openapi: "3.1.0" info: title: "airbyte-api" version: "1.0.0" description: "Programatically control Airbyte Cloud, OSS & Enterprise." servers: - url: "" description: "Airbyte API v1" paths: /health: get: tags: - "public_health" - "public" responses: "200": description: "Successful operation" operationId: "getHealthCheck" summary: "Health Check" security: [] x-speakeasy-alias: "getHealthCheck" x-speakeasy-group: "Health" /jobs: get: tags: - "public_jobs" - "public" - "Jobs" parameters: - name: "connectionId" description: "Filter the Jobs by connectionId." schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "limit" description: "Set the limit on the number of Jobs returned. The default is\ \ 20 Jobs." schema: format: "int32" default: 20 maximum: 100 minimum: 1 type: "integer" in: "query" - name: "offset" description: "Set the offset to start at when returning Jobs. The default\ \ is 0." schema: format: "int32" default: 0 minimum: 0 type: "integer" in: "query" - name: "jobType" description: "Filter the Jobs by jobType." schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobTypeEnum" in: "query" - name: "workspaceIds" description: "The UUIDs of the workspaces you wish to list jobs for. Empty\ \ list will retrieve all allowed workspaces." schema: type: "array" items: format: "uuid" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "status" description: "The Job status you want to filter by" schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobStatusEnum" in: "query" required: false - name: "createdAtStart" description: "The start date to filter by" schema: type: "string" format: "date-time" in: "query" required: false example: 1687450500000 - name: "createdAtEnd" description: "The end date to filter by" schema: type: "string" format: "date-time" in: "query" required: false example: 1687450500000 - name: "updatedAtStart" description: "The start date to filter by" schema: type: "string" format: "date-time" example: 1687450500000 in: "query" required: false - name: "updatedAtEnd" description: "The end date to filter by" schema: type: "string" format: "date-time" in: "query" required: false example: 1687450500000 - name: "orderBy" description: "The field and method to use for ordering" schema: type: "string" pattern: "\\w+|(ASC|DESC)" in: "query" required: false example: "updatedAt|DESC" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobsResponse" examples: Job List Response Example: value: next: "" previous: "" data: - id: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" status: "running" jobType: "sync" description: "List all the Jobs by connectionId." "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "listJobs" summary: "List Jobs by sync type" x-speakeasy-alias: "listJobs" x-speakeasy-group: "Jobs" post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobCreateRequest" examples: Job Creation Request Example: value: connectionId: "e735894a-e773-4938-969f-45f53957b75b" jobType: "sync" required: true tags: - "public_jobs" - "public" - "Jobs" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobResponse" examples: Job Creation Response Example: value: jobId: 1234 status: "running" jobType: "sync" description: "Kicks off a new Job based on the JobType. The connectionId\ \ is the resource that Job will be run for." "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createJob" summary: "Trigger a sync or reset job of a connection" x-speakeasy-alias: "createJob" x-speakeasy-group: "Jobs" /jobs/{jobId}: get: tags: - "public_jobs" - "public" - "Jobs" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobResponse" examples: Job Get Response Example: value: id: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" status: "running" jobType: "sync" description: "Get a Job by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getJob" x-speakeasy-alias: "getJob" x-speakeasy-group: "Jobs" summary: "Get Job status and details" delete: tags: - "public_jobs" - "public" - "Jobs" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobResponse" description: "Cancel a Job." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "cancelJob" x-speakeasy-alias: "cancelJob" x-speakeasy-group: "Jobs" summary: "Cancel a running Job" parameters: - name: "jobId" schema: format: "int64" type: "integer" in: "path" required: true /sources: get: tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcesResponse" description: "Successful operation" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listSources" x-speakeasy-alias: "listSources" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "List sources" parameters: - name: "workspaceIds" description: "The UUIDs of the workspaces you wish to list sources for. Empty\ \ list will retrieve all allowed workspaces." schema: type: "array" items: format: "uuid" type: "string" example: "df08f6b0-b364-4cc1-9b3f-96f5d2fccfb2,b0796797-de23-4fc7-a5e2-7e131314718c" in: "query" required: false - name: "includeDeleted" description: "Include deleted sources in the returned results." schema: default: false type: "boolean" in: "query" required: false - name: "limit" description: "Set the limit on the number of sources returned. The default\ \ is 20." schema: format: "int32" type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 20 in: "query" - name: "offset" description: "Set the offset to start at when returning sources. The default\ \ is 0" schema: type: "integer" format: "int32" minimum: 0 default: 0 in: "query" post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCreateRequest" examples: Source Creation Request Example: value: configuration: airbyte_source_name: "google-ads" conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 name: "My Source" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" examples: Source Creation Response Example: value: sourceId: "0c31738c-0b2d-4887-b506-e2cd1c39cc35" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSource" x-speakeasy-alias: "createSource" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." /sources/{sourceId}: get: tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" examples: Source Get Response Example: value: sourceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "running" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSource" x-speakeasy-alias: "getSource" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Get Source details" patch: tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePatchRequest" examples: Source Update Request Example: value: configuration: airbyte_source_name: "google-ads" conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 name: "My Source" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" examples: Source Update Response Example: value: sourceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "running" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" description: "Update a Source" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "patchSource" x-speakeasy-alias: "patchSource" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Update a Source" put: tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePutRequest" examples: Source Update Request Example: value: configuration: airbyte_source_name: "google-ads" conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 name: "My Source" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" examples: Source Update Response Example: value: sourceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "running" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" description: "Update a source and fully overwrite it" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSource" x-speakeasy-alias: "putSource" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Update a Source and fully overwrite it" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source#update delete: tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSource" x-speakeasy-alias: "deleteSource" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Delete a Source" parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations: get: tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationsResponse" description: "Successful operation" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listDestinations" x-speakeasy-alias: "listDestinations" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "List destinations" parameters: - name: "workspaceIds" description: "The UUIDs of the workspaces you wish to list destinations for.\ \ Empty list will retrieve all allowed workspaces." schema: type: "array" items: format: "uuid" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "includeDeleted" description: "Include deleted destinations in the returned results." schema: default: false type: "boolean" in: "query" required: false - name: "limit" description: "Set the limit on the number of destinations returned. The default\ \ is 20." schema: format: "int32" type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 20 in: "query" - name: "offset" description: "Set the offset to start at when returning destinations. The\ \ default is 0" schema: type: "integer" format: "int32" minimum: 0 default: 0 in: "query" post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationCreateRequest" examples: Destination Creation Request Example: value: name: "Postgres" workspaceId: "2155ae5a-de39-4808-af6a-16fe7b8b4ed2" configuration: airbyte_destination_name: "postgres" port: 5432 schema: "public" ssl_mode: mode: "prefer" tunnel_method: tunnel_method: "NO_TUNNEL" host: "localhost" database: "postgres" username: "postgres" password: "test" tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" examples: Destination Creation Response Example: value: destinationId: "af0c3c67-aa61-419f-8922-95b0bf840e86" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "createDestination" x-speakeasy-alias: "createDestination" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob\ \ containing the configuration for the source." /destinations/{destinationId}: get: tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" examples: Destination Get Response Example: value: destinationId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "My Destination" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" configuration: conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestination" x-speakeasy-alias: "getDestination" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "Get Destination details" delete: tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestination" x-speakeasy-alias: "deleteDestination" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "Delete a Destination" patch: tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPatchRequest" examples: Destination Update Request Example: value: configuration: conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 name: "My Destination" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" examples: Destination Update Response Example: value: destinationId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "running" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" configuration: conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 description: "Update a Destination" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "patchDestination" x-speakeasy-alias: "patchDestination" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "Update a Destination" put: tags: - "public_destinations" - "public" - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPutRequest" examples: Destination Update Request Example: value: configuration: conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 name: "My Destination" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" examples: Destination Update Response Example: value: destinationId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "running" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" configuration: conversion_window_days: 14 customer_id: "1234567890" start_date: 1672531200000 end_date: 1704067200000 description: "Update a Destination and fully overwrite it" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestination" x-speakeasy-alias: "putDestination" x-speakeasy-group: "Destinations" summary: "Update a Destination and fully overwrite it" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination#update parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources/initiateOAuth: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InitiateOauthRequest" required: true tags: - "public_sources" - "public" - "Sources" responses: "200": $ref: "#/components/responses/InitiateOauthResponse" "400": description: "A field in the body has not been set appropriately." "403": description: "API key is invalid." operationId: "initiateOAuth" x-speakeasy-alias: "initiateOAuth" x-speakeasy-group: "Sources" summary: "Initiate OAuth for a source" description: "Given a source ID, workspace ID, and redirect URL, initiates OAuth\ \ for the source.\n\nThis returns a fully formed URL for performing user authentication\ \ against the relevant source identity provider (IdP). Once authentication\ \ has been completed, the IdP will redirect to an Airbyte endpoint which will\ \ save the access and refresh tokens off as a secret and return the secret\ \ ID to the redirect URL specified in the `secret_id` query string parameter.\n\ \nThat secret ID can be used to create a source with credentials in place\ \ of actual tokens." /connections: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionCreateRequest" examples: Connection Creation Request Example: value: sourceId: "95e66a59-8045-4307-9678-63bc3c9b8c93" destinationId: "e478de0d-a3a0-475c-b019-25f7dd29e281" name: "Postgres-to-Bigquery" required: true tags: - "public_connections" - "public" - "Connections" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionResponse" examples: Connection Creation Response Example: value: connectionId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createConnection" x-speakeasy-alias: "createConnection" x-speakeasy-group: "Connections" summary: "Create a connection" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Connection#create get: tags: - "public_connections" - "public" - "Connections" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionsResponse" description: "Successful operation" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listConnections" x-speakeasy-alias: "listConnections" x-speakeasy-group: "Connections" summary: "List connections" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Connection#list parameters: - name: "workspaceIds" description: "The UUIDs of the workspaces you wish to list connections for.\ \ Empty list will retrieve all allowed workspaces." schema: type: "array" items: format: "uuid" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "includeDeleted" description: "Include deleted connections in the returned results." schema: default: false type: "boolean" in: "query" required: false - name: "limit" description: "Set the limit on the number of Connections returned. The default\ \ is 20." schema: format: "int32" type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 20 in: "query" - name: "offset" description: "Set the offset to start at when returning Connections. The default\ \ is 0" schema: type: "integer" format: "int32" minimum: 0 default: 0 in: "query" /connections/{connectionId}: get: tags: - "public_connections" - "public" - "Connections" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionResponse" examples: Connection Get Response Example: value: workspaceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Postgres To Snowflake" sourceId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" destinationId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" description: "Get a Connection by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getConnection" x-speakeasy-alias: "getConnection" x-speakeasy-group: "Connections" summary: "Get Connection details" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Connection#read patch: tags: - "public_connections" - "public" - "Connections" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionPatchRequest" examples: Connection Update Request Example: value: sourceId: "95e66a59-8045-4307-9678-63bc3c9b8c93" destinationId: "e478de0d-a3a0-475c-b019-25f7dd29e281" name: "Postgres-to-Bigquery" required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionResponse" examples: Connection Get Response Example: value: workspaceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Postgres To Snowflake" sourceId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" destinationId: "744cc0ed-7f05-4949-9e60-2a814f90c035" description: "Update a Connection by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "patchConnection" x-speakeasy-alias: "patchConnection" x-speakeasy-group: "Connections" summary: "Update Connection details" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Connection#update delete: tags: - "public_connections" - "public" - "Connections" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteConnection" x-speakeasy-alias: "deleteConnection" x-speakeasy-group: "Connections" summary: "Delete a Connection" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Connection#delete parameters: - name: "connectionId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /streams: get: tags: - "public_streams" - "public" - "Streams" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamPropertiesResponse" description: "Get the available streams properties for a source/destination\ \ pair." "400": description: "Required parameters are missing" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getStreamProperties" x-speakeasy-alias: "getStreamProperties" x-speakeasy-group: "Streams" summary: "Get stream properties" parameters: - name: "sourceId" description: "ID of the source" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "query" required: true - name: "destinationId" description: "ID of the destination" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "ignoreCache" description: "If true pull the latest schema from the source, else pull from\ \ cache (default false)" schema: type: "boolean" default: false in: "query" required: false /workspaces: get: tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspacesResponse" description: "Successful operation" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listWorkspaces" x-speakeasy-alias: "listWorkspaces" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "List workspaces" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Workspace#list parameters: - name: "workspaceIds" description: "The UUIDs of the workspaces you wish to fetch. Empty list will\ \ retrieve all allowed workspaces." schema: type: "array" items: format: "uuid" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "includeDeleted" description: "Include deleted workspaces in the returned results." schema: default: false type: "boolean" in: "query" required: false - name: "limit" description: "Set the limit on the number of workspaces returned. The default\ \ is 20." schema: format: "int32" type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 100 default: 20 in: "query" - name: "offset" description: "Set the offset to start at when returning workspaces. The default\ \ is 0" schema: type: "integer" format: "int32" minimum: 0 default: 0 in: "query" post: tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceCreateRequest" examples: Workspace Creation Request Example: value: name: "Company Workspace Name" required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceResponse" examples: Workspace Creation Response Example: value: workspaceId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createWorkspace" x-speakeasy-alias: "createWorkspace" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "Create a workspace" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Workspace#create /workspaces/{workspaceId}: parameters: - name: "workspaceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true get: tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceResponse" examples: Workspace Get Response Example: value: workspaceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Acme Company" dataResidency: "auto" description: "Get a Workspace by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getWorkspace" x-speakeasy-alias: "getWorkspace" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "Get Workspace details" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Workspace#read patch: tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceUpdateRequest" examples: Workspace Update Request Example: value: name: "Company Workspace Name" required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceResponse" examples: Workspace Update Response Example: value: workspaceId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "updateWorkspace" x-speakeasy-alias: "updateWorkspace" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "Update a workspace" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Workspace#update delete: tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteWorkspace" x-speakeasy-alias: "deleteWorkspace" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "Delete a Workspace" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Workspace#delete /workspaces/{workspaceId}/oauthCredentials: put: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceOAuthCredentialsRequest" required: true tags: - "public_workspaces" - "public" - "Workspaces" responses: "200": description: "OAuth credential override was successful." "400": description: "A field in the body has not been set appropriately." "403": description: "API key is invalid." operationId: "createOrUpdateWorkspaceOAuthCredentials" x-speakeasy-alias: "createOrUpdateWorkspaceOAuthCredentials" x-speakeasy-group: "Workspaces" summary: "Create OAuth override credentials for a workspace and source type." description: "Create/update a set of OAuth credentials to override the Airbyte-provided\ \ OAuth credentials used for source/destination OAuth.\nIn order to determine\ \ what the credential configuration needs to be, please see the connector\ \ specification of the relevant source/destination." parameters: - name: "workspaceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /permissions/{permissionId}: parameters: - name: "permissionId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true get: tags: - "public_permissions" - "public" - "Permissions" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionResponse" description: "Get a Permission by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" "422": description: "Data issue" operationId: "getPermission" summary: "Get Permission details" x-speakeasy-alias: "getPermission" x-speakeasy-group: "Permissions" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Permission#read patch: tags: - "public_permissions" - "public" - "Permissions" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionUpdateRequest" required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionResponse" description: "Successful updated" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" "422": description: "Data issue" operationId: "updatePermission" summary: "Update a permission" x-speakeasy-alias: "updatePermission" x-speakeasy-group: "Permissions" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Permission#update delete: tags: - "public_permissions" - "public" - "Permissions" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" "422": description: "Data issue" operationId: "deletePermission" x-speakeasy-alias: "deletePermission" x-speakeasy-group: "Permissions" summary: "Delete a Permission" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Permission#delete /permissions: get: tags: - "public_permissions" - "public" - "Permissions" parameters: - name: "userId" description: "User Id in permission." schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "query" required: false - name: "organizationId" description: "This is required if you want to read someone else's permissions,\ \ and you should have organization admin or a higher role." schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "query" required: false responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionsResponse" description: "List Permissions." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listPermissions" x-speakeasy-alias: "listPermissions" x-speakeasy-group: "Permissions" summary: "List Permissions by user id" post: tags: - "public_permissions" - "public" - "Permissions" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionCreateRequest" examples: Permission Creation Request Example: value: permissionType: "workspace_admin" userId: "7d08fd6c-531e-4a00-937e-3d355f253e63" workspaceId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" required: true responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionResponse" examples: Permission Creation Response Example: value: permissionId: "9924bcd0-99be-453d-ba47-c2c9766f7da5" permissionType: "workspace_admin" userId: "7d08fd6c-531e-4a00-937e-3d355f253e63" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createPermission" x-speakeasy-alias: "createPermission" x-speakeasy-group: "Permissions" summary: "Create a permission" x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Permission#create /organizations: get: tags: - "public_organizations" - "public" - "Organizations" summary: "List all organizations for a user" description: "Lists users organizations." responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationsResponse" description: "List user's organizations." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listOrganizationsForUser" x-speakeasy-alias: "listOrganizationsForUser" x-speakeasy-group: "Organizations" /users: get: tags: - "public_users" - "public" - "Users" summary: "List all users within an organization" description: "Organization Admin user can list all users within the same organization.\ \ Also provide filtering on a list of user IDs or/and a list of user emails." parameters: - in: "query" name: "organizationId" schema: type: "string" format: "UUID" required: true - in: "query" name: "ids" schema: type: "array" items: type: "string" format: "UUID" description: "List of user IDs to filter by" - in: "query" name: "emails" schema: type: "array" items: type: "string" format: "email" description: "List of user emails to filter by" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UsersResponse" description: "List Users." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "listUsersWithinAnOrganization" x-speakeasy-alias: "listUsersWithinAnOrganization" x-speakeasy-group: "Users" /sources#Aha: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAhaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAha" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aha#create /sources/{sourceId}#Aha: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAha" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aha#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAhaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAha" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aha#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAha" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aha#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Airbyte: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAirbyteCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAirbyte" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airbyte#create /sources/{sourceId}#Airbyte: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAirbyte" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airbyte#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAirbytePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAirbyte" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airbyte#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAirbyte" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airbyte#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Aircall: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAircallCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAircall" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aircall#create /sources/{sourceId}#Aircall: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAircall" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aircall#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAircallPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAircall" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aircall#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAircall" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Aircall#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Airtable: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAirtableCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAirtable" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airtable#create /sources/{sourceId}#Airtable: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAirtable" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airtable#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAirtablePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAirtable" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airtable#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAirtable" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Airtable#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AmazonAds: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonAdsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAmazonAds" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonAds#create /sources/{sourceId}#AmazonAds: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAmazonAds" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonAds#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonAdsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAmazonAds" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonAds#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAmazonAds" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonAds#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AmazonSellerPartner: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonSellerPartnerCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAmazonSellerPartner" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSellerPartner#create /sources/{sourceId}#AmazonSellerPartner: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAmazonSellerPartner" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSellerPartner#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonSellerPartnerPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAmazonSellerPartner" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSellerPartner#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAmazonSellerPartner" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSellerPartner#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AmazonSqs: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonSqsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAmazonSqs" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSqs#create /sources/{sourceId}#AmazonSqs: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAmazonSqs" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSqs#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmazonSqsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAmazonSqs" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSqs#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAmazonSqs" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AmazonSqs#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Amplitude: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmplitudeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAmplitude" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Amplitude#create /sources/{sourceId}#Amplitude: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAmplitude" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Amplitude#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAmplitudePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAmplitude" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Amplitude#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAmplitude" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Amplitude#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ApifyDataset: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceApifyDatasetCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceApifyDataset" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ApifyDataset#create /sources/{sourceId}#ApifyDataset: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceApifyDataset" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ApifyDataset#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceApifyDatasetPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceApifyDataset" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ApifyDataset#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceApifyDataset" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ApifyDataset#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Appfollow: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAppfollowCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAppfollow" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Appfollow#create /sources/{sourceId}#Appfollow: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAppfollow" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Appfollow#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAppfollowPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAppfollow" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Appfollow#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAppfollow" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Appfollow#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Asana: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAsanaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAsana" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Asana#create /sources/{sourceId}#Asana: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAsana" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Asana#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAsanaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAsana" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Asana#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAsana" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Asana#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Auth0: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAuth0CreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAuth0" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Auth0#create /sources/{sourceId}#Auth0: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAuth0" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Auth0#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAuth0PutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAuth0" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Auth0#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAuth0" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Auth0#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AwsCloudtrail: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAwsCloudtrailCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAwsCloudtrail" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AwsCloudtrail#create /sources/{sourceId}#AwsCloudtrail: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAwsCloudtrail" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AwsCloudtrail#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAwsCloudtrailPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAwsCloudtrail" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AwsCloudtrail#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAwsCloudtrail" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AwsCloudtrail#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AzureBlobStorage: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAzureBlobStorageCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureBlobStorage#create /sources/{sourceId}#AzureBlobStorage: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureBlobStorage#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAzureBlobStoragePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureBlobStorage#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureBlobStorage#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#AzureTable: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAzureTableCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceAzureTable" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureTable#create /sources/{sourceId}#AzureTable: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceAzureTable" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureTable#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceAzureTablePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceAzureTable" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureTable#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceAzureTable" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_AzureTable#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#BambooHr: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBambooHrCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBambooHr" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BambooHr#create /sources/{sourceId}#BambooHr: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBambooHr" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BambooHr#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBambooHrPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBambooHr" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BambooHr#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBambooHr" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BambooHr#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Basecamp: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBasecampCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBasecamp" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Basecamp#create /sources/{sourceId}#Basecamp: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBasecamp" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Basecamp#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBasecampPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBasecamp" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Basecamp#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBasecamp" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Basecamp#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Bigquery: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBigqueryCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBigquery" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Bigquery#create /sources/{sourceId}#Bigquery: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBigquery" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Bigquery#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBigqueryPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBigquery" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Bigquery#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBigquery" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Bigquery#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#BingAds: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBingAdsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBingAds" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BingAds#create /sources/{sourceId}#BingAds: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBingAds" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BingAds#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBingAdsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBingAds" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BingAds#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBingAds" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BingAds#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Braintree: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBraintreeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBraintree" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braintree#create /sources/{sourceId}#Braintree: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBraintree" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braintree#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBraintreePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBraintree" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braintree#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBraintree" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braintree#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Braze: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBrazeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBraze" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braze#create /sources/{sourceId}#Braze: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBraze" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braze#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBrazePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBraze" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braze#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBraze" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Braze#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#BreezyHr: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBreezyHrCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceBreezyHr" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BreezyHr#create /sources/{sourceId}#BreezyHr: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceBreezyHr" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BreezyHr#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceBreezyHrPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceBreezyHr" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BreezyHr#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceBreezyHr" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_BreezyHr#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Calendly: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCalendlyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCalendly" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Calendly#create /sources/{sourceId}#Calendly: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCalendly" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Calendly#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCalendlyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCalendly" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Calendly#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCalendly" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Calendly#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Cart: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCartCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCart" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Cart#create /sources/{sourceId}#Cart: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCart" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Cart#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCartPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCart" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Cart#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCart" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Cart#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Chargebee: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceChargebeeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceChargebee" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chargebee#create /sources/{sourceId}#Chargebee: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceChargebee" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chargebee#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceChargebeePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceChargebee" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chargebee#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceChargebee" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chargebee#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Chartmogul: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceChartmogulCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceChartmogul" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chartmogul#create /sources/{sourceId}#Chartmogul: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceChartmogul" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chartmogul#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceChartmogulPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceChartmogul" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chartmogul#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceChartmogul" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Chartmogul#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Clazar: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClazarCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceClazar" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clazar#create /sources/{sourceId}#Clazar: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceClazar" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clazar#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClazarPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceClazar" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clazar#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceClazar" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clazar#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Clickhouse: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClickhouseCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceClickhouse" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clickhouse#create /sources/{sourceId}#Clickhouse: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceClickhouse" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clickhouse#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClickhousePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceClickhouse" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clickhouse#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceClickhouse" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clickhouse#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ClickupApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClickupApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceClickupApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ClickupApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#ClickupApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceClickupApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ClickupApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClickupApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceClickupApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ClickupApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceClickupApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ClickupApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Clockify: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClockifyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceClockify" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clockify#create /sources/{sourceId}#Clockify: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceClockify" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clockify#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceClockifyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceClockify" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clockify#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceClockify" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Clockify#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#CloseCom: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCloseComCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCloseCom" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CloseCom#create /sources/{sourceId}#CloseCom: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCloseCom" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CloseCom#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCloseComPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCloseCom" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CloseCom#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCloseCom" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CloseCom#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Coda: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCodaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCoda" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coda#create /sources/{sourceId}#Coda: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCoda" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coda#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCodaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCoda" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coda#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCoda" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coda#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#CoinApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCoinApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCoinApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CoinApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#CoinApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCoinApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CoinApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCoinApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCoinApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CoinApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCoinApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CoinApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Coinmarketcap: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCoinmarketcapCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCoinmarketcap" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coinmarketcap#create /sources/{sourceId}#Coinmarketcap: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCoinmarketcap" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coinmarketcap#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCoinmarketcapPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCoinmarketcap" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coinmarketcap#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCoinmarketcap" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Coinmarketcap#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Configcat: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfigcatCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceConfigcat" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Configcat#create /sources/{sourceId}#Configcat: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceConfigcat" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Configcat#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfigcatPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceConfigcat" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Configcat#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceConfigcat" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Configcat#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Confluence: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfluenceCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceConfluence" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Confluence#create /sources/{sourceId}#Confluence: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceConfluence" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Confluence#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfluencePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceConfluence" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Confluence#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceConfluence" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Confluence#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Convex: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConvexCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceConvex" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Convex#create /sources/{sourceId}#Convex: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceConvex" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Convex#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConvexPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceConvex" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Convex#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceConvex" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Convex#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#CustomerIo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCustomerIoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCustomerIo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CustomerIo#create /sources/{sourceId}#CustomerIo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCustomerIo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CustomerIo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCustomerIoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCustomerIo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CustomerIo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCustomerIo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_CustomerIo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Datadog: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDatadogCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDatadog" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datadog#create /sources/{sourceId}#Datadog: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDatadog" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datadog#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDatadogPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDatadog" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datadog#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDatadog" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datadog#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Datascope: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDatascopeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDatascope" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datascope#create /sources/{sourceId}#Datascope: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDatascope" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datascope#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDatascopePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDatascope" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datascope#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDatascope" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Datascope#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Dbt: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDbtCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDbt" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dbt#create /sources/{sourceId}#Dbt: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDbt" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dbt#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDbtPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDbt" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dbt#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDbt" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dbt#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Delighted: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDelightedCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDelighted" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Delighted#create /sources/{sourceId}#Delighted: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDelighted" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Delighted#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDelightedPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDelighted" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Delighted#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDelighted" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Delighted#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Dixa: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDixaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDixa" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dixa#create /sources/{sourceId}#Dixa: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDixa" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dixa#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDixaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDixa" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dixa#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDixa" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dixa#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Dockerhub: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDockerhubCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDockerhub" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dockerhub#create /sources/{sourceId}#Dockerhub: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDockerhub" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dockerhub#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDockerhubPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDockerhub" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dockerhub#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDockerhub" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dockerhub#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Dremio: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDremioCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDremio" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dremio#create /sources/{sourceId}#Dremio: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDremio" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dremio#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDremioPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDremio" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dremio#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDremio" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dremio#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Dynamodb: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDynamodbCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceDynamodb" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dynamodb#create /sources/{sourceId}#Dynamodb: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceDynamodb" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dynamodb#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceDynamodbPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceDynamodb" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dynamodb#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceDynamodb" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Dynamodb#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Emailoctopus: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceEmailoctopusCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceEmailoctopus" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Emailoctopus#create /sources/{sourceId}#Emailoctopus: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceEmailoctopus" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Emailoctopus#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceEmailoctopusPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceEmailoctopus" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Emailoctopus#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceEmailoctopus" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Emailoctopus#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ExchangeRates: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceExchangeRatesCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceExchangeRates" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ExchangeRates#create /sources/{sourceId}#ExchangeRates: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceExchangeRates" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ExchangeRates#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceExchangeRatesPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceExchangeRates" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ExchangeRates#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceExchangeRates" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ExchangeRates#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#FacebookMarketing: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFacebookMarketingCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFacebookMarketing" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_FacebookMarketing#create /sources/{sourceId}#FacebookMarketing: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFacebookMarketing" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_FacebookMarketing#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFacebookMarketingPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFacebookMarketing" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_FacebookMarketing#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFacebookMarketing" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_FacebookMarketing#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Faker: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFakerCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFaker" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Faker#create /sources/{sourceId}#Faker: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFaker" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Faker#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFakerPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFaker" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Faker#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFaker" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Faker#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Fauna: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFaunaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFauna" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fauna#create /sources/{sourceId}#Fauna: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFauna" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fauna#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFaunaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFauna" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fauna#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFauna" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fauna#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#File: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFileCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFile" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_File#create /sources/{sourceId}#File: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFile" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_File#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFilePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFile" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_File#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFile" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_File#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Firebolt: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFireboltCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFirebolt" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Firebolt#create /sources/{sourceId}#Firebolt: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFirebolt" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Firebolt#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFireboltPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFirebolt" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Firebolt#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFirebolt" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Firebolt#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Fleetio: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFleetioCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFleetio" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fleetio#create /sources/{sourceId}#Fleetio: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFleetio" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fleetio#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFleetioPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFleetio" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fleetio#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFleetio" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Fleetio#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Freshcaller: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshcallerCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFreshcaller" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshcaller#create /sources/{sourceId}#Freshcaller: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFreshcaller" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshcaller#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshcallerPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFreshcaller" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshcaller#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFreshcaller" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshcaller#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Freshdesk: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshdeskCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFreshdesk" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshdesk#create /sources/{sourceId}#Freshdesk: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFreshdesk" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshdesk#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshdeskPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFreshdesk" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshdesk#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFreshdesk" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshdesk#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Freshsales: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshsalesCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceFreshsales" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshsales#create /sources/{sourceId}#Freshsales: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceFreshsales" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshsales#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceFreshsalesPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceFreshsales" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshsales#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceFreshsales" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Freshsales#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GainsightPx: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGainsightPxCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGainsightPx" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GainsightPx#create /sources/{sourceId}#GainsightPx: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGainsightPx" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GainsightPx#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGainsightPxPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGainsightPx" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GainsightPx#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGainsightPx" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GainsightPx#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Gcs: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGcsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGcs" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gcs#create /sources/{sourceId}#Gcs: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGcs" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gcs#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGcsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGcs" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gcs#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGcs" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gcs#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Getlago: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGetlagoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGetlago" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Getlago#create /sources/{sourceId}#Getlago: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGetlago" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Getlago#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGetlagoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGetlago" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Getlago#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGetlago" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Getlago#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Github: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGithubCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGithub" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Github#create /sources/{sourceId}#Github: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGithub" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Github#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGithubPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGithub" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Github#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGithub" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Github#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Gitlab: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGitlabCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGitlab" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gitlab#create /sources/{sourceId}#Gitlab: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGitlab" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gitlab#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGitlabPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGitlab" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gitlab#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGitlab" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gitlab#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Glassfrog: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGlassfrogCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGlassfrog" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Glassfrog#create /sources/{sourceId}#Glassfrog: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGlassfrog" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Glassfrog#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGlassfrogPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGlassfrog" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Glassfrog#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGlassfrog" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Glassfrog#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Gnews: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGnewsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGnews" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gnews#create /sources/{sourceId}#Gnews: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGnews" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gnews#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGnewsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGnews" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gnews#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGnews" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gnews#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Goldcast: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoldcastCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoldcast" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Goldcast#create /sources/{sourceId}#Goldcast: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoldcast" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Goldcast#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoldcastPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoldcast" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Goldcast#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoldcast" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Goldcast#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleAds: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleAdsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleAds" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAds#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleAds: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleAds" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAds#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleAdsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleAds" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAds#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleAds" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAds#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleAnalyticsDataApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleAnalyticsDataApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleDirectory: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleDirectoryCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleDirectory" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDirectory#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleDirectory: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleDirectory" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDirectory#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleDirectoryPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleDirectory" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDirectory#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleDirectory" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDirectory#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleDrive: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleDriveCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleDrive" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDrive#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleDrive: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleDrive" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDrive#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleDrivePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleDrive" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDrive#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleDrive" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleDrive#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GooglePagespeedInsights: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGooglePagespeedInsightsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGooglePagespeedInsights" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights#create /sources/{sourceId}#GooglePagespeedInsights: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGooglePagespeedInsights" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGooglePagespeedInsightsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGooglePagespeedInsights" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGooglePagespeedInsights" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleSearchConsole: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleSearchConsoleCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleSearchConsole" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSearchConsole#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleSearchConsole: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleSearchConsole" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSearchConsole#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleSearchConsolePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleSearchConsole" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSearchConsole#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleSearchConsole" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSearchConsole#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleSheets: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleSheetsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleSheets" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSheets#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleSheets: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleSheets" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSheets#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleSheetsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleSheets" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSheets#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleSheets" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleSheets#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#GoogleWebfonts: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleWebfontsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGoogleWebfonts" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleWebfonts#create /sources/{sourceId}#GoogleWebfonts: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGoogleWebfonts" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleWebfonts#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGoogleWebfontsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGoogleWebfonts" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleWebfonts#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGoogleWebfonts" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_GoogleWebfonts#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Greenhouse: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGreenhouseCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGreenhouse" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Greenhouse#create /sources/{sourceId}#Greenhouse: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGreenhouse" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Greenhouse#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGreenhousePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGreenhouse" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Greenhouse#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGreenhouse" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Greenhouse#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Gridly: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGridlyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceGridly" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gridly#create /sources/{sourceId}#Gridly: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceGridly" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gridly#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceGridlyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceGridly" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gridly#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceGridly" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Gridly#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#HardcodedRecords: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHardcodedRecordsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHardcodedRecords" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HardcodedRecords#create /sources/{sourceId}#HardcodedRecords: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHardcodedRecords" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HardcodedRecords#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHardcodedRecordsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHardcodedRecords" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HardcodedRecords#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHardcodedRecords" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HardcodedRecords#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Harvest: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHarvestCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHarvest" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Harvest#create /sources/{sourceId}#Harvest: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHarvest" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Harvest#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHarvestPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHarvest" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Harvest#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHarvest" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Harvest#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Hibob: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHibobCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHibob" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hibob#create /sources/{sourceId}#Hibob: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHibob" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hibob#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHibobPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHibob" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hibob#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHibob" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hibob#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#HighLevel: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHighLevelCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHighLevel" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HighLevel#create /sources/{sourceId}#HighLevel: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHighLevel" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HighLevel#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHighLevelPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHighLevel" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HighLevel#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHighLevel" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_HighLevel#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Hubplanner: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHubplannerCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHubplanner" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubplanner#create /sources/{sourceId}#Hubplanner: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHubplanner" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubplanner#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHubplannerPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHubplanner" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubplanner#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHubplanner" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubplanner#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Hubspot: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHubspotCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceHubspot" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubspot#create /sources/{sourceId}#Hubspot: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceHubspot" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubspot#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceHubspotPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceHubspot" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubspot#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceHubspot" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Hubspot#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Insightly: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInsightlyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceInsightly" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Insightly#create /sources/{sourceId}#Insightly: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceInsightly" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Insightly#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInsightlyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceInsightly" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Insightly#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceInsightly" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Insightly#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Instagram: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInstagramCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceInstagram" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instagram#create /sources/{sourceId}#Instagram: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceInstagram" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instagram#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInstagramPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceInstagram" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instagram#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceInstagram" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instagram#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Instatus: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInstatusCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceInstatus" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instatus#create /sources/{sourceId}#Instatus: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceInstatus" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instatus#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceInstatusPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceInstatus" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instatus#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceInstatus" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Instatus#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Intercom: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIntercomCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceIntercom" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Intercom#create /sources/{sourceId}#Intercom: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceIntercom" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Intercom#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIntercomPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceIntercom" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Intercom#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceIntercom" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Intercom#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Ip2whois: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIp2whoisCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceIp2whois" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Ip2whois#create /sources/{sourceId}#Ip2whois: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceIp2whois" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Ip2whois#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIp2whoisPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceIp2whois" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Ip2whois#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceIp2whois" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Ip2whois#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Iterable: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIterableCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceIterable" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Iterable#create /sources/{sourceId}#Iterable: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceIterable" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Iterable#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceIterablePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceIterable" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Iterable#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceIterable" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Iterable#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Jira: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceJiraCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceJira" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Jira#create /sources/{sourceId}#Jira: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceJira" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Jira#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceJiraPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceJira" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Jira#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceJira" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Jira#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#K6Cloud: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceK6CloudCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceK6Cloud" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_K6Cloud#create /sources/{sourceId}#K6Cloud: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceK6Cloud" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_K6Cloud#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceK6CloudPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceK6Cloud" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_K6Cloud#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceK6Cloud" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_K6Cloud#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Klarna: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKlarnaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceKlarna" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klarna#create /sources/{sourceId}#Klarna: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceKlarna" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klarna#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKlarnaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceKlarna" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klarna#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceKlarna" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klarna#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Klaviyo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKlaviyoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceKlaviyo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klaviyo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Klaviyo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceKlaviyo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klaviyo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKlaviyoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceKlaviyo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klaviyo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceKlaviyo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Klaviyo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Kyve: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKyveCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceKyve" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Kyve#create /sources/{sourceId}#Kyve: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceKyve" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Kyve#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceKyvePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceKyve" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Kyve#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceKyve" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Kyve#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Launchdarkly: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLaunchdarklyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLaunchdarkly" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Launchdarkly#create /sources/{sourceId}#Launchdarkly: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLaunchdarkly" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Launchdarkly#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLaunchdarklyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLaunchdarkly" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Launchdarkly#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLaunchdarkly" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Launchdarkly#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Leadfeeder: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLeadfeederCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLeadfeeder" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Leadfeeder#create /sources/{sourceId}#Leadfeeder: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLeadfeeder" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Leadfeeder#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLeadfeederPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLeadfeeder" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Leadfeeder#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLeadfeeder" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Leadfeeder#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Lemlist: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLemlistCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLemlist" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lemlist#create /sources/{sourceId}#Lemlist: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLemlist" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lemlist#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLemlistPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLemlist" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lemlist#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLemlist" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lemlist#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#LeverHiring: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLeverHiringCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLeverHiring" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LeverHiring#create /sources/{sourceId}#LeverHiring: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLeverHiring" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LeverHiring#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLeverHiringPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLeverHiring" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LeverHiring#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLeverHiring" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LeverHiring#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#LinkedinAds: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinkedinAdsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLinkedinAds" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinAds#create /sources/{sourceId}#LinkedinAds: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLinkedinAds" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinAds#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinkedinAdsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLinkedinAds" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinAds#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLinkedinAds" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinAds#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#LinkedinPages: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinkedinPagesCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLinkedinPages" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinPages#create /sources/{sourceId}#LinkedinPages: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLinkedinPages" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinPages#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinkedinPagesPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLinkedinPages" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinPages#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLinkedinPages" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_LinkedinPages#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Linnworks: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinnworksCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLinnworks" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Linnworks#create /sources/{sourceId}#Linnworks: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLinnworks" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Linnworks#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLinnworksPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLinnworks" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Linnworks#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLinnworks" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Linnworks#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Lokalise: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLokaliseCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLokalise" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lokalise#create /sources/{sourceId}#Lokalise: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLokalise" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lokalise#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLokalisePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLokalise" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lokalise#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLokalise" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Lokalise#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Luma: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLumaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceLuma" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Luma#create /sources/{sourceId}#Luma: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceLuma" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Luma#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceLumaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceLuma" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Luma#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceLuma" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Luma#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Mailchimp: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailchimpCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMailchimp" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailchimp#create /sources/{sourceId}#Mailchimp: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMailchimp" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailchimp#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailchimpPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMailchimp" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailchimp#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMailchimp" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailchimp#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Mailgun: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailgunCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMailgun" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailgun#create /sources/{sourceId}#Mailgun: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMailgun" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailgun#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailgunPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMailgun" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailgun#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMailgun" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mailgun#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MailjetSms: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailjetSmsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMailjetSms" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MailjetSms#create /sources/{sourceId}#MailjetSms: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMailjetSms" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MailjetSms#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMailjetSmsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMailjetSms" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MailjetSms#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMailjetSms" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MailjetSms#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Marketo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMarketoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMarketo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Marketo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Marketo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMarketo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Marketo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMarketoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMarketo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Marketo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMarketo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Marketo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Metabase: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMetabaseCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMetabase" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Metabase#create /sources/{sourceId}#Metabase: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMetabase" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Metabase#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMetabasePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMetabase" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Metabase#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMetabase" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Metabase#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MicrosoftOnedrive: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftOnedriveCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMicrosoftOnedrive" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive#create /sources/{sourceId}#MicrosoftOnedrive: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMicrosoftOnedrive" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftOnedrivePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMicrosoftOnedrive" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMicrosoftOnedrive" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MicrosoftSharepoint: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftSharepointCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMicrosoftSharepoint" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint#create /sources/{sourceId}#MicrosoftSharepoint: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMicrosoftSharepoint" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftSharepointPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMicrosoftSharepoint" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMicrosoftSharepoint" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MicrosoftTeams: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftTeamsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMicrosoftTeams" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftTeams#create /sources/{sourceId}#MicrosoftTeams: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMicrosoftTeams" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftTeams#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMicrosoftTeamsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMicrosoftTeams" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftTeams#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMicrosoftTeams" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MicrosoftTeams#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Mixpanel: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMixpanelCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMixpanel" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mixpanel#create /sources/{sourceId}#Mixpanel: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMixpanel" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mixpanel#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMixpanelPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMixpanel" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mixpanel#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMixpanel" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mixpanel#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Monday: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMondayCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMonday" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Monday#create /sources/{sourceId}#Monday: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMonday" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Monday#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMondayPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMonday" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Monday#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMonday" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Monday#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MongodbV2: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMongodbV2CreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMongodbV2" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MongodbV2#create /sources/{sourceId}#MongodbV2: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMongodbV2" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MongodbV2#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMongodbV2PutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMongodbV2" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MongodbV2#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMongodbV2" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MongodbV2#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Mssql: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMssqlCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMssql" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mssql#create /sources/{sourceId}#Mssql: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMssql" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mssql#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMssqlPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMssql" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mssql#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMssql" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mssql#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#MyHours: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMyHoursCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMyHours" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MyHours#create /sources/{sourceId}#MyHours: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMyHours" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MyHours#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMyHoursPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMyHours" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MyHours#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMyHours" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_MyHours#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Mysql: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMysqlCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceMysql" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mysql#create /sources/{sourceId}#Mysql: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceMysql" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mysql#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceMysqlPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceMysql" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mysql#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceMysql" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Mysql#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Netsuite: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNetsuiteCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceNetsuite" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Netsuite#create /sources/{sourceId}#Netsuite: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceNetsuite" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Netsuite#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNetsuitePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceNetsuite" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Netsuite#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceNetsuite" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Netsuite#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#NorthpassLms: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNorthpassLmsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceNorthpassLms" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_NorthpassLms#create /sources/{sourceId}#NorthpassLms: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceNorthpassLms" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_NorthpassLms#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNorthpassLmsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceNorthpassLms" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_NorthpassLms#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceNorthpassLms" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_NorthpassLms#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Notion: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNotionCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceNotion" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Notion#create /sources/{sourceId}#Notion: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceNotion" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Notion#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNotionPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceNotion" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Notion#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceNotion" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Notion#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Nytimes: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNytimesCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceNytimes" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Nytimes#create /sources/{sourceId}#Nytimes: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceNytimes" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Nytimes#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceNytimesPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceNytimes" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Nytimes#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceNytimes" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Nytimes#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Okta: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOktaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOkta" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Okta#create /sources/{sourceId}#Okta: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOkta" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Okta#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOktaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOkta" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Okta#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOkta" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Okta#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Omnisend: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOmnisendCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOmnisend" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Omnisend#create /sources/{sourceId}#Omnisend: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOmnisend" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Omnisend#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOmnisendPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOmnisend" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Omnisend#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOmnisend" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Omnisend#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Onesignal: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOnesignalCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOnesignal" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Onesignal#create /sources/{sourceId}#Onesignal: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOnesignal" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Onesignal#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOnesignalPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOnesignal" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Onesignal#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOnesignal" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Onesignal#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Oracle: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOracleCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOracle" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Oracle#create /sources/{sourceId}#Oracle: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOracle" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Oracle#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOraclePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOracle" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Oracle#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOracle" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Oracle#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Orb: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOrbCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOrb" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orb#create /sources/{sourceId}#Orb: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOrb" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orb#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOrbPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOrb" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orb#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOrb" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orb#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Orbit: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOrbitCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOrbit" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orbit#create /sources/{sourceId}#Orbit: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOrbit" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orbit#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOrbitPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOrbit" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orbit#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOrbit" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Orbit#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#OutbrainAmplify: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOutbrainAmplifyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOutbrainAmplify" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_OutbrainAmplify#create /sources/{sourceId}#OutbrainAmplify: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOutbrainAmplify" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_OutbrainAmplify#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOutbrainAmplifyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOutbrainAmplify" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_OutbrainAmplify#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOutbrainAmplify" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_OutbrainAmplify#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Outreach: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOutreachCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceOutreach" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Outreach#create /sources/{sourceId}#Outreach: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceOutreach" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Outreach#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceOutreachPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceOutreach" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Outreach#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceOutreach" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Outreach#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#PaypalTransaction: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePaypalTransactionCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePaypalTransaction" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PaypalTransaction#create /sources/{sourceId}#PaypalTransaction: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePaypalTransaction" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PaypalTransaction#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePaypalTransactionPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePaypalTransaction" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PaypalTransaction#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePaypalTransaction" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PaypalTransaction#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Paystack: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePaystackCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePaystack" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Paystack#create /sources/{sourceId}#Paystack: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePaystack" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Paystack#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePaystackPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePaystack" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Paystack#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePaystack" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Paystack#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pendo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePendoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePendo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pendo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pendo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePendo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pendo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePendoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePendo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pendo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePendo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pendo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pennylane: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePennylaneCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePennylane" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pennylane#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pennylane: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePennylane" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pennylane#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePennylanePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePennylane" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pennylane#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePennylane" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pennylane#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Persistiq: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePersistiqCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePersistiq" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Persistiq#create /sources/{sourceId}#Persistiq: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePersistiq" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Persistiq#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePersistiqPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePersistiq" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Persistiq#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePersistiq" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Persistiq#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#PexelsApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePexelsApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePexelsApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PexelsApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#PexelsApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePexelsApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PexelsApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePexelsApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePexelsApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PexelsApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePexelsApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PexelsApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pinterest: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePinterestCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePinterest" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pinterest#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pinterest: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePinterest" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pinterest#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePinterestPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePinterest" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pinterest#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePinterest" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pinterest#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pipedrive: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePipedriveCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePipedrive" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pipedrive#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pipedrive: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePipedrive" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pipedrive#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePipedrivePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePipedrive" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pipedrive#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePipedrive" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pipedrive#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Planhat: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePlanhatCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePlanhat" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Planhat#create /sources/{sourceId}#Planhat: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePlanhat" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Planhat#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePlanhatPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePlanhat" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Planhat#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePlanhat" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Planhat#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pocket: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePocketCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePocket" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pocket#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pocket: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePocket" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pocket#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePocketPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePocket" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pocket#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePocket" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pocket#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pokeapi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePokeapiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePokeapi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pokeapi#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pokeapi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePokeapi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pokeapi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePokeapiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePokeapi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pokeapi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePokeapi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pokeapi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#PolygonStockApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePolygonStockApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePolygonStockApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PolygonStockApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#PolygonStockApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePolygonStockApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PolygonStockApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePolygonStockApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePolygonStockApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PolygonStockApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePolygonStockApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_PolygonStockApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Postgres: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePostgresCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePostgres" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postgres#create /sources/{sourceId}#Postgres: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePostgres" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postgres#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePostgresPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePostgres" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postgres#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePostgres" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postgres#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Posthog: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePosthogCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePosthog" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Posthog#create /sources/{sourceId}#Posthog: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePosthog" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Posthog#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePosthogPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePosthog" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Posthog#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePosthog" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Posthog#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Postmarkapp: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePostmarkappCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePostmarkapp" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postmarkapp#create /sources/{sourceId}#Postmarkapp: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePostmarkapp" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postmarkapp#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePostmarkappPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePostmarkapp" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postmarkapp#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePostmarkapp" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Postmarkapp#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Prestashop: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePrestashopCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePrestashop" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Prestashop#create /sources/{sourceId}#Prestashop: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePrestashop" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Prestashop#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePrestashopPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePrestashop" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Prestashop#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePrestashop" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Prestashop#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Pypi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePypiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourcePypi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pypi#create /sources/{sourceId}#Pypi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourcePypi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pypi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourcePypiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourcePypi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pypi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourcePypi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Pypi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Qualaroo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceQualarooCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceQualaroo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Qualaroo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Qualaroo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceQualaroo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Qualaroo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceQualarooPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceQualaroo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Qualaroo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceQualaroo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Qualaroo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Railz: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRailzCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRailz" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Railz#create /sources/{sourceId}#Railz: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRailz" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Railz#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRailzPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRailz" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Railz#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRailz" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Railz#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Recharge: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRechargeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRecharge" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recharge#create /sources/{sourceId}#Recharge: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRecharge" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recharge#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRechargePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRecharge" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recharge#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRecharge" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recharge#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Recreation: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecreationCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRecreation" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recreation#create /sources/{sourceId}#Recreation: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRecreation" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recreation#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecreationPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRecreation" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recreation#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRecreation" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recreation#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Recruitee: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecruiteeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRecruitee" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recruitee#create /sources/{sourceId}#Recruitee: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRecruitee" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recruitee#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecruiteePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRecruitee" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recruitee#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRecruitee" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recruitee#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Recurly: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecurlyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRecurly" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recurly#create /sources/{sourceId}#Recurly: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRecurly" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recurly#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRecurlyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRecurly" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recurly#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRecurly" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Recurly#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Reddit: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRedditCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceReddit" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Reddit#create /sources/{sourceId}#Reddit: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceReddit" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Reddit#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRedditPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceReddit" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Reddit#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceReddit" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Reddit#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Redshift: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRedshiftCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRedshift" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Redshift#create /sources/{sourceId}#Redshift: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRedshift" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Redshift#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRedshiftPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRedshift" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Redshift#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRedshift" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Redshift#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Retently: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRetentlyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRetently" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Retently#create /sources/{sourceId}#Retently: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRetently" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Retently#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRetentlyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRetently" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Retently#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRetently" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Retently#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#RkiCovid: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRkiCovidCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRkiCovid" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_RkiCovid#create /sources/{sourceId}#RkiCovid: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRkiCovid" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_RkiCovid#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRkiCovidPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRkiCovid" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_RkiCovid#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRkiCovid" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_RkiCovid#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Rss: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRssCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceRss" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Rss#create /sources/{sourceId}#Rss: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceRss" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Rss#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceRssPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceRss" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Rss#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceRss" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Rss#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#S3: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceS3CreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceS3" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_S3#create /sources/{sourceId}#S3: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceS3" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_S3#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceS3PutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceS3" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_S3#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceS3" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_S3#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Salesforce: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSalesforceCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSalesforce" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesforce#create /sources/{sourceId}#Salesforce: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSalesforce" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesforce#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSalesforcePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSalesforce" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesforce#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSalesforce" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesforce#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Salesloft: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSalesloftCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSalesloft" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesloft#create /sources/{sourceId}#Salesloft: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSalesloft" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesloft#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSalesloftPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSalesloft" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesloft#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSalesloft" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Salesloft#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SapFieldglass: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSapFieldglassCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSapFieldglass" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SapFieldglass#create /sources/{sourceId}#SapFieldglass: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSapFieldglass" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SapFieldglass#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSapFieldglassPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSapFieldglass" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SapFieldglass#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSapFieldglass" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SapFieldglass#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Savvycal: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSavvycalCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSavvycal" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Savvycal#create /sources/{sourceId}#Savvycal: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSavvycal" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Savvycal#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSavvycalPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSavvycal" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Savvycal#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSavvycal" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Savvycal#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Scryfall: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceScryfallCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceScryfall" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Scryfall#create /sources/{sourceId}#Scryfall: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceScryfall" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Scryfall#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceScryfallPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceScryfall" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Scryfall#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceScryfall" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Scryfall#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Secoda: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSecodaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSecoda" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Secoda#create /sources/{sourceId}#Secoda: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSecoda" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Secoda#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSecodaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSecoda" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Secoda#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSecoda" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Secoda#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Sendgrid: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSendgridCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSendgrid" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendgrid#create /sources/{sourceId}#Sendgrid: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSendgrid" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendgrid#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSendgridPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSendgrid" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendgrid#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSendgrid" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendgrid#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Sendinblue: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSendinblueCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSendinblue" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendinblue#create /sources/{sourceId}#Sendinblue: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSendinblue" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendinblue#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSendinbluePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSendinblue" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendinblue#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSendinblue" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sendinblue#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Senseforce: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSenseforceCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSenseforce" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Senseforce#create /sources/{sourceId}#Senseforce: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSenseforce" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Senseforce#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSenseforcePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSenseforce" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Senseforce#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSenseforce" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Senseforce#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Sentry: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSentryCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSentry" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sentry#create /sources/{sourceId}#Sentry: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSentry" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sentry#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSentryPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSentry" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sentry#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSentry" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sentry#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Sftp: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSftpCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSftp" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sftp#create /sources/{sourceId}#Sftp: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSftp" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sftp#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSftpPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSftp" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sftp#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSftp" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Sftp#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SftpBulk: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSftpBulkCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSftpBulk" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SftpBulk#create /sources/{sourceId}#SftpBulk: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSftpBulk" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SftpBulk#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSftpBulkPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSftpBulk" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SftpBulk#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSftpBulk" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SftpBulk#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Shopify: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceShopifyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceShopify" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shopify#create /sources/{sourceId}#Shopify: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceShopify" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shopify#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceShopifyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceShopify" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shopify#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceShopify" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shopify#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Shortio: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceShortioCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceShortio" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shortio#create /sources/{sourceId}#Shortio: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceShortio" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shortio#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceShortioPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceShortio" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shortio#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceShortio" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Shortio#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Slack: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSlackCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSlack" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Slack#create /sources/{sourceId}#Slack: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSlack" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Slack#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSlackPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSlack" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Slack#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSlack" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Slack#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Smaily: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmailyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSmaily" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smaily#create /sources/{sourceId}#Smaily: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSmaily" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smaily#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmailyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSmaily" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smaily#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSmaily" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smaily#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Smartengage: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmartengageCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSmartengage" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartengage#create /sources/{sourceId}#Smartengage: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSmartengage" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartengage#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmartengagePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSmartengage" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartengage#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSmartengage" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartengage#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Smartsheets: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmartsheetsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSmartsheets" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartsheets#create /sources/{sourceId}#Smartsheets: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSmartsheets" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartsheets#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSmartsheetsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSmartsheets" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartsheets#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSmartsheets" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Smartsheets#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SnapchatMarketing: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSnapchatMarketingCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSnapchatMarketing" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SnapchatMarketing#create /sources/{sourceId}#SnapchatMarketing: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSnapchatMarketing" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SnapchatMarketing#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSnapchatMarketingPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSnapchatMarketing" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SnapchatMarketing#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSnapchatMarketing" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SnapchatMarketing#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Snowflake: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSnowflakeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSnowflake" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Snowflake#create /sources/{sourceId}#Snowflake: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSnowflake" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Snowflake#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSnowflakePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSnowflake" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Snowflake#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSnowflake" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Snowflake#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SonarCloud: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSonarCloudCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSonarCloud" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SonarCloud#create /sources/{sourceId}#SonarCloud: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSonarCloud" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SonarCloud#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSonarCloudPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSonarCloud" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SonarCloud#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSonarCloud" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SonarCloud#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SpacexApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSpacexApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSpacexApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SpacexApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#SpacexApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSpacexApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SpacexApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSpacexApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSpacexApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SpacexApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSpacexApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SpacexApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Square: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSquareCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSquare" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Square#create /sources/{sourceId}#Square: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSquare" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Square#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSquarePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSquare" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Square#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSquare" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Square#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Strava: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceStravaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceStrava" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Strava#create /sources/{sourceId}#Strava: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceStrava" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Strava#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceStravaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceStrava" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Strava#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceStrava" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Strava#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Stripe: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceStripeCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceStripe" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Stripe#create /sources/{sourceId}#Stripe: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceStripe" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Stripe#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceStripePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceStripe" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Stripe#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceStripe" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Stripe#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#SurveySparrow: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSurveySparrowCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSurveySparrow" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SurveySparrow#create /sources/{sourceId}#SurveySparrow: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSurveySparrow" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SurveySparrow#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSurveySparrowPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSurveySparrow" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SurveySparrow#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSurveySparrow" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_SurveySparrow#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Surveymonkey: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSurveymonkeyCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceSurveymonkey" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Surveymonkey#create /sources/{sourceId}#Surveymonkey: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceSurveymonkey" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Surveymonkey#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceSurveymonkeyPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceSurveymonkey" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Surveymonkey#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceSurveymonkey" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Surveymonkey#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Tempo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTempoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTempo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Tempo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Tempo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTempo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Tempo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTempoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTempo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Tempo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTempo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Tempo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#TheGuardianApi: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTheGuardianApiCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTheGuardianApi" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TheGuardianApi#create /sources/{sourceId}#TheGuardianApi: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTheGuardianApi" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TheGuardianApi#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTheGuardianApiPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTheGuardianApi" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TheGuardianApi#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTheGuardianApi" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TheGuardianApi#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#TiktokMarketing: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTiktokMarketingCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTiktokMarketing" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TiktokMarketing#create /sources/{sourceId}#TiktokMarketing: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTiktokMarketing" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TiktokMarketing#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTiktokMarketingPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTiktokMarketing" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TiktokMarketing#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTiktokMarketing" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TiktokMarketing#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Trello: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTrelloCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTrello" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trello#create /sources/{sourceId}#Trello: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTrello" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trello#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTrelloPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTrello" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trello#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTrello" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trello#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Trustpilot: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTrustpilotCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTrustpilot" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trustpilot#create /sources/{sourceId}#Trustpilot: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTrustpilot" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trustpilot#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTrustpilotPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTrustpilot" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trustpilot#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTrustpilot" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Trustpilot#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#TvmazeSchedule: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTvmazeScheduleCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTvmazeSchedule" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TvmazeSchedule#create /sources/{sourceId}#TvmazeSchedule: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTvmazeSchedule" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TvmazeSchedule#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTvmazeSchedulePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTvmazeSchedule" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TvmazeSchedule#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTvmazeSchedule" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TvmazeSchedule#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Twilio: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwilioCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTwilio" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twilio#create /sources/{sourceId}#Twilio: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTwilio" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twilio#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwilioPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTwilio" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twilio#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTwilio" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twilio#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#TwilioTaskrouter: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwilioTaskrouterCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTwilioTaskrouter" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TwilioTaskrouter#create /sources/{sourceId}#TwilioTaskrouter: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTwilioTaskrouter" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TwilioTaskrouter#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwilioTaskrouterPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTwilioTaskrouter" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TwilioTaskrouter#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTwilioTaskrouter" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_TwilioTaskrouter#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Twitter: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwitterCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTwitter" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twitter#create /sources/{sourceId}#Twitter: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTwitter" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twitter#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTwitterPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTwitter" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twitter#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTwitter" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Twitter#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Typeform: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTypeformCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceTypeform" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Typeform#create /sources/{sourceId}#Typeform: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceTypeform" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Typeform#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceTypeformPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceTypeform" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Typeform#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceTypeform" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Typeform#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#UsCensus: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceUsCensusCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceUsCensus" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_UsCensus#create /sources/{sourceId}#UsCensus: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceUsCensus" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_UsCensus#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceUsCensusPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceUsCensus" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_UsCensus#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceUsCensus" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_UsCensus#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Vantage: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceVantageCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceVantage" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Vantage#create /sources/{sourceId}#Vantage: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceVantage" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Vantage#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceVantagePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceVantage" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Vantage#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceVantage" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Vantage#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Webflow: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWebflowCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceWebflow" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Webflow#create /sources/{sourceId}#Webflow: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceWebflow" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Webflow#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWebflowPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceWebflow" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Webflow#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceWebflow" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Webflow#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#WhiskyHunter: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWhiskyHunterCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceWhiskyHunter" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WhiskyHunter#create /sources/{sourceId}#WhiskyHunter: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceWhiskyHunter" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WhiskyHunter#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWhiskyHunterPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceWhiskyHunter" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WhiskyHunter#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceWhiskyHunter" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WhiskyHunter#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#WikipediaPageviews: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWikipediaPageviewsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceWikipediaPageviews" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WikipediaPageviews#create /sources/{sourceId}#WikipediaPageviews: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceWikipediaPageviews" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WikipediaPageviews#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWikipediaPageviewsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceWikipediaPageviews" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WikipediaPageviews#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceWikipediaPageviews" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_WikipediaPageviews#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Woocommerce: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWoocommerceCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceWoocommerce" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Woocommerce#create /sources/{sourceId}#Woocommerce: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceWoocommerce" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Woocommerce#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceWoocommercePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceWoocommerce" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Woocommerce#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceWoocommerce" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Woocommerce#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Xkcd: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceXkcdCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceXkcd" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Xkcd#create /sources/{sourceId}#Xkcd: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceXkcd" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Xkcd#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceXkcdPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceXkcd" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Xkcd#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceXkcd" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Xkcd#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#YandexMetrica: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYandexMetricaCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceYandexMetrica" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YandexMetrica#create /sources/{sourceId}#YandexMetrica: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceYandexMetrica" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YandexMetrica#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYandexMetricaPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceYandexMetrica" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YandexMetrica#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceYandexMetrica" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YandexMetrica#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Yotpo: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYotpoCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceYotpo" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Yotpo#create /sources/{sourceId}#Yotpo: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceYotpo" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Yotpo#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYotpoPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceYotpo" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Yotpo#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceYotpo" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Yotpo#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#YoutubeAnalytics: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYoutubeAnalyticsCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceYoutubeAnalytics" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YoutubeAnalytics#create /sources/{sourceId}#YoutubeAnalytics: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceYoutubeAnalytics" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YoutubeAnalytics#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceYoutubeAnalyticsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceYoutubeAnalytics" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YoutubeAnalytics#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceYoutubeAnalytics" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_YoutubeAnalytics#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZendeskChat: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskChatCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZendeskChat" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskChat#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZendeskChat: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZendeskChat" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskChat#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskChatPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZendeskChat" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskChat#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZendeskChat" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskChat#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZendeskSell: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSellCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZendeskSell" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSell#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZendeskSell: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZendeskSell" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSell#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSellPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZendeskSell" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSell#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZendeskSell" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSell#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZendeskSunshine: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSunshineCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZendeskSunshine" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSunshine#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZendeskSunshine: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZendeskSunshine" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSunshine#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSunshinePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZendeskSunshine" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSunshine#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZendeskSunshine" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSunshine#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZendeskSupport: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSupportCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZendeskSupport" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSupport#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZendeskSupport: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZendeskSupport" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSupport#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskSupportPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZendeskSupport" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSupport#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZendeskSupport" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskSupport#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZendeskTalk: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskTalkCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZendeskTalk" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskTalk#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZendeskTalk: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZendeskTalk" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskTalk#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZendeskTalkPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZendeskTalk" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskTalk#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZendeskTalk" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZendeskTalk#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Zenloop: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZenloopCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZenloop" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zenloop#create /sources/{sourceId}#Zenloop: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZenloop" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zenloop#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZenloopPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZenloop" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zenloop#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZenloop" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zenloop#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#ZohoCrm: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZohoCrmCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZohoCrm" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZohoCrm#create /sources/{sourceId}#ZohoCrm: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZohoCrm" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZohoCrm#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZohoCrmPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZohoCrm" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZohoCrm#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZohoCrm" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_ZohoCrm#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Zoom: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZoomCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceZoom" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zoom#create /sources/{sourceId}#Zoom: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceZoom" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zoom#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceZoomPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceZoom" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zoom#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceZoom" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Zoom#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /sources#Custom: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCustomCreateRequest" tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createSourceCustom" summary: "Create a source" description: "Creates a source given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the source." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Custom#create /sources/{sourceId}#Custom: get: tags: - "Sources" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" description: "Get a Source by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getSourceCustom" summary: "Get Source details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Custom#read put: tags: - "Sources" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceCustomPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putSourceCustom" summary: "Update a Source fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Custom#update delete: tags: - "Sources" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteSourceCustom" summary: "Delete a Source" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Source_Custom#delete parameters: - name: "sourceId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Astra: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAstraCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationAstra" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Astra#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Astra: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationAstra" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Astra#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAstraPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationAstra" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Astra#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationAstra" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Astra#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#AwsDatalake: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAwsDatalakeCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationAwsDatalake" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AwsDatalake#create /destinations/{destinationId}#AwsDatalake: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationAwsDatalake" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AwsDatalake#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAwsDatalakePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationAwsDatalake" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AwsDatalake#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationAwsDatalake" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AwsDatalake#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#AzureBlobStorage: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAzureBlobStorageCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AzureBlobStorage#create /destinations/{destinationId}#AzureBlobStorage: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AzureBlobStorage#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationAzureBlobStoragePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AzureBlobStorage#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationAzureBlobStorage" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_AzureBlobStorage#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Bigquery: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationBigqueryCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationBigquery" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Bigquery#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Bigquery: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationBigquery" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Bigquery#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationBigqueryPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationBigquery" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Bigquery#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationBigquery" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Bigquery#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Clickhouse: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationClickhouseCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationClickhouse" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Clickhouse#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Clickhouse: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationClickhouse" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Clickhouse#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationClickhousePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationClickhouse" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Clickhouse#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationClickhouse" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Clickhouse#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Convex: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConvexCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationConvex" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Convex#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Convex: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationConvex" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Convex#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConvexPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationConvex" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Convex#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationConvex" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Convex#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Databricks: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDatabricksCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationDatabricks" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Databricks#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Databricks: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationDatabricks" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Databricks#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDatabricksPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationDatabricks" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Databricks#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationDatabricks" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Databricks#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#DevNull: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDevNullCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationDevNull" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_DevNull#create /destinations/{destinationId}#DevNull: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationDevNull" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_DevNull#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDevNullPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationDevNull" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_DevNull#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationDevNull" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_DevNull#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Duckdb: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDuckdbCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationDuckdb" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Duckdb#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Duckdb: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationDuckdb" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Duckdb#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDuckdbPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationDuckdb" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Duckdb#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationDuckdb" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Duckdb#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Dynamodb: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDynamodbCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationDynamodb" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Dynamodb#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Dynamodb: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationDynamodb" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Dynamodb#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationDynamodbPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationDynamodb" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Dynamodb#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationDynamodb" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Dynamodb#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Elasticsearch: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationElasticsearchCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationElasticsearch" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Elasticsearch#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Elasticsearch: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationElasticsearch" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Elasticsearch#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationElasticsearchPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationElasticsearch" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Elasticsearch#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationElasticsearch" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Elasticsearch#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Firebolt: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationFireboltCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationFirebolt" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firebolt#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Firebolt: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationFirebolt" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firebolt#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationFireboltPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationFirebolt" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firebolt#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationFirebolt" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firebolt#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Firestore: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationFirestoreCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationFirestore" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firestore#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Firestore: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationFirestore" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firestore#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationFirestorePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationFirestore" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firestore#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationFirestore" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Firestore#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Gcs: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationGcsCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationGcs" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Gcs#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Gcs: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationGcs" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Gcs#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationGcsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationGcs" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Gcs#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationGcs" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Gcs#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#GoogleSheets: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationGoogleSheetsCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationGoogleSheets" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_GoogleSheets#create /destinations/{destinationId}#GoogleSheets: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationGoogleSheets" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_GoogleSheets#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationGoogleSheetsPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationGoogleSheets" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_GoogleSheets#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationGoogleSheets" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_GoogleSheets#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Milvus: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMilvusCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationMilvus" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Milvus#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Milvus: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationMilvus" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Milvus#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMilvusPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationMilvus" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Milvus#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationMilvus" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Milvus#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Mongodb: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMongodbCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationMongodb" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mongodb#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Mongodb: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationMongodb" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mongodb#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMongodbPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationMongodb" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mongodb#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationMongodb" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mongodb#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Mssql: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMssqlCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationMssql" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mssql#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Mssql: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationMssql" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mssql#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMssqlPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationMssql" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mssql#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationMssql" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mssql#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Mysql: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMysqlCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationMysql" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mysql#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Mysql: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationMysql" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mysql#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationMysqlPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationMysql" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mysql#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationMysql" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Mysql#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Oracle: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationOracleCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationOracle" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Oracle#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Oracle: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationOracle" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Oracle#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationOraclePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationOracle" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Oracle#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationOracle" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Oracle#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Pinecone: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPineconeCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationPinecone" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pinecone#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Pinecone: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationPinecone" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pinecone#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPineconePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationPinecone" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pinecone#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationPinecone" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pinecone#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Postgres: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPostgresCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationPostgres" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Postgres#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Postgres: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationPostgres" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Postgres#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPostgresPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationPostgres" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Postgres#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationPostgres" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Postgres#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Pubsub: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPubsubCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationPubsub" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pubsub#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Pubsub: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationPubsub" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pubsub#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationPubsubPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationPubsub" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pubsub#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationPubsub" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Pubsub#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Qdrant: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationQdrantCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationQdrant" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Qdrant#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Qdrant: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationQdrant" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Qdrant#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationQdrantPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationQdrant" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Qdrant#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationQdrant" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Qdrant#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Redis: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationRedisCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationRedis" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redis#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Redis: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationRedis" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redis#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationRedisPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationRedis" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redis#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationRedis" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redis#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Redshift: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationRedshiftCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationRedshift" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redshift#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Redshift: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationRedshift" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redshift#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationRedshiftPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationRedshift" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redshift#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationRedshift" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Redshift#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#S3: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationS3CreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationS3" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3#create /destinations/{destinationId}#S3: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationS3" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationS3PutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationS3" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationS3" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#S3Glue: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationS3GlueCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationS3Glue" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3Glue#create /destinations/{destinationId}#S3Glue: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationS3Glue" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3Glue#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationS3GluePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationS3Glue" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3Glue#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationS3Glue" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_S3Glue#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#SftpJson: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSftpJsonCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationSftpJson" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SftpJson#create /destinations/{destinationId}#SftpJson: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationSftpJson" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SftpJson#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSftpJsonPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationSftpJson" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SftpJson#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationSftpJson" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SftpJson#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Snowflake: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSnowflakeCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationSnowflake" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Snowflake#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Snowflake: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationSnowflake" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Snowflake#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSnowflakePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationSnowflake" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Snowflake#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationSnowflake" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Snowflake#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#SnowflakeCortex: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSnowflakeCortexCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationSnowflakeCortex" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SnowflakeCortex#create /destinations/{destinationId}#SnowflakeCortex: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationSnowflakeCortex" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SnowflakeCortex#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationSnowflakeCortexPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationSnowflakeCortex" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SnowflakeCortex#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationSnowflakeCortex" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_SnowflakeCortex#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Teradata: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationTeradataCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationTeradata" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Teradata#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Teradata: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationTeradata" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Teradata#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationTeradataPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationTeradata" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Teradata#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationTeradata" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Teradata#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Typesense: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationTypesenseCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationTypesense" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Typesense#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Typesense: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationTypesense" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Typesense#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationTypesensePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationTypesense" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Typesense#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationTypesense" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Typesense#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Vectara: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationVectaraCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationVectara" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Vectara#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Vectara: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationVectara" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Vectara#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationVectaraPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationVectara" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Vectara#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationVectara" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Vectara#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Weaviate: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationWeaviateCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationWeaviate" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Weaviate#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Weaviate: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationWeaviate" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Weaviate#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationWeaviatePutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationWeaviate" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Weaviate#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationWeaviate" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Weaviate#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Yellowbrick: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationYellowbrickCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationYellowbrick" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Yellowbrick#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Yellowbrick: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationYellowbrick" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Yellowbrick#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationYellowbrickPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationYellowbrick" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Yellowbrick#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationYellowbrick" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Yellowbrick#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true /destinations#Custom: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationCustomCreateRequest" tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Successful operation" "400": description: "Invalid data" "403": description: "Not allowed" operationId: "createDestinationCustom" summary: "Create a destination" description: "Creates a destination given a name, workspace id, and a json blob containing\ \ the configuration for the destination." x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Custom#create /destinations/{destinationId}#Custom: get: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "200": content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" description: "Get a Destination by the id in the path." "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "getDestinationCustom" summary: "Get Destination details" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Custom#read put: tags: - "Destinations" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationCustomPutRequest" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was updated successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "putDestinationCustom" summary: "Update a Destination fully" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Custom#update delete: tags: - "Destinations" responses: "2XX": description: "The resource was deleted successfully" "403": description: "Not allowed" "404": description: "Not found" operationId: "deleteDestinationCustom" summary: "Delete a Destination" x-use-speakeasy-middleware: true x-speakeasy-entity-operation: Destination_Custom#delete parameters: - name: "destinationId" schema: format: "UUID" type: "string" in: "path" required: true components: responses: InitiateOauthResponse: content: application/json: {} description: "Response from the initiate OAuth call should be an object with\ \ a single property which will be the `redirect_url`. If a user is redirected\ \ to this URL, they'll be prompted by the identity provider to authenticate." x-speakeasy-component: true schemas: WorkspaceId: type: "string" format: "uuid" x-speakeasy-component: true OrganizationId: type: "string" format: "uuid" x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionType: type: "string" description: "Describes what actions/endpoints the permission entitles to" enum: - "instance_admin" - "organization_admin" - "organization_editor" - "organization_reader" - "organization_member" - "workspace_owner" - "workspace_admin" - "workspace_editor" - "workspace_reader" x-speakeasy-component: true PublicPermissionType: type: "string" description: "Subset of `PermissionType` (removing `instance_admin`), could\ \ be used in public-api." enum: - "organization_admin" - "organization_editor" - "organization_reader" - "organization_member" - "workspace_admin" - "workspace_editor" - "workspace_reader" x-speakeasy-component: true UserId: type: "string" description: "Internal Airbyte user ID" format: "uuid" x-speakeasy-component: true AuthProvider: type: "string" description: "Auth Provider" default: "airbyte" enum: - "airbyte" - "google_identity_platform" - "keycloak" x-speakeasy-component: true UserStatus: type: "string" description: "user status" enum: - "invited" - "registered" - "disabled" x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true SelectedFieldInfo: type: "object" description: "Path to a field/column/property in a stream to be selected. For\ \ example, if the field to be selected is a database column called \"foo\"\ , this will be [\"foo\"]. Use multiple path elements for nested schemas." properties: fieldPath: type: "array" items: type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true SelectedFields: description: "Paths to the fields that will be included in the configured catalog." type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SelectedFieldInfo" x-speakeasy-component: true OAuthConfiguration: description: "The values required to configure OAuth flows. The schema for this\ \ must match the `OAuthConfigSpecification.oauthUserInputFromConnectorConfigSpecification`\ \ schema." x-speakeasy-component: true OAuthInputConfiguration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OAuthConfiguration" x-speakeasy-component: true ApplicationCreate: required: - "name" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true ApplicationReadList: required: - "applications" type: "object" properties: applications: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ApplicationRead" x-speakeasy-component: true ApplicationRead: required: - "id" - "name" - "clientId" - "clientSecret" - "createdAt" type: "object" properties: id: type: "string" name: type: "string" clientId: type: "string" clientSecret: type: "string" createdAt: type: "integer" format: "int64" x-speakeasy-component: true ApplicationTokenRequestWithGrant: required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "grant_type" type: "object" properties: client_id: type: "string" client_secret: type: "string" grant-type: enum: - "client_credentials" x-speakeasy-component: true PublicAccessTokenResponse: required: - "access_token" - "token_type" - "expires_in" type: "object" properties: access_token: type: "string" token_type: enum: - "Bearer" expires_in: type: "integer" format: "int64" x-speakeasy-component: true RedirectUrlResponse: title: "Root Type for RedirectUrlResponse" description: "" type: "object" properties: redirectUrl: format: "url" type: "string" example: redirectUrl: "" x-speakeasy-component: true JobResponse: title: "Root Type for JobResponse" description: "Provides details of a single job." required: - "jobId" - "status" - "jobType" - "startTime" - "connectionId" type: "object" properties: jobId: format: "int64" type: "integer" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobStatusEnum" jobType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobTypeEnum" startTime: type: "string" connectionId: format: "UUID" type: "string" lastUpdatedAt: type: "string" duration: description: "Duration of a sync in ISO_8601 format" type: "string" bytesSynced: format: "int64" type: "integer" rowsSynced: format: "int64" type: "integer" example: id: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" status: "running" jobType: "sync" startTime: "2023-03-25T01:30:50Z" duration: "PT8H6M12S" x-speakeasy-component: true JobsResponse: title: "Root Type for JobsResponse" description: "" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: previous: type: "string" next: type: "string" data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobResponse" example: next: "" previous: "" data: - id: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" status: "running" jobType: "sync" startTime: "2023-03-25T01:30:50Z" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionCreateRequest: required: - "sourceId" - "destinationId" type: "object" properties: name: description: "Optional name of the connection" type: "string" sourceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" destinationId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configurations: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamConfigurations" schedule: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AirbyteApiConnectionSchedule" dataResidency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GeographyEnum" namespaceDefinition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NamespaceDefinitionEnum" namespaceFormat: type: "string" description: "Used when namespaceDefinition is 'custom_format'. If blank\ \ then behaves like namespaceDefinition = 'destination'. If \"${SOURCE_NAMESPACE}\"\ \ then behaves like namespaceDefinition = 'source'." default: null example: "${SOURCE_NAMESPACE}" prefix: type: "string" description: "Prefix that will be prepended to the name of each stream when\ \ it is written to the destination (ex. “airbyte_” causes “projects” =>\ \ “airbyte_projects”)." nonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehavior: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehaviorEnum" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionStatusEnum" x-speakeasy-entity: Connection x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionPatchRequest: type: "object" properties: name: description: "Optional name of the connection" type: "string" configurations: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamConfigurations" schedule: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AirbyteApiConnectionSchedule" dataResidency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GeographyEnumNoDefault" namespaceDefinition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NamespaceDefinitionEnumNoDefault" namespaceFormat: type: "string" description: "Used when namespaceDefinition is 'custom_format'. If blank\ \ then behaves like namespaceDefinition = 'destination'. If \"${SOURCE_NAMESPACE}\"\ \ then behaves like namespaceDefinition = 'source'." default: null example: "${SOURCE_NAMESPACE}" prefix: type: "string" description: "Prefix that will be prepended to the name of each stream when\ \ it is written to the destination (ex. “airbyte_” causes “projects” =>\ \ “airbyte_projects”)." nonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehavior: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehaviorEnumNoDefault" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionStatusEnum" x-speakeasy-entity: Connection x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true JobCreateRequest: title: "Root Type for JobCreate" description: "Creates a new Job from the configuration provided in the request\ \ body." required: - "jobType" - "connectionId" type: "object" properties: connectionId: format: "UUID" type: "string" jobType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JobTypeEnum" example: connectionId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" jobType: "sync" x-speakeasy-component: true JobStatusEnum: enum: - "pending" - "running" - "incomplete" - "failed" - "succeeded" - "cancelled" type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true JobTypeEnum: description: "Enum that describes the different types of jobs that the platform\ \ runs." enum: - "sync" - "reset" - "refresh" - "clear" type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true SourceCreateRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: description: "Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance." type: "string" definitionId: description: "The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType\ \ or definitionId must be provided." format: "uuid" type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfiguration" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the OAuth redirect flow." type: "string" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Source x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true SourcePutRequest: required: - "name" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfiguration" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Source x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true SourcePatchRequest: type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" example: "My source" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfiguration" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the OAuth redirect flow." type: "string" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Source x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true InitiateOauthRequest: title: "Root Type for initiate-oauth-post-body" required: - "redirectUrl" - "workspaceId" type: "object" properties: name: description: "The name of the source to authenticate to. Deprecated - use\ \ sourceType instead." type: "string" sourceType: description: "The name of the source to authenticate to" type: "string" redirectUrl: description: "The URL to redirect the user to with the OAuth secret stored\ \ in the secret_id query string parameter after authentication is complete." type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" description: "The workspace to create the secret and eventually the full\ \ source." type: "string" oAuthInputConfiguration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OAuthInputConfiguration" description: "Input configuration for OAuth required by some sources." example: redirectUrl: "" workspaceId: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" destinationId: "3d93b16c-ff5f-421c-8908-5a3c82088f14" x-speakeasy-component: true WorkspaceOAuthCredentialsRequest: title: "Root Type for WorkspaceOAuthCredentials" description: "POST body for creating/updating workspace level OAuth credentials" required: - "actorType" - "name" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: actorType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ActorTypeEnum" name: type: "string" description: "The name of the source i.e. google-ads" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OAuthCredentialsConfiguration" x-speakeasy-component: true OAuthCredentialsConfiguration: description: "The configuration for this source/destination based on the OAuth\ \ section of the relevant specification." type: "object" example: credentials: client_id: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" client_secret: "shhhhhh" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionResponse: title: "Root Type for ConnectionResponse" description: "Provides details of a single connection." type: "object" required: - "connectionId" - "name" - "sourceId" - "destinationId" - "workspaceId" - "status" - "schedule" - "dataResidency" - "configurations" properties: connectionId: format: "UUID" type: "string" name: type: "string" sourceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" destinationId: format: "UUID" type: "string" workspaceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionStatusEnum" schedule: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionScheduleResponse" dataResidency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GeographyEnum" nonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehavior: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehaviorEnum" namespaceDefinition: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NamespaceDefinitionEnum" namespaceFormat: type: "string" prefix: type: "string" configurations: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamConfigurations" x-speakeasy-entity: Connection x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true AirbyteApiConnectionSchedule: description: "schedule for when the the connection should run, per the schedule\ \ type" type: "object" required: - "scheduleType" properties: scheduleType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ScheduleTypeEnum" cronExpression: type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true ScheduleTypeEnum: type: "string" enum: - "manual" - "cron" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionScheduleResponse: description: "schedule for when the the connection should run, per the schedule\ \ type" type: "object" required: - "scheduleType" properties: scheduleType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ScheduleTypeWithBasicEnum" cronExpression: type: "string" basicTiming: type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true ScheduleTypeWithBasicEnum: type: "string" enum: - "manual" - "cron" - "basic" x-speakeasy-component: true GeographyEnum: type: "string" enum: - "auto" - "us" - "eu" default: "auto" x-speakeasy-component: true GeographyEnumNoDefault: type: "string" enum: - "auto" - "us" - "eu" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionStatusEnum: type: "string" enum: - "active" - "inactive" - "deprecated" x-speakeasy-component: true NamespaceDefinitionEnum: type: "string" description: "Define the location where the data will be stored in the destination" enum: - "source" - "destination" - "custom_format" default: "destination" x-speakeasy-component: true NonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehaviorEnum: type: "string" description: "Set how Airbyte handles syncs when it detects a non-breaking schema\ \ change in the source" enum: - "ignore" - "disable_connection" - "propagate_columns" - "propagate_fully" default: "ignore" x-speakeasy-component: true NamespaceDefinitionEnumNoDefault: type: "string" description: "Define the location where the data will be stored in the destination" enum: - "source" - "destination" - "custom_format" x-speakeasy-component: true NonBreakingSchemaUpdatesBehaviorEnumNoDefault: type: "string" description: "Set how Airbyte handles syncs when it detects a non-breaking schema\ \ change in the source" enum: - "ignore" - "disable_connection" - "propagate_columns" - "propagate_fully" x-speakeasy-component: true DestinationResponse: title: "Root Type for DestinationResponse" description: "Provides details of a single destination." type: "object" required: - "destinationId" - "name" - "destinationType" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" properties: destinationId: format: "UUID" type: "string" name: type: "string" destinationType: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConfiguration" example: destinationId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Analytics Team Postgres" destinationType: "postgres" workspaceId: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" x-speakeasy-component: true SourceResponse: title: "Root Type for SourceResponse" description: "Provides details of a single source." type: "object" required: - "sourceId" - "name" - "sourceType" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" properties: sourceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" name: type: "string" sourceType: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceConfiguration" example: sourceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Analytics Team Postgres" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" x-speakeasy-component: true DestinationCreateRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: description: "Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance." type: "string" definitionId: description: "The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType\ \ or definitionId must be provided." format: "uuid" type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConfiguration" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true DestinationPatchRequest: type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConfiguration" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true DestinationPutRequest: required: - "name" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationConfiguration" x-implements: "io.airbyte.api.common.ConfigurableActor" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true WorkspaceCreateRequest: required: - "name" type: "object" properties: name: description: "Name of the workspace" type: "string" organizationId: description: "ID of organization to add workspace to." format: "uuid" type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Workspace x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true WorkspaceUpdateRequest: required: - "name" type: "object" properties: name: description: "Name of the workspace" type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Workspace x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true WorkspaceResponse: title: "Root Type for WorkspaceResponse" description: "Provides details of a single workspace." type: "object" required: - "workspaceId" - "name" - "dataResidency" properties: workspaceId: format: "UUID" type: "string" name: type: "string" dataResidency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GeographyEnum" x-speakeasy-entity: Workspace x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true UserResponse: title: "Root Type for UserResponse" description: "Provides details of a single user in an organization." type: "object" required: - "id" - "name" - "email" properties: name: description: "Name of the user" type: "string" id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserId" email: type: "string" format: "email" x-speakeasy-entity: User x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true UsersResponse: title: "Root Type for UsersResponse" description: "List/Array of multiple users in an organization" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserResponse" x-speakeasy-component: true x-speakeasy-entity: User x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true PermissionCreateRequest: required: - "permissionType" - "userId" type: "object" properties: permissionType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicPermissionType" userId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserId" workspaceId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceId" organizationId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationId" x-speakeasy-entity: Permission x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionUpdateRequest: required: - "permissionType" type: "object" properties: permissionType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionType" x-speakeasy-entity: Permission x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionResponse: title: "Root Type for PermissionResponse" description: "Provides details of a single permission." type: "object" required: - "permissionId" - "permissionType" - "userId" properties: permissionId: type: "string" format: "uuid" permissionType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionType" userId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserId" workspaceId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceId" organizationId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationId" x-speakeasy-entity: Permission x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionScope: description: "Scope of a single permission, e.g. workspace, organization" type: "string" enum: - "workspace" - "organization" - "none" x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionResponseRead: title: "Root type for PermissionResponseRead" description: "Reformat PermissionResponse with permission scope" type: "object" required: - "permissionId" - "permissionType" - "userId" - "scope" - "scopeId" properties: permissionId: type: "string" format: "uuid" permissionType: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionType" userId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserId" scopeId: type: "string" format: "uuid" scope: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionScope" x-speakeasy-entity: Permission x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true PermissionsResponse: title: "Root Type for PermissionsResponse" description: "List/Array of multiple permissions" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PermissionResponseRead" x-speakeasy-component: true OrganizationResponse: title: "Root Type for OrganizationResponse" description: "Provides details of a single organization for a user." type: "object" required: - "organizationId" - "organizationName" - "email" properties: organizationId: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationId" organizationName: type: "string" email: type: "string" format: "email" x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true x-speakeasy-component: true OrganizationsResponse: title: "Root Type for OrganizationsResponse" description: "List/Array of multiple organizations." required: - "data" type: "object" properties: data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationResponse" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionsResponse: title: "Root Type for ConnectionsResponse" description: "" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: previous: type: "string" next: type: "string" data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionResponse" default: [] example: next: "" previous: "" data: - name: "test-connection" - connection_id: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" - sourceId: "49237019-645d-47d4-b45b-5eddf97775ce" - destinationId: "al312fs-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" - schedule: scheduleType: "manual" - status: "active" - dataResidency: "auto" x-speakeasy-component: true SourcesResponse: title: "Root Type for SourcesResponse" description: "" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: previous: type: "string" next: type: "string" data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SourceResponse" example: next: "" previous: "" data: sourceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Analytics Team Postgres" sourceType: "postgres" workspaceId: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" x-speakeasy-component: true DestinationsResponse: title: "Root Type for DestinationsResponse" description: "" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: previous: type: "string" next: type: "string" data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DestinationResponse" example: next: "" previous: "" data: destinationId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Analytics Team Postgres" destinationType: "postgres" workspaceId: "871d9b60-11d1-44cb-8c92-c246d53bf87e" x-speakeasy-component: true WorkspacesResponse: title: "Root Type for WorkspacesResponse" description: "" required: - "data" type: "object" properties: previous: type: "string" next: type: "string" data: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/WorkspaceResponse" example: next: "" previous: "" data: workspaceId: "18dccc91-0ab1-4f72-9ed7-0b8fc27c5826" name: "Acme Company" dataResidency: "auto" x-speakeasy-component: true StreamConfiguration: description: "Configurations for a single stream." type: "object" required: - "name" properties: name: type: "string" syncMode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionSyncModeEnum" cursorField: description: "Path to the field that will be used to determine if a record\ \ is new or modified since the last sync. This field is REQUIRED if `sync_mode`\ \ is `incremental` unless there is a default." type: "array" items: type: "string" primaryKey: description: "Paths to the fields that will be used as primary key. This\ \ field is REQUIRED if `destination_sync_mode` is `*_dedup` unless it\ \ is already supplied by the source schema." type: "array" items: type: "array" items: type: "string" selectedFields: description: "By default (if not provided in the request) all fields will\ \ be synced. Otherwise, only the fields in this list will be synced." $ref: "#/components/schemas/SelectedFields" x-speakeasy-component: true StreamConfigurations: description: "A list of configured stream options for a connection." type: "object" properties: streams: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamConfiguration" x-speakeasy-component: true StreamPropertiesResponse: description: "A list of stream properties." type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StreamProperties" x-speakeasy-component: true StreamProperties: description: "The stream properties associated with a connection." type: "object" properties: streamName: type: "string" syncModes: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConnectionSyncModeEnum" defaultCursorField: type: "array" items: type: "string" sourceDefinedCursorField: type: "boolean" sourceDefinedPrimaryKey: type: "array" items: type: "array" items: type: "string" propertyFields: type: "array" items: type: "array" items: type: "string" x-speakeasy-component: true ConnectionSyncModeEnum: enum: - "full_refresh_overwrite" - "full_refresh_append" - "incremental_append" - "incremental_deduped_history" x-speakeasy-component: true ActorTypeEnum: description: "Whether you're setting this override for a source or destination" enum: - "source" - "destination" x-speakeasy-component: true source-trello: type: "object" required: - "key" - "token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Trello API key. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Trello API token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 board_ids: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$" title: "Trello Board IDs" description: "IDs of the boards to replicate data from. If left empty, data\ \ from all boards to which you have access will be replicated. Please\ \ note that this is not the 8-character ID in the board's shortLink (URL\ \ of the board). Rather, what is required here is the 24-character ID\ \ usually returned by the API" order: 3 sourceType: title: "trello" const: "trello" enum: - "trello" order: 0 type: "string" source-trello-update: type: "object" required: - "key" - "token" - "start_date" properties: key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Trello API key. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Trello API token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 board_ids: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$" title: "Trello Board IDs" description: "IDs of the boards to replicate data from. If left empty, data\ \ from all boards to which you have access will be replicated. Please\ \ note that this is not the 8-character ID in the board's shortLink (URL\ \ of the board). Rather, what is required here is the 24-character ID\ \ usually returned by the API" order: 3 source-the-guardian-api: title: "The Guardian Api Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Use this to set the minimum date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the results.\ \ Results older than the start_date will not be shown." pattern: "^([1-9][0-9]{3})\\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" query: title: "Query" type: "string" description: "(Optional) The query (q) parameter filters the results to\ \ only those that include that search term. The q parameter supports AND,\ \ OR and NOT operators." examples: - "environment AND NOT water" - "environment AND political" - "amusement park" - "political" tag: title: "Tag" type: "string" description: "(Optional) A tag is a piece of data that is used by The Guardian\ \ to categorise content. Use this parameter to filter results by showing\ \ only the ones matching the entered tag. See here for a list of all tags, and here for the tags endpoint documentation." examples: - "environment/recycling" - "environment/plasticbags" - "environment/energyefficiency" section: title: "Section" type: "string" description: "(Optional) Use this to filter the results by a particular\ \ section. See here for a list of all sections, and here for the sections endpoint documentation." examples: - "media" - "technology" - "housing-network" end_date: title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "(Optional) Use this to set the maximum date (YYYY-MM-DD) of\ \ the results. Results newer than the end_date will not be shown. Default\ \ is set to the current date (today) for incremental syncs." pattern: "^([1-9][0-9]{3})\\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" sourceType: title: "the-guardian-api" const: "the-guardian-api" enum: - "the-guardian-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-the-guardian-api-update: title: "The Guardian Api Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Use this to set the minimum date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the results.\ \ Results older than the start_date will not be shown." pattern: "^([1-9][0-9]{3})\\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" query: title: "Query" type: "string" description: "(Optional) The query (q) parameter filters the results to\ \ only those that include that search term. The q parameter supports AND,\ \ OR and NOT operators." examples: - "environment AND NOT water" - "environment AND political" - "amusement park" - "political" tag: title: "Tag" type: "string" description: "(Optional) A tag is a piece of data that is used by The Guardian\ \ to categorise content. Use this parameter to filter results by showing\ \ only the ones matching the entered tag. See here for a list of all tags, and here for the tags endpoint documentation." examples: - "environment/recycling" - "environment/plasticbags" - "environment/energyefficiency" section: title: "Section" type: "string" description: "(Optional) Use this to filter the results by a particular\ \ section. See here for a list of all sections, and here for the sections endpoint documentation." examples: - "media" - "technology" - "housing-network" end_date: title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "(Optional) Use this to set the maximum date (YYYY-MM-DD) of\ \ the results. Results newer than the end_date will not be shown. Default\ \ is set to the current date (today) for incremental syncs." pattern: "^([1-9][0-9]{3})\\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" source-harvest: title: "Harvest Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "replication_start_date" - "sourceType" properties: account_id: title: "Account ID" description: "Harvest account ID. Required for all Harvest requests in pair\ \ with Personal Access Token" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 0 replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" order: 1 format: "date-time" replication_end_date: title: "End Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data after this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true order: 2 format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Harvest." type: "object" order: 3 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Harvest (OAuth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Harvest developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Harvest developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with Personal Access Token" required: - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" order: 0 enum: - "Token" api_token: title: "Personal Access Token" description: "Log into Harvest and then create new personal access token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "harvest" const: "harvest" enum: - "harvest" order: 0 type: "string" source-harvest-update: title: "Harvest Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "replication_start_date" properties: account_id: title: "Account ID" description: "Harvest account ID. Required for all Harvest requests in pair\ \ with Personal Access Token" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 0 replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" order: 1 format: "date-time" replication_end_date: title: "End Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data after this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true order: 2 format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Harvest." type: "object" order: 3 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Harvest (OAuth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Harvest developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Harvest developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with Personal Access Token" required: - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" order: 0 enum: - "Token" api_token: title: "Personal Access Token" description: "Log into Harvest and then create new personal access token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true source-yotpo: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "app_key" - "start_date" - "email" - "sourceType" properties: access_token: type: "string" description: "Access token recieved as a result of API call to\ \ (Ref-" title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true app_key: type: "string" description: "App key found at settings (Ref-" title: "App Key" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" description: "Date time filter for incremental filter, Specify which date\ \ to extract from." title: "Date-From Filter" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 email: type: "string" description: "Email address registered with yotpo." title: "Registered email address" default: "" order: 3 sourceType: title: "yotpo" const: "yotpo" enum: - "yotpo" order: 0 type: "string" source-yotpo-update: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "app_key" - "start_date" - "email" properties: access_token: type: "string" description: "Access token recieved as a result of API call to\ \ (Ref-" title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 app_key: type: "string" description: "App key found at settings (Ref-" title: "App Key" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "Date time filter for incremental filter, Specify which date\ \ to extract from." title: "Date-From Filter" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 email: type: "string" description: "Email address registered with yotpo." title: "Registered email address" default: "" order: 3 source-prestashop: title: "PrestaShop Spec" type: "object" required: - "access_key" - "url" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: access_key: type: "string" title: "Access Key" description: "Your PrestaShop access key. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true url: type: "string" title: "Shop URL" description: "Shop URL without trailing slash." order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "The Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-01-01" format: "date" order: 2 sourceType: title: "prestashop" const: "prestashop" enum: - "prestashop" order: 0 type: "string" source-prestashop-update: title: "PrestaShop Spec" type: "object" required: - "access_key" - "url" - "start_date" properties: access_key: type: "string" title: "Access Key" description: "Your PrestaShop access key. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true url: type: "string" title: "Shop URL" description: "Shop URL without trailing slash." order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "The Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-01-01" format: "date" order: 2 source-netsuite: title: "Netsuite Spec" type: "object" required: - "realm" - "consumer_key" - "consumer_secret" - "token_key" - "token_secret" - "start_datetime" - "sourceType" properties: realm: type: "string" title: "Realm (Account Id)" description: "Netsuite realm e.g. 2344535, as for `production` or 2344535_SB1,\ \ as for the `sandbox`" order: 0 airbyte_secret: true consumer_key: type: "string" title: "Consumer Key" description: "Consumer key associated with your integration" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true consumer_secret: type: "string" title: "Consumer Secret" description: "Consumer secret associated with your integration" order: 2 airbyte_secret: true token_key: type: "string" title: "Token Key (Token Id)" description: "Access token key" order: 3 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_secret: type: "string" title: "Token Secret" description: "Access token secret" order: 4 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true object_types: type: "array" title: "Object Types" items: type: "string" description: "The API names of the Netsuite objects you want to sync. Setting\ \ this speeds up the connection setup process by limiting the number of\ \ schemas that need to be retrieved from Netsuite." order: 5 examples: - "customer" - "salesorder" - "etc" default: [] start_datetime: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ\"" order: 6 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "Window in Days" description: "The amount of days used to query the data with date chunks.\ \ Set smaller value, if you have lots of data." order: 7 default: 30 sourceType: title: "netsuite" const: "netsuite" enum: - "netsuite" order: 0 type: "string" source-netsuite-update: title: "Netsuite Spec" type: "object" required: - "realm" - "consumer_key" - "consumer_secret" - "token_key" - "token_secret" - "start_datetime" properties: realm: type: "string" title: "Realm (Account Id)" description: "Netsuite realm e.g. 2344535, as for `production` or 2344535_SB1,\ \ as for the `sandbox`" order: 0 airbyte_secret: true consumer_key: type: "string" title: "Consumer Key" description: "Consumer key associated with your integration" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true consumer_secret: type: "string" title: "Consumer Secret" description: "Consumer secret associated with your integration" order: 2 airbyte_secret: true token_key: type: "string" title: "Token Key (Token Id)" description: "Access token key" order: 3 airbyte_secret: true token_secret: type: "string" title: "Token Secret" description: "Access token secret" order: 4 airbyte_secret: true object_types: type: "array" title: "Object Types" items: type: "string" description: "The API names of the Netsuite objects you want to sync. Setting\ \ this speeds up the connection setup process by limiting the number of\ \ schemas that need to be retrieved from Netsuite." order: 5 examples: - "customer" - "salesorder" - "etc" default: [] start_datetime: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ\"" order: 6 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "Window in Days" description: "The amount of days used to query the data with date chunks.\ \ Set smaller value, if you have lots of data." order: 7 default: 30 source-convex: title: "Convex Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "deployment_url" - "access_key" - "sourceType" properties: deployment_url: type: "string" title: "Deployment Url" examples: - "" - "" access_key: type: "string" title: "Access Key" description: "API access key used to retrieve data from Convex." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "convex" const: "convex" enum: - "convex" order: 0 type: "string" source-convex-update: title: "Convex Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "deployment_url" - "access_key" properties: deployment_url: type: "string" title: "Deployment Url" examples: - "" - "" access_key: type: "string" title: "Access Key" description: "API access key used to retrieve data from Convex." airbyte_secret: true source-recurly: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Recurly API Key. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true begin_time: type: "string" description: "ISO8601 timestamp from which the replication from Recurly\ \ API will start from." examples: - "2021-12-01T00:00:00" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 end_time: type: "string" description: "ISO8601 timestamp to which the replication from Recurly API\ \ will stop. Records after that date won't be imported." examples: - "2021-12-01T00:00:00" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 sourceType: title: "recurly" const: "recurly" enum: - "recurly" order: 0 type: "string" source-recurly-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Recurly API Key. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key." order: 0 begin_time: type: "string" description: "ISO8601 timestamp from which the replication from Recurly\ \ API will start from." examples: - "2021-12-01T00:00:00" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 end_time: type: "string" description: "ISO8601 timestamp to which the replication from Recurly API\ \ will stop. Records after that date won't be imported." examples: - "2021-12-01T00:00:00" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 source-pennylane: type: "object" required: - "start_time" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: start_time: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Start time" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "pennylane" const: "pennylane" enum: - "pennylane" order: 0 type: "string" source-pennylane-update: type: "object" required: - "start_time" - "api_key" properties: start_time: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Start time" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-zendesk-chat: title: "Zendesk Chat Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Chat API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." examples: - "2021-02-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain" description: "Required if you access Zendesk Chat from a Zendesk Support\ \ subdomain." default: "" credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's\ \ expired." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Access Token" required: - "credentials" - "access_token" properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "access_token" order: 0 enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token to make authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "zendesk-chat" const: "zendesk-chat" enum: - "zendesk-chat" order: 0 type: "string" source-zendesk-chat-update: title: "Zendesk Chat Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Chat API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." examples: - "2021-02-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain" description: "Required if you access Zendesk Chat from a Zendesk Support\ \ subdomain." default: "" credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's\ \ expired." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Access Token" required: - "credentials" - "access_token" properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "access_token" order: 0 enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token to make authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true source-my-hours: title: "My Hours Spec" type: "object" required: - "email" - "password" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "Your My Hours username" example: "" password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated to the username" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Start date for collecting time logs" examples: - "%Y-%m-%d" - "2016-01-01" type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" logs_batch_size: title: "Time logs batch size" description: "Pagination size used for retrieving logs in days" examples: - 30 type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 365 default: 30 sourceType: title: "my-hours" const: "my-hours" enum: - "my-hours" order: 0 type: "string" source-my-hours-update: title: "My Hours Spec" type: "object" required: - "email" - "password" - "start_date" properties: email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "Your My Hours username" example: "" password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated to the username" airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Start date for collecting time logs" examples: - "%Y-%m-%d" - "2016-01-01" type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" logs_batch_size: title: "Time logs batch size" description: "Pagination size used for retrieving logs in days" examples: - 30 type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 365 default: 30 source-zendesk-sell: title: "Source Zendesk Sell Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: title: "API token" type: "string" description: "The API token for authenticating to Zendesk Sell" examples: - "f23yhd630otl94y85a8bf384958473pto95847fd006da49382716or937ruw059" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "zendesk-sell" const: "zendesk-sell" enum: - "zendesk-sell" order: 0 type: "string" source-zendesk-sell-update: title: "Source Zendesk Sell Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: title: "API token" type: "string" description: "The API token for authenticating to Zendesk Sell" examples: - "f23yhd630otl94y85a8bf384958473pto95847fd006da49382716or937ruw059" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-klaviyo: title: "Klaviyo Spec" type: "object" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Api Key" description: "Klaviyo API Key. See our docs if you need help finding this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. This field is optional\ \ - if not provided, all data will be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 1 disable_fetching_predictive_analytics: type: "boolean" title: "Disable Fetching Predictive Analytics" description: "Certain streams like the profiles stream can retrieve predictive\ \ analytics data from Klaviyo's API. However, at high volume, this can\ \ lead to service availability issues on the API which can be improved\ \ by not fetching this field. WARNING: Enabling this setting will stop\ \ the \"predictive_analytics\" column from being populated in your downstream\ \ destination." order: 2 sourceType: title: "klaviyo" const: "klaviyo" enum: - "klaviyo" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" source-klaviyo-update: title: "Klaviyo Spec" type: "object" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Api Key" description: "Klaviyo API Key. See our docs if you need help finding this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. This field is optional\ \ - if not provided, all data will be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 1 disable_fetching_predictive_analytics: type: "boolean" title: "Disable Fetching Predictive Analytics" description: "Certain streams like the profiles stream can retrieve predictive\ \ analytics data from Klaviyo's API. However, at high volume, this can\ \ lead to service availability issues on the API which can be improved\ \ by not fetching this field. WARNING: Enabling this setting will stop\ \ the \"predictive_analytics\" column from being populated in your downstream\ \ destination." order: 2 required: - "api_key" source-datadog: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "application_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Datadog API key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true application_key: type: "string" description: "Datadog application key" order: 1 title: "Application Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true query: type: "string" description: "The search query. This just applies to Incremental syncs.\ \ If empty, it'll collect all logs." order: 2 title: "Query" start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. This just applies to Incremental\ \ syncs." order: 3 title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z" default: "2023-12-01T00:00:00Z" site: type: "string" description: "The site where Datadog data resides in." enum: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" order: 4 title: "Site" default: "" end_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Data\ \ after this date will not be replicated. An empty value will represent\ \ the current datetime for each execution. This just applies to Incremental\ \ syncs." order: 5 title: "End date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z" default: "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z" max_records_per_request: type: "integer" description: "Maximum number of records to collect per request." order: 6 title: "Max records per requests" default: 5000 maximum: 5000 minimum: 1 queries: type: "array" description: "List of queries to be run and used as inputs." items: type: "object" required: - "name" - "data_source" - "query" properties: name: type: "string" description: "The variable name for use in queries." order: 1 title: "Query Name" query: type: "string" description: "A classic query string." order: 3 title: "Query" data_source: type: "string" description: "A data source that is powered by the platform." enum: - "metrics" - "cloud_cost" - "logs" - "rum" order: 2 title: "Data Source" order: 7 title: "Queries" default: [] sourceType: title: "datadog" const: "datadog" enum: - "datadog" order: 0 type: "string" source-datadog-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "application_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Datadog API key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true application_key: type: "string" description: "Datadog application key" order: 1 title: "Application Key" airbyte_secret: true query: type: "string" description: "The search query. This just applies to Incremental syncs.\ \ If empty, it'll collect all logs." order: 2 title: "Query" start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. This just applies to Incremental\ \ syncs." order: 3 title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z" default: "2023-12-01T00:00:00Z" site: type: "string" description: "The site where Datadog data resides in." enum: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" order: 4 title: "Site" default: "" end_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Data\ \ after this date will not be replicated. An empty value will represent\ \ the current datetime for each execution. This just applies to Incremental\ \ syncs." order: 5 title: "End date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z" default: "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z" max_records_per_request: type: "integer" description: "Maximum number of records to collect per request." order: 6 title: "Max records per requests" default: 5000 maximum: 5000 minimum: 1 queries: type: "array" description: "List of queries to be run and used as inputs." items: type: "object" required: - "name" - "data_source" - "query" properties: name: type: "string" description: "The variable name for use in queries." order: 1 title: "Query Name" query: type: "string" description: "A classic query string." order: 3 title: "Query" data_source: type: "string" description: "A data source that is powered by the platform." enum: - "metrics" - "cloud_cost" - "logs" - "rum" order: 2 title: "Data Source" order: 7 title: "Queries" default: [] source-luma: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Get your API key on Calendars dashboard → Settings." name: "api_key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "luma" const: "luma" enum: - "luma" order: 0 type: "string" source-luma-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Get your API key on Calendars dashboard → Settings." name: "api_key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true source-dockerhub: type: "object" required: - "docker_username" - "sourceType" properties: docker_username: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Docker Username" description: "Username of DockerHub person or organization (for\ \ API call)" pattern: "^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "airbyte" sourceType: title: "dockerhub" const: "dockerhub" enum: - "dockerhub" order: 0 type: "string" source-dockerhub-update: type: "object" required: - "docker_username" properties: docker_username: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Docker Username" description: "Username of DockerHub person or organization (for\ \ API call)" pattern: "^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "airbyte" source-webflow: title: "Webflow Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "site_id" - "sourceType" properties: site_id: title: "Site id" type: "string" description: "The id of the Webflow site you are requesting data from. See\ \" example: "a relatively long hex sequence" order: 0 api_key: title: "API token" type: "string" description: "The API token for authenticating to Webflow. See" example: "a very long hex sequence" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true accept_version: title: "Accept Version" type: "string" description: "The version of the Webflow API to use. See" example: "1.0.0" order: 2 sourceType: title: "webflow" const: "webflow" enum: - "webflow" order: 0 type: "string" source-webflow-update: title: "Webflow Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "site_id" properties: site_id: title: "Site id" type: "string" description: "The id of the Webflow site you are requesting data from. See\ \" example: "a relatively long hex sequence" order: 0 api_key: title: "API token" type: "string" description: "The API token for authenticating to Webflow. See" example: "a very long hex sequence" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true accept_version: title: "Accept Version" type: "string" description: "The version of the Webflow API to use. See" example: "1.0.0" order: 2 source-scryfall: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: sourceType: title: "scryfall" const: "scryfall" enum: - "scryfall" order: 0 type: "string" source-scryfall-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: {} source-high-level: type: "object" required: - "location_id" - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: location_id: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Location ID" api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "high-level" const: "high-level" enum: - "high-level" order: 0 type: "string" source-high-level-update: type: "object" required: - "location_id" - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: location_id: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Location ID" api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-wikipedia-pageviews: type: "object" required: - "access" - "agent" - "article" - "country" - "end" - "project" - "start" - "sourceType" properties: access: type: "string" title: "Access" description: "If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop,\ \ mobile-app or mobile-web. If you are interested in pageviews regardless\ \ of access method, use all-access." examples: - "all-access" - "desktop" - "mobile-app" - "mobile-web" order: 0 agent: type: "string" title: "Agent" description: "If you want to filter by agent type, use one of user, automated\ \ or spider. If you are interested in pageviews regardless of agent type,\ \ use all-agents." examples: - "all-agents" - "user" - "spider" - "automated" order: 1 article: type: "string" title: "Article" description: "The title of any article in the specified project. Any spaces\ \ should be replaced with underscores. It also should be URI-encoded,\ \ so that non-URI-safe characters like %, / or ? are accepted." examples: - "Are_You_the_One%3F" order: 2 country: type: "string" title: "Country" description: "The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of a country for which to retrieve\ \ top articles." examples: - "FR" - "IN" order: 3 end: type: "string" title: "End" description: "The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH\ \ format." order: 4 project: type: "string" title: "Project" description: "If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia\ \ project." examples: - "" - "" - "" order: 5 start: type: "string" title: "Start" description: "The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH\ \ format. Also serves as the date to retrieve data for the top articles." order: 6 sourceType: title: "wikipedia-pageviews" const: "wikipedia-pageviews" enum: - "wikipedia-pageviews" order: 0 type: "string" source-wikipedia-pageviews-update: type: "object" required: - "access" - "agent" - "article" - "country" - "end" - "project" - "start" properties: access: type: "string" title: "Access" description: "If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop,\ \ mobile-app or mobile-web. If you are interested in pageviews regardless\ \ of access method, use all-access." examples: - "all-access" - "desktop" - "mobile-app" - "mobile-web" order: 0 agent: type: "string" title: "Agent" description: "If you want to filter by agent type, use one of user, automated\ \ or spider. If you are interested in pageviews regardless of agent type,\ \ use all-agents." examples: - "all-agents" - "user" - "spider" - "automated" order: 1 article: type: "string" title: "Article" description: "The title of any article in the specified project. Any spaces\ \ should be replaced with underscores. It also should be URI-encoded,\ \ so that non-URI-safe characters like %, / or ? are accepted." examples: - "Are_You_the_One%3F" order: 2 country: type: "string" title: "Country" description: "The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of a country for which to retrieve\ \ top articles." examples: - "FR" - "IN" order: 3 end: type: "string" title: "End" description: "The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH\ \ format." order: 4 project: type: "string" title: "Project" description: "If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia\ \ project." examples: - "" - "" - "" order: 5 start: type: "string" title: "Start" description: "The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH\ \ format. Also serves as the date to retrieve data for the top articles." order: 6 source-google-directory: title: "Google Directory Spec" type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Google Credentials" description: "Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication\ \ and authorization. The Source supports Web server application and Service accounts scenarios." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Sign in via Google (OAuth)" description: "For these scenario user only needs to give permission to\ \ read Google Directory data." type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Authentication Scenario" const: "Web server app" order: 0 enum: - "Web server app" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of the developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of the developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The Token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Service Account Key" description: "For these scenario user should obtain service account's\ \ credentials from the Google API Console and provide delegated email." type: "object" required: - "credentials_json" - "email" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Authentication Scenario" const: "Service accounts" order: 0 enum: - "Service accounts" credentials_json: type: "string" title: "Credentials JSON" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. See the\ \ docs for more information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The email of the user, which has permissions to access\ \ the Google Workspace Admin APIs." sourceType: title: "google-directory" const: "google-directory" enum: - "google-directory" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-directory-update: title: "Google Directory Spec" type: "object" required: [] properties: credentials: title: "Google Credentials" description: "Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication\ \ and authorization. The Source supports Web server application and Service accounts scenarios." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Sign in via Google (OAuth)" description: "For these scenario user only needs to give permission to\ \ read Google Directory data." type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Authentication Scenario" const: "Web server app" order: 0 enum: - "Web server app" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of the developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of the developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The Token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Service Account Key" description: "For these scenario user should obtain service account's\ \ credentials from the Google API Console and provide delegated email." type: "object" required: - "credentials_json" - "email" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Authentication Scenario" const: "Service accounts" order: 0 enum: - "Service accounts" credentials_json: type: "string" title: "Credentials JSON" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. See the\ \ docs for more information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The email of the user, which has permissions to access\ \ the Google Workspace Admin APIs." source-smartengage: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "smartengage" const: "smartengage" enum: - "smartengage" order: 0 type: "string" source-smartengage-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 source-outbrain-amplify: title: "Outbrain Amplify Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Credentials for making authenticated requests requires either\ \ username/password or access_token." default: {} order: 0 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Access token" type: "object" properties: type: title: "Access token is required for authentication requests." const: "access_token" type: "string" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "type" - "access_token" - title: "Username Password" type: "object" properties: type: title: "Both username and password is required for authentication\ \ request." const: "username_password" type: "string" enum: - "username_password" username: type: "string" description: "Add Username for authentication." password: type: "string" description: "Add Password for authentication." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "type" - "username" - "password" report_granularity: title: "Granularity for periodic reports." description: "The granularity used for periodic data in reports. See the docs." enum: - "daily" - "weekly" - "monthly" order: 1 type: "string" geo_location_breakdown: title: "Granularity for geo-location region." description: "The granularity used for geo location data in reports." enum: - "country" - "region" - "subregion" order: 2 type: "string" start_date: type: "string" order: 3 description: "Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD eg. 2017-01-25. Any data before\ \ this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" end_date: type: "string" order: 4 description: "Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" sourceType: title: "outbrain-amplify" const: "outbrain-amplify" enum: - "outbrain-amplify" order: 0 type: "string" source-outbrain-amplify-update: title: "Outbrain Amplify Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "start_date" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Credentials for making authenticated requests requires either\ \ username/password or access_token." default: {} order: 0 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Access token" type: "object" properties: type: title: "Access token is required for authentication requests." const: "access_token" type: "string" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true required: - "type" - "access_token" - title: "Username Password" type: "object" properties: type: title: "Both username and password is required for authentication\ \ request." const: "username_password" type: "string" enum: - "username_password" username: type: "string" description: "Add Username for authentication." password: type: "string" description: "Add Password for authentication." airbyte_secret: true required: - "type" - "username" - "password" report_granularity: title: "Granularity for periodic reports." description: "The granularity used for periodic data in reports. See the docs." enum: - "daily" - "weekly" - "monthly" order: 1 type: "string" geo_location_breakdown: title: "Granularity for geo-location region." description: "The granularity used for geo location data in reports." enum: - "country" - "region" - "subregion" order: 2 type: "string" start_date: type: "string" order: 3 description: "Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD eg. 2017-01-25. Any data before\ \ this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" end_date: type: "string" order: 4 description: "Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" source-k6-cloud: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "Api Token" description: "Your API Token. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "k6-cloud" const: "k6-cloud" enum: - "k6-cloud" order: 0 type: "string" source-k6-cloud-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "Api Token" description: "Your API Token. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-postgres: title: "Postgres Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "sourceType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 group: "db" port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 group: "db" database: title: "Database Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 group: "db" schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas (case sensitive) to sync from. Defaults\ \ to public." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true default: - "public" order: 3 group: "db" username: title: "Username" description: "Username to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 group: "auth" password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 group: "auth" always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (Eg. key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For more\ \ information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 6 group: "advanced" pattern_descriptor: "key1=value1&key2=value2" ssl_mode: title: "SSL Modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n Read more in the docs." type: "object" order: 8 group: "security" oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: true description: "Disables encryption of communication between Airbyte and\ \ source database." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" order: 0 enum: - "disable" - title: "allow" additionalProperties: true description: "Enables encryption only when required by the source database." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" order: 0 enum: - "allow" - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: true description: "Allows unencrypted connection only if the source database\ \ does not support encryption." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" order: 0 enum: - "prefer" - title: "require" additionalProperties: true description: "Always require encryption. If the source database server\ \ does not support encryption, connection will fail." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" order: 0 enum: - "require" - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: true description: "Always require encryption and verifies that the source database\ \ server has a valid SSL certificate." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" order: 0 enum: - "verify-ca" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: true description: "This is the most secure mode. Always require encryption\ \ and verifies the identity of the source database server." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" order: 0 enum: - "verify-full" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true default: "require" replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." order: 9 group: "advanced" default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Write-Ahead Log (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the Postgres write-ahead log (WAL). This needs to be configured on the source\ \ database itself. Recommended for tables of any size." required: - "method" - "replication_slot" - "publication" additionalProperties: true properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 1 enum: - "CDC" plugin: type: "string" title: "Plugin" description: "A logical decoding plugin installed on the PostgreSQL\ \ server." enum: - "pgoutput" default: "pgoutput" order: 2 replication_slot: type: "string" title: "Replication Slot" description: "A plugin logical replication slot. Read about replication slots." order: 3 publication: type: "string" title: "Publication" description: "A Postgres publication used for consuming changes. Read\ \ about publications and replication identities." order: 4 initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 1200 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 2400 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 1200 order: 5 min: 120 max: 2400 queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with\ \ memory consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be\ \ careful." default: 10000 order: 6 min: 1000 max: 10000 lsn_commit_behaviour: type: "string" title: "LSN commit behaviour" description: "Determines when Airbyte should flush the LSN of processed\ \ WAL logs in the source database. `After loading Data in the destination`\ \ is default. If `While reading Data` is selected, in case of a\ \ downstream failure (while loading data into the destination),\ \ next sync would result in a full sync." enum: - "While reading Data" - "After loading Data in the destination" default: "After loading Data in the destination" order: 7 heartbeat_action_query: type: "string" title: "Debezium heartbeat query (Advanced)" description: "Specifies a query that the connector executes on the\ \ source database when the connector sends a heartbeat message.\ \ Please see the setup guide for how and when to configure this setting." default: "" order: 8 invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 9 initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 10 - title: "Detect Changes with Xmin System Column" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts and\ \ updates via Postgres Xmin system column. Suitable for databases that have low transaction\ \ pressure." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "Xmin" order: 0 enum: - "Xmin" - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "Standard" order: 8 enum: - "Standard" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true group: "security" sourceType: title: "postgres" const: "postgres" enum: - "postgres" order: 0 type: "string" groups: - id: "db" - id: "auth" - id: "security" title: "Security" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" source-postgres-update: title: "Postgres Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 group: "db" port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 group: "db" database: title: "Database Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 group: "db" schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas (case sensitive) to sync from. Defaults\ \ to public." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true default: - "public" order: 3 group: "db" username: title: "Username" description: "Username to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 group: "auth" password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 group: "auth" always_show: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (Eg. key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For more\ \ information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 6 group: "advanced" pattern_descriptor: "key1=value1&key2=value2" ssl_mode: title: "SSL Modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n Read more in the docs." type: "object" order: 8 group: "security" oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: true description: "Disables encryption of communication between Airbyte and\ \ source database." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" order: 0 enum: - "disable" - title: "allow" additionalProperties: true description: "Enables encryption only when required by the source database." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" order: 0 enum: - "allow" - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: true description: "Allows unencrypted connection only if the source database\ \ does not support encryption." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" order: 0 enum: - "prefer" - title: "require" additionalProperties: true description: "Always require encryption. If the source database server\ \ does not support encryption, connection will fail." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" order: 0 enum: - "require" - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: true description: "Always require encryption and verifies that the source database\ \ server has a valid SSL certificate." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" order: 0 enum: - "verify-ca" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: true description: "This is the most secure mode. Always require encryption\ \ and verifies the identity of the source database server." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" order: 0 enum: - "verify-full" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 default: "require" replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." order: 9 group: "advanced" default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Write-Ahead Log (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the Postgres write-ahead log (WAL). This needs to be configured on the source\ \ database itself. Recommended for tables of any size." required: - "method" - "replication_slot" - "publication" additionalProperties: true properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 1 enum: - "CDC" plugin: type: "string" title: "Plugin" description: "A logical decoding plugin installed on the PostgreSQL\ \ server." enum: - "pgoutput" default: "pgoutput" order: 2 replication_slot: type: "string" title: "Replication Slot" description: "A plugin logical replication slot. Read about replication slots." order: 3 publication: type: "string" title: "Publication" description: "A Postgres publication used for consuming changes. Read\ \ about publications and replication identities." order: 4 initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 1200 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 2400 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 1200 order: 5 min: 120 max: 2400 queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with\ \ memory consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be\ \ careful." default: 10000 order: 6 min: 1000 max: 10000 lsn_commit_behaviour: type: "string" title: "LSN commit behaviour" description: "Determines when Airbyte should flush the LSN of processed\ \ WAL logs in the source database. `After loading Data in the destination`\ \ is default. If `While reading Data` is selected, in case of a\ \ downstream failure (while loading data into the destination),\ \ next sync would result in a full sync." enum: - "While reading Data" - "After loading Data in the destination" default: "After loading Data in the destination" order: 7 heartbeat_action_query: type: "string" title: "Debezium heartbeat query (Advanced)" description: "Specifies a query that the connector executes on the\ \ source database when the connector sends a heartbeat message.\ \ Please see the setup guide for how and when to configure this setting." default: "" order: 8 invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 9 initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 10 - title: "Detect Changes with Xmin System Column" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts and\ \ updates via Postgres Xmin system column. Suitable for databases that have low transaction\ \ pressure." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "Xmin" order: 0 enum: - "Xmin" - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "Standard" order: 8 enum: - "Standard" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 group: "security" groups: - id: "db" - id: "auth" - id: "security" title: "Security" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" source-fauna: title: "Fauna Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain" - "port" - "scheme" - "secret" - "sourceType" properties: domain: order: 0 type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Domain of Fauna to query. Defaults See the\ \ docs." default: "" port: order: 1 type: "integer" title: "Port" description: "Endpoint port." default: 443 scheme: order: 2 type: "string" title: "Scheme" description: "URL scheme." default: "https" secret: order: 3 type: "string" title: "Fauna Secret" description: "Fauna secret, used when authenticating with the database." airbyte_secret: true collection: order: 5 type: "object" title: "Collection" description: "Settings for the Fauna Collection." required: - "page_size" - "deletions" properties: page_size: order: 4 type: "integer" title: "Page Size" default: 64 description: "The page size used when reading documents from the database.\ \ The larger the page size, the faster the connector processes documents.\ \ However, if a page is too large, the connector may fail.
\n\ Choose your page size based on how large the documents are.
\n\ See the docs." deletions: order: 5 type: "object" title: "Deletion Mode" description: "This only applies to incremental syncs.
\n\ Enabling deletion mode informs your destination of deleted documents.
\n\ Disabled - Leave this feature disabled, and ignore deleted documents.
\n\ Enabled - Enables this feature. When a document is deleted, the connector\ \ exports a record with a \"deleted at\" column containing the time\ \ that the document was deleted." oneOf: - title: "Disabled" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "deletion_mode" properties: deletion_mode: type: "string" const: "ignore" enum: - "ignore" - title: "Enabled" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "deletion_mode" - "column" properties: deletion_mode: type: "string" const: "deleted_field" enum: - "deleted_field" column: type: "string" title: "Deleted At Column" description: "Name of the \"deleted at\" column." default: "deleted_at" sourceType: title: "fauna" const: "fauna" enum: - "fauna" order: 0 type: "string" source-fauna-update: title: "Fauna Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain" - "port" - "scheme" - "secret" properties: domain: order: 0 type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Domain of Fauna to query. Defaults See the\ \ docs." default: "" port: order: 1 type: "integer" title: "Port" description: "Endpoint port." default: 443 scheme: order: 2 type: "string" title: "Scheme" description: "URL scheme." default: "https" secret: order: 3 type: "string" title: "Fauna Secret" description: "Fauna secret, used when authenticating with the database." airbyte_secret: true collection: order: 5 type: "object" title: "Collection" description: "Settings for the Fauna Collection." required: - "page_size" - "deletions" properties: page_size: order: 4 type: "integer" title: "Page Size" default: 64 description: "The page size used when reading documents from the database.\ \ The larger the page size, the faster the connector processes documents.\ \ However, if a page is too large, the connector may fail.
\n\ Choose your page size based on how large the documents are.
\n\ See the docs." deletions: order: 5 type: "object" title: "Deletion Mode" description: "This only applies to incremental syncs.
\n\ Enabling deletion mode informs your destination of deleted documents.
\n\ Disabled - Leave this feature disabled, and ignore deleted documents.
\n\ Enabled - Enables this feature. When a document is deleted, the connector\ \ exports a record with a \"deleted at\" column containing the time\ \ that the document was deleted." oneOf: - title: "Disabled" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "deletion_mode" properties: deletion_mode: type: "string" const: "ignore" enum: - "ignore" - title: "Enabled" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "deletion_mode" - "column" properties: deletion_mode: type: "string" const: "deleted_field" enum: - "deleted_field" column: type: "string" title: "Deleted At Column" description: "Name of the \"deleted at\" column." default: "deleted_at" source-twilio: title: "Twilio Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_sid" - "auth_token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: account_sid: title: "Account ID" description: "Twilio account SID" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 1 auth_token: title: "Auth Token" description: "Twilio Auth Token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2020-10-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z" type: "string" order: 3 format: "date-time" lookback_window: title: "Lookback window" description: "How far into the past to look for records. (in minutes)" examples: - 60 default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 576000 type: "integer" order: 4 sourceType: title: "twilio" const: "twilio" enum: - "twilio" order: 0 type: "string" source-twilio-update: title: "Twilio Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_sid" - "auth_token" - "start_date" properties: account_sid: title: "Account ID" description: "Twilio account SID" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 1 auth_token: title: "Auth Token" description: "Twilio Auth Token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" order: 2 start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2020-10-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2020-10-01T00:00:00Z" type: "string" order: 3 format: "date-time" lookback_window: title: "Lookback window" description: "How far into the past to look for records. (in minutes)" examples: - 60 default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 576000 type: "integer" order: 4 source-sendgrid: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 0 description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 description: "Sendgrid API Key, use admin to generate this key." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "sendgrid" const: "sendgrid" enum: - "sendgrid" order: 0 type: "string" source-sendgrid-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 0 description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 description: "Sendgrid API Key, use admin to generate this key." source-gnews: title: "Gnews Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" order: 0 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true query: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Query" description: "This parameter allows you to specify your search keywords\ \ to find the news articles you are looking for. The keywords will be\ \ used to return the most relevant articles. It is possible to use logical\ \ operators with keywords. - Phrase Search Operator: This operator allows\ \ you to make an exact search. Keywords surrounded by \n quotation marks\ \ are used to search for articles with the exact same keyword sequence.\ \ \n For example the query: \"Apple iPhone\" will return articles matching\ \ at least once this sequence of keywords.\n- Logical AND Operator: This\ \ operator allows you to make sure that several keywords are all used\ \ in the article\n search. By default the space character acts as an\ \ AND operator, it is possible to replace the space character \n by AND\ \ to obtain the same result. For example the query: Apple Microsoft is\ \ equivalent to Apple AND Microsoft\n- Logical OR Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to retrieve articles matching the keyword a or the keyword\ \ b.\n It is important to note that this operator has a higher precedence\ \ than the AND operator. For example the \n query: Apple OR Microsoft\ \ will return all articles matching the keyword Apple as well as all articles\ \ matching \n the keyword Microsoft\n- Logical NOT Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to remove from the results the articles corresponding to\ \ the\n specified keywords. To use it, you need to add NOT in front of\ \ each word or phrase surrounded by quotes.\n For example the query:\ \ Apple NOT iPhone will return all articles matching the keyword Apple\ \ but not the keyword\n iPhone" examples: - "Microsoft Windows 10" - "Apple OR Microsoft" - "Apple AND NOT iPhone" - "(Windows 7) AND (Windows 10)" - "Intel AND (i7 OR i9)" language: type: "string" title: "Language" decription: "This parameter allows you to specify the language of the news\ \ articles returned by the API. You have to set as value the 2 letters\ \ code of the language you want to filter." order: 2 enum: - "ar" - "zh" - "nl" - "en" - "fr" - "de" - "el" - "he" - "hi" - "it" - "ja" - "ml" - "mr" - "no" - "pt" - "ro" - "ru" - "es" - "sv" - "ta" - "te" - "uk" country: type: "string" title: "Country" description: "This parameter allows you to specify the country where the\ \ news articles returned by the API were published, the contents of the\ \ articles are not necessarily related to the specified country. You have\ \ to set as value the 2 letters code of the country you want to filter." order: 3 enum: - "au" - "br" - "ca" - "cn" - "eg" - "fr" - "de" - "gr" - "hk" - "in" - "ie" - "il" - "it" - "jp" - "nl" - "no" - "pk" - "pe" - "ph" - "pt" - "ro" - "ru" - "sg" - "es" - "se" - "ch" - "tw" - "ua" - "gb" - "us" in: type: "array" title: "In" description: "This parameter allows you to choose in which attributes the\ \ keywords are searched. The attributes that can be set are title, description\ \ and content. It is possible to combine several attributes." order: 4 items: type: "string" enum: - "title" - "description" - "content" nullable: type: "array" title: "Nullable" description: "This parameter allows you to specify the attributes that you\ \ allow to return null values. The attributes that can be set are title,\ \ description and content. It is possible to combine several attributes" order: 5 items: type: "string" enum: - "title" - "description" - "content" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "This parameter allows you to filter the articles that have\ \ a publication date greater than or equal to the specified value. The\ \ date must respect the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (in UTC)" order: 6 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08-21 16:27:09" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "This parameter allows you to filter the articles that have\ \ a publication date smaller than or equal to the specified value. The\ \ date must respect the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (in UTC)" order: 7 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08-21 16:27:09" sortby: type: "string" title: "Sort By" description: "This parameter allows you to choose with which type of sorting\ \ the articles should be returned. Two values are possible:\n - publishedAt\ \ = sort by publication date, the articles with the most recent publication\ \ date are returned first\n - relevance = sort by best match to keywords,\ \ the articles with the best match are returned first" order: 8 enum: - "publishedAt" - "relevance" top_headlines_query: type: "string" order: 9 title: "Top Headlines Query" description: "This parameter allows you to specify your search keywords\ \ to find the news articles you are looking for. The keywords will be\ \ used to return the most relevant articles. It is possible to use logical\ \ operators with keywords. - Phrase Search Operator: This operator allows\ \ you to make an exact search. Keywords surrounded by \n quotation marks\ \ are used to search for articles with the exact same keyword sequence.\ \ \n For example the query: \"Apple iPhone\" will return articles matching\ \ at least once this sequence of keywords.\n- Logical AND Operator: This\ \ operator allows you to make sure that several keywords are all used\ \ in the article\n search. By default the space character acts as an\ \ AND operator, it is possible to replace the space character \n by AND\ \ to obtain the same result. For example the query: Apple Microsoft is\ \ equivalent to Apple AND Microsoft\n- Logical OR Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to retrieve articles matching the keyword a or the keyword\ \ b.\n It is important to note that this operator has a higher precedence\ \ than the AND operator. For example the \n query: Apple OR Microsoft\ \ will return all articles matching the keyword Apple as well as all articles\ \ matching \n the keyword Microsoft\n- Logical NOT Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to remove from the results the articles corresponding to\ \ the\n specified keywords. To use it, you need to add NOT in front of\ \ each word or phrase surrounded by quotes.\n For example the query:\ \ Apple NOT iPhone will return all articles matching the keyword Apple\ \ but not the keyword\n iPhone" examples: - "Microsoft Windows 10" - "Apple OR Microsoft" - "Apple AND NOT iPhone" - "(Windows 7) AND (Windows 10)" - "Intel AND (i7 OR i9)" top_headlines_topic: type: "string" title: "Top Headlines Topic" description: "This parameter allows you to change the category for the request." order: 10 enum: - "breaking-news" - "world" - "nation" - "business" - "technology" - "entertainment" - "sports" - "science" - "health" sourceType: title: "gnews" const: "gnews" enum: - "gnews" order: 0 type: "string" source-gnews-update: title: "Gnews Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" order: 0 airbyte_secret: true query: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Query" description: "This parameter allows you to specify your search keywords\ \ to find the news articles you are looking for. The keywords will be\ \ used to return the most relevant articles. It is possible to use logical\ \ operators with keywords. - Phrase Search Operator: This operator allows\ \ you to make an exact search. Keywords surrounded by \n quotation marks\ \ are used to search for articles with the exact same keyword sequence.\ \ \n For example the query: \"Apple iPhone\" will return articles matching\ \ at least once this sequence of keywords.\n- Logical AND Operator: This\ \ operator allows you to make sure that several keywords are all used\ \ in the article\n search. By default the space character acts as an\ \ AND operator, it is possible to replace the space character \n by AND\ \ to obtain the same result. For example the query: Apple Microsoft is\ \ equivalent to Apple AND Microsoft\n- Logical OR Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to retrieve articles matching the keyword a or the keyword\ \ b.\n It is important to note that this operator has a higher precedence\ \ than the AND operator. For example the \n query: Apple OR Microsoft\ \ will return all articles matching the keyword Apple as well as all articles\ \ matching \n the keyword Microsoft\n- Logical NOT Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to remove from the results the articles corresponding to\ \ the\n specified keywords. To use it, you need to add NOT in front of\ \ each word or phrase surrounded by quotes.\n For example the query:\ \ Apple NOT iPhone will return all articles matching the keyword Apple\ \ but not the keyword\n iPhone" examples: - "Microsoft Windows 10" - "Apple OR Microsoft" - "Apple AND NOT iPhone" - "(Windows 7) AND (Windows 10)" - "Intel AND (i7 OR i9)" language: type: "string" title: "Language" decription: "This parameter allows you to specify the language of the news\ \ articles returned by the API. You have to set as value the 2 letters\ \ code of the language you want to filter." order: 2 enum: - "ar" - "zh" - "nl" - "en" - "fr" - "de" - "el" - "he" - "hi" - "it" - "ja" - "ml" - "mr" - "no" - "pt" - "ro" - "ru" - "es" - "sv" - "ta" - "te" - "uk" country: type: "string" title: "Country" description: "This parameter allows you to specify the country where the\ \ news articles returned by the API were published, the contents of the\ \ articles are not necessarily related to the specified country. You have\ \ to set as value the 2 letters code of the country you want to filter." order: 3 enum: - "au" - "br" - "ca" - "cn" - "eg" - "fr" - "de" - "gr" - "hk" - "in" - "ie" - "il" - "it" - "jp" - "nl" - "no" - "pk" - "pe" - "ph" - "pt" - "ro" - "ru" - "sg" - "es" - "se" - "ch" - "tw" - "ua" - "gb" - "us" in: type: "array" title: "In" description: "This parameter allows you to choose in which attributes the\ \ keywords are searched. The attributes that can be set are title, description\ \ and content. It is possible to combine several attributes." order: 4 items: type: "string" enum: - "title" - "description" - "content" nullable: type: "array" title: "Nullable" description: "This parameter allows you to specify the attributes that you\ \ allow to return null values. The attributes that can be set are title,\ \ description and content. It is possible to combine several attributes" order: 5 items: type: "string" enum: - "title" - "description" - "content" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "This parameter allows you to filter the articles that have\ \ a publication date greater than or equal to the specified value. The\ \ date must respect the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (in UTC)" order: 6 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08-21 16:27:09" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "This parameter allows you to filter the articles that have\ \ a publication date smaller than or equal to the specified value. The\ \ date must respect the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (in UTC)" order: 7 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08-21 16:27:09" sortby: type: "string" title: "Sort By" description: "This parameter allows you to choose with which type of sorting\ \ the articles should be returned. Two values are possible:\n - publishedAt\ \ = sort by publication date, the articles with the most recent publication\ \ date are returned first\n - relevance = sort by best match to keywords,\ \ the articles with the best match are returned first" order: 8 enum: - "publishedAt" - "relevance" top_headlines_query: type: "string" order: 9 title: "Top Headlines Query" description: "This parameter allows you to specify your search keywords\ \ to find the news articles you are looking for. The keywords will be\ \ used to return the most relevant articles. It is possible to use logical\ \ operators with keywords. - Phrase Search Operator: This operator allows\ \ you to make an exact search. Keywords surrounded by \n quotation marks\ \ are used to search for articles with the exact same keyword sequence.\ \ \n For example the query: \"Apple iPhone\" will return articles matching\ \ at least once this sequence of keywords.\n- Logical AND Operator: This\ \ operator allows you to make sure that several keywords are all used\ \ in the article\n search. By default the space character acts as an\ \ AND operator, it is possible to replace the space character \n by AND\ \ to obtain the same result. For example the query: Apple Microsoft is\ \ equivalent to Apple AND Microsoft\n- Logical OR Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to retrieve articles matching the keyword a or the keyword\ \ b.\n It is important to note that this operator has a higher precedence\ \ than the AND operator. For example the \n query: Apple OR Microsoft\ \ will return all articles matching the keyword Apple as well as all articles\ \ matching \n the keyword Microsoft\n- Logical NOT Operator: This operator\ \ allows you to remove from the results the articles corresponding to\ \ the\n specified keywords. To use it, you need to add NOT in front of\ \ each word or phrase surrounded by quotes.\n For example the query:\ \ Apple NOT iPhone will return all articles matching the keyword Apple\ \ but not the keyword\n iPhone" examples: - "Microsoft Windows 10" - "Apple OR Microsoft" - "Apple AND NOT iPhone" - "(Windows 7) AND (Windows 10)" - "Intel AND (i7 OR i9)" top_headlines_topic: type: "string" title: "Top Headlines Topic" description: "This parameter allows you to change the category for the request." order: 10 enum: - "breaking-news" - "world" - "nation" - "business" - "technology" - "entertainment" - "sports" - "science" - "health" source-google-ads: title: "Google Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: type: "object" description: "" title: "Google Credentials" order: 0 required: - "developer_token" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: developer_token: type: "string" title: "Developer Token" order: 0 description: "The Developer Token granted by Google to use their APIs.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" order: 1 description: "The Client ID of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" order: 2 description: "The Client Secret of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" order: 3 description: "The token used to obtain a new Access Token. For detailed\ \ instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" order: 4 description: "The Access Token for making authenticated requests. For\ \ detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true customer_id: title: "Customer ID(s)" type: "string" description: "Comma-separated list of (client) customer IDs. Each customer\ \ ID must be specified as a 10-digit number without dashes. For detailed\ \ instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." pattern: "^[0-9]{10}(,[0-9]{10})*$" pattern_descriptor: "The customer ID must be 10 digits. Separate multiple\ \ customer IDs using commas." examples: - "6783948572,5839201945" order: 1 customer_status_filter: title: "Customer Statuses Filter" description: "A list of customer statuses to filter on. For detailed info\ \ about what each status mean refer to Google Ads documentation." default: [] order: 2 type: "array" items: title: "CustomerStatus" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "UNKNOWN" - "ENABLED" - "CANCELED" - "SUSPENDED" - "CLOSED" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. (Default value of two years ago is used if not\ \ set)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2017-01-25" order: 3 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data after this date\ \ will not be replicated. (Default value of today is used if not set)" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2017-01-30" order: 4 format: "date" custom_queries_array: type: "array" title: "Custom GAQL Queries" description: "" order: 5 items: type: "object" required: - "query" - "table_name" properties: query: type: "string" multiline: true title: "Custom Query" description: "A custom defined GAQL query for building the report.\ \ Avoid including the field; wherever possible, Airbyte\ \ will automatically include it for incremental syncs. For more\ \ information, refer to Google's documentation." examples: - "SELECT segments.ad_destination_type, campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type\ \ FROM campaign WHERE campaign.status = 'PAUSED'" table_name: type: "string" title: "Destination Table Name" description: "The table name in your destination database for the\ \ chosen query." conversion_window_days: title: "Conversion Window" type: "integer" description: "A conversion window is the number of days after an ad interaction\ \ (such as an ad click or video view) during which a conversion, such\ \ as a purchase, is recorded in Google Ads. For more information, see\ \ Google's documentation." minimum: 0 maximum: 1095 default: 14 examples: - 14 order: 6 sourceType: title: "google-ads" const: "google-ads" enum: - "google-ads" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-ads-update: title: "Google Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: type: "object" description: "" title: "Google Credentials" order: 0 required: - "developer_token" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: developer_token: type: "string" title: "Developer Token" order: 0 description: "The Developer Token granted by Google to use their APIs.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" order: 1 description: "The Client ID of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" order: 2 description: "The Client Secret of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" order: 3 description: "The token used to obtain a new Access Token. For detailed\ \ instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" order: 4 description: "The Access Token for making authenticated requests. For\ \ detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true customer_id: title: "Customer ID(s)" type: "string" description: "Comma-separated list of (client) customer IDs. Each customer\ \ ID must be specified as a 10-digit number without dashes. For detailed\ \ instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." pattern: "^[0-9]{10}(,[0-9]{10})*$" pattern_descriptor: "The customer ID must be 10 digits. Separate multiple\ \ customer IDs using commas." examples: - "6783948572,5839201945" order: 1 customer_status_filter: title: "Customer Statuses Filter" description: "A list of customer statuses to filter on. For detailed info\ \ about what each status mean refer to Google Ads documentation." default: [] order: 2 type: "array" items: title: "CustomerStatus" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "UNKNOWN" - "ENABLED" - "CANCELED" - "SUSPENDED" - "CLOSED" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. (Default value of two years ago is used if not\ \ set)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2017-01-25" order: 3 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data after this date\ \ will not be replicated. (Default value of today is used if not set)" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2017-01-30" order: 4 format: "date" custom_queries_array: type: "array" title: "Custom GAQL Queries" description: "" order: 5 items: type: "object" required: - "query" - "table_name" properties: query: type: "string" multiline: true title: "Custom Query" description: "A custom defined GAQL query for building the report.\ \ Avoid including the field; wherever possible, Airbyte\ \ will automatically include it for incremental syncs. For more\ \ information, refer to Google's documentation." examples: - "SELECT segments.ad_destination_type, campaign.advertising_channel_sub_type\ \ FROM campaign WHERE campaign.status = 'PAUSED'" table_name: type: "string" title: "Destination Table Name" description: "The table name in your destination database for the\ \ chosen query." conversion_window_days: title: "Conversion Window" type: "integer" description: "A conversion window is the number of days after an ad interaction\ \ (such as an ad click or video view) during which a conversion, such\ \ as a purchase, is recorded in Google Ads. For more information, see\ \ Google's documentation." minimum: 0 maximum: 1095 default: 14 examples: - 14 order: 6 source-google-search-console: title: "Google Search Console Spec" type: "object" required: - "site_urls" - "authorization" - "sourceType" properties: site_urls: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Website URL Property" description: "The URLs of the website property attached to your GSC account.\ \ Learn more about properties here." examples: - "" - "" order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" always_show: true order: 1 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data created after\ \ this date will not be replicated. Must be greater or equal to the start\ \ date field. Leaving this field blank will replicate all data from the\ \ start date onward." examples: - "2021-12-12" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" order: 2 format: "date" authorization: type: "object" title: "Authentication Type" description: "" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "OAuth" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The client ID of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "Access token for making authenticated requests. Read\ \ more here." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token. Read more\ \ here." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Service Account Key Authentication" required: - "auth_type" - "service_account_info" - "email" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" order: 0 enum: - "Service" service_account_info: title: "Service Account JSON Key" type: "string" description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" airbyte_secret: true email: title: "Admin Email" type: "string" description: "The email of the user which has permissions to access\ \ the Google Workspace Admin APIs." custom_reports: order: 4 type: "string" title: "Custom Reports" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRCATED) A JSON array describing the custom reports you\ \ want to sync from Google Search Console. See our documentation\ \ for more information on formulating custom reports." custom_reports_array: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Analytics report by creating one." order: 5 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Dimensions" description: "A list of available dimensions. Please note, that for\ \ technical reasons `date` is the default dimension which will be\ \ included in your query whether you specify it or not. Primary\ \ key will consist of your custom dimensions and the default dimension\ \ along with `site_url` and `search_type`." type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration of dimensions." enum: - "country" - "date" - "device" - "page" - "query" default: - "date" minItems: 0 required: - "name" - "dimensions" data_state: type: "string" title: "Data Freshness" enum: - "final" - "all" description: "If set to 'final', the returned data will include only finalized,\ \ stable data. If set to 'all', fresh data will be included. When using\ \ Incremental sync mode, we do not recommend setting this parameter to\ \ 'all' as it may cause data loss. More information can be found in our\ \ full\ \ documentation." examples: - "final" - "all" default: "final" order: 6 sourceType: title: "google-search-console" const: "google-search-console" enum: - "google-search-console" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-search-console-update: title: "Google Search Console Spec" type: "object" required: - "site_urls" - "authorization" properties: site_urls: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Website URL Property" description: "The URLs of the website property attached to your GSC account.\ \ Learn more about properties here." examples: - "" - "" order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" always_show: true order: 1 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data created after\ \ this date will not be replicated. Must be greater or equal to the start\ \ date field. Leaving this field blank will replicate all data from the\ \ start date onward." examples: - "2021-12-12" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" order: 2 format: "date" authorization: type: "object" title: "Authentication Type" description: "" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "OAuth" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The client ID of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "Access token for making authenticated requests. Read\ \ more here." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token. Read more\ \ here." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Service Account Key Authentication" required: - "auth_type" - "service_account_info" - "email" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" order: 0 enum: - "Service" service_account_info: title: "Service Account JSON Key" type: "string" description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" airbyte_secret: true email: title: "Admin Email" type: "string" description: "The email of the user which has permissions to access\ \ the Google Workspace Admin APIs." custom_reports: order: 4 type: "string" title: "Custom Reports" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRCATED) A JSON array describing the custom reports you\ \ want to sync from Google Search Console. See our documentation\ \ for more information on formulating custom reports." custom_reports_array: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Analytics report by creating one." order: 5 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Dimensions" description: "A list of available dimensions. Please note, that for\ \ technical reasons `date` is the default dimension which will be\ \ included in your query whether you specify it or not. Primary\ \ key will consist of your custom dimensions and the default dimension\ \ along with `site_url` and `search_type`." type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration of dimensions." enum: - "country" - "date" - "device" - "page" - "query" default: - "date" minItems: 0 required: - "name" - "dimensions" data_state: type: "string" title: "Data Freshness" enum: - "final" - "all" description: "If set to 'final', the returned data will include only finalized,\ \ stable data. If set to 'all', fresh data will be included. When using\ \ Incremental sync mode, we do not recommend setting this parameter to\ \ 'all' as it may cause data loss. More information can be found in our\ \ full\ \ documentation." examples: - "final" - "all" default: "final" order: 6 source-kyve: title: "KYVE Spec" type: "object" required: - "pool_ids" - "start_ids" - "url_base" - "sourceType" properties: pool_ids: type: "string" title: "Pool-IDs" description: "The IDs of the KYVE storage pool you want to archive. (Comma\ \ separated)" order: 0 examples: - "0" - "0,1" start_ids: type: "string" title: "Bundle-Start-IDs" description: "The start-id defines, from which bundle id the pipeline should\ \ start to extract the data. (Comma separated)" order: 1 examples: - "0" - "0,0" url_base: type: "string" title: "KYVE-API URL Base" description: "URL to the KYVE Chain API." default: "" order: 2 examples: - "" - "" max_pages: type: "integer" description: "The maximum amount of pages to go trough. Set to 'null' for\ \ all pages." order: 3 airbyte_hidden: true page_size: type: "integer" description: "The pagesize for pagination, smaller numbers are used in integration\ \ tests." default: 100 order: 4 airbyte_hidden: true sourceType: title: "kyve" const: "kyve" enum: - "kyve" order: 0 type: "string" source-kyve-update: title: "KYVE Spec" type: "object" required: - "pool_ids" - "start_ids" - "url_base" properties: pool_ids: type: "string" title: "Pool-IDs" description: "The IDs of the KYVE storage pool you want to archive. (Comma\ \ separated)" order: 0 examples: - "0" - "0,1" start_ids: type: "string" title: "Bundle-Start-IDs" description: "The start-id defines, from which bundle id the pipeline should\ \ start to extract the data. (Comma separated)" order: 1 examples: - "0" - "0,0" url_base: type: "string" title: "KYVE-API URL Base" description: "URL to the KYVE Chain API." default: "" order: 2 examples: - "" - "" max_pages: type: "integer" description: "The maximum amount of pages to go trough. Set to 'null' for\ \ all pages." order: 3 airbyte_hidden: true page_size: type: "integer" description: "The pagesize for pagination, smaller numbers are used in integration\ \ tests." default: 100 order: 4 airbyte_hidden: true source-strava: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "athlete_id" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Strava developer application." title: "Client ID" pattern: "^[0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "12345" order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Strava developer application." title: "Client Secret" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$" examples: - "fc6243f283e51f6ca989aab298b17da125496f50" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The Refresh Token with the activity: read_all permissions." title: "Refresh Token" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$" examples: - "fc6243f283e51f6ca989aab298b17da125496f50" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true athlete_id: type: "integer" description: "The Athlete ID of your Strava developer application." title: "Athlete ID" pattern: "^[0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "17831421" order: 3 start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time. Any data before this date will not be replicated." title: "Start Date" examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 4 auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" default: "Client" order: 5 sourceType: title: "strava" const: "strava" enum: - "strava" order: 0 type: "string" source-strava-update: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "athlete_id" - "start_date" properties: client_id: type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Strava developer application." title: "Client ID" pattern: "^[0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "12345" order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Strava developer application." title: "Client Secret" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$" examples: - "fc6243f283e51f6ca989aab298b17da125496f50" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The Refresh Token with the activity: read_all permissions." title: "Refresh Token" pattern: "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$" examples: - "fc6243f283e51f6ca989aab298b17da125496f50" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 athlete_id: type: "integer" description: "The Athlete ID of your Strava developer application." title: "Athlete ID" pattern: "^[0-9_\\-]+$" examples: - "17831421" order: 3 start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date and time. Any data before this date will not be replicated." title: "Start Date" examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 4 auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" default: "Client" order: 5 source-smaily: type: "object" required: - "api_password" - "api_subdomain" - "api_username" - "sourceType" properties: api_password: type: "string" title: "API User Password" description: "API user password. See" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_subdomain: type: "string" title: "API Subdomain" description: "API Subdomain. See" order: 1 api_username: type: "string" title: "API User Username" description: "API user username. See" order: 2 sourceType: title: "smaily" const: "smaily" enum: - "smaily" order: 0 type: "string" source-smaily-update: type: "object" required: - "api_password" - "api_subdomain" - "api_username" properties: api_password: type: "string" title: "API User Password" description: "API user password. See" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 api_subdomain: type: "string" title: "API Subdomain" description: "API Subdomain. See" order: 1 api_username: type: "string" title: "API User Username" description: "API user username. See" order: 2 source-polygon-stock-api: type: "object" required: - "apiKey" - "end_date" - "multiplier" - "start_date" - "stocksTicker" - "timespan" - "sourceType" properties: sort: type: "string" order: 5 title: "Sort" examples: - "asc" - "desc" description: "Sort the results by timestamp. asc will return results in\ \ ascending order (oldest at the top), desc will return results in descending\ \ order (newest at the top)." limit: type: "integer" order: 3 title: "Limit" examples: - 100 - 120 description: "The target date for the aggregate window." apiKey: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Your API ACCESS Key" airbyte_secret: true adjusted: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Adjusted" examples: - "true" - "false" description: "Determines whether or not the results are adjusted for splits.\ \ By default, results are adjusted and set to true. Set this to false\ \ to get results that are NOT adjusted for splits." end_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "End Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2020-10-14" description: "The target date for the aggregate window." timespan: type: "string" order: 8 title: "Timespan" examples: - "day" description: "The size of the time window." multiplier: type: "integer" order: 4 title: "Multiplier" examples: - 1 - 2 description: "The size of the timespan multiplier." start_date: type: "string" order: 6 title: "Start Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2020-10-14" description: "The beginning date for the aggregate window." stocksTicker: type: "string" order: 7 title: "Stock Ticker" examples: - "IBM" - "MSFT" description: "The exchange symbol that this item is traded under." sourceType: title: "polygon-stock-api" const: "polygon-stock-api" enum: - "polygon-stock-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-polygon-stock-api-update: type: "object" required: - "apiKey" - "end_date" - "multiplier" - "start_date" - "stocksTicker" - "timespan" properties: sort: type: "string" order: 5 title: "Sort" examples: - "asc" - "desc" description: "Sort the results by timestamp. asc will return results in\ \ ascending order (oldest at the top), desc will return results in descending\ \ order (newest at the top)." limit: type: "integer" order: 3 title: "Limit" examples: - 100 - 120 description: "The target date for the aggregate window." apiKey: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Your API ACCESS Key" airbyte_secret: true adjusted: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Adjusted" examples: - "true" - "false" description: "Determines whether or not the results are adjusted for splits.\ \ By default, results are adjusted and set to true. Set this to false\ \ to get results that are NOT adjusted for splits." end_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "End Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2020-10-14" description: "The target date for the aggregate window." timespan: type: "string" order: 8 title: "Timespan" examples: - "day" description: "The size of the time window." multiplier: type: "integer" order: 4 title: "Multiplier" examples: - 1 - 2 description: "The size of the timespan multiplier." start_date: type: "string" order: 6 title: "Start Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2020-10-14" description: "The beginning date for the aggregate window." stocksTicker: type: "string" order: 7 title: "Stock Ticker" examples: - "IBM" - "MSFT" description: "The exchange symbol that this item is traded under." source-shopify: title: "Shopify Source CDK Specifications" type: "object" required: - "shop" - "sourceType" properties: shop: type: "string" title: "Shopify Store" description: "The name of your Shopify store found in the URL. For example,\ \ if your URL was, then the name would be 'NAME'\ \ or ''." pattern: "^(?!https://)(?!https://).*" examples: - "my-store" - "" order: 1 credentials: title: "Shopify Authorization Method" description: "The authorization method to use to retrieve data from Shopify" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" description: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_method" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "API Password" description: "API Password Auth" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "api_password" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_password" order: 0 enum: - "api_password" api_password: type: "string" title: "API Password" description: "The API Password for your private application in the\ \ `Shopify` store." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Replication Start Date" description: "The date you would like to replicate data from. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.\ \ Any data before this date will not be replicated." default: "2020-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" order: 3 bulk_window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "GraphQL BULK Date Range in Days" description: "Defines what would be a date range per single BULK Job" default: 30 fetch_transactions_user_id: type: "boolean" title: "Add `user_id` to Transactions (slower)" description: "Defines which API type (REST/BULK) to use to fetch `Transactions`\ \ data. If you are a `Shopify Plus` user, leave the default value to speed\ \ up the fetch." default: false job_product_variants_include_pres_prices: type: "boolean" title: "Add `Presentment prices` to Product Variants" description: "If enabled, the `Product Variants` stream attempts to include\ \ `Presentment prices` field (may affect the performance)." default: true job_termination_threshold: type: "integer" title: "BULK Job termination threshold" description: "The max time in seconds, after which the single BULK Job should\ \ be `CANCELED` and retried. The bigger the value the longer the BULK\ \ Job is allowed to run." default: 7200 minimum: 3600 maximum: 21600 job_checkpoint_interval: type: "integer" title: "BULK Job checkpoint (rows collected)" description: "The threshold, after which the single BULK Job should be checkpointed." default: 100000 minimum: 15000 maximum: 200000 sourceType: title: "shopify" const: "shopify" enum: - "shopify" order: 0 type: "string" source-shopify-update: title: "Shopify Source CDK Specifications" type: "object" required: - "shop" properties: shop: type: "string" title: "Shopify Store" description: "The name of your Shopify store found in the URL. For example,\ \ if your URL was, then the name would be 'NAME'\ \ or ''." pattern: "^(?!https://)(?!https://).*" examples: - "my-store" - "" order: 1 credentials: title: "Shopify Authorization Method" description: "The authorization method to use to retrieve data from Shopify" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" description: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_method" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 - title: "API Password" description: "API Password Auth" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "api_password" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_password" order: 0 enum: - "api_password" api_password: type: "string" title: "API Password" description: "The API Password for your private application in the\ \ `Shopify` store." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Replication Start Date" description: "The date you would like to replicate data from. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.\ \ Any data before this date will not be replicated." default: "2020-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" order: 3 bulk_window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "GraphQL BULK Date Range in Days" description: "Defines what would be a date range per single BULK Job" default: 30 fetch_transactions_user_id: type: "boolean" title: "Add `user_id` to Transactions (slower)" description: "Defines which API type (REST/BULK) to use to fetch `Transactions`\ \ data. If you are a `Shopify Plus` user, leave the default value to speed\ \ up the fetch." default: false job_product_variants_include_pres_prices: type: "boolean" title: "Add `Presentment prices` to Product Variants" description: "If enabled, the `Product Variants` stream attempts to include\ \ `Presentment prices` field (may affect the performance)." default: true job_termination_threshold: type: "integer" title: "BULK Job termination threshold" description: "The max time in seconds, after which the single BULK Job should\ \ be `CANCELED` and retried. The bigger the value the longer the BULK\ \ Job is allowed to run." default: 7200 minimum: 3600 maximum: 21600 job_checkpoint_interval: type: "integer" title: "BULK Job checkpoint (rows collected)" description: "The threshold, after which the single BULK Job should be checkpointed." default: 100000 minimum: 15000 maximum: 200000 source-omnisend: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "omnisend" const: "omnisend" enum: - "omnisend" order: 0 type: "string" source-omnisend-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 source-mongodb-v2: title: "MongoDb Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "database_config" - "sourceType" properties: database_config: type: "object" title: "Cluster Type" description: "Configures the MongoDB cluster type." order: 1 group: "connection" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "MongoDB Atlas Replica Set" description: "MongoDB Atlas-hosted cluster configured as a replica set" required: - "cluster_type" - "connection_string" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "auth_source" additionalProperties: true properties: cluster_type: type: "string" const: "ATLAS_REPLICA_SET" order: 1 enum: - "ATLAS_REPLICA_SET" connection_string: title: "Connection String" type: "string" description: "The connection string of the cluster that you want to\ \ replicate." examples: - "mongodb+srv://" order: 2 database: title: "Database Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection(s)\ \ to replicate." order: 3 username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "The username which is used to access the database." order: 4 password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated with this username." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true auth_source: title: "Authentication Source" type: "string" description: "The authentication source where the user information\ \ is stored. See\ \ for more details." default: "admin" examples: - "admin" order: 6 schema_enforced: title: "Schema Enforced" description: "When enabled, syncs will validate and structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: true type: "boolean" always_show: true order: 7 - title: "Self-Managed Replica Set" description: "MongoDB self-hosted cluster configured as a replica set" required: - "cluster_type" - "connection_string" - "database" additionalProperties: true properties: cluster_type: type: "string" const: "SELF_MANAGED_REPLICA_SET" order: 1 enum: - "SELF_MANAGED_REPLICA_SET" connection_string: title: "Connection String" type: "string" description: "The connection string of the cluster that you want to\ \ replicate.\ \ for more information." examples: - "mongodb://,," - "mongodb://" order: 2 database: title: "Database Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection(s)\ \ to replicate." order: 3 username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "The username which is used to access the database." order: 4 password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated with this username." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true auth_source: title: "Authentication Source" type: "string" description: "The authentication source where the user information\ \ is stored." default: "admin" examples: - "admin" order: 6 schema_enforced: title: "Schema Enforced" description: "When enabled, syncs will validate and structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: true type: "boolean" always_show: true order: 7 initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to 300 seconds.\ \ Valid range: 120 seconds to 1200 seconds." default: 300 order: 8 min: 120 max: 1200 group: "advanced" queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with memory\ \ consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be careful." default: 10000 order: 9 min: 1000 max: 10000 group: "advanced" discover_sample_size: type: "integer" title: "Document discovery sample size (Advanced)" description: "The maximum number of documents to sample when attempting\ \ to discover the unique fields for a collection." default: 10000 order: 10 minimum: 10 maximum: 100000 group: "advanced" invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data in\ \ case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail sync' is\ \ chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection before being\ \ able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data' is chosen, Airbyte\ \ will automatically trigger a refresh but could lead to higher cloud\ \ costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 11 group: "advanced" update_capture_mode: type: "string" title: "Capture mode (Advanced)" description: "Determines how Airbyte looks up the value of an updated document.\ \ If 'Lookup' is chosen, the current value of the document will be read.\ \ If 'Post Image' is chosen, then the version of the document immediately\ \ after an update will be read. WARNING : Severe data loss will occur\ \ if this option is chosen and the appropriate settings are not set on\ \ your Mongo instance :" enum: - "Lookup" - "Post Image" default: "Lookup" order: 12 group: "advanced" initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 13 group: "advanced" sourceType: title: "mongodb-v2" const: "mongodb-v2" enum: - "mongodb-v2" order: 0 type: "string" groups: - id: "connection" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" source-mongodb-v2-update: title: "MongoDb Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "database_config" properties: database_config: type: "object" title: "Cluster Type" description: "Configures the MongoDB cluster type." order: 1 group: "connection" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "MongoDB Atlas Replica Set" description: "MongoDB Atlas-hosted cluster configured as a replica set" required: - "cluster_type" - "connection_string" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "auth_source" additionalProperties: true properties: cluster_type: type: "string" const: "ATLAS_REPLICA_SET" order: 1 enum: - "ATLAS_REPLICA_SET" connection_string: title: "Connection String" type: "string" description: "The connection string of the cluster that you want to\ \ replicate." examples: - "mongodb+srv://" order: 2 database: title: "Database Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection(s)\ \ to replicate." order: 3 username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "The username which is used to access the database." order: 4 password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated with this username." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 auth_source: title: "Authentication Source" type: "string" description: "The authentication source where the user information\ \ is stored. See\ \ for more details." default: "admin" examples: - "admin" order: 6 schema_enforced: title: "Schema Enforced" description: "When enabled, syncs will validate and structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: true type: "boolean" always_show: true order: 7 - title: "Self-Managed Replica Set" description: "MongoDB self-hosted cluster configured as a replica set" required: - "cluster_type" - "connection_string" - "database" additionalProperties: true properties: cluster_type: type: "string" const: "SELF_MANAGED_REPLICA_SET" order: 1 enum: - "SELF_MANAGED_REPLICA_SET" connection_string: title: "Connection String" type: "string" description: "The connection string of the cluster that you want to\ \ replicate.\ \ for more information." examples: - "mongodb://,," - "mongodb://" order: 2 database: title: "Database Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection(s)\ \ to replicate." order: 3 username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "The username which is used to access the database." order: 4 password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "The password associated with this username." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 auth_source: title: "Authentication Source" type: "string" description: "The authentication source where the user information\ \ is stored." default: "admin" examples: - "admin" order: 6 schema_enforced: title: "Schema Enforced" description: "When enabled, syncs will validate and structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: true type: "boolean" always_show: true order: 7 initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to 300 seconds.\ \ Valid range: 120 seconds to 1200 seconds." default: 300 order: 8 min: 120 max: 1200 group: "advanced" queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with memory\ \ consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be careful." default: 10000 order: 9 min: 1000 max: 10000 group: "advanced" discover_sample_size: type: "integer" title: "Document discovery sample size (Advanced)" description: "The maximum number of documents to sample when attempting\ \ to discover the unique fields for a collection." default: 10000 order: 10 minimum: 10 maximum: 100000 group: "advanced" invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data in\ \ case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail sync' is\ \ chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection before being\ \ able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data' is chosen, Airbyte\ \ will automatically trigger a refresh but could lead to higher cloud\ \ costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 11 group: "advanced" update_capture_mode: type: "string" title: "Capture mode (Advanced)" description: "Determines how Airbyte looks up the value of an updated document.\ \ If 'Lookup' is chosen, the current value of the document will be read.\ \ If 'Post Image' is chosen, then the version of the document immediately\ \ after an update will be read. WARNING : Severe data loss will occur\ \ if this option is chosen and the appropriate settings are not set on\ \ your Mongo instance :" enum: - "Lookup" - "Post Image" default: "Lookup" order: 12 group: "advanced" initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 13 group: "advanced" groups: - id: "connection" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" source-retently: title: "Retently Api Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Retently" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Retently (OAuth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Retently developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Retently developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Retently Refresh Token which can be used to fetch new\ \ Bearer Tokens when the current one expires." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with API Token" required: - "api_key" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" order: 0 enum: - "Token" api_key: title: "API Token" description: "Retently API Token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "retently" const: "retently" enum: - "retently" order: 0 type: "string" source-retently-update: title: "Retently Api Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Retently" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Retently (OAuth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Retently developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Retently developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Retently Refresh Token which can be used to fetch new\ \ Bearer Tokens when the current one expires." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with API Token" required: - "api_key" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" order: 0 enum: - "Token" api_key: title: "API Token" description: "Retently API Token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true source-coda: type: "object" required: - "auth_token" - "sourceType" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication token" description: "Bearer token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "coda" const: "coda" enum: - "coda" order: 0 type: "string" source-coda-update: type: "object" required: - "auth_token" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication token" description: "Bearer token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-fleetio: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "account_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "api_key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true account_token: type: "string" order: 1 title: "account_token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "fleetio" const: "fleetio" enum: - "fleetio" order: 0 type: "string" source-fleetio-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "account_token" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "api_key" airbyte_secret: true account_token: type: "string" order: 1 title: "account_token" airbyte_secret: true source-pendo: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "pendo" const: "pendo" enum: - "pendo" order: 0 type: "string" source-pendo-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-instagram: title: "Source Instagram" type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for User\ \ Insights, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after\ \ this date will be replicated. If left blank, the start date will be\ \ set to 2 years before the present date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the access token generated with instagram_basic,\ \ instagram_manage_insights, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement, Instagram\ \ Public Content Access permissions. See the docs for more information" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client ID for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" sourceType: title: "instagram" const: "instagram" enum: - "instagram" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "access_token" - "sourceType" source-instagram-update: title: "Source Instagram" type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for User\ \ Insights, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after\ \ this date will be replicated. If left blank, the start date will be\ \ set to 2 years before the present date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the access token generated with instagram_basic,\ \ instagram_manage_insights, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement, Instagram\ \ Public Content Access permissions. See the docs for more information" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client ID for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" required: - "access_token" source-dbt: type: "object" required: - "api_key_2" - "account_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key_2: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true account_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "account_id" sourceType: title: "dbt" const: "dbt" enum: - "dbt" order: 0 type: "string" source-dbt-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key_2" - "account_id" properties: api_key_2: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Token" airbyte_secret: true account_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "account_id" source-s3: title: "Config" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be modified to uptake the changes\nbecause it is responsible for\ \ converting legacy S3 v3 configs into v4 configs using the File-Based CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the S3 bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 0 type: "string" aws_access_key_id: title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true role_arn: title: "AWS Role ARN" description: "Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that\ \ you want to use to perform operations requested using this profile.\ \ Set the External ID to the Airbyte workspace ID, which can be found\ \ in the URL of this page." order: 6 type: "string" aws_secret_access_key: title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true endpoint: title: "Endpoint" description: "Endpoint to an S3 compatible service. Leave empty to use AWS.\ \ The custom endpoint must be secure, but the 'https' prefix is not required." default: "" examples: - "" - "" order: 4 type: "string" pattern: "^(?!http://).*$" region_name: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. If not provided,\ \ the region will be determined automatically." order: 5 type: "string" dataset: title: "Output Stream Name" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use instead. The name of the stream you\ \ would like this source to output. Can contain letters, numbers, or underscores." pattern: "^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)$" order: 100 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true path_pattern: title: "Pattern of files to replicate" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.globs instead. A regular expression which\ \ tells the connector which files to replicate. All files which match\ \ this pattern will be replicated. Use | to separate multiple patterns.\ \ See this page to understand pattern syntax (GLOBSTAR and SPLIT\ \ flags are enabled). Use pattern ** to pick up all files." examples: - "**" - "myFolder/myTableFiles/*.csv|myFolder/myOtherTableFiles/*.csv" order: 110 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true format: title: "File Format" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.format instead. The format of the files\ \ you'd like to replicate" default: "csv" order: 120 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "CSV" description: "This connector utilises PyArrow (Apache Arrow) for CSV parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the CSV\ \ data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," minLength: 1 order: 0 type: "string" infer_datatypes: title: "Infer Datatypes" description: "Configures whether a schema for the source should be\ \ inferred from the current data or not. If set to false and a custom\ \ schema is set, then the manually enforced schema is used. If a\ \ schema is not manually set, and this is set to false, then all\ \ fields will be read as strings" default: true order: 1 type: "boolean" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To disallow\ \ quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" order: 2 type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." order: 3 type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave blank\ \ to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable options." default: "utf8" order: 4 type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote a single\ \ quote in the data." default: true order: 5 type: "boolean" newlines_in_values: title: "Allow newlines in values" description: "Whether newline characters are allowed in CSV values.\ \ Turning this on may affect performance. Leave blank to default\ \ to False." default: false order: 6 type: "boolean" additional_reader_options: title: "Additional Reader Options" description: "Optionally add a valid JSON string here to provide additional\ \ options to the csv reader. Mappings must correspond to options\ \ detailed here. 'column_types' is used internally\ \ to handle schema so overriding that would likely cause problems." examples: - "{\"timestamp_parsers\": [\"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M\", \"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M\"\ ], \"strings_can_be_null\": true, \"null_values\": [\"NA\", \"NULL\"\ ]}" order: 7 type: "string" advanced_options: title: "Advanced Options" description: "Optionally add a valid JSON string here to provide additional\ \ Pyarrow ReadOptions. Specify 'column_names'\ \ here if your CSV doesn't have header, or if you want to use custom\ \ column names. 'block_size' and 'encoding' are already used above,\ \ specify them again here will override the values above." examples: - "{\"column_names\": [\"column1\", \"column2\"]}" order: 8 type: "string" block_size: title: "Block Size" description: "The chunk size in bytes to process at a time in memory\ \ from each file. If your data is particularly wide and failing\ \ during schema detection, increasing this should solve it. Beware\ \ of raising this too high as you could hit OOM errors." default: 10000 minimum: 1 maximum: 2147483647 order: 9 type: "integer" - title: "Parquet" description: "This connector utilises PyArrow (Apache Arrow) for Parquet parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" columns: title: "Selected Columns" description: "If you only want to sync a subset of the columns from\ \ the file(s), add the columns you want here as a comma-delimited\ \ list. Leave it empty to sync all columns." order: 0 type: "array" items: type: "string" batch_size: title: "Record batch size" description: "Maximum number of records per batch read from the input\ \ files. Batches may be smaller if there aren’t enough rows in the\ \ file. This option can help avoid out-of-memory errors if your\ \ data is particularly wide." default: 65536 order: 1 type: "integer" buffer_size: title: "Buffer Size" description: "Perform read buffering when deserializing individual\ \ column chunks. By default every group column will be loaded fully\ \ to memory. This option can help avoid out-of-memory errors if\ \ your data is particularly wide." default: 2 type: "integer" - title: "Avro" description: "This connector utilises fastavro for Avro parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" - title: "Jsonl" description: "This connector uses PyArrow for JSON Lines (jsonl) file parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" newlines_in_values: title: "Allow newlines in values" description: "Whether newline characters are allowed in JSON values.\ \ Turning this on may affect performance. Leave blank to default\ \ to False." default: false order: 0 type: "boolean" unexpected_field_behavior: title: "Unexpected field behavior" description: "How JSON fields outside of explicit_schema (if given)\ \ are treated. Check PyArrow documentation for details" default: "infer" examples: - "ignore" - "infer" - "error" order: 1 enum: - "ignore" - "infer" - "error" block_size: title: "Block Size" description: "The chunk size in bytes to process at a time in memory\ \ from each file. If your data is particularly wide and failing\ \ during schema detection, increasing this should solve it. Beware\ \ of raising this too high as you could hit OOM errors." default: 0 order: 2 type: "integer" airbyte_hidden: true schema: title: "Manually enforced data schema" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.input_schema instead. Optionally provide\ \ a schema to enforce, as a valid JSON string. Ensure this is a mapping\ \ of { \"column\" : \"type\" }, where types are valid\ \ JSON Schema datatypes. Leave as {} to auto-infer\ \ the schema." default: "{}" examples: - "{\"column_1\": \"number\", \"column_2\": \"string\", \"column_3\": \"\ array\", \"column_4\": \"object\", \"column_5\": \"boolean\"}" order: 130 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true provider: title: "S3: Amazon Web Services" type: "object" properties: bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the S3 bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 0 type: "string" aws_access_key_id: title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true always_show: true order: 1 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_secret_access_key: title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true always_show: true order: 2 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true role_arn: title: "AWS Role ARN" description: "Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role\ \ that you want to use to perform operations requested using this\ \ profile. Set the External ID to the Airbyte workspace ID, which\ \ can be found in the URL of this page." always_show: true order: 7 type: "string" path_prefix: title: "Path Prefix" description: "By providing a path-like prefix (e.g. myFolder/thisTable/)\ \ under which all the relevant files sit, we can optimize finding\ \ these in S3. This is optional but recommended if your bucket contains\ \ many folders/files which you don't need to replicate." default: "" order: 3 type: "string" endpoint: title: "Endpoint" description: "Endpoint to an S3 compatible service. Leave empty to use\ \ AWS." default: "" order: 4 type: "string" region_name: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. If not provided,\ \ the region will be determined automatically." order: 5 type: "string" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 6 type: "string" required: [] order: 111 description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use bucket, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key\ \ and endpoint instead. Use this to load files from S3 or S3-compatible\ \ services" airbyte_hidden: true sourceType: title: "s3" const: "s3" enum: - "s3" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "bucket" - "sourceType" source-s3-update: title: "Config" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be modified to uptake the changes\nbecause it is responsible for\ \ converting legacy S3 v3 configs into v4 configs using the File-Based CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the S3 bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 0 type: "string" aws_access_key_id: title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" role_arn: title: "AWS Role ARN" description: "Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that\ \ you want to use to perform operations requested using this profile.\ \ Set the External ID to the Airbyte workspace ID, which can be found\ \ in the URL of this page." order: 6 type: "string" aws_secret_access_key: title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" endpoint: title: "Endpoint" description: "Endpoint to an S3 compatible service. Leave empty to use AWS.\ \ The custom endpoint must be secure, but the 'https' prefix is not required." default: "" examples: - "" - "" order: 4 type: "string" pattern: "^(?!http://).*$" region_name: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. If not provided,\ \ the region will be determined automatically." order: 5 type: "string" dataset: title: "Output Stream Name" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use instead. The name of the stream you\ \ would like this source to output. Can contain letters, numbers, or underscores." pattern: "^([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)$" order: 100 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true path_pattern: title: "Pattern of files to replicate" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.globs instead. A regular expression which\ \ tells the connector which files to replicate. All files which match\ \ this pattern will be replicated. Use | to separate multiple patterns.\ \ See this page to understand pattern syntax (GLOBSTAR and SPLIT\ \ flags are enabled). Use pattern ** to pick up all files." examples: - "**" - "myFolder/myTableFiles/*.csv|myFolder/myOtherTableFiles/*.csv" order: 110 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true format: title: "File Format" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.format instead. The format of the files\ \ you'd like to replicate" default: "csv" order: 120 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "CSV" description: "This connector utilises PyArrow (Apache Arrow) for CSV parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the CSV\ \ data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," minLength: 1 order: 0 type: "string" infer_datatypes: title: "Infer Datatypes" description: "Configures whether a schema for the source should be\ \ inferred from the current data or not. If set to false and a custom\ \ schema is set, then the manually enforced schema is used. If a\ \ schema is not manually set, and this is set to false, then all\ \ fields will be read as strings" default: true order: 1 type: "boolean" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To disallow\ \ quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" order: 2 type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." order: 3 type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave blank\ \ to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable options." default: "utf8" order: 4 type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote a single\ \ quote in the data." default: true order: 5 type: "boolean" newlines_in_values: title: "Allow newlines in values" description: "Whether newline characters are allowed in CSV values.\ \ Turning this on may affect performance. Leave blank to default\ \ to False." default: false order: 6 type: "boolean" additional_reader_options: title: "Additional Reader Options" description: "Optionally add a valid JSON string here to provide additional\ \ options to the csv reader. Mappings must correspond to options\ \ detailed here. 'column_types' is used internally\ \ to handle schema so overriding that would likely cause problems." examples: - "{\"timestamp_parsers\": [\"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M\", \"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M\"\ ], \"strings_can_be_null\": true, \"null_values\": [\"NA\", \"NULL\"\ ]}" order: 7 type: "string" advanced_options: title: "Advanced Options" description: "Optionally add a valid JSON string here to provide additional\ \ Pyarrow ReadOptions. Specify 'column_names'\ \ here if your CSV doesn't have header, or if you want to use custom\ \ column names. 'block_size' and 'encoding' are already used above,\ \ specify them again here will override the values above." examples: - "{\"column_names\": [\"column1\", \"column2\"]}" order: 8 type: "string" block_size: title: "Block Size" description: "The chunk size in bytes to process at a time in memory\ \ from each file. If your data is particularly wide and failing\ \ during schema detection, increasing this should solve it. Beware\ \ of raising this too high as you could hit OOM errors." default: 10000 minimum: 1 maximum: 2147483647 order: 9 type: "integer" - title: "Parquet" description: "This connector utilises PyArrow (Apache Arrow) for Parquet parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" columns: title: "Selected Columns" description: "If you only want to sync a subset of the columns from\ \ the file(s), add the columns you want here as a comma-delimited\ \ list. Leave it empty to sync all columns." order: 0 type: "array" items: type: "string" batch_size: title: "Record batch size" description: "Maximum number of records per batch read from the input\ \ files. Batches may be smaller if there aren’t enough rows in the\ \ file. This option can help avoid out-of-memory errors if your\ \ data is particularly wide." default: 65536 order: 1 type: "integer" buffer_size: title: "Buffer Size" description: "Perform read buffering when deserializing individual\ \ column chunks. By default every group column will be loaded fully\ \ to memory. This option can help avoid out-of-memory errors if\ \ your data is particularly wide." default: 2 type: "integer" - title: "Avro" description: "This connector utilises fastavro for Avro parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" - title: "Jsonl" description: "This connector uses PyArrow for JSON Lines (jsonl) file parsing." type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" newlines_in_values: title: "Allow newlines in values" description: "Whether newline characters are allowed in JSON values.\ \ Turning this on may affect performance. Leave blank to default\ \ to False." default: false order: 0 type: "boolean" unexpected_field_behavior: title: "Unexpected field behavior" description: "How JSON fields outside of explicit_schema (if given)\ \ are treated. Check PyArrow documentation for details" default: "infer" examples: - "ignore" - "infer" - "error" order: 1 enum: - "ignore" - "infer" - "error" block_size: title: "Block Size" description: "The chunk size in bytes to process at a time in memory\ \ from each file. If your data is particularly wide and failing\ \ during schema detection, increasing this should solve it. Beware\ \ of raising this too high as you could hit OOM errors." default: 0 order: 2 type: "integer" airbyte_hidden: true schema: title: "Manually enforced data schema" description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use streams.input_schema instead. Optionally provide\ \ a schema to enforce, as a valid JSON string. Ensure this is a mapping\ \ of { \"column\" : \"type\" }, where types are valid\ \ JSON Schema datatypes. Leave as {} to auto-infer\ \ the schema." default: "{}" examples: - "{\"column_1\": \"number\", \"column_2\": \"string\", \"column_3\": \"\ array\", \"column_4\": \"object\", \"column_5\": \"boolean\"}" order: 130 type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true provider: title: "S3: Amazon Web Services" type: "object" properties: bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the S3 bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 0 type: "string" aws_access_key_id: title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true always_show: true order: 1 type: "string" aws_secret_access_key: title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this\ \ connector requires credentials with the proper permissions. If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true always_show: true order: 2 type: "string" role_arn: title: "AWS Role ARN" description: "Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role\ \ that you want to use to perform operations requested using this\ \ profile. Set the External ID to the Airbyte workspace ID, which\ \ can be found in the URL of this page." always_show: true order: 7 type: "string" path_prefix: title: "Path Prefix" description: "By providing a path-like prefix (e.g. myFolder/thisTable/)\ \ under which all the relevant files sit, we can optimize finding\ \ these in S3. This is optional but recommended if your bucket contains\ \ many folders/files which you don't need to replicate." default: "" order: 3 type: "string" endpoint: title: "Endpoint" description: "Endpoint to an S3 compatible service. Leave empty to use\ \ AWS." default: "" order: 4 type: "string" region_name: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. If not provided,\ \ the region will be determined automatically." order: 5 type: "string" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 6 type: "string" required: [] order: 111 description: "Deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not use this\ \ field anymore and use bucket, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key\ \ and endpoint instead. Use this to load files from S3 or S3-compatible\ \ services" airbyte_hidden: true required: - "streams" - "bucket" source-azure-blob-storage: title: "SourceAzureBlobStorageSpec" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be modified to uptake the changes\nbecause it is responsible for\ \ converting legacy Azure Blob Storage v0 configs into v1 configs using the\ \ File-Based CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Document File Type Format (Experimental)" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Azure Blob Storage" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Oauth2" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "oauth2" const: "oauth2" enum: - "oauth2" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft Azure Application user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "auth_type" - title: "Authenticate via Storage Account Key" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "storage_account_key" const: "storage_account_key" enum: - "storage_account_key" type: "string" azure_blob_storage_account_key: title: "Azure Blob Storage account key" description: "The Azure blob storage account key." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "Z8ZkZpteggFx394vm+PJHnGTvdRncaYS+JhLKdj789YNmD+iyGTnG+PV+POiuYNhBg/ACS+LKjd%4FG3FHGN12Nd==" order: 3 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "azure_blob_storage_account_key" - "auth_type" azure_blob_storage_account_name: title: "Azure Blob Storage account name" description: "The account's name of the Azure Blob Storage." examples: - "airbyte5storage" order: 3 type: "string" azure_blob_storage_container_name: title: "Azure blob storage container (Bucket) Name" description: "The name of the Azure blob storage container." examples: - "airbytetescontainername" order: 4 type: "string" azure_blob_storage_endpoint: title: "Endpoint Domain Name" description: "This is Azure Blob Storage endpoint domain name. Leave default\ \ value (or leave it empty if run container from command line) to use\ \ Microsoft native from example." examples: - "" order: 11 type: "string" sourceType: title: "azure-blob-storage" const: "azure-blob-storage" enum: - "azure-blob-storage" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" - "azure_blob_storage_account_name" - "azure_blob_storage_container_name" - "sourceType" source-azure-blob-storage-update: title: "SourceAzureBlobStorageSpec" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be modified to uptake the changes\nbecause it is responsible for\ \ converting legacy Azure Blob Storage v0 configs into v1 configs using the\ \ File-Based CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Document File Type Format (Experimental)" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Azure Blob Storage" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Oauth2" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "oauth2" const: "oauth2" enum: - "oauth2" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft Azure Application user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "auth_type" - title: "Authenticate via Storage Account Key" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "storage_account_key" const: "storage_account_key" enum: - "storage_account_key" type: "string" azure_blob_storage_account_key: title: "Azure Blob Storage account key" description: "The Azure blob storage account key." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "Z8ZkZpteggFx394vm+PJHnGTvdRncaYS+JhLKdj789YNmD+iyGTnG+PV+POiuYNhBg/ACS+LKjd%4FG3FHGN12Nd==" order: 3 type: "string" required: - "azure_blob_storage_account_key" - "auth_type" azure_blob_storage_account_name: title: "Azure Blob Storage account name" description: "The account's name of the Azure Blob Storage." examples: - "airbyte5storage" order: 3 type: "string" azure_blob_storage_container_name: title: "Azure blob storage container (Bucket) Name" description: "The name of the Azure blob storage container." examples: - "airbytetescontainername" order: 4 type: "string" azure_blob_storage_endpoint: title: "Endpoint Domain Name" description: "This is Azure Blob Storage endpoint domain name. Leave default\ \ value (or leave it empty if run container from command line) to use\ \ Microsoft native from example." examples: - "" order: 11 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" - "azure_blob_storage_account_name" - "azure_blob_storage_container_name" source-close-com: title: " Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: " API key (usually starts with 'api_'; find yours\ \ here)." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" type: "string" description: "The start date to sync data; all data after this date will\ \ be replicated. Leave blank to retrieve all the data available in the\ \ account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD." examples: - "2021-01-01" default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" sourceType: title: "close-com" const: "close-com" enum: - "close-com" order: 0 type: "string" source-close-com-update: title: " Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: " API key (usually starts with 'api_'; find yours\ \ here)." airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" type: "string" description: "The start date to sync data; all data after this date will\ \ be replicated. Leave blank to retrieve all the data available in the\ \ account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD." examples: - "2021-01-01" default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" source-zendesk-sunshine: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "subdomain" - "sourceType" properties: subdomain: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Subdomain" description: "The subdomain for your Zendesk Account." start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Sunshine API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" order: 1 credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_method" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" default: "oauth2.0" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Long-term access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_method" - "api_token" - "email" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_token" enum: - "api_token" default: "api_token" order: 1 api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "API Token. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account" sourceType: title: "zendesk-sunshine" const: "zendesk-sunshine" enum: - "zendesk-sunshine" order: 0 type: "string" source-zendesk-sunshine-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "subdomain" properties: subdomain: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Subdomain" description: "The subdomain for your Zendesk Account." start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Sunshine API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" order: 1 credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_method" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" default: "oauth2.0" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Long-term access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_method" - "api_token" - "email" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_token" enum: - "api_token" default: "api_token" order: 1 api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "API Token. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account" source-exchange-rates: title: " Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_key" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" description: "Start getting data from that date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" access_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base: type: "string" description: "ISO reference currency. See here. Free plan doesn't support Source Currency Switching, default\ \ base currency is EUR" examples: - "EUR" - "USD" ignore_weekends: type: "boolean" description: "Ignore weekends? (Exchanges don't run on weekends)" default: true sourceType: title: "exchange-rates" const: "exchange-rates" enum: - "exchange-rates" order: 0 type: "string" source-exchange-rates-update: title: " Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_key" properties: start_date: type: "string" description: "Start getting data from that date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" access_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true base: type: "string" description: "ISO reference currency. See here. Free plan doesn't support Source Currency Switching, default\ \ base currency is EUR" examples: - "EUR" - "USD" ignore_weekends: type: "boolean" description: "Ignore weekends? (Exchanges don't run on weekends)" default: true source-woocommerce: type: "object" title: "Woocommerce Spec" required: - "api_key" - "api_secret" - "shop" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Customer Key" description: "Customer Key for API in WooCommerce shop" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_secret: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Customer Secret" description: "Customer Secret for API in WooCommerce shop" airbyte_secret: true shop: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Shop Name" description: "The name of the store. For, the shop name\ \ is ''." start_date: type: "string" order: 3 title: "Start Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2021-01-01" description: "The date you would like to replicate data from. Format: YYYY-MM-DD" sourceType: title: "woocommerce" const: "woocommerce" enum: - "woocommerce" order: 0 type: "string" source-woocommerce-update: type: "object" title: "Woocommerce Spec" required: - "api_key" - "api_secret" - "shop" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Customer Key" description: "Customer Key for API in WooCommerce shop" airbyte_secret: true api_secret: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Customer Secret" description: "Customer Secret for API in WooCommerce shop" airbyte_secret: true shop: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Shop Name" description: "The name of the store. For, the shop name\ \ is ''." start_date: type: "string" order: 3 title: "Start Date" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2021-01-01" description: "The date you would like to replicate data from. Format: YYYY-MM-DD" source-linkedin-pages: type: "object" required: - "org_id" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of the LinkedIn developer application." airbyte_secret: true auth_method: type: "string" const: "oAuth2.0" enum: - "oAuth2.0" client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The client secret of the LinkedIn developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The token value generated using the LinkedIn Developers\ \ OAuth Token Tools. See the docs to obtain yours." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Access token" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "The token value generated using the LinkedIn Developers\ \ OAuth Token Tools. See the docs to obtain yours." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 0 title: "Authentication" org_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Organization ID" examples: - "123456789" description: "Specify the Organization ID" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" default: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" description: "Start date for getting metrics per time period. Must be atmost\ \ 12 months before the request date (UTC) and atleast 2 days prior to\ \ the request date (UTC). See\ \ {{ \"\\n\" }} {{ response.errorDetails }}" time_granularity_type: enum: - "DAY" - "MONTH" type: "string" order: 3 title: "Time Granularity Type" default: "DAY" description: "Granularity of the statistics for metrics per time period.\ \ Must be either \"DAY\" or \"MONTH\"" sourceType: title: "linkedin-pages" const: "linkedin-pages" enum: - "linkedin-pages" order: 0 type: "string" source-linkedin-pages-update: type: "object" required: - "org_id" properties: credentials: type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of the LinkedIn developer application." airbyte_secret: true auth_method: type: "string" const: "oAuth2.0" enum: - "oAuth2.0" client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The client secret of the LinkedIn developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The token value generated using the LinkedIn Developers\ \ OAuth Token Tools. See the docs to obtain yours." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Access token" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "The token value generated using the LinkedIn Developers\ \ OAuth Token Tools. See the docs to obtain yours." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 title: "Authentication" org_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Organization ID" examples: - "123456789" description: "Specify the Organization ID" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" default: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" description: "Start date for getting metrics per time period. Must be atmost\ \ 12 months before the request date (UTC) and atleast 2 days prior to\ \ the request date (UTC). See\ \ {{ \"\\n\" }} {{ response.errorDetails }}" time_granularity_type: enum: - "DAY" - "MONTH" type: "string" order: 3 title: "Time Granularity Type" default: "DAY" description: "Granularity of the statistics for metrics per time period.\ \ Must be either \"DAY\" or \"MONTH\"" source-planhat: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Your Planhat API Access Token" order: 0 title: "API Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "planhat" const: "planhat" enum: - "planhat" order: 0 type: "string" source-planhat-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Your Planhat API Access Token" order: 0 title: "API Token" airbyte_secret: true source-whisky-hunter: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: sourceType: title: "whisky-hunter" const: "whisky-hunter" enum: - "whisky-hunter" order: 0 type: "string" source-whisky-hunter-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: {} source-tvmaze-schedule: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "domestic_schedule_country_code" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" description: "Start date for TV schedule retrieval. May be in the future." order: 0 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" end_date: type: "string" description: "End date for TV schedule retrieval. May be in the future.\ \ Optional.\n" order: 1 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" domestic_schedule_country_code: type: "string" description: "Country code for domestic TV schedule retrieval." examples: - "US" - "GB" order: 2 web_schedule_country_code: type: "string" description: "ISO 3166-1 country code for web TV schedule retrieval. Leave\ \ blank for\nall countries plus global web channels (e.g. Netflix). Alternatively,\n\ set to 'global' for just global web channels.\n" examples: - "US" - "GB" - "global" order: 3 sourceType: title: "tvmaze-schedule" const: "tvmaze-schedule" enum: - "tvmaze-schedule" order: 0 type: "string" source-tvmaze-schedule-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "domestic_schedule_country_code" properties: start_date: type: "string" description: "Start date for TV schedule retrieval. May be in the future." order: 0 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" end_date: type: "string" description: "End date for TV schedule retrieval. May be in the future.\ \ Optional.\n" order: 1 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" domestic_schedule_country_code: type: "string" description: "Country code for domestic TV schedule retrieval." examples: - "US" - "GB" order: 2 web_schedule_country_code: type: "string" description: "ISO 3166-1 country code for web TV schedule retrieval. Leave\ \ blank for\nall countries plus global web channels (e.g. Netflix). Alternatively,\n\ set to 'global' for just global web channels.\n" examples: - "US" - "GB" - "global" order: 3 source-salesloft: type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via OAuth" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" - "auth_type" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Salesloft developer application." access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Salesloft developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via API Key" required: - "api_key" - "auth_type" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key for making authenticated requests. More instruction\ \ on how to find this value in our docs" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_key" enum: - "api_key" order: 0 title: "Credentials" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Salesloft\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." sourceType: title: "salesloft" const: "salesloft" enum: - "salesloft" order: 0 type: "string" source-salesloft-update: type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "start_date" properties: credentials: type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via OAuth" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" - "auth_type" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Salesloft developer application." access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Salesloft developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via API Key" required: - "api_key" - "auth_type" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key for making authenticated requests. More instruction\ \ on how to find this value in our docs" airbyte_secret: true auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_key" enum: - "api_key" order: 0 title: "Credentials" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Salesloft\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." source-shortio: title: "Shortio Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain_id" - "secret_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: domain_id: type: "string" desciprtion: " Domain ID" title: "Domain ID" airbyte_secret: false secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: " Secret Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2023-07-30T03:43:59.244Z" airbyte_secret: false sourceType: title: "shortio" const: "shortio" enum: - "shortio" order: 0 type: "string" source-shortio-update: title: "Shortio Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain_id" - "secret_key" - "start_date" properties: domain_id: type: "string" desciprtion: " Domain ID" title: "Domain ID" airbyte_secret: false secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: " Secret Key" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2023-07-30T03:43:59.244Z" airbyte_secret: false source-instatus: title: "Instatus Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Rest API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Instatus REST API key" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "instatus" const: "instatus" enum: - "instatus" order: 0 type: "string" source-instatus-update: title: "Instatus Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Rest API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Instatus REST API key" source-yandex-metrica: title: "Yandex Metrica Spec" type: "object" required: - "auth_token" - "counter_id" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication Token" description: "Your Yandex Metrica API access token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true counter_id: type: "string" title: "Counter ID" description: "Counter ID" pattern: "^[0-9]+$" order: 1 start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DD\"." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-01-01" order: 2 end_date: title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DD\". If not provided will sync till most recent date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-01-01" order: 3 sourceType: title: "yandex-metrica" const: "yandex-metrica" enum: - "yandex-metrica" order: 0 type: "string" source-yandex-metrica-update: title: "Yandex Metrica Spec" type: "object" required: - "auth_token" - "counter_id" - "start_date" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication Token" description: "Your Yandex Metrica API access token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 counter_id: type: "string" title: "Counter ID" description: "Counter ID" pattern: "^[0-9]+$" order: 1 start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DD\"." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-01-01" order: 2 end_date: title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "Starting point for your data replication, in format of \"\ YYYY-MM-DD\". If not provided will sync till most recent date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-01-01" order: 3 source-aircall: type: "object" required: - "api_id" - "api_token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_id: type: "string" description: "App ID found at settings" title: "API ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 api_token: type: "string" description: "App token found at settings (Ref-" title: "API Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" description: "Date time filter for incremental filter, Specify which date\ \ to extract from." title: "Date-From Filter" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 sourceType: title: "aircall" const: "aircall" enum: - "aircall" order: 0 type: "string" source-aircall-update: type: "object" required: - "api_id" - "api_token" - "start_date" properties: api_id: type: "string" description: "App ID found at settings" title: "API ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 api_token: type: "string" description: "App token found at settings (Ref-" title: "API Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "Date time filter for incremental filter, Specify which date\ \ to extract from." title: "Date-From Filter" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 source-clickup-api: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Every ClickUp API call required authentication. This field\ \ is your personal API token. See here." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true include_closed_tasks: type: "boolean" description: "Include or exclude closed tasks. By default, they are excluded.\ \ See here." order: 5 title: "Include Closed Tasks" default: false sourceType: title: "clickup-api" const: "clickup-api" enum: - "clickup-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-clickup-api-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Every ClickUp API call required authentication. This field\ \ is your personal API token. See here." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true include_closed_tasks: type: "boolean" description: "Include or exclude closed tasks. By default, they are excluded.\ \ See here." order: 5 title: "Include Closed Tasks" default: false source-snapchat-marketing: title: "Snapchat Marketing Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Date in the format 2022-01-01. Any data before this date will\ \ not be replicated." examples: - "2022-01-01" default: "2022-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 3 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "Date in the format 2017-01-25. Any data after this date will\ \ not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-01-30" order: 4 format: "date" action_report_time: type: "string" enum: - "conversion" - "impression" title: "Action Report Time" description: "Specifies the principle for conversion reporting." default: "conversion" order: 5 swipe_up_attribution_window: type: "string" title: "Swipe Up Attribution Window" description: "Attribution window for swipe ups." enum: - "1_DAY" - "7_DAY" - "28_DAY" default: "28_DAY" order: 6 view_attribution_window: type: "string" title: "View Attribution Window" description: "Attribution window for views." enum: - "1_HOUR" - "3_HOUR" - "6_HOUR" - "1_DAY" - "7_DAY" default: "1_DAY" order: 7 sourceType: title: "snapchat-marketing" const: "snapchat-marketing" enum: - "snapchat-marketing" order: 0 type: "string" source-snapchat-marketing-update: title: "Snapchat Marketing Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "Date in the format 2022-01-01. Any data before this date will\ \ not be replicated." examples: - "2022-01-01" default: "2022-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 3 format: "date" end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "Date in the format 2017-01-25. Any data after this date will\ \ not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-01-30" order: 4 format: "date" action_report_time: type: "string" enum: - "conversion" - "impression" title: "Action Report Time" description: "Specifies the principle for conversion reporting." default: "conversion" order: 5 swipe_up_attribution_window: type: "string" title: "Swipe Up Attribution Window" description: "Attribution window for swipe ups." enum: - "1_DAY" - "7_DAY" - "28_DAY" default: "28_DAY" order: 6 view_attribution_window: type: "string" title: "View Attribution Window" description: "Attribution window for views." enum: - "1_HOUR" - "3_HOUR" - "6_HOUR" - "1_DAY" - "7_DAY" default: "1_DAY" order: 7 source-gitlab: title: "Source Gitlab Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Private Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Private Token" description: "Log into your Gitlab account and then generate a personal\ \ Access Token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for GitLab\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Optional. If not set, all data\ \ will be replicated. All data generated after this date will be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 format: "date-time" api_url: type: "string" examples: - "" - "" - "" title: "API URL" default: "" description: "Please enter your basic URL from GitLab instance." order: 2 groups: type: "string" examples: - "" title: "Groups" description: "[DEPRECATED] Space-delimited list of groups. e.g." airbyte_hidden: true groups_list: type: "array" items: type: "string" examples: - "" title: "Groups" description: "List of groups. e.g." order: 3 projects: type: "string" title: "Projects" examples: - "" description: "[DEPRECATED] Space-delimited list of projects. e.g.\ \ meltano/tap-gitlab." airbyte_hidden: true projects_list: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Projects" examples: - "" description: "Space-delimited list of projects. e.g.\ \ meltano/tap-gitlab." order: 4 sourceType: title: "gitlab" const: "gitlab" enum: - "gitlab" order: 0 type: "string" source-gitlab-update: title: "Source Gitlab Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Private Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Private Token" description: "Log into your Gitlab account and then generate a personal\ \ Access Token." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for GitLab\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Optional. If not set, all data\ \ will be replicated. All data generated after this date will be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 format: "date-time" api_url: type: "string" examples: - "" - "" - "" title: "API URL" default: "" description: "Please enter your basic URL from GitLab instance." order: 2 groups: type: "string" examples: - "" title: "Groups" description: "[DEPRECATED] Space-delimited list of groups. e.g." airbyte_hidden: true groups_list: type: "array" items: type: "string" examples: - "" title: "Groups" description: "List of groups. e.g." order: 3 projects: type: "string" title: "Projects" examples: - "" description: "[DEPRECATED] Space-delimited list of projects. e.g.\ \ meltano/tap-gitlab." airbyte_hidden: true projects_list: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Projects" examples: - "" description: "Space-delimited list of projects. e.g.\ \ meltano/tap-gitlab." order: 4 source-launchdarkly: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "Your Access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "launchdarkly" const: "launchdarkly" enum: - "launchdarkly" order: 0 type: "string" source-launchdarkly-update: type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "Your Access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-snowflake: title: "Snowflake Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" order: 0 required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "auth_type" airbyte_hidden: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Key Pair Authentication" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "username" - "private_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Key Pair Authentication" order: 0 enum: - "Key Pair Authentication" username: description: "The username you created to allow Airbyte to access\ \ the database." examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 private_key: type: "string" title: "Private Key" description: "RSA Private key to use for Snowflake connection. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." multiline: true airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true private_key_password: type: "string" title: "Passphrase" description: "Passphrase for private key" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Username and Password" type: "object" required: - "username" - "password" - "auth_type" order: 2 properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "username/password" order: 0 enum: - "username/password" username: description: "The username you created to allow Airbyte to access\ \ the database." examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 password: description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 0 host: description: "The host domain of the snowflake instance (must include the\ \ account, region, cloud environment, and end with" examples: - "" type: "string" title: "Account Name" order: 1 role: description: "The role you created for Airbyte to access Snowflake." examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" type: "string" title: "Role" order: 2 warehouse: description: "The warehouse you created for Airbyte to access data." examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" title: "Warehouse" order: 3 database: description: "The database you created for Airbyte to access data." examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" title: "Database" order: 4 schema: description: "The source Snowflake schema tables. Leave empty to access\ \ tables from multiple schemas." examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" title: "Schema" order: 5 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 6 sourceType: title: "snowflake" const: "snowflake" enum: - "snowflake" order: 0 type: "string" source-snowflake-update: title: "Snowflake Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" order: 0 required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "auth_type" airbyte_hidden: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - title: "Key Pair Authentication" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "username" - "private_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Key Pair Authentication" order: 0 enum: - "Key Pair Authentication" username: description: "The username you created to allow Airbyte to access\ \ the database." examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 private_key: type: "string" title: "Private Key" description: "RSA Private key to use for Snowflake connection. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." multiline: true airbyte_secret: true order: 2 private_key_password: type: "string" title: "Passphrase" description: "Passphrase for private key" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 - title: "Username and Password" type: "object" required: - "username" - "password" - "auth_type" order: 2 properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "username/password" order: 0 enum: - "username/password" username: description: "The username you created to allow Airbyte to access\ \ the database." examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 password: description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" order: 2 order: 0 host: description: "The host domain of the snowflake instance (must include the\ \ account, region, cloud environment, and end with" examples: - "" type: "string" title: "Account Name" order: 1 role: description: "The role you created for Airbyte to access Snowflake." examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" type: "string" title: "Role" order: 2 warehouse: description: "The warehouse you created for Airbyte to access data." examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" title: "Warehouse" order: 3 database: description: "The database you created for Airbyte to access data." examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" title: "Database" order: 4 schema: description: "The source Snowflake schema tables. Leave empty to access\ \ tables from multiple schemas." examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" title: "Schema" order: 5 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 6 source-auth0: title: "Auth0 Management API Spec" type: "object" required: - "base_url" - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: base_url: type: "string" title: "Base URL" examples: - "" description: "The Authentication API is served over HTTPS. All URLs referenced\ \ in the documentation have the following base `https://YOUR_DOMAIN`" credentials: title: "Authentication Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2 Confidential Application" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "audience" properties: auth_type: type: "string" title: "Authentication Method" const: "oauth2_confidential_application" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2_confidential_application" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Your application's Client ID. You can find this value\ \ on the application's\ \ settings tab after you login the admin portal." type: "string" examples: - "Client_ID" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Your application's Client Secret. You can find this\ \ value on the application's settings tab after you login the admin portal." type: "string" examples: - "Client_Secret" airbyte_secret: true audience: title: "Audience" description: "The audience for the token, which is your API. You can\ \ find this in the Identifier field on your API's settings tab" type: "string" examples: - "" - type: "object" title: "OAuth2 Access Token" required: - "access_token" - "auth_type" properties: auth_type: type: "string" title: "Authentication Method" const: "oauth2_access_token" examples: - "oauth2_access_token" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2_access_token" access_token: title: "OAuth2 Access Token" description: "Also called API Access Token The access token used to call the Auth0 Management\ \ API Token. It's a JWT that contains specific grant permissions\ \ knowns as scopes." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2023-08-05T00:43:59.244Z" default: "2023-08-05T00:43:59.244Z" airbyte_secret: false sourceType: title: "auth0" const: "auth0" enum: - "auth0" order: 0 type: "string" source-auth0-update: title: "Auth0 Management API Spec" type: "object" required: - "base_url" - "credentials" properties: base_url: type: "string" title: "Base URL" examples: - "" description: "The Authentication API is served over HTTPS. All URLs referenced\ \ in the documentation have the following base `https://YOUR_DOMAIN`" credentials: title: "Authentication Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2 Confidential Application" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "audience" properties: auth_type: type: "string" title: "Authentication Method" const: "oauth2_confidential_application" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2_confidential_application" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Your application's Client ID. You can find this value\ \ on the application's\ \ settings tab after you login the admin portal." type: "string" examples: - "Client_ID" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Your application's Client Secret. You can find this\ \ value on the application's settings tab after you login the admin portal." type: "string" examples: - "Client_Secret" airbyte_secret: true audience: title: "Audience" description: "The audience for the token, which is your API. You can\ \ find this in the Identifier field on your API's settings tab" type: "string" examples: - "" - type: "object" title: "OAuth2 Access Token" required: - "access_token" - "auth_type" properties: auth_type: type: "string" title: "Authentication Method" const: "oauth2_access_token" examples: - "oauth2_access_token" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2_access_token" access_token: title: "OAuth2 Access Token" description: "Also called API Access Token The access token used to call the Auth0 Management\ \ API Token. It's a JWT that contains specific grant permissions\ \ knowns as scopes." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2023-08-05T00:43:59.244Z" default: "2023-08-05T00:43:59.244Z" airbyte_secret: false source-linnworks: title: "Linnworks Spec" type: "object" required: - "application_id" - "application_secret" - "token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: application_id: title: "Application ID." description: "Linnworks Application ID" type: "string" application_secret: title: "Application Secret" description: "Linnworks Application Secret" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true token: title: "API Token" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." type: "string" format: "date-time" sourceType: title: "linnworks" const: "linnworks" enum: - "linnworks" order: 0 type: "string" source-linnworks-update: title: "Linnworks Spec" type: "object" required: - "application_id" - "application_secret" - "token" - "start_date" properties: application_id: title: "Application ID." description: "Linnworks Application ID" type: "string" application_secret: title: "Application Secret" description: "Linnworks Application Secret" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true token: title: "API Token" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." type: "string" format: "date-time" source-microsoft-sharepoint: title: "Microsoft SharePoint Source Spec" description: "SourceMicrosoftSharePointSpec class for Microsoft SharePoint Source\ \ Specification.\nThis class combines the authentication details with additional\ \ configuration for the SharePoint API." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the One Drive API" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth)" description: "OAuthCredentials class to hold authentication details for\ \ Microsoft OAuth authentication.\nThis class uses pydantic for data\ \ validation and settings management." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft SharePoint user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - title: "Service Key Authentication" description: "ServiceCredentials class for service key authentication.\n\ This class is structured similarly to OAuthCredentials but for a different\ \ authentication method." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft SharePoint user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" user_principal_name: title: "User Principal Name" description: "Special characters such as a period, comma, space, and\ \ the at sign (@) are converted to underscores (_). More details:\ \" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "user_principal_name" - "client_id" - "client_secret" search_scope: title: "Search Scope" description: "Specifies the location(s) to search for files. Valid options\ \ are 'ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES' for all SharePoint drives the user can access,\ \ 'SHARED_ITEMS' for shared items the user has access to, and 'ALL' to\ \ search both." default: "ALL" enum: - "ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES" - "SHARED_ITEMS" - "ALL" order: 3 type: "string" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "Path to a specific folder within the drives to search for\ \ files. Leave empty to search all folders of the drives. This does not\ \ apply to shared items." default: "." order: 4 type: "string" sourceType: title: "microsoft-sharepoint" const: "microsoft-sharepoint" enum: - "microsoft-sharepoint" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" - "sourceType" source-microsoft-sharepoint-update: title: "Microsoft SharePoint Source Spec" description: "SourceMicrosoftSharePointSpec class for Microsoft SharePoint Source\ \ Specification.\nThis class combines the authentication details with additional\ \ configuration for the SharePoint API." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the One Drive API" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth)" description: "OAuthCredentials class to hold authentication details for\ \ Microsoft OAuth authentication.\nThis class uses pydantic for data\ \ validation and settings management." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft SharePoint user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - title: "Service Key Authentication" description: "ServiceCredentials class for service key authentication.\n\ This class is structured similarly to OAuthCredentials but for a different\ \ authentication method." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft SharePoint user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" user_principal_name: title: "User Principal Name" description: "Special characters such as a period, comma, space, and\ \ the at sign (@) are converted to underscores (_). More details:\ \" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "user_principal_name" - "client_id" - "client_secret" search_scope: title: "Search Scope" description: "Specifies the location(s) to search for files. Valid options\ \ are 'ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES' for all SharePoint drives the user can access,\ \ 'SHARED_ITEMS' for shared items the user has access to, and 'ALL' to\ \ search both." default: "ALL" enum: - "ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES" - "SHARED_ITEMS" - "ALL" order: 3 type: "string" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "Path to a specific folder within the drives to search for\ \ files. Leave empty to search all folders of the drives. This does not\ \ apply to shared items." default: "." order: 4 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" source-amazon-sqs: title: "Amazon SQS Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "queue_url" - "region" - "delete_messages" - "sourceType" properties: queue_url: title: "Queue URL" description: "URL of the SQS Queue" type: "string" examples: - "" order: 0 region: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS Region of the SQS Queue" type: "string" enum: - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 1 delete_messages: title: "Delete Messages After Read" description: "If Enabled, messages will be deleted from the SQS Queue after\ \ being read. If Disabled, messages are left in the queue and can be read\ \ more than once. WARNING: Enabling this option can result in data loss\ \ in cases of failure, use with caution, see documentation for more detail. " type: "boolean" default: false order: 2 max_batch_size: title: "Max Batch Size" description: "Max amount of messages to get in one batch (10 max)" type: "integer" examples: - "5" order: 3 max_wait_time: title: "Max Wait Time" description: "Max amount of time in seconds to wait for messages in a single\ \ poll (20 max)" type: "integer" examples: - "5" order: 4 attributes_to_return: title: "Message Attributes To Return" description: "Comma separated list of Mesage Attribute names to return" type: "string" examples: - "attr1,attr2" order: 5 visibility_timeout: title: "Message Visibility Timeout" description: "Modify the Visibility Timeout of the individual message from\ \ the Queue's default (seconds)." type: "integer" examples: - "15" order: 6 access_key: title: "AWS IAM Access Key ID" description: "The Access Key ID of the AWS IAM Role to use for pulling messages" type: "string" examples: - "xxxxxHRNxxx3TBxxxxxx" airbyte_secret: true order: 7 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_key: title: "AWS IAM Secret Key" description: "The Secret Key of the AWS IAM Role to use for pulling messages" type: "string" examples: - "hu+qE5exxxxT6o/ZrKsxxxxxxBhxxXLexxxxxVKz" airbyte_secret: true order: 8 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "amazon-sqs" const: "amazon-sqs" enum: - "amazon-sqs" order: 0 type: "string" source-amazon-sqs-update: title: "Amazon SQS Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "queue_url" - "region" - "delete_messages" properties: queue_url: title: "Queue URL" description: "URL of the SQS Queue" type: "string" examples: - "" order: 0 region: title: "AWS Region" description: "AWS Region of the SQS Queue" type: "string" enum: - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 1 delete_messages: title: "Delete Messages After Read" description: "If Enabled, messages will be deleted from the SQS Queue after\ \ being read. If Disabled, messages are left in the queue and can be read\ \ more than once. WARNING: Enabling this option can result in data loss\ \ in cases of failure, use with caution, see documentation for more detail. " type: "boolean" default: false order: 2 max_batch_size: title: "Max Batch Size" description: "Max amount of messages to get in one batch (10 max)" type: "integer" examples: - "5" order: 3 max_wait_time: title: "Max Wait Time" description: "Max amount of time in seconds to wait for messages in a single\ \ poll (20 max)" type: "integer" examples: - "5" order: 4 attributes_to_return: title: "Message Attributes To Return" description: "Comma separated list of Mesage Attribute names to return" type: "string" examples: - "attr1,attr2" order: 5 visibility_timeout: title: "Message Visibility Timeout" description: "Modify the Visibility Timeout of the individual message from\ \ the Queue's default (seconds)." type: "integer" examples: - "15" order: 6 access_key: title: "AWS IAM Access Key ID" description: "The Access Key ID of the AWS IAM Role to use for pulling messages" type: "string" examples: - "xxxxxHRNxxx3TBxxxxxx" airbyte_secret: true order: 7 secret_key: title: "AWS IAM Secret Key" description: "The Secret Key of the AWS IAM Role to use for pulling messages" type: "string" examples: - "hu+qE5exxxxT6o/ZrKsxxxxxxBhxxXLexxxxxVKz" airbyte_secret: true order: 8 source-sonar-cloud: type: "object" required: - "component_keys" - "organization" - "user_token" - "sourceType" properties: component_keys: type: "array" title: "Component Keys" description: "Comma-separated list of component keys." examples: - "airbyte-ws-order" - "airbyte-ws-checkout" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true end_date: type: "string" title: "End date" description: "To retrieve issues created before the given date (inclusive)." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" order: 1 organization: type: "string" title: "Organization" description: "Organization key. See here." examples: - "airbyte" order: 2 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "To retrieve issues created after the given date (inclusive)." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" order: 3 user_token: type: "string" title: "User Token" description: "Your User Token. See here. The token is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "sonar-cloud" const: "sonar-cloud" enum: - "sonar-cloud" order: 0 type: "string" source-sonar-cloud-update: type: "object" required: - "component_keys" - "organization" - "user_token" properties: component_keys: type: "array" title: "Component Keys" description: "Comma-separated list of component keys." examples: - "airbyte-ws-order" - "airbyte-ws-checkout" order: 0 end_date: type: "string" title: "End date" description: "To retrieve issues created before the given date (inclusive)." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" order: 1 organization: type: "string" title: "Organization" description: "Organization key. See here." examples: - "airbyte" order: 2 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "To retrieve issues created after the given date (inclusive)." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" format: "date" order: 3 user_token: type: "string" title: "User Token" description: "Your User Token. See here. The token is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-clockify: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "workspace_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "You can get your api access_key here This API is Case Sensitive." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_url: type: "string" title: "API Url" description: "The URL for the Clockify API. This should only need to be\ \ modified if connecting to an enterprise version of Clockify." default: "" order: 1 workspace_id: type: "string" title: "Workspace Id" description: "WorkSpace Id" order: 2 sourceType: title: "clockify" const: "clockify" enum: - "clockify" order: 0 type: "string" source-clockify-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "workspace_id" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "You can get your api access_key here This API is Case Sensitive." order: 0 api_url: type: "string" title: "API Url" description: "The URL for the Clockify API. This should only need to be\ \ modified if connecting to an enterprise version of Clockify." default: "" order: 1 workspace_id: type: "string" title: "Workspace Id" description: "WorkSpace Id" order: 2 source-marketo: title: "Source Marketo Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain_url" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: domain_url: title: "Domain URL" type: "string" order: 3 description: "Your Marketo Base URL. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." examples: - "" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Marketo developer application. See the\ \ docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Marketo developer application. See\ \ the\ \ docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" order: 2 description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2020-09-25T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" sourceType: title: "marketo" const: "marketo" enum: - "marketo" order: 0 type: "string" source-marketo-update: title: "Source Marketo Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain_url" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "start_date" properties: domain_url: title: "Domain URL" type: "string" order: 3 description: "Your Marketo Base URL. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." examples: - "" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Marketo developer application. See the\ \ docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 0 airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Marketo developer application. See\ \ the\ \ docs for info on how to obtain this." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" order: 2 description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2020-09-25T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" source-pocket: title: "Pocket Spec" type: "object" required: - "consumer_key" - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: consumer_key: type: "string" title: "Consumer Key" description: "Your application's Consumer Key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The user's Pocket access token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true state: type: "string" title: "State" description: "Select the state of the items to retrieve." order: 2 enum: - "unread" - "archive" - "all" favorite: type: "boolean" title: "Is Favorite?" description: "Retrieve only favorited items." default: false order: 3 tag: type: "string" title: "Tag Name" description: "Return only items tagged with this tag name. Use _untagged_\ \ for retrieving only untagged items." order: 4 content_type: type: "string" title: "Content Type" description: "Select the content type of the items to retrieve." order: 5 enum: - "article" - "video" - "image" sort: type: "string" title: "Sort By" description: "Sort retrieved items by the given criteria." order: 6 enum: - "newest" - "oldest" - "title" - "site" detail_type: type: "string" title: "Detail Type" description: "Select the granularity of the information about each item." order: 7 enum: - "simple" - "complete" search: type: "string" title: "Search Query" description: "Only return items whose title or url contain the `search`\ \ string." order: 8 domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Only return items from a particular `domain`." order: 9 since: type: "string" title: "Since" description: "Only return items modified since the given timestamp." pattern: "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}" examples: - "2022-10-20 14:14:14" order: 10 sourceType: title: "pocket" const: "pocket" enum: - "pocket" order: 0 type: "string" source-pocket-update: title: "Pocket Spec" type: "object" required: - "consumer_key" - "access_token" properties: consumer_key: type: "string" title: "Consumer Key" description: "Your application's Consumer Key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The user's Pocket access token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 state: type: "string" title: "State" description: "Select the state of the items to retrieve." order: 2 enum: - "unread" - "archive" - "all" favorite: type: "boolean" title: "Is Favorite?" description: "Retrieve only favorited items." default: false order: 3 tag: type: "string" title: "Tag Name" description: "Return only items tagged with this tag name. Use _untagged_\ \ for retrieving only untagged items." order: 4 content_type: type: "string" title: "Content Type" description: "Select the content type of the items to retrieve." order: 5 enum: - "article" - "video" - "image" sort: type: "string" title: "Sort By" description: "Sort retrieved items by the given criteria." order: 6 enum: - "newest" - "oldest" - "title" - "site" detail_type: type: "string" title: "Detail Type" description: "Select the granularity of the information about each item." order: 7 enum: - "simple" - "complete" search: type: "string" title: "Search Query" description: "Only return items whose title or url contain the `search`\ \ string." order: 8 domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Only return items from a particular `domain`." order: 9 since: type: "string" title: "Since" description: "Only return items modified since the given timestamp." pattern: "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}" examples: - "2022-10-20 14:14:14" order: 10 source-smartsheets: title: "Smartsheets Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "spreadsheet_id" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "API Access Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The access token to use for accessing your data from\ \ Smartsheets. This access token must be generated by a user with\ \ at least read access to the data you'd like to replicate. Generate\ \ an access token in the Smartsheets main menu by clicking Account\ \ > Apps & Integrations > API Access. See the setup guide for information on how to obtain this token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true spreadsheet_id: title: "Sheet ID" description: "The spreadsheet ID. Find it by opening the spreadsheet then\ \ navigating to File > Properties" type: "string" order: 1 start_datetime: title: "Start Datetime" type: "string" examples: - "2000-01-01T13:00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00:00-07:00" description: "Only rows modified after this date/time will be replicated.\ \ This should be an ISO 8601 string, for instance: `2000-01-01T13:00:00`" format: "date-time" default: "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" order: 2 airbyte_hidden: true metadata_fields: title: "Metadata Fields" type: "array" items: title: "Validenums" enum: - "sheetcreatedAt" - "sheetid" - "sheetmodifiedAt" - "sheetname" - "sheetpermalink" - "sheetversion" - "sheetaccess_level" - "row_id" - "row_access_level" - "row_created_at" - "row_created_by" - "row_expanded" - "row_modified_by" - "row_parent_id" - "row_permalink" - "row_number" - "row_version" description: "A List of available columns which metadata can be pulled from." order: 3 sourceType: title: "smartsheets" const: "smartsheets" enum: - "smartsheets" order: 0 type: "string" source-smartsheets-update: title: "Smartsheets Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "spreadsheet_id" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true - title: "API Access Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The access token to use for accessing your data from\ \ Smartsheets. This access token must be generated by a user with\ \ at least read access to the data you'd like to replicate. Generate\ \ an access token in the Smartsheets main menu by clicking Account\ \ > Apps & Integrations > API Access. See the setup guide for information on how to obtain this token." airbyte_secret: true spreadsheet_id: title: "Sheet ID" description: "The spreadsheet ID. Find it by opening the spreadsheet then\ \ navigating to File > Properties" type: "string" order: 1 start_datetime: title: "Start Datetime" type: "string" examples: - "2000-01-01T13:00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00:00-07:00" description: "Only rows modified after this date/time will be replicated.\ \ This should be an ISO 8601 string, for instance: `2000-01-01T13:00:00`" format: "date-time" default: "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" order: 2 airbyte_hidden: true metadata_fields: title: "Metadata Fields" type: "array" items: title: "Validenums" enum: - "sheetcreatedAt" - "sheetid" - "sheetmodifiedAt" - "sheetname" - "sheetpermalink" - "sheetversion" - "sheetaccess_level" - "row_id" - "row_access_level" - "row_created_at" - "row_created_by" - "row_expanded" - "row_modified_by" - "row_parent_id" - "row_permalink" - "row_number" - "row_version" description: "A List of available columns which metadata can be pulled from." order: 3 source-iterable: title: "Iterable Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Iterable API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Iterable,\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated." examples: - "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 format: "date-time" sourceType: title: "iterable" const: "iterable" enum: - "iterable" order: 0 type: "string" source-iterable-update: title: "Iterable Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Iterable API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Iterable,\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated." examples: - "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 1 format: "date-time" source-mysql: title: "MySql Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "replication_method" - "sourceType" properties: host: description: "The host name of the database." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port to connect to." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 3306 examples: - "3306" order: 1 database: description: "The database name." title: "Database" type: "string" order: 2 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 3 password: description: "The password associated with the username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For\ \ more information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. Read more in the docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "preferred" description: "Automatically attempt SSL connection. If the MySQL server\ \ does not support SSL, continue with a regular connection." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "preferred" order: 0 enum: - "preferred" - title: "required" description: "Always connect with SSL. If the MySQL server doesn’t support\ \ SSL, the connection will not be established. Certificate Authority\ \ (CA) and Hostname are not verified." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "required" order: 0 enum: - "required" - title: "Verify CA" description: "Always connect with SSL. Verifies CA, but allows connection\ \ even if Hostname does not match." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify_ca" order: 0 enum: - "verify_ca" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate (this is not a required field, but\ \ if you want to use it, you will need to add the Client key\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key (this is not a required field, but if you\ \ want to use it, you will need to add the Client certificate\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Verify Identity" description: "Always connect with SSL. Verify both CA and Hostname." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify_identity" order: 0 enum: - "verify_identity" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate (this is not a required field, but\ \ if you want to use it, you will need to add the Client key\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key (this is not a required field, but if you\ \ want to use it, you will need to add the Client certificate\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true default: "required" replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." order: 8 default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Binary Log (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the MySQL binary log. This must be enabled on your database." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 0 enum: - "CDC" initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 300 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 1200 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 300 min: 120 max: 1200 order: 1 always_show: true server_time_zone: type: "string" title: "Configured server timezone for the MySQL source (Advanced)" description: "Enter the configured MySQL server timezone. This should\ \ only be done if the configured timezone in your MySQL instance\ \ does not conform to IANNA standard." order: 2 always_show: true invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 3 always_show: true initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 4 always_show: true - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "STANDARD" order: 0 enum: - "STANDARD" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "mysql" const: "mysql" enum: - "mysql" order: 0 type: "string" source-mysql-update: title: "MySql Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "replication_method" properties: host: description: "The host name of the database." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port to connect to." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 3306 examples: - "3306" order: 1 database: description: "The database name." title: "Database" type: "string" order: 2 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 3 password: description: "The password associated with the username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 always_show: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For\ \ more information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. Read more in the docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "preferred" description: "Automatically attempt SSL connection. If the MySQL server\ \ does not support SSL, continue with a regular connection." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "preferred" order: 0 enum: - "preferred" - title: "required" description: "Always connect with SSL. If the MySQL server doesn’t support\ \ SSL, the connection will not be established. Certificate Authority\ \ (CA) and Hostname are not verified." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "required" order: 0 enum: - "required" - title: "Verify CA" description: "Always connect with SSL. Verifies CA, but allows connection\ \ even if Hostname does not match." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify_ca" order: 0 enum: - "verify_ca" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate (this is not a required field, but\ \ if you want to use it, you will need to add the Client key\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key (this is not a required field, but if you\ \ want to use it, you will need to add the Client certificate\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - title: "Verify Identity" description: "Always connect with SSL. Verify both CA and Hostname." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify_identity" order: 0 enum: - "verify_identity" ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate (this is not a required field, but\ \ if you want to use it, you will need to add the Client key\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 always_show: true client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key (this is not a required field, but if you\ \ want to use it, you will need to add the Client certificate\ \ as well)" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 always_show: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 default: "required" replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." order: 8 default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Binary Log (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the MySQL binary log. This must be enabled on your database." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 0 enum: - "CDC" initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 300 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 1200 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 300 min: 120 max: 1200 order: 1 always_show: true server_time_zone: type: "string" title: "Configured server timezone for the MySQL source (Advanced)" description: "Enter the configured MySQL server timezone. This should\ \ only be done if the configured timezone in your MySQL instance\ \ does not conform to IANNA standard." order: 2 always_show: true invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 3 always_show: true initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 4 always_show: true - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "STANDARD" order: 0 enum: - "STANDARD" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-emailoctopus: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "EmailOctopus API key" description: "EmailOctopus API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "emailoctopus" const: "emailoctopus" enum: - "emailoctopus" order: 0 type: "string" source-emailoctopus-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "EmailOctopus API key" description: "EmailOctopus API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-railz: title: "Railz Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "secret_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID (client_id)" order: 0 secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret key" description: "Secret key (secret_key)" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 sourceType: title: "railz" const: "railz" enum: - "railz" order: 0 type: "string" source-railz-update: title: "Railz Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "secret_key" - "start_date" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID (client_id)" order: 0 secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret key" description: "Secret key (secret_key)" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 source-orbit: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "workspace" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "API Token" description: "Authorizes you to work with Orbit workspaces associated with\ \ the token." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true workspace: type: "string" title: "Workspace" description: "The unique name of the workspace that your API token is associated\ \ with." order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Date in the format 2022-06-26. Only load members whose last\ \ activities are after this date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 sourceType: title: "orbit" const: "orbit" enum: - "orbit" order: 0 type: "string" source-orbit-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "workspace" properties: api_token: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "API Token" description: "Authorizes you to work with Orbit workspaces associated with\ \ the token." order: 0 workspace: type: "string" title: "Workspace" description: "The unique name of the workspace that your API token is associated\ \ with." order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Date in the format 2022-06-26. Only load members whose last\ \ activities are after this date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 source-apify-dataset: title: "Apify Dataset Spec" type: "object" required: - "token" - "dataset_id" - "sourceType" properties: token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Personal API token of your Apify account. In Apify Console,\ \ you can find your API token in the Settings section under the Integrations tab after you login. See\ \ the Apify Docs for more information." examples: - "apify_api_PbVwb1cBbuvbfg2jRmAIHZKgx3NQyfEMG7uk" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true dataset_id: type: "string" title: "Dataset ID" description: "ID of the dataset you would like to load to Airbyte. In Apify\ \ Console, you can view your datasets in the Storage section under the Datasets tab after you login. See the Apify Docs\ \ for more information." examples: - "rHuMdwm6xCFt6WiGU" sourceType: title: "apify-dataset" const: "apify-dataset" enum: - "apify-dataset" order: 0 type: "string" source-apify-dataset-update: title: "Apify Dataset Spec" type: "object" required: - "token" - "dataset_id" properties: token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Personal API token of your Apify account. In Apify Console,\ \ you can find your API token in the Settings section under the Integrations tab after you login. See\ \ the Apify Docs for more information." examples: - "apify_api_PbVwb1cBbuvbfg2jRmAIHZKgx3NQyfEMG7uk" airbyte_secret: true dataset_id: type: "string" title: "Dataset ID" description: "ID of the dataset you would like to load to Airbyte. In Apify\ \ Console, you can view your datasets in the Storage section under the Datasets tab after you login. See the Apify Docs\ \ for more information." examples: - "rHuMdwm6xCFt6WiGU" source-confluence: type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" - "domain_name" - "sourceType" properties: email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "Your Confluence login email" examples: - "" order: 0 api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "Please follow the Jira confluence for generating an API token:\ \ generating an API token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain_name: type: "string" title: "Domain name" description: "Your Confluence domain name" order: 2 sourceType: title: "confluence" const: "confluence" enum: - "confluence" order: 0 type: "string" source-confluence-update: type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" - "domain_name" properties: email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "Your Confluence login email" examples: - "" order: 0 api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "Please follow the Jira confluence for generating an API token:\ \ generating an API token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 domain_name: type: "string" title: "Domain name" description: "Your Confluence domain name" order: 2 source-coin-api: title: "Coin API Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "environment" - "symbol_id" - "period" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true environment: type: "string" description: "The environment to use. Either sandbox or production.\n" enum: - "sandbox" - "production" default: "sandbox" order: 1 symbol_id: type: "string" description: "The symbol ID to use. See the documentation for a list.\n\\n" order: 2 period: type: "string" description: "The period to use. See the documentation for a list." examples: - "5SEC" - "2MTH" start_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" description: "The start date in ISO 8601 format." examples: - "2019-01-01T00:00:00" end_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" description: "The end date in ISO 8601 format. If not supplied, data will\ \ be returned\nfrom the start date to the current time, or when the count\ \ of result\nelements reaches its limit.\n" examples: - "2019-01-01T00:00:00" limit: type: "integer" description: "The maximum number of elements to return. If not supplied,\ \ the default\nis 100. For numbers larger than 100, each 100 items is\ \ counted as one\nrequest for pricing purposes. Maximum value is 100000.\n" minimum: 1 maximum: 100000 default: 100 sourceType: title: "coin-api" const: "coin-api" enum: - "coin-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-coin-api-update: title: "Coin API Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "environment" - "symbol_id" - "period" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 environment: type: "string" description: "The environment to use. Either sandbox or production.\n" enum: - "sandbox" - "production" default: "sandbox" order: 1 symbol_id: type: "string" description: "The symbol ID to use. See the documentation for a list.\n\\n" order: 2 period: type: "string" description: "The period to use. See the documentation for a list." examples: - "5SEC" - "2MTH" start_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" description: "The start date in ISO 8601 format." examples: - "2019-01-01T00:00:00" end_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" description: "The end date in ISO 8601 format. If not supplied, data will\ \ be returned\nfrom the start date to the current time, or when the count\ \ of result\nelements reaches its limit.\n" examples: - "2019-01-01T00:00:00" limit: type: "integer" description: "The maximum number of elements to return. If not supplied,\ \ the default\nis 100. For numbers larger than 100, each 100 items is\ \ counted as one\nrequest for pricing purposes. Maximum value is 100000.\n" minimum: 1 maximum: 100000 default: 100 source-orb: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Orb API Key" description: "Orb API Key, issued from the Orb admin console." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data with created_at before this data will not be synced. For Subscription\ \ Usage, this becomes the `timeframe_start` API parameter." examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 1 end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data with created_at after this data will not be synced. For Subscription\ \ Usage, this becomes the `timeframe_start` API parameter." examples: - "2024-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 2 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window (in days)" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set to N, the connector will always refresh resources\ \ created within the past N days. By default, updated objects that are\ \ not newly created are not incrementally synced." order: 3 string_event_properties_keys: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Event properties keys (string values)" description: "Property key names to extract from all events, in order to\ \ enrich ledger entries corresponding to an event deduction." order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true numeric_event_properties_keys: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Event properties keys (numeric values)" description: "Property key names to extract from all events, in order to\ \ enrich ledger entries corresponding to an event deduction." order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true subscription_usage_grouping_key: type: "string" title: "Subscription usage grouping key (string value)" description: "Property key name to group subscription usage by." order: 6 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true plan_id: type: "string" title: "Orb Plan ID for Subscription Usage (string value)" description: "Orb Plan ID to filter subscriptions that should have usage\ \ fetched." order: 7 sourceType: title: "orb" const: "orb" enum: - "orb" order: 0 type: "string" source-orb-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Orb API Key" description: "Orb API Key, issued from the Orb admin console." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data with created_at before this data will not be synced. For Subscription\ \ Usage, this becomes the `timeframe_start` API parameter." examples: - "2022-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 1 end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2022-03-01T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data with created_at after this data will not be synced. For Subscription\ \ Usage, this becomes the `timeframe_start` API parameter." examples: - "2024-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 2 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window (in days)" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set to N, the connector will always refresh resources\ \ created within the past N days. By default, updated objects that are\ \ not newly created are not incrementally synced." order: 3 string_event_properties_keys: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Event properties keys (string values)" description: "Property key names to extract from all events, in order to\ \ enrich ledger entries corresponding to an event deduction." order: 4 numeric_event_properties_keys: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Event properties keys (numeric values)" description: "Property key names to extract from all events, in order to\ \ enrich ledger entries corresponding to an event deduction." order: 5 subscription_usage_grouping_key: type: "string" title: "Subscription usage grouping key (string value)" description: "Property key name to group subscription usage by." order: 6 plan_id: type: "string" title: "Orb Plan ID for Subscription Usage (string value)" description: "Orb Plan ID to filter subscriptions that should have usage\ \ fetched." order: 7 source-sentry: title: "Sentry Spec" type: "object" required: - "auth_token" - "organization" - "project" - "sourceType" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication Tokens" description: "Log into Sentry and then create authentication tokens.For self-hosted, you can find or create\ \ authentication tokens by visiting \"{instance_url_prefix}/settings/account/api/auth-tokens/\"" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true hostname: type: "string" title: "Host Name" description: "Host name of Sentry API server.For self-hosted, specify your\ \ host name here. Otherwise, leave it empty." default: "" organization: type: "string" title: "Organization" description: "The slug of the organization the groups belong to." project: type: "string" title: "Project" description: "The name (slug) of the Project you want to sync." discover_fields: type: "array" item: "string" title: "Discover Event Fields" description: "Fields to retrieve when fetching discover events" sourceType: title: "sentry" const: "sentry" enum: - "sentry" order: 0 type: "string" source-sentry-update: title: "Sentry Spec" type: "object" required: - "auth_token" - "organization" - "project" properties: auth_token: type: "string" title: "Authentication Tokens" description: "Log into Sentry and then create authentication tokens.For self-hosted, you can find or create\ \ authentication tokens by visiting \"{instance_url_prefix}/settings/account/api/auth-tokens/\"" airbyte_secret: true hostname: type: "string" title: "Host Name" description: "Host name of Sentry API server.For self-hosted, specify your\ \ host name here. Otherwise, leave it empty." default: "" organization: type: "string" title: "Organization" description: "The slug of the organization the groups belong to." project: type: "string" title: "Project" description: "The name (slug) of the Project you want to sync." discover_fields: type: "array" item: "string" title: "Discover Event Fields" description: "Fields to retrieve when fetching discover events" source-notion: title: "Notion Source Spec" type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z.\ \ During incremental sync, any data generated before this date will not\ \ be replicated. If left blank, the start date will be set to 2 years\ \ before the present date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z" examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00.000Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Choose either OAuth (recommended for Airbyte Cloud) or Access\ \ Token. See our docs\ \ for more information." type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth2.0" enum: - "OAuth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Notion integration. See our docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Notion integration. See our\ \ docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "The Access Token received by completing the OAuth flow\ \ for your Notion integration. See our docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Access Token" required: - "auth_type" - "token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "token" enum: - "token" token: title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token for your private Notion integration.\ \ See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "notion" const: "notion" enum: - "notion" order: 0 type: "string" source-notion-update: title: "Notion Source Spec" type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z.\ \ During incremental sync, any data generated before this date will not\ \ be replicated. If left blank, the start date will be set to 2 years\ \ before the present date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z" examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00.000Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Choose either OAuth (recommended for Airbyte Cloud) or Access\ \ Token. See our docs\ \ for more information." type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth2.0" enum: - "OAuth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Notion integration. See our docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Notion integration. See our\ \ docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "The Access Token received by completing the OAuth flow\ \ for your Notion integration. See our docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Access Token" required: - "auth_type" - "token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "token" enum: - "token" token: title: "Access Token" description: "The Access Token for your private Notion integration.\ \ See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true source-trustpilot: title: "Trustpilot Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "business_units" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth 2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "The API key of the Trustpilot API application. (represents\ \ the OAuth Client ID)" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Secret" description: "The Secret of the Trustpilot API application. (represents\ \ the OAuth Client Secret)" airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" title: "Token expiry date time" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "API Key" description: "The API key authentication method gives you access to only\ \ the streams which are part of the Public API. When you want to get\ \ streams available via the Consumer API (e.g. the private reviews)\ \ you need to use authentication method OAuth 2.0." required: - "client_id" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "apikey" enum: - "apikey" client_id: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "The API key of the Trustpilot API application." airbyte_secret: true business_units: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Business Unit names" description: "The names of business units which shall be synchronized. Some\ \ streams e.g. configured_business_units or private_reviews use this configuration." examples: - "" - "" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "For streams with sync. method incremental the start date time\ \ to be used" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" sourceType: title: "trustpilot" const: "trustpilot" enum: - "trustpilot" order: 0 type: "string" source-trustpilot-update: title: "Trustpilot Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "business_units" - "start_date" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth 2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "The API key of the Trustpilot API application. (represents\ \ the OAuth Client ID)" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Secret" description: "The Secret of the Trustpilot API application. (represents\ \ the OAuth Client Secret)" airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" title: "Token expiry date time" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "API Key" description: "The API key authentication method gives you access to only\ \ the streams which are part of the Public API. When you want to get\ \ streams available via the Consumer API (e.g. the private reviews)\ \ you need to use authentication method OAuth 2.0." required: - "client_id" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "apikey" enum: - "apikey" client_id: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "The API key of the Trustpilot API application." airbyte_secret: true business_units: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Business Unit names" description: "The names of business units which shall be synchronized. Some\ \ streams e.g. configured_business_units or private_reviews use this configuration." examples: - "" - "" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "For streams with sync. method incremental the start date time\ \ to be used" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" source-google-webfonts: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key is required to access google apis, For getting your's\ \ goto google console and generate api key for Webfonts" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true alt: type: "string" description: "Optional, Available params- json, media, proto" order: 1 prettyPrint: type: "string" description: "Optional, boolean type" order: 2 sort: type: "string" description: "Optional, to find how to sort" order: 3 sourceType: title: "google-webfonts" const: "google-webfonts" enum: - "google-webfonts" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-webfonts-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key is required to access google apis, For getting your's\ \ goto google console and generate api key for Webfonts" order: 0 alt: type: "string" description: "Optional, Available params- json, media, proto" order: 1 prettyPrint: type: "string" description: "Optional, boolean type" order: 2 sort: type: "string" description: "Optional, to find how to sort" order: 3 source-pypi: type: "object" required: - "project_name" - "sourceType" properties: version: type: "string" title: "Package Version" description: "Version of the project/package. Use it to find a particular\ \ release instead of all releases." examples: - "1.2.0" order: 1 project_name: type: "string" title: "PyPI Package" description: "Name of the project/package. Can only be in lowercase with\ \ hyphen. This is the name used using pip command for installing the package." examples: - "sampleproject" order: 0 sourceType: title: "pypi" const: "pypi" enum: - "pypi" order: 0 type: "string" source-pypi-update: type: "object" required: - "project_name" properties: version: type: "string" title: "Package Version" description: "Version of the project/package. Use it to find a particular\ \ release instead of all releases." examples: - "1.2.0" order: 1 project_name: type: "string" title: "PyPI Package" description: "Name of the project/package. Can only be in lowercase with\ \ hyphen. This is the name used using pip command for installing the package." examples: - "sampleproject" order: 0 source-slack: title: "Slack Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "lookback_window" - "join_channels" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" lookback_window: type: "integer" title: "Threads Lookback window (Days)" description: "How far into the past to look for messages in threads, default\ \ is 0 days" examples: - 7 - 14 minimum: 0 default: 0 maximum: 365 join_channels: type: "boolean" default: true title: "Join all channels" description: "Whether to join all channels or to sync data only from channels\ \ the bot is already in. If false, you'll need to manually add the bot\ \ to all the channels from which you'd like to sync messages. " include_private_channels: type: "boolean" default: false title: "Include private channels" description: "Whether to read information from private channels that the\ \ bot is already in. If false, only public channels will be read. If\ \ true, the bot must be manually added to private channels. " channel_filter: type: "array" default: [] items: type: "string" minLength: 0 title: "Channel name filter" description: "A channel name list (without leading '#' char) which limit\ \ the channels from which you'd like to sync. Empty list means no filter." examples: - "channel_one" - "channel_two" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate into Slack" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Sign in via Slack (OAuth)" required: - "option_title" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Default OAuth2.0 authorization" enum: - "Default OAuth2.0 authorization" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Slack client_id. See our docs if you need help finding this id." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Slack client_secret. See our docs if you need help finding this secret." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "Slack access_token. See our docs if you need help generating the token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 0 - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "option_title" - "api_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "API Token Credentials" enum: - "API Token Credentials" api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "A Slack bot token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 1 sourceType: title: "slack" const: "slack" enum: - "slack" order: 0 type: "string" source-slack-update: title: "Slack Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "lookback_window" - "join_channels" properties: start_date: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" lookback_window: type: "integer" title: "Threads Lookback window (Days)" description: "How far into the past to look for messages in threads, default\ \ is 0 days" examples: - 7 - 14 minimum: 0 default: 0 maximum: 365 join_channels: type: "boolean" default: true title: "Join all channels" description: "Whether to join all channels or to sync data only from channels\ \ the bot is already in. If false, you'll need to manually add the bot\ \ to all the channels from which you'd like to sync messages. " include_private_channels: type: "boolean" default: false title: "Include private channels" description: "Whether to read information from private channels that the\ \ bot is already in. If false, only public channels will be read. If\ \ true, the bot must be manually added to private channels. " channel_filter: type: "array" default: [] items: type: "string" minLength: 0 title: "Channel name filter" description: "A channel name list (without leading '#' char) which limit\ \ the channels from which you'd like to sync. Empty list means no filter." examples: - "channel_one" - "channel_two" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate into Slack" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Sign in via Slack (OAuth)" required: - "option_title" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Default OAuth2.0 authorization" enum: - "Default OAuth2.0 authorization" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Slack client_id. See our docs if you need help finding this id." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Slack client_secret. See our docs if you need help finding this secret." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access token" description: "Slack access_token. See our docs if you need help generating the token." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "option_title" - "api_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "API Token Credentials" enum: - "API Token Credentials" api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "A Slack bot token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-file: title: "File Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "dataset_name" - "format" - "url" - "provider" - "sourceType" properties: dataset_name: type: "string" title: "Dataset Name" description: "The Name of the final table to replicate this file into (should\ \ include letters, numbers dash and underscores only)." format: type: "string" enum: - "csv" - "json" - "jsonl" - "excel" - "excel_binary" - "fwf" - "feather" - "parquet" - "yaml" default: "csv" title: "File Format" description: "The Format of the file which should be replicated (Warning:\ \ some formats may be experimental, please refer to the docs)." reader_options: type: "string" title: "Reader Options" description: "This should be a string in JSON format. It depends on the\ \ chosen file format to provide additional options and tune its behavior." examples: - "{}" - "{\"sep\": \" \"}" - "{\"sep\": \"\t\", \"header\": 0, \"names\": [\"column1\", \"column2\"\ ] }" url: type: "string" title: "URL" description: "The URL path to access the file which should be replicated." examples: - "" - "gs://my-google-bucket/data.csv" - "s3://gdelt-open-data/events/20190914.export.csv" provider: type: "object" title: "Storage Provider" description: "The storage Provider or Location of the file(s) which should\ \ be replicated." default: "Public Web" oneOf: - title: "HTTPS: Public Web" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" const: "HTTPS" enum: - "HTTPS" user_agent: type: "boolean" title: "User-Agent" default: false description: "Add User-Agent to request" - title: "GCS: Google Cloud Storage" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "GCS" enum: - "GCS" service_account_json: type: "string" title: "Service Account JSON" airbyte_secret: true description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on Google\ \ Cloud, this connector would need a service account json credentials\ \ with the proper permissions as described here. Please generate the credentials.json\ \ file and copy/paste its content to this field (expecting JSON\ \ formats). If accessing publicly available data, this field is\ \ not necessary." - title: "S3: Amazon Web Services" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "S3" enum: - "S3" aws_access_key_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3,\ \ this connector would need credentials with the proper permissions.\ \ If accessing publicly available data, this field is not necessary." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_secret_access_key: type: "string" title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3,\ \ this connector would need credentials with the proper permissions.\ \ If accessing publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "AzBlob: Azure Blob Storage" required: - "storage" - "storage_account" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "AzBlob" enum: - "AzBlob" storage_account: type: "string" title: "Storage Account" description: "The globally unique name of the storage account that\ \ the desired blob sits within. See here for more details." sas_token: type: "string" title: "SAS Token" description: "To access Azure Blob Storage, this connector would need\ \ credentials with the proper permissions. One option is a SAS (Shared\ \ Access Signature) token. If accessing publicly available data,\ \ this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true shared_key: type: "string" title: "Shared Key" description: "To access Azure Blob Storage, this connector would need\ \ credentials with the proper permissions. One option is a storage\ \ account shared key (aka account key or access key). If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "SSH: Secure Shell" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SSH" enum: - "SSH" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" - title: "SCP: Secure copy protocol" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SCP" enum: - "SCP" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" - title: "SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SFTP" enum: - "SFTP" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" sourceType: title: "file" const: "file" enum: - "file" order: 0 type: "string" source-file-update: title: "File Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "dataset_name" - "format" - "url" - "provider" properties: dataset_name: type: "string" title: "Dataset Name" description: "The Name of the final table to replicate this file into (should\ \ include letters, numbers dash and underscores only)." format: type: "string" enum: - "csv" - "json" - "jsonl" - "excel" - "excel_binary" - "fwf" - "feather" - "parquet" - "yaml" default: "csv" title: "File Format" description: "The Format of the file which should be replicated (Warning:\ \ some formats may be experimental, please refer to the docs)." reader_options: type: "string" title: "Reader Options" description: "This should be a string in JSON format. It depends on the\ \ chosen file format to provide additional options and tune its behavior." examples: - "{}" - "{\"sep\": \" \"}" - "{\"sep\": \"\t\", \"header\": 0, \"names\": [\"column1\", \"column2\"\ ] }" url: type: "string" title: "URL" description: "The URL path to access the file which should be replicated." examples: - "" - "gs://my-google-bucket/data.csv" - "s3://gdelt-open-data/events/20190914.export.csv" provider: type: "object" title: "Storage Provider" description: "The storage Provider or Location of the file(s) which should\ \ be replicated." default: "Public Web" oneOf: - title: "HTTPS: Public Web" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" const: "HTTPS" enum: - "HTTPS" user_agent: type: "boolean" title: "User-Agent" default: false description: "Add User-Agent to request" - title: "GCS: Google Cloud Storage" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "GCS" enum: - "GCS" service_account_json: type: "string" title: "Service Account JSON" airbyte_secret: true description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on Google\ \ Cloud, this connector would need a service account json credentials\ \ with the proper permissions as described here. Please generate the credentials.json\ \ file and copy/paste its content to this field (expecting JSON\ \ formats). If accessing publicly available data, this field is\ \ not necessary." - title: "S3: Amazon Web Services" required: - "storage" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "S3" enum: - "S3" aws_access_key_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Access Key ID" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3,\ \ this connector would need credentials with the proper permissions.\ \ If accessing publicly available data, this field is not necessary." aws_secret_access_key: type: "string" title: "AWS Secret Access Key" description: "In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3,\ \ this connector would need credentials with the proper permissions.\ \ If accessing publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true - title: "AzBlob: Azure Blob Storage" required: - "storage" - "storage_account" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "AzBlob" enum: - "AzBlob" storage_account: type: "string" title: "Storage Account" description: "The globally unique name of the storage account that\ \ the desired blob sits within. See here for more details." sas_token: type: "string" title: "SAS Token" description: "To access Azure Blob Storage, this connector would need\ \ credentials with the proper permissions. One option is a SAS (Shared\ \ Access Signature) token. If accessing publicly available data,\ \ this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true shared_key: type: "string" title: "Shared Key" description: "To access Azure Blob Storage, this connector would need\ \ credentials with the proper permissions. One option is a storage\ \ account shared key (aka account key or access key). If accessing\ \ publicly available data, this field is not necessary." airbyte_secret: true - title: "SSH: Secure Shell" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SSH" enum: - "SSH" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" - title: "SCP: Secure copy protocol" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SCP" enum: - "SCP" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" - title: "SFTP: Secure File Transfer Protocol" required: - "storage" - "user" - "host" properties: storage: type: "string" title: "Storage" const: "SFTP" enum: - "SFTP" user: type: "string" title: "User" description: "" password: type: "string" title: "Password" description: "" airbyte_secret: true host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "" port: type: "string" title: "Port" default: "22" description: "" source-lokalise: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "project_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Lokalise API Key with read-access. Available at Profile settings\ \ > API tokens. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true project_id: type: "string" description: "Lokalise project ID. Available at Project Settings > General." title: "Project Id" order: 1 sourceType: title: "lokalise" const: "lokalise" enum: - "lokalise" order: 0 type: "string" source-lokalise-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "project_id" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Lokalise API Key with read-access. Available at Profile settings\ \ > API tokens. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 project_id: type: "string" description: "Lokalise project ID. Available at Project Settings > General." title: "Project Id" order: 1 source-zoho-crm: title: "Zoho Crm Configuration" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "environment" - "dc_region" - "edition" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "OAuth2.0 Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "OAuth2.0 Client Secret" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "OAuth2.0 Refresh Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true dc_region: title: "Data Center Location" type: "string" description: "Please choose the region of your Data Center location. More\ \ info by this Link" enum: - "US" - "AU" - "EU" - "IN" - "CN" - "JP" environment: title: "Environment" type: "string" description: "Please choose the environment" enum: - "Production" - "Developer" - "Sandbox" start_datetime: title: "Start Date" type: - "string" - "null" examples: - "2000-01-01" - "2000-01-01 13:00" - "2000-01-01 13:00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00+00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00:00-07:00" description: "ISO 8601, for instance: `YYYY-MM-DD`, `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+HH:MM`" format: "date-time" edition: title: "Zoho CRM Edition" type: "string" description: "Choose your Edition of Zoho CRM to determine API Concurrency\ \ Limits" enum: - "Free" - "Standard" - "Professional" - "Enterprise" - "Ultimate" default: "Free" sourceType: title: "zoho-crm" const: "zoho-crm" enum: - "zoho-crm" order: 0 type: "string" source-zoho-crm-update: title: "Zoho Crm Configuration" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "environment" - "dc_region" - "edition" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "OAuth2.0 Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "OAuth2.0 Client Secret" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "OAuth2.0 Refresh Token" airbyte_secret: true dc_region: title: "Data Center Location" type: "string" description: "Please choose the region of your Data Center location. More\ \ info by this Link" enum: - "US" - "AU" - "EU" - "IN" - "CN" - "JP" environment: title: "Environment" type: "string" description: "Please choose the environment" enum: - "Production" - "Developer" - "Sandbox" start_datetime: title: "Start Date" type: - "string" - "null" examples: - "2000-01-01" - "2000-01-01 13:00" - "2000-01-01 13:00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00+00:00" - "2000-01-01T13:00:00-07:00" description: "ISO 8601, for instance: `YYYY-MM-DD`, `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+HH:MM`" format: "date-time" edition: title: "Zoho CRM Edition" type: "string" description: "Choose your Edition of Zoho CRM to determine API Concurrency\ \ Limits" enum: - "Free" - "Standard" - "Professional" - "Enterprise" - "Ultimate" default: "Free" source-gainsight-px: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "The Aptrinsic API Key which is recieved from the dashboard\ \ settings (ref -" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "gainsight-px" const: "gainsight-px" enum: - "gainsight-px" order: 0 type: "string" source-gainsight-px-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "The Aptrinsic API Key which is recieved from the dashboard\ \ settings (ref -" order: 0 source-stripe: title: "Stripe Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_secret" - "account_id" - "sourceType" properties: account_id: type: "string" title: "Account ID" description: "Your Stripe account ID (starts with 'acct_', find yours here)." order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "Stripe API key (usually starts with 'sk_live_'; find yours\ \ here)." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Replication start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Only\ \ data generated after this date will be replicated." default: "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window in days" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set, the connector will always re-export data from the\ \ past N days, where N is the value set here. This is useful if your data\ \ is frequently updated after creation. The Lookback Window only applies\ \ to streams that do not support event-based incremental syncs: Events,\ \ SetupAttempts, ShippingRates, BalanceTransactions, Files, FileLinks,\ \ Refunds. More info here" order: 3 slice_range: type: "integer" title: "Data request time increment in days" default: 365 minimum: 1 examples: - 1 - 3 - 10 - 30 - 180 - 360 description: "The time increment used by the connector when requesting data\ \ from the Stripe API. The bigger the value is, the less requests will\ \ be made and faster the sync will be. On the other hand, the more seldom\ \ the state is persisted." order: 4 num_workers: type: "integer" title: "Number of concurrent workers" minimum: 1 maximum: 20 default: 10 examples: - 1 - 2 - 3 description: "The number of worker thread to use for the sync. The performance\ \ upper boundary depends on call_rate_limit setting and type of account." order: 5 call_rate_limit: type: "integer" title: "Max number of API calls per second" examples: - 25 - 100 description: "The number of API calls per second that you allow connector\ \ to make. This value can not be bigger than real API call rate limit\ \ ( If not specified the default\ \ maximum is 25 and 100 calls per second for test and production tokens\ \ respectively." sourceType: title: "stripe" const: "stripe" enum: - "stripe" order: 0 type: "string" source-stripe-update: title: "Stripe Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_secret" - "account_id" properties: account_id: type: "string" title: "Account ID" description: "Your Stripe account ID (starts with 'acct_', find yours here)." order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "Stripe API key (usually starts with 'sk_live_'; find yours\ \ here)." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Replication start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Only\ \ data generated after this date will be replicated." default: "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 2 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window in days" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set, the connector will always re-export data from the\ \ past N days, where N is the value set here. This is useful if your data\ \ is frequently updated after creation. The Lookback Window only applies\ \ to streams that do not support event-based incremental syncs: Events,\ \ SetupAttempts, ShippingRates, BalanceTransactions, Files, FileLinks,\ \ Refunds. More info here" order: 3 slice_range: type: "integer" title: "Data request time increment in days" default: 365 minimum: 1 examples: - 1 - 3 - 10 - 30 - 180 - 360 description: "The time increment used by the connector when requesting data\ \ from the Stripe API. The bigger the value is, the less requests will\ \ be made and faster the sync will be. On the other hand, the more seldom\ \ the state is persisted." order: 4 num_workers: type: "integer" title: "Number of concurrent workers" minimum: 1 maximum: 20 default: 10 examples: - 1 - 2 - 3 description: "The number of worker thread to use for the sync. The performance\ \ upper boundary depends on call_rate_limit setting and type of account." order: 5 call_rate_limit: type: "integer" title: "Max number of API calls per second" examples: - 25 - 100 description: "The number of API calls per second that you allow connector\ \ to make. This value can not be bigger than real API call rate limit\ \ ( If not specified the default\ \ maximum is 25 and 100 calls per second for test and production tokens\ \ respectively." source-youtube-analytics: title: "YouTube Analytics Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authenticate via OAuth 2.0" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A refresh token generated using the above client ID and\ \ secret" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "youtube-analytics" const: "youtube-analytics" enum: - "youtube-analytics" order: 0 type: "string" source-youtube-analytics-update: title: "YouTube Analytics Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: title: "Authenticate via OAuth 2.0" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" additionalProperties: true properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A refresh token generated using the above client ID and\ \ secret" airbyte_secret: true source-google-sheets: title: "Google Sheets Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "spreadsheet_id" - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: batch_size: type: "integer" title: "Row Batch Size" description: "Default value is 200. An integer representing row batch size\ \ for each sent request to Google Sheets API. Row batch size means how\ \ many rows are processed from the google sheet, for example default value\ \ 200 would process rows 1-201, then 201-401 and so on. Based on Google\ \ Sheets API limits documentation, it is possible to send up to 300\ \ requests per minute, but each individual request has to be processed\ \ under 180 seconds, otherwise the request returns a timeout error. In\ \ regards to this information, consider network speed and number of columns\ \ of the google sheet when deciding a batch_size value. Default value\ \ should cover most of the cases, but if a google sheet has over 100,000\ \ records or more, consider increasing batch_size value." default: 200 spreadsheet_id: type: "string" title: "Spreadsheet Link" description: "Enter the link to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync.\ \ To copy the link, click the 'Share' button in the top-right corner of\ \ the spreadsheet, then click 'Copy link'." examples: - "" names_conversion: type: "boolean" title: "Convert Column Names to SQL-Compliant Format" description: "Enables the conversion of column names to a standardized,\ \ SQL-compliant format. For example, 'My Name' -> 'my_name'. Enable this\ \ option if your destination is SQL-based." default: false credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Google Sheets API" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (OAuth)" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client ID. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client Secret. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's refresh token. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "service_account_info" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" service_account_info: type: "string" title: "Service Account Information." description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" sourceType: title: "google-sheets" const: "google-sheets" enum: - "google-sheets" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-sheets-update: title: "Google Sheets Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "spreadsheet_id" - "credentials" properties: batch_size: type: "integer" title: "Row Batch Size" description: "Default value is 200. An integer representing row batch size\ \ for each sent request to Google Sheets API. Row batch size means how\ \ many rows are processed from the google sheet, for example default value\ \ 200 would process rows 1-201, then 201-401 and so on. Based on Google\ \ Sheets API limits documentation, it is possible to send up to 300\ \ requests per minute, but each individual request has to be processed\ \ under 180 seconds, otherwise the request returns a timeout error. In\ \ regards to this information, consider network speed and number of columns\ \ of the google sheet when deciding a batch_size value. Default value\ \ should cover most of the cases, but if a google sheet has over 100,000\ \ records or more, consider increasing batch_size value." default: 200 spreadsheet_id: type: "string" title: "Spreadsheet Link" description: "Enter the link to the Google spreadsheet you want to sync.\ \ To copy the link, click the 'Share' button in the top-right corner of\ \ the spreadsheet, then click 'Copy link'." examples: - "" names_conversion: type: "boolean" title: "Convert Column Names to SQL-Compliant Format" description: "Enables the conversion of column names to a standardized,\ \ SQL-compliant format. For example, 'My Name' -> 'my_name'. Enable this\ \ option if your destination is SQL-based." default: false credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Google Sheets API" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (OAuth)" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client ID. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client Secret. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's refresh token. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "service_account_info" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" service_account_info: type: "string" title: "Service Account Information." description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" source-zendesk-talk: type: "object" title: "Source Zendesk Talk Spec" required: - "start_date" - "subdomain" - "sourceType" properties: subdomain: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Subdomain" description: "This is your Zendesk subdomain that can be found in your account\ \ URL. For example, in https://{MY_SUBDOMAIN}, where MY_SUBDOMAIN\ \ is the value of your subdomain." credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" order: 1 description: "Zendesk service provides two authentication methods. Choose\ \ between: `OAuth2.0` or `API token`." oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "access_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the API token generated. See the docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret" airbyte_secret: true - title: "API Token" type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" enum: - "api_token" email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account." api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The value of the API token generated. See the docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Talk API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after\ \ this date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-10-15T00:00:00Z" sourceType: title: "zendesk-talk" const: "zendesk-talk" enum: - "zendesk-talk" order: 0 type: "string" source-zendesk-talk-update: type: "object" title: "Source Zendesk Talk Spec" required: - "start_date" - "subdomain" properties: subdomain: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Subdomain" description: "This is your Zendesk subdomain that can be found in your account\ \ URL. For example, in https://{MY_SUBDOMAIN}, where MY_SUBDOMAIN\ \ is the value of your subdomain." credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" order: 1 description: "Zendesk service provides two authentication methods. Choose\ \ between: `OAuth2.0` or `API token`." oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "access_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the API token generated. See the docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret" airbyte_secret: true - title: "API Token" type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" enum: - "api_token" email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account." api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The value of the API token generated. See the docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Zendesk\ \ Talk API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after\ \ this date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-10-15T00:00:00Z" source-freshdesk: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "domain" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Freshdesk API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Domain" description: "Freshdesk domain" examples: - "" pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*\\.freshdesk\\.com$" requests_per_minute: type: "integer" order: 3 title: "Requests per minute" description: "The number of requests per minute that this source allowed\ \ to use. There is a rate limit of 50 requests per minute per app per\ \ account." start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" order: 4 description: "UTC date and time. Any data created after this date will be\ \ replicated. If this parameter is not set, all data will be replicated." format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z" lookback_window_in_days: type: "integer" order: 5 title: "Lookback Window" default: 14 description: "Number of days for lookback window for the stream Satisfaction\ \ Ratings" sourceType: title: "freshdesk" const: "freshdesk" enum: - "freshdesk" order: 0 type: "string" source-freshdesk-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "domain" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Freshdesk API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true domain: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Domain" description: "Freshdesk domain" examples: - "" pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*\\.freshdesk\\.com$" requests_per_minute: type: "integer" order: 3 title: "Requests per minute" description: "The number of requests per minute that this source allowed\ \ to use. There is a rate limit of 50 requests per minute per app per\ \ account." start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" order: 4 description: "UTC date and time. Any data created after this date will be\ \ replicated. If this parameter is not set, all data will be replicated." format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z" lookback_window_in_days: type: "integer" order: 5 title: "Lookback Window" default: 14 description: "Number of days for lookback window for the stream Satisfaction\ \ Ratings" source-asana: title: "Asana Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Github" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Asana (Oauth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials title" description: "OAuth Credentials" const: "OAuth Credentials" enum: - "OAuth Credentials" client_id: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with Personal Access Token" required: - "personal_access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials title" description: "PAT Credentials" const: "PAT Credentials" enum: - "PAT Credentials" personal_access_token: type: "string" title: "Personal Access Token" description: "Asana Personal Access Token (generate yours here)." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true test_mode: type: "boolean" title: "Test Mode" description: "This flag is used for testing purposes for certain streams\ \ that return a lot of data. This flag is not meant to be enabled for\ \ prod." airbyte_hidden: true organization_export_ids: title: "Organization Export IDs" description: "Globally unique identifiers for the organization exports" type: "array" sourceType: title: "asana" const: "asana" enum: - "asana" order: 0 type: "string" source-asana-update: title: "Asana Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Github" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Asana (Oauth)" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials title" description: "OAuth Credentials" const: "OAuth Credentials" enum: - "OAuth Credentials" client_id: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate with Personal Access Token" required: - "personal_access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials title" description: "PAT Credentials" const: "PAT Credentials" enum: - "PAT Credentials" personal_access_token: type: "string" title: "Personal Access Token" description: "Asana Personal Access Token (generate yours here)." airbyte_secret: true test_mode: type: "boolean" title: "Test Mode" description: "This flag is used for testing purposes for certain streams\ \ that return a lot of data. This flag is not meant to be enabled for\ \ prod." airbyte_hidden: true organization_export_ids: title: "Organization Export IDs" description: "Globally unique identifiers for the organization exports" type: "array" source-posthog: title: "PostHog Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" api_key: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "API Key" description: "API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: type: "string" default: "" title: "Base URL" description: "Base PostHog url. Defaults to PostHog Cloud (" examples: - "" events_time_step: type: "integer" order: 3 default: 30 minimum: 1 maximum: 91 title: "Events stream slice step size (in days)" description: "Set lower value in case of failing long running sync of events\ \ stream." examples: - 30 - 10 - 5 sourceType: title: "posthog" const: "posthog" enum: - "posthog" order: 0 type: "string" source-posthog-update: title: "PostHog Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" api_key: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "API Key" description: "API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." base_url: type: "string" default: "" title: "Base URL" description: "Base PostHog url. Defaults to PostHog Cloud (" examples: - "" events_time_step: type: "integer" order: 3 default: 30 minimum: 1 maximum: 91 title: "Events stream slice step size (in days)" description: "Set lower value in case of failing long running sync of events\ \ stream." examples: - 30 - 10 - 5 source-getlago: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_url: type: "string" description: "Your Lago API URL" title: "API Url" default: "" order: 0 api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "getlago" const: "getlago" enum: - "getlago" order: 0 type: "string" source-getlago-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_url: type: "string" description: "Your Lago API URL" title: "API Url" default: "" order: 0 api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-gridly: title: "Gridly Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "grid_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true grid_id: type: "string" title: "Grid ID" description: "ID of a grid, or can be ID of a branch" sourceType: title: "gridly" const: "gridly" enum: - "gridly" order: 0 type: "string" source-gridly-update: title: "Gridly Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "grid_id" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true grid_id: type: "string" title: "Grid ID" description: "ID of a grid, or can be ID of a branch" source-microsoft-teams: title: "Microsoft Teams Spec" type: "object" required: - "period" - "sourceType" properties: period: type: "string" title: "Period" description: "Specifies the length of time over which the Team Device Report\ \ stream is aggregated. The supported values are: D7, D30, D90, and D180." examples: - "D7" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Microsoft" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth 2.0)" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" default: "Client" order: 0 tenant_id: title: "Directory (tenant) ID" type: "string" description: "A globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different\ \ than your organization name or domain. Follow these steps to obtain:\ \ open one of the Teams where you belong inside the Teams Application\ \ -> Click on the … next to the Team title -> Click on Get link\ \ to team -> Copy the link to the team and grab the tenant ID form\ \ the URL" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Teams developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Teams developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Microsoft" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" enum: - "Token" default: "Token" order: 0 tenant_id: title: "Directory (tenant) ID" type: "string" description: "A globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different\ \ than your organization name or domain. Follow these steps to obtain:\ \ open one of the Teams where you belong inside the Teams Application\ \ -> Click on the … next to the Team title -> Click on Get link\ \ to team -> Copy the link to the team and grab the tenant ID form\ \ the URL" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Teams developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Teams developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "microsoft-teams" const: "microsoft-teams" enum: - "microsoft-teams" order: 0 type: "string" source-microsoft-teams-update: title: "Microsoft Teams Spec" type: "object" required: - "period" properties: period: type: "string" title: "Period" description: "Specifies the length of time over which the Team Device Report\ \ stream is aggregated. The supported values are: D7, D30, D90, and D180." examples: - "D7" credentials: title: "Authentication mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Microsoft" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth 2.0)" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" default: "Client" order: 0 tenant_id: title: "Directory (tenant) ID" type: "string" description: "A globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different\ \ than your organization name or domain. Follow these steps to obtain:\ \ open one of the Teams where you belong inside the Teams Application\ \ -> Click on the … next to the Team title -> Click on Get link\ \ to team -> Copy the link to the team and grab the tenant ID form\ \ the URL" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Teams developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Teams developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Microsoft" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Token" enum: - "Token" default: "Token" order: 0 tenant_id: title: "Directory (tenant) ID" type: "string" description: "A globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different\ \ than your organization name or domain. Follow these steps to obtain:\ \ open one of the Teams where you belong inside the Teams Application\ \ -> Click on the … next to the Team title -> Click on Get link\ \ to team -> Copy the link to the team and grab the tenant ID form\ \ the URL" airbyte_secret: true client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Teams developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Teams developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true source-amazon-seller-partner: title: "Amazon Seller Partner Spec" type: "object" required: - "aws_environment" - "region" - "account_type" - "lwa_app_id" - "lwa_client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "sourceType" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" aws_environment: title: "AWS Environment" description: "Select the AWS Environment." enum: - "PRODUCTION" - "SANDBOX" default: "PRODUCTION" type: "string" order: 1 region: title: "AWS Region" description: "Select the AWS Region." enum: - "AE" - "AU" - "BE" - "BR" - "CA" - "DE" - "EG" - "ES" - "FR" - "GB" - "IN" - "IT" - "JP" - "MX" - "NL" - "PL" - "SA" - "SE" - "SG" - "TR" - "UK" - "US" default: "US" type: "string" order: 2 account_type: title: "AWS Seller Partner Account Type" description: "Type of the Account you're going to authorize the Airbyte\ \ application by" enum: - "Seller" - "Vendor" default: "Seller" type: "string" order: 3 lwa_app_id: title: "LWA Client Id" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client ID." order: 4 airbyte_secret: true type: "string" lwa_client_secret: title: "LWA Client Secret" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client Secret." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "The Refresh Token obtained via OAuth flow authorization." airbyte_secret: true order: 6 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. If start date is not provided\ \ or older than 2 years ago from today, the date 2 years ago from today\ \ will be used." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 7 type: "string" format: "date-time" replication_end_date: title: "End Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data after this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$|^$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 8 type: "string" format: "date-time" period_in_days: title: "Period In Days" type: "integer" description: "For syncs spanning a large date range, this option is used\ \ to request data in a smaller fixed window to improve sync reliability.\ \ This time window can be configured granularly by day." default: 90 minimum: 1 order: 9 report_options_list: title: "Report Options" description: "Additional information passed to reports. This varies by report\ \ type." order: 10 type: "array" items: type: "object" title: "Report Options" required: - "report_name" - "stream_name" - "options_list" properties: report_name: title: "Report Name" type: "string" order: 0 enum: - "GET_AFN_INVENTORY_DATA" - "GET_AFN_INVENTORY_DATA_BY_COUNTRY" - "GET_AMAZON_FULFILLED_SHIPMENTS_DATA_GENERAL" - "GET_FBA_ESTIMATED_FBA_FEES_TXT_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_RETURNS_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_SHIPMENT_PROMOTION_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_SHIPMENT_REPLACEMENT_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_REMOVAL_ORDER_DETAIL_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_REMOVAL_SHIPMENT_DETAIL_DATA" - "GET_FBA_INVENTORY_PLANNING_DATA" - "GET_FBA_MYI_UNSUPPRESSED_INVENTORY_DATA" - "GET_FBA_REIMBURSEMENTS_DATA" - "GET_FBA_SNS_FORECAST_DATA" - "GET_FBA_SNS_PERFORMANCE_DATA" - "GET_FBA_STORAGE_FEE_CHARGES_DATA" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ACTIONABLE_ORDER_DATA_SHIPPING" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_LAST_UPDATE_GENERAL" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_GENERAL" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ARCHIVED_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_OPEN_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_RETURNS_DATA_BY_RETURN_DATE" - "GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA" - "GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_CANCELLED_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_ALL_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_BACK_COMPAT" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_INACTIVE_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT" - "GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING" - "GET_RESTOCK_INVENTORY_RECOMMENDATIONS_REPORT" - "GET_SELLER_FEEDBACK_DATA" - "GET_STRANDED_INVENTORY_UI_DATA" - "GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE" - "GET_XML_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_GENERAL" - "GET_XML_BROWSE_TREE_DATA" - "GET_VENDOR_REAL_TIME_INVENTORY_REPORT" stream_name: title: "Stream Name" type: "string" order: 1 options_list: title: "List of options" description: "List of options" type: "array" order: 2 items: type: "object" required: - "option_name" - "option_value" properties: option_name: title: "Name" type: "string" order: 0 option_value: title: "Value" type: "string" order: 1 wait_to_avoid_fatal_errors: title: "Wait between requests to avoid fatal statuses in reports" type: "boolean" description: "For report based streams with known amount of requests per\ \ time period, this option will use waiting time between requests to avoid\ \ fatal statuses in reports. See Troubleshooting section for more details" default: false order: 11 sourceType: title: "amazon-seller-partner" const: "amazon-seller-partner" enum: - "amazon-seller-partner" order: 0 type: "string" source-amazon-seller-partner-update: title: "Amazon Seller Partner Spec" type: "object" required: - "aws_environment" - "region" - "account_type" - "lwa_app_id" - "lwa_client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" aws_environment: title: "AWS Environment" description: "Select the AWS Environment." enum: - "PRODUCTION" - "SANDBOX" default: "PRODUCTION" type: "string" order: 1 region: title: "AWS Region" description: "Select the AWS Region." enum: - "AE" - "AU" - "BE" - "BR" - "CA" - "DE" - "EG" - "ES" - "FR" - "GB" - "IN" - "IT" - "JP" - "MX" - "NL" - "PL" - "SA" - "SE" - "SG" - "TR" - "UK" - "US" default: "US" type: "string" order: 2 account_type: title: "AWS Seller Partner Account Type" description: "Type of the Account you're going to authorize the Airbyte\ \ application by" enum: - "Seller" - "Vendor" default: "Seller" type: "string" order: 3 lwa_app_id: title: "LWA Client Id" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client ID." order: 4 airbyte_secret: true type: "string" lwa_client_secret: title: "LWA Client Secret" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client Secret." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "The Refresh Token obtained via OAuth flow authorization." airbyte_secret: true order: 6 type: "string" replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. If start date is not provided\ \ or older than 2 years ago from today, the date 2 years ago from today\ \ will be used." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 7 type: "string" format: "date-time" replication_end_date: title: "End Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data after this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$|^$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 8 type: "string" format: "date-time" period_in_days: title: "Period In Days" type: "integer" description: "For syncs spanning a large date range, this option is used\ \ to request data in a smaller fixed window to improve sync reliability.\ \ This time window can be configured granularly by day." default: 90 minimum: 1 order: 9 report_options_list: title: "Report Options" description: "Additional information passed to reports. This varies by report\ \ type." order: 10 type: "array" items: type: "object" title: "Report Options" required: - "report_name" - "stream_name" - "options_list" properties: report_name: title: "Report Name" type: "string" order: 0 enum: - "GET_AFN_INVENTORY_DATA" - "GET_AFN_INVENTORY_DATA_BY_COUNTRY" - "GET_AMAZON_FULFILLED_SHIPMENTS_DATA_GENERAL" - "GET_FBA_ESTIMATED_FBA_FEES_TXT_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_RETURNS_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_SHIPMENT_PROMOTION_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_SHIPMENT_REPLACEMENT_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_REMOVAL_ORDER_DETAIL_DATA" - "GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_REMOVAL_SHIPMENT_DETAIL_DATA" - "GET_FBA_INVENTORY_PLANNING_DATA" - "GET_FBA_MYI_UNSUPPRESSED_INVENTORY_DATA" - "GET_FBA_REIMBURSEMENTS_DATA" - "GET_FBA_SNS_FORECAST_DATA" - "GET_FBA_SNS_PERFORMANCE_DATA" - "GET_FBA_STORAGE_FEE_CHARGES_DATA" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ACTIONABLE_ORDER_DATA_SHIPPING" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_LAST_UPDATE_GENERAL" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_GENERAL" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_ARCHIVED_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_OPEN_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_FLAT_FILE_RETURNS_DATA_BY_RETURN_DATE" - "GET_LEDGER_DETAIL_VIEW_DATA" - "GET_LEDGER_SUMMARY_VIEW_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_CANCELLED_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_ALL_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_BACK_COMPAT" - "GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_INACTIVE_DATA" - "GET_MERCHANTS_LISTINGS_FYP_REPORT" - "GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING" - "GET_RESTOCK_INVENTORY_RECOMMENDATIONS_REPORT" - "GET_SELLER_FEEDBACK_DATA" - "GET_STRANDED_INVENTORY_UI_DATA" - "GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE" - "GET_XML_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_GENERAL" - "GET_XML_BROWSE_TREE_DATA" - "GET_VENDOR_REAL_TIME_INVENTORY_REPORT" stream_name: title: "Stream Name" type: "string" order: 1 options_list: title: "List of options" description: "List of options" type: "array" order: 2 items: type: "object" required: - "option_name" - "option_value" properties: option_name: title: "Name" type: "string" order: 0 option_value: title: "Value" type: "string" order: 1 wait_to_avoid_fatal_errors: title: "Wait between requests to avoid fatal statuses in reports" type: "boolean" description: "For report based streams with known amount of requests per\ \ time period, this option will use waiting time between requests to avoid\ \ fatal statuses in reports. See Troubleshooting section for more details" default: false order: 11 source-northpass-lms: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "northpass-lms" const: "northpass-lms" enum: - "northpass-lms" order: 0 type: "string" source-northpass-lms-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true source-recreation: type: "object" required: - "apikey" - "sourceType" properties: apikey: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true query_campsites: type: "string" title: "Query Campsite" order: 1 sourceType: title: "recreation" const: "recreation" enum: - "recreation" order: 0 type: "string" source-recreation-update: type: "object" required: - "apikey" properties: apikey: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 query_campsites: type: "string" title: "Query Campsite" order: 1 source-breezy-hr: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "company_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true company_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Company ID" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "breezy-hr" const: "breezy-hr" enum: - "breezy-hr" order: 0 type: "string" source-breezy-hr-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "company_id" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true company_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Company ID" airbyte_secret: true source-linkedin-ads: title: "Linkedin Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oAuth2.0" enum: - "oAuth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your developer application. Refer to\ \ our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your developer application. Refer\ \ to our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token. Refer to\ \ our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Access Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The access token generated for your developer application.\ \ Refer to our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-05-17" format: "date" account_ids: title: "Account IDs" type: "array" description: "Specify the account IDs to pull data from, separated by a\ \ space. Leave this field empty if you want to pull the data from all\ \ accounts accessible by the authenticated user. See the LinkedIn docs to locate these IDs." items: type: "integer" examples: - "123456789" default: [] ad_analytics_reports: title: "Custom Ad Analytics Reports" type: "array" items: type: "object" title: "Ad Analytics Report Configuration" description: "Config for custom ad Analytics Report" required: - "name" - "pivot_by" - "time_granularity" properties: name: title: "Report Name" description: "The name for the custom report." type: "string" pivot_by: title: "Pivot Category" description: "Choose a category to pivot your analytics report around.\ \ This selection will organize your data based on the chosen attribute,\ \ allowing you to analyze trends and performance from different\ \ perspectives." type: "string" enum: - "COMPANY" - "ACCOUNT" - "SHARE" - "CAMPAIGN" - "CREATIVE" - "CAMPAIGN_GROUP" - "CONVERSION" - "CONVERSATION_NODE" - "CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX" - "SERVING_LOCATION" - "CARD_INDEX" - "MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE" - "MEMBER_INDUSTRY" - "MEMBER_SENIORITY" - "MEMBER_JOB_TITLE" - "MEMBER_JOB_FUNCTION" - "MEMBER_COUNTRY_V2" - "MEMBER_REGION_V2" - "MEMBER_COMPANY" - "PLACEMENT_NAME" - "IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE" time_granularity: title: "Time Granularity" description: "Choose how to group the data in your report by time.\ \ The options are:
- 'ALL': A single result summarizing the entire\ \ time range.
- 'DAILY': Group results by each day.
- 'MONTHLY':\ \ Group results by each month.
- 'YEARLY': Group results by each\ \ year.
Selecting a time grouping helps you analyze trends and\ \ patterns over different time periods." type: "string" enum: - "ALL" - "DAILY" - "MONTHLY" - "YEARLY" default: [] sourceType: title: "linkedin-ads" const: "linkedin-ads" enum: - "linkedin-ads" order: 0 type: "string" source-linkedin-ads-update: title: "Linkedin Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oAuth2.0" enum: - "oAuth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your developer application. Refer to\ \ our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your developer application. Refer\ \ to our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token. Refer to\ \ our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Access Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The access token generated for your developer application.\ \ Refer to our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-05-17" format: "date" account_ids: title: "Account IDs" type: "array" description: "Specify the account IDs to pull data from, separated by a\ \ space. Leave this field empty if you want to pull the data from all\ \ accounts accessible by the authenticated user. See the LinkedIn docs to locate these IDs." items: type: "integer" examples: - "123456789" default: [] ad_analytics_reports: title: "Custom Ad Analytics Reports" type: "array" items: type: "object" title: "Ad Analytics Report Configuration" description: "Config for custom ad Analytics Report" required: - "name" - "pivot_by" - "time_granularity" properties: name: title: "Report Name" description: "The name for the custom report." type: "string" pivot_by: title: "Pivot Category" description: "Choose a category to pivot your analytics report around.\ \ This selection will organize your data based on the chosen attribute,\ \ allowing you to analyze trends and performance from different\ \ perspectives." type: "string" enum: - "COMPANY" - "ACCOUNT" - "SHARE" - "CAMPAIGN" - "CREATIVE" - "CAMPAIGN_GROUP" - "CONVERSION" - "CONVERSATION_NODE" - "CONVERSATION_NODE_OPTION_INDEX" - "SERVING_LOCATION" - "CARD_INDEX" - "MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE" - "MEMBER_INDUSTRY" - "MEMBER_SENIORITY" - "MEMBER_JOB_TITLE" - "MEMBER_JOB_FUNCTION" - "MEMBER_COUNTRY_V2" - "MEMBER_REGION_V2" - "MEMBER_COMPANY" - "PLACEMENT_NAME" - "IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE" time_granularity: title: "Time Granularity" description: "Choose how to group the data in your report by time.\ \ The options are:
- 'ALL': A single result summarizing the entire\ \ time range.
- 'DAILY': Group results by each day.
- 'MONTHLY':\ \ Group results by each month.
- 'YEARLY': Group results by each\ \ year.
Selecting a time grouping helps you analyze trends and\ \ patterns over different time periods." type: "string" enum: - "ALL" - "DAILY" - "MONTHLY" - "YEARLY" default: [] source-us-census: type: "object" required: - "query_path" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: query_params: type: "string" description: "The query parameters portion of the GET request, without the\ \ api key" order: 0 pattern: "^\\w+=[\\w,:*]+(&(?!key)\\w+=[\\w,:*]+)*$" examples: - "get=NAME,NAICS2017_LABEL,LFO_LABEL,EMPSZES_LABEL,ESTAB,PAYANN,PAYQTR1,EMP&for=us:*&NAICS2017=72&LFO=001&EMPSZES=001" - "get=MOVEDIN,GEOID1,GEOID2,MOVEDOUT,FULL1_NAME,FULL2_NAME,MOVEDNET&for=county:*" query_path: type: "string" description: "The path portion of the GET request" order: 1 pattern: "^data(\\/[\\w\\d]+)+$" examples: - "data/2019/cbp" - "data/2018/acs" - "data/timeseries/healthins/sahie" api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. Get your key here." order: 2 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "us-census" const: "us-census" enum: - "us-census" order: 0 type: "string" source-us-census-update: type: "object" required: - "query_path" - "api_key" properties: query_params: type: "string" description: "The query parameters portion of the GET request, without the\ \ api key" order: 0 pattern: "^\\w+=[\\w,:*]+(&(?!key)\\w+=[\\w,:*]+)*$" examples: - "get=NAME,NAICS2017_LABEL,LFO_LABEL,EMPSZES_LABEL,ESTAB,PAYANN,PAYQTR1,EMP&for=us:*&NAICS2017=72&LFO=001&EMPSZES=001" - "get=MOVEDIN,GEOID1,GEOID2,MOVEDOUT,FULL1_NAME,FULL2_NAME,MOVEDNET&for=county:*" query_path: type: "string" description: "The path portion of the GET request" order: 1 pattern: "^data(\\/[\\w\\d]+)+$" examples: - "data/2019/cbp" - "data/2018/acs" - "data/timeseries/healthins/sahie" api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. Get your key here." order: 2 airbyte_secret: true source-goldcast: title: " Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "access_key" - "sourceType" properties: access_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Access Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "goldcast" const: "goldcast" enum: - "goldcast" order: 0 type: "string" source-goldcast-update: title: " Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "access_key" properties: access_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Access Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true source-pinterest: title: "Pinterest Spec" type: "object" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If you have not set a date,\ \ it would be defaulted to latest allowed date by api (89 days from today)." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2022-07-28" status: title: "Status" description: "For the ads, ad_groups, and campaigns streams, specifying\ \ a status will filter out records that do not match the specified ones.\ \ If a status is not specified, the source will default to records with\ \ a status of either ACTIVE or PAUSED." type: - "array" - "null" items: type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "PAUSED" - "ARCHIVED" uniqueItems: true credentials: title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "refresh_token" - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's expired." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true custom_reports: title: "Custom Reports" description: "A list which contains ad statistics entries, each entry must\ \ have a name and can contains fields, breakdowns or action_breakdowns.\ \ Click on \"add\" to fill this field." type: "array" items: title: "ReportConfig" description: "Config for custom report" type: "object" required: - "name" - "level" - "granularity" - "columns" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name value of report" type: "string" order: 0 level: title: "Level" description: "Chosen level for API" default: "ADVERTISER" enum: - "ADVERTISER" - "ADVERTISER_TARGETING" - "CAMPAIGN" - "CAMPAIGN_TARGETING" - "AD_GROUP" - "AD_GROUP_TARGETING" - "PIN_PROMOTION" - "PIN_PROMOTION_TARGETING" - "KEYWORD" - "PRODUCT_GROUP" - "PRODUCT_GROUP_TARGETING" - "PRODUCT_ITEM" type: "string" order: 1 granularity: title: "Granularity" description: "Chosen granularity for API" default: "TOTAL" enum: - "TOTAL" - "DAY" - "HOUR" - "WEEK" - "MONTH" type: "string" order: 2 columns: title: "Columns" description: "A list of chosen columns" default: [] type: "array" order: 3 items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ADVERTISER_ID" - "AD_ACCOUNT_ID" - "AD_GROUP_ENTITY_STATUS" - "AD_GROUP_ID" - "AD_ID" - "CAMPAIGN_DAILY_SPEND_CAP" - "CAMPAIGN_ENTITY_STATUS" - "CAMPAIGN_ID" - "CAMPAIGN_LIFETIME_SPEND_CAP" - "CAMPAIGN_NAME" - "CHECKOUT_ROAS" - "CLICKTHROUGH_1" - "CLICKTHROUGH_1_GROSS" - "CLICKTHROUGH_2" - "CPC_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "CPM_IN_DOLLAR" - "CPM_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "CTR" - "CTR_2" - "ECPCV_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPCV_P95_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPC_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPC_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "ECPE_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPM_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "ECPV_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECTR" - "EENGAGEMENT_RATE" - "ENGAGEMENT_1" - "ENGAGEMENT_2" - "ENGAGEMENT_RATE" - "IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT_1" - "IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT_2" - "IMPRESSION_1" - "IMPRESSION_1_GROSS" - "IMPRESSION_2" - "INAPP_CHECKOUT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "OUTBOUND_CLICK_1" - "OUTBOUND_CLICK_2" - "PAGE_VISIT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "PAGE_VISIT_ROAS" - "PAID_IMPRESSION" - "PIN_ID" - "PIN_PROMOTION_ID" - "REPIN_1" - "REPIN_2" - "REPIN_RATE" - "SPEND_IN_DOLLAR" - "SPEND_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CLICKTHROUGH" - "TOTAL_CLICK_ADD_TO_CART" - "TOTAL_CLICK_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_CLICK_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CLICK_LEAD" - "TOTAL_CLICK_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_CLICK_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CONVERSIONS" - "TOTAL_CUSTOM" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_LEAD" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT" - "TOTAL_IMPRESSION_FREQUENCY" - "TOTAL_IMPRESSION_USER" - "TOTAL_LEAD" - "TOTAL_OFFLINE_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_PAGE_VISIT" - "TOTAL_REPIN_RATE" - "TOTAL_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_3SEC_VIEWS" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_AVG_WATCHTIME_IN_SECOND" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_MRC_VIEWS" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P0_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P100_COMPLETE" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P25_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P50_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P75_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P95_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIEW_ADD_TO_CART" - "TOTAL_VIEW_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_VIEW_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_VIEW_LEAD" - "TOTAL_VIEW_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_VIEW_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_CLICK_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_CLICK_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_SESSIONS" - "TOTAL_WEB_VIEW_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_VIEW_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "VIDEO_3SEC_VIEWS_2" - "VIDEO_LENGTH" - "VIDEO_MRC_VIEWS_2" - "VIDEO_P0_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P100_COMPLETE_2" - "VIDEO_P25_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P50_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P75_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P95_COMBINED_2" - "WEB_CHECKOUT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "WEB_CHECKOUT_ROAS" - "WEB_SESSIONS_1" - "WEB_SESSIONS_2" click_window_days: title: "Click window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for a pin click action." default: 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 4 engagement_window_days: title: "Engagement window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for an engagement action." default: - 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 5 view_window_days: title: "View window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for a view action." default: - 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 6 conversion_report_time: title: "Conversion report time" description: "The date by which the conversion metrics returned from\ \ this endpoint will be reported. There are two dates associated\ \ with a conversion event: the date that the user interacted with\ \ the ad, and the date that the user completed a conversion event.." default: "TIME_OF_AD_ACTION" enum: - "TIME_OF_AD_ACTION" - "TIME_OF_CONVERSION" type: "string" order: 7 attribution_types: title: "Attribution types" description: "List of types of attribution for the conversion report" default: - "INDIVIDUAL" - "HOUSEHOLD" type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "INDIVIDUAL" - "HOUSEHOLD" order: 8 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If you have not set\ \ a date, it would be defaulted to latest allowed date by report\ \ api (913 days from today)." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2022-07-28" order: 9 sourceType: title: "pinterest" const: "pinterest" enum: - "pinterest" order: 0 type: "string" source-pinterest-update: title: "Pinterest Spec" type: "object" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If you have not set a date,\ \ it would be defaulted to latest allowed date by api (89 days from today)." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2022-07-28" status: title: "Status" description: "For the ads, ad_groups, and campaigns streams, specifying\ \ a status will filter out records that do not match the specified ones.\ \ If a status is not specified, the source will default to records with\ \ a status of either ACTIVE or PAUSED." type: - "array" - "null" items: type: "string" enum: - "ACTIVE" - "PAUSED" - "ARCHIVED" uniqueItems: true credentials: title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "refresh_token" - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's expired." airbyte_secret: true custom_reports: title: "Custom Reports" description: "A list which contains ad statistics entries, each entry must\ \ have a name and can contains fields, breakdowns or action_breakdowns.\ \ Click on \"add\" to fill this field." type: "array" items: title: "ReportConfig" description: "Config for custom report" type: "object" required: - "name" - "level" - "granularity" - "columns" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name value of report" type: "string" order: 0 level: title: "Level" description: "Chosen level for API" default: "ADVERTISER" enum: - "ADVERTISER" - "ADVERTISER_TARGETING" - "CAMPAIGN" - "CAMPAIGN_TARGETING" - "AD_GROUP" - "AD_GROUP_TARGETING" - "PIN_PROMOTION" - "PIN_PROMOTION_TARGETING" - "KEYWORD" - "PRODUCT_GROUP" - "PRODUCT_GROUP_TARGETING" - "PRODUCT_ITEM" type: "string" order: 1 granularity: title: "Granularity" description: "Chosen granularity for API" default: "TOTAL" enum: - "TOTAL" - "DAY" - "HOUR" - "WEEK" - "MONTH" type: "string" order: 2 columns: title: "Columns" description: "A list of chosen columns" default: [] type: "array" order: 3 items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ADVERTISER_ID" - "AD_ACCOUNT_ID" - "AD_GROUP_ENTITY_STATUS" - "AD_GROUP_ID" - "AD_ID" - "CAMPAIGN_DAILY_SPEND_CAP" - "CAMPAIGN_ENTITY_STATUS" - "CAMPAIGN_ID" - "CAMPAIGN_LIFETIME_SPEND_CAP" - "CAMPAIGN_NAME" - "CHECKOUT_ROAS" - "CLICKTHROUGH_1" - "CLICKTHROUGH_1_GROSS" - "CLICKTHROUGH_2" - "CPC_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "CPM_IN_DOLLAR" - "CPM_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "CTR" - "CTR_2" - "ECPCV_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPCV_P95_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPC_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPC_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "ECPE_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECPM_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "ECPV_IN_DOLLAR" - "ECTR" - "EENGAGEMENT_RATE" - "ENGAGEMENT_1" - "ENGAGEMENT_2" - "ENGAGEMENT_RATE" - "IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT_1" - "IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT_2" - "IMPRESSION_1" - "IMPRESSION_1_GROSS" - "IMPRESSION_2" - "INAPP_CHECKOUT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "OUTBOUND_CLICK_1" - "OUTBOUND_CLICK_2" - "PAGE_VISIT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "PAGE_VISIT_ROAS" - "PAID_IMPRESSION" - "PIN_ID" - "PIN_PROMOTION_ID" - "REPIN_1" - "REPIN_2" - "REPIN_RATE" - "SPEND_IN_DOLLAR" - "SPEND_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CLICKTHROUGH" - "TOTAL_CLICK_ADD_TO_CART" - "TOTAL_CLICK_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_CLICK_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CLICK_LEAD" - "TOTAL_CLICK_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_CLICK_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_CONVERSIONS" - "TOTAL_CUSTOM" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_LEAD" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_ENGAGEMENT_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_IDEA_PIN_PRODUCT_TAG_VISIT" - "TOTAL_IMPRESSION_FREQUENCY" - "TOTAL_IMPRESSION_USER" - "TOTAL_LEAD" - "TOTAL_OFFLINE_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_PAGE_VISIT" - "TOTAL_REPIN_RATE" - "TOTAL_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_3SEC_VIEWS" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_AVG_WATCHTIME_IN_SECOND" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_MRC_VIEWS" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P0_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P100_COMPLETE" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P25_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P50_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P75_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIDEO_P95_COMBINED" - "TOTAL_VIEW_ADD_TO_CART" - "TOTAL_VIEW_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_VIEW_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_VIEW_LEAD" - "TOTAL_VIEW_SIGNUP" - "TOTAL_VIEW_SIGNUP_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_CLICK_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_CLICK_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_ENGAGEMENT_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "TOTAL_WEB_SESSIONS" - "TOTAL_WEB_VIEW_CHECKOUT" - "TOTAL_WEB_VIEW_CHECKOUT_VALUE_IN_MICRO_DOLLAR" - "VIDEO_3SEC_VIEWS_2" - "VIDEO_LENGTH" - "VIDEO_MRC_VIEWS_2" - "VIDEO_P0_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P100_COMPLETE_2" - "VIDEO_P25_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P50_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P75_COMBINED_2" - "VIDEO_P95_COMBINED_2" - "WEB_CHECKOUT_COST_PER_ACTION" - "WEB_CHECKOUT_ROAS" - "WEB_SESSIONS_1" - "WEB_SESSIONS_2" click_window_days: title: "Click window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for a pin click action." default: 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 4 engagement_window_days: title: "Engagement window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for an engagement action." default: - 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 5 view_window_days: title: "View window days" description: "Number of days to use as the conversion attribution\ \ window for a view action." default: - 30 enum: - 0 - 1 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 60 type: "integer" order: 6 conversion_report_time: title: "Conversion report time" description: "The date by which the conversion metrics returned from\ \ this endpoint will be reported. There are two dates associated\ \ with a conversion event: the date that the user interacted with\ \ the ad, and the date that the user completed a conversion event.." default: "TIME_OF_AD_ACTION" enum: - "TIME_OF_AD_ACTION" - "TIME_OF_CONVERSION" type: "string" order: 7 attribution_types: title: "Attribution types" description: "List of types of attribution for the conversion report" default: - "INDIVIDUAL" - "HOUSEHOLD" type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "INDIVIDUAL" - "HOUSEHOLD" order: 8 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If you have not set\ \ a date, it would be defaulted to latest allowed date by report\ \ api (913 days from today)." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2022-07-28" order: 9 source-spacex-api: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: id: type: "string" title: "Unique ID for specific source target" desciption: "Optional, For a specific ID" order: 0 options: type: "string" title: "Configuration options for endpoints" desciption: "Optional, Possible values for an endpoint. Example values for\ \ launches-latest, upcoming, past" order: 1 sourceType: title: "spacex-api" const: "spacex-api" enum: - "spacex-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-spacex-api-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: id: type: "string" title: "Unique ID for specific source target" desciption: "Optional, For a specific ID" order: 0 options: type: "string" title: "Configuration options for endpoints" desciption: "Optional, Possible values for an endpoint. Example values for\ \ launches-latest, upcoming, past" order: 1 source-bamboo-hr: title: "Bamboo HR Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "subdomain" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "api_key" description: "Api key of bamboo hr" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true subdomain: type: "string" order: 1 title: "subdomain" description: "Sub Domain of bamboo hr" custom_reports_fields: type: "string" order: 2 title: "custom_reports_fields" description: "Comma-separated list of fields to include in custom reports." custom_reports_include_default_fields: title: "custom_reports_include_default_fields" description: "If true, the custom reports endpoint will include the default\ \ fields defined here:" type: "boolean" default: true order: 3 start_date: type: "string" order: 4 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "bamboo-hr" const: "bamboo-hr" enum: - "bamboo-hr" order: 0 type: "string" source-bamboo-hr-update: title: "Bamboo HR Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "subdomain" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "api_key" description: "Api key of bamboo hr" airbyte_secret: true subdomain: type: "string" order: 1 title: "subdomain" description: "Sub Domain of bamboo hr" custom_reports_fields: type: "string" order: 2 title: "custom_reports_fields" description: "Comma-separated list of fields to include in custom reports." custom_reports_include_default_fields: title: "custom_reports_include_default_fields" description: "If true, the custom reports endpoint will include the default\ \ fields defined here:" type: "boolean" default: true order: 3 start_date: type: "string" order: 4 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-okta: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's\ \ expired." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "OAuth 2.0 with private key" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "key_id" - "private_key" - "scope" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0_private_key" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0_private_key" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 key_id: type: "string" title: "Key ID" description: "The key ID (kid)." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true private_key: type: "string" title: "Private key" description: "The private key in PEM format" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true scope: type: "string" title: "Scope" description: "The OAuth scope." order: 4 - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_type" - "api_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" api_token: type: "string" title: "Personal API Token" description: "An Okta token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 0 domain: type: "string" title: "Okta domain" description: "The Okta domain. See the docs for instructions on how to find it." airbyte_secret: false order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2022-07-22T00:00:00Z" order: 2 sourceType: title: "okta" const: "okta" enum: - "okta" order: 0 type: "string" source-okta-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to obtain new Access Token, when it's\ \ expired." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "OAuth 2.0 with private key" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "key_id" - "private_key" - "scope" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0_private_key" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0_private_key" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 key_id: type: "string" title: "Key ID" description: "The key ID (kid)." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 private_key: type: "string" title: "Private key" description: "The private key in PEM format" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 scope: type: "string" title: "Scope" description: "The OAuth scope." order: 4 - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_type" - "api_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" api_token: type: "string" title: "Personal API Token" description: "An Okta token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 domain: type: "string" title: "Okta domain" description: "The Okta domain. See the docs for instructions on how to find it." airbyte_secret: false order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2022-07-22T00:00:00Z" order: 2 source-hibob: type: "object" required: - "username" - "is_sandbox" - "sourceType" properties: username: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Username" password: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Password" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true is_sandbox: type: "boolean" description: "Toggle true if this instance is a HiBob sandbox " order: 2 title: "Is Sandbox" sourceType: title: "hibob" const: "hibob" enum: - "hibob" order: 0 type: "string" source-hibob-update: type: "object" required: - "username" - "is_sandbox" properties: username: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Username" password: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Password" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true is_sandbox: type: "boolean" description: "Toggle true if this instance is a HiBob sandbox " order: 2 title: "Is Sandbox" source-mixpanel: title: "Source Mixpanel Spec" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication *" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Mixpanel" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Service Account" required: - "username" - "secret" - "project_id" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Service Account" order: 0 enum: - "Service Account" username: order: 1 title: "Username" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel Service Account Username. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this." secret: order: 2 title: "Secret" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel Service Account Secret. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true project_id: order: 3 title: "Project ID" description: "Your project ID number. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this." type: "integer" - type: "object" title: "Project Secret" required: - "api_secret" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Project Secret" order: 0 enum: - "Project Secret" api_secret: order: 1 title: "Project Secret" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel project secret. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true attribution_window: order: 2 title: "Attribution Window" type: "integer" description: "A period of time for attributing results to ads and the lookback\ \ period after those actions occur during which ad results are counted.\ \ Default attribution window is 5 days. (This value should be non-negative\ \ integer)" default: 5 project_timezone: order: 3 title: "Project Timezone" type: "string" description: "Time zone in which integer date times are stored. The project\ \ timezone may be found in the project settings in the Mixpanel console." default: "US/Pacific" examples: - "US/Pacific" - "UTC" select_properties_by_default: order: 4 title: "Select Properties By Default" type: "boolean" description: "Setting this config parameter to TRUE ensures that new properties\ \ on events and engage records are captured. Otherwise new properties\ \ will be ignored." default: true start_date: order: 5 title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. If this option is not set, the connector will\ \ replicate data from up to one year ago by default." examples: - "2021-11-16" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?$" format: "date-time" end_date: order: 6 title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data after this date\ \ will not be replicated. Left empty to always sync to most recent date" examples: - "2021-11-16" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?$" format: "date-time" region: order: 7 title: "Region" description: "The region of mixpanel domain instance either US or EU." type: "string" enum: - "US" - "EU" default: "US" date_window_size: order: 8 title: "Date slicing window" description: "Defines window size in days, that used to slice through data.\ \ You can reduce it, if amount of data in each window is too big for your\ \ environment. (This value should be positive integer)" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 30 page_size: order: 9 title: "Page Size" description: "The number of records to fetch per request for the engage\ \ stream. Default is 1000. If you are experiencing long sync times with\ \ this stream, try increasing this value." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 sourceType: title: "mixpanel" const: "mixpanel" enum: - "mixpanel" order: 0 type: "string" source-mixpanel-update: title: "Source Mixpanel Spec" required: - "credentials" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication *" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Mixpanel" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Service Account" required: - "username" - "secret" - "project_id" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Service Account" order: 0 enum: - "Service Account" username: order: 1 title: "Username" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel Service Account Username. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this." secret: order: 2 title: "Secret" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel Service Account Secret. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true project_id: order: 3 title: "Project ID" description: "Your project ID number. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this." type: "integer" - type: "object" title: "Project Secret" required: - "api_secret" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "Project Secret" order: 0 enum: - "Project Secret" api_secret: order: 1 title: "Project Secret" type: "string" description: "Mixpanel project secret. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true attribution_window: order: 2 title: "Attribution Window" type: "integer" description: "A period of time for attributing results to ads and the lookback\ \ period after those actions occur during which ad results are counted.\ \ Default attribution window is 5 days. (This value should be non-negative\ \ integer)" default: 5 project_timezone: order: 3 title: "Project Timezone" type: "string" description: "Time zone in which integer date times are stored. The project\ \ timezone may be found in the project settings in the Mixpanel console." default: "US/Pacific" examples: - "US/Pacific" - "UTC" select_properties_by_default: order: 4 title: "Select Properties By Default" type: "boolean" description: "Setting this config parameter to TRUE ensures that new properties\ \ on events and engage records are captured. Otherwise new properties\ \ will be ignored." default: true start_date: order: 5 title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. If this option is not set, the connector will\ \ replicate data from up to one year ago by default." examples: - "2021-11-16" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?$" format: "date-time" end_date: order: 6 title: "End Date" type: "string" description: "The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data after this date\ \ will not be replicated. Left empty to always sync to most recent date" examples: - "2021-11-16" pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?$" format: "date-time" region: order: 7 title: "Region" description: "The region of mixpanel domain instance either US or EU." type: "string" enum: - "US" - "EU" default: "US" date_window_size: order: 8 title: "Date slicing window" description: "Defines window size in days, that used to slice through data.\ \ You can reduce it, if amount of data in each window is too big for your\ \ environment. (This value should be positive integer)" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 30 page_size: order: 9 title: "Page Size" description: "The number of records to fetch per request for the engage\ \ stream. Default is 1000. If you are experiencing long sync times with\ \ this stream, try increasing this value." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 source-ip2whois: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Your API Key. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Domain name. See here." examples: - "" - "" order: 1 sourceType: title: "ip2whois" const: "ip2whois" enum: - "ip2whois" order: 0 type: "string" source-ip2whois-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Your API Key. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" description: "Domain name. See here." examples: - "" - "" order: 1 source-twitter: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "App only Bearer Token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this token." title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true query: type: "string" description: "Query for matching Tweets. You can learn how to build this\ \ query by reading build a query guide ." title: "Search Query" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "The start date for retrieving tweets cannot be more than 7\ \ days in the past." title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" order: 2 end_date: type: "string" description: "The end date for retrieving tweets must be a minimum of 10\ \ seconds prior to the request time." title: "End Date" format: "date-time" order: 3 sourceType: title: "twitter" const: "twitter" enum: - "twitter" order: 0 type: "string" source-twitter-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "App only Bearer Token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this token." title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 query: type: "string" description: "Query for matching Tweets. You can learn how to build this\ \ query by reading build a query guide ." title: "Search Query" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "The start date for retrieving tweets cannot be more than 7\ \ days in the past." title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" order: 2 end_date: type: "string" description: "The end date for retrieving tweets must be a minimum of 10\ \ seconds prior to the request time." title: "End Date" format: "date-time" order: 3 source-sftp-bulk: title: "SFTP Bulk Source Spec" description: "Used during spec; allows the developer to configure the cloud\ \ provider specific options\nthat are needed when users configure a file-based\ \ source." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" - title: "via API" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api" const: "api" enum: - "api" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "The API key to use matching the environment" default: "" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_url: title: "API URL" description: "The URL of the unstructured API to use" default: "" always_show: true examples: - "" type: "string" parameters: title: "Additional URL Parameters" description: "List of parameters send to the API" default: [] always_show: true type: "array" items: title: "APIParameterConfigModel" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Parameter name" description: "The name of the unstructured API parameter\ \ to use" examples: - "combine_under_n_chars" - "languages" type: "string" value: title: "Value" description: "The value of the parameter" examples: - "true" - "hi_res" type: "string" required: - "name" - "value" description: "Process files via an API, using the `hi_res`\ \ mode. This option is useful for increased performance\ \ and accuracy, but requires an API key and a hosted instance\ \ of unstructured." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" host: title: "Host Address" description: "The server host address" examples: - "" - "" order: 2 type: "string" username: title: "User Name" description: "The server user" order: 3 type: "string" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the SFTP Server" type: "object" order: 4 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Password" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "password" const: "password" enum: - "password" type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "password" - "auth_type" - title: "Authenticate via Private Key" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "private_key" const: "private_key" enum: - "private_key" type: "string" private_key: title: "Private key" description: "The Private key" multiline: true order: 4 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "private_key" - "auth_type" port: title: "Host Address" description: "The server port" default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 5 type: "integer" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "The directory to search files for sync" default: "/" examples: - "/logs/2022" order: 6 pattern_descriptor: "/folder_to_sync" type: "string" sourceType: title: "sftp-bulk" const: "sftp-bulk" enum: - "sftp-bulk" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "host" - "username" - "credentials" - "sourceType" source-sftp-bulk-update: title: "SFTP Bulk Source Spec" description: "Used during spec; allows the developer to configure the cloud\ \ provider specific options\nthat are needed when users configure a file-based\ \ source." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" - title: "via API" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api" const: "api" enum: - "api" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "The API key to use matching the environment" default: "" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_url: title: "API URL" description: "The URL of the unstructured API to use" default: "" always_show: true examples: - "" type: "string" parameters: title: "Additional URL Parameters" description: "List of parameters send to the API" default: [] always_show: true type: "array" items: title: "APIParameterConfigModel" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Parameter name" description: "The name of the unstructured API parameter\ \ to use" examples: - "combine_under_n_chars" - "languages" type: "string" value: title: "Value" description: "The value of the parameter" examples: - "true" - "hi_res" type: "string" required: - "name" - "value" description: "Process files via an API, using the `hi_res`\ \ mode. This option is useful for increased performance\ \ and accuracy, but requires an API key and a hosted instance\ \ of unstructured." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" host: title: "Host Address" description: "The server host address" examples: - "" - "" order: 2 type: "string" username: title: "User Name" description: "The server user" order: 3 type: "string" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the SFTP Server" type: "object" order: 4 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Password" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "password" const: "password" enum: - "password" type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" required: - "password" - "auth_type" - title: "Authenticate via Private Key" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "private_key" const: "private_key" enum: - "private_key" type: "string" private_key: title: "Private key" description: "The Private key" multiline: true order: 4 type: "string" required: - "private_key" - "auth_type" port: title: "Host Address" description: "The server port" default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 5 type: "integer" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "The directory to search files for sync" default: "/" examples: - "/logs/2022" order: 6 pattern_descriptor: "/folder_to_sync" type: "string" required: - "streams" - "host" - "username" - "credentials" source-zendesk-support: title: "Source Zendesk Support Spec" type: "object" required: - "subdomain" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The UTC date and time from which you'd like to replicate data,\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated." examples: - "2020-10-15T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" format: "date-time" order: 2 subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain" description: "This is your unique Zendesk subdomain that can be found in\ \ your account URL. For example, in,\ \ MY_SUBDOMAIN is the value of your subdomain." order: 0 credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" description: "Zendesk allows two authentication methods. We recommend using\ \ `OAuth2.0` for Airbyte Cloud users and `API token` for Airbyte Open\ \ Source users." order: 1 oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "access_token" additionalProperties: true properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The OAuth access token. See the Zendesk docs for more information on generating this token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The OAuth client's ID. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The OAuth client secret. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true - title: "API Token" type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account." api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The value of the API token generated. See our full documentation for more information on generating this\ \ token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true ignore_pagination: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Makes each stream read a single page of data." title: "Should the connector read the second and further pages of data." airbyte_hidden: true sourceType: title: "zendesk-support" const: "zendesk-support" enum: - "zendesk-support" order: 0 type: "string" source-zendesk-support-update: title: "Source Zendesk Support Spec" type: "object" required: - "subdomain" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The UTC date and time from which you'd like to replicate data,\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated." examples: - "2020-10-15T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" format: "date-time" order: 2 subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain" description: "This is your unique Zendesk subdomain that can be found in\ \ your account URL. For example, in,\ \ MY_SUBDOMAIN is the value of your subdomain." order: 0 credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" description: "Zendesk allows two authentication methods. We recommend using\ \ `OAuth2.0` for Airbyte Cloud users and `API token` for Airbyte Open\ \ Source users." order: 1 oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "access_token" additionalProperties: true properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The OAuth access token. See the Zendesk docs for more information on generating this token." airbyte_secret: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The OAuth client's ID. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The OAuth client secret. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true - title: "API Token" type: "object" required: - "email" - "api_token" additionalProperties: true properties: credentials: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" email: title: "Email" type: "string" description: "The user email for your Zendesk account." api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The value of the API token generated. See our full documentation for more information on generating this\ \ token." airbyte_secret: true ignore_pagination: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Makes each stream read a single page of data." title: "Should the connector read the second and further pages of data." airbyte_hidden: true source-microsoft-onedrive: title: "Microsoft OneDrive Source Spec" description: "SourceMicrosoftOneDriveSpec class for Microsoft OneDrive Source\ \ Specification.\nThis class combines the authentication details with additional\ \ configuration for the OneDrive API." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the One Drive API" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth)" description: "OAuthCredentials class to hold authentication details for\ \ Microsoft OAuth authentication.\nThis class uses pydantic for data\ \ validation and settings management." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft OneDrive user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - title: "Service Key Authentication" description: "ServiceCredentials class for service key authentication.\n\ This class is structured similarly to OAuthCredentials but for a different\ \ authentication method." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft OneDrive user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" user_principal_name: title: "User Principal Name" description: "Special characters such as a period, comma, space, and\ \ the at sign (@) are converted to underscores (_). More details:\ \" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "user_principal_name" - "client_id" - "client_secret" drive_name: title: "Drive Name" description: "Name of the Microsoft OneDrive drive where the file(s) exist." default: "OneDrive" order: 2 type: "string" search_scope: title: "Search Scope" description: "Specifies the location(s) to search for files. Valid options\ \ are 'ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES' to search in the selected OneDrive drive, 'SHARED_ITEMS'\ \ for shared items the user has access to, and 'ALL' to search both." default: "ALL" enum: - "ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES" - "SHARED_ITEMS" - "ALL" order: 3 type: "string" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "Path to a specific folder within the drives to search for\ \ files. Leave empty to search all folders of the drives. This does not\ \ apply to shared items." default: "." order: 4 type: "string" sourceType: title: "microsoft-onedrive" const: "microsoft-onedrive" enum: - "microsoft-onedrive" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" - "sourceType" source-microsoft-onedrive-update: title: "Microsoft OneDrive Source Spec" description: "SourceMicrosoftOneDriveSpec class for Microsoft OneDrive Source\ \ Specification.\nThis class combines the authentication details with additional\ \ configuration for the OneDrive API." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the One Drive API" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Microsoft (OAuth)" description: "OAuthCredentials class to hold authentication details for\ \ Microsoft OAuth authentication.\nThis class uses pydantic for data\ \ validation and settings management." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft OneDrive user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - title: "Service Key Authentication" description: "ServiceCredentials class for service key authentication.\n\ This class is structured similarly to OAuthCredentials but for a different\ \ authentication method." type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "Tenant ID of the Microsoft OneDrive user" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" user_principal_name: title: "User Principal Name" description: "Special characters such as a period, comma, space, and\ \ the at sign (@) are converted to underscores (_). More details:\ \" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "tenant_id" - "user_principal_name" - "client_id" - "client_secret" drive_name: title: "Drive Name" description: "Name of the Microsoft OneDrive drive where the file(s) exist." default: "OneDrive" order: 2 type: "string" search_scope: title: "Search Scope" description: "Specifies the location(s) to search for files. Valid options\ \ are 'ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES' to search in the selected OneDrive drive, 'SHARED_ITEMS'\ \ for shared items the user has access to, and 'ALL' to search both." default: "ALL" enum: - "ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES" - "SHARED_ITEMS" - "ALL" order: 3 type: "string" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "Path to a specific folder within the drives to search for\ \ files. Leave empty to search all folders of the drives. This does not\ \ apply to shared items." default: "." order: 4 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "credentials" source-tiktok-marketing: title: "TikTok Marketing Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Authentication method" default: {} order: 0 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" app_id: title: "App ID" description: "The Developer Application App ID." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" secret: title: "Secret" description: "The Developer Application Secret." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "Long-term Authorized Access Token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true advertiser_id: title: "Advertiser ID" description: "The Advertiser ID to filter reports and streams. Let\ \ this empty to retrieve all." type: "string" required: - "app_id" - "secret" - "access_token" - title: "Sandbox Access Token" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "sandbox_access_token" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "sandbox_access_token" advertiser_id: title: "Advertiser ID" description: "The Advertiser ID which generated for the developer's\ \ Sandbox application." type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The long-term authorized access token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "advertiser_id" - "access_token" start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" description: "The Start Date in format: YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this\ \ date will not be replicated. If this parameter is not set, all data\ \ will be replicated." default: "2016-09-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 type: "string" format: "date" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for all\ \ incremental streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. All data generated between\ \ start_date and this date will be replicated. Not setting this option\ \ will result in always syncing the data till the current date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 type: "string" format: "date" attribution_window: title: "Attribution Window" description: "The attribution window in days." minimum: 0 maximum: 364 default: 3 order: 3 type: "integer" include_deleted: title: "Include Deleted Data in Reports and Ads, Ad Groups and Campaign\ \ streams." description: "Set to active if you want to include deleted data in report\ \ based streams and Ads, Ad Groups and Campaign streams." default: false order: 4 type: "boolean" sourceType: title: "tiktok-marketing" const: "tiktok-marketing" enum: - "tiktok-marketing" order: 0 type: "string" source-tiktok-marketing-update: title: "TikTok Marketing Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Authentication method" default: {} order: 0 type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" app_id: title: "App ID" description: "The Developer Application App ID." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" secret: title: "Secret" description: "The Developer Application Secret." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "Long-term Authorized Access Token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" advertiser_id: title: "Advertiser ID" description: "The Advertiser ID to filter reports and streams. Let\ \ this empty to retrieve all." type: "string" required: - "app_id" - "secret" - "access_token" - title: "Sandbox Access Token" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "sandbox_access_token" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "sandbox_access_token" advertiser_id: title: "Advertiser ID" description: "The Advertiser ID which generated for the developer's\ \ Sandbox application." type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The long-term authorized access token." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "advertiser_id" - "access_token" start_date: title: "Replication Start Date" description: "The Start Date in format: YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this\ \ date will not be replicated. If this parameter is not set, all data\ \ will be replicated." default: "2016-09-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 type: "string" format: "date" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for all\ \ incremental streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. All data generated between\ \ start_date and this date will be replicated. Not setting this option\ \ will result in always syncing the data till the current date." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 type: "string" format: "date" attribution_window: title: "Attribution Window" description: "The attribution window in days." minimum: 0 maximum: 364 default: 3 order: 3 type: "integer" include_deleted: title: "Include Deleted Data in Reports and Ads, Ad Groups and Campaign\ \ streams." description: "Set to active if you want to include deleted data in report\ \ based streams and Ads, Ad Groups and Campaign streams." default: false order: 4 type: "boolean" source-aws-cloudtrail: title: "Aws CloudTrail Spec" type: "object" required: - "aws_key_id" - "aws_secret_key" - "aws_region_name" - "sourceType" properties: aws_key_id: type: "string" title: "Key ID" description: "AWS CloudTrail Access Key ID. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "AWS CloudTrail Access Key ID. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_region_name: type: "string" title: "Region Name" description: "The default AWS Region to use, for example, us-west-1 or us-west-2.\ \ When specifying a Region inline during client initialization, this property\ \ is named region_name." default: "us-east-1" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date you would like to replicate data. Data in AWS CloudTrail\ \ is available for last 90 days only. Format: YYYY-MM-DD." examples: - "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" lookup_attributes_filter: title: "Filter applied while fetching records based on AttributeKey and\ \ AttributeValue which will be appended on the request body" type: "object" required: - "attribute_key" - "attribute_value" properties: attribute_key: type: "string" title: "Attribute Key from the response to filter" examples: - "EventName" default: "EventName" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true attribute_value: type: "string" title: "Corresponding value to the given attribute key" examples: - "ListInstanceAssociations" - "ConsoleLogin" default: "ListInstanceAssociations" sourceType: title: "aws-cloudtrail" const: "aws-cloudtrail" enum: - "aws-cloudtrail" order: 0 type: "string" source-aws-cloudtrail-update: title: "Aws CloudTrail Spec" type: "object" required: - "aws_key_id" - "aws_secret_key" - "aws_region_name" properties: aws_key_id: type: "string" title: "Key ID" description: "AWS CloudTrail Access Key ID. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true aws_secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "AWS CloudTrail Access Key ID. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true aws_region_name: type: "string" title: "Region Name" description: "The default AWS Region to use, for example, us-west-1 or us-west-2.\ \ When specifying a Region inline during client initialization, this property\ \ is named region_name." default: "us-east-1" start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date you would like to replicate data. Data in AWS CloudTrail\ \ is available for last 90 days only. Format: YYYY-MM-DD." examples: - "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" lookup_attributes_filter: title: "Filter applied while fetching records based on AttributeKey and\ \ AttributeValue which will be appended on the request body" type: "object" required: - "attribute_key" - "attribute_value" properties: attribute_key: type: "string" title: "Attribute Key from the response to filter" examples: - "EventName" default: "EventName" attribute_value: type: "string" title: "Corresponding value to the given attribute key" examples: - "ListInstanceAssociations" - "ConsoleLogin" default: "ListInstanceAssociations" source-jira: title: "Jira Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "domain" - "email" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "Jira API Token. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key. API Token\ \ is used for Authorization to your account by BasicAuth." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" examples: - "" - "" - "" description: "The Domain for your Jira account, e.g.,\ \," order: 1 email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The user email for your Jira account which you used to generate\ \ the API token. This field is used for Authorization to your account\ \ by BasicAuth." order: 2 projects: type: "array" title: "Projects" items: type: "string" examples: - "PROJ1" - "PROJ2" description: "List of Jira project keys to replicate data for, or leave\ \ it empty if you want to replicate data for all projects." order: 3 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you want to replicate data from Jira,\ \ use the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Note that this field only applies\ \ to certain streams, and only data generated on or after the start date\ \ will be replicated. Or leave it empty if you want to replicate all data.\ \ For more information, refer to the documentation." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 4 expand_issue_changelog: type: "boolean" title: "Expand Issue Changelog" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Expand the changelog when replicating issues." default: false render_fields: type: "boolean" title: "Render Issue Fields" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Render issue fields in HTML format in addition\ \ to Jira JSON-like format." default: false expand_issue_transition: type: "boolean" title: "Expand Issue Transitions" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Expand the transitions when replicating issues." default: false issues_stream_expand_with: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "renderedFields" - "transitions" - "changelog" title: "Expand Issues stream" airbyte_hidden: true description: "Select fields to Expand the `Issues` stream when replicating\ \ with: " default: [] lookback_window_minutes: title: "Lookback window" description: "When set to N, the connector will always refresh resources\ \ created within the past N minutes. By default, updated objects that\ \ are not newly created are not incrementally synced." examples: - 60 default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 576000 type: "integer" order: 5 enable_experimental_streams: type: "boolean" title: "Enable Experimental Streams" description: "Allow the use of experimental streams which rely on undocumented\ \ Jira API endpoints. See\ \ for more info." default: false order: 6 sourceType: title: "jira" const: "jira" enum: - "jira" order: 0 type: "string" source-jira-update: title: "Jira Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "domain" - "email" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "API Token" description: "Jira API Token. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key. API Token\ \ is used for Authorization to your account by BasicAuth." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 domain: type: "string" title: "Domain" examples: - "" - "" - "" description: "The Domain for your Jira account, e.g.,\ \," order: 1 email: type: "string" title: "Email" description: "The user email for your Jira account which you used to generate\ \ the API token. This field is used for Authorization to your account\ \ by BasicAuth." order: 2 projects: type: "array" title: "Projects" items: type: "string" examples: - "PROJ1" - "PROJ2" description: "List of Jira project keys to replicate data for, or leave\ \ it empty if you want to replicate data for all projects." order: 3 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you want to replicate data from Jira,\ \ use the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Note that this field only applies\ \ to certain streams, and only data generated on or after the start date\ \ will be replicated. Or leave it empty if you want to replicate all data.\ \ For more information, refer to the documentation." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 4 expand_issue_changelog: type: "boolean" title: "Expand Issue Changelog" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Expand the changelog when replicating issues." default: false render_fields: type: "boolean" title: "Render Issue Fields" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Render issue fields in HTML format in addition\ \ to Jira JSON-like format." default: false expand_issue_transition: type: "boolean" title: "Expand Issue Transitions" airbyte_hidden: true description: "(DEPRECATED) Expand the transitions when replicating issues." default: false issues_stream_expand_with: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "renderedFields" - "transitions" - "changelog" title: "Expand Issues stream" airbyte_hidden: true description: "Select fields to Expand the `Issues` stream when replicating\ \ with: " default: [] lookback_window_minutes: title: "Lookback window" description: "When set to N, the connector will always refresh resources\ \ created within the past N minutes. By default, updated objects that\ \ are not newly created are not incrementally synced." examples: - 60 default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 576000 type: "integer" order: 5 enable_experimental_streams: type: "boolean" title: "Enable Experimental Streams" description: "Allow the use of experimental streams which rely on undocumented\ \ Jira API endpoints. See\ \ for more info." default: false order: 6 source-hubspot: title: "HubSpot Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. If not set, \"2006-06-01T00:00:00Z\"\ \ (Hubspot creation date) will be used as start date. It's recommended\ \ to provide relevant to your data start date value to optimize synchronization." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to HubSpot." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Auth Type" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "OAuth Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth Credentials" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your HubSpot developer application.\ \ See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this ID." type: "string" examples: - "123456789000" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret for your HubSpot developer application.\ \ See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this secret." type: "string" examples: - "secret" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh token to renew an expired access token. See\ \ the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this token." type: "string" examples: - "refresh_token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Private App" required: - "access_token" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Auth Type" description: "Name of the credentials set" const: "Private App Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "Private App Credentials" access_token: title: "Access token" description: "HubSpot Access token. See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true enable_experimental_streams: title: "Enable experimental streams" description: "If enabled then experimental streams become available for\ \ sync." type: "boolean" default: false sourceType: title: "hubspot" const: "hubspot" enum: - "hubspot" order: 0 type: "string" source-hubspot-update: title: "HubSpot Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. If not set, \"2006-06-01T00:00:00Z\"\ \ (Hubspot creation date) will be used as start date. It's recommended\ \ to provide relevant to your data start date value to optimize synchronization." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to HubSpot." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Auth Type" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "OAuth Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth Credentials" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your HubSpot developer application.\ \ See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this ID." type: "string" examples: - "123456789000" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret for your HubSpot developer application.\ \ See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this secret." type: "string" examples: - "secret" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh token to renew an expired access token. See\ \ the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this token." type: "string" examples: - "refresh_token" airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Private App" required: - "access_token" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Auth Type" description: "Name of the credentials set" const: "Private App Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "Private App Credentials" access_token: title: "Access token" description: "HubSpot Access token. See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this token." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true enable_experimental_streams: title: "Enable experimental streams" description: "If enabled then experimental streams become available for\ \ sync." type: "boolean" default: false source-rss: title: "RSS Spec" type: "object" required: - "url" - "sourceType" properties: url: type: "string" description: "RSS Feed URL" sourceType: title: "rss" const: "rss" enum: - "rss" order: 0 type: "string" source-rss-update: title: "RSS Spec" type: "object" required: - "url" properties: url: type: "string" description: "RSS Feed URL" source-sap-fieldglass: title: "Sap Fieldglass Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "sap-fieldglass" const: "sap-fieldglass" enum: - "sap-fieldglass" order: 0 type: "string" source-sap-fieldglass-update: title: "Sap Fieldglass Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true source-twilio-taskrouter: type: "object" required: - "account_sid" - "auth_token" - "sourceType" properties: account_sid: type: "string" description: "Twilio Account ID" title: "Account SID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 auth_token: type: "string" description: "Twilio Auth Token" airbyte_secret: true title: "Auth Token" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "twilio-taskrouter" const: "twilio-taskrouter" enum: - "twilio-taskrouter" order: 0 type: "string" source-twilio-taskrouter-update: type: "object" required: - "account_sid" - "auth_token" properties: account_sid: type: "string" description: "Twilio Account ID" title: "Account SID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 auth_token: type: "string" description: "Twilio Auth Token" airbyte_secret: true title: "Auth Token" order: 1 source-xkcd: type: "object" properties: comic_number: type: "string" title: "comic_number" description: "Specifies the comic number in which details are to be extracted,\ \ pagination will begin with that number to end of available comics" default: "2960" order: 0 sourceType: title: "xkcd" const: "xkcd" enum: - "xkcd" order: 0 type: "string" source-xkcd-update: type: "object" properties: comic_number: type: "string" title: "comic_number" description: "Specifies the comic number in which details are to be extracted,\ \ pagination will begin with that number to end of available comics" default: "2960" order: 0 source-zenloop: title: "Zenloop Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Zenloop API Token. You can get the API token in settings page\ \ here " airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true date_from: type: "string" description: "Zenloop date_from. Format: 2021-10-24T03:30:30Z or 2021-10-24.\ \ Leave empty if only data from current data should be synced" examples: - "2021-10-24T03:30:30Z" survey_id: type: "string" description: "Zenloop Survey ID. Can be found here. Leave empty to pull answers from all surveys" airbyte_secret: true survey_group_id: type: "string" description: "Zenloop Survey Group ID. Can be found by pulling All Survey\ \ Groups via SurveyGroups stream. Leave empty to pull answers from all\ \ survey groups" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "zenloop" const: "zenloop" enum: - "zenloop" order: 0 type: "string" source-zenloop-update: title: "Zenloop Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Zenloop API Token. You can get the API token in settings page\ \ here " airbyte_secret: true date_from: type: "string" description: "Zenloop date_from. Format: 2021-10-24T03:30:30Z or 2021-10-24.\ \ Leave empty if only data from current data should be synced" examples: - "2021-10-24T03:30:30Z" survey_id: type: "string" description: "Zenloop Survey ID. Can be found here. Leave empty to pull answers from all surveys" airbyte_secret: true survey_group_id: type: "string" description: "Zenloop Survey Group ID. Can be found by pulling All Survey\ \ Groups via SurveyGroups stream. Leave empty to pull answers from all\ \ survey groups" airbyte_secret: true source-tempo: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Tempo API Token. Go to Tempo>Settings, scroll down to Data\ \ Access and select API integration." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "tempo" const: "tempo" enum: - "tempo" order: 0 type: "string" source-tempo-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" properties: api_token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "Tempo API Token. Go to Tempo>Settings, scroll down to Data\ \ Access and select API integration." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-chargebee: title: "Chargebee Spec" type: "object" required: - "site" - "site_api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: site_api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Chargebee API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true site: type: "string" title: "Site" description: "The site prefix for your Chargebee instance." examples: - "airbyte-test" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000Z.\ \ Any data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 2 product_catalog: type: "string" title: "Product Catalog" description: "Product Catalog version of your Chargebee site. Instructions\ \ on how to find your version you may find here under `API Version` section. If left blank, the product catalog\ \ version will be set to 2.0." enum: - "1.0" - "2.0" default: "2.0" order: 3 sourceType: title: "chargebee" const: "chargebee" enum: - "chargebee" order: 0 type: "string" source-chargebee-update: title: "Chargebee Spec" type: "object" required: - "site" - "site_api_key" - "start_date" properties: site_api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Chargebee API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 site: type: "string" title: "Site" description: "The site prefix for your Chargebee instance." examples: - "airbyte-test" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000Z.\ \ Any data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 2 product_catalog: type: "string" title: "Product Catalog" description: "Product Catalog version of your Chargebee site. Instructions\ \ on how to find your version you may find here under `API Version` section. If left blank, the product catalog\ \ version will be set to 2.0." enum: - "1.0" - "2.0" default: "2.0" order: 3 source-onesignal: title: "OneSignal Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "user_auth_key" - "start_date" - "outcome_names" - "applications" - "sourceType" properties: user_auth_key: type: "string" title: "User Auth Key" description: "OneSignal User Auth Key, see the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true applications: type: "array" title: "Applications" description: "Applications keys, see the docs for more information on how to obtain this data" items: type: "object" properties: app_name: type: "string" title: "OneSignal App Name" order: 0 app_id: type: "string" title: "OneSignal App ID" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true app_api_key: type: "string" title: "REST API Key" order: 2 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "app_id" - "app_api_key" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for OneSignal\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 2 outcome_names: type: "string" title: "Outcome Names" description: "Comma-separated list of names and the value (sum/count) for\ \ the returned outcome data. See the docs for more details" examples: - "os__session_duration.count,os__click.count,CustomOutcomeName.sum" order: 3 sourceType: title: "onesignal" const: "onesignal" enum: - "onesignal" order: 0 type: "string" source-onesignal-update: title: "OneSignal Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "user_auth_key" - "start_date" - "outcome_names" - "applications" properties: user_auth_key: type: "string" title: "User Auth Key" description: "OneSignal User Auth Key, see the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 applications: type: "array" title: "Applications" description: "Applications keys, see the docs for more information on how to obtain this data" items: type: "object" properties: app_name: type: "string" title: "OneSignal App Name" order: 0 app_id: type: "string" title: "OneSignal App ID" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true app_api_key: type: "string" title: "REST API Key" order: 2 airbyte_secret: true required: - "app_id" - "app_api_key" order: 1 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for OneSignal\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 2 outcome_names: type: "string" title: "Outcome Names" description: "Comma-separated list of names and the value (sum/count) for\ \ the returned outcome data. See the docs for more details" examples: - "os__session_duration.count,os__click.count,CustomOutcomeName.sum" order: 3 source-google-analytics-data-api: title: "Google Analytics (Data API) Spec" type: "object" required: - "property_ids" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: order: 0 type: "object" title: "Credentials" description: "Credentials for the service" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (Oauth)" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Google Analytics developer application." order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Google Analytics developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Service Account Key Authentication" required: - "credentials_json" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" order: 0 enum: - "Service" credentials_json: title: "Service Account JSON Key" type: "string" description: "The JSON key linked to the service account used for\ \ authorization. For steps on obtaining this key, refer to the setup guide." examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 property_ids: title: "Property IDs" description: "A list of your Property IDs. The Property ID is a unique number\ \ assigned to each property in Google Analytics, found in your GA4 property\ \ URL. This ID allows the connector to track the specific events associated\ \ with your property. Refer to the Google\ \ Analytics documentation to locate your property ID." order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - - "1738294" - "5729978930" uniqueItems: true date_ranges_start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The start date from which to replicate report data in the\ \ format YYYY-MM-DD. Data generated before this date will not be included\ \ in the report. Not applied to custom Cohort reports." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 2 custom_reports_array: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Analytics report by creating one." order: 4 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name." type: "string" order: 0 dimensions: title: "Dimensions" description: "A list of dimensions." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 order: 1 metrics: title: "Metrics" description: "A list of metrics." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 order: 2 dimensionFilter: title: "Dimensions filter" description: "Dimensions filter" type: "object" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "andGroup" description: "The FilterExpressions in andGroup have an AND relationship." type: "object" properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "andGroup" order: 0 enum: - "andGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "orGroup" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpressions in orGroup have an OR relationship." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "orGroup" order: 0 enum: - "orGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "notExpression" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpression is NOT of notExpression." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "notExpression" order: 0 enum: - "notExpression" expression: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" - title: "filter" type: "object" description: "A primitive filter. In the same FilterExpression,\ \ all of the filter's field names need to be either all dimensions." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "filter" order: 0 enum: - "filter" field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" metricFilter: title: "Metrics filter" description: "Metrics filter" type: "object" order: 4 oneOf: - title: "andGroup" description: "The FilterExpressions in andGroup have an AND relationship." type: "object" properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "andGroup" order: 0 enum: - "andGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "orGroup" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpressions in orGroup have an OR relationship." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "orGroup" order: 0 enum: - "orGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "notExpression" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpression is NOT of notExpression." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "notExpression" order: 0 enum: - "notExpression" expression: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" - title: "filter" type: "object" description: "A primitive filter. In the same FilterExpression,\ \ all of the filter's field names need to be either all metrics." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "filter" order: 0 enum: - "filter" field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" cohortSpec: title: "Cohort Reports" description: "Cohort reports creates a time series of user retention\ \ for the cohort." type: "object" order: 5 oneOf: - title: "Disabled" type: "object" properties: enabled: type: "string" const: "false" enum: - "false" - title: "Enabled" type: "object" properties: enabled: type: "string" const: "true" enum: - "true" cohorts: name: "Cohorts" order: 0 type: "array" always_show: true items: title: "Cohorts" type: "object" required: - "dimension" - "dateRange" properties: name: title: "Name" type: "string" always_show: true pattern: "^(?!(cohort_|RESERVED_)).*$" description: "Assigns a name to this cohort. If not set,\ \ cohorts are named by their zero based index cohort_0,\ \ cohort_1, etc." order: 0 dimension: title: "Dimension" description: "Dimension used by the cohort. Required and\ \ only supports `firstSessionDate`" type: "string" enum: - "firstSessionDate" order: 1 dateRange: type: "object" required: - "startDate" - "endDate" properties: startDate: title: "Start Date" type: "string" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 2 endDate: title: "End Date" type: "string" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 3 cohortsRange: type: "object" order: 1 required: - "granularity" - "endOffset" properties: granularity: title: "Granularity" description: "The granularity used to interpret the startOffset\ \ and endOffset for the extended reporting date range\ \ for a cohort report." type: "string" enum: - "GRANULARITY_UNSPECIFIED" - "DAILY" - "WEEKLY" - "MONTHLY" order: 0 startOffset: title: "Start Offset" description: "Specifies the start date of the extended reporting\ \ date range for a cohort report." type: "integer" minimum: 0 order: 1 endOffset: title: "End Offset" description: "Specifies the end date of the extended reporting\ \ date range for a cohort report." type: "integer" minimum: 0 order: 2 cohortReportSettings: type: "object" title: "Cohort Report Settings" description: "Optional settings for a cohort report." properties: accumulate: always_show: true title: "Accumulate" description: "If true, accumulates the result from first\ \ touch day to the end day" type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "dimensions" - "metrics" window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "Data Request Interval (Days)" description: "The interval in days for each data request made to the Google\ \ Analytics API. A larger value speeds up data sync, but increases the\ \ chance of data sampling, which may result in inaccuracies. We recommend\ \ a value of 1 to minimize sampling, unless speed is an absolute priority\ \ over accuracy. Acceptable values range from 1 to 364. Does not apply\ \ to custom Cohort reports. More information is available in the documentation." examples: - 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 - 200 - 364 minimum: 1 maximum: 364 default: 1 order: 5 lookback_window: type: "integer" title: "Lookback window (Days)" description: "Since attribution changes after the event date, and Google\ \ Analytics has a data processing latency, we should specify how many\ \ days in the past we should refresh the data in every run. So if you\ \ set it at 5 days, in every sync it will fetch the last bookmark date\ \ minus 5 days." examples: - 2 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 14 - 28 minimum: 2 maximum: 60 default: 2 order: 6 keep_empty_rows: type: "boolean" title: "Keep Empty Rows" description: "If false, each row with all metrics equal to 0 will not be\ \ returned. If true, these rows will be returned if they are not separately\ \ removed by a filter. More information is available in the documentation." default: false order: 7 convert_conversions_event: type: "boolean" title: "Convert `conversions:*` Metrics to Float" description: "Enables conversion of `conversions:*` event metrics from integers\ \ to floats. This is beneficial for preventing data rounding when the\ \ API returns float values for any `conversions:*` fields." default: false order: 8 sourceType: title: "google-analytics-data-api" const: "google-analytics-data-api" enum: - "google-analytics-data-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-analytics-data-api-update: title: "Google Analytics (Data API) Spec" type: "object" required: - "property_ids" properties: credentials: order: 0 type: "object" title: "Credentials" description: "Credentials for the service" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (Oauth)" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Google Analytics developer application." order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Google Analytics developer\ \ application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining a new access token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - type: "object" title: "Service Account Key Authentication" required: - "credentials_json" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Service" order: 0 enum: - "Service" credentials_json: title: "Service Account JSON Key" type: "string" description: "The JSON key linked to the service account used for\ \ authorization. For steps on obtaining this key, refer to the setup guide." examples: - "{ \"type\": \"service_account\", \"project_id\": YOUR_PROJECT_ID,\ \ \"private_key_id\": YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY, ... }" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 property_ids: title: "Property IDs" description: "A list of your Property IDs. The Property ID is a unique number\ \ assigned to each property in Google Analytics, found in your GA4 property\ \ URL. This ID allows the connector to track the specific events associated\ \ with your property. Refer to the Google\ \ Analytics documentation to locate your property ID." order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - - "1738294" - "5729978930" uniqueItems: true date_ranges_start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The start date from which to replicate report data in the\ \ format YYYY-MM-DD. Data generated before this date will not be included\ \ in the report. Not applied to custom Cohort reports." format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 2 custom_reports_array: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Analytics report by creating one." order: 4 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name." type: "string" order: 0 dimensions: title: "Dimensions" description: "A list of dimensions." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 order: 1 metrics: title: "Metrics" description: "A list of metrics." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 order: 2 dimensionFilter: title: "Dimensions filter" description: "Dimensions filter" type: "object" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "andGroup" description: "The FilterExpressions in andGroup have an AND relationship." type: "object" properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "andGroup" order: 0 enum: - "andGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "orGroup" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpressions in orGroup have an OR relationship." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "orGroup" order: 0 enum: - "orGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "notExpression" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpression is NOT of notExpression." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "notExpression" order: 0 enum: - "notExpression" expression: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" - title: "filter" type: "object" description: "A primitive filter. In the same FilterExpression,\ \ all of the filter's field names need to be either all dimensions." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "filter" order: 0 enum: - "filter" field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" metricFilter: title: "Metrics filter" description: "Metrics filter" type: "object" order: 4 oneOf: - title: "andGroup" description: "The FilterExpressions in andGroup have an AND relationship." type: "object" properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "andGroup" order: 0 enum: - "andGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "orGroup" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpressions in orGroup have an OR relationship." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "orGroup" order: 0 enum: - "orGroup" expressions: title: "Expressions" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" required: - "filter_type" - "expressions" - title: "notExpression" type: "object" description: "The FilterExpression is NOT of notExpression." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "notExpression" order: 0 enum: - "notExpression" expression: title: "Expression" type: "object" properties: field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" - title: "filter" type: "object" description: "A primitive filter. In the same FilterExpression,\ \ all of the filter's field names need to be either all metrics." properties: filter_type: type: "string" const: "filter" order: 0 enum: - "filter" field_name: title: "fieldName" type: "string" order: 1 filter: title: "filter" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "stringFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "stringFilter" enum: - "stringFilter" matchType: title: "matchType" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "MATCH_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" - "EXACT" - "BEGINS_WITH" - "ENDS_WITH" - "CONTAINS" - "FULL_REGEXP" - "PARTIAL_REGEXP" value: tittle: "value" type: "string" order: 0 caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 2 required: - "filter_name" - "value" - title: "inListFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "inListFilter" enum: - "inListFilter" values: tittle: "values" type: "array" minItems: 1 order: 0 items: type: "string" caseSensitive: tittle: "caseSensitive" type: "boolean" order: 1 required: - "filter_name" - "values" - title: "numericFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "numericFilter" enum: - "numericFilter" operation: title: "operation" type: "array" order: 1 items: title: "ValidEnums" enum: - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" - "EQUAL" - "LESS_THAN" - "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" - "GREATER_THAN" - "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL" value: tittle: "value" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "operation" - "value" - title: "betweenFilter" type: "object" properties: filter_name: type: "string" const: "betweenFilter" enum: - "betweenFilter" fromValue: tittle: "fromValue" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" toValue: tittle: "toValue" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "int64Value" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "int64Value" enum: - "int64Value" value: type: "string" required: - "value_type" - "value" - title: "doubleValue" type: "object" properties: value_type: type: "string" const: "doubleValue" enum: - "doubleValue" value: type: "number" required: - "value_type" - "value" required: - "filter_name" - "fromValue" - "toValue" required: - "field_name" - "filter" cohortSpec: title: "Cohort Reports" description: "Cohort reports creates a time series of user retention\ \ for the cohort." type: "object" order: 5 oneOf: - title: "Disabled" type: "object" properties: enabled: type: "string" const: "false" enum: - "false" - title: "Enabled" type: "object" properties: enabled: type: "string" const: "true" enum: - "true" cohorts: name: "Cohorts" order: 0 type: "array" always_show: true items: title: "Cohorts" type: "object" required: - "dimension" - "dateRange" properties: name: title: "Name" type: "string" always_show: true pattern: "^(?!(cohort_|RESERVED_)).*$" description: "Assigns a name to this cohort. If not set,\ \ cohorts are named by their zero based index cohort_0,\ \ cohort_1, etc." order: 0 dimension: title: "Dimension" description: "Dimension used by the cohort. Required and\ \ only supports `firstSessionDate`" type: "string" enum: - "firstSessionDate" order: 1 dateRange: type: "object" required: - "startDate" - "endDate" properties: startDate: title: "Start Date" type: "string" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 2 endDate: title: "End Date" type: "string" format: "date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD" examples: - "2021-01-01" order: 3 cohortsRange: type: "object" order: 1 required: - "granularity" - "endOffset" properties: granularity: title: "Granularity" description: "The granularity used to interpret the startOffset\ \ and endOffset for the extended reporting date range\ \ for a cohort report." type: "string" enum: - "GRANULARITY_UNSPECIFIED" - "DAILY" - "WEEKLY" - "MONTHLY" order: 0 startOffset: title: "Start Offset" description: "Specifies the start date of the extended reporting\ \ date range for a cohort report." type: "integer" minimum: 0 order: 1 endOffset: title: "End Offset" description: "Specifies the end date of the extended reporting\ \ date range for a cohort report." type: "integer" minimum: 0 order: 2 cohortReportSettings: type: "object" title: "Cohort Report Settings" description: "Optional settings for a cohort report." properties: accumulate: always_show: true title: "Accumulate" description: "If true, accumulates the result from first\ \ touch day to the end day" type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "dimensions" - "metrics" window_in_days: type: "integer" title: "Data Request Interval (Days)" description: "The interval in days for each data request made to the Google\ \ Analytics API. A larger value speeds up data sync, but increases the\ \ chance of data sampling, which may result in inaccuracies. We recommend\ \ a value of 1 to minimize sampling, unless speed is an absolute priority\ \ over accuracy. Acceptable values range from 1 to 364. Does not apply\ \ to custom Cohort reports. More information is available in the documentation." examples: - 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 - 200 - 364 minimum: 1 maximum: 364 default: 1 order: 5 lookback_window: type: "integer" title: "Lookback window (Days)" description: "Since attribution changes after the event date, and Google\ \ Analytics has a data processing latency, we should specify how many\ \ days in the past we should refresh the data in every run. So if you\ \ set it at 5 days, in every sync it will fetch the last bookmark date\ \ minus 5 days." examples: - 2 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 14 - 28 minimum: 2 maximum: 60 default: 2 order: 6 keep_empty_rows: type: "boolean" title: "Keep Empty Rows" description: "If false, each row with all metrics equal to 0 will not be\ \ returned. If true, these rows will be returned if they are not separately\ \ removed by a filter. More information is available in the documentation." default: false order: 7 convert_conversions_event: type: "boolean" title: "Convert `conversions:*` Metrics to Float" description: "Enables conversion of `conversions:*` event metrics from integers\ \ to floats. This is beneficial for preventing data rounding when the\ \ API returns float values for any `conversions:*` fields." default: false order: 8 source-mailgun: type: "object" required: - "private_key" - "sourceType" properties: private_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Private API Key" description: "Primary account API key to access your Mailgun data." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain_region: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Domain Region Code" description: "Domain region code. 'EU' or 'US' are possible values. The\ \ default is 'US'." default: "US" enum: - "US" - "EU" start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Replication Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2023-08-01T00:00:00Z" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2020-10-01 00:00:00. Any data\ \ before this date will not be replicated. If omitted, defaults to 3 days\ \ ago." sourceType: title: "mailgun" const: "mailgun" enum: - "mailgun" order: 0 type: "string" source-mailgun-update: type: "object" required: - "private_key" properties: private_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Private API Key" description: "Primary account API key to access your Mailgun data." airbyte_secret: true domain_region: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Domain Region Code" description: "Domain region code. 'EU' or 'US' are possible values. The\ \ default is 'US'." default: "US" enum: - "US" - "EU" start_date: type: "string" order: 2 title: "Replication Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2023-08-01T00:00:00Z" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2020-10-01 00:00:00. Any data\ \ before this date will not be replicated. If omitted, defaults to 3 days\ \ ago." source-intercom: title: "Source Intercom Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" access_token: title: "Access token" type: "string" description: "Access token for making authenticated requests. See the Intercom docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: title: "Client Id" type: "string" description: "Client Id for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Client Secret for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 activity_logs_time_step: type: "integer" default: 30 minimum: 1 maximum: 91 title: "Activity logs stream slice step size (in days)" description: "Set lower value in case of failing long running sync of Activity\ \ Logs stream." examples: - 30 - 10 - 5 order: 3 sourceType: title: "intercom" const: "intercom" enum: - "intercom" order: 0 type: "string" source-intercom-update: title: "Source Intercom Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_token" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" access_token: title: "Access token" type: "string" description: "Access token for making authenticated requests. See the Intercom docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_id: title: "Client Id" type: "string" description: "Client Id for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Client Secret for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 activity_logs_time_step: type: "integer" default: 30 minimum: 1 maximum: 91 title: "Activity logs stream slice step size (in days)" description: "Set lower value in case of failing long running sync of Activity\ \ Logs stream." examples: - 30 - 10 - 5 order: 3 source-rki-covid: title: "RKI Covid Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format 2017-01-25. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." order: 1 sourceType: title: "rki-covid" const: "rki-covid" enum: - "rki-covid" order: 0 type: "string" source-rki-covid-update: title: "RKI Covid Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date in the format 2017-01-25. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated." order: 1 source-secoda: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Api Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Your API Access Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "secoda" const: "secoda" enum: - "secoda" order: 0 type: "string" source-secoda-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Api Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Your API Access Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." order: 0 source-zoom: title: "Zoom Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "authorization_endpoint" - "sourceType" properties: account_id: type: "string" order: 0 description: "The account ID for your Zoom account. You can find this in\ \ the Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." client_id: type: "string" order: 1 description: "The client ID for your Zoom app. You can find this in the\ \ Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." client_secret: type: "string" order: 2 description: "The client secret for your Zoom app. You can find this in\ \ the Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." airbyte_secret: true authorization_endpoint: type: "string" order: 3 default: "" sourceType: title: "zoom" const: "zoom" enum: - "zoom" order: 0 type: "string" source-zoom-update: title: "Zoom Spec" type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "authorization_endpoint" properties: account_id: type: "string" order: 0 description: "The account ID for your Zoom account. You can find this in\ \ the Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." client_id: type: "string" order: 1 description: "The client ID for your Zoom app. You can find this in the\ \ Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." client_secret: type: "string" order: 2 description: "The client secret for your Zoom app. You can find this in\ \ the Zoom Marketplace under the \"Manage\" tab for your app." airbyte_secret: true authorization_endpoint: type: "string" order: 3 default: "" source-delighted: title: "Delighted Spec" type: "object" required: - "since" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: title: "Delighted API Key" type: "string" description: "A Delighted API key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true since: title: "Replication Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data" examples: - "2022-05-30T04:50:23Z" - "2022-05-30 04:50:23" pattern: "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}[T ]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(\\.\\d+)?Z?$" order: 1 format: "date-time" sourceType: title: "delighted" const: "delighted" enum: - "delighted" order: 0 type: "string" source-delighted-update: title: "Delighted Spec" type: "object" required: - "since" - "api_key" properties: api_key: title: "Delighted API Key" type: "string" description: "A Delighted API key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 since: title: "Replication Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data" examples: - "2022-05-30T04:50:23Z" - "2022-05-30 04:50:23" pattern: "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}[T ]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(\\.\\d+)?Z?$" order: 1 format: "date-time" source-klarna: title: "Klarna Spec" type: "object" required: - "region" - "playground" - "username" - "password" - "sourceType" properties: region: title: "Region" type: "string" enum: - "eu" - "na" - "oc" description: "Base url region (For playground eu\ \ Supported 'eu', 'na', 'oc'" playground: title: "Playground" type: "boolean" description: "Propertie defining if connector is used against playground\ \ or production environment" default: false username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "Consists of your Merchant ID (eid) - a unique number that\ \ identifies your e-store, combined with a random string (" password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "A string which is associated with your Merchant ID and is\ \ used to authorize use of Klarna's APIs (" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "klarna" const: "klarna" enum: - "klarna" order: 0 type: "string" source-klarna-update: title: "Klarna Spec" type: "object" required: - "region" - "playground" - "username" - "password" properties: region: title: "Region" type: "string" enum: - "eu" - "na" - "oc" description: "Base url region (For playground eu\ \ Supported 'eu', 'na', 'oc'" playground: title: "Playground" type: "boolean" description: "Propertie defining if connector is used against playground\ \ or production environment" default: false username: title: "Username" type: "string" description: "Consists of your Merchant ID (eid) - a unique number that\ \ identifies your e-store, combined with a random string (" password: title: "Password" type: "string" description: "A string which is associated with your Merchant ID and is\ \ used to authorize use of Klarna's APIs (" airbyte_secret: true source-typeform: type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The Client ID of the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The Client Secret the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Private Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Private Token" description: "Log into your Typeform account and then generate a personal\ \ Access Token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Typeform\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 2 format: "date-time" form_ids: title: "Form IDs to replicate" description: "When this parameter is set, the connector will replicate data\ \ only from the input forms. Otherwise, all forms in your Typeform account\ \ will be replicated. You can find form IDs in your form URLs. For example,\ \ in the URL \"\" the form_id is\ \ u6nXL7. You can find form URLs on Share panel" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true order: 3 sourceType: title: "typeform" const: "typeform" enum: - "typeform" order: 0 type: "string" source-typeform-update: type: "object" required: - "credentials" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "access_token" - "token_expiry_date" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" description: "The Client ID of the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The Client Secret the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" refresh_token: type: "string" description: "The key to refresh the expired access_token." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Private Token" type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "access_token" enum: - "access_token" access_token: type: "string" title: "Private Token" description: "Log into your Typeform account and then generate a personal\ \ Access Token." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Typeform\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" order: 2 format: "date-time" form_ids: title: "Form IDs to replicate" description: "When this parameter is set, the connector will replicate data\ \ only from the input forms. Otherwise, all forms in your Typeform account\ \ will be replicated. You can find form IDs in your form URLs. For example,\ \ in the URL \"\" the form_id is\ \ u6nXL7. You can find form URLs on Share panel" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true order: 3 source-dremio: title: "Dremio Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "base_url" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key that is generated when you authenticate to Dremio\ \ API" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: type: "string" description: "URL of your Dremio instance" default: "" sourceType: title: "dremio" const: "dremio" enum: - "dremio" order: 0 type: "string" source-dremio-update: title: "Dremio Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "base_url" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "API Key that is generated when you authenticate to Dremio\ \ API" airbyte_secret: true base_url: type: "string" description: "URL of your Dremio instance" default: "" source-paypal-transaction: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "start_date" - "is_sandbox" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Paypal developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Paypal developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Start Date for data extraction in ISO format. Date must be in range from 3 years till 12 hrs before\ \ present time." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59Z" - "2021-06-11T23:59:59+00:00" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$" format: "date-time" order: 2 is_sandbox: title: "Sandbox" description: "Determines whether to use the sandbox or production environment." type: "boolean" default: false dispute_start_date: title: "Dispute Start Date Range" description: "Start Date parameter for the list dispute endpoint in ISO format.\ \ This Start Date must be in range within 180 days before present time,\ \ and requires ONLY 3 miliseconds(mandatory). If you don't use this option,\ \ it defaults to a start date set 180 days in the past." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59.000Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{3}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 3 end_date: title: "End Date" description: "End Date for data extraction in ISO format. This can be help you select specific range of time,\ \ mainly for test purposes or data integrity tests. When this is not\ \ used, now_utc() is used by the streams. This does not apply to Disputes\ \ and Product streams." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59Z" - "2021-06-11T23:59:59+00:00" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$" format: "date-time" order: 4 refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true time_window: type: "integer" title: "Number of days per request" description: "The number of days per request. Must be a number between 1\ \ and 31." default: 7 minimum: 1 maximum: 31 sourceType: title: "paypal-transaction" const: "paypal-transaction" enum: - "paypal-transaction" order: 0 type: "string" source-paypal-transaction-update: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "start_date" - "is_sandbox" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Paypal developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Paypal developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Start Date for data extraction in ISO format. Date must be in range from 3 years till 12 hrs before\ \ present time." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59Z" - "2021-06-11T23:59:59+00:00" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$" format: "date-time" order: 2 is_sandbox: title: "Sandbox" description: "Determines whether to use the sandbox or production environment." type: "boolean" default: false dispute_start_date: title: "Dispute Start Date Range" description: "Start Date parameter for the list dispute endpoint in ISO format.\ \ This Start Date must be in range within 180 days before present time,\ \ and requires ONLY 3 miliseconds(mandatory). If you don't use this option,\ \ it defaults to a start date set 180 days in the past." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59.000Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{3}Z$" format: "date-time" order: 3 end_date: title: "End Date" description: "End Date for data extraction in ISO format. This can be help you select specific range of time,\ \ mainly for test purposes or data integrity tests. When this is not\ \ used, now_utc() is used by the streams. This does not apply to Disputes\ \ and Product streams." type: "string" examples: - "2021-06-11T23:59:59Z" - "2021-06-11T23:59:59+00:00" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(|Z|[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})$" format: "date-time" order: 4 refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token." airbyte_secret: true time_window: type: "integer" title: "Number of days per request" description: "The number of days per request. Must be a number between 1\ \ and 31." default: 7 minimum: 1 maximum: 31 source-lemlist: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true title": "API key" description: "Lemlist API key," order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "lemlist" const: "lemlist" enum: - "lemlist" order: 0 type: "string" source-lemlist-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true title": "API key" description: "Lemlist API key," order: 0 source-pexels-api: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key from the pexels website" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key is required to access pexels api, For getting your's\ \ goto and create account for\ \ free." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true color: type: "string" title: "Specific color for the search" description: "Optional, Desired photo color. Supported colors red, orange,\ \ yellow, green, turquoise, blue, violet, pink, brown, black, gray, white\ \ or any hexidecimal color code." examples: - "red" - "orange" order: 1 locale: type: "string" title: "Specific locale for the search" description: "Optional, The locale of the search you are performing. The\ \ current supported locales are 'en-US' 'pt-BR' 'es-ES' 'ca-ES' 'de-DE'\ \ 'it-IT' 'fr-FR' 'sv-SE' 'id-ID' 'pl-PL' 'ja-JP' 'zh-TW' 'zh-CN' 'ko-KR'\ \ 'th-TH' 'nl-NL' 'hu-HU' 'vi-VN' 'cs-CZ' 'da-DK' 'fi-FI' 'uk-UA' 'el-GR'\ \ 'ro-RO' 'nb-NO' 'sk-SK' 'tr-TR' 'ru-RU'." examples: - "en-US" - "pt-BR" order: 2 orientation: type: "string" title: "Specific orientation for the search" description: "Optional, Desired photo orientation. The current supported\ \ orientations are landscape, portrait or square" examples: - "square" - "landscape" order: 3 query: type: "string" title: "Specific query for the search" description: "Optional, the search query, Example Ocean, Tigers, Pears,\ \ etc." examples: - "people" - "oceans" order: 4 size: type: "string" title: "Specific size for the search" description: "Optional, Minimum photo size. The current supported sizes\ \ are large(24MP), medium(12MP) or small(4MP)." examples: - "large" - "small" order: 5 sourceType: title: "pexels-api" const: "pexels-api" enum: - "pexels-api" order: 0 type: "string" source-pexels-api-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "query" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key from the pexels website" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key is required to access pexels api, For getting your's\ \ goto and create account for\ \ free." order: 0 color: type: "string" title: "Specific color for the search" description: "Optional, Desired photo color. Supported colors red, orange,\ \ yellow, green, turquoise, blue, violet, pink, brown, black, gray, white\ \ or any hexidecimal color code." examples: - "red" - "orange" order: 1 locale: type: "string" title: "Specific locale for the search" description: "Optional, The locale of the search you are performing. The\ \ current supported locales are 'en-US' 'pt-BR' 'es-ES' 'ca-ES' 'de-DE'\ \ 'it-IT' 'fr-FR' 'sv-SE' 'id-ID' 'pl-PL' 'ja-JP' 'zh-TW' 'zh-CN' 'ko-KR'\ \ 'th-TH' 'nl-NL' 'hu-HU' 'vi-VN' 'cs-CZ' 'da-DK' 'fi-FI' 'uk-UA' 'el-GR'\ \ 'ro-RO' 'nb-NO' 'sk-SK' 'tr-TR' 'ru-RU'." examples: - "en-US" - "pt-BR" order: 2 orientation: type: "string" title: "Specific orientation for the search" description: "Optional, Desired photo orientation. The current supported\ \ orientations are landscape, portrait or square" examples: - "square" - "landscape" order: 3 query: type: "string" title: "Specific query for the search" description: "Optional, the search query, Example Ocean, Tigers, Pears,\ \ etc." examples: - "people" - "oceans" order: 4 size: type: "string" title: "Specific size for the search" description: "Optional, Minimum photo size. The current supported sizes\ \ are large(24MP), medium(12MP) or small(4MP)." examples: - "large" - "small" order: 5 source-leadfeeder: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Api Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "leadfeeder" const: "leadfeeder" enum: - "leadfeeder" order: 0 type: "string" source-leadfeeder-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "start_date" properties: api_token: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Api Token" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-glassfrog: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key provided by Glassfrog" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "glassfrog" const: "glassfrog" enum: - "glassfrog" order: 0 type: "string" source-glassfrog-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "API key provided by Glassfrog" order: 0 source-facebook-marketing: title: "Source Facebook Marketing" type: "object" properties: account_ids: title: "Ad Account ID(s)" description: "The Facebook Ad account ID(s) to pull data from. The Ad account\ \ ID number is in the account dropdown menu or in your browser's address\ \ bar of your Meta Ads Manager. See the docs for more information." order: 0 pattern_descriptor: "The Ad Account ID must be a number." examples: - "111111111111111" minItems: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]+$" uniqueItems: true access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’s Dashboard,\ \ click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions ads_management,\ \ ads_read, read_insights, business_management. Then click on \"Get\ \ token\". See the docs for more information." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Facebook Marketing API" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Facebook Marketing (Oauth)" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID for the Facebook Marketing API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret for the Facebook Marketing API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’\ s Dashboard, click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions\ \ ads_management, ads_read, read_insights, business_management.\ \ Then click on \"Get token\". See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "auth_type" - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’\ s Dashboard, click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions\ \ ads_management, ads_read, read_insights, business_management.\ \ Then click on \"Get token\". See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "access_token" - "auth_type" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for all incremental\ \ streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. If not set then all data\ \ will be replicated for usual streams and only last 2 years for insight\ \ streams." order: 2 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for all\ \ incremental streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated\ \ between the start date and this end date will be replicated. Not setting\ \ this option will result in always syncing the latest data." order: 3 pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-26T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" campaign_statuses: title: "Campaign Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 4 type: "array" items: title: "ValidCampaignStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ARCHIVED" - "DELETED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "WITH_ISSUES" adset_statuses: title: "AdSet Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 5 type: "array" items: title: "ValidAdSetStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ARCHIVED" - "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" - "DELETED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "WITH_ISSUES" ad_statuses: title: "Ad Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 6 type: "array" items: title: "ValidAdStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ADSET_PAUSED" - "ARCHIVED" - "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" - "DELETED" - "DISAPPROVED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "PENDING_BILLING_INFO" - "PENDING_REVIEW" - "PREAPPROVED" - "WITH_ISSUES" fetch_thumbnail_images: title: "Fetch Thumbnail Images from Ad Creative" description: "Set to active if you want to fetch the thumbnail_url and store\ \ the result in thumbnail_data_url for each Ad Creative." default: false order: 7 type: "boolean" custom_insights: title: "Custom Insights" description: "A list which contains ad statistics entries, each entry must\ \ have a name and can contains fields, breakdowns or action_breakdowns.\ \ Click on \"add\" to fill this field." order: 8 type: "array" items: title: "InsightConfig" description: "Config for custom insights" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name value of insight" type: "string" level: title: "Level" description: "Chosen level for API" default: "ad" enum: - "ad" - "adset" - "campaign" - "account" type: "string" fields: title: "Fields" description: "A list of chosen fields for fields parameter" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "account_currency" - "account_id" - "account_name" - "action_values" - "actions" - "ad_click_actions" - "ad_id" - "ad_impression_actions" - "ad_name" - "adset_end" - "adset_id" - "adset_name" - "age_targeting" - "attribution_setting" - "auction_bid" - "auction_competitiveness" - "auction_max_competitor_bid" - "buying_type" - "campaign_id" - "campaign_name" - "canvas_avg_view_percent" - "canvas_avg_view_time" - "catalog_segment_actions" - "catalog_segment_value" - "catalog_segment_value_mobile_purchase_roas" - "catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_roas" - "catalog_segment_value_website_purchase_roas" - "clicks" - "conversion_rate_ranking" - "conversion_values" - "conversions" - "converted_product_quantity" - "converted_product_value" - "cost_per_15_sec_video_view" - "cost_per_2_sec_continuous_video_view" - "cost_per_action_type" - "cost_per_ad_click" - "cost_per_conversion" - "cost_per_dda_countby_convs" - "cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers" - "cost_per_inline_link_click" - "cost_per_inline_post_engagement" - "cost_per_one_thousand_ad_impression" - "cost_per_outbound_click" - "cost_per_thruplay" - "cost_per_unique_action_type" - "cost_per_unique_click" - "cost_per_unique_conversion" - "cost_per_unique_inline_link_click" - "cost_per_unique_outbound_click" - "cpc" - "cpm" - "cpp" - "created_time" - "creative_media_type" - "ctr" - "date_start" - "date_stop" - "dda_countby_convs" - "dda_results" - "engagement_rate_ranking" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate_lower_bound" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate_upper_bound" - "estimated_ad_recallers" - "estimated_ad_recallers_lower_bound" - "estimated_ad_recallers_upper_bound" - "frequency" - "full_view_impressions" - "full_view_reach" - "gender_targeting" - "impressions" - "inline_link_click_ctr" - "inline_link_clicks" - "inline_post_engagement" - "instagram_upcoming_event_reminders_set" - "instant_experience_clicks_to_open" - "instant_experience_clicks_to_start" - "instant_experience_outbound_clicks" - "interactive_component_tap" - "labels" - "location" - "marketing_messages_cost_per_delivered" - "marketing_messages_cost_per_link_btn_click" - "marketing_messages_spend" - "mobile_app_purchase_roas" - "objective" - "optimization_goal" - "outbound_clicks" - "outbound_clicks_ctr" - "place_page_name" - "purchase_roas" - "qualifying_question_qualify_answer_rate" - "quality_ranking" - "reach" - "social_spend" - "spend" - "total_postbacks" - "total_postbacks_detailed" - "total_postbacks_detailed_v4" - "unique_actions" - "unique_clicks" - "unique_conversions" - "unique_ctr" - "unique_inline_link_click_ctr" - "unique_inline_link_clicks" - "unique_link_clicks_ctr" - "unique_outbound_clicks" - "unique_outbound_clicks_ctr" - "unique_video_continuous_2_sec_watched_actions" - "unique_video_view_15_sec" - "updated_time" - "video_15_sec_watched_actions" - "video_30_sec_watched_actions" - "video_avg_time_watched_actions" - "video_continuous_2_sec_watched_actions" - "video_p100_watched_actions" - "video_p25_watched_actions" - "video_p50_watched_actions" - "video_p75_watched_actions" - "video_p95_watched_actions" - "video_play_actions" - "video_play_curve_actions" - "video_play_retention_0_to_15s_actions" - "video_play_retention_20_to_60s_actions" - "video_play_retention_graph_actions" - "video_thruplay_watched_actions" - "video_time_watched_actions" - "website_ctr" - "website_purchase_roas" - "wish_bid" breakdowns: title: "Breakdowns" description: "A list of chosen breakdowns for breakdowns" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidBreakdowns" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ad_format_asset" - "age" - "app_id" - "body_asset" - "call_to_action_asset" - "coarse_conversion_value" - "country" - "description_asset" - "device_platform" - "dma" - "fidelity_type" - "frequency_value" - "gender" - "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone" - "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone" - "hsid" - "image_asset" - "impression_device" - "is_conversion_id_modeled" - "landing_destination" - "link_url_asset" - "marketing_messages_btn_name" - "mdsa_landing_destination" - "media_asset_url" - "media_creator" - "media_destination_url" - "media_format" - "media_origin_url" - "media_text_content" - "mmm" - "place_page_id" - "platform_position" - "postback_sequence_index" - "product_id" - "publisher_platform" - "redownload" - "region" - "skan_campaign_id" - "skan_conversion_id" - "skan_version" - "standard_event_content_type" - "title_asset" - "video_asset" action_breakdowns: title: "Action Breakdowns" description: "A list of chosen action_breakdowns for action_breakdowns" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidActionBreakdowns" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "action_canvas_component_name" - "action_carousel_card_id" - "action_carousel_card_name" - "action_destination" - "action_device" - "action_reaction" - "action_target_id" - "action_type" - "action_video_sound" - "action_video_type" - "standard_event_content_type" action_report_time: title: "Action Report Time" description: "Determines the report time of action stats. For example,\ \ if a person saw the ad on Jan 1st but converted on Jan 2nd, when\ \ you query the API with action_report_time=impression, you see\ \ a conversion on Jan 1st. When you query the API with action_report_time=conversion,\ \ you see a conversion on Jan 2nd." default: "mixed" enum: - "conversion" - "impression" - "mixed" type: "string" time_increment: title: "Time Increment" description: "Time window in days by which to aggregate statistics.\ \ The sync will be chunked into N day intervals, where N is the\ \ number of days you specified. For example, if you set this value\ \ to 7, then all statistics will be reported as 7-day aggregates\ \ by starting from the start_date. If the start and end dates are\ \ October 1st and October 30th, then the connector will output 5\ \ records: 01 - 06, 07 - 13, 14 - 20, 21 - 27, and 28 - 30 (3 days\ \ only). The minimum allowed value for this field is 1, and the\ \ maximum is 89." default: 1 maximum: 89 minimum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ this stream, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ this stream, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated\ \ between the start date and this end date will be replicated. Not\ \ setting this option will result in always syncing the latest data." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-26T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" insights_lookback_window: title: "Custom Insights Lookback Window" description: "The attribution window" default: 28 maximum: 28 mininum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_job_timeout: title: "Custom Insights Job Timeout" description: "The insights job timeout" default: 60 maximum: 60 mininum: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" page_size: title: "Page Size of Requests" description: "Page size used when sending requests to Facebook API to specify\ \ number of records per page when response has pagination. Most users\ \ do not need to set this field unless they specifically need to tune\ \ the connector to address specific issues or use cases." default: 100 order: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_lookback_window: title: "Insights Lookback Window" description: "The attribution window. Facebook freezes insight data 28 days\ \ after it was generated, which means that all data from the past 28 days\ \ may have changed since we last emitted it, so you can retrieve refreshed\ \ insights from the past by setting this parameter. If you set a custom\ \ lookback window value in Facebook account, please provide the same value\ \ here." default: 28 order: 11 maximum: 28 mininum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_job_timeout: title: "Insights Job Timeout" description: "Insights Job Timeout establishes the maximum amount of time\ \ (in minutes) of waiting for the report job to complete. When timeout\ \ is reached the job is considered failed and we are trying to request\ \ smaller amount of data by breaking the job to few smaller ones. If you\ \ definitely know that 60 minutes is not enough for your report to be\ \ processed then you can decrease the timeout value, so we start breaking\ \ job to smaller parts faster." default: 60 order: 12 maximum: 60 mininum: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" action_breakdowns_allow_empty: title: "Action Breakdowns Allow Empty" description: "Allows action_breakdowns to be an empty list" default: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "boolean" client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client Id for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" sourceType: title: "facebook-marketing" const: "facebook-marketing" enum: - "facebook-marketing" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "account_ids" - "credentials" - "sourceType" source-facebook-marketing-update: title: "Source Facebook Marketing" type: "object" properties: account_ids: title: "Ad Account ID(s)" description: "The Facebook Ad account ID(s) to pull data from. The Ad account\ \ ID number is in the account dropdown menu or in your browser's address\ \ bar of your Meta Ads Manager. See the docs for more information." order: 0 pattern_descriptor: "The Ad Account ID must be a number." examples: - "111111111111111" minItems: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]+$" uniqueItems: true access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’s Dashboard,\ \ click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions ads_management,\ \ ads_read, read_insights, business_management. Then click on \"Get\ \ token\". See the docs for more information." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true type: "string" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Facebook Marketing API" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Facebook Marketing (Oauth)" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID for the Facebook Marketing API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret for the Facebook Marketing API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’\ s Dashboard, click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions\ \ ads_management, ads_read, read_insights, business_management.\ \ Then click on \"Get token\". See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "auth_type" - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" access_token: title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the generated access token. From your App’\ s Dashboard, click on \"Marketing API\" then \"Tools\". Select permissions\ \ ads_management, ads_read, read_insights, business_management.\ \ Then click on \"Get token\". See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "access_token" - "auth_type" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for all incremental\ \ streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. If not set then all data\ \ will be replicated for usual streams and only last 2 years for insight\ \ streams." order: 2 pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for all\ \ incremental streams, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated\ \ between the start date and this end date will be replicated. Not setting\ \ this option will result in always syncing the latest data." order: 3 pattern: "^$|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-26T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" campaign_statuses: title: "Campaign Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 4 type: "array" items: title: "ValidCampaignStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ARCHIVED" - "DELETED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "WITH_ISSUES" adset_statuses: title: "AdSet Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 5 type: "array" items: title: "ValidAdSetStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ARCHIVED" - "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" - "DELETED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "WITH_ISSUES" ad_statuses: title: "Ad Statuses" description: "Select the statuses you want to be loaded in the stream. If\ \ no specific statuses are selected, the API's default behavior applies,\ \ and some statuses may be filtered out." default: [] order: 6 type: "array" items: title: "ValidAdStatuses" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ACTIVE" - "ADSET_PAUSED" - "ARCHIVED" - "CAMPAIGN_PAUSED" - "DELETED" - "DISAPPROVED" - "IN_PROCESS" - "PAUSED" - "PENDING_BILLING_INFO" - "PENDING_REVIEW" - "PREAPPROVED" - "WITH_ISSUES" fetch_thumbnail_images: title: "Fetch Thumbnail Images from Ad Creative" description: "Set to active if you want to fetch the thumbnail_url and store\ \ the result in thumbnail_data_url for each Ad Creative." default: false order: 7 type: "boolean" custom_insights: title: "Custom Insights" description: "A list which contains ad statistics entries, each entry must\ \ have a name and can contains fields, breakdowns or action_breakdowns.\ \ Click on \"add\" to fill this field." order: 8 type: "array" items: title: "InsightConfig" description: "Config for custom insights" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name value of insight" type: "string" level: title: "Level" description: "Chosen level for API" default: "ad" enum: - "ad" - "adset" - "campaign" - "account" type: "string" fields: title: "Fields" description: "A list of chosen fields for fields parameter" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "account_currency" - "account_id" - "account_name" - "action_values" - "actions" - "ad_click_actions" - "ad_id" - "ad_impression_actions" - "ad_name" - "adset_end" - "adset_id" - "adset_name" - "age_targeting" - "attribution_setting" - "auction_bid" - "auction_competitiveness" - "auction_max_competitor_bid" - "buying_type" - "campaign_id" - "campaign_name" - "canvas_avg_view_percent" - "canvas_avg_view_time" - "catalog_segment_actions" - "catalog_segment_value" - "catalog_segment_value_mobile_purchase_roas" - "catalog_segment_value_omni_purchase_roas" - "catalog_segment_value_website_purchase_roas" - "clicks" - "conversion_rate_ranking" - "conversion_values" - "conversions" - "converted_product_quantity" - "converted_product_value" - "cost_per_15_sec_video_view" - "cost_per_2_sec_continuous_video_view" - "cost_per_action_type" - "cost_per_ad_click" - "cost_per_conversion" - "cost_per_dda_countby_convs" - "cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers" - "cost_per_inline_link_click" - "cost_per_inline_post_engagement" - "cost_per_one_thousand_ad_impression" - "cost_per_outbound_click" - "cost_per_thruplay" - "cost_per_unique_action_type" - "cost_per_unique_click" - "cost_per_unique_conversion" - "cost_per_unique_inline_link_click" - "cost_per_unique_outbound_click" - "cpc" - "cpm" - "cpp" - "created_time" - "creative_media_type" - "ctr" - "date_start" - "date_stop" - "dda_countby_convs" - "dda_results" - "engagement_rate_ranking" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate_lower_bound" - "estimated_ad_recall_rate_upper_bound" - "estimated_ad_recallers" - "estimated_ad_recallers_lower_bound" - "estimated_ad_recallers_upper_bound" - "frequency" - "full_view_impressions" - "full_view_reach" - "gender_targeting" - "impressions" - "inline_link_click_ctr" - "inline_link_clicks" - "inline_post_engagement" - "instagram_upcoming_event_reminders_set" - "instant_experience_clicks_to_open" - "instant_experience_clicks_to_start" - "instant_experience_outbound_clicks" - "interactive_component_tap" - "labels" - "location" - "marketing_messages_cost_per_delivered" - "marketing_messages_cost_per_link_btn_click" - "marketing_messages_spend" - "mobile_app_purchase_roas" - "objective" - "optimization_goal" - "outbound_clicks" - "outbound_clicks_ctr" - "place_page_name" - "purchase_roas" - "qualifying_question_qualify_answer_rate" - "quality_ranking" - "reach" - "social_spend" - "spend" - "total_postbacks" - "total_postbacks_detailed" - "total_postbacks_detailed_v4" - "unique_actions" - "unique_clicks" - "unique_conversions" - "unique_ctr" - "unique_inline_link_click_ctr" - "unique_inline_link_clicks" - "unique_link_clicks_ctr" - "unique_outbound_clicks" - "unique_outbound_clicks_ctr" - "unique_video_continuous_2_sec_watched_actions" - "unique_video_view_15_sec" - "updated_time" - "video_15_sec_watched_actions" - "video_30_sec_watched_actions" - "video_avg_time_watched_actions" - "video_continuous_2_sec_watched_actions" - "video_p100_watched_actions" - "video_p25_watched_actions" - "video_p50_watched_actions" - "video_p75_watched_actions" - "video_p95_watched_actions" - "video_play_actions" - "video_play_curve_actions" - "video_play_retention_0_to_15s_actions" - "video_play_retention_20_to_60s_actions" - "video_play_retention_graph_actions" - "video_thruplay_watched_actions" - "video_time_watched_actions" - "website_ctr" - "website_purchase_roas" - "wish_bid" breakdowns: title: "Breakdowns" description: "A list of chosen breakdowns for breakdowns" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidBreakdowns" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "ad_format_asset" - "age" - "app_id" - "body_asset" - "call_to_action_asset" - "coarse_conversion_value" - "country" - "description_asset" - "device_platform" - "dma" - "fidelity_type" - "frequency_value" - "gender" - "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone" - "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone" - "hsid" - "image_asset" - "impression_device" - "is_conversion_id_modeled" - "landing_destination" - "link_url_asset" - "marketing_messages_btn_name" - "mdsa_landing_destination" - "media_asset_url" - "media_creator" - "media_destination_url" - "media_format" - "media_origin_url" - "media_text_content" - "mmm" - "place_page_id" - "platform_position" - "postback_sequence_index" - "product_id" - "publisher_platform" - "redownload" - "region" - "skan_campaign_id" - "skan_conversion_id" - "skan_version" - "standard_event_content_type" - "title_asset" - "video_asset" action_breakdowns: title: "Action Breakdowns" description: "A list of chosen action_breakdowns for action_breakdowns" default: [] type: "array" items: title: "ValidActionBreakdowns" description: "An enumeration." enum: - "action_canvas_component_name" - "action_carousel_card_id" - "action_carousel_card_name" - "action_destination" - "action_device" - "action_reaction" - "action_target_id" - "action_type" - "action_video_sound" - "action_video_type" - "standard_event_content_type" action_report_time: title: "Action Report Time" description: "Determines the report time of action stats. For example,\ \ if a person saw the ad on Jan 1st but converted on Jan 2nd, when\ \ you query the API with action_report_time=impression, you see\ \ a conversion on Jan 1st. When you query the API with action_report_time=conversion,\ \ you see a conversion on Jan 2nd." default: "mixed" enum: - "conversion" - "impression" - "mixed" type: "string" time_increment: title: "Time Increment" description: "Time window in days by which to aggregate statistics.\ \ The sync will be chunked into N day intervals, where N is the\ \ number of days you specified. For example, if you set this value\ \ to 7, then all statistics will be reported as 7-day aggregates\ \ by starting from the start_date. If the start and end dates are\ \ October 1st and October 30th, then the connector will output 5\ \ records: 01 - 06, 07 - 13, 14 - 20, 21 - 27, and 28 - 30 (3 days\ \ only). The minimum allowed value for this field is 1, and the\ \ maximum is 89." default: 1 maximum: 89 minimum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ this stream, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" end_date: title: "End Date" description: "The date until which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ this stream, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated\ \ between the start date and this end date will be replicated. Not\ \ setting this option will result in always syncing the latest data." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2017-01-26T00:00:00Z" type: "string" format: "date-time" insights_lookback_window: title: "Custom Insights Lookback Window" description: "The attribution window" default: 28 maximum: 28 mininum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_job_timeout: title: "Custom Insights Job Timeout" description: "The insights job timeout" default: 60 maximum: 60 mininum: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" page_size: title: "Page Size of Requests" description: "Page size used when sending requests to Facebook API to specify\ \ number of records per page when response has pagination. Most users\ \ do not need to set this field unless they specifically need to tune\ \ the connector to address specific issues or use cases." default: 100 order: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_lookback_window: title: "Insights Lookback Window" description: "The attribution window. Facebook freezes insight data 28 days\ \ after it was generated, which means that all data from the past 28 days\ \ may have changed since we last emitted it, so you can retrieve refreshed\ \ insights from the past by setting this parameter. If you set a custom\ \ lookback window value in Facebook account, please provide the same value\ \ here." default: 28 order: 11 maximum: 28 mininum: 1 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" insights_job_timeout: title: "Insights Job Timeout" description: "Insights Job Timeout establishes the maximum amount of time\ \ (in minutes) of waiting for the report job to complete. When timeout\ \ is reached the job is considered failed and we are trying to request\ \ smaller amount of data by breaking the job to few smaller ones. If you\ \ definitely know that 60 minutes is not enough for your report to be\ \ processed then you can decrease the timeout value, so we start breaking\ \ job to smaller parts faster." default: 60 order: 12 maximum: 60 mininum: 10 exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" action_breakdowns_allow_empty: title: "Action Breakdowns Allow Empty" description: "Allows action_breakdowns to be an empty list" default: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "boolean" client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client Id for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" required: - "account_ids" - "credentials" source-recruitee: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "company_id" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Recruitee API Key. See here." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true company_id: type: "integer" title: "Company ID" description: "Recruitee Company ID. You can also find this ID on the Recruitee API\ \ tokens page." order: 1 sourceType: title: "recruitee" const: "recruitee" enum: - "recruitee" order: 0 type: "string" source-recruitee-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "company_id" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Recruitee API Key. See here." order: 0 company_id: type: "integer" title: "Company ID" description: "Recruitee Company ID. You can also find this ID on the Recruitee API\ \ tokens page." order: 1 source-airbyte: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "client_id" start_date: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" client_secret: type: "string" order: 2 title: "client_secret" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "airbyte" const: "airbyte" enum: - "airbyte" order: 0 type: "string" source-airbyte-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: client_id: type: "string" order: 1 title: "client_id" start_date: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" client_secret: type: "string" order: 2 title: "client_secret" airbyte_secret: true source-survey-sparrow: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: access_token: type: "string" description: "Your access token. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true region: type: "object" title: "Base URL" description: "Is your account location is EU based? If yes, the base url\ \ to retrieve data will be different." oneOf: - type: "object" title: "EU-based account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" - type: "object" title: "Global account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" default: type: "object" title: "Global account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" order: 1 survey_id: type: "array" description: "A List of your survey ids for survey-specific stream" order: 2 sourceType: title: "survey-sparrow" const: "survey-sparrow" enum: - "survey-sparrow" order: 0 type: "string" source-survey-sparrow-update: type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: access_token: type: "string" description: "Your access token. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 region: type: "object" title: "Base URL" description: "Is your account location is EU based? If yes, the base url\ \ to retrieve data will be different." oneOf: - type: "object" title: "EU-based account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" - type: "object" title: "Global account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" default: type: "object" title: "Global account" properties: url_base: type: "string" const: "" enum: - "" order: 1 survey_id: type: "array" description: "A List of your survey ids for survey-specific stream" order: 2 source-azure-table: title: "Azure Data Table Spec" type: "object" required: - "storage_account_name" - "storage_access_key" - "sourceType" properties: storage_account_name: title: "Account Name" type: "string" description: "The name of your storage account." order: 0 airbyte_secret: false storage_access_key: title: "Access Key" type: "string" description: "Azure Table Storage Access Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true storage_endpoint_suffix: title: "Endpoint Suffix" type: "string" description: "Azure Table Storage service account URL suffix. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain endpoint suffix" order: 2 default: "" examples: - "" - "" airbyte_secret: false sourceType: title: "azure-table" const: "azure-table" enum: - "azure-table" order: 0 type: "string" source-azure-table-update: title: "Azure Data Table Spec" type: "object" required: - "storage_account_name" - "storage_access_key" properties: storage_account_name: title: "Account Name" type: "string" description: "The name of your storage account." order: 0 airbyte_secret: false storage_access_key: title: "Access Key" type: "string" description: "Azure Table Storage Access Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." order: 1 airbyte_secret: true storage_endpoint_suffix: title: "Endpoint Suffix" type: "string" description: "Azure Table Storage service account URL suffix. See the docs\ \ for more information on how to obtain endpoint suffix" order: 2 default: "" examples: - "" - "" airbyte_secret: false source-customer-io: type: "object" required: - "app_api_key" - "sourceType" properties: app_api_key: type: "string" title: " App API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "customer-io" const: "customer-io" enum: - "customer-io" order: 0 type: "string" source-customer-io-update: type: "object" required: - "app_api_key" properties: app_api_key: type: "string" title: " App API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-surveymonkey: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "credentials" - "sourceType" properties: origin: type: "string" order: 1 enum: - "USA" - "Europe" - "Canada" default: "USA" title: "Origin datacenter of the SurveyMonkey account" description: "Depending on the originating datacenter of the SurveyMonkey\ \ account, the API access URL may be different." credentials: title: "SurveyMonkey Authorization Method" description: "The authorization method to use to retrieve data from SurveyMonkey" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "access_token" order: 2 properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: title: "Access Token" order: 3 type: "string" airbyte_secret: true description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests. See the\ \ docs for information on how to generate this key." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" order: 3 type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z?$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" survey_ids: type: "array" order: 1000 items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{8,9}$" title: "Survey Monkey survey IDs" description: "IDs of the surveys from which you'd like to replicate data.\ \ If left empty, data from all boards to which you have access will be\ \ replicated." sourceType: title: "surveymonkey" const: "surveymonkey" enum: - "surveymonkey" order: 0 type: "string" source-surveymonkey-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "credentials" properties: origin: type: "string" order: 1 enum: - "USA" - "Europe" - "Canada" default: "USA" title: "Origin datacenter of the SurveyMonkey account" description: "Depending on the originating datacenter of the SurveyMonkey\ \ account, the API access URL may be different." credentials: title: "SurveyMonkey Authorization Method" description: "The authorization method to use to retrieve data from SurveyMonkey" type: "object" required: - "auth_method" - "access_token" order: 2 properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 access_token: title: "Access Token" order: 3 type: "string" airbyte_secret: true description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests. See the\ \ docs for information on how to generate this key." start_date: title: "Start Date" order: 3 type: "string" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z?$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" survey_ids: type: "array" order: 1000 items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{8,9}$" title: "Survey Monkey survey IDs" description: "IDs of the surveys from which you'd like to replicate data.\ \ If left empty, data from all boards to which you have access will be\ \ replicated." source-persistiq: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "PersistIq API Key. See the docs for more information on where to find that key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "persistiq" const: "persistiq" enum: - "persistiq" order: 0 type: "string" source-persistiq-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "PersistIq API Key. See the docs for more information on where to find that key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-configcat: type: "object" required: - "username" - "password" - "sourceType" properties: username: type: "string" description: "Basic auth user name. See here." title: "Username" order: 0 password: type: "string" description: "Basic auth password. See here." title: "Password" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "configcat" const: "configcat" enum: - "configcat" order: 0 type: "string" source-configcat-update: type: "object" required: - "username" - "password" properties: username: type: "string" description: "Basic auth user name. See here." title: "Username" order: 0 password: type: "string" description: "Basic auth password. See here." title: "Password" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-reddit: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true query: type: "string" description: "Specifies the query for searching in reddits and subreddits" order: 1 title: "Query" default: "airbyte" include_over_18: type: "boolean" description: "Includes mature content" order: 2 title: "Include over 18 flag" default: false exact: type: "boolean" description: "Specifies exact keyword and reduces distractions" order: 3 title: "Exact" limit: type: "number" description: "Max records per page limit" order: 4 title: "Limit" default: "1000" subreddits: type: "array" description: "Subreddits for exploration" order: 5 title: "Subreddits" default: - "r/funny" - "r/AskReddit" start_date: type: "string" order: 6 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "reddit" const: "reddit" enum: - "reddit" order: 0 type: "string" source-reddit-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true query: type: "string" description: "Specifies the query for searching in reddits and subreddits" order: 1 title: "Query" default: "airbyte" include_over_18: type: "boolean" description: "Includes mature content" order: 2 title: "Include over 18 flag" default: false exact: type: "boolean" description: "Specifies exact keyword and reduces distractions" order: 3 title: "Exact" limit: type: "number" description: "Max records per page limit" order: 4 title: "Limit" default: "1000" subreddits: type: "array" description: "Subreddits for exploration" order: 5 title: "Subreddits" default: - "r/funny" - "r/AskReddit" start_date: type: "string" order: 6 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-insightly: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "token" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: - "string" - "null" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Insightly\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated. Note that it will be used only for incremental streams." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 0 token: type: - "string" - "null" title: "API Token" description: "Your Insightly API token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "insightly" const: "insightly" enum: - "insightly" order: 0 type: "string" source-insightly-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "token" properties: start_date: type: - "string" - "null" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Insightly\ \ in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this date\ \ will be replicated. Note that it will be used only for incremental streams." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" order: 0 token: type: - "string" - "null" title: "API Token" description: "Your Insightly API token." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 source-cart: title: " Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" description: "" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Central API Router" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "auth_type" - "user_name" - "user_secret" - "site_id" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "CENTRAL_API_ROUTER" order: 0 enum: - "CENTRAL_API_ROUTER" user_name: type: "string" title: "User Name" description: "Enter your application's User Name" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 user_secret: type: "string" title: "User Secret" description: "Enter your application's User Secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 site_id: type: "string" title: "Site ID" description: "You can determine a site provisioning site Id by hitting\ \ and reading the response\ \ param PSID" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 - title: "Single Store Access Token" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "auth_type" - "access_token" - "store_name" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "SINGLE_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN" order: 0 enum: - "SINGLE_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true store_name: type: "string" title: "Store Name" order: 2 description: "The name of Online Store. All API URLs start\ \ with https://[]/api/v1/, where []\ \ is the domain name of your store." start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" sourceType: title: "cart" const: "cart" enum: - "cart" order: 0 type: "string" source-cart-update: title: " Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" description: "" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Central API Router" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "auth_type" - "user_name" - "user_secret" - "site_id" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "CENTRAL_API_ROUTER" order: 0 enum: - "CENTRAL_API_ROUTER" user_name: type: "string" title: "User Name" description: "Enter your application's User Name" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 user_secret: type: "string" title: "User Secret" description: "Enter your application's User Secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 site_id: type: "string" title: "Site ID" description: "You can determine a site provisioning site Id by hitting\ \ and reading the response\ \ param PSID" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 - title: "Single Store Access Token" type: "object" order: 1 required: - "auth_type" - "access_token" - "store_name" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "SINGLE_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN" order: 0 enum: - "SINGLE_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." store_name: type: "string" title: "Store Name" order: 2 description: "The name of Online Store. All API URLs start\ \ with https://[]/api/v1/, where []\ \ is the domain name of your store." start_date: title: "Start Date" type: "string" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate the data" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" source-oracle: title: "Oracle Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "encryption" - "sourceType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database.\nOracle Corporations recommends the\ \ following port numbers:\n1521 - Default listening port for client connections\ \ to the listener. \n2484 - Recommended and officially registered listening\ \ port for client connections to the listener using TCP/IP with SSL" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1521 order: 2 connection_data: title: "Connect by" type: "object" description: "Connect data that will be used for DB connection" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Service name" description: "Use service name" required: - "service_name" properties: connection_type: type: "string" const: "service_name" order: 0 enum: - "service_name" service_name: title: "Service name" type: "string" order: 1 - title: "System ID (SID)" description: "Use SID (Oracle System Identifier)" required: - "sid" properties: connection_type: type: "string" const: "sid" order: 0 enum: - "sid" sid: title: "System ID (SID)" type: "string" order: 1 username: title: "User" description: "The username which is used to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Defaults to user. Case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true order: 6 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 7 encryption: title: "Encryption" type: "object" description: "The encryption method with is used when communicating with\ \ the database." order: 8 oneOf: - title: "Native Network Encryption (NNE)" description: "The native network encryption gives you the ability to encrypt\ \ database connections, without the configuration overhead of TCP/IP\ \ and SSL/TLS and without the need to open and listen on different ports." required: - "encryption_method" properties: encryption_method: type: "string" const: "client_nne" enum: - "client_nne" encryption_algorithm: type: "string" description: "This parameter defines what encryption algorithm is\ \ used." title: "Encryption Algorithm" default: "AES256" enum: - "AES256" - "RC4_56" - "3DES168" - title: "TLS Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "encryption_method" - "ssl_certificate" properties: encryption_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" ssl_certificate: title: "SSL PEM File" description: "Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files are concatenated certificate\ \ containers frequently used in certificate installations." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "oracle" const: "oracle" enum: - "oracle" order: 0 type: "string" source-oracle-update: title: "Oracle Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "encryption" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database.\nOracle Corporations recommends the\ \ following port numbers:\n1521 - Default listening port for client connections\ \ to the listener. \n2484 - Recommended and officially registered listening\ \ port for client connections to the listener using TCP/IP with SSL" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1521 order: 2 connection_data: title: "Connect by" type: "object" description: "Connect data that will be used for DB connection" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Service name" description: "Use service name" required: - "service_name" properties: connection_type: type: "string" const: "service_name" order: 0 enum: - "service_name" service_name: title: "Service name" type: "string" order: 1 - title: "System ID (SID)" description: "Use SID (Oracle System Identifier)" required: - "sid" properties: connection_type: type: "string" const: "sid" order: 0 enum: - "sid" sid: title: "System ID (SID)" type: "string" order: 1 username: title: "User" description: "The username which is used to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Defaults to user. Case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true order: 6 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 7 encryption: title: "Encryption" type: "object" description: "The encryption method with is used when communicating with\ \ the database." order: 8 oneOf: - title: "Native Network Encryption (NNE)" description: "The native network encryption gives you the ability to encrypt\ \ database connections, without the configuration overhead of TCP/IP\ \ and SSL/TLS and without the need to open and listen on different ports." required: - "encryption_method" properties: encryption_method: type: "string" const: "client_nne" enum: - "client_nne" encryption_algorithm: type: "string" description: "This parameter defines what encryption algorithm is\ \ used." title: "Encryption Algorithm" default: "AES256" enum: - "AES256" - "RC4_56" - "3DES168" - title: "TLS Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "encryption_method" - "ssl_certificate" properties: encryption_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" ssl_certificate: title: "SSL PEM File" description: "Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files are concatenated certificate\ \ containers frequently used in certificate installations." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-appfollow: type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: api_secret: type: "string" description: "API Key provided by Appfollow" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 sourceType: title: "appfollow" const: "appfollow" enum: - "appfollow" order: 0 type: "string" source-appfollow-update: type: "object" required: [] properties: api_secret: type: "string" description: "API Key provided by Appfollow" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-chartmogul: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Your Chartmogul API key. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. When\ \ feasible, any data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 1 format: "date-time" sourceType: title: "chartmogul" const: "chartmogul" enum: - "chartmogul" order: 0 type: "string" source-chartmogul-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "Your Chartmogul API key. See the docs for info on how to obtain this." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. When\ \ feasible, any data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 1 format: "date-time" source-coinmarketcap: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "data_type" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Your API Key. See here. The token is case sensitive." order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true data_type: type: "string" title: "Data type" enum: - "latest" - "historical" description: "/latest: Latest market ticker quotes and averages for cryptocurrencies\ \ and exchanges. /historical: Intervals of historic market data like OHLCV\ \ data or data for use in charting libraries. See here." order: 1 symbols: type: "array" title: "Symbol" items: type: "string" description: "Cryptocurrency symbols. (only used for quotes stream)" minItems: 1 examples: - "AVAX" - "BTC" order: 2 sourceType: title: "coinmarketcap" const: "coinmarketcap" enum: - "coinmarketcap" order: 0 type: "string" source-coinmarketcap-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "data_type" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Your API Key. See here. The token is case sensitive." order: 0 data_type: type: "string" title: "Data type" enum: - "latest" - "historical" description: "/latest: Latest market ticker quotes and averages for cryptocurrencies\ \ and exchanges. /historical: Intervals of historic market data like OHLCV\ \ data or data for use in charting libraries. See here." order: 1 symbols: type: "array" title: "Symbol" items: type: "string" description: "Cryptocurrency symbols. (only used for quotes stream)" minItems: 1 examples: - "AVAX" - "BTC" order: 2 source-dixa: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Dixa API token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true batch_size: type: "integer" description: "Number of days to batch into one request. Max 31." pattern: "^[0-9]{1,2}$" examples: - 1 - 31 default: 31 order: 2 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" description: "The connector pulls records updated from this date onwards." examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" order: 3 sourceType: title: "dixa" const: "dixa" enum: - "dixa" order: 0 type: "string" source-dixa-update: type: "object" required: - "api_token" - "start_date" properties: api_token: type: "string" description: "Dixa API token" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 batch_size: type: "integer" description: "Number of days to batch into one request. Max 31." pattern: "^[0-9]{1,2}$" examples: - 1 - 31 default: 31 order: 2 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start date" format: "date-time" description: "The connector pulls records updated from this date onwards." examples: - "YYYY-MM-DD" order: 3 source-freshcaller: title: "Freshcaller Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: domain: type: "string" title: "Domain for Freshcaller account" description: "Used to construct Base URL for the Freshcaller APIs" examples: - "snaptravel" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Freshcaller API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true requests_per_minute: title: "Requests per minute" type: "integer" description: "The number of requests per minute that this source allowed\ \ to use. There is a rate limit of 50 requests per minute per app per\ \ account." start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time. Any data created after this date will be\ \ replicated." format: "date-time" type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-01-01T12:00:00Z" sync_lag_minutes: title: "Lag in minutes for each sync" type: "integer" description: "Lag in minutes for each sync, i.e., at time T, data for the\ \ time range [prev_sync_time, T-30] will be fetched" sourceType: title: "freshcaller" const: "freshcaller" enum: - "freshcaller" order: 0 type: "string" source-freshcaller-update: title: "Freshcaller Spec" type: "object" required: - "domain" - "api_key" properties: domain: type: "string" title: "Domain for Freshcaller account" description: "Used to construct Base URL for the Freshcaller APIs" examples: - "snaptravel" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Freshcaller API Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true requests_per_minute: title: "Requests per minute" type: "integer" description: "The number of requests per minute that this source allowed\ \ to use. There is a rate limit of 50 requests per minute per app per\ \ account." start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time. Any data created after this date will be\ \ replicated." format: "date-time" type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" examples: - "2022-01-01T12:00:00Z" sync_lag_minutes: title: "Lag in minutes for each sync" type: "integer" description: "Lag in minutes for each sync, i.e., at time T, data for the\ \ time range [prev_sync_time, T-30] will be fetched" source-recharge: title: "Recharge Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Recharge\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Any data before this date will\ \ not be replicated." examples: - "2021-05-14T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the Access Token generated. See the docs for\ \ more information." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true use_orders_deprecated_api: type: "boolean" title: "Use `Orders` Deprecated API" description: "Define whether or not the `Orders` stream should use the deprecated\ \ `2021-01` API version, or use `2021-11`, otherwise." default: true sourceType: title: "recharge" const: "recharge" enum: - "recharge" order: 0 type: "string" source-recharge-update: title: "Recharge Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "access_token" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Recharge\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. Any data before this date will\ \ not be replicated." examples: - "2021-05-14T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" format: "date-time" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "The value of the Access Token generated. See the docs for\ \ more information." airbyte_secret: true use_orders_deprecated_api: type: "boolean" title: "Use `Orders` Deprecated API" description: "Define whether or not the `Orders` stream should use the deprecated\ \ `2021-01` API version, or use `2021-11`, otherwise." default: true source-aha: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "url" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Bearer Token" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true url: type: "string" description: "URL" title: "Aha Url Instance" order: 1 sourceType: title: "aha" const: "aha" enum: - "aha" order: 0 type: "string" source-aha-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "url" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Bearer Token" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 url: type: "string" description: "URL" title: "Aha Url Instance" order: 1 source-datascope: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Authorization" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Start date for the data to be replicated" examples: - "dd/mm/YYYY HH:MM" pattern: "^[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 sourceType: title: "datascope" const: "datascope" enum: - "datascope" order: 0 type: "string" source-datascope-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "Authorization" airbyte_secret: true description: "API Key" order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Start date for the data to be replicated" examples: - "dd/mm/YYYY HH:MM" pattern: "^[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$" order: 1 source-metabase: type: "object" required: - "instance_api_url" - "username" - "sourceType" properties: instance_api_url: type: "string" title: "Metabase Instance API URL" description: "URL to your metabase instance API" examples: - "https://localhost:3000/api/" pattern: "^https://" order: 0 username: type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 password: type: "string" title: "Password" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true session_token: type: "string" description: "To generate your session token, you need to run the following\ \ command: ``` curl -X POST \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/json\"\ \ \\\n -d '{\"username\": \"\", \"password\": \"fakepassword\"\ }' \\\n http://localhost:3000/api/session\n``` Then copy the value of\ \ the `id` field returned by a successful call to that API.\nNote that\ \ by default, sessions are good for 14 days and needs to be regenerated." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "metabase" const: "metabase" enum: - "metabase" order: 0 type: "string" source-metabase-update: type: "object" required: - "instance_api_url" - "username" properties: instance_api_url: type: "string" title: "Metabase Instance API URL" description: "URL to your metabase instance API" examples: - "https://localhost:3000/api/" pattern: "^https://" order: 0 username: type: "string" title: "Username" order: 1 password: type: "string" title: "Password" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true order: 2 session_token: type: "string" description: "To generate your session token, you need to run the following\ \ command: ``` curl -X POST \\\n -H \"Content-Type: application/json\"\ \ \\\n -d '{\"username\": \"\", \"password\": \"fakepassword\"\ }' \\\n http://localhost:3000/api/session\n``` Then copy the value of\ \ the `id` field returned by a successful call to that API.\nNote that\ \ by default, sessions are good for 14 days and needs to be regenerated." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 source-bing-ads: title: "Bing Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "developer_token" - "client_id" - "refresh_token" - "sourceType" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" tenant_id: type: "string" title: "Tenant ID" description: "The Tenant ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application.\ \ Set this to \"common\" unless you know you need a different value." airbyte_secret: true default: "common" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Advertising developer\ \ application." default: "" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true developer_token: type: "string" title: "Developer Token" description: "Developer token associated with user. See more info in the docs." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true account_names: title: "Account Names Predicates" description: "Predicates that will be used to sync data by specific accounts." type: "array" order: 5 items: description: "Account Names Predicates Config." type: "object" properties: operator: title: "Operator" description: "An Operator that will be used to filter accounts. The\ \ Contains predicate has features for matching words, matching inflectional\ \ forms of words, searching using wildcard characters, and searching\ \ using proximity. The Equals is used to return all rows where account\ \ name is equal(=) to the string that you provided" type: "string" enum: - "Contains" - "Equals" name: title: "Account Name" description: "Account Name is a string value for comparing with the\ \ specified predicate." type: "string" required: - "operator" - "name" reports_start_date: type: "string" title: "Reports replication start date" format: "date" description: "The start date from which to begin replicating report data.\ \ Any data generated before this date will not be replicated in reports.\ \ This is a UTC date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If not set, data from previous\ \ and current calendar year will be replicated." order: 6 lookback_window: title: "Lookback window" description: "Also known as attribution or conversion window. How far into\ \ the past to look for records (in days). If your conversion window has\ \ an hours/minutes granularity, round it up to the number of days exceeding.\ \ Used only for performance report streams in incremental mode without\ \ specified Reports Start Date." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 90 order: 7 custom_reports: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Bing Ads report by creating one." order: 8 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Report Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name" type: "string" examples: - "Account Performance" - "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReport" - "custom report" reporting_object: title: "Reporting Data Object" description: "The name of the the object derives from the ReportRequest\ \ object. You can find it in Bing Ads Api docs - Reporting API -\ \ Reporting Data Objects." type: "string" enum: - "AccountPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdExtensionByAdReportRequest" - "AdExtensionByKeywordReportRequest" - "AdExtensionDetailReportRequest" - "AdGroupPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdPerformanceReportRequest" - "AgeGenderAudienceReportRequest" - "AudiencePerformanceReportRequest" - "CallDetailReportRequest" - "CampaignPerformanceReportRequest" - "ConversionPerformanceReportRequest" - "DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSACategoryPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "GeographicPerformanceReportRequest" - "GoalsAndFunnelsReportRequest" - "HotelDimensionPerformanceReportRequest" - "HotelGroupPerformanceReportRequest" - "KeywordPerformanceReportRequest" - "NegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest" - "ProductDimensionPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductMatchCountReportRequest" - "ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest" - "ProductPartitionPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportRequest" - "PublisherUsagePerformanceReportRequest" - "SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportRequest" - "SearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "ShareOfVoiceReportRequest" - "UserLocationPerformanceReportRequest" report_columns: title: "Columns" description: "A list of available report object columns. You can find\ \ it in description of reporting object that you want to add to\ \ custom report." type: "array" items: description: "Name of report column." type: "string" minItems: 1 report_aggregation: title: "Aggregation" description: "A list of available aggregations." type: "string" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration of aggregations." enum: - "Hourly" - "Daily" - "Weekly" - "Monthly" - "DayOfWeek" - "HourOfDay" - "WeeklyStartingMonday" - "Summary" default: - "Hourly" required: - "name" - "reporting_object" - "report_columns" - "report_aggregation" sourceType: title: "bing-ads" const: "bing-ads" enum: - "bing-ads" order: 0 type: "string" source-bing-ads-update: title: "Bing Ads Spec" type: "object" required: - "developer_token" - "client_id" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" tenant_id: type: "string" title: "Tenant ID" description: "The Tenant ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application.\ \ Set this to \"common\" unless you know you need a different value." airbyte_secret: true default: "common" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Advertising developer\ \ application." default: "" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token to renew the expired Access Token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 developer_token: type: "string" title: "Developer Token" description: "Developer token associated with user. See more info in the docs." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 account_names: title: "Account Names Predicates" description: "Predicates that will be used to sync data by specific accounts." type: "array" order: 5 items: description: "Account Names Predicates Config." type: "object" properties: operator: title: "Operator" description: "An Operator that will be used to filter accounts. The\ \ Contains predicate has features for matching words, matching inflectional\ \ forms of words, searching using wildcard characters, and searching\ \ using proximity. The Equals is used to return all rows where account\ \ name is equal(=) to the string that you provided" type: "string" enum: - "Contains" - "Equals" name: title: "Account Name" description: "Account Name is a string value for comparing with the\ \ specified predicate." type: "string" required: - "operator" - "name" reports_start_date: type: "string" title: "Reports replication start date" format: "date" description: "The start date from which to begin replicating report data.\ \ Any data generated before this date will not be replicated in reports.\ \ This is a UTC date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If not set, data from previous\ \ and current calendar year will be replicated." order: 6 lookback_window: title: "Lookback window" description: "Also known as attribution or conversion window. How far into\ \ the past to look for records (in days). If your conversion window has\ \ an hours/minutes granularity, round it up to the number of days exceeding.\ \ Used only for performance report streams in incremental mode without\ \ specified Reports Start Date." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 90 order: 7 custom_reports: title: "Custom Reports" description: "You can add your Custom Bing Ads report by creating one." order: 8 type: "array" items: title: "Custom Report Config" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Report Name" description: "The name of the custom report, this name would be used\ \ as stream name" type: "string" examples: - "Account Performance" - "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReport" - "custom report" reporting_object: title: "Reporting Data Object" description: "The name of the the object derives from the ReportRequest\ \ object. You can find it in Bing Ads Api docs - Reporting API -\ \ Reporting Data Objects." type: "string" enum: - "AccountPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdExtensionByAdReportRequest" - "AdExtensionByKeywordReportRequest" - "AdExtensionDetailReportRequest" - "AdGroupPerformanceReportRequest" - "AdPerformanceReportRequest" - "AgeGenderAudienceReportRequest" - "AudiencePerformanceReportRequest" - "CallDetailReportRequest" - "CampaignPerformanceReportRequest" - "ConversionPerformanceReportRequest" - "DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSACategoryPerformanceReportRequest" - "DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "GeographicPerformanceReportRequest" - "GoalsAndFunnelsReportRequest" - "HotelDimensionPerformanceReportRequest" - "HotelGroupPerformanceReportRequest" - "KeywordPerformanceReportRequest" - "NegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest" - "ProductDimensionPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductMatchCountReportRequest" - "ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest" - "ProductPartitionPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportRequest" - "PublisherUsagePerformanceReportRequest" - "SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportRequest" - "SearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" - "ShareOfVoiceReportRequest" - "UserLocationPerformanceReportRequest" report_columns: title: "Columns" description: "A list of available report object columns. You can find\ \ it in description of reporting object that you want to add to\ \ custom report." type: "array" items: description: "Name of report column." type: "string" minItems: 1 report_aggregation: title: "Aggregation" description: "A list of available aggregations." type: "string" items: title: "ValidEnums" description: "An enumeration of aggregations." enum: - "Hourly" - "Daily" - "Weekly" - "Monthly" - "DayOfWeek" - "HourOfDay" - "WeeklyStartingMonday" - "Summary" default: - "Hourly" required: - "name" - "reporting_object" - "report_columns" - "report_aggregation" source-e2e-test-cloud: title: "Cloud E2E Test Source Spec" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Continuous Feed" type: "object" required: - "type" - "max_messages" - "mock_catalog" additionalProperties: true properties: type: type: "string" const: "CONTINUOUS_FEED" default: "CONTINUOUS_FEED" order: 10 enum: - "CONTINUOUS_FEED" max_messages: title: "Max Records" description: "Number of records to emit per stream. Min 1. Max 100 billion." type: "integer" default: 100 min: 1 max: 100000000000 order: 20 seed: title: "Random Seed" description: "When the seed is unspecified, the current time millis will\ \ be used as the seed. Range: [0, 1000000]." type: "integer" default: 0 examples: - 42 min: 0 max: 1000000 order: 30 message_interval_ms: title: "Message Interval (ms)" description: "Interval between messages in ms. Min 0 ms. Max 60000 ms\ \ (1 minute)." type: "integer" min: 0 max: 60000 default: 0 order: 40 mock_catalog: title: "Mock Catalog" type: "object" order: 50 oneOf: - title: "Single Schema" description: "A catalog with one or multiple streams that share the\ \ same schema." type: "object" required: - "type" - "stream_name" - "stream_schema" properties: type: type: "string" const: "SINGLE_STREAM" default: "SINGLE_STREAM" enum: - "SINGLE_STREAM" stream_name: title: "Stream Name" description: "Name of the data stream." type: "string" default: "data_stream" stream_schema: title: "Stream Schema" description: "A Json schema for the stream. The schema should be\ \ compatible with draft-07. See this doc for examples." type: "string" default: "{ \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"column1\"\ : { \"type\": \"string\" } } }" stream_duplication: title: "Duplicate the stream N times" description: "Duplicate the stream for easy load testing. Each stream\ \ name will have a number suffix. For example, if the stream name\ \ is \"ds\", the duplicated streams will be \"ds_0\", \"ds_1\"\ , etc." type: "integer" default: 1 min: 1 max: 10000 - title: "Multi Schema" type: "object" description: "A catalog with multiple data streams, each with a different\ \ schema." required: - "type" - "stream_schemas" properties: type: type: "string" const: "MULTI_STREAM" default: "MULTI_STREAM" enum: - "MULTI_STREAM" stream_schemas: title: "Streams and Schemas" description: "A Json object specifying multiple data streams and\ \ their schemas. Each key in this object is one stream name. Each\ \ value is the schema for that stream. The schema should be compatible\ \ with draft-07. See this doc for examples." type: "string" default: "{ \"stream1\": { \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\"\ : { \"field1\": { \"type\": \"string\" } } }, \"stream2\": { \"\ type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"field1\": { \"type\":\ \ \"boolean\" } } } }" sourceType: title: "e2e-test-cloud" const: "e2e-test-cloud" enum: - "e2e-test-cloud" order: 0 type: "string" source-e2e-test-cloud-update: title: "Cloud E2E Test Source Spec" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Continuous Feed" type: "object" required: - "type" - "max_messages" - "mock_catalog" additionalProperties: true properties: type: type: "string" const: "CONTINUOUS_FEED" default: "CONTINUOUS_FEED" order: 10 enum: - "CONTINUOUS_FEED" max_messages: title: "Max Records" description: "Number of records to emit per stream. Min 1. Max 100 billion." type: "integer" default: 100 min: 1 max: 100000000000 order: 20 seed: title: "Random Seed" description: "When the seed is unspecified, the current time millis will\ \ be used as the seed. Range: [0, 1000000]." type: "integer" default: 0 examples: - 42 min: 0 max: 1000000 order: 30 message_interval_ms: title: "Message Interval (ms)" description: "Interval between messages in ms. Min 0 ms. Max 60000 ms\ \ (1 minute)." type: "integer" min: 0 max: 60000 default: 0 order: 40 mock_catalog: title: "Mock Catalog" type: "object" order: 50 oneOf: - title: "Single Schema" description: "A catalog with one or multiple streams that share the\ \ same schema." type: "object" required: - "type" - "stream_name" - "stream_schema" properties: type: type: "string" const: "SINGLE_STREAM" default: "SINGLE_STREAM" enum: - "SINGLE_STREAM" stream_name: title: "Stream Name" description: "Name of the data stream." type: "string" default: "data_stream" stream_schema: title: "Stream Schema" description: "A Json schema for the stream. The schema should be\ \ compatible with draft-07. See this doc for examples." type: "string" default: "{ \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"column1\"\ : { \"type\": \"string\" } } }" stream_duplication: title: "Duplicate the stream N times" description: "Duplicate the stream for easy load testing. Each stream\ \ name will have a number suffix. For example, if the stream name\ \ is \"ds\", the duplicated streams will be \"ds_0\", \"ds_1\"\ , etc." type: "integer" default: 1 min: 1 max: 10000 - title: "Multi Schema" type: "object" description: "A catalog with multiple data streams, each with a different\ \ schema." required: - "type" - "stream_schemas" properties: type: type: "string" const: "MULTI_STREAM" default: "MULTI_STREAM" enum: - "MULTI_STREAM" stream_schemas: title: "Streams and Schemas" description: "A Json object specifying multiple data streams and\ \ their schemas. Each key in this object is one stream name. Each\ \ value is the schema for that stream. The schema should be compatible\ \ with draft-07. See this doc for examples." type: "string" default: "{ \"stream1\": { \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\"\ : { \"field1\": { \"type\": \"string\" } } }, \"stream2\": { \"\ type\": \"object\", \"properties\": { \"field1\": { \"type\":\ \ \"boolean\" } } } }" source-monday: title: "Monday Spec" type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain/Slug" description: "Slug/subdomain of the account, or the first part of\ \ the URL that comes before" default: "" order: 0 auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 1 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_type" - "api_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" api_token: type: "string" title: "Personal API Token" description: "API Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "monday" const: "monday" enum: - "monday" order: 0 type: "string" source-monday-update: title: "Monday Spec" type: "object" required: [] properties: credentials: title: "Authorization Method" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "access_token" properties: subdomain: type: "string" title: "Subdomain/Slug" description: "Slug/subdomain of the account, or the first part of\ \ the URL that comes before" default: "" order: 0 auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 1 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "API Token" required: - "auth_type" - "api_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "api_token" order: 0 enum: - "api_token" api_token: type: "string" title: "Personal API Token" description: "API Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true source-amplitude: title: "Amplitude Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "secret_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: data_region: type: "string" title: "Data region" description: "Amplitude data region server" enum: - "Standard Server" - "EU Residency Server" default: "Standard Server" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Amplitude API Key. See the setup guide for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "Amplitude Secret Key. See the setup guide for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" title: "Replication Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2021-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-25T00:00:00Z" request_time_range: type: "integer" title: "Request time range" description: "According to Considerations too big time range in request can cause a timeout\ \ error. In this case, set shorter time interval in hours." default: 24 minimum: 1 maximum: 8760 sourceType: title: "amplitude" const: "amplitude" enum: - "amplitude" order: 0 type: "string" source-amplitude-update: title: "Amplitude Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "secret_key" - "start_date" properties: data_region: type: "string" title: "Data region" description: "Amplitude data region server" enum: - "Standard Server" - "EU Residency Server" default: "Standard Server" api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Amplitude API Key. See the setup guide for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" description: "Amplitude Secret Key. See the setup guide for more information on how to obtain this key." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" format: "date-time" title: "Replication Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2021-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-25T00:00:00Z" request_time_range: type: "integer" title: "Request time range" description: "According to Considerations too big time range in request can cause a timeout\ \ error. In this case, set shorter time interval in hours." default: 24 minimum: 1 maximum: 8760 source-google-pagespeed-insights: type: "object" required: - "categories" - "strategies" - "urls" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Google PageSpeed API Key. See here. The key is optional - however the API is heavily rate limited\ \ when using without API Key. Creating and using the API key therefore\ \ is recommended. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true categories: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "accessibility" - "best-practices" - "performance" - "pwa" - "seo" title: "Lighthouse Categories" description: "Defines which Lighthouse category to run. One or many of:\ \ \"accessibility\", \"best-practices\", \"performance\", \"pwa\", \"\ seo\"." order: 1 strategies: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "desktop" - "mobile" title: "Analyses Strategies" description: "The analyses strategy to use. Either \"desktop\" or \"mobile\"\ ." order: 2 urls: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^(?:origin:)?(http(s)?:\\/\\/)[\\w.-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]+)+[\\\ w\\-\\._~:\\/?#\\[\\]@!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=.]+$" title: "URLs to analyse" description: "The URLs to retrieve pagespeed information from. The connector\ \ will attempt to sync PageSpeed reports for all the defined URLs. Format:\ \ https://(www.)url.domain" example: "" order: 3 sourceType: title: "google-pagespeed-insights" const: "google-pagespeed-insights" enum: - "google-pagespeed-insights" order: 0 type: "string" source-google-pagespeed-insights-update: type: "object" required: - "categories" - "strategies" - "urls" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Google PageSpeed API Key. See here. The key is optional - however the API is heavily rate limited\ \ when using without API Key. Creating and using the API key therefore\ \ is recommended. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 categories: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "accessibility" - "best-practices" - "performance" - "pwa" - "seo" title: "Lighthouse Categories" description: "Defines which Lighthouse category to run. One or many of:\ \ \"accessibility\", \"best-practices\", \"performance\", \"pwa\", \"\ seo\"." order: 1 strategies: type: "array" items: type: "string" enum: - "desktop" - "mobile" title: "Analyses Strategies" description: "The analyses strategy to use. Either \"desktop\" or \"mobile\"\ ." order: 2 urls: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^(?:origin:)?(http(s)?:\\/\\/)[\\w.-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]+)+[\\\ w\\-\\._~:\\/?#\\[\\]@!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=.]+$" title: "URLs to analyse" description: "The URLs to retrieve pagespeed information from. The connector\ \ will attempt to sync PageSpeed reports for all the defined URLs. Format:\ \ https://(www.)url.domain" example: "" order: 3 source-savvycal: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Go to SavvyCal → Settings → Developer → Personal Tokens and\ \ make a new token. Then, copy the private key." name: "api_key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "savvycal" const: "savvycal" enum: - "savvycal" order: 0 type: "string" source-savvycal-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Go to SavvyCal → Settings → Developer → Personal Tokens and\ \ make a new token. Then, copy the private key." name: "api_key" order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true source-pipedrive: title: "Pipedrive Spec" type: "object" required: - "replication_start_date" - "api_token" - "sourceType" properties: api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The Pipedrive API Token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. When specified and not\ \ None, then stream will behave as incremental" examples: - "2017-01-25 00:00:00Z" type: "string" sourceType: title: "pipedrive" const: "pipedrive" enum: - "pipedrive" order: 0 type: "string" source-pipedrive-update: title: "Pipedrive Spec" type: "object" required: - "replication_start_date" - "api_token" properties: api_token: title: "API Token" type: "string" description: "The Pipedrive API Token." airbyte_secret: true replication_start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. When specified and not\ \ None, then stream will behave as incremental" examples: - "2017-01-25 00:00:00Z" type: "string" source-amazon-ads: title: "Amazon Ads Spec" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your Amazon Ads developer application. See\ \ the docs for more information." order: 1 type: "string" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your Amazon Ads developer application.\ \ See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Amazon Ads refresh token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true region: title: "Region" description: "Region to pull data from (EU/NA/FE). See docs for more details." enum: - "NA" - "EU" - "FE" type: "string" default: "NA" order: 4 start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The Start date for collecting reports, should not be more\ \ than 60 days in the past. In YYYY-MM-DD format" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-10-10" - "2022-10-22" order: 5 type: "string" profiles: title: "Profile IDs" description: "Profile IDs you want to fetch data for. The Amazon Ads source\ \ connector supports only profiles with seller and vendor type, profiles\ \ with agency type will be ignored. See docs for more details. Note: If Marketplace IDs are also selected,\ \ profiles will be selected if they match the Profile ID OR the Marketplace\ \ ID." order: 6 type: "array" items: type: "integer" marketplace_ids: title: "Marketplace IDs" description: "Marketplace IDs you want to fetch data for. Note: If Profile\ \ IDs are also selected, profiles will be selected if they match the Profile\ \ ID OR the Marketplace ID." order: 7 type: "array" items: type: "string" state_filter: title: "State Filter" description: "Reflects the state of the Display, Product, and Brand Campaign\ \ streams as enabled, paused, or archived. If you do not populate this\ \ field, it will be ignored completely." items: type: "string" enum: - "enabled" - "paused" - "archived" type: "array" uniqueItems: true order: 8 look_back_window: title: "Look Back Window" description: "The amount of days to go back in time to get the updated data\ \ from Amazon Ads" examples: - 3 - 10 type: "integer" default: 3 order: 9 report_record_types: title: "Report Record Types" description: "Optional configuration which accepts an array of string of\ \ record types. Leave blank for default behaviour to pull all report types.\ \ Use this config option only if you want to pull specific report type(s).\ \ See docs for more details" items: type: "string" enum: - "adGroups" - "asins" - "asins_keywords" - "asins_targets" - "campaigns" - "keywords" - "productAds" - "targets" type: "array" uniqueItems: true order: 10 sourceType: title: "amazon-ads" const: "amazon-ads" enum: - "amazon-ads" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "sourceType" source-amazon-ads-update: title: "Amazon Ads Spec" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 type: "string" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your Amazon Ads developer application. See\ \ the docs for more information." order: 1 type: "string" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your Amazon Ads developer application.\ \ See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Amazon Ads refresh token. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this token." airbyte_secret: true order: 3 type: "string" region: title: "Region" description: "Region to pull data from (EU/NA/FE). See docs for more details." enum: - "NA" - "EU" - "FE" type: "string" default: "NA" order: 4 start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "The Start date for collecting reports, should not be more\ \ than 60 days in the past. In YYYY-MM-DD format" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" format: "date" examples: - "2022-10-10" - "2022-10-22" order: 5 type: "string" profiles: title: "Profile IDs" description: "Profile IDs you want to fetch data for. The Amazon Ads source\ \ connector supports only profiles with seller and vendor type, profiles\ \ with agency type will be ignored. See docs for more details. Note: If Marketplace IDs are also selected,\ \ profiles will be selected if they match the Profile ID OR the Marketplace\ \ ID." order: 6 type: "array" items: type: "integer" marketplace_ids: title: "Marketplace IDs" description: "Marketplace IDs you want to fetch data for. Note: If Profile\ \ IDs are also selected, profiles will be selected if they match the Profile\ \ ID OR the Marketplace ID." order: 7 type: "array" items: type: "string" state_filter: title: "State Filter" description: "Reflects the state of the Display, Product, and Brand Campaign\ \ streams as enabled, paused, or archived. If you do not populate this\ \ field, it will be ignored completely." items: type: "string" enum: - "enabled" - "paused" - "archived" type: "array" uniqueItems: true order: 8 look_back_window: title: "Look Back Window" description: "The amount of days to go back in time to get the updated data\ \ from Amazon Ads" examples: - 3 - 10 type: "integer" default: 3 order: 9 report_record_types: title: "Report Record Types" description: "Optional configuration which accepts an array of string of\ \ record types. Leave blank for default behaviour to pull all report types.\ \ Use this config option only if you want to pull specific report type(s).\ \ See docs for more details" items: type: "string" enum: - "adGroups" - "asins" - "asins_keywords" - "asins_targets" - "campaigns" - "keywords" - "productAds" - "targets" type: "array" uniqueItems: true order: 10 required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" source-sendinblue: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "sendinblue" const: "sendinblue" enum: - "sendinblue" order: 0 type: "string" source-sendinblue-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Your API Key. See here." title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-github: title: "GitHub Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "repositories" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to GitHub" type: "object" order: 0 group: "auth" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth" required: - "access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "OAuth Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth Credentials" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "OAuth access token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client Id" description: "OAuth Client Id" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "OAuth Client secret" airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Personal Access Token" required: - "personal_access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "PAT Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "PAT Credentials" personal_access_token: type: "string" title: "Personal Access Tokens" description: "Log into GitHub and then generate a personal access token. To load balance your API quota consumption\ \ across multiple API tokens, input multiple tokens separated with\ \ \",\"" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true repository: type: "string" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte airbytehq/another-repo" - "airbytehq/*" - "airbytehq/airbyte" title: "GitHub Repositories" description: "(DEPRCATED) Space-delimited list of GitHub organizations/repositories,\ \ e.g. `airbytehq/airbyte` for single repository, `airbytehq/*` for get\ \ all repositories from organization and `airbytehq/airbyte airbytehq/another-repo`\ \ for multiple repositories." airbyte_hidden: true pattern: "^([\\w.-]+/(\\*|[\\w.-]+(?docs for more info" examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" order: 2 format: "date-time" api_url: type: "string" examples: - "" - "" title: "API URL" default: "" description: "Please enter your basic URL from self-hosted GitHub instance\ \ or leave it empty to use GitHub." order: 3 branch: type: "string" title: "Branch" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte/master airbytehq/airbyte/my-branch" description: "(DEPRCATED) Space-delimited list of GitHub repository branches\ \ to pull commits for, e.g. `airbytehq/airbyte/master`. If no branches\ \ are specified for a repository, the default branch will be pulled." airbyte_hidden: true pattern_descriptor: "org/repo/branch1 org/repo/branch2" branches: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Branches" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte/master" - "airbytehq/airbyte/my-branch" description: "List of GitHub repository branches to pull commits for, e.g.\ \ `airbytehq/airbyte/master`. If no branches are specified for a repository,\ \ the default branch will be pulled." order: 4 pattern_descriptor: "org/repo/branch1 org/repo/branch2" max_waiting_time: type: "integer" title: "Max Waiting Time (in minutes)" examples: - 10 - 30 - 60 default: 10 minimum: 1 maximum: 60 description: "Max Waiting Time for rate limit. Set higher value to wait\ \ till rate limits will be resetted to continue sync" order: 5 sourceType: title: "github" const: "github" enum: - "github" order: 0 type: "string" source-github-update: title: "GitHub Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "repositories" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to GitHub" type: "object" order: 0 group: "auth" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth" required: - "access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "OAuth Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth Credentials" access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "OAuth access token" airbyte_secret: true client_id: type: "string" title: "Client Id" description: "OAuth Client Id" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "OAuth Client secret" airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Personal Access Token" required: - "personal_access_token" properties: option_title: type: "string" const: "PAT Credentials" order: 0 enum: - "PAT Credentials" personal_access_token: type: "string" title: "Personal Access Tokens" description: "Log into GitHub and then generate a personal access token. To load balance your API quota consumption\ \ across multiple API tokens, input multiple tokens separated with\ \ \",\"" airbyte_secret: true repository: type: "string" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte airbytehq/another-repo" - "airbytehq/*" - "airbytehq/airbyte" title: "GitHub Repositories" description: "(DEPRCATED) Space-delimited list of GitHub organizations/repositories,\ \ e.g. `airbytehq/airbyte` for single repository, `airbytehq/*` for get\ \ all repositories from organization and `airbytehq/airbyte airbytehq/another-repo`\ \ for multiple repositories." airbyte_hidden: true pattern: "^([\\w.-]+/(\\*|[\\w.-]+(?docs for more info" examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" order: 2 format: "date-time" api_url: type: "string" examples: - "" - "" title: "API URL" default: "" description: "Please enter your basic URL from self-hosted GitHub instance\ \ or leave it empty to use GitHub." order: 3 branch: type: "string" title: "Branch" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte/master airbytehq/airbyte/my-branch" description: "(DEPRCATED) Space-delimited list of GitHub repository branches\ \ to pull commits for, e.g. `airbytehq/airbyte/master`. If no branches\ \ are specified for a repository, the default branch will be pulled." airbyte_hidden: true pattern_descriptor: "org/repo/branch1 org/repo/branch2" branches: type: "array" items: type: "string" title: "Branches" examples: - "airbytehq/airbyte/master" - "airbytehq/airbyte/my-branch" description: "List of GitHub repository branches to pull commits for, e.g.\ \ `airbytehq/airbyte/master`. If no branches are specified for a repository,\ \ the default branch will be pulled." order: 4 pattern_descriptor: "org/repo/branch1 org/repo/branch2" max_waiting_time: type: "integer" title: "Max Waiting Time (in minutes)" examples: - 10 - 30 - 60 default: 10 minimum: 1 maximum: 60 description: "Max Waiting Time for rate limit. Set higher value to wait\ \ till rate limits will be resetted to continue sync" order: 5 source-bigquery: title: "BigQuery Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "credentials_json" - "sourceType" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset." title: "Project ID" dataset_id: type: "string" description: "The dataset ID to search for tables and views. If you are\ \ only loading data from one dataset, setting this option could result\ \ in much faster schema discovery." title: "Default Dataset ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of your Service Account Key JSON file. See the\ \ docs for more information on how to obtain this key." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "bigquery" const: "bigquery" enum: - "bigquery" order: 0 type: "string" source-bigquery-update: title: "BigQuery Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "credentials_json" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset." title: "Project ID" dataset_id: type: "string" description: "The dataset ID to search for tables and views. If you are\ \ only loading data from one dataset, setting this option could result\ \ in much faster schema discovery." title: "Default Dataset ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of your Service Account Key JSON file. See the\ \ docs for more information on how to obtain this key." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true source-vantage: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "sourceType" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "API Access Token" description: "Your API Access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "vantage" const: "vantage" enum: - "vantage" order: 0 type: "string" source-vantage-update: type: "object" required: - "access_token" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "API Access Token" description: "Your API Access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 source-calendly: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Go to Integrations → API & Webhooks to obtain your bearer\ \ token." order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "calendly" const: "calendly" enum: - "calendly" order: 0 type: "string" source-calendly-update: type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Go to Integrations → API & Webhooks to obtain your bearer\ \ token." order: 0 title: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-firebolt: title: "Firebolt Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "account" - "database" - "engine" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Firebolt service account ID." examples: - "bbl9qth066hmxkwyb0hy2iwk8ktez9dz" client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Firebolt secret, corresponding to the service account ID." airbyte_secret: true account: type: "string" title: "Account" description: "Firebolt account to login." host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "The host name of your Firebolt database." examples: - "" database: type: "string" title: "Database" description: "The database to connect to." engine: type: "string" title: "Engine" description: "Engine name to connect to." sourceType: title: "firebolt" const: "firebolt" enum: - "firebolt" order: 0 type: "string" source-firebolt-update: title: "Firebolt Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "account" - "database" - "engine" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Firebolt service account ID." examples: - "bbl9qth066hmxkwyb0hy2iwk8ktez9dz" client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Firebolt secret, corresponding to the service account ID." airbyte_secret: true account: type: "string" title: "Account" description: "Firebolt account to login." host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "The host name of your Firebolt database." examples: - "" database: type: "string" title: "Database" description: "The database to connect to." engine: type: "string" title: "Engine" description: "Engine name to connect to." source-clazar: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Client secret" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "clazar" const: "clazar" enum: - "clazar" order: 0 type: "string" source-clazar-update: type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" properties: client_id: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Client secret" airbyte_secret: true source-outreach: title: "Source Outreach Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "redirect_uri" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Outreach developer application." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Outreach developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining the new access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true redirect_uri: type: "string" title: "Redirect URI" description: "A Redirect URI is the location where the authorization server\ \ sends the user once the app has been successfully authorized and granted\ \ an authorization code or access token." start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Outreach\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" sourceType: title: "outreach" const: "outreach" enum: - "outreach" order: 0 type: "string" source-outreach-update: title: "Source Outreach Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "redirect_uri" - "start_date" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Outreach developer application." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Outreach developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining the new access token." airbyte_secret: true redirect_uri: type: "string" title: "Redirect URI" description: "A Redirect URI is the location where the authorization server\ \ sends the user once the app has been successfully authorized and granted\ \ an authorization code or access token." start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "The date from which you'd like to replicate data for Outreach\ \ API, in the format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. All data generated after this\ \ date will be replicated." examples: - "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" source-pokeapi: type: "object" required: - "pokemon_name" - "sourceType" properties: pokemon_name: type: "string" description: "Pokemon requested from the API." title: "Pokemon Name" pattern: "^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$" enum: - "bulbasaur" - "ivysaur" - "venusaur" - "charmander" - "charmeleon" - "charizard" - "squirtle" - "wartortle" - "blastoise" - "caterpie" - "metapod" - "butterfree" - "weedle" - "kakuna" - "beedrill" - "pidgey" - "pidgeotto" - "pidgeot" - "rattata" - "raticate" - "spearow" - "fearow" - "ekans" - "arbok" - "pikachu" - "raichu" - "sandshrew" - "sandslash" - "nidoranf" - "nidorina" - "nidoqueen" - "nidoranm" - "nidorino" - "nidoking" - "clefairy" - "clefable" - "vulpix" - "ninetales" - "jigglypuff" - "wigglytuff" - "zubat" - "golbat" - "oddish" - "gloom" - "vileplume" - "paras" - "parasect" - "venonat" - "venomoth" - "diglett" - "dugtrio" - "meowth" - "persian" - "psyduck" - "golduck" - "mankey" - "primeape" - "growlithe" - "arcanine" - "poliwag" - "poliwhirl" - "poliwrath" - "abra" - "kadabra" - "alakazam" - "machop" - "machoke" - "machamp" - "bellsprout" - "weepinbell" - "victreebel" - "tentacool" - "tentacruel" - "geodude" - "graveler" - "golem" - "ponyta" - "rapidash" - "slowpoke" - "slowbro" - "magnemite" - "magneton" - "farfetchd" - "doduo" - "dodrio" - "seel" - "dewgong" - "grimer" - "muk" - "shellder" - "cloyster" - "gastly" - "haunter" - "gengar" - "onix" - "drowzee" - "hypno" - "krabby" - "kingler" - "voltorb" - "electrode" - "exeggcute" - "exeggutor" - "cubone" - "marowak" - "hitmonlee" - "hitmonchan" - "lickitung" - "koffing" - "weezing" - "rhyhorn" - "rhydon" - "chansey" - "tangela" - "kangaskhan" - "horsea" - "seadra" - "goldeen" - "seaking" - "staryu" - "starmie" - "mrmime" - "scyther" - "jynx" - "electabuzz" - "magmar" - "pinsir" - "tauros" - "magikarp" - "gyarados" - "lapras" - "ditto" - "eevee" - "vaporeon" - "jolteon" - "flareon" - "porygon" - "omanyte" - "omastar" - "kabuto" - "kabutops" - "aerodactyl" - "snorlax" - "articuno" - "zapdos" - "moltres" - "dratini" - "dragonair" - "dragonite" - "mewtwo" - "mew" - "chikorita" - "bayleef" - "meganium" - "cyndaquil" - "quilava" - "typhlosion" - "totodile" - "croconaw" - "feraligatr" - "sentret" - "furret" - "hoothoot" - "noctowl" - "ledyba" - "ledian" - "spinarak" - "ariados" - "crobat" - "chinchou" - "lanturn" - "pichu" - "cleffa" - "igglybuff" - "togepi" - "togetic" - "natu" - "xatu" - "mareep" - "flaaffy" - "ampharos" - "bellossom" - "marill" - "azumarill" - "sudowoodo" - "politoed" - "hoppip" - "skiploom" - "jumpluff" - "aipom" - "sunkern" - "sunflora" - "yanma" - "wooper" - "quagsire" - "espeon" - "umbreon" - "murkrow" - "slowking" - "misdreavus" - "unown" - "wobbuffet" - "girafarig" - "pineco" - "forretress" - "dunsparce" - "gligar" - "steelix" - "snubbull" - "granbull" - "qwilfish" - "scizor" - "shuckle" - "heracross" - "sneasel" - "teddiursa" - "ursaring" - "slugma" - "magcargo" - "swinub" - "piloswine" - "corsola" - "remoraid" - "octillery" - "delibird" - "mantine" - "skarmory" - "houndour" - "houndoom" - "kingdra" - "phanpy" - "donphan" - "porygon2" - "stantler" - "smeargle" - "tyrogue" - "hitmontop" - "smoochum" - "elekid" - "magby" - "miltank" - "blissey" - "raikou" - "entei" - "suicune" - "larvitar" - "pupitar" - "tyranitar" - "lugia" - "ho-oh" - "celebi" - "treecko" - "grovyle" - "sceptile" - "torchic" - "combusken" - "blaziken" - "mudkip" - "marshtomp" - "swampert" - "poochyena" - "mightyena" - "zigzagoon" - "linoone" - "wurmple" - "silcoon" - "beautifly" - "cascoon" - "dustox" - "lotad" - "lombre" - "ludicolo" - "seedot" - "nuzleaf" - "shiftry" - "taillow" - "swellow" - "wingull" - "pelipper" - "ralts" - "kirlia" - "gardevoir" - "surskit" - "masquerain" - "shroomish" - "breloom" - "slakoth" - "vigoroth" - "slaking" - "nincada" - "ninjask" - "shedinja" - "whismur" - "loudred" - "exploud" - "makuhita" - "hariyama" - "azurill" - "nosepass" - "skitty" - "delcatty" - "sableye" - "mawile" - "aron" - "lairon" - "aggron" - "meditite" - "medicham" - "electrike" - "manectric" - "plusle" - "minun" - "volbeat" - "illumise" - "roselia" - "gulpin" - "swalot" - "carvanha" - "sharpedo" - "wailmer" - "wailord" - "numel" - "camerupt" - "torkoal" - "spoink" - "grumpig" - "spinda" - "trapinch" - "vibrava" - "flygon" - "cacnea" - "cacturne" - "swablu" - "altaria" - "zangoose" - "seviper" - "lunatone" - "solrock" - "barboach" - "whiscash" - "corphish" - "crawdaunt" - "baltoy" - "claydol" - "lileep" - "cradily" - "anorith" - "armaldo" - "feebas" - "milotic" - "castform" - "kecleon" - "shuppet" - "banette" - "duskull" - "dusclops" - "tropius" - "chimecho" - "absol" - "wynaut" - "snorunt" - "glalie" - "spheal" - "sealeo" - "walrein" - "clamperl" - "huntail" - "gorebyss" - "relicanth" - "luvdisc" - "bagon" - "shelgon" - "salamence" - "beldum" - "metang" - "metagross" - "regirock" - "regice" - "registeel" - "latias" - "latios" - "kyogre" - "groudon" - "rayquaza" - "jirachi" - "deoxys" - "turtwig" - "grotle" - "torterra" - "chimchar" - "monferno" - "infernape" - "piplup" - "prinplup" - "empoleon" - "starly" - "staravia" - "staraptor" - "bidoof" - "bibarel" - "kricketot" - "kricketune" - "shinx" - "luxio" - "luxray" - "budew" - "roserade" - "cranidos" - "rampardos" - "shieldon" - "bastiodon" - "burmy" - "wormadam" - "mothim" - "combee" - "vespiquen" - "pachirisu" - "buizel" - "floatzel" - "cherubi" - "cherrim" - "shellos" - "gastrodon" - "ambipom" - "drifloon" - "drifblim" - "buneary" - "lopunny" - "mismagius" - "honchkrow" - "glameow" - "purugly" - "chingling" - "stunky" - "skuntank" - "bronzor" - "bronzong" - "bonsly" - "mimejr" - "happiny" - "chatot" - "spiritomb" - "gible" - "gabite" - "garchomp" - "munchlax" - "riolu" - "lucario" - "hippopotas" - "hippowdon" - "skorupi" - "drapion" - "croagunk" - "toxicroak" - "carnivine" - "finneon" - "lumineon" - "mantyke" - "snover" - "abomasnow" - "weavile" - "magnezone" - "lickilicky" - "rhyperior" - "tangrowth" - "electivire" - "magmortar" - "togekiss" - "yanmega" - "leafeon" - "glaceon" - "gliscor" - "mamoswine" - "porygon-z" - "gallade" - "probopass" - "dusknoir" - "froslass" - "rotom" - "uxie" - "mesprit" - "azelf" - "dialga" - "palkia" - "heatran" - "regigigas" - "giratina" - "cresselia" - "phione" - "manaphy" - "darkrai" - "shaymin" - "arceus" - "victini" - "snivy" - "servine" - "serperior" - "tepig" - "pignite" - "emboar" - "oshawott" - "dewott" - "samurott" - "patrat" - "watchog" - "lillipup" - "herdier" - "stoutland" - "purrloin" - "liepard" - "pansage" - "simisage" - "pansear" - "simisear" - "panpour" - "simipour" - "munna" - "musharna" - "pidove" - "tranquill" - "unfezant" - "blitzle" - "zebstrika" - "roggenrola" - "boldore" - "gigalith" - "woobat" - "swoobat" - "drilbur" - "excadrill" - "audino" - "timburr" - "gurdurr" - "conkeldurr" - "tympole" - "palpitoad" - "seismitoad" - "throh" - "sawk" - "sewaddle" - "swadloon" - "leavanny" - "venipede" - "whirlipede" - "scolipede" - "cottonee" - "whimsicott" - "petilil" - "lilligant" - "basculin" - "sandile" - "krokorok" - "krookodile" - "darumaka" - "darmanitan" - "maractus" - "dwebble" - "crustle" - "scraggy" - "scrafty" - "sigilyph" - "yamask" - "cofagrigus" - "tirtouga" - "carracosta" - "archen" - "archeops" - "trubbish" - "garbodor" - "zorua" - "zoroark" - "minccino" - "cinccino" - "gothita" - "gothorita" - "gothitelle" - "solosis" - "duosion" - "reuniclus" - "ducklett" - "swanna" - "vanillite" - "vanillish" - "vanilluxe" - "deerling" - "sawsbuck" - "emolga" - "karrablast" - "escavalier" - "foongus" - "amoonguss" - "frillish" - "jellicent" - "alomomola" - "joltik" - "galvantula" - "ferroseed" - "ferrothorn" - "klink" - "klang" - "klinklang" - "tynamo" - "eelektrik" - "eelektross" - "elgyem" - "beheeyem" - "litwick" - "lampent" - "chandelure" - "axew" - "fraxure" - "haxorus" - "cubchoo" - "beartic" - "cryogonal" - "shelmet" - "accelgor" - "stunfisk" - "mienfoo" - "mienshao" - "druddigon" - "golett" - "golurk" - "pawniard" - "bisharp" - "bouffalant" - "rufflet" - "braviary" - "vullaby" - "mandibuzz" - "heatmor" - "durant" - "deino" - "zweilous" - "hydreigon" - "larvesta" - "volcarona" - "cobalion" - "terrakion" - "virizion" - "tornadus" - "thundurus" - "reshiram" - "zekrom" - "landorus" - "kyurem" - "keldeo" - "meloetta" - "genesect" - "chespin" - "quilladin" - "chesnaught" - "fennekin" - "braixen" - "delphox" - "froakie" - "frogadier" - "greninja" - "bunnelby" - "diggersby" - "fletchling" - "fletchinder" - "talonflame" - "scatterbug" - "spewpa" - "vivillon" - "litleo" - "pyroar" - "flabebe" - "floette" - "florges" - "skiddo" - "gogoat" - "pancham" - "pangoro" - "furfrou" - "espurr" - "meowstic" - "honedge" - "doublade" - "aegislash" - "spritzee" - "aromatisse" - "swirlix" - "slurpuff" - "inkay" - "malamar" - "binacle" - "barbaracle" - "skrelp" - "dragalge" - "clauncher" - "clawitzer" - "helioptile" - "heliolisk" - "tyrunt" - "tyrantrum" - "amaura" - "aurorus" - "sylveon" - "hawlucha" - "dedenne" - "carbink" - "goomy" - "sliggoo" - "goodra" - "klefki" - "phantump" - "trevenant" - "pumpkaboo" - "gourgeist" - "bergmite" - "avalugg" - "noibat" - "noivern" - "xerneas" - "yveltal" - "zygarde" - "diancie" - "hoopa" - "volcanion" - "rowlet" - "dartrix" - "decidueye" - "litten" - "torracat" - "incineroar" - "popplio" - "brionne" - "primarina" - "pikipek" - "trumbeak" - "toucannon" - "yungoos" - "gumshoos" - "grubbin" - "charjabug" - "vikavolt" - "crabrawler" - "crabominable" - "oricorio" - "cutiefly" - "ribombee" - "rockruff" - "lycanroc" - "wishiwashi" - "mareanie" - "toxapex" - "mudbray" - "mudsdale" - "dewpider" - "araquanid" - "fomantis" - "lurantis" - "morelull" - "shiinotic" - "salandit" - "salazzle" - "stufful" - "bewear" - "bounsweet" - "steenee" - "tsareena" - "comfey" - "oranguru" - "passimian" - "wimpod" - "golisopod" - "sandygast" - "palossand" - "pyukumuku" - "typenull" - "silvally" - "minior" - "komala" - "turtonator" - "togedemaru" - "mimikyu" - "bruxish" - "drampa" - "dhelmise" - "jangmo-o" - "hakamo-o" - "kommo-o" - "tapukoko" - "tapulele" - "tapubulu" - "tapufini" - "cosmog" - "cosmoem" - "solgaleo" - "lunala" - "nihilego" - "buzzwole" - "pheromosa" - "xurkitree" - "celesteela" - "kartana" - "guzzlord" - "necrozma" - "magearna" - "marshadow" - "poipole" - "naganadel" - "stakataka" - "blacephalon" - "zeraora" - "meltan" - "melmetal" - "grookey" - "thwackey" - "rillaboom" - "scorbunny" - "raboot" - "cinderace" - "sobble" - "drizzile" - "inteleon" - "skwovet" - "greedent" - "rookidee" - "corvisquire" - "corviknight" - "blipbug" - "dottler" - "orbeetle" - "nickit" - "thievul" - "gossifleur" - "eldegoss" - "wooloo" - "dubwool" - "chewtle" - "drednaw" - "yamper" - "boltund" - "rolycoly" - "carkol" - "coalossal" - "applin" - "flapple" - "appletun" - "silicobra" - "sandaconda" - "cramorant" - "arrokuda" - "barraskewda" - "toxel" - "toxtricity" - "sizzlipede" - "centiskorch" - "clobbopus" - "grapploct" - "sinistea" - "polteageist" - "hatenna" - "hattrem" - "hatterene" - "impidimp" - "morgrem" - "grimmsnarl" - "obstagoon" - "perrserker" - "cursola" - "sirfetchd" - "mrrime" - "runerigus" - "milcery" - "alcremie" - "falinks" - "pincurchin" - "snom" - "frosmoth" - "stonjourner" - "eiscue" - "indeedee" - "morpeko" - "cufant" - "copperajah" - "dracozolt" - "arctozolt" - "dracovish" - "arctovish" - "duraludon" - "dreepy" - "drakloak" - "dragapult" - "zacian" - "zamazenta" - "eternatus" - "kubfu" - "urshifu" - "zarude" - "regieleki" - "regidrago" - "glastrier" - "spectrier" - "calyrex" examples: - "ditto" - "luxray" - "snorlax" order: 0 sourceType: title: "pokeapi" const: "pokeapi" enum: - "pokeapi" order: 0 type: "string" source-pokeapi-update: type: "object" required: - "pokemon_name" properties: pokemon_name: type: "string" description: "Pokemon requested from the API." title: "Pokemon Name" pattern: "^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$" enum: - "bulbasaur" - "ivysaur" - "venusaur" - "charmander" - "charmeleon" - "charizard" - "squirtle" - "wartortle" - "blastoise" - "caterpie" - "metapod" - "butterfree" - "weedle" - "kakuna" - "beedrill" - "pidgey" - "pidgeotto" - "pidgeot" - "rattata" - "raticate" - "spearow" - "fearow" - "ekans" - "arbok" - "pikachu" - "raichu" - "sandshrew" - "sandslash" - "nidoranf" - "nidorina" - "nidoqueen" - "nidoranm" - "nidorino" - "nidoking" - "clefairy" - "clefable" - "vulpix" - "ninetales" - "jigglypuff" - "wigglytuff" - "zubat" - "golbat" - "oddish" - "gloom" - "vileplume" - "paras" - "parasect" - "venonat" - "venomoth" - "diglett" - "dugtrio" - "meowth" - "persian" - "psyduck" - "golduck" - "mankey" - "primeape" - "growlithe" - "arcanine" - "poliwag" - "poliwhirl" - "poliwrath" - "abra" - "kadabra" - "alakazam" - "machop" - "machoke" - "machamp" - "bellsprout" - "weepinbell" - "victreebel" - "tentacool" - "tentacruel" - "geodude" - "graveler" - "golem" - "ponyta" - "rapidash" - "slowpoke" - "slowbro" - "magnemite" - "magneton" - "farfetchd" - "doduo" - "dodrio" - "seel" - "dewgong" - "grimer" - "muk" - "shellder" - "cloyster" - "gastly" - "haunter" - "gengar" - "onix" - "drowzee" - "hypno" - "krabby" - "kingler" - "voltorb" - "electrode" - "exeggcute" - "exeggutor" - "cubone" - "marowak" - "hitmonlee" - "hitmonchan" - "lickitung" - "koffing" - "weezing" - "rhyhorn" - "rhydon" - "chansey" - "tangela" - "kangaskhan" - "horsea" - "seadra" - "goldeen" - "seaking" - "staryu" - "starmie" - "mrmime" - "scyther" - "jynx" - "electabuzz" - "magmar" - "pinsir" - "tauros" - "magikarp" - "gyarados" - "lapras" - "ditto" - "eevee" - "vaporeon" - "jolteon" - "flareon" - "porygon" - "omanyte" - "omastar" - "kabuto" - "kabutops" - "aerodactyl" - "snorlax" - "articuno" - "zapdos" - "moltres" - "dratini" - "dragonair" - "dragonite" - "mewtwo" - "mew" - "chikorita" - "bayleef" - "meganium" - "cyndaquil" - "quilava" - "typhlosion" - "totodile" - "croconaw" - "feraligatr" - "sentret" - "furret" - "hoothoot" - "noctowl" - "ledyba" - "ledian" - "spinarak" - "ariados" - "crobat" - "chinchou" - "lanturn" - "pichu" - "cleffa" - "igglybuff" - "togepi" - "togetic" - "natu" - "xatu" - "mareep" - "flaaffy" - "ampharos" - "bellossom" - "marill" - "azumarill" - "sudowoodo" - "politoed" - "hoppip" - "skiploom" - "jumpluff" - "aipom" - "sunkern" - "sunflora" - "yanma" - "wooper" - "quagsire" - "espeon" - "umbreon" - "murkrow" - "slowking" - "misdreavus" - "unown" - "wobbuffet" - "girafarig" - "pineco" - "forretress" - "dunsparce" - "gligar" - "steelix" - "snubbull" - "granbull" - "qwilfish" - "scizor" - "shuckle" - "heracross" - "sneasel" - "teddiursa" - "ursaring" - "slugma" - "magcargo" - "swinub" - "piloswine" - "corsola" - "remoraid" - "octillery" - "delibird" - "mantine" - "skarmory" - "houndour" - "houndoom" - "kingdra" - "phanpy" - "donphan" - "porygon2" - "stantler" - "smeargle" - "tyrogue" - "hitmontop" - "smoochum" - "elekid" - "magby" - "miltank" - "blissey" - "raikou" - "entei" - "suicune" - "larvitar" - "pupitar" - "tyranitar" - "lugia" - "ho-oh" - "celebi" - "treecko" - "grovyle" - "sceptile" - "torchic" - "combusken" - "blaziken" - "mudkip" - "marshtomp" - "swampert" - "poochyena" - "mightyena" - "zigzagoon" - "linoone" - "wurmple" - "silcoon" - "beautifly" - "cascoon" - "dustox" - "lotad" - "lombre" - "ludicolo" - "seedot" - "nuzleaf" - "shiftry" - "taillow" - "swellow" - "wingull" - "pelipper" - "ralts" - "kirlia" - "gardevoir" - "surskit" - "masquerain" - "shroomish" - "breloom" - "slakoth" - "vigoroth" - "slaking" - "nincada" - "ninjask" - "shedinja" - "whismur" - "loudred" - "exploud" - "makuhita" - "hariyama" - "azurill" - "nosepass" - "skitty" - "delcatty" - "sableye" - "mawile" - "aron" - "lairon" - "aggron" - "meditite" - "medicham" - "electrike" - "manectric" - "plusle" - "minun" - "volbeat" - "illumise" - "roselia" - "gulpin" - "swalot" - "carvanha" - "sharpedo" - "wailmer" - "wailord" - "numel" - "camerupt" - "torkoal" - "spoink" - "grumpig" - "spinda" - "trapinch" - "vibrava" - "flygon" - "cacnea" - "cacturne" - "swablu" - "altaria" - "zangoose" - "seviper" - "lunatone" - "solrock" - "barboach" - "whiscash" - "corphish" - "crawdaunt" - "baltoy" - "claydol" - "lileep" - "cradily" - "anorith" - "armaldo" - "feebas" - "milotic" - "castform" - "kecleon" - "shuppet" - "banette" - "duskull" - "dusclops" - "tropius" - "chimecho" - "absol" - "wynaut" - "snorunt" - "glalie" - "spheal" - "sealeo" - "walrein" - "clamperl" - "huntail" - "gorebyss" - "relicanth" - "luvdisc" - "bagon" - "shelgon" - "salamence" - "beldum" - "metang" - "metagross" - "regirock" - "regice" - "registeel" - "latias" - "latios" - "kyogre" - "groudon" - "rayquaza" - "jirachi" - "deoxys" - "turtwig" - "grotle" - "torterra" - "chimchar" - "monferno" - "infernape" - "piplup" - "prinplup" - "empoleon" - "starly" - "staravia" - "staraptor" - "bidoof" - "bibarel" - "kricketot" - "kricketune" - "shinx" - "luxio" - "luxray" - "budew" - "roserade" - "cranidos" - "rampardos" - "shieldon" - "bastiodon" - "burmy" - "wormadam" - "mothim" - "combee" - "vespiquen" - "pachirisu" - "buizel" - "floatzel" - "cherubi" - "cherrim" - "shellos" - "gastrodon" - "ambipom" - "drifloon" - "drifblim" - "buneary" - "lopunny" - "mismagius" - "honchkrow" - "glameow" - "purugly" - "chingling" - "stunky" - "skuntank" - "bronzor" - "bronzong" - "bonsly" - "mimejr" - "happiny" - "chatot" - "spiritomb" - "gible" - "gabite" - "garchomp" - "munchlax" - "riolu" - "lucario" - "hippopotas" - "hippowdon" - "skorupi" - "drapion" - "croagunk" - "toxicroak" - "carnivine" - "finneon" - "lumineon" - "mantyke" - "snover" - "abomasnow" - "weavile" - "magnezone" - "lickilicky" - "rhyperior" - "tangrowth" - "electivire" - "magmortar" - "togekiss" - "yanmega" - "leafeon" - "glaceon" - "gliscor" - "mamoswine" - "porygon-z" - "gallade" - "probopass" - "dusknoir" - "froslass" - "rotom" - "uxie" - "mesprit" - "azelf" - "dialga" - "palkia" - "heatran" - "regigigas" - "giratina" - "cresselia" - "phione" - "manaphy" - "darkrai" - "shaymin" - "arceus" - "victini" - "snivy" - "servine" - "serperior" - "tepig" - "pignite" - "emboar" - "oshawott" - "dewott" - "samurott" - "patrat" - "watchog" - "lillipup" - "herdier" - "stoutland" - "purrloin" - "liepard" - "pansage" - "simisage" - "pansear" - "simisear" - "panpour" - "simipour" - "munna" - "musharna" - "pidove" - "tranquill" - "unfezant" - "blitzle" - "zebstrika" - "roggenrola" - "boldore" - "gigalith" - "woobat" - "swoobat" - "drilbur" - "excadrill" - "audino" - "timburr" - "gurdurr" - "conkeldurr" - "tympole" - "palpitoad" - "seismitoad" - "throh" - "sawk" - "sewaddle" - "swadloon" - "leavanny" - "venipede" - "whirlipede" - "scolipede" - "cottonee" - "whimsicott" - "petilil" - "lilligant" - "basculin" - "sandile" - "krokorok" - "krookodile" - "darumaka" - "darmanitan" - "maractus" - "dwebble" - "crustle" - "scraggy" - "scrafty" - "sigilyph" - "yamask" - "cofagrigus" - "tirtouga" - "carracosta" - "archen" - "archeops" - "trubbish" - "garbodor" - "zorua" - "zoroark" - "minccino" - "cinccino" - "gothita" - "gothorita" - "gothitelle" - "solosis" - "duosion" - "reuniclus" - "ducklett" - "swanna" - "vanillite" - "vanillish" - "vanilluxe" - "deerling" - "sawsbuck" - "emolga" - "karrablast" - "escavalier" - "foongus" - "amoonguss" - "frillish" - "jellicent" - "alomomola" - "joltik" - "galvantula" - "ferroseed" - "ferrothorn" - "klink" - "klang" - "klinklang" - "tynamo" - "eelektrik" - "eelektross" - "elgyem" - "beheeyem" - "litwick" - "lampent" - "chandelure" - "axew" - "fraxure" - "haxorus" - "cubchoo" - "beartic" - "cryogonal" - "shelmet" - "accelgor" - "stunfisk" - "mienfoo" - "mienshao" - "druddigon" - "golett" - "golurk" - "pawniard" - "bisharp" - "bouffalant" - "rufflet" - "braviary" - "vullaby" - "mandibuzz" - "heatmor" - "durant" - "deino" - "zweilous" - "hydreigon" - "larvesta" - "volcarona" - "cobalion" - "terrakion" - "virizion" - "tornadus" - "thundurus" - "reshiram" - "zekrom" - "landorus" - "kyurem" - "keldeo" - "meloetta" - "genesect" - "chespin" - "quilladin" - "chesnaught" - "fennekin" - "braixen" - "delphox" - "froakie" - "frogadier" - "greninja" - "bunnelby" - "diggersby" - "fletchling" - "fletchinder" - "talonflame" - "scatterbug" - "spewpa" - "vivillon" - "litleo" - "pyroar" - "flabebe" - "floette" - "florges" - "skiddo" - "gogoat" - "pancham" - "pangoro" - "furfrou" - "espurr" - "meowstic" - "honedge" - "doublade" - "aegislash" - "spritzee" - "aromatisse" - "swirlix" - "slurpuff" - "inkay" - "malamar" - "binacle" - "barbaracle" - "skrelp" - "dragalge" - "clauncher" - "clawitzer" - "helioptile" - "heliolisk" - "tyrunt" - "tyrantrum" - "amaura" - "aurorus" - "sylveon" - "hawlucha" - "dedenne" - "carbink" - "goomy" - "sliggoo" - "goodra" - "klefki" - "phantump" - "trevenant" - "pumpkaboo" - "gourgeist" - "bergmite" - "avalugg" - "noibat" - "noivern" - "xerneas" - "yveltal" - "zygarde" - "diancie" - "hoopa" - "volcanion" - "rowlet" - "dartrix" - "decidueye" - "litten" - "torracat" - "incineroar" - "popplio" - "brionne" - "primarina" - "pikipek" - "trumbeak" - "toucannon" - "yungoos" - "gumshoos" - "grubbin" - "charjabug" - "vikavolt" - "crabrawler" - "crabominable" - "oricorio" - "cutiefly" - "ribombee" - "rockruff" - "lycanroc" - "wishiwashi" - "mareanie" - "toxapex" - "mudbray" - "mudsdale" - "dewpider" - "araquanid" - "fomantis" - "lurantis" - "morelull" - "shiinotic" - "salandit" - "salazzle" - "stufful" - "bewear" - "bounsweet" - "steenee" - "tsareena" - "comfey" - "oranguru" - "passimian" - "wimpod" - "golisopod" - "sandygast" - "palossand" - "pyukumuku" - "typenull" - "silvally" - "minior" - "komala" - "turtonator" - "togedemaru" - "mimikyu" - "bruxish" - "drampa" - "dhelmise" - "jangmo-o" - "hakamo-o" - "kommo-o" - "tapukoko" - "tapulele" - "tapubulu" - "tapufini" - "cosmog" - "cosmoem" - "solgaleo" - "lunala" - "nihilego" - "buzzwole" - "pheromosa" - "xurkitree" - "celesteela" - "kartana" - "guzzlord" - "necrozma" - "magearna" - "marshadow" - "poipole" - "naganadel" - "stakataka" - "blacephalon" - "zeraora" - "meltan" - "melmetal" - "grookey" - "thwackey" - "rillaboom" - "scorbunny" - "raboot" - "cinderace" - "sobble" - "drizzile" - "inteleon" - "skwovet" - "greedent" - "rookidee" - "corvisquire" - "corviknight" - "blipbug" - "dottler" - "orbeetle" - "nickit" - "thievul" - "gossifleur" - "eldegoss" - "wooloo" - "dubwool" - "chewtle" - "drednaw" - "yamper" - "boltund" - "rolycoly" - "carkol" - "coalossal" - "applin" - "flapple" - "appletun" - "silicobra" - "sandaconda" - "cramorant" - "arrokuda" - "barraskewda" - "toxel" - "toxtricity" - "sizzlipede" - "centiskorch" - "clobbopus" - "grapploct" - "sinistea" - "polteageist" - "hatenna" - "hattrem" - "hatterene" - "impidimp" - "morgrem" - "grimmsnarl" - "obstagoon" - "perrserker" - "cursola" - "sirfetchd" - "mrrime" - "runerigus" - "milcery" - "alcremie" - "falinks" - "pincurchin" - "snom" - "frosmoth" - "stonjourner" - "eiscue" - "indeedee" - "morpeko" - "cufant" - "copperajah" - "dracozolt" - "arctozolt" - "dracovish" - "arctovish" - "duraludon" - "dreepy" - "drakloak" - "dragapult" - "zacian" - "zamazenta" - "eternatus" - "kubfu" - "urshifu" - "zarude" - "regieleki" - "regidrago" - "glastrier" - "spectrier" - "calyrex" examples: - "ditto" - "luxray" - "snorlax" order: 0 source-senseforce: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "backend_url" - "dataset_id" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "API Access Token" description: "Your API access token. See here. The toke is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true backend_url: type: "string" title: "Senseforce backend URL" examples: - "" description: "Your Senseforce API backend URL. This is the URL shown during\ \ the Login screen. See here for more details. (Note: Most Senseforce backend APIs have the\ \ term 'galaxy' in their ULR)" order: 1 dataset_id: type: "string" title: "Dataset ID" examples: - "8f418098-ca28-4df5-9498-0df9fe78eda7" description: "The ID of the dataset you want to synchronize. The ID can\ \ be found in the URL when opening the dataset. See here for more details. (Note: As the Senseforce API only allows to\ \ synchronize a specific dataset, each dataset you want to synchronize\ \ needs to be implemented as a separate airbyte source)." order: 2 slice_range: type: "integer" title: "Data request time increment in days" default: 10 minimum: 1 maximum: 365 examples: - 1 - 3 - 10 - 30 - 180 - 360 airbyte_hidden: true description: "The time increment used by the connector when requesting data\ \ from the Senseforce API. The bigger the value is, the less requests\ \ will be made and faster the sync will be. On the other hand, the more\ \ seldom the state is persisted and the more likely one could run into\ \ rate limites. Furthermore, consider that large chunks of time might\ \ take a long time for the Senseforce query to return data - meaning it\ \ could take in effect longer than with more smaller time slices. If there\ \ are a lot of data per day, set this setting to 1. If there is only very\ \ little data per day, you might change the setting to 10 or more." order: 3 start_date: type: "string" title: "The first day (in UTC) when to read data from." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25. Only data with\ \ \"Timestamp\" after this date will be replicated. Important note: This\ \ start date must be set to the first day of where your dataset provides\ \ data. If your dataset has data from 2020-10-10 10:21:10, set the start_date\ \ to 2020-10-10 or later" examples: - "2017-01-25" format: "date" order: 4 sourceType: title: "senseforce" const: "senseforce" enum: - "senseforce" order: 0 type: "string" source-senseforce-update: type: "object" required: - "access_token" - "backend_url" - "dataset_id" - "start_date" properties: access_token: type: "string" title: "API Access Token" description: "Your API access token. See here. The toke is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 backend_url: type: "string" title: "Senseforce backend URL" examples: - "" description: "Your Senseforce API backend URL. This is the URL shown during\ \ the Login screen. See here for more details. (Note: Most Senseforce backend APIs have the\ \ term 'galaxy' in their ULR)" order: 1 dataset_id: type: "string" title: "Dataset ID" examples: - "8f418098-ca28-4df5-9498-0df9fe78eda7" description: "The ID of the dataset you want to synchronize. The ID can\ \ be found in the URL when opening the dataset. See here for more details. (Note: As the Senseforce API only allows to\ \ synchronize a specific dataset, each dataset you want to synchronize\ \ needs to be implemented as a separate airbyte source)." order: 2 slice_range: type: "integer" title: "Data request time increment in days" default: 10 minimum: 1 maximum: 365 examples: - 1 - 3 - 10 - 30 - 180 - 360 airbyte_hidden: true description: "The time increment used by the connector when requesting data\ \ from the Senseforce API. The bigger the value is, the less requests\ \ will be made and faster the sync will be. On the other hand, the more\ \ seldom the state is persisted and the more likely one could run into\ \ rate limites. Furthermore, consider that large chunks of time might\ \ take a long time for the Senseforce query to return data - meaning it\ \ could take in effect longer than with more smaller time slices. If there\ \ are a lot of data per day, set this setting to 1. If there is only very\ \ little data per day, you might change the setting to 10 or more." order: 3 start_date: type: "string" title: "The first day (in UTC) when to read data from." pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25. Only data with\ \ \"Timestamp\" after this date will be replicated. Important note: This\ \ start date must be set to the first day of where your dataset provides\ \ data. If your dataset has data from 2020-10-10 10:21:10, set the start_date\ \ to 2020-10-10 or later" examples: - "2017-01-25" format: "date" order: 4 source-freshsales: type: "object" required: - "domain_name" - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Freshsales API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true domain_name: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Domain Name" examples: - "" description: "The Name of your Freshsales domain" sourceType: title: "freshsales" const: "freshsales" enum: - "freshsales" order: 0 type: "string" source-freshsales-update: type: "object" required: - "domain_name" - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" order: 1 title: "API Key" description: "Freshsales API Key. See here. The key is case sensitive." airbyte_secret: true domain_name: type: "string" order: 0 title: "Domain Name" examples: - "" description: "The Name of your Freshsales domain" source-hubplanner: title: "Hubplanner Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Hubplanner API key. See\ \ for more details." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "hubplanner" const: "hubplanner" enum: - "hubplanner" order: 0 type: "string" source-hubplanner-update: title: "Hubplanner Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: type: "string" description: "Hubplanner API key. See\ \ for more details." airbyte_secret: true source-square: title: "Square Spec" type: "object" required: - "is_sandbox" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Square." type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Oauth authentication" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Square-issued ID of your application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Square-issued application secret for your application" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A refresh token generated using the above client ID\ \ and secret" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "API key" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "api_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "API Key" order: 1 enum: - "API Key" api_key: type: "string" title: "API key token" description: "The API key for a Square application" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true is_sandbox: type: "boolean" description: "Determines whether to use the sandbox or production environment." title: "Sandbox" default: false order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. If not set, all data will be replicated." title: "Start Date" default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 format: "date" include_deleted_objects: type: "boolean" description: "In some streams there is an option to include deleted objects\ \ (Items, Categories, Discounts, Taxes)" title: "Include Deleted Objects" default: false order: 3 sourceType: title: "square" const: "square" enum: - "square" order: 0 type: "string" source-square-update: title: "Square Spec" type: "object" required: - "is_sandbox" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Square." type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Oauth authentication" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth" order: 0 enum: - "OAuth" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Square-issued ID of your application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Square-issued application secret for your application" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "A refresh token generated using the above client ID\ \ and secret" airbyte_secret: true - title: "API key" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "api_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "API Key" order: 1 enum: - "API Key" api_key: type: "string" title: "API key token" description: "The API key for a Square application" airbyte_secret: true is_sandbox: type: "boolean" description: "Determines whether to use the sandbox or production environment." title: "Sandbox" default: false order: 1 start_date: type: "string" description: "UTC date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Any data before this date\ \ will not be replicated. If not set, all data will be replicated." title: "Start Date" default: "2021-01-01" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$" order: 2 format: "date" include_deleted_objects: type: "boolean" description: "In some streams there is an option to include deleted objects\ \ (Items, Categories, Discounts, Taxes)" title: "Include Deleted Objects" default: false order: 3 source-paystack: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "secret_key" - "sourceType" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 0 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window (in days)" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set, the connector will always reload data from the past\ \ N days, where N is the value set here. This is useful if your data is\ \ updated after creation." order: 1 secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" pattern: "^(s|r)k_(live|test)_[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" description: "The Paystack API key (usually starts with 'sk_live_'; find\ \ yours here)." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "paystack" const: "paystack" enum: - "paystack" order: 0 type: "string" source-paystack-update: type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "secret_key" properties: start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z" order: 0 lookback_window_days: type: "integer" title: "Lookback Window (in days)" default: 0 minimum: 0 description: "When set, the connector will always reload data from the past\ \ N days, where N is the value set here. This is useful if your data is\ \ updated after creation." order: 1 secret_key: type: "string" title: "Secret Key" pattern: "^(s|r)k_(live|test)_[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" description: "The Paystack API key (usually starts with 'sk_live_'; find\ \ yours here)." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 source-redshift: title: "Redshift Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "sourceType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Host Endpoint of the Redshift Cluster (must include the cluster-id,\ \ region and end with" type: "string" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5439 examples: - "5439" order: 2 database: title: "Database" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" examples: - "master" order: 3 schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Specify one or more explicitly\ \ or keep empty to process all schemas. Schema names are case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true examples: - "public" order: 4 username: title: "Username" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 5 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 6 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 7 sourceType: title: "redshift" const: "redshift" enum: - "redshift" order: 0 type: "string" source-redshift-update: title: "Redshift Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Host Endpoint of the Redshift Cluster (must include the cluster-id,\ \ region and end with" type: "string" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5439 examples: - "5439" order: 2 database: title: "Database" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" examples: - "master" order: 3 schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Specify one or more explicitly\ \ or keep empty to process all schemas. Schema names are case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true examples: - "public" order: 4 username: title: "Username" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 5 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 6 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 7 source-braintree: title: "Braintree Spec" type: "object" properties: merchant_id: title: "Merchant ID" description: "The unique identifier for your entire gateway account. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this ID." name: "Merchant ID" type: "string" public_key: title: "Public Key" description: "Braintree Public Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." name: "Public Key" type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true private_key: title: "Private Key" description: "Braintree Private Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." name: "Private Key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." name: "Start Date" examples: - "2020" - "2020-12-30" - "2020-11-22 20:20:05" type: "string" format: "date-time" environment: title: "Environment" description: "Environment specifies where the data will come from." name: "Environment" examples: - "sandbox" - "production" - "qa" - "development" enum: - "Development" - "Sandbox" - "Qa" - "Production" type: "string" sourceType: title: "braintree" const: "braintree" enum: - "braintree" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "merchant_id" - "public_key" - "private_key" - "environment" - "sourceType" source-braintree-update: title: "Braintree Spec" type: "object" properties: merchant_id: title: "Merchant ID" description: "The unique identifier for your entire gateway account. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this ID." name: "Merchant ID" type: "string" public_key: title: "Public Key" description: "Braintree Public Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." name: "Public Key" type: "string" private_key: title: "Private Key" description: "Braintree Private Key. See the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." name: "Private Key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." name: "Start Date" examples: - "2020" - "2020-12-30" - "2020-11-22 20:20:05" type: "string" format: "date-time" environment: title: "Environment" description: "Environment specifies where the data will come from." name: "Environment" examples: - "sandbox" - "production" - "qa" - "development" enum: - "Development" - "Sandbox" - "Qa" - "Production" type: "string" required: - "merchant_id" - "public_key" - "private_key" - "environment" source-mailchimp: title: "Mailchimp Spec" type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "An access token generated using the above client ID\ \ and secret." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "API Key" required: - "auth_type" - "apikey" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "apikey" order: 1 enum: - "apikey" apikey: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Mailchimp API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Incremental Sync Start Date" description: "The date from which you want to start syncing data for Incremental\ \ streams. Only records that have been created or modified since this\ \ date will be synced. If left blank, all data will by synced." type: "string" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z" examples: - "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" data_center: title: "DataCenter" description: "Technical fields used to identify datacenter to send request\ \ to" type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true sourceType: title: "mailchimp" const: "mailchimp" enum: - "mailchimp" order: 0 type: "string" source-mailchimp-update: title: "Mailchimp Spec" type: "object" required: [] properties: credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" oneOf: - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" required: - "auth_type" - "access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" order: 0 enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: title: "Access Token" type: "string" description: "An access token generated using the above client ID\ \ and secret." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "API Key" required: - "auth_type" - "apikey" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "apikey" order: 1 enum: - "apikey" apikey: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "Mailchimp API Key. See the docs for information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true start_date: title: "Incremental Sync Start Date" description: "The date from which you want to start syncing data for Incremental\ \ streams. Only records that have been created or modified since this\ \ date will be synced. If left blank, all data will by synced." type: "string" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z" examples: - "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" data_center: title: "DataCenter" description: "Technical fields used to identify datacenter to send request\ \ to" type: "string" airbyte_hidden: true source-airtable: title: "Airtable Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The client secret the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Personal Access Token" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_key" enum: - "api_key" api_key: type: "string" description: "The Personal Access Token for the Airtable account.\ \ See the Support Guide for more information on how to obtain this token." title: "Personal Access Token" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "key1234567890" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "airtable" const: "airtable" enum: - "airtable" order: 0 type: "string" source-airtable-update: title: "Airtable Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: title: "Authentication" type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "OAuth2.0" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "oauth2.0" enum: - "oauth2.0" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The client secret the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" description: "Access Token for making authenticated requests." airbyte_secret: true token_expiry_date: type: "string" description: "The date-time when the access token should be refreshed." format: "date-time" refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" description: "The key to refresh the expired access token." airbyte_secret: true - title: "Personal Access Token" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: auth_method: type: "string" const: "api_key" enum: - "api_key" api_key: type: "string" description: "The Personal Access Token for the Airtable account.\ \ See the Support Guide for more information on how to obtain this token." title: "Personal Access Token" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "key1234567890" source-mssql: title: "MSSQL Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "sourceType" properties: host: description: "The hostname of the database." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port of the database." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 examples: - "1433" order: 1 database: description: "The name of the database." title: "Database" type: "string" examples: - "master" order: 2 schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Defaults to user. Case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true default: - "dbo" order: 3 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 4 password: description: "The password associated with the username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 6 ssl_method: title: "SSL Method" type: "object" description: "The encryption method which is used when communicating with\ \ the database." order: 7 oneOf: - title: "Unencrypted" description: "Data transfer will not be encrypted." required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "unencrypted" enum: - "unencrypted" - title: "Encrypted (trust server certificate)" description: "Use the certificate provided by the server without verification.\ \ (For testing purposes only!)" required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" - title: "Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" hostNameInCertificate: title: "Host Name In Certificate" type: "string" description: "Specifies the host name of the server. The value of\ \ this property must match the subject property of the certificate." order: 0 certificate: title: "Certificate" type: "string" description: "certificate of the server, or of the CA that signed\ \ the server certificate" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true multiline: true replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" order: 8 oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Change Data Capture (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the SQL Server's change data capture feature. This must be enabled on your database." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 0 enum: - "CDC" initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 300 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 3600 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 300 min: 120 max: 3600 order: 3 invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 4 queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with\ \ memory consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be\ \ careful." default: 10000 order: 5 min: 1000 max: 10000 initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 6 - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "STANDARD" order: 0 enum: - "STANDARD" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "mssql" const: "mssql" enum: - "mssql" order: 0 type: "string" source-mssql-update: title: "MSSQL Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" properties: host: description: "The hostname of the database." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port of the database." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 examples: - "1433" order: 1 database: description: "The name of the database." title: "Database" type: "string" examples: - "master" order: 2 schemas: title: "Schemas" description: "The list of schemas to sync from. Defaults to user. Case sensitive." type: "array" items: type: "string" minItems: 0 uniqueItems: true default: - "dbo" order: 3 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 4 password: description: "The password associated with the username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 6 ssl_method: title: "SSL Method" type: "object" description: "The encryption method which is used when communicating with\ \ the database." order: 7 oneOf: - title: "Unencrypted" description: "Data transfer will not be encrypted." required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "unencrypted" enum: - "unencrypted" - title: "Encrypted (trust server certificate)" description: "Use the certificate provided by the server without verification.\ \ (For testing purposes only!)" required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" - title: "Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "ssl_method" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" hostNameInCertificate: title: "Host Name In Certificate" type: "string" description: "Specifies the host name of the server. The value of\ \ this property must match the subject property of the certificate." order: 0 certificate: title: "Certificate" type: "string" description: "certificate of the server, or of the CA that signed\ \ the server certificate" order: 1 airbyte_secret: true multiline: true replication_method: type: "object" title: "Update Method" description: "Configures how data is extracted from the database." default: "CDC" display_type: "radio" order: 8 oneOf: - title: "Read Changes using Change Data Capture (CDC)" description: "Recommended - Incrementally reads new inserts, updates,\ \ and deletes using the SQL Server's change data capture feature. This must be enabled on your database." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "CDC" order: 0 enum: - "CDC" initial_waiting_seconds: type: "integer" title: "Initial Waiting Time in Seconds (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time the connector will wait when it launches\ \ to determine if there is new data to sync or not. Defaults to\ \ 300 seconds. Valid range: 120 seconds to 3600 seconds. Read about\ \ initial waiting time." default: 300 min: 120 max: 3600 order: 3 invalid_cdc_cursor_position_behavior: type: "string" title: "Invalid CDC position behavior (Advanced)" description: "Determines whether Airbyte should fail or re-sync data\ \ in case of an stale/invalid cursor value into the WAL. If 'Fail\ \ sync' is chosen, a user will have to manually reset the connection\ \ before being able to continue syncing data. If 'Re-sync data'\ \ is chosen, Airbyte will automatically trigger a refresh but could\ \ lead to higher cloud costs and data loss." enum: - "Fail sync" - "Re-sync data" default: "Fail sync" order: 4 queue_size: type: "integer" title: "Size of the queue (Advanced)" description: "The size of the internal queue. This may interfere with\ \ memory consumption and efficiency of the connector, please be\ \ careful." default: 10000 order: 5 min: 1000 max: 10000 initial_load_timeout_hours: type: "integer" title: "Initial Load Timeout in Hours (Advanced)" description: "The amount of time an initial load is allowed to continue\ \ for before catching up on CDC logs." default: 8 min: 4 max: 24 order: 6 - title: "Scan Changes with User Defined Cursor" description: "Incrementally detects new inserts and updates using the\ \ cursor column chosen when configuring a connection (e.g. created_at,\ \ updated_at)." required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "STANDARD" order: 0 enum: - "STANDARD" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-dynamodb: title: "Dynamodb Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: order: 0 type: "object" title: "Credentials" description: "Credentials for the service" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Access Keys" type: - "null" - "object" required: - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "User" order: 0 enum: - "User" access_key_id: order: 1 title: "Dynamodb Key Id" type: "string" description: "The access key id to access Dynamodb. Airbyte requires\ \ read permissions to the database" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_access_key: order: 2 title: "Dynamodb Access Key" type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key id." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Role Based Authentication" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Role" order: 0 enum: - "Role" endpoint: title: "Dynamodb Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "the URL of the Dynamodb database" examples: - "https://{aws_dynamo_db_url}.com" region: title: "Dynamodb Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the Dynamodb database" enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" reserved_attribute_names: title: "Reserved attribute names" type: "string" description: "Comma separated reserved attribute names present in your tables" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "name, field_name, field-name" ignore_missing_read_permissions_tables: title: "Ignore missing read permissions tables" type: "boolean" description: "Ignore tables with missing scan/read permissions" default: false sourceType: title: "dynamodb" const: "dynamodb" enum: - "dynamodb" order: 0 type: "string" source-dynamodb-update: title: "Dynamodb Source Spec" type: "object" properties: credentials: order: 0 type: "object" title: "Credentials" description: "Credentials for the service" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Access Keys" type: - "null" - "object" required: - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "User" order: 0 enum: - "User" access_key_id: order: 1 title: "Dynamodb Key Id" type: "string" description: "The access key id to access Dynamodb. Airbyte requires\ \ read permissions to the database" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" secret_access_key: order: 2 title: "Dynamodb Access Key" type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key id." airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" - type: "object" title: "Role Based Authentication" additionalProperties: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Role" order: 0 enum: - "Role" endpoint: title: "Dynamodb Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "the URL of the Dynamodb database" examples: - "https://{aws_dynamo_db_url}.com" region: title: "Dynamodb Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the Dynamodb database" enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" reserved_attribute_names: title: "Reserved attribute names" type: "string" description: "Comma separated reserved attribute names present in your tables" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "name, field_name, field-name" ignore_missing_read_permissions_tables: title: "Ignore missing read permissions tables" type: "boolean" description: "Ignore tables with missing scan/read permissions" default: false source-salesforce: title: "Salesforce Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "sourceType" properties: is_sandbox: title: "Sandbox" description: "Toggle if you're using a Salesforce Sandbox" type: "boolean" default: false order: 1 auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client ID" type: "string" order: 2 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client secret" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Enter your application's Salesforce Refresh Token used for Airbyte to access your Salesforce\ \ account." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Enter the date (or date-time) in the YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ\ \ format. Airbyte will replicate the data updated on and after this date.\ \ If this field is blank, Airbyte will replicate the data for last two\ \ years." type: "string" pattern: "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?)$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" examples: - "2021-07-25" - "2021-07-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 5 force_use_bulk_api: title: "Force to use BULK API" type: "boolean" description: "Toggle to use Bulk API (this might cause empty fields for\ \ some streams)" default: false order: 6 stream_slice_step: title: "Stream Slice Step for Incremental sync" type: "string" description: "The size of the time window (ISO8601 duration) to slice requests." default: "P30D" order: 7 examples: - "PT12H" - "P7D" - "P30D" - "P1M" - "P1Y" streams_criteria: type: "array" order: 8 items: type: "object" required: - "criteria" - "value" properties: criteria: type: "string" title: "Search criteria" enum: - "starts with" - "ends with" - "contains" - "exacts" - "starts not with" - "ends not with" - "not contains" - "not exacts" order: 1 default: "contains" value: type: "string" title: "Search value" order: 2 title: "Filter Salesforce Objects" description: "Add filters to select only required stream based on `SObject`\ \ name. Use this field to filter which tables are displayed by this connector.\ \ This is useful if your Salesforce account has a large number of tables\ \ (>1000), in which case you may find it easier to navigate the UI and\ \ speed up the connector's performance if you restrict the tables displayed\ \ by this connector." sourceType: title: "salesforce" const: "salesforce" enum: - "salesforce" order: 0 type: "string" source-salesforce-update: title: "Salesforce Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: is_sandbox: title: "Sandbox" description: "Toggle if you're using a Salesforce Sandbox" type: "boolean" default: false order: 1 auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client ID" type: "string" order: 2 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client secret" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Enter your application's Salesforce Refresh Token used for Airbyte to access your Salesforce\ \ account." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "Enter the date (or date-time) in the YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ\ \ format. Airbyte will replicate the data updated on and after this date.\ \ If this field is blank, Airbyte will replicate the data for last two\ \ years." type: "string" pattern: "^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}(T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z)?)$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ" examples: - "2021-07-25" - "2021-07-25T00:00:00Z" format: "date-time" order: 5 force_use_bulk_api: title: "Force to use BULK API" type: "boolean" description: "Toggle to use Bulk API (this might cause empty fields for\ \ some streams)" default: false order: 6 stream_slice_step: title: "Stream Slice Step for Incremental sync" type: "string" description: "The size of the time window (ISO8601 duration) to slice requests." default: "P30D" order: 7 examples: - "PT12H" - "P7D" - "P30D" - "P1M" - "P1Y" streams_criteria: type: "array" order: 8 items: type: "object" required: - "criteria" - "value" properties: criteria: type: "string" title: "Search criteria" enum: - "starts with" - "ends with" - "contains" - "exacts" - "starts not with" - "ends not with" - "not contains" - "not exacts" order: 1 default: "contains" value: type: "string" title: "Search value" order: 2 title: "Filter Salesforce Objects" description: "Add filters to select only required stream based on `SObject`\ \ name. Use this field to filter which tables are displayed by this connector.\ \ This is useful if your Salesforce account has a large number of tables\ \ (>1000), in which case you may find it easier to navigate the UI and\ \ speed up the connector's performance if you restrict the tables displayed\ \ by this connector." source-clickhouse: title: "ClickHouse Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "sourceType" properties: host: description: "The host endpoint of the Clickhouse cluster." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port of the database." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 8123 examples: - "8123" order: 1 database: description: "The name of the database." title: "Database" type: "string" examples: - "default" order: 2 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 3 password: description: "The password associated with this username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (Eg. key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For more\ \ information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 5 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "clickhouse" const: "clickhouse" enum: - "clickhouse" order: 0 type: "string" source-clickhouse-update: title: "ClickHouse Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" properties: host: description: "The host endpoint of the Clickhouse cluster." title: "Host" type: "string" order: 0 port: description: "The port of the database." title: "Port" type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 8123 examples: - "8123" order: 1 database: description: "The name of the database." title: "Database" type: "string" examples: - "default" order: 2 username: description: "The username which is used to access the database." title: "Username" type: "string" order: 3 password: description: "The password associated with this username." title: "Password" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (Eg. key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3). For more\ \ information read about JDBC URL parameters." title: "JDBC URL Parameters (Advanced)" type: "string" order: 5 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-postmarkapp: title: "Postmarkapp Spec" type: "object" required: - "X-Postmark-Server-Token" - "X-Postmark-Account-Token" - "sourceType" properties: X-Postmark-Server-Token: title: "X-Postmark-Server-Token" type: "string" description: "API Key for server" airbyte_secret: true X-Postmark-Account-Token: title: "X-Postmark-Account-Token" type: "string" description: "API Key for account" airbyte_secret: true sourceType: title: "postmarkapp" const: "postmarkapp" enum: - "postmarkapp" order: 0 type: "string" source-postmarkapp-update: title: "Postmarkapp Spec" type: "object" required: - "X-Postmark-Server-Token" - "X-Postmark-Account-Token" properties: X-Postmark-Server-Token: title: "X-Postmark-Server-Token" type: "string" description: "API Key for server" airbyte_secret: true X-Postmark-Account-Token: title: "X-Postmark-Account-Token" type: "string" description: "API Key for account" airbyte_secret: true source-hardcoded-records: title: "Hardcoded Records Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: count: title: "Count" description: "How many records per stream should be generated" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 0 sourceType: title: "hardcoded-records" const: "hardcoded-records" enum: - "hardcoded-records" order: 0 type: "string" source-hardcoded-records-update: title: "Hardcoded Records Source Spec" type: "object" required: [] properties: count: title: "Count" description: "How many records per stream should be generated" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 0 source-faker: title: "Faker Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "sourceType" properties: count: title: "Count" description: "How many users should be generated in total. The purchases\ \ table will be scaled to match, with 10 purchases created per 10 users.\ \ This setting does not apply to the products stream." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 0 seed: title: "Seed" description: "Manually control the faker random seed to return the same\ \ values on subsequent runs (leave -1 for random)" type: "integer" default: -1 order: 1 records_per_slice: title: "Records Per Stream Slice" description: "How many fake records will be in each page (stream slice),\ \ before a state message is emitted?" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 2 always_updated: title: "Always Updated" description: "Should the updated_at values for every record be new each\ \ sync? Setting this to false will case the source to stop emitting records\ \ after COUNT records have been emitted." type: "boolean" default: true parallelism: title: "Parallelism" description: "How many parallel workers should we use to generate fake data?\ \ Choose a value equal to the number of CPUs you will allocate to this\ \ source." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 4 order: 4 sourceType: title: "faker" const: "faker" enum: - "faker" order: 0 type: "string" source-faker-update: title: "Faker Source Spec" type: "object" required: [] properties: count: title: "Count" description: "How many users should be generated in total. The purchases\ \ table will be scaled to match, with 10 purchases created per 10 users.\ \ This setting does not apply to the products stream." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 0 seed: title: "Seed" description: "Manually control the faker random seed to return the same\ \ values on subsequent runs (leave -1 for random)" type: "integer" default: -1 order: 1 records_per_slice: title: "Records Per Stream Slice" description: "How many fake records will be in each page (stream slice),\ \ before a state message is emitted?" type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 1000 order: 2 always_updated: title: "Always Updated" description: "Should the updated_at values for every record be new each\ \ sync? Setting this to false will case the source to stop emitting records\ \ after COUNT records have been emitted." type: "boolean" default: true parallelism: title: "Parallelism" description: "How many parallel workers should we use to generate fake data?\ \ Choose a value equal to the number of CPUs you will allocate to this\ \ source." type: "integer" minimum: 1 default: 4 order: 4 source-lever-hiring: title: "Lever Hiring Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: credentials: order: 3 title: "Authentication Mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Lever Hiring." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Lever (OAuth)" required: - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Lever Hiring developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Lever Hiring developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining new access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Lever (Api Key)" required: - "api_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Api Key" order: 0 enum: - "Api Key" api_key: title: "Api key" type: "string" description: "The Api Key of your Lever Hiring account." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: order: 0 type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. Note that it will be used\ \ only in the following incremental streams: comments, commits, and issues." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" environment: order: 1 type: "string" title: "Environment" description: "The environment in which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ Lever. This is used to determine which Lever API endpoint to use." default: "Sandbox" enum: - "Production" - "Sandbox" sourceType: title: "lever-hiring" const: "lever-hiring" enum: - "lever-hiring" order: 0 type: "string" source-lever-hiring-update: title: "Lever Hiring Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "start_date" properties: credentials: order: 3 title: "Authentication Mechanism" description: "Choose how to authenticate to Lever Hiring." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Lever (OAuth)" required: - "refresh_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Client" order: 0 enum: - "Client" client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Lever Hiring developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Lever Hiring developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "The token for obtaining new access token." airbyte_secret: true - type: "object" title: "Authenticate via Lever (Api Key)" required: - "api_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Api Key" order: 0 enum: - "Api Key" api_key: title: "Api key" type: "string" description: "The Api Key of your Lever Hiring account." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 start_date: order: 0 type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated. Note that it will be used\ \ only in the following incremental streams: comments, commits, and issues." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" environment: order: 1 type: "string" title: "Environment" description: "The environment in which you'd like to replicate data for\ \ Lever. This is used to determine which Lever API endpoint to use." default: "Sandbox" enum: - "Production" - "Sandbox" source-braze: title: "Braze Spec" type: "object" required: - "url" - "api_key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: url: type: "string" title: "URL" description: "Braze REST API endpoint" api_key: type: "string" title: "Rest API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Braze REST API key" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" format: "date" title: "Start date" description: "Rows after this date will be synced" sourceType: title: "braze" const: "braze" enum: - "braze" order: 0 type: "string" source-braze-update: title: "Braze Spec" type: "object" required: - "url" - "api_key" - "start_date" properties: url: type: "string" title: "URL" description: "Braze REST API endpoint" api_key: type: "string" title: "Rest API Key" airbyte_secret: true description: "Braze REST API key" start_date: type: "string" format: "date" title: "Start date" description: "Rows after this date will be synced" source-sftp: title: "SFTP Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "user" - "host" - "port" - "sourceType" properties: user: title: "User Name" description: "The server user" type: "string" order: 0 host: title: "Host Address" description: "The server host address" type: "string" examples: - "" - "" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "The server port" type: "integer" default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" description: "The server authentication method" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "auth_method" - "auth_user_password" properties: auth_method: description: "Connect through password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" auth_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "auth_method" - "auth_ssh_key" properties: auth_method: description: "Connect through ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" auth_ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true file_types: title: "File types" description: "Coma separated file types. Currently only 'csv' and 'json'\ \ types are supported." type: "string" default: "csv,json" order: 4 examples: - "csv,json" - "csv" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "The directory to search files for sync" type: "string" default: "" examples: - "/logs/2022" order: 5 file_pattern: title: "File Pattern" description: "The regular expression to specify files for sync in a chosen\ \ Folder Path" type: "string" default: "" examples: - "log-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}) - This will filter files which `log-yearmmdd`" order: 6 sourceType: title: "sftp" const: "sftp" enum: - "sftp" order: 0 type: "string" source-sftp-update: title: "SFTP Source Spec" type: "object" required: - "user" - "host" - "port" properties: user: title: "User Name" description: "The server user" type: "string" order: 0 host: title: "Host Address" description: "The server host address" type: "string" examples: - "" - "" order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "The server port" type: "integer" default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication" description: "The server authentication method" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "auth_method" - "auth_user_password" properties: auth_method: description: "Connect through password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" auth_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "auth_method" - "auth_ssh_key" properties: auth_method: description: "Connect through ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" auth_ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 file_types: title: "File types" description: "Coma separated file types. Currently only 'csv' and 'json'\ \ types are supported." type: "string" default: "csv,json" order: 4 examples: - "csv,json" - "csv" folder_path: title: "Folder Path" description: "The directory to search files for sync" type: "string" default: "" examples: - "/logs/2022" order: 5 file_pattern: title: "File Pattern" description: "The regular expression to specify files for sync in a chosen\ \ Folder Path" type: "string" default: "" examples: - "log-([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}) - This will filter files which `log-yearmmdd`" order: 6 source-google-drive: title: "Google Drive Source Spec" description: "Used during spec; allows the developer to configure the cloud\ \ provider specific options\nthat are needed when users configure a file-based\ \ source." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Document File Type Format (Experimental)" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" folder_url: title: "Folder Url" description: "URL for the folder you want to sync. Using individual streams\ \ and glob patterns, it's possible to only sync a subset of all files\ \ located in the folder." examples: - "" order: 0 pattern: "^" pattern_descriptor: "" type: "string" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Google Drive API" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (OAuth)" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "auth_type" - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" service_account_info: title: "Service Account Information" description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "service_account_info" - "auth_type" sourceType: title: "google-drive" const: "google-drive" enum: - "google-drive" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "folder_url" - "credentials" - "sourceType" source-google-drive-update: title: "Google Drive Source Spec" description: "Used during spec; allows the developer to configure the cloud\ \ provider specific options\nthat are needed when users configure a file-based\ \ source." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Document File Type Format (Experimental)" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "name" - "format" folder_url: title: "Folder Url" description: "URL for the folder you want to sync. Using individual streams\ \ and glob patterns, it's possible to only sync a subset of all files\ \ located in the folder." examples: - "" order: 0 pattern: "^" pattern_descriptor: "" type: "string" credentials: title: "Authentication" description: "Credentials for connecting to the Google Drive API" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Authenticate via Google (OAuth)" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Client" const: "Client" enum: - "Client" type: "string" client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" description: "Refresh Token for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" - "auth_type" - title: "Service Account Key Authentication" type: "object" properties: auth_type: title: "Auth Type" default: "Service" const: "Service" enum: - "Service" type: "string" service_account_info: title: "Service Account Information" description: "The JSON key of the service account to use for authorization.\ \ Read more here." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "service_account_info" - "auth_type" required: - "streams" - "folder_url" - "credentials" source-mailjet-sms: type: "object" required: - "token" - "sourceType" properties: end_date: type: "integer" title: "End date" description: "Retrieve SMS messages created before the specified timestamp.\ \ Required format - Unix timestamp." pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - 1666281656 order: 0 start_date: type: "integer" title: "Start date" description: "Retrieve SMS messages created after the specified timestamp.\ \ Required format - Unix timestamp." pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - 1666261656 order: 1 token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Your access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "mailjet-sms" const: "mailjet-sms" enum: - "mailjet-sms" order: 0 type: "string" source-mailjet-sms-update: type: "object" required: - "token" properties: end_date: type: "integer" title: "End date" description: "Retrieve SMS messages created before the specified timestamp.\ \ Required format - Unix timestamp." pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - 1666281656 order: 0 start_date: type: "integer" title: "Start date" description: "Retrieve SMS messages created after the specified timestamp.\ \ Required format - Unix timestamp." pattern: "^[0-9]*$" examples: - 1666261656 order: 1 token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Your access token. See here." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 source-gcs: title: "Config" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be\nmodified to uptake the changes because it is responsible for\ \ converting\nlegacy GCS configs into file based configs using the File-Based\ \ CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" discriminator: propertyName: "mode" mapping: local: "#/definitions/LocalProcessingConfigModel" api: "#/definitions/APIProcessingConfigModel" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" - title: "via API" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api" const: "api" enum: - "api" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "The API key to use matching the environment" default: "" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_url: title: "API URL" description: "The URL of the unstructured API to use" default: "" always_show: true examples: - "" type: "string" parameters: title: "Additional URL Parameters" description: "List of parameters send to the API" default: [] always_show: true type: "array" items: title: "APIParameterConfigModel" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Parameter name" description: "The name of the unstructured API parameter\ \ to use" examples: - "combine_under_n_chars" - "languages" type: "string" value: title: "Value" description: "The value of the parameter" examples: - "true" - "hi_res" type: "string" required: - "name" - "value" description: "Process files via an API, using the `hi_res`\ \ mode. This option is useful for increased performance\ \ and accuracy, but requires an API key and a hosted instance\ \ of unstructured." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" service_account: title: "Service Account Information" description: "Enter your Google Cloud service account key in JSON format" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 type: "string" bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the GCS bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 2 type: "string" sourceType: title: "gcs" const: "gcs" enum: - "gcs" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "service_account" - "bucket" - "sourceType" source-gcs-update: title: "Config" description: "NOTE: When this Spec is changed,\ \ must also be\nmodified to uptake the changes because it is responsible for\ \ converting\nlegacy GCS configs into file based configs using the File-Based\ \ CDK." type: "object" properties: start_date: title: "Start Date" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z.\ \ Any file modified before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z$" pattern_descriptor: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ" order: 1 type: "string" streams: title: "The list of streams to sync" description: "Each instance of this configuration defines a stream. Use this to define which files belong in the stream, their\ \ format, and how they should be parsed and validated. When sending data\ \ to warehouse destination such as Snowflake or BigQuery, each stream\ \ is a separate table." order: 10 type: "array" items: title: "FileBasedStreamConfig" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Name" description: "The name of the stream." type: "string" globs: title: "Globs" description: "The pattern used to specify which files should be selected\ \ from the file system. For more information on glob pattern matching\ \ look here." default: - "**" order: 1 type: "array" items: type: "string" legacy_prefix: title: "Legacy Prefix" description: "The path prefix configured in v3 versions of the S3\ \ connector. This option is deprecated in favor of a single glob." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" validation_policy: title: "Validation Policy" description: "The name of the validation policy that dictates sync\ \ behavior when a record does not adhere to the stream schema." default: "Emit Record" enum: - "Emit Record" - "Skip Record" - "Wait for Discover" input_schema: title: "Input Schema" description: "The schema that will be used to validate records extracted\ \ from the file. This will override the stream schema that is auto-detected\ \ from incoming files." type: "string" primary_key: title: "Primary Key" description: "The column or columns (for a composite key) that serves\ \ as the unique identifier of a record. If empty, the primary key\ \ will default to the parser's default primary key." airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" days_to_sync_if_history_is_full: title: "Days To Sync If History Is Full" description: "When the state history of the file store is full, syncs\ \ will only read files that were last modified in the provided day\ \ range." default: 3 type: "integer" format: title: "Format" description: "The configuration options that are used to alter how\ \ to read incoming files that deviate from the standard formatting." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Avro Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "avro" const: "avro" type: "string" enum: - "avro" double_as_string: title: "Convert Double Fields to Strings" description: "Whether to convert double fields to strings. This\ \ is recommended if you have decimal numbers with a high degree\ \ of precision because there can be a loss precision when\ \ handling floating point numbers." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "CSV Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "csv" const: "csv" type: "string" enum: - "csv" delimiter: title: "Delimiter" description: "The character delimiting individual cells in the\ \ CSV data. This may only be a 1-character string. For tab-delimited\ \ data enter '\\t'." default: "," type: "string" quote_char: title: "Quote Character" description: "The character used for quoting CSV values. To\ \ disallow quoting, make this field blank." default: "\"" type: "string" escape_char: title: "Escape Character" description: "The character used for escaping special characters.\ \ To disallow escaping, leave this field blank." type: "string" encoding: title: "Encoding" description: "The character encoding of the CSV data. Leave\ \ blank to default to UTF8. See list of python encodings for allowable\ \ options." default: "utf8" type: "string" double_quote: title: "Double Quote" description: "Whether two quotes in a quoted CSV value denote\ \ a single quote in the data." default: true type: "boolean" null_values: title: "Null Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as null values. For example, if the value 'NA'\ \ should be interpreted as null, enter 'NA' in this field." default: [] type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true strings_can_be_null: title: "Strings Can Be Null" description: "Whether strings can be interpreted as null values.\ \ If true, strings that match the null_values set will be\ \ interpreted as null. If false, strings that match the null_values\ \ set will be interpreted as the string itself." default: true type: "boolean" skip_rows_before_header: title: "Skip Rows Before Header" description: "The number of rows to skip before the header row.\ \ For example, if the header row is on the 3rd row, enter\ \ 2 in this field." default: 0 type: "integer" skip_rows_after_header: title: "Skip Rows After Header" description: "The number of rows to skip after the header row." default: 0 type: "integer" header_definition: title: "CSV Header Definition" description: "How headers will be defined. `User Provided` assumes\ \ the CSV does not have a header row and uses the headers\ \ provided and `Autogenerated` assumes the CSV does not have\ \ a header row and the CDK will generate headers using for\ \ `f{i}` where `i` is the index starting from 0. Else, the\ \ default behavior is to use the header from the CSV file.\ \ If a user wants to autogenerate or provide column names\ \ for a CSV having headers, they can skip rows." default: header_definition_type: "From CSV" oneOf: - title: "From CSV" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "From CSV" const: "From CSV" type: "string" enum: - "From CSV" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "Autogenerated" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "Autogenerated" const: "Autogenerated" type: "string" enum: - "Autogenerated" required: - "header_definition_type" - title: "User Provided" type: "object" properties: header_definition_type: title: "Header Definition Type" default: "User Provided" const: "User Provided" type: "string" enum: - "User Provided" column_names: title: "Column Names" description: "The column names that will be used while\ \ emitting the CSV records" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "column_names" - "header_definition_type" type: "object" true_values: title: "True Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as true values." default: - "y" - "yes" - "t" - "true" - "on" - "1" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true false_values: title: "False Values" description: "A set of case-sensitive strings that should be\ \ interpreted as false values." default: - "n" - "no" - "f" - "false" - "off" - "0" type: "array" items: type: "string" uniqueItems: true inference_type: title: "Inference Type" description: "How to infer the types of the columns. If none,\ \ inference default to strings." default: "None" airbyte_hidden: true enum: - "None" - "Primitive Types Only" ignore_errors_on_fields_mismatch: title: "Ignore errors on field mismatch" description: "Whether to ignore errors that occur when the number\ \ of fields in the CSV does not match the number of columns\ \ in the schema." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Jsonl Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "jsonl" const: "jsonl" type: "string" enum: - "jsonl" required: - "filetype" - title: "Parquet Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "parquet" const: "parquet" type: "string" enum: - "parquet" decimal_as_float: title: "Convert Decimal Fields to Floats" description: "Whether to convert decimal fields to floats. There\ \ is a loss of precision when converting decimals to floats,\ \ so this is not recommended." default: false type: "boolean" required: - "filetype" - title: "Unstructured Document Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "unstructured" const: "unstructured" type: "string" enum: - "unstructured" skip_unprocessable_files: title: "Skip Unprocessable Files" description: "If true, skip files that cannot be parsed and\ \ pass the error message along as the _ab_source_file_parse_error\ \ field. If false, fail the sync." default: true always_show: true type: "boolean" strategy: title: "Parsing Strategy" description: "The strategy used to parse documents. `fast` extracts\ \ text directly from the document which doesn't work for all\ \ files. `ocr_only` is more reliable, but slower. `hi_res`\ \ is the most reliable, but requires an API key and a hosted\ \ instance of unstructured and can't be used with local mode.\ \ See the documentation for more details:\ \" default: "auto" always_show: true order: 0 enum: - "auto" - "fast" - "ocr_only" - "hi_res" type: "string" processing: title: "Processing" description: "Processing configuration" default: mode: "local" type: "object" discriminator: propertyName: "mode" mapping: local: "#/definitions/LocalProcessingConfigModel" api: "#/definitions/APIProcessingConfigModel" oneOf: - title: "Local" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "local" const: "local" enum: - "local" type: "string" description: "Process files locally, supporting `fast` and\ \ `ocr` modes. This is the default option." required: - "mode" - title: "via API" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api" const: "api" enum: - "api" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "The API key to use matching the environment" default: "" always_show: true airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_url: title: "API URL" description: "The URL of the unstructured API to use" default: "" always_show: true examples: - "" type: "string" parameters: title: "Additional URL Parameters" description: "List of parameters send to the API" default: [] always_show: true type: "array" items: title: "APIParameterConfigModel" type: "object" properties: name: title: "Parameter name" description: "The name of the unstructured API parameter\ \ to use" examples: - "combine_under_n_chars" - "languages" type: "string" value: title: "Value" description: "The value of the parameter" examples: - "true" - "hi_res" type: "string" required: - "name" - "value" description: "Process files via an API, using the `hi_res`\ \ mode. This option is useful for increased performance\ \ and accuracy, but requires an API key and a hosted instance\ \ of unstructured." required: - "mode" description: "Extract text from document formats (.pdf, .docx, .md,\ \ .pptx) and emit as one record per file." required: - "filetype" - title: "Excel Format" type: "object" properties: filetype: title: "Filetype" default: "excel" const: "excel" type: "string" enum: - "excel" required: - "filetype" schemaless: title: "Schemaless" description: "When enabled, syncs will not validate or structure records\ \ against the stream's schema." default: false type: "boolean" recent_n_files_to_read_for_schema_discovery: title: "Files To Read For Schema Discover" description: "The number of resent files which will be used to discover\ \ the schema for this stream." exclusiveMinimum: 0 type: "integer" required: - "name" - "format" service_account: title: "Service Account Information" description: "Enter your Google Cloud service account key in JSON format" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 type: "string" bucket: title: "Bucket" description: "Name of the GCS bucket where the file(s) exist." order: 2 type: "string" required: - "streams" - "service_account" - "bucket" source-basecamp: type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "start_date" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "client_refresh_token_2" - "sourceType" properties: account_id: type: "number" order: 0 title: "Account ID" start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 client_refresh_token_2: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "basecamp" const: "basecamp" enum: - "basecamp" order: 0 type: "string" source-basecamp-update: type: "object" required: - "account_id" - "start_date" - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "client_refresh_token_2" properties: account_id: type: "number" order: 0 title: "Account ID" start_date: type: "string" order: 1 title: "Start date" format: "date-time" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$" client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 client_refresh_token_2: type: "string" title: "Refresh token" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 source-qualaroo: title: "Qualaroo Spec" type: "object" required: - "token" - "key" - "start_date" - "sourceType" properties: token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "A Qualaroo token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "A Qualaroo token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" survey_ids: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{1,8}$" title: "Qualaroo survey IDs" description: "IDs of the surveys from which you'd like to replicate data.\ \ If left empty, data from all surveys to which you have access will be\ \ replicated." sourceType: title: "qualaroo" const: "qualaroo" enum: - "qualaroo" order: 0 type: "string" source-qualaroo-update: title: "Qualaroo Spec" type: "object" required: - "token" - "key" - "start_date" properties: token: type: "string" title: "API token" description: "A Qualaroo token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true key: type: "string" title: "API key" description: "A Qualaroo token. See the docs for instructions on how to generate it." airbyte_secret: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}Z$" description: "UTC date and time in the format 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z. Any\ \ data before this date will not be replicated." examples: - "2021-03-01T00:00:00.000Z" survey_ids: type: "array" items: type: "string" pattern: "^[0-9]{1,8}$" title: "Qualaroo survey IDs" description: "IDs of the surveys from which you'd like to replicate data.\ \ If left empty, data from all surveys to which you have access will be\ \ replicated." source-nytimes: title: "Nytimes Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "period" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Start date to begin the article retrieval (format YYYY-MM)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08" - "1851-01" order: 1 end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "End date to stop the article retrieval (format YYYY-MM)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08" - "1851-01" order: 2 period: type: "integer" title: "Period (used for Most Popular streams)" description: "Period of time (in days)" order: 3 enum: - 1 - 7 - 30 share_type: type: "string" title: "Share Type (used for Most Popular Shared stream)" description: "Share Type" order: 4 enum: - "facebook" sourceType: title: "nytimes" const: "nytimes" enum: - "nytimes" order: 0 type: "string" source-nytimes-update: title: "Nytimes Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "start_date" - "period" properties: api_key: type: "string" title: "API Key" description: "API Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 start_date: type: "string" title: "Start Date" description: "Start date to begin the article retrieval (format YYYY-MM)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08" - "1851-01" order: 1 end_date: type: "string" title: "End Date" description: "End date to stop the article retrieval (format YYYY-MM)" pattern: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$" examples: - "2022-08" - "1851-01" order: 2 period: type: "integer" title: "Period (used for Most Popular streams)" description: "Period of time (in days)" order: 3 enum: - 1 - 7 - 30 share_type: type: "string" title: "Share Type (used for Most Popular Shared stream)" description: "Share Type" order: 4 enum: - "facebook" source-greenhouse: title: "Greenhouse Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "sourceType" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Greenhouse API Key. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true sourceType: title: "greenhouse" const: "greenhouse" enum: - "greenhouse" order: 0 type: "string" source-greenhouse-update: title: "Greenhouse Spec" type: "object" required: - "api_key" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Greenhouse API Key. See the docs for more information on how to generate this key." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 trello: title: null zendesk-chat: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Zendesk Chat Spec" google-ads: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" order: 1 description: "The Client ID of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" order: 2 description: "The Client Secret of your Google Ads developer application.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true developer_token: type: "string" title: "Developer Token" order: 0 description: "The Developer Token granted by Google to use their APIs.\ \ For detailed instructions on finding this value, refer to our documentation." airbyte_secret: true title: "Google Ads Spec" google-search-console: properties: authorization: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The client ID of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your Google Search Console developer\ \ application. Read more here." airbyte_secret: true title: "Google Search Console Spec" shopify: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the Shopify developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: "Shopify Source CDK Specifications" retently: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Retently developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Retently developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Retently Api Spec" instagram: properties: client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client ID for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your Oauth application" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" title: "Source Instagram" azure-blob-storage: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" title: "SourceAzureBlobStorageSpec" zendesk-sunshine: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true title: null snapchat-marketing: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 0 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Snapchat developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 title: "Snapchat Marketing Spec" gitlab: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the Gitlab developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Source Gitlab Spec" snowflake: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Snowflake developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: "Snowflake Source Spec" microsoft-sharepoint: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" title: "Microsoft SharePoint Source Spec" smartsheets: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" description: "The API ID of the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The API Secret the SmartSheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Smartsheets Source Spec" notion: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Notion integration. See our docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Notion integration. See our\ \ docs\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true title: "Notion Source Spec" slack: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Slack client_id. See our docs if you need help finding this id." client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Slack client_secret. See our docs if you need help finding this secret." airbyte_secret: true title: "Slack Spec" youtube-analytics: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The client secret of your developer application" airbyte_secret: true title: "YouTube Analytics Spec" google-sheets: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client ID. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Enter your Google application's Client Secret. See Google's\ \ documentation for more information." airbyte_secret: true title: "Google Sheets Source Spec" zendesk-talk: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret" airbyte_secret: true title: "Source Zendesk Talk Spec" asana: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "" description: "" airbyte_secret: true title: "Asana Spec" microsoft-teams: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Teams developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Teams developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Microsoft Teams Spec" amazon-seller-partner: properties: lwa_app_id: title: "LWA Client Id" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client ID." order: 4 airbyte_secret: true type: "string" lwa_client_secret: title: "LWA Client Secret" description: "Your Login with Amazon Client Secret." airbyte_secret: true order: 5 type: "string" title: "Amazon Seller Partner Spec" linkedin-ads: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your developer application. Refer to\ \ our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your developer application. Refer\ \ to our documentation\ \ for more information." airbyte_secret: true title: "Linkedin Ads Spec" pinterest: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Pinterest Spec" zendesk-support: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The OAuth client's ID. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The OAuth client secret. See this guide for more information." airbyte_secret: true title: "Source Zendesk Support Spec" microsoft-onedrive: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret of your Microsoft developer application" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" title: "Microsoft OneDrive Source Spec" tiktok-marketing: properties: credentials: properties: app_id: title: "App ID" description: "The Developer Application App ID." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" secret: title: "Secret" description: "The Developer Application Secret." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" title: "TikTok Marketing Source Spec" hubspot: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your HubSpot developer application. See\ \ the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this ID." type: "string" examples: - "123456789000" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret for your HubSpot developer application.\ \ See the Hubspot docs if you need help finding this secret." type: "string" examples: - "secret" airbyte_secret: true title: "HubSpot Source Spec" google-analytics-data-api: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Google Analytics developer application." order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Google Analytics developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: "Google Analytics (Data API) Spec" intercom: properties: client_id: title: "Client Id" type: "string" description: "Client Id for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "Client Secret for your Intercom application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: "Source Intercom Spec" typeform: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" description: "The Client ID of the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" description: "The Client Secret the Typeform developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: null facebook-marketing: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client Id" description: "The Client Id for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret for your OAuth app" airbyte_secret: true airbyte_hidden: true type: "string" title: "Source Facebook Marketing" surveymonkey: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of the SurveyMonkey developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: null bing-ads: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your Microsoft Advertising developer application." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your Microsoft Advertising developer\ \ application." default: "" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 title: "Bing Ads Spec" monday: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Monday Spec" amazon-ads: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of your Amazon Ads developer application. See\ \ the docs for more information." order: 1 type: "string" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "The client secret of your Amazon Ads developer application.\ \ See the docs for more information." airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" title: "Amazon Ads Spec" github: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client Id" description: "OAuth Client Id" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "OAuth Client secret" airbyte_secret: true title: "GitHub Source Spec" square: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The Square-issued ID of your application" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "The Square-issued application secret for your application" airbyte_secret: true title: "Square Spec" mailchimp: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your OAuth application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Mailchimp Spec" airtable: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "The client ID of the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client secret" description: "The client secret the Airtable developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Airtable Source Spec" salesforce: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client ID" type: "string" order: 2 client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Enter your Salesforce developer application's Client secret" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 title: "Salesforce Source Spec" lever-hiring: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Lever Hiring developer application." client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Lever Hiring developer application." airbyte_secret: true title: "Lever Hiring Source Spec" google-drive: properties: credentials: properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" description: "Client ID for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" client_secret: title: "Client Secret" description: "Client Secret for the Google Drive API" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" title: "Google Drive Source Spec" destination-gcs: title: "GCS Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "gcs_bucket_name" - "gcs_bucket_path" - "credential" - "format" - "destinationType" properties: gcs_bucket_name: title: "GCS Bucket Name" order: 1 type: "string" description: "You can find the bucket name in the App Engine Admin console\ \ Application Settings page, under the label Google Cloud Storage Bucket.\ \ Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" gcs_bucket_path: title: "GCS Bucket Path" description: "GCS Bucket Path string Subdirectory under the above bucket\ \ to sync the data into." order: 2 type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" gcs_bucket_region: title: "GCS Bucket Region" type: "string" order: 3 default: "us" description: "Select a Region of the GCS Bucket. Read more here." enum: - "northamerica-northeast1" - "northamerica-northeast2" - "us-central1" - "us-east1" - "us-east4" - "us-west1" - "us-west2" - "us-west3" - "us-west4" - "southamerica-east1" - "southamerica-west1" - "europe-central2" - "europe-north1" - "europe-west1" - "europe-west2" - "europe-west3" - "europe-west4" - "europe-west6" - "asia-east1" - "asia-east2" - "asia-northeast1" - "asia-northeast2" - "asia-northeast3" - "asia-south1" - "asia-south2" - "asia-southeast1" - "asia-southeast2" - "australia-southeast1" - "australia-southeast2" - "asia" - "eu" - "us" - "asia1" - "eur4" - "nam4" credential: title: "Authentication" description: "An HMAC key is a type of credential and can be associated\ \ with a service account or a user account in Cloud Storage. Read more\ \ here." type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "HMAC Key" required: - "credential_type" - "hmac_key_access_id" - "hmac_key_secret" properties: credential_type: type: "string" enum: - "HMAC_KEY" default: "HMAC_KEY" hmac_key_access_id: type: "string" description: "When linked to a service account, this ID is 61 characters\ \ long; when linked to a user account, it is 24 characters long.\ \ Read more here." title: "Access ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true hmac_key_secret: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret for the access ID. It is a\ \ 40-character base-64 encoded string. Read more here." title: "Secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Output data format. One of the following formats must be selected\ \ - AVRO format, PARQUET format, CSV format, or JSONL format." order: 4 oneOf: - title: "Avro: Apache Avro" required: - "format_type" - "compression_codec" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "Avro" default: "Avro" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data. Default\ \ to no compression." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No Compression" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "no compression" default: "no compression" - title: "Deflate" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "Deflate" default: "Deflate" compression_level: title: "Deflate level" description: "0: no compression & fastest, 9: best compression\ \ & slowest." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "bzip2" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "bzip2" default: "bzip2" - title: "xz" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "xz" default: "xz" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "The presets 0-3 are fast presets with medium compression.\ \ The presets 4-6 are fairly slow presets with high compression.\ \ The default preset is 6. The presets 7-9 are like the preset\ \ 6 but use bigger dictionaries and have higher compressor\ \ and decompressor memory requirements. Unless the uncompressed\ \ size of the file exceeds 8 MiB, 16 MiB, or 32 MiB, it is\ \ waste of memory to use the presets 7, 8, or 9, respectively.\ \ Read more here for details." type: "integer" default: 6 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "zstandard" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "zstandard" default: "zstandard" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "Negative levels are 'fast' modes akin to lz4 or\ \ snappy, levels above 9 are generally for archival purposes,\ \ and levels above 18 use a lot of memory." type: "integer" default: 3 minimum: -5 maximum: 22 include_checksum: title: "Include Checksum" description: "If true, include a checksum with each data block." type: "boolean" default: false - title: "snappy" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "snappy" default: "snappy" - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "CSV" default: "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Normalization" description: "Whether the input JSON data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".csv.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "JSON Lines: newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data pages." type: "string" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "LZO" - "BROTLI" - "LZ4" - "ZSTD" block_size_mb: title: "Block Size (Row Group Size) (MB)" description: "This is the size of a row group being buffered in memory.\ \ It limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve\ \ the IO when reading, but consume more memory when writing. Default:\ \ 128 MB." type: "integer" default: 128 examples: - 128 max_padding_size_mb: title: "Max Padding Size (MB)" description: "Maximum size allowed as padding to align row groups.\ \ This is also the minimum size of a row group. Default: 8 MB." type: "integer" default: 8 examples: - 8 page_size_kb: title: "Page Size (KB)" description: "The page size is for compression. A block is composed\ \ of pages. A page is the smallest unit that must be read fully\ \ to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression\ \ will deteriorate. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_page_size_kb: title: "Dictionary Page Size (KB)" description: "There is one dictionary page per column per row group\ \ when dictionary encoding is used. The dictionary page size works\ \ like the page size but for dictionary. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_encoding: title: "Dictionary Encoding" description: "Default: true." type: "boolean" default: true destinationType: title: "gcs" const: "gcs" enum: - "gcs" order: 0 type: "string" destination-gcs-update: title: "GCS Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "gcs_bucket_name" - "gcs_bucket_path" - "credential" - "format" properties: gcs_bucket_name: title: "GCS Bucket Name" order: 1 type: "string" description: "You can find the bucket name in the App Engine Admin console\ \ Application Settings page, under the label Google Cloud Storage Bucket.\ \ Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" gcs_bucket_path: title: "GCS Bucket Path" description: "GCS Bucket Path string Subdirectory under the above bucket\ \ to sync the data into." order: 2 type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" gcs_bucket_region: title: "GCS Bucket Region" type: "string" order: 3 default: "us" description: "Select a Region of the GCS Bucket. Read more here." enum: - "northamerica-northeast1" - "northamerica-northeast2" - "us-central1" - "us-east1" - "us-east4" - "us-west1" - "us-west2" - "us-west3" - "us-west4" - "southamerica-east1" - "southamerica-west1" - "europe-central2" - "europe-north1" - "europe-west1" - "europe-west2" - "europe-west3" - "europe-west4" - "europe-west6" - "asia-east1" - "asia-east2" - "asia-northeast1" - "asia-northeast2" - "asia-northeast3" - "asia-south1" - "asia-south2" - "asia-southeast1" - "asia-southeast2" - "australia-southeast1" - "australia-southeast2" - "asia" - "eu" - "us" - "asia1" - "eur4" - "nam4" credential: title: "Authentication" description: "An HMAC key is a type of credential and can be associated\ \ with a service account or a user account in Cloud Storage. Read more\ \ here." type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "HMAC Key" required: - "credential_type" - "hmac_key_access_id" - "hmac_key_secret" properties: credential_type: type: "string" enum: - "HMAC_KEY" default: "HMAC_KEY" hmac_key_access_id: type: "string" description: "When linked to a service account, this ID is 61 characters\ \ long; when linked to a user account, it is 24 characters long.\ \ Read more here." title: "Access ID" airbyte_secret: true order: 0 examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234" hmac_key_secret: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret for the access ID. It is a\ \ 40-character base-64 encoded string. Read more here." title: "Secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ" format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Output data format. One of the following formats must be selected\ \ - AVRO format, PARQUET format, CSV format, or JSONL format." order: 4 oneOf: - title: "Avro: Apache Avro" required: - "format_type" - "compression_codec" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "Avro" default: "Avro" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data. Default\ \ to no compression." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No Compression" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "no compression" default: "no compression" - title: "Deflate" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "Deflate" default: "Deflate" compression_level: title: "Deflate level" description: "0: no compression & fastest, 9: best compression\ \ & slowest." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "bzip2" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "bzip2" default: "bzip2" - title: "xz" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "xz" default: "xz" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "The presets 0-3 are fast presets with medium compression.\ \ The presets 4-6 are fairly slow presets with high compression.\ \ The default preset is 6. The presets 7-9 are like the preset\ \ 6 but use bigger dictionaries and have higher compressor\ \ and decompressor memory requirements. Unless the uncompressed\ \ size of the file exceeds 8 MiB, 16 MiB, or 32 MiB, it is\ \ waste of memory to use the presets 7, 8, or 9, respectively.\ \ Read more here for details." type: "integer" default: 6 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "zstandard" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "zstandard" default: "zstandard" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "Negative levels are 'fast' modes akin to lz4 or\ \ snappy, levels above 9 are generally for archival purposes,\ \ and levels above 18 use a lot of memory." type: "integer" default: 3 minimum: -5 maximum: 22 include_checksum: title: "Include Checksum" description: "If true, include a checksum with each data block." type: "boolean" default: false - title: "snappy" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "snappy" default: "snappy" - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "CSV" default: "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Normalization" description: "Whether the input JSON data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".csv.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "JSON Lines: newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data pages." type: "string" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "LZO" - "BROTLI" - "LZ4" - "ZSTD" block_size_mb: title: "Block Size (Row Group Size) (MB)" description: "This is the size of a row group being buffered in memory.\ \ It limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve\ \ the IO when reading, but consume more memory when writing. Default:\ \ 128 MB." type: "integer" default: 128 examples: - 128 max_padding_size_mb: title: "Max Padding Size (MB)" description: "Maximum size allowed as padding to align row groups.\ \ This is also the minimum size of a row group. Default: 8 MB." type: "integer" default: 8 examples: - 8 page_size_kb: title: "Page Size (KB)" description: "The page size is for compression. A block is composed\ \ of pages. A page is the smallest unit that must be read fully\ \ to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression\ \ will deteriorate. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_page_size_kb: title: "Dictionary Page Size (KB)" description: "There is one dictionary page per column per row group\ \ when dictionary encoding is used. The dictionary page size works\ \ like the page size but for dictionary. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_encoding: title: "Dictionary Encoding" description: "Default: true." type: "boolean" default: true destination-clickhouse: title: "ClickHouse Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "HTTP port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 8123 examples: - "8123" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 5 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "clickhouse" const: "clickhouse" enum: - "clickhouse" order: 0 type: "string" destination-clickhouse-update: title: "ClickHouse Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "HTTP port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 8123 examples: - "8123" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 5 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-mssql: title: "MS SQL Server Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "The host name of the MSSQL database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "The port of the MSSQL database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1433 examples: - "1433" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "The name of the MSSQL database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "The username which is used to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with this username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 6 ssl_method: title: "SSL Method" type: "object" description: "The encryption method which is used to communicate with the\ \ database." order: 7 oneOf: - title: "Encrypted (trust server certificate)" description: "Use the certificate provided by the server without verification.\ \ (For testing purposes only!)" required: - "ssl_method" type: "object" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" default: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" - title: "Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "ssl_method" - "trustStoreName" - "trustStorePassword" type: "object" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" default: "encrypted_verify_certificate" hostNameInCertificate: title: "Host Name In Certificate" type: "string" description: "Specifies the host name of the server. The value of\ \ this property must match the subject property of the certificate." order: 8 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "mssql" const: "mssql" enum: - "mssql" order: 0 type: "string" destination-mssql-update: title: "MS SQL Server Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "The host name of the MSSQL database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "The port of the MSSQL database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1433 examples: - "1433" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "The name of the MSSQL database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "The username which is used to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with this username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" order: 6 ssl_method: title: "SSL Method" type: "object" description: "The encryption method which is used to communicate with the\ \ database." order: 7 oneOf: - title: "Encrypted (trust server certificate)" description: "Use the certificate provided by the server without verification.\ \ (For testing purposes only!)" required: - "ssl_method" type: "object" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" default: "encrypted_trust_server_certificate" - title: "Encrypted (verify certificate)" description: "Verify and use the certificate provided by the server." required: - "ssl_method" - "trustStoreName" - "trustStorePassword" type: "object" properties: ssl_method: type: "string" const: "encrypted_verify_certificate" enum: - "encrypted_verify_certificate" default: "encrypted_verify_certificate" hostNameInCertificate: title: "Host Name In Certificate" type: "string" description: "Specifies the host name of the server. The value of\ \ this property must match the subject property of the certificate." order: 8 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-mysql: title: "MySQL Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 3306 examples: - "3306" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The database to write raw tables into" title: "Raw table database (defaults to airbyte_internal)" order: 7 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 8 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "mysql" const: "mysql" enum: - "mysql" order: 0 type: "string" destination-mysql-update: title: "MySQL Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 3306 examples: - "3306" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The database to write raw tables into" title: "Raw table database (defaults to airbyte_internal)" order: 7 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 8 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-pubsub: title: "Google PubSub Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "topic_id" - "credentials_json" - "ordering_enabled" - "batching_enabled" - "destinationType" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target PubSub." title: "Project ID" topic_id: type: "string" description: "The PubSub topic ID in the given GCP project ID." title: "PubSub Topic ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true ordering_enabled: title: "Message Ordering Enabled" description: "If TRUE PubSub publisher will have message ordering enabled. Every message will have an ordering key\ \ of stream" type: "boolean" default: false batching_enabled: type: "boolean" title: "Message Batching Enabled" description: "If TRUE messages will be buffered instead of sending them\ \ one by one" default: false batching_delay_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Delay Threshold" description: "Number of ms before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 batching_element_count_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Element Count Threshold" description: "Number of messages before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 batching_request_bytes_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Request Bytes Threshold" description: "Number of bytes before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 destinationType: title: "pubsub" const: "pubsub" enum: - "pubsub" order: 0 type: "string" destination-pubsub-update: title: "Google PubSub Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "topic_id" - "credentials_json" - "ordering_enabled" - "batching_enabled" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target PubSub." title: "Project ID" topic_id: type: "string" description: "The PubSub topic ID in the given GCP project ID." title: "PubSub Topic ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true ordering_enabled: title: "Message Ordering Enabled" description: "If TRUE PubSub publisher will have message ordering enabled. Every message will have an ordering key\ \ of stream" type: "boolean" default: false batching_enabled: type: "boolean" title: "Message Batching Enabled" description: "If TRUE messages will be buffered instead of sending them\ \ one by one" default: false batching_delay_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Delay Threshold" description: "Number of ms before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 batching_element_count_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Element Count Threshold" description: "Number of messages before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 batching_request_bytes_threshold: type: "integer" title: "Message Batching: Request Bytes Threshold" description: "Number of bytes before the buffer is flushed" default: 1 minimum: 1 destination-weaviate: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No external embedding" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_embedding" const: "no_embedding" enum: - "no_embedding" type: "string" description: "Do not calculate and pass embeddings to Weaviate. Suitable\ \ for clusters with configured vectorizers to calculate embeddings within\ \ Weaviate or for classes that should only support regular text search." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "From Field" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "from_field" const: "from_field" enum: - "from_field" type: "string" field_name: title: "Field name" description: "Name of the field in the record that contains the embedding" examples: - "embedding" - "vector" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "field_name" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a field in the record as the embedding. This is useful\ \ if you already have an embedding for your data and want to store it\ \ in the vector store." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "The public endpoint of the Weaviate cluster." order: 1 examples: - "" type: "string" auth: title: "Authentication" description: "Authentication method" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "API Token" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "token" const: "token" enum: - "token" type: "string" token: title: "API Token" description: "API Token for the Weaviate instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "token" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using an API token (suitable for Weaviate\ \ Cloud)" - title: "Username/Password" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "username_password" const: "username_password" enum: - "username_password" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Username for the Weaviate cluster" order: 1 type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password for the Weaviate cluster" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "username" - "password" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using username and password (suitable for\ \ self-managed Weaviate clusters)" - title: "No Authentication" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" description: "Do not authenticate (suitable for locally running test\ \ clusters, do not use for clusters with public IP addresses)" required: - "mode" batch_size: title: "Batch Size" description: "The number of records to send to Weaviate in each batch" default: 128 type: "integer" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the object that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "The tenant ID to use for multi tenancy" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" default_vectorizer: title: "Default Vectorizer" description: "The vectorizer to use if new classes need to be created" default: "none" enum: - "none" - "text2vec-cohere" - "text2vec-huggingface" - "text2vec-openai" - "text2vec-palm" - "text2vec-contextionary" - "text2vec-transformers" - "text2vec-gpt4all" type: "string" additional_headers: title: "Additional headers" description: "Additional HTTP headers to send with every request." default: [] examples: - header_key: "X-OpenAI-Api-Key" value: "my-openai-api-key" type: "array" items: title: "Header" type: "object" properties: header_key: title: "Header Key" type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true value: title: "Header Value" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "header_key" - "value" required: - "host" - "auth" group: "indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" destinationType: title: "weaviate" const: "weaviate" enum: - "weaviate" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-weaviate-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No external embedding" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_embedding" const: "no_embedding" enum: - "no_embedding" type: "string" description: "Do not calculate and pass embeddings to Weaviate. Suitable\ \ for clusters with configured vectorizers to calculate embeddings within\ \ Weaviate or for classes that should only support regular text search." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "From Field" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "from_field" const: "from_field" enum: - "from_field" type: "string" field_name: title: "Field name" description: "Name of the field in the record that contains the embedding" examples: - "embedding" - "vector" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "field_name" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a field in the record as the embedding. This is useful\ \ if you already have an embedding for your data and want to store it\ \ in the vector store." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "The public endpoint of the Weaviate cluster." order: 1 examples: - "" type: "string" auth: title: "Authentication" description: "Authentication method" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "API Token" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "token" const: "token" enum: - "token" type: "string" token: title: "API Token" description: "API Token for the Weaviate instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "token" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using an API token (suitable for Weaviate\ \ Cloud)" - title: "Username/Password" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "username_password" const: "username_password" enum: - "username_password" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Username for the Weaviate cluster" order: 1 type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password for the Weaviate cluster" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" required: - "username" - "password" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using username and password (suitable for\ \ self-managed Weaviate clusters)" - title: "No Authentication" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" description: "Do not authenticate (suitable for locally running test\ \ clusters, do not use for clusters with public IP addresses)" required: - "mode" batch_size: title: "Batch Size" description: "The number of records to send to Weaviate in each batch" default: 128 type: "integer" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the object that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" tenant_id: title: "Tenant ID" description: "The tenant ID to use for multi tenancy" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" default_vectorizer: title: "Default Vectorizer" description: "The vectorizer to use if new classes need to be created" default: "none" enum: - "none" - "text2vec-cohere" - "text2vec-huggingface" - "text2vec-openai" - "text2vec-palm" - "text2vec-contextionary" - "text2vec-transformers" - "text2vec-gpt4all" type: "string" additional_headers: title: "Additional headers" description: "Additional HTTP headers to send with every request." default: [] examples: - header_key: "X-OpenAI-Api-Key" value: "my-openai-api-key" type: "array" items: title: "Header" type: "object" properties: header_key: title: "Header Key" type: "string" value: title: "Header Value" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "header_key" - "value" required: - "host" - "auth" group: "indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-mongodb: title: "MongoDB Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "database" - "auth_type" - "destinationType" properties: instance_type: description: "MongoDb instance to connect to. For MongoDB Atlas and Replica\ \ Set TLS connection is used by default." title: "MongoDb Instance Type" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Standalone MongoDb Instance" required: - "instance" - "host" - "port" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "standalone" default: "standalone" host: title: "Host" type: "string" description: "The Host of a Mongo database to be replicated." order: 0 port: title: "Port" type: "integer" description: "The Port of a Mongo database to be replicated." minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 27017 examples: - "27017" order: 1 - title: "Replica Set" required: - "instance" - "server_addresses" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "replica" default: "replica" server_addresses: title: "Server addresses" type: "string" description: "The members of a replica set. Please specify `host`:`port`\ \ of each member seperated by comma." examples: - "host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017" order: 0 replica_set: title: "Replica Set" type: "string" description: "A replica set name." order: 1 - title: "MongoDB Atlas" required: - "instance" - "cluster_url" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "atlas" default: "atlas" cluster_url: title: "Cluster URL" type: "string" description: "URL of a cluster to connect to." order: 0 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 auth_type: title: "Authorization type" type: "object" description: "Authorization type." oneOf: - title: "None" description: "None." required: - "authorization" type: "object" properties: authorization: type: "string" const: "none" enum: - "none" - title: "Login/Password" description: "Login/Password." required: - "authorization" - "username" - "password" type: "object" properties: authorization: type: "string" const: "login/password" enum: - "login/password" username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 1 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "mongodb" const: "mongodb" enum: - "mongodb" order: 0 type: "string" destination-mongodb-update: title: "MongoDB Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "database" - "auth_type" properties: instance_type: description: "MongoDb instance to connect to. For MongoDB Atlas and Replica\ \ Set TLS connection is used by default." title: "MongoDb Instance Type" type: "object" order: 0 oneOf: - title: "Standalone MongoDb Instance" required: - "instance" - "host" - "port" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "standalone" default: "standalone" host: title: "Host" type: "string" description: "The Host of a Mongo database to be replicated." order: 0 port: title: "Port" type: "integer" description: "The Port of a Mongo database to be replicated." minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 27017 examples: - "27017" order: 1 - title: "Replica Set" required: - "instance" - "server_addresses" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "replica" default: "replica" server_addresses: title: "Server addresses" type: "string" description: "The members of a replica set. Please specify `host`:`port`\ \ of each member seperated by comma." examples: - "host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017" order: 0 replica_set: title: "Replica Set" type: "string" description: "A replica set name." order: 1 - title: "MongoDB Atlas" required: - "instance" - "cluster_url" properties: instance: type: "string" enum: - "atlas" default: "atlas" cluster_url: title: "Cluster URL" type: "string" description: "URL of a cluster to connect to." order: 0 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 auth_type: title: "Authorization type" type: "object" description: "Authorization type." oneOf: - title: "None" description: "None." required: - "authorization" type: "object" properties: authorization: type: "string" const: "none" enum: - "none" - title: "Login/Password" description: "Login/Password." required: - "authorization" - "username" - "password" type: "object" properties: authorization: type: "string" const: "login/password" enum: - "login/password" username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 1 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-vectara: title: "Vectara Config" type: "object" properties: oauth2: title: "OAuth2.0 Credentials" type: "object" properties: client_id: title: "OAuth Client ID" description: "OAuth2.0 client id" order: 0 type: "string" client_secret: title: "OAuth Client Secret" description: "OAuth2.0 client secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 type: "string" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" description: "OAuth2.0 credentials used to authenticate admin actions (creating/deleting\ \ corpora)" group: "auth" customer_id: title: "Customer ID" description: "Your customer id as it is in the authenticaion url" order: 2 group: "account" type: "string" corpus_name: title: "Corpus Name" description: "The Name of Corpus to load data into" order: 3 group: "account" type: "string" parallelize: title: "Parallelize" description: "Parallelize indexing into Vectara with multiple threads" default: false always_show: true group: "account" type: "boolean" text_fields: title: "Text fields to index with Vectara" description: "List of fields in the record that should be in the section\ \ of the document. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered text fields. When specifying text fields, you can access\ \ nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. ``\ \ will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's also possible\ \ to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name`\ \ will access all `names` fields in all entries of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" title_field: title: "Text field to use as document title with Vectara" description: "A field that will be used to populate the `title` of each\ \ document. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and\ \ non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are\ \ considered text fields. When specifying text fields, you can access\ \ nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. ``\ \ will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's also possible\ \ to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name`\ \ will access all `names` fields in all entries of the `users` array." default: "" always_show: true examples: - "document_key" type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as metadata.\ \ The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and non-existing\ \ fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are considered metadata\ \ fields. When specifying text fields, you can access nested fields in\ \ the record by using dot notation, e.g. `` will access the `name`\ \ field in the `user` object. It's also possible to use wildcards to access\ \ all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names`\ \ fields in all entries of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths,\ \ all matching values are flattened into an array set to a field named\ \ by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" type: "array" items: type: "string" destinationType: title: "vectara" const: "vectara" enum: - "vectara" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "oauth2" - "customer_id" - "corpus_name" - "destinationType" description: "Configuration to connect to the Vectara instance" groups: - id: "account" title: "Account" - id: "auth" title: "Authentication" destination-vectara-update: title: "Vectara Config" type: "object" properties: oauth2: title: "OAuth2.0 Credentials" type: "object" properties: client_id: title: "OAuth Client ID" description: "OAuth2.0 client id" order: 0 type: "string" client_secret: title: "OAuth Client Secret" description: "OAuth2.0 client secret" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 type: "string" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" description: "OAuth2.0 credentials used to authenticate admin actions (creating/deleting\ \ corpora)" group: "auth" customer_id: title: "Customer ID" description: "Your customer id as it is in the authenticaion url" order: 2 group: "account" type: "string" corpus_name: title: "Corpus Name" description: "The Name of Corpus to load data into" order: 3 group: "account" type: "string" parallelize: title: "Parallelize" description: "Parallelize indexing into Vectara with multiple threads" default: false always_show: true group: "account" type: "boolean" text_fields: title: "Text fields to index with Vectara" description: "List of fields in the record that should be in the section\ \ of the document. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered text fields. When specifying text fields, you can access\ \ nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. ``\ \ will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's also possible\ \ to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name`\ \ will access all `names` fields in all entries of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" title_field: title: "Text field to use as document title with Vectara" description: "A field that will be used to populate the `title` of each\ \ document. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and\ \ non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are\ \ considered text fields. When specifying text fields, you can access\ \ nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g. ``\ \ will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's also possible\ \ to use wildcards to access all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name`\ \ will access all `names` fields in all entries of the `users` array." default: "" always_show: true examples: - "document_key" type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as metadata.\ \ The field list is applied to all streams in the same way and non-existing\ \ fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields are considered metadata\ \ fields. When specifying text fields, you can access nested fields in\ \ the record by using dot notation, e.g. `` will access the `name`\ \ field in the `user` object. It's also possible to use wildcards to access\ \ all fields in an object, e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names`\ \ fields in all entries of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths,\ \ all matching values are flattened into an array set to a field named\ \ by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" type: "array" items: type: "string" required: - "oauth2" - "customer_id" - "corpus_name" description: "Configuration to connect to the Vectara instance" groups: - id: "account" title: "Account" - id: "auth" title: "Authentication" destination-s3-glue: title: "S3 Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_path" - "s3_bucket_region" - "format" - "glue_database" - "glue_serialization_library" - "destinationType" properties: access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key ID to access the S3 bucket. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the given bucket. Read more here." title: "S3 Key ID" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key ID. Read more here" title: "S3 Access Key" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 2 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the S3 bucket where data will be written.\ \ Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 3 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 4 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output. See here for more details" oneOf: - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output JSON Lines. Please refer to docs for details." default: "Root level flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" order: 5 s3_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "Your S3 endpoint url. Read more here" examples: - "http://localhost:9000" order: 6 s3_path_format: title: "S3 Path Format" description: "Format string on how data will be organized inside the S3\ \ bucket directory. Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "${NAMESPACE}/${STREAM_NAME}/${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}_${EPOCH}_" order: 7 file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for the\ \ S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 8 glue_database: type: "string" description: "Name of the glue database for creating the tables, leave blank\ \ if no integration" title: "Glue database name" examples: - "airbyte_database" order: 9 glue_serialization_library: title: "Serialization Library" description: "The library that your query engine will use for reading and\ \ writing data in your lake." type: "string" enum: - "" - "" default: "" order: 10 destinationType: title: "s3-glue" const: "s3-glue" enum: - "s3-glue" order: 0 type: "string" destination-s3-glue-update: title: "S3 Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_path" - "s3_bucket_region" - "format" - "glue_database" - "glue_serialization_library" properties: access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key ID to access the S3 bucket. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the given bucket. Read more here." title: "S3 Key ID" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" order: 0 secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key ID. Read more here" title: "S3 Access Key" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" order: 1 s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 2 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the S3 bucket where data will be written.\ \ Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 3 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 4 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output. See here for more details" oneOf: - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output JSON Lines. Please refer to docs for details." default: "Root level flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" order: 5 s3_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "Your S3 endpoint url. Read more here" examples: - "http://localhost:9000" order: 6 s3_path_format: title: "S3 Path Format" description: "Format string on how data will be organized inside the S3\ \ bucket directory. Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "${NAMESPACE}/${STREAM_NAME}/${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}_${EPOCH}_" order: 7 file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for the\ \ S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 8 glue_database: type: "string" description: "Name of the glue database for creating the tables, leave blank\ \ if no integration" title: "Glue database name" examples: - "airbyte_database" order: 9 glue_serialization_library: title: "Serialization Library" description: "The library that your query engine will use for reading and\ \ writing data in your lake." type: "string" enum: - "" - "" default: "" order: 10 destination-dev-null: title: "E2E Test (/dev/null) Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "test_destination" - "destinationType" properties: test_destination: title: "Test Destination" type: "object" description: "The type of destination to be used" oneOf: - title: "Silent" required: - "test_destination_type" properties: test_destination_type: type: "string" const: "SILENT" default: "SILENT" enum: - "SILENT" destinationType: title: "dev-null" const: "dev-null" enum: - "dev-null" order: 0 type: "string" destination-dev-null-update: title: "E2E Test (/dev/null) Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "test_destination" properties: test_destination: title: "Test Destination" type: "object" description: "The type of destination to be used" oneOf: - title: "Silent" required: - "test_destination_type" properties: test_destination_type: type: "string" const: "SILENT" default: "SILENT" enum: - "SILENT" destination-snowflake-cortex: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Snowflake Connection" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Enter the account name you want to use to access the database.\ \ This is usually the identifier before" order: 1 examples: - "AIRBYTE_ACCOUNT" type: "string" role: title: "Role" description: "Enter the role that you want to use to access Snowflake" order: 2 examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" - "ACCOUNTADMIN" type: "string" warehouse: title: "Warehouse" description: "Enter the name of the warehouse that you want to use as\ \ a compute cluster" order: 3 examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" database: title: "Database" description: "Enter the name of the database that you want to sync data\ \ into" order: 4 examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" default_schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "Enter the name of the default schema" order: 5 examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Enter the name of the user you want to use to access the\ \ database" order: 6 examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" credentials: title: "Credentials" type: "object" properties: password: title: "Password" description: "Enter the password you want to use to access the database" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "AIRBYTE_PASSWORD" order: 7 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "password" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" - "default_schema" - "username" - "credentials" description: "Snowflake can be used to store vector data and retrieve embeddings." group: "indexing" destinationType: title: "snowflake-cortex" const: "snowflake-cortex" enum: - "snowflake-cortex" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-snowflake-cortex-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Snowflake Connection" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Enter the account name you want to use to access the database.\ \ This is usually the identifier before" order: 1 examples: - "AIRBYTE_ACCOUNT" type: "string" role: title: "Role" description: "Enter the role that you want to use to access Snowflake" order: 2 examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" - "ACCOUNTADMIN" type: "string" warehouse: title: "Warehouse" description: "Enter the name of the warehouse that you want to use as\ \ a compute cluster" order: 3 examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" database: title: "Database" description: "Enter the name of the database that you want to sync data\ \ into" order: 4 examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" default_schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "Enter the name of the default schema" order: 5 examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Enter the name of the user you want to use to access the\ \ database" order: 6 examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" credentials: title: "Credentials" type: "object" properties: password: title: "Password" description: "Enter the password you want to use to access the database" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "AIRBYTE_PASSWORD" order: 7 type: "string" required: - "password" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" - "default_schema" - "username" - "credentials" description: "Snowflake can be used to store vector data and retrieve embeddings." group: "indexing" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-convex: title: "Destination Convex" type: "object" required: - "deployment_url" - "access_key" - "destinationType" properties: deployment_url: type: "string" description: "URL of the Convex deployment that is the destination" examples: - "" - "" access_key: type: "string" description: "API access key used to send data to a Convex deployment." airbyte_secret: "true" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "convex" const: "convex" enum: - "convex" order: 0 type: "string" destination-convex-update: title: "Destination Convex" type: "object" required: - "deployment_url" - "access_key" properties: deployment_url: type: "string" description: "URL of the Convex deployment that is the destination" examples: - "" - "" access_key: type: "string" description: "API access key used to send data to a Convex deployment." airbyte_secret: "true" destination-firestore: title: "Destination Google Firestore" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "destinationType" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset." title: "Project ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key. Default credentials will\ \ be used if this field is left empty." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true destinationType: title: "firestore" const: "firestore" enum: - "firestore" order: 0 type: "string" destination-firestore-update: title: "Destination Google Firestore" type: "object" required: - "project_id" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset." title: "Project ID" credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key. Default credentials will\ \ be used if this field is left empty." title: "Credentials JSON" airbyte_secret: true destination-redshift: title: "Redshift Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "schema" - "destinationType" properties: host: description: "Host Endpoint of the Redshift Cluster (must include the cluster-id,\ \ region and end with" type: "string" title: "Host" group: "connection" order: 1 port: description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5439 examples: - "5439" title: "Port" group: "connection" order: 2 username: description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" title: "Username" group: "connection" order: 3 password: description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" group: "connection" order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true database: description: "Name of the database." type: "string" title: "Database" group: "connection" order: 5 schema: description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. Unless specifically configured, the usual value\ \ for this field is \"public\"." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" group: "connection" title: "Default Schema" order: 6 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" group: "connection" order: 7 uploading_method: title: "Uploading Method" type: "object" description: "The way data will be uploaded to Redshift." group: "connection" order: 8 display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "AWS S3 Staging" description: "(recommended) Uploads data to S3 and then uses a\ \ COPY to insert the data into Redshift. COPY is recommended for production\ \ workloads for better speed and scalability. See AWS docs for more details." required: - "method" - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_region" - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" properties: method: type: "string" const: "S3 Staging" enum: - "S3 Staging" s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the staging S3 bucket." examples: - "airbyte.staging" order: 0 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" type: "string" description: "The directory under the S3 bucket where data will be\ \ written. If not provided, then defaults to the root directory.\ \ See path's name recommendations for more details." examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 1 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 staging bucket." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 2 access_key_id: type: "string" description: "This ID grants access to the above S3 staging bucket.\ \ Airbyte requires Read and Write permissions to the given bucket.\ \ See AWS docs on how to generate an access key ID and secret access\ \ key." title: "S3 Access Key Id" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the above access key id.\ \ See AWS docs on how to generate an access key ID and secret access\ \ key." title: "S3 Secret Access Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for\ \ the S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 5 purge_staging_data: title: "Purge Staging Files and Tables" type: "boolean" description: "Whether to delete the staging files from S3 after completing\ \ the sync. See docs for details." default: true order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)." title: "Destinations V2 Raw Table Schema" order: 9 group: "tables" disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 11 group: "tables" drop_cascade: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Drop tables with CASCADE. WARNING! This will delete all data\ \ in all dependent objects (views, etc.). Use with caution. This option\ \ is intended for usecases which can easily rebuild the dependent objects." title: "Drop tables with CASCADE. (WARNING! Risk of unrecoverable data loss)" order: 12 group: "tables" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "redshift" const: "redshift" enum: - "redshift" order: 0 type: "string" groups: - id: "connection" title: "Connection" - id: "tables" title: "Tables" destination-redshift-update: title: "Redshift Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "database" - "username" - "password" - "schema" properties: host: description: "Host Endpoint of the Redshift Cluster (must include the cluster-id,\ \ region and end with" type: "string" title: "Host" group: "connection" order: 1 port: description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5439 examples: - "5439" title: "Port" group: "connection" order: 2 username: description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" title: "Username" group: "connection" order: 3 password: description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" group: "connection" order: 4 database: description: "Name of the database." type: "string" title: "Database" group: "connection" order: 5 schema: description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. Unless specifically configured, the usual value\ \ for this field is \"public\"." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" group: "connection" title: "Default Schema" order: 6 jdbc_url_params: title: "JDBC URL Params" description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." type: "string" group: "connection" order: 7 uploading_method: title: "Uploading Method" type: "object" description: "The way data will be uploaded to Redshift." group: "connection" order: 8 display_type: "radio" oneOf: - title: "AWS S3 Staging" description: "(recommended) Uploads data to S3 and then uses a\ \ COPY to insert the data into Redshift. COPY is recommended for production\ \ workloads for better speed and scalability. See AWS docs for more details." required: - "method" - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_region" - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" properties: method: type: "string" const: "S3 Staging" enum: - "S3 Staging" s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the staging S3 bucket." examples: - "airbyte.staging" order: 0 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" type: "string" description: "The directory under the S3 bucket where data will be\ \ written. If not provided, then defaults to the root directory.\ \ See path's name recommendations for more details." examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 1 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 staging bucket." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 2 access_key_id: type: "string" description: "This ID grants access to the above S3 staging bucket.\ \ Airbyte requires Read and Write permissions to the given bucket.\ \ See AWS docs on how to generate an access key ID and secret access\ \ key." title: "S3 Access Key Id" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the above access key id.\ \ See AWS docs on how to generate an access key ID and secret access\ \ key." title: "S3 Secret Access Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for\ \ the S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 5 purge_staging_data: title: "Purge Staging Files and Tables" type: "boolean" description: "Whether to delete the staging files from S3 after completing\ \ the sync. See docs for details." default: true order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)." title: "Destinations V2 Raw Table Schema" order: 9 group: "tables" disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 11 group: "tables" drop_cascade: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Drop tables with CASCADE. WARNING! This will delete all data\ \ in all dependent objects (views, etc.). Use with caution. This option\ \ is intended for usecases which can easily rebuild the dependent objects." title: "Drop tables with CASCADE. (WARNING! Risk of unrecoverable data loss)" order: 12 group: "tables" tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 groups: - id: "connection" title: "Connection" - id: "tables" title: "Tables" destination-dynamodb: title: "DynamoDB Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "dynamodb_table_name_prefix" - "dynamodb_region" - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" - "destinationType" properties: dynamodb_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "This is your DynamoDB endpoint url.(if you are working with\ \ AWS DynamoDB, just leave empty)." examples: - "http://localhost:9000" dynamodb_table_name_prefix: title: "Table name prefix" type: "string" description: "The prefix to use when naming DynamoDB tables." examples: - "airbyte_sync" dynamodb_region: title: "DynamoDB Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the DynamoDB." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key id to access the DynamoDB. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the DynamoDB." title: "DynamoDB Key Id" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key id." title: "DynamoDB Access Key" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "dynamodb" const: "dynamodb" enum: - "dynamodb" order: 0 type: "string" destination-dynamodb-update: title: "DynamoDB Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "dynamodb_table_name_prefix" - "dynamodb_region" - "access_key_id" - "secret_access_key" properties: dynamodb_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "This is your DynamoDB endpoint url.(if you are working with\ \ AWS DynamoDB, just leave empty)." examples: - "http://localhost:9000" dynamodb_table_name_prefix: title: "Table name prefix" type: "string" description: "The prefix to use when naming DynamoDB tables." examples: - "airbyte_sync" dynamodb_region: title: "DynamoDB Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the DynamoDB." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key id to access the DynamoDB. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the DynamoDB." title: "DynamoDB Key Id" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key id." title: "DynamoDB Access Key" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" destination-qdrant: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: url: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "Public Endpoint of the Qdrant cluser" order: 0 type: "string" auth_method: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Method to authenticate with the Qdrant Instance" default: "api_key_auth" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "ApiKeyAuth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api_key_auth" const: "api_key_auth" enum: - "api_key_auth" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "API Key for the Qdrant instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "api_key" - title: "NoAuth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" prefer_grpc: title: "Prefer gRPC" description: "Whether to prefer gRPC over HTTP. Set to true for Qdrant\ \ cloud clusters" default: true type: "boolean" collection: title: "Collection Name" description: "The collection to load data into" order: 2 type: "string" distance_metric: title: "Distance Metric" description: "The Distance metric used to measure similarities among\ \ vectors. This field is only used if the collection defined in the\ \ does not exist yet and is created automatically by the connector." default: "cos" enum: - "dot" - "cos" - "euc" type: "string" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the payload that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" required: - "url" - "collection" group: "Indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" destinationType: title: "qdrant" const: "qdrant" enum: - "qdrant" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-qdrant-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: url: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "Public Endpoint of the Qdrant cluser" order: 0 type: "string" auth_method: title: "Authentication Method" description: "Method to authenticate with the Qdrant Instance" default: "api_key_auth" type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "ApiKeyAuth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "api_key_auth" const: "api_key_auth" enum: - "api_key_auth" type: "string" api_key: title: "API Key" description: "API Key for the Qdrant instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "api_key" - title: "NoAuth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" prefer_grpc: title: "Prefer gRPC" description: "Whether to prefer gRPC over HTTP. Set to true for Qdrant\ \ cloud clusters" default: true type: "boolean" collection: title: "Collection Name" description: "The collection to load data into" order: 2 type: "string" distance_metric: title: "Distance Metric" description: "The Distance metric used to measure similarities among\ \ vectors. This field is only used if the collection defined in the\ \ does not exist yet and is created automatically by the connector." default: "cos" enum: - "dot" - "cos" - "euc" type: "string" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the payload that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" required: - "url" - "collection" group: "Indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-snowflake: title: "Snowflake Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" - "schema" - "username" - "destinationType" properties: host: description: "Enter your Snowflake account's locator (in the format" examples: - "" - "" type: "string" title: "Host" pattern: "^(http(s)?:\\/\\/)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\\ .(snowflakecomputing\\.com|localstack\\.cloud))$" pattern_descriptor: "{account_name} or {accountname}.{aws_location}" order: 0 role: description: "Enter the role that you want to use to access Snowflake" examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" type: "string" title: "Role" order: 1 warehouse: description: "Enter the name of the warehouse that you want to use as a compute cluster" examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" title: "Warehouse" order: 2 database: description: "Enter the name of the database you want to sync data into" examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" title: "Database" order: 3 schema: description: "Enter the name of the default schema" examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" title: "Default Schema" order: 4 username: description: "Enter the name of the user you want to use to access the database" examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 5 credentials: title: "Authorization Method" description: "" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Key Pair Authentication" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "private_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Key Pair Authentication" enum: - "Key Pair Authentication" default: "Key Pair Authentication" order: 0 private_key: type: "string" title: "Private Key" description: "RSA Private key to use for Snowflake connection. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." multiline: true airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true private_key_password: type: "string" title: "Passphrase" description: "Passphrase for private key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Username and Password" type: "object" required: - "password" order: 1 properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Username and Password" enum: - "Username and Password" default: "Username and Password" order: 0 password: description: "Enter the password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" order: 2 required: - "access_token" - "refresh_token" airbyte_hidden: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth2.0" enum: - "OAuth2.0" default: "OAuth2.0" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Enter your application's Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Enter your application's Client secret" airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Enter you application's Access Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Enter your application's Refresh Token" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 6 jdbc_url_params: description: "Enter the additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string\ \ when connecting to the database (formatted as key=value pairs separated\ \ by the symbol &). Example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3" title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 7 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 10 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 11 retention_period_days: type: "integer" default: 1 description: "The number of days of Snowflake Time Travel to enable on the\ \ tables. See Snowflake's documentation for more information. Setting a nonzero\ \ value will incur increased storage costs in your Snowflake instance." title: "Data Retention Period (days)" order: 13 use_merge_for_upsert: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Use MERGE for de-duplication of final tables. This option\ \ no effect if Final tables are disabled or Sync mode is not DEDUPE" title: "Use MERGE for De-duplication of final tables" order: 14 destinationType: title: "snowflake" const: "snowflake" enum: - "snowflake" order: 0 type: "string" destination-snowflake-update: title: "Snowflake Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "role" - "warehouse" - "database" - "schema" - "username" properties: host: description: "Enter your Snowflake account's locator (in the format" examples: - "" - "" type: "string" title: "Host" pattern: "^(http(s)?:\\/\\/)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\.)?([^./?#]+\\\ .(snowflakecomputing\\.com|localstack\\.cloud))$" pattern_descriptor: "{account_name} or {accountname}.{aws_location}" order: 0 role: description: "Enter the role that you want to use to access Snowflake" examples: - "AIRBYTE_ROLE" type: "string" title: "Role" order: 1 warehouse: description: "Enter the name of the warehouse that you want to use as a compute cluster" examples: - "AIRBYTE_WAREHOUSE" type: "string" title: "Warehouse" order: 2 database: description: "Enter the name of the database you want to sync data into" examples: - "AIRBYTE_DATABASE" type: "string" title: "Database" order: 3 schema: description: "Enter the name of the default schema" examples: - "AIRBYTE_SCHEMA" type: "string" title: "Default Schema" order: 4 username: description: "Enter the name of the user you want to use to access the database" examples: - "AIRBYTE_USER" type: "string" title: "Username" order: 5 credentials: title: "Authorization Method" description: "" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "Key Pair Authentication" type: "object" order: 0 required: - "private_key" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Key Pair Authentication" enum: - "Key Pair Authentication" default: "Key Pair Authentication" order: 0 private_key: type: "string" title: "Private Key" description: "RSA Private key to use for Snowflake connection. See\ \ the docs for more information on how to obtain this key." multiline: true airbyte_secret: true private_key_password: type: "string" title: "Passphrase" description: "Passphrase for private key" airbyte_secret: true - title: "Username and Password" type: "object" required: - "password" order: 1 properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "Username and Password" enum: - "Username and Password" default: "Username and Password" order: 0 password: description: "Enter the password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true title: "Password" order: 1 - title: "OAuth2.0" type: "object" order: 2 required: - "access_token" - "refresh_token" airbyte_hidden: true properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAuth2.0" enum: - "OAuth2.0" default: "OAuth2.0" order: 0 client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Enter your application's Client ID" airbyte_secret: true client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Enter your application's Client secret" airbyte_secret: true access_token: type: "string" title: "Access Token" description: "Enter you application's Access Token" airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: type: "string" title: "Refresh Token" description: "Enter your application's Refresh Token" airbyte_secret: true order: 6 jdbc_url_params: description: "Enter the additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string\ \ when connecting to the database (formatted as key=value pairs separated\ \ by the symbol &). Example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3" title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 7 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 10 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 11 retention_period_days: type: "integer" default: 1 description: "The number of days of Snowflake Time Travel to enable on the\ \ tables. See Snowflake's documentation for more information. Setting a nonzero\ \ value will incur increased storage costs in your Snowflake instance." title: "Data Retention Period (days)" order: 13 use_merge_for_upsert: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Use MERGE for de-duplication of final tables. This option\ \ no effect if Final tables are disabled or Sync mode is not DEDUPE" title: "Use MERGE for De-duplication of final tables" order: 14 destination-databricks: title: "Databricks Lakehouse Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "accept_terms" - "hostname" - "http_path" - "database" - "authentication" - "destinationType" properties: accept_terms: title: "Agree to the Databricks JDBC Driver Terms & Conditions" type: "boolean" description: "You must agree to the Databricks JDBC Driver Terms & Conditions to use this connector." default: false order: 1 hostname: title: "Server Hostname" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster Server Hostname." examples: - "" order: 2 http_path: title: "HTTP Path" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster HTTP Path." examples: - "sql/1.0/warehouses/0000-1111111-abcd90" order: 3 port: title: "Port" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster Port." default: "443" examples: - "443" order: 4 database: title: "Databricks Unity Catalog Name" description: "The name of the unity catalog for the database" type: "string" order: 5 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written. If not specified otherwise,\ \ the \"default\" will be used." type: "string" examples: - "default" default: "default" order: 6 authentication: title: "Authentication" type: "object" description: "Authentication mechanism for Staging files and running queries" default: "OAUTH" order: 8 oneOf: - title: "OAuth2 (Recommended)" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "secret" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAUTH" order: 0 enum: - "OAUTH" client_id: type: "string" order: 1 secret: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 - title: "Personal Access Token" required: - "auth_type" - "personal_access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "BASIC" order: 0 enum: - "BASIC" personal_access_token: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true purge_staging_data: title: "Purge Staging Files and Tables" type: "boolean" description: "Default to 'true'. Switch it to 'false' for debugging purpose." default: true order: 9 raw_schema_override: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" default: "airbyte_internal" order: 10 destinationType: title: "databricks" const: "databricks" enum: - "databricks" order: 0 type: "string" destination-databricks-update: title: "Databricks Lakehouse Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "accept_terms" - "hostname" - "http_path" - "database" - "authentication" properties: accept_terms: title: "Agree to the Databricks JDBC Driver Terms & Conditions" type: "boolean" description: "You must agree to the Databricks JDBC Driver Terms & Conditions to use this connector." default: false order: 1 hostname: title: "Server Hostname" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster Server Hostname." examples: - "" order: 2 http_path: title: "HTTP Path" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster HTTP Path." examples: - "sql/1.0/warehouses/0000-1111111-abcd90" order: 3 port: title: "Port" type: "string" description: "Databricks Cluster Port." default: "443" examples: - "443" order: 4 database: title: "Databricks Unity Catalog Name" description: "The name of the unity catalog for the database" type: "string" order: 5 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written. If not specified otherwise,\ \ the \"default\" will be used." type: "string" examples: - "default" default: "default" order: 6 authentication: title: "Authentication" type: "object" description: "Authentication mechanism for Staging files and running queries" default: "OAUTH" order: 8 oneOf: - title: "OAuth2 (Recommended)" required: - "auth_type" - "client_id" - "secret" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "OAUTH" order: 0 enum: - "OAUTH" client_id: type: "string" order: 1 secret: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 - title: "Personal Access Token" required: - "auth_type" - "personal_access_token" properties: auth_type: type: "string" const: "BASIC" order: 0 enum: - "BASIC" personal_access_token: type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 1 purge_staging_data: title: "Purge Staging Files and Tables" type: "boolean" description: "Default to 'true'. Switch it to 'false' for debugging purpose." default: true order: 9 raw_schema_override: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" default: "airbyte_internal" order: 10 destination-oracle: title: "Oracle Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "sid" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "The hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "The port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1521 examples: - "1521" order: 1 sid: title: "SID" description: "The System Identifier uniquely distinguishes the instance\ \ from any other instance on the same computer." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "The username to access the database. This user must have CREATE\ \ USER privileges in the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 5 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema is used as the target schema for all statements\ \ issued from the connection that do not explicitly specify a schema name.\ \ The usual value for this field is \"airbyte\". In Oracle, schemas and\ \ users are the same thing, so the \"user\" parameter is used as the login\ \ credentials and this is used for the default Airbyte message schema." type: "string" examples: - "airbyte" default: "airbyte" order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "oracle" const: "oracle" enum: - "oracle" order: 0 type: "string" destination-oracle-update: title: "Oracle Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "sid" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "The hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "The port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 1521 examples: - "1521" order: 1 sid: title: "SID" description: "The System Identifier uniquely distinguishes the instance\ \ from any other instance on the same computer." type: "string" order: 2 username: title: "User" description: "The username to access the database. This user must have CREATE\ \ USER privileges in the database." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "The password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 5 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema is used as the target schema for all statements\ \ issued from the connection that do not explicitly specify a schema name.\ \ The usual value for this field is \"airbyte\". In Oracle, schemas and\ \ users are the same thing, so the \"user\" parameter is used as the login\ \ credentials and this is used for the default Airbyte message schema." type: "string" examples: - "airbyte" default: "airbyte" order: 6 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Schema Name" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-aws-datalake: title: "AWS Datalake Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "region" - "bucket_name" - "lakeformation_database_name" - "destinationType" properties: aws_account_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Account Id" description: "target aws account id" examples: - "111111111111" order: 1 credentials: title: "Authentication mode" description: "Choose How to Authenticate to AWS." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "IAM Role" required: - "role_arn" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "IAM Role" enum: - "IAM Role" default: "IAM Role" order: 0 role_arn: title: "Target Role Arn" type: "string" description: "Will assume this role to write data to s3" airbyte_secret: false - type: "object" title: "IAM User" required: - "credentials_title" - "aws_access_key_id" - "aws_secret_access_key" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "IAM User" enum: - "IAM User" default: "IAM User" order: 0 aws_access_key_id: title: "Access Key Id" type: "string" description: "AWS User Access Key Id" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_secret_access_key: title: "Secret Access Key" type: "string" description: "Secret Access Key" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true order: 2 region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 3 bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." order: 4 bucket_prefix: title: "Target S3 Bucket Prefix" type: "string" description: "S3 prefix" order: 5 lakeformation_database_name: title: "Lake Formation Database Name" type: "string" description: "The default database this destination will use to create tables\ \ in per stream. Can be changed per connection by customizing the namespace." order: 6 lakeformation_database_default_tag_key: title: "Lake Formation Database Tag Key" description: "Add a default tag key to databases created by this destination" examples: - "pii_level" type: "string" order: 7 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true lakeformation_database_default_tag_values: title: "Lake Formation Database Tag Values" description: "Add default values for the `Tag Key` to databases created\ \ by this destination. Comma separate for multiple values." examples: - "private,public" type: "string" order: 8 lakeformation_governed_tables: title: "Lake Formation Governed Tables" description: "Whether to create tables as LF governed tables." type: "boolean" default: false order: 9 format: title: "Output Format *" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output." oneOf: - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type *" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec (Optional)" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "GZIP" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type *" type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec (Optional)" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "ZSTD" default: "SNAPPY" order: 10 partitioning: title: "Choose how to partition data" description: "Partition data by cursor fields when a cursor field is a date" type: "string" enum: - "NO PARTITIONING" - "DATE" - "YEAR" - "MONTH" - "DAY" - "YEAR/MONTH" - "YEAR/MONTH/DAY" default: "NO PARTITIONING" order: 11 glue_catalog_float_as_decimal: title: "Glue Catalog: Float as Decimal" description: "Cast float/double as decimal(38,18). This can help achieve\ \ higher accuracy and represent numbers correctly as received from the\ \ source." type: "boolean" default: false order: 12 destinationType: title: "aws-datalake" const: "aws-datalake" enum: - "aws-datalake" order: 0 type: "string" destination-aws-datalake-update: title: "AWS Datalake Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "credentials" - "region" - "bucket_name" - "lakeformation_database_name" properties: aws_account_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Account Id" description: "target aws account id" examples: - "111111111111" order: 1 credentials: title: "Authentication mode" description: "Choose How to Authenticate to AWS." type: "object" oneOf: - type: "object" title: "IAM Role" required: - "role_arn" - "credentials_title" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "IAM Role" enum: - "IAM Role" default: "IAM Role" order: 0 role_arn: title: "Target Role Arn" type: "string" description: "Will assume this role to write data to s3" airbyte_secret: false - type: "object" title: "IAM User" required: - "credentials_title" - "aws_access_key_id" - "aws_secret_access_key" properties: credentials_title: type: "string" title: "Credentials Title" description: "Name of the credentials" const: "IAM User" enum: - "IAM User" default: "IAM User" order: 0 aws_access_key_id: title: "Access Key Id" type: "string" description: "AWS User Access Key Id" airbyte_secret: true aws_secret_access_key: title: "Secret Access Key" type: "string" description: "Secret Access Key" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 3 bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." order: 4 bucket_prefix: title: "Target S3 Bucket Prefix" type: "string" description: "S3 prefix" order: 5 lakeformation_database_name: title: "Lake Formation Database Name" type: "string" description: "The default database this destination will use to create tables\ \ in per stream. Can be changed per connection by customizing the namespace." order: 6 lakeformation_database_default_tag_key: title: "Lake Formation Database Tag Key" description: "Add a default tag key to databases created by this destination" examples: - "pii_level" type: "string" order: 7 lakeformation_database_default_tag_values: title: "Lake Formation Database Tag Values" description: "Add default values for the `Tag Key` to databases created\ \ by this destination. Comma separate for multiple values." examples: - "private,public" type: "string" order: 8 lakeformation_governed_tables: title: "Lake Formation Governed Tables" description: "Whether to create tables as LF governed tables." type: "boolean" default: false order: 9 format: title: "Output Format *" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output." oneOf: - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type *" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec (Optional)" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "GZIP" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type *" type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec (Optional)" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "ZSTD" default: "SNAPPY" order: 10 partitioning: title: "Choose how to partition data" description: "Partition data by cursor fields when a cursor field is a date" type: "string" enum: - "NO PARTITIONING" - "DATE" - "YEAR" - "MONTH" - "DAY" - "YEAR/MONTH" - "YEAR/MONTH/DAY" default: "NO PARTITIONING" order: 11 glue_catalog_float_as_decimal: title: "Glue Catalog: Float as Decimal" description: "Cast float/double as decimal(38,18). This can help achieve\ \ higher accuracy and represent numbers correctly as received from the\ \ source." type: "boolean" default: false order: 12 destination-milvus: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "The public endpoint of the Milvus instance. " order: 1 examples: - "" - "tcp://host.docker.internal:19530" - "tcp://my-local-milvus:19530" type: "string" db: title: "Database Name" description: "The database to connect to" default: "" type: "string" collection: title: "Collection Name" description: "The collection to load data into" order: 3 type: "string" auth: title: "Authentication" description: "Authentication method" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "API Token" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "token" const: "token" enum: - "token" type: "string" token: title: "API Token" description: "API Token for the Milvus instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "token" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using an API token (suitable for Zilliz\ \ Cloud)" - title: "Username/Password" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "username_password" const: "username_password" enum: - "username_password" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Username for the Milvus instance" order: 1 type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password for the Milvus instance" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "username" - "password" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using username and password (suitable for\ \ self-managed Milvus clusters)" - title: "No auth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" description: "Do not authenticate (suitable for locally running test\ \ clusters, do not use for clusters with public IP addresses)" required: - "mode" vector_field: title: "Vector Field" description: "The field in the entity that contains the vector" default: "vector" type: "string" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the entity that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" required: - "host" - "collection" - "auth" group: "indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" destinationType: title: "milvus" const: "milvus" enum: - "milvus" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-milvus-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: host: title: "Public Endpoint" description: "The public endpoint of the Milvus instance. " order: 1 examples: - "" - "tcp://host.docker.internal:19530" - "tcp://my-local-milvus:19530" type: "string" db: title: "Database Name" description: "The database to connect to" default: "" type: "string" collection: title: "Collection Name" description: "The collection to load data into" order: 3 type: "string" auth: title: "Authentication" description: "Authentication method" type: "object" order: 2 oneOf: - title: "API Token" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "token" const: "token" enum: - "token" type: "string" token: title: "API Token" description: "API Token for the Milvus instance" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "token" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using an API token (suitable for Zilliz\ \ Cloud)" - title: "Username/Password" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "username_password" const: "username_password" enum: - "username_password" type: "string" username: title: "Username" description: "Username for the Milvus instance" order: 1 type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Password for the Milvus instance" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 type: "string" required: - "username" - "password" - "mode" description: "Authenticate using username and password (suitable for\ \ self-managed Milvus clusters)" - title: "No auth" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "no_auth" const: "no_auth" enum: - "no_auth" type: "string" description: "Do not authenticate (suitable for locally running test\ \ clusters, do not use for clusters with public IP addresses)" required: - "mode" vector_field: title: "Vector Field" description: "The field in the entity that contains the vector" default: "vector" type: "string" text_field: title: "Text Field" description: "The field in the entity that contains the embedded text" default: "text" type: "string" required: - "host" - "collection" - "auth" group: "indexing" description: "Indexing configuration" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-firebolt: title: "Firebolt Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "account" - "database" - "engine" - "destinationType" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Firebolt service account ID." examples: - "bbl9qth066hmxkwyb0hy2iwk8ktez9dz" order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Firebolt secret, corresponding to the service account ID." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 account: type: "string" title: "Account" description: "Firebolt account to login." host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "The host name of your Firebolt database." examples: - "" database: type: "string" title: "Database" description: "The database to connect to." engine: type: "string" title: "Engine" description: "Engine name to connect to." loading_method: type: "object" title: "Loading Method" description: "Loading method used to select the way data will be uploaded\ \ to Firebolt" oneOf: - title: "SQL Inserts" additionalProperties: false required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "SQL" enum: - "SQL" - title: "External Table via S3" additionalProperties: false required: - "method" - "s3_bucket" - "s3_region" - "aws_key_id" - "aws_key_secret" properties: method: type: "string" const: "S3" enum: - "S3" s3_bucket: type: "string" title: "S3 bucket name" description: "The name of the S3 bucket." s3_region: type: "string" title: "S3 region name" description: "Region name of the S3 bucket." examples: - "us-east-1" aws_key_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Key ID" airbyte_secret: true description: "AWS access key granting read and write access to S3." x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true aws_key_secret: type: "string" title: "AWS Key Secret" airbyte_secret: true description: "Corresponding secret part of the AWS Key" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "firebolt" const: "firebolt" enum: - "firebolt" order: 0 type: "string" destination-firebolt-update: title: "Firebolt Spec" type: "object" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "account" - "database" - "engine" properties: client_id: type: "string" title: "Client ID" description: "Firebolt service account ID." examples: - "bbl9qth066hmxkwyb0hy2iwk8ktez9dz" order: 0 client_secret: type: "string" title: "Client Secret" description: "Firebolt secret, corresponding to the service account ID." airbyte_secret: true order: 1 account: type: "string" title: "Account" description: "Firebolt account to login." host: type: "string" title: "Host" description: "The host name of your Firebolt database." examples: - "" database: type: "string" title: "Database" description: "The database to connect to." engine: type: "string" title: "Engine" description: "Engine name to connect to." loading_method: type: "object" title: "Loading Method" description: "Loading method used to select the way data will be uploaded\ \ to Firebolt" oneOf: - title: "SQL Inserts" additionalProperties: false required: - "method" properties: method: type: "string" const: "SQL" enum: - "SQL" - title: "External Table via S3" additionalProperties: false required: - "method" - "s3_bucket" - "s3_region" - "aws_key_id" - "aws_key_secret" properties: method: type: "string" const: "S3" enum: - "S3" s3_bucket: type: "string" title: "S3 bucket name" description: "The name of the S3 bucket." s3_region: type: "string" title: "S3 region name" description: "Region name of the S3 bucket." examples: - "us-east-1" aws_key_id: type: "string" title: "AWS Key ID" airbyte_secret: true description: "AWS access key granting read and write access to S3." aws_key_secret: type: "string" title: "AWS Key Secret" airbyte_secret: true description: "Corresponding secret part of the AWS Key" destination-google-sheets: title: "Destination Google Sheets" type: "object" required: - "spreadsheet_id" - "credentials" - "destinationType" properties: spreadsheet_id: type: "string" title: "Spreadsheet Link" description: "The link to your spreadsheet. See this\ \ guide for more details." examples: - "" credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication via Google (OAuth)" description: "Google API Credentials for connecting to Google Sheets and\ \ Google Drive APIs" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Google Sheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Google Sheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining new access token." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "google-sheets" const: "google-sheets" enum: - "google-sheets" order: 0 type: "string" destination-google-sheets-update: title: "Destination Google Sheets" type: "object" required: - "spreadsheet_id" - "credentials" properties: spreadsheet_id: type: "string" title: "Spreadsheet Link" description: "The link to your spreadsheet. See this\ \ guide for more details." examples: - "" credentials: type: "object" title: "Authentication via Google (OAuth)" description: "Google API Credentials for connecting to Google Sheets and\ \ Google Drive APIs" required: - "client_id" - "client_secret" - "refresh_token" properties: client_id: title: "Client ID" type: "string" description: "The Client ID of your Google Sheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true client_secret: title: "Client Secret" type: "string" description: "The Client Secret of your Google Sheets developer application." airbyte_secret: true refresh_token: title: "Refresh Token" type: "string" description: "The token for obtaining new access token." airbyte_secret: true destination-astra: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: astra_db_app_token: title: "Astra DB Application Token" description: "The application token authorizes a user to connect to\ \ a specific Astra DB database. It is created when the user clicks\ \ the Generate Token button on the Overview tab of the Database page\ \ in the Astra UI." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true astra_db_endpoint: title: "Astra DB Endpoint" description: "The endpoint specifies which Astra DB database queries\ \ are sent to. It can be copied from the Database Details section\ \ of the Overview tab of the Database page in the Astra UI." pattern: "^https:\\/\\/([a-z]|[0-9]){8}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){12}-[^\\\ .]*?\\.apps\\.astra\\.datastax\\.com" examples: - "" type: "string" astra_db_keyspace: title: "Astra DB Keyspace" description: "Keyspaces (or Namespaces) serve as containers for organizing\ \ data within a database. You can create a new keyspace uisng the\ \ Data Explorer tab in the Astra UI. The keyspace default_keyspace\ \ is created for you when you create a Vector Database in Astra DB." type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true collection: title: "Astra DB collection" description: "Collections hold data. They are analagous to tables in\ \ traditional Cassandra terminology. This tool will create the collection\ \ with the provided name automatically if it does not already exist.\ \ Alternatively, you can create one thorugh the Data Explorer tab\ \ in the Astra UI." type: "string" required: - "astra_db_app_token" - "astra_db_endpoint" - "astra_db_keyspace" - "collection" description: "Astra DB gives developers the APIs, real-time data and ecosystem\ \ integrations to put accurate RAG and Gen AI apps with fewer hallucinations\ \ in production." group: "indexing" destinationType: title: "astra" const: "astra" enum: - "astra" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-astra-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: astra_db_app_token: title: "Astra DB Application Token" description: "The application token authorizes a user to connect to\ \ a specific Astra DB database. It is created when the user clicks\ \ the Generate Token button on the Overview tab of the Database page\ \ in the Astra UI." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" astra_db_endpoint: title: "Astra DB Endpoint" description: "The endpoint specifies which Astra DB database queries\ \ are sent to. It can be copied from the Database Details section\ \ of the Overview tab of the Database page in the Astra UI." pattern: "^https:\\/\\/([a-z]|[0-9]){8}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){4}-([a-z]|[0-9]){12}-[^\\\ .]*?\\.apps\\.astra\\.datastax\\.com" examples: - "" type: "string" astra_db_keyspace: title: "Astra DB Keyspace" description: "Keyspaces (or Namespaces) serve as containers for organizing\ \ data within a database. You can create a new keyspace uisng the\ \ Data Explorer tab in the Astra UI. The keyspace default_keyspace\ \ is created for you when you create a Vector Database in Astra DB." type: "string" collection: title: "Astra DB collection" description: "Collections hold data. They are analagous to tables in\ \ traditional Cassandra terminology. This tool will create the collection\ \ with the provided name automatically if it does not already exist.\ \ Alternatively, you can create one thorugh the Data Explorer tab\ \ in the Astra UI." type: "string" required: - "astra_db_app_token" - "astra_db_endpoint" - "astra_db_keyspace" - "collection" description: "Astra DB gives developers the APIs, real-time data and ecosystem\ \ integrations to put accurate RAG and Gen AI apps with fewer hallucinations\ \ in production." group: "indexing" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-teradata: title: "Teradata Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 1 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "airbyte_td" default: "airbyte_td" order: 3 ssl: title: "SSL Connection" description: "Encrypt data using SSL. When activating SSL, please select\ \ one of the connection modes." type: "boolean" default: false order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the destination database\n prefer - Chose this\ \ mode to allow unencrypted connection only if the destination database\ \ does not support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption. If the destination database server does not support\ \ encryption, connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode\ \ to always require encryption and to verify that the destination database\ \ server has a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the\ \ most secure mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to\ \ verify the identity of the destination database server\n See more information\ \ - in the docs." type: "object" order: 6 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ssl_ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ssl_ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "Specifies the file name of a PEM file that contains\ \ Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=verify-ca.\n\ \ See more information - in the docs." airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ssl_ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ssl_ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "Specifies the file name of a PEM file that contains\ \ Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=verify-full.\n\ \ See more information - in the docs." airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 7 destinationType: title: "teradata" const: "teradata" enum: - "teradata" order: 0 type: "string" destination-teradata-update: title: "Teradata Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 1 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "airbyte_td" default: "airbyte_td" order: 3 ssl: title: "SSL Connection" description: "Encrypt data using SSL. When activating SSL, please select\ \ one of the connection modes." type: "boolean" default: false order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the destination database\n prefer - Chose this\ \ mode to allow unencrypted connection only if the destination database\ \ does not support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption. If the destination database server does not support\ \ encryption, connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode\ \ to always require encryption and to verify that the destination database\ \ server has a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the\ \ most secure mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to\ \ verify the identity of the destination database server\n See more information\ \ - in the docs." type: "object" order: 6 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ssl_ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ssl_ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "Specifies the file name of a PEM file that contains\ \ Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=verify-ca.\n\ \ See more information - in the docs." airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ssl_ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ssl_ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "Specifies the file name of a PEM file that contains\ \ Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with SSLMODE=verify-full.\n\ \ See more information - in the docs." airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 7 destination-pinecone: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: pinecone_key: title: "Pinecone API key" description: "The Pinecone API key to use matching the environment (copy\ \ from Pinecone console)" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true pinecone_environment: title: "Pinecone Environment" description: "Pinecone Cloud environment to use" examples: - "us-west1-gcp" - "gcp-starter" type: "string" index: title: "Index" description: "Pinecone index in your project to load data into" type: "string" required: - "pinecone_key" - "pinecone_environment" - "index" description: "Pinecone is a popular vector store that can be used to store\ \ and retrieve embeddings." group: "indexing" destinationType: title: "pinecone" const: "pinecone" enum: - "pinecone" order: 0 type: "string" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" - "destinationType" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-pinecone-update: title: "Destination Config" description: "The configuration model for the Vector DB based destinations.\ \ This model is used to generate the UI for the destination configuration,\n\ as well as to provide type safety for the configuration passed to the destination.\n\ \nThe configuration model is composed of four parts:\n* Processing configuration\n\ * Embedding configuration\n* Indexing configuration\n* Advanced configuration\n\ \nProcessing, embedding and advanced configuration are provided by this base\ \ class, while the indexing configuration is provided by the destination connector\ \ in the sub class." type: "object" properties: embedding: title: "Embedding" description: "Embedding configuration" group: "embedding" type: "object" oneOf: - title: "OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai" const: "openai" enum: - "openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "OpenAI API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "mode" description: "Use the OpenAI API to embed text. This option is using the\ \ text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "Cohere" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "cohere" const: "cohere" enum: - "cohere" type: "string" cohere_key: title: "Cohere API key" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" required: - "cohere_key" - "mode" description: "Use the Cohere API to embed text." - title: "Fake" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "fake" const: "fake" enum: - "fake" type: "string" description: "Use a fake embedding made out of random vectors with 1536\ \ embedding dimensions. This is useful for testing the data pipeline\ \ without incurring any costs." required: - "mode" - title: "Azure OpenAI" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "azure_openai" const: "azure_openai" enum: - "azure_openai" type: "string" openai_key: title: "Azure OpenAI API key" description: "The API key for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" api_base: title: "Resource base URL" description: "The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource. You can\ \ find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "" type: "string" deployment: title: "Deployment" description: "The deployment for your Azure OpenAI resource. You\ \ can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource" examples: - "your-resource-name" type: "string" required: - "openai_key" - "api_base" - "deployment" - "mode" description: "Use the Azure-hosted OpenAI API to embed text. This option\ \ is using the text-embedding-ada-002 model with 1536 embedding dimensions." - title: "OpenAI-compatible" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "openai_compatible" const: "openai_compatible" enum: - "openai_compatible" type: "string" api_key: title: "API key" default: "" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" base_url: title: "Base URL" description: "The base URL for your OpenAI-compatible service" examples: - "" type: "string" model_name: title: "Model name" description: "The name of the model to use for embedding" default: "text-embedding-ada-002" examples: - "text-embedding-ada-002" type: "string" dimensions: title: "Embedding dimensions" description: "The number of dimensions the embedding model is generating" examples: - 1536 - 384 type: "integer" required: - "base_url" - "dimensions" - "mode" description: "Use a service that's compatible with the OpenAI API to embed\ \ text." processing: title: "ProcessingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: chunk_size: title: "Chunk size" description: "Size of chunks in tokens to store in vector store (make\ \ sure it is not too big for the context if your LLM)" maximum: 8191 minimum: 1 type: "integer" chunk_overlap: title: "Chunk overlap" description: "Size of overlap between chunks in tokens to store in vector\ \ store to better capture relevant context" default: 0 type: "integer" text_fields: title: "Text fields to embed" description: "List of fields in the record that should be used to calculate\ \ the embedding. The field list is applied to all streams in the same\ \ way and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all\ \ fields are considered text fields. When specifying text fields,\ \ you can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation,\ \ e.g. `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object.\ \ It's also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "text" - "" - "users.*.name" type: "array" items: type: "string" metadata_fields: title: "Fields to store as metadata" description: "List of fields in the record that should be stored as\ \ metadata. The field list is applied to all streams in the same way\ \ and non-existing fields are ignored. If none are defined, all fields\ \ are considered metadata fields. When specifying text fields, you\ \ can access nested fields in the record by using dot notation, e.g.\ \ `` will access the `name` field in the `user` object. It's\ \ also possible to use wildcards to access all fields in an object,\ \ e.g. `users.*.name` will access all `names` fields in all entries\ \ of the `users` array. When specifying nested paths, all matching\ \ values are flattened into an array set to a field named by the path." default: [] always_show: true examples: - "age" - "user" - "" type: "array" items: type: "string" text_splitter: title: "Text splitter" description: "Split text fields into chunks based on the specified method." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "By Separator" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "separator" const: "separator" enum: - "separator" type: "string" separators: title: "Separators" description: "List of separator strings to split text fields by.\ \ The separator itself needs to be wrapped in double quotes,\ \ e.g. to split by the dot character, use \".\". To split by\ \ a newline, use \"\\n\"." default: - "\"\\n\\n\"" - "\"\\n\"" - "\" \"" - "\"\"" type: "array" items: type: "string" keep_separator: title: "Keep separator" description: "Whether to keep the separator in the resulting chunks" default: false type: "boolean" description: "Split the text by the list of separators until the chunk\ \ size is reached, using the earlier mentioned separators where\ \ possible. This is useful for splitting text fields by paragraphs,\ \ sentences, words, etc." required: - "mode" - title: "By Markdown header" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "markdown" const: "markdown" enum: - "markdown" type: "string" split_level: title: "Split level" description: "Level of markdown headers to split text fields by.\ \ Headings down to the specified level will be used as split\ \ points" default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 6 type: "integer" description: "Split the text by Markdown headers down to the specified\ \ header level. If the chunk size fits multiple sections, they will\ \ be combined into a single chunk." required: - "mode" - title: "By Programming Language" type: "object" properties: mode: title: "Mode" default: "code" const: "code" enum: - "code" type: "string" language: title: "Language" description: "Split code in suitable places based on the programming\ \ language" enum: - "cpp" - "go" - "java" - "js" - "php" - "proto" - "python" - "rst" - "ruby" - "rust" - "scala" - "swift" - "markdown" - "latex" - "html" - "sol" type: "string" required: - "language" - "mode" description: "Split the text by suitable delimiters based on the programming\ \ language. This is useful for splitting code into chunks." field_name_mappings: title: "Field name mappings" description: "List of fields to rename. Not applicable for nested fields,\ \ but can be used to rename fields already flattened via dot notation." default: [] type: "array" items: title: "FieldNameMappingConfigModel" type: "object" properties: from_field: title: "From field name" description: "The field name in the source" type: "string" to_field: title: "To field name" description: "The field name to use in the destination" type: "string" required: - "from_field" - "to_field" required: - "chunk_size" group: "processing" omit_raw_text: title: "Do not store raw text" description: "Do not store the text that gets embedded along with the vector\ \ and the metadata in the destination. If set to true, only the vector\ \ and the metadata will be stored - in this case raw text for LLM use\ \ cases needs to be retrieved from another source." default: false group: "advanced" type: "boolean" indexing: title: "Indexing" type: "object" properties: pinecone_key: title: "Pinecone API key" description: "The Pinecone API key to use matching the environment (copy\ \ from Pinecone console)" airbyte_secret: true type: "string" pinecone_environment: title: "Pinecone Environment" description: "Pinecone Cloud environment to use" examples: - "us-west1-gcp" - "gcp-starter" type: "string" index: title: "Index" description: "Pinecone index in your project to load data into" type: "string" required: - "pinecone_key" - "pinecone_environment" - "index" description: "Pinecone is a popular vector store that can be used to store\ \ and retrieve embeddings." group: "indexing" required: - "embedding" - "processing" - "indexing" groups: - id: "processing" title: "Processing" - id: "embedding" title: "Embedding" - id: "indexing" title: "Indexing" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-duckdb: title: "Destination Duckdb" type: "object" required: - "destination_path" - "destinationType" properties: motherduck_api_key: title: "MotherDuck API Key" type: "string" description: "API key to use for authentication to a MotherDuck database." airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destination_path: title: "Destination DB" type: "string" description: "Path to the .duckdb file, or the text 'md:' to connect to\ \ MotherDuck. The file will be placed inside that local mount. For more\ \ information check out our docs" examples: - "/local/destination.duckdb" - "md:" - "motherduck:" schema: title: "Destination Schema" type: "string" description: "Database schema name, default for duckdb is 'main'." example: "main" destinationType: title: "duckdb" const: "duckdb" enum: - "duckdb" order: 0 type: "string" destination-duckdb-update: title: "Destination Duckdb" type: "object" required: - "destination_path" properties: motherduck_api_key: title: "MotherDuck API Key" type: "string" description: "API key to use for authentication to a MotherDuck database." airbyte_secret: true destination_path: title: "Destination DB" type: "string" description: "Path to the .duckdb file, or the text 'md:' to connect to\ \ MotherDuck. The file will be placed inside that local mount. For more\ \ information check out our docs" examples: - "/local/destination.duckdb" - "md:" - "motherduck:" schema: title: "Destination Schema" type: "string" description: "Database schema name, default for duckdb is 'main'." example: "main" destination-sftp-json: title: "Destination SFTP JSON" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" - "password" - "destination_path" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the SFTP server." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the SFTP server." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - 22 order: 1 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the SFTP server." type: "string" order: 2 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destination_path: title: "Destination path" type: "string" description: "Path to the directory where json files will be written." examples: - "/json_data" order: 4 destinationType: title: "sftp-json" const: "sftp-json" enum: - "sftp-json" order: 0 type: "string" destination-sftp-json-update: title: "Destination SFTP JSON" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" - "password" - "destination_path" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the SFTP server." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the SFTP server." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - 22 order: 1 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the SFTP server." type: "string" order: 2 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 3 destination_path: title: "Destination path" type: "string" description: "Path to the directory where json files will be written." examples: - "/json_data" order: 4 destination-s3: title: "S3 Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_path" - "s3_bucket_region" - "format" - "destinationType" properties: access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key ID to access the S3 bucket. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the given bucket. Read more here." title: "S3 Key ID" airbyte_secret: true always_show: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key ID. Read more here" title: "S3 Access Key" airbyte_secret: true always_show: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true role_arn: type: "string" description: "The Role ARN" title: "Role ARN" examples: - "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/ExternalIdIsYourWorkspaceId" order: 2 s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 3 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the S3 bucket where data will be written.\ \ Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 4 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 5 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output. See here for more details" oneOf: - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" - "flattening" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "CSV" default: "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".csv.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output JSON Lines. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "Avro: Apache Avro" required: - "format_type" - "compression_codec" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "Avro" default: "Avro" order: 0 compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data. Default\ \ to no compression." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No Compression" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "no compression" default: "no compression" - title: "Deflate" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "Deflate" default: "Deflate" compression_level: title: "Deflate Level" description: "0: no compression & fastest, 9: best compression\ \ & slowest." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "bzip2" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "bzip2" default: "bzip2" - title: "xz" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "xz" default: "xz" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "See here for details." type: "integer" default: 6 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "zstandard" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "zstandard" default: "zstandard" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "Negative levels are 'fast' modes akin to lz4 or\ \ snappy, levels above 9 are generally for archival purposes,\ \ and levels above 18 use a lot of memory." type: "integer" default: 3 minimum: -5 maximum: 22 include_checksum: title: "Include Checksum" description: "If true, include a checksum with each data block." type: "boolean" default: false - title: "snappy" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "snappy" default: "snappy" order: 1 - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data pages." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "LZO" - "BROTLI" - "LZ4" - "ZSTD" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" block_size_mb: title: "Block Size (Row Group Size) (MB)" description: "This is the size of a row group being buffered in memory.\ \ It limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve\ \ the IO when reading, but consume more memory when writing. Default:\ \ 128 MB." type: "integer" default: 128 examples: - 128 max_padding_size_mb: title: "Max Padding Size (MB)" description: "Maximum size allowed as padding to align row groups.\ \ This is also the minimum size of a row group. Default: 8 MB." type: "integer" default: 8 examples: - 8 page_size_kb: title: "Page Size (KB)" description: "The page size is for compression. A block is composed\ \ of pages. A page is the smallest unit that must be read fully\ \ to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression\ \ will deteriorate. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_page_size_kb: title: "Dictionary Page Size (KB)" description: "There is one dictionary page per column per row group\ \ when dictionary encoding is used. The dictionary page size works\ \ like the page size but for dictionary. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_encoding: title: "Dictionary Encoding" description: "Default: true." type: "boolean" default: true order: 6 s3_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "Your S3 endpoint url. Read more here" examples: - "http://localhost:9000" order: 7 s3_path_format: title: "S3 Path Format" description: "Format string on how data will be organized inside the S3\ \ bucket directory. Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "${NAMESPACE}/${STREAM_NAME}/${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}_${EPOCH}_" order: 8 file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for the\ \ S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 9 destinationType: title: "s3" const: "s3" enum: - "s3" order: 0 type: "string" destination-s3-update: title: "S3 Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "s3_bucket_name" - "s3_bucket_path" - "s3_bucket_region" - "format" properties: access_key_id: type: "string" description: "The access key ID to access the S3 bucket. Airbyte requires\ \ Read and Write permissions to the given bucket. Read more here." title: "S3 Key ID" airbyte_secret: true always_show: true examples: - "A012345678910EXAMPLE" order: 0 secret_access_key: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret to the access key ID. Read more here" title: "S3 Access Key" airbyte_secret: true always_show: true examples: - "a012345678910ABCDEFGH/AbCdEfGhEXAMPLEKEY" order: 1 role_arn: type: "string" description: "The Role ARN" title: "Role ARN" examples: - "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/ExternalIdIsYourWorkspaceId" order: 2 s3_bucket_name: title: "S3 Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the S3 bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 3 s3_bucket_path: title: "S3 Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the S3 bucket where data will be written.\ \ Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 4 s3_bucket_region: title: "S3 Bucket Region" type: "string" default: "" description: "The region of the S3 bucket. See here for all region codes." enum: - "" - "af-south-1" - "ap-east-1" - "ap-northeast-1" - "ap-northeast-2" - "ap-northeast-3" - "ap-south-1" - "ap-south-2" - "ap-southeast-1" - "ap-southeast-2" - "ap-southeast-3" - "ap-southeast-4" - "ca-central-1" - "ca-west-1" - "cn-north-1" - "cn-northwest-1" - "eu-central-1" - "eu-central-2" - "eu-north-1" - "eu-south-1" - "eu-south-2" - "eu-west-1" - "eu-west-2" - "eu-west-3" - "il-central-1" - "me-central-1" - "me-south-1" - "sa-east-1" - "us-east-1" - "us-east-2" - "us-gov-east-1" - "us-gov-west-1" - "us-west-1" - "us-west-2" order: 5 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Format of the data output. See here for more details" oneOf: - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" - "flattening" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "CSV" default: "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".csv.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: - "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "JSON Lines: Newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "JSONL" default: "JSONL" flattening: type: "string" title: "Flattening" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output JSON Lines. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" compression: title: "Compression" type: "object" description: "Whether the output files should be compressed. If compression\ \ is selected, the output filename will have an extra extension\ \ (GZIP: \".jsonl.gz\")." oneOf: - title: "No Compression" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "No Compression" default: "No Compression" - title: "GZIP" requires: "compression_type" properties: compression_type: type: "string" enum: - "GZIP" default: "GZIP" - title: "Avro: Apache Avro" required: - "format_type" - "compression_codec" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "Avro" default: "Avro" order: 0 compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data. Default\ \ to no compression." type: "object" oneOf: - title: "No Compression" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "no compression" default: "no compression" - title: "Deflate" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "Deflate" default: "Deflate" compression_level: title: "Deflate Level" description: "0: no compression & fastest, 9: best compression\ \ & slowest." type: "integer" default: 0 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "bzip2" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "bzip2" default: "bzip2" - title: "xz" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "xz" default: "xz" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "See here for details." type: "integer" default: 6 minimum: 0 maximum: 9 - title: "zstandard" required: - "codec" - "compression_level" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "zstandard" default: "zstandard" compression_level: title: "Compression Level" description: "Negative levels are 'fast' modes akin to lz4 or\ \ snappy, levels above 9 are generally for archival purposes,\ \ and levels above 18 use a lot of memory." type: "integer" default: 3 minimum: -5 maximum: 22 include_checksum: title: "Include Checksum" description: "If true, include a checksum with each data block." type: "boolean" default: false - title: "snappy" required: - "codec" properties: codec: type: "string" enum: - "snappy" default: "snappy" order: 1 - title: "Parquet: Columnar Storage" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: title: "Format Type" type: "string" enum: - "Parquet" default: "Parquet" compression_codec: title: "Compression Codec" description: "The compression algorithm used to compress data pages." type: "string" enum: - "UNCOMPRESSED" - "SNAPPY" - "GZIP" - "LZO" - "BROTLI" - "LZ4" - "ZSTD" default: "UNCOMPRESSED" block_size_mb: title: "Block Size (Row Group Size) (MB)" description: "This is the size of a row group being buffered in memory.\ \ It limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve\ \ the IO when reading, but consume more memory when writing. Default:\ \ 128 MB." type: "integer" default: 128 examples: - 128 max_padding_size_mb: title: "Max Padding Size (MB)" description: "Maximum size allowed as padding to align row groups.\ \ This is also the minimum size of a row group. Default: 8 MB." type: "integer" default: 8 examples: - 8 page_size_kb: title: "Page Size (KB)" description: "The page size is for compression. A block is composed\ \ of pages. A page is the smallest unit that must be read fully\ \ to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression\ \ will deteriorate. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_page_size_kb: title: "Dictionary Page Size (KB)" description: "There is one dictionary page per column per row group\ \ when dictionary encoding is used. The dictionary page size works\ \ like the page size but for dictionary. Default: 1024 KB." type: "integer" default: 1024 examples: - 1024 dictionary_encoding: title: "Dictionary Encoding" description: "Default: true." type: "boolean" default: true order: 6 s3_endpoint: title: "Endpoint" type: "string" default: "" description: "Your S3 endpoint url. Read more here" examples: - "http://localhost:9000" order: 7 s3_path_format: title: "S3 Path Format" description: "Format string on how data will be organized inside the S3\ \ bucket directory. Read more here" type: "string" examples: - "${NAMESPACE}/${STREAM_NAME}/${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}_${EPOCH}_" order: 8 file_name_pattern: type: "string" description: "The pattern allows you to set the file-name format for the\ \ S3 staging file(s)" title: "S3 Filename pattern" examples: - "{date}" - "{date:yyyy_MM}" - "{timestamp}" - "{part_number}" - "{sync_id}" order: 9 destination-redis: title: "Redis Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" - "port" - "cache_type" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Redis host to connect to." type: "string" examples: - "localhost," order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of Redis." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 6379 order: 2 username: title: "Username" description: "Username associated with Redis." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with Redis." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true ssl: title: "SSL Connection" type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether SSL encryption protocol will be used to\ \ connect to Redis. It is recommended to use SSL connection if possible." default: false order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL Modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n
  • verify-full - This is\ \ the most secure mode. Always require encryption and verifies the identity\ \ of the source database server" type: "object" order: 6 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true cache_type: title: "Cache type" type: "string" default: "hash" description: "Redis cache type to store data in." enum: - "hash" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "redis" const: "redis" enum: - "redis" order: 0 type: "string" destination-redis-update: title: "Redis Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "username" - "port" - "cache_type" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Redis host to connect to." type: "string" examples: - "localhost," order: 1 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of Redis." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 6379 order: 2 username: title: "Username" description: "Username associated with Redis." type: "string" order: 3 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with Redis." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 ssl: title: "SSL Connection" type: "boolean" description: "Indicates whether SSL encryption protocol will be used to\ \ connect to Redis. It is recommended to use SSL connection if possible." default: false order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL Modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n
  • verify-full - This is\ \ the most secure mode. Always require encryption and verifies the identity\ \ of the source database server" type: "object" order: 6 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA Certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client Certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client Key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. If you do not add it - the\ \ password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 cache_type: title: "Cache type" type: "string" default: "hash" description: "Redis cache type to store data in." enum: - "hash" order: 7 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-typesense: title: "Destination Typesense" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "host" - "destinationType" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Typesense API Key" order: 0 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true host: title: "Host" type: "string" description: "Hostname of the Typesense instance without protocol. Accept\ \ multiple hosts separated by comma." order: 1 port: title: "Port" type: "string" description: "Port of the Typesense instance. Ex: 8108, 80, 443. Default\ \ is 443" order: 2 protocol: title: "Protocol" type: "string" description: "Protocol of the Typesense instance. Ex: http or https. Default\ \ is https" order: 3 batch_size: title: "Batch size" type: "integer" description: "How many documents should be imported together. Default 1000" order: 4 path: title: "Path" type: "string" description: "Path of the Typesense instance. Default is none" order: 5 destinationType: title: "typesense" const: "typesense" enum: - "typesense" order: 0 type: "string" destination-typesense-update: title: "Destination Typesense" type: "object" required: - "api_key" - "host" properties: api_key: title: "API Key" type: "string" description: "Typesense API Key" order: 0 host: title: "Host" type: "string" description: "Hostname of the Typesense instance without protocol. Accept\ \ multiple hosts separated by comma." order: 1 port: title: "Port" type: "string" description: "Port of the Typesense instance. Ex: 8108, 80, 443. Default\ \ is 443" order: 2 protocol: title: "Protocol" type: "string" description: "Protocol of the Typesense instance. Ex: http or https. Default\ \ is https" order: 3 batch_size: title: "Batch size" type: "integer" description: "How many documents should be imported together. Default 1000" order: 4 path: title: "Path" type: "string" description: "Path of the Typesense instance. Default is none" order: 5 destination-bigquery: title: "BigQuery Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "dataset_location" - "dataset_id" - "destinationType" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset. Read more here." title: "Project ID" group: "connection" order: 0 dataset_location: type: "string" description: "The location of the dataset. Warning: Changes made after creation\ \ will not be applied. Read more here." title: "Dataset Location" group: "connection" order: 1 enum: - "US" - "EU" - "asia-east1" - "asia-east2" - "asia-northeast1" - "asia-northeast2" - "asia-northeast3" - "asia-south1" - "asia-south2" - "asia-southeast1" - "asia-southeast2" - "australia-southeast1" - "australia-southeast2" - "europe-central1" - "europe-central2" - "europe-north1" - "europe-southwest1" - "europe-west1" - "europe-west2" - "europe-west3" - "europe-west4" - "europe-west6" - "europe-west7" - "europe-west8" - "europe-west9" - "europe-west12" - "me-central1" - "me-central2" - "me-west1" - "northamerica-northeast1" - "northamerica-northeast2" - "southamerica-east1" - "southamerica-west1" - "us-central1" - "us-east1" - "us-east2" - "us-east3" - "us-east4" - "us-east5" - "us-south1" - "us-west1" - "us-west2" - "us-west3" - "us-west4" dataset_id: type: "string" description: "The default BigQuery Dataset ID that tables are replicated\ \ to if the source does not specify a namespace. Read more here." title: "Default Dataset ID" group: "connection" order: 2 loading_method: type: "object" title: "Loading Method" description: "The way data will be uploaded to BigQuery." display_type: "radio" group: "connection" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Batched Standard Inserts" required: - "method" description: "Direct loading using batched SQL INSERT statements. This\ \ method uses the BigQuery driver to convert large INSERT statements\ \ into file uploads automatically." properties: method: type: "string" const: "Standard" enum: - "Standard" - title: "GCS Staging" description: "Writes large batches of records to a file, uploads the file\ \ to GCS, then uses COPY INTO to load your data into BigQuery." required: - "method" - "gcs_bucket_name" - "gcs_bucket_path" - "credential" properties: method: type: "string" const: "GCS Staging" enum: - "GCS Staging" credential: title: "Credential" description: "An HMAC key is a type of credential and can be associated\ \ with a service account or a user account in Cloud Storage. Read\ \ more here." type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "HMAC key" required: - "credential_type" - "hmac_key_access_id" - "hmac_key_secret" properties: credential_type: type: "string" const: "HMAC_KEY" order: 0 enum: - "HMAC_KEY" hmac_key_access_id: type: "string" description: "HMAC key access ID. When linked to a service account,\ \ this ID is 61 characters long; when linked to a user account,\ \ it is 24 characters long." title: "HMAC Key Access ID" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234" order: 1 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true hmac_key_secret: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret for the access ID. It\ \ is a 40-character base-64 encoded string." title: "HMAC Key Secret" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ" order: 2 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true gcs_bucket_name: title: "GCS Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the GCS bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 2 gcs_bucket_path: title: "GCS Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the GCS bucket where data will be written." type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 3 keep_files_in_gcs-bucket: type: "string" description: "This upload method is supposed to temporary store records\ \ in GCS bucket. By this select you can chose if these records should\ \ be removed from GCS when migration has finished. The default \"\ Delete all tmp files from GCS\" value is used if not set explicitly." title: "GCS Tmp Files Afterward Processing" default: "Delete all tmp files from GCS" enum: - "Delete all tmp files from GCS" - "Keep all tmp files in GCS" order: 4 credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key. Default credentials will\ \ be used if this field is left empty." title: "Service Account Key JSON (Required for cloud, optional for open-source)" airbyte_secret: true group: "connection" order: 4 always_show: true transformation_priority: type: "string" description: "Interactive run type means that the query is executed as soon\ \ as possible, and these queries count towards concurrent rate limit and\ \ daily limit. Read more about interactive run type here. Batch queries are queued and started as soon as idle resources\ \ are available in the BigQuery shared resource pool, which usually occurs\ \ within a few minutes. Batch queries don’t count towards your concurrent\ \ rate limit. Read more about batch queries here. The default \"interactive\" value is used if not set explicitly." title: "Transformation Query Run Type" default: "interactive" enum: - "interactive" - "batch" order: 5 group: "advanced" big_query_client_buffer_size_mb: title: "Google BigQuery Client Chunk Size" description: "Google BigQuery client's chunk (buffer) size (MIN=1, MAX =\ \ 15) for each table. The size that will be written by a single RPC. Written\ \ data will be buffered and only flushed upon reaching this size or closing\ \ the channel. The default 15MB value is used if not set explicitly. Read\ \ more here." type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 15 default: 15 examples: - "15" order: 6 group: "advanced" raw_data_dataset: type: "string" description: "The dataset to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Dataset Name" order: 7 group: "advanced" disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 8 group: "advanced" destinationType: title: "bigquery" const: "bigquery" enum: - "bigquery" order: 0 type: "string" groups: - id: "connection" title: "Connection" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-bigquery-update: title: "BigQuery Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "project_id" - "dataset_location" - "dataset_id" properties: project_id: type: "string" description: "The GCP project ID for the project containing the target BigQuery\ \ dataset. Read more here." title: "Project ID" group: "connection" order: 0 dataset_location: type: "string" description: "The location of the dataset. Warning: Changes made after creation\ \ will not be applied. Read more here." title: "Dataset Location" group: "connection" order: 1 enum: - "US" - "EU" - "asia-east1" - "asia-east2" - "asia-northeast1" - "asia-northeast2" - "asia-northeast3" - "asia-south1" - "asia-south2" - "asia-southeast1" - "asia-southeast2" - "australia-southeast1" - "australia-southeast2" - "europe-central1" - "europe-central2" - "europe-north1" - "europe-southwest1" - "europe-west1" - "europe-west2" - "europe-west3" - "europe-west4" - "europe-west6" - "europe-west7" - "europe-west8" - "europe-west9" - "europe-west12" - "me-central1" - "me-central2" - "me-west1" - "northamerica-northeast1" - "northamerica-northeast2" - "southamerica-east1" - "southamerica-west1" - "us-central1" - "us-east1" - "us-east2" - "us-east3" - "us-east4" - "us-east5" - "us-south1" - "us-west1" - "us-west2" - "us-west3" - "us-west4" dataset_id: type: "string" description: "The default BigQuery Dataset ID that tables are replicated\ \ to if the source does not specify a namespace. Read more here." title: "Default Dataset ID" group: "connection" order: 2 loading_method: type: "object" title: "Loading Method" description: "The way data will be uploaded to BigQuery." display_type: "radio" group: "connection" order: 3 oneOf: - title: "Batched Standard Inserts" required: - "method" description: "Direct loading using batched SQL INSERT statements. This\ \ method uses the BigQuery driver to convert large INSERT statements\ \ into file uploads automatically." properties: method: type: "string" const: "Standard" enum: - "Standard" - title: "GCS Staging" description: "Writes large batches of records to a file, uploads the file\ \ to GCS, then uses COPY INTO to load your data into BigQuery." required: - "method" - "gcs_bucket_name" - "gcs_bucket_path" - "credential" properties: method: type: "string" const: "GCS Staging" enum: - "GCS Staging" credential: title: "Credential" description: "An HMAC key is a type of credential and can be associated\ \ with a service account or a user account in Cloud Storage. Read\ \ more here." type: "object" order: 1 oneOf: - title: "HMAC key" required: - "credential_type" - "hmac_key_access_id" - "hmac_key_secret" properties: credential_type: type: "string" const: "HMAC_KEY" order: 0 enum: - "HMAC_KEY" hmac_key_access_id: type: "string" description: "HMAC key access ID. When linked to a service account,\ \ this ID is 61 characters long; when linked to a user account,\ \ it is 24 characters long." title: "HMAC Key Access ID" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234" order: 1 hmac_key_secret: type: "string" description: "The corresponding secret for the access ID. It\ \ is a 40-character base-64 encoded string." title: "HMAC Key Secret" airbyte_secret: true examples: - "1234567890abcdefghij1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ" order: 2 gcs_bucket_name: title: "GCS Bucket Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the GCS bucket. Read more here." examples: - "airbyte_sync" order: 2 gcs_bucket_path: title: "GCS Bucket Path" description: "Directory under the GCS bucket where data will be written." type: "string" examples: - "data_sync/test" order: 3 keep_files_in_gcs-bucket: type: "string" description: "This upload method is supposed to temporary store records\ \ in GCS bucket. By this select you can chose if these records should\ \ be removed from GCS when migration has finished. The default \"\ Delete all tmp files from GCS\" value is used if not set explicitly." title: "GCS Tmp Files Afterward Processing" default: "Delete all tmp files from GCS" enum: - "Delete all tmp files from GCS" - "Keep all tmp files in GCS" order: 4 credentials_json: type: "string" description: "The contents of the JSON service account key. Check out the\ \ docs if you need help generating this key. Default credentials will\ \ be used if this field is left empty." title: "Service Account Key JSON (Required for cloud, optional for open-source)" airbyte_secret: true group: "connection" order: 4 always_show: true transformation_priority: type: "string" description: "Interactive run type means that the query is executed as soon\ \ as possible, and these queries count towards concurrent rate limit and\ \ daily limit. Read more about interactive run type here. Batch queries are queued and started as soon as idle resources\ \ are available in the BigQuery shared resource pool, which usually occurs\ \ within a few minutes. Batch queries don’t count towards your concurrent\ \ rate limit. Read more about batch queries here. The default \"interactive\" value is used if not set explicitly." title: "Transformation Query Run Type" default: "interactive" enum: - "interactive" - "batch" order: 5 group: "advanced" big_query_client_buffer_size_mb: title: "Google BigQuery Client Chunk Size" description: "Google BigQuery client's chunk (buffer) size (MIN=1, MAX =\ \ 15) for each table. The size that will be written by a single RPC. Written\ \ data will be buffered and only flushed upon reaching this size or closing\ \ the channel. The default 15MB value is used if not set explicitly. Read\ \ more here." type: "integer" minimum: 1 maximum: 15 default: 15 examples: - "15" order: 6 group: "advanced" raw_data_dataset: type: "string" description: "The dataset to write raw tables into (default: airbyte_internal)" title: "Raw Table Dataset Name" order: 7 group: "advanced" disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 8 group: "advanced" groups: - id: "connection" title: "Connection" - id: "advanced" title: "Advanced" destination-elasticsearch: title: "Elasticsearch Connection Configuration" type: "object" required: - "endpoint" - "destinationType" properties: endpoint: title: "Server Endpoint" type: "string" description: "The full url of the Elasticsearch server" upsert: type: "boolean" title: "Upsert Records" description: "If a primary key identifier is defined in the source, an upsert\ \ will be performed using the primary key value as the elasticsearch doc\ \ id. Does not support composite primary keys." default: true ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true authenticationMethod: title: "Authentication Method" type: "object" description: "The type of authentication to be used" oneOf: - title: "Api Key/Secret" additionalProperties: false description: "Use a api key and secret combination to authenticate" required: - "method" - "apiKeyId" - "apiKeySecret" properties: method: type: "string" const: "secret" enum: - "secret" apiKeyId: title: "API Key ID" description: "The Key ID to used when accessing an enterprise Elasticsearch\ \ instance." type: "string" apiKeySecret: title: "API Key Secret" description: "The secret associated with the API Key ID." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true - title: "Username/Password" additionalProperties: false description: "Basic auth header with a username and password" required: - "method" - "username" - "password" properties: method: type: "string" const: "basic" enum: - "basic" username: title: "Username" description: "Basic auth username to access a secure Elasticsearch\ \ server" type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Basic auth password to access a secure Elasticsearch\ \ server" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "elasticsearch" const: "elasticsearch" enum: - "elasticsearch" order: 0 type: "string" destination-elasticsearch-update: title: "Elasticsearch Connection Configuration" type: "object" required: - "endpoint" properties: endpoint: title: "Server Endpoint" type: "string" description: "The full url of the Elasticsearch server" upsert: type: "boolean" title: "Upsert Records" description: "If a primary key identifier is defined in the source, an upsert\ \ will be performed using the primary key value as the elasticsearch doc\ \ id. Does not support composite primary keys." default: true ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true authenticationMethod: title: "Authentication Method" type: "object" description: "The type of authentication to be used" oneOf: - title: "Api Key/Secret" additionalProperties: false description: "Use a api key and secret combination to authenticate" required: - "method" - "apiKeyId" - "apiKeySecret" properties: method: type: "string" const: "secret" enum: - "secret" apiKeyId: title: "API Key ID" description: "The Key ID to used when accessing an enterprise Elasticsearch\ \ instance." type: "string" apiKeySecret: title: "API Key Secret" description: "The secret associated with the API Key ID." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true - title: "Username/Password" additionalProperties: false description: "Basic auth header with a username and password" required: - "method" - "username" - "password" properties: method: type: "string" const: "basic" enum: - "basic" username: title: "Username" description: "Basic auth username to access a secure Elasticsearch\ \ server" type: "string" password: title: "Password" description: "Basic auth password to access a secure Elasticsearch\ \ server" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true destination-azure-blob-storage: title: "AzureBlobStorage Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "azure_blob_storage_account_name" - "azure_blob_storage_account_key" - "format" - "destinationType" properties: azure_blob_storage_endpoint_domain_name: title: "Endpoint Domain Name" type: "string" default: "" description: "This is Azure Blob Storage endpoint domain name. Leave default\ \ value (or leave it empty if run container from command line) to use\ \ Microsoft native from example." examples: - "" azure_blob_storage_container_name: title: "Azure blob storage container (Bucket) Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the Azure blob storage container. If not exists\ \ - will be created automatically. May be empty, then will be created\ \ automatically airbytecontainer+timestamp" examples: - "airbytetescontainername" azure_blob_storage_account_name: title: "Azure Blob Storage account name" type: "string" description: "The account's name of the Azure Blob Storage." examples: - "airbyte5storage" azure_blob_storage_account_key: title: "Azure Blob Storage account key" description: "The Azure blob storage account key." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" examples: - "Z8ZkZpteggFx394vm+PJHnGTvdRncaYS+JhLKdj789YNmD+iyGTnG+PV+POiuYNhBg/ACS+LKjd%4FG3FHGN12Nd==" x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true azure_blob_storage_output_buffer_size: title: "Azure Blob Storage output buffer size (Megabytes)" type: "integer" description: "The amount of megabytes to buffer for the output stream to\ \ Azure. This will impact memory footprint on workers, but may need adjustment\ \ for performance and appropriate block size in Azure." minimum: 1 maximum: 2047 default: 5 examples: - 5 azure_blob_storage_spill_size: title: "Azure Blob Storage file spill size" type: "integer" description: "The amount of megabytes after which the connector should spill\ \ the records in a new blob object. Make sure to configure size greater\ \ than individual records. Enter 0 if not applicable" default: 500 examples: - 500 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Output data format" oneOf: - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" - "flattening" properties: format_type: type: "string" const: "CSV" enum: - "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Normalization (Flattening)" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" file_extension: title: "File Extension" type: "boolean" default: false description: "Add file extensions to the output file." - title: "JSON Lines: newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" const: "JSONL" enum: - "JSONL" file_extension: title: "File Extension" type: "boolean" default: false description: "Add file extensions to the output file." destinationType: title: "azure-blob-storage" const: "azure-blob-storage" enum: - "azure-blob-storage" order: 0 type: "string" destination-azure-blob-storage-update: title: "AzureBlobStorage Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "azure_blob_storage_account_name" - "azure_blob_storage_account_key" - "format" properties: azure_blob_storage_endpoint_domain_name: title: "Endpoint Domain Name" type: "string" default: "" description: "This is Azure Blob Storage endpoint domain name. Leave default\ \ value (or leave it empty if run container from command line) to use\ \ Microsoft native from example." examples: - "" azure_blob_storage_container_name: title: "Azure blob storage container (Bucket) Name" type: "string" description: "The name of the Azure blob storage container. If not exists\ \ - will be created automatically. May be empty, then will be created\ \ automatically airbytecontainer+timestamp" examples: - "airbytetescontainername" azure_blob_storage_account_name: title: "Azure Blob Storage account name" type: "string" description: "The account's name of the Azure Blob Storage." examples: - "airbyte5storage" azure_blob_storage_account_key: title: "Azure Blob Storage account key" description: "The Azure blob storage account key." airbyte_secret: true type: "string" examples: - "Z8ZkZpteggFx394vm+PJHnGTvdRncaYS+JhLKdj789YNmD+iyGTnG+PV+POiuYNhBg/ACS+LKjd%4FG3FHGN12Nd==" azure_blob_storage_output_buffer_size: title: "Azure Blob Storage output buffer size (Megabytes)" type: "integer" description: "The amount of megabytes to buffer for the output stream to\ \ Azure. This will impact memory footprint on workers, but may need adjustment\ \ for performance and appropriate block size in Azure." minimum: 1 maximum: 2047 default: 5 examples: - 5 azure_blob_storage_spill_size: title: "Azure Blob Storage file spill size" type: "integer" description: "The amount of megabytes after which the connector should spill\ \ the records in a new blob object. Make sure to configure size greater\ \ than individual records. Enter 0 if not applicable" default: 500 examples: - 500 format: title: "Output Format" type: "object" description: "Output data format" oneOf: - title: "CSV: Comma-Separated Values" required: - "format_type" - "flattening" properties: format_type: type: "string" const: "CSV" enum: - "CSV" flattening: type: "string" title: "Normalization (Flattening)" description: "Whether the input json data should be normalized (flattened)\ \ in the output CSV. Please refer to docs for details." default: "No flattening" enum: - "No flattening" - "Root level flattening" file_extension: title: "File Extension" type: "boolean" default: false description: "Add file extensions to the output file." - title: "JSON Lines: newline-delimited JSON" required: - "format_type" properties: format_type: type: "string" const: "JSONL" enum: - "JSONL" file_extension: title: "File Extension" type: "boolean" default: false description: "Add file extensions to the output file." destination-yellowbrick: title: "Yellowbrick Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true ssl: title: "SSL Connection" description: "Encrypt data using SSL. When activating SSL, please select\ \ one of the connection modes." type: "boolean" default: false order: 6 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the source database\n prefer - Chose this mode\ \ to allow unencrypted connection only if the source database does not\ \ support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always require\ \ encryption. If the source database server does not support encryption,\ \ connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption and to verify that the source database server has\ \ a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the most secure\ \ mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to verify the\ \ identity of the source database server\n See more information - in the\ \ docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 8 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "yellowbrick" const: "yellowbrick" enum: - "yellowbrick" order: 0 type: "string" destination-yellowbrick-update: title: "Yellowbrick Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 ssl: title: "SSL Connection" description: "Encrypt data using SSL. When activating SSL, please select\ \ one of the connection modes." type: "boolean" default: false order: 6 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the source database\n prefer - Chose this mode\ \ to allow unencrypted connection only if the source database does not\ \ support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always require\ \ encryption. If the source database server does not support encryption,\ \ connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption and to verify that the source database server has\ \ a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the most secure\ \ mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to verify the\ \ identity of the source database server\n See more information - in the\ \ docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 8 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 destination-postgres: title: "Postgres Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" - "destinationType" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the source database\n prefer - Chose this mode\ \ to allow unencrypted connection only if the source database does not\ \ support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always require\ \ encryption. If the source database server does not support encryption,\ \ connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption and to verify that the source database server has\ \ a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the most secure\ \ mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to verify the\ \ identity of the source database server\n See more information - in the\ \ docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 8 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into" title: "Raw table schema (defaults to airbyte_internal)" order: 9 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 10 drop_cascade: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Drop tables with CASCADE. WARNING! This will delete all data\ \ in all dependent objects (views, etc.). Use with caution. This option\ \ is intended for usecases which can easily rebuild the dependent objects." title: "Drop tables with CASCADE. (WARNING! Risk of unrecoverable data loss)" order: 11 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 x-speakeasy-param-sensitive: true destinationType: title: "postgres" const: "postgres" enum: - "postgres" order: 0 type: "string" destination-postgres-update: title: "Postgres Destination Spec" type: "object" required: - "host" - "port" - "username" - "database" - "schema" properties: host: title: "Host" description: "Hostname of the database." type: "string" order: 0 port: title: "Port" description: "Port of the database." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 5432 examples: - "5432" order: 1 database: title: "DB Name" description: "Name of the database." type: "string" order: 2 schema: title: "Default Schema" description: "The default schema tables are written to if the source does\ \ not specify a namespace. The usual value for this field is \"public\"\ ." type: "string" examples: - "public" default: "public" order: 3 username: title: "User" description: "Username to use to access the database." type: "string" order: 4 password: title: "Password" description: "Password associated with the username." type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 5 ssl_mode: title: "SSL modes" description: "SSL connection modes. \n disable - Chose this mode\ \ to disable encryption of communication between Airbyte and destination\ \ database\n allow - Chose this mode to enable encryption only\ \ when required by the source database\n prefer - Chose this mode\ \ to allow unencrypted connection only if the source database does not\ \ support encryption\n require - Chose this mode to always require\ \ encryption. If the source database server does not support encryption,\ \ connection will fail\n verify-ca - Chose this mode to always\ \ require encryption and to verify that the source database server has\ \ a valid SSL certificate\n verify-full - This is the most secure\ \ mode. Chose this mode to always require encryption and to verify the\ \ identity of the source database server\n See more information - in the\ \ docs." type: "object" order: 7 oneOf: - title: "disable" additionalProperties: false description: "Disable SSL." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "disable" enum: - "disable" default: "disable" order: 0 - title: "allow" additionalProperties: false description: "Allow SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "allow" enum: - "allow" default: "allow" order: 0 - title: "prefer" additionalProperties: false description: "Prefer SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "prefer" enum: - "prefer" default: "prefer" order: 0 - title: "require" additionalProperties: false description: "Require SSL mode." required: - "mode" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "require" enum: - "require" default: "require" order: 0 - title: "verify-ca" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-ca SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-ca" enum: - "verify-ca" default: "verify-ca" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 - title: "verify-full" additionalProperties: false description: "Verify-full SSL mode." required: - "mode" - "ca_certificate" - "client_certificate" - "client_key" properties: mode: type: "string" const: "verify-full" enum: - "verify-full" default: "verify-full" order: 0 ca_certificate: type: "string" title: "CA certificate" description: "CA certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 1 client_certificate: type: "string" title: "Client certificate" description: "Client certificate" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 2 client_key: type: "string" title: "Client key" description: "Client key" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 3 client_key_password: type: "string" title: "Client key password" description: "Password for keystorage. This field is optional. If\ \ you do not add it - the password will be generated automatically." airbyte_secret: true order: 4 jdbc_url_params: description: "Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when\ \ connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated\ \ by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3)." title: "JDBC URL Params" type: "string" order: 8 raw_data_schema: type: "string" description: "The schema to write raw tables into" title: "Raw table schema (defaults to airbyte_internal)" order: 9 disable_type_dedupe: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Disable Writing Final Tables. WARNING! The data format in\ \ _airbyte_data is likely stable but there are no guarantees that other\ \ metadata columns will remain the same in future versions" title: "Disable Final Tables. (WARNING! Unstable option; Columns in raw\ \ table schema might change between versions)" order: 10 drop_cascade: type: "boolean" default: false description: "Drop tables with CASCADE. WARNING! This will delete all data\ \ in all dependent objects (views, etc.). Use with caution. This option\ \ is intended for usecases which can easily rebuild the dependent objects." title: "Drop tables with CASCADE. (WARNING! Risk of unrecoverable data loss)" order: 11 tunnel_method: type: "object" title: "SSH Tunnel Method" description: "Whether to initiate an SSH tunnel before connecting to the\ \ database, and if so, which kind of authentication to use." oneOf: - title: "No Tunnel" required: - "tunnel_method" properties: tunnel_method: description: "No ssh tunnel needed to connect to database" type: "string" const: "NO_TUNNEL" order: 0 enum: - "NO_TUNNEL" - title: "SSH Key Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "ssh_key" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and ssh key" type: "string" const: "SSH_KEY_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_KEY_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host." type: "string" order: 3 ssh_key: title: "SSH Private Key" description: "OS-level user account ssh key credentials in RSA PEM\ \ format ( created with ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -f myuser_rsa )" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true multiline: true order: 4 - title: "Password Authentication" required: - "tunnel_method" - "tunnel_host" - "tunnel_port" - "tunnel_user" - "tunnel_user_password" properties: tunnel_method: description: "Connect through a jump server tunnel host using username\ \ and password authentication" type: "string" const: "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" order: 0 enum: - "SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH" tunnel_host: title: "SSH Tunnel Jump Server Host" description: "Hostname of the jump server host that allows inbound\ \ ssh tunnel." type: "string" order: 1 tunnel_port: title: "SSH Connection Port" description: "Port on the proxy/jump server that accepts inbound ssh\ \ connections." type: "integer" minimum: 0 maximum: 65536 default: 22 examples: - "22" order: 2 tunnel_user: title: "SSH Login Username" description: "OS-level username for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" order: 3 tunnel_user_password: title: "Password" description: "OS-level password for logging into the jump server host" type: "string" airbyte_secret: true order: 4 SourceAhaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aha" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Aha x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAirbyteCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-airbyte" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Airbyte x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAircallCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aircall" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Aircall x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAirtableCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-airtable" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Airtable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonAdsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-ads" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonSellerPartnerCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-seller-partner" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonSellerPartner x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonSqsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-sqs" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonSqs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmplitudeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amplitude" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Amplitude x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceApifyDatasetCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-apify-dataset" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ApifyDataset x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAppfollowCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-appfollow" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Appfollow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAsanaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-asana" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Asana x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAuth0CreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-auth0" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Auth0 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAwsCloudtrailCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aws-cloudtrail" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AwsCloudtrail x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAzureBlobStorageCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-azure-blob-storage" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AzureBlobStorage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAzureTableCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-azure-table" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AzureTable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBambooHrCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bamboo-hr" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BambooHr x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBasecampCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-basecamp" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Basecamp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBigqueryCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bigquery" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Bigquery x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBingAdsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bing-ads" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BingAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBraintreeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-braintree" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Braintree x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBrazeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-braze" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Braze x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBreezyHrCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-breezy-hr" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BreezyHr x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCalendlyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-calendly" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Calendly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCartCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-cart" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Cart x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceChargebeeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-chargebee" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Chargebee x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceChartmogulCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-chartmogul" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Chartmogul x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClazarCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clazar" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clazar x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClickhouseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clickhouse" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clickhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClickupApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clickup-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ClickupApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClockifyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clockify" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clockify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCloseComCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-close-com" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CloseCom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCodaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coda" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Coda x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCoinApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coin-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CoinApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCoinmarketcapCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coinmarketcap" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Coinmarketcap x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConfigcatCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-configcat" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Configcat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConfluenceCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-confluence" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Confluence x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConvexCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-convex" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Convex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCustomerIoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-customer-io" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CustomerIo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDatadogCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-datadog" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Datadog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDatascopeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-datascope" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Datascope x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDbtCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dbt" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dbt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDelightedCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-delighted" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Delighted x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDixaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dixa" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dixa x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDockerhubCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dockerhub" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dockerhub x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDremioCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dremio" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dremio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDynamodbCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dynamodb" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dynamodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceEmailoctopusCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-emailoctopus" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Emailoctopus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceExchangeRatesCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-exchange-rates" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ExchangeRates x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFacebookMarketingCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-facebook-marketing" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_FacebookMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFakerCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-faker" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Faker x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFaunaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-fauna" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Fauna x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFileCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-file" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_File x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFireboltCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-firebolt" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Firebolt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFleetioCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-fleetio" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Fleetio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshcallerCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshcaller" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshcaller x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshdeskCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshdesk" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshdesk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshsalesCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshsales" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshsales x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGainsightPxCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gainsight-px" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GainsightPx x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGcsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gcs" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gcs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGetlagoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-getlago" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Getlago x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGithubCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-github" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Github x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGitlabCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gitlab" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gitlab x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGlassfrogCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-glassfrog" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Glassfrog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGnewsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gnews" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gnews x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoldcastCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-goldcast" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Goldcast x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleAdsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-ads" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-analytics-data-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleDirectoryCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-directory" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleDirectory x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleDriveCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-drive" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleDrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGooglePagespeedInsightsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-pagespeed-insights" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleSearchConsoleCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-search-console" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleSearchConsole x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleSheetsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-sheets" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleSheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleWebfontsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-webfonts" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleWebfonts x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGreenhouseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-greenhouse" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Greenhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGridlyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gridly" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gridly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHardcodedRecordsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hardcoded-records" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_HardcodedRecords x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHarvestCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-harvest" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Harvest x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHibobCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hibob" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hibob x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHighLevelCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-high-level" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_HighLevel x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHubplannerCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hubplanner" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hubplanner x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHubspotCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hubspot" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hubspot x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInsightlyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-insightly" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Insightly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInstagramCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-instagram" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Instagram x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInstatusCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-instatus" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Instatus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIntercomCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-intercom" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Intercom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIp2whoisCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-ip2whois" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Ip2whois x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIterableCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-iterable" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Iterable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceJiraCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-jira" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Jira x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceK6CloudCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-k6-cloud" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_K6Cloud x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKlarnaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-klarna" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Klarna x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKlaviyoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-klaviyo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Klaviyo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKyveCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-kyve" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Kyve x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLaunchdarklyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-launchdarkly" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Launchdarkly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLeadfeederCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-leadfeeder" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Leadfeeder x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLemlistCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lemlist" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Lemlist x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLeverHiringCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lever-hiring" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LeverHiring x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinkedinAdsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linkedin-ads" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LinkedinAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinkedinPagesCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linkedin-pages" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LinkedinPages x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinnworksCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linnworks" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Linnworks x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLokaliseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lokalise" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Lokalise x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLumaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-luma" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Luma x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailchimpCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailchimp" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mailchimp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailgunCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailgun" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mailgun x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailjetSmsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailjet-sms" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MailjetSms x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMarketoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-marketo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Marketo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMetabaseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-metabase" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Metabase x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftOnedriveCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-onedrive" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftSharepointCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-sharepoint" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftTeamsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-teams" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftTeams x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMixpanelCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mixpanel" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mixpanel x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMondayCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-monday" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Monday x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMongodbV2CreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mongodb-v2" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MongodbV2 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMssqlCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mssql" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mssql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMyHoursCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-my-hours" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MyHours x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMysqlCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mysql" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mysql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNetsuiteCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-netsuite" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Netsuite x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNorthpassLmsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-northpass-lms" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_NorthpassLms x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNotionCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-notion" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Notion x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNytimesCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-nytimes" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Nytimes x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOktaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-okta" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Okta x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOmnisendCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-omnisend" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Omnisend x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOnesignalCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-onesignal" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Onesignal x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOracleCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-oracle" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Oracle x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOrbCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-orb" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Orb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOrbitCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-orbit" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Orbit x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOutbrainAmplifyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-outbrain-amplify" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_OutbrainAmplify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOutreachCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-outreach" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Outreach x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePaypalTransactionCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-paypal-transaction" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PaypalTransaction x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePaystackCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-paystack" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Paystack x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePendoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pendo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pendo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePennylaneCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pennylane" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pennylane x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePersistiqCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-persistiq" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Persistiq x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePexelsApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pexels-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PexelsApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePinterestCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pinterest" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pinterest x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePipedriveCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pipedrive" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pipedrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePlanhatCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-planhat" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Planhat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePocketCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pocket" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pocket x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePokeapiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pokeapi" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pokeapi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePolygonStockApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-polygon-stock-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PolygonStockApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePostgresCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-postgres" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Postgres x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePosthogCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-posthog" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Posthog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePostmarkappCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-postmarkapp" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Postmarkapp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePrestashopCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-prestashop" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Prestashop x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePypiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pypi" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pypi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceQualarooCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-qualaroo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Qualaroo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRailzCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-railz" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Railz x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRechargeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recharge" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recharge x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecreationCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recreation" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recreation x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecruiteeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recruitee" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recruitee x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecurlyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recurly" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recurly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRedditCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-reddit" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Reddit x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRedshiftCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-redshift" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Redshift x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRetentlyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-retently" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Retently x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRkiCovidCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-rki-covid" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_RkiCovid x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRssCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-rss" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Rss x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceS3CreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-s3" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_S3 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSalesforceCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-salesforce" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Salesforce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSalesloftCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-salesloft" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Salesloft x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSapFieldglassCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sap-fieldglass" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SapFieldglass x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSavvycalCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-savvycal" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Savvycal x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceScryfallCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-scryfall" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Scryfall x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSecodaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-secoda" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Secoda x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSendgridCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sendgrid" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sendgrid x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSendinblueCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sendinblue" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sendinblue x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSenseforceCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-senseforce" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Senseforce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSentryCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sentry" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sentry x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSftpCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sftp" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sftp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSftpBulkCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sftp-bulk" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SftpBulk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceShopifyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-shopify" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Shopify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceShortioCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-shortio" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Shortio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSlackCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-slack" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Slack x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmailyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smaily" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smaily x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmartengageCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smartengage" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smartengage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmartsheetsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smartsheets" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smartsheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSnapchatMarketingCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-snapchat-marketing" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SnapchatMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSnowflakeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-snowflake" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Snowflake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSonarCloudCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sonar-cloud" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SonarCloud x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSpacexApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-spacex-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SpacexApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSquareCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-square" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Square x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceStravaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-strava" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Strava x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceStripeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-stripe" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Stripe x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSurveySparrowCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-survey-sparrow" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SurveySparrow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSurveymonkeyCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-surveymonkey" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Surveymonkey x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTempoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tempo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Tempo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTheGuardianApiCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-the-guardian-api" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TheGuardianApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTiktokMarketingCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tiktok-marketing" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TiktokMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTrelloCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-trello" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Trello x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTrustpilotCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-trustpilot" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Trustpilot x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTvmazeScheduleCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tvmaze-schedule" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TvmazeSchedule x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwilioCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twilio" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Twilio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwilioTaskrouterCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twilio-taskrouter" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TwilioTaskrouter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwitterCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twitter" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Twitter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTypeformCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-typeform" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Typeform x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceUsCensusCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-us-census" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_UsCensus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceVantageCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-vantage" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Vantage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWebflowCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-webflow" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Webflow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWhiskyHunterCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-whisky-hunter" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_WhiskyHunter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWikipediaPageviewsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-wikipedia-pageviews" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_WikipediaPageviews x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWoocommerceCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-woocommerce" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Woocommerce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceXkcdCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-xkcd" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Xkcd x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYandexMetricaCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-yandex-metrica" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_YandexMetrica x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYotpoCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-yotpo" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Yotpo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYoutubeAnalyticsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-youtube-analytics" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_YoutubeAnalytics x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskChatCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-chat" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskChat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSellCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-sell" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSell x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSunshineCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-sunshine" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSunshine x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSupportCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-support" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSupport x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskTalkCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-talk" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskTalk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZenloopCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zenloop" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Zenloop x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZohoCrmCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zoho-crm" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZohoCrm x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZoomCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zoom" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Zoom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCustomCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the source e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.sourceType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-custom" secretId: description: "Optional secretID obtained through the public API OAuth redirect\ \ flow." type: "string" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Custom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAstraCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-astra" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Astra x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAwsDatalakeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-aws-datalake" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_AwsDatalake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAzureBlobStorageCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-azure-blob-storage" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_AzureBlobStorage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationBigqueryCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-bigquery" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Bigquery x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationClickhouseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-clickhouse" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Clickhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationConvexCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-convex" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Convex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDatabricksCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-databricks" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Databricks x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDevNullCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-dev-null" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_DevNull x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDuckdbCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-duckdb" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Duckdb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDynamodbCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-dynamodb" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Dynamodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationElasticsearchCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-elasticsearch" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Elasticsearch x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationFireboltCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-firebolt" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Firebolt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationFirestoreCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-firestore" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Firestore x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationGcsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-gcs" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Gcs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationGoogleSheetsCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-google-sheets" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_GoogleSheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMilvusCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-milvus" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Milvus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMongodbCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mongodb" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mongodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMssqlCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mssql" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mssql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMysqlCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mysql" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mysql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationOracleCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-oracle" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Oracle x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPineconeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-pinecone" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Pinecone x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPostgresCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-postgres" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Postgres x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPubsubCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-pubsub" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Pubsub x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationQdrantCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-qdrant" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Qdrant x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationRedisCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-redis" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Redis x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationRedshiftCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-redshift" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Redshift x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationS3CreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-s3" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_S3 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationS3GlueCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-s3-glue" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_S3Glue x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSftpJsonCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-sftp-json" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_SftpJson x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSnowflakeCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-snowflake" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Snowflake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSnowflakeCortexCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-snowflake-cortex" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_SnowflakeCortex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationTeradataCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-teradata" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Teradata x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationTypesenseCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-typesense" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Typesense x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationVectaraCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-vectara" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Vectara x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationWeaviateCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-weaviate" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Weaviate x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationYellowbrickCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-yellowbrick" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Yellowbrick x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationCustomCreateRequest: required: - name - workspaceId - configuration type: object properties: name: description: Name of the destination e.g. dev-mysql-instance. type: string definitionId: description: The UUID of the connector definition. One of configuration.destinationType or definitionId must be provided. format: uuid type: string workspaceId: format: uuid type: string configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-custom" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Custom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAhaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aha-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Aha x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAirbytePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-airbyte-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Airbyte x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAircallPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aircall-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Aircall x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAirtablePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-airtable-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Airtable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonAdsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-ads-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonSellerPartnerPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-seller-partner-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonSellerPartner x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmazonSqsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amazon-sqs-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AmazonSqs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAmplitudePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-amplitude-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Amplitude x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceApifyDatasetPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-apify-dataset-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ApifyDataset x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAppfollowPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-appfollow-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Appfollow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAsanaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-asana-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Asana x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAuth0PutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-auth0-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Auth0 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAwsCloudtrailPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-aws-cloudtrail-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AwsCloudtrail x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAzureBlobStoragePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-azure-blob-storage-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AzureBlobStorage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceAzureTablePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-azure-table-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_AzureTable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBambooHrPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bamboo-hr-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BambooHr x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBasecampPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-basecamp-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Basecamp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBigqueryPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bigquery-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Bigquery x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBingAdsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-bing-ads-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BingAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBraintreePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-braintree-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Braintree x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBrazePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-braze-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Braze x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceBreezyHrPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-breezy-hr-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_BreezyHr x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCalendlyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-calendly-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Calendly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCartPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-cart-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Cart x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceChargebeePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-chargebee-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Chargebee x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceChartmogulPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-chartmogul-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Chartmogul x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClazarPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clazar-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clazar x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClickhousePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clickhouse-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clickhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClickupApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clickup-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ClickupApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceClockifyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-clockify-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Clockify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCloseComPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-close-com-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CloseCom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCodaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coda-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Coda x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCoinApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coin-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CoinApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCoinmarketcapPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-coinmarketcap-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Coinmarketcap x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConfigcatPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-configcat-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Configcat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConfluencePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-confluence-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Confluence x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceConvexPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-convex-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Convex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCustomerIoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-customer-io-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_CustomerIo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDatadogPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-datadog-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Datadog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDatascopePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-datascope-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Datascope x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDbtPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dbt-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dbt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDelightedPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-delighted-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Delighted x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDixaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dixa-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dixa x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDockerhubPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dockerhub-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dockerhub x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDremioPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dremio-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dremio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceDynamodbPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-dynamodb-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Dynamodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceEmailoctopusPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-emailoctopus-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Emailoctopus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceExchangeRatesPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-exchange-rates-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ExchangeRates x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFacebookMarketingPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-facebook-marketing-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_FacebookMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFakerPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-faker-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Faker x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFaunaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-fauna-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Fauna x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFilePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-file-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_File x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFireboltPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-firebolt-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Firebolt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFleetioPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-fleetio-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Fleetio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshcallerPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshcaller-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshcaller x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshdeskPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshdesk-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshdesk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceFreshsalesPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-freshsales-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Freshsales x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGainsightPxPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gainsight-px-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GainsightPx x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGcsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gcs-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gcs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGetlagoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-getlago-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Getlago x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGithubPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-github-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Github x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGitlabPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gitlab-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gitlab x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGlassfrogPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-glassfrog-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Glassfrog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGnewsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gnews-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gnews x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoldcastPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-goldcast-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Goldcast x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleAdsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-ads-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleAnalyticsDataApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-analytics-data-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleAnalyticsDataApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleDirectoryPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-directory-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleDirectory x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleDrivePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-drive-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleDrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGooglePagespeedInsightsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-pagespeed-insights-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GooglePagespeedInsights x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleSearchConsolePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-search-console-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleSearchConsole x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleSheetsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-sheets-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleSheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGoogleWebfontsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-google-webfonts-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_GoogleWebfonts x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGreenhousePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-greenhouse-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Greenhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceGridlyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-gridly-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Gridly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHardcodedRecordsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hardcoded-records-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_HardcodedRecords x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHarvestPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-harvest-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Harvest x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHibobPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hibob-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hibob x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHighLevelPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-high-level-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_HighLevel x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHubplannerPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hubplanner-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hubplanner x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceHubspotPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-hubspot-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Hubspot x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInsightlyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-insightly-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Insightly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInstagramPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-instagram-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Instagram x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceInstatusPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-instatus-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Instatus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIntercomPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-intercom-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Intercom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIp2whoisPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-ip2whois-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Ip2whois x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceIterablePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-iterable-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Iterable x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceJiraPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-jira-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Jira x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceK6CloudPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-k6-cloud-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_K6Cloud x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKlarnaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-klarna-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Klarna x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKlaviyoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-klaviyo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Klaviyo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceKyvePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-kyve-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Kyve x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLaunchdarklyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-launchdarkly-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Launchdarkly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLeadfeederPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-leadfeeder-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Leadfeeder x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLemlistPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lemlist-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Lemlist x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLeverHiringPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lever-hiring-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LeverHiring x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinkedinAdsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linkedin-ads-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LinkedinAds x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinkedinPagesPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linkedin-pages-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_LinkedinPages x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLinnworksPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-linnworks-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Linnworks x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLokalisePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-lokalise-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Lokalise x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceLumaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-luma-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Luma x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailchimpPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailchimp-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mailchimp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailgunPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailgun-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mailgun x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMailjetSmsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mailjet-sms-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MailjetSms x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMarketoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-marketo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Marketo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMetabasePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-metabase-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Metabase x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftOnedrivePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-onedrive-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftOnedrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftSharepointPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-sharepoint-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftSharepoint x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMicrosoftTeamsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-microsoft-teams-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MicrosoftTeams x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMixpanelPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mixpanel-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mixpanel x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMondayPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-monday-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Monday x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMongodbV2PutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mongodb-v2-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MongodbV2 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMssqlPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mssql-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mssql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMyHoursPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-my-hours-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_MyHours x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceMysqlPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-mysql-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Mysql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNetsuitePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-netsuite-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Netsuite x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNorthpassLmsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-northpass-lms-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_NorthpassLms x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNotionPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-notion-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Notion x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceNytimesPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-nytimes-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Nytimes x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOktaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-okta-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Okta x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOmnisendPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-omnisend-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Omnisend x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOnesignalPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-onesignal-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Onesignal x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOraclePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-oracle-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Oracle x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOrbPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-orb-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Orb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOrbitPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-orbit-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Orbit x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOutbrainAmplifyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-outbrain-amplify-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_OutbrainAmplify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceOutreachPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-outreach-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Outreach x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePaypalTransactionPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-paypal-transaction-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PaypalTransaction x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePaystackPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-paystack-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Paystack x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePendoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pendo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pendo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePennylanePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pennylane-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pennylane x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePersistiqPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-persistiq-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Persistiq x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePexelsApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pexels-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PexelsApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePinterestPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pinterest-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pinterest x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePipedrivePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pipedrive-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pipedrive x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePlanhatPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-planhat-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Planhat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePocketPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pocket-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pocket x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePokeapiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pokeapi-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pokeapi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePolygonStockApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-polygon-stock-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_PolygonStockApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePostgresPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-postgres-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Postgres x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePosthogPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-posthog-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Posthog x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePostmarkappPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-postmarkapp-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Postmarkapp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePrestashopPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-prestashop-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Prestashop x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourcePypiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-pypi-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Pypi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceQualarooPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-qualaroo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Qualaroo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRailzPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-railz-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Railz x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRechargePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recharge-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recharge x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecreationPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recreation-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recreation x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecruiteePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recruitee-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recruitee x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRecurlyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-recurly-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Recurly x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRedditPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-reddit-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Reddit x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRedshiftPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-redshift-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Redshift x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRetentlyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-retently-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Retently x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRkiCovidPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-rki-covid-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_RkiCovid x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceRssPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-rss-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Rss x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceS3PutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-s3-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_S3 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSalesforcePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-salesforce-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Salesforce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSalesloftPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-salesloft-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Salesloft x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSapFieldglassPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sap-fieldglass-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SapFieldglass x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSavvycalPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-savvycal-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Savvycal x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceScryfallPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-scryfall-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Scryfall x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSecodaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-secoda-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Secoda x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSendgridPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sendgrid-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sendgrid x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSendinbluePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sendinblue-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sendinblue x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSenseforcePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-senseforce-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Senseforce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSentryPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sentry-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sentry x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSftpPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sftp-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Sftp x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSftpBulkPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sftp-bulk-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SftpBulk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceShopifyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-shopify-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Shopify x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceShortioPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-shortio-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Shortio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSlackPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-slack-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Slack x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmailyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smaily-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smaily x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmartengagePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smartengage-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smartengage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSmartsheetsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-smartsheets-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Smartsheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSnapchatMarketingPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-snapchat-marketing-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SnapchatMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSnowflakePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-snowflake-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Snowflake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSonarCloudPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-sonar-cloud-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SonarCloud x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSpacexApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-spacex-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SpacexApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSquarePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-square-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Square x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceStravaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-strava-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Strava x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceStripePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-stripe-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Stripe x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSurveySparrowPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-survey-sparrow-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_SurveySparrow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceSurveymonkeyPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-surveymonkey-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Surveymonkey x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTempoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tempo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Tempo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTheGuardianApiPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-the-guardian-api-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TheGuardianApi x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTiktokMarketingPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tiktok-marketing-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TiktokMarketing x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTrelloPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-trello-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Trello x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTrustpilotPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-trustpilot-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Trustpilot x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTvmazeSchedulePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-tvmaze-schedule-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TvmazeSchedule x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwilioPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twilio-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Twilio x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwilioTaskrouterPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twilio-taskrouter-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_TwilioTaskrouter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTwitterPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-twitter-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Twitter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceTypeformPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-typeform-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Typeform x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceUsCensusPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-us-census-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_UsCensus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceVantagePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-vantage-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Vantage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWebflowPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-webflow-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Webflow x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWhiskyHunterPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-whisky-hunter-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_WhiskyHunter x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWikipediaPageviewsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-wikipedia-pageviews-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_WikipediaPageviews x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceWoocommercePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-woocommerce-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Woocommerce x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceXkcdPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-xkcd-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Xkcd x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYandexMetricaPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-yandex-metrica-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_YandexMetrica x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYotpoPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-yotpo-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Yotpo x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceYoutubeAnalyticsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-youtube-analytics-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_YoutubeAnalytics x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskChatPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-chat-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskChat x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSellPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-sell-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSell x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSunshinePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-sunshine-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSunshine x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskSupportPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-support-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskSupport x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZendeskTalkPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zendesk-talk-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZendeskTalk x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZenloopPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zenloop-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Zenloop x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZohoCrmPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zoho-crm-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_ZohoCrm x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceZoomPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-zoom-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Zoom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true SourceCustomPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/source-custom-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Source_Custom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAstraPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-astra-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Astra x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAwsDatalakePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-aws-datalake-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_AwsDatalake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationAzureBlobStoragePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-azure-blob-storage-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_AzureBlobStorage x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationBigqueryPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-bigquery-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Bigquery x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationClickhousePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-clickhouse-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Clickhouse x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationConvexPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-convex-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Convex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDatabricksPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-databricks-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Databricks x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDevNullPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-dev-null-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_DevNull x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDuckdbPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-duckdb-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Duckdb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationDynamodbPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-dynamodb-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Dynamodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationElasticsearchPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-elasticsearch-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Elasticsearch x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationFireboltPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-firebolt-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Firebolt x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationFirestorePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-firestore-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Firestore x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationGcsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-gcs-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Gcs x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationGoogleSheetsPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-google-sheets-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_GoogleSheets x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMilvusPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-milvus-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Milvus x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMongodbPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mongodb-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mongodb x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMssqlPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mssql-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mssql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationMysqlPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-mysql-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Mysql x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationOraclePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-oracle-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Oracle x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPineconePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-pinecone-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Pinecone x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPostgresPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-postgres-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Postgres x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationPubsubPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-pubsub-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Pubsub x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationQdrantPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-qdrant-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Qdrant x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationRedisPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-redis-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Redis x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationRedshiftPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-redshift-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Redshift x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationS3PutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-s3-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_S3 x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationS3GluePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-s3-glue-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_S3Glue x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSftpJsonPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-sftp-json-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_SftpJson x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSnowflakePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-snowflake-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Snowflake x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationSnowflakeCortexPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-snowflake-cortex-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_SnowflakeCortex x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationTeradataPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-teradata-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Teradata x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationTypesensePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-typesense-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Typesense x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationVectaraPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-vectara-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Vectara x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationWeaviatePutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-weaviate-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Weaviate x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationYellowbrickPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-yellowbrick-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Yellowbrick x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true DestinationCustomPutRequest: required: - "name" - "workspaceId" - "configuration" type: "object" properties: name: type: "string" workspaceId: format: "uuid" type: "string" configuration: $ref: "#/components/schemas/destination-custom-update" x-speakeasy-entity: Destination_Custom x-speakeasy-param-suppress-computed-diff: true source-custom: description: The values required to configure the source. example: { user: "charles" } destination-custom: description: The values required to configure the destination. example: { user: "charles" } source-custom-update: title: "Custom Spec" destination-custom-update: title: "Custom Spec" SourceConfiguration: description: The values required to configure the source. example: { user: "charles" } DestinationConfiguration: description: The values required to configure the destination. example: { user: "charles" } securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT basicAuth: type: http scheme: basic clientCredentials: type: oauth2 flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: /applications/token scopes: {} security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - clientCredentials: []