If you have RW access to the repository: $ git clone gitosis@para.se:gov With no RW access, get a snapshot using $ git clone git://para.se/gov $ sudo apt install libauthen-cas-client-perl libgraph-perl libstatistics-basic-perl libwww-curl-perl $ cd gov/html $ ln -s /usr/local/pf/share/html/pf $ ln -s /usr/local/rb/html/rb # Create .htaccess as described in pf/INSTALL $ cd ../etc $ cp server.conf.sample server.conf # edit server.conf # + change the md5_salt # + Get a public and private key from http://www.google.com/recaptcha # Create the database gov in psql # Put gov/html on the web $ cd .. $ ./bin/gov setup_db # Set terminals to unlimited scrollback and clear history $ tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log # for detecting config errors # On the first run, the program will create or upgrade the gov database $ ./bin/gov # Starting the daemon in background # In case of problem start it in fg with debug mode: ./bin/gov 2 # Stop the daemon (by starting in debug mode and killing it) # Set the root password: $ ./bin/gov set_root_password=mysecretpassword # Start up the daemon agian: $ ./bin/gov # Go to the application website root # Follow the link "Register" and register an account in your name # Log out and log in as root # Choose "Members" and make your new user an administrator Dump DB: pg_dump -Fc --file=gov-latest.dump gov Restore: pg_restore -c -d gov gov-latest.dump