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4B5A00F84A5A484A5A5E151FC848C7FC157E5DA24A5A14035D14074A5AA2141F5D143FA2 147F5D14FFA25BA35B92C8FCA35BA55BAA6D5A6D5A6D5A2F447AC238>II65 DII< B9FC18F018FE727E19E026003FFEC7001F13F805017F9438003FFF060F7F727F727F727F 84737E737EA2737EA2737EA21B80A2851BC0A51BE0AD1BC0A51B8061A21B006162193F62 4F5A19FF624E5B06075B4E5B063F90C7FC4DB45A050F13F8BA5A19C04EC8FC18F095C9FC 4B447CC356>III73 D78 D80 D82 DI<003FBA12E0A59026FE000FEB8003D87FE09338003FF049171F 90C71607A2007E1803007C1801A300781800A400F819F8481978A5C81700B3B3A20107B8 FCA545437CC24E>I87 D<903801FFE0011F13FE017F6D7E48B612E03A03FE007FF84848EB1FFC6D6D7E486C6D7E A26F7FA36F7F6C5A6C5AEA00F090C7FCA40203B5FC91B6FC1307013F13F19038FFFC0100 0313E0000F1380381FFE00485A5B127F5B12FF5BA35DA26D5B6C6C5B4B13F0D83FFE013E EBFFC03A1FFF80FC7F0007EBFFF86CECE01FC66CEB8007D90FFCC9FC322F7DAD36>97 DIIIIII<137C 48B4FC4813804813C0A24813E0A56C13C0A26C13806C1300EA007C90C7FCAAEB7FC0EA7F FFA512037EB3AFB6FCA518467CC520>105 D107 DI<90277F8007FEEC0FFCB590263FFFC090387FFF8092B5D8F001B512E002 816E4880913D87F01FFC0FE03FF8913D8FC00FFE1F801FFC0003D99F009026FF3E007F6C 019E6D013C130F02BC5D02F86D496D7EA24A5D4A5DA34A5DB3A7B60081B60003B512FEA5 572D7CAC5E>I<90397F8007FEB590383FFF8092B512E0028114F8913987F03FFC91388F 801F000390399F000FFE6C139E14BC02F86D7E5CA25CA35CB3A7B60083B512FEA5372D7C AC3E>II<90397FC00FF8B5 90B57E02C314E002CF14F89139DFC03FFC9139FF001FFE000301FCEB07FF6C496D13804A 15C04A6D13E05C7013F0A2EF7FF8A4EF3FFCACEF7FF8A318F017FFA24C13E06E15C06E5B 6E4913806E4913006E495A9139DFC07FFC02CFB512F002C314C002C091C7FCED1FF092C9 FCADB67EA536407DAC3E>I<90387F807FB53881FFE0028313F0028F13F8ED8FFC91389F 1FFE000313BE6C13BC14F8A214F0ED0FFC9138E007F8ED01E092C7FCA35CB3A5B612E0A5 272D7DAC2E>114 D<90391FFC038090B51287000314FF120F381FF003383FC00049133F 48C7121F127E00FE140FA215077EA27F01E090C7FC13FE387FFFF014FF6C14C015F06C14 FC6C800003806C15806C7E010F14C0EB003F020313E0140000F0143FA26C141F150FA27E A26C15C06C141FA26DEB3F8001E0EB7F009038F803FE90B55A00FC5CD8F03F13E026E007 FEC7FC232F7CAD2C>IIIII121 D E %EndDVIPSBitmapFont end %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%Feature: *Resolution 600dpi TeXDict begin %%PaperSize: A4 %%EndSetup %%Page: 1 1 1 0 bop 694 282 a Fo(T)-9 b(ransparen)m(t)38 b(Net)m(w)m(ork)e(Securit) m(y)h(P)m(olicy)e(Enforcemen)m(t)1465 523 y Fn(Angelos)d(D.)g(Kerom)m (ytis)806 639 y(Distributed)f(Systems)j(Lab,)e(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)i(of)e (P)m(ennsylv)-5 b(ania)1448 756 y Fm(angelos@openbsd.org)1591 988 y Fn(Jason)32 b(L.)h(W)-8 b(righ)m(t)912 1104 y(Net)m(w)m(ork)34 b(Securit)m(y)f(T)-8 b(ec)m(hnologies,)33 b(Inc.)44 b(\(NETSEC\))1499 1220 y Fm(jason@openbsd.org)0 1546 y Fl(Abstract)0 1913 y Fk(Recen)n(t)23 b(w)n(ork)f(in)i(the)g(area)e(of)h(net)n(w)n(ork)f (securit)n(y)-7 b(,)24 b(suc)n(h)f(as)0 2013 y(IPsec,)31 b(pro)n(vides)f(mec)n(hanisms)g(for)h(securing)f(the)i(tra\016c)0 2112 y(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)d(an)n(y)f(t)n(w)n(o)g(in)n(terconnected)h (hosts.)40 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)28 b(it)0 2212 y(is)34 b(not)g(alw)n(a)n(ys)f(p)r(ossible,)i(economical,)g(or)e(ev)n(en)h (practi-)0 2312 y(cal)24 b(from)g(an)h(administration)f(and)g(op)r (erational)f(p)r(oin)n(t)i(of)0 2411 y(view)34 b(to)h(upgrade)e(the)i (soft)n(w)n(are)e(and)h(con\014guration)f(of)0 2511 y(all)28 b(the)h(no)r(des)f(in)h(a)f(net)n(w)n(ork)f(to)i(supp)r(ort)f(suc)n(h)g (securit)n(y)0 2610 y(proto)r(cols.)0 2810 y(One)f(apparen)n(t)f (solution)h(to)h(this)g(problem)f(is)g(the)h(use)f(of)0 2909 y(securit)n(y)35 b(gatew)n(a)n(ys)f(that)i(apply)f(the)i(relev)-5 b(an)n(t)35 b(securit)n(y)0 3009 y(proto)r(cols)g(on)i(b)r(ehalf)g(of)g (the)g(protected)f(no)r(des,)j(under)0 3109 y(the)27 b(assumption)f(that)h(the)g(\\last)f(hop")g(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)h(the)g (se-)0 3208 y(curit)n(y)41 b(gatew)n(a)n(y)e(and)i(the)g(end)h(no)r(de) f(is)g(safe)g(without)0 3308 y(cryptograph)n(y)-7 b(.)73 b(Suc)n(h)40 b(a)g(gatew)n(a)n(y)e(can)i(b)r(e)h(set)f(to)g(en-)0 3407 y(force)31 b(sp)r(eci\014c)g(securit)n(y)g(p)r(olicies)g(for)f (di\013eren)n(t)i(t)n(yp)r(es)f(of)0 3507 y(tra\016c.)j(While)22 b(this)f(solution)g(is)g(app)r(ealing)f(in)i(static)f(sce-)0 3607 y(narios)31 b(\(suc)n(h)i(as)e(building)i(so-called)e(\\in)n (tranets"\),)i(the)0 3706 y(use)k(of)h(La)n(y)n(er-3)c(\(net)n(w)n (ork\))j(routers)f(as)h(securit)n(y)f(gate-)0 3806 y(w)n(a)n(ys)25 b(presen)n(ts)h(some)g(transparency)f(and)i(con\014guration)0 3906 y(problems)c(with)i(regards)d(to)i(p)r(eer)g(authen)n(tication)g (in)h(the)0 4005 y(automated)i(k)n(ey)g(managemen)n(t)g(proto)r(col.)0 4204 y(This)43 b(pap)r(er)g(describ)r(es)f(the)i(arc)n(hitecture)e(and) h(imple-)0 4304 y(men)n(tation)30 b(of)h(a)f(La)n(y)n(er-2)d(\(link)k (la)n(y)n(er\))e(bridge)h(with)h(ex-)0 4404 y(tensions)j(for)g (o\013ering)g(La)n(y)n(er-3)e(securit)n(y)i(services.)57 b(W)-7 b(e)0 4503 y(extend)42 b(the)g(Op)r(enBSD)h(ethernet)f(bridge)f (to)h(p)r(erform)0 4603 y(simple)33 b(IP)f(pac)n(k)n(et)g(\014ltering)g (and)h(IPsec)e(pro)r(cessing)h(for)0 4703 y(incoming)f(and)h(outgoing)e (pac)n(k)n(ets)h(on)g(b)r(ehalf)h(of)g(a)f(pro-)0 4802 y(tected)k(no)r(de,)i(completely)d(transparen)n(tly)f(to)i(b)r(oth)g (the)0 4902 y(protected)25 b(and)g(the)h(remote)f(comm)n(unication)g (endp)r(oin)n(t.)0 5001 y(The)47 b(same)f(mec)n(hanism)g(ma)n(y)g(b)r (e)h(used)f(to)h(construct)0 5101 y(\\virtual)26 b(lo)r(cal)h(area)e (net)n(w)n(orks,")h(b)n(y)g(establishing)h(IPsec)0 5201 y(tunnels)35 b(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)f(Op)r(enBSD)h(bridges)f(connected)g (geo-)0 5300 y(graphically)f(separated)g(LANs.)59 b(As)35 b(our)f(system)g(op)r(er-)0 5400 y(ates)c(in)h(the)g(link)g(la)n(y)n (er,)f(there)g(is)h(no)f(need)h(for)f(soft)n(w)n(are)2010 1546 y(or)d(con\014guration)f(c)n(hanges)g(in)i(the)g(protected)f(no)r (des.)2010 1987 y Fo(1)112 b(In)m(tro)s(duction)2010 2312 y Fk(Net)n(w)n(ork)34 b(bridges)h(are)f(simple)h(devices)g(that)h (transpar-)2010 2411 y(en)n(tly)d(connect)f(t)n(w)n(o)g(or)g(more)g (LAN)i(segmen)n(ts)e(b)n(y)g(stor-)2010 2511 y(ing)45 b(a)g(frame)g(receiv)n(ed)g(from)g(one)g(segmen)n(t)g(and)g(for-)2010 2610 y(w)n(arding)30 b(it)j(to)f(the)g(other)f(segmen)n(ts.)49 b(More)31 b(in)n(telligen)n(t)2010 2710 y(bridges)37 b(mak)n(e)f(use)i(of)f(a)h(spanning)f(tree)g(algorithm)f(to)2010 2810 y(detect)i(and)g(a)n(v)n(oid)e(lo)r(ops)h(in)h(the)h(top)r(ology) -7 b(.)66 b(W)-7 b(e)38 b(ha)n(v)n(e)2010 2909 y(implemen)n(ted)e(the)h (basic)e(form)g(of)h(an)g(ethernet)g(bridge)2010 3009 y(in)e(Op)r(enBSD)h(that)f(also)f(pro)n(vides)g(an)h(IP)f(\014ltering)h (ca-)2010 3109 y(pabilit)n(y)-7 b(.)59 b(Th)n(us,)37 b(the)e(bridge)f(can)h(b)r(e)g(used)g(to)g(pro)n(vide)2010 3208 y(a)24 b(LAN-transparen)n(t)e(\014rew)n(all)h(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)h (hosts)g(suc)n(h)g(that)2010 3308 y(no)33 b(con\014guration)f(c)n (hanges)g(are)h(needed)h(on)f(clien)n(t)h(ma-)2010 3407 y(c)n(hines,)24 b(and)f(only)g(minor)g(c)n(hanges)g(in)g(net)n(w)n(ork) f(top)r(ology)2010 3507 y(are)27 b(necessary)-7 b(.)2010 3706 y(F)g(or)35 b(this,)k(w)n(e)d(mak)n(e)f(use)h(of)g Fj(ipf,)k Fk(the)c(standard)f(pac)n(k)n(et)2010 3806 y(\014ltering)h(mec)n(hanism)g(a)n(v)-5 b(ailable.)62 b(As)36 b(ethernet)h(frames)2010 3906 y(pass)32 b(through)g(the)g (bridge,)i(they)e(are)g(examined)g(to)g(see)2010 4005 y(if)40 b(they)g(carry)e(IP)h(tra\016c.)72 b(If)40 b(not,)i(the)e (frame)f(is)g(just)2010 4105 y(bridged.)33 b(If)19 b(the)g(frame)f(do)r (es)g(con)n(tain)g(IP)f(tra\016c,)j(the)f(eth-)2010 4204 y(ernet)25 b(header)f(is)h(remo)n(v)n(ed)e(from)i(the)g(frame)g(and)f (copied.)2010 4304 y(The)34 b(resulting)e(IP)i(pac)n(k)n(et)e(is)h (passed)g(on)g(to)h Fj(ipf)p Fk(,)i(whic)n(h)2010 4404 y(noti\014es)31 b(the)g(bridge)f(whether)h(the)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(is)h (to)g(b)r(e)g(for-)2010 4503 y(w)n(arded)42 b(or)f(dropp)r(ed.)83 b(The)42 b(ethernet)h(header)f(of)h(the)2010 4603 y(frame)29 b(under)g(examination)g(is)g(appropriately)f(mo)r(di\014ed)2010 4703 y(on)42 b(the)h(frame)g(to)f(b)r(e)h(forw)n(arded,)i(and)e(the)g (resulting)2010 4802 y(frame)27 b(is)h(then)g(bridged)f(as)g(normal.) 2010 5001 y(The)k(bridge)f(can)h(also)e(b)r(e)j(used)e(to)h(enforce)f (restrictions)2010 5101 y(on)21 b(whic)n(h)f(addresses)f(can)i(app)r (ear)f(on)g(eac)n(h)g(ethernet)h(seg-)2010 5201 y(men)n(t,)29 b(whic)n(h)g(helps)f(lo)r(calize)g(where)g(ARP)h(sp)r(o)r(o\014ng)f (at-)2010 5300 y(tac)n(ks)h(can)g(o)r(ccur.)42 b(Static)29 b(MA)n(C)h(address)e(cac)n(he)h(en)n(tries)2010 5400 y(are)k(pro)n(vided)h(so)g(hosts)f(can)h(b)r(e)h(limited)g(to)g(a)f (particu-)p eop %%Page: 2 2 2 1 bop 0 83 a Fk(lar)24 b(p)r(ort)g(and)g(malicious)g(users)g(cannot)g (force)g(the)h(bridge)0 183 y(to)g(send)g(tra\016c)g(to)g(the)g(wrong)f (segmen)n(t.)35 b(The)25 b(abilit)n(y)g(to)0 282 y(learn)20 b(MA)n(C)h(addresses)e(dynamically)h(is)h(con\014gurable)e(on)0 382 y(eac)n(h)24 b(p)r(ort)g(of)h(the)f(bridge,)h(and)f(broadcast)f (disco)n(v)n(ery)g(for)0 482 y(mac)n(hines)28 b(unkno)n(wn)f(to)h(the)h (bridge)f(can)f(b)r(e)i(toggled)e(on)0 581 y(a)h(p)r(er)f(p)r(ort)h (basis.)37 b(Additionally)-7 b(,)28 b(a)g(mec)n(hanism)f(is)h(pro-)0 681 y(vided)k(for)g(\014ltering)g(ethernet)h(frames)e(based)h(on)g (source)0 780 y(and/or)26 b(destination)h(MA)n(C)h(address.)0 980 y(This)22 b(functionalit)n(y)-7 b(,)24 b(useful)f(on)f(its)h(o)n (wn,)f(can)g(b)r(e)h(coupled)0 1079 y(with)37 b(the)f(IPsec)f([9])h (supp)r(ort)g(a)n(v)-5 b(ailable)34 b(in)j(Op)r(enBSD,)0 1179 y(to)29 b(allo)n(w)e(creation)h(of)h(virtual)f(LANs.)41 b(This)29 b(is)f(ac)n(hiev)n(ed)0 1279 y(b)n(y)22 b(o)n(v)n(erla)n (ying)e(an)j(IPsec-protected)e(virtual)h(net)n(w)n(ork)f(on)0 1378 y(the)29 b(wide)g(area)e(net)n(w)n(ork)g(\(or)g(ev)n(en)h(the)h (In)n(ternet)g(itself)6 b(\).)0 1478 y(The)24 b(c)n(hanges)e(necessary) g(to)i(the)g(bridge)g(and)f(IPsec)g(co)r(de)0 1577 y(for)38 b(this)h(w)n(ere)e(fairly)h(minimal,)j(due)e(to)f(compatibilit)n(y)0 1677 y(of)25 b(some)g(design)h(decisions)e(made)i(indep)r(enden)n(tly)g (in)g(the)0 1777 y(dev)n(elopmen)n(t)h(of)h(the)g(t)n(w)n(o)e(pac)n(k) -5 b(ages.)0 1976 y(The)38 b(enhanced)f(bridge)g(can)g(also)g(b)r(e)h (used)g(to)f(pro)n(vide)0 2076 y(transparen)n(t)32 b(IPsec)g(gatew)n(a) n(y)f(capabilit)n(y)i(for)f(a)h(host)g(or)0 2175 y(ev)n(en)28 b(a)h(net)n(w)n(ork.)39 b(In)30 b(this)f(mo)r(de,)g(the)h(bridge)e (examines)0 2275 y(transien)n(t)f(IP)h(tra\016c)f(and)h(ma)n(y)-7 b(,)28 b(dep)r(ending)g(on)g(securit)n(y)0 2374 y(p)r(olicy)-7 b(,)43 b(establish)d(IPsec)f(securit)n(y)g(asso)r(ciations)f(\(SAs\))0 2474 y(with)28 b(a)f(remote)g(host)h(pretending)f(to)h(b)r(e)g(the)g (lo)r(cal)f(com-)0 2574 y(m)n(unication)k(endp)r(oin)n(t)g(for)g(an)g (IP)g(session)1399 2544 y Fi(1)1435 2574 y Fk(.)47 b(There)31 b(are)0 2673 y(t)n(w)n(o)d(main)h(b)r(ene\014ts)h(from)f(this.)42 b(First,)29 b(this)g(allo)n(ws)f(pro-)0 2773 y(tection)g(of)f(the)h (comm)n(unications)f(of)g(a)g(host)h(or)e(net)n(w)n(ork)0 2873 y(without)h(c)n(hanges)f(to)h(the)g(protected)f(hosts)h(\(whic)n (h)g(ma)n(y)0 2972 y(not)36 b(ev)n(en)f(b)r(e)h(p)r(ossible,)h(for)e (old,)j(unsupp)r(orted,)g(or)d(ex-)0 3072 y(tremely)d(ligh)n(t)n(w)n (eigh)n(t)e(systems\).)50 b(Second,)33 b(the)f(securit)n(y)0 3171 y(gatew)n(a)n(y)i(can)j(act)f(as)g(a)g(securit)n(y)f(p)r(olicy)i (enforcer,)g(en-)0 3271 y(suring)25 b(that)h(incoming)g(and)g(outgoing) e(pac)n(k)n(ets)h(are)g(ade-)0 3371 y(quately)h(protected,)g(based)g (on)h(system)f(or)f(net)n(w)n(ork)g(p)r(ol-)0 3470 y(icy)-7 b(.)0 3906 y Fl(1.1)105 b(P)m(ap)s(er)35 b(Organization)0 4341 y Fk(Section)29 b(2)h(brie\015y)f(describ)r(es)g(the)h(bridge)e (itself)i(and)g(the)0 4441 y(\014ltering)35 b(of)g(frames)f(con)n (taining)h(IP)f(tra\016c.)59 b(Section)35 b(3)0 4540 y(describ)r(es)f(the)g(use)g(of)h(IPsec)e(in)i(conjunction)f(with)h (the)0 4640 y(bridge)25 b(to)g(build)h(virtual)f(LANs)h(and)f (transparen)n(t)f(IPsec)0 4739 y(gatew)n(a)n(ys.)34 b(Section)27 b(4)g(discusses)f(op)r(en)h(ends)g(and)g(future)0 4839 y(w)n(ork,)f(and)i(Section)f(5)g(concludes)g(the)h(pap)r(er.)p 0 5165 744 4 v 92 5219 a Fh(1)127 5242 y Fg(The)k(term)f(\\IP)i (session")f(is)f(used)i(here)f(lo)r(osely)g(to)g(imply)f(a)0 5321 y(pac)n(k)n(et)25 b(\015o)n(w)f(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)h(t)n(w)n(o)f (hosts,)g(one)g(of)f(whic)n(h)g(is)g(on)h(one)g(of)f(the)0 5400 y(lo)r(cal)h(segmen)n(ts)f(and)i(is)e(\\protected")j(or)d(\\sup)r (ervised".)2010 83 y Fo(2)112 b(Bridge)2010 419 y Fk(Bridges)38 b(are)g(devices)g(that)h(op)r(erate)f(at)h(the)g(data)g(link)2010 518 y(la)n(y)n(er,)49 b(t)n(ying)d(together)g(di\013eren)n(t)g (ethernet)h(\(or)f(other)2010 618 y(LAN\))30 b(segmen)n(ts.)40 b(In)29 b(Op)r(enBSD,)h(the)f(bridge)f(is)h(imple-)2010 718 y(men)n(ted)21 b(as)e(a)h(pseudo-net)n(w)n(ork)e(in)n(terface)h (inside)i(the)f(k)n(er-)2010 817 y(nel.)35 b(Real)21 b(ethernet)g(in)n(terfaces)f(are)g(added)h(to)g(the)h(bridge)2010 917 y(in)n(terface)k(as)g(\\bridge)g(mem)n(b)r(ers,")g(and)g(for)h(the) g(purp)r(ose)2010 1016 y(of)c(using)g(IPsec)f(with)i(the)f(bridge,)h Fj(enc)f Fk(in)n(terfaces)f(can)h(b)r(e)2010 1116 y(added)34 b(on)g(as)f(mem)n(b)r(ers.)56 b(The)34 b Fj(enc)h Fk(in)n(terfaces)e (con)n(tain)2010 1216 y(the)c(securit)n(y)e(asso)r(ciation)g(\(SA\))i (for)f(comm)n(unication)f(to)2010 1315 y(remote)19 b(LANs.)35 b(In)20 b(all)f(ethernet)h(driv)n(ers)e(under)i(BSD,)g(re-)2010 1415 y(ceiv)n(ed)26 b(frames)g(are)f(assem)n(bled)h(in)n(to)g(m)n(bufs) h([11)o(],)g(a)g(data)2010 1515 y(structure)i(that)g(pro)n(vides)f(for) h(easy)f(insertion)h(and)g(dele-)2010 1614 y(tion)40 b(of)f(data)g(with)i(little)f(or)f(no)g(data)g(cop)n(ying.)72 b(The)2010 1714 y(ethernet)24 b(header)g(is)g(remo)n(v)n(ed)f(and)h (passed)g(along)f(with)h(a)2010 1813 y(reference)40 b(to)h(the)g (receiving)e(in)n(terface)i(and)f(the)i(m)n(buf)2010 1913 y(con)n(taining)g(the)h(frame)f(data)g(to)g Fj(ether)p 3341 1913 26 4 v 31 w(input\(\))p Fk(.)82 b(The)2010 2013 y(bridge)36 b(in)n(tercepts)g(the)i(frame)e(early)f(in)i(this)g (function,)2010 2112 y(after)27 b(a)g(small)h(amoun)n(t)f(of)g(b)r(o)r (okk)n(eeping)g(is)g(p)r(erformed.)2010 2312 y(On)c(en)n(try)f(to)h (the)g(bridge)f(co)r(de,)i(the)f(frame)g(is)f(c)n(hec)n(k)n(ed)g(to) 2010 2411 y(see)31 b(if)g(it)h(is)f(a)f(broadcast,)h(m)n(ulticast,)g (or)g(unicast)g(frame)2010 2511 y(\(Figure)45 b(1\).)89 b(Broadcast)43 b(and)i(m)n(ulticast)g(frames)f(are)2010 2610 y(copied)37 b(and)g(queued)g(on)g(the)g(bridge)g(\(so)g(they)g (can)g(b)r(e)2010 2710 y(forw)n(arded)29 b(in)i(all)f(mem)n(b)r(er)h (in)n(terfaces\),)g(and)g(the)g(origi-)2010 2810 y(nal)23 b(frame)f(is)g(returned)h(to)f Fj(ether)p 3065 2810 V 31 w(input\(\),)i Fk(so)e(that)h(it)g(can)2010 2909 y(b)r(e)31 b(pro)r(cessed)f(b)n(y)g(the)i(bridge)e(mac)n(hine)g(itself.)47 b(Unicast)2010 3009 y(frames)24 b(are)f(c)n(hec)n(k)n(ed)g(to)h(see)g (if)h(the)g(destination)f(matc)n(hes)2010 3109 y(an)n(y)h(of)h(the)g (MA)n(C)g(addresses)e(of)i(p)r(orts)f(on)h(the)g(bridge;)g(if)2010 3208 y(so,)34 b(the)g(frame)f(is)g(returned)g(to)g Fj(ether)p 3255 3208 V 31 w(input\(\))g Fk(for)g(lo)r(cal)2010 3308 y(pro)r(cessing.)64 b(If)37 b(the)h(frame)e(is)h(unicast)g(and)g (addressed)2010 3407 y(to)44 b(the)h(bridge)e(mac)n(hine,)48 b(the)c(frame)g(is)g(queued)g(and)2010 3507 y(not)37 b(passed)f(bac)n(k)g(to)g Fj(ether)p 2939 3507 V 31 w(input\(\))p Fk(.)64 b(When)38 b(a)e(pac)n(k)n(et)2010 3607 y(is)28 b(queued,)h(a)f(soft)n(w)n(are)f(in)n(terrupt)h(is)h(sc)n(heduled)f(so) g(that)2010 3706 y(bridge)23 b(pro)r(cessing)g(will)h(o)r(ccur)g (outside)g(of)g(the)g(in)n(terrupt)2010 3806 y(con)n(text)j(of)h(the)g (ethernet)f(card.)2010 4005 y(The)e(bulk)g(of)g(the)g(frame)g(pro)r (cessing)e(o)r(ccurs)h(in)h(the)g(soft-)2010 4105 y(w)n(are)k(in)n (terrupt)g(handler,)h Fj(bridgeintr\(\))h Fk(\(see)f(Figure)f(2\).)2010 4204 y(This)41 b(routine)g(lo)r(ops)g(through)g(eac)n(h)f(bridge)h(in)n (terface,)2010 4304 y(pulling)28 b(frames)f(from)g(their)h(input)h (queues.)37 b(The)27 b(source)2010 4404 y(ethernet)34 b(address)e(and)h(source)f(in)n(terface)h(are)g(recorded)2010 4503 y(in)n(to)24 b(the)g(bridge's)f(address)g(cac)n(he)g(for)g(eac)n (h)h(frame)f(\(after)2010 4603 y(some)j(address)f(sp)r(o)r(of-c)n(hec)n (king\).)35 b(The)26 b(destination)g(eth-)2010 4703 y(ernet)g(address)f (is)h(lo)r(ok)n(ed)f(up)h(in)g(the)h(cac)n(he;)f(if)g(the)h(in)n(ter-) 2010 4802 y(face)22 b(returned)g(b)n(y)g(the)h(lo)r(okup)f(is)g(the)h (same)f(as)g(the)h(in)n(ter-)2010 4902 y(face)h(where)f(the)i(frame)e (originated,)h(no)g(further)g(pro)r(cess-)2010 5001 y(ing)j(is)h(done.) 36 b(If)28 b(the)g(destination)f(in)n(terface)g(di\013ers)g(from)2010 5101 y(the)h(source,)e(the)h(frame)g(m)n(ust)g(b)r(e)h(forw)n(arded)d (\(bridged\).)2010 5201 y(If)37 b(the)g(frame)f(is)g(for)g(a)g(m)n (ulticast)g(or)g(broadcast)e(desti-)2010 5300 y(nation,)26 b(the)h(frame)e(m)n(ust)i(b)r(e)f(forw)n(arded)e(to)i(all)g(mem)n(b)r (er)2010 5400 y(in)n(terfaces)34 b(of)g(the)h(bridge.)56 b(T)-7 b(o)34 b(a)n(v)n(oid)f(o)n(v)n(erloading)f Fj(enc)p eop %%Page: 3 3 3 2 bop 581 1283 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 325 @urx 154 @ury 3250 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: bridge1.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: ImageMark Software Labs %%For: () () %%Title: F:\Bridge-paper\bridge1.eps %%CreationDate: () () %%BoundingBox: 0.0000 0.0000 325.0000 154.0000 %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%ColorUsage:Color %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica %%+Helvetica-Bold %%+Helvetica-Oblique %%+Helvetica-BoldOblique %%+Times-Roman %%+Times-Bold %%+Times-Italic %%+Times-BoldItalic %%+Courier %%+Courier-Bold %%+Courier-Oblique %%+Courier-BoldOblique %%+Symbol %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset Adobe_packedarray 2.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_cmykcolor 1.1 0 %%+ procset Adobe_cshow 1.1 0 %%+ procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_typography_AI3 1.0 0 %%+ procset 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/_nativeEncoding exch def } def /TZ { /_useNativeEncoding exch def pop pop findfont dup length 2 add dict begin mark exch { 1 index /FID ne { def } if cleartomark mark } forall pop /FontName exch def counttomark 0 eq { Encoding StandardEncoding eq 1 _useNativeEncoding eq and { /Encoding _nativeEncoding def } if cleartomark } { /Encoding load 256 array copy modifyEncoding /Encoding exch def } ifelse FontName currentdict end definefont pop } def /tr { _ax _ay 3 2 roll } def /trj { _cx _cy _sp _ax _ay 6 5 roll } def /a0 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /a1 { W B } def /e0 { /Tx { tr _psf } ddef /Tj { trj _pjsf } ddef } def /e1 { W F } def /i0 { /Tx { tr sp } ddef /Tj { trj jsp } ddef } def /o0 { /Tx { tr sw rmoveto } ddef /Tj { trj swj rmoveto } ddef } def /r0 { /Tx { tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /r1 { W S } def /To { pop _ctm currentmatrix pop } def /TO { Te _ctm setmatrix newpath } def /Tp { pop _tm astore pop _ctm setmatrix 2 dict begin /W {} def /h {} def } def /TP { end iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Tr { Te currentpoint newpath moveto dup 8 eq {pop 0} {dup 9 eq {pop 1} if} ifelse dup /_render exch ddef _renderStart exch get load exec } def /iTm { _ctm setmatrix _tm concat 0 _rise translate _hs 1 scale } def /Te { _render -1 eq {} {_renderEnd _render get dup null ne {load exec} {pop} ifelse} ifelse /_render -1 ddef } def /Tf { dup 1000 div /_fScl exch ddef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont } def /Tl { pop 0 exch _leading astore pop } def /Tt { pop } def /TW { 3 npop } def /Tw { /_cx exch ddef } def /Tc { /_ax exch ddef } def /Ts { /_rise exch ddef currentpoint iTm moveto } def /Ti { 3 npop } def /Tz { 100 div /_hs exch ddef iTm } def /Tq { pop } def /TX {pop} def /Tk { exch pop _fScl mul neg 0 rmoveto } def /T- { _hyphen Tx } def /TS { 0 eq {Tx} {Tj} ifelse } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 1.0 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 3.0 Full Prolog) %%Version: 1.0 %%CreationDate: (7/22/89) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 71 dict dup begin put /initialize { userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars 55 dict dup begin put /_lp /none def /_pf {} def /_ps {} def /_psf {} def /_pss {} def /_pjsf {} def /_pjss {} def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [/e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /i0 /i0 /i0 /i0] def /_renderEnd [null null null null /e1 /r1 /a1 /clip] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [0 0] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /Tx {} def /Tj {} def /CRender {} def /_AI3_savepage {} def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc {} def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc {} def /_pd 1 dict def /_ed 15 dict def /_pm matrix def /_fm null def /_fd null def /_fdd null def /_sm null def /_sd null def /_sdd null def /_i null def Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end end Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars begin newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /sw { dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index 1 sub mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll 1 sub mul add } def /swj { dup 4 1 roll dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index 1 sub mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll 1 sub mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef {1 index eq {/_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef} if} forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke }ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def /sp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath }ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where {pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf {} def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /H {} def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq {clip /_doClip 0 ddef} if newpath } { /CRender {N} ddef }ifelse } def /n {N} def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf }ifelse } { /CRender {F} ddef }ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps }ifelse } { /CRender {S} ddef }ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S }ifelse } { /CRender {B} ddef }ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if } if _pola 0 eq {newpath} if } def /u {} def /U {} def /q {_pola 0 eq {gsave} if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq {grestore} if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq {CRender} if } def /D {pop} def /*w {} def /*W {} def /` { /_i save ddef 6 1 roll 4 npop concat userdict begin /showpage {} def false setoverprint pop } def /~ { end _i restore } def /@ {} def /& {} def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /dp { dup null eq { pop _dp 0 ne { 0 1 _dp 1 sub _dl mod { _da exch get 3 get } for _dp 1 sub _dl mod 1 add packedarray _da 0 get aload pop 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll pop 4 1 roll definepattern pop } if } { _dp 0 ne _dp _dl mod 0 eq and { null dp } if 7 packedarray _da exch _dp _dl mod exch put _dp _dl mod _da 0 get 4 get 2 packedarray /_dp _dp 1 add def } ifelse } def /E { _ed begin dup 0 get type /arraytype ne { 0 { dup 1 add index type /arraytype eq { 1 add } { exit } ifelse } loop array astore } if /_dd exch def /_ury exch def /_urx exch def /_lly exch def /_llx exch def /_n exch def /_y 0 def /_dl 4 def /_dp 0 def /_da _dl array def 0 1 _dd length 1 sub { /_d exch _dd exch get def 0 2 _d length 2 sub { /_x exch def /_c _d _x get _ ne def /_r _d _x 1 add get cvlit def _r _ ne { _urx _llx sub _ury _lly sub [1 0 0 1 0 0] [ /save cvx _llx neg _lly neg /translate cvx _c { nc /begin cvx } if _r dup type /stringtype eq { cvx } { {exec} /forall cvx } ifelse _c { /end cvx } if /restore cvx ] cvx /_fn 12 _n length add string def _y _fn cvs pop /_y _y 1 add def _fn 12 _n putinterval _fn _c false dp _d exch _x 1 add exch put } if } for } for null dp _n _dd /_pd end xput } def /fc { _fm dup concatmatrix pop } def /p { /_fm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate fc 7 -2 roll _pm scale fc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate fc 4 -2 roll exch 0 ne { dup _pm rotate fc 1 -1 _pm scale fc neg _pm rotate fc } { pop } ifelse dup _pm rotate fc exch dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 1 0 6 2 roll _pm astore fc neg _pm rotate fc _pd exch get /_fdd exch ddef /_pf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm patternfill } { pop fill } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore newpath } ddef /_psf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 9 copy 6 npop patternashow } { pop 6 copy 3 npop ashow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore sw rmoveto } ddef /_pjsf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 12 copy 6 npop patternawidthshow } { pop 9 copy 3 npop awidthshow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore swj rmoveto } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /sc { _sm dup concatmatrix pop } def /P { /_sm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate sc 7 -2 roll _pm scale sc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate sc 4 -2 roll exch 0 ne { dup _pm rotate sc 1 -1 _pm scale sc neg _pm rotate sc } { pop } ifelse dup _pm rotate sc exch dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 1 0 6 2 roll _pm astore sc neg _pm rotate sc _pd exch get /_sdd exch ddef /_ps { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm patternstroke } { pop stroke } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore newpath } ddef /_pss { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm 10 copy 6 npop patternashowstroke } { pop 7 copy 3 npop ss } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore pop sw rmoveto } ddef /_pjss { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm 13 copy 6 npop patternawidthshowstroke } { pop 10 copy 3 npop jss } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore pop swj rmoveto } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /A { pop } def /nc 3 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bind def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking /annotatepage { } def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec Adobe_customcolor /initialize get exec Adobe_typography_AI3 /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 /initialize get exec %%BeginEncoding:_Helvetica Helvetica [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Helvetica/Helvetica Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Bold [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Helvetica-Bold/Helvetica-Bold Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Oblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Helvetica-Oblique/Helvetica-Oblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Helvetica-BoldOblique Helvetica-BoldOblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Helvetica-BoldOblique/Helvetica-BoldOblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Times-Roman Times-Roman [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 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222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Times-Roman/Times-Roman Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Times-Bold Times-Bold [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Times-Bold/Times-Bold Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Times-Italic Times-Italic [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Times-Italic/Times-Italic Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Times-BoldItalic Times-BoldItalic [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Times-BoldItalic/Times-BoldItalic Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier Courier [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier/Courier Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier-Bold Courier-Bold [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-Bold/Courier-Bold Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier-Oblique Courier-Oblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-Oblique/Courier-Oblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier-BoldOblique Courier-BoldOblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-BoldOblique/Courier-BoldOblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Symbol Symbol [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Symbol/Symbol Z %%EndEncoding %%EndSetup u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [] 0 d 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 121.6800 90.4800 m 252.2400 90.4800 L 252.2400 153.6000 L 121.6800 153.6000 L 121.6800 90.4800 L F U u [1 2 ] 0 d 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 J 121.6800 90.4800 m 252.2400 90.4800 L 252.2400 153.6000 L 121.6800 153.6000 L 121.6800 90.4800 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [] 0 d 0.2400 95.0400 m 72.2400 95.0400 L 72.2400 113.0400 L 0.2400 113.0400 L 0.2400 95.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 7.6800 101.7600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Ethernet Driver\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.2400 54.4800 m 72.2400 54.4800 L 72.2400 72.4800 L 0.2400 72.4800 L 0.2400 54.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 11.7600 61.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (ether_input\(\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 36.2400 95.0400 m 36.2400 77.5200 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 39.1200 78.0000 m 36.2400 72.4800 L 33.6000 78.0000 L 39.1200 78.0000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 72.2400 68.1600 m 121.4400 68.1600 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 120.7200 70.8000 m 126.2400 68.1600 L 120.7200 65.2800 L 120.7200 70.8000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 82.8000 83.0400 m 82.8000 69.6000 L 115.9200 69.6000 L 115.9200 83.0400 L 82.8000 83.0400 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 83.5200 73.4400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (all frames\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 77.0400 59.0400 m 126.2400 59.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 77.7600 56.4000 m 72.2400 59.0400 L 77.7600 61.9200 L 77.7600 56.4000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 75.3600 49.9200 m 75.3600 24.4800 L 123.1200 24.4800 L 123.1200 49.9200 L 75.3600 49.9200 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 76.0800 40.3200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (broadcast and\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 79.6800 28.3200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (local frames\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 126.2400 54.4800 m 198.2400 54.4800 L 198.2400 72.4800 L 126.2400 72.4800 L 126.2400 54.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 135.6000 61.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (bridge_input\(\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 315.3600 45.6000 m 318.0000 46.0800 L 320.6400 47.2800 L 322.5600 49.2000 L 323.7600 51.8400 L 324.2400 54.4800 L 324.2400 72.4800 L 323.7600 75.3600 L 322.5600 78.0000 L 320.6400 79.9200 L 318.0000 81.1200 L 315.3600 81.6000 L 261.3600 81.6000 L 258.4800 81.1200 L 255.8400 79.9200 L 253.9200 78.0000 L 252.7200 75.3600 L 252.2400 72.4800 L 252.2400 54.4800 L 252.7200 51.8400 L 253.9200 49.2000 L 255.8400 47.2800 L 258.4800 46.0800 L 261.3600 45.6000 L 315.3600 45.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 260.1600 70.8000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Frame queued,\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 263.5200 61.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (soft interrupt\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 268.8000 51.6000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (scheduled\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 198.2400 63.6000 m 247.4400 63.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 246.7200 66.2400 m 252.2400 63.6000 L 246.7200 60.7200 L 246.7200 66.2400 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 196.8000 49.9200 m 196.8000 24.4800 L 253.6800 24.4800 L 253.6800 49.9200 L 196.8000 49.9200 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 202.0800 40.3200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (broadcast and\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 197.5200 28.3200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k ( non-local frames\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.2400 131.0400 m 72.2400 131.0400 L 72.2400 149.0400 L 0.2400 149.0400 L 0.2400 131.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 19.9200 137.7600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Ethernet\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 36.2400 131.0400 m 36.2400 117.8400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 39.1200 118.5600 m 36.2400 113.0400 L 33.6000 118.5600 L 39.1200 118.5600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 36.2400 54.4800 m 36.2400 27.8400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 39.1200 28.5600 m 36.2400 23.0400 L 33.6000 28.5600 L 39.1200 28.5600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0.2400 0.4800 m 72.2400 0.4800 L 72.2400 23.0400 L 0.2400 23.0400 L 0.2400 0.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 22.0800 14.1600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-3\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 18.2400 4.5600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Protocols\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 126.2400 131.0400 m 198.2400 131.0400 L 198.2400 149.0400 L 126.2400 149.0400 L 126.2400 131.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 141.1200 137.7600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (IPsec \(enc\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 126.2400 95.0400 m 198.2400 95.0400 L 198.2400 113.0400 L 126.2400 113.0400 L 126.2400 95.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 134.1600 101.7600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (etherip_input\(\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 162.2400 131.0400 m 162.2400 117.8400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 165.1200 118.5600 m 162.2400 113.0400 L 159.6000 118.5600 L 165.1200 118.5600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 162.2400 95.0400 m 162.2400 77.5200 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 165.1200 78.0000 m 162.2400 72.4800 L 159.6000 78.0000 L 165.1200 78.0000 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 215.0400 124.5600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (IPsec\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 205.2000 114.9600 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 7.5000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (extensions\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K %%PageTrailer gsave annotatepage grestore showpage %%Trailer Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 /terminate get exec Adobe_typography_AI3 /terminate get exec Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 751 1466 a Fk(Figure)27 b(1:)36 b(F)-7 b(rame)27 b(\015o)n(w)g(from)h(driv)n(er)e(to)h(bridge)g(and)h(la)n(y)n(er-3)d (proto)r(cols.)0 1814 y(in)n(terfaces)34 b(with)h(m)n(ulticast)g (tra\016c)f(from)g(fast)h(ethernet)0 1914 y(in)n(terfaces,)24 b(it)g(is)g(p)r(ossible)g(to)f(disallo)n(w)g(m)n(ulticast)h(pac)n(k)n (et)0 2013 y(and/or)19 b(frame)g(forw)n(arding)f(o)n(v)n(er)h(the)h (bridge.)34 b(Curren)n(tly)-7 b(,)0 2113 y(this)28 b(is)f(sp)r (eci\014ed)h(for)f(the)h(whole)f(bridge.)36 b(In)28 b(the)g(future,)0 2213 y(w)n(e)35 b(w)n(ould)g(lik)n(e)g(to)g(b)r(e)h(able)f(to)g(sp)r (ecify)h(this)f(on)h(a)e(p)r(er-)0 2312 y(mem)n(b)r(er)27 b(in)n(terface)g(basis.)0 2810 y Fl(2.1)105 b(La)m(y)m(er-3)35 b(Filtering)0 3308 y Fk(Before)k(frames)g(are)h(forw)n(arded,)h(they)f (are)f(\014ltered)h(b)n(y)0 3407 y(calling)28 b(one)h(of)g(the)h Fj(ipf)g Fk(routines)f(with)g(the)h(frame)f(to)g(b)r(e)0 3507 y(pro)r(cessed.)60 b(This)35 b(allo)n(ws)g(for)g(standard)f (\014ltering)i(rules)0 3607 y(to)e(b)r(e)g(applied)g(to)g(bridge)f(mem) n(b)r(er)h(in)n(terfaces)f(as)g(they)0 3706 y(w)n(ould)d(b)r(e)h(for)f (normal)g(routed)g(\014rew)n(all.)45 b(Rules)31 b(are)f(ap-)0 3806 y(plied)g(to)g(all)g(incoming)g(frames)f(that)i(con)n(tain)e(IP)h (tra\016c)0 3906 y(and)d(are)g(b)r(ound)h(to)f(eac)n(h)g(mem)n(b)r(er)h (in)n(terface.)0 4105 y(The)33 b Fj(ipf)h Fk(routines)e(exp)r(ect)h(an) f(IP)h(pac)n(k)n(et)e(to)i(b)r(e)g(passed)0 4204 y(to)j(them,)j(but)d (the)h(bridge)e(op)r(erates)g(in)h(terms)g(of)g(eth-)0 4304 y(ernet)d(frames.)55 b(The)34 b(ethernet)f(header)g(is)h(examined) f(to)0 4404 y(determine)23 b(whether)g(the)g(frame)f(con)n(tains)g(an)h (IP)f(pac)n(k)n(et.)0 4503 y(Since)27 b(there)f(are)g(t)n(w)n(o)g(p)r (ossible)g(encapsulation)g(metho)r(ds)0 4603 y(for)36 b(IP)f(o)n(v)n(er)g(ethernet,)j(b)r(oth)f(m)n(ust)f(b)r(e)g(examined)g (and)0 4703 y(the)24 b(appropriate)e(amoun)n(t)h(of)h(header)f (information)g(m)n(ust)0 4802 y(b)r(e)29 b(copied)f(and)g(remo)n(v)n (ed)e(from)i(the)h(frame,)f(lea)n(ving)f(the)0 4902 y(IP)21 b(data)f(in)n(tact.)35 b(The)21 b(resulting)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(is)h (passed)f(to)h Fj(ipf,)0 5001 y Fk(whic)n(h)k(either)f(drops)g(the)h (pac)n(k)n(et)f(or)g(returns)g(it.)36 b(P)n(ac)n(k)n(ets)0 5101 y(that)28 b(are)e(not)h(\014ltered)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(their)h (ethernet)h(headers)e(re-)0 5201 y(attac)n(hed)21 b(and)h(are)e (\014nally)i(forw)n(arded)e(as)h(determined)g(b)n(y)0 5300 y(the)26 b(bridge.)36 b(Using)26 b(this)g(approac)n(h,)f(w)n(e)h (a)n(v)n(oided)e(ha)n(ving)0 5400 y(to)j(mo)r(dify)i Fj(ipf)g Fk(co)r(de)e(at)g(all.)2010 1814 y Fl(2.2)105 b(La)m(y)m(er-2)35 b(Filtering)2010 2113 y Fk(In)d(addition)g(to)g(pro) n(viding)f(IP)h(\(La)n(y)n(er-3)m(\))h(\014ltering,)g(the)2010 2212 y(bridge)21 b(is)h(capable)e(of)i(\014ltering)f(pac)n(k)n(ets)g (based)g(on)g(source)2010 2312 y(and)30 b(destination)g(ethernet)g(MA)n (C)g(address.)43 b(The)30 b(\014lter-)2010 2412 y(ing)25 b(rules)g(follo)n(w)f(a)h(syn)n(tax)g(m)n(uc)n(h)g(lik)n(e)g(the)h Fj(ipf)g Fk(rules)f(and)2010 2511 y(are)35 b(applied)h(in)g(the)g (order)e(in)j(whic)n(h)e(they)h(are)f(added.)2010 2611 y(Rules)26 b(can)g(b)r(e)h(applied)f(b)r(oth)h(as)e(a)h(frame)g(is)g (receiv)n(ed)f(b)n(y)2010 2711 y(the)f(bridge)e(\(on)i(input\))g(or)f (b)r(efore)g(the)h(frame)f(is)g(sen)n(t)g(out)2010 2810 y(from)k(the)h(bridge)f(\(output\).)2010 3009 y(The)42 b(bridge)g(can)f(also)g(b)r(e)i(used)f(to)g(blo)r(c)n(k)f(all)h(non-IP) 2010 3109 y(tra\016c.)66 b(A)38 b(\015ag)f(on)g(eac)n(h)g(mem)n(b)r(er) g(in)n(terface)g(sp)r(eci\014es)2010 3209 y(whether)29 b(it)h(should)f(allo)n(w)g(non-IP)f(tra\016c)h(to)g(b)r(e)h(passed)2010 3308 y(in)c(or)e(out)i(based)f(on)g(the)h(proto)r(col)e(\014eld)i(in)g (the)g(ethernet)2010 3408 y(header.)35 b(This)23 b(allo)n(ws)e(frames)i (to)g(b)r(e)g(blo)r(c)n(k)n(ed)g(when)g(they)2010 3508 y(cannot)31 b(b)r(e)h(\014ltered)g(b)n(y)f(the)h(La)n(y)n(er-3)d(mec)n (hanisms)i(pro-)2010 3607 y(vided)g(so)f(that)h(tunnels)g(through)f (other)g(proto)r(cols)g(can-)2010 3707 y(not)25 b(b)r(e)h(created.)35 b(The)25 b(only)g(proto)r(cols)e(allo)n(w)n(ed)h(through)2010 3806 y(an)41 b(in)n(terface)g(with)i(this)f(\015ag)e(are)h(the)h(proto) r(cols)e(nec-)2010 3906 y(essary)d(for)i(IP)g(to)g(function:)60 b(IPv4,)41 b(IPv6,)g(ARP)-7 b(,)39 b(and)2010 4006 y(RARP)-7 b(.)2010 4304 y Fl(2.3)105 b(Bridge)36 b(as)f(Normal)f(Host)2010 4603 y Fk(A)e(mac)n(hine)e(acting)h(as)g(a)f(bridge)h(need)g(not)h(ha)n (v)n(e)e(an)h(IP)2010 4703 y(address.)42 b(All)31 b(of)e(the)i (\014ltering)e(pro)n(vided)g(b)n(y)h(the)g(bridge)2010 4802 y(and)f Fj(ipf)h Fk(can)f(b)r(e)g(handled)g(in)g(the)g(absence)g (of)g(an)f(IP)h(ad-)2010 4902 y(dress,)e(and)g(this)h(is)g(actually)f (an)g(easier)f(case)h(to)g(handle.)2010 5101 y(F)-7 b(or)29 b(the)i(bridge)e(mac)n(hine)g(to)h(act)g(as)f(a)h(normal)f(host,)h(in) 2010 5201 y(addition)36 b(to)g(its)g(duties)h(as)e(a)h(bridge,)h(sev)n (eral)d(c)n(hanges)2010 5300 y(w)n(ere)g(necessary)g(to)h(the)h(path)f (a)g(frame)g(tak)n(es)f(through)2010 5400 y(the)27 b(k)n(ernel.)36 b(As)26 b(discussed)g(ab)r(o)n(v)n(e,)g(unicast)g(frames)g(that)p eop %%Page: 4 4 4 3 bop 372 1258 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 375 @urx 151 @ury 3750 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: bridge2.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: ImageMark Software Labs %%For: () () %%Title: F:\Bridge-paper\bridge2.eps %%CreationDate: () () %%BoundingBox: 0.0000 0.0000 375.0000 151.0000 %%DocumentProcessColors: Black %%ColorUsage:Color %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica 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pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath }ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where {pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf {} def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /H {} def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq {clip /_doClip 0 ddef} if newpath } { /CRender {N} ddef }ifelse } def /n {N} def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf }ifelse } { /CRender {F} ddef }ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps }ifelse } { /CRender {S} ddef }ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S }ifelse } { /CRender {B} ddef }ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if } if _pola 0 eq {newpath} if } def /u {} def /U {} def /q {_pola 0 eq {gsave} if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq {grestore} if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq {CRender} if } def /D {pop} def /*w {} def /*W {} def /` { /_i save ddef 6 1 roll 4 npop concat userdict begin /showpage {} def false setoverprint pop } def /~ { end _i restore } def /@ {} def /& {} def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /dp { dup null eq { pop _dp 0 ne { 0 1 _dp 1 sub _dl mod { _da exch get 3 get } for _dp 1 sub _dl mod 1 add packedarray _da 0 get aload pop 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll pop 4 1 roll definepattern pop } if } { _dp 0 ne _dp _dl mod 0 eq and { null dp } if 7 packedarray _da exch _dp _dl mod exch put _dp _dl mod _da 0 get 4 get 2 packedarray /_dp _dp 1 add def } ifelse } def /E { _ed begin dup 0 get type /arraytype ne { 0 { dup 1 add index type /arraytype eq { 1 add } { exit } ifelse } loop array astore } if /_dd exch def /_ury exch def /_urx exch def /_lly exch def /_llx exch def /_n exch def /_y 0 def /_dl 4 def /_dp 0 def /_da _dl array def 0 1 _dd length 1 sub { /_d exch _dd exch get def 0 2 _d length 2 sub { /_x exch def /_c _d _x get _ ne def /_r _d _x 1 add get cvlit def _r _ ne { _urx _llx sub _ury _lly sub [1 0 0 1 0 0] [ /save cvx _llx neg _lly neg /translate cvx _c { nc /begin cvx } if _r dup type /stringtype eq { cvx } { {exec} /forall cvx } ifelse _c { /end cvx } if /restore cvx ] cvx /_fn 12 _n length add string def _y _fn cvs pop /_y _y 1 add def _fn 12 _n putinterval _fn _c false dp _d exch _x 1 add exch put } if } for } for null dp _n _dd /_pd end xput } def /fc { _fm dup concatmatrix pop } def /p { /_fm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate fc 7 -2 roll _pm scale fc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate fc 4 -2 roll exch 0 ne { dup _pm rotate fc 1 -1 _pm scale fc neg _pm rotate fc } { pop } ifelse dup _pm rotate fc exch dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 1 0 6 2 roll _pm astore fc neg _pm rotate fc _pd exch get /_fdd exch ddef /_pf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm patternfill } { pop fill } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore newpath } ddef /_psf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 9 copy 6 npop patternashow } { pop 6 copy 3 npop ashow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore sw rmoveto } ddef /_pjsf { save 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 12 copy 6 npop patternawidthshow } { pop 9 copy 3 npop awidthshow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore swj rmoveto } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /sc { _sm dup concatmatrix pop } def /P { /_sm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate sc 7 -2 roll _pm scale sc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate sc 4 -2 roll exch 0 ne { dup _pm rotate sc 1 -1 _pm scale sc neg _pm rotate sc } { pop } ifelse dup _pm rotate sc exch dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 1 0 6 2 roll _pm astore sc neg _pm rotate sc _pd exch get /_sdd exch ddef /_ps { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm patternstroke } { pop stroke } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore newpath } ddef /_pss { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm 10 copy 6 npop patternashowstroke } { pop 7 copy 3 npop ss } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore pop sw rmoveto } ddef /_pjss { save 0 1 _sdd length 1 sub { /_sd exch _sdd exch get ddef _sd 0 2 _sd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _sc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _sm 13 copy 6 npop patternawidthshowstroke } { pop 10 copy 3 npop jss } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore pop swj rmoveto } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /A { pop } def /nc 3 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bind def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking /annotatepage { } def %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_cshow /initialize get 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%%BeginEncoding:_Courier-Bold Courier-Bold [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-Bold/Courier-Bold Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier-Oblique Courier-Oblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-Oblique/Courier-Oblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Courier-BoldOblique Courier-BoldOblique [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Courier-BoldOblique/Courier-BoldOblique Z %%EndEncoding %%BeginEncoding:_Symbol Symbol [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 130/quotesinglbase 131/florin 132/quotedblbase 133/ellipsis 134/dagger 135/daggerdbl 136/circumflex 137/perthousand 138/Scaron 139/guilsinglleft 140/OE 145/quoteleft 146/quoteright 147/quotedblleft 148/quotedblright 149/bullet 150/endash 151/emdash 152/tilde 153/trademark 154/scaron 155/guilsinglright 156/oe 157/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis 164/currency 166/brokenbar 168/dieresis 169/copyright 170/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot 174/registered 175/macron 176/ring 177/plusminus 178/twosuperior 179/threesuperior 180/acute 181/mu 183/periodcentered 184/cedilla 185/onesuperior 186/ordmasculine 188/onequarter 189/onehalf 190/threequarters 192/Agrave 193/Aacute 194/Acircumflex 195/Atilde 196/Adieresis 197/Aring 198/AE 199/Ccedilla 200/Egrave 201/Eacute 202/Ecircumflex 203/Edieresis 204/Igrave 205/Iacute 206/Icircumflex 207/Idieresis 208/Eth 209/Ntilde 210/Ograve 211/Oacute 212/Ocircumflex 213/Otilde 214/Odieresis 215/multiply 216/Oslash 217/Ugrave 218/Uacute 219/Ucircumflex 220/Udieresis 221/Yacute 222/Thorn 223/germandbls 224/agrave 225/aacute 226/acircumflex 227/atilde 228/adieresis 229/aring 230/ae 231/ccedilla 232/egrave 233/eacute 234/ecircumflex 235/edieresis 236/igrave 237/iacute 238/icircumflex 239/idieresis 240/eth 241/ntilde 242/ograve 243/oacute 244/ocircumflex 245/otilde 246/odieresis 247/divide 248/oslash 249/ugrave 250/uacute 251/ucircumflex 252/udieresis 253/yacute 254/thorn 255/ydieresis ] /_Symbol/Symbol Z %%EndEncoding %%EndSetup u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.4800 126.4800 m 54.4800 126.4800 L 54.4800 144.4800 L 0.4800 144.4800 L 0.4800 126.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 11.2800 133.6800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (bridgeintr\(\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.4800 95.0400 m 54.4800 95.0400 L 54.4800 113.0400 L 0.4800 113.0400 L 0.4800 95.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 9.8400 105.8400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Record MAC\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 6.0000 98.6400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (source address\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.4800 63.6000 m 54.4800 63.6000 L 54.4800 81.6000 L 0.4800 81.6000 L 0.4800 63.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 12.0000 74.4000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Drop same\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 4.8000 67.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (segment frames\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.4800 0.4800 m 54.4800 0.4800 L 54.4800 18.4800 L 0.4800 18.4800 L 0.4800 0.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 17.7600 11.2800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Non-IP\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 15.1200 4.0800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (handling\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 0.4800 31.9200 m 54.4800 31.9200 L 54.4800 49.9200 L 0.4800 49.9200 L 0.4800 31.9200 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 14.1600 42.7200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Multicast\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 15.1200 35.5200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (handling\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 153.6000 0.4800 m 207.6000 0.4800 L 207.6000 18.4800 L 153.6000 18.4800 L 153.6000 0.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 158.1600 11.2800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-2 filtering\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 170.8800 4.0800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (\(input\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 77.0400 0.4800 m 131.0400 0.4800 L 131.0400 18.4800 L 77.0400 18.4800 L 77.0400 0.4800 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 87.3600 11.2800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-3 \(IP\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 93.1200 4.0800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (filtering\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 J 1 j 27.6000 126.4800 m 27.6000 116.6400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 29.5200 117.1200 m 27.6000 113.0400 L 25.4400 117.1200 L 29.5200 117.1200 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 27.6000 95.0400 m 27.6000 85.2000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 29.5200 85.6800 m 27.6000 81.6000 L 25.4400 85.6800 L 29.5200 85.6800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 27.6000 63.6000 m 27.6000 53.5200 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 29.5200 54.0000 m 27.6000 49.9200 L 25.4400 54.0000 L 29.5200 54.0000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 27.6000 31.9200 m 27.6000 22.0800 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 29.5200 22.5600 m 27.6000 18.4800 L 25.4400 22.5600 L 29.5200 22.5600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 54.4800 9.6000 m 73.4400 9.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 72.9600 11.5200 m 77.0400 9.6000 L 72.9600 7.4400 L 72.9600 11.5200 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 35.0400 117.8400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Individual Frame\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 131.0400 9.6000 m 150.0000 9.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 149.5200 11.5200 m 153.6000 9.6000 L 149.5200 7.4400 L 149.5200 11.5200 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 108.4800 63.6000 m 162.4800 63.6000 L 162.4800 81.6000 L 108.4800 81.6000 L 108.4800 63.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 113.0400 74.4000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-2 filtering\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 124.0800 67.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (\(output\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 153.6000 95.0400 m 156.2400 95.5200 L 158.8800 96.7200 L 160.8000 98.6400 L 162.0000 101.2800 L 162.4800 103.9200 L 162.0000 106.8000 L 160.8000 109.4400 L 158.8800 111.3600 L 156.2400 112.5600 L 153.6000 113.0400 L 117.6000 113.0400 L 114.7200 112.5600 L 112.0800 111.3600 L 110.1600 109.4400 L 108.9600 106.8000 L 108.4800 103.9200 L 108.9600 101.2800 L 110.1600 98.6400 L 112.0800 96.7200 L 114.7200 95.5200 L 117.6000 95.0400 L 153.6000 95.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 120.4800 105.8400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Queued on\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 120.4800 98.6400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (interface 1\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 138.0000 60.9600 m 180.4800 18.4800 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 137.0400 59.2800 m 135.6000 63.6000 L 139.9200 62.1600 L 137.0400 59.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 95.0400 135.6000 m 126.4800 135.6000 L 126.4800 144.4800 L 95.0400 144.4800 L 95.0400 135.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 99.3600 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Ethernet\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 131.2800 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (OR\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 144.4800 135.6000 m 175.9200 135.6000 L 175.9200 144.4800 L 144.4800 144.4800 L 144.4800 135.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 152.6400 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (IPsec\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 113.2800 133.2000 m 135.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 112.3200 131.2800 m 110.6400 135.6000 L 115.2000 134.4000 L 112.3200 131.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 157.6800 133.2000 m 135.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 158.6400 131.2800 m 160.3200 135.6000 L 155.7600 134.4000 L 158.6400 131.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 198.4800 63.6000 m 252.4800 63.6000 L 252.4800 81.6000 L 198.4800 81.6000 L 198.4800 63.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 203.0400 74.4000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-2 filtering\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 214.0800 67.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (\(output\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 243.6000 95.0400 m 246.2400 95.5200 L 248.8800 96.7200 L 250.8000 98.6400 L 252.0000 101.2800 L 252.4800 103.9200 L 252.0000 106.8000 L 250.8000 109.4400 L 248.8800 111.3600 L 246.2400 112.5600 L 243.6000 113.0400 L 207.6000 113.0400 L 204.7200 112.5600 L 202.0800 111.3600 L 200.1600 109.4400 L 198.9600 106.8000 L 198.4800 103.9200 L 198.9600 101.2800 L 200.1600 98.6400 L 202.0800 96.7200 L 204.7200 95.5200 L 207.6000 95.0400 L 243.6000 95.0400 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 210.4800 105.8400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Queued on\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 210.4800 98.6400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (interface 2\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 185.0400 135.6000 m 216.4800 135.6000 L 216.4800 144.4800 L 185.0400 144.4800 L 185.0400 135.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 189.3600 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Ethernet\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 221.2800 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (OR\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 234.4800 135.6000 m 265.9200 135.6000 L 265.9200 144.4800 L 234.4800 144.4800 L 234.4800 135.6000 L B U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 242.6400 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (IPsec\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 203.2800 133.2000 m 225.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 202.3200 131.2800 m 200.6400 135.6000 L 205.2000 134.4000 L 202.3200 131.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 247.6800 133.2000 m 225.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 248.6400 131.2800 m 250.3200 135.6000 L 245.7600 134.4000 L 248.6400 131.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 222.9600 60.9600 m 180.4800 18.4800 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 223.9200 59.2800 m 225.6000 63.6000 L 221.0400 62.1600 L 223.9200 59.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 135.6000 91.4400 m 135.6000 81.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 137.5200 90.9600 m 135.6000 95.0400 L 133.4400 90.9600 L 137.5200 90.9600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 225.6000 91.4400 m 225.6000 81.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 227.5200 90.9600 m 225.6000 95.0400 L 223.4400 90.9600 L 227.5200 90.9600 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 306.4800 63.6000 m 360.4800 63.6000 L 360.4800 81.6000 L 306.4800 81.6000 L 306.4800 63.6000 L F U u [1 2 ] 0 d 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 306.4800 63.6000 m 360.4800 63.6000 L 360.4800 81.6000 L 306.4800 81.6000 L 306.4800 63.6000 L S U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 311.0400 74.4000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr [] 0 d 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Layer-2 filtering\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 322.0800 67.2000 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (\(output\)\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [1 2 ] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 351.6000 95.0400 m 354.2400 95.5200 L 356.8800 96.7200 L 358.8000 98.6400 L 360.0000 101.2800 L 360.4800 103.9200 L 360.0000 106.8000 L 358.8000 109.4400 L 356.8800 111.3600 L 354.2400 112.5600 L 351.6000 113.0400 L 315.6000 113.0400 L 312.7200 112.5600 L 310.0800 111.3600 L 308.1600 109.4400 L 306.9600 106.8000 L 306.4800 103.9200 L 306.9600 101.2800 L 308.1600 98.6400 L 310.0800 96.7200 L 312.7200 95.5200 L 315.6000 95.0400 L 351.6000 95.0400 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 351.6000 95.0400 m 354.2400 95.5200 L 356.8800 96.7200 L 358.8000 98.6400 L 360.0000 101.2800 L 360.4800 103.9200 L 360.0000 106.8000 L 358.8000 109.4400 L 356.8800 111.3600 L 354.2400 112.5600 L 351.6000 113.0400 L 315.6000 113.0400 L 312.7200 112.5600 L 310.0800 111.3600 L 308.1600 109.4400 L 306.9600 106.8000 L 306.4800 103.9200 L 306.9600 101.2800 L 308.1600 98.6400 L 310.0800 96.7200 L 312.7200 95.5200 L 315.6000 95.0400 L 351.6000 95.0400 L S U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 318.4800 105.8400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr [] 0 d 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Queued on\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 318.0000 98.6400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (interface N\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [1 2 ] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 293.0400 135.6000 m 324.4800 135.6000 L 324.4800 144.4800 L 293.0400 144.4800 L 293.0400 135.6000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 293.0400 135.6000 m 324.4800 135.6000 L 324.4800 144.4800 L 293.0400 144.4800 L 293.0400 135.6000 L S U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 297.3600 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr [] 0 d 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (Ethernet\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 329.2800 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (OR\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k [1 2 ] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 342.4800 135.6000 m 373.9200 135.6000 L 373.9200 144.4800 L 342.4800 144.4800 L 342.4800 135.6000 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 342.4800 135.6000 m 373.9200 135.6000 L 373.9200 144.4800 L 342.4800 144.4800 L 342.4800 135.6000 L S U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 350.6400 138.2400 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 6.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr [] 0 d 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (IPsec\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u [1 2 ] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 311.2800 133.2000 m 333.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 310.3200 131.2800 m 308.6400 135.6000 L 313.2000 134.4000 L 310.3200 131.2800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 355.6800 133.2000 m 333.6000 113.0400 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 356.6400 131.2800 m 358.3200 135.6000 L 353.7600 134.4000 L 356.6400 131.2800 L F U 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 274.5600 138.7200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 12.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr [] 0 d 0.0000 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 j 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (...\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 274.5600 102.7200 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 12.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (...\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 0 To 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 274.5600 71.2800 0 Tp TP /_Helvetica 12.0000 Tf 0.0000 Tc 0 Tr 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k (...\r) Tx TO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K u [1 2 ] 0 d 0.2500 w 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 1 j 330.0000 62.6400 m 180.4800 18.4800 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 330.2400 60.4800 m 333.6000 63.6000 L 329.0400 64.3200 L 330.2400 60.4800 L F U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 333.6000 91.4400 m 333.6000 81.6000 L S U u 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 K 335.5200 90.9600 m 333.6000 95.0400 L 331.4400 90.9600 L 335.5200 90.9600 L F U %%PageTrailer gsave annotatepage grestore showpage %%Trailer Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 /terminate get exec Adobe_typography_AI3 /terminate get exec Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 446 1441 a Fk(Figure)27 b(2:)36 b(F)-7 b(rame)27 b(\015o)n(w)g(from)g(within)i Fj(bridgeintr\(\))f Fk(with)g(La)n(y)n (er-2)d(and)j(La)n(y)n(er-3)d(handling.)0 1794 y(are)c(addressed)f(to)i (an)n(y)f(of)h(the)g(mem)n(b)r(er)g(in)n(terfaces)f(of)h(the)0 1893 y(bridge)j(are)f(simply)i(returned)f(to)g Fj(ether)p 1272 1893 26 4 v 31 w(input\(\))p Fk(.)36 b(Broad-)0 1993 y(cast)21 b(and)g(m)n(ulticast)g(frames)f(m)n(ust)i(b)r(e)f (copied.)35 b(The)21 b(orig-)0 2093 y(inal)g(frame)h(is)f(returned)g (to)h Fj(ether)p 1073 2093 V 31 w(input\(\),)h Fk(and)e(the)h(cop)n(y)0 2192 y(is)27 b(queued)h(on)f(the)h(bridge.)0 2392 y(F)-7 b(or)36 b(frames)h(sen)n(t)f(b)n(y)h(the)g(bridge,)i Fj(ether)p 1368 2392 V 31 w(output\(\))d Fk(w)n(as)0 2491 y(mo)r(di\014ed)49 b(to)g(include)g(a)g(sp)r(ecial)g(case)f(for)g (in)n(terfaces)0 2591 y(that)32 b(are)f(bridge)g(mem)n(b)r(ers)h(and)f (the)i(frame)e(to)h(b)r(e)g(sen)n(t)0 2690 y(is)37 b(passed)e(to)i Fj(bridge)p 697 2690 V 32 w(output\(\))p Fk(.)63 b(This)37 b(function)g(exam-)0 2790 y(ines)32 b(the)g(ethernet)g(destination)g (address)f(of)h(the)g(frame.)0 2890 y(F)-7 b(or)35 b(unicast)g (destinations,)j(the)e(bridge)f(address)f(cac)n(he)0 2989 y(is)i(used)g(to)g(lo)r(cate)f(the)h(recipien)n(t.)62 b(F)-7 b(or)35 b(m)n(ulticast)h(and)0 3089 y(broadcast)e(destinations,) j(as)e(w)n(ell)h(as)f(unicast)h(destina-)0 3189 y(tions)e(not)g(found)h (in)f(the)h(address)e(cac)n(he,)i(the)f(frame)g(is)0 3288 y(forw)n(arded)26 b(to)h(all)h(mem)n(b)r(er)f(in)n(terfaces)g(of)g (the)h(bridge.)0 3487 y(As)39 b(a)g(result)f(of)h(this)g(design,)j(a)c (mac)n(hine)h(acting)f(as)g(a)0 3587 y(bridge)25 b(can)g(also)f (participate)h(on)g(the)h(LAN)f(as)g(a)g(normal)0 3687 y(host.)42 b(When,)30 b(for)f(example,)g(it)h(sends)f(an)g(ARP)g (request)0 3786 y(for)24 b(a)g(host,)g(it)h(will)f(b)r(e)h(forw)n (arded)e(out)h(of)g(ev)n(ery)f(mem)n(b)r(er)0 3886 y(in)n(terface.)66 b(When)38 b(a)f(reply)g(is)g(receiv)n(ed)g(on)g(an)n(y)g(in)n(ter-)0 3986 y(face,)30 b(the)h(source)e(in)n(terface)g(and)h(address)e(are)h (added)h(to)0 4085 y(the)h(bridge)f(address)g(cac)n(he)g(as)g(w)n(ell)g (as)g(its)h(ARP)g(cac)n(he,)0 4185 y(and)f(the)g(frame)g(is)g(pro)r (cessed)f(as)g(normal.)44 b(F)-7 b(rom)29 b(there,)0 4284 y(all)22 b(unicast)h(frames)f(to)g(the)h(remote)f(host)h(will)g (use)f(the)h(in-)0 4384 y(formation)d(from)h(the)g(address)f(cac)n(he)g (for)h(sending)g(frames)0 4484 y(only)27 b(on)g(the)h(correct)f(in)n (terface.)0 4792 y Fl(2.4)105 b(Bridge)36 b(Securit)m(y)0 5101 y Fk(As)26 b(discussed)g(previously)-7 b(,)26 b(the)g(bridge)g (pro)n(vides)f(sev)n(eral)0 5201 y(metho)r(ds)i(for)g(enforcing)f(net)n (w)n(ork)g(securit)n(y)g(p)r(olicy)-7 b(.)36 b(One)0 5300 y(form)28 b(of)h(in)n(ternal)f(attac)n(k)g(is)g(MA)n(C)h(sp)r(o)r (o\014ng)f(where)g(one)0 5400 y(host)23 b(forges)e(pac)n(k)n(ets)h (using)h(the)g(ethernet)g(MA)n(C)g(address)2010 1794 y(of)j(a)g(victim)g(host.)37 b(The)26 b(bridge)f(pro)n(vides)g(t)n(w)n (o)g(measures)2010 1893 y(for)44 b(prev)n(en)n(ting)f(this)h(attac)n(k) f(from)h(b)r(eing)g(completely)2010 1993 y(successful:)34 b(La)n(y)n(er-2)21 b(\014lters)h(and)h(static)g(address)f(en)n(tries.) 2010 2192 y(F)-7 b(or)34 b(the)h(La)n(y)n(er-2)d(\014lters,)37 b(the)e(ethernet)g(MA)n(C)f(address)2010 2292 y(of)j(the)h(p)r(oten)n (tial)g(victim)g(is)f(added)g(to)h(a)f(set)g(of)h(rules.)2010 2392 y(F)-7 b(or)32 b(the)i(bridge)e(in)n(terface)g(on)h(the)g(segmen)n (t)f(where)h(the)2010 2491 y(host)20 b(is)h(supp)r(osed)f(to)h(b)r(e,)h (rules)e(are)g(added)g(to)h(p)r(ermit)g(the)2010 2591 y(address)30 b(to)h(b)r(e)g(the)h(source)e(and)h(destination)g(of)g (frames)2010 2690 y(for)g(input)h(and)f(output.)49 b(On)32 b(the)f(other)g(in)n(terfaces,)h(the)2010 2790 y(address)40 b(is)i(added)f(to)g(rules)g(blo)r(c)n(king)g(it)g(as)g(a)g(source)2010 2890 y(address)23 b(on)i(input)g(and)g(destination)g(address)e(on)i (output)2010 2989 y(from)i(eac)n(h)g(in)n(terface.)2010 3189 y(Additionally)-7 b(,)45 b(adding)c(a)g(static)h(address)e(cac)n (he)h(en)n(try)2010 3288 y(that)28 b(binds)f(the)h(ethernet)f(MA)n(C)g (address)f(of)h(the)h(p)r(oten-)2010 3388 y(tial)g(victim)g(host)g(to)f (the)i(bridge)e(in)n(terface)g(on)g(the)i(same)2010 3487 y(segmen)n(t)d(as)g(the)i(host)e(will)h(prev)n(en)n(t)f(the)h(bridge)f (address)2010 3587 y(cac)n(he)34 b(from)i(b)r(eing)f(p)r(olluted)h (with)g(in)n(v)-5 b(alid)35 b(data.)60 b(The)2010 3687 y(bridge)38 b(cannot)g(prev)n(en)n(t)f(the)i(attac)n(k)f(from)g(b)r (eing)h(suc-)2010 3786 y(cessful)33 b(on)f(individual)h(segmen)n(ts,)g (but)h(it)f(can)f(limit)i(its)2010 3886 y(scop)r(e)27 b(in)h(one)f(segmen)n(t)g(only)-7 b(.)2010 4085 y(Another)28 b(form)g(of)g(in)n(ternal)g(attac)n(k,)f(ARP)h(sp)r(o)r(o\014ng,)g(in-) 2010 4185 y(v)n(olv)n(es)36 b(a)h(host)g(on)g(the)h(net)n(w)n(ork)e (using)h(its)h(o)n(wn)f(MA)n(C)2010 4284 y(address)30 b(and)i(forging)e(ARP)i(resp)r(onses)e(claiming)h(to)h(b)r(e)2010 4384 y(another)24 b(host.)35 b(The)25 b(bridge)f(do)r(es)h(not)f(treat) h(ARP)f(pac)n(k-)2010 4484 y(ets)40 b(di\013eren)n(t)f(from)h(other)f (pac)n(k)n(ets,)i(so)e(this)h(attac)n(k)f(is)2010 4583 y(not)d(directly)f(prev)n(en)n(table.)60 b(The)36 b(attac)n(king)e (host)i(ma)n(y)2010 4683 y(b)r(e)24 b(able)g(to)g(con)n(vince)f(hosts)g (on)g(other)h(segmen)n(ts)f(that)h(its)2010 4783 y(ethernet)39 b(MA)n(C)f(address)g(is)g(the)h(one)f(asso)r(ciated)g(with)2010 4882 y(the)30 b(IP)g(address)e(victim)j(host,)f(but)h(b)n(y)e(using)h (IP)f(\014lters,)2010 4982 y(actual)23 b(IP)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(comm)n (unication)g(through)h(the)h(bridge)2010 5081 y(can)j(b)r(e)h(prev)n (en)n(ted.)p eop %%Page: 5 5 5 4 bop 0 83 a Fo(3)112 b(Bridging)36 b(and)i(IPsec)0 379 y Fk(The)24 b(\014ltering)g(capabilities)g(o\013ered)g(b)n(y)g(the) h(bridge)e(allo)n(w)0 479 y(its)k(use)h(as)e(a)h(transparen)n(t)f(pac)n (k)n(et)g(\014ltering)h(\014rew)n(all.)36 b(As)0 578 y(w)n(as)30 b(the)h(case)e(with)j(traditional)d(\014rew)n(alls)h(ho)n (w)n(ev)n(er,)f(\014l-)0 678 y(tering)g(b)n(y)g(itself)g(is)h(not)f (su\016cien)n(t)g(in)h(ful\014lling)f(net)n(w)n(ork)0 778 y(securit)n(y)j(concerns.)53 b(Net)n(w)n(ork)32 b(la)n(y)n(er)f (encryption,)j(t)n(ypi-)0 877 y(cally)f(in)h(the)g(form)g(of)g(IPsec,)g (is)g(seeing)f(increasing)f(use)0 977 y(in)38 b(protecting)e(tra\016c)h (b)r(et)n(w)n(een)h(net)n(w)n(orks,)g(hosts,)h(and)0 1076 y(users.)68 b(Th)n(us,)41 b(w)n(e)d(decided)g(to)g(augmen)n(t)g (the)g(\014ltering)0 1176 y(bridge)27 b(with)h(IPsec)f(capabilities.)0 1375 y(This)21 b(section)f(starts)g(with)i(a)e(brief)h(o)n(v)n(erview)e (of)i(the)g(IPsec)0 1475 y(implemen)n(tation)47 b(in)g(Op)r(enBSD,)h (then)f(describ)r(es)g(the)0 1575 y(t)n(w)n(o)38 b(con\014gurations)e (where)i(bridging)g(and)g(IPsec)g(ma)n(y)0 1674 y(b)r(e)28 b(used)g(together.)0 1873 y(The)i(\014rst)f(of)h(these)g (con\014gurations,)f(\\virtual)f(LAN,")i(is)0 1973 y(used)23 b(to)g(transparen)n(tly)f(and)h(securely)f(connect)h(ethernet)0 2073 y(segmen)n(ts)e(o)n(v)n(er)f(a)h(wide)h(area)e(net)n(w)n(ork.)34 b(This)22 b(is)f(ac)n(hiev)n(ed)0 2172 y(b)n(y)j(encapsulating)f (ethernet)h(frames)g(inside)g(IPsec)f(pac)n(k-)0 2272 y(ets)32 b(whic)n(h)h(are)e(then)i(transmitted)g(to)f(a)g(remote)g (bridge)0 2372 y(that)20 b(remo)n(v)n(es)d(the)j(protection)f(and)g (forw)n(ards)f(the)i(frames)0 2471 y(to)27 b(the)h(lo)r(cal)f(LAN.)0 2670 y(The)e(second)f(con\014guration)f(is)i(what)g(the)g(standards)e (call)0 2770 y(a)30 b(\\bump)h(in)h(the)f(wire")f(\(BITW\))h(implemen)n (tation)g([9],)0 2870 y(wherein)37 b(a)f(securit)n(y)h(gatew)n(a)n(y)e (\(the)i(bridge\))g(transpar-)0 2969 y(en)n(tly)j(implemen)n(ts)g (IPsec)f(on)g(b)r(ehalf)i(of)f(one)f(or)g(more)0 3069 y(\\protected")h(hosts.)76 b(This)41 b(allo)n(ws)e(gradual)h(in)n(tro)r (duc-)0 3169 y(tion)23 b(of)h(IPsec)e(in)i(a)f(net)n(w)n(ork)f(without) i(c)n(hanging)e(the)i(end)0 3268 y(host)35 b(con\014guration)e(or)h (soft)n(w)n(are.)58 b(This)35 b(con\014guration)0 3368 y(is)25 b(also)g(a)g(common)g(design)f(feature)i(of)f(net)n(w)n(ork)f (securit)n(y)0 3467 y(systems)j(used)h(b)n(y)f(the)h(military)-7 b(.)0 3667 y(P)n(erhaps)20 b(more)g(imp)r(ortan)n(tly)-7 b(,)22 b(suc)n(h)f(a)g(transparen)n(t)f(IPsec)0 3766 y(gatew)n(a)n(y)29 b(can)i(b)r(e)h(used)g(to)f(enforce)f(securit)n(y)h (prop)r(erties)0 3866 y(for)k(comm)n(unications)g(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)g (the)h(protected)f(\(or)g(su-)0 3966 y(p)r(ervised\))d(hosts)g(and)g (the)h(rest)f(of)g(the)h(w)n(orld.)50 b(P)n(ac)n(k)n(ets)0 4065 y(tra)n(v)n(ersing)36 b(the)j(gatew)n(a)n(y)d(can)i(b)r(e)h (examined)f(and,)j(de-)0 4165 y(p)r(ending)28 b(on)f(system)h(p)r (olicy:)83 4440 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(They)28 b(ma)n(y)f(b)r(e)h(forw)n (arded)e(or)h(dropp)r(ed,)h(similar)f(to)166 4539 y(a)g(pac)n(k)n(et)g (\014ltering)g(\014rew)n(all.)83 4703 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(Outgoing)27 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(ma)n(y)i(cause)f(the)h(securit)n(y)f (gate-)166 4802 y(w)n(a)n(y)33 b(to)h(attempt)g(to)g(establish)g(a)f (securit)n(y)h(asso)r(ci-)166 4902 y(ation)29 b(\(SA\))i(with)f(the)f (destination)h(host,)f(pretend-)166 5001 y(ing)22 b(to)g(b)r(e)g(the)h (originating)d(host,)j(if)g(the)f(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(are)166 5101 y(unencrypted.)42 b(If)29 b(the)h(pac)n(k)n(ets)e(are)g(already)f (IPsec-)166 5201 y(protected,)44 b(it)e(could)f(simply)g(forw)n(ard)f (them)i(\(or,)166 5300 y(in)29 b(our)e(case,)h(bridge)f(them\).)40 b(Naturally)-7 b(,)28 b(the)h(secu-)166 5400 y(rit)n(y)22 b(gatew)n(a)n(y)e(ma)n(y)h(alw)n(a)n(ys)f(opt)i(to)g(establish)g(an)g (SA)2176 83 y(with)29 b(the)h(destination,)f(regardless)d(of)j(the)g (existing)2176 183 y(securit)n(y)e(prop)r(erties)f(of)i(the)g(pac)n(k)n (et)f(stream.)2093 336 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(Similarly)-7 b(,)48 b(for)43 b(incoming)h(pac)n(k)n(ets,)j(the)d(gatew)n(a)n(y)2176 436 y(could)31 b(establish)h(a)f(securit)n(y)g(asso)r(ciation)f(with)i (the)2176 536 y(originator)50 b(if)j(the)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(w)n(as)g (receiv)n(ed)f(unen-)2176 635 y(crypted)j(and/or)e(unauthen)n(ticated,) 60 b(again)53 b(pre-)2176 735 y(tending)28 b(to)f(b)r(e)h(the)g (destination)g(host.)2093 889 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(Finally)-7 b(,)27 b(the)f(bridge)g(can)f(in)n(tercept)h(incoming)g(IKE)2176 988 y([5])e(pac)n(k)n(ets)e(that)j(request)e(negotiation)g(with)i(one)e (of)2176 1088 y(the)34 b(protected)f(hosts,)h(and)g(p)r(erform)f(the)g (negotia-)2176 1188 y(tion)28 b(as)f(that)h(host.)2010 1439 y(Th)n(us,)33 b(in)g(the)g(last)e(three)i(cases,)f(the)h(securit)n (y)e(gatew)n(a)n(y)2010 1539 y(acts)38 b(as)g(a)h(transparen)n(t)e(net) n(w)n(ork)g(p)r(olicy)i(enforcer.)69 b(A)2010 1639 y(routing)45 b(\014rew)n(all)g(can)h(p)r(erform)f(the)h(same)g(functions,)2010 1738 y(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er)31 b(it)i(w)n(ould)f(ha)n(v)n(e)g(to)g (establish)h(tunnel)g(SAs)g(b)r(e-)2010 1838 y(t)n(w)n(een)k(itself)h (and)f(the)h(remote)e(host)i(on)f(b)r(ehalf)g(of)h(the)2010 1938 y(protected)i(host.)73 b(It)41 b(w)n(ould)e(do)h(so)f(using)h(its) g(o)n(wn)g(IP)2010 2037 y(address,)e(an)f(so)g(w)n(ould)g(need)g(to)g (\\pro)n(v)n(e")d(its)k(righ)n(t)e(to)2010 2137 y(pro)n(xy-IPsec)31 b(for)i(the)h(end)g(host.)54 b(While)34 b(this)g(is)g(trivial)2010 2236 y(for)39 b(static)g(con\014gurations,)h(where)f(the)h(iden)n (tities)f(and)2010 2336 y(net)n(w)n(ork)23 b(addresses)f(of)i(the)h(t)n (w)n(o)e(p)r(eers)h(are)f(kno)n(wn)g(a)h(pri-)2010 2436 y(ori,)34 b(the)f(situation)g(b)r(ecomes)g(more)f(complicated)h(when) 2010 2535 y(trying)27 b(to)g(do)h(opp)r(ortunistic)f(encryption.)2010 2735 y(The)36 b(t)n(w)n(o)f(primary)f(en)n(visioned)h(metho)r(ds)h(for) f(host)h(au-)2010 2834 y(then)n(tication)29 b(are)f(DNSSEC)i([3)o(])f (and)g(X.509)f([2].)41 b(In)30 b(the)2010 2934 y(former)g(case,)g(the)h (domain)f(name)g(serv)n(ers)f(can)h(securely)2010 3033 y(pro)n(vide)c(the)h(public)h(k)n(ey)e(asso)r(ciated)g(with)h(a)g(host) f(name)2010 3133 y(or)j(address.)41 b(That)30 b(k)n(ey)f(ma)n(y)g(then) h(b)r(e)g(used)g(to)f(authen-)2010 3233 y(ticate)39 b(the)g(IKE)g(p)r (eer.)70 b(In)40 b(the)f(X.509)f(case,)j(a)e(Certi-)2010 3332 y(\014cation)e(Authorit)n(y)h(\(CA\))h(infrastructure)e(is)h (assumed)2010 3432 y(to)i(pro)n(vide)f(the)h(public)h(k)n(ey)e(of)h(an) g(end)g(host)g(or)f(user)2010 3532 y(\(the)30 b(proto)r(cols)e(for)h (doing)g(so)g(in)h(a)f(large-scale)d(net)n(w)n(ork)2010 3631 y(suc)n(h)20 b(as)g(the)h(In)n(ternet)f(are)f(less)h(w)n (ell-de\014ned)g(than)h(DNS\).)2010 3731 y(Here,)33 b(the)g(IP)f (address)f(of)h(the)h(host)f(asso)r(ciated)f(with)h(a)2010 3830 y(k)n(ey)h(is)g(em)n(b)r(edded)h(in)f(an)h(X.509)e(certi\014cate.) 54 b(In)33 b(either)2010 3930 y(case)c(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)g(it)h(is)g (not)g(immediately)h(clear)e(\(and)h(cur-)2010 4030 y(ren)n(tly)c (unde\014ned\))i(ho)n(w)f(to)g(express)f(the)h(righ)n(t)f(of)h(a)g (\014re-)2010 4129 y(w)n(all)38 b(to)g(establish)g(SAs)h(on)f(b)r (ehalf)h(of)f(a)g(host.)70 b(While)2010 4229 y(w)n(ork)31 b(has)g(recen)n(tly)g(started)h(in)g(the)g(IETF)g(IP)g(Securit)n(y)2010 4329 y(P)n(olicy)19 b(\(IPSP\))h(W)-7 b(orking)19 b(Group,)j(dev)n (elopmen)n(t)d(and)h(de-)2010 4428 y(plo)n(ymen)n(t)40 b(of)g(a)g(proto)r(col)g(that)h(w)n(ould)f(allo)n(w)f(securit)n(y)2010 4528 y(gatew)n(a)n(y)26 b(disco)n(v)n(ery)f(is)i(some)h(y)n(ears)d(a)n (w)n(a)n(y)-7 b(.)2010 4814 y Fl(3.1)105 b(Op)s(enBSD)35 b(IPsec)2010 5101 y Fk(IPsec)d(in)i(the)f(Op)r(enBSD)h(k)n(ernel)e(is)h (implemen)n(ted)h(as)e(a)2010 5201 y(pair)j(of)h(transp)r(ort)f(proto)r (cols)f([7,)i(8)o(].)62 b(Incoming)35 b(IPsec)2010 5300 y(pac)n(k)n(ets)30 b(are)h(switc)n(hed)g(to)h(the)g(appropriate)e (IPsec)g(pro-)2010 5400 y(to)r(col)37 b(for)f(pro)r(cessing)g(b)n(y)h Fj(ipv4)p 3048 5400 26 4 v 32 w(input\(\),)j Fk(follo)n(wing)c(the)p eop %%Page: 6 6 6 5 bop 0 83 a Fk(usual)28 b(pac)n(k)n(et)f(pro)r(cessing)f(path)j(in)f (the)g(k)n(ernel)g(\(similar,)0 183 y(for)22 b(example,)h(to)g(TCP)f (or)f(UDP\).)j(Note)e(that)h(only)f(pac)n(k-)0 282 y(ets)j(destined)h (for)e(the)i(lo)r(cal)e(host)h(are)g(handled)g(this)g(w)n(a)n(y;)0 382 y(IPsec)33 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)g(that)h(are)g(passing)f(through)g(are)g (simply)0 482 y(forw)n(arded)19 b(if)i(the)h(host)e(is)h(con\014gured)e (to)i(act)g(as)f(a)g(router,)0 581 y(otherwise)27 b(they)g(are)g(dropp) r(ed\).)0 780 y(Outgoing)48 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)h(are)f(in)n(tercepted)i (at)f Fj(ip)p 1511 780 26 4 v 32 w(output\(\),)0 880 y Fk(where)30 b(a)h(c)n(hec)n(k)f(is)h(made)g(to)g(see)f(if)i(IPsec)e (pro)r(cessing)f(is)0 980 y(necessary)-7 b(.)34 b(If)24 b(so,)f(the)h(appropriate)e(IPsec)g(proto)r(col)g(out-)0 1079 y(put)31 b(routines)e(are)g(called)g(whic)n(h)h(encrypt/authen)n (ticate)0 1179 y(the)21 b(pac)n(k)n(et,)h(and)e(then)i(re-send)e(it)h (via)g Fj(ip)p 1310 1179 V 31 w(output\(\))f Fk(sp)r(eci-)0 1279 y(fying)i(that)h(IPsec)f(pro)r(cessing)f(has)h(already)f(o)r (ccurred)g(\(so)0 1378 y(as)26 b(to)h(a)n(v)n(oid)e(lo)r(ops\).)37 b(Tw)n(o)26 b(metho)r(ds)h(are)f(used)h(to)g(deter-)0 1478 y(mine)e(whether)g(a)f(pac)n(k)n(et)f(needs)i(to)f(b)r(e)h (IPsec-pro)r(cessed:)83 1763 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(If)j(the)f(pac)n(k)n(et) f(originated)g(from)h(a)g(lo)r(cal)f(so)r(c)n(k)n(et,)166 1863 y(it)36 b(ma)n(y)e(ha)n(v)n(e)g(an)h(attac)n(hed)g(Securit)n(y)g (Asso)r(ciation)166 1962 y(\(SA\).)83 2132 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(If)34 b(no)f(suc)n(h)g(information)f(is)h(a)n(v)-5 b(ailable,)34 b(the)f(source)166 2232 y(and)j(destination)f(addresses)f (and)i(p)r(orts)f(from)h(the)166 2331 y(pac)n(k)n(et)25 b(are)h(used)g(to)g(mak)n(e)g(a)g(lo)r(okup)g(in)g(the)h(k)n(ernel)166 2431 y(Securit)n(y)d(P)n(olicy)f(Database)h(\(SPD\).)h(In)g(Op)r (enBSD,)166 2531 y(the)d(SPD)g(is)f(implemen)n(ted)h(as)f(a)g(new)h (proto)r(col)e(fam-)166 2630 y(ily)i(in)h(the)g(radix)e(tree,)i(whic)n (h)f(is)h(also)e(used)h(for)g(rout-)166 2730 y(ing)28 b(en)n(tries.)39 b(There)28 b(are)f(sev)n(eral)g(b)r(ene\014ts)i(to)f (using)166 2829 y(the)g(radix)f(tree:)259 3017 y Fe({)42 b Fk(Co)r(de)27 b(reuse)g(\(and,)h(th)n(us,)g(bug)f(a)n(v)n(oidance\).) 259 3152 y Fe({)42 b Fk(The)c(radix)g(tree)g(in)n(ternal)g(represen)n (tation)e(is)349 3251 y(compact,)50 b(allo)n(wing)45 b(for)h(large)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(ers)h(of)349 3351 y(SPD)19 b(en)n(tries)f(without)i(high)f(memory)f(require-)349 3451 y(men)n(ts.)259 3585 y Fe({)42 b Fk(Lo)r(okup)e(cost)h(scales)f(w) n(ell)h(with)g(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(of)349 3685 y(en)n(tries)27 b(in)g(the)h(table.)259 3820 y Fe({)42 b Fk(Because)19 b(a)h(lo)r(okup)h(returns)f(the)h(most)f(sp)r(eci\014c)349 3919 y(result,)38 b(it)g(is)e(easy)g(to)g(implemen)n(t)i(\\bac)n(kup") 349 4019 y(en)n(tries)e(for)h(pac)n(k)n(et)f(classes)g(\(or,)j(con)n(v) n(ersely)-7 b(,)349 4119 y(w)n(e)31 b(can)h(ha)n(v)n(e)e(sp)r(ecial)i (case)f(handling)g(of)h(cer-)349 4218 y(tain)27 b(pac)n(k)n(et)g (classes\).)0 4503 y(In)42 b(b)r(oth)g(cases,)j(the)d(lo)r(okup)f(pro)n (vides)g(enough)g(infor-)0 4603 y(mation)33 b(to)g(lo)r(cate)g(the)h (SA.)g(Note)f(that,)i(on)e(input,)j(the)0 4703 y(pac)n(k)n(et)30 b(itself)i(con)n(tains)e(enough)g(information)h(to)g(lo)r(cate)0 4802 y(the)f(SA.)f(The)h(SA)f(itself)h(con)n(tains)e(suc)n(h)h (information)g(as)0 4902 y(the)k(cryptographic)d(algorithms)h(and)h(k)n (eys)g(to)g(b)r(e)h(used,)0 5001 y(what)h(optional)e(features)h(of)h (the)g(proto)r(cols)e(are)g(in)i(use,)0 5101 y(v)-5 b(arious)26 b(expiration)h(timers,)g Fj(etc.)0 5300 y Fk(Both)h(the)h(SA)g(and)g (SPD)g(tables)f(ma)n(y)g(b)r(e)h(p)r(opulated)f(ei-)0 5400 y(ther)41 b(through)f(man)n(ual)g(k)n(eying)g(utilities,)45 b(or)40 b(b)n(y)h(some)2010 83 y(automated)35 b(k)n(ey)g(managemen)n(t) g(daemon)g(\(lik)n(e)h(IKE)e([5])2010 183 y(or)29 b(Photuris)g([6]\).) 45 b(The)30 b(in)n(terface)g(to)g(the)g(k)n(ernel)g(for)f(ei-)2010 282 y(ther)19 b(of)h(these)f(metho)r(ds)h(is)f(via)g(the)h(PF)p 3249 282 25 4 v 30 w(KEY)e(so)r(c)n(k)n(et)h([14)o(],)2010 382 y(whic)n(h)32 b(is)g(in)g(man)n(y)f(w)n(a)n(ys)f(similar)i(to)f (the)i(BSD)f(routing)2010 482 y(so)r(c)n(k)n(et.)2010 681 y(Both)38 b(in)h(input)h(or)d(output,)42 b(if)d(the)g(necessary)e (crypto-)2010 780 y(graphic)31 b(material)h(has)g(not)h(b)r(een)g (negotiated)f(with)h(the)2010 880 y(remote)20 b(IPsec)f(endp)r(oin)n(t) i(\(for)f(example,)h(when)g(doing)f(on-)2010 980 y(demand)31 b(or)f(\\opp)r(ortunistic")f(IPsec\),)i(it)g(is)g(p)r(ossible)f(to)2010 1079 y(notify)35 b(a)f(k)n(ey)g(managemen)n(t)g(daemon)g(whic)n(h)h (will)g(then)2010 1179 y(negotiate)i(and)g(install)g(the)h(prop)r(er)f (SA)g(and)h(SPD)f(en-)2010 1279 y(tries)27 b(in)h(the)g(k)n(ernel.)2010 1478 y(W)-7 b(e)22 b(ha)n(v)n(e)f(also)f(implemen)n(ted)j(the)f Fj(enc)f Fk(pseudo-in)n(terface.)2010 1577 y(Input)27 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(that)h(are)e(IPsec-pro)r(cessed)f(are)i(made)g(to) 2010 1677 y(app)r(ear)j(as)h(if)h(they)f(w)n(ere)g(receiv)n(ed)f(from)h (the)g Fj(enc)h Fk(in)n(ter-)2010 1777 y(face,)f(b)n(y)f(c)n(hanging)f (the)h(in)n(terface)g(p)r(oin)n(ter)g(in)h(the)g(m)n(buf)2010 1876 y(header.)j(Th)n(us,)21 b(an)e(administrator)e(can)i(easily)f (\014lter)i(non-)2010 1976 y(IPsec)37 b(protected)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)g (using)g(an)n(y)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(\014ltering)2010 2076 y(pac)n(k)-5 b(age.)78 b(F)-7 b(urthermore,)45 b(utilities)d(lik)n(e)g Fj(tcp)l(dump)g Fk([13)o(])2010 2175 y(can)37 b(b)r(e)g(used)g(to)g (view)g(the)h(in)n(termediate)e(pro)r(ducts)h(of)2010 2275 y(IPsec)27 b(pro)r(cessing,)f(for)g(debugging)h(purp)r(oses)f (\(this)i(only)2010 2374 y(w)n(orks)38 b(if)i(IPsec)e(pro)r(cessing)g (tak)n(es)g(place)h(in)h(the)g(lo)r(cal)2010 2474 y(host\).)2010 2673 y(A)33 b(more)f(extensiv)n(e)g(\(if)i(somewhat)e(dated\))h(o)n(v)n (erview)e(of)2010 2773 y(the)d(Op)r(enBSD)g(IPsec)f(arc)n(hitecture)f (is)i(giv)n(en)e(in)i([10)o(].)2010 2972 y(This)20 b(is)g(the)g (standard)f(IPsec)g(pro)r(cessing)g(that)h(is)g(more)f(or)2010 3072 y(less)29 b(common)g(across)f(di\013eren)n(t)i(implemen)n(tations) f(\(and)2010 3171 y(ev)n(en)j(op)r(erating)g(systems\).)53 b(Use)33 b(of)g(IPsec)f(in)h(conjunc-)2010 3271 y(tion)25 b(with)h(the)f(bridge,)g(esp)r(ecially)f(in)i(the)f(\\bump)g(in)h(the) 2010 3371 y(wire")c(scenario,)h(requires)f(somewhat)g(di\013eren)n(t)i (pro)r(cess-)2010 3470 y(ing.)60 b(W)-7 b(e)36 b(shall)f(describ)r(e)g (these)g(c)n(hanges)f(and)h(require-)2010 3570 y(men)n(ts)28 b(in)f(the)h(next)g(t)n(w)n(o)f(subsections.)2010 3900 y Fl(3.2)105 b(Virtual)35 b(LANs)2010 4231 y Fk(Giv)n(en)22 b(the)g(w)n(a)n(y)f(the)h(bridging)f(co)r(de)h(op)r(erates,)g(in)g (partic-)2010 4331 y(ular)j(with)h(resp)r(ect)f(to)h(mem)n(b)r(er)f(in) n(terfaces)g(b)r(eing)g(added)2010 4430 y(to)f(and)g(remo)n(v)n(ed)e (from)i(the)g(bridge,)g(it)h(w)n(as)e(a)h(simple)g(ob-)2010 4530 y(serv)-5 b(ation)32 b(that)h(w)n(e)g(could)f(extend)h(the)h(role) e(of)h(the)g Fj(enc)2010 4629 y Fk(in)n(terface)23 b(so)g(that)h(it)g (could)f(b)r(e)h(used)g(b)n(y)f(the)h(bridge.)35 b(Ac-)2010 4729 y(cordingly)-7 b(,)35 b(w)n(e)f(mo)r(di\014ed)h(the)g Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terface)f(suc)n(h)g(that)2010 4829 y(an)28 b(incoming)f(and)h(an)g(outgoing)e(SA)j(can)e(b)r(e)h(asso)r(ciated) 2010 4928 y(with)33 b(it,)h(through)e(the)h(standard)f Fj(ifc)l(on\014g)h Fk(command)3810 4898 y Fi(2)3847 4928 y Fk(.)2010 5028 y(Curren)n(tly)-7 b(,)34 b(suc)n(h)e(SAs)h(m)n(ust)h (b)r(e)f(man)n(ually)f(con\014gured,)2010 5128 y(via)27 b(the)h Fj(ipse)l(c)l(adm)h Fk(utilit)n(y)-7 b(.)p 2010 5244 744 4 v 2102 5298 a Fh(2)2137 5321 y Fg(As)19 b(an)h(artifact)f (of)g(our)h(implemen)n(tation,)f(more)f(than)i(one)g(SAs)2010 5400 y(can)k(b)r(e)g(asso)r(ciated)h(with)f(an)g Fd(enc)f Fg(in)n(terface.)p eop %%Page: 7 7 7 6 bop 0 83 a Fk(The)36 b(e\013ect)g(of)g(these)g(c)n(hanges)e(is)i (that)g(lo)r(cal)f(area)f(net-)0 183 y(w)n(orks)j(\(LANs\))j(ma)n(y)e (b)r(e)i(bridged)e(o)n(v)n(er)f(a)i(public)g(net-)0 282 y(w)n(ork.)49 b(All)33 b(that)g(is)f(necessary)e(is)i(that)h(eac)n(h)e (LAN)i(con-)0 382 y(tain)i(an)g(IPsec)f(bridge)g(connecting)g(it)i(to)e (one)h(or)f(more)0 482 y(other)29 b(LANs.)44 b(F)-7 b(rom)29 b(the)h(p)r(oin)n(t)g(of)f(view)h(of)g(the)g(bridge,)0 581 y(the)21 b(IPsec)f(link)h(is)f(iden)n(tical)g(to)h(an)f(ethernet)h (net)n(w)n(ork,)g(al-)0 681 y(lo)n(wing)28 b(for)h(creation)f(of)h (arbitrary)e(top)r(ologies.)40 b(La)n(y)n(er-2)0 780 y(and)25 b(La)n(y)n(er-3)d(\014ltering,)k(spanning)e(tree)h (algorithms,)g Fj(etc.)0 880 y Fk(ma)n(y)30 b(all)g(b)r(e)h(used)g(in)g (the)g(IPsec-bridged)d(net)n(w)n(ork)i(with)0 980 y(literally)d(no)g(c) n(hanges.)0 1179 y(The)h(mo)r(di\014cations)g(needed)g(to)g(the)g Fj(enc)h Fk(and)f Fj(bridge)h Fk(in-)0 1279 y(terface)c(co)r(de)g(w)n (ere)g(minimal.)36 b(F)-7 b(or)25 b(the)h(bridge,)g(the)f(only)0 1378 y(c)n(hanges)g(necessary)f(w)n(ere)i(to)g(allo)n(w)f(non-ethernet) h(in)n(ter-)0 1478 y(faces)c(to)h(b)r(e)g(attac)n(hed)f(and)h (initialized)f(prop)r(erly)g(\(for)h(ex-)0 1577 y(ample,)i(it)h(is)f (not)g(necessary)e(to)i(switc)n(h)g(an)g Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terface)0 1677 y(in)n(to)30 b(promiscuous)e(mo)r(de\).)45 b(In)30 b(the)g Fj(enc)g Fk(co)r(de,)h(the)f(rou-)0 1777 y(tine)41 b(that)g(handles)f(transmission)f(w)n(as)g(augmen)n(ted)h(to)0 1876 y(pass)28 b(all)g(enqueued)g(ethernet)h(frames)e(to)i(IPsec)e(for) h(pro-)0 1976 y(cessing)k(and)h(further)h(transmission,)f(after)g (encapsulat-)0 2076 y(ing)22 b(them)h(in)g(IP)f(or)g(IPv6.)34 b(Note)22 b(that)h(no)g(SPD)f(lo)r(okup)g(is)0 2175 y(necessary)d (here,)j(since)f(the)g(output)g(SA)g(to)g(use)g(is)g(already)0 2275 y(kno)n(wn.)0 2474 y(T)-7 b(o)30 b(supp)r(ort)h(m)n(ultiple)g (bridge)g(top)r(ologies)e(on)h(the)i(same)0 2574 y(host,)26 b(a)f(con\014gurable)g(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(of)h Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terfaces)f(is)h(cre-)0 2673 y(ated.)69 b(This)38 b(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(ma)n(y)f(b)r(e)i(set)f(at)g(k)n(ernel)f(compile)0 2773 y(time.)45 b(By)29 b(con)n(v)n(en)n(tion,)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)g (receiv)n(ed)g(on)h(SAs)g(that)0 2873 y(do)f(not)g(ha)n(v)n(e)e(an)i Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terface)f(asso)r(ciated)g(with)h(them,)0 2972 y(are)j(made)h(to)f(app)r(ear)h(as)f(if)h(they)g(arriv)n(ed)f(on)g (the)i Fj(enc0)0 3072 y Fk(in)n(terface.)i(F)-7 b(urthermore,)25 b(the)h Fj(enc0)h Fk(in)n(terface)e(is)h(not)g(al-)0 3171 y(lo)n(w)n(ed)d(to)h(ha)n(v)n(e)f(an)n(y)g(SAs)h(asso)r(ciated)f (with)i(it,)g(nor)e(can)h(it)0 3271 y(b)r(e)j(attac)n(hed)e(to)h(a)g (bridge.)36 b(Th)n(us,)26 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(on)g(SAs)i(that)0 3371 y(ha)n(v)n(e)33 b(an)g Fj(enc)h Fk(in)n(terface)f(asso)r(ciated)g (ma)n(y)g(b)r(e)h(traced)f(or)0 3470 y(\014ltered)d(using)f(that)i(in)n (terface.)43 b(F)-7 b(or)29 b(all)h(other)f(SAs,)i(the)0 3570 y Fj(enc0)d Fk(in)n(terface)f(ma)n(y)g(b)r(e)h(used.)0 3769 y(Implemen)n(tation)49 b(of)g(the)h(Ethernet-o)n(v)n(er-IP)45 b(proto)r(col)0 3869 y(also)36 b(pro)n(v)n(ed)f(straigh)n(tforw)n(ard,) h(as)f(the)i(output)h(side)e(of)0 3968 y(the)d(proto)r(col)f(and)h(the) g(\014rst)g(half)g(its)g(input)h(pro)r(cessing)0 4068 y(are)28 b(iden)n(tical)h(to)g(IP-in-IP)f(encapsulation.)41 b(A)n(t)29 b(the)h(end)0 4168 y(of)24 b(input)h(pro)r(cessing,)e(if)i (its)f(input)h(in)n(terface)e(is)h(link)n(ed)g(to)0 4267 y(a)35 b(bridge,)h(the)g(pac)n(k)n(et)e(is)h(passed)g(to)g(the)h (bridge)e(input)0 4367 y(routine.)i(If)28 b(a)e(frame)g(is)h(receiv)n (ed)f(o)n(v)n(er)f(an)i(IPsec)f(SA,)h(its)0 4467 y(input)33 b(in)n(terface)f(will)h(b)r(e)f(the)h Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terface)e(asso)r (ciated)0 4566 y(with)d(the)g(SA)g(\(see)g(Figures)e(1)i(and)f(2\).)0 4765 y(In)d(all,)g(less)f(than)h(300)e(lines)i(of)f(additional)h(co)r (de)f(in)h(IPsec)0 4865 y(and)32 b(the)h(bridge)f(w)n(ere)g(necessary)e (to)j(implemen)n(ted)g(the)0 4965 y(virtual)27 b(LAN)h(functionalit)n (y)-7 b(.)0 5164 y(When)29 b(it)h(comes)e(to)h(p)r(erformance,)f(the)h (highest)g(cost)f(is,)0 5264 y(as)k(migh)n(t)g(b)r(e)h(exp)r(ected,)h (in)f(the)g(encryption.)51 b(Figure)31 b(3)0 5363 y(sho)n(ws)26 b(the)h(cost)f(of)h(v)-5 b(arious)25 b(algorithms)g(\(and)i(com)n (bina-)2010 83 y(tions)22 b(thereof)6 b(\).)36 b(Note)22 b(that)h(AH)g(only)f(p)r(erforms)g(authen-)2010 183 y(tication)27 b(\(the)i(pac)n(k)n(ets)d(are)h(unencrypted\).)2010 382 y(Note)58 b(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er)d(that)j(it)g(is)f(usually)g(the)h(case)f (that)2010 482 y(the)c(wide-area)f(net)n(w)n(ork)f(link)i(o)n(v)n(er)f (whic)n(h)h(the)g(vir-)2010 581 y(tual)42 b(LAN)g(is)g(established)f (is)g(m)n(uc)n(h)h(slo)n(w)n(er)e(than)i(the)2010 681 y(mem)n(b)r(er)e(LANs,)j(and)c(slo)n(w)n(er)f(than)i(the)g(times)g(sho) n(wn)2010 780 y(ab)r(o)n(v)n(e.)56 b(Th)n(us,)35 b(realistically)-7 b(,)35 b(the)g(p)r(erformance)e(is)h(lim-)2010 880 y(ited)40 b(mainly)e(b)n(y)h(the)h(in)n(terconnecting)e(infrastructure.)2010 980 y(The)48 b(\014ltering)f(capabilities)g(of)h(the)g(bridge)f(\(blo)r (c)n(king)2010 1079 y(m)n(ulticast/broadcast)27 b(and)i(non-IP)f(pac)n (k)n(ets\))h(can)f(b)r(e)i(of)2010 1179 y(some)j(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(here)g(in)h(managing)e(the)h(v)n(olume)g(of)h(tra\016c)2010 1279 y(sen)n(t)27 b(o)n(v)n(er)f(the)i(encrypted)g(links.)2010 1478 y(Virtual)36 b(LAN)g(\(vLAN\))h(functionalit)n(y)f(is)g(o\013ered) f(b)n(y)g(a)2010 1577 y(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)c(of)g(bridges,)g(alb)r(eit)h (it)g(is)f(used)g(to)g(mean)g(some-)2010 1677 y(thing)g(di\013eren)n(t) h(from)f(what)g(w)n(e)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(describ)r(ed;)j(more)2010 1777 y(sp)r(eci\014cally)-7 b(,)27 b(vLANs)h(are)f(used)h(to)f (compartmen)n(talize)f(a)2010 1876 y(ph)n(ysical)d(net)n(w)n(ork)e(in)n (to)j(a)f(n)n(um)n(b)r(er)g(of)g(\\isolated")f(LANs.)2010 1976 y(The)33 b(main)f(goal)f(is)i(to)f(decrease)g(the)h(tra\016c)f (\\noise")f(as)2010 2076 y(seen)18 b(b)n(y)h(mac)n(hines)f(that)h(do)f (not)h(need)g(to)f(pro)r(cess)g(it)h(\()p Fj(e.g.,)2010 2175 y Fk(a)j(prin)n(ter)g(do)r(es)g(not)g(need)g(to)h(receiv)n(e)e (NFS)i(pac)n(k)n(ets;)g(lik)n(e-)2010 2275 y(wise,)35 b(normal)e(hosts)h(on)f(the)h(subnet)h(probably)d(do)i(not)2010 2374 y(need)i(to)f(see)h(the)g(AppleT)-7 b(alk)36 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)e (the)i(prin)n(tserv)n(er)2010 2474 y(uses)28 b(to)g(submit)g(jobs)g(to) g(the)g(prin)n(ter\).)38 b(A)29 b(side)f(e\013ect)g(of)2010 2574 y(vLAN)21 b(emplo)n(ymen)n(t)e(is)h(a)g(limited)h(form)f(of)g (securit)n(y)f(from)2010 2673 y(casual)29 b(pac)n(k)n(et)f(sni\016ng.) 44 b(Suc)n(h)29 b(vLANs)h(do)g(not)f(pro)n(vide)2010 2773 y(the)e(same)g(features)f(our)h(encrypting)f(bridge)h(o\013ers)f (\(and)2010 2873 y(vice)h(v)n(ersa\).)2010 3240 y Fl(3.3)105 b(Bump)35 b(In)f(The)h(Wire)2010 3607 y Fk(As)g(men)n(tioned)g(in)g (section)f(3,)i(the)f(bridge)g(can)f(also)g(b)r(e)2010 3706 y(used)42 b(as)f(a)h(transparen)n(t)f(IPsec)g(b)r(o)n(x,)k (sitting)d(in)g(fron)n(t)2010 3806 y(of)35 b(a)f(host)h(or)e(net)n(w)n (ork)h(and)g(IPsec-pro)r(cessing)e(pac)n(k)n(ets)2010 3906 y(tra)n(v)n(ersing)25 b(it.)38 b(This)28 b(con\014guration)e(is)i (called)f(\\bump)h(in)2010 4005 y(the)36 b(wire")f(\(BITW\))i(in)f(the) g(IPsec)f(arc)n(hitecture.)60 b(The)2010 4105 y(encrypting)30 b(bridge)f(as)h(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(the)g(previous)e(sec-)2010 4204 y(tion)38 b(can)f(b)r(e)h(used)f(almost)g(as-is)g(when)g(the)h (protected)2010 4304 y(hosts)25 b(or)f(net)n(w)n(orks)f(are)i (con\014gured)f(to)h(only)f(talk)h(to)g(one)2010 4404 y(remote)d(host)h(\(or)f(securit)n(y)g(gatew)n(a)n(y\):)33 b(an)23 b(incoming)f(and)2010 4503 y(outgoing)k(SA)i(pair)f(can)g(b)r (e)h(asso)r(ciated)e(with)i(an)f Fj(enc)h Fk(in-)2010 4603 y(terface)22 b(as)f(b)r(efore,)i(and)f(IPsec)g(pro)r(cessing)e(is) i(done)g(along)2010 4703 y(the)k(same)g(lines.)36 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,) 25 b(rather)g(than)h(encapsulating)2010 4802 y(ethernet)31 b(frames)e(inside)i(IP)f(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(\(and)h(then)h(IPsec-)2010 4902 y(pro)r(cessing)k(these\),)40 b(w)n(e)c(extract)g(the)i(IP)e(pac)n (k)n(ets)f(from)2010 5001 y(the)e(ethernet)f(frames)f(and)h(do)g (IP-in-IP)f(encapsulation)2010 5101 y(instead.)k(The)24 b(administrator)e(can)h(sp)r(ecify)h(whic)n(h)f(of)h(the)2010 5201 y(t)n(w)n(o)36 b(t)n(yp)r(es)h(of)f(encapsulation)g(should)g(b)r (e)h(used)g(simply)2010 5300 y(b)n(y)e(setting)h(the)f(appropriate)f (in)n(terface)h(\015ag)g(using)g(the)2010 5400 y Fj(ifc)l(on\014g)29 b Fk(command.)p eop %%Page: 8 8 8 7 bop 1070 3 1731 4 v 1068 103 4 100 v 1120 73 a Fk(T)-7 b(ransform)p 2240 103 V 795 w(Mbit/second)p 2799 103 V 1070 106 1731 4 v 1068 206 4 100 v 1120 176 a(Soft)n(w)n(are)26 b(AH)i(MD5)p 2240 206 V 769 w(67.87)p 2799 206 V 1070 209 1731 4 v 1068 309 4 100 v 1120 279 a(Soft)n(w)n(are)e(AH)i(SHA1)p 2240 309 V 738 w(47.79)p 2799 309 V 1070 312 1731 4 v 1068 412 4 100 v 1120 382 a(Soft)n(w)n(are)e(ESP)h(DES-MD5)p 2240 412 V 540 w(19.56)p 2799 412 V 1070 415 1731 4 v 1068 515 4 100 v 1120 485 a(Soft)n(w)n(are)f(ESP)h(Blo)n(w\014sh-SHA1)p 2240 515 V 368 w(23.61)p 2799 515 V 1070 518 1731 4 v 1068 618 4 100 v 1120 588 a(Soft)n(w)n(are)f(ESP)h(3DES-SHA1)p 2240 618 V 509 w(9.07)p 2799 618 V 1070 621 1731 4 v 1068 721 4 100 v 1120 691 a(Hardw)n(are)e(ESP)i(DES-MD5)p 2240 721 V 501 w(62.12)p 2799 721 V 1070 724 1731 4 v 1068 824 4 100 v 1120 794 a(Hardw)n(are)e(ESP)i(3DES-SHA1)p 2240 824 V 428 w(63.12)p 2799 824 V 1070 827 1731 4 v 0 1064 a(Figure)32 b(3:)45 b(Throughput)32 b(of)g(a)g(TCP)g(session)f (o)n(v)n(er)f(IPsec)i(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)g(t)n(w)n(o)f(K6-3/550)e(b)r(o)n (xes)j(directly)f(connected)i(with)0 1163 y(100Mbit/s)26 b(ethernet.)37 b(F)-7 b(or)27 b(the)h(hardw)n(are)e(n)n(um)n(b)r(ers,)h (w)n(e)g(used)g(a)h(card)e(with)i(the)g(Hi/Fn)g(7751)e(c)n(hip.)0 1433 y(The)37 b(SAs)g(asso)r(ciated)e(with)i(the)g Fj(enc)g Fk(in)n(terface)f(\(whic)n(h)0 1533 y(m)n(ust)i(b)r(e)g(man)n(ually)e (con\014gured\))h(can)g(use)h(the)g(IP)f(ad-)0 1632 y(dress)f(of)h(the) g(bridge,)i(or)d(the)i(IP)e(address)g(of)h(the)g(pro-)0 1732 y(tected)29 b(host.)38 b(In)28 b(the)h(former)e(case,)h(the)g (bridge)g(exhibits)0 1831 y(the)19 b(exact)f(same)g(c)n(haracteristics) e(as)i(an)g(encrypting)g(gate-)0 1931 y(w)n(a)n(y)k(\(pac)n(k)n(ets)g (sen)n(t)g(to)h(the)g(remote)f(host)h(or)f(gatew)n(a)n(y)f(list)0 2031 y(the)34 b(bridge's)f(IP)g(address)g(as)g(the)h(source\);)h(in)f (con)n(trast)0 2130 y(to)26 b(a)g(gatew)n(a)n(y)e(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)h (no)h(con\014guration)e(c)n(hanges)h(are)0 2230 y(necessary)36 b(in)i(the)h(net)n(w)n(ork)d(or)h(the)h(protected)g(host\(s\))0 2330 y(when)30 b(placing)e(the)i(bridge.)42 b(Since)29 b(SA)h(con\014guration)e(is)0 2429 y(man)n(ual,)21 b(there)g(are)f(no)g (issues)g(with)h(authen)n(tication)g(dur-)0 2529 y(ing)27 b(k)n(ey)g(establishmen)n(t)h(\(as)f(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(section)f (3\).)0 2728 y(When)k(the)h(SAs)f(use)g(the)g(IP)g(address)e(of)i(the)g (protected)0 2828 y(host,)k(the)g(bridge)e(is)h(totally)f(transparen)n (t)g(to)g(b)r(oth)i(the)0 2927 y(protected)25 b(host)g(and)h(the)g (destination)f(host)g(or)g(gatew)n(a)n(y)-7 b(.)0 3027 y(There)33 b(are)g(t)n(w)n(o)g(issues)g(that)h(need)g(to)g(b)r(e)g (addressed)f(in)0 3127 y(this)28 b(con\014guration)e(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er:) 83 3423 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(The)25 b(IPsec)f(standard)g(sp)r(eci\014es)h (that)h(IP)e(fragmen)n(ts)166 3522 y(should)51 b(not)g(b)r(e)g(IPsec)f (pro)r(cessed)g(in)h(transp)r(ort)166 3622 y(mo)r(de.)60 b(That)36 b(is,)h(fragmen)n(tation)d(m)n(ust)i(o)r(ccur)e(af-)166 3721 y(ter)28 b(IPsec)f(pro)r(cessing)f(has)h(tak)n(en)h(place,)f(or)g (tunnel)166 3821 y(mo)r(de)39 b(\(IP-in-IP)e(encapsulation\))h(m)n(ust) h(b)r(e)g(used.)166 3921 y(Th)n(us,)g(the)e(bridge)f(m)n(ust)h(either)f (use)h(only)f(tunnel)166 4020 y(mo)r(de)46 b(IPsec,)k(or)45 b(reassem)n(ble)f(all)i(fragmen)n(ts)f(re-)166 4120 y(ceiv)n(ed)37 b(from)g(the)g(protected)g(host,)j(IPsec-pro)r(cess)166 4220 y(the)h(re-constructed)e(pac)n(k)n(et,)j(then)f(fragmen)n(t)f(the) 166 4319 y(resulting)k(pac)n(k)n(et.)88 b(F)-7 b(or)44 b(p)r(erformance)g(and)g(sim-)166 4419 y(plicit)n(y)38 b(reasons,)i(w)n(e)e(decided)g(to)g(use)g(the)h(former)166 4518 y(approac)n(h.)50 b(The)33 b(disadv)-5 b(an)n(tage)31 b(is)h(that)h(all)f(IPsec-)166 4618 y(pro)r(cessed)d(pac)n(k)n(ets)h (are)f(20)h(b)n(ytes)g(larger)f(\(the)i(size)166 4718 y(of)d(the)g(external)e(IP)i(header\).)83 4902 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(Since)35 b(the)g(remote)e(host)i(is)f(not)h(a)n(w)n(are)d(of)i (the)h(en-)166 5001 y(crypting)f(bridge's)f(existence,)j(IPsec)d(pac)n (k)n(ets)g(will)166 5101 y(b)r(e)27 b(addressed)f(to)g(the)i(protected) e(host)h(or)e(net)n(w)n(ork.)166 5201 y(Th)n(us,)c(w)n(e)e(ha)n(v)n(e)f (to)h(mo)r(dify)h(the)g(bridge)e(to)i(recognize)166 5300 y(these)33 b(addresses)f(and)h(pro)r(cess)e(those)i(IPsec)f(pac)n(k-) 166 5400 y(ets.)k(In)25 b(fact,)g(address)e(recognition)g(is)h (unnecessary)-7 b(.)2176 1433 y(The)35 b(bridge)f(only)g(has)g(to)h(w)n (atc)n(h)e(for)i(IPsec)e(pac)n(k-)2176 1533 y(ets)k(\(transp)r(ort)f (proto)r(col)g(ESP)g(or)g(AH\),)i(and)f(use)2176 1632 y(the)42 b(information)f(in)h(the)f(pac)n(k)n(et)g(to)g(p)r(erform)g (an)2176 1732 y(SA)e(lo)r(okup.)68 b(If)39 b(an)f(SA)h(is)f(found,)j (the)e(pac)n(k)n(et)e(is)2176 1831 y(pro)r(cessed.)e(Otherwise,)24 b(it)g(ma)n(y)f(b)r(e)i(dropp)r(ed)f(or)f(al-)2176 1931 y(lo)n(w)n(ed)32 b(through)g(dep)r(ending)h(on)f(the)h(\014ltering)g (con-)2176 2031 y(\014guration.)2010 2297 y(A)28 b(h)n(ybrid)f(SA)g (con\014guration)f(ma)n(y)h(b)r(e)g(used)h(\(where)f(the)2010 2397 y(bridge)21 b(uses)g(its)h(address)e(in)i(one)f(direction,)i(and)e (the)h(pro-)2010 2496 y(tected)28 b(host's)f(address)g(in)h(the)g (other\).)37 b(Suc)n(h)28 b(a)f(con\014gu-)2010 2596 y(ration)22 b(do)r(es)g(not)h(seem)g(to)g(o\013er)f(an)n(y)g(substan)n (tial)g(b)r(ene\014t)2010 2695 y(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er)e(\(and)j(ma)n(y)f (in)g(fact)h(result)f(in)h(confusing)f(the)h(ad-)2010 2795 y(ministrator\).)2010 3088 y Fl(3.4)105 b(T)-9 b(ransparen)m(t)35 b(P)m(olicy)h(Enforcemen)m(t)2010 3380 y Fk(While)22 b(the)g(mec)n(hanism)f(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(the)g(previous)e(sub-)2010 3480 y(section)27 b(is)h(useful)g(in)g(its)g(o)n(wn)f(righ)n(t,)h(its)f (usefulness)h(dra-)2010 3579 y(matically)c(expands)h(when)g(the)g (bridge)f(is)h(mo)r(di\014ed)g(suc)n(h)2010 3679 y(that)g(it)h(can)e (automatically)g(establish)h(SAs)g(on)g(b)r(ehalf)g(of)2010 3779 y(the)j(protected)f(hosts.)2010 3978 y(Our)52 b(IPsec)g(implemen)n (tation)g(already)f(supp)r(orts)h(dy-)2010 4077 y(namic)38 b(SA)g(acquisition)f(b)n(y)h(notifying)g(a)f(k)n(ey)h(manage-)2010 4177 y(men)n(t)g(daemon)g(lik)n(e)f Fj(isakmp)l(d)j Fk([4])e(using)g (the)g(PF)p 3662 4177 25 4 v 30 w(KEY)2010 4277 y(in)n(terface.)c(SA)22 b(acquisition)f(o)r(ccurs)f(in)i(the)g(follo)n(wing)e(t)n(w)n(o)2010 4376 y(cases:)2093 4643 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(An)c(application)g(requests)f (some)g(securit)n(y)g(service)2176 4742 y(on)f(a)g(so)r(c)n(k)n(et,)i (b)n(y)e(using)g(the)h Fj(setso)l(ckopt\(\))g Fk(system)2176 4842 y(call,)24 b(and)f(no)g(SAs)h(appropriate)e(for)h(the)g(tra\016c)g (pat-)2176 4941 y(tern)28 b(or)e(securit)n(y)h(lev)n(el)g(exist.)2093 5101 y Ff(\017)41 b Fk(The)36 b(k)n(ernel)g(decides)g(that)g(a)g(pac)n (k)n(et)f(needs)i(to)f(b)r(e)2176 5201 y(IPsec-pro)r(cessed,)26 b(but)i(no)g(appropriate)e(SAs)i(exist.)2176 5300 y(The)33 b(k)n(ernel)e(reac)n(hes)g(this)i(decision)e(b)n(y)i(consulting)2176 5400 y(the)28 b(SPD)g(\(as)f(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(section)f(3.1\).)p eop %%Page: 9 9 9 8 bop 0 83 a Fk(W)-7 b(e)33 b(can)f(use)g(the)h(same)f(mec)n(hanism)g (inside)g(the)h(bridge)0 183 y(to)j(dynamically)g(establish)g(SAs:)55 b(when)36 b(an)g(IP)g(pac)n(k)n(et)0 282 y(\(rather,)25 b(an)f(ethernet)h(frame)f(con)n(taining)g(an)g(IP)h(pac)n(k)n(et\))0 382 y(reac)n(hes)38 b(the)j(bridge)e(and)g(is)h(ab)r(out)g(to)g(b)r(e)g (\\transmit-)0 482 y(ted")26 b(o)n(v)n(er)f(an)h Fj(enc)h Fk(in)n(terface,)f(an)g(SPD)h(lo)r(okup)f(is)g(made.)0 581 y(If)j(an)g(SA)g(appropriate)e(for)i(this)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f(already) f(exists,)0 681 y(it)39 b(is)f(used.)69 b(Otherwise,)40 b(the)f(pac)n(k)n(et)e(is)h(dropp)r(ed)g(and)0 780 y(a)d (noti\014cation)g(is)g(sen)n(t)h(to)f(the)h(k)n(ey)e(managemen)n(t)h (dae-)0 880 y(mon)41 b(to)f(establish)h(suc)n(h)f(an)h(SA.)g(The)g (gran)n(ularit)n(y)d(of)0 980 y(the)23 b(SA)g(ma)n(y)e(b)r(e)i (con\014gured)f(b)n(y)g(the)g(administrator)f(\(the)0 1079 y(same)g(SA)h(ma)n(y)f(b)r(e)h(used)f(for)g(all)h(tra\016c)f(b)r (et)n(w)n(een)g(the)h(pro-)0 1179 y(tected)h(and)f(the)g(remote)g (host,)h(or)e(just)i(the)f(sp)r(eci\014c)h(TCP)0 1279 y(connection)j(ma)n(y)g(b)r(e)h(protected\).)36 b(F)-7 b(uture)27 b(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(with)0 1378 y(the)32 b(same)g(c)n (haracteristics)e(as)h(the)h(original)f(pac)n(k)n(et)g(will)0 1478 y(mak)n(e)c(use)g(of)h(the)g(newly-established)f(SA.)h(F)-7 b(ortunately)g(,)0 1577 y(no)27 b(c)n(hanges)f(to)i(the)g(SPD)g(are)e (necessary)-7 b(.)0 1777 y(This)25 b(mec)n(hanism)f(ma)n(y)g(b)r(e)i (used)e(to)h(p)r(erform)g(automatic)0 1876 y(re-k)n(eying)h(for)i(the)h (virtual)f(LAN)g(or)g(the)g(simple)h(\\bump)0 1976 y(in)21 b(the)g(wire")f(con\014gurations)f(describ)r(ed)i(in)g(the)g(previous)0 2076 y(t)n(w)n(o)27 b(subsections.)0 2275 y(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)34 b(left)h(to)f(its)h(o)n(wn)f(devices,)h(k)n(ey)f(managemen)n(t)0 2374 y(will)42 b(establish)g(an)f(SA)i(using)e(the)i(IP)e(address)g(of) h(the)0 2474 y(bridge)34 b(\(and)h(th)n(us)g(end)g(up)h(b)r(eing)f (functionally)g(equiv-)0 2574 y(alen)n(t)26 b(to)h(an)g(encrypting)f (gatew)n(a)n(y\).)35 b(T)-7 b(o)26 b(really)g(hide)h(the)0 2673 y(bridge)j(from)g(the)i(remote)e(host,)h(the)g(source)f(address)f (of)0 2773 y(the)43 b(protected)f(host)h(m)n(ust)g(b)r(e)g(used.)82 b(Th)n(us)43 b(the)g(k)n(ey)0 2873 y(managemen)n(t)c(daemon,)k Fj(isakmp)l(d,)j Fk(has)40 b(to)g(op)r(erate)g(in)0 2972 y(the)g(\\bridge)f(mo)r(de,")j(wherein)e(it)g(asks)f(the)h(k)n(ernel)f (to)0 3072 y(use)34 b(a)f(non-lo)r(cal)g(IP)h(address.)54 b(This)34 b(requires)f(a)h(minor)0 3171 y(c)n(hange)d(in)h(the)g Fj(bind\(\))h Fk(system)f(call)f(co)r(de,)i(to)f(allo)n(w)f(for)0 3271 y(so)r(c)n(k)n(et)j(binding)h(to)g(non-lo)r(cal)f(addresses.)57 b(T)-7 b(o)35 b(capture)0 3371 y(the)27 b(resp)r(onses,)f(all)h(UDP)g (tra\016c)f(to)h(p)r(ort)g(500)f(\(the)h(p)r(ort)0 3470 y(used)g(b)n(y)h(the)f(IKE)g(proto)r(col\))f(is)i(div)n(erted)f(to)g (the)h(bridge)0 3570 y Fj(isakmp)l(d.)46 b Fk(This)30 b(is)g(also)f(necessary)g(when)h(remote)g(hosts)0 3670 y(attempt)41 b(to)e(initiate)i(an)f(IKE)f(exc)n(hange)f(with)j(a)e (pro-)0 3769 y(tected)i(host.)76 b(In)41 b(b)r(oth)h(cases,)h Fj(isakmp)l(d)f Fk(m)n(ust)f(b)r(e)g(in-)0 3869 y(formed)g(of)g(and)g (use)g(the)h(\\lo)r(cal")d(address)h(asso)r(ciated)0 3968 y(with)34 b(the)g(incoming)g(pac)n(k)n(et.)54 b Fj(isakmp)l(d)35 b Fk(also)e(needs)h(the)0 4068 y(\\lo)r(cal")e (address)g(so)h(as)g(to)g(select)g(the)h(appropriate)e(au-)0 4168 y(then)n(tication)38 b(information)g(\()p Fj(e.g.,)43 b Fk(secret)38 b(DSA)h([15)o(])g(or)0 4267 y(RSA)h([12)o(])g(k)n(ey)f (when)h(doing)f(X.509)g(or)g(DNSSEC)h(au-)0 4367 y(then)n(tication\).) 52 b(The)32 b(c)n(hanges)f(to)i(this)f(e\013ect)h(are)f(fairly)0 4467 y(minimal.)0 4666 y(Incoming)g(IPsec)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)g(are)g(pro)r (cessed)f(as)h(describ)r(ed)0 4765 y(in)27 b(the)g(previous)e (subsection.)36 b(Other)26 b(incoming)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)0 4865 y(ma)n(y)18 b(cause)f(an)h(SA)h(acquisition,)h(dep)r(ending)f(on)f (the)h(secu-)0 4965 y(rit)n(y)i(p)r(olicy)g(set)h(b)n(y)f(the)h (administrator.)33 b(Again,)22 b Fj(isakmp)l(d)0 5064 y Fk(needs)31 b(to)h(b)r(e)g(informed)f(of)g(what)h(IP)f(address)f(to)h (use)h(as)0 5164 y(the)c(source)e(address)h(during)g(the)h(exc)n (hange.)0 5363 y(The)d(com)n(bination)g(of)g(pac)n(k)n(et)f (\014ltering)h(through)g Fj(ipf)h Fk(and)2010 83 y(SA-on-demand)43 b(can)g(b)r(e)h(used)f(e\013ectiv)n(ely)g(to)h(enforce)2010 183 y(net)n(w)n(ork)39 b(securit)n(y)h(p)r(olicy)g(for)g(the)h (protected)f(host\(s\).)2010 282 y(One)d(particularly)f(in)n(teresting) g(con\014guration)g(in)n(v)n(olv)n(es)2010 382 y(the)44 b(bridge)g(establishing)f(SAs)h(for)g(unencrypted-only)2010 482 y(tra\016c;)50 b(if)43 b(end-hosts)f(use)g(IPsec)g(or)g(SSL)h(for)f (end-to-)2010 581 y(end)28 b(pac)n(k)n(et)f(securit)n(y)-7 b(,)27 b(the)h(bridge)f(simply)h(forw)n(ards)e(the)2010 681 y(pac)n(k)n(ets.)57 b(In)34 b(another)g(con\014guration,)h(the)g (bridge)e(p)r(er-)2010 780 y(mits)c(all)g(pac)n(k)n(ets)f(through,)h (but)g(attempts)h(to)e(establish)2010 880 y(SAs)j(for)f(suc)n(h)g(comm) n(unications)g(and)g(uses)g(them)i(if)f(the)2010 980 y(remote)h(hosts)g(can)g(do)g(IPsec)g(\(also)f(kno)n(wn)h(as)g(\\opp)r (or-)2010 1079 y(tunistic)c(encryption"\).)2010 1496 y Fo(4)112 b(Implemen)m(tation)32 b(Status)i(and)h(F)-9 b(uture)2178 1612 y(W)g(ork)2010 1913 y Fk(Curren)n(tly)i(,)43 b(the)e(bridge)f(lac)n(ks)f(supp)r(ort)h(for)g(the)h(span-)2010 2013 y(ning)24 b(tree)f(proto)r(col)g(whic)n(h)g(is)h(part)f(of)h(the)g (IEEE)e(802.1D)2010 2112 y(standard[16)n(],)32 b(so)e(care)g(m)n(ust)h (b)r(e)g(tak)n(en)f(to)h(ensure)f(that)2010 2212 y(lo)r(ops)h(are)f (not)h(created)g(in)h(the)g(net)n(w)n(ork.)46 b(The)32 b(La)n(y)n(er-2)2010 2312 y(\014lter)i(rule)g(system)g(should)g(b)r(e)g (extended)h(to)f(pro)n(vide)e(a)2010 2411 y(general)17 b(mec)n(hanism)h(for)g(\014ltering)h(sp)r(eci\014c)f(ethernet)h(pro-) 2010 2511 y(to)r(cols.)35 b(W)-7 b(e)24 b(also)f(in)n(tend)h(to)f (extend)h(the)h(bridge)e(to)g(allo)n(w)2010 2610 y(for)h(other)h(t)n (yp)r(es)f(of)h(LAN)g(bridging)f(\(FDDI,)j(PPP)-7 b(,)23 b Fj(etc.)p Fk(\).)2010 2810 y(With)g(regards)c(to)j(dynamic)f(SA)h (establishmen)n(t,)h(all)f(traf-)2010 2909 y(\014c)28 b(that)g(tra)n(v)n(erses)d(the)j(bridge)g(con\014gured)e(in)i(the)h (man-)2010 3009 y(ner)f(describ)r(ed)g(in)h(section)e(3.4)h(causes)f (SA)i(acquisitions.)2010 3109 y(This)22 b(is)g(b)r(oth)h(undesirable)e (and)h(can)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(sev)n(ere)g(p)r(erfor-)2010 3208 y(mance)28 b(implications.)39 b(A)29 b(mec)n(hanism)f(for)g(the)h (adminis-)2010 3308 y(trator)h(to)h(sp)r(ecify)g(whic)n(h)g(pac)n(k)n (et)f(\015o)n(ws)g(should)h(require)2010 3407 y(IPsec)22 b(protection)h(\(and)h(th)n(us)f(cause)g(an)g(SA)h(acquisition\))2010 3507 y(is)e(necessary)-7 b(.)33 b(W)-7 b(e)23 b(are)e(curren)n(tly)g(w) n(orking)g(on)h(this)g(issue.)2010 3706 y(More)e(w)n(ork)f(needs)i(to)g (b)r(e)g(done)g(with)g(regards)e(to)h(the)h(p)r(er-)2010 3806 y(formance)h(implications)g(of)h(frequen)n(t)f(IKE)g (negotiations,)2010 3906 y(as)g(migh)n(t)h(b)r(e)g(the)h(case)e(when)h (the)g(bridge)f(is)h(protecting)f(a)2010 4005 y(large)31 b(net)n(w)n(ork.)49 b(Hardening)31 b(against)g(denial)h(of)g(service) 2010 4105 y(attac)n(ks)23 b(\(b)n(y)g(exploiting)h(to)r(o-aggressiv)n (e)c(SA)k(acquisition)2010 4204 y(rules\))j(is)h(also)e(high)i(in)g (our)e(to-do)h(list.)2010 4404 y(The)41 b(\014ltering)f(bridge)g(can)g (also)g(pro)n(vide)f(a)i(transition)2010 4503 y(step)30 b(for)f(a)g(\\distributed)h(\014rew)n(all"-protected)d(net)n(w)n(ork,) 2010 4603 y(as)g(describ)r(ed)h(in)g([1].)38 b(It)28 b(ma)n(y)f(also)g(b)r(e)h(used)g(in)g(conjunc-)2010 4703 y(tion)21 b(with)g(a)f(distributed)h(\014rew)n(all)f(to)g(pro)n(vide)g (protection)2010 4802 y(against)27 b(lo)n(w-lev)n(el)g(net)n(w)n(ork)f (attac)n(ks)h(\(those)h(that)h(a)e(dis-)2010 4902 y(tributed)e(\014rew) n(all)e(is)h(not)g(w)n(ell-suited)g(to)g(coun)n(ter\),)h(or)e(to)2010 5001 y(protect)32 b(legacy)g(systems)g(that)h(cannot)g(b)r(e)g(mo)r (di\014ed)g(to)2010 5101 y(supp)r(ort)28 b(the)h(required)e (functionalit)n(y)-7 b(.)39 b(V)-7 b(ery)27 b(lo)n(w-priced)2010 5201 y(systems)39 b(\(motherb)r(oard,)j(pro)r(cessor,)f(small)f(disk,)j (t)n(w)n(o)2010 5300 y(ethernet)31 b(cards,)g(mo)r(derate)g(amoun)n(t)g (of)g(memory\))g(ma)n(y)2010 5400 y(b)r(e)h(used)f(in)g(suc)n(h)g(a)g (con\014guration;)g(suc)n(h)g(systems)g(ma)n(y)p eop %%Page: 10 10 10 9 bop 0 83 a Fk(also)28 b(b)r(e)i(used)g(as)f(\\p)r(ersonal)f (\014rew)n(alls,")g(similar)h(to)g(v)-5 b(ar-)0 183 y(ious)27 b(commercial)f(pro)r(ducts)h(that)g(ha)n(v)n(e)f(b)r(egun)i(to)f(mak)n (e)0 282 y(their)h(app)r(earance)e(in)i(the)f(mark)n(et)g(recen)n(tly) -7 b(.)0 684 y Fo(5)112 b(Conclusions)0 969 y Fk(W)-7 b(e)28 b(ha)n(v)n(e)d(giv)n(en)i(an)g(o)n(v)n(erview)e(of)i(the)g(Op)r (enBSD)h(bridge)0 1069 y(implemen)n(tation,)21 b(with)e(our)e (extensions)h(for)g(La)n(y)n(er-2)e(and)0 1169 y(La)n(y)n(er-3)31 b(\014ltering)i(\(at)h(the)h(ethernet)e(and)h(IP)f(la)n(y)n(er,)h(re-)0 1268 y(sp)r(ectiv)n(ely\).)h(F)-7 b(or)23 b(the)h(latter,)g(w)n(e)f (used)h(the)f(existing)g(k)n(er-)0 1368 y(nel)38 b(pac)n(k)n(et)f (\014lter)h(mec)n(hanism,)i Fj(ipf.)70 b Fk(W)-7 b(e)38 b(further)g(pre-)0 1467 y(sen)n(ted)46 b(our)f(in)n(tegration)f(of)i (bridging)f(with)h(IPsec)f(to)0 1567 y(pro)n(vide)23 b(\\virtual)h(LAN")g(functionalit)n(y)-7 b(,)25 b(\\bump-in-the-)0 1667 y(wire")d(supp)r(ort,)h(and)g(a)f(transparen)n(t)f(securit)n(y)h (p)r(olicy)g(en-)0 1766 y(forcemen)n(t)34 b(b)r(o)n(x.)59 b(This)35 b(latter)g(con\014guration)e(is)i(sho)n(wn)0 1866 y(to)24 b(o\013er)f(signi\014can)n(t)g(\015exibilit)n(y)g(to)h (net)n(w)n(ork)e(administra-)0 1966 y(tors,)h(as)f(it)i(can)e(b)r(e)i (used)f(in)g(v)-5 b(arious)21 b(mo)r(des)i(of)g(op)r(eration)0 2065 y(to)i(ensure)f(tra\016c)g(as)h(w)n(ell)f(as)g(host)h(and)g(net)n (w)n(ork)e(protec-)0 2165 y(tion.)37 b(Finally)-7 b(,)26 b(w)n(e)g(discussed)g(the)h(curren)n(t)e(implemen)n(ta-)0 2264 y(tion)j(status)f(and)g(our)g(plans)h(for)f(future)h(w)n(ork.)0 2666 y Fo(6)112 b(Ac)m(kno)m(wledgmen)m(ts)0 2952 y Fk(The)38 b(bridge)f(w)n(as)g(originally)f(dev)n(elop)r(ed)h(as)g(an)h(under-)0 3051 y(graduate)43 b(indep)r(enden)n(t)j(study)f(at)g(the)g(Univ)n (ersit)n(y)f(of)0 3151 y(North)32 b(Carolina)f(at)i(Greensb)r(oro)e(b)n (y)h(Jason)g(L.)g(W)-7 b(righ)n(t)0 3250 y(with)41 b(Dr.)76 b(Suzanne)41 b(Lea)f(as)g(an)g(advisor.)75 b(The)40 b(co)r(de)0 3350 y(w)n(as)28 b(con)n(tributed)h(to)f(the)i(Op)r(enBSD)f(pro)5 b(ject)28 b(and)h(in)n(te-)0 3450 y(grated)j(in)n(to)g(the)i(source)d (tree)i(prior)e(to)i(the)g(2.5)f(release)0 3549 y(\(Ma)n(y)27 b(1999\).)0 3749 y(The)21 b(authors)g(w)n(ould)f(also)h(lik)n(e)g(to)g (thank)g(Theo)g(de)g(Raadt)0 3848 y(and)29 b(Jonathan)g(Smith)h(for)f (their)h(suggestions)e(and)h(sup-)0 3948 y(p)r(ort)c(during)g(the)g (course)f(of)h(this)h(w)n(ork.)34 b(Theo)25 b(de)g(Raadt)0 4047 y(suggested)h(man)n(y)g(of)h(the)g(original)f(concepts)g(b)r (ehind)i(the)0 4147 y(\014ltering)c(bridge)f(and)h(the)g(virtual)f (LAN.)i(This)f(w)n(ork)e(w)n(as)0 4247 y(partly)34 b(sp)r(onsored)g(b)n (y)g(D)n(ARP)-7 b(A)35 b(under)g(gran)n(t)f(F39502-)0 4346 y(99-1-0512-MOD)23 b(P0001.)0 4748 y Fo(7)112 b(Av)-6 b(ailabilit)m(y)0 5033 y Fk(All)30 b(the)g(soft)n(w)n(are)f(describ)r (ed)g(in)h(the)g(pap)r(er)g(is)f(a)n(v)-5 b(ailable)0 5133 y(through)27 b(the)h(Op)r(enBSD)g(w)n(eb)f(page)g(at:)429 5382 y Fc(http://www.openb)o(sd)o(.o)o(rg/)2010 83 y Fo(8)112 b(Disclaimer)2010 394 y Fk(Op)r(enBSD)24 b(is)g(based)f(in)h (Calgary)-7 b(,)23 b(Canada.)35 b(All)24 b(individ-)2010 494 y(uals)j(doing)f(cryptograph)n(y-related)e(w)n(ork)h(do)i(so)f (outside)2010 593 y(coun)n(tries)h(that)g(ha)n(v)n(e)g(limiting)h(la)n (ws.)2010 1021 y Fo(References)2048 1247 y Fb([1])43 b(S.)25 b(M.)h(Bello)n(vin.)34 b(Distributed)25 b(Firew)n(alls.)35 b Fa(;lo)l(gin:)f(mag-)2171 1338 y(azine,)27 b(sp)l(e)l(cial)i(issue)f (on)f(se)l(curity)p Fb(,)h(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)c(1999.)2048 1475 y([2])43 b(Consultation)d(Committee.)74 b Fa(X.509:)60 b(The)40 b(Dir)l(e)l(ctory)2171 1566 y(A)n(uthentic)l(ation)55 b(F)-6 b(r)l(amework)p Fb(.)117 b(In)n(ternational)53 b(T)-6 b(ele-)2171 1658 y(phone)29 b(and)g(T)-6 b(elegraph,)31 b(In)n(ternational)f(T)-6 b(elecomm)n(uni-)2171 1749 y(cations)27 b(Union,)e(Genev)l(a,)h(1989.)2048 1886 y([3])43 b(D.)24 b(Eastlak)n(e)i(and)e(C.)h(Kaufman.)32 b(Dynamic)23 b(Name)h(Ser-)2171 1977 y(vice)40 b(and)g(Securit)n(y)-6 b(.)78 b(In)n(ternet)39 b(RF)n(C)h(2065,)46 b(Jan)n(uary)2171 2068 y(1997.)2048 2205 y([4])d(Niklas)23 b(Hallqvist)f(and)g(Angelos)h (D.)f(Kerom)n(ytis.)28 b(Imple-)2171 2296 y(men)n(ting)21 b(In)n(ternet)f(Key)h(Exc)n(hange)h(\(IKE\).)27 b(In)22 b Fa(Pr)l(o)l(c)l(e)l(e)l(d-)2171 2388 y(ings)28 b(of)e(the)j(A)n (nnual)e(USENIX)g(T)-6 b(e)l(chnic)l(al)28 b(Confer)l(enc)l(e)p Fb(,)2171 2479 y(June)e(2000.)2048 2616 y([5])43 b(D.)36 b(Harkins)f(and)h(D.)g(Carrel.)66 b(The)36 b(in)n(ternet)g(k)n(ey)f (ex-)2171 2707 y(c)n(hange)f(\(IKE\).)58 b(Request)32 b(for)j(Commen)n(ts)d(\(Prop)r(osed)2171 2799 y(Standard\))f(2409,)k (In)n(ternet)c(Engineering)h(T)-6 b(ask)32 b(F)-6 b(orce,)2171 2890 y(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)24 b(1998.)2048 3027 y([6])43 b(P)-6 b(.)34 b(Karn)g(and)g(W.)g(Simpson.)59 b(Photuris:)52 b(Session-k)n(ey)2171 3118 y(managemen)n(t)20 b(proto)r(col.)29 b(Request)20 b(for)j(Commen)n(ts)d(\(Ex-)2171 3209 y(p)r(erimen)n (tal\))h(2522,)j(In)n(ternet)d(Engineering)h(T)-6 b(ask)22 b(F)-6 b(orce,)2171 3301 y(Marc)n(h)26 b(1999.)2048 3437 y([7])43 b(S.)19 b(Ken)n(t)g(and)g(R.)g(A)n(tkinson.)k(IP)c(authen)n (tication)h(header.)2171 3529 y(Request)25 b(for)i(Commen)n(ts)d (\(Prop)r(osed)j(Standard\))e(2402,)2171 3620 y(In)n(ternet)g (Engineering)h(T)-6 b(ask)26 b(F)-6 b(orce,)26 b(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)e (1998.)2048 3757 y([8])43 b(S.)20 b(Ken)n(t)g(and)h(R.)f(A)n(tkinson.) 25 b(IP)c(encapsulating)g(securit)n(y)2171 3848 y(pa)n(yload)28 b(\(ESP\).)41 b(Request)28 b(for)g(Commen)n(ts)f(\(Prop)r(osed)2171 3940 y(Standard\))k(2406,)k(In)n(ternet)c(Engineering)h(T)-6 b(ask)32 b(F)-6 b(orce,)2171 4031 y(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)24 b(1998.)2048 4168 y([9])43 b(S.)25 b(Ken)n(t)f(and)h(R.)f(A)n(tkinson.) 33 b(Securit)n(y)24 b(arc)n(hitecture)h(for)2171 4259 y(the)d(in)n(ternet)g(proto)r(col.)30 b(Request)22 b(for)h(Commen)n(ts) e(\(Pro-)2171 4350 y(p)r(osed)34 b(Standard\))f(2401,)38 b(In)n(ternet)33 b(Engineering)i(T)-6 b(ask)2171 4442 y(F)g(orce,)26 b(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)e(1998.)2010 4578 y([10])43 b(A.)35 b(D.)g(Kerom)n(ytis,)j(J.)e(Ioannidis,)i(and)d(J.)h (M.)g(Smith.)2171 4670 y(Implemen)n(ting)16 b(IPsec.)23 b(In)18 b Fa(Pr)l(o)l(c)l(e)l(e)l(dings)23 b(of)e(Glob)l(al)g(Inter-) 2171 4761 y(net)28 b(\(Glob)l(eCom\))g('97)p Fb(,)e(pages)g(1948)g({)g (1952,)h(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r(er)2171 4852 y(1997.)2010 4989 y([11])43 b(Kirk)26 b(McKusic)n(k,)g(et.)g(al.)36 b Fa(The)28 b(Design)h(and)f(Implemen-)2171 5081 y(tation)35 b(of)e(the)i(4.4BSD)e(Op)l(er)l(ation)i(System)p Fb(.)56 b(Addison)2171 5172 y(W)-6 b(esley)g(,)25 b(1996.)2010 5309 y([12])43 b(RSA)36 b(Lab)r(oratories.)72 b Fa(PK)n(CS)38 b(#1:)56 b(RSA)38 b(Encryption)2171 5400 y(Standar)l(d)p Fb(,)28 b(v)n(ersion)e(1.5)g(edition,)h(1993.)36 b(No)n(v)n(em)n(b)r (er.)p eop %%Page: 11 11 11 10 bop 0 83 a Fb([13])43 b(Stev)n(en)19 b(McCanne)j(and)e(V)-6 b(an)20 b(Jacobson.)27 b(A)20 b(BSD)h(pac)n(k)n(et)161 174 y(\014lter:)33 b(A)23 b(new)g(arc)n(hitecture)g(for)h(user-lev)n (el)f(pac)n(k)n(et)f(cap-)161 266 y(ture.)39 b(In)26 b Fa(Pr)l(o)l(c)l(e)l(e)l(dings)32 b(of)c(USENIX)h(Winter)g(T)-6 b(e)l(chnic)l(al)161 357 y(Confer)l(enc)l(e)p Fb(,)31 b(pages)f(259{269,)j(San)28 b(Diego,)j(California,)161 448 y(Jan)n(uary)26 b(1993.)h(Usenix.)0 573 y([14])43 b(D.)18 b(McDonald,)j(C.)e(Metz,)i(and)d(B.)h(Phan.)k(PF)p 1515 573 24 4 v 28 w(KEY)18 b(Key)161 664 y(Managemen)n(t)38 b(API,)f(V)-6 b(ersion)38 b(2.)70 b(Request)37 b(for)i(Com-)161 756 y(men)n(ts)34 b(\(Informational\))h(2367,)k(In)n(ternet)34 b(Engineering)161 847 y(T)-6 b(ask)26 b(F)-6 b(orce,)26 b(July)g(1998.)0 971 y([15])43 b(Digital)27 b(Signature)f(Standard,)f (Ma)n(y)h(1994.)0 1096 y([16])43 b(In)n(ternet)n(w)n(orking)37 b(T)-6 b(ask)38 b(Group)f(of)h(IEEE)g(802.1.)72 b(In-)161 1187 y(formation)27 b(tec)n(hnology)g({)g(telecomm)n(unication)f(and)g (in-)161 1279 y(formation)37 b(exc)n(hange)g(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)g (systems)f({)i(lo)r(cal)g(and)161 1370 y(metrop)r(olitan)j(area)g(net)n (w)n(orks)g({)f(common)f(sp)r(eci\014ca-)161 1461 y(tions)24 b({)g(part)g(3:)34 b(Media)25 b(access)g(con)n(trol)f(\(mac\))f (bridges.)161 1553 y(T)-6 b(ec)n(hnical)54 b(Rep)r(ort)f(ISO/IEC)g (Final)h(DIS)e(15802-3,)161 1644 y(IEEE)33 b(P802.1D/D17,)k(LAN)32 b(MAN)f(Standards)i(Com-)161 1735 y(mittee)25 b(of)h(the)g(IEEE)g (Computer)f(So)r(ciet)n(y)-6 b(,)25 b(Ma)n(y)h(1998.)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF