import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np from operations import * import operations from torch.autograd import Variable from genotypes import PRIMITIVES, MULTICHANNELNET_PRIMITIVES from genotypes import Genotype import networkx as nx from networkx.readwrite import json_graph import json import time import genotype_extractor class MixedOp(nn.Module): def __init__(self, C, stride, primitives=None, op_dict=None, weighting_algorithm=None): """ Perform a mixed forward pass incorporating multiple primitive operations like conv, max pool, etc. # Arguments primitives: the list of strings defining the operations to choose from. op_dict: The dictionary of possible operation creation functions. All primitives must be in the op dict. """ super(MixedOp, self).__init__() self._ops = nn.ModuleList() self._stride = stride if primitives is None: primitives = PRIMITIVES self._primitives = primitives if op_dict is None: op_dict = operations.OPS for primitive in primitives: op = op_dict[primitive](C, C, stride, False) # op = OPS[primitive](C, stride, False) if 'pool' in primitive: op = nn.Sequential(op, nn.BatchNorm2d(C, affine=False)) self._ops.append(op) self._weighting_algorithm = weighting_algorithm def forward(self, x, weights): # result = 0 # print('-------------------- forward') # print('weights shape: ' + str(len(weights)) + ' ops shape: ' + str(len(self._ops))) # for i, (w, op) in enumerate(zip(weights, self._ops)): # print('w shape: ' + str(w.shape) + ' op type: ' + str(type(op)) + ' i: ' + str(i) + ' self._primitives[i]: ' + str(self._primitives[i]) + 'x size: ' + str(x.size()) + ' stride: ' + str(self._stride)) # op_out = op(x) # print('op_out size: ' + str(op_out.size())) # result += w * op_out # return result # apply all ops with intensity corresponding to their weight if self._weighting_algorithm is None or self._weighting_algorithm == 'scalar': return sum(w * op(x) for w, op in zip(weights, self._ops)) elif self._weighting_algorithm == 'max_w': max_w = torch.max(weights) return sum((1. - max_w + w) * op(x) for w, op in zip(weights, self._ops)) else: raise ValueError('MixedOP(): Unsupported weighting algorithm: ' + str(self._weighting_algorithm) + ' try "scalar" or "max_w"') class Cell(nn.Module): def __init__(self, steps, multiplier, C_prev_prev, C_prev, C, reduction, reduction_prev, primitives=None, op_dict=None, weighting_algorithm=None): """Create a searchable cell representing multiple architectures. The Cell class in is the equivalent for a single architecture. # Arguments steps: The number of primitive operations in the cell, essentially the number of low level layers. multiplier: The rate at which the number of channels increases. op_dict: The dictionary of possible operation creation functions. All primitives must be in the op dict. """ super(Cell, self).__init__() self.reduction = reduction if reduction_prev is None: self.preprocess0 = operations.Identity() elif reduction_prev: self.preprocess0 = FactorizedReduce(C_prev_prev, C, stride=2, affine=False) else: self.preprocess0 = ReLUConvBN(C_prev_prev, C, 1, 1, 0, affine=False) self.preprocess1 = ReLUConvBN(C_prev, C, 1, 1, 0, affine=False) self._steps = steps self._multiplier = multiplier self._ops = nn.ModuleList() self._bns = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self._steps): for j in range(2+i): stride = 2 if reduction and j < 2 else 1 op = MixedOp(C, stride, primitives, op_dict, weighting_algorithm=weighting_algorithm) self._ops.append(op) def forward(self, s0, s1, weights): s0 = self.preprocess0(s0) s1 = self.preprocess1(s1) states = [s0, s1] offset = 0 for i in range(self._steps): s = sum(self._ops[offset+j](h, weights[offset+j]) for j, h in enumerate(states)) offset += len(states) states.append(s) return[-self._multiplier:], dim=1) class Network(nn.Module): def __init__(self, C=16, num_classes=10, layers=8, criterion=None, steps=4, multiplier=4, stem_multiplier=3, in_channels=3, primitives=None, op_dict=None, C_mid=None, weights_are_parameters=False, weighting_algorithm=None): super(Network, self).__init__() self._C = C self._num_classes = num_classes self._layers = layers if criterion is None: self._criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: self._criterion = criterion self._steps = steps self._multiplier = multiplier self._weights_are_parameters = weights_are_parameters if primitives is None: primitives = PRIMITIVES self.primitives = primitives C_curr = stem_multiplier*C self.stem = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels, C_curr, 3, padding=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(C_curr) ) C_prev_prev, C_prev, C_curr = C_curr, C_curr, C self.cells = nn.ModuleList() reduction_prev = False for i in range(layers): if i in [layers//3, 2*layers//3]: C_curr *= 2 reduction = True else: reduction = False cell = Cell(steps, multiplier, C_prev_prev, C_prev, C_curr, reduction, reduction_prev, primitives, op_dict, weighting_algorithm=weighting_algorithm) reduction_prev = reduction self.cells += [cell] C_prev_prev, C_prev = C_prev, multiplier*C_curr self.global_pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.classifier = nn.Linear(C_prev, num_classes) self._initialize_alphas() def new(self): model_new = Network(self._C, self._num_classes, self._layers, self._criterion).cuda() for x, y in zip(model_new.arch_parameters(), self.arch_parameters()): return model_new def forward(self, input): s0 = s1 = self.stem(input) for i, cell in enumerate(self.cells): if cell.reduction: weights = F.softmax(self.alphas_reduce, dim=-1) else: weights = F.softmax(self.alphas_normal, dim=-1) s0, s1 = s1, cell(s0, s1, weights) out = self.global_pooling(s1) logits = self.classifier(out.view(out.size(0),-1)) return logits def _loss(self, input, target): logits = self(input) return self._criterion(logits, target) def _initialize_alphas(self): k = sum(1 for i in range(self._steps) for n in range(2+i)) num_ops = len(self.primitives) self.alphas_normal = Variable(1e-3*torch.randn(k, num_ops).cuda(), requires_grad=True) self.alphas_reduce = Variable(1e-3*torch.randn(k, num_ops).cuda(), requires_grad=True) if self._weights_are_parameters: # in simpler training modes the weights are just regular parameters self.alphas_normal = torch.nn.Parameter(self.alphas_normal) self.alphas_reduce = torch.nn.Parameter(self.alphas_reduce) self._arch_parameters = [ self.alphas_normal, self.alphas_reduce, ] def arch_parameters(self): return self._arch_parameters def arch_weights(self, stride_idx): weights_softmax_view = self._arch_parameters[stride_idx] # apply softmax and convert to an indexable view weights = F.softmax(weights_softmax_view, dim=-1) return weights def genotype(self, skip_primitive='none'): ''' Extract the genotype, or specific connections within a cell, as encoded by the weights. # Arguments skip_primitives: hack was added by DARTS to temporarily workaround the 'strong gradient' problem identified in the sharpDARTS paper, set skip_primitive=None to not skip any primitives. ''' gene_normal = genotype_extractor.parse_cell( F.softmax(self.alphas_normal, dim=-1).data.cpu().numpy(), primitives=self.primitives, steps=self._steps, skip_primitive=skip_primitive) gene_reduce = genotype_extractor.parse_cell( F.softmax(self.alphas_reduce, dim=-1).data.cpu().numpy(), primitives=self.primitives, steps=self._steps, skip_primitive=skip_primitive) concat = range(2+self._steps-self._multiplier, self._steps+2) genotype = Genotype( normal=gene_normal, normal_concat=concat, reduce=gene_reduce, reduce_concat=concat, layout='cell', ) return genotype class AverageMeter(object): """Computes and stores the average and current value""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count class MultiChannelNetwork(nn.Module): """ This class is used to perform Differentiable Grid Search using a set of primitives of your choice (refer to and for more information on the different types of primitives available and their definition). For more information about the search please refer to section 4 of the paper """ def __init__(self, C=32, num_classes=10, layers=6, criterion=None, steps=5, multiplier=4, stem_multiplier=3, in_channels=3, final_linear_filters=768, always_apply_ops=False, visualization=False, primitives=None, op_dict=None, weighting_algorithm=None, genotype=None): """ C is the mimimum number of channels. Layers is how many output scaling factors and layers should be in the network. op_dict: The dictionary of possible operation creation functions. All primitives must be in the op dict. """ super(MultiChannelNetwork, self).__init__() self._C = C if genotype is not None: # TODO(ahundt) We shouldn't be using arrays here, we should be using actual genotype objects. self._genotype = np.array(genotype) else: self._genotype = genotype self._num_classes = num_classes if layers % 2 == 1: raise ValueError('MultiChannelNetwork layers option must be even, got ' + str(layers)) self._layers = layers // 2 if criterion is None: self._criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() else: self._criterion = criterion self._steps = steps self._multiplier = multiplier self._always_apply_ops = always_apply_ops self._visualization = visualization self._weighting_algorithm = weighting_algorithm if primitives is None: primitives = MULTICHANNELNET_PRIMITIVES if op_dict is None: op_dict = operations.MULTICHANNELNET_OPS self.primitives = primitives self.op_dict = op_dict self.normal_index = 0 self.reduce_index = 1 self.layer_types = 2 self.strides = np.array([self.normal_index, self.reduce_index]) # 5 is a reasonable number self.C_start = int(np.log2(C)) self.C_end = self.C_start + steps print('c_start: ' + str(self.C_start) + ' c_end: ' + str(self.C_end)) self.Cs = np.array(np.exp2(np.arange(self.C_start, self.C_end)), dtype='int') # $ print(Cs) # [ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.] self.C_size = len(self.Cs) C_in, C_out = np.array(np.meshgrid(self.Cs, self.Cs, indexing='ij'), dtype='int') # $ print(C_in) # [[ 32. 32. 32. 32. 32.] # [ 64. 64. 64. 64. 64.] # [128. 128. 128. 128. 128.] # [256. 256. 256. 256. 256.] # [512. 512. 512. 512. 512.]] # $ print(C_out) # [[ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.] # [ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.] # [ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.] # [ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.] # [ 32. 64. 128. 256. 512.]] # Switching to primitives. # self.op_types = [operations.SharpSepConv, operations.ResizablePool] self.stem = nn.ModuleList() self.G = nx.DiGraph() self.G.add_node("Source") self.G.nodes["Source"]['demand'] = -1 for i, c in enumerate(self.Cs): s = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(int(in_channels), int(c), 3, padding=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(c) ) self.G.add_edge("Source", "Conv3x3_"+str(i)) self.G["Source"]["Conv3x3_"+str(i)]["weight"] = 600 self.G.add_node("Conv3x3_"+str(i)) self.G.add_node("BatchNorm_"+str(i)) self.G.add_edge("Conv3x3_"+str(i), "BatchNorm_"+str(i)) self.stem.append(s) for layer_idx in range(self._layers): for stride_idx in self.strides: for C_out_idx in range(self.C_size): out_node = 'layer_'+str(layer_idx)+'_add_'+'c_out_'+str(self.Cs[C_out_idx])+'_stride_' + str(stride_idx+1) self.G.add_node(out_node) self.op_grid = nn.ModuleList() for layer_idx in range(self._layers): stride_modules = nn.ModuleList() for stride_idx in self.strides: in_modules = nn.ModuleList() for C_in_idx in range(self.C_size): out_modules = nn.ModuleList() # print('init layer: ' + str(layer_idx) + ' stride: ' + str(stride_idx+1) + ' c_in: ' + str(self.Cs[C_in_idx])) for C_out_idx in range(self.C_size): out_node = 'layer_'+str(layer_idx)+'_add_'+'c_out_'+str(self.Cs[C_out_idx])+'_stride_' + str(stride_idx+1) type_modules = nn.ModuleList() # switching to primitives # for OpType in self.op_types: for primitive_idx, primitive in enumerate(self.primitives): cin = C_in[C_in_idx][C_out_idx] cout = C_out[C_in_idx][C_out_idx] # print('cin: ' + str(cin) + ' cout: ' + str(cout)) name = 'layer_' + str(layer_idx) + '_stride_' + str(stride_idx+1) + '_c_in_' + str(self.Cs[C_in_idx]) + '_c_out_' + str(self.Cs[C_out_idx]) + '_op_type_' + str(primitive) + '_opid_' + str(primitive_idx) self.G.add_node(name) if layer_idx == 0 and stride_idx == 0: self.G.add_edge("BatchNorm_"+str(C_in_idx), name) elif stride_idx > 0 or layer_idx == 0: self.G.add_edge('layer_' + str(layer_idx)+'_add_' + 'c_out_'+str(self.Cs[C_in_idx])+'_stride_' + str(stride_idx), name) else: self.G.add_edge('layer_' + str(layer_idx-1)+'_add_' + 'c_out_'+str(self.Cs[C_in_idx])+'_stride_' + str(self.strides[-1] + 1), name) self.G.add_edge(name, out_node) # op = OpType(int(cin), int(cout), kernel_size=3, stride=int(stride_idx + 1)) op = self.op_dict[primitive](int(cin), int(cout), int(stride_idx + 1), False) # Consistent with MixedOp if 'pool' in primitive: op = nn.Sequential(op, nn.BatchNorm2d(int(cout), affine=False)) # Decreasing feature maps so that output is as expected. if 'none' in primitive or ('skip_connect' in primitive and stride_idx == 0): op = nn.Sequential(op, nn.Conv2d(int(cin), int(cout), 1)) type_modules.append(op) out_modules.append(type_modules) in_modules.append(out_modules) # op grid is stride_modules stride_modules.append(in_modules) self.op_grid.append(stride_modules) self.base = nn.ModuleList() self.G.add_node("add-SharpSep") self.time_between_layers = AverageMeter() for c in self.Cs: self.G.add_node("SharpSepConv" + str(c)) out_node = 'layer_'+str(self._layers-1)+'_add_'+'c_out_'+str(c)+'_stride_' + str(self.strides[-1] + 1) self.G.add_edge("SharpSepConv" + str(c), "add-SharpSep") self.G.add_edge(out_node, "SharpSepConv" + str(c)) self.base.append(operations.SharpSepConv(int(c), int(final_linear_filters), 3)) # TODO(ahundt) there should be one more layer of normal convolutions to set the final linear layer size # C_in will be defined by the previous layer's c_out self.arch_weights_shape = [len(self.strides), self._layers, self.C_size, self.C_size, len(self.primitives)] # number of weights total self.weight_count = # number of weights in a softmax call self.softmax_weight_count =[2:]) # minimum score for a layer to continue being trained self.min_score = float(1 / (self.softmax_weight_count * self.softmax_weight_count)) self.global_pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.classifier = nn.Linear(final_linear_filters, num_classes) self.G.add_node("global_pooling") self.G.add_edge("add-SharpSep", "global_pooling") self.G.add_node("Linear") self.G.nodes["Linear"]['demand'] = 1 self.G.add_edge("global_pooling", "Linear") self.G["global_pooling"]["Linear"]["weight"] = 800 print("Saving graph...") nx.write_gpickle(self.G, "network_test.graph") if not self._visualization: self._initialize_alphas(genotype) def new(self): model_new = Network(self._C, self._num_classes, self._layers, self._criterion).cuda() for x, y in zip(model_new.arch_parameters(), self.arch_parameters()): return model_new def forward(self, input_batch): self.C_size = len(self.Cs) s0s = [[], [None] * self.C_size, [None] * self.C_size] for i, C_in in enumerate(self.Cs): # Make the set of features with different numbers of channels. s0s[0] += [self.stem[i](input_batch)] # calculate weights, there are two weight views according to stride weight_views = [] if not self._visualization: for stride_idx in self.strides: # ops are stored as layer, stride, cin, cout, num_layer_types # while weights are ordered stride_index, layer, cout, num_layer_types # first exclude the stride_idx because we already know that weight_views += [self.arch_weights(stride_idx)] # Duplicate s0s to account for 2 different strides # s0s += [[]] # s1s = [None] * layers + 1 # computing capacity during model eval if is False: # time_between_layers = AverageMeter() end_time = time.time() for layer in range(self._layers): # layer is how many times we've called everything, i.e. the number of "layers" # this is different from the number of layer types which is len([SharpSepConv, ResizablePool]) == 2 layer_st_time = time.time() for stride_idx in self.strides: stride = 1 + stride_idx # we don't pass the gradient along max_w because it is the weight for a different operation. # TODO(ahundt) is there a better way to create this variable without gradients & reallocating repeatedly? # max_w = torch.Variable(torch.max(weight_views[stride_idx][layer, :, :, :]), requires_grad=False).cuda() # find the maximum comparable weight, copy it and make sure we don't pass gradients along that path if not self._visualization and self._weighting_algorithm is not None and self._weighting_algorithm == 'max_w': max_w = torch.max(weight_views[stride_idx][layer, :, :, :]) for C_out_idx, C_out in enumerate(self.Cs): # take all the layers with the same output so we can sum them # print('forward layer: ' + str(layer) + ' stride: ' + str(stride) + ' c_out: ' + str(self.Cs[C_out_idx])) out_node = 'layer_'+str(layer)+'_add_'+'c_out_'+str(C_out)+'_stride_' + str(stride_idx+1) c_outs = [] # compute average time when validating model. if is False: self.time_between_layers.update(time.time() - end_time) time_in_layers = AverageMeter() for C_in_idx, C_in in enumerate(self.Cs): for primitive_idx, primitive in enumerate(self.primitives): if is False: op_st_time = time.time() # get the specific weight for this op name = 'layer_' + str(layer) + '_stride_' + str(stride_idx+1) + '_c_in_' + str(C_in) + '_c_out_' + str(C_out) + '_op_type_' + str(primitive) + '_opid_' + str(primitive_idx) if not self._visualization: w = weight_views[stride_idx][layer, C_in_idx, C_out_idx, primitive_idx] # self.G.add_edge(name, out_node, {weight: w}) self.G[name][out_node]["weight"] = float(w.clone().cpu().detach().numpy()) self.G[name][out_node]["weight_int"] = int(float(w.clone().cpu().detach().numpy()) * 1e+5) # print('w weight_views[stride_idx][layer, C_in_idx, C_out_idx, op_type_idx]: ' + str(w)) # apply the operation then weight, equivalent to # w * op(input_feature_map) # TODO(ahundt) fix conditionally evaluating calls with high ratings, there is currently a bug if self._always_apply_ops or w > self.min_score: # only apply an op if weight score isn't too low: w > 1/(N*N) # x = 1 - max_w + w so that max_w gets a score of 1 and everything else gets a lower score accordingly. s = s0s[stride_idx][C_in_idx] if s is not None: if not self._visualization: if self._weighting_algorithm is None or self._weighting_algorithm == 'scalar': x = w * self.op_grid[layer][stride_idx][C_in_idx][C_out_idx][primitive_idx](s) elif self._weighting_algorithm == 'max_w': # print(name) # print(s.size()) x = (1. - max_w + w) * self.op_grid[layer][stride_idx][C_in_idx][C_out_idx][primitive_idx](s) # self.G[name][out_node]["weight"] = (1. - max_w + w) else: raise ValueError( 'MultiChannelNetwork.forward(): Unsupported weighting algorithm: ' + str(self._weighting_algorithm) + ' try "scalar" or "max_w"') else: # doing visualization, skip the weights x = self.op_grid[layer][stride_idx][C_in_idx][C_out_idx][primitive_idx](s) c_outs += [x] # compute average time when validating model. if is False: time_in_layers.update(time.time() - op_st_time) self.G[name][out_node]["capacity"] = time_in_layers.avg + self.time_between_layers.avg end_time = time.time() # only apply updates to layers of sufficient quality if c_outs: # print('combining c_outs forward layer: ' + str(layer) + ' stride: ' + str(stride) + ' c_out: ' + str(self.Cs[C_out_idx]) + ' c_in: ' + str(self.Cs[C_in_idx]) + ' op type: ' + str(op_type_idx)) # combined values with the same c_out dimension combined = sum(c_outs) if s0s[stride][C_out_idx] is None: # first call sets the value s0s[stride][C_out_idx] = combined else: s0s[stride][C_out_idx] += combined # downscale reduced input as next output s0s = [s0s[stride], [None] * self.C_size, [None] * self.C_size] # combine results # use SharpSepConv to match dimension of final linear layer # then add up all remaining outputs and pool the result out = self.global_pooling(sum(op(x) for op, x in zip(self.base, s0s[0]) if x is not None)) # outs = [] # print('len s0s[0]: ' + str(len(s0s[0]))) # for i, op in enumerate(self.base): # x = s0s[0][i] # if x is not None: # outs += [op()] # out = sum(outs) # out = self.global_pooling(out) logits = self.classifier(out.view(out.size(0),-1)) # print('logits') #print("Optimal_path_forward", nx.algorithms.dag.dag_longest_path(self.G)) #print("Top down greedy", self.gen_greedy_path(self.G,"top_down")) #print("Bottom up greedy",self.gen_greedy_path(self.G,"bottom_up")) return logits def gen_greedy_path(self, G, strategy="top_down"): if strategy == "top_down": start_ = "Source" current_node = "Source" end_node = "Linear" new_G = G elif strategy == "bottom_up": start_ = "Linear" current_node = "Linear" end_node = "Source" new_G = G.reverse(copy=True) wt = 0 node_list = [] while current_node != end_node: neighbors = [n for n in new_G.neighbors(start_)] for nodes in neighbors: weight_ = new_G.get_edge_data(start_, nodes, "weight") # print(weight_) if len(weight_): weight_ = weight_["weight"] else: weight_ = 0 # print(weight_) if weight_ > wt: wt = weight_ current_node = nodes node_list.append(current_node) # print("start",start_) # print(node) start_ = current_node wt = -1 # print(node_list) if strategy == "bottom_up": node_list = node_list[::-1] node_list.append("Linear") return node_list def arch_weights(self, stride_idx): # ops are stored as layer, stride, cin, cout, num_layer_types # while weights are ordered stride_index, layer, cin, cout, num_layer_types # first exclude the stride_idx because we already know that view_shape = self.arch_weights_shape[1:] # print('arch_weights() view_shape self.weights_shape[1:]: ' + str(view_shape)) # softmax of weights should occur once for each layer num_layers = self.arch_weights_shape[1] weights_softmax_view = self._arch_parameters[stride_idx].view(num_layers, -1) # apply softmax and convert to an indexable view weights = F.softmax(weights_softmax_view, dim=-1).view(view_shape) return weights def _loss(self, input_batch, target): logits = self(input_batch) return self._criterion(logits, target) def _initialize_alphas(self, genotype=None): if genotype is None or genotype[-1] == 'longest_path': init_alpha = 1e-3*torch.randn(self.arch_weights_shape) else: print("_initialize_alphas with preconfigured weights", genotype[0][0][0][0]) init_alpha = [] init_alpha.append(genotype[0]) init_alpha.append(genotype[2]) init_alpha = torch.from_numpy(np.array(init_alpha)).float() if torch.cuda.is_available(): self._arch_parameters = Variable(init_alpha.cuda(), requires_grad=True) else: self._arch_parameters = Variable(init_alpha, requires_grad=True) def arch_parameters(self): ''' Get list of architecture parameters ''' return [self._arch_parameters] def genotype(self, layout='raw_weights'): """ layout options: raw_weights, longest_path, graph """ if layout == 'raw_weights': # TODO(ahundt) switch from raw weights to a simpler representation for genotype? gene_normal = np.array(self.arch_weights(0).data.cpu().numpy()).tolist() gene_reduce = np.array(self.arch_weights(1).data.cpu().numpy()).tolist() elif layout == 'longest_path': # TODO(ahundt) make into a list of the layer strings to be included. gene_normal = nx.algorithms.dag.dag_longest_path(self.G) gene_reduce = [] elif layout == 'graph': data = json_graph.node_link_data(self.G) gene_normal = [json.dumps(data)] gene_reduce = [] else: raise ValueError('unsupported layout: ' + str(layout)) genotype = Genotype( normal=gene_normal, normal_concat=[], reduce=gene_reduce, reduce_concat=[], layout=layout ) return genotype