SAP Community - Michelle Moudy 2025-02-12T12:30:16.241202+00:00 python-feedgen Michelle Moudy in SAP Community 🟠 Equip an SAPUI5 freestyle app with the Flexible Programming Model 2023-08-31T02:29:01.441000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>This session demonstrates how to add Building Blocks aka Macros ("OData v4 controls") to a UI5 freestyle app. The Building Blocks are part of the "Flexible Programming Model" (FPM). They are metadata-driven controls based on OData v4, implementing advanced functionalities such as filterable tables and visual data representation in charts.</P><P>Usually utilized in Fiori Elements applications, the Flexible Programming Model can also be re-used in UI5 freestyle applications.</P> 2023-08-31T02:29:01.441000+02:00 🟠 Branding for SAP Applications 2023-08-31T02:58:44.094000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>Your brand is your direct connection to your customers. With UI theme designer and the underlying theming infrastructure, you can directly apply it to your applications.</P><P>In this session we present SAPs theming infrastructure and give an end-to-end demo on using it on BTP with the various main SAP UI technologies – even your own.</P><P>We use UI theme designer to create a Custom Theme within minutes. Then we apply this Custom Theme to a BTP Portal with SAPUI5, Fundamental Library Styles, UI5 WebComponents, WebGUI and WebDynpro ABAP -based applications. Finally, we add our own plain html application that also makes use of the same Custom Theme.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Speakers</P><P><STRONG>David Klug</STRONG></P><P><STRONG>Dominik Schreiber</STRONG></P> 2023-08-31T02:58:44.094000+02:00 🟠 Mastering the UI5 Ecosystem for Modern and Advanced OpenUI5/SAPUI5 Development 2023-08-31T03:10:53.304000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>The development of OpenUI5/SAPUI5 application and libraries have never been easier. By mastering the Easy UI5 generators, you can quickly start your journey developing UI5 applications and libraries with or without TypeScript, by using the UI5 Tooling you boost your turnaround cycles, by knowing the tooling extensions available in the UI5 ecosystem, you can even benefit from a lot of different tasks and middlewares improving your development experience, simplifying code transpilation, using any npm package seamlessly, or integrating natively into other technologies such as the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. The borders between the technologies are melting and OpenUI5/SAPUI5 development feels modern like never before.</P><P>Join me, to learn about the latest innovations and possibilities in and around OpenUI5/SAPUI5, its development experience, its tooling, and its ecosystem
</P> 2023-08-31T03:10:53.304000+02:00 🟠 Using the SAP Approuter at dev time - a full-stack journey with UI5 and SAP CAP 2023-08-31T03:19:40.181000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><SPAN>In this session we will deep dive into how you can use the SAP Approuter during local development to run both UI5 and SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) applications. We will use several open-source packages developed by the UI5 community as well as npm workspaces to create a full-stack application that can be started with a single command.</SPAN></P> 2023-08-31T03:19:40.181000+02:00 đŸ‡ș🇾 Introduction to the Core Principles of UI5 (Pennsylvania, USA) 2023-09-12T03:50:14.242000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><SPAN>This ASUG hosted CodeJam introduces you to the core principles of UI5, an enterprise-ready web development framework used to build apps that follow the Fiori design guidelines. This repository is a step-by-step guide explaining how to build a front-end web application using UI5. The finished app is a bookshop app, where users can browse and order books. The app sits on top of the well-known&nbsp;</SPAN><A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">bookshop</A><SPAN>&nbsp;backend application built with the Node.js flavor of the&nbsp;</SPAN><A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP)</A><SPAN>.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN><STRONG>Exercise Content:</STRONG>&nbsp;<A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">SAP-samples/ui5-exercises-codejam: Material for SAP CodeJam events on UI5.</A></SPAN></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>This is an<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><STRONG>in-person event</STRONG>&nbsp;<STRONG>only</STRONG><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>(not virtual) and is planned for<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><STRONG>Tuesday, September 19th, 2023, at Duquesne University - Power Center in Pittsburgh, PA, USA</STRONG><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>from 8am to 6pm EST (UTC-5). The language of the event and the content will be English.&nbsp;</P><P>The instructor is Developer Advocate Michelle Moudy</P><P>There are essential prerequisites that<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><STRONG>must be completed by every attendee before arriving at the event location</STRONG>. They are documented here:&nbsp;<SPAN><A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer">ui5-exercises-codejam/ at main · SAP-samples/ui5-exercises-codejam (</A></SPAN></P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Register here at the ASUG event page.</A></P> 2023-09-12T03:50:14.242000+02:00 đŸ‡ș🇾 Introduction to the Core Principles of UI5 (Pennsylvania, USA) 2023-09-12T03:58:09.360000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <DIV class=""><DIV class=""><P>Hi everyone!</P><P>We are very excited to announce that we will have another SAP CodeJam UI5 this year on<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><STRONG>September 19th in Pennsylvania, USA</STRONG>, hosted by<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><A href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener">ASUG</A>. Check the<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">event page</A><SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>for further information, and make sure to RSVP<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN><SPAN class="lia-unicode-emoji"><span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":winking_face:">😉</span></SPAN></P><P><SPAN>If you have questions about this CodeJam instance or if you are planning to attend and want to discuss anything in advance, feel free to use this discussion thread here or the&nbsp;<A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">event page</A>.</SPAN></P><P>Looking forward to seeing you there!</P></DIV></DIV> 2023-09-12T03:58:09.360000+02:00 Re: 🟡 Petoberfest Day 2023!!! 2023-09-22T21:42:30.343000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>I regularly think about that show. Thank you for the picture. It brought back a lot of memories of watching that when I was younger.&nbsp;</P> 2023-09-22T21:42:30.343000+02:00 Re: 🟡 Petoberfest Day 2023!!! 2023-09-22T21:48:39.950000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>When I was recording my Devtoberfest session (<A href="" target="_self" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Using UI5 Web Components with Svelte</A>), my cat was upset I had been locked in a room all day, not giving her the attention she deserved. You can actually hear her complaining about my audacity towards the end of my session and see her tail from her being on my lap. I ended up recording the last section with her on my lap and here is the shot my camera got when I started recording. She seems very pleased with herself.&nbsp;</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Cheesecake really enjoying the attention, no matter the form" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="CheesecakeVideoStart.png" alt="Cheesecake really enjoying the attention, no matter the form" /><span class="lia-inline-image-caption" onclick="event.preventDefault();">Cheesecake really enjoying the attention, no matter the form</span></span></P><P>#fun #devtoberfest #petoberfest</P> 2023-09-22T21:48:39.950000+02:00 🟠 Create Angular Applications like a Pro 2023-09-23T23:02:24.155000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>The (r)evolution of Angular has being making easier for developers to create great applications and benefit from cutting edge features such as standalone API, lazy loading, signal, SSR, improved build time and bundle size.</P><P>Join our session and learn how Fundamental Library for Angular can help you create Angular application and benefit from the latest Angular features.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><STRONG>Speaker:</STRONG></P><P>Denis Severin</P> 2023-09-23T23:02:24.155000+02:00 🟡 Petoberfest 2024 2024-09-16T23:46:13.425000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>Petoberfest is back again for another installment of sharing pictures of your “pet” in a workplace setting of your own definition.</P><P>All Devtoberfest Week 1, you will be able to post and share pictures of your pets for everyone to see.</P><P><A href="" target="_self">Click the link to the #Petoberfest discussion to post your pet’s picture in the comment thread</A> to earn Devtoberfest points. All the info you need to participate is in that discussion post.</P><P>As this is just the event page, comments here may not be counted to your Devtoberfest point total so be sure you’re in the right place before posting the pictures.</P> 2024-09-16T23:46:13.425000+02:00 🟡 Techtoberfest 2024 2024-09-17T00:44:43.661000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>Welcome to Techtoberfest! This is an event in which you post your desk, office, or coding setup of some kind.</P><P>All Devtoberfest Week 2, you will be able to post and share pictures of your tech setup for all to see!</P><P><A href="" target="_self">Click the link to the #Techtoberfest discussion</A> to post your tech setup pictures in the comment thread to earn Devtoberfest points. All the info you need to participate is in that discussion post.</P><P>As this is just the event page, comments here may not be counted to your Devtoberfest point total so be sure you’re in the right place before posting the pictures.</P> 2024-09-17T00:44:43.661000+02:00 🟡 Spooktoberfest 2024 2024-09-17T21:30:10.843000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>It’s quite the spooky time of year so let’s share pictures of spooky tech things!</P><P>All Devtoberfest Week 4, you’ll be able to share pictures or stories of spooky tech related things you’ve experienced or know of. You can also take a picture of spooky decor in your office or your Halloween costume.&nbsp;</P><P><A href="" target="_self">Click the link to the #Spooktoberfest discussion</A> to post your tech setup pictures in the comment thread to earn Devtoberfest points. All the info you need to participate is in that discussion post.</P><P>As this is just an event page, comments here may not be counted to your Devtoberfest point total so be sure you’re in the right place before posting the pictures.</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-09-17T21:30:10.843000+02:00 🟡 Petoberfest 2024 2024-09-20T17:17:52.934000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><FONT color="#FF0000"><STRONG>UPDATE: This Petoberfest Fun Friday event is now officially over - as you may remember (from the description below) we actually wanted to leave this open the entire week, ending Sunday 29 September in whatever timezone you are. So as now that date has officially passed us by, we will now be counting up all the entries.&nbsp; So many great pictures, thanks to everyone!</STRONG></FONT></P><P><BR /><BR />It’s the one, the only, Petoberfest! As is now tradition during Devtoberfest, we are asking you once again to post pictures of your pets - pets of any kind. All you need to do is share a picture of a furry, scaly, feathery, leafy, stuffed, etc. friend who may or may not keep you company throughout your workday.</P><P><BR />To participate, you only need to complete the following steps.</P><P><STRONG>Step 1: </STRONG>Take a picture of your pet in a work, coding, or general office setting (which includes work from home or alternative setups).<BR /><BR /><STRONG>Step 2: </STRONG>Post that picture in the comments of <STRONG>this discussion post</STRONG> <STRONG>before EOD September 29th.</STRONG> If you’ve already posted the picture elsewhere, feel free to link that in the comments.<BR /><BR /><STRONG>Step 3 (optional): </STRONG>Peruse the rest of the pet pictures posted here at your leisure and enjoy all that Petoberfest has to offer.</P><P>Be as creative or relaxed as you want to be, the only thing that’s important is to have fun.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>As for myself, I have a cat that is obsessed with lap time, no matter what I’m doing. Here she is, purring and enjoying the free warmth.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Cheesecake once again pleased she’s on a lap" style="width: 999px;"><img src=";px=999" role="button" title="Cheesecake.jpg" alt="Cheesecake once again pleased she’s on a lap" /><span class="lia-inline-image-caption" onclick="event.preventDefault();">Cheesecake once again pleased she’s on a lap</span></span></P><P><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> You aren’t restricted to only posting during Friday, September 27th. This is open the entire first week of Devtoberfest, from September 23rd through September 29th. We will award points and badges after that time.&nbsp;</P><P>Have fun and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s pets!</P> 2024-09-20T17:17:52.934000+02:00 🟡 Bugtoberfest 2024 2024-09-20T18:11:43.536000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>New this year, for our Week 3 Fun Friday event, we are going bug hunting! What type of bugs you might ask. Well, every developer’s least favorite type of course. Coding bugs.</P><P>Open until the end of Devtoberfest, you will be able to submit how many bugs you found in one or more of the bug hunts to the appropriate tutorial. There are various languages available you can try, including JavaScript, Python, jq, Bash, and ABAP.</P><P>The bugs will range from easy to medium with some specific language quirks to see if you know your stuff. Each language will award a unique badge and points so completing all of them could give you a leg up on the game board.</P><P><A href="" target="_self">Here is the link to the blog post with more info on the bug hunt and links to the tutorials</A>. Be sure you don't share bugs you found in the comments as that will spoil the fun for others.&nbsp;</P><P>Let the Bug Hunt Begin!</P> 2024-09-20T18:11:43.536000+02:00 🟡 Techtoberfest 2024 2024-09-27T15:37:05.788000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><FONT color="#FF0000"><STRONG>UPDATE: This Techtoberfest Fun Friday event is now officially over - as you may remember (from the description below) we left this open the entire week, ending Sunday 7 October in whatever timezone you are. So as now that date has officially passed us by, we have counted up all the entries and badges will be awarded within the week.&nbsp;Thank you so much for all the great pictures! It was interesting to see everyone's tech setup!</STRONG></FONT></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Last week was all about pets, this week is all about tech setups! Use this opportunity to show off your coding setup. This could be your desk, office, or even your favorite development tools (I personally want to see everyone’s favorite VS Code extensions).</P><P>To participate, you only need to complete the following steps.</P><P><STRONG>Step 1: </STRONG>Take a picture or screenshot of your development setup. This could be your desk with your favorite knickknacks, your office and how you arrange your room for various purposes, your computer screen showing how you arrange your windows for optimal coding efficiency, or even just your favorite coding extensions or tools that help you develop better code.</P><P>&nbsp;<STRONG>Step 2:</STRONG> Post that picture in the comments of <STRONG>this discussion post before EOD October 6th</STRONG>. If you’ve already posted the picture elsewhere, feel free to link that in the comments.</P><P><STRONG>Step 3 (optional):</STRONG> Peruse the rest of the pictures to get ideas on how you might want to update your own setup.</P><P>Be as creative or relaxed as you want, the only thing that’s important is that you have fun.</P><P>Personally, I like to have a mobile setup so I can work from whichever seat the wind blows me to that day. I went ahead and shared four of my favorite VS Code extensions in the comments below so check that out if you need some inspiration.</P><P><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> You are not restricted to only post during Friday, October 4th. This is open the entire second week of Devtoberfest, from September 30th through October 6th. We will award points and badges after that time.</P><P>Have fun and show us how you code!</P> 2024-09-27T15:37:05.788000+02:00 Re: 🟡 Techtoberfest 2024 2024-09-27T15:41:58.775000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>I want to share some of my favorite VS Code extensions. Toggle Quotes is so I can easily toggle between the different quotes “ ‘ `, TODO Highlight, because I like to write todos as I code and unless they are highly visible, I will accidentally push them to production, Trailing Spaces so I can see any extra whitespaces after the ends of lines because I have a cat who will walk on my keyboard and add 15 spaces at the end of a line without me knowing, and Color Highlight because I am a frontend developer who isn’t good enough to know what color the random 6 digit hex code is.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="MichelleMoudy_0-1727444476548.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="MichelleMoudy_0-1727444476548.png" alt="MichelleMoudy_0-1727444476548.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-09-27T15:41:58.775000+02:00 🟠 Micro Frontends - What they are and how to implement them with Luigi 2024-10-06T16:20:39.050000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><SPAN>In this talk, we’ll explore micro frontends - an architecture that breaks down large monolithic applications into smaller manageable pieces. Learn what micro frontends are and the benefits of using them across multiple teams with multiple tech preferences. There will also be a coding demo on getting started with Luigi and connecting several micro frontends.</SPAN></P><P>Luigi Documentation: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A><BR />SAP UI5 Demo Apps: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A><BR />UI5 Web Components for React Templates &amp; Examples: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A>&nbsp;</P> 2024-10-06T16:20:39.050000+02:00 🟡 Bugtoberfest 2024 2024-10-11T17:07:27.364000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>New this year, for Week 3 of Devtoberfest, we are going bug hunting!</P><P><FONT color="#FF0000"><STRONG>UPDATE: This Bugtoberfest Fun Friday event is now officially over - as you may remember (from the description below) we left this open the entire week, ending Sunday 20 October in whatever time zone you are. Now that date has officially passed us by, we have closed out the tutorials and everyone should have been awarded their badges and points for the bug hunts they completed before this time. Thank you so much for participating. If you would like to check your work and see if you found all the bugs we intended, check out the <A href="" target="_self">Bugtoberfest Wrap Up!</A> blog post.</STRONG></FONT></P><P>As a developer, I find it satisfying to find a bug that’s been eluding me for weeks. Having to dig into the code, figure out what should be happening, and determining why it isn’t can be both an exercise in frustration and a lot of fun. However, that satisfaction does end when git blame shows I was the one to write that bug. That’s never fun
</P><P>But have no fear! You can get all the satisfaction of identifying bugs without any of the potential risk of you having written the bug!</P><P>Many of us developer advocates have written bug hunts in a variety of languages and each one is worth points to help you get to Nerdvana on the game board. Each tutorial also has a unique badge so completing them all would be quite an achievement.</P><P>To participate, you only need to complete one of the following tutorials, but you can complete as many as you want.</P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">ABAP Bug Hunt</A></P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bash Bug Hunt</A></P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">JavaScript Bug Hunt</A></P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">jq Bug Hunt</A></P><P><A href="" target="_self" rel="noopener noreferrer">Python Bug Hunt</A></P><P>Each bug hunt has 3 different levels, ranging from easy to hard. You will need to complete all three to get the badge and credit for the bug hunt.</P><P><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> You are not restricted to complete this bug hunt only during Friday, October 18th. These tutorials will be live the entire third week of Devtoberfest from October 14th through October 20th. We will close out the tutorials after that date so be sure to complete the ones you want before the end of day on October 20th.<BR /><BR />Once the tutorials are closed, we will post the bugs for each bug hunt, so you figure out which bugs you were able to find. <STRONG>Try NOT to share specific bugs in the comments below</STRONG> as that would spoil the fun for those who haven’t completed the various tutorials yet.</P><P>Good luck and let the bug hunt begin!</P> 2024-10-11T17:07:27.364000+02:00 Re: 🟡 Bugtoberfest 2024 2024-10-11T23:19:42.714000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P>My goodness! You're right. Thank you for pointing that out. That is fixed and the tutorial should be updated shortly.&nbsp;</P><P><EM>Edit: The tutorials have all been checked and all found bugs have been fixed. The jq tutorial now has the correct question and answers.</EM></P> 2024-10-11T23:19:42.714000+02:00 🟡 Spooktoberfest 2024 2024-10-18T13:07:14.786000+02:00 MichelleMoudy <P><FONT color="#FF0000"><STRONG>UPDATE: This Spooktoberfest Fun Friday event is now officially over - as you may remember (from the description below) we left this open the entire week, ending Sunday 27 October in whatever timezone you are. So as now that date has officially passed us by, we have counted up all the entries and badges will be awarded within the week.&nbsp;Thank you so much for all the great pictures! It was great to see everyone’s spooky spirit!</STRONG></FONT></P><P>For Week 4 of Devtoberfest, it’s Spooktoberfest! That means it’s time to share your favorite spooky tech stories, decorations, or costumes!</P><P>To participate, you only need to complete the following steps.</P><P><STRONG>Step 1:</STRONG> You can do either one or all of the following: write about a spooky tech story, take a picture of some spooky decorations, or take a picture of you in a costume. The stories can be about anything that leans spooky, like weird bugs that happened for incredibly strange reasons, that time you saw a ghost in the server room, or a time your laptop crashed right after threatening it. The pictures can be of anything spooky, Halloween, or fall related, like house dĂ©cor or someone in a costume (pets included!). This rule isn’t strict so interpret it as creatively as you’d like!<BR /><BR /><STRONG>Step 2:</STRONG> Post your spooky material in the comments of <STRONG>this discussion post before EOD October 27th</STRONG>. If you’ve already posted your material elsewhere, feel free to link that in the comments.<BR /><BR /><STRONG>Step 3 (optional):</STRONG> Check out the rest of the comments to get in that spooky mood for October 31st!</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Be as creative or relaxed as you want. The only important thing is that you have fun.</P><P>For my own decorations, I have this shelving behind my desk that I like to decorate for meetings when I turn on my camera. For October, I decorated by shelves with a fall/Halloween theme. I like to think it helps get me and others into the holiday spirit.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="I made those dino chicken nuggets myself and I am very proud of them" style="width: 300px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="MichelleMoudy_0-1729249402433.jpeg" alt="I made those dino chicken nuggets myself and I am very proud of them" /><span class="lia-inline-image-caption" onclick="event.preventDefault();">I made those dino chicken nuggets myself and I am very proud of them</span></span></P><P><STRONG>Note:</STRONG> You are not restricted to post this only during Friday, October 25th. This is open the entire third week of Devtoberfest, from October 21st through October 27th. We will award points and badges after that time.</P><P>Have fun and let’s all get into that spooky spirit!</P> 2024-10-18T13:07:14.786000+02:00