Community - Cloud2025-02-06T15:00:13.159062+00:00python-feedgenCloud Q&A in SAP Community issue for 3rd party without shipping notification2024-05-02T10:52:57.829000+02:00SAPSupport<P>Hello SAP Team,</P><P>We are facing a major issue as part of Sales Processing using Third-Party without Shipping Notification (BDK) where system is copying the item quantity from Vendor invoice without any subsequent checks which is resulting in Invoices generated for a different quantity from Sales Order.</P><P>For example, we have a sales order where item 10 has quantity as 50. Order is saved, a purchase requisition was automatically created. Then the Purchase order generated with reference to requisition. </P><P><STRONG>The issue</STRONG>: Accidentally, we processed the Vendor invoice incorrectly with quantity as 50,000 instead of 50 by mistake. As soon as this was created, the Billing date on Sales order was updated and an Order related billing document was generated with 50,000 quantities. Now a customer invoice was incorrectly processed for 50,000 quantities, and the amount was automatically calculated as per the pricing condition records maintained in the system, rather than the price populated on the Vendor invoice.</P><P><STRONG>Question</STRONG>: When creating the customer invoice in the Create Billing Documents app, shouldn't be there a safety checks or tolerance limit in these cases? Now SAP is automatically populating the quantity from Vendor invoice without any checks.</P><P>Please can you investigate the reason this has happened?</P><P>Thanks and regards,</P><BR />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR /><B>Learn more about the SAP Support user and program <A target="_blank" href="">here</A>.</B>2024-05-02T10:52:57.829000+02:00 the value status letters for API_BILLING_DOCUMENT_SRV2024-05-23T14:55:10.340000+02:00SAPSupport<P>Dear SAP,</P><P>We are using this API to get billing info of customer project. </P><P>When using "OverallSDProcessStatus" or "OverallBillingStatus", there is no information about the meaning of the entry letters.</P><P>Example:</P><UL><LI>OverallSDProcessStatus: <STRONG>'' (blank)</STRONG></LI><LI>OverallBillingStatus: <STRONG>A</STRONG></LI></UL><P>Could you please help?</P><P>Best regards,</P><BR />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR /><B>Learn more about the SAP Support user and program <A target="_blank" href="">here</A>.</B>2024-05-23T14:55:10.340000+02:00 to remove watermark and enable footer for Monthly Invoice PDF form?2024-06-19T09:43:49.526000+02:00SAPSupport<P>The watermark "Test Copy" appears on form of Monthly Invoice. And there is no footer appears on form of Monthly Invoice.</P><P>How to remove watermark "TEST COPY" and enable footer for Monthly Invoice PDF form?<BR /><BR /></P><BR />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR /><B>Learn more about the SAP Support user and program <A target="_blank" href="">here</A>.</B>2024-06-19T09:43:49.526000+02:00 can't I add an ABAP Cloud package in the Configure Software Packages application?2024-06-26T15:12:09.879000+02:00ClausB<P>Hi all,</P><P>why can't I add an ABAP Cloud package (Package with ABAP Language Version - ABAP for Cloud Developent) in the "Configure Software Packages" app?</P><P>When I want to register the package I get the message - Package ZPACK cannot be used. Check the settings of software component ZCOMP</P><P>I thought the key user extensibility was TIER-1, considering the 3-TIER extensibility. According to this error message, the key user extension would then end up in TIER 2/3, right? </P><P>Hint: I work with S/4 2022 On-Premise</P><P>Thank you in advance for your help</P><P>regards </P><P>Claus</P><P> </P>2024-06-26T15:12:09.879000+02:00 Reconciliation Account for Customer2024-06-27T11:10:26.984000+02:00SAPSupport<P>Hello,</P><P>We need to set up the functionality Alternative Reconciliation Account in SD processes. We have been analyzing all the changes that need to be done and it seems that we'll be blocked in the point where we need to assign the account determination procedure with the billing type. Could you please let us know how to configure this functionality in SAP Cloud?</P><P>We're following this on-prem related 3rd party documentation: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer"></A></P><P>Thank you!</P><BR />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR /><B>Learn more about the SAP Support user and program <A target="_blank" href="">here</A>.</B>2024-06-27T11:10:26.984000+02:00 Sales Areas to Plants2024-07-10T01:07:54.979000+02:00daniela8asolis_11<P>Dear Community, when configuring the organizational structure in CBC in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud it does not allow the same plant to be associated with different sales areas. Can this be configured at a later stage? or it is a tool restriction.</P><P>Thank you.</P><P> </P>2024-07-10T01:07:54.979000+02:00 cap application with Fiori UI2024-07-25T09:52:00.880000+02:00Durgesh1685<P>Hi Community,</P><P>How to deploy cap application with Fiori UI and also using destination </P><P>I am trying to call S4 Hana API in mta.yaml</P><P>_schema-version: 3.3.0<BR />ID: StonemanPortal<BR />description: A simple CAP project.<BR />version: 9.0.0<BR />modules:<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-srv<BR />type: nodejs<BR />path: gen/srv<BR />requires:<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-db<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-auth<BR />provides:<BR />- name: srv-api<BR />properties:<BR />srv-url: ${default-url}<BR />parameters:<BR />buildpack: nodejs_buildpack<BR />readiness-health-check-http-endpoint: /health<BR />readiness-health-check-type: http<BR />build-parameters:<BR />builder: npm<BR />- name: StonemanPortal<BR />type: approuter.nodejs<BR />path: app/router<BR />requires:<BR />- name: srv-api<BR />group: destinations<BR />properties:<BR />forwardAuthToken: true<BR />name: srv-api<BR />url: ~{srv-url}<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-auth<BR />- name: S4HANA_QA<BR />group: destinations<BR />properties:<BR />forwardAuthToken: false<BR />name: ui5<BR />url: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></A><BR />parameters:<BR />disk-quota: 256M<BR />keep-existing-routes: true<BR />memory: 256M<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-app-content<BR />type:<BR />path: .<BR />requires:<BR />- name: StonemanPortal_html_repo_host<BR />parameters:<BR />content-target: true<BR />build-parameters:<BR />build-result: resources<BR />requires:<BR />- artifacts:<BR />-<BR />name: stoneman<BR />target-path: resources/<BR />- name: stoneman<BR />type: html5<BR />path: app/stoneman<BR />build-parameters:<BR />build-result: dist<BR />builder: custom<BR />commands:<BR />- npm install<BR />- npm run build:cf<BR />supported-platforms: []<BR />resources:<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-auth<BR />type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service<BR />parameters:<BR />config:<BR />tenant-mode: dedicated<BR />xsappname: StonemanPortal-${org}-${space}<BR />path: ./xs-security.json<BR />service: xsuaa<BR />service-plan: application<BR />- name: StonemanPortal-db<BR />type:<BR />parameters:<BR />service: hana<BR />service-plan: hdi-shared<BR />- name: StonemanPortal_html_repo_host<BR />type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service<BR />parameters:<BR />service: html5-apps-repo<BR />service-plan: app-host<BR />- name: S4HANA_QA<BR />type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service<BR />parameters:<BR />config:<BR />HTML5Runtime_enabled: false<BR />init_data:<BR />instance:<BR />destinations:<BR />- Authentication: BasicAuthentication<BR />User: SAPBTP<BR />Password: xPFgdyoHtfyxomKqnKx#vZSeRL6LGWEgAzcJRGPN<BR />Name: S4HANA_QA<BR />ProxyType: Internet<BR />Type: HTTP<BR />URL: <A href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer"></A><BR />existing_destinations_policy: update<BR />version: 1.0.0<BR />service: destination<BR />service-name: stoneman<BR />service-plan: lite<BR />parameters:<BR />deploy_mode: html5-repo<BR />enable-parallel-deployments: true<BR />build-parameters:<BR />before-all:<BR />- builder: custom<BR />commands:<BR />- npm ci<BR />- npx cds build --production</P><P> </P><P>Thank's</P><P>Durgesh1685</P>2024-07-25T09:52:00.880000+02:00 cloudready type when creating an adaptation project2024-08-27T08:02:49.172000+02:00JISOO<P><SPAN>Hi All, I'm expanding the standard 'manage purchase orders' app.</SPAN></P><P>When creating an Adaptation Project, what is the application condition that the project type is cloudReady?</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="JISOO_1-1724737965960.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src="" role="button" title="JISOO_1-1724737965960.png" alt="JISOO_1-1724737965960.png" /></span></P><P><SPAN>I want to create the Manage Purchase Orders application as an Adaptation Project, but it doesn't appear in the list because the type is not cloudready.</SPAN></P><P> </P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="JISOO_0-1724737821135.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src="" role="button" title="JISOO_0-1724737821135.png" alt="JISOO_0-1724737821135.png" /></span></P><P>I originally thought that if the app type was sap s/4hana cloud, it was in a cloudready state. However, this app did not appear on the available list.</P><P>Is this app not actually working? Or is there something I need to configure?</P><P> </P><P>Please help. thanks.</P><P> </P><P> </P>2024-08-27T08:02:49.172000+02:00 - Bank to Bank Transfer2024-08-27T19:51:15.186000+02:00Jacob_Maga<P>Hi there,</P><P>I'm currently doing research on how to make intercompany bank to bank transfers more efficient. Currently, our solution has been to work outside the subledger, posting to a general intercompany GL account through "Post General Journal Entry". However, we're now looking to post to AP and AR (affiliate) Subledger. </P><P>From my preliminary research, I noticed the app "Make Bank Transfer" would offer up a suitable process, however J78 - Advanced Cash Operations is required and consequently additional licenses, which is currently cost prohibitive. </P><P>Outside of this, my thoughts are that we complete two separate transactions, "Post outgoing payment" then "Post incoming payment". Has any one dealt with this scenario, and perhaps found a better, more streamlined process?</P>2024-08-27T19:51:15.186000+02:00 IAS BP2024-09-04T19:17:43.356000+02:00tskwin<P>Hello Experts,</P><P>I have three subaccounts (dev, test, prod) in SAP BTP and want to connect them to SAP IAS/IPS (IAS as proxy and Azure as IdP)</P><P>As each customer typically has two IAS tenants (test and prod) and one IPS tenant, I am currently looking for best practices for effectively using IAS tenants.</P><P>What is the recommended approach?</P><UL><LI>Should the test IAS tenant be connected to two subaccounts (development and test), and the prod IAS tenant be connected to the production subaccount? Are there any technical restrictions?</LI><LI>In which subaccount (dev, test, prod) should IPS be implemented?</LI><LI>Or is it preferable to assign each IAS tenant to a single subaccount, resulting in a total of three IAS tenants?</LI></UL><P> </P><P>I would appreciate any advice</P><P>Many Thanks</P>2024-09-04T19:17:43.356000+02:00 print queue item status2024-09-05T02:52:09.519000+02:00JP_Mendoza<P>Hi</P><P>I can retrieve print queue items through the A<SPAN>PI_CLOUD_PRINT_PULL_SRV/RetrieveNextQueueItem and it seems to update the status to 'Transmitted' when we send a request. How can I update the status to 'Failed' or 'Successful' of a print queue item?</SPAN></P><P>Thanks in advance.</P><P>JP</P>2024-09-05T02:52:09.519000+02:00 we can maintain location HANA Public cloud.2024-09-12T09:24:06.775000+02:00Jay31<P>Hello All,</P><P>We want to maintain location in HANA Public cloud , Could you pls let us know how we can maintain the location in HANA Public cloud ?</P><P>On Premises system we are maintaining the location through<STRONG> Tcode OP12 ( SAP Table name T499S) </STRONG> , Same functionality we need HANA Public cloud. </P><P>There is any Fiori Apps for maintaining the location ? Kindly help us.</P><P> </P><P>Thank you </P><P>JP </P><P> </P><P> </P>2024-09-12T09:24:06.775000+02:00 fiscalization FI documents, business place and the fiscal number not determined2024-10-03T10:57:47.313000+02:00Karlo<P>Dear SAP,</P><P> </P><P>In our S4H Public Cloud system, we have configured Croatian fiscalization for FI documents, but the business place and the fiscal number are not being determined. The source for this data is the charging device, which is correctly identified in the document. Additionally, when creating an invoice from the SD module for the same charging device, the business place and the fiscal number are determined correctly. Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?</P><P> </P><P>Best regards,</P><P>Axians</P><P> <a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="22-1">SAP HANA Cloud</a> <a href="" class="lia-product-mention" data-product="232-1">SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition Finance</a> </P>2024-10-03T10:57:47.313000+02:00 of On-Premise vs Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery for SAP Environments2024-10-08T08:51:11.356000+02:00Raja_Nordia_Infotech<P style=" text-align: center; "><FONT color="#000000"><U><STRONG>Comparison of On-Premise vs Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery for SAP Environments</STRONG></U></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Introduction:</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000">Disaster recovery (DR) in SAP landscapes is crucial to ensure business continuity during unforeseen events like hardware failures, cyber-attacks, or natural disasters. An effective DR plan minimizes downtime and data loss, safeguarding critical operations. Given the central role SAP systems play in financials, logistics, and customer management, a well-defined DR strategy is essential for protecting business processes. It ensures swift recovery and resilience in case of system disruptions.</FONT></P><P style=" text-align: center; "><FONT color="#000000"><U><STRONG>On-Premise DR</STRONG></U></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Setup Process:</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Hardware Procurement:</STRONG> Sizing and purchasing dedicated hardware for the DR site, ensuring it matches the specifications of the production environment for seamless failover. This includes servers, storage devices, and networking equipment.</FONT><BR /><BR /><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Network Configuration:</STRONG> Setting up reliable, high-speed network connectivity between the production and DR sites, with adequate bandwidth for data replication. This also involves configuring VPNs or dedicated lines to ensure secure data transfer and communication between sites.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Manual Failover Testing:</STRONG> Regularly conducting failover tests to verify the DR environment can take over in case of a disaster. This involves simulating failures, checking database synchronization, and ensuring SAP systems are fully operational in the DR environment before switching back to the production site.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Pros:</STRONG></FONT><BR /><FONT color="#000000">On-premise DR offers the advantage of full control over the entire infrastructure, allowing companies to tailor their setup to specific needs without relying on external providers. Since all hardware and data are kept within the company's premises, organizations maintain complete ownership and governance over sensitive information, reducing concerns about data privacy and compliance with industry regulations. This also provides physical access to servers for maintenance and troubleshooting.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Cons:</STRONG></FONT><BR /><FONT color="#000000">The main drawback of an on-premise DR solution is the high upfront costs associated with purchasing hardware, setting up a secondary site, and configuring infrastructure. Additionally, it requires ongoing maintenance of hardware, software updates, and security patches, which can be resource-intensive. Scalability is limited, as expanding capacity requires purchasing and installing more physical equipment, leading to potential delays and additional costs as business needs grow. This lack of flexibility can be a challenge for rapidly evolving environments.</FONT></P><P style=" text-align: center; "><FONT color="#000000"><U><STRONG>Cloud-Based DR (using AWS/Azure)</STRONG></U></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Setup Process: </STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Automated Provisioning:</STRONG> Cloud infrastructure is deployed automatically using templates like AWS CloudFormation or Azure Resource Manager. This minimizes manual configuration, reducing errors and speeding up setup.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Rapid Deployment:</STRONG> Cloud DR allows for quick deployment of resources, ensuring that recovery processes are triggered almost instantly. This reduces downtime and ensures business continuity.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Lower Upfront Hardware Investment:</STRONG> With cloud DR, there’s no need for a significant investment in physical hardware. Resources are provisioned on-demand, meaning you only pay for what you use, reducing upfront capital costs.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Pros:</STRONG></FONT><BR /><FONT color="#000000">The pay-as-you-go model reduces costs by charging only for used resources. It offers flexibility to scale resources up or down based on needs, while requiring minimal maintenance as cloud providers manage infrastructure. Built-in automation tools, like AWS CloudFormation or Azure Site Recovery, streamline DR scenarios, enabling fast and efficient failovers. This combination enhances cost-efficiency, scalability, and reliability in disaster recovery planning.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Cons:</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000">Implementing a cloud-based DR solution requires a strong and reliable internet connection to ensure quick data transfer and access to resources. Potential latency issues can arise during recovery operations, affecting overall performance. There is also a reliance on cloud providers for uptime and data security, which can be a concern if they experience outages or service disruptions. Finally, compliance with regulatory requirements can complicate data storage and access in the cloud.</FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000"><STRONG>Case Study:</STRONG></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000">Drawing from my past experience with cloud and on-premise solutions, along with the rapid advancements in technology, it’s clear that upgrading hardware every two years is not feasible. According to Moore's Law, the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every 18 months, making it more practical to rent the necessary hardware and transition to newer models when they become available. This approach helps us avoid being stuck with outdated chips and storage systems, ensuring we stay current with technological advancements.</FONT></P><P style=" text-align: center; "><FONT color="#000000"><U><STRONG>Conclusion</STRONG></U></FONT></P><P><FONT color="#000000">Choosing the right disaster recovery (DR) solution depends on the specific needs of the organization. For businesses with strict budgets and fluctuating workloads, a cloud-based DR solution offers scalability and cost-effectiveness, allowing for rapid resource allocation without significant upfront investments. Conversely, organizations requiring more control over their data and compliance may prefer an on-premise solution, despite the higher maintenance costs. Ultimately, the best approach balances cost, control, and scalability, ensuring that the selected DR solution aligns with the organization's overall objectives and risk tolerance.</FONT></P>2024-10-08T08:51:11.356000+02:00 Ledger and Group Reporting Preparation Ledger2024-10-10T12:46:08.758000+02:00SAPSupport<P>Source Ledger option not available at the time of Version Creation. Only preparation ledger is available. how do we enable this option?</P><BR />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR /><B>Learn more about the SAP Support user and program <A target="_blank" href="">here</A>.</B>2024-10-10T12:46:08.758000+02:00 Business One Client install on Azure Remote Desktop2024-10-10T14:55:08.368000+02:00NeilBarn1701<P>Hi, we are testing at the moment so trying to find out the issues before we go live. We have migrated our SAP B1 v10 SQL server which was in house into Azure as a virtual Windows server. We plan to use Azure remote desktop for all the users to gain access. All users currently connect to a in house Windows Terminal server so hopefully the experience will be similar.</P><P>My question is regarding how to set up the Azure Remote Desktop. I have installed the SAP Client as well as the DI API app. My issue is we want to test it back to the live server, is it possible for the client which is on a non domain PC to connect to a domain server? There doesn't seem to be a way to make the authorisation across separate subnets and domains. Any advise / information on setting things up in Azure would be most welcome.</P>2024-10-10T14:55:08.368000+02:00 SAP DMS with SAP Cloud Solutions (C4C, ariba etc) to archive documents on On-Prem Archiv2024-12-06T12:07:53.039000+01:00marcwobbe<P>Our goal is to connect various cloud systems to our on-premise archive via the SAP Document Management Service, integration option (DMS) (to store documents). As a first step, we want to integrate the C4C system. Unfortunately, we are having difficulty finding specific documentation for this process. The only documentation we have so far refers to the integration of an S/4 HANA cloud system, but not to C4C or other cloud services. We are looking specifically for C4C and Ariba connection. </P><P>Is there any best practices or guides from SAP that could help the customer to realize the case? </P><P>Any documentation and guidance helps!</P>2024-12-06T12:07:53.039000+01:00 field in Vendor master2024-12-16T15:47:09.082000+01:00Gugyal<P>We are unable to find the FATCA Category field in vendor master S4 public cloud. Please help us by understanding where we can update this FATCA Category field in vendor master S4 public cloud.</P><P>Additionally, we would like to know where to maintain the same at configuration level.</P><P>Could you please help me</P><P>Regards,</P><P>Dinesh</P>2024-12-16T15:47:09.082000+01:00 authorization to access service group 'API_PURCHASEREQUISITION_2'2024-12-17T00:09:10.974000+01:00inesmartins<P>Hello, <BR /><BR />I have created an app in SAP BTP Business Application Studio, then i deployed the app. When I'm using it i got this error sending a GET request for the Purchase Requisition API.</P><P><span class="lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline" image-alt="inesmartins_0-1734390463829.png" style="width: 400px;"><img src="" role="button" title="inesmartins_0-1734390463829.png" alt="inesmartins_0-1734390463829.png" /></span></P><P>But when I test it from Postman, everything works fine.<BR /><BR />Can anyone help me, or have faced a similar issue?<BR /><BR />Thanks,<BR />Ines</P>2024-12-17T00:09:10.974000+01:00 SAP BTP FOCUS standard compliant?2025-01-31T14:16:41.487000+01:00Massi22<P>Hello, Does SAP BTP adhere to Finops standards <A href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></A> ?</P><P>Thanks a lot in advance</P><P>Massimo</P>2025-01-31T14:16:41.487000+01:00