS" "id20108","Do you indeed sleep, Mathilda?","MWS" "id16358","She hung down her head, and said not a syllable in reply.","EAP" "id16886","Nothing would have tempted me to within half a dozen yards of its brink.","EAP" "id21586","Every shade of New England dialect, from the uncouth syllables of the Puritan colonists to the precise rhetoric of fifty years ago, seemed represented in that shadowy colloquy, though it was only later that I noticed the fact.","HPL" "id01661","It first rolled down the side of the steeple, then lodge, for a few seconds, in the gutter, and then made its way, with a plunge, into the middle of the street.","EAP" "id10245","""Listen to me The waves from that thing are waking a thousand sleeping senses in us; senses which we inherit from aeons of evolution from the state of detached electrons to the state of organic humanity.","HPL" "id13427","It must have been by an accident, in its strictest sense, that these garters of Marie needed the tightening described.","EAP" "id10184","The damn' government can try tuh make folks good ef it wants tuh, but it can't stop a feller from hittin' 'er up when he feels like it.","HPL" "id01440","On the second night after my release, I was again taken by the gamekeepers again imprisoned, and again released; and again, such was my pertinacity, did the fourth night find me in the forbidden park.","MWS" "id16981","Many projects entered my mind.","EAP" "id06967","When I was twelve years old it occurred to my aunt that I ought to learn music; she herself played upon the harp.","MWS" "id19643","In this latter respect I was forced to take Talbot's advice; for he remained obstinately deaf to every further question or suggestion, and occupied himself exclusively for the rest of the evening with what was transacting upon the stage.","EAP" "id27184","Diotima approached the fountain seated herself on a mossy mound near it and her disciples placed themselves on the grass near her Without noticing me who sat close under her she continued her discourse addressing as it happened one or other of her listeners but before I attempt to repeat her words I will describe the chief of these whom she appeared to wish principally to impress One was a woman of about years of age in the full enjoyment of the most exquisite beauty her golden hair floated in ringlets on her shoulders her hazle eyes were shaded by heavy lids and her mouth the lips apart seemed to breathe sensibility But she appeared thoughtful unhappy her cheek was pale she seemed as if accustomed to suffer and as if the lessons she now heard were the only words of wisdom to which she had ever listened The youth beside her had a far different aspect his form was emaciated nearly to a shadow his features were handsome but thin worn his eyes glistened as if animating the visage of decay his forehead was expansive but there was a doubt perplexity in his looks that seemed to say that although he had sought wisdom he had got entangled in some mysterious mazes from which he in vain endeavoured to extricate himself As Diotima spoke his colour went came with quick changes the flexible muscles of his countenance shewed every impression that his mind received he seemed one who in life had studied hard but whose feeble frame sunk beneath the weight of the mere exertion of life the spark of intelligence burned with uncommon strength within him but that of life seemed ever on the eve of fading At present I shall not describe any other of this groupe but with deep attention try to recall in my memory some of the words of Diotima they were words of fire but their path is faintly marked on my recollection It requires a just hand, said she continuing her discourse, to weigh divide the good from evil On the earth they are inextricably entangled and if you would cast away what there appears an evil a multitude of beneficial causes or effects cling to it mock your labour When I was on earth and have walked in a solitary country during the silence of night have beheld the multitude of stars, the soft radiance of the moon reflected on the sea, which was studded by lovely islands When I have felt the soft breeze steal across my cheek as the words of love it has soothed cherished me then my mind seemed almost to quit the body that confined it to the earth with a quick mental sense to mingle with the scene that I hardly saw I felt Then I have exclaimed, oh world how beautiful thou art Oh brightest universe behold thy worshiper spirit of beauty of sympathy which pervades all things, now lifts my soul as with wings, how have you animated the light the breezes Deep inexplicable spirit give me words to express my adoration; my mind is hurried away but with language I cannot tell how I feel thy loveliness Silence or the song of the nightingale the momentary apparition of some bird that flies quietly past all seems animated with thee more than all the deep sky studded with worlds"" If the winds roared tore the sea and the dreadful lightnings seemed falling around me still love was mingled with the sacred terror I felt; the majesty of loveliness was deeply impressed on me So also I have felt when I have seen a lovely countenance or heard solemn music or the eloquence of divine wisdom flowing from the lips of one of its worshippers a lovely animal or even the graceful undulations of trees inanimate objects have excited in me the same deep feeling of love beauty; a feeling which while it made me alive eager to seek the cause animator of the scene, yet satisfied me by its very depth as if I had already found the solution to my enquires sic as if in feeling myself a part of the great whole I had found the truth secret of the universe But when retired in my cell I have studied contemplated the various motions and actions in the world the weight of evil has confounded me If I thought of the creation I saw an eternal chain of evil linked one to the other from the great whale who in the sea swallows destroys multitudes the smaller fish that live on him also torment him to madness to the cat whose pleasure it is to torment her prey I saw the whole creation filled with pain each creature seems to exist through the misery of another death havoc is the watchword of the animated world And Man also even in Athens the most civilized spot on the earth what a multitude of mean passions envy, malice a restless desire to depreciate all that was great and good did I see And in the dominions of the great being I saw man reduced?","MWS" "id08083","At all this I felt mortified, and so called upon my father.","EAP" "id14937","Meanwhile no more must be told.","HPL" "id18411","The magistrate appeared at first perfectly incredulous, but as I continued he became more attentive and interested; I saw him sometimes shudder with horror; at others a lively surprise, unmingled with disbelief, was painted on his countenance.","MWS" "id12639","Being now assured of her absence, I returned with a palpitating heart to the scene of my disaster.","EAP" "id22470","In a fearfully brief period the patient died, when it appeared that in the jar containing the leeches, had been introduced, by accident, one of the venomous vermicular sangsues which are now and then found in the neighboring ponds.","EAP" "id16949","He would talk of the wonderful powers of man, of their present state and of their hopes: of what they had been and what they were, and when reason could no longer guide him, his imagination as if inspired shed light on the obscurity that veils the past and the future.","MWS" "id20941","At first the high priests liked not these festivals, for there had descended amongst them queer tales of how the sea green eikon had vanished, and how Taran Ish had died from fear and left a warning.","HPL" "id23842","The walls were of bare boards, and had probably never known plaster; whilst the abundance of dust and cobwebs made the place seem more deserted than inhabited.","HPL" "id23442","And every morning, when the day broke, I went boldly into the chamber, and spoke courageously to him, calling him by name in a hearty tone, and inquiring how he has passed the night.","EAP" "id21347","""He was a great fool, beyond doubt,"" interposed some one, ""but not to be compared with a certain individual whom we all know, with the exception of this strange gentleman.","EAP" "id18085","As the hours wore on I saw his head droop awkwardly in sleep, but I did not disturb him.","HPL" "id13833","I will not be put off thus: do you think that I can live thus fearfully from day to day the sword in my bosom yet kept from its mortal wound by a hair a word I demand that dreadful word; though it be as a flash of lightning to destroy me, speak it.","MWS" "id18195","I beg your pardon, sir,"" here he addresses a gentleman on shore, ""but you have the air of an honest man.","EAP" "id11894","He was again in the cramped, violet litten peaked space with the slanting floor, the low cases of ancient books, the bench and table, the queer objects, and the triangular gulf at one side.","HPL" "id02298","I examined all my apparatus, however, with great attention, and could discover nothing out of order.","EAP" "id22502","Do not think that I shall be slow to perform this sacrifice.","MWS" "id10758","In this manner the chase continued for a long time.","EAP" "id23819","Unsupported and weak, let him wander through fields where the unreaped corn stands in barren plenty, through copses planted by his fathers, through towns built for his use.","MWS" "id19607","This idea was probably suggested by the extreme agitation I had exhibited when the mode of the murder had been described.","MWS" "id05300","""The stupor and surprise produced in my mind by this extraordinary change in the posture of affairs was perhaps, after all, that part of the adventure least susceptible of explanation.","EAP" "id27891","Somewhat amazed at all this, I made my retreat to the Baron.","EAP" "id12766","All the time he had passed out of England was as a dream, and all the interest of his soul, all his affections belonged to events which had happened and persons who had existed sixteen years before.","MWS" "id09251","The Boatswain Müller, an elderly man who would have known better had he not been a superstitious Alsatian swine, became so excited by this impression that he watched the body in the water; and swore that after it sank a little it drew its limbs into a swimming position and sped away to the south under the waves.","HPL" "id04841","I hesitated to ride, or to walk, or to indulge in any exercise that would carry me from home.","EAP" "id23880","Nor can I better define that peculiarity of spirit which seemed to place him so essentially apart from all other human beings, than by calling it a habit of intense and continual thought, pervading even his most trivial actions intruding upon his moments of dalliance and interweaving itself with his very flashes of merriment like adders which writhe from out the eyes of the grinning masks in the cornices around the temples of Persepolis.","EAP" "id08477","I did not, however, succeed in finding my late companion, for the dolphins were massed thickly and obscuringly about the conning tower.","HPL" "id04183","No, he had determined to die, and he wished to spare me the misery of knowing it.","MWS" "id22424","I have not been quite well for some days past, and poor old Jup annoys me, almost beyond endurance, by his well meant attentions Would you believe it?","EAP" "id09533","It is not improbable that the relatives of Legrand, conceiving him to be somewhat unsettled in intellect, had contrived to instil this obstinacy into Jupiter, with a view to the supervision and guardianship of the wanderer.","EAP" "id16181","""You then,"" I asked, ""still remain in Greece?"" ""Assuredly,"" replied Raymond.","MWS" "id25692","He had chosen this work, he said, because the declamatory style was framed in imitation of the Eastern authors.","MWS" "id20423","Instead, his surroundings depressed him; and he frequently wrote to a friend in Albany of plans to leave the paternal roof.","HPL" "id22250","This letter was enclosed to the care of a nobleman, who, he did not doubt, would perform the last and inexpensive office of placing it in the king's own hand.","MWS" "id12684","Pestilence will usher you to his presence.","MWS" "id23640","""EXTRAORDINARY MURDERS.","EAP" "id07754","The knowledge of his success had become so much a part of himself, that he forgot that it was necessary to impart it to his companion.","MWS" "id21322","I trembled from head to foot; I felt a presentiment of who it was and wished to rouse one of the peasants who dwelt in a cottage not far from mine; but I was overcome by the sensation of helplessness, so often felt in frightful dreams, when you in vain endeavour to fly from an impending danger, and was rooted to the spot.","MWS" "id27434","When there is no angle in other words, when the rope hangs perpendicularly, the whole apparatus is stationary; but the larger the angle, that is to say, the farther the balloon precedes the end of the rope, the greater the velocity; and the converse.","EAP" "id20927","Yet experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger portion of truth, arises from the seemingly irrelevant.","EAP" "id24811","In the mean time the investigation proceeded with vigor, if not always with judgment, and numerous individuals were examined to no purpose; while, owing to the continual absence of all clue to the mystery, the popular excitement greatly increased.","EAP" "id15786","In a second all my plans were utterly changed for if the southward highway were blocked ahead of me, I must clearly find another egress from Innsmouth.","HPL" "id23060","The Fish Street bridge, according to the sketch, was in ruins.","HPL" "id00732","Gilman had a constant sense of dread that it might rise to some unbearable degree of intensity during one or another of its obscure, relentlessly inevitable fluctuations.","HPL" "id25574","With little difficulty I made my way unperceived to the main hatchway, which was partially open, and soon found an opportunity of secreting myself in the hold.","EAP" "id04253","I resolved at once to become a great man and to commence by becoming a great poet.","EAP" "id27814","He lived with one manservant in a Georgian homestead with knocker and iron railed steps, balanced eerily on a steep ascent of North Court Street beside the ancient brick court and colony house where his grandfather a cousin of that celebrated privateersman, Capt.","HPL" "id00634","That it was the scene, I may or I may not believe but there was excellent reason for doubt.","EAP" "id10999","The gorilla was off its guard, but not for long, and before anything could be done by the regular trainer the body which had belonged to a baronet was past recognition.","HPL" "id24484","The benches were very empty, those by custom occupied by the hereditary members were vacant; the city members were there the members for the commercial towns, few landed proprietors, and not many of those who entered parliament for the sake of a career.","MWS" "id17790","But when two days later the squatters told me what the red glare meant, I felt more horror than that which the mould burrow and the claw and eyes had given; more horror because of the overwhelming implications.","HPL" "id06985","A very mean diddle is this.","EAP" "id26876","It now occurred to me that the bandage, or surcingle, which enveloped me, was unique.","EAP" "id07380","On page , pamphlet edition, speaking of ""a hairy veil"" over the eyes of a species of bison, the author says: ""It immediately occurred to the acute mind of Dr. Herschel that this was a providential contrivance to protect the eyes of the animal from the great extremes of light and darkness to which all the inhabitants of our side of the moon are periodically subjected.""","EAP" "id22524","I can choose my current, and should I find all currents against me, I can make very tolerable headway with the propeller.","EAP" "id11314","""To morrow,"" said Raymond, ""his mother and sister set out for Scotland to see him once again.""","MWS" "id01083","Jupiter, at a signal from his master, began to gather up his tools.","EAP" "id03749","Several of the coffins began to split under the stress of handling, and he planned to save the stoutly built casket of little Matthew Fenner for the top, in order that his feet might have as certain a surface as possible.","HPL" "id24657","I had no alternative but to conclude him stricken with lunacy, and I became seriously anxious about getting him home.","EAP" "id26098","You are cast out shelterless on the world: your hopes are blasted; the peace and security of your pure mind destroyed; memory will bring to you frightful images of guilt, and the anguish of innocent love betrayed.","MWS" "id27521","Wealth was an inferior object, but what glory would attend the discovery if I could banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death Nor were these my only visions.","MWS" "id18092","First of all, the new light revealed the distorted and blackened form of the mysterious stranger.","HPL" "id25857","Such an occurrence, of course, attracted universal attention, and every little old gentleman who sat in a leather bottomed arm chair turned one of his eyes with a stare of dismay upon the phenomenon, still keeping the other upon the clock in the steeple.","EAP" "id09142","For my own part, I do not hesitate to say that, notwithstanding all the evidence produced against her, I believe and rely on her perfect innocence.","MWS" "id09214","As I spoke, my subject carried me away; deep admiration; grief, the offspring of truest affection, the overflowing of a heart bursting with sympathy for all that had been great and sublime in the career of my friend, inspired me as I poured forth the praises of Raymond.","MWS" "id13605","He found the man, Athib, sitting on the same chest of spices he had sat upon before, and Athib seemed not to realise that any time had passed.","HPL" "id16771","To those who have cherished an affection for a faithful and sagacious dog, I need hardly be at the trouble of explaining the nature or the intensity of the gratification thus derivable.","EAP" "id06963","Having deposited our mournful burden upon tressels within this region of horror, we partially turned aside the yet unscrewed lid of the coffin, and looked upon the face of the tenant.","EAP" "id12237","Such a violet was sweet Perdita, trembling to entrust herself to the very air, cowering from observation, yet betrayed by her excellences; and repaying with a thousand graces the labour of those who sought her in her lonely bye path.","MWS" "id03491","These are the words of the Encyclopædia Britannica.","EAP" "id17328","""The book from which Felix instructed Safie was Volney's Ruins of Empires.","MWS" "id08321","In the midst of this debris, wedged between a fallen plank and a cluster of cemented bricks from the ruined chimney, was an object destined to cause more bafflement, veiled fright, and openly superstitious talk in Arkham than anything else discovered in the haunted and accursed building.","HPL" "id05313","It was hurt, but not destroyed.","HPL" "id05790","In the confusion attending my fall, I did not immediately apprehend a somewhat startling circumstance, which yet, in a few seconds afterward, and while I still lay prostrate, arrested my attention.","EAP" "id14930","It was his practice to take a very large dose of it immediately after breakfast each morning or, rather, immediately after a cup of strong coffee, for he ate nothing in the forenoon and then set forth alone, or attended only by a dog, upon a long ramble among the chain of wild and dreary hills that lie westward and southward of Charlottesville, and are there dignified by the title of the Ragged Mountains.","EAP" "id22231","It hung upon our limbs upon the household furniture upon the goblets from which we drank; and all things were depressed, and borne down thereby all things save only the flames of the seven lamps which illumined our revel.","EAP" "id18759","When we gazed around the horizon, we could not find the third tower by the river, and noticed that the silhouette of the second tower was ragged at the top.","HPL" "id18598","She flapped her wings with prodigious effect so so and, as for her crow, it was delicious Cock a doodle doo cock a doodle doo cock a doodle de doo dooo do o o o o o o"" ""Madame Joyeuse, I will thank you to behave yourself"" here interrupted our host, very angrily.","EAP" "id21114","Our journey here lost the interest arising from beautiful scenery, but we arrived in a few days at Rotterdam, whence we proceeded by sea to England.","MWS" "id14096","But you should have seen me.","EAP" "id09687","This would have sounded more gracefully, I think.","EAP" "id06981","There is unknown magic on Hatheg Kla, for the screams of the frightened gods have turned to laughter, and the slopes of ice shoot up endlessly into the black heavens whither I am plunging. . . .","HPL" "id24149","I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men but the noise steadily increased.","EAP" "id12800","It must have been a peculiarity of color, of quantity, of length, or of situation.","EAP" "id11963","But a blight had come over my existence, and I only visited these people for the sake of the information they might give me on the subject in which my interest was so terribly profound.","MWS" "id02389","In any case such a monster must of necessity be in our scheme of things an anomaly and an intruder, whose extirpation forms a primary duty with every man not an enemy to the world's life, health, and sanity.","HPL" "id12401","During its perusal she was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of the other exalted personage from whom especially it was her wish to conceal it.","EAP" "id16133","Ronald Hill, only to be shot down when directly over his destination.","HPL" "id12738","She fed even to tears of joy on the praise and glory of her Lord; her whole existence was one sacrifice to him, and if in the humility of her heart she felt self complacency, it arose from the reflection that she had won the distinguished hero of the age, and had for years preserved him, even after time had taken from love its usual nourishment.","MWS" "id19917","Ast 'em whar they come from, an' ef they cud git more, an' finally wormed the story aout o' the old chief Walakea, they called him.","HPL" "id13616","Yet his manners are so conciliating and gentle that the sailors are all interested in him, although they have had very little communication with him.","MWS" "id12981","The conclusion was plain, and again narrowed in the field of my investigations.","EAP" "id08994","They were fond of the sweet orphan.","MWS" "id25944","May the merciful gods, if indeed there be such, guard those hours when no power of the will, or drug that the cunning of man devises, can keep me from the chasm of sleep.","HPL" "id00169","My friend had told me of him, and of the impelling fascination and allurement of his revelations, and I burned with eagerness to explore his uttermost mysteries.","HPL" "id01634","This act did not prevent young Ellison, upon his twenty first birth day, from entering into possession, as the heir of his ancestor, Seabright, of a fortune of four hundred and fifty millions of dollars.","EAP" "id23895","We could inflict no punishment so severe, and we would inflict it, but for the boredom which we should cause our readers in so doing.","EAP" "id15870","When I said these words, I of course expected some lively sally from Bedloe in reply, but, to my astonishment, he hesitated, trembled, became fearfully pallid, and remained silent.","EAP" "id27352","I wish to describe, but am disheartened by the difficulty of description, and hesitate between detail and generality.","EAP" "id02599","He was looking, he had to admit, for a kind of formula or incantation containing the frightful name Yog Sothoth, and it puzzled him to find discrepancies, duplications, and ambiguities which made the matter of determination far from easy.","HPL" "id24173","The breeze scattered the grey locks on his temples, the rain drenched his uncovered head, he sat hiding his face in his withered hands.","MWS" "id11790","I did so; but the difficulty was even more obvious than before.","EAP" "id24836","There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream and out of which no stream flows.","HPL" "id27129","All of this material I cannot hope to give, for my uncle was a tireless antiquarian and very deeply interested in the shunned house; but I may refer to several dominant points which earn notice by their recurrence through many reports from diverse sources.","HPL" "id11080","With all the incongruities of his character, Raymond was emphatically a man of the world.","MWS" "id08692","In this low and small room there hung no lamp; and now no light at all was admitted, save that of the exceedingly feeble dawn which made its way through the semi circular window.","EAP" "id15281","I arose from my seat, and throwing open one of the doors of the library, saw standing out in the ante chamber a servant maiden, all in tears, who told me that Berenice was no more She had been seized with epilepsy in the early morning, and now, at the closing in of the night, the grave was ready for its tenant, and all the preparations for the burial were completed.","EAP" "id07564","The climax of that awful night was composite but fairly brief, beginning just as I reached the final cavern of the journey.","HPL" "id21606","And the man trembled in the solitude; but the night waned, and he sat upon the rock.","EAP" "id24176","He looked round timidly; a mist seemed before his eyes.","MWS" "id17263","It was at a Jew's shop in the squalid precincts of Clare Market, where he had often bought strange things before, and he almost fancied the gnarled old Levite smiled amidst tangles of beard as the great discovery was made.","HPL" "id23758","""Scoundrel"" I said, in a voice husky with rage, while every syllable I uttered seemed as new fuel to my fury, ""scoundrel impostor accursed villain you shall not you shall not dog me unto death Follow me, or I stab you where you stand"" and I broke my way from the ball room into a small ante chamber adjoining dragging him unresistingly with me as I went.","EAP" "id19706","His possessions had been always ample; but on the attainment of his majority, it was discovered that one of those extraordinary freaks of fate had been played in his behalf which startle the whole social world amid which they occur, and seldom fail radically to alter the moral constitution of those who are their objects.","EAP" "id18623","He perpetually frequented the walks that had been favourites with him when he and my mother wandered together talking of love and happiness; he collected every relick that remained of her and always sat opposite her picture which hung in the room fixing on it a look of sad despair and all this was done in a mystic and awful silence.","MWS" "id13220","""I do,"" said I, blowing it well.","EAP" "id12379","In looking from the summit of a mountain we cannot help feeling abroad in the world.","EAP" "id16580","They left me happy how unspeakably happy.","MWS" "id19006","Among the rubbish which had crashed through the ancient slanting ceiling were several things which made the workmen pause and call in the police.","HPL" "id04494","He dreaded to cross the bridge that gave a view of the desolate island in the Miskatonic, so went over the Peabody Avenue bridge.","HPL" "id01011","Between the chief building and western wing arose a very tall and rather slender square chimney of hard Dutch bricks, alternately black and red: a slight cornice of projecting bricks at the top.","EAP" "id04468","""I tell ye, Mis' Corey, they's suthin' abroad as hadn't orter be abroad, an' I for one think that black Wilbur Whateley, as come to the bad eend he desarved, is at the bottom of the breedin' of it.","HPL" "id21731","There seemed very little taste, however, in the arrangements; and my eyes, accustomed to quiet lights, were sadly offended by the prodigious glare of a multitude of wax candles, which, in silver candelabra, were deposited upon the table, and all about the room, wherever it was possible to find a place.","EAP" "id02701","The paragraph was inserted in an obscure part: ""We regret to state that there can be no longer a doubt of the plague having been introduced at Leghorn, Genoa, and Marseilles.""","MWS" "id05084","Yet there is a necessity for disposing of the corpse.","EAP" "id14573","For your life you could not have found a fault with its wonderful proportion.","EAP" "id20525","Just before entering the cut I glanced behind me, but saw no pursuer.","HPL" "id10166","But I consented to listen, and seating myself by the fire which my odious companion had lighted, he thus began his tale.","MWS" "id18914","One steady patron a bank defaulter under cover came to converse with him quite regularly, and from the tone of his discourse ventured the opinion that he had been a writer or professor in his day.","HPL" "id03258","In some places they was little stones strewed abaout like charms with somethin' on 'em like what ye call a swastika naowadays.","HPL" "id17578","I have gazed on you as you slept, melted even to tears, as the idea filled my mind, that all I possessed lay cradled in those idolized, but mortal lineaments before me.","MWS" "id24910","You are very young; let not this check for more than a moment retard your glorious course; hold on, beloved one.","MWS" "id14892","I I could not Thus it is said the Prussian Isis has, for some persons, a sweet and very powerful perfume, while to others it is perfectly scentless.","EAP" "id01118","I was deeply interested in the little family history which he detailed to me with all that candor which a Frenchman indulges whenever mere self is his theme.","EAP" "id04831","To muse for long unwearied hours, with my attention riveted to some frivolous device on the margin, or in the typography of a book; to become absorbed, for the better part of a summer's day, in a quaint shadow falling aslant upon the tapestry or upon the floor; to lose myself, for an entire night, in watching the steady flame of a lamp, or the embers of a fire; to dream away whole days over the perfume of a flower; to repeat, monotonously, some common word, until the sound, by dint of frequent repetition, ceased to convey any idea whatever to the mind; to lose all sense of motion or physical existence, by means of absolute bodily quiescence long and obstinately persevered in: such were a few of the most common and least pernicious vagaries induced by a condition of the mental faculties, not, indeed, altogether unparalleled, but certainly bidding defiance to anything like analysis or explanation.","EAP" "id03136","As soon as possible I visited the grave of Jan Martense and dug vainly where I had dug before.","HPL" "id23095","Then he saw the volume and shuddered wildly, and fainted altogether when Williams uttered the title.","HPL" "id18267","Surely in that moment I should have been possessed by frenzy and have destroyed my miserable existence but that my vow was heard and that I was reserved for vengeance.","MWS" "id12515","Never before were two houses so illustrious, mutually embittered by hostility so deadly.","EAP" "id12426","""It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left my father, brothers, and Elizabeth.""","MWS" "id25747","And as I writhe in my guilty agony, frantic to save the city whose peril every moment grows, and vainly striving to shake off this unnatural dream of a house of stone and brick south of a sinister swamp and a cemetery on a low hillock; the Pole Star, evil and monstrous, leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey.","HPL" "id26708","To the right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrow Gothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued the windings of the suite.","EAP" "id16467","It was exquisitely lovely this, of course, my heart had told me before, even had not Talbot fully satisfied me upon the point but still the unintelligible something disturbed me.","EAP" "id22891","Continued last night our astronomical amusements.","EAP" "id25515","I was evidently approaching it, and with great rapidity.","EAP" "id00158","Without was the ""Red Death.""","EAP" "id15161","For many months after that Kuranes sought the marvellous city of Celephaïs and its sky bound galleys in vain; and though his dreams carried him to many gorgeous and unheard of places, no one whom he met could tell him how to find Ooth Nargai, beyond the Tanarian Hills.","HPL" "id16567","Where then was my guardian angel?","EAP" "id01884","The presence of a friend in its armies and councils made us enter into the details with enthusiasm; and a short letter now and then from Raymond told us how he was engrossed by the interests of his adopted country.","MWS" "id16018","Chapter We passed a few sad hours until eleven o'clock, when the trial was to commence.","MWS" "id23868","""A few days after, the Turk entered his daughter's apartment and told her hastily that he had reason to believe that his residence at Leghorn had been divulged and that he should speedily be delivered up to the French government; he had consequently hired a vessel to convey him to Constantinople, for which city he should sail in a few hours.","MWS" "id04209","Through all the years Wilbur had treated his half deformed albino mother with a growing contempt, finally forbidding her to go to the hills with him on May Eve and Hallowmass; and in the poor creature complained to Mamie Bishop of being afraid of him.","HPL" "id13567","The servants were gone to a neighbouring fair.","MWS" "id22808","""I don't mean that you should be at all this trouble for nothing, sir,"" said the man.","EAP" "id06282","The war, which about a year before the present time had broken out between Greece and Turkey, brought about many reverses of fortune.","MWS" "id08272","A beautiful woman still; don't you think so, Froissart?","EAP" "id11690","He takes a puff and a look, and then a look and a puff.","EAP" "id13068","One tempestuous night, Metzengerstein, awaking from a heavy slumber, descended like a maniac from his chamber, and, mounting in hot haste, bounded away into the mazes of the forest.","EAP" "id16881","You pelief, ten, in te possibilty of te odd?""","EAP" "id12511","""At five o'clock, p.m., being engaged in regenerating the atmosphere within the chamber, I took that opportunity of observing the cat and kittens through the valve.","EAP" "id26031","A smell of oil was all that came up from the regions below.","HPL" "id13766","""It is clearly inferred,"" replied the Prefect, ""from the nature of the document, and from the non appearance of certain results which would at once arise from its passing out of the robber's possession; that is to say, from his employing it as he must design in the end to employ it.""","EAP" "id14230","To day I found an enormous increase in the moon's apparent bulk and the evidently accelerated velocity of my descent began to fill me with alarm.","EAP" "id20281","Our progress downward, at each revolution, was slow, but very perceptible.","EAP" "id13128","It was in the hey day of youth, in the pride of boyish folly.","MWS" "id05323","They penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she works in her hiding places.","MWS" "id18724","The disquisitions upon death and suicide were calculated to fill me with wonder.","MWS" "id22057","I fear that he will become an idler unless we yield the point and permit him to enter on the profession which he has selected.","MWS" "id27711","Not long after this, we were looking over an evening edition of the ""Gazette des Tribunaux,"" when the following paragraphs arrested our attention.","EAP" "id24013","This room was crowded with old beds, boxes, and so forth.","EAP" "id18447","She had just awakened from an unquiet slumber, and I had been watching, with feelings half of anxiety, half of vague terror, the workings of her emaciated countenance.","EAP" "id07858","""In that case,"" replied Dupin, opening a drawer, and producing a check book, ""you may as well fill me up a check for the amount mentioned.","EAP" "id08739","""This, my friend, is probably the last time we shall have an opportunity of conversing freely; my plans are now in full operation, and my time will become more and more occupied.","MWS" "id15679","Every preparation likely to embarrass us, having been made over night, we commenced the inflation this morning at daybreak; but owing to a thick fog, which encumbered the folds of the silk and rendered it unmanageable, we did not get through before nearly eleven o'clock.","EAP" "id00444","The following winter brought an event no less strange than Wilbur's first trip outside the Dunwich region.","HPL" "id09136","This circumstance first aroused in us the suspicion that the more remote portion of the machinery was so arranged as to be easily slipped, en masse, from its position when occasion should require it.","EAP" "id10447","""Where are we?"" she cried, ""where are we going?""","MWS" "id03304","""I drink,"" he said, ""to the buried that repose around us."" ""And I to your long life.""","EAP" "id26631","We soon discovered that we were the sole survivors of the accident.","EAP" "id18905","How, I often asked myself, could the stolid imagination of a Catskill degenerate conjure up sights whose very possession argued a lurking spark of genius?","HPL" "id25705","As prearranged, the three adventurers started out separately in order to prevent any evil minded suspicions afterward.","HPL" "id07350","On the present occasion she did not suspect any alienation of affection; but she conjectured that some circumstance connected with his high place, had occasioned this mystery.","MWS" "id09348","There is something in the unselfish and self sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man.","EAP" "id17271","Thus I stood upon a pinnacle, a sea of evil rolled at my feet; I was about to precipitate myself into it, and rush like a torrent over all obstructions to the object of my wishes when a stranger influence came over the current of my fortunes, and changed their boisterous course to what was in comparison like the gentle meanderings of a meadow encircling streamlet.","MWS" "id08465","Only on closer view did he mark the starved fancy and beauty, the stale and prosy triteness, and the owlish gravity and grotesque claims of solid truth which reigned boresomely and overwhelmingly among most of its professors; or feel to the full the awkwardness with which it sought to keep alive as literal fact the outgrown fears and guesses of a primal race confronting the unknown.","HPL" "id05273","I told you it was dangerous to move.","HPL" "id01782","This could only be the case were her walks of the same unvarying, methodical character, and within the same species of limited region as are his own.","EAP" "id02787","Winter was hailed, a general and never failing physician.","MWS" "id10602","""I often visit him,"" replied Adrian; ""but you may easily guess the motives, which prevent him from coming where his presence may annoy any one among us.""","MWS" "id03598","I would not dare,"" he continued to mutter.","HPL" "id03427","Not thus he appeared assuredly not thus in the vivacity of his waking hours.","EAP" "id17926","Here my friend, about whose madness I now saw, or fancied that I saw, certain indications of method, removed the peg which marked the spot where the beetle fell, to a spot about three inches to the westward of its former position.","EAP" "id08744","And it is to be regarded as a very peculiar coincidence as one of those positively remarkable coincidences which set a man to serious thinking that just such a total revolution of opinion just such entire bouleversement, as we say in French, just such thorough topsiturviness, if I may be permitted to employ a rather forcible term of the Choctaws, as happened, pro and con, between myself on the one part, and the ""Goosetherumfoodle"" on the other, did actually again happen, in a brief period afterwards, and with precisely similar circumstances, in the case of myself and the ""Rowdy Dow,"" and in the case of myself and the ""HumDrum.""","EAP" "id27383","The only wonder with us must be, how it happened that Mr. Mill conceived it necessary even to hint at any thing so obvious.","EAP" "id11904","In company with these gentlemen, my cousin and I, preconcertedly paid uncle Rumgudgeon a visit on the afternoon of Sunday, October the tenth, just three weeks after the memorable decision which had so cruelly defeated our hopes.","EAP" "id03383","Lonely musings, interminable wanderings, and solemn music were her only pastimes.","MWS" "id00280","Upon the whole you judge wisely; the trade of editor is best: and if you can be a poet at the same time, as most of the editors are, by the by, why you will kill two birds with one stone.","EAP" "id27820","Our narrow course began to climb steeply, and I felt a singular sense of disquiet in looking at the lonely crest ahead where the rutted roadway met the sky.","HPL" "id27588","The borders of the space were entirely of brick, and there seemed little doubt but that he could shortly chisel away enough to allow his body to pass.","HPL" "id03420","Another filed down a weed choked subway entrance, howling with a laughter that was mad.","HPL" "id15731","While hatless and dishevelled after my arduous climb, I did not look especially noticeable; and stood a good chance of passing unheeded if forced to encounter any casual wayfarer.","HPL" "id19067","He thought of the wild tales he had heard, and recalled the old Sunday stories in the Advertiser; these things, and the lore he had picked up from Dunwich rustics and villagers during his one visit there.","HPL" "id06078","In landscape alone is the principle of the critic true; and, having felt its truth here, it is but the headlong spirit of generalization which has induced him to pronounce it true throughout all the domains of Art.","EAP" "id04364","Everyone seemed to feel himself in close proximity to phases of Nature and of being utterly forbidden, and wholly outside the sane experience of mankind.","HPL" "id16661","Do you remember our flight on the railroad across the Kanadaw continent?","EAP" "id26677","The incinerator contained only unidentifiable ashes.","HPL" "id18225","In the Reverend Abijah Hoadley, newly come to the Congregational Church at Dunwich Village, preached a memorable sermon on the close presence of Satan and his imps; in which he said: ""It must be allow'd, that these Blasphemies of an infernall Train of Daemons are Matters of too common Knowledge to be deny'd; the cursed Voices of Azazel and Buzrael, of Beelzebub and Belial, being heard now from under Ground by above a Score of credible Witnesses now living.","HPL" "id00155","I could only account for all this by extending my theory, and supposing that the highly rarefied atmosphere around might perhaps not be, as I had taken for granted, chemically insufficient for the purposes of life, and that a person born in such a medium might, possibly, be unaware of any inconvenience attending its inhalation, while, upon removal to the denser strata near the earth, he might endure tortures of a similar nature to those I had so lately experienced.","EAP" "id13433","But this nobody sees but himself.","EAP" "id18971","But I have less courage than you and even thus accompanied I dare not die.","MWS" "id17043","It is as the wood of the Eumenides none but the dying may enter; and Oedipus is about to die.","MWS" "id05239","And when the moon came out at last Atal was safe on the lower snows of the mountain without sight of earth's gods, or of the other gods.","HPL" "id09767","""Who am I? ah, true I am Baal Zebub, Prince of the Fly.","EAP" "id13248","By this accident we lost three men overboard with the caboose, and nearly the whole of the larboard bulwarks.","EAP" "id08732","There seemed to be unusual activity in the town, but I judged that the news of my escape from the Gilman had not yet spread.","HPL" "id08001","Out of the darkness immediately ahead burst a final shriek from the Mexican, which was joined by such a chorus of uncouth sound as I could never hear again and survive.","HPL" "id11228","Terrified at the sight of so dangerous a weapon in the possession of an animal so ferocious, and so well able to use it, the man, for some moments, was at a loss what to do.","EAP" "id14227","A scene of the most terrible confusion ensued.","EAP" "id04720","Let these tears flow not for myself, happy and ungrateful as I am, but for the dead world for our lost country for all of love, and life, and joy, now choked in the dusty chambers of death.""","MWS" "id00938","I was a poor, uneducated, unbefriended, mountain girl, raised from nothingness by him.","MWS" "id08542","These do not usually inquire with much strictness into the affairs of their juniors.","EAP" "id24049","It is unnecessary to state the exact character of those disquisitions which, growing out of the volumes I have mentioned, formed, for so long a time, almost the sole conversation of Morella and myself.","EAP" "id13458","Who has not seen the lightsome earth, the balmy atmosphere, and basking nature become dark, cold and ungenial, when the sleeping wind has awoke in the east?","MWS" "id18674","A dead weight hung upon us.","EAP" "id15670","In all these streets no living thing was visible, and I wondered at the complete absense of cats and dogs from Innsmouth.","HPL" "id27238","I did not accuse Evadne of hypocrisy or a wish to deceive her lover; but the first letter that I saw of hers convinced me that she did not love him; it was written with elegance, and, foreigner as she was, with great command of language.","MWS" "id00774","One part was the hem of the frock and it had been mended.","EAP" "id03498","Length of years, and subsequent reflection, have enabled me to trace, indeed, some remote connection between this passage in the English moralist and a portion of the character of Ligeia.","EAP" "id02415","Now, at first glance, this fact strongly militates against my suggestion; but let us reflect.","EAP" "id01550","Deprived of ordinary resources, the analyst throws himself into the spirit of his opponent, identifies himself therewith, and not unfrequently sees thus, at a glance, the sole methods sometime indeed absurdly simple ones by which he may seduce into error or hurry into miscalculation.","EAP" "id23664","He was shocked by his guest's drawn, haggard aspect, and noticed the queer, abnormal looking sunburn which others had remarked during the past week.","HPL" "id14001","Obed he notices, besides, that lots of the han'some young folks ud drop aout o' sight fer good from year to year, an' that they wa'n't many old folks araound.","HPL" "id07187","In all our transactions with him our honour must be inviolate, the integrity of our relations untainted: fate and circumstance may, when he arrives at maturity, separate us for ever but, as his aegis in danger, his consolation in hardship, let the ardent youth for ever bear with him through the rough path of life, love and honour for his parents.","MWS" "id13514","Raymond had been exalted by the determination he had made; but with the declining day his spirits declined.","MWS" "id04173","Its contents were of the most startling nature, and its perusal confirmed the gravest of my apprehensions.","HPL" "id09108","A fiend had snatched from me every hope of future happiness; no creature had ever been so miserable as I was; so frightful an event is single in the history of man.","MWS" "id19173","She seemed to have formed his mind of that excellence which no dross can tarnish, and his understanding was such that no error could pervert.","MWS" "id23504","He bowed awkwardly, and bade us ""good evening,"" in French accents, which, although somewhat Neufchatelish, were still sufficiently indicative of a Parisian origin.","EAP" "id14368","See, also, Blunderbuzzard ""De Derivationibus,"" pp. to , Folio, Gothic edit., Red and Black character, Catch word and No Cypher; wherein consult, also, marginal notes in the autograph of Stuffundpuff, with the Sub Commentaries of Gruntundguzzell.","EAP" "id17787","""Isidore Muset, gendarme, deposes that he was called to the house about three o'clock in the morning, and found some twenty or thirty persons at the gateway, endeavoring to gain admittance.","EAP" "id03936","But I can be the first to support and guard my country, now that terrific disasters and ruin have laid strong hands upon her.","MWS" "id24139","Probably it was his work which put the idea into my head, and anyhow, I found him a mine of data and suggestions when I came to develop it.","HPL" "id22458","When the doctor arrived and began to pull down those frightful covers Walter Gilman was dead.","HPL" "id19125","I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.","EAP" "id18361","His son was bred in the service of his country, and Agatha had ranked with ladies of the highest distinction.","MWS" "id03739","Amused me, I say, for my sensations now bordered upon perfect happiness, and the most trifling circumstances afforded me pleasure.","EAP" "id27280","A party of people flying from London, as was frequent in those days, had come up the Thames in a boat.","MWS" "id09558","They suspected that I was holding something back, and perhaps suspected graver things; but I could not tell them the truth because they would not have believed it.","HPL" "id23210","""I have never given the matter a thought,"" I said.","EAP" "id12574","I was forced to repeat this question before the sleep waker fully comprehended my meaning.","EAP" "id27178","There was an air of anxiety, sometimes of terror in the new comers, strongly contrasted with the resigned and even satisfied mien of those who had had audience.","MWS" "id08394","The powerful and unjust cowered at the steps of your judgment seat, and the poor and oppressed arose like morn awakened flowers under the sunshine of your protection.","MWS" "id27135","Here, I thought, was the ideal place for a long secret colloquy; so I guided my companion down the lane and picked out spots to sit in among the mossy stones.","HPL" "id16897","He was evidently influenced with the first lateral stroke of my hand across his forehead; but although I exerted all my powers, no further perceptible effect was induced until some minutes after ten o'clock, when Doctors D and F called, according to appointment.","EAP" "id01143","The latter sort is splendidly exemplified by a case in the ancient city of Providence, where in the late forties Edgar Allan used to sojourn often during his unsuccessful wooing of the gifted poetess, Mrs. Whitman.","HPL" "id23662","These opinions, it will be seen, were embodied in critical notices of the number of the ""Lollipop"" containing my poem, and are perfectly satisfactory, conclusive and clear with the exception, perhaps, of the hieroglyphical marks, ""Sep.","EAP" "id21941","How strange seemed the denizens with their walking sticks, tall beavers, and cropped heads New sounds came from the distance first strange puffings and shrieks from the river a mile away, and then, many years later, strange puffings and shrieks and rumblings from other directions.","HPL" "id09976","Barzai the Wise they never found, nor could the holy priest Atal ever be persuaded to pray for his soul's repose.","HPL" "id23793","When I sounded the archaic iron knocker I was half afraid.","HPL" "id18500","I felt that thus only should I look upon it such was the character of phantasm which it wore.","EAP" "id13824","Nay, more, that this aspiring noble revived the claim of the house of Windsor to the crown, and that, on the event of Adrian's incurable disorder and his marriage with the sister, the brow of the ambitious Raymond might be encircled with the magic ring of regality.","MWS" "id25759","He betook himself to books with ardour, and reposed from study in the society he best loved, that of his sister and myself.","MWS" "id17680","I paused and drew into a gaping doorway, reflecting how lucky I was to have left the moonlit open space before these pursuers came down the parallel street.","HPL" "id09594","He was now tremendously mature of aspect, and his height, having reached the normal adult limit, seemed inclined to wax beyond that figure.","HPL" "id18104","At first he did not recur to the past, or indeed to any personal occurrences.","MWS" "id19424","The abyss was now a seething chaos of roseate and cerulean splendour, and invisible voices sang exultantly as the knightly entourage plunged over the edge and floated gracefully down past glittering clouds and silvery coruscations.","HPL" "id26497","We don't know what it is, but we suspect it has something to do with what he did.","HPL" "id18666","Each night I returned to the Castle, and found there repose and love awaiting me.","MWS" "id09980","It was when he regained his senses that he told his story; told his fantastic figment of madness in frantic whispers, lest his friend be not quick to burn the accursed book and give wide scattering to its ashes.","HPL" "id09974","I do not try, gentlemen, to account for that thing that voice nor can I venture to describe it in detail, since the first words took away my consciousness and created a mental blank which reaches to the time of my awakening in the hospital.","HPL" "id13062","St. John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and such is my knowledge that I am about to blow out my brains for fear I shall be mangled in the same way.","HPL" "id16596","The men were not pleased at his punishment, but discipline was necessary.","HPL" "id08339","Of one's very remote ancestors it is superfluous to say much.","EAP" "id26157","Rome, and Florence, and Pisa were overflowed, and their marble palaces, late mirrored in tranquil streams, had their foundations shaken by their winter gifted power.","MWS" "id09440","Poor and rich were now equal, or rather the poor were the superior, since they entered on such tasks with alacrity and experience; while ignorance, inaptitude, and habits of repose, rendered them fatiguing to the luxurious, galling to the proud, disgustful to all whose minds, bent on intellectual improvement, held it their dearest privilege to be exempt from attending to mere animal wants.","MWS" "id00143","No one who knows me will doubt that the duty thus self imposed will be executed to the best of my ability, with all that rigid impartiality, all that cautious examination into facts, and diligent collation of authorities, which should ever distinguish him who aspires to the title of historian.","EAP" "id04439","H."" The face was such that as I gazed, I might well have been studying my mirror.","HPL" "id22440","Despite a strong physical resemblance to his father, his appearance and conduct were in many particulars so coarse that he was universally shunned.","HPL" "id12884","Etienne's son Paul, a surly fellow whose erratic conduct had probably provoked the riot which wiped out the family, was particularly a source of speculation; and though Providence never shared the witchcraft panics of her Puritan neighbours, it was freely intimated by old wives that his prayers were neither uttered at the proper time nor directed toward the proper object.","HPL" "id26162","Once or twice, upon my venturing to express my total incredulity in respect to his pretensions, he grew very angry indeed, so that at length I considered it the wiser policy to say nothing at all, and let him have his own way.","EAP" "id06313","And when he heard these things his sobbing gave place to meditation, and finally to prayer.","HPL" "id23559","There was no certainty, of course, in the legend that Gabinius had built an impregnable fortress over the forbidden cave and founded a line which Pict and Saxon, Dane and Norman were powerless to obliterate; or in the tacit assumption that from this line sprang the bold companion and lieutenant of the Black Prince whom Edward Third created Baron of Northam.","HPL" "id19703","""How cold and damp your hand is,"" said her friend; ""you are over fatigued, pray hasten to rest.""","MWS" "id25896","It is not permitted me to tell your waking earth self of your real self, but we are all roamers of vast spaces and travellers in many ages.","HPL" "id06008","This belief had early led me to contemplate the possibility of telepathy or mental communication by means of suitable apparatus, and I had in my college days prepared a set of transmitting and receiving instruments somewhat similar to the cumbrous devices employed in wireless telegraphy at that crude, pre radio period.","HPL" "id03390","In some degree, also, they diverted my mind from the thoughts over which it had brooded for the last month.","MWS" "id10512","This Island is a very singular one.","EAP" "id15004","I had ridiculed the fears of my countrymen, when they related to others; now that they came home to myself, I paused.","MWS" "id09206","I was overcome by weariness; the solitude depressed my spirits.","MWS" "id17558","Before evening I was in the village, getting a meal and providing myself with presentable clothes.","HPL" "id20913","She had spoken also of the Black Man, of her oath, and of her new secret name of Nahab.","HPL" "id03776","""Gentlemen,"" he said, in a low, distinct, and never to be forgotten whisper which thrilled to the very marrow of my bones, ""Gentlemen, I make no apology for this behaviour, because in thus behaving, I am but fulfilling a duty.","EAP" "id21768","Others made long journies to unite themselves to those they loved, and arrived to find them dead.","MWS" "id14289","There was something in the tone of this note which gave me great uneasiness.","EAP" "id12132","""This is what it is to live,"" he cried; ""how I enjoy existence But you, my dear Frankenstein, wherefore are you desponding and sorrowful"" In truth, I was occupied by gloomy thoughts and neither saw the descent of the evening star nor the golden sunrise reflected in the Rhine.","MWS" "id17170","""Maybe you are come to a place that will not prove much to your taste, but you will not be consulted as to your quarters, I promise you.""","MWS" "id15398","In his experiments with various animating solutions he had killed and treated immense numbers of rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and monkeys, till he had become the prime nuisance of the college.","HPL" "id20484","It was about six feet in length by two and a half in breadth; I observed it attentively, and like to be precise.","EAP" "id21946","That he should know of our existence, and treat us, near at hand, with the same contumely which his father had practised in distance and absence, appeared to me the certain consequence of all that had gone before.","MWS" "id07845","The feverish interest aroused at the meeting by Legrasse's tale, corroborated as it was by the statuette, is echoed in the subsequent correspondence of those who attended; although scant mention occurs in the formal publications of the society.","HPL" "id02833","I had watched this scene, for there was a gentleness about the poor woman that interested me; she now tottered away from the door, walking as well as she could down Holborn Hill; but her strength soon failed her; she leaned against a wall, and her head sunk on her bosom, while her pallid cheek became still more white.","MWS" "id14042","""My dear Miss Zenobia,"" he said, while the tears stood in his eyes, ""is there anything else I can do to promote the success of your laudable undertaking?","EAP" "id17284","At the end of this period, however, the gale had freshened into a hurricane, and our after sail split into ribbons, bringing us so much in the trough of the water that we shipped several prodigious seas, one immediately after the other.","EAP" "id20659","Our minds embrace infinity; the visible mechanism of our being is subject to merest accident.","MWS" "id16784","To morrow will be Sunday.","EAP" "id07424","Application should be made between the hours of ten and eleven A. M., and four and five P. M., of Messrs. ""Bogs, Hogs Logs, Frogs Co., ""No.","EAP" "id10431","""Fool,"" he shrieked, ""can you not guess my secret?","HPL" "id23402","""Happy are dreamers,"" he continued, ""so that they be not awakened Would I could dream but 'broad and garish day' is the element in which I live; the dazzling glare of reality inverts the scene for me.","MWS" "id15140","Every one has seen the Mediterranean; but let me tell you, there are few who have had a peep at Antioch.","EAP" "id01336","The country in the neighbourhood of this village resembled, to a greater degree, the scenery of Switzerland; but everything is on a lower scale, and the green hills want the crown of distant white Alps which always attend on the piny mountains of my native country.","MWS" "id19805","The possible moves being not only manifold but involute, the chances of such oversights are multiplied; and in nine cases out of ten it is the more concentrative rather than the more acute player who conquers.","EAP" "id00723","I ben callin' this haff hour, an' ye must a heerd me long ago Dun't ye know yer Aunt Marthy's all a fidget over yer bein' off arter dark?","HPL" "id04542","All my speculations and hopes are as nothing, and like the archangel who aspired to omnipotence, I am chained in an eternal hell.","MWS" "id02617","Farewell, Frankenstein If thou wert yet alive and yet cherished a desire of revenge against me, it would be better satiated in my life than in my destruction.","MWS" "id01481","For many miles on either side of the river's oozy bed is a pale desert of gigantic water lilies.","EAP" "id15167","Fumbling in the rays of my flashlight, I found I could open the shutters; and in another moment had climbed outside and was carefully closing the aperture in its original manner.","HPL" "id02541","I resolved to search out the eccentric sculptor responsible for this apparent disturbance of an old man's peace of mind.","HPL" "id12140","When we had parted, I had clasped her to my bosom with unrestrained warmth; we met again, and new feelings were awakened; when each beheld the other, childhood passed, as full grown actors on this changeful scene.","MWS" "id21449","To examine the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death.","MWS" "id13969","This sound in such a locality naturally stirred us, though less than it would have done at night.","HPL" "id20010","Nay, she seemed to wish to distract my thoughts from the subject: she rose from the floor: ""Hush"" she said, whisperingly; ""after much weeping, Clara sleeps; we must not disturb her.""","MWS" "id05693","Our situation had suddenly become grave indeed; for though the chemical air regenerators were intact, and though we could use the devices for raising and submerging the ship and opening the hatches as long as compressed air and storage batteries might hold out, we were powerless to propel or guide the submarine.","HPL" "id19139","There lay great Cthulhu and his hordes, hidden in green slimy vaults and sending out at last, after cycles incalculable, the thoughts that spread fear to the dreams of the sensitive and called imperiously to the faithful to come on a pilgrimage of liberation and restoration.","HPL" "id27646","Unaccustomed to industry, he knew not in what way to contribute to the support of his increasing family.","MWS" "id20978","Your mind wavers, and its agitation will find relief in the exercise of simple memories.","EAP" "id09631","We called it the ""River of Silence""; for there seemed to be a hushing influence in its flow.","EAP" "id15230","They blind, deafen, and strangle you, and take away all power of action or reflection.","EAP" "id14025","This news precipitated me from my self raised pinnacle of honour.","MWS" "id23507","Loss of property, hopelessness as to his future prospects, the inoccupation to which poverty condemned him, combined to reduce him to a state bordering on insanity.","MWS" "id16997","I need not remind the reader that, from the long and weird catalogue of human miseries, I might have selected many individual instances more replete with essential suffering than any of these vast generalities of disaster.","EAP" "id25635","Unaccountably we remain.","EAP" "id25923","At that instant my father entered.","MWS" "id00547","But I had an object apart from these considerations.","EAP" "id18277","The tide had turned and was coming in now, and the sound of the waves seemed to arouse him.","HPL" "id00310","Mr. Ainsworth has not attempted to account for this phenomenon, which, however, is quite susceptible of explanation.","EAP" "id10548","D'ye want to skeer yer Aunt Marthy plumb to death?","HPL" "id22693","Unable to support the slow withering of her hopes, she suddenly formed a plan, resolving to terminate at once the period of misery, and to bring to an happy conclusion the late disastrous events.","MWS" "id17761","If a feeling of dissatisfaction ever crossed her, it arose from the idea that he was not perfectly happy.","MWS" "id11139","To conceive the horror of my sensations is, I presume, utterly impossible; yet a curiosity to penetrate the mysteries of these awful regions, predominates even over my despair, and will reconcile me to the most hideous aspect of death.","EAP" "id01583","Shall I, in cool blood, set loose upon the earth a daemon whose delight is in death and wretchedness?","MWS" "id21713","Joe insisted that the poor young gentleman wear his nickel chained crucifix, and Gilman put it on and dropped it inside his shirt to humour the fellow.","HPL" "id16085","In his wisdom is no stamen.","EAP" "id01429","It seems to me unquestionable that Beauvais was a suitor of Marie's; that she coquetted with him; and that he was ambitious of being thought to enjoy her fullest intimacy and confidence.","EAP" "id01646","Medical aid was less easily procured, food was more difficult to obtain, and human beings, unwithheld by shame, for they were unbeheld of their fellows, ventured on deeds of greater wickedness, or gave way more readily to their abject fears.","MWS" "id02272","Monster as I am, you are still, as you ever were, lovely, beautiful beyond expression.","MWS" "id24223","My eyes became accustomed to the light and to perceive objects in their right forms; I distinguished the insect from the herb, and by degrees, one herb from another.","MWS" "id20580","As for an introduction, I was obliged to abandon all hope of it until such time as Talbot should think proper to return from the country.","EAP" "id18239","And the hippopotami heard my call, and came, with the behemoth, unto the foot of the rock, and roared loudly and fearfully beneath the moon.","EAP" "id15054","His mask and cloak lay, where he had thrown them, upon the floor.","EAP" "id02064","The time when in proud and happy security we assembled at this cottage, was gone soon the present hours would join those past, and shadows of future ones rose dark and menacing from the womb of time, their cradle and their bier.","MWS" "id22345","But they tell us that the curse of God is on the place, for every one who has ventured within the walls has been tainted by the plague; that this disease has spread in Thrace and Macedonia; and now, fearing the virulence of infection during the coming heats, a cordon has been drawn on the frontiers of Thessaly, and a strict quarantine exacted.""","MWS" "id15247","Mr. Pope had just compleated his Epilogue to his Satires the Piece beginning: ""Not twice a Twelvemonth you appear in Print."", and had arrang'd for its Publication.","HPL" "id22358","Most distinctly Birch was lax, insensitive, and professionally undesirable; yet I still think he was not an evil man.","HPL" "id23931","The weather was temperate; soft rains fell at night, and by day the wintry sun shone out.","MWS" "id15026","I knew her not or knew her no longer as Berenice.","EAP" "id06441","With opinions such as these my young friend, too, was fully imbued, and thus it is worthy of observation that the uninterrupted enjoyment which distinguished his life was, in great measure, the result of preconcert.","EAP" "id01395","Then the moon came out.","HPL" "id14987","Then there were any number of cellar views, with monsters creeping in through holes and rifts in the masonry and grinning as they squatted behind barrels or furnaces and waited for their first victim to descend the stairs.","HPL" "id03106","Immediately upon its arrival we made sail, and in a short time were safely over the bar and standing out to sea.","EAP" "id06438","Partly from curiosity and partly from idleness, I went into the lecturing room, which M. Waldman entered shortly after.","MWS" "id25204","When in company, sadness would in spite of every effort steal over his features, and he sat absent and mute among the busy crowd that thronged about him.","MWS" "id13120","He had seen a little deeper beneath Old Bugs' mask of utter degradation.","HPL" "id26116","""Oh, Justine"" said she. ""Why did you rob me of my last consolation?","MWS" "id03768","The blood flowed freely in my veins, but a weight of despair and remorse pressed on my heart which nothing could remove.","MWS" "id09576","By what malign fatality were we lured to that terrible Holland churchyard?","HPL" "id23534","I rambled away from them.","MWS" "id07633","When it seemed destined that all were to die, we were reckless of the how and when now that the virulence of the disease was mitigated, and it appeared willing to spare some, each was eager to be among the elect, and clung to life with dastard tenacity.","MWS" "id12561","I saw Raymond's coal black charger brought to the palace gate; a small company of officers arrived soon after; care and fear was painted on each cheek, and in each eye, unrefreshed by sleep.","MWS" "id16266","And the shadow rested upon the brazen doorway, and under the arch of the entablature of the door, and moved not, nor spoke any word, but there became stationary and remained.","EAP" "id23887","Perdita would not enter Athens; but reposing at Marathon on the night of our arrival, conducted me on the following day, to the spot selected by her as the treasure house of Raymond's dear remains.","MWS" "id06630","This reply I considered a pointed and positive insult, and so left the house at once in high dudgeon, with a firm resolve to call my friend, Mr. Sinivate, to a speedy account for his ungentlemanly conduct and ill breeding.","EAP" "id12638","Time shall rob me of the graces of maturity, shall take the fire from my eyes, and agility from my limbs, shall steal the better part of life, eager expectation and passionate love, and shower them in double portion on thy dear head.","MWS" "id22268","The speaker is aware that he displeases; he has every intention to please, he is usually curt, precise, and clear, the most laconic and luminous language is struggling for utterance upon his tongue, it is only with difficulty that he restrains himself from giving it flow; he dreads and deprecates the anger of him whom he addresses; yet, the thought strikes him, that by certain involutions and parentheses this anger may be engendered.","EAP" "id13979","""Here then is a card, my life.","EAP" "id03040","Retracing our steps, we came again to the front of the dwelling, rang, and, having shown our credentials, were admitted by the agents in charge.","EAP" "id25814","The most important crisis of our life calls, trumpet tongued, for immediate energy and action.","EAP" "id25725","They never did quite figure out what the trouble was, but it was probably some foreign kind of disease brought from China or somewhere by the shipping.","HPL" "id26427","I scrambled on, until I came to a street, whose wooden houses, half burnt, had been cooled by the rain, and were fortunately uninjured by the gunpowder.","MWS" "id16200","He was vaguely glad they were locked, because the more he saw of that house the less he wished to get in.","HPL" "id24214","A room was easy to secure; for the house was unpopular, hard to rent, and long given over to cheap lodgings.","HPL" "id27560","She was like a fruitful soil that imbibed the airs and dews of heaven, and gave them forth again to light in loveliest forms of fruits and flowers; but then she was often dark and rugged as that soil, raked up, and new sown with unseen seed.","MWS" "id24773","why, not General John A. B. C.? Savage affair that with the Kickapo o o os, wasn't it?","EAP" "id14077","In relating the circumstances which have led to my confinement within this refuge for the demented, I am aware that my present position will create a natural doubt of the authenticity of my narrative.","HPL" "id04268","Do you, my compassionate friend, tell me how to die peacefully and innocently and I will bless you: all that I, poor wretch, can desire is a painless death.""","MWS" "id10082","Perdita did not oppose herself to his determination.","MWS" "id21108","We switched from Tremont up Beacon, and Pickman left me at the corner of Joy, where I turned off.","HPL" "id07542","I had no compass with me and was so slenderly acquainted with the geography of this part of the world that the sun was of little benefit to me.","MWS" "id00971","And they said that from their high tower they sometimes saw lights beneath the waters of the lake.","HPL" "id00045","I conjectured, therefore, that he found on the paper signs for speech which he understood, and I ardently longed to comprehend these also; but how was that possible when I did not even understand the sounds for which they stood as signs?","MWS" "id10074","I resolved to quiz him well, now and hereafter.","EAP" "id05334","By 'sweeps' were meant cylindrical sweeping brushes, such as are employed by those who clean chimneys.","EAP" "id12875","To morrow arrives, and with it a more impatient anxiety to do our duty, but with this very increase of anxiety arrives, also, a nameless, a positively fearful, because unfathomable, craving for delay.","EAP" "id14240","The place was ghoulish looking, but I was past minding such impressions and made at once for the staircase revealed by my flashlight after a hasty glance at my watch, which shewed the hour to be a.m.","HPL" "id07644","This imagination was dreadful in itself, but soothing inasmuch as it supposed the safety of my friends.","MWS" "id22610","All too well did we trace the sinister lineaments described by the old Arab daemonologist; lineaments, he wrote, drawn from some obscure supernatural manifestation of the souls of those who vexed and gnawed at the dead.","HPL" "id25581","What I saw what I heard what I felt what I thought had about it nothing of the unmistakable idiosyncrasy of the dream.","EAP" "id04795","I consented of course to make this experiment.","EAP" "id02297","He acquired a habit of writing long documents of some sort, which he carefully sealed and filled with injunctions that I transmit them after his death to certain persons whom he named for the most part lettered East Indians, but including a once celebrated French physician now generally thought dead, and about whom the most inconceivable things had been whispered.","HPL" "id10138","Idris leaned back in the carriage; her two hands pressed mine, her countenance was placid, she seemed to lose the sense of what she now left, in the memory of what she still possessed.","MWS" "id16333","As he said this he led the way across the ice; I followed.","MWS" "id16889","After watching over and providing for their safety, her second care was to hide from me her anguish and tears.","MWS" "id10490","My child, if after this life I am permitted to see you again, if pain can purify the heart, mine will be pure: if remorse may expiate guilt, I shall be guiltless.","MWS" "id03780","But my chief anxiety was concerning the balloon, which, in spite of the varnish with which it was defended, began to grow rather heavy with the moisture; the powder also was liable to damage.","EAP" "id16136","Maybe he did, for I dare say the rock formation was interesting, and it's just barely possible he was looking for pirate loot and maybe finding it; but there was talk of his dealing with daemons there.","HPL" "id15939","Does not the sun call in his light?","MWS" "id23779","A green drapery conceals the back of the Turk, and falls partially over the front of both shoulders.","EAP" "id08473","And the children grew up comfortably, and more families came from the Mother Land to dwell on The Street.","HPL" "id22506","This power of retrogradation in its absolute fulness and perfection this faculty of referring at all epochs, all effects to all causes is of course the prerogative of the Deity alone but in every variety of degree, short of the absolute perfection, is the power itself exercised by the whole host of the Angelic intelligences.","EAP" "id23602","On its ermined floor reposes a single feathery paddle of satin wood; but no oarsmen or attendant is to be seen.","EAP" "id26122","The epigram cannot be gainsayed; but the necessity is a thing that does not exist.","EAP" "id02589","Speechless, I could only wait.","HPL" "id27901","And again, and again, in secret communion with my own spirit, would I demand the questions ""Who is he? whence came he? and what are his objects?""","EAP" "id25913","These words had formed part of that dread ritual which told of dead Cthulhu's dream vigil in his stone vault at R'lyeh, and I felt deeply moved despite my rational beliefs.","HPL" "id02981","When we arrived at Rodosto, we found that the field had been taken, and the scheme of the battle arranged.","MWS" "id10614","He left college on this event and shaking off for a while his old friends he retired to the neighbourhood of his Diana and received all his consolation from her sweet voice and dearer caresses.","MWS" "id07083","It will be thought that I should have entered more minutely, into the details of an occurrence by which and this is very true much new light might be thrown upon a highly interesting branch of physical philosophy.","EAP" "id05354","But you now speak of ""mind"" and ""matter"" as do the metaphysicians.","EAP" "id26889","The impression was given with an accuracy truly marvellous.","EAP" "id11397","I shall ever bear about me a memory of the many solemn hours I thus spent alone with the master of the House of Usher.","EAP" "id00966","The leaning, unpainted houses grew thicker, lined both sides of the road, and displayed more urban tendencies than did those we were leaving behind.","HPL" "id16161","The first subject that occupied the attention of the house was an address from the Lord Protector, praying them to appoint a deputy during a necessary absence on his part.","MWS" "id18319","There was another sound, too a kind of wholesale, colossal flopping or pattering which somehow called up images of the most detestable sort.","HPL" "id03785","No trace of the ancient gold with which Wilbur and Old Whateley always paid their debts has yet been discovered.","HPL" "id09014","The noisy joy of the populace, the gaudy colours of their dress, the tumult of carriages and horses, the march of soldiers intermixed, the waving of banners and sound of martial music added to the high excitement of the scene; while round us reposed in solemn majesty the relics of antient time.","MWS" "id21260","Were all the jewels of Golconda awaiting me upon my solution of this enigma, I am quite sure that I should be unable to earn them.""","EAP" "id09525","In a very few moments I again looked fixedly at the painting.","EAP" "id20874","But then my plan must be laid with art; I would not be left destitute, I must secure some money.","MWS" "id09734","""That was before my time before the new squire's time.","HPL" "id03572","Sir John, an eccentrick Fellow, once declin'd to pay his part of the Reckoning for Supper, because 'twas his Custom at Home to eat no Supper.","HPL" "id05122","Finally, all men saw that astronomical knowledge lied not, and they awaited the comet.","EAP" "id19599","I have said that I was alarmed, yet to my soul nothing was more deadly than the material daylight world of New York, and whether this man were a harmless eccentric or a wielder of dangerous arts I had no choice save to follow him and slake my sense of wonder on whatever he might have to offer.","HPL" "id08650","Free from unwarranted superstition though I am, these things produced in me an odd sensation, which was intensified by a pair of widely separated newspaper cuttings relating to deaths in the shunned house one from the Providence Gazette and Country Journal of April , , and the other from the Daily Transcript and Chronicle of October , each of which detailed an appallingly grisly circumstance whose duplication was remarkable.","HPL" "id25186","I committed the remains of my lost Perdita to his care, for the purpose of having them transported to Hymettus, and placed in the cell her Raymond already occupied beneath the pyramid.","MWS" "id15835","Push carts crowded the gutters.","HPL" "id06864","Of the various odd assemblages in The Street, the law said much but could prove little.","HPL" "id23429","""He he he"" said the fellow, ""hu hu hu dat you can't do.""","EAP" "id07291","And the houses of the cities of Cathuria are all palaces, each built over a fragrant canal bearing the waters of the sacred Narg.","HPL" "id11115","Perhaps you might do better.","EAP" "id11756","Here have another drink I need one anyhow There's no use in my trying to tell you what they were like, because the awful, the blasphemous horror, and the unbelievable loathsomeness and moral foetor came from simple touches quite beyond the power of words to classify.","HPL" "id20665","All this time the sleeper waker remained exactly as I have last described him.","EAP" "id04843","Evadne did not answer; her large dark eyes were cast down, at length a tear glimmered on the lashes.","MWS" "id20358","I spoke; I told them to retire and consider of what had been said, that I would not lead them farther north if they strenuously desired the contrary, but that I hoped that, with reflection, their courage would return.","MWS" "id04220","No one at Windsor would afford them shelter; so, going a little further up, they remained all night in a deserted hut near Bolter's lock.","MWS" "id22670","Only at the twelfth was the triumph complete.","EAP" "id19250","Taking now a spade himself, and giving one to Jupiter and one to me, Legrand begged us to set about digging as quickly as possible.","EAP" "id14208","I have hitherto managed as well as I could without either.","EAP" "id03302","I knew it could make no difference whether either of us held on at all; so I let him have the bolt, and went astern to the cask.","EAP" "id23599","The young people, the Etonians, and children of the neighbouring gentry, held a mock fair, to which all the country people were invited.","MWS" "id16777","Certainly, I look forward impatiently to the sight of that great silver key, for in its cryptical arabesques there may stand symbolised all the aims and mysteries of a blindly impersonal cosmos.","HPL" "id12118","In the centre yawns a great open door, reached by an impressive flight of steps, and surrounded by exquisite carvings like the figures of Bacchanals in relief.","HPL" "id07507","The Countess cast no look of kindness on my worn out frame, though afterwards she thanked me coldly for my attentions.","MWS" "id16392","In a short time I realised that I must tell my story to someone or break down completely.","HPL" "id15905","His complexion was absolutely bloodless.","EAP" "id13826","It has been his terrible lot not to walk but to waddle to pass through life not like a human being, but like an elephant not like a man, but like a rhinoceros.","EAP" "id14112","Yet I am certainly unjust.","MWS" "id23411","It could not have been less than five hundred miles, and was probably much more.","EAP" "id24504","Upon the whole, I was sadly vexed and puzzled, but, at length, I concluded to make a virtue of necessity to dig with a good will, and thus the sooner to convince the visionary, by ocular demonstration, of the fallacy of the opinions he entertained.","EAP" "id22546","For my own part, I should hold it not only as possible, but as very far more than probable, that Marie might have proceeded, at any given period, by any one of the many routes between her own residence and that of her aunt, without meeting a single individual whom she knew, or by whom she was known.","EAP" "id05010","Too well did I recall the squat church from which those notes came.","HPL" "id09686","Now an unlettered seaman felt the same thing whilst gazing at the terrible reality.","HPL" "id24607","Heh, heh, heh then jest tell me, young feller, why Cap'n Obed an' twenty odd other folks used to row aout to Devil Reef in the dead o' night an' chant things so laoud ye cud hear 'em all over taown when the wind was right?","HPL" "id11281","Stalking across the room I cast a glance of contempt at the belligerents, and throwing open the sash to their extreme horror and disappointment, precipitated myself, very dexterously, from the window.","EAP" "id07351","He was still sitting up in the bed listening; just as I have done, night after night, hearkening to the death watches in the wall.","EAP" "id08888","I told them my story they did not believe it.","EAP" "id05802","""Have you,"" he said, ""really spent your time in studying such nonsense?""","MWS" "id14977","It was a piece of ""composition,"" in which the most fastidiously critical taste could scarcely have suggested an emendation.","EAP" "id21819","They told me I had taken the wrong fork of the hill road the night before, and fallen over the cliffs at Orange Point; a thing they deduced from prints found in the snow.","HPL" "id23830","The old deserted Chapman house had inexplicably burned to an amorphous heap of ashes; that we could understand because of the upset lamp.","HPL" "id10212","Nor was it I alone who felt thus intimately his perfections.","MWS" "id15979","The worst of this profession was, that I had to walk so much and so fast; and so frequently to vary my route.","EAP" "id01519","The whole house was blazing.","EAP" "id03416","By the second day of the search the affair was fully treated by the newspapers, whose reporters overran Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id20519","Beaufort had saved but a very small sum of money from the wreck of his fortunes, but it was sufficient to provide him with sustenance for some months, and in the meantime he hoped to procure some respectable employment in a merchant's house.","MWS" "id23736","""Having thus before us the whole philosophy of this subject, we can easily test by it the assertions of L'Etoile.","EAP" "id19329","She had never before looked so supremely lovely.","MWS" "id24691","It was almost a public affair, for the dean had surely been a public benefactor.","HPL" "id25751","He means to anticipate what he imagines would be an objection to his theory viz: that the body was kept on shore two days, suffering rapid decomposition more rapid than if immersed in water.","EAP" "id18859","But the grooms there disclaim any title to the creature; which is strange, since he bears evident marks of having made a narrow escape from the flames.","EAP" "id17580","It is clear, however, that it is as fully matter as before.","EAP" "id14501","The latter end is only pursued when it seems coincident with the former.","EAP" "id12034","My spirits were elevated by the enchanting appearance of nature; the past was blotted from my memory, the present was tranquil, and the future gilded by bright rays of hope and anticipations of joy.""","MWS" "id19880","In Washington Street there was a row of four or five in excellent repair and with finely tended lawns and gardens.","HPL" "id03268","This amendment was so obviously proper, that the House concurred in it nem.","EAP" "id18471","Certainly the town was not London.","HPL" "id22081","Wilson, this is your property.""","EAP" "id26019","I called on him to stay.","MWS" "id12836","These float, and serve all the purposes of a mere rope on land.","EAP" "id05309","Entered both gentlemen in my Ledger, and opened a running account with each.","EAP" "id10931","""The next morning I called for the snuff box, when we resumed, quite eagerly, the conversation of the preceding day.","EAP" "id20288","Seizing the green jade object, we gave a last glance at the bleached and cavern eyed face of its owner and closed up the grave as we found it.","HPL" "id22711","After a residence of about a year at Ulswater, Adrian visited London, and came back full of plans for our benefit.","MWS" "id13137","I could not sustain the horror of my situation, and when I perceived that the popular voice and the countenances of the judges had already condemned my unhappy victim, I rushed out of the court in agony.","MWS" "id02080","The editor of L'Etoile had no right to be offended at M. Beauvais' unreasoning belief.","EAP" "id19060","We walked nearer, and I saw that it must be five feet across, with walls a good foot thick and some six inches above the ground level solid work of the seventeenth century, or I was much mistaken.","HPL" "id03724","I attracted my brother's attention by signs, pointed to the floating barrels that came near us, and did everything in my power to make him understand what I was about to do.","EAP" "id16186","Heigho when will any Invention visit the human pericranium?","EAP" "id00622","With fonder regret than ever, he clung to his memory; and gave it in charge to his son, if ever he should meet this valued friend, in his name to bestow every succour, and to assure him that, to the last, his attachment survived separation and silence.","MWS" "id04337","Birch, though dreading the bother of removal and interment, began his task of transference one disagreeable April morning, but ceased before noon because of a heavy rain that seemed to irritate his horse, after having laid but one mortal tenement to its permanent rest.","HPL" "id21175","But it has been suggested that the corpse discovered, is not that of the Marie Rogêt for the conviction of whose assassin, or assassins, the reward is offered, and respecting whom, solely, our agreement has been arranged with the Prefect.","EAP" "id08043","But this half sentiment at no time amounted to conviction.","EAP" "id25239","The laughter died away, when a well known and abhorred voice, apparently close to my ear, addressed me in an audible whisper, ""I am satisfied, miserable wretch You have determined to live, and I am satisfied.""","MWS" "id26654","Amidst this chaos of hollowness and unrest Carter tried to live as befitted a man of keen thought and good heritage.","HPL" "id03975","She sought solitude, and avoided us when in gaiety and unrestrained affection we met in a family circle.","MWS" "id13890","His occasional use of the weapon did not enhance his popularity amongst the owners of canine guardians.","HPL" "id11571","I thought foolish wretch that it might be in my power to restore happiness to these deserving people.","MWS" "id07442","Of the worst portion of the crimes committed, it is probable that he is innocent.","EAP" "id09412","We also talked at length with such of the mountain mongrels as had not fled from the terror and confusion to remoter slopes, and arranged to precede our culminating task the exhaustive and definitive examination of the mansion in the light of its detailed history with an equally exhaustive and definitive examination of spots associated with the various tragedies of squatter legend.","HPL" "id09670","No, my Raymond, my only beloved, sole possession of Perdita This night, this splendid assembly, these sumptuous apartments, and this adornment of your tearful girl, are all united to celebrate your abdication.","MWS" "id25873","We called to mind the plague of , when it was calculated that a third of mankind had been destroyed.","MWS" "id16689","Come now that's a fine fellow.","EAP" "id11643","Upon my twenty first birthday, the aged Pierre gave to me a family document which he said had for many generations been handed down from father to son, and continued by each possessor.","HPL" "id05377","Reid, you know, had just taken up comparative pathology, and was full of pompous ""inside stuff"" about the biological or evolutionary significance of this or that mental or physical symptom.","HPL" "id16240","I bought auction copies cheap of ""Lord Brougham's Speeches,"" ""Cobbett's Complete Works,"" the ""New Slang Syllabus,"" the ""Whole Art of Snubbing,"" ""Prentice's Billingsgate,"" folio edition, and ""Lewis G. Clarke on Tongue.""","EAP" "id13344","I was one day seated on the verge of the clump of pines when Woodville rode past.","MWS" "id08799","""But soon,"" he cried with sad and solemn enthusiasm, ""I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt.","MWS" "id08662","CHAPTER I. HEAR YOU not the rushing sound of the coming tempest?","MWS" "id20646","A few fishing vessels alone specked the water, and now and then the gentle breeze wafted the sound of voices as the fishermen called to one another.","MWS" "id24661","I said 'legitimate deductions;' but my meaning is not thus fully expressed.","EAP" "id18923","Carriages and horses were provided for all; captains and under officers chosen, and the whole assemblage wisely organized.","MWS" "id00304","The tumult had ceased.","EAP" "id08574","Of the doctrines themselves that is, of their falsity, or of their probability I say nothing.","EAP" "id09350","It is not impossible that he was wrong; but he would have convinced you of his being in the right; for he was a man of great eloquence.","EAP" "id18960","He, the noble, the warlike, the great in every quality that can adorn the mind and person of man; he is fitted to be the Protector of England.","MWS" "id27887","The time will soon come; grief and famine have already sapped the foundations of my being; a very short time, and I shall have passed away; unstained by the crime of self destruction, unstung by the memory of degradation, my spirit will throw aside the miserable coil, and find such recompense as fortitude and resignation may deserve.","MWS" "id07615","My first resolution was to quit Geneva forever; my country, which, when I was happy and beloved, was dear to me, now, in my adversity, became hateful.","MWS" "id17347","The whole face finally began to grow tense, and the head turned restlessly with closed eyes.","HPL" "id01302","The project, at the desire of Mr. Osborne, was kept a profound secret from the public the only persons entrusted with the design being those actually engaged in the construction of the machine, which was built under the superintendence of Mr. Mason, Mr. Holland, Sir Everard Bringhurst, and Mr. Osborne, at the seat of the latter gentleman near Penstruthal, in Wales.","EAP" "id13662","In this mood of mind I betook myself to the mathematics and the branches of study appertaining to that science as being built upon secure foundations, and so worthy of my consideration.","MWS" "id19556","The spirit of gaiety was eclipsed; the music ceased; the young people left their occupations and gathered together.","MWS" "id00174","After that I recall running, spade in hand; a hideous run across moon litten, mound marked meadows and through diseased, precipitous abysses of haunted hillside forest; leaping, screaming, panting, bounding toward the terrible Martense mansion.","HPL" "id10920","I gave my assent to her request; and she left me.","MWS" "id09824","I smiled with quiet joy; and in my thoughts, which through long habit would for ever connect themselves into one train, as if I shaped them into words, I thus addressed the scene before me: ""I salute thee, beautiful Sun, and thou, white Earth, fair and cold Perhaps I shall never see thee again covered with green, and the sweet flowers of the coming spring will blossom on my grave.","MWS" "id21518","He's the beatin'est boy fer runnin' off in the woods I ever see; haff the time a settin' moonin' raound that snake den in the upper timber lot . . .","HPL" "id06216","And in the later watches of the night, when I went within the tower, I saw on the wall a calendar which still remained as when I had left it at the hour I sailed away.","HPL" "id20884","D Lord Byron CHAPTER V Nearly a year had past since my father's return, and the seasons had almost finished their round It was now the end of May; the woods were clothed in their freshest verdure, and the sweet smell of the new mown grass was in the fields.","MWS" "id02271","""Will the Baron join us in a hunting of the boar?"" ""Metzengerstein does not hunt;"" ""Metzengerstein will not attend,"" were the haughty and laconic answers.","EAP" "id10734","During this interval, one of the servants, happening to examine the apparel she had worn on the night of the murder, had discovered in her pocket the picture of my mother, which had been judged to be the temptation of the murderer.","MWS" "id14013","No, it could not possibly be repaired that night, nor was there any other way of getting transportation out of Innsmouth, either to Arkham or elsewhere.","HPL" "id16888","The poorer nobility hailed the return of sovereignty, as an event which would restore them to their power and rights, now lost.","MWS" "id14775","But his limbs were rigid his lips were livid his lately beaming eyes were riveted in death.","EAP" "id07127","Persons who are narrating facts, are seldom so particular as Mr. Kissam seems to be, about day and date and precise location.","EAP" "id20122","""Amontillado"" ""As you are engaged, I am on my way to Luchesi.","EAP" "id09874","He believed that his great secret knowledge of gods could shield him from their wrath, so resolved to go up to the summit of high and rocky Hatheg Kla on a night when he knew the gods would be there.","HPL" "id09688","For this the unreasonable villains clapped me into jail; and the gentlemen of the Eye Sore trade could not well avoid cutting my connection when I came out.","EAP" "id15417","Alas I regret that I am taken from you; and, happy and beloved as I have been, is it not hard to quit you all?","MWS" "id01535","The main building was about twenty four feet long and sixteen broad certainly not more.","EAP" "id24235","I wish I could believe that doctor.","HPL" "id09425","It was not what I heard, but what I saw; for in that dark, locked, shuttered, and curtained room there appeared from the black northeast corner a shaft of horrible red gold light a shaft which bore with it no glow to disperse the darkness, but which streamed only upon the recumbent head of the troubled sleeper, bringing out in hideous duplication the luminous and strangely youthful memory face as I had known it in dreams of abysmal space and unshackled time, when my friend had pushed behind the barrier to those secret, innermost, and forbidden caverns of nightmare.","HPL" "id11345","Felix soon learned that the treacherous Turk, for whom he and his family endured such unheard of oppression, on discovering that his deliverer was thus reduced to poverty and ruin, became a traitor to good feeling and honour and had quitted Italy with his daughter, insultingly sending Felix a pittance of money to aid him, as he said, in some plan of future maintenance.","MWS" "id24250","What I did was to faint silently away, just as I had done in that brier choked railway cut a year before.","HPL" "id27435","The Earl of Windsor became a volunteer under his friend.","MWS" "id07027","Did any one indeed exist, except I, the creator, who would believe, unless his senses convinced him, in the existence of the living monument of presumption and rash ignorance which I had let loose upon the world?","MWS" "id16057","Here, in imitation of Malibran, she modified the original phrase of Bellini, so as to let her voice descend to the tenor G, when, by a rapid transition, she struck the G above the treble stave, springing over an interval of two octaves.","EAP" "id04030","I had before experienced sensations of horror, and I have endeavoured to bestow upon them adequate expressions, but words cannot convey an idea of the heart sickening despair that I then endured.","MWS" "id07778","Getting upon the sacking of the bedstead, I looked over the head board minutely at the second casement.","EAP" "id05657","I was very glad of this partial shelter, since at this point the Rowley road was uncomfortably near according to my window view.","HPL" "id27824","I am now going to claim the protection of some friends, whom I sincerely love, and of whose favour I have some hopes.' ""'Are they Germans?' ""'No, they are French.","MWS" "id13909","Shall I say you will be there?""","EAP" "id10861","I closed my eyes to concentrate my thoughts more profoundly, and was rewarded by the positive knowledge that my long sought mental message had come at last.","HPL" "id20252","Her sympathy was ours; her smile, her soft voice, the sweet glance of her celestial eyes, were ever there to bless and animate us.","MWS" "id08163","I now thought it possible that the coating of dirt might have something to do with the failure; so I carefully rinsed the parchment by pouring warm water over it, and, having done this, I placed it in a tin pan, with the skull downwards, and put the pan upon a furnace of lighted charcoal.","EAP" "id12469","""Several changes of day and night passed, and the orb of night had greatly lessened, when I began to distinguish my sensations from each other.","MWS" "id09109","He might have been fifteen or fifty, and was twenty one years and seven months.","EAP" "id21716","She joined the hands of Elizabeth and myself.","MWS" "id26420","Dr. Whipple was a sane, conservative physician of the old school, and for all his interest in the place was not eager to encourage young thoughts toward the abnormal.","HPL" "id24868","The feeble and decrepid fled; the warriors retreated, though they threatened even in flight.","MWS" "id21608","Her rigging, build, and general equipment, all negative a supposition of this kind.","EAP" "id15741","Clerval spent the last evening with us.","MWS" "id07555","The passengers were, consequently, in high spirits and disposed to be social.","EAP" "id22033","It was level, and covered with fine hard gravel.","EAP" "id22838","We carried the thing down to the laboratory listening.","HPL" "id05654","The wind, which had fallen in the south, now rose with great violence in the west.","MWS" "id16385","To be worthy of her, to raise myself to her height through the exertion of talents and virtue, to repay her love with devoted, unwearied tenderness, were the only thanks I could offer for the matchless gift.","MWS" "id25202","I saw, in fine, that he would be driven, as a matter of course, to simplicity, if not deliberately induced to it as a matter of choice.","EAP" "id25025","The bolt held, of course, and I heard the floor creak as the prowler left the room.","HPL" "id11962","The house was a four story one, with garrets mansardes.","EAP" "id18039","His business is of importance and concerns the lady herself.","EAP" "id01712","Shameful debaucheries flagrant treacheries unheard of atrocities gave his trembling vassals quickly to understand that no servile submission on their part no punctilios of conscience on his own were thenceforward to prove any security against the remorseless fangs of a petty Caligula.","EAP" "id03472","All was gold of antique date and of great variety French, Spanish, and German money, with a few English guineas, and some counters, of which we had never seen specimens before.","EAP" "id03987","Youths, nobles of the land, performed for the sake of mother or sister, the services of menials with amiable cheerfulness.","MWS" "id27802","She rose on seeing us enter, and when we were left alone with her, she threw herself at the feet of Elizabeth, weeping bitterly.","MWS" "id21098","My acquaintance with Ritzner commenced at the magnificent Château Jung, into which a train of droll adventures, not to be made public, threw a place in his regard, and here, with somewhat more difficulty, a partial insight into his mental conformation.","EAP" "id10662","Wilcox still lived alone in the Fleur de Lys Building in Thomas Street, a hideous Victorian imitation of seventeenth century Breton architecture which flaunts its stuccoed front amidst the lovely colonial houses on the ancient hill, and under the very shadow of the finest Georgian steeple in America.","HPL" "id08423","You were not to be found, and I was fearful of losing a bargain.""","EAP" "id25232","The apparition spoke of the curse which had hovered over my house, told me of my coming end, dwelt on the wrong perpetrated by my ancestor against old Michel Mauvais, and gloated over the revenge of Charles Le Sorcier.","HPL" "id15813","Sweet and beloved Elizabeth I read and reread her letter, and some softened feelings stole into my heart and dared to whisper paradisiacal dreams of love and joy; but the apple was already eaten, and the angel's arm bared to drive me from all hope.","MWS" "id26097","Felix replied in a cheerful accent, and the old man was recommencing his music when someone tapped at the door.","MWS" "id24422","She called to mind how often he had declared that solitude was to him the greatest of all evils, and how death itself was to him more full of fear and pain when he pictured to himself a lonely grave.","MWS" "id02279","The balloon was unusually steady, and looked beautifully.","EAP" "id02591","At noon he lunched at the University Spa, picking up a paper from the next seat as he waited for dessert.","HPL" "id13453","""Yes, yes,"" I said, ""yes, yes."" ""You?","EAP" "id21935","Is it not indeed, possible that, while a high order of genius is necessarily ambitious, the highest is above that which is termed ambition?","EAP" "id16619","Adieu, my dear Margaret.","MWS" "id23270","Her cheek was flushed by the expectation of struggle; her eyes sparkled with the hope of triumph.","MWS" "id23735","Would a number of men have so dragged a corpse at all as to have left evident traces of the dragging?","EAP" "id03973","The ancient rails were very slight, and placed so close together as to be, according to modern notions, quite frivolous, if not dangerous in the extreme.","EAP" "id16366","Let us rather go out to meet it gallantly: or perhaps for all this pendulous orb, this fair gem in the sky's diadem, is not surely plague striken perhaps, in some secluded nook, amidst eternal spring, and waving trees, and purling streams, we may find Life.","MWS" "id02073","Yes the odour was the same as that which had sickened him at the Whateley farmhouse less than three years before.","HPL" "id13009","I had reached the conclusion, it will be remembered, that the extra baggage of my friend, the artist, would prove to be pictures, or at least a picture; for I knew he had been for several weeks in conference with Nicolino: and now here was a box, which, from its shape, could possibly contain nothing in the world but a copy of Leonardo's ""Last Supper;"" and a copy of this very ""Last Supper,"" done by Rubini the younger, at Florence, I had known, for some time, to be in the possession of Nicolino.","EAP" "id03607","Such invitations became less cordial less frequent in time they ceased altogether.","EAP" "id03471","With its emissaries, the name of Dupin had grown into a household word.","EAP" "id08287","He even says that all the village knew of my journeys to the tomb, and that I was often watched as I slept in the bower outside the grim facade, my half open eyes fixed on the crevice that leads to the interior.","HPL" "id12537","And I looked upon the characters of the rock, and they were changed; and the characters were SILENCE.","EAP" "id03428","West had never fully succeeded because he had never been able to secure a corpse sufficiently fresh.","HPL" "id17819","I shall no longer see the sun or stars or feel the winds play on my cheeks.","MWS" "id02424","Every day some new scene occured and displayed in him a mind working as it were with an unknown horror that now he could master but which at times threatened to overturn his reason, and to throw the bright seat of his intelligence into a perpetual chaos.","MWS" "id17579","""When I reflect, my dear cousin,"" said she, ""on the miserable death of Justine Moritz, I no longer see the world and its works as they before appeared to me.","MWS" "id25046","But his understanding, his charity, his virtues, want a field for exercise and display; and we will procure it for him.","MWS" "id25570","This enabled me to see perpendicularly down, but having found it impossible to place any similar contrivance overhead, on account of the peculiar manner of closing up the opening there, and the consequent wrinkles in the cloth, I could expect to see no objects situated directly in my zenith.","EAP" "id01382","On August I effected an exit from the U , and laboriously made my way through the ruined and mud choked streets to the ancient river.","HPL" "id17884","This was in truth a very droll little somebody.","EAP" "id13886","And in most of the palaces the floors were mosaics of beryl and lapis lazuli and sardonyx and carbuncle and other choice materials, so disposed that the beholder might fancy himself walking over beds of the rarest flowers.","HPL" "id07808","Nothing new rewarded my efforts only the same depressing mustiness and faint suggestions of noxious odours and nitrous outlines on the floor and I fancy that many pedestrians must have watched me curiously through the broken panes.","HPL" "id05749","These phenomena were occasioned by the expansion of the gas, through increase of heat in the atmosphere, and the consequent disruption of the minute particles of ice with which the network had become encrusted during the night.","EAP" "id11372","The frigidity of the apartment was now sensibly diminishing, and at about a.m. the doctor retired to the bathroom, commanding me to keep him supplied with all the ice I could obtain at all night drug stores and cafeterias.","HPL" "id24869","Whatever may be said against the abuses of the artificial landscape gardening, a mixture of pure art in a garden scene, adds to it a great beauty.","EAP" "id04170","Its construction, over a century and a half ago, had followed the grading and straightening of the road in that especial vicinity; for Benefit Street at first called Back Street was laid out as a lane winding amongst the graveyards of the first settlers, and straightened only when the removal of the bodies to the North Burial Ground made it decently possible to cut through the old family plots.","HPL" "id11510","She felt as if during her past calm she had dreamed, but was now awake; she was As one In some lone watch tower on the deep, awakened From soothing visions of the home he loves, Trembling to hear the wrathful billows roar; as one who has been cradled by a storm, and awakes to find the vessel sinking.","MWS" "id07246","But the thing was now going too far.","MWS" "id18028","The next spring no more pale grass and strange weeds came up in the shunned house's terraced garden, and shortly afterward Carrington Harris rented the place.","HPL" "id21933","But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life.","EAP" "id01988","Who indeed would think of compassioning a shadow?","EAP" "id14815","Suddenly out of the blackness the madly sawing bow struck me, and I knew I was close to the player.","HPL" "id12547","Mercy should have known better than to hire anyone from the Nooseneck Hill country, for that remote bit of backwoods was then, as now, a seat of the most uncomfortable superstitions.","HPL" "id10330","No, I don't know what's become of Pickman, and I don't like to guess.","HPL" "id26175","Old Michel was said to have burnt his wife alive as a sacrifice to the Devil, and the unaccountable disappearances of many small peasant children were laid at the dreaded door of these two.","HPL" "id16049","With a few rapid lateral passes I made the lids quiver, as in incipient sleep, and with a few more I closed them altogether.","EAP" "id01234","I recall many things of Sam Johnson and his Club, having kept up my Membership in the Latter long after the Doctor's Death, at which I sincerely mourn'd.","HPL" "id03707","On each of the hips, deep set in a kind of pinkish, ciliated orbit, was what seemed to be a rudimentary eye; whilst in lieu of a tail there depended a kind of trunk or feeler with purple annular markings, and with many evidences of being an undeveloped mouth or throat.","HPL" "id19629","I knew that it was possible that your suspicions might be excited; but I trusted that my simple word would cause them to disappear.","MWS" "id20545","I never feel alone or comfortable, and a hideous sense of pursuit sometimes comes chillingly on me when I am weary.","HPL" "id09585","Could there be guilt in it?","MWS" "id25962","I jumped into the boat, and well accustomed to such feats, I pushed it from shore, and exerted all my strength to row swiftly across.","MWS" "id14360","It is needless to say that I felt inexpressibly alarmed.","EAP" "id03158","I perceive you have an engagement.","EAP" "id13112","Verney, you will acknowledge this tie, and as my brother's friend, I feel that I may trust you.""","MWS" "id02221","He was no longer bent to the ground, like an over nursed flower of spring, that, shooting up beyond its strength, is weighed down even by its own coronal of blossoms.","MWS" "id23748","""Allow me, mon ami,"" now said Monsieur Maillard, addressing myself, ""allow me to send you a morsel of this veal a la St. Menhoult you will find it particularly fine.""","EAP" "id09636","A short month has destroyed a village, and where in May the first person sickened, in June the paths were deformed by unburied corpses the houses tenantless, no smoke arising from the chimneys; and the housewife's clock marked only the hour when death had been triumphant.","MWS" "id13848","We neglected all care of the ship, as worse than useless, and securing ourselves, as well as possible, to the stump of the mizen mast, looked out bitterly into the world of ocean.","EAP" "id02360","Let us close this casement; the air is chilling and dangerous to your frame.","EAP" "id27556","In securing solicitously an unobserved retreat in case of failure, Raymond had forgotten to arrange the mode by which she was to hear of his success; and she had been too much agitated to revert to this circumstance.","MWS" "id15151","With earnest gaze she looked on the labyrinth of smoking piles which had been a city, and then expressed her readiness to return home.","MWS" "id25340","Its size was very great, and seemed the greater because of its extraordinary bareness and neglect.","HPL" "id15376","The discoloration of ages had been great.","EAP" "id08306","Then he fled back to the lodge and broke all the rules of his calling by rousing and shaking his patient, and hurling at him a succession of shuddering whispers that seared into the bewildered ears like the hissing of vitriol.","HPL" "id24451","""What the devil's the matter now"" said a second.","EAP" "id03448","From its queenly possessor La Bellissima, to the Duc De L'Omelette, six peers of the empire conveyed the happy bird.","EAP" "id13624","Slowly with a tortoise gradation approached the faint gray dawn of the psychal day.","EAP" "id24740","On the uttermost of the steps which led down into the dread chamber was a large fragment of the coffin, with which, it seemed, that she had endeavored to arrest attention by striking the iron door.","EAP" "id03730","The men filled the mosques; the women, veiled, hastened to the tombs, and carried offerings to the dead, thus to preserve the living.","MWS" "id15256","Passing my hand down behind the board, I readily discovered and pressed the spring, which was, as I had supposed, identical in character with its neighbor.","EAP" "id05325","The Whateleys had received their visitors with ill concealed distaste, though they did not dare court further publicity by a violent resistance or refusal to talk.","HPL" "id18622","The noise was, at length, very effectually silenced by Jupiter, who, getting out of the hole with a dogged air of deliberation, tied the brute's mouth up with one of his suspenders, and then returned, with a grave chuckle, to his task.","EAP" "id10823","I had before visited the manor houses and gentlemen's seats, and often found the inhabitants actuated by the purest benevolence, ready to lend their utmost aid for the welfare of their tenants.","MWS" "id09437","He walked on first, carrying a part of the fishing tackle, and his companions followed him at some distance.","MWS" "id16023","After a few more passes.","EAP" "id14458","His drinking, of course, only aggravated what it was meant to alleviate.","HPL" "id17247","This had been the secret of his secession at the time of Lord Raymond's election.","MWS" "id11013","In fact nothing could well be more simple more utterly unpretending than this cottage.","EAP" "id17317","Others knew, but did not dare to tell there is no public hint of why they whispered about the lock on the door to the attic stairs in the house of a childless, broken, embittered old man who had put up a blank slate slab by an avoided grave, although one may trace enough evasive legends to curdle the thinnest blood.","HPL" "id21134","The letter, having been published, gave rise to a variety of gossip and opinion.","EAP" "id00925","""But Paradise Lost excited different and far deeper emotions.","MWS" "id02819","""Surprisingly beautiful"" exclaimed a second.","EAP" "id10167","He would talk in a cheerful accent, with an expression of goodness that bestowed pleasure even upon me.","MWS" "id20338","In my own heart there dwells no faith in præter nature.","EAP" "id21243","To be present at the election of a Protector, and to give our yea or nay for his shuffling Grace of ? or for that noisy Ryland?","MWS" "id26436","She was no longer that happy creature who in earlier youth wandered with me on the banks of the lake and talked with ecstasy of our future prospects.","MWS" "id26251","It was, however, the only book immediately at hand; and I indulged a vague hope that the excitement which now agitated the hypochondriac, might find relief for the history of mental disorder is full of similar anomalies even in the extremeness of the folly which I should read.","EAP" "id03404","Man, no longer with an appetite for sympathy, clothed his thoughts in visible signs; nor were there any readers left: while each one, having thrown away his sword with opposing shield alone, awaited the plague, Merrival talked of the state of mankind six thousand years hence.","MWS" "id23010","The name is Bedlo with an e, all the world over, and I never knew it to be spelt otherwise in my life.""","EAP" "id12644","They have come to form a race by themselves, with the well defined mental and physical stigmata of degeneracy and inbreeding.","HPL" "id25088","But he was ardent and tender of heart beyond the common nature of man, and had already learnt to love, while the beauteous Greek smiled benignantly on the boy.","MWS" "id13791","I discarded my medical books.","EAP" "id19575","This stream is regulated by the flux and reflux of the sea it being constantly high and low water every six hours.","EAP" "id26536","Even now my blood boils at the recollection of this injustice.","MWS" "id17354","There was no longer the faintest sign of vitality in M. Valdemar; and concluding him to be dead, we were consigning him to the charge of the nurses, when a strong vibratory motion was observable in the tongue.","EAP" "id17982","It had become fiendishly disgusting by the time he disappeared; many of the experiments could not even be hinted at in print.","HPL" "id17222","This associate is of swarthy complexion.","EAP" "id12247","A few moves having been made, no step is certain.","EAP" "id15425","Disliking the sight, I turned away and entered the chamber beyond the Gothic door.","HPL" "id16861","At length they emerged on a muddy road to find the sun coming out.","HPL" "id02899","The Countess again came to her daughter's bedside: ""In Austria at least,"" she said, ""you will obey.","MWS" "id27302","We had birds, gold fish, a fine dog, rabbits, a small monkey, and a cat.","EAP" "id00538","I cannot speak longer, for the body of Joe Slater grows cold and rigid, and the coarse brains are ceasing to vibrate as I wish.","HPL" "id18098","Hey? Did anybody ever see hide or hair o' Hiram Gilman agin?","HPL" "id20854","The worm had food no more.","EAP" "id13066","But even human sympathies were not sufficient to satisfy his eager mind.","MWS" "id13281","Our Lazzeroni bore flaring torches, which shone red, and almost dusky, in the murky subterranean passages, whose darkness thirstily surrounding them, seemed eager to imbibe more and more of the element of light.","MWS" "id08257","""I need scarcely tell you,"" said Dupin, as he finished the perusal of my notes, ""that this is a far more intricate case than that of the Rue Morgue; from which it differs in one important respect.","EAP" "id16112","""Common affection might have been satisfied with common usages.","MWS" "id22008","Water Street was almost its duplicate, save that there were great seaward gaps where wharves had been.","HPL" "id06529","Through joy and through sorrow, I wrote.","EAP" "id26965","He has thought it sagacious to echo the small talk of the lawyers, who, for the most part, content themselves with echoing the rectangular precepts of the courts.","EAP" "id02253","The doors again close, the magician resumes his original position, and the drawer opens to return the medallion.","EAP" "id20158","In the one case, the retarding force is momentary and complete within itself in the other it is endlessly accumulative.","EAP" "id12925","In the multiform and multicolor of the flowers and the trees, he recognised the most direct and energetic efforts of Nature at physical loveliness.","EAP" "id25394","""Superb physiologist"" said the Westminster.","EAP" "id14512","Iä Shub Niggurath As a foulness shall ye know Them.","HPL" "id11160","In obedience to my request Perdita detailed the melancholy circumstances that led to this event.","MWS" "id08198","I read and studied the wild fancies of these writers with delight; they appeared to me treasures known to few besides myself.","MWS" "id09076","Immediately afterward Jermyn emerged from the room, rushing frantically toward the front of the house as if pursued by some hideous enemy.","HPL" "id24339","He seemed incapable of conceiving of the full extent of the power that selfishness vice possesses in the world: when I knew him, although he had suffered disappointment in his dearest hopes, he had not experienced any that arose from the meaness and self love of men: his station was too high to allow of his suffering through their hardheartedness; and too low for him to have experienced ingratitude and encroaching selfishness: it is one of the blessings of a moderate fortune, that by preventing the possessor from confering pecuniary favours it prevents him also from diving into the arcana of human weakness or malice To bestow on your fellow men is a Godlike attribute So indeed it is and as such not one fit for mortality; the giver like Adam and Prometheus, must pay the penalty of rising above his nature by being the martyr to his own excellence.","MWS" "id06968","In an instant I dragged him to the floor, and pulled the heavy bed over him.","EAP" "id10954","It was bound in leather with metal fittings, and was in an excellent state of preservation; being altogether an unusual sort of volume to encounter in an abode so lowly.","HPL" "id00593","""He is safe"" said Idris, as he leapt on shore, and waved the bough over his head in token of success; ""we will wait for him here.""","MWS" "id18133","They filed out of the house with a jerky tread, and as I watched them go I had an odd idea that they were turning toward the ancient cemetery on which the back of the house abutted.","HPL" "id24036","Was it not enough that we must die, but toil must be added?","MWS" "id16994","The person of whom I speak seemed born for the purpose of foreshadowing the doctrines of Turgot, Price, Priestley, and Condorcet of exemplifying by individual instance what has been deemed the chimera of the perfectionists.","EAP" "id23645","When he perceived that the latch was hopelessly unyielding, at least to such meagre tools and under such tenebrous conditions as these, Birch glanced about for other possible points of escape.","HPL" "id03896","You might as well note down a few while I read them to you.","EAP" "id15121","but, stay you shall.""","EAP" "id08854","Well, don't worry, my friend, for they are coming. . . .","HPL" "id15405","He was evidently given to working or lounging around the fish docks, and carried with him much of their characteristic smell.","HPL" "id05151","""I let myself down to the ledge, and found that it was impossible to retain a seat upon it except in one particular position.","EAP" "id11614","We had been sitting in the dark, and Dupin now arose for the purpose of lighting a lamp, but sat down again, without doing so, upon G.'s saying that he had called to consult us, or rather to ask the opinion of my friend, about some official business which had occasioned a great deal of trouble.","EAP" "id19244","We rested until two, and had supper; starting for the hills immediately afterwards, armed with three stout sacks, which, by good luck, were upon the premises.","EAP" "id13683","Or it might have been that he neglected to become either, merely in pursuance of his idea that in contempt of ambition is to be found one of the essential principles of happiness on earth.","EAP" "id10640","A step approached her bed, she dared not move, she strove to calm her palpitations, which became more violent, when she heard her mother say mutteringly, ""Pretty simpleton, little do you think that your game is already at an end for ever.""","MWS" "id01197","A thousand times would I have shed my own blood, drop by drop, to have saved their lives; but I could not, my father, indeed I could not sacrifice the whole human race.""","MWS" "id26272","It may therefore be judged indecent in me to come forward on this occasion, but when I see a fellow creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak, that I may say what I know of her character.","MWS" "id19826","She replied with earnestness, ""I do not refuse to believe you, Raymond; on the contrary I promise to put implicit faith in your simple word.","MWS" "id25940","You, I conceive, would be tickled by a better sight of sartain other years than your fancy affords you; so be pleased to hold back any fright at what I design to shew.","HPL" "id14464","I gathered enough, however, to know that it was astonished at my wishing to remain alive under such circumstances.","EAP" "id10391","They resolved to leave means neither of ingress or egress to the sudden impulses of despair or of frenzy from within.","EAP" "id12666","When, in an article entitled ""The Murders in the Rue Morgue,"" I endeavored, about a year ago, to depict some very remarkable features in the mental character of my friend, the Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin, it did not occur to me that I should ever resume the subject.","EAP" "id13982","Some distance away the lifeless body of Juan Romero lay upon a table, surrounded by a group of men, including the camp doctor.","HPL" "id01846","I concluded, however, to speak to him once more, and merely repeated my previous question.","EAP" "id24473","It was no joke tracking down something as big as a house that one could not see, but that had all the vicious malevolence of a daemon.","HPL" "id22376","And again she heard, ""She will not wake till late to morrow, and we shall then be at sea."" ""All is ready,"" at length the woman announced.","MWS" "id09261","I took the hand of Elizabeth.","MWS" "id05109","Some secrets of inner earth are not good for mankind, and this seemed to me one of them.","HPL" "id12997","Half insanely I spoke to the dead.","MWS" "id21982","He foresaw that his own life would be one of struggle, and I must partake his labours with him.","MWS" "id01293","They kept better watch; I was taken, and sent to prison.","MWS" "id03286","He made no explanations to Hartwell, but in his calmer moments spoke of the imperative need of a long conference with Rice and Morgan.","HPL" "id16405","Wordsworth's ""Tintern Abbey"".","MWS" "id27672","But I saw the dimness was only that of contrast, and that the waves from the machine had no effect whatever.","HPL" "id02373","Gilman felt a gnawing, poignant abhorrence shoot through his mental and emotional paralysis, and the light metal bowl shook in his grasp.","HPL" "id03092","Their appearance especially those staring, unwinking eyes which one never saw shut was certainly shocking enough; and their voices were disgusting.","HPL" "id09560","Armitage produced a pocket telescope of considerable power and scanned the steep green side of the hill.","HPL" "id16257","Its whole style differed materially from that of Legrand.","EAP" "id10796","Luckily, the sole fastenings of the lid consisted of two sliding bolts.","EAP" "id22778","The fresh air revived me, and with renewed determination I approached the door of their cottage.","MWS" "id05651","Nations, bordering on the already infected countries, began to enter upon serious plans for the better keeping out of the enemy.","MWS" "id11243","Scarcely had I secured myself in my new position, when we gave a wild lurch to starboard, and rushed headlong into the abyss.","EAP" "id02884","I might have deceived you; I might have talked of remaining here only a few months; in your anxiety to reach Windsor you would have left me, and without reproach or contention, I might have pursued my plan.","MWS" "id15101","There is something terribly appalling in our situation, yet my courage and hopes do not desert me.","MWS" "id25722","The grocery way only think of that I resolved to be off forthwith, and try and establish myself in some decent occupation, without dancing attendance any longer upon the caprices of these eccentric old people, and running the risk of being made a genius of in the end.","EAP" "id24006","Her unhappiness assumed every day a new shape; every day some unexpected event seemed to close, while in fact it led onward, the train of calamities which now befell her.","MWS" "id02480","It was the faces, Eliot, those accursed faces, that leered and slavered out of the canvas with the very breath of life By God, man, I verily believe they were alive That nauseous wizard had waked the fires of hell in pigment, and his brush had been a nightmare spawning wand.","HPL" "id01619","The passage, which at first scarcely admitted us, quickly grew narrower and lower; we were almost bent double; yet still we persisted in making our way through it.","MWS" "id26728","D , at Vienna once, did me an evil turn, which I told him, quite good humoredly, that I should remember.","EAP" "id07470","I merely wish you to bear in mind that, with myself, it was sufficiently forcible to give a definite form a certain tendency to my inquiries in the chamber.","EAP" "id21210","At first I could only afford to feed them upon mice which are cheap, but they fulfilled the scriptural injunction at so marvellous a rate, that I at length considered it my best policy to be liberal, and so indulged them in oysters and turtle.","EAP" "id23160","As I could not pass through the town, I was obliged to cross the lake in a boat to arrive at Plainpalais.","MWS" "id21485","The reason why Arthur Jermyn's charred fragments were not collected and buried lies in what was found afterward, principally the thing in the box.","HPL" "id09389","Then, amidst the dismal moans from the stable and the daemoniac piping of late whippoorwills in the glen, Selina Frye tottered to the telephone and spread what news she could of the second phase of the horror.","HPL" "id09423","My rage was without bounds; I sprang on him, impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against the existence of another.","MWS" "id09914","The entire absence of ocean or sea, and indeed of any lake or river, or body of water whatsoever, struck me, at first glance, as the most extraordinary feature in its geological condition.","EAP" "id24413","She has her little eccentricities, to be sure but then, you know, all old women all very old women are more or less eccentric"" ""To be sure,"" said I, ""to be sure and then the rest of these ladies and gentlemen "" ""Are my friends and keepers,"" interupted Monsieur Maillard, drawing himself up with hauteur, ""my very good friends and assistants.""","EAP" "id13080","Now this, I reflected, was no very extraordinary distance.","EAP" "id17131","I strained my sight to discover what it could be and uttered a wild cry of ecstasy when I distinguished a sledge and the distorted proportions of a well known form within. Oh With what a burning gush did hope revisit my heart Warm tears filled my eyes, which I hastily wiped away, that they might not intercept the view I had of the daemon; but still my sight was dimmed by the burning drops, until, giving way to the emotions that oppressed me, I wept aloud.","MWS" "id17878","I knew that Pompey was beneath my feet, and that Diana was sitting, according to my explicit directions, upon her hind legs, in the farthest corner of the room.","EAP" "id07259","Now it is agreed by all the distant relatives of Randolph Carter that something occurred to heighten his imagination in his tenth year.","HPL" "id23991","By undue profundity we perplex and enfeeble thought; and it is possible to make even Venus herself vanish from the firmanent by a scrutiny too sustained, too concentrated, or too direct.","EAP" "id21008","The loss of the eye was not so much as the insolent air of independence and contempt with which it regarded me after it was out.","EAP" "id20933","At such times the king, in his enthusiasm for him, would come to his relief, and then kindly take his friend to task; my father gave the best promises for amendment, but his social disposition, his craving for the usual diet of admiration, and more than all, the fiend of gambling, which fully possessed him, made his good resolutions transient, his promises vain.","MWS" "id02972","Attend, O reader while I narrate this tale of wonders One day as Adrian and Idris were riding through the forest, with their mother and accustomed companions, Idris, drawing her brother aside from the rest of the cavalcade, suddenly asked him, ""What had become of his friend, Lionel Verney?"" ""Even from this spot,"" replied Adrian, pointing to my sister's cottage, ""you can see his dwelling.""","MWS" "id11718","Between then and the next January we secured three more; one total failure, one case of marked muscular motion, and one rather shivery thing it rose of itself and uttered a sound.","HPL" "id05952","Near the central desk a revolver had fallen, a dented but undischarged cartridge later explaining why it had not been fired.","HPL" "id04657","By the time he had reached the bridge over the Miskatonic he was in a cold perspiration, and he clutched at the iron railing as he gazed upstream at the ill regarded island whose regular lines of ancient standing stones brooded sullenly in the afternoon sunlight.","HPL" "id15504","She sat upon the ground absorbed in wordless despair, when through the gusty wind and bickering rain she thought she heard her name called.","MWS" "id00739","And while I thus spoke, did there not cross your mind some thought of the physical power of words?","EAP" "id21674","As it drew nearer I observed that it was the Swiss diligence; it stopped just where I was standing, and on the door being opened, I perceived Henry Clerval, who, on seeing me, instantly sprung out.","MWS" "id20544","He endeavoured to soothe me as a nurse does a child and reverted to my tale as the effects of delirium.","MWS" "id09548","Keep still"" The combined shock of the revelation and of the abrupt command gave me a kind of paralysis, and in my terror my mind again opened to the impressions coming from what Tillinghast called ""beyond"".","HPL" "id01122","Men who before this change seemed to have been hid in caves dispersed themselves and were employed in various arts of cultivation.","MWS" "id26080","I strove to quiet the eager dancing of my heart; I turned from her my eyes, beaming with too much tenderness, and proudly, to dark night, and the inclement atmosphere, murmured the expressions of my transport.","MWS" "id02947","""I fear, my beloved girl,"" I said, ""little happiness remains for us on earth; yet all that I may one day enjoy is centred in you.","MWS" "id05539","Ever yours, WILLIAM LEGRAND.","EAP" "id06933","These were mostly well back from the water, and one or two seemed to be in moderately sound condition.","HPL" "id10909","Professor Ellery found platinum, iron, and tellurium in the strange alloy; but mixed with these were at least three other apparent elements of high atomic weight which chemistry was absolutely powerless to classify.","HPL" "id17450","In the second place, it impressed me I fear, indeed, that it will be impossible to make myself comprehended as gelatinous or glutinous matters impress the sense of touch.","EAP" "id01221","When he had in some measure recovered, I removed him to my own cabin and attended on him as much as my duty would permit.","MWS" "id06496","Do you know, however,"" continued he musingly, ""that at Sparta which is now Palæ; ochori, at Sparta, I say, to the west of the citadel, among a chaos of scarcely visible ruins, is a kind of socle, upon which are still legible the letters AAEM.","EAP" "id08335","Frequently he would glance at the door as if he expected someone, and at length his glance seemed answered by a singular rapping which must have followed some very ancient and secret code.","HPL" "id01569","The strange and romantic scheme of her mother, might confirm and perpetuate the painful view of life, which had intruded itself thus early on her contemplation.","MWS" "id21565","He is appalled by what lies motionless before him.","EAP" "id10807","He endeavoured to guide with prudence the steeds of destiny through the devious road which he had chosen, and bent all his efforts the better to conceal what he could not alter.","MWS" "id26096","""The balloon, then, had actually burst"" These were the first tumultuous ideas that hurried through my mind: ""The balloon had positively burst I was falling falling with the most impetuous, the most unparalleled velocity To judge by the immense distance already so quickly passed over, it could not be more than ten minutes, at the farthest, before I should meet the surface of the earth, and be hurled into annihilation"" But at length reflection came to my relief.","EAP" "id23041","The cries were shocking; and as I stood in the brilliant apartment alone and dazed, listening to their vanishing echoes, I trembled at the thought of what might be lurking near me unseen.","HPL" "id03642","At any rate he kicked and squirmed frantically and automatically whilst his consciousness was almost eclipsed in a half swoon.","HPL" "id27103","We were strolling one night down a long dirty street in the vicinity of the Palais Royal.","EAP" "id03824","I searched my pockets, hoping to find an old letter, when my hand fell upon the parchment.","EAP" "id17210","In the meantime the cat slowly recovered.","EAP" "id21885","No doubt it had become out of order, like so many other things in this decrepit edifice.","HPL" "id24452","She grieved for the loss of Raymond with an anguish, that exiled all smile from her lips, and trenched sad lines on her brow of beauty.","MWS" "id27725","And as the muffled thunder clattered, those eyes still stared with vacuous viciousness.","HPL" "id01590","His ears were growing sensitive to a preternatural and intolerable degree, and he had long ago stopped the cheap mantel clock whose ticking had come to seem like a thunder of artillery.","HPL" "id27252","""My friend, no; I will not impose upon your good nature.","EAP" "id25493","Thoughts of the police and of the mad Italian both weighed heavily.","HPL" "id15796","A sudden break was made in the routine of our lives.","MWS" "id00232","Did all of this perilous sense of imminence come from the formulae on the sheets he covered day by day?","HPL" "id19743","The tints of the green carpet deepened; and when, one by one, the white daisies shrank away, there sprang up in place of them, ten by ten of the ruby red asphodel.","EAP" "id16859","In sleep waking, the reasoning and its conclusion the cause and its effect are present together.","EAP" "id14911","A servant in Geneva does not mean the same thing as a servant in France and England.","MWS" "id20583","He was just dizzy and careless enough to annoy his sensitive horse, which as he drew it viciously up at the tomb neighed and pawed and tossed its head, much as on that former occasion when the rain had vexed it.","HPL" "id00640","The castle walls, and long familiar trees, did not hear the parting sound of our carriage wheels with regret.","MWS" "id06906","Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, but with him who has come back out of the nethermost chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests nevermore.","HPL" "id21156","Only these nothing more.","HPL" "id00570","The younger seaman was, in all outward appearance, the converse of his companion.","EAP" "id26611","It was disturbing to think that one, perhaps two, of our monsters still lived that thought haunted us shadowingly, till finally West disappeared under frightful circumstances.","HPL" "id23547","The building, then, must still be inhabited, despite its isolation and general neglect.","HPL" "id16802","Charter Street, it turned out to be, but I was too flustered to notice just where we hit it.","HPL" "id15934","Dazedness was uppermost, and I could scarcely recall what was dream and what was reality.","HPL" "id21886","His Majesty counts heavily, smiles, and is taking wine.","EAP" "id08003","For a century and more, it appeared, the Roulets had been well remembered and frequently discussed as vivid incidents in the quiet life of a New England seaport.","HPL" "id12182","One eye was blue, the other brown.","HPL" "id14877","A woman deposed that she lived near the beach and was standing at the door of her cottage, waiting for the return of the fishermen, about an hour before she heard of the discovery of the body, when she saw a boat with only one man in it push off from that part of the shore where the corpse was afterwards found.","MWS" "id04796","But here's a funny thing.","HPL" "id05932","Are not the starry worlds that, from the abyss of nonentity, burst hourly forth into the heavens are not these stars, Agathos, the immediate handiwork of the King?","EAP" "id03968","He looked up to her as his guide, and such was his adoration that he delighted to augment to his own mind the sense of inferiority with which she sometimes impressed him.","MWS" "id05279","The place is a remote, lonely elevation in that part of the Catskills where Dutch civilisation once feebly and transiently penetrated, leaving behind as it receded only a few ruined mansions and a degenerate squatter population inhabiting pitiful hamlets on isolated slopes.","HPL" "id07066","It was a vast undulating plain, mostly covered with seaweed, and strown with the shells of small molluscs.","HPL" "id06537","That consideration made me breathless with anguish, and impressing itself on my imagination I was unable for a time to follow up any train of ideas.","MWS" "id07898","Of what his clothing consisted I could hardly tell, for it seemed to me no more than a mass of tatters surmounting a pair of high, heavy boots; and his lack of cleanliness surpassed description.","HPL" "id27844","His depression and anxiety fled; he became all life and activity.","MWS" "id17806","""I continued for the remainder of the day in my hovel in a state of utter and stupid despair.","MWS" "id09145","""Then I grew angry and cursed, with the curse of silence, the river, and the lilies, and the wind, and the forest, and the heaven, and the thunder, and the sighs of the water lilies.","EAP" "id12377","Obviously, the besiegers had brought some ponderous object into play as a battering ram.","HPL" "id11911","I always required the stimulants of companionship and applause.","MWS" "id14565","Art the Arts arose supreme, and, once enthroned, cast chains upon the intellect which had elevated them to power.","EAP" "id13927","I spoke to him frankly upon the subject; and, to my surprise, his interest seemed vividly excited.","EAP" "id10067","V. Yes to avoid confusion.","EAP" "id03543","That the path of our sun along such a circumference that the direction of our system in such an orbit would, to any human perception, deviate in the slightest degree from a straight line even in a million of years, is a proposition not to be entertained; and yet these ancient astronomers were absolutely cajoled, it appears, into believing that a decisive curvature had become apparent during the brief period of their astronomical history during the mere point during the utter nothingness of two or three thousand years How incomprehensible, that considerations such as this did not at once indicate to them the true state of affairs that of the binary revolution of our sun and Alpha Lyrae around a common centre of gravity April .","EAP" "id13414","I only wonder that at that moment, instead of venting my sensations in exclamations and agony, I did not rush among mankind and perish in the attempt to destroy them.","MWS" "id09872","I was by no means certain that he had noticed the sounds in question; although, assuredly, a strange alteration had, during the last few minutes, taken place in his demeanor.","EAP" "id08829","But what frightened me most was that flaming column; spouting volcanically from depths profound and inconceivable, casting no shadows as healthy flame should, and coating the nitrous stone above with a nasty, venomous verdigris.","HPL" "id19119","Before I could recover my scattered wits he had relaxed his clutch on my shoulder and dashed wildly inland toward the street, reeling northward around the ruined warehouse wall.","HPL" "id26216","Even had its outlines been unfamiliar we would have desired it, but as we looked more closely we saw that it was not wholly unfamiliar.","HPL" "id14101","Her tall slim figure bent gracefully as a poplar to the breezy west, and her gait, goddess like, was as that of a winged angel new alit from heaven's high floor; the pearly fairness of her complexion was stained by a pure suffusion; her voice resembled the low, subdued tenor of a flute.","MWS" "id10596","Just at this time Adrian came down to us; his eager looks shewed us that he was full of some scheme.","MWS" "id12686","He then proceeded to meet him, and gave the Wellingtons a rub or two with his wool.","EAP" "id18632","The more common conclusion, however, was that the affair was, simply, X traordinary and in X plicable.","EAP" "id18698","Clearly, as I realised a moment later, it was the pastor; clad in some peculiar vestments doubtless introduced since the Order of Dagon had modified the ritual of the local churches.","HPL" "id03551","When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me.","MWS" "id17360","There was one resource left me yet.","EAP" "id22244","With becoming modesty, he forebore, nevertheless, to touch upon the theme I had just then most at heart I mean the mysterious circumstances attending the Bugaboo war and, on my own part, what I conceive to be a proper sense of delicacy forbade me to broach the subject; although, in truth, I was exceedingly tempted to do so.","EAP" "id16146","He gave orders for the retreat to be sounded, and the regiments repaired in good order to the camp.","MWS" "id24824","The English for the most part talked of Thrace and Macedonia, as they would of a lunar territory, which, unknown to them, presented no distinct idea or interest to the minds.","MWS" "id01920","""Why, yes, madam, there is.","EAP" "id04312","The six remaining pigs of seamen, suspecting that we were lost, had suddenly burst into a mad fury at our refusal to surrender to the Yankee battleship two days before; and were in a delirium of cursing and destruction.","HPL" "id14063","It is rumoured in Ulthar, beyond the river Skai, that a new king reigns on the opal throne in Ilek Vad, that fabulous town of turrets atop the hollow cliffs of glass overlooking the twilight sea wherein the bearded and finny Gnorri build their singular labyrinths, and I believe I know how to interpret this rumour.","HPL" "id26144","In the second place, I could have no breeches until I came across the crow.","EAP" "id15565","What is said about detecting and bringing into practice nice relations of size, proportion, and color, is one of those mere vaguenesses of speech which serve to veil inaccuracy of thought.","EAP" "id25128","He who had so calmly left me a little while previously, now called from below in a shaky whisper more portentous than the loudest shriek: ""God If you could see what I am seeing"" I could not answer.","HPL" "id08620","We had hardly more than turned, however, when there descended such a blinding sheet of torrential rain that shelter became imperative.","HPL" "id01681","There is a sense of spectral whirling through liquid gulfs of infinity, of dizzying rides through reeling universes on a comet's tail, and of hysterical plunges from the pit to the moon and from the moon back again to the pit, all livened by a cachinnating chorus of the distorted, hilarious elder gods and the green, bat winged mocking imps of Tartarus.","HPL" "id18804","Well, if you must hear it, I don't know why you shouldn't.","HPL" "id22668","A few months before my arrival they had lived in a large and luxurious city called Paris, surrounded by friends and possessed of every enjoyment which virtue, refinement of intellect, or taste, accompanied by a moderate fortune, could afford.","MWS" "id23618","I will confine myself to the momentous details of my own lamentable adventure.","EAP" "id07598","I have tried to hint what it was in order to postpone the horror of writing it down baldly.","HPL" "id10675","Clerval had never sympathized in my tastes for natural science; and his literary pursuits differed wholly from those which had occupied me.","MWS" "id15334","The cushions we probed with the fine long needles you have seen me employ.","EAP" "id08051","I knew that in more than one place it must be already severed.","EAP" "id23358","Raymond repeated his instructions, and the visitor retired.","MWS" "id13125","Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.","HPL" "id23904","SINCE the world began there have been two Jeremys.","EAP" "id19425","A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser.","EAP" "id19934","A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquillity.","MWS" "id25496","He sat upright in bed, astonished to find himself at home and completely ignorant of what had happened in dream or reality since the night of March nd.","HPL" "id14290","""My body was now inclined towards the side of the car, at an angle of about forty five degrees; but it must not be understood that I was therefore only forty five degrees below the perpendicular.","EAP" "id10413","Owing to the abruptness of the change a wire was disconnected, which necessitated a delay of many minutes for repairs; but at length the light streamed on again, flooding the marine valley below me.","HPL" "id09774","Thursday night began much like the others, but it ended less happily.","HPL" "id17756","I am sorry that you could not have paid us a visit at an earlier period, that you might have judged for yourself.","EAP" "id18450","Sometimes I thought that the fiend followed me and might expedite my remissness by murdering my companion.","MWS" "id22769","This done, we wait until the palace is half way up, and then we pay some tasty architect to run us up an ornamental mud hovel, right against it; or a Down East or Dutch Pagoda, or a pig sty, or an ingenious little bit of fancy work, either Esquimau, Kickapoo, or Hottentot.","EAP" "id19266","I had found the spell of the picture in an absolute life likeliness of expression, which, at first startling, finally confounded, subdued, and appalled me.","EAP" "id03316","I know, though she does not, how false the veil is which she has spread over the reality do not endeavour to rend this deceptive covering, but by degrees withdraw it.","MWS" "id06896","But this was the best side of the question.","MWS" "id19702","One dreads to trust the tenebrous tunnel of the bridge, yet there is no way to avoid it.","HPL" "id27608","Thus ran his discourse, until with the greatest suddenness he ceased.","HPL" "id13388","But it refreshed me and filled me with such agreeable sensations that I resolved to prolong my stay on the water, and fixing the rudder in a direct position, stretched myself at the bottom of the boat.","MWS" "id06987","As he said this his countenance became expressive of a calm, settled grief that touched me to the heart.","MWS" "id06673","I passed down a long and winding staircase, requesting him to be cautious as he followed.","EAP" "id07641","The piazzas of the main building and western wing had no floors, as is usual; but at the doors and at each window, large, flat irregular slabs of granite lay imbedded in the delicious turf, affording comfortable footing in all weather.","EAP" "id18601","The dreams were meanwhile getting to be atrocious.","HPL" "id24733","These fragments, as Armitage recalls them, ran something like ""N'gai, n'gha'ghaa, bugg shoggog, y'hah; Yog Sothoth, Yog Sothoth. . .","HPL" "id16974","""Doctair Muñoz,"" she cried as she rushed upstairs ahead of me, ""he have speel hees chemicals.","HPL" "id19605","How dare you sport thus with life?","MWS" "id15156","The roof of the void, as seen whilst it was open, was not by any means thick; yet now the drills of the investigators met what appeared to be a limitless extent of solid rock.","HPL" "id07550","One living beggar had become of more worth than a national peerage of dead lords alas the day than of dead heroes, patriots, or men of genius.","MWS" "id15421","But it is by no means my present object to pen an essay on Happiness.","EAP" "id06195","We are not formed for enjoyment; and, however we may be attuned to the reception of pleasureable emotion, disappointment is the never failing pilot of our life's bark, and ruthlessly carries us on to the shoals.","MWS" "id15907","There were no carriages, and grass had sprung high in the streets; the houses had a desolate look; most of the shutters were closed; and there was a ghast and frightened stare in the persons I met, very different from the usual business like demeanour of the Londoners.","MWS" "id15029","She felt struck by the plague; her aged frame was unable to bear her away with sufficient speed; and now, believing herself infected, she no longer dreaded the association of others; but, as swiftly as she might, came to her grand daughter, at Windsor Castle, there to lament and die.","MWS" "id16871","Its variations seem to be chiefly of degree.","EAP" "id24844","The multitudinous conglomeration of rare matter into nebulæ, planets, suns, and other bodies which are neither nebulæ, suns, nor planets, is for the sole purpose of supplying pabulum for the idiosyncrasy of the organs of an infinity of rudimental beings.","EAP" "id09176","He soon reached the summit, and disappeared.","MWS" "id13132","She was not without notions of what a nobleman's dignity should be, and saw to it that her son received the best education which limited money could provide.","HPL" "id09632","The spirit of existence was dead within me; be not surprised therefore that when it came I welcomed not more gladly, or when it departed I lamented not more bitterly the best gift of heaven a friend.","MWS" "id09565","The handkerchief bore the name, 'Marie Rogêt.' Fragments of dress were seen on the branches around.","EAP" "id19070","I procured Laudanum and placing it in two glasses on the table, filled my room with flowers and decorated the last scene of my tragedy with the nicest care.","MWS" "id16172","From the watchman's cabin, however, gleamed a small square of yellow light like a guardian eye.","HPL" "id13994","From the fourth the bones had been thrown down, and lay promiscuously upon the earth, forming at one point a mound of some size.","EAP" "id02426","Leeches were applied to the temples.","EAP" "id07304","It was evident, that, at the expiration of an hour, the pitcher, getting full, would be forced to run over, and to run over at the mouth, which was somewhat lower than the rim.","EAP" "id10006","This machinery is situated just beneath the left shoulder of the Turk, and is consequently easily reached by the right hand of the man concealed, if we suppose his right arm brought across the breast.","EAP" "id03818","Up to the period when I fell I had counted fifty two paces, and upon resuming my walk, I had counted forty eight more; when I arrived at the rag.","EAP" "id25630","But the consideration of these points, and the well balancing of what you may esteem your duties, I leave to you; my judgment and ideas are already disturbed by the near approach of death.","MWS" "id00929","They ascend into the heavens; they have discovered how the blood circulates, and the nature of the air we breathe.","MWS" "id10411","Well, then, you shall be married precisely precisely, now mind when three Sundays come together in a week Do you hear me, sir What are you gaping at?","EAP" "id26383","Alas, poor country; Almost afraid to know itself It cannot Be called our mother, but our grave: where nothing, But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile; Where sighs, and groans, and shrieks that rent the air, Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems A modern extasy: the dead man's knell Is there scarce asked, for who; and good men's lives Expire before the flowers in their caps, Dying, or ere they sicken.","MWS" "id23155","But there were very few of the terror stricken people who attributed these doings to the agency of human hands.","EAP" "id23482","My convalescence rapidly advanced, yet this was the thought that haunted me, and I was for ever forming plans how I might hereafter contrive to escape the tortures that were prepared for me when I should mix in society, and to find that solitude which alone could suit one whom an untold grief seperated from her fellow creatures.","MWS" "id03369","The sky was dark on the evening that the Tyrant's emissaries came to Tegea.","HPL" "id07765","""God bless me my dear fellow,"" here again whistled the bundle, ""what what what why, what is the matter?","EAP" "id04644","He paused, but I could only nod my head.","HPL" "id12556","What the others were in their own dimensional sphere or spheres he dared not try to think.","HPL" "id11974","I had indulged more freely than usual in the excesses of the wine table; and now the suffocating atmosphere of the crowded rooms irritated me beyond endurance.","EAP" "id06931","I should prefer, however, that you have the actual fact to bear you out.","EAP" "id23035","What now might have been my conduct it is difficult to say.","EAP" "id07997","Into the sky the spires of its temples reached, so that no man might behold their peaks; and far back beyond the horizon stretched the grim, grey walls, over which one might spy only a few roofs, weird and ominous, yet adorned with rich friezes and alluring sculptures.","HPL" "id22796","The young are seldom in Elysium, for their desires, outstripping possibility, leave them as poor as a moneyless debtor.","MWS" "id22291","By Heaven the first tears I have shed since boyhood rushed scalding into my eyes when I saw him.""","MWS" "id21101","The waiting was gruesome, but West never faltered.","HPL" "id24456","""My son,"" he replied, ""it is still the study of Nosology; but in hitting the Elector upon the nose you have overshot your mark.","EAP" "id05487","I was eventually, I may add, almost cured of my disease for all time by his skilful ministrations.","HPL" "id27181","In Sona Nyl there is no pain nor death, but who can tell what lies beyond the basalt pillars of the West?""","HPL" "id21331","""Well, den, zit still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me vist.","EAP" "id03894","His voice became fainter as he spoke, and at length, exhausted by his effort, he sank into silence.","MWS" "id00964","Shriek, ye clarions ye loud trumpets, howl Pile dirge on dirge; rouse the funereal chords; let the air ring with dire wailing; let wild discord rush on the wings of the wind Already I hear it, while guardian angels, attendant on humanity, their task achieved, hasten away, and their departure is announced by melancholy strains; faces all unseemly with weeping, forced open my lids; faster and faster many groups of these woe begone countenances thronged around, exhibiting every variety of wretchedness well known faces mingled with the distorted creations of fancy.","MWS" "id15073","One day, when my father had gone by himself to Milan, my mother, accompanied by me, visited this abode.","MWS" "id09724","Nor did Musides fail to bury close to Kalos' head the olive twigs from the grove.","HPL" "id03414","We changed to the elevated at the South Station, and at about twelve o'clock had climbed down the steps at Battery Street and struck along the old waterfront past Constitution Wharf.","HPL" "id22109","I must fly from him with more earnestness than from my greatest enemy: in solitude or in cities I must never more behold him.","MWS" "id14777","""Then fur ahead where Bishop's Brook goes under the rud he heerd a awful creakin' an' strainin' on the bridge, an' says he could tell the saound o' wood a startin' to crack an' split.","HPL" "id19142","Elizabeth also wept and was unhappy, but hers also was the misery of innocence, which, like a cloud that passes over the fair moon, for a while hides but cannot tarnish its brightness.","MWS" "id12519","That a mile to the northward is Ambaaren.","EAP" "id06511","Look not on the star, dear love, or do, and let that eternal spark plead for me; let it be my witness and my advocate, silent as it shines love is to me as light to the star; even so long as that is uneclipsed by annihilation, so long shall I love you.""","MWS" "id17346","Once across, it is hard to prevent the impression of a faint, malign odour about the village street, as of the massed mould and decay of centuries.","HPL" "id24592","He assures me on his professional honour that Joe Slater was but a low grade paranoiac, whose fantastic notions must have come from the crude hereditary folk tales which circulate in even the most decadent of communities.","HPL" "id02827","My first vivid impression of my own presence in this terrible necropolis concerns the act of pausing with Warren before a certain half obliterated sepulchre, and of throwing down some burdens which we seemed to have been carrying.","HPL" "id00019","And when the day dawned, rosy and effulgent, I beheld the green shore of far lands, bright and beautiful, and to me unknown.","HPL" "id01275","We shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many columned Y'ha nthlei, and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.","HPL" "id04926","A kind of growing horror, of outré and morbid cast, seemed to possess him.","HPL" "id23542","I had long been plotting one of those ill natured pieces of practical wit at his expense in which I had hitherto been so uniformly unsuccessful.","EAP" "id00654","From the hour of the accident till July we drifted constantly to the south, almost without plans and encountering no vessel.","HPL" "id13630","There was thunder in the air on the night I went to the deserted mansion atop Tempest Mountain to find the lurking fear.","HPL" "id13251","We saw Tilbury Fort and remembered the Spanish Armada, Gravesend, Woolwich, and Greenwich places which I had heard of even in my country.","MWS" "id21490","But so blind is the experience of man that what I conceived to be the best assistants to my plan may have entirely destroyed it.","MWS" "id13778","No word spoke the deliverer.","EAP" "id22751","That nebulous light had been extinguished.","EAP" "id26207","But he cleaned the key, and kept it by him nightly in its aromatic box of ancient oak.","HPL" "id18440","From a wide circle of ten scaffolds set up at regular intervals with the flame girt monolith as a centre hung, head downward, the oddly marred bodies of the helpless squatters who had disappeared.","HPL" "id05446","What I saw in the glow of my flashlight after I shot the unspeakable straggling object was so simple that almost a minute elapsed before I understood and went delirious.","HPL" "id16466","When Maelzel opens the door No. I, the man within is not in any danger of discovery, for the keenest eye cannot penetrate more than about two inches into the darkness within.","EAP" "id23393","From that day on my life has been a nightmare of brooding and apprehension, nor do I know how much is hideous truth and how much madness.","HPL" "id24327","The Rue des Drômes is a short and narrow but populous thoroughfare, not far from the banks of the river, and at a distance of some two miles, in the most direct course possible, from the pension of Madame Rogêt.","EAP" "id25856","It was a beautiful scarabæus, and, at that time, unknown to naturalists of course a great prize in a scientific point of view.","EAP" "id22582","I came out, my morals unimproved, my hatred to my oppressors encreased tenfold.","MWS" "id07278","""May ne'er a noble of thy murd'rous line Survive to reach a greater age than thine"" spake he, when, suddenly leaping backwards into the black wood, he drew from his tunic a phial of colourless liquid which he threw into the face of his father's slayer as he disappeared behind the inky curtain of the night.","HPL" "id25301","Another might not have relished the damp, odorous chamber with the eight carelessly placed coffins; but Birch in those days was insensitive, and was concerned only in getting the right coffin for the right grave.","HPL" "id10535","How my elder brother escaped destruction I cannot say, for I never had an opportunity of ascertaining.","EAP" "id15757","He comes; he is coming; there he is ""Who?","EAP" "id10241","This there was no great difficulty in doing; for the smack flew round steadily enough, and upon an even keel only swaying to and fro, with the immense sweeps and swelters of the whirl.","EAP" "id01335","After listening to them for some time, with thoughtful attention, I at length succeeded perfectly in translating their import.","EAP" "id04824","Impressed with this idea, I was about to relinquish my hold and give up the ghost with a good grace, when I was arrested by the cry of the Angel, who bade me hold on.","EAP" "id05514","We had devised two weapons to fight it; a large and specially fitted Crookes tube operated by powerful storage batteries and provided with peculiar screens and reflectors, in case it proved intangible and opposable only by vigorously destructive ether radiations, and a pair of military flame throwers of the sort used in the world war, in case it proved partly material and susceptible of mechanical destruction for like the superstitious Exeter rustics, we were prepared to burn the thing's heart out if heart existed to burn.","HPL" "id14326","We have a task before us which must be speedily performed.","EAP" "id13257","Clara got rid also of her restraint; Adrian and she had been old playfellows; and now, as they walked or rode together, he yielded to her earnest entreaty, and repeated, for the hundredth time, some tale of her father's bravery, munificence, or justice.","MWS" "id12885","According to this trustworthy man, Sir Arthur Jermyn dismissed everyone from the room before opening the box, though the instant sound of hammer and chisel shewed that he did not delay the operation.","HPL" "id20197","I have been looking at the timbers of the ship.","EAP" "id20180","But in the cosmos there is balm as well as bitterness, and that balm is nepenthe.","HPL" "id14182","""Her companion also wears remarkably well,"" said the one of my trio who had spoken first.","EAP" "id03288","Altering my countenance, therefore, in a moment, from its bepuffed and distorted appearance, to an expression of arch and coquettish benignity, I gave my lady a pat on the one cheek, and a kiss on the other, and without saying one syllable Furies I could not, left her astonished at my drollery, as I pirouetted out of the room in a Pas de Zephyr.","EAP" "id14110","Did you not call this a glorious expedition?","MWS" "id27361","The great stone city R'lyeh, with its monoliths and sepulchres, had sunk beneath the waves; and the deep waters, full of the one primal mystery through which not even thought can pass, had cut off the spectral intercourse.","HPL" "id04624","The charitable, nevertheless, attributed the alteration in the conduct of the young nobleman to the natural sorrow of a son for the untimely loss of his parents forgetting, however, his atrocious and reckless behavior during the short period immediately succeeding that bereavement.","EAP" "id20532","Quito was destroyed by an earthquake.","MWS" "id15902","Her expectations had been strongly excited; she had urged nothing against our project, on the contrary, she was evidently pleased by it; but its evident ill success changed the current of her ideas.","MWS" "id23086","I am prepared, so that I leave behind a trail of light so radiant, that my worst enemies cannot cloud it.","MWS" "id14624","I called it rapture, when a smile made my heart beat; and I felt the life's blood tingle in my frame, when I approached the idol which for awhile I worshipped.","MWS" "id20164","Not more unutterable could have been the chaos of hellish sound if the pit itself had opened to release the agony of the damned, for in one inconceivable cacophony was centred all the supernal terror and unnatural despair of animate nature.","HPL" "id26199","After some delay, a cart arrived at the wharf, with an oblong pine box, which was every thing that seemed to be expected.","EAP" "id09052","I could no longer attend to my occupations; all my plans and devices were forgotten; I seemed about to begin life anew, and that under no good auspices.","MWS" "id24770","It was not a groan of pain or of grief oh, no it was the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul when overcharged with awe.","EAP" "id09339","He seemed quite willing to speak of his position as superintendent of a Maison de Sante; and, indeed, the topic of lunacy was, much to my surprise, a favorite one with all present.","EAP" "id04937","Promise me secrecy however; for if you will not contribute to my success, at least you must not baffle me."" ""Well, I promise.","MWS" "id24678","I tell you, it is I I I that have lived for six hundred years to maintain my revenge, FOR I AM CHARLES LE SORCIER"" My memories are very confused.","HPL" "id21069","I remember how I read the book at last white faced, and locked in the attic room that I had long devoted to strange searchings.","HPL" "id04914","If not like me, vat for vy buy de pig in the poke?"" ""You wretch"" said I, catching my breath ""you you you villainous old hag"" ""Ag? ole? me not so ver ole, after all Me not one single day more dan de eighty doo."" ""Eighty two"" I ejaculated, staggering to the wall ""eighty two hundred thousand baboons The miniature said twenty seven years and seven months"" ""To be sure dat is so ver true but den de portraite has been take for dese fifty five year.","EAP" "id03224","They hardly know how ill you have been and are uneasy at your long silence.""","MWS" "id19451","The book fell open, almost of its own accord and as if from frequent consultation at this place, to the repellent twelfth plate shewing a butcher's shop amongst the Anzique cannibals.","HPL" "id11219","The summer sun shone in an unclouded sky; the air was close but all was cool to me except my own scorching skin.","MWS" "id15772","Manton, though smaller than I, is more resilient; for we opened our eyes at almost the same instant, despite his greater injuries.","HPL" "id09241","He proceeded by observing, analyzing, and classifying facts instantiae naturae, as they were affectedly called into general laws.","EAP" "id08071","The light in the temple is a sheer delusion, and I shall die calmly, like a German, in the black and forgotten depths.","HPL" "id05460","As the particles struck the glassy surface at the centre of the strange device, they seemed to produce a crackling noise like the sputtering of a vacuum tube through which sparks are passed.","HPL" "id26770","What reason could there have been for the low the singularly low tone of those unmeaning words which the lady uttered hurriedly in bidding him adieu?","EAP" "id02346","Bitter task was it, to behold his spirit waver between death and life: to see his warm cheek, and know that the very fire which burned too fiercely there, was consuming the vital fuel; to hear his moaning voice, which might never again articulate words of love and wisdom; to witness the ineffectual motions of his limbs, soon to be wrapt in their mortal shroud.","MWS" "id26823","Bravo bravo There is none but Epiphanes, No there is none: So tear down the temples, And put out the sun Well and strenuously sung The populace are hailing him 'Prince of ts,' as well as 'Glory of the East,' 'Delight of the Universe,' and 'Most Remarkable of Cameleopards.'","EAP" "id15761","Alas I did not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this miserable deformity.","MWS" "id10133","But these were few, in comparison to the numbers who actually crossed.","MWS" "id26985","The corpse, already greatly decayed and clotted with gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators.","EAP" "id24118","When the husband and father deserted his family, the mother took the child to Jermyn House; where there was none left to object to her presence.","HPL" "id20936","I wondered how many of those who had known the legends realised that additional link with the terrible which my wide reading had given me; that ominous item in the annals of morbid horror which tells of the creature Jacques Roulet, of Caude, who in was condemned to death as a daemoniac but afterward saved from the stake by the Paris parliament and shut in a madhouse.","HPL" "id27770","They tell also of a vague horror at my heart, on account of that heart's unnatural stillness.","EAP" "id04545","Now, here is a clear gain, in a very brief period, of no less than one dollar and twenty five cents this is in the mere cases of Snap and Gruff; and I solemnly assure the reader that these extracts are taken at random from my Day Book.","EAP" "id02873","In the Book of Invaders it is told that these sons of the Greeks were all buried at Tallaght, but old men in Kilderry said that one city was overlooked save by its patron moon goddess; so that only the wooded hills buried it when the men of Nemed swept down from Scythia in their thirty ships.","HPL" "id17786","""The repetition would be useless,"" said Raymond, ""since I well remember them, and have many others, self suggested, which speak with unanswerable persuasion.""","MWS" "id06152","With a more than human resolution I lay still.","EAP" "id24664","Gratitude and praise marked where her footsteps had been.","MWS" "id07759","Their intercourse continued.","MWS" "id18457","Nor was any spot in that city more steeped in macabre memory than the gable room which harboured him for it was this house and this room which had likewise harboured old Keziah Mason, whose flight from Salem Gaol at the last no one was ever able to explain.","HPL" "id04637","Alas Why did they preserve so miserable and detested a life?","MWS" "id05076","Birch, in his ghastly situation, was now too low for an easy scramble out of the enlarged transom; but gathered his energies for a determined try.","HPL" "id08486","Some believe this crucifix was dragged up to the sealed loft by rats, while others think it must have been on the floor in some corner of Gilman's old room all the time.","HPL" "id15373","The game being ended, Maelzel will again if desired, exhibit the mechanism of the box, in the same manner as before.","EAP" "id13900","In those greenish beams the candles paled, and a new semblance of decay spread over the musk reeking room with its wormy panelling, sagging floor, battered mantel, rickety furniture, and ragged draperies.","HPL" "id02168","I paused to collect myself and then entered the chamber.","MWS" "id05666","Musides, weeping, promised him a sepulchre more lovely than the tomb of Mausolus; but Kalos bade him speak no more of marble glories.","HPL" "id21016","The Essex County histories on the library shelves had very little to say, except that the town was founded in , noted for shipbuilding before the Revolution, a seat of great marine prosperity in the early nineteenth century, and later a minor factory centre using the Manuxet as power.","HPL" "id22829","Be it light with him when it is darkness with me Let him feel the sun of summer while I am chilled by the snows of winter Let there be the distance of the antipodes between us At length the east began to brighten, and the comfortable light of morning streamed into my room.","MWS" "id23505","We made a determined effort to put back, but our little boat was like a feather in the breath of the tempest.","EAP" "id11652","Results, I am certain, are so thorough that no public harm save a shock of repulsion could ever accrue from a hinting of what was found by those horrified raiders at Innsmouth.","HPL" "id18385","In the small hours of the morning a body of silent men had entered the grounds and their leader had aroused the attendants.","HPL" "id10375","The considerate kindness of the Angel mollified me in no little measure; and, aided by the water with which he diluted my Port more than once, I at length regained sufficient temper to listen to his very extraordinary discourse.","EAP" "id13149","Of any land upheaval in the Pacific, my rescuers knew nothing; nor did I deem it necessary to insist upon a thing which I knew they could not believe.","HPL" "id22371","I quote a passage or two from its columns: ""We are persuaded that pursuit has hitherto been on a false scent, so far as it has been directed to the Barrière du Roule.","EAP" "id22612","But I did not pursue this course for more than a moment; for when the dumb musician recognised the whistled air his face grew suddenly distorted with an expression wholly beyond analysis, and his long, cold, bony right hand reached out to stop my mouth and silence the crude imitation.","HPL" "id22467","Immediately upon beholding this amulet we knew that we must possess it; that this treasure alone was our logical pelf from the centuried grave.","HPL" "id07648","And in this calculation I was not deceived.","EAP" "id08283","And yet I dared not request him to use his influence that I might obtain an honourable provision for myself for then I should have been obliged to leave Windsor.","MWS" "id18727","A second story told of the god's return and death at the feet of his enshrined wife.","HPL" "id25144","Yet though lovely and full of noble feeling, my poor Perdita for this was the fanciful name my sister had received from her dying parent, was not altogether saintly in her disposition.","MWS" "id02778","The Thing of the idols, the green, sticky spawn of the stars, had awaked to claim his own.","HPL" "id13444","The result was, that I got rid of the old bore, and began to feel a little independent and gentleman like.","EAP" "id24831","In Ulthar, which lies beyond the river Skai, once dwelt an old man avid to behold the gods of earth; a man deeply learned in the seven cryptical books of Hsan, and familiar with the Pnakotic Manuscripts of distant and frozen Lomar.","HPL" "id07913","""How can I move thee?","MWS" "id27552","From far shores came those white sailed argosies of old; from far Eastern shores where warm suns shine and sweet odours linger about strange gardens and gay temples.","HPL" "id14232","If some scene of tremendous agony shook my frame and fevered my brow, I would lay my head on the lap of Idris, and the tumultuous pulses subsided into a temperate flow her smile could raise me from hopelessness, her embrace bathe my sorrowing heart in calm peace.","MWS" "id15136","let us drink Let us pour out an offering to yon solemn sun which these gaudy lamps and censers are so eager to subdue"" And, having made me pledge him in a bumper, he swallowed in rapid succession several goblets of the wine.","EAP" "id14505","I should think you'd have known I didn't drop Pickman for the same silly reasons that fussy old women like Dr. Reid or Joe Minot or Bosworth did.","HPL" "id24631","""It is easily understood,"" says Mr. Ellison, ""that what might improve a closely scrutinized detail, might, at the same time, injure a general and more distantly observed effect.""","EAP" "id03348","There was the spirited and obedient steed which Lord Raymond had given his daughter; there was Alfred's dog and a pet eagle, whose sight was dimmed through age.","MWS" "id15048","Less than a week after our return to England, strange things began to happen.","HPL" "id09306","Ah, not in knowledge is happiness, but in the acquisition of knowledge In for ever knowing, we are for ever blessed; but to know all were the curse of a fiend.","EAP" "id12934","I read it, as I had read the other volumes which had fallen into my hands, as a true history.","MWS" "id11240","Unconsciously looking upon Goldsmith as a meer Encumbrance when compar'd to the greater Man, the Foreigner bluntly interrupted him and incurr'd his lasting Hostility by crying, ""Hush, Toctor Shonson iss going to speak"" In this luminous Company I was tolerated more because of my Years than for my Wit or Learning; being no Match at all for the rest.","HPL" "id05291","One fine morning, very shortly afterwards, ""I awoke and found myself famous.""","EAP" "id16482","Thus interested, and knowing that the heir she sought was actually in the city, she made inquiries of her party respecting me.","EAP" "id26970","Yet at this time, with human fondness, she clung to all that her human senses permitted her to see and feel to be a part of Raymond.","MWS" "id21332","He explained to me although I have forgotten the explanation how what I observed was, in fact, the natural consequence of the forms of the floating fragments and showed me how it happened that a cylinder, swimming in a vortex, offered more resistance to its suction, and was drawn in with greater difficulty than an equally bulky body, of any form whatever. ""There was one startling circumstance which went a great way in enforcing these observations, and rendering me anxious to turn them to account, and this was that, at every revolution, we passed something like a barrel, or else the yard or the mast of a vessel, while many of these things, which had been on our level when I first opened my eyes upon the wonders of the whirlpool, were now high up above us, and seemed to have moved but little from their original station.","EAP" "id16301","In spite of the misery I deprecated, and could not understand; in spite of the cold hearths of wide London, and the corpse strewn fields of my native land; in spite of all the variety of agonizing emotions I had that evening experienced, I thought that in reply to our melodious adjurations, the Creator looked down in compassion and promise of relief; the awful peal of the heaven winged music seemed fitting voice wherewith to commune with the Supreme; calm was produced by its sound, and by the sight of many other human creatures offering up prayers and submission with me.","MWS" "id14969","Every connoisseur in such matters admitted the legs to be good.","EAP" "id03476","His great great great grandmother, he recalled, was said to have been the daughter of a Portuguese trader in Africa.","HPL" "id12555","These things were bad enough, and these were all that gained belief among the persons whom I knew.","HPL" "id24095","When he was silent I tried to divert him, and when sometimes I stole to him during the energy of his passion I wept but did not desire to leave him.","MWS" "id08685","""God knows,"" she said, ""how entirely I am innocent.","MWS" "id06910","That evening he went to bed, but slept only fitfully.","HPL" "id04321","The livid aspect of his countenance was intensified, his voice became more hollow and indistinct, his muscular motions were less perfectly coördinated, and his mind and will displayed less resilience and initiative.","HPL" "id05963","If the monster executed his threat, death was inevitable; yet, again, I considered whether my marriage would hasten my fate.","MWS" "id11346","That night everyone went home, and every house and barn was barricaded as stoutly as possible.","HPL" "id19811","Evadne was eighteen years of age.","MWS" "id21392","Having pulled the bag up in this way, and formed a complete enclosure on all sides, and at bottom, it was now necessary to fasten up its top or mouth, by passing its material over the hoop of the net work in other words, between the net work and the hoop.","EAP" "id01797","It was long ere any traveller went thither, and even then only the brave and adventurous young men of distant Falona dared make the journey; adventurous young men of yellow hair and blue eyes, who are no kin to the men of Mnar.","HPL" "id20166","Oh he says the king is coming in triumph; that he is dressed in state; that he has just finished putting to death, with his own hand, a thousand chained Israelitish prisoners For this exploit the ragamuffin is lauding him to the skies.","EAP" "id14253","After that thing I had dug a grave for one whose death I could not understand.","HPL" "id10868","In the marble streets were marble pillars, the upper parts of which were carven into the images of grave bearded men.","HPL" "id18281","Smith, eh? Brigadier General John A. B. C.? I say"" here Mr. S. thought proper to put his finger to the side of his nose ""I say, you don't mean to insinuate now, really and truly, and conscientiously, that you don't know all about that affair of Smith's, as well as I do, eh? Smith?","EAP" "id06676","This hideous murder accomplished, I set myself forthwith, and with entire deliberation, to the task of concealing the body.","EAP" "id04586","References to decline were few, though the significance of the later record was unmistakable.","HPL" "id03119","The cards were dealt.","EAP" "id26374","I might waste days in describing how anxiously I watched every change of fleeting circumstance that promised better days, and with what despair I found that each effort of mine aggravated his seeming madness.","MWS" "id24855","Orphans, in the fullest sense of the term, we were poorest among the poor, and despised among the unhonoured.","MWS" "id10657","When these circumstances were reported to Raymond, he caused minute observations to be made as to what was doing within the walls, and when his scouts returned, reporting only the continued silence and desolation of the city, he commanded the army to be drawn out before the gates.","MWS" "id12441","It had not been their intention to return; but, at my request, they agreed to look in upon the patient about ten the next night.","EAP" "id19299","Daedalus never wound so inextricable an error round Minotaur, as madness has woven about his imprisoned reason.","MWS" "id19707","But mind ye, Luther he didn't see nothin' at all, only just the bendin' trees an' underbrush.","HPL" "id13734","The note which he finally handed me was an appeal for tolerance and forgiveness.","HPL" "id21489","But though the dreaded Martenses were gone, the fear of the haunted house continued; and grew very acute when new and strange stories arose among the mountain decadents.","HPL" "id04069","Methought that, Adrian withdrawn from active life, and this beauteous Idris, a victim probably to her mother's ambitious schemes, I ought to come forward to protect her from undue influence, guard her from unhappiness, and secure to her freedom of choice, the right of every human being.","MWS" "id09988","At the same moment, the man with the teetotum predilection, set himself to spinning around the apartment, with immense energy, and with arms outstretched at right angles with his body; so that he had all the air of a tee totum in fact, and knocked everybody down that happened to get in his way.","EAP" "id06007","Upon so doing, I soon rose above the difficulty, and perceived immediately, that I had obtained a great increase in my rate of ascent.","EAP" "id13958","In answer to our eager questions, one word alone fell, as it were involuntarily, from his convulsed lips: The Plague.","MWS" "id02303","The old maps still held good, and I had no trouble; though at Arkham they must have lied when they said the trolleys ran to this place, since I saw not a wire overhead.","HPL" "id05337","I began distinctly, positively, to remember that there had been no drawing upon the parchment when I made my sketch of the scarabæus.","EAP" "id12488","The next January gossips were mildly interested in the fact that ""Lavinny's black brat"" had commenced to talk, and at the age of only eleven months.","HPL" "id17420","Here Miss Bas Bleu beckoned to me in a very peremptory manner; and I was obliged, will I nill I, to leave Mrs. P. for the purpose of deciding a dispute touching the title of a certain poetical drama of Lord Byron's.","EAP" "id23720","I called Pompey to my side.","EAP" "id27827","I shall continue my journal concerning the stranger at intervals, should I have any fresh incidents to record.","MWS" "id16603","My next step was to re examine with microscopic care the deserted hamlet where death had come most abundantly, and where Arthur Munroe had seen something he never lived to describe.","HPL" "id24924","Strange to say the result perhaps of the concussion of air occasioned by the blowing up of the city huge, white thunder clouds lifted themselves up from the southern horizon, and gathered over head; they were the first blots on the blue expanse that I had seen for months, and amidst this havoc and despair they inspired pleasure.","MWS" "id06669","""I know not,"" continued Dupin, ""what impression I may have made, so far, upon your own understanding; but I do not hesitate to say that legitimate deductions even from this portion of the testimony the portion respecting the gruff and shrill voices are in themselves sufficient to engender a suspicion which should give direction to all farther progress in the investigation of the mystery.","EAP" "id03084","My slight fall had extinguished the lantern, but I produced an electric pocket lamp and viewed the small horizontal tunnel which led away indefinitely in both directions.","HPL" "id19854","Tears streamed from my eyes.","MWS" "id27215","Here, however, after a long and very deliberate scrutiny, I saw nothing to excite particular suspicion.","EAP" "id12260","Let it suffice, that among spendthrifts I out Heroded Herod, and that, giving name to a multitude of novel follies, I added no brief appendix to the long catalogue of vices then usual in the most dissolute university of Europe.","EAP" "id26243","At length there broke in upon my dreams a cry as of horror and dismay; and thereunto, after a pause, succeeded the sound of troubled voices, intermingled with many low moanings of sorrow or of pain.","EAP" "id14994","He considered the auriferous cavities the result of the action of water, and believed the last of them would soon be opened.","HPL" "id23674","I know of no opportunity afforded him for so doing; or, if I had, why should he have stolen the jewel, to part with it again so soon?","MWS" "id12785","I mentioned this to Perdita.","MWS" "id13380","The man with the horrors was drowned upon the spot the little stiff gentleman floated off in his coffin and the victorious Legs, seizing by the waist the fat lady in the shroud, rushed out with her into the street, and made a bee line for the ""Free and Easy,"" followed under easy sail by the redoubtable Hugh Tarpaulin, who, having sneezed three or four times, panted and puffed after him with the Arch Duchess Ana Pest.","EAP" "id12588","The lips, too, seemed unusual; being tightly compressed, as if by the force of a stronger character than had been Slater's.","HPL" "id14993","The sailors on watch rushed to the side of the vessel, with the cry some one gone overboard.","MWS" "id25735","When the seasons have become equal, when the air breeds no disorders, when its surface is no longer liable to blights and droughts, then sickness will cease; when men's passions are dead, poverty will depart.","MWS" "id13106","A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places.","HPL" "id09375","The bleak mountain wind, sighing through the olive grove and the tomb tree, had an uncanny way of forming vaguely articulate sounds.","HPL" "id03479","However, it would be better for the gentleman to take another room and get a crucifix from some good priest like Father Iwanicki.","HPL" "id24885","Our line has been called a race of visionaries; and in many striking particulars in the character of the family mansion in the frescos of the chief saloon in the tapestries of the dormitories in the chiselling of some buttresses in the armory but more especially in the gallery of antique paintings in the fashion of the library chamber and, lastly, in the very peculiar nature of the library's contents there is more than sufficient evidence to warrant the belief.","EAP" "id09035","The next afternoon a dense flock of sea birds appeared from the south, and the ocean began to heave ominously.","HPL" "id14629","Ere I could recover the use of my senses he was gone.","EAP" "id04927","My ideas on this topic had also received confirmation by a passage in the eighty second volume of the Philosophical Transactions, in which it is stated that at an occultation of Jupiter's satellites, the third disappeared after having been about "" or "" of time indistinct, and the fourth became indiscernible near the limb.","EAP" "id12506","To destroy a vampire one must, the grandmothers say, exhume it and burn its heart, or at least drive a stake through that organ; and Ann's dogged insistence on a search under the cellar had been prominent in bringing about her discharge.","HPL" "id26666","But why had my uncle killed himself after an ancestral quest in New England?","HPL" "id10528","I listened in extremity of horror.","EAP" "id17801","There was one man, he continued, who wished to alter all this, and bring us back to our days of impotence and contention: one man, who would dare arrogate the honour which was due to all who claimed England as their birthplace, and set his name and style above the name and style of his country.","MWS" "id10435","Her love gave birth to sympathy; her intelligence made her understand him at a word; her powers of intellect enabled her to assist and guide him.","MWS" "id24589","By reference to the 'Diary of Sir Humphrey Davy' Cottle and Munroe, London, pp.","EAP" "id03925","But an earthquake had changed the scene under our very feet the earth yawned deep and precipitous the gulph below opened to receive us, while the hours charioted us towards the chasm.","MWS" "id12654","Just where to begin Birch's story I can hardly decide, since I am no practiced teller of tales.","HPL" "id04956","Presently I took a candle, and seating myself at the other end of the room, proceeded to scrutinize the parchment more closely.","EAP" "id24753","The speaker had asked for the custody of the cannibal monster committed from Arkham sixteen years before; and upon being refused, gave a signal which precipitated a shocking riot.","HPL" "id25585","You are damned, and he has become the hero of the day.","EAP" "id00582","It was as I said, the nineteenth of October; the autumn was far advanced and dreary.","MWS" "id20643","For the long neglected latch was obviously broken, leaving the careless undertaker trapped in the vault, a victim of his own oversight.","HPL" "id14376","""Indeed it does, Lionel,"" she replied; ""I quite long to see him; he is the descendant of our kings, the first noble of the land: every one admires and loves him, and they say that his rank is his least merit; he is generous, brave, and affable.""","MWS" "id13798","And this I did for seven long nights every night just at midnight but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.","EAP" "id16822","At all events, we can trace the science back to a very remote period of antiquity.","EAP" "id16447","But rage will carry a lady to any extreme; and in the present care it carried Mrs. Simpson to the very extraordinary extreme of attempting to hold a conversation in a tongue that she did not altogether understand.","EAP" "id13347","He was more and more hated and dreaded around Dunwich because of certain youthful disappearances which suspicion laid vaguely at his door; but was always able to silence inquiry through fear or through use of that fund of old time gold which still, as in his grandfather's time, went forth regularly and increasingly for cattle buying.","HPL" "id27150","I rambled amidst the wild scenery of this lovely country and became a complete mountaineer: I passed hours on the steep brow of a mountain that overhung a waterfall or rowed myself in a little skiff to some one of the islands.","MWS" "id12193","But it was winter now, and months must elapse before we are hurled from our security.","MWS" "id24792","All at once we were taken aback by a breeze from over Helseggen.","EAP" "id19408","The watery blue eyes were almost savage and maniacal now, and the dirty white beard bristled electrically.","HPL" "id20620","A town able to inspire such dislike in its neighbours, I thought, must be at least rather unusual, and worthy of a tourist's attention.","HPL" "id02876","But that my firm courage and cheerful exertions might shelter the dear mate, whom I chose in the spring of my life; though the throbbings of my heart be replete with pain, though my hopes for the future are chill, still while your dear head, my gentlest love, can repose in peace on that heart, and while you derive from its fostering care, comfort, and hope, my struggles shall not cease, I will not call myself altogether vanquished.","MWS" "id06217","As, in an instant afterwards, he stood with the still living and breathing child within his grasp, upon the marble flagstones by the side of the Marchesa, his cloak, heavy with the drenching water, became unfastened, and, falling in folds about his feet, discovered to the wonder stricken spectators the graceful person of a very young man, with the sound of whose name the greater part of Europe was then ringing.","EAP" "id07058","I had long before resolved to limit my observations to architecture alone, and I was even then hurrying toward the Square in an effort to get quick transportation out of this festering city of death and decay; but the sight of old Zadok Allen set up new currents in my mind and made me slacken my pace uncertainly.","HPL" "id02747","She told me, that that same evening William had teased her to let him wear a very valuable miniature that she possessed of your mother.","MWS" "id20633","They should not die first I would be gathered to nothingness, ere infection should come anear these idols of my soul.","MWS" "id17691","One instance of this kind came immediately under our notice, where a high born girl had in early youth given her heart to one of meaner extraction.","MWS" "id02831","""This is better, Mamma,"" said Clara, ""than being in that dismal London, where you often cry, and never laugh as you do now.""","MWS" "id23942","""Clever fellow"" said the Foreign.","EAP" "id05723","She perished on the scaffold as a murderess From the tortures of my own heart, I turned to contemplate the deep and voiceless grief of my Elizabeth.","MWS" "id00212","Love had come, as the rod of the master prophet, to swallow up every minor propensity.","MWS" "id14470","The pause was but for a moment; the flood of association and natural feeling which had been checked, again rushed in full tide upon our hearts, and with tenderest emotion we were swiftly locked in each other's embrace.","MWS" "id21472","It was a octopus, centipede, spider kind o' thing, but they was a haff shaped man's face on top of it, an' it looked like Wizard Whateley's, only it was yards an' yards acrost. . .","HPL" "id23015","The windows are narrow and deep, with very tiny panes and a great deal of sash.","EAP" "id22671","A sister or a brother can never, unless indeed such symptoms have been shown early, suspect the other of fraud or false dealing, when another friend, however strongly he may be attached, may, in spite of himself, be contemplated with suspicion.","MWS" "id20488","It was after my return from one of these rambles that my father, calling me aside, thus addressed me, ""I am happy to remark, my dear son, that you have resumed your former pleasures and seem to be returning to yourself.","MWS" "id15027","""The days now passed as peaceably as before, with the sole alteration that joy had taken place of sadness in the countenances of my friends.","MWS" "id07074","I hear and do strange things in sleep, and awake with a kind of exaltation instead of terror.","HPL" "id11780","With him went enthusiasm, the high wrought resolve, the eye that without blenching could look at death.","MWS" "id21186","On March d, the manuscript continued, Wilcox failed to appear; and inquiries at his quarters revealed that he had been stricken with an obscure sort of fever and taken to the home of his family in Waterman Street.","HPL" "id08412","""That was before the big epidemic of , when over half the folks in Innsmouth was carried off.","HPL" "id21294","I recollect that I have been subject to catalepsy.","EAP" "id14039","They are on the Duke's Wedding, and so much resemble in Quality the Work of other and more recent poetick Dunces, that I cannot forbear copying them: ""When the Duke of Leeds shall marry'd be To a fine young Lady of high Quality How happy will that Gentlewoman be In his Grace of Leeds' good Company.""","HPL" "id17414","This ironical tone was discord to my bursting, over boiling heart; I was nettled by his insolence, and replied with bitterness; ""There is a spirit, neither angel or devil, damned to limbo merely.""","MWS" "id23892","Arrangements were easily effected with some of the numerous corps of body snatchers, with which London abounds; and, upon the third night after the funeral, the supposed corpse was unearthed from a grave eight feet deep, and deposited in the opening chamber of one of the private hospitals.","EAP" "id27406","Clara had passed the age which, from its mute ignorance, was the source of the fears of Idris.","MWS" "id06585","why had it picked them, and left me for the last? . . .","HPL" "id03674","The cloak which I had worn was of a rare description of fur; how rare, how extravagantly costly, I shall not venture to say.","EAP" "id17640","It seems probable that if, upon reaching the second stage, we could recall the impressions of the first, we should find these impressions eloquent in memories of the gulf beyond.","EAP" "id10223","M. Waldman inflicted torture when he praised, with kindness and warmth, the astonishing progress I had made in the sciences.","MWS" "id01563","Of the distance between the hamlet and the mansion, fully two miles and a quarter on the hamlet's side was entirely open country; the plain being of fairly level character save for some of the low snake like mounds, and having as vegetation only grass and scattered weeds.","HPL" "id27520","When he and I obtained our degrees at the medical school of Miskatonic University, and sought to relieve our poverty by setting up as general practitioners, we took great care not to say that we chose our house because it was fairly well isolated, and as near as possible to the potter's field.","HPL" "id06953","To these qualities he united the warmest and truest heart which ever beat in a human bosom.","EAP" "id08197","In all this, if I err not, my reason had little to do.","EAP" "id10214","She looked at the hand writing, which she could not mistake, and repeated to herself the words ""Do not, I charge you, I entreat you, permit your guests to wonder at my absence:"" the while the old crone going on with her talk, filled her ear with a strange medley of truth and falsehood.","MWS" "id12697","We feared the balmy air we feared the cloudless sky, the flower covered earth, and delightful woods, for we looked on the fabric of the universe no longer as our dwelling, but our tomb, and the fragrant land smelled to the apprehension of fear like a wide church yard.","MWS" "id03653","I was enabled to discharge the onerous duties of this profession, only by that rigid adherence to system which formed the leading feature of my mind.","EAP" "id02405","I pledge you the honor of a gentleman, and of a Frenchman, that we intend you no injury.","EAP" "id02946","Arrived at the same point of the world's age there was no difference in us; the name of parent and child had lost their meaning; young boys and girls were level now with men.","MWS" "id02805","I had arrived at the abyss, which was now redly aglow, and which had evidently swallowed up the unfortunate Romero.","HPL" "id08819","For a moment she remained trembling and reeling to and fro upon the threshold then, with a low moaning cry, fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse, and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated.","EAP" "id10366","At night the streets and the gardens are lit with gay lanthorns fashioned from the three coloured shell of the tortoise, and here resound the soft notes of the singer and the lutanist.","HPL" "id12949","In this wall was a small, low arched gate of nail studded black oak, which the man proceeded to unlock with a ponderous key.","HPL" "id13840","They was a party one night as follered Obed's craowd aout to the reef, an' I heerd shots betwixt the dories.","HPL" "id26361","His clutch relaxed, and as he saw my disgust and offence his own anger seemed to subside.","HPL" "id10256","In the ashes of the fateful cabin I found several bones, but apparently none of the monster's.","HPL" "id09750","That afternoon we found the new grave, and determined to begin work soon after midnight.","HPL" "id02015","As time passed and no discovery ensued, a thousand contradictory rumors were circulated, and journalists busied themselves in suggestions.","EAP" "id21535","Our experiences had often been hideous in the extreme; the results of defective reanimation, when lumps of graveyard clay had been galvanised into morbid, unnatural, and brainless motion by various modifications of the vital solution.","HPL" "id10813","In his glance there is not any restless light, and if he ever listens for solemn bells or far elfin horns it is only at night when old dreams are wandering.","HPL" "id14251","Then he took me through a door on the left, lighted an oil lamp, and told me to make myself at home.","HPL" "id09121","This winter has been passed most miserably, tortured as I have been by anxious suspense; yet I hope to see peace in your countenance and to find that your heart is not totally void of comfort and tranquillity.","MWS" "id01233","Armitage, hastening into some clothing and rushing across the street and lawn to the college buildings, saw that others were ahead of him; and heard the echoes of a burglar alarm still shrilling from the library.","HPL" "id23350","Later a queer boldness and recklessness came into my demeanour, till I unconsciously grew to possess the bearing of a man of the world despite my lifelong seclusion.","HPL" "id20126","Elwood scarcely dared to touch him, but gradually the screaming and writhing subsided.","HPL" "id04882","The road ran by the side of the lake, which became narrower as I approached my native town.","MWS" "id10499","I distinguished several other words without being able as yet to understand or apply them, such as 'good,' 'dearest,' 'unhappy.'","MWS" "id11777","'The Literary World' speaks of him, confidently, as a native of Presburg misled, perhaps, by the account in 'The Home Journal' but I am pleased in being able to state positively, since I have it from his own lips, that he was born in Utica, in the State of New York, although both his parents, I believe, are of Presburg descent.","EAP" "id05012","It was about a month after this and during the interval I had seen nothing of Legrand when I received a visit, at Charleston, from his man, Jupiter.","EAP" "id14731","Although both the immediate and the predisposing causes, and even the actual diagnosis, of this disease are still mysterious, its obvious and apparent character is sufficiently well understood.","EAP" "id13806","It was one which could not fail to impress itself deeply on my mind, unfolding as it did a number of circumstances, each interesting and wonderful to one so utterly inexperienced as I was.","MWS" "id07310","The servant instantly showed it to one of the others, who, without saying a word to any of the family, went to a magistrate; and, upon their deposition, Justine was apprehended.","MWS" "id11236","He seemed, too, to take an eager delight in its exercise if not exactly in its display and did not hesitate to confess the pleasure thus derived.","EAP" "id02874","A common white handkerchief found among forest rocks on the hillside beyond cannot be identified as belonging to the missing man.","HPL" "id16492","Encouraged by this encomium, I proceeded, in answer to his inquiries, to relate what I remembered of my parent; and he gave an account of those circumstances which had brought about a neglect of my father's testamentary letter.","MWS" "id17853","Whether I shall go as he did remains to be seen, for I have learned much now.","HPL" "id17148","But out of this our cloud upon the precipice's edge, there grows into palpability, a shape, far more terrible than any genius or any demon of a tale, and yet it is but a thought, although a fearful one, and one which chills the very marrow of our bones with the fierceness of the delight of its horror.","EAP" "id09517","And the bearded man again implored me to turn back, but I heeded him not; for from the mists beyond the basalt pillars I fancied there came the notes of singer and lutanist; sweeter than the sweetest songs of Sona Nyl, and sounding mine own praises; the praises of me, who had voyaged far under the full moon and dwelt in the Land of Fancy.","HPL" "id12261","My father secured me a place in an insurance office, and I buried myself in routine as deeply as possible.","HPL" "id12101","The truth the tragedy of the drama was no more.","EAP" "id00587","All is then dependent upon the variable judgment of the players.","EAP" "id19407","I have also me and the earth.","EAP" "id14535","They looked like strips torn off, and were on the thorn bush, about a foot from the ground.....","EAP" "id22905","Stuck out of a west window was a great black bearded face whose eyes shone phosphorescently with the imprint of unheard of sights.","HPL" "id07460","This idea was intolerably painful to him.","MWS" "id16757","It could be best attached about the neck, where the head would prevent its slipping off.","EAP" "id03005","These lights were seen as late as , but toward the last they became very infrequent.","HPL" "id22620","He was calmer than I as he forced a large quantity of his fluid into a vein of the body's arm, immediately binding the incision securely.","HPL" "id14572","Major Sir Eric Moreland Clapham Lee, D.S.O., was the greatest surgeon in our division, and had been hastily assigned to the St. Eloi sector when news of the heavy fighting reached headquarters.","HPL" "id15123","No one can conceive the anguish I suffered during the remainder of the night, which I spent, cold and wet, in the open air.","MWS" "id22414","Then we both tried together, and with exotic drugs courted terrible and forbidden dreams in the tower studio chamber of the old manor house in hoary Kent.","HPL" "id19260","We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo he he he over our wine he he he"" ""The Amontillado"" I said.","EAP" "id12487","There he worked like a butcher in the midst of his gory wares I could never get used to the levity with which he handled and classified certain things.","HPL" "id04071","Even when a cannon is fired over a corpse, and it rises before at least five or six days' immersion, it sinks again if let alone.'","EAP" "id03508","Had they known, the coincidence of names would have brought some drastic and frightened action indeed, might not its limited whispering have precipitated the final riot which erased the Roulets from the town?","HPL" "id03567","And now a new anxiety seized me the sound would be heard by a neighbour The old man's hour had come With a loud yell, I threw open the lantern and leaped into the room.","EAP" "id22214","Of genuine blood there was none; only the foetid greenish yellow ichor which trickled along the painted floor beyond the radius of the stickiness, and left a curious discolouration behind it.","HPL" "id08424","The veil must be thicker than that invented by Turkish jealousy; the wall higher than the unscaleable tower of Vathek, which should conceal from her the workings of his heart, and hide from her view the secret of his actions.","MWS" "id20246","When I had ceased to weep reason and memory returned upon me, and I began to reflect with greater calmness on what had happened, and how it became me to act A few hours only had passed but a mighty revolution had taken place with regard to me the natural work of years had been transacted since the morning: my father was as dead to me, and I felt for a moment as if he with white hairs were laid in his coffin and I youth vanished in approaching age, were weeping at his timely dissolution.","MWS" "id23721","At times he actually did perform marvels of surgery for the soldiers; but his chief delights were of a less public and philanthropic kind, requiring many explanations of sounds which seemed peculiar even amidst that babel of the damned.","HPL" "id26562","One evening as I strolled on Victoria Embankment for some needed air, I saw a black shape obscure one of the reflections of the lamps in the water.","HPL" "id02013","The cracked lips tried to frame words which I could not well understand.","HPL" "id03216","An eye for an eye Great heavens, Birch, but you got what you deserved.","HPL" "id06685","I wish to soothe him, yet can I counsel one so infinitely miserable, so destitute of every hope of consolation, to live?","MWS" "id24308","No one, however, had been using the telescope at that instant.","HPL" "id00039","Then courage returned, and I scraped away more dirt in the light of the electric torch I had provided.","HPL" "id13790","For a decade had it been talked of in the land of Mnar, and as it drew nigh there came to Sarnath on horses and camels and elephants men from Thraa, Ilarnek, and Kadatheron, and all the cities of Mnar and the lands beyond.","HPL" "id13535","A crow thieves; a fox cheats; a weasel outwits; a man diddles.","EAP" "id27766","Dr. D resolved at once to remain with the patient all night, while Dr. F took leave with a promise to return at daybreak.","EAP" "id00597","It was my design to convey the idea that both were effected in the same manner, at the same point.","EAP" "id02898","This original correspondence was not preserved, but his notes formed a thorough and really significant digest.","HPL" "id21770","The trunk had moved intelligently; and, unbelievable to relate, we were both sickeningly sure that articulate sounds had come from the detached head as it lay in a shadowy corner of the laboratory.","HPL" "id16732","Outwardly he was the same to the last calm, cold, slight, and yellow haired, with spectacled blue eyes and a general aspect of youth which years and fears seemed never to change.","HPL" "id03188","His haousekeeper Sally was carryin' on fit ter kill she'd jest seed the trees a bendin' beside the rud, an' says they was a kind o' mushy saound, like a elephant puffin' an' treadin', a headin' fer the haouse.","HPL" "id25939","The murderers must have passed, then, through those of the back room.","EAP" "id16713","Who would dare "" ""The thief,"" said G., ""is the Minister D , who dares all things, those unbecoming as well as those becoming a man.","EAP" "id16843","Might he not many, many years hence, when age had quenched the burning sensations that he now experienced, might he not then be again a father to me?","MWS" "id08632","It was a dim, sliver like rim, alone, as it rushed down the unfathomable ocean.","EAP" "id12829","Very little time had elapsed before I saw the attempt was not to be a total failure.","HPL" "id26968","When the fever of my young life is spent; when placid age shall tame the vulture that devours me, friendship may come, love and hope being dead.","MWS" "id17424","I cannot say with what passion I loved every thing even the inanimate objects that surrounded me.","MWS" "id22705","I had been too wary for that.","EAP" "id24064","It became a question whether he had fallen among the unrecognized; but no broken ornament or stained trapping betrayed his fate.","MWS" "id21578","He was seldom at the palace; never, but when he was assured that his public duties would prevent his remaining alone with Perdita.","MWS" "id03149","He staggered against the wall, while I closed the door with an oath, and commanded him to draw.","EAP" "id24278","Had M. Beauvais, in his search for the body of Marie, discovered a corpse corresponding in general size and appearance to the missing girl, he would have been warranted without reference to the question of habiliment at all in forming an opinion that his search had been successful.","EAP" "id03103","The thought came gently and stealthily, and it seemed long before it attained full appreciation; but just as my spirit came at length properly to feel and entertain it, the figures of the judges vanished, as if magically, from before me; the tall candles sank into nothingness; their flames went out utterly; the blackness of darkness supervened; all sensations appeared swallowed up in a mad rushing descent as of the soul into Hades.","EAP" "id07670","He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man and hide himself in deserts, but she had not; and she, who in all probability was to become a thinking and reasoning animal, might refuse to comply with a compact made before her creation.","MWS" "id20273","You hold forth your hand; it is even as a part of yourself; and you do not yet divide the feeling of identity from the mortal form that shapes forth Lionel.","MWS" "id16396","He declined bearing the cartel, however, and in fact, dissuaded me from sending it at all; but was candid enough to admit that the ""Daddy Long Legs"" had been disgracefully in the wrong more especially in what related to the epithets ""gentleman and scholar.""","EAP" "id19639","In conclusion, I dwelt, with a convincing energy, upon the perils that encompass the course of love that course of true love that never did run smooth and thus deduced the manifest danger of rendering that course unnecessarily long.","EAP" "id14552","Thus I might proclaim myself a madman, but not revoke the sentence passed upon my wretched victim.","MWS" "id25647","'A piece,' says this journal, 'of one of the unfortunate girl's petticoats was torn out and tied under her chin, and around the back of her head, probably to prevent screams.","EAP" "id21381","The thing itself, however, crowded out all other images at the time.","HPL" "id01225","""These appearances, which bewilder you, are merely electrical phenomena not uncommon or it may be that they have their ghastly origin in the rank miasma of the tarn.","EAP" "id18730","I barely fancied that as I awoke, a light had been hurriedly extinguished within the sunken sepulchre.","HPL" "id03126","Was sure that the shrill voice was that of a man of a Frenchman.","EAP" "id03526","She was immensely wealthy, and being left, for the second time, a widow without children, she bethought herself of my existence in America, and for the purpose of making me her heir, paid a visit to the United States, in company with a distant and exceedingly lovely relative of her second husband's a Madame Stephanie Lalande.","EAP" "id27275","Of this Infirmity, indeed, I had known before; having heard of it from Mr. Pope, who took the Trouble to make particular Inquiries.","HPL" "id10874","They must have been very blind not to see this, even in their own day; for even in their own day many of the long ""established"" axioms had been rejected.","EAP" "id26242","The dirty looking fellow who waited on me had a touch of the staring ""Innsmouth look"", but was quite civil in his way; being perhaps used to the custom of such convivial strangers truckmen, gold buyers, and the like as were occasionally in town.","HPL" "id19582","At length, upon a peremptory call for ""Madame Lalande,"" she arose at once, without affectation or demur, from the chaise longue upon which she had sat by my side, and, accompanied by one or two gentlemen and her female friend of the opera, repaired to the piano in the main drawing room.","EAP" "id12445","There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities.","HPL" "id03241","The tracks of which I speak were but faintly perceptible having been impressed upon the firm, yet pleasantly moist surface of what looked more like green Genoese velvet than any thing else.","EAP" "id24051","Our friend here can surely comprehend you without all this.","EAP" "id15627","This was always at night in the day he slept and would admit no one.","HPL" "id25332","Indeed, the Baron's perverse attachment to his lately acquired charger an attachment which seemed to attain new strength from every fresh example of the animal's ferocious and demon like propensities at length became, in the eyes of all reasonable men, a hideous and unnatural fervor.","EAP" "id25776","He wasn't strictly human.","HPL" "id10511","It was from Kilderry that his father had come, and it was there that he wished to enjoy his wealth among ancestral scenes.","HPL" "id02350","She fell, however, into good hands.","MWS" "id11359","An attempt to draw blood from the arm failed.","EAP" "id12498","Look not behind thee, then, at its unavoidable degradation; but take courage, ply thy legs with vigor, and scud for the hippodrome Remember that thou art Antiochus Epiphanes.","EAP" "id14799","That inspector's story must have worked on my imagination more deeply than I had suspected.","HPL" "id23562","And before he died, Taran Ish had scrawled upon the altar of chrysolite with coarse shaky strokes the sign of DOOM.","HPL" "id16109","The stench left quickly, but the vegetation never came right again.","HPL" "id02045","This bower was my temple, the fastened door my shrine, and here I would lie outstretched on the mossy ground, thinking strange thoughts and dreaming strange dreams.","HPL" "id19699","One word first, my Una, in regard to man's general condition at this epoch.","EAP" "id10261","Posterity became my heirs.","MWS" "id20430","At long intervals some masterminds appeared, looking upon each advance in practical science as a retro gradation in the true utility.","EAP" "id15933","Being both, apparently, occupied with thought, neither of us had spoken a syllable for fifteen minutes at least.","EAP" "id12363","If we allow that Madame Rogêt, from her age and grief, could not go over, which is allowing a great deal, there certainly must have been some one who would have thought it worth while to go over and attend the investigation, if they thought the body was that of Marie.","EAP" "id24545","When I came of age my father asked me, one day, If I would step with him into his study.","EAP" "id21756","This dwarf he supposed to conceal himself during the opening of the box by thrusting his legs into two hollow cylinders, which were represented to be but which are not among the machinery in the cupboard No. I, while his body was out of the box entirely, and covered by the drapery of the Turk.","EAP" "id00301","Thar's his head on thet bench, with one arm side of it, an' t'other arm's on the graound side o' the meat block.""","HPL" "id10853","demanded the youth, in a querulous and husky tone of voice, as he became instantly aware that the mysterious steed in the tapestried chamber was the very counterpart of the furious animal before his eyes.","EAP" "id19271","Let us ascend this battlement, and throw our eyes upon the town and neighboring country.","EAP" "id06286","Briden's death reveals no apparent cause, and was probably due to excitement or exposure.","HPL" "id05722","Don't ask me what it is they see.","HPL" "id00482","Close by is a tomb, once beautiful with the sublimest sculptures, but now fallen into as great decay as the house.","HPL" "id06497","Later I must have dropped asleep again, for it was out of a phantasmal chaos that my mind leaped when the night grew hideous with shrieks beyond anything in my former experience or imagination.","HPL" "id14286","These sublime and magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest consolation that I was capable of receiving.","MWS" "id02817","I therefore thought proper to contrive a hiding place in the hold.","EAP" "id17967","I really do hope, Mr. Bob, that you will look upon this explanation as satisfactory.""","EAP" "id00872","I continued: ""This poor wretch is deserted, dying, succourless; in these unhappy times, God knows how soon any or all of us may be in like want.","MWS" "id17753","Without having any exact knowledge of geology, I had from the first been interested in the odd mounds and hummocks of the region.","HPL" "id10880","No sane person had even seen it, and few had ever felt it definitely.","HPL" "id25007","I burned with rage to pursue the murderer of my peace and precipitate him into the ocean.","MWS" "id05805","In another week the burgomaster decided to overcome his fears and call at the strangely silent dwelling as a matter of duty, though in so doing he was careful to take with him Shang the blacksmith and Thul the cutter of stone as witnesses.","HPL" "id18599","His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom, and he replied, ""To seek one who fled from me."" ""And did the man whom you pursued travel in the same fashion?""","MWS" "id24814","""For the most part, we are paid for the insertion of a maiden attempt especially in verse.","EAP" "id17863","In vain we besieged the old gentleman with importunities.","EAP" "id13319","We met no person, and as time passed the lighted windows became fewer and fewer.","HPL" "id22110","Here, the address, to the Minister, diminutive and feminine; there the superscription, to a certain royal personage, was markedly bold and decided; the size alone formed a point of correspondence.","EAP" "id20233","The whole transaction is denied.","EAP" "id16738","He mentioned Muriton of red tongue; cauliflowers with velouté sauce; veal à la St. Menehoult; marinade à la St. Florentin; and orange jellies en mosäiques.","EAP" "id18972","But West's gentle enemies were no less harassed with prostrating duties.","HPL" "id26964","Nobody cud git aout o' them whar they got all the stuff, an' all the other natives wondered haow they managed to find fish in plenty even when the very next islands had lean pickin's.","HPL" "id27594","It is natural that such a thing as a dead man's scream should give horror, for it is obviously not a pleasing or ordinary occurrence; but I was used to similar experiences, hence suffered on this occasion only because of a particular circumstance.","HPL" "id24280","Might not the deeper inquiries of my uncle after encountering the sculptor's data have come to sinister ears?","HPL" "id10917","This gentleman had, indeed, some two or three years before, been the superintendent of the establishment, but grew crazy himself, and so became a patient.","EAP" "id23283","Then a rushing revival of soul and a successful effort to move.","EAP" "id25788","The hour was one of approaching triumph, for was not my fellow being escaping at last from a degrading periodic bondage; escaping forever, and preparing to follow the accursed oppressor even unto the uttermost fields of ether, that upon it might be wrought a flaming cosmic vengeance which would shake the spheres?","HPL" "id01367","And if these were my sensations, who can describe those of Henry?","MWS" "id00914","The king, who was a man of excellent dispositions, but easily led, had now become a willing disciple of his imperious consort.","MWS" "id07579","The men, busy with labour, waxed prosperous and as happy as they knew how to be.","HPL" "id12067","Question me then, my Oinos, freely and without fear.","EAP" "id06772","""Its adaptation to the eyes which were to behold it on earth.""","EAP" "id22548","He could, he was sure, get out by midnight though it is characteristic of him that this thought was untinged with eerie implications.","HPL" "id03056","It is palpably a part of the valley wall, though how the vast interior was ever excavated I cannot imagine.","HPL" "id07105","Was the coming painful?","MWS" "id15946","After dark a rattling was heard at the door leading from the cellar into the courtyard; and a stable boy saw Arthur Jermyn, glistening from head to foot with oil and redolent of that fluid, steal furtively out and vanish on the black moor surrounding the house.","HPL" "id24602","Adelaide Curtis, Albany, New York.","EAP" "id20231","With new vigour I applied myself to my examination of the old chateau and its contents.","HPL" "id22321","And once but once again in the silence of the night; there came through my lattice the soft sighs which had forsaken me; and they modelled themselves into familiar and sweet voice, saying: ""Sleep in peace for the Spirit of Love reigneth and ruleth, and, in taking to thy passionate heart her who is Ermengarde, thou art absolved, for reasons which shall be made known to thee in Heaven, of thy vows unto Eleonora.""","EAP" "id26206","""I cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon me; I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge.","MWS" "id24319","Seeking shelter from the increasing rainfall beneath one of the few undestroyed Frye outbuildings, they debated the wisdom of waiting, or of taking the aggressive and going down into the glen in quest of their nameless, monstrous quarry.","HPL" "id06675","One sheet of white covered it, while bitter recollection told me that cold as the winter clothed earth, were the hearts of the inhabitants.","MWS" "id14747","Excavation was much easier than I expected, though at one point I encountered a queer interruption; when a lean vulture darted down out of the cold sky and pecked frantically at the grave earth until I killed him with a blow of my spade.","HPL" "id07180","Its principle regards our well being; and thus the desire to be well is excited simultaneously with its development.","EAP" "id15058","Innsmouth itself was left almost depopulated, and is even now only beginning to shew signs of a sluggishly revived existence.","HPL" "id19183","They looked at the pictures, strolled into the other apartments, talked of billiards, and one by one vanished.","MWS" "id19902","Others again, spoke confidently of a magnet.","EAP" "id11276","On the contrary, I believe that I am well made, and possess what nine tenths of the world would call a handsome face.","EAP" "id01735","How greatly this most exquisite portraiture harassed me, for it could not justly be termed a caricature, I will not now venture to describe.","EAP" "id15188","Then entire forgetfulness of all that followed; of all that a later day and much earnestness of endeavor have enabled me vaguely to recall.","EAP" "id14071","Any one, indeed, might perceive, with half an eye, that, had the real design of the ""Daddy"" been what it wished to appear, it, the ""Daddy,"" might have expressed itself in terms more direct, more pungent, and altogether more to the purpose.","EAP" "id09620","Zadok was shewing signs of fright and exhaustion, and I let him keep silence for a while, though glancing apprehensively at my watch.","HPL" "id04486","What L'Etoile says in respect to this abbreviation of the garter's being an usual occurrence, shows nothing beyond its own pertinacity in error.","EAP" "id20678","When I awoke it rained: I was already quite wet, and my limbs were stiff and my head giddy with the chill of night.","MWS" "id19852","How kind, how very kind But where is he, why does he not hasten to me?"" My change of manner surprised and pleased the magistrate; perhaps he thought that my former exclamation was a momentary return of delirium, and now he instantly resumed his former benevolence.","MWS" "id03586","And among the dead faces was the living, mocking face of the youth with the ivory image.","HPL" "id15282","What had been hardly won, was now, entirely possessed, doubly dear.","MWS" "id11182","So far, you had been stooping in your gait; but now I saw you draw yourself up to your full height.","EAP" "id04378","They left me in an hour's time.","MWS" "id10084","He carries the war into Africa.","EAP" "id24581","Through long habit they had become a part of himself; his want of worldly knowledge, his absence of mind and infant guilelessness, made him utterly dependent on them.","MWS" "id19493","Here, at the road side inn, or beneath the foliage of the woods, he indulges, unchecked by any eye except those of his boon companions, in all the mad excess of a counterfeit hilarity the joint offspring of liberty and of rum.","EAP" "id02379","I am already far north of London, and as I walk in the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves and fills me with delight.","MWS" "id20883","All the genius that ennobled the blood of her father illustrated hers; a generous tide flowed in her veins; artifice, envy, or meanness, were at the antipodes of her nature; her countenance, when enlightened by amiable feeling, might have belonged to a queen of nations; her eyes were bright; her look fearless.","MWS" "id03447","Let us now discover, upon the deceased, garters such as the living used, and it is almost folly to proceed.","EAP" "id10283","From this time a new spirit of life animated the decaying frame of the stranger.","MWS" "id17702","Arose early, and, to my great joy, at length beheld what there could be no hesitation in supposing the northern Pole itself.","EAP" "id12927","The cut on this page gives a tolerable representation of the figure as seen by the citizens of Richmond a few weeks ago.","EAP" "id16960","But the appearance of my father was to me like that of my good angel, and I gradually recovered my health.","MWS" "id17592","In odd contrast to the tiara's aspect was its brief and prosy history as related by Miss Tilton.","HPL" "id04269","You will understand that I suggest nothing here as probable, or as cöincident with my own opinion.","EAP" "id04377","She now took pleasure in my society; towards Idris she felt and displayed a full and affectionate sense of her worth she restored to her child in abundant measure her tenderness and care.","MWS" "id06452","Never was such a place for keeping the true time.","EAP" "id06455","Secure, however, in the inscrutability of my place of concealment, I felt no embarrassment whatever.","EAP" "id15808","At four precisely, therefore, the carriage drew up at the door of the principal inn.","EAP" "id20196","I had noticed that they were pretty widely distributed around Tempest Mountain, though less numerous on the plain than near the hill top itself, where prehistoric glaciation had doubtless found feebler opposition to its striking and fantastic caprices.","HPL" "id21850","As they reached the broad open space where I had had my first disquieting glimpse of the moonlit water I could see them plainly only a block away and was horrified by the bestial abnormality of their faces and the dog like sub humanness of their crouching gait.","HPL" "id22289","On this deep bony layer rested a knife of great size, obvious antiquity, and grotesque, ornate, and exotic design above which the debris was piled.","HPL" "id14875","He was really the most finicky little personage that had ever been seen in Vondervotteimittiss.","EAP" "id25817","The assassin had escaped through the window which looked upon the bed.","EAP" "id21673","He seemed to receive Hermann's amicable letter as a matter of course, and after a few words of general conversation, went to an inner room and brought out the everlasting treatise ""Duelli Lex scripta, et non; aliterque.""","EAP" "id23513","Tillinghast was grinning repulsively at the revolver which I had almost unconsciously drawn, but from his expression I was sure he had seen and heard as much as I, if not a great deal more.","HPL" "id19903","Also, he thinks some of the folks looks durned queer even fer Kanakys.","HPL" "id27536","""I found myself at the foot of a high mountain, and looking down into a vast plain, through which wound a majestic river.","EAP" "id25389","I next tried my hand at the Organ Grinding for a while, and may say that I made out pretty well.","EAP" "id18223","He at length went on deck, and I saw him no more.","EAP" "id17377","I have one secret, Elizabeth, a dreadful one; when revealed to you, it will chill your frame with horror, and then, far from being surprised at my misery, you will only wonder that I survive what I have endured.","MWS" "id22113","It is soon done nothing but ""Examiner,"" ""Slang Whang,"" and ""Times"" then ""Times,"" ""Slang Whang,"" and ""Examiner"" and then ""Times,"" ""Examiner,"" and ""Slang Whang.""","EAP" "id06165","As manhood dawned upon him, his schemes and theories, far from being changed by personal and prudential motives, acquired new strength from the powers he felt arise within him; and his love for Evadne became deep rooted, as he each day became more certain that the path he pursued was full of difficulty, and that he must seek his reward, not in the applause or gratitude of his fellow creatures, hardly in the success of his plans, but in the approbation of his own heart, and in her love and sympathy, which was to lighten every toil and recompence every sacrifice.","MWS" "id27409","""My brother,"" she cried, ""protector of my childhood, dear, most dear Lionel, my fate hangs by a thread.","MWS" "id14887","I must do him the justice to say, however, that when he made up his mind finally to settle in that town, it was under the impression that no newspaper, and consequently no editor, existed in that particular section of the country.","EAP" "id16183","His blue eyes were bulging, glassy, and sightless, and the frantic playing had become a blind, mechanical, unrecognisable orgy that no pen could even suggest.","HPL" "id06912","I threw up my hands and endeavored, with all my strength, to force upward the ponderous iron bar.","EAP" "id27261","My own mistake arose, naturally enough, through too careless, too inquisitive, and too impulsive a temperament.","EAP" "id10900","Still too dazed to cry out, he plunged recklessly down the noisome staircase and into the mud outside; halting only when seized and choked by the waiting black man.","HPL" "id08213","""Yes,"" I said, ""let us be gone.""","EAP" "id23581","When I think of the extent of all that may be brooding down there I almost wish to kill myself forthwith.","HPL" "id12820","Yet active life was the genuine soil for his virtues; and he sometimes suffered tedium from the monotonous succession of events in our retirement.","MWS" "id11943","I hastily gave my consent to this arrangement, and as hastily formed a plan through which Perdita should be forced to become my companion.","MWS" "id11928","My dreams were terrifically disturbed by visions of the Angel of the Odd.","EAP" "id02509","My father, his face lined with sorrow, stood by as I shouted my demands to be laid within the tomb; frequently admonishing my captors to treat me as gently as they could.","HPL" "id08514","To the uttermost regions of the globe have not the indignant winds bruited its unparalleled infamy?","EAP" "id11906","I heard the phial break harmlessly against the stones of the passage as the tunic of the strange man caught fire and lit the horrid scene with a ghastly radiance.","HPL" "id14080","It was about a foot square, and its Gothic carvings were so fearful that he did not marvel no person since Edmund Carter had dared to open it.","HPL" "id21810","She, however, shunned society, and, attaching herself to me alone rendered me happy.","EAP" "id03622","I no longer exhaust my miserable heart by bitter tears and frantic complaints; I no longer the sic reproach the sun, the earth, the air, for pain and wretchedness.","MWS" "id18874","The latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and as he said this I could no longer suppress the rage that burned within me.","MWS" "id12039","The pines are not tall or luxuriant, but they are sombre and add an air of severity to the scene.","MWS" "id20787","We shall have a glimpse of his person as he passes by the temple of Ashimah.","EAP" "id21259","In the university whither I was going I must form my own friends and be my own protector.","MWS" "id13657","The pomp of rank, the assumption of power, the possessions of wealth vanished like morning mist.","MWS" "id01220","This action of Adrian provoked me.","MWS" "id25779","""When the news reached Leghorn that Felix was deprived of his wealth and rank, the merchant commanded his daughter to think no more of her lover, but to prepare to return to her native country.","MWS" "id04298","Could it be that I was face to face with intellectual emanations which would explain the mystery if I could but learn to discover and read them?","HPL" "id18682","But we must live, and not act our lives; pursuing the shadow, I lost the reality now I renounce both.","MWS" "id16554","Well, we removed to London, and still I felt only the peace of sinless passion.","MWS" "id14615","For one hour at least we had maintained a profound silence; while each, to any casual observer, might have seemed intently and exclusively occupied with the curling eddies of smoke that oppressed the atmosphere of the chamber.","EAP" "id09351","I now felt the floor of this lower room giving as that of the upper chamber had done, and once a crashing above had been followed by the fall past the west window of something which must have been the cupola.","HPL" "id07211","What is it you fear?"" ""Oh Peace, peace, my love,"" replied I; ""this night, and all will be safe; but this night is dreadful, very dreadful.""","MWS" "id15852","He had not dared to peer, he told Mazurewicz, after he had glimpsed that light through the cracks around the door.","HPL" "id25082","In five minutes the whole sea, as far as Vurrgh, was lashed into ungovernable fury; but it was between Moskoe and the coast that the main uproar held its sway.","EAP" "id00705","Here he finds, among other odd things, that the people enjoy extreme happiness; that they have no law; that they die without pain; that they are from ten to thirty feet in height; that they live five thousand years; that they have an emperor called Irdonozur; and that they can jump sixty feet high, when, being out of the gravitating influence, they fly about with fans.","EAP" "id02773","The officers bade me accompany them in their search.","EAP" "id14858","And on what remained of his chewed and gouged head there was no longer a face.","HPL" "id03782","Sometimes he commanded his countenance and tones and related the most horrible incidents with a tranquil voice, suppressing every mark of agitation; then, like a volcano bursting forth, his face would suddenly change to an expression of the wildest rage as he shrieked out imprecations on his persecutor.","MWS" "id11256","The little patches of snow which yet lingered on the northern sides of the mountains, the lakes, and the dashing of the rocky streams were all familiar and dear sights to me.","MWS" "id03883","Adrian was on horseback; he rode up to the carriage, and his gaiety, in addition to that of Raymond, dispelled my sister's melancholy.","MWS" "id20761","Were your sister indeed the insignificant person she deserves to be, I would willingly leave her to the fate, the wretched fate, of the wife of a man, whose very person, resembling as it does his wretched father, ought to remind you of the folly and vice it typifies but remember, Lady Idris, it is not alone the once royal blood of England that colours your veins, you are a Princess of Austria, and every life drop is akin to emperors and kings.","MWS" "id02185","In general, every spectator is now thoroughly satisfied of having beheld and completely scrutinized, at one and the same time, every individual portion of the Automaton, and the idea of any person being concealed in the interior, during so complete an exhibition of that interior, if ever entertained, is immediately dismissed as preposterous in the extreme.","EAP" "id09858","The coroner's physician decided that some belonged to a small child, while certain others found mixed with shreds of rotten brownish cloth belonged to a rather undersized, bent female of advanced years.","HPL" "id06440","Its bottom and banks were as those of the pond if a defect could have been attributed, in point of picturesqueness, it was that of excessive neatness.","EAP" "id23226","His eyes were pits of flame, and they glared at me with what I now saw was overwhelming hatred.","HPL" "id07966","I then smiled gaily, to find the deed so far done.","EAP" "id24092","No delay was to ensue.","MWS" "id22895","Again she looked at the ring, it was a small ruby, almost heart shaped, which she had herself given him.","MWS" "id07363","He saluted me with an air of profound respect, slightly blended with a fatherly and patronizing admiration, wrought in him, no doubt, by my appearance of extreme youth and inexperience.","EAP" "id23336","The phantasmagoric effect was vastly heightened by the artificial introduction of a strong continual current of wind behind the draperies giving a hideous and uneasy animation to the whole.","EAP" "id14158","Looking upward he saw three stupendous discs of flame, each of a different hue, and at a different height above an infinitely distant curving horizon of low mountains.","HPL" "id21866","When Sir Robert Jermyn emerged from his library he left behind the strangled corpse of the explorer, and before he could be restrained, had put an end to all three of his children; the two who were never seen, and the son who had run away.","HPL" "id03531","With riches merely surpassing those of any citizen, it would have been easy to suppose him engaging to supreme excess in the fashionable extravagances of his time; or busying himself with political intrigues; or aiming at ministerial power, or purchasing increase of nobility, or devising gorgeous architectural piles; or collecting large specimens of Virtu; or playing the munificent patron of Letters and Art; or endowing and bestowing his name upon extensive institutions of charity.","EAP" "id19807","By the mother who bore you for the love of Heaven by your hope of salvation, I implore you to put back for the box"" The captain, for a moment, seemed touched by the earnest appeal of the artist, but he regained his stern composure, and merely said: ""Mr.","EAP" "id00436","The season was May, the weather stormless; we were promised a prosperous voyage.","MWS" "id27368","Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period, as had Roderick Usher It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood.","EAP" "id23543","I struggled for breath.","EAP" "id16276","He might remain in Switzerland and wreak his vengeance on my relatives.","MWS" "id26979","I can recall the scene now the desolate, pitch black garret studio under the eaves with the rain beating down; the ticking of the lone clock; the fancied ticking of our watches as they rested on the dressing table; the creaking of some swaying shutter in a remote part of the house; certain distant city noises muffled by fog and space; and worst of all the deep, steady, sinister breathing of my friend on the couch a rhythmical breathing which seemed to measure moments of supernal fear and agony for his spirit as it wandered in spheres forbidden, unimagined, and hideously remote.","HPL" "id27239","The items of evidence and information thus collected by myself, from the newspapers, at the suggestion of Dupin, embraced only one more point but this was a point of seemingly vast consequence.","EAP" "id05959","That last scare had come while I was reaching to uncurl it, and it seems I had vacantly crumpled it into my pocket.","HPL" "id12327","It must, however, have been no inconsiderable time, for when I partially recovered the sense of existence, I found the day breaking, the balloon at a prodigious height over a wilderness of ocean, and not a trace of land to be discovered far and wide within the limits of the vast horizon.","EAP" "id13348","It was agreed that, immediately after our union, we should proceed to Villa Lavenza and spend our first days of happiness beside the beautiful lake near which it stood.","MWS" "id24397","Yet I cannot conceal it from my own perception that, immediately subsequent to the fall of the ruby drops, a rapid change for the worse took place in the disorder of my wife; so that, on the third subsequent night, the hands of her menials prepared her for the tomb, and on the fourth, I sat alone, with her shrouded body, in that fantastic chamber which had received her as my bride.","EAP" "id00745","Ceasing my futile and now objectless writhing, I watched the spectators as they viewed the treasure trove, and was permitted to share in their discoveries.","HPL" "id02929","The sprightly parties broke up they assembled in whispering groups.","MWS" "id14586","My affections were human; hope and love were the day stars of my life.","MWS" "id14708","He cut himself off hurriedly, and no amount of persuasion or subtlety could elicit more in this direction.","HPL" "id20935","There are not many persons who know what wonders are opened to them in the stories and visions of their youth; for when as children we listen and dream, we think but half formed thoughts, and when as men we try to remember, we are dulled and prosaic with the poison of life.","HPL" "id07104","Clerval at first attributed my unusual spirits to joy on his arrival, but when he observed me more attentively, he saw a wildness in my eyes for which he could not account, and my loud, unrestrained, heartless laughter frightened and astonished him.","MWS" "id06578","The best chess player in Christendom may be little more than the best player of chess; but proficiency in whist implies capacity for success in all those more important undertakings where mind struggles with mind.","EAP" "id25707","He quickly arranged with the Turk that if the latter should find a favourable opportunity for escape before Felix could return to Italy, Safie should remain as a boarder at a convent at Leghorn; and then, quitting the lovely Arabian, he hastened to Paris and delivered himself up to the vengeance of the law, hoping to free De Lacey and Agatha by this proceeding.","MWS" "id09026","With an heavy heart I entered the palace, and stood fearful to advance, to speak, to look.","MWS" "id00606","Often all sounds were suspended, that we might listen to the nightingale, while the fire flies danced in bright measure, and the soft cooing of the aziolo spoke of fair weather to the travellers.","MWS" "id13590","The only thing to do was to cross it boldly and openly; imitating the typical shamble of the Innsmouth folk as best I could, and trusting that no one or at least no pursuer of mine would be there.","HPL" "id21693","God knows, though, that the prosy tale which George Birch's death permits me to tell has in it aspects beside which some of our darkest tragedies are light.","HPL" "id05451","He died without speaking.","EAP" "id22245","All the terror I had dimly felt before rushed upon me actively and vividly, and I knew that I loathed the ancient and abhorrent creature so near me with an infinite intensity.","HPL" "id09197","See ""Chemical Essays,"" vol v. Our books the books which, for years, had formed no small portion of the mental existence of the invalid were, as might be supposed, in strict keeping with this character of phantasm.","EAP" "id24351","Shrouded in mist they were, so that no man might peer beyond them or see their summits which indeed some say reach even to the heavens.","HPL" "id04832","But, if you are seen thus strangely circumstanced, dear Idris, even now your enemies may learn your flight too soon: were it not better that I hired the chaise alone?","MWS" "id27500","Our friend resolved however not to be foiled in his wish.","MWS" "id11242","The eye wandered from object to object, and rested upon none neither the grotesques of the Greek painters, nor the sculptures of the best Italian days, nor the huge carvings of untutored Egypt.","EAP" "id03978","In the flourishing times of the Roman Empire, it was the ordinary station of the prefect of the eastern provinces; and many of the emperors of the queen city among whom may be mentioned, especially, Verus and Valens spent here the greater part of their time.","EAP" "id26793","For example, if this limit were three minutes, the moves of the Automaton might be made at any given intervals longer than three minutes.","EAP" "id07477","My senses were gratified and refreshed by a thousand scents of delight and a thousand sights of beauty.","MWS" "id19087","But he requested my attention particularly, and with an air of mysterious sagacity, to a thick octavo, written in barbarous Latin by one Hedelin, a Frenchman, and having the quaint title, ""Duelli Lex Scripta, et non; aliterque.""","EAP" "id18994","I resolved to lash myself securely to the water cask upon which I now held, to cut it loose from the counter, and to throw myself with it into the water.","EAP" "id00588","They sat, and while I answered cheerily, they chatted of familiar things.","EAP" "id06275","""Well, Jupiter picked up the parchment, wrapped the beetle in it, and gave it to me.","EAP" "id03233","In a moment she was in his arms.","MWS" "id18860","I dare not hope that I have inspired you with sufficient interest that the thought of me, and the affection that I shall ever bear you, will soften your melancholy and decrease the bitterness of your tears.","MWS" "id04389","Soon after finishing the perusal of this description, he took his departure, more entirely depressed in spirits than I had ever known the good gentleman before.","EAP" "id14726","His action was alternately vivacious and sullen.","EAP" "id03912","At the expiration of this term it was opened for the reception of a sarcophagus; but, alas how fearful a shock awaited the husband, who, personally, threw open the door As its portals swung outwardly back, some white apparelled object fell rattling within his arms.","EAP" "id26002","And the bearded man made enigmatical gestures of prayer, and lit tall candles in curiously wrought brass candlesticks.","HPL" "id26051","During our stay at Naples, we often returned to this cave, sometimes alone, skimming the sun lit sea, and each time added to our store.","MWS" "id17914","""Presently two countrymen passed by, but pausing near the cottage, they entered into conversation, using violent gesticulations; but I did not understand what they said, as they spoke the language of the country, which differed from that of my protectors.","MWS" "id02004","When the stream is most boisterous, and its fury heightened by a storm, it is dangerous to come within a Norway mile of it.","EAP" "id18570","It was in those college days that he had begun his terrible experiments, first on small animals and then on human bodies shockingly obtained.","HPL" "id02418","""I don't know any such thing, you huzzy How should I? I think it only makes the matter more remarkable, Doctor Dubble L. Dee "" KATE.","EAP" "id13231","Many days they travelled, and from afar saw lofty Hatheg Kla with his aureole of mournful mist.","HPL" "id05807","Keeping these impressions in view, I was cautious in what I said before the young lady; for I could not be sure that she was sane; and, in fact, there was a certain restless brilliancy about her eyes which half led me to imagine she was not.","EAP" "id07696","Imagination, feeling herself for once unshackled, roamed at will among the ever changing wonders of a shadowy and unstable land.","EAP" "id09432","The glare of flames attested the progress of destruction, while, during mingled light and obscurity, the piles around me took gigantic proportions and weird shapes.","MWS" "id23269","He spoke upon this topic with warmth: regarding not so much its immediate or obvious importance, which is little, as the character of the conclusions to which it might lead, or of the collateral propositions which it might serve to corroborate or sustain.","EAP" "id21143","His wife he had newly married, and I had never yet seen her.","EAP" "id20209","It was spacious, and nearly circular, with a raised seat of stone, about the size of a Grecian couch, at one end.","MWS" "id11146","Two years had now nearly elapsed since the night on which he first received life; and was this his first crime?","MWS" "id22628","Among men, my Agathos, this idea would be considered heretical in the extreme.","EAP" "id08979","A slight circumstance induced me to alter my usual route, and to return home by Egham and Bishopgate.","MWS" "id02083","""When a gen'l'man wants tuh take a drink here, by God, he shall, without you interferin'.","HPL" "id04857","You accuse me of murder, and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature.","MWS" "id20526","""In this expedition to the 'Bishop's Hotel' I had been attended by Jupiter, who had, no doubt, observed, for some weeks past, the abstraction of my demeanor, and took especial care not to leave me alone.","EAP" "id03009","Later I told Harris only through sheer necessity, and because he had heard odd tales from old people which disposed him ever so little toward belief.","HPL" "id11331","His ears were ringing horribly, as if with the residual echoes of some horrible noise heard in dreams.","HPL" "id04962","But Johansen had not given out yet.","HPL" "id07498","And then, again, the frog man croaked away as if the salvation of his soul depended upon every note that he uttered.","EAP" "id25043","On the floor was an ingrain carpet, of excellent texture a white ground, spotted with small circular green figures.","EAP" "id03550","I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me and think of me as of one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me.","MWS" "id05854","Kuranes was now very anxious to return to minaret studded Celephaïs, and increased his doses of drugs; but eventually he had no more money left, and could buy no drugs.","HPL" "id02579","Barzai was wise in the lore of earth's gods, and listened hard for certain sounds, but Atal felt the chill of the vapours and the awe of the night, and feared much.","HPL" "id26114","I heard Zann stumble to the window and close both shutter and sash, then stumble to the door, which he falteringly unfastened to admit me.","HPL" "id27581","The christians sought their churches, christian maidens, even at the feast of roses, clad in white, with shining veils, sought, in long procession, the places consecrated to their religion, filling the air with their hymns; while, ever and anon, from the lips of some poor mourner in the crowd, a voice of wailing burst, and the rest looked up, fancying they could discern the sweeping wings of angels, who passed over the earth, lamenting the disasters about to fall on man.","MWS" "id11716","It might be in the visible world, yet it might be only in his mind and soul.","HPL" "id22586","I knew that I could not accost him then and there, for the firemen would surely notice and object.","HPL" "id15393","In the first place, the voice seemed to reach our ears at least mine from a vast distance, or from some deep cavern within the earth.","EAP" "id21619","But the main substance rests on the truths contained in these poetic rhapsodies, and the divine intuition which the Cumaean damsel obtained from heaven.","MWS" "id05049","This was done with the obvious design of affording a handle by which to carry the body.","EAP" "id05292","The reproaches which agony extorted; or worse, cureless, uncomplaining depression, when his mind was sunk in a torpor, not the less painful because it was silent and moveless.","MWS" "id16621","Cherishing the most fervent hopes, embarked on the waste ocean, we saw with delight the receding shore of Britain, and on the wings of desire outspeeded our well filled sails towards the South.","MWS" "id27498","The ""Mole"" spoke of the ""Lollipop"" as follows: ""We have just received the 'Lollipop' for October, and must say that never before have we perused any single number of any periodical which afforded us a felicity so supreme.","EAP" "id27470","Our prime festivals were held in Perdita's cottage; nor were we ever weary of talking of the past or dreaming of the future.","MWS" "id00551","I shrank from amid them, and, swiftly, by a circuitous path, reached and entered the city.","EAP" "id13679","The vacuity his heart endured of any deep interest in life during his long absence from his native country had had a singular effect upon his ideas.","MWS" "id07660","It was silently taken to the barge office, and as silently removed.","EAP" "id03453","""Don't move,"" he cautioned, ""for in these rays we are able to be seen as well as to see.","HPL" "id24907","Moreover, to this day the people of Ulthar and Nir and Hatheg fear eclipses, and pray by night when pale vapours hide the mountain top and the moon.","HPL" "id04865","And yet as one reared in the best Kultur of Prussia I should not have been amazed, for geology and tradition alike tell us of great transpositions in oceanic and continental areas.","HPL" "id23485","I am in a strange state of mind.","MWS" "id19415","I did not like everything about what I saw, and felt again the fear I had had.","HPL" "id05658","But, in truth, I had no reason to believe that with the exception of the matter of relationship, and in the case of Wilson himself, this similarity had ever been made a subject of comment, or even observed at all by our schoolfellows.","EAP" "id08350","I passed through scenes familiar to my youth, but which I had not seen for nearly six years.","MWS" "id05278","And the tomb where you put those bones, and the other grave without an inscription the whole thing must be a bit terrible.""","HPL" "id10373","Gilman's handling of this theme filled everyone with admiration, even though some of his hypothetical illustrations caused an increase in the always plentiful gossip about his nervous and solitary eccentricity.","HPL" "id06683","South of the village one may still spy the cellar walls and chimney of the ancient Bishop house, which was built before ; whilst the ruins of the mill at the falls, built in , form the most modern piece of architecture to be seen.","HPL" "id03855","This, I thought, was the moment of decision, which was to rob me of or bestow happiness on me forever.","MWS" "id25810","Turn up your nose at things in general, and when you let slip any thing a little too absurd, you need not be at the trouble of scratching it out, but just add a footnote and say that you are indebted for the above profound observation to the 'Kritik der reinem Vernunft,' or to the 'Metaphysithe Anfongsgrunde der Noturwissenchaft.'","EAP" "id07862","Soon after, I entered the valley of Chamounix.","MWS" "id00268","The present season was indeed divine; the flowers of spring bloomed in the hedges, while those of summer were already in bud.","MWS" "id27370","Women bear with resignation these long drawn ills, but to a man's impatient spirit, the slow motion of our cavalcade, the melancholy repose we took at noon, the perpetual presence of the pall, gorgeous though it was, that wrapt the rifled casket which had contained Raymond, the monotonous recurrence of day and night, unvaried by hope or change, all the circumstances of our march were intolerable.","MWS" "id24891","Besides, I wish at once to tell you my wishes and expectations, and then never again to revert to so painful a subject.","MWS" "id12197","Some few ottomans and golden candelabra, of Eastern figure, were in various stations about and there was the couch, too bridal couch of an Indian model, and low, and sculptured of solid ebony, with a pall like canopy above.","EAP" "id00898","In the days of my grandfather there were many; in the days of my father not so many; and now there are so few that I sometimes feel strangely alone, as though I were the last man on our planet.","HPL" "id23458","The thing which had probably caught my first subconscious glance and supplied the touch of bizarre horror was the tall tiara he wore; an almost exact duplicate of the one Miss Tilton had shewn me the previous evening.","HPL" "id14671","I called him my friend but I viewed all he did with jealous eyes.","MWS" "id03708","But from the first move in the game of chess no especial second move follows of necessity.","EAP" "id06766","At the Y.M.C.A., where I was stopping, the clerk merely discouraged my going to such a dismal, decadent place; and the people at the library shewed much the same attitude.","HPL" "id18343","When unopposed they spread their ravages wide; in cases of danger they clustered, and by dint of numbers overthrew their weak and despairing foes.","MWS" "id08633","There is no slipping apparent.","EAP" "id26786","While Merrival was talking, Clara softly opened a door behind Idris, and beckoned me to come with a gesture and look of grief.","MWS" "id05270","We go on, each thought linked to the one which was its parent, each act to a previous act.","MWS" "id07537","When he had landed a month ago, the noisy populace had been hushed by sorrow and fear; but this was a festival day to all.","MWS" "id18137","All day I forged steadily westward, guided by a far away hummock which rose higher than any other elevation on the rolling desert.","HPL" "id22503","And over all rose thoughts and fears which centred in the youth from the sea and the ivory image whose carving was duplicated on the frieze and columns of the temple before me.","HPL" "id03449","An increasing and unexplained atmosphere of panic seemed to rise around his apartment.","HPL" "id26826","It grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every instant.","EAP" "id21334","Tucked obscurely away in a corner of the Arkham Advertiser was a facetious little item from the Associated Press, telling what a record breaking monster the bootleg whiskey of Dunwich had raised up.","HPL" "id16425","It undulated too much, and glistened too brightly in the rays of the now westering moon.","HPL" "id17510","Whether or not he will ever come back, I cannot say.","HPL" "id01265","There were no visible houses, and I could tell by the state of the road that traffic was very light hereabouts.","HPL" "id22727","The mathematics afford no more absolute demonstrations, than the sentiment of his Art yields to the artist.","EAP" "id06558","""The moon had disappeared from the night, and again, with a lessened form, showed itself, while I still remained in the forest.","MWS" "id12342","Ashy pale, Raymond and Perdita sat apart, looking on with sad smiles.","MWS" "id27840","I should rather have looked to see the things all lying on the ground and trampled under foot.","EAP" "id01414","It was the Marchesa Aphrodite the adoration of all Venice the gayest of the gay the most lovely where all were beautiful but still the young wife of the old and intriguing Mentoni, and the mother of that fair child, her first and only one, who now, deep beneath the murky water, was thinking in bitterness of heart upon her sweet caresses, and exhausting its little life in struggles to call upon her name.","EAP" "id02212","When, after infinities of chaos, the first men came, the Great Old Ones spoke to the sensitive among them by moulding their dreams; for only thus could Their language reach the fleshly minds of mammals.","HPL" "id00151","It consists of little else than the sea sand, and is about three miles long.","EAP" "id00446","I then took up three planks from the flooring of the chamber, and deposited all between the scantlings.","EAP" "id24231","Now slowly sinking into a lyre back chair, he commenced to eye me intently.","HPL" "id20845","Here, take it back, and give me a glass of brandy and water in its place.""","EAP" "id02886","Entering, I began to use my flashlight, and was almost knocked down by the cloud of bats that flapped past me.","HPL" "id01962","It was remarkable, as well for its color, as from its being the first we had seen since our departure from Batavia.","EAP" "id16424","Our lives will not be happy, but they will be harmless and free from the misery I now feel.","MWS" "id07570","A very large mastiff seemed to be in vigilant attendance upon these animals, each and all.","EAP" "id21437","Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men.","HPL" "id05106","Yet its memory was replete with horror horror more horrible from being vague, and terror more terrible from ambiguity.","EAP" "id20541","Previously indifferent to such things, I had now an unspeakable horror of them; and would retire to the innermost recesses of the house whenever the heavens threatened an electrical display.","HPL" "id16993","""Last Thursday May th, I, my niece, and your two brothers, went to walk in Plainpalais.","MWS" "id00308","Almost spent, as I was, by fatigue and the dreadful suspense I endured for several hours, this sudden certainty of life rushed like a flood of warm joy to my heart, and tears gushed from my eyes.","MWS" "id15370","But the treatise had made an indelible impression on my mind, and, as I sauntered along the dusky streets, I revolved carefully over in my memory the wild and sometimes unintelligible reasonings of the writer.","EAP" "id03743","The sounds of life encompass his path.","EAP" "id20609","Only one dog remained alive; but there was a human being within it whom the sailors were persuading to enter the vessel.","MWS" "id10647","You say, ""in general.""","EAP" "id24662","Then came the steady rattling at the back door.","HPL" "id23832","I made the attempt in vain.","EAP" "id11939","The officers were satisfied.","EAP" "id06732","These are not only manifold but multiform, and lie frequently among recesses of thought altogether inaccessible to the ordinary understanding.","EAP" "id02767","Kepler guessed that is to say imagined.","EAP" "id22442","I have resolved every night, when I am not imperatively occupied by my duties, to record, as nearly as possible in his own words, what he has related during the day.","MWS" "id23969","To be sure, it has a circulation of , and its subscription list has increased one half within the last week, but then the sum it disburses, monthly, for contributions, is astoundingly enormous.","EAP" "id03097","But this account, which might as properly belong to a former period of my life as to the present moment, leads me far afield.","MWS" "id13247","Rushing through the newly opened connexion, I succeeded in bolting the northerly hall door before the lock could be turned; but even as I did so I heard the hall door of the third room the one from whose window I had hoped to reach the roof below being tried with a pass key.","HPL" "id22504","Once I thrust a candle within the nearly closed entrance, but could see nothing save a flight of damp stone steps leading downward.","HPL" "id09868","Whence he came, I never ascertained.","EAP" "id01145","Despite weakness, hunger, horror, and bewilderment I found myself after a long time able to walk; so started slowly along the muddy road to Rowley.","HPL" "id27040","The eyelids, transparent and bloodless, offered no complete impediment to vision.","EAP" "id14967","The fear, however, is an old tradition throughout the neighbouring villages; since it is a prime topic in the simple discourse of the poor mongrels who sometimes leave their valleys to trade hand woven baskets for such primitive necessities as they cannot shoot, raise, or make.","HPL" "id06949","Heard distinctly 'sacré' and 'mon Dieu.'","EAP" "id25945","I was easily led by the sympathy which he evinced to use the language of my heart, to give utterance to the burning ardour of my soul and to say, with all the fervour that warmed me, how gladly I would sacrifice my fortune, my existence, my every hope, to the furtherance of my enterprise.","MWS" "id01018","You may say any thing and every thing approaching to 'bread and butter.'","EAP" "id07716","P. Referring to my notes.","EAP" "id17094","On May Eve of there were tremors which even the Aylesbury people felt, whilst the following Hallowe'en produced an underground rumbling queerly synchronised with bursts of flame ""them witch Whateleys' doin's"" from the summit of Sentinel Hill.","HPL" "id13259","For a moment the poor girl fancied that her mother believed that she had drank poison: she was on the point of springing up; when the Countess, already at a distance from the bed, spoke in a low voice to her companion, and again Idris listened: ""Hasten,"" said she, ""there is no time to lose it is long past eleven; they will be here at five; take merely the clothes necessary for her journey, and her jewel casket.""","MWS" "id00386","Idle folk, indeed, said that Kalos conversed with the spirits of the grove, and that his statues were but images of the fauns and dryads he met there for he patterned his work after no living model.","HPL" "id09098","This determination soothed me.","MWS" "id08564","The plague was not in London alone, it was every where it came on us, as Ryland had said, like a thousand packs of wolves, howling through the winter night, gaunt and fierce.","MWS" "id02593","His dress is scrupulously neat, but plain, unostentatious.","EAP" "id01163","Then he handed the instrument to Morgan, whose sight was keener.","HPL" "id25559","But like all other gifts of the Creator to Man, she is mortal; her life has attained its last hour.","MWS" "id01767","We talked of change and active pursuits, but still remained at Windsor, incapable of violating the charm that attached us to our secluded life.","MWS" "id21045","But in consideration of those rights to which as guests and strangers you may feel yourselves entitled, we will furthermore explain that we are here this night, prepared by deep research and accurate investigation, to examine, analyze, and thoroughly determine the indefinable spirit the incomprehensible qualities and nature of those inestimable treasures of the palate, the wines, ales, and liqueurs of this goodly metropolis: by so doing to advance not more our own designs than the true welfare of that unearthly sovereign whose reign is over us all, whose dominions are unlimited, and whose name is 'Death'.""","EAP" "id26281","So I read again that hideous chapter, and shuddered doubly because it was indeed not new to me.","HPL" "id22090","No longer could he share the peculiarities and prejudices of the Martenses, while the very mountain thunderstorms failed to intoxicate him as they had before.","HPL" "id10575","Towards the end of this interview with Mr. Crab, who really appeared to take a paternal interest in my welfare, he suggested to me that I might turn an honest penny, and, at the same time, advance my reputation, by occasionally playing Thomas Hawk for the ""Lollipop.""","EAP" "id06437","My imagination hung upon the scene of recognition; his miniature, which I should continually wear exposed on my breast, would be the means and I imaged the moment to my mind a thousand and a thousand times, perpetually varying the circumstances.","MWS" "id26931","""Thank you, no,"" I replied; ""to say the truth, I am not particularly partial to veal a la St. what is it?","EAP" "id01181","Neither he nor his son Archer knew of the shunned house as other than a nuisance almost impossible to rent perhaps on account of the mustiness and sickly odour of unkempt old age.","HPL" "id27023","We were all equal now; magnificent dwellings, luxurious carpets, and beds of down, were afforded to all.","MWS" "id17467","Then men in olive drab came, bearing muskets; till it seemed as if in its sad sleep The Street must have some haunting dreams of those other days, when musket bearing men in conical hats walked along it from the woodland spring to the cluster of houses by the beach.","HPL" "id08998","Both, though, agreed that they must leave this ancient and accursed house as soon as it could be arranged.","HPL" "id14989","And hourly grew darker these shadows of similitude, and more full, and more definite, and more perplexing, and more hideously terrible in their aspect.","EAP" "id22985","I cannot rule myself.","MWS" "id11771","Having effected the reunion of Raymond and Perdita, I was eager to return to England; but his earnest request, added to awakening curiosity, and an indefinable anxiety to behold the catastrophe, now apparently at hand, in the long drawn history of Grecian and Turkish warfare, induced me to consent to prolong until the autumn, the period of my residence in Greece.","MWS" "id19718","All things are either good or bad by comparison.","EAP" "id16078","When I found this, I resolved to quit the place that I had hitherto inhabited, to seek for one where the few wants I experienced would be more easily satisfied.","MWS" "id23836","But, at this period, the whole scheme of my existence was about to change.","MWS" "id04206","Old Bugs himself seemed also to belong to the past, for his nondescript clothing bore every hallmark of antiquity.","HPL" "id06646","Above, the leaves of the beech wood cast a flickering shadow on his face, and waved in mournful melody over him I saw all these things and said, ""Aye, this is his grave"" And then I wept aloud, and raised my eyes to heaven to entreat for a respite to my despair and an alleviation for his unnatural suffering the tears that gushed in a warm healing stream from my eyes relieved the burthen that oppressed my heart almost to madness.","MWS" "id00065","Men lived; and died individually.","EAP" "id16330","""From what I have already observed,"" said Ellison, ""you will understand that I reject the idea, here expressed, of recalling the original beauty of the country.","EAP" "id25431","There, the dark, tall statures of the Princes Metzengerstein their muscular war coursers plunging over the carcasses of fallen foes startled the steadiest nerves with their vigorous expression; and here, again, the voluptuous and swan like figures of the dames of days gone by, floated away in the mazes of an unreal dance to the strains of imaginary melody.","EAP" "id16004","It is not reassuring to see, on a closer glance, that most of the houses are deserted and falling to ruin, and that the broken steepled church now harbours the one slovenly mercantile establishment of the hamlet.","HPL" "id16170","This was the first commencement of my friendship with Adrian, and I must commemorate this day as the most fortunate of my life.","MWS" "id27472","Had he signed the black man's book after all?","HPL" "id19286","The gait of my friend was unsteady, and the bells upon his cap jingled as he strode.","EAP" "id23697","There had been soft talking, too and as he began to describe it his voice had sunk to an inaudible whisper.","HPL" "id08498","Of this latter point, however, I am scarcely qualified to judge; for it was just dark as we arrived; and in American mansions of the better sort lights seldom, during the heat of summer, make their appearance at this, the most pleasant period of the day.","EAP" "id18865","""Time and tide wait for no man,"" says the captain.","EAP" "id18295","There were rumblings under the hills that night, and the whippoorwills piped threateningly.","HPL" "id20427","All traces of strange dreaming had vanished with his recovery, and my uncle kept no record of his night thoughts after a week of pointless and irrelevant accounts of thoroughly usual visions.","HPL" "id26387","No distinct ideas occupied my mind; all was confused.","MWS" "id14352","In the small hours of that night he slept a little in an easy chair in his office, but was at the manuscript again before dawn.","HPL" "id08886","He must ask Frank Elwood for help.","HPL" "id09762","Dupin seemed singularly interested in the progress of this affair at least so I judged from his manner, for he made no comments.","EAP" "id08395","Cursed, cursed be the fiend that brought misery on his grey hairs and doomed him to waste in wretchedness He could not live under the horrors that were accumulated around him; the springs of existence suddenly gave way; he was unable to rise from his bed, and in a few days he died in my arms.","MWS" "id07215","I regarded the sweet mouth.","EAP" "id07454","At length, as often happens to the sleeper by sleep and its world alone is Death imaged at length, as sometimes happened on Earth to the deep slumberer, when some flitting light half startled him into awaking, yet left him half enveloped in dreams so to me, in the strict embrace of the Shadow came that light which alone might have had power to startle the light of enduring Love.","EAP" "id21481","Yet none of the defaced human forms which I distinguished, could be Raymond; so I turned my eyes away, while my heart sickened within me.","MWS" "id18857","As the images that floated before me became more distinct, I grew feverish; a darkness pressed around me; no one was near me who soothed me with the gentle voice of love; no dear hand supported me.","MWS" "id24623","When the stars were right, They could plunge from world to world through the sky; but when the stars were wrong, They could not live.","HPL" "id18723","He is an exceedingly puffy little old gentleman, with big circular eyes and a huge double chin.","EAP" "id20253","Yet he seemed not so much sulky as abstracted.","EAP" "id12908","For a moment I even fancied that I had misconceived him, and that he was in sober earnest.","EAP" "id06465","A ghastly grin wrinkled his lips as he gazed on me, where I sat fulfilling the task which he had allotted to me.","MWS" "id03376","There only remained a resolution to return to my ancient studies and to devote myself to a science for which I believed myself to possess a natural talent.","MWS" "id27674","The steps creaked, but seemed tolerably sound; and I raced down past a barn like second story to the ground floor.","HPL" "id14082","I am about to leave thee; soon this living spirit which is ever busy among strange shapes and ideas, which belong not to thee, soon it will have flown to other regions and this emaciated body will rest insensate on thy bosom ""Rolled round in earth's diurnal course With rocks, and stones, and trees.","MWS" "id27609","""Let him discourse; it will ease his conscience, I am satisfied with having defeated him in his own castle.","EAP" "id08234","Below the waist, though, it was the worst; for here all human resemblance left off and sheer phantasy began.","HPL" "id24638","Meeting my betrothed in an avenue thronged with the élite of the city, I was hastening to greet her with one of my best considered bows, when a small particle of some foreign matter, lodging in the corner of my eye, rendered me, for the moment, completely blind.","EAP" "id17064","Actually, the horrified pause of the men was of comparatively brief duration.","HPL" "id12929","Some instinct warned Armitage that what was taking place was not a thing for unfortified eyes to see, so he brushed back the crowd with authority as he unlocked the vestibule door.","HPL" "id16223","I will put you in safety meanwhile, and return to you immediately.""","MWS" "id11533","There was no investigation of first causes, first principles.","EAP" "id21824","A lunatic may be 'soothed,' as it is called, for a time, but, in the end, he is very apt to become obstreperous.","EAP" "id00997","He had, though, heard the French Canadian who lodged just under Gilman talking to Mazurewicz one evening.","HPL" "id04122","I saw from the beginning that he was both interested and sympathetic, and when I had finished he analysed and discussed the thing with the greatest shrewdness and judgment.","HPL" "id04676","He has frequently conversed with me on mine, which I have communicated to him without disguise.","MWS" "id09056","I took it for granted, therefore, that the earth still held them; and you will scarcely be surprised when I tell you that I felt a hope, nearly amounting to certainty, that the parchment so strangely found, involved a lost record of the place of deposit.""","EAP" "id03658","Could not distinguish what was said.","EAP" "id27057","Upon quitting home, she gave it to be understood that she was about to visit her aunt in the Rue des Drômes and St. Eustache was requested to call for her at dark.","EAP" "id17717","How shall I relate the catastrophe to so much joy; but the earth would not be the earth it is covered with blight and sorrow if one such pair as these angelic creatures had been suffered to exist for one another: search through the world and you will not find the perfect happiness which their marriage would have caused them to enjoy; there must have been a revolution in the order of things as established among us miserable earth dwellers to have admitted of such consummate joy.","MWS" "id12891","Day after day and night after night did we sail, and when the moon was full we would listen to soft songs of the oarsmen, sweet as on that distant night when we sailed away from my far native land.","HPL" "id27336","These feelings are transitory; each day of expectation delayed fills them with fear, and I almost dread a mutiny caused by this despair.","MWS" "id02877","Johansen's voyage had begun just as he told it to the vice admiralty.","HPL" "id21239","What do you demand of your captain?","MWS" "id22737","Piles of moss covered stones near the water promised tolerable seats, and the scene was sheltered from all possible view by a ruined warehouse on the north.","HPL" "id21051","The great clock has seven faces one in each of the seven sides of the steeple so that it can be readily seen from all quarters.","EAP" "id05619","""There is nothing at all like it,"" he would say; ""we are a wonderful people, and live in a wonderful age.","EAP" "id06145","No pictorial or sculptural combinations of points of human loveliness, do more than approach the living and breathing human beauty as it gladdens our daily path.","EAP" "id12165","Take care of her and cherish her: one day I may claim her at your hands; but futurity is dark, make the present happy to her."" My father remained three months at Hamburgh; when he quitted it he changed his name, my aunt could never discover that which he adopted and only by faint hints, could conjecture that he had taken the road of Germany and Hungary to Turkey.","MWS" "id19646","A woman was sleeping on some straw; she was young, not indeed so beautiful as her whose portrait I held, but of an agreeable aspect and blooming in the loveliness of youth and health.","MWS" "id01427","""At present we have not more than ten, altogether.""","EAP" "id09073","""It's a goin' agin, an' this time by day It's aout it's aout an' a movin' this very minute, an' only the Lord knows when it'll be on us all"" The speaker panted into silence, but another took up his message.","HPL" "id11479","brought up close to his body and tightly compressed between his body and the side of the Automaton, or else to use his left arm brought across his breast.","EAP" "id16891","It is needless to say what effect this conduct, on the part of so fascinating a woman, had upon my excitable mind.","EAP" "id08696","I prepared myself for a multitude of reverses; my operations might be incessantly baffled, and at last my work be imperfect, yet when I considered the improvement which every day takes place in science and mechanics, I was encouraged to hope my present attempts would at least lay the foundations of future success.","MWS" "id05041","I broke from the house angry and disturbed and retired to meditate on some other mode of action.","MWS" "id10793","""He is coming"" said somebody farther up.","EAP" "id25227","But it was all a dream; no Eve soothed my sorrows nor shared my thoughts; I was alone.","MWS" "id13521","She certainly knew nothing about it.","HPL" "id27919","Our native oak, as his partisans called him, was visited truly by a nipping winter.","MWS" "id20353","This is one of those anomalous propositions which, seemingly appealing to thought altogether apart from the mathematical, is yet one which only the mathematician can fully entertain.","EAP" "id15987","It had already begun as soon as Wilbur was born, when one of the many tool sheds had been put suddenly in order, clapboarded, and fitted with a stout fresh lock.","HPL" "id06572","All were afoot save Libo, Balbutius, Asellius, two or three of the centuriones, and myself, and at length the way became so steep and narrow that those who had horses were forced to leave them; a squad of ten men being left to guard them, though robber bands were not likely to be abroad on such a night of terror.","HPL" "id10192","Her head fell on his shoulder, she trembled, alternate changes of fire and ice ran through her limbs: observing her emotion he spoke with softened accents: ""The blow is given.","MWS" "id05982","Let us, for example, imagine the Automaton to play with his right arm.","EAP" "id26503","I was by this time thankfully certain that the railway itself was not patrolled.","HPL" "id01439","It was now deep winter; it had snowed, and was still snowing; the wind whistled in the leafless trees, despoiling them of the white flakes as they fell; its drear moaning, and the continued knocking, mingled wildly with my dreams at length I was wide awake; hastily dressing myself, I hurried to discover the cause of this disturbance, and to open my door to the unexpected visitor.","MWS" "id02351","She was what people call a notable woman, and could manage matters in the world without my assistance.","EAP" "id13902","Awed, shaken, and portentous, my friend who had been beyond the barrier warned me that we must never venture within those realms again.","HPL" "id21035","I feel death to be near at hand and I am calm.","MWS" "id10448","Green leaves shrank before the hot breath of furnaces.","EAP" "id27231","You cannot be made to see how the mere duration of the corpse on the shore could operate to multiply traces of the assassins.","EAP" "id08661","Miracles were to be wrought in my favour, the machine of social life pushed with vast effort backward.","MWS" "id06836","In another moment he was on board, and rushing frantically down into the cabin.","EAP" "id08235","The walls of the ravine through which the clear water still tranquilly flowed arose to an elevation of a hundred and occasionally of a hundred and fifty feet, and inclined so much toward each other as, in a great measure, to shut out the light of day; while the long plume like moss which depended densely from the intertwining shrubberies overhead, gave the whole chasm an air of funereal gloom.","EAP" "id15651","Present her with a mirror, in which she may know herself; and, when she is an adept in that necessary but difficult science, she will wonder at her present mistake, and hasten to restore to me, what is by right mine, her forgiveness, her kind thoughts, her love.""","MWS" "id05001","The box held only a queer parchment whose characters no linguist or palaeographer has been able to decipher or identify.","HPL" "id05150","My evil destiny pursued me as if in exultation, and proved, indeed, that the exercise of its mysterious dominion had as yet only begun.","EAP" "id21669","The sight of blood inflamed its anger into phrenzy.","EAP" "id13920","We will all make it our first care, our dearest task, to contribute to your happiness.""","MWS" "id09386","After trying vainly to enter the other apartments, he perceived just within the threshold of this one, a pair of small Turkish slippers; the door was ajar, but all was silent within.","MWS" "id05825","After the close of the American war he was heard of as a sailor on a merchantman in the African trade, having a kind of reputation for feats of strength and climbing, but finally disappearing one night as his ship lay off the Congo coast.","HPL" "id21705","Nonchalance: Your diddler is nonchalant.","EAP" "id20810","Twice, during six years, we were forced to stay all night at anchor on account of a dead calm, which is a rare thing indeed just about here; and once we had to remain on the grounds nearly a week, starving to death, owing to a gale which blew up shortly after our arrival, and made the channel too boisterous to be thought of.","EAP" "id13186","His habits are methodical and then he would prefer getting into a private and respectable small family, piously inclined.","EAP" "id06823","""An' then she let aout a turrible yell, an' says the shed daown the rud had jest caved in like the storm hed blowed it over, only the wind wa'n't strong enough to dew that.","HPL" "id05928","Indeed, however rich the imagination displayed in this ingenious fiction, it wanted much of the force which might have been given it by a more scrupulous attention to facts and to general analogy.","EAP" "id11613","But then the blow fell.","HPL" "id08629","Less wonder far is it, that the garrison, despairing of being able to hold out longer, should take advantage of the negligence of our fleet to escape at once from siege and capture.","MWS" "id21148","""Still I do not quite understand,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id18884","I shrank back but the closing walls pressed me resistlessly onward.","EAP" "id07642","The Baron, who had been unusually silent and abstracted in the earlier portion of the evening, at length seemed to be aroused from his apathy, took a leading part in the discourse, and dwelt upon the benefits, and more especially upon the beauties, of the received code of etiquette in passages of arms with an ardor, an eloquence, an impressiveness, and an affectionateness of manner, which elicited the warmest enthusiasm from his hearers in general, and absolutely staggered even myself, who well knew him to be at heart a ridiculer of those very points for which he contended, and especially to hold the entire fanfaronade of duelling etiquette in the sovereign contempt which it deserves.","EAP" "id02131","The few callers at the house would often find Lavinia alone on the ground floor, while odd cries and footsteps resounded in the boarded up second story.","HPL" "id11799","I found Talbot at home, and proceeded at once to acquaint him with my good fortune.","EAP" "id15208","He discoursed much, and beyond doubt, learnedly; while I hazarded an occasional suggestion as the night wore drowsily away.","EAP" "id05832","When ""Madame Lalande"" was called upon to sing, the younger lady was intended; and it was she who arose to obey the call; my great, great, grandmother, to further the deception, arising at the same moment and accompanying her to the piano in the main drawing room.","EAP" "id26694","Least of all, could it have been that my fancy, shaken from its half slumber, had mistaken the head for that of a living person.","EAP" "id19998","His mania shewed itself only in his tight boarding up of all the windows in the reclaimed section though many declared that it was a crazy thing to bother with the reclamation at all.","HPL" "id09392","I have now mentioned all my studies.","MWS" "id07691","We both know this gentleman well.","EAP" "id09753","In a natural glade of the swamp stood a grassy island of perhaps an acre's extent, clear of trees and tolerably dry.","HPL" "id03397","The house was a good house not very old.","EAP" "id23566","He dropped them all years ago, and no one feels sure whether he left the country or merely sank from sight in some hidden byway.","HPL" "id13677","They are gone for ever great as my power is I cannot recall them to you if indeed I wave my wand over you you will fancy that you feel their gentle spirits in the soft air that steals over your cheeks the distant sound of winds waters may image to you their voices which will bid you rejoice for that they live This will not take away your grief but you will shed sweeter tears than those which full of anguish hopelessness now start from your eyes This I can do also can I take you to see many of my provinces my fairy lands which you have not yet visited and whose beauty will while away the heavy time I have many lovely spots under my command which poets of old have visited and have seen those sights the relation of which has been as a revelation to the world many spots I have still in keeping of lovely fields or horrid rocks peopled by the beautiful or the tremendous which I keep in reserve for my future worshippers to one of those whose grim terrors frightened sleep from the eye I formerly led you but you now need more pleasing images although I will not promise you to shew you any new scenes yet if I lead you to one often visited by my followers you will at least see new combinations that will sooth if they do not delight you Follow me Alas I replied when have you found me slow to obey your voice some times indeed I have called you you have not come but when before have I not followed your slightest sign and have left what was either of joy or sorrow in our world to dwell with you in yours till you have dismissed me ever unwilling to depart But now the weight of grief that oppresses me takes from me that lightness which is necessary to follow your quick winged motions alas in the midst of my course one thought would make me droop to the ground while you would outspeed me to your Kingdom of Glory leave me here darkling Ungrateful replied the Spirit Do I not tell you that I will sustain console you My wings shall aid your heavy steps I will command my winds to disperse the mist that over casts you I will lead you to a place where you will not hear laughter that disturbs you or see the sun that dazzles you We will choose some of the most sombre walks of the Elysian fields The Elysian fields I exclaimed with a quick scream shall I then see?","MWS" "id11369","What evil might not happen in the mean time?","MWS" "id05816","Many covered their eyes with their hands, and plunged blindly and awkwardly in their race to escape; overturning furniture and stumbling against the walls before they managed to reach one of the many doors.","HPL" "id24275","And now now I shuddered in her presence, and grew pale at her approach; yet, bitterly lamenting her fallen and desolate condition, I called to mind that she had loved me long, and, in an evil moment, I spoke to her of marriage.","EAP" "id24975","The result was a firm conviction of their validity, and of the consequent innocence of St. Eustache.","EAP" "id13504","""Nay,"" said my companion, ""I can free you from your present impediment.","MWS" "id21432","The rain was pouring in torrents, and thick mists hid the summits of the mountains, so that I even saw not the faces of those mighty friends.","MWS" "id01891","It was an egregious insult to the good sense of the burghers of Rotterdam.","EAP" "id12133","Thus although she appeared to be less initiated in the mysteries of life and society than he her knowledge was of a deeper kind and laid on firmer foundations; and if even her beauty and sweetness had not fascinated him her understanding would ever have held his in thrall.","MWS" "id11499","It must be confessed that it has an amazingly moon hoaxy air.","EAP" "id25933","Later the god and the princess had returned, and upon the death of the princess her divine husband had mummified the body and enshrined it in a vast house of stone, where it was worshipped.","HPL" "id04767","For several days they glided undulatingly over the water, till finally they came to the horizon, where the sea meets the sky.","HPL" "id10238","Are these circumstances not dreadful?","MWS" "id11469","Yet I thank God that I have lived I thank God, that I have beheld his throne, the heavens, and earth, his footstool.","MWS" "id02717","As a result, these societies became surprisingly passive and reticent.","HPL" "id24345","These results have dependence upon nothing, and are influenced by nothing but the data originally given.","EAP" "id13645","Thousands died unlamented; for beside the yet warm corpse the mourner was stretched, made mute by death.","MWS" "id19341","My rashness gave the victory in this dreadful fight to the enemy who triumphed over him as he lay fallen and vanquished.","MWS" "id18306","Very nervously he watched that narrow oaken gate in the high and ivy clad stone wall.","HPL" "id10928","Friends and companions he shuns, for he wishes to answer no questions.","HPL" "id10648","Many times I walked through that valley, and longer and longer would I pause in the spectral half light where the giant trees squirmed and twisted grotesquely, and the grey ground stretched damply from trunk to trunk, sometimes disclosing the mould stained stones of buried temples.","HPL" "id14542","We shall meet again perhaps in the shining mists of Orion's Sword, perhaps on a bleak plateau in prehistoric Asia.","HPL" "id25304","Again I rose, and exerting all the firmness of which I was master, removed the planks which I had placed before my hovel to conceal my retreat.","MWS" "id15822","The school room was the largest in the house I could not help thinking, in the world.","EAP" "id23276","At one Time Johnson recited to me some lines by a Servant to the Duke of Leeds, which had so amus'd him, that he had got them by Heart.","HPL" "id08488","You, however, had drawn a chair close to the chimney.","EAP" "id08463","Of the six men who never reached the ship, he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant.","HPL" "id25774","As I approached the arch I began to perceive the presence more clearly; and then, with the first and last sound I ever uttered a ghastly ululation that revolted me almost as poignantly as its noxious cause I beheld in full, frightful vividness the inconceivable, indescribable, and unmentionable monstrosity which had by its simple appearance changed a merry company to a herd of delirious fugitives.","HPL" "id14283","Look in that mirror; when I came your brow was contracted, your eyes deep sunk in your head, your lips quivering; your hands trembled violently when I took them; but now all is tranquil and soft.","MWS" "id26447","The man was great I say it even now, knowing as much as I do.","HPL" "id01498","Our alarm was now divided, for besides our fear of the unknown, we had always entertained a dread that our grisly collection might be discovered.","HPL" "id02945","I knew that I had now fully recovered the use of my visual faculties and yet it was dark all dark the intense and utter raylessness of the Night that endureth for evermore.","EAP" "id03174","The figure, which was finally passed slowly from man to man for close and careful study, was between seven and eight inches in height, and of exquisitely artistic workmanship.","HPL" "id18950","""'They are kind they are the most excellent creatures in the world; but, unfortunately, they are prejudiced against me.","MWS" "id10618","The balloon for such no doubt it was had now descended to within a hundred feet of the earth, allowing the crowd below a sufficiently distinct view of the person of its occupant.","EAP" "id08259","It was, the professor stated, a very crude bas relief of stone, comprising a hideous picture and some cryptic writing.","HPL" "id06722","A serene sky and verdant fields filled me with ecstasy.","MWS" "id09297","He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree.","MWS" "id24310","Our seclusion was perfect.","EAP" "id11431","As you honour me as you worship God, in whose image those also are created as your children and friends are dear to you, shed not a drop of precious human blood.""","MWS" "id11230","Up the long avenue of aged oaks which led from the forest to the main entrance of the Château Metzengerstein, a steed, bearing an unbonneted and disordered rider, was seen leaping with an impetuosity which outstripped the very Demon of the Tempest.","EAP" "id17605","These motives urged me to comply with his demand.","MWS" "id01349","""To be even with him, I complained of my weak eyes, and lamented the necessity of the spectacles, under cover of which I cautiously and thoroughly surveyed the whole apartment, while seemingly intent only upon the conversation of my host.","EAP" "id07016","A figure, dressed like a magician, appears seated at the bottom of a wall, holding a wand in one hand, and a book in the other A number of questions, ready prepared, are inscribed on oval medallions, and the spectator takes any of these he chooses and to which he wishes an answer, and having placed it in a drawer ready to receive it, the drawer shuts with a spring till the answer is returned.","EAP" "id08202","It proved, however, to have been without ball, and the fellow was suffered to go his way as a lunatic or a drunkard.","EAP" "id12270","For centuries its lofty battlements have frowned down upon the wild and rugged countryside about, serving as a home and stronghold for the proud house whose honoured line is older even than the moss grown castle walls.","HPL" "id13615","Then a faint clicking came from the instrument, and I called down to my friend in a tense voice.","HPL" "id10858","The merry marriage bells rung in my ears; I heard the nation's gratulation which followed the union; the ambitious noble uprose with swift eagle flight, from the lowly ground to regal supremacy and to the love of Idris.","MWS" "id05068","I had scarcely laid the first tier of my masonry when I discovered that the intoxication of Fortunato had in a great measure worn off.","EAP" "id13216","Compassion swelled his breast; he would see her once again; he would devise some plan for restoring her to society, and the enjoyment of her rank; their separation would then follow, as a matter of course.","MWS" "id23266","But still I read more in hidden, forgotten books and scrolls to which my new vision led me and pushed through fresh gateways of space and being and life patterns toward the core of the unknown cosmos.","HPL" "id01680","I told him that I could, and translated for his benefit a paragraph near the beginning.","HPL" "id13512","Go thou then to Athok the cobbler or be gone out of the city by sunset.","HPL" "id26995","It is the Land of Hope, and in it shine the perfect ideals of all that we know elsewhere; or at least so men relate.","HPL" "id16988","But, in his disordered fancy, the idea had assumed a more daring character, and trespassed, under certain conditions, upon the kingdom of inorganization.","EAP" "id14356","The grass had grown around and over some of them.","EAP" "id26126","Her mind was of uncommon strength; she could subdue her sensible wants to her mental wishes, and suffer cold, hunger and misery, rather than concede to fortune a contested point.","MWS" "id21394","I will repeat here what he said, underlining the words he emphasised: ""He is calling He is calling I hear him We must go"" As he spoke he took his ivory image from the table, pocketed it, and seized my arm in an effort to drag me up the companionway to the deck.","HPL" "id08180","The pantaloons, which thou sayest were made by Bourdon, are an excellent pair of linen drawers, and thy robe de chambre is a shroud of no scanty dimensions.""","EAP" "id25942","The final conclusion of the linguists was that the text represented an artificial alphabet, giving the effect of a cipher; though none of the usual methods of cryptographic solution seemed to furnish any clue, even when applied on the basis of every tongue the writer might conceivably have used.","HPL" "id04640","I beseech you; by your former love for me now lost, I adjure you to answer that one question.","MWS" "id06919","Then again I journeyed far down away into another country where it was all one dim and vague lake, with a boundary line of clouds.","EAP" "id24784","Some peculiarities, either in his early education, or in the nature of his intellect, had tinged with what is termed materialism the whole cast of his ethical speculations; and it was this bias, perhaps, which imperceptibly led him to perceive that the most advantageous, if not the sole legitimate field for the exercise of the poetic sentiment, was to be found in the creation of novel moods of purely physical loveliness.","EAP" "id02282","She said very few words, and passed at once into her state room with Mr. W. My old inquisitiveness now returned.","EAP" "id08706","""Lionel, you hear: witness for me: persuade your sister to forgive the injury I have done her; persuade her to be mine.""","MWS" "id10224","""You observe there are no divisions between the words.","EAP" "id19143","Dear Victor, banish these dark passions.","MWS" "id02552","As for my old friend, Madame Joyeuse, I really could have wept for the poor lady, she appeared so terribly perplexed.","EAP" "id22477","""But,"" I interposed, ""you say that the skull was not upon the parchment when you made the drawing of the beetle.","EAP" "id06799","If I lift up my eyes and see the desart earth, and feel that those dear eyes have spent their mortal lustre, and that those beauteous lips are silent, their ""crimson leaves"" faded, for ever I am mute But you live, my Idris, even now you move before me There was a glade, O reader a grassy opening in the wood; the retiring trees left its velvet expanse as a temple for love; the silver Thames bounded it on one side, and a willow bending down dipt in the water its Naiad hair, dishevelled by the wind's viewless hand.","MWS" "id10072","He heard my account of the self dissolution of the army with calmness, and then said, ""You know, Verney, my fixed determination not to quit this place, until in the light of day Stamboul is confessedly ours.","MWS" "id23339","We got all kinds here reel life an' a good time.","HPL" "id26690","There was something in his manner of emphasizing the word ""peculiar,"" which caused me to shudder, without knowing why.","EAP" "id21445","I doubted at first whether I should attempt the creation of a being like myself, or one of simpler organization; but my imagination was too much exalted by my first success to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man.","MWS" "id05308","We saw a great deal of society, and no day passed that my father did not endeavour to embellish by some new enjoyment.","MWS" "id15650","My room, a dismal rear one with two windows and bare, cheap furnishings, overlooked a dingy courtyard otherwise hemmed in by low, deserted brick blocks, and commanded a view of decrepit westward stretching roofs with a marshy countryside beyond.","HPL" "id04407","I scraped further, and saw that it had form.","HPL" "id14385","I had lived with the old gentleman all my life.","EAP" "id04000","None had ever before suspected, that power, or the suffrage of the many, could in any manner become dear to him.","MWS" "id19243","But the void within my heart refused, even thus, to be filled.","EAP" "id15158","But, for many minutes, the heart beat on with a muffled sound.","EAP" "id00680","He entered the churches, and foretold to the congregations their speedy removal to the vaults below.","MWS" "id22454","I know not what we are to hope; but there is some good beyond us that we must seek; and that is our earthly task.","MWS" "id11575","There is something at work in my soul which I do not understand.","MWS" "id21567","An old man sat in it, near a fire, over which he was preparing his breakfast.","MWS" "id19810","Divorced from the enlightenment of civilisation, the strength of these Puritans turned into singular channels; and in their isolation, morbid self repression, and struggle for life with relentless Nature, there came to them dark furtive traits from the prehistoric depths of their cold Northern heritage.","HPL" "id04687","My friend said they were horrible and impressive beyond my most fevered imaginings; that what was thrown on a screen in the darkened room prophesied things none but Nyarlathotep dared prophesy, and that in the sputter of his sparks there was taken from men that which had never been taken before yet which shewed only in the eyes.","HPL" "id26936","As it was, lacking their original letters, I half suspected the compiler of having asked leading questions, or of having edited the correspondence in corroboration of what he had latently resolved to see.","HPL" "id16665","Ah, I see the balloon has collapsed, and we shall have a tumble into the sea.","EAP" "id24821","She was submissive to those who held authority over her, but a perpetual cloud dwelt on her brow; she looked as if she expected enmity from every one who approached her, and her actions were instigated by the same feeling.","MWS" "id24014","""Surely this is the most populous city of the East What a wilderness of people what a jumble of all ranks and ages what a multiplicity of sects and nations what a variety of costumes what a Babel of languages what a screaming of beasts what a tinkling of instruments what a parcel of philosophers"" Come let us be off.","EAP" "id01476","Method is the thing, after all.","EAP" "id07002","I, the offspring of love, the child of the woods, the nursling of Nature's bright self was to submit to this?","MWS" "id04418","""Have you heard of the unhappy death of the old hunter Berlifitzing?"" said one of his vassals to the Baron, as, after the departure of the page, the huge steed which that nobleman had adopted as his own, plunged and curvetted, with redoubled fury, down the long avenue which extended from the chateau to the stables of Metzengerstein.","EAP" "id17754","In short, I became a new man, and lived a man's life.","EAP" "id19134","It was completely dark when I arrived in the environs of Geneva; the gates of the town were already shut; and I was obliged to pass the night at Secheron, a village at the distance of half a league from the city.","MWS" "id24899","At length, after temporarily felling one of his detainers with a sudden blow, he had flung himself upon the other in a daemoniac ecstasy of bloodthirstiness, shrieking fiendishly that he would 'jump high in the air and burn his way through anything that stopped him'.","HPL" "id18988","Perdita had arrived with her child at Dartford, weeping and inconsolable.","MWS" "id23927","In a remote and terror inspiring angle was a square enclosure of eight or ten feet, comprising the sanctum, ""during hours,"" of our principal, the Reverend Dr. Bransby.","EAP" "id25778","I wish the composure but not the depression of solitude.","EAP" "id17073","Again and again I have passed over in my remembrance the different scenes of my short life: if the world is a stage and I merely an actor on it my part has been strange, and, alas tragical.","MWS" "id12887","If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind.","MWS" "id23561","In the meantime, you shall be my escort home to night.","EAP" "id18937","Behind the figure was a vague suggestion of a Cyclopean architectural background.","HPL" "id18846","In his desire to repair his first losses, my father risked double stakes, and thus incurred a debt of honour he was wholly unable to pay.","MWS" "id18616","You have already fathomed the true character of this good gentleman.","EAP" "id18954","""But,"" said the Prefect, a little discomposed, ""I am perfectly willing to take advice, and to pay for it.","EAP" "id24342","""There is more of what is specious than true in your distinction,"" said my companion.","MWS" "id05130","Does not the plague rage each year in Stamboul?","MWS" "id09278","That these secrets should be brought to light seemed injudicious, and I began to wish for an excuse to leave the castle and the village.","HPL" "id26233","""All things go on,"" thought Perdita, ""all things proceed, decay, and perish When noontide has passed, and the weary day has driven her team to their western stalls, the fires of heaven rise from the East, moving in their accustomed path, they ascend and descend the skiey hill.","MWS" "id27034","I've seen Wilbur Whateley's diary and read some of the strange old books he used to read; and I think I know the right kind of spell to recite to make the thing fade away.","HPL" "id09162","The latter feeling now predominated.","MWS" "id10836","It was easy, on the contrary, to imagine it pervading the entire regions of our planetary system, condensed into what we call atmosphere at the planets themselves, and perhaps at some of them modified by considerations, so to speak, purely geological.","EAP" "id24944","""Everything being now ready, I exacted from my wife an oath of secrecy in relation to all my actions from the day of my first visit to the bookseller's stall; and promising, on my part, to return as soon as circumstances would permit, I gave her what little money I had left, and bade her farewell.","EAP" "id18511","The light of the moon had strangely failed, and as Atal plunged upward through the mists he heard Barzai the Wise shrieking in the shadows: ""The moon is dark, and the gods dance in the night; there is terror in the sky, for upon the moon hath sunk an eclipse foretold in no books of men or of earth's gods. . . .","HPL" "id07603","Our system revolves, it is true, about a common centre of gravity, but it does this in connection with and in consequence of a material sun whose mass more than counterbalances the rest of the system.","EAP" "id07182","In fact, the facility with which I shall arrive, or have arrived, at the solution of this mystery, is in the direct ratio of its apparent insolubility in the eyes of the police.""","EAP" "id08030","Only his lividly inclined complexion and coldness of touch could have afforded a physical basis for this feeling, and even these things should have been excusable considering the man's known invalidism.","HPL" "id18093","The skin was thickly covered with coarse black fur, and from the abdomen a score of long greenish grey tentacles with red sucking mouths protruded limply.","HPL" "id17332","But would any number of men have dreamed of resorting to such an expedient?","EAP" "id18948","Around that head it closed, totally swallowing it up, and in another moment it had begun to recede; bearing away its invisible burden without touching me, and flowing again out of that black doorway and down the unseen stairs, which creaked as before, though in reverse order.","HPL" "id16672","On the table beside me burned a lamp, and near it lay a little box.","EAP" "id22532","I could not be mistaken in its character.","EAP" "id02101","But there was no remedy.","MWS" "id11745","This short seperation from his companions gave him courage to assert his independance.","MWS" "id22101","I felt subtly that the apartment of this ancient victim was best for my purposes.","HPL" "id25972","But frost would come at last, and with it a renewal of our lease of earth.","MWS" "id20638","Thus the only ""artificial"" light which could avail Mr. Locke, would be some artificial light which he should be able to throw not upon the ""focal object of vision,"" but upon the real object to be viewed to wit: upon the moon.","EAP" "id04041","Raymond was actuated by far other feelings.","MWS" "id20924","You shall give me all the information in your power about these murders in the Rue Morgue.""","EAP" "id10255","Monsieur Le Blanc professed total ignorance, as before.","EAP" "id16950","put her in mind of it the first opportunity.","EAP" "id23609","Finally the connecting door gave, but with such a crash that I knew those outside must have heard.","HPL" "id04671","I have just left the deck, where I find it impossible to maintain a footing, although the crew seem to experience little inconvenience.","EAP" "id19030","""I wonder who she can be?"" ""Why, in the name of all that is angelic, don't you know who she is? 'Not to know her argues yourself unknown.'","EAP" "id12906","At first I attempted to prevent her but she persisted, and entering the room where it lay, hastily examined the neck of the victim, and clasping her hands exclaimed, 'O God I have murdered my darling child' ""She fainted, and was restored with extreme difficulty.","MWS" "id10664","body knew, was an unknown quantity; but in this case as he properly observed, there was an unknown quantity of X.","EAP" "id22857","My sensations were those of entire happiness, for I felt that in a few minutes, at farthest, I should be relieved from my disagreeable situation.","EAP" "id03334","Shortly afterward the pale faced workmen apprised the Superintendent of their failure.","HPL" "id26297","""It is not from deck,"" said the man at the helm, ""something has been thrown from the aft cabin.""","MWS" "id03019","There was the immemorial figure of the deputy or messenger of hidden and terrible powers the ""Black Man"" of the witch cult, and the ""Nyarlathotep"" of the Necronomicon.","HPL" "id06482","But alas it was now far beyond my grasp.","EAP" "id05398","Earth is to me a tomb, the firmament a vault, shrouding mere corruption.","MWS" "id15352","Now here, I at once saw, was a telescope to be used, and a definite point of view, admitting no variation, from which to use it.","EAP" "id22996","Outside, the moon played on the ridgepole of the block below, and I saw that the jump would be desperately hazardous because of the steep surface on which I must land.","HPL" "id01721","Near the spot where we found it, I observed the remnants of the hull of what appeared to have been a ship's long boat.","EAP" "id13446","Heaven be thanked for the instinct which led me unconscious to places where men dwell; to the peaceful village that slept under the calm stars of clearing skies.","HPL" "id25024","The Pequots, enfeebled by a previous war, could give the now stricken Narragansetts no assistance; and in a Dutch fur trader of Albany, Petrus van Schaack, secured the distinguished cranium for the modest sum of two guilders, he having recognised its value from the half effaced inscription carved in Lombardic minuscules palaeography, it might be explained, was one of the leading accomplishments of New Netherland fur traders of the seventeenth century.","HPL" "id15495","From Derby, still journeying northwards, we passed two months in Cumberland and Westmorland.","MWS" "id02653","All was as of old, nor were the marble walls discoloured, nor the polished bronze statues upon them tarnished.","HPL" "id21412","Having done all this in a neat speech, I took leave.","EAP" "id20865","We discussed the best means of preventing infection, and of preserving health and activity in a large city thus afflicted London, for instance.","MWS" "id00951","When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys.","EAP" "id27538","Mem: at , feet elevation the sky appears nearly black, and the stars are distinctly visible; while the sea does not seem convex as one might suppose but absolutely and most unequivocally concave.","EAP" "id23655","Ye see, they was able to live both in an' aout o' water what they call amphibians, I guess.","HPL" "id14625","She partly arose, and spoke, in an earnest low whisper, of sounds which she then heard, but which I could not hear of motions which she then saw, but which I could not perceive.","EAP" "id15254","Hitherto it had served me well, and I now resolved to make it avail me to the end.","EAP" "id00375","How could he keep himself from going?","HPL" "id15038","Yet my senses are bewildered, Charmion, with the keenness of their perception of the new.","EAP" "id22849","For them are the catacombs of Ptolemais, and the carven mausolea of the nightmare countries.","HPL" "id16659","Between the wheels and the wall where the hole lay there was barely room for my body yet I was desperate, and determined to persevere.","EAP" "id09338","He clearly understood my needs at a glance, and ministered to them with a master's deftness; the while reassuring me in a finely modulated though oddly hollow and timbreless voice that he was the bitterest of sworn enemies to death, and had sunk his fortune and lost all his friends in a lifetime of bizarre experiment devoted to its bafflement and extirpation.","HPL" "id17687","I wished to see him again, that I might wreak the utmost extent of abhorrence on his head and avenge the deaths of William and Justine.","MWS" "id17547","The result of my experiment with the old books, convinced me, in the first place, that ""honesty is the best policy,"" and, in the second, that if I could not write better than Mr. Dante, and the two blind men, and the rest of the old set, it would, at least, be a difficult matter to write worse.","EAP" "id15138","It might be actively hostile, or it might be dictated merely by blind motives of self preservation.","HPL" "id20169","Throughout that afternoon they rode around Dunwich; questioning the natives concerning all that had occurred, and seeing for themselves with rising pangs of horror the drear Frye ruins with their lingering traces of the tarry stickiness, the blasphemous tracks in the Frye yard, the wounded Seth Bishop cattle, and the enormous swaths of disturbed vegetation in various places.","HPL" "id05528","Oh Sun how beautiful thou art And how glorious is the golden ocean that receives thee My heart is at peace I feel no sorrow a holy love stills my senses I feel as if my mind also partook of the inexpressible loveliness of surrounding nature What shall I do?","MWS" "id00750","This delicate little creature, in the trembling of her wasted fingers, in the livid hue of her lips, and in the slight hectic spot which tinged her otherwise leaden complexion, gave evident indications of a galloping consumption.","EAP" "id01502","He had on a tight fitting parti striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells.","EAP" "id15788","Then Donovan felt over it delicately around the edge, pressing each point separately as he went.","HPL" "id12612","His favourite horse was found grazing by the margin of the tranquil river.","MWS" "id05678","On the far, misty horizon I could just make out the dizzy profile of the Head, topped by the queer ancient house of which so many legends are told; but for the moment all my attention was captured by the nearer panorama just below me.","HPL" "id25097","In his solitary despair Adrian would often seek my sister, and in covered terms express his misery, while fortitude and agony divided the throne of his mind.","MWS" "id20020","But then Perdita thought more constantly of others than he; and part of her bashfulness arose from a wish to take from those around her a sense of inferiority; a feeling which never crossed her mind.","MWS" "id03583","When it reached the house it domesticated itself at once, and became immediately a great favorite with my wife.","EAP" "id24400","In a minute afterward they relaxed, disclosing a bright line of the pearly teeth.","EAP" "id09099","At such times I could not help remarking and admiring although from his rich ideality I had been prepared to expect it a peculiar analytic ability in Dupin.","EAP" "id14140","""I am not mad,"" I cried energetically; ""the sun and the heavens, who have viewed my operations, can bear witness of my truth.","MWS" "id23238","My own case differed in no important particular from those mentioned in medical books.","EAP" "id14538","CHAPTER IV Among our most assiduous visitors was a young man of rank, well informed, and agreable in his person.","MWS" "id17294","Lying on its side for it could not stand up alone was the exotic spiky figure which in his monstrous dream he had broken off the fantastic balustrade.","HPL" "id03314","The earth was trampled, the bushes were broken, and there was every evidence of a violent struggle.","EAP" "id23421","The scoundrel had joined his master in the country: ""Left S yesterday, for parts unknown did not say where or when be back so thought best to return letter, knowing your handwriting, and as how you is always, more or less, in a hurry.","EAP" "id08377","Their yells were drowned in the clamour of elements, and the thunder rivings of their unwieldy habitation they discovered at last that the water gained on them, and they betook themselves to their pumps; they might as well have laboured to empty the ocean by bucketfuls.","MWS" "id23610","Sometimes I wished to express my sensations in my own mode, but the uncouth and inarticulate sounds which broke from me frightened me into silence again.","MWS" "id18593","She was too unlike them, too utterly alien to their tastes, for them to find delight in her society, or in the prospect of its continuance, but it gave them pleasure to see her conciliating and kind.","MWS" "id13447","He had grown as large as a child of four, and was a fluent and incredibly intelligent talker.","HPL" "id04324","To be friendless is indeed to be unfortunate, but the hearts of men, when unprejudiced by any obvious self interest, are full of brotherly love and charity.","MWS" "id00560","I dreaded the jealousy of the editor and I had ascertained that he did not pay for original contributions.","EAP" "id13372","The principle being discovered by which a machine can be made to play a game of chess, an extension of the same principle would enable it to win a game a farther extension would enable it to win all games that is, to beat any possible game of an antagonist.","EAP" "id14410","Then I spurred on my animal, striving so to forget the world, my fears, and more than all, myself or, in a more desperate fashion, I alighted and threw myself on the grass, weighed down by horror and despair.","MWS" "id04131","It seemed, in any event, to be contagious; for Hannah Bowen, one of the two servants, died of it in the following June.","HPL" "id11184","why, not General John A. B. C.?"" ""Smith?"" inquired Miranda, musingly.","EAP" "id03279","""For many minutes,"" continued the latter, ""my sole sentiment my sole feeling was that of darkness and nonentity, with the consciousness of death.","EAP" "id26886","Her voice embraced three complete octaves, extending from the contralto D to the D upper soprano, and, though sufficiently powerful to have filled the San Carlos, executed, with the minutest precision, every difficulty of vocal composition ascending and descending scales, cadences, or fiorituri.","EAP" "id10008","A man of this kind was now pouring forth his eloquent despair among the inhabitants of Windsor.","MWS" "id01992","He soon, however, recovered his composure, and an expression of determined malignancy settled upon his countenance, as he gave peremptory orders that a certain chamber should be immediately locked up, and the key placed in his own possession.","EAP" "id17628","I began to murmur, to hesitate, to resist.","EAP" "id00501","Then we reached the crest and beheld the outspread valley beyond, where the Manuxet joins the sea just north of the long line of cliffs that culminate in Kingsport Head and veer off toward Cape Ann.","HPL" "id09314","""There is a game of puzzles,"" he resumed, ""which is played upon a map.","EAP" "id17421","At the turn, the stream, sweeping backward, made an almost circular loop, so as to form a peninsula which was very nearly an island, and which included about the sixteenth of an acre.","EAP" "id18464","But when I discovered that he, the author at once of my existence and of its unspeakable torments, dared to hope for happiness, that while he accumulated wretchedness and despair upon me he sought his own enjoyment in feelings and passions from the indulgence of which I was forever barred, then impotent envy and bitter indignation filled me with an insatiable thirst for vengeance.","MWS" "id23325","It's all the same now, for he's gone back into the fabulous darkness he loved to haunt.","HPL" "id23351","I was overcome by gloom and misery and often reflected I had better seek death than desire to remain in a world which to me was replete with wretchedness.","MWS" "id22848","He can no longer be a subject for pity; we must reserve that for his miserable survivors.""","MWS" "id04056","I felt it, and, to say the truth, found not the slightest indication of fever.","EAP" "id05770","He talked of Eusebius and Arianus; heresy and the Council of Nice; Puseyism and consubstantialism; Homousios and Homouioisios.","EAP" "id25586","I really thought he would have fallen into convulsions.""","EAP" "id05344","If it had only snarled, or bayed, or laughed titteringly even that would have relieved the abysmal hideousness.","HPL" "id01732","He had shewn little regret when shut into the barred room at Huntingdon, for his mind moved curiously.","HPL" "id15574","What was I? The question again recurred, to be answered only with groans.","MWS" "id03417","At that moment, as I say, I was elated with the conviction that the one great goal had been attained; and that for the first time a reanimated corpse had uttered distinct words impelled by actual reason.","HPL" "id02473","Her dark hair was braided and twined in thick knots like the head dress of a Grecian statue; her garb was mean, but her attitude might have been selected as a model of grace.","MWS" "id12249","The night, as I said before, was dark; there was not a star to be seen; and a drizzling rain, falling at intervals, rendered us very uncomfortable.","EAP" "id01500","Knew Madame L. and her daughter.","EAP" "id24393","As soon as I perceived him I suddenly rose to escape from his observation by entering among the trees.","MWS" "id18246","The rooms were crowded to suffocation.","EAP" "id13488","In Auckland I learned that Johansen had returned with yellow hair turned white after a perfunctory and inconclusive questioning at Sydney, and had thereafter sold his cottage in West Street and sailed with his wife to his old home in Oslo.","HPL" "id24366","He listened with haughtiness, replied disdainfully; and, if in truth, she succeeded in awakening his conscience, the sole effect was that he sought an opiate for the pang in oblivious riot.","MWS" "id15324","They gathered round him, counted their numbers, and detailed the reasons why they were now to receive an addition of such and such members, who had not yet declared themselves.","MWS" "id01933","Finally I hired a seedy looking loafer whom I encountered on the corner of Eighth Avenue to keep the patient supplied with ice from a little shop where I introduced him, and applied myself diligently to the task of finding a pump piston and engaging workmen competent to install it.","HPL" "id22748","When we reach the latter, we feel an almost irresistible inclination to class it with spirit, or with nihility.","EAP" "id19944","Then the glass broke shiveringly under the persistent impacts, and the chill wind rushed in, making the candles sputter and rustling the sheets of paper on the table where Zann had begun to write out his horrible secret.","HPL" "id26577","I had been now two years successfully busied in this way, when there came to the university a young parvenu nobleman, Glendinning rich, said report, as Herodes Atticus his riches, too, as easily acquired.","EAP" "id05318","I saw a change in her also.","MWS" "id02408","We returned again, with torches; for I could not rest, when I thought that my sweet boy had lost himself, and was exposed to all the damps and dews of night; Elizabeth also suffered extreme anguish.","MWS" "id17448","My daughter, I love you"" The last words died away in a hoarse whisper, but I heard them and sunk on the ground, covering my face and almost dead with excess of sickness and fear: a cold perspiration covered my forehead and I shivered in every limb But he continued, clasping his hands with a frantic gesture: ""Now I have dashed from the top of the rock to the bottom Now I have precipitated myself down the fearful chasm The danger is over; she is alive Oh, Mathilda, lift up those dear eyes in the light of which I live.","MWS" "id08362","Return speedily, Lionel.""","MWS" "id27212","This is indeed no dream CHARMION.","EAP" "id23475","The style that was the thing.","EAP" "id13651","I was almost paralysed, but not too much so to make a feeble effort toward flight; a backward stumble which failed to break the spell in which the nameless, voiceless monster held me.","HPL" "id02622","The cold is not excessive, if you are wrapped in furs a dress which I have already adopted, for there is a great difference between walking the deck and remaining seated motionless for hours, when no exercise prevents the blood from actually freezing in your veins.","MWS" "id16834","I became intimate with him, and each day afforded me occasion to admire more and more his powerful and versatile talents, that together with his eloquence, which was graceful and witty, and his wealth now immense, caused him to be feared, loved, and hated beyond any other man in England.","MWS" "id27288","I had arrived at that well known portion of the story where Ethelred, the hero of the Trist, having sought in vain for peaceable admission into the dwelling of the hermit, proceeds to make good an entrance by force.","EAP" "id12350","And Pickman had it as no man ever had it before or I hope to heaven ever will again.","HPL" "id14315","What would the storm call forth or was there anything left for it to call?","HPL" "id19901","Among the animals in the exhibition with which he travelled was a huge bull gorilla of lighter colour than the average; a surprisingly tractable beast of much popularity with the performers.","HPL" "id06911","What, for example, in this case of D , has been done to vary the principle of action?","EAP" "id21039","That it has frequently, very frequently, so fallen will scarcely be denied by those who think.","EAP" "id19761","Poor William he was our darling and our pride"" Tears, unrestrained, fell from my brother's eyes; a sense of mortal agony crept over my frame.","MWS" "id14846","Many, however maintained that the exhibiter himself regulated the movements of the figure by mechanical means operating through the feet of the box.","EAP" "id22252","His name was Barzai the Wise, and the villagers tell of how he went up a mountain on the night of the strange eclipse.","HPL" "id25473","In an instant afterward the fancy was confirmed.","EAP" "id02871","The latter name made me tremble when pronounced by Henry, and I hastened to quit Matlock, with which that terrible scene was thus associated.","MWS" "id10725","Her face was radiant with a smile.","MWS" "id18410","My stricken friend moved them to no pity, but what they found on the couch in the studio made them give me a praise which sickened me, and now a fame which I spurn in despair as I sit for hours, bald, grey bearded, shrivelled, palsied, drug crazed, and broken, adoring and praying to the object they found.","HPL" "id11538","Half unconscious, I opened the grating and staggered out upon the white gravel path that stretched away in two directions.","HPL" "id11299","Upon my touching him, he immediately arose, purred loudly, rubbed against my hand, and appeared delighted with my notice.","EAP" "id01129","That feeble thrill had vibrated itself into quiescence.","EAP" "id12306","After that, the sound of the inquisitorial voices seemed merged in one dreamy indeterminate hum.","EAP" "id18531","As I grew older books in some degree supplied the place of human intercourse: the library of my aunt was very small; Shakespear, Milton, Pope and Cowper were the strangley sic assorted poets of her collection; and among the prose authors a translation of Livy and Rollin's ancient history were my chief favourites although as I emerged from childhood I found others highly interesting which I had before neglected as dull.","MWS" "id01655","For the rest I have some explanation to make.","EAP" "id12013","What do moderns know of life and the forces behind it?","HPL" "id22551","I have great reliance, however, on that extreme delicacy of discrimination, in matters appertaining to the rules of etiquette, for which you have been so long and so pre eminently distinguished.","EAP" "id19136","The clergymen or priests, or whatever they were called nowadays also wore this kind of ornament as a head dress; but one seldom caught glimpses of them.","HPL" "id13332","Yet while he earnestly occupied himself about the wants of others his own desires were gratified to their fullest extent.","MWS" "id17798","and some were strangely robed . . .","HPL" "id12496","Here Mr. Mill means, for example, that a tree must be either a tree or not a tree that it cannot be at the same time a tree and not a tree.","EAP" "id02824","Yet I do not pretend to account for my mood by any particular event.","MWS" "id16965","To say nothing of the stuffs placed on board in the forenoon by way of ballast, and not to mention the various ales and liqueurs shipped this evening at different sea ports, I have, at present, a full cargo of 'humming stuff' taken in and duly paid for at the sign of the 'Jolly Tar.'","EAP" "id10051","I saw them writhe with a deadly locution.","EAP" "id08654","When the servant came back she gave me a letter.","MWS" "id04768","""Git aout o' here Git aout o' here They seen us git aout fer your life Dun't wait fer nothin' they know naow Run fer it quick aout o' this taown "" Another heavy wave dashed against the loosening masonry of the bygone wharf, and changed the mad ancient's whisper to another inhuman and blood curdling scream.","HPL" "id16709","Shortly afterward I was taken through those antique ways so dear to my fancy narrow, curving alleys and passages where rows of red Georgian brick blinked with small paned dormers above pillared doorways that had looked on gilded sedans and panelled coaches and in the first flush of realisation of these long wished things I thought I had indeed achieved such treasures as would make me in time a poet.","HPL" "id05403","I groaned in anguish at the pitiable spectacle.","EAP" "id11143","Slowly she glided along, and at length rounded the islet and re entered the region of light.","EAP" "id01321","I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal, and to look about me, among the vile haunts which I now habitually frequented, for another pet of the same species, and of somewhat similar appearance, with which to supply its place.","EAP" "id22785","Then I thought with renewed force of what the factory inspector had heard in the night in this mouldering and pestilential building.","HPL" "id10978","I was a mere skeleton, and fever night and day preyed upon my wasted frame.","MWS" "id16849","I at once looked upon the figure of the animal as a kind of punning or hieroglyphical signature.","EAP" "id10826","I am that very Signora Psyche Zenobia, so justly celebrated as corresponding secretary to the ""Philadelphia, Regular, Exchange, Tea, Total, Young, Belles, Lettres, Universal, Experimental, Bibliographical, Association, To, Civilize, Humanity.""","EAP" "id25652","""I must not forget here, that the stars appeared only on that side of the globe turned toward the moon, and that the closer they were to it the larger they seemed.","EAP" "id06394","I hoped to induce you to grant me a boat with which I could pursue my enemy.","MWS" "id07447","Why, we may get up a very thrilling bit of superstition upon this hint.","EAP" "id03422","I heard of the death of only sons; of wives and husbands most devoted; of the rending of ties twisted with the heart's fibres, of friend losing friend, and young mothers mourning for their first born; and these moving incidents were grouped and painted in my mind by the knowledge of the persons, by my esteem and affection for the sufferers.","MWS" "id27842","He had already bought a farm with his money, on which he had designed to pass the remainder of his life; but he bestowed the whole on his rival, together with the remains of his prize money to purchase stock, and then himself solicited the young woman's father to consent to her marriage with her lover.","MWS" "id22921","In the consideration of motive it fails; for two motives, each of a given value, have not, necessarily, a value when united, equal to the sum of their values apart.","EAP" "id21678","He worked largely by feeling now, since newly gathered clouds hid the moon; and though progress was still slow, he felt heartened at the extent of his encroachments on the top and bottom of the aperture.","HPL" "id20700","To this he objected pleading haste in the first place, and, in the second, a very usual horror at the sight of a lunatic.","EAP" "id15090","Notwithstanding the obscurity which thus envelops the date of the foundation of Vondervotteimittis, and the derivation of its name, there can be no doubt, as I said before, that it has always existed as we find it at this epoch.","EAP" "id18619","""Ha ha ha"" said his Grace on the third day after his decease.","EAP" "id02087","That was a nice bit of flummery, and went down the throats of the people delightfully.","EAP" "id18710","Each successive one is multiple evidence proof not added to proof, but multiplied by hundreds or thousands.","EAP" "id20825","There are many books which can feed the appetite craving for these things; let them turn to the accounts of Boccaccio, De Foe, and Browne.","MWS" "id06295","For wisdom, ask of the angels freely, that it may be given OINOS.","EAP" "id13937","The metal of the Earl of Ross's is feet diameter; it is inches thick at the edges, and at the centre.","EAP" "id05265","All at once the head turned sharply in my direction and the eyes fell open, causing me to stare in blank amazement at what I beheld.","HPL" "id13308","Not a word had been spoken during the present session on any of these topics.","MWS" "id21672","""And then, perhaps, this Clos de Vougeot is a little heady, you know a little strong you understand, eh?"" ""To be sure,"" said I, ""to be sure.","EAP" "id25307","The immediate problem was how to reach the ancient railway; and I now saw that the safest course was ahead to Babson Street, then west to Lafayette there edging around but not crossing an open space homologous to the one I had traversed and subsequently back northward and westward in a zigzagging line through Lafayette, Bates, Adams, and Bank Streets the latter skirting the river gorge to the abandoned and dilapidated station I had seen from my window.","HPL" "id23824","The peasant woman, perceiving that my mother fixed eyes of wonder and admiration on this lovely girl, eagerly communicated her history.","MWS" "id26772","CHAPTER VII With a beating heart and fearful, I knew not why, I dismissed the servant and locking my door, sat down to read my father's letter.","MWS" "id23728","Perdita's name was for ever joined with his; their conjugal felicity was celebrated even by the authentic testimony of facts.","MWS" "id17440","It came from the room into which Elizabeth had retired.","MWS" "id27141","The bust of the General was unquestionably the finest bust I ever saw.","EAP" "id27032","Even about his age although I call him a young gentleman there was something which perplexed me in no little degree.","EAP" "id06342","Nevertheless there is an ancient house on that cliff, and at evening men see lights in the small paned windows.","HPL" "id05929","And these men the poets living and perishing amid the scorn of the ""utilitarians"" of rough pedants, who arrogated to themselves a title which could have been properly applied only to the scorned these men, the poets, pondered piningly, yet not unwisely, upon the ancient days when our wants were not more simple than our enjoyments were keen days when mirth was a word unknown, so solemnly deep toned was happiness holy, august and blissful days, when blue rivers ran undammed, between hills unhewn, into far forest solitudes, primæval, odorous, and unexplored.","EAP" "id25249","For a long hour the watchers gazed, whilst the vapours swirled and the screen of clouds grew thicker and more restless.","HPL" "id13130","He came to the university with the design of making himself complete master of the oriental languages, and thus he should open a field for the plan of life he had marked out for himself.","MWS" "id20104","Nothing, for example, is more difficult than to convince the merely general reader that the fact of sixes having been thrown twice in succession by a player at dice, is sufficient cause for betting the largest odds that sixes will not be thrown in the third attempt.","EAP" "id21882","The natives, all of whom had talked with the policemen, seemed at first as perplexed as Armitage and his companions.","HPL" "id15261","To speak the truth, I had no especial relish for such amusement at any time, and, at that particular moment, would most willingly have declined it; for the night was coming on, and I felt much fatigued with the exercise already taken; but I saw no mode of escape, and was fearful of disturbing my poor friend's equanimity by a refusal.","EAP" "id19312","We resided principally in the latter, and the lives of my parents were passed in considerable seclusion.","MWS" "id22429","The cup of life was poisoned forever, and although the sun shone upon me, as upon the happy and gay of heart, I saw around me nothing but a dense and frightful darkness, penetrated by no light but the glimmer of two eyes that glared upon me.","MWS" "id17591","My informant had noticed it many times, and had heard it spoken of as coming from some secret hoard, either of pirates or of daemons.","HPL" "id13584","If, indeed, the casting of large lenses were all that is required, man's ingenuity would ultimately prove equal to the task, and we might have them of any size demanded.","EAP" "id16883","His interest gradually veered away from the unplumbed voids beyond the slanting surfaces, since it now appeared that the purpose of those surfaces concerned the side he was already on.","HPL" "id08675","The word ""balderdash,"" as applied to the ""Oil of Bob"" of the Fly, I considered singularly pungent and appropriate.","EAP" "id20627","Pinxit availed himself of the opportunity to retouch, from a sketch taken upon the spot, his admirable painting of the ""Marsyas flayed alive.""","EAP" "id27939","The vibration of the pendulum was at right angles to my length.","EAP" "id17624","I particularly mark this night, for it was that which has hurried on the last scene of my tragedy, which else might have dwindled on through long years of listless sorrow.","MWS" "id04042","He was an inferior actor, but truth now made him excellent; as he went on to announce to Macduff the slaughter of his family, he was afraid to speak, trembling from apprehension of a burst of grief from the audience, not from his fellow mime.","MWS" "id00851","The column seemed very thin indeed as it plodded dreamily into the gulf.","HPL" "id24337","Alas I now met frowns where before I had been welcomed only with smiles: he, my beloved father, shunned me, and either treated me with harshness or a more heart breaking coldness.","MWS" "id06065","I have scarcely anything to add.","EAP" "id08825","That it is of a remotely ancient date cannot be doubted.","EAP" "id00880","The Automaton does not invariably win the game.","EAP" "id21429","But my nerveless hands can neither fell the trees, nor smooth the planks.","MWS" "id27019","Insatiate thirst for knowledge, and boundless affection for Adrian, combined to keep both my heart and understanding occupied, and I was consequently happy.","MWS" "id13775","At this instant three sturdy waiters had just succeeded in depositing safely upon the table an enormous dish, or trencher, containing what I supposed to be the ""monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.""","EAP" "id22089","She has now him in hers since, being unaware that the letter is not in his possession, he will proceed with his exactions as if it was.","EAP" "id20450","I came to an open space a mountain of ruin in the midst, announced that some large mosque had occupied the space and here, scattered about, I saw various articles of luxury and wealth, singed, destroyed but shewing what they had been in their ruin jewels, strings of pearls, embroidered robes, rich furs, glittering tapestries, and oriental ornaments, seemed to have been collected here in a pile destined for destruction; but the rain had stopped the havoc midway.","MWS" "id21815","Besides, his Grace hated a scene De L'Omelette is himself again.","EAP" "id16025","The small paned windows were largely broken, and a nameless air of desolation hung round the precarious panelling, shaky interior shutters, peeling wall paper, falling plaster, rickety staircases, and such fragments of battered furniture as still remained.","HPL" "id11042","He soon conquered my latent distaste; I endeavoured to watch him and Perdita, and to keep in mind every thing I had heard to his disadvantage.","MWS" "id23605","Some of these, as he detailed them, interested and bewildered me; although, perhaps, the terms, and the general manner of the narration had their weight.","EAP" "id20562","A drum in these hills was a thing unknown.","EAP" "id05844","There was an air distingué pervading the whole man, which spoke of high breeding, and hinted at high birth.","EAP" "id19737","Come then, no more delay, thou tardy one Behold the pleasant potion Look, I am a spirit of good, and not a human maid that invites thee, and with winning accents, oh, that they would win thee says, Come and drink.""","MWS" "id07623","I repeat to you, gentlemen, that your inquisition is fruitless.","HPL" "id09139","But, as I stepped beneath the light of the censer, two circumstances of a startling nature attracted my attention.","EAP" "id00602","The same peculiarities of character rendered her sorrows agonies; her fancy magnified them, her sensibility made her for ever open to their renewed impression; love envenomed the heart piercing sting.","MWS" "id18755","I am well acquainted with the accused.","MWS" "id06071","She started up, she threw herself on his neck, she gasped and sobbed; he took her hand, and leading her to the sofa, sat down near her.","MWS" "id22235","After the lovers again joined me, we supped together in the alcove.","MWS" "id11087","He conquers all by assault.","EAP" "id07281","His chief amusements were gunning and fishing, or sauntering along the beach and through the myrtles, in quest of shells or entomological specimens; his collection of the latter might have been envied by a Swammerdamm.","EAP" "id00073","Raymond continued, ""I will not act a part with you, dear girl, or appear other than what I am, weak and unworthy, more fit to excite your disdain than your love.","MWS" "id02494","Now here, of course, the suspicion is not that, in consequence of these communications, or of the public attention by them directed, the articles were found by the boys; but the suspicion might and may well have been, that the articles were not before found by the boys, for the reason that the articles had not before been in the thicket; having been deposited there only at so late a period as at the date, or shortly prior to the date of the communications by the guilty authors of these communications themselves.","EAP" "id03512","Then he commenced whispering as in awe: ""El ritmo, Señor el ritmo de la tierra THAT THROB DOWN IN THE GROUND"" And now I also heard; heard and shivered and without knowing why.","HPL" "id26404","It is a thing very easily done, after all.","EAP" "id17650","We, finally, lightened the box by removing two thirds of its contents, when we were enabled, with some trouble, to raise it from the hole.","EAP" "id03939","For now, when the wind sweeps boisterous out of the north past the high ancient house that is one with the firmament, there is broken at last that ominous brooding silence ever before the bane of Kingsport's maritime cotters.","HPL" "id10932","Letting go, then, his hold upon the rod, placing his feet securely against the wall, and springing boldly from it, he might have swung the shutter so as to close it, and, if we imagine the window open at the time, might even have swung himself into the room.","EAP" "id17945","Cap'n Ebenezer Holt traded me thet in 'sixty eight him as was kilt in the war.""","HPL" "id08787","Indeed, I now perceived that I had entirely overdone the business, and that the main consequences of the shock were yet to be experienced.","EAP" "id21181","He paused, and was lost in thought.","MWS" "id04808","I dismissed the guests therefore; and they went thoughtful, more than sad, to await the events in store for them.","MWS" "id01300","""All this,"" I said, ""is exceedingly clear, and, although ingenious, still simple and explicit.","EAP" "id13898","Why, the absurd twattle is scarcely good enough for the 'Hum Drum,' the 'Rowdy Dow,' the 'Goosetherumfoodle' things that are in the practice of publishing 'Mother Goose's Melodies' as original lyrics.","EAP" "id04029","In time he grew so impatient of the bleak intervals of day that he began buying drugs in order to increase his periods of sleep.","HPL" "id10269","But I was languid and many hours passed before I could reach the cottage, dragging as I did my slow steps, and often resting on the wet earth unable to proceed.","MWS" "id06814","Affidavits of this character are readily made matter of mystification.","EAP" "id16600","One or two smaller bouquets adorned the mantel, and late violets clustered about the open windows.","EAP" "id21266","Now that I am arrived at its base, my pinions are furled, the mighty stairs are before me, and step by step I must ascend the wondrous fane Speak What door is opened?","MWS" "id07106","We arrived at Kishan on the th of July.","MWS" "id19855","The cavern shape the stage assumed, the beetling rocks, the glare of the fire, the misty shades that crossed the scene at times, the music in harmony with all witch like fancies, permitted the imagination to revel, without fear of contradiction, or reproof from reason or the heart.","MWS" "id05008","He looks upon study as an odious fetter; his time is spent in the open air, climbing the hills or rowing on the lake.","MWS" "id01445","My soul is a fading spark, my nature frail as a spent wave; but I dedicate all of intellect and strength that remains to me, to that one work, and take upon me the task, as far as I am able, of bestowing blessings on my fellow men"" His voice trembled, his eyes were cast up, his hands clasped, and his fragile person was bent, as it were, with excess of emotion.","MWS" "id23929","Noiseless infinity eddied around the dreamer and wafted him away without even touching the body that leaned stiffly from the lonely window; and for days not counted in men's calendars the tides of far spheres bare him gently to join the dreams for which he longed; the dreams that men have lost.","HPL" "id21596","Years years may pass away, but the memory of that epoch never.","EAP" "id17206","Each transmitted idea formed rapidly in my mind, and though no actual language was employed, my habitual association of conception and expression was so great that I seemed to be receiving the message in ordinary English.","HPL" "id26182","This morning the strange pulls from space seemed lessened, though they were replaced by another sensation even more inexplicable.","HPL" "id00550","And yet I fear it; even as I fear all things; for in any state of being linked by the chain of memory with this, happiness would not return even in Paradise, I must feel that your love was less enduring than the mortal beatings of my fragile heart, every pulse of which knells audibly, The funeral note Of love, deep buried, without resurrection.","MWS" "id04531","Having at length put my affairs in order, I took my seat very early one morning in the mail stage for , giving it to be understood, among my acquaintances, that business of the last importance required my immediate personal attendance in that city.","EAP" "id12359","""PIQUANT FACTS FOR SIMILES.","EAP" "id23977","All was strange and admirable to the shepherd of Cumberland.","MWS" "id13138","But the condition with which it was coupled rendered hesitation, of course, a matter altogether out of the question.","EAP" "id05223","Oppressed by the recollection of my various misfortunes, I now swallowed double my usual quantity and soon slept profoundly.","MWS" "id08000","I did n't like de look oh de bug mouff, myself, no how, so I would n't take hold ob him wid my finger, but I cotch him wid a piece ob paper dat I found.","EAP" "id22463","Then, from the farthermost regions of remoteness, the sound softly glided into existence.","HPL" "id10491","Then he was perpetually kicking out his heels so so "" ""Mr.","EAP" "id00337","""You will say, however, that, in the second instance, there was no elopement as imagined.","EAP" "id03592","Upon this point I had been satisfied in my walk with you around the building.","EAP" "id21360","At the commencement of summer, we began to feel, that the mischief which had taken place in distant countries was greater than we had at first suspected.","MWS" "id05637","""You will never hear from me again: receive these then as the last words of mine that will ever reach you; and although I have forfeited your filial love, yet regard them I conjure you as a father's command.","MWS" "id22500","an' Gawd in heaven that haff face on top . .","HPL" "id07936","If it were trebled, however, I could do no more than I have done.""","EAP" "id26228","On our side the soldiers grasped their arms firmly, and looked with stern glances on the foe.","MWS" "id15411","A man might be respected with only one of these advantages, but without either he was considered, except in very rare instances, as a vagabond and a slave, doomed to waste his powers for the profits of the chosen few And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant, but I knew that I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property.","MWS" "id07940","It evidently declined, without any symptom which could lead us to suspect his disease, unless indeed his brightened eyes, animated look, and flustering cheeks, made us dread consumption; but he was without pain or fear.","MWS" "id20779","The English, whether travellers or residents, came pouring in one great revulsive stream, back on their own country; and with them crowds of Italians and Spaniards.","MWS" "id04205","I doubt if there were not a dozen gangs, such as described by Madame Deluc, in and about the vicinity of the Barrière du Roule at or about the period of this tragedy.","EAP" "id08717","How shall I ever repay you?","MWS" "id10961","It was not long before I found that Zann's eagerness for my company was not as great as it had seemed while he was persuading me to move down from the fifth story.","HPL" "id13243","And the King bade him put away his tattered purple, and clothed him in satin and cloth of gold, with rings of green jade and bracelets of tinted ivory, and lodged him in a gilded and tapestried chamber on a bed of sweet carven wood with canopies and coverlets of flower embroidered silk.","HPL" "id21718","My senses were here and there at one and the same moment.","EAP" "id26316","We are surely doomed to hover continually upon the brink of Eternity, without taking a final plunge into the abyss.","EAP" "id09299","With sentiments of perfect respect, Your most humble servant, JOHANN HERMAN.","EAP" "id26670","The professors at Miskatonic had urged him to slacken up, and had voluntarily cut down his course at several points.","HPL" "id15833","If you really wish me well, you will relieve this excitement.""","EAP" "id09570","The young gentleman had better be sure to wear the crucifix Joe Mazurewicz had given him.","HPL" "id23224","It was open, with the key still in the door.","EAP" "id18757","Amidst this elysian realm I dwelt not as a stranger, for each sight and sound was familiar to me; just as it had been for uncounted aeons of eternity before, and would be for like eternities to come.","HPL" "id26139","I would have seized him, but he eluded me and quitted the house with precipitation.","MWS" "id05656","Every one awaited, with heartfelt anxiety, the reply of the dignified Smith.","EAP" "id27309","That is why I continued to feel that Wilcox, somehow cognisant of the old data which my uncle had possessed, had been imposing on the veteran scientist.","HPL" "id01966","""Used to be talk of a queer foreign kind of jewellery that the sailors and refinery men sometimes sold on the sly, or that was seen once or twice on some of the Marsh womenfolks.","HPL" "id07573","""As the original design was to cross the British Channel, and alight as near Paris as possible, the voyagers had taken the precaution to prepare themselves with passports directed to all parts of the Continent, specifying the nature of the expedition, as in the case of the Nassau voyage, and entitling the adventurers to exemption from the usual formalities of office: unexpected events, however, rendered these passports superfluous.","EAP" "id27914","Then the doctor came with his medicine case and asked crisp questions, and removed the patient's outer clothing, shoes, and socks.","HPL" "id04547","He could not return if he would.","EAP" "id08766","The fact in question is indeed the basis of the Eye Sore trade.","EAP" "id15300","The marshy region began very shortly, with the single track on a low, grassy embankment where the weedy growth was somewhat thinner.","HPL" "id25642","My heart grew sick on account of the dampness of the catacombs.","EAP" "id21466","The whole feat did not occupy a minute.","EAP" "id01454","You alone, habited in a white robe, passed in all directions musically about me.","EAP" "id21504","Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint wickedness might desolate the world.","MWS" "id17265","He makes, in silence, a host of observations and inferences.","EAP" "id19249","And this is the object to which the eyes of the old gentlemen are turned who sit in the leather bottomed arm chairs.","EAP" "id12774","Saturday the th I spent in total darkness, tormented by thoughts and memories that threatened to overcome my German will.","HPL" "id24573","I have shown how it is that the body of a drowning man becomes specifically heavier than its bulk of water, and that he would not sink at all, except for the struggles by which he elevates his arms above the surface, and his gasps for breath while beneath the surface gasps which supply by water the place of the original air in the lungs.","EAP" "id15744","A call for the boat to be lowered was echoed from the deck.","MWS" "id08993","I welcomed my friend, therefore, in the most cordial manner, and we walked towards my college.","MWS" "id07718","I was sorry when I saw that there would be no other passengers on the bus.","HPL" "id04691","The music died away, the shouts abruptly ended; the soldiers had cleared a space in which a carriage was drawn up.","MWS" "id22320","At the end of the cut it would cross the track and swerve off to a safer distance; but meanwhile I must be exceedingly careful.","HPL" "id12701","Falsehood and artifice are in themselves so hateful, that, though I still thought I did right, a feeling of shame and guilt came painfully upon me.","MWS" "id14886","I thought, too, of those nameless swimmers I had seen.","HPL" "id16140","Delighted and surprised, I embraced her, but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the grave worms crawling in the folds of the flannel.","MWS" "id07868","They inspired the soldiers with the same sentiment.","MWS" "id27321","Toward the middle of the next night he drowsed off in his chair, but soon woke out of a tangle of nightmares almost as hideous as the truths and menaces to man's existence that he had uncovered.","HPL" "id00153","I at length hit upon the following expedient, which, simple as it may seem, was hailed by me, at the moment of discovery, as an invention fully equal to that of the telescope, the steam engine, or the art of printing itself.","EAP" "id01247","Before I could recover my sight, the lady of my love had disappeared irreparably affronted at what she chose to consider my premeditated rudeness in passing her by ungreeted.","EAP" "id16080","Could I behold this and live?","MWS" "id26899","I was sitting by my fire, the physician who had attended me ever since my fever had just left me, and I looked over his prescription in which digitalis was the prominent medecine.","MWS" "id09284","I screamed aloud that I was not afraid; that I never could be afraid; and others screamed with me for solace.","HPL" "id12847","You will stand here just beneath the hole so.","EAP" "id04878","The mansion was quite a fine one, and, I believe, furnished in good taste.","EAP" "id11320","And when they were come into the town they found rose wreathed revellers bound from house to house and leaning from windows and balconies, who listened to the songs of Iranon and tossed him flowers and applauded when he was done.","HPL" "id16087","I stepped to the unobstructed casement, withdrew the nail with some difficulty and attempted to raise the sash.","EAP" "id05613","We did every thing that rational humanity could suggest.","EAP" "id08086","It was to be hoped that their efforts would succeed, and that though now a prisoner, the sport of cruelty and the mark of hate, he would be rescued from danger and restored to the happiness, power, and honour which he deserved.","MWS" "id07625","A sandy tongue had formed inside this barrier, and upon it I saw a few decrepit cabins, moored dories, and scattered lobster pots.","HPL" "id07788","The vault to which I refer is of ancient granite, weathered and discoloured by the mists and dampness of generations.","HPL" "id10301","Through a species of unutterable horror and awe, for which the language of mortality has no sufficiently energetic expression, I felt my heart cease to beat, my limbs grow rigid where I sat.","EAP" "id25168","""We do also, unfortunately,"" replied my father, ""for indeed I had rather have been for ever ignorant than have discovered so much depravity and ungratitude in one I valued so highly.""","MWS" "id21990","It is not the purpose of this work to do more than give in detail, a picture of Mr. Landor's residence as I found it.","EAP" "id02005","From such books I learned all that I know.","HPL" "id01880","Now he seemed to sense the close presence of some terrible part of the intruding horror, and to glimpse a hellish advance in the black dominion of the ancient and once passive nightmare.","HPL" "id25897","It was their changeling and in a spirit of supreme irony Pickman had given the features a very perceptible resemblance to his own.","HPL" "id23448","I received a terrible beating after which I rolled under a sofa and lay still.","EAP" "id09965","It will, perhaps, be said, in reply, that a machine such as we have described is altogether above comparison with the Chess Player of Maelzel.","EAP" "id25182","And I have now mentioned all the provinces in which even the most liberal understanding of the poetic sentiment has declared this sentiment capable of expatiating.","EAP" "id20755","Two biological points he was exceedingly anxious to settle first, whether any amount of consciousness and rational action be possible without the brain, proceeding from the spinal cord and various nerve centres; and second, whether any kind of ethereal, intangible relation distinct from the material cells may exist to link the surgically separated parts of what has previously been a single living organism.","HPL" "id15559","His cue, which was to perfect an imitation of myself, lay both in words and in actions; and most admirably did he play his part.","EAP" "id21287","On my way I fell in with an immense populace, crowding through every avenue, all in the same direction, and exhibiting in every action the wildest excitement.","EAP" "id17537","He disregarded the decora of mere fashion.","EAP" "id10334","""Let 'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, send any future composition of like character to the 'Hum Drum,' the 'Lollipop,' or the 'Rowdy Dow,' They will 'insert' it.","EAP" "id02046","In the end the three men from Arkham old, white bearded Dr. Armitage, stocky, iron grey Professor Rice, and lean, youngish Dr. Morgan ascended the mountain alone.","HPL" "id15662","The greatest height ever reached by man was that of , feet, attained in the aeronautic expedition of Messieurs Gay Lussac and Biot.","EAP" "id18323","True to its own character, my disorder revelled in the less important but more startling changes wrought in the physical frame of Berenice in the singular and most appalling distortion of her personal identity.","EAP" "id00067","How his sagacity first discovered at all that so petty a thing would vex me, is a question I never could solve; but, having discovered, he habitually practised the annoyance.","EAP" "id06422","A dull shock like that of electricity pervaded my frame, and was followed by total loss of the idea of contact.","EAP" "id18737","This, proud noble, is your last night Perdita has bestowed on it all of magnificent and dazzling that your heart best loves but, from these gorgeous rooms, from this princely attendance, from power and elevation, you must return with to morrow's sun to our rural abode; for I would not buy an immortality of joy, by the endurance of one more week sister to the last.","MWS" "id24542","At this occupation I did a good deal; but, somehow, I was not quite satisfied, and so finally abandoned it.","EAP" "id24783","But I am meek and expire with an humble heart.","EAP" "id06778","One bound, and I had reached her feet Shrinking from my touch, she let fall from her head, unloosened, the ghastly cerements which had confined it, and there streamed forth, into the rushing atmosphere of the chamber, huge masses of long and dishevelled hair; it was blacker than the raven wings of the midnight And now slowly opened the eyes of the figure which stood before me.","EAP" "id20791","My friend shortened the harangue, by taking the man's torch from him; and we proceeded alone.","MWS" "id12073","""The next point to be regarded was a matter of far greater importance.","EAP" "id02065","On the whole island there were but three miserable huts, and one of these was vacant when I arrived.","MWS" "id08512","The slip was eighteen inches wide, and therefore, although of muslin, would form a strong band when folded or rumpled longitudinally.","EAP" "id08169","We travelled at the time of the vintage and heard the song of the labourers as we glided down the stream.","MWS" "id25732","This abode of penury may at least prove the disinterestedness of my conduct.","MWS" "id02151","The officials devised excuses not to enter the noisome boarded place; and were glad to confine their survey of the deceased's living quarters, the newly mended sheds, to a single visit.","HPL" "id26158","Everything was wrong, with the broad window shewing a sea of roofs in which only about one in five was ancient, and the sound of trolleys and motors in the streets below.","HPL" "id08638","I can't bear to hear innocent individuals abused and the way the whole town took to cursing Tom Dobson and Bobby Tompkins was really awful to hear.","EAP" "id09006","And the struggles of the passionate wife were, to my astonishment, even more energetic than my own.","EAP" "id10182","When we did turn, it was to climb through the deserted length of the oldest and dirtiest alley I ever saw in my life, with crumbling looking gables, broken small paned windows, and archaic chimneys that stood out half disintegrated against the moonlit sky.","HPL" "id09630","It had then filled me with a sublime ecstasy that gave wings to the soul and allowed it to soar from the obscure world to light and joy.","MWS" "id22111","We then assigned to man an organ of alimentiveness, and this organ is the scourge with which the Deity compels man, will I nill I, into eating.","EAP" "id19892","One hands him the ""Times,"" another the ""Examiner"" and a third a ""Culley's New Compendium of Slang Whang.""","EAP" "id16144","Scenes were blocked out with extreme care, and pencilled guide lines told of the minute exactitude which Pickman used in getting the right perspective and proportions.","HPL" "id13850","It was easier to tear a new slip from the petticoat.","EAP" "id03139","""This is infinitely ridiculous,"" he cried, ""if you were school boys, you could not conduct yourselves more unreasonably.""","MWS" "id02841","Both then withdrew; though, as she went, the Countess said, ""Softly; all sleep; though all have not been prepared for sleep, like her.","MWS" "id06036","A hint is the only answer which I am permitted to make.","EAP" "id26391","To live, according to this sense of the word, we must not only observe and learn, we must also feel; we must not be mere spectators of action, we must act; we must not describe, but be subjects of description.","MWS" "id16842","It was the design of the journalist to say that, at whatever period of the day or night of Sunday this murder was committed, it was improbable that the assassins would have ventured to bear the corpse to the river before midnight.","EAP" "id18283","Once it was so; now is man lord of the creation?","MWS" "id25464","I said in one of my letters, my dear Margaret, that I should find no friend on the wide ocean; yet I have found a man who, before his spirit had been broken by misery, I should have been happy to have possessed as the brother of my heart.","MWS" "id18005","At this moment I felt a light hand placed upon my shoulder, and that ever remembered, low, damnable whisper within my ear.","EAP" "id15055","The remaining two had gone back wordlessly to their mountains and this autumn not a single villager had disappeared.","HPL" "id06736","For alone, when no voice can disturb my dream, and no cold eye meet mine to check its fire, then I may commune with his spirit; on a lone heath, at noon or at midnight, still I should be near him.","MWS" "id25085","Indeed it is very damp.","EAP" "id17123","But still there remained that burning determination to reach the innermost secret of the fear, which I had once more come to deem definite, material, and organic.","HPL" "id22559","Two or three petitioners were still in attendance.","MWS" "id00891","""Can you dare you go far?""","HPL" "id11264","Louis, son to Robert, was found drowned in the moat at the same fateful age, and thus down through the centuries ran the ominous chronicle; Henris, Roberts, Antoines, and Armands snatched from happy and virtuous lives when little below the age of their unfortunate ancestor at his murder.","HPL" "id04134","In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder.","MWS" "id05736","It seems, however, that while digging in the centre of the emperors garden, which, you know, covers the whole island, some of the workmen unearthed a cubical and evidently chiseled block of granite, weighing several hundred pounds.","EAP" "id01459","The shock of the descending mass struck her, consequently, in that portion of her frame which was already under water, and the inevitable result was to hurl me, with irresistible violence, upon the rigging of the stranger.","EAP" "id18136","Fortunately I had money with me.","MWS" "id05815","I knew very well that we were doomed, had we been ten times a ninety gun ship.","EAP" "id09171","Out of that crash came darkness, and I heard the shrieking of men and of things which were not men.","HPL" "id16545","Europe cannot produce anything so fine as this, my little regal cabinet.","EAP" "id13526","During my first experiment, a kind of enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me to the horror of my employment; my mind was intently fixed on the consummation of my labour, and my eyes were shut to the horror of my proceedings.","MWS" "id01291","It was one of profound melancholy of a phaseless and unceasing gloom.","EAP" "id19013","How long it lasted of course, I know not; but when, once again, I unclosed my eyes, the objects around me were visible.","EAP" "id14075","The application of this to your own case is obvious for I trust, Miss Psyche, that you will not neglect to kick for at least an hour and a half after you have been choked to death by that chicken bone.","EAP" "id21571","It was altogether by means of magnetic remedies that he had succeeded in alleviating the acute pains of his patient; and this success had very naturally inspired the latter with a certain degree of confidence in the opinions from which the remedies had been educed.","EAP" "id01419","Several times he had actually obtained signs of life in animals supposedly dead; in many cases violent signs; but he soon saw that the perfection of this process, if indeed possible, would necessarily involve a lifetime of research.","HPL" "id23436","We had lived so long in the vicinity of Eton, that its population of young folks was well known to us.","MWS" "id15067","Alas I even now look back with disgust at my artifices and contrivances by which, after many painful struggles, I effected my retreat.","MWS" "id14320","Spent a great part of the day in meditating upon an occurrence so extraordinary, but could find no means whatever of accounting for it.","EAP" "id03336","His condition was more ghastly.","HPL" "id22381","Stung with impatience, I urged my horse with force of spur and loosened reins down the acclivity, that, before danger could arrive, I might be at the side of my noble, godlike friend.","MWS" "id18402","Nevertheless he is confirmed in his instinctive opinions by the voice of all his brethren.","EAP" "id27704","The eyes approached, yet of the thing that bore them I could distinguish only a claw.","HPL" "id07208","Upon the whole, I could not help thinking that there was much of the bizarre about every thing I saw but then the world is made up of all kinds of persons, with all modes of thought, and all sorts of conventional customs.","EAP" "id07698","I cannot even hint what it was like, for it was a compound of all that is unclean, uncanny, unwelcome, abnormal, and detestable.","HPL" "id07804","The pitiable condition of my dupe had thrown an air of embarrassed gloom over all; and, for some moments, a profound silence was maintained, during which I could not help feeling my cheeks tingle with the many burning glances of scorn or reproach cast upon me by the less abandoned of the party.","EAP" "id11978","However it might be, neither plague nor war could prevent Perdita from following her lord, or induce her to utter one objection to the plans which he proposed.","MWS" "id16816","""Then I fancy we have seen him, for the day before we picked you up we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.""","MWS" "id25593","Our friendship lasted, in this manner, for several years, during which my general temperament and character through the instrumentality of the Fiend Intemperance had I blush to confess it experienced a radical alteration for the worse.","EAP" "id21595","He never had any nerves.","EAP" "id06421","They had talked about dying and half deserted Innsmouth for nearly a century, and nothing new could be wilder or more hideous than what they had whispered and hinted years before.","HPL" "id06498","There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honor of the time.","EAP" "id18813","Unreal Even while I breathed there came to my nostrils the breath of the vapour of heated iron A suffocating odour pervaded the prison A deeper glow settled each moment in the eyes that glared at my agonies A richer tint of crimson diffused itself over the pictured horrors of blood.","EAP" "id16951","At length I reached the lower hall, at one end of which I saw a faint luminous rectangle marking the ruined Paine Street doorway.","HPL" "id15098","At the hospital they told me I had been found half frozen in Kingsport Harbour at dawn, clinging to the drifting spar that accident sent to save me.","HPL" "id06256","It was the height of his offending, that he should occasion in me such intolerable sensations, and not deign himself to afford any demonstration that he was aware that I even lived to feel them.","MWS" "id20002","Ignoble souls De L'Omelette perished of an ortolan.","EAP" "id05033","There does not exist the man in England with adequate presumption.","MWS" "id00950","At the college we used an incinerator, but the apparatus was too costly for our unauthorised laboratory.","HPL" "id07673","Trembling with a terror oddly mixed with ecstasy I crossed the circular room to the north window from which I could see the village and the plain at the edge of the bog.","HPL" "id14321","After some minutes, as if urged by curiosity to see if I was still looking, she gradually brought her face again around and again encountered my burning gaze.","EAP" "id04957","I, a miserable wretch, haunted by a curse that shut up every avenue to enjoyment.","MWS" "id13375","In the evening they drowsily discussed the mathematical studies which had so completely and perhaps harmfully engrossed Gilman, and speculated about the linkage with ancient magic and folklore which seemed so darkly probable.","HPL" "id01315","I was aware also that I should often lose all self command, all capacity of hiding the harrowing sensations that would possess me during the progress of my unearthly occupation.","MWS" "id06762","Having failed to fall, it was no part of the demon plan to hurl me into the abyss; and thus there being no alternative a different and a milder destruction awaited me.","EAP" "id24145","Nor could I consider the magnitude and complexity of my plan as any argument of its impracticability.","MWS" "id07140","Idris, who entertained the highest opinion of his abilities, was warmly interested in the event: and my poor sister, who dared not hope, and to whom fear was misery, was plunged into a fever of disquietude.","MWS" "id10598","Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.","HPL" "id05103","I conceived it possible, in either instance, that they might thus be whirled up again to the level of the ocean, without undergoing the fate of those which had been drawn in more early, or absorbed more rapidly.","EAP" "id02718","Upon seeing the body, Beauvais, after some hesitation, identified it as that of the perfumery girl.","EAP" "id10731","She seemed to consider that through me she had lost Raymond; I was the evil influence of her life; I was even accused of encreasing and confirming the mad and base apostacy of Adrian from all views of advancement and grandeur; and now this miserable mountaineer was to steal her daughter.","MWS" "id22241","But one autumnal evening, when the winds lay still in heaven, Morella called me to her bedside.","EAP" "id01239","Every thing was made snug, alow and aloft; and as the wind steadily freshened, we lay to, at length, under spanker and foretopsail, both double reefed.","EAP" "id17576","There was a mad disorder in my thoughts a tumult unappeasable.","EAP" "id04829","The latter, he had said, was the daughter of a Portuguese trader whom he had met in Africa; and did not like English ways.","HPL" "id20018","Now he felt that he must go north infinitely north.","HPL" "id03865","But his fate was still uncertain; she began to fear the worst, and to feel that her soul's hope was cast on a chance that might prove a blank.","MWS" "id15357","Perhaps it might be traced to the manner; yet here again I could not pretend to be positive.","EAP" "id03382","Amazement was, of course, predominant.","EAP" "id05338","But, with severe labor and unremitting perseverance, I at length met with entire success in all my preparations.","EAP" "id14032","I had never, seemingly, heard human speech before; and could guess only vaguely what was said.","HPL" "id07781","It was a fearful page in the record my existence, written all over with dim, and hideous, and unintelligible recollections.","EAP" "id11635","""'Il y a à parièr,'"" replied Dupin, quoting from Chamfort, ""'que toute idée publique, toute convention reçue est une sottise, car elle a convenue au plus grand nombre.'","EAP" "id03562","I look for the man here in this room every moment.","EAP" "id13073","But compared with her friend she is as a rush light to the evening star a glow worm to Antares.","EAP" "id05276","Cheer up, or I shall make you over to Idris, and call Adrian into the carriage, who, I see by his gesture, sympathizes with my good spirits.""","MWS" "id04686","West and I had met in college, and I had been the only one to sympathise with his hideous experiments.","HPL" "id11609","""As night came on, Agatha and the Arabian retired early.","MWS" "id14059","I threw the door forcibly open, as children are accustomed to do when they expect a spectre to stand in waiting for them on the other side; but nothing appeared.","MWS" "id25246","Many would have disliked to live if possessed of the peculiar features of Arthur Jermyn, but he had been a poet and scholar and had not minded.","HPL" "id25414","What madness now possessed me?","EAP" "id21661","I struggled I gasped I died.","EAP" "id25998","Now life is all that we covet; that this automaton of flesh should, with joints and springs in order, perform its functions, that this dwelling of the soul should be capable of containing its dweller.","MWS" "id12680","He has an object in view his pocket and yours.","EAP" "id03719","For the first time during many hours or perhaps days I thought.","EAP" "id01903","You may give up your purpose, but mine is assigned to me by heaven, and I dare not.","MWS" "id18302","And the day wore on, and still Olney listened to rumours of old times and far places, and heard how the Kings of Atlantis fought with the slippery blasphemies that wriggled out of rifts in ocean's floor, and how the pillared and weedy temple of Poseidonis is still glimpsed at midnight by lost ships, who know by its sight that they are lost.","HPL" "id17563","While you ascertain the validity of the affidavits, I will examine the newspapers more generally than you have as yet done.","EAP" "id11919","The weather during our journey had been serene.","MWS" "id18484","Adrian, Idris and I, were established in Windsor Castle; Lord Raymond and my sister, inhabited a house which the former had built on the borders of the Great Park, near Perdita's cottage, as was still named the low roofed abode, where we two, poor even in hope, had each received the assurance of our felicity.","MWS" "id10340","But it cast a shadow of myself and the cot on the floor, and had a yellowish, penetrating force that hinted at things more potent than luminosity.","HPL" "id14523","I had been on a long visit to my parents in Illinois, and upon my return found West in a state of singular elation.","HPL" "id01278","When I finally found myself adrift and free, I had but little idea of my surroundings.","HPL" "id26630","There had been a strange kidnapping the night before in Orne's Gangway, and the two year old child of a clod like laundry worker named Anastasia Wolejko had completely vanished from sight.","HPL" "id10679","I own that I did not see her misfortune with the same eyes as Perdita.","MWS" "id23710","From the rubbish of an old book stall, in a very remote corner of the town, I got together several antique and altogether unknown or forgotten volumes.","EAP" "id15389","But, even though threatened by famine, her fear of the plague was paramount; and her greatest care was to avoid her fellow creatures.","MWS" "id20088","The vault had been dug from a hillside, so that the narrow ventilation funnel in the top ran through several feet of earth, making this direction utterly useless to consider.","HPL" "id12157","Gradually I came to wonder what might be my place in that city on the strange plateau betwixt strange peaks.","HPL" "id21443","I knew the sound well.","EAP" "id10639","I took no merit to myself for this.","MWS" "id19246","""Well, well,"" I said, ""perhaps you have still I don't see them;"" and I handed him the paper without additional remark, not wishing to ruffle his temper; but I was much surprised at the turn affairs had taken; his ill humor puzzled me and, as for the drawing of the beetle, there were positively no antennæ visible, and the whole did bear a very close resemblance to the ordinary cuts of a death's head.","EAP" "id07675","M. Valdemar spoke obviously in reply to the question I had propounded to him a few minutes before.","EAP" "id13540","""This is going too far,"" her mother answered, with quivering lips, and eyes again instinct by anger.","MWS" "id19845","Clinging, with the dastard feeling of the aged, to the remnant of her spent life, she had, on hearing that the pestilence had come into her neighbourhood, barred her door, and closed her casement, refusing to communicate with any.","MWS" "id03381","He sat beside her; and, taking the paper from her hand, said, ""Not a word more shall my sweet Perdita read of this contention of madmen and fools.","MWS" "id13268","I knew we must have passed down through the mountain and beneath the earth of Kingsport itself, and I shivered that a town should be so aged and maggoty with subterraneous evil.","HPL" "id23690","For a second nobody dared to turn on the light, then Armitage summoned up his courage and snapped the switch.","HPL" "id14592","In either case it would have been appropriate; for the unexpected tenacity of the easy looking brickwork was surely a sardonic commentary on the vanity of mortal hopes, and the source of a task whose performance deserved every possible stimulus.","HPL" "id00857","The impressions wrought on the observer were those of richness, warmth, color, quietude, uniformity, softness, delicacy, daintiness, voluptuousness, and a miraculous extremeness of culture that suggested dreams of a new race of fairies, laborious, tasteful, magnificent, and fastidious; but as the eye traced upward the myriad tinted slope, from its sharp junction with the water to its vague termination amid the folds of overhanging cloud, it became, indeed, difficult not to fancy a panoramic cataract of rubies, sapphires, opals, and golden onyxes, rolling silently out of the sky.","EAP" "id01061","It had been long known that the air which encircled us was a compound of oxygen and nitrogen gases, in the proportion of twenty one measures of oxygen, and seventy nine of nitrogen in every one hundred of the atmosphere.","EAP" "id13757","Then thought trickled back, and I knew that I had witnessed things more horrible than I had dreamed.","HPL" "id24540","She died; and I, crushed into the very dust with sorrow, could no longer endure the lonely desolation of my dwelling in the dim and decaying city by the Rhine.","EAP" "id21755","When love is no longer akin to hate, then brotherhood will exist: we are very far from that state at present."" ""Not so far as you may suppose,"" observed a little old astronomer, by name Merrival, ""the poles precede slowly, but securely; in an hundred thousand years "" ""We shall all be underground,"" said Ryland.","MWS" "id08539","Her views with regard to her own children, placed all her words and actions relative to them under restraint: but Evadne was a plaything she could in no way fear; nor were her talents and vivacity slight alleviations to the monotony of the Countess's life.","MWS" "id03196","In the mean time, Raymond had remained with Adrian and Idris.","MWS" "id15228","We were directed to the ward where her husband had been first taken, and still was, the nurse said, if alive.","MWS" "id00664","How they would, each and all, abhor me and hunt me from the world did they know my unhallowed acts and the crimes which had their source in me My father yielded at length to my desire to avoid society and strove by various arguments to banish my despair.","MWS" "id24100","I reply that the skull, or death's head, is the well known emblem of the pirate.","EAP" "id23150","I had been calm during the day, but so soon as night obscured the shapes of objects, a thousand fears arose in my mind.","MWS" "id21458","It was no wonder that his condition terrified that it infected me.","EAP" "id24895","He will feel highly honoured, and thus you may repay a part of the obligation I owe him, and compensate for the injuries fortune has done him.""","MWS" "id17253","The page put up the steps, closed the door, and resumed his station.","EAP" "id15750","But repugnance was soon forgotten in admiration, for the strange physician's extreme skill at once became manifest despite the ice coldness and shakiness of his bloodless looking hands.","HPL" "id19309","I will say no more; for I can add nothing to what I have already said, to what you before contemptuously set aside.","MWS" "id19746","The word ""husband"" seemed forever to use one of her own delicate expressions forever ""on the tip of her tongue.""","EAP" "id02285","This worry had probably been a major cause of his mother's death two years before.","HPL" "id15391","Beyond the worlds vague ghosts of monstrous things; half seen columns of unsanctified temples that rest on nameless rocks beneath space and reach up to dizzy vacua above the spheres of light and darkness.","HPL" "id13389","And the children would listen, and learn of the laws and deeds of old, and of that dear England which they had never seen, or could not remember.","HPL" "id21423","Little Evelyn had endeavoured to draw Clara away to play with him; but the Italian's tale arrested her, she crept near, her lustrous eyes fixed on the speaker.","MWS" "id24243","She received my concurrence with pleasure, and a thousand times over thanked her deceiving, deceitful brother.","MWS" "id16260","""Notwithstanding the acclamation with which the discovery of this thicket was received by the press, and the unanimity with which it was supposed to indicate the precise scene of the outrage, it must be admitted that there was some very good reason for doubt.","EAP" "id21951","On spring evenings it would be low in the northeast.","HPL" "id22639","The concentrated pride of her nature, forgotten during her blissful dream, awoke, and with its adder's sting pierced her heart; her humility of spirit augmented the power of the venom; she had been exalted in her own estimation, while distinguished by his love: of what worth was she, now that he thrust her from this preferment?","MWS" "id20401","He snatched his hand from me, and rose in violent disorder: ""What do you mean?","MWS" "id06023","They had not seen it, but had heard such cries from one of their hamlets that they knew a creeping death had come.","HPL" "id18565","This the deceased lady's maid was easily prevailed on to do.","EAP" "id20986","""Suppose you detail,"" said I, ""the particulars of your search.""","EAP" "id10636","In this latter science it is very usually untrue that the aggregated parts are equal to the whole.","EAP" "id01280","Next morning the population of Nopolis were taken all aback by reading in 'The Tea Pot,' the following extraordinary leader: 'Sx hx, Jxhn hxw nxw?","EAP" "id18548","I was between my two companions, George Bennett being toward the window and William Tobey toward the fireplace.","HPL" "id15325","The street lights we first encountered had been of oil, and of the ancient lozenge pattern.","HPL" "id10828","The table was superbly set out.","EAP" "id05870","And so they went up wildly over rocks and gulfs, slipping and stumbling, and sometimes awed at the vastness and horrible silence of bleak ice pinnacles and mute granite steeps.","HPL" "id22517","In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil.","EAP" "id09561","May I say that he flouted the sanctity of things as great as space and time, and that he put to strange uses the rites of sartain half breed red Indians once encamped upon this hill?","HPL" "id07692","The sorry planet shell being well nigh spent, in less than an hour my fellow would be free to pursue the oppressor along the Milky Way and past the hither stars to the very confines of infinity.","HPL" "id15952","My memory flew back, oh, with what intensity of regret to Ligeia, the beloved, the august, the beautiful, the entombed.","EAP" "id04748","But it is by these deviations from the plane of the ordinary, that reason feels its way, if at all, in its search for the true.","EAP" "id14510","And his brow was lofty with thought, and his eye wild with care; and, in the few furrows upon his cheek I read the fables of sorrow, and weariness, and disgust with mankind, and a longing after solitude.","EAP" "id06658","""Come, I see that you have already cast aside the sad thoughts you before franticly indulged.","MWS" "id13007","""But the real thing behind the way folks feel is simply race prejudice and I don't say I'm blaming those that hold it.","HPL" "id07523","""Your affectionate and afflicted father, ""Alphonse Frankenstein.","MWS" "id22702","We had our separate occupations and our common amusements.","MWS" "id12177","My street inquiries about ""the lovely widow, Madame Lalande,"" were supposed to refer to the younger lady, of course, and thus the conversation with the three gentlemen whom I encountered shortly after leaving Talbot's hotel will be easily explained, as also their allusion to Ninon De L'Enclos.","EAP" "id17356","Since you left us, but one change has taken place in our little household.","MWS" "id16628","We, a commercial people, were obliged to bring such schemes under consideration; and the question of contagion became matter of earnest disquisition.","MWS" "id06561","And in sooth some who beheld the portrait spoke of its resemblance in low words, as of a mighty marvel, and a proof not less of the power of the painter than of his deep love for her whom he depicted so surpassingly well.","EAP" "id25874","Now that unchanged serenity, and gentle compliance were added to her other qualifications, his respect equalled his love.","MWS" "id00900","By authority of the king such districts were placed under ban, and all persons forbidden, under pain of death, to intrude upon their dismal solitude.","EAP" "id21937","A housekeeper in want of a sofa, for instance, is seen to go in and out of several cabinet warehouses.","EAP" "id04129","I was now shaking with a deadly fear, and the bearded man almost had to hold me up as he walked me across the room to the mirror, the faint lamp i.e., that formerly on the table, not the still fainter lantern he had brought in his free hand.","HPL" "id04713","""Yes,"" I said, ""I see how this is, and it is strange that I should have deceived myself so long; I am about to die an innocent death, and it will be sweeter even than that which the opium promised.""","MWS" "id00338","This young gentleman was of an excellent indeed of an illustrious family, but, by a variety of untoward events, had been reduced to such poverty that the energy of his character succumbed beneath it, and he ceased to bestir himself in the world, or to care for the retrieval of his fortunes.","EAP" "id24317","""I presume you looked to the mirrors, between the boards and the plates, and you probed the beds and the bed clothes, as well as the curtains and carpets.""","EAP" "id12570","Ligeia had brought me far more, very far more than ordinarily falls to the lot of mortals.","EAP" "id12354","Her eyes her magnificent eyes, had not belied her noble heart.","EAP" "id10098","Anaxagoras, it will be remembered, maintained that snow is black, and this I have since found to be the case.","EAP" "id22881","It remains for a more profound analysis than the world has yet seen, fully to investigate and express them.","EAP" "id11473","Indeed this matter is susceptible of a mathematical demonstration, a priori.","EAP" "id27495","In appearance all were marked by a peculiar inherited dissimilarity of eyes; one generally being blue and the other brown.","HPL" "id00062","Accordingly I continued my experiments, though informing no one of their nature.","HPL" "id21208","The gloomy and dreary grandeur of the building, the almost savage aspect of the domain, the many melancholy and time honored memories connected with both, had much in unison with the feelings of utter abandonment which had driven me into that remote and unsocial region of the country.","EAP" "id11116","He treads on your corns.","EAP" "id11336","The strange stone house on the woodland slope was to me only a source of interest and speculation; and its cold, damp interior, into which I vainly peered through the aperture so tantalisingly left, contained for me no hint of death or decay.","HPL" "id10452","""Sir"" said I to him, ""you are a baboon.""","EAP" "id21538","It was seen, that even at three per cent, the annual income of the inheritance amounted to no less than thirteen millions and five hundred thousand dollars; which was one million and one hundred and twenty five thousand per month; or thirty six thousand, nine hundred and eighty six per day, or one thousand five hundred and forty one per hour, or six and twenty dollars for every minute that flew.","EAP" "id27358","confused me in no little degree.","EAP" "id24567","It entered the lungs, and in a few days killed him.""","EAP" "id07593","Was that was that was that rouge?","EAP" "id02450","Under the influence of these melancholy thoughts, she became more than ever in love with sorrow.","MWS" "id26355","But not many flags floated over The Street, for therein brooded only fear and hatred and ignorance.","HPL" "id24577","But I was in reality very ill, and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life.","MWS" "id08528","Once, when thirteen years of age, I was sent for a month to the county jail.","MWS" "id01053","The opinion of Bob, the devil who kept dark about his having 'X ed the paragrab', did not meet with so much attention as I think it deserved, although it was very openly and very fearlessly expressed.","EAP" "id12712","It might have been done under the Act for the ""Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.""","EAP" "id25507","Mought ventur out leetle way pon de limb by myself, dat's true."" ""By yourself what do you mean?"" ""Why I mean de bug.","EAP" "id02901","This complexion, the 'hitch' in the bandage, and the 'sailor's knot,' with which the bonnet ribbon is tied, point to a seaman.","EAP" "id11739","By the fourth evening I attained the base of the mound, which turned out to be much higher than it had appeared from a distance; an intervening valley setting it out in sharper relief from the general surface.","HPL" "id13706","That Mrs. Lackobreath should admire anything so dissimilar to myself was a natural and necessary evil.","EAP" "id16365","As our distance from the wreck rapidly increased, the madman for as such only could we regard him was seen to emerge from the companion way, up which by dint of strength that appeared gigantic, he dragged, bodily, the oblong box.","EAP" "id00063","Pest spirits, plague goblins, and fever demons, were the popular imps of mischief; and tales so blood chilling were hourly told, that the whole mass of forbidden buildings was, at length, enveloped in terror as in a shroud, and the plunderer himself was often scared away by the horrors his own depreciations had created; leaving the entire vast circuit of prohibited district to gloom, silence, pestilence, and death.","EAP" "id25610","This latter I felt not saw.","EAP" "id26319","Maelzel, having now rolled the machine around, lifted up the drapery of the Turk, opened the doors in his back and thigh, and shown his trunk to be full of machinery, brings the whole back into its original position, and closes the doors.","EAP" "id03756","I mean the man who took himself for a bottle of champagne, and always went off with a pop and a fizz, in this fashion.""","EAP" "id07958","In the brief existence of Ellison, I fancy, that I have seen refuted the dogma that in man's physical and spiritual nature, lies some hidden principle, the antagonist of Bliss.","EAP" "id25183","And the dress had trimmings of green agraffas, and seven graceful flounces of the orange colored auricula.","EAP" "id07703","There was something there and now I can't use the subway or and you may as well have your laugh at this, too go down into cellars any more.","HPL" "id14310","""Nor is it to be thought,"" ran the text as Armitage mentally translated it, ""that man is either the oldest or the last of earth's masters, or that the common bulk of life and substance walks alone.","HPL" "id03332","This opinion, in its general form, was that of the sentience of all vegetable things.","EAP" "id16644","""Stay a moment I see a vast hubbub in the hippodrome; what is the meaning of it, I beseech you?"" That? oh, nothing The noble and free citizens of Epidaphne being, as they declare, well satisfied of the faith, valor, wisdom, and divinity of their king, and having, moreover, been eye witnesses of his late superhuman agility, do think it no more than their duty to invest his brows in addition to the poetic crown with the wreath of victory in the footrace a wreath which it is evident he must obtain at the celebration of the next Olympiad, and which, therefore, they now give him in advance.","EAP" "id03825","I find myself, for one, as a stringed instrument with chords and stops but I have no power to turn the pegs, or pitch my thoughts to a higher or lower key.""","MWS" "id05328","And herein lies, really, the assumption of which I complain.","EAP" "id00806","For this they assign the very good reason that they do not believe there is anything at all on the other side.","EAP" "id11923","But perhaps you do not comprehend me.","EAP" "id21936","I met him at the distance of thirty miles from our mansion.","MWS" "id06469","What is made to adjust itself, must of necessity require foreign adjustment but rarely.","EAP" "id07235","So a body of twenty police, filling two carriages and an automobile, had set out in the late afternoon with the shivering squatter as a guide.","HPL" "id23468","I was by this time his active and enthralled assistant, and helped him make all his decisions, not only concerning the source of bodies but concerning a suitable place for our loathsome work.","HPL" "id12647","The more he withdrew from the world about him, the more wonderful became his dreams; and it would have been quite futile to try to describe them on paper.","HPL" "id19237","They attired me for the coffin three or four dark figures which flitted busily to and fro.","EAP" "id14885","Henry rejoiced in my gaiety, and sincerely sympathised in my feelings: he exerted himself to amuse me, while he expressed the sensations that filled his soul.","MWS" "id06666","In the mean time, we, the wise of the land, will return to our Castle, and, Cincinnatus like, take to our usual labours, until our friend shall require our presence and assistance here.""","MWS" "id08314","The dark blocks of granite, the door so curiously ajar, and the funereal carvings above the arch, aroused in me no associations of mournful or terrible character.","HPL" "id17719","Such sentiments actuated our little circle.","MWS" "id12186","Bless thy child even even sic in death, as I bless thee; and let me sleep at peace in my quiet grave.""","MWS" "id26328","I was up ta his haouse onct, on the hill, tradin' hosses, when I see this book.","HPL" "id22776","The government men never found poor Zadok, and have no conjectures to make as to what became of him.","HPL" "id06767","""Then there is the tone elevated, diffusive, and interjectional.","EAP" "id25527","Then, in spite of my daze of fright and disgust, my morbid curiosity triumphed; and as the last of the monstrosities oozed up alone from that nether world of unknown nightmare, I drew my automatic pistol and shot it under cover of the thunder.","HPL" "id15596","So liberal, indeed, was the discipline of our captors, that five days after we were taken I managed to escape alone in a small boat with water and provisions for a good length of time.","HPL" "id21742","""Let me entreat Adrian,"" I cried, ""not to comply: rather join with me in endeavouring to withdraw Lord Raymond from this scene, and restore him to other society.""","MWS" "id04500","CHAPTER IX Thus I passed two years.","MWS" "id19961","She seemed to crystallise at a point closer to the ceiling than to the floor, and every night she was a little nearer and more distinct before the dream shifted.","HPL" "id20968","I love my cousin tenderly and sincerely.","MWS" "id17122","Several faces I recognised; though I should have known them better had they been shrivelled or eaten away by death and decomposition.","HPL" "id03003","Plague is the companion of spring, of sunshine, and plenty.","MWS" "id16306","That the public were misled, even for an instant, merely proves the gross ignorance which is so generally prevalent upon subjects of an astronomical nature.","EAP" "id03493","I sat on the sole remaining step of an edifice, which even in its downfall, was huge and magnificent; a few broken walls, not dislodged by gunpowder, stood in fantastic groupes, and a flame glimmered at intervals on the summit of the pile.","MWS" "id20663","Toward the end of March he began to pick up in his mathematics, though other studies bothered him increasingly.","HPL" "id04279","It was the shrieking fulfilment of all the horror which that corpse city had ever stirred in my soul, and forgetting every injunction to silence I screamed and screamed and screamed as my nerves gave way and the walls quivered about me.","HPL" "id26403","""Talk not of other season than this"" he cried.","MWS" "id09638","By this time it began to grow dark, and I directed my steps toward home.","EAP" "id13742","""Ring de pell;"" he replied, attempting a grin with his little villanous mouth.","EAP" "id05940","I breathed the free air of Heaven.","EAP" "id25494","But when any whole nation becomes the victim of the destructive powers of exterior agents, then indeed man shrinks into insignificance, he feels his tenure of life insecure, his inheritance on earth cut off.","MWS" "id19543","lower than her expectations.","EAP" "id14920","As for the Angel, he evinced his sense of my assault by giving me two or three hard consecutive raps upon the forehead as before.","EAP" "id09296","They are grown stern, and where once they suffered men to displace them, they now forbid men to come, or coming, to depart.","HPL" "id00748","""And what means are ours, of attaining the truth?","EAP" "id19495","""I may state the system, then, in general terms, as one in which the patients were menages humored.","EAP" "id04458","I thought upon other subjects than Death.","EAP" "id09419","From such scenes I have sometimes saved a deserted infant sometimes led a young and grieving mother from the lifeless image of her first born, or drawn the sturdy labourer from childish weeping over his extinct family.","MWS" "id19296","Believe me, he was destined to be the author of infinite good to his native England.","MWS" "id27953","I had before regarded my promise with a gloomy despair as a thing that, with whatever consequences, must be fulfilled; but I now felt as if a film had been taken from before my eyes and that I for the first time saw clearly.","MWS" "id05648","This is the last rational act I ever performed.","HPL" "id02356","It moved every feeling of wonder and awe that the picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of exciting.","MWS" "id01010","""Never mind the sky, but attend to what I say.","EAP" "id02229","It is well known to most of my fellow citizens, that for the period of forty years I continued to occupy the little square brick building, at the head of the alley called Sauerkraut, in which I resided at the time of my disappearance.","EAP" "id11601","I feared madness, not sickness I have a presentiment that Adrian will not die; perhaps this illness is a crisis, and he may recover.""","MWS" "id23477","He handed me the volume and asked me to look over some portion of it.","EAP" "id09689","Inside the hall were music, laughter, and wine on every hand.","HPL" "id11475","What shall we first seek here?","EAP" "id25167","With a shriek I bounded to the table, and grasped the box that lay upon it.","EAP" "id23514","Her expressive eyes were two stars whose beams were love; hope and light heartedness sat on her cloudless brow.","MWS" "id20626","When he found me a vagabond shepherd of the hills, a poacher, an unlettered savage, still his kindness did not fail.","MWS" "id11333","I had been living in many poor places, always evicted for want of money; until at last I came upon that tottering house in the Rue d'Auseil, kept by the paralytic Blandot.","HPL" "id07452","As he copied the formula he finally chose, Dr. Armitage looked involuntarily over his shoulder at the open pages; the left hand one of which, in the Latin version, contained such monstrous threats to the peace and sanity of the world.","HPL" "id25017","Upon landing in Salem Zerubbabel set it up in his cupboard beside the chimney, he having built a modest house near the town pump.","HPL" "id09684","I showed him the insect, and he begged me to let him take it to the fort.","EAP" "id17114","Sawyer, as clumsy as most non users of optical devices are, fumbled a while; but eventually focussed the lenses with Armitage's aid.","HPL" "id02257","In my mind I would often picture the unknown Land of Cathuria with its splendid groves and palaces, and would wonder what new delights there awaited me.","HPL" "id03195","The Turkish army were at this time besieging Rodosto; and the Greeks, hastening their preparations, and sending each day reinforcements, were on the eve of forcing the enemy to battle.","MWS" "id07065","She gazed on some flowers that stood near in a carved vase: that morning she had arranged them, they were rare and lovely plants; even now all aghast as she was, she observed their brilliant colours and starry shapes.","MWS" "id12449","""Some chicken"" leered a drunken man as he viewed the beautiful face, but those who were sober did not leer, looking with respect and abashment at the delicate and spiritual features.","HPL" "id04772","From a fourth, which I recollect was also the work of a blind man, I selected a page or two all about ""hail"" and ""holy light""; and although a blind man has no business to write about light, still the verses were sufficiently good in their way.","EAP" "id03298","But let us change the subject.","MWS" "id13595","Meantime, the excitement increased hourly.","EAP" "id25953","But I will not be tempted to set myself in opposition to thee.","MWS" "id20321","Write You can get them that way at Tortoni's Write, if you please ""Here is a nice little Latin phrase, and rare too, one can't be too recherche or brief in one's Latin, it's getting so common ignoratio elenchi.","EAP" "id00447","For example: no very long while ago, a singular circumstance occurred in this very house.","EAP" "id03182","immediately, he bolted out behind, and turning down an alley, was out of sight in the twinkling of an eye.","EAP" "id27378","They did not arouse me from my slumber for I was wide awake when I screamed but they restored me to the full possession of my memory.","EAP" "id24069","Raymond's beloved Athenians, the free, the noble people of the divinest town in Greece, fell like ripe corn before the merciless sickle of the adversary.","MWS" "id19527","But now what treasure does the world hold what threat of vengeance could it hold out which would have power to urge the return of that lonely murderer over that toilsome and perilous path, to the thicket and its blood chilling recollections?","EAP" "id01660","Next there came to me the impression of light amidst the darkness of dead batteries, and I seemed to see a sort of phosphorescent glow in the water through the porthole which opened toward the temple.","HPL" "id25180","We had, as in my own former explorations, left the door to the street unlocked; so that a direct and practical path of escape might lie open in case of manifestations beyond our power to deal with.","HPL" "id24888","I assented; adding that I had not yet concluded my third lustrum.","EAP" "id21135","And now, while I write, a recollection flashes upon me that I have never known the paternal name of her who was my friend and my betrothed, and who became the partner of my studies, and finally the wife of my bosom.","EAP" "id11490","That same invincible monster, which hovered over and devoured Constantinople that fiend more cruel than tempest, less tame than fire, is, alas, unchained in that beautiful country these reflections would not allow me to rest.","MWS" "id06672","The stream took a thousand turns, so that at no moment could its gleaming surface be seen for a greater distance than a furlong.","EAP" "id03051","Of course, one can't be sure, but we can always take a chance.","HPL" "id12862","All my perceptions were purely sensual.","EAP" "id18678","She began to count the long days, and months, and years which must elapse, before he would be restored to a private station, and unreservedly to her.","MWS" "id16353","Ugly roots and malignant hanging nooses of Spanish moss beset them, and now and then a pile of dank stones or fragment of a rotting wall intensified by its hint of morbid habitation a depression which every malformed tree and every fungous islet combined to create.","HPL" "id15462","I inquired of the inhabitants concerning the fiend and gained accurate information.","MWS" "id22335","That he really knew nothing of the hidden cult, save from what my uncle's relentless catechism had let fall, he soon made clear; and again I strove to think of some way in which he could possibly have received the weird impressions.","HPL" "id25299","There was just a chance that the townsfolk would not think of that; since its brier choked desertion made it half impassable, and the unlikeliest of all avenues for a fugitive to choose.","HPL" "id11823","She had been moved from the posture in which I had first beheld her, and now, as she lay, her head upon her arm and a handkerchief thrown across her face and neck, I might have supposed her asleep.","MWS" "id06270","""The description of the digits,"" said I, as I made an end of reading, ""is in exact accordance with this drawing.","EAP" "id17491","""By the by, Pratt, Kate has us completely.","EAP" "id25419","He turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable.","MWS" "id16329","As at the conclusion of the eighteenth century, the English unlocked their hospitable store, for the relief of those driven from their homes by political revolution; so now they were not backward in affording aid to the victims of a more wide spreading calamity.","MWS" "id08677","On the same evening, he went alone to the house named to him.","MWS" "id00336","I felt as if I were recreated and had about me all the freshness and life of a new being: I was, as it were, transported since his arrival from a narrow spot of earth into a universe boundless to the imagination and the understanding.","MWS" "id15040","In this house I chanced to find a volume of the works of Cornelius Agrippa.","MWS" "id05498","""I've got a place that I don't believe three living Nordic men besides myself have ever seen.","HPL" "id10189","And out into the limitless aether reeled that fabulous train, the noise of whose shouting was lost in the echoes of thunder.","HPL" "id00117","oh, quite a hero perfect desperado no hearts, Mr. Tattle?","EAP" "id23711","I reached out my hand, and it fell heavily upon something damp and hard.","EAP" "id23149","He was an uncouth man, but deeply imbued in the secrets of his science.","MWS" "id08850","""Now, if, in place of the unknown characters, we leave blank spaces, or substitute dots, we read thus: the tree thr...h the, when the word 'through' makes itself evident at once.","EAP" "id10156","I seem to have suffered a great shock perhaps from some utterly monstrous outgrowth of my cycles of unique, incredible experience.","HPL" "id09590","Like them, he has a watch, but he carries his watch in his pocket.","EAP" "id21744","But the bearded man said to me: ""Beware of those perilous seas wherein men say Cathuria lies.","HPL" "id08400","Something more was in his heart, to which he dared not give words.","MWS" "id21651","You may conceive my astonishment on hearing such a question addressed to me from a man on the brink of destruction and to whom I should have supposed that my vessel would have been a resource which he would not have exchanged for the most precious wealth the earth can afford.","MWS" "id20763","A few more thoughts were exchanged, and I knew that the luminous one and I were being recalled to bondage, though for my brother of light it would be the last time.","HPL" "id07651","Two centuries ago, when talk of witch blood, Satan worship, and strange forest presences was not laughed at, it was the custom to give reasons for avoiding the locality.","HPL" "id19968","""Once I desired to be a king.","MWS" "id21420","I shall quit your vessel on the ice raft which brought me thither and shall seek the most northern extremity of the globe; I shall collect my funeral pile and consume to ashes this miserable frame, that its remains may afford no light to any curious and unhallowed wretch who would create such another as I have been.","MWS" "id11020","One could not be sure that the sea and the ground were horizontal, hence the relative position of everything else seemed phantasmally variable.","HPL" "id09503","Knowing that the Thing could surely overtake the Alert until steam was fully up, he resolved on a desperate chance; and, setting the engine for full speed, ran lightning like on deck and reversed the wheel.","HPL" "id22313","I determined to depart, yet live to leave the world, yet continue to exist in short, to drop enigmas, I resolved, let what would ensue, to force a passage, if I could, to the moon.","EAP" "id17211","Some unknown attraction was pulling his eyes in a seemingly irrelevant direction, for he could not help staring at a certain vacant spot on the floor.","HPL" "id23455","There were some foils upon a table some points also.","EAP" "id09936","This wall is of one continuous rock, and has been formed by cutting perpendicularly the once rugged precipice of the stream's southern bank, but no trace of the labor has been suffered to remain.","EAP" "id05646","CHAPTER X It was six months after this miserable conclusion to his long nursed hopes that I first saw him.","MWS" "id25805","Countrymen near Jermyn House had perhaps heard wilder tales handed down from ancestors who had listened to Sir Wade around the tables of the Knight's Head.","HPL" "id01614","The battle was sanguinary, the loss of the Turks apparently irreparable; the Greeks, in losing one man, forgot the nameless crowd strewed upon the bloody field, and they ceased to value themselves on a victory, which cost them Raymond.","MWS" "id22483","He then asked me, suddenly, if I had observed any thing peculiar at the scene of the atrocity.","EAP" "id26832","But though I have had listeners sometimes, they have ever been few, and I know that welcome shall await me only in Aira, the city of marble and beryl where my father once ruled as King.","HPL" "id03665","He transacted public business with distaste, and hastened from it to the solitude which was at once his bane and relief.","MWS" "id25132","It was not a pleasant sleep, and for a second I was not sorry for the echoing shriek which clove through the barriers of dream and flung me to a sharp and startled awakeness in which every actual object before my eyes stood out with more than natural clearness and reality.","HPL" "id25416","who loved him, as he did her; notwithstanding that disappointment quelled her passion, and ambition held strong combat with his.","MWS" "id18351","Messrs. Ricci and Silva were experienced in the art of making unwilling persons voluble, and the screams of a weak and exceptionally venerable man can be easily muffled.","HPL" "id12950","It was distinctly proved that no apathy, such as was imagined, existed; that the old lady was exceedingly feeble, and so agitated as to be unable to attend to any duty, that St. Eustache, so far from receiving the news coolly, was distracted with grief, and bore himself so frantically, that M. Beauvais prevailed upon a friend and relative to take charge of him, and prevent his attending the examination at the disinterment.","EAP" "id01687","The excitement which had hitherto sustained me was lost; as a building, whose props are loosened, and whose foundations rock, totters and falls, so when enthusiasm and hope deserted me, did my strength fail.","MWS" "id17866","He returned unharmed, married in , and became a father on that memorable night of September , , when a great gale drove the waters of the bay over half the town, and floated a tall sloop well up Westminster Street so that its masts almost tapped the Harris windows in symbolic affirmation that the new boy, Welcome, was a seaman's son.","HPL" "id20325","The chanted ritual was not the secret that was never spoken aloud, only whispered.","HPL" "id21500","The man did not speak, and bore no trace of expression on his small, regular features.","HPL" "id20881","It was foreign talk, he thought, but he said the bad thing about it was the kind of voice that sometimes spoke.","HPL" "id27951","We can only account for its absence by supposing the murderer to have neglected the precaution of supplying himself with it before pushing off.","EAP" "id02565","""Der Teufel"" groaned they, ""Dirteen Dirteen Mein Gott, it is Dirteen o'clock"" Why attempt to describe the terrible scene which ensued?","EAP" "id17085","I bade the Minister good morning, and took my departure at once, leaving a gold snuff box upon the table.","EAP" "id06418","Every thought that was devoted to it was an extreme anguish, and every word that I spoke in allusion to it caused my lips to quiver, and my heart to palpitate.","MWS" "id17776","I hardly know whether I shall have the power to detail it; yet the tale which I have recorded would be incomplete without this final and wonderful catastrophe.","MWS" "id25026","My life was spent among tangible realities, hers was a dream.","MWS" "id05378","I say ""amused"" and scarcely know how to explain myself.","EAP" "id20739","The winding up is inessential to the operations of the Automaton, and is performed with the design of exciting in the spectators the false idea of mechanism. .","EAP" "id21683","""Captain Pratt, you must come and spend the evening with us to morrow you and Smitherton you can tell us all about your voyage, and we'll have a game of whist and "" PRATT.","EAP" "id23508","West was experimenting madly to find something which would start man's vital motions anew after they had been stopped by the thing we call death, but had encountered the most ghastly obstacles.","HPL" "id07319","The old lady and her daughter seemed on good terms very affectionate towards each other.","EAP" "id26209","Our couches were side by side, and we knew in a few seconds that we were in St. Mary's Hospital.","HPL" "id11568","Two o'clock struck, after which none were admitted; those who had been disappointed went sullenly or sorrowfully away, while I entered the audience chamber.","MWS" "id27460","Once adopting the more charitable interpretation, we shall find no difficulty in comprehending the rose in the key hole; the 'Marie' upon the slate; the 'elbowing the male relatives out of the way;' the 'aversion to permitting them to see the body;' the caution given to Madame B , that she must hold no conversation with the gendarme until his return Beauvais'; and, lastly, his apparent determination 'that nobody should have anything to do with the proceedings except himself.'","EAP" "id05235","He loved me with a guilty passion, and stung by remorse and despair he killed himself.","MWS" "id00666","""You may easily believe,"" said he, ""how great was the difficulty to persuade my father that all necessary knowledge was not comprised in the noble art of book keeping; and, indeed, I believe I left him incredulous to the last, for his constant answer to my unwearied entreaties was the same as that of the Dutch schoolmaster in The Vicar of Wakefield: 'I have ten thousand florins a year without Greek, I eat heartily without Greek.'","MWS" "id23311","Could any thing but unmixed joy flow from such a union?","MWS" "id19550","Should there be nothing wrong here, however, we will dismiss St. Eustache from our investigations.","EAP" "id19668","I buried him the next midnight in one of our neglected gardens, and mumbled over his body one of the devilish rituals he had loved in life.","HPL" "id01460","I am not like one of these; they influenced millions: but if I can influence but a hundred, but ten, but one solitary individual, so as in any way to lead him from ill to good, that will be a joy to repay me for all my sufferings, though they were a million times multiplied; and that hope will support me to bear them.","MWS" "id05105","Alexander was a king; Solomon, the wisest of men, was a king; Napoleon was a king; Caesar died in his attempt to become one, and Cromwell, the puritan and king killer, aspired to regality.","MWS" "id18231","At the same time my forehead seemed bathed in a clammy vapor, and the peculiar smell of decayed fungus arose to my nostrils.","EAP" "id22988","Another moment brought to view a frightened group of more than a dozen men, running, shouting, and even whimpering hysterically.","HPL" "id08579","B., for some years past, has been subject to neuralgia, which has often threatened to terminate fatally; but this can be regarded only as the mediate cause of his decease.","EAP" "id26342","Are these green tombs theirs?","EAP" "id27369","She writes under her maiden name of Eleanor Wing.""","HPL" "id01949","All Fum Fudge was in an uproar.","EAP" "id23650","The change in the quality of the daylight increased, and the crowd gazed about the horizon in wonder.","HPL" "id19758","I could offer no explanation of them, but their truth in part relieved the burden of my mysterious woe.","MWS" "id04393","It appeared to me not greatly dissimilar to the extreme quiescence of him, who, having slumbered long and profoundly, lying motionless and fully prostrate in a midsummer noon, begins to steal slowly back into consciousness, through the mere sufficiency of his sleep, and without being awakened by external disturbances.","EAP" "id02366","What wonder then, in time of siege, want, extreme heat, and drought, that it should make unaccustomed ravages?","MWS" "id10001","Of my own thoughts it is folly to speak.","EAP" "id05704","The error is obvious.","EAP" "id25783","A frightful selfishness hurried me on, while my heart was poisoned with remorse.","MWS" "id08578","With faltering accents Clara promised, while she still clung to her father in a transport of sorrow.","MWS" "id14427","But, come, this splenetic fit is already passed; resume your functions; your partizans will hail you; your enemies be silenced; our love, honour, and duty will again be manifested towards you.","MWS" "id12307","I'm not a three year old kid, and I'd seen much like this before.","HPL" "id06854","I could never, while with him, think of his bounty as a remedy to my poverty; and I even put aside hastily his offers of supplies, assuring him of a falsehood, that I needed them not.","MWS" "id09253","Klenze and I usually slept at different times; and it was during my sleep, about A.M., July , that the general mutiny broke loose.","HPL" "id23109","Now write ""'Aussi tendre que Zaire' as tender as Zaire French.","EAP" "id15475","On the night of which I speak we had a splendid new specimen a man at once physically powerful and of such high mentality that a sensitive nervous system was assured.","HPL" "id13997","Felix was too delicate to accept this offer, yet he looked forward to the probability of the event as to the consummation of his happiness.","MWS" "id18600","Then I heard a clock from some remote landing below strike the hour of two, and I knew I was awake.","HPL" "id19310","West's last quarters were in a venerable house of much elegance, overlooking one of the oldest burying grounds in Boston.","HPL" "id27381","When I was about five years old, while making an excursion beyond the frontiers of Italy, they passed a week on the shores of the Lake of Como.","MWS" "id20291","My uncle breathed heavily, his deep inhalations and exhalations accompanied by the rain outside, and punctuated by another nerve racking sound of distant dripping water within for the house was repulsively damp even in dry weather, and in this storm positively swamp like.","HPL" "id02372","Kepler admitted that his three laws were guessed at these three laws of all laws which led the great Inglitch mathematician to his principle, the basis of all physical principle to go behind which we must enter the Kingdom of Metaphysics.","EAP" "id00834","He pointed out to me the shifting colours of the landscape and the appearances of the sky.","MWS" "id19169","And thus it was that although the spirit of friendship soothed me for a while it could not restore me.","MWS" "id00141","The head was very slightly elevated.","EAP" "id23864","It was almost a cliff, closed to all vehicles, consisting in several places of flights of steps, and ending at the top in a lofty ivied wall.","HPL" "id02894","I had not despaired, nor had I yet conceived the idea of returning if set free.","MWS" "id15498","In my donations I was careful not to overshoot the mark, for I did not wish Zadok's vinous garrulousness to pass into a stupor.","HPL" "id23190","I would go to the fountain head.","EAP" "id21569","Each animal if you will take the pains to observe, is following, very quietly, in the wake of its master.","EAP" "id27738","His greatest disciples were one Neuclid, and one Cant.","EAP" "id04160","I wish to prepare you for the woeful news, but I know it is impossible; even now your eye skims over the page to seek the words which are to convey to you the horrible tidings.","MWS" "id21609","We dug very steadily for two hours.","EAP" "id12119","This hour, melancholy yet sweet, has always seemed to me the time when we are most naturally led to commune with higher powers; our mortal sternness departs, and gentle complacency invests the soul.","MWS" "id25606","They say that I spoke with a distinct enunciation, but with marked emphasis and passionate hurry, as if in dread of interruption before concluding the brief, but pregnant sentences that consigned me to the hangman and to hell.","EAP" "id22468","Then the floor gave way at last, and I slid gaspingly down into the nighted chamber below, choking with cobwebs and half swooning with terror.","HPL" "id21724","She was attired in deep mourning, and excited in my bosom a feeling of mingled respect, interest, and admiration.","EAP" "id16164","The slightest pressure upon a long lever that extended far into the tomb would cause the iron portal to fly back.","EAP" "id24439","He here paused abruptly, bent his head to his bosom, and seemed to listen to a sound which I could not hear.","EAP" "id17310","It was a solid structure, with massy door, sooner than open which in the absence of the ""Dominic,"" we would all have willingly perished by the peine forte et dure.","EAP" "id14783","My courage and perseverance were invigorated by these scoffing words; I resolved not to fail in my purpose, and calling on heaven to support me, I continued with unabated fervour to traverse immense deserts, until the ocean appeared at a distance and formed the utmost boundary of the horizon.","MWS" "id16375","Several times he seemed near daylight, only to be set back by some unforeseen obstacle.","HPL" "id19921","In the meantime, he continued his talk.","EAP" "id11594","Extremely rapid decrease in the diameter of the earth.","EAP" "id03681","We saw each other again and again.","EAP" "id02521","Anyhow, he manages to turn out results that differ from the pretender's mince pie dreams in just about the same way that the life painter's results differ from the concoctions of a correspondence school cartoonist.","HPL" "id26954","I was not long in hesitation.","EAP" "id17127","The corpse, I repeat, stirred, and now more vigorously than before.","EAP" "id27351","This expedition has been the favourite dream of my early years.","MWS" "id21856","I am not even certain how I am communicating this message.","HPL" "id05558","The trees were dark in color, and mournful in form and attitude, wreathing themselves into sad, solemn, and spectral shapes that conveyed ideas of mortal sorrow and untimely death.","EAP" "id05732","There were shocking dooms that might be called out of the hills on the Sabbaths; dooms which ought not to exist within the territories of the Roman People; and to permit orgies of the kind known to prevail at Sabbaths would be but little in consonance with the customs of those whose forefathers, A. Postumius being consul, had executed so many Roman citizens for the practice of the Bacchanalia a matter kept ever in memory by the Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus, graven upon bronze and set open to every eye.","HPL" "id12427","The heat rapidly increased, and once again I looked up, shuddering as with a fit of the ague.","EAP" "id08649","""He is better dead, for he was unfit to bear the active intellect of cosmic entity.","HPL" "id04920","I told him, too, of the fears of others in that region, and how they were whispered down for generations; and how no mythical madness came to the boy who in entered an abandoned house to examine certain traces suspected to be there.","HPL" "id13665","The vault in which we placed it and which had been so long unopened that our torches, half smothered in its oppressive atmosphere, gave us little opportunity for investigation was small, damp, and entirely without means of admission for light; lying, at great depth, immediately beneath that portion of the building in which was my own sleeping apartment.","EAP" "id17052","How it had ever come into the possession of a common sailor, neither he nor I could imagine.","HPL" "id11385","Why should that lady blush To this demand there is no answer except that, having left, in the eager haste and terror of a mother's heart, the privacy of her own boudoir, she has neglected to enthral her tiny feet in their slippers, and utterly forgotten to throw over her Venetian shoulders that drapery which is their due.","EAP" "id21706","Well, this could not last.","MWS" "id02381","All the phrases did not fit, as we say in the Anglo Saxon.","EAP" "id21668","It is formed of a light wicker, and is wonderfully strong, for so frail looking a machine.","EAP" "id07384","She had to do this, while in deep woe she sighed for loneliness, and would gladly have exchanged her crowded rooms for dark forest depths, or a drear, night enshadowed heath.","MWS" "id16192","""Felix trembled violently as he said this.","MWS" "id21342","I remembered that Idris had been kept in ignorance of my proceedings.","MWS" "id04719","It is impossible utterly impossible to form any adequate idea of the horror of my situation.","EAP" "id07916","If two medallions are put into the drawer together, an answer is returned only to the lower one.","EAP" "id25797","Yet we were not all to die.","MWS" "id27649","""It may appear strange, but now, when we were in the very jaws of the gulf, I felt more composed than when we were only approaching it.","EAP" "id03810","The vast cities of America, the fertile plains of Hindostan, the crowded abodes of the Chinese, are menaced with utter ruin.","MWS" "id05299","And so it was with the waking nightmare of Tempest Mountain; the discovery that two monsters had haunted the spot gave me ultimately a mad craving to plunge into the very earth of the accursed region, and with bare hands dig out the death that leered from every inch of the poisonous soil.","HPL" "id19548","Be Wilson what he might, this, at least, was but the veriest of affectation, or of folly.","EAP" "id19089","The oldest man in the borough can remember not the slightest difference in the appearance of any portion of it; and, indeed, the very suggestion of such a possibility is considered an insult.","EAP" "id01357","At high noon of the night in which she departed, beckoning me, peremptorily, to her side, she bade me repeat certain verses composed by herself not many days before.","EAP" "id24098","In displaying anxiety for the breath of which he was at present so willing to get rid, might I not lay myself open to the exactions of his avarice?","EAP" "id27902","They did not cease, however, importuning me with questions as to what I intended to do with all this apparatus, and expressed much dissatisfaction at the terrible labor I made them undergo.","EAP" "id12952","For a while he sought friends, but soon grew weary of the crudeness of their emotions, and the sameness and earthiness of their visions.","HPL" "id27777","But Clara was jealous of their services; she would be sole handmaid of Idris, sole minister to the wants of her little cousins; nothing gave her so much pleasure as our employing her in this way; she went beyond our desires, earnest, diligent, and unwearied, Abra was ready ere we called her name, And though we called another, Abra came.","MWS" "id06875","Of all these things we know nothing.","EAP" "id16381","In the bottom of the valley itself for it must be borne in mind that the vegetation hitherto mentioned grew only on the cliffs or hillsides were to be seen three insulated trees.","EAP" "id26643","He had begun his speech with vehemence; he ended with unassuming gentleness, making his appeal with the same humility, as if he had asked to be the first in wealth, honour, and power among Englishmen, and not, as was the truth, to be the foremost in the ranks of loathsome toils and inevitable death.","MWS" "id23820","He declared, notwithstanding her harshness, he even called it coldness, that he loved her.","MWS" "id05427","Remember the friends around you, who centre all their hopes in you.","MWS" "id25476","The usual sputtering began, turned to a whine, and terminated in a drone so soft as to suggest a return to silence.","HPL" "id04730","I say to my surprise, for, although he had always yielded his person freely to my experiments, he had never before given me any tokens of sympathy with what I did.","EAP" "id14576","In a book was published at Dresden by M. I. F. Freyhere in which another endeavor was made to unravel the mystery.","EAP" "id05081","No arm is without hair.","EAP" "id22699","I darted towards the spot from which the sound proceeded, but the devil eluded my grasp.","MWS" "id21354","Zann's screaming viol now outdid itself, emitting sounds I had never thought a viol could emit.","HPL" "id17692","But alas the real sleepers were fewer, by many millions, than those who slumbered not at all; and there was a feeble struggling; and there was a general sad unrest; and from out the depths of the countless pits there came a melancholy rustling from the garments of the buried.","EAP" "id16433","You have often observed the profound self cognizance evinced by the sleep waker the extensive knowledge he displays upon all points relating to the mesmeric condition itself; and from this self cognizance may be deduced hints for the proper conduct of a catechism.""","EAP" "id02191","This would look erudite and and and frank.","EAP" "id08912","West, who had his hand on the pulse of the left wrist, suddenly nodded significantly; and almost simultaneously a mist appeared on the mirror inclined above the body's mouth.","HPL" "id26225","W. was a little indisposed, and would decline coming on board until to morrow, at the hour of sailing.""","EAP" "id09814","Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess: but the thought of an instant reassured me.","EAP" "id20216","As the day advanced the focus of his unseeing eyes changed position, and by noon he had conquered the impulse to stare at vacancy.","HPL" "id04455","Several hours passed, and I remained near my window gazing on the sea; it was almost motionless, for the winds were hushed, and all nature reposed under the eye of the quiet moon.","MWS" "id03267","And as I ran along the shore, crushing sleeping flowers with heedless feet and maddened ever by the fear of unknown things and the lure of the dead faces, I saw that the garden had no end under that moon; for where by day the walls were, there stretched now only new vistas of trees and paths, flowers and shrubs, stone idols and pagodas, and bendings of the yellow litten stream past grassy banks and under grotesque bridges of marble.","HPL" "id19040","They would appear to be walking, with heels up and head down, in the manner of flies on a ceiling.","EAP" "id13391","Some were destroyed; the major part escaped by quick and well ordered movements; and danger made them careful.","MWS" "id08092","The passionate and almost reverential attachment with which all regarded her became, while I shared it, my pride and my delight.","MWS" "id06674","What I saw about me none else saw; and I grew doubly silent and aloof lest I be thought mad.","HPL" "id00954","Whaddya want, feller booze, coke, or some other sorta dope?","HPL" "id17352","He loved enterprise, hardship, and even danger for its own sake.","MWS" "id18183","His mind was tired, but I am always a German, and was quick to notice two things; that the U was standing the deep sea pressure splendidly, and that the peculiar dolphins were still about us, even at a depth where the existence of high organisms is considered impossible by most naturalists.","HPL" "id25318","The sense of falling had ceased; and the motion of the vessel seemed much as it had been before, while in the belt of foam, with the exception that she now lay more along.","EAP" "id00277","At each end of its axis this screw is supported by pillars of hollow brass tube descending from the hoop.","EAP" "id17125","Now, lest I should be supposed more of a madman than I actually am, I will detail, as well as I am able, the considerations which led me to believe that an achievement of this nature, although without doubt difficult, and incontestably full of danger, was not absolutely, to a bold spirit, beyond the confines of the possible.","EAP" "id10814","Mostly we held to the theory that we were jointly going mad from our life of unnatural excitements, but sometimes it pleased us more to dramatise ourselves as the victims of some creeping and appalling doom.","HPL" "id16129","My confusion of mind prevented me from observing that I began my tour with the wall to the left, and ended it with the wall to the right.","EAP" "id08493","An irrepressible tremor gradually pervaded my frame; and, at length, there sat upon my very heart an incubus of utterly causeless alarm.","EAP" "id22222","His long hair and flowing beard were of a terrible and intense black hue, and of incredible profusion.","HPL" "id25514","Or did it know that I was the leader, and save me for a fate worse than that of my companions?","HPL" "id02562","Anguish and despair had penetrated into the core of my heart; I bore a hell within me which nothing could extinguish.","MWS" "id04559","Madame Lalande, I had been told, was a Parisian had lately arrived from Paris might she not suddenly return?","EAP" "id21855","Mercy was a plain, raw boned woman of great strength; but her health visibly declined from the time of her advent.","HPL" "id00716","He began at last to shew signs of angry impatience, and Perdita became aware that the system she had adopted could not continue; she must explain herself to him; she could not summon courage to speak she wrote thus: ""Read this letter with patience, I entreat you.","MWS" "id01319","Von Kempelen, however, is by no means 'a misanthrope,' in appearance, at least, whatever he may be in fact.","EAP" "id25120","The only alteration in the MS.","EAP" "id21934","Death is the goal that I would attain, but, alas I do not even see the end of the course.","MWS" "id07751","His sole relief was obtained in revelry of the most general and boisterous sort; so that few assemblies of the young and the gay were unknown to us.","HPL" "id26871","The inhabitants of Berkshire and Bucks had been long aware that the plague was in London, in Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, York, in short, in all the more populous towns of England.","MWS" "id27716","It imparts an impression of terrible antiquity, as though it were the remotest rather than the immediate ancestor of Greek art.","HPL" "id08646","Do not for ever look sorrow and never speak it; utter one word of bitter complaint and I will reprove it with gentle exhortation and pour on you the balm of compassion.","MWS" "id11737","Barring the door after us against the fury of the wind and rain, we put in place the crude window shutter which our frequent searches had taught us where to find.","HPL" "id12361","If she had been nurtured by those who had regarded her with affection, she might have been different; but unloved and neglected, she repaid want of kindness with distrust and silence.","MWS" "id02283","In person, he hardly appeared of this world; his slight frame was overinformed by the soul that dwelt within; he was all mind; ""Man but a rush against"" his breast, and it would have conquered his strength; but the might of his smile would have tamed an hungry lion, or caused a legion of armed men to lay their weapons at his feet.","MWS" "id15433","He merely pointed to a book of prodigious size which lay open on the table, while the beldame thrust a huge grey quill into Gilman's right hand.","HPL" "id07132","It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.","EAP" "id05856","In about fifteen minutes, another and less reasonable bill is handed him by one who soon makes it evident that the first collector was a diddler, and the original collection a diddle.","EAP" "id21396","Sir, if that man was not a frog, I can only observe that it is a pity he was not.","EAP" "id01384","This was the key of my design.","MWS" "id19091","Has she not bestowed on him every gift in prodigality?","MWS" "id08543","The whole of this mechanism that is to say all the mechanism essential to the machine is most probably contained within the little cupboard of about six inches in breadth partitioned off at the right the spectators' right of the main compartment.","EAP" "id14052","I am a part of this scene; each and all its properties are a part of me.","MWS" "id22373","The report of the pistol brought a crowd into the room.","MWS" "id06278","Any being from any part of three dimensional space could probably survive in the fourth dimension; and its survival of the second stage would depend upon what alien part of three dimensional space it might select for its re entry.","HPL" "id22914","But not wantin' to bother, they'd lay low when anybody visited the island.","HPL" "id01076","Gorges and ravines of problematical depth intersect the way, and the crude wooden bridges always seem of dubious safety.","HPL" "id18875","At the end of a week he placed before me the following extracts: ""About three years and a half ago, a disturbance very similar to the present, was caused by the disappearance of this same Marie Rogêt, from the parfumerie of Monsieur Le Blanc, in the Palais Royal.","EAP" "id14147","""There are, properly,"" he writes, ""but two styles of landscape gardening, the natural and the artificial.","EAP" "id25802","A few words, in explanation, will here be necessary for such of our readers as are not conversant with the details of aerostation.","EAP" "id03610","The extreme, almost nocturnal darkness of the sky caused us to stumble sadly, but guided by the frequent flashes of lightning and by our minute knowledge of the hamlet we soon reached the least porous cabin of the lot; an heterogeneous combination of logs and boards whose still existing door and single tiny window both faced Maple Hill.","HPL" "id26537","Never saw the old man.","HPL" "id25832","You might as well say, you have a strong Suspicion that Milton wrote Paradise Lost"" I thereafter saw Johnson very frequently, most often at Meetings of THE LITERARY CLUB, which was founded the next Year by the Doctor, together with Mr. Burke, the parliamentary Orator, Mr. Beauclerk, a Gentleman of Fashion, Mr. Langton, a pious Man and Captain of Militia, Sir J. Reynolds, the widely known Painter, Dr. Goldsmith, the prose and poetick Writer, Dr. Nugent, father in law to Mr. Burke, Sir John Hawkins, Mr. Anthony Chamier, and my self.","HPL" "id10179","Our empty habitations remained, but the dwellers were gathered to the shades of the tomb.","MWS" "id18582","And then I scrutinized, with a minute scrutiny, the forms, and the methods, and the leading traits of his impertinent supervision.","EAP" "id09445","But other ingredients mingled with these, and prevented him from becoming the calculating, determined character, which alone forms a successful hero.","MWS" "id02768","Nor could he talk of these matters at all save with the Terrible Old Man, who afterward mumbled queer things in his long white beard; vowing that the man who came down from that crag was not wholly the man who went up, and that somewhere under that grey peaked roof, or amidst inconceivable reaches of that sinister white mist, there lingered still the lost spirit of him who was Thomas Olney.","HPL" "id09173","They looked at one another and were unable to reply.","MWS" "id26644","Some of the faces seemed to hold expressions that brought up incredibly remote recollections; others were utterly alien.","HPL" "id04128","I wedded; nor dreaded the curse I had invoked; and its bitterness was not visited upon me.","EAP" "id09522","There was a simple, natural earnestness about her that interested me in her fate, especially when she assured me that her husband was the best of men, had been so, till want of business during these unhappy times had thrown him into bad company.","MWS" "id23488","Just before dawn Arcturus winks ruddily from above the cemetery on the low hillock, and Coma Berenices shimmers weirdly afar off in the mysterious east; but still the Pole Star leers down from the same place in the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey.","HPL" "id19291","When I considered all these particulars, I doubted not for a moment that heat had been the agent in bringing to light, upon the parchment, the skull which I saw designed upon it.","EAP" "id20100","To me Alos denied a warrior's part, for I was feeble and given to strange faintings when subjected to stress and hardships.","HPL" "id03655","It was small relief to him that our discipline should gain us success in such a conflict; while plague still hovered to equalize the conqueror and the conquered, it was not victory that he desired, but bloodless peace.","MWS" "id24242","Only after two years did I connect this fear with anything in particular; but then I began to see that he must be looking at a special spot on the celestial vault whose position at different times corresponded to the direction of his glance a spot roughly marked by the constellation Corona Borealis.","HPL" "id06343","Ever since the fatal night, the end of my labours, and the beginning of my misfortunes, I had conceived a violent antipathy even to the name of natural philosophy.","MWS" "id25353","Perdita shook her head; ""If it could be so,"" she replied, ""I were much in the wrong to disdain your offers.","MWS" "id22656","The pile of tools soon reached, and a hammer and chisel selected, Birch returned over the coffins to the door.","HPL" "id18783","It is our distance from them and our imperfect means of communication that makes them appear to move; in truth they always remain stationary, a glorious centre, giving us a fine lesson of modesty if we would thus receive it.""","MWS" "id09227","Yog Sothoth is the gate.","HPL" "id27384","Then he would try to straighten up, and a certain fire would creep into the sunken eyes.","HPL" "id11464","As yet the mind alone had suffered could I for ever put off the time, when the delicate frame and shrinking nerves of my child of prosperity, the nursling of rank and wealth, who was my companion, should be invaded by famine, hardship, and disease?","MWS" "id23578","My father felt that his fall was near; but so far from profiting by this last calm before the storm to save himself, he sought to forget anticipated evil by making still greater sacrifices to the deity of pleasure, deceitful and cruel arbiter of his destiny.","MWS" "id12001","Our quest for novel scenes and piquant conditions was feverish and insatiate St. John was always the leader, and he it was who led the way at last to that mocking, that accursed spot which brought us our hideous and inevitable doom.","HPL" "id04546","But, once upon a time, a certain rich miser conceived the design of spunging upon this Abernethy for a medical opinion.","EAP" "id03121","For there, full in the rifted roadway, lay bleached and tranquil in bland, saintly, and consular pomp the dome like skull of Ibid There is nothing more absurd, as I view it, than that conventional association of the homely and the wholesome which seems to pervade the psychology of the multitude.","HPL" "id06240","I observed that his name was carded upon three state rooms; and, upon again referring to the list of passengers, I found that he had engaged passage for himself, wife, and two sisters his own.","EAP" "id20799","I was, just at that epoch, in one of those moody frames of mind which make a man abnormally inquisitive about trifles: and I confess, with shame, that I busied myself in a variety of ill bred and preposterous conjectures about this matter of the supernumerary state room.","EAP" "id09064","One part was open, and by that I had crept in; but now I covered every crevice by which I might be perceived with stones and wood, yet in such a manner that I might move them on occasion to pass out; all the light I enjoyed came through the sty, and that was sufficient for me.","MWS" "id12465","Its trees were all gone now, and its rose gardens were displaced by the backs of cheap, ugly new buildings on parallel streets.","HPL" "id18138","I alone fed him, and he attended me wherever I went about the house.","EAP" "id21167","Nevertheless the change in the menace from vague premonition to immediate reality was a profound shock, and fell upon me with the force of a genuine blow.","HPL" "id03956","How often have I wept over that letter which untill I was sixteen was the only relick I had to remind me of my parents.","MWS" "id03405","When others were there he often spoke to me and his eyes perpetually followed my slightest motion.","MWS" "id22301","His screams had reached the house, and I had hastened to the terrible scene in time to hear a whir of wings and see a vague black cloudy thing silhouetted against the rising moon.","HPL" "id17957","With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion.","EAP" "id05944","The artificial style has as many varieties as there are different tastes to gratify.","EAP" "id25362","My own sensations can scarcely be recorded.","HPL" "id12873","Each of these knobs was the hub of a system of five long, flat, triangularly tapering arms arranged around it like the arms of a starfish nearly horizontal, but curving slightly away from the central barrel.","HPL" "id14702","This plainly shows the bottom to consist of craggy rocks, among which they are whirled to and fro.","EAP" "id20719","It soon developed that I had only a choice between different evils, but after a time I came upon a house in West Fourteenth Street which disgusted me much less than the others I had sampled.","HPL" "id17773","We painted and read together; or I listened, as if in a dream, to the wild improvisations of his speaking guitar.","EAP" "id10290","I well remember, among others, the treatise of the noble Italian, Coelius Secundus Curio, ""De Amplitudine Beati Regni Dei;"" St. Austin's great work, the ""City of God;"" and Tertullian's ""De Carne Christi,"" in which the paradoxical sentence ""Mortuus est Dei filius; credible est quia ineptum est: et sepultus resurrexit; certum est quia impossibile est,"" occupied my undivided time, for many weeks of laborious and fruitless investigation.","EAP" "id01587","Zadok now grew shriller, and seemed to be trying to whip up his courage with louder speech.","HPL" "id02699","A diddler may thus be regarded as a banker in petto a ""financial operation,"" as a diddle at Brobdignag.","EAP" "id26477","I revelled in recollections of her purity, of her wisdom, of her lofty, her ethereal nature, of her passionate, her idolatrous love.","EAP" "id17708","At last the crisis came: the night when parliament, which had so long delayed its choice, must decide: as the hour of twelve passed, and the new day began, it was by virtue of the constitution dissolved, its power extinct.","MWS" "id06852","My father wished her not to go but said that he left it to her own judgment and feelings to decide.","MWS" "id13048","We had passed through walls of piled bones, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs.","EAP" "id22499","His name was John Raymond Legrasse, and he was by profession an Inspector of Police.","HPL" "id03365","When the Automaton is about to move a piece, a distinct motion is observable just beneath the left shoulder, and which motion agitates in a slight degree, the drapery covering the front of the left shoulder.","EAP" "id22918","""He is dead"" said Adrian, as the corpse fell from his arms on the ground, and he bowed his head in sorrow and awe.","MWS" "id20198","Having thus become Friends, we convers'd on many Matters.","HPL" "id16775","With all the energy of desperate grief I told him how I had fallen at once from bliss to misery; how that for me there was no joy, no hope; that death however bitter would be the welcome seal to all my pangs; death the skeleton was to be beautiful as love.","MWS" "id27830","I saw clearly the doom which had been prepared for me, and congratulated myself upon the timely accident by which I had escaped.","EAP" "id19612","The physician came and prescribed medicines, and the old woman prepared them for me; but utter carelessness was visible in the first, and the expression of brutality was strongly marked in the visage of the second.","MWS" "id20904","The ultimate life is the full design.","EAP" "id19228","Upon examining it, many excoriations were perceived, no doubt occasioned by the violence with which it had been thrust up and disengaged.","EAP" "id04963","I shall not be suspected of being averse to the Greek cause; I know and feel its necessity; it is beyond every other a good cause.","MWS" "id15825","And is it therefore that he has never thus suffered?","EAP" "id20146","The atmosphere, for example, impels the electric principle, while the electric principle permeates the atmosphere.","EAP" "id12121","My father seemed to notice it, too, for he began looking at me curiously and almost affrightedly.","HPL" "id05096","Ise heerd bout dem goole bugs fore dis."" ""But how do you know he dreams about gold?"" ""How I know?","EAP" "id27396","Parachutes and rail roads man traps and spring guns Our steam boats are upon every sea, and the Nassau balloon packet is about to run regular trips fare either way only twenty pounds sterling between London and Timbuctoo.","EAP" "id07013","Many attempts had been made to set aside this singular bequest; their ex post facto character rendered them abortive; but the attention of a jealous government was aroused, and a legislative act finally obtained, forbidding all similar accumulations.","EAP" "id11084","Increase of knowledge only discovered to me more clearly what a wretched outcast I was.","MWS" "id05776","This done, a few more of the loops were unfastened from the rim, a farther portion of the cloth introduced, and the disengaged loops then connected with their proper buttons.","EAP" "id07732","She had now partially recovered, however, and took the vessel herself, while I sank upon an ottoman near me, with my eyes fastened upon her person.","EAP" "id17600","Burials without embalming were made in rapid succession, and even the Christchurch Cemetery receiving tomb was crammed with coffins of the unembalmed dead.","HPL" "id18031","Only greater maturity could help him understand the chronic mental limitations of the ""professor doctor"" type the product of generations of pathetic Puritanism; kindly, conscientious, and sometimes gentle and amiable, yet always narrow, intolerant, custom ridden, and lacking in perspective.","HPL" "id27801","For the gentle and noble features were those of his own mother.","HPL" "id00591","For a moment only did I lose recollection; I fell senseless on the ground.","MWS" "id11261","I looked on these; I turned my gaze to my own mean dress.","MWS" "id10014","""Ebenezer cud read a leetle o' this 'tis Latin but I can't.","HPL" "id04627","We followed them to an abandoned barn, where the remnants of a crowd of frightened foreigners were watching a silent black form on the floor.","HPL" "id13919","In these writings the people were urged to tear down the laws and virtues that our fathers had exalted; to stamp out the soul of the old America the soul that was bequeathed through a thousand and a half years of Anglo Saxon freedom, justice, and moderation.","HPL" "id23787","It was but just now that I passed directly before the eyes of the mate it was no long while ago that I ventured into the captain's own private cabin, and took thence the materials with which I write, and have written.","EAP" "id06955","Nor did her angry dislike prevent Adrian from imaging my father, as he had said, the type of all that was gallant, amiable, and fascinating in man.","MWS" "id15141","But my efforts were fruitless.","EAP" "id19626","I at once offered to purchase it of the landlord; but this person made no claim to it knew nothing of it had never seen it before.","EAP" "id25623","""The Amontillado"" ejaculated my friend, not yet recovered from his astonishment.","EAP" "id11257","My head grovelled in the ashes of an extinguished fire, while my feet reposed upon the wreck of a small table, overthrown, and amid the fragments of a miscellaneous dessert, intermingled with a newspaper, some broken glass and shattered bottles, and an empty jug of the Schiedam Kirschenwasser.","EAP" "id17639","In a dream Kuranes saw the city in the valley, and the sea coast beyond, and the snowy peak overlooking the sea, and the gaily painted galleys that sail out of the harbour toward the distant regions where the sea meets the sky.","HPL" "id03590","He had abandoned me, and in the bitterness of my heart I cursed him.","MWS" "id10672","You, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your fellow creatures, who owe me nothing?","MWS" "id06923","Under the idea of initiating me in the scene of English politics and society, of which I was soon to become a part, he narrated a number of anecdotes, and sketched many characters; his discourse, rich and varied, flowed on, pervading all my senses with pleasure.","MWS" "id17672","Among these reliefs were fabulous monsters of abhorrent grotesqueness and malignity half ichthyic and half batrachian in suggestion which one could not dissociate from a certain haunting and uncomfortable sense of pseudo memory, as if they called up some image from deep cells and tissues whose retentive functions are wholly primal and awesomely ancestral.","HPL" "id25679","""Who can he be?"" said Mrs. Bas Bleu.","EAP" "id25984","Their sides sloped from the water's edge at an angle of some forty five degrees, and they were clothed from base to summit not a perceptible point escaping in a drapery of the most gorgeous flower blossoms; scarcely a green leaf being visible among the sea of odorous and fluctuating color.","EAP" "id17391","I have spoken to you, Oinos, as to a child of the fair Earth which lately perished of impulses upon the atmosphere of the Earth.","EAP" "id27041","But more marvellous still were the palaces and the temples, and the gardens made by Zokkar the olden king.","HPL" "id17769","The crouching image with its cuttlefish head, dragon body, scaly wings, and hieroglyphed pedestal, was preserved in the Museum at Hyde Park; and I studied it long and well, finding it a thing of balefully exquisite workmanship, and with the same utter mystery, terrible antiquity, and unearthly strangeness of material which I had noted in Legrasse's smaller specimen.","HPL" "id17564","""Whose name is Davy Jones"" ejaculated Tarpaulin, helping the lady by his side to a skull of liqueur, and pouring out a second for himself.","EAP" "id23231","Trident bearing Neptune was there, and sportive tritons and fantastic nereids, and upon dolphins' backs was balanced a vast crenulate shell wherein rode the grey and awful form of primal Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss.","HPL" "id15756","What would be the result of a total extraction of the nitrogen?","EAP" "id19177","The most wonderful the most ingenious and let me add, Mr. Mr. Thompson, I believe, is your name let me add, I say, the most useful the most truly useful mechanical contrivances, are daily springing up like mushrooms, if I may so express myself, or, more figuratively, like ah grasshoppers like grasshoppers, Mr. Thompson about us and ah ah ah around us"" Thompson, to be sure, is not my name; but it is needless to say that I left General Smith with a heightened interest in the man, with an exalted opinion of his conversational powers, and a deep sense of the valuable privileges we enjoy in living in this age of mechanical invention.","EAP" "id21170","My view downward was also considerably impeded by the dense atmosphere in the vicinity of the surface being loaded with clouds, between whose masses I could only now and then obtain a glimpse of the earth itself.","EAP" "id07422","That shocking little horror was reserved for certain lighter, sharper dreams which assailed him just before he dropped into the fullest depths of sleep.","HPL" "id02188","After a full two hours Dr. Davis left, urging Birch to insist at all times that his wounds were caused entirely by loose nails and splintering wood.","HPL" "id01968","But keep in mind that I didn't drop Pickman for anything like this.","HPL" "id08975","I can just remember the titles of some of the works.","EAP" "id19233","How at least shall we distinguish its shadows from those of the tomb?","EAP" "id09811","This being so, they could not have refastened the sashes from the inside, as they were found fastened; the consideration which put a stop, through its obviousness, to the scrutiny of the police in this quarter.","EAP" "id26022","Therein, he has dreamed of flames and suffocation of mountains upon mountains of Pelion upon Ossa.","EAP" "id10239","Had the routine of our life at this place been known to the world, we should have been regarded as madmen although, perhaps, as madmen of a harmless nature.","EAP" "id16782","He talked of Geneva, which I should soon visit, of Elizabeth and Ernest; but these words only drew deep groans from me.","MWS" "id09448","We are born; we choose neither our parents, nor our station; we are educated by others, or by the world's circumstance, and this cultivation, mingling with our innate disposition, is the soil in which our desires, passions, and motives grow.""","MWS" "id15903","Each would have fled had he not feared the scorn of the others, and it was only half heartedly that they searched vainly, as it proved for some portable souvenir to bear away.","HPL" "id18537","I had been long in the habit of mesmerizing the person in question, Mr. Vankirk, and the usual acute susceptibility and exaltation of the mesmeric perception had supervened.","EAP" "id00789","I pondered upon all this frivolity until my teeth were on edge.","EAP" "id15187","Though I well realised the futility of imaginative and metaphysical arguments against the complacency of an orthodox sun dweller, something in the scene of this afternoon colloquy moved me to more than usual contentiousness.","HPL" "id25357","It is only left for us to prove that these apparent 'impossibilities' are, in reality, not such.","EAP" "id22032","Returning to the submarine, I turned off the lights and sat thinking in the dark.","HPL" "id21995","Eleonora was the name of my cousin.","EAP" "id10277","Still, I was absolutely fascinated, and could not withdraw it, even for an instant.","EAP" "id09090","I hailed the darkness that shut Ireland from my sight, and my pulse beat with a feverish joy when I reflected that I should soon see Geneva.","MWS" "id16790","But a home of love awaits you in your native England.","MWS" "id02386","It follows, that the desire to be well must be excited simultaneously with any principle which shall be merely a modification of combativeness, but in the case of that something which I term perverseness, the desire to be well is not only not aroused, but a strongly antagonistical sentiment exists.","EAP" "id15824","The singular being who had so disastrously exposed me, had been muffled, I remembered, in a cloak; and none had been worn at all by any of the members of our party with the exception of myself.","EAP" "id05780","For my own part, I soon found a dislike to it arising within me.","EAP" "id01757","I am glad that I have seen the changes of his day; to behold the sun, fountain of light, and the gentle pilgrim moon; to have seen the fire bearing flowers of the sky, and the flowery stars of earth; to have witnessed the sowing and the harvest.","MWS" "id19787","The Dutchman maintains it to have been that of a Frenchman; but we find it stated that 'not understanding French this witness was examined through an interpreter.'","EAP" "id20812","That among them we should look for the agency of the threatened fiery destruction had been for many years considered an inadmissible idea.","EAP" "id03944","He could not recall what he had dreamed in the sky perched hut of that still nameless hermit, or say how he had crept down that crag untraversed by other feet.","HPL" "id17277","So saying, he stepped aside and wrote down a list of several books treating of natural philosophy which he desired me to procure, and dismissed me after mentioning that in the beginning of the following week he intended to commence a course of lectures upon natural philosophy in its general relations, and that M. Waldman, a fellow professor, would lecture upon chemistry the alternate days that he omitted.","MWS" "id15396","""I'm going to prepare you as bluntly as I can.","HPL" "id11180","This I felt was the clue, and again I looked at the floor before the fireplace where the mould and nitre had taken strange forms.","HPL" "id12912","It was an opera night, and the bills presented a very rare attraction, so that the house was excessively crowded.","EAP" "id24929","Raymond, being somewhat recovered, prepared to re assume his command in the army.","MWS" "id18981","It is therefore evident that, ascend as high as we may, we cannot, literally speaking, arrive at a limit beyond which no atmosphere is to be found.","EAP" "id17887","""But there are not wanting other grounds for the suspicion that the articles were placed in the thicket with the view of diverting attention from the real scene of the outrage.","EAP" "id02025","The labour of winding among the little paths of the mountain and fixing my feet firmly as I advanced perplexed me, occupied as I was by the emotions which the occurrences of the day had produced.","MWS" "id24260","Peasants had told them they were near, and Iranon knew that this was not his native city of Aira.","HPL" "id01752","In truth, it was a dream like and spirit soothing place, that venerable old town.","EAP" "id06782","On the contrary, his wish for enlightenment was prompted by purely professional considerations.","HPL" "id13457","These, like the over largely lettered signs and placards of the street, escape observation by dint of being excessively obvious; and here the physical oversight is precisely analogous with the moral inapprehension by which the intellect suffers to pass unnoticed those considerations which are too obtrusively and too palpably self evident.","EAP" "id20451","In the rash pursuit of this object, he rushes into mere assumption at the outset.","EAP" "id27916","Rabble, indeed why these are the noble and free citizens of Epidaphne Beasts, did you say? take care that you are not overheard.","EAP" "id12679","We even avoid looking at it very steadily.""","HPL" "id22858","He at last fell down in convulsions.","MWS" "id01499","Indeed, it was only by accident that after interminable writhings I jarred my forgotten electric lamp alight, so that it shone eerily along the burrow of caked loam that stretched and curved ahead.","HPL" "id05042","Sleep fled from my eyes; I wandered like an evil spirit, for I had committed deeds of mischief beyond description horrible, and more, much more I persuaded myself was yet behind.","MWS" "id01534","They wondered, too, why the writers made so much of the fact that Old Whateley always paid for his cattle in gold pieces of extremely ancient date.","HPL" "id17611","Your affectionate brother, Robert Walton Letter July th, To Mrs. Saville, England My dear Sister, I write a few lines in haste to say that I am safe and well advanced on my voyage.","MWS" "id06006","Then we shall find Elinor and what I have lost.","MWS" "id20523","His good wife waxes stouter and his children older and prosier and more useful, and he never fails to smile correctly with pride when the occasion calls for it.","HPL" "id21911","Sargent threw out a mail bag and a roll of newspapers, and entered the hotel; while the passengers the same men whom I had seen arriving in Newburyport that morning shambled to the sidewalk and exchanged some faint guttural words with a loafer in a language I could have sworn was not English.","HPL" "id23679","What motive prompted the hybrid crew to order back the Emma as they sailed about with their hideous idol?","HPL" "id25191","Not only had he a more than ordinary dislike to quackery, but he was morbidly afraid of appearing empirical; so that, however fully he might have been convinced that he was on the right track in the matter now in question, he would never have spoken out, until he had every thing ready for the most practical demonstration.","EAP" "id11095","I said to myself, ""This is no dream, for by what means can I prove the greater reality of that other life in the house of stone and brick south of the sinister swamp and the cemetery on the low hillock, where the Pole Star peers into my north window each night?""","HPL" "id24123","There is no knowing what one eats, thought I to myself, at the tables of these people of the province.","EAP" "id21863","His information was at first received with silence; a confused murmur succeeded; and, when the chairman declared Lord Raymond duly chosen, it amounted to a shout of applause and victory.","MWS" "id20237","There was a bursting as of an exploding bladder, a slushy nastiness as of a cloven sunfish, a stench as of a thousand opened graves, and a sound that the chronicler would not put on paper.","HPL" "id20024","As ill luck would have it, I alit upon my feet within the vehicle.","EAP" "id03409","My abhorrence of this fiend cannot be conceived.","MWS" "id16531","I soon, however, grew ashamed of my weakness, and proceeded.","EAP" "id03111","""Why, papa, Captain Pratt went round Cape Horn, and Captain Smitherton doubled the Cape of Good Hope.""","EAP" "id00009","Alien it indeed was to all art and literature which sane and balanced readers know, but we recognised it as the thing hinted of in the forbidden Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; the ghastly soul symbol of the corpse eating cult of inaccessible Leng, in Central Asia.","HPL" "id26433","Bankers, merchants, and manufacturers, whose trade depended on exports and interchange of wealth, became bankrupt.","MWS" "id20185","The north wing, I now saw, was a bed chamber, its door opened into the parlor.","EAP" "id25336","My mother, pennyless and burthened with two children, waited week after week, and month after month, in sickening expectation of a reply, which never came.","MWS" "id12294","The silk on the parasol was strong, but the threads of it were run together within.","EAP" "id05099","We sunk into silence: a silence that drank in the doleful accounts and prognostications of our guest.","MWS" "id10026","It was in truth a diary, as all had thought; and it was couched in a style clearly shewing the mixed occult erudition and general illiteracy of the strange being who wrote it.","HPL" "id21675","Stay here to night, and I will send Jup down for it at sunrise.","EAP" "id18201","He has also a peculiar shuffle with his feet, calculated to induce suspicion of collusion with the machine in minds which are more cunning than sagacious.","EAP" "id12976","The least illness caused throes of terror; she was miserable if she were at all absent from them; her treasure of happiness she had garnered in their fragile being, and kept forever on the watch, lest the insidious thief should as before steal these valued gems.","MWS" "id13479","I awoke half stupefied; I felt a heavy oppression on me, but knew not wherefore; I entered, as it were, the council chamber of my brain, and questioned the various ministers of thought therein assembled; too soon I remembered all; too soon my limbs quivered beneath the tormenting power; soon, too soon, I knew myself a slave Suddenly, unannounced, Lord Raymond entered my apartment.","MWS" "id12948","Wearied at heart with anxieties which had their origin in the general turmoil and decay, I succumbed to the fierce fever.","EAP" "id14985","Her father grew worse; her time was more entirely occupied in attending him; her means of subsistence decreased; and in the tenth month her father died in her arms, leaving her an orphan and a beggar.","MWS" "id01900","Shall I not then hate them who abhor me?","MWS" "id11829","Close by my home there lies a singular wooded hollow, in whose twilight deeps I spent most of my time; reading, thinking, and dreaming.","HPL" "id14548","You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.","MWS" "id05864","But he was old, and shook his head as he replied: ""O stranger, I have indeed heard the name of Aira, and the other names thou hast spoken, but they come to me from afar down the waste of long years.","HPL" "id03621","Plainly I had no time to lose.","HPL" "id11338","Down certainly, relentlessly down It vibrated within three inches of my bosom I struggled violently, furiously, to free my left arm.","EAP" "id23177","I had taken but few turns in this manner, when a light step on an adjoining staircase arrested my attention.","EAP" "id10774","Massa Will cotch him fuss, but had for to let him go gin mighty quick, I tell you den was de time he must ha got de bite.","EAP" "id11293","There were still a few hackney coaches accustomed to stand about the streets, more truly from habit than for use.","MWS" "id20768","And, now, let me beg your notice to the highly artificial arrangement of the articles.","EAP" "id24326","Felix visited the grate at night and made known to the prisoner his intentions in his favour.","MWS" "id07401","Thereafter I was more cautious with my incantations, for I had no wish to be cut off from my body and from the earth in unknown abysses whence I could never return.","HPL" "id02649","You have given me new wants and now your trifle with me as if my heart were as whole as yours, as if I were not in truth a shorn lamb thrust out on the bleak hill side, tortured by every blast.","MWS" "id21089","He perceived the cloud gathering, and tried to dissipate it; but the strength of my feelings would not permit me to pass thus lightly over this sacred subject; so I said emphatically, ""Permit me to remark, that I am devotedly attached to the Earl of Windsor; he is my best friend and benefactor.","MWS" "id04402","He stopped as he saw firm denial on the librarian's face, and his own goatish features grew crafty.","HPL" "id23255","It had at first been his hope to find a reagent which would restore vitality before the actual advent of death, and only repeated failures on animals had shewn him that the natural and artificial life motions were incompatible.","HPL" "id09641","Wordsworth has compared a beloved female to two fair objects in nature; but his lines always appeared to me rather a contrast than a similitude: A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye, Fair as a star when only one Is shining in the sky.","MWS" "id08080","Most of these were young men of wealth, of high connection, of great family pride, and all alive with an exaggerated sense of honor.","EAP" "id02503","That evening I regretted that I had not taken the ivory image surreptitiously from poor Klenze's pocket as he left, for the memory of it fascinated me.","HPL" "id25532","In its impalpable gaseous character we clearly perceived the consummation of Fate.","EAP" "id08156","Far away to the northward I perceived a thin, white, and exceedingly brilliant line, or streak, on the edge of the horizon, and I had no hesitation in supposing it to be the southern disk of the ices of the Polar Sea.","EAP" "id12807","Raymond gave her his ring to ensure the respect of the menials.","MWS" "id12840","The business, however, has grown ungenteel, and that of a politician don't pay.","EAP" "id21329","A mutiny has been the result; and, as is usual upon such occasions, all human efforts will be of no avail in quelling the mob.","EAP" "id03701","He drew a glowing picture of its present situation.","MWS" "id13947","You know what he did.","HPL" "id22779","The magician of M. Maillardet is also worthy of notice.","EAP" "id25280","Wise men have interpreted dreams, and the gods have laughed.","HPL" "id08055","The women, too, it appears, were oddly deformed by a natural protuberance of the region just below the small of the back although, most unaccountably, this deformity was looked upon altogether in the light of a beauty.","EAP" "id02291","Confused memories mixed themselves with his mathematics, and he believed his subconscious mind held the angles which he needed to guide him back to the normal world alone and unaided for the first time.","HPL" "id23744","The title of Mr. B.'s admirable poem is the 'Oil of Bob' a somewhat unfortunate name, by the by, as some contemptible vagabond connected with the penny press has already disgusted the town with a great deal of drivel upon the same topic.","EAP" "id01501","I stood ready to receive and reply to his reproaches.","MWS" "id03595","I had recovered enough in a week to send to Albany for a gang of men to blow up the Martense mansion and the entire top of Tempest Mountain with dynamite, stop up all the discoverable mound burrows, and destroy certain overnourished trees whose very existence seemed an insult to sanity.","HPL" "id11846","With her left she pointed downward to a curiously fashioned vase.","EAP" "id13995","If the drawer is shut without a medallion being put into it, the magician rises, consults his book, shakes his head, and resumes his seat.","EAP" "id10244","A wind stronger than the night wind rushed by, and I knew that what had befallen St. John must soon befall me.","HPL" "id18391","In the second place, they terrified because of their very greatness.","HPL" "id13961","As the ape approached the casement with its mutilated burden, the sailor shrank aghast to the rod, and, rather gliding than clambering down it, hurried at once home dreading the consequences of the butchery, and gladly abandoning, in his terror, all solicitude about the fate of the Ourang Outang.","EAP" "id24523","And as I saw therein the lotos faces vanish, I longed for nets that I might capture them and learn from them the secrets which the moon had brought upon the night.","HPL" "id09547","The first object of my curiosity was a book of medium size lying upon the table and presenting such an antediluvian aspect that I marvelled at beholding it outside a museum or library.","HPL" "id25979","We were all equal now; but near at hand was an equality still more levelling, a state where beauty and strength, and wisdom, would be as vain as riches and birth.","MWS" "id17438","The death of William, the execution of Justine, the murder of Clerval, and lastly of my wife; even at that moment I knew not that my only remaining friends were safe from the malignity of the fiend; my father even now might be writhing under his grasp, and Ernest might be dead at his feet.","MWS" "id27492","The night mare became torture; with a strong effort I threw off sleep, and recalled reason to her wonted functions.","MWS" "id09520","My pets are not pretty, for they come out of places where aesthetic standards are very different.","HPL" "id27690","or, if even that, could I withstand its pressure?","EAP" "id15657","CHAPTER VI My chamber was in a retired part of the house, and looked upon the garden so that no sound of the other inhabitants could reach it; and here in perfect solitude I wept for several hours.","MWS" "id11356","I dreaded the first glance at objects around me.","EAP" "id02612","Nor was I a stranger in the streets of Olathoë, which lies on the plateau of Sarkis, betwixt the peaks Noton and Kadiphonek.","HPL" "id02615","Retrograding, they found no difficulty, from a given effect, under given conditions, in determining the value of the original impulse.","EAP" "id06382","Next the corner of Babson Street I saw to my alarm that one of the houses was still inhabited, as attested by curtains at the window; but there were no lights within, and I passed it without disaster.","HPL" "id18102","The author of the pamphlet alluded to by Brewster, mentions it, but acknowledges his inability to account for it.","EAP" "id15524","No one had thought of even attempting to save any thing more.","EAP" "id20797","This was April th, and with the dusk would come the hellish Sabbat time which all the foreigners and the superstitious old folk feared.","HPL" "id05512","The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions seem still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth.","MWS" "id08325","They had, so they said, as much as they could do to read about the revolutions, and keep up with the march of intellect and the spirit of the age.","EAP" "id21357","I was not surprised, however, to perceive that he had long made up his mind on a point which had occasioned so much discussion to his friends.","EAP" "id16431","To diddle is his destiny.","EAP" "id10064","She hardly looked up ""You can do me no good,"" she replied; ""I must go to the hospital; if I do not die before I get there.""","MWS" "id11263","I did not desire sympathy and aid in ambition or wisdom, but sweet and mutual affection; smiles to cheer me and gentle words of comfort.","MWS" "id17652","In London there is a man who screams when the church bells ring.","HPL" "id20550","But for a long time I exerted myself in vain.","EAP" "id00991","Upon second thoughts, you had better kick him, or cane him, or something of that kind.""","EAP" "id17071","That evening, after a day of hurried cabling and arranging, I bade my host adieu and took a train for San Francisco.","HPL" "id24702","As Windsor lay, to a great degree, in the line of march from the west, I removed my family to London, assigning the Tower for their sojourn, and joining Adrian, acted as his Lieutenant in the coming struggle.","MWS" "id27790","Ryland groaned; cold drops stood on his brow.","MWS" "id04928","The cause of the conference was a horror that brooded on the hills.","HPL" "id09711","How could any backwoods dullard have gained so much as an idea of those glittering realms of supernal radiance and space about which Slater ranted in his furious delirium?","HPL" "id10097","I must be more brief for night draws on apace and all my hours in this house are counted.","MWS" "id15770","A weird bunch of cuttings, all told; and I can at this date scarcely envisage the callous rationalism with which I set them aside.","HPL" "id00052","For this was it a glorious, for this was it an honourable undertaking.","MWS" "id20748","Two of the less irrelevantly moving things a rather large congeries of iridescent, prolately spheroidal bubbles and a very much smaller polyhedron of unknown colours and rapidly shifting surface angles seemed to take notice of him and follow him about or float ahead as he changed position among the titan prisms, labyrinths, cube and plane clusters, and quasi buildings; and all the while the vague shrieking and roaring waxed louder and louder, as if approaching some monstrous climax of utterly unendurable intensity.","HPL" "id09391","At the same moment the disgusting form of Brown Jenkin scrambled up over the brink of the triangular black gulf on his left.","HPL" "id19308","I was alone, yet bound to the unknown depths by those magic strands whose insulated surface lay green beneath the struggling beams of that waning crescent moon.","HPL" "id26933","To all appearance it had been temporarily and very lately abandoned.","EAP" "id20886","Then as I heard another crash I opened my eyes and beheld myself upon the platform of that lighthouse from whence I had sailed so many aeons ago.","HPL" "id00975","The arms were bent over on the chest and were rigid.","EAP" "id13021","I did not care, however, to contest the point with him.","EAP" "id17936","Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch phantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self annihilation.","HPL" "id16611","The inhabitants of the island, and of the fort, thronged out, of course, to see the balloon; but it was with the greatest difficulty that any one could be made to credit the actual voyage the crossing of the Atlantic.","EAP" "id10713","The tenor of my actions will prove that I had rather die, than be a mark for scorn behold the proud Evadne in her tatters look on the beggar princess There is aspic venom in the thought promise me that my secret shall not be violated by you.""","MWS" "id20962","In fact, as regards the more important knowledge, I do believe that she is invariably superficial.","EAP" "id13708","After the revolution of ages Birnam hill was again covered with a young forest, while more aged pines, planted at the very commencement of the nineteenth century by the then Duke of Athol, gave solemnity and beauty to the scene.","MWS" "id01777","They had torn down the great central chimney, too, and fitted the rusty range with a flimsy outside tin stovepipe.","HPL" "id07311","I foamed I raved I swore I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased.","EAP" "id07895","But let me, it is my last entreaty, let me in the praises of his countrymen and the prosperity of England, find the choice of my youth justified.""","MWS" "id14363","The last hour for action is at hand.","EAP" "id00042","Shall man be the enemy of man, while plague, the foe to all, even now is above us, triumphing in our butchery, more cruel than her own?""","MWS" "id15944","I paused some time to reflect on all he had related and the various arguments which he had employed.","MWS" "id02400","I didn't keep track of the cross streets, and can't tell you yet which it was we turned up, but I know it wasn't Greenough Lane.","HPL" "id16100","I was now conscious of a change.","MWS" "id22138","""We are possibly not giving this matter a fair trial,"" he said.","EAP" "id12365","I threw myself into the carriage that was to convey me away, hardly knowing whither I was going, and careless of what was passing around.","MWS" "id22349","It was the design of Angelo Ricci and Joe Czanek and Manuel Silva to call on the Terrible Old Man.","HPL" "id07701","""Name it"" I exclaimed with an energy that had nearly drawn upon us the observation of the company, and restrained by their presence alone from throwing myself impetuously at her feet.","EAP" "id24632","P. S. We are consumed with anxiety to probe the mystery which envelops the evident pseudonym ""Snob.""","EAP" "id00489","I regarded her with an utter astonishment not unmingled with dread and yet I found it impossible to account for such feelings.","EAP" "id15533","He had nervously telephoned his wife he would not be home, and when she brought him a breakfast from the house he could scarcely dispose of a mouthful.","HPL" "id01533","Let us proceed in a body to the borough, and restore the ancient order of things in Vondervotteimittiss by ejecting that little fellow from the steeple.","EAP" "id20553","To change the scene for her, and even for ourselves, all unhinged by the cloud that had come over us, I persuaded my two remaining companions that it were better that we should absent ourselves for a time from Windsor.","MWS" "id19316","Out burst a deluge of liquor so fierce so impetuous so overwhelming that the room was flooded from wall to wall the loaded table was overturned the tressels were thrown upon their backs the tub of punch into the fire place and the ladies into hysterics.","EAP" "id24687","Once more in shadow, I resumed my former dog trot past the leaning and decrepit houses that stared blankly into the night.","HPL" "id12878","I took a seat far behind him, but on the same side of the bus, since I wished to watch the shore during the journey.","HPL" "id24582","But in the city things wore a different face.","MWS" "id24674","A despatch from California describes a theosophist colony as donning white robes en masse for some ""glorious fulfilment"" which never arrives, whilst items from India speak guardedly of serious native unrest toward the end of March.","HPL" "id23267","I had determined, if you were going southwards, still to trust myself to the mercy of the seas rather than abandon my purpose.","MWS" "id07023","His teeth, however, were like pearl, and his large full eyes were deliciously white.","EAP" "id24119","The neighborhood is secluded particularly so.","EAP" "id21034","""By this time the first fury of the tempest had spent itself, or perhaps we did not feel it so much, as we scudded before it, but at all events the seas, which at first had been kept down by the wind, and lay flat and frothing, now got up into absolute mountains.","EAP" "id26787","He would pause now and then to renew those nervous glances over his shoulder or out toward the reef, and despite the wild absurdity of his tale, I could not help beginning to share his vague apprehensiveness.","HPL" "id16693","His serious mien recalled, by some association, the half forgotten Evadne to my mind, and I seized this opportunity to make enquiries from him concerning her strange lot.","MWS" "id03030","I ran on at my utmost speed until I found myself I knew not how, close to Westminster Abbey, and was attracted by the deep and swelling tone of the organ.","MWS" "id20822","Do you think Nature composed his surpassing machine for no purpose?","MWS" "id07684","One night the castle on the hill was thrown into the wildest confusion by the vanishment of young Godfrey, son to Henri the Comte.","HPL" "id06263","Meanwhile poor Rhoby Harris, in her madness, gave voice to dreams and imaginings of the most hideous sort.","HPL" "id20672","But these cares of Clerval were made of no avail when I visited the professors.","MWS" "id19745","This arm was gradually widened until it attained its present breadth a mile.","EAP" "id21738","Again, quite a respectable diddle is this.","EAP" "id12308","Dun't know haow his poor wife kin feel she come from Ipswich, an' they nigh lynched Barnabas when he courted her fifty odd year' ago.","HPL" "id20175","Its bottom, which could be distinctly seen, consisted altogether, of pebbles brilliantly white.","EAP" "id02812","For example, he has been known to open, first of all, the drawer but he never opens the main compartment without first closing the back door of cupboard No. he never opens the main compartment without first pulling out the drawer he never shuts the drawer without first shutting the main compartment he never opens the back door of cupboard No. while the main compartment is open and the game of chess is never commenced until the whole machine is closed.","EAP" "id20576","Our general routine was this: Pompey, having rolled himself well in the mud, sat upon end at the shop door, until he observed a dandy approaching in bright boots.","EAP" "id25755","He appeared extremely uneasy, looking anxiously around him, fluttering his wings, and making a loud cooing noise, but could not be persuaded to trust himself from off the car.","EAP" "id08174","The most important portion in fact, the soul of the whole business, is yet to be attended to I allude to the filling up.","EAP" "id15746","I reapproached the wall.","EAP" "id05814","When, therefore, Mr. Preston reached me that which he had picked up upon the floor, and near the folding doors of the apartment, it was with an astonishment nearly bordering upon terror, that I perceived my own already hanging on my arm, where I had no doubt unwittingly placed it, and that the one presented me was but its exact counterpart in every, in even the minutest possible particular.","EAP" "id25717","But Woodville's words had magic in them, when beginning with the sweetest pity, he would raise me by degrees out of myself and my sorrows until I wondered at my own selfishness: but he left me and despair returned; the work of consolation was ever to begin anew.","MWS" "id01904","ye yelping dog ye called 'em, and they've come for me Moccasined feet dead men Gad sink ye, ye red devils, but I poisoned no rum o' yours han't I kept your pox rotted magic safe?","HPL" "id04351","Of the bruises upon the body of Madame L'Espanaye I do not speak.","EAP" "id10191","The Great War, through which both of us served as surgeons, had intensified this side of West.","HPL" "id01515","What of it there remained I will not attempt to define, or even to describe; yet all was not lost.","EAP" "id11628","He received the paper very peevishly, and was about to crumple it, apparently to throw it in the fire, when a casual glance at the design seemed suddenly to rivet his attention.","EAP" "id25274","In about two hours the boat rested in a paved plaza close to the rocky wall of the valley.","HPL" "id25964","Niches here and there contained skulls of all shapes, and heads preserved in various stages of dissolution.","HPL" "id12188","But I forget myself, my tale is yet untold.","MWS" "id03685","There were bones badly crushed and splintered, but clearly recognisable as human whose manifestly modern date conflicted puzzlingly with the remote period at which their only possible lurking place, the low, slant floored loft overhead, had supposedly been sealed from all human access.","HPL" "id00578","""Fool"" said the second.","EAP" "id05806","Oh What a night it was And I passed on with quick steps among the high, dank grass amid the rain and tempest.","MWS" "id14305","Then through the high mists he heard the voice of unseen Barzai shouting wildly in delight: ""I have heard the gods I have heard earth's gods singing in revelry on Hatheg Kla The voices of earth's gods are known to Barzai the Prophet The mists are thin and the moon is bright, and I shall see the gods dancing wildly on Hatheg Kla that they loved in youth The wisdom of Barzai hath made him greater than earth's gods, and against his will their spells and barriers are as naught; Barzai will behold the gods, the proud gods, the secret gods, the gods of earth who spurn the sight of men"" Atal could not hear the voices Barzai heard, but he was now close to the bulging cliff and scanning it for foot holds.","HPL" "id11953","No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses; or if they had, all my past life was now a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing.","MWS" "id05784","""I am about to leave the country for some years, and I cannot conscientiously retain this large amount in my possession.","EAP" "id11980","This text, as given, ran something like this: ""In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.""","HPL" "id16826","And, furthermore, it is exceedingly improbable that any villains who had committed such a murder as is here supposed, would have thrown the body in without weight to sink it, when such a precaution could have so easily been taken.""","EAP" "id11269","The print which merely falls in with ordinary opinion however well founded this opinion may be earns for itself no credit with the mob.","EAP" "id16363","The admiralty will institute an inquiry on the whole matter beginning tomorrow, at which every effort will be made to induce Johansen to speak more freely than he has done hitherto.","HPL" "id18831","Methought I was immersed in a cataleptic trance of more than usual duration and profundity.","EAP" "id04990","But life was yet strong within me; I recovered: nor did it a little aid my returning health that my recollections were at first vague, and that I was too weak to feel any violent emotion.","MWS" "id00480","She knew that Raymond had conversed with her; had he instigated this request?","MWS" "id00776","Come, I see that you are already persuaded, and will second me when I propose him to night in parliament.""","MWS" "id24352","She listened eagerly to him, yet tantalized herself by giving to his words a meaning foreign to their true interpretation, and adverse to her hopes.","MWS" "id11743","It was a life of toil; for rain and cold were more frequent than sunshine; but it was my pride to contemn the elements.","MWS" "id02531","She was there, lifeless and inanimate, thrown across the bed, her head hanging down and her pale and distorted features half covered by her hair.","MWS" "id21821","But although St. Stephen's did not echo with the voice which filled each heart, the newspapers teemed with nothing else; and in private companies the conversation however remotely begun, soon verged towards this central point, while voices were lowered and chairs drawn closer.","MWS" "id18624","I found, at the start, that the land had been part of the long strip of home lot granted originally to John Throckmorton; one of many similar strips beginning at the Town Street beside the river and extending up over the hill to a line roughly corresponding with the modern Hope Street.","HPL" "id25265","I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding night.""","MWS" "id00800","A watch's minute hand moves more quickly than did mine.","EAP" "id25337","He demanded the place of deputy as his right.","MWS" "id05196","The fury of a demon instantly possessed me.","EAP" "id11542","But he remembered it again when he walked down a white path toward a red roofed pagoda, and would have questioned the people of that land about it, had he not found that there were no people there, but only birds and bees and butterflies.","HPL" "id26160","Such would be my liberty except that in my Elizabeth I possessed a treasure, alas, balanced by those horrors of remorse and guilt which would pursue me until death.","MWS" "id05970","I could not do otherwise, even if I had wished; for if we are said to have two souls, he was my better soul, to which the other was a perpetual slave.","MWS" "id08371","""No more no more no more,"" Such language holds the solemn sea To the sands upon the shore, Shall bloom the thunder blasted tree, Or the stricken eagle soar Now all my hours are trances; And all my nightly dreams Are where the dark eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams, In what ethereal dances, By what Italian streams.","EAP" "id17298","Out of the South it would glide very smoothly and silently over the sea.","HPL" "id24958","These latter theorize.","EAP" "id11814","But her rights with regard to him, and her cherished independence, should not be injured by the idea of interest, or the intervention of the complicated feelings attendant on pecuniary obligation, and the relative situations of the benefactor, and benefited.","MWS" "id15252","The fact then of irregularity, when regularity might have been so easily attained, goes to prove that regularity is unimportant to the action of the Automaton in other words, that the Automaton is not a pure machine. .","EAP" "id13418","Dr. Armitage slept, but was partly delirious the next day.","HPL" "id00505","We entered London in the evening, and went to our several abodes near Hyde Park.","MWS" "id21014","ever hear tell of a shoggoth? . . .","HPL" "id10296","And now they were scattered, and shared only the rituals of mysteries that none living could understand.","HPL" "id17041","The care of me while a baby, and afterwards untill I had reached my eighth year devolved on a servant of my mother's, who had accompanied us in our retirement for that purpose.","MWS" "id04866","""But do not you see, Lionel, the drift of our noble friend; a drift, perhaps, unknown to himself, but apparent to me.","MWS" "id27272","""It is a strange link in my fate that without having seen you I should passionately love you.","MWS" "id27068","I returned to Windsor by the Long Walk, and passing through the town towards the Castle, I found it in a state of agitation and disturbance.","MWS" "id17660","There is no immateriality it is a mere word.","EAP" "id05543","We went together to the House in the evening.","MWS" "id27912","During the now brief interval of darkness a meteoric stone again passed in my vicinity, and the frequency of these phenomena began to occasion me much apprehension.","EAP" "id16357","My country, my beloved country who but a native can tell the delight I took in again beholding thy streams, thy mountains, and, more than all, thy lovely lake Yet, as I drew nearer home, grief and fear again overcame me.","MWS" "id27082","He emptied it at a breath.","EAP" "id23613","Her countenance was all expression; her eyes were not dark, but impenetrably deep; you seemed to discover space after space in their intellectual glance, and to feel that the soul which was their soul, comprehended an universe of thought in its ken.","MWS" "id00947","The ancient lightning scarred trees seemed unnaturally large and twisted, and the other vegetation unnaturally thick and feverish, while curious mounds and hummocks in the weedy, fulgurite pitted earth reminded me of snakes and dead men's skulls swelled to gigantic proportions.","HPL" "id19579","At length, in reading some French Memoirs, I found an account of a nearly fatal illness that occurred to Madame Pilau, through the agency of a candle accidentally poisoned.","EAP" "id19987","Thus far I have gone, tracing a secure way over the pathless seas, the very stars themselves being witnesses and testimonies of my triumph.","MWS" "id18370","Then the stirring of my uncle in his sleep attracted my notice.","HPL" "id18784","My liking for him did not grow, though the attic room and the weird music seemed to hold an odd fascination for me.","HPL" "id06834","Rice, beside him, took from a valise a metal sprayer of the sort used in combating insects; whilst Morgan uncased the big game rifle on which he relied despite his colleague's warnings that no material weapon would be of help.","HPL" "id16207","Then, after a short interval, the form in the corner stirred; and may pitying heaven keep from my sight and sound another thing like that which took place before me.","HPL" "id09015","I had now neglected my promise for some time, and I feared the effects of the daemon's disappointment.","MWS" "id05989","Evadne's feminine prudence perceived how useless any assertion of his resolves would be, till added years gave weight to his power.","MWS" "id04548","For I admit the opinion of Copernicus, who maintains that it never ceases to revolve from the east to the west, not upon the poles of the Equinoctial, commonly called the poles of the world, but upon those of the Zodiac, a question of which I propose to speak more at length here after, when I shall have leisure to refresh my memory in regard to the astrology which I learned at Salamanca when young, and have since forgotten.""","EAP" "id08531","Around the middle of July just a year after the Innsmouth experience I spent a week with my late mother's family in Cleveland; checking some of my new genealogical data with the various notes, traditions, and bits of heirloom material in existence there, and seeing what kind of connected chart I could construct.","HPL" "id23211","Through the gray of the early morning among the trellised shadows of the forest at noonday and in the silence of my library at night she had flitted by my eyes, and I had seen her not as the living and breathing Berenice, but as the Berenice of a dream; not as a being of the earth, earthy, but as the abstraction of such a being; not as a thing to admire, but to analyze; not as an object of love, but as the theme of the most abstruse although desultory speculation.","EAP" "id18188","""I see,"" said he, perceiving that I could not immediately reconcile myself to the bienseance of so singular a welcome ""I see you are astonished at my apartment at my statues my pictures my originality of conception in architecture and upholstery absolutely drunk, eh, with my magnificence?","EAP" "id17136","He is a soldier, a general.","MWS" "id21252","In fact, we made it a matter of desperate speculation the risk of life standing instead of labor, and courage answering for capital.","EAP" "id20390","Its evidence the evidence of the sentience was to be seen, he said, and I here started as he spoke, in the gradual yet certain condensation of an atmosphere of their own about the waters and the walls.","EAP" "id03625","She tried to rouse herself, but her eyes every now and then filled with tears, and she looked wistfully on Raymond and her girl, as if fearful that some evil would betide them.","MWS" "id14874","But the memory of past sorrow is it not present joy?","EAP" "id13439","His plan referred altogether to Sensation.","EAP" "id27586","But such miseries could never intrude upon the domestic circle left to me, while, secluded in our beloved forest, we passed our lives in tranquillity.","MWS" "id16343","Do you also join with my enemies to crush me, to condemn me as a murderer?""","MWS" "id07857","And do you not see also, that such recherchés nooks for concealment are adapted only for ordinary occasions, and would be adopted only by ordinary intellects; for, in all cases of concealment, a disposal of the article concealed a disposal of it in this recherché manner, is, in the very first instance, presumable and presumed; and thus its discovery depends, not at all upon the acumen, but altogether upon the mere care, patience, and determination of the seekers; and where the case is of importance or, what amounts to the same thing in the policial eyes, when the reward is of magnitude, the qualities in question have never been known to fail.","EAP" "id11567","Walking, riding, the common occupations of life, overcame him: he felt no pain, but seemed to tremble for ever on the verge of annihilation.","MWS" "id01359","This motion invariably precedes, by about two seconds, the movement of the arm itself and the arm never, in any instance, moves without this preparatory motion in the shoulder.","EAP" "id25543","It was in devoting his gigantic wealth to the practical embodiment of a vision such as this in the free exercise in the open air, which resulted from personal direction of his plans in the continuous and unceasing object which these plans afford in the contempt of ambition which it enabled him more to feel than to affect and, lastly, it was in the companionship and sympathy of a devoted wife, that Ellison thought to find, and found, an exemption from the ordinary cares of Humanity, with a far greater amount of positive happiness than ever glowed in the rapt day dreams of De Stael.","EAP" "id11888","She spoke quickly, as if to convince herself; she turned her eyes from the trees and forest paths she loved; she hid her face in my bosom, and we yes, my masculine firmness dissolved we wept together consolatory tears, and then calm nay, almost cheerful, we returned to the castle.","MWS" "id04604","Seven years ago, in her youthful prime, she had become attached to him; he had served her country against the Turks; he had in her own land acquired that military glory peculiarly dear to the Greeks, since they were still obliged inch by inch to fight for their security.","MWS" "id20983","On comparing the intervals between the successive arrivals of Encke's comet at its perihelion, after giving credit, in the most exact manner, for all the disturbances due to the attractions of the planets, it appears that the periods are gradually diminishing; that is to say, the major axis of the comet's ellipse is growing shorter, in a slow but perfectly regular decrease.","EAP" "id17618","Forth from the well they hurried in fresh troops.","EAP" "id00712","There was evidently something behind all this; yet, when he appeared about to speak of that which was nearest his heart, he would abruptly turn away, and with a sigh endeavour to deliver the painful idea to the winds.","MWS" "id18176","He died gloriously while inhaling gas levique flatu corrupitur, like the fama pudicitae in Hieronymus.","EAP" "id17428","In a few seconds he had uncovered a mass of human bones, forming two complete skeletons, intermingled with several buttons of metal, and what appeared to be the dust of decayed woollen.","EAP" "id09890","I appear to have strength, power, victory; standing as a dome supporting column stands; and I am a reed I have ambition, and that attains its aim; my nightly dreams are realized, my waking hopes fulfilled; a kingdom awaits my acceptance, my enemies are overthrown.","MWS" "id01404","Having done this, he issued from his state room, fully dressed, and proceeded to call Mrs. W. from hers.","EAP" "id21226","""As for these murders, let us enter into some examinations for ourselves, before we make up an opinion respecting them.","EAP" "id05809","""Proceed"" he at length said hoarsely to Bedloe.","EAP" "id12890","I talked with the elderly Archer Harris, then owner of the house, many times before his death in ; and obtained from him and his still surviving maiden sister Alice an authentic corroboration of all the family data my uncle had collected.","HPL" "id06495","I heard of the difference of sexes, and the birth and growth of children, how the father doted on the smiles of the infant, and the lively sallies of the older child, how all the life and cares of the mother were wrapped up in the precious charge, how the mind of youth expanded and gained knowledge, of brother, sister, and all the various relationships which bind one human being to another in mutual bonds.","MWS" "id27483","Flight was universal, and in the clamour and panic several fell in a swoon and were dragged away by their madly fleeing companions.","HPL" "id09821","Perdita reproached us bitterly.","MWS" "id02657","Do not endeavour to deprive me of my companion, the out cast's friend.","MWS" "id08923","Braced up by Elwood's companionship, Gilman attended classes that day.","HPL" "id22887","At about midnight Raymond and I took leave of my sister, to return to town.","MWS" "id08166","Great pains had been taken in the scenery to give the semblance of reality to the impossible.","MWS" "id17195","Mankind was not absolutely alone among the conscious things of earth, for shapes came out of the dark to visit the faithful few.","HPL" "id09851","Mr. Ellison became neither musician nor poet; although no man lived more profoundly enamored both of Music and the Muse.","EAP" "id13409","Had heard it said among the neighbors that Madame L. told fortunes did not believe it.","EAP" "id00391","As he spoke, I felt subject to him; and all my boasted pride and strength were subdued by the honeyed accents of this blue eyed boy.","MWS" "id24948","For Pluto, however, I still retained sufficient regard to restrain me from maltreating him, as I made no scruple of maltreating the rabbits, the monkey, or even the dog, when by accident, or through affection, they came in my way.","EAP" "id02472","One of these was the pulpit of the ""classical"" usher, one of the ""English and mathematical.""","EAP" "id09481","""Thus, may it please your Excellencies, I have detailed some, though by no means all, the considerations which led me to form the project of a lunar voyage.","EAP" "id17990","""You are a drunken vagabond,"" said I, ""and I shall ring the bell and order my footman to kick you into the street.""","EAP" "id05426","The silver cord was not for ever loosed, nor the golden bowl irreparably broken.","EAP" "id24460","He made, however, no attempt to descend as I had expected, but struggled with great vehemence to get back, uttering at the same time very shrill and piercing cries.","EAP" "id15066","""Next summer,"" said Adrian as we parted on our return to Windsor, ""will decide the fate of the human race.","MWS" "id21372","And yet you are still unhappy and still avoid our society.","MWS" "id17110","I have saved you so far by telling you to keep still saved you to see more sights and to listen to me.","HPL" "id27128","Such was the maniac language of her enthusiasm.","MWS" "id07284","He did not turn back a second time, but stepped up with decision, and rapped at the door of our chamber.","EAP" "id22365","""You jest,"" he exclaimed, recoiling a few paces.","EAP" "id19693","I called again ""Fortunato"" No answer still.","EAP" "id04573","When I say that Dr. West was avid to serve in battle, I do not mean to imply that he was either naturally warlike or anxious for the safety of civilisation.","HPL" "id22937","I have said, that the defects of her character awoke and acquired vigour from her unnatural position.","MWS" "id10326","I turned up my nose, and I spoke of myself.","EAP" "id24593","Perdita was sensible of the failing of the tide that fed her life.","MWS" "id27385","I observed, too, that very few of the dresses were well made or, at least, that very few of them fitted the wearers.","EAP" "id01342","Everything was made to yield to her wishes and her convenience.","MWS" "id04244","After feeling the pulse and applying a mirror to the lips, he requested me to speak to the sleep waker again.","EAP" "id22709","The paragraph from the 'Courier and Enquirer,' which is now going the rounds of the press, and which purports to claim the invention for a Mr. Kissam, of Brunswick, Maine, appears to me, I confess, a little apocryphal, for several reasons; although there is nothing either impossible or very improbable in the statement made.","EAP" "id02504","About noon, as nearly as we could guess, our attention was again arrested by the appearance of the sun.","EAP" "id00523","Joy and exultation, were mine, to possess, and to save her.","MWS" "id17133","How many limbs have you passed?"" ""One, two, tree, four, fibe I done pass fibe big limb, massa, pon dis side.""","EAP" "id23893","I can do this I can marry Idris.""","MWS" "id11273","Nor do I use the word prosperity in its mere worldly sense.","EAP" "id12462","we asked: can we enter here?","MWS" "id06144","On every point of general literature he displays unbounded knowledge and a quick and piercing apprehension.","MWS" "id22542","Molehills . . . the damned place must be honeycombed . . .","HPL" "id09186","Just as I dropped to sleep I fancied I heard faint sounds from the distance; sounds that were wild and half musical, and stirred me with a weird excitement which coloured my dreams.","HPL" "id06943","""You know,"" he said, ""there are things that won't do for Newbury Street things that are out of place here, and that can't be conceived here, anyhow.","HPL" "id12876","""We know not what all this wide world means; its strange mixture of good and evil.","MWS" "id26042","The cat, I remembered, had been hung in a garden adjacent to the house.","EAP" "id04856","And then of what use would be pursuit?","MWS" "id16750","Raymond was inspirited by the intense sensations of recovered health; he felt that in being general of the Athenians, he filled a post worthy of his ambition; and, in his hope of the conquest of Constantinople, he counted on an event which would be as a landmark in the waste of ages, an exploit unequalled in the annals of man; when a city of grand historic association, the beauty of whose site was the wonder of the world, which for many hundred years had been the strong hold of the Moslems, should be rescued from slavery and barbarism, and restored to a people illustrious for genius, civilization, and a spirit of liberty.","MWS" "id05307","We lengthened our tour into Scotland, that we might see Loch Katrine and Loch Lomond; thence we crossed to Ireland, and passed several weeks in the neighbourhood of Killarney.","MWS" "id10550","In a fit of enthusiastic madness I created a rational creature and was bound towards him to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well being.","MWS" "id14009","And these the dreams writhed in and about, taking hue from the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seem as the echo of their steps.","EAP" "id02532","One of his servants, while waiting on him, had suddenly fallen down dead.","MWS" "id14668","Yet his observation proves only the latter point.","EAP" "id11374","Then, agitated as she had been by her mother's violence, and now by unaccustomed fears, she lay unable to sleep, starting at every sound.","MWS" "id06075","A few persons had half seen it in the dark, and said it was white and like a malformed ape or anthropomorphic fiend.","HPL" "id25787","The green woods waved their boughs majestically, while the dying were spread beneath their shade, answering the solemn melody with inharmonious cries.","MWS" "id02259","Subsequently, however, he submitted to Monsieur G , affidavits, accounting satisfactorily for every hour of the day in question.","EAP" "id27155","Of late years it has visited the principal towns in the United States.","EAP" "id12283","But as I stood in the tower's topmost chamber, I beheld the horned waning moon, red and sinister, quivering through the vapours that hovered over the distant valley of Banof.","HPL" "id00605","So matters went till that night when Williams brought home the infamous Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred.","HPL" "id27497","She shed indeed many tears; her head sunk unconsciously on the shoulder of Raymond; he held her hand: he kissed her sunken tear stained cheek.","MWS" "id20586","Yet how was I to do this?","MWS" "id21636","I turned my attention, therefore, to Mud Dabbling, and continued it for some years.","EAP" "id19689","That was it, by heaven The man was not a fantaisiste or romanticist at all he did not even try to give us the churning, prismatic ephemera of dreams, but coldly and sardonically reflected some stable, mechanistic, and well established horror world which he saw fully, brilliantly, squarely, and unfalteringly.","HPL" "id27574","On landing at Athens we found difficulties encrease upon us: nor could the storied earth or balmy atmosphere inspire us with enthusiasm or pleasure, while the fate of Raymond was in jeopardy.","MWS" "id22348","By the middle of October we were puzzled by our lack of progress.","HPL" "id00717","Three dogs that were with the party had barked furiously at first, but seemed cowed and reluctant when near the glen.","HPL" "id11993","His sole garments were a stock of nine inches in height, and a nearly new drab overcoat which had formerly been in the service of the tall, stately, and illustrious Dr. Moneypenny.","EAP" "id21978","But more wonderful than the lore of old men and the lore of books is the secret lore of ocean.","HPL" "id02516","I have failed in my duty and betrayed the marble city of Olathoë; I have proven false to Alos, my friend and commander.","HPL" "id09830","Should they even trace the animal, it would be impossible to prove me cognizant of the murder, or to implicate me in guilt on account of that cognizance.","EAP" "id15879","Some frightful influence, I felt, was seeking gradually to drag me out of the sane world of wholesome life into unnamable abysses of blackness and alienage; and the process told heavily on me.","HPL" "id18667","In the matter of phrenology, for example, we first determined, naturally enough, that it was the design of the Deity that man should eat.","EAP" "id03729","The predatory excursions on which we collected our unmentionable treasures were always artistically memorable events.","HPL" "id02427","The ""Chirurgical Journal"" of Leipsic a periodical of high authority and merit, which some American bookseller would do well to translate and republish, records in a late number a very distressing event of the character in question.","EAP" "id06954","He had sought this office with eagerness, under the idea of turning his whole forces to the suppression of the privileged orders of our community.","MWS" "id05824","Indeed, the greatest problem was to get them fresh enough West had had horrible experiences during his secret college researches with corpses of doubtful vintage.","HPL" "id08954","I have heard it asserted that when Yellow or Pundit will have it Violet, who is supposed to have been the first aeronaut, maintained the practicability of traversing the atmosphere in all directions, by merely ascending or descending until a favorable current was attained, he was scarcely hearkened to at all by his contemporaries, who looked upon him as merely an ingenious sort of madman, because the philosophers ? of the day declared the thing impossible.","EAP" "id02864","Armitage, having read the hideous diary, knew painfully well what kind of a manifestation to expect; but he did not add to the fright of the Dunwich people by giving any hints or clues.","HPL" "id26700","Prompted by some preserving instinct of self defence, I broke through the spell that had hitherto held me immovable, and flung my now dying torch at the creature who menaced my existence.","HPL" "id21353","""Yes, uncle that is, if it would be quite agreeable to yourself.""","EAP" "id06311","I observed, however, that the shutters of the fourth story were of the peculiar kind called by Parisian carpenters ferrades a kind rarely employed at the present day, but frequently seen upon very old mansions at Lyons and Bordeaux.","EAP" "id18614","In M. Waldman I found a true friend.","MWS" "id12017","The west of Ireland, too, is full of wild rumour and legendry, and a fantastic painter named Ardois Bonnot hangs a blasphemous ""Dream Landscape"" in the Paris spring salon of .","HPL" "id21459","He never once thought it probable, or possible, that the Minister had deposited the letter immediately beneath the nose of the whole world, by way of best preventing any portion of that world from perceiving it.","EAP" "id26402","I have said that the whims of my friend were manifold, and that Je les ménageais: for this phrase there is no English equivalent.","EAP" "id15296","By this time the tree by the tomb had attained amazing proportions, exceeding all other trees of its kind, and sending out a singularly heavy branch above the apartment in which Musides laboured.","HPL" "id08329","But what threw Gilman into a cold perspiration was the report of a pair of revellers who had been walking past the mouth of the gangway just after midnight.","HPL" "id25793","She told me, that she had kept up her strength and courage till her arrival at my cottage, and then both failed.","MWS" "id20579","The place always was badly cut off from the rest of the country by marshes and creeks, and we can't be sure about the ins and outs of the matter; but it's pretty clear that old Captain Marsh must have brought home some odd specimens when he had all three of his ships in commission back in the twenties and thirties.","HPL" "id19982","I said to myself, ""Surely here I have found the perfection of natural, in contradistinction from artificial grace.""","EAP" "id09843","Stubbs, upon sending forth his son Zerubbabel to seek his fortune in New England in for he thought ill of the Restoration atmosphere for a pious young yeoman, gave him St. Ibid's or rather Brother Ibid's, for he abhorred all that was Popish skull as a talisman.","HPL" "id13108","And, in regard to the former branch, we must not fail to hold in view that the very Calculus of Probabilities to which I have referred, forbids all idea of the extension of the parallel: forbids it with a positiveness strong and decided just in proportion as this parallel has already been long drawn and exact.","EAP" "id13445","In these Meetings we preserv'd a remarkable Degree of Amity and Tranquillity, which contrasts very favourably with some of the Dissensions and Disruptions I observe in the literary and amateur Press Associations of today.","HPL" "id07022","Oh it is the god Ashimah in proper person.","EAP" "id14640","Never mingling much with his kind, he had dropped gradually from social visibility, and was now known only to a small group of aesthetes from other towns.","HPL" "id11448","We felt extreme delight at our escape from political turmoil, and sought our solitude with redoubled zest.","MWS" "id04723","""Matt Eliot, his fust mate, talked a lot, too, only he was agin' folks's doin' any heathen things.","HPL" "id17616","But he has already recovered his spirits, and is reported to be on the point of marrying a lively pretty Frenchwoman, Madame Tavernier.","MWS" "id04731","He shewed how England had become powerful, and its inhabitants valiant and wise, by means of the freedom they enjoyed.","MWS" "id23403","""You mustn't try anything more with that thing.","HPL" "id17389","You know what a fiend he was for revenge how he ruined old Raymond thirty years after their boundary suit, and how he stepped on the puppy that snapped at him a year ago last August. . . .","HPL" "id24580","There is no method in their proceedings, beyond the method of the moment.","EAP" "id26976","I would not have believed that any wave could rise so high.","EAP" "id17372","She endeavoured to bring him up in a sense of resentment towards, and a desire to revenge himself upon, those who had been instrumental in bringing about his father's abdication.","MWS" "id19054","But, letting this matter pass for the present, I will merely observe that, from the first moment of his setting foot within the limits of the university, he began to exercise over the habits, manners, persons, purses, and propensities of the whole community which surrounded him, an influence the most extensive and despotic, yet at the same time the most indefinite and altogether unaccountable.","EAP" "id02287","He would come triumphantly to the district to which my parent had fled broken hearted; he would find the ill fated offspring, bequeathed with such vain confidence to his royal father, miserable paupers.","MWS" "id02325","He then closes the back door, locks it, and, coming round to the front, opens the drawer to its full extent.","EAP" "id21679","As my sickness quitted me, I was absorbed by a gloomy and black melancholy that nothing could dissipate.","MWS" "id13328","Was one of those who entered the building.","EAP" "id21103","Trever was the son of prominent parents in Appleton.","HPL" "id24746","On Wednesday, June , , after a proper notification of Carrington Harris which did not include surmises as to what we expected to find, my uncle and I conveyed to the shunned house two camp chairs and a folding camp cot, together with some scientific mechanism of greater weight and intricacy.","HPL" "id12717","Thick, well trimmed hair that argued the punctual calls of a barber was parted gracefully above a high forehead; and the whole picture was one of striking intelligence and superior blood and breeding.","HPL" "id01536","Eventually there had been a hint of vast, leaping shadows, of a monstrous, half acoustic pulsing, and of the thin, monotonous piping of an unseen flute but that was all.","HPL" "id25278","Noon never passed without my bringing home a customer to the house of my employers, Messrs. Cut Comeagain.","EAP" "id26846","Our gentleman was a Britannia ware tea pot, and was careful to polish himself every morning with buckskin and whiting.""","EAP" "id24065","Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities.","HPL" "id17519","I am almost devoured by ennui.","EAP" "id23272","awful calamity walking under your windows some short while ago about the time you were stage struck horrible occurrence heard of ""catching one's breath,"" eh? hold your tongue I tell you I caught somebody elses had always too much of my own met Blab at the corner of the street wouldn't give me a chance for a word couldn't get in a syllable edgeways attacked, consequently, with epilepsis Blab made his escape damn all fools they took me up for dead, and put me in this place pretty doings all of them heard all you said about me every word a lie horrible wonderful outrageous hideous incomprehensible et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera "" It is impossible to conceive my astonishment at so unexpected a discourse, or the joy with which I became gradually convinced that the breath so fortunately caught by the gentleman whom I soon recognized as my neighbor Windenough was, in fact, the identical expiration mislaid by myself in the conversation with my wife.","EAP" "id04570","It was my primary object upon quitting Mr. Blackwood, to get into some immediate difficulty, pursuant to his advice, and with this view I spent the greater part of the day in wandering about Edinburgh, seeking for desperate adventures adventures adequate to the intensity of my feelings, and adapted to the vast character of the article I intended to write.","EAP" "id18003","""Well, sir; that is at the rate of one thousand miles per hour.","EAP" "id23000","In all violent eddies at sea there is good fishing, at proper opportunities, if one has only the courage to attempt it; but among the whole of the Lofoden coastmen, we three were the only ones who made a regular business of going out to the islands, as I tell you.","EAP" "id18253","For awhile my labours were not solitary; but that time is gone; and, with the selected and matchless companion of my toils, their dearest reward is also lost to me Di mie tenere frondi altro lavoro Credea mostrarte; e qual fero pianeta Ne' nvidio insieme, o mio nobil tesoro?","MWS" "id11579","De Langlade regarded this sacred object with proper veneration and ransomed it at the expense of many glass beads; yet after his time it found itself in many other hands, being traded to settlements at the head of Lake Winnebago, to tribes around Lake Mendota, and finally, early in the nineteenth century, to one Solomon Juneau, a Frenchman, at the new trading post of Milwaukee on the Menominee River and the shore of Lake Michigan.","HPL" "id20062","In the proclamation setting forth this reward, a full pardon was promised to any accomplice who should come forward in evidence against his fellow; and to the whole was appended, wherever it appeared, the private placard of a committee of citizens, offering ten thousand francs, in addition to the amount proposed by the Prefecture.","EAP" "id02459","His soul was sympathy, and dedicated to the worship of beauty and excellence.","MWS" "id10052","I owe this to Greece, to you, to my surviving Perdita, and to myself, the victim of ambition.""","MWS" "id15597","In a moment I understood that he meant to open the hatch and plunge with me into the water outside, a vagary of suicidal and homicidal mania for which I was scarcely prepared.","HPL" "id02462","I took it up and placed it in my breast.","MWS" "id02109","I saw that two of its iron angles were now acute two, consequently, obtuse.","EAP" "id11335","When I recovered myself a little, however, my gaze fell instinctively downward.","EAP" "id12130","There is an expression of despair, and sometimes of revenge, in your countenance that makes me tremble.","MWS" "id03897","There was a show of gratitude and worship in his attachment to my mother, differing wholly from the doting fondness of age, for it was inspired by reverence for her virtues and a desire to be the means of, in some degree, recompensing her for the sorrows she had endured, but which gave inexpressible grace to his behaviour to her.","MWS" "id06106","This I could discern by the studied hair splitting farrago of his rejoinder.","EAP" "id26309","I called assistance, and, with much difficulty, we brought him to himself.","EAP" "id06671","Those whitish gold ornaments might easily have been bought from some Innsmouth sailor by the father of my great grandmother, whoever he was.","HPL" "id10157","Write ""'The Epidendrum Flos Aeris, of Java, bears a very beautiful flower, and will live when pulled up by the roots.","EAP" "id08255","It came as some gentle visitation; it went and I hardly felt the loss.","MWS" "id17568","You minutely described in these papers every step you took in the progress of your work; this history was mingled with accounts of domestic occurrences.","MWS" "id24000","It repelled him horribly, and revolted all his inherited delicacy; but his determination to taste life to the full remained with him, and he maintained a bold front.","HPL" "id04950","A thousand vague and lachrymatory fancies took possession of my soul and even the idea of suicide flitted across my brain; but it is a trait in the perversity of human nature to reject the obvious and the ready, for the far distant and equivocal.","EAP" "id13888","Not in the spaces we know, but between them, They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen.","HPL" "id10481","He was at length arrested, but nothing decisive appearing against him, was in the end set at liberty.","EAP" "id25904","Why do you bring me out, and torture me, and tempt me, and kill me Much happier would it be for you and for me if in your frantic curiosity you tore my heart from my breast and tried to read its secrets in it as its life's blood was dropping from it.","MWS" "id16258","All the strangeness and expectancy of his recent dreams seemed present in this hushed and unearthly landscape, and he thought of the unknown solitudes of other planets as his eyes traced out the velvet and deserted lawns shining undulant between their tumbled walls, the clumps of faery forest setting off far lines of purple hills beyond hills, and the spectral wooded valley dipping down in shadow to dank hollows where trickling waters crooned and gurgled among swollen and distorted roots.","HPL" "id07497","When you first made this assertion I thought you were jesting; but afterwards I called to mind the peculiar spots on the back of the insect, and admitted to myself that your remark had some little foundation in fact.","EAP" "id04625","""I thank you, but all that you mention is nothing to me; on the whole earth there is no comfort which I am capable of receiving.""","MWS" "id03347","You will not have apprehended me rightly, however, if you suppose it my design to deny this thicket as the scene of the outrage.","EAP" "id25014","How often hath he sung to me of lands that never were, and things that never can be Of Aira did he speak much; of Aira and the river Nithra, and the falls of the tiny Kra.","HPL" "id15235","""Now, dear Victor, I dare say you wish to be indulged in a little gossip concerning the good people of Geneva.","MWS" "id03689","He trembles and is bewildered.","EAP" "id06580","A few incidents now and then directed me, and I possessed a map of the country; but I often wandered wide from my path.","MWS" "id09828","The females received them on their return with the simple and affectionate welcome known before only to the lowly cottage a clean hearth and bright fire; the supper ready cooked by beloved hands; gratitude for the provision for to morrow's meal: strange enjoyments for the high born English, yet they were now their sole, hard earned, and dearly prized luxuries.","MWS" "id12962","In vain did the eye strive to find the wreck of some northern cloud in the stainless empyrean, which might bring hope of change and moisture to the oppressive and windless atmosphere.","MWS" "id27416","His wife my mother, whom he married at fifteen was a Mademoiselle Croissart, eldest daughter of Croissart the banker, whose wife, again, being only sixteen when married, was the eldest daughter of one Victor Voissart.","EAP" "id07757","This fear grew stronger from what had before lessened it, for the more I looked at the old man's bland face the more its very blandness terrified me.","HPL" "id08061","Sometimes he thought that I felt deeply the degradation of being obliged to answer a charge of murder, and he endeavoured to prove to me the futility of pride.","MWS" "id15862","His breath gave evidence of the poison.","EAP" "id07312","My death is rapidly approaching and you are not near to watch the flitting and vanishing of my spirit.","MWS" "id16422","He Woodville, mourned the loss of his bride: others wept the various forms of misery as they visited them: but infamy and guilt was mingled with my portion; unlawful and detestable passion had poured its poison into my ears and changed all my blood, so that it was no longer the kindly stream that supports life but a cold fountain of bitterness corrupted in its very source.","MWS" "id27607","He would embark in a balloon; he would sail for a distant quarter of the world, where his name and humiliation were unknown.","MWS" "id04194","Men of his blood had once ruled over Kilderry and built and dwelt in the castle, but those days were very remote, so that for generations the castle had been empty and decaying.","HPL" "id16194","After about three quarters of an hour without the least sign of life he disappointedly pronounced the solution inadequate, but determined to make the most of his opportunity and try one change in the formula before disposing of his ghastly prize.","HPL" "id04342","At length, I even offered her personal violence.","EAP" "id02754","When the large clapper thought proper to say ""Twelve o'clock"" all its obedient followers opened their throats simultaneously, and responded like a very echo.","EAP" "id27202","""You thought ultra violet was invisible, and so it is but you can see that and many other invisible things now.","HPL" "id06665","I had thought of forcing the blade in some minute crevice of the masonry, so as to identify my point of departure.","EAP" "id12768","I felt this, and, in many matters, became her pupil.","EAP" "id06768","Her voice was low, and her whole manner subdued.","EAP" "id23004","""Admirable"" he ejaculated, thrown quite off his guard by the beauty of the manoeuvre.","EAP" "id11031","His fourth was an object of unceasing pursuit; and he held that, other things being equal, the extent of happiness was proportioned to the spirituality of this object.","EAP" "id04503","When the doors were shut, the dwarf was enabled to bring his body within the box the noise produced by some portion of the machinery allowing him to do so unheard, and also to close the door by which he entered.","EAP" "id21629","It is, indeed, exceedingly difficult to speculate prospectively upon the consequences of the discovery, but one thing may be positively maintained that the announcement of the discovery six months ago would have had material influence in regard to the settlement of California.","EAP" "id18469","""Perhaps it is the very simplicity of the thing which puts you at fault,"" said my friend.","EAP" "id09431","The country bore an aspect more than usually sinister as we viewed it by night and without the accustomed crowds of investigators, so that we were often tempted to use the acetylene headlight despite the attention it might attract.","HPL" "id21932","By degrees his health was shaken by his misery, and then his intellect yielded to the same tyranny.","MWS" "id27611","This answer startled me, but I presently recovered myself.","MWS" "id09989","Evidently he found the society of a well born man a rare novelty in this dingy environment, and was moved to unaccustomed speech as memories of better days surged over him.","HPL" "id24492","The abode of the race whose scions are here inurned had once crowned the declivity which holds the tomb, but had long since fallen victim to the flames which sprang up from a disastrous stroke of lightning.","HPL" "id27056","I found if sorrow was dead within me, so was love and desire of sympathy.","MWS" "id25562","His castles were without number.","EAP" "id08230","Listen to me, and then reflect if you ought to win me to your project, even if with the over bearing eloquence of despair you could make black death so inviting that the fair heaven should appear darkness.","MWS" "id16929","At the moment, I felt convinced that I was acting for the best, and that all I did was right and even necessary.","MWS" "id26719","You doubtless recollect these papers.","MWS" "id23878","Some gazed on these processions with wild eagerness others fled timidly some wept aloud.","MWS" "id02204","Let us survey the appearances here.","EAP" "id12982","""Ha ha ha"" said he, ""curse you yes"" ""To be sure of course I knew you were jesting.","EAP" "id12136","""The 'good glass,' I knew, could have reference to nothing but a telescope; for the word 'glass' is rarely employed in any other sense by seamen.","EAP" "id01514","He eats your dinner, he drinks your wine, he borrows your money, he pulls your nose, he kicks your poodle, and he kisses your wife.","EAP" "id15570","All factitious colouring disappeared death rose like night, and, protected by its murky shadows the blush of modesty, the reserve of pride, the decorum of prudery were frequently thrown aside as useless veils.","MWS" "id12105","Then the appearance of death was distant, although the wish was ever present to my thoughts; and I often sat for hours motionless and speechless, wishing for some mighty revolution that might bury me and my destroyer in its ruins.","MWS" "id24263","Where Gilman could have been, how he got back to his room without making tracks in the hall, and how the muddy, furniture like prints came to be mixed with his in the garret chamber, were wholly beyond conjecture.","HPL" "id18536","I now tell it to you and I can scarcely expect you to put more faith in it than did the merry fishermen of Lofoden.""","EAP" "id18382","The hidden cults to which these witches belonged often guarded and handed down surprising secrets from elder, forgotten aeons; and it was by no means impossible that Keziah had actually mastered the art of passing through dimensional gates.","HPL" "id08733","Could not call it a shrill voice.","EAP" "id01729","Among other things, I had the family vault so remodelled as to admit of being readily opened from within.","EAP" "id08304","Not more than six steps from the main door of the cottage stood the dead trunk of a fantastic pear tree, so clothed from head to foot in the gorgeous bignonia blossoms that one required no little scrutiny to determine what manner of sweet thing it could be.","EAP" "id26840","While I was thus engaged, Ernest entered: he had heard me arrive, and hastened to welcome me: ""Welcome, my dearest Victor,"" said he. ""Ah I wish you had come three months ago, and then you would have found us all joyous and delighted.","MWS" "id27580","At this juncture the shutter began to rattle in a howling night wind which had sprung up outside as if in answer to the mad playing within.","HPL" "id03430","I wish to God my young and talented friend Chiponchipino, the sculptor, had but seen the legs of Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith.","EAP" "id12593","She was a very beautiful and painfully modest young lady, who thought the ordinary mode of habiliment indecent, and wished to dress herself, always, by getting outside instead of inside of her clothes.","EAP" "id01482","The Earl of Ross's telescope, lately constructed in England, has a speculum with a reflecting surface of , square inches; the Herschel telescope having one of only ,.","EAP" "id16752","Alfred's serious air shewed that he still revolved the tragic story related by the Italian boy.","MWS" "id15710","You might do a little more, I think, eh?"" ""How? in what way?' ""Why puff, puff you might puff, puff employ counsel in the matter, eh? puff, puff, puff.","EAP" "id12202","But he was unmoved, and cried: ""If I am mad, it is mercy May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end Come and be mad whilst he still calls with mercy"" This outburst seemed to relieve a pressure in his brain; for as he finished he grew much milder, asking me to let him depart alone if I would not accompany him.","HPL" "id01906","Once most of the young men went away, and some never came back.","HPL" "id03143","Thus my own inkling for the Muses had excited his entire displeasure.","EAP" "id05836","He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much.","EAP" "id08140","great wretches, those Bugaboos savage and so on but we live in a wonderfully inventive age Smith O yes great man perfect desperado immortal renown prodigies of valor Never heard"" This was given in a scream.","EAP" "id17772","With this, she took my arm, and I attended her home.","EAP" "id22597","'I fear that I shall never see Marie again.' ""But if we cannot imagine Madame Rogêt privy to the design of elopement, may we not at least suppose this design entertained by the girl?","EAP" "id09330","What it suggested, however, was of portentous significance to my flagging quest; and I carefully tore it out for immediate action.","HPL" "id00146","The noise lasted for several minutes, during which, that I might hearken to it with the more satisfaction, I ceased my labors and sat down upon the bones.","EAP" "id27346","Five of the worshippers lay dead, and two severely wounded ones were carried away on improvised stretchers by their fellow prisoners.","HPL" "id00556","Such had been Ryland's plan, and he was discovered dead and half devoured by insects, in a house many miles from any other, with piles of food laid up in useless superfluity.","MWS" "id17938","She prayed for her husband's soul; she conjured the Supreme to place on her head the crime of his self destruction she vowed to live to expiate his fault.","MWS" "id06429","It was a triple stemmed tulip tree the Liriodendron Tulipiferum one of the natural order of magnolias.","EAP" "id08687","It must be the excess of madness that could make me imagine that I could ever be aught but one alone; struck off from humanity; bearing no affinity to man or woman; a wretch on whom Nature had set her ban.","MWS" "id14678","Of his own condition he could not well judge, for sight of his arms, legs, and torso seemed always cut off by some odd disarrangement of perspective; but he felt that his physical organisation and faculties were somehow marvellously transmuted and obliquely projected though not without a certain grotesque relationship to his normal proportions and properties.","HPL" "id03566","Beneath it was worn an under one of some frail material, close fitting, and terminated by a cuff of rich lace, which fell gracefully over the top of the hand, revealing only the delicate fingers, upon one of which sparkled a diamond ring, which I at once saw was of extraordinary value.","EAP" "id14859","Do you think that I will be questioned, and my replies disdainfully set aside? Do you think that I will be suspected, perhaps watched, cross questioned, and disbelieved?","MWS" "id12705","I could scarcely restrain the excessive transport which possessed me.","EAP" "id06739","He buries his face in the pillow.","EAP" "id15888","Each felt, that England had never seen a Protector so capable of fulfilling the arduous duties of that high office.","MWS" "id05111","Your diddler is impertinent.","EAP" "id14881","They seemed to hate and fear him at the same time, and he seemed to return these sentiments.","HPL" "id08258","HAPPY, thrice happy, were the months, and weeks, and hours of that year.","MWS" "id26896","Adrian suddenly vanished; and, by the time that Raymond's supporters were reduced to our intimate friends merely, returned leading Idris to congratulate her friend on his success.","MWS" "id23558","In biography the truth is every thing, and in autobiography it is especially so yet I scarcely hope to be believed when I state, however solemnly, that my poor father put me, when I was about fifteen years of age, into the counting house of what be termed ""a respectable hardware and commission merchant doing a capital bit of business"" A capital bit of fiddlestick However, the consequence of this folly was, that in two or three days, I had to be sent home to my button headed family in a high state of fever, and with a most violent and dangerous pain in the sinciput, all around about my organ of order.","EAP" "id09587","Trever seemed dazed in the confusion, and shrank to the wall as the strife thickened.","HPL" "id07149","For it is evident that such a medium must, in retarding the comet's velocity, increase its centripetal, by weakening its centrifugal force.","EAP" "id09115","""Yet how can I expect you to sympathize with me?","MWS" "id15372","One canvas shewed a ring of them baying about a hanged witch on Gallows Hill, whose dead face held a close kinship to theirs.","HPL" "id06385","After a little while I became possessed with the keenest curiosity about the whirl itself.","EAP" "id23776","I heard my sister's sobs, and thought, happy are women who can weep, and in a passionate caress disburthen the oppression of their feelings; shame and habitual restraint hold back a man.","MWS" "id12729","In the meanwhile I could not help making anticipations.","EAP" "id11589","It is not dream it is not, I fear, even madness for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts.","HPL" "id15330","Through this crevice a small room was visible, whitewashed and clean but very bare of furniture.","MWS" "id26657","While my former system was in operation, and my patients were permitted the privilege of roaming to and fro at will, they were often aroused to a dangerous frenzy by injudicious persons who called to inspect the house.","EAP" "id11825","I did not tell her, that to spare her the pang of parting from inanimate objects, now the only things left, I had resolved that we should none of us return to Windsor.","MWS" "id00977","I left a guard to protect this treasure of dust; and ordered perpetual torches to be burned around.","MWS" "id13291","From the tangle of chimney pots scarcely a wisp of smoke came, and the three tall steeples loomed stark and unpainted against the seaward horizon.","HPL" "id24667","Strange, brilliant flowers, star shaped, burn out upon the trees where no flowers had been known before.","EAP" "id13161","The most general opinion in relation to it, an opinion too not unfrequently adopted by men who should have known better, was, as we have before said, that no immediate human agency was employed in other words, that the machine was purely a machine and nothing else.","EAP" "id25951","""And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life.""","MWS" "id00181","At length, erecting his frame, he looked upwards, and ejaculated the lines of the Bishop of Chichester: ""Stay for me there I will not fail To meet thee in that hollow vale.""","EAP" "id10380","A certain consistency in the strange papers of his ancestor suggested that the madman's imagination might have been stimulated by native myths.","HPL" "id15097","Shouts of laughter ascend the skies.","EAP" "id16339","There are some subjects upon which I take pleasure in being minute.","EAP" "id15855","The shriek of fright and impotent malice emitted by the would be assassin proved too much for my already shaken nerves, and I fell prone upon the slimy floor in a total faint.","HPL" "id10102","After this the will of the patient succumbed rapidly to that of the physician, so that, when I first became acquainted with the two, sleep was brought about almost instantaneously by the mere volition of the operator, even when the invalid was unaware of his presence.","EAP" "id04817","Over everything was a pall of intensely maddening fear, and the climax was reached when the furry thing ran up the dreamer's clothing to his shoulders and then down his left arm, finally biting him sharply in the wrist just below his cuff.","HPL" "id17338","By the time, however, that the fog had thoroughly disappeared, the sun had made its way down behind the gentle hills, and thence, as if with a slight chassez to the south, had come again fully into sight, glaring with a purplish lustre through a chasm that entered the valley from the west.","EAP" "id00765","And against the rotting wharves the sea pounded; the secretive, immemorial sea out of which the people had come in the elder time.","HPL" "id24407","""One"" said the clock.","EAP" "id27877","The sea of people is coming this way, and we shall find a difficulty in stemming the tide.","EAP" "id27852","But in his toilsome journey to the water his fears redouble within him.","EAP" "id25898","The practices I heard attributed to him would be unbelievable today, at least in a city; and even Peck Valley would have shuddered a bit had it known the easy ethics of its mortuary artist in such debatable matters as the ownership of costly ""laying out"" apparel invisible beneath the casket's lid, and the degree of dignity to be maintained in posing and adapting the unseen members of lifeless tenants to containers not always calculated with sublimest accuracy.","HPL" "id22451","To the south then, to the sun where nature is kind, where Jove has showered forth the contents of Amalthea's horn, and earth is garden.","MWS" "id19705","For many seconds I hearkened to its reverberations as it dashed against the sides of the chasm in its descent; at length there was a sullen plunge into water, succeeded by loud echoes.","EAP" "id06271","When the grim Darkness overspread the Earth, then, with every horror of thought, I shook shook as the quivering plumes upon the hearse.","EAP" "id27340","In the dazzling violet light of dream the old woman and the fanged, furry thing came again and with a greater distinctness than on any former occasion.","HPL" "id13703","They are in the form of an ordinary door, a single, not a folding door except that the lower half is latticed or worked in open trellis thus affording an excellent hold for the hands.","EAP" "id17172","Forced it open, at length, with a bayonet not with a crowbar.","EAP" "id00777","What if I told you that I've got another studio up there, where I can catch the night spirit of antique horror and paint things that I couldn't even think of in Newbury Street?","HPL" "id07409","Gilman came from Haverhill, but it was only after he had entered college in Arkham that he began to connect his mathematics with the fantastic legends of elder magic.","HPL" "id03527","Those who know any thing of the vicinity of Paris, know the extreme difficulty of finding seclusion unless at a great distance from its suburbs.","EAP" "id24972","We soon ran out our guide rope; but even when we had raised it clear of the earth, we still went up very rapidly.","EAP" "id04664","The witchcraft terror is a horrible ray of light on what was stewing in men's crushed brains, but even that is a trifle.","HPL" "id14806","The body now twitched more vigorously, and beneath our avid eyes commenced to heave in a frightful way.","HPL" "id07797","If an old Roman of the period of the Republic had returned to life, and talked of the impending election of some laurel crowned consul, or of the last battle with Mithridates, his ideas would not have been more alien to the times, than the conversation of Merrival.","MWS" "id22997","A portion of it may form, when tightly stretched, the only partitions which there is any necessity for removing during the changes of the man's position, viz: the partition between the rear of the main compartment and the rear of the cupboard No. , and the partition between the main compartment, and the space behind the drawer when open.","EAP" "id05022","He called upon us early in the afternoon of the thirteenth of July, , and remained with us until late in the night.","EAP" "id22383","He feared that the intensity of his passion might become the subject of their ridicule; and he could not bear that they should blaspheme it by considering that trivial and transitory which he felt was the life of his life.","MWS" "id01781","And overhead, scarce ten degrees from the zenith, glowed that watching Pole Star.","HPL" "id11926","That flopping or pattering was monstrous I could not look upon the degenerate creatures responsible for it.","HPL" "id22094","The whole thought was now present feeble, scarcely sane, scarcely definite, but still entire.","EAP" "id06883","How could I save them?","MWS" "id20542","If the guess is right, the guesser wins one; if wrong, he loses one.","EAP" "id11726","Some of my comrades groaned, and my own mind began to grow watchful with anxious thoughts, when a strange sight suddenly attracted our attention and diverted our solicitude from our own situation.","MWS" "id14441","The ship sank quite picturesquely, bow first, the stern rising high out of the water whilst the hull shot down perpendicularly to the bottom of the sea.","HPL" "id10736","The genius that enlightened her countenance, was now united to an expression of benevolence, which gave divine perfection to her beauty.","MWS" "id24655","As I began my request the wrinkled satyr like face lost the bored placidity it had possessed during the playing, and seemed to shew the same curious mixture of anger and fright which I had noticed when first I accosted the old man.","HPL" "id06532","Ever since his son had commenced to grow out of infancy he had liked his home less and less, till at last he had seemed to dread it.","HPL" "id15846","Agatha fainted, and Safie, unable to attend to her friend, rushed out of the cottage.","MWS" "id12596","It was composed by my pet baboon, Juniper, over a rummer of Hollands and water, 'hot, without sugar.'""","EAP" "id27293","""It was dark when I awoke; I felt cold also, and half frightened, as it were, instinctively, finding myself so desolate.","MWS" "id15632","""Dupin"" I said, completely unnerved; ""this hair is most unusual this is no human hair.""","EAP" "id26602","The place was a four story mansion of brownstone, dating apparently from the late forties, and fitted with woodwork and marble whose stained and sullied splendour argued a descent from high levels of tasteful opulence.","HPL" "id09092","""You will see,"" he said, ""that I have shifted the question from the mode of egress to that of ingress.","EAP" "id08860","Anyway, they're a doubtful lot now, and the Marshes and the other rich folks are as bad as any.","HPL" "id10893","As Slater grew older, it appeared, his matutinal aberrations had gradually increased in frequency and violence; till about a month before his arrival at the institution had occurred the shocking tragedy which caused his arrest by the authorities.","HPL" "id13857","We did not know how far he had to go, and soon separated, supposing that in a short time he would return to the palace with Perdita, and that they would not be sorry to find themselves alone.","MWS" "id25702","It was after a night like this that I shocked the community with a queer conceit about the burial of the rich and celebrated Squire Brewster, a maker of local history who was interred in , and whose slate headstone, bearing a graven skull and crossbones, was slowly crumbling to powder.","HPL" "id01609","The ruins of majestic oaks which had grown, flourished, and decayed during the progress of centuries, marked where the limits of the forest once reached, while the shattered palings and neglected underwood shewed that this part was deserted for the younger plantations, which owed their birth to the beginning of the nineteenth century, and now stood in the pride of maturity.","MWS" "id19121","For me it is no matter.","EAP" "id26137","I could not, I decided, risk an emergence into the corridor; where my footsteps would surely be heard, and where the difficulties of entering the desired room would be insuperable.","HPL" "id23913","It was, indeed, a filthy process in which I was engaged.","MWS" "id24669","Having reached his closet, I noiselessly entered, leaving the lamp, with a shade over it, on the outside.","EAP" "id26923","When, coming out from among mankind, I passed into Night through the Grave at that period, if I remember aright, the calamity which overwhelmed you was utterly unanticipated.","EAP" "id10105","There is no answer, except that we feel perverse, using the word with no comprehension of the principle.","EAP" "id22355","He would babble of current topics, revealing a wide acquaintance with newspapers and a great tendency to philosophise in a sententious village fashion.","HPL" "id16262","The windows, both of the back and front room, were down and firmly fastened from within.","EAP" "id06588","Having cast her fate upon a die, and feeling secure of winning, she, whom I have named as bearing the stamp of queen of nations on her noble brow, now rose superior to humanity, and seemed in calm power, to arrest with her finger, the wheel of destiny.","MWS" "id06316","Her person was formed in the most feminine proportions; she was not tall, but her mountain life had given freedom to her motions, so that her light step scarce made her foot fall heard as she tript across the hall to meet me.","MWS" "id12087","As for Republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth unless we except the case of the ""prairie dogs,"" an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government for dogs.","EAP" "id17933","This was the only cloud in the azure of her happiness.","MWS" "id21557","Then one night his grandfather reminded him of a key.","HPL" "id08581","The gigantic stature, the prodigious strength and activity, the wild ferocity, and the imitative propensities of these mammalia are sufficiently well known to all.","EAP" "id03938","""You turn from me; yet before you deny me reflect, Woodville, how sweet it were to cast off the load of tears and misery under which we now labour: and surely we shall find light after we have passed the dark valley.","MWS" "id03065","I shivered as the cracked stroke of three sounded from a belfry on my left.","HPL" "id21497","The landlord was in, and greeted him pleasantly.","HPL" "id11029","He was too upright and noble to do aught that his conscience would not approve; I did not yet know of the crime there may be in involuntary feeling and therefore ascribed his tumultuous starts and gloomy looks wholly to the struggles of his mind and not any as they were partly due to the worst fiend of all Remorse.","MWS" "id03353","After this Martha was seated more firmly than ever on the regal seat, elevated by reverence and love.","MWS" "id21666","The latter method of obtaining the desired intelligence was dilatory and unsatisfactory; besides, I had an insurmountable aversion to the idea of engaging myself in my loathsome task in my father's house while in habits of familiar intercourse with those I loved.","MWS" "id26831","A glance, however, at his countenance, convinced me of his perfect sincerity.","EAP" "id11674","Pirouette she was not to be discovered, and I made my retreat from the house in a very bitter spirit of animosity against the whole race of the Bas Bleus.","EAP" "id03168","But, uplifting my eyes, I saw that Berenice stood before me.","EAP" "id08176","Nor did the spirit change when they tore open the earth to lay down strange pipes, or when they set up tall posts bearing weird wires.","HPL" "id01409","I fulfilled my commission; I saw Karazza.","MWS" "id01983","Ay, ay,"" continued he, observing my face expressive of suffering, ""M.","MWS" "id19112","A small protuberance about eight inches square, and also covered with dark cloth, lies on the floor of the compartment near the rear corner on the spectators' left hand.","EAP" "id13672","During my father's life time I had always been of an affectionate and forbearing disposition, but since those days of joy alas I was much changed.","MWS" "id13273","West did not resist or utter a sound.","HPL" "id19794","We were lifted above the Alpine peaks, and from their deep and brawling ravines entered the plain of fair France, and after an airy journey of six days, we landed at Dieppe, furled the feathered wings, and closed the silken globe of our little pinnace.","MWS" "id25821","As the man rambled on Gilman felt a nameless panic clutch at his throat.","HPL" "id01262","At home he would pore diligently over the queer pictures and charts in his grandfather's books, while Old Whateley would instruct and catechise him through long, hushed afternoons.","HPL" "id24054","Oh Beloved One, I am borne away; I can no longer sustain myself; surely this is death that is coming.","MWS" "id16191","To one end of the cravat I then made fast the buckle, and the other end I tied, for greater security, tightly around my wrist.","EAP" "id15845","He put his hands up to them, but found that they did not even approximately fit.","HPL" "id00756","For a very long period of time I was accustomed to revel in this sentiment.","EAP" "id24852","Now, my dear friend, I do assure you, most positively, that I represent this matter fairly, on the soundest authority and you can easily understand how a notion so absurd on its very face must have operated to retard the progress of all true knowledge which makes its advances almost invariably by intuitive bounds.","EAP" "id00438","Grin: Your true diddler winds up all with a grin.","EAP" "id03966","The very spirit of the Greek mythology inhabited my heart; I deified the uplands, glades, and streams, I Had sight of Proteus coming from the sea; And heard old Triton blow his wreathed horn.","MWS" "id11165","With perfect certainty, therefore, of being comprehended, I beg leave, in lieu of offering any sentiments of my own, to refer you to the opinions of Sieur Hedelin, as set forth in the ninth paragraph of the chapter of ""Injuriae per applicationem, per constructionem, et per se,"" in his ""Duelli Lex scripta, et non; aliterque.""","EAP" "id00246","This is the mode by which the mind of the rudimental life communicates with the external world; and this external world is, to the rudimental life, limited, through the idiosyncrasy of its organs.","EAP" "id13406","""As the night advanced, a fierce wind arose from the woods and quickly dispersed the clouds that had loitered in the heavens; the blast tore along like a mighty avalanche and produced a kind of insanity in my spirits that burst all bounds of reason and reflection.","MWS" "id15032","And, as my business habits, in this respect, were sufficiently understood, I never met with any attempt at imposition.","EAP" "id09167","But for this circumstance we should have foundered at once for we lay entirely buried for some moments.","EAP" "id14268","It ran thus: ""To pen an Ode upon the 'Oil of Bob.'"" Having carefully looked out, however, all the legitimate rhymes to ""Bob,"" I found it impossible to proceed.","EAP" "id14511","Genius, devotion, and courage; the adornments of his mind, and the energies of his soul, all exerted to their uttermost stretch, could not roll back one hair's breadth the wheel of time's chariot; that which had been was written with the adamantine pen of reality, on the everlasting volume of the past; nor could agony and tears suffice to wash out one iota from the act fulfilled.","MWS" "id18741","Again I tried to read, but found that I made no progress.","HPL" "id17099","I longed, yet dared not to employ my vision.","EAP" "id22405","It is also a duty owed to yourself, for excessive sorrow prevents improvement or enjoyment, or even the discharge of daily usefulness, without which no man is fit for society.""","MWS" "id08183","I now sought Adrian, anxious to hear the result of his discussion with Ryland.","MWS" "id14029","Dark wanderers they were, and unlike the other roving folk who passed through the village twice every year.","HPL" "id25967","In fine, she revived.","EAP" "id24276","As I said these words I busied myself among the pile of bones of which I have before spoken.","EAP" "id05549","Not to oppose it under such circumstances, I sincerely believe, was not in his power.","EAP" "id03741","The news spread through Athens, and the whole city poured out at the gate of the Piraeus, down the roads, through the vineyards, the olive woods and plantations of fig trees, towards the harbour.","MWS" "id20092","Look at me how I labored how I toiled how I wrote Ye Gods, did I not write?","EAP" "id16216","Two small boys, sons of a Madame Deluc, while roaming among the woods near the Barrière du Roule, chanced to penetrate a close thicket, within which were three or four large stones, forming a kind of seat, with a back and footstool.","EAP" "id06462","Mr. Freyhere's book was a pretty large one, and copiously illustrated by colored engravings.","EAP" "id17367","The blue Mediterranean appeared, and by a strange chance, I saw the fiend enter by night and hide himself in a vessel bound for the Black Sea.","MWS" "id22791","Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter, habited in their night clothes, had apparently been occupied in arranging some papers in the iron chest already mentioned, which had been wheeled into the middle of the room.","EAP" "id09019","This appeared to him the primary step towards manhood, and he was proportionably pleased.","MWS" "id26356","""Such a hurricane as then blew it is folly to attempt describing.","EAP" "id06618","My apparatus all continued in good order, and the balloon still ascended without any perceptible vacillation.","EAP" "id23080","But with their marvelling was mixed hate, for they thought it not meet that beings of such aspect should walk about the world of men at dusk.","HPL" "id04530","He found what he expected a skull crushed cruelly as if by savage blows so returning to Albany he openly charged the Martenses with the murder of their kinsman.","HPL" "id21269","Even more puzzling, though, was the final case which put an end to the renting of the house a series of anaemia deaths preceded by progressive madnesses wherein the patient would craftily attempt the lives of his relatives by incisions in the neck or wrist.","HPL" "id07763","If I can save one of her mighty spirits from the deadly shaft; if I can ward disease from one of her smiling cottages, I shall not have lived in vain.""","MWS" "id16694","I prayed I wearied heaven with my prayer for its more speedy descent.","EAP" "id19820","The fiftieth part of a line could not escape us.","EAP" "id00689","A confusion of associated ideas possessed my brain, leading me to grope back toward the farthest corner of the cellar.","HPL" "id15981","I watched over my hasty temper, subdued my burning impatience of character, schooled my self engrossing thoughts, educating myself to the best perfection I might attain, that the fruit of my exertions might be his happiness.","MWS" "id24159","Indeed, phenomena have there occurred of a nature so completely unexpected so entirely novel so utterly at variance with preconceived opinions as to leave no doubt on my mind that long ere this all Europe is in an uproar, all physics in a ferment, all reason and astronomy together by the ears.","EAP" "id11686","Our Castle became an asylum for the unhappy.","MWS" "id20470","That the ghastly extremes of agony are endured by man the unit, and never by man the mass for this let us thank a merciful God To be buried while alive is, beyond question, the most terrific of these extremes which has ever fallen to the lot of mere mortality.","EAP" "id16401","You have heard of the pineal gland?","HPL" "id12613","They penetrate, however, rudderless or compassless into the vast ocean of the ""light ineffable,"" and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, ""agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.""","EAP" "id24932","They call them gold like things pirate loot, an' allaow the Innsmouth folks hez furren blood or is distempered or somethin'.","HPL" "id02392","Regiment after regiment advanced, their colours flying and bands playing.","MWS" "id09065","Swimming races out to Devil Reef were very common, and everyone in sight seemed well able to share in this arduous sport.","HPL" "id04212","'A piece,' it says, 'of one of the unfortunate girl's petticoats, two feet long, and one foot wide, was torn out and tied under her chin, and around the back of her head, probably to prevent screams.","EAP" "id10139","I shiver as I speak of them, and dare not be explicit; though I will say that my friend once wrote on paper a wish which he dared not utter with his tongue, and which made me burn the paper and look affrightedly out of the window at the spangled night sky.","HPL" "id15620","About two o'clock he went out for lunch, and as he threaded the narrow lanes of the city he found himself turning always to the southeast.","HPL" "id26471","The greater part of the fearful night had worn away, and she who had been dead, once again stirred and now more vigorously than hitherto, although arousing from a dissolution more appalling in its utter hopelessness than any.","EAP" "id00445","Soon we heard their disorderly clamour, the barbarian shouts, the untimed step of thousands coming on in disarray.","MWS" "id11266","I cannot deny that there has always existed, as if in that very soul which I have been denying, a vague half sentiment of its own existence.","EAP" "id11639","With sunken cheek and hollow eyes, pale and gaunt, how could I recognize the beloved of Perdita?","MWS" "id23304","I watched him, but could make but little of him.","MWS" "id23873","We read much in Alhazred's Necronomicon about its properties, and about the relation of ghouls' souls to the objects it symbolised; and were disturbed by what we read.","HPL" "id01272","After a time the man left me alone in the attic room.","HPL" "id26940","After a moment of gazing Morgan cried out sharply, passing the glass to Earl Sawyer and indicating a certain spot on the slope with his finger.","HPL" "id26056","The front door of the house had been left open, and the visiter had entered, without ringing, and advanced several steps upon the staircase.","EAP" "id01031","The usual approach to Arnheim was by the river.","EAP" "id17187","We must cut him at once.""","EAP" "id13650","""I am thunderstruck at the extent of your information I am positively upon my soul.""","EAP" "id12748","I did this, and the clamorer grew still.","EAP" "id27534","The Ourang Outang must have escaped from the chamber, by the rod, just before the break of the door.","EAP" "id13382","Dogs had a fear of me, for they felt the outside shadow which never left my side.","HPL" "id20339","I must do justice to my sweet sister: it was not for herself that she was thus agonized.","MWS" "id25438","""The graoun' was a talkin' lass night, an' towards mornin' Cha'ncey he heerd the whippoorwills so laoud in Col' Spring Glen he couldn't sleep nun.","HPL" "id21133","Let us set these characters down, thus, by the letters we know them to represent, leaving a space for the unknown t eeth.","EAP" "id26712","Their pronunciation was quick, and the words they uttered, not having any apparent connection with visible objects, I was unable to discover any clue by which I could unravel the mystery of their reference.","MWS" "id12606","His course was speedily decided upon.","MWS" "id08631","These dimensions are fully sufficient for the accommodation of a man very much above the common size and the main compartment alone is capable of holding any ordinary man in the position we have mentioned as assumed by the person concealed.","EAP" "id27784","He was incapable of meeting these evils by any comprehensive system; he had resorted to expedient after expedient, and could never be induced to put a remedy in force, till it came too late to be of use.","MWS" "id09275","The sun of youth is not set for you; it will restore vigour and life to you; do not resist with obstinate grief its beneficent influence, oh, my child bless me with the hope that I have not utterly destroyed you.","MWS" "id10741","I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph.","EAP" "id22851","Here, it will be remembered, the words of the narrative run thus: ""And Ethelred, who was by nature of a doughty heart, and who was now mighty withal, on account of the powerfulness of the wine which he had drunken, waited no longer to hold parley with the hermit, who, in sooth, was of an obstinate and maliceful turn, but, feeling the rain upon his shoulders, and fearing the rising of the tempest, uplifted his mace outright, and, with blows, made quickly room in the plankings of the door for his gauntleted hand; and now pulling therewith sturdily, he so cracked, and ripped, and tore all asunder, that the noise of the dry and hollow sounding wood alarummed and reverberated throughout the forest.""","EAP" "id15699","The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained.","EAP" "id02651","Idris sat at the bedside, holding Evelyn's hand; we were afraid to speak to each other; I watched the stars I hung over my child I felt his little pulse I drew near the mother again I receded.","MWS" "id22007","Then mighty art thou, O wind, to be throned above all other vicegerents of nature's power; whether thou comest destroying from the east, or pregnant with elementary life from the west; thee the clouds obey; the sun is subservient to thee; the shoreless ocean is thy slave Thou sweepest over the earth, and oaks, the growth of centuries, submit to thy viewless axe; the snow drift is scattered on the pinnacles of the Alps, the avalanche thunders down their vallies.","MWS" "id18419","But it was augmented and rendered sublime by the mighty Alps, whose white and shining pyramids and domes towered above all, as belonging to another earth, the habitations of another race of beings.","MWS" "id26256","I and my enemy were still struggling, when the wounded man exclaimed, ""The Earl"" I sprang out of the herculean hold of the keeper, panting from my exertions; I cast furious glances on my persecutors, and placing myself with my back to a tree, resolved to defend myself to the last.","MWS" "id07024","""In the meantime the breeze that had headed us off fell away, and we were dead becalmed, drifting about in every direction.","EAP" "id22174","She was intoning some croaking ritual in a language which Gilman could not understand, but which seemed like something guardedly quoted in the Necronomicon.","HPL" "id13111","""We had rather hot work of it, that you may say.","EAP" "id05168","They were in the end all sunk, and, with the exception of two or three prisoners, the crews drowned.","MWS" "id09648","Adrian replied, ""Whither indeed would you fly?","MWS" "id01636","but had she then grown taller since her malady?","EAP" "id04945","But I did not feel the inconvenience of the weather; my imagination was busy in scenes of evil and despair.","MWS" "id08974","I often refused to accompany him, alleging another engagement, that I might remain alone.","MWS" "id15970","On one of the staircases, I met the physician of the family.","EAP" "id24913","There came a wild rattling or jingling sound, as if of a bunch of large keys, and upon the instant a dusky visaged and half naked man rushed past me with a shriek.","EAP" "id13692","I perceived that my chances were very slender, and was fully prepared for any calamity.","HPL" "id10123","I RETURNED to my family estate in the autumn of the year .","MWS" "id15842","My attitude was still one of absolute materialism, as I wish it still were, and I discounted with almost inexplicable perversity the coincidence of the dream notes and odd cuttings collected by Professor Angell.","HPL" "id13565","Dombrowski called her, and she waddled in.","HPL" "id25200","You can bet that prying strangers ain't welcome around Innsmouth.","HPL" "id17151","At first his mother treated his theories as the wild ravings of inexperience.","MWS" "id25287","It should be remembered, however, that when I fell in the first instance, from the car, if I had fallen with my face turned toward the balloon, instead of turned outwardly from it, as it actually was; or if, in the second place, the cord by which I was suspended had chanced to hang over the upper edge, instead of through a crevice near the bottom of the car, I say it may be readily conceived that, in either of these supposed cases, I should have been unable to accomplish even as much as I had now accomplished, and the wonderful adventures of Hans Pfaall would have been utterly lost to posterity, I had therefore every reason to be grateful; although, in point of fact, I was still too stupid to be anything at all, and hung for, perhaps, a quarter of an hour in that extraordinary manner, without making the slightest farther exertion whatsoever, and in a singularly tranquil state of idiotic enjoyment.","EAP" "id14978","Legrasse and his men, it is true, have been let alone; but in Norway a certain seaman who saw things is dead.","HPL" "id13270","""There are two windows in the chamber.","EAP" "id16045","How did he know the time when Nahab and her acolyte were due to bear the brimming bowl which would follow the black cock and the black goat?","HPL" "id10729","Perhaps, after the labours and stupendous excitement of the past summer, the calm of winter and the almost menial toils it brought with it, were by natural re action doubly irksome.","MWS" "id02227","Blood was its Avatar and its seal the redness and the horror of blood.","EAP" "id21199","My father observed with pain the alteration perceptible in my disposition and habits and endeavoured by arguments deduced from the feelings of his serene conscience and guiltless life to inspire me with fortitude and awaken in me the courage to dispel the dark cloud which brooded over me.","MWS" "id13505","This state lasted but for an instant; the scream was repeated, and I rushed into the room.","MWS" "id21980","But other generations will arise, and ever and for ever will continue, to be made happier by our present acts, to be glorified by our valour.","MWS" "id22052","I arose, as I thought, a new man, and proceeded steadily and complacently on my unknown way.","EAP" "id06542","Soon some people, deputed by the magistrates, came to remove the body; the unfortunate being saw a jailor in each he fled precipitately, while I passed onwards to the Castle.","MWS" "id15913","Sheath your weapons; these are your brothers, commit not fratricide; soon the plague will not leave one for you to glut your revenge upon: will you be more pitiless than pestilence?","MWS" "id13255","Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.","HPL" "id07359","Frye lit a lantern through force of habit, but knew it would be death to go out into that black farmyard.","HPL" "id10440","This reflection thawed my congealing blood, and again the tide of life and love flowed impetuously onward, again to ebb as my busy thoughts changed.","MWS" "id06162","To hear him discussing ways and means was rather ghastly, for at the college we had never procured anatomical specimens ourselves.","HPL" "id10175","There was a boat lying upon a sea coast, and not far from the boat was a parchment not a paper with a skull depicted upon it.","EAP" "id11422","My companion looked eagerly from one bed to the other, till at the end of the ward she espied, on a wretched bed, a squalid, haggard creature, writhing under the torture of disease.","MWS" "id08028","I hain't seed many folks 'long this rud sence they tuk off the Arkham stage.""","HPL" "id19752","""True,"" said G.; ""and upon this conviction I proceeded.","EAP" "id26744","""This reading had puzzled me extremely at first, but by degrees I discovered that he uttered many of the same sounds when he read as when he talked.","MWS" "id04694","And through the window was the street where the golden lights came, and where the shadows danced on houses of marble.","HPL" "id00779","I again nodded my head in assent.","EAP" "id23608","He pulled the steel like claws from his neck, and would have dragged the beldame over the edge of the gulf had not the claws received a fresh access of strength and closed in again.","HPL" "id16622","I revolved again and again all that I remembered my mother to have told me of my father's former life; I contemplated the few relics I possessed belonging to him, which spoke of greater refinement than could be found among the mountain cottages; but nothing in all this served as a guide to lead me to another and pleasanter way of life.","MWS" "id06398","It was seen that Mr. Stapleton was alive, although in a swoon.","EAP" "id12572","I little expected, in this enlightened and scientific age, to find a disciple of Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus.","MWS" "id14845","She continued her course along the precipitous sides of the river, when suddenly her foot slipped, and she fell into the rapid stream.","MWS" "id13895","His wife, bringing his dinner, found him in a half comatose state; but he was conscious enough to warn her off with a sharp cry when he saw her eyes wander toward the notes he had taken.","HPL" "id13698","No tellin' what any o' them Kanakys will chance to git a holt of when the sea bottom throws up some island with ruins older'n the deluge.","HPL" "id03230","It is now , at night, and we are still going nearly west, at a rapid pace.","EAP" "id17028","Having opened this drawer to its full extent, a small cushion, and a set of chessmen, fixed in a frame work made to support them perpendicularly, are discovered.","EAP" "id17459","The perfect confidence that subsisted between Perdita and him, rendered every communication common between them.","MWS" "id23932","I found it in the glare of mid afternoon, in the clangour of a metropolis, and in the teeming midst of a shabby and commonplace rooming house with a prosaic landlady and two stalwart men by my side.","HPL" "id25497","He had warned me of something, and I had not heeded but he was a soft headed Rhinelander who went mad at troubles a Prussian could bear with ease.","HPL" "id18426","It was in devoting his enormous wealth to the embodiment of a vision such as this in the free exercise in the open air ensured by the personal superintendence of his plans in the unceasing object which these plans afforded in the high spirituality of the object in the contempt of ambition which it enabled him truly to feel in the perennial springs with which it gratified, without possibility of satiating, that one master passion of his soul, the thirst for beauty, above all, it was in the sympathy of a woman, not unwomanly, whose loveliness and love enveloped his existence in the purple atmosphere of Paradise, that Ellison thought to find, and found, exemption from the ordinary cares of humanity, with a far greater amount of positive happiness than ever glowed in the rapt day dreams of De Stael.","EAP" "id06929","De Kock I will thank you to behave yourself"" here interrupted an old lady, who sat next to the speaker.","EAP" "id16249","For nearly an hour, we busied ourselves, silently without the utterance of a word in endeavors to revive Mr. L l.","EAP" "id24404","There is no passing muster, however, without Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, and Greek.","EAP" "id15988","He had cried out in the night, arousing several other artists in the building, and had manifested since then only alternations of unconsciousness and delirium.","HPL" "id26037","The gyrations of the whirl grew, gradually, less and less violent.","EAP" "id25672","To tell all my grief I might as well attempt to count the tears that have fallen from these eyes, or every sign that has torn my heart.","MWS" "id05633","The facade, of immense magnitude, apparently covers a continuous hollow recess; for its windows are many and widely distributed.","HPL" "id06649","He was the first of Gerrit's descendants to see much of the world; and when he returned in after six years of campaigning, he was hated as an outsider by his father, uncles, and brothers, in spite of his dissimilar Martense eyes.","HPL" "id09415","I could not summon courage to move.","EAP" "id10112","Does not a stream, boundless as ocean, deep as vacuum, yawn between us?"" Raymond rose, his voice was broken, his features convulsed, his manner calm as the earthquake cradling atmosphere, he replied: ""I am rejoiced that you take my decision so philosophically.","MWS" "id20315","Of his mind I say nothing, of course.","EAP" "id09933","Yesterday those limbs were worth an universe; they then enshrined a transcendant power, whose intents, words, and actions were worthy to be recorded in letters of gold; now the superstition of affection alone could give value to the shattered mechanism, which, incapable and clod like, no more resembled Raymond, than the fallen rain is like the former mansion of cloud in which it climbed the highest skies, and gilded by the sun, attracted all eyes, and satiated the sense by its excess of beauty.","MWS" "id11291","""Wouldn't it answer, Bobby, if I were to leave it at random some time within a year or so, for example?","EAP" "id18997","It did not make its appearance during the night and thus for one night at least, since its introduction into the house, I soundly and tranquilly slept; aye, slept even with the burden of murder upon my soul The second and the third day passed, and still my tormentor came not.","EAP" "id26263","I watched it for some minutes, somewhat in fear, but more in wonder.","EAP" "id04982","Perhaps also my passion was lulled to content by the deep and exclusive affection you felt for me.","MWS" "id25000","Some trifling business of the House having been gone through, the leaders took their seats in the chamber; the clamour of voices continued, till Ryland arose to speak, and then the slightest whispered observation was audible.","MWS" "id23236","The Duc slips a card.","EAP" "id23395","""In 'forty six Cap'n Obed took a second wife that nobody in the taown never see some says he didn't want to, but was made to by them as he'd called in had three children by her two as disappeared young, but one gal as looked like anybody else an' was eddicated in Europe.","HPL" "id11142","""To this horrible mystery there is not as yet, we believe, the slightest clew.""","EAP" "id16141","With this he had been inspired by Casimir Perier, whose pert little query ""A quoi un poete est il bon?"" he was in the habit of quoting, with a very droll pronunciation, as the ne plus ultra of logical wit.","EAP" "id08560","Around me were the tombs and the darkness and the shadows; below me, some peril beyond the radius of the human imagination.","HPL" "id22583","I had sufficient leisure for these and many other reflections during my journey to Ingolstadt, which was long and fatiguing.","MWS" "id10692","I covered it carefully with dry wood and leaves and placed wet branches upon it; and then, spreading my cloak, I lay on the ground and sank into sleep.","MWS" "id18354","The selected passion of the soul of Raymond was ambition.","MWS" "id20715","If you have never been at sea in a heavy gale, you can form no idea of the confusion of mind occasioned by the wind and spray together.","EAP" "id10500","The red blood bounded tumultuously through its strict channels.","EAP" "id13949","Examining the great tree where it had lurked, I could discern no distinctive marks.","HPL" "id16496","But he found that a traveller's life is one that includes much pain amidst its enjoyments.","MWS" "id06779","Such a winking and blinking were never before seen.","EAP" "id14521","The forest was dressed in green; the young calves frisked on the new sprung grass; the wind winged shadows of light clouds sped over the green cornfields; the hermit cuckoo repeated his monotonous all hail to the season; the nightingale, bird of love and minion of the evening star, filled the woods with song; while Venus lingered in the warm sunset, and the young green of the trees lay in gentle relief along the clear horizon.","MWS" "id18986","Then, without warning, I saw the intermittent flashes of light on the distant reef.","HPL" "id27355","You must not shut me from all communion with you: do not tell me why you grieve but only say the words, ""I am unhappy,"" and you will feel relieved as if for some time excluded from all intercourse by some magic spell you should suddenly enter again the pale of human sympathy.","MWS" "id01374","A lightning rod is ascended without difficulty, especially by a sailor; but, when he had arrived as high as the window, which lay far to his left, his career was stopped; the most that he could accomplish was to reach over so as to obtain a glimpse of the interior of the room.","EAP" "id21787","The 'soothing system,' you know, was then in operation, and the patients were at large.","EAP" "id08173","Having rid himself of his ghastly charge, the murderer would have hastened to the city.","EAP" "id23164","Still, I am innocent, and I will make a clean breast if I die for it.""","EAP" "id03229","My poor sister looked at the counsellor with affright.","MWS" "id13495","But their ardent Protestantism too ardent, some whispered and their evident distress when virtually driven from the village down the bay, had moved the sympathy of the town fathers.","HPL" "id26627","Grotesque beyond the imagination of a or a Bulwer, they were damnably human in general outline despite webbed hands and feet, shockingly wide and flabby lips, glassy, bulging eyes, and other features less pleasant to recall.","HPL" "id24184","Notwithstanding terrifically wide sweep some thirty feet or more and the hissing vigor of its descent, sufficient to sunder these very walls of iron, still the fraying of my robe would be all that, for several minutes, it would accomplish.","EAP" "id16464","How absurd in these people, then, to persist in putting faith in ""axioms"" as immutable bases of Truth But even out of the mouths of their soundest reasoners it is easy to demonstrate the futility, the impalpability of their axioms in general.","EAP" "id14870","Were he not a diddler, he would be a maker of patent rat traps or an angler for trout.","EAP" "id27710","Sorrow doubles the burthen to the bent down back; plants thorns in the unyielding pillow; mingles gall with water; adds saltness to their bitter bread; cloathing them in rags, and strewing ashes on their bare heads.","MWS" "id04828","Rain had long effaced any possible footprints, though Boston investigators had something to say about evidences of disturbances among the fallen timbers of the Carter place.","HPL" "id25506","You will see the necessity, I hope, of quitting Oxford at all events, of quitting instantly my chambers.""","EAP" "id10367","My promise fulfilled, the monster would depart forever.","MWS" "id06331","Whence, I often asked myself, did the principle of life proceed?","MWS" "id20716","This policy would have suggested.","EAP" "id19821","I reflected on this, and by touching the various branches, I discovered the cause and busied myself in collecting a great quantity of wood, that I might dry it and have a plentiful supply of fire.","MWS" "id15766","It was love supreme indescribable.","EAP" "id17051","Adrian leaned against the wall.","MWS" "id11465","Upon attempting to draw this trunk out from under the bed, they found that, with their united strength there were three of them, all powerful men, they 'could not stir it one inch.'","EAP" "id03194","Woodville for ever rose in glory; and Elinor become more lovely and wise under the lessons of her accomplished lover.","MWS" "id07184","Nevertheless, he had his uses, as every thing has, however vile, and taught mankind a lesson which to this day it is in no danger of forgetting never to run directly contrary to the natural analogies.","EAP" "id14965","I had become arrogant, peevish, and above all suspicious.","MWS" "id27811","A murmur of approbation followed Elizabeth's simple and powerful appeal, but it was excited by her generous interference, and not in favour of poor Justine, on whom the public indignation was turned with renewed violence, charging her with the blackest ingratitude.","MWS" "id08944","""You will ask me,"" continued Evadne, ""what I have done since; why I have not applied for succour to the rich Greeks resident here; why I have not returned to my native country?","MWS" "id11742","She threw open her window, which looked on the palace garden.","MWS" "id10955","Sometimes she struggled with her tears, but when she was desired to plead, she collected her powers and spoke in an audible although variable voice.","MWS" "id20517","""But,"" said I, ""the enigma seems still in as bad a condition as ever.","EAP" "id25086","Of these categories one seemed to him to include objects slightly less illogical and irrelevant in their motions than the members of the other categories.","HPL" "id17415","This occasion we have already stated to occur when the man concealed within brings his body into an erect position upon the closing of the back door. .","EAP" "id21352","And, even then, my mortal terrors would listen to no reason would accept no consolation.","EAP" "id21914","I was then sure that you reflected upon the diminutive figure of Chantilly.","EAP" "id25908","So I was silent when the sun set fulgently over the far hills, and Kilderry blazed all red and gold in a flame that seemed a portent.","HPL" "id22218","I prayed them to save even from himself this scion of the noblest family in England.","MWS" "id23473","When she became a widow, she turned all her thoughts to the educating her son Adrian, second Earl of Windsor, so as to accomplish her ambitious ends; and with his mother's milk he imbibed, and was intended to grow up in the steady purpose of re acquiring his lost crown.","MWS" "id09414","This attack was directed against Raymond and his machinations for the restoration of the monarchy.","MWS" "id04751","Corroboration will rise upon corroboration, and the murderer will be traced.""","EAP" "id00826","In time he observed a further mystery the tendency of certain entities to appear suddenly out of empty space, or to disappear totally with equal suddenness.","HPL" "id13589","""Sir,"" I said, ""it is the Science of Noses.""","EAP" "id10670","Presently his voice was heard in a sort of halloo.","EAP" "id13032","Then dawn swam dripping and mist wreathed out of the sea, and the buoys tolled solemn in vortices of white aether.","HPL" "id23656","Poor girl she was barely fifteen, and without this consent, her little amount in the funds was not come at able until five immeasurable summers had ""dragged their slow length along.""","EAP" "id03702","Chapter ""Some time elapsed before I learned the history of my friends.","MWS" "id26755","I relied on your innocence, and although I was then very wretched, I was not so miserable as I am now.""","MWS" "id08260","It is not pleasant to see a stout man suddenly grown thin, and it is even worse when the baggy skin becomes yellowed or greyed, the eyes sunken, circled, and uncannily glowing, the forehead veined and corrugated, and the hands tremulous and twitching.","HPL" "id06112","We came at last, methought, to the brow of a huge cliff that over hung the sea which, troubled by the winds, dashed against its base at a distance.","MWS" "id21750","Its ponderous mass, blackened stone, and high dome, made it look, not like a temple, but a tomb.","MWS" "id22869","I do not know how long I gazed at this sight from the lonely turret window before I dropped suddenly in a dreamless swoon, out of which the high sun of morning aroused me.","HPL" "id08057","I need scarce tell you, my friend, that, even when you left us, men had agreed to understand those passages in the most holy writings which speak of the final destruction of all things by fire, as having reference to the orb of the earth alone.","EAP" "id09496","that they existed in a sort of every man for himself confederacy, after the fashion of the ""prairie dogs"" that we read of in fable.","EAP" "id13190","Why am I to give an account of myself?","MWS" "id05960","""Raymond has prophesied well,"" said Perdita, ""alas, that it should be so our present mode of life cannot continue long, yet I will not be the first to propose alteration.","MWS" "id02210","Minutely and sagaciously directing the various modes of investment, he bequeathed the aggregate amount to the nearest of blood, bearing the name Ellison, who should be alive at the end of the hundred years.","EAP" "id16332","Even the very lights from the city bewilder him.","EAP" "id26453","""My dear girl,"" he said, ""I have been to blame; but you must pardon me.","MWS" "id14532","Their number was past guessing.","HPL" "id08177","They had traded the false gods of fear and blind piety for those of licence and anarchy.","HPL" "id21961","I made no doubt that here was the 'devil's seat' alluded to in the MS., and now I seemed to grasp the full secret of the riddle.","EAP" "id01214","""And my brother?"" ""Is on deck, Madam.""","MWS" "id23286","Bringing my telescope to bear upon it, I plainly discerned it to be a British ninety four gun ship, close hauled, and pitching heavily in the sea with her head to the W.S.W.","EAP" "id15911","The general tension was horrible.","HPL" "id14669","""I can offer you no consolation, my friend,"" said he; ""your disaster is irreparable.","MWS" "id12416","His praises were so many adder's stings infixed in my vulnerable breast.","MWS" "id16786","In these paintings, which depended from the walls not only in their main surfaces, but in very many nooks which the bizarre architecture of the chateau rendered necessary in these paintings my incipient delirium, perhaps, had caused me to take deep interest; so that I bade Pedro to close the heavy shutters of the room since it was already night to light the tongues of a tall candelabrum which stood by the head of my bed and to throw open far and wide the fringed curtains of black velvet which enveloped the bed itself.","EAP" "id00948","Among better natures, anguish and dread, the fear of eternal separation, and the awful wonder produced by unprecedented calamity, drew closer the ties of kindred and friendship.","MWS" "id11547","""Mein Gott, den, vat a vool you bees for dat"" replied one of the most remarkable voices I ever heard.","EAP" "id25602","While the earth lasts, his actions will be recorded with praise.","MWS" "id20557","Parks had helped him get the key from the old box containing it, and had felt strangely affected by the grotesque carvings on the box, and by some other odd quality he could not name.","HPL" "id07855","From Lydia to Neapolis the beauty of their work was praised, and none dared say that the one excelled the other in skill.","HPL" "id08613","Such a step, he said, would require only two stages; first, a passage out of the three dimensional sphere we know, and second, a passage back to the three dimensional sphere at another point, perhaps one of infinite remoteness.","HPL" "id23531","But my essay towards bringing her to a saner view of her own situation, did not end here.","MWS" "id22475","In the former, the torture of meditation was excessive in the latter, supreme.","EAP" "id05220","From each hearth the familiar cat had vanished; cats large and small, black, grey, striped, yellow, and white.","HPL" "id15730","Collapsing huddles of gambrel roofs formed a jagged and fantastic skyline, above which rose the ghoulish, decapitated steeple of an ancient church.","HPL" "id20564","Thenceforward we were enshrouded in patchy darkness, so that we could not have seen an object at twenty paces from the ship.","EAP" "id08298","It was firmly secured by bands of wrought iron, riveted, and forming a kind of open trelliswork over the whole.","EAP" "id06400","A second reflection was less comforting.","HPL" "id04585","Emicant Trabes quos docos vocant.","EAP" "id03930","In another instant both body and box were in the sea disappearing suddenly, at once and forever.","EAP" "id23675","I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id14781","While I gazed, this fissure rapidly widened there came a fierce breath of the whirlwind the entire orb of the satellite burst at once upon my sight my brain reeled as I saw the mighty walls rushing asunder there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the ""House of Usher.""","EAP" "id08013","These, no doubt, were singular fancies to occupy a man's mind in such extremity and I have often thought since, that the revolutions of the boat around the pool might have rendered me a little light headed.","EAP" "id18708","To be sure, it has a circulation of ,, and its subscription list has increased one third during the last fortnight, but on the other hand, the sums it disburses, monthly, for contributions, are fearfully great.","EAP" "id04445","After a short repose I prepared to leave her, that I might endeavour to accomplish her wish.","MWS" "id07082","We didn't hev them old charms to cut 'em off like folks in the Saouth Sea did, an' them Kanakys wudn't never give away their secrets.","HPL" "id17297","There were several very large and heavy coins, so worn that we could make nothing of their inscriptions.","EAP" "id17512","The true poet possessed of very unusual pecuniary resources, might possibly, while retaining the necessary idea of art or interest or culture, so imbue his designs at once with extent and novelty of Beauty, as to convey the sentiment of spiritual interference.","EAP" "id24053","With riches merely surpassing those of any citizen, it would have been easy to suppose him engaging to supreme excess in the fashionable extravagances of his time or busying himself with political intrigue or aiming at ministerial power or purchasing increase of nobility or collecting large museums of virtu or playing the munificent patron of letters, of science, of art or endowing, and bestowing his name upon extensive institutions of charity.","EAP" "id21171","Additional grottoes had been found, and the yield of yellow metal was exceedingly great; so that a mighty and heterogeneous army of miners toiled day and night in the numerous passages and rock hollows.","HPL" "id13381","The time at length arrives when grief is rather an indulgence than a necessity; and the smile that plays upon the lips, although it may be deemed a sacrilege, is not banished.","MWS" "id16729","Each vessel in the mean time brought exhilarating tidings from Greece.","MWS" "id10395","My sister was struck by my narrative: ""How beyond the imagination of man,"" she exclaimed, ""are the decrees of heaven, wondrous and inexplicable"" ""Foolish girl,"" cried Raymond angrily, ""are you like my valiant soldiers, panic struck?","MWS" "id13084","Terms, however, are no object only he must insist upon settling his bill on the first of every month, it is now the second and begs his landlady, when he finally obtains one to his mind, not on any account to forget his instructions upon this point but to send in a bill, and receipt, precisely at ten o'clock, on the first day of every month, and under no circumstances to put it off to the second.","EAP" "id03561","Afterward one sometimes learns that one has been through Dunwich.","HPL" "id25297","But seated here where I write this in the luxuriously cushioned open piazza of the summit, one can see everything that is going on in all directions.","EAP" "id24876","Young Galpin, the fiancé in question, had been one of Appleton's most remarkable sons.","HPL" "id00708","It is impossible for you to see the real designer; your instructions must pass through me.","MWS" "id19099","The squatters said the thing had had only one victim; but in this I judged them inaccurate, since besides the complete skull of a human being, there was another bony fragment which seemed certainly to have belonged to a human skull at some time.","HPL" "id04421","I was up in the cupalo . . .","HPL" "id09140","I thus formed the third of the party.","EAP" "id10388","Over the bog was a deluge of flaring light, scarlet and sinister, and pouring from the strange olden ruin on the far islet.","HPL" "id01173","Gad, I wouldn't be alive if I'd ever seen what that man if he was a man saw You recall that Pickman's forte was faces.","HPL" "id04463","Examined at headquarters after a trip of intense strain and weariness, the prisoners all proved to be men of a very low, mixed blooded, and mentally aberrant type.","HPL" "id10406","The bottoms and tops of bedposts are employed in the same way.""","EAP" "id02042","It had been determined for us by Talbot, that, as we were to be up all night, we should make our first stop at C , a village about twenty miles from the city, and there get an early breakfast and some repose, before proceeding upon our route.","EAP" "id06058","Gilman wondered, too, whether he could trust his instinct to take him back to the right part of space.","HPL" "id00321","If we traversed a mountain, Greece, a living map, was spread beneath, her renowned pinnacles cleaving the ether; her rivers threading in silver line the fertile land.","MWS" "id12888","Much that I encountered on the way contributed, I know not how, to heighten the vague sentiments of which I have already spoken.","EAP" "id19430","I was undisturbed by thoughts which during the preceding year had pressed upon me, notwithstanding my endeavours to throw them off, with an invincible burden.","MWS" "id01703","If misfortune come against us we must fight with her; we must cast her aside, and still go on to find out that which it is our nature to desire.","MWS" "id04362","It was so old, he added, that no one now could be expected to recognise it.","HPL" "id02175","This I ask myself, but ever does there come before me a hideously vivid vision in reply.","HPL" "id19331","There was no chance of hearing anything farther that evening in regard to Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith.","EAP" "id05466","""But as to this thing we've just sent back the Whateleys raised it for a terrible part in the doings that were to come.","HPL" "id23775","The diddler purchases one or two dozen of these blanks, and every day dips one of them in his soup, makes his dog jump for it, and finally gives it to him as a bonne bouche.","EAP" "id19597","""The screw consists of an axis of hollow brass tube, eighteen inches in length, through which, upon a semi spiral inclined at fifteen degrees, pass a series of steel wire radii, two feet long, and thus projecting a foot on either side.","EAP" "id01922","There was a curious feeling of unreality attached by him to his foreign life in comparison with the years of his youth.","MWS" "id22003","In all this there was a strangeness that attracted and enchanted me.","MWS" "id14392","There was a vortex of withering, ice cold wind, and then the rattle of loose bricks and plaster; but I had mercifully fainted before I could learn what it meant.","HPL" "id09381","IS there such a feeling as love at first sight?","MWS" "id09534","The object of her life was to do him pleasure: it had been so before, but with a difference.","MWS" "id12651","The water increased in transparency.","EAP" "id04918","I wished sometimes to shake off all thought and feeling, but I learned that there was but one means to overcome the sensation of pain, and that was death a state which I feared yet did not understand.","MWS" "id19390","Some o' these here critters looks like monkeys, or half monkeys an' half men, but I never heerd o' nothing like this un.""","HPL" "id07078","I am Basil Elton, keeper of the North Point light that my father and grandfather kept before me.","HPL" "id14066","West had greedily seized the lifeless thing which had once been his friend and fellow scholar; and I shuddered when he finished severing the head, placed it in his hellish vat of pulpy reptile tissue to preserve it for future experiments, and proceeded to treat the decapitated body on the operating table.","HPL" "id23064","As might have been expected, spasms and violent headache were the immediate consequences of an experiment so precipitate and full of danger.","EAP" "id21827","It wasn't the scaly claws nor the mould caked body nor the half hooved feet none of these, though any one of them might well have driven an excitable man to madness.","HPL" "id15522","As the period fixed for our marriage drew nearer, whether from cowardice or a prophetic feeling, I felt my heart sink within me.","MWS" "id05053","Despite what I had heard of this hotel in Newburyport, I signed the register, paid my dollar, let the clerk take my valise, and followed that sour, solitary attendant up three creaking flights of stairs past dusty corridors which seemed wholly devoid of life.","HPL" "id10754","I sat with Perdita and soothed her, by my seeming assent to her wild scheme.","MWS" "id25118","and does he not delight singly in such efforts as manifest his love to all?","MWS" "id22831","I listened quietly, and when he paused would again pour out my misery in expressions that shewed how far too deep my wounds were for any cure.","MWS" "id04816","I am not even yet willing to say whether what followed was a hideous actuality or only a nightmare hallucination.","HPL" "id16932","""You travelled to seek happiness, but a fatality seems to pursue you.","MWS" "id18539","""What if some little payne the passage have That makes frayle flesh to fear the bitter wave?","MWS" "id14318","Nothing has been distorted or concealed, and if anything remains vague, it is only because of the dark cloud which has come over my mind that cloud and the nebulous nature of the horrors which brought it upon me.","HPL" "id09546","claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses . . .","HPL" "id08113","Then they looked oddly at me, and said that they seemed to remember weird sounds, too.","HPL" "id15722","I was born for something greater than I was and greater I would become; but greatness, at least to my distorted perceptions, was no necessary associate of goodness, and my wild thoughts were unchecked by moral considerations when they rioted in dreams of distinction.","MWS" "id24450","I saw, indeed, that they were his, but I shook as if with a fit of the ague in fancying they were not.","EAP" "id00093","Seems that human folks has got a kind o' relation to sech water beasts that everything alive come aout o' the water onct, an' only needs a little change to go back agin.","HPL" "id16691","The whole page was blotted with fresh tears; and, upon the opposite interleaf, were the following English lines, written in a hand so very different from the peculiar characters of my acquaintance, that I had some difficulty in recognising it as his own: Thou wast that all to me, love, For which my soul did pine A green isle in the sea, love, A fountain and a shrine, All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers; And all the flowers were mine.","EAP" "id09944","Weak minded, and beset with constitutional infirmities akin to my own, my parents could do but little to check the evil propensities which distinguished me.","EAP" "id02492","About two o'clock the mist cleared away, and we beheld, stretched out in every direction, vast and irregular plains of ice, which seemed to have no end.","MWS" "id24803","I established myself at his bedside; I never quitted it day or night.","MWS" "id17066","His business is retail, for cash, or approved paper at sight.","EAP" "id03775","We became ephemera, to whom the interval between the rising and setting sun was as a long drawn year of common time.","MWS" "id17726","On returning home, the captain of the steam packet with whom I had agreed to sail, came to tell me, that accidental circumstances hastened his departure, and that, if I went with him, I must come on board at five on the following morning.","MWS" "id19416","I was struck by his exceeding beauty, and as he spoke to thank me the sweet but melancholy cadence of his voice brought tears into my eyes.","MWS" "id14832","He had written infamous things.","EAP" "id18458","At eleven years of age Diana was his favourite playmate but he already talked the language of love.","MWS" "id01330","Out of that dream came rescue the Vigilant, the vice admiralty court, the streets of Dunedin, and the long voyage back home to the old house by the Egeberg.","HPL" "id05324","After dinner, however, when you have sufficiently recovered from the fatigue of your ride, I will be happy to take you over the house, and introduce to you a system which, in my opinion, and in that of every one who has witnessed its operation, is incomparably the most effectual as yet devised.""","EAP" "id10428","As he went on I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpable enemy; one by one the various keys were touched which formed the mechanism of my being; chord after chord was sounded, and soon my mind was filled with one thought, one conception, one purpose.","MWS" "id09087","She was warmly attached to the child who is now dead and acted towards him like a most affectionate mother.","MWS" "id22036","This done, you have only to stroll along, with the mill on your back, until you see tanbark in the street, and a knocker wrapped up in buckskin.","EAP" "id08835","Moreover, near neighbors are seldom friends; and the inhabitants of the Castle Berlifitzing might look, from their lofty buttresses, into the very windows of the palace Metzengerstein.","EAP" "id01699","Our dainty fare was often exchanged for blows and imprisonment.","MWS" "id17704","I thought at length that he comprehended my design but, whether this was the case or not, he shook his head despairingly, and refused to move from his station by the ring bolt.","EAP" "id13278","Though hardly eager, they obeyed; and a deep boring was made.","HPL" "id20794","Ye who are linked by the affectionate ties of nature, companions, friends, lovers fathers, who toil with joy for their offspring; women, who while gazing on the living forms of their children, forget the pains of maternity; children, who neither toil nor spin, but love and are loved ""Oh, that death and sickness were banished from our earthly home that hatred, tyranny, and fear could no longer make their lair in the human heart that each man might find a brother in his fellow, and a nest of repose amid the wide plains of his inheritance that the source of tears were dry, and that lips might no longer form expressions of sorrow.","MWS" "id11401","I gave the right place to every personage in the groupe, the just balance to every sentiment.","MWS" "id24030","The policy of insurance for my dwelling house had expired the day before; and, some dispute having arisen, it was agreed that, at six, I should meet the board of directors of the company and settle the terms of a renewal.","EAP" "id07860","When noises came from it, they whispered and shivered; and hoped that the lock on that attic door was strong.","HPL" "id00057","The ballots had been thrown; they were all black, and Justine was condemned.","MWS" "id25176","Over and over again through those aeons I whispered and muttered, called, shouted, and screamed, ""Warren Warren Answer me are you there?""","HPL" "id20948","My object is simply, in the first place, to say a few words of Von Kempelen himself with whom, some years ago, I had the honor of a slight personal acquaintance, since every thing which concerns him must necessarily, at this moment, be of interest; and, in the second place, to look in a general way, and speculatively, at the results of the discovery.","EAP" "id15969","But a new and fearful object soon rivetted the attention of the multitude, and proved how much more intense is the excitement wrought in the feelings of a crowd by the contemplation of human agony, than that brought about by the most appalling spectacles of inanimate matter.","EAP" "id12959","My letter was returned by that footman, with the following endorsement in pencil.","EAP" "id25564","He had bought it, he said, with danger, and paid for it with toil.","MWS" "id01859","Through some unprecedented volcanic upheaval, a portion of the ocean floor must have been thrown to the surface, exposing regions which for innumerable millions of years had lain hidden under unfathomable watery depths.","HPL" "id21900","""I'll never get the picture out of my head as long as I live.","HPL" "id04608","Filled with despair, and still inflamed by the memory of a profound attachment, the lover journeys from the capital to the remote province in which the village lies, with the romantic purpose of disinterring the corpse, and possessing himself of its luxuriant tresses.","EAP" "id16315","It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.","EAP" "id01226","Studying the grocery youth's map and seeking a route I had not traversed before, I chose Marsh Street instead of State for my approach to Town Square.","HPL" "id14097","Even at this early age, he was deep read and imbued with the spirit of high philosophy.","MWS" "id11781","There were some trivial arrangements afterwards, to be sure; but these formed no portion of the plan.","EAP" "id06706","And at the baptismal font I hesitated for a name.","EAP" "id06329","One finds it difficult, too, to conceive the vast masses which these people handle so easily, to be as light as our own reason tells us they actually are.","EAP" "id19356","I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels were inscribed ""Kirschenwasser.""","EAP" "id22760","Presently he realised what he was listening for the hellish chant of the celebrants in the distant black valley.","HPL" "id26885","To do do medium size................. AUG. .","EAP" "id14456","In the summer it would be nearly overhead.","HPL" "id06549","The beatings of my human heart drew me back to blank reality.","MWS" "id24151","I will hint only hint that he had designs which involved the rulership of the visible universe and more; designs whereby the earth and the stars would move at his command, and the destinies of all living things be his.","HPL" "id01872","As he did this he further demonstrated his eccentricity by casting a startled glance toward the lone curtained window, as if fearful of some intruder a glance doubly absurd, since the garret stood high and inaccessible above all the adjacent roofs, this window being the only point on the steep street, as the concierge had told me, from which one could see over the wall at the summit.","HPL" "id09984","Yet although the external abbey, with its verdant decay hanging about it, suffered but little alteration, I gave way, with a child like perversity, and perchance with a faint hope of alleviating my sorrows, to a display of more than regal magnificence within.","EAP" "id07306","Pestilence then made a pause in her death dealing career.","MWS" "id19899","The result of this well conceived plan, however, the success of which would have saved me much trouble in after life, served to convince me that some editors are not to be bamboozled, and gave the coup de grace as they say in France, to my nascent hopes, as they say in the city of the transcendentals.","EAP" "id27946","Singular to relate, it was once much admired as an article of female dress Balloons were also very generally constructed from it.","EAP" "id00672","I lay down in the bottom of the car, and endeavored to collect my faculties.","EAP" "id14928","With the passage of time Klenze and I decided that we were still drifting south, meanwhile sinking deeper and deeper.","HPL" "id22677","Poor old soul to what pitiful depths of hallucination had his liquor, plus his hatred of the decay, alienage, and disease around him, brought that fertile, imaginative brain He began to moan now, and tears were coursing down his channelled cheeks into the depths of his beard.","HPL" "id01138","The president, however, was the first to recover his composure, and at length, turning to Legs with great dignity, recommenced: ""Most willingly will we gratify any reasonable curiosity on the part of guests so illustrious, unbidden though they be.","EAP" "id11871","The legend here seemed to present three variants.","HPL" "id10933","""And you escaped?"" ""No, but I recovered.""","MWS" "id20728","Above the crowded bookshelves at intervals along the walls were well wrought family portraits; all tarnished to an enigmatical dimness, and bearing an unmistakable likeness to the man who now motioned me to a chair beside the graceful Chippendale table.","HPL" "id01081","I do not remember many particulars you can imagine my state of mind but it is a vicious lie to say it was Herbert West's body which I put into the incinerator.","HPL" "id10851","I could perceive that, when I recalled my sister's thoughts to her duties in life, she did not listen with the same patience as before.","MWS" "id16188","The year must have been in the late republic, for the province was still ruled by a senatorial proconsul instead of a prætorian legate of Augustus, and the day was the first before the Kalends of November.","HPL" "id18393","A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web like softness and tenuity; these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten.","EAP" "id15904","But in this I am a coward.","MWS" "id21590","The editor says: ""Now, then, a change comes over the matter.","EAP" "id13360","During the whole of this wretched mockery of justice I suffered living torture.","MWS" "id00460","He had chosen the place for purely symbolic and fantastically aesthetic reasons, since most of the interments were of the colonial period and therefore of little use to a scientist seeking very fresh bodies.","HPL" "id03734","His last words I distinctly remember.","EAP" "id08566","So, too, when the noon of the second day came, I was not unconscious of those movements which displaced you from my side, which confined me within the coffin, which deposited me within the hearse, which bore me to the grave, which lowered me within it, which heaped heavily the mould upon me, and which thus left me, in blackness and corruption, to my sad and solemn slumbers with the worm.","EAP" "id03463","The chance for throwing sixes seems to be precisely as it was at any ordinary time that is to say, subject only to the influence of the various other throws which may be made by the dice.","EAP" "id26868","Though one might well imagine that my first sensation would be of wonder at so prodigious and unexpected a transformation of scenery, I was in reality more horrified than astonished; for there was in the air and in the rotting soil a sinister quality which chilled me to the very core.","HPL" "id21214","She did not appear to understand him, but smiled.","MWS" "id03687","O wherefore are love and ruin for ever joined in this our mortal dream?","MWS" "id05373","Our player confines himself not at all; nor, because the game is the object, does he reject deductions from things external to the game.","EAP" "id11618","Through the impediments afforded by the number, complexity, and substantiality of the laws of organic life and matter, the violation of law is rendered, to a certain extent, practicable.","EAP" "id17096","Sometimes, when nature, overcome by hunger, sank under the exhaustion, a repast was prepared for me in the desert that restored and inspirited me.","MWS" "id10700","As the trial had proceeded, her countenance had altered.","MWS" "id06842","To that last hour of all, there hung a cloud of intense gloom and devout sorrow over your household.","EAP" "id01044","She was evidently a lady of breeding.","EAP" "id01097","She had not confided in me; I could not demand an explanation from Raymond without the hazard of betraying what was perhaps her most treasured secret.","MWS" "id13342","""Four letters beyond the word 'degree,' we perceive the combination ;;.","EAP" "id08323","I was glad, for although I disliked to see the moss and the heather and the little streams and lakes depart, I had a growing wish to discern the ancient secrets the deep matted peat might hide.","HPL" "id26119","""Hum hoo dat's good why dare aint no eye lef at all."" ""Curse your stupidity do you know your right hand from your left?"" ""Yes, I nose dat nose all bout dat tis my lef hand what I chops de wood wid."" ""To be sure you are left handed; and your left eye is on the same side as your left hand.","EAP" "id06254","But that country had so many resources in the way of agriculture, that the rush of population from one part of it to another, and its increase through foreign emigration, was less felt than with us.","MWS" "id06753","We removed every carpet, and examined the boards with the microscope.""","EAP" "id25772","The proposition, in this form, will be admitted at once by those who love the lyre for its own sake, and for its spiritual uses.","EAP" "id22964","Davis, an old time village practitioner, had of course seen both at the respective funerals, as indeed he had attended both Fenner and Sawyer in their last illnesses.","HPL" "id26988","At the last moment I will enclose the MS. in a bottle, and cast it within the sea.","EAP" "id18915","The folding doors remain shut, and the drawer is returned empty.","EAP" "id16066","No matter: I do not wish to plead my cause before any of them, not even before your Lordship, had you not first discovered me.","MWS" "id07372","""I could mention innumerable instances which, although slight, marked the dispositions of these amiable cottagers.","MWS" "id04862","I had told them that I should not return until the morning, and had given them explicit orders not to stir from the house.","EAP" "id14756","On the fourteenth this had greatly diminished; on the fifteenth a still more remarkable decrease was observable; and, on retiring on the night of the sixteenth, I had noticed an angle of no more than about seven degrees and fifteen minutes.","EAP" "id00816","The plague at Athens had been preceded and caused by the contagion from the East; and the scene of havoc and death continued to be acted there, on a scale of fearful magnitude.","MWS" "id05118","I now tell you that I heard her first feeble movements in the hollow coffin.","EAP" "id09113","At first content to view the scene as an all observant uncorporeal presence, I now desired to define my relation to it, and to speak my mind amongst the grave men who conversed each day in the public squares.","HPL" "id26585","It flies it disappears we are free.","EAP" "id18726","But why, Agathos, do you weep and why, oh why do your wings droop as we hover above this fair star which is the greenest and yet most terrible of all we have encountered in our flight?","EAP" "id21041","The idea of its being gold never entered their brains, of course; how could such a wild fancy have entered it?","EAP" "id08667","Hei Hei At last In the dim light I behold the gods of earth"" And now Atal, slipping dizzily up over inconceivable steeps, heard in the dark a loathsome laughing, mixed with such a cry as no man else ever heard save in the Phlegethon of unrelatable nightmares; a cry wherein reverberated the horror and anguish of a haunted lifetime packed into one atrocious moment: ""The other gods The other gods The gods of the outer hells that guard the feeble gods of earth . . .","HPL" "id02976","""That refinery, though, used to be a big thing, and Old Man Marsh, who owns it, must be richer'n Croesus.","HPL" "id04955","Believe me, I will never desert life untill this last hope is torn from my bosom, that in some way my labours may form a link in the chain of gold with which we ought all to strive to drag Happiness from where she sits enthroned above the clouds, now far beyond our reach, to inhabit the earth with us.","MWS" "id23089","Someone might easily be looking, and possible Eliot Street stragglers could not fail to glimpse me from either of two points.","HPL" "id21410","""There is no exquisite beauty,"" says Bacon, Lord Verulam, speaking truly of all the forms and genera of beauty, ""without some strangeness in the proportion.""","EAP" "id27268","""Diamond like,"" also, was scarcely, it will be admitted, of sufficient intensity to express what the ""Mole"" evidently thought of the brilliancy of the ""Oil of Bob.""","EAP" "id00353","His money and lands were gone, and he did not care for the ways of people about him, but preferred to dream and write of his dreams.","HPL" "id07678","THE ""Red Death"" had long devastated the country.","EAP" "id00545","Then he thought he heerd another faint like saound over towards Wizard Whateley's a kinder rippin' or tearin' o' wood, like some big box er crate was bein' opened fur off.","HPL" "id18725","""Why, yes; and not exactly that, either.","EAP" "id27053","""Humph"" resumed the voice, as I continued my survey, ""you mus pe so dronk as de pig, den, for not zee me as I zit here at your zide.""","EAP" "id13146","Most of the night she spent here watching; towards morning she believed that she slept for a few minutes; some steps disturbed her, and she awoke.","MWS" "id25600","""Nevertheless, I will try it,"" said my companion; ""it may lead to the real cavern.","MWS" "id24544","Some erect and manly spirits still remained, pillars of state; but the word republic had grown stale to the vulgar ear; and many the event would prove whether it was a majority pined for the tinsel and show of royalty.","MWS" "id01073","He had not known until our hallway conversation that I could overhear his playing in my room, and now asked me if I would arrange with Blandot to take a lower room where I could not hear him in the night.","HPL" "id17398","'This fir tree,' I found myself at one time saying, 'will certainly be the next thing that takes the awful plunge and disappears,' and then I was disappointed to find that the wreck of a Dutch merchant ship overtook it and went down before.","EAP" "id08708","I presume you have at last made up your mind that there is no such thing as overreaching the Minister?""","EAP" "id08469","I did not wish to refuse them; but in my heart of hearts, I made a vow to devote life, knowledge, and power, all of which, in as much as they were of any value, he had bestowed on me all, all my capacities and hopes, to him alone I would devote.","MWS" "id18182","The ""Owl,"" a journal of profound sagacity, and well known for the deliberate gravity of its literary decisions the ""Owl,"" I say, spoke as follows: ""'The Lollipop' The October number of this delicious Magazine surpasses its predecessors, and sets competition at defiance.","EAP" "id01088","Having parted from my friend, I determined to visit some remote spot of Scotland and finish my work in solitude.","MWS" "id16406","Please to examine, at your leisure, the inner linings of the cuff of his left sleeve, and the several little packages which may be found in the somewhat capacious pockets of his embroidered morning wrapper.""","EAP" "id17091","From some peculiar circumstances attending the administration of his father, the young Baron, at the decease of the former, entered immediately upon his vast possessions.","EAP" "id25743","I wish you could have seen him, sir,"" here the speaker addressed myself ""it would have done your heart good to see the natural airs that he put on.","EAP" "id03411","Raymond and I made a part of the concert, and Adrian and Perdita were devout listeners.","MWS" "id24467","Although the real interest of my narration is now ended and I ought quickly to wind up its melancholy catastrophe, yet I will relate one instance of my sad suspicion and despair and how Woodville with the goodness and almost the power of an angel, softened my rugged feelings and led me back to gentleness.","MWS" "id11096","There were no widespread tales of rattling chains, cold currents of air, extinguished lights, or faces at the window.","HPL" "id07577","Strange as it may appear, the third week from the discovery of the body had passed, and passed without any light being thrown upon the subject, before even a rumor of the events which had so agitated the public mind, reached the ears of Dupin and myself.","EAP" "id06690","For my own part, I intend to believe nothing henceforward that has anything of the 'singular' about it.""","EAP" "id26867","He, the Fly, was very little better than he should be.","EAP" "id21220","Now, the power of elevation lies altogether in the superior lightness of the gas in the balloon compared with the atmospheric air; and, at first sight, it does not appear probable that, as the balloon acquires altitude, and consequently arrives successively in atmospheric strata of densities rapidly diminishing I say, it does not appear at all reasonable that, in this its progress upwards, the original velocity should be accelerated.","EAP" "id25093","The keepers, ten in number, having been suddenly overpowered, were first well tarred, then carefully feathered, and then shut up in underground cells.","EAP" "id02293","Sheets of music were piled in disorder about the floor.","HPL" "id02119","Them things never died excep' they was kilt violent.","HPL" "id08891","Nearly the whole sum mentioned by Monsieur Mignaud, the banker, was discovered, in bags, upon the floor.","EAP" "id14998","Here was indeed the triumph of all things heavenly the magnificent turn of the short upper lip the soft, voluptuous slumber of the under the dimples which sported, and the color which spoke the teeth glancing back, with a brilliancy almost startling, every ray of the holy light which fell upon them in her serene and placid, yet most exultingly radiant of all smiles.","EAP" "id16893","Yet it is not wonderful that these conceptions are indefinite, since they have their origin in sources so utterly novel.","EAP" "id25926","These brushes were passed up and down every flue in the house.","EAP" "id02522","He certainly seemed young and he made a point of speaking about his youth yet there were moments when I should have had little trouble in imagining him a hundred years of age.","EAP" "id17910","""As I read, however, I applied much personally to my own feelings and condition.","MWS" "id04189","The fact is, we have all been a good deal puzzled because the affair is so simple, and yet baffles us altogether.""","EAP" "id23693","The propeller was kept in constant operation, and, no doubt, aided our progress materially.","EAP" "id15675","Notwithstanding my lawless habits, my disposition was sociable, hers recluse.","MWS" "id03606","Meantime the machine rapidly soared, while my strength even more rapidly failed.","EAP" "id27718","His operations are upon a small scale.","EAP" "id25859","I prayed for death, and, in the agony of the moment, could not help repeating those exquisite verses of the poet Miguel De Cervantes: Vanny Buren, tan escondida Query no te senty venny Pork and pleasure, delly morry Nommy, torny, darry, widdy But now a new horror presented itself, and one indeed sufficient to startle the strongest nerves.","EAP" "id20345","""Ebber so fur,"" replied the negro; ""can see de sky fru de top ob de tree.""","EAP" "id24841","After a succession of these, which our resolution alone permitted us to surmount, we arrived at a wide cavern with an arched dome like roof.","MWS" "id21709","The Jermyns never seemed to look quite right something was amiss, though Arthur was the worst, and the old family portraits in Jermyn House shewed fine faces enough before Sir Wade's time.","HPL" "id18030","So far I had seen none of the lower animals in Innsmouth.","HPL" "id10300","""Scarcely, however, had I attained the height of fifty yards, when, roaring and rumbling up after me in the most horrible and tumultuous manner, came so dense a hurricane of fire, and smoke, and sulphur, and legs and arms, and gravel, and burning wood, and blazing metal, that my very heart sunk within me, and I fell down in the bottom of the car, trembling with unmitigated terror.","EAP" "id11330","My father was in the meantime overjoyed and in the bustle of preparation only recognized in the melancholy of his niece the diffidence of a bride.","MWS" "id26747","I seized him; when, in his fright at my violence, he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth.","EAP" "id13804","Apart, however, from the inevitable conclusion, a priori that such causes must produce such effects that the well known occurrence of such cases of suspended animation must naturally give rise, now and then, to premature interments apart from this consideration, we have the direct testimony of medical and ordinary experience to prove that a vast number of such interments have actually taken place.","EAP" "id07504","To use a sporting phrase, I had not been once 'at fault.'","EAP" "id08317","The northern breeze as it refreshed me was sweeter and more balmy for it seemed to carry some of your spirit along with it.","MWS" "id07475","I, who have so disinterested an affection for you, may increase your miseries tenfold by being an obstacle to your wishes.","MWS" "id01467","Aghast, I turned to examine the charred and shrivelled figure on the floor.","HPL" "id06296","He was certainly near the boundary between the known universe and the fourth dimension, and who could say how much farther he might go?","HPL" "id25946","This was forty feet long, and spanned the interval between shore and shore with a slight but very perceptible arch, preventing all oscillation.","EAP" "id20036","I have reared a marble urn to his memory in St. John's churchyard the place that loved the hidden grove of giant willows on the hill, where tombs and headstones huddle quietly between the hoary bulk of the church and the houses and bank walls of Benefit Street.","HPL" "id16854","The older matters which had made the sculptor's dream and bas relief so significant to my uncle formed the subject of the second half of his long manuscript.","HPL" "id10982","Yet when I looked from that highest of all gable windows, looked while the candles sputtered and the insane viol howled with the night wind, I saw no city spread below, and no friendly lights gleaming from remembered streets, but only the blackness of space illimitable; unimagined space alive with motion and music, and having no semblance to anything on earth.","HPL" "id23215","""The apartment was in the wildest disorder the furniture broken and thrown about in all directions.","EAP" "id23291","My rage is unspeakable when I reflect that the murderer, whom I have turned loose upon society, still exists.","MWS" "id05478","If I do, swear to me, Walton, that he shall not escape, that you will seek him and satisfy my vengeance in his death.","MWS" "id06362","""One night during my accustomed visit to the neighbouring wood where I collected my own food and brought home firing for my protectors, I found on the ground a leathern portmanteau containing several articles of dress and some books.","MWS" "id01739","We were set down at St. Bartholomew's, and entered the wretched precincts of the house of disease.","MWS" "id07206","We shall find these means multiplying and gathering distinctness as we proceed.","EAP" "id23047","In fact I was even more startled than I would have been willing to express.","EAP" "id25771","I hope that no one else will accomplish this piecing out; certainly, if I live, I shall never knowingly supply a link in so hideous a chain.","HPL" "id27000","O, for some medicinal vial to purge unwholesome nature, and bring back the earth to its accustomed health Ryland was a man of strong intellects and quick and sound decision in the usual course of things, but he stood aghast at the multitude of evils that gathered round us.","MWS" "id27431","Hereafter this will be the cynosure of Greece.","MWS" "id13729","I was perplexed, and most anxious to know what this portended; ah, what could it portend but ruin I saw little of my father during this interval, but he appeared calmer although not less unhappy than before.","MWS" "id21831","The untaught peasant beheld the elements around him and was acquainted with their practical uses.","MWS" "id25174","Have we lost the power of rendering you happy?","MWS" "id02512","Glendinning had been represented to my eager inquiries as immeasurably wealthy; and the sums which he had as yet lost, although in themselves vast, could not, I supposed, very seriously annoy, much less so violently affect him.","EAP" "id25099","They seemed to be screams of some person or persons in great agony were loud and drawn out, not short and quick.","EAP" "id10322","This extraordinary behavior, by throwing me into a perfect fever of excitement into an absolute delirium of love served rather to embolden than to disconcert me.","EAP" "id18268","He was not, as the other traveller seemed to be, a savage inhabitant of some undiscovered island, but a European.","MWS" "id05789","Most of its earlier length was uncomfortably visible from the Rowley road, and from high places in the town itself; but one could perhaps crawl inconspicuously through the undergrowth.","HPL" "id07835","On the lid were painted the words ""Mrs.","EAP" "id05171","Your summits are clear; the sky and lake are blue and placid.","MWS" "id09910","At length, looking under the bed, they saw a large, common hair trunk, without hinges, hasp, or lock, and with the top lying carelessly across the bottom portion.","EAP" "id26152","But he regarded me piteously with his large eyes and sighed.","EAP" "id18992","After a few months, therefore, of weary and aimless wandering, I purchased, and put in some repair, an abbey, which I shall not name, in one of the wildest and least frequented portions of fair England.","EAP" "id06947","Will you confer upon me the favor of taking charge of this pocket book I know I can trust you and of advertising it?","EAP" "id03620","As the steps and the passage grew broader, I heard another sound, the thin, whining mockery of a feeble flute; and suddenly there spread out before me the boundless vista of an inner world a vast fungous shore litten by a belching column of sick greenish flame and washed by a wide oily river that flowed from abysses frightful and unsuspected to join the blackest gulfs of immemorial ocean.","HPL" "id09586","She communicated her gaiety to us, and as we amused ourselves on the Castle Terrace, it appeared that a happier, less care worn party could not have been assembled.","MWS" "id07656","The throat had evidently been cut with some very sharp instrument probably with a razor.","EAP" "id01866","Shall I respect man when he condemns me?","MWS" "id15273","His motions and even his vocal sounds shewed a restraint and deliberateness highly peculiar in an infant, and no one was really unprepared when, at seven months, he began to walk unassisted, with falterings which another month was sufficient to remove.","HPL" "id04552","It is told that in the immemorial years when the world was young, before ever the men of Sarnath came to the land of Mnar, another city stood beside the lake; the grey stone city of Ib, which was old as the lake itself, and peopled with beings not pleasing to behold.","HPL" "id03670","There was much in the Essex County records about Keziah Mason's trial, and what she had admitted under pressure to the Court of Oyer and Terminer had fascinated Gilman beyond all reason.","HPL" "id16459","""That the voices heard in contention,"" he said, ""by the party upon the stairs, were not the voices of the women themselves, was fully proved by the evidence.","EAP" "id13168","Upon the bed, before that whole company, there lay a nearly liquid mass of loathsome of detestable putridity.","EAP" "id19359","He can have no idea of the wonder of a pirouette.","EAP" "id27084","I dream of a day when they may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war exhausted mankind of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universal pandemonium.","HPL" "id26785","I hate the moon I am afraid of it for when it shines on certain scenes familiar and loved it sometimes makes them unfamiliar and hideous.","HPL" "id08178","On the last day, two candidates only were allowed to remain; and to obviate, if possible, the last struggle between these, a bribe was offered to him who should voluntarily resign his pretensions; a place of great emolument and honour was given him, and his success facilitated at a future election.","MWS" "id21748","I had not counted in vain upon their voracity.","EAP" "id12966","And what is each human being worth, if he do not put forth his strength to aid his fellow creatures?","MWS" "id01112","When one came to think of it, it was generally only rather young people who were seen about in public, and of these the oldest were apt to be the most tainted looking.","HPL" "id10249","Though well above the middle stature, and of somewhat brawny frame, he was given an absurd appearance of harmless stupidity by the pale, sleepy blueness of his small watery eyes, the scantiness of his neglected and never shaven growth of yellow beard, and the listless drooping of his heavy nether lip.","HPL" "id18701","It gave forth no noise when shaken, but was mystic with the scent of unremembered spices.","HPL" "id01344","""My sweetest Eugenie,"" I cried, ""what is all this about which you are discoursing?","EAP" "id00849","Often I ask myself if it could not all have been a pure phantasm a mere freak of fever as I lay sun stricken and raving in the open boat after my escape from the German man of war.","HPL" "id14429","The floors are of square tiles, the chairs and tables of black looking wood with thin crooked legs and puppy feet.","EAP" "id21288","She did him justice; she believed that he felt a tender affection for her; but give a paltry prize to him who in some life pending lottery has calculated on the possession of tens of thousands, and it will disappoint him more than a blank.","MWS" "id03710","By this time Pickman had lighted a lamp in an adjoining room and was politely holding open the door for me; asking me if I would care to see his ""modern studies"".","HPL" "id04301","""You remember that when I went to the table, for the purpose of making a sketch of the beetle, I found no paper where it was usually kept.","EAP" "id22369","With the breaking of morning I was accoutred for my ride.","MWS" "id21190","For long years these are the first days of peace that have visited me.","MWS" "id01041","Such hope as theirs, we also may entertain Old fable tells us, that this gentle spirit sprung from the box of Pandora, else crammed with evils; but these were unseen and null, while all admired the inspiriting loveliness of young Hope; each man's heart became her home; she was enthroned sovereign of our lives, here and here after; she was deified and worshipped, declared incorruptible and everlasting.","MWS" "id13732","There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm much of what has been since seen in ""Hernani.""","EAP" "id21185","Heretofore a recluse so far as I know his true name and origin never having passed his lips my friend now became frantic in his fear of solitude.","HPL" "id24977","Either the fool could not, or the villain would not perceive me.","EAP" "id21907","Reference to this object, the doctor added, was invariably a prelude to the young man's subsidence into lethargy.","HPL" "id04347","It was now nearly if not altogether daylight; and, as I gazed, enraptured, at the angel by my side, the singular idea came, all at once, into my head, that this was really the very first moment since my acquaintance with the celebrated loveliness of Madame Lalande, that I had enjoyed a near inspection of that loveliness by daylight at all.","EAP" "id00224","I knelt on the grass and kissed the earth and with quivering lips exclaimed, ""By the sacred earth on which I kneel, by the shades that wander near me, by the deep and eternal grief that I feel, I swear; and by thee, O Night, and the spirits that preside over thee, to pursue the daemon who caused this misery, until he or I shall perish in mortal conflict.","MWS" "id20910","At one time, however, I thought myself sure of my prize, having, in rummaging a dressing case, accidentally demolished a bottle of Grandjean's Oil of Archangels which, as an agreeable perfume, I here take the liberty of recommending.","EAP" "id07194","As my uncle went, as poor Johansen went, so I shall go.","HPL" "id17336","Wretched beings crawled to die under our succouring roof; the inhabitants of the Castle decreased daily, while the survivors huddled together in fear, and, as in a famine struck boat, the sport of the wild, interminable waves, each looked in the other's face, to guess on whom the death lot would next fall.","MWS" "id22438","During the pathetic appeal with which it concludes, a stifled sob attracted our attention to Perdita, the cessation of the music recalled her to herself, she hastened out of the hall I followed her.","MWS" "id27870","Evil habits, dating from a first drink taken years before in woodland seclusion, made themselves manifest in the young professor; and only by a hurried resignation did he escape a nasty prosecution for injury to the habits and morals of the pupils under his charge.","HPL" "id10997","And when, on the morrow, she presented Elizabeth to me as her promised gift, I, with childish seriousness, interpreted her words literally and looked upon Elizabeth as mine mine to protect, love, and cherish.","MWS" "id02197","In this manner it is necessary that the exhibiter should often pass from one table to the other.","EAP" "id10108","Always the same the night before the Kalends of Maius and the night before the Kalends of November.","HPL" "id11994","Upon my calling at Mr. B.'s, and making known to him the wishes of the society, he received me with great civility, took me into his study, and gave me a clear explanation of the whole process.","EAP" "id09655","The attempts to account for the phenomenon some of which, I remember, seemed to me sufficiently plausible in perusal now wore a very different and unsatisfactory aspect.","EAP" "id05533","Since most of my ancestors had been seized some little while before they reached the exact age of Comte Henri at his end, I was every moment on the watch for the coming of the unknown death.","HPL" "id27747","A well defined shock separates my final impression of the fading scene of light from my sudden and somewhat shamefaced awakening and straightening up in my chair as I saw the dying figure on the couch move hesitantly.","HPL" "id20277","I could not imagine a more graceful curve than that of the os femoris, and there was just that due gentle prominence in the rear of the fibula which goes to the conformation of a properly proportioned calf.","EAP" "id23040","I could hardly believe that so great a good fortune could have befallen me, but when I became assured that my enemy had indeed fled, I clapped my hands for joy and ran down to Clerval.","MWS" "id12932","His name as Protector was the burthen of every tongue; his achievements, projects, and magnificence, the argument of every story.","MWS" "id02128","At day break I hastened to the woods; the hours past on while I indulged in wild dreams that gave wings to the slothful steps of time, and beguiled my eager impatience.","MWS" "id12548","I read merely to understand their meaning, and they well repaid my labours.","MWS" "id17905","Then silently and gracefully the naiads reached the water and melted one by one into the ancient bog; while the line of followers, never checking their speed, splashed awkwardly after them and vanished amidst a tiny vortex of unwholesome bubbles which I could barely see in the scarlet light.","HPL" "id08502","The sameness of his days no longer gives him sorrow, and well disciplined thoughts have grown enough for his imagination.","HPL" "id16539","It was not the portrait of one whom an underworld denizen would be likely to know, but of a lady of breeding and quality, garbed in the quaint attire of thirty years before.","HPL" "id07335","And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over acuteness of the sense?","EAP" "id12553","Of course it was in the rear of the house.","EAP" "id21710","One morning, in cool blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree; hung it with the tears streaming from my eyes, and with the bitterest remorse at my heart; hung it because I knew that it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offence; hung it because I knew that in so doing I was committing a sin a deadly sin that would so jeopardize my immortal soul as to place it if such a thing wore possible even beyond the reach of the infinite mercy of the Most Merciful and Most Terrible God.","EAP" "id17109","He could not tell they would think him mad.","HPL" "id18023","This we at last accomplished but we were still unable to do any thing at the pumps; and, in the meantime, the leak gained on us very fast.","EAP" "id20639","Your yelling stirred them up, I fancy.","HPL" "id07929","Not because the way was smooth and placid as a southern sea, but because it was full of dangers and terror, because at every new incident your fortitude was to be called forth and your courage exhibited, because danger and death surrounded it, and these you were to brave and overcome.","MWS" "id05330","Alas my companion did, and I was precipitated in his fall.","MWS" "id16772","I designed to imply that the deductions are the sole proper ones, and that the suspicion arises inevitably from them as the single result.","EAP" "id07086","This young gentleman was remarkable in every respect, and excited in me a profound interest and curiosity.","EAP" "id14945","When night came again I found, with pleasure, that the fire gave light as well as heat and that the discovery of this element was useful to me in my food, for I found some of the offals that the travellers had left had been roasted, and tasted much more savoury than the berries I gathered from the trees.","MWS" "id03813","""In the sides of the covering thus adjusted round the car, had been inserted three circular panes of thick but clear glass, through which I could see without difficulty around me in every horizontal direction.","EAP" "id03682","His coat tail is very far longer his pipe, his shoe buckles, his eyes, and his stomach, very far bigger than those of any other old gentleman in the village; and as to his chin, it is not only double, but triple.","EAP" "id20005","The old man would not live up to his aspect and manner, but would feign a smile and a light tone and prattle feverishly and frantically of cheerful trifles; his voice every moment rising and thickening till at last it would split in a piping and incoherent falsetto.","HPL" "id11751","Sailing for London, I reëmbarked at once for the Norwegian capital; and one autumn day landed at the trim wharves in the shadow of the Egeberg.","HPL" "id12632","He had been taken there by the bubble congeries and the little polyhedron which always dogged him; but they, like himself, had changed to wisps of milky, barely luminous mist in this farther void of ultimate blackness.","HPL" "id04200","Their life was exceedingly secluded, and people declared that their isolation had made them heavy of speech and comprehension.","HPL" "id26978","That the danger to the town and inhabitants of Pompelo was a real one, I could not from my studies doubt.","HPL" "id10594","Only the sombre philosophy of the Decadents could hold us, and this we found potent only by increasing gradually the depth and diabolism of our penetrations.","HPL" "id18893","Their brotherly love was well known, and the crafty Tyrant surmised that each, instead of concealing his work from the other, would offer aid and advice; this charity producing two images of unheard of beauty, the lovelier of which would eclipse even the dreams of poets.","HPL" "id08705","My haggard and wild appearance awoke intense alarm, but I answered no question, scarcely did I speak.","MWS" "id26323","In frame he was small, but intensely powerful, and was of incredible agility.","HPL" "id20102","Supposing, then, the springs upon each sash to be the same, as was probable, there must be found a difference between the nails, or at least between the modes of their fixture.","EAP" "id18945","I had been advised to study Cousin.","EAP" "id16824","All this was flagrant trashiness, and my friend Manton was not slow to insist on that fact.","HPL" "id00471","He indeed went so far as to hint of the faint beating of great wings, and of a glimpse of shining eyes and a mountainous white bulk beyond the remotest trees but I suppose he had been hearing too much native superstition.","HPL" "id08917","It was ""love at first sight;"" and at first sight, too, it had been appreciated and returned.","EAP" "id07610","But this very just apprehension seemed by no means likely to be soon verified.","EAP" "id24600","By the by, talking of Humanity, do you know that our immortal Wiggins is not so original in his views of the Social Condition and so forth, as his contemporaries are inclined to suppose?","EAP" "id24690","He hoped that it might be conquered without any revelation to the world of the monstrous thing it had escaped.","HPL" "id06594","These vanes were four in number, but were found entirely ineffectual in moving the balloon, or in aiding its ascending power.","EAP" "id02753","He hastened to take me aside, and disclosed to me with rapidity his plan of emigration from England.","MWS" "id03367","The mail robber W , to whom I bore a singular resemblance, was at this moment passing from the city jail to the scaffold erected for his execution in the suburbs.","EAP" "id20944","It is impossible to communicate to you a conception of the trembling sensation, half pleasurable and half fearful, with which I am preparing to depart.","MWS" "id09977","Upon the resumption of work Superintendent Arthur called on some especially dependable men to make a few investigations around the spot where the gulf had appeared.","HPL" "id16656","His wife was one of those wondrous beings, to be found only among women, with affections not to be diminished by misfortune.","MWS" "id05847","Wild beyond the imagination of the happy are the thoughts bred by misery and despair.","MWS" "id13058","At fifteen, or even at twenty one for I had now passed my fifth olympiad five years in prospect are very much the same as five hundred.","EAP" "id09690","At midnight the doorbell rang, startling him fearfully.","HPL" "id03488","His departure afforded me relief.","EAP" "id01542","Then I wandered from the fancies of others and formed affections and intimacies with the aerial creations of my own brain but still clinging to reality I gave a name to these conceptions and nursed them in the hope of realization.","MWS" "id18952","Over some flasks of the red Chian wine, within the walls of a noble hall, in a dim city called Ptolemais, we sat, at night, a company of seven.","EAP" "id13105","He spoke much of the sciences of electricity and psychology and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude.","HPL" "id27749","He knew but a few words of English, while I found my Oxonian Spanish was something quite different from the patois of the peon of New Spain.","HPL" "id16420","A strange story was rife here.","MWS" "id18287","Despite the state's safety regulations there was no fire escape on this side of the hotel, and I saw that my windows commanded only a sheer three story drop to the cobbled courtyard.","HPL" "id18899","Neither age nor submersion has corroded the pristine grandeur of this awful fane for fane indeed it must be and today after thousands of years it rests untarnished and inviolate in the endless night and silence of an ocean chasm.","HPL" "id12438","Why did dark night adorn herself with stars man saw them not?","MWS" "id05245","Over the valley's rim a wan, waning crescent moon peered through the noisome vapours that seemed to emanate from unheard of catacombs, and by its feeble, wavering beams I could distinguish a repellent array of antique slabs, urns, cenotaphs, and mausolean facades; all crumbling, moss grown, and moisture stained, and partly concealed by the gross luxuriance of the unhealthy vegetation.","HPL" "id16213","I don't believe they've had any glass for an hundred years or more maybe the boy broke 'em if he got that far; the legend doesn't say.""","HPL" "id02675","But they were ever together and their happiness seemed that of Paradise: they studied together: formed plans of future occupations, and drinking in love and joy from each other's eyes and words they hardly repined at the delay to their entire union.","MWS" "id03754","This judgment awaited direction, and the known outrage seemed so opportunely to afford it Marie, too, was found in the river; and upon this very river was this known outrage committed.","EAP" "id12781","About three o'clock, in the afternoon of the Sunday in question, a young girl arrived at the inn, accompanied by a young man of dark complexion.","EAP" "id14808","Ye needn't think the only folks is the folks hereabaouts.","HPL" "id04228","I proceeded at once, with the nervous energy of despair, to attempt its execution.","EAP" "id22692","He seemed stupified thunderstricken.","EAP" "id23251","In the hurry of the moment I forgot that I was in Greece, and in my native accents endeavoured to soothe the sufferer.","MWS" "id24744","His accession to the throne, or rather his usurpation of the sovereignty, a hundred and seventy one years before the coming of Christ; his attempt to plunder the temple of Diana at Ephesus; his implacable hostility to the Jews; his pollution of the Holy of Holies; and his miserable death at Taba, after a tumultuous reign of eleven years, are circumstances of a prominent kind, and therefore more generally noticed by the historians of his time than the impious, dastardly, cruel, silly, and whimsical achievements which make up the sum total of his private life and reputation.","EAP" "id01471","The image on the monolith, of course, was carefully removed and carried back by Legrasse.","HPL" "id04055","If he were truly my friend he would have calculated all this; and let me now calculate this boasted friendship, and discover its real worth.","MWS" "id11010","I remembered, too, strange stories told about these Ragged Hills, and of the uncouth and fierce races of men who tenanted their groves and caverns.","EAP" "id04141","At first I perceived that he tried to suppress his emotion; he placed his hands before his eyes, and my voice quivered and failed me as I beheld tears trickle fast from between his fingers; a groan burst from his heaving breast.","MWS" "id20083","The thought was too terrible to bear.","EAP" "id02228","His protectorate was to be distinguished by every kind of innovation on the aristocracy.","MWS" "id20798","The opinion must be rigorously the public's own; and the distinction is often exceedingly difficult to perceive and to maintain.","EAP" "id13356","Do you know that Jupiter is quite right about it?""","EAP" "id12924","For although we may admit infinite littleness in the atoms themselves, the infinitude of littleness in the spaces between them is an absurdity.","EAP" "id12209","I say that even their exceeding density did not prevent our perceiving this yet we had no glimpse of the moon or stars nor was there any flashing forth of the lightning.","EAP" "id06575","You have cast yourself from among us and you wither on this wild plain forlorn and helpless: some dreadful calamity must have befallen you.","MWS" "id16022","Something else had gone on ahead a larger wisp which now and then condensed into nameless approximations of form and he thought that their progress had not been in a straight line, but rather along the alien curves and spirals of some ethereal vortex which obeyed laws unknown to the physics and mathematics of any conceivable cosmos.","HPL" "id11348","It required hands stronger than mine; stronger I do believe than any human force to break the thick, adamantine chain that has bound me, once breathing nothing but joy, ever possessed by a warm love delight in goodness, to misery only to be ended, and now about to be ended, in death.","MWS" "id08286","They are right in this much that their own ingenuity is a faithful representative of that of the mass; but when the cunning of the individual felon is diverse in character from their own, the felon foils them, of course.","EAP" "id08374","Patience, gentleness, and untired affection, shall recall him, if it be true, as Raymond says, that he is mad; energy and courage shall rescue him, if he be unjustly imprisoned.","MWS" "id21849","Would they dare wrong him thus?","MWS" "id16130","Nevertheless, I am not the husband of my great, great, grandmother; and this is a reflection which affords me infinite relief, but I am the husband of Madame Lalande of Madame Stephanie Lalande with whom my good old relative, besides making me her sole heir when she dies if she ever does has been at the trouble of concocting me a match.","EAP" "id16377","Will you tell him that he must excuse me to day, for I am not well.","MWS" "id10489","I bent close to catch any articulate words he might utter, and thought I saw a sardonic smile behind the stained, bushy whiskers.","HPL" "id22832","It is clear that the assassins were in the room where Mademoiselle L'Espanaye was found, or at least in the room adjoining, when the party ascended the stairs.","EAP" "id01648","The balloon kept steadily on her course to the southward, and arrived, at nine P.M., over the northern edge of the Mexican Gulf.","EAP" "id11667","With a little more prudence Dick Turpin would have made a good diddler; with a trifle less blarney, Daniel O'Connell; with a pound or two more brains Charles the Twelfth.","EAP" "id21896","His life was swallowed up in the existence of his beloved; and his heart beat only in unison with the pulsations that vivified hers.","MWS" "id04130","M. Verhaeren, Belgian agent at a trading post on the Congo, believed that he could not only locate but obtain the stuffed goddess, of which he had vaguely heard; since the once mighty N'bangus were now the submissive servants of King Albert's government, and with but little persuasion could be induced to part with the gruesome deity they had carried off.","HPL" "id14613","I knew one about eight years of age, whose success at guessing in the game of 'even and odd' attracted universal admiration.","EAP" "id26555","I was alone the whole evening.","MWS" "id10616","That we could not understand, for we had patted down the mould very carefully.","HPL" "id16978","There were footsteps and guttural sounds, and a rattling motor wheezed south along Federal Street.","HPL" "id10762","It is said, on the contrary, that during each and every one of his one and twenty circumvolutions he emitted no less than one and twenty distinct and furious whiffs from his pipe, to which he held fast the whole time with all his might, and to which he intends holding fast until the day of his death.","EAP" "id11032","That drink will plunge us in a sweet slumber, and when we awaken what joy will be ours to find all our sorrows and fears past.","MWS" "id11131","Reticence such as this is seldom without a cause, nor indeed was ours; for our requirements were those resulting from a life work distinctly unpopular.","HPL" "id13808","In an agony of expectation I awaited the reply.","EAP" "id12900","I said to him ""My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met.","EAP" "id14257","She had just entered her twentieth year, and she and her lover were obliged to submit to this delay.","MWS" "id16337","But the fervid facility of his impromptus could not be so accounted for.","EAP" "id06298","They are all, however, fitting tapestry for a chamber such as this.","EAP" "id02170","This whole winter, instead of being spent in study, as you promised yourself, has been consumed in my sick room.","MWS" "id04348","At length we reached the overhanging beach; a cottage stood beside the path; we knocked at the door and it was opened: the bed within instantly caught my eye; something stiff and straight lay on it, covered by a sheet; the cottagers looked aghast.","MWS" "id22814","The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why.","HPL" "id09002","Are these the picked bones of the little angel who has been cruelly devoured by the monster?","EAP" "id02746","Doctor Templeton had been a traveller in his younger days, and at Paris had become a convert, in great measure, to the doctrines of Mesmer.","EAP" "id27394","My poor love and I looked at each other, and our babes.","MWS" "id03510","I chuckled excessively when I thought of my acumen.","EAP" "id19464","Even his honor was concerned.","EAP" "id04302","I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed.","MWS" "id01845","""Get out o' that"" said a third.","EAP" "id18900","Once a terrific flash and peal shook the frail house to its foundations, but the whisperer seemed not to notice it.","HPL" "id11252","While every mind was full of dismay at its effects, a craving for excitement had led us to peruse De Foe's account, and the masterly delineations of the author of Arthur Mervyn.","MWS" "id19461","Nobody but Obed ud ever a believed the old yeller devil, but the Cap'n cud read folks like they was books.","HPL" "id26604","Its approach was not, at first, seemingly rapid; nor was its appearance of very unusual character.","EAP" "id07388","All these and security were within.","EAP" "id02206","The night passed away, and the sun rose from the ocean; my feelings became calmer, if it may be called calmness when the violence of rage sinks into the depths of despair.","MWS" "id05578","I had encountered it in my genealogical work, but not in any record since the Revolution.","HPL" "id10644","The agonies of remorse poison the luxury there is otherwise sometimes found in indulging the excess of grief.","MWS" "id16115","""This is mockery,"" I replied, ""you devote yourself, you, the adored brother of Idris, the being, of all the world contains, dearest to our hearts you devote yourself to an early death.","MWS" "id12141","A touch of colour came to cheeks hitherto chalk white, and spread out under the curiously ample stubble of sandy beard.","HPL" "id27818","His enthusiasm for good which did not exist; his contempt for the sacredness of authority; his ardour and imprudence were all at the antipodes of the usual routine of life; the worldly feared him; the young and inexperienced did not understand the lofty severity of his moral views, and disliked him as a being different from themselves.","MWS" "id13139","I paused; at length he spoke, in broken accents: ""Unhappy man Do you share my madness?","MWS" "id09802","But it is this gloom which appears to have taken so strong a hold of your mind that I wish to dissipate.","MWS" "id22119","Good bye, until I see you again.","EAP" "id03736","He came by sea from Constantinople to Athens.","MWS" "id16699","He had caused the best room in the prison to be prepared for me wretched indeed was the best; and it was he who had provided a physician and a nurse.","MWS" "id04051","He was wholly bewildered as to the relation betwixt dream and reality in all his experiences.","HPL" "id11170","The second step having been a consequence of the data, the third step is equally a consequence of the second, the fourth of the third, the fifth of the fourth, and so on, and not possibly otherwise, to the end.","EAP" "id23911","I was aroused to a sense of exquisite pain.","EAP" "id01232","Lesser peaks they once inhabited; but ever the men from the plains would scale the slopes of rock and snow, driving the gods to higher and higher mountains till now only the last remains.","HPL" "id25700","I looked on the heavens, which were covered by clouds that flew before the wind, only to be replaced by others; I looked upon the sea; it was to be my grave.","MWS" "id05541","The first coup d'oeil, as the sun slid into the position described, impressed me very much as I have been impressed, when a boy, by the concluding scene of some well arranged theatrical spectacle or melodrama.","EAP" "id24481","Perhaps he did this because he saw a cloud upon Perdita's brow.","MWS" "id26810","He was, moreover, enwrapt in an exquisite sense of the strange.","EAP" "id09147","Had not, then, the riots of those bygone seventeen thirties set moving certain kinetic patterns in the morbid brain of one or more of them notably the sinister Paul Roulet which obscurely survived the bodies murdered and buried by the mob, and continued to function in some multiple dimensioned space along the original lines of force determined by a frantic hatred of the encroaching community?","HPL" "id11376","Raymond promised; but then a new discussion ensued.","MWS" "id23483","Pinned with a thumb tack to a vacant part of the canvas was a piece of paper now badly curled up probably, I thought, a photograph from which Pickman meant to paint a background as hideous as the nightmare it was to enhance.","HPL" "id16114","As I waited for the carriage I walked up and down with a quick pace; then kneeling and passionately clasping my hands I tried to pray but my voice was choked by convulsive sobs Oh the sun shone, the air was balmy he must yet live for if he were dead all would surely be black as night to me The motion of the carriage knowing that it carried me towards him and that I might perhaps find him alive somewhat revived my courage: yet I had a dreadful ride.","MWS" "id27050","Write 'Van muerte tan escondida, Que no te sienta venir, Porque el plazer del morir, No mestorne a dar la vida.' ""That's Spanish from Miguel de Cervantes.","EAP" "id05889","Horrors of a nature most stern and most appalling would too frequently obtrude themselves upon my mind, and shake the innermost depths of my soul with the bare supposition of their possibility.","EAP" "id07404","He resolved to drag the burthen the evidence goes to show that it was dragged.","EAP" "id14882","""Shame on the country,"" said Ryland, ""to lay so much stress upon words and frippery; it is a question of nothing; of the new painting of carriage pannels and the embroidery of footmen's coats.""","MWS" "id17746","The evil is come home to us, and we must not shrink from our fate.","MWS" "id09540","What boots it to tell of the long, long hours of horror more than mortal, during which I counted the rushing vibrations of the steel Inch by inch line by line with a descent only appreciable at intervals that seemed ages down and still down it came Days passed it might have been that many days passed ere it swept so closely over me as to fan me with its acrid breath.","EAP" "id22782","Then she up an' spoke suddent of a fearful smell, an' says her boy Cha'ncey was a screamin' as haow it was jest like what he smelt up to the Whateley rewins Monday mornin'.","HPL" "id20760","We, in our retirement, remained long in ignorance of her misfortune.","MWS" "id05502","Who was it died of ""The Andromache""?","EAP" "id03271","The lower and vagabond English joined with them.","MWS" "id03905","I had advanced some ten or twelve paces in this manner, when the remnant of the torn hem of my robe became entangled between my legs.","EAP" "id11563","He repined for the loss of what was more necessary to him than air or food the excitements of pleasure, the admiration of the noble, the luxurious and polished living of the great.","MWS" "id07371","As we advanced, we were met by bands of peasantry, whose almost naked condition, whose despair and horror, told at once the fierce nature of the coming enemy.","MWS" "id01115","The floor was a little raised, so that it was kept perfectly dry, and by its vicinity to the chimney of the cottage it was tolerably warm.","MWS" "id21723","At other times he repeated my favourite poems, or drew me out into arguments, which he supported with great ingenuity.","MWS" "id07667","What was my destination?","MWS" "id17198","It told of a certain ancient man who had once dwelt on our estates, a person of no small accomplishments, though little above the rank of peasant; by name, Michel, usually designated by the surname of Mauvais, the Evil, on account of his sinister reputation.","HPL" "id16150","My improvement was his delight; he was with me during all my studies and assisted or joined with me in every lesson.","MWS" "id03931","""Please keep your feet to yourself You have spoiled my brocade Is it necessary, pray, to illustrate a remark in so practical a style?","EAP" "id04082","Being youthful and good looking, I naturally dislike these, and have resolutely refused to employ them.","EAP" "id22012","I saw that she must die and I struggled desperately in spirit with the grim Azrael.","EAP" "id13148","So as I drove the crowd away I told him he must come home with me and be my teacher and leader in unfathomed mysteries, and he assented without speaking a word.","HPL" "id23955","You need not look up at the heavens; his Sunship is not there at least not the Sunship adored by the Syrians.","EAP" "id23966","I could not in any reason have so rapidly come down.","EAP" "id22742","""Dios guarda"" muttered Don Stiletto.","EAP" "id09737","By way of punishing me for this imprudence, she concocted with Talbot a plot.","EAP" "id17194","Twilight had now approached, but neither of us felt any wish to cease speaking.","HPL" "id05077","I looked in the drawer, and found none there.","EAP" "id22402","Thus man is individualized.","EAP" "id12088","He was like a poet of old whom the muses had crowned in his cradle, and on whose lips bees had fed.","MWS" "id11199","Here he faltered, and seemed to shiver afresh with the fright that had sent him flying home.","HPL" "id05779","I hed two er three schoolmasters read me a bit, and Passon Clark, him they say got draownded in the pond kin yew make anything outen it?""","HPL" "id16053","Shut in, however, by ice, it was impossible to follow his track, which we had observed with the greatest attention.","MWS" "id03992","The tall grass near her was moving, too, as if some other living thing were crawling close to the ground.","HPL" "id12474","""Four of the above named witnesses, being recalled, deposed that the door of the chamber in which was found the body of Mademoiselle L. was locked on the inside when the party reached it.","EAP" "id15740","There was no investigation of any thing at all.","EAP" "id22395","It could hardly be credited, however, that I had, even here, so utterly fallen from the gentlemanly estate, as to seek acquaintance with the vilest arts of the gambler by profession, and, having become an adept in his despicable science, to practise it habitually as a means of increasing my already enormous income at the expense of the weak minded among my fellow collegians.","EAP" "id24196","I did not, for some weeks, strike, or otherwise violently ill use it; but gradually very gradually I came to look upon it with unutterable loathing, and to flee silently from its odious presence, as from the breath of a pestilence.","EAP" "id01169","Beloved and venerable parent He still remained to me.","MWS" "id00710","He raised his eyes from the ground, but still turning them away from me, said: ""Besought by that plea I will answer your rash question.","MWS" "id08023","He descended the hill with a face beaming with triumph, and pointing with his sword to the gates, commanded his troops to down with those barricades the only obstacles now to completest victory.","MWS" "id00388","In his rivalry he might have been supposed actuated solely by a whimsical desire to thwart, astonish, or mortify myself; although there were times when I could not help observing, with a feeling made up of wonder, abasement, and pique, that he mingled with his injuries, his insults, or his contradictions, a certain most inappropriate, and assuredly most unwelcome affectionateness of manner.","EAP" "id27604","I found that the berries were spoiled by this operation, and the nuts and roots much improved.","MWS" "id16807","Behold, when I was small like thee I dwelt in the valley of Narthos by the frigid Xari, where none would listen to my dreams; and I told myself that when older I would go to Sinara on the southern slope, and sing to smiling dromedary men in the market place.","HPL" "id17242","While there is life there is action and change.","MWS" "id09832","But now my boasted independence was daily instigating me to acts of tyranny, and freedom was becoming licentiousness.","MWS" "id19145","""Keeping now steadily in mind the points to which I have drawn your attention that peculiar voice, that unusual agility, and that startling absence of motive in a murder so singularly atrocious as this let us glance at the butchery itself.","EAP" "id25603","He was now our Lord Protector.","MWS" "id16182","Over the upper portion of this huge window, extended the trellice work of an aged vine, which clambered up the massy walls of the turret.","EAP" "id15056","But the case with which these variable fancies were entertained, and the very plausibility which each assumed, should have been understood as indicative rather of the difficulties than of the facilities which must attend elucidation.","EAP" "id13896","And the men of Oonai were pale with revelling and dull with wine, and unlike the radiant men of Aira.","HPL" "id00236","Never a competent navigator, I could only guess vaguely by the sun and stars that I was somewhat south of the equator.","HPL" "id17176","His knees tottered beneath a load of years, and his entire frame quivered under the burthen.","EAP" "id27008","Whatever I was about to reply, was interrupted by the powerful emotions of Clara.","MWS" "id13889","On the hearth were thick tresses very thick tresses of grey human hair.","EAP" "id06351","I remembered Adam's supplication to his Creator.","MWS" "id02726","""That is another of your odd notions,"" said the Prefect, who had a fashion of calling every thing ""odd"" that was beyond his comprehension, and thus lived amid an absolute legion of ""oddities.""","EAP" "id17374","Once upon her feet, she gnashed her gums, brandished her arms, rolled up her sleeves, shook her fist in my face, and concluded the performance by tearing the cap from her head, and with it an immense wig of the most valuable and beautiful black hair, the whole of which she dashed upon the ground with a yell, and there trammpled and danced a fandango upon it, in an absolute ecstasy and agony of rage.","EAP" "id00962","The plague was forgotten, in this new fear which the black sun had spread; and, though the dead multiplied, and the streets of Ispahan, of Pekin, and of Delhi were strewed with pestilence struck corpses, men passed on, gazing on the ominous sky, regardless of the death beneath their feet.","MWS" "id01144","Something like fear chilled me as I sat there in the small hours alone I say alone, for one who sits by a sleeper is indeed alone; perhaps more alone than he can realise.","HPL" "id24168","To observe attentively is to remember distinctly; and, so far, the concentrative chess player will do very well at whist; while the rules of Hoyle themselves based upon the mere mechanism of the game are sufficiently and generally comprehensible.","EAP" "id10474","The pallid group in the road, still reeling at the indisputably English syllables that had poured thickly and thunderously down from the frantic vacancy beside that shocking altar stone, were never to hear such syllables again.","HPL" "id07939","In a city, fifteen years are no long period a child may be still a child in his third lustrum: but in a wilderness in so magnificent a wilderness as that old principality, fifteen years have a far deeper meaning.","EAP" "id27799","Her pallet and easel were now thrown aside; did she try to paint, thronging recollections made her hand tremble, her eyes fill with tears.","MWS" "id27232","shots an' screams . . .","HPL" "id06260","The body having been encoffined, we two alone bore it to its rest.","EAP" "id12757","Others again among them may be mentioned the family physician did not hesitate in speaking of morbid melancholy, and hereditary ill health; while dark hints, of a more equivocal nature, were current among the multitude.","EAP" "id01798","It was a dark night when I bade her good bye, and taking with me, as aides de camp, the three creditors who had given me so much trouble, we carried the balloon, with the car and accoutrements, by a roundabout way, to the station where the other articles were deposited.","EAP" "id06491","Was only funnin any how.","EAP" "id20411","And now an indescribable uneasiness possessed me a species of nervous hesitation and tremor.","EAP" "id15949","To a mind constituted like my own, the latter consideration is an evil.","EAP" "id21940","I drew up to my eyes each of my hands, one after the other, and wondered what occurrence could have given rise to the swelling of the veins, and the horrible blackness of the fingernails.","EAP" "id27885","If you'll keep cool, and accept the need for making certain radical readjustments in your life, you can keep right on enjoying the world, and the fruits of your scholarship.","HPL" "id12457","On one side was a small opening.","MWS" "id25518","The Baron afterwards informed me that he had purposely thrown the treatise in Hermann's way two or three weeks before the adventure, and that he was satisfied, from the general tenor of his conversation, that he had studied it with the deepest attention, and firmly believed it to be a work of unusual merit.","EAP" "id24562","Then one summer day he was turned out of his garret, and wandered aimlessly through the streets, drifting over a bridge to a place where the houses grew thinner and thinner.","HPL" "id25391","According to the vulgar superstition, my dress, my person, the air I breathed, bore in it mortal danger to myself and others.","MWS" "id26806","When a traveller in north central Massachusetts takes the wrong fork at the junction of the Aylesbury pike just beyond Dean's Corners he comes upon a lonely and curious country.","HPL" "id11287","Strange and terrible books were drawn voluminously from the stack shelves and from secure places of storage; and diagrams and formulae were copied with feverish haste and in bewildering abundance.","HPL" "id01943","I AM now growing in years, and since I understand that Shakespeare and Mr. Emmons are deceased it is not impossible that I may even die.","EAP" "id20691","All events, at the same time that they deeply interested me, arranged themselves in pictures before me.","MWS" "id00223","You shall be my heir.","EAP" "id26350","The villains have escaped for the time, but the police are upon their trail, and some of them will soon be taken.""","EAP" "id13266","Before long I was pretty nearly a devotee, and would listen for hours like a schoolboy to art theories and philosophic speculations wild enough to qualify him for the Danvers asylum.","HPL" "id23902","The two forces mingling, unarmed and hand in hand, talking only how each might assist the other, the adversaries conjoined; each repenting, the one side their former cruelties, the other their late violence, they obeyed the orders of the General to proceed towards London.","MWS" "id26075","She had to play the part of a courteous hostess; to attend to all; to shine the focus of enjoyment and grace.","MWS" "id13484","And now, Agathos, as we proceed, instruct me speak to me in the earth's familiar tones.","EAP" "id03239","Zann said that he was old, lonely, and afflicted with strange fears and nervous disorders connected with his music and with other things.","HPL" "id22102","""We have received one or two communications, the object of which is to fasten the crime of the late atrocity upon Mennais; but as this gentleman has been fully exonerated by a loyal inquiry, and as the arguments of our several correspondents appear to be more zealous than profound, we do not think it advisable to make them public.""","EAP" "id07338","The laboratory was in a sub cellar secretly constructed by imported workmen, and contained a huge incinerator for the quiet and complete disposal of such bodies, or fragments and synthetic mockeries of bodies, as might remain from the morbid experiments and unhallowed amusements of the owner.","HPL" "id10681","I am impelled, even in the teeth of a world of prejudice, to detail without comment the very remarkable substance of a colloquy, occurring between a sleep waker and myself.","EAP" "id12453","Had my obvious sightseeing, with its frequent map consultations, aroused unfavourable notice?","HPL" "id16721","The evening thus spent was unquestionably the most delicious of my life.","EAP" "id00999","Farewell, my only living friend; you are the sole tie that binds me to existence, and now I break it.","MWS" "id23752","The lower floors of the crumbling houses sometimes harboured small shops with dingy signs, and I noticed a parked truck or two as we rattled along.","HPL" "id12304","On our way home my companion stepped in for a moment at the office of one of the daily papers.","EAP" "id20563","I will see him to morrow if he wishes it, and you also.","MWS" "id11036","He came back to Jermyn House a widower with an infant son, Alfred, who was one day to be the father of Arthur Jermyn.","HPL" "id19303","I would call forthwith upon the General himself, and demand, in explicit terms, a solution of this abominable piece of mystery.","EAP" "id24682","Late in the evening she entered the apartments appropriated to the festival.","MWS" "id27203","Though Constantinople be heaped above him as a tomb, yet I must find him then cover us with the city's weight, with a mountain piled above I care not, so that one grave hold Raymond and his Perdita.""","MWS" "id17040","Rousseau Nouvelle Heloise.","EAP" "id07510","The weather was fine; it was about the middle of the month of August, nearly two months after the death of Justine, that miserable epoch from which I dated all my woe.","MWS" "id19828","Raymond's answer was brief.","MWS" "id03360","There ran little streams over bright pebbles, dividing meads of green and gardens of many hues, and spanned by a multitude of bridges.","HPL" "id27745","Such a tale filled the trumpet of many voiced fame; such a tale rendered my longer stay at Vienna, away from the friend of my youth, intolerable.","MWS" "id15053","But you have a husband and lovely children; you may be happy.","MWS" "id09857","What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise.","HPL" "id18241","He had come forth from the hands of God a perfect creature, happy and prosperous, guarded by the especial care of his Creator; he was allowed to converse with and acquire knowledge from beings of a superior nature, but I was wretched, helpless, and alone.","MWS" "id18705","It was, in fact, a sledge, like that we had seen before, which had drifted towards us in the night on a large fragment of ice.","MWS" "id19304","As I imagined, the ship proves to be in a current; if that appellation can properly be given to a tide which, howling and shrieking by the white ice, thunders on to the southward with a velocity like the headlong dashing of a cataract.","EAP" "id20293","The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations; when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came and blessed the giver of oblivion.","MWS" "id26299","He had traced the man to one of the most penurious streets in the metropolis.","MWS" "id26414","Clara and Alfred followed.","MWS" "id14664","In no one moment of coming time did I feel as I had done in time gone by.","MWS" "id15212","If any person knew anything about Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith, that person, it was clear to me, was Miss Tabitha T. We telegraphed a few signals, and then commenced, soto voce, a brisk tête à tête.","EAP" "id27628","Sing a thousand over again Soho let us sing Long life to our king, Who knocked over a thousand so fine Soho let us roar, He has given us more Red gallons of gore Than all Syria can furnish of wine ""Do you hear that flourish of trumpets?""","EAP" "id23768","Something in the Martenses' manner gave Gifford a feeling of repulsion and suspicion, and a week later he returned with spade and mattock to explore the sepulchral spot.","HPL" "id24270","This time neither could doubt but that something hideously serious was closing in around them.","HPL" "id00004","He might see, perhaps, one or two points with unusual clearness, but in so doing he, necessarily, lost sight of the matter as a whole.","EAP" "id26396","I felt light, and hunger, and thirst, and darkness; innumerable sounds rang in my ears, and on all sides various scents saluted me; the only object that I could distinguish was the bright moon, and I fixed my eyes on that with pleasure.","MWS" "id01568","Queer haow a cravin' gits a holt on ye As ye love the Almighty, young man, don't tell nobody, but I swar ter Gawd thet picter begun ta make me hungry fer victuals I couldn't raise nor buy here, set still, what's ailin' ye?","HPL" "id02413","It was in mid summer, when the alchemy of Nature transmutes the sylvan landscape to one vivid and almost homogeneous mass of green; when the senses are well nigh intoxicated with the surging seas of moist verdure and the subtly indefinable odours of the soil and the vegetation.","HPL" "id13051","Ef they dew, they'll keep up a singin' an' laffin' till break o' day.","HPL" "id21150","We found it without much difficulty, when, dismissing her, I proceeded to examine the place.","EAP" "id09973","Omne ignotum pro magnifico.","EAP" "id04310","It was not, indeed, difficult to begin a counter attack, for I knew that Joel Manton actually half clung to many old wives' superstitions which sophisticated people had long outgrown; beliefs in the appearance of dying persons at distant places, and in the impressions left by old faces on the windows through which they had gazed all their lives.","HPL" "id21825","They pressed they swarmed upon me in ever accumulating heaps.","EAP" "id02176","He placed the needle at the wrong end of the tube, and drawing his breath strongly to puff the dart forward with force, drew the needle into his throat.","EAP" "id09527","Her mother, all eyes and ears, soon interrupted us; and I saw, that she wished to dismiss me quietly, as one whose services, now that his relatives had arrived, were of no use to her son.","MWS" "id04394","Sir Wade was, indeed, most peculiar in his solicitude for his family; for when he returned to Africa he would permit no one to care for his young son save a loathsome black woman from Guinea.","HPL" "id24826","The glassy roll of the eye was changed for that expression of uneasy inward examination which is never seen except in cases of sleep waking, and which it is quite impossible to mistake.","EAP" "id14598","And in the glow of the moon I saw how unwise I had been to travel by day.","HPL" "id22299","My sister's heightened colour and sparkling eyes half revealed her secret to me.","MWS" "id26950","Thus, notwithstanding the thoughtless delight that waited on its commencement, the impression I have of my life at Vienna is melancholy.","MWS" "id20875","Over those horrors the evil moon now hung very low, but the puffy worms of the sea need no moon to feed by.","HPL" "id16905","She feared to lose sight of him; yet she dreaded to remark any change in the temper of his mind.","MWS" "id25079","In other conditions of mind I might have had courage to end my misery at once by a plunge into one of these abysses; but now I was the veriest of cowards.","EAP" "id20598","The words ""penny a liner,"" ""mendicant,"" ""scullion,"" and ""cut throat,"" were epithets so intentionally inexpressive and equivocal, as to be worse than nothing when applied to the author of the very worst stanzas ever penned by one of the human race.","EAP" "id17257","Why should this be, if HE were not good?","MWS" "id13365","She accused herself of his journey to Greece his dangers his imprisonment.","MWS" "id22844","At last the noise of the cattle subsided to a pitiful moaning, and a great snapping, crashing, and crackling ensued.","HPL" "id21522","Their melancholy is soothing, and their joy elevating, to a degree I never experienced in studying the authors of any other country.","MWS" "id17992","This is no sudden fancy; I live by it.","MWS" "id17371","To Ritzner, ever upon the lookout for the grotesque, his peculiarities had for a long time past afforded food for mystification.","EAP" "id01847","A Frenchman was cognizant of the murder.","EAP" "id19566","They look very odd, very like something between a turkey cock and a dromedary.","EAP" "id16021","""It is Guido's own how could you have obtained it?","EAP" "id24127","The physician questioned him sharply, and advised him to see a nerve specialist.","HPL" "id22297","We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.","HPL" "id24741","But let us go; to morrow we will arrange to ride out together, and proceeding towards that part of the forest, call upon him.""","MWS" "id09541","The elder partner of the firm, however, would allow me only one penny of the charge, and took it upon himself to show in what manner four of the same sized conveniences could be got out of a sheet of foolscap.","EAP" "id09678","""Belay that"" interrupted Tarpaulin, astonished not more at the length of his companion's speech than at the nature of his refusal ""Belay that you tubber and I say, Legs, none of your palaver My hull is still light, although I confess you yourself seem to be a little top heavy; and as for the matter of your share of the cargo, why rather than raise a squall I would find stowageroom for it myself, but"" ""This proceeding,"" interposed the president, ""is by no means in accordance with the terms of the mulct or sentence, which is in its nature Median, and not to be altered or recalled.","EAP" "id17925","Brewster takes no notice of it whatever beyond a mere statement, we believe, that such is the fact.","EAP" "id18671","The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me.","EAP" "id04118","It was succeeded by a sad voice, which I had difficulty in recognising as that of the noble Fortunato.","EAP" "id05231","My father was very little changed from what he described himself to be before his misfortunes.","MWS" "id13860","I could no longer doubt that we had been precipitate in our preparations that Rowena still lived.","EAP" "id24858","It represented a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind.","HPL" "id20610","He looked impatiently around the low pitched room with the rag carpet and exposed beams and corner posts, and smiled only when the orchard boughs scratched at the leaded panes of the rear window.","HPL" "id22489","As may well be imagined, I gave up most of the foreplanned features of the rest of my tour the scenic, architectural, and antiquarian diversions on which I had counted so heavily.","HPL" "id12641","There was much more than I could remember, but even what I did remember each morning would be enough to stamp me as a madman or a genius if ever I dared write it down.","HPL" "id20990","And the very enormity of this offence against all manly and honourable sentiment proved, beyond doubt, the main if not the sole reason of the impunity with which it was committed.","EAP" "id27287","I could not see the figure of him who had aroused me.","EAP" "id20896","Now, hold out one of your hands, Pompey, and let me step upon it thus.","EAP" "id01628","""Smith?"" said Miss Arabella, as she at length comprehended the purport of my query; ""Smith?","EAP" "id15148","Could I have judged, indeed, by the wild overstrained air of vivacity with which he harkened, or apparently harkened, to the words of the tale, I might well have congratulated myself upon the success of my design.","EAP" "id25676","After the Civil War all industrial life was confined to the Marsh Refining Company, and the marketing of gold ingots formed the only remaining bit of major commerce aside from the eternal fishing.","HPL" "id20752","Relations of what he had done, conjectures concerning his future actions, were the never failing topics of the hour.","MWS" "id25403","I saw I felt that I had perfect command of my senses and these senses now brought to my soul a world of novel and singular sensation.","EAP" "id15593","Before entering upon this subject it would be as well to give a brief history and description of the Chess Player for the benefit of such of our readers as may never have had an opportunity of witnessing Mr. Maelzel's exhibition.","EAP" "id00392","He often thanked us for the books we lent him, and for the use of our instruments, but never spoke of his altered abode or change of circumstances.","MWS" "id12980","And in these arrangements of the Principia of human action, the Spurzheimites, whether right or wrong, in part, or upon the whole, have but followed, in principle, the footsteps of their predecessors: deducing and establishing every thing from the preconceived destiny of man, and upon the ground of the objects of his Creator.","EAP" "id27205","It is our reasoner's object merely to show that this body is not Marie's.","EAP" "id21918","I would have escorted her myself, but felt that, under the circumstances of my introduction to the house, I had better remain unobserved where I was.","EAP" "id20642","I now began to feel my way in the science, and soon came to understand that, provided a man had a nose sufficiently conspicuous he might, by merely following it, arrive at a Lionship.","EAP" "id22156","He talked of general subjects, and gave me ideas I had never before conceived.","MWS" "id14773","In the lucid intervals of my infirmity, her calamity, indeed, gave me pain, and, taking deeply to heart that total wreck of her fair and gentle life, I did not fail to ponder, frequently and bitterly, upon the wonder working means by which so strange a revolution had been so suddenly brought to pass.","EAP" "id19888","A male and a female nurse were in attendance; but I did not feel myself altogether at liberty to engage in a task of this character with no more reliable witnesses than these people, in case of sudden accident, might prove.","EAP" "id15487","""Her decease,"" he said, with a bitterness which I can never forget, ""would leave him him the hopeless and the frail the last of the ancient race of the Ushers.""","EAP" "id26108","I awoke exhausted, and finding that it was already night, I crept forth from my hiding place, and went in search of food.","MWS" "id23870","I lay on the deck looking at the stars and listening to the dashing of the waves.","MWS" "id24555","When he conversed with me his manner was cold and constrained; his eyes only seemed to speak, and as he turned their black, full lustre towards me they expressed a living sadness.","MWS" "id25158","For bringing the upper earth men's death I must do a penance, but that would not be heavy.","HPL" "id10321","He was playing at 'puff the dart,' which is played with a long needle inserted in some worsted, and blown at a target through a tin tube.","EAP" "id18792","""He shall not drink He shall not drink"" Thus roared Old Bugs as he seemed to run out of or rise above quotations.","HPL" "id25022","The next day I carefully wrapped the green jade amulet and sailed for Holland.","HPL" "id27320","Having reached, in its former course, about the twentieth parallel of southern latitude, it turned off suddenly, at an acute angle, to the eastward, and thus proceeded throughout the day, keeping nearly, if not altogether, in the exact plane of the lunar elipse.","EAP" "id27642","My nervous condition was reflected in my dreams, for I seemed to hear the cries of drowning persons, and to see dead faces pressing against the portholes of the boat.","HPL" "id16630","To me, they have presented little but Horror to many they will seem less terrible than barroques.","EAP" "id20950","""You did see it until it got dark.""","HPL" "id19830","He had scarcely finished the sentence, before loud shouts and imprecations were heard beneath the windows; and, immediately afterward, it became evident that some persons outside were endeavoring to gain entrance into the room.","EAP" "id17885","This being done, there will be no difficulty whatever.","EAP" "id24272","While my companion contemplated with a serious and satisfied spirit the magnificent appearances of things, I delighted in investigating their causes.","MWS" "id01469","I lay on the ground, and giving the reins to my thoughts, repassed in my mind my former life; and began, fold by fold, to unwind the many errors of my heart, and to discover how brutish, savage, and worthless I had hitherto been.","MWS" "id17747","It gives me no pain to leave you; nor can our seperation give you much.","MWS" "id02062","Four days later, whilst we were both in the hidden museum, there came a low, cautious scratching at the single door which led to the secret library staircase.","HPL" "id20657","His mouth was puckered and dimpled into an expression of ghastly affability, and his eyes, as indeed the eyes of all at table, were glazed over with the fumes of intoxication.","EAP" "id19516","And, sure enough, one fine morning the keepers found themselves pinioned hand and foot, and thrown into the cells, where they were attended, as if they were the lunatics, by the lunatics themselves, who had usurped the offices of the keepers.""","EAP" "id19790","His new novels were successful as his old ones had never been; and because he knew how empty they must be to please an empty herd, he burned them and ceased his writing.","HPL" "id07138","I pored over the poetry of old times; I studied the metaphysics of Plato and Berkeley.","MWS" "id08877","An important event then happened of which the following Blackwood article, in the tone heterogeneous, is the substance and result.","EAP" "id11498","The student left his books, the artist his study: the occupations of life were gone, but the amusements remained; enjoyment might be protracted to the verge of the grave.","MWS" "id15001","Saddened by these family misfortunes, the scientist sought relief in work, and made two long expeditions in the interior of Africa.","HPL" "id12584","My thoughts were gems to enrich the treasure house of man's intellectual possessions; each sentiment was a precious gift I bestowed on them.","MWS" "id00853","All this has a different effect upon Raymond.","MWS" "id05655","For a few short days they would not believe an assertion which their intellect so long employed among worldly considerations could not in any manner grasp.","EAP" "id22460","We steered due West; but as the trailing of the buoys materially impeded our progress, and we had the balloon abundantly at command, either for ascent or descent, we first threw out fifty pounds of ballast, and then wound up by means of a windlass so much of the rope as brought it quite clear of the sea.","EAP" "id03344","This I did, upon the spot, in a review of the original ""Oil of Bob,"" occupying thirty six pages of the ""Lollipop.""","EAP" "id05668","I must bring this paper, perforce, to a conclusion, and this I cannot do better than by a summary notice of a very decent, but rather elaborate diddle, of which our own city was made the theatre, not very long ago, and which was subsequently repeated with success, in other still more verdant localities of the Union.","EAP" "id22897","At length the idea is entertained of uniting the force of a great number of the birds, with a view to raising the author himself.","EAP" "id15864","No railroad now B. M. never went through, and the branch line from Rowley was given up years ago.","HPL" "id09096","Wherefore should this be?","MWS" "id24920","""'Excellent man I thank you and accept your generous offer.","MWS" "id07769","But because the people had thrown him blossoms and acclaimed his songs Iranon stayed on, and with him Romnod, who liked the revelry of the town and wore in his dark hair roses and myrtle.","HPL" "id09219","We came at length to the foot of the descent, and stood together on the damp ground of the catacombs of the Montresors.","EAP" "id00182","The mortal body had been at length stricken with the hand of the deadly Decay.","EAP" "id00673","I was then only twenty years old.","EAP" "id26077","Certain accessory points of the design served well to convey the idea that this excavation lay at an exceeding depth below the surface of the earth.","EAP" "id20404","That time we were almost caught before we incinerated the thing, and West doubted the advisability of repeating his daring misuse of the college laboratory.","HPL" "id02658","I know not why I went thither unless to pray, or gibber out insane pleas and apologies to the calm white thing that lay within; but, whatever my reason, I attacked the half frozen sod with a desperation partly mine and partly that of a dominating will outside myself.","HPL" "id09579","There was a mighty eddying and foaming in the noisome brine, and as the steam mounted higher and higher the brave Norwegian drove his vessel head on against the pursuing jelly which rose above the unclean froth like the stern of a daemon galleon.","HPL" "id10924","Perdita prepared to follow him with her child.","MWS" "id19698","""And why is everybody so down on Innsmouth?","HPL" "id25284","The affection and amity of a Raymond might be inestimable; but, beyond that affection, embosomed deeper than friendship, was the indivisible treasure of love.","MWS" "id01912","That season was now gone; and winter had set in with sudden and unusual severity.","MWS" "id22531","The loft above the ceiling which must have had a slanting floor was likewise inaccessible.","HPL" "id13516","Soon after its completion it was exhibited in Presburg, Paris, Vienna, and other continental cities.","EAP" "id08641","Let us admit the first elopement to have resulted in a quarrel between the lovers, and the return home of the betrayed.","EAP" "id23816","I assure you that it is of the highest importance.","EAP" "id09635","As we were almost constantly on a wind, and the breeze was not a little stiff, the ship heeled to leeward very considerably; and whenever her starboard side was to leeward, the sliding door between the cabins slid open, and so remained, nobody taking the trouble to get up and shut it.","EAP" "id01491","Justine also was a girl of merit and possessed qualities which promised to render her life happy; now all was to be obliterated in an ignominious grave, and I the cause A thousand times rather would I have confessed myself guilty of the crime ascribed to Justine, but I was absent when it was committed, and such a declaration would have been considered as the ravings of a madman and would not have exculpated her who suffered through me.","MWS" "id12762","The fires must be lit, and the dancers must be starting in.","HPL" "id15674","My food is not that of man; I do not destroy the lamb and the kid to glut my appetite; acorns and berries afford me sufficient nourishment.","MWS" "id13194","But it was all to no purpose.","EAP" "id06805","Ask where now was this favourite of fashion, this companion of the noble, this excelling beam, which gilt with alien splendour the assemblies of the courtly and the gay you heard that he was under a cloud, a lost man; not one thought it belonged to him to repay pleasure by real services, or that his long reign of brilliant wit deserved a pension on retiring.","MWS" "id02915","Then the picture was passed to Trever, and a change came over the youth.","HPL" "id21145","At length she rose, more composed, not less miserable.","MWS" "id03597","The wind howled; the half bare trees were despoiled of the remainder of their summer ornament; the state of the air which induced the decay of vegetation, was hostile to cheerfulness or hope.","MWS" "id22203","It was very long, narrow, and dismally low, with pointed Gothic windows and a ceiling of oak.","EAP" "id16452","Ryland was the leader of the popular party, a hard headed man, and in his way eloquent; he had obtained leave to bring in a bill making it treason to endeavour to change the present state of the English government and the standing laws of the republic.","MWS" "id17893","Consequent upon this discovery, new evidence appeared.","EAP" "id22162","The better sort of houses were shut up; the busy trade of the town palsied; there was an air of anxiety among the few passengers I met, and they looked wonderingly at my carriage the first they had seen pass towards London, since pestilence sat on its high places, and possessed its busy streets.","MWS" "id10768","I asked Esteban either to help with the ice fetching whilst I obtained the pump piston, or to order the piston while I continued with the ice; but instructed by his mother, he absolutely refused.","HPL" "id01899","I chafed and bathed the temples and the hands, and used every exertion which experience, and no little medical reading, could suggest.","EAP" "id08962","He described her as of surpassing beauty, wit, and accomplishment.","EAP" "id25618","No portion of the masonry had fallen; and there appeared to be a wild inconsistency between its still perfect adaptation of parts, and the crumbling condition of the individual stones.","EAP" "id19090","In ordered terraces rose the green banks, adorned here and there with bowers of vines and sweet blossoms, and seats and benches of marble and porphyry.","HPL" "id15861","They believed all sorts of things and maybe they saw all sorts of things, too, for the Middle Ages had some curious phases.","HPL" "id17788","As Wilcox would have said, the geometry of the place was all wrong.","HPL" "id02163","I had hardly finished reading the ""Toad,"" when a friend placed in my hands a copy of the ""Mole,"" a daily, enjoying high reputation for the keenness of its perception about matters in general, and for the open, honest, above ground style of its editorials.","EAP" "id00290","The world is vast, and England, though her many fields and wide spread woods seem interminable, is but a small part of her.","MWS" "id01150","""Not long ago,"" said he at length, ""and I could have guided you on this route as well as the youngest of my sons; but, about three years past, there happened to me an event such as never happened to mortal man or at least such as no man ever survived to tell of and the six hours of deadly terror which I then endured have broken me up body and soul.","EAP" "id05921","The address, however, was uppermost, and, the contents thus unexposed, the letter escaped notice.","EAP" "id22931","People who were formerly, the very best customers in the world, had now not a moment of time to think of us at all.","EAP" "id14626","I ardently desired to understand them, and bent every faculty towards that purpose, but found it utterly impossible.","MWS" "id21218","Some hours passed thus; but by degrees, as the sun declined towards the horizon, the wind died away into a gentle breeze and the sea became free from breakers.","MWS" "id14719","In neither case could he act with the requisite ease or precision.","EAP" "id10803","These bleak skies I hail, for they are kinder to me than your fellow beings.","MWS" "id10643","If this were so, I would have to make my retreat across country away from any road; but how could I do that in view of the marshy and creek riddled nature of all the surrounding region?","HPL" "id04661","Then there rang out a scream from a wholly different throat such a scream as roused half the sleepers of Arkham and haunted their dreams ever afterward such a scream as could come from no being born of earth, or wholly of earth.","HPL" "id08576","Thus then I should meet this titled stripling the son of my father's friend.","MWS" "id07914","Those organic entities whose motions seemed least flagrantly irrelevant and unmotivated were probably projections of life forms from our own planet, including human beings.","HPL" "id14238","I took up Spencer and read the descent of Sir Guyon to the halls of Avarice; while he listened his eyes fixed on me in sad profound silence.","MWS" "id17408","Opposite the base of Sentinel Hill the tracks left the road, and there was a fresh bending and matting visible along the broad swath marking the monster's former route to and from the summit.","HPL" "id23948","I could no longer doubt that I reposed within a coffin at last.","EAP" "id20077","Upon the door being opened, Mademoiselle L. appeared and took from his hands one of the bags, while the old lady relieved him of the other.","EAP" "id00205","Subsequent terror drove them from my mind, but I think the last one, which I repeated, was: ""Where have you been?""","HPL" "id18341","I did not tell very much of what I had seen, for I feared the coroner would be sceptical; but from the evasive outline I did give, the doctor told me that I had undoubtedly been hypnotised by the vindictive and homicidal madman.","HPL" "id14348","He felt the chain of the cheap crucifix grinding into his neck, and in his peril wondered how the sight of the object itself would affect the evil creature.","HPL" "id20651","I did not exactly relish the task, for the atmosphere of the Williamson home had always depressed me.","HPL" "id25465","""Treason"" screamed the Arch Duchess Ana Pest.","EAP" "id18192","After an unquiet slumber of some three or four hours' duration, we arose, as if by preconcert, to make examination of our treasure.","EAP" "id07218","This, I now saw, West had clearly recognised; creating his embalming compound for future rather than immediate use, and trusting to fate to supply again some very recent and unburied corpse, as it had years before when we obtained the negro killed in the Bolton prize fight.","HPL" "id14550","Sweet creature she too has sacrificed herself in my behalf.","EAP" "id09221","Mexico laid waste by the united effects of storm, pestilence and famine.","MWS" "id08818","And upward along that pallid path my fevered fancy pictured a thin shadow slowly writhing; a vague contorted shadow struggling as if drawn by unseen daemons.","HPL" "id17361","Yet, for a while, I saw; but with how terrible an exaggeration I saw the lips of the black robed judges.","EAP" "id16268","This, too, when it was evident that the most egregious and unpardonable of all conceivable tricks, whimsicalities and buffooneries were brought about, if not directly by him, at least plainly through his intermediate agency or connivance.","EAP" "id22374","My only excuse for thus transforming them, is that they were unintelligible in their pristine condition.","MWS" "id01835","I sat tete baissée, as they have it in the Kickapoo, bowing my head close to the alabaster page.","EAP" "id06659","Attempt, now, to place all your fingers, at the same time, in the respective impressions as you see them.""","EAP" "id23525","Floating gently onward, but with a velocity slightly augmented, the voyager, after many short turns, finds his progress apparently barred by a gigantic gate or rather door of burnished gold, elaborately carved and fretted, and reflecting the direct rays of the now fast sinking sun with an effulgence that seems to wreath the whole surrounding forest in flames.","EAP" "id16238","The sharp frost and heavy snows tamed the animals, and kept the country gentlemen by their firesides; we got more game than we could eat, and my faithful dog grew sleek upon our refuse.","MWS" "id14004","""To my ancestor "" he softly continued, ""there appeared to reside some very remarkable qualities in the will of mankind; qualities having a little suspected dominance not only over the acts of one's self and of others, but over every variety of force and substance in Nature, and over many elements and dimensions deemed more univarsal than Nature herself.","HPL" "id17488","It is painful, I allow, destructive, impracticable.","MWS" "id00807","The loving heart, obliged to contract its view, bestowed its overflow of affection in triple portion on the few that remained.","MWS" "id17144","Nature is full of such illusions to impress the imaginative.","HPL" "id26929","That the secret has not been divulged, is the very best of proof that it is, in fact, a secret.","EAP" "id04008","I bade them search search well.","EAP" "id12737","Once even, Adrian ventured to propose her receiving me.","MWS" "id15321","What I have said above upon this topic must suffice.","EAP" "id07333","""But how did you proceed?"" ""I held the vellum again to the fire, after increasing the heat; but nothing appeared.","EAP" "id27469","That cursed, that damnable pit . . .","HPL" "id21077","It drinks the dark blood of the inhabitant of the south, but it never feasts on the pale faced Celt.","MWS" "id01322","During my father's life, she had been made familiar with the name of royalty and the courtly circle; but such things, ill according with her personal experience, appeared, after the loss of him who gave substance and reality to them, vague and fantastical.","MWS" "id21400","Later, it seems, he and one companion boarded the yacht and tried to manage her, but were beaten about by the storm of April nd.","HPL" "id11363","When selecting the hill and building his mansion, Mynheer Martense had laid these frequent natural outbursts to some peculiarity of the year; but in time he perceived that the locality was especially liable to such phenomena.","HPL" "id19669","I had before been moved by the sophisms of the being I had created; I had been struck senseless by his fiendish threats; but now, for the first time, the wickedness of my promise burst upon me; I shuddered to think that future ages might curse me as their pest, whose selfishness had not hesitated to buy its own peace at the price, perhaps, of the existence of the whole human race.","MWS" "id07451","Surveying the conditions, I chose the more southerly of the two windows as my avenue of escape; planning to land on the inner slope of the roof and make for the nearest skylight.","HPL" "id15468","I made no doubt that I could readily displace the bricks at this point, insert the corpse, and wall the whole up as before, so that no eye could detect any thing suspicious.","EAP" "id03522","He loved to dwell on what might have been the state of the earth before man lived on it, and how he first arose and gradually became the strange, complicated, but as he said, the glorious creature he now is.","MWS" "id06849","Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in I moved it slowly very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep.","EAP" "id21063","In this rim was screwed the large tube of the condenser, the body of the machine being, of course, within the chamber of gum elastic.","EAP" "id04230","The anticipations of the shopkeeper were realized, and his rooms soon became notorious through the charms of the sprightly grisette.","EAP" "id06484","My next step was to look for the beast which had been the cause of so much wretchedness; for I had, at length, firmly resolved to put it to death.","EAP" "id23057","These events have affected me, God knows how deeply; but I am not so wretched as you are.","MWS" "id00113","The figures of fiends in aspects of menace, with skeleton forms, and other more really fearful images, overspread and disfigured the walls.","EAP" "id13550","Malign purpose was all I could think of, and I kept deathly quiet, awaiting the would be intruder's next move.","HPL" "id09820","There were periods in each of the five or six centuries immediately preceding our dissolution, when arose some vigorous intellect, boldly contending for those principles whose truth appears now, to our disenfranchised reason, so utterly obvious principles which should have taught our race to submit to the guidance of the natural laws, rather than attempt their control.","EAP" "id21230","Here he found a shady road to Arkham, but no trail at all in the seaward direction he wished.","HPL" "id09130","Influenced by the legends that Barry had related, my mind had in slumber hovered around a stately city in a green valley, where marble streets and statues, villas and temples, carvings and inscriptions, all spoke in certain tones the glory that was Greece.","HPL" "id07723","I had become unfit for any intercourse, even with Woodville the most gentle and sympathizing creature that existed.","MWS" "id23522","I stretched out my hand to him and cried, ""Are you, then, safe and Elizabeth and Ernest?""","MWS" "id19754","I loved you as a human father might be supposed to love a daughter borne to him by a heavenly mother; as Anchises might have regarded the child of Venus if the sex had been changed; love mingled with respect and adoration.","MWS" "id07744","Her own father had been an emigrant from another part of the country, and had died long since: they had no one relation to take them by the hand; they were outcasts, paupers, unfriended beings, to whom the most scanty pittance was a matter of favour, and who were treated merely as children of peasants, yet poorer than the poorest, who, dying, had left them, a thankless bequest, to the close handed charity of the land.","MWS" "id04961","One of these things which excited several Miskatonic professors profoundly is a badly damaged monstrosity plainly resembling the strange image which Gilman gave to the college museum, save that it is larger, wrought of some peculiar bluish stone instead of metal, and possessed of a singularly angled pedestal with undecipherable hieroglyphics.","HPL" "id14679","It remained unvisited till , when the continued absence of lights was noticed by the squatters.","HPL" "id25041","But again when I reflected that they had spurned and deserted me, anger returned, a rage of anger, and unable to injure anything human, I turned my fury towards inanimate objects.","MWS" "id24790","""That country and my beloved sister are all I have.","MWS" "id06103","""Dear Duchess, with all my heart.""","EAP" "id03941","Each likens it not to the voice of an individual of any nation with whose language he is conversant but the converse.","EAP" "id09454","Human labour was wasted human life set at nought.","MWS" "id05874","What I saw was an extended and elaborate array of ruined edifices; all of magnificent though unclassified architecture, and in various stages of preservation.","HPL" "id05979","For a long time I have thought that each post would bring this line, and my persuasions have restrained my uncle from undertaking a journey to Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id18808","Some of the sounds came from the south, yet I retained my design of escaping in that direction.","HPL" "id25822","It had been locked, and I did not find the key till it occurred to me to examine the personal ring which the professor carried always in his pocket.","HPL" "id04038","It is true, the populace retained themselves; but there arose a perpetual hum and bustle from the throng round the palace, which added to the noise of fireworks, the frequent explosion of arms, the tramp to and fro of horsemen and carriages, to which effervescence he was the focus, retarded his recovery.","MWS" "id03105","During several hours I continued thus to meditate, till hunger and fatigue brought me back to the passing hour, then marked by long shadows cast from the descending sun.","MWS" "id18203","From that casement one might see only walls and windows, except sometimes when one leaned far out and peered aloft at the small stars that passed.","HPL" "id05319","There were the same luxurious smoothness of surface, the same scarcely perceptible tendency to the aquiline, the same harmoniously curved nostrils speaking the free spirit.","EAP" "id24988","I gazed at this queenly apparition for at least half an hour, as if I had been suddenly converted to stone; and, during this period, I felt the full force and truth of all that has been said or sung concerning ""love at first sight.""","EAP" "id08454","The peak of the epidemic was reached in August.","HPL" "id13437","This was free only from the elbow to the hand.","EAP" "id12414","He exhibited a model of his invention at the Polytechnic Institution.","EAP" "id10485","A gentleman, with his wife and daughter, engaged, about dusk, the services of six young men, who were idly rowing a boat to and fro near the banks of the Seine, to convey him across the river.","EAP" "id26818","Against all attacks upon his purse he made the most sturdy defence; but the amount extorted from him, at last, was generally in direct ratio with the length of the siege and the stubbornness of the resistance.","EAP" "id20426","""In this I am not sure that you are wrong,"" observed Dr. Templeton, ""but proceed.","EAP" "id24645","September th, the ice began to move, and roarings like thunder were heard at a distance as the islands split and cracked in every direction.","MWS" "id27133","From that time till his rescue on the th the man remembers little, and he does not even recall when William Briden, his companion, died.","HPL" "id20953","In the meantime, Argyropylo, the Greek commander in chief, had advanced, so as to be between the Turks and Rodosto; a battle, it was said, was inevitable.","MWS" "id02149","When Professor Angell became convinced that the sculptor was indeed ignorant of any cult or system of cryptic lore, he besieged his visitor with demands for future reports of dreams.","HPL" "id23408","Swooning, I staggered to the opposite wall.","EAP" "id12337","The scarabæus hung quite clear of any branches, and, if allowed to fall, would have fallen at our feet.","EAP" "id12212","Reason came unavailing to such high wrought feelings.","MWS" "id24468","In , after the death of his mother, Sir Arthur Jermyn determined to pursue his investigations to the utmost extent.","HPL" "id06687","Who is that secret lover, I ask, of whom, at least, most of the relatives know nothing?","EAP" "id12259","Often at night Iranon sang to the revellers, but he was always as before, crowned only with the vine of the mountains and remembering the marble streets of Aira and the hyaline Nithra.","HPL" "id18853","His father was a narrow minded trader and saw idleness and ruin in the aspirations and ambition of his son.","MWS" "id25943","The sun might shine or the clouds might lower, but nothing could appear to me as it had done the day before.","MWS" "id10110","A larger man guided his steps; a repellent hulk whose bluish face seemed half eaten away by some unknown malady.","HPL" "id26957","Have those gentle eyes, those ""channels of the soul"" lost their meaning, or do they only in their glare disclose the horrible tale of its aberrations?","MWS" "id17022","I asked myself the question aloud, and the whispering echoes of the chamber answered me, ""what was it?""","EAP" "id24911","Without warning came those deep, cracked, raucous vocal sounds which will never leave the memory of the stricken group who heard them.","HPL" "id10297","Because I am Protector of England, am I to be the only slave in its empire?","MWS" "id24233","And what pretty scheme have you woven of exile and obscurity, while a brighter web, a gold enwoven tissue, is that which, in truth, you ought to contemplate?""","MWS" "id09917","""The salt"" I ejaculated.","EAP" "id19342","We past down the steep hill, and entered the dusky avenue of the Long Walk.","MWS" "id01950","It was still gruesomely dark when, not much over an hour later, a confused babel of voices sounded down the road.","HPL" "id27909","The fanged, furry thing began tittering a continuation of the unknown ritual, while the witch croaked loathsome responses.","HPL" "id02171","I need not go over the details of Von Kempelen's confession as far as it went and release, for these are familiar to the public.","EAP" "id08145","And what, Margaret, will be the state of your mind?","MWS" "id15095","The Alps here come closer to the lake, and we approached the amphitheatre of mountains which forms its eastern boundary.","MWS" "id12534","I was like a wild beast that had broken the toils, destroying the objects that obstructed me and ranging through the wood with a stag like swiftness.","MWS" "id00483","I was possessed by a maddening rage when I thought of him, and desired and ardently prayed that I might have him within my grasp to wreak a great and signal revenge on his cursed head.","MWS" "id08823","""While I was busied in reflection, my eyes fell upon a narrow ledge in the eastern face of the rock, perhaps a yard below the summit upon which I stood.","EAP" "id02614","In these excursions he was usually accompanied by an old negro, called Jupiter, who had been manumitted before the reverses of the family, but who could be induced, neither by threats nor by promises, to abandon what he considered his right of attendance upon the footsteps of his young ""Massa Will.""","EAP" "id21469","Then there was another our first whose exact fate we had never learned.","HPL" "id20295","Hark here comes a troop of a similar description.","EAP" "id15945","Drowsiness is so stifling, and dreams are so horrible. . . .","HPL" "id08941","There were lights inside the house when I came upon it, and I saw from the diamond window panes that it must have been kept very close to its antique state.","HPL" "id14378","I looked; and a numbness, an iciness of feeling instantly pervaded my frame.","EAP" "id21303","The Horror from the Shadows Many men have related hideous things, not mentioned in print, which happened on the battlefields of the Great War.","HPL" "id18473","Suddenly that face became dim and quickly disappeared, and in a brief space I found myself projected against an obstacle which I could not penetrate.","HPL" "id07984","Please to write 'Und sterb'ich doch, no sterb'ich denn Durch sie durch sie' ""That's German from Schiller.","EAP" "id17833","Then I would loaf near the fire station in apparent casualness, and fall in with old Zadok after he had started on one of his frequent rambles.","HPL" "id26347","Superfluities in height were, however, more than accounted for by deficiencies in other respects.","EAP" "id18445","Oh, save me Save me"" I imagined that the monster seized me; I struggled furiously and fell down in a fit.","MWS" "id06751","The victim had been seen alive considerably after midnight the dawn revealed the unutterable thing.","HPL" "id14169","Her tone expressed her entire indifference; she addressed me in English, and the voice struck me as one that I had heard during my sufferings.","MWS" "id18585","In his heart he wished for nothing more ardently than our union.","EAP" "id05464","Every one has been to the city of Edinburgh.","EAP" "id01105","Any time the next morning you can call at the watch house and swear an assault.""","EAP" "id19966","What we wanted were corpses interred soon after death and without artificial preservation; preferably free from malforming disease, and certainly with all organs present.","HPL" "id08602","There one might find the rotting, bald pates of famous noblemen, and the fresh and radiantly golden heads of new buried children.","HPL" "id27455","To me this proceeding appeared if so light a term may be permitted extremely whimsical.","MWS" "id05860","That idol, enshrined in the high temple at Ilarnek, was subsequently worshipped beneath the gibbous moon throughout the land of Mnar.","HPL" "id15528","I had begun my journey with anxious haste; now I desired to draw it out through the course of days and months.","MWS" "id23202","""And were she,"" said Raymond, ""I would not advise her seeing him.","MWS" "id05793","West's head was carried off by the wax headed leader, who wore a Canadian officer's uniform.","HPL" "id08570","But these smaller and separate tragedies were about to yield to a mightier interest and, while we were promised calm from infectious influences, a tempest arose wilder than the winds, a tempest bred by the passions of man, nourished by his most violent impulses, unexampled and dire.","MWS" "id10638","Moreover, my dungeon, as well as all the condemned cells at Toledo, had stone floors, and light was not altogether excluded.","EAP" "id17841","But it must be borne in mind that the form of the moon's orbit being an ellipse of eccentricity amounting to no less than . of the major semi axis of the ellipse itself, and the earth's centre being situated in its focus, if I could, in any manner, contrive to meet the moon, as it were, in its perigee, the above mentioned distance would be materially diminished.","EAP" "id03796","The blackness of eternal night encompassed me.","EAP" "id25895","I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others.","EAP" "id13039","And all the while there was a personal sensation of choking, as if some pervasive presence had spread itself through his body and sought to possess itself of his vital processes.","HPL" "id15453","This work was not known to the fashionable clientele who had so swiftly built up his fame after his arrival in Boston; but was only too well known to me, who had been his closest friend and sole assistant since the old days in Miskatonic University Medical School at Arkham.","HPL" "id25765","It was a peaceful Arcadian scene, but knowing what it hid I hated it.","HPL" "id01819","Recieve then the grateful farewell of a fleeting shadow who is about to disappear, who joyfully leaves thee, yet with a last look of affectionate thankfulness.","MWS" "id00937","It would contain more than forty thousand cubic feet of gas; would take me up easily, I calculated, with all my implements, and, if I managed rightly, with one hundred and seventy five pounds of ballast into the bargain.","EAP" "id22874","But at the time of the scream in the cellar laboratory of the isolated Bolton cottage, our fears were subordinate to our anxiety for extremely fresh specimens.","HPL" "id07578","It was not, however, until long after this time that the rays of the setting sun ceased to illumine the balloon; and this circumstance, although of course fully anticipated, did not fail to give me an infinite deal of pleasure.","EAP" "id09852","He looked on the structure of society as but a part of the machinery which supported the web on which his life was traced.","MWS" "id22372","While thus occupied, she probably swooned, or possibly died, through sheer terror; and, in failing, her shroud became entangled in some iron work which projected interiorly.","EAP" "id04271","These words are sufficiently vague, but differ materially from those of Le Commerciel.","EAP" "id16898","And the flames of the tripods expired.","EAP" "id03425","These stones had all been broken from their settings and thrown loose in the chest.","EAP" "id10427","But as there is really no end to diddling, so there would be none to this essay, were I even to hint at half the variations, or inflections, of which this science is susceptible.","EAP" "id18955","It was also possible that the inhabitants of a given dimensional realm could survive entry to many unknown and incomprehensible realms of additional or indefinitely multiplied dimensions be they within or outside the given space time continuum and that the converse would be likewise true.","HPL" "id14050","Among these there was one which attracted my mother far above all the rest.","MWS" "id26334","The widow of the unfortunate Count Berlifitzing was even heard to express a hope ""that the Baron might be at home when he did not wish to be at home, since he disdained the company of his equals; and ride when he did not wish to ride, since he preferred the society of a horse.""","EAP" "id12257","The pavement from which he easily raised himself was of a veined, polished stone beyond his power to identify, and the tiles were cut in bizarre angled shapes which struck him as less asymmetrical than based on some unearthly symmetry whose laws he could not comprehend.","HPL" "id27257","Some motive for which he did not account, even to himself, prevented him from relating his adventure to Perdita.","MWS" "id02447","I believe, sir, that in this house it has been given a fair trial, if ever in any.","EAP" "id17237","It was a monotonous yet ever changing scene.","MWS" "id08933","Yet this consideration does not, or rather did not in after time, diminish the reproaches of my conscience.","MWS" "id10317","Having completed them to my satisfaction, I again looked toward the time piece and was half inclined to believe in the possibility of odd accidents when I found that, instead of my ordinary fifteen or twenty minutes, I had been dozing only three; for it still wanted seven and twenty of the appointed hour.","EAP" "id20686","I sank to the ground, and my injurer, with increased swiftness, escaped into the wood.","MWS" "id06163","While we were endeavoring to regain it, our attention being completely absorbed, we became involved in a strong current of wind from the East, which bore us, with rapidly increasing force, towards the Atlantic.","EAP" "id04529","There was something grand and majestic in her motions, but nothing persuasive, nothing amiable.","MWS" "id18430","I had gazed upon the fortifications and impediments that seemed to keep human beings from entering the citadel of nature, and rashly and ignorantly I had repined.","MWS" "id13733","At the end of a week, however, she re appeared at her customary comptoir, as well as ever, with the exception of a slight paleness not altogether usual.","EAP" "id17612","At this moment the door gently opens to the sound of soft music, and lo the most delicate of birds is before the most enamored of men But what inexpressible dismay now overshadows the countenance of the Duc? ""Horreur chien Baptiste l'oiseau ah, bon Dieu cet oiseau modeste que tu as déshabillé de ses plumes, et que tu as servi sans papier"" It is superfluous to say more: the Duc expired in a paroxysm of disgust.","EAP" "id03237","An' all the whiles he never see a thing, only them trees an' bushes a bendin'.","HPL" "id10852","The day was about to dawn; and it was thought expedient, at length, to proceed at once to the dissection.","EAP" "id23592","I was to thrust this selected and matchless friend into the post of danger impossible the die was cast I would offer myself as candidate.","MWS" "id20595","They were as baffling as the hordes of great bats which haunted the old manor house in unprecedented and increasing numbers.","HPL" "id08330","This thirst it appeared to be the design of my persecutors to stimulate: for the food in the dish was meat pungently seasoned.","EAP" "id20995","The cellars of the chateau were well stocked with wine; and these madmen are just the devils that know how to drink it.","EAP" "id23233","We accordingly determined to commence our journey towards the north at the expiration of another month.","MWS" "id04401","Lavinia sobbed, but Wilbur only chuckled whilst the hill noises rumbled faintly.","HPL" "id07088","I drank in joy with life; my steps were light; my eyes, clear from the love that animated them, sought the heavens, and with my long hair loosened to the winds I gave my body and my mind to sympathy and delight.","MWS" "id11935","Reluctantly he continued up to his garret room and sat down in the dark.","HPL" "id17153","That he was overcome by the wine just swallowed, was the idea which most readily presented itself; and, rather with a view to the preservation of my own character in the eyes of my associates, than from any less interested motive, I was about to insist, peremptorily, upon a discontinuance of the play, when some expressions at my elbow from among the company, and an ejaculation evincing utter despair on the part of Glendinning, gave me to understand that I had effected his total ruin under circumstances which, rendering him an object for the pity of all, should have protected him from the ill offices even of a fiend.","EAP" "id04363","But at the epoch of which I speak, the analogy which a casual observation of a star offered to the conclusions I had already drawn, struck me with the force of positive conformation, and I then finally made up my mind to the course which I afterwards pursued.","EAP" "id16348","I am, however, in good spirits: my men are bold and apparently firm of purpose, nor do the floating sheets of ice that continually pass us, indicating the dangers of the region towards which we are advancing, appear to dismay them.","MWS" "id16214","They presented the broken appearance which is manifested when a stiff paper, having been once folded and pressed with a folder, is refolded in a reversed direction, in the same creases or edges which had formed the original fold.","EAP" "id18276","The mountain trembled to its very base, and the rock rocked.","EAP" "id15649","I shuddered to think who might be the next victim sacrificed to his insatiate revenge.","MWS" "id00836","It is evident, however, that the gravities of the body, and of the bulk of water displaced, are very nicely balanced, and that a trifle will cause either to preponderate.","EAP" "id06269","It was radiant with the quizzical expression which was its natural character, but which I had never seen it assume except when we were alone together, and when he unbent himself freely.","EAP" "id11958","Awestruck at this unexpected glimpse into a past beyond the conception of the most daring anthropologist, I stood musing whilst the moon cast queer reflections on the silent channel before me.","HPL" "id18933","Nor did I dare look for that piece of strange jewellery said to be in the Miskatonic University Museum.","HPL" "id16696","It doesn't seem to me that earth can hold a dream like that It was a colossal and nameless blasphemy with glaring red eyes, and it held in bony claws a thing that had been a man, gnawing at the head as a child nibbles at a stick of candy.","HPL" "id12827","I was shewn into the attic chamber by a grave, intelligent looking man with quiet clothes and an iron grey beard, who spoke to me in this fashion: ""Yes, he lived here but I don't advise your doing anything.","HPL" "id18029","The conclusion here is absurd.","EAP" "id20860","We came at last to the road that led to the town of and at an inn there we heard that my father had passed by somewhat before sunset; he had observed the approaching storm and had hired a horse for the next town which was situated a mile from the sea that he might arrive there before it should commence: this town was five miles off.","MWS" "id07789","Wilcox, I was sure, had heard of the cult in some casual way, and had soon forgotten it amidst the mass of his equally weird reading and imagining.","HPL" "id14394","He was the hero of her imagination, the image carved by love in the unchanged texture of her heart.","MWS" "id26750","""I very much fear it is so,"" replied Monsieur Maillard, now becoming excessively pale.","EAP" "id27159","""The scrap of paper, you mean,"" said I. ""No; it had much of the appearance of paper, and at first I supposed it to be such, but when I came to draw upon it, I discovered it, at once, to be a piece of very thin parchment.","EAP" "id25404","We could hardly doubt that, if pursued to the utmost, its palaces, its temples and store of wealth would be destroyed in the fury of contending triumph and defeat.","MWS" "id09416","""Thou art a strange youth, and I like not thy face nor thy voice.","HPL" "id19586","Dr. Barnard unbuckled the leathern harness and did not restore it till night, when he succeeded in persuading Slater to don it of his own volition, for his own good.","HPL" "id26502","There was a cavernous fireplace and a spinning wheel at which a bent old woman in loose wrapper and deep poke bonnet sat back toward me, silently spinning despite the festive season.","HPL" "id26701","I found this vision of beauty in Perdita's alcove, in earnest conversation with its inmate.","MWS" "id01052","I must wait until I see the beetle itself, if I am to form any idea of its personal appearance.""","EAP" "id18640","If many were prevented from adventuring to California, by the mere apprehension that gold would so materially diminish in value, on account of its plentifulness in the mines there, as to render the speculation of going so far in search of it a doubtful one what impression will be wrought now, upon the minds of those about to emigrate, and especially upon the minds of those actually in the mineral region, by the announcement of this astounding discovery of Von Kempelen?","EAP" "id11481","Here likewise a rambling letter to the editor of a paper in South America, where a fanatic deduces a dire future from visions he has seen.","HPL" "id08885","There were no less than ten windows in all.","EAP" "id17477","I must absent myself from all I loved while thus employed.","MWS" "id03350","This bore regular fruit, for after the first interview the manuscript records daily calls of the young man, during which he related startling fragments of nocturnal imagery whose burden was always some terrible Cyclopean vista of dark and dripping stone, with a subterrene voice or intelligence shouting monotonously in enigmatical sense impacts uninscribable save as gibberish.","HPL" "id21572","We, however, lay to until the morning, fearing to encounter in the dark those large loose masses which float about after the breaking up of the ice.","MWS" "id04047","Insurmountable heaps sometimes opposed themselves; the still burning fires scorched me.","MWS" "id01333","On neither occasion, though, had Gilman been there and when told of the matter he wondered where he could have been wandering, barefoot and with only his night clothes on.","HPL" "id03199","He quoted Turgot, Price, Priestly, Condorcet, De Stael, and the ""Ambitious Student in Ill Health.""","EAP" "id05838","The children were easily distracted, and again returned to their prospect of future amusement.","MWS" "id24834","We now had a studio in London, never separating, but never discussing the days when we had sought to plumb the mysteries of the unreal world.","HPL" "id07952","After Taran Ish there were many high priests in Sarnath, but never was the sea green stone idol found.","HPL" "id10975","And is not love a gift of the divinity?","MWS" "id13482","Worst of all, his absence now from the festival, his message wholly unaccounted for, except by the disgraceful hints of the woman, appeared the deadliest insult.","MWS" "id00829","A purplish darkness, born of nothing more than a spectral deepening of the sky's blue, pressed down upon the rumbling hills.","HPL" "id15035","Then, when the mist would lift and the sea stand out prosy with the smoke of steamers, he would sigh and descend to the town, where he loved to thread the narrow olden lanes up and down hill, and study the crazy tottering gables and odd pillared doorways which had sheltered so many generations of sturdy sea folk.","HPL" "id02237","Then we were as gay as summer insects, playful as children; we ever met one another with smiles, and read content and joy in each other's countenances.","MWS" "id06150","Undoubtedly he could still manage to walk away from the pull; so with great resolution he headed against it and dragged himself deliberately north along Garrison Street.","HPL" "id24130","Now, with a simpleton a degree above the first, he would have reasoned thus: 'This fellow finds that in the first instance I guessed odd, and, in the second, he will propose to himself, upon the first impulse, a simple variation from even to odd, as did the first simpleton; but then a second thought will suggest that this is too simple a variation, and finally he will decide upon putting it even as before.","EAP" "id13780","As the old man whispered the words ""more the same"" a tiny spattering impact was heard, and something shewed on the yellowed paper of the upturned volume.","HPL" "id24380","No definition had spoken of the landscape gardener as of the poet; yet it seemed to my friend that the creation of the landscape garden offered to the proper Muse the most magnificent of opportunities.","EAP" "id07620","Among her numerous suitors was Julien Bossuet, a poor litterateur, or journalist of Paris.","EAP" "id26753","His end had plainly forgotten his beginning, like the government of Trinculo.","EAP" "id12704","When he heard the sound of my approach, he ceased to utter exclamations of grief and horror and sprung towards the window.","MWS" "id07949","Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my application to this study would have been irksome and almost intolerable.","MWS" "id13858","These prints, no doubt, surpass every thing in loudness of pretension, but, in all other points, give us the 'Lollipop' How this celebrated Magazine can sustain its evidently tremendous expenses, is more than we can comprehend.","EAP" "id19251","Willingly do I give place to thee, dear Alfred advance, offspring of tender love, child of our hopes; advance a soldier on the road to which I have been the pioneer I will make way for thee.","MWS" "id24385","There were the two sisters, the bride, and the artist the latter in one of his customary fits of moody misanthropy.","EAP" "id25351","Indeed, to judge from the progression of the numbers indicating my various altitudes, respectively, at different periods, between six A.M. on the second of April, and twenty minutes before nine A.M. of the same day at which time the barometer ran down, it might be fairly inferred that the balloon had now, at four o'clock in the morning of April the seventh, reached a height of not less, certainly, than , miles above the surface of the sea.","EAP" "id12816","And, indeed, I had now every reason to be terrified.","EAP" "id22932","We learn that Mr. Mumblethumb received no less than fifty cents for his late 'Monody in a Mud Puddle.' ""Among the original contributors to the present number we notice, besides the eminent editor, Mr. Crab, such men as Snob, Slyass, and Mumblethumb.","EAP" "id15426","As before, it was in vain that I, at first, endeavoured to appreciate or understand what was taking place.","EAP" "id03514","England, seated far north in the turbid sea, now visits my dreams in the semblance of a vast and well manned ship, which mastered the winds and rode proudly over the waves.","MWS" "id11206","It had evidently impressed the whole countryside more than a little, for mention was made of specimens in the museum of Miskatonic University at Arkham, and in the display room of the Newburyport Historical Society.","HPL" "id00012","They had deposited me in the coffin.","EAP" "id22178","These things were a hobby which he rode to the death.","EAP" "id18643","Fear had lurked on Tempest Mountain for more than a century.","HPL" "id01705","In feeling my way I had found many angles, and thus deduced an idea of great irregularity; so potent is the effect of total darkness upon one arousing from lethargy or sleep The angles were simply those of a few slight depressions, or niches, at odd intervals.","EAP" "id21333","Thus has a week passed away, while I have listened to the strangest tale that ever imagination formed.","MWS" "id03001","Its breadth at no point exceeds a quarter of a mile.","EAP" "id02722","For the merits of my adaptation and translation must decide how far I have well bestowed my time and imperfect powers, in giving form and substance to the frail and attenuated Leaves of the Sibyl.","MWS" "id16176","The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and, nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness.","EAP" "id11560","With a presence of mind truly Parisian, she took the cue at once, and, to greet me, held out the most bewitchingly little of hands.","EAP" "id25555","Yet we met; and fate bound us together at the altar, and I never spoke of passion nor thought of love.","EAP" "id07794","This lovely child was nearly eight years of age.","MWS" "id11034","I shall make two divisions: first, Piquant Facts for the Manufacture of Similes, and, second, Piquant Expressions to be introduced as occasion may require.","EAP" "id04352","His family was one of the most illustrious of the empire.","EAP" "id17959","Oral accounts of the mysterious and secluded wife had been numerous, but no tangible relic of her stay at Jermyn House remained.","HPL" "id25680","The general furniture was profuse, comfortless, antique, and tattered.","EAP" "id04145","The tension was aggravated by the disappearance of Müller and Zimmer, who undoubtedly committed suicide as a result of the fears which had seemed to harass them, though they were not observed in the act of jumping overboard.","HPL" "id20980","And am I not now dying a victim to the horror and the mystery of the wildest of all sublunary visions?","EAP" "id18750","The fury of the beast, who no doubt bore still in mind the dreaded whip, was instantly converted into fear.","EAP" "id15079","In his summing up it seemed evident to me that the reasoner had not even succeeded in convincing himself.","EAP" "id14336","In all that I endured there was no physical suffering but of moral distress an infinitude.","EAP" "id02889","In our sensible age since the Dunwich horror of was hushed up by those who had the town's and the world's welfare at heart people shun it without knowing exactly why.","HPL" "id15365","The praise of men, power and high aspirations attended your career.","MWS" "id15439","We had many foreign friends whom we eagerly sought out, and relieved from dreadful penury.","MWS" "id17770","In fact, amazement must have fairly deprived me of my senses, when I could not see the vast difference, in appearance, between the surface below me, and the surface of my mother earth.","EAP" "id15519","""Is that all, my dear Henry?","MWS" "id07037","I only doubted whether or not I should endeavour to see Idris again, before I departed.","MWS" "id00892","There was nothing within hearing, and nothing in sight save a vast reach of black slime; yet the very completeness of the stillness and the homogeneity of the landscape oppressed me with a nauseating fear.","HPL" "id18566","I married early, and was happy to find in my wife a disposition not uncongenial with my own.","EAP" "id26103","""But what purpose had you,"" I asked, ""in replacing the letter by a fac simile?","EAP" "id24418","He then came home, talked eternally, and played upon the French horn.","EAP" "id09891","He admitted but four elementary principles, or more strictly, conditions of bliss.","EAP" "id13219","She grieved to think that, having entombed her in the Valley of the Many Colored Grass, I would quit forever its happy recesses, transferring the love which now was so passionately her own to some maiden of the outer and everyday world.","EAP" "id14836","That upstairs more ahead of me than I had thought it would be, and is not like to have much earth brain.","HPL" "id00558","Upon recovering, I at once started to my feet, trembling convulsively in every fibre.","EAP" "id27706","""Were it my purpose,"" continued Dupin, ""merely to make out a case against this passage of L'Etoile's argument, I might safely leave it where it is.","EAP" "id08852","Steam had not been suffered to go down entirely, despite the departure of all hands for the shore; and it was the work of only a few moments of feverish rushing up and down between wheel and engines to get the Alert under way.","HPL" "id00679","In an instant afterward, this man came forth, accosted my companion by name, shook him cordially by the hand, and begged him to alight.","EAP" "id18437","Jupiter had with him the scythe and spades the whole of which he insisted upon carrying more through fear, it seemed to me, of trusting either of the implements within reach of his master, than from any excess of industry or complaisance.","EAP" "id17322","Especially, there is nothing to be made in this way without method.","EAP" "id25938","I am struck by the storm, rooted up, laid waste: but you can stand against it; you are young and your passions are at peace.","MWS" "id10329","This change was particularly agreeable to me.","MWS" "id18172","I was not satisfied, however, with this, but continued the manipulations vigorously, and with the fullest exertion of the will, until I had completely stiffened the limbs of the slumberer, after placing them in a seemingly easy position.","EAP" "id15118","No serious accident occurred.","EAP" "id08761","Et chez J. Goignard, au premier pilier de la grand'salle du Palais, proche les Consultations, MDCXLVII.""","EAP" "id07168","The evilly grinning beldame still clutched him, and beyond the table stood a figure he had never seen before a tall, lean man of dead black colouration but without the slightest sign of negroid features; wholly devoid of either hair or beard, and wearing as his only garment a shapeless robe of some heavy black fabric.","HPL" "id23043","As he walked through the wretched streets in the neighbourhood of the luckless Greek's abode, his heart smote him for the whole course of his conduct towards her.","MWS" "id21598","Now, the assassination might have taken place upon the river's brink, or on the river itself; and, thus, the throwing the corpse in the water might have been resorted to, at any period of the day or night, as the most obvious and most immediate mode of disposal.","EAP" "id23950","His natural thought would have been to cast from him, as far as possible, all that had held connection with his crime.","EAP" "id09373","All this, it must be acknowledged, was very severe upon ""Oppodeldoc"" but the unkindest cut was putting the word sy in small caps.","EAP" "id08398","From between them, upon every proper occasion, issued a voice of surpassing clearness, melody, and strength.","EAP" "id17818","Thus did this change come about.","MWS" "id15028","He did not succeed, and motioned to me to come to his assistance.","HPL" "id00552","My fancy grew charnel, I talked ""of worms, of tombs, and epitaphs.""","EAP" "id04966","Had there been a noise I had not heard?","HPL" "id16488","He was bled, and many other of the ordinary means of relief were adopted.","EAP" "id26163","He is desirous to be a true Swiss and to enter into foreign service, but we cannot part with him, at least until his elder brother returns to us.","MWS" "id17044","About he removed to Constantinopolis, where he received every mark of imperial favour both from Justinianus and Justinus the Second.","HPL" "id18745","But the gang which has drawn upon itself the pointed animadversion, although the somewhat tardy and very suspicious evidence of Madame Deluc, is the only gang which is represented by that honest and scrupulous old lady as having eaten her cakes and swallowed her brandy, without putting themselves to the trouble of making her payment.","EAP" "id18303","He wished me to seek amusement in society.","MWS" "id15617","""What will you take for it?""","EAP" "id06205","Nature was the same, as when she was the kind mother of the human race; now, childless and forlorn, her fertility was a mockery; her loveliness a mask for deformity.","MWS" "id01451","I left London in a small vessel bound for a port in the north of England.","MWS" "id18162","He didn't call it out.","HPL" "id18936","Its productions and features may be without example, as the phenomena of the heavenly bodies undoubtedly are in those undiscovered solitudes.","MWS" "id18436","""Safie related that her mother was a Christian Arab, seized and made a slave by the Turks; recommended by her beauty, she had won the heart of the father of Safie, who married her.","MWS" "id00957","In the strange anomaly of my existence, feelings with me, had never been of the heart, and my passions always were of the mind.","EAP" "id07773","Barnabas Marsh that runs the refin'ry naow is Obed's grandson by his fust wife son of Onesiphorus, his eldest son, but his mother was another o' them as wa'n't never seed aoutdoors.","HPL" "id12008","Thus my father, born in affluence, and always prosperous, clombe without the difficulty and various disappointments that all human beings seem destined to encounter, to the very topmost pinacle of happiness: Around him was sunshine, and clouds whose shapes of beauty made the prospect divine concealed from him the barren reality which lay hidden below them.","MWS" "id06645","Was he going mad? How long would it last?","HPL" "id07151","""Alexandre Etienne, surgeon, was called with M. Dumas to view the bodies.","EAP" "id19730","""You surprise me,"" I said, ""by these opinions, which have been contradicted by the voice of the world.","EAP" "id08343","His father, Karl Trever, was an attorney and citizen of distinction, whilst his mother had made an enviable reputation as a poetess under her maiden name of Eleanor Wing.","HPL" "id12690","He could not tell why he approached the farther wall so confidently, or why he instinctively drew forth the great silver key as he did so.","HPL" "id18321","As I put a portion of it within my lips, there rushed to my mind a half formed thought of joy of hope.","EAP" "id09983","As the presence of the three men seemed to rouse the dying thing, it began to mumble without turning or raising its head.","HPL" "id01200","The effect was beautiful to behold.","EAP" "id05752","The character of gorge was maintained only in the height and parallelism of the shores; it was lost altogether in their other traits.","EAP" "id07111","Suddenly I myself became possessed of a kind of augmented sight.","HPL" "id08291","This he was in the act of uplifting, for what purpose I am at a loss to imagine, when, all at once, there came a benign smile over his features, and he sank placidly back in his chair.","EAP" "id19727","The vast annihilation that has swallowed all things the voiceless solitude of the once busy earth the lonely state of singleness which hems me in, has deprived even such details of their stinging reality, and mellowing the lurid tints of past anguish with poetic hues, I am able to escape from the mosaic of circumstance, by perceiving and reflecting back the grouping and combined colouring of the past.","MWS" "id24966","Remember that, beyond the naked fact of the catastrophe itself, I know nothing.","EAP" "id18327","From the moment that he adopted this idea, he was changed.","MWS" "id24147","He was a thin, stoop shouldered man not much under six feet tall, dressed in shabby blue civilian clothes and wearing a frayed grey golf cap.","HPL" "id27410","I shudder tonight as I think of it; shudder even more than I did that morning when West muttered through his bandages, ""Damn it, it wasn't quite fresh enough"" III.","HPL" "id10609","I felt that I quitted what I loved, not what loved me.","MWS" "id10486","He had vanished, no one could tell how; and not even the ghost of him has ever been seen since.","EAP" "id22269","""Pauline Dubourg, laundress, deposes that she has known both the deceased for three years, having washed for them during that period.","EAP" "id27365","Do you understand this feeling?","MWS" "id10537","They were the blasphemous fish frogs of the nameless design living and horrible and as I saw them I knew also of what that humped, tiaraed priest in the black church basement had so fearsomely reminded me.","HPL" "id09524","Was certain it was not French.","EAP" "id05767","It was amusing to think that creatures so diminutive as the lunarians, and bearing so little resemblance to humanity, yet evinced a mechanical ingenuity so much superior to our own.","EAP" "id12168","For while I destroyed his hopes, I did not satisfy my own desires.","MWS" "id22623","People begun to fall off mills an' shops shet daown shippin' stopped an' the harbour choked up railrud give up but they . . .","HPL" "id04898","The narrow transom admitted only the feeblest of rays, and the overhead ventilation funnel virtually none at all; so that he was reduced to a profane fumbling as he made his halting way among the long boxes toward the latch.","HPL" "id15263","She leaned from the window looking on the forest, and the turrets of the Castle, and as these became hid by intervening objects, she passionately exclaimed ""Scenes of happiness scenes sacred to devoted love, when shall I see you again and when I see ye, shall I be still the beloved and joyous Perdita, or shall I, heart broken and lost, wander among your groves, the ghost of what I am"" ""Why, silly one,"" cried Raymond, ""what is your little head pondering upon, that of a sudden you have become so sublimely dismal?","MWS" "id10389","Henry Clerval was the son of a merchant of Geneva.","MWS" "id14948","It is an unfortunate fact that the bulk of humanity is too limited in its mental vision to weigh with patience and intelligence those isolated phenomena, seen and felt only by a psychologically sensitive few, which lie outside its common experience.","HPL" "id11853","Before he went I used every argument, every persuasion to induce her to stop his journey.","MWS" "id04533","He was not his own master.","HPL" "id20189","With this answer he seemed flattered, and sat down to write a note to the Baron.","EAP" "id04154","""By casting your eye down almost any page of any book in the world, you will be able to perceive at once a host of little scraps of either learning or bel espritism, which are the very thing for the spicing of a Blackwood article.","EAP" "id06677","Then came we to a pleasant coast gay with blossoms of every hue, where as far inland as we could see basked lovely groves and radiant arbours beneath a meridian sun.","HPL" "id16623","'Delight of the Universe,' thou art in a sad predicament 'Glory of the East,' thou art in danger of mastication Therefore never regard so piteously thy tail; it will undoubtedly be draggled in the mud, and for this there is no help.","EAP" "id14178","Still while I was near her, she could not be in utter despair she fully confided herself to me she did not seem to fear my death, or revert to its possibility; to my guardianship she consigned the full freight of her anxieties, reposing on my love, as a wind nipped fawn by the side of a doe, as a wounded nestling under its mother's wing, as a tiny, shattered boat, quivering still, beneath some protecting willow tree.","MWS" "id07938","I cannot describe to you my sensations on the near prospect of my undertaking.","MWS" "id00226","Early rising villagers who observed my homeward progress looked at me strangely, and marvelled at the signs of ribald revelry which they saw in one whose life was known to be sober and solitary.","HPL" "id05364","Many of the foreigners were utterly destitute; and their increasing numbers at length forbade a recourse to the usual modes of relief.","MWS" "id19168","""Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished from his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him as beautiful as the stranger.","MWS" "id26879","I was lost in reveries of death, and the idea of premature burial held continual possession of my brain.","EAP" "id07963","I shall not die of a cough.""","EAP" "id26448","Was I aware was I fully aware of the discrepancy between us?","EAP" "id27316","Between the phantasms of nightmare and the realities of the objective world a monstrous and unthinkable relationship was crystallising, and only stupendous vigilance could avert still more direful developments.","HPL" "id17087","The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain tops where she is found.","EAP" "id14448","I must die, yet my fear chills me; I pause and shudder and then for months I endure my excess of wretchedness.","MWS" "id10443","First, Whether he will or will not consent to become a great man?","MWS" "id12662","""Jupiter,"" cried he, without heeding me in the least, ""do you hear me?"" ""Yes, Massa Will, hear you ebber so plain.""","EAP" "id27882","In the one instance, the dreamer, or enthusiast, being interested by an object usually not frivolous, imperceptibly loses sight of this object in a wilderness of deductions and suggestions issuing therefrom, until, at the conclusion of a day dream often replete with luxury, he finds the incitamentum, or first cause of his musings, entirely vanished and forgotten.","EAP" "id08253","It was torn nearly in two, across the middle as if a design, in the first instance, to tear it entirely up as worthless, had been altered, or stayed, in the second.","EAP" "id08326","When, in after times, Adrian's father, then king of England, felt his situation become more perilous, his line of conduct more embarrassed, again and again he wished for his early friend, who might stand a mound against the impetuous anger of his queen, a mediator between him and the parliament.","MWS" "id25976","In the morning, however, as soon as it was light, I went upon deck and found all the sailors busy on one side of the vessel, apparently talking to someone in the sea.","MWS" "id01433","Attentively perusing this animated volume, I was the less surprised at the tale I read on the new turned page.","MWS" "id09717","The Martense mansion was built in by Gerrit Martense, a wealthy New Amsterdam merchant who disliked the changing order under British rule, and had constructed this magnificent domicile on a remote woodland summit whose untrodden solitude and unusual scenery pleased him.","HPL" "id12325","Some few of the legionarii shewed timidity, but sharp commands brought them into line, and the whole cohort was soon drawn up on the open plain east of the circus.","HPL" "id05715","We cannot help perceiving abundance of filth in every kennel, and, were it not for the over powering fumes of idolatrous incense, I have no doubt we should find a most intolerable stench.","EAP" "id18551","""Great God, what simpletons Shew them Arthur Machen's Great God Pan and they'll think it a common Dunwich scandal But what thing what cursed shapeless influence on or off this three dimensioned earth was Wilbur Whateley's father?","HPL" "id27663","I knew the steady philosophy of the man too well to apprehend any scruples from him; and he had no relatives in America who would be likely to interfere.","EAP" "id13217","And thus the ill starred girl died a victim to my senseless rashness.","MWS" "id15588","In the first place I considered the manner in which the parchment had come into my possession.","EAP" "id12108","And the bird of heaven flew before, and led us toward the basalt pillars of the West, but this time the oarsmen sang no soft songs under the full moon.","HPL" "id15041","It had long been my belief that human thought consists basically of atomic or molecular motion, convertible into ether waves of radiant energy like heat, light, and electricity.","HPL" "id10503","To be sure they spoke of confining me in a strait jacket but, good God they never suspected me of having lost my breath.","EAP" "id11778","The highest among them does not exceed three and three quarter miles in perpendicular elevation; but a map of the volcanic districts of the Campi Phlegraei would afford to your Excellencies a better idea of their general surface than any unworthy description I might think proper to attempt.","EAP" "id26469","Thus long, I have cradled my heart in retrospection of past happiness, when hope was.","MWS" "id25841","Rough and scabby, and the sides of their necks are all shrivelled or creased up.","HPL" "id03248","""An outrage of the most atrocious character was perpetrated near this city the day before yesterday.","EAP" "id17487","What could not this man achieve in the busy English world?","MWS" "id26649","There was, I knew, not a second to be lost.","EAP" "id16138","""Every man,"" he said, ""dreams about something, love, honour, and pleasure; you dream of friendship, and devote yourself to a maniac; well, if that be your vocation, doubtless you are in the right to follow it.""","MWS" "id02267","Get thee up Come with me into the outer Night, and let me unfold to thee the graves.","EAP" "id09866","Her brow was clear and ample, her blue eyes cloudless, and her lips and the moulding of her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness that none could behold her without looking on her as of a distinct species, a being heaven sent, and bearing a celestial stamp in all her features.","MWS" "id19755","I shall no longer feel the agonies which now consume me or be the prey of feelings unsatisfied, yet unquenched.","MWS" "id01937","The early writers of treatises on the Automaton, seem not to have observed the matter at all, and have no reference to it.","EAP" "id13449","The crop had failed, the bad corn, and want of foreign wines, added vigour to disease.","MWS" "id25587","It is in the former mode, however, and habitually, that you have already consented to wear it for my sake.""","EAP" "id22806","He came to take leave of me, and we walked together on the heath for the last time.","MWS" "id01068","I might heap high the scale with logic, courage, and resignation but let one fear for Idris and our children enter the opposite one, and, over weighed, it kicked the beam.","MWS" "id06230","I have spoken of two openings into the vale.","EAP" "id06519","Upon a dim, warm, misty day, toward the close of November, and during the strange interregnum of the seasons which in America is termed the Indian Summer, Mr. Bedloe departed as usual for the hills.","EAP" "id02479","In the middle of this extent was a depression, level with the ordinary floor of the valley.","EAP" "id08087","The servants were utterly dumbfounded, and watched at the head of the stairs, but their master did not return.","HPL" "id00559","He had composed a tragedy which set the whole country in a guffaw, and a farce which deluged the universe in tears.","EAP" "id20258","I cannot see your look of deep grief without endeavouring to restore you to happier feelings.","MWS" "id13602","No, it is not thus; your form so divinely wrought, and beaming with beauty, has decayed, but your spirit still visits and consoles your unhappy friend.","MWS" "id13496","I believe that the world has never seen and that, unless through some series of accidents goading the noblest order of mind into distasteful exertion, the world will never see that full extent of triumphant execution, in the richer domains of art, of which the human nature is absolutely capable.","EAP" "id00506","Had a fine view of the five Neptunian asteroids, and watched with much interest the putting up of a huge impost on a couple of lintels in the new temple at Daphnis in the moon.","EAP" "id04277","Sometimes I grew alarmed at the wreck I perceived that I had become; the energy of my purpose alone sustained me: my labours would soon end, and I believed that exercise and amusement would then drive away incipient disease; and I promised myself both of these when my creation should be complete.","MWS" "id01093","West of that were the fine old residence streets Broad, Washington, Lafayette, and Adams and east of it were the shoreward slums.","HPL" "id16788","They spoke of old Keziah Mason, and Elwood agreed that Gilman had good scientific grounds for thinking she might have stumbled on strange and significant information.","HPL" "id06750","Distant though the island was, he felt that a monstrous and invincible evil could flow from the sardonic stare of that bent, ancient figure in brown.","HPL" "id11052","Cxxl, nxw cxxl Dx be cxxl, yxu fxxl Nxne xf yxur crxwing, xld cxck Dxn't frxwn sx dxn't Dxn't hxllx, nxr hxwl, nxr grxwl, nxr bxw wxw wxw Gxxd Lxrd, Jxhn, hxw yxu dx lxxk Txld yxu sx, yxu knxw, but stxp rxlling yxur gxxse xf an xld pxll abxut sx, and gx and drxwn yxur sxrrxws in a bxwl' The uproar occasioned by this mystical and cabalistical article, is not to be conceived.","EAP" "id16972","I saw them now even more unequivocally than I beheld them then.","EAP" "id05477","For some time his countenance had been losing the florid tinge lent it by the wine; but now, to my astonishment, I perceived that it had grown to a pallor truly fearful.","EAP" "id14072","Let me go, or I will tell my papa.' ""'Boy, you will never see your father again; you must come with me.' ""'Hideous monster Let me go.","MWS" "id17337","""It is done it is most cheerfully agreed.","EAP" "id17250","There was room enough indeed in our hapless country for twice the number of invaders; but their lawless spirit instigated them to violence; they took a delight in thrusting the possessors from their houses; in seizing on some mansion of luxury, where the noble dwellers secluded themselves in fear of the plague; in forcing these of either sex to become their servants and purveyors; till, the ruin complete in one place, they removed their locust visitation to another.","MWS" "id05256","""At this stage of my reflections I endeavored to remember, and did remember, with entire distinctness, every incident which occurred about the period in question.","EAP" "id09148","We followed the local death notices like ghouls, for our specimens demanded particular qualities.","HPL" "id12029","Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity.","MWS" "id12599","Coincidences ten times as remarkable as this the delivery of the money, and murder committed within three days upon the party receiving it, happen to all of us every hour of our lives, without attracting even momentary notice.","EAP" "id08918","When he died, the tide of love resumed its ancient flow, it deluged her soul with its tumultuous waves, and she gave herself up a prey to its uncontrollable power.","MWS" "id12434","A very few days sufficed, however, to merge even such feelings in sentiments more unendurable We could no longer apply to the strange orb any accustomed thoughts.","EAP" "id00060","You may remember that a history of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery composed the whole of our good Uncle Thomas' library.","MWS" "id27118","The feeblest intellect had derived vigor from excessive interest.","EAP" "id03651","The impatience of my sister's disposition now returned on her, awakened by repentance, sharpened by remorse.","MWS" "id26046","Flutes shrieked and drums began to beat, and as I watched in awe and terror I thought I saw dark saltant forms silhouetted grotesquely against the vision of marble and effulgence.","HPL" "id09726","But it was all right with the heathens, because they'd ben havin' a hard time an' was desp'rate abaout everything.","HPL" "id07742","Know that, one by one, my friends were snatched away; I was left desolate.","MWS" "id24993","Could it be that I was coming to resemble my grandmother and uncle Douglas?","HPL" "id17958","I myself, lulled by the rhythmical breathing of the healthy and the dying man, must have nodded a little later.","HPL" "id24872","The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair melted imperceptibly into the vague yet deep shadow which formed the back ground of the whole.","EAP" "id15784","I had first Knowledge of the Doctor in May of the year , tho' I did not at that Time meet him.","HPL" "id22552","But as my gondola arrived opposite the mouth of the canal San Marco, a female voice from its recesses broke suddenly upon the night, in one wild, hysterical, and long continued shriek.","EAP" "id21178","And peradventure it may be that Oonai the city of lutes and dancing is even the fair Aira thou seekest, for it is told that thou hast not known Aira since old days, and a name often changeth.","HPL" "id19939","If the men I have about me shrink from following me, others, more courageous, are to be found.","MWS" "id08328","Notes on Same, Prof. Webb's Acct.""","HPL" "id26767","The dining room itself, although perhaps sufficiently comfortable and of good dimensions, had nothing too much of elegance about it.","EAP" "id00614","We had agreed to descend the Rhine in a boat from Strasbourg to Rotterdam, whence we might take shipping for London.","MWS" "id21338","Instinct guided him in his wriggle through the transom, and in the crawl which followed his jarring thud on the damp ground.","HPL" "id02263","In any case, I would aim to strike Washington somehow and get quickly out of the Town Square region.","HPL" "id11418","I saw his eyes humid also as he took both my hands in his; and sitting down near me, he said: ""This is a sad deed to which you would lead me, dearest friend, and your woe must indeed be deep that could fill you with these unhappy thoughts.","MWS" "id08005","He now rang the bell, and sent for a neighboring apothecary with whom to consult in the emergency.","EAP" "id12407","""I know fellows,"" he says to himself, ""who would just have put the goods under their arm, and walked off with a promise to call and pay the dollar as they came by in the afternoon.""","EAP" "id26064","Confinement and hardship had undermined his health; the Turks feared an accomplishment of the threats of the English government, if he died under their hands; they looked upon his recovery as impossible; they delivered him up as a dying man, willingly making over to us the rites of burial.","MWS" "id26512","Much was expected of it; and as a few twitching motions began to appear, I could see the feverish interest on West's face.","HPL" "id08834","It may appear strange that such should arise in the eighteenth century; but while I followed the routine of education in the schools of Geneva, I was, to a great degree, self taught with regard to my favourite studies.","MWS" "id11723","The mixture was then ready for use.","EAP" "id08334","I now began to be human.","MWS" "id26198","Something whispers to me not to depend too much on the prospect that is opened before us, but I will not listen to such a sinister voice.","MWS" "id07433","It read as follows: MYSTERY DERELICT FOUND AT SEA Vigilant Arrives With Helpless Armed New Zealand Yacht in Tow.","HPL" "id19570","We left none to represent us, none to repeople the desart land, and the name of England died, when we left her, In vagabond pursuit of dreadful safety.","MWS" "id19211","It seems to be crowded with people perhaps there are three or four hundred passengers and yet it soars to an elevation of nearly a mile, looking down upon poor us with sovereign contempt.","EAP" "id18993","Was I not justifiable in supposing with M. Valz, that this apparent condensation of volume has its origin in the compression of the same ethereal medium I have spoken of before, and which is only denser in proportion to its solar vicinity?","EAP" "id11458","Then without further remark, she threw herself on her couch, and closing her eyes remained motionless; so that but for the deep sighs that burst from her, it would have seemed that she slept.","MWS" "id19063","His reply is this and never pretends to be any thing else than this ""Because it is impossible to conceive that contradictories can both be true.""","EAP" "id10121","The conversation then reverted to Asiatic intelligence, and the ravages the plague made in its chief cities; conjectures were hazarded as to the progress that disease might have made in the besieged city.","MWS" "id15354","At the same time the planted fields appear singularly few and barren; while the sparsely scattered houses wear a surprisingly uniform aspect of age, squalor, and dilapidation.","HPL" "id00791","As Hermann completed this equivocal sentence, all eyes were turned upon the Baron.","EAP" "id18033","I trod air; no doubt, no fear, no hope even, disturbed me; I clasped with my soul the fulness of contentment, satisfied, undesiring, beatified.","MWS" "id09849","By slow degrees he recovered and ate a little soup, which restored him wonderfully.","MWS" "id00609","By this time his pulse was imperceptible and his breathing was stertorous, and at intervals of half a minute.","EAP" "id09355","She lay down among the tall corn, and fell asleep.","MWS" "id12060","It is necessary that there be no chance of interruption there must be sufficient time given us to elude pursuit I will give it to be understood that I shall visit and spend the day with my aunt at the Rue des Drômes I well tell St. Eustache not to call for me until dark in this way, my absence from home for the longest possible period, without causing suspicion or anxiety, will be accounted for, and I shall gain more time than in any other manner.","EAP" "id08050","Most of the puzzling was done after her early death, which took place at the birth of my grandmother her only child.","HPL" "id06918","The windows were long, narrow, and pointed, and at so vast a distance from the black oaken floor as to be altogether inaccessible from within.","EAP" "id27890","His head was stuck full of sable hearse plumes, which he nodded to and fro with a jaunty and knowing air; and, in his right hand, he held a huge human thigh bone, with which he appeared to have been just knocking down some member of the company for a song.","EAP" "id20070","There was a rich widow disconsolate for the loss of her seventh husband, and to her wounded spirit I offered the balm of my vows.","EAP" "id10576","Strange, that while the earth preserved her monotonous course, I dwelt with ever renewing wonder on her antique laws, and now that with excentric wheel she rushed into an untried path, I should feel this spirit fade; I struggled with despondency and weariness, but like a fog, they choked me.","MWS" "id03183","Then more wood and brick grating, a pause, and the opening of the door at which I'll confess I started violently.","HPL" "id22170","And now my own casual self suggestion that I might possibly be fool enough to confess the murder of which I had been guilty, confronted me, as if the very ghost of him whom I had murdered and beckoned me on to death.","EAP" "id09697","""You, who call Frankenstein your friend, seem to have a knowledge of my crimes and his misfortunes.","MWS" "id17703","High above the toiling group the great swath trembled as its hellish maker re passed with snail like deliberateness.","HPL" "id25613","EH AHHHH AH E'YAAHHHH. . .","HPL" "id03612","This point being settled, the Prefect broke forth at once into explanations of his own views, interspersing them with long comments upon the evidence; of which latter we were not yet in possession.","EAP" "id07792","Mathematics folklore the house old Keziah Brown Jenkin . . .","HPL" "id13612","Warmer every minute, and the tissues can't last.","HPL" "id12559","He could not have failed to anticipate and events have proved that he did not fail to anticipate the waylayings to which he was subjected.","EAP" "id20379","I lost not a moment, accordingly, in throwing overboard first my ballast, then my water kegs, then my condensing apparatus and gum elastic chamber, and finally every article within the car.","EAP" "id06504","Had had 'em ages afore, but lost track o' the upper world arter a time.","HPL" "id19983","The wretched female, loveless victim of vulgar brutality, had wandered to the toilet of high born beauty, and, arraying herself in the garb of splendour, had died before the mirror which reflected to herself alone her altered appearance.","MWS" "id20887","After an hour his furtive taciturnity shewed signs of disappearing, but much to my disappointment he still sidetracked my questions about Innsmouth and its shadow haunted past.","HPL" "id27821","The other manuscript papers were all brief notes, some of them accounts of the queer dreams of different persons, some of them citations from theosophical books and magazines notably W. Scott Elliot's Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria, and the rest comments on long surviving secret societies and hidden cults, with references to passages in such mythological and anthropological source books as Frazer's Golden Bough and Miss Murray's Witch Cult in Western Europe.","HPL" "id14224","Let him spend another sixteen years of desolate wandering: let him once more utter his wild complaints to the vast woods and the tremendous cataracts of another clime: let him again undergo fearful danger and soul quelling hardships: let the hot sun of the south again burn his passion worn cheeks and the cold night rains fall on him and chill his blood.","MWS" "id23643","But it is a still greater evil to me that I am self educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common and read nothing but our Uncle Thomas' books of voyages.","MWS" "id00383","Presently we heard him descending.","EAP" "id21306","Perseverance: Your diddler perseveres.","EAP" "id01541","Positively, there could not have intervened the tenth part of a second between the disengagement of the basket and its absolute and total disappearance with all that it contained.","EAP" "id18272","Its brilliant flowers look like a fairy dream but its fierce volcanoes like the passions of a turbulent heart.","EAP" "id11621","A vast quantity of wheels, pinions, and other cabalistic looking machinery stood opposite the hole, close to it; and through the hole there passed an iron rod from the machinery.","EAP" "id17861","It was deep; far deeper than anyone but Randolph suspected, for the boy had found a fissure in the farthermost black corner that led to a loftier grotto beyond a haunting sepulchral place whose granite walls held a curious illusion of conscious artifice.","HPL" "id06372","Our lanterns disclosed the top of a flight of stone steps, dripping with some detestable ichor of the inner earth, and bordered by moist walls encrusted with nitre.","HPL" "id27279","On the thirteenth day they reached the mountain's lonely base, and Atal spoke of his fears.","HPL" "id25434","It seemed, therefore, that the effect of such escape was only sufficient to counterbalance the effect of some accelerating power.","EAP" "id21515","I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshipping their ancient stone idols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water soaked granite.","HPL" "id17906","By report she was known, I found, to all to many by sight but she had been in town only a few weeks, and there were very few, therefore, who claimed her personal acquaintance.","EAP" "id22363","Milder I half smiled in my agony as I thought of such application of such a term.","EAP" "id09174","She enumerated their years of happiness; she brought before him past scenes of intimacy and happiness; she pictured their future life, she mentioned their child tears unbidden now filled her eyes.","MWS" "id05471","She had a crotchet, but it was instinct with common sense, and gave pleasure to all who had the honor of her acquaintance.","EAP" "id00651","Her health, and even the tranquillity of her hitherto constant spirit, had been shaken by what she had gone through.","MWS" "id23669","As night approached I found myself at the entrance of the cemetery where William, Elizabeth, and my father reposed.","MWS" "id21793","Every man for himself the devil take the protectorship, say I, if it expose me to danger"" ""Faint hearted man"" cried Adrian indignantly ""Your countrymen put their trust in you, and you betray them"" ""I betray them"" said Ryland, ""the plague betrays me.","MWS" "id11501","The beauty, if I may so call it, of his art mystifique, lay in that consummate ability resulting from an almost intuitive knowledge of human nature, and a most wonderful self possession, by means of which he never failed to make it appear that the drolleries he was occupied in bringing to a point, arose partly in spite, and partly in consequence of the laudable efforts he was making for their prevention, and for the preservation of the good order and dignity of Alma Mater.","EAP" "id20372","D'ye know, young Sir, I'm right sot on this un here.","HPL" "id12702","""You speak of an almost forgotten dream,"" said Adrian, his countenance slightly clouding as he spoke; ""the visions of my boyhood have long since faded in the light of reality; I know now that I am not a man fitted to govern nations; sufficient for me, if I keep in wholesome rule the little kingdom of my own mortality.","MWS" "id22418","I am weak, but surely the spirits who assist my vengeance will endow me with sufficient strength.""","MWS" "id01446","For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity to practise imposture upon the British and Austrian millionaires.","EAP" "id25812","But where was Perdita?","MWS" "id25030","In solitude only shall I be myself; in solitude I shall be thine.","MWS" "id04014","In our road to the palace, we passed through the Greek cemetery; here on a tablet of black marble I caused him to be laid; the cypresses waved high above, their death like gloom accorded with his state of nothingness.","MWS" "id24938","Trembling, I was unable to continue to look through the glass with which I had watched the motion of the crew, when the frigate's boat had first been launched.","MWS" "id20857","""Consider now the circumstance that in the outer garment of the corpse when found, 'a slip, about a foot wide had been torn upward from the bottom hem to the waist wound three times round the waist, and secured by a sort of hitch in the back.'","EAP" "id04095","But although the appearance of an infected town was avoided, to me, who had not beheld it since the commencement of the visitation, London appeared sufficiently changed.","MWS" "id14270","And thus all narratives upon this topic have an interest profound; an interest, nevertheless, which, through the sacred awe of the topic itself, very properly and very peculiarly depends upon our conviction of the truth of the matter narrated.","EAP" "id21616","Free I had but escaped death in one form of agony, to be delivered unto worse than death in some other.","EAP" "id03319","I invited him to walk with me, and led him to a neighbouring wood of beech trees whose light shade shielded us from the slant and dazzling beams of the descending sun After walking for some time in silence I seated my self with him on a mossy hillock It is strange but even now I seem to see the spot the slim and smooth trunks were many of them wound round by ivy whose shining leaves of the darkest green contrasted with the white bark and the light leaves of the young sprouts of beech that grew from their parent trunks the short grass was mingled with moss and was partly covered by the dead leaves of the last autumn that driven by the winds had here and there collected in little hillocks there were a few moss grown stumps about The leaves were gently moved by the breeze and through their green canopy you could see the bright blue sky As evening came on the distant trunks were reddened by the sun and the wind died entirely away while a few birds flew past us to their evening rest.","MWS" "id17961","""What was it anyhaow, an' haowever did young Wizard Whateley call it aout o' the air it come from?""","HPL" "id27166","I paused for breath; and, in the meantime, an accident occurred of too momentous a nature in a moral, and also in a metaphysical point of view, to be passed over without notice.","EAP" "id14460","I was on one of the highest seats, and saw him walk up the passage to the table of the speaker.","MWS" "id24448","In about an hour after my arrival, to be sure, a single shaded solar lamp was lit in the principal drawing room; and this apartment, I could thus see, was arranged with unusual good taste and even splendor; but two other rooms of the suite, and in which the company chiefly assembled, remained, during the whole evening, in a very agreeable shadow.","EAP" "id00119","""Indeed you astonish me"" ""We found it, sir,"" he said, with a sigh, ""absolutely necessary to return to the old usages.","EAP" "id00650","Pundit is in ecstacies.","EAP" "id00427","""Oh, do not listen to him,"" I cried, ""he speaks false false to himself,"" I was interrupted: and, silence being restored, we were ordered, as was the custom, to retire during the decision of the house.","MWS" "id04651","""Those Whateleys meant to let them in, and the worst of all is left Tell Rice and Morgan we must do something it's a blind business, but I know how to make the powder. . . .","HPL" "id13740","With the best heart in the world, he contrived, through a predominant whim of contradiction, to earn for himself, among those who only knew him superficially, the character of a curmudgeon.","EAP" "id06914","She had been proud of having won and preserved him but another had won him from her, and her exultation was as cold as a water quenched ember.","MWS" "id25013","Listen to me, and let yourself be softened by words in which no selfish passion lingers.","MWS" "id22837","They counted the garrison; it was impossible that it should be relieved; each sally was a victory; for, even when the Turks were triumphant, the loss of men they sustained was an irreparable injury.","MWS" "id17213","I could not refuse; for Clara was not an ordinary child; her sensibility and intelligence seemed already to have endowed her with the rights of womanhood.","MWS" "id16371","From my position, which was far above the level of the town, I could perceive its every nook and corner, as if delineated on a map.","EAP" "id11297","In a few words I must conclude this tragedy.","MWS" "id19552","In no instance before that of which I speak, have I known the habitual mystific escape the natural consequence of his manoevres an attachment of the ludicrous to his own character and person.","EAP" "id23584","But, in fact, the one atrocity, known to be so committed, is, if any thing, evidence that the other, committed at a time nearly coincident, was not so committed.","EAP" "id27685","The only question then is of the manner in which human agency is brought to bear.","EAP" "id09175","He not only shut his mouth and wagged his tail, but absolutely offered me his paw afterward extending his civilities to Ponto.","EAP" "id23714","But they were the property of Adrian, the nurslings of Idris; and so, although my imagination rendered sensual by privation, made me think that they would better become the spit in my kitchen, than the green leaves of the forest, Nathelesse, I checked my haughty will, and did not eat; but supped upon sentiment, and dreamt vainly of ""such morsels sweet,"" as I might not waking attain.","MWS" "id02935","Its condition was almost perfect, and one could have spent hours in studying the striking and puzzlingly untraditional designs some simply geometrical, and some plainly marine chased or moulded in high relief on its surface with a craftsmanship of incredible skill and grace.","HPL" "id16769","To the truth of this observation the burgomaster assented, and the matter was therefore at an end.","EAP" "id20589","That sunset was very beautiful, but the peasants at Ballylough had warned me against it and said that Kilderry had become accursed, so that I almost shuddered to see the high turrets of the castle gilded with fire.","HPL" "id24334","There had been something wrong with the engine, despite the excellent time made from Newburyport, and the bus could not complete the journey to Arkham.","HPL" "id12914","I can recall the scene in these final moments the pale autumnal moon over the graves, casting long horrible shadows; the grotesque trees, drooping sullenly to meet the neglected grass and the crumbling slabs; the vast legions of strangely colossal bats that flew against the moon; the antique ivied church pointing a huge spectral finger at the livid sky; the phosphorescent insects that danced like death fires under the yews in a distant corner; the odours of mould, vegetation, and less explicable things that mingled feebly with the night wind from over far swamps and seas; and worst of all, the faint deep toned baying of some gigantic hound which we could neither see nor definitely place.","HPL" "id23526","""It was noon when I awoke, and allured by the warmth of the sun, which shone brightly on the white ground, I determined to recommence my travels; and, depositing the remains of the peasant's breakfast in a wallet I found, I proceeded across the fields for several hours, until at sunset I arrived at a village.","MWS" "id08415","Doubtless you have both heard the current tale; perhaps believe the slander; but he is not mad Were an angel from the foot of God's throne to assert it, never, never would I believe it.","MWS" "id26434","In fact, now that the idea of contest was dismissed, all hearts returned to their former respect and admiration of our accomplished friend.","MWS" "id22447","""My amazement was, of course, extreme.","EAP" "id03835","My reward shall be this.","EAP" "id17514","Once on a frosty day, pushed on by restless unsatisfying reflections, I sought a favourite haunt, a little wood not far distant from Salt Hill.","MWS" "id00317","That which he considered chief, was strange to say the simple and purely physical one of free exercise in the open air.","EAP" "id03656","This feeling of universal misery assumed concentration and shape, when I looked on my wife and children; and the thought of danger to them possessed my whole being with fear.","MWS" "id25961","And where does he now exist?","MWS" "id10403","He has never seen Kingsport again, for his family disliked the funny old houses, and complained that the drains were impossibly bad.","HPL" "id05126","I put her in one of these, and entered with her that I might secure her entrance into the hospital.","MWS" "id18686","We scudded with frightful velocity before the sea, and the water made clear breaches over us.","EAP" "id03627","Then I glimpsed the temple like effect again, but this time the pillars reached up into an aërial ocean of light, which sent down one blinding beam along the path of the cloudy column I had seen before.","HPL" "id07931","But if these machines were ingenious, what shall we think of the calculating machine of Mr. Babbage?","EAP" "id23296","I had entered into the universal feeling I had been absorbed by the terrors of Rosse I re echoed the cry of Macduff, and then rushed out as from an hell of torture, to find calm in the free air and silent street.","MWS" "id11738","This his selected task was exchanged for the far different one of encountering the ruin caused by the convulsions of physical nature.","MWS" "id19076","There were no degrees which could break my fall from happiness to misery; it was as the stroke of lightning sudden and entire.","MWS" "id20471","It was with difficulty that he reconciled his dreamy and incoherent feelings with the certainty of being awake.","EAP" "id26521","On this occasion I chanced to say that I thought Myrrha the best of Alfieri's tragedies; as I said this I chanced to cast my eyes on my father and met his: for the first time the expression of those beloved eyes displeased me, and I saw with affright that his whole frame shook with some concealed emotion that in spite of his efforts half conquered him: as this tempest faded from his soul he became melancholy and silent.","MWS" "id18256","If pride guided you, or even reason, you might well reject me.","MWS" "id13869","How and why should I doubt it for an instant.","EAP" "id21204","Time is no more, for I have stepped within the threshold of eternity; each man I meet appears a corse, which will soon be deserted of its animating spark, on the eve of decay and corruption.","MWS" "id27318","The Turks resisted to the last, the garrison perished on the ramparts, and we entered by assault.","MWS" "id17323","Mr. Ellison's first step regarded, of course, the choice of a locality, and scarcely had he commenced thinking on this point, when the luxuriant nature of the Pacific Islands arrested his attention.","EAP" "id07270","Human it could not have been it is not in man to make such sounds and without a thought of our late employment or its possible discovery both West and I leaped to the nearest window like stricken animals; overturning tubes, lamp, and retorts, and vaulting madly into the starred abyss of the rural night.","HPL" "id04431","It was always shadowy along that river, as if the smoke of neighbouring factories shut out the sun perpetually.","HPL" "id03342","This hoary character, Zadok Allen, was ninety six years old and somewhat touched in the head, besides being the town drunkard.","HPL" "id26308","Say, rather, a point in the vague infinity.","EAP" "id25252","Above all, he was remorseless and unyielding in the pursuit of any object of desire, however lawless.","MWS" "id12681","And as the torches died out altogether, there remained above the stricken and shrieking cohort only the noxious and horrible altar flames on the towering peaks; hellish and red, and now silhouetting the mad, leaping, and colossal forms of such nameless beasts as had never a Phrygian priest or Campanian grandam whispered of in the wildest of furtive tales.","HPL" "id02485","A well dressed individual enters a shop, makes a purchase to the value of a dollar; finds, much to his vexation, that he has left his pocket book in another coat pocket; and so says to the shopkeeper ""My dear sir, never mind; just oblige me, will you, by sending the bundle home?","EAP" "id26441","My Day book and Ledger will evince this in a minute.","EAP" "id25054","Evil thoughts became my sole intimates the darkest and most evil of thoughts.","EAP" "id08758","In the mean time we were joined by Clara, whose pallid cheek and scared look shewed the deep impression grief had made on her young mind.","MWS" "id15554","In this lies the principal security from inhumation.","EAP" "id01343","Pundit is the only conversible person on board; and he, poor soul can speak of nothing but antiquities.","EAP" "id09424","I would obtain the truth from her the following day in the mean time But, while I was occupied by multiplying reflections, Lord Raymond returned.","MWS" "id05688","And yet I am happy; mothers lament their children, wives lose their husbands, while you and my children are left to me.","MWS" "id12243","Nevertheless, about noon, a slight but remarkable agitation became apparent in the assembly: the clattering of ten thousand tongues succeeded; and, in an instant afterward, ten thousand faces were upturned toward the heavens, ten thousand pipes descended simultaneously from the corners of ten thousand mouths, and a shout, which could be compared to nothing but the roaring of Niagara, resounded long, loudly, and furiously, through all the environs of Rotterdam.","EAP" "id09400","He sat for some time inactive, nodding oddly, but having a paradoxical suggestion of intense and frightened listening.","HPL" "id08248","What we want, we may make about us; and what we don't want, we may sweep away.","HPL" "id24129","Have you no brain whereby you may recognise the will which has through six long centuries fulfilled the dreadful curse upon your house?","HPL" "id20073","He has already had one or two little WIVES, but Louisa Biron is his favourite, a pretty little girl of five years of age.","MWS" "id03924","The scene of my excavations would alone have been enough to unnerve any ordinary man.","HPL" "id08491","Three years of folly, passed without profit, had but given me rooted habits of vice, and added, in a somewhat unusual degree, to my bodily stature, when, after a week of soulless dissipation, I invited a small party of the most dissolute students to a secret carousal in my chambers.","EAP" "id17304","But we, the seven there assembled, having seen the shadow as it came out from among the draperies, dared not steadily behold it, but cast down our eyes, and gazed continually into the depths of the mirror of ebony.","EAP" "id23343","I applied my glass, and could discern that the frigate had already cast anchor, fearful of the danger of approaching nearer to a lee shore: a boat was lowered; with a pang I saw that Raymond was unable to descend the vessel's side; he was let down in a chair, and lay wrapt in cloaks at the bottom of the boat.","MWS" "id20967","Great watery spaces opened out before me, and I seemed to wander through titanic sunken porticos and labyrinths of weedy Cyclopean walls with grotesque fishes as my companions.","HPL" "id22558","Have we not a perpetual inclination, in the teeth of our best judgment, to violate that which is Law, merely because we understand it to be such?","EAP" "id19538","The Englishman thinks it the voice of a German, and 'does not understand German.'","EAP" "id01492","It seems that in both instances the dying person, in a gentle old lady named Stafford and in a school teacher of middle age named Eleazar Durfee, became transfigured in a horrible way; glaring glassily and attempting to bite the throat of the attending physician.","HPL" "id13663","Wilson's rebellion was to me a source of the greatest embarrassment; the more so as, in spite of the bravado with which in public I made a point of treating him and his pretensions, I secretly felt that I feared him, and could not help thinking the equality which he maintained so easily with myself, a proof of his true superiority; since not to be overcome cost me a perpetual struggle.","EAP" "id06239","I had certainly acted imprudently.","MWS" "id23099","I made no doubt that the latter had been infected with some of the innumerable Southern superstitions about money buried, and that his phantasy had received confirmation by the finding of the scarabæus, or, perhaps, by Jupiter's obstinacy in maintaining it to be ""a bug of real gold.""","EAP" "id00485","I stay here; force only can remove me.","MWS" "id12640","Talks with several students of archaic lore in Boston, and letters to many others elsewhere, gave him a growing amazement which passed slowly through varied degrees of alarm to a state of really acute spiritual fear.","HPL" "id16763","Picking up my pack, I started for the crest of the eminence.","HPL" "id27440","The criticism which says, of sculpture or portraiture, that here nature is to be exalted or idealized rather than imitated, is in error.","EAP" "id03827","When I was otherwise quite restored to health, the sight of a chemical instrument would renew all the agony of my nervous symptoms.","MWS" "id01175","Duty came first; and although there must have been nearly a hundred mongrel celebrants in the throng, the police relied on their firearms and plunged determinedly into the nauseous rout.","HPL" "id05381","To England and to Englishmen I dedicate myself.","MWS" "id26615","The small room seemed green with a dim aqueous light, and Olney saw that the far windows to the east were not open, but shut against the misty aether with dull thick panes like the bottoms of old bottles.","HPL" "id26345","His demeanour would assume an unwonted grace and even dignity; and the sodden creatures around him would sense something of superiority something which made them less ready to give the usual kicks and cuffs to the poor butt and drudge.","HPL" "id05415","If you are normal, that is the way you ought to get most of it . . .","HPL" "id22850","Putting on a mask of black silk, and drawing a roquelaire closely about my person, I suffered him to hurry me to my palazzo.","EAP" "id10145","The apartments were restored to their pristine splendour, and the park, all disrepairs restored, was guarded with unusual care.","MWS" "id00972","Then, on Wednesday, the great shock came.","HPL" "id15567","Mr. Blackwood has a pair of tailor's shears, and three apprentices who stand by him for orders.","EAP" "id24417","""Oh, shocking"" groaned the Earl.","EAP" "id13528","With him there is no determinate progression.","EAP" "id20085","But though impenetrably veiled from him, his public office permitted her to become acquainted with all his actions, his daily course of life, even his conversation.","MWS" "id24658","Looming hideously against the spectral moon was a gigantic misshapen thing not to be imagined save in nightmares a glassy eyed, ink black apparition nearly on all fours, covered with bits of mould, leaves, and vines, foul with caked blood, and having between its glistening teeth a snow white, terrible, cylindrical object terminating in a tiny hand.","HPL" "id05522","Out the window I could see the blue water and the sandy line of Plum Island, and we presently drew very near the beach as our narrow road veered off from the main highway to Rowley and Ipswich.","HPL" "id09626","Though of poetic rather than scientific temperament, he planned to continue the work of his forefathers in African ethnology and antiquities, utilising the truly wonderful though strange collection of Sir Wade.","HPL" "id22397","It was the sight of Little Marlow, and my conversations with Martha, that led me to the plan I formed.","MWS" "id16009","The slightest deviations from the true proportion and these deviations were omni prævalent affected me just as violations of abstract truth were wont, on earth, to affect the moral sense.","EAP" "id26208","Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?","MWS" "id25205","She rushed towards him, she embraced him, blessing God for his preservation.","MWS" "id04275","His ordinary manner had vanished.","EAP" "id13201","This being done, there is no reason why the body of the man may not resume its former situation for the cupboard is again so dark as to defy scrutiny.","EAP" "id02588","While I was directing that the necessary care should be taken of her, Clara came in; she was trembling and pale; and, when I anxiously asked her the cause of her agitation, she threw herself into my arms weeping and exclaiming ""Uncle, dearest uncle, do not hate me for ever I must tell you, for you must know, that Evelyn, poor little Evelyn"" her voice was choked by sobs.","MWS" "id24714","There are surely other worlds than this other thoughts than the thoughts of the multitude other speculations than the speculations of the sophist.","EAP" "id13933","""Glad ye was nigh the haouse en' hed the sense ta come right in.","HPL" "id04238","Do you remember in her infancy, with what transport you beheld Clara, recognizing in her the united being of yourself and Raymond; joying to view in this living temple a manifestation of your eternal loves.","MWS" "id12668","She perceived me, and looked up enquiringly; her half glance of hope was misery; the words died before I could articulate them; I felt a ghastly smile wrinkle my lips.","MWS" "id15269","Adrian welcomed us on our arrival.","MWS" "id03694","When I told this dream to Barry we both laughed; but I laughed the louder, because he was perplexed about his labourers from the north.","HPL" "id26947","Is it not possible that the germ of an actual contagious madness lurks in the depths of that shadow over Innsmouth?","HPL" "id20619","With angry gestures he leapt from his horse, and seizing a hatchet that hung from his saddle bow, went with the apparent intention of battering down the opposing gate.","MWS" "id02582","As he picked up the strange spiky image on the table he thought the older northward pull grew a trifle stronger; but even so, it was wholly overruled by the newer and more bewildering urge.","HPL" "id21798","There was no one in the soaking street, and in all the world there was no one I dared tell.","HPL" "id10177","My greatest dread was in re crossing broad and moonlit South Street with its seaward view and I had to nerve myself for the ordeal.","HPL" "id06773","There was a sound at the moment as if of several persons struggling a scraping and scuffling sound.","EAP" "id04476","Lay down your arms, barbarous and cruel men men whose hands are stained with the blood of the innocent, whose souls are weighed down by the orphan's cry We shall conquer, for the right is on our side; already your cheeks are pale the weapons fall from your nerveless grasp.","MWS" "id19571","He rode through the lines, charging the officers to restrain the troops, exhorting the soldiers, restoring order, and quieting in some degree the violent agitation that swelled every bosom.","MWS" "id14198","""The result was precisely what I had hoped it might be.","EAP" "id11555","Thus, when G detailed to us his mode of searching the premises at the Hotel D , I felt entire confidence in his having made a satisfactory investigation so far as his labors extended.""","EAP" "id15795","The statuette, idol, fetish, or whatever it was, had been captured some months before in the wooded swamps south of New Orleans during a raid on a supposed voodoo meeting; and so singular and hideous were the rites connected with it, that the police could not but realise that they had stumbled on a dark cult totally unknown to them, and infinitely more diabolic than even the blackest of the African voodoo circles.","HPL" "id01641","Yet, henceforward art thou also dead dead to the World, to Heaven and to Hope In me didst thou exist and, in my death, see by this image, which is thine own, how utterly thou hast murdered thyself.""","EAP" "id17149","I thought the room and the books and the people very morbid and disquieting, but because an old tradition of my fathers had summoned me to strange feastings, I resolved to expect queer things.","HPL" "id26971","Upon its front were characters engraven in the stone; and I walked through the morass of water lilies, until I came close unto the shore, that I might read the characters upon the stone.","EAP" "id24569","But now the time is come when I may quit life, I have a friend who will not refuse to accompany me in this dark journey; such is my request: earnestly do I entreat and implore you to die with me.","MWS" "id13697","She devoted herself to those whom she had been taught to call her uncle and cousins.","MWS" "id25015","They found the countryside in great agitation, both because of the growing rumblings beneath the domed hills, and because of the unwonted stench and the surging, lapping sounds which came increasingly from the great empty shell formed by Whateley's boarded up farmhouse.","HPL" "id15829","Miss Tabitha Turnip propagated that report through sheer envy.","EAP" "id24218","For several years I had been subject to attacks of the singular disorder which physicians have agreed to term catalepsy, in default of a more definitive title.","EAP" "id17289","Around the first of April Gilman worried considerably because his slow fever did not abate.","HPL" "id11284","He is name de Napoleon Bonaparte Froissart, and I suppose you say dat dat, too, is not von ver respectable name.""","EAP" "id18018","I handed my adored wife out, and ordered breakfast forthwith.","EAP" "id22390","But most of the men of Teloth yawned, and some laughed and some went away to sleep; for Iranon told nothing useful, singing only his memories, his dreams, and his hopes.","HPL" "id00755","The revolution itself must, of course, have taken place in an easy and gradual manner, and it is by no means clear that, had I even been awake at the time of the occurrence, I should have been made aware of it by any internal evidence of an inversion that is to say, by any inconvenience or disarrangement, either about my person or about my apparatus.","EAP" "id19619","She presented all the ordinary appearances of death.","EAP" "id07771","This was to be my realm, too I could not escape it.","HPL" "id07731","At Paris, just after dark one gusty evening in the autumn of , I was enjoying the twofold luxury of meditation and a meerschaum, in company with my friend C. Auguste Dupin, in his little back library, or book closet, au troisiême, No. , Rue Dunôt, Faubourg St. Germain.","EAP" "id23151","The crone now motioned him to hold the bowl in a certain position while she raised the huge, grotesque knife above the small white victim as high as her right hand could reach.","HPL" "id23822","South of him the frightful precipice above Kingsport, north of him the vertical drop of nearly a mile to the river's mouth.","HPL" "id26156","If the band played, involuntarily they chose airs of moderated passion; the farewell of love, or lament at absence, was followed and closed by some solemn hymn, which harmonized with the tranquil loveliness of evening, and elevated the soul to grand and religious thought.","MWS" "id15409","Grey headed men, ye hoped for yet a few years in your long known abode but the lease is up, you must remove children, ye will never reach maturity, even now the small grave is dug for ye mothers, clasp them in your arms, one death embraces you"" Shuddering, he stretched out his hands, his eyes cast up, seemed bursting from their sockets, while he appeared to follow shapes, to us invisible, in the yielding air ""There they are,"" he cried, ""the dead They rise in their shrouds, and pass in silent procession towards the far land of their doom their bloodless lips move not their shadowy limbs are void of motion, while still they glide onwards.","MWS" "id18572","You have spoken nothing, my Oinos, for which pardon is to be demanded.","EAP" "id23201","Ven I go marry my segonde usbande, Monsieur Lalande, at dat time I had de portraite take for my daughter by my first usbande, Monsieur Moissart"" ""Moissart"" said I. ""Yes, Moissart,"" said she, mimicking my pronunciation, which, to speak the truth, was none of the best, ""and vat den?","EAP" "id06998","We copy the following account of it from the Letters before mentioned of Dr. B., who derived his information principally from the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia.","EAP" "id23574","I found difficulty in moving toward the stair well, but when I did get there I found no crushed body on the floor below.","HPL" "id10344","Again, with a gush of pride and delight, she marked in the features of her little girl, the same smile of beauty that often irradiated Raymond's countenance.","MWS" "id14219","I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge.","MWS" "id11827","""of Chantilly,"" said he, ""why do you pause?","EAP" "id21005","Heh, heh Nobody never believes me naow when I tell 'em, an' I dun't s'pose you will, young feller though come to look at ye, ye hev kind o' got them sharp readin' eyes like Obed had.""","HPL" "id14435","Fortunately we had storage batteries still capable of long use, both for interior lighting and for the searchlight.","HPL" "id02975","Yet it remained tense through anxiety for me.","HPL" "id13864","""About a foot below one of the side windows was a circular opening, eight inches in diameter, and fitted with a brass rim adapted in its inner edge to the windings of a screw.","EAP" "id26901","Hieroglyphics had covered the walls and pillars, and from some undetermined point below had come a voice that was not a voice; a chaotic sensation which only fancy could transmute into sound, but which he attempted to render by the almost unpronounceable jumble of letters, ""Cthulhu fhtagn"".","HPL" "id02952","I am but half a soldier; I love the renown, but not the trade of war.","MWS" "id22878","After the lapse of a few weeks, we left Dunkeld.","MWS" "id11439","Having conquered the violence of his feelings, he appeared to despise himself for being the slave of passion; and quelling the dark tyranny of despair, he led me again to converse concerning myself personally.","MWS" "id27161","As soon as he had gammoned him sufficiently, he let him out, and sent him about his business.""","EAP" "id09294","There are some passages of his description, nevertheless, which may be quoted for their details, although their effect is exceedingly feeble in conveying an impression of the spectacle.","EAP" "id19186","Ryland was the popular candidate; when Lord Raymond was first added to the list, his chance of success appeared small.","MWS" "id06041","For an impersonal doctor, Davis' ominous and awestruck cross examination became very strange indeed as he sought to drain from the weakened undertaker every least detail of his horrible experience.","HPL" "id11225","""They built a wall between them and the world"" Without, a thousand harpies raved, remorse and misery, expecting the destined moment for their invasion.","MWS" "id13301","Any one so constituted will readily so conduct himself, upon occasion of real excitement, as to render himself liable to suspicion on the part of the over acute, or the ill disposed.","EAP" "id13043","In taking leave of me, Mr. B. made a proposition for the purchase of the paper when written; but as he could offer me only fifty guineas a sheet, I thought it better to let our society have it, than sacrifice it for so paltry a sum.","EAP" "id26998","The touch of brain fever and the dreams began early in February.","HPL" "id21860","So once more the White Ship followed the bird of heaven, over warm blessed seas fanned by caressing, aromatic breezes.","HPL" "id26480","""This suspense is a thousand times worse than the most horrible event; tell me what new scene of death has been acted, and whose murder I am now to lament?"" ""Your family is perfectly well,"" said Mr. Kirwin with gentleness; ""and someone, a friend, is come to visit you.""","MWS" "id09224","Once or twice I saw listless looking people working in barren gardens or digging clams on the fishy smelling beach below, and groups of dirty, simian visaged children playing around weed grown doorsteps.","HPL" "id03057","He personated his assumption of innocence even to self deception.","MWS" "id07093","The rubbish on the floor was picked up with the minutest care.","EAP" "id25863","I attempted to speak, but the words died away on my lips.","MWS" "id14831","Why do you not execrate the rustic who sought to destroy the saviour of his child?","MWS" "id05362","One night he went flying over dark mountains where there were faint, lone campfires at great distances apart, and strange, shaggy herds with tinkling bells on the leaders; and in the wildest part of this hilly country, so remote that few men could ever have seen it, he found a hideously ancient wall or causeway of stone zigzagging along the ridges and valleys; too gigantic ever to have risen by human hands, and of such a length that neither end of it could be seen.","HPL" "id23399","My rather original ideas regarding life and death had caused me to associate the cold clay with the breathing body in a vague fashion; and I felt that the great and sinister family of the burned down mansion was in some way represented within the stone space I sought to explore.","HPL" "id15818","In ten minutes my mind was made up, and taking my hat I set out for home, where I bathed, ate, and gave by telephone an order for a pickaxe, a spade, a military gas mask, and six carboys of sulphuric acid, all to be delivered the next morning at the cellar door of the shunned house in Benefit Street.","HPL" "id20278","His reputation so he said with a peculiarly Parisian air was at stake.","EAP" "id02630","In my first attempts at composition I found the stanzas to ""The Oil of Bob"" rather a draw back than otherwise.","EAP" "id22613","At last we lost sight of Plum Island and saw the vast expanse of the open Atlantic on our left.","HPL" "id27621","They met the things on the little islet with the queer ruins, an' it seems them awful picters o' frog fish monsters was supposed to be picters o' these things.","HPL" "id16069","It was I who fled frantically out of Innsmouth in the early morning hours of July , , and whose frightened appeals for government inquiry and action brought on the whole reported episode.","HPL" "id08663","To return was out of the question, and no time was to be lost, as their pursuers were close upon their heels.","EAP" "id07005","Not even the mines of precious metal remained, for DOOM had come to Sarnath.","HPL" "id00754","I told you the servants left, but I didn't tell you how.","HPL" "id20614","At first the syllables defied all correlation with any speech of earth, but toward the last there came some disjointed fragments evidently taken from the Necronomicon, that monstrous blasphemy in quest of which the thing had perished.","HPL" "id19634","""Ah, hereupon turns the whole mystery; although the secret, at this point, I had comparatively little difficulty in solving.","EAP" "id16502","Sleep was not sleep, for her waking thoughts, bridled by some remains of reason, and by the sight of her children happy and in health, were then transformed to wild dreams, all her terrors were realized, all her fears received their dread fulfilment.","MWS" "id09553","There can be no doubt that the consciousness of the rapid increase of my superstition for why should I not so term it?","EAP" "id04168","By eleven, very little labor was necessary at the apparatus; and at twelve o'clock, with some hesitation, I ventured to unscrew the tourniquet, when, finding no inconvenience from having done so, I finally threw open the gum elastic chamber, and unrigged it from around the car.","EAP" "id16439","It was possible, I thought, that, concealed in some obscure corner, or lurking in some closet or drawer, might be found the lost object of my inquiry.","EAP" "id16636","The truth is, I never dabbled in flashy matters, but jogged on in the good old sober routine of the calling a calling in which I should, no doubt, have remained to the present hour, but for a little accident which happened to me in the prosecution of one of the usual business operations of the profession.","EAP" "id25548","He looked on the peasant, who began to tremble, while he still gazed; his knees knocked together; his teeth chattered.","MWS" "id01957","As soon as I sufficiently recovered my senses to comprehend the terrific predicament in which I stood or rather hung, I exerted all the power of my lungs to make that predicament known to the æronaut overhead.","EAP" "id02022","So far good but let us turn over another paper.","EAP" "id21060","I continued walking in this manner for some time, endeavouring by bodily exercise to ease the load that weighed upon my mind.","MWS" "id12228","The country people in the neighborhood visitors coming to see the establishment would have given the alarm.""","EAP" "id06070","This tiara was neither.","HPL" "id17695","I dwelt upon it with a pertinacity of attention as if, in so dwelling, I could arrest here the descent of the steel.","EAP" "id01557","There was no way the law or anything else could reach the society.","HPL" "id02319","But since those glorious years all is changed.","HPL" "id18951","When you have read these hastily scrawled pages you may guess, though never fully realise, why it is that I must have forgetfulness or death.","HPL" "id07605","Showed that, I should say, to some purpose, in the late tremendous swamp fight away down South, with the Bugaboo and Kickapoo Indians.""","EAP" "id19910","WE are not to be insulted with impunity.""","EAP" "id18866","A sense of duty to science is all that impels me to recall, in these last years of my life, scenes and happenings fraught with a terror doubly acute because I cannot wholly define it.","HPL" "id25948","I approached and saw, as if graven in bas relief upon the white surface, the figure of a gigantic cat.","EAP" "id10973","These, although of ordinary width for some eight or ten feet above the hearths, will not admit, throughout their extent, the body of a large cat.","EAP" "id25108","Death approaches; and the shadow which foreruns him has thrown a softening influence over my spirit.","EAP" "id13794","The man had now admitted that he sometimes talked queerly, though he knew not why.","HPL" "id17974","You perceive, then, why it is that I write you this letter it is on account of my ennui and your sins.","EAP" "id24469","Here is a watercolor drawing, which I should have shown you before, but which an unaccountable sentiment of horror has hitherto prevented me from showing.""","EAP" "id22408","Near the hut, close to a rather unusual rock fissure, had lain two skeletons, newly picked by vultures, and presumably forming the sole remains of his parents.","HPL" "id16423","I knew not who I was or what I was, or what my surroundings might be; though as I continued to stumble along I became conscious of a kind of fearsome latent memory that made my progress not wholly fortuitous.","HPL" "id11494","But the little chap seized him at once by the nose; gave it a swing and a pull; clapped the big chapeau de bras upon his head; knocked it down over his eyes and mouth; and then, lifting up the big fiddle, beat him with it so long and so soundly, that what with the belfry man being so fat, and the fiddle being so hollow, you would have sworn that there was a regiment of double bass drummers all beating the devil's tattoo up in the belfry of the steeple of Vondervotteimittiss.","EAP" "id24164","Nearly mad, I found myself yet able to throw out a hand to ward off the foetid apparition which pressed so close; when in one cataclysmic second of cosmic nightmarishness and hellish accident my fingers touched the rotting outstretched paw of the monster beneath the golden arch.","HPL" "id00720","But now, at last, he had not only found an accessible copy but had made it his own at a ludicrously low figure.","HPL" "id15773","When I had accomplished this, it was fully midnight, and I requested the gentlemen present to examine M. Valdemar's condition.","EAP" "id06507","Why, all his virtues are derived from his station only; because he is rich, he is called generous; because he is powerful, brave; because he is well served, he is affable.","MWS" "id02231","Yet I dreaded to witness the anguish which my resolve might excite in Idris.","MWS" "id08872","Had my eyes deceived me?","MWS" "id26781","Leaves the Square front of Hammond's Drug Store at a.m. and p.m. unless they've changed lately.","HPL" "id05479","I was troubled; a mist came over my eyes, and I felt a faintness seize me, but I was quickly restored by the cold gale of the mountains.","MWS" "id10120","Like Adam, I was apparently united by no link to any other being in existence; but his state was far different from mine in every other respect.","MWS" "id05525","Professor Rice declares that he wholly lost consciousness for an instant, though he did not stumble or fall.","HPL" "id12444","At these moments I often endeavoured to put an end to the existence I loathed, and it required unceasing attendance and vigilance to restrain me from committing some dreadful act of violence.","MWS" "id13792","It had run down at seven o'clock We were behind the time of the slack, and the whirl of the Ström was in full fury ""When a boat is well built, properly trimmed, and not deep laden, the waves in a strong gale, when she is going large, seem always to slip from beneath her which appears very strange to a landsman and this is what is called riding, in sea phrase.","EAP" "id14604","I dun't think he aimed at fust to do no mixin', nor raise no younguns to take to the water an' turn into fishes with eternal life.","HPL" "id09701","After so much time spent in painful labour, to arrive at once at the summit of my desires was the most gratifying consummation of my toils.","MWS" "id23785","He had come in an aëroplane piloted by the intrepid Lieut.","HPL" "id11460","There is a countenance which haunts me, turn as I will.","EAP" "id27398","In looking around me for some subject by whose means I might test these particulars, I was brought to think of my friend, M. Ernest Valdemar, the well known compiler of the ""Bibliotheca Forensica,"" and author under the nom de plume of Issachar Marx of the Polish versions of ""Wallenstein"" and ""Gargantua.""","EAP" "id10952","In the same way, the angle formed by the rope with the vertical axis of the machine, indicates the velocity.","EAP" "id05443","""Henri Duval, a neighbor, and by trade a silver smith, deposes that he was one of the party who first entered the house.","EAP" "id16847","Nothing was heard for some time; just how long Soames cannot exactly estimate; but it was certainly less than a quarter of an hour later that the horrible scream, undoubtedly in Jermyn's voice, was heard.","HPL" "id20059","We French are not nearly so punctilious as you Americans, and I shall have no difficulty in smuggling you in, in the character of an old acquaintance.""","EAP" "id27422","The Greeks wept for joy when they beheld the Mediterranean from the hills of Asia, and hailed with rapture the boundary of their toils.","MWS" "id16962","""You have travelled; you have spent several years of your life at Ingolstadt; and I confess to you, my friend, that when I saw you last autumn so unhappy, flying to solitude from the society of every creature, I could not help supposing that you might regret our connection and believe yourself bound in honour to fulfil the wishes of your parents, although they opposed themselves to your inclinations.","MWS" "id05395","However it might be just as well to roll him once or twice in the gutter, and then put him in charge of the police.","EAP" "id22077","Mrs. Wyatt had been closely veiled; and when she raised her veil, in acknowledging my bow, I confess that I was very profoundly astonished.","EAP" "id09845","She took me under her protection because she considered it her duty; but she had too long lived alone and undisturbed by the noise and prattle of children to allow that I should disturb her quiet.","MWS" "id18647","The manuscript was divided into two sections, the first of which was headed "" Dream and Dream Work of H. A. Wilcox, Thomas St., Providence, R.I."", and the second, ""Narrative of Inspector John R. Legrasse, Bienville St., New Orleans, La., at A. A. S. Mtg.","HPL" "id12739","But I was saved by the very thunder that had summoned it, for after a hideous wait there burst from the unseen outside sky one of those frequent mountainward bolts whose aftermath I had noticed here and there as gashes of disturbed earth and fulgurites of various sizes.","HPL" "id06147","It was his twin brother, but it looked more like the father than he did.""","HPL" "id01012","The immediate peril urged them to seize the immediate opportunity; wildly and passionately they sought to know what delights existence afforded, before they yielded to death, and Snatching their pleasures with rough strife Thorough the iron gates of life, they defied the conquering pestilence to destroy what had been, or to erase even from their death bed thoughts the sentiment of happiness which had been theirs.","MWS" "id17667","There were recent rumours, too, with a baffling and disconcerting amount of agreement.","HPL" "id06485","I was unwilling to trust myself with a race of people who had offered, to the cursory glance I had taken, so many points of vague novelty, doubt, and apprehension.","EAP" "id03401","I mentioned some time ago the bending of a studding sail.","EAP" "id06562","Later it developed that he was none other than Lord Northam, of whose ancient hereditary castle on the Yorkshire coast so many odd things were told; but when Williams tried to talk of the castle, and of its reputed Roman origin, he refused to admit that there was anything unusual about it.","HPL" "id17464","My hand was already on the lock of the door before I recollected myself.","MWS" "id04462","Yet, strange to say, I beheld vast level regions of a character decidedly alluvial, although by far the greater portion of the hemisphere in sight was covered with innumerable volcanic mountains, conical in shape, and having more the appearance of artificial than of natural protuberance.","EAP" "id14672","But perhaps it would be as well that he should call again.","EAP" "id02076","It is a matter of course.","EAP" "id17506","As his argument is obviously an ex parte one, he should, at least, have left this matter out of sight; for had any one been known to see Marie, say on Monday, or on Tuesday, the interval in question would have been much reduced, and, by his own ratiocination, the probability much diminished of the corpse being that of the grisette.","EAP" "id24731","He endeavours to fill me with hope and talks as if life were a possession which he valued.","MWS" "id24018","The magic of a lovely form in woman the necromancy of female gracefulness was always a power which I had found it impossible to resist, but here was grace personified, incarnate, the beau ideal of my wildest and most enthusiastic visions.","EAP" "id18254","When we saw them from the rear of the house, they were both about half open that is to say, they stood off at right angles from the wall.","EAP" "id00572","""Be happy, my dear Victor,"" replied Elizabeth; ""there is, I hope, nothing to distress you; and be assured that if a lively joy is not painted in my face, my heart is contented.","MWS" "id14193","He seemed to cherish a mild grief and softer emotions although sad as a relief from despair He contrived in many ways to nurse his melancholy as an antidote to wilder passion.","MWS" "id25584","The attachment between them led to the ill fated marriage, of which I was the offspring.","MWS" "id23796","What a sea is the tide of passion, whose fountains are in our own nature Our virtues are the quick sands, which shew themselves at calm and low water; but let the waves arise and the winds buffet them, and the poor devil whose hope was in their durability, finds them sink from under him.","MWS" "id00022","In the chaos of sliding, shifting earth I clawed and floundered helplessly till the rain on my head steadied me and I saw that I had come to the surface in a familiar spot; a steep unforested place on the southwest slope of the mountain.","HPL" "id04040","His brow was of the coldness of ice.","EAP" "id04917","It was in one of the most open and least frequented parts of the broad Pacific that the packet of which I was supercargo fell a victim to the German sea raider.","HPL" "id24211","To tear a piece off from such fabric, two distinct forces, in different directions, will be, in almost every case, required.","EAP" "id19361","""No what?"" said his majesty ""come, sir, strip"" ""Strip, indeed very pretty i' faith no, sir, I shall not strip.","EAP" "id10728","There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust.","EAP" "id06476","Come to the window and be quiet.""","HPL" "id08006","And you, my friend, would be far more amused with the journal of Clerval, who observed the scenery with an eye of feeling and delight, than in listening to my reflections.","MWS" "id01298","""Now if you're game, I'll take you there tonight.","HPL" "id16403","Such a thing was surely not a physical or biochemical impossibility in the light of a newer science which includes the theories of relativity and intra atomic action.","HPL" "id13136","I guess they're what they call 'white trash' down South lawless and sly, and full of secret doings.","HPL" "id13085","Why do you not hate Felix, who drove his friend from his door with contumely?","MWS" "id01137","Grecian maidens will in devotion strew flowers on his tomb, and make the air around it resonant with patriotic hymns, in which his name will find high record.""","MWS" "id16134","""Und you ave pelief in me, te Angel of te Odd?"" I nodded again.","EAP" "id20949","But these struggles and these gasps would not occur in the body 'thrown into the water immediately after death by violence.'","EAP" "id25358","Notwithstanding the good offices of the Doctor, and the strenuous exertions of the association to get itself into notice, it met with no very great success until I joined it.","EAP" "id27753","The horror would appear to pop out of the rat hole in the corner and patter toward him over the sagging, wide planked floor with evil expectancy in its tiny, bearded human face but mercifully, this dream always melted away before the object got close enough to nuzzle him.","HPL" "id01559","Armington helped Birch to the outside of a spare bed and sent his little son Edwin for Dr. Davis.","HPL" "id27062","But I must put you au fait to the details necessary in composing what may be denominated a genuine Blackwood article of the sensation stamp the kind which you will understand me to say I consider the best for all purposes.","EAP" "id19102","Although I pronounced, with great promptness, that the true title was Man Friday, and not by any means Man Fred, yet when I returned to seek Mrs.","EAP" "id08190","Old, white bearded, and ragged, my host possessed a countenance and physique which inspired equal wonder and respect.","HPL" "id22271","Sometimes a lone poet or traveller would come to view them, and would try to picture them in their vanished glory; yet of such travellers and poets there were not many.","HPL" "id06288","This morrow at last came, that is to say, a day finally dawned upon a long and weary night of impatience; and then the hours until ""one"" were snail paced, dreary, and innumerable.","EAP" "id25370","He did not say that he should favour such an attempt; but he did say that such an attempt would be venial; and, if the aspirant did not go so far as to declare war, and erect a standard in the kingdom, his fault ought to be regarded with an indulgent eye.","MWS" "id17585","It impressed me deeply.","MWS" "id16711","Shortly after sunrise, I found myself accordingly at his Palazzo, one of those huge structures of gloomy, yet fantastic pomp, which tower above the waters of the Grand Canal in the vicinity of the Rialto.","EAP" "id24126","My friends are about holding a little musical levee.","EAP" "id12223","Armitage, half ready to tell him he might make a copy of what parts he needed, thought suddenly of the possible consequences and checked himself.","HPL" "id21090","The Turk, amazed and delighted, endeavoured to kindle the zeal of his deliverer by promises of reward and wealth.","MWS" "id12899","This late winter night there had been such a match; evidently with disastrous results, since two timorous Poles had come to us with incoherently whispered entreaties to attend to a very secret and desperate case.","HPL" "id11416","At this impatience she smiled.","EAP" "id26283","In the morning I had been reading Glover's ""Leonidas,"" Wilkie's ""Epigoniad,"" Lamartine's ""Pilgrimage,"" Barlow's ""Columbiad,"" Tuckermann's ""Sicily,"" and Griswold's ""Curiosities""; I am willing to confess, therefore, that I now felt a little stupid.","EAP" "id23467","And then, by some miracle finding the door and the large wooden bolt, I plunged wildly away from that glassy eyed thing in the dark, and from the ghoulish howling of that accursed viol whose fury increased even as I plunged.","HPL" "id16658","I remembered also the necessity imposed upon me of either journeying to England or entering into a long correspondence with those philosophers of that country whose knowledge and discoveries were of indispensable use to me in my present undertaking.","MWS" "id26421","The elastic nature of the clasp garter is self demonstration of the unusualness of the abbreviation.","EAP" "id22955","Having lost these artificial settings, their lives grew void of direction and dramatic interest; till at length they strove to drown their ennui in bustle and pretended usefulness, noise and excitement, barbaric display and animal sensation.","HPL" "id06338","Thus it is evident that we can assign no period, with any thing like accuracy, at which the corpse shall rise through decomposition.","EAP" "id07823","It is the loveliest thing in creation"" ""What?","EAP" "id15999","Whether he professes to play chess or not, we are not informed.","EAP" "id16917","From the moment of my mother's death untill his departure she never heard him utter a single word: buried in the deepest melancholy he took no notice of any one; often for hours his eyes streamed tears or a more fearful gloom overpowered him.","MWS" "id06084","I saw that the crescent was designed to cross the region of the heart.","EAP" "id02021","I believe that without the slightest tinge of a bad heart she had the coldest that ever filled a human breast: it was totally incapable of any affection.","MWS" "id05066","""It was Asaph's coffin, Birch, just as I thought I knew his teeth, with the front ones missing on the upper jaw never, for God's sake, shew those wounds The body was pretty badly gone, but if ever I saw vindictiveness on any face or former face. . . .","HPL" "id06169","The place had dispirited me curiously that evening, and I was almost prepared when I saw or thought I saw amidst the whitish deposits a particularly sharp definition of the ""huddled form"" I had suspected from boyhood.","HPL" "id12569","Besides, they really knew very little; for wide salt marshes, desolate and unpeopled, keep neighbours off from Innsmouth on the landward side.","HPL" "id20599","This one consisted in a forehead so unusually and hideously lofty, as to have the appearance of a bonnet or crown of flesh superadded upon the natural head.","EAP" "id15309","These people blinded themselves by details.","EAP" "id06161","I think that the professor, too, intended to keep silent regarding the part he knew, and that he would have destroyed his notes had not sudden death seized him.","HPL" "id17067","The figure before me was short but exquisitely proportioned, and clad in somewhat formal dress of perfect cut and fit.","HPL" "id12252","They darted almost noiselessly through the underbrush, and the astonished watcher seemed to think they were entirely unclothed.","HPL" "id19590","When they proceeded on the path of the Ram, their course was scarcely as straight as a ram's horn, for they never had an axiom which was an axiom at all.","EAP" "id07100","You know, in ordinary art, there's all the difference in the world between the vital, breathing things drawn from Nature or models and the artificial truck that commercial small fry reel off in a bare studio by rule.","HPL" "id24011","The crew pace the deck with unquiet and tremulous step; but there is upon their countenances an expression more of the eagerness of hope than of the apathy of despair.","EAP" "id20959","Would I not like the guidance of one long practiced in these explorations, and possessed of local information profoundly deeper than any which an obvious newcomer could possibly have gained?","HPL" "id00188","But she has confessed.""","MWS" "id21476","Our vessels truly were the sport of winds and waves, even as Gulliver was the toy of the Brobdignagians; but we on our stable abode could not be hurt in life or limb by these eruptions of nature.","MWS" "id05039","Instead, he pondered deeply, and made many plans for the following day.","HPL" "id15983","He himself was generally as terrified and baffled as his auditors, and within an hour after awakening would forget all that he had said, or at least all that had caused him to say what he did; relapsing into a bovine, half amiable normality like that of the other hill dwellers.","HPL" "id19717","I have lost you, myself, my life"" ""Do you not believe me?"" said Raymond haughtily.","MWS" "id01879","Granting that on my passage I should meet with atmosphere essentially the same as at the surface of the earth, I conceived that, by means of the very ingenious apparatus of M. Grimm, I should readily be enabled to condense it in sufficient quantity for the purposes of respiration.","EAP" "id00322","By the way, talking of Latin, can any one tell me the meaning of quocunque or what is the meaning of modo?","EAP" "id16088","The wind shrieked more horribly, and both the Syracusans and the Arcadians prayed to Aiolos.","HPL" "id01035","In a squalid thieves' den an entire family had been torn to shreds by an unknown thing which left no trace, and those around had heard all night above the usual clamour of drunken voices a faint, deep, insistent note as of a gigantic hound.","HPL" "id00546","I intend to be a warrior, a conqueror; Napoleon's name shall vail to mine; and enthusiasts, instead of visiting his rocky grave, and exalting the merits of the fallen, shall adore my majesty, and magnify my illustrious achievements.""","MWS" "id10635","Looking for the youth Vercellius, our guide, we found only a crumpled heap weltering in a pool of blood.","HPL" "id02638","Outside the window the shrilling of the whippoorwills had suddenly ceased, and above the murmurs of the gathering crowd there came the sound of a panic struck whirring and fluttering.","HPL" "id25170","He professed excessive astonishment, of course, but congratulated me most cordially, and proffered every assistance in his power.","EAP" "id09987","And one night a mighty gulf was bridged, and the dream haunted skies swelled down to the lonely watcher's window to merge with the close air of his room and make him a part of their fabulous wonder.","HPL" "id23171","In fact, the blood so long accumulating in the vessels of my head and throat, and which had hitherto buoyed up my spirits with madness and delirium, had now begun to retire within their proper channels, and the distinctness which was thus added to my perception of the danger, merely served to deprive me of the self possession and courage to encounter it.","EAP" "id23678","I know that light is not for me, save that of the moon over the rock tombs of Neb, nor any gaiety save the unnamed feasts of Nitokris beneath the Great Pyramid; yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage.","HPL" "id04404","She entered the cottages of the sick; she relieved their wants with her own hand; she betrayed no fear, and inspired all who saw her with some portion of her own native courage.","MWS" "id02096","A diplomatist: one among the pleasure seeking society of a gay city; a youth of promise; favourite of the Ambassador.","MWS" "id21714","The market place is empty, the candidate for popular favour finds none whom he can represent.","MWS" "id08869","The other exalted personages whom you behold are all of our family, and wear the insignia of the blood royal under the respective titles of 'His Grace the Arch Duke Pest Iferous' 'His Grace the Duke Pest Ilential' 'His Grace the Duke Tem Pest' and 'Her Serene Highness the Arch Duchess Ana Pest.' ""As regards,"" continued he, ""your demand of the business upon which we sit here in council, we might be pardoned for replying that it concerns, and concerns alone, our own private and regal interest, and is in no manner important to any other than ourself.","EAP" "id09941","Fool, they are harmless But the servants are gone, aren't they?","HPL" "id26569","Conceive, closely congregated, a million of the largest and most resplendent tulips Only thus can the reader get any idea of the picture I would convey.","EAP" "id13086","Meanwhile all went on well in London.","MWS" "id16317","I did not like it, and debated whether I had better try to sleep at all.","HPL" "id15111","Last night had a fine view of Alpha Lyrae, whose disk, through our captain's spy glass, subtends an angle of half a degree, looking very much as our sun does to the naked eye on a misty day.","EAP" "id02656","Was sure that they had no servant in employ.","EAP" "id10037","It terminated like the former; though something approaching to a ray, we could not tell whence, shed a very doubtful twilight in the space.","MWS" "id22465","In groping my way around the prison, I could not fail to encounter this rag upon completing the circuit.","EAP" "id04663","In good time came to my rescue the spirit of despair, and, with frantic cries and struggles, I jerked my way bodily upwards, till at length, clutching with a vise like grip the long desired rim, I writhed my person over it, and fell headlong and shuddering within the car.","EAP" "id03402","He secluded himself as much as the duties of his station permitted.","MWS" "id11409","Idris hardly recognized the fragile being, whose form had seemed to bend even to the summer breeze, in the energetic man, whose very excess of sensibility rendered him more capable of fulfilling his station of pilot in storm tossed England.","MWS" "id09756","Begging me to be seated, he entered at once upon the subject of my poem; but modesty will ever forbid me to repeat the thousand compliments which he lavished upon me.","EAP" "id12512","Raymond replied; but there was nothing conciliatory in his reply.","MWS" "id01693","This claim she resisted, and a judicial tribunal sustained her in her resistance, deciding that the peculiar circumstances, with the long lapse of years, had extinguished, not only equitably, but legally, the authority of the husband.","EAP" "id02983","This spot had for me peculiar charms.","MWS" "id14614","He had dipped in the ""Diable"" of Abbé Gualtier.","EAP" "id25177","In his hand was a short sword snatched from the belt of D. Vibulanus, a subcenturio, and on his face was such a look of terror that the stoutest veterans turned pale at the sight.","HPL" "id23631","At first he refused to stay to hear her.","MWS" "id03585","The love that is the soul of friendship is a soft spirit seldom found except when two amiable creatures are knit from early youth, or when bound by mutual suffering and pursuits; it comes to some of the elect unsought and unaware; it descends as gentle dew on chosen spots which however barren they were before become under its benign influence fertile in all sweet plants; but when desired it flies; it scoffs at the prayers of its votaries; it will bestow, but not be sought.","MWS" "id22949","This no human creature may do; for lacking the fellowship of the living, he inevitably draws upon the companionship of things that are not, or are no longer, living.","HPL" "id11516","I went so far as to talk casually to Barry on the subject, but did not dare continue after he gave his resounding laugh.","HPL" "id21042","""And now I do not fear death.","MWS" "id12809","Thus years passed on; and years only added fresh love of freedom, and contempt for all that was not as wild and rude as myself.","MWS" "id23959","The nearness of this place to London was such, as to take away the idea of painful separation, when we quitted Raymond and Perdita.","MWS" "id01647","His sole thought is immediate escape.","EAP" "id24804","It was very certain that I could not do without sleep; but I might easily bring myself to feel no inconvenience from being awakened at intervals of an hour during the whole period of my repose.","EAP" "id09475","No more than any other talent, is that for music susceptible of complete enjoyment, where there is no second party to appreciate its exercise.","EAP" "id16251","The ringing became more distinct: It continued and became more distinct: I talked more freely to get rid of the feeling: but it continued and gained definiteness until, at length, I found that the noise was not within my ears.","EAP" "id26030","A murder so mysterious, and so perplexing in all its particulars, was never before committed in Paris if indeed a murder has been committed at all.","EAP" "id21015","""Hem ahem rather civil that, I should say"" said the bundle, in one of the smallest, and altogether the funniest little voices, between a squeak and a whistle, that I ever heard in all the days of my existence.","EAP" "id26073","This hope arose partly from memory, and partly from present observation.","EAP" "id18439","I was glad I had chosen to walk, for the white village had seemed very beautiful from the hill; and now I was eager to knock at the door of my people, the seventh house on the left in Green Lane, with an ancient peaked roof and jutting second story, all built before .","HPL" "id12104","During the colder months there was a general rush to London in search of amusement the ties of public opinion were loosened; many were rich, heretofore poor many had lost father and mother, the guardians of their morals, their mentors and restraints.","MWS" "id15197","As I entered the abode of the friend so suddenly metamorphosed to a shivering gargoyle, I became infected with the terror which seemed stalking in all the shadows.","HPL" "id16003","The truth is, we are usually the recipients in such case.""","EAP" "id20675","My uncle will send me news of your health, and if I see but one smile on your lips when we meet, occasioned by this or any other exertion of mine, I shall need no other happiness.","MWS" "id08448","Merrival did not join in this conversation; drawing near Idris, he proceeded to assure her that the joyful prospect of an earthly paradise after an hundred thousand years, was clouded to him by the knowledge that in a certain period of time after, an earthly hell or purgatory, would occur, when the ecliptic and equator would be at right angles.","MWS" "id02397","I brought them, however, after some trouble, at right angles to the body of the buckle, and was glad to find them remain firm in that position.","EAP" "id18928","It was one of those lovely winter days which assert the capacity of nature to bestow beauty on barrenness.","MWS" "id11811","Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bed chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep.","MWS" "id09312","Briden pushed at the stone in several places without result.","HPL" "id14197","I had never seen the good old negro look so dispirited, and I feared that some serious disaster had befallen my friend.","EAP" "id23633","It is true that the necessaries of life were assembled in such quantities, as to supply to superfluity the wants of the diminished population; but still much labour was required to arrange these, as it were, raw materials; and depressed by sickness, and fearful of the future, we had not energy to enter boldly and decidedly on any system.","MWS" "id06848","Sometimes she remembered that she had suffered keen anguish, when he hesitated in his choice.","MWS" "id12543","Extinguishing all lights, we proceeded to the door and threw it suddenly open; whereupon we felt an unaccountable rush of air, and heard as if receding far away a queer combination of rustling, tittering, and articulate chatter.","HPL" "id21291","The number it had killed was fourteen; three of the bodies had been in stricken homes and had not been alive.","HPL" "id02577","They lasted for several minutes probably ten.","EAP" "id23984","The grass wore the deep tint of the cypress, and the heads of its blades hung droopingly, and hither and thither among it were many small unsightly hillocks, low and narrow, and not very long, that had the aspect of graves, but were not; although over and all about them the rue and the rosemary clambered.","EAP" "id01368","Queer old duck, though, and sticks mighty close in his home.","HPL" "id08427","""Questo poi, no,"" said the wild looking savage, who held the torch; ""you can advance but a short distance, and nobody visits it.""","MWS" "id02345","He had never wronged me.","EAP" "id18068","No no me miserable; for love extinct there is no resurrection ""Yet I love you.","MWS" "id19657","I have read of mourners in ancient days, who clothed themselves in sackcloth, scattered dust upon their heads, ate their bread mingled with ashes, and took up their abode on the bleak mountain tops, reproaching heaven and earth aloud with their misfortunes.","MWS" "id08026","Some was more teched than others, an' some never did change quite enough to take to the water; but mostly they turned aout jest the way them things said.","HPL" "id06140","The Spaniard 'is sure' that it was that of an Englishman, but 'judges by the intonation' altogether, 'as he has no knowledge of the English.'","EAP" "id12500","The panes here were scarlet a deep blood color.","EAP" "id18903","The fear of immediate death vanished with the heats of September.","MWS" "id05274","To these Quixotic notions some recent Parisian publications, backed by three or four desperate and fatal conversation, during the greater part of the night, had run wild upon the all engrossing topic of the times.","EAP" "id26848","It was generally stated that the affliction and shock were results of an unlucky slip whereby Birch had locked himself for nine hours in the receiving tomb of Peck Valley Cemetery, escaping only by crude and disastrous mechanical means; but while this much was undoubtedly true, there were other and blacker things which the man used to whisper to me in his drunken delirium toward the last.","HPL" "id21892","But my plan was unsettled, and I wandered many hours round the confines of the town, uncertain what path I should pursue.","MWS" "id09272","To me, this article appears conclusive of little beyond the zeal of its inditer.","EAP" "id10649","""Oh, beautiful"" sighed her Grace.","EAP" "id09905","The ganzas, with whom he had become so familiar, were not really denizens of St. Helena, but of the moon.","EAP" "id05597","The door, a ponderous and forbidding slab of stone, hangs upon rusted iron hinges, and is fastened ajar in a queerly sinister way by means of heavy iron chains and padlocks, according to a gruesome fashion of half a century ago.","HPL" "id14619","But to return to dearer considerations.","MWS" "id12834","My dress it was an easy matter to copy; my gait and general manner were, without difficulty, appropriated; in spite of his constitutional defect, even my voice did not escape him.","EAP" "id23119","Very good One, two, is this a good quarter?","EAP" "id13094","The picture then presented itself to her in such glowing colours, that she feared the reverse, and a life of magnificence and power in London; where Raymond would no longer be hers only, nor she the sole source of happiness to him.","MWS" "id02515","In less than a minute the storm was upon us in less than two the sky was entirely overcast and what with this and the driving spray, it became suddenly so dark that we could not see each other in the smack.","EAP" "id22958","Most horrible of all sights are the little unpainted wooden houses remote from travelled ways, usually squatted upon some damp, grassy slope or leaning against some gigantic outcropping of rock.","HPL" "id11783","But we have been placed here and bid live and hope.","MWS" "id27800","And so far as he could tell, it was a rough parallel in all essential features of the bestial thing now lying before the meeting.","HPL" "id12313","The door on the north was hung to open away from me, and this though a test proved it to be locked or bolted from the other side I knew must be my route.","HPL" "id12014","I was much affected by the kindness of feeling towards me personally, which was evinced in this excellent advice of Mr. Crab, and I did not fail to profit by it forthwith.","EAP" "id19055","Three months previously five of the little squint eyed traders had come down from the hills, and in a market brawl three of them had been killed.","HPL" "id23222","Now I am not in any respect a genius, but a regular business man.","EAP" "id20191","The next morning while sitting on the steps of the temple of Aesculapius in the Borghese gardens Fantasia again visited me smilingly beckoned to me to follow her My flight was at first heavy but the breezes commanded by the spirit to convoy me grew stronger as I advanced a pleasing languour seized my senses when I recovered I found my self by the Elysian fountain near Diotima The beautiful female whom I had left on the point of narrating her earthly history seemed to have waited for my return and as soon as I appeared she spoke thus I VISITED Naples in the year .","MWS" "id16270","The four others were dark eyed, hardy little vagrants; this child was thin and very fair.","MWS" "id01078","The color"" here he turned to me ""is really almost enough to warrant Jupiter's idea.","EAP" "id02079","Worst of all, though, is the shrivelling of old fears in the hearts of Kingsport's young men, who grow prone to listen at night to the north wind's faint distant sounds.","HPL" "id09654","Then came the steeper slope that held the old Carter place he had not seen in over forty years.","HPL" "id11728","As we descended the shaft, the sound beneath grew definitely composite.","HPL" "id22906","Thus passed away two lustra of her life, and as yet my daughter remained nameless upon the earth.","EAP" "id25462","We had not been settled a week before we got an accident victim on the very night of burial, and made it open its eyes with an amazingly rational expression before the solution failed.","HPL" "id01831","Perhaps he held within his own half explored brain that cryptic link which would awaken him to elder and future lives in forgotten dimensions; which would bind him to the stars, and to the infinities and eternities beyond them.","HPL" "id05374","Perhaps in unremembered dreams tonight; perhaps in some other form an aeon hence, when the solar system shall have been swept away.""","HPL" "id13646","His repugnance to ""the humanities"" had, also, much increased of late, by an accidental bias in favor of what he supposed to be natural science.","EAP" "id14909","A natural accident, such as will happen now and then"" I gave the matter no further consideration, and at my usual hour retired to bed.","EAP" "id01161","I was like the Arabian who had been buried with the dead and found a passage to life, aided only by one glimmering and seemingly ineffectual light.","MWS" "id15576","This was my first love so I felt it to be.","EAP" "id09622","They rallied, fought madly, and retreated again.","EAP" "id24315","The Turk plays with his left hand.","EAP" "id17844","When the machinery is wound up, the movements continue about an hour, during which time about fifty questions may be answered.","EAP" "id08175","Mazurewicz seemed half dazed because of a ""sign"" he said he had had in response to his prayers, and he crossed himself frantically when the squealing and whimpering of a rat sounded from beyond the slanting partition.","HPL" "id05082","""I'll tell you, I'm good and tired of water after reading of the merry bouts fellows used to have in the old days.","HPL" "id10270","For the feeling is no affectation or chimera.","EAP" "id24866","A shepherd boy that tends a silly flock on the mountains, was more in the scale of society than I. Congratulate me then that I have found fitting scope for my powers.","MWS" "id25969","He also closes the drawer, and, finally, winds up the machine, by applying a key to an aperture in the left end the spectators' left of the box.","EAP" "id10492","Heaven bless you and make you so My unfortunate guest regards me with the tenderest compassion.","MWS" "id06728","The stormy vigil reminded me shudderingly of my ghastly night on Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id04668","However, as the captain said he could perceive no indication of danger, and as we were drifting in bodily to shore, he ordered the sails to be furled, and the anchor let go.","EAP" "id21502","Her father was moved by her violent grief; he took her in his arms and soothed her, but his very soothings were solemn and fearful.","MWS" "id27395","The chastity of Ionia is offended by antediluvian devices, and the sphynxes of Egypt are outstretched upon carpets of gold.","EAP" "id18075","The astonishment which I had at first experienced on this discovery soon gave place to delight and rapture.","MWS" "id07889","""And he really succeeded?""","EAP" "id22163","Will my readers ask how I could find solace from the narration of misery and woeful change?","MWS" "id06355","At this juncture my brain became aware of a steady external influence operating upon it.","HPL" "id00520","They were the very old folk who dwelt higher up in the hills and spoke a choppy language which the Vascones could not understand.","HPL" "id25569","This, however, is a painful position, and cannot be long maintained.","EAP" "id04138","I drank of an enchanted cup but gall was at the bottom of its long drawn sweetness.","MWS" "id04117","The air becomes dissonant with wind instruments, and horrible with clamor of a million throats.","EAP" "id04487","His gross body could not undergo the needed adjustments between ethereal life and planet life.","HPL" "id05866","The more I studied them the more I wondered how he could buy any shoes to fit them.","HPL" "id26692","At length, feeling a fatigue which had nothing of drowsiness in it, I bolted the newly outfitted hall door, turned off the light, and threw myself down on the hard, uneven bed coat, collar, shoes, and all.","HPL" "id26048","""When I look upon you, the tears you shed, the soft deprecating look with which you withstand enquiry; the deep sympathy your voice expresses when I speak of my lesser sorrows add to my interest for you.","MWS" "id23450","I ask'd the Doctor, if he had ever try'd making Sense of this Piece; and upon his saying he had not, I amus'd myself with the following Amendment of it: When Gallant LEEDS auspiciously shall wed The virtuous Fair, of antient Lineage bred, How must the Maid rejoice with conscious Pride To win so great an Husband to her Side On shewing this to Dr. Johnson, he said, ""Sir, you have straightened out the Feet, but you have put neither Wit nor try into the Lines.""","HPL" "id20584","The bulky leather cover with the brass clasp had been so prominently visible, and the price was so absurdly slight.","HPL" "id08472","For a moment I half doubted that I had ever seen it in the more definitely limned form but then I thought of the legends.","HPL" "id03202","A sudden gust, stronger than the others, caught up the manuscript and bore it toward the window.","HPL" "id06858","Hatheg Kla is far in the stony desert beyond Hatheg, for which it is named, and rises like a rock statue in a silent temple.","HPL" "id18113","I now began very clearly to perceive that the object before me was nothing more nor less than my new acquaintance, Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith.","EAP" "id22409","And frightened as I was, I yet retained enough of perception to note that his speech, when articulate, was not of any sort known to me.","HPL" "id10169","I acted then, as I ever must, from impulse.","MWS" "id13810","There was a modern Platonist.","EAP" "id18824","An indefinite sense of awe, which at first sight of the navigators of the ship had taken hold of my mind, was perhaps the principle of my concealment.","EAP" "id00149","What I ask of you is reasonable and moderate; I demand a creature of another sex, but as hideous as myself; the gratification is small, but it is all that I can receive, and it shall content me.","MWS" "id09138","Yet as it lies some distance from any of the main roads, being in a somewhat out of the way situation, there are perhaps very few of my readers who have ever paid it a visit.","EAP" "id20668","Consider the panic your departure will occasion.","MWS" "id23087","My dear Lionel, we are married men, and find employment sufficient in amusing our wives, and dancing our children.","MWS" "id16650","Shadows thickened around him, for the night was near.","HPL" "id00936","Now each life was a gem, each human breathing form of far, O far more worth than subtlest imagery of sculptured stone; and the daily, nay, hourly decrease visible in our numbers, visited the heart with sickening misery.","MWS" "id22781","Scarcely, in truth, is a graveyard ever encroached upon, for any purpose, to any great extent, that skeletons are not found in postures which suggest the most fearful of suspicions.","EAP" "id11319","There were suggestions of the vague, twilight abysses, and of still vaster, blacker abysses beyond them abysses in which all fixed suggestions of form were absent.","HPL" "id11247","Turn from me, if you will, if you can.","MWS" "id16583","The pulse was barely perceptible.","EAP" "id06718","Demon eyes, of a wild and ghastly vivacity, glared upon me in a thousand directions, where none had been visible before, and gleamed with the lurid lustre of a fire that I could not force my imagination to regard as unreal.","EAP" "id23597","It will be said, I am aware, that when we persist in acts because we feel we should not persist in them, our conduct is but a modification of that which ordinarily springs from the combativeness of phrenology.","EAP" "id11173","""No,"" he said, ""oh, no a member of my family my niece, and a most accomplished woman.""","EAP" "id02586","My outstretched hands at length encountered some solid obstruction.","EAP" "id10129","But at length when the sun had utterly departed, the Fay, now the mere ghost of her former self, went disconsolately with her boat into the region of the ebony flood, and that she issued thence at all I cannot say, for darkness fell over all things and I beheld her magical figure no more.","EAP" "id08949","If there is any thing on earth I hate, it is a genius.","EAP" "id09650","In search of a suitable place so situated, Ellison travelled for several years, and I was permitted to accompany him.","EAP" "id16273","Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element?","MWS" "id20115","Later, I told myself, I should grow to a strength and ingenuity which might enable me to unfasten the heavily chained door with ease; but until then I would do better by conforming to what seemed the will of Fate.","HPL" "id17130","I was greatly and immediately relieved, however, when I saw the lady merely hand the gentleman a play bill, without speaking, but the reader may form some feeble conception of my astonishment of my profound amazement my delirious bewilderment of heart and soul when, instantly afterward, having again glanced furtively around, she allowed her bright eyes to set fully and steadily upon my own, and then, with a faint smile, disclosing a bright line of her pearly teeth, made two distinct, pointed, and unequivocal affirmative inclinations of the head.","EAP" "id26088","She did the pirouette to admiration whirling round upon her apex.","EAP" "id23900","These journals may excel the 'Lollipop' in outcry, but, in all other points, give us the 'Lollipop' How this celebrated Magazine can sustain its evidently tremendous expenses, is past comprehension.","EAP" "id17355","Propped level on that floor were low cases full of books of every degree of antiquity and disintegration, and in the centre were a table and bench, both apparently fastened in place.","HPL" "id14210","The result, of course, did but prove how entirely the prey was in my toils; in less than an hour he had quadrupled his debt.","EAP" "id12065","To think that there I was, opening the door, little by little, and he not even to dream of my secret deeds or thoughts.","EAP" "id08536","It was in a grotesque hidden courtyard of the Greenwich section, for there in my ignorance I had settled, having heard of the place as the natural home of poets and artists.","HPL" "id26768","The silent grasp of a few rough arms and all would have been over.","EAP" "id26186","There were some large square Georgian houses, too, with hipped roofs, cupolas, and railed ""widow's walks"".","HPL" "id23181","It was not like a human loveliness that these gentle smiles went and came; but as a sunbeam on a lake, now light and now obscure, flitting before as you strove to catch them, and fold them for ever to your heart.","MWS" "id07871","""Shall each man,"" cried he, ""find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone?","MWS" "id26711","Ugh There are few persons I loathe more than that cursed little Syrian rat I have myself been carried back to Roman times by my recent perusal of James Rhoades' Æneid, a translation never before read by me, and more faithful to P. Maro than any other versified version I have ever seen including that of my late uncle Dr. Clark, which did not attain publication.","HPL" "id20892","These are the reflections of the first days; but when the lapse of time proves the reality of the evil, then the actual bitterness of grief commences.","MWS" "id23619","I believe we felt something coming down from the greenish moon, for when we began to depend on its light we drifted into curious involuntary formations and seemed to know our destinations though we dared not think of them.","HPL" "id09889","It was late in autumn when I quitted the district where I had so long resided.","MWS" "id19979","Professor Angell must have employed a cutting bureau, for the number of extracts was tremendous and the sources scattered throughout the globe.","HPL" "id22083","No teacher urged or guided me, and I do not recall hearing any human voice in all those years not even my own; for although I had read of speech, I had never thought to try to speak aloud.","HPL" "id07627","I affirm I swear that I had no share in these extreme aspirations.","HPL" "id02432","The light is dimmer and the gods are afraid. . .","HPL" "id08452","The country, it is well known, has become infested with cats so much so of late, that a petition for relief, most numerously and respectably signed, was brought before the Legislature at its late memorable session.","EAP" "id19938","Could not distinguish the words uttered.","EAP" "id18117","He, passionate, studious, austere, and having already a bride in his Art; she a maiden of rarest beauty, and not more lovely than full of glee; all light and smiles, and frolicsome as the young fawn; loving and cherishing all things; hating only the Art which was her rival; dreading only the pallet and brushes and other untoward instruments which deprived her of the countenance of her lover.","EAP" "id02850","The dazzling light of ornamented rooms; lovely forms arrayed in splendid dresses; the motions of a dance, the voluptuous tones of exquisite music, cradled my senses in one delightful dream.","MWS" "id17089","As for ""Oppodeldoc,"" I began to experience compassion for the poor fellow.","EAP" "id01416","Though the man Romero had interested me, and though my ring had affected him peculiarly, I think that neither of us had any expectation of what was to follow when the great blast was set off.","HPL" "id26083","Now it is told in the mouldy Pnakotic Manuscripts that Sansu found naught but wordless ice and rock when he climbed Hatheg Kla in the youth of the world.","HPL" "id11525","Legs to all this offered not the slightest resistance, but sat down as he was directed; while the gallant Hugh, removing his coffin tressel from its station near the head of the table, to the vicinity of the little consumptive lady in the winding sheet, plumped down by her side in high glee, and pouring out a skull of red wine, quaffed it to their better acquaintance.","EAP" "id27788","As I swung the beam around to the south, I noticed that the ocean floor ahead fell away in a marked declivity, and bore curiously regular blocks of stone in certain places, disposed as if in accordance with definite patterns.","HPL" "id24833","Man existed by twos and threes; man, the individual who might sleep, and wake, and perform the animal functions; but man, in himself weak, yet more powerful in congregated numbers than wind or ocean; man, the queller of the elements, the lord of created nature, the peer of demi gods, existed no longer.","MWS" "id08397","Had Kidd concealed his plunder for a time, and afterwards reclaimed it, the rumors would scarcely have reached us in their present unvarying form.","EAP" "id03362","The one is to the other, as Homer to ""Flaccus"" as a Mastodon to a mouse as the tail of a comet to that of a pig.","EAP" "id09827","I could not have stirred with it a feather if my life had been at issue, or sullied even the delicacy of a mirror.","EAP" "id06795","I have defended it with my sword, and was willing that my spirit should be breathed out in its defence; freedom is of more worth than life, and the Greeks do well to defend their privilege unto death.","MWS" "id00106","The centuried, tottering houses on both sides seemed alive with a fresh and morbid malignity as if some hitherto closed channel of evil understanding had abruptly been opened.","HPL" "id21126","Some Kingsport fishermen heerd abaout the ketch an' come up in sloops, but they was all lost.","HPL" "id26138","""The child still struggled and loaded me with epithets which carried despair to my heart; I grasped his throat to silence him, and in a moment he lay dead at my feet.","MWS" "id01347","I hovered for ever around the walls of its Castle, beneath its enshadowing thickets; my sole companions were my books and my loving thoughts.","MWS" "id16613","Stupified with terror, the young nobleman tottered to the door.","EAP" "id00282","Yes, I am happy, most happy, that I can weep thus for imaginary sorrows, and that the slight loss of my adored country is not dwindled and annihilated in mightier misery.","MWS" "id17315","They were evidently suffering from the nervous strain of our long voyage, and had had bad dreams.","HPL" "id08934","It was a mystery all insoluble; nor could I grapple with the shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as I pondered.","EAP" "id17191","Those later spectral legends, I made plain, related to monstrous apparitions more frightful than anything organic could be; apparitions of gigantic bestial forms sometimes visible and sometimes only tangible, which floated about on moonless nights and haunted the old house, the crypt behind it, and the grave where a sapling had sprouted beside an illegible slab.","HPL" "id19649","She shewed them how the well being of each included the prosperity of all.","MWS" "id03947","We stood at the door looking on this strange scene, till the dog perceiving us barked loudly; the child turned and saw us: her face.","MWS" "id19152","""But then I have no change for a hundred, and upon the whole, you had better ""Cast off there"" says the captain.","EAP" "id13408","It spread over the old man, too, whether from the same source or because of his fear and vehemence, and I saw him shrivel and blacken as he lurched near and strove to rend me with vulturine talons.","HPL" "id25579","The older fellows look the worst fact is, I don't believe I've ever seen a very old chap of that kind.","HPL" "id23418","I say that I saw this thing, but it is only in conscious retrospection that I ever definitely traced its damnable approach to form.","HPL" "id10659","Its size must have been exaggerated, yet the stones lying about proved that it was no mere negro village.","HPL" "id03247","The same individual submitted to me, without being at all aware of my intentions, a method of constructing balloons from the membrane of a certain animal, through which substance any escape of gas was nearly an impossibility.","EAP" "id20632","The paragraph beginning 'It is folly to suppose that the murder, etc.,' however it appears as printed in L'Etoile, may be imagined to have existed actually thus in the brain of its inditer 'It is folly to suppose that the murder, if murder was committed on the body, could have been committed soon enough to have enabled her murderers to throw the body into the river before midnight; it is folly, we say, to suppose all this, and to suppose at the same time, as we are resolved to suppose, that the body was not thrown in until after midnight' a sentence sufficiently inconsequential in itself, but not so utterly preposterous as the one printed.","EAP" "id05917","My frame is strong, but my soul sinks beneath this endurance of living anguish.","MWS" "id12565","The memory of that unfortunate king and his companions, the amiable Falkland, the insolent Goring, his queen, and son, gave a peculiar interest to every part of the city which they might be supposed to have inhabited.","MWS" "id00575","The men from Arkham were undecided what to do.","HPL" "id11744","""That is my least concern; I am, by a course of strange events, become the most miserable of mortals.","MWS" "id21076","Many a casque, and bayonet, and sword, fallen from unnerved arms, reflected the departing ray; they lay scattered far and near.","MWS" "id27548","So intense an expression of romance, perhaps I should call it, or of unworldliness, as that which gleamed from her deep set eyes, had never so sunk into my heart of hearts before.","EAP" "id06552","And what means the singular prophecy of Madame Rogêt on the morning of Marie's departure?","EAP" "id27478","Others perceived only a passing casualty; they endeavoured to exchange terror for heedlessness, and plunged into licentiousness, to avoid the agonizing throes of worst apprehension.","MWS" "id03819","They struck a solid wooden substance, which extended above my person at an elevation of not more than six inches from my face.","EAP" "id19648","And poor Clerval "" The name of my unfortunate and murdered friend was an agitation too great to be endured in my weak state; I shed tears.","MWS" "id08002","."" rang the hideous croaking out of space.","HPL" "id22729","My revenge is of no moment to you; yet, while I allow it to be a vice, I confess that it is the devouring and only passion of my soul.","MWS" "id03295","Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.""","MWS" "id22588","There was evidently, however, no pursuer; for he was alone and alive when Armington, the lodge keeper, answered his feeble clawing at the door.","HPL" "id17609","I computed, also, the height of the atmosphere which could refract light enough into its dark hemisphere to produce a twilight more luminous than the light reflected from the earth when the moon is about degrees from the new to be , Paris feet; in this view, I supposed the greatest height capable of refracting the solar ray, to be , feet.","EAP" "id22970","Dr. Moneypenny made the title for us, and says he chose it because it sounded big like an empty rum puncheon.","EAP" "id14295","I mean to say that the Deity does not create.","EAP" "id10783","And he would not see that the tints which he spread upon the canvas were drawn from the cheeks of her who sate beside him.","EAP" "id01248","Every thing was perfectly silent no groans or noises of any kind.","EAP" "id16265","He thought a photograph quite as good as an actual scene or model for sustained work, and declared he employed them regularly.","HPL" "id26713","The fits grow successively more and more distinctive, and endure each for a longer term than the preceding.","EAP" "id06801","You can say, for instance, that the chicken you were eating write an article about being choked to death by a chicken bone was not altogether aussi tendre que Zaire.","EAP" "id13635","I shall never forget the afternoon when first I stumbled upon the half hidden house of death.","HPL" "id13749","That fable is unjust, which gives the superiority to the sun over the wind.","MWS" "id08986","Unlocking it, he ushered me into a barren hallway with what was once splendid dark oak panelling simple, of course, but thrillingly suggestive of the times of Andros and Phipps and the Witchcraft.","HPL" "id15851","The following months were void of visible events, save that everyone swore to a slow but steady increase in the mysterious hill noises.","HPL" "id07025","Hence it might be supposed, that at some times and not at others, there is a dense matter encompassing the moon wherein the rays of the stars are refracted.","EAP" "id15997","In the absence of the sun they have a light from the earth equal to that of thirteen full unclouded moons.","EAP" "id04993","It is well known that, during the week of her absence from Le Blanc's parfumerie, she was in the company of a young naval officer, much noted for his debaucheries.","EAP" "id22775","I remembered too well the treatment I had suffered the night before from the barbarous villagers, and resolved, whatever course of conduct I might hereafter think it right to pursue, that for the present I would remain quietly in my hovel, watching and endeavouring to discover the motives which influenced their actions.","MWS" "id00455","Sometimes at twilight the grey vapours of the horizon have parted to grant me glimpses of the ways beyond; and sometimes at night the deep waters of the sea have grown clear and phosphorescent, to grant me glimpses of the ways beneath.","HPL" "id09212","These perplexities and regrets caused her to bathe her pillow with nightly tears, and to reduce her in person and in mind to the shadow of what she had been.","MWS" "id06081","Palaces were deserted, and the poor man dared at length, unreproved, intrude into the splendid apartments, whose very furniture and decorations were an unknown world to him.","MWS" "id07892","The left tibia much splintered, as well as all the ribs of the left side.","EAP" "id08530","The opinions of Arago are, of course, entitled to the greatest consideration; but he is by no means infallible; and what he says of bismuth, in his report to the Academy, must be taken cum grano salis.","EAP" "id19276","It is only when his next move is obvious, or when the game is so circumstanced that to a man in the Automaton's place there would be no necessity for reflection.","EAP" "id16640","I heard them many, many days ago yet I dared not I dared not speak And now to night Ethelred ha ha the breaking of the hermit's door, and the death cry of the dragon, and the clangor of the shield say, rather, the rending of her coffin, and the grating of the iron hinges of her prison, and her struggles within the coppered archway of the vault Oh whither shall I fly?","EAP" "id18779","Were those the fertile fields I loved was that the interchange of gentle upland and cultivated dale, once covered with waving corn, diversified by stately trees, watered by the meandering Thames?","MWS" "id09605","Night approached, and we were overtaken by a storm.","EAP" "id02207","My uncle, as he gasped and tossed in increasing perturbation and with eyes that had now started open, seemed not one but many men, and suggested a curious quality of alienage from himself.","HPL" "id14307","Assured of his being asleep, I returned, took the light, and with it again approached the bed.","EAP" "id06983","This monomania, if I must so term it, consisted in a morbid irritability of those properties of the mind in metaphysical science termed the attentive.","EAP" "id03837","I saw them fashion the syllables of my name; and I shuddered because no sound succeeded.","EAP" "id17809","The inference here is the same as in our last observation.","EAP" "id01201","But her wish was of course to be complied with; and I entreated her to prepare without delay for our departure.","MWS" "id25445","Had the vision occurred to me as I describe it, without my suspecting it as a dream, then a dream it might absolutely have been, but, occurring as it did, and suspected and tested as it was, I am forced to class it among other phenomena.""","EAP" "id22974","I grant you that in Fum Fudge the greatness of a lion is in proportion to the size of his proboscis but, good heavens there is no competing with a lion who has no proboscis at all.""","EAP" "id09604","And then again she became aware of her own excellencies, and began to balance with juster scales the shades of good and evil.","MWS" "id02939","As the afternoon progressed, I sought the lower levels, descending into what appeared to be either a mediaeval place of confinement, or a more recently excavated storehouse for gunpowder.","HPL" "id06304","Her ugly sister, Manon, married M. Duvillard, the rich banker, last autumn.","MWS" "id11905","What was worthy of remark, a very perceptible vacillation in the car was a consequence of this change of route a vacillation which prevailed, in a more or less degree, for a period of many hours.","EAP" "id07737","Greece prepared for a vigorous resistance; it rose to a man; and the women, sacrificing their costly ornaments, accoutred their sons for the war, and bade them conquer or die with the spirit of the Spartan mother.","MWS" "id18248","Indeed, his competition, his resistance, and especially his impertinent and dogged interference with my purposes, were not more pointed than private.","EAP" "id26759","He says they brung us fish an' treasure, an' shud hev what they hankered arter. . . .","HPL" "id01507","It displayed itself in a host of unnatural sensations.","EAP" "id17572","""Why, Lionel,"" said Adrian, ""what did you intend?","MWS" "id00061","Tidings of an armed and regular opposition recalled them to a sort of order.","MWS" "id19490","It was better than human material for maintaining life in organless fragments, and that was now my friend's chief activity.","HPL" "id25545","At first astonished and startled, considering the lack of response to my recent knocking at the door, I immediately afterward concluded that the walker had just awakened from a sound sleep; and listened with less surprise as the footsteps sounded on the creaking stairs.","HPL" "id08508","Gorgeous beyond thought was the feast of the thousandth year of the destroying of Ib.","HPL" "id04711","The expanse of the green turf was relieved, here and there, by an occasional showy shrub, such as the hydrangea, or the common snowball, or the aromatic seringa; or, more frequently, by a clump of geraniums blossoming gorgeously in great varieties.","EAP" "id26716","Persia, with its cloth of gold, marble halls, and infinite wealth, is now a tomb.","MWS" "id10017","Man, because he could not but acknowledge the majesty of Nature, fell into childish exultation at his acquired and still increasing dominion over her elements.","EAP" "id11570","In the morning, the wretch is stricken with unutterable horror at finding that the boat has been picked up and detained at a locality which he is in the daily habit of frequenting at a locality, perhaps, which his duty compels him to frequent.","EAP" "id19933","She was pale and fair, and her golden hair clustered on her temples, contrasting its rich hue with the living marble beneath.","MWS" "id01229","Would it not have been better, at the first visit, to have seized it openly, and departed?""","EAP" "id20932","She was tranquil, yet her tranquillity was evidently constrained; and as her confusion had before been adduced as a proof of her guilt, she worked up her mind to an appearance of courage.","MWS" "id13052","For a long time I could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow, or even why there were laws and governments; but when I heard details of vice and bloodshed, my wonder ceased and I turned away with disgust and loathing.","MWS" "id20543","France, Germany, Italy and Spain, were interposed, walls yet without a breach, between us and the plague.","MWS" "id16594","With a too unscrupulous confidence she had previously communicated to me the secret of the costume in which she would be habited, and now, having caught a glimpse of her person, I was hurrying to make my way into her presence.","EAP" "id07199","Then we struck a substance harder than the damp mould, and beheld a rotting oblong box crusted with mineral deposits from the long undisturbed ground.","HPL" "id00922","The only one who would talk was a very aged but normal looking man who lived at the poorhouse on the north rim of the town and spent his time walking about or lounging around the fire station.","HPL" "id00161","These responses from aesthetes told a disturbing tale.","HPL" "id24257","This canteen with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk.","EAP" "id07043","Friends said that it was this series of griefs which unhinged the mind of Sir Robert Jermyn, yet it was probably merely a bit of African folklore which caused the disaster.","HPL" "id14200","And now, in response to a general and urgent demand, Inspector Legrasse related as fully as possible his experience with the swamp worshippers; telling a story to which I could see my uncle attached profound significance.","HPL" "id18242","In fine, driven to despair, she has committed the matter to me."" ""Than whom,"" said Dupin, amid a perfect whirlwind of smoke, ""no more sagacious agent could, I suppose, be desired, or even imagined.""","EAP" "id19263","To the right to the left far and wide with the shriek of a damned spirit; to my heart with the stealthy pace of the tiger I alternately laughed and howled as the one or the other idea grew predominant.","EAP" "id26012","That the result would be death, and a death of more than customary bitterness, I knew too well the character of my judges to doubt.","EAP" "id03821","Could the demon who had I did not for a minute doubt murdered my brother also in his hellish sport have betrayed the innocent to death and ignominy?","MWS" "id13026","These contrivances to make the room within the box appear less than it actually is, are referrible to a design on the part of the inventor, to impress the company again with a false idea, viz.","EAP" "id26065","The cleanliness, habits of order, and the manner in which our cities were built, were all in our favour.","MWS" "id26967","Never conversed with a native of Russia.","EAP" "id16605","My flagging spirits asked for something to speak to the affections; and not finding it, I drooped.","MWS" "id10298","Not so, however, rumors and speculations.","EAP" "id21908","He still professed himself quite willing and even anxious to have it made, and urged me to commence it at once.","EAP" "id14905","I rushed to her defence, but rage made them blind and deaf; they did not distinguish my Christian garb or heed my words words were blunt weapons then, for while war cried ""havoc,"" and murder gave fit echo, how could I Turn back the tide of ills, relieving wrong With mild accost of soothing eloquence?","MWS" "id03059","But although men so absolutely fine looking are neither as plenty as reasons or blackberries, still I could not bring myself to believe that the remarkable something to which I alluded just now, that the odd air of je ne sais quoi which hung about my new acquaintance, lay altogether, or indeed at all, in the supreme excellence of his bodily endowments.","EAP" "id00097","""What do we know,"" he had said, ""of the world and the universe about us?","HPL" "id23654","He dared not disobey the summons for fear it might prove an illusion like the urges and aspirations of waking life, which do not lead to any goal.","HPL" "id17669","There was one black tower which reached above the trees into the unknown outer sky, but that was partly ruined and could not be ascended save by a well nigh impossible climb up the sheer wall, stone by stone.","HPL" "id22644","Truly it was a fairy's supper; for though the air was perfumed by the scent of fruits and wine, we none of us either ate or drank even the beauty of the night was unobserved; their extasy could not be increased by outward objects, and I was wrapt in reverie.","MWS" "id13500","It contained about three hundred and twenty cubic feet of gas, which, if pure hydrogen, would support twenty one pounds upon its first inflation, before the gas has time to deteriorate or escape.","EAP" "id00312","Three years later he died.","HPL" "id15279","He ran freely about the fields and hills, and accompanied his mother on all her wanderings.","HPL" "id01005","The talk went on most all night.","HPL" "id18533","My next logical goal was New Church Green, but somehow or other I could not bear to repass the church in whose basement I had glimpsed the inexplicably frightening form of that strangely diademed priest or pastor.","HPL" "id05733","""I am quite ashamed to confess,"" I replied, ""that I have never even heard the names of either gentleman before.""","EAP" "id18164","Through my father's exertions a part of the inheritance of Elizabeth had been restored to her by the Austrian government.","MWS" "id02520","I listened to Raymond with intense interest.","MWS" "id12211","Detailed description would be rather unpleasant, but two salient particulars must be told, for they fit in revoltingly with certain notes of Sir Wade Jermyn's African expeditions and with the Congolese legends of the white god and the ape princess.","HPL" "id27442","You have observed nothing distinctive.","EAP" "id12058","But of that dreary period which intervened I had no positive, at least no definite comprehension.","EAP" "id01435","Her illnesses were, after this epoch, of alarming character, and of more alarming recurrence, defying alike the knowledge and the great exertions of her physicians.","EAP" "id12432","Oh, Frankenstein, be not equitable to every other and trample upon me alone, to whom thy justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due.","MWS" "id26366","Without pausing to speak of the ""old saws,"" therefore, I shall content myself with a compendious account of some of the more ""modern instances.""","EAP" "id20101","Are you, then, so easily turned from your design?","MWS" "id07735","They were wild, bold, ravenous; their red eyes glaring upon me as if they waited but for motionlessness on my part to make me their prey.","EAP" "id04519","The name of the Earl startled me, and caused all the indignant blood that warmed my heart to rush into my cheeks; I had never seen him before; I figured to myself a haughty, assuming youth, who would take me to task, if he deigned to speak to me, with all the arrogance of superiority.","MWS" "id17911","The abrupt sides of vast mountains were before me; the icy wall of the glacier overhung me; a few shattered pines were scattered around; and the solemn silence of this glorious presence chamber of imperial nature was broken only by the brawling waves or the fall of some vast fragment, the thunder sound of the avalanche or the cracking, reverberated along the mountains, of the accumulated ice, which, through the silent working of immutable laws, was ever and anon rent and torn, as if it had been but a plaything in their hands.","MWS" "id05690","Taking a pocket flashlight from my valise, I placed it in my trousers, so that I could read my watch if I woke up later in the dark.","HPL" "id02474","About the mouth there was more to be observed.","EAP" "id05174","My friend was dying when I spoke to him, and he could not answer coherently.","HPL" "id11140","""Here we are enabled, at once, to discard the 'th,' as forming no portion of the word commencing with the first t; since, by experiment of the entire alphabet for a letter adapted to the vacancy, we perceive that no word can be formed of which this th can be a part.","EAP" "id04315","The career of the horseman was indisputably, on his own part, uncontrollable.","EAP" "id26669","But we will not die in heaps, like dogs poisoned in summer time, by the pestilential air of that city we dare not go against the Plague"" A multitude of men are feeble and inert, without a voice, a leader; give them that, and they regain the strength belonging to their numbers.","MWS" "id09573","He was enchained by certain superstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted, and whence, for many years, he had never ventured forth in regard to an influence whose supposititious force was conveyed in terms too shadowy here to be re stated an influence which some peculiarities in the mere form and substance of his family mansion, had, by dint of long sufferance, he said, obtained over his spirit an effect which the physique of the gray walls and turrets, and of the dim tarn into which they all looked down, had, at length, brought about upon the morale of his existence.","EAP" "id14085","Of this he had long felt certain.","HPL" "id07062","As I watched choked by a sudden rise in the fishy odour after a short abatement I saw a band of uncouth, crouching shapes loping and shambling in the same direction; and knew that this must be the party guarding the Ipswich road, since that highway forms an extension of Eliot Street.","HPL" "id16968","There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect.","EAP" "id23207","Strange to say, this feeling was infectious.","MWS" "id19071","I dare say he will be glad to see you.""","MWS" "id03774","And then I repeated to myself all that lovely passage that relates the entrance of Dante into the terrestrial Paradise; and thought it would be sweet when I wandered on those lovely banks to see the car of light descend with my long lost parent to be restored to me.","MWS" "id25028","They were of that vaster and more appalling universe of dim entity and consciousness which lies deeper than matter, time, and space, and whose existence we suspect only in certain forms of sleep those rare dreams beyond dreams which come never to common men, and but once or twice in the lifetime of imaginative men.","HPL" "id23813","Dead, and at full length he lay, enshrouded; the genius and the demon of the scene.","EAP" "id02003","Then the three of us dragged from another room a wide four poster bedstead, crowding it laterally against the window.","HPL" "id06477","I grant, at least, that there are two distinct conditions of my mental existence the condition of a lucid reason, not to be disputed, and belonging to the memory of events forming the first epoch of my life and a condition of shadow and doubt, appertaining to the present, and to the recollection of what constitutes the second great era of my being.","EAP" "id12178","Just what Crawford Tillinghast now wished of me I could only guess, but that he had some stupendous secret or discovery to impart, I could not doubt.","HPL" "id20989","It was the dank, humid cellar which somehow exerted the strongest repulsion on us, even though it was wholly above ground on the street side, with only a thin door and window pierced brick wall to separate it from the busy sidewalk.","HPL" "id05204","That same night after Adrian's departure, her mother had warmly expostulated with her on the subject of her attachment to me.","MWS" "id19564","But I had suffered him to depart, and he had directed his course towards the mainland.","MWS" "id05438","There will be a point there will be a degree of rarity, at which, if the atoms are sufficiently numerous, the interspaces must vanish, and the mass absolutely coalesce.","EAP" "id14706","Some of these were in curious fragments, and all that survived had to be shot.","HPL" "id04292","A part of its orb was at length hid, and I waved my brand; it sank, and with a loud scream I fired the straw, and heath, and bushes, which I had collected.","MWS" "id22370","Why is it that I feel no horror?","MWS" "id17185","Oh God pity me, Charmion I am overburthened with the majesty of all things of the unknown now known of the speculative Future merged in the august and certain Present.","EAP" "id25326","What the things agreed to give in return was plenty o' fish they druv 'em in from all over the sea an' a few gold like things naow an' then.","HPL" "id04650","With us remained sorrow, anxiety, and unendurable expectation of evil.","MWS" "id17633","But, as the point immediately beneath him seems, and is, at a great distance below him, it seems, of course, also, at a great distance below the horizon.","EAP" "id01393","And once I walked through a golden valley that led to shadowy groves and ruins, and ended in a mighty wall green with antique vines, and pierced by a little gate of bronze.","HPL" "id14216","It is well when flies only are caught by such spiders' webs; but is it for the high born and powerful to bow their necks to the flimsy yoke of these unmeaning pretensions?","MWS" "id07330","Upon my entering he strode hurriedly up to me, and, seizing me by the arm with a gesture of petulant impatience, whispered the words ""William Wilson"" in my ear.","EAP" "id02960","I have no ambition to lose my life on the post road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.","MWS" "id10738","The Sefton tragedy they will not connect with West; not that, nor the men with the box, whose existence they deny.","HPL" "id23127","""Many other persons, neighbors, gave evidence to the same effect.","EAP" "id16010","The first revelation led to an exhaustive research, and finally to that shuddering quest which proved so disastrous to myself and mine.","HPL" "id07444","To the moralist it will be unnecessary to say, in addition, that Wilson and myself were the most inseparable of companions.","EAP" "id13324","It wanted about five minutes of eight when, taking the patient's hand, I begged him to state, as distinctly as he could, to Mr. L l, whether he M. Valdemar was entirely willing that I should make the experiment of mesmerizing him in his then condition.","EAP" "id22792","Everything seemed to me tainted with a loathsome contagion, and inspired by a noxious alliance with distorted hidden powers.","HPL" "id13147","And they do not wish quaint Kingsport with its climbing lanes and archaic gables to drag listless down the years while voice by voice the laughing chorus grows stronger and wilder in that unknown and terrible eyrie where mists and the dreams of mists stop to rest on their way from the sea to the skies.","HPL" "id11629","Again I strained to catch his whispers.","HPL" "id19032","These colors disappear at longer or shorter intervals after the material written upon cools, but again become apparent upon the re application of heat.","EAP" "id22375","The following anecdote, at least, is so well authenticated, that we may receive it implicitly.","EAP" "id07297","And, as accident permitted, I complied with or refused her request.","MWS" "id13604","The Greeks were strongly attached to their commercial pursuits, and would have been satisfied with their present acquisitions, had not the Turks roused them by invasion.","MWS" "id15061","Absence from the busy stage had caused him to be forgotten by the people; his former parliamentary supporters were principally composed of royalists, who had been willing to make an idol of him when he appeared as the heir of the Earldom of Windsor; but who were indifferent to him, when he came forward with no other attributes and distinctions than they conceived to be common to many among themselves.","MWS" "id18009","I rushed into my sister's cabin; it was empty.","MWS" "id13821","The grease was gone, for the mouldy floor was porous.","HPL" "id07790","A little consideration will convince any one that the difficulty of making a machine beat all games, Is not in the least degree greater, as regards the principle of the operations necessary, than that of making it beat a single game.","EAP" "id22228","The latter had felt secure of victory, until the appearance of Raymond; and, since his name had been inserted as a candidate, he had canvassed with eagerness.","MWS" "id21180","Fortunately no one was about, though a curious sort of buzz or roar seemed to be increasing in the direction of Town Square.","HPL" "id00242","The door, of massive iron, had been, also, similarly protected.","EAP" "id20139","In general, the Turk is victorious once or twice he has been beaten.","EAP" "id07406","St. Eustache fell especially under suspicion; and he failed, at first, to give an intelligible account of his whereabouts during the Sunday on which Marie left home.","EAP" "id13705","He was obviously quite mad.","HPL" "id13968","This was a glorious winter.","MWS" "id01294","In short, it seemed to my uncle and me that an incontrovertible array of facts pointed to some lingering influence in the shunned house; traceable to one or another of the ill favoured French settlers of two centuries before, and still operative through rare and unknown laws of atomic and electronic motion.","HPL" "id03911","""Everything cleaned up in the mornin' but they was traces. . . .","HPL" "id08191","Monsieur Dumas, and his worthy coadjutor Monsieur Etienne, have pronounced that they were inflicted by some obtuse instrument; and so far these gentlemen are very correct.","EAP" "id00923","The chair on which the figure sits is affixed permanently to the box.","EAP" "id07743","The sound came from a squat towered stone church of manifestly later date than most of the houses, built in a clumsy Gothic fashion and having a disproportionately high basement with shuttered windows.","HPL" "id08288","Nobody hesitates at paying for a letter especially for a double one people are such fools and it was no trouble to get round a corner before there was time to open the epistles.","EAP" "id03426","Finally he decided to lay a base of three parallel with the wall, to place upon this two layers of two each, and upon these a single box to serve as the platform.","HPL" "id09179","Impossible A mason?"" ""A mason,"" I replied.","EAP" "id00495","The events that in succession followed his return to England, gave me keener feelings.","MWS" "id21732","We took no more sweet counsel together; and when I tried to win him again to me, his anger, and the terrible emotions that he exhibited drove me to silence and tears.","MWS" "id23017","""Long have I missed thee, Aira, for I was but young when we went into exile; but my father was thy King and I shall come again to thee, for it is so decreed of Fate.","HPL" "id21268","The supposed brass with which it was filled was all in small, smooth pieces, varying from the size of a pea to that of a dollar; but the pieces were irregular in shape, although more or less flat looking, upon the whole, 'very much as lead looks when thrown upon the ground in a molten state, and there suffered to grow cool.' Now, not one of these officers for a moment suspected this metal to be any thing but brass.","EAP" "id19542","The atrocity of this murder, for it was at once evident that murder had been committed, the youth and beauty of the victim, and, above all, her previous notoriety, conspired to produce intense excitement in the minds of the sensitive Parisians.","EAP" "id25900","Maybe Harvard wun't be so fussy as yew be.""","HPL" "id03037","He again went through the scene of the bell rope and cudgel, and did not omit the duck.","EAP" "id16761","It was, he said, a constitutional and a family evil, and one for which he despaired to find a remedy a mere nervous affection, he immediately added, which would undoubtedly soon pass off.","EAP" "id24172","Some houses along Main Street were tenanted, but most were tightly boarded up.","HPL" "id21061","The examination occupied us until dark, when we took our departure.","EAP" "id05568","Then, driven ahead by curiosity in their captured yacht under Johansen's command, the men sight a great stone pillar sticking out of the sea, and in S. Latitude , W. Longitude come upon a coast line of mingled mud, ooze, and weedy Cyclopean masonry which can be nothing less than the tangible substance of earth's supreme terror the nightmare corpse city of R'lyeh, that was built in measureless aeons behind history by the vast, loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars.","HPL" "id13434","Witnesses said it had long hair and the shape of a rat, but that its sharp toothed, bearded face was evilly human while its paws were like tiny human hands.","HPL" "id24903","Here my host's observations were cut short by another series of yells, of the same character as those which had previously disconcerted us.","EAP" "id14602","I believe I sang a great deal, and laughed oddly when I was unable to sing.","HPL" "id17102","The expression of his smile, however, was by no means unpleasing, as might be supposed; but it had no variation whatever.","EAP" "id20578","From the east, a band of ravens, old inhabitants of the Turkish cemeteries, came sailing along towards their harvest; the sun disappeared.","MWS" "id24425","Very plausibly his saner self argued that the place must be tenanted by people who reached it from inland along the easier ridge beside the Miskatonic's estuary.","HPL" "id15729","Wherever seen it has been an object of intense curiosity, to all persons who think.","EAP" "id19572","I have therefore framed for myself, as you see, a bower of dreams.","EAP" "id05444","A middle aged man, with some intelligence of manner, but with so common place a physiognomy, that Raymond could scarcely believe that he was the designer.","MWS" "id04512","If drowned, being a woman, she might never have sunk; or having sunk, might have reappeared in twenty four hours, or less.","EAP" "id00757","And such it would undoubtedly be, were they right in their supposition.","EAP" "id11608","The vegetables in the gardens, the milk and cheese that I saw placed at the windows of some of the cottages, allured my appetite.","MWS" "id03212","These the keg and canisters I connected in a proper manner with covered trains; and having let into one of the canisters the end of about four feet of slow match, I covered up the hole, and placed the cask over it, leaving the other end of the match protruding about an inch, and barely visible beyond the cask.","EAP" "id12597","This spirit of perverseness, I say, came to my final overthrow.","EAP" "id15023","'I lie,' forsooth and 'hold my tongue,' to be sure pretty conversation indeed, to a gentleman with a single breath all this, too, when I have it in my power to relieve the calamity under which thou dost so justly suffer to curtail the superfluities of thine unhappy respiration.""","EAP" "id10282","Her garb was rustic, and her cheek pale; but there was an air of dignity and beauty, that hardly permitted the sentiment of pity.","MWS" "id10386","Through this tube a quantity of the rare atmosphere circumjacent being drawn by means of a vacuum created in the body of the machine, was thence discharged, in a state of condensation, to mingle with the thin air already in the chamber.","EAP" "id16648","They are dead, and but one feeling in such a solitude can persuade me to preserve my life.","MWS" "id05262","I saw plainly that he was surprised, but he never attempted to draw my secret from me; and although I loved him with a mixture of affection and reverence that knew no bounds, yet I could never persuade myself to confide in him that event which was so often present to my recollection, but which I feared the detail to another would only impress more deeply.","MWS" "id04716","He continued: ""We had been talking of horses, if I remember aright, just before leaving the Rue C .","EAP" "id11290","""Besides the articles above enumerated, I conveyed to the depot, and there secreted, one of M. Grimm's improvements upon the apparatus for condensation of the atmospheric air.","EAP" "id11282","She had rejected these advances; and the time for such exuberant submission, which must be founded on love and nourished by it, was now passed.","MWS" "id18706","""Smith?"" said my partner, ""why, not General John A. B. C.? Horrid affair that, wasn't it?","EAP" "id06642","Thus, while the wise, the good, and the prudent were occupied by the labours of benevolence, the truce of winter produced other effects among the young, the thoughtless, and the vicious.","MWS" "id16320","Waiting seemed very long to Mr. Czanek as he fidgeted restlessly in the covered motor car by the Terrible Old Man's back gate in Ship Street.","HPL" "id03700","Puss, who seemed in a great measure recovered from her illness, now made a hearty meal of the dead bird and then went to sleep with much apparent satisfaction.","EAP" "id15994","Indeed I was too weary to walk further: the air was chill but I was careless of bodily inconvenience, and I thought that I was well inured to the weather during my two years of solitude, when no change of seasons prevented my perpetual wanderings.","MWS" "id00239","The author who was much thought of in his day was one Miller, or Mill; and we find it recorded of him, as a point of some importance, that he had a mill horse called Bentham.","EAP" "id19763","A few of the organic objects tended to awake vague memories in the back of his mind, though he could form no conscious idea of what they mockingly resembled or suggested.","HPL" "id10994","Somehow thus: Can't be too brief.","EAP" "id16735","In truth so deeply was I excited by the perilous position of my companion, that I fell at full length upon the ground, clung to the shrubs around me, and dared not even glance upward at the sky while I struggled in vain to divest myself of the idea that the very foundations of the mountain were in danger from the fury of the winds.","EAP" "id09204","Twice a year they would light fires on the top of Sentinel Hill, at which times the mountain rumblings would recur with greater and greater violence; while at all seasons there were strange and portentous doings at the lonely farmhouse.","HPL" "id12715","Then it was not done by human agency.","EAP" "id26397","Again he converses, for some fifteen minutes, upon the public affairs.","EAP" "id23635","To describe their exact nature is impossible for one unversed in music.","HPL" "id19742","And pox on him, I'm afeared the squire must have sarved them monstrous bad rum whether or not by intent for a week after he larnt the secret he was the only man living that knew it.","HPL" "id00470","'There were originally but three Muses Melete, Mneme, Aoede meditation, memory, and singing.'","EAP" "id13456","One thing I began to suspect, and which I now fear I know, is that my uncle's death was far from natural.","HPL" "id13141","He had seen it, and praised it; it was again retouched by her, each stroke of her pencil was as a chord of thrilling music, and bore to her the idea of a temple raised to celebrate the deepest and most unutterable emotions of her soul.","MWS" "id21298","""What a noble fellow"" you will exclaim.","MWS" "id15594","It had to be done my way artificial preservation for you see I died that time eighteen years ago.""","HPL" "id04633","By degrees Evadne related to her friend the whole of her story, the stain her name had received in Greece, the weight of sin which had accrued to her from the death of her husband.","MWS" "id19802","The room within which they found themselves proved to be the shop of an undertaker; but an open trap door, in a corner of the floor near the entrance, looked down upon a long range of wine cellars, whose depths the occasional sound of bursting bottles proclaimed to be well stored with their appropriate contents.","EAP" "id11207","What added, no doubt, to my hatred of the beast, was the discovery, on the morning after I brought it home, that, like Pluto, it also had been deprived of one of its eyes.","EAP" "id14898","Believing I was now at a prodigious height, far above the accursed branches of the wood, I dragged myself up from the floor and fumbled about for windows, that I might look for the first time upon the sky, and the moon and stars of which I had read.","HPL" "id27471","At first an unusual quantity of specie made its appearance with the emigrants; but these people had no means of receiving back into their hands what they spent among us.","MWS" "id15948","I could only think of the bourne of my travels and the work which was to occupy me whilst they endured.","MWS" "id22318","Coincidences, in general, are great stumbling blocks in the way of that class of thinkers who have been educated to know nothing of the theory of probabilities that theory to which the most glorious objects of human research are indebted for the most glorious of illustration.","EAP" "id19231","The foregoing observations apply to the appearance of the Automaton upon its first introduction into the presence of the spectators.","EAP" "id03297","It had looked very queer to her, but of course the young gentleman had lots of queer things in his room books and curios and pictures and markings on paper.","HPL" "id18877","Would you also create for yourself and the world a demoniacal enemy?","MWS" "id24376","A traveller, portmanteau in hand, is discovered running toward the wharf, at full speed.","EAP" "id27058","The real diameter of the same comet's nebulosity is observed to contract rapidly as it approaches the sun, and dilate with equal rapidity in its departure towards its aphelion.","EAP" "id02153","I was rough as the elements, and unlearned as the animals I tended.","MWS" "id05420","It was the hour of the slack but the sea still heaved in mountainous waves from the effects of the hurricane.","EAP" "id27414","Dogless, niggerless, headless, what now remains for the unhappy Signora Psyche Zenobia?","EAP" "id00244","Sometimes, with my sails set, I was carried by the wind; and sometimes, after rowing into the middle of the lake, I left the boat to pursue its own course and gave way to my own miserable reflections.","MWS" "id01982","But, on the next day, getting up very early, I contrived to give him the slip, and went into the hills in search of the tree.","EAP" "id14011","Sweeps were sent up and down the chimneys.","EAP" "id23849","March d the crew of the Emma landed on an unknown island and left six men dead; and on that date the dreams of sensitive men assumed a heightened vividness and darkened with dread of a giant monster's malign pursuit, whilst an architect had gone mad and a sculptor had lapsed suddenly into delirium And what of this storm of April nd the date on which all dreams of the dank city ceased, and Wilcox emerged unharmed from the bondage of strange fever?","HPL" "id05735","He was called ""Old Bugs"", and was the most disreputable object in a disreputable environment.","HPL" "id00508","I was soon upon the point of resigning myself to my fate, and dropping quietly into the sea, when my spirits were suddenly revived by hearing a hollow voice from above, which seemed to be lazily humming an opera air.","EAP" "id00250","It made me think illogically of that unpleasantly undulating column on the far off Ipswich road.","HPL" "id12064","As to the shape of the phenomenon, it was even still more reprehensible.","EAP" "id06123","It had hellishly long, sharp, canine teeth.","HPL" "id08790","Black draperies, likewise, in the gloomy room, shut out from our view the moon, the lurid stars, and the peopleless streets but the boding and the memory of Evil they would not be so excluded.","EAP" "id01677","While the brother and sister were still hesitating in what manner they could best attempt to bring their mother over to their party, she, suspecting our meetings, taxed her children with them; taxed her fair daughter with deceit, and an unbecoming attachment for one whose only merit was being the son of the profligate favourite of her imprudent father; and who was doubtless as worthless as he from whom he boasted his descent.","MWS" "id17876","The one glimpse he had had of the title was enough to send him into transports, and some of the diagrams set in the vague Latin text excited the tensest and most disquieting recollections in his brain.","HPL" "id27665","Other specimens the youth had not seen, though many were rumoured to exist around Innsmouth.","HPL" "id24654","It echoed and echoed through the dim vaultings of that ancient and nitrous cellar, and I had to choke back a flood of reaction that threatened to burst out as hysterical laughter.","HPL" "id01396","All the same his crews ud git a piece an' dispose of it naow and then, even though they was swore to keep quiet; an' he let his women folks wear some o' the pieces as was more human like than most.","HPL" "id22026","But I wish to call your attention to the distinction which is made between 'drowned bodies,' and 'bodies thrown into the water immediately after death by violence.'","EAP" "id09624","""Mademoiselle Rogêt left her mother's house on Sunday morning, June the twenty second, , with the ostensible purpose of going to see her aunt, or some other connexion, in the Rue des Drômes.","EAP" "id11355","Sails were lying in the bottom of the boat.","EAP" "id18646","Nor is he matter, as you understand it.","EAP" "id06131","Much of this tale she concealed from Raymond; nor did she confess, that repulse and denial, as to a criminal convicted of the worst of crimes, that of bringing the scythe of foreign despotism to cut away the new springing liberties of her country, would have followed her application to any among the Greeks.","MWS" "id27620","An' tell me why Obed was allus droppin' heavy things daown into the deep water t'other side o' the reef whar the bottom shoots daown like a cliff lower'n ye kin saound?","HPL" "id22777","She had asked her neighbour Mary Czanek to sleep in the room and try to protect the child, but Mary had not dared.","HPL" "id27578","He was an especial favorite, too, with the ladies chiefly on account of his high reputation for courage.","EAP" "id00439","I must besides do the driver the justice to state that he did not forget to throw after me the largest of my trunks, which, unfortunately falling on my head, fractured my skull in a manner at once interesting and extraordinary.","EAP" "id21534","It ran thus: ""Monsieur Simpson vill pardonne me for not compose de butefulle tong of his contree so vell as might.","EAP" "id25893","They climb to the moonlit towers of ruined Rhine castles, and falter down black cobwebbed steps beneath the scattered stones of forgotten cities in Asia.","HPL" "id06996","After one or two trivial remarks, to which I sullenly replied, he suddenly cried, looking at the bust, ""I am called like that victor Not a bad idea; the head will serve for my new coinage, and be an omen to all dutiful subjects of my future success.""","MWS" "id27741","I have much very much which it would give me the greatest pleasure to communicate.","EAP" "id16686","The solution that seemed to me the most probable was that during his residence in London he had fallen in love with some unworthy person, and that his passion mastered him although he would not gratify it: he loved me too well to sacrifise me to this inclination, and that he had now visited this house that by reviving the memory of my mother whom he so passionately adored he might weaken the present impression.","MWS" "id18709","Was not acquainted with the Italian language.","EAP" "id05433","Is not love a divinity, because it is immortal?","MWS" "id16535","I might be driven into the wide Atlantic and feel all the tortures of starvation or be swallowed up in the immeasurable waters that roared and buffeted around me.","MWS" "id03329","I accordingly went over to the plantation, and re instituted my inquiries among the older negroes of the place.","EAP" "id23582","I now unpacked the condensing apparatus, and got it ready for immediate use.","EAP" "id14058","Harris was a substantial merchant and seaman in the West India trade, connected with the firm of Obadiah Brown and his nephews.","HPL" "id22177","The neighbours grumblingly acquiesced in the inertia but the foetor none the less formed an additional count against the place.","HPL" "id05480","The man, of course, was not permitted to get on board again, and was soon out of sight, he and his life preserver.","EAP" "id09337","There came a period when people were curious enough to steal up and count the herd that grazed precariously on the steep hillside above the old farmhouse, and they could never find more than ten or twelve anaemic, bloodless looking specimens.","HPL" "id24576","""Here then, at least,"" I shrieked aloud, ""can I never can I never be mistaken these are the full, and the black, and the wild eyes of my lost love of the lady of the LADY LIGEIA.""","EAP" "id11671","Nothing so well assists the fancy, as an experimental knowledge of the matter in hand.","EAP" "id11569","Then he would have recourse to the polite laughter they had taught him to use against the extravagance and artificiality of dreams; for he saw that the daily life of our world is every inch as extravagant and artificial, and far less worthy of respect because of its poverty in beauty and its silly reluctance to admit its own lack of reason and purpose.","HPL" "id00420","Forms affected my vision no longer.","EAP" "id13545","At death, or metamorphosis, these creatures, enjoying the ultimate life immortality and cognizant of all secrets but the one, act all things and pass everywhere by mere volition: indwelling, not the stars, which to us seem the sole palpabilities, and for the accommodation of which we blindly deem space created but that SPACE itself that infinity of which the truly substantive vastness swallows up the star shadows blotting them out as non entities from the perception of the angels.","EAP" "id05930","He granted for the sake of argument that some unnatural monster had really existed, but reminded me that even the most morbid perversion of Nature need not be unnamable or scientifically indescribable.","HPL" "id09618","When I returned to Perdita, I found that she had already been informed of the success of my undertaking.","MWS" "id27052","In this manner the horizon of the æronaut would appear to be on a level with the car.","EAP" "id22708","Upon these three I internally vowed the bitterest revenge, if ever I should be so happy as to get them within my clutches; and I believe nothing in the world but the pleasure of this anticipation prevented me from putting my plan of suicide into immediate execution, by blowing my brains out with a blunderbuss.","EAP" "id14331","""Why, yes,"" said Dupin, drawlingly, between the whiffs of his meerschaum, ""I really think, G , you have not exerted yourself to the utmost in this matter.","EAP" "id23737","They were a consequence a result.","EAP" "id25089","In vain our Protector and his partizans sought to conceal this truth; in vain, day after day, he appointed a period for the discussion of the new laws concerning hereditary rank and privilege; in vain he endeavoured to represent the evil as partial and temporary.","MWS" "id23689","Several hundreds landed in Ireland, about the first of November, and took possession of such vacant habitations as they could find; seizing upon the superabundant food, and the stray cattle.","MWS" "id01348","A light railing surrounded the garden of the cottage, which, low roofed, seemed to submit to the majesty of nature, and cower amidst the venerable remains of forgotten time.","MWS" "id13038","England was still secure.","MWS" "id16574","We know of them, among other things, that they are always to their possessor, when inordinately possessed, a source of the liveliest enjoyment.","EAP" "id02605","I had done all I could, and hoped I was in time.","HPL" "id27965","Arter I got the book off Eb I uster look at it a lot, especial when I'd heerd Passon Clark rant o' Sundays in his big wig.","HPL" "id21235","The dogs slavered and crouched close to the feet of the fear numbed family.","HPL" "id20713","Cheers and loud acclamations followed the close of his speech.","MWS" "id01748","Dupin said the last words in a very low tone, and very quietly.","EAP" "id22266","It follows that the game of chess, in its effects upon mental character, is greatly misunderstood.","EAP" "id00733","For it had been a man.","HPL" "id24752","Afternoon was far gone when he reached the foot, and at the bend half way up he paused to scan the outspread countryside golden and glorified in the slanting floods of magic poured out by a western sun.","HPL" "id27778","Wyatt's three rooms were in the after cabin, which was separated from the main one by a slight sliding door, never locked even at night.","EAP" "id10168","A number of buildings and trees intervened, when I had reached the plain, hiding the city from my view.","MWS" "id20984","At the expiration of this period, however, I was thrown into an extremity of agitation by seeing her unfold, for the second time, the eye glass which hung at her side, fully confront me as before, and, disregarding the renewed buzz of the audience, survey me, from head to foot, with the same miraculous composure which had previously so delighted and confounded my soul.","EAP" "id21837","""For heaven's love Windsor,"" cried Ryland, ""do not mock me with that title.","MWS" "id08554","One voice made of many voices, resounded through the chamber; it syllabled the name of Raymond.","MWS" "id09234","Miserable, unhappy wretch ""Other lessons were impressed upon me even more deeply.","MWS" "id05208","His own view, postulating simply a building and location of markedly unsanitary qualities, had nothing to do with abnormality; but he realised that the very picturesqueness which aroused his own interest would in a boy's fanciful mind take on all manner of gruesome imaginative associations.","HPL" "id06253","The clocks carved upon the furniture took to dancing as if bewitched, while those upon the mantel pieces could scarcely contain themselves for fury, and kept such a continual striking of thirteen, and such a frisking and wriggling of their pendulums as was really horrible to see.","EAP" "id05207","For some time he rambled on with an almost feverish geniality, when it struck me to ask him how he came by so rare a book as Pigafetta's Regnum Congo.","HPL" "id08826","A luminous body imparts vibration to the luminiferous ether.","EAP" "id10341","I quickly collected some branches, but they were wet and would not burn.","MWS" "id11763","They imply that I am a madman or a murderer probably I am mad.","HPL" "id02358","And in this second endeavor I succeeded.","EAP" "id23092","Many steps above the Marchesa, and within the arch of the water gate, stood, in full dress, the Satyr like figure of Mentoni himself.","EAP" "id19403","In such a school my disposition became rugged, but firm.","MWS" "id08710","Company was irksome to me; when alone, I could fill my mind with the sights of heaven and earth; the voice of Henry soothed me, and I could thus cheat myself into a transitory peace.","MWS" "id25258","I now ventured to inquire the cause of the disturbance.","EAP" "id11111","Throughout the siege of Rome he served bravely in the army of the defenders, and afterward followed the eagles of Belisarius to Alba, Porto, and Centumcellae.","HPL" "id04308","If I no longer saw the fresh glow of youth on his matured countenance, if care had besieged his brow, ""And dug deep trenches in his beauty's field,"" if his hair, slightly mingled with grey, and his look, considerate even in its eagerness, gave signs of added years and past sufferings, yet there was something irresistibly affecting in the sight of one, lately snatched from the grave, renewing his career, untamed by sickness or disaster.","MWS" "id10518","More clicking, and after a pause a piteous cry from Warren: ""Beat it For God's sake, put back the slab and beat it, Carter"" Something in the boyish slang of my evidently stricken companion unleashed my faculties.","HPL" "id25070","The rumour went that Adrian had become how write the fatal word mad: that Lord Raymond was the favourite of the ex queen, her daughter's destined husband.","MWS" "id19440","After passing several hours, we returned hopeless, most of my companions believing it to have been a form conjured up by my fancy.","MWS" "id05791","New kinds of faces appeared in The Street; swarthy, sinister faces with furtive eyes and odd features, whose owners spoke unfamiliar words and placed signs in known and unknown characters upon most of the musty houses.","HPL" "id27039","Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.","MWS" "id12525","Blasted as thou wert, my agony was still superior to thine, for the bitter sting of remorse will not cease to rankle in my wounds until death shall close them forever.","MWS" "id23070","And why did you insist upon letting fall the bug, instead of a bullet, from the skull?"" ""Why, to be frank, I felt somewhat annoyed by your evident suspicions touching my sanity, and so resolved to punish you quietly, in my own way, by a little bit of sober mystification.","EAP" "id06188","One other incident occurred at the end of this summer.","MWS" "id25048","""You can either conduct yourself as a lady should do, or you can quit the table forthwith take your choice.""","EAP" "id24287","I, driven half mad, as I met party after party of the country people, in their holiday best, descending the hills, escaped to their cloud veiled summits, and looking on the sterile rocks about me, exclaimed ""They do not cry, long live the Earl"" Nor, when night came, accompanied by drizzling rain and cold, would I return home; for I knew that each cottage rang with the praises of Adrian; as I felt my limbs grow numb and chill, my pain served as food for my insane aversion; nay, I almost triumphed in it, since it seemed to afford me reason and excuse for my hatred of my unheeding adversary.","MWS" "id26944","Determined upon further exploration, I felt in my pockets for flint and steel, and lit the unused torch which I had with me.","HPL" "id16626","I had besides many books and a harp with which when despairing I could soothe my spirits, and raise myself to sympathy and love.","MWS" "id25330","Many months passed, yet in the sour face of Musides came nothing of the sharp expectancy which the situation should arouse.","HPL" "id02715","Why dost thou howl thus, O wind?","MWS" "id22407","Hereditary wealth afforded me an education of no common order, and a contemplative turn of mind enabled me to methodize the stores which early study very diligently garnered up.","EAP" "id22616","At any rate we always add to our names the initials P. R. E. T. T. Y. B. L. U. E. B. A. T. C. H. that is to say, Philadelphia, Regular, Exchange, Tea, Total, Young, Belles, Lettres, Universal, Experimental, Bibliographical, Association, To, Civilize, Humanity one letter for each word, which is a decided improvement upon Lord Brougham.","EAP" "id04609","Tell me, can I do nothing?","MWS" "id00668","It will take an entire hen coop of picked chickens to get over that.","EAP" "id09813","To gain a partial relief from the general tension I busied myself by transferring this hardware to the vacant place with the aid of a handy three in one device including a screw driver which I kept on my key ring.","HPL" "id12071","Endeavored to make out her name, but could not be sure of it.","EAP" "id09759","There had been a slight earthquake tremor the night before, the most considerable felt in New England for some years; and Wilcox's imagination had been keenly affected.","HPL" "id13681","They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity.","HPL" "id16987","I would surely be very glad to get out of malodorous and fear shadowed Innsmouth, and wished there were some other vehicle than the bus driven by that sinister looking fellow Sargent.","HPL" "id03193","Wolves and lions, and various monsters of the desert roared against him; while the grim Unreality hovered shaking his spectral dart, a solitary but invincible assailant.","MWS" "id12472","""Him de syfe and de spade what Massa Will sis pon my buying for him in de town, and de debbils own lot of money I had to gib for em."" ""But what, in the name of all that is mysterious, is your 'Massa Will' going to do with scythes and spades?"" ""Dat's more dan I know, and debbil take me if I don't blieve 'tis more dan he know, too.","EAP" "id21196","never heerd o' my pa no more. . .","HPL" "id09244","A low moan close to her ear followed, and the rustling increased; she heard a smothered voice breathe out, Water, Water several times; and then again a sigh heaved from the heart of the sufferer.","MWS" "id12448","They were sounds occasioned by the artist in prying open the oblong box, by means of a chisel and mallet the latter being apparently muffled, or deadened, by some soft woollen or cotton substance in which its head was enveloped.","EAP" "id12222","I tell you, you can't imagine what the thing is really like But I promise to keep you informed over the telephone of every move you see I've enough wire here to reach to the centre of the earth and back"" I can still hear, in memory, those coolly spoken words; and I can still remember my remonstrances.","HPL" "id18063","M. Krempe had now commenced an eulogy on himself, which happily turned the conversation from a subject that was so annoying to me.","MWS" "id18159","Something in the air of the hoary town worked obscurely on his imagination.","HPL" "id10991","In their origin these laws were fashioned to embrace all contingencies which could lie in the Future.","EAP" "id15556","I looked on the valley beneath; vast mists were rising from the rivers which ran through it and curling in thick wreaths around the opposite mountains, whose summits were hid in the uniform clouds, while rain poured from the dark sky and added to the melancholy impression I received from the objects around me. Alas Why does man boast of sensibilities superior to those apparent in the brute; it only renders them more necessary beings.","MWS" "id00881","This, then, was the former Masonic Hall now given over to a degraded cult.","HPL" "id15775","Thus it was that we lived all alone, knowing nothing of the world without the valley I, and my cousin, and her mother.","EAP" "id16922","The silly moon and inconstant planets vary nightly their erratic dance; the sun itself, sovereign of the sky, ever and anon deserts his throne, and leaves his dominion to night and winter.","MWS" "id16527","Fifteen months after their marriage I was born, and my mother died a few days after my birth.","MWS" "id25398","""The author's observations on the artificial style,"" continued Ellison, ""are less objectionable.","EAP" "id25425","The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with ardour: The sounding cataract Haunted him like a passion: the tall rock, The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood, Their colours and their forms, were then to him An appetite; a feeling, and a love, That had no need of a remoter charm, By thought supplied, or any interest Unborrow'd from the eye.","MWS" "id09160","It was indeed in the place where I had seemed to see it.","HPL" "id02620","For some time I sat upon the rock that overlooks the sea of ice.","MWS" "id16361","I found Merrival, the astronomer, with her.","MWS" "id06035","Once he heard of a man in the South who was shunned and feared for the blasphemous things he read in prehistoric books and clay tablets smuggled from India and Arabia.","HPL" "id17898","Soon her door opened softly, and on her springing up, she heard a whisper, ""Not asleep yet,"" and the door again closed.","MWS" "id04889","In the place of conical hats and muskets there were three cornered hats and small swords, and lace and snowy periwigs.","HPL" "id13011","This may be the practice in law, but it is not the usage of reason.","EAP" "id08599","I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth.","EAP" "id10480","These men, I say, theorize; and their theories are simply corrected, reduced, systematized cleared, little by little, of their dross of inconsistency until, finally, a perfect consistency stands apparent which even the most stolid admit, because it is a consistency, to be an absolute and an unquestionable truth.","EAP" "id14060","Let me then remember.","EAP" "id12720","The old man's whisper grew fainter, and I found myself shuddering at the terrible and sincere portentousness of his intonation, even though I knew his tale could be nothing but drunken phantasy.","HPL" "id15246","But my attention was not confined to theories alone.","EAP" "id26688","A mountain walked or stumbled.","HPL" "id11354","As we crossed into this street, a fruiterer, with a large basket upon his head, brushing quickly past us, thrust you upon a pile of paving stones collected at a spot where the causeway is undergoing repair.","EAP" "id03328","To be brief upon a vile topic, none of the low finesse was omitted, so customary upon similar occasions that it is a just matter for wonder how any are still found so besotted as to fall its victim.","EAP" "id11124","There was Delphinus Polyglott.","EAP" "id16193","I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half pleasurable, because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible.","EAP" "id18597","The Irish followed their track in disorganized multitudes; each day encreasing; each day becoming more lawless.","MWS" "id17057","Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous.","HPL" "id22356","I journied all day; every moment my misery encreased and the fever of my blood became intolerable.","MWS" "id09128","No incidents have hitherto befallen us that would make a figure in a letter.","MWS" "id03834","The young woman arranged the cottage and prepared the food, and the youth departed after the first meal.","MWS" "id21460","Over the library mantel in his home hung the exact replica of that picture, and all his life he had known and loved its original.","HPL" "id05237","This was certainly the Sibyl's Cave; not indeed exactly as Virgil describes it, but the whole of this land had been so convulsed by earthquake and volcano, that the change was not wonderful, though the traces of ruin were effaced by time; and we probably owed the preservation of these leaves, to the accident which had closed the mouth of the cavern, and the swift growing vegetation which had rendered its sole opening impervious to the storm.","MWS" "id12707","Mathematical axioms are not axioms of general truth.","EAP" "id14559","In truth, while that merit which consists in the mere avoiding demerit, appeals directly to the understanding, and can thus be foreshadowed in Rule, the loftier merit, which breathes and flames in invention or creation, can be apprehended solely in its results.","EAP" "id19822","Furtive, shambling creatures stared cryptically in my direction, and more normal faces eyed me coldly and curiously.","HPL" "id21234","""We had; but the reward offered is prodigious"" ""You include the grounds about the houses?""","EAP" "id21326","If thrown from the shore a weight would have been attached.","EAP" "id24198","Oh, my beloved father Indeed you made me miserable beyond all words, but how truly did I even then forgive you, and how entirely did you possess my whole heart while I endeavoured, as a rainbow gleams upon a cataract,D to soften thy tremendous sorrows.","MWS" "id12905","As night advanced I placed a variety of combustibles around the cottage, and after having destroyed every vestige of cultivation in the garden, I waited with forced impatience until the moon had sunk to commence my operations.","MWS" "id18586","""Assuredly a most benignant power built up the majestic fabric we inhabit, and framed the laws by which it endures.","MWS" "id08401","""We'd better both go,"" he whispered.","HPL" "id17056","Vision or nightmare it may have been vision or nightmare I fervently hope it was yet it is all that my mind retains of what took place in those shocking hours after we left the sight of men.","HPL" "id09069","In the winter of , however, the dreams began.","HPL" "id17192","This, then, is the object of the present paper.","EAP" "id21080","I cannot say much in praise of such a life; and its pains far exceeded its pleasures.","MWS" "id16712","I found another and a valuable link to enchain me to my fellow creatures; my point of sight was extended, and the inclinations and capacities of all human beings became deeply interesting to me.","MWS" "id09551","Might not this be the case with Mr. Windenough?","EAP" "id27803","Having, as I thought, sufficiently collected my ideas, I now, with great caution and deliberation, put my hands behind my back, and unfastened the large iron buckle which belonged to the waistband of my inexpressibles.","EAP" "id14883","He is a mathematician, and no poet.""","EAP" "id23733","""Carter hurry It's no use you must go better one than two the slab "" A pause, more clicking, then the faint voice of Warren: ""Nearly over now don't make it harder cover up those damned steps and run for your life you're losing time So long, Carter won't see you again.""","HPL" "id26132","Each day the soldiers of the garrison assaulted our advanced posts, and impeded the accomplishment of our works.","MWS" "id03650","His Grace thought of his game.","EAP" "id05511","The summer passed tediously, for we trusted that winter would at least check the disease.","MWS" "id01045","While on the subject of names, by the bye, I may mention a singular coincidence of sound attending the names of some of my immediate predecessors.","EAP" "id24031","Accustomed as I am to this mode of travelling, I cannot get over a kind of giddiness whenever a balloon passes us in a current directly overhead.","EAP" "id24435","A slight noise attracted my notice, and, looking to the floor, I saw several enormous rats traversing it.","EAP" "id14785","That bearded host seemed young, yet looked out of eyes steeped in the elder mysteries; and from the tales of marvellous ancient things he related, it must be guessed that the village folk were right in saying he had communed with the mists of the sea and the clouds of the sky ever since there was any village to watch his taciturn dwelling from the plain below.","HPL" "id01710","Ten thousand thanks to Henry for his kindness, his affection, and his many letters; we are sincerely grateful.","MWS" "id01110","Opening into the garret where they caught him, was a closet, ten feet by eight, fitted up with some chemical apparatus, of which the object has not yet been ascertained.","EAP" "id10651","The tale was quickly told, but it awakened various trains of reflection.","MWS" "id01038","And in front of the fireplace was no vestige of the giant doubled up form in nitre.","HPL" "id16652","Adrian, whose health had always been weak, now suffered considerable aggravation of suffering from the effects of his wound.","MWS" "id22029","Then I told him what I had found in an old diary kept between and , unearthed among family papers not a mile from where we were sitting; that, and the certain reality of the scars on my ancestor's chest and back which the diary described.","HPL" "id10879","The houses were tall, peaked roofed, incredibly old, and crazily leaning backward, forward, and sidewise.","HPL" "id01951","It lay beneath me like a chart and although I judged it to be still at no inconsiderable distance, the indentures of its surface were defined to my vision with a most striking and altogether unaccountable distinctness.","EAP" "id13523","I asked, rubbing my hands over the blaze, and wishing the whole tribe of scarabæi at the devil.","EAP" "id04263","Fire, the sword, and plague They may all be found in yonder city; on my head alone may they fall"" From this day Raymond's melancholy increased.","MWS" "id16632","This time, on the fourteenth of November, my quest concerned itself mostly with the slopes of Cone Mountain and Maple Hill where they overlook the unfortunate hamlet, and I gave particular attention to the loose earth of the landslide region on the latter eminence.","HPL" "id21577","Had my uncle referred to these cases by name instead of merely by number, I should have attempted some corroboration and personal investigation; but as it was, I succeeded in tracing down only a few.","HPL" "id02644","With the first glimpse we obtain of it, the dawn of our success shall begin.","EAP" "id18208","The idea of renewing my labours did not for one instant occur to me; the threat I had heard weighed on my thoughts, but I did not reflect that a voluntary act of mine could avert it.","MWS" "id06889","He might with equal interest to us, have added a commentary, to describe the unknown and unimaginable lineaments of the creatures, who would then occupy the vacated dwelling of mankind.","MWS" "id16852","I stepped on it, and fell violently on my face.","EAP" "id08970","Alas the grim legion of sepulchral terrors cannot be regarded as altogether fanciful but, like the Demons in whose company Afrasiab made his voyage down the Oxus, they must sleep, or they will devour us they must be suffered to slumber, or we perish.","EAP" "id26220","Perdita, in whom ambition was a covered fire until she married Raymond, which event was for a time the fulfilment of her hopes; Perdita will rejoice in the glory and advancement of her lord and, coyly and prettily, not be discontented with her share.","MWS" "id21074","He had had much trouble in discovering the proper formula, for each type of organism was found to need a stimulus especially adapted to it.","HPL" "id03518","The poop and beak of this boat arise high above the water, with sharp points, so that the general form is that of an irregular crescent.","EAP" "id07011","NO MORE remarkable man ever lived than my friend, the young Ellison.","EAP" "id14383","Of the cult, he said that he thought the centre lay amid the pathless deserts of Arabia, where Irem, the City of Pillars, dreams hidden and untouched.","HPL" "id16097","After doing this, I really do not perceive that you can do any more.","EAP" "id24716","From the swarming streets to the banks of the river, there descended innumerable flights of steps leading to bathing places, while the river itself seemed to force a passage with difficulty through the vast fleets of deeply burthened ships that far and wide encountered its surface.","EAP" "id26432","The field of sculpture, although in its nature rigidly poetical, was too limited in its extent and in its consequences, to have occupied, at any time, much of his attention.","EAP" "id19025","When it had become definitely known that such was the enormous wealth inherited, there were, of course, many speculations as to the mode of its disposal.","EAP" "id16838","Do you understand Mr. Rumgudgeon?","EAP" "id05579","In the privacy of his bureau he reclined languidly on that ottoman for which he sacrificed his loyalty in outbidding his king the notorious ottoman of Cadet.","EAP" "id21508","While I stood thus in despair, conversing with a trio of friends upon the all absorbing subject of my heart, it so happened that the subject itself passed by.","EAP" "id06214","The park was speckled by tents, whose flaunting colours and gaudy flags, waving in the sunshine, added to the gaiety of the scene.","MWS" "id16874","She answered the one with a gush of tears telling me that to be persuaded life and the goods of life were a cheap exchange.","MWS" "id05764","I had heard no speech so far in this quarter, and was unaccountably anxious not to do so.","HPL" "id25243","Here were the most entirely even, and the most brilliantly white of all conceivable teeth.","EAP" "id21293","And all this, to be sure, was delicately put; not in broad words for my feelings might be hurt but Whispered so and so In dark hint soft and lowE with downcast eyes, and sympathizing smiles or whimpers; and I listened with quiet countenance while every nerve trembled; I that dared not utter aye or no to all this blasphemy.","MWS" "id11091","Do you remember on what occasion Justine Moritz entered our family?","MWS" "id12333","The circumstance of the first elopement, as mentioned by Le Mercurie, tends to blend the idea of this seaman with that of the 'naval officer' who is first known to have led the unfortunate into crime.","EAP" "id27209","I have a distinct recollection of frequently compressing my lips, putting my forefinger to the side of my nose, and making use of other gesticulations and grimaces common to men who, at ease in their arm chairs, meditate upon matters of intricacy or importance.","EAP" "id02766","Undisturbed by oppressive reflections on the time, the place, and the company beneath his feet, he philosophically chipped away the stony brickwork; cursing when a fragment hit him in the face, and laughing when one struck the increasingly excited horse that pawed near the cypress tree.","HPL" "id02446","The least congenial Member was one of the Founders, Sir John Hawkins, who hath since written many misrepresentations of our Society.","HPL" "id08525","Simultaneously there developed something like a cold draught, which apparently swept past me from the direction of the distant sound.","HPL" "id23071","Animal fury and orgiastic licence here whipped themselves to daemoniac heights by howls and squawking ecstasies that tore and reverberated through those nighted woods like pestilential tempests from the gulfs of hell.","HPL" "id15646","""Yes; I promise; and now let us be off, for we have no time to lose.""","EAP" "id22466","And now, at last, as if by the rush of an ocean, my shuddering spirit is overwhelmed by the one grim Danger by the one spectral and ever prevalent idea.","EAP" "id23026","The decay was worst close to the waterfront, though in its very midst I could spy the white belfry of a fairly well preserved brick structure which looked like a small factory.","HPL" "id09694","It's just over your left shoulder. . .","HPL" "id16282","He was very deliberate, and spoke with an air of feeling slightly superior to what he said.","HPL" "id12310","It had escaped even the cutting bureau which had at the time of its issuance been avidly collecting material for my uncle's research.","HPL" "id23952","We should bear in mind that, in general, it is the object of our newspapers rather to create a sensation to make a point than to further the cause of truth.","EAP" "id03431","But he was checked; Evadne exacted a promise, that he should conceal from all her friends her existence in England.","MWS" "id05030","Let a veil be drawn over the unimaginable sensations of a guilty father; the secrets of so agonized a heart may not be made vulgar.","MWS" "id16287","My descent, which claimed interest, if not respect, my former connection with Adrian, the favour of the ambassador, whose secretary I had been, and now my intimacy with Lord Raymond, gave me easy access to the fashionable and political circles of England.","MWS" "id27360","""I must say also a few words to you, my dear cousin, of little darling William.","MWS" "id24153","Indeed, during the brief period of her existence, the latter had received no impressions from the outward world, save such as might have been afforded by the narrow limits of her privacy.","EAP" "id01376","Is not this a free country?"" ""Ay, sir, free enough for honest folks.","MWS" "id18786","Ellison became neither musician nor poet; although no man lived more profoundly enamored of music and poetry.","EAP" "id20459","If your whole soul does not urge you to forgive me if your entire heart does not open wide its door to admit me to its very centre, forsake me, never speak to me again.","MWS" "id20212","An unaccountable, and what I am compelled to consider a magnetic, sympathy of soul for soul, seemed to rivet, not only my vision, but my whole powers of thought and feeling, upon the admirable object before me.","EAP" "id23449","The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.","HPL" "id02744","There were other points to be ascertained, but these most excited my curiosity the last in especial, from the immensely important character of its consequences.","EAP" "id01124","""'Where do these friends reside?' ""'Near this spot.'","MWS" "id00148","They sigh one unto the other in that solitude, and stretch towards the heaven their long and ghastly necks, and nod to and fro their everlasting heads.","EAP" "id08803","""A thousand pounds,"" said I. ""A thousand pounds?"" said he. ""Precisely,"" said I. ""A thousand pounds?"" said he. ""Just so,"" said I. ""You shall have them,"" said he. ""What a piece of virtu"" So he drew me a check upon the spot, and took a sketch of my nose.","EAP" "id00833","My passionate and indignant appeals were lost upon them.","MWS" "id15380","We've had enough of the other stuff, but I for one need something.","HPL" "id04198","""Oh, no, fie Robert's not quite so bad as that.","EAP" "id01776","To judge from the external appearance of the box, it is divided into five compartments three cupboards of equal dimensions, and two drawers occupying that portion of the chest lying beneath the cupboards.","EAP" "id24999","Thus, losing our identity, that of which we are chiefly conscious, we glory in the continuity of our species, and learn to regard death without terror.","MWS" "id06300","While I thus feasted my eyes, I perceived, at last, to my great trepidation, by an almost imperceptible start on the part of the lady, that she had become suddenly aware of the intensity of my gaze.","EAP" "id08851","""The three of us my two brothers and myself had crossed over to the islands about two o'clock P. M., and had soon nearly loaded the smack with fine fish, which, we all remarked, were more plenty that day than we had ever known them.","EAP" "id11897","The mantelpieces are wide and high, and have not only time pieces and cabbages sculptured over the front, but a real time piece, which makes a prodigious ticking, on the top in the middle, with a flower pot containing a cabbage standing on each extremity by way of outrider.","EAP" "id09855","For there was yet another tenant of our chamber in the person of young Zoilus.","EAP" "id15656","The principle of the vis inertiæ, for example, seems to be identical in physics and metaphysics.","EAP" "id13637","I almost saw them, but I knew how to stop.","HPL" "id09469","The slight elevation which formed the lower boundary of this little domain, was crowned by a neat stone wall, of sufficient height to prevent the escape of the deer.","EAP" "id17362","The attempt, however, was enough to disturb my balance; so that I had to stagger forward several steps to avoid falling.","HPL" "id12041","This he would sometimes draw from his tattered pocket, carefully unwrap from its covering of tissue paper, and gaze upon for hours with an expression of ineffable sadness and tenderness.","HPL" "id04689","He besought me, therefore, to leave my solitary isle and to meet him at Perth, that we might proceed southwards together.","MWS" "id27576","From that chamber, and from that mansion, I fled aghast.","EAP" "id16288","The patient's extremities were of an icy coldness.","EAP" "id17742","In short, the good burghers were fond of their sauer kraut, but then they were proud of their clocks.","EAP" "id05718","Idris could not refrain from a smile, as she listened; she had already gathered from him that his family was alive and in health; though not apt to forget the precipice of time on which she stood, yet I could perceive that she was amused for a moment, by the contrast between the contracted view we had so long taken of human life, and the seven league strides with which Merrival paced a coming eternity.","MWS" "id05716","For the aeons that I dwelt there I wandered blissfully through gardens where quaint pagodas peep from pleasing clumps of bushes, and where the white walks are bordered with delicate blossoms.","HPL" "id02936","Write 'Il pover 'huomo che non se'n era accorto, Andava combattendo, e era morto.' ""That's Italian, you perceive from Ariosto.","EAP" "id16590","They're hard to get started, but once they do get started they never let up.","HPL" "id05131","""It is,"" said Dupin; ""and, upon inquiring of the boy by what means he effected the thorough identification in which his success consisted, I received answer as follows: 'When I wish to find out how wise, or how stupid, or how good, or how wicked is any one, or what are his thoughts at the moment, I fashion the expression of my face, as accurately as possible, in accordance with the expression of his, and then wait to see what thoughts or sentiments arise in my mind or heart, as if to match or correspond with the expression.'","EAP" "id21516","""Superb"" said his guests: and next morning her Grace of Bless my Soul paid me a visit.","EAP" "id15568","His passions, always his masters, acquired fresh strength, from the long sleep in which love had cradled them, the clinging weight of destiny bent him down; he was goaded, tortured, fiercely impatient of that worst of miseries, the sense of remorse.","MWS" "id09237","We put the boat on the wind, but could make no headway at all for the eddies, and I was upon the point of proposing to return to the anchorage, when, looking astern, we saw the whole horizon covered with a singular copper colored cloud that rose with the most amazing velocity.","EAP" "id16413","That night something of youth and beauty died in the elder world.","HPL" "id21851","Yet I remember ah how should I forget? the deep midnight, the Bridge of Sighs, the beauty of woman, and the Genius of Romance that stalked up and down the narrow canal.","EAP" "id07513","For at a closer glance I saw that the moonlit waters between the reef and the shore were far from empty.","HPL" "id13370","As to the where, it was Yorktown wherever that was, and as to the what, it was General Cornwallis no doubt some wealthy dealer in corn.","EAP" "id16529","In short, no position can be attained on the wide surface of the natural earth, from which an artistical eye, looking steadily, will not find matter of offence in what is termed the ""composition"" of the landscape.","EAP" "id24027","But now they have betaken themselves to unknown Kadath in the cold waste where no man treads, and are grown stern, having no higher peak whereto to flee at the coming of men.","HPL" "id19122","My uncle blamed his old age, Wilcox afterward said, for his slowness in recognising both hieroglyphics and pictorial design.","HPL" "id20880","I shall discharge this decanter of wine at your image in yonder mirror, and thus fulfil all the spirit, if not the exact letter, of resentment for your insult, while the necessity of physical violence to your real person will be obviated.""","EAP" "id10708","Yet these noble exceptions from the general misrule served but to strengthen it by opposition.","EAP" "id27269","But may God shield and deliver me from the fangs of the Arch Fiend No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than I was answered by a voice from within the tomb by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman a howl a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the dammed in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation.","EAP" "id03557","Audacity: Your diddler is audacious.","EAP" "id06853","The vibrations generate similar ones within the retina; these again communicate similar ones to the optic nerve.","EAP" "id20745","Leaving doors No. and No. open as well as the drawer, and door No. I, the exhibiter now goes round to the back of the main compartment, and, unlocking another door there, displays clearly all the interior of the main compartment, by introducing a candle behind it and within it.","EAP" "id22660","For three months Keziah and Brown Jenkin had not been near Joe's room, nor near Paul Choynski's room, nor anywhere else and it meant no good when they held off like that.","HPL" "id00968","The editor here proceeds to argue that the body must have been in the water ""not three days merely, but, at least, five times three days,"" because it was so far decomposed that Beauvais had great difficulty in recognizing it.","EAP" "id19885","He injected new blood, joined certain veins, arteries, and nerves at the headless neck, and closed the ghastly aperture with engrafted skin from an unidentified specimen which had borne an officer's uniform.","HPL" "id05975","It was not, and could not have been, arrived at by any inductive reasoning.","EAP" "id06586","I have loved thee; and in my days both of happiness and sorrow I have peopled your solitudes with wild fancies of my own creation.","MWS" "id15287","This I could scarcely have believed had it been anybody but Mr. Blackwood, who assured me of it.","EAP" "id04485","It was almost impossible to believe that they were not absolutely suspended in the air.","EAP" "id14236","No? Wal, Mis' Corey, ef they was on the glen rud this side o' the glen, an' ain't got to your haouse yet, I calc'late they must go into the glen itself.","HPL" "id02095","The citizens talked with one another of the affair, and marvelled not a little.","HPL" "id25428","On the roof is a vast quantity of tiles with long curly ears.","EAP" "id16943","I am placed in the most difficult circumstances.","MWS" "id11364","Let me find the earthly dwelling of my beloved; let us rescue that from common dust, so that in times to come men may point to the sacred tomb, and name it his then to other thoughts, and a new course of life, or what else fate, in her cruel tyranny, may have marked out for me.""","MWS" "id21100","'Come quickly, O death but be sure and don't let me see you coming, lest the pleasure I shall feel at your appearance should unfortunately bring me back again to life.'","EAP" "id15447","I was now trying to get the better of the stupor that had come over me, and to collect my senses so as to see what was to be done, when I felt somebody grasp my arm.","EAP" "id27235","Tell me, dearest Victor.","MWS" "id23637","That evening, just as twilight fell, he finished his terrible perusal and sank back exhausted.","HPL" "id05409","Your objection is answered with an ease which is nearly in the ratio of its apparent unanswerability.","EAP" "id24303","She told me that all the family were dead, except Merrival himself, who had gone mad mad, she called it, yet on questioning her further, it appeared that he was possessed only by the delirium of excessive grief.","MWS" "id03220","I refer to a sort of cloudy whitish pattern on the dirt floor a vague, shifting deposit of mould or nitre which we sometimes thought we could trace amidst the sparse fungous growths near the huge fireplace of the basement kitchen.","HPL" "id04153","Although he deserts his post in London, he may be of the greatest service in the north of England, by receiving and assisting travellers, and contributing to supply the metropolis with food.","MWS" "id20394","Then beyond the hill's crest I saw Kingsport outspread frostily in the gloaming; snowy Kingsport with its ancient vanes and steeples, ridgepoles and chimney pots, wharves and small bridges, willow trees and graveyards; endless labyrinths of steep, narrow, crooked streets, and dizzy church crowned central peak that time durst not touch; ceaseless mazes of colonial houses piled and scattered at all angles and levels like a child's disordered blocks; antiquity hovering on grey wings over winter whitened gables and gambrel roofs; fanlights and small paned windows one by one gleaming out in the cold dusk to join Orion and the archaic stars.","HPL" "id01431","Still I was at a loss to gather the purport of his disconnected speech.","HPL" "id16746","During this voyage we passed many willowy islands and saw several beautiful towns.","MWS" "id09582","I bought, for a song, a sixteenth of the ""Snapping Turtle"": that was all.","EAP" "id05107","Soon these burning miseries will be extinct.","MWS" "id09662","And for this reason when a man's diddled we say he's ""done.""","EAP" "id25941","There Mazurewicz had found something monstrous or thought he had, for no one else could quite agree with him despite the undeniable queerness of the prints.","HPL" "id19930","She came and departed as a shadow.","EAP" "id01668","In stature he is nearly my own height; that is, about five feet eight inches.","EAP" "id02254","Elizabeth, my love, you must supply my place to my younger children.","MWS" "id19924","Observe, here, the laughable confusion of thought No one not even L'Etoile disputes the murder committed on the body found.","EAP" "id11591","No sooner had the venerable practitioner saved his colleague than he himself succumbed to the grim enemy he had fought.","HPL" "id09452","I now considered that, provided in my passage I found the medium I had imagined, and provided that it should prove to be actually and essentially what we denominate atmospheric air, it could make comparatively little difference at what extreme state of rarefaction I should discover it that is to say, in regard to my power of ascending for the gas in the balloon would not only be itself subject to rarefaction partially similar in proportion to the occurrence of which, I could suffer an escape of so much as would be requisite to prevent explosion, but, being what it was, would, at all events, continue specifically lighter than any compound whatever of mere nitrogen and oxygen.","EAP" "id16841","Even I, depressed in mind, and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy feelings, even I was pleased.","MWS" "id05707","The main fury of the blast had already blown over, and we apprehended little danger from the violence of the wind; but we looked forward to its total cessation with dismay; well believing, that, in our shattered condition, we should inevitably perish in the tremendous swell which would ensue.","EAP" "id14104","Disliking the dinginess of the single restaurant I had seen, I bought a fair supply of cheese crackers and ginger wafers to serve as a lunch later on.","HPL" "id01483","Why should he lose this, now that added years, prudence, and the pledge which his marriage gave to his country, ought to encrease, rather than diminish his claims to confidence?","MWS" "id13269","Spells might be all right but suppose they weren't?","HPL" "id05829","I shuddered as I assigned to them in imagination a sensitive and sentient power, and even when unassisted by the lips, a capability of moral expression.","EAP" "id18815","The dissecting room and the slaughter house furnished many of my materials; and often did my human nature turn with loathing from my occupation, whilst, still urged on by an eagerness which perpetually increased, I brought my work near to a conclusion.","MWS" "id00817","This object was the partly crushed skeleton of a huge, diseased rat, whose abnormalities of form are still a topic of debate and source of singular reticence among the members of Miskatonic's department of comparative anatomy.","HPL" "id26704","The forms of those bodies are accurately such as, within a given surface, to include the greatest possible amount of matter; while the surfaces themselves are so disposed as to accommodate a denser population than could be accommodated on the same surfaces otherwise arranged.","EAP" "id05297","similarly entitled, the perpetration of a miserable penny a liner, mendicant, and cut throat, connected in the capacity of scullion, we believe, with one of the indecent prints about the purlieus of the city; we beg them, for God's sake, not to confound the compositions.","EAP" "id05489","We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark, and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight.","HPL" "id26500","""You begin late,"" said I, ironically, ""marriage is usually considered the grave, and not the cradle of love.","MWS" "id14231","Then he had departed alone.","HPL" "id11802","He, her beloved, the sole and eternal object of her passionate tenderness, was restored her.","MWS" "id00323","""The sun rose; I heard the voices of men and knew that it was impossible to return to my retreat during that day.","MWS" "id12744","They had hanged four kinsmen of mine for witchcraft in , but I did not know just where.","HPL" "id08836","To accomplish the great desideratum of ærial navigation, it was very generally supposed that some exceedingly complicated application must be made of some unusually profound principle in dynamics.","EAP" "id06634","My honor is interested, and, to mention a great secret, the reward is enormous.","EAP" "id22377","""Come in,"" said Dupin, in a cheerful and hearty tone.","EAP" "id02704","Yet she was meanly dressed, a coarse blue petticoat and a linen jacket being her only garb; her fair hair was plaited but not adorned: she looked patient yet sad.","MWS" "id25669","I did not see him: my soul was in my words, my eyes could not perceive that which was; while a vision of Adrian's form, tainted by pestilence, and sinking in death, floated before them.","MWS" "id16030","I knew what the old man felt, and pitied him, although I chuckled at heart.","EAP" "id19073","They put it into a bed and rubbed it, and Daniel went to the town for an apothecary, but life was quite gone.","MWS" "id22664","In his teeth the villain held the bell rope, which he kept jerking about with his head, raising such a clatter that my ears ring again even to think of it.","EAP" "id14759","The old bookseller had told him that only five copies were known to have survived the shocked edicts of the priests and lawgivers against it and that all of these were locked up with frightened care by custodians who had ventured to begin a reading of the hateful black letter.","HPL" "id07321","A tub had caught all ha ha When I had made an end of these labors, it was four o'clock still dark as midnight.","EAP" "id21324","My health and appearance grew steadily worse, till finally I was forced to give up my position and adopt the static, secluded life of an invalid.","HPL" "id24501","We ascertain, too, very distinctly, from this admirable inscription, the how as well as the where and the what, of the great surrender in question.","EAP" "id00990","With a beating heart she expected another visit, and when after an interval her chamber was again invaded, having first assured herself that the intruders were her mother and an attendant, she composed herself to feigned sleep.","MWS" "id24643","The tears rushed into the eyes of Idris, while Alfred and Evelyn brought now a favourite rose tree, now a marble vase beautifully carved, insisting that these must go, and exclaiming on the pity that we could not take the castle and the forest, the deer and the birds, and all accustomed and cherished objects along with us.","MWS" "id09935","""But then,"" cried the old lady, at the top of her voice, ""your Monsieur Boullard was a madman, and a very silly madman at best; for who, allow me to ask you, ever heard of a human tee totum?","EAP" "id08719","I said to myself, let him receive sympathy and these struggles will cease.","MWS" "id14805","They were not altogether crows, nor moles, nor buzzards, nor ants, nor vampire bats, nor decomposed human beings; but something I cannot and must not recall.","HPL" "id10872","It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic.","EAP" "id13805","Seething, stewing, surging, bubbling like serpents' slime it rolled up and out of that yawning hole, spreading like a septic contagion and streaming from the cellar at every point of egress streaming out to scatter through the accursed midnight forests and strew fear, madness, and death.","HPL" "id10476","No one certainly ever enjoyed the pleasures of composition more intensely than I.","MWS" "id12634","""Having adopted this view of the subject, I had little further hesitation.","EAP" "id20128","I had written so much to the proconsul that he had become gravely interested, and had resolved to make a personal inquiry into the horror.","HPL" "id08680","Perhaps its effects are not so permanent; but they are, while they last, as violent and intense.","MWS" "id11669","He was watching the rising sun, while with one arm he encircled his beloved's waist; she looked on him, the sun of her life, with earnest gaze of mingled anxiety and tenderness.","MWS" "id09693","He guessed it was in the attic at home in Boston, and dimly remembered bribing Parks with half his week's allowance to help him open the box and keep quiet about it; but when he remembered this, the face of Parks came up very strangely, as if the wrinkles of long years had fallen upon the brisk little Cockney.","HPL" "id11265","When I had lived here some time other animals visited me and a fox came every day for a portion of food appropriated for him would suffer me to pat his head.","MWS" "id05408","There were, then, no secret issues.","EAP" "id10934","A small island, fairly laughing with flowers in full bloom, and affording little more space than just enough for a picturesque little building, seemingly a fowl house arose from the lake not far from its northern shore to which it was connected by means of an inconceivably light looking and yet very primitive bridge.","EAP" "id14313","Proceeding, in the same direction, yet another thousand miles, I anticipate the rising by two hours another thousand, and I anticipate it by three hours, and so on, until I go entirely round the globe, and back to this spot, when, having gone twenty four thousand miles east, I anticipate the rising of the London sun by no less than twenty four hours; that is to say, I am a day in advance of your time.","EAP" "id13777","On drawing nearer to this, however, its chasm like appearance vanishes; a new outlet from the bay is discovered to the left in which direction the wall is also seen to sweep, still following the general course of the stream.","EAP" "id01453","""I thank you,"" he replied, ""for your sympathy, but it is useless; my fate is nearly fulfilled.","MWS" "id06423","The night waned; and still, with a bosom full of bitter thoughts of the one only and supremely beloved, I remained gazing upon the body of Rowena.","EAP" "id25103","""Ugh ugh ugh"" chuckled Tarpaulin without heeding the general excitation, ""ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh I was saying,"" said he, ""I was saying when Mr. King Pest poked in his marlin spike, that as for the matter of two or three gallons more or less of Black Strap, it was a trifle to a tight sea boat like myself not overstowed but when it comes to drinking the health of the Devil whom God assoilzie and going down upon my marrow bones to his ill favored majesty there, whom I know, as well as I know myself to be a sinner, to be nobody in the whole world, but Tim Hurlygurly the stage player why it's quite another guess sort of a thing, and utterly and altogether past my comprehension.""","EAP" "id25004","""Every conversation of the cottagers now opened new wonders to me.","MWS" "id18967","I seemed desperately anxious to accompany my friend into those sepulchral depths, yet he proved inflexibly obdurate.","HPL" "id11268","In the cell with us was one nurse, a mediocre fellow who did not understand the purpose of the apparatus, or think to inquire into my course.","HPL" "id17713","The generous nature of Safie was outraged by this command; she attempted to expostulate with her father, but he left her angrily, reiterating his tyrannical mandate.","MWS" "id17531","The play was Macbeth the first actor of the age was there to exert his powers to drug with irreflection the auditors; such a medicine I yearned for, so I entered.","MWS" "id01424","Besides this ship, I saw nothing but the ocean and the sky, and the sun, which had long arisen.","EAP" "id10264","I have heard him called inconstant of purpose when he deserted, for the sake of love, the hope of sovereignty, and when he abdicated the protectorship of England, men blamed his infirmity of purpose.","MWS" "id18668","Upon this latter shelf, and exactly beneath one of the rims of the keg, a small earthern pitcher was deposited.","EAP" "id02377","My attention at this time was solely directed towards my plan of introducing myself into the cottage of my protectors.","MWS" "id24865","I know what has happened.","HPL" "id25909","I was not so seriously hurt, but was covered with welts and contusions of the most bewildering character, including the print of a split hoof.","HPL" "id17694","After he went to Ireland Barry wrote me often, and told me how under his care the grey castle was rising tower by tower to its ancient splendour; how the ivy was climbing slowly over the restored walls as it had climbed so many centuries ago, and how the peasants blessed him for bringing back the old days with his gold from over the sea.","HPL" "id01168","It is a foolish sentiment for one who is not a materialist, yet, methinks, even in that dark cell, I may feel that my inanimate dust mingles with yours, and thus have a companion in decay.""","MWS" "id01836","For the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom, and I did not strive to control them, but allowing myself to be borne away by the stream, I bent my mind towards injury and death.","MWS" "id26165","The individual who purloined it is known; this beyond a doubt; he was seen to take it.","EAP" "id16421","Here it is: ""'A good glass in the bishop's hostel in the devil's seat forty one degrees and thirteen minutes northeast and by north main branch seventh limb east side shoot from the left eye of the death's head a bee line from the tree through the shot fifty feet out.'""","EAP" "id11158","""The fruiterer you astonish me I know no fruiterer whomsoever.""","EAP" "id22014","Their waving translucent arms, guided by the detestable piping of those unseen flutes, beckoned in uncanny rhythm to a throng of lurching labourers who followed dog like with blind, brainless, floundering steps as if dragged by a clumsy but resistless daemon will.","HPL" "id12255","But save for his face, Romero was not in any way suggestive of nobility.","HPL" "id00156","Books, indeed, were his sole luxuries, and in Paris these are easily obtained.","EAP" "id06833","We caught him flying, all smoking and foaming with rage, from the burning stables of the Castle Berlifitzing.","EAP" "id22968","From bowers beyond our view came bursts of song and snatches of lyric harmony, interspersed with faint laughter so delicious that I urged the rowers onward in my eagerness to reach the scene.","HPL" "id18269","""Let us reflect now upon 'the traces of a struggle;' and let me ask what these traces have been supposed to demonstrate.","EAP" "id25271","His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful.","MWS" "id07128","No sofa has been sold no money received except by the diddler, who played shop keeper for the nonce.","EAP" "id05968","""For my part,"" said I, ""I am too well convinced of the worth of our friend, and the rich harvest of benefits that all England would reap from his Protectorship, to deprive my countrymen of such a blessing, if he consent to bestow it on them.""","MWS" "id14656","I was anxious and watchful, while my right hand grasped a pistol which was hidden in my bosom; every sound terrified me, but I resolved that I would sell my life dearly and not shrink from the conflict until my own life or that of my adversary was extinguished.","MWS" "id22793","I awoke to red madness and the mockery of diabolism, as farther and farther down inconceivable vistas that phobic and crystalline anguish retreated and reverberated.","HPL" "id22384","They said it had been there before D'Iberville, before La Salle, before the Indians, and before even the wholesome beasts and birds of the woods.","HPL" "id20025","It lies on the surface of the bay with the proud grace of a swan.","EAP" "id19371","A shriek had been heard by a neighbour during the night; suspicion of foul play had been aroused; information had been lodged at the police office, and they the officers had been deputed to search the premises.","EAP" "id23568","This mistake made a difference of about two inches and a half in the 'shot' that is to say, in the position of the peg nearest the tree; and had the treasure been beneath the 'shot,' the error would have been of little moment; but 'the shot,' together with the nearest point of the tree, were merely two points for the establishment of a line of direction; of course the error, however trivial in the beginning, increased as we proceeded with the line, and by the time we had gone fifty feet, threw us quite off the scent.","EAP" "id25721","When they got old an' begun to shew it, they was kep' hid until they felt like takin' to the water an' quittin' the place.","HPL" "id25105","In an instant afterward he rapped, with a gentle touch, at my door, and entered, bearing a lamp.","EAP" "id13369","The lurking fear dwelt in the shunned and deserted Martense mansion, which crowned the high but gradual eminence whose liability to frequent thunderstorms gave it the name of Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id05506","Perhaps you will have the goodness to promise me not to marry during that interval?""","MWS" "id12115","She is a widow, and much older than Manoir; but she is very much admired, and a favourite with everybody.","MWS" "id08969","His name is a derivation of the Greek Simia what great fools are antiquarians But see see yonder scampers a ragged little urchin.","EAP" "id16110","In a fit of heroism I determined to go alone; to quit you, the life of my life, and not to see you again untill I might guiltlessly.","MWS" "id26258","This, however, did not vex me; it would not be heard through the wall.","EAP" "id13072","On the same day I paid M. Waldman a visit.","MWS" "id27164","""You clothe your meaning, Perdita,"" I replied, ""in powerful words, yet that meaning is selfish and unworthy of you.","MWS" "id24896","I should certainly have died if you had not hastened to me.","MWS" "id19497","In subsequent decades as new inventions, new names, and new events appeared one by one in the book of history, people would now and then recall wonderingly how Carter had years before let fall some careless word of undoubted connexion with what was then far in the future.","HPL" "id21542","The first was, that, as a general rule, the larger the bodies were, the more rapid their descent the second, that, between two masses of equal extent, the one spherical, and the other of any other shape, the superiority in speed of descent was with the sphere the third, that, between two masses of equal size, the one cylindrical, and the other of any other shape, the cylinder was absorbed the more slowly.","EAP" "id07583","Have I not succeeded in breaking down the barrier; have I not shewn you worlds that no other living men have seen?""","HPL" "id06397","And day by day that Romnod who had been a small boy in granite Teloth grew coarser and redder with wine, till he dreamed less and less, and listened with less delight to the songs of Iranon.","HPL" "id05203","In the final of the Somnambula, she brought about a most remarkable effect at the words: Ah non guinge uman pensiero Al contento ond 'io son piena.","EAP" "id07219","Yes he was really forming words, and I could grasp a fair proportion of them.","HPL" "id25867","The alteration, however, in the entire expression of the General's countenance was instantaneous and surprising.","EAP" "id11405","It had been originally written London, and afterwards carefully overscored not, however, so effectually as to conceal the word from a scrutinizing eye.","EAP" "id06571","I will seek out their writings forthwith, and peruse them with deliberate care.","EAP" "id15838","We subject the unlooked for and unimagined, to the mathematical formulae of the schools.","EAP" "id03090","These volumes were my study day and night, and my familiarity with them increased that regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father's dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a seafaring life.","MWS" "id23823","Why not for ever thus?","MWS" "id07407","It hasn't been fed since the second of August, when Wilbur came here to his death, and at that rate. . .","HPL" "id07729","This action, so remarkable in an American theatre, attracted very general observation, and gave rise to an indefinite movement, or buzz, among the audience, which for a moment filled me with confusion, but produced no visible effect upon the countenance of Madame Lalande.","EAP" "id20551","With trembling hand I conveyed the instruments out of the room, but I reflected that I ought not to leave the relics of my work to excite the horror and suspicion of the peasants; and I accordingly put them into a basket, with a great quantity of stones, and laying them up, determined to throw them into the sea that very night; and in the meantime I sat upon the beach, employed in cleaning and arranging my chemical apparatus.","MWS" "id18084","Now the irony is this.","HPL" "id12446","The door of the cathedral stood invitingly open.","EAP" "id11415","I was no longer a young man, though but twenty one winters had chilled my bodily frame.","HPL" "id27506","I have lived in the same house with her, at one time for five and at another for nearly two years.","MWS" "id16575","Seems they was some of the things alive in the stone buildin's when the island come up sudden to the surface.","HPL" "id11681","From that memorable night, I dismissed forever my charnel apprehensions, and with them vanished the cataleptic disorder, of which, perhaps, they had been less the consequence than the cause.","EAP" "id08810","I sickened as I read.","MWS" "id18381","I was shown up a broad winding staircase of mosaics, into an apartment whose unparalleled splendor burst through the opening door with an actual glare, making me blind and dizzy with luxuriousness.","EAP" "id07607","Her present visit to London tended to augment her state of inquietude, by shewing in its utmost extent the ravages occasioned by pestilence.","MWS" "id26714","Ligeia Ligeia in studies of a nature more than all else adapted to deaden impressions of the outward world, it is by that sweet word alone by Ligeia that I bring before mine eyes in fancy the image of her who is no more.","EAP" "id10519","He admitted no visitors at all with the exception, one day, of a very stupid looking young gentleman of whom he had no reason to be afraid.","EAP" "id05440","I received him at the door of my cottage and leading him solemnly into the room, I said: ""My friend, I wish to die.","MWS" "id01924","""Am I for ever,"" he cried, ""to be the sport of fortune Must man, the heaven climber, be for ever the victim of the crawling reptiles of his species Were I as you, Lionel, looking forward to many years of life, to a succession of love enlightened days, to refined enjoyments and fresh springing hopes, I might yield, and breaking my General's staff, seek repose in the glades of Windsor.","MWS" "id25276","Yet I did not hurry too precipitately, for there were architectural details worth viewing at every silent corner; and I could easily, I calculated, cover the necessary distance in a half hour.","HPL" "id18103","Gradually I came to find Herbert West himself more horrible than anything he did that was when it dawned on me that his once normal scientific zeal for prolonging life had subtly degenerated into a mere morbid and ghoulish curiosity and secret sense of charnel picturesqueness.","HPL" "id10213","But the alteration stopped not here I neither hoped nor desired it to stop.","EAP" "id10943","This prolongation of the cusps beyond the semicircle, I thought, must have arisen from the refraction of the sun's rays by the moon's atmosphere.","EAP" "id04649","The customs of the world are so many conventional follies.","EAP" "id25412","Manton had two malignant wounds in the chest, and some less severe cuts or gougings in the back.","HPL" "id23115","I had not quite crossed the street when I heard a muttering band advancing along Washington from the north.","HPL" "id10940","Oh, no The only joy that he can now know will be when he composes his shattered spirit to peace and death.","MWS" "id22788","The other three were what sent him unconscious for they were living entities about eight feet high, shaped precisely like the spiky images on the balustrade, and propelling themselves by a spider like wriggling of their lower set of starfish arms.","HPL" "id05817","There was another circumstance, too, which interested me much.","EAP" "id04496","One single gale such as now befriends us let such a tempest whirl forward a balloon for four or five days these gales often last longer and the voyager will be easily borne, in that period, from coast to coast.","EAP" "id16020","The result was discoverable, he added, in that silent, yet importunate and terrible influence which for centuries had moulded the destinies of his family, and which made him what I now saw him what he was.","EAP" "id15557","Accordingly abandoning it as a route, I cautiously moved the bedstead against it to hamper any attack which might be made on it later from the next room.","HPL" "id20029","Henry Wheeler, trembling, turned the rescued telescope on the mountain to see what he might.","HPL" "id18871","It was evident that if the balloon held its present course, it would soon arrive above the Frozen Ocean, and I had now little doubt of ultimately seeing the Pole.","EAP" "id09809","""I fear you are right there,"" said the Prefect.","EAP" "id12395","It is all very well to talk about the facilis descensus Averni; but in all kinds of climbing, as Catalani said of singing, it is far more easy to get up than to come down.","EAP" "id11237","I concluded the most wildly enthusiastic epistle ever penned, with a frank declaration of my worldly circumstances of my affluence and with an offer of my heart and of my hand.","EAP" "id03892","No none of these things accompanied our fall The balmy air of spring, breathed from nature's ambrosial home, invested the lovely earth, which wakened as a young mother about to lead forth in pride her beauteous offspring to meet their sire who had been long absent.","MWS" "id04998","Even I was dispatched to a distant part of the field.","MWS" "id21253","What, though life and the system of social intercourse were a wilderness, a tiger haunted jungle Through the midst of its errors, in the depths of its savage recesses, there was a disentangled and flowery pathway, through which they might journey in safety and delight.","MWS" "id18079","Sometimes I have thought, that, obscure and chaotic as they are, they owe their present form to me, their decipherer.","MWS" "id27871","He always remained lame, for the great tendons had been severed; but I think the greatest lameness was in his soul.","HPL" "id22735","In spite of my malignity, it softened and attracted me.","MWS" "id24754","We shall start immediately, and be back, at all events, by sunrise.""","EAP" "id06921","I was aware, however, that his very ancient family had been noted, time out of mind, for a peculiar sensibility of temperament, displaying itself, through long ages, in many works of exalted art, and manifested, of late, in repeated deeds of munificent yet unobtrusive charity, as well as in a passionate devotion to the intricacies, perhaps even more than to the orthodox and easily recognisable beauties, of musical science.","EAP" "id26518","For many nights there had been a hollow drumming on the hills, and at last the ædile Tib.","HPL" "id21791","Its marvellous effect lay altogether in its artistic arrangement as a picture.","EAP" "id09291","The way was rough and obscure, and never did they seem nearer to Oonai the city of lutes and dancing; but in the dusk as the stars came out Iranon would sing of Aira and its beauties and Romnod would listen, so that they were both happy after a fashion.","HPL" "id18142","That gland is the great sense organ of organs I have found out.","HPL" "id24561","Raymond was only the more excited by this consideration to discover him; impelled by the interest he took in obscure talent, he therefore ordered a person skilled in such matters, to follow the Greek the next time he came, and observe the house in which he should enter.","MWS" "id21255","Many times afterward I saw him under the full moon, and ever did he beckon me.","HPL" "id09382","Whether the events of that night were of reality or illusion I shall never ascertain.","HPL" "id27657","Her own feeling was as entire as at its birth.","MWS" "id02364","He tottered, clutched at the curtains as I had done before, and wriggled his head wildly, like a hunted animal.","HPL" "id11379","I knew what he meant by that one word well enough I knew what he wished to make me understand.","EAP" "id14475","Beyond the limits of the city arose, in frequent majestic groups, the palm and the cocoa, with other gigantic and weird trees of vast age, and here and there might be seen a field of rice, the thatched hut of a peasant, a tank, a stray temple, a gypsy camp, or a solitary graceful maiden taking her way, with a pitcher upon her head, to the banks of the magnificent river.","EAP" "id23739","My father and Ernest yet lived, but the former sunk under the tidings that I bore.","MWS" "id27816","It was dismal sitting there on rickety boxes in the pitchy darkness, but we smoked pipes and occasionally flashed our pocket lamps about.","HPL" "id16345","In the mad intensity of my devotion, I forgot everything but the presence and the majestic loveliness of the vision which confronted my gaze.","EAP" "id16374","Rushing then with all his force against the fatal hogshead full of October ale and Hugh Tarpaulin, he rolled it over and over in an instant.","EAP" "id15034","If a false move be made by his antagonist, he raps briskly on the box with the fingers of his right hand, shakes his head roughly, and replacing the piece falsely moved, in its former situation, assumes the next move himself.","EAP" "id27162","Polluted by crimes and torn by the bitterest remorse, where can I find rest but in death?","MWS" "id23479","The bent, goatish giant before him seemed like the spawn of another planet or dimension; like something only partly of mankind, and linked to black gulfs of essence and entity that stretch like titan phantasms beyond all spheres of force and matter, space and time.","HPL" "id23034","We sat in his library, and he spoke of the old Greek sages, and of the power which they had acquired over the minds of men, through the force of love and wisdom only.","MWS" "id07160","Of what followed, members of ""The Greatest Show on Earth"" do not like to speak.","HPL" "id06927","I looked at it for some minutes: it was a spade.","EAP" "id15084","The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat.","EAP" "id14302","Those figures are so silent and furtive that one feels somehow confronted by forbidden things, with which it would be better to have nothing to do.","HPL" "id27639","It was a faith of which other Esquimaux knew little, and which they mentioned only with shudders, saying that it had come down from horribly ancient aeons before ever the world was made.","HPL" "id20042","Pisando la tierra dura de continuo el hombre esta y cada passo que da es sobre su sepultura.","MWS" "id23565","With the wind that now drove us on, we were bound for the whirl of the Ström, and nothing could save us ""You perceive that in crossing the Ström channel, we always went a long way up above the whirl, even in the calmest weather, and then had to wait and watch carefully for the slack but now we were driving right upon the pool itself, and in such a hurricane as this 'To be sure,' I thought, 'we shall get there just about the slack there is some little hope in that' but in the next moment I cursed myself for being so great a fool as to dream of hope at all.","EAP" "id06960","must I say precisely?""","EAP" "id16494","When the Automaton hesitates in relation to its move, the exhibiter is occasionally seen to place himself very near its right side, and to lay his hand, now and then, in a careless manner upon the box.","EAP" "id21774","First, he would look in on Evadne; he would not stay; but he owed her some account, some compensation for his long and unannounced absence; and then to Perdita, to the forgotten world, to the duties of society, the splendour of rank, the enjoyment of power.","MWS" "id22237","His manner, timid at first, became firm his changeful face was lit up to superhuman brilliancy; his voice, various as music, was like that enchanting.","MWS" "id01176","What I heard in my youth about the shunned house was merely that people died there in alarmingly great numbers.","HPL" "id15817","Observing that I remained without motion, one or two of the boldest leaped upon the frame work, and smelt at the surcingle.","EAP" "id05411","I remember seizing my revolver and hat, but before it was over I had lost them both without firing the one or donning the other.","HPL" "id11455","""For some weeks I led a miserable life in the woods, endeavouring to cure the wound which I had received.","MWS" "id12961","Yet you do love me; I feel and know that you do, and thence I draw my most cherished hopes.","MWS" "id01069","I have never yet been able to account, in a manner satisfactory to my own understanding, for the very peculiar countenance and demeanor with which Mr. Crab listened to me, as I unfolded to him my design.","EAP" "id22984","The screaming twilight abysses flashed before him, and he felt himself helpless in the formless grasp of the iridescent bubble congeries.","HPL" "id05246","I liked it there, for the doctors were broad minded, and even lent me their influence in obtaining the carefully sheltered copy of Alhazred's objectionable Necronomicon from the library of Miskatonic University.","HPL" "id08972","September nd My beloved Sister, I write to you, encompassed by peril and ignorant whether I am ever doomed to see again dear England and the dearer friends that inhabit it.","MWS" "id22476","I reflected that many difficulties might still lie in the path of my preservation which only extreme exertion on my part would be able to surmount.","EAP" "id07812","These I had tested with a fellow student; but achieving no result, had soon packed them away with other scientific odds and ends for possible future use.","HPL" "id02949","From each room to every other there were sure to be found three or four steps either in ascent or descent.","EAP" "id24408","Upon his person was found a letter, briefly stating his love for Marie, with his design of self destruction.","EAP" "id03528","God, that hand The window The window When the last days were upon me, and the ugly trifles of existence began to drive me to madness like the small drops of water that torturers let fall ceaselessly upon one spot of their victim's body, I loved the irradiate refuge of sleep.","HPL" "id00453","But before I could investigate there came a third impression which because of its irrationality caused me to doubt the objectivity of anything my senses might record.","HPL" "id10162","But it is by no means a really natural arrangement.","EAP" "id07655","Her presence, her readings alone, rendered vividly luminous the many mysteries of the transcendentalism in which we were immersed.","EAP" "id09667","Their creeds were heterodox and mysterious, involving hints of certain marvellous transformations leading to bodily immortality of a sort on this earth.","HPL" "id04812","I concealed from this beloved child that her mother's death was voluntary, and tried every means to awaken cheerfulness in her sorrow stricken spirit.","MWS" "id14271","A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate in a word, that a republican government could never be any thing but a rascally one.","EAP" "id23098","This man is about the medium size, and has a remarkable stoop in the shoulders.","EAP" "id12485","He was ready, I think, to see proof of his increasingly strong opinion that consciousness, reason, and personality can exist independently of the brain that man has no central connective spirit, but is merely a machine of nervous matter, each section more or less complete in itself.","HPL" "id01543","He stopped in his tracks then, flailing his arms wildly in the air, began to stagger backward.","HPL" "id00677","He found Old Whateley in a very grave state, with a cardiac action and stertorous breathing that told of an end not far off.","HPL" "id13715","My nose is sufficiently good.","EAP" "id15967","Now even granting what should not be granted that the movements of the Automaton Chess Player were in themselves determinate, they would be necessarily interrupted and disarranged by the indeterminate will of his antagonist.","EAP" "id08815","It would have been better if we could have known it was underground.","HPL" "id18944","No word, no expression could body forth the kind of relation in which she stood to me my more than sister, since till death she was to be mine only.","MWS" "id07170","But these fluctuations shook to its depths the soul of the sensitive youth; he no longer deemed the world subject to him, because he possessed Evadne's love; he felt in every nerve that the dire storms of the mental universe were about to attack his fragile being, which quivered at the expectation of its advent.","MWS" "id18160","I had the good fortune to recollect that in the accentuation of this drama, or at least of such portion of it as is allotted to the hero, the tones of voice in which I found myself deficient were altogether unnecessary, and the deep guttural was expected to reign monotonously throughout.","EAP" "id17803","Mr. Kirwin, on hearing this evidence, desired that I should be taken into the room where the body lay for interment, that it might be observed what effect the sight of it would produce upon me.","MWS" "id04113","I could no longer bear the touch of her wan fingers, nor the low tone of her musical language, nor the lustre of her melancholy eyes.","EAP" "id02476","But winter was coming, and with winter, hope.","MWS" "id10211","But now that virtue has become to me a shadow, and that happiness and affection are turned into bitter and loathing despair, in what should I seek for sympathy?","MWS" "id21084","Not a living thing did I see, except for the scattered fishermen on the distant breakwater, and not a sound did I hear save the lapping of the harbour tides and the roar of the falls in the Manuxet.","HPL" "id06181","""We have strange news here,"" I observed.","MWS" "id22934","I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow.","EAP" "id00665","I have learnt in Greece that one man, more or less, is of small import, while human bodies remain to fill up the thinned ranks of the soldiery; and that the identity of an individual may be overlooked, so that the muster roll contain its full numbers.","MWS" "id05090","As this state of wretchedness became more confirmed, and, in spite of her endeavours at concealment more apparent, I strove, though vainly, to awaken in her courage and hope.","MWS" "id26326","""Even so,"" he cried, ""I knew you would speak of her.","MWS" "id18346","The putting the key in the lock of the back door was a signal on hearing which the person concealed brought his body forward to an angle as acute as possible throwing it altogether, or nearly so, into the main compartment.","EAP" "id10854","Not being able to arrive at a conclusion, the practitioners remanded me for farther examination.","EAP" "id02112","Certain data being given, certain results necessarily and inevitably follow.","EAP" "id05762","In the meantime, the force of gravitation would be constantly diminishing, in proportion to the squares of the distances, and thus, with a velocity prodigiously accelerating, I should at length arrive in those distant regions where the force of the earth's attraction would be superseded by that of the moon.","EAP" "id20030","All my joy turned to sorrow when I first beheld him with that melancholy countenance enter these doors as it were the day after my lady's funeral He seemed to recover himself a little after he had bidden me write to you but still it is a woful thing to see him so unhappy.""","MWS" "id19525","A servant is sent to make inquiry about the delay.","EAP" "id27240","I pursued him, and for many months this has been my task.","MWS" "id10228","It is you they will get, as they got the servants.","HPL" "id25162","There, where morbidity lurked most thickly, I searched and poked during long afternoons when the sunlight filtered in through the cobwebbed above ground windows, and a sense of security glowed from the unlocked door which placed me only a few feet from the placid sidewalk outside.","HPL" "id13910","Evadne's constancy, fortitude, even her ill fated and ill regulated love, were matter of admiration and pity; especially when, from the detail of the events of the nineteenth of October, it was apparent that she preferred suffering and death to any in her eyes degrading application for the pity and assistance of her lover.","MWS" "id25467","They would have it that Coleridge wrote the paper but not so.","EAP" "id03569","Accordingly we find that Maelzel closes the back door.","EAP" "id24609","I bent to them my ear and distinguished, again, the concluding words of the passage in Glanvill ""Man doth not yield him to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.""","EAP" "id02846","Love had doubled all her excellencies, and placed a diadem on her genius.","MWS" "id08612","And then had come the scourge, grinning and lethal, from the nightmare caverns of Tartarus.","HPL" "id27845","When passing over an expanse of water, it becomes necessary to employ small kegs of copper or wood, filled with liquid ballast of a lighter nature than water.","EAP" "id14135","Is a native of Spain.","EAP" "id14946","Found the ascending force greater than we had expected; and as we arose higher and so got clear of the cliffs, and more in the sun's rays, our ascent became very rapid.","EAP" "id27881","The chief in point of splendor and extent was the ""Château Metzengerstein.""","EAP" "id05326","A poet, having very unusual pecuniary resources, might, while retaining the necessary idea of art or culture, or, as our author expresses it, of interest, so imbue his designs at once with extent and novelty of beauty, as to convey the sentiment of spiritual interference.","EAP" "id20582","It surprised me that what before was desert and gloomy should now bloom with the most beautiful flowers and verdure.","MWS" "id25982","At length the negro asked, ""Is de lef eye of de skull pon de same side as de lef hand of de skull, too? cause de skull aint got not a bit ob a hand at all nebber mind I got de lef eye now here de lef eye what mus do wid it?""","EAP" "id07256","He who has never swooned, is not he who finds strange palaces and wildly familiar faces in coals that glow; is not he who beholds floating in mid air the sad visions that the many may not view; is not he who ponders over the perfume of some novel flower is not he whose brain grows bewildered with the meaning of some musical cadence which has never before arrested his attention.","EAP" "id09356","I resolved, therefore, that if my immediate union with my cousin would conduce either to hers or my father's happiness, my adversary's designs against my life should not retard it a single hour.","MWS" "id23871","Arm holes had been cut in the sides, for the sake not more of elegance than of convenience; but the dress, nevertheless, prevented its proprietor from sitting as erect as his associates; and as he lay reclining against his tressel, at an angle of forty five degrees, a pair of huge goggle eyes rolled up their awful whites towards the ceiling in absolute amazement at their own enormity.","EAP" "id06028","Tonight I go as a Nemesis bearing just and blazingly cataclysmic vengeance.","HPL" "id06733","It should be a matter of general knowledge that Cf. is responsible for this work.","HPL" "id16989","The genius of the stanzas to the ""Oil of Bob"" first breathed into me, I say, the divine afflatus.","EAP" "id15213","The apparition was soon explained.","MWS" "id07918","The month of May had already commenced, and I expected the letter daily which was to fix the date of my departure, when Henry proposed a pedestrian tour in the environs of Ingolstadt, that I might bid a personal farewell to the country I had so long inhabited.","MWS" "id06890","The cycles in which the stars move are those best adapted for the evolution, without collision, of the greatest possible number of bodies.","EAP" "id06785","Sorrow fled before her; and her smile seemed to possess an influence like light to irradiate all mental darkness.","MWS" "id00077","That was the first time he had ever been able to revive the quality of rational thought in a corpse; and his success, obtained at such a loathsome cost, had completely hardened him.","HPL" "id05691","The children and the womenfolk whimpered, kept from screaming by some obscure, vestigial instinct of defence which told them their lives depended on silence.","HPL" "id21938","""I wish you to bear especially in mind that I have spoken of a very unusual degree of activity as requisite to success in so hazardous and so difficult a feat.","EAP" "id15640","Mr. Ricci and Mr. Silva were to interview the poor old gentleman, whilst Mr. Czanek waited for them and their presumable metallic burden with a covered motor car in Ship Street, by the gate in the tall rear wall of their host's grounds.","HPL" "id00859","The shingles were painted a dull gray; and the happiness with which this neutral tint melted into the vivid green of the tulip tree leaves that partially overshadowed the cottage, can readily be conceived by an artist.","EAP" "id21726","Upon neither of these points could I be satisfied; merely ascertaining, in regard to him, that a sudden accident in his family had caused his removal from Dr. Bransby's academy on the afternoon of the day in which I myself had eloped.","EAP" "id14175","It was, especially, upon retiring to bed late in the night of the seventh or eighth day after the placing of the lady Madeline within the donjon, that I experienced the full power of such feelings.","EAP" "id13003","The knot by which the strings of the bonnet were fastened, was not a lady's, but a slip or sailor's knot.","EAP" "id14114","There was no sound within save a nameless sort of slow, thick dripping.","HPL" "id17944","I would sometimes rise very quietly in the night, stealing out to walk in those churchyards and places of burial from which I had been kept by my parents.","HPL" "id07821","What I have become since this last moment I know not; perhaps I am changed in mien as the fallen archangel.","MWS" "id20813","Also, I must not dwell on what that factory inspector had told the Newburyport ticket agent about the Gilman House and the voices of its nocturnal tenants not on that, nor on the face beneath the tiara in the black church doorway; the face for whose horror my conscious mind could not account.","HPL" "id24350","It moved slowly, but it enlightened my path, and I again went out in search of berries.","MWS" "id20621","Yet this was very unlike my early life although as then I was confined to Nature and books.","MWS" "id06678","With opinions such as these was my young friend fully imbued; and thus is it especially worthy of observation that the uninterrupted enjoyment which distinguished his life was in great part the result of preconcert.","EAP" "id14763","We took our passage on board a vessel bound for Havre de Grace and sailed with a fair wind from the Irish shores.","MWS" "id03608","A sordid, undefinable stench settled over the place, and the ancient spirit slept.","HPL" "id08247","Then came a halt in the gasping, and the dog raised its head in a long, lugubrious howl.","HPL" "id01630","It was the opinion of both physicians that M. Valdemar would die about midnight on the morrow Sunday.","EAP" "id02840","""You cherish dreary thoughts, my dear Perdita,"" I said, ""nor do I wonder that for a time your better reason should be influenced by passionate grief and a disturbed imagination.","MWS" "id00016","Thus you may console me by reducing me to nothing but your words I cannot bear; soon they will make me mad, quite mad, and then I shall utter strange words, and you will believe them, and we shall be both lost for ever.","MWS" "id26041","His abdication of the Protectorate had caused an unexampled sensation; and, when his magnificent and manly system was contrasted with the narrow views of succeeding politicians, the period of his elevation was referred to with sorrow.","MWS" "id21022","I record no crimes; my faults may easily be pardoned; for they proceeded not from evil motive but from want of judgement; and I believe few would say that they could, by a different conduct and superior wisdom, have avoided the misfortunes to which I am the victim.","MWS" "id09902","What slave will not, if he may, escape from his chains?","MWS" "id11951","I felt as if, from the order of the systematic world, I had plunged into chaos, obscure, contrary, unintelligible.","MWS" "id05954","""Save me"" she exclaimed, and would have sunk to the ground had I not supported her.","MWS" "id13892","Let us carefully compare with each other the various communications sent to the evening paper, in which the object was to inculpate a gang.","EAP" "id23075","His companionship with the deceased, a gay, but not an abject young girl, designates him as above the grade of the common sailor.","EAP" "id24355","Even in my own heart I could give no expression to my sensations they weighed on me with a mountain's weight and their excess destroyed my agony beneath them.","MWS" "id26313","Shalmanezer, as we have it in holy writings, lay three years before Samaria; yet it fell.","EAP" "id09223","Rushing to the building, it perceived the lightning rod, clambered up with inconceivable agility, grasped the shutter, which was thrown fully back against the wall, and, by its means, swung itself directly upon the headboard of the bed.","EAP" "id06082","I did not undress, but decided to read till I was sleepy and then lie down with only my coat, collar, and shoes off.","HPL" "id10538","One man with Oriental eyes has said that all time and space are relative, and men have laughed.","HPL" "id03564","The police are entirely at fault an unusual occurrence in affairs of this nature.","EAP" "id26938","Gate o' hell sheer drop daown to a bottom no saoundin' line kin tech.","HPL" "id21628","All cold, and stiff, and dead Alas I am quite callous: the night I was out in was fearful and the cold rain that fell about my heart has acted like the waters of the cavern of Antiparos and has changed it to stone.","MWS" "id15126","It was echoed from Saleve, the Juras, and the Alps of Savoy; vivid flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes, illuminating the lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire; then for an instant every thing seemed of a pitchy darkness, until the eye recovered itself from the preceding flash.","MWS" "id16753","what do you mean?"" ""Why, massa, I mean de bug dare now.""","EAP" "id16846","He was always the saddest of the group, and even to my unpractised senses, he appeared to have suffered more deeply than his friends.","MWS" "id22700","It was the work of the rushing gust but then without those doors there did stand the lofty and enshrouded figure of the lady Madeline of Usher.","EAP" "id04176","She appeared affected by different feelings; wiping a few tears from her lovely eyes, she held out her hand to Felix, who kissed it rapturously and called her, as well as I could distinguish, his sweet Arabian.","MWS" "id16609","I had expected more resolution at his hands.","EAP" "id21102","It was not strange therefore, that when he heard of the existence of the offspring of this celebrated person, he should have formed the plan of bestowing on them all the advantages his rank made him rich to afford.","MWS" "id10848","But, as the loss of his ears proved the means of elevating to the throne of Cyrus, the Magian or Mige Gush of Persia, and as the cutting off his nose gave Zopyrus possession of Babylon, so the loss of a few ounces of my countenance proved the salvation of my body.","EAP" "id18415","On examination, we found that all the leaves, bark, and other substances, were traced with written characters.","MWS" "id04958","Although in his appearance there is, to a casual observer, nothing which might bespeak him more or less than man still a feeling of irrepressible reverence and awe mingled with the sensation of wonder with which I regarded him.","EAP" "id15225","Well, Eliot, that was the end of the night's adventure.","HPL" "id01627","Made sign talk as soon as they got over bein' skeert, an' pieced up a bargain afore long.","HPL" "id03146","Our misfortune is doubly hard to us; we have not only lost that lovely darling boy, but this poor girl, whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse fate.","MWS" "id04507","And every night, about midnight, I turned the latch of his door and opened it oh so gently And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head.","EAP" "id08769","It had not seen me, but was simply obeying a general plan of cutting off my escape.","HPL" "id13497","Often I waited beside the bed of death till midnight, and through the obscurity of rainy, cloudy nights rode many miles, sustained by one circumstance only, the safety and sheltered repose of those I loved.","MWS" "id21161","You must have had occasion to observe how absolutely indispensable, of late years, to the thorough blackguard, has become the pocket handkerchief.""","EAP" "id03594","A remembrance of the discourses of my parents, and the communications which my mother endeavoured to impress upon me concerning my father's friends, in slight hope that I might one day derive benefit from the knowledge, floated like an indistinct dream through my brain.","MWS" "id10856","This circumstance, however, only endeared it to my wife, who, as I have already said, possessed, in a high degree, that humanity of feeling which had once been my distinguishing trait, and the source of many of my simplest and purest pleasures.","EAP" "id06261","During the busy day, my mind had yielded itself a willing slave to the state of things presented to it by its fellow beings; historical association, hatred of the foe, and military enthusiasm had held dominion over me.","MWS" "id09478","Yes: the king is coming See the people are aghast with admiration, and lift up their eyes to the heavens in reverence.","EAP" "id10902","But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.","EAP" "id22095","In the most enchanting of natural landscapes, there will always be found a defect or an excess many excesses and defects.","EAP" "id13442","A fearful idea now suddenly drove the blood in torrents upon my heart, and for a brief period, I once more relapsed into insensibility.","EAP" "id02835","You perceive, however, that he is neither a lamb, nor a goat, nor a satyr, neither has he much resemblance to the Pan of the Arcadians.","EAP" "id25421","A small spring of water presented itself to my view, and here, stooping, I bathed my hands and my head and neck.","EAP" "id18852","""You have got up all your arguments in excellent order,"" I replied; ""and, if Adrian consent, they are unanswerable.","MWS" "id18401","For an instant I felt absolute despair, since my trapping in a chamber with no window egress seemed complete.","HPL" "id19202","Flashes of lightning were visible through the bunk house window.","HPL" "id04067","Idris stood beside me, her dear hand locked in mine.","MWS" "id27158","I saw nothing in it of an extraordinary character, but its effect upon Bedloe was prodigious.","EAP" "id05253","He gave not only a brief denial to his mother's schemes, but published his intention of using his influence to diminish the power of the aristocracy, to effect a greater equalization of wealth and privilege, and to introduce a perfect system of republican government into England.","MWS" "id06232","Once Idris named me casually a frown, a convulsive gesture of anger, shook her mother, and, with voice trembling with hate, she said ""I am of little worth in this world; the young are impatient to push the old off the scene; but, Idris, if you do not wish to see your mother expire at your feet, never again name that person to me; all else I can bear; and now I am resigned to the destruction of my cherished hopes: but it is too much to require that I should love the instrument that providence gifted with murderous properties for my destruction.""","MWS" "id07222","Her timidity was not artificial, but arose from that fear of not being properly appreciated, that slight estimation of the neglect of the world, which also characterized Raymond.","MWS" "id24387","I asked her where he should be buried.","MWS" "id02941","""There is much truth in what you say,"" said I, ""and yet no man ever acts upon this theory.","MWS" "id16434","Nothing should tempt me to part with that scarabæus.","EAP" "id12986","And above the nighted screaming of men and horses that dæmonic drumming rose to louder pitch, whilst an ice cold wind of shocking sentience and deliberateness swept down from those forbidden heights and coiled about each man separately, till all the cohort was struggling and screaming in the dark, as if acting out the fate of Laocoön and his sons.","HPL" "id22459","But at length reflection came to my aid.","EAP" "id04414","My glance fell from the painting to the figure of my friend, and the vigorous words of Chapman's Bussy D'Ambois, quivered instinctively upon my lips: ""He is up There like a Roman statue He will stand Till Death hath made him marble"" ""Come,"" he said at length, turning towards a table of richly enamelled and massive silver, upon which were a few goblets fantastically stained, together with two large Etruscan vases, fashioned in the same extraordinary model as that in the foreground of the portrait, and filled with what I supposed to be Johannisberger.","EAP" "id18559","Old Waldron, who had curtailed his activities before, would have made him take a rest an impossible thing now that he was so close to great results in his equations.","HPL" "id08655","""Every minute,"" continued M. Krempe with warmth, ""every instant that you have wasted on those books is utterly and entirely lost.","MWS" "id13921","But are not the dreams of poets and the tales of travellers notoriously false?","HPL" "id07069","Now, the mean or average interval between the centres of the two planets is . of the earth's equatorial radii, or only about , miles.","EAP" "id18581","It has a certain general relation to the various styles of building.","EAP" "id08622","Watson, Dr. Percival, Spallanzani, and especially the Bishop of Landaff.","EAP" "id26034","His countenance was rough but intelligent his ample brow and quick grey eyes seemed to look out, over his own plans, and the opposition of his enemies.","MWS" "id20868","That, I s'pose, was because gov'munt draft men was in taown arter 'sixty three.","HPL" "id12238","The sailor had recovered his presence of mind, in a great measure, while Dupin uttered these words; but his original boldness of bearing was all gone.","EAP" "id02779","I threw myself at his feet, and took his hand, ""Yes, speak, and we shall be happy; there will no longer be doubt, no dreadful uncertainty; trust me, my affection will soothe your sorrow; speak that word and all danger will be past, and we shall love each other as before, and for ever.""","MWS" "id06747","This alone would have sufficed to produce death.","EAP" "id24374","While I was thus wrapped in admiration of this lovely vision, a sudden disturbance among the audience caused her to turn her head partially toward me, so that I beheld the entire profile of the face.","EAP" "id05594","The steel rod connecting the spring with the propeller was suddenly jerked out of place, at the car end, by a swaying of the car through some movement of one of the two seamen we had taken up, and in an instant hung dangling out of reach, from the pivot of the axis of the screw.","EAP" "id24281","When I mingled with other families I distinctly discerned how peculiarly fortunate my lot was, and gratitude assisted the development of filial love.","MWS" "id06062","Is it possible that even my latest fear is sheer delusion?","HPL" "id08811","You will not dispute with me?","MWS" "id25851","""There needs no persuasion,"" said the blushing Perdita, ""except your own dear promises, and my ready heart, which whispers to me that they are true.""","MWS" "id26573","You did look up; and I was now assured that I had correctly followed your steps.","EAP" "id14409","Two titan swaths of destruction stretched from the glen to the Frye farmyard, monstrous prints covered the bare patches of ground, and one side of the old red barn had completely caved in.","HPL" "id01971","I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight.","MWS" "id05047","We were in time, however, to obtain the front seats which had been reserved for us, and into which, with some little difficulty, we elbowed our way.","EAP" "id12145","In the end he give him a funny kind o' thingumajig made aout o' lead or something, that he said ud bring up the fish things from any place in the water whar they might be a nest of 'em.","HPL" "id00056","He awaked on the morning of the nd with a pain in his left wrist, and saw that his cuff was brown with dried blood.","HPL" "id26824","From the manner in which Slater alluded to their dealings, I judged that he and the luminous thing had met on equal terms; that in his dream existence the man was himself a luminous thing of the same race as his enemy.","HPL" "id14603","Thus far I have faithfully said.","EAP" "id10197","Upon investigation it was seen that a new abyss yawned indefinitely below the seat of the blast; an abyss so monstrous that no handy line might fathom it, nor any lamp illuminate it.","HPL" "id01793","In the cranium of this hideous thing lay quantity of ignited charcoal, which threw a fitful but vivid light over the entire scene; while coffins, and other wares appertaining to the shop of an undertaker, were piled high up around the room, and against the windows, preventing any ray from escaping into the street.","EAP" "id05428","This time he resolved to reply in kind, and his own hands reached out for the creature's throat.","HPL" "id10877","When a madman appears thoroughly sane, indeed, it is high time to put him in a straitjacket.""","EAP" "id11378","""But this ascendancy,"" I interposed, ""would depend upon the robber's knowledge of the loser's knowledge of the robber.","EAP" "id19426","This lady died, but her lessons were indelibly impressed on the mind of Safie, who sickened at the prospect of again returning to Asia and being immured within the walls of a harem, allowed only to occupy herself with infantile amusements, ill suited to the temper of her soul, now accustomed to grand ideas and a noble emulation for virtue.","MWS" "id22606","His mother, apparently inattentive, at once understood what was meant, and seeing the hold we had upon her, yielded the point to us.","MWS" "id27295","""By no means"" says the servant; and ""By no means"" says the lady's sister and the lady's sister in law, who are summoned forthwith.","EAP" "id16582","M. Maelzel, having rolled the machine back into its original position, now informs the company that the Automaton will play a game of chess with any one disposed to encounter him.","EAP" "id13644","Of foam there was little except in the immediate vicinity of the rocks.","EAP" "id07163","The house was readily found; for there were still many persons gazing up at the closed shutters, with an objectless curiosity, from the opposite side of the way.","EAP" "id22825","Other traditions tell of foul odours near the hill crowning circles of stone pillars, and of rushing airy presences to be heard faintly at certain hours from stated points at the bottom of the great ravines; while still others try to explain the Devil's Hop Yard a bleak, blasted hillside where no tree, shrub, or grass blade will grow.","HPL" "id18431","They were eyeing, from behind a huge flagon of unpaid for ""humming stuff,"" the portentous words, ""No Chalk,"" which to their indignation and astonishment were scored over the doorway by means of that very mineral whose presence they purported to deny.","EAP" "id26576","The door to the west wing was in its gable, and quite simple a single window looked out to the south.","EAP" "id11322","""Alberto Montani, confectioner, deposes that he was among the first to ascend the stairs.","EAP" "id08931","On a verdant slope of Mount Maenalus, in Arcadia, there stands an olive grove about the ruins of a villa.","HPL" "id09358","He pointed out the errors, and the alterations that he wished to be made; he offered the Greek a pencil that he might correct the sketch on the spot; this was refused by his visitor, who said that he perfectly understood, and would work at it at home.","MWS" "id04722","At the bottom of that valley a river once had flowed; for as I examined the scene more closely I beheld the remains of stone and marble bridges and sea walls, and terraces and embankments once verdant and beautiful.","HPL" "id11027","First, I must thank you, Lionel, for having remained here at my request.","MWS" "id12842","His wife assured us, that he had not observed any difference, except in the absence of the children from his study, and to her infinite surprise he complained of this unaccustomed quiet.","MWS" "id11882","Of the first of these opinions we shall say nothing at present more than we have already said.","EAP" "id25141","It is really a very fine amusement to ascend the rope ladder leading to the summit of the balloon bag, and thence survey the surrounding world.","EAP" "id02667","Let us go the world is our country now, and we will choose for our residence its most fertile spot.","MWS" "id20006","Was, indeed, Fate preserving my reason only to draw me irresistibly to an end more horrible and unthinkable than any man has dreamed of?","HPL" "id19050","But in truth, neither the lonely meditations of the hermit, nor the tumultuous raptures of the reveller, are capable of satisfying man's heart.","MWS" "id03284","She was a singular being, and, like me, inherited much of the peculiar disposition of our father.","MWS" "id24158","In an absolute phrenzy of wrath, I turned at once upon him who had thus interrupted me, and seized him violently by the collar.","EAP" "id19679","It was rather ironic, for he was the officer who had helped West to his commission, and who was now to have been our associate.","HPL" "id13082","Still, however, he came not.","EAP" "id04886","A visiter at his office, a few days prior to the girl's disappearance, and during the absence of its occupant, had observed a rose in the key hole of the door, and the name ""Marie"" inscribed upon a slate which hung near at hand.","EAP" "id03338","But it is unworthy of me to argue and complain.","MWS" "id05810","What ensued can best be gathered from the tales of servants and from things and papers later examined.","HPL" "id09512","All he could do was moan half inaudibly, ""Oh, oh, great Gawd . . .","HPL" "id20842","Tragedies deep and dire were the chief favourites.","MWS" "id21363","Raymond expressed himself delighted to see him, declaring that he should make one in the festivity of the night.","MWS" "id21272","To be sure, whenever we meet a balloon we have a chance of perceiving our rate, and then, I admit, things do not appear so very bad.","EAP" "id10100","There were insane shouts and harrowing screams, soul chilling chants and dancing devil flames; and, the frightened messenger added, the people could stand it no more.","HPL" "id17182","A restlessness, a fear of what was about to betide, a doubt as to Raymond's purposes, urged me to return without delay to his quarters.","MWS" "id07035","It was this that led me here: I thought that if I could again awaken in my heart the grief I had felt at the loss of your mother, and the many associations with her memory which had been laid to sleep for seventeen years, that all love for her child would become extinct.","MWS" "id10743","I had seen it from the road's crest when I looked at Kingsport in the new dusk, and it had made me shiver because Aldebaran had seemed to balance itself a moment on the ghostly spire.","HPL" "id21448","You are going to make enquiries concerning the Earl of Windsor.","MWS" "id17802","Elwood was in, thank heaven, and appeared to be stirring about.","HPL" "id27555","I leaned to the left.","EAP" "id20754","I now observed that I had with me an electric lantern and two spades, whilst my companion was supplied with a similar lantern and a portable telephone outfit.","HPL" "id16242","I have described my protracted digging as idiotic, and such it indeed was in object and method.","HPL" "id02258","Man could not both know and succumb.","EAP" "id17283","Pray let us try again.""","HPL" "id13608","Nor was I indeed ignorant of the flowers and the vine but the hemlock and the cypress overshadowed me night and day.","EAP" "id01844","Chapter ""I now hasten to the more moving part of my story.","MWS" "id12179","The right arm of the man within is brought across his breast, and his right fingers act, without any constraint, upon the machinery in the shoulder of the figure.","EAP" "id18890","It was midnight; and you still sat by my side.","EAP" "id26674","Do not then continue to fix your eyes on the earth; raise them on me for I can read your soul in them: speak to me to me sic, and pardon my presumption.","MWS" "id19778","Alas To me the idea of an immediate union with my Elizabeth was one of horror and dismay.","MWS" "id12749","Never should he behold her fallen, as she deemed, from her pride of beauty, the poverty stricken inhabitant of a garret, with a name which had become a reproach, and a weight of guilt on her soul.","MWS" "id08184","He was far too long sighted in his view of humanity to heed the casualties of the day, and lived in the midst of contagion unconscious of its existence.","MWS" "id02994","The truth is, I soon found that Mrs. W. was far oftener laughed at than with.","EAP" "id26183","My wife had called my attention, more than once, to the character of the mark of white hair, of which I have spoken, and which constituted the sole visible difference between the strange beast and the one I had destroyed.","EAP" "id15512","Raymond then lamented the cureless evil of his situation with Perdita.","MWS" "id22756","Presently he shook his head, looking as pale as death, and held up one of his fingers, as if to say 'listen ' ""At first I could not make out what he meant but soon a hideous thought flashed upon me.","EAP" "id16167","In such a mind, I repeat, what a host of recollections are stirred up by a trifle The dogs danced I I could not They frisked I wept.","EAP" "id16635","""Are you mad, my friend?"" said he. ""Or whither does your senseless curiosity lead you?","MWS" "id01074","He had promised to spend some hours with me one afternoon but a violent and continual rain prevented him.","MWS" "id22936","Scarcely had I crossed the sill when there descended upon the whole company a sudden and unheralded fear of hideous intensity, distorting every face and evoking the most horrible screams from nearly every throat.","HPL" "id27441","I will therefore guess even;' he guesses even, and wins.","EAP" "id25033","In about ten minutes after starting, the barometer indicated an altitude of , feet.","EAP" "id27174","A tear seemed to dim her eye when she saw us, but she quickly recovered herself, and a look of sorrowful affection seemed to attest her utter guiltlessness.","MWS" "id17820","So on the night of July , , Herbert West and I stood in the cellar laboratory and gazed at a white, silent figure beneath the dazzling arc light.","HPL" "id26671","In the daemon flash of a monstrous fireball the sleeper started up suddenly while the glare from beyond the window threw his shadow vividly upon the chimney above the fireplace from which my eyes had never strayed.","HPL" "id03994","Something had evidently drawn a crowd to this place.","HPL" "id13398","Who ordered your attack?","MWS" "id17699","In days of happiness I have often repeated to myself, with a grateful heart and exulting spirit, all that Raymond sacrificed for me.","MWS" "id07408","I lay outstretched where I had fallen from the balloon.","EAP" "id14880","""You have guessed right; I have lately been so deeply engaged in one occupation that I have not allowed myself sufficient rest, as you see; but I hope, I sincerely hope, that all these employments are now at an end and that I am at length free.""","MWS" "id10523","The upper lip, at the same time, writhed itself away from the teeth, which it had previously covered completely; while the lower jaw fell with an audible jerk, leaving the mouth widely extended, and disclosing in full view the swollen and blackened tongue.","EAP" "id13302","I knew what he wanted to see if this highly organised body could exhibit, without its head, any of the signs of mental life which had distinguished Sir Eric Moreland Clapham Lee.","HPL" "id18416","You may believe that I did not enter on my present line of conduct without reluctance and pain.","MWS" "id02146","""Here, then, I retreated and lay down happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man.","MWS" "id03663","Presently they began to gather renewed force and coherence as they grew in stark, utter, ultimate frenzy.","HPL" "id00730","Elizabeth saw even this last resource, her excellent dispositions and irreproachable conduct, about to fail the accused, when, although violently agitated, she desired permission to address the court.","MWS" "id24077","Come, give me your hand, one look of joyous sympathy and we will go together and seek them; a lulling journey; where our arrival will bring bliss and our waking be that of angels.","MWS" "id26999","One experiment succeeded another, and the customary effects supervened, with nothing to characterize them in any respect, except, upon one or two occasions, a more than ordinary degree of life likeness in the convulsive action.","EAP" "id18071","The two sounds most frequently repeated are those rendered by the letters ""Cthulhu"" and ""R'lyeh"".","HPL" "id21991","Things are hunting me now the things that devour and dissolve but I know how to elude them.","HPL" "id17829","Was again very much alarmed by a repetition of the loud, crackling noise which terrified me on the tenth.","EAP" "id22809","For example: very early in the morning I had to make up my packet of sham letters.","EAP" "id14266","Subsequent impressions will never leave the mind of young Trever.","HPL" "id26982","What appeared to us more astonishing, was that these writings were expressed in various languages: some unknown to my companion, ancient Chaldee, and Egyptian hieroglyphics, old as the Pyramids.","MWS" "id13336","I found Adrian's anti chamber crowded it was his hour for giving audience.","MWS" "id17316","Towards the end of October it dwindled away, and was in some degree replaced by a typhus, of hardly less virulence.","MWS" "id13178","It grew fast and big from the same reason that Wilbur grew fast and big but it beat him because it had a greater share of the outsideness in it.","HPL" "id26705","He was remarkable in the entire and continuous profusion of good gifts ever lavished upon him by fortune.","EAP" "id21517","I had left no shadow of a clew by which it would be possible to convict, or even to suspect me of the crime.","EAP" "id20402","The shadows of things assumed strange and ghastly shapes.","MWS" "id01251","The rich although faded tapestry hangings which swung gloomily upon the walls, represented the shadowy and majestic forms of a thousand illustrious ancestors.","EAP" "id24419","At first it was the great object of my ambition to rival the merits of my father, and render myself worthy of the friendship of Adrian.","MWS" "id00944","That is, never no full blooded one.","HPL" "id15250","It wanted five minutes of noon, on the day before yesterday, when there appeared a very odd looking object on the summit of the ridge of the eastward.","EAP" "id09584","After much hesitation.","EAP" "id16639","He had refused a stimulant, and had suddenly dropped dead only a moment later.","HPL" "id23188","It was of a jetty black; which was also the color, or more properly the no color of his unimaginable whiskers.","EAP" "id27183","My ancestors had been for many years counsellors and syndics, and my father had filled several public situations with honour and reputation.","MWS" "id07293","And I beg of you to let that thing on the table the thing that looks like a match box alone.","HPL" "id04474","He couldn't stand what he had to do he had to get me in a strange, dark place when he minded my letter and nursed me back.","HPL" "id14195","I told them exceedingly few deaths had yet been occasioned by pestilence, and gave them hopes, as we were the last visited, so the calamity might have lost its most venomous power before it had reached us.","MWS" "id17430","The shunned house, it seems, was first inhabited by William Harris and his wife Rhoby Dexter, with their children, Elkanah, born in , Abigail, born in , William, Jr., born in , and Ruth, born in .","HPL" "id07750","But these garters are found to be tightened, by the setting back of a clasp, in just such a manner as her own had been tightened by Marie, shortly previous to her leaving home.","EAP" "id02902","For this I had deprived myself of rest and health.","MWS" "id06115","Several days elapsed, and at last an answer came, dated from Cologne.","MWS" "id27843","I fairly shouted with terror, and made off, at a tangent, into the farthest extremity of the room.","EAP" "id09215","The sight of this form, and the expression on its face, broke the spell.","HPL" "id25286","About an hour ago, I made bold to thrust myself among a group of the crew.","EAP" "id23154","There was a pandemonium of questioning, and only Henry Wheeler thought to rescue the fallen telescope and wipe it clean of mud.","HPL" "id22104","""Mos feerd for to ventur pon dis limb berry far tis dead limb putty much all de way."" ""Did you say it was a dead limb, Jupiter?"" cried Legrand in a quavering voice.","EAP" "id19843","The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation.","MWS" "id12037","It is your duty as a magistrate, and I believe and hope that your feelings as a man will not revolt from the execution of those functions on this occasion.""","MWS" "id26997","For several hours I sat thinking or brooding in the boat, which lay upon its side and afforded a slight shade as the sun moved across the heavens.","HPL" "id09308","It was of this world, and yet not of it a shadowy geometrical confusion in which could be seen elements of familiar things in most unfamiliar and perturbing combinations.","HPL" "id21488","At a.m. the next day I commenced digging.","HPL" "id05537","What with this an' that, he didn't git to sleep at all till sunup, an' no sooner was he up this mornin', but he's got to go over to Whateley's an' see what's the matter.","HPL" "id02402","He foresaw that he should leave this cheerful earth, the lightsome sky, and thy love, Perdita; yet he neither hesitated or turned back, going right onward to his mark of fame.","MWS" "id04350","She thought her the model of all excellence and endeavoured to imitate her phraseology and manners, so that even now she often reminds me of her.","MWS" "id15480","""It was morning when I awoke, and my first care was to visit the fire.","MWS" "id03063","The phrases ""I am out of breath,"" ""I have lost my breath,"" etc., are often enough repeated in common conversation; but it had never occurred to me that the terrible accident of which I speak could bona fide and actually happen Imagine that is if you have a fanciful turn imagine, I say, my wonder my consternation my despair There is a good genius, however, which has never entirely deserted me.","EAP" "id04064","It's a very simple thing, indeed.","EAP" "id16149","We approached with all the speed six rowers could give; the orderly and picturesque dress of the soldiers on the beach, the sounds of exulting music, the stirring breeze and waving flags, the unchecked exclamations of the eager crowd, whose dark looks and foreign garb were purely eastern; the sight of temple crowned rock, the white marble of the buildings glittering in the sun, and standing in bright relief against the dark ridge of lofty mountains beyond; the near roar of the sea, the splash of oars, and dash of spray, all steeped my soul in a delirium, unfelt, unimagined in the common course of common life.","MWS" "id16414","But always I shall guard against the mocking and insatiate Hypnos, lord of sleep, against the night sky, and against the mad ambitions of knowledge and philosophy.","HPL" "id18663","Then he began once more the writing of books, which he had left off when dreams first failed him.","HPL" "id26633","All that now remained was to fasten up the mouth of the enclosure; and this was readily accomplished by gathering the folds of the material together, and twisting them up very tightly on the inside by means of a kind of stationary tourniquet.","EAP" "id03496","With it shall go this record of mine this test of my own sanity, wherein is pieced together that which I hope may never be pieced together again.","HPL" "id23817","The moon itself was directly overhead, and consequently hidden from my view.","EAP" "id26113","Who deserved the hand of this self exalted king more than she whose glance belonged to a queen of nations?","MWS" "id18206","Reluctant even to be left alone again, each one of the cowed squatters refused point blank to advance another inch toward the scene of unholy worship, so Inspector Legrasse and his nineteen colleagues plunged on unguided into black arcades of horror that none of them had ever trod before.","HPL" "id25525","Many are chosen, as you see, with little deference to the opinions of Virtu.","EAP" "id26465","In the opinion of M. Dumas, Mademoiselle L'Espanaye had been throttled to death by some person or persons unknown.","EAP" "id25910","A slight headache, accompanied with a sensation of fulness or distention about the wrists, the ankles, and the throat, was nearly all of which I had now to complain.","EAP" "id02637","But a bitter thought swiftly shadowed her joy; she bent her eyes on the ground, endeavouring to master the passion of tears that threatened to overwhelm her.","MWS" "id19608","It was at nine o'clock in the morning.","EAP" "id12675","I cannot guess how many days have passed since then, but I have endured misery which nothing but the eternal sentiment of a just retribution burning within my heart could have enabled me to support.","MWS" "id15713","Do you observe how mere an accident it was that these events should have occurred upon the sole day of all the year in which it has been, or may be, sufficiently cool for fire, and that without the fire, or without the intervention of the dog at the precise moment in which he appeared, I should never have become aware of the death's head, and so never the possessor of the treasure?""","EAP" "id03062","My coming to New York had been a mistake; for whereas I had looked for poignant wonder and inspiration in the teeming labyrinths of ancient streets that twist endlessly from forgotten courts and squares and waterfronts to courts and squares and waterfronts equally forgotten, and in the Cyclopean modern towers and pinnacles that rise blackly Babylonian under waning moons, I had found instead only a sense of horror and oppression which threatened to master, paralyse, and annihilate me.","HPL" "id11311","There, at some obscure wharf, he would have leaped on land.","EAP" "id11849","""A death's head"" echoed Legrand ""Oh yes well, it has something of that appearance upon paper, no doubt.","EAP" "id04295","Let us get into a place of safety as soon as possible.","EAP" "id10706","I was lying with my back to the east window overlooking the bog, where the waning moon would rise, and therefore expected to see light cast on the opposite wall before me; but I had not looked for such a sight as now appeared.","HPL" "id21727","I walked the cellar from end to end.","EAP" "id01602","I observed now that even the lightest vapors never rose to more than ten miles above the level of the sea.","EAP" "id21430","He at no time fully described this object, but occasional frantic words, as repeated by Dr. Tobey, convinced the professor that it must be identical with the nameless monstrosity he had sought to depict in his dream sculpture.","HPL" "id06047","From a loop hole near the summit of the kiosk, I perceived a vast crowd, in furious agitation, surrounding and assaulting a gay palace that overhung the river.","EAP" "id17509","What this design was it is not difficult to conceive.","EAP" "id22425","I took vigorous exercise.","EAP" "id19148","""That's why I wouldn't go at night if I was you.","HPL" "id15665","Legal evidence was lacking, but the story spread rapidly round the countryside; and from that time the Martenses were ostracised by the world.","HPL" "id20783","Yet the sound increased and what could I do?","EAP" "id11654","They planted the cannon on the tumuli, sole elevations in this level country, and formed themselves into column and hollow square; while the pioneers threw up small mounds for their protection.","MWS" "id18407","One day, while I was gradually recovering, I was seated in a chair, my eyes half open and my cheeks livid like those in death.","MWS" "id16878","It would not let me sleep, and in impatience I sprang up and paced the floor.","HPL" "id11403","It would have been wiser, it would have been safer, to classify if classify we must upon the basis of what man usually or occasionally did, and was always occasionally doing, rather than upon the basis of what we took it for granted the Deity intended him to do.","EAP" "id09846","That night I encamped, and on the following day still travelled toward the hummock, though that object seemed scarcely nearer than when I had first espied it.","HPL" "id16294","They had separate apartments no doubt in contemplation of a more permanent divorce; and here, after all I thought was the mystery of the extra state room.","EAP" "id15704","She framed her enquiries with Greek subtlety; she formed her conclusions with the decision and firmness peculiar to her disposition.","MWS" "id02811","From within the city neither shout nor cry, nor aught except the casual howling of a dog, broke the noon day stillness.","MWS" "id19179","Yes tears are gathering in those eyes and see the entire woman thrills throughout the soul, and the statue has started into life The pallor of the marble countenance, the swelling of the marble bosom, the very purity of the marble feet, we behold suddenly flushed over with a tide of ungovernable crimson; and a slight shudder quivers about her delicate frame, as a gentle air at Napoli about the rich silver lilies in the grass.","EAP" "id25677","""Amontillado"" ""And I must satisfy them.""","EAP" "id19992","I would, of course, soon have to shift from Washington to some other southward street; for that party from the hotel would doubtless be after me.","HPL" "id23422","By degrees, after the morning's dawn, sleep came.","MWS" "id08044","I put my hand before my eyes, and cried out in agony, ""Oh Take him away I cannot see him; for God's sake, do not let him enter"" Mr. Kirwin regarded me with a troubled countenance.","MWS" "id22224","He pointed to the tillers of the earth the only people who, as a class, are proverbially more happy than others and then he instanced the high ecstasies of the fox hunter.","EAP" "id20156","Having made up my mind to hope no more, I got rid of a great deal of that terror which unmanned me at first.","EAP" "id21561","We also measured the thickness of every book cover, with the most accurate admeasurement, and applied to each the most jealous scrutiny of the microscope.","EAP" "id22627","It means that a great hero, in the heat of combat, not perceiving that he had been fairly killed, continued to fight valiantly, dead as he was.","EAP" "id21238","But while my lids remained thus shut, I ran over in my mind my reason for so shutting them.","EAP" "id07713","The steep street of my approach was nowhere visible, and the little I did see succumbed rapidly to a mist that rolled in from the river despite the glaring moonlight.","HPL" "id10564","""Exactly so,"" replied Raymond, ""another link of the breakless chain.","MWS" "id02741","In a short period it was certain, however, that a relapse had taken place; the color disappeared from both eyelid and cheek, leaving a wanness even more than that of marble; the lips became doubly shrivelled and pinched up in the ghastly expression of death; a repulsive clamminess and coldness overspread rapidly the surface of the body; and all the usual rigorous illness immediately supervened.","EAP" "id23122","Somebody had accosted him in the street, mistaking him for no less a personage than Doctor Dubble L. Dee, the lecturer upon quack physics.","EAP" "id18265","I have longed for a friend; I have sought one who would sympathize with and love me.","MWS" "id19259","They were by no means uncivilized, however, but cultivated various arts and even sciences after a fashion of their own.","EAP" "id24166","Raymond adduced many arguments and fervent persuasions to overcome her feeling, but she remained unconvinced; and, agitated by the discussion, she wildly and passionately made a solemn vow, to fly and hide herself where he never could discover her, where famine would soon bring death to conclude her woes, if he persisted in his to her disgracing offers.","MWS" "id24101","So Iranon went out of the stable and walked over the narrow stone streets between the gloomy square houses of granite, seeking something green in the air of spring.","HPL" "id16517","He was a little, pursy, pompous, passionate semicircular somebody, with a red nose, a thick scull, sic a long purse, and a strong sense of his own consequence.","EAP" "id20732","A sensation of stupor oppressed me, as my eyes followed her retreating steps.","EAP" "id11722","Mr. Garrick obtain'd Admittance only with Difficulty; for the Doctor, notwithstanding his great Friendship, was for ever affecting to decry the Stage and all Things connected with it.","HPL" "id26365","In those days how often did I hear of his attractions, his wide spread conquests, his wit, his refined manners.","MWS" "id26565","Upon passing the hand over them they seemed to have protruded from their sockets in no inconsiderable degree; and all objects in the car, and even the balloon itself, appeared distorted to my vision.","EAP" "id20442","The duties, here, are simple, and not altogether unprofitable.","EAP" "id11700","Le Don was instantly released, upon our narration of the circumstances with some comments from Dupin at the bureau of the Prefect of Police.","EAP" "id09556","In the very next published number I had the proud satisfaction of seeing my poem printed at length, as the leading article, with the following significant words, prefixed in italics and between brackets: We call the attention of our readers to the subjoined admirable stanza on ""The Oil of Bob.""","EAP" "id11838","It was not until the expiration of a week that it was deemed necessary to offer a reward; and even then this reward was limited to a thousand francs.","EAP" "id26718","In whatever way the shifting is managed, it is of course concealed at every step from observation.","EAP" "id07373","In the darkness every faint noise of the night seemed magnified, and a flood of doubly unpleasant thoughts swept over me.","HPL" "id05788","Amount entered in Journal fifty cents which see. ""Feb. .","EAP" "id23701","When they had thinned out enough to be glimpsed as separate organisms, I saw that they were dwarfed, deformed hairy devils or apes monstrous and diabolic caricatures of the monkey tribe.","HPL" "id08125","It is all in that ancestral diary I found; all the hushed innuendoes and furtive tales of things with a blemished eye seen at windows in the night or in deserted meadows near the woods.","HPL" "id08778","I have keys, as you know, with which I can open any chamber or cabinet in Paris.","EAP" "id20629","This pamphlet was not designed for the public eye, even upon the decease of the writer, as any person at all conversant with authorship may satisfy himself at once by the slightest inspection of the style.","EAP" "id18091","At length it forced it wrestled its way into my soul it burned itself in upon my shuddering reason.","EAP" "id19421","Was I, then, a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?","MWS" "id20438","The growing shadow rose and rose, filling, and then seeming to endeavour to burst beyond, the adamantine vault that bent over, sustaining and enclosing the world.","MWS" "id06790","The hour had grown perilously late my watch said :, and the Arkham bus left Town Square at eight so I tried to give my thoughts as neutral and practical a cast as possible, meanwhile walking rapidly through the deserted streets of gaping roofs and leaning houses toward the hotel where I had checked my valise and would find my bus.","HPL" "id11452","Armitage, with Rice and Morgan, started to walk in the direction indicated; and most of the natives followed slowly.","HPL" "id07152","""Bless my soul why, he's the man"" "" mandragora Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owd'st yesterday"" here roared our Climax just in my ear, and shaking his fist in my face all the time, in a way that I couldn't stand, and I wouldn't.","EAP" "id00302","""We set out with a fresh wind on our starboard quarter, and for some time spanked along at a great rate, never dreaming of danger, for indeed we saw not the slightest reason to apprehend it.","EAP" "id14203","Their outlines were human, semi human, fractionally human, and not human at all the horde was grotesquely heterogeneous.","HPL" "id11145","I cannot pretend to describe what I then felt.","MWS" "id16740","Indeed, as the duties to be performed involve high responsibilities, and large amounts of money must necessarily pass through the hands of those engaged, it is deemed advisable to demand a deposit of fifty dollars from each clerk employed.","EAP" "id15538","It seemed to have been constructed for no especial use in itself, but formed merely the interval between two of the colossal supports of the roof of the catacombs, and was backed by one of their circumscribing walls of solid granite.","EAP" "id24646","And the boy said to him: ""Art thou not indeed he of whom the archons tell, who seekest a far city in a fair land?","HPL" "id20176","But those words are false, for the wave may be dark but it is not bitter.","MWS" "id17551","Not the wild, raving most miserable Mathilda but a youthful Hermitess dedicated to seclusion and whose bosom she must strive to keep free from all tumult and unholy despair The fanciful nunlike dress that I had adopted; the knowledge that my very existence was a secret known only to myself; the solitude to which I was for ever hereafter destined nursed gentle thoughts in my wounded heart.","MWS" "id12863","""We had a fellow here once,"" said a fat little gentleman, who sat at my right, ""a fellow that fancied himself a tea pot; and by the way, is it not especially singular how often this particular crotchet has entered the brain of the lunatic?","EAP" "id06039","It was not possible to say how the injuries had been inflicted.","EAP" "id09535","At that instant some person tried the latch of the door.","EAP" "id15207","Whateley saw how things stood, and tried to answer lightly.","HPL" "id18569","Whether you ever get this letter or not is point of little importance, as I write altogether for my own amusement.","EAP" "id09784","Be it your care to foster this similarity be it your care to render her worthy of him, so that, when she glory in her origin, she take not shame for what she is.""","MWS" "id14520","Soon after dark they arrived, and gave me a most cordial welcome.","EAP" "id03815","He gave old Matt the very best his skill could produce, but was thrifty enough to save the rejected specimen, and to use it when Asaph Sawyer died of a malignant fever.","HPL" "id07129","Could we suppose an oversight in one, or two, or three, this oversight would have been remedied by a fourth.","EAP" "id07528","The Frenchman followed in despair; the ape, razor still in hand, occasionally stopping to look back and gesticulate at its pursuer, until the latter had nearly come up with it.","EAP" "id24378","The young woman was again occupied in arranging the cottage, the old man walked before the cottage in the sun for a few minutes, leaning on the arm of the youth.","MWS" "id20644","I was going to run, but he stopped me.","HPL" "id04989","Thus, thus, and not otherwise, shall I be lost.","EAP" "id19274","Towards evening dark thunder clouds arose above the horrizon and I heard its distant roll after sunset they darkened the whole sky and it began to rain, the lightning lighted up the whole country and the thunder drowned the noise of our carriage.","MWS" "id19692","The slopes which encompassed the vale could not fairly be called hills, unless at their northern face.","EAP" "id13649","All my feelings, even of exultation and triumph, were changed to bitterness, if unparticipated; Perdita, even in joy, fled to loneliness, and could go on from day to day, neither expressing her emotions, nor seeking a fellow feeling in another mind.","MWS" "id07877","He at length opened it, and drawing there from a huge letter sealed with red sealing wax and tied carefully with red tape, let it fall precisely at the feet of the burgomaster, Superbus Von Underduk.","EAP" "id09877","It was in a recess near the head of the ravine to the south of Hymettus.","MWS" "id08428","The coming summer was the extreme end of our vista; and, when we arrived there, instead of a continuation of the long road, a gulph yawned, into which we must of force be precipitated.","MWS" "id27153","Mr. L. makes his lens have a power of , times.","EAP" "id25813","That party, however, could hardly yet be considered a minority in the kingdom, who extolled the ornament of the column, ""the Corinthian capital of polished society;"" they appealed to prejudices without number, to old attachments and young hopes; to the expectation of thousands who might one day become peers; they set up as a scarecrow, the spectre of all that was sordid, mechanic and base in the commercial republics.","MWS" "id23019","But in these accounts it is the fact it is the reality it is the history which excites.","EAP" "id21436","For the hours of thy happiness are over and joy is not gathered twice in a life, as the roses of Paestum twice in a year.","EAP" "id00078","The interruption was not produced by my fright, nor by the rapidly increasing storm amidst whose fury I was presently to open my eyes on a smoky solitude of blackened ruins.","HPL" "id05882","This opinion, idle in itself, was the one to which, as I gazed, my imagination most readily assented; and, mentioning it to the guide, I was rather surprised to hear him say that, although it was the view almost universally entertained of the subject by the Norwegians, it nevertheless was not his own.","EAP" "id22561","The king elevated his forehead into innumerable wrinkles; the gouty little old man puffed like a pair of bellows; the lady of the winding sheet waved her nose to and fro; the gentleman in the cotton drawers pricked up his ears; she of the shroud gasped like a dying fish; and he of the coffin looked stiff and rolled up his eyes.","EAP" "id16707","As the moon climbed higher in the sky, I began to see that the slopes of the valley were not quite so perpendicular as I had imagined.","HPL" "id06533","During a free period he shewed the queer image to several professors, all of whom were intensely interested, though none of them could shed any light upon its nature or origin.","HPL" "id23474","""The full moon damn ye ye . . .","HPL" "id15178","I did only a retail business myself, but my old habits of system carried me swimmingly along.","EAP" "id15195","And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.","HPL" "id06870","The face assumed the usual pinched and sunken outline.","EAP" "id04946","The loungers reflected, thinking of the door and runway, and of the cattle that so swiftly disappeared.","HPL" "id11572","His talents and general amiability had recommended him to the notice of the heiress, by whom he seems to have been truly beloved; but her pride of birth decided her, finally, to reject him, and to wed a Monsieur Renelle, a banker and a diplomatist of some eminence.","EAP" "id22718","The adroitness, too, was no less worthy of observation by which he contrived to shift the sense of the grotesque from the creator to the created from his own person to the absurdities to which he had given rise.","EAP" "id00801","If any one has a critical turn, it is he.","EAP" "id18349","Such visions as I had experienced were too much for me to endure again.","HPL" "id12314","OF course I shall not pretend to consider it any matter for wonder, that the extraordinary case of M. Valdemar has excited discussion.","EAP" "id21566","Oh, that I had forever remained in my native wood, nor known nor felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat ""Of what a strange nature is knowledge It clings to the mind when it has once seized on it like a lichen on the rock.","MWS" "id04792","Do not regret this; for death is a too terrible an sic object for the living.","MWS" "id22880","Wilbur had with him the priceless but imperfect copy of Dr. Dee's English version which his grandfather had bequeathed him, and upon receiving access to the Latin copy he at once began to collate the two texts with the aim of discovering a certain passage which would have come on the st page of his own defective volume.","HPL" "id07272","We also denied the request of a delegation headed by Seaman Zimmer, that the curious carved ivory head be cast into the sea.","HPL" "id10444","After many struggles, she succeeded, and turned to join the company.","MWS" "id06184","I felt, in my visions, a cosmic and abysmal loneness; with hostility surging from all sides upon some prison where I lay confined.","HPL" "id16269","Nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited towards their venerable companion.","MWS" "id09901","An' they's awful kinder marks in the yard, tew great raound marks bigger raound than a hogshead, an' all sticky with stuff like is on the blowed up haouse.","HPL" "id10660","Gross stupidity, falsehood, and muddled thinking are not dream; and form no escape from life to a mind trained above their level.","HPL" "id27502","In the morning Randolph was up early, and would have run off to the upper timber lot if Uncle Chris had not caught him and forced him into his chair by the breakfast table.","HPL" "id09625","An officer of artillery, a man of gigantic stature and of robust health, being thrown from an unmanageable horse, received a very severe contusion upon the head, which rendered him insensible at once; the skull was slightly fractured, but no immediate danger was apprehended.","EAP" "id05029","It did not require the measured sounds of human language to syllable the story of my extasy.","MWS" "id12868","""Proceed,"" I said; ""herein is the Amontillado.","EAP" "id16289","When the driver came out of the store I looked at him more carefully and tried to determine the source of my evil impression.","HPL" "id12894","But the olive grove still stands, as does the tree growing out of the tomb of Kalos, and the old bee keeper told me that sometimes the boughs whisper to one another in the night wind, saying over and over again, ""Οἶδα Οἶδα I know I know"" We were sitting on a dilapidated seventeenth century tomb in the late afternoon of an autumn day at the old burying ground in Arkham, and speculating about the unnamable.","HPL" "id03480","We were fellow sojourners for a week about six years ago, at Earl's Hotel, in Providence, Rhode Island; and I presume that I conversed with him, at various times, for some three or four hours altogether.","EAP" "id22213","For a long time I was their only care.","MWS" "id15986","And then say that my father had surely lost his wits ever since my mother's death; that he was mad and that I was fortunate, for in one of his fits he might have killed me instead of destroying his own crazed being.","MWS" "id03859","I quaintly termed the domination of the Baron Ritzner von Jung, ever rightly entered into the mystery which overshadowed his character.","EAP" "id12780","There in the narrow hall, outside the bolted door with the covered keyhole, I often heard sounds which filled me with an indefinable dread the dread of vague wonder and brooding mystery.","HPL" "id14201","Silent and sparkling, bright and baleful, those moon cursed waters hurried I knew not whither; whilst from the embowered banks white lotos blossoms fluttered one by one in the opiate night wind and dropped despairingly into the stream, swirling away horribly under the arched, carven bridge, and staring back with the sinister resignation of calm, dead faces.","HPL" "id21681","But in a brief period I ceased to think upon the subject; my attention being all absorbed in a contemplated departure for Oxford.","EAP" "id03253","Our man of business holds it as a point of his faith that work should never be paid for until done.","EAP" "id07360","There was a vibration as if the wood had fallen farther than it had fallen before.","HPL" "id16957","Finally, with Carrington Harris's permission, I fitted a key to the disused door opening from the cellar directly upon Benefit Street, preferring to have a more immediate access to the outside world than the dark stairs, ground floor hall, and front door could give.","HPL" "id22249","The magistrate observed me with a keen eye and of course drew an unfavourable augury from my manner.","MWS" "id07276","Then came a sort of island of higher ground, where the line passed through a shallow open cut choked with bushes and brambles.","HPL" "id21202","I passed an hour in this state of mind, when suddenly I reflected how fearful the combat which I momentarily expected would be to my wife, and I earnestly entreated her to retire, resolving not to join her until I had obtained some knowledge as to the situation of my enemy.","MWS" "id04169","I have said that he was a poet: when he was three and twenty years of age he first published a poem, and it was hailed by the whole nation with enthusiasm and delight.","MWS" "id19093","I had not seen him since that day, two months and a half before, when he had told me toward what goal his physical and metaphysical researches were leading; when he had answered my awed and almost frightened remonstrances by driving me from his laboratory and his house in a burst of fanatical rage.","HPL" "id07137","Do so; if your high heart, incapable of my infirmity of purpose, refuses to bend to the lowness of mine.","MWS" "id11075","In investigations such as we are now pursuing, it should not be so much asked 'what has occurred,' as 'what has occurred that has never occurred before.'","EAP" "id01309","I began putting out feelers as we walked along to Water Street and turned southward amidst the omnipresent desolation and crazily tilted ruins, but found that the aged tongue did not loosen as quickly as I had expected.","HPL" "id09720","Indeed I had no fear on her account.","EAP" "id13280","For a moment there was a wild lurid light alone, visiting and penetrating all things.","EAP" "id06628","As it is, the constables have had a sad time of it, running hither and thither, and all they can do is to declare the man of business most emphatically, a ""hen knee high"" by which some persons imagine them to imply that, in fact, he is n.","EAP" "id03646","The sentence had passed; and it appeared to me that a very long interval of time had since elapsed.","EAP" "id07596","""A thousand pounds,"" said I. ""Beautiful"" said he, entranced.","EAP" "id15908","My father was enraptured on finding me freed from the vexations of a criminal charge, that I was again allowed to breathe the fresh atmosphere and permitted to return to my native country.","MWS" "id06607","We were soon overpowered by numbers, and driven to seek refuge in a species of kiosk.","EAP" "id27600","why, ""of Lord Cornwallis.""","EAP" "id02828","The old man was pulling at my sleeve, but I was determined to be the last.","HPL" "id10019","His countenance expressed sympathy and compassion; he drew a chair close to mine and addressed me in French, ""I fear that this place is very shocking to you; can I do anything to make you more comfortable?""","MWS" "id08375","I felt ahead, touched the back of Zann's chair, and then found and shook his shoulder in an effort to bring him to his senses.","HPL" "id01986","Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave cerements and corpse like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.","EAP" "id15629","It was riveted and studded with iron bolts, and surmounted with jagged iron spikes.","EAP" "id22560","'They were all mildewed down hard,' says Le Soleil, adopting the opinions of its predecessors, 'with the action of the rain, and stuck together from mildew.","EAP" "id00311","Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education.","MWS" "id08354","The impulse increases to a wish, the wish to a desire, the desire to an uncontrollable longing, and the longing to the deep regret and mortification of the speaker, and in defiance of all consequences is indulged.","EAP" "id09730","Thou shalt shew me the ways of travel and I will attend thy songs at evening when the stars one by one bring dreams to the minds of dreamers.","HPL" "id01494","Spirits of Good, behold the tears of my earnest prayer Bless my child Protect her from the selfish among her fellow creatures: protect her from the agonies of passion, and the despair of disappointment Peace, Hope and Love be thy guardians, oh, thou soul of my soul: thou in whom I breathe ""I dare not read my letter over for I have no time to write another, and yet I fear that some expressions in it might displease me.","MWS" "id20850","It is useless, of course, to dwell upon my joy upon my transport upon my illimitable ecstasy of heart.","EAP" "id15205","They are, succinctly, these: My attention, for the last three years, had been repeatedly drawn to the subject of Mesmerism; and, about nine months ago it occurred to me, quite suddenly, that in the series of experiments made hitherto, there had been a very remarkable and most unaccountable omission: no person had as yet been mesmerized in articulo mortis.","EAP" "id10331","The embalming compound had worked uncannily well, for as I stared fascinatedly at the sturdy frame which had lain two weeks without stiffening I was moved to seek West's assurance that the thing was really dead.","HPL" "id05785","I drew a touching picture of his vacillating health; I boasted of my own strength.","MWS" "id27565","From this he read me one of the drollest chapters in the world concerning ""Injuriae per applicationem, per constructionem, et per se,"" about half of which, he averred, was strictly applicable to his own ""refinedly peculiar"" case, although not one syllable of the whole matter could I understand for the life of me.","EAP" "id19114","Thus a great step has been taken.","EAP" "id02362","Their splendor more dazzled than enlightened me.","EAP" "id26926","And then down we came with a sweep, a slide, and a plunge, that made me feel sick and dizzy, as if I was falling from some lofty mountain top in a dream.","EAP" "id15443","That was seven years before, but West looked scarcely a day older now he was small, blond, clean shaven, soft voiced, and spectacled, with only an occasional flash of a cold blue eye to tell of the hardening and growing fanaticism of his character under the pressure of his terrible investigations.","HPL" "id16804","""Principally females, I presume?"" ""Oh, no every one of them men, and stout fellows, too, I can tell you.""","EAP" "id24835","If you see anything strange, let me know.""","EAP" "id13654","Then we split up into narrow columns, each of which seemed drawn in a different direction.","HPL" "id01372","He has obtained his prize, and he pilots his boat through the flood; our eyes were fixed on him fearfully, but the stream carried him away from us; he was forced to land far lower down, and to make a considerable circuit before he could join us.","MWS" "id03849","The night shift did not go on that evening.","HPL" "id13107","He had enjoyed my listening to his music, and wished I would come again and not mind his eccentricities.","HPL" "id12051","And, all this done, let us again compare these various communications with the known MSS. of the officer.","EAP" "id14099","When I quitted Geneva my first labour was to gain some clue by which I might trace the steps of my fiendish enemy.","MWS" "id16500","But my heart sank within me as with bitter sickness, and I refrained.","MWS" "id14316","Its sweep was brief, and of course slow.","EAP" "id05517","The apartment was superb.","EAP" "id16152","""Dearest Clerval,"" exclaimed I, ""how kind, how very good you are to me.","MWS" "id14541","Thus it is abundantly clear that the gang quitted the Barrière du Roule prior to the screams overheard ?","EAP" "id01786","And now the Comforter fled for ever, and a still sterner Despair reigned triumphant; for I could not help perceiving the absence of the paddings which I had so carefully prepared and then, too, there came suddenly to my nostrils the strong peculiar odor of moist earth.","EAP" "id19675","Well it was here we sat together, and when you hear all that past all that of terrible tore our souls even in this placid spot, which but for strange passions might have been a paradise to us, you will not wonder that I remember it as I looked on it that its calm might give me calm, and inspire me not only with courage but with persuasive words.","MWS" "id11577","It was labelled as of probable East Indian or Indo Chinese provenance, though the attribution was frankly tentative.","HPL" "id19307","As I gradually steadied myself and got readjusted to this second room of deviltry and morbidity, I began to analyse some of the points in my sickening loathing.","HPL" "id19031","It has occurred to me, therefore, that I may as well retire from the field of Letters and repose upon my laurels.","EAP" "id23938","He was the only one as kep' on with the East Injy an' Pacific trade, though Esdras Martin's barkentine Malay Pride made a venter as late as 'twenty eight.","HPL" "id17711","Shudderingly I felt that I knew what had obliterated the unfortunate servants, and could not exclude the things from my mind as I strove to observe other properties of the newly visible world that lies unseen around us.","HPL" "id00261","For that which was not for that which had no form for that which had no thought for that which had no sentience for that which was soulless, yet of which matter formed no portion for all this nothingness, yet for all this immortality, the grave was still a home, and the corrosive hours, co mates.","EAP" "id08510","The hue of the orbs was the most brilliant of black, and, far over them, hung jetty lashes of great length.","EAP" "id16453","When the last of the band was out of sight I resumed my progress; darting around the corner into Lafayette Street, and crossing Eliot very hurriedly lest stragglers of the party be still advancing along that thoroughfare.","HPL" "id24909","His interest became a hellish and perverse addiction to the repellently and fiendishly abnormal; he gloated calmly over artificial monstrosities which would make most healthy men drop dead from fright and disgust; he became, behind his pallid intellectuality, a fastidious Baudelaire of physical experiment a languid Elagabalus of the tombs.","HPL" "id27570","""Why, I will tell you,"" replied the Prefect, as he gave a long, steady and contemplative puff, and settled himself in his chair.","EAP" "id26104","With the same wary prudence that characterized her whole conduct, she concealed her discovery, but hastened to remove her son from the sphere of the attractive Greek.","MWS" "id04667","He was nurtured in prosperity and attended by all its advantages; every one loved him and wished to gratify him.","MWS" "id09529","He entered, at some length, into what he conceived to be the nature of his malady.","EAP" "id22615","""You well know, Victor, that our union had been the favourite plan of your parents ever since our infancy.","MWS" "id11704","That certain wags in Rotterdam have certain especial antipathies to certain burgomasters and astronomers.","EAP" "id08195","Moreover, for the first time in my life I experienced the emotion of dread.","HPL" "id21464","Scores of rabbits and guinea pigs had been killed and treated, but their trail was a blind one.","HPL" "id03162","Non Euclidean calculus and quantum physics are enough to stretch any brain; and when one mixes them with folklore, and tries to trace a strange background of multi dimensional reality behind the ghoulish hints of the Gothic tales and the wild whispers of the chimney corner, one can hardly expect to be wholly free from mental tension.","HPL" "id27491","Joe knew about such things, for his grandmother in the old country had heard tales from her grandmother.","HPL" "id27301","This epoch these later years took unto themselves a sudden elevation in turpitude, whose origin alone it is my present purpose to assign.","EAP" "id20907","He spoke, too, of that Edmund Carter who had just escaped hanging in the Salem witchcraft, and who had placed in an antique box a great silver key handed down from his ancestors.","HPL" "id05327","What baffled us was our utter ignorance of the aspect in which we might encounter the thing.","HPL" "id07982","Adrian, the matchless brother of my soul, the sensitive and excellent Adrian, loving all, and beloved by all, yet seemed destined not to find the half of himself, which was to complete his happiness.","MWS" "id06522","She is the celebrated Madame Lalande the beauty of the day par excellence, and the talk of the whole town.","EAP" "id06545","When we were in company he affected gaiety but I wept to hear his hollow laugh begun by an empty smile and often ending in a bitter sneer such as never before this fatal period had wrinkled his lips.","MWS" "id21219","His forehead was lofty and very fair; his nose a snub; his eyes large, heavy, glassy, and meaningless.","EAP" "id25657","The Emma's men shewed fight, says the survivor, and though the schooner began to sink from shots beneath the waterline they managed to heave alongside their enemy and board her, grappling with the savage crew on the yacht's deck, and being forced to kill them all, the number being slightly superior, because of their particularly abhorrent and desperate though rather clumsy mode of fighting.","HPL" "id15410","The necessary knowledge is that of what to observe.","EAP" "id19841","This noble spirited note I kissed a million times, and committed, no doubt, on its account, a thousand other extravagances that have now escaped my memory.","EAP" "id24398","These thoughts encouraged Raymond, as he stood at the door of the highest room of the house.","MWS" "id15199","Lord Raymond requested permission to accompany her to Windsor Castle, to which she consented, and they quitted the cottage together.","MWS" "id12983","My supply of water had been put on board in kegs containing five gallons each, and ranged very securely around the interior of the car.","EAP" "id06490","Old legends are hazy and ambiguous, and in historic times all attempts at crossing forbidden gaps seem complicated by strange and terrible alliances with beings and messengers from outside.","HPL" "id20695","The time elapsing between the hearing of the voices in contention and the breaking open of the room door, was variously stated by the witnesses.","EAP" "id21701","They were not expressed in words, nor even reduced to form in my own mind; but they filled my soul, exalting my thoughts, raising a glow of enthusiasm, and led me out of the obscure path in which I before walked, into the bright noon enlightened highway of mankind, making me, citizen of the world, a candidate for immortal honors, an eager aspirant to the praise and sympathy of my fellow men.","MWS" "id19610","For a short time he remained silent, apparently striving to master his emotion.","EAP" "id00377","We passed St. Paul's.","MWS" "id25703","The body of the journal, as given, is in the hand writing of Mr. Mason, and a P. S. is appended, each day, by Mr. Ainsworth, who has in preparation, and will shortly give the public a more minute, and no doubt, a thrillingly interesting account of the voyage.","EAP" "id13223","""A friend,"" replied Raymond in the same dialect.","MWS" "id10800","""Something of that kind.""","EAP" "id23777","The oldest seaman in Norway never experienced any thing like it.","EAP" "id26124","That was what she said.","HPL" "id10887","""It could not have been more than two minutes afterward until we suddenly felt the waves subside, and were enveloped in foam.","EAP" "id03423","There had been much in her stern nature to impress me with the belief that, to her, death would have come without its terrors; but not so.","EAP" "id24709","Alas who is safe, if she be convicted of crime?","MWS" "id17244","Being more than a little piqued at the Incivility of one whose Celebrity made me solicitous of his Approbation, I ventur'd to retaliate in kind, and told him, I was surpris'd that a Man of Sense shou'd judge the Thoughtfulness of one whose Productions he admitted never having read.","HPL" "id18226","Wilson,"" said our host, stooping to remove from beneath his feet an exceedingly luxurious cloak of rare furs, ""Mr.","EAP" "id04981","In a few minutes the voice was heard again, announcing that the seventh limb was attained.","EAP" "id04353","Oh, no, no so go home at once, now, John, to your odious old woods of Concord Go home to your woods, old owl go You won't Oh, poh, poh, don't do so You've got to go, you know So go at once, and don't go slow, for nobody owns you here, you know Oh John, John, if you don't go you're no homo no You're only a fowl, an owl, a cow, a sow, a doll, a poll; a poor, old, good for nothing to nobody, log, dog, hog, or frog, come out of a Concord bog.","EAP" "id25316","When the situation of the game is difficult or complex, we never perceive the Turk either shake his head or roll his eyes.","EAP" "id23764","My ardour was indeed the astonishment of the students, and my proficiency that of the masters.","MWS" "id16044","But I perceive we have arrived at the city itself.","EAP" "id21623","Under the circumstances of large reward offered, and full pardon to any King's evidence, it is not to be imagined, for a moment, that some member of a gang of low ruffians, or of any body of men, would not long ago have betrayed his accomplices.","EAP" "id19357","""This bug is to make my fortune,"" he continued, with a triumphant smile, ""to reinstate me in my family possessions.","EAP" "id11632","The eye easily discerns the sister land; they were united once; and the little path that runs between looks in a map but as a trodden footway through high grass.","MWS" "id12442","I might feel gratitude to another but I never more could love or hope as I had done; it was all suffering; even my pleasures were endured, not enjoyed.","MWS" "id11912","In the middle of the room stood a table in the centre of which again arose a huge tub of what appeared to be punch.","EAP" "id27895","These folk say that on a table in a bare room on the ground floor are many peculiar bottles, in each a small piece of lead suspended pendulum wise from a string.","HPL" "id19858","On every hand were the signs of neglect and decrepitude, and I seemed haunted by the notion that Warren and I were the first living creatures to invade a lethal silence of centuries.","HPL" "id27721","She left me, and I continued some time walking up and down the passages of the house and inspecting every corner that might afford a retreat to my adversary.","MWS" "id15694","We quitted Athens on the nd of June.","MWS" "id24694","A fourth could only suppose it the Yankee's design to X press, in a general way, his X asperation.","EAP" "id12533","I AM come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion.","EAP" "id06521","Nothing is more vague than impressions of individual identity.","EAP" "id15185","It is separated from the main land by a scarcely perceptible creek, oozing its way through a wilderness of reeds and slime, a favorite resort of the marsh hen.","EAP" "id20915","So Carter bought stranger books and sought out deeper and more terrible men of fantastic erudition; delving into arcana of consciousness that few have trod, and learning things about the secret pits of life, legend, and immemorial antiquity which disturbed him ever afterward.","HPL" "id18055","In this manner, at last, I would perpetually catch myself pondering upon my security, and repeating, in a low undertone, the phrase, ""I am safe.""","EAP" "id27372","The dream narratives and cuttings collected by the professor were, of course, strong corroboration; but the rationalism of my mind and the extravagance of the whole subject led me to adopt what I thought the most sensible conclusions.","HPL" "id17225","Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?","EAP" "id17550","I am not immortal; and the thread of my history might be spun out to the limits of my existence.","MWS" "id00259","He must sign in his own blood the book of Azathoth and take a new secret name now that his independent delvings had gone so far.","HPL" "id00958","A vain concession; his demeanour quickly betrayed his secret to the quick eyes of the ex queen.","MWS" "id27630","""I had told you that this was in reference to Orion, formerly written Urion; and, from certain pungencies connected with this explanation, I was aware that you could not have forgotten it.","EAP" "id24808","It will appear perhaps an observation somewhat over curious, but this wood would have every characteristic of Spanish oak, if Spanish oak were distended by any unnatural means.","EAP" "id27113","In this narrative I have therefore designated myself as William Wilson, a fictitious title not very dissimilar to the real.","EAP" "id20357","His eye would trouble me no more.","EAP" "id17748","It seems these Kanakys was sacrificin' heaps o' their young men an' maidens to some kind o' god things that lived under the sea, an' gittin' all kinds o' favour in return.","HPL" "id10838","Here was, indeed, the fairest field for the display of invention, or imagination, in the endless combining of forms of novel Beauty; the elements which should enter into combination being, at all times, and by a vast superiority, the most glorious which the earth could afford.","EAP" "id07247","The fact is, Sir Humphrey Davy was about the last man in the world to commit himself on scientific topics.","EAP" "id15896","During this short voyage I saw the lightning playing on the summit of Mont Blanc in the most beautiful figures.","MWS" "id06301","He wa'n't all human hisself, I allus says to everybody; an' I think he an' Ol' Whateley must a raised suthin' in that there nailed up haouse as ain't even so human as he was.","HPL" "id13682","Now, all this is the result either of inability in Maelzel to do better, or of intentional neglect accidental neglect being out of the question, when we consider that the whole time of the ingenious proprietor is occupied in the improvement of his machines.","EAP" "id10773","A sentiment approaching happiness followed the total resignation of one's being to the guardianship of the world's ruler.","MWS" "id07586","Having filled my pockets with the flashlight's aid, I put on my hat and tiptoed to the windows to consider chances of descent.","HPL" "id22602","Yes I repeat it as thou shouldst be.","EAP" "id20923","""In Greek we must have some thing pretty from Demosthenes, for example.","EAP" "id23058","The fact of our coming death affected him curiously, and he would frequently pray in remorse over the men, women, and children we had sent to the bottom; forgetting that all things are noble which serve the German state.","HPL" "id27397","Perdita grew in beauty and excellence under his eye; I no longer recognised my reserved abstracted sister in the fascinating and open hearted wife of Raymond.","MWS" "id22821","Who can follow an animal which can traverse the sea of ice and inhabit caves and dens where no man would venture to intrude?","MWS" "id19844","Elwood had been studying in the small hours and had come up for help on a differential equation, only to find Gilman absent.","HPL" "id09453","Here the well written and urgent communications to the journals are much in the way of corroboration.","EAP" "id23925","What he said tallied up with what I'd heard.","HPL" "id09925","They only saw a poor girl broken in spirit, who spoke in a low and gentle voice, and from underneath whose downcast lids tears would sometimes steal which she strove to hide.","MWS" "id22198","He soon took great interest in me, and sometimes forgot his own grief to sit beside me and endeavour to cheer me.","MWS" "id01597","There's poetry in this sort of thing, you know or perhaps you don't know, but it's all the same.""","HPL" "id03807","My heart, which was before sorrowful, now swelled with something like joy; I exclaimed, ""Wandering spirits, if indeed ye wander, and do not rest in your narrow beds, allow me this faint happiness, or take me, as your companion, away from the joys of life.""","MWS" "id19535","But not so: he was made to diddle.","EAP" "id22553","Its forests are of aloe and sandalwood, even as the fragrant groves of Camorin, and among the trees flutter gay birds sweet with song.","HPL" "id20816","But here were books, and here were men who had penetrated deeper and knew more.","MWS" "id05855","They say too that the whole expression of my countenance had changed.","EAP" "id01610","Dr. Halsey in particular had distinguished himself in sacrificing service, applying his extreme skill with whole hearted energy to cases which many others shunned because of danger or apparent hopelessness.","HPL" "id14451","Shortly before ten the next morning I stood with one small valise in front of Hammond's Drug Store in old Market Square waiting for the Innsmouth bus.","HPL" "id02102","We peer into the abyss we grow sick and dizzy.","EAP" "id11918","I left my guardian's house and I was never heard of again; it was believed from the letters that I left and other circumstances that I planned that I had destroyed myself.","MWS" "id06819","I then thought that my father would be unjust if he ascribed my neglect to vice or faultiness on my part, but I am now convinced that he was justified in conceiving that I should not be altogether free from blame.","MWS" "id06699","Nor was there ever a marble city of Aira, nor those who could delight in strange songs, save in the dreams of mine old playmate Iranon who is gone.""","HPL" "id27173","The very letters have an air of profundity about them.","EAP" "id08759","Lionel, he sleeps there; that is the grave of Raymond, he whom in my youth I first loved; whom my heart accompanied in days of separation and anger; to whom I am now joined for ever.","MWS" "id22432","All men paid homage to Kalos and Musides, and marvelled that no shadow of artistic jealousy cooled the warmth of their brotherly friendship.","HPL" "id17300","I found that the sparrow uttered none but harsh notes, whilst those of the blackbird and thrush were sweet and enticing.","MWS" "id03150","The great problem is accomplished.","EAP" "id07581","He knew that I could not have a more kind and attentive nurse than himself; and, firm in the hope he felt of my recovery, he did not doubt that, instead of doing harm, he performed the kindest action that he could towards them.","MWS" "id17142","Better have loved despair, safer kissed her.","MWS" "id05510","I retired to rest at night; my slumbers, as it were, waited on and ministered to by the assemblance of grand shapes which I had contemplated during the day.","MWS" "id04405","Let us suppose, gentle reader, that it is now the year of the world three thousand eight hundred and thirty, and let us, for a few minutes, imagine ourselves at that most grotesque habitation of man, the remarkable city of Antioch.","EAP" "id13700","Glancing at the people on the sidewalks, I thought I detected in them a curious wish to avoid looking at the bus or at least a wish to avoid seeming to look at it.","HPL" "id24253","By what miracle I escaped destruction, it is impossible to say.","EAP" "id24039","I remarked, as I say, their grotesqueness and strange size; but in a moment decided that they were merely the imaginary gods of some primitive fishing or seafaring tribe; some tribe whose last descendant had perished eras before the first ancestor of the Piltdown or Neanderthal Man was born.","HPL" "id23362","When I saw this lore, I knew that it touched on the scenes I had haunted, and I therefore read long in the yellowed papyrus.","HPL" "id22722","Elwood will never forget it, and was forced to stay out of college the rest of the term because of the resulting nervous breakdown.","HPL" "id07715","But in all this in this identification of mere matter with God is there nothing of irreverence?","EAP" "id26089","Other nurses were procured; and at ten o'clock I left the house in company with the two physicians and Mr. L l.","EAP" "id22002","This town had some queer people, and there had undoubtedly been several disappearances.","HPL" "id14214","Stupified and aghast, I had myself no power to move from the upright position I had assumed upon first hearing the shriek, and must have presented to the eyes of the agitated group a spectral and ominous appearance, as with pale countenance and rigid limbs, I floated down among them in that funereal gondola.","EAP" "id05496","During the next few days Gilman enjoyed an almost perfect immunity from morbid manifestations.","HPL" "id27380","I learned, from the views of social life which it developed, to admire their virtues and to deprecate the vices of mankind.","MWS" "id06371","Is it wonderful that the one known atrocity should influence the popular judgment in regard to the other unknown?","EAP" "id24302","I have seen the captain face to face, and in his own cabin but, as I expected, he paid me no attention.","EAP" "id18078","""Never was nobody like Cap'n Obed old limb o' Satan Heh, heh I kin mind him a tellin' abaout furren parts, an' callin' all the folks stupid fer goin' to Christian meetin' an' bearin' their burdens meek an' lowly.","HPL" "id07883","And the man listened to the sighs of the water lilies, and to the murmur that came up from among them.","EAP" "id17288","Guard, I entreat you, a firm persuasion of my sincerity in the inmost recesses of your heart out of the reach of the casual winds that may disturb its surface.","MWS" "id10458","The only substantial disappointment encountered in this site was that which concerned the prevalence of violent thunderstorms in summer.","HPL" "id00931","Upon this text many fanatics arose, who prophesied that the end of time was come.","MWS" "id02374","They must be up to something.","HPL" "id08520","""Humph"" said I, twisting it to one side.","EAP" "id24565","P. Still, there is one of your expressions which I find it impossible to comprehend ""the truly substantive vastness of infinity.""","EAP" "id10577","Thus it will be seen that no two of the candles are of the same height, and thus also the difficulty of ascertaining the material of the breast of the figure against which the light is especially directed is greatly augmented by the dazzling effect of the complicated crossings of the rays crossings which are brought about by placing the centres of radiation all upon different levels. .","EAP" "id09093","He talked but little, and usually in the common jargon of the underworld; but occasionally, when inflamed by an unusually generous dose of crude whiskey, would burst forth into strings of incomprehensible polysyllables and snatches of sonorous prose and verse which led certain habitués to conjecture that he had seen better days.","HPL" "id12358","Look over Channing's poems and quote what he says about a 'fat little man with a delusive show of Can.' Put in something about the Supernal Oneness.","EAP" "id02477","Moulded by the dead brain of a hybrid nightmare, would not such a vaporous terror constitute in all loathsome truth the exquisitely, the shriekingly unnamable?","HPL" "id19058","All this aggressive mechanism we set in the cellar in positions carefully arranged with reference to the cot and chairs, and to the spot before the fireplace where the mould had taken strange shapes.","HPL" "id22549","Soft tears again bedewed my cheeks, and I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the blessed sun, which bestowed such joy upon me.","MWS" "id10589","There can be no doubt, as we have before observed, and as we will presently endeavor to show, that the principle, or rather the result, of this solution is the true one.","EAP" "id07482","He would not, he found, have to pile another on his platform to make the proper height; for the hole was on exactly the right level to use as soon as its size might permit.","HPL" "id10889","Reasoning and persuasion were thrown away upon her; she would endure no hindrance, no delay.","MWS" "id07613","Yet I would die to make her happy.","MWS" "id25418","Pluto had not a white hair upon any portion of his body; but this cat had a large, although indefinite splotch of white, covering nearly the whole region of the breast.","EAP" "id23243","""And you never confined your patients?""","EAP" "id03755","When she got Sally Sawyer, housekeeper at Seth Bishop's, the nearest place to Whateley's, it became her turn to listen instead of transmit; for Sally's boy Chauncey, who slept poorly, had been up on the hill toward Whateley's, and had dashed back in terror after one look at the place, and at the pasturage where Mr. Bishop's cows had been left out all night.","HPL" "id24162","This kind of popularity, like every other, is evanescent: and the difficulties of every kind with which he had to contend, increased in a frightful ratio compared with his small means of extricating himself.","MWS" "id23594","Indeed, the direction I had hitherto taken, had filled me with uneasiness; for it was evident that, had I continued it much longer, there would have been no possibility of my arriving at the moon at all, whose orbit is inclined to the ecliptic at only the small angle of degrees ' "". ""April th.","EAP" "id26303","He is usually removed to the public hospitals.""","EAP" "id26416","Greek phrase Anerh o pheugoen kai palin makesetai There is a tolerably good translation of it in Hudibras 'For he that flies may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain.' ""In a Blackwood article nothing makes so fine a show as your Greek.","EAP" "id11110","Great God What agony I endured.","MWS" "id06936","May not even this be a feint that will increase your triumph by affording a wider scope for your revenge?"" ""How is this?","MWS" "id21092","There for with your leave, my sister, I will put some trust in preceding navigators there snow and frost are banished; and, sailing over a calm sea, we may be wafted to a land surpassing in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on the habitable globe.","MWS" "id18739","On the night of her return she sickened of the plague.","MWS" "id19366","I had begun to dig in the afternoon, because a thunderstorm was brewing, and now that it was dark and the storm had burst above the maniacally thick foliage I was glad.","HPL" "id22738","The vault above became obscured, lightning flashed from the heavy masses, followed instantaneously by crashing thunder; then the big rain fell.","MWS" "id13213","I stood beside the sources of the Arveiron, which take their rise in a glacier, that with slow pace is advancing down from the summit of the hills to barricade the valley.","MWS" "id12122","With Mr. Addison and Dr. Swift I later became very well acquainted, and was an even more familiar Friend to Mr. Pope, whom I knew and respected till the Day of his Death.","HPL" "id25234","The few members who were present, had come more for the sake of terminating the business by securing a legal attendance, than under the idea of a debate.","MWS" "id21943","If I fled I should be pursued; in life there was no escape for me: why then I must die.","MWS" "id03424","Upon making this discovery I ceased to sleep comfortably; though something of resigned tranquillity came back as I gradually formed the habit of keeping off the streets by day and venturing abroad only at night, when darkness calls forth what little of the past still hovers wraith like about, and old white doorways remember the stalwart forms that once passed through them.","HPL" "id16210","This purpose is now accomplished; he will never see me more.","MWS" "id01377","It had been a favourite resort of Adrian; it was secluded; and he often said that in boyhood, his happiest hours were spent here; having escaped the stately bondage of his mother, he sat on the rough hewn steps that led to the spring, now reading a favourite book, now musing, with speculation beyond his years, on the still unravelled skein of morals or metaphysics.","MWS" "id03110","I could have clasped the red walls to my bosom as a garment of eternal peace.","EAP" "id06989","From the position near the stone wall, as described, the buildings were seen at great advantage for the southeastern angle was thrown forward so that the eye took in at once the whole of the two fronts, with the picturesque eastern gable, and at the same time obtained just a sufficient glimpse of the northern wing, with parts of a pretty roof to the spring house, and nearly half of a light bridge that spanned the brook in the near vicinity of the main buildings.","EAP" "id27171","The rattling continued, growing somewhat louder.","HPL" "id12198","Folks see his three darters a wearin' gold like things as nobody'd never see on 'em afore, an' smoke started comin' aout o' the refin'ry chimbly.","HPL" "id10587","He heard a lock rattle and bolt shoot, and a long creaking follow as if a heavy door were slowly and cautiously opened.","HPL" "id27855","This difference is sufficient to cause the body to sink, as a general rule; but is insufficient in the cases of individuals with small bones and an abnormal quantity of flaccid or fatty matter.","EAP" "id04789","Quite an analogous diddle is this.","EAP" "id01964","It was apparent that my conversation had interested the father in my behalf, and I was a fool in having exposed my person to the horror of his children.","MWS" "id01728","I can hardly describe the mood in which I was left by this harrowing episode an episode at once mad and pitiful, grotesque and terrifying.","HPL" "id02607","The knowledge that I am here, rises with me in the morning, and enables me to endure the light; it is mingled with my food, which else were poison; it walks, it sleeps with me, for ever it accompanies me.","MWS" "id14136","She continued to rave of her speedy meeting with her beloved in the grave, of his death nigh at hand; sometimes she solemnly declared that he was summoned; sometimes she bewailed his hard destiny.","MWS" "id06086","Now and then on some mountain top a gaunt circle of stones could be glimpsed against the sky.","HPL" "id07144","""I remember, the first time that I did this, the young woman, when she opened the door in the morning, appeared greatly astonished on seeing a great pile of wood on the outside.","MWS" "id08771","What demon urged me to breathe that sound, which in its very recollection was wont to make ebb the purple blood in torrents from the temples to the heart?","EAP" "id02533","I endeavoured to change my course but quickly found that if I again made the attempt the boat would be instantly filled with water.","MWS" "id08910","In this way the coach proceeded until it arrived opposite the chair of the young prince.","EAP" "id22852","His careless extravagance, which made him squander immense sums of money to satisfy passing whims, which from their apparent energy he dignified with the name of passions, often displayed itself in unbounded generosity.","MWS" "id23798","She swallowed the wine unhesitatingly, and I forbore to speak to her of a circumstance which must, after all, I considered, have been but the suggestion of a vivid imagination, rendered morbidly active by the terror of the lady, by the opium, and by the hour.","EAP" "id00400","We all sign the initials of the society after our names, in the fashion of the R. S. A., Royal Society of Arts the S. D. U. K., Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, c, c.","EAP" "id18380","Locked in his embrace, she spoke thus, and cast back her head, seeking an assent to her words in his eyes they were sparkling with ineffable delight.","MWS" "id22185","Now north of archaic Kingsport the crags climb lofty and curious, terrace on terrace, till the northernmost hangs in the sky like a grey frozen wind cloud.","HPL" "id03318","She looked on it as a deceitful dream, and tried to throw off the consciousness of it; but like the shirt of Nessus, it clung to her very flesh, and ate with sharp agony into her vital principle.","MWS" "id13310","Chance or rather the evil influence, the Angel of Destruction, which asserted omnipotent sway over me from the moment I turned my reluctant steps from my father's door led me first to M. Krempe, professor of natural philosophy.","MWS" "id05351","for the convulsive pressure of that trembling hand? that hand which fell, as Mentoni turned into the palace, accidentally, upon the hand of the stranger.","EAP" "id08229","Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous and magnificent, yet so vicious and base?","MWS" "id15510","And he said that the young man we had found and tossed overboard was their leader.","HPL" "id25037","He boasted to me, with a low chuckling laugh, that most men, in respect to himself, wore windows in their bosoms, and was wont to follow up such assertions by direct and very startling proofs of his intimate knowledge of my own.","EAP" "id27317","One of the three it is not certain which shrieked aloud at what sprawled before them among disordered tables and overturned chairs.","HPL" "id17832","The risk of the achievement was, in fact, now over, although the climber was some sixty or seventy feet from the ground.","EAP" "id26407","My father saw this change with pleasure, and he turned his thoughts towards the best method of eradicating the remains of my melancholy, which every now and then would return by fits, and with a devouring blackness overcast the approaching sunshine.","MWS" "id12600","V. I am willing to do so, but it requires more effort than I feel able to make.","EAP" "id13227","Over him hung a form which I cannot find words to describe gigantic in stature, yet uncouth and distorted in its proportions.","MWS" "id03459","This is no hypothesis.","EAP" "id07768","At length I saw him at some distance, seated under a tree, and when he perceived me he waved his hand several times, beckoning me to approach; there was something unearthly in his mien that awed and chilled me, but I drew near.","MWS" "id01503","These works I cut up thoroughly with a currycomb, and then, throwing the shreds into a sieve, sifted out carefully all that might be thought decent, a mere trifle; reserving the hard phrases, which I threw into a large tin pepper castor with longitudinal holes, so that an entire sentence could get through without material injury.","EAP" "id07543","The more he reflected on the hellish diary, the more he was inclined to doubt the efficacy of any material agent in stamping out the entity which Wilbur Whateley had left behind him the earth threatening entity which, unknown to him, was to burst forth in a few hours and become the memorable Dunwich horror.","HPL" "id13395","The sound of the waves was left behind; that of the multitude continued at intervals, supressed and hoarse; and though, in the city, the houses, churches, and public buildings were decorated with tapestry and banners though the soldiery lined the streets, and the inhabitants in thousands were assembled to give him hail, the same solemn silence prevailed, the soldiery presented arms, the banners vailed, many a white hand waved a streamer, and vainly sought to discern the hero in the vehicle, which, closed and encompassed by the city guards, drew him to the palace allotted for his abode.","MWS" "id17901","She fears for the children she adores, and for you, the father of these, her lover, husband, protector; and you must be near her to support and encourage her.","MWS" "id08365","In the mean time my friend occupied himself, with what seemed to me a minuteness altogether objectless, in a scrutiny of the various newspaper files.","EAP" "id17520","To what extent could the laws of sanity apply to such a case?","HPL" "id18974","""Where can he be?"" said little Miss Bas Bleu.","EAP" "id18904","But, unhappily, in proportion to the increase of size in the lens, and consequently of space penetrating power, is the diminution of light from the object, by diffusion of its rays.","EAP" "id21916","At Sabbat time it always mounted and reached through to the worlds to summon the initiate to nameless rites.","HPL" "id10273","He tore from reality the mask with which she had been clothed; and the purposes of Raymond, which before had crept around, ensnaring by stealth, now stood a hunted stag even at bay as all perceived who watched the irrepressible changes of his countenance.","MWS" "id13441","Nothing that I could have imagined nothing, even, that I could have gathered had I credited old Zadok's crazy tale in the most literal way would be in any way comparable to the daemoniac, blasphemous reality that I saw or believe I saw.","HPL" "id00354","""That was the evidence itself,"" said Dupin, ""but it was not the peculiarity of the evidence.","EAP" "id19459","She figured to herself their life in the Greek isle he had selected for their retreat; her task of soothing him; her cares for the beauteous Clara, her rides in his company, her dedication of herself to his consolation.","MWS" "id22420","They were so hideously silent; there was hardly a squeal when one of the last stragglers turned with the skill of long practice to make a meal in accustomed fashion on a weaker companion.","HPL" "id00537","That the true result of the natural style of gardening is seen rather in the absence of all defects and incongruities than in the creation of any special wonders or miracles, is a proposition better suited to the grovelling apprehension of the herd than to the fervid dreams of the man of genius.","EAP" "id26246","Light indeed glowed on the panels ahead, but it was not any light that the moon gives.","HPL" "id16058","The day passed, and still he did not return.","EAP" "id22900","Professor Angell, as befitted one of his authority and attainments, had had a prominent part in all the deliberations; and was one of the first to be approached by the several outsiders who took advantage of the convocation to offer questions for correct answering and problems for expert solution.","HPL" "id03112","He was a fool, beyond doubt, whoever he was, and got not a kick more than he deserved.","EAP" "id05230","From a feeling of cunning blindly exercised, the officious, if not malignant messenger, did not speak of Evadne's illness; but she garrulously gave an account of Raymond's frequent visits, adding to her narration such circumstances, as, while they convinced Perdita of its truth, exaggerated the unkindness and perfidy of Raymond.","MWS" "id26607","Plainly, this house was of the old world.","HPL" "id01231","Age and care had furrowed her cheeks, and bent her form; but her eye was still bright, her manners authoritative and unchanged; she received her daughter coldly, but displayed more feeling as she folded her grand children in her arms.","MWS" "id04441","""Hear, O ye inhabitants of the earth,"" he cried, ""hear thou, all seeing, but most pitiless Heaven hear thou too, O tempest tossed heart, which breathes out these words, yet faints beneath their meaning Death is among us The earth is beautiful and flower bedecked, but she is our grave The clouds of heaven weep for us the pageantry of the stars is but our funeral torchlight.","MWS" "id26492","Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold.","HPL" "id14206","You appeared so utterly astonished.","EAP" "id04260","Hundreds of English residents returned to their own country.","MWS" "id07314","Has this mind, so replete with ideas, imaginations fanciful and magnificent, which formed a world, whose existence depended on the life of its creator; has this mind perished?","MWS" "id17741","I passed under an arch out of that region of slabs and columns, and wandered through the open country; sometimes following the visible road, but sometimes leaving it curiously to tread across meadows where only occasional ruins bespoke the ancient presence of a forgotten road.","HPL" "id06358","We know that it will be ruinous to make delay.","EAP" "id11725","Her mother ended with a look of contempt and covert triumph, which for a moment awakened the suspicions of Idris.","MWS" "id02530","I looked at the cot, the chairs, the instruments, my neglected hat, and the yellowed straw hat of my uncle.","HPL" "id19200","He had been seized and confined; he had escaped and wandered from London among the neighbouring towns, and, with frantic gestures and thrilling words, he unveiled to each their hidden fears, and gave voice to the soundless thought they dared not syllable.","MWS" "id23685","But I am content to die.","MWS" "id14405","In a second I was through, and had my right knee and shoulder against a hall door which was visibly opening inward.","HPL" "id23440","My distance from the moon was comparatively trifling, while the labor required by the condenser was diminished not at all, and I could discover no indication whatever of a decreasing rarity in the air.","EAP" "id20805","After pressing Valdemar's hand, I took these gentlemen aside, and obtained from them a minute account of the patient's condition.","EAP" "id03753","After days and nights of incredible labour and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter.","MWS" "id24572","Anger made no part of his emotion.","MWS" "id22434","It appeared to me indeed I was quite confident of the fact I could not be mistaken no I had, for some moments, carefully and anxiously observed the motions of my Diana I say that I could not be mistaken Diana smelt a rat At once I called Pompey's attention to the subject, and he he agreed with me.","EAP" "id11524","The worldly reason, however, assigned for this singular proceeding, was one which I did not feel at liberty to dispute.","EAP" "id15509","It was called, she said, ""The Esoteric Order of Dagon"", and was undoubtedly a debased, quasi pagan thing imported from the East a century before, at a time when the Innsmouth fisheries seemed to be going barren.","HPL" "id19683","Guess they must die of looking in the glass Animals hate 'em they used to have lots of horse trouble before autos came in.","HPL" "id03169","It extends to the uttermost ends of the earth.","EAP" "id19135","And here let me pause to insinuate a question.","EAP" "id04509","Their croaking, baying voices, clearly used for articulate speech, held all the dark shades of expression which their staring faces lacked.","HPL" "id19767","And sometimes at sunset I would climb the long hilly street to the citadel and the open place, and look down upon Aira, the magic city of marble and beryl, splendid in a robe of golden flame.","HPL" "id16279","But that would be a cruel kindness, and I dare not do it.","MWS" "id26142","The flag of the death's head is hoisted in all engagements.","EAP" "id27473","It was the first time I had ever known Wyatt to keep from me any of his artistical secrets; but here he evidently intended to steal a march upon me, and smuggle a fine picture to New York, under my very nose; expecting me to know nothing of the matter.","EAP" "id27331","The focal length is feet.","EAP" "id02888","Raymond asked me if I would accompany him to the House that evening.","MWS" "id07487","The tints of the green carpet faded; and, one by one, the ruby red asphodels withered away; and there sprang up, in place of them, ten by ten, dark, eye like violets, that writhed uneasily and were ever encumbered with dew.","EAP" "id16754","The characters along the base were equally baffling; and no member present, despite a representation of half the world's expert learning in this field, could form the least notion of even their remotest linguistic kinship.","HPL" "id10521","On the left the creek threaded countryside was nearer, the narrow road to Ipswich gleaming white in the moonlight.","HPL" "id05024","Our enemy, like the Calamity of Homer, trod our hearts, and no sound was echoed from her steps With ills the land is rife, with ills the sea, Diseases haunt our frail humanity, Through noon, through night, on casual wing they glide, Silent, a voice the power all wise denied.","MWS" "id15016","To day's Sunday isn't it?","EAP" "id04750","The old porpoise, as I opened the drawing room door, was sitting with his feet upon the mantel piece, and a bumper of port in his paw, making strenuous efforts to accomplish the ditty.","EAP" "id24729","He grew sterner of face, but never elderly.","HPL" "id00629","Anything my friend may have said or written to the contrary must be erroneous, for I am no man of strength to risk the unmentionable warfare in unmentionable spheres by which alone one might achieve success.","HPL" "id07202","When I told him who I was, he displayed some interest; for my uncle had excited his curiosity in probing his strange dreams, yet had never explained the reason for the study.","HPL" "id12079","""On examining my dwelling, I found that one of the windows of the cottage had formerly occupied a part of it, but the panes had been filled up with wood.","MWS" "id05183","Of the original workmanship of this titanic thing I can only make conjectures.","HPL" "id15607","But this feeling did not fail to die rapidly away, and thereunto succeeded horror, and dismay, and a chilling sense of utter helplessness and ruin.","EAP" "id17693","""Try it by yourselves The man is surely mad but stay how long do you propose to be absent?""","EAP" "id25731","Speak not here of these griefs, dear Una mine, mine, forever now Una.","EAP" "id18695","But most of all did he dwell upon some mysterious blazing entity that shook and laughed and mocked at him.","HPL" "id24361","Hereupon all, one after another there were nine in company, believed it their duty to pull me by the ear.","EAP" "id13037","The morning air blowing freshly over the dewy plants, rushed into the heated room.","MWS" "id25229","But never, O, never, should he see her in her degraded state.","MWS" "id22989","I began to find great difficulty in drawing my breath.","EAP" "id20882","I think he was then approaching forty years of age, for there were deep lines in the face, wan and hollow cheeked, but oval and actually beautiful; and touches of grey in the thick, waving hair and small full beard which had once been of the deepest raven black.","HPL" "id06433","Apart from the tendency to trance, however, my general health appeared to be good; nor could I perceive that it was at all affected by the one prevalent malady unless, indeed, an idiosyncrasy in my ordinary sleep may be looked upon as superinduced.","EAP" "id01814","Dreams are with us no more; but of these mysteries anon.","EAP" "id13172","You are Number Two, and must look to yourself.","EAP" "id07190","""Your generosity is boundless.","EAP" "id05394","The riots, the combat, the massacre, were the actual events of the insurrection of Cheyte Sing, which took place in , when Hastings was put in imminent peril of his life.","EAP" "id24360","I, however, who seemed to be a close friend of Balbutius, had disagreed with him; averring that I had studied deeply in the black forbidden lore, and that I believed the very old folk capable of visiting almost any nameless doom upon the town, which after all was a Roman settlement and contained a great number of our citizens.","HPL" "id14566","I panted to relieve this painful heart burning by some misdeed that should rouse him to a sense of my antipathy.","MWS" "id20903","I moved toward the window and would have drawn aside the nondescript curtains, when with a frightened rage even greater than before the dumb lodger was upon me again; this time motioning with his head toward the door as he nervously strove to drag me thither with both hands.","HPL" "id00293","Whither he has gone, I do not know; but I have gone home to the pure New England lanes up which fragrant sea winds sweep at evening.","HPL" "id13341","Upon due reflection I frankly admit the propriety of the explanation you suggest.","EAP" "id10229","The father of Adrian yielded up the already broken sceptre of England; but I will rear the fallen plant, join its dismembered frame, and exalt it above all the flowers of the field.","MWS" "id12531","This promise of a renewed lease of life turned rugged natures to melting tenderness, and by contrast filled the soft with harsh and unnatural sentiments.","MWS" "id00086","It lay in a remote turret of the building.","EAP" "id13730","Thus Novalis errs not in saying that 'we are near waking when we dream that we dream.'","EAP" "id21163","Then they all sprang at him and tore him to pieces before my eyes, bearing the fragments away into that subterranean vault of fabulous abominations.","HPL" "id01849","His day's work was sadly interrupted, and unless chance presently brought some rambler hither, he might have to remain all night or longer.","HPL" "id16243","The latter was pumped on them daily.","EAP" "id11796","""Killin' sheep was kinder more fun but d'ye know, 'twan't quite satisfyin'.","HPL" "id16372","This was a reflection of a nature somewhat startling.","EAP" "id14017","The box, whose fastenings were broken by the stroke which had unearthed it, contained many papers and objects of value; but I had eyes for one thing alone.","HPL" "id01907","The next step is to advertise, after some such fashion as this, in the principal business six pennies of the city the pennies are eschewed as not ""respectable"" and as demanding payment for all advertisements in advance.","EAP" "id24788","Our conversation was necessarily limited.","HPL" "id10009","I ordered her to bring my breakfast to my room, and was again left alone yet still I could make no resolve, but only thought that I might write a note to my father to beg his permission to pay a visit to a relation who lived about thirty miles off, and who had before invited me to her house, but I had refused for then I could not quit my suffering father.","MWS" "id11438","In speaking of the air, I referred only to the earth; but the general proposition has reference to impulses upon the ether which, since it pervades, and alone pervades all space, is thus the great medium of creation.","EAP" "id12433","We experienced no more assaults; and by night and day we continued our labours unimpeded.","MWS" "id01258","I must except, however, Wyatt and his sisters, who behaved stiffly, and, I could not help thinking, uncourteously to the rest of the party.","EAP" "id22195","Of their faces and forms I dare not speak in detail; for the mere remembrance makes me grow faint.","HPL" "id08772","In another column it was stated that no trace of the missing child Ladislas Wolejko had been found.","HPL" "id24820","Far gone, was Obed . . .","HPL" "id08047","The two particulars in question are these: the arms on the golden locket about the creature's neck were the Jermyn arms, and the jocose suggestion of M. Verhaeren about a certain resemblance as connected with the shrivelled face applied with vivid, ghastly, and unnatural horror to none other than the sensitive Arthur Jermyn, great great great grandson of Sir Wade Jermyn and an unknown wife.","HPL" "id08503","I cannot depart without your forgiveness and I must endeavour to gain it, or I must despair.","MWS" "id00711","But since the murderer has been discovered "" ""The murderer discovered Good God how can that be? who could attempt to pursue him?","MWS" "id03869","But it was a hideous proof, because I knew from old papers that that watch had been buried with my great great great great grandfather in .","HPL" "id20193","For my part, I am by no means sure that a pumpkin pie a la Desoulieres would not have been very capital eating indeed"" ""You astonish me"" said I; and I looked inquisitively at Monsieur Maillard.","EAP" "id09487","I read these words with devouring eyes; I kissed them, wept over them and exclaimed, ""He will love me"" My aunt would not undertake so long a journey, and in a fortnight we had another letter from my father, it was dated Edinburgh: he wrote that he should be with us in three days.","MWS" "id18547","But sleep did not afford me respite from thought and misery; my dreams presented a thousand objects that scared me.","MWS" "id14687","""Perhaps so,"" said I; ""but, Legrand, I fear you are no artist.","EAP" "id19104","It is my firm intention to cut the shop.","EAP" "id10802","But in Clerval I saw the image of my former self; he was inquisitive and anxious to gain experience and instruction.","MWS" "id27758","At first these agonizing plaints filled me with intolerable compassion.","MWS" "id21858","I think I had a family then though the details are very uncertain and I know there were many servants.","HPL" "id15991","The news reached Felix and roused him from his dream of pleasure.","MWS" "id20833","They ate plentifully of fruit and red berries, and marked not the passing of time, but many years must have slipped away.","HPL" "id26563","I started up a knife was in my grasp; I made a plunge at his raised right arm, and inflicted a deep, wide wound in his hand.","MWS" "id23366","And since we see clearly that the endowment of matter with vitality is a principle indeed, as far as our judgments extend, the leading principle in the operations of Deity, it is scarcely logical to imagine it confined to the regions of the minute, where we daily trace it, and not extending to those of the august.","EAP" "id16303","He had seen so many customs and witnessed so great a variety of moral creeds that he had been obliged to form an independant one for himself which had no relation to the peculiar notions of any one country: his early prejudices of course influenced his judgement in the formation of his principles, and some raw colledge ideas were strangely mingled with the deepest deductions of his penetrating mind.","MWS" "id07324","Such things, when they happen singly, affect only the immediate parties; but the prosperity of the nation was now shaken by frequent and extensive losses.","MWS" "id25524","The description of the wings of the man bat, on page , is but a literal copy of Peter Wilkins' account of the wings of his flying islanders.","EAP" "id08312","""His attempts at getting on have been mere abortions, and his circumgyratory proceedings a palpable failure.","EAP" "id11809","Others, guided by this manuscript if it shall ever be found, must unfold the mysteries at which I can only hint.","HPL" "id11477","Plainly visible across the intervening water on account of their enormous size, were an array of bas reliefs whose subjects would have excited the envy of a Doré.","HPL" "id24114","Many things I read surpassed my understanding and experience.","MWS" "id03349","Certainly, the terror of a deserted house swells in geometrical rather than arithmetical progression as houses multiply to form a city of stark desolation.","HPL" "id12696","She was freighted with cotton wool and oil, from the Lachadive islands.","EAP" "id04291","If I were alone, would he not at times force his abhorred presence on me to remind me of my task or to contemplate its progress?","MWS" "id24897","In another instant, however, matters were reversed; for those murderous claws had locked themselves tightly around his own throat, while the wrinkled face was twisted with insane fury.","HPL" "id07838","It was during an access of this kind that I suddenly left my home, and bending my steps towards the near Alpine valleys, sought in the magnificence, the eternity of such scenes, to forget myself and my ephemeral, because human, sorrows.","MWS" "id16555","You have loved me; I adored you.","MWS" "id12756","Gradually a calming of the wind and dispersal of the unusual darkness told of the storm's passing.","HPL" "id00838","Circumstances had called me to London; here I heard talk that symptoms of the plague had occurred in hospitals of that city.","MWS" "id16856","We were no vulgar ghouls, but worked only under certain conditions of mood, landscape, environment, weather, season, and moonlight.","HPL" "id07683","Often too, the voice to which all listened was suddenly silenced, the helping hand cold, the sympathetic eye closed, and the villagers feared still more the death that had selected a choice victim, shivering in dust the heart that had beat for them, reducing to incommunicable annihilation the mind for ever occupied with projects for their welfare.","MWS" "id16726","But the action produced an effect altogether unanticipated.","EAP" "id06185","But this is a point, it appears, somewhat above or beneath the understanding of the Prefect.","EAP" "id25628","When I had concluded my narration I said, ""This is the being whom I accuse and for whose seizure and punishment I call upon you to exert your whole power.","MWS" "id10612","I heard of the slothful Asiatics, of the stupendous genius and mental activity of the Grecians, of the wars and wonderful virtue of the early Romans of their subsequent degenerating of the decline of that mighty empire, of chivalry, Christianity, and kings.","MWS" "id23818","It was solely, therefore, on account of having been misinformed, that Mr. Bullet head found himself in Alex suppose we call it Nopolis, 'for short' but, as he did find himself there, he determined to keep up his character for obst for firmness, and remain.","EAP" "id23641","I was glad to get out of that bus, and at once proceeded to check my valise in the shabby hotel lobby.","HPL" "id18872","Inspector Legrasse was scarcely prepared for the sensation which his offering created.","HPL" "id04061","Flowers, the children of the spring, adorned her garden and casements; in the midst of lowliness there was an air of elegance which spoke the graceful taste of the inmate.","MWS" "id27618","It's Man Fred, I say, and not at all by any means Man Friday.""","EAP" "id09777","I approached the shore, my father held the boat, I leapt lightly out, and in a moment was in his arms.","MWS" "id14890","I cherished hope, it is true, but it vanished when I beheld my person reflected in water or my shadow in the moonshine, even as that frail image and that inconstant shade.","MWS" "id04278","Am I not the most miserable worm that crawls?","MWS" "id23292","During the winter of officials of the Federal government made a strange and secret investigation of certain conditions in the ancient Massachusetts seaport of Innsmouth.","HPL" "id12603","Its immense weight caused an unusually sharp grating sound, as it moved upon its hinges.","EAP" "id05093","Those writers who have imagined a reign of peace and happiness on earth, have generally described a rural country, where each small township was directed by the elders and wise men.","MWS" "id21507","They were impatient and angry in the midst of terror.","MWS" "id03218","When one of the things began to waddle and edge away, he turned quickly to stop it; so that the suddenness of his motion dislodged the waxen mask from what should have been his head.","HPL" "id17037","Perdita had permitted us to take Clara back with us to Windsor; and she and my two lovely infants were perpetual sources of interest and amusement.","MWS" "id26684","Would to God that I had never beheld them, or that, having done so, I had died The shutting of a door disturbed me, and, looking up, I found that my cousin had departed from the chamber.","EAP" "id07242","His nose remained buried in the mass of flesh which enveloped his round, full, and purple face; and his thick upper lip rested upon the still thicker one beneath with an air of complacent self satisfaction, much heightened by the owner's habit of licking them at intervals.","EAP" "id24521","From fifteen to twenty, not a day passed in which he did not promise to cut me off with a shilling.","EAP" "id26232","""Oh, oh, my Gawd, that haff face that haff face on top of it . . .","HPL" "id19611","He found the spectral gossip of the town much diminished, and it is indeed a fact that notwithstanding certain reports of a ghostly tittering in the deserted house which lasted almost as long as that edifice itself no fresh appearances either of old Keziah or of Brown Jenkin have been muttered of since Gilman's death.","HPL" "id11099","When I say proficiency, I mean that perfection in the game which includes a comprehension of all the sources whence legitimate advantage may be derived.","EAP" "id05469","You say that you have lost Raymond.","MWS" "id23536","Timidity, which in her had almost amounted to awkwardness, was exchanged for a graceful decision of manner; frankness, instead of reserve, characterized her physiognomy; and her voice was attuned to thrilling softness.","MWS" "id03333","The man was a fool, you see.","EAP" "id03974","My friend and I had both been educated in one school, or rather I was his pupil in the opinion, that steady adherence to principle was the only road to honour; a ceaseless observance of the laws of general utility, the only conscientious aim of human ambition.","MWS" "id14483","Mebbe ye'd like to a ben me in them days, when I seed things at night aout to sea from the cupalo top o' my haouse.","HPL" "id23168","I dug eagerly, and now and then caught myself actually looking, with something that very much resembled expectation, for the fancied treasure, the vision of which had demented my unfortunate companion.","EAP" "id26032","I sympathized with and partly understood them, but I was unformed in mind; I was dependent on none and related to none.","MWS" "id04721","The Italian believes it the voice of a Russian, but 'has never conversed with a native of Russia.'","EAP" "id25222","But the shadow was vague, and formless, and indefinite, and was the shadow neither of man nor of God neither God of Greece, nor God of Chaldaea, nor any Egyptian God.","EAP" "id25513","He had been with me a fellow student at C University, where we were very much together.","EAP" "id18700","While the rest of the company, in confused murmur, which grew louder and louder, gave voice to their many fears.","MWS" "id09595","The good people of Paris might have heard of me no more.","EAP" "id06512","I saw when I staggered to my feet that the amorphous flute player had rolled out of sight, but that two of the beasts were patiently standing by.","HPL" "id16322","The cold was intense, and obliged me to wrap up closely in an overcoat.","EAP" "id18763","You know how wilful your poor, misery stricken sister is.","MWS" "id24004","""In respect to the insinuations levelled at Beauvais, you will be willing to dismiss them in a breath.","EAP" "id19507","""Two very decided failures, of late those of Mr. Henson and Sir George Cayley had much weakened the public interest in the subject of aerial navigation.","EAP" "id10059","Yet when she died Nay, then I was not miserable.","MWS" "id00507","Above all, I am known.","EAP" "id19110","For a long time he would eat nothing but thistles; but of this idea we soon cured him by insisting upon his eating nothing else.","EAP" "id25317","Over two hours must have passed before I reached what seemed to be my goal, a venerable ivied castle in a thickly wooded park; maddeningly familiar, yet full of perplexing strangeness to me.","HPL" "id00068","He places his head upon the pillow.","EAP" "id07200","It was the Yuletide, and I had come at last to the ancient sea town where my people had dwelt and kept festival in the elder time when festival was forbidden; where also they had commanded their sons to keep festival once every century, that the memory of primal secrets might not be forgotten.","HPL" "id14823","I say that these which are the laws of mesmerism in its general features it would be supererogation to demonstrate; nor shall I inflict upon my readers so needless a demonstration; to day.","EAP" "id25139","Not that the spirit of each rapid passion failed, at any time, to throw its own distinct image upon the mirror of that face but that the mirror, mirror like, retained no vestige of the passion, when the passion had departed.","EAP" "id24344","On one side I could view the entire city as it sloped from the plaza down to the old river bank; on the other side, in startling proximity, I was confronted by the richly ornate and perfectly preserved facade of a great building, evidently a temple, hollowed from the solid rock.","HPL" "id16019","ff ff ff FATHER FATHER YOG SOTHOTH . .","HPL" "id05425","Our little town of Windsor, in which the survivors from the neighbouring counties were chiefly assembled, wore a melancholy aspect.","MWS" "id07469","Even De L'Omelette pronounced it bien comme il faut.","EAP" "id14346","After uncovering the entire surface, which consisted of three immense granite slabs, we stepped back some distance to survey the charnel scene; and Warren appeared to make some mental calculations.","HPL" "id23857","Heretofore we have been friends lovers let us not become enemies, mutual spies.","MWS" "id04215","""And wherefore was it glorious?","MWS" "id00778","Whilst I had hitherto considered this but a natural attribute of a family of short lived men, I afterward pondered long upon these premature deaths, and began to connect them with the wanderings of the old man, who often spoke of a curse which for centuries had prevented the lives of the holders of my title from much exceeding the span of thirty two years.","HPL" "id02181","Modern discoveries, indeed, in what may be termed ethical magnetism or magnetoesthetics, render it probable that the most natural, and, consequently, the truest and most intense of the human affections are those which arise in the heart as if by electric sympathy in a word, that the brightest and most enduring of the psychal fetters are those which are riveted by a glance.","EAP" "id04320","In shutting up the box no particular order is observed, except that the folding doors are always closed before the drawer.","EAP" "id18233","With painful earnestness he questioned me concerning her prophecies with regard to him.","MWS" "id08139","I went also to act in conformity with Adrian's plans, which was to congregate in masses what remained of the population; for he possessed the conviction that it was only through the benevolent and social virtues that any safety was to be hoped for the remnant of mankind.","MWS" "id19653","And they were strange, because they had come as dark furtive folk from opiate southern gardens of orchids, and spoken another tongue before they learnt the tongue of the blue eyed fishers.","HPL" "id02693","It is of this loot in particular that I must not speak thank God I had the courage to destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself.","HPL" "id05671","Most assuredly we must not refer the unlife like appearances to inability for all the rest of Maelzel's automata are evidence of his full ability to copy the motions and peculiarities of life with the most wonderful exactitude.","EAP" "id20510","Years of the Titans were recalled, but the host grew timid when he spoke of the dim first age of chaos before the gods or even the Elder Ones were born, and when only the other gods came to dance on the peak of Hatheg Kla in the stony desert near Ulthar, beyond the river Skai.","HPL" "id03290","He could distinguish no words, yet the tone was haunting and unmistakable.","HPL" "id06830","This is probably true, but I have no distinct memory of it.","HPL" "id21140","It had divided the serge of the robe.","EAP" "id11076","""Do not let this letter disturb you; do not answer tomorrow, or the next day, or even until you come, if it will give you pain.","MWS" "id02678","Legrasse for some time lent the image to Professor Webb, but at the latter's death it was returned to him and remains in his possession, where I viewed it not long ago.","HPL" "id13723","I cannot tell you how he shrieked, or what vistas of unvisitable hells gleamed for a second in black eyes crazed with fright.","HPL" "id19540","When I adverted to the question of their entire separation, she replied: ""Be it so One day the period will arrive; I know it, and feel it.","MWS" "id00646","Under cover of the widely projecting eave these steps gave access to a door leading to the garret, or rather loft for it was lighted only by a single window to the north, and seemed to have been intended as a store room.","EAP" "id22920","Its whole interior is apparently filled with wheels, pinions, levers, and other machinery, crowded very closely together, so that the eye can penetrate but a little distance into the mass.","EAP" "id16081","In the lower ends of these tubes are holes in which the pivots of the axis revolve.","EAP" "id06518","And even far more than this, in remedy of the defective composition, each insulated member of the fraternity will suggest the identical emendation.","EAP" "id00535","They clung with eagerness to the hope held out that he might yet be alive.","MWS" "id11785","had he not skimmed over Père Le Brun? was he not a member of the Club Vingt un? ""Si je perds,"" said he, ""je serai deux fois perdu I shall be doubly dammed voilà tout Here his Grace shrugged his shoulders.","EAP" "id26354","He had been flushed and excited then, talking in a high and unnatural, though always pedantic, voice.","HPL" "id22041","These pastimes were to us the most exquisite form of aesthetic expression, and we gave their details a fastidious technical care.","HPL" "id04199","With the passage of time he became almost glad he had lingered, for his relics of youth and his cleavage from the world made life and sophistication seem very distant and unreal; so much so that a touch of magic and expectancy stole back into his nightly slumbers.","HPL" "id17305","They found me at dawn wandering mindless near Ballylough, but what unhinged me utterly was not any of the horrors I had seen or heard before.","HPL" "id27546","This was a lesson which I took desperately to heart.","EAP" "id13307","Could it be that the dream soul inhabiting this inferior body was desperately struggling to speak things which the simple and halting tongue of dulness could not utter?","HPL" "id06633","I was utterly astounded; and, for a moment, was quite at a loss what to do.","EAP" "id21975","I entered the cabin where lay the remains of my ill fated and admirable friend.","MWS" "id19759","It then stopped, the page descended and opened the door, the lady alighted, and presented a petition to her sovereign.","EAP" "id04396","Elizabeth seemed happy; my tranquil demeanour contributed greatly to calm her mind.","MWS" "id26695","She awaited with eagerness the return of her messenger from the palace; she listened insatiate to his account of each word, each look of the Protector; she felt bliss in this communication with her beloved, although he knew not to whom he addressed his instructions.","MWS" "id22385","Of the fate of that cohort no record exists, but the town at least was saved for encyclopædias tell of the survival of Pompelo to this day, under the modern Spanish name of Pompelona. . . .","HPL" "id13825","Now, brought to this conclusion in so unequivocal a manner as we are, it is not our part, as reasoners, to reject it on account of apparent impossibilities.","EAP" "id10990","Not so Idris; her first glance was for her brother; she took his hand, she kissed his eye lids, and hung over him with looks of compassion and love.","MWS" "id25999","""The winter advanced, and an entire revolution of the seasons had taken place since I awoke into life.","MWS" "id05811","""My son,"" said he, when we were seated, ""what is the chief end of your existence?""","EAP" "id04023","It is, nevertheless, amusing to observe that L'Etoile insists upon its point in the full belief of its furthering its general argument.","EAP" "id16991","Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter lived an exceedingly retired life saw no company seldom went out had little use for numerous changes of habiliment.","EAP" "id04521","Sometimes I entreated my attendants to assist me in the destruction of the fiend by whom I was tormented; and at others I felt the fingers of the monster already grasping my neck, and screamed aloud with agony and terror.","MWS" "id07571","""To my task,"" she continued mentally, ""my guests must not perceive the reality, either as it regards him or me.","MWS" "id12859","Captain Barclay, who walked against Time, would not walk against him.","EAP" "id04376","All I could do was to turn on the waning searchlight of the U , and with its aid walk up the temple steps and study the exterior carvings.","HPL" "id09340","This latter print endeavors to combat that portion of the paragraph which has reference to 'drowned bodies' only, by citing some five or six instances in which the bodies of individuals known to be drowned were found floating after the lapse of less time than is insisted upon by L'Etoile.","EAP" "id22053","The heart sickened at the variety of misery presented; and, when I saw a specimen of this gloomy change, my soul ached with the fear of what might befall my beloved Idris and my babes.","MWS" "id22267","Perdita, wedded to an imagination, careless of what is behind the veil, whose charactery is in truth faulty and vile, Perdita has renounced me.","MWS" "id18610","From his inscrutable tyranny did I at length flee, panic stricken, as from a pestilence; and to the very ends of the earth I fled in vain.","EAP" "id19512","The small garrisons were drawn from the various towns and fortresses, and went to swell the main army.","MWS" "id07143","Death, which had in our younger days walked the earth like ""a thief that comes in the night,"" now, rising from his subterranean vault, girt with power, with dark banner floating, came a conqueror.","MWS" "id01759","The thought of nature still remained, but her character seemed to have undergone modification, there was a weird symmetry, a thrilling uniformity, a wizard propriety in these her works.","EAP" "id25790","Nevertheless, what could be seen was of a nature singular and exciting.","EAP" "id26946","At early dawn the vessel was discovered bearing in shore; it was conjectured that it would cast anchor about five miles from land.","MWS" "id26148","I would have them allow what they cannot refrain from allowing that, although temptation may have erewhile existed as great, man was never thus, at least, tempted before certainly, never thus fell.","EAP" "id10377","One or two strokes of a spade upturned the blade of a large Spanish knife, and, as we dug farther, three or four loose pieces of gold and silver coin came to light.","EAP" "id07707","He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly and confronted his pursuer.","EAP" "id04240","The room was decorated with the busts of many of them, and he described their characters to me.","MWS" "id22283","In its exercise I found a wild delight yet a delight still physical, inasmuch as the understanding had in it no part.","EAP" "id19455","Don't believe it don't believe a word of it.","EAP" "id13151","Why when fate drove me to become this outcast from human feeling; this monster with whom none might mingle in converse and love; why had she not from that fatal and most accursed moment, shrouded me in thick mists and placed real darkness between me and my fellows so that I might never more be seen?, sic and as I passed, like a murky cloud loaded with blight, they might only perceive me by the cold chill I should cast upon them; telling them, how truly, that something unholy was near?","MWS" "id02088","And Kuranes saw that he need not tremble lest the things he knew be vanished; for even the sentries on the ramparts were the same, and still as young as he remembered them.","HPL" "id15297","""In that point he is unrivalled indeed he is a perfect desperado a down right fire eater, and no mistake,"" said my friend, here dropping his voice excessively low, and thrilling me with the mystery of his tone.","EAP" "id03845","The next day Blandot gave me a more expensive room on the third floor, between the apartments of an aged money lender and the room of a respectable upholsterer.","HPL" "id18366","The shade of the trees fell heavily upon the water, and seemed to bury itself therein, impregnating the depths of the element with darkness.","EAP" "id14449","As we heard this suggestion of baying we shuddered, remembering the tales of the peasantry; for he whom we sought had centuries before been found in this selfsame spot, torn and mangled by the claws and teeth of some unspeakable beast.","HPL" "id03907","Indeed what gentleman or lady either of sense, wouldn't die, I should like to know, for a well fattened capon of the right Molucca breed, stuffed with capers and mushrooms, and served up in a salad bowl, with orange jellies en mosaiques.","EAP" "id08038","Neither grief, philosophy, nor love could make Perdita think with mildness of the dereliction of Raymond.","MWS" "id18019","What fiend spoke from the recesses of my soul, when amid those dim aisles, and in the silence of the night, I whispered within the ears of the holy man the syllables Morella?","EAP" "id18999","ye swilled yourselves sick, curse ye, and ye must needs blame the squire let go, you Unhand that latch I've naught for ye here "" At this point three slow and very deliberate raps shook the panels of the door, and a white foam gathered at the mouth of the frantic magician.","HPL" "id12538","We proceed now with the journal, as transcribed by Mr. Forsyth from the joint MSS.","EAP" "id23705","I thought of huge rats and shuddered.","HPL" "id16796","The birth of her daughter, embryo copy of her Raymond, filled up the measure of her content, and produced a sacred and indissoluble tie between them.","MWS" "id08625","God knows what I expected to find I only felt that I was digging in the grave of a man whose ghost stalked by night.","HPL" "id09927","I saw unhappiness deeply impressed on his countenance, but he endeavoured to welcome me cheerfully; and, after we had exchanged our mournful greeting, would have introduced some other topic than that of our disaster, had not Ernest exclaimed, ""Good God, papa Victor says that he knows who was the murderer of poor William.""","MWS" "id15940","A smoky mist, resembling that of the Indian summer, enveloped all things, and of course, added to my uncertainty.","EAP" "id16237","A shudder like the swift passing of an electric shock ran through the house, when Rosse exclaimed, in answer to ""Stands Scotland where it did?""","MWS" "id23979","It would be trite and not wholly accurate to say that no human pen could describe it, but one may properly say that it could not be vividly visualised by anyone whose ideas of aspect and contour are too closely bound up with the common life forms of this planet and of the three known dimensions.","HPL" "id04026","The mind flags beneath the weight of thought, and droops in the heartless intercourse of those whose sole aim is amusement.","MWS" "id14285","Although they spent much time together at Windsor, the extreme youth of Adrian prevented any suspicion as to the nature of their intercourse.","MWS" "id20112","The clouds become thin; an arch is formed for ever rising upwards, till, the universal cope being unveiled, the sun pours forth its rays, re animated and fed by the breeze.","MWS" "id08089","The clock strikes Unable to restrain his feelings, his Grace swallows an olive.","EAP" "id15705","As I turned, I dreaded what I was to see; for the scream had been in my uncle's voice, and I knew not against what menace I should have to defend him and myself.","HPL" "id00133","Found in a Bottle,"" was originally published in , and it was not until many years afterwards that I became acquainted with the maps of Mercator, in which the ocean is represented as rushing, by four mouths, into the northern Polar Gulf, to be absorbed into the bowels of the earth; the Pole itself being represented by a black rock, towering to a prodigious height.","EAP" "id14094","This thicket, although dense, was in the close vicinity of a public road.","EAP" "id19825","The exhibiter now proceeds to open the drawer which lies beneath the cupboards at the bottom of the box for although there are apparently two drawers, there is really only one the two handles and two key holes being intended merely for ornament.","EAP" "id24463","F Spencer's Faery Queen Book Canto CHAPTER XII As I was perpetually haunted by these ideas, you may imagine that the influence of Woodville's words was very temporary; and that although I did not again accuse him of unkindness, yet I soon became as unhappy as before.","MWS" "id03098","He would not only have fled from the wharf, but he would not have permitted the boat to remain.","EAP" "id04490","This city had remained faithful to him, after the whole nation had forsaken his cause to join the standard of Parliament and liberty.","MWS" "id14260","You will here bear in mind that the arguments urged against the thicket as the scene, are applicable in chief part, only against it as the scene of an outrage committed by more than a single individual.","EAP" "id18768","Each day was eagerly counted; and the inhabitants of towns, desirous to leap this dangerous interval, plunged into dissipation, and strove, by riot, and what they wished to imagine to be pleasure, to banish thought and opiate despair.","MWS" "id21527","I began with light hand and gentle allurement; first exciting her curiosity, and then satisfying it in such a way as might occasion her, at the same time that she half forgot her sorrows in occupation, to find in the hours that succeeded a reaction of benevolence and toleration.","MWS" "id17132","Now, Eliot, I'm what the man in the street would call fairly ""hard boiled"", but I'll confess that what I saw on the walls of that room gave me a bad turn.","HPL" "id12886","He told the crowd that the men were evidently trying to get to a subordinate peak which overlooked the swath at a point considerably ahead of where the shrubbery was now bending.","HPL" "id20540","Matter it seemed not to be, nor ether, nor anything else conceivable by mortal mind.","HPL" "id12464","A strange odor loaded the breeze.","EAP" "id00033","We descended from Parnassus, emerging from its many folds, and passed through Livadia on our road to Attica.","MWS" "id11620","They were these: Lo 'tis a gala night Within the lonesome latter years An angel throng, bewinged, bedight In veils, and drowned in tears, Sit in a theatre, to see A play of hopes and fears, While the orchestra breathes fitfully The music of the spheres.","EAP" "id27503","I paused again, and this time I made bold to seize Fortunato by an arm above the elbow.","EAP" "id23082","She had at first yielded to our entreaties, but when she heard that the life of her favourite was menaced, she could no longer control her anxiety.","MWS" "id27527","Yet was she woman, and pined away daily.","EAP" "id07841","Forbidding me to touch the body, he first injected a drug in the wrist just beside the place his needle had punctured when injecting the embalming compound.","HPL" "id22513","The teeth the teeth they were here, and there, and everywhere, and visibly and palpably before me; long, narrow, and excessively white, with the pale lips writhing about them, as in the very moment of their first terrible development.","EAP" "id17014","That it was merely a gigantic piece of stone, I soon assured myself; but I was conscious of a distinct impression that its contour and position were not altogether the work of Nature.","HPL" "id04643","The sun sank beneath the horizon as we landed, and as I touched the shore I felt those cares and fears revive which soon were to clasp me and cling to me forever.","MWS" "id02590","The valet at once fell into the rear, and now, with hearts full to overflowing, we discoursed long and unreservedly of our love.","EAP" "id19130","It was a melancholy thing to return to this spot so dear to us, as the scene of a happiness rarely before enjoyed, here to mark the extinction of our species, and trace the deep uneraseable footsteps of disease over the fertile and cherished soil.","MWS" "id22707","shaoutin' in Ol' Squar an' Taown Squar an' New Church Green . . .","HPL" "id04939","Our museum was a blasphemous, unthinkable place, where with the satanic taste of neurotic virtuosi we had assembled an universe of terror and decay to excite our jaded sensibilities.","HPL" "id19823","She had set down no rule of conduct for herself; but for her life she could not have opposed his slightest wish, or do other than acquiesce cheerfully in all his projects.","MWS" "id16067","My place of refuge was constructed of wood, but so low that I could with difficulty sit upright in it.","MWS" "id18057","It is likely that he felt only vexation when, in , the town council ordered him to fumigate the place with sulphur, tar, and gum camphor on account of the much discussed deaths of four persons, presumably caused by the then diminishing fever epidemic.","HPL" "id24890","The wind arose; the sea roared; and, as with the mighty shock of an earthquake, it split and cracked with a tremendous and overwhelming sound.","MWS" "id23397","Why is it folly to suppose that the murder was committed at any given period of the day?","EAP" "id22199","Considering this topography, we had finally concluded that the daemon must have come by way of Cone Mountain, a wooded southern prolongation of which ran to within a short distance of the westernmost spur of Tempest Mountain.","HPL" "id05376","There was a primness, not to say stiffness, in his carriage a degree of measured, and, if I may so express it, of rectangular precision, attending his every movement, which, observed in a more diminutive figure, would have had the least little savor in the world, of affectation, pomposity or constraint, but which noticed in a gentleman of his undoubted dimensions, was readily placed to the account of reserve, hauteur of a commendable sense, in short, of what is due to the dignity of colossal proportion.","EAP" "id25701","Or, when the dun clouds thickly veil the sky, while exhaustless stores of rain are poured down, until, the dank earth refusing to imbibe the superabundant moisture, it lies in pools on the surface; when the torch of day seems like a meteor, to be quenched; who has not seen the cloud stirring north arise, the streaked blue appear, and soon an opening made in the vapours in the eye of the wind, through which the bright azure shines?","MWS" "id14379","From the manner of gathering up a trick he judges whether the person taking it can make another in the suit.","EAP" "id20235","What deep and sacred emotions are excited in a father's bosom, when he first becomes convinced that his love for his child is not a mere instinct, but worthily bestowed, and that others, less akin, participate his approbation It was supreme happiness to Idris and myself, to find that the frankness which Alfred's open brow indicated, the intelligence of his eyes, the tempered sensibility of his tones, were not delusions, but indications of talents and virtues, which would ""grow with his growth, and strengthen with his strength.""","MWS" "id03465","This year the horror was very great, for the people knew that the wrath of the very old folk was upon Pompelo.","HPL" "id01864","God rest them, if there be any rest in the universe.","HPL" "id08122","I must not permit you to be acquainted with the extent of my delusion, lest you despise me; although, believe me, a wish to appear before you, not vanquished, but as a conqueror, inspired me during my wordy war.""","MWS" "id23858","There is talk of apportioning Randolph Carter's estate among his heirs, but I shall stand firmly against this course because I do not believe he is dead.","HPL" "id16440","Shaking pathetically, the old man forced me into a chair whilst he sank into another, beside which his viol and bow lay carelessly on the floor.","HPL" "id20201","But I am not wholly sorry; either for this or for the loss in undreamable abysses of the closely written sheets which alone could have explained the music of Erich Zann.","HPL" "id08526","These speculations were rife among us; yet not the less we proceeded in our daily occupations, and our plans, whose accomplishment demanded the lapse of many years.","MWS" "id07243","I must get away from evil shadowed Innsmouth and accordingly I began to test my cramped, wearied powers of locomotion.","HPL" "id10622","Hypocritical fiend If he whom you mourn still lived, still would he be the object, again would he become the prey, of your accursed vengeance.","MWS" "id17084","Beyond these things he seemed to know nothing, nor could the expert questioning of his interrogators bring out a single additional fact.","HPL" "id14750","Look here, do you know the whole North End once had a set of tunnels that kept certain people in touch with each other's houses, and the burying ground, and the sea?","HPL" "id09012","Tears also gushed from the eyes of Clerval, as he read the account of my misfortune.","MWS" "id02276","But these gave place to a heavy swell; I felt sick and hardly able to hold the rudder, when suddenly I saw a line of high land towards the south.","MWS" "id21769","But the under surfaces of the huge masses of agitated vapor, as well as all terrestrial objects immediately around us, were glowing in the unnatural light of a faintly luminous and distinctly visible gaseous exhalation which hung about and enshrouded the mansion.","EAP" "id16869","I knew that he had been lying awake ever since the first slight noise, when he had turned in the bed.","EAP" "id10127","Aries Tottle's mode, in a word, was based on noumena; Hog's on phenomena.","EAP" "id03804","It was in the newspaper that she saw the advertisement for the design for a national gallery.","MWS" "id18297","The canoe falls into the lesser channel and approaches the gate.","EAP" "id09017","Will you think of Raymond less at Windsor, the scene of your early happiness?","MWS" "id15803","Subsequently many went to visit Kalos, and indeed noticed the pallor of his face; but there was about him a happy serenity which made his glance more magical than the glance of Musides who was clearly distracted with anxiety, and who pushed aside all the slaves in his eagerness to feed and wait upon his friend with his own hands.","HPL" "id14991","And at last I resolved to scale that tower, fall though I might; since it were better to glimpse the sky and perish, than to live without ever beholding day.","HPL" "id24388","That she did meet some companion, and proceed with him across the river, reaching the Barrière du Roule at so late an hour as three o'clock in the afternoon, is known.","EAP" "id06639","""Well, here's yer stuff,"" announced Sheehan jovially as a tray of bottles and glasses was wheeled into the room.","HPL" "id03310","""I fear that I speak in a constrained manner: my heart is overflowing with the ardent desire I have of bringing calm once more to your thoughts and looks; but I fear to aggravate your grief, or to raise that in you which is death to me, anger and distaste.","MWS" "id01970","His wisdom guided all.","MWS" "id15587","Raymond staggered forth from this scene, as a man might do, who had been just put to the torture, and looked forward to when it would be again inflicted.","MWS" "id19256","Mr. Czanek did not like to wait so long in the dark in such a place.","HPL" "id19187","And methinks, sweet Una, even our slumbering sense of the forced and of the far fetched might have arrested us here.","EAP" "id02490","His mind was not Prussian, but given to imaginings and speculations which have no value.","HPL" "id24363","Raymond saw the danger; he was willing to save his troops from the crime of disobedience; for he knew, that contention once begun between the commander and his army, each act and word added to the weakness of the former, and bestowed power on the latter.","MWS" "id05834","Travelling on land has been repeatedly accomplished at the rate of thirty miles per hour, and indeed a much greater speed may be anticipated.","EAP" "id13952","To the right of this compartment, however, that is to say the spectators' right a small division, six inches wide, and filled with machinery, is partitioned off.","EAP" "id23795","Then a strong desire to lapse into insensibility.","EAP" "id16915","To the right arise a chain of lofty hills rudely and luxuriantly wooded.","EAP" "id05904","I was galled, too, by the rumor touching a relationship, which had grown current in the upper forms.","EAP" "id22242","Kadath in the cold waste hath known Them, and what man knows Kadath?","HPL" "id13167","Moreover, he had in the past secretly studied the theory of reanimation to some extent under West.","HPL" "id12392","As I mentioned the word ""remuneration,"" Mr. Crab first opened his eyes, and then his mouth, to quite a remarkable extent; causing his personal appearance to resemble that of a highly agitated elderly duck in the act of quacking; and in this condition he remained, ever and anon pressing his hands tightly to his forehead, as if in a state of desperate bewilderment until I had nearly made an end of what I had to say.","EAP" "id05991","In this, I succeeded to a miracle; and to every question or suggestion found myself at liberty to reply in my most frog like and sepulchral tones with some passage from the tragedy any portion of which, as I soon took great pleasure in observing, would apply equally well to any particular subject.","EAP" "id20047","The rudder is now at the barge office.""","EAP" "id10462","Their social contacts grew fewer and fewer, till at last they took to intermarrying with the numerous menial class about the estate.","HPL" "id17922","What is true of relation of form and quantity is often grossly false in regard to morals, for example.","EAP" "id21699","Would it be a rash wager a wager of one thousand to one that a day never passed over the heads of these boys without finding at least one of them ensconced in the umbrageous hall, and enthroned upon its natural throne?","EAP" "id14746","And before Goya you have to go back to the mediaeval chaps who did the gargoyles and chimaeras on Notre Dame and Mont Saint Michel.","HPL" "id00257","In his dream he had heard a scratching and gnawing in the partitions, and thought that someone fumbled clumsily at the latch.","HPL" "id20720","Such is human nature, that beauty and deformity are often closely linked.","MWS" "id11294","Yet, although unhappy, he is not so utterly occupied by his own misery but that he interests himself deeply in the projects of others.","MWS" "id04801","Thus, ordinarily, should it have appeared, only after long pressure from Azrael's hand.","EAP" "id26176","Horrible beyond conception was the change which had taken place in my best friend, Crawford Tillinghast.","HPL" "id00138","Let him take them back; without his love they are nothing to me.","MWS" "id01390","Twenty years afterward, the two returned to France, in the persuasion that time had so greatly altered the lady's appearance that her friends would be unable to recognize her.","EAP" "id15880","The articles found in the thicket were fully identified by the relatives of Marie.","EAP" "id11985","The living man was clutching a horrible stone idol of unknown origin, about a foot in height, regarding whose nature authorities at Sydney University, the Royal Society, and the Museum in College Street all profess complete bafflement, and which the survivor says he found in the cabin of the yacht, in a small carved shrine of common pattern.","HPL" "id24704","If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing.","HPL" "id07150","""Walakea he shewed Obed a lot o' rites an' incantations as had to do with the sea things, an' let him see some o' the folks in the village as had changed a lot from human shape.","HPL" "id07379","It must, it shall be undertaken to day, and yet we put it off until to morrow, and why?","EAP" "id11316","I will proceed with my tale.","MWS" "id02749","In history of these regions I met with a ray from the Future.","EAP" "id04254","On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and galvanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me.","MWS" "id26986","Her voice was musical but unlike that of either of my friends.","MWS" "id21231","By the time that it wanted only three minutes to noon, the droll object in question was perceived to be a very diminutive foreign looking young man.","EAP" "id08621","""Hey, yew, why dun't ye say somethin'?","HPL" "id13835","This is the idea of a man long resident in Paris a public man and one whose walks to and fro in the city, have been mostly limited to the vicinity of the public offices.","EAP" "id16119","Yes, it was of Death I spoke.","EAP" "id23803","The very idea was generous and noble, but, beyond this, his unpretending manner, his entire want of the assumption of a virtue, rendered his act ten times more touching.","MWS" "id13000","The cottage of my protectors had been the only school in which I had studied human nature, but this book developed new and mightier scenes of action.","MWS" "id17006","You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains revenge, henceforth dearer than light or food I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery.","MWS" "id22200","Thou wast curiously scented, and labelled as per invoice.","EAP" "id18627","""The whole of this paragraph must now appear a tissue of inconsequence and incoherence.","EAP" "id07007","When he had gone, my friend entered into some explanations.","EAP" "id01013","From the top of the mound, I looked far round all was silent and deserted.","MWS" "id15618","For many months Woodville had in vain endeavoured to cast off this terrible remembrance; it still hung on him untill memory was too great a burthen for his loaded soul, but when on horseback the spell that seemingly held him to this idea was snapt; then if he thought of his lost bride he pictured her radiant in beauty; he could hear her voice, and fancy her ""a sylvan Huntress by his side,"" while his eyes brightened as he thought he gazed on her cherished form.","MWS" "id12215","Here, after encircling the tree, it passed on a little to the north of east, leaving the tulip tree some twenty feet to the south, and making no decided alteration in its course until it came near the midway between the eastern and western boundaries of the valley.","EAP" "id17012","It was a child singing a merry, lightsome air; there was no other sound.","MWS" "id13065","Little attention had been paid to the decora of what is technically called keeping, or to the proprieties of nationality.","EAP" "id27633","It was long before he was restored, and I often thought that life was entirely extinct.","MWS" "id20341","Mothers, kiss you last husbands, protectors no more, lead on the partners of your death Come, O come while the dear ones are yet in sight, for soon they will pass away, and we never never shall join them more.""","MWS" "id22876","A robin red breast dropt from the frosty branches of the trees, upon the congealed rivulet; its panting breast and half closed eyes shewed that it was dying: a hawk appeared in the air; sudden fear seized the little creature; it exerted its last strength, throwing itself on its back, raising its talons in impotent defence against its powerful enemy.","MWS" "id15900","This brings about a training of birds, to serve the purpose of carrier pigeons between them.","EAP" "id09930","Yet I must cling to it; perhaps it will kill me soon, and thus perform a thankful office.""","MWS" "id25803","The fear of so mighty a calamity as the loss of our adored infant made the current of my blood pause with chilly horror; but the remembrance of the mother restored my presence of mind.","MWS" "id14455","He submitted to be away from her, because she commanded this submission; but for her influence, he would have declared his attachment before all England, and resisted, with unshaken constancy, his mother's opposition.","MWS" "id16411","There was only one bedstead; and from this the bed had been removed, and thrown into the middle of the floor.","EAP" "id09077","Memory brought madness with it, and when I thought of what had passed, a real insanity possessed me; sometimes I was furious and burnt with rage, sometimes low and despondent.","MWS" "id10465","I looked round on the audience; the females were mostly of the lower classes, but the men were of all ranks, come hither to forget awhile the protracted scenes of wretchedness, which awaited them at their miserable homes.","MWS" "id17302","The wind fanned the fire, and the cottage was quickly enveloped by the flames, which clung to it and licked it with their forked and destroying tongues.","MWS" "id15492","The tracks on the flooring were certainly vastly unlike the average prints of a rat, but even Choynski and Desrochers would not admit that they were like the prints of four tiny human hands.","HPL" "id14635","You have been tutored and refined by books and retirement from the world, and you are therefore somewhat fastidious; but this only renders you the more fit to appreciate the extraordinary merits of this wonderful man.","MWS" "id13471","He was now all love, all softness; and when I raised my eyes in wonder at him as he spoke the smile on his lips told me that his heart was possessed by the gentlest passions.","MWS" "id17984","An ample estate was allotted to them, and they took the first rank among the peers of Great Britain.","MWS" "id17145","In the meantime, it was observed by all on board, that he avoided her in the most pointed manner, and, for the most part, shut himself up alone in his state room, where, in fact, he might have been said to live altogether, leaving his wife at full liberty to amuse herself as she thought best, in the public society of the main cabin.","EAP" "id05726","Glancing upward at the clock on the mantel piece, for I felt too drowsy to take out my watch, I had the pleasure to find that I had still twenty five minutes to spare.","EAP" "id15720","Earl Sawyer now took the telescope and reported the three figures as standing on the topmost ridge, virtually level with the altar stone but at a considerable distance from it.","HPL" "id13796","I wished for no friend, no sympathy.","MWS" "id13367","Here your countenance brightened up, and, perceiving your lips move, I could not doubt that you murmured the word 'stereotomy,' a term very affectedly applied to this species of pavement.","EAP" "id20261","To my mind rushed fragments of a passage in Joseph Glanvill which has quoted with tremendous effect "" the vastness, profundity, and unsearchableness of His works, which have a depth in them greater than the well of Democritus.""","HPL" "id20199","That cult would never die till the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth.","HPL" "id20093","And when the development of her understanding disclosed the true nature of this intercourse to her, her affections were already engaged to her friend, and all she feared was lest other attractions and fickleness might make him break his infant vows.","MWS" "id24969","The result of decomposition is the generation of gas, distending the cellular tissues and all the cavities, and giving the puffed appearance which is so horrible.","EAP" "id08034","His countenance, I thought, wore a mingled expression of low cunning and perplexity.","EAP" "id03137","At the first dawn of the morning we closed all the messy shutters of our old building; lighting a couple of tapers which, strongly perfumed, threw out only the ghastliest and feeblest of rays.","EAP" "id27300","He never sported, but spent hours in watching the tribes of lovely and almost tame animals with which it was stocked, and ordered that greater care should be taken of them than ever.","MWS" "id27204","In the mean time Raymond was eloquent.","MWS" "id00899","There are scoundrels in this world, I remembered with a sigh, who will not scruple to take unfair opportunities with even a next door neighbor, and this remark is from Epictetus it is precisely at that time when men are most anxious to throw off the burden of their own calamities that they feel the least desirous of relieving them in others.","EAP" "id18578","With his permission my mother prevailed on her rustic guardians to yield their charge to her.","MWS" "id02697","""And those who do not work for posterity; or working, as may be my case, will not be known by it; yet they, believe me, have also their duties.","MWS" "id18434","Advance avail thyself of the gift, thou and thy comrades; and in the drama you are about to act, do not disgrace those who taught you to enter on the stage, and to pronounce becomingly the parts assigned to you May your progress be uninterrupted and secure; born during the spring tide of the hopes of man, may you lead up the summer to which no winter may succeed See an ingenious Essay, entitled, ""The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated,"" by Mackey, a shoemaker, of Norwich printed in .","MWS" "id07836","""Looking beyond these words, for a short distance, we again see the combination;, and employ it by way of termination to what immediately precedes.","EAP" "id11762","But upon this subject I cannot bear to dilate.","EAP" "id01997","I no longer despair, but look on all around me with placid affection.","MWS" "id23595","Upon the capture of Pavia by Charlemagne in , the skull was seized from the tottering Desiderius and carried in the train of the Frankish conqueror.","HPL" "id01007","All in vain; because Death, in approaching him had stalked with his black shadow before him, and enveloped the victim.","EAP" "id18833","""Who pe you,"" he asked, ""und what der teuffel you pe do dare?""","EAP" "id08532","Members of the Royal Anthropological Institute burned the thing and threw the locket into a well, and some of them do not admit that Arthur Jermyn ever existed.","HPL" "id24755","""The poem over the signature 'Snob' is, we find, attracting universal commendation, and, we are constrained to say, deserves, if possible, even more applause than it has received.","EAP" "id15074","""Yes have changed very much, as you see"" chimed in the whole company at once.","EAP" "id16655","While I spoke, there came a marked change over the countenance of the sleep waker.","EAP" "id26987","Have not actors wept, as they pourtrayed imagined passion?","MWS" "id09778","Te angel ab not te wing, and I am te Angel ov te Odd."" ""And your business with me at present is is"" ""My pizzness"" ejaculated the thing, ""vy vat a low bred buppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness"" This language was rather more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.","EAP" "id23530","But the haughty Ex Queen thought as Octavius Caesar and Mark Antony, We could not stall together In the whole world.","MWS" "id00193","It was a low, dull, quick sound much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.","EAP" "id27944","As consciousness departed he heard the faint, shrill tittering of the fanged, rat like abnormality.","HPL" "id08816","It was not to be borne.","EAP" "id12245","""During the ensuing days, while the preparations were going forward for the escape of the merchant, the zeal of Felix was warmed by several letters that he received from this lovely girl, who found means to express her thoughts in the language of her lover by the aid of an old man, a servant of her father who understood French.","MWS" "id18189","In cloud ships the gods are wont to travel, and wise cotters have legends that keep them from certain high peaks at night when it is cloudy, for the gods are not lenient as of old.","HPL" "id06207","The late setting of the moon, and the extreme caution I was obliged to use in this my third expedition, consumed so much time, that something like a qualm of fear came over me when I perceived dark night yield to twilight.","MWS" "id03366","I know suthin' awful's abaout, an' feel my time is nigh, though only Gawd knows jest what it is.","HPL" "id23191","Christchurch Cemetery was the scene of a terrible killing; a watchman having been clawed to death in a manner not only too hideous for description, but raising a doubt as to the human agency of the deed.","HPL" "id15284","At another, I resolved to dig a grave for it in the floor of the cellar.","EAP" "id23260","I as yet suffered no bodily inconvenience, breathing with great freedom, and feeling no pain whatever in the head.","EAP" "id10555","Having found the wine, I recrossed the chamber, and poured out a gobletful, which I held to the lips of the fainting lady.","EAP" "id06637","When we arrived at Kishan, we learnt, that on hearing of the advance of Lord Raymond and his detachment, the Turkish army had retreated from Rodosto; but meeting with a reinforcement, they had re trod their steps.","MWS" "id06348","He could have endured poverty, and while this distress had been the meed of his virtue, he gloried in it; but the ingratitude of the Turk and the loss of his beloved Safie were misfortunes more bitter and irreparable.","MWS" "id26240","But he could not play to another his weird harmonies, and could not bear hearing them from another; nor could he bear having anything in his room touched by another.","HPL" "id26900","It would help my shaky nerves if I could dismiss what I now have to think of the air and the sky about and above me.","HPL" "id24908","The notes in question were those descriptive of the dreams of various persons covering the same period as that in which young Wilcox had had his strange visitations.","HPL" "id11396","I quitted my seat, and walked on, although the darkness and storm increased every minute, and the thunder burst with a terrific crash over my head.","MWS" "id07928","""How was it possible,"" I asked, ""that you should know the man to be a sailor, and belonging to a Maltese vessel?"" ""I do not know it,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id08405","Had it not been for my old servant Hiram, I should have by this time become quite convinced of my madness.","HPL" "id05683","Lights now appeared to guide us; and a long suite of splendid rooms illuminated, made us still more wonder.","MWS" "id05169","Raymond's eyes were fixed on the city.","MWS" "id12694","I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature.","MWS" "id16933","We were told this when young, and taught to look forward to it as an event that would certainly take place.","MWS" "id13110","In general, there is no alternative but experiment directed by probabilities of every tongue known to him who attempts the solution, until the true one be attained.","EAP" "id08956","""Well, a kid then pretty much the same thing.""","EAP" "id25699","This building stood on the steep river bluff near a bridge and an open confluence of streets which I took to be the earliest civic centre, displaced after the Revolution by the present Town Square.","HPL" "id08873","I tell you I am on the very verge of insanity; why, cruel girl, do you drive me on: you will repent and I shall die.""","MWS" "id20658","But evil things, in robes of sorrow, Assailed the monarch's high estate; Ah, let us mourn, for never morrow Shall dawn upon him, desolate And, round about his home, the glory That blushed and bloomed Is but a dim remembered story Of the old time entombed.","EAP" "id14888","But, for myself, the Earth's records had taught me to look for widest ruin as the price of highest civilization.","EAP" "id23067","His eyes, vacant in expression, regarded only the wall.","EAP" "id02436","A snowy white and gauze like drapery seemed to be nearly the sole covering to her delicate form; but the mid summer and midnight air was hot, sullen, and still, and no motion in the statue like form itself, stirred even the folds of that raiment of very vapor which hung around it as the heavy marble hangs around the Niobe.","EAP" "id14889","Her mild eyes seemed incapable of any severity or guile, and yet she has committed a murder.""","MWS" "id22995","In the matter of eyes, also, my acquaintance was pre eminently endowed.","EAP" "id14772","You will, therefore, please your majesty, be so good as to take the will for the deed for by no manner of means either can I or will I swallow another drop least of all a drop of that villainous bilge water that answers to the hall of 'Black Strap.'""","EAP" "id26213","A marked sensation immediately ensued.","EAP" "id00539","Those in the rear were always closed, with the exception of the large back room, fourth story.","EAP" "id25511","And nearest of all was the graveyard, where deformed trees tossed insane branches as their roots displaced unhallowed slabs and sucked venom from what lay below.","HPL" "id03148","Raymond was ten years older; to his previous beauty, noble mien, and commanding aspect, he now added gentlest benevolence, winning tenderness, graceful and unwearied attention to the wishes of another.","MWS" "id09132","There were no horses to be procured, and I must return by the lake; but the wind was unfavourable, and the rain fell in torrents.","MWS" "id05137","Mumbled tales of the weird rites and godless revels of bygone years in the ancient hall gave to me a new and potent interest in the tomb, before whose door I would sit for hours at a time each day.","HPL" "id14944","I was unable to remain for a single instant in the same place; I jumped over the chairs, clapped my hands, and laughed aloud.","MWS" "id18255","My indecisive speculation whether to explore the passage alone and immediately with my pocket light or to try to assemble a band of squatters for the quest, was interrupted after a time by a sudden rush of wind from outside which blew out the candle and left me in stark blackness.","HPL" "id18358","And farther: in what I relate it will be seen that between the fate of the unhappy Mary Cecilia Rogers, so far as that fate is known, and the fate of one Marie Rogêt up to a certain epoch in her history, there has existed a parallel in the contemplation of whose wonderful exactitude the reason becomes embarrassed.","EAP" "id27959","He has been much admired by Mr. John Neal, and was a great man in a small way.","EAP" "id23917","Desire to avoid needless explanations in case of unexpected police intrusions prompted these plans for a quiet and unostentatious departure.","HPL" "id10005","The stuffed goddess was a nauseous sight, withered and eaten away, but it was clearly a mummified white ape of some unknown species, less hairy than any recorded variety, and infinitely nearer mankind quite shockingly so.","HPL" "id20714","I waited till the crowd had oozed into the black doorway, and till all the stragglers had followed.","HPL" "id19210","Had I made the wild attempt you suggest, I might never have left the Ministerial presence alive.","EAP" "id10630","""And now, mon ami,"" said she, taking my hand, and so interrupting this train of reflection, ""and now, mon cher ami, since we are indissolubly one since I have yielded to your passionate entreaties, and performed my portion of our agreement I presume you have not forgotten that you also have a little favor to bestow a little promise which it is your intention to keep.","EAP" "id16969","She married; and, carrying her restless energy of character with her into new scenes, she turned her thoughts to ambition, and aimed at the title and power of Princess of Wallachia; while her patriotic feelings were soothed by the idea of the good she might do her country, when her husband should be chief of this principality.","MWS" "id15683","It was the porcelain miniature of a young man in a smartly curled bag wig, and bore the initials ""J.","HPL" "id19083","The phrase quoted may mean any thing, or nothing, and guides in no degree.","EAP" "id01331","It is now rendered necessary that I give the facts as far as I comprehend them myself.","EAP" "id09978","Now the work of drainage was ready to begin, and the labourers from the north were soon to strip the forbidden bog of its green moss and red heather, and kill the tiny shell paved streamlets and quiet blue pools fringed with rushes.","HPL" "id07602","This was a state of things not to be endured.","EAP" "id13553","In the darkness below there loomed the vast blurred outlines of a vessel breaking up on the cruel rocks, and as I glanced out over the waste I saw that the light had failed for the first time since my grandfather had assumed its care.","HPL" "id19486","Better die at once better plunge a poinard in her bosom, still untouched by drear adversity, and then again sheathe it in my own But, no; in times of misery we must fight against our destinies, and strive not to be overcome by them.","MWS" "id27675","In accomplishing this point, I was urged partly, and perhaps principally, by a regretful memory of the deceased, but also, in part, by an uneasy, and not altogether horrorless curiosity respecting yourself.","EAP" "id20947","Do you not see my tears which I in vain strive against You hear unmoved my voice broken by sobs Feel how my hand trembles: my whole heart is in the words I speak and you must not endeavour to silence me by mere words barren of meaning: the agony of my doubt hurries me on, and you must reply.","MWS" "id09407","And for this trash of trash, we are modestly requested to 'pay promptly.'","EAP" "id18907","I crawled through carefully, and tried to prevent the heavy slab from falling back into place; but failed in the latter attempt.","HPL" "id19840","My uncle's face came to me with less pleasant associations than in waking hours, and I recall many futile struggles and attempts to scream.","HPL" "id23974","West was not even excited now.","HPL" "id26368","After that I lost the feeling that there were persons on the settle, and was reading intently and shudderingly when the old man came back booted and dressed in a loose antique costume, and sat down on that very bench, so that I could not see him.","HPL" "id19343","You can get a music mill for a mere song, and to put it in order, you have but to open the works, and give them three or four smart raps with a hammer.","EAP" "id19372","Be of heart and fear nothing.","EAP" "id17158","Ef they dun't they'll kinder quiet daown like.","HPL" "id18384","My daughter, Mademoiselle Moissart, she marry von Monsieur Voissart, and de name is bot ver respectaable name.""","EAP" "id15257","This last was much soiled and crumpled.","EAP" "id23885","Hey? Think the old man's crazy, eh? Wal, Sir, let me tell ye that ain't the wust"" Zadok was really screaming now, and the mad frenzy of his voice disturbed me more than I care to own.","HPL" "id16901","And a violet coloured gas told him that this part of space was outside what he had called infinity.","HPL" "id18766","I verily believe that my ill looks alone saved me a flogging.","EAP" "id08210","Mr. Henson, accompanied by his friend Mr. Ainsworth, was admitted to a private view of the balloon, on Saturday last when the two gentlemen made final arrangements to be included in the adventure.","EAP" "id17882","Me feered de bug what I keer for de bug?""","EAP" "id04296","Erring as all mortals must, they were forced by their rigid code to seek concealment above all else; so that they came to use less and less taste in what they concealed.","HPL" "id15599","She tried to disperse them, but they refused to be checked her utterance was choaked.","MWS" "id12213","With these, her children, the noble widow constantly resided at Windsor; and admitted no visitors, except her own partizans, travellers from her native Germany, and a few of the foreign ministers.","MWS" "id20793","I had no fear, therefore, that any circumstantial evidence could be brought forward strong enough to convict her.","MWS" "id10907","The peasants had gone from Kilderry because Denys Barry was to drain the great bog.","HPL" "id19000","These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned.","EAP" "id14233","Pestilence had become a part of our future, our existence; it was to be guarded against, like the flooding of rivers, the encroachments of ocean, or the inclemency of the sky.","MWS" "id17920","It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the world.","MWS" "id04979","In these various brochures the aim is always satirical; the theme being a description of Lunarian customs as compared with ours.","EAP" "id27262","You must begin life, he said: you are seventeen, and longer delay would render the necessary apprenticeship more and more irksome.","MWS" "id26805","But why approach my chamber?","MWS" "id02965","""You will say, no doubt, using the language of the law, that 'to make out my case,' I should rather undervalue, than insist upon a full estimation of the activity required in this matter.","EAP" "id13981","Nature had endowed him with no neck, and had placed his ankles as usual with that race in the middle of the upper portion of the feet.","EAP" "id03415","The countenance evinces no ingenuity, and is surpassed, in its resemblance to the human face, by the very commonest of wax works.","EAP" "id27180","The year had been a year of terror, and of feelings more intense than terror for which there is no name upon the earth.","EAP" "id11696","I had money with me and gained the friendship of the villagers by distributing it; or I brought with me some food that I had killed, which, after taking a small part, I always presented to those who had provided me with fire and utensils for cooking.","MWS" "id24717","In this twilight, too, he began to realise the truth and to shout loudly as if his horse outside could do more than neigh an unsympathetic reply.","HPL" "id06121","So I did not abandon the search until I had become fully satisfied that the thief is a more astute man than myself.","EAP" "id10348","Shouts from a thousand voices now rent the air the cry of applause became universal.","MWS" "id09733","Cha'ncey he says they leads off into the medders, whar a great swath wider'n a barn is matted daown, an' all the stun walls tumbled every whichway wherever it goes.","HPL" "id09508","Filled with wonder, yet now realising how the man had obtained access to the chateau, I proceeded to return.","HPL" "id02636","Great Cthulhu is Their cousin, yet can he spy Them only dimly.","HPL" "id15931","Later traded to Jacques Caboche, another settler, it was in lost in a game of chess or poker to a newcomer named Hans Zimmerman; being used by him as a beer stein until one day, under the spell of its contents, he suffered it to roll from his front stoop to the prairie path before his home where, falling into the burrow of a prairie dog, it passed beyond his power of discovery or recovery upon his awaking.","HPL" "id03173","He had been listening with peculiar intensity ever since my shocked scream had waked unaccustomed echoes in the dark cellar, and now he seemed struck with a fright which, though not comparable to my own, had in it more of the physical than of the spiritual.","HPL" "id09004","As regards vegetation, as well as in respect to every thing else, the scene softened and sloped to the south.","EAP" "id13718","Its cultural level had fallen very low, as proved by decaying furniture and scattered silverware which must have been long abandoned when its owners left.","HPL" "id11014","We were told that this would not be the case; that we were by nature a poetical people, a nation easily duped by words, ready to array clouds in splendour, and bestow honour on the dust.","MWS" "id02038","At length lassitude succeeded to the tumult I had before endured, and I threw myself on the bed in my clothes, endeavouring to seek a few moments of forgetfulness.","MWS" "id27251","There seemed to be a void, and nothing more, and I felt a childish fear which prompted me to draw from my hip pocket the revolver I always carried after dark since the night I was held up in East Providence.","HPL" "id09825","In a thousand ways he smoothed for me the path of knowledge and made the most abstruse inquiries clear and facile to my apprehension.","MWS" "id06317","""I guess ye kin git to Seth Bishop's quickest by cuttin' acrost the lower medder here, wadin' the brook at the low place, an' climbin' through Carrier's mowin' and the timber lot beyont.","HPL" "id11239","Having thus completed a Magazine article, I gave it, for appellation, ""Fol Lol, by the Author of 'The Oil of Bob,'"" and enveloped it to the ""Goosetherumfoodle.""","EAP" "id23480","The leafless trees spread their fibrous branches against the pure sky; their intricate and pervious tracery resembled delicate sea weed; the deer were turning up the snow in search of the hidden grass; the white was made intensely dazzling by the sun, and trunks of the trees, rendered more conspicuous by the loss of preponderating foliage, gathered around like the labyrinthine columns of a vast temple; it was impossible not to receive pleasure from the sight of these things.","MWS" "id24511","And I was too dazed to exult when he whispered back a thing I had half expected ""No it wasn't that way at all.","HPL" "id03688","His first wish was aggrandisement; and the means that led towards this end were secondary considerations.","MWS" "id02365","Retaining some presence of mind, I took the one offered me by Preston; placed it, unnoticed, over my own; left the apartment with a resolute scowl of defiance; and, next morning ere dawn of day, commenced a hurried journey from Oxford to the continent, in a perfect agony of horror and of shame.","EAP" "id22713","But the unparticled matter, set in motion by a law, or quality, existing within itself, is thinking.","EAP" "id23379","There was then no longer any reasonable room for doubt.","EAP" "id23265","A manservant shewed me to my room, which was in a remote tower overlooking the village, and the plain at the edge of the bog, and the bog itself; so that I could see from my windows in the moonlight the silent roofs from which the peasants had fled and which now sheltered the labourers from the north, and too, the parish church with its antique spire, and far out across the brooding bog the remote olden ruin on the islet gleaming white and spectral.","HPL" "id04412","""How kind and generous you are every one else believes in her guilt, and that made me wretched, for I knew that it was impossible: and to see every one else prejudiced in so deadly a manner rendered me hopeless and despairing.""","MWS" "id09770","The strangeness did not reside in what he said, or even in the simple idioms he used; but seemed vaguely linked with his intonation or with the internal organs that produced the spoken sounds.","HPL" "id15039","I attached the car, therefore, and put all my implements in it not forgetting the condensing apparatus, a copious supply of water, and a large quantity of provisions, such as pemmican, in which much nutriment is contained in comparatively little bulk.","EAP" "id10048","I remember how I shuddered at his facial expression on the night before the awful happening, when he talked so incessantly of his theory, why certain corpses never decay, but rest firm and fat in their tombs for a thousand years.","HPL" "id10293","By means of a crow bar I easily dislodged the bricks, and, having carefully deposited the body against the inner wall, I propped it in that position, while, with little trouble, I re laid the whole structure as it originally stood.","EAP" "id12264","He appeared like the forgotten spirit of the time in the theatres, and bade the spectators go home and die.","MWS" "id03722","But to the inorganic beings to the angels the whole of the unparticled matter is substance that is to say, the whole of what we term ""space"" is to them the truest substantiality; the stars, meantime, through what we consider their materiality, escaping the angelic sense, just in proportion as the unparticled matter, through what we consider its immateriality, eludes the organic.","EAP" "id20628","Volition I had none, but appeared to be impelled into motion, and flitted buoyantly out of the city, retracing the circuitous path by which I had entered it.","EAP" "id10704","Wonder if she remembers the old adage about ""blood out of a turnip,"" c.? Mem.","EAP" "id07320","""Weep not, sweet child,"" said he, ""the coming death of one you have hardly known.","MWS" "id07232","""Having prescribed thus a limit to suit its own preconceived notions; having assumed that, if this were the body of Marie, it could have been in the water but a very brief time; the journal goes on to say: 'All experience has shown that drowned bodies, or bodies thrown into the water immediately after death by violence, require from six to ten days for sufficient decomposition to take place to bring them to the top of the water.","EAP" "id16236","I have said that I am a constant speculator concerning dream life, and from this you may judge of the eagerness with which I applied myself to the study of the new patient as soon as I had fully ascertained the facts of his case.","HPL" "id10332","In the possibility of any improvement, properly so called, being effected by man himself in the general condition of man, he had I am sorry to confess it little faith.","EAP" "id14277","""Here, then,"" said Dupin to me, ""you have precisely what you demand to make the ascendancy complete the robber's knowledge of the loser's knowledge of the robber.""","EAP" "id08119","By degrees, I remember, a stronger light pressed upon my nerves, so that I was obliged to shut my eyes.","MWS" "id10160","My uncle looked concerned, and paused in his unwrapping to study my countenance.","HPL" "id23665","This is just; and the reference to the sense of human interest is equally so.","EAP" "id06595","In an instant I was precipitated and had the misfortune to fracture my arm.","EAP" "id19275","Better still, though, he would utilise only two boxes of the base to support the superstructure, leaving one free to be piled on top in case the actual feat of escape required an even greater altitude.","HPL" "id24586","Taking a step forward, it has been his misfortune to take two toward the right, and three toward the left.","EAP" "id27292","Curtis was past all coherence, and even isolated replies were almost too much for him.","HPL" "id26018","At twenty five minutes past five in the afternoon, precisely, the huge minute hand had proceeded sufficiently far on its terrible revolution to sever the small remainder of my neck.","EAP" "id01418","I was punctual to the appointed hour on the following day, and found Lord Raymond waiting for me.","MWS" "id08171","They retreated, and, joining others of their companions, still fell back, till they reached the main body.","MWS" "id08586","This much was clear despite the nauseous eyes, the voiceless simianism, and the daemoniac savagery.","HPL" "id14807","On Lammas Night, , Dr. Houghton of Aylesbury was hastily summoned by Wilbur Whateley, who had lashed his one remaining horse through the darkness and telephoned from Osborn's in the village.","HPL" "id17971","Adrian's soul was painted in his countenance, and concealment or deceit were at the antipodes to the dreadless frankness of his nature.","MWS" "id13774","And to escape this relentless thing I plunged gladly and unhesitatingly into the stinking shallows where amidst weedy walls and sunken streets fat sea worms feast upon the world's dead.","HPL" "id01989","The car is much smaller and lighter, in proportion, than the one appended to the model.","EAP" "id25720","My father had been and his memory was the life of my life.","MWS" "id10472","""Von"" echoed every little old gentleman in every leather bottomed arm chair in Vondervotteimittiss. ""Von"" said his watch also; ""von"" said the watch of his vrow; and ""von"" said the watches of the boys, and the little gilt repeaters on the tails of the cat and pig.","EAP" "id10468","Do not return to your families with the stigma of disgrace marked on your brows.","MWS" "id08775","The singing was interrupted by laughing and talking; never was merry ditty so sadly timed, never laughter more akin to tears.","MWS" "id02455","Knowing little of the art myself, I was yet certain that none of his harmonies had any relation to music I had heard before; and concluded that he was a composer of highly original genius.","HPL" "id05352","It sounded so unnatural slopping like, he said that he didn't dare undress and go to sleep.","HPL" "id25604","The bandage about the jaws was a silk handkerchief in which I had bound up my head, in default of my customary nightcap.","EAP" "id02518","Adrian despised the narrow views of the politician, and Raymond held in supreme contempt the benevolent visions of the philanthropist.","MWS" "id22255","Their incursion would hardly have been felt had they come alone; but the Irish, collected in unnatural numbers, began to feel the inroads of famine, and they followed in the wake of the Americans for England also.","MWS" "id06885","Then I came suddenly into still noonday solitudes, where no wind of heaven ever intruded, and where vast meadows of poppies, and slender, lily looking flowers spread themselves out a weary distance, all silent and motionless forever.","EAP" "id22334","Next evening found me a somewhat late visitor at the Rantipole theatre, where I felt sure of satisfying my curiosity at once, by merely stepping into the box of those exquisite specimens of affability and omniscience, the Misses Arabella and Miranda Cognoscenti.","EAP" "id01036","Madame Deluc's attention was called to the dress worn by the girl, on account of its resemblance to one worn by a deceased relative.","EAP" "id03969","She, too, was quite a child when married; and her mother, also, Madame Moissart, was only fourteen when led to the altar.","EAP" "id13876","With the particles of the oily and spicy viand which now remained, I thoroughly rubbed the bandage wherever I could reach it; then, raising my hand from the floor, I lay breathlessly still.","EAP" "id20710","At last he rose, and said in his usual tone of voice, ""The time grows on us, Verney, I must away.","MWS" "id23204","Sometimes we passed whole days under the leafy covert of the forest with our books and music.","MWS" "id09880","It was impossible to effect any thing in so short a time.","MWS" "id21109","There are six candles on the board of the Automaton during exhibition.","EAP" "id14188","My reply was ready; a reproach I deemed calculated to sting his very heart.","MWS" "id24505","It is more cold within her, than a fire left by gypsies in winter time, the spent embers crowned by a pyramid of snow.","MWS" "id14834","Mont Blanc, the supreme and magnificent Mont Blanc, raised itself from the surrounding aiguilles, and its tremendous dome overlooked the valley.","MWS" "id27108","Before I had quitted your apartment, on a sensation of cold, I had covered myself with some clothes, but these were insufficient to secure me from the dews of night.","MWS" "id04669","As the naiads neared the bog, without altering their course, a new line of stumbling stragglers zigzagged drunkenly out of the castle from some door far below my window, groped sightlessly across the courtyard and through the intervening bit of village, and joined the floundering column of labourers on the plain.","HPL" "id17528","Yes, you are the sole, the agonizing cause of all I suffer, of all I must suffer untill I die.","MWS" "id03490","Though these stately old avenues were ill surfaced and unkempt, their elm shaded dignity had not entirely departed.","HPL" "id17934","But I was restrained, when I thought of the heroic and suffering Elizabeth, whom I tenderly loved, and whose existence was bound up in mine.","MWS" "id01387","Morning after morning he would lie on the cliffs and look over the world's rim at the cryptical aether beyond, listening to spectral bells and the wild cries of what might have been gulls.","HPL" "id22210","It grew louder louder louder And still the men chatted pleasantly, and smiled.","EAP" "id14068","It occurred to me that I must be in a highly nervous state to let a few random creakings set me off speculating in this fashion but I regretted none the less that I was unarmed.","HPL" "id09062","The average of their intelligence is woefully low, whilst their annals reek of overt viciousness and of half hidden murders, incests, and deeds of almost unnamable violence and perversity.","HPL" "id06868","She saw that he was endowed with genius and surpassing talent; these she cultivated for the sake of afterwards using them for the furtherance of her own views.","MWS" "id12975","I mean the truth of Gravitation.","EAP" "id09660","Nor shall you, my friend; cheer up; cease to weep, I entreat you.","MWS" "id06022","In this state of mind I wrote to Elizabeth.","MWS" "id18052","I do so because of my desire to set certain unusual facts before the public; a thing I shall not in all probability survive to accomplish in person, since the circumstances surrounding me are as menacing as they are extraordinary, and involve not only the hopeless crippling of the U , but the impairment of my iron German will in a manner most disastrous.","HPL" "id15850","Write, dearest Victor, one line one word will be a blessing to us.","MWS" "id12763","What the whole proceeding meant, I could not imagine; unless it involved some strange rite connected with Devil Reef, or unless some party had landed from a ship on that sinister rock.","HPL" "id27448","Yonder are Islesen, Hotholm, Keildhelm, Suarven, and Buckholm.","EAP" "id13142","""The end,"" ran that noisome scrawl, ""is here.","HPL" "id12275","An' that ain't the wust, nuther.","HPL" "id09185","But you are distant from me, and it is possible that you may dread and yet be pleased with this explanation; and in a probability of this being the case, I dare not any longer postpone writing what, during your absence, I have often wished to express to you but have never had the courage to begin.","MWS" "id24078","The mansion, gone for a century, once more reared its stately height to the raptured vision; every window ablaze with the splendour of many candles.","HPL" "id19069","Yet when the men of Ulthar and Nir and Hatheg crushed their fears and scaled that haunted steep by day in search of Barzai the Wise, they found graven in the naked stone of the summit a curious and Cyclopean symbol fifty cubits wide, as if the rock had been riven by some titanic chisel.","HPL" "id25334","""After the murder of Clerval I returned to Switzerland, heart broken and overcome.","MWS" "id07258","I would be an editor I would be a poet I would pen stanzas to the 'Oil of Bob.' Pardon me and aid me to be great"" ""My dear Thingum,"" replied my father, I had been christened Thingum after a wealthy relative so surnamed, ""My dear Thingum,"" he said, raising me from my knees by the ears ""Thingum, my boy, you're a trump, and take after your father in having a soul.","EAP" "id11053","When I die I will bequeath you the 'Lollipop.'","EAP" "id20622","All this he tells me yet I cannot forget what I saw in the sky on the night after Slater died.","HPL" "id26155","She welcomed me with the greatest affection.","MWS" "id03457","Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror, unaccountable yet unendurable, I threw on my clothes with haste for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night, and endeavored to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen, by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment.","EAP" "id10161","Very little dependence is to be placed upon it, in my humble opinion; and if I were not well aware, from experience, how very easily men of science are mystified, on points out of their usual range of inquiry, I should be profoundly astonished at finding so eminent a chemist as Professor Draper, discussing Mr. Kissam's or is it Mr. Quizzem's?","EAP" "id20337","Yew grows an' that grows faster.","HPL" "id13376","He had opened his oblong box, in order to feast his eyes on the pictorial treasure within.","EAP" "id04332","They had issued from the well, which lay just within view to my right.","EAP" "id09354","About noon I encountered a suitable supply house far downtown, and at approximately : p.m. arrived at my boarding place with the necessary paraphernalia and two sturdy and intelligent mechanics.","HPL" "id15898","""That I certainly will, Mr. Blackwood,"" said I. ""Good"" he replied.","EAP" "id25005","I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship.","MWS" "id00241","There were only three passengers dark, unkempt men of sullen visage and somewhat youthful cast and when the vehicle stopped they clumsily shambled out and began walking up State Street in a silent, almost furtive fashion.","HPL" "id12068","No path was trodden in its vicinity; and, to reach our happy home, there was need of putting back, with force, the foliage of many thousands of forest trees, and of crushing to death the glories of many millions of fragrant flowers.","EAP" "id17939","Her starboard side was next the whirl, and on the larboard arose the world of ocean we had left.","EAP" "id23187","Almost dazed by this sudden obstacle, and violently dreading the fall of night in this decaying and half unlighted town, I left the bus and reëntered the hotel lobby; where the sullen, queer looking night clerk told me I could have Room on next the top floor large, but without running water for a dollar.","HPL" "id06748","At length the thought of you crossed my mind.","MWS" "id20912","During the two years that had elapsed previous to their marriage my father had gradually relinquished all his public functions; and immediately after their union they sought the pleasant climate of Italy, and the change of scene and interest attendant on a tour through that land of wonders, as a restorative for her weakened frame.","MWS" "id16770","I could not help thinking of the wild ritual of this work, and of its probable influence upon the hypochondriac, when, one evening, having informed me abruptly that the lady Madeline was no more, he stated his intention of preserving her corpse for a fortnight, previously to its final interment, in one of the numerous vaults within the main walls of the building.","EAP" "id16454","The flood and storms did more harm to continental Europe than to us giving, as it were, the last blow to the calamities which destroyed it.","MWS" "id08116","I have already put off the carelessness of childhood, the unlined brow, and springy gait of early years, that they may adorn thee.","MWS" "id26667","And not only could such a thing do this, but at any epoch, should a given result be afforded him should one of these numberless comets, for example, be presented to his inspection he could have no difficulty in determining, by the analytic retrogradation, to what original impulse it was due.","EAP" "id11656","The choice spots over here among the rocks, however, not only yield the finest variety, but in far greater abundance; so that we often got in a single day, what the more timid of the craft could not scrape together in a week.","EAP" "id08958","His nose was prodigiously long, crooked, and inflammatory; his eyes full, brilliant, and acute; his chin and cheeks, although wrinkled with age, were broad, puffy, and double; but of ears of any kind or character there was not a semblance to be discovered upon any portion of his head.","EAP" "id18818","The weight of these valuables exceeded three hundred and fifty pounds avoirdupois; and in this estimate I have not included one hundred and ninety seven superb gold watches; three of the number being worth each five hundred dollars, if one.","EAP" "id22901","This was to a great degree the case: for, though a large landed proprietor, yet, being a projector, and of an ardent and industrious disposition, he had on his own estate given himself up to agricultural labours.","MWS" "id27226","I passed the night wretchedly.","MWS" "id03467","The beldame's face was alight with inhuman exultation, and the little yellow toothed morbidity tittered mockingly as it pointed at the heavily sleeping form of Elwood on the other couch across the room.","HPL" "id24756","Nature grows old, and shakes in her decaying limbs, creation has become bankrupt What wonder then, that eclipse and death have led to destruction the light of thy life, O Perdita"" CHAPTER IX.","MWS" "id17981","And all the while the clamour at the outer door increased.","HPL" "id07410","The hours were slow for each minute was employed; we lived more in one week than many do in the course of several months and the variety and novelty of our pleasures gave zest to each.","MWS" "id24747","And in the direction or concentration of this effort, or, still more properly, in its adaption to the eyes which were to behold it upon earth, he perceived that he should be employing the best means laboring to the greatest advantage in the fulfilment of his destiny as t.","EAP" "id17281","Beaufort had taken effectual measures to conceal himself, and it was ten months before my father discovered his abode.","MWS" "id26489","Against a pretty stiff breeze, I feel convinced, we can make our way with the propeller.","EAP" "id09364","For weeks, for months, I pondered upon the means of the murder.","EAP" "id18762","The room, although ill contrived, smoke blackened, low pitched, and in every other respect agreeing with the general character of such places at the period was, nevertheless, in the opinion of the grotesque groups scattered here and there within it, sufficiently well adapted to its purpose.","EAP" "id25201","I assume upon myself to say, that no individual, of however great genius ever wrote with a good pen understand me, a good article.","EAP" "id17390","I yearned mightily to enter this fascinating yet repellent city, and besought the bearded man to land me at the stone pier by the huge carven gate Akariel; but he gently denied my wish, saying: ""Into Thalarion, the City of a Thousand Wonders, many have passed but none returned.","HPL" "id17868","""I spent the winter in this manner.","MWS" "id02815","Tall and fairly handsome, with a sort of weird Eastern grace despite certain slight oddities of proportion, Robert Jermyn began life as a scholar and investigator.","HPL" "id20692","I looked upon my future felicity as secured.","EAP" "id26268","The one wrote a Jeremiad about usury, and was called Jeremy Bentham.","EAP" "id07492","Whenever a rich old hunks or prodigal heir or bankrupt corporation gets into the notion of putting up a palace, there is no such thing in the world as stopping either of them, and this every intelligent person knows.","EAP" "id13558","'The pieces of the frock torn out by the bushes were about three inches wide and six inches long.","EAP" "id07533","Northwardly from that huge rim before mentioned, and which, with slight qualification, may be called the limit of human discovery in these regions, one unbroken, or nearly unbroken, sheet of ice continues to extend.","EAP" "id20773","I really believe you don't know me at all.""","EAP" "id23499","It was clear, therefore, that you would not fail to combine the two ideas of Orion and Chantilly.","EAP" "id25219","Its beauty even exceeded my anticipations and yet there was something about it which disappointed me without my being able to tell exactly what it was.","EAP" "id02931","I had acquired in my harp a companion in rainy days; a sweet soother of my feelings when any untoward accident ruffled them: I often addressed it as my only friend; I could pour forth to it my hopes and loves, and I fancied that its sweet accents answered me.","MWS" "id04577","The wind grew stronger, and the air was filled with the lethal, charnel odour of plague stricken towns and uncovered cemeteries.","HPL" "id26975","Alfred was himself a scholar and poet of distinction, though cursed with a certain childish irresponsibility which made him an ideal prey for Sheehan's runner.","HPL" "id26959","He was essentially a ""theorist"" that word now of so much sanctity, formerly an epithet of contempt.","EAP" "id26887","I felt sufficiently safe, therefore, and composed myself to my slumbers forthwith.","EAP" "id06856","Nothing of importance occurred, and I passed the day in reading, having taken care to supply myself with books.","EAP" "id09072","""One by one, her brothers and sister died; and her mother, with the exception of her neglected daughter, was left childless.","MWS" "id19592","And then the stately grace of the clean, delicately granulated columnar stems, the largest four feet in diameter, at twenty from the ground.","EAP" "id25685","I experienced some shame at my susceptibility to so slight a thing, but the drawing nevertheless disturbed me, especially in connexion with some adjacent passages descriptive of Anzique gastronomy.","HPL" "id26527","A very simple diddle, indeed, is this.","EAP" "id11821","My speech, always susceptible to environmental influences, was the first thing to succumb to the change; and my suddenly acquired archaism of diction was soon remarked upon.","HPL" "id03805","He loathed the idea that his daughter should be united to a Christian, but he feared the resentment of Felix if he should appear lukewarm, for he knew that he was still in the power of his deliverer if he should choose to betray him to the Italian state which they inhabited.","MWS" "id20457","That, Pickman said, was the kind of thing he had been talking about an aperture of the network of tunnels that used to undermine the hill.","HPL" "id15536","One evening, quitting our inn, we strolled down a shady lane, then up a grassy slope, till we came to an eminence, that commanded an extensive view of hill and dale, meandering rivers, dark woods, and shining villages.","MWS" "id07991","I had finished a portion of the last and the eleventh; there remained but a single stone to be fitted and plastered in.","EAP" "id04954","The silence of midnight, to speak truly, though apparently a paradox, rung in my ears.","MWS" "id17413","They behaved remarkably well especially so, any one of sense might have known that some devilish scheme was brewing from that particular fact, that the fellows behaved so remarkably well.","EAP" "id20136","Heavens the town is swarming with wild beasts How terrible a spectacle how dangerous a peculiarity"" Terrible, if you please; but not in the least degree dangerous.","EAP" "id18499","Will you accompany me to Windsor to morrow?","MWS" "id17129","We have the name of the Lothario in question, who is, at present, stationed in Paris, but, for obvious reasons, forbear to make it public.""","EAP" "id17765","As Kalos grew inexplicably weaker and weaker despite the ministrations of puzzled physicians and of his assiduous friend, he desired to be carried often to the grove which he so loved.","HPL" "id23439","Walakea, though, was one of the few as hadn't got none of the fish blood bein' of a royal line that intermarried with royal lines on other islands.","HPL" "id23137","His Excellency stooped to take it up.","EAP" "id06201","We first came upon a few stragglers of the Irish at St. Albans.","MWS" "id24663","I saw that the moat was filled in, and that some of the well known towers were demolished; whilst new wings existed to confuse the beholder.","HPL" "id08209","""See see"" cried he, shrieking in my ears, ""Almighty God see see"" As he spoke, I became aware of a dull, sullen glare of red light which streamed down the sides of the vast chasm where we lay, and threw a fitful brilliancy upon our deck.","EAP" "id21105","Wise men told him his simple fancies were inane and childish, and he believed it because he could see that they might easily be so.","HPL" "id04809","I said to myself, with all the ardour of a sculptor, that this man was a faun's statue out of antique Hellas, dug from a temple's ruins and brought somehow to life in our stifling age only to feel the chill and pressure of devastating years.","HPL" "id17941","All I can say is that they came from something I had known as a friend.","HPL" "id23134","At once he saw there was something on the table which did not belong there, and a second look left no room for doubt.","HPL" "id11118","I had heard the noise, however faint, and my soul was awakened within me.","EAP" "id11661","They hurried away, as soon as they saw me; my agitated mien added to their fear of coming near one who had entered within the verge of contagion.","MWS" "id15821","With strange art were they builded, for no other city had houses like them; and travellers from Thraa and Ilarnek and Kadatheron marvelled at the shining domes wherewith they were surmounted.","HPL" "id13527","The last action at which I was present was the taking of .","MWS" "id15258","Had I been able to meet with it, at the moment, there could have been no doubt of its fate; but it appeared that the crafty animal had been alarmed at the violence of my previous anger, and forebore to present itself in my present mood.","EAP" "id20482","Could I have depended, indeed, upon Jupiter's aid, I would have had no hesitation in attempting to get the lunatic home by force; but I was too well assured of the old negro's disposition, to hope that he would assist me, under any circumstances, in a personal contest with his master.","EAP" "id21954","On each side of the chest, near the top, were three rings of iron six in all by means of which a firm hold could be obtained by six persons.","EAP" "id20267","He found the Marsh refinery a queer place it's in an old mill on the lower falls of the Manuxet.","HPL" "id18617","They insisted, therefore, that I should engage with a solemn promise that if the vessel should be freed I would instantly direct my course southwards.","MWS" "id23745","An eyeglass, on the other hand, has a savor of downright foppery and affectation.","EAP" "id13331","""That will do must try it again.""","EAP" "id25113","At other times he would call for the dreaded Necronomicon and the Daemonolatreia of Remigius, in which he seemed hopeful of finding some formula to check the peril he conjured up.","HPL" "id02330","For on the faces of this throng was writ a madness born of horror unendurable, and on their tongues were words so terrible that no hearer paused for proof.","HPL" "id16050","""This thicket was a singular an exceedingly singular one.","EAP" "id03432","The occupant was emitting sounds of veritably inhuman nature, as if racked by some torment beyond description.","HPL" "id25773","I constantly consulted my watch by the light of my electric lantern, and listened with feverish anxiety at the receiver of the telephone; but for more than a quarter of an hour heard nothing.","HPL" "id14191","Nothing could exceed in beauty the contrast between these two excellent creatures.","MWS" "id06845","But you speak merely of impulses upon the air.","EAP" "id22035","She had never been to school, but was filled with disjointed scraps of ancient lore that Old Whateley had taught her.","HPL" "id12916","Looking at my watch, I found it six o'clock.","EAP" "id26866","About seven o'clock in the evening she had died, and her frantic husband had made a frightful scene in his efforts to kill West, whom he wildly blamed for not saving her life.","HPL" "id05731","You throw a torch into a pile of buildings, and when they are consumed, you sit among the ruins and lament the fall.","MWS" "id03842","We found Raymond in his dining room with six others: the bottle was being pushed about merrily, and had made considerable inroads on the understanding of one or two.","MWS" "id00553","Yet the effect is incongruous to the timid alone.","EAP" "id23169","I shall be done by and by, and then you may begin.","EAP" "id19912","In the coffin lay an amulet of curious and exotic design, which had apparently been worn around the sleeper's neck.","HPL" "id25852","One man in particular stood in front, his eyes fixt on the prophet, his mouth open, his limbs rigid, while his face changed to various colours, yellow, blue, and green, through intense fear.","MWS" "id01653","In case of his suspicions with regard to my existence proving ultimately correct, he, in the meantime, made an incision in my stomach, and removed several of my viscera for private dissection.","EAP" "id14377","The Greek fleet blockading every port of Stamboul, prevented the arrival of succour from Asia; all egress on the side towards land had become impracticable, except to such desperate sallies, as reduced the numbers of the enemy without making any impression on our lines.","MWS" "id09207","And yet I am strangely content, and cling desperately to those sere memories, when my mind momentarily threatens to reach beyond to the other.","HPL" "id21562","Out of the South it was that the White Ship used to come when the moon was full and high in the heavens.","HPL" "id13241","I repassed, in my memory, my whole life my quiet happiness while residing with my family in Geneva, the death of my mother, and my departure for Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id01604","The shrieks were continued until the gate was forced and then suddenly ceased.","EAP" "id26417","I fancied that it stood on end with indignation.","EAP" "id12822","That Idris, the princely born, nursling of wealth and luxury, should have come through the tempestuous winter night from her regal abode, and standing at my lowly door, conjure me to fly with her through darkness and storm was surely a dream again her plaintive tones, the sight of her loveliness assured me that it was no vision.","MWS" "id09554","After some observations on the scenery and seats, Raymond said: ""Philosophers have called man a microcosm of nature, and find a reflection in the internal mind for all this machinery visibly at work around us.","MWS" "id11114","He loved her for her beauty and for her amiable disposition but he seemed to love her more for what he considered her superior wisdom.","MWS" "id03664","His design was to visit India, in the belief that he had in his knowledge of its various languages, and in the views he had taken of its society, the means of materially assisting the progress of European colonization and trade.","MWS" "id11296","They entered, and their leader addressed me.","MWS" "id11543","One was an elm of fine size and exquisite form: it stood guard over the southern gate of the vale.","EAP" "id16598","DURING the fall of the year , while residing near Charlottesville, Virginia, I casually made the acquaintance of Mr. Augustus Bedloe.","EAP" "id02621","I could hardly forbear laughing in his face while he proceeded to discuss, with the profoundest gravity, what he termed ""the refinedly peculiar character"" of the insult he had received.","EAP" "id20940","I reply that I know nothing beyond what I saw.","HPL" "id19994","The resources of his mind on this occasion were truly astonishing: his conversation was full of imagination; and very often, in imitation of the Persian and Arabic writers, he invented tales of wonderful fancy and passion.","MWS" "id20290","We suffered much, and made a narrow escape, but fortune befriended us, as well as our mates in the long boat.","EAP" "id03961","I went directly home to Toledo from Boston, and later spent a month at Maumee recuperating from my ordeal.","HPL" "id21221","Hence I was obliged to enforce a rigid system of exclusion; and none obtained access to the premises upon whose discretion I could not rely.""","EAP" "id03506","The whole series of my life appeared to me as a dream; I sometimes doubted if indeed it were all true, for it never presented itself to my mind with the force of reality.","MWS" "id06060","""Get well and return to us.","MWS" "id12254","What a brimful cup of joyful agony it was, when his face first gleamed with the glance of recognition when he pressed my hand, now more fevered than his own, and when he pronounced my name No trace of his past insanity remained, to dash my joy with sorrow.","MWS" "id20109","He became pale, then excessively red; then, dropping his pocket handkerchief, stooped to recover it, when I caught a glimpse of his countenance, while it could be seen by no one else at the table.","EAP" "id23349","Against these assertions I have no tangible proof to offer, since my key to the padlock was lost in the struggle on that night of horrors.","HPL" "id05509","In this manner I fancied I could distinguish the precise moment when he fairly disengaged the lid also, that I could determine when he removed it altogether, and when he deposited it upon the lower berth in his room; this latter point I knew, for example, by certain slight taps which the lid made in striking against the wooden edges of the berth, as he endeavored to lay it down very gently there being no room for it on the floor.","EAP" "id14622","I had met, however, with many angles in the wall, and thus I could form no guess at the shape of the vault; for vault I could not help supposing it to be.","EAP" "id18148","The writers seem, in each instance, to be utterly uninformed in respect to astronomy.","EAP" "id26320","What though those limbs moved not, and those lips could no more frame modulated accents of wisdom and love What though like a weed flung from the fruitless sea, he lay the prey of corruption still that was the form she had caressed, those the lips that meeting hers, had drank the spirit of love from the commingling breath; that was the earthly mechanism of dissoluble clay she had called her own.","MWS" "id02089","As I crawled into the stranded boat I realised that only one theory could explain my position.","HPL" "id24847","The buds decked the trees, the flowers adorned the land: the dark branches, swollen with seasonable juices, expanded into leaves, and the variegated foliage of spring, bending and singing in the breeze, rejoiced in the genial warmth of the unclouded empyrean: the brooks flowed murmuring, the sea was waveless, and the promontories that over hung it were reflected in the placid waters; birds awoke in the woods, while abundant food for man and beast sprung up from the dark ground.","MWS" "id13309","The slanting sun was now very low, and the whole hushed town seemed draped in an unreal and malign glamour.","HPL" "id20855","I repeat, therefore, that it must have been simply a freak of my own fancy, distempered by good Captain Hardy's green tea.","EAP" "id11865","Instantly a figure advanced to the threshold that of a young woman about twenty eight years of age slender, or rather slight, and somewhat above the medium height.","EAP" "id20172","But of course this is not the case.","EAP" "id08952","The nerve conveys similar ones to the brain; the brain, also, similar ones to the unparticled matter which permeates it.","EAP" "id07930","He is well acquainted with my MS., and I just copied into the middle of the blank sheet the words ""' Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, est digne de Thyeste.","EAP" "id24420","She weeps continually, and accuses herself unjustly as the cause of his death; her words pierce my heart.","MWS" "id15337","Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered.","HPL" "id02376","These were dreadful fears and they even haunted my dreams.","MWS" "id14461","Imitating Pickman's listening, I fancied I heard a faint scurrying sound somewhere, and a series of squeals or bleats in a direction I couldn't determine.","HPL" "id05875","Idris is a gentle, pretty, sweet little girl; it is impossible not to have an affection for her, and I have a very sincere one; only do not speak of love love, the tyrant and the tyrant queller; love, until now my conqueror, now my slave; the hungry fire, the untameable beast, the fanged snake no no I will have nothing to do with that love.","MWS" "id20443","It is now, to be sure, growing rather dark but you can examine it at your leisure in the morning.","EAP" "id13203","But, under the real circumstances of the case, if we are to suppose gold the motive of this outrage, we must also imagine the perpetrator so vacillating an idiot as to have abandoned his gold and his motive together.","EAP" "id23273","""Captain Pratt, on the contrary, when he had sailed a thousand miles west of this position, was an hour, and when he had sailed twenty four thousand miles west, was twenty four hours, or one day, behind the time at London.","EAP" "id22534","Had checked for nothing until the third day before her death, when she took out in person the sum of francs.","EAP" "id26028","Having exhausted the Harris family of all the information it could furnish, I turned my attention to early town records and deeds with a zeal more penetrating than that which my uncle had occasionally shewn in the same work.","HPL" "id13351","The truth is that the introduction was attended, upon my part, with a degree of anxious embarrassment which operated to prevent any definite impressions of either time or place.","EAP" "id08513","""You propose,"" replied I, ""to fly from the habitations of man, to dwell in those wilds where the beasts of the field will be your only companions.","MWS" "id10565","Not knowing whether I was mad or sane, sleeping or waking, I was saved only by a merciful numbness.","HPL" "id14437","But I, the true murderer, felt the never dying worm alive in my bosom, which allowed of no hope or consolation.","MWS" "id13393","A certain number of these failures had remained alive one was in an asylum while others had vanished and as he thought of conceivable yet virtually impossible eventualities he often shivered beneath his usual stolidity.","HPL" "id20026","I must look you out a little specimen of each.","EAP" "id13592","In a few moments, however, it is seen that the main body of the water still sweeps in a gentle and extensive curve to the left, the wall following it as before, while a stream of considerable volume, diverging from the principal one, makes its way, with a slight ripple, under the door, and is thus hidden from sight.","EAP" "id20964","When Jermyn sailed for England, therefore, it was with the exultant probability that he would within a few months receive a priceless ethnological relic confirming the wildest of his great great great grandfather's narratives that is, the wildest which he had ever heard.","HPL" "id01733","The awful event was very sudden, and wholly unexpected.","HPL" "id26707","As lately as an Exeter community exhumed a dead body and ceremoniously burnt its heart in order to prevent certain alleged visitations injurious to the public health and peace, and one may imagine the point of view of the same section in .","HPL" "id12092","At first I had neglected them, but now that I was able to decipher the characters in which they were written, I began to study them with diligence.","MWS" "id14652","In fact, having once established connected and legible characters, I scarcely gave a thought to the mere difficulty of developing their import.","EAP" "id01734","Sally she yelled aout, 'O help, the haouse is a cavin' in' . . .","HPL" "id24487","Be proud of me, and cherish your infant remembrance of me.","MWS" "id21270","If such had been the case, we know our duty better than to bring him into the presence of a noble of your family.""","EAP" "id13455","If I felt any emotion at all, it was a kind of chuckling satisfaction at the cleverness I was about to display in extricating myself from this dilemma; and I never, for a moment, looked upon my ultimate safety as a question susceptible of doubt.","EAP" "id20444","I have said already that he had his weak points; but in speaking of these, I must not be understood as referring to his obstinacy: which was one of his strong points ""assurement ce n' etait pas sa foible.""","EAP" "id07796","As I waited breathlessly I perceived that both sound and wind were increasing; the effect being to give me an odd notion of myself as tied to a pair of rails in the path of a gigantic approaching locomotive.","HPL" "id17120","Dreadful as the time was when I pursued my father towards the ocean, found their sic only his lifeless corpse; yet for my own sake I should prefer that to the watching one by one his senses fade; his pulse weaken and sleeplessly as it were devour his life in gazing.","MWS" "id16814","The youth's eyes glistened and his nostrils curled at the fumes of the brownish fluid which an attendant was pouring out for him.","HPL" "id23230","Properly introduced, will show not only your knowledge of the language, but your general reading and wit.","EAP" "id01987","'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, has the audacity to demand of us, for his twattle, a 'speedy insertion and prompt pay.'","EAP" "id15711","Perhaps it was his mountain freedom that he missed, or perhaps the turmoil in his brain had grown too acute for his rather sluggish physique; but at all events the flame of vitality flickered low in the decadent body.","HPL" "id15353","The constructive or combining power, by which ingenuity is usually manifested, and to which the phrenologists I believe erroneously have assigned a separate organ, supposing it a primitive faculty, has been so frequently seen in those whose intellect bordered otherwise upon idiocy, as to have attracted general observation among writers on morals.","EAP" "id08085","This boat shall guide us, with a rapidity which will surprise even ourselves, to him who employed it in the midnight of the fatal Sabbath.","EAP" "id19472","Then I tried the opposite of the soothing plan, and told him he was mad pitifully demented.","HPL" "id25123","Henry wished to dissuade me, but seeing me bent on this plan, ceased to remonstrate.","MWS" "id05475","Be it then known that I was born on the family Estate in Devonshire, of the th day of August, or in the new Gregorian Stile of Reckoning, the th of August, being therefore now in my th year.","HPL" "id05476","The victim must have been absolutely passive at their will.","EAP" "id27664","Romantic as all this may appear, I really received a letter from Madame Lalande the beautiful, the wealthy, the idolized Madame Lalande.","EAP" "id12509","e. i. by which again the very classical phrase non est inventus, is supposed to be understood.","EAP" "id25947","This latter reflection urged the man still to follow the fugitive.","EAP" "id20071","I turned angrily away: ""Verney,"" said Adrian, ""you are very cynical: sit down; or if you will not, perhaps, as you are not a frequent visitor, Lord Raymond will humour you, and accompany us, as we had previously agreed upon, to parliament.""","MWS" "id06408","Have I not told you of the great elixir of eternal life?","HPL" "id15024","The two scoundrels were thus ""in at the death,"" and through a half open window of the back parlor of the inn, amused themselves in grinning at the denouement of the drama.","EAP" "id20736","In dying, do they not rather waste away mournfully, rendering unto God, little by little, their existence, as these trees render up shadow after shadow, exhausting their substance unto dissolution?","EAP" "id06352","Most o' the folks araound the taown took the hard times kind o' sheep like an' resigned, but they was in bad shape because the fishin' was peterin' aout an' the mills wa'n't doin' none too well.","HPL" "id24781","Those eyes those large, those shining, those divine orbs they became to me twin stars of Leda, and I to them devoutest of astrologers.","EAP" "id16230","From him she sprung, flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone and not, as heretofore, are you content to trace in her downy cheek and delicate limbs, an affinity to Raymond, but in her enthusiastic affections, in the sweet qualities of her mind, you may still find him living, the good, the great, the beloved.","MWS" "id20742","My daughter's daughter, Mademoiselle Voissart, she marry von Monsieur Croissart, and den again, my daughter's grande daughter, Mademoiselle Croissart, she marry von Monsieur Froissart; and I suppose you say dat dat is not von ver respectaable name.","EAP" "id22650","His wit, his bon mots, the record of his personal attractions, fascinating manners, and social talents, were long remembered and repeated from mouth to mouth.","MWS" "id08192","""Yours sincerely, ""STUBBS.""","EAP" "id26874","Farewell, Perdita farewell, poor girl never again will you see yourself thus; luxury and wealth are no longer yours; in the excess of your poverty you may envy the homeless beggar; most truly am I without a home I live on a barren desart, which, wide and interminable, brings forth neither fruit or flower; in the midst is a solitary rock, to which thou, Perdita, art chained, and thou seest the dreary level stretch far away.""","MWS" "id10620","His tale is connected and told with an appearance of the simplest truth, yet I own to you that the letters of Felix and Safie, which he showed me, and the apparition of the monster seen from our ship, brought to me a greater conviction of the truth of his narrative than his asseverations, however earnest and connected.","MWS" "id07177","The duck of Vaucanson was still more remarkable.","EAP" "id10130","The winds of the firmament breathed but one sound within my ears, and the ripples upon the sea murmured evermore Morella.","EAP" "id19786","His plans were facilitated by the news which arrived from Paris.","MWS" "id23133","But first, another draught of the Medoc.""","EAP" "id18679","Armitage chose his words very carefully.","HPL" "id12579","Agatha, the ever gentle Agatha, kissed the hands of the lovely stranger, and pointing to her brother, made signs which appeared to me to mean that he had been sorrowful until she came.","MWS" "id01058","At length it was mentioned in the newspapers.","MWS" "id16641","Woodville was obliged to make a journey into the country and was detained from day to day in irksome absence from his lovely bride.","MWS" "id05861","Around in every direction it was still as black as pitch, but nearly overhead there burst out, all at once, a circular rift of clear sky as clear as I ever saw and of a deep bright blue and through it there blazed forth the full moon with a lustre that I never before knew her to wear.","EAP" "id25197","The thing that lay half bent on its side in a foetid pool of greenish yellow ichor and tarry stickiness was almost nine feet tall, and the dog had torn off all the clothing and some of the skin.","HPL" "id04830","Could not make out the words of the shrill voice.","EAP" "id05161","Some miracle might have produced it, yet the stages of the discovery were distinct and probable.","MWS" "id26003","Could he be I shuddered at the conception the murderer of my brother?","MWS" "id18805","Sensations are the great things after all.","EAP" "id09043","I had seen it before, let footprints tell what they might; and where it was I had seen it were best forgotten.","HPL" "id18753","Will no entreaties cause thee to turn a favourable eye upon thy creature, who implores thy goodness and compassion?","MWS" "id11788","The same half disdainful lips and smile of triumph, the same intelligent eyes, the same brow and chestnut hair; her very hands and taper fingers resembled his.","MWS" "id02495","William Godwin, however, says in his ""Mandeville,"" that ""invisible things are the only realities,"" and this, all will allow, is a case in point.","EAP" "id03822","It was a gentle daylight rain that awaked me from my stupor in the brush grown railway cut, and when I staggered out to the roadway ahead I saw no trace of any prints in the fresh mud.","HPL" "id06016","As he was proceeding along the sands, he struck his foot against something and fell at his length on the ground.","MWS" "id09884","Long long long many minutes, many hours, many days, have I heard it yet I dared not oh, pity me, miserable wretch that I am I dared not I dared not speak We have put her living in the tomb Said I not that my senses were acute?","EAP" "id06874","The very beauty of the Grecian climate, during the season of spring, added torture to her sensations.","MWS" "id12176","And then he devoutly loved Perdita; the bend of her head, her glossy ringlets, the turn of her form were to him subjects of deep tenderness and admiration; as she spoke, her melodious tones entered his soul; he soon softened towards her, comforting and caressing her, and endeavouring to cheat himself into the belief that he had never wronged her.","MWS" "id23438","Glass or no glass, I must explore it a little.","HPL" "id15771","During the 'nineties he dabbled in Satanism, and at all times he devoured avidly any doctrine or theory which seemed to promise escape from the close vistas of science and the dully unvarying laws of Nature.","HPL" "id24028","In the tentacles this was observable as a deepening of the greenish tinge, whilst in the tail it was manifest as a yellowish appearance which alternated with a sickly greyish white in the spaces between the purple rings.","HPL" "id07971","As it was, he failed in Calculus D and Advanced General Psychology, though not without hope of making up lost ground before the end of the term.","HPL" "id06731","But soon the dim orb passed from over the sun, and lingered down the eastern heaven.","MWS" "id10629","He was living in one of the sheds, and Sawyer thought he seemed unusually worried and tremulous.","HPL" "id01292","No one could read the old writing now, but things were told by word of mouth.","HPL" "id12839","Outshining all others was the palace of the kings of Mnar and of the lands adjacent.","HPL" "id18428","""Do not degrade me in my own eyes,"" she said; ""poverty has long been my nurse; hard visaged she is, but honest.","MWS" "id03048","They feared outsiders, but slowly grew accustomed to us; finally helping vastly when we beat down all the thickets and tore out all the partitions of the mansion in our search for the lurking fear.","HPL" "id10165","There was a solution which he injected into the veins of dead things, and if they were fresh enough they responded in strange ways.","HPL" "id02203","In the end, it is said, the island became, nine tenths of it, church.","EAP" "id19167","They have no variation of principle in their investigations; at best, when urged by some unusual emergency by some extraordinary reward they extend or exaggerate their old modes of practice, without touching their principles.","EAP" "id19406","In conclusion: I am done forever with billets doux and am never to be met without SPECTACLES.","EAP" "id27122","The events that immediately followed on my arrival at Windsor changed this view of things.","MWS" "id20604","This behavior, I saw plainly, was not very pleasing to Monsieur Maillard; but that gentleman said nothing, and the conversation was resumed by a very lean little man in a big wig.","EAP" "id06822","The 'Hum Drum,' the 'Rowdy Dow,' and the 'Goosetherumfoodle' excel, we admit, in braggadocio, but, in all other points, give us the 'Lollipop.","EAP" "id00875","On earth I thought that I had well fulfilled my trial my last moments became peaceful with the reflection that I deserved no blame but you take from me that feeling My passions were there my all to me and the hopeless misery that possessed me shut all love all images of beauty from my soul Nature was to me as the blackest night if rays of loveliness ever strayed into my darkness it was only to draw bitter tears of hopeless anguish from my eyes Oh on earth what consolation is there to misery?","MWS" "id02758","I also rose, and both stood motionless for a time, straining our ears as the uncanny rhythm seemed more and more to take on a vital quality.","HPL" "id04461","Looking timidly around, as if she feared to be overheard, she whispered: ""I have discovered to morrow that is, to day already the to morrow is come before dawn, foreigners, Austrians, my mother's hirelings, are to carry me off to Germany, to prison, to marriage to anything, except you and my brother take me away, or soon they will be here"" I was frightened by her vehemence, and imagined some mistake in her incoherent tale; but I no longer hesitated to obey her.","MWS" "id20262","Never came back there can't be more'n or people living there now.","HPL" "id07191","I was often tempted, when all was at peace around me, and I the only unquiet thing that wandered restless in a scene so beautiful and heavenly if I except some bat, or the frogs, whose harsh and interrupted croaking was heard only when I approached the shore often, I say, I was tempted to plunge into the silent lake, that the waters might close over me and my calamities forever.","MWS" "id08132","If it flag for an instant, an oversight is committed resulting in injury or defeat.","EAP" "id15025","She is accosted, and invited to enter, by a polite and voluble individual at the door.","EAP" "id08805","While he considers what course to pursue, however, he becomes aware of a gentle movement in the fairy bark.","EAP" "id16683","The following morning Lord Raymond visited me early.","MWS" "id11361","With a sigh, he declines to do so.","EAP" "id24762","So at least swore, with a round oath, Professor Rub a dub, and so finally thought the illustrious Von Underduk, as he took the arm of his brother in science, and without saying a word, began to make the best of his way home to deliberate upon the measures to be adopted.","EAP" "id12053","But it may be said that this man lives, and is deterred from making himself known, through dread of being charged with the murder.","EAP" "id00292","Will you accompany me?","MWS" "id12376","My departure for Ingolstadt, which had been deferred by these events, was now again determined upon.","MWS" "id00713","I was a poor, helpless, miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing; but feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept.","MWS" "id09664","I mention his talk about angles because it suggests something Wilcox had told me of his awful dreams.","HPL" "id11078","You are grieved and there is grief in the expression of your countenance but it is gentle and sweet.","MWS" "id02363","This did not occur, however, until the lapse of a fortnight.","EAP" "id09981","In crowded cities, among cultivated plains, or on the desart mountains, pain is thickly sown, and if we can tear up but one of these noxious weeds, or more, if in its stead we can sow one seed of corn, or plant one fair flower, let that be motive sufficient against suicide.","MWS" "id23506","Then I asked him if he wished to leave any keepsake or lock of hair for his family in Germany in case I should be rescued, but again he gave me that strange laugh.","HPL" "id08981","I will read, and you shall listen; and so we will pass away this terrible night together.""","EAP" "id23671","""In supposing it to be a bug of real gold.""","EAP" "id04704","Once when the gentle rain fell I glided in a barge down a sunless stream under the earth till I reached another world of purple twilight, iridescent arbours, and undying roses.","HPL" "id22655","Thus circumstanced, we shall find that we float without difficulty and without exertion.","EAP" "id24133","Upon reviving he spoke incoherently for some time.","EAP" "id01657","They were grass grown and desert.","MWS" "id21573","It is sufficient for me to relate events without analysing causes.","HPL" "id07124","I shall cork the MS. up in a bottle, however, and throw it into the sea.","EAP" "id25597","Later I might sift the tale and extract some nucleus of historic allegory; just now I wished to put it out of my head.","HPL" "id10862","But in no regard was he more peculiar than in his personal appearance.","EAP" "id23649","Man doth not yield him to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.""","EAP" "id08250","In the year , a case of living inhumation happened in France, attended with circumstances which go far to warrant the assertion that truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction.","EAP" "id22948","In another second he was out of the abyss and standing tremulously on a rocky hillside bathed in intense, diffused green light.","HPL" "id05971","As the sleep waker pronounced these latter words, in a feeble tone, I observed on his countenance a singular expression, which somewhat alarmed me, and induced me to awake him at once.","EAP" "id15676","We have it upon good authority, that Mr. Fatquack received no less than sixty two cents and a half for his late Domestic Nouvelette, the 'Dish Clout.' ""The contributors to the number before us are Mr. Crab, the eminent editor, Snob, Mumblethumb, Fatquack, and others; but, after the inimitable compositions of the editor himself, we prefer a diamond like effusion from the pen of a rising poet who writes over the signature 'Snob' a nom de guerre which we predict will one day extinguish the radiance of 'Boz.' 'Snob,' we learn, is a Mr. Thingum Bob, Esq., sole heir of a wealthy merchant of this city, Thomas Bob, Esq., and a near relative of the distinguished Mr. Thingum.","EAP" "id18271","But this hesitation was only momentary.","EAP" "id17218","dee"" Randolph Carter stopped in the pitch darkness and rubbed his hand across his eyes.","HPL" "id20804","Others snapped up what it left and ate with slavering relish.","HPL" "id25666","Somehow they managed to live on independently by the products of their estate, for occasional lights glimpsed from far away hills attested their continued presence.","HPL" "id11757","I saw the heavens verminous with strange flying things, and beneath them a hellish black city of giant stone terraces with impious pyramids flung savagely to the moon, and devil lights burning from unnumbered windows.","HPL" "id16378","The same fault is to be found in the ""Attempt c.,"" as we originally saw it.","EAP" "id22445","Besides, some months have elapsed since the commission of his crimes, and no one can conjecture to what place he has wandered or what region he may now inhabit.""","MWS" "id10205","""I zay,"" said he, ""you mos pe dronk as de pig, vor zit dare and not zee me zit ere; and I zay, doo, you mos pe pigger vool as de goose, vor to dispelief vat iz print in de print.","EAP" "id05396","As no resistance, beyond whooping and yelling and cock a doodling, was offered to the encroachments of the party without, the ten windows were very speedily, and almost simultaneously, broken in.","EAP" "id03052","We had started quietly from the village because of the reporters who still lingered about after the eldritch panic of a month before the nightmare creeping death.","HPL" "id19712","Thus it was that, by a master stroke of genius, I at length consummated my triumphs by ""putting money in my purse,"" and thus may be said really and fairly to have commenced that brilliant and eventful career which rendered me illustrious, and which now enables me to say, with Chateaubriand, ""I have made history"" ""I'ai fait l'histoire.""","EAP" "id20830","I am not sure from what point of view the writer in question surveyed it, nor at what time; but it could neither have been from the summit of Helseggen, nor during a storm.","EAP" "id18544","I had but little notion of how the thought impressions would, if successfully conveyed, arouse an intelligent response in my brain; but I felt certain that I could detect and interpret them.","HPL" "id27836","At sundown, the gale had sensibly diminished in violence, and as the sea went down with it, we still entertained faint hopes of saving ourselves in the boats.","EAP" "id12366","His vesture was dabbled in blood and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.","EAP" "id00691","If this I saw not so Rowena.","EAP" "id25187","The screams and struggles of the old lady during which the hair was torn from her head had the effect of changing the probably pacific purposes of the Ourang Outang into those of wrath.","EAP" "id22001","Gifted and learned, he took highest honours at Oxford and seemed likely to redeem the intellectual fame of his family.","HPL" "id08165","A party, of which he formed one, landed at Borneo, and passed into the interior on an excursion of pleasure.","EAP" "id13823","""Precisely the one went east and the other went west, you jade, and they both have gone quite round the world.","EAP" "id20970","Curiously enough, they seemed to have been chiselled badly out of proportion with their scenic background; for one of the creatures was shewn in the act of killing a whale represented as but little larger than himself.","HPL" "id15049","Your own delicacy will not allow you, I am convinced, to attempt to trace me.","MWS" "id23253","It executed, says Brewster, all the natural movements and gestures, it ate and drank with avidity, performed all the quick motions of the head and throat which are peculiar to the duck, and like it muddled the water which it drank with its bill.","EAP" "id09943","I wandered for ever about these lovely solitudes, gathering flower after flower Ond' era pinta tutta la mia viaB singing as I might the wild melodies of the country, or occupied by pleasant day dreams.","MWS" "id17388","""No, nothing peculiar,"" I said; ""nothing more, at least, than we both saw stated in the paper.""","EAP" "id21277","It was acutely uncanny, even when frightful and uncanny things were common, to encounter so blankly clueless a scene after such overwhelming occurrences; and we moved about beneath the leaden, darkening sky with that tragic directionless zeal which results from a combined sense of futility and necessity of action.","HPL" "id02141","And now for the first time my memory records verbal discourse, Warren addressing me at length in his mellow tenor voice; a voice singularly unperturbed by our awesome surroundings.","HPL" "id16614","We presume that the present absence is a freak of the same nature, and that, at the expiration of a week, or perhaps of a month, we shall have her among us again.""","EAP" "id17823","But again why need this impediment have been produced?","EAP" "id17997","In the meantime the balloon arose like a lark, and, soaring far away above the city, at length drifted quietly behind a cloud similar to that from which it had so oddly emerged, and was thus lost forever to the wondering eyes of the good citizens of Rotterdam.","EAP" "id10423","But if his countenance was more sorrowful, his voice was more cheerful than that of his sister, especially when he addressed the old man.","MWS" "id06365","I caught the night train to Arkham, and the next day talked long and earnestly with government officials there; a process I later repeated in Boston.","HPL" "id21286","Are there other rudimental thinking beings than man?","EAP" "id23909","She grew capricious; her gentle conduct towards him was exchanged for asperity and repulsive coldness.","MWS" "id03733","Life was then brilliant; I began to learn to hope and what brings a more bitter despair to the heart than hope destroyed?","MWS" "id20316","I soon, however, grew accustomed to it, and my uneasiness wore off.","EAP" "id10508","I was too much exhausted to speak, so I merely regarded him with an imploring air.","EAP" "id18765","On the upper stone lay a white petticoat; on the second a silk scarf.","EAP" "id03352","All she did, however, was to stand up in a corner, by the fireplace, and sing out incessantly at the top of her voice, ""Cock a doodle de dooooooh"" And now came the climax the catastrophe of the drama.","EAP" "id14488","I concealed nothing felt that I had a right to conceal nothing from her confiding affection.","EAP" "id06458","The fireplaces are large and deep, with fierce crooked looking fire dogs.","EAP" "id23516","From the car below you know the prospect is not so comprehensive you can see little vertically.","EAP" "id07063","The stars came out, shedding their ineffectual glimmerings on the light widowed earth.","MWS" "id24867","But before my fears could crystallise into action I had fallen asleep, and gazed in dreams upon the city in the valley, cold and dead under a shroud of hideous shadow.","HPL" "id27325","But it is now made known that, at the very period, or about the very period, in which it is supposed that the girl was assassinated, an outrage similar in nature to that endured by the deceased, although less in extent, was perpetuated, by a gang of young ruffians, upon the person of a second young female.","EAP" "id08205","Good night, my sister.","MWS" "id22935","He had once been a great dandy, and people said he still wore the frock coated finery of the Edwardian age, curiously adapted to certain deformities.","HPL" "id27138","Spoke quick and unevenly.","EAP" "id25952","Some of these were sealed and intact, but others had nearly vanished, leaving the silver handles and plates isolated amidst certain curious heaps of whitish dust.","HPL" "id12893","But revenge kept me alive; I dared not die and leave my adversary in being.","MWS" "id21740","Night closed in, and it began to rain.","MWS" "id04299","""I will tell you in a few words; but, before I begin, let me caution you that this is an affair demanding the greatest secrecy, and that I should most probably lose the position I now hold, were it known that I confided it to any one.""","EAP" "id06154","I was scientifically interested in those dolphins; for though the ordinary Delphinus delphis is a cetacean mammal, unable to subsist without air, I watched one of the swimmers closely for two hours, and did not see him alter his submerged condition.","HPL" "id17783","Down, down, down it came, closer and yet closer.","EAP" "id19212","I often thought that I would instantly return and take you along with me to some fertile island where we should live at peace for ever.","MWS" "id25356","Yet let me not be misapprehended.","EAP" "id02818","It seemed that he was often absent from his bed, and that the creaking of his floor at certain hours of the night was remarked by the man in the room below.","HPL" "id24433","The cold is merely nothing.","EAP" "id07636","I know not why my dreams were so wild that night; but ere the waning and fantastically gibbous moon had risen far above the eastern plain, I was awake in a cold perspiration, determined to sleep no more.","HPL" "id21660","Strangers and Tegeans stood aghast, looking from the wreckage to the great, sinister tree whose aspect was so weirdly human and whose roots reached so queerly into the sculptured sepulchre of Kalos.","HPL" "id26556","With me were two faithful and muscular men for whom I had sent when the time came; men long associated with me in my ghastly explorations because of their peculiar fitness.","HPL" "id23303","When I thought of these expressions, on the part of my friend, I confess that I felt indescribably puzzled.","EAP" "id18051","Now about our Maisons de Sante, it is clear that some ignoramus has misled you.","EAP" "id03400","When, however, I asked them what connexion with France or its language the house could have, they confessed themselves as frankly baffled and ignorant as I. Archer knew nothing, and all that Miss Harris could say was that an old allusion her grandfather, Dutee Harris, had heard of might have shed a little light.","HPL" "id04987","But his wife had said she found a funny tin thing in one of the beds when she fixed the rooms at noon, and maybe that was it.","HPL" "id07250","Fronting the entrance, and elevated a little above his companions, sat a personage who appeared to be the president of the table.","EAP" "id13671","The weather was warm, and he was buried with indecent haste in one of the public cemeteries.","EAP" "id07986","It was only when he was absent from me that his passion subdued him, that he clinched his hands knit his brows and with haggard looks called for death to his despair, raving wildly, untill exhausted he sank down nor was revived untill I joined him.","MWS" "id11404","He is calm ""calm as a smile from Lady Bury.""","EAP" "id10584","Neighbouring houses, it must be added, seemed entirely free from the noxious quality.","HPL" "id04258","She uttered some words in a loud voice, and the youth joined her, who also expressed surprise.","MWS" "id10314","But my revenge was sure, sudden, and complete.","EAP" "id04756","The place was an ancient cemetery; so ancient that I trembled at the manifold signs of immemorial years.","HPL" "id09544","It was dark all dark.","EAP" "id15964","Abased, humbled to the dust as I then was, it is probable that I should have resented this galling language by immediate personal violence, had not my whole attention been at the moment arrested by a fact of the most startling character.","EAP" "id18054","The populace encored.","EAP" "id07549","Perceiving the weakness of Raymond, I was afraid of ill consequences from the pressure of the crowd on his landing.","MWS" "id14090","They had shape for did not this star fashioned image prove it?","HPL" "id02099","""I do not know,"" said the man, ""what the custom of the English may be, but it is the custom of the Irish to hate villains.""","MWS" "id14205","The night of the first revelation was a sultry one.","HPL" "id11845","The squatters there, mostly primitive but good natured descendants of Lafitte's men, were in the grip of stark terror from an unknown thing which had stolen upon them in the night.","HPL" "id10553","The countenance was a surpassingly beautiful one Those large luminous eyes that proud Grecian nose those dark luxuriant curls ""Ah"" said I, exultingly to myself, ""this is indeed the speaking image of my beloved"" I turned the reverse, and discovered the words ""Eugenie Lalande aged twenty seven years and seven months.""","EAP" "id17168","It is well that no explanation shall ever reach them.","HPL" "id11798","Some were royalists from prejudice and ancient affection, and there were many moderately inclined who feared alike the capricious tyranny of the popular party, and the unbending despotism of the aristocrats.","MWS" "id13416","Men made perilous journies to possess themselves of earth's splendid trifles, gems and gold.","MWS" "id21998","For myself, however, I was mentally discussing certain topics which had formed matter for conversation between us at an earlier period of the evening; I mean the affair of the Rue Morgue, and the mystery attending the murder of Marie Rogêt.","EAP" "id01165","The worst thing for a while was keeping Joe Mazurewicz quiet; for the brooding loomfixer would never stay sober, and was constantly whining and muttering about spectral and terrible things.","HPL" "id25775","In respect to the grass having 'grown around and over some of them,' it is obvious that the fact could only have been ascertained from the words, and thus from the recollections, of two small boys; for these boys removed the articles and took them home before they had been seen by a third party.","EAP" "id18603","ah yes upon the whole I think you had better not be too severe with the poor fellow don't flog him, Jupiter he can't very well stand it but can you form no idea of what has occasioned this illness, or rather this change of conduct?","EAP" "id17340","Had I right, for my own benefit, to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations?","MWS" "id11513","You yourself sickened, and passed into the grave; and thither your constant Una speedily followed you.","EAP" "id15162","For a few moments I gazed with delight on her dark eyes, fringed by deep lashes, and her lovely lips; but presently my rage returned; I remembered that I was forever deprived of the delights that such beautiful creatures could bestow and that she whose resemblance I contemplated would, in regarding me, have changed that air of divine benignity to one expressive of disgust and affright.","MWS" "id07198","The police are at fault they have failed to procure the slightest clew.","EAP" "id06143","My friend was more wrought upon than I had suspected, for at this touch of harmless theatricalism he started neurotically away from me and actually cried out with a sort of gulping gasp which released a strain of previous repression.","HPL" "id24190","I cannot describe the rapturous delight with which I turned from political brawls at home, and the physical evils of distant countries, to my own dear home, to the selected abode of goodness and love; to peace, and the interchange of every sacred sympathy.","MWS" "id07439","His passage to power had been full of pain to both.","MWS" "id26582","Being little or nothing better than a huge foolscap turned upside down.","EAP" "id14583","That this could be accomplished without loss of life was in many cases conceivable.","HPL" "id24883","""Merrival,"" I said, ""it is long since we have seen you you must return to Windsor with me Lady Idris desires to see you, you will not refuse her request come home with me.""","MWS" "id02780","Such were the idle tales which had made the villagers leave Kilderry, and when I heard them I did not wonder that Denys Barry had refused to listen.","HPL" "id09575","In his amendment he proposed, that an exception should be made in the bill in favour of any person who claimed the sovereign power in right of the earls of Windsor.","MWS" "id05128","In Kate, however, I had a firm friend, and I knew it.","EAP" "id08915","Monsieur Le Blanc was not unaware of the advantages to be derived from the attendance of the fair Marie in his perfumery; and his liberal proposals were accepted eagerly by the girl, although with somewhat more of hesitation by Madame.","EAP" "id01993","Something beyond their experience was evidently confronting them, for so far as they could ascertain, the void below was infinite.","HPL" "id15464","Remains of Them, he said the deathless Chinamen had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific.","HPL" "id05017","One by one these symptoms struck me; I became convinced that the moment I had so much desired was about to arrive and that I was dying.","MWS" "id06011","In the tower of the great temple the priests held revels, and in pavilions without the walls the princes of neighbouring lands made merry.","HPL" "id25049","We took leave of them in the Protectoral Palace.","MWS" "id15435","The labourers were not as happy as they might have been, for most of them seemed uneasy over some dream which they had had, yet which they tried in vain to remember.","HPL" "id14567","Since the original publication of Hans Pfaall, I find that Mr. Green, of Nassau balloon notoriety, and other late aeronauts, deny the assertions of Humboldt, in this respect, and speak of a decreasing inconvenience, precisely in accordance with the theory here urged in a mere spirit of banter.","EAP" "id22069","There was a formula a sort of list of things to say and do which I recognised as something black and forbidden; something which I had read of before in furtive paragraphs of mixed abhorrence and fascination penned by those strange ancient delvers into the universe's guarded secrets whose decaying texts I loved to absorb.","HPL" "id05360","Touching the derivation of the name Vondervotteimittiss, I confess myself, with sorrow, equally at fault.","EAP" "id06231","Very suddenly, and by some inconceivable impulse, I became intensely imbued with personal interest in what was going on.","EAP" "id07799","I saw Lord Raymond on his charger; a small company of officers had gathered about him; and behind was a promiscuous concourse of soldiers and subalterns, their discipline lost, their arms thrown aside; no music sounded, no banners streamed.","MWS" "id19080","A wave of almost abnormal horror swept over me, and invested with a terrible but unexplainable singularity the flashlight glimpsed dust prints made by the intruder who had lately tried my door from this room.","HPL" "id20051","He was thankful that the windows were just too high to permit of peering in, and drew the dark curtains carefully down over each one.","HPL" "id11645","It is through the spirit of this principle, if not precisely through its letter, that modern science has resolved to calculate upon the unforeseen.","EAP" "id18035","He had, he said, noticed me several times at my wanderings; and inferred that I resembled him in loving the vestiges of former years.","HPL" "id08830","But such was the aspect of Crawford Tillinghast on the night his half coherent message brought me to his door after my weeks of exile; such the spectre that trembled as it admitted me, candle in hand, and glanced furtively over its shoulder as if fearful of unseen things in the ancient, lonely house set back from Benevolent Street.","HPL" "id06730","This pair, shunned by all honest folk, were suspected of the most hideous practices.","HPL" "id21826","All the ex queen's friends were his friends; no week passed that he did not hold consultations with her at Windsor.","MWS" "id15860","We come,"" he exclaimed, springing forwards, ""for what should we wait?","MWS" "id01769","I pressed it to my lips, while the rough soldiers gathered around, mourning over this worthiest prey of death, as if regret and endless lamentation could re illumine the extinguished spark, or call to its shattered prison house of flesh the liberated spirit.","MWS" "id23670","All that I recalled of a classic youth came to my lips as the horrors of the situation roused my deepest superstitions.","HPL" "id14163","""Alas My father,"" said I, ""how little do you know me.","MWS" "id11847","How such a sound could have been heard in the last few hours without arousing all the Miskatonic Valley was more than the honest physician could say.","HPL" "id22428","We visited the so called Elysian Fields and Avernus: and wandered through various ruined temples, baths, and classic spots; at length we entered the gloomy cavern of the Cumaean Sibyl.","MWS" "id21662","If, on the other hand, he could be restored, our fame would be brilliantly and perpetually established.","HPL" "id24207","At first indeed this wanton spirit played a false part appearing with sable wings gloomy countenance seemed to take a pleasure in exagerating all my miseries and as small hopes arose to snatch them from me give me in their place gigantic fears which under her fairy hand appeared close, impending unavoidable sometimes she would cruelly leave me while I was thus on the verge of madness and without consoling me leave me nought but heavy leaden sleep but at other times she would wilily link less unpleasing thoughts to these most dreadful ones before I was aware place hopes before me futile but consoling One day this lovely spirit whose name as she told me was Fantasia came to me in one of her consolotary moods her wings which seemed coloured by her tone of mind were not gay but beautiful like that of the partridge her lovely eyes although they ever burned with an unquenshable fire were shaded softened by her heavy lids the black long fringe of her eye lashes She thus addressed me You mourn for the loss of those you love.","MWS" "id02172","He easily eluded me and said, ""Be calm I entreat you to hear me before you give vent to your hatred on my devoted head.","MWS" "id20432","But my friend was in greater danger than I, and through my fear I felt a vague resentment that he should deem me capable of deserting him under such circumstances.","HPL" "id21919","In the contemplation of the heavenly bodies it struck me forcibly that I could not distinguish a star with nearly as much precision, when I gazed on it with earnest, direct and undeviating attention, as when I suffered my eye only to glance in its vicinity alone.","EAP" "id15954","By these means I got to be well known as a man to be trusted; and this is one half the battle, let me tell you, in trade.","EAP" "id18912","The device is that of a single individual; and this brings us to the fact that 'between the thicket and the river, the rails of the fences were found taken down, and the ground bore evident traces of some heavy burden having been dragged along it' But would a number of men have put themselves to the superfluous trouble of taking down a fence, for the purpose of dragging through it a corpse which they might have lifted over any fence in an instant?","EAP" "id01196","It was, Johansen said, like a great barn door; and they all felt that it was a door because of the ornate lintel, threshold, and jambs around it, though they could not decide whether it lay flat like a trap door or slantwise like an outside cellar door.","HPL" "id25038","I learned also the names of the cottagers themselves.","MWS" "id19891","She had lived for some years in an alms house, and on fine Sundays her threshold was constantly beset by a crowd, seeking her advice and listening to her admonitions.","MWS" "id14927","Indeed, I cannot help admiring the animal for the excellent use he is making of his feet.""","EAP" "id14732","I had the newspaper in my hand, and, as usual, had turned to the intelligence from Greece.","MWS" "id13726","Raymond looked keenly at him; he could read benignity only in his gentle lineaments; he turned to me, observing with scorn my moody and stern demeanour.","MWS" "id19376","I removed the bed and examined the corpse.","EAP" "id06486","For full three seconds I could glimpse that pandaemoniac sight, and in those seconds I saw a vista which will ever afterward torment me in dreams.","HPL" "id11772","Looking up at the house from outside, he had thought at first that Gilman's window was dark; but then he had seen the faint violet glow within.","HPL" "id06979","If you can never be happy, can you never bestow happiness?","MWS" "id13754","Certainly the Ryland that advanced towards us now, bore small resemblance to the powerful, ironical, seemingly fearless canvasser for the first rank among Englishmen.","MWS" "id00915","He is alone with the ghost of the departed.","EAP" "id00974","In the end, though, luck favoured us; for one day we heard of an almost ideal case in the potter's field; a brawny young workman drowned only the morning before in Sumner's Pond, and buried at the town's expense without delay or embalming.","HPL" "id11933","The alienists soon agreed that abnormal dreams were the foundation of the trouble; dreams whose vividness could for a time completely dominate the waking mind of this basically inferior man.","HPL" "id15737","Henry Wheeler strained his eye at the telescope, but saw only the three grotesquely silhouetted human figures on the peak, all moving their arms furiously in strange gestures as their incantation drew near its culmination.","HPL" "id22868","His remains, notwithstanding the troubled state of Italy, were taken to Ravenna for interment; but being interred in the suburb of Classe, were exhumed and ridiculed by the Lombard Duke of Spoleto, who took his skull to King Autharis for use as a wassail bowl.","HPL" "id04191","What prompted me then to disturb the memory of the buried dead?","EAP" "id01140","""Sit down, my friend,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id03324","Know you not how the secret of Alchemy was solved?","HPL" "id16687","Of all the women whom I have ever known, she, the outwardly calm, the ever placid Ligeia, was the most violently a prey to the tumultuous vultures of stern passion.","EAP" "id07897","As the day progressed, the ground lost some of its stickiness, and seemed likely to dry sufficiently for travelling purposes in a short time.","HPL" "id04216","The atmosphere was intolerably close.","EAP" "id04994","This tribe, after destroying most of the edifices and killing the live beings, had carried off the stuffed goddess which had been the object of their quest; the white ape goddess which the strange beings worshipped, and which was held by Congo tradition to be the form of one who had reigned as a princess among those beings.","HPL" "id10433","In time the hole grew so large that he ventured to try his body in it now and then, shifting about so that the coffins beneath him rocked and creaked.","HPL" "id10809","At all events methought that the wound could be healed; and, if they remained together, it would be so.","MWS" "id05518","""I arose,"" continued Bedloe, regarding the Doctor with an air of profound astonishment ""I arose, as you say, and descended into the city.","EAP" "id24956","You are the only one we can trust.","EAP" "id17327","When she perceived the wild or pathetic appeal of his expressive countenance, she would relent, and for a while resume her ancient kindness.","MWS" "id07709","By the following fact, some color was given to the suspicion thus thrown upon Beauvais.","EAP" "id10987","A singular alteration took place in regard to the direction of the balloon, and although fully anticipated, afforded me the most unequivocal delight.","EAP" "id12044","But now my mother, or, if you will, my mother's lessons, awaken within me.","MWS" "id27825","In attempting ourselves an explanation of the Automaton, we will, in the first place, endeavor to show how its operations are effected, and afterwards describe, as briefly as possible, the nature of the observations from which we have deduced our result.","EAP" "id09718","His third was the contempt of ambition.","EAP" "id09263","Yet it was less painful to see him thus, than to find him fulfilling the animal functions uninterruptedly, his mind sick the while.","MWS" "id11391","There were times, indeed, when I thought his unceasingly agitated mind was laboring with some oppressive secret, to divulge which he struggled for the necessary courage.","EAP" "id11748","I was a little dazed by this coincidence, but did not become terrified.","HPL" "id25185","If they did, my stratagem must have deceived them, for they passed on across the moonlit space without varying their course meanwhile croaking and jabbering in some hateful guttural patois I could not identify.","HPL" "id15172","He was a boy of singular talent and fancy.","MWS" "id05911","EVERYBODY knows, in a general way, that the finest place in the world is or, alas, was the Dutch borough of Vondervotteimittiss.","EAP" "id07793","And was I really as mad as the whole world would believe me to be if I disclosed the object of my suspicions?","MWS" "id00154","I replied in the same language, with a feeble voice, ""I believe I am; but if it be all true, if indeed I did not dream, I am sorry that I am still alive to feel this misery and horror.""","MWS" "id05686","Horrified, he had taken to the woods in a vague effort to escape from the scene of what must have been his crime.","HPL" "id01869","But soon I endeavoured to extract patience for her from the ideas she suggested.","MWS" "id01198","A letter came unawares, Perdita read it.","MWS" "id13088","""This account rather alarmed us, and we continued to search for him until night fell, when Elizabeth conjectured that he might have returned to the house.","MWS" "id12274","I was indifferent, therefore, to my school fellows in general; but I united myself in the bonds of the closest friendship to one among them.","MWS" "id26791","Seems they hankered arter mixin' with the folks, an' havin' j'int ceremonies on the big days May Eve an' Hallowe'en.","HPL" "id15360","I have been miserably mistaken in imagining that I could conquer my love for you; I never can.","MWS" "id13233","When happy, inanimate nature had the power of bestowing on me the most delightful sensations.","MWS" "id05370","Once I went up to the garret during theatre hours, when Zann was away, but the door was locked.","HPL" "id24237","He was rather a ""find"" a rich and high spirited youth who would ""go the limit"" in anything he undertook at least, that was the verdict of Pete Schultz, Sheehan's ""runner"", who had come across the boy at Lawrence College, in the small town of Appleton, Wisconsin.","HPL" "id05115","The scenery which presented itself on all sides, although scarcely entitled to be called grand, had about it an indescribable and to me a delicious aspect of dreary desolation.","EAP" "id22687","Had my uncle, in his latter years, become credulous of the most superficial impostures?","HPL" "id06810","It was his view that only our normal, objective experiences possess any aesthetic significance, and that it is the province of the artist not so much to rouse strong emotion by action, ecstasy, and astonishment, as to maintain a placid interest and appreciation by accurate, detailed transcripts of every day affairs.","HPL" "id11398","Now this shape was peculiar; and no sooner had I seen it, than I took credit to myself for the accuracy of my guessing.","EAP" "id18418","Ryland had shewn that he preferred him.","MWS" "id18156","As it was, the sweet girl's generous nature was roused to defend, and ally herself with, my despised cause.","MWS" "id02691","Yet I soon subordinated all my fears to my growing curiosity and fascination.","HPL" "id25374","I have thought proper to premise thus much, lest the incredible tale I have to tell should be considered rather the raving of a crude imagination, than the positive experience of a mind to which the reveries of fancy have been a dead letter and a nullity.","EAP" "id05144","Farewell I must now leave you for a few hours.","MWS" "id10065","I replied in a calm voice but how far from calm was the thought imaged by my still words ""Never I can never consent that Lady Idris should be united to one who does not love her."" ""Because you love her yourself.""","MWS" "id15537","One night as I sat, half stupified, in a den of more than infamy, my attention was suddenly drawn to some black object, reposing upon the head of one of the immense hogsheads of Gin, or of Rum, which constituted the chief furniture of the apartment.","EAP" "id01601","Old Bugs, springing up from the crouching position in which he had hitherto been, leaped at the youth and dashed from his hands the uplifted glass, almost simultaneously attacking the tray of bottles and glasses with his mop, and scattering the contents upon the floor in a confusion of odoriferous fluid and broken bottles and tumblers.","HPL" "id25639","Ah, dear sister, how can I answer this question?","MWS" "id08572","They did not see that good and evil and beauty and ugliness are only ornamental fruits of perspective, whose sole value lies in their linkage to what chance made our fathers think and feel, and whose finer details are different for every race and culture.","HPL" "id07483","Outsiders visit Dunwich as seldom as possible, and since a certain season of horror all the signboards pointing toward it have been taken down.","HPL" "id13711","Later, by virtue of its sheer impressiveness, it had found subconscious expression in dreams, in the bas relief, and in the terrible statue I now beheld; so that his imposture upon my uncle had been a very innocent one.","HPL" "id05988","As the dead man was thrown overboard there occurred two incidents which created much disturbance amongst the crew.","HPL" "id19957","""The moon's actual distance from the earth was the first thing to be attended to.","EAP" "id07948","He is, perhaps, the most really energetic human being now alive but that is only when nobody sees him.","EAP" "id04446","And the heart of that plotting was in The Street, whose crumbling houses teemed with alien makers of discord and echoed with the plans and speeches of those who yearned for the appointed day of blood, flame, and crime.","HPL" "id18998","Wal, even ef I hain't told nobody nothin' yet, I'm a goin' to naow You jest set still an' listen to me, boy this is what I ain't never told nobody. . . .","HPL" "id23688","Thus this towering spirit who had excited interest and high expectation in all who knew and could value him became at once, as it were, extinct.","MWS" "id19453","Dr. Moneypenny says that S. stands for stale, and that D. U. K. spells duck, but it don't, that S. D. U. K. stands for Stale Duck and not for Lord Brougham's society but then Dr. Moneypenny is such a queer man that I am never sure when he is telling me the truth.","EAP" "id20832","The orphan and neglected son of Verney, was on the eve of being linked to the mechanism of society by a golden chain, and to enter into all the duties and affections of life.","MWS" "id03904","There certainly is a strange kind of streak in the Innsmouth folks today I don't know how to explain it, but it sort of makes you crawl.","HPL" "id27623","Only the din of street cars in the thoroughfare below proved a serious annoyance.","HPL" "id18518","The foreigners whom we had among us, who had fled from the plague in their own country, now saw their last asylum invaded; and, fear making them garrulous, they described to eager listeners the miseries they had beheld in cities visited by the calamity, and gave fearful accounts of the insidious and irremediable nature of the disease.","MWS" "id00264","That was Darius Peck, the nonagenarian, whose grave was not far from the tomb.","HPL" "id04527","The words ""gem"" and ""bijou,"" however, used in reference to my composition, struck me as being, in some degree, feeble, and seemed to me to be deficient in force.","EAP" "id25091","Elizabeth's heart rending eloquence failed to move the judges from their settled conviction in the criminality of the saintly sufferer.","MWS" "id21902","The poor animal recognised me, licked my hand, crept close to its lord, and died.","MWS" "id14761","He saw that Rice, from the party's point of vantage above and behind the entity, had an excellent chance of spreading the potent powder with marvellous effect.","HPL" "id13506","Sometimes he and Paul Choynski and Landlord Dombrowski thought they saw that light seeping out of cracks in the sealed loft above the young gentleman's room, but they had all agreed not to talk about that.","HPL" "id06463","There he stayed long, gazing out over the bright harbour where the ripples sparkled beneath an unknown sun, and where rode lightly the galleys from far places over the water.","HPL" "id26865","He loved her with passion and her tenderness had a charm for him that would not permit him to think of aught but her.","MWS" "id23281","The poet says that all through the hours before dawn he beheld sordid ruins but indistinctly in the glare of the arc lights; that there loomed above the wreckage another picture wherein he could descry moonlight and fair houses and elms and oaks and maples of dignity.","HPL" "id08573","Pratol on this very day, last year, to pay my parting respects.""","EAP" "id27522","Through his puzzlement a voice piped, and he started again at its familiarity after long years.","HPL" "id04827","But I cannot possibly comprehend the particulars of this frightful mystery.","EAP" "id03124","If you really say this, my questions are answered and all my doubts satisfied.","MWS" "id20344","For the nebulous utterances concerning a nameless, unsuspected race of jungle hybrids he had a peculiar feeling of mingled terror and attraction; speculating on the possible basis of such a fancy, and seeking to obtain light among the more recent data gleaned by his great grandfather and Samuel Seaton amongst the Ongas.","HPL" "id22337","And swarming loathsomely on aërial galleries I saw the yellow, squint eyed people of that city, robed horribly in orange and red, and dancing insanely to the pounding of fevered kettle drums, the clatter of obscene crotala, and the maniacal moaning of muted horns whose ceaseless dirges rose and fell undulantly like the waves of an unhallowed ocean of bitumen.","HPL" "id13917","I did it for so long that life faded to a far memory, and I became one with the moles and grubs of nighted depths.","HPL" "id03481","You men know that those Whateleys were wizards well, this thing is a thing of wizardry, and must be put down by the same means.","HPL" "id01032","We cannot calculate on his forces like that of an engine; and, though an impulse draw with a forty horse power at what appears willing to yield to one, yet in contempt of calculation the movement is not effected.","MWS" "id10539","That very evening I fell upon my knees at the feet of my father.","EAP" "id15548","Her voice was suffocated with sobs.","MWS" "id09639","On being charged with the fact, the poor girl confirmed the suspicion in a great measure by her extreme confusion of manner.","MWS" "id20891","There are six lights as we have said before in all.","EAP" "id19038","Of his methods in the intervening five years I dare not speak.","HPL" "id15661","After a time he became noticeably unbalanced, gazing for hours at his ivory image and weaving fanciful stories of the lost and forgotten things under the sea.","HPL" "id05985","One day near noon, after a profound sleep begun in a whiskey debauch at about five of the previous afternoon, the man had roused himself most suddenly; with ululations so horrible and unearthly that they brought several neighbours to his cabin a filthy sty where he dwelt with a family as indescribable as himself.","HPL" "id23398","Dr. Houghton drew shrunken lids over the glazing grey eyes as the tumult of birds faded imperceptibly to silence.","HPL" "id15463","I had been travelling for some time amongst the people of the Miskatonic Valley in quest of certain genealogical data; and from the remote, devious, and problematical nature of my course, had deemed it convenient to employ a bicycle despite the lateness of the season.","HPL" "id07204","This challenge being accepted, a small table is prepared for the antagonist, and placed close by the rope, but on the spectators' side of it, and so situated as not to prevent the company from obtaining a full view of the Automaton.","EAP" "id02290","Chapter Clerval then put the following letter into my hands.","MWS" "id16034","Yet could I, in justice, or even in possibility, refuse this demand?","MWS" "id15444","The possession of these treasures gave me extreme delight; I now continually studied and exercised my mind upon these histories, whilst my friends were employed in their ordinary occupations.","MWS" "id06305","The whole company at once started to their feet, and, with the exception of myself and Ritzner, took their departure.","EAP" "id11822","There the scions of a conquering race indeed flourished free from the restrictions of their fellows, but cowered in an appalling slavery to the dismal phantasms of their own minds.","HPL" "id18109","Soon afterwards I bade him farewell.","EAP" "id20218","Possibly Gilman ought not to have studied so hard.","HPL" "id12000","All that had so long engaged my attention suddenly grew despicable.","MWS" "id18949","It was in the house of Dexter, in the northern part of the town near the present intersection of North Main and Olney Streets, on the occasion of Canonchet's raid of March , , during King Philip's War; and the astute sachem, recognising it at once as a thing of singular venerableness and dignity, sent it as a symbol of alliance to a faction of the Pequots in Connecticut with whom he was negotiating.","HPL" "id11440","The grocery boy had prepared me for it, yet the reality left me none the less bewildered and disturbed.","HPL" "id04879","A word with any outsider was a relief to him.","HPL" "id12200","The ""Goosetherumfoodle"" deeply ""regretted this very natural accident,"" and promised, moreover, an insertion of the genuine ""Hey Diddle Diddle"" in the very next number of the Magazine.","EAP" "id11113","But after all, the attic was not the most terrible part of the house.","HPL" "id15019","There are the stately avenues and retirements of Versailles; Italian terraces; and a various mixed old English style, which bears some relation to the domestic Gothic or English Elizabethan architecture.","EAP" "id01746","A murmur of surprise and horror ran through the assembly.","MWS" "id23261","I resolved to be more cautious, more reserved.","EAP" "id17214","By the aid of these we then busied our souls in dreams reading, writing, or conversing, until warned by the clock of the advent of the true Darkness.","EAP" "id22079","And do I dare to ask of you to undertake my pilgrimage, to endure the hardships that I have undergone?","MWS" "id05931","You were hereafter to be hailed as the benefactors of your species, your names adored as belonging to brave men who encountered death for honour and the benefit of mankind.","MWS" "id07972","She thought he did well to assert his own will, but she wished that will to have been more intelligible to the multitude.","MWS" "id27092","He would sputter and fume, exploding into sesquipedalian admonitions and strange oaths, and animated by a frightful earnestness which brought a shudder to more than one drug racked mind in the crowded room.","HPL" "id00861","I must go, Lionel the Gods will it; and I must.","MWS" "id23866","For an instant the ship was befouled by an acrid and blinding green cloud, and then there was only a venomous seething astern; where God in heaven the scattered plasticity of that nameless sky spawn was nebulously recombining in its hateful original form, whilst its distance widened every second as the Alert gained impetus from its mounting steam.","HPL" "id22146","Born on Candlemas nine months after May Eve of , when the talk about the queer earth noises reached clear to Arkham What walked on the mountains that May Night?","HPL" "id20207","I was silent: all was silent except the roaring of the sea which became louder and more dreadful.","MWS" "id07704","He showed unparalleled malignity and selfishness in evil; he destroyed my friends; he devoted to destruction beings who possessed exquisite sensations, happiness, and wisdom; nor do I know where this thirst for vengeance may end.","MWS" "id00870","I inquired the way to the inn, but no one replied.","MWS" "id22516","Thus, with me, yesterday was Sunday thus, with you, to day is Sunday and thus, with Pratt, to morrow will be Sunday.","EAP" "id10230","I well knew that if any other had communicated such a relation to me, I should have looked upon it as the ravings of insanity.","MWS" "id15500","The expression on its features was repellent in the extreme, savouring at once of death, bestiality, and malevolence.","HPL" "id01806","Onct I tried suthin' funny here, young Sir, don't git skeert all I done was ter look at the picter afore I kilt the sheep for market killin' sheep was kinder more fun arter lookin' at it "" The tone of the old man now sank very low, sometimes becoming so faint that his words were hardly audible.","HPL" "id07535","A chess player, for example, does the one without effort at the other.","EAP" "id23510","He was a Turkish merchant and had inhabited Paris for many years, when, for some reason which I could not learn, he became obnoxious to the government.","MWS" "id16137","He could not recall having seen the original of this thing except in his own dream bas relief, but the outlines had formed themselves insensibly under his hands.","HPL" "id22092","That I had previously overestimated our depth, I was sure; but none the less we must still be deep enough to make these phenomena remarkable.","HPL" "id23734","Those churches were very odd all violently disavowed by their respective denominations elsewhere, and apparently using the queerest kind of ceremonials and clerical vestments.","HPL" "id21366","There was a rope about the animal's neck.","EAP" "id23146","For many days I have longed to disclose the mysterious presentiments that weigh on me, although I fear that you will ridicule them.","MWS" "id18801","The grand jury rejected the bill, on its being proved that I was on the Orkney Islands at the hour the body of my friend was found; and a fortnight after my removal I was liberated from prison.","MWS" "id10339","During three months I have been employed in this task.","MWS" "id10473","You do not question me properly.","EAP" "id08207","Our vessel was a beautiful ship of about four hundred tons, copper fastened, and built at Bombay of Malabar teak.","EAP" "id08402","Very suddenly Barzai went out of Atal's sight, scaling a hideous cliff that seemed to bulge outward and block the path for any climber not inspired of earth's gods.","HPL" "id12204","From the moment Perdita had sufficiently recovered herself to form any plan of action, she had laid one down, which now she prepared to follow.","MWS" "id22327","The words ""strange"" ""singular"" and other similar expressions, excited my curiosity.","EAP" "id03862","A wild luxuriance of foliage, utterly unknown before, burst out upon every vegetable thing.","EAP" "id02548","At length, upon a suggestion of my uncle's, I decided to try the spot nocturnally; and one stormy midnight ran the beams of an electric torch over the mouldy floor with its uncanny shapes and distorted, half phosphorescent fungi.","HPL" "id24863","The disillusion had been gradual.","HPL" "id13587","A middle aged gentleman arrives in town from parts unknown.","EAP" "id11870","It would have been blasphemous to leave such bones in the world, so I went back with a sack and took them to the tomb behind the house.","HPL" "id18979","It was indeed somewhat familiar, for the unusual part was superimposed upon the usual terrestrial scene much as a cinema view may be thrown upon the painted curtain of a theatre.","HPL" "id05493","This old woman had reached her hundredth year; her skin was shrivelled, her form was bent and lost in extreme decrepitude; but as still from year to year she continued in existence, out living many younger and stronger, she began to feel as if she were to live for ever.","MWS" "id00632","I began to get uneasy, and worked away with all my might, for I verily believe the idiots supposed that I had entered into a compact with the devil, and that, in short, what I was now doing was nothing better than it should be.","EAP" "id05526","The Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit languages engaged his attention, and I was easily induced to enter on the same studies.","MWS" "id14735","Opposite the large window was an enormous Dutch fireplace with scriptural tiles representing the prodigal son, and opposite the narrow window was a spacious bed built into the wall.","HPL" "id26244","Here I may even cease to repine, and may add my tardy consent to the decree which has taken him from me.","MWS" "id15356","I mean Moissart and Voissart; and for de matter of dat, I mean Croissart and Froisart, too, if I only tink proper to mean it.","EAP" "id25487","Guileless himself, Adrian feared no deceit.","MWS" "id21537","Thus, while Raymond had been wrapt in visions of power and fame, while he looked forward to entire dominion over the elements and the mind of man, the territory of his own heart escaped his notice; and from that unthought of source arose the mighty torrent that overwhelmed his will, and carried to the oblivious sea, fame, hope, and happiness.","MWS" "id03544","He is irrecoverably mad.""","MWS" "id06719","Zaffre, digested in aqua regia, and diluted with four times its weight of water, is sometimes employed; a green tint results.","EAP" "id09103","""By ten o'clock I found that I had very little to occupy my immediate attention.","EAP" "id01511","The person of the stranger let me call him by this title, who to all the world was still a stranger the person of the stranger is one of these subjects.","EAP" "id04936","As to the how of the surrender, no language can be more explicit.","EAP" "id09862","I was afeard never did no pryin' arter that awful night, an' never see one of them clost to in all my life.","HPL" "id04232","Ledges and outcroppings of rock afforded fairly easy foot holds for a descent, whilst after a drop of a few hundred feet, the declivity became very gradual.","HPL" "id06559","His chief delight, however, was found in the perusal of an exceedingly rare and curious book in quarto Gothic the manual of a forgotten church the Vigiliae Mortuorum secundum Chorum Ecclesiae Maguntinae.","EAP" "id06592","This wall had gates of iron.","EAP" "id05966","For our own purpose, therefore, if not for the purpose of justice, it is indispensable that our first step should be the determination of the identity of the corpse with the Marie Rogêt who is missing.","EAP" "id06320","Twelve years after succeeding to his title he married the daughter of his gamekeeper, a person said to be of gypsy extraction, but before his son was born joined the navy as a common sailor, completing the general disgust which his habits and mesalliance had begun.","HPL" "id07346","A spectator would have thought of Francis and Charles.","EAP" "id05357","They consider only their own ideas of ingenuity; and, in searching for anything hidden, advert only to the modes in which they would have hidden it.","EAP" "id08784","Was there indeed anarchy in the sublime universe of Adrian's thoughts, did madness scatter the well appointed legions, and was he no longer the lord of his own soul?","MWS" "id15638","She leads them to truth wisdom untill the time comes when they shall be fitted for the journey through the universe which all must one day undertake farewell And now, gentlest reader I must beg your indulgence I am a being too weak to record the words of Diotima her matchless wisdom heavenly eloquence.","MWS" "id02734","I staggered onward for some time, when I stumbled and fell.","EAP" "id20410","I felt that those walls and overhanging gables of mildewed brick and fungous plaster and timber with fishy, eye like, diamond paned windows that leered could hardly desist from advancing and crushing me . . .","HPL" "id22885","Walls, columns, and architraves of living fire blazed effulgently around the spot where I seemed to float in air; extending upward to an infinitely high vaulted dome of indescribable splendour.","HPL" "id07631","Sordid care, avaunt menial labours, and pains, slight in themselves, but too gigantic for our exhausted strength, shall make no part of our ephemeral existences.","MWS" "id09249","The villages were decorated by triumphal arches of greenery by day, and lamps by night; tapestry waved from the windows, the ground was strewed with flowers, and the name of Raymond, joined to that of Greece, was echoed in the Evive of the peasant crowd.","MWS" "id21187","Of great size and cunning workmanship must the statue be, for it was to form a wonder of nations and a goal of travellers.","HPL" "id09574","Firmly though respectfully they signified their refusal to revisit the chasm, or indeed to work further in the mine until it might be sealed.","HPL" "id15935","In the morning it had been underfoot; afternoon found it rising in the southeast, and now it was roughly south but wheeling toward the west.","HPL" "id04563","I can see it a little when I make the Voorish sign or blow the powder of Ibn Ghazi at it, and it is near like them at May Eve on the Hill.","HPL" "id01286","Of his vast collection of strange, rare books on forbidden subjects I have read all that are written in the languages of which I am master; but these are few as compared with those in languages I cannot understand.","HPL" "id04305","Early in the day, Argyropylo was wounded dangerously, and Raymond assumed the command of the whole army.","MWS" "id07370","Mr. 's article concludes with the following words.","EAP" "id05980","This time, however, they seemed to proceed from persons rapidly approaching.","EAP" "id04442","The simple character of those inductions by which he had disentangled the mystery never having been explained even to the Prefect, or to any other individual than myself, of course it is not surprising that the affair was regarded as little less than miraculous, or that the Chevalier's analytical abilities acquired for him the credit of intuition.","EAP" "id03337","We all know what is meant by ""damning with faint praise,"" and, on the other hand, who could fail seeing through the covert purpose of the ""Daddy"" that of glorifying with feeble abuse?","EAP" "id02246","His principal topics were those of the day, and nothing that fell from him led me to suspect his scientific attainments.","EAP" "id01821","I paint in the cellar, where the inspiration is thickest, but I've other rooms furnished on the ground floor.","HPL" "id25753","She was dressed, however, in exquisite taste and then I had no doubt that she had captivated my friend's heart by the more enduring graces of the intellect and soul.","EAP" "id09202","My pressure took the opener off guard, for the thing shut as I pushed, so that I could slip the well conditioned bolt as I had done with the other door.","HPL" "id13561","Every face but one shewed nobility and reverence, but that one reflected the mockery of the pit.","HPL" "id27728","How delicious to me were the words of his letter that concerned me: ""I cannot tell you,"" it said, ""how ardently I desire to see my Mathilda.","MWS" "id17442","Schlumberger was suddenly taken ill, and during his illness there was no exhibition of the Chess Player.","EAP" "id26442","Shall I go alone, or will you accompany me?""","MWS" "id13569","She had, in her own youth, been deeply and permanently impressed with the horror of dissipation by the case of one to whom she had for a time been engaged.","HPL" "id04615","The Town Council are all very little, round, oily, intelligent men, with big saucer eyes and fat double chins, and have their coats much longer and their shoe buckles much bigger than the ordinary inhabitants of Vondervotteimittiss.","EAP" "id24240","On this occasion he crawled in as usual, lighting his way with matches filched from the sitting room match safe, and edging through the final crevice with an eagerness hard to explain even to himself.","HPL" "id13879","At this point, after a series of sweeps, it turned off at right angles and pursued a generally southern direction meandering as it went until it became lost in a small lake of irregular figure although roughly oval, that lay gleaming near the lower extremity of the vale.","EAP" "id19553","Flowers, indeed, of gorgeous colours and delicate odour formed the sole mere decoration of the apartment.","EAP" "id13312","Until now, my savage habits had done me no radical mischief; my physical powers had grown up and flourished under their influence, and my mind, undergoing the same discipline, was imbued with all the hardy virtues.","MWS" "id12113","""Let us now transport ourselves, in fancy, to this chamber.","EAP" "id02957","The playing grew fantastic, delirious, and hysterical, yet kept to the last the qualities of supreme genius which I knew this strange old man possessed.","HPL" "id04948","The anniversary was at hand of the exaltation of Raymond to the office of Protector; and it was customary to celebrate this day by a splendid festival.","MWS" "id12042","Their roots a hideous sight were clotted with fragments of the flesh of the scalp sure token of the prodigious power which had been exerted in uprooting perhaps half a million of hairs at a time.","EAP" "id00405","We could not have made head against the strong wind of yesterday; but, by ascending, we might have got out of its influence, if requisite.","EAP" "id20448","He rode over to S , immediately after breakfast, and left word that he would not be in town again for a week.""","EAP" "id25881","As I spoke, a dark gloom spread over my listener's countenance.","MWS" "id02154","Many a night, just at midnight, when all the world slept, it has welled up from my own bosom, deepening, with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me.","EAP" "id01179","Now, this is precisely what ought to be the case, if we suppose a resistance experienced from the comet from an extremely rare ethereal medium pervading the regions of its orbit.","EAP" "id19993","Whether a modern student could ever gain similar powers from mathematical research alone, was still to be seen.","HPL" "id08582","He had been struck by the fortitude and beauty of the ill fated Greek; and, when her constant tenderness towards him unfolded itself, he asked with astonishment, by what act of his he had merited this passionate and unrequited love.","MWS" "id26915","She did not in the least resemble either of her children; her black and sparkling eye, lit up by pride, was totally unlike the blue lustre, and frank, benignant expression of either Adrian or Idris.","MWS" "id21321","Again I am a solitary man; and I will become again, as in my early years, a wanderer, a soldier of fortune.","MWS" "id16774","Withdrawing the key I stepped back from the recess.","EAP" "id02635","I was as a solitary spot among mountains shut in on all sides by steep black precipices; where no ray of heat could penetrate; and from which there was no outlet to sunnier fields.","MWS" "id16894","Namby pamby sort ever heard of her?","HPL" "id11806","All I now ask, all your mother, Idris, requests is, that you will not see this upstart during the interval of one month.""","MWS" "id09951","The evident motion of our system in the heavens was strange to say referred to an orbit about a prodigious star in the centre of the galaxy.","EAP" "id04597","In the Land of Sona Nyl there is neither time nor space, neither suffering nor death; and there I dwelt for many aeons.","HPL" "id20527","The extra state room, originally engaged for this girl during her mistress' life, was now merely retained.","EAP" "id26618","No doubt I now grew very pale; but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice.","EAP" "id15613","For a few minutes I remained wrapped in the profoundest meditation.","EAP" "id05286","I was bewildered, in a cloud of wonder and horror.","MWS" "id17993","I resolved at length to accompany Perdita.","MWS" "id01117","Woe befall the day, she thought, woe, tears, and mourning betide the hour, that gave Raymond another hope than love, another wish than my devotion; and thrice joyful the moment when he shall be restored to me God knows, I put my trust in his vows, and believe his asserted faith but for that, I would not seek what I am now resolved to attain.","MWS" "id12535","He grasped my hand affectionately: ""Thank you,"" he said, ""you have relieved me from a painful dilemma, and are, as you ever were, the best of my friends.","MWS" "id15160","He puts out his candle.","EAP" "id00010","""But it is true that I am a wretch.","MWS" "id14686","There was the poodle.","EAP" "id11717","""Yes, I perceive; and now there is only one point which puzzles me.","EAP" "id13987","Hear him not; call on the names of William, Justine, Clerval, Elizabeth, my father, and of the wretched Victor, and thrust your sword into his heart.","MWS" "id17903","The bog was the cause of all these troubles, as Barry told me the night I came to the castle.","HPL" "id04413","But your sad mien never alters; your pulses beat and you breathe, yet you seem already to belong to another world; and sometimes, pray pardon my wild thoughts, when you touch my hand I am surprised to find your hand warm when all the fire of life seems extinct within you.","MWS" "id17375","He discovered the name of the spot whither my father had retreated, and where he died; he learnt the existence of his orphan children; and during the short interval between his arrival at Ulswater and our meeting in the park, he had been occupied in making inquiries concerning us, and arranging a variety of plans for our benefit, preliminary to his introducing himself to our notice.","MWS" "id21300","At her right hand sat a diminutive young lady whom she appeared to patronise.","EAP" "id20733","This latter kind of silk was designated as silk buckingham, on account of its superior durability, and was usually prepared for use by being varnished with a solution of gum caoutchouc a substance which in some respects must have resembled the gutta percha now in common use.","EAP" "id04093","But Armitage had a sound physique despite his seventy three years, and slept off his disorder that night without developing any real fever.","HPL" "id01666","He was found stiff, his hands clenched, and pressed against his breast.","MWS" "id03556","His Grace's brain reeled as he glanced upward.","EAP" "id03384","The instant he opened his eyes he knew something was terribly wrong, for he was back in his old garret room with the slanting wall and ceiling, sprawled on the now unmade bed.","HPL" "id15338","No; I am not so selfish.","MWS" "id03477","But this difficulty might be easily obviated, either by elevating the seats of the company, or by turning the end of the box towards them during the game.","EAP" "id06322","Still I think, that time, and even absence, may restore her to me.","MWS" "id07541","Like a true Frenchwoman as she was she had obeyed the frank dictates of her reason the generous impulses of her nature despising the conventional pruderies of the world.","EAP" "id16810","It was situated against the back of the cottage and surrounded on the sides which were exposed by a pig sty and a clear pool of water.","MWS" "id24799","To credit these whisperings of rural grandmothers, I now insisted, argued a faith in the existence of spectral substances on the earth apart from and subsequent to their material counterparts.","HPL" "id10665","The autumn was warm and rainy: the infirm and sickly died off happier they: many young people flushed with health and prosperity, made pale by wasting malady, became the inhabitants of the grave.","MWS" "id04892","For its recovery, she offers some forty or fifty dollars reward giving, in her advertisement, a very minute description of the gem, and of its settings, and declaring that, on its restoration at No. so and so, in such and such Avenue, the reward would be paid instanter, without a single question being asked.","EAP" "id20827","Did you ever behold streets so insufferably narrow, or houses so miraculously tall?","EAP" "id14274","Elwood was out late that night, and Gilman waited up for him.","HPL" "id00498","He was one of those very few whom fortune favours from their birth; on whom she bestows all gifts of intellect and person with a profusion that knew no bounds, and whom under her peculiar protection, no imperfection however slight, or disappointment however transitory has leave to touch.","MWS" "id27619","I had known Denys Barry well in America, where he had grown rich, and had congratulated him when he bought back the old castle by the bog at sleepy Kilderry.","HPL" "id05708","""You scoundrel,"" said Legrand, hissing out the syllables from between his clenched teeth ""you infernal black villain speak, I tell you answer me this instant, without prevarication which which is your left eye?"" ""Oh, my golly, Massa Will aint dis here my lef eye for sartain?"" roared the terrified Jupiter, placing his hand upon his right organ of vision, and holding it there with a desperate pertinacity, as if in immediate dread of his master's attempt at a gouge.","EAP" "id05926","God knows it was not of this world or no longer of this world yet to my horror I saw in its eaten away and bone revealing outlines a leering, abhorrent travesty on the human shape; and in its mouldy, disintegrating apparel an unspeakable quality that chilled me even more.","HPL" "id09406","Alas, it is too late We stand upon the brink of a precipice.","EAP" "id24489","We did, however, deem ourselves justified in assuming that it was a living organism highly susceptible to electrical storms; and although certain of the stories suggested wings, we believed that its aversion for open spaces made land locomotion a more probable theory.","HPL" "id20831","The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed.","EAP" "id11650","Often, when wearied by a toilsome march, I persuaded myself that I was dreaming until night should come and that I should then enjoy reality in the arms of my dearest friends.","MWS" "id12586","My duties towards the beings of my own species had greater claims to my attention because they included a greater proportion of happiness or misery.","MWS" "id16472","why cannot the doctors give me something to make me sleep, or truly calm my brain when it thunders?","HPL" "id14560","It was only a minute's work, and then came a sixpence.","EAP" "id05712","Once more I say that I have no clear idea of our object on that night.","HPL" "id14710","At the soirée of the lovely widow, Mrs. Kathleen O'Trump, I was confident that I should meet with no similar disappointment.","EAP" "id23114","""Yes,"" said Elizabeth, ""I will go, although she is guilty; and you, Victor, shall accompany me; I cannot go alone.""","MWS" "id26090","But I forget that I am moralizing in the most interesting part of my tale, and your looks remind me to proceed.","MWS" "id01030","It might have been midnight, or perhaps earlier, or later, for I had taken no note of time, when a sob, low, gentle, but very distinct, startled me from my revery.","EAP" "id03436","I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans.","MWS" "id22059","""Tousand teufel"" growled the Elector of Bluddennuff.","EAP" "id24392","He'll take the hint and be off, you may depend upon it.""","EAP" "id01744","Then I saw a small black aperture, felt a ghoulish wind of ice, and smelled the charnel bowels of a putrescent earth.","HPL" "id16534","The later action of the government, after my frantic appeals, would tend to confirm it as a monstrous truth; but could not an hallucination have been repeated under the quasi hypnotic spell of that ancient, haunted, and shadowed town?","HPL" "id15289","Not so Raymond; he was an enchanter, whose reign was for ever undiminished; a king whose power never was suspended: follow him through the details of common life, still the same charm of grace and majesty adorned him; nor could he be despoiled of the innate deification with which nature had invested him.","MWS" "id07165","While I was pondering upon what was best to be done, Jupiter's voice was again heard.","EAP" "id24832","Admitting the rule, and this Le Moniteur does not deny, insisting merely upon its exceptions, the argument of L'Etoile is suffered to remain in full force; for this argument does not pretend to involve more than a question of the probability of the body having risen to the surface in less than three days; and this probability will be in favor of L'Etoile's position until the instances so childishly adduced shall be sufficient in number to establish an antagonistical rule.","EAP" "id27652","When we were together I spoke little yet my selfish mind was sometimes borne away by the rapid course of his ideas; I would lift my eyes with momentary brilliancy until memories that never died and seldom slept would recur, and a tear would dim them.","MWS" "id14301","AS it is well known that the 'wise men' came 'from the East,' and as Mr. Touch and go Bullet head came from the East, it follows that Mr. Bullet head was a wise man; and if collateral proof of the matter be needed, here we have it Mr. B. was an editor.","EAP" "id03811","And then, hour after hour, would I linger by her side, and dwell upon the music of her voice, until at length its melody was tainted with terror, and there fell a shadow upon my soul, and I grew pale, and shuddered inwardly at those too unearthly tones.","EAP" "id16958","By Their smell can men sometimes know Them near, but of Their semblance can no man know, saving only in the features of those They have begotten on mankind; and of those are there many sorts, differing in likeness from man's truest eidolon to that shape without sight or substance which is Them.","HPL" "id24110","I motioned him to take up the letter, while I walked up and down the room in the extremest agitation.","MWS" "id14971","Upon the usurpation of Vitiges, Ibidus fell into disgrace and was for a time imprisoned; but the coming of the Byzantine Roman army under Belisarius soon restored him to liberty and honours.","HPL" "id09264","In this rack, which had three or four compartments, were five or six visiting cards and a solitary letter.","EAP" "id14384","Death and disease level all men.","MWS" "id03125","Every succeeding wave of thought overwhelmed me with new terror, for, alas I well, too well understood that to think, in my situation, was to be lost.","EAP" "id07344","Chantilly was a quondam cobbler of the Rue St. Denis, who, becoming stage mad, had attempted the rôle of Xerxes, in Crébillon's tragedy so called, and been notoriously Pasquinaded for his pains.","EAP" "id25393","She had no experience beyond her father's cottage; and the mansion of the lord of the manor was the chiefest type of grandeur she could conceive.","MWS" "id02784","In his boyhood he had revelled through long visits there, and had found weird marvels in the woods beyond the orchard.","HPL" "id03243","Let it suffice to say, that at the period of which I speak, there existed, in the interior of Hungary, a settled although hidden belief in the doctrines of the Metempsychosis.","EAP" "id08012","In the name of all the vrows and devils in Rotterdam, what could it possibly portend?","EAP" "id19064","A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me.","MWS" "id26496","they wanted to mix like they done with the Kanakys, an' he fer one didn't feel baound to stop 'em.","HPL" "id18769","Although completely water logged, yet, as her masts had gone by the board, she rose, after a minute, heavily from the sea, and, staggering awhile beneath the immense pressure of the tempest, finally righted.","EAP" "id03520","Here was art undoubtedly that did not surprise me all roads, in the ordinary sense, are works of art; nor can I say that there was much to wonder at in the mere excess of art manifested; all that seemed to have been done, might have been done here with such natural ""capabilities"" as they have it in the books on Landscape Gardening with very little labor and expense.","EAP" "id04595","We had prepared a banquet for our guests in the lower hall of the castle; and thither Idris and I repaired to receive and entertain the few that remained.","MWS" "id21001","It was not until the opening of the vault to decide the controversy, that the appearance of Mr. Windenough and myself proved both parties to have been decidedly in the wrong.","EAP" "id07325","I could hardly sustain the multitude of feelings that crowded into my mind.","MWS" "id03529","""Entertain this belief,"" he cried, ""hug it to your heart make it a pillow to your head, an opiate for your eyes I am content.","MWS" "id26196","I saw our exact position in an instant.","EAP" "id00474","Many living deaths have I borne for thee, O Raymond, and now I expire, thy victim By my death I purchase thee lo the instruments of war, fire, the plague are my servitors.","MWS" "id18308","But is it not getting late?","EAP" "id06818","Such incursions struck the English with affright, in all those towns where there was still sufficient population to feel the change.","MWS" "id13688","The high walls of the tomb, and the flaming sword of plague, lie between it and him.","MWS" "id24089","The idea of detection never once entered my brain.","EAP" "id26590","THE MOST notorious ill fortune must in the end yield to the untiring courage of philosophy as the most stubborn city to the ceaseless vigilance of an enemy.","EAP" "id06187","What, then, must have been my amazement when I heard the Frenchman speak what he had just spoken, and when I could not help acknowledging that he had spoken the truth.","EAP" "id06221","After many years spent in foreign travel, I sailed in the year , from the port of Batavia, in the rich and populous island of Java, on a voyage to the Archipelago of the Sunda islands.","EAP" "id06946","Had there been divisions, the task would have been comparatively easy.","EAP" "id15595","The field of ice is almost a league in width, but I spent nearly two hours in crossing it.","MWS" "id06369","The last nine hours have been unquestionably the most exciting of my life.","EAP" "id03647","""Its susceptibility of being produced?"" said I. ""That is to say, of being destroyed,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id07185","Let us endeavor to ascertain, by repeated questionings of Madame Deluc and her boys, as well as of the omnibus driver, Valence, something more of the personal appearance and bearing of the 'man of dark complexion.' Queries, skilfully directed, will not fail to elicit, from some of these parties, information on this particular point or upon others information which the parties themselves may not even be aware of possessing.","EAP" "id25517","Crazed as I was, I saw in that awful shadow a monstrous resemblance a nauseous, unbelievable caricature a blasphemous effigy of him who had been Denys Barry.","HPL" "id01810","Why my sic does my heart heave with vain endeavour to cast aside the bitter anguish that covers it ""as the waters cover the sea.""","MWS" "id24906","Clumps of wild flowers grew everywhere, luxuriantly, in the interspaces.","EAP" "id08379","He now grew more composed in his demeanor; but his original air of enthusiasm had quite disappeared.","EAP" "id08249","It would be a city greater than Innsmouth next time.","HPL" "id19149","I was not sufficiently awake to see whether Tobey was attending to his duties as sentinel, but felt a distinct anxiety on that score.","HPL" "id12219","I kept quite still and said nothing.","EAP" "id02016","Alas it was double cruelty in him to have chosen the sea for his fatal resolve; it was adding madness to my despair.","MWS" "id18881","The name of the king, he to whom my dying father had addressed his latest prayers, and who had barbarously slighted them, was associated only with the ideas of unkindness, injustice, and consequent resentment.","MWS" "id25102","A draught of this Medoc will defend us from the damps.""","EAP" "id15647","To do do small man and bad pay....... TOTAL sic The item chiefly disputed in this bill was the very moderate charge of two pennies for the dickey.","EAP" "id15168","Yet let me a little retract from this sentence I have passed on myself.","MWS" "id05474","As I look back across the years I realise how unreal it seems; and sometimes half wonder if old Dr. Fenton was not right when he charged it all to my excited imagination.","HPL" "id26008","The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be.","HPL" "id16624","In his explanation of this phraseology, Mr. Ellison did much toward solving what has always seemed to me an enigma: I mean the fact which none but the ignorant dispute that no such combination of scenery exists in nature as the painter of genius may produce.","EAP" "id07947","The Comte died without utterance, and was buried the next day, but little more than two and thirty years from the hour of his birth.","HPL" "id10432","The paste thus arising was called papyrus in its primary state, and went through a variety of processes until it finally became ""silk.""","EAP" "id02217","I see by your eagerness and the wonder and hope which your eyes express, my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted; that cannot be; listen patiently until the end of my story, and you will easily perceive why I am reserved upon that subject.","MWS" "id05092","Were the pride of ancestry, the patrician spirit, the gentle courtesies and refined pursuits, splendid attributes of rank, to be erased among us?","MWS" "id17292","Not even the outlines of continents and seas could now be traced upon the earth with anything approaching distinctness.","EAP" "id20467","Rumour now and then associated him with a certain ""Consul Hasting"" whose work for the stage and for motion picture companies attracted a certain degree of attention because of its scholarly breadth and depth; but Hasting soon disappeared from the public eye, and Galpin became only a name for parents to quote in warning accents.","HPL" "id24157","Social feeling and sympathy constituted a marked feature in my disposition.","MWS" "id01909","Within there were carven mantels and graceful stairs, and sensible, pleasing furniture, china, and silver, brought from the Mother Land.","HPL" "id25095","Cut loose, then, in high spirits, and rose gently but steadily, with a light breeze at North, which bore us in the direction of the British Channel.","EAP" "id07045","Wealth was the general solution but this I knew to be no solution at all; for Wyatt had told me that she neither brought him a dollar nor had any expectations from any source whatever.","EAP" "id19020","As he spoke, every sound was hushed, every thought suspended by intense attention.","MWS" "id26877","The Emperors Tiberius and Maurice did kindly honour to his old age, and contributed much to his immortality especially Maurice, whose delight it was to trace his ancestry to old Rome notwithstanding his birth at Arabiscus, in Cappadocia.","HPL" "id19627","At this time, my belief in the supernatural was firm and deep seated, else I should have dismissed with scorn the incredible narrative unfolded before my eyes.","HPL" "id21634","""You have a quarrel on hand, I see,"" said I, ""with some of the algebraists of Paris; but proceed.""","EAP" "id17865","Although this event failed not of a vivid effect upon my disordered imagination, yet was it evanescent as vivid.","EAP" "id25827","I started up, my strength returned; sic with my terror; I cried, ""Oh, God Is this thy decree?","MWS" "id18883","One night, about the close of my fifth year at the school, and immediately after the altercation just mentioned, finding every one wrapped in sleep, I arose from bed, and, lamp in hand, stole through a wilderness of narrow passages from my own bedroom to that of my rival.","EAP" "id04207","Burke has said that, 'in all bodies those who would lead, must also, in a considerable degree, follow.'","MWS" "id17369","I never loved any but you.","MWS" "id11600","When, I say, all this became evident to my appalled senses, when I could no longer hide it from my soul, nor throw it off from those perceptions which trembled to receive it, is it to be wondered at that suspicions, of a nature fearful and exciting, crept in upon my spirit, or that my thoughts fell back aghast upon the wild tales and thrilling theories of the entombed Morella?","EAP" "id06717","They retreated, at first, before us.","EAP" "id10799","Nothing else of an extraordinary nature occurred during the day.","EAP" "id02017","The very moderate density of these bodies had been well established.","EAP" "id18816","The chairs and table were ""to match,"" but the forms of all had evidently been designed by the same brain which planned ""the grounds;"" it is impossible to conceive anything more graceful.","EAP" "id04329","Pardon me, gentle reader, this is not futile vanity; not futile, since to know that Adrian felt thus, brings joy even now to my lone heart.","MWS" "id11586","I found that we were to have a great many passengers, including a more than usual number of ladies.","EAP" "id06623","She directed everything to be prepared for the continuance of their journey, and placing her lovely sleeping charge on a bed, passed several hours in acute suffering.","MWS" "id12643","After this I call to mind flatness and dampness; and then all is madness the madness of a memory which busies itself among forbidden things.","EAP" "id20254","I feel yet parched with horror, nor can I reflect on that terrible moment without shuddering and agony.","MWS" "id11531","That morning and afternoon I wandered alone through the sun gilded village and talked now and then with idle labourers, for Barry was busy with the final plans for beginning his work of drainage.","HPL" "id17296","On the hearth were two or three long and thick tresses of grey human hair, also dabbled in blood, and seeming to have been pulled out by the roots.","EAP" "id05075","This good woman had stood in the place of a mother, and her very deficiencies of education and knowledge, by rendering her humble and defenceless, endeared her to us she was the especial favourite of the children.","MWS" "id17946","As the shadows gathered, the natives commenced to disperse homeward, anxious to bar themselves indoors despite the present evidence that all human locks and bolts were useless before a force that could bend trees and crush houses when it chose.","HPL" "id02055","""Astonishingly,"" said the second; ""still quite a brilliant air, but art will do wonders.","EAP" "id13419","Once I partly awaked, probably because the sleeper toward the window had restlessly flung an arm across my chest.","HPL" "id05016","What shall we think of an engine of wood and metal which can not only compute astronomical and navigation tables to any given extent, but render the exactitude of its operations mathematically certain through its power of correcting its possible errors?","EAP" "id24486","Mixed with the present scene was always a little of the past and a little of the future, and every once familiar object loomed alien in the new perspective brought by my widened sight.","HPL" "id06014","His right hand fell on one of the projecting figures, the touch seeming to steady him slightly.","HPL" "id19111","His height could not have been less than six feet, and despite a general air of age and poverty he was stout and powerful in proportion.","HPL" "id12425","""Treason"" said the little man with the gout.","EAP" "id05419","We conjectured, notwithstanding what we had heard, that we should find Raymond in St. Stephen's: thither we sped.","MWS" "id22236","But what mainly occasioned a righteous indignation was, that the scoundrelly popinjay, while he cut a fandango here, and a whirligig there, did not seem to have the remotest idea in the world of such a thing as keeping time in his steps.","EAP" "id08822","At the time I saw no reason to dissent from this dictum, but latterly I am inclined to wonder and more than wonder.","HPL" "id26875","He felt assured, after he had for awhile humoured her self will, that in the end friendship and reason would gain the day.","MWS" "id02956","That my memory is broken, I do not wonder; for my health, physical and mental, was gravely disturbed throughout the period of my residence in the Rue d'Auseil, and I recall that I took none of my few acquaintances there.","HPL" "id07840","""But that ain't the trouble naow that was only the start.","HPL" "id13669","In fact, he would have given ten thousand pounds from his own pocket Kate's plum was her own if he could have invented any thing like an excuse for complying with our very natural wishes.","EAP" "id09383","What the ""Daddy"" chose to say of the Fly, however, was no business of mine.","EAP" "id21694","""It may appear invidious in me, Miss Psyche Zenobia, to refer you to any article, or set of articles, in the way of model or study, yet perhaps I may as well call your attention to a few cases.","EAP" "id21278","I know not by what chain of thought the idea presented itself, but it instantly darted into my mind that the murderer had come to mock at my misery and taunt me with the death of Clerval, as a new incitement for me to comply with his hellish desires.","MWS" "id07786","There will be frequent hours in which I shall need, too, the sympathy of the poetic in what I have done.","EAP" "id05303","""Who dares?"" he demanded hoarsely of the courtiers who stood near him ""who dares insult us with this blasphemous mockery?","EAP" "id23903","Meanwhile he would try to keep track of his somnambulism.","HPL" "id27554","The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time.","EAP" "id08671","""Smith?"" said Mrs. P., as we twirled about together in a pas de zephyr, ""Smith?","EAP" "id26769","I tell you we are no longer miserable mortals; we are about to become Gods; spirits free and happy as gods.","MWS" "id02451","It is long since I first trod the deck of this terrible ship, and the rays of my destiny are, I think, gathering to a focus.","EAP" "id18522","Quizzed the whole party through an opera glass, till I saw the fat lady blush and whisper to G. Went round, then, into the box, and put my nose within reach of his hand.","EAP" "id20356","The region now entered by the police was one of traditionally evil repute, substantially unknown and untraversed by white men.","HPL" "id03071","I was convinced of this for two reasons because my birds always flew in a straight line; and because whenever we attempted to rest, we were carried insensibly around the globe of the earth.","EAP" "id07283","She says the hired boy Luther was aout drivin' in the caows from the storm arter the big bolt, when he see all the trees a bendin' at the maouth o' the glen opposite side ter this an' smelt the same awful smell like he smelt when he faound the big tracks las' Monday mornin'.","HPL" "id12461","That night as Gilman slept the violet light broke upon him with heightened intensity, and the old witch and small furry thing getting closer than ever before mocked him with inhuman squeals and devilish gestures.","HPL" "id05626","""You could take that old bus, I suppose,"" he said with a certain hesitation, ""but it ain't thought much of hereabouts.","HPL" "id19346","But this is what I shiveringly puzzled out on the stickily smeared paper before I drew a match and burned it to a crisp; what I puzzled out in terror as the landlady and two mechanics rushed frantically from that hellish place to babble their incoherent stories at the nearest police station.","HPL" "id15819","Suddenly, as the seamen stumbled against the entrance of a tall and ghastly looking building, a yell more than usually shrill from the throat of the excited Legs, was replied to from within, in a rapid succession of wild, laughter like, and fiendish shrieks.","EAP" "id06709","The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine.","MWS" "id20711","The plain around was interspersed with cemeteries, Turk, Greek, and Armenian, with their growth of cypress trees; and other woods of more cheerful aspect, diversified the scene.","MWS" "id02268","There was the President of the Fum Fudge University.","EAP" "id05775","""All men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us.","MWS" "id12578","It is quite a common thing to be thus annoyed with the ringing in our ears, or rather in our memories, of the burthen of some ordinary song, or some unimpressive snatches from an opera.","EAP" "id04304","that's me"" here I screamed at the top of my voice ""that's me e e I am Napoleon Bonaparte Froissart and if I havn't married my great, great, grandmother, I wish I may be everlastingly confounded"" Madame Eugenie Lalande, quasi Simpson formerly Moissart was, in sober fact, my great, great, grandmother.","EAP" "id12190","She had grown thin and pale; and her eyes often filled with tears.","MWS" "id12722","The propelling principle, or power, was here, also, applied to interrupted surfaces, or vanes, put in revolution.","EAP" "id12806","If, instead of this remark, my father had taken the pains to explain to me that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded and that a modern system of science had been introduced which possessed much greater powers than the ancient, because the powers of the latter were chimerical, while those of the former were real and practical, under such circumstances I should certainly have thrown Agrippa aside and have contented my imagination, warmed as it was, by returning with greater ardour to my former studies.","MWS" "id13097","Turning to him, therefore, I said, ""I consent to your demand, on your solemn oath to quit Europe forever, and every other place in the neighbourhood of man, as soon as I shall deliver into your hands a female who will accompany you in your exile.""","MWS" "id15514","My appearance is commanding.","EAP" "id15202","With this object in view I had prepared a very strong perfectly air tight, but flexible gum elastic bag.","EAP" "id12765","Upon sight of it, the Ourang Outang sprang at once through the door of the chamber, down the stairs, and thence, through a window, unfortunately open, into the street.","EAP" "id14074","Her only consolation during the violence which she did herself, was to watch the motions of an illuminated clock, and internally count the moments which must elapse before she could be alone.","MWS" "id10272","Thus isolated, and thrown upon my own resources, I spent the hours of my childhood in poring over the ancient tomes that filled the shadow haunted library of the chateau, and in roaming without aim or purpose through the perpetual dusk of the spectral wood that clothes the side of the hill near its foot.","HPL" "id20034","Houses went up of them, and more and at last one fateful night a titan thing occurred.","HPL" "id25690","And I called the Mighty Ruler of the Universe to witness the pious solemnity of my vow.","EAP" "id08487","In this disposition, the dupe who cuts, as customary, at the length of the pack, will invariably find that he cuts his antagonist an honor; while the gambler, cutting at the breadth, will, as certainly, cut nothing for his victim which may count in the records of the game.","EAP" "id08141","Upon coming to my senses, for the fall had very thoroughly stunned me, I found it about four o'clock in the morning.","EAP" "id04806","At length I saw a grass grown opening toward the sea between crumbling brick walls, with the weedy length of an earth and masonry wharf projecting beyond.","HPL" "id27696","An instantaneous and dreadful sickness seized me.","EAP" "id27626","With a well feigned show of reluctance, and not until after my repeated refusal had seduced him into some angry words which gave a color of pique to my compliance, did I finally comply.","EAP" "id24238","The sight of the military restored hope to those who fled, and revenge took place of fear.","MWS" "id08747","Then I should have lived upon this dreary heath unvisited, and blasting none by my unhallowed gaze.","MWS" "id06368","The other crucible had some liquid in it, which, as the officers entered, seemed to be furiously dissipating in vapor.","EAP" "id23031","We had now been about ten minutes upon the top of Helseggen, to which we had ascended from the interior of Lofoden, so that we had caught no glimpse of the sea until it had burst upon us from the summit.","EAP" "id13371","I became perfectly certain of this; for I recollected turning up first one side and then the other, in search of the cleanest spot.","EAP" "id15007","""In his murder my crimes are consummated; the miserable series of my being is wound to its close Oh, Frankenstein Generous and self devoted being What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me?","MWS" "id05907","He mentioned the beauties of his native country and asked us if those were not sufficient allurements to induce us to prolong our journey as far north as Perth, where he resided.","MWS" "id09254","Do you see the stage box?","EAP" "id11576","At least it would be a benevolent action to rescue the sufferer, whether human or brute, from the desolation of the town; so, sending Clara back to her home, I again entered Constantinople.","MWS" "id02274","Not even here is knowledge thing of intuition.","EAP" "id22339","Perdita rejoined him, and before her he forced himself to appear cheerful, for she, even as a mirror, changed as he changed, and if he were silent and anxious, she solicitously inquired concerning, and endeavoured to remove the cause of his seriousness.","MWS" "id09764","And their astonishment may be well conceived, when the next day it became known, all over Bremen, that the 'lot of brass' which they had carted so contemptuously to the police office, without putting themselves to the trouble of pocketing the smallest scrap, was not only gold real gold but gold far finer than any employed in coinage gold, in fact, absolutely pure, virgin, without the slightest appreciable alloy.","EAP" "id03964","Near the fire was Ryland and his supporters.","MWS" "id01882","Day after day so many hundreds wore on; they brought no outward changes with them, but some few slowly operated on my mind as I glided on towards death.","MWS" "id27632","Now, if we imagine this sense of the Almighty Design to be harmonized in a measurable degree, if we suppose a landscape whose combined strangeness, vastness, definitiveness, and magnificence, shall inspire the idea of culture, or care, or superintendence, on the part of intelligences superior yet akin to humanity then the sentiment of interest is preserved, while the Art is made to assume the air of an intermediate or secondary Nature a Nature which is not God, nor an emanation of God, but which still is Nature, in the sense that it is the handiwork of the angels that hover between man and God.""","EAP" "id09769","She regarded with suspicion the invitation of Idris; she embraced me, as if she were about to be deprived of my affection also: calling me her more than brother, her only friend, her last hope, she pathetically conjured me not to cease to love her; and with encreased anxiety she departed for London, the scene and cause of all her misery.","MWS" "id25059","The doctor was a bachelor; a white haired, clean shaven, old fashioned gentleman, and a local historian of note, who had often broken a lance with such controversial guardians of tradition as Sidney S. Rider and Thomas W. Bicknell.","HPL" "id23628","You who have dedicated your powers of mind and fortune to the benefit of your species, shall you so misdirect your exertions, as to support in uselessness the strong, healthy, and capable?""","MWS" "id01398","The ship was no longer visible, having drifted away, apparently to the eastward.","EAP" "id21106","It was in March when the fresh element entered his lighter preliminary dreaming, and the nightmare shape of Brown Jenkin began to be companioned by the nebulous blur which grew more and more to resemble a bent old woman.","HPL" "id12195","Certainly, it had much to do with something in the book which Warren carried with him that ancient book in undecipherable characters which had come to him from India a month before but I swear I do not know what it was that we expected to find.","HPL" "id06407","At last, with slow and heavy steps, I had paced out of the hall, and sprung upon my horse.","MWS" "id06493","These simple people were quick to imagine they had seen any odd thing they had heard about.","HPL" "id16967","I clung to my ferocious habits, yet half despised them; I continued my war against civilization, and yet entertained a wish to belong to it.","MWS" "id17162","Joe Slater, who came to the institution in the vigilant custody of four state policemen, and who was described as a highly dangerous character, certainly presented no evidence of his perilous disposition when first I beheld him.","HPL" "id03483","But my father; my beloved and most wretched father?","MWS" "id19482","I had always been exceptionally tolerant of West's pursuits, and we frequently discussed his theories, whose ramifications and corollaries were almost infinite.","HPL" "id11021","No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself.","MWS" "id07995","That those venturesome youths will come back they do not doubt, but they think a light may be gone from their eyes, and a will from their hearts.","HPL" "id03127","""Perhaps the mystery is a little too plain,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id27201","""She will of course, as I shall her, when we are married.""","MWS" "id14638","He questioned the sculptor with scientific minuteness; and studied with almost frantic intensity the bas relief on which the youth had found himself working, chilled and clad only in his night clothes, when waking had stolen bewilderingly over him.","HPL" "id02481","I never learned its title, for the early pages were missing; but it fell open toward the end and gave me a glimpse of something which sent my senses reeling.","HPL" "id10043","When at last my senses returned, all was frightfully dark, and my mind remembering what had occurred, shrank from the idea of beholding more; yet curiosity overmastered all.","HPL" "id05958","Indeed, the labor now required by the condenser had increased to a most oppressive degree, and allowed me scarcely any respite from exertion.","EAP" "id16723","They had to do with some preposterous legend of the bog, and of a grim guardian spirit that dwelt in the strange olden ruin on the far islet I had seen in the sunset.","HPL" "id11812","You, perhaps, regard her as your sister, without any wish that she might become your wife.","MWS" "id11436","I had to rest several times before I could accomplish this manoeuvre, but it was at length accomplished.","EAP" "id26024","No word was uttered, for the spot and the task seemed known to us; and without delay we seized our spades and commenced to clear away the grass, weeds, and drifted earth from the flat, archaic mortuary.","HPL" "id03868","Then taking also from the drawer the Automaton's set of chess men, he arranges them upon the chessboard before the figure.","EAP" "id22295","We may not part until you have promised to comply with my requisition.","MWS" "id06176","As twilight deepened I turned on the one feeble electric bulb over the cheap, iron framed bed, and tried as best I could to continue the reading I had begun.","HPL" "id05202","For some distance the line kept on along the gorge's brink, but at length I reached the long covered bridge where it crossed the chasm at a dizzy height.","HPL" "id27126","Turning her thoughts this way, I gave them an object which rescued them from insanity.","MWS" "id17468","Opening the door, he saw that the flour on the corridor floor was undisturbed except for the huge prints of the loutish fellow who roomed at the other end of the garret.","HPL" "id04249","She had never been married; and for the last five years had lived perfectly alone on an estate, that had descended to her through her mother, on the shores of Loch Lomond in Scotland.","MWS" "id15925","When I came to the reality, and saw regiments file off to the left far out of sight, fields intervening between the battalions, but a few troops sufficiently near me to observe their motions, I gave up all idea of understanding, even of seeing a battle, but attaching myself to Raymond attended with intense interest to his actions.","MWS" "id11023","Wait till I ring for coffee.","HPL" "id01825","What I then saw confounded and amazed me.","EAP" "id21540","A great point was to set each lunatic to guard the actions of all the others.","EAP" "id07961","Those most remote from the spectators are the longest those in the middle are about two inches shorter and those nearest the company about two inches shorter still and the candles on one side differ in height from the candles respectively opposite on the other, by a ratio different from two inches that is to say, the longest candle on one side is about three inches shorter than the longest candle on the other, and so on.","EAP" "id18120","They were definite and unmistakable, and awaked in my mind a blind horror beyond all rational proportion.","HPL" "id01312","There she would behold the tomb of her parents, and the territory filled with recollections of her father's glory.","MWS" "id23090","But it was not that distant whine which robbed me of my faculties and set upon my soul such a seal of fright as may never in life be removed; not that which drew the shrieks and excited the convulsions which caused lodgers and police to break down the door.","HPL" "id20446","I knew him as a courtier, too, and as a bold intriguant.","EAP" "id12864","The ward was filled with an effluvia that caused my heart to heave with painful qualms.","MWS" "id06857","I never ben thar, but I kin tell a taown man when I see 'im we hed one fer deestrick schoolmaster in 'eighty four, but he quit suddent an' no one never heerd on 'im sence "" Here the old man lapsed into a kind of chuckle, and made no explanation when I questioned him.","HPL" "id16347","This, however, implied that all roads leading out of Innsmouth were similarly patrolled; for the denizens could not have known what route I intended to take.","HPL" "id13738","""You kept your eyes upon the ground glancing, with a petulant expression, at the holes and ruts in the pavement, so that I saw you were still thinking of the stones, until we reached the little alley called Lamartine, which has been paved, by way of experiment, with the overlapping and riveted blocks.","EAP" "id06259","What it shewed was simply the monstrous being he was painting on that awful canvas.","HPL" "id02683","Atal was only the son of an innkeeper, and was sometimes afraid; but Barzai's father had been a landgrave who dwelt in an ancient castle, so he had no common superstition in his blood, and only laughed at the fearful cotters.","HPL" "id11024","Once for a moment she revived and recognized his voice; a smile, a last lovely smile, played upon her lips.","MWS" "id20952","An observation of yours about its great weight suggested the latter idea.""","EAP" "id17594","I found it impossible to comprehend him either in his moral or his physical relations.","EAP" "id01252","The impression she produced upon the company seemed electrical but the effect upon myself was something even more.","EAP" "id09366","They could not perceive, so they said, what good was likely to result from their getting wet to the skin, merely to take a part in such horrible incantations.","EAP" "id02001","With shuddering horror I veiled this monument of human passion and human misery; I heaped over her all of flags and heavy accoutrements I could find, to guard her from birds and beasts of prey, until I could bestow on her a fitting grave.","MWS" "id03900","At this moment we heard a step upon the stairs.","EAP" "id07115","We were then to call at the house of a clergyman who would be in waiting; there be married, drop Talbot, and proceed on a short tour to the East, leaving the fashionable world at home to make whatever comments upon the matter it thought best.","EAP" "id17517","I felt a holy rapture spring from all I saw.","MWS" "id06638","It afforded me more real delight than all the mere worldly advantages accruing from my sin.","EAP" "id14486","I pondered upon their conformation.","EAP" "id01249","They have made a Latin hymn upon the valor of the king, and are singing it as they go: Mille, mille, mille, Mille, mille, mille, Decollavimus, unus homo Mille, mille, mille, mille, decollavimus Mille, mille, mille, Vivat qui mille mille occidit Tantum vini habet nemo Quantum sanguinis effudit Which may be thus paraphrased: A thousand, a thousand, a thousand, A thousand, a thousand, a thousand, We, with one warrior, have slain A thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand.","EAP" "id16579","To the left the character of the scene is softer and more obviously artificial.","EAP" "id09307","With her therefore, before me on my horse, attended only by the servant who was to re conduct her, we rode to the Top Kapou.","MWS" "id13541","We will set up a candidate, and ensure his success.","MWS" "id06788","Whither does this lead?","MWS" "id19086","Despite the obvious danger of attracting notice and bringing down on our heads the dreaded police investigation a thing which after all was mercifully averted by the relative isolation of our cottage my friend suddenly, excitedly, and unnecessarily emptied all six chambers of his revolver into the nocturnal visitor.","HPL" "id24647","The young man and his companion often went apart and appeared to weep.","MWS" "id11060","No such paradises are to be found in reality as have glowed on the canvas of Claude.","EAP" "id22144","Xh, Jxhn, Jxhn, Jxhn, if yxu dxn't gx yxu're nx hxmx nx Yxu're xnly a fxwl, an xwl; a cxw, a sxw; a dxll, a pxll; a pxxr xld gxxd fxr nxthing tx nxbxdy, lxg, dxg, hxg, xr frxg, cxme xut xf a Cxncxrd bxg.","EAP" "id12913","I now felt a burning sense of the impropriety I had committed, and expected nothing less than instant exposure; while a vision of pistols upon the morrow floated rapidly and uncomfortably through my brain.","EAP" "id01711","For the rest, he laughed with his arms and legs, and his politics were stubborn and easily understood.","EAP" "id19367","He felt that the end of time was come; he knew that one by one we should dwindle into nothingness.","MWS" "id11275","The old lady was childish.","EAP" "id01952","It was merely that my uncle's facial expression, disturbed no doubt by the strange dreams which our situation prompted, betrayed considerable agitation, and seemed not at all characteristic of him.","HPL" "id00863","See you not the thunderbolt fall, and are deafened by the shout of heaven that follows its descent?","MWS" "id21382","My knees tottered beneath me my teeth chattered my hair started up on end.","EAP" "id03380","I rushed towards her and embraced her with ardour, but the deadly languor and coldness of the limbs told me that what I now held in my arms had ceased to be the Elizabeth whom I had loved and cherished.","MWS" "id16963","In looking about, I discovered the interesting girl to whom Monsieur Maillard had presented me in the little parlor; but my surprise was great to see her wearing a hoop and farthingale, with high heeled shoes, and a dirty cap of Brussels lace, so much too large for her that it gave her face a ridiculously diminutive expression.","EAP" "id23703","It is a part of man's nature to adapt itself through habit even to pain and sorrow.","MWS" "id22963","And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave.","EAP" "id21245","Je lui ai cette obligation entre les autres, de m' auoir non seulement mis en main cc Livre en anglois, mais encore le Manuscrit du Sieur Thomas D'Anan, gentilhomme Eccossois, recommandable pour sa vertu, sur la version duquel j' advoue que j' ay tiré le plan de la mienne.""","EAP" "id03462","It was in the township of Dunwich, in a large and partly inhabited farmhouse set against a hillside four miles from the village and a mile and a half from any other dwelling, that Wilbur Whateley was born at A.M. on Sunday, the second of February, .","HPL" "id17418","It was a painful process, and at its very start brought out a fresh and disconcerting fact.","HPL" "id18659","Hereupon Mr. Crab desired me to use up the editor of the ""Gad Fly"" forthwith, in the fiercest style within the scope of my ability, and as a specimen of my powers.","EAP" "id02050","ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES is very generally looked upon as the Gog of the prophet Ezekiel.","EAP" "id12545","He was singularly tall and thin.","EAP" "id27896","And yet how unintelligible is this In all other matters we are justly instructed to regard nature as supreme.","EAP" "id19615","The light, almost slender symmetry of his figure, promised more of that ready activity which he evinced at the Bridge of Sighs, than of that Herculean strength which he has been known to wield without an effort, upon occasions of more dangerous emergency.","EAP" "id24553","In the brooding fire of autumn Carter took the old remembered way past graceful lines of rolling hill and stone walled meadow, distant vale and hanging woodland, curving road and nestling farmstead, and the crystal windings of the Miskatonic, crossed here and there by rustic bridges of wood or stone.","HPL" "id20982","I was returning home from the Piazetta, by way of the Grand Canal.","EAP" "id18612","By the time help could be summoned, every trace of the men and of their mad charge had vanished.","HPL" "id13600","""How inconstant are your feelings But a moment ago you were moved by my representations, and why do you again harden yourself to my complaints?","MWS" "id21630","Its length was thirteen feet six inches height, six feet eight inches.","EAP" "id07973","He hesitated but for an instant; then, with a slight sigh, drew in silence, and put himself upon his defence.","EAP" "id11055","Had the wind suddenly changed eastward, so that it blew in from the sea and over the town?","HPL" "id06752","I watched the re awakened devotion of my sister; Clara's timid, but concentrated admiration of her father, and Raymond's appetite for renown, and sensitiveness to the demonstrations of affection of the Athenians.","MWS" "id15789","She must have thought of these things, I say.","EAP" "id22774","This man, Joseph D. Galvez, I later met and questioned; and he proved distractingly imaginative.","HPL" "id24491","The moodiness of my usual temper increased to hatred of all things and of all mankind; while, from the sudden, frequent, and ungovernable outbursts of a fury to which I now blindly abandoned myself, my uncomplaining wife, alas was the most usual and the most patient of sufferers.","EAP" "id12539","Nor did they like the strange sculptures upon the grey monoliths of Ib, for those sculptures were terrible with great antiquity.","HPL" "id25499","It was late in the day before Perdita awoke, and a longer time elapsed before recovering from the torpor occasioned by the laudanum, she perceived her change of situation.","MWS" "id09915","I looked dizzily, and beheld a wide expanse of ocean, whose waters wore so inky a hue as to bring at once to my mind the Nubian geographer's account of the Mare Tenebrarum.","EAP" "id09621","The flame of a candle burned upon the poop without the least perceptible motion, and a long hair, held between the finger and thumb, hung without the possibility of detecting a vibration.","EAP" "id13588","""Put your right hand into your left hand preeches pocket, ten, in token ov your vull zubmizzion unto te Angel ov te Odd.""","EAP" "id18635","One wolf was seen to lope away unhurt.","HPL" "id23406","Archaeologists and anthropologists are still trying to explain the bizarre designs chased on a crushed bowl of light metal whose inner side bore ominous brownish stains when found.","HPL" "id03361","I am that is to say I was a great man; but I am neither the author of Junius nor the man in the mask; for my name, I believe, is Robert Jones, and I was born somewhere in the city of Fum Fudge.","EAP" "id10733","Never for one moment when most placid did I cease to pray for death.","MWS" "id05069","My own name, though, as I say, became Simpson, by act of Legislature, and with so much repugnance on my part, that, at one period, I actually hesitated about accepting the legacy with the useless and annoying proviso attached.","EAP" "id03175","The girl was young and of gentle demeanour, unlike what I have since found cottagers and farmhouse servants to be.","MWS" "id05182","These repeated insults were not to be endured by an imperious nobility.","EAP" "id10611","Much as they were attached to each other, they seemed to draw inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine of love to bestow them upon me.","MWS" "id09134","He received a letter from her to say that she was slightly ill, but telling him to hasten to her, that from his eyes she would receive health and that his company would be her surest medecine.","MWS" "id15280","""You are mistaken, my lord; the horse, as I think we mentioned, is not from the stables of the Count.","EAP" "id23470","With the main result of these colloquies the public is now familiar and I wish, for normality's sake, there were nothing more to tell.","HPL" "id12909","I shunned the face of man; all sound of joy or complacency was torture to me; solitude was my only consolation deep, dark, deathlike solitude.","MWS" "id08735","Not for a moment did I believe that the tale had any really substantial foundation; but none the less the account held a hint of genuine terror, if only because it brought in references to strange jewels clearly akin to the malign tiara I had seen at Newburyport.","HPL" "id22453","I struggled vainly for firmness sufficient to answer him, but the effort destroyed all my remaining strength; I sank on the chair and sobbed aloud.","MWS" "id05435","From its nether extremity swung a large cresset.","EAP" "id04387","When she entered the court she threw her eyes round it and quickly discovered where we were seated.","MWS" "id14942","The monster continued to utter wild and incoherent self reproaches.","MWS" "id12670","They upthrew the damp earth.","EAP" "id24251","""Ha ha ha why, Simpson, you have an astonishing tact at making discoveries original ones, I mean.""","EAP" "id15219","Its forest should be our world its garden afford us food; within its walls I would establish the shaken throne of health.","MWS" "id18861","For all his love of Ireland, America had not left him untouched, and he hated the beautiful wasted space where peat might be cut and land opened up.","HPL" "id04794","'Pardon this intrusion,' said I; 'I am a traveller in want of a little rest; you would greatly oblige me if you would allow me to remain a few minutes before the fire.' ""'Enter,' said De Lacey, 'and I will try in what manner I can to relieve your wants; but, unfortunately, my children are from home, and as I am blind, I am afraid I shall find it difficult to procure food for you.' ""'Do not trouble yourself, my kind host; I have food; it is warmth and rest only that I need.' ""I sat down, and a silence ensued.","MWS" "id00276","And toward the shore on the opposite bank of the river I saw the white belfry surmounting what I took to be the Marsh refinery.","HPL" "id27038","And when Barzai began to climb higher and beckon eagerly, it was long before Atal would follow.","HPL" "id23005","He transacted the business of the day apart from her; he went out, she knew not whither.","MWS" "id19927","So instead of the poems I had hoped for, there came only a shuddering blankness and ineffable loneliness; and I saw at last a fearful truth which no one had ever dared to breathe before the unwhisperable secret of secrets the fact that this city of stone and stridor is not a sentient perpetuation of Old New York as London is of Old London and Paris of Old Paris, but that it is in fact quite dead, its sprawling body imperfectly embalmed and infested with queer animate things which have nothing to do with it as it was in life.","HPL" "id22106","When I had finished, I felt satisfied that all was right.","EAP" "id08387","It is also written that they descended one night from the moon in a mist; they and the vast still lake and grey stone city Ib.","HPL" "id23794","The ship and all in it are imbued with the spirit of Eld.","EAP" "id16925","We had no means of calculating time, nor could we form any guess of our situation.","EAP" "id17295","""I want whiskey good old fashioned rye"" exclaimed Trever enthusiastically.","HPL" "id10055","A rough gash was made, and a wire hastily brought in contact, when the patient, with a hurried but quite unconvulsive movement, arose from the table, stepped into the middle of the floor, gazed about him uneasily for a few seconds, and then spoke.","EAP" "id18719","During the first stage of the election, the Duke of had been thrown out; the question therefore lay between Lord Raymond and Mr. Ryland.","MWS" "id12428","I am Romnod, and born of the blood of Teloth, but am not old in the ways of the granite city, and yearn daily for the warm groves and the distant lands of beauty and song.","HPL" "id12742","That Raymond should marry Idris was more than ever intolerable; yet my passion, though a giant from its birth, was too strange, wild, and impracticable, for me to feel at once the misery I perceived in Perdita.","MWS" "id27229","The older authorities seemed rather more helpful than the newer ones, and Armitage concluded that the code of the manuscript was one of great antiquity, no doubt handed down through a long line of mystical experimenters.","HPL" "id13475","Unmistakably he was looking at the curtained window and listening shudderingly.","HPL" "id27083","Again her chill limbs touched me as a torpedo; and I shuddered in sympathy with her pain and fright.","MWS" "id24802","It is with a confused recollection that I bring to mind the circumstances of that meeting.","EAP" "id27865","Very simple were the things of which they read and spoke, yet things which gave them courage and goodness and helped them by day to subdue the forest and till the fields.","HPL" "id23970","Could distinguish some words of the former, which was that of a Frenchman.","EAP" "id02105","You have often agreed with me that there is but one solution to the intricate riddle of life; to improve ourselves, and contribute to the happiness of others: and now, in the very prime of life, you desert your principles, and shut yourself up in useless solitude.","MWS" "id24191","He speeded up his car as he passed it, and did not slacken till he had mounted the hill where his mother and her fathers before her were born, and where the old white house still looked proudly across the road at the breathlessly lovely panorama of rocky slope and verdant valley, with the distant spires of Kingsport on the horizon, and hints of the archaic, dream laden sea in the farthest background.","HPL" "id10477","Welcome did not survive his father, but lived to perish gloriously at Fredericksburg in .","HPL" "id12181","Raymond had fought and conquered for the Athenians; he had suffered, on their account, peril, imprisonment, and hardship; their gratitude affected him deeply, and he inly vowed to unite his fate for ever to that of a people so enthusiastically devoted to him.","MWS" "id23956","But it is not to this fact that I now especially advert.","EAP" "id09025","But Hiram, loyal to the last, has held faith in me, and has done that which impels me to make public at least a part of my story.","HPL" "id18408","Those who took down their receivers heard a fright mad voice shriek out, ""Help, oh, my Gawd . .","HPL" "id02493","On the following day I was brought to this room with the barred windows, but I have been kept informed of certain things through an aged and simple minded servitor, for whom I bore a fondness in infancy, and who like me loves the churchyard.","HPL" "id17645","Even now if we had courage we might be free.","MWS" "id17154","Its voice was a kind of loathsome titter, and it could speak all languages.","HPL" "id20893","Seems they get a queer crowd there, for this fellow heard voices in other rooms though most of 'em was empty that gave him the shivers.","HPL" "id27076","I will tell the audient void. . . .","HPL" "id00361","This spirit existed as a breath, a wish, a far off thought, until communicated to Adrian, who imbibed it with ardour, and instantly engaged himself in plans for its execution.","MWS" "id05136","'The river Alpheus passed beneath the sea, and emerged without injury to the purity of its waters.'","EAP" "id02035","Not but what I think it's the Lord's jedgment fer our iniquities, that no mortal kin ever set aside."" Armitage saw that the time for positive action had come, and spoke decisively to the faltering group of frightened rustics.","HPL" "id02460","She would never tell what her father and the boy were doing up there, though once she turned pale and displayed an abnormal degree of fear when a jocose fish peddler tried the locked door leading to the stairway.","HPL" "id02568","Hence that positive appetite for system and regularity which has made me the distinguished man of business that I am.","EAP" "id19334","Manton seemed unimpressed by my arguments, and eager to refute them, having that confidence in his own opinions which had doubtless caused his success as a teacher; whilst I was too sure of my ground to fear defeat.","HPL" "id22754","While they were talking Desrochers dropped in to say that he had heard a terrific clattering overhead in the dark small hours.","HPL" "id08561","A lamp which had been accidentally left, full of oil, within the tomb, was found empty; it might have been exhausted, however, by evaporation.","EAP" "id01432","I gave to each heroine of whom I read, her beauty and matchless excellences such was Antigone, when she guided the blind Oedipus to the grove of the Eumenides, and discharged the funeral rites of Polynices; such was Miranda in the unvisited cave of Prospero; such Haidee, on the sands of the Ionian island.","MWS" "id22037","He got in communication with Dr. Houghton of Aylesbury, who had attended Old Whateley in his last illness, and found much to ponder over in the grandfather's last words as quoted by the physician.","HPL" "id22330","The trees of the frequent forest belts seem too large, and the wild weeds, brambles, and grasses attain a luxuriance not often found in settled regions.","HPL" "id26151","I then moved forward, and a murmuring sound arose from the crowd as they followed and surrounded me, when an ill looking man approaching tapped me on the shoulder and said, ""Come, sir, you must follow me to Mr. Kirwin's to give an account of yourself.""","MWS" "id22981","This I would have asked him had he not been so far away, but he was very far, and could not be seen at all when he drew nigh that gigantic reef.","HPL" "id06917","The few jewels they had saved, supported them awhile.","MWS" "id25734","Then on his word and will depended my own happiness the fate of all dear to me.","MWS" "id04491","I watched it attentively until sunset, when it spread all at once to the eastward and westward, girting in the horizon with a narrow strip of vapor, and looking like a long line of low beach.","EAP" "id17434","Ah, word of no meaning behind whose vast latitude of mere sound we intrench our ignorance of so much of the spiritual.","EAP" "id14374","Again her name was syllabled, and she shuddered as she asked herself, am I becoming mad, or am I dying, that I hear the voices of the departed?","MWS" "id21529","The sight of her, in her present situation, passed like an arrow into his soul.","MWS" "id14857","Guided by a lightning flash I settled myself down behind a dense clump of vegetation, through which I could see the opening without being seen.","HPL" "id22362","This expectation will now be the consolation of your father.","MWS" "id18492","Do you wonder how it will seem?","HPL" "id24293","In my nervousness I looked around and discovered a bolt on the clothes press which seemed to be of the same size, judging from the marks, as the one formerly on the door.","HPL" "id22537","His little old servant Parks, who for years bore patiently with his vagaries, last saw him on the morning he drove off alone in his car with a key he had recently found.","HPL" "id11657","I copy for your amusement the Knickerbocker inscription on the marble slab: This Corner Stone of a Monument to The Memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON Was Laid With Appropriate Ceremonies on the th Day of October, The anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown A. D. Under the Auspices of the Washington Monument Association of the city of New York This, as I give it, is a verbatim translation done by Pundit himself, so there can be no mistake about it.","EAP" "id02555","""Very true; but what are they doing here?""","EAP" "id17518","""The first thing requisite is to get yourself into such a scrape as no one ever got into before.","EAP" "id22979","""The island in the distance,"" resumed the old man, ""is called by the Norwegians Vurrgh.","EAP" "id12483","""Do you not know, my friends,"" I said, ""that the Earl himself, now Lord Protector, visits daily, not only those probably infected by this disease, but the hospitals and pest houses, going near, and even touching the sick?","MWS" "id15686","He had read of it with interest, for the paper had told about some strange burrows or passages found in the rocky hill beneath.","HPL" "id24471","No one knew, no one could imagine; no one not even the burgomaster Mynheer Superbus Von Underduk had the slightest clew by which to unravel the mystery; so, as nothing more reasonable could be done, every one to a man replaced his pipe carefully in the corner of his mouth, and cocking up his right eye towards the phenomenon, puffed, paused, waddled about, and grunted significantly then waddled back, grunted, paused, and finally puffed again.","EAP" "id10404","The leading article, I must admit, was brilliant not to say severe.","EAP" "id16631","I had been assured that the old man could do nothing but hint at wild, disjointed, and incredible legends, and I had been warned that the natives made it unsafe to be seen talking to him; yet the thought of this aged witness to the town's decay, with memories going back to the early days of ships and factories, was a lure that no amount of reason could make me resist.","HPL" "id07237","She seemed to be full of something to which she could not give words; but, seizing an opportunity afforded by Perdita's absence, she preferred to me an earnest prayer, that I would take her within view of the gate at which her father had entered Constantinople.","MWS" "id06453","He had not been at Oxford for nothing, nor talked to no account with an ancient chymist and astrologer in Paris.","HPL" "id06424","Can I see George?"" ""See him,"" cried the woman, ""yes, if you go to him; last night he was taken with the plague, and we sent him to the hospital.""","MWS" "id12699","Here, however, are Moissart, Voissart, Croissart, and Froissart, all in the direct line of descent.","EAP" "id01346","Ten o'clock found me in some fashionable promenade or other place of public amusement.","EAP" "id22853","""But, in point of fact, an ascension being made to any given altitude, the ponderable quantity of air surmounted in any farther ascension is by no means in proportion to the additional height ascended as may be plainly seen from what has been stated before, but in a ratio constantly decreasing.","EAP" "id20004","Down from the heights reels the glittering Cassiopeia as the hours wear on, while Charles' Wain lumbers up from behind the vapour soaked swamp trees that sway in the night wind.","HPL" "id12883","The door resisted even more than I had expected, but I did not give in.","HPL" "id11520","In solitude, and through many wanderings afar from the haunts of men, he matured his views for the reform of the English government, and the improvement of the people.","MWS" "id12494","For, in truth, it was at this crisis that taste alone that faculty which, holding a middle position between the pure intellect and the moral sense, could never safely have been disregarded it was now that taste alone could have led us gently back to Beauty, to Nature, and to Life.","EAP" "id24320","If we went to Italy, to sacred and eternal Rome, we might with greater patience submit to the decree, which had laid her mighty towers low.","MWS" "id13045","The reality of what I had been through was highly uncertain in my mind, but I felt that something hideous lay in the background.","HPL" "id18856","I met troops of horses, herds of cattle, flocks of sheep, wandering at will; here throwing down a hay rick, and nestling from cold in its heart, which afforded them shelter and food there having taken possession of a vacant cottage.","MWS" "id05248","But that cannot be; the human senses are insurmountable barriers to our union.","MWS" "id01067","The mountains of Switzerland are more majestic and strange, but there is a charm in the banks of this divine river that I never before saw equalled.","MWS" "id09607","And thus, joy suddenly faded into horror, and the most beautiful became the most hideous, as Hinnon became Ge Henna.","EAP" "id19052","In the meantime, as it was very certain that I would be attacked in the Fly for my attempt at composing a rival poem on the ""Oil of Bob,"" he Mr. Crab, would take it upon himself to attend, pointedly, to my private and personal interests.","EAP" "id04769","From that period the ship, being thrown dead off the wind, has continued her terrific course due south, with every rag of canvas packed upon her, from her trucks to her lower studding sail booms, and rolling every moment her top gallant yard arms into the most appalling hell of water which it can enter into the mind of a man to imagine.","EAP" "id04467","To reach either of these lines of buildings I would have to be in a room two doors from my own in one case on the north and in the other case on the south and my mind instantly set to work calculating what chances I had of making the transfer.","HPL" "id01506","He declares that at no period was he altogether insensible that, dully and confusedly, he was aware of everything which happened to him, from the moment in which he was pronounced dead by his physicians, to that in which he fell swooning to the floor of the hospital.","EAP" "id19681","There is no trace or tidings of her at all....","EAP" "id18541","Persecuted and tortured as I am and have been, can death be any evil to me?"" ""Nothing indeed could be more unfortunate and agonizing than the strange chances that have lately occurred.","MWS" "id24141","I have devoted my creator, the select specimen of all that is worthy of love and admiration among men, to misery; I have pursued him even to that irremediable ruin.","MWS" "id03591","The deep, the poignant, the overwhelming mortification, which upon each such failure of his praise worthy endeavors, would suffuse every lineament of his countenance, left not the slightest room for doubt of his sincerity in the bosoms of even his most skeptical companions.","EAP" "id13166","The nature of Perdita was less perfect; but tenderness and happiness improved her temper, and softened her natural reserve.","MWS" "id00163","I tried to soothe her; I bade her hope; I asked what tremendous consequences would ensue even on our failure.","MWS" "id13404","IT was a quiet and still afternoon when I strolled forth in the goodly city of Edina.","EAP" "id20625","The mind of Raymond was not so rough cast, nor had been so rudely handled, in the circumstance of life, as to make him proof to these considerations on the contrary, he was all nerve; his spirit was as a pure fire, which fades and shrinks from every contagion of foul atmosphere: but now the contagion had become incorporated with its essence, and the change was the more painful.","MWS" "id11610","In draughts, on the contrary, where the moves are unique and have but little variation, the probabilities of inadvertence are diminished, and the mere attention being left comparatively unemployed, what advantages are obtained by either party are obtained by superior acumen.","EAP" "id04440","His father, the Minister G , died young.","EAP" "id07142","But pardon me, I entreat you and listen to me: do not turn away from me; do not be impatient; you may easily intimidate me into silence, but my heart is bursting, nor can I willingly consent to endure for one moment longer the agony of uncertitude which for the last four months has been my portion.","MWS" "id14529","Clara often accompanied him in these excursions; partly that she might see her parents, partly because Adrian delighted in the prattle, and intelligent looks of this lovely child.","MWS" "id19766","The porter opened the gates of the court, which had that night been my asylum, and I issued into the streets, pacing them with quick steps, as if I sought to avoid the wretch whom I feared every turning of the street would present to my view.","MWS" "id20468","My mother's tender caresses and my father's smile of benevolent pleasure while regarding me are my first recollections.","MWS" "id23922","The youth's own pastor Dr. Wallace of Asbury M. E. Church in Arkham had gravely urged him not to join any church in Innsmouth.","HPL" "id07028","This was done by fellows who had no pocket handkerchief.""","EAP" "id26338","I sought the hills; a west wind swept them, and the stars glittered above.","MWS" "id07441","But no care could re animate her, no medicine cause her dear eyes to open, and the blood to flow again from her pulseless heart.","MWS" "id11574","Alas ye were the last of happiness that I ever enjoyed; a few, a very few weeks and all was destroyed.","MWS" "id00295","Windsor is not my home; my true home I have found; the home that the Creator has prepared for me.""","MWS" "id12289","No man in Holland certainly; yet here, under the very noses of the people, or rather at some distance above their noses was the identical thing in question, and composed, I have it on the best authority, of the precise material which no one had ever before known to be used for a similar purpose.","EAP" "id02333","Clocks time space infinity and then my fancy reverted to the local as I reflected that even now, beyond the roof and the fog and the rain and the atmosphere, Corona Borealis was rising in the northeast.","HPL" "id19922","This companion dying, the animal fell into his own exclusive possession.","EAP" "id13925","Then you stop and grind; looking as if you meant to stop and grind till doomsday.","EAP" "id08386","Sir Robert himself, after repeated attempts at suicide and a stubborn refusal to utter any articulate sound, died of apoplexy in the second year of his confinement.","HPL" "id01973","It was plain that Manton knew more than I, but he told nothing to the puzzled and interested physicians till he had learned what our injuries were.","HPL" "id09521","Do your duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind.","MWS" "id11839","London, which had extended so far in suburbs in all direction, had been somewhat deserted in the midst, and much of what had in former days obscured this vast building was removed.","MWS" "id19457","Even as she spoke I drew near to her, as if in terror, lest at that very moment the destroyer had been near to rob me of her.","MWS" "id23992","It being still daylight, I descended to the Square and looked around for a dinner of some sort; noticing as I did so the strange glances I received from the unwholesome loafers.","HPL" "id04426","Thus the happy dandy Flos Aeris of Java bears, it is said, a beautiful flower, which will live when pulled up by the roots.","EAP" "id07955","What, indeed, was my passion for the young girl of the valley in comparison with the fervor, and the delirium, and the spirit lifting ecstasy of adoration with which I poured out my whole soul in tears at the feet of the ethereal Ermengarde?","EAP" "id18696","""Sure nuff, massa; mus look.","EAP" "id09058","The stones that once obstructed the way had been carefully placed not thrown along the sides of the lane, so as to define its boundaries at bottom with a kind of half precise, half negligent, and wholly picturesque definition.","EAP" "id00601","The youth's febrile mind, apparently, was dwelling on strange things; and the doctor shuddered now and then as he spoke of them.","HPL" "id21032","Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature.","MWS" "id01043","I held the lantern motionless.","EAP" "id10656","On their departure, they took the road to some thick woods in the vicinity.","EAP" "id12907","He was a small, lean, bent person, with shabby clothes, blue eyes, grotesque, satyr like face, and nearly bald head; and at my first words seemed both angered and frightened.","HPL" "id16923","The youth said that he was very restless, seldom sitting around the station for more than an hour or two at a time.","HPL" "id24121","And because my fathers had called me to the old town beyond, I pushed on through the shallow, new fallen snow along the road that soared lonely up to where Aldebaran twinkled among the trees; on toward the very ancient town I had never seen but often dreamed of.","HPL" "id23237","But then, the homes and sheds of Dunwich folk have never been remarkable for olfactory immaculateness.","HPL" "id00667","I shall not pause in my exertions until that time; but, if plague revives with the coming year, all contest with her must cease, and our only occupation be the choice of a grave.""","MWS" "id05591","I ventured a jest or two, and he made a sickening attempt at a smile.","EAP" "id27119","We are said to love much those whom we greatly benefit.","MWS" "id22065","Erringly and strangely she began the task of self examination with self condemnation.","MWS" "id26723","Yes he would let him see how much he was mistaken, the puppy He, Touch and go Bullet head, of Frogpondium, would let Mr. John Smith perceive that he, Bullet head, could indite, if it so pleased him, a whole paragraph aye a whole article in which that contemptible vowel should not once not even once make its appearance.","EAP" "id17492","On her deathbed the fortitude and benignity of this best of women did not desert her.","MWS" "id09518","She longed to bid me hasten my return; a thousand conflicting emotions rendered her mute as she bade me a tearful, silent farewell.","MWS" "id10353","Now, at this evening hour, at the period of repose and refection, methinks all hearts breathe one hymn of love and thanksgiving, and we, like priests of old on the mountain tops, give a voice to their sentiment.","MWS" "id04517","This marked the beginning of a course of cattle buying on the part of small Wilbur's family which ended only in , when the Dunwich horror came and went; yet at no time did the ramshackle Whateley barn seem overcrowded with livestock.","HPL" "id00306","If you can, in any way, make it convenient, come over with Jupiter.","EAP" "id10194","There was Bibulus O'Bumper.","EAP" "id23205","It had been displayed early in life, leading her out to solitary musing among her native mountains, causing her to form innumerous combinations from common objects, giving strength to her perceptions, and swiftness to their arrangement.","MWS" "id15368","I have detailed the perfections of my sister; and yet she was utterly unlike Idris.","MWS" "id25309","I was like you once, and I did it.","HPL" "id21031","Her passions had subdued her appetites, even her natural wants; she slept little, and hardly ate at all; her body was evidently considered by her as a mere machine, whose health was necessary for the accomplishment of her schemes, but whose senses formed no part of her enjoyment.","MWS" "id24630","What are your plans, my Lord Protector, for the benefit of our country?""","MWS" "id09410","You, therefore, did not design the skull, and no one else was present to do it.","EAP" "id07438","My opinion of my whole experience varies from time to time.","HPL" "id14412","""Dolt"" said the third.","EAP" "id23345","On the contrary, she seemed strangely proud of the dark, goatish looking infant who formed such a contrast to her own sickly and pink eyed albinism, and was heard to mutter many curious prophecies about its unusual powers and tremendous future.","HPL" "id17489","Are you a coward, Woodville?","MWS" "id26829","By degrees the idea of cultivation subsided into that of merely pastoral care.","EAP" "id00208","I do not say that if his own desires had been put in competition with those of others that he would have displayed undue selfishness, but this trial was never made.","MWS" "id18421","The rest of the shank was in the gimlet hole where it had been broken off.","EAP" "id24341","Soon our poor nurse expired; and the anguish of suspense was changed to deep regret, which though at first more painful, yet yielded with greater readiness to my consolations.","MWS" "id26009","""If she is, God forbid that she should suffer as guilty.","MWS" "id22641","With one exception, you are the only human being besides myself and my valet, who has been admitted within the mysteries of these imperial precincts, since they have been bedizzened as you see"" I bowed in acknowledgment for the overpowering sense of splendor and perfume, and music, together with the unexpected eccentricity of his address and manner, prevented me from expressing, in words, my appreciation of what I might have construed into a compliment.","EAP" "id00415","A man would make but a very sorry chemist if he attended to that department of human knowledge alone.","MWS" "id10343","The removal of the slab revealed a black aperture, from which rushed an effluence of miasmal gases so nauseous that we started back in horror.","HPL" "id05760","She is a year nearer unto Death; for I did not fail to see that, as she came into the shade, her shadow fell from her, and was swallowed up in the dark water, making its blackness more black.""","EAP" "id00715","""Food, however, became scarce, and I often spent the whole day searching in vain for a few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger.","MWS" "id15015","Down unpaved side streets I saw the black, gaping windows of deserted hovels, many of which leaned at perilous and incredible angles through the sinking of part of the foundations.","HPL" "id04630","I stepped boldly and briskly forward.","EAP" "id14018","After that I went to Sydney and talked profitlessly with seamen and members of the vice admiralty court.","HPL" "id00187","I noticed that at least two thirds of these guests were ladies; and some of the latter were by no means accoutred in what a Parisian would consider good taste at the present day.","EAP" "id01108","What wonder, then, that the lath like tenuity of my acquaintance, and his altitude, which has grown into a proverb, should have met with all due estimation in the eyes of Mrs. Lackobreath.","EAP" "id10488","Before, she had been visited by pangs of fear now, she never enjoyed an interval of hope.","MWS" "id05632","They could picture to their imaginations a mode many modes and a motive many motives; and because it was not impossible that either of these numerous modes and motives could have been the actual one, they have taken it for granted that one of them must.","EAP" "id23412","""This,"" said I at length, to the old man ""this can be nothing else than the great whirlpool of the Maelström.""","EAP" "id04558","Encourage the people by your presence.","MWS" "id04876","""Do you know what that is?"" he whispered.","HPL" "id01726","Had he himself talked as well as walked around the house in his sleep?","HPL" "id02433","Once a writing of his fell into Perdita's hands; it was blotted with tears well might any blot it with the like ""Life"" it began thus ""is not the thing romance writers describe it; going through the measures of a dance, and after various evolutions arriving at a conclusion, when the dancers may sit down and repose.","MWS" "id08189","She seated herself then on the same ottoman where I had left her in the morning resting on the beating heart of her Raymond; I dared not approach her, but sat at a distant corner, watching her starting and nervous gestures.","MWS" "id02156","But during the dreams they did not horrify me at all I was one with them; wearing their unhuman trappings, treading their aqueous ways, and praying monstrously at their evil sea bottom temples.","HPL" "id12078","We had entered the Castle.","MWS" "id27851","I earned that; I deserved it.","MWS" "id18490","I took the entire building, room by room; devoting the nights of a whole week to each.","EAP" "id09712","we, especially, who occupy the mid region of the cluster the very locality near which, at least, must be situated this inconceivable central sun.","EAP" "id17266","He held out his hand with almost a bashful air.","MWS" "id05581","I then went to Idris, contriving in my way, plausible excuses for remaining all day in the Castle, and endeavouring to disperse the traces of care from my brow.","MWS" "id24893","I wish to look through it.","EAP" "id25206","But through the whole period during which I was the slave of my creature I allowed myself to be governed by the impulses of the moment; and my present sensations strongly intimated that the fiend would follow me and exempt my family from the danger of his machinations.","MWS" "id13570","He is now much recovered from his illness and is continually on the deck, apparently watching for the sledge that preceded his own.","MWS" "id12979","Life had become an insistent and almost unendurable cacophony, and there was that constant, terrifying impression of other sounds perhaps from regions beyond life trembling on the very brink of audibility.","HPL" "id25633","""Read now,"" replied Dupin, ""this passage from Cuvier.""","EAP" "id17019","'The Prince of ts,' therefore, is upon his hinder legs, running for his life.","EAP" "id07329","The mere presence of the idea was an irresistible proof of the fact.","MWS" "id26546","We all hed to take the Oath o' Dagon, an' later on they was secon' an' third Oaths that some on us took.","HPL" "id25503","All at once the dog started up abruptly, gave a frightened bark, and leaped nervously out of the window by which it had entered.","HPL" "id19470","The old ledger was at length given wholly into the charge of Dr. Armitage, both because of his peculiar interest in the Whateley matter, and because of his wide linguistic learning and skill in the mystical formulae of antiquity and the Middle Ages.","HPL" "id12901","Turning my head gently to one side, I perceived, to my extreme horror, that the huge, glittering, scimetar like minute hand of the clock had, in the course of its hourly revolution, descended upon my neck.","EAP" "id13410","I reproached myself bitterly for what I called a culpable weakness; but this weakness returned upon me whenever the critical moment approached, and I never found courage to depart.","MWS" "id05753","It was amply large enough for a man to wriggle through; and though no sane person would have tried it at that time, I forgot danger, reason, and cleanliness in my single minded fever to unearth the lurking fear.","HPL" "id02567","Each alteration of the natural scenery may possibly effect a blemish in the picture, if we can suppose this picture viewed at large in mass from some point distant from the earth's surface, although not beyond the limits of its atmosphere.","EAP" "id20914","Three of the Emma's men, including Capt.","HPL" "id23827","""P.S. by Mr. Ainsworth.","EAP" "id22909","I will change my plate, however, and try some of the rabbit.""","EAP" "id16229","This promise drew from me the warmest thanks.","MWS" "id18637","It had not left behind quite all that it had attacked, for sometimes it had been hungry.","HPL" "id12946","Quitting the wall, I resolved to cross the area of the enclosure.","EAP" "id19118","For several days ensuing, her name was unmentioned by either Usher or myself: and during this period I was busied in earnest endeavors to alleviate the melancholy of my friend.","EAP" "id18289","For that very fresh body, at last writhing into full and terrifying consciousness with eyes dilated at the memory of its last scene on earth, threw out its frantic hands in a life and death struggle with the air; and suddenly collapsing into a second and final dissolution from which there could be no return, screamed out the cry that will ring eternally in my aching brain: ""Help Keep off, you cursed little tow head fiend keep that damned needle away from me"" V.","HPL" "id04116","She thanked him in the most ardent terms for his intended services towards her parent, and at the same time she gently deplored her own fate.","MWS" "id00798","Upon the whole, no person could be less liable than myself to be led away from the severe precincts of truth by the ignes fatui of superstition.","EAP" "id25441","The men in olive drab could not tell what was happening, or what they ought to do; for the swart, sinister men were skilled in subtlety and concealment.","HPL" "id10759","and vat den? vat de matter now?","EAP" "id08278","His rank his least merit, do you say?","MWS" "id24701","I knew myself no longer.","EAP" "id14723","Indeed, there were always vague local tales of unexplained stenches upstairs in the Witch House just after May Eve and Hallowmass.","HPL" "id20906","""Wal, as I says, the natives met the things on the little volcanic islet goin' thar in canoes with the sacrifices et cet'ry, and bringin' back any of the gold like jools as was comin' to 'em.","HPL" "id10250","Heh, heh, heh, heh. . .","HPL" "id07224","For many days Adrian and Idris continued to visit me thus.","MWS" "id03981","As it was, trembling, cold, and pale, she sought Raymond.","MWS" "id24197","A sufficient analysis will show that pleasure, in all cases, is but the contrast of pain.","EAP" "id11478","""Pardon me,"" he replied, ""if I have offended.","MWS" "id10684","All this appeared to me, I own, methodized madness.","MWS" "id08021","Would they refuse him?","MWS" "id14820","I did not fail to observe, also, the form of the parchment.","EAP" "id15700","Though not as yet licenced physicians, we now had our degrees, and were pressed frantically into public service as the numbers of the stricken grew.","HPL" "id21741","In his brief conversation the stranger had made it clear that he was unknown in Bolton, and a search of his pockets subsequently revealed him to be one Robert Leavitt of St. Louis, apparently without a family to make instant inquiries about his disappearance.","HPL" "id20143","The confession I am about to make will add another to the already almost innumerable instances of the truth of the position.","EAP" "id27283","But, ere long the heaven of this pure affection became darkened, and gloom, and horror, and grief swept over it in clouds.","EAP" "id26668","Its shrill loathsome tittering stuck more and more in Gilman's head, and he could remember in the morning how it had pronounced the words ""Azathoth"" and ""Nyarlathotep"".","HPL" "id01015","Thus the pressure of your sweet fingers upon my eyelids, at first only recognised through vision, at length, long after their removal, filled my whole being with a sensual delight immeasurable.","EAP" "id02093","In this sweet tongue, so adapted to passion, I gave loose to the impetuous enthusiasm of my nature, and, with all the eloquence I could command, besought her to consent to an immediate marriage.","EAP" "id17549","""Farewell I leave you, and in you the last of humankind whom these eyes will ever behold.","MWS" "id01928","Meanwhile there grew up about the mansion and the mountain a body of diabolic legendry.","HPL" "id01947","Yet I fear such will be my fate; the men, unsupported by ideas of glory and honour, can never willingly continue to endure their present hardships.","MWS" "id05981","But these they do exceedingly well, and intersperse them, with singular ingenuity, wherever they find room for the chisel.","EAP" "id26991","For some minutes after this fancy possessed me, I remained without motion.","EAP" "id04179","When Raymond offered to clear her reputation, and demonstrate to the world her real patriotism, she declared that it was only through her present sufferings that she hoped for any relief to the stings of conscience; that, in her state of mind, diseased as he might think it, the necessity of occupation was salutary medicine; she ended by extorting a promise that for the space of one month he would refrain from the discussion of her interests, engaging after that time to yield in part to his wishes.","MWS" "id27467","Idris, you will not act the traitor towards me?"" ""Trust me,"" replied she, ""I will preserve a strict neutrality.""","MWS" "id04725","This operation being repeated several times, at length filled the chamber with atmosphere proper for all the purposes of respiration.","EAP" "id01555","There had, Mr. Peabody said, been considerable discussion about the marriage of her father, Benjamin Orne, just after the Civil War; since the ancestry of the bride was peculiarly puzzling.","HPL" "id26830","Among these odd folk, who correspond exactly to the decadent element of ""white trash"" in the South, law and morals are non existent; and their general mental status is probably below that of any other section of the native American people.","HPL" "id11830","We mean you no harm whatever.","EAP" "id19701","You came the embodied image of my fondest dreams.","MWS" "id15424","Years hence we shall recount to them our fears, then passed away with their occasion.","MWS" "id19103","Perdita smiled faintly her guest left her; the carriage rolling down the street assured the final departure.","MWS" "id07114","This done, and the dog having been unmuzzled, we turned in profound silence towards home.","EAP" "id12380","At one period I thought of cutting the corpse into minute fragments, and destroying them by fire.","EAP" "id09665","We were fatigued by our struggles to attain this point, and seated ourselves on the rocky couch, while the sounds of tinkling sheep bells, and shout of shepherd boy, reached us from above.","MWS" "id26612","I now remembered that, in fact, a fruiterer, carrying upon his head a large basket of apples, had nearly thrown me down, by accident, as we passed from the Rue C into the thoroughfare where we stood; but what this had to do with Chantilly I could not possibly understand.","EAP" "id23320","Let us pursue our fancies.","EAP" "id20135","That Gilman talked in his sleep was plain, and it was obviously from Desrochers' keyhole listenings that the delusive notion of the violet dream light had got abroad.","HPL" "id00526","I had been deceived, too, in respect to the shape of the enclosure.","EAP" "id09747","Clearly, my nerves were sorely taxed, and I must cast off these impressions of weaker men.","HPL" "id03114","The old man saw it, and stopped whispering even before my expression of horror made it necessary; saw it and glanced quickly toward the floor of the room he had left an hour before.","HPL" "id18179","Nobly and greatly, he said, had the illustrious and last sovereign of England sacrificed himself to the apparent good of his country, and divested himself of a power which could only be maintained by the blood of his subjects these subjects named so no more, these, his friends and equals, had in gratitude conferred certain favours and distinctions on him and his family for ever.","MWS" "id00840","""Oh, it is not thus not thus,"" interrupted the being.","MWS" "id26854","A terrace, with an old moss covered balustrade, calls up at once to the eye, the fair forms that have passed there in other days.","EAP" "id03982","And den he keep a syphon all de time "" ""Keeps a what, Jupiter?"" ""Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.","EAP" "id04139","The curtain drew up, and the stage presented the scene of the witches' cave.","MWS" "id21159","Old Man Marsh was never seen, but sometimes went to the works in a closed, curtained car.","HPL" "id24745","""True true,"" I replied; ""and, indeed, I had no intention of alarming you unnecessarily but you should use all proper caution.","EAP" "id14387","My mule was brought to the door, and I resolved to ascend to the summit of Montanvert.","MWS" "id15671","The rabble were in terror, for upon an evil tenement had fallen a red death beyond the foulest previous crime of the neighbourhood.","HPL" "id16829","For example, the servant gossip was practically unanimous in attributing to the fungous and malodorous cellar of the house a vast supremacy in evil influence.","HPL" "id24446","Diddling, rightly considered, is a compound, of which the ingredients are minuteness, interest, perseverance, ingenuity, audacity, nonchalance, originality, impertinence, and grin.","EAP" "id24307","My parents, in dying, had bequeathed me to him as a rich legacy.","EAP" "id10288","""Our author's observations on the artificial style of gardening,"" continued Mr. Ellison, ""are less objectionable.","EAP" "id27839","Now the direct inference from this is that the machine is not a pure machine.","EAP" "id02822","so did he spring up from listlessness and unproductive thought, to the highest pitch of virtuous action.","MWS" "id23491","At this horror I sank nearly to the lichened earth, transfixed with a dread not of this nor any world, but only of the mad spaces between the stars.","HPL" "id03364","The mathematics afford no more absolute demonstrations than the sentiments of his art yields the artist.","EAP" "id10000","God, what a rage I'd hate to have it aimed at me ""Why did you do it, Birch?","HPL" "id05978","I could sleep a little after they had done this, but true rest will never come as long as I remember that nameless secret of the lurking fear.","HPL" "id04502","The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart.","EAP" "id11489","She thought of the treasure she possessed in the affections of her lord; of his accomplishments, surpassing those of his contemporaries, his genius, his devotion to her.","MWS" "id08990","To suspect evil, to perceive that, Alfred being with us, the danger must regard her youngest darling, to fly across the long chambers into his apartment, was the work but of a moment.","MWS" "id24715","And whether it were to visit beautiful scenery, or to see fine pictures, or sometimes for no object but to seek amusement as it might chance to arise, I was always happy when near my father.","MWS" "id08763","The dazzling sun and glare of daylight, deprived the scene of solemnity; from Evadne's low tomb, I joined Raymond and his staff, now on their way to the Golden City.","MWS" "id13074","The dreams were wholly beyond the pale of sanity, and Gilman felt that they must be a result, jointly, of his studies in mathematics and in folklore.","HPL" "id18657","A little patience, and all will be over; aye, a very little patience; for, look, there is the key of our prison; we hold it in our own hands, and are we more debased than slaves to cast it away and give ourselves up to voluntary bondage?","MWS" "id17886","Adrian's chief endeavour, after the immediate succour of the sick, had been to disguise the symptoms and progress of the plague from the inhabitants of London.","MWS" "id20220","She appeared of a different stock.","MWS" "id05366","Lest you think me a biassed witness, another's pen must add this final testimony, which may perhaps supply the climax you expect.","HPL" "id02891","This is all which is proved, if any thing is.","EAP" "id00700","The spirit of his vows he made no scruple of setting at naught, but the letter was a bond inviolable.","EAP" "id24793","I should there find solitude where I might weep, and the voices of life might never reach me.","MWS" "id09705","At last the French element had appeared that, and another deeper element of horror which the name conjured up from the darkest recesses of my weird and heterogeneous reading and I feverishly studied the platting of the locality as it had been before the cutting through and partial straightening of Back Street between and .","HPL" "id13450","And yet all the morning, and indeed until late in the afternoon, there was a gentle and steady breeze from the south west, while the sun shone brightly, so that the oldest seaman among us could not have foreseen what was to follow.","EAP" "id06038","""Referring, now, to the beginning of the cryptograph, we find the combination, .","EAP" "id01596","I mention this circumstance, because I think it probable that hereafter the individual in question may attempt a balloon ascension with the novel gas and material I have spoken of, and I do not wish to deprive him of the honor of a very singular invention.","EAP" "id20654","That Von Kempelen and his immediate friends will reap a rich harvest, it would be folly to doubt for a moment.","EAP" "id25298","It was then that the most horrible impression of all was borne in upon me the impression which destroyed my last vestige of self control and set me running frantically southward past the yawning black doorways and fishily staring windows of that deserted nightmare street.","HPL" "id01087","My tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of my companions.","EAP" "id24298","Despondency rarely visited my heart; a high destiny seemed to bear me on, until I fell, never, never again to rise.""","MWS" "id02897","August th, You have read this strange and terrific story, Margaret; and do you not feel your blood congeal with horror, like that which even now curdles mine?","MWS" "id13256","Tell me, however, in what way he passes his time; what he is doing and thinking in his cottage retreat?"" ""Nay, my sweet sister,"" replied Adrian, ""you ask me more than I can well answer; but if you feel interest in him, why not visit him?","MWS" "id06171","She seemed pleased and went into the garden for some roots and plants, which she placed in water, and then upon the fire.","MWS" "id22288","We could not perceive its necessity.","EAP" "id19526","It were useless to record the debate that followed this harangue.","MWS" "id19317","From a position fronting my own, he had gradually brought round his chair, so as to sit with his face to the door of the chamber; and thus I could but partially perceive his features, although I saw that his lips trembled as if he were murmuring inaudibly.","EAP" "id16791","Gasping, not daring to name our hopes, yet full even to the brim with intense expectation, we stood, as a ship wrecked sailor stands on a barren rock islanded by the ocean, watching a distant vessel, fancying that now it nears, and then again that it is bearing from sight.","MWS" "id06130","After a tiresome harangue in his ordinary style, he took down from his book shelves a number of musty volumes on the subject of the duello, and entertained me for a long time with their contents; reading aloud, and commenting earnestly as he read.","EAP" "id13071","Although more than sixteen years had passed since her death nothing had been changed; her work box, her writing desk were still there and in her room a book lay open on the table as she had left it.","MWS" "id18697","All at once my attention was captured by a vast and singular object on the opposite slope, which rose steeply about an hundred yards ahead of me; an object that gleamed whitely in the newly bestowed rays of the ascending moon.","HPL" "id26335","Was it not probable that these symptoms would increase indefinitely, or at least until terminated by death itself?","EAP" "id11407","But don't get the idea that it was all this hideous business of theme and setting which struck me faint.","HPL" "id24705","His soul seemed to distil itself into the words he wrote; and they breathed on the paper, bearing with them a portion of the life of love, which was his life.","MWS" "id20106","But during the tumult occasioned by this occurrence, the young nobleman himself sat apparently buried in meditation, in a vast and desolate upper apartment of the family palace of Metzengerstein.","EAP" "id01811","I bent over her and placed the portrait securely in one of the folds of her dress.","MWS" "id21676","On this occasion, my sister was not alone; nor could I fail to recognise her companion: it was Idris, the till now unseen object of my mad idolatry.","MWS" "id26322","I say, you shall have Kate and her plum when three Sundays come together in a week but not till then you young scapegrace not till then, if I die for it.","EAP" "id23603","I brought Rosalind and Miranda and the lady of Comus to life to be my companions, or on my isle acted over their parts imagining myself to be in their situations.","MWS" "id06114","As it came fully into view thus gradually as I describe it piece by piece, here a tree, there a glimpse of water, and here again the summit of a chimney, I could scarcely help fancying that the whole was one of the ingenious illusions sometimes exhibited under the name of ""vanishing pictures.""","EAP" "id15241","She was uncomplaining; but the very soul of fear had taken its seat in her heart.","MWS" "id04761","I was making money at this business when, in an evil moment, I was induced to merge it in the Cur Spattering a somewhat analogous, but, by no means, so respectable a profession.","EAP" "id10619","I followed the accounts languidly at first, for I am a connoisseur in horrors; but after a week I detected an atmosphere which stirred me oddly, so that on August th, , I registered among the reporters who crowded the hotel at Lefferts Corners, nearest village to Tempest Mountain and acknowledged headquarters of the searchers.","HPL" "id22462","But I am about to die nay, interrupt me not soon I shall die.","MWS" "id08630","I can't read an Anacreontic without watering at the mouth and it's something a lot stronger than water that my mouth waters for"" ""Anacreontic what 'n hell's that?"" several hangers on looked up as the young man went slightly beyond their depth.","HPL" "id01963","And the remembrance fills your heart sometimes with bitter despair when otherwise your feelings would have melted into soft sorrow.","MWS" "id00289","Would to God I had let them share the search, that I might not have had to bear the secret alone so long; to bear it alone for fear the world would call me mad or go mad itself at the daemon implications of the thing.","HPL" "id00978","The coat was nearly new.","EAP" "id21295","She made it her task to attend the sick, comfort the sorrowing, assist the aged, and partake the sports and awaken the gaiety of the young.","MWS" "id25345","A piece of one of the unfortunate girl's petticoats, two feet long and one foot wide, was torn out and tied under her chin around the back of her head, probably to prevent screams.","EAP" "id17241","I would have prevented this; my death would be a small evil or rather I should not die; while you cannot hope to escape.""","MWS" "id00619","But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled.","EAP" "id00136","He hurried in, and witnessed the termination of my impassioned harangue.","MWS" "id03690","My knowledge of the thing began in the winter of with the death of my grand uncle George Gammell Angell, Professor Emeritus of Semitic Languages in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.","HPL" "id18633","Possibly, many suggested, she was the natural daughter of some Marsh of prominence she certainly had the true Marsh eyes.","HPL" "id25578","After passing some months in London, we received a letter from a person in Scotland who had formerly been our visitor at Geneva.","MWS" "id10227","""But your grandiloquence, and your conduct in swinging the beetle how excessively odd I was sure you were mad.","EAP" "id01833","The young girl was occupied in arranging the cottage; but presently she took something out of a drawer, which employed her hands, and she sat down beside the old man, who, taking up an instrument, began to play and to produce sounds sweeter than the voice of the thrush or the nightingale.","MWS" "id02453","Must he tax the landed interest to assist our commercial population?","MWS" "id16880","Carefully locking the door on the inside, I commenced a vigorous search.","EAP" "id14556","A bubbling spring prattles over stones on one side, and a plantation of a few elms and beeches, hardly deserve, and yet continue the name of wood.","MWS" "id20081","The second object of the cloth is to deaden and render indistinct all sounds occasioned by the movements of the person within. .","EAP" "id06908","In the meantime he told me that my friend had certainly not many hours to live.","MWS" "id13970","One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought, for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.","MWS" "id18520","This will I do, I said.","MWS" "id00433","""And you have now changed all this and you think for the better?"" ""Decidedly.","EAP" "id08098","Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed.","MWS" "id06724","She pictured to herself the anguish of his solitude; she remembered with what eager delight he had in former days made her the partner of his joyful hopes with what grateful affection he received her sympathy in his cares.","MWS" "id09461","The excited countryside immediately connected the horror with the haunted Martense mansion, though the localities were over three miles apart.","HPL" "id13955","Them things told the Kanakys that ef they mixed bloods there'd be children as ud look human at fust, but later turn more'n more like the things, till finally they'd take to the water an' jine the main lot o' things daown thar.","HPL" "id17386","He is not, however, as you suppose, dizzy with magnificence, nor drunk with the ecstatic breath of those innumerable censers.","EAP" "id07154","Another was a hickory, much larger than the elm, and altogether a much finer tree, although both were exceedingly beautiful: it seemed to have taken charge of the northwestern entrance, springing from a group of rocks in the very jaws of the ravine, and throwing its graceful body, at an angle of nearly forty five degrees, far out into the sunshine of the amphitheatre.","EAP" "id23073","However this may be, it is certain that they worshipped a sea green stone idol chiselled in the likeness of Bokrug, the great water lizard; before which they danced horribly when the moon was gibbous.","HPL" "id10938","But the tumult without becoming suddenly more violent, with a compulsory exertion he diverted his attention to the glare of ruddy light thrown full by the flaming stables upon the windows of the apartment.","EAP" "id04935","""And then,"" said a cadaverous looking personage, near the foot of the table, taking up the thread of the conversation where it had been broken off, ""and then, among other oddities, we had a patient, once upon a time, who very pertinaciously maintained himself to be a Cordova cheese, and went about, with a knife in his hand, soliciting his friends to try a small slice from the middle of his leg.""","EAP" "id00371","Meantime I sank aghast into the chair which she had vacated.","EAP" "id01638","""Indeed;"" repeated the vassal.","EAP" "id26784","They often, I believe, suffered the pangs of hunger very poignantly, especially the two younger cottagers, for several times they placed food before the old man when they reserved none for themselves.","MWS" "id07313","It had lost an arm if it had been a perfect body we might have succeeded better.","HPL" "id10694","But the task imposed on Perdita was not the less painful.","MWS" "id09165","One night he had burst wildly into Sheehan's, foaming at the mouth and screaming for whiskey and hasheesh; and having been supplied in exchange for a promise to perform odd jobs, had hung about ever since, mopping floors, cleaning cuspidors and glasses, and attending to an hundred similar menial duties in exchange for the drink and drugs which were necessary to keep him alive and sane.","HPL" "id22276","I started up and resolved to return to Geneva with all possible speed.","MWS" "id01132","Atop the tallest of earth's peaks dwell the gods of earth, and suffer no man to tell that he hath looked upon them.","HPL" "id02034","Do not you desert me in the hour of trial' ""'Great God' exclaimed the old man.","MWS" "id11007","The shrill voice was very loud louder than the gruff one.","EAP" "id08022","He's supposed to have developed some skin disease or deformity late in life that makes him keep out of sight.","HPL" "id12947","Let him send me this regiment.","MWS" "id09882","He had endeavoured to persuade his father to permit him to accompany me and to become my fellow student, but in vain.","MWS" "id24810","We feared the coming summer.","MWS" "id09911","Ever since my recovery from the fever I had been in the custom of taking every night a small quantity of laudanum, for it was by means of this drug only that I was enabled to gain the rest necessary for the preservation of life.","MWS" "id12382","The shrieking, roaring confusion of sound which permeated the abysses was past all analysis as to pitch, timbre, or rhythm; but seemed to be synchronous with vague visual changes in all the indefinite objects, organic and inorganic alike.","HPL" "id04110","They are encrusted with nitre.""","EAP" "id08214","There were, however, many particulars inducing me to believe that my average rate of travelling might possibly very much exceed that of thirty miles per hour, and, as these considerations did not fail to make a deep impression upon my mind, I will mention them more fully hereafter.","EAP" "id18260","""I forget your arms.""","EAP" "id25684","I caught it from Fatquack whizz fizz and I am giving you a specimen of it now.","EAP" "id08344","""And then,"" said some other one of the party, ""then there was Bouffon Le Grand another extraordinary personage in his way.","EAP" "id11151","And as she breathed her last sighs, there came mingled with them a low murmur from her lips.","EAP" "id05583","But in regard to the shrill voice, the peculiarity is not that they disagreed but that, while an Italian, an Englishman, a Spaniard, a Hollander, and a Frenchman attempted to describe it, each one spoke of it as that of a foreigner.","EAP" "id13787","His connection with Adrian and Perdita was never mentioned; he was to her a meteor, a companionless star, which at its appointed hour rose in her hemisphere, whose appearance brought felicity, and which, although it set, was never eclipsed.","MWS" "id23145","His body was a wine pipe, or a rum puncheon, or something of that character, and had a truly Falstaffian air.","EAP" "id27114","I planned the whole scene with an earnest heart and franticly set my soul on this project.","MWS" "id16564","I could not see his face, but had an opportunity of observing his general appearance.","EAP" "id05156","I again plunged into excess, and soon drowned in wine all memory of the deed.","EAP" "id14134","As I surveyed this quaint apartment, I felt an increase in that aversion first excited by the bleak exterior of the house.","HPL" "id17627","I found it a matter of exceeding difficulty to squeeze myself in.","EAP" "id17444","I was firmly convinced in my own mind that Justine, and indeed every human being, was guiltless of this murder.","MWS" "id00419","You behold around you, it is true, a medley of architectural embellishments.","EAP" "id04673","The legs were at full length; the arms were nearly so, and reposed on the bed at a moderate distance from the loin.","EAP" "id27131","He compared the royal and republican spirit; shewed how the one tended to enslave the minds of men; while all the institutions of the other served to raise even the meanest among us to something great and good.","MWS" "id21289","In Babson Street, which crossed Federal and might thus reveal me to the searchers, I clung as closely as possible to the sagging, uneven buildings; twice pausing in a doorway as the noises behind me momentarily increased.","HPL" "id24987","When I stood on my native hills, and saw plain and mountain stretch out to the utmost limits of my vision, speckled by the dwellings of my countrymen, and subdued to fertility by their labours, the earth's very centre was fixed for me in that spot, and the rest of her orb was as a fable, to have forgotten which would have cost neither my imagination nor understanding an effort.","MWS" "id08069","The new gas is doing wonders, in conjunction with the new improvement with gutta percha.","EAP" "id26564","What annoyed me was merely the persistent way in which the volume tended to fall open of itself at Plate XII, which represented in gruesome detail a butcher's shop of the cannibal Anziques.","HPL" "id03814","I wait in quiet expectation for the closing hours of a life which has been to me most sweet bitter.","MWS" "id09602","""More space, Willy, more space soon.","HPL" "id10350","In my case, the primary object was invariably frivolous, although assuming, through the medium of my distempered vision, a refracted and unreal importance.","EAP" "id00986","In the third volume of the ""American Quarterly Review"" will be found quite an elaborate criticism upon a certain ""journey"" of the kind in question a criticism in which it is difficult to say whether the critic most exposes the stupidity of the book, or his own absurd ignorance of astronomy.","EAP" "id10258","It is to the absence of idiosyncratic organs, therefore, that we must attribute the nearly unlimited perception of the ultimate life.","EAP" "id01025","And I lay close within shelter of the lilies, and observed the actions of the man.","EAP" "id15253","Not that the matter might not have been as inferred, but that there was no ground for the inference: was there not much for another?","EAP" "id17766","Then I noticed a few inhabited houses with rags stuffed in the broken windows and shells and dead fish lying about the littered yards.","HPL" "id17486","There was only one person in sight an elderly man without what I had come to call the ""Innsmouth look"" and I decided not to ask him any of the questions which bothered me; remembering that odd things had been noticed in this hotel.","HPL" "id03745","By this time the restoration of the house was finished, and those who watched it wondered why one of the upper windows had been made into a solid plank door.","HPL" "id15272","The thing done, however; the wonder accomplished; and the capacity for apprehension becomes universal.","EAP" "id12100","You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend.","MWS" "id04638","Sometimes she felt proud that he had preferred her to the hopes of a crown.","MWS" "id21751","""We say, 'most intelligible' 'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, will be kind enough to tell us, perhaps, how 'hail' can be 'holy light' We always regarded it as frozen rain.","EAP" "id20477","You grieve because you are unhappy; it is happiness you seek but you despair of obtaining it.","MWS" "id01808","It seemed to lead up, up like a natural causeway, into the recesses of unexplored mountains and forests.","EAP" "id27102","Having become satisfied of his identity, he took a bird's eye view of his whereabouts.","EAP" "id15154","how had I deserved to be so cursed with the removal of my beloved in the hour of her making them?","EAP" "id18932","I always called at the big houses to deliver the letters, and receive the postage.","EAP" "id04510","Again groping toward the street, I opened a door off the hall and came upon an empty room with closely shuttered but sashless windows.","HPL" "id06859","I shuddered; I dared not die even though the cold grave held all I loved; although I might say with Job Where is now my hope?","MWS" "id22544","During the lady's absence from home, a day or two afterwards, a ring is heard at the door of No. so and so, in such and such Avenue; a servant appears; the lady of the house is asked for and is declared to be out, at which astounding information, the visitor expresses the most poignant regret.","EAP" "id14212","What the Red Glare Meant On the tempest racked night of November , , with a lantern which cast charnel shadows, I stood digging alone and idiotically in the grave of Jan Martense.","HPL" "id21205","While I gazed directly upward at it for its position was immediately over my own I fancied that I saw it in motion.","EAP" "id08164","I had been reserved for the latter.","EAP" "id21413","This he poised suspiciously in his hand, then eyed it with an air of extreme surprise, and was evidently astonished at its weight.","EAP" "id13377","With deep and reverent awe I replaced the candelabrum in its former position.","EAP" "id10422","In my delirium I had said much, but found that my words had been given scant attention.","HPL" "id21778","""In some respects,"" he replied, ""your idea is not irrelevant.","EAP" "id23097","It argued a capability of believing in phenomena beyond all normal notions; for if a dead man can transmit his visible or tangible image half across the world, or down the stretch of the centuries, how can it be absurd to suppose that deserted houses are full of queer sentient things, or that old graveyards teem with the terrible, unbodied intelligence of generations?","HPL" "id11779","One of these he maintained to be the head of Cicero; the other he imagined a composite one, being Demosthenes' from the top of the forehead to the mouth, and Lord Brougham's from the mouth to the chin.","EAP" "id04931","In the electric light the colour seemed to be a kind of iridescent grey veined with green, and Gilman could see amidst his horror and bewilderment that one of the knobs ended in a jagged break corresponding to its former point of attachment to the dream railing.","HPL" "id07446","More miserable than man ever was before, why did I not sink into forgetfulness and rest?","MWS" "id16254","She found a peasant and his wife, hard working, bent down by care and labour, distributing a scanty meal to five hungry babes.","MWS" "id07462","Asellius; and the legatus of the whole region, Cn.","HPL" "id26624","We object to it as a mere theory assumed in the first place, and to which circumstances are afterwards made to adapt themselves.","EAP" "id15191","He must aim no more at the dear object of his ambition; throwing his arms aside, he must for present ends give up the ultimate object of his endeavours.","MWS" "id13212","""The noble lady who sits opposite is Queen Pest, our Serene Consort.","EAP" "id06887","From this point the noise was quite deafening.","HPL" "id01608","He was puzzled by one thing, a peak of solid matter, protruding above the ocean bed nearly four feet at its apex; about two feet thick, with flat sides and smooth upper surfaces which met at a very obtuse angle.","HPL" "id27677","My statues and ivory heads were all sold, and I had no means to purchase new materials, or energy to fashion them even had I possessed them.","HPL" "id16762","But of the worm's metamorphosis we are palpably cognizant.","EAP" "id01885","What inexpressible madness seized me with that thought?","EAP" "id25290","His voice seemed suffocated, and my first impulses, which had suggested to me the duty of obeying the dying request of my friend in destroying his enemy, were now suspended by a mixture of curiosity and compassion.","MWS" "id02575","She heard that we were bound for Greece, that she would see her father, and now, for the first time, she prattled of him to her mother.","MWS" "id21341","""Entitled,"" I repeated, ""to no earthly commiseration.","EAP" "id17759","But to lose all to lose with life and love, glory also It shall not be ""I, and in a few brief years, all you, this panic struck army, and all the population of fair Greece, will no longer be.","MWS" "id15577","On the day in which I visited the ship the fourteenth, Wyatt and party were also to visit it so the captain informed me and I waited on board an hour longer than I had designed, in hope of being presented to the bride, but then an apology came.","EAP" "id19997","My soul was in tumults; I traversed the streets with eager rapidity.","MWS" "id06791","Very little concerning this skeleton has leaked out, but the workmen who found it whisper in shocked tones about the long, brownish hairs with which it was associated.","HPL" "id00763","And ever since that hour, through dull dragging years of greyness and weariness, the philosopher has laboured and eaten and slept and done uncomplaining the suitable deeds of a citizen.","HPL" "id05463","The balloon at first collapsed, then furiously expanded, then whirled round and round with horrible velocity, and finally, reeling and staggering like a drunken man, hurled me with great force over the rim of the car, and left me dangling, at a terrific height, with my head downward, and my face outwards, by a piece of slender cord about three feet in length, which hung accidentally through a crevice near the bottom of the wicker work, and in which, as I fell, my left foot became most providentially entangled.","EAP" "id23433","As I strained to decipher this inscription my notice was distracted by the raucous tones of a cracked bell across the street, and I quickly turned to look out the window on my side of the coach.","HPL" "id16093","The city was in comparative repose.","EAP" "id14400","It is clear that Kidd if Kidd indeed secreted this treasure, which I doubt not it is clear that he must have had assistance in the labor.","EAP" "id06608","The misfortunes of Woodville were not of the hearts core like mine; his was a natural grief, not to destroy but to purify the heart and from which he might, when its shadow had passed from over him, shine forth brighter and happier than before.","MWS" "id18560","Oh that I had words to express the luxury of death that I might win you.","MWS" "id22469","""Reperuse now that portion of this argument which has reference to the identification of the corpse by Beauvais.","EAP" "id15578","There is some defect in one of his feet.","EAP" "id05494","I found what I had half expected, that where the shunned house now stood the Roulets had laid out their graveyard behind a one story and attic cottage, and that no record of any transfer of graves existed.","HPL" "id05561","Thank heaven these creatures employed no dogs for tracking though perhaps that would have been impossible amidst the omnipresent regional odour.","HPL" "id00871","I was glad to see the moonlight again when I emerged from that macabre tunnel.","HPL" "id21957","The tail of that sinuous line of night marchers seemed very horrible, and as I saw them wriggling into a venerable tomb they seemed more horrible still.","HPL" "id00168","Maelzel now informs the company that he will disclose to their view the mechanism of the machine.","EAP" "id00307","It rang on my ears long and heavily; the mountains re echoed it, and I felt as if all hell surrounded me with mockery and laughter.","MWS" "id06701","Carter did not taste deeply of these modern freedoms; for their cheapness and squalor sickened a spirit loving beauty alone, while his reason rebelled at the flimsy logic with which their champions tried to gild brute impulse with a sacredness stripped from the idols they had discarded.","HPL" "id20072","We, descendants from the one and the other, must be enemies also.","MWS" "id21365","to be enamored of the Night for her own sake; and into this bizarrerie, as into all his others, I quietly fell; giving myself up to his wild whims with a perfect abandon.","EAP" "id18460","He reeled, and would have crumpled to the ground had not two or three others seized and steadied him.","HPL" "id08417","He was glorious from his youth.","MWS" "id01843","When they parted for the night, the Countess said, ""To morrow I trust your tone will be changed: be composed; I have agitated you; go to rest; and I will send you a medicine I always take when unduly restless it will give you a quiet night.""","MWS" "id21336","Do I fear, that my heart palpitates?","MWS" "id10832","Either watching the crowd in the park, or occupied by painful reflection, we were all silent; Ryland stood by himself in an embrasure of the window; Adrian paced the hall, revolving some new and overpowering idea suddenly he stopped and said: ""I have long expected this; could we in reason expect that this island should be exempt from the universal visitation?","MWS" "id16131","He had the ordinary temperament of genius, and was a compound of misanthropy, sensibility, and enthusiasm.","EAP" "id23022","The night arrives and no sofa.","EAP" "id23835","Three of these are on each side of the figure.","EAP" "id03375","They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.","HPL" "id20863","As I gained this respite I heard the battering at the two other doors abate, while a confused clatter came from the connecting door I had shielded with the bedstead.","HPL" "id13901","You will not do this, I know you will not.","MWS" "id07412","On the morning of April a fresh rat hole appeared in the room where Gilman was a guest, but Dombrowski tinned it up during the day.","HPL" "id04311","Everything was silent except the leaves of the trees, which were gently agitated by the wind; the night was nearly dark, and the scene would have been solemn and affecting even to an uninterested observer.","MWS" "id11417","Having carefully perused the column of ""houses to let,"" and the column of ""dogs lost,"" and then the two columns of ""wives and apprentices runaway,"" I attacked with great resolution the editorial matter, and, reading it from beginning to end without understanding a syllable, conceived the possibility of its being Chinese, and so re read it from the end to the beginning, but with no more satisfactory result.","EAP" "id01706","I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me.","HPL" "id10626","Numerous invitations on the part of the neighborhood for a long time, however, periodically came in.","EAP" "id00788","I am glad Woodville is not with me for perhaps he would grieve, and I desire to see smiles alone during the last scene of my life; when I last wrote to him I told him of my ill health but not of its mortal tendency, lest he should conceive it to be his duty to come to me for I fear lest the tears of friendship should destroy the blessed calm of my mind.","MWS" "id17188","They were men and women, the sufferers, before they were Mahometans, and when they rise turbanless from the grave, in what except their good or evil actions will they be the better or worse than we?","MWS" "id19327","Yet such is human nature, that the excitement of mind was dear to me, and that the imagination, painter of tempest and earthquake, or, worse, the stormy and ruin fraught passions of man, softened my real sorrows and endless regrets, by clothing these fictitious ones in that ideality, which takes the mortal sting from pain.","MWS" "id08124","Wouldn't pull it no go.","EAP" "id08533","Especially were we apprehensive concerning the mind and impulses of the creature, since in the space following death some of the more delicate cerebral cells might well have suffered deterioration.","HPL" "id16551","Therefore instead of trying the door I knocked, feeling as I did so a trepidation I could scarcely explain.","HPL" "id20908","He felt vaguely glad that all his relatives were distant and out of touch with him, for they could not have understood his mental life.","HPL" "id14651","In the same way, individuals may escape ninety nine times, and receive the death blow at the hundredth; because bodies are sometimes in a state to reject the infection of malady, and at others, thirsty to imbibe it.","MWS" "id11986","In this position he sees the chess board through the bosom of the Turk which is of gauze.","EAP" "id16805","From the medical and court documents we learned all that could be gathered of his case.","HPL" "id03751","About this period his inability to concentrate on his formal studies worried him considerably, his apprehensions about the mid year examinations being very acute.","HPL" "id03123","I was bound by a solemn promise which I had not yet fulfilled and dared not break, or if I did, what manifold miseries might not impend over me and my devoted family Could I enter into a festival with this deadly weight yet hanging round my neck and bowing me to the ground?","MWS" "id13863","West was a materialist, believing in no soul and attributing all the working of consciousness to bodily phenomena; consequently he looked for no revelation of hideous secrets from gulfs and caverns beyond death's barrier.","HPL" "id24120","I saw not then what I now clearly perceive, that the acquisitions of Ligeia were gigantic, were astounding; yet I was sufficiently aware of her infinite supremacy to resign myself, with a child like confidence, to her guidance through the chaotic world of metaphysical investigation at which I was most busily occupied during the earlier years of our marriage.","EAP" "id05556","After a while he began to shudder, and turned away from the scene as if frightened; yet could give no explanation save that he was overcome with the vastness, darkness, remoteness, antiquity, and mystery of the oceanic abysses.","HPL" "id20558","He began to feel closely akin to Sir Wade, and to seek relics of the latter's personal life in England as well as of his African exploits.","HPL" "id01464","A rush of cool air greeted me; and though the day was one of the hottest of late June, I shivered as I crossed the threshold into a large apartment whose rich and tasteful decoration surprised me in this nest of squalor and seediness.","HPL" "id10905","Sometimes I endeavoured to gain from Frankenstein the particulars of his creature's formation, but on this point he was impenetrable.","MWS" "id21554","Psychologically my case is most interesting, and I regret that it cannot be observed scientifically by a competent German authority.","HPL" "id24396","""Ay, all proceeds and changes: what wonder then, that love has journied on to its setting, and that the lord of my life has changed?","MWS" "id01509","But all this vanished in a second.","HPL" "id13001","My sister was three years younger than myself; I had nursed her as an infant, and when the difference of our sexes, by giving us various occupations, in a great measure divided us, yet she continued to be the object of my careful love.","MWS" "id15601","Thus the usual track of supposition was thoroughly broken up.","EAP" "id13959","This circumstance favored me greatly in the project I now determined to adopt.","EAP" "id05919","I asked, ""the women and all?"" ""Assuredly,"" he said, ""we could not do at all without the women; they are the best lunatic nurses in the world; they have a way of their own, you know; their bright eyes have a marvellous effect; something like the fascination of the snake, you know.""","EAP" "id20514","In its size I had been greatly mistaken.","EAP" "id25589","V. Hesitating for many minutes.","EAP" "id17246","We all stood equal sharers of the last throes of time worn nature.","MWS" "id05139","Shakespeare's Sonnets.","MWS" "id10894","It is truly a terrible thing, and unmistakably akin to the dream sculpture of young Wilcox.","HPL" "id12698","From somewhere within the works a dog barked in answer; either to the coyote or to something else.","HPL" "id14100","And then then, when poring over forbidden pages, I felt a forbidden spirit enkindling within me would Morella place her cold hand upon my own, and rake up from the ashes of a dead philosophy some low, singular words, whose strange meaning burned themselves in upon my memory.","EAP" "id16553","I had felt that some palpable although invisible object had passed lightly by my person; and I saw that there lay upon the golden carpet, in the very middle of the rich lustre thrown from the censer, a shadow a faint, indefinite shadow of angelic aspect such as might be fancied for the shadow of a shade.","EAP" "id26710","We replaced and screwed down the lid, and, having secured the door of iron, made our way, with toil, into the scarcely less gloomy apartments of the upper portion of the house.","EAP" "id20661","In such experiments with this patient I had never perfectly succeeded before, and assuredly I had little thought of succeeding now; but to my astonishment, his arm very readily, although feebly, followed every direction I assigned it with mine.","EAP" "id09932","Uttering a few sounds with an air of melancholy, he took the pail from her head and bore it to the cottage himself.","MWS" "id13610","An unwieldy ox, who had fed in an abandoned granary, suddenly lowed, and shewed his shapeless form in a narrow door way; every thing was desert; but nothing was in ruin.","MWS" "id00895","He became the darling hero of this rising people.","MWS" "id19677","Let me see I will go and ask Pundit and be back in a minute.... Ah, here we have it Here is a book written nearly a thousand years ago and lately translated from the Inglitch which, by the way, appears to have been the rudiment of the Amriccan.","EAP" "id07075","Sometimes my lawless mood would return, my love of peril, my resistance to authority; but this was in his absence; under the mild sway of his dear eyes, I was obedient and good as a boy of five years old, who does his mother's bidding.","MWS" "id21974","God, ef anybody'd look'd ahead . . .","HPL" "id21191","Now that I had found them, my eagerness was again redoubled; for something in their arrangement dimly hinted that they might be only a few of many such, with dark, dumb counterparts wedged obscurely betwixt high blank walls and deserted rear tenements, or lurking lamplessly behind archways, unbetrayed by hordes of the foreign speaking or guarded by furtive and uncommunicative artists whose practices do not invite publicity or the light of day.","HPL" "id13918","Here the vast bed of the waters, seamed and scarred into a thousand conflicting channels, burst suddenly into phrensied convulsion heaving, boiling, hissing gyrating in gigantic and innumerable vortices, and all whirling and plunging on to the eastward with a rapidity which water never elsewhere assumes except in precipitous descents.","EAP" "id26100","The plot of Felix was quickly discovered, and De Lacey and Agatha were thrown into prison.","MWS" "id26278","The gables are turned to the front, and there are cornices, as big as all the rest of the house, over the eaves and over the main doors.","EAP" "id27794","I saw no cause for their unhappiness, but I was deeply affected by it.","MWS" "id07486","This first sense of pain lay in a rigorous constriction of the breast and lungs, and an insufferable dryness of the skin.","EAP" "id11064","I passed by a group of these terrorists, in a lane in the direct road to the hut.","MWS" "id07719","The funeral, in short, was hastened, on account of the rapid advance of what was supposed to be decomposition.","EAP" "id12038","These things should be left to the frigid and impersonal investigator, for they offer two equally tragic alternatives to the man of feeling and action; despair if he fail in his quest, and terrors unutterable and unimaginable if he succeed.","HPL" "id09986","""Well, Jup,"" said I, ""what is the matter now? how is your master?"" ""Why, to speak de troof, massa, him not so berry well as mought be."" ""Not well I am truly sorry to hear it.","EAP" "id06375","Let the cursed and hellish monster drink deep of agony; let him feel the despair that now torments me.""","MWS" "id11327","He saw that his electric flashlight was in working order.","HPL" "id17447","Having obtained an oar at the water gate, we proceeded together to his residence, while he rapidly recovered his self possession, and spoke of our former slight acquaintance in terms of great apparent cordiality.","EAP" "id06515","They do not wish the souls of their young men to leave the pleasant hearths and gambrel roofed taverns of old Kingsport, nor do they wish the laughter and song in that high rocky place to grow louder.","HPL" "id05851","He had taken somewhat after his unknown father.","HPL" "id20602","On this now leaped and twisted a more indescribable horde of human abnormality than any but a Sime or an Angarola could paint.","HPL" "id19365","We could not fear we did not.","MWS" "id21072","He related his history brief in happiness and woe and dwelt with passion on his and Elinor's mutual love.","MWS" "id23011","Several of the Etonians had these characteristics; all were distinguished by a sense of honour, and spirit of enterprize; in some, as they verged towards manhood, this degenerated into presumption; but the younger ones, lads a little older than our own, were conspicuous for their gallant and sweet dispositions.","MWS" "id08072","But the reverse is seen to be the case, and this reverse applies precisely to our supposition of a man in the interior.","EAP" "id05973","What wonder then, that her feelings were wrought to this pitch I thus accounted to myself for her agitation; but this was not all, and the sequel revealed another excuse.","MWS" "id27856","I pressed his shoulder to awaken his attention, but he did not alter his position.","MWS" "id26570","No one had ever seen her closely, not even the servants; for her disposition had been violent and singular.","HPL" "id08797","Proceeding southwardly, the explorer saw, at first, the same class of trees, but less and less lofty and Salvatorish in character; then he saw the gentler elm, succeeded by the sassafras and locust these again by the softer linden, red bud, catalpa, and maple these yet again by still more graceful and more modest varieties.","EAP" "id01444","As soon as the health of Raymond was sufficiently re established, he prepared to join the Grecian camp, hear Kishan, a town of some importance, situated to the east of the Hebrus; in which Perdita and Clara were to remain until the event of the expected battle.","MWS" "id01037","I now looked at the nail.","EAP" "id27098","I could not see from my side of the hotel the southward route toward Arkham which I had determined to take.","HPL" "id26343","I strove to rise, but my heavy lids closed, my limbs over wearied, claimed repose I rested my head on the stone, I yielded to the grateful sensation of utter forgetfulness; and in that scene of desolation, on that night of despair I slept.","MWS" "id08302","The faculty of re solution is possibly much invigorated by mathematical study, and especially by that highest branch of it which, unjustly, and merely on account of its retrograde operations, has been called, as if par excellence, analysis.","EAP" "id20133","Manton was reflecting again.","HPL" "id17485","Oh no I will become wise I will study my own heart and there discovering as I may the spring of the virtues I possess I will teach others how to look for them in their own souls I will find whence arrises this unquenshable love of beauty I possess that seems the ruling star of my life I will learn how I may direct it aright and by what loving I may become more like that beauty which I adore And when I have traced the steps of the godlike feeling which ennobles me makes me that which I esteem myself to be then I will teach others if I gain but one proselyte if I can teach but one other mind what is the beauty which they ought to love and what is the sympathy to which they ought to aspire what is the true end of their being which must be the true end of that of all men then shall I be satisfied think I have done enough Farewell doubts painful meditation of evil the great, ever inexplicable cause of all that we see I am content to be ignorant of all this happy that not resting my mind on any unstable theories I have come to the conclusion that of the great secret of the universe I can know nothing There is a veil before it my eyes are not piercing enough to see through it my arms not long enough to reach it to withdraw it I will study the end of my being oh thou universal love inspire me oh thou beauty which I see glowing around me lift me to a fit understanding of thee Such was the conclusion of my long wanderings I sought the end of my being I found it to be knowledge of itself Nor think this a confined study Not only did it lead me to search the mazes of the human soul but I found that there existed nought on earth which contained not a part of that universal beauty with which it was my aim object to become acquainted the motions of the stars of heaven the study of all that philosophers have unfolded of wondrous in nature became as it where sic the steps by which my soul rose to the full contemplation enjoyment of the beautiful Oh ye who have just escaped from the world ye know not what fountains of love will be opened in your hearts or what exquisite delight your minds will receive when the secrets of the world will be unfolded to you and ye shall become acquainted with the beauty of the universe Your souls now growing eager for the acquirement of knowledge will then rest in its possession disengaged from every particle of evil and knowing all things ye will as it were be mingled in the universe ye will become a part of that celestial beauty that you admire Diotima ceased and a profound silence ensued the youth with his cheeks flushed and his eyes burning with the fire communicated from hers still fixed them on her face which was lifted to heaven as in inspiration The lovely female bent hers to the ground after a deep sigh was the first to break the silence Oh divinest prophetess, said she how new to me how strange are your lessons If such be the end of our being how wayward a course did I pursue on earth Diotima you know not how torn affections misery incalculable misery withers up the soul.","MWS" "id09471","Well, go on My wife, Mrs. Trotter, will give you the five dollars I left instructions with her to that effect.","EAP" "id25752","From the tables we removed the tops.""","EAP" "id16912","Yet one duty remained to me, the recollection of which finally triumphed over my selfish despair.","MWS" "id08916","At length our tranquillity was disturbed, and the course of events, which for five years had flowed on in hushing tranquillity, was broken by breakers and obstacles, that woke us from our pleasant dream.","MWS" "id05194","""Thus we see, at a glance, that what has been most triumphantly adduced in support of the idea that the articles had been 'for at least three or four weeks' in the thicket, is most absurdly null as regards any evidence of that fact.","EAP" "id02810","Here was indeed a mystery which I felt it impossible to explain; but, even at that early moment, there seemed to glimmer, faintly, within the most remote and secret chambers of my intellect, a glow worm like conception of that truth which last night's adventure brought to so magnificent a demonstration.","EAP" "id01090","When they proceeded Hoggishly, their ""facts"" were by no means always facts a matter of little consequence had it not been for assuming that they were facts and must be facts because they appeared to be such.","EAP" "id05728","At length Raymond suffered him to depart.","MWS" "id02145","We got under way with a mere breath of wind, and for many days stood along the eastern coast of Java, without any other incident to beguile the monotony of our course than the occasional meeting with some of the small grabs of the Archipelago to which we were bound.","EAP" "id18230","I cannot see a well or a subway entrance without shuddering . . .","HPL" "id00993","My privacy invaded, my actions censured, my friends insulted?","MWS" "id18591","""And how long, then, did the madmen reign?"" ""Oh, a very long time, indeed a month certainly how much longer I can't precisely say.","EAP" "id20921","It was evident that, so far, death or what is usually termed death had been arrested by the mesmeric process.","EAP" "id22566","Her power, which was linked to few of the enduring emotions of his heart, had greatly decayed.","MWS" "id10251","The smile of triumph shone on his countenance; determined to pursue his object to the uttermost, his manner and expression seem ominous of the accomplishment of his wishes.","MWS" "id27772","For many minutes of a dreamy and trembling abstraction, I busied myself in vain, unconnected conjecture.","EAP" "id07361","George Bennett and William Tobey had left no trace, not even of a struggle.","HPL" "id14814","At the end of the passable road they alighted, and for miles splashed on in silence through the terrible cypress woods where day never came.","HPL" "id22938","In a word, why did he abandon four thousand francs in gold to encumber himself with a bundle of linen?","EAP" "id20376","Shakspeare's Sonnets.","MWS" "id19640","Such opinions need no comment, and I will make none.","EAP" "id24042","The fellow must be a relentless enemy of all mankind to take such glee in the torture of brain and flesh and the degradation of the mortal tenement.","HPL" "id12776","The smoke of a battleship was on the northern horizon, but our distance and ability to submerge made us safe.","HPL" "id27101","A single lightning bolt shot from the purple zenith to the altar stone, and a great tidal wave of viewless force and indescribable stench swept down from the hill to all the countryside.","HPL" "id06698","Yet sorrow only slept to revive more fierce, but love never woke again its ghost, ever hovering over my father's grave, alone survived since his death all the world was to me a blank except where woe had stampt its burning words telling me to smile no more the living were not fit companions for me, and I was ever meditating by what means I might shake them all off, and never be heard of again.","MWS" "id20573","All was now confusion and despair but an effort was made to lighten the ship by throwing overboard as much of her cargo as could be reached, and by cutting away the two masts that remained.","EAP" "id13928","And at this thought I paused.","EAP" "id24001","His foreign birth, and he refused to throw off his allegiance to his native country, alone prevented him from filling the first offices in the state.","MWS" "id13490","Early in the morning the whole army was in motion.","MWS" "id18926","I have said that Ellison was remarkable in the continuous profusion of good gifts lavished upon him by Fortune.","EAP" "id08604","It was not until toward the close of the fourth year of our search that we found a locality with which Ellison professed himself satisfied.","EAP" "id03662","Sheehan, now recovering from his astonishment, advanced and laid a heavy hand on the old waif's shoulder.","HPL" "id05389","Elizabeth read my anguish in my countenance, and kindly taking my hand, said, ""My dearest friend, you must calm yourself.","MWS" "id20814","If, for example, there should be a deposition of moisture upon the silk, and the machine begins to descend in consequence, there will be no necessity for discharging ballast to remedy the increase of weight, for it is remedied, or counteracted, in an exactly just proportion, by the deposit on the ground of just so much of the end of the rope as is necessary.","EAP" "id08940","Crossing the ocean in a balloon is not so difficult a feat after all.","EAP" "id21898","How very wonderfully do we see verified every day, the profound observation of the Hindoo Aries Tottle as quoted by Pundit ""Thus must we say that, not once or twice, or a few times, but with almost infinite repetitions, the same opinions come round in a circle among men.""","EAP" "id04314","In vain I struggled to perfect to regain it.","EAP" "id08959","Be it so; drag me away I return; confine me, imprison me, still I escape, and come here.","MWS" "id25163","""Yes, there's a hotel in Innsmouth called the Gilman House but I don't believe it can amount to much.","HPL" "id14151","An' she says he says they was a swishin', lappin' saound, more nor what the bendin' trees an' bushes could make, an' all on a suddent the trees along the rud begun ter git pushed one side, an' they was a awful stompin' an' splashin' in the mud.","HPL" "id03495","Indeed, there is no other way of accounting for the variation in question.","EAP" "id27659","I jumped up to examine the clock, and found that it had ceased running.","EAP" "id13464","They get a lot of fish and lobsters and do exporting by truck.","HPL" "id18329","I did not sleep well that night, and wondered exactly when the end would come.","HPL" "id13096","We must endeavor to satisfy ourselves by personal inquiry.","EAP" "id23123","The ring is clamorously identified, the reward is paid, and the finder nearly thrust out of doors.","EAP" "id18558","It was Rodriguez the Portuguese who climbed up the foot of the monolith and shouted of what he had found.","HPL" "id26571","The soldiers answered his cheerful words with aghast and awe struck looks; instinctively they drew back, and Raymond rode in the front of the lines: ""By my sword I swear,"" he cried, ""that no ambush or stratagem endangers you.","MWS" "id16837","He had evidently sought refuge on the very ship which had been forced to destroy his own one more victim of the unjust war of aggression which the English pig dogs are waging upon the Fatherland.","HPL" "id24219","We remained here a week, were not ill treated by the wreckers, and at length obtained a passage to New York.","EAP" "id25402","Once a gap in the trees opened up to the right, so that he saw off across leagues of twilight meadow and spied the old Congregational steeple on Central Hill in Kingsport; pink with the last flush of day, the panes of the little round windows blazing with reflected fire.","HPL" "id23626","""William Bird, tailor deposes that he was one of the party who entered the house.","EAP" "id03851","Vidocq, for example, was a good guesser and a persevering man.","EAP" "id07885","Moreover, they had stopped him from consulting the dubious old books on forbidden secrets that were kept under lock and key in a vault at the university library.","HPL" "id16789","Found a startling diminution in the apparent diameter of the earth, and a considerable increase, now observable for the first time, in that of the moon itself, which wanted only a few days of being full.","EAP" "id16448","Nex' day Obed an' thutty two others was in gaol, with everbody a wonderin' jest what was afoot an' jest what charge agin' 'em cud be got to holt.","HPL" "id09034","As he remounted the splitting coffins he felt his weight very poignantly; especially when, upon reaching the topmost one, he heard that aggravated crackle which bespeaks the wholesale rending of wood.","HPL" "id08698","I know not how to express or communicate the sense of concentrated, intense, though evanescent transport, that imparadized us in the present hour.","MWS" "id19096","I often desired his entire absence; for I found that I was grown out of the ways of life and that by long seclusion, although I could support my accustomed grief, and drink the bitter daily draught with some degree of patience, yet I had become unfit for the slightest novelty of feeling.","MWS" "id25567","We at once saw the impossibility of removing so great a weight.","EAP" "id04327","I passed a night of unmingled wretchedness.","MWS" "id00410","The pretty Miss Mansfield has already received the congratulatory visits on her approaching marriage with a young Englishman, John Melbourne, Esq.","MWS" "id07978","""This is kind,"" she cried; ""this is noble, my own beloved O fear not disgrace or lowly fortune, while you have your Perdita; fear not sorrow, while our child lives and smiles.","MWS" "id21020","Each word was drawn out with difficulty; real anguish painted his features; his eyes were now lifted in sudden horror, now fixed in dread upon the ground.","MWS" "id22490","The heavy folds reached fully to the abutting roof, and I saw that the rings and catch would be likely to bear my weight.","HPL" "id27542","With the mouth and chin of a deity singular, wild, full, liquid eyes, whose shadows varied from pure hazel to intense and brilliant jet and a profusion of curling, black hair, from which a forehead of unusual breadth gleamed forth at intervals all light and ivory his were features than which I have seen none more classically regular, except, perhaps, the marble ones of the Emperor Commodus.","EAP" "id06079","I shall satiate my ardent curiosity with the sight of a part of the world never before visited, and may tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man.","MWS" "id01186","Among angels, my Oinos, it is seen to be simply true.","EAP" "id19049","Such an one was near, hovering round this house.","MWS" "id07969","The ancient house has always been there, and people say One dwells therein who talks with the morning mists that come up from the deep, and perhaps sees singular things oceanward at those times when the cliff's rim becomes the rim of all earth, and solemn buoys toll free in the white aether of faery.","HPL" "id07639","""Adrian, I am about to return to Greece, to become again a soldier, perhaps a conqueror.","MWS" "id21319","At this juncture enters the Minister D .","EAP" "id22752","Were it later for example, were it the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty five, we should be deprived of this extraordinary spectacle.","EAP" "id09920","He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.","MWS" "id17060","From the time that he had quitted London, on the fatal night of his defeat at the gaming table, the king had received no tidings concerning him; and when, after the lapse of years, he exerted himself to discover him, every trace was lost.","MWS" "id17190","West of this door was a single window, looking toward the brook.","EAP" "id03521","How miraculous did this appear The huts, the neater cottages, and stately houses engaged my admiration by turns.","MWS" "id13542","Its details I shall never know; for my slumber, though troubled and dream infested, was continuous.","HPL" "id05880","He was, like Boethius and nearly all the eminent men of his age, of the great Anician family, and traced his genealogy with much exactitude and self satisfaction to all the heroes of the republic.","HPL" "id20276","No more ice the man looked and ran away.","HPL" "id02416","The inhabitants of that street impressed me peculiarly.","HPL" "id14472","He spoke in a dreamy, stilted manner which suggested pose and alienated sympathy; and my uncle shewed some sharpness in replying, for the conspicuous freshness of the tablet implied kinship with anything but archaeology.","HPL" "id14477","His eyes flashed with a fierce light.","EAP" "id09088","Deep sorrow must have been the inmate of our bosoms; fraud must have lain in wait for us; the artful must have deceived us; sickening doubt and false hope must have chequered our days; hilarity and joy, that lap the soul in ecstasy, must at times have possessed us.","MWS" "id22282","It had ended horribly in a delirium of fear which we gradually came to attribute to our own overwrought nerves and West had never afterward been able to shake off a maddening sensation of being haunted and hunted.","HPL" "id18909","Don't ask me, either, what lay behind that mole like scrambling Pickman was so keen to pass off as rats.","HPL" "id05088","It must have been merely the association of any odd circumstance with the sinister nature of our location and mission, for surely the circumstance was not in itself frightful or unnatural.","HPL" "id22896","I thought you knew me better.""","MWS" "id14910","He took me into his confidence, gave me a permanent situation as Thomas Hawk of the ""Lollipop,"" and, as for the present, he could afford me no salary, allowed me to profit, at discretion, by his advice.","EAP" "id08045","See the whole town is topsy turvy.","EAP" "id20283","Over the countryside and amidst the splendour of cities rove at will the happy folk, of whom all are gifted with unmarred grace and unalloyed happiness.","HPL" "id02625","On the night of September , , I heard a knock at my chamber door.","HPL" "id11679","The fire of madness died from his eyes, and in dull wonder he looked at his questioners and asked why he was bound.","HPL" "id13621","""Yield up enough sacrifices an' savage knick knacks an' harbourage in the taown when they wanted it, an' they'd let well enough alone.","HPL" "id11121","The main compartment itself in speaking of that portion of the box visible upon opening doors and , we shall always call it the main compartment is lined with dark cloth and contains no machinery whatever beyond two pieces of steel, quadrant shaped, and situated one in each of the rear top corners of the compartment.","EAP" "id01910","And since spirit, in order to cause all the manifestations attributed to it, cannot be limited by any of the laws of matter; why is it extravagant to imagine psychically living dead things in shapes or absences of shapes which must for human spectators be utterly and appallingly ""unnamable""?","HPL" "id24375","There was neither submission, patience, nor self abandonment in her grief; she fought with it, struggled beneath it, and rendered every pang more sharp by resistance.","MWS" "id23518","My tale had been called ""The Attic Window"", and appeared in the January, , issue of Whispers.","HPL" "id01839","A flash of lightning illuminated the object, and discovered its shape plainly to me; its gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy daemon, to whom I had given life.","MWS" "id14633","""I dispute the availability, and thus the value, of that reason which is cultivated in any especial form other than the abstractly logical.","EAP" "id11009","Even the sailors feel the power of his eloquence; when he speaks, they no longer despair; he rouses their energies, and while they hear his voice they believe these vast mountains of ice are mole hills which will vanish before the resolutions of man.","MWS" "id03927","The theatres were kept open; every place of public resort was frequented; though he endeavoured so to modify them, as might best quiet the agitation of the spectators, and at the same time prevent a reaction of misery when the excitement was over.","MWS" "id25300","There were even bold souls who proposed an offensive expedition down in the glen, though they did not venture to set an actual example to the still reluctant majority.","HPL" "id00949","In the quivering of a leaf in the hue of a blade of grass in the shape of a trefoil in the humming of a bee in the gleaming of a dew drop in the breathing of the wind in the faint odors that came from the forest there came a whole universe of suggestion a gay and motley train of rhapsodical and immethodical thought.","EAP" "id04322","The great clock of the Piazza had sounded the fifth hour of the Italian evening.","EAP" "id05055","Of this party I was one, and did all I could to prevent the rash and fatal sally of the officer who fell, in the crowded alleys, by the poisoned arrow of a Bengalee.","EAP" "id16666","I avoided him during the rest of the passage, by advice of the captain, who seemed to coincide with me altogether in my views of his insanity, but cautioned me to say nothing on this head to any person on board.","EAP" "id14211","The great house was very still, for I had not gone up till after midnight.","HPL" "id18956","I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago.","HPL" "id08135","And travellers now within that valley, Through the red litten windows, see Vast forms that move fantastically To a discordant melody; While, like a rapid ghastly river, Through the pale door, A hideous throng rush out forever, And laugh but smile no more.","EAP" "id19185","Love, and her child, Hope, which can bestow wealth on poverty, strength on the weak, and happiness on the sorrowing.","MWS" "id17081","In each of the angles of the chamber stood on end a gigantic sarcophagus of black granite, from the tombs of the kings over against Luxor, with their aged lids full of immemorial sculpture.","EAP" "id27026","He came each day to her abode of penury, and his presence transformed it to a temple redolent with sweets, radiant with heaven's own light; he partook of her delirium.","MWS" "id02991","By slow degrees however we were drawn to the real interest of the scene.","MWS" "id04765","We are told that on one occasion, while a Madame B was at Madame Rogêt's house, M. Beauvais, who was going out, told her that a gendarme was expected there, and she, Madame B., must not say anything to the gendarme until he returned, but let the matter be for him....","EAP" "id02322","In the dank twilight I climbed the worn and aged stone stairs till I reached the level where they ceased, and thereafter clung perilously to small footholds leading upward.","HPL" "id21313","Can you not fancy the shout of scorn with which my words would be received by our progenitors were it possible for them to be now looking over my shoulder?","EAP" "id14389","One of the phantasmagoric conceptions of my friend, partaking not so rigidly of the spirit of abstraction, may be shadowed forth, although feebly, in words.","EAP" "id18290","We had drawn the God Eros from that wave, and now we felt that he had enkindled within us the fiery souls of our forefathers.","EAP" "id00475","""As the sun became warmer and the light of day longer, the snow vanished, and I beheld the bare trees and the black earth.","MWS" "id06464","But these were not the Great Old Ones.","HPL" "id27551","The greatest care had been taken to preserve a due medium between the neat and graceful on the one hand, and the pittoresque, in the true sense of the Italian term, on the other.","EAP" "id15622","Now that very stone formed the centre of a vast space thrashed around by the mountainous horror, whilst upon its slightly concave surface was a thick and foetid deposit of the same tarry stickiness observed on the floor of the ruined Whateley farmhouse when the horror escaped.","HPL" "id20289","Then he went back to Arkham, the terrible witch haunted old town of his forefathers in New England, and had experiences in the dark, amidst the hoary willows and tottering gambrel roofs, which made him seal forever certain pages in the diary of a wild minded ancestor.","HPL" "id00162","""One day, having given my creditors the slip, and feeling more than usually dejected, I continued for a long time to wander about the most obscure streets without object whatever, until at length I chanced to stumble against the corner of a bookseller's stall.","EAP" "id01678","But in the ultimate, unorganized life, the external world reaches the whole body, which is of a substance having affinity to brain, as I have said, with no other intervention than that of an infinitely rarer ether than even the luminiferous; and to this ether in unison with it the whole body vibrates, setting in motion the unparticled matter which permeates it.","EAP" "id08907","Three of these were filled with statues of gigantic proportions.","EAP" "id22227","But supposing all these conjectures to be false, you cannot contest the inestimable benefit which I shall confer on all mankind, to the last generation, by discovering a passage near the pole to those countries, to reach which at present so many months are requisite; or by ascertaining the secret of the magnet, which, if at all possible, can only be effected by an undertaking such as mine.","MWS" "id00286","Physicians found no adequate cause for the end, and laid it to heart trouble and a weakened constitution.","HPL" "id16828","On the left the floor fell abruptly away, leaving a black triangular gulf out of which, after a second's dry rattling, there presently climbed the hateful little furry thing with the yellow fangs and bearded human face.","HPL" "id25114","And I have now mentioned all the provinces in which the common understanding of the poetic sentiment has declared it capable of expatiating.","EAP" "id25323","But I did place upon his head and mine the two ends of my cosmic ""radio""; hoping against hope for a first and last message from the dream world in the brief time remaining.","HPL" "id09190","The picture is blurred, but ineradicable.","HPL" "id17234","There were two round, black spots near one extremity of the back, and a long one near the other.","EAP" "id15681","The gentlemen said little about her; but the ladies, in a little while, pronounced her ""a good hearted thing, rather indifferent looking, totally uneducated, and decidedly vulgar.""","EAP" "id05098","Besides, he was almost sure that nothing can be really ""unnamable"".","HPL" "id14762","When reason returned, she would remonstrate and endeavour to inspire me with resignation.","MWS" "id27673","Then, long after both he and Gilman had retired, the atrocious shrieking began.","HPL" "id25489","It was the pregnancy of solemn admonition in the singular, low, hissing utterance; and, above all, it was the character, the tone, the key, of those few, simple, and familiar, yet whispered syllables, which came with a thousand thronging memories of bygone days, and struck upon my soul with the shock of a galvanic battery.","EAP" "id01397","The balloon rose about half a mile from the earth, and with a favourable wind it hurried through the air, its feathered vans cleaving the unopposing atmosphere.","MWS" "id09222","At every instant the vessel seemed imprisoned within an enchanted circle, having insuperable and impenetrable walls of foliage, a roof of ultramarine satin, and no floor the keel balancing itself with admirable nicety on that of a phantom bark which, by some accident having been turned upside down, floated in constant company with the substantial one, for the purpose of sustaining it.","EAP" "id14333","Things went on that way fer years, an' Obed got enough o' that gold like stuff to make him start the refinery in Waite's old run daown fullin' mill.","HPL" "id23680","The old man appeared enraptured and said some words which Agatha endeavoured to explain to Safie, and by which he appeared to wish to express that she bestowed on him the greatest delight by her music.","MWS" "id05486","In fact, he had made up his mind for a voyage to the South Seas, when a night's reflection induced him to abandon the idea.","EAP" "id19972","So day by day I become weaker, and life flickers in my wasting form, as a lamp about to loose it vivifying oil.","MWS" "id01373","The order I had received, was to make an observation of the direction which a detachment of the enemy might have taken, from a northern tumulus; the whole Turkish army, followed by the Greek, had poured eastward; none but the dead remained in the direction of my side.","MWS" "id03082","Round the skirts of the valley which is quite level, and paved throughout with flat tiles, extends a continuous row of sixty little houses.","EAP" "id14628","Some made it as short as three minutes some as long as five.","EAP" "id04443","My father suggested that I should send it to the ""Gad Fly"" but there were two reasons which operated to prevent me from so doing.","EAP" "id07048","He made few remarks, till, on observing through his glass the sequel of an order he had given, his face, clouded for awhile with doubt, became radiant.","MWS" "id21173","""Very well, and very happy, only a little uneasy that they hear from you so seldom.","MWS" "id05771","Now, my state room opened into the main cabin, or dining room, as did those of all the single men on board.","EAP" "id20885","It is not, however, with L'Etoile that we have to do, but with the truth.","EAP" "id15313","When I am addressed, her name is the sound I expect: in every communication, I imagine that she will form a part.","MWS" "id09117","Was it not Socrates who said that the statuary found his statue in the block of marble?","EAP" "id22591","Against the moon vast clouds of feathery watchers rose and raced from sight, frantic at that which they had sought for prey.","HPL" "id21406","It is indeed a tale so strange that I should fear you would not credit it were there not something in truth which, however wonderful, forces conviction.","MWS" "id26388","""When she had finished, she gave the guitar to Agatha, who at first declined it.","MWS" "id12663","There was no Adrian to superintend and direct, while whole flocks of the poor were struck and killed.","MWS" "id15192","You can't imagine, even from what you have read and from what I've told you, the things I shall have to see and do.","HPL" "id00998","Yes, he was stone, stone dead.","EAP" "id11617","Without his hat he took on an aspect of extreme age which was scarcely visible before, and I wondered if this unperceived mark of singular longevity were not one of the sources of my original disquiet.","HPL" "id27259","""This trait of kindness moved me sensibly.","MWS" "id11368","Deprived of this respite, I should have sunk under my hardships.","MWS" "id25253","It is, indeed evident, that with less of the instinctive philosophy which, now and then, stands so well in the stead of experience, Mr. Ellison would have found himself precipitated, by the very extraordinary successes of his life, into the common vortex of Unhappiness which yawns for those of preeminent endowments.","EAP" "id19500","But my pleasures arose from the contemplation of nature alone, I had no companion: my warm affections finding no return from any other human heart were forced to run waste on inanimate objects.","MWS" "id19339","Hey? Heh, heh, heh, heh. . . .","HPL" "id14981","""Dearest niece,"" said my father, ""dry your tears.","MWS" "id26682","I did this at some little risk, and before closing the mouth of the chamber, by reaching under the car with one of the poles before mentioned to which a hook had been attached.","EAP" "id11566","I was scarcely hid when a young girl came running towards the spot where I was concealed, laughing, as if she ran from someone in sport.","MWS" "id25808","When dawn came Iranon looked about with dismay, for the domes of Oonai were not golden in the sun, but grey and dismal.","HPL" "id22087","He was short of breath to say all in a word, he was short of breath.","EAP" "id09499","The agony of suspense grew at length intolerable, and I cautiously moved forward, with my arms extended, and my eyes straining from their sockets, in the hope of catching some faint ray of light.","EAP" "id23716","hull thing sort o' shaped like a hen's egg bigger'n anything, with dozens o' legs like hogsheads that haff shut up when they step . . .","HPL" "id10291","The crowning horror came that very night.","HPL" "id00387","I saw how the fine form of man was degraded and wasted; I beheld the corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of life; I saw how the worm inherited the wonders of the eye and brain.","MWS" "id15267","Within were three or four large stones, forming a kind of seat with a back and footstool.","EAP" "id22183","He had crossed the river with her in an open ferry boat.","EAP" "id27070","The southeastward pull still held, and only with tremendous resolution could Gilman drag himself into the old house and up the rickety stairs.","HPL" "id09143","No more could his galleys sail up the river Oukranos past the gilded spires of Thran, or his elephant caravans tramp through perfumed jungles in Kled, where forgotten palaces with veined ivory columns sleep lovely and unbroken under the moon.","HPL" "id11174","Now, I suppose, you can find the left eye of the skull, or the place where the left eye has been.","EAP" "id11394","I have, as you are aware, been much in India.","HPL" "id06379","At length, having spoken one day, in tears, of the last sad change which must befall Humanity, she thenceforward dwelt only upon this one sorrowful theme, interweaving it into all our converse, as, in the songs of the bard of Schiraz, the same images are found occurring, again and again, in every impressive variation of phrase.","EAP" "id19485","""Now, Jup,"" cried Legrand, evidently much excited, ""I want you to work your way out upon that limb as far as you can.","EAP" "id09531","Yet, as he thus determined, fancy conjured up the miserable abode of the Greek girl.","MWS" "id07814","Our own vessel was at length ceasing from her struggles, and sinking with her head to the sea.","EAP" "id25500","My first endeavor was to divide the sentence into the natural division intended by the cryptographist.""","EAP" "id14738","What had been the study and desire of the wisest men since the creation of the world was now within my grasp.","MWS" "id00122","Was sure that the shrill voice was not that of either of the deceased.","EAP" "id04383","""At first I was too much confused to observe anything accurately.","EAP" "id00671","Behold me then safely ensconced in my private boudoir, a fearful instance of the ill consequences attending upon irascibility alive, with the qualifications of the dead dead, with the propensities of the living an anomaly on the face of the earth being very calm, yet breathless.","EAP" "id23384","I always attributed my failure at these points to the disordered state of his health.","EAP" "id20667","But it is mere idleness to say that I had not lived before that the soul has no previous existence.","EAP" "id05787","Of course, then, it is the interest of the proprietor to represent it as a pure machine.","EAP" "id20151","""But was this species of acquiescence all?"" ""By no means.","EAP" "id20849","Its designs, however, were far from modern in atmosphere and suggestion; for although the vagaries of cubism and futurism are many and wild, they do not often reproduce that cryptic regularity which lurks in prehistoric writing.","HPL" "id16128","Of her family I have surely heard her speak.","EAP" "id00253","An acetylene gas outfit gave the light necessary for work.","HPL" "id12218","No care no hope no effort.","EAP" "id01717","He was somewhat surprised; he would see, he said, what could be done; but it required time; and Raymond had ordered me to return by noon.","MWS" "id15604","I wept as I listened to him; and after we had taken an affectionate farewell, I followed him far with my eyes until they saw the last of my earthly comforter.","MWS" "id20145","About eight o'clock at night, having become seriously alarmed at his protracted absence, we were about setting out in search of him, when he unexpectedly made his appearance, in health no worse than usual, and in rather more than ordinary spirits.","EAP" "id26359","Were he not Alexander he would be Diogenes.","EAP" "id22322","""You looked among D 's papers, of course, and into the books of the library?"" ""Certainly; we opened every package and parcel; we not only opened every book, but we turned over every leaf in each volume, not contenting ourselves with a mere shake, according to the fashion of some of our police officers.","EAP" "id26807","He wished to give his invention a trial, I suppose, and so he persuaded the rest of the patients to join him in a conspiracy for the overthrow of the reigning powers.""","EAP" "id22862","""The words induced me to turn towards myself.","MWS" "id09938","With these I spent most of my time, and never was so happy as when feeding and caressing them.","EAP" "id14473","My thoughts were sad and solemn, yet not of unmingled pain.","MWS" "id15399","Let us live for each other and for happiness; let us seek peace in our dear home, near the inland murmur of streams, and the gracious waving of trees, the beauteous vesture of earth, and sublime pageantry of the skies.","MWS" "id17203","No, we will have a Protector of our own.","MWS" "id09826","The crew, many of whom had never seen the sea before, felt indeed as if heaven and earth came ruining together, as the vessel dipped her bows in the waves, or rose high upon them.","MWS" "id23593","Desrochers, the fellow under Gilman's room, had spoken of nocturnal footsteps both shod and unshod, and of the violet light he saw one night when he had stolen fearfully up to peer through Gilman's keyhole.","HPL" "id06877","This intelligence brought us back from the prospect of paradise, held out after the lapse of an hundred thousand years, to the pain and misery at present existent upon earth.","MWS" "id25980","But within me is a pledge of that affection ah, how little which thou didst feel for me, Morella.","EAP" "id09464","The fashions of the world, its exigencies, educations and pursuits, are winds to drive our wills, like clouds all one way; but let a thunderstorm arise in the shape of love, hate, or ambition, and the rack goes backward, stemming the opposing air in triumph.""","MWS" "id23107","We returned together to the palace.","MWS" "id02825","I have no right to play with his feelings, to accept his proffered love, and then sting him with neglect.""","MWS" "id03574","In that coffin and in that vault they have promised me I shall be buried.","HPL" "id17877","I doubted the care, the fidelity of my dearest friends.","EAP" "id09474","He was first struck by the space of time that had elapsed, since madness, rather than any reasonable impulse, had regulated his actions.","MWS" "id27654","The younger part gathered round me to ask my advice; and those who had friends in London were anxious beyond the rest, to ascertain the present extent of disease in the metropolis.","MWS" "id14757","If hemmed, the matter is nearly out of the question.","EAP" "id19194","For such follies, even in childhood, I had imbibed a taste and now they came back to me as if in the dotage of grief.","EAP" "id19208","This done, let us compare these communications, both as regards style and MS., with those sent to the morning paper, at a previous period, and insisting so vehemently upon the guilt of Mennais.","EAP" "id06033","Yet he did not remove it.","EAP" "id09267","It was alive now, and early villagers courtesied as the horsemen clattered down the street and turned off into the lane that ends in the abyss of dream.","HPL" "id00562","The little river which turned sharply in its course, and was thus immediately lost to sight, seemed to have no exit from its prison, but to be absorbed by the deep green foliage of the trees to the east while in the opposite quarter so it appeared to me as I lay at length and glanced upward there poured down noiselessly and continuously into the valley, a rich golden and crimson waterfall from the sunset fountains of the sky.","EAP" "id14822","The sailor's face flushed up as if he were struggling with suffocation.","EAP" "id14821","There was a night when winds from unknown spaces whirled us irresistibly into limitless vacua beyond all thought and entity.","HPL" "id13318","The uprising of the star of day was hailed by triumphant strains, while the birds, heard by snatches, filled up the intervals of the music.","MWS" "id16126","This thing, for very obvious reasons, I found it quite impossible to do.","EAP" "id07008","It would be needless to narrate those disastrous occurrences, for which a parallel might be found in any slighter visitation of our gigantic calamity.","MWS" "id20287","Now and then we could see the lightning through the cracks in the wall; the afternoon was so incredibly dark that each flash was extremely vivid.","HPL" "id17870","I foresee that the plan which you mark out in your letter will not endure long; but you are mistress of yourself, and it is my sincere wish to contribute as far as you will permit me to your happiness.""","MWS" "id24520","In the sense I intend, it is, in fact, a mobile without motive, a motive not motivirt.","EAP" "id17344","We will only suggest that, although the top of the box is apparently a board of about three inches in thickness, the spectator may satisfy himself by stooping and looking up at it when the main compartment is open, that it is in reality very thin.","EAP" "id14697","As I opened the window I noticed that it was flanked by heavy velour draperies suspended from a pole by brass rings, and also that there was a large projecting catch for the shutters on the exterior.","HPL" "id20648","Upon one thing I was absolutely resolved.","HPL" "id16907","""The 'Gazette,'"" he replied, ""has not entered, I fear, into the unusual horror of the thing.","EAP" "id11504","At length they began to interfere with the inhabitants, and strong in their concentrated numbers, ejected the natives from their dwellings, and robbed them of their winter store.","MWS" "id22957","It was now evident that its nucleus would first reach us.","EAP" "id03501","He sprang from the cabin window as he said this, upon the ice raft which lay close to the vessel.","MWS" "id14062","The moon's light flickers, as earth's gods dance against it; I shall see the dancing forms of the gods that leap and howl in the moonlight. . . .","HPL" "id21071","Am very willing to pay a reward for the finding of the animal that is to say, any thing in reason.""","EAP" "id26776","Hitherto she had steadily borne up against the pressure of her malady, and had not betaken herself finally to bed; but, on the closing in of the evening of my arrival at the house, she succumbed as her brother told me at night with inexpressible agitation to the prostrating power of the destroyer; and I learned that the glimpse I had obtained of her person would thus probably be the last I should obtain that the lady, at least while living, would be seen by me no more.","EAP" "id12767","Isolated among strange influences, Lavinia was fond of wild and grandiose day dreams and singular occupations; nor was her leisure much taken up by household cares in a home from which all standards of order and cleanliness had long since disappeared.","HPL" "id16369","Yes, that paper was the reason I dropped Pickman; Richard Upton Pickman, the greatest artist I have ever known and the foulest being that ever leaped the bounds of life into the pits of myth and madness.","HPL" "id23851","The poor little thing's fever encreased towards night.","MWS" "id25129","""And now a new object took possession of my soul.","EAP" "id21058","What he wanted were bodies from which vitality had only just departed; bodies with every cell intact and capable of receiving again the impulse toward that mode of motion called life.","HPL" "id14127","I have lost my hopes of utility and glory; I have lost my friend.","MWS" "id16979","While musing upon the singularity of my fate, I unwittingly daubed with a tar brush the edges of a neatly folded studding sail which lay near me on a barrel.","EAP" "id00469","I wish you all health, and a little more courtesy.","EAP" "id03678","A moment later I felt less sure that the deeper sounds were voices, since the apparent hoarse barkings and loose syllabled croakings bore so little resemblance to recognised human speech.","HPL" "id03038","Any risk would have been preferred to a return to that accursed shore.","EAP" "id01318","It is the usual Sunday resort of blackguards from the city, who cross the river in boats.","EAP" "id14727","Dxn't crxw, anxther time, befxre yxu're xut xf the wxxds Dxes yxur mxther knxw yxu're xut?","EAP" "id13776","All attempts at analyzing the unknown substance have, so far, failed, but that it will ultimately be analyzed, is not to be doubted.","EAP" "id10336","Diana, my poodle sweetest of creatures She had a quantity of hair over her one eye, and a blue ribband tied fashionably around her neck.","EAP" "id06808","How the devil sir, did you get into this place?","EAP" "id20099","It had been her care which provided me a companion in Clerval and yet a man is blind to a thousand minute circumstances which call forth a woman's sedulous attention.","MWS" "id08265","Merciful gods of earth, I am falling into the sky"" And as Atal shut his eyes and stopped his ears and tried to jump downward against the frightful pull from unknown heights, there resounded on Hatheg Kla that terrible peal of thunder which awaked the good cotters of the plains and the honest burgesses of Hatheg and Nir and Ulthar, and caused them to behold through the clouds that strange eclipse of the moon that no book ever predicted.","HPL" "id12139","I was, therefore, quite anxious to make her acquaintance.","EAP" "id02491","All the townsfolk were frightened, and had begged the presence of a cohort from Calagurris.","HPL" "id25368","At first I made an endeavor to re compose the patient; but, failing in this through total abeyance of the will, I retraced my steps and as earnestly struggled to awaken him.","EAP" "id22027","A strange headline item had struck at him from the crumpled pages, and a nameless titan claw had seemed to reach down through sixteen years.","HPL" "id18151","At first I took it for a rumbling in my ears such as a man sometimes experiences when getting very drunk but, upon second thought, I considered the sound as more nearly resembling that which proceeds from an empty barrel beaten with a big stick; and, in fact, this I should have concluded it to be, but for the articulation of the syllables and words.","EAP" "id08919","Chapter When I had attained the age of seventeen my parents resolved that I should become a student at the university of Ingolstadt.","MWS" "id19193","But the Duc's heart is fainting within him.","EAP" "id18171","When we quitted Macedonia, the fertile but low plains of Thrace afforded fewer beauties; yet our journey continued to be interesting.","MWS" "id18122","One step One little, little step Upon one such little step in the great staircase of human life how vast a sum of human happiness or misery depends I thought of myself, then of Pompey, and then of the mysterious and inexplicable destiny which surrounded us.","EAP" "id05508","All that I possessed of the luxuries of life came from him.","MWS" "id14914","I must, I saw, trust to such makeshift barriers to shield me till I could get out the window and on the roof of the Paine Street block.","HPL" "id23591","As I had never visited a place of the kind, I thought the opportunity too good to be lost; and so proposed to my travelling companion a gentleman with whom I had made casual acquaintance a few days before that we should turn aside, for an hour or so, and look through the establishment.","EAP" "id11152","He looked in every corner for brownish drops or stains, but did not find any.","HPL" "id20244","The person of whom I speak, seemed born for the purpose of foreshadowing the wild doctrines of Turgot, Price, Priestley, and Condorcet of exemplifying, by individual instance, what has been deemed the mere chimera of the perfectionists.","EAP" "id20149","""Proceed,"" said I. ""Or not,"" said Dupin.","EAP" "id18873","And finally he had spoken of the living things in such a manner that he was taken to the madhouse.","HPL" "id20481","I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty, of rank, descent, and noble blood.","MWS" "id04087","I paused, examining and analysing all the minutiae of causation, as exemplified in the change from life to death, and death to life, until from the midst of this darkness a sudden light broke in upon me a light so brilliant and wondrous, yet so simple, that while I became dizzy with the immensity of the prospect which it illustrated, I was surprised that among so many men of genius who had directed their inquiries towards the same science, that I alone should be reserved to discover so astonishing a secret.","MWS" "id06488","It was one thing to chase the nameless entity, but quite another to find it.","HPL" "id07411","I tried to conceal this as much as possible, that I might not debar him from the pleasures natural to one who was entering on a new scene of life, undisturbed by any care or bitter recollection.","MWS" "id23414","I expressed these feelings in my answer.","MWS" "id16593","Among them the Greek army was encamped, and their squadrons moved to and fro now in regular march, now in swift career.","MWS" "id01816","Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.","MWS" "id03771","Gilman believed strange things about Keziah, and had felt a queer thrill on learning that her dwelling was still standing after more than years.","HPL" "id06059","It is merely the idea of what would be our sensations during the sweeping precipitancy of a fall from such a height.","EAP" "id27676","""Indeed I have always understood that the majority of lunatics were of the gentler sex."" ""It is generally so, but not always.","EAP" "id14900","When he again spoke, his voice had resumed all that rich melody and strength which I had noticed upon our original introduction.","EAP" "id27769","He seemed to know what was coming the monstrous burst of Walpurgis rhythm in whose cosmic timbre would be concentrated all the primal, ultimate space time seethings which lie behind the massed spheres of matter and sometimes break forth in measured reverberations that penetrate faintly to every layer of entity and give hideous significance throughout the worlds to certain dreaded periods.","HPL" "id03713","This also was refused.","MWS" "id04475","It was a vague, insistent impulse to fly away from his present situation, but held not a hint of the specific direction in which he wished to fly.","HPL" "id27525","In this respect I did not differ from him materially: I was skilful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could.","EAP" "id07285","Fortunately, there is but one mode of reasoning upon the point, and that mode must lead us to a definite decision.","EAP" "id09736","There was much lore too in the sayings which were said by the Sybils; and holy, holy things were heard of old by the dim leaves that trembled around Dodona but, as Allah liveth, that fable which the Demon told me as he sat by my side in the shadow of the tomb, I hold to be the most wonderful of all And as the Demon made an end of his story, he fell back within the cavity of the tomb and laughed.","EAP" "id09952","The father of their charge was one of those Italians nursed in the memory of the antique glory of Italy one among the schiavi ognor frementi, who exerted himself to obtain the liberty of his country.","MWS" "id19711","Of how the organic entities moved, he could tell no more than of how he moved himself.","HPL" "id20382","Watching my opportunity, when I thought the audience were fully engaged with the opera, I at length caught the eyes of Madame Lalande, and, upon the instant, made a slight but unmistakable bow.","EAP" "id11241","He remained to combat the fiend his side unguarded, his toils unshared infection might even reach him, and he die unattended and alone.","MWS" "id25975","In the morning, on her return, my servant found me almost lifeless, while possessed by a high fever I was lying on the floor of my room.","MWS" "id13844","Under other circumstances than those which invested him, it is not impossible that he would have become a painter.","EAP" "id24268","As before, some minutes elapsed ere a reply was made; and during the interval the dying man seemed to be collecting his energies to speak.","EAP" "id27025","The favoured countries of the south will throw off the iron yoke of servitude; poverty will quit us, and with that, sickness.","MWS" "id07527","His brow was white as the marble of Pentelicus, and of a height and breadth almost godlike.","HPL" "id07903","them as had reel hands. . . .","HPL" "id21310","You are, beyond doubt, uninformed of the true character of the person who has to night won at ecarte a large sum of money from Lord Glendinning.","EAP" "id06499","Then the old man made a signal to the half seen flute player in the darkness, which player thereupon changed its feeble drone to a scarce louder drone in another key; precipitating as it did so a horror unthinkable and unexpected.","HPL" "id23936","We kept the poor devils as busy as we could, tinkering at the machinery even when we knew it was useless.","HPL" "id17525","""While I was overcome by these feelings, I left the spot where I had committed the murder, and seeking a more secluded hiding place, I entered a barn which had appeared to me to be empty.","MWS" "id20617","First I must seek Adrian, and restore him to her.","MWS" "id22019","These, for a time, were unsuccessful.","EAP" "id03549","One of my first acts for the recovery even of my own composure, was to bid farewell to the sea.","MWS" "id27168","Women whose delicate feet had seldom touched the earth in their luxury, had fled in fright and horror from their homes, till, losing themselves in the squalid streets of the metropolis, they had died on the threshold of poverty.","MWS" "id15204","Arose in good health and spirits, and was astonished at the singular change which had taken place in the appearance of the sea.","EAP" "id23404","Raymond strode angrily up and down the room.","MWS" "id23519","Even Central Hill was a dwarf from this height, and he could just make out the ancient graveyard by the Congregational Hospital, beneath which rumour said some terrible caves or burrows lurked.","HPL" "id14654","That place was very old, and the ceiling high shelves full of rotting volumes reached back endlessly through windowless inner rooms and alcoves.","HPL" "id19773","""Ketched in the rain, be ye?"" he greeted.","HPL" "id26082","In the narrow limits of that bower, it would have been scarcely possible that the petticoat and scarf should have retained a position upon the stones, when subjected to the brushing to and fro of many struggling persons.","EAP" "id12147","Nothing could be more rigorously simple than the furniture of the parlor.","EAP" "id19206","Assist me, Spirit of Apicius A golden cage bore the little winged wanderer, enamored, melting, indolent, to the Chaussée D'Antin, from its home in far Peru.","EAP" "id07015","My acquaintance with him was casual altogether; and I am scarcely warranted in saying that I know him at all; but to have seen and conversed with a man of so prodigious a notoriety as he has attained, or will attain in a few days, is not a small matter, as times go.","EAP" "id06803","After the clock had struck three the moon shone in my eyes, but I turned over without rising to pull down the shade.","HPL" "id23125","It likewise happens frequently, that whales come too near the stream, and are overpowered by its violence; and then it is impossible to describe their howlings and bellowings in their fruitless struggles to disengage themselves.","EAP" "id09149","A quick step was now heard upon the staircase, and a loud knock at the door rapidly succeeded.","EAP" "id08549","When Randolph Carter was thirty he lost the key of the gate of dreams.","HPL" "id22569","My first idea, now, was mere surprise at the really remarkable similarity of outline at the singular coincidence involved in the fact, that unknown to me, there should have been a skull upon the other side of the parchment, immediately beneath my figure of the scarabæus, and that this skull, not only in outline, but in size, should so closely resemble my drawing.","EAP" "id14113","This speech troubled me.","MWS" "id18656","Unfortunately no carvings could be found, and the small size of the expedition prevented operations toward clearing the one visible passageway that seemed to lead down into the system of vaults which Sir Wade had mentioned.","HPL" "id23355","So, at least I thought: but I had not counted upon the extent of the dungeon, or upon my own weakness.","EAP" "id13894","And what damnable expressiveness Pickman sometimes gave the sightless faces of this charnel booty Occasionally the things were shewn leaping through open windows at night, or squatting on the chests of sleepers, worrying at their throats.","HPL" "id21877","For want of a better word we might term it spirit.","EAP" "id16259","There is scarcely an insane asylum in France which cannot supply a human tea pot.","EAP" "id26861","Into the granite city of Teloth wandered the youth, vine crowned, his yellow hair glistening with myrrh and his purple robe torn with briers of the mountain Sidrak that lies across the antique bridge of stone.","HPL" "id19514","My friends, for Verney, I feel that you are my friend, do not endeavour to shake my resolve.","MWS" "id13799","Never, Idris related, did the angry lady deign to recur to gentleness and persuasion; if she had, the task of resistance would have been exquisitely painful.","MWS" "id10913","three, four quite right Say to Mrs. Trotter that you met me, and be sure now and do not loiter on the way.""","EAP" "id18554","We shall make our bed of dried leaves; the sun will shine on us as on man and will ripen our food.","MWS" "id13159","Warren would never tell me just what was in that book.","HPL" "id24989","Often at sunset, I have walked with her, in the sober, enshadowed forest paths, and listened with joyful sympathy.","MWS" "id09723","The ceiling, of gloomy looking oak, was excessively lofty, vaulted, and elaborately fretted with the wildest and most grotesque specimens of a semi Gothic, semi Druidical device.","EAP" "id19009","Her understanding was clear and comprehensive, her imagination vivid; she was sincere, generous, and reasonable.","MWS" "id12256","What is all this boring, and probing, and sounding, and scrutinizing with the microscope and dividing the surface of the building into registered square inches what is it all but an exaggeration of the application of the one principle or set of principles of search, which are based upon the one set of notions regarding human ingenuity, to which the Prefect, in the long routine of his duty, has been accustomed?","EAP" "id02870","He at length succeeded in regaining his former station on the rim, but had hardly done so when his head dropped upon his breast, and he fell dead within the car.","EAP" "id15745","The lenticular shaped phenomenon, also called the zodiacal light, was a matter worthy of attention.","EAP" "id14515","Other stars anon shall rise To the axis of the skies; Stars that soothe and stars that bless With a sweet forgetfulness: Only when my round is o'er Shall the past disturb thy door.""","HPL" "id18199","It was a black cat a very large one fully as large as Pluto, and closely resembling him in every respect but one.","EAP" "id17379","But perhaps this was all madness.","HPL" "id15558","On page , we have the following: ""What a prodigious influence must our thirteen times larger globe have exercised upon this satellite when an embryo in the womb of time, the passive subject of chemical affinity"" This is very fine; but it should be observed that no astronomer would have made such remark, especially to any journal of Science; for the earth, in the sense intended, is not only thirteen, but forty nine times larger than the moon.","EAP" "id08984","When they had gone, I spoke freely with M. Valdemar on the subject of his approaching dissolution, as well as, more particularly, of the experiment proposed.","EAP" "id05434","The ""flight"" is made on an eagle's back, from Hungry Hill, a lofty mountain at the end of Bantry Bay.","EAP" "id11492","Our joys were dearer because we saw their end; they were keener because we felt, to its fullest extent, their value; they were purer because their essence was sympathy as a meteor is brighter than a star, did the felicity of this winter contain in itself the extracted delights of a long, long life.","MWS" "id13390","""It was at this juncture that Mr. Monck Mason whose voyage from Dover to Weilburg in the balloon, ""Nassau,"" occasioned so much excitement in , conceived the idea of employing the principle of the Archimedean screw for the purpose of propulsion through the air rightly attributing the failure of Mr. Henson's scheme, and of Sir George Cayley's, to the interruption of surface in the independent vanes.","EAP" "id06494","From the bright epoch which I now record, my actions my works are the property of mankind.","EAP" "id15063","But success SHALL crown my endeavours.","MWS" "id27518","I associated with others friendless like myself; I formed them into a band, I was their chief and captain.","MWS" "id06227","Among the gnarled trees in the front yard of his aged and neglected place he maintains a strange collection of large stones, oddly grouped and painted so that they resemble the idols in some obscure Eastern temple.","HPL" "id03786","As I stared at the uncannily lighted door and windows, I became subject to the most extravagant visions visions so extravagant that I cannot even relate them.","HPL" "id17986","The skull turned my stomach, but the other was worse those ankles cut neatly off to fit Matt Fenner's cast aside coffin"" Nyarlathotep . . . the crawling chaos . . .","HPL" "id06360","He begged me not to be impatient to moderate my transports to read soothing books to drink nothing stronger than Hock and to bring the consolations of philosophy to my aid.","EAP" "id17526","The idee was to drop it daown with the right kind o' prayers an' sech.","HPL" "id09955","When the pine box was fully uncovered West scrambled down and removed the lid, dragging out and propping up the contents.","HPL" "id10351","He had gone in the carriage to the nearest town where he took a post chaise and horses with orders for the London road.","MWS" "id08096","I was hardly more devoted to my Idris than to her brother, and she loved him as her teacher, her friend, the benefactor who had secured to her the fulfilment of her dearest wishes.","MWS" "id13016","When he entered the city, past the bronze gates and over the onyx pavements, the merchants and camel drivers greeted him as if he had never been away; and it was the same at the turquoise temple of Nath Horthath, where the orchid wreathed priests told him that there is no time in Ooth Nargai, but only perpetual youth.","HPL" "id10654","You recollect also, that I became quite vexed at you for insisting that my drawing resembled a death's head.","EAP" "id16778","A swirling vapour hid everything but the immediate sloping terrain from sight, and he shrank from the thought of the sounds that might surge out of that vapour.","HPL" "id09743","And then I wept; yes, warm tears once more struggled into my eyes soothing yet bitter; and after I had wept much and called with unavailing anguish, with outstretched arms, for my cruel father; after my weak frame was exhausted by all variety of plaint I sank once more into reverie, and once more reflected on how I might find that which I most desired; dear to me if aught were dear, a death like solitude.","MWS" "id18838","I could only conceive this singular behavior to arise from a consummate self conceit assuming the vulgar airs of patronage and protection.","EAP" "id04143","They fled they knew not whither; and the citizens were filled with greater dread, at the convulsion which ""shook lions into civil streets;"" birds, strong winged eagles, suddenly blinded, fell in the market places, while owls and bats shewed themselves welcoming the early night.","MWS" "id24200","Therein walk only daemons and mad things that are no longer men, and the streets are white with the unburied bones of those who have looked upon the eidolon Lathi, that reigns over the city.""","HPL" "id13814","Better to decay in absolute delirium, than to be the victim of the methodical unreason of ill bestowed love.","MWS" "id16040","At the close of a day's march over high mountains and through snowy vallies, we may come upon health, and committing our loved ones to its charge, replant the uprooted tree of humanity, and send to late posterity the tale of the ante pestilential race, the heroes and sages of the lost state of things.","MWS" "id00663","When at last the clanking subsided, I resumed the trowel, and finished without interruption the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh tier.","EAP" "id17943","Incomprehensible men Wrapped up in meditations of a kind which I cannot divine, they pass me by unnoticed.","EAP" "id15610","I was obliged to leave London, and Adrian undertook to watch over him; the task was soon fulfilled; age, grief, and inclement weather, all united to hush his sorrows, and bring repose to his heart, whose beats were agony.","MWS" "id20280","Unseen things not of earth or at least not of tri dimensional earth rushed foetid and horrible through New England's glens, and brooded obscenely on the mountain tops.","HPL" "id22568","The stout, shrewd faced agent, whose speech shewed him to be no local man, seemed sympathetic toward my efforts at economy, and made a suggestion that none of my other informants had offered.","HPL" "id00741","I looked on the regal towers of Windsor.","MWS" "id22683","All this Johansen did not suspect, but God knows he soon saw enough I suppose that only a single mountain top, the hideous monolith crowned citadel whereon great Cthulhu was buried, actually emerged from the waters.","HPL" "id14776","But such naive reports could mean very little, and Gilman let the cheap metal crucifix hang idly from a knob on his host's dresser.","HPL" "id18564","John's, I bade the knocker enter, but was answered only by a shrill laugh.","HPL" "id07522","Here again he made an anxious examination of the paper; turning it in all directions.","EAP" "id15809","What may not the forces, never before united, of liberty and peace achieve in this dwelling of man?"" ""Dreaming, for ever dreaming, Windsor"" said Ryland, the old adversary of Raymond, and candidate for the Protectorate at the ensuing election.","MWS" "id15973","Reports of the coming cohort must have reached the hills, and even the lack of a final decision could not make the rumour less alarming yet there were the sinister drums as of yore, as if the celebrants had some peculiar reason to be indifferent whether or not the forces of the Roman People marched against them.","HPL" "id13784","His ultimate design was to sell it.","EAP" "id07305","It was captured by the private soldier Read 'em and Weep Hopkins, who not long after traded it to Rest in Jehovah Stubbs for a quid of new Virginia weed.","HPL" "id08737","""Nay,"" said Perdita, ""that task shall be mine.","MWS" "id21349","Yet it is obviously from such prominent discrepancies or incongruities as this that deductions are to be made if made at all which shall lead us to the truth.","EAP" "id12922","The prospect of such an occupation made every other circumstance of existence pass before me like a dream, and that thought only had to me the reality of life.","MWS" "id02703","These, though in numbers they might form a minority, were the stable element whose constancy might be relied on, and whose cooperation would most firmly bind the province to the Imperium of the Senate and the Roman People.","HPL" "id14800","Day after day passed marked only by my complaints and my tears; often I lifted my soul in vain prayer for a softer descent from joy to woe, or if that were denied me that I might be allowed to die, and fade for ever under the cruel blast that swept over me, for what should I do here, Like a decaying flower, still withering Under his bitter words, whose kindly heat Should give my poor heart life?C Sometimes I said to myself, this is an enchantment, and I must strive against it.","MWS" "id14272","Their number would have inspired them with confidence; if, indeed confidence is ever wanting in the breast of the arrant blackguard; and of arrant blackguards alone are the supposed gangs ever constituted.","EAP" "id12085","Le Diligence Thursday, June .","EAP" "id02705","""Divine soul"" said Fraser.","EAP" "id07775","Such is the will of fate Such the decree of the High Ruler from whom there is no appeal: to whom I submit.","MWS" "id26930","As if beckoned by those who had gone before, I half floated between the titanic snowdrifts, quivering and afraid, into the sightless vortex of the unimaginable.","HPL" "id01100","Finally I summoned up courage and propped the small object up on the table against a book then turned the rays of the peculiar violet light upon it.","HPL" "id16684","He had not forgotten the criticism aroused when Hannah Bixby's relatives, wishing to transport her body to the cemetery in the city whither they had moved, found the casket of Judge Capwell beneath her headstone.","HPL" "id05268","If infection depended upon the air, the air was subject to infection.","MWS" "id07996","Its fair lakes reflect a blue and gentle sky, and when troubled by the winds, their tumult is but as the play of a lively infant when compared to the roarings of the giant ocean.","MWS" "id04436","It is, for instance, not often that a young physician leaving college is obliged to conceal the principles which guide his selection of a home and office, yet that was the case with Herbert West.","HPL" "id21112","He is wronged, betrayed, imprisoned save him Verney, you must do this; seek him out in whatever part of the island he is immured; find him, rescue him from his persecutors, restore him to himself, to me on the wide earth I have none to love but only him"" Her earnest appeal, so sweetly and passionately expressed, filled me with wonder and sympathy; and, when she added, with thrilling voice and look, ""Do you consent to undertake this enterprize?""","MWS" "id05206","I tried how steadily I could maintain the ray upon the eve.","EAP" "id07813","I was, I own, often tempted to recur to the lawless feats of my boy hood, and knock down the almost tame pheasants that perched upon the trees, and bent their bright eyes on me.","MWS" "id15692","""As I live,"" I replied.","EAP" "id03637","And I was going back into the morass, when the moon shone with a fuller red, and I turned and looked again upon the rock, and upon the characters; and the characters were DESOLATION.","EAP" "id27117","Then, overcome by fatigue, I lay down among some straw and fell asleep.","MWS" "id03080","For me at least in the circumstances then surrounding me there arose out of the pure abstractions which the hypochondriac contrived to throw upon his canvass, an intensity of intolerable awe, no shadow of which felt I ever yet in the contemplation of the certainly glowing yet too concrete reveries of Fuseli.","EAP" "id22049","The man paused, and another of the crowd spoke.","HPL" "id04334","Women were screaming.","EAP" "id08843","Apparently this acidulous matron was right; for about a.m. the whole house was aroused by cries coming from West's room, where when they broke down the door they found the two of us unconscious on the blood stained carpet, beaten, scratched, and mauled, and with the broken remnants of West's bottles and instruments around us.","HPL" "id02865","The visionary Perdita beheld in all this only a new gloss upon an old reading, and her own was sufficiently inexhaustible to content her.","MWS" "id20224","Idris now for the first time for many years saw her mother, anxious to assure herself that the childishness of old age did not mingle with unforgotten pride, to make this high born dame still so inveterate against me.","MWS" "id04930","He seemed, in fine, to have picked up an odd gift of prophecy; and reacted unusually to things which, though at the time without meaning, were later found to justify the singular impressions.","HPL" "id00984","The complaining ædile's own mother Helvia was a pure Roman, the daughter of M. Helvius Cinna, who had come over with Scipio's army.","HPL" "id03211","But it would not be so; young and blooming as they were, they would die, and from the hopes of maturity, from the proud name of attained manhood, they were cut off for ever.","MWS" "id25739","And it might have been for this reason only, that, when I again uplifted my eyes to the house itself, from its image in the pool, there grew in my mind a strange fancy a fancy so ridiculous, indeed, that I but mention it to show the vivid force of the sensations which oppressed me.","EAP" "id04065","He always causes that.","HPL" "id05681","This reflection unwrinkled my brow, and I could feel and I wept to feel it a half melancholy smile draw from my lips their expression of suffering: I dared indulge better hopes for my future life; years must pass but they would speed lightly away winged by hope, or if they passed heavily, still they would pass and I had not lost my father for ever.","MWS" "id25715","Yet, for some minutes longer I refrained and stood still.","EAP" "id05531","And knowing that to this sunken place all the dead had come, I trembled and did not wish again to speak with the lotos faces.","HPL" "id03171","I breathed hard, but not so much from the sight itself as from the possibilities my imagination terrifiedly conjured up.","HPL" "id13034","When they left their older peaks they took with them all signs of themselves; save once, it is said, when they left a carven image on the face of the mountain which they called Ngranek.","HPL" "id20061","As his hammer blows began to fall, the horse outside whinnied in a tone which may have been encouraging and may have been mocking.","HPL" "id22038","Excavated back into the hillside, the structure is visible only at the entrance.","HPL" "id00564","My implements were all safe, and, fortunately, I had lost neither ballast nor provisions.","EAP" "id06223","He was forthwith conveyed to the nearest hospital, and there pronounced to be still living, although in an asphytic condition.","EAP" "id04891","Yet I would not suffer my thoughts for any length of time to dwell upon these latter speculations, rightly judging the real and palpable dangers of the voyage sufficient for my undivided attention.","EAP" "id10502","""Sir,"" I reply'd, ""you are mistaken.","HPL" "id22622","Subsequently he seemed to be satisfied, and crossing to a chair by the table wrote a brief note, handed it to me, and returned to the table, where he began to write rapidly and incessantly.","HPL" "id27104","""My best girl,"" he had said, ""relieves me from these phantasies.","MWS" "id20131","On the list were several of my acquaintances, and among other names, I was rejoiced to see that of Mr. Cornelius Wyatt, a young artist, for whom I entertained feelings of warm friendship.","EAP" "id00736","Not a single little o was in the little o hole; and, glancing fearfully at the capital O partition, he found that to his extreme terror, in a precisely similar predicament.","EAP" "id20416","We kept on in this manner throughout the day, with no material incident, and, as the shades of night closed around us, we made a rough estimate of the distance traversed.","EAP" "id27379","The English spirit awoke to its full activity, and, as it had ever done, set itself to resist the evil, and to stand in the breach which diseased nature had suffered chaos and death to make in the bounds and banks which had hitherto kept them out.","MWS" "id04535","In the unsteady glance of his eye, in his extreme desire to learn the opinions of all, in the feebleness of his hand writing, these qualities might be obscurely traced, but they were not generally known.","MWS" "id24991","Le Commerciel wishes to intimate that Marie was seized by some gang of low ruffians not far from her mother's door.","EAP" "id07017","My plan was exceedingly simple.","EAP" "id13658","I was mad with excess of passionate devotion; but pride, tameless as fire, invested my nature, and prevented me from betraying myself by word or look.","MWS" "id09833","I would have removed my position to one nearer her own, but the crowded state of the theatre rendered this impossible; and the stern decrees of Fashion had, of late, imperatively prohibited the use of the opera glass in a case such as this, even had I been so fortunate as to have one with me but I had not and was thus in despair.","EAP" "id26315","After the recognition of the corpse, it was not, as usual, taken to the Morgue, this formality being superfluous, but hastily interred not far from the spot at which it was brought ashore.","EAP" "id17891","Fairest of all is the palace of the great monarch Dorieb, whom some say to be a demigod and others a god.","HPL" "id06760","Their origin was to be looked for in the progressive removal of the customary atmospheric pressure upon the surface of the body, and consequent distention of the superficial blood vessels not in any positive disorganization of the animal system, as in the case of difficulty in breathing, where the atmospheric density is chemically insufficient for the due renovation of blood in a ventricle of the heart.","EAP" "id16272","""They didn't git him,"" he muttered in his heavy bass voice.","HPL" "id02838","The Americans permitted a few to join their band, and presently the recruits outnumbered the strangers nor did they join with them, nor imitate the admirable order which, preserved by the Trans Atlantic chiefs, rendered them at once secure and formidable.","MWS" "id06009","On this day, Wednesday, the twenty fifth of June, a Monsieur Beauvais, who, with a friend, had been making inquiries for Marie near the Barrière du Roule, on the shore of the Seine which is opposite the Rue Pavée St. Andrée, was informed that a corpse had just been towed ashore by some fishermen, who had found it floating in the river.","EAP" "id26552","To him a pas de papillon has been an abstract conception.","EAP" "id08762","We could not tear ourselves away from each other nor persuade ourselves to say the word ""Farewell"" It was said, and we retired under the pretence of seeking repose, each fancying that the other was deceived; but when at morning's dawn I descended to the carriage which was to convey me away, they were all there my father again to bless me, Clerval to press my hand once more, my Elizabeth to renew her entreaties that I would write often and to bestow the last feminine attentions on her playmate and friend.","MWS" "id17117","A truce to philosophy Life is before me, and I rush into possession.","MWS" "id17872","Good augury should this festival be of the happiness of future years.","MWS" "id20476","But there was no voice throughout the vast illimitable desert, and the characters upon the rock were SILENCE.","EAP" "id01363","The magician then arises from his seat, bows his head, describes circles with his wand, and consulting the book as If in deep thought, he lifts it towards his face.","EAP" "id02443","It was a repulsive task that we undertook in the black small hours, even though we lacked at that time the special horror of graveyards which later experiences brought to us.","HPL" "id04754","""Moissart and Voissart"" I repeated, thoughtfully, as she cut one of her pigeon wings, and ""Croissart and Froissart"" as she completed another ""Moissart and Voissart and Croissart and Napoleon Bonaparte Froissart why, you ineffable old serpent, that's me that's me d'ye hear?","EAP" "id25576","B. The poisonous sangsue of Charlottesville may always be distinguished from the medicinal leech by its blackness, and especially by its writhing or vermicular motions, which very nearly resemble those of a snake.""","EAP" "id13323","if indeed such angels there be.","EAP" "id24853","The impetuous fury of the entering gust nearly lifted us from our feet.","EAP" "id12301","Over hidden wires strange messages travelled, and much was said of still stranger messages yet to travel; but most of this was not guessed till afterward,when the Western Land was safe from the peril.","HPL" "id13552","It had caved in like an egg shell, and amongst the ruins nothing living or dead could be discovered.","HPL" "id16388","I explained to them, in a few words, what I designed, and as they opposed no objection, saying that the patient was already in the death agony, I proceeded without hesitation exchanging, however, the lateral passes for downward ones, and directing my gaze entirely into the right eye of the sufferer.","EAP" "id08049","I watched him long his heavy half closed lids, his burning cheeks and restless twining of his small fingers the fever was violent, the torpor complete enough, without the greater fear of pestilence, to awaken alarm.","MWS" "id19704","The girl met him at the door, helped to relieve him of his burden, and taking some of the fuel into the cottage, placed it on the fire; then she and the youth went apart into a nook of the cottage, and he showed her a large loaf and a piece of cheese.","MWS" "id07516","The facts here re stated by Le Soleil, are very far indeed from removing my own doubts upon this subject, and we will examine them more particularly hereafter in connexion with another division of the theme.","EAP" "id10135","I will not dwell on the last changes that I feel in the final decay of nature.","MWS" "id01271","This latter point, however, was fully disproved.","EAP" "id17411","Upon retiring, he had had an unprecedented dream of great Cyclopean cities of titan blocks and sky flung monoliths, all dripping with green ooze and sinister with latent horror.","HPL" "id01852","Such madness it was which drove Klenze to his death, bareheaded and unprotected in the ocean; but I am a Prussian and a man of sense, and will use to the last what little will I have.","HPL" "id21247","Indeed, old Sir Wade had possessed an intellectual zeal amounting almost to a mania; his bizarre conjectures on a prehistoric white Congolese civilisation earning him much ridicule when his book, Observations on the Several Parts of Africa, was published.","HPL" "id27915","When I suggested other physicians, the sufferer would fly into as much of a rage as he seemed to dare to entertain.","HPL" "id04239","The pieces of her frock torn out by the bushes were about three inches wide and six inches long.","EAP" "id01913","Then came the devastating stroke of lightning which shook the whole mountain, lit the darkest crypts of the hoary grove, and splintered the patriarch of the twisted trees.","HPL" "id26236","By the by, he came away from Down East in a great hurry.","EAP" "id16096","I began to realise how some of poor Klenze's moods had arisen, for as the temple drew me more and more, I feared its aqueous abysses with a blind and mounting terror.","HPL" "id11205","""Gawd almighty, the grass an' bushes is a movin' It's a goin' up slow like creepin' up ter the top this minute, heaven only knows what fur"" Then the germ of panic seemed to spread among the seekers.","HPL" "id10633","It was the beating of the old man's heart.","EAP" "id24055","It had been my design, originally, to wait for the physicians; but I was induced to proceed, first, by the urgent entreaties of M. Valdemar, and secondly, by my conviction that I had not a moment to lose, as he was evidently sinking fast.","EAP" "id02031","No, it was not there, but there was the big silver key he had found in a box somewhere.","HPL" "id07802","The sea was fifty miles off, yet it was towards it that he fled.","MWS" "id13193","Darkness fell upon a stricken countryside too passive to organise for real defence.","HPL" "id05100","The chances are ten to one, that he who had once eloped with Marie, would again propose an elopement, rather than that she to whom proposals of elopement had been made by one individual, should have them made to her by another.","EAP" "id11697","I was to be his consoler, his companion in after years.","MWS" "id06879","Custom had dinned into his ears a superstitious reverence for that which tangibly and physically exists, and had made him secretly ashamed to dwell in visions.","HPL" "id25392","On the afternoon of June , as reported by wireless to the U , bound for Kiel, we torpedoed the British freighter Victory, New York to Liverpool, in N. Latitude , W. Longitude ; permitting the crew to leave in boats in order to obtain a good cinema view for the admiralty records.","HPL" "id03100","Scattered and unconnected as they were, I have been obliged to add links, and model the work into a consistent form.","MWS" "id20666","The urge to walk was gradually changing to an urge to leap mystically into space, and suddenly he realised just where the source of the pull lay.","HPL" "id25324","I love you very tenderly.","MWS" "id00222","That this 'bandage,' only attainable with trouble and delay, and but imperfectly answering its purpose that this bandage was employed at all, demonstrates that the necessity for its employment sprang from circumstances arising at a period when the handkerchief was no longer attainable that is to say, arising, as we have imagined, after quitting the thicket, if the thicket it was, and on the road between the thicket and the river.","EAP" "id20708","Cries of horror filled the place every one endeavoured to effect his escape in a few minutes the market place was cleared the corpse lay on the ground; and the maniac, subdued and exhausted, sat beside it, leaning his gaunt cheek upon his thin hand.","MWS" "id12851","The old spinning woman had gone with the throng, and the old man remained only because I had refused when he motioned me to seize an animal and ride like the rest.","HPL" "id09292","Frankenstein discovered that I made notes concerning his history; he asked to see them and then himself corrected and augmented them in many places, but principally in giving the life and spirit to the conversations he held with his enemy.","MWS" "id08318","Love of the Greek people, appetite for glory, and hatred of the barbarian government under which he had suffered even to the approach of death, stimulated him.","MWS" "id03294","I resolved, let what would befall, to see and converse with her the following day.","MWS" "id07749","My own German will no longer controls my acts, and volition is henceforward possible only in minor matters.","HPL" "id08276","Yet this small interval was to save us: the sea was to rise a wall of adamant without, disease and misery within, a shelter from evil, a nook of the garden of paradise a particle of celestial soil, which no evil could invade truly we were wise in our generation, to imagine all these things But we are awake now.","MWS" "id18045","Thus situated, my only resource was to drive before the wind.","MWS" "id03660","About midnight I returned to the palace and sought Raymond; he was alone, and apparently composed; such composure, at least, was his as is inspired by a resolve to adhere to a certain line of conduct.","MWS" "id20712","Arthur Jermyn went out on the moor and burned himself after seeing the boxed object which had come from Africa.","HPL" "id12926","As the names Trever, Lawrence, and Appleton fell on the air, the loafers seemed to sense something unusual.","HPL" "id23810","Poor Clerval What must have been his feelings?","MWS" "id20307","And the soldiers at Jaren laughed at me and drave me out, so that I wandered to many other cities.","HPL" "id24029","""He has been twice waylaid, as if by footpads, and his person rigorously searched under my own inspection.""","EAP" "id18270","As it was, I at length grew restive in the extreme under his distasteful supervision, and daily resented more and more openly what I considered his intolerable arrogance.","EAP" "id20256","I dragged my watch from its fob.","EAP" "id11842","Corona Borealis, which my friend had appeared to dread, and whose scintillant semicircle of stars must even now be glowing unseen through the measureless abysses of aether.","HPL" "id04871","How irksome were these three days to me All sleep and appetite fled from me; I could only read and re read his letter, and in the solitude of the woods imagine the moment of our meeting.","MWS" "id26385","I took thee, just now, from a rose wood coffin inlaid with ivory.","EAP" "id14995","As the first violence of Musides' grief gave place to resignation, he laboured with diligence upon his figure of Tyché.","HPL" "id03624","""Saturday, April the th.","EAP" "id18065","We did not want for occupation; but my eager disposition was now turned to the field of intellectual exertion only; and hard study I found to be an excellent medicine to allay a fever of spirit with which in indolence, I should doubtless have been assailed.","MWS" "id03096","A young practising physician, too, having applied a pocket mirror to my mouth, and found me without breath, the assertion of my persecutor was pronounced a true bill; and the whole party expressed a determination to endure tamely no such impositions for the future, and to proceed no farther with any such carcasses for the present.","EAP" "id11514","I knew in that second all that had been; I remembered beyond the frightful castle and the trees, and recognised the altered edifice in which I now stood; I recognised, most terrible of all, the unholy abomination that stood leering before me as I withdrew my sullied fingers from its own.","HPL" "id20489","That the passages quoted above, with the other similar ones referred to, gave Von Kempelen the hint, I do not in the slightest degree question; but I repeat, it yet remains to be seen whether this momentous discovery itself momentous under any circumstances will be of service or disservice to mankind at large.","EAP" "id22112","Let him live with me in the interchange of kindness, and instead of injury I would bestow every benefit upon him with tears of gratitude at his acceptance.","MWS" "id04109","But this is no answer at all, by his own showing, for has he not just admitted as a truism that ""ability or inability to conceive is in no case to be received as a criterion of axiomatic truth.""","EAP" "id27888","This chamber he lined with tall, firm shelving; along which he began gradually to arrange, in apparently careful order, all the rotting ancient books and parts of books which during his own day had been heaped promiscuously in odd corners of the various rooms.","HPL" "id23183","My name and origin need not be related to posterity; in fact, I fancy it is better that they should not be, for when a man suddenly migrates to the States or the Colonies, he leaves his past behind him.","HPL" "id25021","I extended my ride towards Salt Hill, on every side impeded by the snow.","MWS" "id17050","Half the chants of the Sabbat were patterned on this faintly overheard pulsing which no earthly ear could endure in its unveiled spatial fulness.","HPL" "id19750","""Be assured that earth is not, nor ever can be heaven, while the seeds of hell are natives of her soil.","MWS" "id04836","We reached London, methought, all too soon; and yet I could not regret our speedy arrival, when I witnessed the extasy with which my beloved girl found herself in her brother's arms, safe from every evil, under his unblamed protection.","MWS" "id23375","Hard fate yet there was some alleviation to the first overwhelming paroxysm of my sorrow.","EAP" "id08689","Walking softly over to the Washington Street side I perceived several open doorways, and chose the nearest as my route out.","HPL" "id11787","Mr. Hoadley disappeared soon after delivering this sermon; but the text, printed in Springfield, is still extant.","HPL" "id25760","""Other men,"" I observed, ""may be better musicians.""","MWS" "id16867","But, of course, as I had no wish to put an end to the conference, I assented to a proposition so very obvious, and one, too, of whose truth I had all along been sufficiently aware.","EAP" "id16783","I would not marry a reigning sovereign, were I not sure that her heart was free.","MWS" "id25987","My brother was at the stern, holding on to a small empty water cask which had been securely lashed under the coop of the counter, and was the only thing on deck that had not been swept overboard when the gale first took us.","EAP" "id05020","In a night such as is this to me, a man lives lives a whole century of ordinary life nor would I forego this rapturous delight for that of a whole century of ordinary existence.","EAP" "id16032","AFTER a long interval, I am again impelled by the restless spirit within me to continue my narration; but I must alter the mode which I have hitherto adopted.","MWS" "id16990","She devoted herself to the study of her son's disposition.","MWS" "id11786","And, indeed the case was just the same with all the other clocks and watches in the borough.","EAP" "id14131","I won't say that all this is wholly true in body, but 'tis sufficient true to furnish a very pretty spectacle now and then.","HPL" "id25045","Through my terror ran curious reminiscences of Paradise Lost, and of Satan's hideous climb through the unfashioned realms of darkness.","HPL" "id03343","But these figures partook of the true character of the arabesque only when regarded from a single point of view.","EAP" "id08874","""Bless my soul blood and thunder, and all that prodigies of valor heard of him of course?","EAP" "id25184","And in the twilight, as the stars came out one by one and the moon cast on the marsh a radiance like that which a child sees quivering on the floor as he is rocked to sleep at evening, there walked into the lethal quicksands a very old man in tattered purple, crowned with withered vine leaves and gazing ahead as if upon the golden domes of a fair city where dreams are understood.","HPL" "id26629","""Hem"" said he, ""good boy go on"" ""I am sure, my dearest uncle you confounded old rascal, that you have no design really, seriously, to oppose my union with Kate.","EAP" "id27458","At right angles to these buildings, and from the rear of the main one not exactly in the middle extended a third compartment, very small being, in general, one third less than the western wing.","EAP" "id07087","""She arrived in safety at a town about twenty leagues from the cottage of De Lacey, when her attendant fell dangerously ill.","MWS" "id11782","It now required long and excessive labor to condense within the chamber sufficient atmospheric air for the sustenance of life.","EAP" "id03935","In this state of mind, wishing to live, yet wearied with life, the treatise at the stall of the bookseller opened a resource to my imagination.","EAP" "id11081","I knew that a thousand fearful accidents might occur, the slightest of which would disclose a tale to thrill all connected with me with horror.","MWS" "id00369","I knew that it was now midnight, and I was well aware, that since the setting of the sun, Berenice had been interred.","EAP" "id23621","He must meet the Black Man, and go with them all to the throne of Azathoth at the centre of ultimate Chaos.","HPL" "id04543","For, in respect to the latter branch of the supposition, it should be considered that the most trifling variation in the facts of the two cases might give rise to the most important miscalculations, by diverting thoroughly the two courses of events; very much as, in arithmetic, an error which, in its own individuality, may be inappreciable, produces, at length, by dint of multiplication at all points of the process, a result enormously at variance with truth.","EAP" "id19760","Birch decided that he would begin the next day with little old Matthew Fenner, whose grave was also near by; but actually postponed the matter for three days, not getting to work till Good Friday, the th.","HPL" "id12957","Nor has he yet had any difficulty in obtaining tenants.","HPL" "id05739","Presently he took from his coat pocket a wallet, placed the paper carefully in it, and deposited both in a writing desk, which he locked.","EAP" "id09463","He was, West nervously said, a congenial stranger whom we had met at some downtown bar of uncertain location.","HPL" "id04611","I was exceedingly surprised on receiving so rude an answer from a stranger, and I was also disconcerted on perceiving the frowning and angry countenances of his companions.","MWS" "id12507","Let them raise a mound above my lifeless body, which may stand even when the dome of St. Sophia has fallen.","MWS" "id05812","For as the voice which has come has brought fresh mists from the sea and from the north fresh lights, so do they say that still other voices will bring more mists and more lights, till perhaps the olden gods whose existence they hint only in whispers for fear the Congregational parson shall hear may come out of the deep and from unknown Kadath in the cold waste and make their dwelling on that evilly appropriate crag so close to the gentle hills and valleys of quiet simple fisherfolk.","HPL" "id03758","It was an ordinary Parisian house, with a gateway, on one side of which was a glazed watch box, with a sliding panel in the window, indicating a loge de concierge.","EAP" "id14551","I was placed in a remote part of the house, and only saw my aunt at stated hours.","MWS" "id01603","Fear has its grisly claws upon him, and a sound will make him start with staring eyes and sweat beaded forehead.","HPL" "id21302","The fellow opened his mouth from ear to ear, and shut his two eyes as if he were endeavoring to crack nuts between the lids.","EAP" "id00171","I walked rapidly, softly, and close to the ruined houses.","HPL" "id15637","At eight P. M., the clouds broke away to windward, and we had the advantage of a full moon a piece of good fortune which served wonderfully to cheer our drooping spirits.","EAP" "id19736","He appeared given up to contemplation, averse to excitement, a lowly student, a man of visions but afford him worthy theme, and Like to the lark at break of day arising, From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate.","MWS" "id08870","Encompassed by the massy walls of this venerable academy, I passed, yet not in tedium or disgust, the years of the third lustrum of my life.","EAP" "id25762","I tore a part of the hem from the robe and placed the fragment at full length, and at right angles to the wall.","EAP" "id08380","Thus, the balloon can neither ascend or descend, except within very narrow limits, and its resources, either in gas or ballast, remain comparatively unimpaired.","EAP" "id00519","If I erred, he was not scholar enough to correct me; for he seemed childishly pleased at my English version.","HPL" "id02053","At this point the first excited speaker interrupted.","HPL" "id08150","He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery.","MWS" "id00862","""Then you are not of the brotherhood.""","EAP" "id09749","Your temper is made unequal by suffering, and the tenor of your mind is, I fear, sometimes shaken by unworthy causes; but let your confidence in my sympathy and love be deeper far, and incapable of being reached by these agitations that come and go, and if they touch not your affections leave you uninjured.""","MWS" "id26340","It was our design to sit up together till very late, and then watch singly till dawn in two hour stretches, myself first and then my companion; the inactive member resting on the cot.","HPL" "id11965","Perdita, who then resided with Evadne, saw the torture that Adrian endured.","MWS" "id15400","It must: but a true philosophy has long taught that the source of all motion is thought and the source of all thought is OINOS.","EAP" "id10668","Object there was none.","EAP" "id25756","I do not wish to take any unfair advantage, and I beg therefore that you will take some days to consider of your determination.' ""'It is utterly useless,' replied Felix; 'we can never again inhabit your cottage.","MWS" "id20946","The man who had been Joe Slater, the Catskill decadent, was now gazing at me with a pair of luminous, expanded eyes whose blue seemed subtly to have deepened.","HPL" "id27419","Wildly excited with wine, the unexpected interruption rather delighted than surprised me.","EAP" "id22431","To leave the country of our fathers, made holy by their graves We could not feel even as a voluntary exile of old, who might for pleasure or convenience forsake his native soil; though thousands of miles might divide him, England was still a part of him, as he of her.","MWS" "id20318","All this had undoubtedly formed the basis of the legend known by old Maria Robbins.","HPL" "id00054","""No; he quitted the house before four this morning.""","MWS" "id05277","He did not leave me for many hours; not until he had improved the spark that he had kindled, and with an angelic hand fostered the return of somthing that seemed like joy.","MWS" "id03539","This would naturally have been the case.","EAP" "id07909","This done, he opens the doors No. and No. , the folding doors and displays the interior of the main compartment.","EAP" "id25073","All the movements of the arm are at right angles.","EAP" "id09492","All in my heart was shadowy yet calm, untill my ideas became confused and at length died away in sleep.","MWS" "id18106","Once in a while it seemed as though we detected a skulking form in the woods nearby, and after a half hour's climb the steepness and narrowness of the way made the advance of so great a body of men over , all told exceedingly cumbrous and difficult.","HPL" "id23546","Get bald, too, very young.","HPL" "id13990","His jaws, which had been newly shaved, were tightly tied up by a bandage of muslin; and his arms being fastened in a similar way at the wrists, I prevented him from helping himself too freely to the liquors upon the table; a precaution rendered necessary, in the opinion of Legs, by the peculiarly sottish and wine bibbing cast of his visage.","EAP" "id25644","After that we lived in growing horror and fascination.","HPL" "id16910","There was no one in the corridor.","HPL" "id17871","From the very nature of such fabrics, a thorn or nail becoming entangled in them, tears them rectangularly divides them into two longitudinal rents, at right angles with each other, and meeting at an apex where the thorn enters but it is scarcely possible to conceive the piece 'torn off.'","EAP" "id02950","West clashed disagreeably with Dr. Halsey near the end of our last undergraduate term in a wordy dispute that did less credit to him than to the kindly dean in point of courtesy.","HPL" "id01269","He was vastly jealous of Dr. Johnson, tho' none the less liking and respecting him.","HPL" "id26773","""My friends,"" I said, ""our risk is common; our precautions and exertions shall be common also.","MWS" "id10461","""Rest"" she cried, ""repose you rave, Lionel If you delay we are lost; come, I pray you, unless you would cast me off for ever.""","MWS" "id14353","The tender attachment that he bore me, and the love and veneration with which I returned it cast a charm over every moment.","MWS" "id03041","""Readily; I have solved others of an abstruseness ten thousand times greater.","EAP" "id09003","Our fear of the police was absurdly great, though we had timed our trip to avoid the solitary patrolman of that section.","HPL" "id19505","Among the other transcendant attributes of Mozart's music, it possesses more than any other that of appearing to come from the heart; you enter into the passions expressed by him, and are transported with grief, joy, anger, or confusion, as he, our soul's master, chooses to inspire.","MWS" "id04219","At this shadow I gazed wonderingly for many minutes.","EAP" "id08794","At length his eyes unclosed faintly, yet with a look of returning life; he became pale and weak; but the rigidity of his features was softened by approaching convalescence.","MWS" "id26673","This was superstition.","MWS" "id10509","Plague shall not find us a ready prey; we will dispute every inch of ground; and, by methodical and inflexible laws, pile invincible barriers to the progress of our foe.","MWS" "id14959","In fact, I no longer dared trust myself out of the immediate presence of those who were aware of my proneness to catalepsy, lest, falling into one of my usual fits, I should be buried before my real condition could be ascertained.","EAP" "id18132","Here Mr. Crab concluded, and the tears stood in his eyes.","EAP" "id02352","Where were the souls of the haughty family of the bride, when, through thirst of gold, they permitted to pass the threshold of an apartment so bedecked, a maiden and a daughter so beloved?","EAP" "id15408","All around him stretched the bleak emptiness of salt marshes, while the narrow road ahead led to Innsmouth that ancient, half deserted town which Arkham people were so curiously unwilling to visit.","HPL" "id00988","They give a sarten number o' young folks to the sea things twict every year May Eve an' Hallowe'en reg'lar as cud be.","HPL" "id20993","Here he turned impatiently toward the stage.","EAP" "id27265","His flesh, though dry and firm, was of the quality of ice; and I almost shrank away from his pulling.","HPL" "id17562","Not that this indulgence was devoid of accompanying grief.","MWS" "id19499","West had still another source of worry, for he had been called in the afternoon to a case which ended very threateningly.","HPL" "id07851","The faint rose again blushed on his cheek; his brow and lips lost the ashy paleness of threatened dissolution; such was the dear reward of my unremitting attention and bounteous heaven added overflowing recompence, when it gave me also the thanks and smiles of Idris.","MWS" "id09347","She had been employed in arranging for their departure; she had promised Raymond during this decisive evening, to take advantage of our absence, to go one stage of the journey, and he, after his defeat was ascertained, would slip away from us, and join her.","MWS" "id02574","Yet why do I say this?","MWS" "id01310","But having at length accomplished it, I soon began to reap the benefit of my invention.","EAP" "id20208","He remembered that he had promised Perdita to be present this very evening the th of October, anniversary of his election as Protector at a festival given in his honour.","MWS" "id22822","As for Bob, he would have considered it heretical to employ any other character, in a case of this kind, than the x to which he had been accustomed.","EAP" "id16252","Do I not distinguish that heavy and horrible beating of her heart?","EAP" "id16803","It may seem strange that in spite of the continual anxiety occasioned me by the rivalry of Wilson, and his intolerable spirit of contradiction, I could not bring myself to hate him altogether.","EAP" "id07943","We had receded from the crowd; and ascending the steps of the terrace, sought the Castle.","MWS" "id26678","They they alone were present to the mental eye, and they, in their sole individuality, became the essence of my mental life.","EAP" "id00854","So thick were the vapours that the way was hard, and though Atal followed on at last, he could scarce see the grey shape of Barzai on the dim slope above in the clouded moonlight.","HPL" "id08628","I had indeed made a narrow escape.","EAP" "id10655","No one spoke to me, but I could hear the creaking of signs in the wind outside, and the whir of the wheel as the bonneted old woman continued her silent spinning, spinning.","HPL" "id01518","The contents of these papers were important.","MWS" "id17649","Then came out of the earth the black spirits of earth, mouldy and shadowy, and full of dim rumours picked up in caverns beneath forgotten sea bottoms.","HPL" "id14194","Most fearfully, fearfully this is indeed no dream.","EAP" "id06839","However, my rapping evoked no response, so after repeating the summons I tried the rusty latch and found the door unfastened.","HPL" "id22450","Now swift and splintering blows assailed the sickly panels, and I saw the gleam of a tomahawk as it cleft the rending wood.","HPL" "id01174","My fate has been governed by necessity, a hideous necessity.","MWS" "id12580","The next evening therefore, though the autumnal change had brought on cold and rain, Adrian and Idris entered my cottage.","MWS" "id25365","A similar objection applies to the whole of the concluding pages, where, by way of introduction to some discoveries in Saturn, the philosophical correspondent enters into a minute schoolboy account of that planet this to the ""Edinburgh journal of Science"" But there is one point, in particular, which should have betrayed the fiction.","EAP" "id12420","The box behind which the Automaton is placed, is precisely three feet six inches long, two feet four inches deep, and two feet six inches high.","EAP" "id25488","The shutting of the gates regularly at ten o'clock and the impossibility of remaining on the lake after that hour had rendered our residence within the walls of Geneva very irksome to me.","MWS" "id22990","But it was so silent.","HPL" "id21622","At last beginning my attempt, I lunged again and again at the thin panelling with my left shoulder, heedless of shock or pain.","HPL" "id12233","She had not returned my letter unopened.","EAP" "id13976","Her fear had been too deep, too absorbing, too entire, to be changed to security.","MWS" "id17664","And far out at sea, despite a high tide, I glimpsed a long, black line scarcely rising above the water yet carrying a suggestion of odd latent malignancy.","HPL" "id26023","Once my uncle thought he lay in a carelessly dug open pit, with a crowd of angry faces framed by straggling locks and three cornered hats frowning down on him.","HPL" "id17890","Walakea allaowed as the things was scattered all over the world, so's anybody that looked abaout cud find a nest an' bring 'em up ef they was wanted.","HPL" "id07671","Up to his discovery, the process of inflation was not only exceedingly expensive, but uncertain.","EAP" "id19655","Once I caught the name of Charles Le Sorcier, and again I fancied that the words ""years"" and ""curse"" issued from the twisted mouth.","HPL" "id24167","She had told Judge Hathorne of lines and curves that could be made to point out directions leading through the walls of space to other spaces beyond, and had implied that such lines and curves were frequently used at certain midnight meetings in the dark valley of the white stone beyond Meadow Hill and on the unpeopled island in the river.","HPL" "id05934","The completion of my demoniacal design became an insatiable passion.","MWS" "id14373","They consisted of people of the middling and lower classes of society, whose means of subsistence failed with the cessation of trade, and of the busy spirit of money making in all its branches, peculiar to our country.","MWS" "id00248","My feelings are profound, but I possessed a coolness of judgment that fitted me for illustrious achievements.","MWS" "id05574","What else could I think?","EAP" "id20200","To them he told a simple story.","HPL" "id14593","It was this object, and not his peculiar personal appearance, which made him end his life.","HPL" "id12103","The ice desert of the South and the sunken isles of Ocean hold stones whereon Their seal is engraven, but who hath seen the deep frozen city or the sealed tower long garlanded with seaweed and barnacles?","HPL" "id00374","There was a considerable difference between the ages of my parents, but this circumstance seemed to unite them only closer in bonds of devoted affection.","MWS" "id08694","And the will therein lieth, which dieth not.","EAP" "id18734","Forms strangely robed, but at once noble and familiar, walked abroad, and under the horned waning moon men talked wisdom in a tongue which I understood, though it was unlike any language I had ever known.","HPL" "id16745","My companion will be of the same nature as myself and will be content with the same fare.","MWS" "id12626","They were alive with a teeming horde of shapes swimming inward toward the town; and even at my vast distance and in my single moment of perception I could tell that the bobbing heads and flailing arms were alien and aberrant in a way scarcely to be expressed or consciously formulated.","HPL" "id02069","As night came on, every breath of wind died away, an more entire calm it is impossible to conceive.","EAP" "id23354","It was of the size of life, and so perfect an imitation of the living animal that all the spectators were deceived.","EAP" "id10896","Oh, I kin tell ye, little pitchers hev big ears, an' I wa'n't missin' nothin' o' what was gossiped abaout Cap'n Obed an' the folks aout to the reef Heh, heh, heh Haow abaout the night I took my pa's ship's glass up to the cupalo an' seed the reef a bristlin' thick with shapes that dove off quick soon's the moon riz?","HPL" "id19815","It is difficult, indeed, to define, or even to describe, my real feelings towards him.","EAP" "id19776","But in Teloth was nothing green, for all was of stone.","HPL" "id17900","Stunned by the shock of the water, I found myself, upon recovery, jammed in between the stern post and rudder.","EAP" "id12513","I trod heaven in my thoughts, now exulting in my powers, now burning with the idea of their effects.","MWS" "id27250","I called to mind the great variety of buoyant matter that strewed the coast of Lofoden, having been absorbed and then thrown forth by the Moskoe ström.","EAP" "id14189","Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded.","MWS" "id07055","Just as I placed the parchment in your hand, and as you were in the act of inspecting it, Wolf, the Newfoundland, entered, and leaped upon your shoulders.","EAP" "id04813","Although M. Maelzel, in disclosing the interior of the machine, sometimes slightly deviates from the routine which we have pointed out, yet reeler in any instance does he so deviate from it as to interfere with our solution.","EAP" "id02930","""Profound thinker"" said the Dublin.","EAP" "id07052","Pickman was shewing what happens to those stolen babes how they grow up and then I began to see a hideous relationship in the faces of the human and non human figures.","HPL" "id03847","When the red Aldebaran, which blinked low in the sky but never set, had crawled a quarter of the way around the horizon, I saw light and motion in the houses and the streets.","HPL" "id08585","It may be advanced for a truth, that, if argument or entreaty can turn any one from a desperate purpose, whose motive and end depends on the strength of the affections only, then it is right so to turn them, since their docility shews, that neither the motive nor the end were of sufficient force to bear them through the obstacles attendant on their undertaking.","MWS" "id25713","she is undoubtedly in painting what the Venus is in sculpture.""","EAP" "id25244","His enthusiasm had seemed for the moment to remove from his terrible eyes the hatred that had at first so haunted them, but suddenly the fiendish glare returned, and with a shocking sound like the hissing of a serpent, the stranger raised a glass phial with the evident intent of ending my life as had Charles Le Sorcier, six hundred years before, ended that of my ancestor.","HPL" "id18516","Every breathing creature within the walls was massacred.","MWS" "id11921","Wilbur was never subsequently seen alive and conscious without complete and tightly buttoned attire, the disarrangement or threatened disarrangement of which always seemed to fill him with anger and alarm.","HPL" "id23383","My heart was bleeding from its death's wound; I could live no otherwise Often amid apparent calm I was visited by despair and melancholy; gloom that nought could dissipate or overcome; a hatred of life; a carelessness of beauty; all these would by fits hold me nearly annihilated by their powers.","MWS" "id07863","This enthusiasm is now spent, I know not why; I seem to myself to be entering a darksome gulph; the ardent spirit of the army is irksome to me, the rapture of triumph null.""","MWS" "id16885","Oppressed with a tumult of vague hopes and fears, I at length heard the footsteps of my wife descending the staircase.","EAP" "id15432","For, this infirmity you virtually deny, in refusing to employ the customary means for its relief.","EAP" "id26953","But my wonder was not overwhelming, since for the most part I shared the materialism of my friend.","HPL" "id25782","Plainly I perceived the loosening of the bandage.","EAP" "id21029","I was spared the disgrace of appearing publicly as a criminal, as the case was not brought before the court that decides on life and death.","MWS" "id10530","The earth, late wide circus for the display of dignified exploits, vast theatre for a magnificent drama, now presented a vacant space, an empty stage for actor or spectator there was no longer aught to say or hear.","MWS" "id08517","The instant that I left 'the devil's seat,' however, the circular rift vanished; nor could I get a glimpse of it afterwards, turn as I would.","EAP" "id02700","Upon the broad black marble flagstones at the entrance of the palace, and a few steps above the water, stood a figure which none who then saw can have ever since forgotten.","EAP" "id10149","That it was not the case, however, my precipitous downfall gave testimony enough; why it was not so, can only be explained by a reference to those possible geological disturbances to which I have formerly alluded.","EAP" "id16196","In summer the gardens were cooled with fresh odorous breezes skilfully wafted by fans, and in winter they were heated with concealed fires, so that in those gardens it was always spring.","HPL" "id25066","It was Mr. Ellison who first suggested the idea that what we regarded as improvement or exaltation of the natural beauty, was really such, as respected only the mortal or human point of view; that each alteration or disturbance of the primitive scenery might possibly effect a blemish in the picture, if we could suppose this picture viewed at large from some remote point in the heavens.","EAP" "id09205","He was blond, handsome, and spoiled; vivacious and eager to taste the several forms of dissipation about which he had read and heard.","HPL" "id17363","Steps sounded again, and Olney edged round to the north; but before he could find a haven a voice called softly, and he knew he must confront his host.","HPL" "id12988","She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan.","EAP" "id12573","""All in Teloth must toil,"" replied the archon, ""for that is the law.""","HPL" "id06236","Thus ended my conference with the best of men, and immediately upon its termination, I betook myself with zeal to my poetical labors; as upon these, chiefly, I founded my hopes of ultimate elevation to the editorial chair.","EAP" "id03692","It gave ideality to that, from which, taken in naked truth, the soul would have revolted: it bestowed pictorial colours on misery and disease, and not unfrequently relieved me from despair in deplorable changes.","MWS" "id05636","A neat diddle is this.","EAP" "id22950","Upon my recovery, too, I felt very oh, inexpressibly sick and weak, as if through long inanition.","EAP" "id05994","Still others, including Joe himself, have theories too wild and fantastic for sober credence.","HPL" "id05842","He repeated the movement a grotesque one.","EAP" "id26616","Although she was elder than he by nearly two years the nature of her education made her more childish at least in the knowledge and expression of feeling; she received his warm protestations with innocence, and returned them unknowing of what they meant.","MWS" "id23214","The flopping animals were now scratching restlessly at the lichens, and I saw that the old man was nearly as restless himself.","HPL" "id10939","Her faultless nature, one sum of perfections, is wrapt up in her affections if they were hurt, she would droop like an unwatered floweret, and the slightest injury they receive is a nipping frost to her.","MWS" "id03478","Upon the outbreak of trouble with Great Britain in , William Harris, despite his scant sixteen years and feeble constitution, managed to enlist in the Army of Observation under General Greene; and from that time on enjoyed a steady rise in health and prestige.","HPL" "id24766","The examination, the presence of the magistrate and witnesses, passed like a dream from my memory when I saw the lifeless form of Henry Clerval stretched before me.","MWS" "id01741","It was his custom, indeed, to speak calmly of his approaching dissolution, as of a matter neither to be avoided nor regretted.","EAP" "id14165","So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein more, far more, will I achieve; treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation.","MWS" "id08290","Would that I also had a career Would that I could freight some untried bark with all my hopes, energies, and desires, and launch it forth into the ocean of life bound for some attainable point, with ambition or pleasure at the helm But adverse winds detain me on shore; like Ulysses, I sit at the water's edge and weep.","MWS" "id16407","Any scrap will answer, because you must depend upon your own ingenuity to make it fit into your article.","EAP" "id03794","I was still cold when under one of the trees I found a huge cloak, with which I covered myself, and sat down upon the ground.","MWS" "id24696","As he justly observed, it was ""simple neat and gave no trouble at all not the least.""","EAP" "id17259","They shrank alarmedly back; many sought the well.","EAP" "id11051","It is the likeness of a dead friend a Mr. Oldeb to whom I became much attached at Calcutta, during the administration of Warren Hastings.","EAP" "id05717","But everteeming Nature will create another and another, and thou wilt loose nought by my destruction.","MWS" "id18964","They will soon rise again, however but not till the salt melts.""","EAP" "id25561","Close curtains were around it, which, in the prosecution of my plan, I slowly and quietly withdrew, when the bright rays fell vividly upon the sleeper, and my eyes, at the same moment, upon his countenance.","EAP" "id24402","I must be careful how I record my awaking today, for I am unstrung, and much hallucination is necessarily mixed with fact.","HPL" "id02104","I merely laughed but he seemed quite serious in all that he said.","EAP" "id05915","An hour thus elapsed when could it be possible?","EAP" "id20342","It was during one of my lonely journeyings, amid a far distant region of mountain locked within mountain, and sad rivers and melancholy tarn writhing or sleeping within all that I chanced upon a certain rivulet and island.","EAP" "id25855","At a piano, singing an aria from Bellini, sat a young and very beautiful woman, who, at my entrance, paused in her song, and received me with graceful courtesy.","EAP" "id00381","In childhood I must have felt with the energy of a man what I now find stamped upon memory in lines as vivid, as deep, and as durable as the exergues of the Carthaginian medals.","EAP" "id21962","dee Hi Hi Randy"" A swaying lantern came around the black bend, and old Benijah pounced on the silent and bewildered form of the pilgrim.","HPL" "id23425","Had they not, indeed, been intoxicated beyond moral sense, their reeling footsteps must have been palsied by the horrors of their situation.","EAP" "id22917","The upper part overhung the narrow grass grown street and nearly met the overhanging part of the house opposite, so that I was almost in a tunnel, with the low stone doorstep wholly free from snow.","HPL" "id25924","These words were syllabled trembling by the iron man.","MWS" "id01623","""And will you promise me, upon your honor, that when this freak of yours is over, and the bug business good God settled to your satisfaction, you will then return home and follow my advice implicitly, as that of your physician?""","EAP" "id05524","We forgot that Malcolm and Macduff were mere human beings, acted upon by such simple passions as warmed our own breasts.","MWS" "id05997","The Rubicon, I felt, was passed; and it behoved me well to reflect what I should do on this hither side of disease and danger.","MWS" "id16487","The spirit of life seemed to linger in his form, as a dying flame on an altar flickers on the embers of an accepted sacrifice.","MWS" "id23118","I have indeed ""made history.""","EAP" "id22387","My mother, when dying, had, in addition to her other half forgotten and misapplied lessons, committed, with solemn exhortation, her other child to my fraternal guardianship; and this one duty I performed to the best of my ability, with all the zeal and affection of which my nature was capable.","MWS" "id26898","Donning these, he reached for the volume on the table and turned the pages lovingly.","HPL" "id23905","Accordingly I hid myself in some thick underwood, determining to devote the ensuing hours to reflection on my situation.","MWS" "id12746","So far, I had not opened my eyes.","EAP" "id08953","""But proceed I am all impatience.""","EAP" "id14813","To give to this a better colouring, I had contrived to have assembled a party of some eight or ten, and was solicitously careful that the introduction of cards should appear accidental, and originate in the proposal of my contemplated dupe himself.","EAP" "id12604","Armitage,"" he said, ""I calc'late I've got to take that book home.","HPL" "id11074","He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me.","MWS" "id02422","This, to say the truth, must have cost him no little money, and was made to fit him exceedingly well being fashioned from one of the curiously embroidered silken covers appertaining to those glorious escutcheons which, in England and elsewhere, are customarily hung up, in some conspicuous place, upon the dwellings of departed aristocracy.","EAP" "id22133","Friends had held him when he drew a stiletto, but West departed amidst his inhuman shrieks, curses, and oaths of vengeance.","HPL" "id12937","You know not what you mean.","MWS" "id03016","That upstairs looks it will have the right cast.","HPL" "id05028","""Looking about me upon the wide waste of liquid ebony on which we were thus borne, I perceived that our boat was not the only object in the embrace of the whirl.","EAP" "id21728","Her own attitude toward shadowed Innsmouth which she had never seen was one of disgust at a community slipping far down the cultural scale, and she assured me that the rumours of devil worship were partly justified by a peculiar secret cult which had gained force there and engulfed all the orthodox churches.","HPL" "id10833","And now, behold, with the first imagination of danger, or, if you will, the first mighty and terrific trial of your courage, you shrink away and are content to be handed down as men who had not strength enough to endure cold and peril; and so, poor souls, they were chilly and returned to their warm firesides.","MWS" "id14407","The extreme fury of the blast proved, in a great measure, the salvation of the ship.","EAP" "id15491","Went to the theatre, to look for Gruff.","EAP" "id18820","Thus I found that my senses would shortly give way altogether, and I had already clutched one of the valve ropes with the view of attempting a descent, when the recollection of the trick I had played the three creditors, and the possible consequences to myself, should I return, operated to deter me for the moment.","EAP" "id12164","Perdita was to become the pupil, friend and younger sister of Evadne.","MWS" "id21521","The words were venom in my ears; and when, upon the day of my arrival, a second William Wilson came also to the academy, I felt angry with him for bearing the name, and doubly disgusted with the name because a stranger bore it, who would be the cause of its twofold repetition, who would be constantly in my presence, and whose concerns, in the ordinary routine of the school business, must inevitably, on account of the detestable coincidence, be often confounded with my own.","EAP" "id13721","It was the best that moderate means could afford, and Harris hastened to move in before the birth of a fifth child which the family expected.","HPL" "id10764","""Before I come on board your vessel,"" said he, ""will you have the kindness to inform me whither you are bound?""","MWS" "id02764","He may have traced it to the chamber; but, under the agitating circumstances which ensued, he could never have re captured it.","EAP" "id16497","Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow; Nought may endure but mutability It was nearly noon when I arrived at the top of the ascent.","MWS" "id22943","It seemed to me impossible that she could recognise the sound, but she persisted in her assertion till she gained credit with the crowd about.","MWS" "id09459","I lost no time, however, in calling upon the editor of the ""Lollipop,"" and had the good fortune to find this gentleman at home.","EAP" "id19400","The port holes were open, and with every sea, which as she lurched, washed her decks, they received whole tons of water.","MWS" "id06600","From comparatively trivial wickedness I passed, with the stride of a giant, into more than the enormities of an Elah Gabalus.","EAP" "id21096","I knew that much of my route must be visible from the Rowley road.","HPL" "id17582","It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.","MWS" "id03122","From the East tempestuous winds arose, and chilled me as I crouched on the slab of damp stone which had risen beneath my feet.","HPL" "id18628","In fact, having once satisfied themselves that no egress could have been made in this quarter, they would naturally bestow here a very cursory examination.","EAP" "id13163","When first she left her peasant life, and resided with the elegant and cultivated Evadne, the only accomplishment she brought to any perfection was that of painting, for which she had a taste almost amounting to genius.","MWS" "id07466","Its weight was about two ounces.","EAP" "id16585","All that he now enjoyed would have been devoid of pleasure to him, had it been unparticipated.","MWS" "id09598","Once I tried to escape from the forest, but as I went farther from the castle the shade grew denser and the air more filled with brooding fear; so that I ran frantically back lest I lose my way in a labyrinth of nighted silence.","HPL" "id12311","The forehead was high, and very pale, and singularly placid; and the once jetty hair fell partially over it, and overshadowed the hollow temples with innumerable ringlets, now of a vivid yellow, and jarring discordantly, in their fantastic character, with the reigning melancholy of the countenance.","EAP" "id00172","His accent of bitter scorn thrilled me ""Do not tempt me to speak,"" he continued, ""my words would scare you in an universe of cowards I dare think among the church yard tombs among the victims of His merciless tyranny I dare reproach the Supreme Evil.","MWS" "id15077","He is Gustaf Johansen, a Norwegian of some intelligence, and had been second mate of the two masted schooner Emma of Auckland, which sailed for Callao February th with a complement of eleven men.","HPL" "id17679","The gamekeepers were more enraged than their lord by my obstinacy.","MWS" "id14152","I can ill record the flow of language and graceful turns of expression, the wit and easy raillery that gave vigour and influence to his speech.","MWS" "id27684","Oh, never, never, may I see him again Tomorrow night the same roof may not cover us; he or I must depart.","MWS" "id23825","His throat was aching inexplicably, and as he struggled to a sitting posture he saw with growing fright that his feet and pajama bottoms were brown with caked mud.","HPL" "id09460","Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction.","MWS" "id01573","I leaned against a tree to observe them.","MWS" "id08039","Perpetual fretting at length threw Madame Moritz into a decline, which at first increased her irritability, but she is now at peace for ever.","MWS" "id10237","No outlet was observed in any portion of its vast extent, and no torch, or other artificial source of light was discernible; yet a flood of intense rays rolled throughout, and bathed the whole in a ghastly and inappropriate splendor.","EAP" "id24670","What a divine day How happy and serene all nature appears"" Thus Elizabeth endeavoured to divert her thoughts and mine from all reflection upon melancholy subjects.","MWS" "id09240","I have not the slightest fear for the result.","EAP" "id17523","Elizabeth had caught the scarlet fever; her illness was severe, and she was in the greatest danger.","MWS" "id26779","There then followed an exhaustive comparison of details, and a moment of really awed silence when both detective and scientist agreed on the virtual identity of the phrase common to two hellish rituals so many worlds of distance apart.","HPL" "id24764","It was the Sydney Bulletin I have mentioned, for my friend has wide affiliations in all conceivable foreign parts; and the picture was a half tone cut of a hideous stone image almost identical with that which Legrasse had found in the swamp.","HPL" "id01707","The face was so far turned toward the stage that, for some minutes, I could not obtain a view of it but the form was divine; no other word can sufficiently express its magnificent proportion and even the term ""divine"" seems ridiculously feeble as I write it.","EAP" "id00316","In height I am five feet eleven.","EAP" "id02594","His wife was, indeed, as she had been represented, a most lovely, and most accomplished woman.","EAP" "id23262","Upon returning home I went with much directness to a rotting chest in the attic, wherein I found the key which next day unlocked with ease the barrier I had so long stormed in vain.","HPL" "id18483","I had prized it greatly, yet nevertheless felt a sensation of relief at its disappearance.","HPL" "id00577","Among the others he saw Professor Warren Rice and Dr. Francis Morgan, men to whom he had told some of his conjectures and misgivings; and these two he motioned to accompany him inside.","HPL" "id20274","I must suppose the ship to be within the influence of some strong current, or impetuous under tow.","EAP" "id09232","Neither was this species of scepticism likely to be diminished by the character of the life I led at Eton.","EAP" "id21789","Hidden behind heavy curtains stood the two unfinished figures of Tyché, little touched of late by the sick man and his faithful attendant.","HPL" "id22663","Thereafter those in the towers and without the walls beheld strange lights on the water, and saw that the grey rock Akurion, which was wont to rear high above it near the shore, was almost submerged.","HPL" "id20555","Suddenly the urn to which I clung began to tremble, as if sharing my own lethal dizziness; and in another instant my body was plunging downward to I knew not what fate.","HPL" "id18968","Thus would she assuredly act if her darkened eyes opened and she beheld me.","MWS" "id15021","The distance of its bottom from the deck overhead was precisely the same.","EAP" "id21931","It was in good preservation, having received, apparently, little injury from the convulsion which entombed it.","EAP" "id26510","I had an insistent and unaccountable craving for a sleep whose dreams I should not remember.","HPL" "id02401","They are almost hidden now in lawless luxuriances of green and guardian shrouds of shadow; but the small paned windows still stare shockingly, as if blinking through a lethal stupor which wards off madness by dulling the memory of unutterable things.","HPL" "id09666","Is not every word an impulse on the air?","EAP" "id03623","Five years gave a sober certainty to their emotions, though it did not rob them of their etherial nature.","MWS" "id08742","On a dreary heath bestrewen with stones, among which short grass grew; and here and there a few rushes beside a little pool.","MWS" "id07795","This gate is inserted in the lofty wall; which here appears to cross the river at right angles.","EAP" "id00644","It was of no remarkable character, and I had seen it frequently before, for it was the property of the family physician; but how came it there, upon my table, and why did I shudder in regarding it?","EAP" "id07398","It is not to be supposed that a lady, or gentleman either, has been leading the life of a book worm.","EAP" "id22939","All Paris is excited by the discovered corpse of Marie, a girl young, beautiful and notorious.","EAP" "id02329","And the organs never would work again.","HPL" "id14021","He had habitually slept at night beyond the ordinary time, and upon waking would often talk of unknown things in a manner so bizarre as to inspire fear even in the hearts of an unimaginative populace.","HPL" "id24849","In scrutinizing the edges of the paper, I observed them to be more chafed than seemed necessary.","EAP" "id05242","Fearing to give me pain, she hid as best she could the excess of her wretchedness, but meeting thus her brother after a long absence, she could not restrain the expression of her woe, but with all the vividness of imagination with which misery is always replete, she poured out the emotions of her heart to her beloved and sympathizing Adrian.","MWS" "id00909","These men indeed went to the lake to view Sarnath; but though they found the vast still lake itself, and the grey rock Akurion which rears high above it near the shore, they beheld not the wonder of the world and pride of all mankind.","HPL" "id15877","""I have written myself into better spirits, dear cousin; but my anxiety returns upon me as I conclude.","MWS" "id01422","Yet, for a wild moment, did my spirit refuse to comprehend the meaning of what I saw.","EAP" "id16552","Whole body dreadfully bruised and discolored.","EAP" "id00472","Were they the same waters of love, which, lately cold and cutting as ice, repelling as that, now loosened from their frozen chains, flowed through the regions of her soul in gushing and grateful exuberance?","MWS" "id26336","forbear that is sufficient we see, very plainly, how it is done hold hold"" and several persons were already leaping from their seats to withhold Ma'm'selle Salsafette from putting herself upon a par with the Medicean Venus, when the point was very effectually and suddenly accomplished by a series of loud screams, or yells, from some portion of the main body of the chateau.","EAP" "id24922","Klenze seemed very nervous, and drank heavily.","HPL" "id23859","Why then give a date to this story I have to tell?","EAP" "id04684","I waited for some explanation from Dupin.","EAP" "id08146","To relieve this, Dr. Templeton resorted to topical bleeding.","EAP" "id16515","Monsieur Le Blanc was unable to account for her absence, and Madame Rogêt was distracted with anxiety and terror.","EAP" "id13209","I say, this occasioned me no little amazement; for I well remember that, in a former conversation with a friend, I particularly inquired if he had at any time met in London the Marchesa di Mentoni, who for some years previous to her marriage had resided in that city, when his answer, if I mistake not, gave me to understand that he had never visited the metropolis of Great Britain.","EAP" "id03553","These are the words that it contained.","MWS" "id04598","You did say that ""divested of corporate investiture man were God."" V.","EAP" "id25444","He consoles himself, however, that he has not been such a fool as to leave the goods without the money, and re entering his shop with a self satisfied air, feels sensibly hurt and indignant when his master asks him what has become of the change.","EAP" "id22287","He has committed an ignoratio elenchi that is to say, he has understood the words of your proposition, but not the idea.","EAP" "id14304","With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche.","EAP" "id06146","Had but little difficulty in getting it open, on account of its being a double or folding gate, and bolted neither at bottom not top.","EAP" "id03228","A mixture of pure art in a garden scene adds to it a great beauty.","EAP" "id04208","Many were quite awry.","EAP" "id13468","For one brief interval before this catastrophe, he looked forward to the future, and contemplated with anguish the desolate situation in which his wife and children would be left.","MWS" "id18311","Think you that the groans of Clerval were music to my ears?","MWS" "id08372","Why are there fruits, or flowers, or streams, man is not here to enjoy them?","MWS" "id18042","For a moment I was inclined to use persuasion, regarding rather lightly the whims of senility; and even tried to awaken my host's weirder mood by whistling a few of the strains to which I had listened the night before.","HPL" "id13945","Without, however, taking offence at behaviour so excessively rude, the tall president smiled very graciously upon the intruders nodded to them in a dignified manner with his head of sable plumes and, arising, took each by an arm, and led him to a seat which some others of the company had placed in the meantime for his accommodation.","EAP" "id27780","Several new kinds of plants sprang up in the garden, which they dressed; and these signs of comfort increased daily as the season advanced.","MWS" "id20330","Curiosity flared up beyond sense and caution, and in my youthful egotism I fancied I might be able to sift a nucleus of real history from the confused, extravagant outpouring I would probably extract with the aid of raw whiskey.","HPL" "id15423","The date, I may thus say, in regard to the remoteness of its antiquity, cannot be less than any assignable quantity whatsoever.","EAP" "id25816","He led me out of that tangle of alleys in another direction, it seems, for when we sighted a lamp post we were in a half familiar street with monotonous rows of mingled tenement blocks and old houses.","HPL" "id04358","He had bow legs and was corpulent.","EAP" "id16830","I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.","MWS" "id21642","After a while, I heard the voice of an old Swede, who had shipped with us at the moment of our leaving port.","EAP" "id18943","The disease which had thus entombed the lady in the maturity of youth, had left, as usual in all maladies of a strictly cataleptical character, the mockery of a faint blush upon the bosom and the face, and that suspiciously lingering smile upon the lip which is so terrible in death.","EAP" "id04677","The boat, nevertheless, glides magically into the winding channel; and here the shore opposite the wall is found to resemble that opposite the wall in the straight vista.","EAP" "id00278","Two Lascar sailors at once helped him to his feet, but before the ambulance could reach him he was dead.","HPL" "id11342","Mr. Goldsmith, a little Man very vain of his Dress and very deficient in Brilliancy of Conversation, was my particular Favourite; since I was equally unable to shine in the Discourse.","HPL" "id14609","His madness, or at least his partial perversion, seemed beyond dispute.","HPL" "id01540","As for the Quarterly cant about ""sustained effort,"" it is impossible to see the sense of it.","EAP" "id09839","They were loud loud as the rumblings and the thunder above which they echoed yet did they come from no visible being.","HPL" "id22478","Then, as if pursued by an enemy, as if wings had been at her feet, she flew to her own apartment, she dismissed her attendants, she locked the doors, she threw herself wildly on the floor, she bit her lips even to blood to suppress her shrieks, and lay long a prey to the vulture of despair, striving not to think, while multitudinous ideas made a home of her heart; and ideas, horrid as furies, cruel as vipers, and poured in with such swift succession, that they seemed to jostle and wound each other, while they worked her up to madness.","MWS" "id16325","Thomas"" turning to me ""is decidedly the best hand at a cork leg; but if you should ever want an arm, my dear fellow, you must really let me recommend you to Bishop.""","EAP" "id22329","The tenant adjoining him complained of the icy air from around the connecting door, so I helped him fit heavy hangings to obviate the difficulty.","HPL" "id07766","No unguided footstep ever came upon that vale; for it lay away up among a range of giant hills that hung beetling around about it, shutting out the sunlight from its sweetest recesses.","EAP" "id03010","But this cannot be thought a very ""acute"" observation of the Doctor's.","EAP" "id24666","He had been somewhere he ought not to be; had strayed very far away to places where he had not belonged, and was now inexcusably late.","HPL" "id12999","We found him just about to embark in his boat, and he readily agreed to receive us as companions.","MWS" "id27499","It is not by flying, but by facing the enemy, that we can conquer.","MWS" "id09276","The bishop was last to go.","HPL" "id03949","But here the voyager quits the vessel which has borne him so far, and descends into a light canoe of ivory, stained with arabesque devices in vivid scarlet, both within and without.","EAP" "id12787","An officer bent reluctantly over the loathsome glassy eyed form and found the tissue wrapped cardboard, which he passed around among the others.","HPL" "id03680","The floor of the forest was mossy and mysterious, and great lichened rocks rose vaguely here and there in the dim light like Druid monoliths among the swollen and twisted trunks of a sacred grove.","HPL" "id13693","Then, bolder than the storied Cyclops, great Cthulhu slid greasily into the water and began to pursue with vast wave raising strokes of cosmic potency.","HPL" "id07125","Alas, how great was the contrast between us He was alive to every new scene, joyful when he saw the beauties of the setting sun, and more happy when he beheld it rise and recommence a new day.","MWS" "id24499","""I am alive,"" were the uncomprehended words which, upon recognizing the locality of the dissecting room, he had endeavored, in his extremity, to utter.","EAP" "id17017","Again he thought, how during this long month, he had avoided Perdita, flying from her as from the stings of his own conscience.","MWS" "id23709","The opposite mountain is a bare perpendicular rock.","MWS" "id21730","Ages perhaps had elapsed since this catastrophe; and the ruin it had made above, had been repaired by the growth of vegetation during many hundred summers.","MWS" "id22571","But it has been shown that, in the inorganic life, pain cannot be thus the necessity for the organic.","EAP" "id17940","On the source of Slater's visions they speculated at length, for since he could neither read nor write, and had apparently never heard a legend or fairy tale, his gorgeous imagery was quite inexplicable.","HPL" "id15306","His body is situated behind the dense machinery in cupboard No. T. the rear portion of which machinery is so contrived as to slip en masse, from the main compartment to the cupboard No. I, as occasion may require, and his legs lie at full length in the main compartment.","EAP" "id16156","These were carefully removed and searched.","EAP" "id15520","O, yes, it would Countrymen, fear not In the still uncultivated wilds of America, what wonder that among its other giant destroyers, Plague should be numbered It is of old a native of the East, sister of the tornado, the earthquake, and the simoon.","MWS" "id11886","From its machicolated parapets and mounted battlements Barons, Counts, and even Kings had been defied, yet never had its spacious halls resounded to the footsteps of the invader.","HPL" "id16731","I had risen mechanically my knees trembled; irresolution hung on my voice, as I uttered a few words on the necessity of choosing a person adequate to the dangerous task in hand.","MWS" "id09271","As I turned the promontory I perceived a small neat town and a good harbour, which I entered, my heart bounding with joy at my unexpected escape.","MWS" "id21620","The deductions from the premises are philosophical and acute; but the premises, in two instances, at least, are founded in imperfect observation.","EAP" "id09054","The dress was much torn and otherwise disordered.","EAP" "id08373","I could now almost fancy myself among the Swiss mountains.","MWS" "id20926","With regard to myself, this came almost by inheritance.","MWS" "id16760","I gave several hours to the serious consideration of this difficulty, but I was obliged to relinquish all attempt to supply it, and wrapping myself up in my cloak, I struck across the wood towards the setting sun.","MWS" "id25378","No man can tell there is no refuge on earth, it comes on us like a thousand packs of wolves we must all fly where shall you go?","MWS" "id11505","""Butt end ram down my eye"" ""O yes, by the by, my eye here, Pompey, you scamp, screw it in Those Kickapoos are not so very slow at a gouge; but he's a belied man, that Dr. Williams, after all; you can't imagine how well I see with the eyes of his make.""","EAP" "id19631","It was dawn, and she quitted her asylum, that she might again endeavour to find my brother.","MWS" "id15884","I had completed the eighth, the ninth, and the tenth tier.","EAP" "id25104","To one entering the room, they bore the appearance of simple monstrosities; but upon a farther advance, this appearance gradually departed; and step by step, as the visitor moved his station in the chamber, he saw himself surrounded by an endless succession of the ghastly forms which belong to the superstition of the Norman, or arise in the guilty slumbers of the monk.","EAP" "id08895","I had become most unaccountably interested nay, even excited.","EAP" "id04550","So you see he would have been a very profound old man, indeed, to suspect that every night, just at twelve, I looked in upon him while he slept.","EAP" "id22942","I who sought and had found joy in the love breathing countenance of my father now when I dared fix on him a supplicating look it was ever answered by an angry frown.","MWS" "id10117","And they say that the Terrible Old Man talks to these bottles, addressing them by such names as Jack, Scar Face, Long Tom, Spanish Joe, Peters, and Mate Ellis, and that whenever he speaks to a bottle the little lead pendulum within makes certain definite vibrations as if in answer.","HPL" "id15802","She then bade him, with the eloquence of despair and of unalterable love, a last farewell.","MWS" "id08700","To call up the people of the inn, and obtain a conveyance and horses, even though I harnessed them myself, was the work of many minutes; minutes, each freighted with the weight of ages.","MWS" "id20740","Oh How unlike it was to the blue seasons of the south Covered with ice, it was only to be distinguished from land by its superior wildness and ruggedness.","MWS" "id18121","A reply rejoinder confutation and justification followed in the columns of a Democratic Gazette.","EAP" "id01188","Again there is a sound as of a human voice, but hoarser; it comes from the cabin where the remains of Frankenstein still lie.","MWS" "id25289","It's well above water a good part of the time, and never much below it, but at that you could hardly call it an island.","HPL" "id12518","This matter of the spectral piping harassed me greatly, and I wondered if the crickets of autumn had come before their time to vex the night and haunt the visions of men.","HPL" "id25723","It contained, when afloat, the captain and his wife, Mr. Wyatt and party, a Mexican officer, wife, four children, and myself, with a negro valet.","EAP" "id10561","He left the hotel before me, intending to go to New York, and thence to Bremen; it was in the latter city that his great discovery was first made public; or, rather, it was there that he was first suspected of having made it.","EAP" "id03252","I think I was paralysed for an instant.","HPL" "id00782","And out of this melancholy water arose a forest of tall eastern trees, like a wilderness of dreams.","EAP" "id19354","Late we envied their abodes, their spicy groves, fertile plains, and abundant loveliness.","MWS" "id18607","What would happen on reanimation, and whether we could hope for a revival of mind and reason, West did not venture to predict.","HPL" "id03977","Obed finally got her married off by a trick to an Arkham feller as didn't suspect nothin'.","HPL" "id26393","The waters give up no voice to the heavens.","EAP" "id12589","This, it must be remembered, was in the broad light of day.","EAP" "id02300","Depart to your home and commence your labours; I shall watch their progress with unutterable anxiety; and fear not but that when you are ready I shall appear.""","MWS" "id02666","Like these arabesque censers, my spirit is writhing in fire, and the delirium of this scene is fashioning me for the wilder visions of that land of real dreams whither I am now rapidly departing.""","EAP" "id14585","His gentleness was never tinged by dogmatism, and his instructions were given with an air of frankness and good nature that banished every idea of pedantry.","MWS" "id06547","I told him, he shou'd not try to pasquinade the Source of his sy.","HPL" "id27144","Having satisfied her curiosity if such it was she dropped the glass, and quietly gave her attention again to the stage; her profile now being turned toward myself, as before.","EAP" "id01281","""It was about seven in the morning, and I longed to obtain food and shelter; at length I perceived a small hut, on a rising ground, which had doubtless been built for the convenience of some shepherd.","MWS" "id09332","""The pleasant showers and genial warmth of spring greatly altered the aspect of the earth.","MWS" "id17236","Galpin now devoted his time to the library and lecture platform, preparing volumes and speeches on various subjects connected with belles lettres, and always shewing a genius so remarkable that it seemed as if the public must sometime pardon him for his past mistakes.","HPL" "id08149","Wealthy beyond the necessity of a commercial life, and temperamentally unfitted for the formal studies and social recreations of my acquaintances, I have dwelt ever in realms apart from the visible world; spending my youth and adolescence in ancient and little known books, and in roaming the fields and groves of the region near my ancestral home.","HPL" "id13426","Twice I actually hired myself as an under mate in a Greenland whaler, and acquitted myself to admiration.","MWS" "id25828","The hunger of Death was now stung more sharply by the diminution of his food: or was it that before, the survivors being many, the dead were less eagerly counted?","MWS" "id21374","At length these obnoxious visits suddenly ceased altogether, but from that moment I must date the change of my father: a change that to remember makes me shudder and then filled me with the deepest grief.","MWS" "id08439","O' course them as sarved on the Sumatry Queen an' seed the island knowed what he meant, an' wa'n't none too anxious to git clost to sea things like they'd heerd tell on, but them as didn't know what 'twas all abaout got kind o' swayed by what Obed had to say, an' begun to ast him what he cud do to set 'em on the way to the faith as ud bring 'em results.""","HPL" "id25264","Total annihilation could be no more.","EAP" "id12443","The lips were gently protruded, and rested the one upon the other, after such a fashion that it is impossible to conceive any, even the most complex, combination of human features, conveying so entirely, and so singly, the idea of unmitigated gravity, solemnity and repose.","EAP" "id23548","That was why, when establishing his practice in Bolton, he had chosen an isolated house near the potter's field.","HPL" "id25254","My frantic running ceased before I had covered a block, for at my left I began to hear something like the hue and cry of organised pursuit.","HPL" "id26581","He had been accustomed, however, to quiet the creature, even in its fiercest moods, by the use of a whip, and to this he now resorted.","EAP" "id01826","That same night saw the beginning of the second Arkham horror the horror that to me eclipsed the plague itself.","HPL" "id00533","""It took Obed to git the truth aout o' them heathen.","HPL" "id06044","But the walks of Marie may, in general, be supposed discursive.","EAP" "id01737","It was now midnight, and my task was drawing to a close.","EAP" "id25674","Were the Automaton life like in its motions, the spectator would be more apt to attribute its operations to their true cause, that is, to human agency within than he is now, when the awkward and rectangular manoeuvres convey the idea of pure and unaided mechanism. .","EAP" "id15088","But I must first render you all the little attentions in my power.""","EAP" "id18523","But as the Baron listened, or affected to listen, to the gradually increasing uproar in the stables of Berlifitzing or perhaps pondered upon some more novel, some more decided act of audacity his eyes became unwittingly rivetted to the figure of an enormous, and unnaturally colored horse, represented in the tapestry as belonging to a Saracen ancestor of the family of his rival.","EAP" "id18123","Methought the charm would be broken if I were seen, but I heard the music of her voice and was happy.","MWS" "id13425","Why, otherwise, since it was about dusk, should she make a point of the haste?","EAP" "id14724","The matter stands thus: In the first place your writer of intensities must have very black ink, and a very big pen, with a very blunt nib.","EAP" "id02121","By the time that she had with uneasy thoughts laid her fair cheek upon her pillow, her mother's servant brought a draught; a suspicion again crossed her at this novel proceeding, sufficiently alarming to determine her not to take the potion; but dislike of contention, and a wish to discover whether there was any just foundation for her conjectures, made her, she said, almost instinctively, and in contradiction to her usual frankness, pretend to swallow the medicine.","MWS" "id18362","The mystery remains unsolved to this day, though the image is on exhibition at the museum of Miskatonic University.","HPL" "id14371","For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat; and, during this period, there came back into my spirit a half sentiment that seemed, but was not, remorse.","EAP" "id03033","They said something about a ""psychosis"", and agreed I had better get any harassing obsessions off my mind.","HPL" "id21117","Aira's beauty is past imagining, and none can tell of it without rapture, whilst of Oonai the camel drivers whisper leeringly.""","HPL" "id05962","And evil was the hour when she saw, and loved, and wedded the painter.","EAP" "id08980","""By the time I had fully completed these arrangements and filled the chamber as explained, it wanted only ten minutes of nine o'clock.","EAP" "id03765","Besides I could not extract from my memory that hideous, inhuman shriek we heard on the night we tried our first experiment in the deserted farmhouse at Arkham.","HPL" "id20790","The principle expressed is incontrovertible but there may be something beyond it.","EAP" "id12110","To queries put to him by any other person than myself he seemed utterly insensible although I endeavored to place each member of the company in mesmeric rapport with him.","EAP" "id25157","Thou holdest the keys of the frost, and canst first chain and then set free the streams; under thy gentle governance the buds and leaves are born, they flourish nursed by thee.","MWS" "id24931","And then I recall how I laughed when I stumbled on the passageway; the hole at the base of the old chimney, where the thick weeds grew and cast queer shadows in the light of the lone candle I had happened to have with me.","HPL" "id27207","They are to be found in Crebillon's 'Atrée.'""","EAP" "id27925","In this way it was possible to insert the whole upper part of the bag between the net work and the hoop.","EAP" "id27966","I still lay quietly, and made effort to exercise my reason.","EAP" "id16430","Then one night the red and fattened Romnod snorted heavily amidst the poppied silks of his banquet couch and died writhing, whilst Iranon, pale and slender, sang to himself in a far corner.","HPL" "id10221","It was the ultimate product of mammalian degeneration; the frightful outcome of isolated spawning, multiplication, and cannibal nutrition above and below the ground; the embodiment of all the snarling chaos and grinning fear that lurk behind life.","HPL" "id06565","A spark appeared on the moor, a flame arose, and a pillar of human fire reached to the heavens.","HPL" "id21752","During her illness many arguments had been urged to persuade my mother to refrain from attending upon her.","MWS" "id09792","She sought to improve her understanding; mechanically her heart and dispositions became soft and gentle under this benign discipline.","MWS" "id09494","Of Gerrit Martense's descendants less is known than of himself; since they were all reared in hatred of the English civilisation, and trained to shun such of the colonists as accepted it.","HPL" "id02852","Let the day therefore be fixed; and on it I will consecrate myself, in life or death, to the happiness of my cousin.""","MWS" "id00185","It was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood.","EAP" "id15806","This change made us only the more sensible to the delights of the intimate intercourse of our own circle, the tranquillity of our divine forest, and our happy evenings in the halls of our beloved Castle.","MWS" "id17674","A south west wind brought up rain the sun came out, and mocking the usual laws of nature, seemed even at this early season to burn with solsticial force.","MWS" "id06993","Had he not told his colleagues to be as gentle as possible with the pathetic old sea captain?","HPL" "id02788","To me their interest depended less on this circumstance than on the peculiarly appropriate way in which they dovetailed with certain other things the complaint of the departing servant Preserved Smith, who had preceded Ann and never heard of her, that something ""sucked his breath"" at night; the death certificates of fever victims of , issued by Dr. Chad Hopkins, and shewing the four deceased persons all unaccountably lacking in blood; and the obscure passages of poor Rhoby Harris's ravings, where she complained of the sharp teeth of a glassy eyed, half visible presence.","HPL" "id03087","Some of the items were delicate and inspiring enough, but there was one box of strange old pieces descended from my mysterious great grandmother which my uncle was almost reluctant to produce.","HPL" "id07231","The boys heard with childish glee of our removal: Clara asked if we were to go to Athens.","MWS" "id16442","Grandson of Captain Obed Marsh, who founded the business.","HPL" "id02858","I had been awake the whole of the preceding night, my nerves were agitated, and my eyes inflamed by watching and misery.","MWS" "id12671","We remained for the night at Luton.","MWS" "id14545","On my asking him what he thought of my favourable Notice of his Dictionary in The Londoner, my periodical Paper, he said: ""Sir, I possess no Recollection of having perus'd your Paper, and have not a great Interest in the Opinions of the less thoughtful Part of Mankind.""","HPL" "id19109","Proprieties of place, and especially of time, are the bugbears which terrify mankind from the contemplation of the magnificent.","EAP" "id18424","""A thousand pounds,"" said I. ""Do you warrant it?"" he asked, turning the nose to the light.","EAP" "id16926","Upon the death of Theodoric in , Ibidus retired from public life to compose his celebrated work whose pure Ciceronian style is as remarkable a case of classic atavism as is the verse of Claudius Claudianus, who flourished a century before Ibidus; but he was later recalled to scenes of pomp to act as court rhetorician for Theodatus, nephew of Theodoric.","HPL" "id22096","It might have a vapory it might even have a tangible form.","EAP" "id14830","I resolved to visit London, to see him; to quiet these agonizing throes by the sweet medicine of hope, or the opiate of despair.","MWS" "id07884","""If you please, uncle precisely.""","EAP" "id18423","He had indeed come back to the Valley of Ooth Nargai and the splendid city of Celephaïs.","HPL" "id01485","The stranger has gradually improved in health but is very silent and appears uneasy when anyone except myself enters his cabin.","MWS" "id22298","It was a simple, rambling thing a naive sailor's effort at a post facto diary and strove to recall day by day that last awful voyage.","HPL" "id02106","And because mere walls and windows must soon drive to madness a man who dreams and reads much, the dweller in that room used night after night to lean out and peer aloft to glimpse some fragment of things beyond the waking world and the greyness of tall cities.","HPL" "id24546","I ate my breakfast with pleasure and was about to remove a plank to procure myself a little water when I heard a step, and looking through a small chink, I beheld a young creature, with a pail on her head, passing before my hovel.","MWS" "id10847","His very horse seemed to back from the fatal entrance; his dog, his faithful dog, lay moaning and supplicating in his path in a moment more, he had plunged the rowels into the sides of the stung animal, who bounded forward, and he, the gateway passed, was galloping up the broad and desart street.","MWS" "id08237","Convinced myself, I seek not to convince.","EAP" "id13047","Perdita was all sufficient to herself.","MWS" "id00924","Had it been possible to adduce fifty instead of five examples of bodies found floating at the end of two or three days, these fifty examples could still have been properly regarded only as exceptions to L'Etoile's rule, until such time as the rule itself should be confuted.","EAP" "id03985","De L'Omelette pressed his hand upon his heart, closed his eyes, raised them, and caught his Satanic Majesty in a blush.","EAP" "id22526","Having strown it with fir boughs, all now rested on it with drawn automatics, two relaxing while the third watched.","HPL" "id12278","I might be said even to love my enemies, since by exciting me they in a sort bestowed happiness upon me; Perdita almost disliked her friends, for they interfered with her visionary moods.","MWS" "id05430","I expressed a wish to visit England, but concealing the true reasons of this request, I clothed my desires under a guise which excited no suspicion, while I urged my desire with an earnestness that easily induced my father to comply.","MWS" "id02060","""As soon as the balloon quits the earth, it is subjected to the influence of many circumstances tending to create a difference in its weight; augmenting or diminishing its ascending power.","EAP" "id13225","The sun does not more certainly shine in the heavens than that which I now affirm is true.","MWS" "id14225","Combining with taste her remembrance of the edifices which she had seen in the east, and by an effort of genius enduing them with unity of design, she executed the plan which had been sent to the Protector.","MWS" "id00127","They found Gilman on the floor of his queerly angled old garret room long before dawn, for the terrible cry had brought Desrochers and Choynski and Dombrowski and Mazurewicz at once, and had even wakened the soundly sleeping Elwood in his chair.","HPL" "id26038","There are two bodies the rudimental and the complete; corresponding with the two conditions of the worm and the butterfly.","EAP" "id07260","Now this is the point.","EAP" "id18193","One seeks to recall the original beauty of the country, by adapting its means to the surrounding scenery; cultivating trees in harmony with the hills or plain of the neighboring land; detecting and bringing into practice those nice relations of size, proportion and color which, hid from the common observer, are revealed everywhere to the experienced student of nature.","EAP" "id17165","Then I noticed that I was not alone in the room and put the ray projector back in my pocket.","HPL" "id00866","I guess I done a bit by tellin' Selectman Mowry what I see from the cupalo.","HPL" "id08223","Voices began questioning Armitage about what he knew of the thing, and no reply seemed quite to satisfy.","HPL" "id02583","In the early evening we rose to the surface, and found the sea less heavy.","HPL" "id08795","I asked him, if he had ever seen among the troops any one resembling her; if since he had returned to Greece he had heard of her?","MWS" "id17140","I had to tell Harris because he owned the house and deserved to know what had gone out of it.","HPL" "id23676","A huge bucket with water stood at one extremity of the room, and a clock of stupendous dimensions at the other.","EAP" "id14161","It was the pursuit, the extension of the idea, which had engendered awe.","EAP" "id11065","It was the Yuletide, that men call Christmas though they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem and Babylon, older than Memphis and mankind.","HPL" "id07117","But your direction was northwards.","MWS" "id10459","Such places have strange properties, and the legacy of insane legend might well have acted on more than one human imagination amidst those dead, stench cursed streets and huddles of rotting roofs and crumbling steeples.","HPL" "id10914","It will have been, by that time, totally destroyed, at three different periods, by three successive earthquakes.","EAP" "id06410","Believing him just conscious after a fainting fit, I renewed my rapping, at the same time calling out my name reassuringly.","HPL" "id12091","Now, in my intense desire to probe into the dream life of Joe Slater, I sought these instruments again; and spent several days in repairing them for action.","HPL" "id22618","Let not these aspirations be attributed to vanity.","MWS" "id05187","Yet I must believe that my first mental development had in it much of the uncommon even much of the outre.","EAP" "id18844","Yes, that was the thing.","HPL" "id18487","I resolved to be guided by the paternal advice.","EAP" "id23346","You had mentioned Geneva as the name of your native town, and towards this place I resolved to proceed.","MWS" "id01040","Adrian took pity on my faltering mien: ""Come with me,"" he said, ""I have much to say to you; come home with me you know who I am?"" ""Yes,"" I exclaimed, ""I do believe that I now know you, and that you will pardon my mistakes my crime.""","MWS" "id02222","The diddler is not only surprised but vexed and incensed at the absurd behavior of his dog, and expresses his entire readiness to cancel the obligation at any moment when the evidence of the obligation shall be forthcoming.","EAP" "id10790","The antagonist having taken his seat, the exhibiter approaches the drawer of the box, and takes therefrom the cushion, which, after removing the pipe from the hand of the Automaton, he places under its left arm as a support.","EAP" "id18840","The figure, almost all of which the construction of the box permitted to be seen, was somewhat above the medium height, and nearly approached, without positively reaching, the majestic.","EAP" "id10041","""Why do you call to my remembrance,"" I rejoined, ""circumstances of which I shudder to reflect, that I have been the miserable origin and author?","MWS" "id05504","Occupying the whole southern face of the pentagon was the sole window an immense sheet of unbroken glass from Venice a single pane, and tinted of a leaden hue, so that the rays of either the sun or moon, passing through it, fell with a ghastly lustre on the objects within.","EAP" "id13971","Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution.","MWS" "id19253","His fit, nevertheless, finally subsided as before, and he began to act and speak in a rational way.","EAP" "id08844","Was my love blamable?","MWS" "id13660","My pets, of course, were made to feel the change in my disposition.","EAP" "id12251","This I have long seen, and therefore had thoughts of making you a lawyer.","EAP" "id14674","You saw the locks in question as well as myself.","EAP" "id14543","We looked at the picture which he presented.","EAP" "id16573","He shook with inconceivable agitation, and his eye glanced around in search of a gondola.","EAP" "id09187","But now also I began to reap the fruits of my perfect solitude.","MWS" "id20524","When, at length, we had concluded our examination, and the intense excitement of the time had, in some measure, subsided, Legrand, who saw that I was dying with impatience for a solution of this most extraordinary riddle, entered into a full detail of all the circumstances connected with it.","EAP" "id18480","Sometimes you may be stung with the feeling that you have wronged me, but the condolence of your relatives, the pity of the world, the complacency which the consciousness of your own immaculate innocence will bestow, will be excellent balm; me you will never see more"" Raymond moved towards the door.","MWS" "id26652","""What is the meaning of all this, Jup?"" I inquired.","EAP" "id22307","The soil was barren, scarcely affording pasture for a few miserable cows, and oatmeal for its inhabitants, which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy limbs gave tokens of their miserable fare.","MWS" "id09401","Sometimes she looked at Raymond, as if to say That it should be so At others her countenance expressed I will still do all I can to make you happy.","MWS" "id13424","Every one remarked her exhilaration of spirits; as all actions appear graceful in the eye of rank, her guests surrounded her applaudingly, although there was a sharpness in her laugh, and an abruptness in her sallies, which might have betrayed her secret to an attentive observer.","MWS" "id08807","One night as I listened to the discourse in the large square containing many statues, I felt a change; and perceived that I had at last a bodily form.","HPL" "id21431","For some minutes he remained speechless and motionless, looking incredulously at my friend with open mouth, and eyes that seemed starting from their sockets; then, apparently recovering himself in some measure, he seized a pen, and after several pauses and vacant stares, finally filled up and signed a check for fifty thousand francs, and handed it across the table to Dupin.","EAP" "id17108","So when I had finished reading I shook my host by the hand, and departed as a friend.","HPL" "id03638","Ten thousand years ago there stood by its shore the mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more.","HPL" "id21362","From what I have already said, you must know that I have had means of information about this matter means of which you could never have dreamed.","EAP" "id07525","The air of death and desertion was ghoulish, and the smell of fish almost insufferable; but I was resolved to let nothing deter me.","HPL" "id08821","The thing was done, and I put money in my purse.","EAP" "id13465","But these principles cannot be extended to the human organization, wherein there is a marked and radical difference in the construction, and, at all events, in the powers, of the right and left arms.","EAP" "id18817","He wrote to the address given, desiring to see the draughtsman, that such alterations might be made, as should be suggested in a consultation between him and the original conceiver.","MWS" "id27572","For a long time they had reigned over the city together, but when they had a son all three went away.","HPL" "id11104","The interior of the main compartment is lined throughout with cloth.","EAP" "id07316","Yes, divinity of the world, I read your characters in her looks and gesture; I heard your melodious voice echoed by her you prepared for us a soft and flowery path, all gentle thoughts adorned it your name, O Love, was not spoken, but you stood the Genius of the Hour, veiled, and time, but no mortal hand, might raise the curtain.","MWS" "id21949","I asked, ""Does Lady Idris love you?"" ""What a question,"" replied he laughing.","MWS" "id00813","In the meantime every moment threatened to be our last every mountainous billow hurried to overwhelm us.","EAP" "id19289","I had sagacity enough to discover that the unnatural hideousness of my person was the chief object of horror with those who had formerly beheld me.","MWS" "id02339","Sometimes they appeared to devour one another, the attacker launching itself at its victim and instantaneously obliterating the latter from sight.","HPL" "id17178","Elizabeth alone had the power to draw me from these fits; her gentle voice would soothe me when transported by passion and inspire me with human feelings when sunk in torpor.","MWS" "id00512","""The old man had, in the meantime, been pensive, but on the appearance of his companions he assumed a more cheerful air, and they sat down to eat.","MWS" "id13200","He strove to shelter her, as a fair exotic is sheltered by the gardener, from every rougher wind and to surround her with all that could tend to excite pleasurable emotion in her soft and benevolent mind.","MWS" "id26641","This I know to be a fact.","EAP" "id09217","At length we arrived at the harbour; it was agitated by the outward swell of the sea; the beach, as far could be discerned, was covered by a moving multitude, which, urged by those behind toward the sea, again rushed back as the heavy waves with sullen roar burst close to them.","MWS" "id15642","You perhaps will find some means to justify my poor guiltless Justine.","MWS" "id25006","I think I went mad then.","HPL" "id23888","Although her disposition was gay and in many respects inconsiderate, yet she paid the greatest attention to every gesture of my aunt.","MWS" "id00799","The verses, which were entitled ""The Haunted Palace,"" ran very nearly, if not accurately, thus: I.","EAP" "id03075","I may die, but in death I can never forget or desert my own Clara.","MWS" "id01818","Farther than this, little could be ascertained.","EAP" "id02437","There was no servant that was a settled point.","EAP" "id00643","As my authorship increased, I acquired new sympathies and pleasures.","MWS" "id23342","The shutters had been thrown back, and with a sensation of horror not to be described, I saw at the open window a figure the most hideous and abhorred.","MWS" "id19477","Altogether, Old Bugs was not pleasing to look upon.","HPL" "id05027","Although I thus readily accounted to my reason, if not altogether to my conscience, for the startling fact just detailed, it did not the less fail to make a deep impression upon my fancy.","EAP" "id23121","Neither could I forget what I had read of these pits that the sudden extinction of life formed no part of their most horrible plan.","EAP" "id18803","It had four inch horns, but a face and jaw something like yours and mine.""","HPL" "id06310","This appearance excited our unqualified wonder.","MWS" "id13770","One player holds in his hand a number of these toys, and demands of another whether that number is even or odd.","EAP" "id10578","It appears that about a hundred years before Mr. Ellison's coming of age, there had died, in a remote province, one Mr. Seabright Ellison.","EAP" "id07563","But even here there was very little upon which to base a conjecture.","EAP" "id13875","He would have used this, but for its volution about the corpse, the hitch which embarrassed it, and the reflection that it had not been 'torn off' from the garment.","EAP" "id10780","Oh, that some encouraging voice would answer in the affirmative My courage and my resolution is firm; but my hopes fluctuate, and my spirits are often depressed.","MWS" "id13926","To their Excellencies Von Underduk and Rub a dub, President and Vice President of the States' College of Astronomers, in the city of Rotterdam.","EAP" "id01086","Gilman tried to stop up the rat hole every day, but each night the real tenants of the partitions would gnaw away the obstruction, whatever it might be.","HPL" "id13422","There was nothing in this, however, to make him sob.","EAP" "id03018","He is fond of enigmas, of conundrums, of hieroglyphics; exhibiting in his solutions of each a degree of acumen which appears to the ordinary apprehension præternatural.","EAP" "id03854","The moon could not be seen at all, being nearly in my zenith.","EAP" "id22625","For a time Mercy could secure no more help, since the seven deaths and case of madness, all occurring within five years' space, had begun to set in motion the body of fireside rumour which later became so bizarre.","HPL" "id01039","He wrote this in a very ancient hand, and when I still hesitated he pulled from his loose robe a seal ring and a watch, both with my family arms, to prove that he was what he said.","HPL" "id23908","This time the creaking went along the hall and down the stairs, so I knew that the prowler had realised the bolted condition of my doors and was giving up his attempt for a greater or lesser time, as the future would shew.","HPL" "id06199","Condescend therefore to have patience with my ignorance, and to explain your wishes to me; in time I am certain that you will be satisfied.""","MWS" "id12276","Interest: Your diddler is guided by self interest.","EAP" "id13551","Here Mr. Crab again ""made great eyes,"" as we say in Germany, but at length, recovering himself from a profound attack of astonishment, he assured me that he employed the words ""Thomas Hawk"" to avoid the colloquialism, Tommy, which was low but that the true idea was Tommy Hawk or tomahawk and that by ""playing tomahawk"" he referred to scalping, brow beating and otherwise using up the herd of poor devil authors.","EAP" "id19937","Having rapidly taken notice of all this, I resumed the narrative of Sir Launcelot, which thus proceeded: ""And now, the champion, having escaped from the terrible fury of the dragon, bethinking himself of the brazen shield, and of the breaking up of the enchantment which was upon it, removed the carcass from out of the way before him, and approached valorously over the silver pavement of the castle to where the shield was upon the wall; which in sooth tarried not for his full coming, but feel down at his feet upon the silver floor, with a mighty great and terrible ringing sound.""","EAP" "id18542","You'll never know what the world has escaped.","HPL" "id04021","It was as though a house, launched by an avalanche, had slid down through the tangled growths of the almost vertical slope.","HPL" "id11085","It was quite dirty, you remember.","EAP" "id01266","There was no ship visible, as I had half expected there would be.","HPL" "id16633","The hand writing itself was exquisitely beautiful; there was something in her very paper and its folds, which even I, who did not love, and was withal unskilled in such matters, could discern as being tasteful.","MWS" "id26729","It was seen that, even at three per cent., the annual income of the inheritance amounted to no less than thirteen millions and five hundred thousand dollars; which was one million and one hundred and twenty five thousand per month; or thirty six thousand nine hundred and eighty six per day; or one thousand five hundred and forty one per hour; or six and twenty dollars for every minute that flew.","EAP" "id18774","There have been other ""voyages to the moon,"" but none of higher merit than the one just mentioned.","EAP" "id26884","Presently a window opens, and somebody pitches you a sixpence, with a request to ""Hush up and go on,"" etc.","EAP" "id19478","The stowage was clumsily done, and the vessel consequently crank.","EAP" "id13264","When he came to himself, we addressed ourselves again to an investigation of M. Valdemar's condition.","EAP" "id07993","Yet it is in your power to recompense me, and deliver them from an evil which it only remains for you to make so great, that not only you and your family, but thousands of others, shall be swallowed up in the whirlwinds of its rage.","MWS" "id00615","And inside that rusted iron strait jacket lurked gibbering hideousness, perversion, and diabolism.","HPL" "id06527","For the people of Ulthar were simple, and knew not whence it is all cats first came.","HPL" "id17511","I replied that I was going to Arkham, and apologised for my rude entry into his domicile, whereupon he continued.","HPL" "id21618","Captain Smitherton says that yesterday was Sunday: so it was; he is right.","EAP" "id05909","He did every thing I wished, and I found, upon getting up, that I could easily pass my head and neck through the aperture.","EAP" "id20518","I have sought in vain for sleep and rest; my lids refused to close, and my blood was for ever in a tumult.","MWS" "id09480","Upon the first discovery of the corpse, it was not supposed that the murderer would be able to elude, for more than a very brief period, the inquisition which was immediately set on foot.","EAP" "id08767","There in the moonlight that flooded the spacious plain was a spectacle which no mortal, having seen it, could ever forget.","HPL" "id27221","I determined to hazard a few words of conversation.","EAP" "id05224","The body was quite warm.","EAP" "id00709","When my father returned from Milan, he found playing with me in the hall of our villa a child fairer than pictured cherub a creature who seemed to shed radiance from her looks and whose form and motions were lighter than the chamois of the hills.","MWS" "id10585","Turning to the passage specified, he read it with great care to himself, then closed the book, and desired me, in my character of confidential acquaintance, to express to the Baron von Jung his exalted sense of his chivalrous behavior, and, in that of second, to assure him that the explanation offered was of the fullest, the most honorable, and the most unequivocally satisfactory nature.","EAP" "id01102","All these things, however, the Elder Ones only may decide; and meanwhile the morning mist still comes up by that lonely vertiginous peak with the steep ancient house, that grey low eaved house where none is seen but where evening brings furtive lights while the north wind tells of strange revels.","HPL" "id11588","As we rode up to the gate way, I perceived it slightly open, and the visage of a man peering through.","EAP" "id00291","Perdita, even where she loved, was reserved and timid; Idris was frank and confiding.","MWS" "id08902","As I arose from the attempt, the mystery of the alteration in the chamber broke at once upon my understanding.","EAP" "id03744","How had I deserved to be so blessed by such confessions?","EAP" "id01663","Perdita, shut up in herself, spoke little.","MWS" "id19977","I quickly destroyed part of my sledge to construct oars, and by these means was enabled, with infinite fatigue, to move my ice raft in the direction of your ship.","MWS" "id27305","But, then, the radicalness of these differences, which was excessive; the dirt; the soiled and torn condition of the paper, so inconsistent with the true methodical habits of D , and so suggestive of a design to delude the beholder into an idea of the worthlessness of the document; these things, together with the hyper obtrusive situation of this document, full in the view of every visiter, and thus exactly in accordance with the conclusions to which I had previously arrived; these things, I say, were strongly corroborative of suspicion, in one who came with the intention to suspect.","EAP" "id08035","The high and snowy mountains were its immediate boundaries, but I saw no more ruined castles and fertile fields.","MWS" "id05441","A moment later came the titanic thunderbolt of thunderbolts; blasting that accursed house of unutterable secrets and bringing the oblivion which alone saved my mind.","HPL" "id07302","So I will carefully don my diving suit and walk boldly up the steps into that primal shrine; that silent secret of unfathomed waters and uncounted years.","HPL" "id04910","I had been accustomed, during the night, to steal a part of their store for my own consumption, but when I found that in doing this I inflicted pain on the cottagers, I abstained and satisfied myself with berries, nuts, and roots which I gathered from a neighbouring wood.","MWS" "id19926","Men toiled at the grave in which I lay darkling.","EAP" "id00809","Later, I thought, they might aid me; but I did not want them then.","HPL" "id17536","It is certainly best not to compromise oneself by any concealment.""","MWS" "id25484","To our right the Acropolis rose high, spectatress of a thousand changes, of ancient glory, Turkish slavery, and the restoration of dear bought liberty; tombs and cenotaphs were strewed thick around, adorned by ever renewing vegetation; the mighty dead hovered over their monuments, and beheld in our enthusiasm and congregated numbers a renewal of the scenes in which they had been the actors.","MWS" "id07767","During her last struggle he felt something bite at his ankle, and saw that Brown Jenkin had come to her aid.","HPL" "id07418","He ees too seeck for doctair heemself seecker and seecker all the time but he weel not have no othair for help.","HPL" "id00288","The arms altogether were admirably modelled.","EAP" "id24527","I was not so sanguine as she as to the result of our voyage.","MWS" "id27077","This gentlemen had amassed a princely fortune, and, having no very immediate connexions, conceived the whim of suffering his wealth to accumulate for a century after his decease.","EAP" "id26264","There was some peculiarly abominable quality about them which made their destruction seem almost a duty, and Johansen shews ingenuous wonder at the charge of ruthlessness brought against his party during the proceedings of the court of inquiry.","HPL" "id25510","Mounting a chair, he attached one end of the rope to a hook in the great exposed central beam of black oak, and began making a noose with the other end.","HPL" "id01815","The baying was very faint now, and it ceased altogether as I approached the ancient grave I had once violated, and frightened away an abnormally large horde of bats which had been hovering curiously around it.","HPL" "id07774","Thus situated, employed in the most detestable occupation, immersed in a solitude where nothing could for an instant call my attention from the actual scene in which I was engaged, my spirits became unequal; I grew restless and nervous.","MWS" "id27145","I was new to sorrow, but it did not the less alarm me.","MWS" "id06884","It was clear to me that the letter had been turned, as a glove, inside out, re directed, and re sealed.","EAP" "id12695","My balloon was soon completed.","EAP" "id10897","Nevertheless is he confirmed in his instinctive opinions, by the concurrence of all his compeers.","EAP" "id26882","The day was pleasant, but even in the brightest sunlight a kind of quiet dread and portent seemed to hover about the strangely domed hills and the deep, shadowy ravines of the stricken region.","HPL" "id08824","I had been looking steadily at the top of this hogshead for some minutes, and what now caused me surprise was the fact that I had not sooner perceived the object thereupon.","EAP" "id10399","Scoffing devil Again do I vow vengeance; again do I devote thee, miserable fiend, to torture and death.","MWS" "id13411","Having gone as far as possible in this direction, a sudden turn was made to the left, and the vehicle was driven at right angles to its former course, and still closely along the edge of the table.","EAP" "id25221","It is needless to say that a very short time sufficed us to lose sight of the coast.","EAP" "id05942","I shall ask him when I see him, for I expect to meet him shortly in a certain dream city we both used to haunt.","HPL" "id08275","I imagined that they would be disgusted, until, by my gentle demeanour and conciliating words, I should first win their favour and afterwards their love.","MWS" "id26033","Past, present, future, all are one in Yog Sothoth.","HPL" "id02165","He then bowed and departed.","EAP" "id15603","I pictured to myself a lovely river such as that on whose banks Dante describes Mathilda gathering flowers, which ever flows bruna, bruna, Sotto l'ombra perpetua, che mai Raggiar non lascia sole ivi, ne Luna.","MWS" "id18567","These were wild and miserable thoughts, but I cannot describe to you how the eternal twinkling of the stars weighed upon me and how I listened to every blast of wind as if it were a dull ugly siroc on its way to consume me.","MWS" "id19191","Policemen appeared at the door, attracted by the noise, but for a time they made no move to intervene.","HPL" "id20205","The plague is in London; the air of England is tainted, and her sons and daughters strew the unwholesome earth.","MWS" "id24009","One morning at breakfast I came close to disaster by declaiming in palpably liquorish accents an effusion of eighteenth century Bacchanalian mirth; a bit of Georgian playfulness never recorded in a book, which ran something like this: Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale, And drink to the present before it shall fail; Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef, For 'tis eating and drinking that bring us relief: So fill up your glass, For life will soon pass; When you're dead ye'll ne'er drink to your king or your lass Anacreon had a red nose, so they say; But what's a red nose if ye're happy and gay?","HPL" "id20436","Astounding News by Express, via Norfolk The Atlantic crossed in Three Days Signal Triumph of Mr. Monck Mason's Flying Machine Arrival at Sullivan's Island, near Charlestown, S.C., of Mr. Mason, Mr. Robert Holland, Mr. Henson, Mr. Harrison Ainsworth, and four others, in the Steering Balloon, ""Victoria,"" after a passage of Seventy five Hours from Land to Land Full Particulars of the Voyage The subjoined jeu d'esprit with the preceding heading in magnificent capitals, well interspersed with notes of admiration, was originally published, as matter of fact, in the ""New York Sun,"" a daily newspaper, and therein fully subserved the purpose of creating indigestible aliment for the quidnuncs during the few hours intervening between a couple of the Charleston mails.","EAP" "id05828","In the later dreams he began to distinguish separate categories into which the organic objects appeared to be divided, and which seemed to involve in each case a radically different species of conduct pattern and basic motivation.","HPL" "id01684","That is the Orontes, and it is the only water in sight, with the exception of the Mediterranean, which stretches, like a broad mirror, about twelve miles off to the southward.","EAP" "id21427","This derivative, to say the truth, is still countenanced by some traces of the electric fluid evident on the summit of the steeple of the House of the Town Council.","EAP" "id07020","We perceived the effect of this manoeuvre immediately, in a vastly increased rate of progress; and, as the gale freshened, we flew with a velocity nearly inconceivable; the guide rope flying out behind the car, like a streamer from a vessel.","EAP" "id01194","""Wonderful genius"" said the Quarterly.","EAP" "id04316","He bowed as I presented it; then, with a grave countenance, motioned me to a seat.","EAP" "id00982","But when questioned, Slater relapsed into the habitual vacancy of the mountaineer, and only reiterated what he had said on the preceding day.","HPL" "id19051","I can scarcely say why.","EAP" "id20308","The bodies of fat and fleshy persons, with small bones, and of women generally, are lighter than those of the lean and large boned, and of men; and the specific gravity of the water of a river is somewhat influenced by the presence of the tide from sea.","EAP" "id25116","These were the words upon whose mystical meaning I had so long pondered, rejecting the explanations of the priesthood, until Death himself resolved for me the secret.","EAP" "id08906","Could they thrust back from the path of distinction and laudable ambition, the heir of their ancient kings, and heap another disappointment on a fallen house.","MWS" "id27206","My immediate purpose is to lead you to place in juxtaposition, that very unusual activity of which I have just spoken with that very peculiar shrill or harsh and unequal voice, about whose nationality no two persons could be found to agree, and in whose utterance no syllabification could be detected.""","EAP" "id10663","As the men of Sarnath beheld more of the beings of Ib their hate grew, and it was not less because they found the beings weak, and soft as jelly to the touch of stones and spears and arrows.","HPL" "id15262","It came, apparently, from the barn; and was quickly followed by a hideous screaming and stamping amongst the cattle.","HPL" "id26475","My own impressions I would not pretend to render intelligible to the reader.","EAP" "id03408","In another instant I was knocked from my gruesome bench by the devilish threshing of some unseen entity of titanic size but undetermined nature; knocked sprawling on the root clutched mould of that abhorrent graveyard, while from the tomb came such a stifled uproar of gasping and whirring that my fancy peopled the rayless gloom with Miltonic legions of the misshapen damned.","HPL" "id15265","In this year the servant Mehitabel died, and the other servant, Preserved Smith, left without coherent explanation or at least, with only some wild tales and a complaint that he disliked the smell of the place.","HPL" "id06200","""I now replaced the nail and regarded it attentively.","EAP" "id03070","You will find him at Dunkeld; gentle and tractable he wanders up the hills, and through the wood, or sits listening beside the waterfall.","MWS" "id21766","You know it's always ben a kind of mystery where the Marshes get the gold they refine.","HPL" "id07770","Cotton Mather, in that daemoniac sixth book which no one should read after dark, minced no words as he flung forth his anathema.","HPL" "id11039","In Death we have both learned the propensity of man to define the indefinable.","EAP" "id12174","I soon found him of weak intellect, and, of course, marked him as a fitting subject for my skill.","EAP" "id10744","We are below the river's bed.","EAP" "id20097","In winter it would be in the east, but mostly if in the small hours of morning.","HPL" "id26071","And in the direction or concentration of this effort or, more properly, in its adaptation to the eyes which were to behold it on earth he perceived that he should be employing the best means laboring to the greatest advantage in the fulfilment, not only of his own destiny as poet, but of the august purposes for which the Deity had implanted the poetic sentiment in man.","EAP" "id21484","Alas to what loathsome shifts must I be driven?","MWS" "id01652","Interruptions are annoying and should undoubtedly be abolished don't you think so? no reply, I beg you, one person is enough to be speaking at a time.","EAP" "id07315","After Barry had told me these things I was very drowsy, for the travels of the day had been wearying and my host had talked late into the night.","HPL" "id24951","""Do not deceive yourself,"" replied Raymond, ""the separation at hand is one over which I have no control; most near at hand is it; the days are already counted.","MWS" "id05674","When we flatter ourselves that we have formed its conception, we have merely deceived our understanding by the consideration of infinitely rarified matter.","EAP" "id02496","It was also evident that, by exertion of a very unusual degree of activity and courage, an entrance into the window, from the rod, might have been thus effected.","EAP" "id04213","His friends remembered him as a brilliant vision which would never again return to them.","MWS" "id16853","Any mechanical arrangement which would cause the figure to move, in any given manner, the left arm could, if reversed, cause it to move, in the same manner, the right.","EAP" "id05383","I never saw any woman who excited, as Elizabeth does, my warmest admiration and affection.","MWS" "id07400","Something told him that it was not its real evils that lay heavily at her heart, but the debasement and disgrace attendant on it; as he talked, he divested it of these; sometimes speaking of her fortitude with energetic praise; then, alluding to her past state, he called her his Princess in disguise.","MWS" "id03144","One evening a numerous assembly of Greek chieftains were gathered together in the palace.","MWS" "id13417","He was alone, examining some petitions lately presented.","MWS" "id21843","I am practically industrious painstaking, a workman to execute with perseverance and labour but besides this there is a love for the marvellous, a belief in the marvellous, intertwined in all my projects, which hurries me out of the common pathways of men, even to the wild sea and unvisited regions I am about to explore.","MWS" "id08597","On June , Seamen Bohm and Schmidt, who had been ill the day before, became violently insane.","HPL" "id17602","But now, he who dies finds many companions gone before to prepare for his reception.","MWS" "id13713","He meditated on what was best to be done.","MWS" "id10842","Maybe the Innsmouth folks like 'em to look at themselves Gawd knows they've gotten to be about as bad as South Sea cannibals and Guinea savages.","HPL" "id07700","For what really occurred, however, it is quite impossible that any human being could have been prepared.","EAP" "id08618","There then in that castle in Windsor Castle, birth place of Idris and my babes, should be the haven and retreat for the wrecked bark of human society.","MWS" "id26560","But you forget that the matter of which I speak is, in all respects, the very ""mind"" or ""spirit"" of the schools, so far as regards its high capacities, and is, moreover, the ""matter"" of these schools at the same time.","EAP" "id23624","Told abaout an island east of Otaheité whar they was a lot o' stone ruins older'n anybody knew anything abaout, kind o' like them on Ponape, in the Carolines, but with carvin's of faces that looked like the big statues on Easter Island.","HPL" "id20826","It required all her self command, to suppress the gush of tears self pity caused at this idea.","MWS" "id02028","Soon after this he inquired if I thought that the breaking up of the ice had destroyed the other sledge.","MWS" "id02063","""D , I presume, is not altogether a fool, and, if not, must have anticipated these waylayings, as a matter of course.""","EAP" "id02251","""Name it, my beloved, my Eugenie, my own name it but, alas it is already yielded ere named.""","EAP" "id06420","That the plague was not what is commonly called contagious, like the scarlet fever, or extinct small pox, was proved.","MWS" "id26231","If there is a chasm our mutual love will give us wings to pass it, and we shall find flowers, and verdure, and delight on the other side.""","MWS" "id12917","The Prefect was fond of the cant of diplomacy.","EAP" "id15778","I am convinced, that had the myriad troops of Asia come from over the Propontis, and stood defenders of the Golden City, each and every Greek would have marched against the overwhelming numbers, and have devoted himself with patriotic fury for his country.","MWS" "id15474","That night the wanderers left Ulthar, and were never seen again.","HPL" "id03492","But I am ambitious of signalizing my abdication of the literary sceptre by some important bequest to posterity; and, perhaps, I cannot do a better thing than just pen for it an account of my earlier career.","EAP" "id15547","""I have copies of these letters, for I found means, during my residence in the hovel, to procure the implements of writing; and the letters were often in the hands of Felix or Agatha.","MWS" "id22783","I eagerly seized the prize and returned with it to my hovel.","MWS" "id04328","So, too, as we sailed the next day away from Holland to our home, we thought we heard the faint distant baying of some gigantic hound in the background.","HPL" "id06569","This path was excessively sinuous, and as the sun could not be seen, I soon lost all idea of the direction in which I journeyed.","EAP" "id10356","What I wrote it is unnecessary to say.","EAP" "id10023","I will hover near and direct the steel aright.","MWS" "id14015","This was unreasonable, and I told him so in a speech of some length.","EAP" "id14220","It was about five months after this return home, that her friends were alarmed by her sudden disappearance for the second time.","EAP" "id00532","They had all kinds o' cities on the sea bottom, an' this island was heaved up from thar.","HPL" "id17093","In this progress, I took notice that no sight of the out houses could be obtained.","EAP" "id17647","And the lips of the dead lotos faces whispered sadly, and bade me follow, nor did I cease my steps till the stream became a river, and joined amidst marshes of swaying reeds and beaches of gleaming sand the shore of a vast and nameless sea.","HPL" "id13854","Clara, though only twelve years old, was rendered, through extreme sensibility, so prudent and careful, that I felt secure in entrusting the charge of him to her, and it was my task to prevent Idris from observing their absence.","MWS" "id20607","Spoke to day the magnetic cutter in charge of the middle section of floating telegraph wires.","EAP" "id19384","I am not now writing a treatise, but simply prefacing a somewhat peculiar narrative by observations very much at random; I will, therefore, take occasion to assert that the higher powers of the reflective intellect are more decidedly and more usefully tasked by the unostentatious game of draughts than by all the elaborate frivolity of chess.","EAP" "id19496","Raymond had never visited the dwellings of want, and the scene that now presented itself struck him to the heart.","MWS" "id03315","The sentence in question has but one meaning, as it stands; and this meaning I have fairly stated: but it is material that we go behind the mere words, for an idea which these words have obviously intended, and failed to convey.","EAP" "id10176","You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair.","MWS" "id03611","To clear my ideas on this topic I felt in my pocket for my snuff box, but, upon getting it, and endeavoring to apply a pinch of its grateful contents in the ordinary manner, I became immediately aware of my peculiar deficiency, and threw the box at once down to my head.","EAP" "id25220","There, Margaret, the sun is forever visible, its broad disk just skirting the horizon and diffusing a perpetual splendour.","MWS" "id07290","I forced the last stone into its position; I plastered it up.","EAP" "id06969","Whether I believe them now I honestly do not know.","HPL" "id04225","It was suspected that the Turks, finding themselves possessed of so illustrious a captive, resolved to satisfy their cruelty rather than their avarice, and fearful of the interference of England, had come to the determination of concealing for ever the cold blooded murder of the soldier they most hated and feared in the squadrons of their enemy.","MWS" "id15418","Cast away the hearts of tigers that burn in your breasts; throw down those tools of cruelty and hate; in this pause of exterminating destiny, let each man be brother, guardian, and stay to the other.","MWS" "id08760","From the latter from the data the second step of the question, dependent thereupon, inevitably follows.","EAP" "id14637","The interior of the figure, as seen through these apertures, appears to be crowded with machinery.","EAP" "id05113","Oh believe me, if you beheld on lips pale with grief one smile of joy and gratitude, and knew that you were parent of that smile, and that without you it had never been, you would feel so pure and warm a happiness that you would wish to live for ever again and again to enjoy the same pleasure.","MWS" "id19719","First of all I dismembered the corpse.","EAP" "id25617","But he steadied me with that terrible, ice cold claw, and once more made his insidious gesture.","HPL" "id10831","No one, even those who have the facts concerning the recent horror, can say just what is the matter with Dunwich; though old legends speak of unhallowed rites and conclaves of the Indians, amidst which they called forbidden shapes of shadow out of the great rounded hills, and made wild orgiastic prayers that were answered by loud crackings and rumblings from the ground below.","HPL" "id07540","Despite my most careful searches and investigations, I have never since been able to find the Rue d'Auseil.","HPL" "id10866","This person introduced, or at all events propagated what was termed the deductive or a priori mode of investigation.","EAP" "id21249","Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued; for the vast house and its shadows were alone behind me.","EAP" "id16741","Then the trees thinned, and far below him on his right he saw the hills and antique roofs and spires of Kingsport.","HPL" "id12203","Let them prosecute and persecute above ground things went on every day that they couldn't reach, and voices laughed at night that they couldn't place ""Why, man, out of ten surviving houses built before and not moved since I'll wager that in eight I can shew you something queer in the cellar.","HPL" "id05685","But the looked for terror did not appear.","HPL" "id06024","Business is business, and should be done in a business way.","EAP" "id02029","You will observe that, for this reason, the mystery has been considered easy, when, for this reason, it should have been considered difficult, of solution.","EAP" "id26013","It was said that the swart men who dwelt in The Street and congregated in its rotting edifices were the brains of a hideous revolution; that at their word of command many millions of brainless, besotted beasts would stretch forth their noisome talons from the slums of a thousand cities, burning, slaying, and destroying till the land of our fathers should be no more.","HPL" "id12951","""One word more concerning unkind, unjust Perdita.","MWS" "id11665","Little could be got from the survivors; but their cautious answers caused it to be surmised that several expeditions had preceded this last, and that several Turks of rank and importance had been conveyed to Asia.","MWS" "id17782","I revolved a thousand and a thousand plans.","MWS" "id23829","Besides, upon the back of the trinket you may discover, perhaps, the very information you seem to desire.","EAP" "id27643","What indeed could he reply to her complaints, to her griefs which she jealously paled round, keeping out all thought of remedy.","MWS" "id01366","There was an epoch in the course of the general sentiment when the comet had attained, at length, a size surpassing that of any previously recorded visitation.","EAP" "id19696","A light birch canoe that lay placidly on the water, was reflected in its minutest fibres with a fidelity unsurpassed by the most exquisitely polished mirror.","EAP" "id20046","My fortunes have been, from the beginning, an exemplification of the power that mutability may possess over the varied tenor of man's life.","MWS" "id16565","If he were vanquished, I should be a free man.","MWS" "id06992","Now the thing stands thus.","EAP" "id24316","We entered, and as we did so I grew faint from a reek of infinite mustiness which welled out to meet us, and which must have been the fruit of unwholesome centuries of decay.","HPL" "id10164","""Thar's whar it all begun that cursed place of all wickedness whar the deep water starts.","HPL" "id08109","I felt myself on the edge of the world; peering over the rim into a fathomless chaos of eternal night.","HPL" "id26892","I sat by his bed, watching him; his eyes were closed, and I thought he slept; but presently he called to me in a feeble voice, and bidding me come near, said, ""Alas The strength I relied on is gone; I feel that I shall soon die, and he, my enemy and persecutor, may still be in being.","MWS" "id08277","The boy was not talkative, yet when he spoke he seemed to reflect some elusive element wholly unpossessed by Dunwich and its denizens.","HPL" "id12501","We visited the wondrous cave and the little cabinets of natural history, where the curiosities are disposed in the same manner as in the collections at Servox and Chamounix.","MWS" "id21340","The room in which I found myself was very large and lofty.","EAP" "id12931","But how are we to judge of airs, and pronounce in such a city plague will die unproductive; in such another, nature has provided for it a plentiful harvest?","MWS" "id22192","Overjoyed at this discovery, he hastened to the house, which was situated in a mean street near the Reuss.","MWS" "id02628","Looking about me, I beheld many marble slabs bearing coffins, or the remains of coffins.","HPL" "id20679","I says I didn't do no pryin' arter that night but I faound things aout jest the same ""Yew want to know what the reel horror is, hey?","HPL" "id20215","If he dies with me it is well, and there will be an end of two miserable beings; and if he will not, then will I scoff at his friendship and drink the poison before him to shame his cowardice.","MWS" "id15966","One word more on this topic and I will be done boring you.","EAP" "id21099","Even the source of colonies was dried up, for in New Holland, Van Diemen's Land, and the Cape of Good Hope, plague raged.","MWS" "id12024","So blended bank and shadow there That each seemed pendulous in air so mirror like was the glassy water, that it was scarcely possible to say at what point upon the slope of the emerald turf its crystal dominion began.","EAP" "id20835","The arms stirred disquietingly, the legs drew up, and various muscles contracted in a repulsive kind of writhing.","HPL" "id07353","That suggestive patch, by the way, was only faintly visible when we placed our furniture and instruments, and when we returned that evening for the actual vigil.","HPL" "id14996","Heavy misfortunes have befallen us, but let us only cling closer to what remains and transfer our love for those whom we have lost to those who yet live.","MWS" "id12146","Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit.","EAP" "id13613","He entered attentively into all my arguments in favour of my eventual success and into every minute detail of the measures I had taken to secure it.","MWS" "id02799","Sometimes one feels that it would be merciful to tear down these houses, for they must often dream.","HPL" "id06948","She never complained, but sleep and appetite fled from her, a slow fever preyed on her veins, her colour was hectic, and she often wept in secret; gloomy prognostications, care, and agonizing dread, ate up the principle of life within her.","MWS" "id08964","It occasionally happens, however, that the concerto yells are succeeded by a simultaneous effort at breaking loose, when, of course, some little danger is to be apprehended.""","EAP" "id02953","I can shew you houses that have stood two centuries and a half and more; houses that have witnessed what would make a modern house crumble into powder.","HPL" "id26254","Her small, bare, and silvery feet gleamed in the black mirror of marble beneath her.","EAP" "id03852","That the body was found without weight is also corroborative of the idea.","EAP" "id01547","Besides, there were two voices heard in contention, and one of them was unquestionably the voice of a Frenchman.""","EAP" "id22286","These latter did not extend to the floor, but were much longer and narrower than usual they had single shutters like doors the panes were of lozenge form, but quite large.","EAP" "id09879","I positively felt a wish to explore its depths, even at the sacrifice I was going to make; and my principal grief was that I should never be able to tell my old companions on shore about the mysteries I should see.","EAP" "id17406","With that thought I rolled my eves nervously around on the barriers of iron that hemmed me in.","EAP" "id16544","It was not like the very old folk to spare their victims at the Sabbath.","HPL" "id07506","From the side where I now stood Montanvert was exactly opposite, at the distance of a league; and above it rose Mont Blanc, in awful majesty.","MWS" "id10090","I had lived in what is generally called the world of reality, and it was awakening to a new country to find that there was a deeper meaning in all I saw, besides that which my eyes conveyed to me.","MWS" "id15918","More than ever Kuranes wished to sail in a galley to the far places of which he had heard so many strange tales, and he sought again the captain who had agreed to carry him so long ago.","HPL" "id14398","I fear you have mesmerized"" adding immediately afterwards, ""deferred it too long.""","EAP" "id05893","I have traversed a vast portion of the earth and have endured all the hardships which travellers in deserts and barbarous countries are wont to meet.","MWS" "id00070","Yet, even then, I have checked thick coming fears with one thought; I would not fear death, for the emotions that linked us must be immortal.","MWS" "id06099","An unnatural excess of oxygen would result, it had been ascertained in just such an elevation of the animal spirits as we had latterly experienced.","EAP" "id13574","But I was sorely put out by the absence of all else of the body to my imagined instrument of the text for my context.""","EAP" "id25379","I, the elder of the two, was five years old when my mother died.","MWS" "id15515","By the learned in what might be termed theological morality they will be readily conceived, and by the unlearned they would, at all events, be little understood.","EAP" "id20064","She was a Roman Catholic; and I believe her confessor confirmed the idea which she had conceived.","MWS" "id14115","May God grant that we succeed I ask not success for mere safety to my insignificant person, but for the sake of human knowledge and for the vastness of the triumph.","EAP" "id01953","""These thoughts exhilarated me and led me to apply with fresh ardour to the acquiring the art of language.","MWS" "id22540","But memory never died, and high priests said that the city would rise again when the stars were right.","HPL" "id22889","In short, we are madly erring, through self esteem, in believing man, in either his temporal or future destinies, to be of more moment in the universe than that vast ""clod of the valley"" which he tills and contemns, and to which he denies a soul for no more profound reason than that he does not behold it in operation.","EAP" "id06206","Professor Angell's instant start on an investigation of the utmost thoroughness was eminently natural; though privately I suspected young Wilcox of having heard of the cult in some indirect way, and of having invented a series of dreams to heighten and continue the mystery at my uncle's expense.","HPL" "id10846","""What d'ye think o' this ain't never see the like hereabouts, eh?","HPL" "id06591","The native modesty of his disposition conquered the joy of his triumph.","MWS" "id09719","Penniless, and at the end of my supply of the drug which alone makes life endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall cast myself from this garret window into the squalid street below.","HPL" "id26053","We then conversed on the plan I should pursue, and discussed the probable means of discovering his residence.","MWS" "id15255","Of late years however, an anonymous writer, by a course of reasoning exceedingly unphilosophical, has contrived to blunder upon a plausible solution although we cannot consider it altogether the true one.","EAP" "id10116","But I need not vex you with impertinent details.","EAP" "id19344","I adopted another plan.","MWS" "id06473","She had been reserved and even stern in childhood; but love had softened the asperities of her character, and her union with Raymond had caused her talents and affections to unfold themselves; the one betrayed, and the other lost, she in some degree returned to her ancient disposition.","MWS" "id11063","They had devoured, in spite of all my efforts to prevent them, all but a small remnant of the contents of the dish.","EAP" "id02813","After he had secured my reluctant acquiescence in his design, Warren picked up the reel of wire and adjusted the instruments.","HPL" "id14581","Still Talbot would not return.","EAP" "id19085","The plague is now in progress it is useless closing one's eyes to the fact the deaths encrease each week.","MWS" "id05606","My head ached, and I fancied a ringing in my ears: but still they sat and still chatted.","EAP" "id23852","Various and eventful, however, had been the peregrinations of the worthy couple in and about the different tap houses of the neighbourhood during the earlier hours of the night.","EAP" "id03259","They endeavoured to picture forth what would then happen, and spoke in lofty terms of the prosperity of Greece, when Constantinople should become its capital.","MWS" "id17382","Next year I may be dwelling in the dark Egypt which you call ancient, or in the cruel empire of Tsan Chan which is to come three thousand years hence.","HPL" "id16589","""I take it for granted that she is not particularly not dangerously affected, eh?"" ""Mon dieu what is it you imagine?","EAP" "id14121","His lips and cheeks were fuzzy with a coarse dark down, and his voice had begun to break.","HPL" "id19226","Margaret, what comment can I make on the untimely extinction of this glorious spirit?","MWS" "id24518","Then we had the 'Confessions of an Opium eater' fine, very fine glorious imagination deep philosophy acute speculation plenty of fire and fury, and a good spicing of the decidedly unintelligible.","EAP" "id24306","As I hung back, the old man produced his stylus and tablet and wrote that he was the true deputy of my fathers who had founded the Yule worship in this ancient place; that it had been decreed I should come back, and that the most secret mysteries were yet to be performed.","HPL" "id18878","I say ""at will;"" for the question is of will, and not, as the insanity of logic has assumed, of power.","EAP" "id16507","WHATEVER doubt may still envelop the rationale of mesmerism, its startling facts are now almost universally admitted.","EAP" "id21011","The old woman shuddered, she contrived at length to sit upright; but her teeth chattered, and her knees knocked together close, very close, lay a half naked figure, just discernible in the gloom, and the cry for water and the stifled moan were again uttered.","MWS" "id25260","His discourse was addressed to myself; but his voice, although by no means loud, had that intonation which is commonly employed in speaking to some one at a great distance.","EAP" "id05630","His frightened horse had gone home, but his frightened wits never quite did that.","HPL" "id08600","He was then seemingly dead; but he sat nearly erect within his coffin, the lid of which, in his furious struggles, he had partially uplifted.","EAP" "id21531","Then the lids opened, shewing eyes which were grey, calm, and alive, but still unintelligent and not even curious.","HPL" "id27390","As her strength grew less, I lifted her from the ground; her emaciated form hung over my arm, her sunken cheek rested on my breast; in a sepulchral voice she murmured: ""This is the end of love Yet not the end"" and frenzy lent her strength as she cast her arm up to heaven: ""there is the end there we meet again.","MWS" "id03547","We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed.","MWS" "id09870","The next day I ascended to the conning tower and commenced the customary searchlight explorations.","HPL" "id23924","What I saw or fancied I saw was a disturbing suggestion of undulant motion far to the south; a suggestion which made me conclude that a very large horde must be pouring out of the city along the level Ipswich road.","HPL" "id02094","Of old navies used to stem the giant ocean waves betwixt Indus and the Pole for slight articles of luxury.","MWS" "id18394","In going out, she gave notice to a Monsieur Jacques St. Eustache, and to him only, of her intent intention to spend the day with an aunt who resided in the Rue des Drômes.","EAP" "id23083","A poverty but little above the level of dire want, together with a pride of name that forbids its alleviation by the pursuits of commercial life, have prevented the scions of our line from maintaining their estates in pristine splendour; and the falling stones of the walls, the overgrown vegetation in the parks, the dry and dusty moat, the ill paved courtyards, and toppling towers without, as well as the sagging floors, the worm eaten wainscots, and the faded tapestries within, all tell a gloomy tale of fallen grandeur.","HPL" "id14795","He spoke of the flame eyed Crusader who learnt wild secrets of the Saracens that held him captive; and of the first Sir Randolph Carter who studied magic when Elizabeth was queen.","HPL" "id07473","I do not know that the relation of my disasters will be useful to you; yet, when I reflect that you are pursuing the same course, exposing yourself to the same dangers which have rendered me what I am, I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale, one that may direct you if you succeed in your undertaking and console you in case of failure.","MWS" "id02192","Raymond had joined in the former part of the discussion.","MWS" "id09771","I read of men concerned in public affairs, governing or massacring their species.","MWS" "id05792","We may guess that in dreams life, matter, and vitality, as the earth knows such things, are not necessarily constant; and that time and space do not exist as our waking selves comprehend them.","HPL" "id24575","The disturbances were the preparations for his subsequently conceived deathful condition.","EAP" "id25838","The nightmare was quick to come; for as I entered, there occurred immediately one of the most terrifying demonstrations I had ever conceived.","HPL" "id07988","His voice, usually gentle, often startled you by a sharp discordant note, which shewed that his usual low tone was rather the work of study than nature.","MWS" "id15499","""The name of the old man was De Lacey.","MWS" "id11428","For many hours the immediate vicinity of the low framework upon which I lay, had been literally swarming with rats.","EAP" "id18715","Come, Mister Randy, or Hannah wun't keep supper no longer"" So Randolph Carter was marched up the road where wondering stars glimmered through high autumn boughs.","HPL" "id00283","""I have sinned c'est vrai but, my good sir, consider you have no actual intention of putting such such barbarous threats into execution.""","EAP" "id08704","Now here, I conceive, is a positive paradox.","EAP" "id19906","Pompey arose, and said no word.","EAP" "id08106","You mos not trink it so strong you mos put te water in te wine.","EAP" "id16419","By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me, and I continued my journey towards Geneva.","MWS" "id00913","Rushing to the corpse, I saw distinctly saw a tremor upon the lips.","EAP" "id27793","He lost no time in endeavouring to seek him out, with the hope of persuading him to begin the world again through his credit and assistance.","MWS" "id18519","It was from my own Elizabeth: ""My dearest Cousin, ""You have been ill, very ill, and even the constant letters of dear kind Henry are not sufficient to reassure me on your account.","MWS" "id13366","Friendship, hand in hand with admiration, tenderness and respect, built a bower of delight in my heart, late rough as an untrod wild in America, as the homeless wind or herbless sea.","MWS" "id06700","In this excursion I was attended by one negro servant, Pompey, and my little lap dog Diana, whom I had brought with me from Philadelphia.","EAP" "id25074","He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet.","HPL" "id23589","""There is another point at which there seems a deficiency of observation on the part of Le Commerciel.","EAP" "id26811","I may be absent a month or two; but do not interfere with my motions, I entreat you; leave me to peace and solitude for a short time; and when I return, I hope it will be with a lighter heart, more congenial to your own temper.""","MWS" "id07051","Why should he seek to avenge the death of poor Michel Mauvais, and how had the curse been carried on through all the long centuries since the time of Charles Le Sorcier?","HPL" "id08147","My heart no longer beat wildly; I did not feel any fever: but I was chilled; my knees sunk under me I almost slept as I walked with excess of weariness; every limb trembled.","MWS" "id27635","I followed the windings of this pass with much interest.","EAP" "id01895","I was more agile than they and could subsist upon coarser diet; I bore the extremes of heat and cold with less injury to my frame; my stature far exceeded theirs.","MWS" "id14802","The pretended lunatic was a man in my own pay.""","EAP" "id07900","And them men them can't be niggers they dew beat all.","HPL" "id14020","However this might be, the haughty Countess entrusted none with the secrets of her family tuition.","MWS" "id04868","This was said in a low, fluctuating tone, and with every sign of the most profound veneration.","EAP" "id16730","Never could they realise that their brute foundations were as shifting and contradictory as the gods of their elders, and that the satisfaction of one moment is the bane of the next.","HPL" "id12214","Twice again it swung, and a sharp sense of pain shot through every nerve.","EAP" "id06101","I heard them in my youth from the lips of a playmate, a beggar's boy given to strange dreams, who would weave long tales about the moon and the flowers and the west wind.","HPL" "id17608","D rushed to a casement, threw it open, and looked out.","EAP" "id24236","West and I were almost dead, and Dr. Halsey did die on the th.","HPL" "id07859","His stature was gaunt and tall, and Legs was confounded to behold in him a figure more emaciated than himself.","EAP" "id20503","Communication had been to a great degree cut off through the paralyzing effects of pestilence, so that the van of our invaders had proceeded as far as Manchester and Derby, before we received notice of their arrival.","MWS" "id26543","I had imposed a law of silence on myself; and for months I have kept it.","MWS" "id08316","It was partly human, beyond a doubt, with very man like hands and head, and the goatish, chinless face had the stamp of the Whateleys upon it.","HPL" "id18736","All this done, and your diddler grins.","EAP" "id08741","When I found so astonishing a power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time concerning the manner in which I should employ it.","MWS" "id05059","How long it might require to evoke and extinguish the thing, we had no notion.","HPL" "id13338","There was not, I soon decided, any reason why I should have felt that shuddering touch of evil pseudo memory.","HPL" "id17584","It was not easy to find a good opening for two doctors in company, but finally the influence of the university secured us a practice in Bolton a factory town near Arkham, the seat of the college.","HPL" "id20354","Say don't you think so? perfect despera a ado great pity, 'pon my honor wonderfully inventive age pro o odigies of valor By the by, did you ever hear about Captain Ma a a a n?"" ""Captain Mann be d d"" said I; ""please to go on with your story.""","EAP" "id09773","The villagers had shunned the car and the driver from the north, but had whispered to me with pale faces when they saw I was going to Kilderry.","HPL" "id09651","I stand here, it would seem, an elected king; this hand is about to grasp a sceptre; these brows feel in each nerve the coming diadem.","MWS" "id03469","A burning thirst consumed me, and I emptied the vessel at a draught.","EAP" "id04788","Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms.","MWS" "id07112","I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel; finding that he was unemployed in this city, I easily engaged him to assist in my enterprise.","MWS" "id20776","But it is preposterous to descant upon such absurdity although 'Oppodeldoc,' whoever he is, has the unparalleled effrontery to suppose that we will not only 'insert' his ignorant ravings, but absolutely pay for them ""Now this is fine it is rich and we have half a mind to punish this young scribbler for his egotism, by really publishing his effusion, verbatim et literatim, as he has written it.","EAP" "id15371","It was with these feelings that I began the creation of a human being.","MWS" "id24698","My journey had been my own suggestion, and Elizabeth therefore acquiesced, but she was filled with disquiet at the idea of my suffering, away from her, the inroads of misery and grief.","MWS" "id05436","Love for you invested the world for me in enchanted light; it was no longer the earth I trod the earth, common mother, yielding only trite and stale repetition of objects and circumstances old and worn out.","MWS" "id03141","At length, for the third or fourth time, they descended into the cellar.","EAP" "id25730","I called aloud for him through the darkness of night, over the scorching ruins of fallen Constantinople, his name was heard; no voice replied echo even was mute.","MWS" "id08361","For my contact with this affair has been closer than that of any other layman, and I have carried away impressions which are yet to drive me to drastic measures.","HPL" "id22716","But in this mortal life extremes are always matched; the thorn grows with the rose, the poison tree and the cinnamon mingle their boughs.","MWS" "id13078","If, in addition to the point of general size and contour, he had found upon the arm a peculiar hairy appearance which he had observed upon the living Marie, his opinion might have been justly strengthened; and the increase of positiveness might well have been in the ratio of the peculiarity, or unusualness, of the hairy mark.","EAP" "id18758","This prison like rampart formed the limit of our domain; beyond it we saw but thrice a week once every Saturday afternoon, when, attended by two ushers, we were permitted to take brief walks in a body through some of the neighbouring fields and twice during Sunday, when we were paraded in the same formal manner to the morning and evening service in the one church of the village.","EAP" "id12199","You never saw a more brilliant metallic lustre than the scales emit but of this you cannot judge till tomorrow.","EAP" "id03509","Accordingly, a few months after your departure for Ingolstadt, Justine was called home by her repentant mother.","MWS" "id15403","Credit was good, employment was never wanting, and on all hands there was no lack of either money or good will.","EAP" "id08151","""It is now high time that I should explain to your Excellencies the object of my perilous voyage.","EAP" "id01702","We knew that there was scarcely a chance for anything like complete success, and could not avoid hideous fears at possible grotesque results of partial animation.","HPL" "id23919","Next morning it appeared as follows: 'We quote from ""The Tea Pot"" of yesterday the subjoined paragraph: ""Oh, yes Oh, we perceive Oh, no doubt Oh, my Oh, goodness Oh, tempora Oh, Moses"" Why, the fellow is all O That accounts for his reasoning in a circle, and explains why there is neither beginning nor end to him, nor to anything he says.","EAP" "id20023","The chimerical aspect of their terror was gone.","EAP" "id21036","Finally, by dint of great perseverance, they traced him to a garret in an old house of seven stories, in an alley called Flatzplatz, and, coming upon him suddenly, found him, as they imagined, in the midst of his counterfeiting operations.","EAP" "id12733","In reading the above sentence a curious apothegm of an old weather beaten Dutch navigator comes full upon my recollection.","EAP" "id12965","It requires more philosophy than I possess to bear this injustice with patience.","MWS" "id05368","Horrible, most horrible I veil my eyes in terror of the change, and gushing tears bear witness to my sympathy for this unimaginable ruin.","MWS" "id00014","We the besiegers were in the comparison little affected by these evils.","MWS" "id12057","""Wal, Sir, it seems by the time Obed knowed them islanders they was all full o' fish blood from them deep water things.","HPL" "id15059","Against the new masonry I re erected the old rampart of bones.","EAP" "id27089","I at length felt that I was free.","EAP" "id23500","We were not, as I have said, in any sense childishly superstitious, but scientific study and reflection had taught us that the known universe of three dimensions embraces the merest fraction of the whole cosmos of substance and energy.","HPL" "id06692","His full name long and pompous according to the custom of an age which had lost the trinomial simplicity of classic Roman nomenclature is stated by Von Schweinkopf to have been Caius Anicius Magnus Furius Camillus Æmilianus Cornelius Valerius Pompeius Julius Ibidus; though Littlewit rejects Æmilianus and adds Claudius Decius Junianus; whilst Bêtenoir differs radically, giving the full name as Magnus Furius Camillus Aurelius Antoninus Flavius Anicius Petronius Valentinianus Aegidus Ibidus.","HPL" "id05873","Whence he had come, no one could tell.","HPL" "id10202","Once more came the voice of my friend, still hoarse with fear, and now apparently tinged with despair: ""I can't tell you, Carter It's too utterly beyond thought I dare not tell you no man could know it and live Great God I never dreamed of THIS"" Stillness again, save for my now incoherent torrent of shuddering inquiry.","HPL" "id16651","The whole project was thus a complete failure.","EAP" "id16654","There is a meaning in the eye of love; a cadence in its voice, an irradiation in its smile, the talisman of whose enchantments one only can possess; its spirit is elemental, its essence single, its divinity an unit.","MWS" "id16864","I HAVE lingered thus long on the extreme bank, the wasting shoal that stretched into the stream of life, dallying with the shadow of death.","MWS" "id18669","I practised for some time by the borders of a well frequented marsh; herein, however, having no reference to a similar proceeding of Demosthenes, but from a design peculiarly and conscientiously my own.","EAP" "id20928","It conveyed to my soul the idea of revolution perhaps from its association in fancy with the burr of a mill wheel.","EAP" "id02545","""Great man"" said Bentley.","EAP" "id11689","""After some weeks my wound healed, and I continued my journey.","MWS" "id22441","His ordinary occupations were neglected or forgotten.","EAP" "id25213","And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before.","EAP" "id01804","But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes, which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies, there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.","EAP" "id06203","Some particulars of the descent were communicated, however, by Mr. Ainsworth to Mr. Forsyth.","EAP" "id04255","We examined the moss between the bricks, and found it undisturbed.""","EAP" "id18348","But it will please me to see you each day to listen to the public voice praising you; to keep up your paternal love for our girl; to hear your voice; to know that I am near you, though you are no longer mine.","MWS" "id00726","""And what is that?"" ""If I do make it my choice, then you shall know; at present I dare not speak, even think of it.""","MWS" "id11033","He vows that I was broken down with nervous strain, and badly in need of the long vacation on full pay which he so generously gave me.","HPL" "id13737","For three days the snow fell, ice stopped the current of the rivers, and the birds flew out from crackling branches of the frost whitened trees.","MWS" "id24299","The process of unearthing was slow and sordid it might have been gruesomely poetical if we had been artists instead of scientists and we were glad when our spades struck wood.","HPL" "id00450","Some five or six volumes, just from the hands of the binder, we carefully probed, longitudinally, with the needles.""","EAP" "id13849","""My dear Child ""I have betrayed your confidence; I have endeavoured to pollute your mind, and have made your innocent heart acquainted with the looks and language of unlawful and monstrous passion.","MWS" "id03952","I instantly wrote to Geneva; nearly two months have elapsed since the departure of my letter.","MWS" "id16476","But I was at once startled and enchanted by my sudden extension of vision, when the curtain, which had been drawn before the intellectual world, was withdrawn, and I saw the universe, not only as it presented itself to my outward senses, but as it had appeared to the wisest among men.","MWS" "id26534","It was then seven o'clock on Saturday evening.","EAP" "id20528","My life had hitherto been remarkably secluded and domestic, and this had given me invincible repugnance to new countenances.","MWS" "id16941","Where did he go sometimes in the night?","HPL" "id23788","I do not think that many of Sheehan's regular patrons will ever forget the day that young Alfred Trever came.","HPL" "id20955","But it was not so; I was the same in strength, in earnest craving for sympathy, in my yearning for active exertion.","MWS" "id01270","He then took the book himself, and read me a chapter aloud.","EAP" "id22290","""Adolphe Le Bon, clerk to Mignaud et Fils, deposes that on the day in question, about noon, he accompanied Madame L'Espanaye to her residence with the francs, put up in two bags.","EAP" "id20272","But of the character of his remarks at the periods in question an example will best convey the idea.","EAP" "id18082","He notes every variation of face as the play progresses, gathering a fund of thought from the differences in the expression of certainty, of surprise, of triumph, or of chagrin.","EAP" "id07976","They admitted they had been drunk, but both vowed they had seen a crazily dressed trio furtively entering the dark passageway.","HPL" "id26741","The rays of the newly risen sun poured in upon the whole, through windows, formed each of a single pane of crimson tinted glass.","EAP" "id26698","To the north on the craggy precipice a few paces from the verge up sprang the magnificent trunks of numerous hickories, black walnuts, and chestnuts, interspersed with occasional oak, and the strong lateral branches thrown out by the walnuts especially, spread far over the edge of the cliff.","EAP" "id22265","The frauds of the banks of course I couldn't help.","EAP" "id14778","He was attired, as I had expected, in a costume altogether similar to my own; wearing a Spanish cloak of blue velvet, begirt about the waist with a crimson belt sustaining a rapier.","EAP" "id18823","When a fumbling came in the nearer casements he crept around to the west again, flattening himself against the wall beside the now opened windows.","HPL" "id00893","But then there is the tone laconic, or curt, which has lately come much into use.","EAP" "id08678","Average people in society and business New England's traditional ""salt of the earth"" gave an almost completely negative result, though scattered cases of uneasy but formless nocturnal impressions appear here and there, always between March d and April nd the period of young Wilcox's delirium.","HPL" "id10857","The modes and sources of this kind of error are well typified in the contemplation of the heavenly bodies.","EAP" "id10563","Yet from whom has not that rude hand rent away some dear connection?","MWS" "id11752","Almighty God no, no They heard they suspected they knew they were making a mockery of my horror this I thought, and this I think.","EAP" "id26214","I hope you have not been so foolish as to take offence at any little brusquerie of mine; but no, that is improbable.","EAP" "id00832","These reflections made our legislators pause, before they could decide on the laws to be put in force.","MWS" "id04187","Because there were some considerations of deep interest beyond.","EAP" "id22378","Before going in we walked up the street, turned down an alley, and then, again turning, passed in the rear of the building Dupin, meanwhile examining the whole neighborhood, as well as the house, with a minuteness of attention for which I could see no possible object.","EAP" "id26790","Once my fancy was soothed with dreams of virtue, of fame, and of enjoyment.","MWS" "id14263","Nay, you may have met with another whom you may love; and considering yourself as bound in honour to Elizabeth, this struggle may occasion the poignant misery which you appear to feel."" ""My dear father, reassure yourself.","MWS" "id14420","My watch was still going, and told me that the hour was past noon.","HPL" "id03325","But these and other difficulties attending respiration, as they were by no means so great as to put me in peril of my life, I determined to endure as I best could, in consideration of my leaving them behind me momently in my approach to the denser strata near the moon.","EAP" "id07567","Stress of weather drove us up the Adriatic Gulph; and, our vessel being hardly fitted to weather a storm, we took refuge in the port of Ancona.","MWS" "id17718","I could have fancied, while I looked at it, that some eminent landscape painter had built it with his brush.","EAP" "id08973","The lids clenched themselves together as if in a spasm.","EAP" "id05267","Mais il faut agir that is to say, a Frenchman never faints outright.","EAP" "id17513","For an item of news like this, it strikes us it was very coolly received.""","EAP" "id00393","He laid a gnarled claw on my shoulder, and it seemed to me that its shaking was not altogether that of mirth.","HPL"