SAP Community - ABAP Cloud 2024-07-27T14:00:02.165961+00:00 python-feedgen ABAP Cloud Q&A in SAP Community SAP BTP TRIAL ABAP ENVIRONMENT ISSUES 2024-04-05T02:25:42.638000+02:00 ramaanne <P>SAP BTP TRIAL account creating ABAP environment via Booster or even creating abap environment trial&nbsp;</P><P>manually&nbsp; ,after logging in using browser window and then eclipse ADT gives the error</P><P>You were successfully authenticated, but an error occurred during the Service Instance logon. Please ensure that you have a user for the Service Instance</P><P>I searched sap community posts but none helped me ,can someone help me to resolve this ,as&nbsp; I cannot ABAP cloud project using eclipse ADT at all</P><P>thanks&nbsp;</P><P>rama anne</P> 2024-04-05T02:25:42.638000+02:00 excel to itab in rap 2024-04-09T14:03:51.118000+02:00 AnkitaLuniya <P>Can anyone share RAP based code for uploading an excel file and then reading the data in an itab so that it is updated to custom DB table from this internal table. Need only RAP code without any extensions on UI. I have an idea that this can be achieved using large object handling as step 1 to first upload the file in xstring format, and then read the file in xstring format to convert to itab using XCO library. Has anyone implemented this and can share the exact code? Thank you !</P> 2024-04-09T14:03:51.118000+02:00 Question regarding Class and Sub Class Constructor 2024-04-11T10:35:32.735000+02:00 AC4 <P>Hello!<BR /><BR />Me and my colleagues have been studying for the&nbsp;SAP Back-End Developer - ABAP Cloud Certification and we have come across a question where we need some discussion regarding the right answers:<BR /><BR />Class super has subclass sub. Which rules are valid for the sub constructor? (2 correct)<BR /><BR />1. The method signature can be changed.<BR />2. Events of your own instance cannot be raised before the registration of a handler in super.<BR />3. Import parameters can only be evaluated after calling the constructor of super.<BR />4. The constructor of super must be called before using any components of your own instance.<BR /><BR />We know that 4. is true and 3. is wrong, but we are not sure about which one of the others is true. We have read several SAP sources and we need some input from the community.<BR /><BR />Thanks in advance.</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-04-11T10:35:32.735000+02:00 SQL Syntax error 2024-04-23T06:07:23.193000+02:00 Vincent801 <P>Dear Experts,</P><P>I am trying to create a AMDP class to get the current date as the output of the class. And i need to call this class in the BW transformations. Please find the sample code that i wrote.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-abap"><code>CLASS Today_date DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES if_amdp_marker_hdb. class-methods amdp_procedure exporting value(i_sydat) type dats. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS Today_date IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD amdp_procedure by database procedure for hdb language sqlscript options read-only. i_sydat = (cl_abap_context_info=&gt;get_system_date( )); ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;I am getting the syntax error in Line number 21. The error is&nbsp;<STRONG>SQLSCRIPT: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "=&gt;"&nbsp;.</STRONG> Could you please help on, how to correct this error. And also how to call this clss inside BW transformation ?</P><P>And in the transformation,</P><P>ZLOADING_DATE = CALL "TODAY_DATE=&gt;AMDP_PROCEDURE(i_SYDAT)</P><P>Pls correct me, if i am wrong.</P> 2024-04-23T06:07:23.193000+02:00 Filter By Child Association Column values in LROP - BTP ABAP Envrionment 2024-04-25T12:36:30.184000+02:00 Muthuraja_M <P>Hello Experts,</P><P>Is there any alternative way in the BTP ABAP Environment to fitler data using Associated column values ?</P><P>I was trying to use virtual element with below annotation which gives an error as&nbsp;<EM><STRONG>"@ObjectModel.filter.transformedBy is not permitted or released"</STRONG></EM></P><P><EM><STRONG>@ObjectModel.filter.transformedBy</STRONG></EM></P><P>I am able to use filter only for root node (list page) columns.</P><P><a href="">@Andre_Fischer</a>&nbsp;- Please help me here,</P><P>Thanks a lot.</P><P>Best Regards,</P><P>Muthu</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-04-25T12:36:30.184000+02:00 ABAP CDS Hierarchy Definition - Not able to Preview 2024-05-01T12:09:35.872000+02:00 muthuhana <P>Hello Team,</P><P>I was unable to preview the data for the Hierarchy Definition CDS view. It says there was some authorization checks failure. I want to apply Hierarchy aggregate functions on this CDS view but it fails to return the data.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.25 PM.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.25 PM.png" alt="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.25 PM.png" /></span><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.02 PM.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.02 PM.png" alt="Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 3.34.02 PM.png" /></span></P><P>Please note that this issue is occurring in both trail and productive versions. Please let me know how to resolve this error.</P><P><U><EM><STRONG>Edit: When I took Authorization traces, it clearly says Authorization S_TABU_NAM Read &amp; Write is getting failed. But How do I resolve this authorization issue ?</STRONG></EM></U></P><P>Thanks a lot.</P><P>Best Regards,</P><P>Muthu</P> 2024-05-01T12:09:35.872000+02:00 How to call Class inside Transformation 2024-05-05T07:16:34.809000+02:00 Vincent801 <P>Dear Experts,</P><P>I am trying to call my class in one of my BW transformations.</P><P>To make it simple, I just created a Class (SYSTEM_DATE_CLASS) which will give the output as System date.</P><P>In my BW transformation, I just created a new Info-object "CUR_DATE" in my ADSO. While loading the date to ADSO, I need to write a field routine by calling the system date Class and populate the date for the field CUR_DATE in the ADSO. I dont know, how to call class inside transformation with variable. I am getting error in Class implementation in Outtab.</P><P><STRONG>Invalid character string "(" in "ZDELETE=&gt;AMDP_SYSTEM_DATE(". Only transparent database tables, views, or database procedures can be specified after USING.</STRONG></P><P>&nbsp;</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-abap"><code>CLASS SYSTEM_DATE_CLASS DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. *AMDP Class INTERFACES if_amdp_marker_hdb. *declare Class method amdp_system_date class-methods amdp_system_date exporting value(i_sydate) type D. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS SYSTEM_DATE_CLASS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD amdp_system_date by database procedure for hdb language sqlscript options read-only. i_sydate = session_context( 'SAP_SYSTEM_DATE' ); ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P><P>BW transformation Code :</P><P>&nbsp;</P><pre class="lia-code-sample language-abap"><code>class ZCLKMCRK3HNI3A57NCPAQHC_M definition public create public . public section. interfaces IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB . types: methods S0001_G01_R18 importing value(i_req_dtp_name) type STRING value(i_req_logsys) type STRING value(i_req_src_name) type STRING value(i_req_src_type) type STRING value(i_req_tgt_name) type STRING value(i_req_tgt_type) type STRING value(i_req_requid) type STRING value(i_sydate) type D value(inTab) type TN_T_IN_S0001_G01_R18 exporting value(outTab) type TN_T_OUT_S0001_G01_R18 . protected section. private section. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCLKMCRK3HNI3A57NCPAQHC_M IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD S0001_G01_R18 BY DATABASE PROCEDURE FOR HDB LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT OPTIONS READ-ONLY USING zdelete=&gt;amdp_system_date( i_sydate ). outtab = select ( CALL "ZDELETE=&gt;AMDP_SYSTEM_DATE( I_SYDATE )" ) AS "CUR_DATE", "RECORD", "SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD" from :INTAB; errortab = SELECT NULL AS "ERROR_TEXT", NULL AS "SQL__PROCEDURE__SOURCE__RECORD" FROM "DUMMY"; ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.</code></pre><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-05T07:16:34.809000+02:00 How to convert dependent table on cloud 2024-05-16T10:31:20.175000+02:00 barisguler <P>Hi all,</P><DIV class=""><DIV class=""><DIV class=""><P>Is there a way to convert a dependent table in the cloud system? I saw a question related to this topic before, but it seemed unresolved. Has anyone encountered this issue before and knows the solution?</P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV class="">&nbsp;</DIV><DIV class="">&nbsp;</DIV><DIV class=""><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="barisguler_0-1715848200999.png" style="width: 608px;"><img src="" width="608" height="79" role="button" title="barisguler_0-1715848200999.png" alt="barisguler_0-1715848200999.png" /></span><P>&nbsp;</P></DIV> 2024-05-16T10:31:20.175000+02:00 Call a RFC in ABAP RAP save sequence 2024-05-22T14:00:16.865000+02:00 mhappe <P>Hello All, Hello&nbsp;<a href="">@Andre_Fischer</a>&nbsp;</P><P>Does anyone know if it is possible to call an RFC (using a destination) in the RAP save sequence to persist data in another SAP system?</P><P>I tried to call an RFC in the additional_save or save_modified of (un)managed RAP BO, but in all scenarios, the system generates a short dump. Calling a function module using a destination is not allowed as it triggers an implicit commit, which is forbidden.</P><P>Thanks in advance!</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="mhappe_0-1716378798227.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="mhappe_0-1716378798227.png" alt="mhappe_0-1716378798227.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-05-22T14:00:16.865000+02:00 BRF+ in S/4 HANA Public Cloud ERP 2024-05-27T23:14:09.005000+02:00 VijayCR <P>Hello SAP Public Cloud Experts,&nbsp;</P><P>We have developed multiple BRF+ applications in our current On-Premise Landscape for forms and other custom RAP applications . Now we are looking at moving some of our custom to Cloud . When we build Custom BRF+ applications using the BRF+ application in the starter tenant and when i try to call the BRF+ application using the class cl_fdt_function_process class the get the error that the class is not permitted in the cloud .</P><P>Can you anyone guide me how to access BRF+ applications from Public cloud Developer Extensionsibilty ?</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Thanks,</P><P>Vijaya</P> 2024-05-27T23:14:09.005000+02:00 I want to select all entries coming in my RAP application. 2024-06-05T20:40:21.971000+02:00 AR77 <P>Hi Experts,</P><P>I am creating a GSTR1 report by using RAP in SAP S4 HANA Public Cloud,&nbsp;</P><P>My application is working fine but when I am clicking on select all button to send the data to another portal then only initial entries( ex- 120 entries got selected ) are got selected only, but in my application i have 600+ entries.</P><P>I want to select all the coming entries in my GSTR1 application.</P><P>Please suggest how to acheive the same.</P><P>Thanks for your support.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="11-1">SAP BTP, ABAP environment</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="909-1">ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="29-1">RISE with SAP</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="37-1">SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility</a>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-06-05T20:40:21.971000+02:00 I want to Export/download all the data of my GSTR1 RAP application in Excel sheet. 2024-06-05T20:54:36.407000+02:00 AR77 <P>Hi Experts,</P><P>I am creating a GSTR1 report by using RAP in SAP S4 HANA Public Cloud,&nbsp;</P><P>My application is working fine but when I am exporting my data into Excel then I will get the exact count of lines.</P><P>But the data is not exported correctly in excel, because when I am trying to filter my excel with a particular invoice then the data is not available in excel for the same invoice&nbsp;</P><P>but I have the same data in my GSTR1 application.</P><P>I am using RAP's standard export functionality( which is coming by default in RAP ) for the same.</P><P>Thanks for your support.</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-06-05T20:54:36.407000+02:00 How to Resolve the Error : HTTP_MAX_CONN_EXCEEDED in RAP Application? 2024-06-07T14:45:53.788000+02:00 AR77 <P>Hi Experts,</P><P>I created a GSTR1 RAP application in SAP S4 HANA Public Cloud. when I am selecting all the coming data( it is around 3000+ entries ) and send all the line items to another portal I am getting this below error.</P><P><STRONG>Runtime Error : HTTP_MAX_CONN_EXCEEDED. The O Data request processing has been abnormally terminated.</STRONG></P><P><STRONG>Error Cause:-</STRONG> "<SPAN>The maximum number of HTTP client connections has been exceeded</SPAN>". I found that there is multiple HTTP request are generated for a Instance and I am not able to handle this case.</P><P>Thanks for your Support.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-06-07T14:45:53.788000+02:00 Fetching text from API_PRODUCT_SRV - Filter/key not working in Abap cloud call 2024-06-14T17:16:44.545000+02:00 LaurensSteffers <P>Hi all,</P><P>I hope you can help. We are currently calling an API from our s4hana public cloud stack (s4pc), uhm, within the same system. Reason is simple: not all cds views provide the correct functionality and with longtext.....well, you have to go to the api side.</P><P>We are able to determine the api path and actually call the api to fetch data, but somehow the filtering does not work correctly, in fact, the provisioning of a key doesn't work.&nbsp;</P><P>To give you an idea of the code which actually works when we use the and tryout option:</P><P>/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV/A_ProductBasicText?$filter=Product eq '3'</P><P>this results in:</P><P>sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV/A_ProductBasicText?$filter=Product%20eq%20%273%27</P><P>and that results in:</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="LaurensSteffers_0-1718377453616.png" style="width: 695px;"><img src="" width="695" height="176" role="button" title="LaurensSteffers_0-1718377453616.png" alt="LaurensSteffers_0-1718377453616.png" /></span></P><P>Now, when we actually call this in abap cloud, the filter is not taken into account. The result is this no matter which filter we pass in the query (random examples of things I tried):</P><P><SPAN>lo_request-&gt;set_query( query = '?$filter=(Product eq ''3'')&amp;$format=json' ) (3 has like 4 single quotes)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>?$filter=Product eq '3' </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>DATA(query) = |(Product='3',Language='EN')&amp;$format=json|.</SPAN></P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="LaurensSteffers_1-1718377640583.png" style="width: 780px;"><img src="" width="780" height="318" role="button" title="LaurensSteffers_1-1718377640583.png" alt="LaurensSteffers_1-1718377640583.png" /></span></P><P><SPAN>So, we tried the different things we could find on tryout, documentation etc, but no application of the filter.&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P>It always returns the full set of available text without the filter being applied. I tried everything to copy the filter but no results.</P><P>The service url it determines based on the comm system/arrangement etc, is this. It does work otherwise we would not get any result.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="LaurensSteffers_2-1718377843345.png" style="width: 723px;"><img src="" width="723" height="270" role="button" title="LaurensSteffers_2-1718377843345.png" alt="LaurensSteffers_2-1718377843345.png" /></span></P><P>But the problem is that no matter what, the filter is not taken into account.&nbsp;</P><P>In all honesty, I would rather pass the full key so it would look like this, but can't get it to work with the set_query. Any help in that area would be great!&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><PRE>sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV/A_ProductBasicText(Product='3',Language='EN')</PRE><P>We tried to contact (Product='3', Languate='EN') and pass this to the set_query, but that doesn't work. Replacing it using 'eq', doen't work.</P><P>Hope you have some ideas!</P><P>All the best</P><P>Laurens</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-06-14T17:16:44.545000+02:00 Action with DELETE (Single Item in Listpage) or Rename "Delete"-Button 2024-06-26T11:15:31.760000+02:00 Bugfrei <P>How can I delete a single entry in the list page with an action? My implementation then always switches to the Object Page with an empty entry (UUID 0000-0000-0000.....) <span class="lia-unicode-emoji" title=":disappointed_face:">😞</span></P><P>Another solution would be how I can rename the delete button.</P><P>An example for both solutions would be great.</P><PRE>My code:<BR />MODIFY ENTITIES OF zi_student IN LOCAL MODE<BR />ENTITY Student<BR />DELETE FROM VALUE #( FOR key IN keys ( %tky = key-%tky ) )<BR />FAILED failed<BR />REPORTED reported<BR />MAPPED mapped.<BR /><BR /><BR />READ ENTITIES OF zi_student IN LOCAL MODE<BR />ENTITY Student<BR />ALL FIELDS WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys )<BR />RESULT DATA(studentdata).<BR />result = VALUE #( FOR studentrec in studentdata<BR />( %tky = studentrec-%tky %param = studentrec )<BR />).</PRE><P>Delete 1 Item: -&gt; Object Page<BR />Delete &gt;1 Item: -&gt; List Page</P><P>Deletion always takes place, but I always want to remain in the list page.</P><P>Thanks and greetings from Germany</P><P>Carsten</P> 2024-06-26T11:15:31.760000+02:00 Custom value help for Custom Business Object in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud 2024-07-03T15:46:23.962000+02:00 vikasyadav <P>Hi All,</P><P>We are trying to assign value help for custom business object using the standard value help of Material in SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud, but the value help is not fetching any data.</P><P>We are replicating the below mentioned Blog&nbsp;</P><P><A href="" target="_blank"></A></P><P>Please let me know if anyone has successfully added a valuehelp in a Custom Business Object.</P><P>Thanks</P><P><a href="">@rosydp</a>&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-03T15:46:23.962000+02:00 ABAP Cloud Readiness for lower releases of S/4 Hana 2024-07-08T14:43:57.792000+02:00 Kartheek <P>Hi Everyone,</P><P>How to check Cloud Readiness for custom code in S/4 Hana&nbsp; in the lower releases &lt;= 1709?</P><P>There is no variant ABAP_CLOUD_READINESS or SAP_CP_READINESS?</P><P>Do we need to create a Custom Variant in SCI for cloud readiness?</P><P><a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="314-1">ABAP Development</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="37-1">SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility</a>&nbsp;<a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="1172-1">SAP Readiness Check</a>&nbsp;</P><P><a href="">@OlgaDolinskaja</a>&nbsp;</P><P>Regards,</P> 2024-07-08T14:43:57.792000+02:00 Building an Add-On that is not a SAAS 2024-07-18T16:14:54.504000+02:00 ivanr93 <P>Hello,</P><P>Is it possible to create a Product on ABAP Environment in custom namespace and somehow deploy it to the ABAP Environment of another customer that has its own namespace !?</P><P>So basically build your own solution on ABAP Environment and move it to 1..n Customers ABAP Environment.</P><P>Tried with ABAP Git. but the problem is that you can't pull objects of one namespace into Software Component of another namespace, customer namespace.</P><P>I know that there is the possibility of Add-On as a SAAS but we don't want to build SAAS application.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-18T16:14:54.504000+02:00 Data Validation in RAP web service with messages in response 2024-07-24T18:00:06.465000+02:00 BhargavJack <P>Hi All,</P><P>I Have one scenario whare i have to validate some data using rap in odata web service.&nbsp;</P><P>The data are coming in specific payload. I have to validate this data and if any error message is coming i have to send as response. This one is web Odata so i can not send messages as an error message. The all functionality i have to do in GET method only.</P><P>Any way to do this one?</P><P>sample payload</P><P><!-- StartFragment --><SPAN>{<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"company_code"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"3N6R"</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"profit_center"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"trading_partner"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"gl_account"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"cost_center"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"internal_order"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"wbs_elements"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"Customer"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"Vendor"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">""</SPAN>,<BR />&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"posting_date"&nbsp;</SPAN>:&nbsp;<SPAN class="">"\/Date(1721088000000)\/"</SPAN><BR />}</SPAN></P> 2024-07-24T18:00:06.465000+02:00 Deployment has failed. Request failed with status code 403 2024-07-25T14:58:31.116000+02:00 Mahmood99 <P><SPAN>Hello everyone, I face this issue.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>I followed this</SPAN>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<A title="Link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer"></A>&nbsp; &nbsp;but still have the error. Yesterday was the error status code 503, today without changing anything I got status code 403.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="Mahmood99_0-1721911359336.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src=";px=400" role="button" title="Mahmood99_0-1721911359336.png" alt="Mahmood99_0-1721911359336.png" /></span></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Have someone any idea? With detailed explanation please.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Thank you</P><P>Mahmood</P><P>&nbsp;</P> 2024-07-25T14:58:31.116000+02:00