FishTank ============================ Stop coding and watch some fish! ## Installation * Install [Package Control]( * Open the Command Palette (`ctrl+shift+p` on Windows, `super+shift+p` on Mac) and select "Package Control: Install Package" * Select "FishTank" from the installation panel ## Usage After installing the plugin, open the Command Palette and try out the commands that show up when you type "Fish Tank". There are no key bindings installed by default, but there is an `Example.sublime-keymap` file if you want to create your own. (I recommend using [PackageResourceViewer]( to view the `Example.sublime-keymap` file) ####Code _and_ Fish? If you want, you can actually keep coding while your fish swim around! I don't know if I'd _recommend_ it, but it is possible. If you do, you should first turn Word Wrap off and make sure you have `"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true` in your preferences. Remember to save your work afterwards! _I may improve the support for this if people want it; comment [here]( to let me know that you do._ ####Disclaimer I've only tested this on Windows; please create an [issue]( on github and let me know if you find any bugs. ##Acknowledgements Partially inspired by Jon Finerty's [Snake]( plugin. The code I use to clone your current file is adapted from his Snake code.